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No. 1022391
What's your beef??
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1016528 No. 1022395
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I start to get sad now when I think about what my life could have been like if I told my parents I was molested as a kid and got proper help for it. Actually, I don't know if they would have been able to get me proper help, but my aunt who raised me (and is more sensible) might have, but she was raising me and her own daughters so why go out of the way just to take me to therapy? I look back and now it seems so obvious that my emotions were so out of control and I was lashing out from being sexually assaulted as a kid. It explains why I was so hyper sexual and porn addicted before I was even 10. I remember being pulled out of class regularly to speak with a guidance counselor in elementary school, going to therapy in middle school for a suicide attempt, and then again in highschool. Clearly there was something fucking wrong with me but never once did I speak about being molested. It wasn't even until I posted here about how it was always just a memory and I never felt like it really had any effect on me, but clearly it did and I was never able to connect the dots until anons connected them for me.
I'm happy now, and I'm happy with my life, but I cry for my younger self who so desperately needed help and never got it. No one is to blame except my molestor. I never told anyone or ever felt the need to tell anyone, so how could they have known? I was just a quiet, shy kid who was a little dumb and had low motivation and just had out of control emotions.
I wonder what kind of path my life could have taken if I wasn't so fucked up for the majority of it. Would it be better? Would I be more successful? I try not to think about it because I know that if I had been on a different life path, I wouldn't have met all of the friends that I have now in my life, and I cherish their company and love for me so much that I don't think I'd want another version of my life without them in it. I am doing ok now, and I'm the best that I've ever been, but part of me is still sad.
pic not related, it's just my favorite reaction image and makes me laugh
No. 1022408
Last night we went to my mother in laws house and it was fucking awful. It was supposed to be for my husband's birthday, but like always, it became all about her. When we got there, she was already drunk, when my husband had asked her to not start until we had arrived. I could tell how disappointed he was. She's already retarded but she's basically incoherent when she's drunk.
She has this new bf in her life and I'm not sure why he's around because she's insufferable, but he's actually a very nice person. She's basically a hoarder and the grossest person I've ever met, but he's for some reason tolerant of this and helped her clean her house so it actually looks nice. He does her dishes and stuff. My husband likes him too because he's into sciences and they have a lot to talk about. But how does he deal with her???
Anyway so we arrive and she's got this food laid out, everyone gets like four pieces of shrimp and a cucumber on a tiny ass plate with sauce splattered on it. She grosses me out so much I can't even stomach eating it, the thought of her hands touching that food makes me want to hurl. She's so fat and doesn't take care of herself. Never brushes her hair or wipes off her makeup, let alone apply it properly. So my husband is trying to talk to her bf about stuff and while he's trying to speak she's literally yelling over him, slurring her words, telling him to shut up for a second so she can talk about herself. I'm not even kidding, she does this all the time. She will interrupt you in the middle of a conversation because she does not give two fucks or a damn about what you're saying or who you're saying it to, she just needs to hear herself talk. The bf was asking my husband how we met and while he was trying to tell the story, she kept interrupting and saying how much she really really liked her new bf, but how she didn't want to label the relationship, because she has abandonment issues and blah blah blah. Literally in the middle of my husband talking. Then she interrupts again and turns to me and says
>Anon, you know I know you've been through some stuff. I'm so worried about offending you, because you know I know you faced trauma. Well I faced trauma. And what that means is, I faced trauma too and maybe you don't even know what I've been through.
I didn't react but inside I was screaming. She has done this before, too. She brings up how she was abandoned as a three year old and how her mother was abusive, but also says her mother was not specifically abusive to her, but it still bothered her because it made her siblings mad at her. She has never once bothered to ask me what I've been through, she just can't imagine that I've been through anything as hard as she has. She can't fathom it. She thinks her pain is the deepest in the world. I was also abandoned, and beaten, by drunks like her.
She's always trying to compare herself to me. She says we're "both creatives" and she went on this tangent about how people don't think "us creatives" are very smart but actually we are "way smarter at things than they know". Bitch, you are literally the dumbest person I've ever met and you're not even fucking creative. Making shitty doodles you copied from clip art pictures on Google isn't creativity. Shoving so much shit into your house that there no room to breathe is not creativity.
She's repeating herself over and over and over. My husband never got to finish the story of how we met because she kept jumping in to repeat how she met her bf because everything is a competition to her and she has to be the one getting the most attention. She keeps interrupting everyone constantly. She can not speak coherently. Her brain is so fried from drinking all the time that it's like words just don't line up for her anymore, it's like her mouth works faster than her brain. She will give up mid sentence and replace words with nonsense sounds like we're supposed to get what she means. It's infuriating. Especially since she repeats everything she says multiple times. We put on music by my favorite band, at her request, and she makes comments about how she can't believe that the song is by that same band because she always hated the way they sounded before. She also makes comments about how she doesn't think my younger cat is as good as my older cat, because the older cat is my husbands and had lived with her for ten years. You stupid ugly bitch, they're both perfect innocent beautiful animals and they aren't to be compared to each other. Why cant you love both?? Because you don't have a personal connection with the younger one, and therefore, it's not about you. You only care if it's about you.
At one point, she went upstairs to use the bathroom and when she came back down there was toilet water on her fucking robe and no one noticed but me. Fucking gag. She made tacos, and I did not eat them. She laid everything out in little bowls and somehow that was "covid safe"??
She kept forcing her bf to kiss her, and it was so gross. You could see on his face how uncomfortable he was. I did not kiss my husband once while we were there, but I did lean on him on the couch and touch his knee and I noticed that whenever I showed him affection, she would try and out-do me with her bf. When she grabbed his face and forced a drunk, slobbery French kiss on her bf right at the kitchen table I couldn't fucking believe it. My jaw dropped and I just looked at my husband in shock and wanted to laugh and scream at the same time.
She keeps talking about how she bought this painting for 12 dollars, but also, it's not a painting and we have to guess what it is when we go upstairs, but also it's her bf's favorite kind of thing so we have to guess what his favorite thing is, but also it's birch trees, also it cost her 12 dollars, BLAH BLAH BLAH. We go upstairs and it smells TERRIBLE. I use the bathroom and there is the toilet water that dripped from her robe onto the toilet seat, the door handle is wet. We go into this one room, we see the painting of trees, whoopie!! She comes upstairs, drunk as fuck, with a HUGE knife and comes straight toward me stumbling around making some half recited Macbeth quote and I'm horrified. My husband takes the knife out of her hand before she gets too close. Her bf brings up the birthday cake, and it's a cheese cake and she's "decorated it" with chunks of apple and sliced up maraschino cherries and fucking orange slices. It's a chocolate cheese cake, bitch. What are you doing? She keeps talking about how proud she is of this bedroom, tells me to pick out three things I like about it and tell her. It's hard to choose because I hate it and it smells musty. One of the things I choose is my husband, hey he's in the room!
She gives my husband a gift and inside is literally garbage. Not even kidding. Old ass half empty hotel sized bottle of lotion. Zip ties. Batteries (probably used they were not in a package). A hook, it's already been used and has drywall dust in it. Some other garbage and a card. The cards she makes she always loads with shit. Like LOADS it, not a blank space left. And no, it isn't filled with thoughtful comments about her son. It's her own little doodles and quotes she found online that barely have anything to do with my husband or his interests. And she wants him to read every single quote, pick his favorite doodles, she needs to be validated. She wanted him to take everyone out of the bag one by one and say what he liked about them because she wanted her bf to "see what my son means to me". She tried to make him put everything back in the bag and do it over because she said we weren't paying enough attention.
This is just like the stuff I remember fully from the night and have been able to write down, I'm sure there was more. I cannot put into words how truly selfish, disgusting and stupid this woman is. I have never hated anyone before, but I hate her. She's not even malicious, that's the saddest part, she's just actually fucking stupid and acts like a five year old. I remember my husband telling me about the distress he would feel, watching his mother get loaded and stumble around leaving the oven on and shit. Hoarding til their house is a mess and full of who knows what kind of filth. Trying desperately to make a connection with her when she doesn't have the desire to understand anyone else or hold their emotions or experiences to the same level as her own. Imagine being a child and trying to get your mother to understand how you feel and she's just incapable. No wonder he tried to kill himself at just 11 years old. I hate her so much and I know he loves his mom but I wish she would just die. I'm surprised she's even alive tbh.
No. 1022426
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i completely stopped liking anime for a few months now and it makes me sad. i'm almost 30 so i guess that's a good thing, but i feel like i outgrew a part of my personality. i still read webtoons from time to time, but i can't stand more mainstream (esp. shounen) stuff anymore and when i see other stuff like moe shit or love live knockoff number 3422472 i just cringe and scroll faster. i have a hunch that it might just be fomo though…
No. 1022437
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Having twink-looking guys as a type is a struggle, so many of them are either a euphoric moment away from trooning out or “coming out” as poly. Maybe I’m just paranoid and judge a lot of them prematurely, but a lot of them just have this specific look in their eyes that gives it away and I’ve seen it more among the types I like than any other
No. 1022448
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Recently brought out my old bin that had some stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day since 2010. I had some art books and manga in there and looking through them made me feel so nostalgic and sad at the same time. It really took me back to when I first discovered anime and almost made me feel like a teen again. Especially my very old Fruits Basket manga. I didn’t even like the series that much but I also didn’t realize how many memories the damn comic would unlock in my brain. I was on a trip of goddamn emotions. I still plan on getting rid of/selling most of them to de-clutter and make moving easier, and keeping one or two for sentimental reasons. But wow, I wasn’t expecting such a strong emotional response to a bunch of old yellowing books.
No. 1022459
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>>1022412Thank you so much for your kind words anon ♥ Have another one of my favorite images
No. 1022464
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I can’t even talk for a while without coofing, feeling sick sucks.
No. 1022485
>>1022477It's just bad luck,
nonnie. No one is ignoring you on purpose. I'm personally trying to reply to more anons, especially in the vent thread. If I want things to be more active and positive I've got to try and give other anons a good reason to come back
No. 1022511
>>1022485Thank you for your efforts
nonnie sometimes being mean to random people is a waste, rather have calm and meaningful convos while you can
>>1022501I don’t fit into this place but I’m the target audience lmao so that’s probably true
No. 1022512
>>1022477Has to be whatever you're talking about. I've had tons of positive interactions with anons and responses even when they didn't warrant one. Here's your reply.
>>1022426You're ascending and it's definitely due to your age, as it should be like a normal person. Make better use of your time now. Plenty of other media - including incredibly niche ones - to enjoy if you're still a homebody.
No. 1022536
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>>1022477I have this insane skill to always kill a thread. Seriously, about 65% of the times I post something, the thread dies for days or 404's if it's on another imageboard.
With time I've learned to deal with it, so now I find it funny when it happens.
No. 1022551
>>1022435that's a huge issue too. i used to watch basically anything - not coomerbait big tiddy anime, but just about anything that i thought was interesting or that could be entertaining. then i got super picky and dropped a lot of stuff and my anime consumption went down from 100 shows a year (2016) to 13 (2021). now i just… cringe. it's like when you eat your favorite food too often and it makes you feel a little sick when you try and force yourself through yet another serving, if that makes sense.
>>1022512kek, that's a nice way to put it. i re-discovered books last year and got really into movies/tv-shows… you know, with real people. i also completely stopped playing videogames because i realized i enjoy watching let's plays just as much. it does give people whiplash though because now i seem like a normie but then i mention jjba or some obscure weeb meme.
No. 1022566
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I love being a manhater and a troonhater. I am proud of it.
No. 1022572
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As a female with asd I hate that "extreme male brain" theory with passion. Not only it's the reason why so many of women with autism never got proper treatment in the first place (me included, I was really suffering in school&uni because of this), it's also insulting as fuck because no sane woman would ever want to be called a man in woman's body or even manly for that matter. I do know that in scientific circles it is heavily criticized and this fact really soothes my psyche, but normalfilth seems to really like to propagate it, which makes me even more socially uncomfortable than I already am. I don't know why are they doing it: out of troll reasons or out of pure stupidity, but regardless fuck normies, fuck baron cohen and fuck underdiagnosed female autism.
No. 1022573
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man i hate trannies and seeing them interact with gay people. tims and tifs. and i literally cannot understand the idea that it's normal for a homosexual to be attracted not to someone's sex, but their gender? so weird that i spent my youth caping so hard for trannies
while i'm here and whining about them: troons. stop co-opting the "werid woman" label, you're a man trying to larp as a female, that's why people see you as a freak. not because you're a "weird girl xD"
No. 1022576
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>>1022565I hope your baby will be okay, I lost one of my boys to a UTI five years ago. I learned feeding cats kibble contributes to the growth of crystals in their bladder, if your baby makes it through consider feeding them wet food exclusively if you aren't already.
No. 1022584
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I think I am truly stupid to not 'get' philosophy. I study boring natural sciences buy I've helped my sister from time to time with her college who studies it in depth due to her major and I just never got philosophy and postrealism or poststructuralism or whatever these things are. She's doing her Master's now and I was reading some research papers with her. It was about feminist theory and gender and the question of what is a woman and how woman does not exist at all and it got me thinking we barely have this shit for dudes like what is a man (as in human male) and shit, almost always woman. Like, we clearly know what a woman is when we are burying female infants alive and aborting a specific sex like in China, but go oonga boonga in this post-whatever. Maybe I just don't get it. I don't get philosphy anyways, it's just things everyone thinks about but worded in a more convoluted and boring way. As I said, I may just be dumb and too literal(?) in my thinking. Like, 'what is existence?' starts debates when it's like… whatever. I don't know, it's never interested me that much. I'm not build for deep thinking, real life NPC.
I love reading though, about humans and their problems and like, horror when it get too personal and human nature or whatever so maybe that does count as philosphy. I just don't get the convoluted words and theories that are so basic in their premises and yeah… idk… that's my vent.
No. 1022591
>>1022584Philosophy is male gatekeeping at its best
Judeochristian thought perverted it, anyway
No. 1022593
>>1022576that's so sad to hear
nonny, im sorry. thank you for the advice though! i'm about to head to the emergency vet right now. please pray for my baby george
No. 1022600
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>>1022596maybe you could take her out on a leash? I would never let my cats outside because I'm too paranoid, but that's what I would do if they were used to being on the street before I adopted them.
No. 1022601
>>1022584Philosophy is one of the largest fields in existence and what you are doing now or what you did in your post is a form of philosophizing. I think you would enjoy reading about ancient greek Philosophy and ethimology of words. The ancient Greeks are responsible for science and rational/philosophical thought.
For example, philosophy comes from the ancient Greek word
philosophia which literally translates to
love of wisdom. So, we could say even your major, the field that you study is a form of Philosophy and because back then science did not exist all the knowledge they would gather about the world was a form of Philosophy.
Everything you have to do is literally look up Wikipedia articles about ancient Greek Philosophy and Plato.
No. 1022612
>>1022426Same for me, for manga and anime. The last time I watched an anime was in 2020, it was Sarazanmai I think so it was pretty short. I've gotten too lazy to keep up with new series, and the ones that are popular don't appeal to me at all. I feel like I can't completely move on though because some manga I like a lot are still not over, either because their publications are slow or the series are on hiatus since over a decade ago. I only read BL manga or manga I already read and liked before.
>but i can't stand more mainstream (esp. shounen) stuff anymore and when i see other stuff like moe shit or love live knockoff number 3422472 i just cringe and scroll faster.I feel like this kind of shit is more popular than ever for some reason. I can't think of any original anime that isn't full of this bullshit or just straight up pure fanservice. Even today's shonen manga look ugly as fuck, I don't get why people can even look at anything related to boku no hero academia, this shit looks so ugly.
No. 1022619
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No. 1022647
>>1022477Ask dumb questions about things you are interested in.
>>1022538I'm sorry anon, that's got to hurt. Maybe you've just misinterpreted his behavior? Is the sex good at least.
No. 1022657
>>1022526Get some pet rats. They are friendly and cost way less money, plus it will give you a community of rat people to talk to.
Also, your catastrophizing, because how can you square
>sometimes I'll get a nice message about it, with
>but I should know by now that no one cares.It probably wont mean anything to you now, but when you are in a better headspace, look it up.
No. 1022666
>>1022426Same, anon. Have you tried sticking to manga? I actually find a lot more manga that's interesting and well-written. I can't stand anime, but I still enjoy a lot of mangas.
Indie stuff (idk like webtoons, tapas, etc.) can be good too, if you dodge the genderspecial stuff.
No. 1022675
>>1022652Hi, are you me? I have the same problems. I think I have adhd or maybe just executive function issues.
Maybe you have adhd? What you described fits with that. I want to get tested but I also have an anxiety disorder with just makes finding someone to test me hard.
You aren't a bad person. You want to be a good employee/person but your brain is just a dick and won't let you. You do care about doing a good job.
No. 1022681
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I built a parasocial relationship with my own Twitch viewers because the only reason why I became a streamer is that I am all alone. I can't seem to be able to befriend people on Discord that my good friend keeps introducing me to because both I and a suggested person are incredibly low-social energy. God fucking damn it.
