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No. 1036793
let it all out
previous thread:
>>1028746 No. 1036925
>>1036906Goddamn unstable BPDfags wasting other people's time and energy. The
NONNY I'm talking about was a BPDfag too, so I'm taking it out on you. Fuck you both. I'm fucking avoiding BPDfags from here on out.
No. 1036944
>>1036925Noo don't go nona. Tell us more about your BDP exfriend. What made you two befriend outside of LC to begin with?
>>1036936Maybe the friends we make along the way are the BDPchan on lolcow dot farm
No. 1036950
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>>1036932it's a metaphor in that I meant they tend to have the traits of inhuman vampiric amalgamations
No. 1036971
>>1036957I went to a very cool place yesterday and was sending him pictures throughout the day. I didn't expect him to respond immediately because he was out with friends and… Time difference. But it's Saturday, so he's had a lot of free time today, and he didn't reply to a single picture. He completely ignored them and I don't understand… Why isn't he interested? I know I'm extra sensitive because I'm getting my period next week, so I'm just praying it's all in my head and it will go away after I've menstruated for a few days. I can tell you that my stomach ache is 100% anxiety, though. I don't know but everything that is happening and he is doing is absolutely going the wrong way. Every single message, every single word, the timing, everything, it is so wrong and I don't know how to deal with it. Curtness, asking no questions, apathy, talking about other women, APPRECIATING THEIR NLOG OPINIONS? I was so startled because I am very vocally against misogyny and could find understanding with him since he comes from an educated family with educated female family members as well as educated female friends, so he respects women in positions of power and education and believes it is important, and I know he was actually very seriously about it because it reflected in his actions and conversations with me on other topics, and he always found it attractive about me that I was educated/intelligent and assertive, but now he is saying this woman is "omg so cool" because she said "when a woman gets into power she is no longer a real woman". Obviously i said there's nothing cool about it, but everything combined just makes my belly ache. I am super close to breaking up with him because I don't want to see where this ends and I don't deserve to be played around with. Just because we are LDR doesn't mean we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. I wanted to break up before I left, not because I didn't like him, but because I knew LDR doesn't work. He's the one who said he'd wait for me. I'm worried he bit off more than he can chew
No. 1036973
>>1036957>>1036971Whether or not he's cheating
yet, it sounds like he's moved on to lamer pastures. It's annoying but don't let him clown on you. Dump him. Then post about this annoying cow he's talking to in personal lolcows so we can all laugh at her.
No. 1037025
>>1036971>talking about other women, APPRECIATING THEIR NLOG OPINIONS? I was so startled because I am very vocally against misogyny and could find understanding with him since he comes from an educated family with educated female family members as well as educated female friends, so he respects women in positions of power and education and believes it is important, and I know he was actually very seriously about it because it reflected in his actions and conversations with me on other topics, and he always found it attractive about me that I was educated/intelligent and assertive, but now he is saying this woman is "omg so cool" because she said "when a woman gets into power she is no longer a real woman".Lmao, anon. You are very naive about men. They literally all think like this, which is why they all love pick-me's so much. You just gotta accept this when you date straight men, they do not truly care about women's right and women being educated and they never will. He might be conditioned to parrot those things back to you because of his female family members, but there is not a single man out there who is a feminist or gives a shit about his feminist issues, that's just males nature and as a woman you can either accept that or just stay single. But don't delude yourself about it, he is literally showing you what he really thinks and he finds this woman more appealing because she is telling him the same thing that he wants to say but can't because he's conditioned to be a meek male feminist who doesn't say what he truly thinks. It must be refreshing for him to be honest for the first time with her. Ain't no man out there who respects women. Never will be.
No. 1037045
>>1036957>>1036971Nona I just want to hug you, there's so much pain in your posts; and I can totally see myself in them… whatever happens, I hope you can get more peace of mind soon.
>I'm not telling him about this and just acting normally and loving and patient so he hasn't a clueThis is actually a big mistake, don't sacrifice yourself and bottle your feelings up just to make things nice and easy to somebody else. I'm not saying you should explode of course, would be bad for you, but the moment the doubt and worry arrives you sit the person down and you have long and serious conversation with them about it, make your feelings known, search for solutions. If you do it, his reaction could show you a lot about what kind of person he is.
No. 1037143
>>1036957I really hope you won't take this the wrong way. You like him way more than he likes you. This will always be disadvantageous in your relationships, men should be afraid to lose YOU and not the other way around. You got too emotionally invested in him and it sounds like he's testing the waters with other women in anticipation of your inevitable breakup. If he wanted to, he would talk to you.
He's being a coward and not communicating to you, it sounds like he wants you to get sick of this treatment and either break it off yourself or sperg out so he can paint you as a crazy to justify himself breaking up.
You're long distance, you've already taken a break before, he shows you his chats with other female "friends"…this relationship is dead.
Adjust your crown, queen. Amicably break up, wish him the best even if your feelings are hurt, and move on. You're being clowned.
No. 1037149
>>1037135hmmgmm insult box inclusivity, I'm in
No. 1037177
>>1037160Despite being convinced a BPDchan, I'm pretty sure that the entirety of psychology department was just a scam for the West to squeeze money off people living under the crushing stage of late capitalism.
Honestly, having diagnoses just make me pathologically worse. I'd prefer being called "quirky" and "weird" and live in peace that I will never change instead of having to constantly trying to fit myself in these boxes, which were never made for me. Man, I remembered when my grandma went into a schizo episode my family just thought she was possessed by our late grandfather.
No. 1037215
>>1037184"boxes" as in playing neurotypical, "high-fucntioning" in public spaces and within new social group. I feel like I'm deceiving people, but at the same time I don't want to go through the lengths of explaining to others how I'd occasionally get really distant and/or overly affectionate. It's easier for people to believe me I'm just an insane bitch than giving me empty sympathies.
And no, I cannot afford therapy, I've given up on "improving" myself. Insane bitch until this earth is scorched.
No. 1037268
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>>1037222Got diagnosed
schizophrenia ten years ago, and then reevaluated by other psychiatrist, and then another, and then it's down to BPD. Covid happened and I also lost the drive to fix myself. Back to the hole.
No. 1037296
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>My health become worse after second dose, I keep feeling nauseous for two months now and always on a verge of passing out, on top of that my nose keeps bleeding and I always get body pains.
>Doctors can't do shit because every free hospital is COVID ward now, the only choice I have is schedule a month in advance
>My sister in law threatned mother suicide if she won't give her money for weight loss surgery because she can't be assed to get out of bed and later travels to the nose infected area to suck some barely 20s eboy cock
I am so angry, anons. I can't fucking believe it. I want to wreck everyone around me. I'm so sick. I keep hurting. I can't handle it anymore.
No. 1037377
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>single friend tells me she's depressed and lonely
>invite her to eat her favourite meal with my family
>she says she'd love to
>go shopping for the ingredients
>spend all day making chili, guacamole, salsa, refried beans and banoffee cheesecake from scratch because I want to cheer her up
>friend doesn't turn up and doesn't bother to contact me to let me know what happened to her
No. 1037482
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i act so confident and like i don't care then i must interact with people and i get so sad and scared. i want to be left alone. i don't want to speak with anyone but my parents. i just want to graduate uni and get a decent job that will allow me as much solitude as possible.
people are scary and i am too pathetic to interact with. just let me be alone please.
No. 1037512
I feel so disconnected from everyone in my life right now. Friends, family, everyone. I feel like no one can really understand it, and I can’t understand it myself. A lot has happened the past few months that has taken such a massive toll on me, but I don’t like to vent to my friends, and I can’t seem to explain it to my therapist in my sessions with her either. It feels like everyone else is just enjoying life and I’m just sitting on the sidelines, moping, trying to pretend everything’s alright, because I have no clue how to really open up to people and let them know how I feel. I want more friends, better friends that I have more in common with, but I honestly don’t know where to start what with the pandemic and honestly being too lazy to leave the house most days. I don’t want to burden those who know me with all the shit running through my head, because it honestly exhausts me to even attempt to put it into words. Those who really care and try to keep in consistent touch with me, I blow off, because I have nothing to talk to them about. My mind is removed of pretty much all happy thoughts, and I’ve been incapable of using any of my creative outlets to let my feelings out. I just can’t put anything into words, or sound, whatever. I just try to ignore how I feel.
No. 1037524
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Gacha dailies seem alright at first. Until you need to do 4 different games' dailies. Then you throw in the events on top of that? Now I spent my Saturday afternoon switching between apps using up different stamina or working on different events. The games are fun but it takes up too much time.
No. 1037565
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Yesterday I saw how many days it's been since I last did a fast, and it made me sad to see how long it's been since I was really serious about weight loss. I'm back on it though.
No. 1037591
>>1037580Just dump her. The fact she didn’t even tell you she was a tranny is gross. I’m on the opposite end, I want girls, actual natal females and the lesbians I keep getting into end up trooning out into fakebois. It’s sad and annoying, but I’m sorry that someone actively deceived you like that. I’d just come up with an excuse for why you’re incompatible without mentioning the tranny thing so as to not get ripped to shreds for being “transphobic”. I know you said you’re in love but this woman deceived you, you have to move on somehow or accept being with a fakeboi that you have to walk on eggshells so as to not offend her uwu
valid male identity, honestly.
No. 1037629
>>1037621Let's trade, you can have my V jaw. I hate it. I'd look so much better with a square jaw.
There's this girl who was super popular in middle and high school because she was rich and pretty. Now I'm reading some blurb about her on some entrepreneur blog about how she was bullied considered "weird" for liking "witchy things". If anything, I heard from friends from back then that she was the only bullying and calling people weird for not liking mainstream middle school interests. I also lurked her fb when I was in high school and she was basically a rich, posh, popular girl. Ptui.
No. 1037637
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>>1037580>the format>not being able to spot a tranny from a mile awaysuspicious
No. 1037641
Right now I'm drunk, on benzo's and tramadol.. I feel good. Lethargic but good. My life is fucking zshit. I'm a burden to my parents. I'm a burden to my colleagues. I have no friends left. I have developed bipolar disorder. I'm a junkie. Tried to get clean but it didn't work. Its 4 am where I am currently. I have enough for and overdose. This is the perfect time to do it. It's the perfect time for the end. I want to do it, I really want to. I want to go out peaxceful. The benzo's won't make me as aware. The tramadol will fuck my respitory system. The alcohol will make it worse. I want to do it. I'm not going to right now but I want to. I feek lovely. At peace. This is the perfect time to die. Quiet, peaceful, nighttime. Rid of this awful life tat keeps me trapped within this nightmare. Im a burden. I have no friends. Everyone hates me. I'll kill myself some day. Not right now, just some day. I look forward to it. I'm going to spend my last week or so calling in sick for work, being at home, getting high all day. Death sounds lovely. I want to die. I really do. The old Egyptians didn't look at it as something morbid, they looked a it as a new part of the spiritiual experience. I'm going to read my favorite comics and books, listen to my favorite music, make lots of art and write a letter to my parents. My death will be peaceful. It will be lovely. No one ever gives a shit about me or how I'm doing, now all of the sudden they'll care. Tbat makes me feel good. Fuck you. I'm not worthless. I tried reaching out for help and all I got told was 'I wouldn't want to be friends with you either, you;re always gloomy' 'I'd be depressed too id I sat in my room all day'. I'm fucking sick of this. This is my revenge. Fuck all of you. My parents dont care I got groomed by a pedophile. They can go fuck themselves. I hope they suffer. I hope my coworkers feel guilty. I want to die. I'm going to. And I'm looking forward to it. Gonna make some good rice my last day. I'm happy.
No. 1037727
>>1037710>>1037717believe me that if you were in my position and you are an independent person with interests and hobbies of your own that you want to pursue, you would be annoyed eventually. i also failed to include the other negatives in our relationship because they are not relevant to the issue i’m complaining about. hope u find happiness tho
>>1037719>>1037721i’m glad it’s not just me then, we need to have a talk about it but I’m laying off for a few days because the other day i just asked “do you have any hobbies? do you want any hobbies?” and i think i accidentally gave him an existential crisis
No. 1037789
>>1037702He pays all the bills, what's a little cuddling on lunch break?
Just tell him you need a couple hours of alone time and quit your bitching.
No. 1037832
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I hate my shitty neighbors, they are the worst. One is this sperg methhead moid and his basically retarded sister wife. I can't believe they are physically capable of paying rent to an apartment. It'll be 4am and I wake up, having to go to work at 7 and this fucker will be screaming and howling all through the night. They have 7 cats yowling in heat, I bet that place smells and looks like total shit. Whoever is associated with them will sometimes bang on my door because their affiliates are methheads like them. He tries to interact with me, I vomit mentally every time his drooly ass mouth conjurs words to speak. I'm only trying to get through the winter and I'm out of this hell hole.
No. 1037877
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kill all muslim men challenge
No. 1037882
>>1037877>you can't control all men to not stare at women>so instead you should control all women and make them change how they look!!! Poor men!!!Kek as someone from a Muslim country who knows a bit about the religion, I know that even in Quran there is a section where Muhammad hit a man and told him not to leer at women and told him it's his duty to cover his eyes even more than its women's. Muslim men pick and choose which passages they believe when in actuality its sinful for Muslim men to leer at uncovered women in inappropriate ways.
I'm not Muslim or religious by the way and don't want this to derail. Just wanted to point out their hypocrisy.
No. 1037889
>>1037641I've witnessed suicides where the person blamed others, even left notes but the blamed ones never took responsibility. Even if the blamed ones abused, beat up, raped, etc. the suicide
victim, they never even felt one ounce of regret or guilt. They even defend themselves and keep saying the things they've done were all in goodwill and the suicidal person was simply mentally ill.
Don't do this to hurt your family, friends or whoever you have in mind. If they dont care now they won't care when you're dead. Yeah sure they're going to pretend to be sad for a few days but you'll always be known as the mentally unstable girl who killed herself because of her mental illness, not because of the abuse she faced. If you really want to die and disappear, then it's a different case but don't ever do something as severe as this just to get back at others. You're going to disappear forever and the pain you cause to them will barely last a week. It's not worth it.
Instead try to become more successful, mentally healthier, beautiful and if you can, more wealthy. Then when those people try to reach out to you, ignore them.
No. 1037896
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>>1037882That's based, but there is also a part where Muhammad tells men that they should beat their wife if she does something wrong, albeit with a very thin stick…? Like a toothpick thin, or something. I've also read a Muslim man explaining how Qran took care of women financially in that men were supposed to provide for them (we know how it ends though) and that women had the right to divorce and take ownership of possessions. I doubt it's as good as that men tried to make it to be, though. Islam is a mess, like any religion. Christianity seems progressive as fuck IN COMPARISON.
>>1037889First, I agree with you 100% and don't have anything new to ad. OP, please rethink and give yourself a chance for happiness. I hope you are still with us.
>>If they dont care now they won't care when you're deadSorry to be a weeb, but picrel is a harsh story that really hammers that point. It left me in tears when I was a teen thinking very much like OP. I'm mentioning it more for other anons who may be interested, since it can be extremely
No. 1037991
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>Spent all day making beautiful and tasty muffins
>My partner ate only two of them
I hate it. I feel so sad even though that's probably one of the silliest reasons to be sad, but I can't stand cooking only for myself. The only reason I cook is for other people to try too!! Goddamit, why am I wasting all of my time in the kitchen… Yet when he cooks I always make sure to praise and eat his food, but no… Everyone loves my bakery. I just don't understand.
No. 1038146
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I am slowly, slowly getting back up and getting better, but sometimes it just hits me all over again and I am stuck alone, wallowing in misery with a box of wine.
I wish recovery was a linear climb. I wish there was actual recovery from what I have.
Most of the days I'm doing fine, but today I am just so fucking tired.
No. 1038148
>>1038118I've been afraid to leave the house or do anyrhind mildly social due to medication weight gain.
It's not fair, how am i supposed to feel better about myself if i'm fatter and fatter? I'm really at a loss at what to do.
No. 1038195
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I'm probably gonna get fired next month because i keep forgetting things due to the fact that i'm always sleepy/not well waken up and depression. I have hypersomnia and the doctors refused to get me a stimulant and just changed my antidepressant and told me to "have a good sleep hygiene" xd. I'm gonna try to get me some adderall or ritalin by the non legal way because it's truly my last option
No. 1038203
>>1037877Why is it progressive to import a bunch of these subhuman males? We don't want harmless women and children who actually needs help, no we import pussy ass men who ditch their duty to their country and women to come and rape and exploit. Fuck our politicians even let them travel back down to their country that they supposedly needed refugee from to fight jihad and then they spend millions "rescuing" these "poor" jihadists back here again.
Can't walk home alone or I'll get raped by one of these monsters. Cant walk home with a male friend because they'll kill him and rape me. Cant take a taxi because they drive all the cabs and rape the female customers and they don't get fired. Cant report the rape because the police "don't have resources"(But they somehow had resources to send 5 police cars when someone snitched on me and my friend for smoking weed).
The women here are completely ignorant about their nature. Its one of the most progressive countries built on trust and helping others, and they sincerely believe that radical muslim men are just poor brown people in solidarity with the lgbtqaxyz. Like when there are protests against Islam here they'll show up with their raknbow flags in drag, dumb fucking retards. They'll even apologize for being raped, because the poor brown men don't know any better and have faced such hardship. Liberal girls here brag about fucking muslims and being progressive, then they end up raped, murdered and dismembered. I have no sympathy for them anymore, like how stupid can you get? If the muslim men get any punishment, its community service and maybe a month in prison for causing grievous bodily harm by rape, because anything else is racist. They never report who did it, in the news its always "done by a citizen of our country", while if it was done by a native or from a non muslim country they have no issues blasting his name and face and ethnicity.
Not racebaiting, I have nothing against muslim women or children. I just hate these subhuman males that are mass imported and allowed to roam freely while having the belief that women in our country aren't human and they are allowed to do whatever they want with us.
No. 1038209
But you should have something against the women too, Muslim women encourage the men and the cyclical suffering of their daughters, and if you knew what they said about kuffar women you wouldn't be saying "aww they're innocent". They see you as spoils of war that should be brought under, no matter if that is a violent war like the onslaught that forcibly converted populations for eons, or a silent cultural invasion.
They are not the perpetrators but they do not pity you if you get attacked.
No. 1038257
>>1037377That sucks
nonnie, it's a very kind thing of you to do and I hope you at least got to enjoy the food you made
No. 1038274
>>1038203First off, I just want to say I’m so sorry, I wish I could do anything to help you. I hope you stay safe. Do you share your location with friends when you have to walk?
I’m a burgerfag, and the first time I went out of the country was to a city with refugees in one area. In the evenings I crossed through that area twice, but was absolutely terrified to do it again. (I was navigating to and from museums without a phone, so going by memory)
I couldn’t speak any of the languages, but he threatening energy was too much. I wasn’t allowed to pack self defense weapons, obviously, but I wouldn’t try even with my standard knife and cat keychain. Why are these countries allowing this to happen? They were taking over blocks in a beautiful historic city, and endangering the people who deserve better.
I know it happens in USA too, but idk man, it felt like a whole other level of threat.
No. 1038317
>>1038203Also adding that the police here have plenty of resources to visit old ladies criticising islam on facebook and demanding that they delete their comments and having them sentenced for online racism, but investigating the mass rapes by muslim men? No thats not as important
Its so fucking infuriating.
No. 1038416
>>1038276don't do it
nonnie, there'll be good times in the future
No. 1038458
I'm 30,and for the first time in my life I'm in a safe living situation and relationship. I'm pissed off and confused because I'm at that point where questioning if I was even abused or if it was justified because I was a mouthy teen and then ran away into the arms of an old groomer. Mom refuses to speak about it which fucking sucks because idk maybe it's the enmeshment speaking but I want to heal our relationship and actually have a family member I can be vulnerable around. I'm basically a 3rd mom to my siblings and they still treat me that way.
I can't fucking stop looking at my ex's Instagram desperately hoping to somehow find out that he offed himself like he constantly says he's going to. I downloaded an app to block Instagram, but it's too easy to just disable it. He's a poor twans woman and shit talked me up and down social media because I fled in the middle of the night, and got my stuff from the house later when he was at work and acts like the biggest victim. He got me hooked on alcohol because I'm a retarded autist who thought all adults drank 6-12 7% beers a night every night. I quit drinking the day I left but fuck it's still a struggle.
I just got diagnosed ADHD and Adderall helps so much, I literally thought I had early onset dementia. But my Dr keeps trying to get me off of it or lower my dose and I swear he thinks I'm drug seeking and Dr shopping. And he keeps telling me VERY wrong information but I live rural so unless I want to drive 1.5 hours one way each month I don't have any other choice. I already do a 3 hr trip 1-2x a month for groceries.
I live with my partner and his daughter, we get her every other week. She's amazing and I adore her, but it's so triggering sometimes because I was her age when my mom started being shitty to me and it's fucking crazy because I can't imagine doing anything even remotely to kiddo that mom did to me wtf.
I could only take one cat out of my three with me. I don't have the space for 4 litter boxes and I knew my depression would get worse before it got better and I wouldn't be able to handle caring for 3 cats. Oh and ofc shitty ex loved doing the fun parts of cat care like feeding and playing, but I had to do all the research into their food and litter and vet, take them to the vet, scoop the boxes, and clean the water and food bowls. I found and applied and paid for all the cats, I fucking found 2 female Siamese cats under 6 months (those were his requirements for the first 2) which takes looking at MANY adoption sites every day for months.
