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No. 1028746
Tell us how you really feel
Previous Thread
>>>/ot/1022391 No. 1028749
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i'll start us off
my sister told me something really truly horrifying about my immediate family last night and i cant stop thinking about it but i also do not think i'll ever be able to talk about it with anyone including her. "it took me a long time to realize it wasn't just a bad nightmare" girl me too, but i can never ever say that LOL im trying so hard to not get drunk at 1pm right now
No. 1028758
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>anons, do you have any suggestions for dishes/snacks when you are depressed? i cant bring myself to cook anything with a pan, allowing myself only to bake vegetables and such in oven. i want to cook something that i could marinade for a day or so, use microwave with.
takeaway addiction is damaging my wallet now, and i am sick of doing that.
No. 1028767
>>1028758Can you please post a link for the guide this image is from?
Sauce plz
No. 1028781
>>1028778can very much relate to the noise and hearing your neighbors, both upstairs, downstairs and next to you having sex.
its like theyre mocking you
No. 1028788
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>>1028758I don't know what country you're from but very often premade refrigerated meals (picrel) you can get in the stores are actually pretty good quality, and definitely cheaper than takeaways, and they're made specifically to be just microwaved so here you go!
Alternatively, there are diet catering services - they deliver full day's worth of meals to your doorstep, also microwave ready. It's usually on the more expensive side but a LOT of them offer something like "three days trial for 50% of the price!" etc, you can totally abuse that option and order trials from various ones until you run out of all of them, and eat very well and really cheap for many days in a row.
Last idea will actually require cooking but hear me out. I've used this recipe for a bolognese-ish sauce , it's really easy to make, just cooking takes time but you dont need to do anything except mixing; make something like this when you're feeling well and freeze everything in the way proposed by the author of the video. It lasted me 15 meals, and frozen can stay really good for months. Once you have an depressive episode again all you'll have to do is pull a bit of it out of the freezer and that's it.
No. 1028810
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Male attention is so distressing, do not look at me, do not talk to me, do not breath near me, confess, repent and perish!
No. 1028834
>>1028778When things get too loud, foam earplugs or some nice singing bowl music (through earphones) could soothe you.
About eight months ago I came home from school and heard
interesting noises coming from nearby, and whenever our neighbour's kids run around, or up and down stairs, my door RATTLES in the frame. But they are nice people to talk to, and make us food, so it may help if you get to know your neighbours better.
No. 1028843
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>>1028832it's called "After the ball" by Carl Thomsen
i swear i'm the only person that knows how to reverse image search, i say but i really dont mind itfound picrel while searching for the thread pic and I humbly nominate it for the next thead pic. it's equally beautiful. ''Get finished flowering'' by Gabriel von Max
No. 1028866
>>1028758Canned tuna with veggies and I just make a random sauce to go with it.
I like wrapping corncob in wet paper towel then microwaving it for 4 minutes. Good luck
Peanut noodles are soo easy to make and since you want to bake then dip something like cauliflower or broccoli in the sauce and roast it in the oven
I hope these help even if a little bit
No. 1028891
>>1028866You’ll come across some high effort peanut noodles recipes but I just mix everything in the same bowl, no cooking except for the noodles which depends on the instructions for the ramen itself. is a pretty lazy method.
I remembered some marinating recipes but you can’t microwave it. You don’t need to pan fry the chicken
No. 1029062
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I am irrationally irked when guys say "don't stick your dick in crazy". Guys share stories of the crazy women they've encountered as comical experiences, but the female equivelent typically results in life long trauma best case scenario. Not to mention, many guys I know who complain about "crazy" women bring it upon themselves by shamelessly playing girls or fucking with their hearts.
Idk I'm just really irritated because I'm currently processing the trauma of my horrifically abusive psycho ex and one of my guy friends was like "you've been 'one of the guys' your whole life yet you haven't learned anything from us warning each other not to stick our dicks in crazy? Lol" as a joke.
And it's like… no, some depressed girl texting you 40 times in distress because you pumped and dumped her isn't the same as my narc ex choking me until I almost passed out. Fuck off.
No. 1029074
>>1029062It’s impressive how up their own asses they are, these are the things that could happen if you let crazy get intimate with you
>Rape>Murder>Unwanted Pregnancy>Disabled >With all of your opportunities for a decent job fucked up because of revenge porn>Isolated if he convinced you to go to his country>Isolated as well if he made you stop talking to your friendsAnd I’m pretty sure there’s even more, males are so fucking disgusting that I can’t believe I used to think that they were right about the “hurr durr crazy exes” those faggots should just date each other and kill each other.
No. 1029085
>>1029074I knew a guy who would date girls that made a lot of money and also had mental health issues that would get them hooked on heroin so that they would pay for his drugs. I know at surface level it's easy to judge these girls as idiots, but this guy was such a charmer and master manipulator. He specifically targeted girls with serious mental health issues and after he made them fall in love with him, he presented heroin as the magical cure to their problems and acted like it would be oh so romantic if they did it together. Once their addiction got bad enough where they were unable to work, he would move onto the next one. Several women ended up with their lives completely destroyed and one died.
There is no shortage of ways a horrible man can destroy a vulnerable woman if they're good enough at their game.
The real kicker was he would always go on about how crazy one girl in particular was after she went insane due to the intense downfall she endured. She was a beautiful 25 yo making almost $200k a year with an elite acedemic record and in 3 years he turned her into an unemployed trainwreck who couldn't function and just abandoned her. But she's the crazy one aimirite
No. 1029086
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someone started playing the shittiest fucking music on the loudest fucking setting. its 1am bitch wtf. i hope they shit their pants in public in a crowded place or something. you have to have literal brain cancer to enjoy this shitty music. im playing debussy with rain and white noise to try and cope it out but its not working i can still hear it. hope someone calls the popo. not me tho. im getting high. i hate this country sometimes.
No. 1029112
>>1029110this is how you get a felony battery charge. men love to play the
victim. he could be abusing the shit out of you in every possible other way in private and the cops will have absolutely 0 sympathy for you or belief in you.
No. 1029126
>>1028844Its' complicated. The specific fix depends on why you don't beleive in yourself e.g parents told you were trash, shitty bf ruined your confidence, general horrible self-esteem, anxiety causing you to self sabotage, and address that.
To find out, you can do therapy, or you can read a ton of self help books on self esteem and confidence, to get a wide range of advice, and try what resonates with you.
No. 1029129
>>1029105It gives them a way to dehumanise or other these women, it's not bad for them to pump and dump them because they were crazy, they're not the bad guy they're just running for their lives from a psycho etc
Never mind the actual statistics on crazed, psycho behaviour from men against women
No. 1029135
>>1029062>And it's like… no, some depressed girl texting you 40 times in distress because you pumped and dumped her isn't the same as my narc ex choking me until I almost passed out. Fuck off.Nona, you should text this to the guy who told you this. If he's an actual bro he'll apologise and learn to be better, and if not you learn that he's a waste of your friendship
I'm sorry what happened to you, I'm glad you're alive
No. 1029151
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last year i spend six months with a scrote i really liked and im kinda angry and sad it didnt work out. he was rich as fuck (well his daddy was, he was my age but was a leech ofc). i know this is shitty behavior, but i was like damn i got my life made now. he is stupid rich and i felt like fucking Cinderella when he would pick me up in his nice car to this shit hole and take me to his side of town (legit more than an hour away cause he lives in a rich people area). i had spent a year without sex cause i wanted to save it for someone who was special. and i had sex with him, and it was awesome actually, the best sex ive had with a man, but now it means nothing cause he is not my man. he was a really sweet guy… At the beginning, then you realized he had weird sociopathic behavior people just ignore cause he is a scrote and a loaded scrote with a big dick at that. i really did fell for him and daydreamed so much about us like a teenager again. We talked all day and he would call me after work at night time to tell me how his day was and ask me about mine and it was very sweet (at the beginning, at least). from one second to the other he was bored of me and it was over. and i felt very stupid, cause i should have absolutely seen that coming. but i didnt, cause i really really really wanted him.
in the end, ill live, ill have to keep working to stay in this middle class ground like everyone else here. of course he wasnt looking for something that serious. so stupid to catch feelings for someone who probably does this on a daily…
either way, he is 23 and already balding. so you know what? maybe I WON… please nona let me have this one thing… like, his own father (who i met a couple of times and for what exactly…) had a better hairline than him and it didnt look fake to me he just had gray hair but he had hair. my ex bf was also less than 6 feet tall so its good that his genes die out actually.
No. 1029193
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i accidentally left my fav perfume in the sun and now it smells like alcohol. im an idiot and a fool. i will never smell that exquisite floral fragance again and im the only one to blame
No. 1029213
what's funny is that even the actor playing his self insert knew he was playing a poorly written character
No. 1029225
>>1029203nearly every man turns out to be a rapist, predator or domestic abuser*
No. 1029248
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>>1029244I love you so much
No. 1029289
>>1029284exactly. i truly do not care about the yumejoshi/fujoshi war. it's one of the only female sexual interests that doesn't tend to turn men on and it actually pisses them off. it's brilliant
>>1029285yes and no
No. 1029328
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I'm over a couple of friends who only contact me or reach out to vent about their lives. Once I had a 3 hour conversation with a friend about some trouble she was having with her career and when I tried to speak about my troubles she told me she had to go.
Now when she calls me I pretend I'm busy or I put her on the background while I do something else like paint or scroll through Pinterest. Another friend never picks up her phone or does not respond for months at a time and when I confronted her about it she cried about her mother and how her family doesn't express emotions.
What the fuck does that have to do with me or picking up your phone?
Any other nonnies experience this? I just want friends who reciprocate.
No. 1029339
>>1029328I had a friend that I confronted about her not responding much and our conversations turning into hour long ones about her newest business venture. She tried to compare me to her emotional
abusive mother for being sick of her not showing up to our hang out and ditching last minute for schedualed projects. It was the last straw for me and she is now gone out of my life. Sucks but you need other friends somewhere, probably women, because let's be real if you dont want him as a bf he's going to run out of your life.
>>1029330We are in a similar boat but it's been a couple weeks, it's my shitty roommate, and my family are slobs I refuse to live with again.
No. 1029451
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I feel so stuck in my life. I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm still living with my parents with no driving license, no friends, and probably no future. I have a useless degree and I have not been able to find work despite job searching for hours upon hours. I haven't even been offered a single interview.
I need to get out of this toxic, isolating household though. I feel so suffocated underneath my enmeshed family. It is so mentally exhausting being yelled at every single day for stupid shit. I want to leave so badly. I want independence, but it feels miles out of my grasp. I wish I had friends I could ask for help.
I haven't talked to or seen anyone outside of my family in over 3 years now. Is it possible for social skills to suffer retardation? It's not like I was a social butterfly or anything prior, but socializing and engaging with people in general feels like such a foreign concept to me right now. If I were to try to make friends, I don't even know how I would go about it. It's not important right now though I guess.
My main goal right now is to move out, but I just can't find a stable income. I thought the job market was booming right now? Maybe my resume and cover letter suck. Maybe I'm too picky with work. Still, I really don't think I would perform well doing retail or call center work; I am way too autistic for that.
Ugh. I wish life was easier. I would feel so much better if I simply had a concrete, actionable plan or something. This listless dread is the most difficult feeling to endure.
I don't know where this vent is going, sorry. I just started typing and didn't stop.
No. 1029463
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I am an overweight person but i noticed that I get depressed more easily everytime I lost weight. When the weight gained back I'm generally more cheerful and not getting bothered by intrusive thoughts as much (and sleep easier too).
Kinda wish we wouldn't have complicated relationship with weight and body, I don't mind being a fat bitch if it means I cry less during the day. Though I also hate it when I notice the stretch marks on my body and start working out rigorously in hoping I don't turn into a literally land whale.
I'm in my 30s, 160cm and currently weighted 143 pounds
No. 1029482
>>1029461i hope you don't always reply here in such an aggressive, accusatory tone but
basically what
>>1029464 said. I have told her endless times. She just tells me i can deal with my issues myself whereas my brother can't. She finds really absurd excuses for her favoritism to the point where it's so ridiculous that it's laughable. It's extreme gaslighting idek how else to describe it but every confrontation ends with me being emotionally completely drained and her not showing any understanding or remorse. It's like arguing with a wall, really. Unlike that anon, i am quite confrontational and like to communicate through things but that just never works out with her.
No. 1029492
>>1029488Thank you for replying at least!
I hate insurance companies, such a fucking scam
No. 1029505
>>1029451Try harder to get the license
nonnie, once you are mobile it will be much easier .
No. 1029511
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I'll be 23 this year and I still haven't even held hands with a man. I don't meet new people anymore, and the only dating apps in my country are sex-focused (guys texting me about their bdsm preferences unprompted meanwhile I just wanna go on casual date). I feel so lost. Men around me are looking older and older, I started buying anti-aging serums, I already have a stable job, I live by myself, I've reached so many milestones but still have no relationship experience. I'm so lonely I just want a cute boyfriend please… tt
No. 1029512
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>>1029407>>1029408I’m not into other types of lute that much, but the theorbo has an incredibly beautiful, full, rich sound. it was made for the opera, that’s why; they knew they had to make a type of instrument that would really stretch and fill up a room. i may not have one now, but
ooobhhhhhh nonniesthis is a song for all the nonnies out thereohhhhhh nonitashey there missus nonatellaone of these days im gonna get richand own a therbo-ellaa beautiful, beautiful archluteor maybe make my own-ellabut until then missus ellaim writing this song for youuuuuuuuuuso these words may live in this tuneuntil i play them for you on my lute-ella No. 1029537
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i'm on my period and my cramps are bad, but i have to return a package today, do my part of a group project, read a bunch of shit for class and write a mini essay. i just can't fucking do this anymore.
No. 1029553
>>1029538I just wonder how he'd feel about a "male fourth" to perhaps "sexually spark" something in you and "emotionally balance" the introduction of his third?
I don't know anon, the situation seems pretty shot. Think of it this way: If the matter was about reconnecting your relationship so you'll want to have sex again, then doesn't it seem counterintuitive for him to want to have sex with someone else? Has he tried being romantic with you or perhaps freeing up some of your burdens so you might have headspace for sexual feelings? It sounds like he skipped the effort part and went straight to wanting instant gratification.
If he's not willing to put in the effort, then what's the point of the relationship? You both need to have a talk to figure out where to go from here.
No. 1029557
>>1029543>>1029550>>1029546Thank you all… It's just so hard. I really do love him. I can't imagine my life without him. Almost all I have now is because of him and his family. I wish I could just fix my sex drive again.
>>1029553Thank you! I think he always helps with me at least emotionally. I think he just got tired of it… We will definetly talk about it again because he's the type of wanting to solve everything the exact same instant it happens
No. 1029560
>>1029555Nonna I’m sorry you’re having stomach issues, it could be the fiber, are you drinking enough water?
Also, side story, my dad bought me fiber one bars when I was a kid, and they were so delicious I forgot I can’t snack on them multiple times a day (such a dumb kid). One morning I wake up and my stomach is in pain, I think I need to go to the doctor because I can’t stop farting. my dad is asking all the questions, and when he asked what I ate the day before he busted out laughing, because I didn’t think eating 3 fiber bars in a day was the cause. After that, if he saw me grabbing a bar he’d roast me and warn me to take it easy.
No. 1029586
>>1029577I work in produce for a big one, Good luck! Manifesting the call, today!
But also, don’t hesitate to follow up with the store manager; they love that shit. Just be like “I wanted to say thank you for interviewing me on (date), and I would like to follow up with the status of my application.” Works like a charm and it shows them you are ready to work.
No. 1029617
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I intend to move out ASAP but I feel guilty because my mother wont have anyone to cook dinner for her or clean around the house. She has severe leg pain and I know my worthless older brothers won’t pick up the slack in my place. It almost makes me hesitate leaving but this very dynamic is the root of my depression. I have to leave for my own good but it feels so fucking selfish and the guilt is making my chest swell every day. As much as I love and respect her at the same time I resent her for allowing this family dynamic to carry on into adulthood.
No. 1029641
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One of my nieces died recently, she was only six months old
I have had 7 cousins, nephews and nieces who've died before reaching the age of 5
I'm from a south asian family that is severely inbred even by south asian standards and yet despite the easily preventable conditions my family take these tragedies as just a "test from Allah" despite the tragedy and pain my cousins go through, I'm just feeling for my cousin(she's married to her first cousin, her parents were first cousins and his parents were also first cousin) who lost her daughter cause just a couple years back she also lost her son who had a heart condition
No. 1029723
>>1029708What's going on that makes you feel like you need implants? I'm sorry you feel like you need that, but I have heard such bad stories about surgeries. It reminds me of tranny post-op regret. It might be worth considering if there's a way you can reduce your exposure to things that
trigger this thought/feeling/mindset
No. 1029742
>>1029451Some colleagues have alumni centers that help grads with career issues. Maybe yours has one?
Also, can you volunteer anywhere? Like for one day a week, just to get out of the those and interact with people.
No. 1029748
nonny, but you are pretty much doing all that can be done.
Keep appealing with the insurance company and call/write telling them it's a horrible decision.
You and your doctor should contact the makers of Vyvanse to see if you can get a discount. Also, your doc can probably get free samples and give them to you if he is willing.
And see if you can get Vyvanse from another country where it might be cheaper.
And if you get your insurance through a job or other org, complain to them about the insurance co screwing you over like this.
No. 1029762
>>1029520> reading, gardening, playing vidya, animeAll of these can be done with other people.
Join a book club. Start online if you have to.
Join a gardening club, a horticultural society, something. There are other people in your country who like gardening. Find out where they hang out and go there.
Go to an anime con, make some friends, meet their male friends.
Join a facebook group for your favorite video games for people in your country. Make some friends, find out if there are any irl groups for game nerds, go there, meet boys.
Look into hiking clubs. There has to be a least one with hot guys in it.
