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No. 1051681
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the borzois in mind.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1026761 No. 1051700
File: 1643947747995.jpg (108.41 KB, 768x768, 00192478121467.jpg)

The overall "aesthetic".
No. 1051703
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I can't even translate my hatred into proper words and explain my problem with that kind of crap. This entire thread is a huge mess, thank God the retardation didn't go any longer, but why the fuck even open a thread about this shit? The thread even had a he/him telling a user that she is probably "heterosexual heteroromantic" and the reason she doesn't feel the need to label it is because she is considered normal and a "personality isn't a sexuality".
I just have no more patience with anyone that claims to be asexual. These fucking thristy nerds I just!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhjhg
No. 1051724
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>>1051703I'm sorry for posting same shit again but I just have to. This person talks a whole lot about nothing that means freaking nothing. It almost feels like pasta. Like these nerds are fucking trolling.
I officially hate this user and no one can convince me someone who refers to themselves with a made up term like "antigirl" is not a woman.
It's like the insufferable enbie furry that got banned a few years back is now being replaced with someone equally insufferable
No. 1051735
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>>1051709Really, it’s unacceptable.
No. 1051845
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I hate Qanon retards. butterfly sanctuary doesn’t want a massive fuck off wall running through it because it will destroy their habitat, so these retards are threatening them and saying they “endorse child rape”. Honestly they just love sucking trumps dick and that is the only thing that motivates them.
No. 1051852
>>1051845it's so sad, anon.
>The harassment escalated in late January when a right-wing congressional candidate from Virginia, Kimberly Lowe, visited the nature conservatory, Treviño-Wright said. Lowe demanded the center give her access to the river “to see all the illegals crossing on the raft.” Trevio-Wright said Lowe tackled her when she asked Lowe to leave the premises.these people are insane and so harmful. sad thing is that the butterfly sanctuary is one of the smaller casualties of this extremely harmful conspiracy. over a year of this bullshit conspiracy theory being repeatedly shown to be nothing but BS and people are still deeply affected by their nuttery. the mental illness and sadism present in the american population is truly depressing.
No. 1051923
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>>1051845leave the butterflies alone qtards
No. 1051957
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I for one welcome the breaking of the tradition.
Down with borzois!
Borzois more like BORingzois!
No. 1051969
>>1051709Because OP is a fag
One tradition broken, one tradition upheld
No. 1052018
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Cowl neck dresses. It’s ugly, only flattering on girls with either no tits or huge tits, and unless they’re thin strapped and tight fitting, it ages the hell out of whoever’s wearing it.
No. 1052044
>>1052036mMmmmmMm I love sushi
I love Japan, period.
… Tea ceremonies… and J ROCK
… GIRUGAMESH!!!!! (oh yeah)
No. 1052276
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>>1052248>Thread pic is fine. Why do you hate borzois so much? Is it because it looks like that ugly man? I can never hate dogs no matter how ugly they are. It's not their fault they look like him who shall not be named.I'm laughing so hard, your taste is awful though
No. 1052359
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It's been like 9 months and I still can't get over Attack on Titan ending. It was so idiotic and so full of out of character writing I still can't believe it was written by the same person. It seems like one big joke. If Isayama didn't know how to end his own story he could've hired some ghost writers and it would've been better than what we got. I hate it so much, and what's worse, there are some plankton-like individuals walking on this earth who think the ending was ok and who justify Eren Hitler and his pathetic incelism and who don't see anything ridiculous in the fact that he basically killed his own mom. Even putting moral disgust aside, it's just shit writing that make his motivations shallow and devoid of any logic. I can't wait to see it animated and anime onlies losing their shit and crying. Although I still have hope they will change the ending for the adaptation. It's possible, r-right?
No. 1052371
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>>1052352you do not know of the legendary dog borzoi
No. 1052398
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>>1052359AoT is the only show I ever watched from start to finish and I know for a fact that people will start calling it the “game of thrones of anime” when the ending comes out, assuming they don’t make a anime original ending. I’m really not looking for the final episode. The story was too good and no matter what anyone says that ending just doesn’t make any sense
No. 1052432
>>1052394Idk, I thought it was well written till the whole time travel bullshit. I appreciated the fact Isayama switched perspectives in the marley arc and gave us a little more mature approach to the topic of war and how there's no real villains in the story
except Eren kek>freckles girlWho?
I think Reiner is easily the best character in the story, at least he's more complex, nuanced and conflicted than others and has the most believable reaction to psychological trauma. Funnily enough he suffered the most probably because he's Isayama's favourite lol
No. 1052464
>>1052451Anon is right, i literally can smell the smegma from those hobos they post, cope
>>1052459this kek
No. 1052465
>>1052359> It was so idiotic and so full of out of character To be fair, the alternatives /a/ envisioned were even more retarded and OOC. I think the author's biggest problem was that he wasted too much time on explorations and ebin fight panels after the timeskip and pressed so much in the last 3-4 chapters, that it becomes borderline incomprehensible.
Like, I see what he was going for in the end but it was just extremely chaotic, rushed and poorly thought out.
No. 1052490
>>1052359It's funny how people write walls of text to defend that garbage and get pissed off at people who don't like it, when the author obviously wrote the last chapter for shits and giggles. He even bothered to create iconic bad dialogue that people won't forget for a long time,
for ten years at least. Sometimes I even believe in the anime original ending because of how fucking purposefully bad the manga ending was. I'm starting to forget about SnK, it made me realize that having faith on battle shounen is a waste of time. I appreciate the ending jokes.
No. 1052508
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>>1052359So many shonen anime have such bland main characters. I really didn't care for Eren, and I'm tired of the whole angry young male hero trope. And I didn't like Armin. Mikasa was ok, but a raging Mary Sue. I never understood why she was ranked first. I agree that AoT wasn't that well written. I think it would have been much better (and more compelling) if the Titan trio were the main characters along with other changes or somethin'.
No. 1052536
>>1052456It wasn't literal, you do realise that? Actual attractive adult men are also fine to post, considering they are you know, actually conventionally attractive.
Sometimes I wonder if everyone has autism bc holy fuck everything isnt literal, and just because an ugly dude is your special interest doesn't make him attractive to most women, and normal people should be able to understand that.
No. 1052541
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>>1052359this is still so fucking funny to me, I just wish that it really was "thank you for commiting genocide for us"
No. 1052558
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>>1051681people on the internet obsessed with a "glam" aesthetic that only extends as far as swooning over paris, macarons, and fake audrey hepburn quotes (she literally suffered long-term from malnutrition in ww2, why the fuck would she talk about "calorie burning")
No. 1052595
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browsing and randomly coming across this, her breasts look perfectly normal? it’s not like it’s sagging completely on the ground like she’s an ancient 200 year old mummy, this is kind of sad kek. sometimes I don’t know how in the hell I come across these threads
No. 1052629
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I hate when a discord starts off with a certain hobby/series/or other specific focus but degrades into people posting as if its their blog. One of my small anime/art servers was going fine until
>One lady posts technically decent art, but all her characters have the same gesugao/ahegao (picrel)
>Tries way too hard to be edgy
>posts selfies fishing for praise
>"I used to be homeless and I'm so crazy xD"
>Has a Riamu pfp
seems like a textbook example of a desperate e-girl
No. 1052635
>>1052629I hate this but when it’s some retarded moid who is probably lying about his age
>Chat is nice>People talking about random stuff>Moid has a retard episode>hijacks conversations to talk about his furry little girl fetish>or talks about that time he got “raped”Yeah I don’t think men can be raped>the chat goes dead silent>starts tagging everyone and going>uwu nobody talks ever!Geeez I wonder why??
No. 1052671
>>1052668Kek you're probably right anon
>>1052629One server I was in went from the main members having fun nights to a HSTS tranny hijacking the calls because for some reason the owner made him a mod and of course theres always 1 tranny everywhere to police wrong think. All the conversations turned into crap he liked. The fun community nights stopped happening because no one wanted to hear his egotistical nasally voice. We also had a newly 18-20 year old girl spamming pick me e-girl type selfies of her bending over the desk to show her boobs or ass with clothes on. That girl killed the chat and I hate both of them for it.
No. 1052769
>>1052646I'm willing to bet that's bullshit, they like to parade themselves as lolcow's moral high ground every time they can, it wouldn't surprise me it turns out to be a lie
>>1052675/Ot says the same shit about every other board besides /m
No. 1052787
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>>1052229Here’s a suggestion
No. 1052838
>>1052769It always surprises me when "/ot/-only" posters act completely oblivious when anons reference threads or cows from /snow/. It's like some of them are almost proud of being ignorant. Why would you be smug about being a newfag?
I usually see them insist it's because the other boards are nothing but nitpicking and body sperging, but IMO, that just shows where their own attentions lie. This board is full of the same kind of sperging, interspersed with some casual conversation and blogposts. /m/ is probably the one board that's actually chill
Honestly, /ot/fags are like the French people of Lolcow. Arrogant and degenerate at the same time, wading through puddles of eachother's piss daily. They've grown so used to the stench that they don't even notice it anymore, but they're quick to criticize everyone else
No. 1052850
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>>1052646We're all anonymous, how do you even know when the only ones who ever mention this are the ones who don't use the cow boards or try to force some "board wars" 4chan-tier shit?
No. 1052870
I hate when people move on to new age spiritually as a response to their religious upbringing, especially women since all religions hate women. There’s nothing empowering about leaving a cult for another cult.
No. 1052905
File: 1644077365901.jpg (226.7 KB, 1021x1805, FKyqgjHUYAAYADu.jpg)

when egirls post tacky and unflattering pictures like picrel but call themselves thicc or muscular
No. 1052930
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No. 1052949
>>1052536ugliness and attractiveness are subjective but we still adhere to "standards" anyway. yet those "standards" are constantly changing and we fall for the new meme everytime
at the end of the day we find ugly what we find ugly and we find hot what we find hot. we are literally all overgrown monkeys with advanced brain capacity, nobody is ever going to agree on anything
No. 1053003
File: 1644083377367.png (1.17 MB, 1094x732, 9399293949.png)

>>1052919They're not honest at all but it's interesting seeing them post pictures that show off their real body when they also post these and brag about being so muscular and fit, there is only so much lycra can hold in No. 1053152
>>1052937I'm aware anon, that's why I said
>there's a reason why they were the threadpicI was just responding to anon trying to act like we all hate borzois.
No. 1053201
File: 1644092542154.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220204-212327.png)

In a moment of boredom and desperation I redownloaded TikTok for the first time in about 6 months and this was the very first TikTok it showed me. Ive only ever interacted with 'dark academia' content.
No. 1053301
File: 1644100876514.png (819.04 KB, 974x987, cancer.png)