No. 1038501
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I hate being stupid.
No. 1038520
>>1038514It's a give and take. He has autism and depression so I help him in some ways, and he helps me in others.
But you are 100% right, I should not rely on him any longer, even if I choose to continue helping him with his own stuff. Maybe that will help me move on.
Thanks Nona.
No. 1038563
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My shoulder and neck have been stiff and intensely painful for three days but that's just how it is in my world!!! it's physical hell. the only upside is the fact that I can exert myself beyond capacity with minimal immediate damage, due solely to the fact that I'm in pain already and coping for a little extra is asking nothing much. if only I didn't just fall asleep. I bought a stuffed animal that's pretty realistic, not ageplay shit. it's the perfect size for a pillow to help my shoulder when I lay on my side. hopefully it gets here sooner than later. I have a cursed squishamal adjacent that has suited my neck needs in other ways but this should be firmer. well suited. in any case I wish I could find someone to adjust my shit constantly.
No. 1038693
>>1038617Those 5 hour long analysis videos can be pretty entertaining, I like wendigoon and I'm currently watching someone explain pretty little liars and it's pretty fun.
I also found some ASMR videos where people act like they're making an order in a apothecary, they have some where they talk but I prefer the no speaking ones. You can probably find things similar to these like packaging ASMR; I can watch these for ages and just have my head be empty.
I want to recommend let's players who are more chill and calm but it's been a while since I found anyone like that.
No. 1038703
>>1038686what's crazy is that some people are more interested in the gacha aspect than in the actual gameplay.
It's crazy to see gambling addictions play out and grow, I guess since it's not a slot machine people don't really think about it like that.
If you have basic game development skills but really good drawing skills and can make pretty anime guys and girls you could probably be set for life
No. 1038715
>>1038203I live in a Muslim country and we recently got millions of refugee males. Even for us it's chaotic because they're less civilized than us and the ones that fled are the most useless people that had nothing to lose. They rape anyone and anything, act like jihadist and try to invade our country even though ours is a technically Muslim country. I've heard from teachers that even young boy refugees assault girls in their class as young as elementary school age.
I think taking vulnerable women and children to protect them is ok but single men who will only commit crimes against women and ruin your country's politics is unbelievable stupid. This isn't about race or anything, it's about letting random people inside your country without even doing a background check or planning.
No. 1038721
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I don't know how to get over my abandonment issues. I have had people that I held dear fuck me over for no reason other than they were bored of me or thought I wasn't cool anymore over the years. My ex and my ex best friend have done this and it really tarnishes my relationships with people. I have great friends in my life whom aren't going away but it feels like they can anytime. I want to marry my current boyfriend asap because I am scared he will leave me for no reason and with marriage it will at least be a bit more difficult to leave right away. It is just so cruel to hear someone say "I don't love you anymore" when even they admit you have not done anything wrong. Yeah I'm not entitled to anyone, I know this. It is just so weird how some people can gush about how much they love you one day and say this literally the next day. I am so tired of constantly fearing this whenever I love someone.
No. 1038735
>>1038693ayrt, I love long video essays, thanks for reminding me. Are you watching Mikes Mic? I love him, his vids are just silly fun. If you want something similar, watch Jenny Nicholson's The Vampire Diaries vid.
For let's players, I've seen nonnas rec Gab Smolders a lot but she's almost too chill for me. I think you might like Snake Plays, one of the most calm let's players I've ever come across. I've been watching Keith Ballard a lot lately, got through his Silent Hill 1 and 2 videos. I really like his energy, relaxed but not a total snooze fest.
Thank you for the recs nonna, I appreciate it.
No. 1038756
I hate how I've become. I get up at noon, I go to bed at 4 in the morning. I eat one normal meal a day maybe and if I'm hungry outside of that I just eat candy. I try to do schoolwork but I do it for 20 seconds and then just stop and do something else. Then I stay up late to do my work that I didn't do during the day. And then I don't end up doing it. I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like the morning is real or that I'm alive. I avoid reading any messages, when my phone dies I just leave it off because I don't want to deal with messages or calls because when I talk to my mother I cry every time because she wants me to take care of myself and study and I'm just wasting my days again. My parents tried to call me for two days but my phone was off. I wish I could rest well tonight but I have to finish my schoolwork that I haven't done yet and I've had four entire days to do it. I don't want to do anything anymore, everything is such a chore, even cooking, going to the store, getting out of bed. I used to be a great student two years ago, I would study and learn everything in time, I wish I knew what made me change. I know that I am the only one responsible for what I do, and I know I have to change, but I just don't feel like doing anything. I can't get myself to do anything. Is this depression?
No. 1038913
I'm utterly obsessed with a man who's in a relationship. It's been 5 months and it's only getting worse. I can't sleep, I haven't eaten properly since 3 weeks, I only drink coffee and eat shit like bananas or vending machine sandwiches at work, I cry almost every day, I have flu-like symptoms when I feel physically sick. I know it's destroying me yet I can't stop. I never made a move on him, I barely speak to him at work because I'm too a-social and autistic, and when he talks to me I feel too distracted by how much I'm attracted to him to form any cohesive response, so I usually say something dumb. If I felt more self confident and attractive, I swear I would openly hit on him, even though I know it's morally wrong. My lack of self confidence is the only thing that's stopping me. At first it was also my moral faggotry, but my attraction to him became stronger than that. I constantly compare him to other men and I see how considerate, stable, smart, resourceful, mature, funny, charming and trustworthy he is. He thinks about things other men don't and he does things before you even ask him for help. I'm unable to look at any other man, even though I was trying to force myself, many many times. My body and mind are fixated on him and him only. I found out his girlfiend came from a similar background to mine - broken home, no one she could go back to, hates her family etc., and it made me cry because I imagined how much she must love and appreciate someone like him after being through such rough shit. I identified with her despite seeing her as my enemy and I hated myself for wanting them to break up. He takes care of her and without him she probably wouldn't have anyone else, just like me now. I never had anyone and I'm in my mid 20s, I never felt love or stability, even as a child, and I don't believe anyone normal like him would want me, because I'm too broken by both my childhood and my disorder. I'm definitely more fucked up than her. I thought I could stop but each day I grew more bitter. I ask, why couldn't it be me? If I met him 2 years ealier, it could've been me, I could've lived with him in that apartment and have those cute couple-quirks. I was hoping that maybe their feelings are fading or something, like statistically many couples break up after 2-3 years. But he talks about her quite often, and today he was driving me home from work, and he wrote massages to her on the phone and she sent him hearts, he also had some heart-shaped keychain with her name and something else written on it. I wanted to fucking die. I felt a gaping void-filled hole in my chest. Not even anger or jealousy, just this void and pain. I feel so sick I think I will not go to work tomorrow, and I never took a day off, even when I was suffering from painful periods or a cold. I just want to die and disappear. I know I'm destroying myself both physically and mentally, and yet I can't stop. I keep obsessing, keep wondering if she's better or younger looking than me, keep hoping that something will go wrong for them and they will break up. I know it's wrong but I can't stop hoping they do break up one day and I will be around to witness it. Tell me I'm gonna get karma for this, tell me I'm evil and pathetic, I know all of this and I won't stop.
No. 1038981
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I want to learn to draw but I continually avoid studying or practice because I'm afraid I'm just going to prove my worst fears right that I'm too stupid and untalented to ever learn and get anywhere near decent at it
No. 1039058
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>>1038981You're likely not a special person who is especially gifted in art and you're probably not going to be good at it for a long while if you're a beginner. The sooner you accept drawing is hard and get over it the sooner you can move on to progress and actually get good. You don't need to be talented for drawing, you just need to have discipline and patience to study annoying things that are not fun like perspective and nitty gritty things about anatomy. You can either continue to avoid it now and regret it later on in life or start now and thank yourself in 5 years.
Just start by reading time proven books on whatever it is you like to draw and doing daily 1-2hr studies in the evening, or commit whatever time you can and follow your own schedule. If you're an absolute beginner, draw for fun until you've managed to draw consistently for a year or two. Then you can start looking to follow guides, otherwise if you start too early it's going to be demoralizing and kill your love for art. I'm sorry this wasn't a very uplifting reply, but the anon before me gave such a nice message, I figured I'll leave something in the opposite direction and you can use whichever works better for motivating you, kek.
No. 1039258
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I just spilled water on myself and I'm so upset. I just want to go to bed, but now my chair, vagina, phone and stomach are wet. I just changed as well.
No. 1039264
>>1039263For a second I thought I was reading the retarded shitpost thread.
>Do I dump him?Yes.
No. 1039271
>>1039267Watching streamers is fine, but having a parasocial relationship with a GFE streamer is a whole other thing.
Being dismissive of your interests and belittling them even though they're completely harmless, and getting aggressive about dumb things like that are big red flags.
No. 1039274
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>>1039263>ignores me to watch her streams>the video embeddump him with the power of 1000 suns
No. 1039281
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>>1039271>>1039274You're right girls, thank you. I understand why japanese girls don't have interest in dating if their moids are the same. The audacity, the double standards, the lack of self awareness…
Anon who posted about getting stronger for her husbando, if you read this, ily and i'll do the same to improve myself.
No. 1039377
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I'm afraid my crippling social anxiety will never get better. I have to live off of disability checks to survive and that's really not enough for anything. I've tried to apply for part-time jobs but I always get rejected for having such a long gap in employment (I spent a few weeks working at a bakery at 17, now I'm a 25 year old NEET). I'm afraid I won't be accepted for a babby tier science course as it's been so long since I studied (dropped out at 16 due to extreme, extreme bullying). I know I'm able for the course since it's at a really low level so I'm very frustrated and feel embarrassed about enquiring more about it in case I'm wasting their time.
I'm really at a loss to do, anons… All I want is to try and integrate into society and earn some money to do what I want with but everything seems to go wrong for me. I can barely leave the house because of my anxiety at the moment and need my mother to get me food and necessities. I feel so ashamed and humiliated at my own condition. I take a bunch of medication which does very little other than make me incredibly tired and sleep for 15 hours a day. I'm sorry, I don't mean to whine but I'm really not doing that great atm, and the mental health care in my country really isn't great at all. They just tell me to breath deeply and get exercise, which I do and which really do not help at all at the level of illness I'm at. How am I supposed to do anything if I have chronic panic attacks when I'm outside? I really don't know what to do…
No. 1039384
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>>1039377I have no advice to give but I hope someone gives you a chance and you'll catch the lucky break you need to slowly achieve your goal to be more independent. You can do it anon, I believe in you.
No. 1039393
>>1039377The fact your even trying means something nonna, as a former NEET the only advice I can give is that you start out small, not with a Job but a hobby or interest, it has be IRL related and It has to somewhat interest you
Rock Climbing, Martial arts, Sewing, you could even try Pokemon Go, but it has to be IRL
I started with some self defense classes which helped me get fitter and gave me more confidence
No. 1039397
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I can’t believe we can’t even talk about wanting to violently hurt men in a jokingly manner when there’s already a prolific culture of people who promote female violence everyday even as jokes, what the fuck is this website anymore? Newfags ruining it every day. Can’t believe the convo has been co-opted by “think about the men” whataboutism and KEK thinking men are innocent, stop extending to that kind of decency towards men you’re wasting your energy and it pisses me off. No one is innocent or undeserving in this world
No. 1039412
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I've already posted this but I'm still mad. This is a he/they/fae chick's response to me saying "I block all men"
I hate pickme ass scrote moid women the most.
No. 1039413
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I have to go to work in like 50 minutes I don't want to fucking go aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
No. 1039428
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>>1039413I will suffer with you!
No. 1039430
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Please tell me I'm not the only one behind this semester on my lectures. Please. I want to know I'm not alone. I swear I'll catch up.
No. 1039439
Wish we had a LinkedIn Hate thread here. It's the only social media I'm on because work requires it and it's the only pace I have my real name and photo, it goes completely against my values for privacy. 90% of my inbox is random Indian moids and pathetic sales pitches by people who can't spell their own company name right. The content on this site is like a Boomer teacher's bulletin board if she was into crypto. LinkedIn "influencer" douches are ten times worse than on Instagram, every post is some food blogger style overshare about how pathetic yet brilliant they are. It's like a circus but there's no crowd, just amateur clowns trying to get applause from each other.
>>1039430You're not alone nonita, I had 1(one) thing to prepare for work this whole month and I still put it off and had to ask for an extension. You will catch up, just keep plugging away at it a bit more every day. Nobody should be expected to be productive in January.
No. 1039455
>>1039447I work at a startup and part of my job is posting to LinkedIn about tech trends and what the company's doing and stuff. Whenever a post gets decent reach my inbox explodes with these dogshit suppliers who see my title and hope I'll buy their app they made in an afternoon, or moids with zero connection to me or the business saying
>wow very clever, I want to talk to you about a nice opportunity pleaseOk bro your profile says you're on year 6 of a 3 year Animal Husbandry degree in New Delhi, what the fuck do you think we have to talk about??
No. 1039473
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All this LinkedIn discussion is reminding me of how i found out my ex was a cop and never told me until i confronted him about it. This is the same man who sent me endless videos of begging me to peg and to pee on him. We dated for 2 months and he came out to me bisexual in denial. Well whatever because he sent me a video of himself fingering his ass moaning like a dog in pain. I dumped him after that, but to think he was working as a cop in my area after i randomly thought of searching his name online is crazy. He had told me he worked at a grocery store as a restocker. Damn wish i sent that to the police since unsolicited nudes are illegal in my state.
No. 1039498
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Half the time I am homicidal the other half I just want to relax and shitpost. I am so stressed out.
No. 1039500
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Body dysmorphia has been kicking my ass hard lately. I saw myself in the shitty webcam of my laptop under low light earlier and it ruined my day.
Always the same story: everytime I'm going through a hard time, it latches onto my stress and anxiety and makes it worse.
No. 1039511
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My mom, who decided to travel the country and go to every social gathering she got invited to during the worst part of the first covid wave and when delta was at its strongest, is giving me shit for not wearing a face mask or keeping a 2 meter distance at my friends private dinner party yesterday with 10 other people.
No. 1039527
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Is it too early to know you're going to end up alone at 22? I feel like that's where i'm heading.. I want a family and a husband, but I can't blindly trust any man, even when they're seemingly perfect. They have to constantly reassure me and that wears down a person and I love them too much to put them through that. Plus they could get tired of me and I would end up feeling horrible when they rightfully leave me. The entire time I'm in a relationship I'm this intolerable person and in a state of panic/alert, looking to catch them doing anything wrong, thinking of ways they could betray me, needing confirmation that everything is fine. The solution would be if they just reported EVERY little thing to me, but would I be attracted to them anymore? probably not, as I have an aversion to mothering grown men, and that's what I'd end up feeling like, a mom. It's like I have this need for control but I don't want it. How the hell is that possible. I hope it's something I'll grow out of soon
No. 1039623
nonnie, I think you're right
No. 1039668
>>1039481He has a big sister who is a few months younger than me.
I think its just a fucked up moid height complex, he is deeply insecure about his height(even though I dont give a shit and have told him I like his height). Although his mom loves braghing that people think they are dating when they are out shopping so maybe she did diddle him or something.
No. 1039693
>>1039595this is another thing, I have hobbies, but i completely neglect them while in a relationship because i'm too busy thinking about the relationship and nonstop worrying about it.
I also feel like alot of men only work hard to earn your trust because if you don't have any then what are they supposed to break? to me its on the same plane as r*pe which is why i worry so much about it
No. 1039699
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I'm 22 and my 30 y/o eternally single brother is already trying to make jokes about me needing to hurry and marry because I'm "running out of time" once again. It shouldn't phase me but whenever he spouts this incel meme science it sits on my mind all day because I hate that this is what women have dealt with since forever. I'm just one of the billions. I really wish I could slit his throat at night.
No. 1039726
>>1039672I've never even had my trust broken by any man as an adult, just hearing what family and friends have dealt with and deal with has been enough to instill this trust issue in me. it's so tiring, hope we both get through this nona
>>1039699tell him he can't live vicariously through you just because he ran out of his
No. 1039757
>>1039699What a cocktail weiner dick. He sounds insecure.
>>1039726 Agreed.
No. 1039759
>>1039715I really want him to get married and fuck off too but my biggest fear is that he'll marry someone near my age (or younger in a couple years). Lately his dating pool is girls in their early-mid 20s specifically and insults women his own age whenever he gets the chance. He uses the excuse that the 21+ girls are adults so it's okay for him to date/potentially marry them, but when moids specifically target an age range it's disgusting and I don't care what other nonas say about this opinion infantilising the "adult" woman's decision. I will always side-eye a late 20s(+) man dating several years younger.
This is partly why I hate age-gap relationships. It's 99% always an older moid and you can never know if your age was a factor. Like would that same man go for you if you were older than him?
>>1039736Kek he has a huge fear about receding hairline because of our dad's horrendous balding, it's impending for him. He's going through a semi crisis right now where he's completely flipped his wardrobe and hairstyle into whatever younger IG influencers are doing nowadays. It would be funnier to watch this crisis if he didn't genuinely think he was killing it.
No. 1039791
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God I'm so sick of my friends and family telling me I'm depressed because I'm selfish and I need to do volunteer work and things for other people so I can learn to not be selfish.
I hung out with my best friend today and got the same shit as always. She also told me I should go off my meds because it's bad to put all those chemicals in your body.
No. 1039928
>>1039898>sit in his car and listen to his shitty edm with the bass turned all the way up at all hours of the day and night.Yup that's druggie shit, definitely start with calling in a drug tip because it's the most anonymous and uh, legal idea you have. Just be specific and cover your ass not
>I think he's on drugsBut rather
>I smelled weed/a weird chemical smell coming from his apartment>I saw someone hand him a baggy in exchange for cash, not sure what was in itSound all concerned and don't mention the car or music because cops are wary of people calling in drug tips just to spite annoying neighbors
No. 1039982
>>1039978Rent and bills are expensive with nobody to share Feb cost of a one bedroom with (I live in SoCal and cant leave anytime soon)
I have to pay someone to do certain things I can’t physically do or that require more than one person to do
Tax breaks for married people
Just the general sharing of resources really. I have a piece of shit roommate and can’t afford my own place.
No. 1040002
I'm mad because I can't enjoy pictures of anime girls anymore because I know some troon out there is probably "literally me"ing it right now, such as
>>1039791By the way
nonnie your friends are trash, though that should be obvious. You aren't selfish and you didn't choose to be this way. You should reconsider who your best friends are. They'll never understand it
No. 1040010
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my relationship with this site is so unhealthy but its like the only place i can say what i really mean. i feel so completely alone within myself and unsatisfied by my personal relationships because everyone around me is fine with no communication for weeks, it all feels so shallow. i feel shallow and worthless. i don't know what the real point is in marching forward through life, feeling no source of comfort. it all feels fake bcus it is fake. everything hurts and i dont know why i should keep going through life when it feels like torture. my situation isnt even that bad compared to others, i wish i could give my life to someone who didn't have scrambled eggs for brains, and i could be happy that they could live happily. i think i'd do that in a split second if it meant i didn;t have to feel this way anymore. i just wish i wasn't so pathetic in every single way imaginable
No. 1040011
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My meditation class was a really nice small but diverse group of women that I was just starting to get comfortable with. Then a moid randomly joined and I immediately clocked all the other (already anxiety-prone) women acting different and my relaxation capability is now limited but my wallet is already committed.
No. 1040041
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I want to be that person that wakes up early every day, I want to exercise daily and have offline hobbies, I'm actually okay with not having friends, I want to teach myself a lot of useful skills and I don't want to deal with my family anymore, I want to make something of myself outside of them. I'm not sure why I felt the need to type this up. I'm getting a little tired.
No. 1040043
>>1040039This was my predicament a few years ago when I was growing out of my lolita phase but most of my friends were still stuck in it. I had no desire to be around shopaholics especially when I was trying to save my money and be frugal meanwhile their parents and husbands were providing them everything so they were just looking to spend their money unwisely.
I find that those same friends moved on from lolita and went into other trends, one of them is going through the 'witchy' aesthetic but thankfully it tends to be less materialistic however she's still quite superficial.
Idk, I wish people had an "off" switch for that sort of thing. Sure, it's nice to have a few quality brand things but then, enough's enough.
No. 1040046
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I’m in my early 30s and I just keep deteriorating as a person in every way. I have less patience and I’m so much angrier all the time, I’ve lost all my passions for writing and creative pursuits. My hair is getting thinner, my eyes look tired and my career is still meh at best, I don’t make enough money to even feel secure financially. I have no relationship, very little family, and all of my friends are people I met less than a year ago, as my close friends moved away.
I had thought your thirties made you more sure of yourself and comfortable with who you are, but I feel the opposite (though maybe I’m just wiser now and can see what a mess I am much more clearly)
It’s not like I’m actively suicidal or even self harming, it’s just that my motivation to continue existing is at an all time low.
No. 1040051
>>1040041It's okay
nonnie, Im in a identical state of mind. Recently I realized that even all of the media I consume can't make me feel less miserable, I also moved and don't have my friends here so it gets lonely. It's normal that you want to type it somewhere to make yourself feel a little relieved from carrying this burden alone, it is going to be okay - if you managed to get to today you are strong enough to start waking up a little earlier and changing your life, I believe in you.
No. 1040119
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>>1040002Yeah, I was worried I was going to get accused of being a scrote/tranny for the animeposting.