No. 1029769
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>>1029641samefag I have multiple cousins with health conditions born from the inbreeding
heart conditions, asthma, deformed ears, mental retardation(I even had a cousin with an extra finger that was surgically removed)
these are kids born cause of idiotic adults who view them as "tests from Allah" even though they are the one's responsible for their condition and they still they continue to pump out kids by the half dozen
My dumbass Mullhah cousin has had 5 kids in the past 8 years, 2 of his kids are well "slow" and his daughter has a abnormality with her colon and yet he believes that God will provide for him and his kids
No. 1029774
>>1029576I could've written this myself about my last guy. I was late twenties so couldn't even use youth as an excuse. I didn't open up to anyone for fear they'd just blame me for sticking around so long.
If you're beating yourself up over this just remember the cheating scrote sure isn't losing sleep over his larger contribution to the shitshow you two had.
No. 1029785
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>love looking at beautiful rooms on Pinterest
>know fully well that I don't even have my own room and have no authority on how the house is decorated
>can't afford to rent in my city
>will probably be unable to have property until I'm 50
No. 1029792
>>1029748Thank you so much, I plan on all of those actions you suggested. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Why must I have to yell louder to get common sense solutions?! Like I don’t want be aggravated with customer service employees, I hate it. Just follow through damnit. Why do I pay monthly payments for medicines or basic appointments to be challenged? Ahhhh!
No. 1029805
I've made such a stupid fucking mistake, I fucking want to kms. I needed to fill a form for something really important and they sent my profile back asking if anything was wrong, if it was, to tell them within a strict timeframe. I saw everything was correct but now I am realizing I put one thing wrong and fuck, I want to cry. This was really important fuck fuck fuck. I'm gonna go to their office tomorrow with my documents and shit, and I've also mailed them. I didn't realize I made a mistake till now, fuck, or else I would've mailed them before within the date. Fuck, if this stupid fucking mistake actually ruins my life, I'm absolutely killing myself. I hope they listen to my appeal. I'm so fucking stupid, I can't stop crying. I'm so fucking stupid. It was such a stupid fucking mistake. I
No. 1029818
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>>1029805Oh my god, I'm so sorry anon. I hope they listen to your appeal.
No. 1029856
>>1029849>>1029848nta but it just sorta happens most of the time, my husband and I were work colleagues, he was kinda odd and I was even odder
we started hanging out, then dating and got married
It just sorta happened
No. 1029917
>>1029903She's a somewhat obscure foreign singer, it would make my identity obvious if i said who she is, sorry! Her music has a fairly unique sound to it so not like taylor swift at all. i kinda just wish she was a sister figure to me.
>>1029903>>1029895I was recently professionally diagnosed with schizotypal disorder, so it's quite possible i'm misinterpreting what they do. i just feel like they laugh at me constantly, and don't care about me because i'm weird. i try my best to be nice and i'm always making them gifts, saying that i love them and i always listen with attention when they talk to me but i feel ignored everytime i try to talk about anything. maybe saying "hate" was a way too strong word, sorry.
No. 1029920
>>1029859sorry, I completely misinterpreted. Getting fired is awful, especially the way it's happening, but you did the job. You know you can do it.
Try to keep in contact any of your co-workers, they could provide leads for other jobs in the future.
For earning some money there I've heard of: - the sites posted here are mostly US, UK stuff.
These sites posted there don't replace a regular job but they can earn something, until you get a new job.
No. 1029926
>>1029917>I was recently professionally diagnosed with schizotypal disorder,Anon, come on. Everything you described is probably coming from your schizotypal disorder. Get some help with that.
>i try my best to be nice and i'm always making them gifts, saying that i love them and i always listen with attention when they talk to meIf you are doing this to people who don't do it back, it pretty much leads to them seeing you as doormat and taking you for granted. It does not lead to them caring about you and appreciating you. This is one of the hardest things that 'givers' have to learn.
Always, always, match the energy of people who you are in a relationship with. Never go above what they are giving you.
Be friends with other givers who like giving gifts and saying I love you and you can do that with each other have awesome relationships with them.
No. 1029936
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I hate that almost all women are obese in my country, the demographic I can sell my clothes to is already small just by my size and I'm a fucking medium. All the teenagers are buying from shein and aliexpress so they want 1$ shirts and shit. AAAHHHH.
No. 1029937
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I want to make somebody sorry
No. 1029939
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No. 1029980
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Is there something like brother issues?
I'm an only child but I really want a big brother type himbo bff to hang out with and hug occasionally without him eventually moiding out/seeing me as love interest/having sexual thoughts about me.
No. 1029986
>>1029964Nonnie, you don't have to dumb your friends and family, you just need to get some new, non-sad sack friends who can be positive and normal with you.
You may end up dumping the SO though. Depending on how much sad sacking you can take.
No. 1030015
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All the above average looking men are taken or gay. And at this point i prefer to become a single forever cat lady than ending up with an ugly scrote.
Except if he is very rich, but i'd pay myself male escorts with his money.
No. 1030048
>>1030013If you insist on staying with this loser, you have to stop doing anything for him until he shapes up. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no grocery shopping, no whatever, for him, until he starts acting like an equal partner.
The problem with relationships like this is that the women stays with the moid and doesn't introduce any consequences, except talking and being upset, for his shitty behavior.
He clearly doesn't care how you feel, so you being angry or sad isn't going to motivate him to change. Loss of the things you do for him might.
No. 1030051
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>>1029641>>1029769If you haven't already, you should get a genetic test from 23andme or similar service. You only need to spit on a container and mail to them. You will get a lot of info about what genetic risk factors you may have and what genetic disorders you might carry and pass to your children. You can get raw genome data from these services and upload it then to sites like Codegen and Promethease which give you much more health info than 23andme and other services themselves and are free or very cheap.
Especially if you have kids, you might carry serious mutations that are recessive (inactive) on your DNA but if your partner has the same mutation, your kids can end up with those conditions. You might be able to convince some of your family to do these tests as well.
No. 1030061
I hate how society is turning into "uwu lets respect everyone!!" to the point it becomes worrying.
While I do believe that slurs are bad, restricting and restricting puts people in a mental state of neverending comfort that brings them down at the slight inconvenience.
I believe a little conflict is necessary in life, "little bullying", it teaches you that in life you'll find shitty people and how to cope with them or tell them to fuck off.
"Censore bad words please!!" "Put gender neutral options please!!" "Be inclusive!!"
Like okay, I think that with this effect people will just go circle jerking.
For example, I speak a gendered language, people here started to demand gender neutral words and they removed the gender by adding a new "sound" that doesn't sound like our language at all, making us speaking like monkeys. I'm not joking, the new vowel has that kinda "ooh iih" sound, we don't even have neutral pronouns and yet, tiktok zoomers here are more loud than normal people. I know businesses and governmet are doing this for marketing purposes but I wish this shit could've stayed online.
No. 1030067
>>1030061I wish there were un-PC spaces for women tbh. I'm tired of having to always walk on eggshells when talking to women online. Almost every under 60 woman is woke and in general I don't understand the tendency for our gender to emotionally over react to everything and take everything some rando wrote on the internet personally. Even this post will probably get replied with passive aggressive bitchiness. The only places where you can still say "taboo" things are all dominated by misogynist incel scrotes.
It sucks hating men and not being able to get along with women either.
No. 1030072
>>1030067Also samefagging
>>1030070 but if you have Discord I'd love to be your friend.
No. 1030075
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>>1030057I'm here all night, let it all out nona.
My brother is 7 years older than me and he's nearly his 40s now. I'd say I can sympathize with him in a lot of aspects: Our father was alive until he was ten, and I was three year old at the time, I didn't have much consciousness or a bond towards my deceased father to feel loss. To my brother he had lost the only male figure he ever had in life.
However, that doesn't excuse him being a total nuisance to my mother, everytime he fucked up he blamed it on me, and everytime he hit me and made me cry, he would tell me "mom wouldn't believe you" if I decided to tell her on him. I fucking loathe him for it. There is no doubt my development has stunted due to the amount of bullying and physical violence he inflicted on me out of boredom, and "just boys being boys". Only during my growth spurt I noticed a side of my rib never grew correctly, it was the same side he kicked me repeatedly me until my body flung to the side of the room. Oh, and the amount time he name-calling me "crazy", "hysterical", "insane" just to dismiss me and somehow convinced my mother that my problems (school, stress, emotional pain) should not be taken seriously. Guess what, I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia in my 22.
I don't hate my brother, I resent him, but there's a sense of.. like the Hades song "it's in your blood, your dearest kin" that I can't ever bring myself to denounce him. I guess, that's siblings for you.
No. 1030079
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>>1029727As an artist, let me tell you that natural bodies are far, FAR superior to all the fucked-up shit you see on social media. "Attractive" is subjective; and people who make these pics and videos always heavily edit them with filters, the healing spot brush, etc. It all feels fake as shit if you look at it through an artistic lens. It also shows how severely mentally ill these people are that it can warp their view of a human body THAT badly. Do yourself a favor, don't expose yourself to any content like that. I'd actually recommend you look at old paintings of women (and by women artists). See what was considered beautiful back in the days of the Renaissance or the Rococo period. You'd be amazed at how quickly trends and views change.
No. 1030085
>>1030019I'm impressed by your courage anon. It's so hard to keep going when your brain is working against you and you don't have a support network.
Maybe you don't have psychos, maybe you have intense social anxiety, and/or generalized anxiety and/or avoidant personality disorder?
Either way, can you try therapy. If you can find a therapist you can connect with, they can really help.
For remote jobs, you can try the sites on here:, if you have time to learn some skills, one of the jobs listed here might appeal: be wary, there are a lot of scams out there. No. 1030092
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I fucking hate being a junkie. I've become boring as hell, I don't do anything anymore and the only thing I look forward to is getting high. I stopped caring about my hobbies, lost all my friends and have no ambition. I tried getting clean so many times but I can't do it on my own and I can't tell anyone about it either. I hope I just overdose and fucking die. This isn't worth it anymore. I'm a shell of a woman. Nothing left inside. I don't want to live this life.
No. 1030094
>>1030092If you can't do it on your own, then you need to tell someone.
I mean if shame is holding you back, better ashamed and clean then not ashamed and a shell of a woman.
No. 1030097
>>1029484the only thing you can do atm is file appeals and exception requests, so your best tool is going to be your doc because she will be the one advocating for you to the insurance company. if you have significant adverse reactions to the other medicines they are trying to have you switched to, the often will have to concede and cover it, but they will probably still try to only cover it partially. contacting the company directly could help (crossing my fingers for you), but from my experience they only discount up to $60/month.
i'm sorry you're dealing with this and i know how you feel. vyvanse is the only med that helps my severe adhd and i have had it denied, been used as a guinea pig for whatever random drugs the insurance needs me to try before they'll cover it, had to pay $300 out of pocket for months waiting on approval only to find out my insurance would only cover it partially so i still ended up having to shell out $80/month for a medicine i desperately need, etc etc ad nauseam. its a bunch of bullshit all because the greedy fucks who make vyvanse won't let anyone make a generic version.
No. 1030101
>>1030065i am ashamed to admit a big part of why i put up with his shit is because the dick is absolutely incredible. i am so weak,
No. 1030128
>>1030105It's not called an addiction because it's easy to quit,
No. 1030144
>>1030107Oh, man, it didn't occur to me that everyone of your friends and family would be unsupportive.
You can try an online forum, like at, or before jumping into irl NA.
No. 1030171
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>add guy to discord
>talks AT me the entire time
>corrects me on little things that aren't even wrong
>writes me fucking essays about his opinions on shit
>trys to explain my own counties systems to me
>tell him to cut that shit out
>trys to backpedal and apologize
>ignore him
>asks me to voice chat
>asks to watch me play video games
>ignore 4ever
i just have 0 patience for men anymore kek
No. 1030176
>>1030101nah, you just can't face being alone. I'm sorry, but don't bullshit a bunch of women. There's not a thing that man can do with his dick that can't be done 10x better by sex toys. Plus I'm meant to believe this scrote that can't even fold laundry for you cares about your sexual pleasure? big keks. You're insecure and because of that you're allowing a moid to treat you like shit. That's your choice.
He treats you like this because you let him. This isn't on him, he's acting like males do, this is on you for putting up for it. If that was me I would have thrown his food away. But you're too insecure to risk upsetting your nigel and him leaving you.
No. 1030198
I'm so mad that 2 years later there are people who still believe a rapist over the victims. My ex friend/fwb sexually assaulted my sister in beginning of 2020, and I cannot with these acquaintances I know or "friend of a friend"s who believe I am lying. I sounded the alarm bc he is someone who frequently held parties at his home & encourages black out drunkenness in his friends. He's told everyone that I was in love with him & was scorned and made up these things up.
I don't bother explaining it anymore to people bc theyve already made up their minds. No fucking wonder my sister, an old friend of his, & his ex have all told me in private that hes assaulted or raped them but are too afraid to come out. Fucking shame on these people. My God, these womens lives were traumatically changed by this man but bc he's an emt & no police report, & "such a nice guy" you believe his bullshit story. I fucking hate all of them and I hate it when "friends" of mine tell me about a friend of thiers doesnt believe he did that. Fuck you and fuck your stupid suck up friend.
I would never wish rape or sexual assault on ANYONE but goddamn I cannot wait for them to get theirs. In 2020 I was so uspet I thought about unaliving him. Like straight up. Bc I am so fucking angry that these people have the gall to believe him, I would do ANYTHING for it to not have been true. These are my friends, my sister, who he assaulted, and they never felt like anyone would believe them, only came to me privately after I put it on blast on social media of what he did (I didnt say it was my sister or even name her, used V to refer to her).
No fucking wonder they are afraid. All rape apologists are just as bad as the rapist. How DARE they scare these hurt women into hiding their trauma. All bc he's your friend right? He never did anything with you so? Fuck you. All of you.
No. 1030201
>>1030189>t someday but right now all I hear is that I act agitated and look sickWhat would happen if you said "I am sick. You know I use and I'm trying to get clean. It's hard. I would be great if you could support me on this."
>I know I can do it but every time I get clean something shitty happens and I relapse again.Sounds like you need a sponsor or someone to talk to when you want to use. Or maybe a few sessions with a therapist or addiction counselor to sort out what exactly you are thinking and feeling when you decide to deal with bad times by using and what can be done to change that so you don't feel the need to use to deal with bad times.
I have a behavioral addiction not drugs, and so relapsing doesn't end as bad as actual drug addiction, but it's so hard to stop.
No. 1030243
>>1030171Glad you don't put up with that shit.
The optimistic side of me hopes he'll learn something from that, but I'm sure he'll just be stupid forever.
No. 1030270
>>1030244You have to find something else to live for. That's it. As hard as that is.
Get a dog or cat. That could work.
No. 1030271
>>1030244I get you,
nonnie, I love my parents and all of my family tbh, even if some of them had been quite difficult to deal with at times, I still love them.
The thing is that you have to keep on living, I also think about this, specially since some close relatives of mine died last year.
It’s okay to feel depressed and to have days in which you don’t want to do anything because that’s normal, and it’s okay to cry a lot too.
But life goes on, responsibilities pile up, bills bother and you can’t continue existing on your bed lamenting some unavoidable death.
I guess that at some point, you will live robotically, until you manage to stop grieving and just start accepting the death of your family members. It’s rough, but it’s possible to just get used to the absence of a loved one.
No. 1030298
>>1030262A lot of people feel that way at one time or another. I was going to say even if only done one small thing to make someone's day a little better, you're not useless.
But that's not the way to think of it. No one was put on this Earth to be useful. You don't owe the world anything. We just live making the best lives we can.
No. 1030336
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>>1030171I kinda wish you had pretended to be friends with him long enough to invite us all to watch him play games, so we could scream at him and tell him he's fucking up.
No. 1030337
>>1030331Apparently her real name is Bernadette Erica Banner and she used to go by her middle name, probably because Bernadette is a pretty stuffy name for a kid. I honestly don’t give a fuck, but people in the thread are losing their shit at the “deadnaming” like it’s the end of the world.
Earlier in the thread they were responding to wks by saying they’re a gossip site so of course they’re going to be petty and nosy, but when it comes to “deadnaming” or the fact that her NLOG sister is a woman they’re suddenly paragons of virtue. I hate libfems.
No. 1030406
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spoke about this briefly in the questions thread but my roommate ruined my birthday party by being incredibly rude, screaming at me over nothing, and then trying to isolate me by sucking up to my friends and cutting me off from conversation. she is an insufferable narc and we haven't spoken since (she's moving out in a month thank god) but apparently she's been going around telling people I'm abusive because I call her out when she treats me horribly/is a hypocrite? I know that the right people won't believe her and that she loses friends all the time (she has had permanent fallouts with nine different friends before me), but I'm struggling to stop myself from getting worked up over it at inopportune times.
No. 1030431
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I hate being talked to like this. No, nobody's been "quiet", everyone in this chat has been publicly doing different shit for the most part. Just not with you, dude.
I hate being approached like this, it has such "where's my hug?" energy. It feels so guilt-tripping and manipulative. It demands a public answer even if shit hasn't been good.
This isn't the first time he's done this either, another time he said "yall been so quiet" two weeks ago. Take a hint.
For added flavor, he is one of two people who beg for voice chat and then continue to turn it into creepy sleepover chat instead of game chat. I literally had to rudely and abruptly hang up the call because he wouldn't stop talking about himself.
This is also such a stinky thing to pull because what if people in our chat aren't on good terms? Once again, it's trying to goad a response like there's something wrong because we aren't hanging out together right now. Fuck off.
No. 1030437
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I can't get any privacy and it's driving me to the brink. Me and my husband live in a 2 bedroom apartment, but he works from home and I don't do anything so we're around each other 24/7. Normally it's fine, great even, but I recently picked up an eccentric hobby that I dont want him to know about and its basically forced me to change my sleep schedule. Now I wake up at noon and going to bed at 4 AM so I can partake for a few hours after he goes to bed. I'm starting to get snippy with him over this, I think he's catching onto my behavior changes too
No. 1030451
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These earbuds suuuuuuucks I bought them today the price was ok (14 bucks), the design nice and microphone added too but the sound is BADDDDD aaaaaaaaa I can't even return it since it's opened & tested FUCK
No. 1030454
>>1030437What’s the eccentric hobby
No. 1030548
>>1030491I feel you
nonnie. My boobs are saggy because of genetics and I lost a lot of weight. I'm not planning on fixing mine though. I'd love to but I am beyond terrified of surgeries, I'm broke and surgeries are costly and I'd rather put my money elsewhere. Goverment won't help fix these either even though they're technically "deformed", just not bad enough.. I wish media showed more different kinds of breasts since I've been crying over mine since they started developing because they didn't look similar to what I had seen on tv, movies, magazines, internet, etc..