Internet users like this:
Arrogant, know it all men (usually American), suffering from obvious mental issues (Aspergers', autism, or schizoid disorder), sexually degenerate, half-ironic "humour", always extremely confident that they're always right despite making shitty observations that are clearly from someone who doesn't leave their house. Honest to god every time I see an internet user like this I wonder why this is so prevalent on the American internet and how it got so bad that families raised so many adult manchildren who pride themselves on stupid shit and get off on doing nothing all day.
No. 1053302
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>>1053301Samefag, going to add these types are extremely common on imageboards, site like Kiwifarms, anime or video game side of Twitter, Reddit, ect. You can just tell people like this are the step before the transgender phase where they say fuck it to reality as a whole. Sounds tinfoil as fuck but I swear it's all connected.
No. 1053339
>>1052949No its not subjective, its literally symmetry and health. Conventionally attractive men have even features, clear skin, glossy hair, nice teeth etc.
Everyone knows what conventially attractive means, stop playing dumb to post your ugly men on that thread, go post them in the other thread.
I literally say I like some ugly men as well, so I literally say I understand that attraction is subjective, but standard conventinal attractiveness based purely on looks is not. But then again I actually have a lick of common sense so I know they are unconventional, which yall uglyposters seem to lack.
I just want to look at pretty boys and men in the pretty boys and men thread, is that so much to ask?
No. 1053344
>>1053339nta but I do think its subjective what people find attractive
I like pretty and slender boys, as well as more fit and masculine(but only specific types of masculine dudes)
No. 1053348
>>1053339I'm not really offended when someone fits or doesn't fit my definition of attractiveness in a thread I can click away from or hide images in. I find the sight of ugly men one has to see IRL much more repulsive than pixels behind a screen. I see ugly men everyday whose appearances I get much more offended by than the worst looking celebrities
And oftentimes it's moid's personal choices not to be hygienic or groom themselves when they can. I'm not really a fan of ungroomed moids either, but if some anons are idrc. "groomed" looking moids can still smell nasty once you get close to them, especially if a man's a smoker.
No. 1053397
>>1053356>>1053348Its literally called conventionally attractive men you want to fuck. No shit they have to fit really fit really conventional and rigid standards of beauty to fit in that thread. Thats the point.
Yall still miss the point, its fine to like ugly dudes, but please post them in the unconventional thread. IDGAF about liking ugly moids, thats completely FINE. I give a fuck that I have to look at them when I browse a thread about conventionally attractive men. Like how many times do I have to repeat myself here? Liking unconventional dudes? Fine good you like what you like whatever. Posting them in the conventional thread? No please post them in the unconventional thread instead.
No. 1053408
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>>1053402I dont. They are fine, they are attractive. I love metalhead dudes, I love long hair on men. Im talking about shit like this being posted
No. 1053491
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>>1053488like there are actually comments on this saying "looks like just makeup." how can you be that deluded!
No. 1053527
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>>1053491I know this is the things you hate thread but I love these labelled pics
No. 1053562
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I hate when you drive past one of these things and the clock is wrong. There's one plaza sign near my house where the time has been 8 minutes late for 5+ years.
No. 1053693
>>1053579>they’re obsessed with social media and attentionThe new generation is the most conformist on I have ever seen (I'm gen X). Social media made them hooked on approval as if it were a drug. Cancel culture compounded it.
The only thing you need to say to a zoomer to get them in line is "cringe". They will immediately self-correct the behaviour deemed such. They cannot stand being unapproved.
This is pathetic on an individual level, and dangerous on a socio-poitical level.
No. 1053731
>>1053720But the hot mulled wine at the end of the slope is godly
Warms you up, relaxes your sore muscles, energizes you
There are still things you can enjoy
No. 1053826
File: 1644147959288.jpg (80.42 KB, 600x599, debate.jpg)

Farmers sperging about "muh zoomers" and ignoring that all the qualities they accuse zoomers of exclusively having are typical for young people in general and not just for their generation. Oh and anons certainly do project a lot of their personal issues on zoomers, plenty of things that are said about gen z here are the things that millenials were previously accused and made fun of. Seems like the bitter ones have finally found a way to express their dwelling frustration.
Picrelated is what I see everytime this discussion happens on lc.
No. 1053839
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>>1053826When are we meeting with our granny outfits at the park?
No. 1053910
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>>1053858>zoomers were the first to be born with social media But who created the social media…? Oh right it was the silicon valley millennials who couldn’t leave things alone. Anyways, that so isn’t true and social media and technology when I was born and growing up wasn’t as bad (and arguably was still more primitive) as it is now. Anon was right that is a severely terminally online take, are you gonna start screaming about zoomie zoomer leftie commie wokeshits now and give honor back to your retarded boomer parents, ukelele-chan? Don’t forget your generation has plagued us with the hipster epidemic and it never ended, it only turned culture into a spiraling dumpster fire of definable nothing. Euphoria, Tiktok, Reddit, 4chan, the monetization of the internet, social media trends and memes, stealing things that are only for kids and teens and reappropriating it for adulthood is basically the downstream effect of millennial hipster degeneration and novelty-gazing. Fuck you we never wanted this kek
No. 1053926
>>1053910So its social media's fault your generation is trooning out and becoming virtual youtubers?
Makes sense.
No. 1053931
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>>1053910>image looks like it crawled out of 2013Man
No. 1053949
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No. 1054115
File: 1644168729658.jpg (58.55 KB, 1080x1080, me rn.jpg)

>>1054017>>1054032i'm so jealous tf i have two friends who went nb over the lockdown with one of them leaning towards ftm, have another nb in my class and know two mtfs irl with another guy eyeing the idea
No. 1054133
>>1054026Correct, but also pic related isnt even a good picture of what millenials are like. They put the most recent shit they can think of, you can tell a zoomer made this kek
>>1053910 this is such an obvious cope
>>1054017so you know them online? Pretty sure zoomers live online regardless, making a tiktok video or planning your day around activities which you want photos of you doing so you can post them for the world to look at is still mentally online
No. 1054330
File: 1644175656241.png (3.94 MB, 793x1735, ugly.png)

Sentient bags of flour with braindead takes and smug smirks invading my youtube recs
No. 1054333
>>1054330>transphobia and ukeleles don't mixAh yes the very
valid complaint of someone who experiences extreme oppression every single day
No. 1054344
>>1054017 and even though I spend time online, I don't really have online friends aside from the ones I game with, who aren't genderspecial either. I don't think they're common anywhere but in America and in there, they're usually very chronically online reddit type.
No. 1054347
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>>1054330You must be watching an awful lot of crap to get recommendations like that.
No. 1054372
File: 1644177425224.jpeg (596.19 KB, 1466x629, AFE3EAD6-2882-4B3F-9656-1B80E3…)

>>1054347Youtube wants me to be even creepier
No. 1054467
File: 1644180340714.jpeg (179.62 KB, 1112x2208, B9E95130-64C7-42C2-A743-AB6414…)

>>1054369only insult zoomers have while they look like picrel
No. 1054483
File: 1644180794664.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_2022-02-06-15-50-16…)

When is the over lineing trend going to end?? You look fucking stupid!
No. 1054737
File: 1644187270695.png (Spoiler Image,6.88 KB, 628x120, average urbandictionary google…)

I hate Urbandictionary and every fucking time it shows up in the first page of google results for some fucking random word I want to look up. Pic related.
Do they just make shit up when submitting pornographic definitions like this one? God I hate scrotes who do this. Stop ruining everything with your retarded sexual shit! Useless scum.
>>1054126Or anglo/first worlders kek
>>1054326I saw this happen in the last thread with the rightoid scrote. Why wasn't he immediately banned and why the fuck weren't his posts deleted? i hate that shit
I also hate it when they come here, insult women and then call us trannies like, why the fuck did you even come here for in the first place? It's like the "no girls on the internet" bullshit, which is something I really hate, only in this case it's annoying because they obviously don't believe it.
No. 1054746
>>1054562>>1054574>>1054395You can also just go into your watch history and delete all those videos one by one.
Also, and this is important, delete them from your recommendations when they appear. Either "Not interested" or preferably "don't recommend channel".
No. 1054770
>>1054737When I was younger I was in a bit of a kink community and I kind of played up how 'open minded' I was. I judged half the shit around me but felt like I had to be so open to hearing about everyones thing.. the amount of men who disclosed their fart/scat/diaper stash/messy anal fetishes to me was disturbing.
I got out of that community and years later a guy I met through normal means turned out to have a scat fetish too. We were living together when I started new meds that constipated me and his suggestions on ways to help me out.. you don't want to know.
No. 1054850
>>1054770Damn nona I've never had a moid reveal to me that they find feces or farts sexually arousing, even in my NLOG phase. Some gross stuff yes, but never something this bad. Have I just been lucky or is it just you who is unlucky, I wonder?
>We were living together when I started new meds that constipated me and his suggestions on ways to help me out.. you don't want to know.Hope you left him and cut all ties with him shortly after that
No. 1055121
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No. 1055150
File: 1644218207150.jpg (52.95 KB, 1024x576, Anatomy-Quick-Tips-Noses.jpg)

>>1053798I totally get what you say. Monetizing content was the worst thing to happen to any social media
If you are looking for good art tutorials I really recommend Sinix Design, he explains things really well, in my opinion
No. 1055156
File: 1644218876130.jpg (167.85 KB, 1280x720, EreHisu_Anime_(3).jpg)

i hate this disgusting ship so much i hate it with every single fiber in my body fuck erehisu and erehisu shippers if u ship erehisu dont even reply to me or i will seethe and destroy you
No. 1055238
File: 1644227270686.jpg (88.51 KB, 640x401, French Postcard Show How To Ki…)

All this talk about choosing between the abominations oneeshota or fujoshit when i just like this dynamic the most
No. 1055241
File: 1644227442546.gif (236.02 KB, 220x173, humanveil-addams-family.gif)

>>1055238Samefag, retards would call this "simping" these days even though that's the traditional way of how a man should court a woman. Not that shitty humiliation pimp garbage or baby wanting to be pampered by mommy retardation smh
No. 1055243
File: 1644227511981.png (416.26 KB, 759x632, notlisteningtosaddam.png)

