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No. 1016528
Vent to your heart's desire.
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>>>/ot/1010495 No. 1016540
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so I take the bus to college for my classes now and it happens to be all the way in the city and i don’t live in a bus-friendly area but the buses are still decent but i always have to get off of on the terminals and there’s so much smelly homeless people there. i just don’t want to be mean or rude because it wouldn’t have to be smelly or uncomfortable being there if my republican state gov actually did something for them but i just can’t i literally walked passed liquid human feces like why do cities like this exist??? why me??
No. 1016543
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>>1016540as opposed to a lefty government that would just magically make homeless people disappear?
No. 1016555
>>1016529why are you in a hotel room,
No. 1016559
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For xmas my grandad sent me a box of chocolates that were quite fancy. I opened them in front of my mom and she convinced me that I didn't need more chocolates because we already had plenty in the house for Christmas celebrations, and I agreed to put them in the cupboard so she could donate them to the foodbank.
Just now I realised she ate them all instead of donating them. Not even a big deal I just really liked those chocolates and I wanted to eat them
No. 1016566
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>>1016563sorry I don't nonna, however I can offer you monkey enjoying soup
No. 1016595
>>1016540>>1016543my liberal home city Seattle spends lots of $$$ on the homeless and it just made the situation worse.
it seems that the way to really solve the problem is to create "rehab camps" and to force the homeless to either enter the camp or leave the city/go to jail. But people don't want to do it cuz it's "inhumane"
No. 1016619
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Contributing a cute monkey.
>>1016540I think the problem with homelessness is that most of them are mentally retarded, severely mentally ill, severe drug addicts, or some combination of those. There's just not a lot you can do for these people unless you literally revoke their civil rights and arrest them to put them into some kind of long term, often permanent, involuntary confinement/treatment facility.
That's not a place many people are willing to go. I think it's because our culture worships the idol of free will, and in the past such facilities have too often attracted sociopaths and sadists who saw this population as a chance to live out their awful desires. There's also always the issue of funding. Why spend a fortune on these hopelessly dysfunctional people, instead of spending it on schools or elderly care?
No. 1016628
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>>1016595>rehab camps or go to jailanon wants homeless people to go to camps, incredibly sus
No. 1016649
>>1016643unsolicited advice incoming: try to drown it out with stuff like this,
nonnie. in my personal experience I would get upset at noises (sometimes shit that wasn't even there, just my own loud thoughts) and the misophonia or whatever was likely displaced aggression. try to remove yourself from the area for a bit and do some relaxing things. maybe come up with some kind of mantra to remind yourself to calm down. don't end up with some kind of chronic rager condition.
No. 1016654
>>1016648i need to buy some. i lost the last foamy/spongy earplugs i had, i was helping this lady with some computer stuff and she kept mouthbreathing and chewing gum right near me, i actually wanted to cry or kms. its over now but my brain keeps repeating the noises even still.
>>1016649i appreciated the advice the
nonnie, i need to tackle this head on instead of passively seething badly. i always worry of coming across rude with earphones in but its better than accidentally snapping at some poor sap one day
or bashing my head against the wall repeatedly i get so, so rude when i get irritated by the noises and even the slightest saliva noises drive me up the wall… and then the person is confused why im acting so snappy suddenly, its a horrible trait. i need to get a hold of myself i can barely socialize because of this…
No. 1016693
>>1016674My older bro (with a decent income) bleeds my dad dry. I have a low income and don't. It's been like this for the longest time. He's 36 and it'll seemingly never end. Then my dad tells me all about my brothers holidays, his home improvements etc. I've been told my dad is leaving his house to my brother and not to me… why? No idea but he dropped that real casual. Thanks dad.
I don't have a mom anymore but she'd be pissed if she could somehow see what's been happening with him. I pray my dad never loses his remaing brain cells to old age because he's just an endless leech who'd take full advantage if the likes of dementia ever happens.
No. 1016706
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i genuinely can't tell if HRH collection is a troll and it makes me livid with confusion
No. 1016707
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>>1016619Agreed. I live in Seattle and can say the only way for this to be fixed is to take these people off the streets and put them into facilities where they can be helped. People who don’t live in big American cities won’t get it; the problem is mental illness and IV drug use. These people are violent and a health hazard to the public due to needles and shit left all over the street. It‘s cruel to let them suffer in the streets like this and it’s unfair to the rest of the population who have to deal with the verbal and physical attacks while just walking or waiting for the bus.
No. 1016721
>>1016706What a throwback, I used to follow her back in the day and seriously die when I see ugly fatties with pronouns going crazy for her, like you think she be way tooo "
problematic" for them, but lbr those girls just wish they were skinny enough to have a mean girl phase that's why they're on twitter acting depraved everyday instead
No. 1016743
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>>1016721I haven’t followed her for long but she cracks me up. She reminds me of Lucile Bluth from Arrested Development kek
No. 1016786
I just discovered something that I’ve always known but never processed. People actually expect you to market yourself to them when you first meet. You’re the product, and you should have a pretty good pitch, and if you’re the sort of person who can’t pitch yourself you’re going to have trouble with the social aspect of your life. Not only that, but those rare ones who might catch a whiff of something interesting in you will probe and poke around and wait for your pitch accordingly, and if you do not deliver it and their hopes are let down, you’re an NPC.
I never truly realised this. I’ve always known it, but I’ve never understood its extent. Not until a few months ago. I met this girl, and she’d always go above and beyond to pitch herself. She wouldn’t show me who she is, she would tell me: she would tell me about her boyfriend and her best friend who’d she hang out with all the time and her father and her abusive mother and the tattoo she wants to get. Slowly, with a crawling unease, after I thought I had formed something of a friendship with her, I watched her interact with other people—and the thing that’s supposed to be there, the careful but easy going manner with which you treat strangers, it wasn’t exactly there. Or it was there, but it was a pitch, and I watched as she pitched herself to strangers with the same stories and the same jokes as she pitched herself to me, and I was suddenly extremely uneasy. Because that switch between strangers and friends, those levels of familiarity that you scale your behaviour and interaction with people by, it wasn’t there. And then I watched her talk about she thinks this guy is a hollow NPC because she tried prying anything interesting out of him and it never came out, “I think he likes sports or something, but he’s empty”. Failed to pitch himself to strangers. And then I realised how the more she tried getting a pitch out of me the most I instinctively drew back, because I always get kind of wary with people who look for identifies, and I am even more wary when people try to sell me something. I’ve always hated advertising. But I’ve never thought about why it works so well, especially with her; because every good ad has to make you identify with it, mostly through shared aesthetics or objects. And the way these people pitch themselves, where they’re the product, there’s this little space they offer, perhaps of friendship or whatever, and that’s where you identify, I think. And now I can’t help but go around thinking everyone expects a fucking pitch from me.
No. 1016820
>>1016788I get that often but I don’t think I am autistic.
>>1016795It’s not just that. Not “interests”. You’re curating an entire personalized image. It’s like having specific acts to perform in front of specific people to broadcast a certain image. What kind of creeps me out is seeing the same acts that were performed for you performed for other people. It’s so mechanical. And why should anyone trust advertising, anyway? It’s parasitic.
No. 1016822
>>1016820>I get that often but I don’t think I am autistic. KEK
Everyone has many masks they wear for different occasions. Sociology 101.
No. 1016836
>>1016810well that's annoying. in the past i've made an even bigger fool of myself by asking them how they liked the thing they said they'd check out
how hard is it to just either
a.) not say that (something i do all the time)
b.) come full out and say it doesn't seem like something you'd be interested in?
i get that not everyone is an autist like me but damn come on
No. 1016844
>>1016822I know it sounds funny, anon, but I genuinely don’t think I’m autistic. I’d say I read people’s emotions pretty well. I relate to some parts of it like the obsession and having trouble making facial expressions/making conscious effort to performatively make facial expressions but I don’t have sensory issues or experience things like hating the feel of certain fabrics on my skin. I can’t tolerate the sounds of people eating or breathing but that’s normal. But I can certainly read a room and I am privy to social games.
>Everyone has many masks they wear for different occasions. Sociology 101.Exactly! I am not saying that’s not true. I’m saying that sometimes people have a deck of masks and they’ll personalize it according to their audience and sometimes they’ll use the first or second mask—that they used for you—for other people too. And they really know how to wear that mask and perform in it and it makes me uneasy seeing what was performed in front of me performed for somebody else because that distinction is blurred. The distinction between the validity or genuity of masks. And now I can’t read the person at all or deal with them in a way in which all my manners are pulled extremely taut because I don’t know whether they’re performing or not performing for me or whether they like me or whether they’d like to set themselves on fire. Even your mother and mine gently alters her tone when speaking on the phone, and how do you deal with a person that alters their tone for everyone else including you? You can’t even tell if they like you. Or you think they like you but it was just the tone.
No. 1016854
I did not acquire language properly as a kid because I was severely abused, had head trauma on several occasions, I was drugged up constantly in the most important years of my development and I did not receive proper socialization. I think the parts of my brain responsible with language acquisition and language organization have not developed and there is absolutely nothing I can do now that I am almost 23 besides live in chaos and pain that I cannot properly get my point across due to this issue. Everything that comes out of my mouth does not even represent what I am thinking and 99% of the time people misinterpret me or do not understand what I truly want to say due to the fact my language acquisition is completely fucked. I was just reading on the effects of abuse and language development and if you are abused and under socialized in the first 8 years of your life the brain parts responsible for language development will be forever fucked. I read a lot, I actually read a whole fucking lot and it simply does not help me. My mind understands the ideas, remembers them, but I simply do not memorize information in words. My mind cannot think in words and I cannot have inner monologue. The way I think is in images, deductions, diagrams and complete abstractizations. I can think words, but never entire sentences. It's so hard for me and I'm so frustrated. I just want people to understand my ideas and not sound like a fucking retard. Even when I was in school I always sounded like a fucking retard when I had to talk and what others would understand would be opposite from my actual real thoughts, knowledge and what I wanted to express. It's so fucking frustrating, I genuinely know a lot of things, but now I am afraid of talking. Everytime I talk others understand something completely and entirely different. It's so annoying, almost like all my potential is suspended in an abstract realm and my brain has been so fucked from abuse that it cannot handle my consciousness.
No. 1016918
>>1016907There are whole guides and books written about how to talk to people. You could even youtube search for it, there's seriously tons of videos on the topic if you want something that's a little more accesible to get into. First get the knowledge then put it into practice and get the experience. I know it isn't easy, I was an social anxiety ridden wreck myself before but you can definitely do it if you're willing to learn and put yourself outside of your comfort zone. For me what made a big difference is just copying others, the way they behaved and what they talked about.
No. 1016925
>>1016918>copying othersI tried that many times anon, and after some time I felt terribly drained and it made me want to kill myself, I was forcing myself to be someone else, my whole body and mind felt fake, I didn't do or say a single thing that gave me emotional or intellectual satisfaction. So what if I put a semi normal performance in front of people, if after that I felt so angry and tired or sad that it made me want to end myself?
I will check the guides though
No. 1017005
>>1016885Damn, did I write this and then forget about it?
I’m autistic too. Every time I find myself in a new work/study group I try really hard to fit in and be social but somehow it just never clicks. I’ve actively trained myself to make small talk and get people to talk about themselves but it never goes further than that. Any attempt to share something about myself is met with blank stares and awkward pauses in conversation. I’ve been told I don’t “seem” autistic but it feels like people can tell there’s something wrong with me anyway and only tolerate me as long as I stick to smiling and nodding and don’t actually try to involve myself in conversation.
I wish I had something more helpful to tell you, anon. But the truth is that despite my initial resolution to be social
this time and make friends
this time I always end up sitting alone at lunch because it’s all so utterly draining and I don’t get anything out of it even when I try my hardest. At least when I keep to myself I don’t burn out as quickly. But then I get labelled as “that weirdo who won’t sit with us” and it gets
even harder to connect with people. It would be easier if it were only the first impression that counted but no, we have to keep the mask up at all times.
>I had two people telling me I should go to a therapist and work on myself>I've been to therapy and it didn't help meGod, same. People keep telling me I should go to therapy and fix myself but I’ve seen many different therapists since my diagnosis and every single one of them has admitted that they don’t really know wtf they’re doing with regards to autism. They keep trying CBT but don’t take into account that autism is a neurodevelopment disorder and something like burnout can’t be avoided by thinking positive thoughts.
I hope things improve for you, anon. I could tell you to keep putting yourself out there but in my experience, it really depends on the kind of people you’re surrounded by. If it doesn’t click then maybe it’s just not the right place for you. I have autistic friends who have managed to befriend their coworkers and are very happy in their workplaces so it
is possible, but it will probably take some trial and error to find the right place for us.
No. 1017115
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Fucking gore spammers
No. 1017124
>>1017118Idk, if I ask about their family/day/weekend, they usually ask about mine and I have nothing to say about it because my family ties are non existent, and on my free time I just sit on my laptop and read or watch stuff those people are not interested in, I don't spend my time like them, I don't have any stories to tell like them (they constantly tell each other anecdotes from their lives), I don't have a family like them. I just have zero in common with them. Even if I ask more questions about their family or free time, it always feels like the conversation is one sided, it's them talking and me asking, I have nothing to say, and I get nothing out of it. That kind of human interaction never satisfies my emotional needs and I feel more lonely than ever. Is this really the point of fitting in?