No. 1030567
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>>1030451>>1030456Y’all are dumb, a piece of electronic equipment having no brand besides Pantone should be considered a flag of this color.
No. 1030594
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>>1030491When you farmers say "saggy" like where on the chart are you talking?
I rated myself a grade 2 and I also think I have pretty tubular/pancake boobs, but no person and even my current guy has ever said I've got bad breasts.
Like when people say they had bad sagging I think of shriveled, eggs nailed to the wall with nipples pointing to the floor. Then I come on lolcow and apparently boobs that look normal to me are apparently ugly pancakes so idk.
No. 1030653
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>>1028746>A year before covid-Thought my college bf ate through discord relationship scam and she told me how in sync and how compatible they were and she believed she found her soulmate
-Half year through she moved in and apparently has met hia family
-3.8 gpa
>fast forward-Lost contact but we rarely communicate via texr
-Was laid off, neeting on parents's
-Met horrendous(s) scrotes who drove me be a precarious childfree woman.
>Yesterday>Met her and her bf recently-Thriving and got my dream job
-is planning to get married as soon as covid is done
No. 1030695
>>1030684You and me both anon. It's so confusing when there's nothing specific that would make you feel that way, and yet everything in your mind just wants to stop existing.
I came across this article few days ago, it gave me some comfort seeing my feelings described so well, maybe it will help you too No. 1030696
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>>1030491Been there, done that. I got a breast lift a year ago and holy moly, that's the best thing I could have done for myself. My self-esteem is still low af 'cause I'm a depressed bitch, but at least I get to look sad in cute and comfy clothes instead of wearing ugly potato sacks just so I could hide my boobs.
No. 1030709
My birthday(24th) is coming up and all my life I've had to learn and assure myself that getting older, specifically 30, is not the end of the world. That shaming women for their age is horrible and that there is absolutely no reason to feel bad about aging.
It has helped me come to terms with the fact that life goes on and that I'm still the same person, just another year lived, new life experiences gained and lessons learned.
But recently I've seen posts made my kids(teenagers) on social media shaming people for their age. Saying that adults shouldn't have hobbies and interests such as cartoons, anime, video games, cosplay and that people in their 20s who are still in "fandoms" should just grow up and get a job. Calling 20 year olds hags and grannies and grandpas. I know I shouldn't take what a bunch of kids say seriously but there's still this nagging whisper in my head saying "You're almost 24 and still watch cartoons? Where's your degree, job and apartment, grandma? You still read fanfiction? Shouldn't you be out there with your shit together instead of dreaming about some anime dudes? Oh you like cosplay and drawing fanart? What a weird old hag."
And it feels awful and just all around sucks. I don't even think that people who have the same interests and hobbies as me and are the same age, or even much older, are losers. Those 60+ year olds who stream video games and still cosplay are cool. So I hate feeling this way about myself.
No. 1030743
>>1030709I'm turning 27 soon and I found my hobbies naturally growing and changing with me as I got older. I felt the same way at your age because I was still obsessed with VNs and anime, the more youthful subsets of jfashion, etc. But in my experience you really do "grow out of" certain things, and the rest grow with you, especially once you hit mid-20s. For example, you might start to become more interested in anime with older characters or more complex themes. And if not that's fine too.
>>1030726>kids who seen grown-ass people participating in fandoms created for themI don't think very many fandoms are "for children." It's cool that children/teens are recognizing creeps and groomers and calling them out, but a teen broadly lashing out at older young adults by trying to police what interests they should have "at their age" is embarrassing. The concept of "fandom" itself is also not for children exclusively.
No. 1030800
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My lesbian friend has a severe case of moid coombrain. We're both into weebshit but I wonder how she can be into some of the stuff she's into without feeling weird knowing that a man made this objectifying content for other men 100%. It's always male gazey shit, lewded vtubers, down to the fanart and I've checked out some of the doujins she's read and they feel right out of a straight coomer's catalog.
I think it's one thing to be into hot women or enjoying the current haremshit FOTM, but this is another thing.
I really love her outside of this one concern and we always talk about other regular series or female characters we love normally but when I see this side come out sometimes I get confused. Like a moid parasite randomly takes control of her brain for a period of time.
No. 1030879
>>1030813I thought its normal too until I was asked about it in therapy. To whom did you bring it up? Unless it's someone extremely unprofessional a mental health specialist should not shrug it off.
I still feel kinda like a fraud because I've never actively attempted to take my life but when I was sent to psychiatrist and said how I was feeling and for how long she immediately said that this kind of state is something that fully justifies going on medication. Can't tell how well it works because it's just the first weeks for me, but let me assure you, it's not normal, and please talk to a professional about it, you'll not be shrugged off.
No. 1030887
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i really cannot empathize with people who have not had anything extremely awful happen to them in their lifetimes. sometimes you get to know someone and they have this disposition and worldview that just makes it obvious they've never had to wonder about their own place in the world or be afraid of what others could impose on them whenever they feel like it. theres something infuriating about the fact people like this exist but i also don't think that everyone should have to suffer, its just that suffering is so unevenly spread
No. 1030905
>>1030709>"You're almost 24 and still watch cartoons? Where's your degree, job and apartment, grandma? You still read fanfiction? Shouldn't you be out there with your shit together instead of dreaming about some anime dudes? Oh you like cosplay and drawing fanart? What a weird old hag."Have you noticed it's never actual normies saying this, though? It's always those same loser kids who are arguing about those same cartoons with adults who used to be just like them. They're just temporarily impersonating normal people because they're losing the argument, and 90% of them will be the same as you in a few years, still involved in fandom shit. It's nothing personal, they're projecting their own fears about life. All the content they obsess over was literally made by adults, not minors, so it's an empty attack
is kind of lame to be fighting about fandom shit with kids if you're an adult, though. Just block them right off the bat and say on your page "Btw I don't engage in discourse with minors. Go to therapy and do your homework, get off the internet and make some real friends Timothy" lol
No. 1030948
>>1030887I lost a parent young and of course it was the one good parent too.. I've had bad experiences where people just don't get the depth of how that affects you. People who haven't been tested in life. Exes in particular have stung me. That makes me want to befriend grieving people just to feel like the empathy they give is genuine and long lasting and can be mutually given. I want to be able to open up and relate in a way that's real and not a performance that quickly fades.
Some people just love a good sob story and eat that shit up… then expect you suck it up and not be affected in the long run. Men who are white knights love to have you spill your heart out in the beginning.. tell me about all your pain baby! Then they go on to not give 2 shits and even use it against you later. Stings to have those deep conversations with a person and then have it turn ugly and petty later on.
No. 1030949
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I barely slept last night because of my panic attacks, so depressed I decided to skip my classes today and stay in bed until 1 pm. This is probably the beginning of the end for me, I surprised myself by doing so good last semester too
No. 1031110
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This girl is the blueprint. I love her like how incels idolise Patrick Bateman. If I could swap places with her, I would in a heartbeat. But honestly, how does she do it? How's she so sought after? I'd give anything for a crumb of selfhood. All this talk about Euphoria and Skins has got me worried I'm wasting my youth and missing out. I just wanna live. Go crazy. Go stupid. Ahhhhhhhhh
No. 1031123
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Sometimes I’m really tired of being the tough and sarcastic woman, I just want to feel feminine and protected by other women who are more confrontational and bold than me. I just want to be cherished by more women, I love women
No. 1031125
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My favorite Italian restaurant burned down!
No. 1031136
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I’m so sorry anon i was just thinking about creamy cheesy pasta with ruccola and prosciutto ham
No. 1031150
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>>1030748Sorry for taking so long to answer, nonna! Don't worry ab the questions, I'm glad to be of help!
>How much did it cost?It cost around 6k where I live. The procedure itself was close to 4k, the other part covered the hospital bills.
>What type of lift did you get?I got that inverted T incision or anchor lift.
>How long did it take for the scarring to start fading?I'd say 8 months or so. The scars under my boobs are still a bit visible, ngl. They're white at the time being, but they will most likely fade away over the years. It must be because I didn't use the cream properly, I mean, I should've applied for a longer time according to the doctor. I'm just sloppy when it comes to medications and creams, lol.
No. 1031155
i'm the assistant manager to a small food business that by some miracle pulled through the brunt of covid. we supplemented all of our staff's wages throughout so they wouldn't have missed tips.
They currently get paid $18/hour ($8 more than comparable small businesses around here) plus customer tips, which can usually be $50-$100 per shift. We close all holidays, give PTO, and provide benefits. All the staff are 18-22.
Well, they banded together and demanded a $3/hour raise for "all their hard work" that we can't afford right now (haven't made profit in months) after doing baseline work. I mean, I have to point out all the time for them to be nice to customers (I make it REALLY clear they can refuse service to anyone being rude, harassing, or creepy - I just keep catching them giving shitty service to nice custies) and to do basic bare-minimum cleaning tasks.
I feel like all the people we've hired have interviewed so well, then when they get past their first month, they suddenly drop of cleaning tasks. They get along really well with eachother, the job is easy (I worked at the service level for the past several years, including through covid). I work really hard to check in with them, give them the exact schedules they want, and give them all the days off they want with up to a week's notice. I don't know where we're going wrong. Are we spoiling them to the point of entitlement?
I honestly think it's because they all come from wealthier families and are attending the really expensive and prestigious university that's in our city. I overheard some of the staff discussing where they live & rent, one said that her 2-bedroom apartment she lives in alone is $1,600. She only wants to work 15 hours a week. I think they want to continue living fancy but their funds are drying up. I live in a 1br with my partner and cat for $700.
But maybe I'm delusional and have become the big bad business manager. My gut and my peers who know the business well say that I'm reasonable for thinking $3/hour raise to $20/hour plus $50-$100 a shift for really easy small brunch place work is a little too much, especially since we would actively lose money over time. Then I'd be out of a job too.
No. 1031156
>>1031123I'm the "strong one" of all my little groups who everyone always leans on and is the one to be protective and maternal and punch men in the face who get handsy at the club.
But at the end of the day I secretly just want to be small and cuddled and nurtured by women lol
No. 1031160
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lately it's been in the news that a hospital was giving white people less points when determining if they need a certain covid treatment. You need 20 points, and being non-white net you 7. Lawyer got involved and it's been rolled back.
But no one gives a shit that being male gets you 2 points? Men suffer more from covid because statistically, they don't follow rules as much as women do regarding to it. But being MALE gets you 2 points and being asthmatic gets you only 1?? The medical community are fucking assholes. Men would lose their shit if the tables weres turned.
No. 1031175
>>1031155Stop hiring college kids and hire townies and/or adults who view being a waiter as a profession?
Anyway, those kids don't care about your finances and probably wouldn't even if you opened your books to them so just tell them no.
No. 1031186
>>1031155I hate those entitled freaks too
Give them a hand and they'll grab the whole arm.
No. 1031193
>>1031155Also samefagging as
>>1031190 but I want to illustrate one thing: there's usually a ringleader for staff in restaurants. The one who either calls the shots or "acts out" the most, failing to follow orders, etc. My dad told me that once you fire that person, everyone else usually falls into line.
No. 1031195
>>1031155Theyve been on Twitter too long and think every business owner no matter how meager is just hoarding wealth like a mini Jeff bezos.
Phase out the staff as quickly and possible and
>>1031193 is correct too. Someone organized that and is just causing dysfunction. If they need that much of a raise on top of what they have, they can drive garbage trucks for 20+ an hour.
No. 1031203
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I don't know how to express feelings of any kind. For some reason, I find it embarassing. I avoid confronting people because I am afraid of being beaten, especially by men, and when I do, I quickly lose my temper and end up yelling and saying bad things. When someone is venting to me, I just listen silently, which makes me feel like a bitch. When I'm happy, I smile awkwardly instead of acting cheerful. I don't even feel the need to cry anymore. I have no social skills or maturity. I can't connect with people.
No. 1031234
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A friend of mine has bpd. We’ve been friends for 6 years now, and most of our friendship has been mutually uplifting and supportive. But the more time goes on the more I see her broken record of habits and excuses.
When ever I mention a new interest or reignighting a hobby I see the jealousy flair. This time it was due to sharing a piece of art I completed and am proud of. When she splits she’s so difficult and compensates by telling me how she’s already completed 2 art pieces (never draws or paints in whole friendship) this week and how I “shouldn’t get ahead of my myself”.
Bitch, I’m just chillin and painting, I’m not selling or advertising my hobby. Why did it have to get competitive in the first place? Why can’t we just support each other????? Also she’s so ready to throw relationship wisdom at me lately too, and she’s on the verge of breaking up with her bf with no job and no money and no ability to self maintain. Please focus on you.
No. 1031245
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im retarded nonnies i need some kind of reward to feel good about since im sober and cant dope myself anymore and the closest i've gotten so far is just posting on this site and its not healthy it doesn't even feel good anymore help LOL
No. 1031264
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I've been with my bf for very close to 3 years and he and his friends have been dropping pretty heavy hints that a proposal is near on the horizon. We have spoken about marriage and holidays and moving out of my apartment and buying a house in the future, but last week he called me on his way home to say he didn't have any money left in his account at all for his turn to buy groceries. I was totally caught off guard and transferred him enough for him to buy the veggies I needed to cook for the week and when we got home I totally ripped into him about savings. Dude has none. He literally lives paycheck to paycheck but he gets paid more than me AND I take care of a majority of the household bills/expenses. I totally lost my shit and asked if he expected a wedding, honeymoon and engagement ring to just fall out of the sky when he decided to go through with it. He looked sheepish and said no. My trust in him is seriously broken. Through the pandemic i've saved up money from not going out and doing things we usually would (like dinner dates and stuff) and I just can't comprehend how he's done this. He's in a perfect position to save money for our future but just doesn't. I spent nearly $3k on gifts for him last year and he didn't get me anything and now i'm connecting all these dots and wondering if I shouldn't just pack his bags and throw him the fuck out of my apartment. I thought things were going smoothly but now I don't know.
No. 1031273
>>1031271Thanks nona, I've got a lot of thinking to do. I'm a little older than you were in that scenario so in the back of my mind i'm despairing that it will be (according to my doc) kind of too late for me to have kids if I have to sink another 3-5 years into a relationship
>implying I find a decent manhellworld.
No. 1031281
>>1031273holy shit, so let me get this straight anon. This man doesn't pay bills, add to savings or buy you gifts despite earning more than you, but you're seriously thinking about having kids with him? When you're posting on /r/breakingmom in 3 years about how you want to die because your moid sits around being useless all day while you juggle the kid, bills, full-time job and all the cooking and cleaning don't say you didn't have adequate warning.
How the fuck is the better option to not go to a sperm bank? I absolutely hate how many women will bring innocent children into the world with low value worthless scrotes. It's beyond fucking selfish.
No. 1031334
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…and when you reach out to someone you can tell they're too busy to talk/hang out or they just don't want to.
I'm getting a bit tired of my own hobbies and having to constantly distract myself.
No. 1031342
>>1031335It's not about being bitter about other people having had it better, it's about people who never had to really suffer being unable to relate to or understand people who suffered profoundly to the point it changed their life.
Of course there's people who suffer and come out the other end consisting of nothing but cope and seethe, but others grow in ways healthy people simply cannot. I'm sure most of us would rather be some happy go lucky person who thinks some small inconvenience is a big deal than be haunted by trauma and having to deal with the way it conditioned our thinking and emotions. Nobody wants to feel alienated from the average person.
No. 1031344
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>>1031343Sage your post
nonny No. 1031382
>>1031356it's a position that automatically attracts the worst for it and police unions never want it changed. they have no interest in being functional or helpful. they are chronically overbililng counties and theft through overbilling is huge with them. not that this is the worst of their crimes by any means, it's just the tip of the iceberg, but it seems the only thing that motivates americans is wasted taxes or whatever. they're now lying to
victims of crimes and claiming they can't do things for them and blaming it on "reforms" that literally have not even been applied.
No. 1031484
>>1031475I see nothing wrong with that, this entire website is a time-waster
Nobody comes here to do worthwhile things, we come here to shitpost
No. 1031490
>>1031484And even that you guys do poorly.
The amount of male obsession and seething is ridiculous.
No. 1031501
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>>1031490I really don't like you or your retarded spacing.
No. 1031515
>>1031490You’re seething about people seething?
What has this board come to
No. 1031555
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Watching a youtube video about 3 dudes going on a car trip from Denmark to China on the picrel route and it's such an amazing trip but I can't imagine it being safe for a woman to ever do. Maybe I'm wrong but just the fact it's the first thought coming to mind sucks
No. 1031571
>>1031563Let's go nonna
>>1031566In a big crew I imagine that would be much more doable, honestly sounds like a dream adventure
No. 1031637
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>>1031591>pretty much anywhere that's not a literal war zoneAnd then they go to the war zone for internet cookie points and other people have to endanger themselves to save their retarded asses. Or they go to live into the wild to be one with the nature or something and perish miserably due to doing zero research on how to survive out there.
No. 1031651
>>1031591My ex was obsessed with Middle East. He'd always boast how much of a great vacation it is to go there. I've been there a few times and always felt unsafe as fuck because of how much the men there would harras me.
I generally get sad when I see men take trips that would be absolutely impossible for women and enjoy them so much. Or say how people in some country are nice and welcoming when you know it's a country in which women have almost no rights and people there surely aren't welcoming to female tourists.
No. 1031657
>>1031591Are travel buddy services for women a thing? Or some kind of escort service (fuck off I'm not letting pimps take the word "escort")?