>>1054330You could be listening to saddam songs eurobeat mixes instead.
No. 1055547
>>1048605Spend one day with a handsome man and one day with an ugly one and you'll see its absolutely correct. I never see any pround woman hating pretty boys, almost all treat women very nice and respectfully(as nice as men can), value their time even though they are high value men and can afford to treat women like shit, even the players treat women nicely.
While ugly men are hateful and demanding of women and sexually assault them, devalue them, treat them like shit even though the woman is far above him looks and personality wise he is ungrateful and always looking for the next woman to rape. Handsome men are also way smarter, while ugly men are dumb as bricks.
I used to only hang out with men bc I was too insecure to try to befriend women as I viewed myself as lesser than them. Positive is that I learned a lot about the nature of men. And ugly men are fucking rude as shit and insecure as hell and creepy. They don't know how to not be rapey or degrading towards women.
No. 1055606
>>1055547>handsome men aren't misogynists LOL. Oh, dear anon…wrong.
By the way, encountering handsome Nigels who are respectful probably has more to do with you overcoming your insecurities so that naturally any men who would have been negative were weeded out regardless of their looks. Weak and angry men target women who ooze insecurity. The nature of men is that ALL of them will take you for a ride if you let them.
No. 1055755
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Imagine caping for a scrote here, especially Travis Alexander. Real newfag/twitterfag vibes
No. 1055778
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>>1055764Just saw that too fucking hell this is why you ignore scrotes posting bait, you keep responding, they'll know they have an audience.
No. 1055828
>>1055725But the posts need to be deleted or flagged by effective modship.
Otherwise, yes, ""ignoring"" scrote posts while effectively giving them a criticism-free platform as long as they ban evade is definitely a self-own. They post here exactly because they know we'll likely be forced to read it but ~teehee can't respond or else we're as bad~
Can't have it both ways.
No. 1055842
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Everybody hates Tiktok, but they watch it just so they can tell how much you hate it, whatever problem's you have scroll down until you find somebody whose worse off and then suddenly your life doesn't seem so bad does it, well let me tell you something it is that bad! Tiktok the birthplace of the Moron, some of us laugh with them but most of us act them, we all know your not famous for your talent, everyone is so sick and tired of your stupid face, famous for being famous
I think its time these people learned the "true price" of fame
No. 1055845
>>1055755Can I have background information to this picture? Was her bf
abusive or something like that? Also she's very very beautiful, average criminal men get fans all the time why are we shocked a beautiful woman does too?
No. 1055856
>>1055845he wasn't
abusive traditionally, but he played with her emotions and used her sexually. he was definitely gross. she wanted very desperately to be the type of woman he wanted to marry but he only wanted to fuck her and he only saw her as used goods. he was a mormon and supposed to not be having sex before marriage but strung her along despite her obvious obsession with him and clear desperation for a serious relationship. she is batshit and killing him wasn't warranted, though what he did was wrong, but he definitely made her crazy worse and he was playing with fire for sure.
No. 1055865
>>1055156I'm trying for the life of mine to remember any interaction they had before they found out Christa is
some queen or something and Eren visiting her, but I just can't. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't just some crack ship tbh.
No. 1055869
>>1055811When was that?
Are you referring to the same guy who posted gore to the mtf thread last year? The one who posted a selfie of his ugly mug pre-transition, followed by an ugly mirror selfie of him wearing a skirt(iirc)?
Latest raid could be his but idk, moids are predictable and act exactly the same, so i wouldnt be surprised if it turned out to be some other xy abomination
No. 1055872
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True crime youtubers/podcasters make me feel sick. All of them are trying to profit on tragic cases, there are no "good" ones.
I loved this kind of shit for years as warning stories and I thought it's not bad as long as they're respectable because they raise awareness- BULLSHIT. There's nothing good about a chick faking empathy and making up stories about the victim to be melodramatic or a hoodie wearing dipshit sponsoring raycons right before talking about children who were butchered. They're all vultures and I'm sorry the realization only hit me when a youtuber covered a local massacre right after talking about some t-shirt shop.
No. 1055899
>>1055872I was playing youtube in the background lately and some non-crime tuber was giving her opinion on those 'make-up session true crime channels' she said we're all just watching it for entertainment so what does it matter that you're doing your make up.. I'm not against TC content in general but if you're snacking or checking yourself out in the viewfinder while poorly researching cases then that pisses me off.
Too many people latched on to it seeing as it get views, it always had it's issues but it's being watered down to gossip tier now. I stopped checking any of it out a while back because I know certain cases so well that I was forever noticing lazy research.
No. 1055913
>>1055902I didn't say I reply or that anyone needs to reply, just that it's bullshit that our userbase receives bans for when moderation is ineffective which basically polices us to be silent.
Scroteposting needs to be deleted. Period.
Regardless if they're responded to, moids are pulling it to the fact that they get away with graffiting the site with their manifestos and then getting the redtext like a badge of honor. An audience is what they're after, preferably a captive one like what you're proposing we do.
No. 1055926
>>1055907Kek touché, I’m sure it won’t stop them from trying though, or pulling up the second monitor
>>1055913Exactly how is ignoring it until it gets deleted being a “captive audience”?
No. 1056065
>>1056047>>1056061I didn't because the last time I checked the application form it seemed more geared towards the cow-boards, but I'd have to read it again to be 100% certain. I don't know shit about most cows. I don't think I should be able to mod a thread I don't read unless it's obvious shit that needs taken down asap.
I'll keep an eye out for the next time applications are open though.
No. 1056098
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I… don’t hate, but genuinely dislike pickmes who put male attention over female friendships! I value friendships just as much as I do relationships and care about my friends a lot. I’m sure this sentiment has been expressed on this website at least a thousand times already so I don’t need to elaborate further.
No. 1056349
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I came across this pic and immediately thought of this thread
No. 1056412
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I’m not in the discord at all but the way they talk about other women really makes me not want to befriend other women anymore or trust them. Something about this gives me middle school/high school vibes, gross
No. 1056782
>>1056776I hate the sound of a dripping faucet as much as I hate the sound of an analogue clock ticking.
Something about those repetitive little sounds makes me see red.
No. 1056798
When people write “spurge” instead of “sperg”. It’s derived from Aspergers, you spergs.
Why? Is it autocorrect? But spurge isn’t a real word either. Is it phonetic and does that mean people actually use these terms in real life?
>>1056785I feel this. It’s one thing to acknowledge the health issues that pregnancy and giving birth can cause but that’s not what these people mean when they
sperg about it ruining women’s bodies. They’re always talking about cosmetic shit like weight gain and stretch marks. Even <3rd degree perineal tearing is mostly cosmetic or a mild annoyance at worst and doesn’t affect how sex feels for the man because he’s fucking the vaginal canal (which returns to normal) and not the skin or muscles on the outside.
Men and their genitalia turn fat, saggy and wrinkly with age without them ever even doing anything as hardcore as give birth but I don’t see their huge guts or lumpy ballsacks getting even a fraction of the hate that postpartum women get. I wonder why.
No. 1056799
>>1056797*was to make fun of mentally ill women and pick apart their appearance and choices
We've moved past it long ago, this is called "character development" fyi
No. 1056803
>>1056798>3rd degree perineal tearing is mostly cosmetic or a mild annoyance at worst How the fuck is tearing your gooch a part just a "mild annoyance"
God I can't stand it when people downplay the severity of childbirth.
No. 1056819
>>10568031st and 2nd degree are pretty mild and heal quickly. It doesn’t even hurt as long as you leave it alone. Source: I had 2nd degree tearing twice myself.
3rd and especially 4th degree tearing really suck, though, that’s true.
No. 1056858
>>1056856Made it easier for male doctors to see
No joke
No. 1057080
>>1057027sorry anon, her insufferable attention-seeking exaggerated mannerism were so painful to me i couldn't get through the video lmao. she's like a schroedinger's cow, you know she's ridiculous but looking is painful as opposed to funny. based on her smugness and
>Nicque Marina is an actor, recording artist and TikTok comedy content creator with a following approaching 1 million. Her content is based largely on anime, particularly My Hero Academia, as well as other fandoms such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avatar the Last Airbender, Hamilton and more! i know i hope she never reproduces. the fact she's a jazz jennings lookalike doesn't help
No. 1057087
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I get the anon who sperged about hating Olaf, he’s so fucking ugly, I hate him.
No. 1057103
>>1057089she obviously looks like him in the face, even if she's clearly female and he's clearly male. never intended to say she looks masculine. i like occasionally shitting on troons but retarded radfems shitting their pants on here over imagined nothings is tiring.
>>1057083go away ana-chan.
No. 1057114
>>1057092>>1057096Why can't people ever come to a middle ground of "Former Western colonial powers and the united States played a big role in displacing and opppressing non white groups in the past, the US has a very racialized history that oppressed African american people, and African american people currently have a
victim complex instead of trying to get better in their own community". It's okay to see a nuanced perspective, guys
inb4 sperging because thats all people know how to do with topics like this
No. 1057118
>>1057107she kind of is, but the fact that's the thing you point out when she is a garbage human voicing lazy, malicious views with absolute certainty and self righteousness shows where your mind is.
>>1057108>>1057092you guys have fun with your
victim mentality, i'm sure that not only will it make society better, it'll also do wonders for the health of your mind and meaningful progression through life
No. 1057125
>>1057118i don't have a
victim mentality at all considering im the anon who made the post above you. i can just see your lashing out on her looks because you got butthurt at what she said as if that ideologically challenges her. typical scrote thing to do to resort to "no u ugly" when a woman makes you mad lol
No. 1057131
>>1057096Why do you think you can make your racism more palatable by putting the word scrote at the end? That’s just a man doing typical man behavior, what does him being black have to do with being a shitty human male? It’s because you already think poorly of black people.
>>1057114Do you really think the unholy radfem x conservative fusions would ever want to think that their ancestors have carved a violent and successful path for them? That they will never have to worry about their hair being seen as unkept, never have to worry about being in a household that hates the way they look because of the constant media exposure and expectations, never have to worry about switching the way they talk to seem less “foreign”, never having to worry about being the grand majority of women who are trafficked, raped, never have to be those women who are in piss poor work facilities making their cheap ugly clothes they post about in /g/ that’s bad for the environment. They are only scared of the consequences of their actions, they are adamant of wanting to be prideful of their history, but don’t want to deal with the fact that they have pretty much created the widespread exploitation we see now? I don’t give a fuck if you’re fired for being a racist, centrist piece of shit, I have no empathy for these people. I don’t care if we’re both women, literally die if you continue the misery of non-white women
No. 1057136
>>1057114This is correct and the the so called measures for diversity and inclusion now are actually worsening race relations and society in general.
>>1057096Youre right as well, but saying this is "racist".
>>1057133Its obvious bait kek
No. 1057144
>>1057114can you explain to me how the US makes black americans have a 70% out of wedlock childbirth rate, why black women have an average educational records compared to the general population while 60% of black american haven't even graduated highschool
why almost 80% of "black" families who are more then 60K a year are almost all immigrants
No. 1057155
>>1057133No you don’t, you’re a fucking freak of nature. I don’t have to waste my time explaining the long impact of racism because it’s clearly in your face it’s in everybody’s faces in plain sight, yet you still continue to use your unearned freedom of speech to type the stupidest shit.
>>1057139That isn’t traumatizing what’s traumatizing is letting your kids explore the world based on a false narrative you told them just so they won’t know and be hurt by the truth. That’s exactly what they want to do with white kids, coddle them and their feelings because their ancestors decided to be horrendous human beings who’s institutions are still up and still being benefited from. Your lukewarm meritocratic ideals and fantasies will never last a second once they grow up and have to be in a classroom where children are touching them like an animal and calling them racial slurs, running home crying to their parents. You don’t try to hide the world from children, you instill values in them so they can change and uproot this shitty world once and for all and defend themselves from people like you.
No. 1057160
>>1057155What's your definition of white– do you only mean white americans or european people from countries exclusively from colonial pasts?
Do you think white people can't be proud or enjoy their history without glorifying the racial violence aspects?
No. 1057163
>>1057107at 3:50 she talks about her white friend who mercifully bullied by 2 black girls and she herself was bullied and beaten by a black girl and then she claims that these were "just" individual cases and that black people will always be the "uwu
this is what eternal victimhood looks like, she can't ever admit to herself that its black american culture which is the problem and the comments are filled with self hating white and black whiners
No. 1057185
>>1057169>I’m talking about white people around the globe it doesn’t matter where they come from, where they ended up, they still benefit from the global system they profit off of and their constructed whiteness.This might be b8 but I'll bite, how do white people from countries like Romania or Ukraine benefit from whiteness when they come from societies that aren't founded on the structure of colonial legacy racialism or subjugation of colonized groups/groups affected by the transatlantic slave trade?
>And no I don’t think anyone can cherish their own heritage without acknowledging the blood that was shed to preserve certain traditions especially the ones that have subjugated women and minorities for hundreds if not thousands of years.So in other words, you're saying if someone from Britain or France is proud of their cultural heritage and tradition it's bad unless they're heavily critical and hating towards it? How is that beneficial to make them ashamed of being white because of the fault of their ancestors? I understand criticizing those that engage glorifying dangerous ideologies or heavily race/misogynistic based parts of their history but their heritage is not just killing other people. It's true that West European founded racism is uniquely more ideological and globalized historically than other forms of traditional racism (like xenophobia and tribalism) but all people's histories is full of violence and bloodshed. There's a lot of good that came from Europe too.
>>1057174African American culture does have a lot of problems. The culture enables violence and coddles misogynistic, stupid men for the sake of blaming it on the white man or the police instead of molding people with good moral character and self-respect. African American culture wasn't always like this, this is a recent development (around the past 30 years) so you can't argue that it's in our culture either.
No. 1057197
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>>1057185>How do white people from countries like Romania or Ukraine benefit from whiteness when they come from societies that aren't founded on the structure of colonial legacy racialism or subjugation of colonized groups/groups affected by the transatlantic slave trade?Picrel.
>blah blah why make whites feel bad br*ts blah They still benefit from their own system that prioritizes white people. You might not be racist but if you’re not willing to dismantle the system that highly only benefits you, what does that tell other people? You are not ready to sacrifice or struggle for other people to achieve their own independence or personhood?
No. 1057200
>>1057169Funny how everyone understands why "not all men" is shitty to say, but they don't understand why going "not all whites" is very similar. As if women don't get accused of being whiners and permanent professional
victims for daring to still be feminist/thinking feminism is still necessary in the west. As if we don't get
victim blamed for the wage gap and accused of just not playing the meritocracy game right.
No. 1057209
im nta but goddamn, i'm so fucking glad racebait is banned so i don't have to think too hard about the retards i post with.
No. 1057211
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In the world of a great man
no other culture in the world(not Islamic nor indian nor chinese) could give the rights women have currently other then the western one, for all its faults, It is superior among all the civilizations in the world(back to /pol/)
No. 1057236
>>1057225Still better than arab shitholes. At least women have freedom of speech to voice their opinions in the west, arab women would just get beaten or stoned to death if they try to do the same
>Men still control women with the concept of marriage and reproductionBecause western women are dumb enough to still agree to participate in these things, they aren't being forced to do it.
No. 1057241
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All generic fantasy cartoons with this hideous animation/art style which is some unholy amalgam of American superhero comics with some 90's anime influence (mostly talking about occasional retarded facial expression, I guess it doesn't affect all of them the same way). I've hated this style when I saw the first episode of Castlevania and honestly? At least it had some beautiful designs based on the games. Shit like She-Ra, He-Man, the Witcher film, Vox Machina… enough. I was sure that one studio is responsible for all of those, but no. When I see an animated series look like this, I immediately don't want to watch it. I am repulsed
No. 1057265
are we really doing this again? God. I swear /ot/ is stuck in some hellish loop. I am not voicing my opinion on the matter, I am not siding with anyone, I am displeased with seeing the same bullshit for the 100th time
No. 1057274
>>1057185Correct. What
>>1057197 is saying is really stupid and Western focused. Also, dismantle the system? I agree with
>>1057217 that you sound like an overdramtic twitterfag commie, just saying vague things rather than focusing on reality. Get out of your twitter bubble, you painting all white people as monsters is stupid and will never get you anywhere because your thinking is backwards.
No. 1057276
>>1057197A minority of skinhead retards in EE doesn't mean the government or foundations of the country is based on the oppression of Black American or Native American people.
>They still benefit from their own system that prioritizes white people. You might not be racist but if you’re not willing to dismantle the system that highly only benefits you, what does that tell other people? You are not ready to sacrifice or struggle for other people to achieve their own independence or personhood?What a retarded, burger-centric view. Do you think these countries don't deal with their own internal ethnic conflict and centuries old of socio-political factors unique to that country or must things always orbit around America because you said so? You sound like a retarded anarcho-commie lunatic
No. 1057278
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>>1057241Same. I also hate the ugly wannabe anime that SJWs draw
No. 1057290
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>>1057276>you sound like a retarded anarcho-commie lalalala I don’t even know what these words mean but let me still use them kekcome on, try harder
nonnie No. 1057293
>>1057225Because all of the West equals Christianity right.
Whatever you say, at least Western women can freely pursue education and carreer, can choose their religion or choose to have no faith, can choose their partners and whether to have kids or not, can drive, dress however they want, have sex (or not) before marriage, can freely choose to marry or not, go outside without a male chaperone. Like anon said, Western society has it's many flaws but in no way, shape or form is the position of women in the West comparable to that of your shitholes.
No. 1057297
>>1057281You think those are the only choices?
I'd rather live in a Bijagos matriarchy.
No. 1057299
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>>1057281Does this look like a healthy society that prioritizes the well-being or humanity of women? Go back to /pol/. Western society is basically just the technological advancement of misogyny and capitalism
WOC don't experience the same as women who live in third world countries either. Your point?
No. 1057328
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I hate ftm gay porn artists, not because of their art but because of the way they act. It is really weird trying to watch them be quirky but also make sure you know they're a ~gay man~ even though you know they clearly aren't.Even the cis coomer gay dudes can tell from a mile away. It's all so bizarre
No. 1057338
>>1057337…. How…. The
victim mentality is overbearing today
No. 1057407
>>1057197I don't know what this argument started from, as I'm still reading, but for here: You said the truth, anon, and people got mad. I wish white Americans would stop using poor European countries as weapons in their racial arguments. It's like they tell themselves the world don't know there's a shitton of European racists (especially slavs, fucking k e k) who sperg daily about black people without ever seeing a single one in their life
In fact, the broker the country, the more bigoted. They're more bitter and have like 10x more to prove on the world stage, why wouldn't they be?
No. 1057448
>>1057200This. Feminist-leaning anons complain about scrotes getting angry and screeching "not all men! what about men's feelings!! you're bullying men!!! why should we (men) ever listen to you?? it's your fault anyway, just get over it!! we gave you rights after abusing you, didn't we?! this isn't making sense, my Y chromosid brain hurt feminists are insane! what about poor men, like soldiers or laborers?? you're saying they're more privileged than you???", but ignore the fact that they literally sound and function like those same scrotes when they get
triggered about women of other races talking about history/society
It's so funny, and also one of many reasons I feel like feminism isn't going to get anywhere. People, as a collective, refuse to have empathy. Feminism claims to be pro-women, but the moment two women don't share all the same experiences (and in fact, one's lived a life of benefits stemming from the legacy of the other's suffering), moidlike ignorance and aggression prevails. It's depressing
No. 1057458
>>1057446They're both racism. These xenophobes often do ally themselves with western Europeans and white Americans under the banner of/belief in white supremacy as a whole, and the other anon seems to have said she believes racism itself needs to be dismantled (not just the western European iteration), so what's the point in splitting hairs?
If you tell them it's "not native to their culture", they'll laugh in your face, tell you they wouldn't exist if they didn't discriminate and take it as an attack on their culture
No. 1057474
>>1057448So the solution is to continue condemning white people over something they took no part in and remind them of it constantly regardless? I dont want to play the game of who has what worse, but White people is a huge label to slap on people especially when most people identify with their own culture and there are "white" groups which have dealt with discrimination as well. It is stupid. Acting like white supremacy is popular and so common in 2022 in a complete meme just like white privilege. There are many opportunities for Black people to thrive, you cannot deny AA cultural aspects and playing
victim dont hold people back. This type of thinking isnt progressive or useful unless youre on twitter where racism is a daily struggle and problems with literally everything you can think of are pointed out.
No. 1057481
>>1057241For boys and adults who want to watch anime but feel embarrassed, have made fun of it in the past, or are in denial about being interested
>>1057278For girls and adults who are obsessed with gender and obesity. You can really identify the target audiences of these shows by their styles alone
No. 1057499
>>1057474You must be burying your head in the sand to an extreme extent if you don’t know the ways that white supremacy is still actively slapping down
poc. How can you even pretend like it’s not an issue when we just had a bunch of tards storm the Capitol while chanting a bastardized version of a Black Lives Matter slogan
No. 1057513
>>1057488No one doesnt have empathy. I dont want to accuse you of being another anon, but the original anon who started this all claimed that all white people should never feel proud and know they are part of the evils that have happened to black people, etc etc. They also went on about dismantling the system and all this other bs which was completely overblown. So we are supposed to listen to that and just not react? We all have different lived experiences and come from different countries and backgrounds. I am willing to hear about unique struggles people deal with, but random sperging is hard to listen to with out any reaction especially when its all over the place.
>>1057499Go back to twitter with your tinfoil
No. 1057517
>>1057410I don't know pakistans situation as of the moment as I've never been there before but it could possibly be because the refugees are mostly in Istanbul, which already has high crimerates so they could just be more aggressive because of that. The refugees were all very young and single men for us so that may be why too. Turkish women also, compared to other Muslim countries, dress more revealingly and act more independently which might have been the reason they got targeted as the men believed they weren't proper Muslim women maybe? Or perhaps that it'd be easier to get away with it since they didn't have men around them?
>>1057461Turkish men sadly don't care. Like I've written above, our women are more independent and sexually active than Muslim men would like so even turkish men themselves hate us most of the time. They even go as far as spamming on 4chan or other scrotey websites about how turkish women are "whores" for sleeping with other men and especially foreigners while calling them "kezbans"(prude?) for refusing to sleep with them. They were quite pleased with the situation and defended the rapists by saying it was "humanism" to let them live here until a refugee finally killed a male. Then the refugee thing gathered more traction and government supposedly stopped taking them in. Yet we don't know if the crimes have decreased or they're simply not allowing news to broadcast them as it's bad press.
No. 1057530
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Can we just talk about how fucking ugly is Olaf?
No. 1057537
>>1057530God I fucking hate Olaf the snowman so fucking much holy shit. Holy shit, every frame he's in, every scene, every gif, every jpeg, he's got this painfully vacant, stupid as shit, fuckass look on his stupid lumpy face. Absolutely no part of his ugly as sin piece of shit character design is endearing. His stupid fucking legs? Who the hell makes a snowman with legs. His dumb flaily fucking twig arms? His shitty, lumpy bastard head? The three thousand percent unnecessary dumbass shitass fucking SNOW BUCK TOOTH that no snowman has EVER FUCKING HAD IN tHE HISTORY OF GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH? God, I hate him. I hate him so much. So FUCKING much. Every time I see a stuffed toy Olaf or an Olaf gif or a shitty goddamn commercial, it ignites my primal rage response and I'm overcome by the need to punt this shitty little homunculus into the fucking sun. "Bhurr blur, I'm Olaf the fuckshit snow fucker, I like warm hugs". Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. You look like Tow Mater summoned a patronus. Your dumb fucking twig hair makes your whole shitty head look like a hairy skin tag. I hate your dumb fucking lumpy carrot nose and your stupid, empty googly eyes and your over-the-top goofy ass upbeat asshole personality. Any scene he's sad it invokes all the wrath and fury of a spoiled child having a meltdown over a chocolate bar in a w*lmart checkout line. And I know its irrational. That's the worst part. I know he's just a shitty fucking side character in a stupid fucking children's movie, I know it doesn't matter, I know I shouldn't care. But that's part of the problem. The part where no matter the might and fury of my hatred, the locus of my homicidal intent is alltogether inconsequential. I find myself laying awake in the dark in the early hours of the morning consumed by the spirit of Wrath itself, all the force and might of a flaming hurricane directed at a bottle of piss in a ditch by the highway. The absurdity of it all burns me to my core. What better things could this energy be directed towards? And yet my disdain for this stupid, useless, insubstantial failure of endearing character design utterly eclipses the intrigue of all other pursuits. I hate him. I hate him on a level of my mind reserved for the worst of the world's array of sinners, and I can't even begin to justify it. Shitstick the snow dick is, for all intents and purposes, the animated corpse of all of humanity's saccharine pretenses- every condescending, passive-aggressive statement of meaningless upper middle class suburban drama distilled into a single, hateable form. The fucking. Fuck. I have no words. There is no cuss or epithet in any language that can encapsulate the height of the emotions I am experiencing. God, I hate him so much. I hate him so, so fucking much. I want to light his ugly little dumpster body on fire. I want to graphically beat him to death with his own stupid fucking nose. I want to punch him to death. You know that weird feeling you get, when you see a picture of something so cute you find yourself overcome with the bizarre, inexplicable urge to squeeze it? It's EXACTLY like that, except instead of cuteness it's disgust. The wordless knowledge that his existence as a fictional work is evidence of all the failures of mankind. I find myself possessed by the will of a Holy Angel gone rogue with the belief that God has made a mistake, and I alone must correct it. This is the trial by which Samael himself fell from grace. This wild, meaningless rage. A thousand blades of shining steel cast with inhuman force in the direction of a plastic grocery bag floating on a breeze. What horrors must I have committed in a past life to be plagued by this torment now? I must Unmake this fictional snowman
No. 1057544
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>>1057499>>1057524>muh capitol>muh poc>muh blmYou can't sit with us. Fuck off
No. 1057546
>>1057513Idk, didn't it start from one anon saying it's a bad idea to teach children about race because it "turns them into permanent
victims who get every form of help and still fail"? That sounds way too much like men saying feminists are just "permanent
victims who get every form of help and still fail". I think any sane person would be annoyed at such a backward statement and react in turn. What she was saying may seem overblown to you if you're not the one facing it, but like I said, that's where empathy comes in. Or just, you know, don't reply if you think it's all just random sperging
No. 1057558
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i seriously hate it when white girls have lips like this. have you ever tried like getting plastic surgery or something? this isn’t healthy to have btw, a lot of biologists have been saying that thin lips are a genetic mutation because if you are reading this bait post even further, your moms a hoe
No. 1057564
>>1057559thats exactly why that poster is correct,
>>1057552 this is all twitter shit
No. 1057566
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No. 1057570
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Muh glorious white civilization and it’s humanist values has given us pussy hats
No. 1057596
>>1057582Exactly. BLM and terms like
WOC arent (that) relevant in non-Western countries. Just like "latinx".
>>1057571We are currently both online and on the internet, parroting that kind of stuff is well known to occur on twitter. If you know this site, then you know that because you definitely spend time online kek
>>1057587Exactly, common sense prevails, how are people supposed to sit back and act like thats normal
No. 1057598
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why are radical feminists always so obsessed with islam and other minority countries? almost like you’re willing to excuse your own men treading across the country to go and fuck financially desperate southeast asians.
No. 1057600
File: 1644354271899.gif (5.46 MB, 540x400, tumblr_00d7d4878d9c26f1555cb42…)