No. 1017125
>>1017113If they're your coworkers, it really doesn't have to go much further than that. Normies are entertained as long as they get to talk about themselves, their plans, what they watched, what they wanna eat, where they want to go, how their family/friends/boyfriends are, how much work sucks, how tired they are, mondays amirite etc. We are all humans, you will find something to relate to and build upon if you try to get to know people. The fact they're trying to include you means a lot! Some people at my former job completely ignored me for being weird and quiet, but others were more open and approachable and I managed to build rapport with them. It took a while but we got there.
No. 1017148
>>1017131It includes weebshit but not only. I got super into dogma95 movement and dutch cinema in general, I'm also into soviet cinema and post apo literature. I'm obsessed with pesimist philosophy and I started studying Mainlander. I think depressive realism is the only right way to think but I know people wouldn't take it seriously. I'm a little bit into things that some people could label as conspiracy theories. Like, my coworkers like shit on netflix and it makes me nuts because I know netflix was founded by Marc Bernays whose great uncle was Edward Bernays who fucking invented propaganda and came from the sicko Sigmund Freud family full of child rape. They cry about global warming and tell each other about woke movies, which production created bigger carbon footprint than they can imagine, which also irritates me. I'm heavily anti dogs and I read a lot on dog nuttery, while they say lovely things about their mutts. Stuff like that and many other things
>>1017132I understand what you mean. It's just the energy I have to put into learning that stuff never returns to me. I put way more effort than what I get in exchange. I want to get into those guides, but I also know that it will look fake as fuck coming from me, and normies are smart enough to notice I'm faking. I will never be as good as a natural extravert coworker and they will always get better treatmen than me
No. 1017175
>>1017155Simple example. Despite being only 6 percent of the dog population, pitbulls are responsible for over 60 percent of deaths caused by dog attacks. Dognuts will claim it's not their genetics and the fact they were literally breed to be more aggressive, but rather nurture and bad decisions of the owners. Dognuts also don't understand how mutated dogs are - their flappy ears that cause higher risk of ear infections, hip dysplasia, long hair covering their eyes, flat noses, eyeballs too big for their eye sockets, REVERSE SNEEZING (dogs are like the only animals that do it). Nature would never create something as retarded as a dog. Only human could commit this atrocity. Not to mention, normies literally don't see the insanity of keeping literal predators next to their small children.
>>1017164Thank you anon
No. 1017181
>>1017175Trust me, dog owners understand how mutated their dogs are because they have to pay their vet bills.
>Nature would never create something as retarded as a dogand yet nature created you
No. 1017196
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>>1017184Because hating animals is totally sane. You can join the romanianon in killing pets and being miserable.
No. 1017202
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Uni starts again on Monday and I'm so unprepared. I thought I was going to catch up on work over the holidays but, me being me, of course I didn't. Funniest bit is I'm so overwhelmingly anxious about it that I can't focus on any work and when I try to I feel like I'm going to pass out. In fact, I feel like I'm going to pass out 90% of the time. I've been so dizzy and out of it recently that I sometimes think I must have some kind of weird health issue causing all this, but realistically I know I have no excuse other than being mentally weak and a bit pathetic. I'm genuinely such a poor excuse for a human being. Out of my depth in every aspect of life. Lol!
No. 1017208
>>1017196Wait, so if I generally don't want retarded babies to be be born and I'm pro abortion for retarded fetuses, that means I want to go around and kill babies? Because I'm not pro killing dogs, but against breeding them. I'm against what makes dogs dogs, the same way I'm against what makes sick people sick, but that doesn't mean I want to exterminate those who already exist. I never caused harm to any animal, dogs included, I gave money to support shelters, I took homeless mutt to my house to nurse it and then find him home etc. I hate dogs but I know it's not their fault they were brought into this world, I still have some sort of sympathy for their mindless existence, if I hate dogs I hate that part of human population even more, because they allowed them to be born.
No. 1017217
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I just wish I had new friends in a new environment, this one doesn't feel very "me" anymore
No. 1017228
>>1016870I think we’re talking past each other here.
>How do you want people to act?In a way that’s easy to understand. It used to be that people would do these little things to signal interest/disinterest, and now these things lost all their meaning due saturation of use/misuse. What prompted my first rant was frustration at using those signals discarded and used in a new way—a pattern I hadn’t seen before—and discovering a new rule that I was completely blind to. Yes, people talk about their interests and actively put effort to let people know about them, but I didn’t know that there was this explicit angle to it. I’d thought it was implicit, I guess, to put it in away.
No. 1017288
>>1016693Sons get handed the world as still say it's not enough. My dad is literally going to retire early so he can homeschool my younger brother so he gets a head start and shit into compsci. Compared to my dad whinging about how I needed to go to the dentist/get new clothes when I was a kid. It's endlessly
triggering. Pieces of shit.
No. 1017318
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Even though it really is all my fault, being homeless and having no friends or even family to provide me any support has really started to wear on me. Like at this point you're just supposed to kys right? I'm going through school but I really just don't function well enough to work sufficient hours for a place… I don't even go to shitty community college for free because I'm not considered an independent on the fafsa, and won't unless I get married (to a bf who e-cheated on me and I am not sure I shouldn't have left) or somehow get a dependency override (doubtful). I have been so proud of how far I have come but sometimes living is just fucking torture
No. 1017434
I learned that my coworker complained about me to my boss again. She literally called her in the middle of the night about some bullshit that doesn't matter and nobody else would even have remarked on.
This is the second time this happened and I'm the only one she ever does that too. I don't understand it, I like her and I thought we get along well when we see each other, but every couple months she backstabs me for absolutely no reason. And only me, never anyone else.
She's known to go out of her way to look for things to complain about, but she emailing and calling our boss is lunacy, nobody does that, especially not for the nitpicky nonsense she complains about.
I hate normies, they always pick on me. I don't do anything wrong and more sane than all of them, but because I'm socially inept and quiet they judge me harshly and criticize me for the most minor nonsense.
I should stop being reasonable and just respond to criticism with inane aggression like they do, so they stop bothering me, but I have a high anxiety response and can't confront people like that. I also know they'll never forgive me, even though they forgive each other far worse all the time.
I just don't get it. I hate being around them. I wish I didn't have to work with people. I always have to manage their emotions for them but nobody ever cares how I feel.
No. 1017462
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God why am I so fucking retarded, I hate ADHD so much I can't even fucking put the pen to the screen and draw like a normal person with REEEING and squirming in my seat like a 3 year old. It feels like I'm being forced against my will to work even though I willingly WANT to draw for enjoyment but only when my brain wants me to otherwise I feel like my bloods going to boil out of my skin just because I have to outline a few characters within a somewhat timely matter that isn’t 10 years after procrastinating. It's not that bad, just fucking draw the damn picture.
No. 1017523
>>1017434I'm sorry
nonnie. I have become obsessed with this topic: I think the average human is a raging narc.
Humans are horrible. Grown up adults are literally worse than children, they constantly bully each other and look for vulnerabilities.
No. 1017557
>>1017519nayrt and i'm not that knowledgeable about lucinda but you can be both rich as fuck and terribly emotionally vulnerable and weak. i'd argue having everything handed to you also doesn't help you build resilience, but even rich people can be abused or traumatized or just stunted and vulnerable. not everything is about socioeconomic class.
maybe she's a larper, and if she is, she must be completely mentally ill anyway to think ridiculing herself behaving as an anorexic unicorn and posting scary and disgusting pictures is good in any way.
No. 1017574
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>>1017562I'm in the same boat anon and I know how frustrating it is. Just remember, motivation comes once you start. It helps me when I try to make my notes as organised as possible, because then when I start studying I feel like I want to complete them and it squeezes an ounce of motivation out of my miserable brain. Also I placebo myself with coffee and vitamins in the morning and pretend it helps with the exhaustion, but the routine of it does help. It might be worth contacting the mental health services in your uni in case they have any extensions or other assistance you can apply for. Sending you love.
No. 1017576
I do agree that anyone can suffer from mental illness and that it is not exclusive to the disprivileged socioeconomical class. Yet, I disagree with her being vulnerable. I think we are appropriating and misusing term and concepts meant for the truly disprivileged and if anyone tries talking about this topic they will get attacked since everyone wants to feel included and like their suffering is no lesser, but I think that results In more social issues and opression for those in bad situations.
I do agree she has a form of mental illness, but I do not agree with her being truly vulnerable. If she were to be vulnerable she wouldn't be using Twitter, she'd be in a low income household in her shit country hallucinating, not being offered treatment or counseling and having her 3rd world clueless parents punish her for it or leave her to suffer on the street. That is what vulnerability looks like and we have many such individuals but we just don't know of them or ignore them since they are not relatable to most of us and someonw truly disadvantaged or truly retarded does not hang around ED Twitter pulling strings.
Yes, even rich people can suffer from mental illness and a lot of humans in good social positions with money actually suffer from crippling mental illness, but unlike Lucinda most people take a hold of themselves and try to not only integrate socially but make themselves better. What Lucinda is doing is incredibly condamnable and to be frowned upon and in my armchiar psychiatrist opinion her mental illness is slight BPD-histrionic that was coddled a lot and offered everything but that is inherently egocentrical and horrible because she is not trying to better herself and everything she wants is attention for merely existing, not for offering the world something through her existence. She is incredibly manipulative and dishonest, she absolutely does fake the gravity of her mental illness meanwhile some people have to live with that truly in misery. She is willingfully making herself seem sicker in order to manipulate and garner attention for it. She purposefully writes like a disabled individual, she 100% reads lolcow and most of her moves have been calculated to garner the sympathy of farmers and get their love and attention. She purposefully posts very explicit pictures of her self-harm, she purposefully starves herself to show it to the world, she is purposefully making herself appear innocent and thoughtless, when in fact she is manipulative and has a lot of self awareness. She isn't a retard unicorn from the fairy world, she is a manipulative and lazy person from the real world. She is a sheltered, manipulative and attention seeking lazy individual that harms society by appropriating a very severe mental illness and victimizing herself for her own egoistical pursuits of garnering attention. Because of individuals like her humans forget actually opressed and mentally ill people exist and society loses the definition of what mental illness means because of terminally online, sheltered, histrionics like her. My problem with her here is not only that she is rich, I am not hating her because she is rich, I am hating her because she is rich and purposefully chooses to do this with her resources. I don't hate someone rich that has mental illness but tries using their resources to better themselves and is mature about it. Even if she has always wanted to be an artist or a micro internet culture she could have capitalized off her drawings (she has amazing skills), her cute cosplay and creative fashion ideas and she could have adressed her mental issues in a mature manner, yet she purposefully chose to make herself retarded because she actually is a rotten human being.
No. 1017713
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Nonas I just want to go home. I want to rest. I don't wanna study, I don't wanna interact. I want to play Stardew Valley and drink coffee.
No. 1017753
nonny why don’t you learn to behave?
>>1017743like I get it anons are gonna be rude for the lulz, but sometimes it’s so unprompted like being constantly mean gets exhausting
No. 1017809
>>1017782Nta but I’ve had very similar experiences and could have written that post, is it really that hard to believe bullying in the workplace is real?
Idk why people feel the need to do this in the vent thread, telling someone the way people treat them is their fault when you don’t have any context is so shitty. Like 50/50 when I vent here someone feels the need to kick me while I’m down and I end up just feeling worse lol
No. 1017810
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I want to play on the computer but my usb cable doesn't allow file transfert so my controler won't connect
No. 1017844
>>1017809Because time and time again, when anons complain about 'normies' excluding them it turns out they have zero self awareness and the people who shun them have
valid reasons. Happens at least once per thread.
No. 1017857
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>>1017844NTA, but proof? Or are you just like, an ~empath~ who decides they know the full scope of a situation based on one person venting anonymously about it? Kek
No. 1017919
I am 27 and I still live with my mpther and ask for money from her.
I had a couple jobs in my life, but my country is shit and job opportunities are extremely lackluster. I was okay working most of the customer service jobs, even liked it at some points, but my mental health has been struggling for a decade now.
Around three years ago,I experienced what is called a "first psychotic episode". I was out of it for weeks, then trying to deal with it for months and my gf who always helped me, broke up with me over it.
Ever since I've been abusing alcohol, smoking and shit. I mostly quit alcohol (only socially with people, no longer getting shitfaced by my own 6 days a week), I mostly quit smoking (I do if I particularly want to, but it rarely happens), but my mental wellbeing doesn't get better since that all time low.
I lie to my friends that I am doing better and that I'm not suicidal and that the new pills help, despite not ever wanting to live since I was 4.
I am now diagnosed with shizoaffective disorder depressive type. And I could qualify for benefits, only the benefits in this shithole would only be enough for my meds, and getting classified as mentally disabled would for sure deny me any future work.
I feel like I quit my vices for nothing. That I should have just fucking drank myself to death like my granfather, who was also schizophrenic.
I feel like a burden and a waste of space.
I am just so tired and I feel like I never rest. Everything just gradually makes me more and more tired, the world, my mental state, my physical illnesses, my social group (and being essentially alone in it), the money, my parents, my home.
I wish I could just take everything I own and run away. But I couldn't run from the shit that's inside my brain. And if I am having another episode unsupervised, I am scared of hurting someone while I'm not in control. I'm fine dying myself. But I am scared I am going to hurt others.
Even if I hurt others by being a useless leech.
No. 1017938
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>>1016721>lbr those girls just wish they were skinny enough to have a mean girl phase that's why they're on twitter acting depraved everyday instead? But she is plus sized
No. 1017963
>>1017439>>1017521>>1017523Thank you. Sometimes I think there's no truly decent people in this world.