Something where you just put up a listing saying "I want to travel to this place, I'm this age, I'm not a smoker, I like to drink, I want to bring my pet parakeet, blah blah blah. Looking for another woman my age so we can have eachother's back", they vet you to make sure you're not a human trafficker or something, and do the same for everyone else? Or you go to a site with (equally vetted) listings like "I'm trained in this form of fighting, carry a taser, am good with guns. Pay for my travel/hotel fees and I'll protect you"?
No. 1031796
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I'm tired of waiting a thousand lifetimes for my hair to grow just to wound up cutting it in the end. I always have this urge to cut my hair and would of done it already if I hadn't made my bf make me promise I will not cut it again. But I'm failing to resist de temptation, I look like a hobo with long hair and so cute in a pixie cut like picrel. I'm crying, I don't know what I want
No. 1031803
>>1031796Just tie it back/ponytail? Put your hair in a faux bob? Wear short wigs?
I've never understood this, I have shoulder length hair and I just braid it or wear wigs when I get tired of it/want to change things up
No. 1031837
>>1031827Even if she's batshit the police can deal with that. OP is an adult lol
>>1031820If she's the type to try and physically stop you from leaving just move out when she's at work or something. You don't need her permission to move out, you don't even need her help
No. 1031899
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>>1028746I didn't give him power over me. It didn't come from him in the first place. Like she said in
>>1031819, I made that promise for myself. The promise is just a failed attempt at helping me try to stay in place.
>>1031801>>1031802>>1031803It's not that simple. Unless you have cut your hair and enjoyed the experience, you won't get it. I've talked to a handful of women during my pixie cut time that related to this experience. Some manage to get around with the urge to cut their hair, but a lot of them don't . I feel like I want my hair to grow long because I used to have really long hair for most part of my life and I kinda miss it, however, I think I look cute with short hair. Idc, it's also a coping mechanism. Wigs don't work for me, I feel out of place. The struggle is real.
edit: spelling
No. 1031904
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I fucking hate unisex restrooms and I hate how theyre replacing all of the sex segregated restrooms in my city. I only know a handful of places to go now. It's 100% for troons, since I live in a hugely progressive city and see them everywhere. Now when I walk into a bathroom and can expect to see a puddle of piss and pubes on the seat. It's not like bathrooms were clean before, but now they're just a travesty. I also just don't feel safe at all knowing a guy can just slip a phone under the stall door or peek through the massive gaps between stalls (I live in the US where we haven't learned how to make private stalls like the rest of the world yet, pic rel). Not to mention I've now already almost walked into a stall where a man was peeing with the door wide open, because 1) he's used to being in mens only restrooms where that isn't uncommon if all the urinals are taken OR 2) he's purposefully trying to make women feel sexually uncomfortable. It was such a violating moment for me. Women should be safe from seeing male genitals and touching male fluids (men piss all over the seats). Men have sex on their mind all of the time and so when a man is in a room where he knows women are partially undressing, especially just a foot away from him, I just don't buy that he doesn't have some level of arousal or excitement from that. I don't feel comfortable when I'm peeing and I can see a mans size 12 fucking monster feet in the stall next to me. It's scary. Not to mention my boyfriend has mentioned to me that he has heard men masturbating in stalls next to him multiple times before. Mind you this is just times hes HEARD and NOTICED because they were being so obvious. If public bathrooms are already a place where men jerk off and make other men uncomfortable, I can't see a world where more men don't masturbate even more frequently knowing theyre sharing a space with women. Honest to fucking god, I would rather have troons coming into womens restrooms 100 times over than just share bathrooms with the average male.
No. 1031918
>>1031651>I generally get sad when I see men take trips that would be absolutely impossible for women and enjoy them so much.Yeah, watching travel vlogs made by men is depressing because I know I couldn't experience the things they do even if I took a chance. It's always like
>I went backpacking at the countryside in a 3rd world country and met these amazing local people who invited me in to have a drink and just talk, that was so amazing man just a wonderful experience!!!And I'm sitting here being like "okay? They'd probably rape, kill and rob me at worst or tell my foreign whore ass to fuck off at best, anything but breaking bread with me". I've sometimes unironically considered trooning out just so I could live a wanderlust sort of a lifestyle without fear.
No. 1031919
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>>1023080 Another text from my boss. Obviously on top of all the other shit they’re super unorganized, so they always text me the day before to tell me when I come in for the next shift. Nobody has texted me the past week since she sent me the message that I posted and I haven’t replied to said message. My manager/daughter just sent me this and I don’t even know what to say LMAO
No. 1031947
>>1031915Isn't waiting for the scrote to take lead and grab your tit literally giving him the upper hand? You're just playing a dumb game. If you're interested in someone, why play all these weird games where you wait for them to do something to 'prove' something to you. I guess I just never understood the whole "hard to get" thing.
Also if he's timid and you're clearly turned off by timidness, why are you still interested? Find a guy who will send that racy message, there are so many guys like that out there.
>>1031916>>1031922I'm not trying to invalidate your experiences but I guess my comment comes from a place where I am generally always 'hunted down' by men and never get to take charge or make the first move. It seems like every time I become interested in a guy he's quick to "secure" me and put his hands all over me or send a "come over" message out of the blue. Finding a timid guy would be a dream.
No. 1031948
>>1031929I don't want to date him anon, I want him to beg to eat me out and pathetically admit he thinks about me when jerking off.
Half the attraction of him is that he has this obvious crush on me. It's insecure of me but I want to know he wants me so much that it overwhelms his shyness and doubts, and makes him go out on a limb. I just want that once in my life, for him to be vulnerable and say "I want you" and to have the power to crush him or fulfill his fantasy in that moment.
No. 1031952
The only people who would care about this irl are the exact people I can't discuss this with so here we go. I'm running a low-stakes, dungeon crawl tabletop RPG with a group that consists of my bf, two girls I've been friends with for ages, and a male 'friend' whom I really dislike. Most of the time the obnoxious moid behaves and it's fun to watch them stumble through the dungeon and come up with wacky solutions to mundane problems, but their reactions to the 'boss fights' they've encountered so far make me want to ragequit. Their insistence on using convoluted tactics to investigate new rooms makes it very hard for me to accurately describe the room and the enemy, leaving them with an incredibly distorted perception of what's actually going on so they end up thinking certain rooms/enemies are impossible when there's actually a very straightforward strategy that would have been obvious if they had just entered the fucking room normally. Conversely, they'll get to rooms that are literally abandoned and described as such and then become absolutely convinced that the key to unlocking the rest of the dungeon is hidden in some random shit I threw in to add atmosphere, like decorative stone carvings around a door. The obnoxious moid also resolutely acts out every single goddamn action in character, acts like he's the main character and tries to make everyone else go along with his plans, and consistently draws incorrect conclusions about shit while thinking he's some sort of genius because he over-applies his knowledge of physics to literally fucking everything. What should have been a relatively straightforward puzzle (i.e. find hidden pressure plate to avoid getting zapped by lightning disc) turned into a twenty-minute long nightmare involving ball-bearings and Cartesian coordinates, and he routinely misinterpets basic descriptions and tries to argue with me, the DM, that his autistic misconceptions are correct when I literally have the map and the adventure module open in front of me. A lot of this behavior is par for the course with these types of games, but this one problem player seems to be fueling most of my headaches and turning what should be a fun diversion into hours of paperwork so that I am equipped to refute his bullshit when he inevitably tries to over-analyse every fucking stone tile of this imaginary dungeon. Since he's normally a DM rather than a player, I feel like he's constantly trying to shit-test my preparation and powergame because he pouts and tries to bail whenever things don't go his way. I'm honestly considering telling him to leave if he acts up again, because I've had to make some sort of comment about his behaviour after every single session.
tl;dr fuck moids who are too invested in the ttrpg hobby
No. 1031953
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I'm trying to learn perspective and is HARD AS FUCK!!!
No. 1031970
>>1028746I’m pretty sure I’ll have to quit my position in a kitchen because my back keeps locking up and the pain is unnerving by the forth hour.
But also, why hire a tall person to hover over a cutting board for hours at a counter designed for people who are 5’2
Maybe I’m doomed to neetdom because I can’t keep doing physical labor like this
No. 1031972
>>1031952Definitely ditch the moid. If he sulks when he doesn't get his way and wastes everyone's time with over analyzing he's not a good player.
On the other hand
>why can't they just enter the room normallyDMing is a ballache lol. If you stop having fun when players do unexpected shit, you may as well stick to writing fiction rather than playing TTRPGs. It's not your story to tell, you're facilitating them making up their own stories. If they don't understand how a room looks or how challenging an enemy is, that's largely on you because it's your job to set the scene. Yes some players are idiots but once you know their style you can cut off their bad habits before they spiral or design different challenges that reward their play style.
No. 1031980
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>>1031953It will get easier! What are you learning right now? If you can do the basics and don't care about accuracy that much you can just try studying some pictures of rooms or draw what's around you. If you're just looking to draw backgrounds and your main focus are figures then it doesn't even matter if it's a little wonky, as long as it looks nice it'll work. Pic related, that shelf isn't standing on anything and cat and anatomy are fucked but it still got a lot of notes because it looks nice over all
No. 1032000
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Was vomiting from anxiety over something that I had to do… but when it came to it, it was settled SUPER quickly. I feel slightly unsettled now. And very guilty because I was expecting an argument but there was none. They accepted it, their losses and concerns and all. I feel guilty. I wish I could be a better person but I have to be selfish right now.
No. 1032002
>>1031905I do advocate for myself at times, though I have to admit I just don't get any joy out of it. The knowledge that I'm shutting someone else down, ruining their vibe or mood just makes me ambivalent at best, and sometimes unhappy at worst if I have to do it with someone whose company I enjoy. I'm happiest when I'm in a community of people that all advocate for each other and are thoughtful about what the other needs. I've been in communities that are like this briefly here and there, though it isn't sustainable and everyone goes back to being normal eventually. Thank you for the reply anon, I was expecting mean replies so I appreciate you taking the time to answer something nice.
>>103192Sensitive nonna! I actually am an artist, I've been drawing and writing for many years now. I'm not really active on social medias to share my art though (for obvious reasons). I mostly just struggle with being very lonely, I find it hard to make friends because I am so sensitive.
No. 1032026
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I just got back from my health checkup and I love going to female doctors. I’m so glad everyone in that entire office was a woman because she literally shoved her finger up my ass. She gave me a pep talk about my pain but they just wanted me to get through the pain so I can no longer go through this shit anymore (trust me I’m definitely changing my diet and lifestyle after this). Kek I know this is oversharing like wtf but apparently my thyroid is a little inflamed and I’m so happy not because of that but I might finally get a solution for my werewolf chin hirutism-esque hair I started getting when puberty really did a number on my body. I never shave but the chin hairs was really pulling down my self-esteem
No. 1032031
>>1032013Men can be obese, plain hideous and still get some, God knows how.
Slightly fat ladies can score black guys and that's about it.
No. 1032048
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nonnies what do you do when you can't make yourself get out of bed either literally or in an emotional sense where its like you wither away for days at a time still technically dressed and awake but not accomplishing anything productive? ps. i cant take pills anymore i did that too much now it wont work either
No. 1032065
>>1031972There's unexpected behaviour and then there's cowering outside a room that a powerful but slow and stupid enemy is trapped in because you can't possibly conceive of, I don't know, running past it or luring it into the huge chasm that's right behind it. I am a new DM and still building my skills so some of it is my fault, but some of it is also on the players for not wanting to take any risks and bailing when things get dicey. I also feel like the two men in the group get way too into RPing stupid shit and then talk over me and don't let me explain stuff fully, which causes the group to latch onto some irrelevant detail or incorrect info and then they argue with me when I try to clarify things. I'll try being more assertive next session and if they don't take me seriously then, they're getting the boot.
>>1031959As much as I'd like to do this by DM fiat he's a very cautious/cowardly player so it'd be difficult, but a girl can dream.
No. 1032069
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>>1031311I just want SOMETHING to happy so that pronoun shit and nonbinary identities stop becoming more and more mainstream, I hate hearing this shit everyday from the normies at work
No. 1032074
>>1032048There's got to be something you like about life,
nonnie, if only shitposting online…reward yourself.
Make sure to get lots of sun, and if possible, buy one of those anti seasonal-depression lamps. They're a bit overpriced, but I use mine every morning in the winter and at the very least it makes me wake up faster.
Rooting for you.
No. 1032088
I was scheduled to go in for a follow up visit with my doctor this week, but I changed insurances over the new year because of my employer. I gave my doctor’s office my new insurance information and now they’re telling me that I have to pay out of pocket upfront for the visit. I explained that I was told by the insurance agent that I don’t have to pay anything out of pocket upfront, my plan doesn’t have copays or anything, and that I pay after the claim is submitted. The insurance pays whatever after they get the claim, and I’m responsible for the remaining amount (paid for with my HRA). They said, “no, you have to pay up front because this is a follow up visit” Huh?? Do you not submit insurance claims for follow up visits???? They were also saying how I have my deductible, and I’m like, yeah I’m aware but my insurance I just switched from was the exact same- high deductible with no copays and an HRA spending account. My insurance confirmed this but the rep said I’m pretty much shit out of luck if the office wants to force me to pay out of pocket first. I don’t want to because then things get all jumbled with cost estimates and what the insurance price is and oh lord the fucking ordeal of getting reimbursed!
I just wanted to do a follow up visit on my blood test results and also to ask about this painful bump inside my nose, but I guess not! I also had an issue where she submitted my blood for vitamin D testing without telling me, then my (old) insurance told me I was on the hook to pay $190 because they deem it medically unnecessary and wouldn’t cover it! I’ve found wonderful doctors for everything else (my obgyn, dentist, etc) but I cannot for the life of me find a primary care doctor that doesn’t give me grief for one issue or another. I just switched to this doctor too and now I’m debating if I should switch again to an office that won’t give me so much grief over my insurance.
No. 1032180
>>1032141Neurotypical, normie.
>>1032165I've basically just went from bi to lesbian because I was just done with men. The okish ones are all snapped up at college and then it's just a barren wasteland of pornsicks and manbabies.
>>1032166It's romanticizing boring stuff so you want to do it, genius.
No. 1032194
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>>1032180>It's romanticizing boring stuff so you want to do it, genius.NTAYRT yet this was an eye opener, but such a rude awakening. I will never watch these videos from the same perspective. Thank you, nona.
No. 1032208
>>1031467I would have better things to lie about. Seriously, she was a cow and she knows it. She showed me a screenshot of a lolcow post roasting her from back then when all that started. Rachel larped as a Russian, Eastern European, Romani, black girl, asian girl, gay guy, surgeon, femcel, jewish, racist, dev. and more. A classmate put a tracker on her device and they shared her sperging and shitposts.
No. 1032229
>>1031334I'm sorry,
nonnie. This place and a couplf of other are my primary place of social interaction. It's pretty sad, but better than nothing.
No. 1032245
>>1031670You can try to get down to the root reason you feel that way, by using something like the 5 whys, and address it.
Or you can like just say encouraging things to yourself while texting like "It's ok. Friend likes me. She will still be my friend even if I say something weird."
Or you can do some deep work by challenging negative thoughts. No. 1032249
>>1031887Sounds like you are people pleaser. Read a couple of books on how to not be a people pleaser and how to be assertive. Or just start with youtube vids.
Also, maybe look into therapy if that's a thing in your country and you can afford it.
No. 1032275
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Someone in my friend group invited a girl, she is nice and many things, but god, she is a handmaiden. She has gotten into fights with other people over troon-related arguments and it's tiring. Idk why, but there's something that makes me sad about girls putting this much effort into protecting troons when it's clear as hell that not a even single tranny will never do the same for them.
No. 1032277
>>1032272Fuck those kids, anon. Filthy fucking casuals.
Also, you should totally take the day off to book those tickets.
No. 1032281
>>1032275I had to cut ties quietly with someone like that. She would keep sending me troon tiktoks and anti-
terf memes all day like I gave a shit
No. 1032285
>>1032282samefag, with all due respect to your friends, fuck them too.
New people can be the worst. Not every time, but a lot of the time. And now we're all supposed to pretend that new people don't actually ruin fandom or whatever, but a lot of the time they do. They turn into something completely different and worse. Fuck all those people.
No. 1032295
>>1032180What's with the side little 'normie' and 'genius' remarks
nonnie hmm
No. 1032304
>>1032283>>1032287Kek, it would be kinda funny, but I'm lowkey afraid that it will make her troon out into a they/them
I don't see her becoming a full FtM Aiden, but who knows anymore?. I mostly keep my distance when she begins with a troon sperging.
No. 1032325
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My fwb (inb4 I deserve it) cut things today because I apparently have too much sass and he can't handle it. Boo. I don't think I were sassier to him than I am to my friends, but obviously we're not as close as I am to my friends. Still, kind of sad because I'm losing regular sessions and it's got me thinking I'm too much. Oh well. At least it was nice until it lasted.
No. 1032335
>>1032325Kek, such a weak reason and I'm sorry that happened to you anon.
Not sure if it's great advice, but back when I had fwbs I always had 2 or 3 in my rotation so at least there was always someone to chill with if one decided he was gonna grow a conscience that way I could just reply with "k" and genuinely not be bothered lol. Block him and don't look back.
No. 1032338
>>1032335Thanks, anon. Maybe I could have had more fwbs but honestly picking out dudes is annoying and it was kind of by chance that we even got along. In a way, this is good for me because I really need to focus on my goals and he was kind of distracting. No more men/dick for me for a while.
No. 1032371
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I want to be loved but what would anyone even love about me if I don’t exist and if I don’t exist why do I even care about love
No. 1032374
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>>1028746T'was the year pre covid and me and my uni best friend just graduated and on prowl for job. I had just broken up with my ex and she has never had a boyfriend. Later on, she told me that she met a guy from language learning app and they hit it off they moved to discord. The way she describes him is exactly like your naive teen in love. She told me that he was the sweetest guy she ever met and both of them admits that it feels like they met their soulmate. Honestly its waving me a huge ass red flag but i didnt dare to interrupt her since she was really happy. We got busy in our life and talked less but i found out shortly that she moved across the globe to take a masters in uni near his hometown. Mind you this took only several months in terms of whirlwind romance.