I have very few friends (most of my life didn't have any), and I don't actually like any of them at all. Maybe it's odd that I call them my friends. When I was talking to my best friend today she said that when our grandmas were our age no one had depression because people had real struggles and were too busy to be self-absorbed. I told her a bit about depression treatment back then (they handed out amphetamine like they do SSRIS nowadays) but her response was just that it was extremely rare.
I'm just really sick of people. None of them get me, I feel very isolated. I'd rather just be with my own thoughts.
Last term I got sent between various mentors, mental health advisors, special ed tutors, etc. at my university and none of them seemed to know what to make of me. They just asked me if I was self harming and if I was getting exercise (and if I'd thought about doing volunteering, kek) and gave me some very basic study tips ('make a list of tasks'), then they sent me to see someone else. It definitely made me worse. My GP is ok but all she can do is give me SSRIs. I wonder if I should blow my savings on real psychiatric treatment once I've got enough, but IDK how much it would actually help. Sorry for writing so much.
No. 1040122
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>>1040112>I just want to try and become a vtuber/ streamer>I have hated anime weeb culture more and more every yearserious question are you fucking dumb? why would you want to be a vtuber when all they do is act retarded and have to interact with their coomer fanbase while pretending to enjoy looking at shitty coomer art?
No. 1040138
>>1040122You probably only know about vtubers from companies like hololive or nijisanji but the idea of having a cute or well designed avatar to speak through is more appealing to people than a face cam or nothing at all.
Temmie, the character designer for undertale and a really good animator, has one and she doesn't do any of the shit you mentioned.
Franziska Wulfen, an animator worked on Revue Starlight and Magia Record, also does none of the shit you mentioned.
No. 1040169
>>1040116All the typical degenerate weeb/coomer shit but amplified from anonymity. Young kids bypassing age checks and slowly becoming porn addicts, 4chan edgelord nazi larpers. Same old, same old like most places if you don't curate and limit what you join.
>>1040122Why do you think I made my post? I knew about the coomer tubers with their 30+ yo male fan base. I accepted the fact that I'd come into contact with coomers but with an avatar, they would sexualize IT/HER (no matter the way it's designed), not ME, and that would save some of my sanity when I block and ignore them and get my money. I didn't think a random streamer I stumbled upon with multiple videos to help you start out would be a major coomer. I should've know when I saw her giant boobed avatar but I was stupid and gave the benefit of the doubt.
I didn't expect another streamer/ vtuber mentor to have multiple references to porn about feet and old men with young girls in her videos. I am honestly disgusted and nervous and scared seeing that and how its readily accepted. It has made me rethink my entire plan I've had for a month now.
No. 1040255
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No. 1040268
I feel like I wasted 4 years of my life by going to college, and in the wrong major. When I was a senior in high school, I was depressed, suicidal, and didn't know what the hell to do. During that time, I liked looking at gore, thought dead bodies were "cool", and had an interest in forensics.
However, I live in a small town that had no forensic schools, and had to pick the closest major.
My parents are abusive and made sure that I had to rely on them and kept me sheltered. I never learned how to do anything by myself, I wasn't allowed to get a job, and they didn't want to teach me how to drive because they didn't want me leaving. They wanted me to go to university right after I graduated high school, but did not want me moving away to go to school, forcing me to choose from very limited choices. At the time, I thought I was too dumb for something like chemistry or biology. I picked criminal justice, because that was the closest thing to forensics and I thought it was a safe choice with lots of job options.
Like most people, your interests change as you get older. I wasn't sure if I should stick with this major, but I was already in too deep to make any switches, so I finished and graduated with the criminal justice degree. I went to work for crime scene immediately, but unfortunately, I couldn't really handle it (I think this was just bad management, without training I got thrown out on my second day, been there a week now and it's been the same). I'm transferring to another position that is less than ideal (it's all paperwork), but it won't be as mentally taxing. It sucks because I actually like the forensic aspect of it, and I liked doing the lab work when it was there, but I just hated going out onto scenes. If it was just property crime whatever, but there's some freaky shit and it's a mixed bag, and they were throwing it all at me at once which normally isn't procedure.
I'm worried that I won't get close to doing any lab work, comparison, or processing because most want a science degree, which I don't have. Trying not to be too hard on myself because I was given very limited choices due to my upbringing and I'm stuck. For now I guess I'll deal with the paperwork position (which doesn't need a degree for) until I get enough money for a car and to move to a city that has an actual lab. However I'm worried I'm stuck with a useless degree, will have useless experience at this new position (I was supposed to gain experience with crime scene but that didn't work out), and that I won't be able to do what I really want and am good at. Long, but I really needed to vent.
No. 1040280
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>>1040002every time you worry about that, make a drawing or edit of an anime girl being a based
terf and remember that every single one of those troons will 41% themeselves
>>1040039can't you just tell her to stop?
No. 1040302
My dad has used me as a burden for his emotions since him and my late mother divorced when I was 6. He has deep clinical depression and prone to bouts of alcoholism, and all day my text messages are being spammed with the same variants of "I'm unhappy", "Feeling depressed today", etc. Over and over and over. And then a "Sorry I'm the worst dad ever" if I don't respond.
I was always his therapist when we lived together growing up, and he became resentful of the fact that I moved out 10 years ago. He won't let it go and always brings up how he wishes we could go back to living together, and hardly ever expresses that he's happy I'm on my own. He's proud of my accomplishments, but not my independence.
The few times I tried setting boundaries he absolutely broke down and cold shouldered me while being suicidal. I had to bail him and drive him home from prison when he got a DUI after I asked him to see a therapist and stop telling me all the time about how sad he was. He was diagnosed with autism and ADHD and so doesn't trust doctors or therapists.
After these breakdowns, he always returns respecting my boundaries and then slowly begins to cross the line again. And any time I point that out, it's all, "You don't care about your family" or "I'm just your stupid old dad, nobody likes me", depending on what way he wants to guilt trip me I guess.
Over the years I'm growing more and more jaded. Even when he visits, he stays a really long time and gets in my personal space and is overstimulating with his excitability and loud personality. I'm really quiet and reserved, and then he gets upset and says "I've changed" if I don't respond appropriately.
He doesn't have many friends, and those who've truly put love and care into him are pushed away. He doesn't have a girlfriend or wife after the divorce, because he's extremely picky and immediately leaves as soon as there's the slightest red flag.
He cares about me a lot and I know I'm going to be really upset when he dies someday and regret NOT putting up with it. That's how it felt with my mom. I feel like if I go NC or LC he would absolutely kill himself.
I feel like I'm in a narcisstic abusive relationship but don't want to throw around buzzwords. I'm at a loss and I know "Just go No Contact" is not the answer, and I also know he has an absolute breakdown if he gets even a smidge of how I really feel.
No. 1040385
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A girl I went to school and fell out with just violated my peace of mind and stable energy by showing up in a university promo banner on my computer at work. Now I need to do something overreactive and self-indulgent to remind myself I’m better than her.
No. 1040402
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I had to go to the dentist today to get 2 more fillings. My dentist told me I now have 12 in total. I fucking hate my past self and my dented wallet agrees. At least I have prescription toothpaste here. Never again, teeth. THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE.
No. 1040463
I need to get off the internet goddammit
No. 1040475
>>1040433Holy shit, same
But sometimes I wonder if I have ADD, because some other day I spent 7 hours straight on an offline activity and had to force myself to stop and sleep. But whenever I have to do other stuff, I'm just so scatter brained. I hate it. Even for doing stuff I love, I just forget and keep doing random shit
No. 1040482
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>>1040476Nta, but this person has some beautiful photos/work. Anyway, that person isn't attractive (especially in comparison to the other models) but I honestly expected worse. The anon above is right, there are fat women with beautiful faces so I don't get why people settle.
No. 1040485
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>ask my coworkers if they need the answers to a test we're doing
>get ignored
>find out later they have a group without me
Why does this keep happening? I try to help people and I know I'm shy-ish but holy fuck at almost 30 I thought that would stop happening
No. 1040503
>>1040193Maybe it's just me but it feels like men's porn addiction is getting worse over the years and last year and this one might be the peak. Way too many people are making it a personality trait and I think it may be time to actually bully harder or force lobotomies. It also kills me when they complain they can't get a girlfriend, idk what to tell you man other than you're weird as fuck.
I think the worst ones are the hentai addicted ones, especially when they're into loli and have to vehemently repeat this doesn't mean their into real children. I get it, it's fake but it's still weird to see something clearly represent a child and get turned on by the they talk
No. 1040608
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Stranded in a foreign country alone and moneyless but too hungry to even be sad
No. 1040617
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>>1040607I’ll try the doctor’s note but a couple of lecturers already saw me because I went took, took the exam paper, said, “Wait, isn’t this supposed to be an X test?” And everyone looked at me like a retard. I walked out, found out I missed up the dates, tried the “have pity on me” act, and it didn’t work.
It’s cool though. I can’t help it if I exhibit lolcowish behavior sometimes. It just sucks because of future internship applications and all that, but it is what it is. I’ll try to get a doctor’s note, something like “she’s depressed, retardation and memory loss.” Hopefully it’ll work.
No. 1040629
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Why they always use severely overweight person in media for progressive points?
It’s either model thin or super fat.
Why can’t they promote healthy average size bodies? Healthy but not model thin
No. 1040673
>>1040629This is embarrassing for Tess. It looks like they had to stitch three dresses together to get something that would cover her. Not even fit her, but cover her.
I also hate the HAES madness.
No. 1040720
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>>1040026Ayrt and I'm sorry you're also going through it anon, I wouldn't wish body dysmorphia on my worst enemy.
But on the bright side, we should consider that webcams make most people look worse than they really look. First of all, if I'm not mistaken, they have a similar fisheye-like focal length as selfie cameras, which is distorting our faces. They're also low quality cameras, contributing to make us look worse. And finally, the kind of indoor lighting we have during Zoom calls is very much unfavorable. Lighting is crucial, that's why you see all those vloggers having all sorts of ring lights, lamps and diffusers in order to get a good indoor light.
I'm very much sure you look a lot better than you think you do.
No. 1040851
>>1040402- use toothpaste
- floss
- use mouthwash
What else?
Eat and drink as little sugary things as possible!
No. 1040939
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I the bad person when I'm angry that my father says racial slurs every single day, after living in a mixed city for 26+ years? I'm crazy because I lash out when I get told I'm retarded, lazy, a quitter, do-nothing, sleep all day, every single day? When he calls women broads, makes kitchen jokes, comments about people 5 feet away and snickers when they react? He has sapped the life out of my mother with the exact same things for 26 years and is going to keep doing it for the next 40 years until they get old and decrepit and it's too late to even walk by yourself without a bad fall being able to kill you. Even then she'd get sucked fully back into her huge religious family and start to believe dying the ends of my hair makes me evil. I want to be young and ignorant again and be able to enjoy the camping and exploring trips every Saturday without realizing all his horribleness. But I have to live another 60 years or so before I turn into dust and I'm truly able to forget everything.
No. 1040981
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ok so if drugs dont work and i have to wake up every day and put in effort for things when they don't bring me joy or make sense to keep doing, i will now simply convince myself i am amazing #1 girl of the whole world and im better than everyone, which is why i won't kill myself because thats for losers. of course i can do 2 weeks of work in 4 hours, who do you think i am? im sooooo cool and soooooooooo sexy
No. 1041005
>>1040990Sorry to hear that, good to know you're feeling a bit better. I don't think taking multiple antidepressants like that would even help how you feel, seems more like a risk for side effects than anything else and adjusting to higher doses to get positive effects takes time. Eating your fave sweets is alright but don't make yourself sick,
nonny. Have you tried distracting yourself with your favorite movie, music,,or book?
No. 1041033
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>>1041024Oh my god I don't even do 3d modelling and I know shaders attract the worst autism, I mean just look at this you must be deranged to do this for fun. Good luck anony
No. 1041051
>>1041033people who understand this shit get paid really really good money, if you focus really good maybe it can be you
otherwise don't beat yourself up over it, it's hard af
No. 1041063
>>1041033Thank you for recognizing my pain nona! It is a necessary evil because I'm the retard who can't settle for something that looks alright but doesn't match my aesthetic vision kek. Why does it have to be the least intuitive thing imaginable. All these fucking programmers and engineers creating and modding these engines, yet not one of them could figure out how to make shaders useable to the non-autist, no, now I've got to study for weeks so I can decipher this nonsense just to have shiny eyes! Digital 2d is fucking boss, they gave the most commonly used blend properties names and easy access but nooooo I got to build all this retardation from scratch because Big Brain Bob doesn't get why the average person doesn't want to deal with 30 nodes and 20 math equations to fart out "dodge" and "multiply"
>>1041051There is no way I will ever get good at it, I have always been a math retard. I do well with logic but somehow I just can't cram any complex math into my brain. But thanks I feel a little better about not understanding it.
No. 1041129
>>1040755>>1040843God that shit sounds fucking awful. It actually reminds me of when one of my favorite bands back in the day did something similar with a phone app- you'd get one call a day or something with a cute message or something. I thought it was cute back in the day, but now I can see how fucking terrible it is. At least we could only recieve the calls, as if being left a voicemail or something, not anything back and forth.
My friend posted about how a kpop star's suicide has "contributed" to her current depression. I can get being sad when your favorite musician or actor or whatever passes away, especially from something as tragic as suicide, but to let it affect you FOR YEARS as if it was someone you truly knew and had a relationship with seems fucking bonkers to me.
I no longer get the appeal of kpop groups anymore. I can appreciate a cute boy/girl and how fun some of the concepts and photosets are, but nothing really drives me towards them. Ok? They're attractive? Collecting all these photos is weird. My friend got into new groups because of how attractive she found one or two of the members. They all look the fucking same. If the racist joke of "all asians look alike" wasn't already so prevalent, now it
really feels like they all look alike.
No. 1041162
>>1040730I understand how it might be painful for you and I'm sorry for that, but I really love your superior-chan
and see myself in her because I do the same.
No. 1041206
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Coming in here fucking depresses me so much. I want to talk and have conversations with anons but I’m not a witty or funny person, I don’t want to perform like a circus for other strangers online. I don’t even know why I’m here, mentally ill people tend to attract other mentally ill people I guess. It’s just frustrating having to your words constantly misread on purpose, it’s frustrating that whatever you’re trying to say is going to be sucked into a void, it’s frustrating never getting a response, it’s frustrating when everyone else acts like they aren’t here to connect with others even if it’s just petty infighting. This website is like the entity of a failed father haunting you with gaslighting and failed promises I hate it so much yet I keep coming back like a retard. I am the anon who tells you to kill yourself and I am also the anon who tells you to love yourself how can any sane person post how can anyone be like me and type something so unhinged like this and expect anyone to say anything? All of you, die in a fire
No. 1041212
>>1041177I'm confused, why can't you buy a place on your own? You aren't married from the sounds of it so it wouldn't be unusual. If they have no credit history their finances can't be in great shape, so I assume you aren't relying on their money for the deposit/repayments. And if they aren't financially secure and I'd wonder why you want to buy with them in the first place, I'd never go in on a big purchase with someone unreliable.
Either way I hope you talk to the bank and a mortgage broker before going all doom and gloom about the next several years of your life. It makes no sense that you'd never be able to buy a house if you, personally, can afford it.
No. 1041251
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>>1041206I feel the same way. I keep trying to get away from this website because it sucks up all my free time and I don't like who I am when I post here. Even outside the gossip boards I feel like my worst side is being teased out and I become negative and critical and dismissive. I wish I was not so internet addicted. I would swap my time reading here for reading actual books, but it doesn't have the same social appeal. What am I supposed to do when I want to feel connected to people? Where do I go? I wish Lolcow was not the only answer in my repetoire. I have some friends but nobody I can text/talk to "on demand"… My problem is that even when the boards are slow, this website is always "on." I want to get away but I don't know how. Sorry if this wasn't what you meant at all, in the end I just piggybacked with my own vent
No. 1041254
>>1041193Thanks anon! I just heard about this and didn’t know if it was even common, this gives me some hope.
>>1041212They actually make more money then me, but I handle all our finances. They also have less debt than me (they have none) since they didn’t go to college, like I did, so I was really hoping with our finances together we would be able to get a loan.
Yeah I’m jumping the gun a bit on the doom and gloom.
No. 1041261
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>>1041249Ymmv but it made a night and day difference for my horrible fine hair. This is the crap I bought but I can't imagine that it does anything different than any other generic leave-in considering it cost next to nothing.
No. 1041265
>>1041258i just buy my things from the biological store or make it myself, so the ingredients are usually just aloe vera and maybe some juices. but if something cheap and easily accessible can give me my dream hair im willing to try it and then learn from it to maybe invest in a higher quality dupe
>>1041261im going to have to buy a little travel bottle to test it. i tried similar products before and it just made my hair sticky and oily, but that was andrelon, idk if you know this brand. what type of hair do you have for the rest? mine is extremely full and wavy as well as blonde, but frizzes and doesn't have the sleekness it once had. i'd love to keep my curls but just have more shine
No. 1041326
I'm so sick of seeing average or even ugly men with beautiful girls. I don't get it. I know looks aren't everything, but still, there's just too much of it, and I never see it happening the other way around, or definitely not to this extent. Like, take this couple from my work. Ok the guy is like 6'0 tall which is a good thing, but his head looks like a penis, he's balding and has almost non existent eyebrows and squinty eyes. Meanwhile his girl is great in both the body and face departament, she has the perfect, angelic, model-like facial bone structure and teeth and she doesn't need make up. She's also like 6-7 years younger than him. It's not like she's using him for money, it seems they really do love each other. But this is not an exception, I've seen at least 10 relationships like this in my close social circles, and there's many many random couples I've seen both at my work and at other places with similar atractiveness "distribution". I'm kinda tired of it. No wonder average and ugly men have such high standards and believe they deserve super models when this shit is happening so much irl
No. 1041335
I remember being like 14 and coming home to my mum, crying that I had to listen to all my friends and give them advice and be there for them but nobody ever listens to me. She told me it's a phase and that teenage feelings are often like that and I was like "damn, true".
I'm 22 now and she comes home from work without even asking how I'm doing, talks about annoying family members, vents about her work and asks advice on things, but if I try to talk about something on my mind she either will literally ignore it and just stare at the TV or use it as a segue to talk about her own shit. Same with my sister, I'm always talking her through her breakups and work problems, but I can never tell her anything without it reverting back to her situation.
This year alone I have helped my mum deal with being demoted, my aunt being terrible, my sister breaking up again and being stressed about moving yet I haven't been asked ONCE how I'm doing and I'm not even exaggerating.
I tried telling my sister about this and she just went like "oh, I feel the same, in my work I.." and the subject became her again. My mum just laughed at me and said I should just stop listening to people as if I'm doing this by choice.
I used to be really glad and happy that I could give some comforting words or at the very least just listen to people, but now I get really angry and annoyed that I'm everyone's ear yet I can't talk about my shit.
It's even worse now that my mum knows I don't talk back to her and I would never be rude to her, so she's starting to treat me like shit to take it out on me whenever someone in my family is rude to her and then 10 minutes later without even apologising she just starts talking about her fucking problems again. I always loved her so much but I'm starting to resent her and everyone else. Fuck, nonnies, I'm getting bitter.
No. 1041344
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>>1041326The truth is very few men are nice to look at, regardless of body. It's slim pickings even for pretty women.
No. 1041368
>>1041344nta but I actually hate that rhetoric cause it gives men excuse to fat and lazy, I don't expect or ask for all men to be what I consider handsome but I feel they should at least do the bare minimum
not be fat, not dress like slobs, bathe daily
hell It's men's natural state to have low body fat and look toned, Unless they're on corticosteroids or have something like hypothyroidism (which affects women 9 times more anyway) then there is no excuse. They have higher muscle mass and metabolisms. They don't have to take hormonal bird control which fucks them up.
No. 1041419
>>1041326I hate seeing ugly men with beautiful women. My mother was very beautiful and my father looks so absolutely ugly that people look away from him and babies literally cry when they see him. I ended up being average because she married him instead of her handsome ex bfs. He was still
abusive and shitty its not like his personality was better.
Girls dont marry ugly men for their personality or anything, they're hiding their true colors til they trap you and will ruin you way worsr than a good looking man ever will.
No. 1041488
>>1041462I hear you anon, my hometown was rural where women outnumbered men. What happened was that even the most loserish and ugly men thought they were hot shit because at least two pickmes would be lining up to procreate with them, only because of scarcity and lack of options of course. At least karma got some of the men who didn't want to settle in their 20s and who are now older and can't pull women like they used to because no one wants an ugly tradesman or factory worker with nothing else to offer.
But still, rural dating scene fucking sucks, all the worthwhile men are snatched up as soon as they're outta high school.
No. 1041491
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This vase is disgusting and it was made by a man.
No. 1041492
I want to have a good relationship with my mom so badly. But she makes it so fucking difficult. I love her a lot, she’s not a monster or anything, but she is extremely careless about her health, her house, and she smokes so much weed it’s turned her into a legitimate retard. Nothing against stoners, it just makes her completely incapable of critical thought and even fucking counting. Last year we got along so well for most of the year, we took trips together and I got to meet her childhood friends who were all amazing, intelligent women. It made me sad. My mom used to be that smart. She’s been in deep mental decline since she resigned from her job which was almost 3 years ago. She has a lot of baggage from being abused by my dad, losing her brother to suicide, and about a year apart my grandparents both died. I was extremely close to them, they were my favorite people in the world, but obviously I took it better because they’re grandparents, it’s expected for them to die and I was blessed that they got to be with me for over 18 years of my life. But I think she has a hard time coping with it. She has no immediate family other than her children and my stepdad anymore, I try to sympathize, but she does things that make me so fucking angry that I can’t see straight. She cannot accept responsibility for the things she’s done wrong, and it drives me crazy. I want to have a good relationship with her so badly and I wish I could just let things slide, give excuses for all the gross negligence for herself & others, but if I was like that, she’d be dead. I love my mom so much, that’s why I wish she cared about herself. Sometimes I feel like I’m the mother and she’s the daughter.