>>1017787Things like a container that is emptied several times over per shift being filled to a height of 10 inches instead of 11 inches (literally). Stuff that like clearly makes her work more and indicates that I'm lazy and negligent, and she won't cover for me anymore, as she finds stuff like that 2-3 times a year. (It makes no difference at all and she starts her work day by autistically going over the work place to look for things like that)
Oh my fucking god I just realized why she might have spazzed out this time. My boss laid out a new process specification with a note on it that says she adjusted it according to my feedback and to please check it and get back to her. She put my name specifically because I was the
only one who gave feedback on v0.1.
I also told my coworker about a funny slip up she made that prevented everyone from using a machine for two days. She always asks about what caused issues that crop up, because she is a good worker. It was the kind of thing you do at the end of a 8 day work week and ofc nobody told the boss or anything because who cares, it caused no harm.
LOL god I hate normies, they do this psycho shit and then wonder why I'm so aloof.
No. 1017966
>>1017962>>1017964Keep sperging and crying over nothing, but it'd be great if you didn't bump the thread when you have nothing original to say.
Anyway my vent: I don't understand the meme of calling women skinny/thin when they aren't. There's nothing wrong with having a little bit of weight, it's normal and average. I'm sick of the vanity sizing and LARPing, it doesn't help anyone and it's probably just driving more people to be disordered
No. 1017969
>>1017967There you go again, projecting your need for replies and reacting with actual bait.
I don't count calories btw, I'm thankfully not disordered one way or the other. Try it sometime
No. 1017974
>>1017857I'm convinced this is literally how neurotypicals work. It's not that they actually understand other people, they just assume that everyone thinks the way themselves do and they're mostly not far off because most people are pretty similar.
But most of them have little ability to rationalise other people's minds, they just project their own and call it a day, and if they're wildly wrong they make it other people's problem, because why tolerate what you can use to vent your aggression?
No. 1017979
>>1017977Have you ever seen a plus-sized person? Your mother is probably plus-sized, it doesn't mean Tess Holliday lol
No. 1017981
>>1017980I'm curious about your standards for what is average and/or plus-sized, because I don't understand your spergout (besides you having an ED, which seems more and more likely with each post). I really don't
Also, what's this obsession with "cute"? What's going on in your life nonna?
No. 1017985
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>>1017859I just need a place to bitch about squishmallows
No. 1017987
>>1017981do seriously think you can flip the table and gaslight me when YOU are the one calling a skinny woman plus sized?
>what's this obsession with "cute"?i'm not gonna explain simple english phrases to you, ESL fag.
No. 1017992
>>1017987Flip what table? How was I supposed to know I'd attract a mentally ill person like you instead of a sane poster? Get off the computer, autismo. That's not a skinny person. If that's skinny to you personally, that's your opinion and IDGAF, just don't try and screech at me to agree with you kek
>accusing others of being ESL when you have no reading comprehension Btw, "cute" is a word, not a phrase
No. 1017993
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>I don't see how my post was offensive, or how "plus-sized" is offensive itself
you don't see how it's offensive to call a woman with body fat this low "plus sized"? get out of here.
No. 1018002
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>>1017988Pic rel is lower end of plus size. Alex is not that. At "worst" she's completely, totally average.
No. 1018008
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>>1018002This is one of the first results when I searched "plus size", HRH Collection looks similar. I also don't see how "worst" would figure here when there's nothing "wrong" with her body (in spite of what the ED projecting sperg is insisting)
No. 1018011
>>1018006Literally where? You are delusional, find where I asked about "don't get cute". I'm sorry you use this internet person as thinspo, but go eat something and shut the fuck up lmao. Last (You) since the anon here
>>1017999 is right kek
No. 1018028
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I'm moving out for the first time next week. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but I'm just nervous.
I've been applying to jobs like crazy for the past month and a half and I've barely heard anything back. A few places showed interest, but one ghosted me and another ended up rejecting me.
I hope it'll be easier once I'm out there and at least a little settled, I already had a different employer ghost me and then update their listing to specify that the job "isn't remote" because they didn't see that I was moving to their area in the first place when I applied.
I'm worried I wasted my life getting a useless degree. It's something I'm passionate about and knowledgeable in, but it's not as useful as something in STEM, or a trade. Everyone keeps telling me "just having a bachelor's degree will get you in the door most places" but it really doesn't seem that way anymore.
I just want the safety of having a job with insurance. I just want to be able to live.
Wish me luck, nonas. I could use well-wishes.
Less of a vent and more of a whine, while I was packing I kicked up a lot of dust and now my throat hurts.
No. 1018049
>>1018036If thats what she says to someone who’s crying she is trash. Flame her on google maps and look up a sex therapist. Its called "se" therapist not rape therapist they are not reserved for
victims of abuse
No. 1018106
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I keep spamming my discord contacts with seal pictures. I posted seal pics in every single server I'm in. I always bring up seals in the conversations I have with my bf. I spend at least 1 hour a day, everyday researching seal pics and facts. My wallpaper is seals. I'm drawing seal stickers to decorate my room. I'm starting to donate to seal charities.
I am so obsessed about seals. Sometimes I have obsessions about random cat looking animals popping up. It's weird.
No. 1018120
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I hate how troons have co opted cute emoticons. I remember using them when I was a kid and I still like seeing them now. I know it's just another stupid attempt to be more feminine for them.
No. 1018140
I feel like I'm going insane. I have to prepare two finals but can't get myself to study for various reasons. One of them is my lack of passion and compromise for this career, I chose it because it's quite a versatile and safe degree, it's an adecuate baseline for the jobs and fields I'm actually interested in but can't access for now and don't even want to practice in my country.
I can't really try other degrees, as the ones that are more fascinating to me either don't have future here or aren't even offered at my university. I feel sad, I should be grateful I can go to a public university and get a decent education, but it has become really hard for me to keep up with all the material, oral exams and professors. I feel hopeless, I'm feeling so estranged to something that consumes all of my days and I'm barely starting my second year, out of six.
I hope this is being so hard to bear because of how hard these past two years have been, everything virtual while I'm just getting physically, mentally and spiritually worse.
I don't know what to do, if to keep going and ignore of all this at least until these exams or ask for help and take some time, even if I'm dead set to continue with this degree
No. 1018144
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>>1018107>>1018114>>1018123Thyank you nonettes, I want to create a marine mammal appreciation thread on /m/, because whales and manatees deserve love too. Especially humbback whales since they rescue pinnipeds from hungry orcas gangs.
No. 1018146
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>>1018028Good luck nonna you got this. You feel nervous is totally understandable. I believe in you
No. 1018179
>>1018028Are you me? It's easy to feel like all of the work you put into your degree is useless because everyone else who went the STEM/trade route is having an easier time, but that isn't necessarily true. I know a competent computer engineer who hasn't been able to find a job for two years.
So, maybe it's not that helpful, but it's not anything you're doing wrong. Sometimes it really is just luck. Keep trying and believing in yourself, you'll get there!
No. 1018191
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i still think back to the guy i erp'd with this one time and then talked to (not romantically, though i feel he was hoping things would shift towards that) and regret wasting so much time on him. i regret the erp.
and i have no idea how women deal with having ACTUAL sex with a man that turns out to be scum, that has to fucking suck
what movie is this from by the way
No. 1018197
>>1018191**talked to for like half a year. i also regret being so torn up when we eventually stopped speaking (probably because i never responded to him wanting to flirt). fuck what a loser i was
No. 1018209
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Maybe I should just join gendercrit tumblr, it's not perfect but at least I can check post history and block retards, schizos, and tradthots instead of falling into tre trap of trying to get someone I don't know to stop saying deranged bullshit. Inb4 the infighting follows me here.
No. 1018346
>>1018305You can't keep living like that nonna, life isn't very long and it will take up the best moments if you let it. I hope you find ways to manage it.
>>1018236I swear I met you irl based on the course you're describing, I'm not going to get too specific though kek
And if you're not that girl, good luck anyway, may you download all the slides in spite of your illogical teacher
>>1018320Damn we have the same story, I feel like my sister emotionally bled my mum so I was just there as a help, a shoulder or a backup.
No. 1018606
>>1018594They are
typically vague because they're lying about how well they are doing and how they do it. Most sacrifice their privacy by selling through their regular social media accounts. The ones that go through sites are offering other sexual services. Very few are actually able to sell as anonymously as you can get and they've been at it for years. Any woman who tells you she's making bank by selling used socks and regular foot photos is a liar.
No. 1018608
>>1018599- I don’t know him and kept telling him to leave me alone
- I requested multiple times for him to leave my flat building
- he inserted my body lotion in my vagina when I begged him not to do it and he did it because he could not enter me (I am sexually inactive)
- He pushed himself into my door
- In one instance, I screamed for help when he recorded me and he would take my phone away from me and I was too scared to kill him or at that time call the police when we wrestled so I let him go and I felt mentally trapped and sick and he promised me that he didn’t record me and I suddenly felt safe because at that point I wanted to kill myself. Ofcourse he recorded me and sent it to his friends.
- He admitted it a few times himself that he was raping me. I have it recorded as well ina. Phone convo.
- He told me he’d never leave me alone
- He spread my legs forcefully when I tried to close it
- I pushed him away
- I pushed him away when he violently groped me
- When I would finally want to fake date him and then fake break up with him peacefully in the hopes he would stop coming into my flatbuilding to rape me
- He talked about knives before he…
- before He followed me into the flat building and intimidated me for 1 month
- I said no
And what made you ask me this?
No. 1018612
>>1018608Rereading my post makes me hate the whore police officer that said “sumtaims pple wont like da answer”
Hope her hubby rapes her with body lotion as lube, her colleagues will say husbands can’t rape their wives anyways.
What the fuck should I even do?
No. 1018627
>>1018594It's a load of lies anon. To be blunt, women who are selling feet pics are already sex workers–even if they're on the dl about it–so they have a vested interest to play up their value by boasting about how even their feet sell like top dollar hotcakes–which they absolutely don't unless they're a hyped up meme thot selling their bathwater too (and we all witnessed how they go to actual porn eventually). Camgirls already have a devoted clientele and niche who seek these kinds of pics from them. Anyways, the fact is most moids are just photo collectors and don't want to pay when they know they can source for free with enough pestering and digging.
Even if these markets were successful they damn well will not give you advice to flood their turf as fresh competition.
So, funny story time: Several years ago I was desperate to make more cash so I looked into selling panties online. This is when sites like CL were still rife with sex ads and the like. I actually caught a shadow ban since the ads I did create weren't showing up anyplace while other ads way worse than mine were allowed to keep going. Okay, but why? I did some digging and it turns out that ads placed on third party websites like these are often run by shadow groups posing as the individual women advertised. They mass report any competitors that organically crop up to keep hold of their local markets. I saw accounts from women online claiming small gains (~$1k per month) but after looking into their stories the caveat is that they underwent risks like meetups and did sex work shit like entertain the scrote's perverted requests.
No. 1018639
>>1017859Tbh I feel like at least a few posters in that thread hate weeb merch in general cause some of those rooms aren't
that bad
No. 1018712
>>1018431I feel like because of the constant dopamine rushes social media gives us at our fingertips, ADHD and ADD are becoming more common and that leads to people not being able to concentrate on long posts anymore. I get it, not every long post is good and some anons just drivel on about shit no one cares about
coughRomaniananoncough, but there's a difference between that and being genuinely too stupid to focus on anything more than a couple sentences long. This especially annoys me on imageboards. Most long posters are based because it shows they put some thought into what they're saying.
No. 1018771
>>1018718If you're going to eat, load up on proteins and veggies. Healthy fats taken with fiber will help you stay fuller for longer.
Avoid high carbs and sugars. Even normalized carbs that normies don't necessarily consider 'junk food' like whole grain breads, rice, pasta, and potatoes will instantly spike blood insulin and make you hungrier.
If you need something sweet like chocolate, try to go for dark and make sure you savor it, since chewing for longer with satiate your craving better.
Try not to drink your calories.
Good luck anon!
No. 1018793
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It hurts so much that this is happening. 2 of my cats have Feline infectious peritonitis and one of them is only 5 months old. I cant help but cry thinking how much pain my baby has to endure the following days once the situation gets worse. He's a very loving cat, who loves to sit on my lap and purr lots, and gives me little kisses especially when my face is near him. He really doesn't deserve this. Right now he's next to me and all I can only do is be by his side and try to take care of him and his sister. The other cat is older, so hopefully she'll recover. She has the silliest meow, purrs and trills, especially when I play with her, and she also has an adorable cross-eyed face. I love her so much. If things get worse, we'll have to put them both to sleep. If only I could just take their pain and sickness away. picrel is my 5 month old kit. It really fucking hurts, i hate that this shit is happening.
No. 1018829
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Mi nose stuffy I cnat fuckin sleep
No. 1018831
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Men and their half-assing domestic responsibilities. I'm so tired of it, especially when it's the easiest modo of shit.
He had one job: Make sure the upstairs floor is vacuumed.
All he had to do was hook up and set loose the roomba and then maybe spot vacuum where the dog crate had been because there's hair all over the floor and near baseboards that the roomba can't get to. And of course robot vacuums aren't perfect and don't get everything anyway.
Did he do this? No, because it would have required effort beyond pressing a button and plopping his ass in front of a tv. I even explicitly mentioned he would have to clean that section specifically but he didn't. Motherfucker.
Fine, if he wants to weaponize his incompetence then I shall step in to be the adult to do the unfun shit that requires time and patience. However I will make sure he feels stupid and useless because he sure does like to fucking play the part!
No. 1018835
>>1018831>However I will make sure he feels stupid and useless because he sure does like to fucking play the part!He will continue to do nothing and call you an "irrational, emotional, nagging ball and chain" to his friends, resent you, and probably cheat if he ever gets the chance.
