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No. 1074002
>>1073983most humans empathy is fake is nothing but a gimmick to bring attention of themselves. Most people do not even experience real empathy. Just a moment of flickering sympathy as most humans have to nihilate any traces of real feelings in order to function in the real adult world. In the moment in which you feel, you become desolated from others and you turn in nothing but a mere target, as your being is nothing else but an object to other individuals. We see our fellow humans as simply objects, everyone cares only for themselves and only when an injustice happens to you, you can feel for others. The average human being is nothing but a monster, a mere shadow of what a human should truly represent.
A passionless, void of intensity, void of empathy or true feeling world. A dystopian world with a dystopian future. How long can we hide ourselves? For how much longer can we ran away from the truth? Do we have to reach that which is almost the annihilation of the human species for a couple of us to wake up? And even in such case, those that could take the lead are not allowed to do so.
No. 1074006
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>>1074002shut the hell up and eat a cinnamon roll
No. 1074014
>>1073997non you sound random and down to earth.
No. 1074031
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>>1074009ukraine go boom haha little piggies
(bait) No. 1074052
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>>1073983>>1074002The fuck am I supposed to do from a continent away while trying to keep myself alive? We know it's bad but we can't change anything. The average person can only share resources, donate so little if any, watch the horror, and remember when it's over. Let the people who know what they're doing help with everything past the basics. Not gonna give away my food and heat money, not gonna protest and hope Russia stops because of me, let celebs play that facade. You're just like male philosophers "thinking deeply" and spouting shit for a living while consuming everyone else's literal hard work. These are fucking embarrassing and reddit-tier posts.
No. 1074131
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I've got braces for an open bite this November, with bite blocks and tongue crib. I wear a mask in public because I feel so self-aware of it - I cannot clench my teeth completely, there's a gap because of bite blocks, I cannot smile normally because my lips do not cover my mouth unless I have a neutral expression. I wanted to try Tinder again but I will have a long face until my ortho takes of my bite blocks. I'm so embarrassed to face anyone rn. Hate it here.
No. 1074132
>>1074052and why you are telling I am thriving off others hard work? I have only thrived off my work so far. There are people that literally make a living off consuming korean noodles on camera, people that make a living off commenting on the suffering of others, people that make a living off stuffing pens up their asshole. In the modern world all of these are considered "work" and youre telling me that me wanting to write and spread a message to humanity and create a piece of art and literature is not work TOP KEK in a world, in an ideological system where ANYTHING that brings you money is considered a job and most things that bring people money are unethical and lack any sort of value and do not BRING ANYTHING OF VALUE TO THE WORLD. No real service, no value, no change. There are millions of people making money sitting on a chair on Youtube regurgitating ideas or simply consuming products until they become obese and you tell me that me being concerned about the ethics of humanity and the future of humanity and me wanting to make art and philosophy is not work. So, if I worked as a mukbanger, worked in a coporation or in mcdonalds or showed my tits on the web on the internet it would be me bringing a service to humanity. Most jobs bring nothing of value to humanity and by working them you are just feeding into a sick system and perpetuating abuse.
The system we live in is organized in such way to perpetuate abuse and it thrives off the suffering and abuse of others in weaker positions. There are few jobs which have meaning or bring real service to humanity, most jobs bring nothing but suffering to humanity so by working those jobs you are perpetuating the suffering of humanity.
The future is entirely dystopian and there is nobody to blame but ourselves as an entity, nobody to blame but our own species for the destruction of our species.
No. 1074133
>>1074002you are wrong, anon.
a person only has so many resources, emotional or otherwise, to put forward; it's impossible to care for and save everyone simultaneously.
we all want to have a good life, and if not unhealthy, want others to have a life of dignity and fulfilment.
No. 1074145

>>1074133yes, but in a highly immoral and unethical world where everyone is too lost in their own comfort everyone puts their hands in their pockets and lets abuse happen. Sometimes a life in which you sacrifice yourself for others can be more meaningful than a life in which you see for your own self and well being.
This reminds me, there is no political movement that actually fights against oligarchy, the state and a movement that actually stands up for the poor. In the past, liberal leftism used to be the movement which I am talking about but now it has been hijacked by the internet, capitalism and wokeism. We do not even hold, socially an ideology that could save the world. Just listen to this
rage against the machine song this is the true revolutionary spirit of the liberal left.
>>1074139No, I literally covered everything that you said in my response. Theres no
reddit philosophers darling. Most redditors jack off to anime pictures and play LOL and they shut down and downvote any sort of deeper discussion because its pretentious. They hate holistic knowledge or philosophy and are only obsessed with
le science.
No. 1074197
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>>1074186Good luck
No. 1074202
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>>1074185Cadre Romania anon will decide which food everyone enjoys and what style of furniture and clothes and every other item they want. We only need one type of everything, and by everything I mean nothing, because wanting things is evil.
Do you still make a fortune with your youtube channels while your parents pay your bills?
No. 1074219
>>1074174realistically, we do not truly need any of the shit we produce, probably 10% of the shit we produce and consume we truly need it. The governments need to help people, your life is at the mercy of financial luck. If the governments give people minimum wage, free education, health care and mental counseling we can change humanity. Money is not even real, just a concept we have created at some point. The governments can regulate markets and print out money without it turning into another oppressive dictatorship like communism, but those ruling the world right now, which are some billionaire scrotes on a power trip are refusing to let this happen, to give financial opportunity, educate the masses and free us from our chains. Because those scrotes did not get there through value or the quality of leadership, they got there simply because they happened to be born into rich families and learnt the ways of the devil. Most billionaires use others as means to an end to make money.
>>1074202what job do you have? where do you live? Did you grow up in a normal family and your parents have helped you financially to pursue college and such? I have not had parents support me financially since I was 17. I think you must be talking down on me like everyone else that talks down on me but in reality they have had much better opportunity than I did but still managed to do a mediocre job with the resources they were handled
>>1074202thats not my post you dumb fuck. I will like to make content or create and talk about things I am truly passionate about like, literally analysis, art and philosophy and my own philosophical/political school of thought, but I am not allowed to because of my social/economical situation and because of me being a woman. My ambitions have transcended my environment and my intellect has transcended my verbal capacities. Most people that get somewhere in life, do so aided by their parents or are given that life by their parents. Most professors, artists and such were born in families that financially and socially aided them to become that.
No. 1074239
>>1074219>thats not my post you dumb fuckI guess that post was made by the other Romanian who loves to sperg about western feminists and was groomed into being a camwhore by an Ukrainian she met in a madhouse. There's probably dozens of posters like that on this site, my bad!
Your posts in this thread are bizarre and incoherent, even by your standards, are you out of your mind on drugs? How many benzos did you take today?
No. 1074255
>>1074192>The board is not just for art anons or for super amazing pieces of art.Exactly. I'm not defending or praising people's 1+ hour drawings. Let's have a retard sasuke board if we want to. But coming in to draw with the theme after being busy for an hour and having glowie spergs and schizo doodles taking up a quarter of the board is shitty.
Only 10 people maximum will skim through my vent anyway, eventually someone would make my post if I hadn't. Let me suck the fun out of it if I want to.
No. 1074257
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I admit I love pissing off the anons here sometimes. They think talking to other women is gonna be like sugar and gumdrops, like no I’m going to be aggressive and angry and I love a good fight. I thought we hated gender expectations here? Talking to an anon is like bumping into a GTA NPC, giving the same typical angry rebuttals and responses.
>hey that was out of line!
>you must be a scrote
Kek it’s so much fun, sorry
No. 1074272
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>>1074266It's an old post, so maybe she just changed her mind after she got banned or something. Her twitch says it was suspended, not deleted for example, so maybe she sperged out and lost it all.
She seethes particularly about things she ruined herself or that made her feel low, like that Ukrainian being prettier and more successful as a camwhore than her, so her saying ASMR is garbage after having her ASMR channel die fits the bill imho.
No. 1074273
>>1074002t. a sociopath
while I agree most men are sociopaths, women also exist anon
No. 1074328
>>1074320>>1074307>>1074305I also left the server a long time ago, she isn’t entirely wrong when she says the people in it are bitches because a lot of them could be, some were nice too of course it was 50/50 but for the most part she deserved it. When I have time i’ll comb through what
>>1074311 linked and see what I can find and dates and such because I swear there was some big discord drama right before she left that leaked onto here but my memory is shit. The last I remember is that she got into some sort of disagreement with another girl? And made some vague post about here here or claimed someone was “impersonating” her or some shit and they fought in the server and I think that’s why she left.
No. 1074372
>>1074349This almost exact response gets posted every time the issue is mentioned
>just ignore itThe better solution would be to report and ignore the poster that is suspected of being a scrote. Farmhands can see post history and will be aware of who is a genuine farmer or moid. Report and ignore is such a simple concept the fact that certain posters refuse to do it just convinces me more that it's men acting maliciously.
No. 1074382
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I give up, I surrender, there's no getting better and I'll always end up alone. Nothing's worth the work because nothing is good enough and never will be. All is for nothing. All is for nothing
No. 1074492
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Reee got randomly reminded of a really shitty ex friend who treated me like dirt and no one in the friend group ever acknowledged it properly. Fuck you, you shallow bitch fuck you for putting me down and then gaslighting me to make me think I was the crazy one reading too much into your insults, then playing victim. And fuck the rest of our friends for never growing a spine, fuck this one girl in particular who's still asking about me after years, like she cares, if she really did she could contact me herself, she has my number and I've never blamed her for anything until now. Why bother asking about me and pretending like you care through our mutuals when you're totally fine excluding me in games and groupchats on purpose on discord just to appease the first bitch? Did you figure maybe that might rub me the wrong way and make me not want to speak to you? Spineless.
No. 1074501
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I don’t care if I ruin others people’s lives anymore.
>stop making other people miserable
What about me? What the fuck about ME? It’s never about ME it’s always about the idiots I will never ever interact with or ever impact but everyone is allowed to fucking ruin me and my entire will to live but no it’s me that has to have morals, it’s me that as to think about the “people I’m going to hurt” but what about the fucking person that is already hurt which is me? I’m so fucking angry right I fucking hate everyone
No. 1074509
>>1074501>you just want to make everyone miserable >I hate doomers like you >you just want to pull everyone down Because everyone is responsible. Everyone in some way is responsible for me being miserable. It isn’t just me or myself it’s living in this awful world, having to type this stupid shit up on a shitty fucking website instead of being free of the loneliness I feel every day. I constantly have to remediate my words, my anger, my bitterness, my frustration, and keep it all down with care and fragility and people have to watch me slowly decompose before their eyes and don’t even know it. Even on this website I can’t express my rage or humor without other retards piling in complaining “hey what about myyyy daddy that died that’s no funny :(( kill yourself” maybe your daddy shouldn’t have been a fucking idiot and died from alcohol poisoning, maybe your dumb fucking daddy should have thought to be smarter, maybe daddy should have put the bottle down and attended to his kid who has clearly fucking failed at life if they are posting on this god awful website. Everyone’s families here are alcoholics, pedophiles, narcissists, and I am not surprised that the nest you come from never leaves you and that is why everyone is so unbearable. What sisterhood shit is this? Nothing about this is better than 4chan, it’s just slightly more bearable
No. 1074853
>>1074501don't make yourself recognizable on here anon. You will be told insane shit. In female society, women are only allowed to vent anger by making fun of other women or gossiping, you cannot go the scrote route and see how in such an immoral world where we constantly use and hurt each other even murder can be justified and you cannot philosophize your suffering or have an inclination towards literature. This from a purely objective perspective. But don't do this, like don't actually go out there and hurt people, but expressing yourself and your anger through literature and art might be the only thing helping you. Unfortunately, on most internet spaces art is completely censored and self expression is censored too or what is acceptable to say is remediated by the group you are in. You won't find your solace here though, most women on this website are actual sociopaths or very low IQ and I wouldn't say it's better than 4chan, women can be as vile as men and this website is built around female sociopathy which is wishing the death of mentally ill women, it's other mentally ill women wishing death and suffering on other mentally ill women that at some point have gotten something they wish they had, like being a moderu in Nippon. It's solely projection, I've observed this pattern of calling abused women with bad life coping mechanisms "narcissists" it's on here a lot. This place is built upon the strongest feeling women have in their society which is hatred and jealousy towards other women and complete objectification. I came across lolcow when I was underaged and I was looking at Ashley Issac's thread, that's how I came across lolcow, back then I got hooked onto it and I thought everything the anons were saying was true, but later I realized threads are constructed in such ways that they demonize the person the thread is made about and the posters are incredibly mentally ill and porjecting on the cow. It's always 4-5 vendetta fags with extreme sociopathy and mental illness which are cowish in themselves. C'mon you have to recognize that you are a cow to some extent if you've been posting in some mentally ill and abused girl's thread that does not even cause immoral deeds for years turning everything she does into something evil. Only BPD fags or sociopathy fags obsess over people suffering and observe each of their actions like that or wish for their downfall. You have to have some form of extreme mental illness if you've been posting for years in a mentally ill girl's thread. Being around men nowadays as bad, you could have the same ideas as them and they would love your ideas in anonymity, yet if they would find out you're a woman they will completely objectify you and forget about your words and work and hate your guts.
>>1074543That's so stupid. A very stupid thing to say.
No. 1074877
>>1074858yes, but what if? nobody is truly excused from the sin of being human. Humans are terrible, most humans are criminals but they hide it. There's no difference from committing a crime and killing someone and living your life as a human and committing millions of crimes throughout your life that you are not even aware of. Most humans are vile and they contribute to the suffering of the world. Most humans are willing to step on their brothers and sister to get to the top, most humans are bullies, rotten inside with a fake mask of positivity. Most humans buy and consume so much shit that is made at the expense of poor children in China or underdeveloped countries. When someone is unwell or dying nobody will aid that person as humans are inherently self centered and society makes us even more self interested, it conditions us to being void of feelings or empathy towards others. It's always performative empathy, not genuine. If you kill people from an objective and completely non subjective and detached stance you bring no more suffering to the world than there already is as the world is already full of suffering and abuse created by humans. There are millions of people dying in wars, millions of people dying of hunger and the average western person lives on the labor and abuse of those weaker than him. Most humans use other humans. In such society murder is only to be justified. We laugh at murders, at atrocities, we laugh at the mentally ill and see them as jokers, we live those that were born unlucky rot in the streets. We are vile as a species.
>>1074861everyday I'm being convinced this place's collective IQ must be somewhere around 80
No. 1074899
>>1074877Then don't come back, easy.
>>1074878Am I? Romania-chan sounds more unhinged, I'm convinced it's just someone who shares her worldview but is less extreme about it. I haven't been keeping up with whether she LARPs as someone else and replies to herself, though.
No. 1074902
>>1074877stop projecting your own awful character traits and get
a job
No. 1074905
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>>1074509>uwu za warudo sucks Again, if you hate living so much, seriously, just drop dead already, you know that nobody will miss you and nobody cares about your existence since you’re just a grain of salt in the ocean. So like, just do the world a favor and either seek help or die.
No. 1075316
>>1074853you need to stop sperging but i will agree with you on only one point and thats >>posting in some mentally ill and abused girl's thread that does not even cause immoral deeds for years turning everything she does into something evil.
I agree with this especially when it comes to the anachan and lucinda threads.
No. 1075370
>>1075355even the things you listed aren't that severe, there are way worse cows than her.
She just seems like a mentally ill struggling ana-chan and alot of the anons in the thread are just like her,a bunch of projecting ana-chans taking out their anger out on her kek.
No. 1075384
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Why do men be great til they gotta be great?
I've been talking with this guy I met online for over a year, we're both close friends who talk quite a lot. But there is a huge timezone difference, and I'm ahead by 10 hours. An issue I keep running into is him sometimes choosing to sleep in for another 2-3 hours every now and then, instead of talk to me. And he audaciously apologizes and assures me that he's trying, but I'm not sure if I buy what he's selling, for this to be a consistent issue. This was one of the worst weeks ever because it happened twice, it happened last Sunday, and the Sunday just yesterday. Anyways, I forgave him and sneaked onto discord at around 1 AM his time while hiding my online status, and this audacious moid was online doing god knows what until he got off at around 1:30 AM or so. Anyways, I caught him around his usual wake-up time that we agreed to, 5:30 AM, and he greeted me like nothing was wrong. I asked him for what reason are you staying so late if sleep is an issue for you and it leads to you neglecting me. He apologized and said that he usually doesn't sleep well, even for the days that we both talk for hours and hours on end. I told him to vocaroo an apology to me for staying up so late. And this utterly testosterone-poisoned, arrogant asshole actually did it. Anyways, he was in bed so he sounded kinda sleepy still and he had a joking tone to his voice, which made me think that even though he apologized, he didn't mean it. I went out for a bit, and am writing this now.
Hey, faggot, the reason why you're so sleepy and not around for me is because you stay up doing moid shit like probably looking at porn or playing a videogame or something.
No. 1075398
>>1075352Kek. I love you anon.
>>1075355Lucinda is cute but I think she feeds off of the attention of these threads and they only worsen her situation. I also thought some posts were selfposts, especially when someone mentioned how kiwi moids did better at appreacting her rather than the women on lolcow who were supposedly jealous, even though most of the thread is recovered girls wishing her well.
No. 1075444
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I want to like this game so bad but dumb harem anime shit keeps happening and ruins it for me. I wish the characters started as adults and became older adults after the timeskip. I like the social sim aspect but it feels gross and slimy to play an adult teacher seducing their teenage students.
No. 1075475
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No. 1075540
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I just wanna kill all moids
No. 1075550
>>1075437I feel like a lot of women go through this. I never thought I would be giddy about an internet moid, but I was a couple years ago. I think it is easier for moids to hide their true nature through text and they have to put no effort in. It is weird how it feels hard like leaving an
abusive relationship because you depend on that validation, even though it is all online. These discord moids prey on the vulnerable and those that are lonely, as all males do. I hope everynona realizes soon and blocks. But they have to realize it for themselves.
No. 1075552
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>>1075549all the more reason to purge them
No. 1075563
>>1075549You realize all posters are different people… Right?
>>1075560I think they meant boyfriend.
No. 1075582
>>1075572I notice that homeless men seem more brave with pestering women for money atleast thats what i feel.
I do feel sorry for the homeless people who are homeless due to their job closing down or not enough $ wage to have a place to stay. Those people are living hard and its sad that they get grouped in with druggie and alcoholic homeless people.
No. 1075659
>>1075518The only male homeless people that never pestered me were young gay guys who got kicked out by their homophobic parents and a pretty cool but mentally ill guy who stayed near my old place so he'd make small talk with everyone in the neighborhood
until he got brutally murdered years ago and the police never investigated. I actively ignore the rest. I'm also sick of gypsies in public transport stealing wallets and phones, smelling awful and making their kids beg for money everywhere they go. I feel bad for their kids mostly.
No. 1075696
>>1075518I've lived in areas where people who aren't even homeless (they had free social housing and disability allowance) but were alcoholics would constantly walk around making up stories about needing 2 euro for bus fare for an emergency..BS.
At the time I was temporarily disabled myself and no better off than them. It annoyed me that I was living a frugal life and being approached with the same made up story every day by someone who matches my own income. Like you do know I recognise you? I know where you live and I hear your sob story every day Lol. Its rarely even genuinely homeless people that beg where I am. We have a decent system looking after people and they still want strangers to buy them their alcohol.