>>1057585The second one was fun, the third is shit so you are not missing much at least in regard to the newest one. The first one is the best because of picrel as well as Gazelle
No. 1057617
>>1057605you’re retarded. the argument started when
>>1057027 little miss sally brown hamsburg the second saw a biracial for once in her life speaking about her own experiences with race and then it went all downhill from here. there are about a couple of anons who had a bit too much of their daily dose of right-wing twitter posts and 2016 anti-sjw talking points to ever see how racism has been overwhelmingly weaponized towards people who are not white. a lot of radical feminists are narrow-minded and ignorant about other cultures and religions (who would have thought?) and use their feminist beliefs to disguise their bigotry. anons who have no idea what the fuck is happening decided to shitpost as well, nothing new
No. 1057630
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>>1057624>I’m a black american and idc about racism >I’m a black american >black translation: pls accept me massa pls I swear I flatten my hair every day that gives me scalp burns
No. 1057678
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>>1057600Eggsy taking care of the dog was so cute. I ant to hug Eggsy.
No. 1057685
>>1057652Being logical is bait but people acting racist isnt? Sometimes I cant tell who the scrote is for this reason kek
>>1057642If this was your point in the first place then fine, but some anons going on about how it relates to empathy and all this stuff when people are saying backwards shit is just not genuine
(infighting) No. 1057701
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>What ever happened to talking about the content of your character? What is all of this race stuff? Just skin color. I don’t see color!
No. 1057756
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Teachers use these charts as a form of emotional abuse
No. 1057772
>>1057756That looks so pointless, I don’t care how you feel unless you explode in the middle of a class, try to kill someone or try to kill yourself. Jesus Christ.
You know what I hate? The fact that teachers are treated like babysitters, why are teachers made to basically raise around 120 kids per year? If they don’t have to teach other kids from other grades of course, which can be at least 240 kids.
That’s so stupid, if they at least got a better payment, it would be sightly justified. I hate the parents that pop kids out and then throws them in some school in the hopes that the internet and some poor teacher that the children get attached to raises them so they don’t murder the shitty parents.
No. 1057845
>>1057756My school had the one with stars. I was always a well behaved kid but the teacher was taking my stars out of nowhere because some fucker told her I did something nasty like picking my nose when I didn't! But that betch wouldn't believe me so one day I went with this boy back in class while everyone was out and we stole stars from the other kids so we would have the most, kek. We got a paper crown by the end of the semester because we had so many stars. Ha! Take that 5 year old classmates!!!
For real, that shit was so fucking stressful because it turned into a competition and another way of kids to make fun of others, and my school already had bullying going on and they did nothing to fix it.
No. 1058689
>>1058651Agree because now whenever I say it I feel annoyed at myself too
>>1058662Also I agree with this, its pretty much Chinese spyware and everyone on it seems annoying (from what I see posted on sites like this or others socials). Anyone who uses that app is stupid in my opinion just because its a clear brainrot app
No. 1058704
File: 1644422424880.jpg (214.68 KB, 1069x1049, 8bc.jpg)