No. 1018889
>>1018883Nice assumptions
nonnie but we have plenty in common
No. 1018890
>>1018885I'm sorry you went through this
nonny, fuck that scrote most of all but I wish other people weren't so cowardly and passive and said something. I have had women step in to defend me before when I was clearly uncomfortable and consider them angels. Don't let one idiot ruin your day though, don't give him that power over you. He's gone now and you can focus on happier things
No. 1018896
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FUCKK, I can't maintain a healthy sleep schedule to save my life
No. 1018911
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I always get horrible leg cramps while on my period. My tights and knees hurt so much. It's even worse than my stomach pain. And I feel so weak this time. My head's spinning.
No. 1018917
>>1018718I stay skelly thin by getting stressed beyond belief. Appetite disappears like magic. Maybe you need more stress in your life
nonnie? Think of areas in your life that are too peaceful and could use a bit more chaos. Break up with your bf, fail a few exams, fight with coworkers or maybe get fired. Good luck!
No. 1018932
>>1018895He is a moroccan born here. I think they’re protecting him because they can’t actually find him and it’s a difficult case.
Maybe, they don’t believe me. And think I’m just schizo. They actually called a crisis centre on me when I told my story the first time. They declared me sane after interrogating me for a few hours but said sometimes I lose reality. They confiscated my phone practically. Perhaps because I wasn’t allowed to record this shit. This shit happens often in the Netherland and I’ll be exposing it, fuck lolcow, I’ll be exposing it irl. No more. Age of consent here is 16 so a 50 year old can fuck a 16 year old which is SICK.
Or perhaps they’re protecting him of certain things I said, like minimizing it to avoid a tear breakdown so it won’t be hard to understand me. it was so difficult to stay coherent actually and to not cry. I was in shock. I knew the police was not to be trusted anyways because ACAB.
In fact an acquaintance after I made jokes that a guy keeps disturbing me and now I’m his girlfriend so he keeps leaving me alone suggested me to report it. I blamed myself however so I thought I didn’t deserve help. I sought “refugee” at my mom’s place but a few weeks later he raped me again in my own shithole dorm room after not doing so. On top of it the police is unironically manipulating me and because of that I no longer ever can stress or be anxious because people who claim this are usually schizo. To my face they pitied me, and say yeah he raped you, we’ll do our bests. But behind my back? They’re making fun of me apparently. Saying I’ll get made fun is the worst type of clowning ever imo.
A small side note in this long ass vent but I’ve noticed a sense of dominance from the whore ladies who talked to me including the crisis centre social worker who larped as a psychiatrist (she’s the one who diagnosed to the detectives that I was sane but sometimes I lose reality). Examples: she’d ask for my id and I told her I don’t want to show her it but I’ll give the number. She asked why and I told her “I already have a bad day I don’t want to do something anymore I don’t want to and my photo sux” (in reality it’s because she’s no officer and has no right to do that or even be here and act like a psychiatrist).
Another sense of dominance one of the police officer whores had is every time I interrupted to defend myself she’d say “go on” knowing I have adhd + anxiety it’d fuck up. At the last phone call I had she did it again but I am proud I didn’t let her do that shit anymore. I let her finish the sentence. I’m the girl boss from now on. She or her colleague is the same bitch who said I shouldn’t prepare my story btw.
Anyways I wrote an email to a legal services and I was pretty coherent (I’m really insecure about this) though because of the 1800 character limit I forgot one crucial point about the fact that I didn’t tell the police officers at all that I don’t want to file a report but I’ll elaborate in the second e-mail.
ventsI swear today is the last day I’ll waste my time to vent about this rape or the whores. I’ll get the best lawyer ever and I’ll make them ashamed of themselves. I’ll use all of the mental illness cards, I’ll change the story even for my advantage though it won’t likely be necessary since the truth will set me and the rapist free. Everyone will get punished in this shitty drama. But I’ll start with the rapist. I was used as a tool and was gaslighted by the rapist and even the police which is unforgivable. I’m no retard and even if I was I have human rights to not get raped.
If scrotes and whores are reading this, go fuck yourselves.
No. 1018939
>>1018927You gain appetite by being mildly stressed, lose it by being
very stressed or depressed.
No. 1018967
>>1018943Ive had hundreds of ppl push me to suicide on the internet and in real life for the past 3 years just because I open up about my life or share my opinions and most places are ideologized and they literally have leaders. I opened up about my childhood abuse and living in an environment where everyone would hurt animals in extreme poverty and where kids would molest each other and I've been called and painted as a horrible CHILD RAPIST AND cat killer. You Cannot imagine the degradation of the environment I've lived in and how it is to live in an environment where you dont go to school, dont have electricity, food, clothing or a toilet and all the kids torture animals and molest each other so you end up doing it too. I was only 8 years old and in exceptional circumstances I was not a fucking adult. Ive had empathy and offered emotional support to people in very good situations my entire life but nobody ever did it to me, ever, instead everyone stole my advice, ran away with it and when I need empathy Im pushed to suicide. I regret ever opening up about anything, if you open up about your problems and are not superficial all sorts of narcissists will hold your issues against you. Humans are evil. Everything that everyone has ever said about me is untrue. Humans are literal raging narcissists and sociopaths. Both normies and non normies. Also, people that pretend to be empathic are the biggest sociopaths usually and people that appear to be mean or cold are incredibly empathetic. All the people that perform empathy and create an overly empathetic outside persona are usually narcs.
Do I really deserve to be persecuted for doing something at 8 under extreme circumstances and then nobody has ever offeref me therapy and support and I was thrown into life to deal with things by myself with my childhood and everyone pushes me to suicide. I have no money, I cannot get help and the abuse ive gone through has made me almost unable to put up with normal things in life and then if I end up doing sex work again although I am a
victim of it people will call me a camwhore, tell me I support sexwork and harass me to death. I am too abused and I dont know how to do anything else and my psyche is completely broken from all the abuse Ive been put through, I simply cannot function in society. I've never met anyone with trauma like mine and the only people ive met with trauma like mine are now in prison or prostitutes or homeless. I've given kindness and advice and empathy to everyone in my life, but everyone has only offered me shit sociopathic answers like "get help" and all my friends have dropped me the instant my mask fell and my trauma began acting up although I've dealt with their shit and literally gave them advice so good I've changed their entire life. Like bitch just no more kindness when nobody helps me when I need it, go to a Therapist im not gonna be anybody therapist anymore when im literally faced with shit.
When I was in school I began talking about how most modern communists are hypocritical narcissistic capitalists that come from upper middle class or simply rich families which is absolutely true and then the top students began bullying me and not letting me talk in class and I tried talking about how sex work is evil and they painted me like a demon and turned the entire class against me and they were better at college than I was only because they came from a stable environment and they had enough support to study all throughout high school and middle school and they turned everyone against me to the point I was not allowed to talk anymore.
I hate humans, truly horrible, truly miserable. All psychologists are narcissists either way that have a fortunate and stable enough life to go through school. Never trust the narcissistic empaths. All my friends have been fake and nobody has ever helped me and I welcomed scum in my life and I always walked on egg shells around people but nobody has ever walked on egg shells around me. I literally wish to live off grid by myself and I do not want to offer my thoughts or my gifts to humanity since they will be taken away from me and appropriated by others. Society is horrible
No. 1018985

>>1018976It isn't true. Most kids that show that sort of behavior grow up extremely abused and they start replicating the sociopathic behaviors that are done on them. Yea, maybe you were abused too, but it is unfair to assume that everyone undergoes the same kinds of abuse. Different kinds of abuse and intensities condition you to Different behaviors. Most abused children are not offered help, therapy or guidance.
The little girl in the video I embeded was severely abused and sexually abused and she began replicating sociopathic behaviors. It wasn't her fault, though. She was adopted by a family and taken from the
abusive environment and offered help. She tried molesting her brother and it took a very long time of therapy, but now she is a normal adult working as a nurse. It's pretty sociopathic to blame children in bad environments and not understand normal things such as trauma conditioning etc. The same with serial killers, serial killers are a problem of a completely disorganized society. Serial killers suffer extreme abuse and they are not offered help and when they are it is either too late or simply the help is not suited for them. Most professionals in the fields of psychology/psychiatry are not truly professionals. You just cannot comprehend how abuse conditions abuse. A lot of abuse survivors also become
abusive in different ways. Most of them do not hurt others openly, but they bully or constantly take their anger out on the weaker. Children do not have free will and they simply replicate their environment.
No. 1018992
i was raped as a child and i am suspecting that my mother let it happen to use my trauma as a bond between her and my dad. i overheard them arguing about something like this, and my dad wanting to put me up for adoption. i remember her being very strict and mean and always telling me and my siblings to act perfect. we couldn't talk about anything bad. my dad was never home but earned a lot of money. i missed him but he thought i was a psychopath. i wrote in my diary once i want to kill him. i didn't mean it, i was just angry for him yelling at me. my mom would ask me for forgiveness while crying about what happened, and then tell me not to tell anyone. i told my dad eventually, and she found out and yelled and beat me. she also used to beat me when she caught me masturbate which i did often. i repressed a lot of memories. please censor if this is too much. i remember her touching me inappropriately and then telling me not dare to tell anyone. sometimes it was to put medicine in, at first it happened while we slept in the same bed. i did not want to sleep in the same bed after that, and she would cry and ask why did i not love her. this is so sick i am shaking. i used to think my dad was evil for being away and yelling, but it was my mom. i don't know what to do, i am now living with them because of the pandemic. i don't hate them, or i don't know, i am trying not to dissociate, because then i can not remember if i even brushed my teeth or ate.
No. 1019001
>>1018954>>1018955>>1018971stop being a fucking dick you shitheads
you have no idea what it's like to go through anything like that. how empty and unloved and cursed you feel.
No. 1019007
>>1018992>>1018992Try to move to a small cheap room where you can be productive. Is that an option? If not, go to a shelter.
My apologies for not giving you my best wishes to you. If you’re disassociating I have that a lot of the times too. What helps is to ignore them, go outside a lot and stay in your room. See your parents house as a business where you just stay for free rent until you can find another room. Perhaps get a job full time so you won’t deal much with them. Money will ease your pain after you’re out of it since you’ll be proud of yourself how productive you’ve become of the worst times. If you’re frozen because of the many disassociations try to just breathe and turn off your phone. Don’t vent too much it will just put you in a cyclus, but also don’t vent too little. Good luck I wish you the best.
No. 1019020
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>found an image on Pinterest that links back to here
Kek why would you do this
No. 1019049
>>1018985>It isn't true. Most kids that show that sort of behavior grow up extremely abused and they start replicating the sociopathic behaviors that are done on them. It is true, maybe not for all abused kids, but that doesn't make it a lie. I said it can go either way. How did the photo find its way to the internet? IDK but the crucification and the fact that it was posted to the net gives me a psycho teenage scrote vibes.
>You just cannot comprehend how abuse conditions abuse.God, is that you, Romani anon? Learn to read. In case I was unclear, by "it can go both ways" I meant that it's 50/50 between the kid being a
victim himself or a psycho in training
No. 1019055
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>>1019052please reply. i know i am schizo, and still. i dreamt of a way out, there is always a way out.
No. 1019058
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I really want to appreciate the consoomerist thread, the insane, wasteful behavior of the subjects being posted is incredible to witness, but all the commie, pretentious talk is annoying, specially as someone from a poor, commie country. I'm glad someone in this world gets to buy the things they like whenever they want, to be so resourceful and prosperous, it has been a decade since anyone in my neighborhood could buy their own clothes, and almost everything i own is from trade or gifts, feels bad
No. 1019087
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Come here nonna
No. 1019096
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She was not an abuser, you motherfucker, she was literally a 4 years old child who unfortunately was born in your cursed family and got abused on daily basis by everyone, she was innocent and precious and you are insane, you're trash, you're the abuser. You hit animals and weak beings in front of everyone out of mere rage, you disturb the entire neighborhood with your loud Christian music every morning and when people try to stop you you don't give a single fuck because you know there's no law in this Godless land. I hope you die and rot in hell and never see the God who you idolize so much, he's surely ashamed of your actions, you sickfuck, if there's any God, he's repulsed by you. It's only a matter of time, eventually you will fuck up with the wrong person and you going to get lynched
No. 1019115
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When will anons learn to stop responding to Romania-chan? Seriously.
Nothing you say gets through to her. She wants to be miserable. I don't understand the nonnies who still continue to reply to her that contribute to shitting their threads up.
No. 1019209
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I grew up in the late 90's/early 00's as a teenager and as some of you might know, back then the female beauty standard was being as skinny as skinny can be, hovering just above the line of looking like an emancipated crack whore. All the fashion from that time supported that female standard, everything was low riding jeans with crop tops, the style that looks absolutely awful on anyone who wasn't genetically skinny and petite sized. Me and many other girls developed EDs and even 15+ years later I still struggle with body image issues and consider myself a fatty boombalatty if my thighs don't look like two skeletal twigs. It's almost like a millenial generational experience because that's how all of the women in my age group grew up. I'm unironically triggered by all the ana-chans who call obviously skinny cows fat because they don't look like a bag of bones.
And it's making a comeback. I hate it so much. Zoomers don't realize how terrible the early 00's was for women, they truly don't. I get that it's the romanticization of the no thoughts head empty Paris Hilton bimbo girlboss that's appealing but in 2002 a woman was actually supposed to be stupid. Being smart or even thoughtful was looked down a lot, your only interests were supposed to be makeup, fashion and licking scrote boots. Literally nothing else. No hobbies. No feminism. No activism. No intelligent thought whatsoever. And of course, stay skinny as a rail even if it meant starving yourself or binging and purging. I know people who have permanently fucked teeth and reflux issues from their bulimic 00's.