No. 1022684
>>1022662Do they? I mean I don't idolize the 80s… I just get mad when zoomers get all uwu I'm nostalgic for the 90s! And larp like they miss it when they never experienced it. I guess I'm just annoyed by zoomers and their need to larp in general, race, gender, personality traits, it just feels incredibly fake and dishonest and it
triggers me kek
No. 1022690
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I hate myself for letting myself go studywise; I have wanted to leave my job for a while now. I keep complaining about my job but have never really taken concrete steps to leave it, by studying on my own and making projects. I can't keep to a consistent schedule and it doesn't help that I actually dislike the industry my job is in. The only reason I continue to be in this industry is because it pays well for someone with just an undergrad degree. How the fuck do I kick away from my laziness and actually study? It doesn't help that I have to sit on my ass for eight hours and I'm fucking braindead after work because of it. UGH!
No. 1022693
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quick vent re amazon reviews
girl why would you even post this? you clearly have no clue what the fuck you're doing
No. 1022730
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In 3 weeks me & my elder mother are going to be made homeless, everywhere is so expensive we have nowhere to go. If we get evicted we go to a half way house and get our cats taken away (who are basically my mothers only emotional support). I've searched for hours and there's nothing possible, my mum said she might get another job so we can afford 900 a month but it's just so hard for her and I can't due to my school schedule. All properties these days are student only, I hate the state of buying/renting. Fuck landlords, there's so much to worry about I cant take it at the moment. I'm thinking of privately renting via Facebook but my mother has bad anxiety and fears that we'd be attacked during the night because, y'know, 2 women living alone. But I have no other ideas.
No. 1022734
>>1022730I am so sorry anon.
> I'm thinking of privately renting via Facebook but my mother has bad anxiety and fears that we'd be attacked during the night because, y'know, 2 women living alone. But I have no other ideas.I don't know where you live, is violence toward women particularly serious? I know that women are targets everywhere, but some countries/cities are safer. I lived in a flat with 2 other girls (also rented via FB) and never felt unsafe, but I live in the capital city of Poland. I would say give it a shot, but I don't know your situation and don't want to endanger you
No. 1022796
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>>1022777I've embarrassed myself so much that I don't give a shit anymore LMAO, just happens when you get older. (never anything sexual tho)
When I was younger my dad could see I was skittish and he'd go up to random people and start asking them what they had for breakfast for morning, but it helped.
No. 1022810
>>1022730Fuck, anon, you are in a really difficult situation.
Agree with the other anon, if your city is safe for two women, just rent the apt, when push comes to shove your mom will choose that over homelessness and loosing her cats.
If it is really dangerous, can you two rent an apt as a roommate with someone else so that's it's three of you, if your mom is really worried.
No. 1022822
I hate when people to ask how I am, how's my day, how did I sleep, etc
I understand when it's a random nicety you're supposed to say to strangers in specific settings as mindless small talk, but I hate when friends or someone actually trying to make conversation does it
Like it's such a fucking non answer question, it's just annoying, if I had something interesting to say about those things I'd say it, I wasn't waiting for you to ask.
I honestly think it offends me because I get an irrational kneejerk of annoyance that the person is 'trying to force me' to use energy towards humoring their pointless question.
I have the same issue when people keep talking about shit where I get the impression I am socially obligated to feel bad or coddle them. Like fuck off, I don't want to have to put on this charade, why are you telling me this shit, what is the point? If you aren't asking my advice or don't want a solution why do I even need to know?
Even though logically I want to understand that this is just how they feel/show care or something, it drives me up a fucking wall and has the opposite effect. In dating if a guy tries to dote on me too much or go on romantic drabbles/compliment me endlessly it's the same. It makes me want them to go away because it's just a drain on my energy and now I have to pretend to be flattered or some shit. I've even tried explaining this to friends and romantic partners alike and they just can't seem to stop themselves. If you people want to be around me so badly, want my attention so badly, so on and so forth, why can you not cater to me, just like how I would pretend I'm actually interested in that shit if I wanted to cater to you??
I don't know if I'm next level autistic or what the fuck but God this wares me down something special. Worst part is if I don't reply positively they think I'm shy or something is wrong and do it more to try to cheer me up or whatever. Why can't anyone understand I legitimately don't feel the same way they do with these things? Most people who are considered very emotional or empathetic just come off as horribly selfish to me
No. 1022825
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>>1022822I feel the same. People are so annoying.
No. 1022830
>>1022828I'm not forcing them to do interactions in this manner, anon. I'm not a total woman child, I don't react poorly towards them even if this is what it makes me feel.
Who the fuck decides these have to be the basic social interactions, anyway? If they are not mutually beneficial for both parties, then why do only I have to "get over myself" always, and the opposite can never be true?
Why are you so emotional for people who feel how you do but cannot try to understand my own feelings (or lack thereof?)
No. 1022839
>>1022836Yes, I have, many times and in multiple ways. I've tried also just avoiding replying/changing the subject but that usually makes them get "stuck" on it.
I have one really close friend who understands (or at least respects my wishes kek), but the rest seem to conveniently forget, say they just can't help it, or don't seem to believe that could possibly be true. Of course I am understanding of this since the average person is like them and not like me, but it is still frustrating and draining to have to always put on this act to appease the nature of others. I imagine most people who have worked customer service and have to wear their "customer service politeness" mask could conceive the feeling, but generally people can't understand I can still enjoy them as people if that is how I'm acting. I still try not to be dishonest, but the reality is I just do not feel anything "good" with these things, I do not feel "bad" when I am supposed to be comforting, etc.
I still logically understand there is a time and a place and will say the appropriate things when it is necessary, like how you might fake grieving at a distant relatives funeral. This also doesn't mean I don't care about these people, I just care about them in my own way. When I was growing up I thought everyone was faking these things also, and eventually I came to understand that no, they don't take it, I'm just a little different than average for whatever reason. I assume they are stuck in that same phase I used to be in, where they cannot fathom someone could lack these things (and maybe for them accepting that would also mean they think I don't care about them by their concept of care, so they refuse it). So honestly I think I can get why they still act this way, it just gets fucking annoying and I wished to vent somewhere, where I wouldn't have to reassure anyone I do infact care about them and this is nothing personal etc.
No. 1022850
>>1022841It seems like you neglected to read what I actually said, or maybe I did not say it clearly. I get it, I do, but it is still an irrational kneejerk and it still annoys me. I don't care if it's a casual once in a while thing, it annoys me because it seems like they want my attention, but they are not considering what I have said/what would actually give them my attention. They just say what they think they themselves would want or what other people like them want, despite being told otherwise. And if I consistently remind them, without fail, people get hurt/offended.
It would be a little different if I never told them anything (multiple times even). Of course, I can't expect people to magically know this shit. I don't even expect them to not slip up at times. But it is very hard not to see this as something selfish. If they really cared of how I am doing, would they not consider that I would not want to be asked in that matter? And if they only want to initiate conversation, then why can they not do it in a manner that actually makes me want to converse?
If I avoid the question and change the topic so we can still talk, why do they have to stick to it, pushing, or getting upset I avoid the question? It's annoying, M8, that's it. That's the point. I cater to people constantly to maintain even basic social interaction, why is it so bad to want the opposite returned at times? I should just get fucked and disregard my own feelings because I don't fit into the norm?
No. 1022851
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My manager of whom is in his thirties is constantly being immature and passive aggressive because I do not receiprocate his romantic feelings and he cannot take no as an answer. So today after the millionth time he decided to go for a drink with my other friend and coworker and dumped his pity onto them. Of course that friend messaged me, sisterhood and all, and told me everything including how entitled he was. He's been messaging me any attempt he can to try and get me into his arms, trying to paint himself as a martyr and I feel sick. I feel like he always tries to guilt trip me for not wanting to be more than friends and the fact he's trying to manipulate one of my friends suddenly feels very wrong. But he will always paint me as a bitch for "friend zoning" him despite my multiple blunt remarks and conversations that he cannot take. Is it bad I find him an incel? Stalked the stories of his ex for a millenium, painting her as a bitch, lurks twitch thots and reddits, and tries to groom me into seeing him as some heroic adonis that I owe my body and sex to.
No. 1022861
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>sibling attends anime convention
>now has cold symptoms
Fucking hell, I’m hoping it isn’t COVID (but it probably is). Very glad I didn’t attend that shitshow and that my sibling has their own apartment to quarantine in.
No. 1022864
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>>1022645I’m completely fine anon thanks for worrying, pic related was literally me. I’ve lived the life of a reaction gif, what an achievement.
Basically I left some food cooking and forgot to turn it off when I left home. Came back to a small-scale fire. Might have been the worst Monday of my whole life kek
No. 1022876
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I am sick of people for traveling far away just because they are bored or for some other retarded selfish reasons. I haven't seen my family in three years now and my grandparents need serious help IRL, they want to move to countryside and no one expect me is willing to help them to sell their apartment. On top of that their health is worse than ever right now. I am so sick of this shit. Fuck all of the e-daters and influencers.
No. 1022909
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>>1022876>I wish everyone was as unhappy as me so I would be happier by comparison.Jeez anon, just because you don’t travel for fun doesn’t mean nobody else should get the opportunity to do it.
No. 1022917
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My friend says that she’s bi even though she only dated one woman ten years ago and didn’t like licking pussy. Since then she’s had a lot of terrible guy relationships
I suggested we go to a gay bar for her 30th cause she said she wanted to try dating a girl and she wanted to go to a gay bar anyway but now I’m really nervous.
She wants to go to Bingo night and “make friends” and I can’t help but think she means make friends with a bunch of gay guys and I just feel like it’s not appropriate
No. 1022935
>>1022917tell her to personally seek out other lesbian and bi girls through HER or okcupid. It's probably just me being a cranky dyke but having straight women being obnoxious as a gay bar does get on my nerves.
And not wanting to have oral sex is normal with any other lesbians, we have other ways to pleasure ourselves ||finger skills are more valued||
No. 1022945
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>>1022933I grew up a pretty staunch environmentalist but have lately come more to terms with the fact that nothing I do or don’t do will have any measurable impact on the world; it’s going to hell in a hand basket and there’s nothing I can do about it. As for covid, it’s been 2+ years. Me and everyone I care about is vaccinated, I’m going back to normal life. Every day my doctor brother has to pull the plug on some unvaxxed moron in the ICU and he says there’s nothing any of them can do to convince people to change their behavior. No point in me tip-toeing around them, it’s better to just let who’s at risk of dying get covid and die as fast as possible so we can move on.
No. 1022989
>>1022408Honestly sounds like my own mother, who (thankfully)
did die when I was young. I was happy when she died. I don't feel bad for saying that. I know how infuriating people like her can be. I wonder why her bf is with her (spineless?) and why your husband still wants to visit her despite everything.
If she hadn't died, I would have completely abandoned my mother the moment I moved out. I hope she dies too. What a waste of space.
No. 1023005
>>1023002Getting kinda close back up
nonnie 5 miles will do kek.
No. 1023080
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I hate (almost) everyone at the toxic and underpaid family business that I work at. Each person in the immediate family is unbearable. The wife is a passive aggressive bitch and her accent makes me want to off myself. The husband is loud and weird…the daughter..idk there’s a lot to say about her but she annoys me a lot for reasons I can’t explain. It’s pretty obvious I’m over this job but I don’t quit for tax reasons (I have an under the table job on the side) and so my mom doesn’t complain/question. But I’ve also really bonded with a few people there too and I don’t feel like finding another regular taxed job. I’m so tempted to quit because I only want to live in this state for two more months. I was supposed to get a raise after a 90 day trial period with tips but its been 8 months since I started and that hasn’t happened. I’m so resentful of these people it’s insane.
Attached is the shit I have to put up with (my mistake but still it’s their mistake because they should just fire me already).
No. 1023126
>>1023080They sound like they like to smell their own shit. Run
No. 1023138
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>>1022666yeah, i still read some (usually korean) webtoons and sometimes i find some good psychological horror manga that i like, but it doesn't happen very often. usually i just stick to reading books or watching tv shows. i think the fomo stems from the fact that i really love stories in general - whether in book, tv-show/movie or videogame format - and i know that there are really good and enjoyable stories among the trash pile of seasonal anime and hyped up manga. but that's ok, i'll get over it, i think. it's a part of growing up/ascending.
No. 1023239
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An old “friend” from my past’s mom contacted my mom today. Asking many questions about if i graduated and shit like that. I knew this girl since sixth grade till 9th. This girl was an extremely abusive person. she used to slap me, bully me and was an awful person we would have no intellectual or interesting conversations because she’s extremely jealous and insecure if you display any bit of knowledge or talent. I used to hide my interests around her because she’d make fun of them even though she was an empty husk of a person. I was a kid and my parents and adults in general in my life weren’t present or cared enough to tell me how to deal with people like this. They always told me to just deal with it so i did put up with her clumsily, i had enough of her twisted friendship eventually then ghosted her and moved schools. She tried many times reaching out through the years but its been a minute and the recent one where she sent her mom just opened this door to many repressed memories of my boundaries being crossed and my time wasted with her. I’m literally hyperventilating, get over me already
No. 1023280
>>1022839Anon you sound like a psychopath
Or autistic at the very least
No. 1023329
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>>1023325hope you'll get to eat soon
No. 1023340
>>1023334I empathize anon, I wish my parents would have taught me to work less and learn that being liked by peers and networking is worth so much more. Then again my parents also seemed to be the unlikeable people at their workplaces so they probably had a chip on their shoulder and something to prove by raising me like to be like them. Totally not the advice I would give young people these days. Bullshitting and being able to talk yourself up are valuable skills, but I digress.
Yes, it could be her youth but more than likely she got promoted either due to a scrote or she kissed ass to the right people. This shit happens at my startup all the time.
No. 1023357
>>1023340so bullshit. I hate this fucking world. Lol. I’ll never get promoted at this rate. I think for sure it was a scrotes suggestion to move her up because of course that’s the only thing I can think of and it’s just bogus because my manager (a woman) when I first came in was telling everyone “yes! She wants to be in this position in the future so everyone train her when you can!”
No one talks to me lol. So idk of its like a clique and they’re all against me moving up or what. The same thing happened at another job where I wasn’t helped by my work peers at all even when they were instructed by my manager to do so. It was so bad that when I asked me supervisor for help on somthing she told me to goggle it to my face.
Like. I mind my own damn business I don’t get involved in drama or try to make waves because I’m just there to work and then what’s my reward for coming in and doing what I was hired for? Nothing lol. Just a bunch of petty bitches and a scrotes looking for younger girls to manipulate
No. 1023481
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>>1022854Please report him and update us here. He sounds dangerous. Please never be alone with him outside of work.
No. 1023560
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>>1023540This. Men are built for labor and service, never forget that. If you are in the presence of a man and he isn't making your existence more comfortable, then he is a liability.
No. 1023590
>>1023578My sympathy for her is very high because normal mentally stable people don't do those things, so I can only assume she's severely mentally ill or in an
abusive situation. Bitches don't just throw their babies away while being mentally healthy. Plus if my retarded area had any fucking abortion clinics this wouldn't have happened.
No. 1023607
>>1023590AYRT I see your point and I agree about an abortion clinic, but IDK. Seems to me like she had a retarded plan that she failed to pull off. IDK it's just so fucked up, and I'm not some baby sperg.
>>1023599Didn't know she wasn't aware earlier, weird. She definitely must have had a fucked up life.
No. 1023704
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this is so depressing lmao. muslims are a cancer on this world(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1023721
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>>1023712i'm less than a minute in and those two scrotes are already so aggressive. it boils my blood seeing retardation on this level. memri tv has a lot of gems exposing the downs syndrome parade this is islam.
No. 1023760
I just came across this website and the userbase seems clinically and criminally insane. Please someone tell me this shit isn't real and just degenerate fantasies. Please.
TW for VILE moid shit is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 1023809
>>1023802Viral illnesses can fuck up the immune system for life,
nonnie. Look at people who had measles as children or in young adulthood. My mother in law had measles as a young woman and ever since has had a whack ass immune system and weird allergies she never had before to food.
No. 1023900
God I feel terrible. My period has been pretty irregular for the past months. I used to have very heavy periods in high school, then it became less painful in my early 20s, but then it came back again. I'm afraid I might have endometriosis or something. But the worst thing is that I started having extreme mood swings during the first two days of my period. I'm already depressed and anxious, sometimes even paranoid, but during those two days everything amplifies extremely, I feel like I'm going insane, I have suicidal thoughts, I hate everything, today at work I was so angry with every little thing, I was mumbling and cussing to myself, I cried in the bathroom and struggled to hide my tears during work, I called myself names but I hope no one heard that, I had moments when I struggled to control my facial expressions. I'm not very sociable and my coworkers think I'm just shy, I'm autistic but I'm always nice when someone talks to me, maybe sad sometimes, but never mean. Today I was just scowling at everyone and no one even tried to talk to me and now I feel bad about myself, they probably think I don't like them, but the truth is I really really wanted everyone and everything to stay away from me. I was also very tired from the work and socializing in general, so maybe my hormonal mood swings from period only amplified my autistic burnout? I had my hormones checked in february and everything was fine. Periods were irregular anyway. I didn't have those extreme mood swings, but it was before I started working where I work now where I'm forced to be around so many people. Now I'm just sad because I'm afriad they think I'm crazy and I don't want them to think I hate them. I'm so so tired of everything
No. 1023942
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Did anybody else watch the season finale? I'm so pissed. This ending was worse than the original. I absolutely loved this show and now I wish I never watched the new one. What a complete waste of time.