No. 1041507
>>1041488Nta , but I caught a rural cutie when he was 27, but most of the cute guys from high school did not age well out herein the boondocks.
I did live in a major city and dated a few years ago. I noticed it was an extreme in the opposite direction. Zero commitment, ghosting, and not the full truth of who the person was, just what they wanted to sell themselves as. I think them country boys are more upfront about who they are, and I appreciate that more than the cool dude facade any day.
No. 1041515
>>1041499People who act this way are fucking trash. Glad people in Asia like HP and dont give a shit about the
terf bullshit woke points
No. 1041522
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My mother acts like a child. She cusses me out every time I make any noise outside her room, even as far away as in the kitchen, and thinks I intend to sabotage her. She tells me I'm evil every now and again and always vents about me any time she can. She was sick one night and thought I poisoned the chicken she was eating (and I ate from) because she thought I intended to kill her. Part of me wishes she called the police so that at least someone can be witness to this messed up dynamic.
All my life she has unknowingly made me miserable by revealing her insane thought process. As a child, she made it clear that she had a suspicion of me trying to seduce my father. She thought I invited my father's misplaced "love" for me, and would grit her teeth while saying so, showing that she was jealous of me and not concerned for me. I honestly just wish I had a normal mother. I can't even talk about it to anyone because it would literally sound like a lie, and I would not blame anyone for thinking I was lying. Everyone thinks she is a wonderful woman and would readily believe her side of the story. She's not the only person who thinks I'm conniving and those who know and love her would pin me as someone who is a deliberate saboteur. Whatever, this has just been mildly upsetting me for a while.
No. 1041537
>>1041531Bby I don’t even know you and I KNOW you worth more than wrinkly men. Please take a look in the mirror and collect yourself.
No. 1041558
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I stg there's actually something wrong with him. He looks like a tard.
No. 1041597
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I just made an expensive purchase and I wanna puke lmaoooo it's something I wanted for a long time and will use a lot but I hate spending my own hard-earned money on myself instead of hoarding it for some vague future purpose or disaster lmao even though I have enough money for like a years worth of rent in savings and I know I'll be fine.
No. 1041604
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I wish I was a lesbian.
No. 1041632
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Im so fucking stupid i respond to any forms of flirting with "fuck off" or with some type of threat of beating. I cant do this im going to die alone. Any forms of romance or flirting i retract but i want it so bad
No. 1041695
>>1041692Example? Please don't leave us hanging,
I wish someone wrote that about me lol
No. 1041701
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>Dumbass classmate walks into room 15 minutes late and interrupts lecture by giggling and screeching about how she forgot which room class is in
>It's the fourth week of classes
>Professor laughs and gives her advice on how to get student discount on parking
>Second classmate walks into room 20 minutes later
>Professor gives her a hug
>Professor yells at me for glancing at phone for 20 seconds
>Everyone else is glued to their screens
>Talk about making flyers for some stupid gay ass project with group members
>Group wants to translate flyers into another language
>Project is high stakes and assessed by national committee
>Someone suggests running our text thru Google Translate as if we don't live in a city where everyone knows about 25 people who speak said language
>Suggests to just talk to fucking friends who speak the language like normal human beings who socialize with one another and have some decorum
>"…oookay, if you feel so strongly about it, yEeeEeeEwww can do thaaat…"
>Ask a train conductor in glittery face mask and retarded dinosaur- and coffee-themed pins on her hat about whether the price of a ticket on an app, at the self-serve kiosk, and at the ticket seller's office is the same
>"We don't sell those tickets on the train."
>That's not what I asked
>"Have a great day!"
Why the fuck does this keep happening? Why do other women treat me with such cruelty? What did I do?
No. 1041703
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>>1041698If my dog looked like this, I’d be defensive online too due to the fear of it killing me in my sleep If I didn’t defend it kek
No. 1041804
I broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago because I didn't feel happy despite loving him. He loves me too still, so he isn't over me at all. Consequently, we've sort of become solely online friends with benefits. It annoyed me a little bit initially, because I broke up with him for a reason and I'm not to be used for sex. But due to being a massive horndog myself, as well as not having actual sex and only being able to talk to each other, I now enjoy taking advantage of it. He'll talk dirty whilst I masturbate which makes my orgasms so much more intense, and afterwards I can remind him I'm not his girlfriend btw, so try harder, but thanks for helping me, it could be better next time, gtg now see ya. The reason I haven't cut him out of my life is because I don't hold any personal qualms against him, I just deserve better from a boyfriend. He's free to court me and do better, which I'll happily experience. But if he doesn't, that's fine as well, because I have enough going on as is. Regardless, I am going to stop doing this in a few days after I've stopped ovulating, since I'll be less horny and I want to send the right signals. Letting this go on for too long will send the wrong signals. For now, he can be my porn.
No. 1041810
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Is the world/ life getting worse?
I haven’t felt hopeful or really alive since 2014/early 2015.
Life has felt like I’m stuck inside a decaying movie theatre with the credits rolling on the screen for like 7 years now.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Inb4 “you’re depressed”. I mean obviously, but I feel like this is bigger than my brain. It feels collective.
No. 1041819
>>1041810Every single day, the world seems like its decaying
we killed God and could have had anything to replace him with and we choose neo-liberalism and we are now seeing its effects, society is degrading in all moral and spiritual levels
we need some real conflict or catastrophe to truly save society, till then I suggest till then all I can suggest is be prepared and try to better yourself till the world collapses
in its own degernacy and filth
No. 1041877
Nobody needs to respond to this, it's a rant I saved from forever ago and I think I just need to scream it out somewhere to get over it
I hate when people give up whenever something takes a modicum of effort. I hate when people only have effortless non-hobbies like consuming tiktoks or stupid children's cartoons or video games that coddle your nonexistent attention span. I hate when people just accept that they're too haha quirky adhd gen z to read anything longer than two sentences so why bother trying. I hate when people only do the things they say they're going to do when you ride their ass about it. I hate being the person who always has to pick up the slack. I hate that whenever I mention how hard it is on me to carry people who won't meet me halfway, I get told to just stop trying, as if I won't have to put in twice the effort later to fix the mess that happens when I give up mothering everyone. I hate when I get fed up and admit that, yes, it does bother me when I know someone is lying to me about getting things done, it does bother me to deal with the same problems over and over and over and over again, it does bother me when people decide they're too stupid or untalented or useless to do things they need or even want to do that I know they're capable of. I hate when people give me that "well you're built different, you always try hard and do things right, you always get things done, I'm not like you I can't meet your standards" when I'm not built different, I had to whip myself into shape and teach myself to get shit done too, I have adhd too, I don't like doing boring or hard shit either, and perhaps most of all, I'm never even asking anyone to meet the standards I have for myself. I would never expect anyone to beat themselves up to the point that they can just force themselves to always get shit done and pretend it's effortless, and I hate that people use my stupid perfectionism against me when all I've ever asked of them was to stop giving up the second something isn't easy or fun, knowing they're gonna be miserable if they don't try. I hate that self pitying shit like "you're just better than me, I'm dumb and bad at things and that's why you should accept that I'm just gonna go watch cartoons" like I'm not better, I'm not magically immune to getting tired or frustrated or failure in general, I just spent a lot of years trying really hard to be functional and I know for a fact that they could do it too if they stopped telling themselves they can't. It's so hard believing in and trying to support people who won't do the same for themselves and I wish there was a way to shove it into their skulls that the solution isn't for me to drop everything and give up with them, the solution is for them to work with me until they don't need me to be functional anymore. I hate micromanaging people's lives, seeing good results in their happiness and quality of life and general ability to deal with things, and then having to watch it slide back the second I get burnt out and can't play mommy anymore. I don't hate helping people, I hate trying to help people and not getting any lasting results and knowing there's quite literally nothing more I could do beyond implanting a chip into their brain and reprogramming them.
No. 1041884
>>1041881I know I said nobody needed to respond to my sperging but thank you I could cry. Seriously! I have so much respect for people who took up random skills like knitting or gardening or pottery or reading or whatever over the pandemic. I don't want to boomerpost, I'm only in my early 20s, but I really do think people
need hobbies that they actively engage in, even if they aren't particularly good at them. I get that a lot of people get worn out from work and stuff and it's fine to just consume stuff that's relaxing and makes you happy, but if that's all you ever spend your free time doing, I think it really starts to melt your brain.
No. 1041891
>>1041819God and religion was mostly invented to oppress women. Yeah, it's sooo terrible in the developed world now, we should get back to hardcore Christianity like in Poland or Islam like in Saudi. Much better for us women, right? Much better moral values such as women are better of being a property of men, having no other value than being a child maker, not being able to abort your rapist's baby, being killed for not being a virgin. Gays and lesbians should be shamed and killed for being depraved right?
You're delusional if you think countries who have a strong belief in God are ~morally~ better. They're only more beneficial for straight scrotes.
No. 1041894
>>1041891>Poland>Hardcore Christianitylmao
>God and religion was mostly invented to oppress women.Religion and a belief in god have been existing well before abrahamic religions… fuck out of here with your lousy academia understanding of religion in societies
No, im not that anon you replied to either before you come at me with strawmans. Just replying to your obnoxious rhetoric
No. 1041899
>>1041894Have you ever been to Poland? You can't walk over a town square without there being a religious demonstration against abortions.
I'm talking about Abrahamic God and organised religion because that's only religion that's relevant now.
What strawmans? That's literally what women's and homosexuals' rights look like in those countries. Sorry but sexually depraved men existed even in those God-fearing years, only thing that was different for us women was that we had even less rights and weren't even looked at as a proper human.
You should appreciate what you have instead of falling into scrote rhetorics about 'good old golden years'.
No. 1041903
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How can I fucking stop being attracted to a misogynist? For context he is attractive to me with his other personality traits - we have a lot in common besides that nasty shit. It's so painful I swear. Makes my head hurt and wreaks my mental health even into a more sinister thing than it is now
No. 1041906
>>1041899>Have you ever been to Poland? You can't walk over a town square without there being a religious demonstration against abortions.Being anti-abortion doesn't mean having a strict hardline interpretation to a religion. Is there examples of Poland encouraging a strict Christian lifestyle and adherence outside of opposing select issues by politicians trying to gain the trust in a subset of the population?
>I'm talking about Abrahamic God and organised religion because that's only religion that's relevant now.Hinduism and Buddhism are one of the biggest religions in the world but okay.
>What strawmans? That's literally what women's and homosexuals' rights look like in those countries. Sorry but sexually depraved men existed even in those God-fearing years, only thing that was different for us women was that we had even less rights and weren't even looked at as a proper human.Those countries that are killing gays and forcing girls to marry creepy old scrotes are the Muslim and Hindu ones. I'm not sure why you're conflating Islamism with all world religions?
>You should appreciate what you have instead of falling into scrote rhetorics about 'good old golden years'.No offense, but how is being seen as a sister/daughter/wife/mother protected class to a potential sex worker and empowering whore better? I'm not even the OP, my personally favorite Western era is the in between of all of that
during the mid to late 20th century.
No. 1041924
>>1041905No he is a different sort of misogynist. He doesn't ""slut shame"" (I don't know how to call it in a non libfem way), relegate all domestic responsibilities on a woman (he actually is quite a family man) and is hygienic. He just views women as fragile little weak things that have no place in public live or politics and that should belong in domestic/private sphere. This sort of misogyny, which isn't really about being a dickhead per se but is about specifically restricting female freedom, is the most painful for me personally. I know he also is attracted to me even though I am very far from his concept of "ideal woman" (an opposite of it really). All this entire situation is so fucking
toxic. i am dyin
No. 1041934
>>1041913I'm not speaking with authority if I asked a question after that line you quoted, anon… did you even read my full post or immediately react to the first sentence you saw?
Thanks for answering my question though, anon.
No. 1041992
>>1041985Samefag but said fuck buddy agreed no strings attached but it’s so obvious that he’s in love with me. The more I learn about how many years he’s jerked off to my photos before recently is just ooooooh… I made a mistake. But he’s a man so I don’t fucking care. I’ll string him along for as long as I can so I can at least get some kind of validation and attention. Am I evil probably. But he’s a man who admitted to jerking off to me in the past so I think my actions are
valid. Eventually I’ll “break his heart” or somthing. Im just really missing that cozy female companionship.
No. 1042010
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>>1041929Thanks, sis. I will try to avoid him, maybe going cold turkey will help.
No. 1042011
>>1042002Op here.
You do be spitting facts though. Lol. Thank you.
No. 1042022
>>1041891I'm an atheist and I honestly wish religion would die off everywhere but fucking hell do I hate aboustetly nonsensical moronic takes about theology
Religions are in a way constantly evolving systems, no one person or even a group of people invents religion and no one can control it as
I dislike religion more then you can imagine but the radfems that a group of men just sat down "yes we shall make this and we'll do this to oppress the maternal goddesses or whatever"
It doesn't work like that, It's never ever been like that, its fine to hate religion but please don't make shit up
No. 1042062
>>1042019Very similar experiences to you
nonnie and I'm sorry. Beware of bipolar diagnosis, they are popular to give out. I can't trust doctors either to make an accurate assessment after meeting someone one time. The mental health industry is a joke and doctors are scammers. I hope you can get an accurate diagnosis one day. Don't let them control you
No. 1042116
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>>1041906> No offense, but how is being seen as a sister/daughter/wife/mother protected class to a potential sex worker and empowering whore better?Reject both?
No. 1042138
>>1042037It is, look up the history of early Christianity there were so many interoperations of the faith that could easily have been the dominant sect
The non-trinitarian one's, the Dualist one's, the one's that rejected the Old testament
do you really think anyone had any control over that, hell all of the women that were executed in the witch trails were all Christians who just followed some of these archaic belief systems
No. 1042189
>>1041808Aw, anon, don't beat yourself about it. Who cares? What I would care about is whether you were content in those years or not, and how have you changed and grown. It is too often that women go overboard when investing emotionally and financially into personal care and forget that you're supposed to water the productive part of your life as well. Consooming isn't everything, and most of all, it doesn't bloom a lot. Build something, learn something, earn your own stripes. Easier said than done, and I'm trying to get there too.
With that said, I'm glad that you're starting to take care of your hair. Here are some things you'd want to keep in mind. These tips have personally helped me and saved me from spending a shitton of money on hair products in general. First off, the redpill: external hair products are palatable at best. They will not affect a longterm change on your hair, which is why they require maintance. That maintaince costs $$$$$$$ – for example, the mise en scene hair serum was advertised everywhere on every haircare space as the final solution to damamged and dyed hair. That serum contains chemicals that worsens the quality of your hair, so that when you go off of it you find that your hair has become even more damaged, and then you're dependent on the product. Definitely remain very, very skeptical of hair products. For your wallet's sake.
Better keep it simple. Get a more natural shampoo and conditioner. If you want to look into making your own natural shampoo, then definitely go for it and have fun. I've seen lots of people do it and reap satisfying results. And if you don't want to do it, then there are a lot of small businesses online for this type of thing. The basics are this: sulphates strip the oils out of your natural hair way too much, which may leave it dry. A similar thing happens you wash your face with a really strong cleanser that strips your skin of all of its natural oils; your skin freaks out and start producing those oils, which breeds acne. Which brings us to the second thing: is your hair curly, coarse, or straight and thin? If it's thick and curly wash it once or twice. If it's thin, go twice or three times. By not washing your hair for longer periods of time, you're "training" into producing less oil, i.e. getting oily less. Your hair's oils are actually really beneficial, as they act as a natural lubricant - so you want to be combing it through everyday to spread the oils and "condition" it, so to speak. I think that fact that you weren't combing it often might have made your hair a little dry. If you stop washing your hair and it gets oily right away then hold out, and remember: you need to train it for this sort of thing, so it might take some time. This is important because your hair is dry from all that dying so you
really want to focus into conditioning. Look for coconut and castor oils, jojoba oils, hot conditions treatments, all that stuff. I always buy small bottles from markets; don't spend too much on it.
I think you might want to look into Olaplex, too. It's costly, though. It's a one time treatment for damaged hair. I have never personally tried it but hair dressers use it all the time for damaged hair, along with deep conditioning treatments. The latter you can on your own at home for an affordable amount of money, though.
You want to look into hard waters vs soft water. The former has a lot of harsh minerals and the latter doesn't, and it affects your hair health. There are DIY tests that you can run on the water that you use to wash your hair. A good thing to do as well would be a hair porosity test, which will help you figure how to start fixing your hair: get a glass of water, and put a hair strand in it. If floats, it's low porosity. If it sinks, it's high porosity. A hair porosity tests lets you know how good your hair is at absorbing moisture and locking it in. Dyed hair tends to be high porosity, which means it can't lock in moisture very well. On the other hand, low porosity means it can really lock in that moisture, but it's hard to absorb it in the first place.
Also, once you hair is out of your scalp, it's dead. So like I said, don't put too much faith in external products. They're palliative, if you will. Sure, they might help a little, but if you really want to get to the root of your problem, you want to turn your focus toward what's going into your body. Get your bloodwork done and take a good look at the nutrients in your food, or lack thereof.
Since you're on lolcow, I'm going to make a humble wager and say that you don't see the sun very much. Most people don't; not unless they're intimate with the sun's UV rays for 10 or 15 minutes multiple times a week. A vit D deficiency really takes a toll on your hair. It encourages hair loss, and anecdotally insane hair frizz. But you need magnesoium to absorb vitamin D, and you need calcium to absorb magnesium. It's a shitty chain, which is why again I recommend: get your bloodwork done. It'll help not just your hair but your overall health; there's a link between depression, vitamin D, oxidative stress (which encourages white hair), and nutrients. And yes, grey hair is hereditary, but your environment and your lifestyle choices largely affect the epigenetics and how all of that is expressed.
If you have the resources, get a hair tissue mineral test. This will clue you in to what's wrong with your hair and your body. Remember when your grandma used to say if you don't get your vegetables your hair and nails will fall off? She was right. A hair mineral test will tell you many, many things. For example, whether your hair tissue has something that's called a calcium shell pattern. That means that your hair tissue has a very high calcium level. It also indicates emotional trauma, depression, stress, and fatigue. When correcting that imbalance, a lot of doctors will recommend seeing a therapist because of the emotional aspects of it.
Oh, and regularly trim your hair. That works like magic. You cut off a few centimeters and your hair becomes healthier and bouncier. Sorry if there's any typos in this post btw, but I'm not reading all of that again. Good luck anon!
No. 1042260
>>1041777Not really, I just kind of said we already knew people who could translate it with greater accuracy since we were discussing who we still had to email. Didn't really notice a tone shift in myself. This happened immediately after the professor left the room after giving us some critique and one of my groupmates handles negative feedback really badly. She was turning red and kind of replying to the professor in a monotone drone towards the end of our meeting with her, which is usually an indicator she's pissed. I just don't understand why she took it out on me.
>>1041731Impossible, I'm sexy and also masks make judgements like that difficult.
No. 1042396
>>1042377Honestly all of the internet is shit now, everyone are mean without a reason.
It's even worse because irl people became mean too.
No. 1042480
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something happened today I want to die. I've been crushing on this one guy for a year, he's the embodiment of my ideal man, he seems like one of the very few guys in this world who are actually good, and I have very very high standards. I never dated a guy in my life because generally I hate men and I'm scared of them and I have very strong social anxiety. I never ever hit on him or said anything inappropiate because I knew he has a girlfriend, although I developed feelings for him before I knew about it. I was trying to keep him at safe distance and just be nice and never get too close because I didn't want him to wonder for even a second if I may be interested in him. I didn't want to seem like a creep etc. I was just hoping that maybe one day they will split for some reason. That was the only thing I could hope for. I felt like I have something to live for and to wait for. I tried many times to look for those things I see in him in other men, but it never happened. Today at work something happened and I think his girlfriend may be pregnant. He was gone for a while and then he came back. He was euphoric. It seemed like he was talking on the phone before that. He's usually a very cheerfull guy, but I've never seen him THIS happy. He was constantly talking to our team leader and our other coworker and they also seemed so happy suddenly. This fuss took like 10 minutes. I stood too far to hear anything, just a few words out of context. One guy said to him "haha, yes it's your fault" and then the guy I crush on said he's gonna take a few weeks off. But not so long ago he was saying that he's going on vacation not ealier than in august. And then he took his jacket and stormed out of our department 6 minutes before break. I came out 6 minutes later and he still wasn't at the canteen, it was our long break when he always spends the first 15 minutes at the canteen, eating lunch. He came back as I was taking my lunchbox and said bye (I was on the first shift so I was going home) and his face was red and he was heavy breathing, he was definitely outside, talking on the phone (we can only use our phones outside). I had no courage to ask him what happened. Maybe tomorrow I will find out. But instinctively I feel this is it - he found out he's going to be a dad. What else could cause this behavior? I feel so sick, I wan't to cry. Waiting for him was the only thing I was looking up for in my lonely depressed life. I'm tired of pretending I'm fine at work, people keep asking why I'm so sad. Well for many reasons, but he's the main one. And now this is the end. A complete deal breaker. I really want to die. I know it's easy to just laugh at me and say "haha it's just a moid!". I've seen many moids in my life and this one does seem different. Yes, he definitely has flaws because no human is perfect, but he is different. And every female I work with loves him in a way too, maybe not romantically and sexually like me, but you know what I mean. Women are just drawn to him, and he's not even that great looking, objectively. He's tall and pretty adorable, but it's mostly personality; thoughtfulness incomparable with that of other men, cheerfullness, composure, warmth, intellect, witty sense of humor, knowledge on many topics, chill nature. I never wanted a family until I met him. I was one of those "no kids ever, no matter what, all men suck anyway, I hate the family unit". But with him, I felt like I want this all. Thinking about him made me want to take care of myself. I wanted to be healthy, and better in many aspects, both physically and as a person. Those thoughts about him made this world less terrible. And now it's over, this time definitely. I can't cope with the fact I will never have him in my life and I'm starting to think about offing myself. I can't force myself to eat and sleep anymore. It's also kinda about my ambition. I can never ever have anything I want it seems, nor in love, nor in any other sphere of life. I know life is not just about getting the things you want. But I can never ever have even one. Other people can, but not me. Everything I want is either taken away from me or I don't even get the chance of enjoying it in the first place. I really can't cope anymore
No. 1042509
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>>1042480Sorry anon. I'm happy my crushes were all lost because they turned out to be an asshole or we lost contact. You situation is super fucking painful.