No. 1075816
>>1075701Guy picks up phone; said supervisor is busy… again. It's been 40 minutes. I finally raise my voice, "Look, we have politely asked 3 TIMES to speak to the supervisor. I'm not answering any questions until you do as we have asked." Back on hold
By the way, I have a SIGNED letter saying this is a special request.
No. 1075853
>>1075823Makes me mad as well. I used to watch the Pixielock’s thread, but I had to stop because her larping having trauma made me infuriated. These people are spoiled and have no idea how difficult living day-to-day is with mental illness. It’s not “cool” or “quirky”, it’s debilitating and takes a lot of work to function in this society with it. If they really had mental illness and lived with the effects of trauma, these fakes would never publicly talk about it or would kill themselves.
And for the zoomers that buy all this merchandise, like pins that read “anxiety” or “be gentle I’m autistic”, you look like attention-seeking retards and walking red flags. Yeah awareness is good, but there’s a point where it becomes some sick competition to them and they weaponize it as a way to excuse their shitty actions. I’ll see zoomers wear lanyards, pins, stickers, beanies, t-shirts, hell even get tattoos. They have no identity.
No. 1075864
>>1073983What the fuck else do you want us to do
What are YOU doing retard
No. 1075886
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I like kind people who want to help others and not fight
No. 1075929
>>1075922Plan B! (or other brands) works… I wannna say max 5 days out?
If you can't afford it and are in the US, Planned Parenthood can hook you up.
I understand being anti BC if you are, but I wouldn't risk a baby
No. 1075941
>>1075890nothing. It's the vent thread and I can write whatever I want to take it off my chest. I can vent my thoughts and objectify contents that are torturing me on an anonymous website, in a vent thread without being questioned like I'm taking an interview. It's the vent thread.
How could we improve humanity? With a large scale revolution. That is the only way. Revolting against an oppressive system that enslaves those who lack financial opportunity. REFUSE TO CONSOOOM. IF WE ALL STOPPED CONSOOMING THE SHIT WE CONSUME DAILY IT WOULD STOP FUELING THE ECONOMY BECAUSE RN THE WORLD IS RAN BY HUGE MEGA CORPORATIONS. IF WE CAUSE REVEOLUTION IN WHICH WE AS CIVILIANS ASK FOR OUR RIGHTS.ASK THE LEADERS TO STOP THE WAR ASK THEM TO GIVE US BETTER WAGES, FREE HEALTH CARE, FREE SCHOOLING. But most people are too stuck in the comfort of their lives to do anything for humanity. If we all Unite, we have the power to change the entire world.
>>1075904I'm very poor. I don't want to live very much. I live in a house that is running down and I dont have food. I'm getting 100 euros from the government monthly ATM, sometimes I get donations on my Twitch stream. I don't want to be a camwhore, I don't want to be homeless and I don't want to be the average titty streamer or someone pandering to scrotes. I hate men. My ultimate dream is to make money off art and philosophy. I'd like to continue my studies. I have a bachelor's in Philosophy, I wanted to take my masters and my Phd but my life became to stressful and I couldn't partake in this race. I've been having no parents and having no stability in my environment. Those that end up in certain life positions or jobs do so because their parents and environment do it for them. Most artists, Philosophers, professors come from backgrounds of families that help them get there. Even in my year, amongst my colleagues, I was the one with the worst background and it clearly affects the way I can climb the social ladder. I am above average in looks but I cannot pander on the internet. I hate most people and find them stupid and ideologized. I hate both left wingers and right wingers. If you wanna make money off the internet you have to pander really hard to left or right. My mouth is big, I always speak, it's important to me. I have no interest in manipulating others or hiding my true self. I fucking hate woke tards but I hate right wingers too. If you wanna be an artist you gotta be ok with what woketards say and kiss their ass or simply be a liar and grifter and not care if you are being genuine with your beliefs. A lot of internet figures lie about their real political beliefs just to pander. I hate most internet content too qnd when someone makes something unique or speaks out on a REAL issue and is not just some dead NPC robot making their personality into whatever their audience desires to be, your content will be taken down or you won't have an audience to pay for your work anymore.
No. 1075945
>>1075929do you think i’ll be okay without it? i was thinking about getting some, but i’m in europe and have no money kek.
idk why i’m so paranoid, i feel like it should be okay.
No. 1075949
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>>1075930Its still cooling down, but ill serve a slice with some whipped honey butter for you ♥
Im the mom-anon who makes everyone comfort food. Tonight its chicken soup with my own stock!
No. 1075954
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>>1075949Nta, but thank you mom-anon. Banana bread is a favorite of mine, yours looks so good!
pretend that's not a burger in the gif No. 1075964
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>>1075945Umm hmm… you may be? Its a risk… let me
Look around and see what i find… do you mind being more specific, like country? Might help me find programs, sorry if thats invasive.
No. 1075989
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>>1075967 hope these help! I couldnt translate that fist link but the second as a few info bits and links too. Also, i read (pic).
I hope this helps. Next time you have some extra cash, id buy a spare pack just in case if possible.
No. 1076003
>>1075922Did you see that the condom was intact afterwards? As long as its intact and as long as you didn't touch genitals before putting it on, I wouldn't be too stressed.
I only took plan b once, a condom broke and we didn't know til afterwards. It was surpisingly costly and he never offered to help out which was lovely lol. It's perfectly reasonable to ask btw. A guy who won't do that for you.. shouldn't be getting laid in the first place.
No. 1076018
>>1076003i did see that the condom was intact afterwards and had his cum in it kek. what worries me is that he came in the condom, inside me.
ty for responding to me anon
No. 1076025
>>1075978I've gotten a job before and me doing things for myself won't improve humanity. It will improve my life, but not humanity.
>>1075988sorry, I have grown up in extreme poverty and been struck to the head multiple times in my childhood and not offered education until 8 years old so I feel like parts of my brain have not developed properly. I have a lot of ideas and understand the world very well, but my linguistic capacities are limited. I think being struck to the head and growing up in extreme poverty has affected me and once life victimizes you, you will remain perpetually victimized and if you dare speak the truth about how you tried your best others will blame you, say it is your fault you are the way that you are, when in reality we don't even have a choice over who we are and everything is defined by genetics and environmental factors. I have not had for a minute the peace to develop genuine skills. Even my English, I have picked it up by mistake, but according to my environment I shouldn't want to be an artist or philosopher. This is why I am afraid of making my ideas public. My delivery is bad so I wont reach an audience or get my work supported and someone will catch onto my ideas and use them and become popular using my theory. Also, as a woman you are not allowed to get into politics unless you are braindead woke or a stupid right winger braindead thot. If you say anything interesting as a woman or transcend what society expects from you, you will get chewed up.
>>1075995No, we wouldn't. They depend on us. I know I am writing this on a bottlecap collecting forum made for laughing at anorexic girls and camwhores, but we are stepping into the most oppressive and authoritarian regime in the history of humanity. It is also born from free market capitalism, but ironically it is the most oppressive form of political ideology towards the freedom of the individual. If nobody does something humanity will literally cease to exist in around 300 years
No. 1076056
>>1076025When your life improves, you will also have more options to help the people around you and that will eventually benefit humanity. Endlessly ranting and venting on a website you actually hate does not do anything but help you temporarily let of stream, but since you seem to be trapped in some kind of endless
victim AND superiority complex, you don't actually take the next step which would be to actually do something to improve your awful situation, even if those steps are uncomfortable (aka getting a job you deem useless, so you can save up the money to invest in resources that eventually help you get closer to your real goal). Whining about how awful you think the world is has never improved anything.
No. 1076136
>Inb4 no nature near meFind some then
No. 1076217
>>1076197i suppose i could, but i live in a country that isn’t my home country. and i’m getting worried because my time to get the morning after pill is running out. also i don’t have much money at all. i could buy the pill in the morning if i think i need it.
i think i’ll probably be okay, i’m just extremely paranoid because it’s been years since i had sex
and i don’t wanna do it again maybe ever
No. 1076246
>>1076217What the fuck nonnies please get some sex ed before doing it, the Internet is
right here. Why would you take a morning after pill? They can really throw off your hormones and fuck you up for a month or longer.
No. 1076268
>>1076217There are a few different brands and at least one works for 5 days after you've had sex, they're more likely to give you that one if it's been more than 72 hours. Source: I relied on condoms for years and regularly took plan b, unlike what
>>1076246 is saying, I had no adverse effects. It will put your mind at ease.
Also, highly recommend looking into another form of contraception after this that's more reliable and effective, your pharmacist might talk you through your options when you're getting plan b.
No. 1076287
>>1076263thank you anon, i don’t think there was any issues with the condom
>>1076268appreciate your response anon, how did you decide when to take plan b and when not to?
No. 1076315
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>>1076130Based. I am thinking about male supremacy but I am thinking about basically class struggle and something beyond that. The struggles of your family that are passed onto you. You are nobody else but your parents and cannot escape the trauma your family places on your back. You're just a continuation. I am not sure what to do now. I've been thinking about living off grid. You know, if I can make enough monthly to support myself and then have the rest of the time left to make art and write and read Philosophy or any literature then I will be happy even if working in society. I find it hard being around people. I've always wanted to express myself towards an audience but I hate the idea of having a "niche" I wanna do what I want when I want and I wanna express my ideas freely without being pressured by the thought of satisfying an audience that will turn against me if I say the wrong thing. My system of values is very complex. But in this way, if I don't satisfy the system and the people around me I think I will never be rewarded for my work, sometimes I think knowledge just weights you down. It disconnects you from people. My life has been very hard, so hard that at 14 I decided that I would kill myself at 30. I've been having panic attacks non stop since my childhood, I have a lot of ideas and knowledge but there's always something wrong with my delivery, something wrong. But I appreciate this, for a while I've been thinking about going off grid, but I still believe you need connections to the outside world. How can you get food? Or medicine if you fall ill if there is no form of income? You grow the food yourself I suppose, but ultimately you will still need a couple of bucks from time to time.
Like Ted, he had his brother so he could go to him. I dont really have family. I've been financially supporting my dad for 2 years because I live in his house and my mom has been dead for 5. My dad has no job or pension so I buy both of us food. I think rent is too expensive. My father has also given me extreme depression because his entire life he has refused to be normal. My entire life I have been cleaning this house I live in and the only time I've been outside this household in the past 10 years was when I got a wagie job that in my country is paid very badly compared to western countries. Huge corporations take advantage of work force from 3rd world countries. The only time I was emotionally and mentally fulfilled was when I was in college, but those taking their masters and PhD were from much better backgrounds than mine. It hurts so much to know that. Everything is defined by material resources.
I would like to know more about how you live off grid.
I feel like I'm just someone meant to be used, others use me as a stepping stone and drain me of energy just to get to their goals. I am a punching bag, a stepping stone, a fool. But I cannot stop coming back to them, coming back to people and trying to communicate with them, although they hurt me so much. It's been like this since my childhood. I feel like an alien that tries to interact with people.
No. 1076342
>>1076287>how did you decide when to take plan b and when not to?Whenever I wasn't 100% sure. For example, if the condom slipped off during sex, if it tore or if something leaked out (especially if it was close to my ovulation date). I've never got pregnant but relying on condoms really stressed me out which is why I recommend talking to your doctor about the pill or an implant because you won't have to worry like this again!
Most unplanned pregnancies are caused by not using contraceptives correctly (not that the contraceptives aren't actually working), so if you don't trust your sexual partner I'd consider plan b honestly.
No. 1076417
>>1076399Your Fave is
Problematic RUINED tumblr. Tumblr will literally never be as fun as it was before the YFiP arc. Smh.
No. 1076461
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>>1068730update, i checked some of their friends that i'm not friends with (more like 'i met them at parties and we talked a little') and they all got buzzcuts and are they/shes and they/thems now. i'm witnessing the social contagion in real time, what the fuck. this is a group of like 10 girls in their early 20s.
No. 1076509
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I wish that I had a loving mother.
I don't miss my ex at all, but I really, really miss his mother, so badly sometimes that I just cry. I didn't want to be around him after the break up, but god do I miss his mother. She was so lovely and so sweet. She's the closest I've ever had to a mother figure in my life. I miss eating pancakes with her, I miss going shopping with her, I miss just having a female friend. She was very special to me.
But I was never and will never be her daughter. I wish I was.
No. 1076515
>>1076417Yeah, it's an abomination and even though it targeted celebrities it created or heavily contributed to that trend where everyone would write 20 pages long callout posts describing normal, harmless human behavior and lies about whoever the posts were about. And now to this day it impacted fan communities and small artists who are just minding their own businesses. And the bitch didn't even apologize for it in her article. There were also blogs about how watching anime on TV is racist against asians as a whole because anime don't represent Japan accurately but I can't remember these blogs' URL. There was also that weird Medieval history blog full of bullshit, the person posting it would sperg about "practical armors" all the time. But yeah, "your fave is
problematic" was the worst one.
No. 1076638
I once made a vent about it, but I have to vent again. My coworker has a serious disease that will affect her forever and maybe wastly lower the quality of her life in the future. She was always very full of herself, but that's not the point. She annoys me but of course I still feel sorry for her. What I can't tolerate though is the part of her behavior I knew she was going to exibit the moment I heard about her diagnosis. The "I'm so sick and I still smile, meanwhile you're healthy and always sad and moody. Stop being so ungrateful, it offends me durr". See, I don't consider myself healthy. I suffer from C-PTSD from childhood abuse and I'm autistic (all diagnosed, not made up). I've always been sad and quiet. I've been depressed for many years and on various drugs since I was like 14, and nothing ever helped me. I have no social life and I only interact with other people at my work. I can't magically stop being this way just because she's sick. She's the only person at my work who knows about my past and trauma yet she takes it as an insult and can't get off her high horse. Everyone treats her as a hero, is that not enough for her? She has to put me down? Everyone knows about her illness and gives her attention, and I'm not blaming them for it. No one knows about my suffering because no one ever brags about mental trauma and mental disorders (even though they actually, physically change our brain), people only care about "normal" illnesses that can damage your body. My coworker has great supporting parents, boyfriend, money, so she doesn't have to worry about her treatment. She had a happy, safe childhood, she was never abused, her parents treated her in a way that allowed her to develop very high self esteem and social skills that made it very easy for her to socialize at work and get everything she wants. I never had those things. I have to almost constantly deal with psychosomatic pain in my body from all the abuse I endured as a child, and there's no way to make it stop, but I'm healthy?
I often felt like I was treated unfairly compared to my coworkers, including her, even though our skills were on the same level. But because I wasn't so open and communicative, they assumed I'm less capable. How to not be bitter about this? If we switched places, and I could take my coworker's illness, it would absolutely destroy me, because I have absolutely zero social networks to support me and a much weaker mental health. Studies show that traumatized individuals deal with emotional stress much worse than non traumatized individuals. Meanwhile she has the means to somehow deal with it. But maybe if I got sick like her, I would finally be allowed to be sad and aloof in the eyes of normal people? Normal people, even when they get sick, they're still winning over such as us. They can still enjoy spending time with their loved ones, socializing, spending money, going back to their happy childhood memories and creating new good memories. She does it all the time and talks about it, because she already had it before she got sick. For people like me, it never even began. We never even got the chance. Even when a normal, happy person dies, in their last moments they know they had a good life. When someone like me dies, they know there was nothing but suffering in their lives, and it's the most bitter end imaginable. There's nothing sadder than a lonely person dying and having no one to bury them and no one to remember them. It's as if you never even existed.
No. 1076680
>>1074877you’re literally confusing humanity with men, get more women in your life. 90% of violent crime and rape is committed by men. most men are sociopaths and/or narcissists.
>>1074209I want to be friends with you and people who think like you
No. 1076693
>>1076650>>1076665Thank you so much anons. I'll look into those sites.
>>1076666That's a lot of weird assumptions. We've only been together for a couple of months so whilst I'm not against a K1 visa, I'm hesitant because of the length of our relationship. I wanted to meet his family and especially his mother, so I just wanted it to be a visit like he visited my country (which isn't a third world one, why did you think that?) to meet my family and me. I want to move to America in the future, but fuck I wish just visiting and meeting his family wouldn't be so hard and confusing.
No. 1076707
>>1074877Based. Humanity was a mistake. Pessimism and antinatalism are the way to go. Life and the consciousness itself are cancers of the universe.
>>1076680Of course men are much worse than women, but women are accomplices in crime because (most of them) willingly give birth to men.
No. 1076711
>>1076705We are for now. If we have to live here to be together then so be it but we'd both rather live in America because it would be more convenient along with other reasons like better weather, bigger country, my place is tiny his is already perfect for two people, he cares about being close to his family more than I do, more places to go, etc.
My abuser lives in the same city as me and I would be lying if I said the idea of not only being in a different city, but a whole different country away from him wouldn't be nice tbh.
No. 1076713
>>1074905Funny how natalists write comments like this and they only prove how shit the world is and how much they truly don't care about other people's suffering kek
Even the people who think the world sucks usually don't have the courage to kill themselves because we are biologically programmed to cling on to life, just like we're biologically programmed to cope and defend life and pretend it's worth living because our DNA wants to spread itself like the little parasite it is. Breaking one programming (le life worth living), doesn't mean you are able to break the next one (I'm ready to off myself). I'm afraid to commit an act od violence against myself. What if I fail and turn myself into a vegetable or not fail but suffer before death? Maybe if euthanasia on demand was legal and I could comfortably off myself in a bed and just go to sleep, I would consider that
No. 1076717
>>1076680I met women that sexually traffick women out of the mental hospital into the sex industry and women on lolcow are calling me jealous for criticizing literal sex traffickers… I'm not excusing women anymore. Women can be as bad as men.
>>1076707I used to want to live so badly. I wanted to live more than anyone else but life keeps on facing me with misfortune and then I look at others that are unfortunate and I look at all the abuse that happens in the world on small scale and large scale and I think "this is all insanity".
No. 1076749
>>1076740that's not what she said, get some reading comprehension. I swear you bitches twist words and twist truth however you want or maybe you're just stupid and you don't understand when you read something more sophisticated than an anon venting about something trivial in her life. I believe you're just really fucking stupid. You cannot understand context or metaphors or meanings. She said women are complicit when it comes to the opression men create in society and she is right! Women side with scrotes. Abuse other women for scrotes. Groom women into becoming sexual commodities for scrotes and choose to give birth to scrotes.
Yet you are so intellectually dishonest you twisted what she said into her being a woman hater or pregnant woman hater when that was not her message at all.
No. 1076756
>>1076753Good luck
nonnie you got this, I believe in you.
I hate applying for jobs online but applying irl seems so awkward. I hate the stupid quizzes some sites make you take. Everyone I know who has a job has that job through connections, but I have none. I don't have a family or a friend that I can just piggyback off of. Almost everyone has a job and works, why is it that it seems so difficult for me?
No. 1076762
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>>1076757Nonnie, take your meds. Not every post you dislike is the same person.
No. 1076777
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A friend of mine just got diagnosed with BPD, which i don't think she has, and instead of getting better she's just spiraling and getting worse, it's like she internalized the diagnosis and made it her whole identity since there's no cure for bpd, I've known her for almost 3 years and all this time she didn't show any bpd symptoms at all, no impulsive self destructive behavior, stable identity etc, she has a mild anxiety disorder and had ONE panic attack when a teacher was specially harsh on her work in college. And that was it.
In like two weeks she completely changed her cutesy artsy girl wardrobe for egirl shit, started drinking, got a tattoed eboy boyfriend and completely dropped her nerdier quieter friends (like me kek) to live life as a bpd steriotype. I don't want her to go this path because its not just an outer shell thing, shes binge drinking and using drugs which never did before.