No. 1023959
>>1023900Tomorrow, when some of your colleagues are in group, walk up to them and, at an opportune time, just say "Sorry, if I was rude yesterday, I was just feeling absolutely horrible. Didn't mean to take it out on you guys."
Also, maybe you want to get checked for fibroids and/or ask your doctor about menstrual suppression, which is using birth control to completely stop your periods.
No. 1023973
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I'm so fucking tired of everything being so sexualized and everywhere you go it's just sex sex sex porn and naked female bodies
everywhere, it's making me feel repulsed to sex even though my libido is quite high.
Wanna play a game? Hope you like the objectification of women, cause it's nearly unavoidable! At the minimum, let's add in jiggle physics and weird "sexy" moans. Wanna watch any movie or a show? Enjoy unnecessary sex scenes added in for the straight dudes! OnlyFans this, OnlyFans that. A female artist has released a song with an important message to share about sexism, and she's going to shake her ass on camera to "fight the patriarchy".
Oh and if you're uncomfortable with any of that, might as well become a nun cause you're just the same as any puritanical Christian who fantasizes about burning down planned parenthood centers. I hate it. I'm so tired.
No. 1024013
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>>1023973I literally stopped watching tv/shows/movies and playing new videogames because it just got so tiring. Not just objectification and constant scrote shit, but female characters are just cardboard cutouts with no realistic personality/troubles/etc. I'm just so fucking tired of it all. Only really watch something new if the lesbians like it, like portrait of a lady on fire.
No. 1024036
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>suddenly realizes I have to work for the rest of my life and exert all of my energy into meaningless detached routines, makework, and attachments that continue on a viscous cycle until you die
i don’t want to work dear god it makes me want to cry thinking of my future
No. 1024052
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Found this oud-lute for “women”, kek. It’s 45 dollars more expensive than the “male” version. And they’re both ridiculously overpriced, that shit isn’t supposed to cost you 300-something. Wasn’t even looking for one anyway, I was looking for a baroque lute and saw this and then I found that they sell their lutes for 800 dollars? What a fucking joke. And people actually buy. I
No. 1024061
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Visiting my sister and her family. Their marriage has been on the rocks for years but they have 3 kids (oldest is 7) so not like they can cut ties easily. Brother-in-law is a doctor, gone all day and when he gets home he just wants to play vidya and not interact much with his wife or kids. Sister is a stay at home mom, literally got an MRS degree (home economics) and has never had a career cuz she got married at the start of college and the main thing she wanted to do in life was raise a family. She spends all day wrangling the kids, says the only time she can feel a little like herself is from 12-3 pm on Monday-Wednesday when all the kids are at school and she runs errands. It’s a constant hamster wheel of cooking and cleaning and poopy underpants and nail polish in the carpet, and it’s not even like a job you can ’go home’ from because the husband refuses to help out around the house or with the kids in the evening. Anyway they’re constantly making snide passive-aggressive half-jokes and remarks to each other and it’s real uncomfortable to be around. I’m not fundamentally opposed to the idea of getting married and raising kids but man does being around them make me want to stay single forever and ever.
No. 1024093
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>>1024065>>1024067It depends on where you live. An oud lute is a lot more different than baroque lute. Oud lutes are way more affordable and way more common considering that the luthier pictured is based in Turkey. Ouds there can cost you anything from 100 dollars to 5, 6k. A beginner oud costs about 75 - 100, and it’s pretty good if you’re learning and could last for years. Selling a 100-dollar-quality oud for 300 dollars to Americans/Europeans who have a hard time getting their hands on a oud is robbery.
The baroque lute, I get it. It’s a historical instrument and, like the lyre, and it is mostly manufactured by luthiers, who come from money and will accept commissions for extremely high rates. It’s hard to get. Basic supply and demand. My issue is this: a baroque lute is literally a Western oud lute. The differences aren’t large. If you make know how to make one, making the other shouldn’t be too difficult or costly. Pricing an oud for 200 of whatever and then pricing a baroque lute as 1200$ is robbery. Don’t give a shit about supply and demand, that shit is outrageous. And the store has a qanun (basically an Easten zither) listed for 890$? Kek, even the “professional” one in Turkey costs less. What a joke. I’m mostly mad because I have an oud-lute but I really want a baroque lute and there isn’t any luthiers in my country; international shipping isn’t an option; I’m a poorfag student. I am afraid the beggar always has the most to say, nonnies. But I really really really want a baroque lute, specifically an archlute like picrel.
No. 1024098
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>>1024093Samefag, but my dream instrument (it’s 100000% impossible for me to ever acquire, even if I become rich and move to such a country where luthiers can be found) would be the theorbo, which is a type of baroque lute. It’s absolutely giant and capable of producing very wonderful sounds. I can’t stop daydreaming about playing it, goddamn it.
No. 1024155
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so my mom died in august about a week before i started college. i was doing okay at first. i enjoyed going to class, had some potential friends, and i dated a guy (total loser) for a month until everything fell apart. i’m home now with my remaining family, my grandma and my sister, and i’m terrified at the thought of going back to college. i hate sharing a room with someone, but i was able to get a single dorm for when i return for the second semester. idk how i’ll manage to complete another semester though. i wasn’t able to get my vyvanse prescription transferred to my home state and i’ve been a total mess since i got home. i’ve succumbed to alcoholism which is what ruined my parents lives. started smoking weed again even though i know it’s not good for me. things just keep getting worse. i’m starting ketamine therapy in a few days because i’m so depressed that i can’t do anything and i’m starting to really hate myself for it. i have so much anxiety that i can barely function. i’m really afraid of losing my grandmother because of her health, especially because i don’t have a mom or dad. i only have one friend. this isn’t troubling me a lot but my friend and i almost always agree on feminist issues but she came out as non-binary last year and i can’t help but think it’s because of how homophobic her dad is and her parents obsession with her being feminine. i love her either way but it feels like i’m walking on eggshells when we start discussing gender, so i’m kinda that scared our friendship could collapse because i slip up and say something that invalidates her gender identity. i have no friends at school. i had plenty of opportunities but i’m too exhausted with life to maintain more than a few relationships. my school has an improv club and i went to two or three of their meetings but i froze up when i volunteered, even though i can be really funny when i’m with people i trust. this dude i thought was gay admitted he had a crush on me so i ghosted him, and i found out recently that he’s part of the improv club now. not sure if i’ll go back but i am awful at making friends and some of the club’s members seem cool. like i said, i’m a mess right now. i just hope i’ll feel normal by the time i have to return to college.
No. 1024168
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>>1024036Wanna cry with me
No. 1024186
>>1024178Also NTA but how the fuck did you get 'sex drive of a wet sponge' from simply not being enraged when your health prevents you from having sex and getting jealous over literally nothing
That is absolutely some scrote shit and anon needs to chill out
No. 1024194
>>1024186Doesn't make her a scrote
The scrote accusation on here are fucking wild
No. 1024197
Fucking hell forgetfulness when it’s related to work pisses me off. One of my coworkers borrowed the water test strips from the lab to test his hot tub or something and never brought them back, and I needed them for a project. So, you know, I ask him if he could bring them the next day. He says yes. and, being a fucking scrote, he forgets. So I remind him again. Forgets. And again the next day before we leave. And he still forgets. Another coworker goes “you know, you can just order more off Amazon” which made me mad, as that is not the point. The point is the fucker can’t remember after a 20-minute drive home to put something in his car that he’s already borrowing from work. Strip-forgetter tries to joke about his forgetfulness and I absolutely don’t have the patience for it. If you’re that forgetful , put a fucking reminder in your phone. After legitimately getting angry at him, he has his girlfriend bring them up over lunch… so he still technically didn’t even fucking bring them. Jesus I absolutely cannot stand behavior like that. I know it sounds stupid, but I should not have to ask more than twice—hell, even more than once—for something to be returned that had been borrowed.
No. 1024221
>>1024178I wonder why you assumed that's why I thought she was behaving like a scrote and not the fact that she was getting irrationally angry at her man for not wanting sex when they're both ill.
They've both had/have a fever, it's totally normal to not be in the mood for sex after that yet she's getting angry at him for every little thing he does because he's not fucking her? That's not normal.
No. 1024235
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i wasn't even baiting… why are the mods insufferable muslim apologists?(ban evasion)
No. 1024251
>>1023734I got
triggered reading this.
No. 1024256
>>1024248Oh wait sorry you're right I missread.
Yeah please anon who got banned, don't hate on a whole group of people and articulate better next time.
No. 1024297
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>>1024291blablabla then why does my state let me rot in the street if my mental illness does not allow me to work? And why do all hospitals look like this? You do realize western countries still have better welfare and social services than a 3rd world Eastern eu shithole. If you get sick or are born in poverty there is no welfare and all hospitals look like pic related. In all Western countries including America the state helps you and doesn't let you rot if you get sick it ain't my fault so many Americans are so stupid and lazy they cannot even claim welfare or medicaid. Eastern Eu shitholes don't have welfare programs. I've spent months of my life in hospitals like pic related. The difference between an underdeveloped and developed nation is the social services and if the government is willing to help the citizen if shit hits the fan
No. 1024344
>>1024337You can just practice your attention span. Start with 10 minutes (or whatever you can manage) doing 1 thing and 1 thing only without getting distracted and build the time up. And try to limit mindless scrolling (on social media, imageboards, wherever else you're prone to mindless scrolling/browsing)
Not sure if stopping after the 10th episode is a measurement of attentionspan tho.
No. 1024350
>>1024340Maybe you're right. But apart from the examples I gave, the pattern persists.
>>1024341>>1024344Thanks for the tips. Really. I've sort of neglected my hobbies due to this too, because I get distracted so easily, and it wasn't like this before at all where I could embroider for hours with no distractions, not even any bg music or anything. I'll try to get my attention span back to what it was before.
>Not sure if stopping after the 10th episode is a measurement of attentionspan tho.I hope I'm just blowing it out of proportion then. Maybe it isn't too bad yet, gives me hope.
No. 1024356
File: 1641977896532.jpg (657.03 KB, 1588x1985, il_1588xN.3066934020_qiwp.jpg)

there's something i really hate and find questionable about selling/buying/wearing slogans like that. like it's such a slacktivist kind of thing to do to just buy your slogan and run around with it, while doing nothing to actually try and dismantle the patriarchy. i mean it's impossible to do it all by yourself anyways, but hm.
No. 1024391
>>1024235>>1024276The fuck, since when does lolcow enable fucking Islam apologists.
It's the most oppressive religion, all religions are shit and critiquing them shouldn't count as racebait.
No. 1024418
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Shit like this makes me want to kms. The current ideology of making "everything" queer and treating "queerness" as some state of mind and a way of life because insecure straight people can't cope with their privilege and being excluded from the cool kid LGB club is nothing less than erasure, but somehow we're supposed to see this as a positive thing because "they're breaking down barriers". Imagine if they did this with race.
>"black not as being about what colour your skin is (that can be a dimension of it); but black as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create a find a place to speak and to thrive and to live."
Immediately you can see how fucking retarded this sounds. Your sexuality is a physical reality, not a political ideology. You can be straight and support gay people without making it all about yourself and your feelings of narcissistic self-discovery.
No. 1024445
>>1024441slavic countries are atheist because of communism which fucked up your countries more than religion did. atheists being so easily
triggered by religion are making a lot of reactionaries lmao
No. 1024447
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>>1024418Did Bell Hooks really say that stupid shit?
No. 1024529
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>>1024527I love drawings of girls bedrooms, especially super cluttered ones. It's one of the reason I love Vewn so much. I want to draw stuff like this, too.
No. 1024530
>>1024529Samefag but that one poster
>Public castration is a good ideaSo based kek
No. 1024540
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>>1024538Hey, we all know islam
is lame No. 1024543
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>>1024538cool black box
cool black box
No. 1024574
>>1024567You should quit because you're definitely being taken advantage of. It sounds like you have a strong work ethic and bosses love to take advantage of that kind of person while giving them as little reward as possible. It's
because you work so hard that you aren't being promoted, because they want you to do the things no one else will bother to do. I had the same thing happen to me at several jobs. Even though I put in more work than anyone else, it's that extra work I did that makes them want to hold me back so I can break myself for them endlessly. You deserve to find a job that actually values you.
No. 1024721
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>>1022876I love traveling maskless and unvaxxed. I'm My Own Free Bitch.
No. 1024729
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>>1022391I believe that Scroteven is shitting up the relationship advice thread with his testerical bullshit. He’s such a fucking joke I hope he dies.
No. 1024756
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I just have to let go. This girl and her boyfriend will always be praised on the internet, she will always have simps because she plays up her 'uwu im smol loli b-b-but im stong!!! so dont look down on me!' shtick and she's actually pretty, so I should just let go of my grudge. It's not like I directly had to deal with the shitty side of her personality anyway, I was just mad on behalf of a close friend who had to deal with it. I feel like I have to be mad on behalf of this friend, but do I really?
If she wants to play it up and become mildly popular online for it, then whatever. It's a waste of my energy hoping that people will realize how shitty of a person she can be (and like every other female cosplayer with a pretty face, she will always be forgiven anyway). She's happy and loved by her boyfriend, and I can only hope that maybe they've changed for the better as I have in these past few years. Even if she hasn't, it's not any skin off my back since I don't care about cosplay anymore and don't plan to return to the hobby because the hobby destroyed my self esteem for so many years. I enjoy sewing and crafting without expectations, and I enjoy how I can look in clothes I make without eyes deliberately staring me down.
We're no longer in the same friend circle, and I stay away from most people who are our mutual friends since I was never close with anyone even when we were all in college (I was abroad for a big chunk of uni, and my close friend was close with everyone, so I tagged along a lot when I was actually back on campus). I'm happy with the friends I surround myself with now, and I never have to worry about potentially running into her or anyone who even knows her. I just have to let it go. I stopped giving a shit about everyone else who wronged my friend anyway.
Not really a vent but I don't know where else to post it. Also I suspect she and her boyfriend browse here or at least used to because he once mentioned Sheena being responsible for Monty's death when her threads were going strong, and I never saw that accusation posted anywhere else online kek.
No. 1024771
>>1024732LoL people like this exist still lmao Have fun being a fat neet. "I'm doing my part!" She wails as she hibernates in her room. "I don't spread covid!" She squelches out her pimple-ridden lips. Of course, she doesn't spread it, she almost never leaves the house. And when she does leave (her stressed-out mother who pays the bills needs an hour break from her whale Daughter) she double masks, "I'm doing my part," She says as she enters the Walmart. Glassy eyes scan the Oreos, her bulbous tongue swirls over her lips, "Peanut butter?" She squeals as her fat fingers lunge for the fatty snack. She snarls at a maskless child whose small hand was reaching for the Oreos. She huffs, "These are mine." She scratches her fat belly and makes a mental note to buy more mayonnaise.
Autism aside. It's always the fat losers who have nothing better to do (NEETS) who feel so smug and supreme about following covid guidelines. Yeah, never mind the fucking obesity you chubby fucks.
Go fucking do something. Get healthy, get fit.
No. 1024942
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Cleaned the kitchen but I feel like it didn't do anything, clutter & hoarding tendency won't lead us anywhere in this house
No. 1025011
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>attend almost every single friend's party no matter how out of the way or inconvenient it is
>they never hang out with me because I rent apartments and apartments aren't a lot of fun compared to their houses
>so I'm forced to constantly make effort and drive to go see them
>finally buy a house
>just want them to attend one of my parties mostly so I can give them their Christmas gifts
>they ditch my invites for anime conventions
Not saying they deserve covid, buuuuut I wouldn't feel pity if they happened upon it. They're being mean friends, I can't believe they can't even show for my first house. It would be one thing if I just met their acqaintance but I've known them for five years or more. I've been in their fucking weddings, supported them during their fights with their shitty scrotes, and showed at their parties when most people didn't bother.
Damn I'm fucking mad and my feelings are hurt. They don't even offer apologies, weebshit is just more important to them and we're all over 30.
At least ONE friend is still coming. I'm gonna treat her so right. I'm making chocolate dipped strawberries and I still have a fuckton of mead, cider, and wine–from my Christmas said friends also didn't attend. I want to get drunk.
No. 1025019
>>1024911The fridge and vegan discussions were actually pretty interesting.