I fucking hate the Y2K pop culture, that decade should've stayed in the grave where it belonged. Buried with the one who dug it up for gen z to consoom.
No. 1019228
>>1019209Yesterday my boyfriend asked me why I was speaking about myself as if I was overweight when I'm not. That decade destroyed my self-esteem and any chance I had to develop a healthy relationship to my body. You are 100% right
nonny. Shit needed to die forever.
No. 1019258
>>1019209Agreed. I don't go much on /snow/ or /pt/ but I have to refrain from responding to a few anons in /w/ who are so quick to call attractive bodies "fat." Definitely carried over from cosplay and lolita anachan antics because god forbid not everyone is a sm0l japanese girl. They swapped the 90s and early aughts heroin chic for groomer weebshit and think it's better this way.
It's fair game to make fun of cow bodies if the pictures are truly unflattering. On the basis that most cows are shitty narcissists and would be
triggered by comments pointing out their flaws. Especially bad shoop. But I hate it when the photos look completely normal–and the cows look legitimately gorgeous–and yet anons think they're sticking it to the cows by spouting those exaggerated lies when all they're doing is feeding into the notion that no one is ever thin or pretty enough.
No. 1019264
>>1019256Quit shifting the blame to women.
It's not her nor any woman's job to "train" men to do chores correctly and she's right to be frustrated.
We need to stop acting like the only two options to deal with men are handholding them through life or being alone by ourselves. How about you get mad and stay mad at men and start believing they need to be accountable rather than attacking a woman who sounds overworked? Women like you need to take your weasel scrote apologetics and go fuck yourselves.
No. 1019294
>>1018346lmao tell me what country you're from so I can rule you out. Thanks btw, I cheated multiple times and I
think I'll pass.
No. 1019314
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>>1019306you'll get there someday kid
No. 1019328
>>1019290Literally what do you think you're accomplishing when you're yelling at women that "boys will be boys" and that they're retards for being angry that they expected better from adults?
Your narrative excuses scrotes.
They need to be confronted and told they're failures.
No. 1019329
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Stop fighting start kissing
No. 1019330
>>1019321If you think late 20s/30s is "middle aged", you're absolutely from the iPad generation. I'm sorry your parents thought that was a substitute for parenting. What do you plan to do when you turn 30 and you're "too old" to dress well or do fun shit? Planning to join the 27 club?
>>1019322you literally told someone to kill themselves?
No. 1019382
>>1019367I was with you but then you completely botched it in the end, you sound just as insecure as the
triggered anas.
No. 1019391
Im so tired of brain dead women appropriating radical feminism which raises serious questions about women's well being in society. If you go to the radfem cow thread you will see the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy they suffer from. I also browsed through Twitter and Tumblr and observed radfems and its a bunch of mentally ill women that have appropriated it to harass other women literally. Tradthots right wingers that use it as a tool and excuse to harass and make fun of sex workers. A radical feminist would never actually make fun of sex workers, she will understand the underlying conditions of society that makes women end up there. I really thought radical feminism was the thing and I am so disappointed in it
>>1019373anon, the radfem movement has been hijacked by narcs and weirdos you'd be surprised to know like 90%of /ot/ users consider themselves radfems while they promote the sickest most mysoginistic shit and harass other women. The radfem movement I say it with tears in my eyes has been appropriated by retards. There's a lot of anachans from tumblr/Twitter that think they are radfems just because they couldn't fit in with the cool and popular libtard kids
THIS SHIT UPSETS ME SO BADLY I REALLY THOUGHT RADICAL FEMINISM WAS A GENUINE MOVEMENT BUT NOTHING CAN STAY GENUINE IN A WORLD OF RETARDS. I am so angryyyy. Death to tradthots and right wingers appropriating radfem ideology death upon you hypocrites. You stole the only thing that was supposed to be for ppl like me. Sorry, not meant to hate on you or something I know there's genuine radfems on here and I still consider myself radfem but you'd be surprised to see how many retards have appropriated this movement and how many of them are here.
No. 1019393
>>1019352This is what I've been saying!!
Begone foul beasts
No. 1019404
>>1019391most of the sex workers they're going after are this kind
>>>/ot/1019084not the ones that actually come from shit conditions
No. 1019419
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>>1019398I do because I love olive oil but she hate me.
>>1019391I feel you but go read some Dworkin and touch some grass. Radical feminism isn't only radblr and twitter's madness.
No. 1019421
>>1019391I'm with you fuck them idiots but wish you weren't spamming all the time
>>1019416She's only criticizing radfems kek
No. 1019464
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>>1019427I still think the models in like high-fashion shows are very beautiful anon. Unless you mean like models in general, but I think it makes sense to have average-looking models in some cases to seem more relatable and market your products to more of a general audience. Would you say pic related is beautiful? She is one of my favorite models of all time.
No. 1019466
>>1019448who said I'm talking about that?
>>1019464She's beautiful of course, high fashion models look nice but men and women shilled nowadays just don't look good, with the gross porn beauty standards and the absence of identity in 2020s aesthetic everything looks like a mess
No. 1019475
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>>1019427>>1019466Does this really look attractive to you or any different from today? She might not have plastic lips or a plastic ass like Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian but it's still just as artificial and tacky as any instagram beauty today.
No. 1019477
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>>1019450Naa, being a teen in the early 2000s fucked me up big time.
>>1019464She's super pretty, but as og nona mentioned I just think that the women regarded by mainstream ppl as "beauty canons" look really unimpressive
No. 1019488
>>1019475She doesn't look deformed at all, besides tan, makeup and clothes, i think she has a great, and as far as i know, naturally nice body
>>1019477 explains it well: pornified but nothing impressive, because is just average people "enhancing" shit they don't have
No. 1019501
>>1019475Kek fake tan, fake hair, and heavy makeup is much less damaging than having foreign objects needlessly stuffed into your skin flaps
Anyway the issue is that beautiful is becoming disposable and now people look at beautiful women and just think it's nothing special, therefore women have to try even harder in order to feel attractive and less attractive women have to try even twice as hard in order to not be harassed. This leads a lot of ugly girls to Photoshopping, pounds of makeup, surgery and body altering such as hip pads and push up bras.
Shape wear outside of the common smoothing types is weirdly normal now, every store I've been to has been selling nothing but push up bras or flimsy bralettes that offer no support that most girls just double bra anyway. Why?
No. 1019516
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I finally get the house all to myself for a night and was going to learn how to to use a dildo but of course my period had to start today, of fucking course.
No. 1019519
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Both my parents are so emotionally immature and dependent on me that it feels like emotional incest. Now I have a very loving partner and we both received job offers in another state but my parents keep trying to guilt trip me into not leaving or asking me to “think this over and give it some time”. I’ve lived in the same place my whole life and finally have an opportunity to explore and do new things. I get that it’s hard on them but they either need to divorce or get counseling, it was never my job to act as the third spouse or their therapist.
No. 1019522
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My cat had to be put down today. I miss him and his goofy little round face so much. Please kiss your cats and cuddle them for me nonnas.
Not really a vent I guess but whatever
No. 1019557
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>>1019522Rip, lost my cat this year too. Sad stuff.
Actually related; can someone help me find a specific drawing of a cute ghost cat looking at her woman owner (or something) that had a caption along the lines of "they never truly leave"? I've seen it on twitter and I wish I had saved it
No. 1019577
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I feel both tense and lethargic at the same time. I want to scream and cry and punch and kick and bite and stab, but I also feel the urge to sleep for 14 hours a day. I feel like I'm being watched and monitored. I tried to get therapy but I was told I only have mild anxiety. I couldn't afford the CBT treatments.
I feel like my life has no meaning or purpose.
No. 1019581
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Working at home with the flu which I hope isn’t covid.
At a market in Portugal drinking some really nice and painfully thick hot chocolate.
No. 1019591
>>1019581>PhysicallyAlmost passing out in my room cause PMS, my tits hurt, first omicron case near my city so i can't leave
>MentallyAt Acapulco chilling in the beach with my hot husbando
No. 1019595
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I wish mental stress didn't hurt me this much. I was having a normal day playing video game while occasionally checking in work email for update, and one of the emails brought back really bad memory for me, now my day is ruined and I'm just on my bed sobbing, and couldn't even fucking focus on this boss, which, is a cool and fun boss to fight. I hate that no matter how much I tried to delete the traces of my past, it will always be brought back to me, even from people with good faith.
What else can I do?? I deleted everything, kept myself quiet and only bitched about my past to my very close friends. I will never mention about this trauma of mine in public because that's when They know how to hurt me further, thats how the internet is, they exploit you when you're at your worst.
It's been what, fucking three years, or four? Why why why why do they keep bringing up my painful past as something I should be proud of, while it fucking hurts me whenever I go. No matter how many times I've shut doors on people asking questions about my previous works that I desperately tried to bury behind, it will be brought up, again, and again, and again. I want to die. Or at least I want to stop exist. I want people to stop associating my name with the thing that hurts me deeply. I hate this has become the path I paved for myself and now eating the corpses out of it.
It hurts so much. I want the pain to stop. I can't stand another year of this. When will people forget. If this keeps happening I will never truly heal. Should I just quit my career entirely, Change my name, Find a new identity.
I'm just going to ugly cry for the rest of the day while I nuke and block the email that triggered me this bad, this fucking sucks. Fucking hell. I just want to enjoy some video game instead of this post traumatic stress bullshit.
No. 1019608
>>1019595Nonnie wait let’s be friends I play dark souls as well! We can yell at the game and life, together!!!
I don’t know how to do it correctly, but you could totally add me on stream!!!!!
And also, I really hear you on your vent!
No. 1019609
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sigh 3rd times the charm
fuckk im typing this again cuz im a complete retard who needs to die!!!
i lost my fucking hearing aids trying to make my room pretty cuz that's the only thing that makes me happy in my life right now, interior design, but like the dumb fuck that i am, I do Not move important or breakable shit in my hobble!! so here I am crying in my bathroom over me and my loser life!!! that's literally MY fucking fault!! I can't blame anyone else for not cleaning my fucking room or losing my fucking hearing aids that i barely use in the first place cuz i dont actually wanna hear anyone!! shit its my own fucking fault for being a loser neet shut-in bitch - i can only blame my multiple year unemployment on me being HOH and/or fat for so fucking long man
anyways, I found one already, I just need the other, so please pray for me nonas
No. 1019612
>>1019602It tastes like happiness and dreams,
nonnie, all the cozy feelings of hot chocolate encapsulated in the thickness makes it worth every penny.
No. 1019613
>>1019609You will find it! Divide your room in 4 sections, start with corner one.
Flip through papers and bags,
Check in between furniture and walls.
It’s there, I promise! You’ll find it!
No. 1019656
>>1019648She hates herself the most and only abuses us to strike at the parts of herself she sees in us.
It's a sad story.
No. 1019657
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>>1019613FUCK God bless you nonacita for believing meeeeeee!!!!!
i had to cry and calm down first, but i fucking found it!! it was literally right out in the open, not even in a corner or under my bed or nightstand, but i couldnt tell at first cuz i was overwhelmed and my hearing aid was close in color with it - my dresser!
i love you
No. 1019689
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>>1019533>>1019540oh yes, because picrel "art" (for which homeless dogs were inhumanly killed) is so much more respectful. Stop making everything about dogs vs cats
No. 1019691
>>1019662that's not my post
>>1019656how am I abusing you? I have kept relatively calm but I cannot stand having my mind played with anymore so I've been getting back at the anons harassing me by being rude to them back. If you don't find yourself in the behaviors or things I criticize about radfems then why do you feel abused or attacked? I think my criticisms are fair and I have the right to express myself about what I think too without being called a scrote or being told to kill myself. Plus a lot of my posts in the vent thread are taken out of context. I've had my mind played with very badly in the past 4 years to the point where I want to isolate myself in the forest. The things I posted about killing my cat and my dad are not even real but just a way to metaphorize my anger. I've created fake memories because I've been demonized and villainized so much to the point I feel like a demon and I have a lot of anger due to extreme abuse as a child and abuse I've endured as an adult too
>>1019648That woman I posted is horrible and she's one of the reasons I've turned up like this and I've been fighting against her since I discovered radfem and we used to be friends in the past. You have no idea what she's done to me. If pumpy and washed up genuinely mentally ill Charms are being posted by 4 vendetta chan ex camgirls, then why shouldn't I post an evil woman? Charms and Pumpy are not faking mental illness to get scrote money and they are not grooming barely 18 girls from the mental hospital to work at her 50 year old's daddy's studio. That woman has doxxed me too, sent her simps to harass me and has been copying my personality for years until I quit camming. She's the worst sex worker I've ever approached and she should be persecuted but nobody cares. She self admits to the mental fucking hospital and getsgirls to her daddy's studio and lies about everything and she has succeeded in destroying my life . I've never groomed girls into sex work and I am genuinely mentally ill, I have literal autism with CPTSD and my entire life I have masked it and pretended to be normal because of the fear of being persecuted and I have to watch all sort of manipulative munchies claim they have mental illness and have everyone kiss their ass. She's a demon, she's the worst person on that entire website and possibly one of the worst in the entire industry. Cows and flakes discussed here are not even bad and you refuse to discuss actually
problematic people but most
problematic "content creators" are hidden under 10 masks of manipulation and are generally liked by the public, but is being liked by the public a virtue of being a good person? Jake Munro is liked by the public and he is a sociopathic narc stepping on others to build his empire. The evil she's doing goes beyond a western thot posting "sex work" is real work on Twitter. She's involved in a sex trafficking ring and even her daddy posted to shill her in her thread lmao saying to not believe the lies that it is just competition being jealous.She's not the average sex worker posting "sex work is real wor" on Twitter, but I've learned that there;s no way you can fight narcissists or evil in this world. Why shouldn't I doxx an evil woman hurting other women?