Nonnas any advice?
No. 1076786
I've had this new roommate for one week, she's a raging alcoholic lesbian in her 40s. I mention her orientantion only because she made some sexual remarks towards me and it made me uncomfortable. She's very vulgar and drinks lots of beer, two days ago we had a small birthday party for my coworker's bf at our place, and later my room mate accused them of stealing her alcohol from the fridge, and she was literally screaming to me about it in our room at 1 AM even though I wasn't even at the party when they started drinking. They claim they didn't take her alcohol, but I don't care, regardless of the truth she should not scream in our room like this. Today she got fired because she was skipping work and she has to move out before friday. Normally I would feel sorry for her but now I can't. I don't feel safe around her at all. Now she's drunk and sleeping in the living room. I went downstairs to make myself some tea, and there was my housemate eating dinner, he asked why is she sleeping there etc., we talked for a bit and I said to him she got fired and he said "what a pity" with a smirk, and my room mate screamed from the living room "I don't sleep and I have a pretty good ear" lmao. Now I'm seriously scared she will be mean to me when she comes back to our room. Please let me survive this week
No. 1076791
>>1076778I mean if she had a rapport of doing this shit id think the same thing but we were considerably close and she never had bpdfag behavior, never even dyed her hair, before the doctor told she had it. We are also a little bit old to be "going through a phase", already graduated college, im engaged etc.
>>1076779Its been only a little bit of time and I haven't had any friend-needed moments so I don't know how hard her friend dropping is, she just cancelled our (considerably lame) plans to go out and drink boyfriend, its more concerning than anything, and mind im not being prudish, shes been getting black out puking drunk multiple times a week.
>>1076787Thanks anon, no SH that i know of, recently some mild anachan behavior though, i guess i'll keep an eye on of her from whatever distance she puts on. Any chance it might also be the meds the doctor put her on?
No. 1076835
>>1076813I did and it calmed me down
nonnie thank you mwah mwah
No. 1076940
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No. 1077074
I just arrived at my office and the first email I received is about how we're gonna receive a bunch of phishing attempts from Russia because of the Ukraine war. What the fuck… I shouldn't be surprised but still.
>>1077067I know your reaction is probably a reflex but I want to tell you that it can't be your fault. A grown man shouldn't lay even a finger on a teenage girl, I don't know the guy but I hope he dies soon and painfully.
No. 1077089
>>1077082Yes but ofc I'll be the asshole in this situation since women are always expected to cater towards people around them.
>>1077085No, he already mentioned me just leaving them in front of his door.
I already keep pressing him to just order it online but he keeps telling me that most stores have minimum delivery fee and he said he doesn't need that many groceries all at once (he's the type to buy stuff every couple of days instead of planning and buying it once or twice a week, which is one of the main reasons why it all pisses me off so much.)
No. 1077092
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>>1077067i'm so sorry this happened to you, nonna. do you have any kind of support system, maybe a trauma therapist near you that you could have some sessions with? in general, your response is very human like! we humans are very driven towards "stories" which is how humanity moves forward - because we constantly want to find out the how and why (=the story behind a thing or an event). when we can't explain things, we try to get to the bottom of things to get an explanation. there are aspects of our lives that can't be explained outside of coincidence, so people turn to religion or believe in stuff like tarot or crystals or gender. this is commonly described as spirituality and humans have a natural drive towards this spirituality. even when we think we are completely free from any believe in gods or tarots or astrology, we still wonder, "why did this happen to me, why did i get rained on, why didn't i get the job even though i was the perfect candidate?" and analyze everything to find the story behind the event. in your case, the story behind this horrible experience isn't you being at fault. it's that scrote's fault for being an absolute asshole. by telling yourself that it's your fault and overanalyzing your actions, you might be trying to get back a sense of control and power, like you alone are responsible for it and someone didn't take advantage of your young age and your vulnerability. which is completely understandable, but it will only lead to more
victim blaming. it's not your fault, nonna, it absolutely was not your fault at all.
No. 1077093
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>>1077086Same here. Sometimes only nonnies can make me laugh when I feel down. I know it's a vent thread but pls accept my love nonnas.
No. 1077103
>>1077098He can but as I mentioned here
>>1077089 he usually doesn't buy/order groceries that would reach the delivery fee (where I live you have to order at least 40€ worth of groceries, some stores won't even let you place an order until you've reached that amount )
>>1077094Because he's lazy and my parents have always enabled him.
I know nonnies, I really need to grow some cojones but it sucks always being the villain once you set boundaries.
No. 1077119
>>1077109Nope, that's about how much as I spend when I go grocery shopping too (also working student on a budget.
>But I get that telling him to figure it out himself is hard when you're under family pressure.That's one of the main things. I'd gladly tell them all to fuck off but they've helped me out financially in the past so I feel like I can't just do that. I still refuse to get him his dumb groceries though. Might as well tell him I got the rona too if I get desperate.
Anyways, thanks nonnies.
No. 1077139
>>1077125Who are you replying to?
>>1077124Your mother doesn't read as mentally stable. She's lashing out and acting mentally ill herself, don't kill or even hurt yourself for anyone. They're never going to take the blame even if you left a note after your suicide and cope thinking you were too mentally unwell.
No. 1077167
>>1077103I live alone, don't drive and I usually shop every couple of days to save my bad back any strain but I've had a plan just in case rona hits. I checked out my options for online ordering in advance and made sure that'd work.
He's had a couple years to think about how he'd deal with this semi-expected scenario, to put extra non perishable/frozen items away just in case or to put away 40 euros. I kinda wanna know his incomings and outgoings.
No. 1077258
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there's this guy that i'm friends with in a WoW guild and idk if I'm just being jealous and envious or if he's just actually really tasteless and tone-deaf about certain stuff.
i'm from england and grew up poor and am still working class (he knows this) so i guess i'm biased in how i perceive this, but he is from what seems to be a pretty wealthy family in Denmark. He keeps posting little things like "ugh its so nice having your own home gym so i dont have to go to a public one" and also keeps posting pictures of his massive fucking house and saying shit like "if we have a guild meetup we should do it in my house because look how nice it is <3"
i can't tell if i'm just jealous because obviously i wish i was in his situation or even in his country where the standard of living is higher, or if he's actually just a bit of a snob? i also remember him making a joke-ish comment about how we have shit minimum wage and how you get paid loads to just even work in Mcdonalds over there and i was just like "lol".
i lived in sweden for a few months in my teens and got a lot of classist and ignorant comments about the fact that i didn't know what xyz was/couldn't afford xyz or the fact that my council estate house was small and that we do our laundry in the kitchen. i don't want to apply that to all people in scandinavia obviously but this guys attitude just reminds me of all those petty little comparison comments i received because i just happened to be born in the 'wrong place' i guess. my brain is registering it as him showing off but i also don't want to jump to conclusions because i personally got offended by this. i also don't mind people appreciating the wealthy things they have obviously, but idk how to describe it…it doesn't feel like he's just 'appreciating' those things, it feels like he's showing off? or maybe i'm just being super jealous after all? idk but it pisses me off every time i see him post something about his incredibly large beautiful house or home gym or the fact that he doesn't even have a job but spends loads of money on art commissions and stupid shit.
No. 1077334
It feels so hard for me to move out I hate it I hate it
Whilst I'm stuck here I'll never be happy but I don't know how to be unstuck I don't know what to do I never do
Everyone I know my age who has moved out was able to because of money from their parents
I don't have that
I can't stay here but I also can't move
What do I do
I hate that I have to work not because I'm afraid of labour but because I'm afraid of other people, I wouldn't mind doing hard work but what stops me is being scared of interacting with the interviewer, customers, coworkers, managers, all of that
Just give me tasks that need doing, teach me how to do them and I'll do them as long as im not expected to communicate or act a certain way
But I am, I always am and it's always wrong
I hate lying and pretending but I have to
There's no reason to give me a job over a more sociable and normal person but I need one what do normal people expect me to do I don't get it
You need to get a job because NEETs are bad and you want to move out, but you're too retarded socially so we don't have to give you a job, but society still expects you to get one
I just want to be comfortable in my own place in a not so bad area, a nice home is literally all I need to be happy, yet a nice home is so difficult to get
You're either born in one or you aren't
You either get help or you don't
It would be nice to be independent but I don't know any successful or happy independent people so it feels like a far off dream
Because you need connections
I hate when people have any expectations of me
The nicest thing somebody has ever said to me is that they expect nothing from me
That is the most refreshing thing in the world to me, to not be expected to do things, act a certain way
I'm a blubbering lonely retarded autist who knows barely anything of the world because she wasn't allowed outside until she was 18, so what can I do in this world which will let me just live the way I want to
I hate this feeling of my throat and chest tightening and the sheer helplessness of it all, helpless and hopeless are the two worst things to be
No. 1077349
>>1077258Fuck that guy. I relate to you
nonnie, also English and working class and even about to do my laundry in my kitchen. I've encountered too many assholes like him and the thing is they are NEVER self made. They are always where they are in life because their family helped them, at least from my experience, which just makes it worse. You didn't even earn this, you were just lucky, and I was just unlucky to comparison to you. What the fuck are we supposed to do about where we're born? We have no control over that. They so clearly don't understand what it's like and whenever they try to offer their advice and insight I want to punch them. I'm so angry on your behalf
nonnie. And you have every right and reason to feel annoyed by what he's doing or jealous. I'm never dating a man born into luxury and wealth and I even want to drop my born into wealth friends because of all of these reasons.
No. 1077354
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I try not to be spiritual and I’m not a very religious person but I feel a very dark presence in my life right now that feels like it transcends my ordinary depression and anxiety. It isn’t just a sense of impending doom but like something is trying to drag me into a place no human wants to go, like hell?
No. 1077365
>>1077349thanks nonna, i totally agree, idk if you had the same thing but looking back throughout my life i realise how many people really are ignorant to the working class or the fact that poor people just can't have shit and it's not really their fault a lot of the time when we are working hard just to barely survive. whenever you speak up about being mad you just get called jealous, which is why i doubted my own feelings and generally keep quiet about it unless i can be anonymous.
the advice and insight from them is the WORST for real, i can never imagine a scenario where i'd like advice or wise insight from someone who grew up being able to afford everything not through hard work but because they just happened to be born in the right family in the right country. i just hate the sarcastic surprised expression they have when i explain that no we don't get paid to go to college, yes we do have to work full-time and still have to get benefits because we can't afford shit with rising living costs, and god forbid you do the washing in the kitchen right! barbaric!!
i have stopped friendships with those type of people and i'm considering just dropping it with this guy too. i remember one time he mentioned a restaurant he went to with his bf and recommended it to me, he sent me the menu and the main courses were like £60-75. that's almost a day's wage for me and it genuinely shocked me kek. they are so out of touch with this shit even after you tell them you're working-class and have to be very strict with money.
No. 1077372
>>1077365drop him. People like him are monsters with 0 empathy and if you try to face him about this he will pretend to be the
victim or like you're harassing him. I'm poor and my dreams have been crushed by the lack of money and most rich/well off people or even people from normal families tell me
get a job although that would have no impact on my life literally. No positive impact whatsoever. I wish death on all rich people. I wish suffering and death on all of them. They're all the same and have 0 understanding of how the world works, 0 empathy and they want to be coddled non stop.
No. 1077400
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I woke up with sick diarrhea and I think I almost passed out in the shower just now
No. 1077635
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It is my birthday today, and oddly I do not feel the urge to die as I did the last previous years since I was 12. I feel good.
No. 1077669
No. 1077672
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>>1077635Happy birthday anon. I'm glad you don't feel like you want to die anymore, I hope life is good
No. 1077698
>>1077635happy birthday
nonny, I hope you have the best time!!
No. 1077721
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>>1077543>people who have valid reasons for not liking their families is now unrealistic my “loving” family exists and i can’t realize my family is the exception to the rule haha everyone love your families don’t think don’t disobey everyone love everyone stop complaining everything isn’t that bad! there are africans who don’t even have families because they were blown to bits by paramilitary troops~ :( be grateful 4 ur family i’m only here to arouse unnecessary anger and frustration from people and i hide my real intention of creating infighting and instigating problems because maybe i might be a piece of shit? do I really care about this issue or am I using it as an opportunity to humble brag and be a bitch about it! mmmm lemme humble bragAnon I would drag your becky hair so hard you would not even be able to see anymore for the stupid shit you just typed right now. I can’t read these “unpopular” opinions anymore, people don’t need free speech they just need their ass beat to infinity and beyond
(calm down) No. 1077763
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>>1077744Oh no the anon who keeps calling people subhuman is back and it offends no one. Get fucked cunty-chan you and your shape-shifting reptile family
(take a break) No. 1077770
idk what to do. im 23 and i want to move across the country to california to be with my long distance boyfriend that i’ve been with for like 7 months, but my mom yelled at me and said i’ll never make it in california and that it’s a huge mistake and i’ll lose all my money. it would only be for like 5 months and then him and i would move to a different state. she said she’s putting her foot down and not letting me go. before you call me crazy i’ve lived in a depressing state with my parents for 4 years now, haven’t been able to make a single friend all this time, and i’d want to move regardless if i have a boyfriend or not. i have like 20k in my savings so i could manage there as long as i work and he would help pay my rent too. but nope my mom says she won’t let me, that long distance relationships are impossible anyway, that i wouldn’t even make it if i moved out here. i feel so fucking trapped by her. she sees how miserable i am here, how much i want my own space and want friends and a real life relationship, and she won’t support me in getting that. he came to visit her for the first time two weeks ago and it was like she didn’t even care, she didn’t ask him any questions about himself or really treat him like my boyfriend. and now i’m starting to not want to do it anyway because my bf says if he has to wait much longer for me to move there that we can’t be together. so when he said that i told him we weren’t exclusive anymore then if he’s not going to wait for me while i figure this out. i just don’t know what to do about my parents. and i can’t believe my boyfriend would act like i’m taking too long to make the move when we haven’t even figured out a place for me to live yet, and this situation with my mom is stressing me out. i just don’t know what to do and i feel so alone without any friends to confide in. i feel stuck in a cage, like i’ll never get out of here, never connect with anyone else and i’ll be alone forever.
No. 1077828
>>1077770Idk your relationship with your boyfriend, but Im assuming he's giving you an ultimatum to try and get you to actually leave your overbearing mother. Like the other anon said, you're 23, you have your own money, places are looking for people to work so even if it's not a glamorous job, you'll probably be able to find something, you should just go even if your mom won't support you. She sounds controlling and if you are waiting for her to give you the go-ahead she'll continue to be able to exert her will over your life. I also have a controlling parent, so I know it's not easy and that their opinion does end up having massive control over your life decisions because you were likely raised to not trust yourself and your own needs and desires, but what your mom thinks. It's not gonna be easy, or even feel that pleasant because you'll second guess yourself after all of your mom's negativity , but you should definitely go, it'll be the best for you in the long term.
No. 1077851
>>1077770The bf sounds like he could be flakey or controlling tbh, when ultimatums are getting thrown around this early it can set a bad precedent, man learns how to get his way and repeats the thing that got him his way.. making threats.
If you go, don't tell him you have 20k in savings.
No. 1077870
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Put me into a coma and wake me up when I don't have to worry about big things anymore
No. 1077905
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I sometimes think about like dating around and having fun while I'm still in my early 20's and scope out potential partners. But it's so hard and I'm very shy around people. And tbh I think I don't want that? I think about having to experience everything with one solid life partner and I'd be okay with that. One day i hope he/she will come. I don't think I can take this loneliness anymore but it's also scary?? What if they learn more shit about me and end up falling out of love? Maybe I'm bound to be lonely? Idk
No. 1077933
>>1077908Animal care is a lot harder to get into than most people think. I have a friend who works with wildlife and she worked very hard to get her job, yet 90% of her classmates were only able to do the same line of work because of connections and money. I wish I had advice to give you… maybe farm animals? I have no idea.
>>1077911I really hope you find her
nonnie, good luck!
No. 1077951
>>1077911Good luck nona! I hope she's safe and well.
Slightly related but I had a friend who is part Thai and she said she never learned the language because her pediatrician told her parents not to teach it to her because she would "become confused" so she only knows English.
No. 1078208
>>1077908Animal sanctuaries and similar places are always in need of volunteers, so maybe you could volunteer there if you had the time? You'd be helping animals and if you ever decided that you did want to work with animals it would probably help you a ton on a job/university application.
>>1077933Maybe it's different where you live, but in my experience wildlife is much more competitive to get into than stuff with domestic animals like being an animal care assistant at a vets or something, although basically anything with animals is going to be pretty competitive.
No. 1078310
>>1078180Anon Gen Z needs clothes too, they can't just walk around naked. Also it's weird to blame a bunch of children for corporations overly inflating their prices for no reason (seriously, the same damn things in thrift shops will sit there for months until they can find some random to pay $50 for a used coat)
You also have to remember stores that are supposedly catering to middle class are getting way too expensive for even them, it's almost $100 per piece of clothing now. An entire outfit nowadays would realistically cost an entire paycheck or two for average people. You can't possibly expect a bunch of teenagers to drop that sort of money unless their own parents have money, and if you think it's the rich Gen Z going thrifting then…
No. 1078331
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this friend that i met and have become very close with since we hit it off in early 2021 said he's into everything about me, and despite my fears that he'd get sick of me, he seems to enjoy spending time with me more than ever. he writes and leaves good night messages to me every night, and makes and leaves good morning voice messages in the morning, when i told him it would mean a lot to me. he says he'd do just about anything for me, and he does, but i dont believe him, or that he means what he says despite him being great 97-99% of the time, because there have been some hiccups to drop to that percentage. i asked him what he did last night, and he said 2 things: making a let's-play video of a new game for me, and thinking about me. but it just reeks of fishiness when he says he is thinking about me. although i did get the video that i requested and hoped he would make for me. and despite my fear that my pussy is the only thing about me of value to a guy, all i really want from this guy is his dick in my pussy and nothing more, because he's an older virgin and that's a kink. but he says that even though he's really into me sexually, that he's a more long-term and committal type of person, and that he's looking out for me by not just fucking me casually at least once.
we watch youtube, movies, read, talk until the sun rises and about any topic, even really weird or niche ones that i bring up and don't expect him to enjoy. he still endears himself to me when i talk about women's fashion or drama with the lolcows i follow. but even though he says he'd do anything for me, he won't do this thing i just requested - go out with me and flirt with other girls in front of me (yes, this is a kink too). now im reconsidering my whole relationship with this guy if he clearly doesn't like me or care about me enough to do that.
No. 1078336
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I have had anxiety pretty much all my life, for many years without even knowing what it was, and my biggest regret is ever letting people know I have it. I wish I had kept up the mask of being "fine" and "chill" honestly.
It's like I can physically feel it whenever someone clocks that I'm a very anxious person, and it pisses me off because rarely are they understanding and let me do things in a way that is both challenging and safe for me. The only people who understand it are my partner and my closest friends. Apart from that, I just have to act like this crippling mental disorder just doesn't exist for me or else people will instantly try to find a way to either take advantage or just take the piss out of me, really.