The year is 2022 and my job hunt was disastrous added with covid wrecking my social life. My last experience with a guy was so bad i swore off from dating again. I reconnected with her to find out that she is now engaged and have my dream career in a reputable company. Now that i've calmed down i am truly happy for her but the day that i found out, i was seething with jealousy and self loathing the whole day on how fucking shit my life is. I used to adamantly believe that soulmate doesnt exist but apparently it might be found in rare cases like her as they were interacting like they are still in lovestruck phase even.
No. 1032390
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>>1032304If she's gonna troon out anyway, then she's mentally unhinged. I would not want to be friends with a loony troony who's gonna pick fights and generally make the friend group feel like shit and walk on eggshells around her. TIME TO STEP INTO THE SQUARED CIRCLE, ANON, AND KICK HER FUCKING ASS OUTTA THERE! OOH YEAH!
No. 1032491
>>1032476Can't believe they cast fucking Seohyun of all people lmao
Anyway any sort of intentional, formalized BDSM is absolutely peak cringe, it's fine if it's just organically their personality types and dynamics but it doesn't sound like that if they intend on making the title literal
No. 1032496
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I am quitting my retail job today. I can’t sleep for DAYS because of forced script change (burgerfag insurance) and my body is in such pain I think I really hurt myself. After a shift my body is in so much pain I can’t stand straight after sitting down.
I have a physical therapy appointment in a few hours.
Cherry on top, I had a review yesterday and they marked attendance against me… BECAUSE I HAD COVID AND DIDNT COME IN BEFORE MY FEVER BROKE.
I work in a grocery store, I’m not trying to get my coworkers and everyone’s grandma sick because the company is understaffed.
I was sleep deprived (up 30 hours no rest) and I requested today to not cut product up, because I didn’t want to accidentally cut myself out of exhaustion. I still CAME TO WORK, and my boss complained. I should have stayed home, fuck.
I think I’ll go in on my day off and just explain I’m not physically able to do the job anymore, along with a note from PT and quit. I’m done. They are not paying competitively, they mislead me on the position, and they resent me for being physically unable to work because I got infected by the latest strand of an on going pandemic.
I enjoy social work environments, and I am a hard worker, but I am absolutely DONE with excepting pain as a side effect of earning money. I guess I’ll go back to a desk job or anything similar.
Ps someone make me sleep I miss it. 5 days, no more than 3 hours a night
No. 1032580
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>>1032567>>1032556I think friends like this are extremely rare, despite what's shown in the media. I know people like that but they're a few and all extroverts, hanging out in their extrovert circles; you (like me) don't sound like much of an extrovert yourself so it's really hard to get access to a friend circle as such and then keep up with people like that - since friendship goes both ways and you'd have to be proactive too.
Technically we could drop the "if you want to have a friendship like that you have to do it yourself" advice but I just know how impossible it is. Most of the time all we can have is a person who will respond to our messages sometimes and that is still valuable and not everyone can aquire it. I've seen people my age and older develop close friendships at work but for some people it's just impossible and sucks to know I'm one of them, like you two, nonnas. Let's unite in our misery I guess
No. 1032607
>>1032556Same, nonna! I’m the same. During the earliest years of my life, I had no friends. No childhood memories of playing outside; I was isolated. By the time I was a teenager I was too retarded, and by the time I learnt to socialise a bit it’s like people could smell the offishness on me. They were nice enough, considerate, even…would say hi when I’m there, ask how I’m doing, maybe tell me to come along if they’re going to go to that place across the street. I’d say yes, thinking that friendship need good soil to bloom, but there’s something in between the planting and budding that always seems to skew sideways and go awry. I wouldn’t be invited to the night outs, no matter how hard I tried to be nice or outgoing or take initiative. I would be always kept out of the group chats. The inside jokes. The spontaneous get-togethers. If I was there, cool, but if one place didn’t all join us, there was no need to come knocking in my door. And these places—college, school, clubs—would eventually fall away, and I with them, but the others always seemed to still be friends. Just not with me. Thing is, I don’t think they dislike me; I think they don’t know what the fuck to do with me. Which I don’t understand: what’s not clicking? What’s that that they can see in me that doesn’t make them want to stick or act like I’m real? I’m real enough for me, so what’s wrong? Why can’t I break through? Why do I always get excited when they say, “we should — sometime,” and wait all week, when I know they don’t mean it?
Not going to lie to you, most of the time it sucks. It feels like I’m unable to access some fundamental part of life, some important experience. Like I can’t make things happen. Days all seem the same, barely real. Time folds backwards. But please, nonna, get a job or go to a gym. Just put yourself in any situation with regular human contact. I know what’s it’s like to sink into friendless depressive NEETness, and it is not good. You need a reason to wash your hair.
No. 1032669
Sometimes I type out posts on here and just delete it all before posting, because I hate feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes it’s right before bed, so I can’t tell whether I actually ended up hitting post or not. Most cases it turns out I didn’t, I don’t really feel like typing out what I typed last night in case I somehow missed what I said or I posted it in another thread in a medicated daze. I feel like people don’t care about me, and I know it’s not true. My friends care about me, my mom cares about me, my sister cares about me, that should be enough. But I can’t help but feel this resentment towards my mother and sister because when I finally told them my dad (who my mom divorced when I was 8, but had partial custody of me) sexually abused me and allowed his best friend to sexually abuse me too (he would literally sometimes walk in and watch, I don’t understand what was happening there) — my mom was somewhat surprised, but not that surprised. To the point where I wonder if she knew and just didn’t know how to deal with it (my dad abused her a lot and tried to smother her to death in front of me when I was a kid) but she vehemently denies this and asks how I could possibly think this when I bring it up. My sister, on the other hand, was shocked to hear about my dad, but said his friend’s abuse “wasn’t surprising” and that she “always thought something weird was going on”. I always wonder, why didn’t she say anything then? She’s 4 years older than me. Sure, she was a kid too, but the sexual abuse stopped when I was in middle school and she was in high school. Why didn’t she say anything? If it were me, I would have brought up my suspicions. Why did she let it go on like that? And why did it have to be me? My dad only verbally abused my sister, but she watched him beat me in front of her. She obviously never witnessed any sexual abuse, but the physical stuff, she never stopped it. She would even blame stuff she did on me knowing fully well my dad would beat me, or throw things at me (or make it so they barely missed me). Why did it have to be just me? My mom always explains that my dad didn’t want me, he only wanted my sister, and he wasn’t there for my birth and didn’t really even change my diapers. Why did she have me with a man who expressed so clearly he didn’t WANT me? It makes me so upset, even typing it out makes me sick. I can’t ever talk about it in vivid detail, but I relive a lot of what happened every time I lie in bed, or a certain show comes on, or I enter a room with certain lighting (retarded, I know). I’m just kind of shouting into the void, but I can’t seem to let this go. There was a case opened but there wasn’t enough evidence because it took me until I was 16 to tell my therapist (who was legally obligated to report it of course). I sometimes wish I never told anyone at all. Because the investigation just traumatized me all over again. The forensic interview, I could barely speak, I was sobbing hysterically. And I kept saying “I don’t know” to things I knew the answer to because I just physically couldn’t say the words aloud, to confirm that it was real. I try to deny what happened every day, but my brain won’t stop. 4 years after the case closed, and I don’t feel any better. I feel like I would feel better if I told someone the details, so my therapist suggested that I type out certain instances that still replay in my mind and she’ll read it to herself and then we can try to talk more about how it affected me and how to move forward. But I can’t even do that. I’ve only ever been able to tell my closest friends while drunk or high the specifics of some things. But they’re not my friends anymore, I cut them out of my life because I didn’t want to be a druggie anymore and went through rehabilitation. And they can’t be my free therapist, either, that would be ridiculous. But I’ve become violent towards men and constantly hypervigilant. His friend died, but my dad hasn’t yet. I really wish he would. I keep waiting for that day that I get the news. He’s a 67 year old chainsmoking meth head alcoholic, how the hell is he still alive? The last I saw him he looked like shit. He had these open bleeding sores all over his face, he was visibly emaciated, but my sister is still in contact with his eldest sister so I would know when he died. I keep waiting and waiting. But I feel like even when he dies, it won’t make anything any better. The damage is done, and I just can’t recover. I wish I could forget so badly. I wish more than anything that I could forget. It feels so cringy having PTSD, being “triggered” by such asinine shit like certain smells or the lighting in a room, certain sounds, I hate it. I’m in hell.
No. 1032714
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I want to off myself lol
No. 1032746
I just posted here, that wall of text lamenting about my shit childhood. I should start a diary again. I want to feel numb so badly, I feel ill with the amount of flashbacks I’m dealing with today and my inability to eat.
I really don’t know how to keep going on like this. But I’ve tried to kill myself 3 times, the third time I thought would be a surefire way to work, took as much Remeron as I could. I kept waking up anyway. I didn’t tell anyone, I probably should’ve, I felt like I was dying, but I never did, I should’ve gotten my stomach pumped, because now it’s basically in tatters. I took it as some corny sign that I should probably keep on living, I just don’t know what for. I want to be a successful person, but my fucked up brain holds me back. I feel legitimately retarded at times. I guess it’s not that I want to be dead, I just want a better life, a good childhood. Truthfully, now I’m scared of death. So I must keep going on, I guess I don’t have much choice. I don’t know how to feel better, distract myself, without relapsing. I was doing really well for awhile. I'm hoping that will come back soon, my drive to live in hopes that one day I’ll be happy. I think it will happen eventually. That I’ll be happy enough to really live and not just survive. I hope, kek.
No. 1032806
I'm the nonna in
>>1032556>>1032580I feel like friendship is super rare too. People like to assume everyone has one or two close friends no matter how much of a autistic loser they are but real life is harsh lol. I feel like even if you try to be normal and socialize it makes people feel off the more you are chronically lonely, a vicious cycle I guess.
>>1032607You typed out my feelings perfectly. It isn't the case of people disliking me at all, in fact I think they like me on a surface level. But the crossing of the closeness is very hard. Sometimes I feel like I know too much as most normies aren't internet savy and my interests and humor are too autistic for the most. Then I try to act as normal as I can but I guess people can feel the forced exterior and find it odd. Online friends are a chore as well with all the awkward initiations and them already having online circles. Also it doesn't stop the yearning for the human contact. I try to take care of myself but NEETness is so depressing and loneliness blocks me big time from improving myself.
I hope all nonas who are feeling friendless and hopeless feel better somehow and find someone that clicks with them.
No. 1032852
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I don't want male attention but maybe twice per year I notice, that apart from desperate retards, I don't attract anything male. It makes me feel somewhat broken because all the women I know had "typical" experiences while I didn't.
I got beaten by men when I was still in school because I wasn't "feminine enough" and to them that meant I was basically a male, therefore it was okay to beat me. I never get approached, or even messaged online.
On one had it makes life so much easier on the other it feels odd that a good chunk of people just don't see you. I also hate how obvious it all is in the workplace.
What's funny is that I don't even think I'm ugly (more average if anything), I have an athletic build, wear makeup and dress nice, just not super feminine. Idk I should probably justbe grateful.
No. 1032867
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i just want a gf to cowrite fantasy fiction with
No. 1032912
>>1032669I wish I could kill him for you
nonnie, or do anything to make you feel the slightest bit better. How you get '
triggered' isn't retarded at all, it's completely understandable and I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. Good on you for trying to rehabilitate yourself.
I can relate to an extent. Not only do you get abused… but your family members who are supposed to love you don't take it seriously, or worse - are in total denial and still love your abuser. It's just the cherry on top of pain.
My abuser died a couple years ago. I celebrated. I have purposely brainwashed myself in a way to forget many of the things she did. I barely remember many things about her, and that is a very good thing. If some things start to remind me of her, I immediately force myself to do something else and distract myself. Happy things help, like watching my favourite childhood movies. I'll forget her more and more as time goes by. She doesn't deserve to even be in my memory other than the knowledge that she was a horrible person and I will never love nor miss her. I hope when your dad eventually dies, it will bring you some similar peace of mind too.
No. 1033033
>>1033008its definitely not a money thing with my moid since he'll give me his card to get groceries if i ask, its just complete (willfull) ignorance of how to keep a home. we've lived in the same place for over a year but he'll still act like he doesnt know what cupboard to put clean plates away in, or how often to change the cats water
they just dont want to be responsible for anything, thats a moids whole life, figuring out how to avoid as much responsibility as possible
No. 1033047
>>1032607Be my friend
nonny, we had a similar upbringing, and I've always been in the same position as you. I bet you're great and a loyal friend.
No. 1033069
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I never expected to be in this situation, but I'm one of those girls that somehow has a boyfriend despite not having any friends. We've been together for 1 year and 3 months (not an online or a long distance relationship) and I've been friendless for almost 5 years. I believe this is something that makes him feel uncomfortable to a certain degree. He has one childhood friend in the same situation and whenever he hangs out with him he always tells me about this in a pitiful way. I'm not completely isolated, I have a close and nice relationship with most of my family memebers and I enjoy nature and animals. But I have a strong character and I almost never feel interested in befriending others. I'm also quite independent and I know that he doesn't want me to make new friends because I'm asking him to hang out more often than he wants (I don't do that). I would feel motivated to make new friends if I actually believed that I could find any people in their early 20s that isn't into queer shit. I really wish I could be around horses and ponies. Maybe I should befriend farmer grannies, I don't know.
No. 1033090
>>1033002They want participation trophies
>>1033008Men are the fucking gold diggers they scrimp on every little thing. One dude i know hasen't gotten a water filter for the house his parents bought him even though the water is causing him rashes. He's whining about it constantly and is waiting for his parents to cave and get the water filter for the poor widdle bby. Manipulative as fuck.
>>1033033>they just dont want to be responsible for anything, thats a moids whole life, figuring out how to avoid as much responsibility as possibleBasically. They've not even expected to have a ok job or be handymen or keep their emotions to themselves nowadays.
No. 1033103
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i think my hormones are balancing out from not being a drug addict anymore and im so incredibly horny i am afraid i will make bad choices here soon .
No. 1033115
I have some lump under my eye and I'm panicking it's cancer. It's not on the eyelid and it doesn't look like a stye. It's like right below the line of my eyesocket. It appeared suddenly a little above 2 weeks ago, it was red, painful and inflamed, but didn't had that white top like a typical pimple. If you looked closely you could see a very tiny hole inside of it, like punctured by a needle. It hurt pretty badly on it's own, then it was faded purple and hurt only when touched. Now it basically doesn't hurt even when I touch it, but it's pink and the worst thing is I can still feel a hard lump under my skin with my finger, it's not on the skin, but below it. Yesterday I also noticed there's a tiny white spot in the middle of the lump and a very tiny light hair grows right out of it, you know the kind that most women have on their face then you look closely. What the fuck. I thought it might be some badly infected pimple and maybe a cyst, I don't know. Just tell me it's not cancerous, I'm so scared. I have 2 weeks till my holiday and appointment with my dermatologist and I'm scared she will tell me I need to remove it surgically and even if it's not cancerous now it will become cancerous when they touch it. I work abroad and I don't want to extend my leave request because of this shit
No. 1033125
>>1033115I have no medical knowledge but it doesn't sound like cancer to me. It could be a pimple or cyst like you're saying, or maybe a bug bite?
It's still good you're getting it checked. It doesn't sound like anything to worry about but I hope you'll be ok, anon.
No. 1033139
>>1033133Normies be like
>why won't you talk to us (you autist)Then you try to say something and no one listens to you or just gives you one of those blank normie stares
No. 1033141
>>1033129Come to my house and let's make bracelets. I have everything from pony beads to fancy vintage beads. Or maybe if you're not into bracelets we could decorate some cookies? I have a zoo animal cutter set, it has cheetahs
and lions!
No. 1033194
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The one goddamn time I don't take months and months ordering the clothes in my cart, I fuck up. Saw a cotton sweater with a cute print, 25% off. I just noticed the print is on the backside, yeah I can return it but holy shit this is why I should just take months to decide.
No. 1033213
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No. 1033223
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Fuck I'm so depressed. School is overwhelming and the semester hasn't even started. I'm doing shit at my internship and wonder everyday if I should be working in this field when I graduate and I know for sure I'm the worst intern there. I don't even have the energy or enthusiasm to be a good friend because my brain is just fog and I can never think of anything to say. I think having hobbies would help me out but I don't even know where to start. After school or internship I exercise and make dinner and then just stare at a screen until I have to go to sleep because I can't do anything that requires actual thought. I feel so alone, but at least reading threads and nona posts makes me feel like I'm talking to someone without having to put in the effort to look normal and like I'm enjoying life. Not looking forward to starting classes tomorrow and having to do that again. Ideally would like to shut myself up in my room forever and never be perceived again. shoutout to the husbandofagging threads for giving me most of what little positive social interaction I have though
No. 1033235
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i'm logging off. i'm logging off now. i am closing the tab and leaving the site. just until i read these 3 chapters. and clean. no more. not until i do important things i gotta log off i gotta go.
No. 1033237
Please I have catnip
No. 1033328
>>1033298>>1033302I forgot what we were even talking about for me to even tell her, but we did slightly bond over the fact that we identified as bisexual for most of our life before realizing we were actually lesbians. She's not so brainrotted to be in your face with wokeness, but she's definitely on that side of the spectrum so I was hesitant to even open up a bit more because of that. I guess I can see the appeal of trying to be close to me since we have being young and gay in common, but our actual interests and personalities are widely different and I just put up with it for the sake of keeping my work life peaceful.
I'm also just not interested in dating anyone right now, so I wish she'd shut up about all of her dates. I know I sound like I'm bitter because I'm not going out on dates, but fuck that shit man. Dating as a lesbian? Dating apps are full of either troons, enbies, or couples trying to find a unicorn and it's tiring. Her ex was an enby so I know she'd wouldn't mind it, and might even settle for a he/him lesbian or troon to be morally right, but nah. I respect myself.
No. 1033353
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I hate this one course I'm taking. Normally I'm pretty confident academically but this professor gets angry when you ask for explanation of concepts, uses jargon we haven't learned yet without explaining it, and constantly talks about how people will fail if they don't get something. It makes me feel so stressed that I can't learn properly, I get a knot in my stomach whenever I study. It's kind of embarrassing how much my confidence depends on the tone of the teacher, I wish I just didn't care.