Creepy pictures. Why did nonnie have to post a creepy face picture in the vent thread? Yes I am a huge pussy but I don't want to look at creepy, unsettling pictures!!
No. 1058854
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>>1058704Don't worry
nonnie I'll protect you
No. 1058968
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This is the ugliest thing ive ever seen i want ir DEAd
No. 1059708
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I hate super long hair that is cut in a straight line at the bottom. It's damn ugly and unflattering on everyone. I love long hair but god damn get some layers
No. 1059723
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>>1059712NTA but I also think the cut on the right is much nicer
No. 1059754
File: 1644489666655.jpg (47.49 KB, 564x680, d69e1e977db8562340c8f8dfeed637…)

talking about long hair i hate how moids fetishize it, ive noticed it especially when i look at long hair images on pinterest and theres always some old creepy men in the comment sections
No. 1059786
>>1059779I gave up on the manga and anime as soon as the mangaka said he will change the ending that he planned all along just to avoid disappointing the people who just watched the first season
because a lot of main characters were going to die. As soon as he said that I knew it was going to turn to shit, and the fandom itself rapidly became a shithole so I have no regret. An artist I liked a lot long before that is still obsessed with Attack on Titan and regularly posts about it and gets harassed by fans all the time because of ship wars, I had to unfollow her a long time ago.
No. 1059884
I hate, HATE painted nails on men, ESPECIALLY if they're chipped. Idc if you're a guy and want to paint your nails, but if you're gonna, don't smear it on so it looks fucking clumpy and take. Care. Of them. I do not give a single fuck what kind of arbitrary societal micro-rule you're breaking, but it looks fucking nasty and ugly, and I KNOW they smell like shit and they're dirty under there, too.
I heard that people chip them on purpose, too! Why!? For the unwashed emo aesthetic?! The most attractive hands (male and female, imo) have bare nailbeds and smooth, well-cared for ends.
No. 1059993
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>>1059708I hate the long hair trend in general. I struggle to recognize faces before I’ve really gotten to know someone, and often have to rely on other identifiers like height, body shape, hair etc. But the past few years I go to normie parties and every girl looks like picrel. No personality, no individuality.
No. 1060013
>>1059993Good thing I got my bohemian hair cut I guess
>no personality, no individualityI think that's a bit of an overreaction
No. 1060016
>>1059723I know what you mean by the v cut on long hair I think it looks nice too but I also think the blunt straight long hair looks good as long as its conditioned trimmed and taken care of properly..the ends in that blunt cut pic still needs to be thinned out. It's also a lot easier to style compared to layers and it has a pretty nice 70s simple aesthetic to it.
I have very long straight hair and getting layers completely ruined it for me personally. It never looked neat or as sleek as it did when it was all one length and looked dumb as shit in a ponytail
No. 1060021
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>>1059977i meant this type of look, and the main character in Carrie, etc
No. 1060025
>>1059708I fucking wish I had this hair. Instead I have this
>>1059993 texture that won't look nice no matter how many products you throw at it.
No. 1060031
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>>1060021I know. I liked it more in the 1970s because the style of the hair coordinated better with the rest of the outfit (something that is less emphasized in these days of anything goes) and you have to remember they were way more contentious about the hairdressing aspect. They used more conditioners, sprays, and special gel products to hold the shape together. You can see how the inner edges are more wavy or more refined in outer details than the current straight hair style that is just straight and that's it.
No. 1060033
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>>1060031samefag but yea…
No. 1060034
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>>1060025I think that hair texture is beautiful
nonny, it always reminds me of Alanis Morrisette who I thought was a princess when I was a kid because of her super long curly/wavy hair
No. 1060035
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>>1059993I used to think long hair is boring but I do think now that the length lends it a lot of variety in regards to styling. You could go hippy, or you could larp as an ancient prietess, or you could get Lana Turner curls, or you could go late 1950s. Not to mentioned Dutch braids and crown braids and all other sorts of braids you could do. And half pig tails anime hair. You could curl it into a mess or you could leave it straight. I mean, the most experimental years in styling and fashion were in the late 1960s, and long hair was quite popular back then.
No. 1060045
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>>1060035Samefag but I agree witb anons who said that hair styling was just as an important aspect of a look as clothes. There used to be a lot more personality. You can immediately tell 1940s hair from 1960s and 1970s, and that’s without seeing the outfit.
No. 1060116
>>1059807I met a grown ass man like this the other day and I was disgusted. I don't know how anyone can go without craving fruit and vegetables. Your body literally needs those things. And it's good - it's from the earth.
Wtf is with people and worrying about texture anyway? That shit is weird. All that should matter when eating is the flavor. People are so weird.
No. 1060145
File: 1644512918775.png (360.9 KB, 512x512, 4517A4AA-780F-4986-8129-BD4D7A…)

>>1059862Me too anon. Like god forbid Valentine’s Day just be a fun day to remind you to cherish your loved ones. It’s commercialized so that means there’s no way to celebrate it that doesn’t make you a corporate boot licker. In reality it’s just a scrotes wanting to be lazy and get ass pats for it.
The douchebags who go “well I don’t care about my birthday or Christmas so I’m gonna ignore my girlfriend’s/bff’s and act like they’re selfish and crazy” are the worst. Durr hurr it’s all about me and my retardation stopping me from thinking of heartfelt ways to appreciate people!
No. 1060157
>>1060033but this is ugly
>>1060021and I always thought she was wearing a wig
No. 1060712
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I hate this comic because of how unrealistic it is
No. 1060719
File: 1644536235831.jpg (40.28 KB, 526x525, Tumblr_l_540811561565362.jpg)

>>1060712This is some moids fantasy world where his family isn't disappointed that he spends every thanksgiving in his room masturbating instead of being a grown adult and saying hi, how have you all been. Self inflicted retardation
No. 1060791
File: 1644539732845.jpeg (141.85 KB, 749x836, 30EC89EF-CD8C-4965-B553-4C922E…)

I hate this and I hope that the scrote who did this drawing farts really loudly during an important moment of his pathetic waste of a life.
No. 1060810
File: 1644541015078.jpeg (53.73 KB, 1058x797, 7j25y9ueygv41.jpeg)

>>1060712I hate the meme format the top panel started ("are you winning son"). The edits are either corny or annoying self-victimizing like pic related.
No. 1060863
File: 1644543601306.jpg (29.24 KB, 640x640, 1518903426119.jpg)

>>1060719>moid fantasizing about a life where everyone around him is more successful than him, only difference is in this world no one calls him a loserSo sad. kek
Anyways this is the kind of comic redditors would call heckin wholesome because they know irl nobody will ever even tolerate them
No. 1060907
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Animal print, especially leopard print is hideous. I hate how tacky it looks. Especially in a professional setting. Leopard print is reserved for 90s tv hookers and Shania Twain on that one music video.
No. 1060911
File: 1644547380037.jpg (26.77 KB, 736x586, 1b8cf790363485246fe63c7c4707db…)

At this point if I see the word "nonnies" in a post my eyes just glaze over and I stop reading.
No. 1060917
>>1060915Nona is cute,
nonny just sounds retarded and babyish.
No. 1060932
>>1060918Oh my god nanoozies
nonny is pedopandering
No. 1060953
>>1060917I agree lol, I also hate nonita for some reason
How do you feel about "nonners"?
No. 1060960
>>1060917nona is for kpoopers
>>1060953nonner is for redditors
No. 1060970
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>>1060963see you are exactly why women like me hate having straight brows, I can barely shape these fucking stupid sausages and I hate hearing them get called masculine, this is exactly why I am fucking insecure. It's not like we asked for them to be born this way either. That's why every fucking time I see a woman with straighter brows in the entertainment industry get either an ugly ass vulcan brow lift or an obvious one period I die a little inside. Can we not just normalize liking our natural brow shape, or is it that freakishly abnormal and "masculine" for a woman to have straighter eyebrows?
No. 1060975
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>>1060973nah the western makeup style like this is still pretty popular, and it emphasizes the arch a lot more. this is pretty hard to do if you're a straight browed girl without completely roaching the structure of your brows or having to contour around them. it's straighter but it's by no means as straight as the korean brows
No. 1060977
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>>1060975this is more the brow style I'd like to see, although Lily Collin's are a little dramatic, women with these types of brows should embrace them instead of trying to force an overly dramatic arch. Portmans are a bit arched example, but yeah, these fit certain faces way better than the horrible brow lift trend to force arched. Madison Beers new brows make her face look older, harsher and meaner than her old ones, terrible decision
No. 1060980
File: 1644553547061.jpeg (213.21 KB, 2036x960, eyebrows.jpeg)