No. 1019715
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>>1019691you have no idea about the sex trafficking rings that run under the disguise of "camming studios" in Eastern Europe. I messaged Myfreecams to tell them there is illegal stuff, grooming and sex trafficking supported by their platform and they fucking banned me and stopped responding to my emails. This scrote is an Ukrainean programmer and he runs both Myfreecams and Onlyfans. Now you will call me schizo. Is is that hard to believe women are being sex trafficked and this scrote allows it? I suffer from disorganized speech and cognition from extreme abuse but all of this is real. You have no idea how camming studios function in Eastern Europe . The woman I posted is a sex trafficker and she is dating a 55 year old scrote 50-55 year old scrote that runs the camming studio she works at they have 4-5 girls working on there and all of them are groomed by her in the mental hospital and brought to Myfreecams just like I was. Most American sex workers dont do that kind of shit and yet you Believe Belle Delphine to be a problem and call her a slut when she doesn't even promote SW it isn't her fault stupid teenagers are taking after her and that bald scrotoid running Onlyfans Myfreecams allows literal children to be on there since at 18 you are still a child
No. 1019719
>>1019715narcissists and evil humans are never held responsible and nothing ever happens to them. This scrote will never be punished and he will never face the consequences of his actions. For allowing literal child porn on his platforms while making billions yearly with no work, but
victims like me will be demonized and punished for merely speaking the truth. To evil people nothing bad happens ever, but only to good people speaking the truth
No. 1019837
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i wish i had a friend i could play vidya games together with irl. i keep imagining scenarios where we're both in my room, eating snacks and freaking out while trying to beat this one level. i feel so lonely :')
No. 1019856
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I think of deleting the Discord app. The amount of mental illness and monstrosity I had to encounter here over the past year is crazy.
>Friend feels bad for the community she mods on (it's not doing too well) so she invited a bunch of people she enjoyed voicechatting, allowing others to invite their friends
>quickly it turns into a tranny telling everyone to send pornhub videos to him so he will stream it on voice chat, when he invited me to a VrChat he shoved a vibrator up his ass.
>I keep seeing women on big servers trying to gather fanboys by turning themselves into porn-addicted girls
>Some other trannies convinced a barely legal "femboy" that he is actually a girl (not an animefag cosplayer that wants to be an anime girl and jerks off to hentai daily), they keep hitting on this child and are happy he signed up for pills because some weirdos on internet told him to do that
>Everytime I try befriending anyone they end up traumadumping me and making muh "I need attention I'm mentally ill" their whole personality
>People complain to me about stupid shit such as "my e-gf didn't answer me and it's been five minutes"
No. 1019912
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I'm a NEET/shut-in, and I feel so worried about my future. I don't want to live off an unstable minimum wage job, but I also don't have the will or wits to study. And I'm agoraphobic. I'm a mess, and I don't know if I can solve it.
No. 1019929
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>>1019912>>1019919Who cares nonnies, it's all good, I'm eating some crackers right now and you should too. Nothing is real so I'm just relaxing. Fuck a job.
No. 1019951
>>1019938chronic depression anon here, I have this routine where I'd watch some sad films (I have a huge backlog) before bed, bawling my eyes out, then relax myself by topping cucumber slices in face (esp eyes, cheeks and forehead). Having cool on your face after crying session does help you Lots,
though I'm also at this stage where I go back to crying again even after cucumber face mask routine… in which my current countermeasure is going on LC and bitch about it, or I can doodle on my sketchpad while listening to some really sad songs in hoping I can fall asleep.
No. 1020122
>>1020098>Only browse Japanese fanartBad idea if you don't wanna come across tonnes of coomer moid shit imo.
>>1020098lol I wonder if he'd cope saying that when he shat on it he was actually trying hard to hide his troony interests
No. 1020213
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guess who didn't make the overnight oats last night.
No. 1020222
>>1020194You’ve hurt little kids though haven’t you? And animals. I guess you’re a superior human who has the right to do whatever you like.
Kill yourself narc
No. 1020249
>>1020237What I find funny is specifically the theories that vaccines are poison, microchips and similar bullshit. If (((they))) wanted to poison they could just put the poison into painkillers kek
>>1020242I pray chocolate comes your way soon
No. 1020255
>>1020222I was 8 years old in an incredibly
abusive environment that you cannot even conceptualize where everyone would molest one another. I got raped 3 months on end and molested by different people, I got animals and cats killed in front of me and I got encouraged to do it. It has been 14 years since then. Why do you sound like a twitter faggot trying to paint me as a pedo for something that has happened when I was a kid and I did not even have consent over it and I was basically conditioned by my environment. The woman I posted grooms women now, in the present, in adulthood. I've never done anything like that or actually hurt women, I've actually helped a handful of homeless women with a lot of money, something most of you would never do. I'm tired of being painted as the villain. I am leaving bye have fun with Steven since he still browses and is even trying to get /ot/ against me by samefagging aggresivity towards me. Have fun with steven and the tradthots remaining on here that hate "whores" and for which radfem is just a tool of persecuting and hurting absolutely innocent women. The woman I posted is actually evil, one of the few evil women I have encountered in my life. I was abused, raped, lived in poverty, beaten, humiliated and I still am poor but I don't groom women and I was groomed too but I don't groom women why should I excuse her for being "hurt" when I was hurt too and I dont hurt anyone. Have fun with the ugly scrotes and remaining tradthots browsing lolcow
>>1020231mos western women are mysoginistic as fuck they either suck tranny cock (left wingers) or rim right winger poopy anus. Also, all the things you've said about me are not even true, you're just villanizing me just like Twitter tards do when they want to cancel someone. Have fun with Steven. He will remain here, I will leave after what you've all done to me. Maybe you can become his next gf.
No. 1020267
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>>1020255See you tomorrow.
No. 1020285
>>1019941>>1019946Thank you, nonas. Yes I'm okay I actually don't even have a sore throat for some reason (yet?) but I still have chills, muscle aches all over my body, and my legs hurt but I don't have a fever. I do think it is omicron as I went to the doctor the other day and he said my lymph node was swollen which is caused by a viral infection.
My mother gave this to me from work and she had the same weird symptoms plus a sore throat and coughing. I've never felt anything like it before. It doesn't even resemble a cold or flu (since I don't feel hot). Very weird stuff
No. 1020286
>>1020284I'm not familiar with apartment regulations but are caged animals like rabbits permitted?
Also you'd be surprised but those fake pets they make for the disabled and elderly apparently are still very good to have for the non-disabled. I imagine they might be a tiny bit creepy but might be a worthwhile replacement in the meantime?
No. 1020298
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>>1020262it's fine. I love my cat very much, she's the only thing I have in life right now. I would never hurt her and I haven't ever hurt people or animals besides when I was 8 in that hell. I was very stressed when I posted that. It turned out all the friends I've ever had were fake and I was being harassed on lolcow and my annonimity has been taken away from me because I was directly involved with a group from lolcow so they began clocking my posts and intentionally replying with mean shit only because I disagreed with them and Steven tried convincing me I'm a horrible cat killer and child molester pedo for something that has happened to me when I was 8. I'm not actually insane, I love my cat I would never hurt her and never have I had the urge to. I'm very disappointed at the world right now and I have a lot of anger inside of me and if I kill I will probably kill a bunch of scrotes. Like a bunch of right wing scrotes or incels because scrotes are the real cause of my suffering and the real cause of the suffering that happens in society. There have been too many scrote serial killers killing women and everyone idolizes them but when a woman kills scrotes she's the worst unless maybe Japanese. You know that Japanese girl that scrotes love. Although, I think killing scrotes would make it worse since they would find another reason to collectively victimize themselves "wahhh women are evill they deserve to be raped look at how romanianon killed scrotes women are totes evil ".
I don't know how to explain this since I cannot express myself very well, but if you look at the big scale like look at history and humanity from a completely objective and detached manner and look at both of the genders of humans, men are the ones responsible for all the evil in the world because they have held and hold most power and they make society be what it is, yet the blame is always shifted on women.
>>1020272steven is here lmao he will be here forever and you have literally kept a scrote over me. He is super happy you all hate me. He keeps on mailing me about how everyone on lolcow hates me and that he was right over me being a pedo animal killer and everyone thinks the same. Also, all the shit most of you say about me is not even fucking true like 80% of it. How am I telling you to "stan" for him. I am telling you that with the way you are acting you're making radfem women leave and letting tradthots that hate women stay and right wing scrotes like Stiban that are attracted to this place exactly because it complains about "whores" and women non stop and hates sex workers. Pinkpilled? more like right wing scrote pilled. When the fuck did I encourage people to kill animals or hurt humans? You also mentally correlate each post you dislike with me because you are not very smart and you're an ex kpop twitter fag from your writing style. Even if I leave forever you will still think some posts are made by me since now you correlate everything you dislike with me. You also only know of my bad posts but I've been actively posting here for 6 fucking years. There are plenty of posts that were liked by anons and even in the past days since this shit has been unfolding I have normal posts that other anons liked.
>>1020278my rants to some safe space nobody can crticize me? Like what? Because that does not actually exist. You sound like a child or like you're extremely stupid. I'm tired of this shit, you also love to blow shit out of proportion and villainize anyone you dislike. Im convinced most of you are very dumb like -20 IQ and all the intelligent anons have left and only stupid, immature Twitter fags are left on here.
There are scrotes right now here and you prefer them over me. Steven has been blending in with lolcow crowd for years and uses any opportunity to call women whores or make fun of sex workers because he is a right winger that hates women. He also posts in women's threads. Isn't it ironic? Your type of feminism literally attracts right wing nazi scrotes that hate women and love any woman that hates sex workers or whores because she is based. That's not feminism. It wasn't "be my army" it was I'm in a bad situation and there's a scrote amongst you that has literally pretended to be a woman for 1 week to me and offered me emotional support just to show his true colors of being a right wing nazi scrote that hates women how fucking psycho is that. Way more psycho than a literal 8 year old child in an extremely
abusive environment. I'm actually not doing anything immoral and have done even good things for lolcow and I am the psycho. But Steven, a 30 year old moid that talks with lolcow women and PRETENDS to be a woman and to hold all the beliefs that are held on here and prEy on vulnerable women to turn into his "based whore hating tranny hating sex worker hating right wing gf" is not psychopathic at all. I have done a lot of good things to lolcow. Including doxxing a slimy moid browsing on here for years and generally encouraging and arguing for anons to stop hating and posting in Luna's, Venus's,Shayna;s, Moo's threads because they are not that bad. Yet, I am the one hating western women lmao. I cannot with this shit anymore. I'm done being mother theresa I'm just gonna be evil and pretend I'm a good citizen like most humans. Most humans are evil and egoistical but pretend to be good. Also, the cat helicopter post is totally Steven's because he is a retard and I can immediately spot him. He says "aw" and has a fake performative sense of empathy to fit in with women but he is a scrote so he thinks psycho shit like that is LE FUNNY and quirky and that it would amuse you since he does not have much self awareness and like any scrote is unable to evolve mentally beyond his 20 year old "quirky meme right wing nigger hahahaha" phase. Soon, after I leave he will be back to posting stupid NPC "empathetic" replies to anons and probably reminding you weekly of the psycho camwhore cat killer from romania because I didn't do his bidding. WOW STIBBBAN YOURE TOTESS RIGHTTT I HATE CAMWHORES AND SEX WORKERS MY BASED KINGG THOSE FUCKING LIBTARDS
>>1020287I've never actively used Twitter, it is horse shit, and I am objectively right. This place is built upon hating women that are not even doing bad things like me for example. I don't actually want to shit up threads, but I feel forced to.
>>1020298>my rants to some safe space nobody can crticize me? Like what? Because that does not actually exist. I fucking told you like 3 times. A notepad file. A private wordpress account. You don't want feedback anyway. But why am I even writing this? You don't want solutions, you want to bitch and victimize yourself. I'm sure your galaxy brain could have come up with the idea of a private diary itself.
The fuck are you doing here? You were supposed to go away
No. 1020364
I blame Romanianon for Steven being here. She should of reported him as a larping scrote from the beginning but no, she could not resist that burgerfag attention. I bet she wanted him to marry her and whisk her away but she’s too fucking ugly even for a tranny looking faggot with no job like him. Now I read stuff like
>>1020352And I just think it’s fucking Steven and have trust issues.
Romanianon if you’re reading this I hope you get mauled by a pack of stray dogs.
No. 1020365
>>1020359>Also you'd never see a man rush to defend any minority/woman This. It's so fucking sus when posters here get policed about our views and feelings towards men when men get away with their gender stereotyping all the time.
Yes, most of us are aware we can't openly pop off about men irl and we have to at least pretend we're unbiased so we don't look "crazy" in a patriarchal society where men are favored.
We're anonymous here though and we can be honest, so what's it to you…
No. 1020390
>>1020365I'm not even a scrote and I don't care if individual or groups of men are hated for shitty things they do. But the generalizations I see which include or imply all men are just kinda dumb and really not helpful. I call out all of these generalizations regardless of the culture of the forum. It's non-nuanced, divisive, tribal, etc. I'd rather have discussions about how to increase the number of good men or how to deal with specific instances of shitty men than see the same boring and illogical emotional statements. Validating feelings when it creates just another
toxic echo-chamber as so many places on the internet are is not my cup of tea.