I have always been an anxious driver and due to where I live and working at home, I haven't drove my car since maybe 2020 before lockdown so it has made me anxious to drive again. I have to physically restrain myself from ever mentioning that, because people will assume I'm either just lazy or a neurotic nervous wreck and make little jokes about it. They honestly can't even take a second to be in my shoes and understand what it feels like to have your brain constantly working against you. My brain, through years of trauma and growing up disadvantaged, has by default learned to always think of the absolute worst situations and possibilities first, and I cannot control those thoughts. I get embarrassed by so many things and hyperanalyze things that "normal" people don't, and people can't even take that shit into consideration before they sit on their throne and say shit like "well you don't even drive that car so ___" and "why can't you do it, don't be boring"
Because of shit like this I'm learning to love just being on my own and advancing through life at my own pace, but people want to assume I'm lazy for that?! I work, I take care of my cat, and I don't hurt other people, I'm just minding my business out here.
Everyone wants to act like they support mental health awareness until they come across someone with severe anxiety and suddenly that facade drops. We're not lazy, we cannot help the card our brains were dealt, and the vast majority of us are genuinely fucking trying to survive and catch up in a world that for the most part, doesn't seem to have room for us.
No. 1078353
>>1078318>ArE yOu ThIs AnOn?1?1??Bitch I didn't even use the temp threads at all, have "are you this anon?" bitches ever been correct? ever?
>>1078315It seems like mostly millennials doing it tbh or at least encouraging it via Pinterest, same with fba which is just reselling cheap Chinese shit. same with cars and furniture. Although raging and assuming the worst because you saw kids in a thrift store is autistic as fuck, I've met a lot of these people who buy things at discount and upsell them and most, if not all of them are millennials, on top of that they usually raid discount stores in order to upsell. I can barely find discount clothes and shoes anymore because these fucks like to come to local stores and raid them so they can sell full price on amazon so it's impossible to find new items anymore for a decent price, not to mention it's inflating these stores like crazy too
No. 1078375
Had to put my elderly cat to sleep on Sunday after she started to go blind a couple weeks ago and I'm in a daze. My room feels so quiet and empty.
No noise from her water fountain, no noise from her walking around the room. No litterbox to clean after every time she used it. No tray of various foods to replace with fresh food every time she seemed hungry. Her cat bed with a heating pad that was always kept on for her is empty, she isn't sleeping in it anymore. The scratching posts that I always sprinkled catnip on are gone. No more boxes of medication or prescription food for her health problems, I donated all her leftover medicine to the vet. No more waking up at random hours of the night because she wanted to hop up on the bed and sleep next to me, or curl up in my lap and purr with happiness because she was able to find me. No more carefully escorting her outside my room as she inspected the places she remembered and gradually forgot her mental map of the house. No more accompanying her when she demanded to go out and sit on the porch for a while to enjoy the weather. No more waking up at sunrise because she could still tell that it was getting brighter and would complain until I opened all the blinds. No more holding her in my arms. No more brushing her fur since she couldn't groom herself anymore, carefully monitoring how annoyed she was and switching to brushing areas that felt good instead of the matted fur when she got annoyed enough to try and slap me. No more watching her like a hawk every time she jumped up on anything so I could catch her if she fell, or reach out to steady her if the fast movement disoriented her. No more using my vibrator as a back and tummy massager for her so that she could have a bowel movement without throwing up from the strain. No more letting my legs and arms cramp up because she fell asleep on me and I'd be damned if I woke her up from a nice kitty dream. No more watching her try to clean her eyes off, knowing she didn't understand the blindness. No more intervening to scratch itchy spots for her as soon as I saw her trying to get at them with her back paws. No more kissing her forehead. No more rubbing my face against her face while she purred, and holding still so she could do the same thing. No more climbing on me to demand a little bit of whatever I was eating, even though she only wanted to sniff it most times. No more watching her slow blink in my general direction based off the sound of my voice and knowing that she couldn't see me return the slow blink - "I love you" in cat body language. No more playing the only game she had energy left to play, the game cats play with their kittens - briefly catching her tail once she flicked it into my open palm and then waiting patiently for her to move it back in range of my fingers. No more deciphering her mood based on tail motions alone, because her mobility was reduced. No more bribing her to eat real food with treats. No more nibbling on her ears, or shoving my nose against one of her paws. No more gently removing grains of cat litter stuck to the fur between her little toe beans. No more warm, alive girl, only happy when she was resting in my lap. No more annoying her by putting vaseline on her dry/cracked skin in winter. No more exploring outdoors together and leading her through the big backyard, happy she trusted me enough to follow me even if she was doubtful about where we were headed, because she couldn't see me to use me as a landmark anymore.
In a lot of ways, being her caregiver for the final six months was a pain in the ass. But that's exactly what you miss when they're gone, the privilege of being inconvenienced by them.
I forgot to check and see if she was interested in having some vanilla ice cream the night before she died, something she always wanted to lick out of the bowl when I was done eating it. I remembered to give her some pizza cheese earlier in the week, another favorite to steal, but I forgot the ice cream.
I probably won't eat ice cream again for the rest of my life.
No. 1078396
>>1078375I'm honestly crying reading this, nonna. You cared for her so much and she will always appreciate that. I have a cat who is getting quite old too, he's around 10 I think, and although I'm hoping he has many happy years left with me I can't ever be prepared for when it's time to let him go.
>But that's exactly what you miss when they're gone, the privilege of being inconvenienced by them.So very true. Just know that she will always love you for taking care of the little things and sticking by her until the end.
No. 1078456
God I wish my mom would just shut the fuck up already. I got high for the first time last week and it was a fucking disaster of an experience and had to ask my parents to pick me up because there's no way I could've gotten home by myself on the subway (plus it was very late at night already). My dad's already lectured me and now he's just like "yeah, you fucked up but you learned your lesson so that's that" but my mom won't stop bringing it up. She's constantly asking "where are you going?! don't you see that girl again!!" as I'm heading out to see friends, as if I didn't already tell her multiple times already who I'm going to see and where!! She acts like I didn't tell her last week when I first made plans, then reminded her the night before and morning of where I was going!
I get it! I made a shitty decision! I fucked around, I found out, and now I'm over it! Realistically, why would I go see that girl who gave me weed again? What sense does it make for me to go see her (I had just met her so we aren't close) and try weed again when I had an absolute terrible time? I didn't sneak out, I just went to see this person after work under the assumption we were just going to hang out and then when she offered me weed I was like yeah why not. I didn't go with the intention of getting high. I'm a really adventerous or spontaneous person to begin with and my parents know this. I feel like a dumb teenager with too much to prove when I say "I'm an adult" but I am an adult and I do know better now than to try stupid shit twice.
My parents stopped being overbearing in highschool and I dormed for college/studied abroad across the world so they're pretty hands off with me, but I try weed, which is legal in my state, once and now it's the end of the world and mom wants to act like I'm addicted.
No. 1078463
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I fucking hate how my man's family is so fucking loud all the fucking time. he is away at his hometown with his family and every single fucking time I trynna tall to him on the fucking phone it sounds like a fucking asylum for travesties who think they're cher or some faggot shit like shut your cunt ass lips I neED TO TALK TO MY HUSBAND.
No. 1078468
>>1078375I'm so sorry nona. I have a elderly pet right now and I cry thinking of the inevitable future without her.
Did you have her cremated? Would it be okay to offer some ice cream to her soul? I always imagine in the future that I will leave out my dog's water bowl and favorite towel to sleep on in case her spirit comes back to visit, as well as presenting regular offerings of her favorite foods to a little shrine I want to make for her.
Your sweet kitty was so well loved. I hope she's having a good time up in kitty heaven. I hope at the end of our lives we might meet them again.
No. 1078563
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i am very mentally unwell
No. 1078600
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alchol is bad blah blah blah, but it's the only shit that helps me truly relax. benzos are useless, ssris give me patience but not peace or confidence. seriously, the only thing stoping me from daydrinking is being constanly sleepy and needing coffee, salt and energy drinks (and meds, can't forget the fucking meds) to not fall asleep on my fucking feet.
No. 1078693
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>>1078331if this isn’t bait you seriously have to be euthanized
No. 1078718
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>>1078691>>1078686>>1078666>>1078623ok im clarifying he's not a boyfriend and i don't want him to cheat on me if he was, and i don't want him to one day say he has a new friend that he's spending all this time with either. i just wanna see him flirt with other women, and it's more about getting a confirmation that he'll do 100% anything for me like he says, and that if he could have an amazingly hot and sex exchange with a hot and sexy woman, he'd still with no thought come back to me.
No. 1078726
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>>1078375Sweet Nona, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know this is kind of corny/old but it might bring you some comfort.
No. 1078765
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>>1078331and you made me real all of that why?
>i just want his old virgin dick in my pussy you sound like someone who has a bedtime wtf
No. 1078858
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>>1078855I warned you that I wanted you a great mod, you troll the janitor and you fuck the janitor I warned you that I would return here to LOLCOR by my next presence We're helpless Nothing comfortable You're doing nothing You're not doing anything You're not using anything You're not using anything You hurt us you are the worst than you are the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to be normal again, and it unleashes my hellish world, I still feel like I'm back and there's nothing yet please please please please please please please PLE Correct the eyesight I'm begging for you please give me GIVE US /M/ BACK MODERATOS WHY DO YOU LEAVE US HALF DONE WHAT IS THIS JUST REMOVE THE BOARD IF YOU CARE SO LITTLE YOU RUINED MY VALENTINE'S DAY ALONE AND YOU RUIN EVERY SUBSEEUQNET DAY SINCE THEN CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES AND RETSTORE /M/ TO ITS GLORY ITS NOT RIGHT ITS JUST NOT RIGHT
No. 1078869
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>>1078331>this fucking unrealistic and UNGRATEFUL rude pickme bitch can get a guy to dote on her, but I can't get a guy to maintain eye contact with me even in a situation where we're practically forced to interact together, like for a projectI hate to be jealous (especially of someone of your ilk) and self deprecating, but I guess the moral of life is you can get away with anything if you're hot.
No. 1078895
>>1078869This. So many women in
abusive relationships struggle trying to make their man NOT flirt with other women right in front of their face, this bitch is enabling
abusive scrote behavior and claiming it's a kink
No. 1078925
>>1078895Doubtlessly she and bitches like her would say that they're in an
abusive relationship too when something slightly goes awry, or conjure up issues from innocuous actions. Devoid of self-awareness. She doesn't want affection, she just wants attention including demanding her friend basically cuck her when he's imploring her not to? How the fuck does this even happen?
No. 1078934
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Everything feels terrible. My job sucks my country is a joke my ex-college classmates are running circles around me in terms of their careers I’m never gonna find love my grandpa is lying in a hospital bed dying the same time my sister is getting married and I’m stuck in this shitty house for God knows how much longer and I’m pretty sure I have COVID but I can’t get tested because then I’ll miss the wedding and I’m part of the bridal party and I still haven’t broken my ugly ass heels in. I can’t fucking cope anymore. I think I’m actually going crazy.
No. 1078943
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Broke up with my girlfriend today. She never had time for me. Right after we break up she says that she want to coordinate to meet up to exchange Christmas gifts. Fuck you.
No. 1078955
>>1078939I've seen both girls and guys with low self esteem say that their partner would be happier with someone else, and it makes them happy to see them with other people, and yadda yadda yadda. I wouldn't put it past anyone, much less this young generation, to find comfort in being a doormat. We have females in these very threads who have admitted to apologizing and making excuses for their completely detestable, cheating,
ABUSIVE partners.
No. 1078956
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how do i know if i'm actually a rad fem/feminist, and not just someone who hates trannies? little stuff i do for my fellow women are things like
>only seeing female doctors and etc.
>only really befriending women
>tipping my female servers extra (if i can afford it, within reason)
i don't actually volunteer or read theory because i lack time and energy.
No. 1078975
>>1078956It depends. Radical feminism is SCUM manifesto eliminate all men. Radical doesn’t mean “very,” it’s literally a radical praxis and it’s not meant to make anyone comfortable; it’s meant to upset and disrupt. It’s also objectively correct, though probably not feasible in any world but a utopia. Hating trannies is obviously included in that because TIMs are males. But lots of regular degular feminists are getting peaked by troon behavior, but they don’t necessarily believe all men should be eliminated. They probably date men or have known men that they like or have dubbed “one of the good ones.” A radical feminist will believe there is no such thing as a good men. Men have taken to using
TERF as a pejorative misnomer but obviously “men are men” is not a radical take. It was the majority opinion not even 20 years ago. So if you hate troons for their troonery, that’s mostly just common sense. If you recognize that their troonery is just standard male tactic oppression of women and you realize the problem is not that they’re trans but that they are MEN and the only solution is to eradicate them, you might be a radfem.
But I could be wrong and it could be a spectrum, I’m not like a gender studies major or anything. Just someone who read scum manifesto and some Dworkin.
No. 1078982
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>>1078943Christmas gifts for the one just been or the one in ten months time?
No. 1078992
>>1078956>>1078975most radical feminists from the 1970's were subhumans who sniffed their farts and thought it was time some sort of big fight against the patriarchy despite being university educated upper middle class white and jewish women
the ideas of subhumans aren't really worth anything
No. 1079021
>>1078956Don't get caught up in labels. I'd say you are gender critical or agree with radical feminist beliefs (on gender identity and transition if you focus on those compared to other issues like porn). I think keeping the label of feminist for leaders in the movement or actual activists makes sense, though online it makes sense to call yourself one to more easily find other women with similar beliefs.
>only seeing female doctors and etc.>only really befriending women>tipping my female servers extra (if i can afford it, within reason)These are examples of separatist behavior, wouldn't consider them forms of activism but have much value in enriching your and other women's lives. The main separatist action radfems (and lesbian feminists) discuss is avoiding romantic and sexual relationships with men.
>>1078975>Radical feminism is SCUM manifesto eliminate all menSCUM is based but this is not the case, example one being Gail Dines work, she is male-partnered. So whether a woman is in arelationship with man does not exclude them from being a radfem. Of course dating men can and does affects women's feminist behavior, and women that are politically celibate or in lesbian relationships have carried the movement compared to het women.
No. 1079030
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i need meanspo nonniess pls tell me to take a shower its been 3 days
No. 1079036
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No. 1079037
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It's really hard for me to show my emotions or what things have been done to me in the past, that nagging feeling I'm doing this for attention because that MeToo movement with the False accusations and such, and its still fucking me up.
Too the people who lied for clout I fucking hate your guts.
No. 1079039
>>1078992>>1078975okay this is wrong as well
radical feminism is not about hating men, one can hate men and be a radical feminist but its not how the theory works
radical feminism has roots its in Marxist feminism, it views men as the oppressor class and women as the oprsssed class
that's what it literally is
No. 1079043
>>1079033yeah u right i got all this dry shampoo caked on my head
>>1079036ok ty im gonna go now the waters heating up. idk i feel like i dont smell too bad yet id imagine to certain people id smell awful. the only BO in the world ive eber felt disgisted from the smell is my sister everyone else a lil bit of must is like whaterevr. i will be clean soon
No. 1079115
tbh at this rate you can just divide feminism into anti-trans vs pro-trans or whatever and leave it at that because youve got as much ~radfems~ who think trans is a
valid pushback against gendernorms versus the rest
whatever it is, idiots on twitter need to stop falling for bait whenever someone says
TERF at them
No. 1079188
>>1079056Yeah ill take your advice cause literally just broke up because getting three pregnancy tests paying for pills paying for the gyn exhausted my patience and sex never even feels good to me
i really dont want to have sex ever again
No. 1079226
>>1079056I wasn't long into being sexually active before I decided that it's rarely worth it. I avoided piv like the plague then got into a serious relationship and had to face all the bs again. After a while he got a vasectomy and I thought my problems were solved.
I then got a pap smear and I had hpv and precancerous cells on my cervix. I wondered how I got the hpv but sucked it up and dealt with my ongoing appts. Fast forward a bit and it turns out that guy was cheating for the entirety of our relationship so I'll never know if his other gf was the cause of my cancer scare and years of stress that it put me through. I lost my mom to cancer so I was in bits throughout it. While I cried on this guys shoulders.. he knew there was a liklihood he gave it to me through infidelity.
No. 1079253
>>1079248Sometimes cats start bullying eachother (attacking, lurking when the toilet, interfering the
victim cat in eating) when they notice the other getting weaker. The only thing you can do is consequently interfering every time and temporary isolating and scolding the aggressor cat in a way that you know works (of course not physically) while actively supporting and giving your attention to the
victim cat when it happens. This way, it may get better with time. It's also possible that it could be due to health problems of your younger cat, so it's good you made a appointment with the vet. I know my youngest one starts wildly attacking the others out of nowhere when he's stressed or frustrated.
No. 1079312
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i know it’s just PMS making me feel like this but it’s seriously so unbearable… idk how it happens like this every month and im still caught off guard every time. why can’t i have control over myself and my feelings like a normal person…
No. 1079375
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i wish people stopped obsessing over muh representation.
No. 1079393
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i js wanna be loved nonas
No. 1079413
What the fuck do you eat the rest of the time?
No. 1079426
>>1079376ED and muscle dysmorphia. huge thing amongst men that go to the gym.
>>1079389>i wish i was him>gym-friendly diet is disgustingfucking grow up and cook some chicken and vegetables. no you don't want an ED but it's also not hard to make a healthy and tasty meal, it doesn't have to be salted water and 16 eggs a day.
No. 1079438
>>1079426NTA but chimken and veggies make me feel sick
Very sad lfie
No. 1079456
>>1079437>imageboard>polite conversationAre you lost
Fuck off back to whatever hugbox you came from
No. 1079508
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I had a sex-trafficking documentary on in the background while I was working (weird Ik but I like to educate myself on this stuff) and I suddenly hear this high-pitched estrogen falsetto voice, I tab in and lo and behold a troon talking about being welcomed into a community of actual women who have faced sexual abuse/been trafficked.
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? I've no doubt this guy was abused and treat terribly but there are mens communities for shit like this. Why are you putting this large male in with a community of vulnerable women? Dumb as shit I hate it and it feels like every other documentary I watch about serious topics like this there's always one tranny who is conveniently shoehorned alongside underage girls or vulnerable abused women.
No. 1079537
>>1079508Yeah I don't doubt that alot of tgurls get the same rapey treatment as actual women who are in bad situations/prostitution but like.. just don't tran out if it means you'll be stuck in the same position as alot of women who had no choice in where their lives headed.
They always talk about family kicking em out for it as teens and nobody hiring them, having to sell their ass out of necessity.. wait a few years to sort your life out and then assess whether your gender thing is worth it. Hell if you have an established job they can't fire you for tranning out anyway. Play the long game if you must.
No. 1079829
>>1079078Yes the "sex industry" is extremely misogynistic and dangerous for women. The term sex work lumps together disparate roles under a vague label.
If you want to find some writing on it, check out Rachel Moran's Paid For. And Spinifex Press has a wide array of feminist nonfiction and literature. No. 1079947
>>1079413You can use whole words here, you know.
>>1079456>wah boo hoo other people who type different exist in my imageboard/b/ no longer exists, sweaty.