I get not having a reason to live, but be real, even if a crush makes you feel warm and fuzzy, a moid should not be your reason to live, nor should any other person. You gotta find joy in something else, I know it sucks to hear, trust me I'm also a lonely kissless virgin, but if you're just an empty shell waiting to be filled(ew lol), of course your life is going to feel empty.
No. 1042520
>>1042502As I said, I never wanted to have kids or family, but because of him I started to think it would be nice, I can't logically explain it. From 16 to 25 I was sure I'm never going to "feel" it. Now in my mid to late 20s I'm not so sure about it. I'm also afraid it's too late because the few decent men, like him, are always taken before they hit 30. He's exactly 30 now and he's been with this girl for like 2 years. The men who didn't settle down around that age are either fuckboys, mentally I'll or terribly ugly or they're simply alone because no woman wanted them for long.
>>1042509Believe me anon, I've been trying to find meaning for years, and I always had to do it alone, because I was always alone, no one loved me as a kid, then my mother died and even though she didn't love me, I became totally, totally alone. I still don't know how to make friends or approach people in general and it gest worse with age. My only escape was doing art and fiction consooming, but now those things don't work anymore. I'm just so tired of being alone. I always feel like the people who talk about self love experienced love from somebody else at least once in their lives and they at least know how love feels like. But if you never had it, how can you now
No. 1042525
My bf is not very kinky, but in a non-sexual joking kind of way he will refer himself as daddy (or me as mommy). I don't care about the mommy part, but once I accidentally called him dad in a legitimate Freudian slip because he was asking for tums and I associate that with my dad, and he asked if I called him "daddy" and I could tell it really made him excited, though I told him it was a genuine mistake and it wasn't a good thing, I actually was thinking of my dad.
Anyway, knowing he probably really would love for me to call him daddy is just a lot for me. I know it's the petname of the decade, but it just grosses me out. My ex was super abusive, wanted and liked me calling him that, and it just fucked with my head because he actually wanted to pretend I was his underaged daughter . There was a lot more aggressive, violent abuse that went on, but it just really kills me a bit and it makes me uncomfortable my boyfriend likes that name. It's silly because he can't help what he likes, he doesn't have the connotation I do with it, and it's not like he forces me to say it or even outright encourages it. It just sucks. It makes me feel unattracted and previously I was having sex with him every day, but now it squicks me out because of that.
The other gross thing is that it actually is one of those things that turns me on, but I feel too disgusted by it to enjoy feeling turned on by it. A lot of fucked up shit my ex forced on me I feel that way about.
I feel like such a shitty BPD person because I've gotten really good at not transferring and projecting every thing that happens to me onto my bf, but this is hard to let go.
No. 1042534
>>1042520Sorry, I had difficulty reading your post due to lack of paragraphs and the way my phone displayed it. I must have missed the info about babies, my bad
>The men who didn't settle down around that age are either fuckboys, mentally I'll or terribly ugly or they're simply alone because no woman wanted them for long. Welp I hate that mentality. Makes dating at 30 seem hopeless, which isn't good. Maybe there is a lot of truth in it, but there surely are some good scrotes still around. Especially since not everyone wants babies. Don't lose hope nona
No. 1042553
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>>1042525I have the same problem. My bf is almost twice my age and he likes to pretend I'm his underage daughter but it just makes me feel bad because I'm not what he actually desires. Instead I'm the body that he projects his own image on. Something that I can never actually fulfill for him. So I just dress like picrel for his coomer fantasies. You all can go flame me now. Thank you for your time.
No. 1042555
>>1042539yes I know I have deep issues, but I'm also so tired of people denying how important is the role of other people, like friends, lovers or family. This bullshit that you can just fix yourself alone after 20 years of loneliness and pain is tiresome and I don't believe it. I've tried therapy and medication many times and it didn't help me. I was always going back to an empty house.
Every time I've seen a guy who at least seemed decent, he was taken. I've got hit on men but usually much younger than me who seemed unstable and who assumed I'm like 18-19. like, if my crush was not taken I would just openly say to him I have feelings for him and ask him out. I know and I can feel it
would help me. Just feeling the warmth of his hand would send me. That amount of endrophins would help my brain heal. You can't give this to yourself, you cannot give yourself a hug. Children who weren't touched and loved have literally fucked up and damaged brains.
No. 1042556
It took an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots but I think I'm finally on the path to letting go of my childhood pain. For one I was really paranoid as a little girl and I wasn't really sure where it came from and I've been worried I might have got it from a paranoid schizo relative and that my brain is just inherently fucked up and I might go full schizo one day… But I was just sort of thinking about my childhood in bed this morning and remembered an incident where I was around 10, where my parents sat me down and told me it was very important to remember that if anyone called the house and they weren't home, to tell the caller that my dad is in the shower and can't come to the phone, so that the caller wouldn't know I was home alone. That same day they left the house and someone did call and asked if my parents were home. I told them my dad was home but in the shower and the caller started saying things like "I'm watching you right now, I know you're home alone in the kitchen little girl, and I'm going to come and get you" I don't remember everything he said but it was really scary and from then on I always kept my windows closed and worried someone was watching me. I thought I was just insane but who wouldn't feel disturbed hearing that stuff as a little kid? Also the timing was really sus now that I think about it and I don't know if I was being tested by my dad putting on a voice or if something about it had been on the news, but I think my reaction to the caller wasn't crazy after all, I wasn't just paranoid out of nowhere, I had a real reason for feeling scared of being watched! Another hangup I have is why my dad was so cruel to me and not my siblings, I thought I must be a terrible child, maybe because I was so so ugly or because I wasn't talented or smart or useful enough. Then it occurred to me that I had unwittingly exposed my dad cheating on my mom. Like I said I was really paranoid starting around 10 and any bump in the night could get me out of bed because I couldn't sleep if I couldn't figure out what it was. One night when my mom was away visiting family in the hospital, I heard the front door open and when I came out to look, I saw my dad letting a woman into the house. The next day my mom came back and asked how the weekend was, I said I wished I had gotten to play with the new babysitter because she seemed nice. My mom said there was no babysitter since dad was home, and my dad told me that I was definitely dreaming. I remember the look in his eyes was scary, but I knew for certain that I was awake, and I said so. I had no concept of what cheating or sex was at that time, but that has to be it, I know he is a cheater since he openly admitted to cheating on my mom with his new wife (who is younger than me, ew). My parents got in a huge fight after that but made up I guess, but after that is when my dad started accusing me of lying and not loving my family over every little mistake I made and even mistakes I didn't make, even though I always did my best to be a good and honest kid. I was the scapegoat this whole time, he needed to keep up that narrative to gaslight my mom while he cheated on her, because if I wasn't a sociopathic liar, then I was telling the truth about the "babysitter". I was so confused and hurt when he said those things to me because I did love my family and wanted everyone to get along and be happy. I eventually became convinced that maybe I can't feel love correctly and I was evil and unwanted from birth, because while I know I've made many mistakes in my life I KNOW I wasn't a liar or trying to hurt my family, I always tried my best to make them proud but it was never enough. But I realize now I was never going to be "good enough" because if he ever admitted to that then he would have to admit that HE was the liar who didn't love his family! Wow it is such a relief to finally piece that together, I'm not just inherently hateable and broken from birth whew I may have my faults but at least I can finally understand why I was so scared of being watched all the time and why my dad hated me in particular so much.
No. 1042569
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I know I should stop asking this friend of mine for her opinion on clothes I look to buy because everything is just "too expensive" for her. Well yeah, when you shop exclusively on sites like at shein and asos, you forget that the time, effort, and skill to make clothes deserves proper compensation. Even I cringe at these higher prices, but that's what I get since I only want to buy from non-synthetic clothing that's handmade or from small businesses and not some polyester shit made in a sweatshop in China. Fast fashion has skewed my perception of what clothes should actually cost.
I stopped buying clothes and honestly, I don't need new clothes! But going forward I'd only like to buy really nice pieces that won't fall out of fashion easily, or shred in the wash before they fall out of trend. I only want to buy maybe one or two pieces a month, if even that! 24 new pieces of clothing in a single year seems like so much to me now. I can afford to invest in myself now, and I'm going to invest in nice clothes that will last me because I loathe fast fashion (or make my own clothes because that's fun too).
No. 1042574
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>>1042553This is probably not real but if it is, throw him off a building instead.
No. 1042576
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>>1042573i dropped my pic
No. 1042580
>>1042569It's a nice feeling isn't it?
There is a sustainability thread here in /ot/, check it too.
No. 1042602
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>>1042588Glad my insanity was something of a comfort to you. If you'd like to know more I'm also in love with my best friend from High School but too scared to leave my current relationship because I was promised a better life. And yes I do hate myself.
No. 1042603
>>1042577NTA but I love when people in relationships tell you that you don't need anyone, you can just love yourself. That's not how humans work, and it's an extra asshole move to say it to someone while your life is full of relationships.
NGL the sperging about finding a good man when you're 30 makes me almost want to stay in my unfulfilling relationship because I don't want a life of loneliness and touch deprivation.
No. 1042604
>>1041808Oh same, particularly between the ages of 12-16. I didn't know there was a difference between body spray and deoderant (the latter wasn't clearly available anywhere in the bathroom), my pits were securely shut for years past lunchtime. And I brushed and brushed my hair, but somehow it never got straighter, I wanted to have the sleek hair other girls had (using straighteners which I didn't know were a thing). I envied their flawless skin. Mum had this dark beige paste as foundation (we're pale and it looked atrocious) so I never connected the dots.
Honestly I can't tell how much of it was just me being a retard but I do think my parents missed a trick or two during my adolescence.
No. 1042669
>>1042556I hate whenever you finally connect shit like this in your childhood and realize what was going on.
I remember my siblings and I being sent out of our shitty drug apartment by our parents bc they found this porn tape in a room when we moved in and they wanted to watch it and do the deed. Thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
No. 1042694
>>1042682Whenever I hear people say
> Well yeah he cheated on his wife but he's an amazing father! I picture shit like that anons childhood.
No. 1042768
>>1042669I'm so sorry anon. That is a disturbing revelation. Reminds me of the time I was looking for my phone in my room and found someone's dildo… My mom's? My dad's? A sibling's? Mysteries I hope I never solve.
>>1042682I agree and I have gone no contact on him for years now, these are just feelings that lingered and made me feel bad about myself, like what is it about me that makes me so terrible that even my own family couldn't love me? Now I realize it's because he's a fucking asshole to everyone and I got caught up in it by no fault of my own, I was just a child who wanted to play, and I kept my promise to my parents that I would always tell the truth, that shit really backfired on him ha.
>>1042694Yeah it's funny my siblings all think he is rude but give him a pass, you know, "no one's perfect, he isn't good for cheating but he wasn't a terrible father, everyone makes mistakes" kind of thing. I guess because I was the only one of us to get treated like that given that I was the only one who saw the "babysitter", and because he tells them stuff like "oh well you know how anon gets hysterical when caught in a lie" citing that time when he accused me of smoking weed at 13 (my eyes were red af from crying all day kek) and he pushed me into hysterics by threatening to drop me off under the overpass and "let the homeless druggies shoot (me) up and they can be (my) new family" if I didn't admit that I was a liar. Then acted like I was crazy because he "just asked a question and told (me) to give an honest answer" omitting that I had been honest and consistent from the start. Anyway I'm rambling but it's the vent thread so whatever. My response to my siblings at this point is just, "yeah, no, you're right sis, no one's perfect but I still don't want to be around him, please respect that." I mean what's the point in arguing if his counterpoint is always going to be "there she goes, lying again, see just like last time when I said she was lying, or the time before that when I said she was lying, I say it over and over so surely it's true!"
No. 1042863
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>Admin is gay. Mods are asleep. KP0P Supremacy!
No. 1042874
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>Almost 22 years of virginity and counting
No. 1042909
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>>1042874What a blessing.
No. 1042913
>>1042877I wasn't talking to you, cunt
>>1042884I don't care too much about social pressure, I just want to feel the touch of someone
No. 1042939
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My boyfriend kept moaning "make me a baby" during sex. Weird, but I didn't bring it up. After sex he apologized for getting too into it and said he was relieved at me being so open minded. I told him I was surprised because none of us have expressed interest in having a child together or at all.
"No, anon, I want to be the baby."
No. 1042954
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I just watched Oldboy on Netflix for the first time COMPLETELY unaware of the plot and that was awful, I want to puke. What they are using as a plot twist is being seen by millions of piece of shit men and they are going to use it as fuel to fantasize about this sick fucking shit. I’m OVER IT. If I could remove the last 2 hours of memory id be HAPPY.
Also the stagnant camera work in the first flight seen is fucking STUPID I KNOW YOU HAVE A STEADY CAM, fucking MOVE.
No. 1042956
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>gets on lolcow
>immediately sees picrel while hopping around vpns
No. 1042964
I lost A LOT of weight last year and am still working on losing much more, but I've always been the fat friend and the fat sister. I don't know if it's just me but it feels like most of the people around me just pretend nothing has changed yet I am not the fattest anymore by far, it feels like one of my sister is clearly bothered by it. During christmas my mom commented on how the last time we saw each other, I am at least half the size and my sister had to say everyone has gained some covid weight. No? Some of my friends also hopped on the "never comment on anyone's body!!" train the second they saw me after like a year of not seeing me at all, I am talking the very same day. I have never been one to comment on people's looks, not really one of the fat posi bitches either, yet these are people who would make a huge deal after losing 5kg. I don't know where I'm going with this vent, it just feels weird and almost like some of these people are gaslighting me into thinking I didn't lose any weight at all, I am still the fat friend and sister. My endocrinologist said this might happen and to be ready for people to act "strangely" but I wasn't actually prepared at all, how the hell are they gonna pull that shit on me now when when I'm the one losing weight. I am not too angry or upset, just very weirded out.
No. 1042966
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>>1042954SCENE, SHIT. Why is this plot such a common porn theme, why is it on Netflix for literally anyone to see. Why did anyone of note read the script and be like “yea this is quality material let’s do it”
No. Fuck ever singly person who signed on to this shit.
No. 1042984
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>>1042939Reading that have me the immediate ick. What a disgusting freak he needs a castration, chop chop anon
No. 1042987
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>>1042939That's some Night Shyamalan plot twist right there.
No. 1043014
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>>1042939I'm sorry anon but if you stay with him this is what your future is going to look like
No. 1043028
>>1042939Bruh just bruh
Where do yall even FIND THIS MEN FROM
No. 1043203
I'm 29 and about 6 months single, went on a few dates since then that have all turned out terrible, the common thread being that I met them at an alt night I go to a lot. I just got back from that alt night after only being there a hour. I don't know how to socialize with people outside of alt events since it's the only venue of socializing I've done since I was 17. I literally moved to the city to do it. Now I'm stuck with the same pool of shitty men and I am desperately trying to avoid dating apps because they make me ill. I don't want a hookup or booty call or one night stand, I want to go on nice dates with respectful guys who don't waste my time.
I don't want advice. I have tried to stop going to alt events and tried socializing at the dog park with fellow dog owners, I've talked to men while hiking and hanging out at the beach, I've tried coffeeshops and city parks. I am sure my age is a factor, and I look very 'office lady', as in I dress my age and my profession when I'm not at alt events.
Meeting new people is awful. I've honestly thought of going back to my ex only because of how bad of a time I've had of it. We got together in my early twenties, and back then I had no problem going on dates or being asked out, it was a very Ladytron - Seventeen time and I understand that, but it's just not fair, because it's not like I aged badly. I just 'grew up' mentally and have more money.
No. 1043431
>>1043422>Everyone wants to make money and be cozy.This.
Although I can see them throwing war at everyone's head once a bunch of countries start doing things they dont like lol
No. 1043544
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My dad is going to sell our house, so now we are going to live in an old house where me and others got raped multiple times when i was a teenager, i want to kill myself. I'm poor, he says this is going to fix our situation but I'm pretty sure it will not, at all, I'm just going to be poor and clinically depressed, suicidal and maniacal. It's been such a long time since I went to that place and it took me so long to forget and heal from the worst situation I've ever experienced, i thought i could run from it, that i was beyond that past but i was wrong. This is humiliating, i feel defeated, i just can't imagine myself living there, sleeping there, walking down the halls were i used to witness hell…i don't want to go nonnas, I'm very scared, its just too overwhelming, cruel and with no reward.
After all these years, even when i did my best to repair myself i knew something about me is off and unfixable, I've numerous mental problems that i tried to control, years of extreme abuse i locked in the depths of my psyche but I'm not sure if I can control what will happen to me once i go there, the rush of repressed memories could be so violent i may try to actually kill myself in the spot, and if i somehow don't lose it i will become progressively more insane by the day. They don't understand, he doesn't understand how serious this situation is, how mangled i am, he has been ignoring me all these years, he has not seen the extents of my mental instability because i did my best to hide it, but he's going to push me to the void himself anyway.
I'm having a hard time going to college and doing simple daily tasks, but i tried to keep going with my life, all i needed was peace and to be left alone, but now i don't know…what are they expecting from me after this? do they think they can just take me to the core of my trauma and just force me to "function"? I'm going to be at my lowest, not eating, showering or even getting out of bed, suicidal, miserable, college can go fuck itself and they're going to get angry about it but totally ignore they actively sabotaged my mental health and life
No. 1043582
>>1043554How broken do you have to be to even entertain the thought of interacting with a 4chan male
>>1043574I can see where you're coming from but the website isn't a hivemind
No. 1043588
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>>1043554Serious question, are you underage? Why are you typing like a reality show caricature?
>I met this guy on 4chan>he's a pretty nice guy No. 1043593
>>1043554Kill yourself retard. You must be really desperate and easy.
>>1043574LC was never a radfem website dumb newfag
No. 1043609
>>1043558lmfao why'd you go through with it? and no I saw his legs at least they were like hot ngl and I briefly saw like his finger once but anyway he lives on a whole other continent so it doesn't matter we'll probably never fuck he's a neet so it's not like he could travel
>>1043581>>1043588no lol we're both in our 20s
>>1043604I literally said we don't even know what the other looks like, where did you get dating from that?
No. 1043625
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>>1043593Right now it is radfem, deal with it.
No. 1043637
>>1043625Honestly you radfems remind me of moids in so many ways
>>1043615It’s a board for women, no men or tranny allowed. It’s supposed to be a safe space for women to talk about their problems but every once in a while a radfem will appear and insult you if you say anything they don’t approve of
No. 1043642
>>1043615Uh, lolcow isn't a cult. We don't all subscribe to the same dogma. I came here around 2014 for onision milk. Id say in general as we're a female image board we'll be feminist and
terf leaning because it just makes sense
No. 1043648
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>>1043609>>1043554I don't know where all the bitterness from your other repliers comes from. You sound a little immature, maybe too young for this site, but you know better than anyone what your experiences with this person are. If what you're describing are the biggest issues you have with him, then it sounds like a quite fine thing you have going on, particularly when you say that things do go swimmingly at times. This site has no idea about boundaries or genuine friendship with a dude. If these losers want to spend their life being "provocative" and blindly affirming some unhinged belief that there aren't complex emotions underlying interactions of any kind, then let their bodies rot with whatever remains of their brain. They have no position or ability to communicate other than regurgitated, thought-terminating cliches.
Your friend sounds nice and well-intentioned. Something that I've found and has worked in my interactions with guys like him is that they aren't an active agent in your annoyance, he might just be a little oblivious or awkward to sucking less.
No. 1043652
>>1043639They don’t rule the space, but they behave like moids: loud, rude, invading. Just like moids take over any internet space and scare away the women, they impose the same strategies.They argue with anyone they slightly disagree with without knowing their background or living conditions.
I mean we have a whole ass /w board where bitches fight over whether a cow if ugly or not, it’s not remotely feminist of any kind.
