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No. 1018946
“When the finger points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger” – Chinese Proverb.
Previous thread:
>>1003379 No. 1018951
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>>1018946This OP pic made me wonder : is there lolcow board tans, similar to 4chan board tans ? That would be fun to draw art of them
No. 1018979
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>>1018951I will never get enough of that cringy shit. Mfw no perma dark circles smoker /fa/ bf to bully
No. 1019026
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I don't know if I should sell my copies of Golden Sun and its sequel. I bought them second hand like 3 or 4 years ago and barely touched them because the beginning of the first game was a drag. Everytime I try to play it I get sick of the random encounters, I don't have enough patience for this anymore. But I can't thinking about how I could probably like these games later and how rare these games became? What do?
No. 1019205
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Has anyone 3d printed a doll before? I want a 1/6 scale but none of the ones I see have the body I like (I don't like the chibi style), is there an easier route to go about this before struggling in blender?
No. 1019434
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>>1018951>>1018970Yes, it's not the most active, but there's a thread for Board-tan media. An anon made a tan for each board
except /meta/ >>>/m/149775 No. 1019584
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do you guys think the ridiculous requirements of some of these jobs have to do with ageism?
No. 1019588
>>1019563Makes you a little loopy, like a baby version of laughing gas, but knocks your immune system for a few days so not really worth it unless you want to relax your bootyhole (and vag) for sex. I kept a bottle when I had my anal phase and it was.. very effective.
>>1019584I think it has to do with companies not wanting to hire externally but they still need to post job ads.
No. 1019674
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>>1019614This. Most jobs aren't advertised and the ones that are, very likely that someone already has a nepotism prospect in mind. I think they just post job ads to say that theyre an exual opportunity employer.
No. 1019709
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What causes stomach ache pain?
Like I know what causes the actual stomach ache but what is going on in the stomach that makes it hurt?
I have the flu, and my stomach feels better, but as soon as I eat something it hurts again. Why?
No. 1019767
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Can you really develop a full fledged pneumonia in two fucking days?
I’m freaking out, yesterday I thought I had a mild flu, nothing important, my nose was dripping and I thought it was either some pesky flu or just my usual allergies because of the remodeling stuff in the house and the bug spray.
In the morning of today I was annoyed by my runny nose, on midday I was okay, I was even sweating a bit so I thought I was getting better.
And now I’m throwing up yellow phlegm and feeling like my throat is all nasty and tight.
What the fuck?
No. 1019828
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>>1019767Sorry sounds like you got omicron'd
No. 1019829
>>1018979I miss this era of imageboards so much.
>>1019397I don't use it because it's dead. And yes, I've posted in it to try to revive it.
No. 1019973
>>1019910i understand anon. sometimes you find yourself more vulnerable and susceptible to other peoples wills than you're used to and it sucks. i want you to know that i personally am praying for whoever upset you's untimely death and it will be ok.
>>1019935>>1019948>>1019949ladies can we talk about how this has had to have been a notable thing for all of history? every time i feel insane and confide personal details with a female friend, they reinforce the fact that pre-menstrual forces imply either suicidal or homicidal tendencies. i think that women are far better suited towards determining genetic and therefore societal worth and this part of the month we just are lamenting the lack of ability to cull certain members of the community we know we'd all be better without. but also im drunk and my boobies hurt.
No. 1019983
>>1019935its called flo, idk if its on all platforms but i used to think that i was very irregular BUT with about a year of tracking i now know i'm super regular which is a relief. also its funny when it give me notifications about ovulation
>>1019978NONNY does this happen regualrly for you? every time my boobs have hurt enough to briefly mention to friends/bf/fam they're always like OMG ur pregnant but no i just get really sore tits every other month
No. 1020017
>>1019983NTA but my boobs always get sore a week or so before my period. I always trust that my period will be starting soon when it happens lol.
>>1020014I think it more depends on if you're working towards managing your mental health better, ie going to therapy and finding things that work for you. I'm 30 and I'm still in shambles but that is due to being too scared due to bad experiences with doctors/mental health professionals to try and seek help at the moment.
No. 1020109
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Sorry not replying in the previous thread, I was away from my computer, but to all the girls who transformed into athletic goddesses:
How did your life change after your transformation? One of you said it wasn’t worth it to maintain it. Did people treat youdifferently? Family? What was it like going to the beach or something like that?
I only just started and now I have all these stupid fantasies/hopes about my transformation from stick-mode to athletic.
No. 1020205
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>>1020196First thing coming to mind was sexified octoberfest outfit
No. 1020206
>>1020199none taken. i just like frills and the cute patterns/colors seen in lolita! but i also love my body type
>>1020200you’re so right
No. 1020226
>>1020200Lolitas will end her. They have fought with belief that Lolita is basically ddlg for so long, this is a
trigger. Maybe erokawaii would be better for OP? (I don't remember details of that fashion, so I may be wrong)
No. 1020256
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I have vaginismus and I read that poppers can be used to relax muscles and thought I would tried and ordered one from a local sex shop, but pretty sure I got a fake one ffs.
What other things could I use as a muscle relaxer?
No. 1020257
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I want to furnish and decorate my rented apartment, preferably stuff that fulfills a use and is affordable, but since I know I won’t spend all of my life here, and will probably move out eventually, I want to invest in furniture and decorations that are easy to move in a car.
So far, I’ve thought of for utilitarian and moveable furniture:
-foldable chairs
-bean bags
-pillows and pillow-covers
-storage rack or storage boxes
-food rack for the kitchen
-an electric fan for summer
-nice looking dishwear
-coffee table (can be affordable and moveable depending on size)
Not Utilitarian but easily moveable and somewhat affordable or free:
-old family photos
-general wall hangs (rugs, posters, embroidery hoops,paintings )
-potted plants that I can grow myself
-cork board
-small figurines from charity shops
-fridge magnets
No. 1020325
>>1020109My family was proud of me, but my father keeps making snide comments about too much muscle, even now.
Going to the beach with a body i actually like for the first time was great, but then the euphoria fades. Still, it feels good to have fun without insecurity.
Maintaining is hard and plateaus are hard as fuck to overcome. It’s a lifestyle and its not for everyone. You need to go for what brings you the most amount of joy,
I havent noticed a difference in how i get treated but then again I dont really go outside and dress in baggy clothes
No. 1020336
>>1020316Not an Arab here, I'm north African but from a Muslim family. Basically my little sister hid her relationship with her Asian bf until she felt it was a serious enough relationship, so she presented him to our parents at a stage where they wouldn't have been able to say anything about it. Then he proposed to her and they planned on moving together to a apartment, but he broke up with her the day before moving because he felt she was too obsessed with money, despite him being kind of broke and her helping him getting a job despite covid. At this stage my parents were angry at him and they thought he should be ashamed of himself for "scamming" my sister, yadda yadda. My big sister also hid her relationships until she broke up with her exes. I never had a relationship because unlike them I don't give a shit about religion and I think literally the only point of a relationship is sex, which would be risky given how strict my family is. A bunch of people I know tend to get married kind of young just so they can fuck without being in trouble for it, and they have kids while studying or starting their careers because then their family helps with raising the babies.
tldr; most people I know either don't date (included), hide their relationship for a long time (while only holding hands and maybe kissing), or get married soon after they start dating.
No. 1020395
>>1020379>male feminists But are they truly throwing men under the bus or are they just lying and telling women what they want to hear to let our guards down?
No, there is no such equivalent as a male pickme because men are not conditioned to serve women and debase themselves for us.
Maybe "orbiter" or "simp" comes close, but that's just opportunism. Men frown upon it because they don't get to game women straight away but they're still sneaky fucks. When fatty uggo orbiters get into relationships with women even they take us for granted after awhile and expect to be served as eternal thanks for their initial simping. Pickme women are doormat slaves well after the honeymoon phase and always come to the defense of men.
No. 1020422
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Me and my wife are getting two shelter cats next week and it's our first cat experience. We bought two cat trees, bowls for food and water, some toys, boxes for carrying them, hiding beds, cat toilets etc. But I feel like we forgot something important still? Any cat owner who could enlighten me maybe?
Also German cat owners: what food do you recommend? Wheat and sugarfree is so expensive, but I want at least a proper wheat free one. Had one in my hand at DM earlier but wanted some experienced opinions first lmfao
No. 1020465
>>1020454My armchair theory is the lack of control, like probably the idea of a partner becoming immobile or unable to fend for themselves after getting so large, similar to amputee kinks.
And I assume for people who find fatness attractive, just taking that to the extreme and the idea of contributing to someone getting bigger and bigger.
No. 1020480
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>>1020422sorry i only have general tips kek. you probably know this already, but if they don't drink their water, it could be because their water is next to the food bowl and that is considered their hunting ground. they don't wanna drink water from near a dead body, so to speak. just move it somewhere else or maybe invest in a little cat water fountain, most cats love these.
as for food, your cats will tell you what they like. never buy in excessive bulk and make sure to go through different brands. you will soon find out that maybe one hates fish and the other hates chicken. also they will love one brand one day and hate it the next. in the end you'll probably end up buying whatever sugary cat food they love because you want your children to be happy.
also they'll probably drag litter around and it's painful when you step in it, so these mats are godsend: hope you'll have lots of fun with your new kitties!!
No. 1020487
>>1020465Thank you for your response!
>>1020483Thank you too!
>>1020480What a cutie, love the pic
No. 1020559
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>>1020109I am far from an athletic goddess, but have gone from being completely untrained skinnyfat (no sports even as a kid) to lifting for about a year and and now having some noticeable muscle. I was always average looking in clothes so people don't really treat me differently, except family and friends being surprised at how my arms look and feel when I flex. Sadly I haven't been to the beach or pool since I started. I used to be very self-conscious in swimsuits and only wear one pieces with swim shorts, but now I would have no problem wearing a two piece and am kinda looking forward to it– I'm nowhere near my goal body but am happy with it for the first time in my life. Bodybuilder-tier low bodyfat is definitely hard to maintain, but if you enjoy working out and find a diet that works for you, it just becomes a part of your lifestyle and I don't think it's difficult at all. It just takes a lot of time and consistency to form the initial habits.
Best of luck with your fitness anon! It truly changed my life for the better.