Sure you're not a grocery store city vegan with a dirty fridge, anon?
No. 1025099
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Hoping school is online, or else I'll have to buy a car to go to school since I had to move back from near campus… I should just become a jehovah witness or someshit
Has anyone used those government/police car auction websites to purchase a car?
No. 1025173
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>>1025147flat asses are nasty on men. They don't have hips, so without a butt their torso just kind of tapers to a point like picrel
No. 1025206
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Living in an old shit house with my family is stressing me out. Both bathrooms have floor rot you can feel and we've run out of money from gutting and rebuilding most of this fucking house. It's impossible to keep truly clean and I had to make an excuse why my friend traveling through the area couldn't stay because it's embarrassing. I notice it everyday and it makes me sick to my stomach. Just waiting on tax refunds to maybe get one fully functional bathroom.
No. 1025214
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New Zealand is actually the biggest shithole in the first world and it bewilders me that we have such a good reputation.
>Cost of living absurdly high
>Taxed on everything
>Low wages
>no industry outside of housing speculation
>1 in 100 people are homeless
>Housing and rent prices so high even middle class people are receiving accommodation supplements
>average house price just cracked a million
>Most gang members per capita in the world
A good portion of my former high school classmates have already left overseas, I might join them later in the year tbh.
No. 1025226
>>1025147A fellow
victim of white girl ass i see
I swear i do a shit ton of hip thrusts and it doesn’t change
No. 1025275
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Please stop talking at me I am an introvert and you are draining my energy with your rambling
No. 1025278
>>1024877If it's a problem for you, you can get therapy for excessive grief. Or look through a self help book on the topic.
I'm sorry you are going through this and wish you peace.
No. 1025287
>>1025011Never give more effort in a relationship more than the other person/people are giving you. If you do that, it's doormat city and you will be taken for granted.
Houses are better than apts but apts can still be fun, and even if you lived in a studio, if they were good people, they still would have come by a few times.
No. 1025290
>>1025031>I am really scared he is going to do nothing again and I'm gonna be hurt again.He is absolutely going to do this. Your bf's trash. He's never going to change. He will do as little as he can get away with. He will never care like you do.
Work on your self-esteem, and once you have some, leave him.
No. 1025294
>>1025275First I well tell you about every meal I made since we last saw, then I will tell you about everything I did in the garden and around the house. Then I will update you on what my husband and sons did, then I will tell you about my plans regarding meals, and activities, then I will tell you what my family is planning to do.
Oh, already done? Let's revisit things I told you about in the past, do you still remember what my son did last summer and how I felt about it?
No. 1025316
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Today I had like my very first real-life conversation with a human male in my life, a normie male that wasn't gay or my teacher. I tried to be as little autistic as possible but when he asked me what do I think about people complaining so much these days and when he said his life has been so much better since he stopped complaining, I sperged out. I said some people can't help their circumstances and their suffering. And he said it's not true and anyone can change anything. I started talking about pesimist philosophy and how the pain wastly outweights the good things in life and how brains of unloved babies literally don't develop as well as those of loved babies and how those people can statistically struggle more often at school and job and in friendship and love, how depression is just a natural effect of our biologically programmed positivity bias running out and reality kickig in, and how most people struggle just so the few % can enjoy being rich etc. And he shrugged and was like "So what. As long as I'm fine and the closest to me are fine, it's ok and I don't care". And I got so angry, and he said that I can't save everyone and if someone wanted to think about all that stuff I think about, they would go crazy. And I was like "E X A C T L Y". I started huffing because I huff uncontrollably when I'm angry. And I could see the visible amusement on his face, which made me angry even more. It seemed like he was just teasing me, he's my coworker and he usually seems to take everything half seriously, so I wanted to see if he's able to be serious for a second when I'm 1 on 1 with him, but he kept the act. If it's even an act. Later I was explaining to him how Edward Bernays caused millions of women to start smoking because the propaganda he created sold smoking as a symbol of empowerment and that was the birth of corporate feminism, and I said how bad smoking is. I even said it vastly increases the risk of erectile dysfunction to see his reaction, given that he's a male and a blatant smoker. And he said that I think people shouldn't be born anyway so why do I care some men couldn't conceive babies. I explained I'm not talking from my point of view but that of average people and how they don't pay attention to their health despite wanting to breed and spread their genes. And he said "I'm not average, I feel special XD" just to fucking tease me. Fuck I fucking hate normie men! But then I started thinking that having a normie boyfriend could actually keep me grounded in a way, having a boyfriend whose personality resembles mine would be a suicide fuel. It feels very weird, because I feel hate towards that normie but, at the same time, some part of me wants to have a boyfriend like him. I still hate him though
No. 1025354
>>1025334> God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.Obsessing over things outside of your control is actively harmful. Depressive realism is a cope. You can reason your way to being realistic without feeling bad about the state of things. Just pack an umbrella instead of wailing and gnashing your teeth about this deplorable world that will allow for humans to be drenched in water without their consent.
It does not follow that the world is full of pain, therefore it is delusional to not feel bad all the time. Emotions aren't logical.
No. 1025375
>>1025365Good for you for volunteering. Encouraging it is good but people have their own lives to worry about, I don't see a point in getting mad over it.
>>1025368He sensed the tism and seized the opportunity to get a rise out of her. Or he didn't know what to do and tried to diffuse the situation with humor.
No. 1025376
>>1025316Can I just say that the audacity of men astounds me? Like even if I disagreed with someone at work, I can't imagine being sick enough to tease them about something they clearly cared about to the point where they were visibly upset. He had no tact at all, whereas I feel if women acted so arrogant and indifferent they'd be shamed for it.
But oh well, men are so privileged in social interactions that they don't have to worry about the ramifications of teasing female coworkers. I guess us women are conditioned to care more because we have genuine empathy for others, and we wouldn't want to go too hard at teasing males for shit they care about because of the risk of their harassment and violence if it goes too far in their minds.
What a rude dumbfuck.
No. 1025378
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my internal monologue is getting even more invasive nowadays. i could simply just be watching a youtube video and mean impulsive thoughts flood my mind and i even vocally have to yell shut up at it before it starts abusing me with embarrassing memories. i’ve also been experiencing bizarre moments of feeling like i’m on the brink of discovering the universe and thinking i have finally exited my body but then the episode goes away in 5 seconds. usually happens out of no where or when i look at the mirror and then question how i’m even in this body and how i even have my name? i swear i’m not supposed to be here
No. 1025383
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>>1025358I was diagnosed but I don't want anyone from work to know. They keep saying I'm just shy and I should be more open. Even the guy I spoken with said I'm too shy and I almost wanted to tell him but I gave up. I have to admit though, he's not trying to push me like other do, and he's not constantly teasing me like he does with other people, he seems to respect my boundaries, or maybe it's not because of respect, maybe he just thinks I can't take a joke. Anyway, I think he is at least a bit considerate of my feelings, if he was like those sadistic, narcissistic adult normies who like to passively aggressively bully quiet people, I would already know. He also helps me at work sometimes even when I don't ask him. And last time when I forgot to take my fork and I didn't have anything to eat my dinner with, he went back to our boss's office and brought me one of hers lmao. It was really nice of him.
No. 1025387
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>>1025383That's pretty cute, there's a guy at my job like that too. I'm kinda awkward and indirect and the normie guys sometimes don't get what I'm trying to say/ask, but he translates what I mean and helps me out with things. He also doesn't joke with me in ways I don't know how to answer to either. But he is pursuing a socially retarded drama queen, so rip.
Good luck with your love quest!
No. 1025392
>>1025378can relate anon, I've been trying to relax myself after work and just catching up on my favorite readings, just to constantly space out with invasive thoughts.
I can suggest to stop whatever you're doing and write your thoughts down, all the embarrassing memories and existential crisis spiraling thoughts. Let your brain flex and lie until it has its fill and finally leave you alone to your normal human everyday lives again.
No. 1025400
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>>1025391>suggesting that there's a spectrum of abilities It is quite literally called the autism spectrum, what kind of retards are arguing against that?
Frankly if someone can actually verbalise that they're autistic, I will assume they're the quiet spergy types. Low functioning autists are legitimately retarded, it really is like a totally different disorder.
No. 1025461
>>1025424>but as soon as you tease them they start shaking and throwing up and crying. And then you can maintain a veneer of plausible deniability around it kek.Have you even spoken to a male, they just start screeching over you, or play the
victim and make everyone hate you for being a cruel bitch or whatever.
No. 1025467
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>>1025434I’m like this too, I think of it as activation energy and that helps me manage it better.
No. 1025486
I need to break up with my boyfriend. I'm so done with him, and everything he does grates on my ears. I can't believe I stuck around for a year with a moid who has a receding hairline and who's idea of a conversation is talking at me about his spergy interests and interrupting me when I try to get a word in. I guess this is what happens when you're lonely between the constant lockdowns and working from home. The thing is I hate breaking up with people. I don't like uncomfortable conversations, and this ranks for me as the most uncomfortable kind of conversation to have. Especially in this instance where the reasons I'm breaking up with him are because I know I'm too good for a balding scrote who always smells like dust and moths, is too autistic to register and understand basic emotions, and doom scrolls every minute of the day and loves to talk about it. Being around him single-handedly lowers my self esteem because I feel like I've lowered my standards significantly for him.
But that's not something you can really say when you're breaking up with someone, I'm thinking I'll just say some vague bullshit like realising we aren't compatible. We also frequent all the same bars so I'll inevitably run into him again so I want to keep it on civil terms.
I've never been dumped before, but situations like this make me wish he could take the hint that I find him insufferable and he would do the service himself.
He barged into my place to give me back something of mine last night when I only thought he was dropping it off, staying for over an hour and just rambling to me while I sat there and silently seethed. Nothing he says ever sounds coherent, if you met him on the street you would think he's fried from years of drug abuse. I was literally standing in the doorway and he just pushes past me without asking if he could come inside (near midnight when I had work the next day, mind you) and acts like it's nothing. He has no consideration for others what so ever. He acts like a soft boy and is simultaneously a doormat whilst being the most obnoxious and rude person I've ever met. That's the unchecked autism for you, no one in his life has probably ever pulled him up for the way he behaves.
I can't wait to break up with him and get it over with, I want to be freed of him. I don't want to have to think about him, or worry about having to be around him. But I'm also lacking the strength to just do it. It would need to be in person so next week is best, but my god I'm dreading it. I'm dreading the long winded conversation, I'm dreading him resisting initially and telling me he wants to try and fix it when there's nothing to fix.
I'm dreading going around in circles because he won't be able to comprehend my reasons just how he literally cannot comprehend his own emotions. I'm breaking up with a 32 year old man but my god he feels like an immature child. Give me the strength nonnies I beg you. I can't keep allowing the human equivalent of nails on a chalk board in my life, in my apartment.
No. 1025488
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>>1025485This you? Mad respect if so
No. 1025513
I am re-watching the Louis Theroux documentary on the brothel and it is so depressing, as is to be expected. What inspired me to write this message, though, is how a young girl is there to support her child and family, but only temporarily, according to the female owner, who was previously a prostitute herself. Sorry for all of the commas, kek. Anyway, it is absolutely horrendous to hear how sanctimoniously this woman mentions it. Just casually helping a girl by traumatising her so she can get through college. It is so vile and abusive. Putting this poor girl who already has to provide for her siblings and most likely a teenage pregnancy through such horrible trauma, but telling her it's a good thing and will help her go to college. It is a form of gaslighting, in my opinion, and probably what that woman's filthy ex-customer husband did to her. I'm probably making no sense with my excessive use of titles and relationships, but it is so so so disgusting. I want to punch that woman so badly. She and her husband have enough money to run a different kind of business for young girls to gain support from, like a restaurant. But of course they don't do that, because the woman was "saved" by one of her customers who decided to marry her and is probably living out some sort of disgusting fetish this way. One of the girls there was freshly 19… I'm turning 19 in a few months, it makes my stomach turn. ugh
No. 1025530
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The girl who is playing Snow White is so brain dead, must be why her eyes are 10 feet apart. Anyways why does Disney keep making live action remakes if they aren't going to be good to begin with? Im really missing their golden years of hand drawn animation.
No. 1025561
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>>1025530She is ugly as fuck fr. Fairest of the land where? The goonies?
No. 1025569
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>>1025561ThE fAiReSt Of ThE LaNd
No. 1025593
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>>1025493Well blog but
He used to go on mantrums over the most minor shit and was lazy and self sabotaging. A few times in the relationship he would imply that I “saved” him and that he wouldn’t be able to “cope” without me and it made me feel so much pressure. Also told me he loved me after our second date and told everyone I was his gf without officially asking me out. He would pick jobs below his skill because of muh anxiety and then moan and bitch that they where boring and the py was shit and he had no money and he still lived with his parents. He would piss and moan about being “bullied” in high school just bc some people teased him about not having gf. He would also go on pathetic road rage tantrums that would give ME anxiety, and I told him this because I’ve been in a fucking car accident before, but he never gave a shit. When I brought it up he basically told me “well you don’t drive so stfu” so basically I just had to put up with it. This all accumulated one day when he was driving me home and he was completely testerical screaming and shouting behind the wheel and smashing his hands around while I sat there like picrel, about being poor and muh depression and all of his self inflicted problems and it just turned me off so much I just couldn’t even speak to him. I ghosted him for 2 days before telling him “I am having doubts about our relationship”. He went on a complete meltdown and basically did the hard work for me (you’re breaking up with me because you can’t handle my mental illness and you think I’m a loser, he said. I lied and said no you’re a great person!! I’m just young and immature!) he kept reaching out to me and I would either ignore or give a benign reply back. Now he’s stopped texting me completely and I’m glad. All of this was over text and it was easy af. No. 1025601
>>1025598Idk why people are hating on him, like I get he’s a scrote but he was much more polite than I would have been kek. I see nothing wrong with his behaviour. Like how do nonnies expect him to fucking act? “Wow queen, please huff and puff more about how smoking is making my dick floppy while we are at work, you’re such an intelligent woman”
I mean I’m not trying to hate on
nonny, I’m autistic as fuck too and highly combative to boot, I’d probably get along with her very well.
No. 1025617
>>1025601Yeah, if your first one-on-one conversation with a guy is with indirectly insulting his sexual life with the cigs and erectile dysfunction thing and he took it lightheartedly, that's as smooth as a convo with a scrote can go kek. Scrotes around me don't even listen to what I have to say related to work much less take my philosophical musings seriously. But then, I also dislike people getting too in my business while I'm just waiting to clock out at work.
Nonnie got too into it since it was her first convo, hope she can get better at social situations.
No. 1025618
6 am, im fucking drunk, i would say that im rotten, but im not, feel more like a ruins reclaimed by the nature, abandoned, this life is worth to live, but i feel like there is nothing out there, i wish i could be and AI, i can handle living, but at the same thing seems futile becuase its pure loneliness, even if i got +1000 replies or whatever shit this vent is still worthles, just one ranting more, dont get me wrong, i love living and all the things that the lifes offer, but being alone for 20+ years and realizing that you are going to spend the rest of your live alone will crush the soul of anyone, anyways, i love being alive all the chances that future can bring, i would rather to stay alone that getting the attention of the average retard people, this is pure inconsistent ranting from some drunk bastard, what could i say, i love being alive, but there is no "purity" to be matched, not even a bit and if there is it, its too far, internet in some way its a mistake, it make us realize that there are people like us somewhere, but far away from our reach, it fucking burns our souls, i wish i could do something, literally something, but i can, everyone have a rotten sould and i can smell it, i can play their little roleplaying game but i would rather to be a "true form" im going to die alone, if you are reading this, you are reading something a bit unique, i have values, i decided to live my life following them, if it leads me to a (emotinally) painful end i will gladly accpet it, there is nothing more worth than that, its the only true thing in this wasteland life, i wish i could avoid every single one of you in my life but at the same time i wish i could have someone THAT SOMEONE, not a lot, just 1, you dont need more, all of this people and i just need 1, everyone need 1 but no one wants to be the one, fucking bullshit, i still remmeber that ratard from my college "there is always someone beeter", kinda true but unable to see the potential of the human, people like this are worthless who can understand souls as potential, people who trhow their potential for some way of seeing peopel as a "better", bullshit, you are all fucking stupid, numb heart, i just cant feel an eternal disgust, i just can sit and see the time passing, and getting a bit more "boring" with you every year, its not even disgust, its just "im so fucking done, you dont have nothing to offer more than the ideas that you think i would like", there is no real peope, just people who want to be accepted, just the "natural" thing, people getting adapted to a harsh social enviroment, and you may survive, but at wast cost, you are losing your soul, everyone is losing their soul, future is going souless, i will chase a dream until the sweet end comes, i alredy can feel that im going to have a sad dead, but it will be worth since i lived follwoing my ideas and values, im so proud, its crushing my soul, but its worth, and who knows, as long as there is a tomorrow there is hope, you never know, i think there is no hope with me, but i guess that you never know, i love and hate the internet, you all are fake, you lie, you think you are worht but you are not, you ask for things that you cant even offer, yet you are so elinghten, its the last human form, we are just living a dream, this makes no fucking sense, if there is someone that liked this fukcing stupid rant, i would probaly despite you, if you think i would not, then i woudl love you, but there is the internet! so whatever, you just got a peak of something nice but its unreachable, bad luck.
im not going to die, im already dead, and not in a way of a "emo" vision, at the moment that you need "hope" to be alive you are alredy dead, you are in some kind of limbo "discount" time, you are living the potential line, yet you cant do nothing to get out of there, just sit and enjoy the ride.