No. 1043667
>>1043647LC is inherently
toxic in it's foundations, if you were a radfem you would know this site is
far from being feminist, sometimes is the total opposite
>>1043662They always say the same shit
No. 1043678
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The fact that the most dominant female websites online are gossip sites (Lipstickalley and Lolcow) means that it becoming more than just simple minded gossip is a good thing. Give nerdy women and women with other interests a place to talk without worrying about scrotes and troons for once
No. 1043686
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>>1043674>>1043676>>1043667>butthurt antiradfems: lolcow is inherently toxic and non-feminist! it can't be radfem! >also butthurt antiradfems: radfems are rude and toxic just like men! You fuckers are genuinely retarded. Hang your autism flag outside already.
No. 1043687
>>1043677This is still a gossip board, cow threads are very active still in /snow and some legacy cows are still going.
This place gets misconstrued offsite by like shitty drama you tubers and men with hurt feelings etc. I don't actively follow any feminist movements or news, I don't have twitter but I enjoy engaging here. I hate sexism (towards women Kek) and the bullshit of double standards towards women in society etc so I suppose I know coming to lolcow I can post about that without a backlash. For instance, you couldn't hurt a man's feelings on reddit without alienating your profile. So I guess lolcow is known for that because as a woman online there's very few public forums you can actual discuss the impact of men without them inserting themselves.
No. 1043689
>>1043667just because its
toxic doesnt mean it has to always stay like that. lots of good stuff turns into shit for example, so why cant shit turn into gold ?
No. 1043695
>>1043683Radfems irl are cool, but radfems
here? Nah, the harder they screech at other anons the more i think they're the total opposite of what they want others to be, tryhards
>>1043686I don't understand your argument, anons here and LC itself is not perfect but you guys aren't any better and anons are free to point that out
>>1043689And what's your plan to do so?
No. 1043710
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>>1042480I asked one of our coworkers who was near this situation yesterday, what was all that fuss about, and he was like idk what you're talking about. And then he said that they just didn't know who to send on work on sunday because many people are sick and my crush was working last sunday and the system didn't let our team leader to plan him next sunday because it's designed this way so no one can work two sundays in a row. But I feel that's not the only reason. He was weird today, again, it's not just my schizo mind. I feel like he was talking about his gf with another coworker and said something like "if she will have the strenght to" in the context of her going to work. He also asked me what's the situation on our borders in terms of controls regarding covid. I asked why, and he he said it's nothing, he's just curious. I feel like he wants to take a few weeks off and go with his gf to our home country. I also heard parts of his conversation with our team leader who asked him to stay longer or something (or maybe asking about his vacation) and he was like no, categorically no, he can't stay. I'm going nuts. It just came to me that his gf was working yesterday. So how could she call him about pregnancy or when she was still at work? She would have to do the pregnancy test at work or something. I don't know. I'm going fucking schizo. I even start to think he noticed I had a crush on him and thinks I'm an unstable creep and told others not to say anything about his private life if I ask. This is how far my schizo mind goes. But I know something is up because he's just so different.
No. 1043729
i cant think of anywhere else that is mostly female without troon influence
No. 1043740
>>1043729Before lolcow, I made the mistake of posting on female oriented Reddit and I learned my lesson the hard way. After the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan I got
triggered and called them animals guess what? I got banned from Reddit on grounds of racism
No. 1043809
>>1043800I don't want to answer this because I've posted similar confessions/vents to this and included my race. Tbh I also don't really know what race I am due to the country I'm from being used as its own racial label for so long
>>1043789It's quite embarrassing when my mom says things like "yeah anon is obsessed with Asian guys" to her friends and family
No. 1043838
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>>1043648how the fuck is he nice? have some standards
No. 1043843
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>>1028562>>1028562She got diagnosed with MS. Fucking hell. Again, I didn't want her hurt, I just wanted her to be gone.
But the worst thing is she will come back to work and she will be even a bigger bitch than she was. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't treat me like a sadistic normie, but she did, so fuck her. I don't know how I will survive this. Everyone will give her even more attention and dance around her because she's sick. They will go
oh normitta, you have such serious illness and yet you still want to work here, and you're still so noisy and outgoing, unlike that other sad, autistic anon who has no r e a l problems like you. And I just know she will make her illness an argument for
every discussion. I won't be able to disagree with her on anything because the
I'm sick card. I will have to do everything she asks me for because
she's sick and if I say no, she will paint me as the bad person. She already sounds even more demanding than before.
I still don't get why some people are always lucky in their lives, and others are always unlucky, like me. I always had to try 10 times harder than normies to achieve anything and make people care about me in the slightest, meanwhile they could just be themselves and get better treatment than me despite having the same skills as me. Now I will have to look at the ultimate narcissistic normie becoming the ultimate Christ on the cross and getting the biggest amount of attention ever. How is this fair. I wish I was sick like her, maybe people would care about me even half as much as they cared about her when she was still healthy!
No. 1043873
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I hate US customs so much holy shit.
>murican bf comes visit me in my home country for a month
>everything is fine and great
>we then go back to US so I can meet his family and stay there for a while to experience the country
>get there, get grumpiest man alive at customs
>randomly brings me to custom office because he finds me suspicious for whatever reason (heard him talking about how I looked tired?)
>have to stay there for hours having multiple stupid interviews about me, my bf, how we met etc
>get my luggage checked, guy checking it sees my cosplay (for a con I wanted to go to with bf in murica) and unironically asks me if it's an "onlyfans thing", fucker broke my zipper too
>one guy goes through my dms with my bf (worst part, I know they legally can but how embarrassing and frankly disrespectful. Of course I've talked about personal things to my bf, I hate that some complete stranger potentially knows some of that now)
>they have to take my fingerprints multiple times and roll my fingers because apparently my fingers are literally too small (insert Americans are fat joke here)
>after hours of doing nothing but waiting (not allowed to see bf or use phone at all), get told I can't come in the country on an ESTA visa because I don't have enough things tying me back to home country so the probability of me being an illegal immigrant would be too high, or at least that's what I got from it
>probably because I'm a NEET but purposely chose to be a temporary NEET for travel purposes
>then they rush me on a flight to a country that's NEAR my home country, but NOT my home
>had to spend 300 to go back to my home country, bf coming back here too so we won't be separated
TLDR: US customs are stupid and if you're unlucky enough to get an extremely grumpy and nitpicky man as your custom guy then he could ruin your whole trip, yay!
I'm almost positive that if we had a slightly happier custom person then I would be fine in America right now with my bf. I didn't do anything wrong, they unfairly denied me because of the probability of me doing something wrong. I wasn't going to stay any longer than was legal. I get that it's their job and they have to protect their country but fuck US security is overly strict. I don't know what I could have done better. I really do think we just got unlucky.
Being separated from bf without even the chance to say goodbye and being in a room full of annoying moids with power complexes for hours straight. Phone being searched and not even being allowed to use it. It was incredibly dehumanising. All I wanted to do was visit. I'm still shocked… everything was going so smoothly but the moment we land in the US (after an 8 hour flight) everything goes wrong. I want to meet his family, but after this fuck of course I'm worried about even trying to visit the US again. I could easily get a job or schooling in my home country, but other than that I'm really stuck on how to even visit the damn country. My body is extremely tired.
No. 1043874
>>1043736it's too late for me, I'm too fixated on him
>>1043819fuck you're right
>>1043759because I feel he wouldn't want to tell me. even the fact that he didn't tell my why he's now interested in the situation on the border is telling, he really wanted to know if I will need any tests etc.
>>1043828I will. the worst thing is I'm taking two weeks off now and tomorrow is my last day, the only way I will be able to find out something is taking on the phone to my semi-friendly coworker. I really feel sick, I can't stand seeing him so happy and distant. My entire vacation will be ruined, I won't sleep and eat and I will go back to work tired as ever
No. 1043894
>>1043873i'm so fucking sorry this happened to you. i don't know what country you're originally from but the US is all sorts of weird about people from certain countries going to theirs, idk why. i hope you and your bf can go visit safely sometime
american moids are a particular breed of fucked up, too, so i'm sorry you had to be submitted to hours of them waving their metaphorical microdicks around trying to powertrip an immigrant woman who's just here to meet her inlaws
No. 1043899
>>1043872>She has MS and you think she's lucky because people will understandably be there for her?She was lucky her entire life, so obviously her loving family is there for her, and she was lucky not to be born autistic and then be abused throghout her life, which allowed her brain to develop properly in terms of social skills, which allowed her to make connections with people and behave like a star whenever she goes, which makes normies care about her. It's all connected. Yes, overall she's very lucky, and I'd gladly take her illness from her with all the love and attention she was given in her life, while still being a bitch. There's a reason she haven't had any really close friends for years, except her boyfriend. She's narcissistic and the closer you get the more visible it gets. People who don't know her that closely love her because she
seems like a good and fun person, at first, yes, I also thought that. But she isn't. Also young people with MS have mostly totally normal lives now. It's not brain cancer
>>1043876Consolation for what? They met 2 years ago while she was still perfectly healthy.
No. 1043917
>>1043899Kek anon are we twins? My worst bully/off and on again friend in childhood went on to be successful with a hot boyfriend and career and I just remained an autistic failure. She got diagnosed with MS too, but she social media brags about how she doesn't let her diagnosis hold her back and works herself to death, when I can't even handle holding down a regular job, and how she can't imagine how someone wouldn't be able to work 50+ hour work weeks like her. Everyone applauds her. She extremely narcissistic herself and it shows. But she didn't have a great life growing up so I try not to hold it against her too much.
I don't work with her thank god, so I try not to think about her. Life isn't fair. Gotta do you. If you can move jobs so you don't have to be around this shit I would cuz it's clearly eating away at you
No. 1043947
>>1043873I'm really sorry for your experience, anon.
I'm an American and a few years ago I had to deal with going back to my home country from West Asia which gave an excuse for US customs to suspiciously question what I was doing there kek.
After that, I had to get my photo taken with a facial recognition software so they could match it up to my passport photo. I'm not surprised you were asked about Onlyfans, anon, Americans are much more "online" than other Western countries (the majority of the internet is an extension of U.S culture, unfortunately) and the rudeness is pretty much expected as well as the very suspicious attitude towards anyone who appears slightly out of the ordinary. I do find it off that they were so aggressive to you in particular, since from your story their behavior seems like they were being both xenophobic and slightly perverted about you being a foreign female (by the onlyfans mention and going through your dms with your boyfriend). I wonder if they thought you were from a country associated with sex trafficking and stupidly associated that with you.
No. 1043949
*stupidly assigned that stereotype to you
No. 1043951
>>1042954I can't believe you watched the Spike Lee version, you poor soul.
>>1043941The Korean one is actually really, really good. Yes the twist is gross, but how cool the original is makes up for it imo.
No. 1043956
>>1043873Omg I’m so sorry anon.
The onlyfans thing was literally sexual harassment, not from burgerland but is there any way you could report him?
No. 1044078
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>>1036793I got B-72 resin from an archival supply store so I could label all the rocks in my rock collection and keep track of them, and then I spilled the bottle all over the floor. The stuff’s not that expensive but with shipping a little bottle comes out to like $20, and there’s nowhere local I can buy it. Screwwwww
No. 1044108
>>1044099Phew glad you had an easy clean up. I'm sorry for your loss,
No. 1044143
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a few of my favorite people from an online community that's since dissolved have linked up, and it makes me question how long have they been linked up, and why i wasn't invited to anything. it's like, i was there too, right?
but i know why. it's because i'm boring and kind of difficult to interact with. this always happens. and it shouldn't be surprising when people forget i exist and don't seek me out, but it never gets any easier to deal with. i feel so sad.
just once, i'd like to connect to someone i want to connect with. but i guess i'll be #foreveralone instead
No. 1044151
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anons. i need you to help me talk myself out of streaming on twitch with IRL webcam on. you see, I've been a no-webcam streamer for a long time, and it took me a lot of sleepless hours and hard work in order to gain a following and people who enjoy me and my works. but now I saw my old friend being inspired by my accomplishments to come back to twitch again, and shes a just chatting irl streamer with cam on and she got big-ish numbers in her comeback stream quickly. it made me go incelmode and think 'wah, having irl cam streams is so easy!! i should have just been a cosplayer'. BUT then I remember the disadvantages of all this shit and the reason why I don't stream with a cam - twitch community is horribly cancerous. the amount of deepfake porn and cum tributes to random, innocent women on twitch I've seen is incredibly WILD and im so sad for them. on top of that, being a parasocial creep is a trend now (eg new Jerma fandom), and even with no cam on Ive had to kick out a huge amount of men from my channel that would proclaim me their idol, wife, lord and a saviour. and i still had people tell me they jerked off to my voice and shit like that. i don't want to make people depend on my irl self, i want to keep a persona. but FUCK.
No. 1044164
>>1044157Anon she clearly doesn't want creepy stalker attention, she wants attention on her work. The fact is that Twitch actively pushes face cam streams over no cam, it's more "appealing". Anon doesn't have to feel guilty for wishing her work had more attention and doesn't have to feel guilty about being tempted to give in.
>>1044151I don't think you should face cam. Keep on pushing on with your work and the right people will find you. Have faith in the integrity and quality of your work and try not to compare your stream numbers to your friend's. It's not worth it.
No. 1044165
>>1044151Don't do it anon. You will regret this once you see your own deepfakes. Maybe be a vtuber instead.
Honestly posts like this makes me really happy that I don't post any of my photos online. I have zero presence on social media. Just thinking about random old dudes fapping to my pics makes me want to throw up.
No. 1044167
So confused over my sexuality and myself and everything I just… who am I? I don't really feel the need to label myself, but it still confuses me when I think about it. I never doubted that I was straight growing up. I didn't see women in a romantic way, I did think they were attractive, but it never occurred to me that I would want to date them at all.
Now here's the thing, I've never been in a relationship nor have I kissed anyone or had sex. Ever since I was little I remember having small crushes on some guys in my class, but It never turned into something big. I have this vivid memory of finding out my crush in primary school liked me back and being grossed out by it. I liked the feeling of having a crush and fantasising about it but I was repulsed by the feelings being reciprocated. A similar thing happened later on in high school, I had been talking to this super nice guy that I really liked and when he asked me out I blocked him everywhere on impulse.
I think the biggest factor in this is my insecurity but the thing is I'm pretty sure I wasn't that insecure in primary school that It would make me that repulsed by dating. In high school however, I think this was the case. I don't feel pretty enough or worthy enough to date essentially. Even if my absolute ideal man asked me out right this second I would probably reject him because I am too embarrassed to be in a relationship.
So crippling insecurity along with other mental issues has made me so confused over my actual sexuality. I'm mostly attracted to men, but I don't care about genitals so I wouldn't be opposed to dating a masculine-looking woman or hypothetically a ftm troon (don't attack me for this I'm against transgenderism, I mean this purely in the physical sense. I would date a girl that looks very masculine for whatever reason).
Also I'm uncomfortable around men kek, even my own father and male family members. I don't trust them at all.
Tldr: I'm attracted to mostly men, but would date a butch lesbian or just masculine girls in general because I don't care about sex enough to care about what genitals someone has, I'm just attracted to masculinity overall.
The hardest part of all of this is trying to figure out whether I have these feelings for normal reasons or just because I'm mental kek
No. 1044188
>>1043880>>1043894>>1044091>>1044172Thank you so much for your sympathy nonnies. It really means a lot. Everyone we've talked about it to so far has been sympathetic, I think what they did was just straight up wrong. I hate that jobs like that attract stupid moids who just want power. If you're working in an airport you'll have to deal with a lot of international people from many different cultures, you
have to have an open mind and to be patient. They shouldn't have the jobs they have.
>>1043930I was held up there for about 4-5 hours, then forced to take a 6 hour flight. It sucks that it isn't surprising.
>>1043947>>1043960I don't
think my country has much sex trafficking but honestly, I think they suspected that at first. When first going into customs and questioning why I was there I got confused. The guy was shouting things at me and speaking unclearly. He asked me why I was 'here' and by 'here' I didn't know if he meant just the airport or US overall so I said layover, then he shouted at me again so I said visiting a friend. I heard him talking to other officers about how I said 'friend' and not 'boyfriend' but it was literally just a stutter. I just got off an 8 hour flight, I was tired and he was being rude and shouting all the instructions. I understand that it's a stressful job, but stressing out passengers only makes your job harder. All he had to do was explain the instructions more calmly. Pointing out that I look tired (aren't most travellers?), that my bf has long hair multiple times for some reason (weird thing to be judgemental over).
Since they interviewed both me and my bf but my actual ESTA rejection had nothing to do with our relationship… I'm wondering if they thought it was sex trafficking at first, found nothing wrong after the interviews and phone search, then because they didn't want to be 'wrong' decided to send me back for a reason completely unrelated to our relationship anyway. My dad told me being unemployed is a red flag to them if you don't have a return flight, but I
did have one! They didn't even ask, they could have easily checked. I would never overstay my welcome. They took my photo too, I guess they just have to do it for records?
I'm sorry you got detained for looking like a wanted criminal anon, I hope you were able to make it though safely after that. It sucks. They suck. They kept badgering me about eating food but of course I wasn't hungry, they asked me so many times and my answer was always no.
>>1043956I'm not sure, but my bf's mother is understandably very mad about it and is looking into if we could sue them or contact anyone about them at all. I was so excited to meet her too! The guy who asked about onlyfans said it wasn't for judgment but to see if it was my form of income… which I still find stupid.
Even without bias, I don't think I should have been denied since I didn't actually do anything wrong, I don't think they should be able to go through people's phones and private messages, I don't think they should be allowed to ask about onlyfans shit. There's a difference between protecting your country and sending back innocent people who just want to visit for no reason. How is anyone supposed to visit family/friends in the US now?
Thank you for being kind nonnies.
No. 1044189
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>>1044182Normies are the most selfish people anon
No. 1044200
>>1044188You're welcome,
Weird they mentioned his long hair too, is it all the way down his back or something?
No. 1044204
>>1044182well damn
nonnie at least they don't think you're stupid. me on the other hand….
No. 1044213
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>>1044188>They kept badgering me about eating food but of course I wasn't hungry, they asked me so many times and my answer was always no. Doesn't the US police offer food to criminals they're interrogating to make them feel more at ease and try to make them more likely to confess their crimes? What the fuck was going on inside these guys' heads? This is so weird. It's like they wanted to ruin your trip just to ruin it and wanted you to say anything that could be potentially comprising for the sake of it. Fuck them.
>my bf's mother is understandably very mad about it and is looking into if we could sue them or contact anyone about them at allHopefully something can be done and you can at the very least be reimbursed for the plane tickets you bought for nothing.
No. 1044268
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I fucking hate this forum I go. I'm so tired of all this shit and these fucking retards.
It's a forum about text games.
It's full of trannies and gender specials. He/him's with that ugly lgbt flag/woke picrew/fursona as profile pics shitting on jk rowling from times to times, talking about their fictional problems and stuff they don't know anything about, and freaking handmaidens with their dumb walls of text about non sense they feel the need to defend, casual misogyny they don't even realize because they're so preoccupied about defending men.
It's always women, because most posters there are women, very few TIMs you can spot from afar because men (trannies or not) are always so aggressive and display their fetishes proudly and are overall very open about their opinions, even when they know it might stirr shit, they never hold back their fucking tongues even when doing so could benefit them. The only women that have similar behaviour are gender specials, but you can still tell they're women because they throw a fit over being called a woman, kek. And the fucking entitlement.
It's the company's fault, they promote this fake inclusion and libfem image though you can tell they don't believe shit. The retards over there are always trying to cancel them on tumblr over the littlest crap, but never freaking leave.
I love text games and some games are very well written, but you have to close an eye and pretend to not see the gender retardation that infest most of these games. I believe straight non tranny women are most of the userbase but holy fuck, lots of straight women pretending to be gay men if you can spot them. I hate them all, they're the worst type of trannies because they love shitting on other women, specially other straight women and other fujos. I wish I could just leave this behind, I wish I never knew about text games, and I hate that no one can say shit against trannies even if it's harmless questioning because while it might or might not be a bannable offense (the rules are very vague) the mods are always on a power trip and are equally retarded, banning you forever for silly shit like "questioning moderation", and if they dislike you enough they might add a bunch of other accusations, and when they're not being dumb, count on the handmaidens to callout people on tumblr, like the last time they made a post about an user claiming she was a pedo and she had no means to defend herself of an accusation made on tumblr.. not that they would care to listen the other side anyway.
Also I hate that one of my fav writers there is a they/them that will make her gay character be romanceable by TIF characters because "trans men are men (repeat x9999)", this dumbass is almost 50 years old, I think not that long ago she still identified as a lesbian.
I know all this shit is very dumb but I'm tired bottling it up. I hate them so much.
No. 1044307
>>1044268I understand you
nonnyIf you're a fantasy genre lover whether its a video game fan or a fan of a certain franchise you'll have to experience genderspecials, troons, and other deranged retards since they've overrun what is supposed to be a fun pasttime with their narcissistic bullshit
Not all of us into this are insane, but many are. It used to be easy to avoid them but now its everywhere. I'm also really sick of this and hope you can find a better community one day.
No. 1044390
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want to kill myself. I used to be anxious about having suicidal thoughts because I was afraid of dying but I want to and nobody will convince me otherwise. There is nothing I can do to have control over my life, there is no chance of happiness, I will forever be disconnected and I don’t want to be alive anymore. It’s not even that I’m extremely sad I’m just beyond tired of the feedback loop of getting emotionally stressed and trying to get away from that feeling and then doing it all over again. I can’t even be fucked to type any further I just don’t even care about anything anymore not even death I’m not going to be anything special I’m not going to be anything and no matter how you try it’s never going to happen. I feel extremely complacent but the thought of suicide is comforting and will always will be, wonder when I finally come to the day that I will finally do it and free myself once and for all.