No. 1079984
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The retardation that's going on in the eurofag threads are fucking off the walls at certain hours holy shit
No. 1080276
I am such a fucking dumb ass. For the past 10 years I’ve always had very trad values partially due to every moid I come in to contact with becoming a degenerate coomer looking for a quick fuck and chuck and me knowing I don’t have the emotional fortitude to withstand that, I have been volcel verging on femcel as years and years passed. Mistake number 1, with many more mistakes to follow, was getting back in contact with a man I was dating many years ago who unprompted immediately apologised for how he acted telling me that he handled it badly and he disappeared/ghosted because he realised he just doesn’t want a relationship with anyone and worried he would hurt me (he did anyway) but would really like something casual with me and should be upfront (aw how sweet /s) , I suggested we could be friends as we have similar interests and he said he would be lying if he said he didn’t want something more. Mistake number 2 was going along with it thinking I was lonely what have I got to lose. How about my personal morals, how about everything I personally stood for, how about my sanity. I knew I wouldn’t handle it. Over the years my ego has been battered by so many scrotes that I felt worthless, that I was worth nothing more than sex and no one would value me more than that anyway and just went along with it. Now after the fact was it really worth it. No. It has caused me more pain than good. Convincing myself I could handle casual while quite obviously still longing for that emotional connection and being left disappointed when he doesn’t respond or validate my existence, now he has got what he wanted and can smuggly tick me off his conquests list and move on to the next. It’s my own fault for thinking that I would prefer casual than nothing, would prefer to ignore my jealousy of him possibly being with other women, or having very little time to see me, or not wanting a label for me, just as long as I had a slight connection or a few crumbs thrown at me from the table, not realising that’s not casual, that’s an open relationship. Casual does not mean consistent and occasional, casual is polite speak for a fuck and chuck. Modern day dating has mentally broken me.
No. 1080277
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I'm dropping my "best friend" of 15 years. I've officially had enough of her bullshit. We got into a discussion about porn and she is just all fucking for porn, in all of its forms. I mentioned to her that porn is exploitation, that no woman in porn is truly "willing" and that it's coercion, abuse, drugs, not some hot sexy fun. She's completely unwilling to understand. She's so up her own ass that only her own research into the topic could even remotely change her mind. I told her that I wasn't willing to invest hours of my time gather resources for her to understand what is wrong with porn/OnlyFans because she won't even take what I'm saying seriously. But apparently that makes me sound "literally psychotic" and she says that coming to LC has "rotted my brain". I mean for fucks sake, she was a Trump supporter and the bitch isn't even from or live in the United States. She supports Blaire White and can't see how he's just a fucking fetishist making a game out of "being a woman" by slapping on tits and thigh padding. Now she works with gender specials at her stupid job and is even friends with a FtM who wants to lop of her tits when she used to be totally against that shit. She understands men are disgusting trash, but doesn't understand that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the mind of a man and a trans woman. It's STILL A MAN. She said that what I said about porn was basically me saying that women can't make their own decisions and I just can't believe how disgustingly naive that is. Like, this bitch is a huge racist, hates all Muslim people, hates black people and hides that hate behind "BLM is evil" when that isn't a fucking reason to ignore the shit that happens to black people. She fucking hates farmers???? She thinks ALL farmers are evil, yet she eats meat every day, she can't even explain WHY she hates farmers, but I'M psychotic.
This bitch has never made real time for me. She has never fucking made an effort for me. I've prioritized our friendship for fucking 15 years but she's allowed to just shelf me whenever she wants because apparently she's anxious? Bitch, no you are not. No you are fucking not. I've know you more than half of your life, you're just fucking selfish and lazy. How many times have I BEGGED you to hang out with me, only for you to legitimately ignore my messages and not even respond, or make some fucking weak excuse. You didn't want to spend time with me, so why pretend later than you do? I'll tell you why, because you're a selfish cunt and you NEED a person to shove all of your boring interests onto. I don't fucking want to watch anime with you, dumb bitch, you won't even go see a movie with me. You live with your parents and you're almost fucking 30, and your two brothers who are OVER 30 also live there and act like fucking teenagers and you think this is normal? You can't work at a fucking toy store for the rest of your life you stupid bitch. Remember when you tried to SHAME me for not going to community college for interior design at the same time you were going for accounting? You told me "you can't work at a fucking coffee shop forever anon". You fucking hypocrite. I didn't go to college because my crazy fucking father MADE me work full time and took ALL of my money, I DIDN'T HAVE AN OPTION. And look at you, 2 years of school and you work at a woo woo crystal shop and a fucking toy store. You're a fucking loser. You're not even smart, you just THINK you are. Worst case of Dunning Kruger I've ever fucking seen. God when I was younger and my parents were literally BEATING me you told me it wasn't that bad and that you and your parents fight too. Holy FUCK. YOUR PARENTS LITERALLY WORSHIP YOU. THEY ACT LIKE YOUR SLAVES. YOUR MOM JUST BOUGHT YOU A 600 DOLLAR RING FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT YOU ARE HER DAUGHTER. MY PARENTS BEAT ME, YOU DUMB CUNT, THEY USED HARD DRUGS IN FRONT OF ME, THEY DESTROYED MY THINGS, THEY DRAGGED ME DOWN THE HALL BY MY HAIR. YOUR PARENTS ARE FUCKING ANGELS WHO DON'T EVEN DRINK ALCOHOL LET ALONE HIT YOU. Stupid dumb bitch I can't believe I gave you so much of my time. I can't believe how many times I've lied to you about my opinion just so it didn't turn into a fucking fight, because if I don't agree with you I'M WRONG, but if you disagree with me, I'M BEING PSYCHO. I officially hate your stupid ass. I'll mail you your fucking uhhhhh 6 month late birthday present, because you REFUSE to visit me or pick a day that I can come by, and then we can go our separate ways for the rest of our lives. Fuck you. I used to be in love with you you dumb bitch, and you threw me away. I hate you.
No. 1080311
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>>1080277I'm proud of you for dropping her anon. I know it hurts but I'm sure as time goes by you'll feel better without her. You are better than her.
hug No. 1080316
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fuck I hate the month of March I fucking hate it so fucking much, fuck spring, fuck summer, fuck the sun, fuck people driving around in their fucking cars, fuck everything in between February and October, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
No. 1080322
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>>1080299She literally is a fattie. This bitch has type 1 diabetes but has a whole fucking laundry basket worth of snacks stashed in her room. She also keeps candy in her bag at all times. She says she a lesbian but she seems to enjoy the attention from her incel neck beard friend, who btw, wears a Naruto jacket like picrel every day unironically at 30 years old. Her wardrobe consists of tacky sweaters from Spencer's with ahegao anime girls on them. GOD, why was I friends with this person so fucking long????
No. 1080324
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>>1080311Aw thank you anon! I feel like I'm going to move on rather quickly, we've been talking less and less in the past weeks so it was like I was already in transition to saying goodbye.
No. 1080361
>>1080356it felt like a hasty generalization and a whole slew of logical fallacies really, but i guess if this bothers me even in the slightest i have to brush up on that before throwing myself in the open eh?
thank you for the support
nonnie!!! i would encourage you to try the same though i can see why there would be hesitation for many reasons. godspeed!
No. 1080368
>>1080357are there specific pieces that perplex you or the whole subject in general? furthermore, is this a problem you deal with regarding many difficult subjects or just this one :(
im wondering if it could have any connection to your sleep, diet, or ADHD. sorry i dont mean to try and "fix" this issue. but i do understand this and the only thing that typically helps me is doing the assignment when nothing else is on my mind, taking baby steps, and googling a shitload.
(:() No. 1080394
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>>1080375I am the mentally I'll person on lolcor
No. 1080437
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I thought after reading English YA novels and fanfiction for over a decade and spending all my internet time browsing English websites exclusively I'd be equipped better for reading more challenging stuff, but I think I heard my brain sigh when I closed the book and read something in my native language instead. Sad!
No. 1080527
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>no job
>no social life
>no talent
>no sex
No. 1080542
>>1080501No we’re not falling out, they’re kind decent people that don’t mean any harm. But I want to scream when they pop off about “terfs” or Harry Potter of whatever Twitter is talking about today. How can you actually call someone a queer and not realise it’s an insult
Thanks for replying non I just need to vent
No. 1080567
I did everything right. I went to school, I got a uni degree, I got a job, I struggled to create a good career and to get myself in a comfortable financial position like a normal, successful person. In the end I'm in my 30's, I've never truly been in love, I've always been exploited in my relationships and by my friends, I've always been betrayed and abused, I have no fucking worth as a human being other than just waking up each morning to work. It's all I have. I want to cry and scream every time I realize how nobody would miss me if I died tomorrow besides mourning the loss of someone who they could use and then throw away when I'm not needed anymore. I fucking hate living like this, I wish I had actual friends who gave a shit about me, I wish there wasn't a voice in my head telling me what a worthless waste I am and how my life has no purpose or direction. I'm going to die alone and forgotten, nobody will be at my funeral and I don't deserve anything better simply because I wasn't mean to be around people other than to be treated as an expendable tool. Being completely torn to pieces by narcissistic shit "friends" in my life left me awkward, scared and hostile in my interpersonal relationships and learning out of it seems hopeless.
I had to get this out of my system, I'm ugly crying like a little bitch because I'm so frustrated with my whole life. I wish I could just restart it all and try again, I would not get into all the toxic situations that ruined me far into my adulthood. If anyone bothered to read this mess of a vent I sincerely thank you for giving me hope that I was seen for once in my life.
No. 1080637
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I'm in a very loving relationship which makes me happy, but I hate where I live and I'm struggling to get a job so I still feel like an abnormal loser. I wish I lived in a nice home, worked a job I don't hate, didn't hate my neighbours and was financially stable, then I'd be genuinely happy everyday I think. But I'm not sure what steps to take. Hurts looking at the nice houses people live in, I'm jealous. Your living space is so important. I feel behind everyone else. My future is uncertain and I hate that.
I think my main problem in life right now is where I live but fuck it's so, so hard to move. I don't want to live with strangers, yet housing prices just keep going up and up. It's honestly depressing. How do young people not born into wealth move out now? How??
Even if it was just some small apartment, I want my own place reeeeee
No. 1080653
>>1080637>I hate where I live and I'm struggling to get a job so I still feel like an abnormal loser>I feel behind everyone else. My future is uncertain and I hate that. Oof. I can't give you any advice but im in the same boat as you right now, but I'm a NEET living with her parents. I totally agree that where you live is important. It hurts more when you have a partner whom you love but who is also much more "ahead" in life than you are, and looking at them makes you want to impress them, improve yourself, but you just don't know how.
If nothing else, it's refreshing to know someone else understands me.
No. 1080654
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>>1080567Are you me? I don't know if it helps, but trust that there are plenty of people who feel the same way, so you're not alone
nonny. And you're not a little bitch either, so cry as much as needed. People suck for many reasons and it's not your fault these assholes treat you so shitty. It's not you, it's them and they don't deserve you or anyone if they treat people like this.
No. 1080661
>>1080567I'm so sorry you feel that way. I relate quite a bit to parts of your post. I know that probably doesn't mean much, but I hope you at least know that you're not alone in your feelings.
It won't fix things, but are there any hobbies that you can do to help distract yourself? Maybe you can try looking into talking to someone as well? If you get a good therapist then at least you'll have someone in real life who is there to listen to what you have to say.
No. 1080669
>>1080653I'm sure that unfortunately as time goes by only more people are going to understand us, which whilst I agree is refreshing, is obviously sad. It honestly makes me question if I should even bother leaving NEETdom when even if I do and land a good job, I probably won't be able to even get my own place. Perhaps I'm just being pessimistic, but a part of me tells me that I'm not and it's a real issue a lot of people are going to face more and more as time goes by because the price of living is just too high for the average person. Everyone I know my age who has their own place got it paid for by their parents. Having your own place should be the norm, not a luxury. I wish the best for you
nonnie, I hope things get better for us both soon!
No. 1080685
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The absolute state of the Eurofag thread. All I wanted was to wish nonnies to stay safe.
No. 1080691
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I wish I had an easier time befriending people. Being a neet for so many years, and the last time I was able to make friends being in middle school, I don't know how to grow close to people naturally. I don't know what the pace is supposed to be like. How do I know they consider me a friend like I do them? I desperately want the experience they have, people I can rely on, people who seek out my company. I know I'm not able to get close because they think bad of me. Maybe they know there's some invisible barrier there too and hesitate just as I do, if that's even something preventing a friendship. Even when they refer to me as their friend, I feel like it's just an easier word to use than acquaintance
I have a very long term boyfriend at the very least, and a few friends I've had for a very long time, but I really want local friends where I live now. The only people I regularly speak to outside of my boyfriend and now long distance friends are my coworkers, whose relationships with eachother are much stronger. I feel like I'm shoehorning myself in where I don't belong
No. 1080754
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I guess this isn’t really a vent but I’m reading a book because I’m at a seminar so it was unavoidable.
And this faggot, Vargas Llosa, has been talking for a whole ass page about “fucking great females” being “female” the kind that you use specifically for animals, and it’s seriously cringe and annoying to read.
I again feel like I seriously hate Latin American literature. I sperg about this all of the time but I just can’t believe that Latin America just doesn’t have anything that doesn’t have sex, we don’t have a Harry Potter or something like that, I don’t know, I’m just so annoyed that everything is about politics, fucking women, fucking teenagers or kids, poverty, racism. Like yeah, those things happen, but goddammit think of something else for once, don’t you have escapist daydreams? Don’t you ever want to think that instead of some pathetic village, you could create something that makes someone sigh with actual happiness?
And I know that maybe those things don’t sell nor get you literary Nobel prizes, but gosh, I’m honestly sick of these type of stories, I don’t want to read about a moid tard raging in his bathroom because he could fuck some women.
I don’t know if the artist is doing this as a critic, like, it feels like it because the main character is disgusted by the males who stare at her. But I feel like the way such things are described makes it seem like he was having way too much fun describing them like “the exact weight of each of her tits” like what? That’s just gross, I will never stop thinking about it, it’s nasty. Imagine an author talking about the exact weight of each ball of a moid, god.
I’m not made to read these sort of things, I should’ve just done anything else, maybe I should’ve become a master diorama maker or the best pottery painter. I had the skills for diorama making, I was really into it when I was a kid, maybe I should’ve just ignored how shitty I was at technical drawing, I mean, maybe I could’ve just sucked it up and gathered more patience. Then again, the teacher was the worst and would tell me that everything I made was shit and that I had to do it again from the start.
Maybe I’m just not made to be alive, I will probably sperg again after reading for a while, maybe I will understand the view of the author later or I will read something about him.
No. 1080814
>>1080754I disagree so much with you about subjects in literature, except that part about sex and fucking. I've already complained in other threads about a movie I watched the other day on TV, which had a lot of graphic sex scenes with barely any censorship (only male crotches were censored). And then, after that, my mom made me watch another movie from here which also had several (not as graphic but still quite awkward) sex scenes. So yeah, I think it's not just our literature but also films. At least I'm glad that we don't have that many overt incels here, but I don't like the fact that we're still a society that is obsessed with sex. Also, machismo.
>I know that maybe those things don’t sell nor get you literary Nobel prizesLook, Nobel prizes aren't always well-deserved, in many cases they're complete bullshit. The institutions and organization are extremely biased. I mean, they awarded the Peace prize to fucking OBAMA (and other 3 US presidents before him, in fact). And this kind of shit isn't exclusive to the Nobel Peace prize nor is it uncommon. And of course, renowned male authors are just like any moid. Just because they're famous and critically acclaimed doesn't mean that they can't have retarded takes or be obsessed with tits.
No. 1080842
>>1080839Get their asses
nonnie. Inconsiderate neighbours are the worst.
No. 1080844
I went on a date with a man the other week and it was one of the nicest first dates I'd been on. We laughed, had lots of things in common, and shared a kiss at the end. At the end of the date he said he had a great time and that I was easy to talk to, and we planned our second date from there. The night before the second date, he messaged me to say he had to fly to his home town for family reasons, and that he'd message me when he's back in my state. I don't doubt what he was saying was true, the message was thoughtful and he expressed sadness we couldn't see each other as he was really looking forward to it. What I am worried about is that something pretty bad has happened, I know his dad is quite old and probably on his death bed, that's what I'm assuming has happened, and if he dies or something really horrible happens, he won't really be in the state of mind to continue seeing me. It's been nearly a week since he sent me that message, and I'm not going to bother messaging him as he's pretty consistent about getting back to me when he mentioned getting back to me before.
It's just making me sad and unsure because I had a really great time with him and I wanted to explore more of what we could've been, it was really such a nice time and I'm really attracted to him both physically and mentally. I hope that what's happening with him gets resolved, or at least isn't so traumatising that he's going to come back here and have no interest in dating afterwards. My mind is preparing for the worst but it's paining me nonnies.
Of course there's a paranoid part of me that thinks he's using it as an excuse not to see me again but I really doubt that when he gave every indication that he likes spending time with me and wanted to do more of it. He was so respectful and let me kiss him at the end of the night, and the kiss we shared was really something. We didn't want to pull away from each other. He's been going through a hard time in general but still made the effort to meet me and have a good time. He's really all I've been able to think about since, but I don't want to get my hopes up when it's only been one date.
I don't know how much longer to hold on, or if I should just mentally set it aside until he eventually messages again (if he does). But right now it's paining me. Rarely do I meet someone down to earth, not attached to social media, politically aware, animal loving, just an all round good person.
All I can really do is sit and manifest a message from him saying it's all good and he can't wait to see me again. But for now I just needed to get that out
No. 1080957
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Everytime I go out in public I come home even more aware of how awkward of a person I am and it's starting to bother me a little.
No. 1080987
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I don't have any social ties. It hurts to think I am a ghost but it's also freeing and I'm reluctant to change it. Ashamed that I am wasting my youth. Especially being female. I didn't get this way intentionally like picrel but is funny jojoke.
No. 1081223
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I hate people who always try to one up you. Someone I went to school with (and I've considered her a friend up until this point) recently switched her major to the same one I have and she keeps asking me how far along I am, probably for comparison and it stressed me out because I know that I'll need longer to finish. She even already found a part-time job in that field and it makes me feel like a complete incompetent loser. She's part of a circle of friends, so I can't cut just her off because she'll always be around them too so it would suck if there was tension between us and if friends had to make sure we don't run into each other. I want to cut her off so bad but I don't want to lose my other friends (I don't have many anyway and it's taking a toll on me) and I'm sure they'd wonder why I try to avoid just her.
No. 1081331
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I have horrible fucked up dreams almost every night and they almost always involve degenerate sex stuff that I don't even care about irl.
I want it to stop because all I get is traumatizing nightmare->something out of a bad porno. I had a dream someone broke into my house then my brain decided to be a pornsick little raisin and dream about me fucking the burglar. Hello???!! Bitch stop that shit I want to dream about houses that I build in the Sims 3, not getting sexually assaulted by people I know would never do it to me in real life. It's exhausting and whenever I've tried to speak about it anonymously online before everyone just goes down the kink/fetish route, they don't understand I HATE it.
No. 1081380
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My mom hated fat kids, and being a chubster as a kid she always told me to suck my stomach in. Today at 31 I still do it subconsciously most of the time and get uncomfortable when I'm not. Today I learned it can force your upper abs into a state of paralysis, eventually leading to scar tissue, and a harder time expanding your lungs. Which kinda aligns with how the PT I started going to yesterday reacted to how he didn't get much of a reaction from my stomach muscles when he was testing what I can and can't do. Thanks mom.
No. 1081489
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I was checking this picrew with lolita themes, and I liked the artist so I went to check their insta, and it is this fucking autistic cringe cow SadCats-whatever its name.
Holy fuck, the other art almost gave me an aneurism, it seemed like she was trying way too fucking hard, god.
Her art is good, specially the lolita related art; but image going to a tea party or something and theres this retard going "hey nonnie, do you know any cows? wanna see my cow/neonazi art?"
And shes all "omg, im autistic, im femcel" it almost seems like some stupid larping.
Is cringe, is mortifying, and it appears as if she wants to be a cow herself or something. I literally went to check if there was something about her here, AND IT WAS. Somebody come and hit me with a pan so I can forget I ever saw that.