>>1060973straight brows look good on asian/black women but they look kinda masculine on white women. i love kbeauty but I wish other white women would stop trying to do the straight brow look, curved brows are wayyyy more flattering.
>>1060970I mean it looks ok if it's your natural shape, but some people are intentionally making their brows comically straight and it looks goofy almost always.
No. 1061008
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>>1060993I think straight brows would work on a white girl if she already has soft, neotenous features.. buuuut the average white woman has a stronger brow ridge than the average asian woman. on asian women they can get away with straight brows and it will look cuter, on white woman it's 50/50 imo. you either look cute or just cavemanish.
idk tho I can see how many people would disagree, this is just my dumb hot take
No. 1061010
>>1061008so weird to see kendalls original face
actually would've been interesting to see what her and kylie would've looked like without surgery as they aged but they got it so young
i make myself sad thinking about this considering the karjenners were the ones who popularized the drag look and the surgery face and once again very little of it is their natural features
No. 1061034
>>1060911It's a cute pet name. When a fellow
nonnie calls me
nonnie or a variation of it I feel happy. And when I call someone
nonnie I mean it in a friendly cute way.
No. 1061039
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>>1061008Reject modernity, embrace 19th century Iran
No. 1061044
>>1061038maybe just taste distorted by social media. when you see aspects of uncanny surgery without filter and photoshop it looks pretty wretched.
the morphs I made in faceapp look more real than some of these women, I basically did the reverse of a yassify. why is it such a bleak thought that technology has done this to us and allowed us to shill false versions of ourselves to an extent where the fake humans start to look more real than the real influencers? soon you won't be able to tell the difference between a deepfaked image and a shooped human with botched surgery
No. 1061047
File: 1644556890495.jpg (336.56 KB, 564x569,…)

I hate how nachos get cold so fast. Won't stop me from eating them though.
Also, I hate that when I was searching for this photo, I saw a picture of a moid showing off a bunch of food in his mouth. I was disgusting, I'm literally eating right now.
No. 1061109
>>1060983>And why do trannies and tranny lovers always immediately use "nazi" or the sort as their go-to?this was a few years ago but I had a man call me a cunt on facebook because I shared an article criticizing "caitlin" jenner being woman of the year.
woke men are the absolute worst lmao
No. 1061200
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>>1060963This is a massive generalization. What looks good on men and women is completely individual and depends on their features
>>1060980In the pictures you posted, the brows weren't the only thing that were changed, in the first picture the jaw is also bigger and the nose is longer, which also makes the face appear more masculine than the others
No. 1061205
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>>1060980depends on the face
No. 1061209
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>>1060980They look good on white women if their brows are naturally flat
No. 1061216
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>>1060907Based. Leopard, zebra, cow, snake, peackock, giraffe, tiger… even fucking ladybug. They all look bad almost always, specially when they are a different colour like neon pink or shit like that. Fur and fake fur as well. I do like it when Glenn Close wears it, but only on her.
No. 1061435
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I just saw an ad for these and I hate that they exist. Not even pregnant women are allowed to just fucking exist in their natural state anymore.
No. 1061489
>>1061435Normal pregnant women don't have time or energy for this shit.
The keeping up with the Joneses type who buy this just want to one up Michelle in the HOA for gaining 15 pounds on her third pregnancy with Kayden.
No. 1061544
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>>1061435Alot of famous women have those pregnancies where the bump is the only real change you can see on them. People I've known irl have swelled basically everywhere. These often being petite women too. Its temporary and nothing to be ashamed of but the swelling part of pregnancy is weirdly unseen when it comes to both insta moms and celebs.
No. 1061820
>>1059807Yes!! So many of my friends are picky eaters, so much so that I constantly get confused as to what food is ok/isn't ok with certain people. Whenever I'm with friends or make friends with someone who says "I'm okay with anything" I feel like god is shining a light on me. When all my picky eater friends and I get together, I let them duke it out amongst themselves. Shit is so annoying, I just want to eat!! None of you bitches even have a food allergy or specific diet!! I also have one friend who doesn't eat fast food all the time, but she doesn't like vegetables at all. Only eats meat. How the fuck do you live? Vegetables are so tasty and amazing, I'll even eat some lightly salted blanched broccoli because that shit is so good.
Weird story but as a kid everyone around me liked celery but I didn't so I kept eating it as much as possible until I forced myself to like it because I thought something was wrong with me for not liking it kek. The idea of not liking certain foods was so foreign to me. I have foods I don't like now (i.e. capers and olives) and I'm fine with not liking them, but I try to give them a chance ever so often because I find that I usually like foods after a while without forcing them on myself constantly (I grew to like grapefruit, pork liver, bittermelon). It's funny that my dad used to give me shit about not liking liver (his favorite) and constantly told me not to be picky and to try it, yet he's the pickiest eater in our household. I don't like
one thing and it's unacceptable, but the man will never willingly cook a vegetable. I like liver now but this dumb bitch still won't eat any vegetables or any dish I make if there's no meat in it.
No. 1061874
>>1059807I had an ex who hated picky eaters and made fun of them regularly. I'm not too picky but if we were out for dinner somewhere and he overheard someone at the next table asking for a dish with one or two things left off of it he'd roll his eyes and say it's embarrassing to be like that. The same guy had a son who was 12 and very fussy. He would eat meat (only chicken or beef) bread (only white) cheese (only mild cheddar), potatoes (only if fried) and not much else except for sugar. He'd ask for everything plain or entirely free of any veg or fruit that might be part of the dish. He was overweight and had a serious sweet tooth and set of bad eating habits. I don't know how the dad was able to disconnect and not realise his own kid will not magically snap out of this unaided by the age of 18. He was so critical of any adult who showed pickiness but somehow saw the son as if he was a much younger child who'd grow out of it himself in time. Head totally in the sand.
It was like he thought it's okay for kids to be like that but not adults. A very black and white line. But how do you think adults get to be that way? How many fussy teens can turn that around without anyone addressing it at home?
I feel like I get lectured any time I mention that I dated a man with a child so I'll say in advance…lesson learnt already lol. One of the frustrating things was witnessing him have blind spots like that and being in no position to do anything but bite my tongue or be told it's his business. In a weird way I feel like many of the issues he ignored or downright neglected in the son he 'projected' onto strangers that he'd critique or put down. It tended to match up all too perfectly.
No. 1061962
>>1061614Yeah I think all the "gross" natural stuff about women's bodies is obscured in general.
>>1061820>Vegetables are so tasty and amazing, I'll even eat some lightly salted blanched broccoli because that shit is so good. Nona I fucking love broccoli. I eat it steamed. I also love cauliflower in tomato soup.
No. 1062006
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>>1061953based tranny destroyer
No. 1062116
>>1062110I'm not really getting your point? Just like everything else in life, some people get it and some people don't. I just didn't understand bringing up men, not everything is about them and they can't get pregnant anyway.
>Seems like an aberration and horror stories are hyped up to make women scared for some reasonNobody is saying it's super common, and lactating armpits are probably the least scary possible symptom of pregnancy.
No. 1062131
>>1062125Oh no, I have no problem with pregnant women's bodies
I actually think a lot of them are beautiful but that's besides the point. I genuinely didn't mean to make it seem like pregnancy or breasts are some kind of freak-ish thing or whatever, it's just that sometimes you hear about the things that some mothers get and it's like "woah".
No. 1062164
File: 1644633389421.jpg (23.98 KB, 331x319, ANGERRRRR.jpg)

>Are you the same anon who-
>Are you the anon that-
No. 1062171
File: 1644633562387.jpg (199.71 KB, 1280x1598, tikatheiggy-9.jpg)

>>1062164Are you the
nonny who SPERGES??
No. 1062379
File: 1644649570492.png (714.04 KB, 970x360, lukek.png)

I hate Disney's art style. I want to punch their stupid faces.
No. 1062531
>>1059807One of my friends is like this, she legitimately refuses to eat pretty much anything but her comfort foods and eating at a new restaurant with her is a struggle because she has such a shallow pool of things she's willing to eat. It's not even that she doesn't
like things, she just refuses to try them like a child because "I know I won't like them anyway". Good god just have a taste. I understand having a few things that you absolutely can't stand the taste or texture of but not like this.
No. 1062943
File: 1644688511133.jpg (215.98 KB, 2000x1075, image.jpg)