No. 1044394
>>1044200>is it all the way down his back or something?Pretty much. I felt like we were being judged for weird little things such as that, and one of them rolled his eyes because we had to tell him we met online. That kind of thing will only become more and more common. He can roll his eyes all he wants. I'm still a little in shock over them, how they acted, and what they could do. Again thank you for being kind and your sympathy
>>1044213Thank you
nonnie ♥
I was thinking that about the food too, I wasn't even hungry. I just hated that they kept trying to offer and make small talk. The next time if ever I try to go into the US again I'll try to avoid that specific airport
(Detroit). Surely and hopefully not every US customs are
that bad and nitpicky?
No. 1044403
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Losing a boyfriend of 4+ years over transphobia crimes.
No. 1044409
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>>1044403If it fell apart from that it was due to fall apart anyway nona
No. 1044420
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I think I’ve fallen out of love or something but I can’t tell if it’s real or my borderline making me feel this way, if I try to think of my partner all I feel is resentment? And I can’t shake it off it’s like I physically can’t feel romantic feeling anymore and it’s making me think about suicide because what if I can never care about someone else again, that’s not a normal liveable life that’s some narcissistic shit and my entire life almost since birth has been caring for others so what do I fucking do now if I can’t? at least I’m waiting for a call back for therapy if that even works out
No. 1044455
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I can't stop wrapping my head around my friends who choose their tinder/dating app men instead of me. I got cancelled on movie night/restaurant dinners 4 weekends in a row. that's a month without hanging out. I know that's probably no big deal but I'm constantly losing hope that I will never have a stable woman friend group and I'll always lose to men despite my friends claiming I'm "fun" to be with. I hate this, I really want to isolate again and give up maintaining friends.
No. 1044495
Did I get this right? He wants you to birth him?
No. 1044497
>>1042556I’m so sorry anon and this hits home. My “father” did similar things and eventually became
abusive and did things I’d rather not talk about. You sound like a naive, kind and loving person and he’s a gaslighting sociopath. They do have sociopathic tendencies and wouldn’t bat an eye if you got hurt, it’s a good thing that you’ve realized what’s going on.
No. 1044540
>>1043012Compared to how the Romans treated women as whole, Christianity was fairly progresiisve for its time, it was even derided as a religion of women and slaves, as an insult, even some of the early Church leaders were women
It was only when it was adopted by the Roman state as a method to control that many of its patriarchal elements surfaces and the more egalitarian sects were hunted down for being "heretics"
No. 1044543
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how do these people survive irl.
No. 1044549
>>1044543these people don't realize that by putting their whole
trigger list out there they're making themselves a peefect target for trolling? like yeah, now everyone knows what buttons to push to upset you
No. 1044554
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Shit popcorn do not buy
No. 1044566
>>1044543It's such a waste how the "Other things to note" section is based as fuck but everything else is just mental illness. Did not expect a radfem sympathizer to be
triggered by Sonic music.
No. 1044604
>>1044592They are entitled to their sensitivities apparently, and the act of existing as an individual outside of them is in itself an act of violence. How dare you quote that verse of Linkin Park without a
trigger warning, how dare you play sonic within earshot of me, I am here living my life and I expect you to respect me unequivocally without my reciprocation or else I will tell everyone just how disgusting and hateful you are. Call me a brat, I dare you, you're basically telling me to kms!!
No. 1044614
>>1044604I have to laugh because if you came to a doctor with this list presented as real
triggers for a PTSD episode, the first thing they'd tell you to do is stay far far away from the internet.
>here is a long list of innocuous concepts and media I have a problem with>Spends 100% of her time on the random concepts and media slot machine device No. 1044634
But that constitutes like, half of the parents on earth?
No. 1044645
they get a bit older and move on to sites like this one
No. 1044712
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Stupid sperg but I can't live with retarded posts like these. I can't tolerate these shit mental illnesses ruining my life being presented like "oh my gah so qwuirky" anymore. I hate tiktok and what it has done to mental illness, I want to vent about my struggles or get help but I am exposed to these idiots. I hate every retard who looks at this and goes omg I am adhd I think? Like who the fuck doesn't procrastinate doing dishes. I hate being lumped with people who just need an excuse for their brattiness while I had to get chemicals altering my brain when I was little. God. It is also extremely easy to get a diagnosis of your choice and fake any mento illness if you got the coin. I hate zoomers.
No. 1044719
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Any other Tolkien fan worried about Amazon series here?
I already have extremely low expectations because this is a hard material to adapt, and they did say they want it to be the "next game of thrones" which Tolkien's world, if faithfully adapted, would never ever be; I went through some casting info now and the fuck are all of these new characters? One of them even supposed to be main villain of the series? With names like Oren, Tyra and and Trevyn, these don't even sound like middle earth names at all. And if picrel's dude "secret casting" is Sauron - since that would be a big and anticipated role worthy to be kept a secret - I'm going to be sooooooo disappointed.
I know there's no way I'll not be angry at this show in one way or another and reasonable choice would be to just ignore it's existence but having loved Tolkiens stories my entire life, and this being the "next big thing" advertised everywhere I can't just peacefully pretend it's not happening reeee
No. 1044740
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>>1044733Same, bad reviews + cancelled after first season, anything to make this disgusting worm angry even if only for a second
No. 1044742
Im the op of that stupid meme
>>1044718It might be related to gratification nonita. Personally I could get over this by doing delayed gratification exercises, and building up your resilience to wait for the final product. I hope you can manage your passion project.
>>1044720Yeah that's what I mean. Instead of teaching kids proper executive function skills teachers and doctors fearmonger parents into giving kids meth. Or some parents even just do it themselves That's why I don't want to share a label with a tiktok zoomer who shakes hands over piano music.
>>1044722Same. I hate people who point at mental illness for having terrible choices or rat's den living spaces in general. It is an excuse for most people and most of them don't even have the illnesses they claim.
No. 1044802
>>1044782Don’t let that idiot ruin another day for you. I hope you have better luck moving forward, but don’t mope on Valentines bc of him. Hell, I hope you get dolled up and go out for a glass of wine or something, and meet someone new.
Love to you
nonnie !
No. 1044915
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i wish people weren't so retarded when it comes to weight loss. my friend went on a diet at the start of the new year and her daily intake is basically one protein shake for breakfast, ONE slice of bread and some low fat cheese for lunch, and something equally sad for dinner. she's constantly hungry, tired, cranky, dizzy and constantly complaining to me about not losing weight or even GAINING weight despite eating so little.
>"anon, how did you lose so much weight??"
i lost 20 kilos by counting calories and locating my trigger foods - aka candy, cake, ice cream, any foods that have sugar as their main ingredient basically.
>"that's insane, anon, i could never do that"
she then proceeds to eat more low fat, low calorie, low sugar food that doesn't satisfy her. meanwhile i continue losing weight by eating within my daily calories. i just had fried sausages (le evil fat) with a whole wheat bun (le evil carbs) and now i'm enjoying a cup of coffee with creamer (again le evil fat). i tried to help her at first, but she just refuses to see that she could easily eat the same food as i do and then some more since she's much taller and more active than i am. but nope. low fat and zero sugar skyr it is for her.
enjoy marching to the sound of your own retarded drum, i guess.
No. 1044953
>>1044942Yeah, seriously. Pretty annoying to limit the creativity of black artists because you're insecure in your blackness. Anime has all different type of hair colors and Asians don't bitch about it. No one has pink hair and purple eyes naturally but how come it's fine on a fair skinned character? Once it's a black character they all have to look bland. Like yes, we get it. Most black people have black hair and black eyes. You know how boring that would be to draw, Everytime?
>>1044948It's exclusionary to the fugly artists. If the character is black, but cute they get offended because all black people have big noses, big lips, and dark, short afros. We're apparently not allowed variety like everyone else.
No. 1044966
>>1044915It’s only been a month, of course she hasn’t dropped much.
Also if her intake is like you describe and she’s active, it’s logically impossible she would stay at her current weight, she must be lying
No. 1044968
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I'm completely obsessed about pinnipeds. I feel the need to have several conversations per day about seals and sea lions. I obsessively research pics of them, and even found out that some dude has a pet sea lion in China. I probably found the only human on earth that has an actual pet sea lion. I wear pinniped necklaces everyday, I even wore my sea lion pendant to a job interview. I dream about them. I dreamt about being one of them and fleeing a herd of hungry walruses. I can't stop meditating about how perfectly round their bellies are. Their roundness is mathematically perfect, I can see the holy golden ratio in their belly curves. I want to build a better future for all pinnipeds, especially the endangered ones. Ancient greeks saw seals as creatures blessed by the gods, and I can only agree with them. Ancient celts had a seal mermaid goddess. I wonder if there is a seal worship cult somewhere.
No. 1044978
>>1044967I see it as half of them being insecure black teenagers/young adults and the other half being white chick SJWs who think that
they're the progressive ones.
No. 1045015
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>>1044972I-I don't know if I'm autistic. I just love seals at the moment.
>>1044973Yes ! I shall post this lavish sea lion birthday story as an update.
>>1044974T-thanks. I'm glad people can connect to seals, awareness is key in their well-being.
>>1044976>>1044998I made this thread :
>>>/m/178213I'm glad to see other anons, including the other seal lover that posted in the new year resolution thread, are contributing !
No. 1045077
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a homeless dude just asked me out on a date after telling me he wasn't interested in "mating".
No. 1045270
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My mom has severe illness anxiety and I don't know what to do with her sometimes. She will start crying and shaking telling me she will have a heart attack and refuse any calming method I try. This might sound stone cold but this happens way too often and I can't even panic anymore. If she hits her head she will say her brain is hemorrhaging, if she chokes on her food she will start crying for the next hour because she still feels the food. Even when it is too cold she will start rubbing her hands and overreact. Her checkups are just fine and she is perfectly healthy, but even making her go to checkups is so hard because she will be anxious over the miniscule test results. She also absolutely refuses to see a therapist which is why I can't sympathize anymore. I feel so helpless and annoyed.
No. 1045317
>>1045269My genuine condolences from the bottom of my heart.
t. another H cup
No. 1045321
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Every hot woman on tinder is poly!!
No. 1045372
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I’ve been working for a month and I want to die, I won’t do this anymore, I will focus on my studies and then I will get a job, or maybe I will do something that isn’t freelance because freelance is just slavery, I’m not getting paid enough to even buy the groceries of a fucking week. This is stupid.
And my family tells me that I don’t need to work yet, but it’s a lie, my mom hasn’t gotten paid in like a year and a half, my dad doesn’t work and my brother is basically the one maintaining all of the family and he’s always fucking mad at my mere existence.
But I seriously can’t work, this is retarded, I didn’t get a real induction because the dude working at my bffs’ workplace who is our supervisor hates my mom’s guts, so he didn’t want to tell me properly anything with the excuse of
>Oh Well, she’s your friend, she can tell you anything
Like no, bitch, that’s not how it works, you’re supposed to tell me what the fuck I’m supposed to do, but you didn’t, and now I spent more than half of the day trying to figure out how to do shit.
I want to die, I just wish I had some illness that could kill me already and just drop dead, I can’t work, translating shit isn’t like how I thought it was going to be, I can’t just go somewhere and tell them
>oh yeah, I can’t translate this, fuck off
I will never get hired anywhere, I hate teaching because I hate kids and teenagers, they’re noisy and annoying, I don’t want to be a teacher for the rest of my life, it’s a miserable job, nobody gives a fuck about teachers until they die or some stupid ass bitch decides to understand that you’re working and that maybe it was a bad idea to throw shit at you while you were working, but I don’t want to spend an hour and a half trying to figure out something in a language that I don’t speak either. I just want to die, is translation always like this? Do you have to translate anything even if you have no idea of what the fuck is he language supposed to be?
I seriously hate this, I used to think I liked learning about languages but I’m feeling just like how I felt when I started studying literature, I don’t think I can keep this up, I don’t want to do anything anymore, all the things that I like, I end up feeling like shit just thinking about them because reality hits me and I’m in front of my own mediocrity, I just can’t spend the rest of my life studying and reading and reading and reading and memorizing everything, I can’t, I’m not like that.
No. 1045373
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>>1045269Is it just because your band size decreased though or did the fat magically transfer to your actual cup size?
Look up sister sizing.
No. 1045410
>>1045350I’m so sorry
nonnie, but please tell your friends how you really feel. Being able to be upfront with your grief with people that care about you can really help. Just take worrying about her estate one day at a time and try to get the contact numbers of people in charge and explain to them that you’re grieving and overwhelmed, they are likely very used to that and will push out deadlines for you so you can tackle one thing after another over time.
No. 1045412
>>1045403Well, I have been looking for a job since 2017, I honestly don’t get where are these people who constantly tell me
>I’m getting paid like 30 dollars the page and I’m doing amazing Are getting their jobs at, I’ve applied in lots of websites and irl places too but nobody wants to hire someone who hasn’t graduated yet. I’ve considered selling nudes but im too ugly and nobody would want those.
And those business that my parents have are seriously useless, the pay is ridiculously slow.
I think everything would be better if I just died right now, it would be less worries for everyone, my aunt could keep the dog and my brother could focus on the stuff he wants to do while only supporting mom and dad.
I don’t know what to do, the people at this workplace surely hates me and are waiting for me to get my first paycheck to fire me, I just suck at translating and everything else, I wish I could just have a heart attack or something quick so I could just die right now.
No. 1045460
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want to kill myself but i am cycling thru the usual reasons not to. reasons why i do:
>money issues (biggest problem)
>don't know what i'm gonna do once i graduate uni
>shit at all my hobbies and my attention span is shot so focusing on anything is hard. i hate wasting time but i can't help but to do it
reasons why i don't:
>wanna live my life, honestly. i want to get better.
>mom would be sad.
>don't wanna prove the fuckers from highschool right.
No. 1045467
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I fucking hate the fact that I've been working in a certain place for 8 months now and everyone who's around my age here listens to hip hop and I actually started to enjoy it. I noticed I hum some songs agaist my will and I hate it. I listen to basic shit like Kanye, MF Doom, Ice Cube etc. and I fucking hate the fact I enjoy it. As I teenager I fucking hated Kanye and I found his music lacking in melody like the whole hip hop in general, I just hated the structure, but now I love it as a nice chill background music when I draw or read etc.
No. 1045542
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my friend is obsessed with thinking she "sounds southern" even tho she only lived in the south as a baby and she sounds completely not southern. no accent at all. sometimes she forces herself to sound like what she thinks a southern accent sounds like and it's so fucking cringe
No. 1045607
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I want one. Just one fucking support group, one hobby group, one friend group that isn't fucking plagued with gender people. I'm just trying to heal from ptsd, just trying to fucking learn about an artform, just trying to chat with other like minded women and then some fucker ALWAYS comes in whether irl or online and ruins the vibe immediately with a horse face and anime pro pic. they always make EVERYTHING about being trans, even baking. bitch im just trying to learn a skill. these fuckers are the wet blanket of society and ruin every godamn thing they touch. idgaf if im banned for the sperg i'm genuinely emotional and angry about how my favorite online hobbies and groups are plagued with mtfs who whine about how hard their life is and asking for sympathy. a few bend over backwards to affirm these crusty buttholes but for the most part they straight up destroy any community im apart of by just showing up. god damn im just so tired
No. 1045796
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why do people get mad at me for reading? it's my only hobby so i spend a lot of time reading and sometimes i read between 10 and 20 books a month. obviously the number is higher when i read shorter books that are more contemporary literature since the language is easier/familiar to me. i don't talk much about reading or jerk my numbers or anything because who cares about that, but a classmate actually asked "anon, how much do you read??" and i told her that i'm on book #16 this month. she then scoffed and said that she WISHED she had that much free time and she WISHED she could read just one book for her own pleasure. girl, it's not my fault that you spend your free time in a different way than i do…? she also has no job, her boyfriend pays for everything, so all she has to do is study and attend classes. we have the same schedule so our workload should be the same, so i don't get what's keeping her from reading instead of drinking wine and watching trashy reality tv for hours every day?! i feel like i'm in some 18th century twilight zone where people still believe that reading is bad for women.
No. 1045799
>>1045762Omg exactly what I'm saying anon! I wanted to die so many times without a job because I felt like a leech and nothing but a drain on resources. Almost makes me even more morbidly curious about people who can do grift/be a neet with no issue.
I'd rather deal with the "WOW I'm going to be working here for the rest of my life" thoughts than "What am I going to do with my life." ones
No. 1045805
>>1045796that is a lot of books! i am in admiration of you as i'm one of the people
>>1045804 mentioned (sans the seething part). probably a stupid question but do you read everything on a kindle? i can't imagine owning so many books or even going to the library so often.
No. 1045818
>>1045796nah youre right
because if i wasnt browsing for hours a day id be able to read as many books too
based anon
No. 1045826
God i fucking hate it when i need to get up at like 6:30am for my shitty fucking job and lil ms bpd traumacore angel is still up watching stupid youtube vids until like 2pm. She can work, but she doesn't want to so she pulls her bpd/ptsd-card to get sweet neetbux she spends on useless trinkets and designer clothes
Literally the only thing she does everyday is put on an unholy amount of make-up for selfies, smoke weed and play on her phone or watch tv. Then she sleeps all day, which restarts the cycle. She's mostly in her room because she avoids me, but when I'm at work in the living room, she occasionally feels the need to cry on the phone on the couch behind me. Boohoo she's so suicidal, I don't help her with her problems etc etc etc, absolutely terrible. Mind you I keep the house clean because I like living in a clean environment and I've stopped seeing her as part of the household basically, so yeah. Other roommate is a chill dude though
Even though I've asked for her help a million times, she simply doesn't do shit. But she does have the energy to go shopping for clothes, but then conveniently forgetting to go grocery shopping. Fucking constantly begging for money she'll 'pay you back, i swear!!1'. Of course i stopped loaning her money
I want to move out but I've been working from home, doing work i fucking hate for a meager pay. When i can return to my regular job, i can finally leave this place, as this bitch will probably stay here forever
Sorry for the wall of text but this bitch angers me
No. 1045830
>>1045804i thought it was a super basic hobby to have since i was applying for jobs earlier this month and all websites said i shouldn't list reading as a hobby because it makes you seem boring and lazy to HR people… so i never considered that, wow.
>>1045805i have an ereader that allows connecting to my country's online libraries and some apps that are basically netflix for books and don't restrict how many people can check out an ebook at the same time like my local library.
also b-ok and libgen kek for classics i usually prefer physical copies because they are often very dense, so i put sticky notes every 50 or so pages to give myself little goals to reach. usually i switch between my current physical book and my current ebook throughout the day. i hope once spring/summer rolls around i can finally go to my local library in person, but right now everyone who enters may only stay for 20 minutes and i need more than that to browse the shelves kek.
>>1045818i used to have a browsing problem too until i picked up a really intriguing book one day and couldn't put it down. then i continued reading suspense/thrillers/horror books because they held my attention span. i still browse a lot, but i guess reading a lot evens it out.
>>1045819my little cousin is like that. she was born late 00's and grew up with netflix, youtube, now tiktok and ig… i don't wanna feel bad for her because i find that attitude that people who don't read are to be pitied or are lacking in intelligence horrible, but it's depressing to sit next to her at family gatherings and not being able to hold a conversation with her because her attention span is the same length as the average tiktok video.
No. 1045836
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How to avoid questions about why am I not married yet??
I think women at the gym tried to bully me today because of this. They were discussing someone's age and later one of them (a fitness trainer) literally said to me "Stop working out and just go and get married already!" while rolling her eyes. REEEEEEEEE
Should I just buy myself a ring and lie? But I can't make up a whole life story of an imaginary child. I am obviously not pretty and almost too old to have kids. What were they expecting?! Are all ugly people happily married in their perfect world?
No. 1045841
>>1045836>Stop working out and just go and get married already!Did someone literally say this exact sentence? It sounds beyond hilarious to tell a person to stop doing a random hobby as if it's the one thing stopping them from getting married. Kek.
If they're surprised you're not married, I think it means they think you'd have an easy time getting a husband. No one would be surprised an ugly woman with no job, hobbies and a bad personality can't find a husband which means you're probably not as ugly or old, etc. as you're made to think you are.
No. 1045847
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I saw a long queue of people outside of a club yesterday. I can only assume teens to 21 year olds (teens can drink here) going to some student event.
They all looked absolutely the same. I liked zoomer fashion as I'm not much older myself and owned some of the things but this was such a turn off.
All the girls had baggy jeans, expensive sneakers, middle-parted straight brown hair and black puffy jackets, sometimes a cap.
All the boys had the same up-curly hair, longer on top (a bit like cauliflower), black puffy jackets and a gray or white expensive hoodie with baggy jeans and expensive sneakers.
Everyone showed off expensive brand shit on their caps/shoes/bags.
There was absolutely no variety even in colors. There was like 50 people and absolutely no one had a different style. It looked so bleak and boring.
Is it because they all spent the last two years inside so no one got to experiment with their style and just copied shit off instagram? It just feels basic, NPC and consoomer as fuck.