No. 1020672
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>>1020654Because of mcdonalds
No. 1020747
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>>1020657anon you made me almost laugh, how are you so used to the shit loading speeds? free yourself queen it takes me like 16 times to get a thread to actually load up if i’m lucky without having to refresh or create another tab. do they not know that a majority who browse the internet use their phones for convenience? not everyone is a pc dweller like the shaynafags
No. 1020774
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Nonnies do you have any favorite male models? I see female models talked about somewhat but not male ones. I don't really keep up with any but I like to sometimes go on the malemodelscene site and see all the aesthetic photos. The only male model I can think of off the top of my head is Kento Yamazaki. Also for the scrote who keeps posting pictures of random women and "why dont u whores look like this", why don't you look like pic related? kek
No. 1020778
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>>1020775Yes kek he's just very pretty and scrotes do not usually groom themselves this much. I think he's gay too.
No. 1020843
>>1020818No, don't worry.
>Plus I turned out fine, haven't done anything to my faceNeither have most girls who played with them. I don't think that many girls who played with them actually wanted to look like them, if anything we wanted to emulate their fashion sense but we acknowledged they looked cartoony.
No. 1020857
>>1020818You're fine. I liked bratz more than any other dolls as a kid because their skin tones looked more like my actual friends than barbies. In a weird way, all "dolls" can be
problematic for always being idealized stereotypes of women and girls, but there is never anything inherently wrong with a child loving a toy and forming an emotional attachment to it.
No. 1020870
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I have this predisposition that we women are more/very attracted to the arcane/magic/spirituality, why is that?
No. 1021191
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>>1021176Then I hope you don’t crave some sweet ass melon on summer or I will personally look for you to tell you that you’re a melon hater and that you’re supposedly not deranged.
No. 1021254
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>>1020818lol, in what way would that make you misogynistic? not at all. why the fuck were their feet removable, leaving just nubs if you lost their feet anyways? negative points for nubs. unacceptable.
and everyone knows the superior, terribly bimbofied dolls were my scenes
No. 1021281
>>1020818Not at all? I find Bratz less
problematic than Barbies, honestly. Their proportions are way more obviously cartoony and Barbies always made me feel bad for not being a pretty blonde, I didn't want to be the "friend" doll (Chelsea/Theresa) that nobody cared about just because I had olive skin and dark hair.
No. 1021283
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>>1021254samefag, i just realized anon said "am i a misogynist for liking bratz", not "for not liking bratz", fml…
No. 1021309
>>1020559>>1020325Thank you so much for your replies! They’re very inspirational and wholesome.
Regarding the baggy clothes, do you never feel the desire to just tastelessly show off? I assume both of you are single (AKA no bf reaction to the transformation)?
No. 1021314
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>>1021308thank you, exactly. when could bratz compare to this collection? i will admit though that bratz clothes were their strong suit. bratz dolls themselves look absolutely insane and it's shocking that girls want to look like them physically. they look almost mongoloid-like, really. and i lost many of their feet. i would always imagine they'd have to pathetically patter about around school on their delicate little nubs whenever i lost their hoofshoes, which happened a lot. the my scene site and illustrations were also factually superior
No. 1021319
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>>1021314>>1021314I still have the Nolee from My Scene Goes Hollywood doll and she is so pretty, even without the gazillion of accessories she came with (only basic outfit with coat)
No. 1021323
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>>1021319i never realized how high quality their accessories were and how many they came with, holy crap. actually a great doll set if you think about it. she is so pretty. meanwhile, this is getting all the hype… wtf is this face.
No. 1021329
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>>1021323They looked like pornified hoes to me even when I was a little girl. TBH later My Scene dolls also got a bit unsettling in that regard in an attempt to compete with Bratz, but they started looking cool and attractive, but not inappropriate
No. 1021338
>>1021156I didn't know that
If I bend it and put it under my pillow which way should my hand face? I feel like no matter what I do my arm is at a weird angle
No. 1021343
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>>1021308False. MyScene were Barbies response to Bratz because bratz were becoming super popular.
Posting my favourite bratz doll I owned as a kid.
No. 1021346
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>>1021341tbh mga entertainment has gone hog wild with the bimbofication of their dolls and bratz was obviously their starting point. they were the bratz originators and now they do the LOL dolls. now they straight up unapologetically look like sexy baby women
>>1021343great clothes but hideous. my scenes reign supreme
No. 1021349
>>1021346Idk MyScenes faces were just as ridiculous but sized down. Bratz were clearly just exaggerated and as a child I never took them seriously in a way that a woman should look like that.
Also I really loved Bratz hair, it was always so soft and easy to comb and style whereas MyScene suffered from that Barbie problem with the overly plastic hair.
That said I liked both of the dolls as a kid, I just preferred Bratz.
Also I think Bratz had a bit more edge to them which appealed to me as a kid. And the RockAngelz songs were so good I still like them today kek
No. 1021350
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>>1021345I sit on the toilet lid L-style, lean my head back and close my eyes.
No. 1021351
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>>1021344 yes but no… most girls understand that dolls aren't real life. I think what your talking about is a type of body dysmorphia. They never really even look like dolls anyways.
No. 1021354
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>>1021351it's like one of the most popular trends right now, to try to look as much like a bratz doll as possible though… it has huge cultural significance. your pic are older women, it definitely has an impact on younger girls
No. 1021411
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Can we make a thread about wishing ill on people? Like we write our curses and other anons can join and wish more bad things upon the people the poster wrote about. Idk. I think it would be neat.
No. 1021423
>>1021156Huh? Why would you want to have a dead arm? That sounds so uncomf
>>1021146Tucked between my tit and the bed like a support shelf
No. 1021540
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>>1020818I used to love bratz as a kid but I couldn’t play with them without someone saying they where dressed “like sluts” and that id better not dress like that when I’m older. My favourite was the yasmin from the Tokyo collection. I was obsessed with her green braids. Unfortunately I was a bit too old for them by the time the monster high dolls came out, because I would have gone apeshit over them.
No. 1021544
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>>1021281>Their proportions are way more obviously cartoony and Barbies always made me feel bad for not being a pretty blonde, I didn't want to be the "friend" dollayrt, and same, the real appeal of Bratz for little girls was that they were marketed
together as friends, the theme would have been different had they put forth some sort of "Yasmin and her friends". Like, Barbie started out alone so introducing friends and slapping a catchy brand name on the friend group would have been difficult to pull off because her name by itself was already popular. Not that they wanted to anyways. So little girls would have had to play as a sort of side-kick/supporting character. So child self-centeredness played a huge role.
>that nobody cared about just because I had olive skin and dark hairThis is a really good example of what little girls' interpretation is like when dolls are marketed the way Barbie was lol. I also didn't like Barbie's bland style, so I wouldn't have wanted one that looked like me anyways. And loathed pink
>>1021314>>1021308>>1021254Eh, they just aren't as funny looking as Bratz. Little me clearly went for the most eye-catching
>>1020857>I liked bratz more than any other dolls as a kid because their skin tones looked more like my actual friends than barbieskek you're so cute and wholesome anon
>>1020843I can't help but think they at least had a little to do with the lip filler trend we see now
No. 1021599
>>1021555>The moral panic surrounding Bratz, Barbies, anything under the Mattel sun is kind of stupid>MattelDid you mean MGA? Nowadays nobody is protesting Barbie, even on lolcow. How do you feel about vidrel btw
Bratz were supposed to be My Scene btw, the creator got into some drama with Mattel and created their own brand. I think they lost a lolsuit to Mattel.
No. 1021606
>>1021341Well zoomers certainly don't think so with their Real Life Bratz make-up. Also dolls look in many different ways and aren't always innocent as any collector would tell you. They can be analyzed and criticized, like any cultural text (idk if that's how the term is translated to English, so bear with me). The heavy make-up, come hither eyes, giant puckered lips and often thotty outfits made me think they look off, and I was a kid. Didn't have a problem with early My Scene, Barbies, Diva Starz… Even Flavas didn't seem bad to me (another moral panic, this time about hood culture corrupting children). IDK if Brats ~sent the wrong message~ though the tiktok mania could be a good argument for the case. I've always found them ugly as hell though. I know there were a few less "sexy" series (Winter Wonderland?), but I still find their molds hideous.
I don't know if I buy into any tinfoil, but MGA has been at it with selling dolls that make you go hmmmm for the last 20 years
No. 1021615
>>1021281>I didn't want to be the "friend" doll (Chelsea/Theresa) that nobody cared about just because I had olive skin and dark hair.This is a big thing too, Bratz are/were more diverse so of course more girls would like them. Maybe the CEO being Iranian has something to do with it
Too bad about the weird/gross shit they're putting out these days though
No. 1021631
Or give him an ultimatum. Lose this weight in this time.
No. 1021731
>>1020559, I have been with the same bf the whole time and obviously he is very happy and encouraging of it. He was already more active than me and gave a lot of pointers in the beginning, I kind of attribute that to why I stuck to it as there's a huge amount of conflicting info online to sift through as a beginner. It's important to lift for yourself first and foremost, but it's definitely motivating to notice him finding me even more attractive than before and to share new PRs with someone else who cares.
No. 1021737
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>>1021411do it anon ! I want to post in it kek
No. 1021812
File: 1641767027271.jpg (Spoiler Image,165 KB, 1200x630, lol-dolls-new.jpg)

>>1021774mga is arguably in their prime rn, even moreso than they were with bratz. these LOLshits are insanely popular with kids to a degree even bratz were not. mga is sus as hell though. why did they make LOL dolls with dicks? who asked for this, exactly? i would be very weirded out were i a parent regarding mga entertainment given their history, sexy dolls, dick dolls, sexy furry pooping dolls, it's all extremely weird. i'm not saying agenda but people with quesiontable decision making skills are clearly at the helm here
No. 1021855
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>>1021849Not that I know of, you could gargle some warm water with salt, or get some of these things that you can suck slowly. I would do both. Some people also does some gargles with hydrogen peroxide, I think I did it once, it was too late for me, but you feel some relief.
No. 1021872
>>1021855Thank you nurse
nonnie, salt and warm water sounds gross but I’ll just say it’s ‘mermaidpilled’ and get on with it.
No. 1021958
abusive when it's mostly just one person abusing the other, it's
toxic if they both have the freedom to leave but stay together being shitlords to each other
No. 1021971
>>1021893Toxic relationships are usually a case of a person being mentally ill/immature and not actively harming their partner but making their life overall worse regardless of the love between them; abusers actively do things towards their partners that harm them in some way, even if the abuser isn't aware that their actions are
abusive the actions are deliberate. Both are shit, but abusers are evil.