No. 1020397
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>>1020390>But the generalizations I see which include or imply all men are just kinda dumb and really not helpful. I call out all of these generalizations regardless.Lmao. Hope you get picked sis. How very bigly of you, good luck on your quest of trying to fix men. Surely no woman ever before has tried your logic.
No. 1020401
>>1020393I dont know if you're a schizo or believe in magic but I have ancient curses and I have placed them upon everyone that has ever wished me death on this website and their lives will go to hell. The curses I use actually work and I've gotten them from an old gypsy lady in a remote village years ago. I've placed the curses on other people that have hurt me and their lives have been destroyed. The curses I posses are literally impossible to come across in the modern or western world and they are ancient. I also talk to a real gypsy witch and have her help me with curses and luck sigils and spells. I've cursed people before and their lives have gone to hell. It's also impossible to come across spells or sigils that are real and work unless you live in Romania and go to an isolated village and talk with a real gypsy witch that has been conserving tradition for hundreds of years. You cannot find real curses on the internet and they cannot be given to you by people from the modern or the western world. I have cursed you just now. When misfortune comes your way think me, but you cannot curse me back since you do not have any real curses in your possession.
>>1020399No. Why would I do it? They are not evil. They were just scared and they stopped talking with him.
(ban evasion) No. 1020406
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I'm so lonely romantically. I don't even have anyone I like or find attractive around me. It's been almost a year since I've broken up and I'm starting to feel like a failure. He has found a new serious gf like half a year ago.
But there's legit no one I'm interested in, even taken. I briefly fell in love in October but we had to end it because of circumstances and now there's no one suitable. Friends are nice to have and hang out with but I wanted to move forward in my life…
and I miss doing cute couple stuff so much. I want to give presents to someone, hug and cuddle, watch movies, go on hikes, do some art and cooking together even if we suck at it. I feel like there's a hole in my chest.
No. 1020413
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For the past few months my siblings and best friend have been telling me I'm being way too careful about COVID. I work from home and just moved to a new city where I don't know anyone so yes, I'm pretty isolated. They were all very concerned about my "catastrophic thinking". Well, look around bitches, a catastrophe.
No. 1020426
>>1020406I feel you
nonny. I've been single for almost 4 years now. But there's so much value in doing all those things for yourself, or with a friend. I know it doesn't fill the same longing, but you might be surprised by how much love you can give yourself.
No. 1020433
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I fucked up a 4 ingredient recipe… how.
No. 1020439
>>1020390I agree with you, it's the exact same bullshit you hear from incels. They have their studies too that they claim prove that they're right, except they're too dumb to understand studies.
The people who post that stuff are mentally unsound. Maybe they're from LATAM or MENA and men are really mostly shit, but that doesn't excuse their extreme intolerance of posters with different experiences and consequently different view points..
When you post something like "men are human beings" which doesn't really ay anything besides the obvious and get half a dozen replies calling you names. You can't talk to them either, they're just dogpiling and insulting you if you interact with them at all.
No. 1020457
>>1020449It's not even the poorest country in the region. Romanians appropriate the struggles of the global poor while sitting in their clean cities on mountains of money.
Romanians are probably some of the most privileged people on this website.
No. 1020459
>>1020455>brainwormsIsn't that the term they use in trans community for "doubts over transitioning"? They accuse trans people who have doubts over their transition of having "brainworms" as if it's a contagious disease and then shun them. Weird word choice,
No. 1020464
>>1020452yet most sexual assault/dv are committed by men, i wonder why..
>>1020462yet the anons furiously defending scrotes aren't incels and trannies?
No. 1020468
>>1020459>>1020462You are the ones who sound like incel trannies because in a normal world a normal person would not think the word brainworm is tranny related, and anyways:
>>1020455This anon is right, go back to twitter where thinking "men are human too" is popular and well accepted.
No. 1020473
>>1020401Lmao die schizo
Curses aren't real you crazy bitch
No. 1020477
>>1020471I actually learned it from a detrans video some other
nonnie posted the other day. But I think it's very nice that my point was so well made that you had to try to move on to personal attacks. Thanks
nonnie No. 1020490
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I’m freaking out, I noticed this weird pattern now, why the fuck does this happen?
>do something to improve myself
>gets sick or injured
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? This is insane, last year it was just like this
>start working out daily like before the pandemic
>fuck up my back
>get better from back pain
>start working out again to help appease the back pain
>get a fucking pneumonia
And now it’s
>get a job
>get a fucking bronchitis in two days
Why is it like this? Is some bitch cursing me? I will fucking text Azalea Banks so she can curse that bitch back.
No. 1020495
>>1020477What video? I'm not the person you were arguing with, nothing to "move on to". You even sound more like a tranny now with the smug, fake "clever" tone. "I think it's very nice that" the self-removal rate is so high with your demographic and I hope it continues
Also funny that you understood an insult to troons to be an attack on yourself. Hmmmm
No. 1020501
>>1020490Nonnie what’s the counter action for a curse? Let’s all pitch in and help.
Also, I am dealing with Covid/ borderline pneuma symptoms and I just wanna say, a)monitor your breathing as best as you can
B)sleep slightly elevated
C) alternate from ibuprofen and Tylenol every few hours to lower the fever. (Not medfagging, just passing along the handy information I got this week from a nurse.)
D) stay hydrated.
I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1020507
nonnie! I’m getting the covid test done just to make sure this isn’t the coof.
No. 1020513
>>1020509They're also telling women in
abusive or exploitative relationships that this is normal and that all men are like this, so unless you want to be alone forever you have to put up with it and there's nothing you can do to screen out shit men, there's no red flags or anything.
No. 1020515
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Go away, you're not fooling anyone with your newfaggotry.
No. 1020516
>>1020512They think we deserve male violence for being mean and rude after the fact lmao. Like they genuinely believe the key to stopping men from harming us is trying to be more kind and understanding to them, as if that hasn't been tried (and failed) many, many times. One day, the men will surely see we're good-hearted and they'll totally stop abusing, raping and murdering us. We just have to be nice and not uppity feminazi cunts
>>1020513>so unless you want to be alone forever you have to put up with it and there's nothing you can do to screen out shit men, there's no red flags or anything.Shit no one ever said except you to yourself, schizo tranny
No. 1020523
>>1020522NTA but
>n-no ur the scrote! ur the tranny!Isn't working when it's only one group adamantly defending males, lmao
No. 1020530
>>1020509>>1020513>>1020518>>1020522why not make a thread providing solutions then instead of shitting up the
VENT thread of all places. let anons vent
No. 1020535
>>1020530What about not making a thread about how much poor males suffer on a female only website?
And how about exposing Romanianon post history?
No. 1020539
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>>1020242I agree with this anon.
I have some Belgian dark choccie (55%) I haven't opened yet, do you wanna share?
No. 1020542
>>1020242Me too,
nonnie, I need some chocolate in my life.
No. 1020543
>>1020516>One day, the men will surely see we're good-hearted and they'll totally stop abusing, raping and murdering usThat's not how it works, men rape because they can and they get out of it scold free no matter how nice you are to them.
>We just have to be nice and not uppity feminazi cuntsI'm pretty sure you're a man larping as a woman now. Romanianon should be permabanned for integrating scrotes into this website.
No. 1020549
>>1020426That's really kind of you,
No. 1020550
>>1020543Are you the one of the scrotes
still trying to do the "no u, ur a scrote" and play 5D chess on everyone here who vents about men? It's not going to work, for the 9000th time, fuck off back to your shithole board /r9k/
No. 1020579
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My fate is not that good and my birth chart is probably wack as fuck but I’m getting so used to be disappointed and hurt sometimes I no longer have a reaction. No one will ever listen to me or read anything I have to say or properly perceive me and I’m okay with that. I’m not okay that I have to participate in society and be a functioning member of it if I’m treated like I’m a ghoul, tired of going to my classes, tired of thinking, tired of living. I think my shelf-life is around 25 years old there is no way my specific life is going to get better than this and I expect the worse and it always happens. I am not a possible success story probably just another female statistic somewhere but there ain’t no way people care about life this much it boggles my mind
No. 1020591
>>1020580Most users here are pretty young now, as evidenced by the general lack of knowledge of who's in the spoiler image. That and they resent married women, even though she stated she worked from home and didn't mention kids, not necessarily the same as a stay at home mom.
Id wager it's the same posters who go
>You're over 25???? You must be wrinkly Sksksks No. 1020605
>>1020599Well we still have Miley Cyrus and Hillary Duff kek. Also Rico Nasty, Willow Smith, Grimes, Ariana Grande, Kirsten Stewart, Gal Gadot and most of the other women who play superheroes, etc
Everyone romanticizes the past, it's silly
No. 1020642
>>1020624Brittney was known as sexy with a great body for the longest time though, sure everyone has their critics but it was as bad until now and idk why people don't understand that. You use to be able to see your friends and family on social media and look completely obtainable, now aunt stacy has xl implants and her daughter rebecca stuffs her bra and can't post a single photo or tiktok without filters, and your male cousin is bashing everyone who doesn't have Kim k proportions for being flat chested and having no ass.
Women with normal bodies are considered flat chested or having no ass and that's the issue, and if you do obtain that naturally you're also called fat. Women who let their bodies develop naturally are considered to be lacking in feminine features, when, ever in history, have women been told that they were lacking femininity because they have a healthy natural body? Most women who eat healthy their entire life won't have massive tits or ass (or what the media needs to be considered "big"). On top of that body altering has been increasingly normal to the point where most bra sections, even at Walmart are like 75% push up bras. I seriously remember only being able to find push up bras at Victoria's secret and now they're all over along with bra inserts. I seriously don't understand why people aren't convinced that body standards are seriously extreme now. That's not saying there was no body standards in the 2000d but come on now
No. 1020710
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>>1020697This faggot ain't acting
No. 1020729
>>1020710i don’t know how they find these weird ass american guys. Ed, this guy, the protein shake guy Caleb on Before the 90 Days, the other new guy Gino who looks like a burn
victim and never takes off his hat.
No. 1020732
>>1020714>His feelings have changed, he doesn’t like me romantically anymore. I don’t understand, I was nothing but loving and supportiveMen are fickle. From my life experience, men are absolutely most in love when they're being somewhat pushed away. When they have yet to "win", and I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about obvious unyielding devotion. I'm gonna quote Tay Tay when I say they only want love if it's torture. That's why they only write songs to the one that got away.
But chin up, cry it out, and ice him out of your life and ALL contacts. I was in the same boat as you last February, I disappeared from his life and didn't respond to any contact, and eventually he became annoyingly inquisitive about what I'm doing and how I am. I'm not recommending this to get him back, but to get your dignity back and enjoy the time to reflect and develop yourself. Because by the time he reached out to me many months later, I was no longer lovelorn but outright annoyed and disgusted by him.
No. 1020763
>>1020710He is a creep and his sibling went to Reddit to traumadump people about their family. Tldr is that he very much likely got molested as a child and with mild autism we get…this.
Alina is smart at playing the
victim during the season, because shortly after it got released she created a gofundme page where she wanted people to throw money at her just for her existence. (She ditched her good university for this retard and internet fame, confessed she spent all of her uni money on travels with him and other junk). He also slides into every woman's DMs, asking for a selfie, later then asking for straight up nudes or "selfies with a banana". Alina knows about it as well hence why he locks his Instagram account here and there while creating a new one. Both are retarded children who decided to marry just to be on a TV show.
No. 1020771
>>1020652I'm petty so I would do the same to her. Doesn't matter that she's retired, my grandma still comes to help out at her workplace despite that. If she was
truly hardworking, surely she'd be working during her retirement as well!
I'd understand if you don't want to act like that but your post really struck a nerve ngl.
No. 1020784
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I work with lost of men. The wast majority are short and ugly. If there's a guy who's 6' or taller, he's usually ugly too. I've seen only two guys who are at least 6' and cute, not even rally handsome, they just have something about them. But they're both taken. Why is it so fucking hard to find a decent looking guy. I don't have the time to meet people outside of work, and I don't believe any decent scrote, if such thing even exist, looks for a relationship on the internet. I'm a lonely virgin with raging hormones and all I can do is just masturbate three times a day. I feel desperate, and I know personality matters too, but touching a guy who's not attractive in my eyes would kill me. I can't imagine the happiness of having someone you actually chose for yourself and feeling your body aching for them. It must be beautiful
No. 1020792
nonnie please rest and don’t strain your body that’s insane you gotta be immune to nuclear bombs now
No. 1020803
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I want to get into jewelry making but I don't want to buy cheap shit from china that bleeds color and breaks within 5 uses.
I miss independent bead and craft shops from when I was a kid that had their supply from within the continent.
I miss good quality items that last for a long time in general..
No. 1020805
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>>1020063Samefag, I thought the pain/stiffness would be gone today but it's still here (although not as bad as yesterday). I really don't want to go in to the ER unless I develop a fever, but I also don't want to be a dumbass and wait too long if I do have a kidney infection, plus I'm already on antibiotics. And to make my paranoia worse, I had a little painful spasm feeling near my ribs. This sucks.
No. 1020816
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>Cleaning the house to move, box of VHS tapes are brought down, tell my family we can try and sell them for money
>Get called unrealistic, dumb for even trying, "ok so go find the website and tell the people we have them then!". They know for a fact it's not that easy
>Told another box of VHS was thrown out in the morning, some could've belonged to me
(But by their own logic anyway, "since we/ our parents bought it with their money , it belongs to them, not you!!1!")