>>1062410NTA but YES, you get it. I'm the anon who mentioned the same thing in the Art Salt thread.
>>1062490>that red panda movieBruh what the fuck is this? Yuck. It's like making CGI characters look insane and scream all the time is their idea of comedy.
No. 1062945
>>1062379I hate all the weird ship art of these characters.
I know it’s inevitable but that art style combined with the weird ship makes it worse
No. 1062948
>>1062943How can you make such a cute animal so fucking ugly in a cartoon? I just don't get it.
>It's like making CGI characters look insane and scream all the time is their idea of comedy.Yeah the trend for several years in Western media (especially American stuff) has been to add random pop culture references and sarcastic one-liners that aren't funny, now we're back to lolsorandumXD humor.
No. 1062964
>>1060983Just block, anon. The minute a man says something that kills your interest, just block him.
If you can't bring yourself to do that, reject then block. In no circumstance should you let a man respond to you after you block him. That's how you avoid this.
No. 1062968
>>1062949True, nursing homes are disgusting. I come from a culture of generational households and it would be much more appealing to have kids if I knew they would be a part of my life and respect me. I know a woman (here in the states) who birthed 5 kids and none of them visit her more then every 1-2 years, she sees her grandkids maybe once a year, and if they ever do stop by everyone just watches TV for a bit and she cooks all day for them. Meanwhile my grandma lived in a literal village, had good friends walking distance from her all her life as well as family support always there.
Not just growing old, but even being a kid and every stage of life seems like nightmare mode now.
No. 1062989
>>1062965Picky eaters are fine but heavily autismo levels of picky eating are cringey and I often find these people related to other childish and cringey traits. It's just hard to plan things with these people so they shouldn't be surprised if they find themselves isolated.
>>1062941White and Asians both seem to be scared of aging, you forget Asian culture often has a creepy obsession with looking child-like forever, or the plastic surgery obsession in south america, this includes loads of Botox. If white women were terrified of aging they'd stop burning the fuck out their skin, using drying ass acne products, eating Starbucks and McDonald's, and drinking ungodly amounts of wine and mimosas. Not hating or anything but someone who is scared of aging wouldn't do these things kek
No. 1063003
>>1062968Traditionally, households were made up of grandparents, parents/grandparents kids, and the kids. Grandparents helped out with raising the kids as well as the parents assisting the grandparents with aging concerns
This doesn't happen anymore in America because of these possible reasons
>Obsession with being independent and living by yourself. There's weird pressure to move out at 18 and a lot of American parents will kick their kids out at 18 as well, thus separating the family completely. If you're in your 20s and live with your parents you're considered a loser, mooch, etc regardless of your situation. I lived with my parents until 22 and my friends use to throw shade at me despite the fact I helped pay rent and helped around the house, it's just easier to have a helpful system I also don't see the issue with living with parents unless your parents are
abusive or you just want the "freedom" to get high every night and hook up with randos
>Lots of American parents ARE abusive and neglectfulAbuse is normalized in a lot of cultures however, Americans and westerners have more access to resources to help them spot the signs of abuse, gas lighting, neglect, manipulation, etc and therefore abandon their situation. American parents often taught entitlement over their kids and things like pedophilia is often blown off, where as before then, if someone suspected their family was
abusive there were little to no resources to guide you and you were just ignored or told "they're your family, they can do that, they love you"
No. 1063029
>>1062965I think you're right, eating is a nice and positive activity it shouldn't feel forced, its very controlling
>>1062996No offense but you need to stop being so sensitive, mind your business and learn to handle other people's practices without getting offended
>Or when someone is cooking for the whole party and one person is impossible to make food for because their baby mouth only accepts chicken nuggets and friesLiterally just ignore them, not everyone is going to like your food stop being so entitled ffs
No. 1063037
>>1063029samefag, but what about people who suffer from IBS/ allergies? if they're on a ~social setting~, are they supposed to eat something knowing damn well is going to make them feel sick/kill them just because a girl is going to get all pissy about others decisions or what?
>>1063036No arguments? kek
No. 1063061
>>1063044Nta. So people can't have preferences unless they literally die/become sick from eating particular food? You are so fucking barbaric holy shit. That anon
>>1062965 was right when she called you mannish.
No. 1063090
>>1063085>Statistics>Over an anons opinion about picky eatersNTA but you argue like a scrote who just lost. Where the fuck would you even find "picky eater statistics"??? You're just asking for something that is obviously unrealistic to expect and then are going to use that to claim the anon is wrong. Even if she did you'd probably just nitpick it anyway saying something like "ooo it's not peer reviewed and done by doctors, must be wrong"
Where's YOUR statistics since they're apparently so easy to find?
No. 1063098
>>1063043>It's an entirely different issue from a pissy whiny autistic toddler who only wants plain white bread with nothing on top because butter is too spicy for themwhy you give so much of a fuck about others food? there are people dying, relax and eat
your food, ~picky eaters~ are not going to kill you
>>1063080Also this, there's a particular rage on her posts and she mentions this "fat bitch who only eats nuggies and bread", it seems someone wronged her or something
>>1063090Nta but you stated something that might not be true, you need to backup your info you can just pull off shit from your ass and expect others to believe you
No. 1063102
>>1063080No, the point is that they always "pick" bland or processed foods like chicken nuggets/white bread/butter noodles to obsess over and rarely anything healthy whether it be meat, fruit or vegetables
>>1063080>muh source? SOURCE??I don't need a source, we're all anecdotally talking about observations.
No. 1063113
>>1063098Shut up you autist. That anon you called "you" isn't me, and you seem
triggered that I would even mention those foods anyway. Taking shit personally is a sign of immaturity and you've done it. Anyway, picky eating is unhealthy, autistic and weird.
No. 1063121
>>1063043>>1063044>>1063110I suffer from IBS/allergies, you know who gave a fuck about my health?
no one cause normies just think i'm a so-called ~picky eater~ and bash me, and honestly is pretty embarrassing having to state my gastro irregularities all the time just because autismos like you can't get a hint, if i'm not eating is for a reason and i don't have to disclose it, mind. your. bussiness
No. 1063137
>>1063102Learn to read, I said that p i c k y eaters are all different and your observations are incorrect (unless you have a source for them,which you fucking dont) and seem to be based on an obvious vendetta. Also
>>1063113 (since it's obviously (you))
>taking things personally is a sign of immaturity>proceeds to insult that anon by calling her an "autistic", "immature" and basically saying that her eating habits are inferior>logek No. 1063166
>>1063129Because you are so
triggered by those words i've to highlight them, also ~doing this~ its been a thing here since forever to signal snowflake behavior or
trigger words: ~*like this*~
>>1063134Ok, i will write it correctly: mind you business
>>1063136And i made it clear than most people don't give a damn about ibs/allergies anyway, people think is just a joke like the psycho here
>>1063142 No. 1063182
File: 1644696847156.gif (1 MB, 640x360, 1644515916138.gif)

>>1063179Lol you got shit pants
No. 1063241
>>1063228when he posted
>>1063182 i started to wonder when he would post gore
No. 1063270
File: 1644698196457.png (426.57 KB, 578x726, you.png)

>>1063202Of course not. The other type of person who could write that sort of post is picrelated
No. 1063273
>>1063270Nah dumbass, I'm a woman unlike your retarded moid ass who's obsessed with posting that reaction pic before you go full sperg about fat women and posting gore pics.
>>1063241That wasn't "him" it was me fucking with him because he was derailing the thread by infighting with anons over food
No. 1063365
File: 1644699761419.jpg (29.53 KB, 400x400, _EeBwrfH_400x400.jpg)

>>1062965I used to be accused of being a picky eater, but apparently my disgust was warranted, because I eventually found out I'm actually lactose intolerant.
No. 1063603
File: 1644713294090.png (434.1 KB, 625x3779, steam scrotes defending some p…)

I hate lolifaggots and I hate Steam communities.
By the way, the game that was being discussed here is obviously made to pander to pedophile weebs and from what I could gather reading some reviews, the devs released some promo illustrations where the child protagonist is blatantly sexualized. I hope the OP of this thread didn't give this game to his girlfriend and if he did, I hope she broke up with his weeb ass.
No. 1063649
>>1062965Came here to tackle the picky eater fight by chiming in I used to be a pickier eater but have gotten better. I had a friend who would always neg me when we went out to eat when I was pickier. Annoying and arrogant as fuck.
I really can't stand the ones who get a big head about it. It's one thing if you're cooking me dinner and having me try it, but why would I want to spend money on a meal out that I am not sure I'd enjoy? Fuck off.
That said the people who get chicken fingers and fries wherever they go should mix it up once in awhile.
No. 1063681
File: 1644718023503.jpg (45.7 KB, 451x330, unnamed (4).jpg)

Bitches that are disconnected from reality to the point that they can be older than 8 and still have a crush on a fictional character
Every time I see a woman fangirling over a cartoon or videogame character I feel so much shame for them.
>Inb4 "they're better than real men!!!" cope
No. 1063684
>>1063649My friend has a boyfriend who's a picky eater and he ALWAYS is a burden on plans. We can't go out for sushi, steaks, wine, whatever if she's bringing him because he refuses to eat anything but pizza or chicken nuggets kek. She lies to him a lot to get him to fuck off.
I've only known a handful of picky eaters, male ones are usually bratty as fuck and expect everyone to cater to them which I assume most anons here are referencing. The female picky eaters are usually pretty accommodating to people around them and will just go along with plans and just bring their own food as they should, they also try to expand their pallette better rather than the male ones who throw a damn tantrum at the idea of even trying to eat something other than their safe foods
No. 1063755
File: 1644725848681.jpg (12.73 KB, 559x560, 4yq5f6wo93751.jpg)

>see cool drawing on explore feed and decide to check artists profile
>all other drawings are coomer-proportion hentai girls and/or tranny shit
every fucking time
No. 1063839
File: 1644733402498.jpg (31.73 KB, 564x466, aLOaZUY[1].jpg)

I hate drawing backgrounds. I've been struggling for many days with a drawing because the background never looks good enough.
No. 1064196
>>1064091Is any sort of communication other than being happy go lucky considered tinfoiling here now?
>>1064089I feel like not enough people understand this. The same applies for the "stop talking about Billie!!" fags from a few months back. Why would you even lurk a celebrity thread on a board known for being catty if you get horribly offended when people are catty towards celebrities? I also find it hilarious when anons sperg about how they want to control the discussion to whatever they want to talk about but put no effort into discussing what they want other than just having a shitstorm about "STOP talking about this and start talking about this you pieces of shit!". It doesn't apply for just the celebrity thread though, it seems to happen around here a lot
No. 1064222
>>1064196nah, "no i disagree, this celeb is just as crazy as this celeb and pretending one is morally better is stupid" is different than "ree stop criticizing this person they're an angel", but since that certain celebrity
triggers stronger reactions on this site they'll take anything but blind foaming at the mouth as stanning. There was a cupcakke infight in the other thread but since nobody cares about her nearly as they do kanye, dua lipa, or billie ellish it didn't get derailed by hours long arguments.
No. 1064371
>>1064363i see that you are now infecting other threads too with your sperging kek
>>1064318they also kept using being a lc farmer as a insult for some reason. Its giving Newfag.
No. 1064385
File: 1644765953794.png (296.95 KB, 655x653, a5f.png)

There's pedo scrotes, /pol/tards, and fags spamming gore/cp every day but Kanye West whiteknighting is what gets you bootyblasted. Lmao, holy shit
No. 1064386
>>1064382I thought you said you didn’t like him?
>>1064363>online egoKek yes that’s why you’ve been sperging across multiple threads arguing with everyone for 5 hours now? Yours is definitely severely wounded.
No. 1064460
File: 1644769096135.jpg (81.12 KB, 559x840, helper_cover_by_snapesnogs_dou…)

I hate how the art salt thread has just devolved into bringing up nobodies and bitching about trivial shit that has been argued to death and back. Tumblr and deviant art cows at least had some personality and skill to go along with their madness, now it's just people arguing about woke shit ITS BORING AND IM TIRED
No. 1064464
>>1064435That illuminates more of her experience with real life men though, same with
>>1063685These arguments are very telling. These anons have had only poor experiences with dating real people and as a result have turned to obsessing over cartoons. You deserve better ladies!
No. 1065061
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No. 1065318
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>>1065302This is why I'm afraid to get tattoos over my self harm scars, I don't want people asking about the scar tissue but I also don't want them asking about the origin of the tats either.
No. 1066012
File: 1645594407212.jpg (108.73 KB, 720x863, SK4ackh.jpg)

I hate having Raynaud's. My fingers have been turning white all day. It sucks. The worse is when my toes start turning white. I already have tissue damage from frostbite years and years ago. I hate my genetics.
No. 1066448
>>1066012Ok based torodoki woman
Does it hurt?
No. 1066511
File: 1645639702401.png (29.25 KB, 512x512, 3361936.png)

I just got called a dyke for liking a fanfic where a hot young guy eats his wife out because his main pairing is with an angsty emo boy buttraping him.
But I've also been with more men than women so I'm too straight to be gay.
No. 1066856
>>1066769Kek this description makes skiing more appealing to me for some reason. Where I live we have lots of good skiing and the resort always gives ~9-12 year old kids free ski passes to try to get them hooked young. So naturally my family did a bunch of skiing while I was that age. I remember the last time I had a bad fall and thought “this isn’t worth it”, and then I left the slope and never skied again. I prefer activities where you don’t have to make constant split-second decisions correctly in order to not destroy your body.
I do remember going back to the lodge and having hot cocoa at the end to warm up, though, that was really nice.
No. 1067138
File: 1645668442963.jpg (1.06 MB, 2894x4093, 20220224_025712.jpg)

>Porn shit that was made for nothing but NSFW-content tries pretending to be a wholesome media so people would whiteknight it, claiming that it's "wholesum love story uwu".
>Examples: picrelated comics about Pokémon couple. You can tell by anatomy already, the artist is a pornsick furry. The story behind the current popular "twitter comics" is that he made an animation with anthro Skitry, called "Skitty is trying to find a hookup on twitter". Coomers loved it and now he is trying to turn it into something "uwu wholesum" when it isn't.
>The new absolutely retarded anime about a guy that sews outfits and his crush. Sounds like a good story, what could be wrong? No, this anime is nothing but wet fantasies of a writer that has a fetish on school girls, anime itself is so shameless and transparent about its degeneracy that every episode involves fanservice and then the "I am having wet dreams about her" scenes start, later leading the girl to want to fuck him. (The anime is called My Dress-Up Darling or something)
No. 1067232
File: 1645674218734.png (337.37 KB, 499x500, 1617233669259.png)

i hate the gender obsession in every single fandom these days i hate it i hate it i hate it
No. 1067284
>>1067232Yeah. Funny thing is years ago I remember some artists getting called out for being terfs (these were
Jojo fanartists). At the time I was a naive teen who didn't know better, but now I'm like okay they were based. One of them even drew my favorite character being transphobic, kek. A little excessive for me but pretty funny. Anyway now the infection is way worse. I hate when they spring it on you halfway through a fanfic. The tag system is there for a reason, fuck. And the art is so ugly.
No. 1068876
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>>1067704>>1067706i think this must be why i hate furries so much and why fursuits genuinely scare me. they always try to pass off their fetishes as something "cute" and "wholesome" when it's just depraved and disgusting. i remember some furry one time whining about how he was in his fursuit and children ran away screaming and didn't want to give him a hug
picrel is fucking nightmarish to me
No. 1069096
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>>1069057Tik tok is so sinister to me, it's just this endless flow of braindead content and people just eat it up. I'm so sick of the weird exaggerated movements
No. 1070614
File: 1645840543391.gif (4.5 MB, 498x275, enhypen-jake.gif)