So like for example a
toxic partner could be someone who has a mental illness and isn't using it in any way against you, but isn't really trying to get better either which slows your life to a halt. They've got depression and are in a stage where instead of getting better they're subconsciously acting in a way to make everyone around them depressed as well. It's technically just a symptom of depression and they aren't doing it to hurt anyone but themselves though it's still horrible. They're generally bringing your life down, but it's not out of them trying to hurt you, they're just not in a place where they should really be in a relationship. Another common example would be a situation where the
toxic partner is enabling the other one's bad habits, usually out of misplaced love or by having a problem themself that they don't want to confront either.
An abuser on the other hand will take explicit action against you and are fully aware of what they're doing (again, regardless of if they see it as
abusive or not). They'll make decisions for you and take their own opinion as gospel (even arguing that people's personal tastes are "wrong" if they're different from their own). They'll "logic" their way into a circular argument that will take you around in circles until you give up or they escalate (or
trigger you into getting angry and then they place full bad guy status on you). Lundy Bancroft's book on abusers is an absolutely eye-opening book and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in learning about abusers (especially for those formerly in
abusive relationships or those who suspect they're in one, it shows how they're all basically the same and is great for identifying and destroying any gaslighting you've received). Abusers always escalate and even if you're perfect they won't be happy
No. 1021973
>>1021664Sweet baby Jesus I had no idea
This whole time I would just click the reply number to read the reply, then the number they quoted to go back, then click the next reply etc
>>1021423>Elbow shelf between bed and titsThat puts painful pressure on the side of my tit for some reason, maybe I'm just not built to lie on my side. When you do that, do you have your shoulder on the pillow with your head or your shoulder below it?
Why is this so hard
No. 1022279
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>>1022262but they ONLY capitalize the B in black. white and brown stay the same and picrel is their nonsensical justification.
No. 1022527
>>1022438I've been working for a small newspaper for half a year now, but my position/company is reeeeeally slow so I know I probably have a different experience compared to most other people in the field, but I'm… ambivalent about it. I don't plan on staying on the field after this. I didn't go to school for journalism, I went for international politics, but got my current position because I was recommended for it and took it because of benefits (pay is shit tho). I wasn't really doing anything really interesting anyway and wanted to try out something new that would kind of be relevant to my degree to see if it was worth it. It's not kek.
I get to do some interesting stuff like visiting the United Nations often, applying for press badges for events (my boss lets me apply to stuff even if I just want to go for myself), and occasionally interviewing people, but most of it is a bore. The paper I work for is obviously out to put a certain angle on stories, which I'm not a fan of, but that's just life in the field. I don't mind doing street interviews but it's not my favorite thing. I guess it can be fulfilling for the right person but it isn't worth for me to really pursue it any further than where I'm at.
No. 1022540
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I want to furnish and decorate my rented apartment, preferably stuff that fulfills a use and is affordable, but since I know I won’t spend all of my life here, and will probably move out eventually, I want to invest in furniture and decorations that are easy to move in a car. Am I missing anything?
So far, I’ve thought of for utilitarian and moveable furniture:
-foldable chairs
-bean bags
-pillows and pillow-covers
-storage rack or storage boxes
-food rack for the kitchen
-an electric fan for summer
-nice looking dishwear
-coffee table (can be affordable and moveable depending on size)
Not Utilitarian but easily moveable and somewhat affordable or free:
-old family photos/ personal photos
-general wall hangs (rugs, posters, embroidery hoops,paintings )
-potted plants that I can grow myself
-small figurines from charity shops
No. 1022585
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I'm looking for a camera that I could use for streaming and vlogging, what are your recommendations?
I need a camera that I can keep connected to my computer while streaming (so I don't have to worry about the battery) but has enough capture quality that I can take out and do some minor vlogging. I currently own a very cheap Logitech camera but can only capture properly if I'm using the camera's software, otherwise everything looks like ass.
I make art and music I'm not a twitchthot pls
No. 1022676
>>1022668kek, i guess their entire "identity" they think is being ripped off because of simple interests. the only time any of this matters is when your livelihood is riding on your whole identity and people are capitalizing off of your look, personality, interests. sometimes when i see people complaining about it it definitely seems like they're being unreasonably posessive over these interests.
otherwise i can't understand caring about people developing the same interests or hobbies as you. claims of skinwalking seem highly exaggerated.
No. 1022707
>>1022668a lot of people suffer from lack of identity, so they can appropriate yours and it might be frustrating if they do so especially if you've been marginalized/bullied or not given reaffirmation for your interests, hobbies and who you are as an individual. It is not necessarily about selling yourself. This applies to day to day socialization and life and it does not have to be on the internet. Has it ever happened to you that in class in school you rise your hand and someone steals your answer because you do not say it loud enough and they get the praise you were supposed to get? It's just normal to feel frustation after something like that. I don't think it is about simple interests, BPDs go beyond simple interests and their skinwalking is psychotic. They begin mimicking your hand movements, gestures, the way you talk, dress, your voice inflexions, your interests and so on and most people cannot observe it or know it. I have dealt with a handful of BPDs that have done this to me. I think the best is to stay away from people like that, I'm trying to learn their phenotype. Skinwalking is surprisingly very common nowadays. Have you seen girls skinwalking Belle Delphine? It goes beyond having the same interests as her like gaming or doing OnlyFans. They are copying her shoots, editing their faces to look exactly like hers, talking like her and so on. I just think a lot of people literally do not have an identity and it might be a modern phenomenon. Belle was just an example because this doesn't only happen on the internet but also in real life and not only for onlyfans thots but for other content creators as well. It is one thing to get inspiration from someone or begin liking the same things that they do and another thing to literally steal their entire identity from hand gestures, speaking inflexions, looks, expressions and so on. It's creepy and even more creepeier that it is so common but most people overlook it.
No. 1022714
>>1022707NTAYRT but you're so right. I remember a while back an anon posted about how she was being skinwalked by one of her coworkers, to the point where they would copy her exact socks. She said something like how she curated her fashion sense from being raised in a poor household and she even learned how to sew too growing up. I don't think it's petty at all to be upset someone is taking a personal part of you because of their own insecurities.
Anon do you have any tips on detecting BPD people who do this?
No. 1022827
>>1022791just to add to this, the japanese is for sageru is 下げる and for sage is 下げ
and it's not really shortened because of amerikkkan shorthand but because that's the informal conjugation of the verb (sageru = ``it lowers''; sage = ``lower it'', i.e., don't bump the thread)
No. 1022870
>>1022868Is it on the sidewalk, outside of the yard? Near trash cans? Then it is trash and you can take it.
If you are not too autistic you can ring the doorbell and ask if its OK to take it.
No. 1022878
>>1022870There is no front yard, just doorstep and pavement, so I think it's ok.
I don't think I want to ring anyone's doorbell over there I swear the odd house is a brothel kek
But thank you for the reply, I will update if it is too piss scented or I get shanked. ♥
No. 1022884
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Nonas I really need some advice.
How do you get yourself to do shit?
I've always had trouble focusing and staying motivated, but never like this. I just panic and get anxious and freeze at the idea of doing anything. The tiniest thing like checking my email seems impossible and even stuff that's supposed to be fun like responding to a friend or taking a walk. Doing something like that once already feels like a herculean feat, let alone doing it every day like I'm supposed to. It feels so pathetic and overly dramatic even just typing it, but I have no idea how to get back into the momentum of being functional.
All the advice I found online is in the vein of 'just do it' which I understand but is there any more tangible advice out there? Sorry if this is too blogposty for this thread.
No. 1022885
>>1022884If you don't have mental health issues: Just fucking do it. Stop being lazy and practice some self-discipline. Do it because if you don't you will feel more anxious and guilty over time. If you just fucking do it, you won't have to feel guilt and anxiety. So just do it.
If you have (or believe you have) mental health issues such as ADHD/depression: go to a specialist and find the medicine/therapy that will make doing things a non-issue.
No. 1022895
>>1022884I'm going through the exact same shit right now, right down to not even being able to bring myself to do extremely simple things or stuff I'm meant to enjoy. While I'm struggling to manage it at the moment (so take my advice with a grain of salt), I've found that making a to-do list that breaks down tasks into small components has been helpful in the past. Since I procrastinate simple stuff so much that it piles up and becomes overwhelming to even think about, having it written down and in front of me in more easily 'digestible' chunks can make it easier to visualize and approach.
Also, sometimes I procrastinate tasks because I'm waiting until I 'feel motivated' to do it. This feeling literally never happens so don't even bother waiting for it, just get started even if it feels excruciating to do so since starting is always the worst part.
No. 1022906
>>1022885There's definitely mental health issues at play but there's a ridiculous waiting list right now. I made an intake appointment for the soonest possible date, which is in march. I don't like the idea of meds for different reasons but even then there's an extensive process before you're even at the stage where meds are considered. Realistically it's going to take until may at least.
>>1022895Thank you, I'm sorry you deal with the same thing but it's comforting to not feel alone in it. I've been trying to make to-do lists like that and it feels good to organise but actually doing the stuff on it instead of abandoning it after the first few items is very hard. It's the consistency that sucks to maintain. Like, it takes all of my willpower to answer some overdue messages today, which is relieving. But if I don't manage to do that every day, it reverts back to the same chaos it was before in no time.
>sometimes I procrastinate tasks because I'm waiting until I 'feel motivated' to do itI can relate to that, thanks for that advice. The discipline to just start is difficult to muster up either way, but it helps to realize that it's always gonna be shit and that it's no use waiting for some magical moment where it's suddenly easy.
>>1022896Yeah, smoking weed is definitely a motivation killer but I quit a while ago. The thing is, in the past I have tried several adderall-type adhd medications and both me and multiple people around me have had extremely bad experiences with it, so that's not something I want to revisit. I'm hoping there's other methods to increase adhd motivation.
No. 1023008
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Is there such a thing anymore as a dedicated website where good artists post their illustrations? Like Deviantart but not flooded with terrible fetish artists. I know lots of people just use Instagram but I hate Instagram. Pixiv is just anime girls and Dribble and Behance occasionally have something cool (picrel) but it gets drowned out by soulless corporate crap.
No. 1023055
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It’s slowing driving me nuts so maybe one of you guys knows what I’m talking about.