What else can i say? i love being alive, i love every second on this rotten heart, you any of you are truly real, yet i could kinda love any of you <3
Dont sell your soul for anything.
No. 1025635
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Could this be considered man hate or something? Because after I posted this in my story my brothers gf, who I actually like, replied to me saying basically "haha not all men are bad". I'm ESL but this doesn't seem to be anything nevative?
She's also straight (and I'm bi but don't date men) so I wonder if she just doesn't get it or felt called out or what.
No. 1025649
>>1025643Are you in a house or apartment? Any way to file a noise complaint?
Get some earmuffs like the ones they use in construction
No. 1025652
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>>1025633>Work from homeMaybe it's because I've never had an office job, but I've never understood how office workers just blob out on their computer after work. I come home from scaffolding in the hot sun and it's a good contrast being able to be on a computah, being able to sit down and do nothing. But hell, the idea of sitting at a computer for 8 hours only to finish my shift and then sit at the computer just seems weird, I understand why you hate it. I get burnt out too but that's because I have landscaping after work to get through and it's psychical, but I'm happy to sit at my computer and play puzzle games, post here or whatever.
Have you considered that you don't get enough exercise and sunlight in nonna? Maybe try forcing yourself to do a strenous physical activity right after work, something you don't have to think too much for like the gym, or a sport. Something like twilight tennis where you can play with others and have fun. I don't know what your other hobbies are, but if they're something cerebral like violin or writing then it probably won't do it. Sorry for the unsolicited advice, your post just reminded me of my friends a bit.
No. 1025659
>>1025652No, please don't be sorry at all. I really appreciate it. I think the lack of sunlight might be a huge problem. I work in a different timezone than the one I live in, so by the time work is done, the sun is already long gone. It's nice because I've always been a night owl and I get to stay up late, but I should start taking walks during my lunch or something.
My big hobby is drawing and my job is all typing, so I've always been worried about picking up a sport that could injure my wrists but maybe something like aerobics would do the trick.
No. 1025662
>>1025660Well, she isn't now, no, but I also don't blame her for it, I've been in an
abusive relationship before myself and it started exactly like this. Her new girlfriend is such a fucking psycho so if I hate anyone it's her. I just want my best friend back.
No. 1025668
>>1025649>>1025661I live in an apartment but the noise sounded very faint like it was from another building. I don't believe in filing complaints or calling the cops anyways because it only does so much, the one time I complained they went right back to playing their music anyway.
I'm so sensitive to sound that I need to drown it out with more noise but if I play music eventually that starts to bother me too. I've tried turning my radio on to static but the sound is too annoying. I guess I'm meant to suffer until I move out of the city.
No. 1025670
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>>1025657>I thought it would hurt less but yesterday morning I cut her name into my thigh…what the fuck?
No. 1025679
>>1025662As someone who lost a dear friend to a psycho husband, I feel for you anon. It isn't her fault but I hope she can one day get out of there and find help. Do you know if she's physically
No. 1025687
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the transience of imageboards is both comforting and sad. take the hnk threads on /a/, for example; i'm checking through the archives for moments that made me laugh and it's simply wild to think i spent years of my life in those generals, with people who will always remain total strangers to me – or, y'know, anonymous.
sad to think the fun times are gone, too. those anons i met are scattered to the winds of the internet now.
i also think i'm going to die soon, so maybe that's why i'm getting so emotional. my weird chest pain (which has lasted since mid 2018, 24/7) is getting worse and i get so tired just from a quick dance around my room. though i don't know, maybe that's just from covid idleness and my body can't handle it.
No. 1025688
>>1025316Jesus now I cringe at this post so bad, he definitely thinks I'm crazy or dumb and will never take me seriously again. I know from someone that he had a pretty good opinion on me in the beginning. But I bet he lost it now. It was better when I didn't talk at all and I was just a silent worker doing my work well. The more I speak the worse it gets. I'm too ashamed to even go near him
I forgot to mention that I was sitting next to him every break, because yesterday we were basically alone on our shift, and not only I thought it would be awkward sitting somewhere else but I also found talking to someone 1 on 1 much easier than when there's a group of people and I wanted to give it a try. I never talked to him that much because there were always other coworkers around. He probably thinks I tried to hit on him because I've never behaved like this before. He sat next to me on our first break and that's when I sperged out for the first time, and next break he sat somewhere else lmao and that should be the clue for me to stop I guess, but I asked if he minds if I sit next to him and he was like it's ok, then next break I did it again but without asking. I'm really going to off myself. Should I go to him and apologize for being too intrusive? Or will it make it worse?
No. 1025713
>>1025657I was with you until the
>I cut her name into my thigh while cryingpart. I think there's a reason her new girlfriend doesn't let her see you
nonny, good god.
No. 1025727
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>>1025709>homeworkFancy word for 'free overtime'. I hate your manager.
No. 1025736
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angery that my best friend went from 100% misandrist, anti natalist "extremist" radfem to slightly radfem leaning but now moids aren't the problem all of a sudden bc she's now anti vaxx, calls liberalism marxism and is an anti semite. this shit sucks.
No. 1025755
>>1025749before she moved in with her, she shat on her (female) cousin often and called her a stoner/burn out. of course when they got together she's suddenly a stoner. I wonder if the excessive weed
triggered something in her.
No. 1025770
>>1025688It’s ok
Nonny, we love and accept you as you are, you huffing, puffing big bad autistic wolf <3
No. 1025777
>>1025772literally none of what you've mentioned about what she
now believes is at all esoteric, it's like extremely, disturbingly mainstream. it's one thing to be aware of it, but if you actually believe it, that's just very sad
No. 1025778
>>1025777stfu, begone angry spirit.
>>1025765>now she's tolerating being told by men to prostitute herself.yeah that's a no-no. maybe she never internalized spiels from radfeminism and likes to be contrarian. or she's a goof who cant think for herself
No. 1025885
>>1025873Hey nona, wisdom tooth removal sucks! The healing process afterwards sucks! When I got my bottom two removed, they were impacted so I had to get stitches and I was in pain for a whole week. I did everything right but I just wasn't one of those people where the pain went away within 3-4 days. I was so fucking hungry all the time because I couldn't have proper, filling meals to the point where it brought me back to the days where I had a shit relationship with food and constantly hungry and thinking about my next meal because I was starving myself.
I hope you'll heal up enough to be able to eat more solid food soon. Why not try congee? It's still not very filling unless you eat a lot, but keeps you satiated a little more than soup does. It'll be a little gross (depending on your standards) but what about instant noodles or pasta soups and then overcooking the noodles a bit so they're easy enough to mush and break up with just your tongue and the roof of your mouth? If you like fish, I think steamed fish is good since it's soft without heading into gross mush territory. I ate fish congee after I got my uppers removed recently.
No. 1025935
>>1025486>I was literally standing in the doorway and he just pushes past me without asking if he could come inside (near midnight when I had work the next day, mind you) and acts like it's nothing. You know it's actually ok for you to tell anyone who shows up at your house at midnight trying to visit 'you need to get fuck out because who the hell shows up at midnight trying to visit and i have to work tomorrow dumbass'?
>I'm dreading the long winded conversation, I'm dreading him resisting initially and telling me he wants to try and fix it when there's nothing to fix. Don't have a long winded conversation. Just tell him "I'm ending this relationship because my feelings have changed and I don't want to be in a relationship with you any longer." Then whatever he says back, "I just don't want to be in a relationship and there is nothing that can change my mind" and that it's, over and over again. Don't engage with any of his arguments.
Good luck
nonnie, you can do this. Just focus on how good you will feel once you are done with him.
No. 1025952
>>1025827Anxiety is the pits. Here's to better days for you
No. 1025954
>>1025873If you are in a ton of pain, talk to your dentist about it.
Have you tried meal replacement drinks like Ensure, its not good food but it should keep you from being malnourished.
No. 1025978
>>1025741I'm laughing so hard
>the jews and aliens at fault for the degradation of modern society Because of how politics work nowadays a lot of right winger women believe themselves to be radical feminists because they hate libtards and "whores". But that's not actually radical feminism. Radical feminism is leftism and it's analysis emphasizes how men oppress women including through prostitution. A radical feminist is not supposed to think about aliens or jews but literally about men, because men are the ones that have destroyed society and that have even made prostitution possible.
No. 1025994
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Nonnas I’m tired of feeling emotions when I’m hurt. I don’t want to care but I also do. Facts no feelings persona is really hard to do when you’re a very emotional/avoidant person but it’s really hard to pay attention and try to get distract your stupid and incredibly loud thoughts from dominating your mind. I’m not a good person but at least I’m not romanianon, I just want a good day I no longer feel long bursts of joy or happiness anymore, it’s just quick breezes of enjoyment and it goes away. True hell kek
No. 1026008
>>1025885Thank you for your suggestion, sweet nonita <3, I did have congee the first two days or so but if i eat it one more time i might throw up. I got sick of it. i did listen to you and cooked some pasta and i'm eating it rn. I feel much better already.
>>1025919Thank you <3, and i do have painkillers. I'm not in pain at all. I'm just worried that if i eat normal food it'll get into the sockets.
>>1025954No pain luckily, just hungry. I don't have that drink here but i'll get some smoothies or something. thank you <3
No. 1026009
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>>1026002 ok Jordan Peterson, but remember you're miserable because you're actually a terrible person. You judge others, look down on them and when someone does it to you, then you chicken out
No. 1026030
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>>1026025Do people actually do this?
No. 1026104
>>1025994Same. Meditation is supposed to help with that. But you can also try talking it out with someone, or just writing your feelings down.
Bad feelings are unavoidable cause brains are lame, but they aren't the end of the world, even when it feels like. Have to learn how to not make them the worst thing ever. Or I had to anyway.
Also, look into distress tolerance as taught in Dialectal Behavior Therapy. DBT is for Borderline Personality Disorder, I don't have that but I find some of the techniques useful anyway. You can find descriptions online or pick up a book about it.
No. 1026118
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Shit just feels hopeless sometimes ya know? Like the hurdles just seem to big and too much. Can someone just tell me that it will be okay…
No. 1026122
>>1026102Try Soap2day. The search function is shitty so search 1 word instead of the whole title.
also, I feel like I look like a bot because I keep recommending this site to other anons lol Moviecrumbs also works.
No. 1026173
>>1026104Thank you for the info
nonny definitely gonna research DBT since I am sort of interested in psychology <3
No. 1026180
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How come every time I make eye contact with someone I know they look away before I wave and I look retarded reeeee
No. 1026211
>>1026171>>1026196I'm stupidly sheltered so I didn't know a psychiatrist was an option, thank you. It probably costs quite a bit for an appointment right?
>>1026179Yeah sorry I meant just everyone on the internet. The friends I had before shutting down were always talkative and wanting to meet up.
No. 1026326
>>1026092Yes I can admit I do. But I think I heard from someone he has a gf so I just have to suffer. I really don't know how to treat a guy I like especially if I know I can't have him. I think I'm unable to show friendliness towards someone I'm attracted to, I just couldn't hide my true intentions. My attraction to him angers me just as much as he angers me as a normie, and it makes me even more combatative
Thank god my only interaction with him today was when our cowoker finished ealier because she got her period (he knew that two days ago I also left ealier for the same reason) and he asked me if we're synchronizing with each other kek
No. 1026353
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I'm so fucking angry at my company right now. We've had positive covid cases crop up for weeks but leadership (while the majority work from the comforts of their own homes) haven't made announcements to the company about these cases and haven't addressed what they plan to do in office about anything for those of us forced to report even though they've all worked from home before and came into the office in rotations when covid was first here.
So last night my manager sends a fucking email at midnight titled "Possible Covid" and tells us her son is running a fever and showing symptoms so they're going to go get tested and she'll be WFH. Well, she's been coming to work with "sinus" symptoms and a headache for the past week. So fuck us, right?
This morning I wasn't comfortable going into work and neither was my colleague who is a contract hire, so I told them I was going to go get my booster today.
I got such stupid, underhanded pushback from that manager. "Well I'd really want at least two from our team in office." Get bent! My colleague folded and went in, but I didn't. I sent HR a picture of my booster and fucked off for the day.
Well, well, well. Guess whose son is positive? HERS! We've been around her all damn week!
She insists her test was negative but that she'd be quarantining anyway.
It makes no damn sense for her to be telling us not to worry just because her test today was negative, and yet her son who lives with her is positive. And that she's had symptoms that she just chalked up to sinuses.
What the actual fuck. Oh and of course work isn't busy and we're not pressed, this is all about powerplay and micromanaging to get people in office chairs so we can pretend to be busy for 7 out of 8 hours in our shift.
No. 1026355
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I'm turning 30 this year. I'm a cute young woman who's happy with her life and friends. I used to be in a relationship with a cynical reddit scrote for 7 years so I'm happy to finally be single and allowed to just be my old upbeat, sunshiny, happy self without having the wrong taste in things, doing things wrong, being in the wrong mood or being forced to shit on people who committed the crime of being happy and basic instead of brooding sadboy pseudo-intellectuals.
That said, I've had so many men (never other women) over the course of the last 3 years tell me I seem much younger because I act "childlike". I'm not "childlike", I'm plenty mature. I act happy, goofy and silly because that's my personality and that's how I feel at that particular moment. My whole family is like this. I'm so tired of being told I act like a child because I like to have fun and don't dress in powersuits or scowl at people from behind an office desk. I'm thirty, not an embittered Victorian schoolmarm, and the only time I didn't act like this is when an emotional vampire was sucking my soul and positive emotions out with his penis.
Anyway, I hate men.
No. 1026384
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Going to start referring to my bfs family members as the unmentionables. He talks about them so much and I’m supposed to like what? Pretend to like them? I don’t know them and I rather not. Stoic responses only from now on for him next time he mentions them.
No. 1026397
>>1025434One trick that I use with this is shooting for a lot less than I actually would want to do. For example, saying I'm only gonna exercise for 2 minutes or I'm only gonna clean this one corner, etc. Once you start you can do more obviously which is usually what happens. You still need to allow yourself to stop if you do wanna stop after the 2 minutes. That knowledge of I can stop being legitimate makes it work better for me at least.
Another mind trick I use is the light switch technique. This really helps if you have perfectionistic tendencies. The trick is thinking about whatever task you wanna do as a binary, you either flip that switch or you don't. Instead of thinking about doing the task "perfectly" or as a spectrum of 0% done to 100% done just focus on getting it done. If you still have energy afterward once it's done you can work to make it better either way.
No. 1026430
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My back keeps locking up at work and it’s so embarrassing. I’m too tall for the counter I lean over for hours, and the back brace looks lame.
I can’t seem to correct my posture or stretch enough I need help! I need a taller counter! Why am I so tall??! I just want to work hard and not leave early holding my lower back.
I love this job but who is the midget that set up the layout and equipment?
If any nonnas have back advice I’m all ears.
No. 1026467
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>>1026447The /g/ infighting is hilarious, sorry
No. 1026507
>>1026311Totally understandable to bummed,
No. 1026513
>>1026430Wear the backbrace.
Or you can spread your legs and like a giraffe at a watering hole. Which would also make you look lame.
Or get a mini foldable table and put it on top of your counter.
Or stack up some cutting boards.
tl;dr all the options will have you looking like a lame so wear the backbrace.
No. 1026543
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Do dogs don't get tired of barking all goddamn day long?? like wtf get a job or something.
No. 1026564
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>hire a weed eater to cut back the overgrowth on my hill
>purchase one for $300
I'm pretty pissed off rn, ngl. But the job has to be done and I can't afford a weed eater rn, plus I don't want to borrow someone else's in case it breaks.
No. 1026567
>>1026541Ask if you can borrow a cat trap from a local shelter or TNR group. They'll walk you through how to do it. Don't give up; skittish kittens can be great housecats.
t. trapped a skittish feral kitten who's now a needy housecat
No. 1026616
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That video of people throwing beer at that woman because she told another lady to not flash herself in front of kids made me so mad. Why are people so fucking evil.
No. 1026666
>>1026637wtf hat’s so stupid, I’m sorry
nonnie. Best of luck in getting your account back!