No. 1033364
>>1032746It really seems like there should a limit to the amount of suffering one person can feel. It's crazy that brains don't work that way. I'm hoping for you too anon. I also have a lot of similar issues and I managed to make some progress by reading a lot of self help books, and later, web articles and watching you tube vids about my issue.
It is possible to get better. I wish you the best.
>>1032816That is crazy. I can't believe they didn't tell you.
No. 1033370
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ate a bag of sugarfree gummy bears and picrel is what my intestines are doing rn
No. 1033372
>>1033348No. I don't think it will end up with them switching. I don't read webtoons but I've seen from people who do that the one this is based on is about a novice dom and a more experienced sub who knows what he wants so in the end it's still about the man teaching the woman something lmao. Whatever the case may be, apparently it's not very sexual for something involving a BDSM theme. It's just a romantic comedy I guess. It definitely looks cringe, like just the right amount of stupid to watch to relax on the weekend.
Also adding that I too have noticed absolutely average or below average Korean bullshit gaining traction especially after squid game. I never even finished SG. I watched a few episodes and thought it was fine I guess.
No. 1033378
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>>1033353I have the same issue, one of my classes is taught by a strict professor and every student that has taken the class said that it's very hard and if you don't basically study day and night you will fail. The way they hyped it up has made me so hopeless, I did less and less of the material because I felt like there was no point anyway if it's going to get even worse and there's no way I'm going to remember everything. Now I'm just completely lost, scared to even look at the material and for sure about to fail because I let myself be influenced like this
No. 1033400
I miss my middle school friendships so badly. I remember i started getting depressed in middle school, from 11 to 14 years old (when i decided to change schools to start fresh), but ironically it was during that time that i had such a wonderful group of girlfriends. We all drifted apart after i changed schools, and i feel like its pointless to contact them now because its a thing of the past and we are all +25 now. I have great memories of our sleepovers with scary movies, our nerf gun fights, creating club penguin and stardoll accounts, recording songs in the computer and speeding it up to sound like alvin and the chimpmunks. It was so innocent, i felt very accepted and happy with them, despite feeling very insecure and indirectly bullied at school. I dont know what happened to me after i changed schools, it feels like i never opened up to friendships ever since, i could never be myself again. I often question what happened with me that i never made friends since. I was such a well adjusted child, i feel like the indirect bullying i suffered scarred me for life. Also the friends i tried to make after all seemed so "heavy" and full of unnecessary baggage, i dont know how to explain. Its hard to find friends nowdays, im thinking of joining a church in hopes of finding a community. I feel like puberty put a giant block over who i was.
No. 1033426
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I'm a bit disappointed in myself how I still read as much as I used to when I was younger but instead of reading cute stories in books I read infighting on lolcow all day. I don't know how to not be addicted to the internet anymore because I'm forced to use computers and phones for school.
No. 1033451
>>1033416I don’t think Biden means bad as in war. He just means he’ll impose sooooper scary sanctions on Russia. I think Europe + NATO is hoping America will fly in and die for Ukraine which just isn’t going to happen. Germany said something about not sitting by idly but that doesn’t mean anything more than they’ll just stop buying gas from Russia.
But if Russia does actually have the balls to invade I think America will be an a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situation. If they don’t help I think a subsection of people will be pissed since there’s a large Ukrainian population in the states + “b-b-But Clinton promised to protect Ukraine!!!”. And if America does get involved militarily theyre right back to being the global cops who can’t mind their own business.
No. 1033460
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must resist.. overdosing on delicious multivitamin fruit gummy.. it’s so good but i don’t want to deal with kidney damage but why did they make it taste like actual candy? kek
No. 1033480
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>>1033416They invaded Ukraine months ago. The shooting has been going on a while now, though this winter has been cold enough in eastern Ukraine that radio comms have been intercepted in which Russian field commanders are bitching about their armor support being unable to do anything because their diesel has frozen. No. 1033481
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I was initially sure that I want to have kids but after seeing multiple relatives have their babies I'm slowly becoming more and more concerned about the idea.
I feel like every time one of these women opens her mouth to talk about her kid they just vomit out endless complaining about how hard it is. How the kid doesn't sleep, all the health problems they have, all the disgusting shit and piss and vomit filled incidents they need to deal with all the time, how they are so incredibly overworked caring for the child that they don't have any time for themselves, how difficult childbirth was and how it ruined their bodies. And after hearing all these things that make me want to sew my vagina shut and move to a convent, they turn to me with a straight face and try to convince me that "it's all 100% worth it!!!". I really don't want to be needlessly rude but it reads like mental illness to me and makes me wonder if hormones completely fry your brain during pregnancy.
Rationally I know that family is important to me and that I need to go through with this if I want one in the future. I come from a large family and my childhood experience was pretty great, I know that this endgame is expected of me in my social environment and my country but it's not the endgame I'm afraid of, it's everything inbetween. I'm afraid of losing the person I am today. I don't care if it's "selfish" or whatever but I'm not ready to sacrifice my entire personality, my interests, my social life and my body to be like these women and raise a kid.
I have reason to believe my husband will start begging me to have children before I can resolve all my fears and before I'm ready to have a kid the way I want to, without sacrificing my entire being. It's a lot to deal with
No. 1033498
>>1033481if you really want to have children at some point you can give more responsability to your husband and tell him your fears? or talk about them with other mothers
i know your post isn't asking anything but it's always interesting to see these
>children take a shit ton of time from your life?posts
No. 1033675
>>1033634>i disagree, it's not hormonal. it's pure cope.It drives me nuts how any unhappy new mother gets told her feelings are just post partum depression that need medication, not a natural reaction to their life changing entirely for the worse. Yeah, PPD is a thing that happens, but most of the time it's environmental and not some ~chemical inbalance~ or w/e. They get no sleep, no help, no respect, their body is different and still healing, their identity is disappearing and they become isolated. Of course they're fucking depressed, who wouldn't be except the lucky few with husbands who do their fair share, or rich women with nannies?
No. 1033682
>>1033675totally agree, anon. they're in a position where usually they're tied to taking care of the child, their domestic duties, much of the money has to be spent on children, they're expected to overextend themselves even when literally healing, they don't get sleep, they're totally bound to taking care of the child. it's a huge commitment that most people underestimate their ability to handle and women are blindsided by the way it totally upends their lives, not to mention, changes their bodies in so many unpredictable ways. it's full of negatives for women, and women are expected to support and primarily care for the children should the relationship fall apart. it also ties them to men they realize they usually don't have an actually close relationship with, or the relationship deteriorates because it's such a demanding position to be in. it's really virtually nothing but negatives but women who are made miserable by the reality and not the dream sold to them are pathologized and made to feel abnormal. it's so shitty. they're then blamed and shamed for their feelings about the reality that is very much unlike the fantasy they were sold. the downsides are so drastically underemphasized, that people, but especially women, are shocked by the many negatives once they are experiencing them.
No. 1033789
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I think I'm done with the site. I've been here for more than 6 years and it was never rainbows and sunshine but in the last two years, especially the last few month, things have changed a lot, for the worse.
I can't open the site without the first thing I see being infighting or baiting. Since I have a new job with 15+ new coworkers, it really makes it clearer how unhinged some anons are. No one cares about thread rules, so they can post inflammatory replies and it's always the same shit - fujos, troons, politics, nb shit and now covid. At least use 2x for the troons but I guess it's easier to post about it here than to type it in the browser.
It also feels like we have a fuckton more men larping around, especially here in /ot/, and lately in /g/.
I really love the site since it's, or at least was free of men. I'm just so tired of it. Guess I'll see you all in a few weeks or months.
No. 1033867
>>1033789ever since the admins got rid of infighting as a ban the site got much worse.
They need to bring that back as a banable offense again, bcus the site is going to shit.
No. 1033898
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I hate being a black woman and posting on here sometimes. It can get pretty depressing
No. 1033899
>>1033771there are more and more studies showing their ability to prevent fires outweighs any need to kill them. like with so many animals, the farmers are getting priority. they're supposed to be culling them strictly by shots to the head but they rarely ever do, leaving them to suffer and die in pain.
>>1033898what do you mean, anon?
No. 1033909
>>1033890>Actual conversationsYou mean anons arguing with the same troll for days on a thread, derailing it to smithereens.
>women-onlyDo you know where you are? The only "women" benifiting from this were the male/troll/whiteknight lurkers who now seem to infect every thread.
The conversations here were way more pleasant before.
No. 1033946
>>1033914Tbh alot of those racebait posts give me male vibes.
I dont see those posters as fellow "anons".
No. 1033959
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My partner was late coming back home (as in, it was past midnight and he was still not back), I got upset and messaged him that it's not ok that he doesn't update me when he's late because I don't know what's going on with him; later he woke me up to show a photo of his friend holding up a phone with a date and time to I guess prove he was with said friend? I can't even imagine what the friend must have thought, he made me look like a total psycho even though i've never asked for any proofs or whatever
No. 1034004
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>withdraws from math class because it’s an accelerated online course
>thinks i only withdrawn from that class only
>wakes up today
>looks and sees the stupid fucking website withdrawn me from another class
>wanting to cry and getting nervous having to speak to someone at my college
i seriously hope this doesn’t fuck up my financial aid and they can put me back into that class i want to cry
No. 1034083
>>1034078Kek, you got me there anon. Thanks for the laugh
>>1034079I wasn't sure actually, I didn't research the meaning. I enjoy the content of "pop-sci" videos, I just hate the word.
I think my hatred has to do with the fact that I hate everything that is associated with """nerd""" culture, especially reddit.
No. 1034089
>>1028746Growing up on tumblr and surrounding myself with leftist friends did unrepairable damage to me. I constantly guilt trip and shame myself, I just can’t be no I have to look for why something is actually bad and
problematic. I can’t enjoy media or my life. I want to buy something expensive? Not happening I’ll just end up spending a month agonizing and guilt tripping over it. It’s pathetic.
No. 1034093
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I called the driving school near me for their pricing. It's not the worst prices I've seen, plus they are down the block from where I live and have hundreds of great reviews. I keep telling myself "next time, next time" and pussying out of it. I'm too scared to drive in my city, I'm too scared to drive at all! I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone a lot more these past few years to try new things but being being the wheel feels like an entirely different level- it's not just trying a new sport and being afraid of falling and hurting myself, it's being responsible for my life and others. But I just have to do it, I just have to get used to it.
I don't really need to drive in my city since public transportation is so wide spread, but it'd be nice to just drive 30 minutes to my best friend's house than making the 1.5 hour trip on public transport, or take solo trips, or to finally have my dream of traveling back to my favorite small town for a birthday getaway. I know there are a lot of perks I'd have if I knew how to drive, even if I don't plan on driving daily, but FUCK. It's so scary, it's terrifying. But I want to stop thinking "man this would be easier if I could drive!"!!!!
No. 1034096
>>1033634I wish moms would just outright say it to other adults bc the passive aggressive holier than thou shit is so fucking annoying.
>>1033658That stuff should be illegal, traumatizing you into donating is so messed up.
>>1033675Just gaslight and medicate those crazy women with wombs wandering all over! Nope don't offer any actual help! I'm glad men are seething about plummeting birth rates.
No. 1034105
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So I'm a little depressed and don't have the energy to cook myself a meal anymore. Groceries are expensive for the shit I want to eat and I'm getting frustrated. I'm considering stopping by McDonald's on some days when I'm coming home from work because it's right up my street and convenient.
I'm a little concerned about my weight loss journey though. Is this stupid? I don't mean I'm going to order soda, fries, and a sandwich and expect to lose weight. I'm doing OMAD already so I figure if I just have a mcchicken or hamburger with some water (or I guess a diet soda if I'm so inclined) I'll still lose weight huh. I think having two of those smaller sandwiches will put me around 500-600 calories so it's about on track of what I've been told by my doctor. I figure if I use the app I can earn points at least and order ahead so I'm not tempted to impulse buy higher calorie things.
My husband won't cook and I've already set the expectation that he needs to fend for himself.
I think my friends would be shocked by this because they know I love cooking and always like the pics I post on socials. Yet I'm just too exhausted and apathetic anymore, and home cooking has done nothing for me recently except tempt me to buy expensive comfort food to prepare and overeat.
No. 1034107
>>1034093Iktf, my parents pushed me to take driving lessons and I dropped out after failing the driving exam. The mere thought of trying again prevents me to fall asleep. At least my family stopped harassing me now. They kind of treat me like an autist or something, but I don't care.
Why not getting a bicyle instead ? That's what I did, I can go wherever I want and I burn calories aswell.
No. 1034112
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>>1034105>my husband won’t cook >wonders why you’re hungry all the time um I don’t know how to tell you this without offending you nonna but..
No. 1034116
>>1034096>I wish moms would just outright say it to other adults bc the passive aggressive holier than thou shit is so fucking annoying.Ntayrt but this would be feeding herself to the lion's den and would be a great way to cast herself as a social pariah. There's a reason why women keep their regret about children a secret or anonymous.
People absolutely abhor women who air their grievances, they'll yell "But it was your choice!" as if that settles the issue of our societies and partners being unsupportive and unhelpful towards women. I feel bad for them but I don't know what the solution is for the fact that some women do have very privileged experiences and thus will never relate and will find the regret about children to always be evil.
No. 1034134
>>1034101Thank you anon, I didn't think about doing a trial lesson! Maybe I'll do that before comitting to a whole package. My parents don't really aggressively push me towards it but they'll nudge and ask when I'm gonna start lessons occasionally, and my dad will always say "well you
could just take my car if you had your license." It's like dangling a carrot in front of me all the time kek
>>1034107I started learning how to rollerblade for fun but also partly for transportation reasons since I don't have space for a bike in my apartment, but also my city is not really bike friendly… I dont think I'm supposed to skate on the sidewalk but I think I would be heckled less when I get better and can really manuver around people easily lol
No. 1034145
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I started taking community college classes after high school, with no idea what I was doing and my parents didn’t help much either. They wouldn’t let me go anywhere else and we wasted money on books that turned out to be unused, I barely talked to anyone at school for career stuff before withdrawing. I’m working on it now as an adult student, I graduated from a much better CC and I’m taking classes at a University now but holy shit if I could go back in time and do it all when I had far less responsibilities I would. I’m so tired from getting up at 6am for my job and with my classes afterwards I have days where I won’t get home until after 7pm. I’ll try to take advantage of what the school has to offer, and my current job is great for getting homework done but I feel like I’m spending so much time at work/school when everyone else my age has locked themselves into their adult lifestyles
No. 1034155
>>1034145Hindsight is 20/20 anon. Anyway, I'm proud of you for getting this far and juggling work with school! No need to focus on other people, I'm sure there are those out there, working and enjoying their post work freedom, who are musing going back to school themselves (myself being one of them). Really, props to you. I could never do it and I'm too scared to go back to school. I finished university "on time" but I realize now that I don't really like my field that much to continue working in it and I want to do something different but the cost/time to sink into school again worries me.
I hope your future is filled with lots of lovely free time, a fulfilling job, and a stacked bank account. Best of luck with school!
No. 1034216
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>>1034210It really is more convenient for me to just grab something after work anon idk what part of my post that you missed but to reiterate I'm depressed and tired and can barely help myself. I have zero desire to school a man right now. Maybe later, but it seems like you're bringing it up just to be mean to me to remind me that no one is stepping up for me in a way that I need and
nonnie I'm aware of that thank you.
No. 1034239
>>1034223Going to the police one is the most obvious one.
What you should also do is.
Get self defense weapons.
Keep your doors and windows closed at all moments,.
Invite guests that you trust often and let them sleep over at your house.
Keep self aid with you.
Invest in home cameras.
Also if you have a backyard then constantly keep a watch on there for something strange.
No. 1034282
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Nominating for next thread pic
No. 1034330
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I've been following a BPD cow in a small hobby of mine for a little while now, and the amount of people who give her compliments, find her inspiring or 'vibe' with her is making me lose my faith in humanity.
No. 1034332
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>>1034282What's with the half dead looking women? This is a vent thread. Angry pic is needed.
No. 1034355
>>1028758I buy guacamole dip and bread and eat some of that, or hummus. Cereal is good because after eating you just rinse the bowl and good as new. Only needs 2 ingredients and with all the flavours it doesn't get old so fast, plus the healthy ones have added vitamins etc.
If you're very long term depressed then I'd cook a week's worth of rice, then every 2 days pan fry or bake some of those frozen vegetables and add spices and stick in half or a quarter of a can of tuna. That one kept me going for about 3 months straight until I was nauseous at the smell. Packets of mangetout/sugarsnap peas are good as a snack.
I'm not depressed now but I'd recommend the feta cheese and tomato pasta. I put those ingredients in a metal frying pan and stick them in the oven for half an hour and make the pasta. When baked all the ingredients slide right off the pan and it's really tasty and makes you feel more put together imo. I suppose for me it's also important to have minimal use of dishes because they just pile up, so if food also sticks to it I feel bad. For all the stuff I've recommended it doesn't really stick to the dishware, except maybe rice.
It may also be good to get physyllum husk or whatever it's called to keep you regular. If you have no variety it can play havoc on your gut.
No. 1034378
>>1033275What you said here actually really helped me
nonnie, you're completely right. Thank you ♥
No. 1034490
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>>1033372It's not an adaption of picrel, is it??
No. 1034654
>>1034637hormones r high tensions r high
its surejanuary.
No. 1034660
>>1034654shut the fuck up retard. You and
>>1034637 are complete newfags. This place used to be 10x worse than this, check any oldass cow thread. If you can't take randoms faceless people throwing shit sometimes, image boards aren't for you, but reddit is that way >
No. 1034666
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>only woman in class
>class has to split into groups for an assignment that composes our entire grade
>don't know anyone to group with because i'm a social autist on top of transferring into this uni at a time where online courses were mandatory
>see people already discussing how they're going to meet up
we have until…next tuesday to assemble ourselves. i'm hoping i'll just get shuffled into someone's group, even though i know it's going to be embarrassing to have the professor go "hey does anyone mind if miss anon joins their group? she doesn't have one lol"
No. 1034742
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I went through a very dramatic breakup (2+ years together) about 4 months ago due to my poor mental health. I guess a little part of me hoped I could use the time apart to get better, and he seemed to be hopeful for that too. But now he suddenly stopped talking to me (after saying he would still consider me his best friend) and I'm starting to suspect he's already with someone new. I totally should have expected this–he got with me just a few months after splitting with his ex of 2 years and visiting them out of the country. He told me he loved me on our 3rd date, maybe it was a red flag and not a special connection like I thought. I'm too old for this.