I’m trying to remember what I think was a visual novel or dating sim with a nautical theme. Like the characters are like loli versions of sea creatures, I think the MC had a sailor lolita thing going on, simple artwork etc. I have a feeling it was probably popular a few years back and I completely missed it. Hell, maybe it was a webcomic. Seagulls might have been a thing? Did my mind make this up?
No. 1023060
>>1022540Honestly, the best way to make your furnishings portable is to not buy so much. Most of the stuff on your list is useless.
- You only need one throw blanket, or zero if you live in a warm area.
- Bean bags are not moveable. Once you take them out of the original packaging, they're impossible to squish back down again.
- Your bathroom will probably come with a mirror installed (if you're in the US, not sure about other countries).
- You only need sleeping pillow(s). Throw pillows are useless and take up space on your couch/bed.
- If you get a rug, you will also need to buy a vacuum cleaner. If you just want to keep your feet warm, you could get thick socks or slippers.
- Dishware is good, but you don't need more than one size of plate and bowl. Beware faddish patterns. I recommend plain white Corelle. It's lighter weight than stoneware, but also less fragile, and still microwavable.
- Regarding decorations and knicknacks, even though each individual item may be lightweight, the collection will take up precious car space when you eventually move. Also, eventually you will get used to your decorations being there, so you won't even look at them anymore. It's called the hedonistic treadmill.
I also thought of some things you need that you didn't list:
- Bathmat
- Tableware
- Cookware (IMO, a cast-iron skillet, saucepan, and Dutch-Oven-sized pot are sufficient. You could even go without the big pot if you don't do batch cooking.)
- Cooking accessories, like spatula, spoon, knife, cutting board, measuring cup, dish towels.
- Microwave, if your apartment doesn't come with one.
- Brita or similar, if the tap water in your area tastes bad.
No. 1023062
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>>1023055It doesn't really fit your description but could it be Ika Musume?
No. 1023067
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>>1023055Kantai Collection?
No. 1023078
>>1023067Nta but this
triggered my PTSD as my ex was obsessed with this game and would play it for hours at a time
No. 1023197
>>1023093Here is the IMDB parental guide. It will tell you what to expect with gore, nudity, etc>>1023148Wadanohara has cute art and good music but the story is lacking. There is a huge cast of characters and none of them are developed much. However the protag has three(!) costume changes so definitely worth your time
No. 1023223
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I have one of these and I wanna sell it but it's yellowed a lot. I'm thinking of taking a fine grid sandpaper to it, is that a bad idea?
No. 1023252
>>1023218When women say their needs aren't being met it's because they genuinely aren't and it's fair game.
Just be careful because if you're caught, your main scrote can either kick you to the curb or enact violence against you as punishment while society claps because you should have CoMmUniCaTeD more. It's not always as simple for women to "just break up" when they live with men and cannot support themselves, so hey, one bitch on lolcow understands.
But men though? Nah, I don't believe the majority of men who say they aren't having needs met because usually it's through some fault of their own or misconception that they aren't.
ie. Not being served hot dinner when the wife is busy counts as "abuse" in a male's mind.
ie. Man complains about dead bedroom while not doing anything to romance wife while she juggles work and house duties.
No. 1023254
>>1022668The only time I dealt with being skinwalked was when someone was picking up my exact niche interests, particular styles, and habits while actively hating me in an attempt to take my place as my best friend's best friend. She tried the same thing with my friend's fiancee and failed, so I was her next target.
I ended up cutting her off completely in the middle of the night and she had the audacity to ask why I blocked her everywhere. I would have been open to communicating my problems like an adult, but the one (and only) time I tried resolving a separate issue, I was immediately blocked across 3 separate platforms and when I asked wtf was going on, her response was "oh sorry that was an accident! lol"
I'm almost positive she had undiagnosed BPD too.
I guess in the end it was less about the interests being copied, and more about everything else in combination with that. That's what skinwalking is to me, anyway.
No. 1023343
>>1022884Do you think this is due to anxiety, OCD, depression, or something else? If you're nervous about trying meds or the wait is long, you could look into supplements or OTC lavender-based anxiety pills, to find research on it look up "Silexan". I'm in a similar rut now where caring is hard because of external circumstances, but not keeping up with tasks only makes it worse. If lists are partly working for you, maybe try reordering so you go from one east task to a harder one instead of putting all the easier ones first? Building good habits takes time and consistency; even if you forgot or don't do it one day, what matters more is getting back on it. For something like taking a walk I hope you can motivate or get yourself to do that, put on some good music or a podcast, getting outside and moving is helpful.
No. 1023377
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i have an interview where they are requiring a typing test be performed at the end but autotype for the past few years has kinda stopped me from increasing my wpm. Is there anyway I can increase my wpm from around 58 to 70 (what they require) or should I just accept imminent failure LMAO. What can I do to increase my speed? Just take typing tests all day?
No. 1023383
>>1022884I really relate to these feelings. It can have a lot of different causes, try to sit down and figure which one could it be for you. It's usually way deeper than just not "feeling like doing it". Sometimes it's what we eat, an emotional issue rooted in something that happened to us, being online too much, a health issue, etc.
But for a more general advice on discipline, it is said that is much easier to have discipline when we have our needs met, that is: doing exercise, sleeping and eating well. I also think that having a routine that gives our brains a little bit of clarity and focus is great. I started to wake up early, stretch a little bit, take a shower and have breakfast without looking at my phone. I don't know how doable that is for you, everyone has their own needs and characteristics but personally starting my day like this made me feel good, motivated and I was able to finally sit down and study for hours.
But yes, discipline is hard. It never gets easier, you just get smarter with your decisions with time and practice. Other tip is to think about the consequences of not doing it now that you have the time and resources to at least start that task. It's always so stressful to procrastinate, being disciplined is an act of love for your future self.
No. 1023451
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Do they write numbers like that for blind people using text-to-speech?
No. 1023474
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Has anyone else here had an order cancelled from Japan due to covid this year or last year after the second semester?
This just happened to me and I thought it was so weird. It's not as if we're going to meet face to face, plus what difference does the country makes when shipping it to blame covid? I'm confused.
No. 1023493
>>1023374Yes, it can. If you are deficient in vit D, you might be deficient in other vitamins, too, which can further cause more hair loss.
Buy some multi-vitamins and go out in the sun.
No. 1023523
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Is this bitch really 37???
No. 1023545
>>1023532That looks like a 40 year old to you? Tbh I'd believe it if she said she was in the 27-35 range but maybe I'm just bad at guessing ages.
>>1023542How's a 30 something supposed to act to you?
No. 1023588
>>1023550>>1023545Lmao ask and you shall receive
Yeah, she's iconic. I know
No. 1023596
>>1023588Thanks for context
nonny. This video just makes her seem more her age imo because zoomers are too pussy to say retarded. And it's not like people lose their personalities as they age. She will still be like this when she's 80 guaranteed.
No. 1023600
>>1023588>>1023596Zoomers would write a long thinkpiece and use speech to text narration to subtly imply the sun is
problematic. Stacy energy is required to straigh up call the sun retarded
No. 1023782
>>1023779Theres no subtle way to exclude trannies that they would understand, and if they do understand that will make them more eager to invade your space. Even if you try to be nice and gentle about it, they'll consider you an evil
terf just as much as if you wrote 'die trannies'.
You have to go full GC or be so focused on vaginas that it hurts their fee fees and they stay away out of sheer
triggered was.
No. 1023813
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>>1023798Yeah and if they start sending you death threats you can just say it means The trannies in german
No. 1023836
>real womanin your bio
for real though it might just be better to block trannies when they follow instead.
No. 1023891
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I'm going insane. Why are the third titles not doing their shit?
I've already tried so much but nothing works or it fucks up my entire document
No. 1023904
>>1023858I honestly only post/make knitting and crochet patterns, so it makes zero sense for such an audience. It was surprising, I was expecting older women as the main audience.
>>1023868I preemptively blocked several people who I thought would make a stink if they found my new account. Now there's really no chance.
No. 1023965
>>1023957You can get pregnant on your period. Sperm can live for a few days inside of you. If he has a good sperm count, odds are higher more live to see you ovulate.
If a penis is involved, you can get pregnant.
No. 1024042
>>1023981Yes and no. I’ve had big one that was too big (long) and one that was too thick, but I’ve had big dicks that we’re good. I’ve never had a good experience with a small one. But I know some women do.
I slept with a guy long ago who was like the size of my thumb(even in girth) and he’s had a long term girlfriend for like 5 years. So she clearly enjoys his tiny pp.
No. 1024134
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I watched lain twice now and i still do not understand what it was about. Can some beautiful amazingly intelligent anon explain it to me?
No. 1024137
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If I need to shit while taking a shower/bath, do I interrupt my shower and dry off to go take my shit or do I finish the shower and then shit?
No. 1024346
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Anyone have some basic/beginning skincare tips? I'm trying to start taking care of my skin but I can't find the skincare thread for some reason
No. 1024358
>>1024354>average hairy chubby male bodies Absolutely not.
>fit water polo player's bodiesAbsolutely yes.
No. 1024361
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do you guys think lucy liu did something to her face before getting famous? this was her pre-fame. this looks like an entirely different person to me. she's beautiful either way but i can't put my finger on what it is…
No. 1024473
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>>1024346for the love of god dont buy anything with fragrance your skin doesn't need it, it will fuck you over. I would also recommend avoiding: tea tree, witch hazel, citrus, snail can cause acne if you're allergic to dust/dust mites, mint, essential oils, fermented ingredients can cause under the skin bumps. I highly recommend at this point anything which is only for babies or people with eczema because they will usually cut out all the bad fillers that are normally in pretty much all sephora, ulta, and other skin products. pic related are all the face washes I would recommend. the white for dry skin, blue for oily, and vanicream white sensitive if even the other two are too much. skin bliss the app can scan ingredient lists you give to tell you what all will be harmful too. you might be able to find what foods give you acne too like too much sugar, nuts, dairy, specific veggie/fruit, wheat, maybe a type of fish.
No. 1024476
>>1024362>>1024364>>1024360Well I'm relieved it's not just me. Though with women I find %99 attractive and with men it's the %5 at most. Men's shitty personalities don't help either.
I guess I'm bi. Thank you anons.