No. 1026670
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I know It's something ridiculous to be hung up on, but I'm nearly 30 and still a virgin. I have no real sexual interest in men, and feel like the experience would probably be terrible if not traumatic. I'm very sexually interested in women but have been very ashamed of that fact for most of my life. That combined with mental illness, has made it nigh impossible to have a romantic or sexual relationship. Some part of me feels like I'm inherently juvenile or childish for still being a virgin at this age. Like I've missed out on some important human experience milestone. My sexual hang ups are just one of the reasons I feel alienated & defective compared to the rest of society. It's not the main reason, but it certainly doesn't help.
No. 1026693
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>I just feel so stupid, it's like I need someone to hold my hand through everything. Oh nona, I feel like this a lot too . I believe in you though. A lot of studying is just repetition of information! Like via analog flashcards you make yourself, or with websites like Quizlet. Sometimes if the info you're studying is common enough you can even find public Quizlet flashcards/quizzes already created! Your main first step is to do a little self-assessment and find out what you already know pretty well (so you don't need to study as much!) and what you are most clueless about (study this the most!).
One other tip is to figure out: what time of day are you most alert? In what setting are you most alert and relaxed? Use these things to your advantage and don't fight it. If you're a night owl, fine! Go with what works best for you.
Let me know if you wanna talk about studying any more.
No. 1026737
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when you leave your small little radfem echo chamber and watch random videos and stream clips with women in it and have to watch them speak with a grating voice and wear heaux makeup when they’re talking to a male streamer and to the rest of the audience. when will i ever be as pretty and significant as them?
No. 1026822
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I'm in a meeting with 30+ people. I want to eat but I have to cook it first and that woould take 30 min or so and I'd have to stirr it almost constantly, sadly it's the only thing I have at the moment but I'm worried I'll miss something important and have no outside speakers.
God I fucking hate these meetings
No. 1026870
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i thought i was friends with someone, but now that i'm too busy to engage in our shared hobby rp aka making the anime boys kiss she constantly ignores my messages and only gets back to me like hours later.
No. 1026871
>>1026693How do I find these things out? I'm not really attuned to my body. I struggle to study or even work. Luckily I'm a coder so I can afford to only do 3 hours work a day. But If I want to advance at work I need to start coding more.
Please save me, I played too many video games as a child, teen and adult and now my dopamine receptors are fried.
No. 1026891
>>1026693Thank you for the reply! I already make flashcards for definitions and classes where it would make sense, but the upcoming exams are all law stuff. The issue is that for those you can't really learn anything by heart like for others. You need to figure out how specific laws were meant to be used and then you need to work through related cases to get used to writing solutions in the right way and also read a bunch more cases because there can be very tricky constellations; even seemingly minor details can be important when solving one. So it's a lot of reading and understanding and my main problem is that it takes so long (3 hours to fully solve and write down one case, more if I have to look up stuff) and I can't manage time well.
I'm most alert in the mornings and evenings and that's when I usually study, but if I oversleep I won't be able to get anything done during the day. When I timed myself in the last study phase I found out that I can only actively study 2-3 hours in a day and yet I somehow won't have time left for anything else. When something pressing is on my mind I can't seem to focus on or do anything else, the day just goes by without me noticing. If I manage to get like 2 hours of studying done in the morning and then tell myself I will do a little more in the evening it's basically a coin toss. And if I manage to put in more work later that same day, I will feel like all my time management and mental health issues were solved and I'll get a feeling of "Oh, so this is how normal people live!". And the next day will literally go by in a flash without me being able to do anything. This always happens to me, it's as if I need a break after doing the bare minimum and I don't know how to stop it, it's like I don't have control over anything
No. 1026894
>>1026871Sorry to but in
nonnie but I want to learn how to code myself and I have the same issues. How did you do it and what do you think is the best way to learn?
No. 1026969
>>1026909 i don't find those things that you listed boring, i also find them fulfilling and
would probably be satisfied if i could just drop out of uni and not have a career ever. I believe that most people could be satisifed with simple things if we weren't made to be obsessed with education, opportunities in our future jobs and satisfing everyone around us. I wish I could just have a tiny place to live in, go for a walk in the morning and listen to music while staring outside a window - I'm not stupid and can do very well at school I just don't really want to. How I wish I could just stop caringabout my moms happiness and go my own way in life.
No. 1026977
>>1026909I'm in the exact same position. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that with minimum wage jobs I'd have to deal with many customers and generally unpleasant situations. If I can just finish my degree without killing myself I can maybe get an easy office job and a nicer apartment to come home to and to keep a cat in.
You can do it anon!! Some day you will reach that comfortable point of existence
No. 1027002
>>1024949>>1024954I have no excuses. For either.
My younger cousin took over my flat when I offered it as a last resort refuge. Turned it into a drug den. Pulled out all my sex toys. Killed all my plants.
Her ex first boyfriend and me keep updating each other. Their family does nothing, even though we know of her drug use.
Now he keeps asking if he can visit in person. Just come by for a weekend. I have a weird gut feeling.
No. 1027032
>>1026909I feel the same. I hate work.
>>1026911Don't do this. That's not how the world works. You won't be comfy with some low paying job doing what you want in your small life, you will work the same hours as someone with a university degree, and while they sit on their ass and "work" maybe 3-4 hours a day in front of a computer, you will be harassed by customers and shitty managers and run around all day and when you finally get off you'll be utterly exhausted and employers will treat you like you're garbage because they can just replace you any time.
Meanwhile you make 20% of what the office drone makes.
The office drone will also possibly "work from home", ie "actually work maybe an hour or two a day on their own schedule" while you slave away forever without hope.
It's not "less money for less work", it's "less money for more work" and the work you'll be doing is likely to be a soul crushing grind.
No. 1027046
I'm sitting on my couch bawling my eyes out with my puppy.
My fiancé was being an ass to me while I was cooking dinner last night. I emotionally cheated a few months ago with an online friend, and even though he's said he's forgiven me, he hasn't let it go and brings it up at every opportunity. His favorite thing is reading the r/relationship_advice sub about all the men bitching about their cheaters–never about women and their cheating men, and of course he glosses over all the useless man stories. While I was cooking dinner, he was plopped on the couch going on about this redditor bemoaning about how he felt his girl wasn't prioritizing him. Hm, well do I prioritize you my fiancé? "Well that one night you didn't!" Referring to the night when I emotionally cheated after he'd gone upstairs to sleep drunk after a party I hosted and left me to clean up the mess by myself at 8pm. I was alone and emotionally/sexually frustrated.
I want to go berserk. I was getting ready to throw the seared scallop, mussel, and shrimp scampi dinner I was making out the window. I mean, why bother right? Because prioritizing his seafood dinner doesn't mean shit if he still remembers me cheating months ago huh? Domestic service clearly indicates no prioritization of his needs, nope. He said he was "out of line" for having said that and apologized.
After dinner I asked him to put away and clean up since I was feeling fatigued from my covid booster. He gave me pushback because he ~couldn't figure out how to put the spice bottles back~ Lol, figure it out, idiot. When we first moved in I created a customized spice rack with labeled bottles to make things easy to find and convenient. Literally just put the bottles away in their alphabetical spot. No one's that retarded, he was just too lazy to put away five spice bottles.
Anyway he realizes I'm not coming to do it for him so he pulls out a rack too quickly which causes it to fall out of the cabinet (had I been engaged to a handy man, he might have anchored the assemblies with a drill for me so this wouldn't have happened). Two bottles broke spreading 8oz of spice all over the floor, one of them being tumeric which stained. I let out a sigh of disgust as I went to help him in the kitchen but he snapped at me to let him pick up because I was wearing his Ugg slippers and he didn't want them ruined. I quipped "Heaven forbid I ruin something of yours." I calmly walked outside to take the dog out while he swept and cleaned up the mess. I forced him to vacuum the entire kitchen, which he almost didn't do but I bitched about the glass.
He didn't even apologize to me until I complained that he didn't.
This morning as I, once again start the routine of being the only person to feed, potty, and entertain our puppy, noticed he left a pile of tumeric under the fridge. It's stained the floor and baseboard trim. I stepped on a shard of glass. I looked at my spice rack and he didn't even put them back in alphabetical order, and also didn't bother to wipe off the spice dust powder that flung onto the other bottles.
I sent him texts in a rage, because he still isn't out of bed and it's almost 11am and yes he went to bed earlier than I did.
I feel no care at all. He may "love" me for his selfish reasons but he clearly doesn't care about my burdens or feelings. He wonders why I cheated? I don't understand what he expects, I'm not an emotionless mommymaid robot who just dispenses services and affection with no thoughts or needs of my own. Who's cleaning up my messes? Who's figuring out how to get tumeric stains off the floor while I have a fever and my arm is sore?
I wish I didn't have to do any of this. I wish I could live on my own with my sweet animals. I wish my job could finally keep their promise to promote me or pay me what I'm worth. I hate how I have no support system so my only choices are to deal with shitty roommates or deal with living out my car again. I've worked so hard and will continue to work hard, but I wish I felt respected and seen.
No. 1027050
>>1027046You said it yourself, anon.
You cheated for a reason. Break up and move on. You'll both the better off for it.
No. 1027059
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>>1027046Sis I brought you a latte and some advice
No. 1027065
>>1027046sounds like you are settling
nonnie and not being kind or respecting yourself by staying with such a small, petty, ~
toxic~ man. cheating on somebody doesn't give them the right to mistreat you and the whole thing just sounds emotionally exhaustive. you know things don't have to be this way, so why don't you love yourself and leave him
No. 1027074
>>1027066More like
>vents>anons throw up obvious and simplistic blanket statementDon't be mad, some anons have to act grown around here cause you're certainly not.
No. 1027095
>>1027078>trying to be promoted at work>>1027046>wish my job could finally keep their promise to promote meyeah sounds like youre working super hard and not being passive about your current situation at all or placing the responsibility on outside parties to "keep their promise"
WAKE UP girl, we are trying to root for you but youre making it difficult
No. 1027098
>>1027093Yeah I've never had roommates before, what a novel idea!
Thank you so much anon <3
>>1027094What do people post here that couldn't be kept to themselves tbh.
>>1027095Wow golly, I'll strongarm my directors to notice me tomorrow. Thank you for your support anon <3
No. 1027122
>>1027112Obviously the other anon was picking the fight as soon as the vent they made was posted. She came here to fight, not to vent.
We are allowed to react to stupid posts.
No. 1027131
>>1027112They know but they don't care.
>>1027118I'm not the ass nor am I the first anon to get annoyed by stupid "dump him you dumb bitch" replies. Maybe if I were 20, in college, and not living in a house with him it would be that simple.
>>1027109>>1027122I'll give you angry nonettes credit for one thing: You've shifted my mood from sad to annoyed, way better than the former so that's something I guess.
No. 1027139
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i'm starting a big new job that i'm underqualified for and i already embarassed myself in front of my bosses by asking the worst, most mushy brained question in the whole world. i haven't even started yet and they think i'm dumb which i am but they shouldn't know that yet i wanna cry!! i just wanna get paid!!
No. 1027145
>>1027139If they bring it up, just mention you had a migraine that day and wasn’t thinking straight.
Good luck nonna
No. 1027147
>>1027135Your unsaged comments reek of scroteposter.
>you're the one who moved in with this moidWho was on his best behavior up until this point including when we lived together in our apartment.
Do you think he rolled up acting this way on our first date?
>so you would have someone to give you a home and nowHe didn't "give" me the home. My name is on the mortgage and I pay half of it. Now, without his half of the income, no, I would have not been approved for the loan by myself.
>now you're pikachu facing at the fact that he's a manchildI know, I've committed the heinous crime of taking a man at face value and expecting him to function like an adult. Call me dumb again mommy <3
No. 1027158
>>1027148Report him, and demand a response from the delivery service in writing.
I see so many delivery people not respecting the contactless/ Covid protocols. They deserve to lose their jobs
No. 1027162
>>1027131You have two choices: stay with him or leave him. If you choose to leave, you will need to figure out your living situation at some point. If you stay with him, and worse marry him, then you live forever with this guy. Neither is a stress-free, easy option but they’re your only ones.
Now all of you shut the fuck up
No. 1027172
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>when anons start infights and then get upset when OP hands it back to them
No. 1027181
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>>1027172its pretty hilarious how the tone shifted from general practical support to hostility when OP demonstrated her insufferability and perpetual
victim complex and now she has to pretend she's very unfannily flustered
No. 1027190
>>1027181Nobody thinks "Dump him" is support, and your replies have revealed that you believe OP's situation is "self made" implying her actions are more accountable than the scrote causing the dysfunction.
Why are we being raided by frogposting scrotes?
No. 1027197
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No. 1027205
>>1027190She cheated. It's at least partially self-made. There are many solutions to her problems, but she just wants to be a
No. 1027207
>>1027199So what? Some men deserve it and especially that fiancé.
This must be what the moids itt are actually mad about. So much focus on that while OP is literally neglected. Much support.
No. 1027219
>>1027207no, it's pretty normal for someone to not just forget being cheated on at the flip of a switch. OP's bf is a manbaby that gets enabled by her, she could simply put her foot down, she won't, she'll just continue to play
No. 1027220
>>1027217Never move out of your home as a woman.
Bad advice, make the man leave.
No. 1027222
>>1027219Well I started by making him clean up the remaining stains in the kitchen and he made me a BLT for lunch to compensate.
Is this a start?
No. 1027225
Cheats on scrote with another scroteYou go, girl power!
No. 1027228
>>1027223Who wouldn't feel insecure in a relationship where someone isn't being treated with respect and who wouldn't want validation when someone's needs are being neglected?
You think you're saying some shit but you're not. People are vulnerable and weak, but it's not like OP cheated on a superifical whim like what MEN do all the fucking time. Her fiancé helped create that situation but I don't see you shitting on him for fancying himself the perpetual
victim over something that happened months ago.
No. 1027236
>>1027229We do, and I do call him out. Anons are just making assumptions based on a post I made when I was upset.
I don't talk to my friends about this because it's embarassing, although they have talked to me about their husband and bf problems before.
No. 1027240
>>1027223>>1027231get fucked with your holier-than-thou actitude
No. 1027245
>>1027243You always get
triggered in behalf of men when anons cheat on them, what the fuck are you doing with your life?
No. 1027261
>>1027245Anon is also
triggered by people acting like
victims but doesn't give a fuck that OP's fiance keeps bringing up being cheated on after 'forgiving' her while she cooks his dinner and helps clean up his mess like a fucking
victim. Hmm, makes ya think..
No. 1027262
>>1027261Most people are seriously put off by antisocial behaviour, especially when those harming others rationalize it as something that's okay. It's no surprise that people feel a need to push back against that.
>abloo bloo you're defending the scroteNobody did that, people told her to leave the useless retard, that still doesn't mean it's okay to cheat on your partner.
Break up or be faithful. It's not that difficult to live on your own as a grown adult with a job.
No. 1027263
>>1027261They're both
victims and belong together. Congrats OP! You've found your soulmate! Good luck in therapy!
No. 1027266
>>1027261i think i'm the anon you're referring too, but like
>>1027262 said, I said that i don't support the stan-like celebration of cheating on here, i was talking about the site as a whole. if the scrote is the problem, leave, what is the point cheating on him with another scrote? i don't get it.
No. 1027274
>>1027262>Most people are seriously put off by antisocial behaviour. Agreed, I'm very disgusted by adult men shirking their responsibilities and then believing their significant others owe them limitless doting and loyalty.
>especially when those harming others rationalize it as something that's okayYeah it's pretty disturbing when people blame women for being the responsible partners and call them doormats for wanting their partners to grow up and proceed to blame them for not uprooting their lives when homelessness and poverty are dangerous for women.
>people told her to leave the useless retardIt's funny because she didn't say she wasn't, just that her situation is more complicated than "dump." That really made you upset, even though that's like a meme on this website due to how trite this is.
Anyways, this wasn't the advice thread. She was venting, she wasn't obligated to respond to you sweetly.
No. 1027280
>>1027261Yeah, something doesn't add up
>>1027270i can get behind this, but these
>>1027262 >>1027263 are pure autism, cheating is bad for women purely because is mostly not practical, but moralfagging about cheating on moids? kek
No. 1027281
>>1027274I wasn't responding to her though.
Nice gaslighting post, I can tell you're very practiced at manipulation.
No. 1027284
>>1027262They talked about it and decided to stay together and he forgave her.
He's the one failing the relationship by not keeping his word and working to move past it. Why doesn't he break up with her if he's still upset and doesn't want to help clean their home? You sure enjoy blaming women, anon.
No. 1027288
>>1027283this post reeks
>>1027284>He's the one failing the relationship by not keeping his word and working to move past itI don't know why anon are ignoring this
No. 1027290
>>1027288Anons need a woman to try to dunk this morning.
I hear a woman with a job and a house trying to make it work with a scrote who needs a few good spanks before he commits to her. Bet that's more than what some anons being nasty here have got, yet here we are.
No. 1027292
>>1027288Literally everyone acknowledged he's acting like a
victim and a manchild.