No. 1081498
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It’s over. My grandpa is gone. He passed while we were partying the night away. My middle sister got a text from our mom in the middle of the celebrations telling us that he was gone and she managed to hold it together until the guests had left and the dishes were clean. If any anons reading this haven’t spoken to their grandparents in the last two weeks, pick up your phone and call them right now. You don’t know when is the last time you might speak to them. He was so fit. The last time I visited I couldn’t even see him because he was playing lawn bowls. I’m going to miss him so much.
No. 1081574
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I’m so fucking pissed I’m homeless. I hate that my ex will think it’s because I can’t live without him. No you fat fuck I’m a disabled retard with a deathwish. I have no direction in life and quite frankly don’t know what I’m doing with myself. My meds, my current bf, and my dog are the only things that are keeping me trapped on this godforsaken earth. I’m tired man. I’m just so fucking tired. I’m always in pain. Drugs don’t do shit. I just wanna shut my eyes and sleep.
No. 1081606
nonny, I'll try not eating so close to bedtime. It really is fucked up and what's worse is that people think it's acceptable to just say "well maybe you have a secret kink for getting fucked by your male relatives/random stranger/burglar it's ok that's empowering<3" they don't know how much disgust we feel when we wake up after dreaming about that shit.
It does feel like my brain is trying to tell me something but at the same time i do have obsessive/intrusive thoughts or OCD mannerisms irl. Do you have any of those? There needs to be some reason as to why we dream about this shit.
No. 1081648
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semi good ending vent!
My manager at my job is a nasty manchild of a misogynist!!! He is in his thirties and repeatedly finds exes to fixate on and antagonize, and sometime last year he decided he was obsessed with me and I rejected him. He initially seemed genuinely okay, just apologetic, but he has since put me through so much shit I put some heavy boundaries in. He is a shitty drunk and did some horrible things to me at the Christmas do and he apologized the next morning, but since then I've become more and more distant. Anyway, because he is a NARC, he cannot handle this a single bit. He finds things to get angry and passive aggressive at me about. This time it was the fact that he kept trying to prod me about who I hung out with last weekend and I didn't answer, that and he was incredibly rude to me. He has spent all week trying to make me uncomfortable at work as a result, but I simply remained calm, didn't respond, ignored him.
WELL nonnies, he's SO triggered that I didn't fall into his weird little "oh I know FEMALES, I can narc guilt trip them, slam doors and make them feel bad" traps that he's put in sudden leave for his mental health but only on my shifts next week.
Nonnies, I think I won because I've pissed off an r/niceguys incel manager so much by having boundaries and not letting him walk all over me for not wanting to date him despite my numerous rejections that he's put in leave
I'm laughing
I can throw more details but this is just the summary, I made a grown man take leave because none of his passive aggressions made me respond as he wanted me to. I just did my job.
No. 1081787
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i find it so funny and ironic when men complain about how the courts and childcare-related matters are biased against them. duh, obviously? your species is notorious for being apathetic to your own children until you want sympathy online.
men throughout history have just spread their seed then disappeared leaving the mothers to raise the kids and do all the hard unpaid labour. even the dads who do stick around still do fuck all apart from go to work, they barely help with kids/housework when they get home even if the mom works too. there are some good dads out there of course and my own mom wasn't a good mom but i still understand why courts are going to favour the mother's opinion and side over the father - statistics don't lie. the rate of dads abandoning their kids compared to moms is insane, and tbh because of this, they have no right to act surprised and like a victim when it turns out that yes you do have to pay child support and no you can't have full custody.
what's even more funny is that every moid i see who complains about not being able to see his kids, barely even put in the effort when he had the chance to.
moids love to play up the wholesome caring dad persona until it actually comes to buying baby supplies and taking care of them, then they suddenly disappear and/or go on to groom and fuck girls 10 years younger than them. whenever i see a male complain about the fact that the mom won't let him see the kids i'm instantly dubious and kind of suspect that there's something more to her side of the story. yes some moms are manipulative, but every moid i've seen who complains about this shit is a terminal weed-smoking manchild who is in and out of employment and who would probably burst into tears if he was ever asked to use a condom or stop playing video games 6 hours a day. god they're so disgusting.
No. 1081809
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I draw a lot but I'm still bad at it. I drew a lot this week and my arm and wrist hurt and I'm frustrated so I'm going to take a nice warm shower and then come back and do some figure studies.
No. 1081810
>>1081798you are totally correct, like i said my mom was manipulative narcissistic and very neglectful but she was still leagues better than my dad. i know my experience doesn't speak for everyone but my mom still made sure i had food and clean clothes but my dad was doing just what you described there: cheating on her, disappearing for years at a time and overall being a violent vacant piece of shit who would flip back and forth between crying about not getting to see us, then not making an effort to see us regardless.
i just don't know what makes them think they can have the audacity to do not even the bare minimum as a man and then complain that they're not getting Dad of the Year awards. they give themselves way too much credit, and society enables that just as much. every time I see a video of a dad doing the bare minimum people gush over him in the comments but if a mom so much as slips up or makes a mistake she is criticized for it.
No. 1081929
>>1081917Regardless of if it's your dad. Men referring to women as "girls" is just irritating. I feel for you
No. 1081971
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self-worth and confidence is so overrated. you just do like a few minutes or a few days desperately trying to convince yourself that you have worth in the first place maybe you didn’t really have any inherent worth in the first place.
>have some self-esteem
>ooo i’m the baddest bitch i don’t chase i attract
like my brain is nearly incapable of maintains any self-worth for a long time, it reverts back to reality, the only way confidence and self-worth can existence is by larping and pretending to other people. i can’t lie to myself like that anymore anons
No. 1082070
i wish i had the guts to kill myself. like, i tell myself that i don't do it because then my sister would be alone with my parents, and no one deserves that, but truly is because i'm a coward.
my life is pointless, i have no dreams nor goals, and my only "joy" is drowning myself in media, that i recognise is not because i enjoy it but because it's the only time i can forget how much i just don't want to be myself.
i hate being me, living as me. my life is objectively good (ok family, good country, ok health, ok money) but i don't fit it, any of it.
No. 1082111
>>1082095I'm really sorry about your previous relationship and yeah, I kind of see why you're iffy about it. I wouldn't personally pursue a romantic relationship with him even if he reciprocates the feelings. Maybe because of my own past, I have a lot of regrets dating an older person and having my 'firsts' with him. I still wish I had experienced it all with someone my age who was just as stupid as me, you know? But as I said, this is all me projecting so who knows. I'd still be hesitant.
>past few monthsSo he has time enough to really show his true teenboy self, kek.
No. 1082170
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Am I really this incompetent? Are my skills this shit? Why can't I find a job? Why can't I be hired? I have a bachelor degree and they are not even hiring me at my local grocery store? Why? This makes me so depressed, I feel like I should just be eaten by jaguars already and that I would be more useful to society like that instead of being a dead weight for my parents
No. 1082172
>>1082130Yeah, I mean. It feel so stupid that I knowingly fell into the trap of wanting male validation and knowing I was doing that, I still wanted it. It truly is a drug (or marketed as one). I was abused as a kid and ever since then I just wanted to be a fantasy to someone bc I knew I was abused just bc I had a female body. But it's like, I am good at a bunch of other topics. I feel like my brain is fried to get 1 good picture of myself being all that matters bc it means I could sell myself and be a fantasy to someone. It disgusts me yet I heard for it so. I feel like I am a person who just let their trauma define their life because I ended up being hypersexual.
It's hard coming to grips with the fact that I don't really care about sex outside of the validation. I cum and my boyfriend is great, but I feel like shit I feel this way. He's really sweet and understanding, and it feels exhausting for me to relearn my sexuality. Learning that it matters what I think is hot, not whether I'm hot. Learning to fantasize about him, not fantasizing about him fantasizing about how hot I am. I used to see sex as part of my identity and in a sense it still is. It's just fucking crazy to me that once it's become so obvious that I'm never going to be this idea I'd like to embody, I'm like, thanks, I'd rather leave.
It hurts my heart how I'm not the only woman like this, either, I feel like I'm so entrapped and it's not like I want it to be banned to care about my appearance, but it needs to be from a place of me not trying to directly please men (and I understand even a lot of what feels attractive to me is bred from men, too).
Thank you for responding anon, it means a lot.
No. 1082176
>>1082161the entire thread is a sperg about how women have life on easy mode and they can easily get an audience of simps supporting them but they are literally ignoring reality. Top earning Twitch streamers are male, top earning Youtubers are male and as a male you can look gross and be fat and nobody cares.
Look at reviewbrah, if reviewbrah was a woman she'd be called ugly, gross but simultaneously fetishized and sexualized and stripped of any humanity while simultaneously being harassed for simply being a woman.
No. 1082180
>>1082174I thought it was because less qualified workers have less options, and thus less opportunities to leave the company which means a lower turnover.
>>1082170Hang in there. Sometimes it's just a matter of luck and applying at the right time and place, and unfortunately that's something that people won't admit unless they're the ones not being able to get a job. So don't lose your self-esteem over this.
No. 1082181
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>>1082170At least you're trying nonna. That's all you can do. There's nothing wrong with you, the system is just stupid.
No. 1082220
>>1082180>>1082181Thanks, anonas. I have already cried about this today
lol but your comments made me a little less miserable. I am actually aiming to get out of my shitty country and work abroad, but I need a job in the meantime, of course. I need the savings, I need to help my parents, I need the resume, I need the routine. I've been trying for a while and I was like "Okay, it's the pandemic, nobody has a job" but then I just kept being a NEET against my will even when the covid cases subsided. I hope I can get out of this slump by the end of the semester.
No. 1082250
>>1082220Best of luck nonna! Like
>>1082180 it's all about luck and being in the right place and the right time. I was in your position a few years ago, even pre-pandemic when everyone was hiring yet I still couldn't get a damn job! I almost didn't take the job that led to my current position because I almost ignored the recruiter who contacted me (I was meeting with tons of recruiters and it kept leading to nothing and I was getting fed up). I got hired so the HR girl could prove a point to the HR head with me! So dumb. But I lucked out and I lucked out hard. Here's to passing on some of my luck to you!
Life is unfair and particularly shitty right now, but I'm rooting for you nona. I'm praying to sanic that you'll land a good, well paying job with good coworkers!! ♥
No. 1082303
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>>1082250Thanks, anon! ♥ You are so kind. I wish you a very good rest of your life!
No. 1082572
>>1082420Oh my god WHAT she died?? I got lazy and dropped off with my Japanese studying but I loved her videos so much, no other person explained grammar better. I'm so sorry you were already having a bad day on top of this,
nonny. I hope tomorrow will bring good news for you.
No. 1082595
>>1082576I knew it, you're
THAT anon!
No. 1082675
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>>1082572Thank you so much for your kindness,
nonnie. She did die, unfortunately. I hope she knew how many and how much she helped those that watched her content before passing, it's always good to know the impact of your life before ceasing to exist.
Anyway, I hope every anon here have a great weekend, as corny as it is. Life is so fleeting.
No. 1082686
>>1082674I tried watching Mamamax once, I think maybe a couple of months ago. The way he presented his pedophile hunting shit as some badass edgy larp threw me off. I think I posted about how retarded I thought he was in the vent thread? I think? And anons were like "well, at least he's exposing pedophiles!" kek. Men who are OBSESSED with hunting and exposing pedophiles are usually all doing it for clout and asspats, they don't actually care about the children and teenagers being exploited.
No. 1082771
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>>>/ot/939864samefag. Today when I was visiting my mother she casually mentioned, as I was about to leave, that she threw out the chair he use when he kermit. That shit bent my fucking stomach on sight, my poor mother having to grab that fucking nasty chair the moid used. She said she had to throw it away because it was constantly reminding her of how he kermit, which is completely understandable, but I had to hold my tears back so bad. After that she told my father who agreed with her decision, later a local junky passed by and asked if he could keep the chair, she said yes. I don't know how to feel, I want this to go away but I gotta be there for my family. FUCK MOIDS AAAAAAAAAH.
No. 1082868
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>>1082854Nona don't do that!
No. 1082879
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I have a chance to flee from Russia, which is where I am now. I've lived my whole life here, all of my friends are here, and I met my boyfriend a few months ago who I think I love (who can't sleep out of fear of being drafted at the moment), but if i stay, I might have to really struggle (and of course, so does everyone else in Russia). I really don't want to leave, because if i do I know I'll feel like a huge traitor and deserter. I only have a few relatives in america, some of whom i love but most of whom i'm mostly apathetic about. That's it. What am I going to do there? I don't want to abandon my mother, who can't leave - and if she dies, it'll ruin me. But then again, I have no idea what will happen here if I decide not to go. Anons, I'm scared.
No. 1082931
>>1082879I'd take the chance if possible. Have you talked to your mother about it and how she feels? The situation is pretty uncertain right now, but there's surely no future to be had in russia right now. My parents left russia before I was born to go to a first world country and at first had to survive a few years with what little welfare money they could get there, so it wasn't easy by any means, but now they have a very comfortable life. If need be you could always go back or keep in contact through social media and such? Maybe you will even find new friends?
Just don't feel pressured to stay because of other people, you can choose yourself. It doesn't make you a traitor to flee from a situation you had no say in
No. 1083075
>>1078375 again.
I miss her so fucking much. Holy shit this is hard. She's never going to ask to sit in my lap again, she's never going to purr for me again… why did she have to get sick, why did she have to die… why couldn't I do more for her… I just want her back so badly, I feel like I'm being ripped apart. I love her, I don't want to forget her, I don't want to keep moving forward through time, further and further away from her… I am falling apart. The only thing keeping me sane is thinking about the shrine I will make for her ashes once I get her remains back. Everything hurts. My baby is gone
No. 1083310
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I love lesbians thinking separating themselves out of their own sexuality (which seems very ince-ly why are separating yourself from straight women just because they’re straight? kek, makes you wonder) is gonna make people be like “oh no, don’t go on your lesbian separatist society no baby don’t leave us!” This is actually fucking hilarious and sad. Straight women have to get rid of their straightness in order to earn respect from lesbians? Hell no, fuck off lmao, heterosexuals are not tainted just as homosexuals are not tainted for liking the same sex. What the actual fuck?
No. 1083461
>at the same time i do have obsessive/intrusive thoughts or OCD mannerisms irlIt could be related to those, as I do too, and ironically your distress about these nightmares could be fueling more of them. You could work on taking them less seriously by reminding yourself dreams are out of our control, and having horrifying nightmares doesn't mean you want it to happen, that's why they're nightmares. For whatever reason our brains try to run us through things that scare or disgust us, perhaps in an attempt to pick it apart and face the fear so to speak. Maybe if you change your waking thoughts about the dreams, by recognizing they are only dreams just like the intrusive thoughts are only that, then those dreams might happen less as your brain worries about those things less and less. Often what you fret about in waking life can appear in dreams, other times it's something subconscious, but you know best that they are unwanted and it's the OCD that makes you doubt.
No. 1083577
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wow nonnas you actually were right, most men really are just not that attractive to look at or interesting to engage with. they all give me the ick now
No. 1083691
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No. 1083818
File: 1646379467005.png (1021.64 KB, 932x1428, Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 2.34…) is some dumb fucking shit. like "oh wow men are FINALLY free!!1" what the fuck? no one was ever "obsessing" over how a man "should dress". this isn't a problem we need an article about. MEN aren't the ones who've been living for centuries with oppressive retardery about how to dress.
No. 1083863
So I contacted one of the other girls that share an abuser with me,and she told me she was glad to take part on the collective denounce, but that she "disliked revenge" and "she didn't want any problems". I told her she could be an anonymous testimony but FUCK DUDE this guy brainwashed us all to be scared of him, and this is our chance to make justice, and your afraid this counts as vengeance? WHAT? As if he was that important. No, I just want that predator to go to jail so he stops beating his pregnant wife. Even now this bastard is getting away with it, making this girl scared of publicly denouncing him. It pisses me off. Is exactly the reason of why he keeps doing it over and over again. We have a chance to stop that, do you know how many victims have that? NOT A LOT. Use it, exploit it, make use of this opportunity we have dude. And if he does something against us, that's better for our case, that just proves he's a violent asshole who cannot be trusted. I'm done being scared of him, I wan justice, I want retribution, I want reparations. I don't care if I get in trouble, what could possibly be worse than what he did to us already? What is he gonna beat me again? Here's the thing dude, he's done so much awful stuff, that theres hardly anything that he can do to scare me anymore. Stop being scared, start being angry. Understand that he cannot win against all of us, and that's why he used to isolate us. Fuck him, fuck his future, he's getting what he deserves.
No. 1083871
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I'm going to fucking scream. My best friend is so retarded sometimes and it doesn't matter what I say or what advice I give she just keeps doing stupid shit.
She has been on and off with this absolute manchild for about a year now, he is so verbally abusive and is obsessed with OnlyFans and ig models, doesn't have a job and just smokes weed and plays games all day. He treats her like fucking shit and she has been depressed for a very long time…then she gets pregnant. When she tells me I instantly think oh fuck no, sorry I cannot support or agree with this and she knows that.
I don't tell her what to do though and just let her figure it out, her body is not really my business but whatever. Then soon after she loses the baby quite early on, and ngl - correct me if I'm rude nonnas, but I would take that as sort of a sign that she isn't ready right now: she's only in part-time work, doesn't have her own place is severely mentally ill and keeps getting nutted in by this porn addict manbaby. When she talked to me about it I told her I personally think no one should be having a child until they can afford to and are in a comfortable spot in their life. That was kind of the end of it and now…she tells me she is pregnant again.
Hello?! I'm genuinely perplexed as to why she keeps giving this moid the pleasure of sex when he doesn't do shit for her. Literally nothing, he doesn't provide for her emotionally or financially, nothing at all. And now she's pregnant again and going on how she will be able to support the baby despite the fact its dad will not even want to be in the picture because he is too busy messaging OnlyFans women on instagram. Both of them live in a shit rural small town area with no opportunities either and she will absolutely have to raise that kid on her own. I don't understand why she couldn't have just waited to find someone decent who would actually be around for a child. I'm baffled.
No. 1083879
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Sometimes I wish I could just fall into a peaceful, slumbers coma. Like I just go to sleep and won't wake up for a month.
No. 1083880
>>1083875she's 24 and her reasoning for keeping this second baby is just because "she really wants one and can raise it on her own". I know she loves kids but I at least thought she would try and have children with someone who is kind to her and would be a good father to the children.
We live in England and yes you do get a house/support if you have a baby but it's insanely hard to be a single mother anyway especially given how expensive living costs are here! I'm just extremely disappointed in her. I think she has this perfect single mother girlboss image in her head but that's not the reality of things.
No. 1083912
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How is it so easy for people to find someone they like and the person likes them back?? For me it's always been either someone being interested in me and me not reciprocating or me liking someone but them not feeling the same. Why is it so hard for me to find someone who likes me just as much as I like them.