No. 1024486
>>1024346the skincare thread is in /g/
>>1024473you said no fragrance but all la-roche posay products have fragrance in them. it's a good brand tho
No. 1024555
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Is Hypnotist Sappho a tranny? "Her" voice sounds pretty male to me and
>goes on about 'lesbian breeding kink', mommy kink etc.
>is a sexual predator and a zoophile
am I delusional? It's just that this is some peak male shit
No. 1024670
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>>1024616thought police aren't real
No. 1024673
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What drugs did Marina Joyce take to become dead inside? And how does it work? You can tell by her eyes that her soul is gone.
No. 1024697
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>>1024673She wanted to be creepychan so bad
No. 1024705
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Where can I read the Moomins comic online?
Every site I find just gives this triangle where the pages should be
No. 1024976
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why do people react so strongly when you criticize porn
No. 1025000
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What's a good, satisfying, and legal way to get back at a scrote? My friend accidentally matched with a stalker dude on a dating app and he posted a fake hookup listing on Craigslist with her number. Unfortunately she forgot to take screenshots of his face/profile. Thanks, anons!
No. 1025039
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I don't know enough (read: anything) about Latin so please confirm or debunk picrel for me.
No. 1025049
>>1024493No woman does this willingly. Period sex feels good but anal hurts and when you're already having cramps, ew.
If men are disgusted by period sex and want to do anal, how is blood more gross than literal shit?
No. 1025059
>>1025000Do the same and advertise his number to gay men and transvestites. Can also put his number on sites as a prostitute ad or transvestite.
But you're gonne get screwed if he tarces it back so be careful.
As for a more sensible approach, I'd say wait til he does again and try to report to the police.
No. 1025182
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Is this from a copy pasta? I swear I saw a similar post sarcastic yes queen
No. 1025711
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What’s it like to have a really handsome and/or young looking father? How do friends react to that?
No. 1025767
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What do anons think of a new mbti thread? I’d think it would be pretty fun to discuss, especially since it seems like lolcow attract rarer types for women to have e.g. ENTP, INTP, INTJ .I think it could be interesting to discuss how our mbti interacts with our female socialisation. I think I might we an ENTP-A, though my knowledge and understanding of mbti is still underdeveloped, but I feel like my Fi and Fe functions are more developed compared to my male counterparts because of my female socialisation
No. 1025795
>>1025785I experienced the same thing but with better looking siblings. Also got bullied a lot for being the "ugly sister" and people asking how we could ever be related.
Never ever saw a good looking dad tho they are all old, balding and have beer bellies lol
No. 1025815
>>1025785>>1025794Some women are just like desperate scrotes. I knew a married dentist, 50 and always had his ring on and always talked about his wife and daughter but some female patients still "fainted" on his body/shoulder/etc. even when their actual husbands were waiting for them outside.
He was very handsome but I'd never think of a literal married man in a sexual way nevermind try to make a retarded move like that. He was a good man, he'd always get so uncomfortable kek.
No. 1025914
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>>1025889I'll admit that a good chunk of them look uncanny because of fillers (i assume). But there are many naturally pretty ones. Theyre just much better "untouched".
I think the attraction comes mostly from seeing them "be cute" (like those "x member being cute for 10 mins compilations). If you think a guy is cute and innocent enough, u'll think theyre attractive.
BTS is definitely a bad example, they used to look cute, sometimes, but went overboard with fillers.
Also most of them look much better on videos from interviews and games. Pictures are overly photoshopped and so are music vids.
Just gonna post two people who i think arent the most conventionally attractive in their group, but definitely natural.
No. 1025917
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TLDR; theyre attractive because they act cute and innocent and non-threatening. Also because most fans see them without photoshop and extreme makeup, like when they play games etc.
This is Xiaojun of Wavy, technically chinese but still under a korean company.
No. 1025992
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How many apples per day is it safe to eat?
No. 1025999
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>>1025992Idk Google says only 2 apples per day.
Also I have saved over 37k dias in Shining Nikki because I want that suit so bad.
No. 1026018
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I remember an anon posting a while back about finding weird keychains and gifts around her house. A nonnie identified the keychain character as being a really fucked up character from Made in Abyss. I was wondering if this anon was doing ok. The post migh be a fake but in case it wasn't I would like to know if she is doing ok!
No. 1026031
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Nonnies, should I make a "Hoarders Thread"? Would it be helpful to anons who want to declutter?
No. 1026040
>>1026021Nooo nonna that cant be true everyone knows the second women turn 30 they feel the urge to have babies and if they dont they end up depressed and regretful until they die even the sex and the city star said it!!.!
t. scrote that wouldnt have kids if he tried
No. 1026052
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Any anons who knit here?
I plan to start knitting or chrochetting as a new hobby and I was wondering if there's a difference between the two and if one is easier than the other. I'm hoping to try for a beanie as a first project. Would that be biting off more than I can chew as a start?
No. 1026066
>>1026052I do both! A beanie is a good first project for either craft, though you may want to practice with some basic swatch squares first to get the motions down. Also, beginner-appropriate crochet beanie patterns tend to be fugly so you may have to dig through Ravelry a bit.
I wouldn't say that one's easier than the other. Knitting seems more complicated at first but makes good-looking fabric easier, whereas crochet might be simpler to pick up (for some people) but you will run into issues with your projects curling or getting wonky if you're not carefully counting stitches. if you're interested in both crafts, regardless of which one you start with, learn continental knitting as the yarn-holding technique is very similar to crochet so you'll have an easier time transitioning. If you can't decide, think of the type of projects you'd rather make. If you want to make clothes like sweaters, beanies, scarves, socks, or gloves, start with knitting. If you want to make toys/amigurumi and more 3d objects or lace, start with crochet. If you don't like one, you can always switch to the other. Good luck!
No. 1026157
>>1025972>>1025981Thanks, that already makes me feel a little better about myself.
>>1025979Don't be jealous, the fact that I barely have anything to do is only temporary. I worked way too much these past few months because of deadlines and I skipped lunch break and worked overtime almost everyday of November and December and now all I have to do is just wait for clients to call me and give me information I need. Hopefully everything will stay calm until the end of the month.
No. 1026158
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Why does noise or some kind of textured effect make digital art look a lot more finished? Is it because it imitates the look from traditional art and if you don't add it digital art can look too empty?
No. 1026201
>>10261981) she is an internet-free spirit who cares about face to face connections not some virtual message exchange and still wants to be your friend just not like that
2) she was just being nice and doesn't want to be friends
I know it doesn't help
No. 1026302
>>1026297Gore videos or just movies that contain gore?
I watched a lot of LiveLeak back in the day out of morbid curiosity and because it made me snap out of my suicidal ideation. The scrotes I've talked to about it however saw some sort of relief from the videos like a monkey brain itch being scratched, they became used to them and used the site as proof that the "real world" is full of grotesque shit and God isnt real, we're all sentient meat sacks, murder is natural, etc. Overall I would avoid them as they tend to be nihilistic losers with excuses for everything, which makes for the worst scrotes ever, whether it's a life partner or simply conversation partner.
No. 1026364
>>1026358samefag but wanted to add that blocking her is a form of giving her attention. she will be gleeful to have evidence that she’s getting to you. Wait until she moves out to block her unless she’s harassing you online. Meanwhile you can mute her profile.
Don’t fully ignore her, just grey rock her by only having interactions that you must have as roommates (ie “could you please do your dishes” or “please don’t use my milk” etc)
No. 1026374
>>1026297I'm still not entirely sure why I watch those videos but it's certainly not because I get some sick enjoyment out of it. It's more to do with curiosity…for some reason I have this need to know and see. Some stuff is just too brutal for me to watch though.
Definitely wouldn't trust a scrote who says he likes gore.
No. 1026433
>>1026383Russia is notoriously a slippery country and will work with or against whoever will bring them the most power and money. America may act like they have amicable relations with them and China, but all three countries are building technologies behind one another's backs as a way to destroy each other if there is a war in the future. Like
>>1026396 said the Cold War never ended, and as long as the governments of both China and Russia are silently totalitarian then it won't end
No. 1026531
>>1026511Nta but your choices are not only mbti and astrology anon there are also personality theories like big five that are relatively
valid compared to mbti. They don't separate you into types though I guess that's less fun.
By the way mbti is based on Jung's theories and it has some truly arbitrary choices like you can't have 2 consecutive functions both be both introverted or extroverted. They don't really have any justification for this and Jung himself when he talks about Nietzsche mentions that he thinks he might have introverted thinking as well as introverted intuition. Which he couldn't possibly have both under the mbti system. Sorry for psychologyfagging.
No. 1026540
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At what point during a fat loss journey your breasts get smaller? I'm on the higher range of "acceptable" fat percentage, I store it mostly on my lower body and have medium chest size, maybe even leaning to the smaller side (I'm 85 cms, idk which bra size) and when I touch it it feels like breast tissue mostly, not just fat. I don't want them to get much smaller but I want to lose my body fat (to a healthier range, nothing too drastic)
No. 1026575
>>1026552Zip up hoodies were in? I always considered them dorky af, no offense anon
Athletic ones are the exception ofc they look sick
No. 1026577
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>>1026575They were when low rise jeans were in. Aeropostale was the most packed store at the mall
No. 1026597
>>1026540It’s genetics
nonnie, take a look at the women in your family for a general idea. I’d say keep losing and see what happens. There’s generally an “order” to the areas you lose fat from, and you just have to find out yours. You can always gain the weight back if you hate it.
No. 1026623
>>1026613Because they don't like their coping methods, like talking about mental illness in the "wrong" way or making art about it that is too aesthetic or persistent. Get over it! How long are you gonna ruminate on the debilitating mental disorder?
I think that a lot of it is oppression olympics and inability to understand that others may cope or be affected in different ways: "well I have depression and I never would try to kill myself, she's a selfish attention whore". Treating yourself as some paragon of being a Good Mental Illness Sufferer.
No. 1026645
>>1026613You can have mental illness and still be gauche. Unless you have psychotic disorders you live in reality and can control your behavior. No one is forcing anyone to make Hello Kitty self-harm edits. At some point that person needs to take a look at the behavior and realize that notes on Tumblr aren’t actually “coping,” and having depression isn’t a free pass to publicize disordered behavior.
The whole worshipping ana goddess thing the pro ana bitches did is another good example of 100% romanticizing anorexia in a completely inappropriate way.