No. 1027304
Just gonna add a big TMI warning with some medical stuff before I go on,
I moved out about 6 months ago and I got a job. I started off with small shifts from 12PM to about 5PM, 6 if I had to clean up or help out. I moved into a very shitty apartment and had even shittier problems with money, I had to pick up more shifts and eventually I was working 9-10 hours a day. I was getting barely any sleep, I was on my feet all day, I was too busy to talk to anyone, etc etc. My problems with money started to worsen and eventually I could barely afford food except for canned food and I'd sometimes get to have some leftovers from work. Because of this I started to lose weight without trying, I've never cared about my weight or body and I didn't even know my weight to begin with. I didn't notice it at first either because I wouldn't have time to look too hard in the mirror, brush my teeth and hair, shower, checking to see how I look before leaving the house, that was really it. I only really started to realize it when my co-worker pointed it out and said she was concerned.. I think she thought I had an eating disorder?? I told her I was fine and that it wasn't anything serious.
I'd been having a lot of physical problems. Constantly cold, I would feel faint and dizzy, I had no energy to the point where doing simple things was exhausting, etc. I just thought I was tired but I started to get concerned once I couldn't go #2 for almost 2 weeks and my stomach was rock hard and bloated. I went to the doctor to get myself checked out and see if I was healthy and they asked if I had an eating disorder.(where I am, medical history can be linked to stuff with therapists and mental hospitals) They weighed me and I was underweight and overall things were not looking good.
I started to talk more about my problems with constipation and I didn't even realize it but I had gone weeks without pooping and it didn't stick out to me because I was so busy. The doctor told me that because of my weight I can't take laxatives but he gave me an enema and told me to get more fibre in my diet and take magnesium, and if that didn't help I should come back.
I came back because it wasn't really helping and my stomach pain started to worsen. He looked at my stomach and I had to get some pictures taken of it and he had to… like rub up on it and ask me if it hurt? Anyways, they told me that I had a lot of stuff built up on the left side of my stomach and that because of my prolonged lack of nutrition, they told me I could have problems with digestion. I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't have enough money to buy a lot of food, I don't have money to buy supplements because they're expensive as shit where I am- I was fucked.
My doctor said I could take Movicol and prescribed me it. Thankfully it's not that expensive where I am but it tastes awful and I have to take 2-3 packets a day. I don't really have anything I can do, I can't rely on my parents for money since we don't have a good relationship and I don't want to leech off my friends. I'm scared that I've fucked up my body without even realizing it and I don't know if I'll ever be the same. The only thing I can do is just eat Weetabix and porridge oats and take Movicol and hope it works.
I feel like a big baby whining about this because it's incredibly embarrassing and I feel like I brought it onto myself when I really didn't, I just don't have money and I can't really control that. I don't know if I should look for a new job or what, I don't have many options right now.
If any anons have some medical knowledge or know how to help this, please let me know because this shit is really bringing me down.
No. 1027306
>>1027296Anons are rabid today, and they are all reacting to the obvious baiting from the cheating op. This person has no social life or friends, and needs us to react so she can shut us all down for being “idiots”.
Honestly, the biggest idiot here is the one signing up for a mortgage (for years) with a partner she does not like enough to remain faithful to in the first place.
No. 1027314
>>1027306>reacting to the obvious baiting from the cheating opWhy do you have to convince yourselves I "baited" you when you've stuck around for an hour being mean to me voluntarily?
Just fuck off if you don't like it, you've said your pieces.
>This person has no social life or friendsI needed an anonymous place to vent because I'm too embarassed to tell this to my friends.
Nobody would be making you feel like an "idiot" if you didn't reply with such retarded things.
>Honestly, the biggest idiot here is the one signing up for a mortgage (for years) with a partner she does not like enough to remain faithful to in the first place.This obviously happened after we got our house and no I didn't plan it. I want to believe in you anon but I think you're baiting me cause there's no way you actually believe this stupid stuff you're imagining.
No. 1027342
>>1027334So what if I did? If you've got better shit to do then go do it.
I'm here because of my coof. The fuck cares? Damn.
No. 1027365
Sorry anons to go back to THAT discussion again but I can't stop thinking what could possibly anon mean by this??
>>1027046>night when I emotionally cheated after he'd gone upstairs to sleep drunk after a partyLike… what did you do, OP? I though emotional cheating is that long process of developing and nurturing romantic relationship without acting up on it; but if it happened over the course of few hours when your bf was asleep, then what was it? What happened?
It's such a confusing mystery, I need to know
No. 1027372
>>1027351That anon you quoted wasn't me and I've seen "dunk" used quite a bit on lolcow.
Are you moving on to post styles now that we've covered your other tired arguments? You don't have to care this much about me, promise you.
>>1027365I reactivated my discord and talked to an online friend I've known for a decade and he confessed some feelings to me on cam while I was showing off some cleavage. Fiancé walked in on that. I'm not calling it physical cheating cause it wasn't, not really sure what you'd call it.
No. 1027380
>>1027376Not bait? He heard our conversation which was turning sexual and he was extremely pissed. I thought he was still passed out and didn't hear him. Wtf.
No. 1027399
>>1027354Chickpeas and baked beans are a great choice! In my area it's cheaper to buy dried beans in bulk than canned. Lentil, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, some types of mushrooms can also be found for cheap. Honestly, just buy whatever fresh produce your budget allows. Pair it with a form of protein(beans, oats, eggs, chicken) and a carb(rice, pasta) and you should be getting all your micro and macro nutrients. I can't tell you exactly which nutrients you need, your doctor can do bloodwork and determine the exact vitamins you're missing. A balanced meal should have a protein source(beans/meat/eggs), some carbs and some veggies.
Also, in my experience multivitamins and other supplements are actually more expensive than just eating well but this will largely depend on your location. Another thing you should do is apply for foodstamps and check out soup kitchens in your area. Get all the assistance you can.
No. 1027435
>>1027402Yeah I can totally see the relation between posting relationship problems and someone threatening to kill a cat and spamming the website for multiple days.
This must be romaniananon trying to take the heat off herself LMAO
No. 1027444
>>1027435Romanianon was right
>>1027436she's just trying to explain you shit
No. 1027450
>>1027002What? No, of course you don't let him visit. And you should stop talking to him.
And kick your cousin out.
No. 1027461
>>1027046I can't believe that living with this guy is better than living with a bad roommate. You know you need to leave. He doesn't car about you and will never care about.
Sounds like you need to change your man and your job. Pick whichever one would be easiest and start with that.
No. 1027477
nonnie, some tips:
1) Google shit. Intro to $new job, things a new person doing this job should know, etc
2) Find out forums, subreddits, etc where the people who do your job hangout so you can ask them the dumb questions.
3) If you have to ask your bosses dumb questions, start with saying something like "Listen, I just want to doublecheck that everyone's on the same page, so in order to to x, we do y, and then we do this other stuff, and then this other, other stuff?" where want you wanted to know was how to y.
No. 1027603
>>1027578Nonnie, I’m sure she knows you care. Just keep the conversation open, and ask her how she’s doing. Maybe offer to video chat or get a cup of coffee?
Sorry this is happening. My teacher in 5th grade had MS, and it was hard to watch the severity of her case. Still, she worked as long as she could, because she cared about us too.
No. 1027728
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I feel like I'll never be able to form relationships because it feels like I have no personality. Also I swing between feeling helpless and cling on others then I become avoidant. When people are away I want them to be close, when they are close I want to get away. I also misinterpret signs that people give me and think they are into me when they are just being friendly or think they hate me when they are just being neutral. I also have much less life experience than people my age and feel like a womanchild. I cannot stop feeling like I fucked up my life beyond repair and cornered myself
No. 1027733
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I am tired of everything. I spent all of the past two years in four walls because of a lockdown. All of my freelance money are tied to me always having to sit at home. I don't have irl friends in this country, my partner is always busy at work and is too asocial. I want to go outside and explore something new, I want to hang out!! But I went to all of the museums and galleries of interest before lockdown.
Our current state is so strict that I can't even go to a mall without greenpass, SMS code of which I still can't get for some reason, therefore I am stuck at home and with pharmacy and grocery stores. I feel like I am nothing with no interests and personality other than drawing and sitting at home, slowly rotting.
No. 1027777
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I follow someone on Twitter who uses it to vent, and it's so depressing to read her tweets. At first she was sort of like my own private cow, but now it's just sad. She recently had a baby with her husband who she's been with for years, but being a moid he's useless as fuck. Her parents are abusive and have constantly told her she was an unplanned and unwanted child. Her moid constantly gaslights her, and her moid's family acts like she's stolen him away from them. She's got a cute baby but childrearing is exhausting, and he barely helps out! When he does, acts like he's doing her a favor and is so gracious to take their baby off her hands despite the fact that she takes care of their child 90% of the time.
It sounds like literally any other typical broken marriage ever, but reading her tweets and specific scenarios makes me so fucking sad. Someone's suggested that she leave but she replied "where would I even go?" He's not outright abusive, just a shitty, useless man. It makes me so sad for her and her child.
No. 1027791
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My head aches and feels hot (no fever), but putting my cold icy hand over it feels amazing.
No. 1027860
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>whines about scrotes having no empathy/compassion for other people
>has zero empathy for other women, comments on their bodies constantly in a negative way, likes being a radfem not because you genuinely care about your own beliefs but another way to place yourself above other women
like you really think you’re playing on the opposite team? KEK. muh everyone expects women to be nice!!! true but here’s the problem no one likes rude ass people. we have to start gatekeeping toxicity, white women taking it too far to start shitting on ethnic religions and spouting /pol/fag anti-immigration diatribes instead of just saying all men are bad and leaving it at that. strange
No. 1027883
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I just really hate myself, not even my life.
I've got defined hobbies and interests, a good job, enough friends and a serious long-term relationship that's been going on for over 5 years.
We both own this house and I guess I'm having a hard time just giving a fuck about it all anymore. Nothing even happened, it's just turning into a constant numbness.
My girlfriend comes home? great, that's nice.
We're watching a movie? okay, fine.
I'm at work? Someone said something stupid? My friends want to hang out? Whatever, I don't care. I wish I could care anymore. About the good, the bad, anything. I keep going to bed waiting for the next day to end. Any time I work on my hobbies I do them for a couple minutes at a time before I fizzle out. I used to be able to go to the gym for hours or play my trumpet until late in the evening, now I can't even listen to a full album before wanting to just sleep. I wanna resign from my job for no reason at all and just throw all my shit away and drive off a cliff. It's such a bad feeling. I feel like I gave a fuck a month ago, so what changed? Was I burnt out and I didn't even realize it? It's funny, because I care about this feeling enough to make this post, but I have no clue what to do. I wish therapy or meds really helped in the past when I had similar feelings, it's very frustrating.
No. 1027888
>>1027866You don't need to use twitter to see what she's talking about, hell, it happens here sometimes
>>1027885 this
No. 1027909
>>1027906who is pretending the site is feminist, kek? people claim it's filled with "TERFs" and radfems but the bar to meet "
TERF" standards is low and almost every person outside is a "
No. 1027910
>>1027860I think the difficulty is that people are very inconsistent with that they define as toxicity. Like there was a post yesterday lamenting how
toxic /ot/ has become and there were people agreeing and being like "yeah negative faggots need to be exterminated". It's hard to imagine that someone who writes like that isn't being unnecessarily aggressive in other contexts too. It makes me wonder if people only notice toxicity when someone's disagreeing with them and otherwise have no issue with it, in which case it's pretty much impossible to clamp down on being
toxic so long as there are users who disagree with each other.
No. 1027921
>>1027912i don't have a problem with paki-chan. she just gets a little annoying but she has reason to be angry and upset, and she's not wrong, fundamentally. it's just that her comments fuel an already raging fire that usually people who are not from muslim countries or are anywhere near impacted by, have started, and it's usually not a fire created out of concern for women or human rights. for these people, "women" and "feminism" create an easy and understandable smokescreen for their racism.
she does have reason to be as incendiary as she sometimes is, but people who are not at all impacted by islamic rule shitting exclusively on muslims, don't. they should, being that there is already sentiment based on racism, be more careful with their words in an effort to not fuel racist thought and end up egging on /pol/tier dipshits.
No. 1027922
>>1027909>who is pretending the site is feminist, kek?Are you ignoring the autismos randomly posting about how this whole site is radfem or what? it has been happening across all the boards, they also shoehorn their politics every time they can no matter how off topic it is
>>1027914You know that's bullshit, they
love to virtual signal and larp about how radical they're because they're just ex-libfems who got banned from twitter and want a quick way to berate other women without getting called out
No. 1027928
>>1027824Luckily no shootings in my country and hope it's stays that way. They cannot kick him out for being a little shit though until he breaks a contract (ie too much abscences). Same day I and the scrote joined a girl was kicked out for doing her homework on weekend and not everyday. And yet this POS will stay in the group. He had some difficult experiences (mother died from cancer), but now he just wants to stop procrastinating, get a job and go out more. I want to kill myself when I think about it, I have so many diagnosed mental health issues plus problems stemming from personality disorder, sexual trauma etc. it's laughable to see why the scrote is going to the outpatient. I hope his gf breaks up with him. Seems like she is pulling his weight by being his only motivation to not lie in bed rotting.
Next time he rudely comments on my appearance, I will shut him up. The last thing I need is some random retard fueling my paranoia about being ugly, unlikable, a nuisance etc.
No. 1027944
>>1027883Yeah that really seems like a burnout to me
nonnie. Try a lifestyle change?
If you ask me, the best cure for ennui is six months on a horse farm in the boonies.
No. 1027947
>>1027925If you were here before PP threads you could notice the abrupt cultural shift, LC was never a feminist site, at times is quite literally the opposite and i'm saying this as an oldfag, whoever group is trying to make "radfem LC" happen is either blissfully ignorant of the nature of this site and its origins or a newfag, and as you said, is just going to end on a horrible, Frankenstein-like chimera of political concepts that contradict each other, the userbase is just not the type of person that should be telling others what to do, most could be cows themselves
>>1027932> You don't know what anons pointing out the "hypocrisies" are ones with a fucking agenda yeah because everyone who disagrees is just shilling an agenda kek
No. 1027954
>>1027714Facing your mortality is very scary. But you will feel better if you talk to someone to get some support.
If your bf and friends are decent people, then you gotta suck it up and tell them. Or your parents, if you still have them.
Or, look, tell the nurse or your doctor that your scared and can they recommend someone to talk to. Maybe there is a support group for heart issues or something. Or when I got diagnosed with a possibly fatal disease, the hospital chaplain came round to talk to me.
No. 1027955
>>1027947NTA but I've been here since 2015 and nobody gives a shit if this was a kawaii gossip site for /cgl/ refugees in the beginning. I came here as said /cgl/ refugee looking for drama but found interest in discussing various topics along with feminism with other women in a space that allowed and actively encouraged it, this shift happened in around 2016-2017 which was 5-6 years ago. It's not a recent thing. The community developed into what it is and it's been like that ever since, the people repeating "i-it's a gossip site" need to drop their cope and realize that Lolcow went beyond that and it happened ages ago.
Admin has confirmed that the site has a sizable userbase according to the amount of individual users, there are bound to be some clusters that go against the general vibe of the site. We still get people unironically using they/them pronouns for genderspecial cows and saying "I support trans people", doesn't mean you still won't get banned for outing yourself as a tranny. The retarded BPD-chans coming here only to nitpick sex workers are constantly shunned and memed on, claiming that Lolcow is an "anti-feminist site" because it features female cows in general is acting in bad faith and we all here know who love to repeat that sentiment as their ultimate gotcha to shut up all those pesky feminists.
No. 1027963
>>1027947Yes, anon I am an oldfag too but I do know that after the GC/manhate threads the direction of the website shifted a lot and the opinions of the userbase. Before that /ot/ used to me homely and chill and then it turned into calling women whores etc when before it wasn't like that at all. The pipeline between radfem and right winger is very small only it is incredibly hypocritical. It shows most people don't actually understand ideology. Radfem with right wing is entirely incompatible theoretically but they just intersect because of a couple of shared values now but even those values although they appear to be the same they are entirely different. Right wingers do not oppose sex work because it oppresses women while radfems are supposed to oppose it because it opresses women.
Back in the day on /snow/ anons would simply make fun in camgirls for being sluts or cringy now I have to see so many posts about how sex workers turn other women into sex work and they are the biggest evil which is untrue. I personally am happy I have been introduced to radfem rethoric and it has changed my life for the better but I am very disappointed at how many women literally use radfem to harass other women instead of having empathy for them etc. Radfem with right wing just does not stick together and it's annoying when they say
ahhhh yesss of course I am judging her for being a whore and then they add virtue signaling or fake moral superiority by saying I hate her for being a whore because she makes vulnerable little girls get into sex work when the issue is much deeper than that.