No. 1034745
>>1034710I didn't really want my post talking about how I feel and what I'm doing to be hijacked by a discussion about my husband not cooking just because I mentioned it. Or that I'm "hungry all the time" when I'm figuring out what I need to do for my one meal as if I was complaining about hunger.
Wish I said 'wife' so at least not cooking wouldn't be seen like such a big issue. Tons of people don't cook, I have friends that don't cook. I'm sure if I nagged my husband he could heat up ramen or a canned soup or some other ready dinner but I really just want something convenient every now and then. Yes, I'm aware some people are married to Gordon Ramsey and I wish it were me but it's not. Anyways, I'm done because I feel like you're goading me into something and I don't get why it's important to you guys so I'll stop.
No. 1034823
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I wish I knew when to give up on people.
I keep checking up on this one girl I used to be friends with who turned into a, frankly, horrible person. I keep hoping she's changed into a kinder person. When I don't check up on her in a while I keep thinking "but what if she's changed now?"
I mean… I guess even wondering about this is a sign I should give up
No. 1034824
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i cannot go into specifics but i have to quit my job immediately and that would be no problem at all EXCEPT its my only social outlet and im worried im going to become even more fucked up and withdrawn if i cant talk to familiar people regularly. oh my GOD im gonna regress so hard and become literally autistic. maybe i'll get ripped to shreds by going to the gym all the time but is that even a fair trade i mean its not like im gonna be fucking nobody. im losing my mind.
No. 1034878
>>1034870Well personally, I was never taught how to care for myself, and I'm
>>1034793 It really isn't hard to teach yourself these basic life skills, especially if you have access to the internet. I know someone who doesn't wash their own clothes because "my mom never taught me how to use a washing machine".
No. 1034879
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Maybe I’m just a retard but are mods deleting the cringe wojak spam in pt before the gore? I refresh and there seems to be less but the gore is still there..
No. 1034906
>>1034879God yes
nonny, they're definitely prioritizing wojaks over gore!
No. 1034955
>>1034776Those posts were laughing and are making it about my husband which isn't very supportive of my immediate situation considering I can't do much about it right now.
I really don't know what you want me to say, but it is concern trolling. I'm happy you ladies have better standards than I and that's really all I can say. You're being antagonistic towards me for something my husband did, I can cook, why are you being mad at me for…
No. 1034989
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Mfw my favorite fanartist doesn't say anything all day
No. 1035349
All that I have going for me is my studies. I'm so socially unadapted that I can not do the typical 9 to 5 work life. All of that will just lead me to a downward spiral of depression and eventually daily thoughts of suicidal ideation.
Even though the only thing that I have going for me is going to university, getting my bachelor's and possibly my master's down the line, I just cannot stand to receive written feedback. Funnily enough I'm fine with feedback when it is given to me in person, but when I have to read the feedback that the professor gives me on an essay I just end up crying for 4 to 5 hours afterwards even if the grade is good.
I feel like such a weakling, it's just words on the page, but I absolutely despise getting feedback on my work. I read some reasons as to why, a lot of them suggest it's simply because humans don't like to have their flaws pointed out; but trust me, I'm fine with that. Criticize my voice, hell even call me ugly to my face, that's fine. I'm self-aware and also one of my worst critics.
Ok, so my writing is shitty so now what. I have tried to fix it over and over again, apparently my structure is a mess and I can't shape a paragraph to save my life, no matter how many workshops I go to. I'm so tired of this, so tired of caring so much, and so tired of crying.
Is this due to the lack of confidence that I won't be able to do anything else besides being an academic? Even though, this is not my dream career far from it. I just want to go to a forested spot near the ocean and do crochet.
No. 1035449
I did something really retarded. I took more of my medication than I should have one night to numb myself during a bad PTSD episode. I thought it would be OK eyeballing it. Clearly it wasn’t. I don’t get my RX refilled until the 24th, and I am down to 5. I take 4 a day. I am going to call my pharmacy today and try to convince them to fill my script today (they have it, they just don’t give it until the 24th because it is a benzo) without revealing too much so they don’t go “Lol that’s what you get for taking more than prescribed” (which I know is true, I just can’t hear it from the people I get my meds from without losing it) but if I have to then I guess I will. For now I’m cutting down to only taking 2 a day, which I’ve done before and is hell (but keeps me from withdrawals). I don’t have enough to keep me from experiencing withdrawals until the actual fill date. I am dreading this. I am hoping so hard they will miraculously listen, it’s happened once before so I have a shot but I’m terrified. I’ve been through withdrawals, I’ve had to send my friends to the emergency room because of life threatening withdrawals, I cannot afford to live through this nightmare right now. I know what I did was extremely retarded and I’m essentially paying for it if I can’t convince them. But I am praying so hard that this can be avoided because I don’t want to end up having seizures and going to the ER when the hospital is already flooded with COVID patients who obviously need to be there more than I do.. I am hoping so badly that I will be OK. TL;DR: Take your meds as prescribed, anons. Don’t be like me. If I end up in the ER, I don’t know what I’ll do. I accept it’s my fault, but I’m terrified. I am hoping so badly they will let me fill it today or tomorrow since they supposedly received the script yesterday. Do not be a retard like I was. But we all have retard moments. I guess if the worst happens, I’ll accept it, take the L, this is genuinely my fault. I’m just very scared, most of what benzo withdrawal entails I have legitimate phobias of. Kek. Fml.
No. 1035495
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I feel like I’m not fit to working, I get burned out too quickly and like I’m not fit to do the job I’m doing.
I got some corrections done and I’m like
>Sorry for being faceblind I guess
I’m translating some Chinese drama and I am having a hard time figuring out the faces, this isn’t racebait btw, I’m frustrated, I try to see the difference between one or another but it’s difficult! Fuck, I’ve only met like 1 chinese person in my life and that’s about it. I’m sure they feel the same when they watch some telenovela from my country or some American movie.
This is bullshit, I have to reinvent some long ass texts in motherfucking Chinese, a language that I don’t speak btw, because they’re texts that appear on screen so they have to be translated and edited in the video.
I don’t know, maybe I’m too much of a narc or something to accept getting corrections, it has been like this since forever, I stopped writing because I can’t handle not doing it properly, I can’t handle the cringe of looking at it after it got corrections, I feel disgusted by what I made and I just want to delete it and not think about it ever again.
I want to cry, I just want to lay on bed and that’s it, maybe I’m just feeling like this because I haven’t gotten paid yet.
Also, these bitches get mad at me for not checking out the glossary, well, I check it out, I have it open even before I open the archive, but if that shit wasn’t so disorganized, maybe it would be easier to figure out shit.
They’re walls over wall of text explaining a bunch of shit, but they’re not even put alphabetically, so you have to read all of that shit and do a treasure hunt for the shit that you really need to put in the stupid translation.
Is it like this when you’re translating books? I hope not.
No. 1035561
>>1035372no clue, but my sister-in-law (his wife) told me she thinks men in lipstick and underwear are hot so it's obviously a fetish thing for everybody involved. they probably already felt like 'inferior' men and she just enabled them. i wouldn't normally blame a woman for male degeneracy but she sent her troon brother in my direction and has demonstrated several times that she does not care about my safety or my feelings (let alone anyone else's)
can't wait to move states and ghost that whole part of the family. nasty
No. 1035607
>>1035582I feel the same. I'm self conscious myself because I have a wide torso and small breasts, so I've got a huge valley in the middle and if I gain too much belly fat I look like a moid with mantitties. I look like Alex Jones as is.
I don't know what's up with you or want to down play your experience but I will say that breast asymmetry is fairly normal. Is it a deformity beyond that?
No. 1035615
>>1035607First of all I’m sorry but also thank you for making me laugh , whether this was intended or not. I also have a wide ass torso and wide shoulders so I look weird either way, unless I have double D’s maybe. There’s a huge gap on my chest. And about my deformity, it’s called tubular breasts. So basically I didn’t form enough breast tissue during puberty and now they just kinda look elongated? Instead of round. I also have huge puffy areolas for someone with almost no tits. At least they are tiny so they don’t have the ability to look extra tubey, but they look far from normal, fully formed breast. I don’t even want bigger boobs I just wanted them to be normal shaped. On top of that I probably won’t be able to produce milk if I ever have kids, as they lack tissue.
Anyway, I’m sorry that you struggle with this too nonita. Consider yourself hugged.
No. 1035627
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I'm feeling really depressed about my chronic pain today. I've been in pain every day for almost 10 years now. I'm kind of used to it but some days are really bad. I wish I could afford to try different types of therapies and treatments. I've tried a couple already. It feels so bad knowing that I might have to deal with this for the rest of my life. I'm so sick of being in pain. The worst part is that I think it's psychosomatic so doctors can't help me. The only thing that helps are benzos but I don't want to get addicted. Sad.
No. 1035631
There is this obnoxious male 'friend' I had who exhibits almost every 'gross male friend' stereotype. He's a STEM grad student, a bitter virgin, inept where it concerns cleaning and personal appearance, and somehow both a whiny pushover and a manipulative bastard at the same time. This fucker was trying to slide himself into the boyfriend zone by being a slimy, pathetic, annoying menace and I honestly would find it hilarious if it wasn't so draining and gross. Every time I let my guard down and hung out with/talked to him more regularly, he'd sink his claws in and engage in deranged behaviours including but not limited to: offering to cook me dinner, dropping everything to go hang out with me, giving me unsolicited advice if I mentioned feeling the slightest bit upset about anything, trying way too hard to get into my hobbies and interests, copying my jokes and mannerisms, sending me reddit-tier '''relatable''' memes about depression, etc. He'd also get extremely pouty if I cancelled plans on him or was busy for a few days, would give me these long-winded apologies for being upset at me for rejecting him and then feeling guilty about how upset he was when I literally could not care less. He would also take the opportunity to complain about feeling lonely and isolated for pity points. Before anons brigade me for being a pick-me, I was giving him non-commital, blunt answers and I would just stop responding to him whenever he got weird, which was frequently. This only made things worse, as he'd message me even more when I ignored him. After he found out about my boyfriend, he seemed intent on crossing the line even harder, and kept trying to get me to drink with him during events that really didn't require alcohol so he could scoot closer to me and be weird and touchy. One time I tripped and he fucking grabbed my tits 'by accident' because he was trying to keep me from falling over. I punched him but it obviously didn't do shit. He got mad at me because he wanted to get me something related to one of my hobbies for Christmas and I told him he didn't need to, but he insisted anyway and I told him off since he didn't even bother to do any research about it and would've gotten me useless junk I didn't need. It was only after ignoring him for literal months outside of a hobby-related social group we both unfortunately belong to that he finally seems to get the hint, but I can tell that if I start paying more attention to him again he'd start right back up as if nothing had happened. This asshole has doomed himself to be forever alone because he refuses to change and it is not my responsibility to tell him that, but sometimes I want to just let him have it about all his shitty, gross habits and how he pushes people away while trying very hard to make them stay. Fuck that guy.
No. 1035674
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I haven't been enjoying lolcow recently because of too much infighting but I have absolutely no idea on what else to do when I'm bored and just want to scroll.
Read books? But what books? And it's much easier to put lolcow down than a book if I need to put da phone down for a minute or so. Read manga?
No. 1035676
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>Guys into poly are usually also maladjusted creeps who go for young women who don't know any better
This quote by one of the anons in a different /ot/ thread really made it click for me. A couple of years ago I dated a guy that was poly, and this really sounds like him. His then girlfriend was younger (not unreasonably younger, she was in her mid 20's and he in his early 30's) and a kissless virgin when they started to date, and I had only had one previous relationship in my adult life which was abusive. So he managed to trap us both that didn't know much better nor really knew where to draw the line in relationships or what kinds of demands would be reasonable for us to make. And of course that relationship was a fucking trash fire because of how selfish that guy was kek I wasn't that big into the whole concept of poly before that but now I at least have first-hand experience and knowledge on why the whole thing is bullshit
No. 1035685
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>>1035677Tell me some of your favourites and I'll read em
nonnie No. 1035689
>>1035686I guess "psychological" things, character focused things. Horror, thriller, mystery and all that are nice too. Hit me with all the recs you want
nonnie. It's nice to have more lazy hobbies when you just feel like scrollin
>>1035687Noted ♥
No. 1035724
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No. 1035748
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Can't have manhate thread so I'm posting it here. This dudes wife goes trough one of the most traumatic things that can happen to a woman and he is upset that it's not all abou thim. Men don't even bond with babies until after they are born.
No. 1035778
>>1035689Sorry, this list ended up a bit longer than expected.
>Suicide Line (ongoing)Main character after a traumatic event as a child developed the power to see "strings of death" which helps him with his work as a murder investigator. One day he gets assigned to the Missing People's Division where they hope to use his ability to find people BEFORE they die.
>Dead Tube (ongoing)King of edgelord mangas. Dead Tube is a website where once you have signed up to their website, you have to deliver an even more exiting video than the last to keep your views up - or you will be held responsible for whatever actions your competitors have done. Rape, murder, suicide - anything goes. But who is behind Dead Tube? Why does it exist? How do you stop it before further tragedy happens?
>Tomogui (finished)A class unites to bully their teacher as revenge for one of their friends committing suicide - a suicide that may or may not be related to said teacher. But like uroboros bites it's own tail, someone in their group seem to be pushing the teens against each other without them realizing it themselves. But who?
>Funohan (ongoing)Story about a very charistmatic assassin that helps out with "punishing" people for their evil deeds with illusions and psychology, and the investigators hell bent on putting him in jail - but how do you stil an assassin that leaves no trails nor evidence of his meddling?
>Children (finished)A young man takes on a temporary job as a live-in employee at an orphanage in the mountains. Everything seems to be fine, until at night when there is a special "delivery" to the orphanage and the truth behind the it creeps up to the surface.
>A Trail of Blood An unsettling story of a co-depend relationship between a mother who is slowly losing her grip on reality and her easily manipulated adolecent son. Art is eerily beautiful and just oozes tension. Don't remember if it's finished or still ongoing though.
>Until Your Bones Rot/Hone ga Kusaru Made (finished)A group of high-school student have a shared secret, and very dark one. One night they realize the memento they have of it is gone, all is left is a phone left by someone that keeps giving them disturbing orders in exchange for keeping their secret. Should they follow these orders, or should they finally go to the police and admit their crime?
>Mousugu Shino Hito (finished)What if you got shown a video of how you and your best friend are going to die, but you can be saved - if your guy friend decides which one of you two is his true love? The story is about said guy friend, and how he in true main character fashion tries to figure out how to stop this tragedy before it happens without leaving anyone hurt - but the closer they get to the truth the more the situation escalates.
>Juujika no Rokunin (ongoing)Simple revenge story about a guy getting revenge on his former bullies that caused the traffic accident that left him an orphan and his little brother in a coma, and how he starts to question how different he truly is from these bullies and that the world might not be so black and white after all.
>Fukushuu Kyoushitsu (finished)Another revenge story, except that the main character early on accept the madness that envelops her the further she pushes her revenge - willing to take things further and further no matter who she drags into her plot of revenge towards the people that caused her so much misery. But…does the means truly justify the end? Maybe everything wasn't as it seemed the whole time?
No. 1035786
>>1035728Toddlers would choke on them and ruin their flocking.
They're meant for grown ass adults like me
No. 1035801
>>1035786>>1035733Based, ignorant comments like
>>1035728 trigger my autism
>>1035778NTA but I appreciate your list and gonna read some of the stuff (already following Chi no Wadashi). Be prepared for some of the anons considering Oshimi Shuzo a coomer mangaka kek
No. 1035831
>>1035166>>1035169Second what this anon said about boric acid. There’s also food grade diatomaceous earth, which they sell at some Home Depot’s in case you’re in the us.
I’m sorry about the gross creepers anon, I empathize since I just went through a pest infestation too. It’s hell
No. 1035832
>>1035825just becasue its dressed like a burger dosent mean you actually eat it
sage for common sense
No. 1035843
>>1035786If you give a 3 year old or 4 year old this gift you actually teach them to not choke. I never ever decided to eat my sylvanian families toys because I got them when I was a toddler.
>>1035801Sorry but consoomerism is bad. Kids should play outside with toys or perhaps even videogame and adults should get a job.
No. 1035849
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>>1035843>adults should get a jobI bring my calico critters to work with me, they're all over my desk and I make eye contact with them while on the phone with retards who can't pay their bills. I make plenty of money, I have lots of friends.
No. 1035878
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just activated some static electricity with the water from the sink. felt like an electroshock patient
No. 1035926
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>>1035724I always thought Calcio critters were a knock-off version of Sylvanian Families. But I have just now learned they are the same thing, but just named different. Sylvanian Families sounds much cuter imo.
Also I always always wanted the big sets but they were always so expensive. So a few years ago I bought some mini-figure sets for myself!