No. 1026684
>>1026511AYRT and while
>>1026531 is correct in their response I'll also add that people who tout MBTI and rely on it are often unlike myself in that they don't retest themselves every year, they stick to the one result they got when they took the test initially as a curious teen and will ham fist that same personality type well into adulthood.
No. 1026713
>>1026672>>1026703Sorry but if you spend your days making/sharing demented memes about trauma and wanting to kill yourself or your inability to function as a human (á la BPDandChill), you’re clearly more invested in the aesthetics of your mental illness than you are in actually taking any steps toward getting better. There’s “coping mechanisms” or “raising awareness,” and then there’s coming to define your entire identity by your disorder which means you’re more reluctant to actually do anything to manage or recover from it.
To say nothing of trends like TikTok teens discussing their tics, alters, or stimming techniques for attention. Romanticizing mental illness does indeed happen quite a lot. It doesn’t mean everyone who has a mental illness does it, but it does happen.
No. 1026719
>>1026703>monotonouskek ok, anyway retard, hope you understand that "romanticizing" pertains to romanticism
>: a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement originating in the 18th century, characterized chiefly by a reaction against neoclassicism and an emphasis on the imagination and emotions, and marked especially in English literature by sensibility and the use of autobiographical material, an exaltation of the primitive and the common man, an appreciation of external nature, an interest in the remote, a predilection for melancholy, and the use in poetry of older verse formssound familiar?
No. 1026756
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>>1026608If you're super flat like barely an A I imagine it wouldnt really matter but maybe you're worried about nips too? There's decorative bralettes that I've layered with sheer thin strap shirts for the summer. I go for something 2nd colored to the outfit or white/black to match lots of tops. They add cute detail to outfits while still covering you. Pic related I'd buy with some white tops to layer, hell I might save up for it.
No. 1026768
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>>1026759I guess it is, I just thought the pink lace detail would look cute if it peaked out around the shirt straps like this since I own a few that are similar.
No. 1026781
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>>1026773American eagle and it's on sale
No. 1026848
>>1026556>>1026552I hate zip up hoodies so much. Lucky you, tiktok teens with fugly fashion senses are trying to make it a thing again.
I remember being in middleschool and wanting a normal non zip up hoodie SO BAD but not being able to find any. Fuck them
No. 1026863
>>1026756>maybe you're worried about nips tooYes, that's exactly it, it makes me self conscious and uncomfortable so I can't go braless. Thank you for the reply, I'll look around!
>>1026778I tried pasties but the ridges/rim show through the tops, makes it kind of pointless, maybe I just need to find a better brand. Thank you anon!
No. 1026889
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I just realised I have the same facial structure as Greta Thunberg but with a weaker jaw fml. Anyway, what’s my face shape?
No. 1026955
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>>1026940Maybe invest in a pillow designed to be comfortable for back sleepers? The one to support neck the most, maybe with memory foam too. I don't know if it's possible during covid but normally in mattresses stores you can try out different pillows and choose the one you like best. I'd say it's one of these things you should not save your money on and really go for something best suited for you even if it will be on the more expensive side.
No. 1027009
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What do you call this subgroup of fans?
They basically like undertale, danganronpa, omori and Persona, if it was just liking them it's one thing but they're all super fucked up, have weird OCs, make fucked up art, make up kinshit and tulpas , write smut fanfic, are under the influence or have mental issues, lgbt and race obssessed, have a shit ton of discord drama to even IRL stalking etc.
Obviously not everybody who likes these games falls into these categories.
just this certain group that seems focused on these specific games and act that way.
about 90% of them seem to be female and the remaining 10% seem to be MTFs
No. 1027014
>>1026777Equal parts hilarious and horrifying. They really are defective in every way kek.
Thanks for the response anon.
No. 1027077
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Who the fuck is Adam Dancy?
No. 1027101
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Is this Chinese drama any good? I got it recommended on my YouTube feed, the name is “Miss the dragon”
No. 1027170
>>1026696With trans identification entering mainstream, and other women disidentifying, not odd at all.
People regularly have weird thoughts like that, i.e. being up high and thinking "What if I jumped?" The thoughts themselves don't mean anything, you give them their weight.
>>1026824Be more feminine and more distant/less open around men, if you want a dude to act more trad around you then you yourself have to play
into that role. Can't do a total 180 in a short period of time or it'll weird people out you know, maybe try to say you're changing your style or whatever. Have a stronger circle of female friends. If you're from a culture where these rigid roles aren't as common then it's probably not going to work well. I don't think it's worth it to play a role unnatural to you and it seems helpful to see what these men are like to easily filter them out.
No. 1027481
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What are some good/highly-accredited universities that offer an English degree fully online? I got fucked over by my current uni's change of policy, and I'm not sure where to go from here
No. 1027706
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>>1026480ayrt. I will admit that mbti isn’t accurate above a surface level, but it’s still fun to talk about
No. 1027720
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>>1027706I really like this pic because its like me to build a robot boyfriend for valentines day
No. 1027768
>>1027752I don't dress too unconventionally but I guess you could say I look very unusual in the face. I really hope that's what it is
No. 1027805
>>1027706these descriptions are so hateful, i know its supposed to be a roast but..damn
>>1027720Stacy behaviour
No. 1027833
>>1027744i feel this, i've gotten a lot of random compliments from women but rarely ever men. if that many women compliment you unprovoked, barely even knowing you, you really must be making a good impression on them physically. i highly doubt it's the case that you're ugly and they're just being nice.
for myself, i used to worry a lot that i was just ugly and invisible to men but i think i just don't have the kind of looks or style that would have them randomly compliment me or try to flirt or anything like that. men not complimenting you =/= you are unattractive. i trust women far more on making these judgements anyway
No. 1027950
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>>1027805The descriptions for the mbti thread are way more harsh imho kek
No. 1028079
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Why are tik tok ewhores like this? Like imagine selling a video of you pooping to a stranger online for $130.00 at 25 years old and thinking thats a flex. But genuinely what path do you have to go down to wind up like this?
No. 1028194
>>1028188idk if I count as a corporatefag but most office jobs I've had started early (6-7am) so I'd do the bare minimum to get ready within 20 mins then have my coffee and breakfast at work
Fuck doing stuff in the morning tbh I can't relax if I know I've got work soon, may as well sleep instead
No. 1028300
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Should I get a new phone?
My current one works, is only 5 years old but the screen is cracked and if I drop it again or a tiny bit of water gets in it's 100% dead because a small part of the inside is exposed.
But I'd be paying it off for 2 years and I tend to avoid anything that requires monthly pay like that. And if I want to pay for it instantly and in full it'll take out 1/3 of my savings.
Should I invest or not because I'm really torn about it. I mean I need a phone plan anyway, nor do I buy new tech unless the old one dies but ye.
No. 1028324
>>1028310>mobile repair shopI know what you mean but that's not really a thing here. Going up by one or two models is still sadly expensive but I'll take a look before making a decision
>>1028311I already have one but the screen is broken at the corner where it's not fully covered and I'm worried that trying to swith it out would take out more parts of the screen
No. 1028380
>>1026293>>1026358thanks anons… I'm upset because she's been telling people who weren't there that I'm
abusive and it really bothers me that people might believe her, but I know that those who actually know me will understand that I'm not, and my experience is supported by a) the fact that most people know she's immature and psychotic and b) over the past five years she has had irreparable fallouts (that ended in blocking and never speaking again) with NINE of her close friends. can't believe I missed all the red flags.
No. 1028459
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People trying to demonize you because you have a different opinion. I expressed I preferred some (controversial, disliked) writer over another (controversial, more liked) writer in a low register entertainment franchise (meaning it's all meaningless junk anyway) and somebody jumped at my throat, trying to tell me how morally bad that former writer is for writing immoral characters and supporting NFTs, and tried to make me into a bad person just for this opinion. Holy shit fandom nonnies, how do you deal with this absolute insane groupthink and puritan culture that modern fandoms have??
No. 1028707
>>1028666Daily exercise or just daily stretching, even if it's just mild
Pick up a new book, maybe check out the /m/ thread for recs
Do you have any deep cleaning to do? You might have neglected some rooms while you've been busy studying
Teach yourself a new recipe, learning how to cook a variety of things with a variety of ingredients is a great life skill. Or just bake for fun
How did you become a studyholic btw I almost wish this was my concern
No. 1028745
>>1028707>>1028706Thank you both. I always overlook meditating but i might try to see if its actually something that works.
Btw anon, i became a studyholic through pure anxiety, after failing 2 classes and having to extend one semester.
I really hate sounding like a know-it-all motivational speaker, but heres how i did it. For reference, i went from a 2.16 semester gpa to 3.90ish the next semester (not cumulative gpa, obviously). And im an engineering major. I was 125th out of 229 people in my major and went up like 50 people that semester.
1) even if its extremely petty, find a reason to want straigh a's. I personally hate my major, so my reason to want straight a's was not academic related. Im in a very good university in my country (was good in high school, lost it after i became a uni studeny) but my friend who studies in a shit college always made sure that i knew his gpa was better than me, and he would always act like he's better than me. So i literally wanted to become better just to show that he is doing worse than me even in his shitty college. Its petty but im a petty bitch motivated by petty things.
2) tell urself that u'll push urself just for this semester. Once you see results, its addicting.
3) always have focused studies aka no notifications, no music thats too loud or upbeat. Just you and your work, and a 50 min timer (try 30 if 50 is hard). I use pomodoro timers online.
4) if you are in stem, NEVER memorize a solution. One thing changes in the question and you dont know how it should affect the result. Always know what you are doing, for which reason. Also if youre in stem, try to take one non-math/science course per semester. Humanities classes usually have less workload. If you hate humanities, take language etc.
6) you can skip class if the teacher sucks. But usually, i advice going to class. Also try to be a few classes ahead of schedule if you can. I finished a classes subjects 1 month before the teacher did (didnt go to class since the book was good at explaining). Was 40 points above the curve.
8) resolve mock exams or past years' exams multiple times. I would solve them like 5 times.
9) dont lose points on dumb stuff during semester like hw or attendance. It makes a difference.
10) dont skip sleep. Even if i have a final tomorrow, i always sleep at least 6 hpurs instead of studying all night. Its better to get up early and study, then to force ur brain to study at night when youre already tired.
If you ask for a study routine, i had around 4-6 classes per day most days. i would study 4 hours min. Projects/writing lab reports etc. are not included in these hours. If you just push urself until you see the results once, it becomes a habit.