I do appreciate the hatred of scrotes that has come after the radfem influx because radfem rethoric is 100%%% true about scrotoids and I love just being in a place that shits on men because there's no such space but I hate the right wing twist to the radfem which is unnecessary. Like calling women whores non stop or putting the blame of sex work and onlyfans on women when it is the fault of men entirely. Some thot that tweets
sex work is real work is not the real culprit of the sex industry and again it is a way of shifting blame on women. Because right wing pickmes have gotten involved with the movement they have brought a certain air of woman hatred disguised under
I want what is best for women that's why we must persecute whores which rubbed off on me but ultimately that will never be feminism. I also refuse to believe any right winger woman can truly be feminist when she promotes an ideology harmful to women and spends her entire life on the internet and has her identity based around being liked by right wing moids.
Sorry, this is a long sperg but what I tried to say
-radfem being brought to lolcow was good because ultimately it is good to shit on scrotes and wake up women to reality about their real values
-radfem being brought to lolcow was also bad because it promotes right wingers that dilute the movement and corrupt it into ultimately another tool that can be used to oppress women and go on a witch hunt.
No. 1027966
>>1027788Yes, society treats women horribly. I'm so glad I live in a country were women don't have to get married, can get jobs, are legally equal, and can live alone.
Until you become god emperor, you can't change the world, but you can make it better for some other women. Donate/volunteer to charities that help girls go to school, (education is the best way for a woman to get away from being trapped in a marriage), volunteer at a domestic violence shelter, donate to a charity that helps girls in foster or one that gives money to women in poor countries to help them start a business so they can be self-sufficient.
No. 1027967
>>1027963Are you seriously claiming all the undercover, obvious scrotes as the radfem boogeyman? You need to realize that this is an anonymous imageboard and you have no idea who's behind the screen, but the people putting their visceral hatred for "whores" on display are screaming male aggression and madonna/whore complex, not exactly the radfem rhetoric.
Also did I get baited to respond to Romani-chan's blogposts? Didn't realize I was in the vent thread. God damn.
No. 1027971
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>>1027967it is fucking anonymous im not retarded but it is easy to see the archetypes of the posters. Even on Twitter there's a handful of tradthots that spread
radfem propaganda that I am sure browse lolcow. There's plenty of right wing handmaidens that all of a sudden are becoming RADFEM because this ideology is gaining more traction and it is safe to assume some of them might be on here.
There's also this fake thing we hold onto that we only have 2 political options which is fucking untrue. The dichotomy is not real and in this case radfem is the third option which is amazing.
No. 1027974
>>1027971and a lot of women think
I must choose right wing since it is the better option no it fucking isn't don't delude yourself. Leftist libtards want ugly tranny in bathroom with you to peek on you when you pee and they want you on onlyfans and right wingers want you to pop out babies and clean and cook and be their emotional punching bag. Which one is better? Neither!!! And you are not forced to pick any of them when you have the third option
No. 1027976
>>1027967I mean, it is said that admin lets moids and trannies bait anons into fighting while pretending they're radfems so they don't get called out, the vitriol and misogyny of those ""radfems"" is so strong that i
want to believe whoever is behind those is a scrote, but something tells me there are just very evil women with harmful agendas making their rounds here too
>>1027975/ot has been awful these days, just today i saw some schizos calling anons "whores" unprovoked, admin and mods don't give a fuck
No. 1027981
>>1027921>being that there is already sentiment based on racism, be more careful with their words in an effort to not fuel racist thought and end up egging on /pol/tier dipshits.Don't criticize group X for the atrocious ways it treats minorities within group X, because is fuels prejudice against them is some liberal bullshit that only ends up fucking over those same minorities oppressed by group X, e.g. liberal muslims, feminist muslims, ex-muslims, gay muslims, etc.
If you want to help one of these groups, then your priority should supporting them and providing whatever help they ask for, not whatever lame ass bullshit racists are up to this week.
No. 1027985
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>me over here letting women do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't put themselves in danger
Who gives a shit about purity culture? Sometimes it's nice to see women game and profit from men in the same but different ways they do to us. The only time being a "whore" is embarassing is if you're desperate but don't want to put in the work to either have success at that or getting a day job.
I don't care when women cheat, they usually have real good reasons after their main scrotes were shits.
I love calling out shitty scrotes in relationships when the rest of society would be finger pointing at the woman and going "b-b-but what about her?"
It's fucking awesome.
And usually, when I see anons gaining up on an anon for any of the above, I know I'm looking at a scroteposter or a radfem NNLOG. Only those types couldn't just ignore another woman posting something they don't like.
No. 1027996
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I miss my exes mom so much. She was such a warm and loving person, from the first time we met she made me feel welcome and I could always come to her with any problem. Maybe the first time I felt like someone could love me not because of blood bonds or romance but just like that, as a person. He messed things up beyond repair, I moved on, but I'll miss her forever.
It hit me more than ever today because I talked with my current partner about a certain problem, I asked if I could maybe talk with his mom about it and his reaction was "she will think you're so weird for bringing it up with her!". I know I'm dumb but it made me feel so rejected.
No. 1028010
>>1027971you need to get off the internet and get a life. imagine knowing what the fuck some literal
who nobody says on twitter, or if they're a radfem or a tradthot or whatever.
No. 1028014
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i miss my cool exclusive girlclubs on the internet. i know that's cringe and dumb but i cannot help it. i go to tumblr now and the girlies have trooned out and tims have flooded in and are picking at tumblr's bones in hope of snapping up some of their desperately coveted girlhood. you will never EVERRRR be a woman it doesn't matter if you try to blog like a girl from 2014 you fucking faggot, and YOU. you with your fancy little he/they/she bio. what the fuck does that MEAN you were a normal person in highschool
No. 1028017
>>1028014100% agree. Old tumblr kinda sucked but sometimes I miss it. And on the rare occasions a
nonnie here or on crystal cafe says they're nonbinary I get real bummed out, I just want a cool girl club. Girls only reeeeeeeeeee
No. 1028019
>>1027987There are safe ways to go about it than others, yes.
Do camgirls have the same risk as street workers?
Have non-whore women in het relationships fared much better? Usually sexual violence against women is committed by someone they know…such as a husband, boyfriend, coworker, or family member.
Besides, you're presuming a woman who's called a "whore" is a literal prostitute. We all know that's not the case.
>>1027992I'd say just dating and being in relationships these days is a good way to be taken advantage of and used as fuckmeat with the superficiality that a scrote is treating women with respect because he put a label on it, but hey. I agree in general that prostitution isn't good and you probably shouldn't be one but at the end of the day it's scrotes at fault for creating the demand and rigging the systems so certain women can't succeed without some form of scrote dependency. The beauty of it is no one is saying you should be one just because some women who are one exist.
No. 1028032
>>1028014>>1028017Made a couple of new girlfriends last year. Created a WhatsApp group to chat and named it "girl gang". One of them asked me to change it bc she is nonbinary. Facepalm moment. The other one also came out as nonbinary a couple of months after.
Can we make our own?
No. 1028034
>>1028030because they are mysoginists but use the disguise of
radfem rethoric to hate on women.
No. 1028043
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Making a blanket is fucking hell, and I know it's my fault because I'm using a fuzzy yarn and refuse to count my stitches.
No. 1028045
>>1028042Nobody brings up objectification though it's always
>Ree your consumers are other women's husbands>This is just stupid because it is(no further justification or explaining)>You are putting yourself in danger for STDs and rape!!Plus when anons claim to be sex workers here they get relentlessly bashed regardless of what they do, if any of you cared to actually end sex work then they would get advice on how to get out of the cycle no "ree you're a ruined whore"
No. 1028046
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I got a FWB. We get together along well and the sex is good. Last bang session he asked me what i was doing the week end. I answered "haha work stuff and drawing" and he seemed to look disappointed and said "yeah you must have a lot of work".
Basically i don't know if i'm imagining things or if he was about to ask me for something over the weekend, be it something just sexual or not
No. 1028084
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when you relax and pretend like you don’t have overdue assignments for your college math class piling up kek
No. 1028096
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>>1028032Sorry nona, if giving out contacts on imageboards wasn't so sketchy, I would. I hope you find a girl gang soon.
No. 1028097
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i hate removing my box braids
No. 1028104
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I'm expected to accept his porn addiction, his depression, his tourettes, his all over body acne but because I'm slightly mute and need help with things that involve lots of speaking I'm bad, carrying bad genes and he needs to find someone else according to his family. Why are women expected to accept all of men's flaws but it's perfectly okay for men to ditch us for the slightest thing because "you gotta do what's best for you bro"
No. 1028127
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Is there anything worse than talking to a guy off a dating app and finding out English isn't his first language? Rhetorical question, obviously. It's something I wouldn't mind if he had a nice accent, but after hearing him talk for the first time I can't tell if he's just shy, autistic, or his English naturally sounds robotic and stilted. I really value levelled communication and this isn't it… Somebody kill me please. Pic unrelated.
No. 1028131
>>1028111>Because they're not telling young men or teens that doing those things is "empowering."They don't have to because absolutely NOBODY shits on males for having sex, and having lots of sex is seen as masculine.
Fucking think, anon.
No. 1028244
I wish i could actually vent and talk about personal shit but my brother checks this place and he knows when i'm posting fml
>>1028110assignments from December kek
No. 1028253
>>1028019>Have non-whore women in het relationships fared much better? Usually sexual violence against women is committed by someone they know…such as a husband, boyfriend, coworker, or family member.Of course they have. You've answered your own question as regular women don't have to deal with violence from johns, while prostitutes have to deal with violent johns and the violent males in their life.
>>1028030>strip clubs are filled with security guards and strictly forbid any sort of genital touching, I know this because I go see male strippers all the time.Why are you comparing male strippers to female ones. Who is that commits 80% of all sexual assaults? And how many female strippers report unwanted groping, rape, forced or coerced unwanted sexual acts, while at the club, despite these supposed body guards? And how many engage in prostitution, again at the club, despite these guards that 'forbid genital contact'?
And let's not even talk about the fact that actual male strip clubs are rare. It's 90% a revue where they rented a club or theater and the customer has buy a ticket, or club that's only open Thu-Sat from 6p to 11p, whereas 90% of female strip clubs are open every day from like noon - 4am on weekdays and 7pm to 4am on weekends. Oh, and also the sex trafficking of female strippers and the non-existent sex trafficking of male strippers.
No. 1028258
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>>1027849When I was 20 I was at the bar with my brother he kept asking me to go to the strip club next door with him (I refused). Around that time I decided I no longer wanted to be the cool libfem sister.
No. 1028389
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>>1028385thank you
nonnie No. 1028424
>>1028386Curry soup, thanks nona
>>1028403Food is getting more expensive, rather
No. 1028493
>>1028473don't listen to that retard. personally i know a girl who's been bulimic for 5 years and she's maintained a bmi of 16 while eating 10k+ calories a day. obviously she has a range of other health problems to do with her heart, her teeth are extremely fucked up and look bad visually, she's dizzy and fatigued and can't function day to day, but she isn't gaining weight. bulimia doesn't just magically stop working after some time unless your gag reflex stops working but that doesn't happen to everyone.
i've never experienced this personally because i've never been the "traditional" bulimic, i was a severe lax abuser so i can't talk about my personal experience, but i do hope you recover from it. it really fucks you in the longterm health wise. as someone who's struggled with both i think bulimia is a lot more damaging longterm than anorexia. if you feel like you can't recover completely or aren't ready for recovery at least do as much damage control as you can, make sure you're taking care of your electrolytes and dental health. take care anon
No. 1028562
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Call it a schizoposting if you want, I don't know. I'm scared I manifested someone's illnesses and it's not the first time. When I lived with my abusive mother I wanted her gone so bad, and I thought about it every single day for hours. I didn't want her to suffer, just gone somehow. And she got cancer and died. Then I had this coworker whose presence made me feel worse about myself, she was passively aggressively insulting me but claimed she wants to help me, sometimes she did say some words of encouragement, but other times she was criticizing me in a hurtful way despite knowing my disability etc. and I could never tell if she indeed cares about me or just makes fun of me behind my back. She got all the attention from everyone because she was very outgoing, she got better treatment despite having the same competence as me, and I often felt like I lived in her shadow. I had this feeling like I wanted her gone and I imagined I would feel much better at my job without her being there, and I started doing manifestations and imagining she's gone, I got super into parallel universe theory and quantum shifting and I thought how nice it would be to shift to a reality where she doesn't work with us. I never wanted anything bad to happen to her, I just wanted her to change the job or something. Recently I found out she went to her home country to get tested and was diagnosed with a serious illness and she's not sure if she will be able to come back. Now I feel guilty as fuck because this is not what I meant and even if my manifestations had nothing to do with it and I didn't influence the universe/matrix or whatever with my thoughts, I still feel guilty just for having those thoughts. I still don't want her to come back though
No. 1028577
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>>1028572It's Doppio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5
meant her to be gone but not in such serious way, why did the universe had to choose one of the worst ways, instead of just, I don't know, her deciding to move to her boyfriend's town and look for a job there?
Now imagine all the attention she would get for being sick and working with us. She still had what I never had, loving parents and financial security as a child, now also a partner who loves her. She never had to struggle with anything and it was so easy for her to say that
everyone is in charge of their own fate when everything was handed to her. I would gladly take her illness with all that love and stability she experienced in life, I would prefer that than an average physical health and being unloved, alone and mentally fucked up and growing up poor as a child. If I got seriously sick
now, it would be over for me, but in her case her parents can just pay for her doctors and medication. Everyone who believes all people have equal opportunities is a privileged retard
No. 1028582
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Is Schizophrenia the new, "UwU anxiety!OwO autistic >w<"?
No. 1028591
>>10285623 possibilities. It's either a coincidence, or if you have psychic power its equally likely that you're manifesting it or you're just predicting it before it happens.
I believe in quantum shifting etc so here is my take:
You need to recognise that if your solutions to problems in your life, real or imagined, are aggressive and negative, you are going to keep carrying this problem and many others with you throughout your life. You sound like you had little control over your life growing up so all you could do was wish the problem away. That's a coping mechanism, and coping mechanisms are useful and life saving… until they're not. Time for it to go.
This cope combined with revenge fantasies will either manifest destructively in others lives or it will manifest destructively in yours through fear and guilt that you cause bad things to happen, whether you are or not.
You need to empower yourself to get back in control and learn to confront problems, andger, and fear productively. As a witch, let me tell you most problems are better off solved via either by consciously removing yourself from situations, committing to not letting the issue bother you, sending the situation positive vibes and trusting the divine to work it out, or straight up confronting the issue or person no matter the discomfort–rather than magic, shifting, energy work, psychic manipulation, etc. That's the coward's way out, its twisty and energy-sucking, and it deprives you of the chance for persomal growth. Do whatever it takes to pull yourself out of passive aggressive patterns. It's uncomfortable and awkward and embarrassing at first but you are worth more than that.
You also need to get in touch with purest love, Source, god, whatever you call it, and ask him/it/her for spiritual help when you are feeling trapped, powerless, or psychically vulnerable. There is nothing that replaces that shit. It's not a crutch, its a supplement.
I recommend Marianne Williamson's "A Return to Love" for a pretty fresh and grounded perspective. She does readings from it on youtube so you can check it out for free. One of the few boomers who gets it imho, and it changed my life.
Less related but you might get a few things out of Dion Fortune's "Psychic Self-defence". Definitely a product of her time but her advice remains practical–such as if you feel under attack put your hand over your solar plexus chakra. Works like a fucking charm.
Finally if you feel resentment or unwanted emotional ties, learn to uproot and burn off energetic cords or astral ties or whatever they're called. Don't just cut them cause they grow back.
Whether or not you actually manifested this stuff, if you believe in it the only way you will solve this problem is by doing your best to do the right, honorable amd healthy thing within that framework.
Best of luck. The divine in me bows to the divine in you.
No. 1028592
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>>1028582In my case, since some types of people would call me schizophrenic for my viewpoints and the level of focus I place on things they may deem small/irrelevant/impossible, I just lean into it. Yeah I'm a schizo, keep scrolling
No. 1028604
>>1028590>>1028451Yeah yeah I noticed the prices are rising. But the shelves are still full.
I'm an old fart that lived though one of the worst hyperinflations in history. Bread lines, all that jazz. Anon said "food shortage". This ain't it.
No. 1028629
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Fuck nonnas, anyone take adderall?
As of January my insurance decided to no longer cover my vyvanse, even though it’s the only medicine approved to treat binge eating.(insurance said it’s not on their “approved” list for the next 6 months)
I’ve struggled with my ED since I was 14 and the medicine had changed my life for 6 months.
NOW insurance won’t cover it and so my doctor switched me to adderall and it’s an hour in and I feel too… energetic? On edge?
I don’t like it, but I also can’t afford $400/ month for the proper meds.
I’m currently appealing (my doc too) to insurance to get back on the right meds.
What is the point of enrolling me into a new plan that says it covers the medicine, only to turn around in the new year to flip the script (pun intended)??????
If any anons have any insight on getting my meds back to a decent rate; I’d appreciate it.
I’m considering writing a letter to the company that makes Vyvanse, in hopes they can offer a grant of some sort to lower the cost.