No. 1045850
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>>1043710>>1043828Ok it seems I was wrong? Yes someone is pregnant but it's a lady from a different department who's a mutual friend of his and our team leader and everyone is gossiping about it for some reason, and he was happy recently because he and his gf finally found a new apartment near work and they've been looking for it for 8 months, until now they had to live in some shitty place. It also doesn't seem like he's going on vacation, he just didn't want to come 2 sundays in a row, but he has to because lots of people are sick now and no one except him can do that stuff.
Fuck nonnies I think I was just a schizo and I created an entire plot from small parts of various conversations taken out of context because I had no courage to ask directly. Now I can gladly go back to "waiting and hoping" phase kek
Things are happening suddenly. My agency is moving me to a different location and it's in the same town where he's moving now. Like, on one hand I'm happy I will be so close to work, not worrying about transport anymore etc., but on the other hand I'm afraid I will meet him and his gf somewhere in the store or something, especially that I know he likes to do groceries in the same place as me. Fuuuuck
No. 1045861
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>>1045850Goddamn anon, your posts are fun to read. If you had a blog I'd follow you and your adventures. Regardless what happens, I am rooting for you!
From your crush's personality and acts description I could only imagine David Tennant.
No. 1045864
>>1045860Slav country, we never have dress codes or get denied entry to clubs here afaik.
Nah it's absolutely cool to wear comfortable clothing, it was just baffling to me like 90% of them wore the same clothes including the same colors and hairstyles.
No. 1045884
>>1045796Reading rules, read on queen.
It's the same for writing, people get all "You're so lucky, I WISH I had time to write, ugh." It's not my fault you chose to have four kids and do extra curricular activities that eat up all your time…? I chose to write and read and you could have too?
No. 1045886
>>1041263everything in moderation. lc makes me feel better/less stressed because I can say things here that i can't say to anyone irl
No. 1045907
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>>1045904This lush seems a bit different to what I expected to see.
But seriously, people unironically buy lush’s shit? It all looks so flimsy and like it will give you a rash for existing in the same bathroom as you at the same time.
No. 1045924
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>>1045868Awww, that's super cute!! If that helps, I think David is an incredibly inspiring person. I love the ''love story'' between him and his precious wife, they both met on Doctor Who sets and were together ever since. It's adorable and I don't think he ever had any dramas whatsoever?
Either way… Anonchan, its really concerning that you act so obsessed with him. Maybe instead of a 'love-dovey' you can replace it with 'i am incredibly inspired by this person!', something like that. after all he pushes you to be a better person by him hanging around you alone.
>>1045907Unironically thought about the same thing because I keep seeing trannies on VRChat trying to make people use their remote control for money (disgusting people, but my SJW friend keeps telling how good they are only because they spill and listen to all the gossip)
No. 1046051
>>1046031it's easy for you to talk and just tell me mindless advice. For some people moving doesn't work out. It's very easy for you to tell me to move or do it better, but you don't know anything about me, my feelings, my struggles, my past and the trauma I carry from my parents on my shoulders and that I will carry until I die. If it was that simple, I woul have done it already. From your perspective it's easy because you don't actually have to live my life.
>>1046045maybe you should consider not everyone is the same. You do realize people commit suicide daily although they have all these opportunities. My mum and my childhood best friend commited suicide
No. 1046087
>>1046056What's the problem? There's nothing wrong with telling someone they're not right. It happens all the time on here. I see anons venting or saying stuff and then they get replies they do not want and they reply back disagreeing with the replies. I literally do the same thing and I should leave?? Because I do not kiss the ass of someone trying to "help me" by telling me some insipid shit like "move out". I won't stop posting just because you don't like me. Get your own fucking board.
>>1046062Yea, you don't have to reply to all posts and you didn't fucking help me you said "move out" which is insipid like I haven't figured that out already and I tried explaining to you that life isn't the same for everyone and now somehow it is my fault? You sound like a sociopathic scrote " if you want to kill yourself it's not my problem" then shut the fuck up and stop replying to my posts and don't expect me to kiss your ass because you told me 3 words like that is actually helping me. You didn't even try empathizing or being nice to me. You just told me "move out" after I said I was suicidal. Now, you're gonna shift the blame on me and tell me "I didn't try enough" or "I Don't want to be helped" shut the fuck up and learn how to have empathy maybe for once you should accept it isn't about yourself and your "advice"
No. 1046097
>>1046087Anon, it IS a retarded scrote and it sounds just like how those 4chan unwashed faggots act. They love e-bullying because they're parasitic faggots trying to get a power trip LMAO
>>1046062hey faggot YWNBAW
No. 1046114
>>1046031>>1046045Was going to long-time-no-see-paki-anon you until I realized you’re prolly an Eastern European
nonny. Such wonder. Continents, seas, and valley apart—yet your shared retardation persists! Beautiful.
No. 1046210
All men have sexist tendencies. You cannot raise them feminist successfully. Feminism goes against their nature.
By the Feminist Raised Man I don't mean a man who is short, effeminate or obsessed with consumption. The Feminist Raised Man is simply a man raised with Feminist beliefs by his parents.
The Feminist Raised Man will enjoy an unnaturally high ego for feeling he is better than those crass, lowly, ugly, mean Not-Feminist Raised Men. For he was taught about the ways in which men systemically mistreat women. He creates a picture of the barbaric Sexist Man in his mind, and can't possibly identify with it. After all, _he_ isn't a bad person, and these men clearly are bad for the things they do. So, he will see himself as higher value than other men and therefore immune to criticism. He will also see his mother respect herself, perhaps being very educated and successful, and interpret this to translate onto him. He will look at his Successful Mother, see how his father managed to snag her (regardless of his success/education level), and believe it is his right too. Subsequently, he will be one of the most arrogant douchebags one has ever encountered. He will avoid all conflict with girl-friends, he will gaslight if you have any complaints/critiques, he will believe he is entitled to your body and heart immediately, he will tie it up in ribbons and roses– since he is such a respectable, educated, dominant man –so that you are simply in the wrong if you believe he doesn't have that right. Because he isn't like those lowly Not-Feminist Raised Men, he would never rape or be a fuckboy! He's not like that, he's a good Feminist Raised Man. So whatever ""rape"" you think happened, didn't. Whatever """bad memories""" you think you have, you don't. If you have any critique or criticism, you need to adjust your tone. Because the Feminist Raised Man strictly has respectful dialogue. He isn't crass or aggressive. He doesn't express his discontent as harshly as those NFRM. That makes him better, that makes him deserving of your complete adoration. If you have any complaints or sadness, you simply don't love him unconditionally, despite that being what the Feminist Raised Man deserves. The Feminist Raised Man deserves infinite gratitude and adoration from women, because he is the perfect, self-actualised, successful young man who rapes but says it was so romantic, who pressures vulnerable girls but says he he didn't know, who puts in little effort and switches from hot to cold, but that's okay because his romantic heart believes love should be unconditional.
The Feminist Raised Man is still a man, and all men rape, abuse, kill and disrespect the women they come across.
No. 1046224
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>>1046210All men have homosexual tendencies
No. 1046234
>>1046210this is so true, down to the insufferable demands for respectful dialogue. my ex said he was a feminist ally for being raised by his mother who was abused by his father violently, and for living with sisters. he would espouse some actual radical feminist theory he read on his own every now and then so I believed it at first. but later, he would still try to gaslight me constantly because he thought my memory was shit, and turned all the shit he started into being my fault somehow.
even when telling him about how he sexually assaulted me when we were drunk(jamming his dick in me when I said no) he just said "that doesn't sound like me" and threw a massive tantrum and fought all night. whenever i confronted him for being shitty he would get defensive and do any sort of emotional abuse to deny it and prove i was also in the wrong for even mentioning it. his idea of an
abusive man that hurts women is a man that beats his wife half to death, and to him any critique that implies his behavior hurt anyone is comparing him to a wifebeater. men like this think because they try to be generally respectful toward women and abstain from saying a misogynistic comment or two that they're saints that infuse respect and love into their girlfriends just by existing near them. and then they use their girlfriends as their emotional tampons and throw a fit when asked to reciprocate even the most basic emotional care. there is just no way to fucking win for women.
No. 1046241
>>1046224I also have this webm saved kek
>>1046210True and correct
No. 1046322
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I’m so mad. I feel like there’s a lot of back story behind this but my son’s dad/my boyfriend (please don’t judge me) is so introverted that he puts up an absolute stink anytime I ask him to do anything with us. He always acts so tired out from work and hates spending money on anything but his stupid guns.
I said a month ago that I wanted to see Spiderman sometime with him and our son while it was in theaters. He’s been working a little overtime all month so I waited until he had a normal work schedule.
Last night I reminded him that I planned on us going tonight and asked if he was okay with it and he said “I don’t know! That’s tomorrow just wait till then!” And this morning when I asked again be immediately started being really bitchy.
At first I tried to sweetly ask and pry for us to go but that didn’t last long and I just started to be a bitch right back. Our son asked what time we were gonna go and I blurted out (to my boyfriend) “I don’t know because dads such a big pussy that all he can do is go to work and play Fallout!”
Finally he said we could go and asked me about the showtimes, I said there was one at 6 and so we agreed we would go then.
Fast forward to 6 o’clock
I’m still pissed.
I was really excited to see this movie cause I loved Toby Spiderman as a kid. He knows that. I’ve been trying to psyche myself up all day to go but I’m just too pissed off so when 6 rolled around be said “aren’t we going???” And I told him that no, I don’t want to go, he ruined the vibe, he does this literally all the time. Told him it’s fucked up I can’t have 3 hours of his time to see a movie and “imagine how hard it would be for me to get you to do something hard like cleaning for three hours or fixing something or painting a wall or something”. He’s like “I’ve been waiting around all day to go”, and I was like “now you know how I feel, I’ve been waiting all month, all week, and all morning”.
I only feel really bad because our kid heard me saying all this (we have a small house) and I feel bad because I know he was looking forward to going. I don’t know if I acted irrationally. It’s just messed up and I’m tired of it happening.
It’s EXACTLY like that thing where me pretend to be bad at chores so they think we won’t make them do them. He puts up a bad attitude so that way I won’t enjoy going out with him! And I told him that and said fuck your you got what you wanted youre welcome.
If he continues to do this I’m going to verbally eviscerate him. He has no idea how nice I am. I am going to crush his feelings and self esteem.
I’m afraid I’m overreacting. But, it was actually going to RUIN my experience, like it has in the past, to be sitting there trying to enjoy something while I’m so worried HE’S not enjoying it. I don’t want to go pay all this money to go and miss out on what should have been a fun time that I can’t get into because I’m thinking about other things.
No. 1046331
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>>1046322Just go without him. Or better yet, say a couple of male friends want to go. Suddenly he will stop whining and demand to go
No. 1046438
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Die Lanze muss im Fleisch ertrinken
No. 1046497
>>1046441>>1046441I am afraid I’m being so petty. It’s just been building up a while.
We don’t ever do anything together, the last time we went out together was October (not counting the holidays) and I’m just the one to majorly spend time with our son.
It’s just important to me to have family time.
It’s also frustrating to not be married yet and to never go on any kind of vacation or even camping. He always has the excuse that we don’t have those kind of finances and he can’t miss work but he works a pretty low level job and we can’t use finances as an excuse to forever never live our life. Besides, camping is free, so it’s clearly not about that.
No. 1046505
>>1046497Nta, I'm a married anon and you are not being petty at all. Your feelings are
valid and I understand that you don't want to blame your partner, but you are a human too.
From what you have described (and even now), he sounds like a selfish jerk. He has to take your feelings into account and compromise instead of turning you into a doormat. Relationships are always you and your partner working on it
I feel bad for your son because even if you act nice, he will still pick the shit up from your boyfriend, especially if you end up letting him get away with shit. By that I am not saying that you should scream and fight in front of your child, no, you need to talk about it in private like
two adults.
He might pull a "ah!!! I'm tired I'm stressed' under any situation as a way to get out of the conversation unfortunately. But you still shouldn't let that turn into an excuse to let him walk over you. Just because you have needs (especially such innocent ones…) doesn't mean that you should be walked over. I am really sorry for you anon, your bf sounds a bit like a manchild. But then again, men are kids anyway.
Just FYI: I am not encouraging anon to argue. I am hoping that anon-chan will talk about it like a respectful and normal adult. Regardless if he is tired or not, he should still listen about her feelings and come up for a future reference plan. Nothing has to happen instantly.
In all fairness, I am really worried about you if you are wishing to marry him. You are lucky that he didn't show this side after you married.
No. 1046513
>>1045888me too
nonnie make a healthy weight loss thread and we can be accountable, I don't get why there's threads allowed for every other maladaptive behaviour drinking drugs etc but not anything close to weight loss because of fear of anachans taking over
No. 1046550
>>1046532Sometimes the trash takes itself out,
No. 1046564
nonnie but why did you post this in the ven thread haha
No. 1046621
I'm rewatching Bad Girls Club and jfc I can't believe I thought some of these girls were actually cool when I was a kid. I wanted to be on that show so bad growing up lmfaooo. Rewatching it in my 20's made me realize even if I auditioned for it I wouldn't have ever made it on since it's very apparent they pick girls who wanna be on tv/are willing to do whatever producers want rather than actual bad/real/tough girls. Also realized most of these hoes can NOT fight. I know alot of BGC fans talk shit how they would be fucking girls up and running the house but I honestly feel like I could whoop most of these bitches asses. I'm not even talking shit really it's just I've been fighting since I was in elementary school and took up boxing in highschool so watching these girls fight now it's so obvious the majority cannot fight for shit. A bunch of hair pulling, weak ass hits that don't even connect, scratching, jumping, etc. The only bad girls I can think of that actually had hands were Ty from season 1, Meghan from 9, Stassi from 7, Rocky from 10, and Brianna from season 17. It's weird as a kid I'd get so hype like damn these girls are badass and so cool but as an adult it's just cringe and infuriating how petty, weak, and lame the majority of these girls are. So many girls jumping eachother and just being wack ass followers. At the same time I'm a little sad this trash ass show is over lol it had some funny/wild moments but I know it will never come back since 1) oxygen does crime type shows now and 2) Clermont twins sued the fuck out of oxygen for letting their stuff get destroyed.
And honestly its pretty clear PD was just trying to do whatever they could to bring in the views, there's multiple instances where the girls were in genuine danger but they didn't do shit because it'd be more views to just sit back and let fucked up shit happen (like how often they let girls get jumped before intervening). &It felt like most girls coming on the show after season 2 were just trying to be the baddest girl instead working on bettering themselves which was the whole premise of the show in season 1.
And why the fuck does it take 3 hoes to jump one girl??? Weak as FUCK how do you not feel embarrassed you're friends thought u was so fuckin puny and weak they needed to jump in and assist your ass? I just don't get it, but I never jumped anybody only fought 1 on 1 so I'll never understand that weak bitch shit Ig.
No. 1046631
>>1046589I feel like I understand and I hate it.
They try so hard to be "weird" and "quirky" to make themselves interesting but then are so quick to isolate you if you're genuinely a bit awkward or an odd one out but you can't really call them out without being called an NLOG.
I think I'm just salty because I've always been the odd one out so I'm projecting but it happens too often.
No. 1046635
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So fucking sick of my government and all the dumbasses who blow smoke up their ass. Our girlboss Prime Minister, who gave birth while in office to the cheers of libfems the world over, is now refusing to grant emergency quarantine exemption to an NZ journalist, who is stuck in Afghanistan while pregnant and unmarried. Our COVID response over the past year has been a massive embarrassment, this is just such salt in the wound. Especially given that their rallying cry while locking thousands of citizens out of their own country and separating husbands from wives, parents from children and loved ones from their ill/dying relatives has been “Be Kind.”
First chance I get I’m fucking off to Australia. At least ScoMo is honest about the fact that he’s a massive cunt.
No. 1046650
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>tfw have met people who unironically think cats and especially black cats are actually evil/bad luck and are servants of the devil
>same people also believe Pokémon is satanic
For fucks sake they’re just animals!
Religious autism is something else, man.
No. 1046657
>>1046631This. Also I'm sick of even seeing it here
No. 1046679
>>1046589Ungodly based post. The anons on this site who larp as normal people are insecure about their own secret autistic interests because if you're actually so deep into internet culture you're browsing lolcow of all places instead of a mainstream subreddit or similar, chances are that you are not a normie no matter how you try to spin it.
I know it's some cringey sheeple society shit to say so but a lot of the petty, judgmental gossiping is absolutely jealousy on their part, people become normies because they allow themselves to have no passion for anything out of the debilitating fear of standing out and not conforming.
No. 1046689
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>>1046676Nonna, I bet you looked great. People would stare anyway if you wore a garbage bag. Sometimes it feels like wearing a slightly weird but normal skirt is a LOOK AT ME! HARASS ME! siren to normies. I want to wear large black vintage hat in public too, wanted one ever since I was a preteen. But I’m sure if I wore one in public a crackhead will start bullying me from across the street and I’ll never recover.
I generally tend to find that normies like to see “weirdness” wrapped up in a very neat, conventional box. They enjoy signaling it when it stops being actually subversive and is adopted back by the Normie Framework it sought to rebel against. Manufactured weirdness in very-normie-acceptable forms, like e-girls dying their hair or wearing things that they think are “weird” but were already done by women in the 90s. But as soon as they see anything that might be actually kind of weird they freak the fuck out and single you out. I’ve noticed the same for mental illness: lounging around with slightly unwashed hair and saying you’re depressed and doing drugs like you’re on Euphoria is Very Cool And Brave, but once they see an actually mentally ill, unhinged person they all dogpile. The same girls in my school who used to talk all the time about going to shrinks and the importance of mental health were the same of make fun of irl BPDchans when they showed symptoms and called them crazy.
Anyway, if it’s a safe situation, just wear whatever you want. If someone makes a dumb comment then just sperg endlessly.
No. 1046691
>>1046679You are correct
No. 1046693
>>1046687There are no actual normies for the same reason nobody actually has two and a half kids. It's a concept, no such average person actually exists. Everyone deviates from the norm in some ways.
Shitting on "normies" is just a way for losers to feel special.
No. 1046698
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Just ranting about my partners lack of enthusiasm when it comes to cooking, not a deal breaker, just triggers me so much
I already knew he cares very little for cooking. His ideal meal is every nutrient needed mixed together in a bowl three times a day, I imagine he'd be delighted if I gave him military rations as a gift. Fine, I'll cook for myself or both of us whenever I feel like it. He can't be bothered to use the stove for anything more complicated than cooking rice, frying a patty and heating frozen peas. This is as wild as it gets, there's just so little interest in learning any new cooking skills or trying new ingredients, unless a fitness bro from youtube recommends something in particular.
He told me before that whenever he tried cooking as a child and teenager his father(very talented cook) would butt in and take over, I understand why he'd loose interest. So I make a point of being very supportive if he ever does anything to change things up, but it's so hilarious to me that I am praising a grown, otherwise competent, man for adding fried onion to his rice. Unironically saying "wow, good job, honey! love to see it!" when he fries an egg feels like it could be part of a comedy skit.
What triggered me just now was that I fell into the rabbit hole of all those horrific food pictures from the pro ana cows, and subsequently tried showing some to my boyfriend. I was met with no understanding, he just said they all look fine and most of them look exactly like something anyone would put together at a buffet and would not hesitate to eat and mix together further.
I am disturbed and cannot comprehend.
No. 1046708
>>1046689>I generally tend to find that normies like to see “weirdness” wrapped up in a very neat, conventional box. They enjoy signaling it when it stops being actually subversive and is adopted back by the Normie Framework it sought to rebel against. Manufactured weirdness in very-normie-acceptable forms, like e-girls dying their hair or wearing things that they think are “weird” but were already done by women in the 90s. But as soon as they see anything that might be actually kind of weird they freak the fuck out and single you out. I’ve noticed the same for mental illness: lounging around with slightly unwashed hair and saying you’re depressed and doing drugs like you’re on Euphoria is Very Cool And Brave, but once they see an actually mentally ill, unhinged person they all dogpile. The same girls in my school who used to talk all the time about going to shrinks and the importance of mental health were the same of make fun of irl BPDchans when they showed symptoms and called them crazy.Thank you, holy shit. They are fucking parasites. I wanted to say this, but I was scared I'd be dogpiled by these exact type of people that lurk here for content and personas to adopt. They like to bitch at others for "gatekeeping" all while reposting tired, recycled "Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" memes on their trash Twitter accounts composed of shit copied from every other more interesting person/place. Wait and see, half the OC from this site will end up on their dusty ass Pinterest accounts and they'll try to convince you they're "oldfags" when they didn't know what this place was until 3 months ago. I'm just waiting for screenshots of posts to end up on some account called "lolcowtxt" where retarded e-girls will retweet from before I know this site is finally dead
Note: Any angry normie LARPer or projecting tard who replies to this angrily will step in piss, get their retarded public diary accounts mysteriously deleted/locked down forever and experience finger pain whenever they try to skinwalk anybody with actual depth
No. 1046716
>>1046689>>1046708Based. Especially regarding mental health, the acceptable form of #selfcare is when you're anxious about an upcoming deadline and taking a jog to clear your head. But when someone's legitimately having a mental breakdown to the point their apartment looks like a dump, they get no work done and are struggling with invasive thoughts of suicide and self-harm because of severe depression and anxiety disorder? Ew that's nasty, what a freak.
Parasites is also a good word for them. Normies let all the unconventionally nerdy people do the leg work for trying out things and experimenting to find the most fascinating and interesting ideas while being ridiculed, then barge in to appropriate their work and commercialize it as a nice accessory to wear. If that isn't parasitic behavior, I don't know what is.