No. 1083915
I've noticed an uptick in people demonizing "ghosting" like it's one of the worst things you can do. The trend seems to be to cling to relationships as long as possible, even when they have run a natural course. Maybe this started with the emergence of social media and the "friend collection" of Myspace and Facebook. It's easier to keep in touch, even if it's a sliver of a connection, and what's your excuse NOT to? What, do you HATE them? When really, I think, why SHOULD I keep in contact with someone I haven't enjoyed hanging out with in 3 years? Why should I stay "friends" with an ex? Why should I have to have a long drawn-out conversation with someone just to tell them I no longer want to be associated? I feel like it's more naturally to just let things end. I stopped talking to some guy I didn't want to be friends with anymore and he messaged me, got his gf to message me, AND messaged my bf asking me for an explanation and I found it entitled and obnoxious of him. I had to plain tell him I just didn't like him anymore and it just confirmed I'm not entertaining that sort of convo again
>>1083878I think it's annoying, too. Also, "partner". I get it, you think you are too mature for the terms bf and gf but it's obnoxious, to me, people don't really say that where I'm from
No. 1083921
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>>1081648>>1081782Incredibly kek, he's so thirsty and degenerate!! I spent five minutes snooping his Facebook nonnas, and even from his statuses at the end of 2021 and last pfp, I counted about THIRTY SOMETHING PEOPLE who were no longer friends with him, including a bunch of girls he'd thirst liked everything on, those queens absolutely unfriended and blocked him so he must do nothing but sit at home flaming people and being an incel
I say this because when I put boundaries up he negged me and insisted I was crazy and also (he knows because he's a manager) he shoehorns in comments about my autism which feel patronizing and inappropriate. I mask to high hell anyway and people don't just go up to me and go "you're autistic,
nonny" but he feels the weird need to use that as another blame. He also told me maybe I needed therapy because I didn't like him back and maybe I wasn't ready to let someone in. Did I mention I have a long distance bf, he just refuses to accept it and negs?
Negs about a guy being two hours away from me when he went all the way to Germany to get cucked by a German girl who never liked him, he's still salty a decade later kek what a cow
No. 1083940
>>1083863>Understand that he cannot win against all of us.Men have and they will, you're being naive and reckless.
She's right to be concerned for her reputation and the drama that will ensue as there is still a pervasive belief that scorned women want to ruin men who hurt them.
It would be nice of her to come forward if it helps prevent future victimization but she doesn't owe it to anyone to become a target and open old trauma wounds if she doesn't want to. It doesn't make her a coward because it's a very real consequence and she probably doesn't understand your objectives and what you're trying to accomplish with this information.
What would her anonymous account honestly do? Are you legally pursuing anything or are you just kicking up dust on social media hoping to create a shitstorm that results in some kind of action that someone else initiates on your behalf?
If he's beating his pregnant wife and you have proof of this then this needs to be tipped off to police immediately. Did the battered pregnant woman talk to you and if not, why? The reason why he's a free man is because no one documented the abuse and reported it, which would indicate they were threatened enough to not do so. Now you're asking those same vulnerable women to stick their necks out to pursue your idea of justice. If you didn't report your abuse at the time for reasons then this woman not wanting to come forward to recount hers is just as legitimate.
>>1083873Not wanting to cause unnecessary problems for oneself=/=forgiving an abuser.
victim blaming. Not every woman is up to task to face an uphill battle in a system where their abusers will face a slap on the wrist at best or get away with it then proceed to destroy their
victims at worst.
It was up to the abuser to have never abused in the first place.
>>1083871>When she talked to me about it I told her I personally think no one should be having a child until they can afford to and are in a comfortable spot in their life. Poor people have babies all the time and many can generally be comfortable and happy.
You didn't keep it to be about the worthless moid. The male is the root problem! You needed to tell her she shouldn't be having children with an unemployed, porn-addicted boyfriend who cannot offer support of any kind. It wouldn't matter if she had money if the man would cause misery and be useless, hopefully you'd still disapprove her breeding with the idiot even if she did have the means.
If she was of the welfare/benefits mentality then bringing up the financial argument was moot and not addressing the root of the issue anyway. And if you couldn't have been honest with her about the boyfriend, then maybe you hadn't been true friends well before this pregnancy business.
No. 1083963
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There's a moid who has been called out for raping his ex and sexting with minors & emotionally manipulate them while having a uwu twansbian persona and I think he came back, I saw him hanging around in an art stream and even a discord server. I don't have any proof as I've seen the drama from an outside position but he looks so much like him in writing, have the same interests (the "lewd scene") and at this point I just need to hear his voice once to confirm or not if that's the same person. Heck even their birthdays are really close (he probably falsified the date but kept the month for his idol utaite persona), I'll have to ask his ex to confirm if their ages match and if he indeed went to art school in the past but idk how to approach that. I really want it to be just paranoia on my side because there's isn't much thing I can do beside warning any girl if he joins a group/project.
No. 1083971
>>1083940I completely agree that the moid is the main issue but ngl
nonny I'm not going to ignore the fact that she is irresponsible as fuck for getting pregnant twice and thinking it's fine to bring up the kid in these circumstances. And maybe it's my unpopular opinion but as a child who was raised by poor parents and spent life in near-poverty until I was 20, I'm not in favour of people having kids until they are financially comfortable. They don't need to be rich at all, but they also should know that you cannot rely on the government to sort shit out for you either. It's not a good life for them or the child. Yes this waste of space of a moid should be held responsible and I despise him for treating my friend this way, I've told my friend that he's a piece of shit and obviously won't want to pay a penny towards his kid but it's like she doesn't care, she just wants the baby. I also asked her why can't she just wait until she meets a man who will be a good person towards her and the baby but she simply said "there's never really the perfect time to have a baby" and that's true but holy shit I wish she would wake up and realise her worth and just get the fuck out of there. I've tried to be honest with her about him and explain he will never take care of her and will always be a pathetic manbaby but she just says "yeah I know" then is back with him a month later, then pregnant again.
No. 1084033
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Why have there been so many retards on this website lately spewing moid rhetoric, I can visibly see the site deteriorating everyday and it makes me sad because this is the only online “community” I enjoy.
No. 1084048
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I feel so lonely and all I want is to disassociate. It took me almost three hours today to get ready for the grocery store because I'm a crying mess and even cried a bit on the way there. I don't want to be me anymore.
No. 1084062
>>1083952>I find that autistic but you do you. I think he should've taken the hint when I wasn't returning his texts as muchpre-emptive autism that might save you from more autism down the line but like
>>1083948 said what you're describing isn't ghosting, you're just shy of conflict
No. 1084236
>>1084043I got spoiled about what happens at the end of Nana and it ruined any interest I had in reading it. I hate when people write boyfriends and husbands being shitty and
abusive to their girlfriends but she stay s with him through the end of it cause true love or some shit.
No. 1084259
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I hate my boobs. I have wide set breasts (picrel) and when they are in a bra they look very round. I feel like everytime a man gets mad at me he starts mocking my tits, saying they look fake or "why do they look like that". I even get this shit from women sometimes. I always just laugh and tell them if they'd seen more tits irl it wouldn't be weird, but it still gets to me.
idk what to do other than cover them 100% of the time. I just feel so shit and I know other people wonder and just don't ask. Megan Fox is the closest I've seen to how my breasts look but mine are bigger. It's just to get cleavage I have to push them together and it gives a really round look.
can any nonnies help? I wish I had cute little titties. (reposting because dropped pic)
No. 1084334
>>1084236Spoilers in case other anons don't want to see it
but she doesn't stay with Takumi because of true love, so at least there's that. It's been so long since I read the manga but I think in the scenes taking place in the future she even divorced him and got more mature. If it weren't for her first pregnancy maybe she could have had more time to tell Takumi it was over between them once and for all before moving on with Nobu. But I totally understand why you wouldn't like it either way, it starts at a more slice of life thing and then all of a sudden the drama in never ending so there's that too.
No. 1084400
>>1084385Anon there's two of us lmao now I see why you/whoever accused me of saying anon's a liar when I didn't. I'm
>>1084380 not
>>1084379. Last post because I'm not making this anymore confusing.
No. 1084403
>>1084380this is the vent thread. Just because your experiences don't match up to a random anons, it doesn;t give you the right to start questioning them
>>1084400you're both retarded.
No. 1084438
>>1083310Seething straight women like yourself are exponentially more cringeworthy than the women you're replying to could ever be.
>why are separating yourself from straight women just because they’re straight? Homophobia, which this post is about, retard.
>“oh no, don’t go on your lesbian separatist society no baby don’t leave us!”Did you get bullied by the mean lesbians or something? How does someone pull this from a woman venting?
No. 1084462
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>>1083310Reposting, dropped pic. Straight women are likely to be lesbophobic and gay men are likely to be misogynistic. It sucks to be a lesbian and being expected to either focus on the homosexuality part of yourself or the woman part. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.
No. 1084522
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I'm filth of a human being, pure filth. No amount of trauma I've experienced, no amount of mental illness will convince me that the things I've done were out of pure choice, nothing more.
I'm suffering every day with guilt and disgust with myself. What makes it even worse is that my boyfriend is a literal fucking saint, always giving people the benefit of the doubt, he's selfless, nice. Loving and puts up with my bullshit. But I'm such an evil negative person, I hate myself so much. I feel guilty just being in his life because of how opposite of him I am. Yes he has his faults but he is such an amazing person I can't even understand how a moid like him was created.
God I wish I didn't have this evil disposition. I wish I didn't go through what I went through, I wish I had a different life. Why in the fuck do I feel so fucking cursed. God damn it. Fuck. Why can't I be nice, friendly, relatable, liked… fuck!!!!
No. 1084582
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i think there's a cat in the solarium.. or a skunk or a masked bandit things. because i once woke up randomly and i saw black/white thing and noticed that the solarium garbage has bin ripped open. again this is the second time.
idk which one it is but i'm scared to go check it out. i hope its a cat so i can help.
No. 1084616
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I'm so annoyed nonnas, there's this random guy online who keeps trying to get in contact with me. He claims we used to date (I have literally zero memory of him), he's contacted old friends who I haven't spoken to in YEARS to contact me including one girl that harassed me, he's contacted this one girl I never liked from highschool to ask my fucking sister at her work place if I'm "okay", he keeps commenting on this years old Instagram account I have that has been abandoned, he even somehow got my number to message me. I don't know who this guy is! I want to be cruel to him and just tell him that I think he's a fucking creep without holding back, but since he somehow knows girls I've been to highschool with, my number and my sister and her workplace then I don't know how 'safe' I have to play it with him.
This happens to me a lot, not even just with moids. Randoms from the internet trying to get back into contact with me desperately when it's clear I don't want them. Because of shitty parenting I've been online everyday since I was fucking 8 years old, of course as a child I didn't have any concept of internet safety and because of that too many weirdos know me too much. I'm afraid he may be a person from back when I was a dumb kid online. If we met when I was 11 or something of course I won't remember you stupid moid. I have no idea how old is he. He's dumb enough to put his full name and face online but he has a pretty good car and job so I doubt he's my age. I don't know what to do. I don't want to have to fake politeness to him but if I'm honest to him that may be risky. This is a nitpick but he types like a faggot scene kid too. He said some "random dude" gave him my number and that scares me too. What "random dude" is out giving my number to strange men?? Ahhhh I don't know what to do I just want to be left alone but people refuse to leave me alone.
No. 1084625
I can feel my friendship deterriorating as I grow to resent a friend more and more. We still talk daily but it's hard for me to take her very seriously. She's diagnosed herself with NPD, OCD, ADD. She's straight but insists she's demisexual and bisexual despite being a massive coomer, having a boyfriend, and never actually being interested in women. She hates her parents but is a neet living off of them, and is an r/antiwork user who makes snide comments at acquaintances who get jobs at companies said to have bad work cultures, like she doesn't get it's working at a bad company or working retail for most people. She has an ldr boyfriend who she seems constantly upset with. Normally I hate moids but I'm growing more and more sympathetic to the BF because she's usually unhappy with him because he's not providing endless validation to her every inane opinion and feeling, like her complaints about movies and shit like that. I think she probably used him in the same way she uses me, as a validation dispensor to constantly expel her problems to, and gets upset when he says his thoughts frankly, unlike me who pussyfoots around the issue. She's just a person who's insanely self centric, with an immense need to feel special and victimized.
Idk, I feel like I'm starting to be so resentful I see everything she says as disingenuous, like she's really only interested in herself and can't actually engage with other people on a meaningful level. I can hardly stand to open up to her too much because I know she'll either say something uncomforting in response, or copy what I said for a new way to paint herself as a victim (When I opened up to her about self harm she went and decided to start calling her skin picking self harm and would start talking it up so much more than I ever did).
Maybe I just need like a break from this friendship.
No. 1084629
>>1084616change your number and figure out how much shit from your past you can get removed online.
>he even somehow got my number to message me. I don't know who this guy is!Either someone hates you enough to be giving out your number like this or he's straight up stalking you. Please be careful this could escalate. Limit responses but save everything he sends to you and maintain a timeline in case you have to contact police or get a restraining order.
No. 1084631
>>1081820I'm on the verge of a complete breakdown. Today I had a meeting where my work was reviewed and even though I checked it for mistakes SEVERAL TIMES before, it was still riddled with it and it was extremely humiliating for literally everyone. I was so fuucking nervous I literally couldn't eat during the day. I have a feeling they are going to fire during the course of the next week. This was the best workplace I've ever worked and I just realized if they indeed fire me I literally cannot do ANYTHING. I fuck up literally everything. I would even fuck up dishwashing.
I call my mother for emotional support and it's like I'm talking to a wall. I'm literally crying and she is telling me why I didn't keep the deadline and if I prepared for the language exam tomorrow. Absolutely no emotional support, just expectations, expectations, expectations. And when I explicitly ASK for emotional support she says things like 'I cook for you' and 'I cleaned your kitchen counter because it was dirty'. For fuck's sake.
I cannot go on like this, anons. I cannot. I'm still crying. I feel like it'll never get better.
No. 1084643
>>1081820>>1084631Bad mental health and stress make you make tons of mistakes you wouldn't normally make. It's not your fault. Those things usually get better though.
Also your mom is a bitch, I'm sorry you have to deal with her.
No. 1084656
>>1084626I wish your mother wouldn't have been negligent either. It sucks. Children are stupid because they're still learning, children make many mistakes, yet because of the internet for many children those mistakes are now immortalised. I've tried to completely wipe my internet presence, yet random people keep finding ways to contact me that even
I forgot about! The internet is very much a double edged sword. It's harder now than ever to get away from people.
> I get the occasional scrote from that time to try and contact and it ruins my brain for months.I can relate to this too. I know how it feels and I'm so sorry nonna. It sucks that there's not much we can do about it.
> I have no idea what you could do that's the safest, faking politeness might just egg him on.This is the problem with men. If you're nice/polite to them they get obsessed with you, if you're dismissive to them they get obsessed with you but also want to hurt you and get revenge. I've dealt with both too many times. The only way to deal with men is to not deal with them at all, I know this, yet a part of me just wants to scream at this stupid man and tell him what he's doing is wrong and creepy because he's too stupid to even consider that himself.
All I've been doing so far is ignoring him, yet the more I think about it the more angry I get and wonder if to him me ignoring him is almost validation to him in a way, because I don't tell him what he's doing is wrong then he sees nothing wrong with it. If I contact him and express that I find what he's doing is disturbing then maybe he'll get a grip. But there's also the possibility that if I express any form of rejection to him he'll flip out. I don't know, I never do.
I'm especially annoyed that this random contacted girls I know and they naively contacted my sister. Do they not realise how potentially dangerous that could be? Why are they so willing to do what this random man says, why did they not consider that I may in fact not know him at all? The internet makes it hard to be completely unbothered and I hate that. One girl sent me what he sent to her and it was pretty much just "I want to get back in contact with anon again pls help". For all they knew he could have been anyone. I wish I could just be a bitch to him and express how I really feel but if I do then what will he do, how will he take it? Men are insanely bad at taking rejection even when I try to be the most polite I can be whilst still being straight forward. They're so bad that I still vividly remember how well this one guy took me rejecting him years ago. I was so surprised that he didn't throw a tantrum at me, that he took it well and was still nice to me because that's how rare it is. Sorry for sperging
nonnie, I wish that I could protect both of us from ever being contacted by scrotes from our past ever again.
>>1084629Will do nonna. Sucks that changing numbers is such a damn hassle. I haven't said one word to him yet, I'm just tempted to out of frustration. I'm also afraid to delete all of my public accounts online because I have the silly hope that one day my old best friend will try to contact me on one of them, but I guess if she's able to then that means
anyone can as well.
No. 1084666
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I'm trying to ghost this moid I've fucked once just for fun and he keeps saying shit like "I love you so bad. Never leave me. If you leave me the shadow people will take me". Well hurry the fuck up and take him already
No. 1084673
>>1084668Fuckin learnt this the hard way. Came to a mutual agreement with a moid to be FWB since I got dumped and needed a mood boost. The sec was awful and he kept going soft despite him hyping my up that he was going to sexually destroy me. Fucking loser.
over the course of the following weeks he’d message me “can I have a selfie? I like looking at you”
“Can you bring your perfume to spray on my bed next time? I want to always smell you”
“I miss you”
And then fuckiing cried when I told him he got too clingy for it to be FWB and said I’d never fuck him again. (Not that I’d want to. The sex was awful and he couldn’t make me cum and couldn’t eat Pussy to save his life)
And they call -us- the emotional ones.
No. 1084680
>>1084673Men are such babies but he's giving you an out. If he thinks he has something that you want that he's withholding from you, he'll feel like he "won." Pure cope obviously but at least he'll fuck off long enough for you to block him without him going homicidally insane.
Or IDK tell him you're breaking contact unless he goes to therapy lmao. Men will act unhinged and psychotic until you say they need to see a psych and then suddenly "oh it's not that bad" and "I can handle it myself."
No. 1084681
>>1084656You can always sperg at me.
>Men are insanely bad at taking rejectionSeriously. And honestly I don't know if it's feigned retardation or are they really that stupid that they don't realize what they are doing is fucked up. It really makes you want to rage at them to let them know how insane they are even if you know you shouldn't do it. Hope you told those girls to like, don't engage these types of messages again. I really wish at times like these I could just redo my internet presence with what I know now even if it means I'll also have to let go of some of the better memories.
Hope he leaves you the fuck alone and good luck with changing numbers, what a hassle. I think you should delete your old public account atp. Wish I could give you a hug anon, stay safe. I hope no other man from the past contacts you again and you can be peacefully left alone.
No. 1084682
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I'm auditioning for a conservatory next week and I'm so stressed I just want to scream. Everything just goes wrong when I'm practicing and everything just sounds like shit, my instrument sounds all fucked up, I keep messing up and no matter how many times I go over it the notes just wont stick. And I have to play and play until I'm exhausted and everything hurts and I feel like I'm never going to be good enough. Fuck this
No. 1084684
>>1084682Wow I love this pic, also good luck
nonny just chillax take a chill pill and sleep and then wake up
No. 1084685
>>1084673How did you get this jaded and… dissociated? about sex?
No offense, I'm genuinely curious.
No. 1084690
>>1084469This is how they try to excert control over their lives bc they realized too late marrying and having kids is usually a prison. Mental illness that's gone chronic.
This type of mother is so common I think we need to make a name for it. Chronic mommy syndrome?
No. 1084691
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so like,im a khv and i feel i will stay as such because im still socially awkward but even if i wasn't,IM AFRAID OF MEN.i have been thinking that maybe i wouldn't even want to be in a relationship because i do need my alone time but dude I JUST WANNA're gonna tell me there are sex toys and shit but i DO want to experience this whole affection/kissing/caressing shit.unless sex robots FOR WOMEN become realistic enough this wont happen.i wish it was easy to be fwb/have one night stands without being afraid the moid will be rapey,
abusive, std-ridden, or simply someone who will get attached to you like
>>1084666 while u simply wanted to have ur fun no strings attached.i dont even have a decent relationship to my sexuality due to mento ilness and i feel i will stay sexually unfulfilled forever
No. 1084698
From my perspective sex is something very emotionally charged, inherently so, so people doing it with so little emotional response is alien to me.