No. 1035972
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Why is life so fucking unfair. My normie coworker had nice childhood, loving and educated parents who never struggled with money, now has a loving boyfriend. Everyone at work gave her attention because of her outgoing personality, and she was given better treatment than me despite having the same skills. I'm basically invisible. Now she's been diagnosed with MS. And I was shocked like everyone else, I never wished her harm or anything, despite being jealous. But you know what? She's still perfectly able to function on her own because it was discovered very early and she doesn't experience any uncomfortable symptoms, her parents have money so they're paying all her bills and she doesn't have to worry about insurance because our agency that hires us for a company took care of it and now she doesn't even have to pay for anything because she's so precious for them; they don't do this for other people, when a guy had a serious accident and lost his finger they didn't care. Now she will be getting even more attention at job, because she's ill and everyone knows about it. Even when she loses, she still wins. Everything is so fucking easy to achieve for people who were loved in their lives and had money and social skills that allowed them to make some connections. If you were poor, autistic, lonely and depressed for your whole life, and abused in your childhood, you can never ever achieve a state of mind that is even close to theirs. And you will never find a normie person to love you because you're just too fucked up and every normie is able to sense this. I wish I had the courage to fucking end myself, my existence is too pathetic. Normies don't take any mental disorder seriously, they will pretend they care about you and then laugh at you behind your back. Only physical illnesses like cancer or MS are real illnesses. No one will ever recognize your pain. No one will ever treat you seriously. If you will complain about your feelings and mental state, they will point at your normie coworker/family member/friend whatever, who had it all in their life but were unfortunate with their health (even though they don't experience any serious pain, at least not yet). They will point at them and say look anon, that person is experiencing real pain in their live, and yet they're still able to be so happy and social and chat with us about mundane stuff, unlike you, who's always so sad, aloof and quiet! Fucking seriously, I'd rather take her illness and her loving parents, partner, good mental health, money, house, coworkers and shift leaders fawning over her and wanting to talk to her, than be myself. Everyone cares about her. No one will fucking care if I die tomorrow. My agency wouldn't pay for my therapy, appointments with psychiatrists, medicine etc. because this is not serious enough. I wish I could be seen and recognized just once in my life. But it's like I don't even exist in this world.
No. 1035975
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>>1035778Thank you very much
nonnie, I'll check the finished ones out because I hate having to wait for ongoing manga to be finished. I appreciate you.
>>1035724I grew up with them being called Sylvanian Families, I can't get used to Calico Critters
>>1035926I totally agree
nonnie. I had a big hotel that I loved, a little preschool, an ice cream van, a caravan and maybe more that I forgot. I wish my mum never made me sell them.
Picrel is us very sophisticated anons having highly intellectual discussions about Sylvanian Families
No. 1036008
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>>1035975Same! I don't know why they are called calico critters in the us? Sylvanian Families is a sweet name.
nonnie, I wish I had all of those sets when I was young.. my parents always said they were too expensive! my friend at primary school had loads of stuff like houses and even a canal boat! I bought a mini set of sheep babies for myself as an adult hehe
No. 1036020
>>1035950It's gotten especially bad recently.
I blame the mods almost abandoning us and left over stress from Christmas/New Years.
The last couple months for Lolcow haven't been great. I wish the new admin would come, better the place up and bring along some good new mods too. I would apply to be a mod/farmhand if I could only do it for /ot/ and /m/ because they're the only boards I use.
No. 1036040
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>>1036030anon I wish we could play Sylvanian Families together, we could play with this set!!!
No. 1036045
>>1035972Hi, non normie here. I know exactly what you mean. I am really impressed at how well you wrote exactly how I have felt for a really long time. I say "felt", but the truth is, I still feel that way sometimes. But what I have learned is that who you might perceive to be normies are actually so not normies. Like, shockingly so. It could just be that you don't know everything about them.
I can say this because I consciously became aware of exactly what you are saying when I was in college (meaning I sensed it much earlier, but didn't really put two and two together and articulate it until I was in college), and I am in my 40s now. I am guessing you are in your 20s. From one non normie to another, please believe me when I tell you that those you think lucked out in life - it's not all that it seems. I am not as good a writer as you so I can't express myself as clearly, but just know that I really understand what you are saying. It can turn you bitter. Maybe you already are. But don't let that consume you. Try to keep an open mind. There will be people you think are lucky normies and then you will get to know them better and then you will realize holy crap they had one screwed up life - maybe even more screwed up than yours.
You'll still probably never shake this idea of people having had great childhoods and enough money having likeable personalities to move forward in life with less effort than others, and to a degree, this is true. But given you seem like an intelligent and perceptive person, I have a feeling you will become more sanguine about it. There are more of us than there are of them in this world, and it will make your a more compassionate and wiser person. Good luck.
No. 1036069
>>1036045I know overall you might be right. But in the case of my coworker I
do know her enough to know. She admitted I had one fucked up life when I told her something about myself and said that she wasn't even aware that
people like me even exist. And she admits herself she always had it great in life when it comes to parental love, security, money. She wasn't that great of a student, but her parents even paid for her private school because she wasn't able to gruaduate from a public one. Everything was given to her and she knows this, that's why she feels like she deserves everything and she is so self confident and everyone treats her like she matters. Because her parents treated her like she's the most important person and her entire personality, body language etc. shows that she internalized it.
Also, I agree that many normies are not exactly normies. You could dignose many of them with narcissistic personality disorder or bpd. But that doesn't change the fact they're way better adjusted to life and have a higher chances of survival than quiet autists.
No. 1036071
>>1036045This is the truth.
Anon is ironically as blind to other people's issues as she says they are to hers.
No. 1036083
>>1036071Kek you know their issues?
>Oh my boyfriend can't pick me up after work tonight. Oh my dad/mom works in another country and we rarely see each other. Oh my son couldn't see me for christmas. Oh I find it soooo hard to quit smoking and ciggies are SOOOO expensive! Oh I can't find a new apartment to rent soon enough and my gf wants to move out from our current one because we have loud neighbours! Those are normie problems. Those are some really, really serious issues in comparison to being, for example, abused and neglected as a child, having dead parents (who didn't love you anyway) or alcoholic parents, being autistic and not being able to form any meaninfgul bond with another human and experiencing unfathomable existential isolation for your entire life and never knowing what it's like to be hugged by someone. Or never having enough money to develop your talents so you have to throw all your ambitions and dreams away. Damn anon, those normies are really struggling in life.
No. 1036123
>>1036099There are obvious clues that the person didn't have a hard life and knowing them doesn't require becoming super deep friends with a normie. 1. They have good contact with their parents and they're both alive and together. 2. They don't struggle to survive financially 3. They don't go to therapy for anything 4. They don't experience crippling illness 5. They're in a healthy relationship 6. They don't have panic attacks or any visible anxiety
Even for an autist like me it's so simple. And that's the majority of the normies I know. Not all, but majority.
No. 1036132
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>>1036040Hell yeah
nonnie! I had these little Hello Kitty toys too and this nice little mushroom house that I'd make her and Sylvanian Families visit. It was so mystical to me as a kid. You have great taste nonna ♥
No. 1036262
>>1036248I feel you
nonnie. How do we get more women to channel their autism into video essays like their male counterparts?
No. 1036271
>>1036270im so sorry anon
fuck your parents for pressuring you into doing that honestly, im so mad at them. is there some kind of corrective option available, it sounds like cartilage almost sticking out could potentially be dangerous for you. also did the surgeon or your parents at least apologise to you bc that's the least you deserve from all this
No. 1036291
>>1036262I wish I knew…
It’s worse with video games because moids have such a grip on it. I would love to see women talk about their autistic interests in video form
No. 1036293
>>1036271Thank you for your reply. My father says it's all my fault even though he pushed me onto this and always called me ugly, said i needed surgery or no one would love me etc. He even mocked me after I got botched.
Surgeon told me he could fix it in his office without even giving me proper surgery. He's so shady that I can't believe I actually went along and got my surgery before realizing that. I'll get a second surgery which means they're going to need to harvest my rib cartilage and I'm going to have a very hard and unnatural nose.
I'm very jealous of women who have nice noses or women with unconventional noses that are confident. I wish I could go back in time and not get the surgery.
No. 1036315
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>>1036313Thank you sweet, sweet nonna
Same to you!
No. 1036368
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This looks like serious filler to me, but maybe it's natural….can someone corroborate? In motion it looks worse.
No. 1036370
>>1036336Ayrt, you have absolutely no reading comprehension. Touch grass and cut back on internet.
>>1036345I think the reason I'm angrier about how my mother acts is because one of my friends growing up had more masculine features. Her hands were one of her biggest insecurities. She'd constantly compare her hands to other girls. She unfortunately is starting to troon out. I think she might be on T because her aiden partner is on T. She's always had low self-esteem and is an easy target to talk into things. People saying things like my mother does has to hurt badly. It just saddens me.
No. 1036389
I wish I wasn't so addicted to social media. It's not even that exciting and if I stop posting for a day or two no one will care. It's all empty words and shouldn't mean anything and yet it can change my mood drastically. I want to live a normal life, away from any screens. I can't stand the noise anymore. I'll never make friends that way anyway and I keep oversharing in a desperate attempt to socialize. But whenever someone actually responds it scares me and I don't know how to deal with it.
All my classes are online and even though I have nothing else going on I haven't done shit. I'm going to fail one for sure and don't know how to feel about it. What will happen if I fail it next year too? If I get kicked out? How will I achieve my dream life without a degree? I'm too scared to talk to anyone or take any initative, I just somehow slide into situations and stay passive. This is why I didn't even really consider going the trade school/job route. I'm too scared of talking and interacting with others and saying the wrong things. No one wants me, I'll never get a job without experience, I'll never be anything etc. Uni is just a way to postpone having to deal with real life. It's all too scary to think about, I feel like I need permissions for everything. I can't go to new places alone, whenever I go somewhere I feel instantly unwanted.
I want to take it easy next semester and pick only one or two exams to write, even if it'll lengthen the time I'll have to spend there. I don't know how other students manage all regular classes and extra work and also a job, hobbies, a social life. I barely do anything and yet I'm so exhausted all the time. Even without my phone next to me it takes me two or three hours to get out of bed. I don't know what's wrong with me. No one in my life knows about this, I don't have anyone to talk to. It was the same during highschool, you can really suffer silently forever without anyone knowing a thing. No one will care as long as your grades are alright. I'm all over the place with this, I don't even know what I wanted to say. It just sucks that my life is objectively easy and untroubled and yet I somehow find ways to struggle with the easiest things. Someone who actually deserves it should be in my place, I have no idea how to even begin behaving in a way that justifies the oppurtunities I get
No. 1036390
>>1036160I completely disagree. Doing virtual classes won't lead students to being virtually online and that's a very overdramatic thought. You can still be taught online and have offline friends. Much better than being forced to get physically bullied, much better than having to pay for any travel fees they need to go to school, much better than not being able to participate in classes because of illness, etc.
I think it should be the student's own choice.
No. 1036405
>>1036401I hate when people ask about hobbies too. I don't do much besides typical weeb hobbies, yet every time someone asks I feel like I have to fabricate my answer.
That scrote sounds horrid. My brother is like that and he's a horrible person. I don't trust anyone who dislikes animals or children.
I'm sorry things are awkward for you
nonnie. Keep on keeping on!
No. 1036408
>>1036400You're going to find a bunch of social scientists going through hoops to cement that we can all get along, and to accept different religious and cultural differences as different but totally fine. They dismiss everything as a big misunderstanding and expect that things considered repulsive and
abusive across most societies should just be embraced to promote big world kumbaya shit.
No. 1036451
>>1036335sometimes i hate my bf too but it gets to a point where if youre thinking every day how much you hate him, how annoying he is etc etc, it's better for your mental health to just break it off
tbh though im the same bc i think my bf can be the worst sometimes but i like not being lonely too much
No. 1036478
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I want fried green tomatoes, but I only have tomatillos
No. 1036517
Reconnected with my grandma, mother of my scumbag deadbeat dad, who sent me a box of nice things like a hat she made me. Included was a weird "autobiography" my allegedly super smart and artistic (slightly younger) cousin I've never met wrote about how divorce affected her, and a note about how "dark" it is and how worried about her my grandma was about her trying to commit suicide after she read it and how divorce was hard "on both us girls" and how impressive my cousin is.
Ummm her parents were ALL decent people and rich, she always had whatever she wanted handed to her, such as a brand new car when she turned 16, and her side of the family, immediate and extended, has always been close and supportive. Meanwhile I did try to commit suicide as a child, my mom and 2 step fathers were all emotionally and physically violent and neglectful psycho alcoholics, I was literally taken into foster care and things did not get better after they gave me back, we barely afforded shitty food let alone any opportunities for extracurricular development, living in a dangerous shit hole where I got sexually abused by neighbors my mom left me with while drunk.
But yeah, it's SO amazing she manages to make ugly and unimaginative illustrations for money sometimes and makes borderline incoherent love letters to the thesaurus about how deep and tortured she is and how no one understands that she only looks and acts completely normal (her actual description of herself is fitting in perfectly and having no external abnormality???) Ugh bitch shut up I hate people like that. I can barely function in society, maybe if you can do so admittedly perfectly you're not as ~fucked up and mysterious~ as you're trying to feel just because you're shy and write poetry. Arent most people children of divorce nowadays??? Pixielocks tier shit I s2g.
I don't think grandma is aware, she hasn't been in my life since I was like 3. I know there's no logical reason I'd upset this poor old woman by telling her what I've been through, of which this is not the half of it. I'm just sick of pearl clutching when people will aggressively shun and reject people like me with actual issues and glorify/romanticize the shallow performance of manic pixie dream girl shit. Yes I'm bitter lmao normally don't dwell on thoughts like this but I'm tired and family is huge trigger for me. I really do hope my cousin is happy and wish her the best, I'm sure she's a nice woman and I know I'm overreacting because I'm seething with envy and exhausted by my difficult life that can be hard to accept. Yay vent thread.
No. 1036522
>>1036517also I am an artist and writer as well, which is a fun coincidence, why she brought cousin up and also part of why I was
triggered after evaluating her work, kek
No. 1036537
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i though if i
>quit junk food
>drink tons of water
>regularly do hard exercise
i won't have any more cellulite. but i joined 3 hardcore asf gym classes for a month now, go 3 times a week, and my dumb ass only got more ravenous and fatter. in addition, some girls that also attend and are stronger or smaller than i am, still have cellulite. fuck, i just want smooth legs.
No. 1036565
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At the end of a long day and some tripping, it always comes down to this: am I bi in denial? Shit's confusing. Wish I didn't have so much guilt and internalized homophobia. Thanks.
No. 1036599
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This is actually a response I woke up to from a AFAB troon named Annabelle who goes by "he/fae" pronouns all while she fakes having autism in response to me saying that I block all male knitters. Must have struck a nerve that her sinewy body and vagina somehow got her through security really easily. Fucking clown world. I bet the block will be gender euphoric and it made me debate actually doing it
No. 1036608
>>1036525kek thanks for the laugh/validation
>>1036523Your words make very good sense, thank you. I want to build trust with her and keep communicating until I feel vulnerable enough to possibly share more difficult parts of myself if she wants to embrace them. I don't actually even mind anything she said now that I'm not
triggered, so I feel extremely ridiculous for getting so worked up, especially scrolling up and seeing the normie hate shit.
I am grateful I can be overall happy for others even if I have a maladjusted, bitchy woe is me moment once in a while. Like damn I'm actually glad my cousin didn't go through that shit, and that our grandma loves her so much, because normal people still feel hurt and deserve compassion. It's good to see genuine love in the world, especially to/between women.
This thread is therapeutic, love you nonnies!!!
No. 1036641
>>1036636Median marriage age hasn't actually changed that much over the course of the last centuries in western europe. The US had a weird period in the middle of the 20th century where it dropped through the floor, but it is going back to normal today. Idiots look at that small snipped in that single country that didn't even extend to other countries and think people marrying in their mid twenties and having children in their mid to late twenties is somehow degenerate and unnatural.
People didn't start families until they were economically independent, and for some reason that age has stayed or more or less the same for a long time now in western countries.
No. 1036644
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It's been three years and I still can't find a job. Yet I have to pay insurance (the prices of which keeps increasing) while being unemployed, spending nights barely doing commissions because my health is driving me crazy. I spend all of my earnings on doctors and food, have not spent on anything "stupid" or just cute. My sister keeps sitting on mother's ass asking her money for any retarded shit in the world, from stupid 200€ Amazon speaker from coonsomer thread to a pack of stickers while being 9 years older than me. She had her first job in life two years ago given by her friend but she left it after three months without telling anyone!! Was straight up lying to mother.
I don't live with them thankfully, but if I did I would have beaten the shit out of her. We don't have a father and because of this cunt mother has to pay for everything and she works from 6am until 1am. I wish I could help mom but I am barely hanging there.
No. 1036738
>>1036706Everyone I know with IBS is a woman but maybe it's because men are more embarrassed about dietary restrictions or something. Though now I think about it, if it majority affects women it explains why it's taken so lightly by the medical world though it can be actually debilitating. I have it myself and we probably have enough IBSfags here to have a thread on it.
My first IBS flare up gave me hemaroids and I maintain nobody should be allowed to use the term pain in the ass without having that experience, it was honestly some of the worst pain of my life.
Glad you feel less alone anon, you can always come vent or ask for advice in /g/, also your brother sounds like a dick and I hope he eats a bad burrito.
No. 1036754
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>tfw it's the third time i distinctly remember dreaming about seals
>tfw I was the harp seal fleeing from a hungry walrus pack
No. 1036755
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my sister sent me this over message and i literally started crying kek it's so simple but i'm so not used to people expressing their love for me like this. tell your kids you love them regularly so they don't end up emotionally repressed like me
No. 1036766
>>1036758>because my boyfriend went a minute or two longerhow would it hurt your urethra tho?
genuine question
No. 1036775
>>1036758Is this some straight thing, how did you manage that and in that position? Hope it gets better soon, keep good hygiene,
No. 1036781
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My now former best friend changed into someone completely different over such a small amount of time, it fucks with me. She used to be a really chill and genuine girl, now she's hanging out with a group of weirdos who got into her head in strange ways. They all try to live like "Euphoria" characters despite being well into their 20s and 30s. Now my friend always has this very tryhard act she puts on even when it's me and her alone, as if she desperately wants to be perceived as "the cool party girl" at all times, always forcing the party girl talk even when it's got nothing to do with the topic, but it just comes off as desperate and fake. It's so stupid and cringey. She's doing stupid shit to win those dweebs' approval, too, and she's often very nervous and snappy, you can't even joke with her anymore. Those people are literally the unattractive smelly stoners you meet at the gas station at 3 am, except these ones watched too many teen shows and are trying to act like how they believe "cool kids" act.
Anyway I hope I get to see the sweet, genuine girl I befriended again.