I fokin hate this gay ass gif of this grown ass man being fake cutesy. Hes pouting and panting because hes begging for kpoopie cock. Everytime I see this I want to punch my screen. ugh.
No. 1070619
File: 1645841120166.gif (191.36 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

The first crack in my polish. The nails on my right hand will always crack and chip while my left hand will stay perfect for a week longer. I get it, I'm right handed and clumsy. Welp, time to re do em
No. 1070630
>>1070614For the love of god will you people stop spamming this fucking gif it legitimately makes me feel sick and disturbed every time I see it FUCK
Fucking kpop they all look like weird pod people
No. 1070639
>>1070637I've noticed this too. It's like spellcheck has gotten more retarded over time. Sometimes I spell things wrong and the spellcheck doesn't even say it's wrong, and it could be a word with only one wrong letter. I feel like I'm being an old person about this but I swear
nonnie I notice it too.
No. 1070700
File: 1645850674558.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.88 KB, 194x259, images (2).jpeg)

I fucking hate polo shirts. Especially red ones. They're ugly and don't breathe well and people who wear them by choice are psychopaths. They were part of my school uniform for all my years and no that doesn't give me a biased hatred of them.
Spoilers because they piss me off
No. 1070806
>>1070634Oh hell no
nonnie. He’s not hot, just looks plasic fantastic manufactured like all the rest of the kpoopie boys.
No. 1070845
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>>1070835This is how retarded she is. Call her a pedo and she will reveal herself. She is literally here all the time trying to shill herself as some sort of misunderstood genius, going on vendettas against other camwhores, making up shit with no proof and expecting us all to believe it. Lashing out aggressively when we don’t. She’s so fucking dumb she can’t suppress her anger enough to continue her larp. Also calling other people miserable. She has such a miserable life she thinks she’s justified in molesting children and threatening to kill animals.
No. 1071017
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>>1071009It's karma for you guys get for shitting up the American thread
No. 1071020
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>>1071017funny how you think it's not the default mode for ameritards kek
No. 1071052
>>1071031What's annoying is when Americans are under the delusion that their states matter to the rest of the world. Talking about it when asked by friends from abroad is one thing, but so many of them seem to just assume it's relevant. The truth is, no one but other burgers really knows or cares about the distinction between Minnesota and Missouri. What's funnier is when they only name their cities, not even states
Do they see people from other parts of the world only naming cities/states and sperging about them when they're in international spaces? Read the room ffs
No. 1071205
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>>1071153Such a beautiful man cannot be contained to one woman, if anyone is allowed to partake in polyamory it is this sexy beast
No. 1071597
>>1071548>why don't they understand?They do. They just think its a good thing a man wants to fuck them because they're pickmes
>>1071554You're not a 4/10 anon, men don't hit on ugly women unless they're close friends or something. Men are very shallow
No. 1071742
File: 1645905057535.png (11.88 KB, 701x109, food aesthetic.PNG)

Stop using aesthetic as an adjective shut up shut up aaaaaaaaa
No. 1071763
>>1071753Recessed facial structure can't be corrected without surgery, you can only fix your posture.
>>1071712You should work out. Even in the healthy weight you can look chubby if you dont work out and that's probably the case, it's better to be in the healthy weight range and fit if that's possible, you'll both look pretty and have a good body then.
No. 1071765
File: 1645905979730.jpg (191.77 KB, 926x1469, 20220226_210500.jpg)

im getting annoyed with constantly getting bombarded with videos on social media of men and especially gay men making fun of and impersonating women for the dumbest shit.
Like the recent video that i saw was of a faggot making fun of a woman for taking a small bite out of a pizza.
No. 1071767
>>1071753I have a naturally narrow face and don't laugh but I was actually thinking about chewing gum more frequently to develop my jaw muscles more and make my face appear rounder. I'm intrigued, what is the Instagram account? Is it like Facial Aesthetics/QOVES Studio?
>>1071763Yeah I definitely plan on being more active, I just don't like the feeling of my body when I have extra weight on
No. 1072373
File: 1645944694900.jpeg (29.61 KB, 552x192, 55B47F68-91FA-4C3E-8808-B0C9D4…)

I hate men
Even if the image is fake I’m still betting it’s searched anyway. Fuckers
No. 1072566
File: 1645963199399.jpg (55.99 KB, 425x1013, 61R5Xx er8L._AC_SX425_.jpg)

>>1072490Use wax instead of shaving it, what the fuck are you doing to yourself? I get rid of my own very visible peach fuzz with pic related and I do it once every two weeks.
No. 1072795
File: 1645972357008.png (147.46 KB, 260x380, murata.png)

Nitpick but I hate that Sayaka Murata's Convenience Store Woman got translated as Convenience Store Woman. The Japanese title is Conbini Ningen–Convenience Store Human. Keiko herself was disappointed when Manager #8 and Mrs. Izumi started to treat her like a female of the human species instead of a neutral convenience store employee once they found out she took Shiraha in. Being a woman in a convenience store was the exact thing she didn't want to be once she put on her work uniform.
No. 1072829
File: 1645973378470.jpg (133.43 KB, 1600x1200, disgusting.jpg)

>>1072795While I'm on the topic of books: I also hate paperbacks. They're uncomfortable to hold and to read. Hardcover supremacy all the way.
No. 1074788
File: 1646047587546.jpeg (171.59 KB, 828x404, E3541CD2-1EA4-41D0-A8F1-6853D6…)

I hate how these two have tainted so many historical figures with their art, I can’t even watch a random video about Vlad Tepes without having to see their art and be reminded of all their weird fetishes. I hate these freaks so much.
No. 1074799
>>1074792I mean the Russia forum is still running, there doing the same thing as always
making eunuch fan art of historical rape
victims, hating any and all women who existed in history and some eunuch fan art of any skinny men in the films they watch
No. 1074805
File: 1646048182514.jpeg (381.18 KB, 828x904, 4DBBD0D8-1233-449D-B914-A047FF…)

>>1074800Some of the shit Deva posts, and it’s constant she also edits Tom Holland to look like a woman a lot. And she’s claiming to be agender.
>>1074799I need to catch up on the russian forum but it also feels like they’re just so repetitive now that they are boring. They are one of my favorite cows for being insane but they don’t really evolve.
No. 1074834
>>1074800>>1074797but they always move on to somebody else, before shipping Holland and Gyllenhaal, they used to ship the character models/voice actors of Hank and Connor from Detroit become human and before those two they shipped Chris Harmsworth and Tom Hiddleston
>>1074814I suspect it, consuming porn will always lead to escalation and you'll end up fucked up fetishes you didn't think possible
I really don't get upset when the argument is about fictional characters, but the fact they side line actual women in history or interpret them as being male eunuchs makes me furious really
No. 1075630
>>1075579Moids are a big problem.
I do hate when you can tell an anon has vented about the same guy on repeat and won't leave though. Like when it drags on for months and certain details make it stand out as being the same anon frozen in time. Especially if it's fucking long distance or not a live in situation.. just text him goodbye already.
No. 1075677
>>1075630>Moids are a big problemPeople here know that, and still choose to try their luck. I don't feel bad for people who play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
>I do hate when you can tell an anon has vented about the same guy on repeat and won't leave thoughIt's a waste of time caring about and trying to help women with no self-respect. They know their relationship sucks and only leave when they want to.
No. 1075859
>>1075748I posted once I was preparing myself mentally to leave and it was incredibly helpful. I kept
nonnie's advice and opinion in my head every time the crippling doubt came into my head (you know, 'what if I will always be alone' and other tricks mind plays on you). I'm grateful for getting that support instead of 'lmfao shouldn't have dated a male you dumb bitch'
No. 1077006
File: 1646115034906.jpg (Spoiler Image,737.25 KB, 1536x2048, first as tragedy and then as f…)

I hate déjà vus.
>>1073157They just fantasize about not being miserable loser nobodies because they have no purpose in life.
This is what they look like irl btw.
No. 1077165
File: 1646129495369.png (327.75 KB, 537x635, Screenshot.png)

So /m/ related sperg here
I despise when American wokies always depict Damien Wayne(quarter arab kid) with a dark brown skin-tone and try to cancel artists for drawing him with a more lighter skin tone
Do people forget Middle Eastern/North African descendants like Steve Jobs, Pokimane, Shakira, even the Israeli kid that played Bruce Wayne in Gotham are fair skinned? the al Ghuls are also supposed to be from Syria btw, most syrians are about as dark Italians or Greeks
Really, I just think americans were really unfairly presumptuous regarding Damian Wayne depictions because they think all Arabs have dark skin and all have one culture and appearance
No. 1078116
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Youtube already ruined itself but I noticed they're doing ads at the end of every single video (on mobile at least) like wtf is this cancer
No. 1078648
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I hate the stupid nymphet/croquette ~aesthetic ~ and wish it died along with tumblr
No. 1083249
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No. 1083362
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>>1083249still hasn't got tro's nickado video beat
No. 1083606
>>1083552I watched all of this fat fucks long ass videos
>>1083572he edits them and does different segments
No. 1083819
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I hate long squared off press on acrylic nails. They look terrible and you can barely function in these. And the people at my work always bitch when they break one and it's going to cost 75 bucks to redo them. The sharpened ones don't piss me off as much, but why even get nails if they are going to hinder your functionality?
No. 1083838
>>1083819I had acrylics regularly for modeling and holy fuck I hated them so much. They're expensive to maintain, unhygienic and your nails get absolutely wrecked and disgusting if you get them taken off so you constantly have to have them or deal with a gross period inbetween when you have them and when you don't. it's also impossible to pick up things like papers and cards and you need other people to pick them up which could risk your credit card getting stolen. I hated sitting in the salon for an hour and inhaling all the smelly chemicals too
it just makes me stop and wonder how the fuck do normie women working in jobs that require lots of physical labor such as nursing or the food industry - why the fuck do they have them? it seems like such a burden for little to no reward. not to mention you're dropping a good bit of your paycheck every other week just to maintain them, I'm also judging them harshly if they have obvious eyelash and hair extensions while working in a low paying job. Why would you get expensive beauty treatments that require regular maintaining if your income is subpar? it just screams insecurity and bad with money
No. 1093471
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I hate men who are blonde, men should only be allowed to have dark hair. There are some exceptions but even then they look better with darker hair. Gingers on the other hand are a whole breed of disgusting.
No. 1093837
>>1093621>>1093471>>1093491in terms of just whites I'll agree with you, but compared to other races of mem they are far still better looking
You have no idea awful looking men can be if you think a guy with light hair is bad
No. 1093845
>>1083838>>1083819I absolutely hate acrylics because I feel like I cant wash my hands properly. The same goes for eyelash extensions. It makes me feel like I cant wash my face properly.
It's also annoying how many rachet girls will call you broke or mannish because you don't have or want them but will argue to the death that they aren't unhygenic.
No. 1093849
>>1093841not necessarily white men, but caucasoid men, I think some Algerian and Turkish dudes are hot
but here we have either fugly looking Pakis or Africans who also look like pieces of shit and cause of my experiences have no interesting being with
No. 1096987
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I hate this YouTuber known as FutureRail Productions, he's only has over 600 subscribers, but he's a piece of shit person. His name is Chris in real life, but he's not a good person, even though on camera he looks that way. If you see this guy walk around you where ever he goes, fuck him over. He manipulates his wife, and he's a mama's boy. He manipulates everyone, even to his fans.(namefag)