No. 1084702
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I am sad to be leaving this place, but I have to keep my promise. Until the end of Lent I've said to myself that I will not use social media, no lc, no yt, no reddit, (unless for school). I will miss you farmers, see you next month ♥
No. 1084706
>>1084702Good luck
nonny, also lovely pic ♥
No. 1084724
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>>1084033It's because of all the moids passing by, I saw men talking about lc in /fit/ just yesterday. It makes me really sad
>>1083310please, learn to read, you decided to interpret this post in such a weird and deranged way, wtf kek
No. 1084764
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>>1084033nonna you know exactly why
No. 1084855
>>1084681>You can always sperg at me. That's really sweet
nonnie, thank you. You can to me too. I deleted all the accounts I could but I forgot the password to many since I made them when I was a kid, and I don't have access to the emails attached to them anymore either. I also asked my friend if she could delete an old account she has where she posted photos of both of us as kids publicly but she forgot the pass to that too…
Anyway, I checked this creep's Facebook account again and I just saw that he
has a gf! And he's had her for two years, it's real, she has photos of them together on her account etc, which just makes him all the more hateable. He said he's been 'looking' for me since 2017. I'm tempted to contact her and let her know that her boyfriend has been routinely being a creep to me for years but if I did it would just 'out' me to him if she told him. If he was single it would still be creepy but then I could just guess he was lonely and decided to get attached to me for some reason. But since he
has a gf I'm lost. What the hell does he want? Especially since he claims we 'dated', that just makes it worse.
Whatever. I'll change my number when I can too.
I wish I could hug you too
nonnie, may we never have scrotes bother us again.
No. 1084862
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last month I got new laptop and everything was fine until yesterday when I started to have issues with my stupid adobe program and while trying to find a solution for my problem I feel like caused some technical issues myself because ever since it works different. Like just a moment ago chrome crashed and I had to log on every website I was logged in and everything was set back. I'm such a technical idiot so this stresses me out because I need this laptop to get my work done I don't have time for that fuck. I hate this.
No. 1084866
>>1084692She sounds annoying as hell. I hope your move goes well and you can ghost her. She's not your responsibility. Let her suffer alone, honestly.
>>1084696I agree. So many threads now aren't full of milk, just nitpicks and misogyny. The age of actually funny and entertaining lolcows is almost dead. This woman gained weight now let's talk about that for multiple days in the thread because that's entertaining milk, right?
>>1084724> I saw men talking about lc in /fit/ just yesterdayGross, male fitfags are amongst the worst 4chan posters too. Why can't they just leave us alone.
No. 1084881
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>>1084872Also found a guy trying to pick up 'depressed girls' from here
No. 1084901
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Damn. I always thought I’d have at least 1 close friend by now
No. 1084949
>>1084666The best sex I ever had was with a guy who I thought was a bit eccentric.. turns out he was bipolar and very shortly after our night together he went off the rails. I wished him well and said to give me a message down the line if he's doing okay again… he just kept messaging me to update me on how he was staying with his parents several hours away and not great and then one night he was at a bar drinking and crying all night. I felt bad but like hit me up for sex or stop messaging me please. I couldn't help him from 6 hours away even if I wanted to.
Does biploar make you an amazing fuck if you time it right before the full mania hits.. was it just a fluke? He contacted me again last year saying he's in an open relatonship.. ugh I'll keep my one fond memory of him and leave it at that.
No. 1084968
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I wish men were more sensitive and talked about their feelings. The ones who seem like sweethearts are always worse once you get to know them. This one opened doors for me and always smiled at me but once he started talking, it was all a bunch of boring anecdotes and whenever I said something he'd just zone out and say 'YES I THINK FEMINISM IS REALLY IMPORTANT TOO' when he'd notice I was done lol. Everything he said and did was an act, he'd just agree with what I said and start talking about himself again. The ones who are genuine are always turbo autists, even though I'm an autist too when it comes to autistic men they're insufferable most of the time. They don't care about your feelings, they don't care about your emotional needs. Needless to say they don't care about romance. I just want a nice guy who says what he thinks but is also caring, do they even exist? I've been talking to this guy and I love how uncaring he is, he says exactly what he thinks and isn't afraid to disagree. He's quite intelligent and driven too, and hot as all hell! He just doesn't care about my feelings. I think he's autistic, and where women try to understand others he doesn't even attempt to read the room. He can't talk about his feelings, makes a big deal out of nothing, starts pointless arguments sometimes and I hate it. I don't need him (or anyone) to spend hundreds on a fancy meal or whatever, I just wish men weren't all insensitive retards who can't understand other viewpoints. My grandma always says 'Everything a man has more than an ape is a perk' and god is she right.. Why can't picrel be my boyfriend? He may be retarded but at least he's romantic. Being a man might as well be considered a brain disease.
No. 1084981
>>1084949I feel like there may be some mysterious weird truth to this. I've also found that for some reason, men with ADHD/ADD are strangely good at sex or ironically enough, better at paying attention to you.
Unsurprisingly the average narcissist moid is the worst out of the lot. 0/10 would not recommend again.
No. 1085039
>>1084608I know some related discussion happened earlier in this thread, but sex isn't a nothing action that you should have without any emotional connection.
I think you should focus less on trying to convince yourself that you've "done nothing wrong" and more on trying to forgive yourself.
Everybody makes some mistakes when young. You're a worthwhile person who deserves to heal from mistakes and love yourself for everything good you can do, nonna!
No. 1085043
>>108503ayrt. I hate how people are trying to "reclaim" it but it's still predicated on shit like "thoughts bad, intelligence bad, be sexy".
Everybody should be educated and learn to the best of their ability. ESPECIALLY women.
Also, I hate how the crowning virtue is still something superficial like hotness. Here's my take: everybody is entitled to feel hot or sexy every so often, but it shouldn't be one of the qualities you seek as a base constant state, because there are much more worthwhile things to put your attention towards.
I just hate the whole sinister values lying beneath the """wholesome""" version people are now championing.
No. 1085050
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I hate when my mother makes fun of me for having no boyfriend. What in the no bitches meme? YOU made me ugly and unlovable. Also, it probably would have been good to socialize me a little more, but she wouldn't know anything about it because she's friendless as well. I am so angry, I do not want to go to Tinder to find a scrote and get this over with even if it lasts like a month or so. Why can't no one fall for me unpromptely like it happens for my friends? Oh… refer to the start.
No. 1085073
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I really want to leave this place. Pray for me anons. I don't want this prison anymore. The Twitch streamer thread showed me the truth. Most of this website's users are irrational bully chans with a deep hatred of women and I think it has rubbed off on me at a point. I'm tired of hatred and hypocrisy. I wish to never return here. There is no place for me in the world truly. Most humans are idiotic.
No. 1085084
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i finally landed a cool job but it's in a city with the worst housing market ever. like 2k people apply for a single apartment and apartment ads are taken down again after an hour because so many people reply to them. i had an appointment for a viewing tomorrow and the guy just texted me that the apartment was gone already - thank fucking god i didn't book a train ticket yet because i would have gone for the cheapest option and those aren't refundable. i'm so fucking stressed. i can't pay 50 euros every day to drive to the city and look at places i won't even get into because i'm trampling through a tiny studio apartment with 50 other people an hour. in addition to all that shit i also hurt my foot and i need to rest it for at least 2-4 weeks, which isn't an option when i'm constantly supposed to run around and find a place to live. it just hurts so much and i'm basically limping at this point. right now i feel like i have to live at a hotel for my first week at my new job, then hand in my resignation because i can't find a fucking place to live. short term apartments like airbnb are way above my pay, hotels will use up my savings within 4 weeks (and that's not considering having to eat…), shared apartment/roommate situations are just as competitive as regular apartments. i can't commute from my current place to my new workplace because that would require getting up at 5 am to be there at 9 am, and i would still be late for work by a few minutes. working remotely isn't an option since i have to learn a lot of new stuff that is difficult to explain when you're not in the office.
i'm just sitting here bawling my eyes out because i thought i could have a new life starting next month but i guess i don't deserve anything good in life.
No. 1085105
>>1085073I had to hide that thread just now, I see what you mean. Enjoy your life
nonnie I'll miss you!
No. 1085184
>>1085163My post
>>1085128I went and made a throwaway email just for you anon, - send your preferred contact there, that way we don't have to post tags in the thread.
No. 1085260
>>1084764nta but kek, I made this image so long ago, I don't even remember posting it here. Love u
No. 1085284
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Think my dad just overheard me talking about my boob size to my boyfriend
No. 1085406
I forgot I had added this guy that my friend used to had sex with on fb. He's a legit good guy, has a good work, has some nice hobbies, talked to him once irl and he was nice. My friend stopped having sex with him cause he wanted something serious, my friend wanted to get back with her ex, who regularly makes rape jokes, has an alimony case going on, has no job, lives with his mother, and is 10 yrs older than her.
Yesterday the nice dude posted a pic showing his gains, and talking about how he regularly hits the gym. And my brain froze trying to process why my friend decided to let this guy go. Like, she kept telling me he was great at sex, he was interested on meeting her friends (hence, why I know him), he was the kind of dude that would send her flowers randomly without reason. AND HE CHOSE THE DEADBEAT DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK. And I wish I could say shes the victim here, but nah, the victim is me, who has to hear her complain about how her bf has a small dick, about how he's fat, about how he got fired from Walmart,about how he doesn't plan to marry her. You did this to yourself.
No. 1085412
>>1085187I feel you nonita. Had to leave high school to take care of my sick mother before she died, spent last years working, taking care of her will, paying debts, etc. Now I'm 25, have no studies, and I feel like I just jumped in time, and I just lost 10 years of my life. I have virtually 0 friends, I don't even know what to do about dating,and I have 0 hopes of actually studying. Like having permanent jetlag. It sucks cause now I'm too tired to do any of that, partying, and dating, and stuff. I'm never getting those years back, and I'm stuck like this.
No. 1085467
>>1080277I just remembered years ago when she confessed to me that she instigated fights between us on purpose. She knew I had anger problems at the time, stemming from the constant abuse I was getting at home, and she took advantage of it to make herself feel better. Pushing me to my breaking point made her feel superior to me, she wanted me to feel irrational and psychotic. She was pushing my buttons on purpose to 'punish' me because the girl she used to stalk started to be my friend. She was jealous of me, but all the while I was trying to convince that girl that she wasn't that bad and that she just had abandonment issues with friends and was scared to lose her. She's such a fucking tool. Like, the reason she stalked this girl was literally because in elementary school when they met, the girl held her hand in the hallway because she was nervous. And she never let that go. She had friends move away from town and that equated to abandonment to her. Something that is entirely out of control of the other person, she sees as a personal attack against her. She grows up to be a self centered asshole who sees herself as above everyone else, and wonders why people have a hard time being her friend. She's the
actual psycho. I am not going to feel bad about this shit, she doesn't deserve my friendship. Looking at these stuffed animals she's bought me over the years, I feel empty, honestly. They feel hollow. They aren't sentimental to me anymore, they're just cute toys that I enjoy for the sake of being cute toys. Everything she's ever done for me is shallow. It took 15 years for her to say anything sweet to me, and it's only because she was influenced by her enby friends to be less of spaz. If they knew about her fucked up head they would want nothing to do with her.
No. 1085560
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Looks attract people to you but you still have to have an a good personality for them to want to be around you. I've got neither so I guess I shouldn't worry about it.
I just wish I could work on my shit personality and engage with people even at times when I don't feel like it. I'm jealous of people who can give off this perception of happiness constantly even when stressed because I tend to become extremely unpleasant and standoffish to people when I'm tired. Coupled with the fact I'm not attractive means that people don't approach me often and if they do and I'm not in a good enough mood they won't come back
No. 1085586
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I’ve been really stressed and depressed lately but whenever I think about men not existing in my fantasy world and my stupid XY brothers finally no longer in our lives it makes living just a little bit worth it. I can just imagine finally being free, it almost seems too good to be true nonnies.. please pray for me and manifest for true female freedom
No. 1085637
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I hate my career. i've been studying it for 3.5 years and i can't stand it anymore. i'm finishing this year but i dont feel happy or excited just miserable and depressed. sometimes i think about just giving up but its too late now. my parents forced me to study that and im thinking of studying someting that i truly like after graduating.
No. 1085647
>>1084881"those types of girls" lol except all types of girls come here since half the world has an internet connection, this place has brought in fans and haters of all sorts of internet cows, and this place seems to be the only unmoderated female forum. there's anyone from teens to mothers, from femcels to stacies on here, americans, arabs, dutchies, hungarians, germans, muslims, japanese…
No. 1085717
>>1085698i am bouncing off this to talk about my experience with mushrooms and a chat i had recently. microdosing fucked me up, i basically got returning psychosis, or flashbacks. if you have a history of psychosis or schizophrenia in your family, don't even try them. the depression is better than seeing dead people, believing your innocent partner is cheating on you, and everyone is into some plot of defeating you, cheering on and laughing at your life collapse from the stupid shit you did while in psychosis.
my vent is also about this. i went out with a guy after a dance class. we had some drinks and i might have laughed too much, to the point of embarrassing myself, i don't know, he kind of hit on me, and i thought we went out as friends, and did not know how to come out of it. i tried making myself seem useless so he wouldn't try anything. we talked about drugs and i said i could give me leftover to him. he asked if i wanted to do them together but i tried avoiding this because he would try to have sex if we did. also because i did not want to admit to a stranger that drugs make me psychotic. anyway, he did then did the typical guy thing of trying to figure out if i am a whore or not. from then on, it was obvious he did not want friendship, but maybe would have been okay with it, or was just trying to make a connection, i don't know. we both drank and were a bit confused. i forgot to share contact info and he did not ask it either. i thought we would see each other in the next class but he was not there. i hope it's not because i was too weird and rather because he feels awkward about trying to hit.
No. 1085791
>>1085763I do
I was think about this. I use to be better at intentionally fitting in when I was younger. You could easily match someone's energy but idk if you get older you get more set in your ways so it's harder to make those fake friends since you cba faking pretense. Although there's some people I know well enough but we're not real friends and they share about stuff they do and it's like that sounds fun maybe life is about networking. It's hard tho.
No. 1085948
>>1085944I have been. Working out and eating right. I’m like my style and I know it’ looks good on me even though it’s technically alternative.
But it’s hard to shed the years of being treated like nothing. Even now instead of people telling me I look better, they point out loose skin, or my complexion.
This is what has convinced me I AM just ugly. No matter skinny or chubby.
No. 1086150
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My friend unironically is starting to call women femoids. This isn’t incel shit this is a woman calling other women femoids because it’s more “diverse”. I don’t understand why the fuck I can’t become unhinged and stop this shit from happening
No. 1086356
>>1086338ironically enough the kpopfags are more oldfags here than the these new posters.
I feel like if we had the old janny team again maybe they would do something about the newfags repetitive same posts.
No. 1086446
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- makes you a cup of tea, offers you a seat, my cat joins. He likes your shoes, and lays on them.-
I gotta long one, sorry nonnas.
My friend from childhood hit me up this week with some old ass emo memes. Our friendship started from the era of Kerrang posters and studded belts. I loved MCR, she A7X. The iPods? Classic. The cellphones? T9 keypad. Sleepovers and parks at midnight. We went to the Black Parade Tour and screamed our hearts out. (Idc, let teen me live her lil emo life). We were creatures of the night, and I love those moments so much.
Immediately rekindled, joking, making plans to connect. Super!
The night before she calls and wants to talk about some stuff, and she said it was because she had some "social" energy to spare. We talk and 10 secs in we are laughing uncontrollably and catching right up. She shares some fucked up moments that have happened since we last talked, and I listen and absorb. I figure there’s some things that are hard to say facing someone who is reacting in real time.
Then she says "Also (anon), I got fat so be ready. “
This really hurt. It hurt to hear her feel anxious about it, it hurt to know she's been dreading our re-connection because of it, and how she feels the need to warn people that her body changed through a damn pandemic and raising THREE TODDLER BOYS. AT the same time escaping abusive situations on a minimum wage income.
Of course I tell her that she is welcome no matter what size and I’ll love spending time with her. We end the chat on a good note and I get ready for her visit, my bf helps clean the house. I make a little welcome sign on my dry erase board.
The morning of she cancelled, and she said there was an unexpected draft to her account, and she will reschedule after pay day. I offer to pick her up or send her some gas money, and she declines. She says her pride won’t allow it, and she will take me out next week.
I know life happens, but I already opened the nice coffee and cleaned the house, and made the signs, and rearranged my schedule to fit hers. I even picked out my most “’03 emo look” possible. I am worried she will avoid direct interaction because she’s not rail thin like she was in our youth. I miss her, I don’t have social media, and I know her time is limited socially.
(Also, I still stan Gerard Way too not matter what size. Bodies change, and we age. Life happens.)
No. 1086895
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Jesus Christ do I need to vent. Have someone living with me right now who's gone through some shit, lost over 50% of their possessions and their rental (no fault of their own) and needs to find a new place. They're like a younger sibling to me, so I offered my place to them because nobody else did. I feel like a cold-hearted bitch but I want them to fucking leave ASAP.
I gave them a time limit of 3.5/4 weeks, which they've already used a week of. They're looking for rentals but it doesn't feel like enough. I live in a single unit and have one bed we share. Their fucking cat won't stfu at night and is making my own cat tetchy. Their shit is clogging up my clean spaces. I know they're going through some trauma from this whole situation and are internalising it immensely (so appearing super flat) but they have absolutely no drive to contribute to my unit or cook. I feel like a fucking tradwife. I know they're likely sick of saying thank you, but maybe they could say it to me just once? Make me feel like my good intentions aren't being taken advantage of. Outside of our friend groups, most of their friends I've met seem overly dramatic and flaky. As their older friend with a more stable life, I'm afraid this person is riding my charity as long as they can despite us being friends for years and me knowing they're a genuinely decent person.
We both have mental health issues and I don't think they realise how absolutely nuts I can get when I don't have my space. Because their work computer got destroyed and they work from home, they're on leave so they're around all the time. I'm about to start university for the year, am having health issues, issues with my cat's behaviours, and changing over to working full time. I don't have time to be the altruistic femmegod everyone wants and expects me to be. Being with this person nearly 24/7 has lead me to isolate from the friend group we're both in, who are as close as cousins to me and kept me out of the noose for years. (Yet none of them offered for him to stay with them or help out, which has made me critical of them. If I were in this situation, would they even help me?). I'm also isolating from my family because they're advice of 'JuSt KiCk ThEm OuT' is incredibly predictable and already makes me angry. I stick to my word and will give them the allocated time because though I'm angry I'm not an asshole.
My own home has become a place to flee from. It fucking sucks. I got my own place to get to know myself better after having a really hard 2021 (self harm, extremely toxic relationships) and now I'm fleeing back to an old FB from 2021 because I'm so desperate to leave my place and they've experienced something similar to this situation. I feel like I have no agency in this situation and just need to wait it out the remaining 3 weeks, hence posting her and not Advice. I know after this three weeks my relationships with my friends won't be the same. I don't think I'll ever be as charitable again, or see them as often as I used to. The fact this situation has lead to this makes me very sad. RIP.
No. 1086906
>>1086270Stay strong
nonnie. Focus on staying as sane and safe as you can in these batshit times. You got this.