Sorry for extremely long post. Im not a native speaker so hope i was able to express myself without sounding cocky. Its really not my intention. Im not particularly smart, so dont think that you have to "have it" to be a high achiever.
No. 1028756
>>1028745Samefag. 4 hours studying on top of 4-6 hour classes, not including time dedicated to school work that doesnt pay immediately (likr coding. You can code for 5 hours and get like 50 lines of code. Those 5 hours dont count as studying to me).
I know its extreme and having 10 hours or school work everyday IS too much. But thats just what it took for me, an average student, to get straight a's in a top uni for my country (idk how it is in the us or europe). You dont have to push as hard tbh cuz im pretty sure i would get an a in most classes with less work too. Its just to guarantee. U can definitely achieve better results while studying less. I just take a long time to fully understand stuff.
No. 1028818
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Excuse me dude where are you going??? You’re a vine not a ladder! This boi is 18.5 inches tall and growing
No. 1028823
>>1028745>>1028756Anon who asked, ily so much this was actually helpful! I failed badly before too and last semester I performed much better after forcing myself to study out of fear, but this semester I'm struggling keeping up again so reading this was really helpful in getting my motivation back. Thanks for going into detail.
I wish you luck in your major and hope you can enjoy your break nona!
No. 1028902
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How do you guys avoid your family seeing the doujins you buy?
I have a nosy family who opens my packages and always enters my bedroom. I plan on moving out as soon as I can but for now this is my situation.
No. 1028989
>>1028929thanks for the reply
>>1028951bodyweight exercises, some hiit and light cardio, nothing too extreme, thanks!
No. 1029134
>>1029099you hold the spoon by one end so the unliving animal remains cannot run away from you
im a chef
No. 1029219
>>1029216thats a great question
nonny. no sisters but he's spoken kindly of his mom once before. ig it needs more investigation
No. 1029517
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How do I set a routine and stick to it? I'm on a break currently and have a lot of free time, but this usually makes me very depressed, like when I have no routine and nothing to do. But I just can't bring myself to make myself a routine and follow it. I know it would make me feel better, I like order but since I know no one can enforce the routine, I just laze around and feel worse by the second. Any help?
No. 1029545
>>1029528Hm, this actually worked for me in a few instances in the past because I was just itching to take off the post-it note and feel satisfied about it, kek. And organizing too, I didn't give it a thought but actually going through my stuff and put them more neatly will definitely help. Thanks. I've actually been taken over by a productive ghost today so I've cleaned up a bit already.
>>1029522>>1029532Thanks anons, I really, really don't want to waste this time I've got. I think when I kept my to-do out of sight in a notebook is when I kind of neglect it. It staring in my face will help, guilt motivates me. Spite kind of does too, kek. Anyways, thank you! I'll read the book, since reading is one thing I want to spend my time doing already.
No. 1029575
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>>1018946Can someone use their magic to make it so my work closes in this snow storm? We are in the south yall. People -cannot- drive on snow and ice. I will pay you in cat photos and snow pictures, thank you
No. 1029589
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>>1029575UPDATE YOU DID IT YOU POWERFUL MAGICAL BITCH YOU MADE IT HAPPEN! DAY OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and the sleepiest boy thank u
No. 1029688
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>>1029628I'm a stationerytard/pentard too and can only write with specific pens kek. Picrels are my favorite, they are so smooth (gel pens)
No. 1029761
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>>1029688I use these gel pens and the sharpie ones, they make me feel nostalgic yet mean serious business lol
No. 1029922
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>>1029628lidl ballpoints with eraser caps.
got them cause they were super cheap , surprisingly haven't dropped them exactly because they are so smooth, already went through one blue pen and i regret not buying one more pack, hopefully they'll be available in my country soon again.
con is that the black runs a little bit more on the grey side and they're not super precise. i use them for drawing mostly but they're comfy for writing too. if they're accessible to you they're a great cheap find.
>>1029919upbeat song and a little bit of excersize, just enough to get your heart going and to wake up your muscles. stretch from time to time. try and stay focused, you can do it!
No. 1029927
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>>1029798I always shill these muji ballpoint click gel pens ever since I bought a pack in NYC.
Smooth as butter, blows Pilot G2s out of the water, honestly feels like writing with the hand of god
No. 1029929
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>>1029628Pilot Juice Up are some of the smoothest pens I've ever used!
No. 1030012
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Two questions.
First question.
How does one take cute pictures of myself? In the mirror I look pretty cute but when I take a picture with my phone (Samsung J3V)I look weird, like my face is long and my forehead is really really big.
Second question.
A friend gave me the O-kay to modify a bag she gifted me. I'm really into punk/goth/vkei shit and I planning to use black ink, a brush and a few black markers to draw some stuff. I already have some ideas but I wanted ask if anyone has any suggestions? Here is a pic of what it looks like.
No. 1030277
>>1030256>emotions are a social construct Failed logic, no they aren’t, a person can feel emotions even while isolated, boredom, sadness, anger, all of them, while intangible, are real to the person feeling them.
>Me liking bags is a social construct Bags? Or purses? Because a backpack doesn’t have any assigned gender roles, they’re unisex, anyone can wear or not wear a backpack. Purses on the other hand do have a gender role assigned which is that they’re carried by women, in that case, you liking a purse, specially one that’s only pretty and useless, could be considered a social construct.
>bags are social constructsNo, because they have an utility other than being cute, unless you’re talking about a purse, of course, bags are used to carry things, they were created to accomplish a function, therefore, they can’t be a social construct, they’re not a vanity like makeup or purses.
At least that’s what I can get.
No. 1030282
>>1030219Google how the menstrual cycle works for better details on the stages but basically
>uterus makes lining filled with blood and tissue in case of pregnancy>egg forms in ovary and eventually falls down fallopian tube and sticks somewhere in the lining. This is called ovulation and is the peak time to get pregnant>if no sperm fertilizes the egg within a certain timeframe, it dissolves and hormones signal the uterus to dispose of the lining. This is the period.PMS usually occurs a week before the period due to changes in your estrogen levels. Some women get it 2 weeks before. If you find your symptoms to be intense you might wanna check with an obgyn to make sure everything's okay. If you want to keep track of the stages of your cycle to see when you're at the highest risk of getting pregnant, I suggest trying a period tracker app. I use Clue.
Hope this helps you.
No. 1030289
>>1030273>>1030277Thanks for the response anons, I appreciate it! We only brought bags up, 'cause I've mentioned in the past about how I like collecting handbags. He said that liking things is an abstract concept, emotions aren't physical, nothing is real in the material sense. I did say that bags exist physically, sure what we define as a "bag" is not concrete, but you can still use objects to carry other objects. He replied with, if an alien came into contact with a bag they wouldn't know what it is, so it must be a social construct. "If a tree fell over, would it make a sound?" and all that. Hmm, yeah I'm not sure why he argued nothing is material, yet gender is real. My brain has melted.
No. 1030302
>>1030289You should throw a rock in his face and tell him that because material reality isn't real, he shouldn't feel any pain. For a more serious thought, I feel like cavemen and neanderthal didn't really have a concept of the things we have in the modern day today. Yet they were able to think things through and make primitive tools from scraps of whatever they could find and use them. Are rocks and sticks abstract and not real because they haven't yet figured out how to work the two together?.Maybe the process before actual thought is abstract but the end result is real and therefore material reality? Idek. Just throw a rock at his head because gender is definitely a social construct (kinda. Ot but
I had a quick questioning moment when I was tripping hard on shrooms where I had to check in with myself about ~gender stuff~. That's the closest thing I have come across for gender but that's it. I don't think about it. I still think the modern concept of gender is bullshit and very much muddied. Inb4 someone calls me trans)
No. 1030313
>>1030289Willing to put money on the bet that he'll never finish his humanities studies. Seriously. He's too stupid to finish college.
He's spouting bullshit on the same level as new-age spiritualists when they try 'explaining' the world. Just pulling stuff put of the ass that sounds deep.
No. 1030443
>>1030438Honestly no. I used to smoke weed constantly and the most depressed I've ever been was on it. Sucked the life out of me and made me anxious all the time, although I was smoking 24/7 so that was probably a contributing factor.
Maybe just give it a shot, and try different strains. I found out later that indicas make me depressed and anxious, while sativas give me a more "classic" high. Also get a strain with a lot of CBD to balance the THC. A lot of the strains now days are tipped way in favor of THC despite that making it awful for "calming down"
No. 1030514
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>>1030501No, just remember to take breaks doing hands/arms exercise regularly. And I guess get used to some pain every now and then, things be like that when you do one thing a lot
No. 1030835
>>1030805there's this stupid idea that if you're any kind of smart, you have to go to college. and i get democratizing college is good (not speaking about america where uni costs a kidney btw) but the flipside of that is
1. a drop in the quality of college classes and the overall intellectual level of graduates as college becomes a tool for social ascension as opposed to a place specifically designed for the sharpest minds to cultivate knowledge and advance humanity
2. and on top of that uni can't even be proper diploma mills as they produce degrees with no job associated to them
3. now you have to have a college degree to do any kind of mindless white collar job
4. less and less actual useful intelligent people in positions where you do need them to be intelligent, like installing a heating system or electricity, as manual formations are where the stupidest people effectively are directed…
5. … because they're not seen as valued, quality job perspectives, and the skilled blue-collar people (most still are but that's not for long) are not getting the respect they deserve for constantly saving the ass of college educated, still-a-kid-at-25 people who are both midwits and can't do anything manual to save their lives.
No. 1030858
front lines>>1030819my first instinct is to call you a hater. my second instinct is to reevaluate and you know what? yeah maybe i feel like i'm running out of time to figure out a way to not die alone.
i've dated stable dudes and totally batshit ones. and you know what the common thing was? i only felt understood by the most fucked up one of them all and it was terrible for me. the others just felt like a waste of time and energy. perhaps i am the problem after all. thanks nona
No. 1030937
>>1030834Grocery stores
are retail.
No. 1030975
>>1030609Because sexuality is a descriptor of who you are attracted to, not how you are attracted to them. No one goes around saying hypersexuality is the same as homosexuality, because they're clearly descriptors of different things. That's why things like "demisexual" aren't real, because literally no one cares how often or by what mechanism you're attracted to people. Yes, "asexuality is a spectrum", because people do have varying sex drives, but that isn't a sexuality in itself. Everyone goes through phases of low libido for many reasons; medication, stress, the weather, whatever. Some people feel that way permanently, but a lack of sexual attraction isn't a sexuality in itself.
No. 1030978
>>1030609My feeling on it is that people opt out of sex or find sex unappealing for all sorts of reasons that I respect. Be celebate all of your life if you want to. I do think that it has a 'cause' though… and that it's not an inherent sexuality in itself.
The causes being things like trauma, sensory issues, underlying medical/hormone issues, fears around intimacy etc. I'd never feel like anyone needs to change or 'fix' it but imo it's just not a sexuality in the strictest sense.
No. 1031009
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If someone talks about Mary Jane, do Americans tend to first think about the shoes or about weed?
No. 1031043
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Can an imageboard be filled with too many images?
No. 1031134
>>1030787use libre office instead
>>1030806>anon i am also extremely fucked in the headbut not to the point of killing and sexually assaulting others, which is how fucked up military men are
No. 1031242
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>>1031205My eyes sting, vision blurs, I feel tight in my chest and throat.
No. 1031371
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>>1031360ok I fixed it for you.
No. 1031427
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Kinda inspired by this post
>>1030757 but it's a sentiment I saw on LC a lot and I wonder
Why getting married is so important? What benefit it really brings except making it harder to leave in case things go wrong?
No. 1031436
>>1031427you might be able to get into a better tax bracket as a married woman but other than that, there is no benefit at all
the only women who want it are women who haven't yet questioned that part of their brainwashing
No. 1031453
>>1031427unpopular opinion on here, but you can't enjoy the security and trust of marriage unless you're both 100% in. when you know you're stuck with the person you chose for the rest of your life, you guys both know you have to compromise and stick together, else life will be hell.
marriage is really precious, and unfortunately because of this shit economy and era we live in, it's becoming a luxury good only for the wealthy. i hope it doesn't end up this way and people begin to make their way through life searching for commitment instead of a mindless string of relationships that go nowhere.
No. 1031479
How do you get healthier? Or stay healthy? I was panicking past 2 days that I was getting a UTI due to a super itchy urethra, but thank god it looks like only a yeast infection. I'll take ibuprofen 2-3x a week due to headaches and can have sore stomachs for I don't even know what reason, I'll eat pasta with veg nothing particularly adventurous, same as my whole life with no problems. That's not even indulging in bad habits, last Friday I had ONE beer and spent the rest of the evening with stomach cramps and burping like crazy.
I could go on listing my lifestyle but my problem is that I have so many issues so often I've started to just keep track of everything to see if anything is out of sorts. Bowel movements, pee colour, am I more short of breath than usual, is my nose blocked, how's my discharge etc etc
And that's the thing, I think I'm unhealthier than the average woman but it's hard to tell. Is it maybe because I'm being too careful? Like if I drank more beer I wouldn't have such a bad reaction or ate more experimental foods etc etc, or would I just be abusing my body at that point and need to clean up my habits more to be healthier?
No. 1031527
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>>1031493I second, even monsters don't want anything to do with frenchturds
No. 1031572
>>1031456i guess being married in a religion counts as well. the whole thing of a wedding having to take place in public is so that the oath is taken in front of everyone, which means everyone will be on your ass if you cheat on or mistreat your spouse.
>>1031478middle class people look for financial stability before getting married, and because the economy, housing market etc is shit it takes a long time, which can be discouraging. most often they end up cohabiting and it ends in a breakup after a few years (there's a really interesting blog on the topic by a prof of marital studies, but the upper class don't have such worries and can get married. so commitment and getting married, in a way, could become a status symbol, which would be very sad. there are the stats about the rich vs the poor :>>1031476i agree that's one hell of a gamble. you have to commit to giving everything to someone you think also will give you everything, out of love but also out of responsibility and a common plan for life. divorce stats are pretty ghastly i agree, but if you even consider the possibility of divorce as a way out, well there's a way out and it's always tempting and seemingly easier (it's not, especially if you have children), as opposed to knowing you're bound forever and have to be constructive, compromise, and make it work. it's certainly up to each individual person.
No. 1031643
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>>1031625vaxxed and bass boosted here, yeah I still get those. The main topic I see is child safe vax now though. I feel like it's all lib virtue signaling at this point, for example my boss continues to spam articles about masks and vaccines on slack and it's like, we get it, you're not a republican, we're all vaxxed, chill out. I frankly do not care "what's in it" or about "the common good," I got the vaccine because it was more convenient to than not. Though I would love a little microchip tbh, like bionic tap-to-pay.
No. 1031760
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>>1031022hormone levels drop before your period starts, then level off during it.
No. 1031862
>>1031847It would be ignorant to say that because someone identifies with something and buys things related to it that they have no personality. I think it's about the obsession with consumption. People that will pay any price to have that one thing. People who make buying the thing they love their personality, instead of just picking up a thing here or there because you want to decorate a small part of your home. People connecting with media, whether it's tv, games, art or books, that's formative to their personality, and there isn't anything inherent wrong with having open appreciation for a thing you love and holding it so personally. It does define parts of you, your values and your taste, your sense of humour, etc. Showing open appreciation for media is another way of expressing how you think and feel. And that's the same with hobbies like crafting and sports, they're formative to your personality in things like leadership, improvisation, creativity etc. And I think they're equally important. I feel like hobbies are an intuitive way to learn about yourself, almost subconsciously, because you're doing things that are basically automatic. And taking in media is a more analytical way to learn about yourself, because you're thinking about what you're watching/reading/seeing and what it makes you feel.
No. 1031870
>>1031847Hobbies aren't personality, period.
But some hobbies allow for your personality to show through more.
Crafting is one example, bc it's a creative outlet and you can decide how to go about things and which style and skill you will develop. You can't do such a thing simply hoarding.
No. 1032153
>>1030926Men are emotionally stunted and so a woman their own age is very intimidating. A woman his own age will see him for the fucking loser he is. A younger woman will likely not see it or will look past it because she has less experience. The way men date is basically they find women who don't know their worth because the ones who do will not settle for them. Its not so much that it's her age, but what comes with her age. There are creeps obviously, but men don't date women who know they are a catch because they know they don't stand a chance. Men always have to feel better than their girlfriend and wife because they're insecure faggots. If a woman is doing better, that means hes less of a man. Most women dont date younger because younger men are insufferable. Yeah they look better, but they are annoying and have no self awareness. The sex doesn't make up for their lack of maturity and career prospects. Whereas men don't give a shit about this because they're more in a position to be financially stable and are desperate for if not any, but most pussy.
Tldr; men don't think long term when it comes to relationships, they think with their ego and dick.
No. 1032173
>>1032134Never be unsure, act like you're 100% confident about any bullshit you write, don't consider other people's convenience/feelings, and don't say phrases like
>>1032167 wrote about.
No. 1032228
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Is it a bad idea to like, give guys compliments that might not be normal? Like telling a guy that his dick reminds you of pic related, but you always liked those pencils so it's a good thing? I am autistic
No. 1032467
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Can I still buy in the 3DS eshop after the final update this april?
No. 1032469
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Where the fuck does a virgin buy textured dildos with discrete packaging and how do I hide it from family? Do you jump straight into the Goosh-goosh cooch destroyer 9000 or start with a simple small one so you're not torn open? The fuck are firmness levels do some people actually enjoy unmoving crystal/glass ones? I have been curious and horny for too long.
No. 1032535
>>1032228you should do it to see if he understands you and takes it as a compliment. give all the weird compliments you want
nonny. call him a sexy sexy pencil dick!
No. 1032616
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>>1031492First, love you my fellow MSP enjoyer. What are you listening to? If you are seriously into them (or become), do yourself a favour and read "Everything: a history of MSP" if you hadn't already. Second, I think you need to be Welsh to understand the sang lyrics, though even that isn't a guarantee. I have the same problem. Big lol at Generation Terrorists meant to be world shaking record when the lyrics are incomprehensible. There was a funny post about it on Tumblr, but I can't look now.
Picrel for big kek. I need to watch the incel explaining how Richey failed, knowing that he pulled tons of pussy and more.
No. 1032656
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I'm looking after my babushka tonight and want to make her a nice Russian dinner. What are some tasty meat-free (fish is ok) Russian meals I could cook for her?
No. 1032679
I’m not an anachan but it’s gotten to the point where people accuse me of being one even though I’m not that underweight. How do you make yourself eat? I know it sounds simple, you just make the food, and eat it. But I can only take one bite and then it’s too much, I can’t take it. I do eat snacks like pineapple cups and apples & some crackers — but meals — how the fuck do people bring themselves to eat meals? I physically feel hungry but the idea of eating anything right now makes me sick. But I have naturally low blood pressure and I need to eat — I fainted a few hours ago. I’ve only been able to eat saltines since then, but I’m fucking starving anons. But I physically recoil every time I think of proper food. It’s not even the process of making meals that overwhelms me. I love cooking. It’s the eating part. How the hell do people eat? And how have I forgotten how? I used to be pretty fat. What is happening? It doesn’t feel like a big enough deal to see a doctor about it, and I feel like all they could tell me is “just make yourself eat”. I can’t. I don’t think I’m physically sick, and if I can handle cooking a meal, showering, cleaning, doing other people’s dishes, laundry, etc. I feel like I can’t possibly be too depressed to eat or something. I don’t understand. Do any other anons have this problem? How do you just make yourself eat proper meals?
No. 1032687
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>>1032679Obviously I'm not a doctor, but could it be ARFID? "ARFID symptoms in adults can include selective or extremely picky eating, food peculiarities, texture, color or taste aversions related to food.". Whether it's that or not, might be worth going to a doctor about it.
No. 1032691
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>>1032657>>1032660>>1032664>>1032656Thank you so much these are all perfect!
No. 1032878
>>10328641. what media are you even looking at? examples?
2. what's wrong with that anyway?
No. 1032888
>>1032878I can't give media off the type of my head since there's so many where I've seen that, but one dominant example comes to mind where the seductress or lusty characters almost always are women or when the 7 deadly sins are represented it's always a woman for some reason. It's less likely in Eastern media obviously, but sometimes that can happen and way more common in American media (for the dynamic I talked about in my OP post).
>2. what's wrong with that anyway?I have a feeling you're asking this to be combative and because you actually want my answer kek