>Sister plays devil's advocate against me yet again, admits that they listen to my older sister when she talks about selling old things, makes fun of me and does clap the clap ghetto clap clap clap after I make fun of her in retaliation (I still can't believe that lmfao)
>Get mocked by almost everyone only because the last person isn't here right now but she can hear us all yelling so I have to be the reason
>Father brings out vintage shirts, instant "Put it on Facebook see if anyone wants them!"
Just the newest thing in a string of incidents I don't understand why happens to me. I hate that I cry so easily but I've always been sensitive with emotions and confrontation, I guess it'll always be a part of my personality. At least my self-consciousness got way better over the years. I take nonas advice to plan and research on becoming fully independent every time this happens, but never fully commit to it, it's like I'm used to it so it seems normal after a few days. I still love them and the memories and want to stay close, but I don't want to go through this situation of gaslighting, mocking, called names, being discouraged to do things and rely on them but I'm simultaneously lazy, ungrateful, etc. when I do.
No. 1020840
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>>1020834I'm sorry to hear that, anon, but you'll be okay. Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up too much.
No. 1020852
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>>1020825Why did you make me go look
No. 1020879
>>1020860Is it normal for r*ddit users to spill their entire lives on there? With a simple click you can find out a person’s age, hobbies, tastes, their problems etc… it’s terrifying??
Because I went through her posts and it gets even more depressing, she’s only 20 and met this dude online, dude who also commented on that thread and is 32 with a kid
No. 1020881
>>1020872anon this sounds fishy af. you're 18 and he's 22? (i know age gaps are nbd if you're both adults but the mental difference between a fresh adult versus someone who's already well into their 20's). he put his penis inside of you AND YOU DIDN'T NOTICE? how could it be consensual sex if you didn't know he was inserting himself into you?
plus it was the first time you were having sex, and you said yourself you wanted to save it for marriage?
i don't have context for your relationship aside from two posts on an anonboard, but this sounds sketchy as fuck and maybe you should really reconsider this relationship bc red flags are popping all over the place
No. 1020882
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We live in an inversed reality and this bitch right here gotta be the real me, she’s just so me, incredibly fabulous, a goddamn riot a goon a crazy cunt she’s everything that I genuinely want to be but I’m restrained from my introverted nature. Pinterest girls and waif girls like her 90s white girl aesthetic and hilarious attempts on trying to dominant and manipulate everyone like girl calm down you got divorced hahaha love you though Jolie! XD My gurl crew She has to be every woman on the inversed true reality, stay safe queen eve took the fall for womankind and this is the outcome(XD)
No. 1020969
>>1020881I know, it's a typical story of "yeahh but the age gap doesn't feel so big". Sometimes it feels that way when I realise he just graduated university whereas I just graduated high school. I don't want to claim I'm mature for my age, whether I believe it or not, so I won't. But the person I went on some dates with before was 24, and both guys feel very young to me. Alas, I understand that from my perspective it must look different. But my mother approved as well, and she tends to be strict. Regarding the sex thing, it has been hard for me to deal with and it still is somewhat. I managed to feel comfortable around him and a lot happened since the moment I lost my virginity. He does respect me but he also made a huge and immature mistake. He was forced to mature quite a lot around me because he was too careless initially. Anyway, I don't think our relationship is very fishy. He is very respectful and respectable. There is little wrong with him as he is… I just constantly have thoughts about breaking up, and it confuses me so much. Thinking of breaking up makes me so sad, but I also need to experience my life on my own and especially as someone who is no longer a virgin. I struggle with that so much but I need to get over it sooner or later. It's okay to deal with having lost my virginity if I'm in a relationship anyway, because what if I marry him? But if the relationship is gone, I'll have to process what happened again. I just don't know what to do. The idea of breaking up feels right often, but other times it feels horrible. I'm just scared of what will come after, maybe. But I need to remember I can handle it.
>>1020894Thank you so much, I'm going to keep it in mind. It's difficult but the best option doesn't have to be perfect.
No. 1021000
>>1020970nonna i feel you 100%. i hope you find some people that share your interests or at least appreciate your passion!!
now for my whiny lil vent
i’m so disappointed with my best friend. we’ve been like sisters for like 10 years now and she recently went working abroad, and we stay in contact a lot (i mostly help her with boyfriend drama etc) but when she came home for summer she hung out with pretty much all of her more casual friends and completely blew me off. she was drunk like 90% the time and i really could’ve used her support (or just company really) back then as i’ve been feeling more depressed than ever. the most interaction with her i’ve had during those months was when she called me drugged out of her gourd and i came to rescue her while her other friends literally didn’t do shit.
we talked it all out later and it was fine again, while she was working away
now she’s back for the holidays and i still haven’t seen her, she keeps texting me how she would love to hang out but she’s so busy and burnt out and keeps sending me fucking heart emojis and then i see her posting instagram stories with random friends and acquaintances and i just can’t fucking deal with her lmao, like come on, i’ve really been struggling lately and honestly i don’t even need to vent, just would like a friend to grab a coffee with or something, and have fun, and talk. she hasn’t even asked me how i’ve been, which feels kinda selfish and i dunno, when you’re a shit friend there should be consequences right? i know i sound like a whiny bitch but i can’t help it, it just kinda hurts and the worst part is that if i confronted her ii’m pretty sure she’d just cry and apologize for being a bad friend and then it would literally be more of the same shit again.
aside from my partner she’s my only close friend and helped me so much in the past so it’s kinda difficult to consider just dropping her but at this point i don’t even know what else to do. i don’t want to not have a close friend, my other friends are really casual ones that i can’t seem to get closer to.
i thought i wouldn’t have to deal with friend drama in my adult life but here we are lmao
No. 1021008
>>1020872Anon, he raped you.
But also, something I've learned is that the relationship you have between 18-24 will have quite an impact on how you grow into your adulthood.
Depending on the person you're with they can really stunt you. I would dump him, those years you're about to come into are really best left single to fully explore yourself and the world around you as you come into your 20s.
The partner I had around that time was
abusive and I've spent the last few years trying to recover and find out who I actually am. Another girl I know, and a prime example, started dating her bf at 19, broke up with him at 28 and didn't know a single thing about life. She was completely oblivious. Speaking to her was like I was speaking to someone who was 20.
I'm not saying these relationships can't work out, but they certainly won't work out with a guy who non-consensually stuck his penis in you.
No. 1021119
>>1020987Please teach me
>>1021008I truly think it was an accident. He didn't know my opinion on sex nor that I was a virgin and we were making out heavily. I understand how it happened. When he said he enjoyed fucking me I was shocked and asked what he meant. He said that we were having sex and I started crying. He stopped immediately and didn't touch me sexually for a while after.
Thank you for the advice for the rest. Good reminders!
No. 1021150
>>1021148i mean, i agree that the purity shit is
toxic but she's allowed to want to save it. it's not like she's missing out severely by not having piv anyways, kek
No. 1021154
>>1021148It's good that most people don't define women on the basis of their virginity anymore, but it matters to me because my body is special and I don't want to share it with a lot of people. I want my sex to be part of real love and my image of marriage is a promise of love.
>>1021142Oopsie I missed this but addressed it here
>>1021152 No. 1021206
>>1021199not really. men do a thing where they like to make sexual jokes or make girls uncomfortable even if not necessarily interested in them, which is what i thought it was. by "wearing something" i mean wearing clothes that aren't relaxed fit clothes, not sexy clothes, just normal clothes. men do this kind of thing where in a relationship if a woman dresses in casual clothes or doesn't wear makeup anymore, they start with the "how come you don't wear this or that?" type thing and making suggestive comments about other girls. it's very common, not exclusive to my situation. she does sound like a cuck but she's very invested, would be difficult for them to uncouple, and infidelity would be the least of their problems at this point.
a lot of women irl tolerate men being mentally unfaithful, not really much you can do about it when they're already very deep into it. she has enabled his mentality for sure though in the past and now it's becoming a problem. she already told me she wants me to tell him i'm unsettled by the comments and that i'm not into him but she explicitly told me to wait to tell him. i never speak to him or acknowledge his comments so it's all extremely weird.
No. 1021236
>>1021227Cumbrains have so many games to choose from but choose to be upset at the least offensive games because they're unused to things not being for them. Move on. You have plenty of other things to choose from. Let us have this. Why can't they just realise not everything is made for them? Why do they live to complain? I remember one of my ex-male friends complaining about Lola Bunny whatever's boob size being reduced and I wish I had criticised him for being offended by that. Furry behaviour to care about a fucking animated rabbit's tit size it doesn't fucking matter.
I'm growing increasingly annoyed with their constant entitlement and inability to just ignore things that don't appeal to them. Play the THOUSANDS of other games that have uncensored big boob anime women and no yuri/yaoi. I swear some people just live to be miserable and concentrate on the things they dislike more than the things they actually enjoy and I'm tired of seeing it but it's almost everywhere online it seems. I want to see more people just genuinely enjoying things and being happy.
Take scrotes internet access away until they learn that nobody gives a fuck about them.
No. 1021250
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I HATE the people who make weird accounts for their children and exploit them. I encounter so many accounts on Instagram that obviously cater to pedophiles or are simply run by pedophiles. Young girls who are not interesting looking in the slightest and obviously amateurs being labeled as "models". They aren't models, they're children being photographed with their parent's smartphone and exploited for money from pedophiles. I'm not saying "actual" child models aren't being exploited, but simply that it's an obvious lie. There's no market for these types of pictures. Only family members of pedophiles want to see this type of content, and it shows from the people that interact with it. It makes me so sick and angry. I can't believe it's allowed and that parents put their children through this. They lie about their childrens' abilities, pretending they are real models with real talents, and then abuse this untrue ego boost to earn money from pedophiles on what seems to be a SFW OnlyFans. Just let your kids be awkward, chubby kids with crooked teeth and allow them to explore their hobbies before selling their youth to pedos and tacking a bunch of misleading labels on them that will only make them delusional and/or insecure in the future. Picrel is just one of the many disgusting scrotes who are allowed to comment on the pictures of children that supposedly have comments restricted…
No. 1021264
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>>1021250Fuck… I'm not sure if it'll even do anything but whilst searching up his account to report it, just the word 'tween' brings up some disgusting accounts. Makes me want to vomit. It's OBVIOUS what kinds of """people""" are looking at those types of accounts. Fucking disgusting. Shoot all coomers nothing of value will be lost.
And fuck Instagram and TikTok too.
Some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents. There's no reason to buy your child a bikini and even less to post it online or take photos and videos…
No. 1021271
>>1021259Whilst going through some comments on similar accounts too I've noticed most of the faggots commenting look genuinely mentally handicapped too. Actually retarded men (inb4 "isn't that all of them?") are a danger to children and women. My mother worked with adults with learning disabilities and sometimes she would take kid me along to her work for whatever reason and I remember the retarded scrotes would always be way too handsy. But we're supposed to be kind to them? I don't give a fuck they made me very uncomfortable even as a child I immediately noticed that their behaviour was not right.
>>1021260Call me overdramatic but people like that don't actually care about their children, or are just wilfully ignorant which is of course bad for a parent to be. What reason do they have to post their child on public social media? Absolutely zero. There is no good reason for that. If I ever have children I'd never post them publicly if at all. Why would I? Why does anyone?
No. 1021279
>>1021271People see their child as money makers or extensions of themselves. It's disgusting. Same reason why junior idol stuff in Japan exists.
I wish we could mass report these accounts but so many pop right back up. Instagram does not give a single fuck.
No. 1021335
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Taking here the present theme of the dumbass questions thread:
When I was a child I was only interested in the less popular characters of My Scene, Winx, W.I.T.C.H. , Bratz dolls… My sister and my older cousins would pick the most popular ones and I didn't care, I always felt more attracted to less popular girls, I was Delancey, Meygan, Hay Lin and Techna. Good lord, when we played Charmed I was Pru, the dead one. Maybe it's because I felt safe knowing they wouldn't fight me for it, ''NO, I'M Jade, you can be x or y but not this one, this one is ME!''. We owned barbies too but that was before barbie had any popular friends. Despite being the only actual blonde I never got to be Kennedy, Cloe, Cornelia or Stella. I was thinking about this yesterday and if it was an early sign of being such a doormat.
No. 1021348
>>1021335In your case it seems like it, since the reason why you picked the least popular girls was because you didn’t want any confrontation. If it was because you just felt more identified with them, it would be just that you like them more, but that seems to be an afterthought.
I know nothing about psychology though.
No. 1021381
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>>1021335I always thought the popular ones were too lame and boring so I picked the ones that seemed edgier, funnier or more colorful like Irma, Flora and Roxxi. I'm still like that, not for any NLOG reasons or being a hipster but I hate female characters whose only personality is being sweet and pretty. They radiate pickme energy. Cornelia was a Stacy though, but I found her diva personality grating.
No. 1021403
>>1021107It was
>>1018599 only this reply I got.
>>1021113It’s okay. I just wanted replies from lawfags anyways. And puppy gifs.
No. 1021417
>>1021397Germans are rude assholes and prostitution is legal there, so if you degrade yourself by fucking a German man there's a chance you might catch something from him too.
Disgusting people, there's a reason why we named roaches after them in my language.
No. 1021433
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>>1021428>off-brand drachenlord>fat slobi had to google and i am appalled. please tell me you're just being dramatic. please tell me you didn't date a cold, fat german slob that mistreated you when you could've done probably 100000x better. please.
No. 1021453
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i hate having an older brother that i care about. all my life he's been a bully: breaking my toys, making me cry on my birthday, insulting my friends to their faces. yet because we grew up together i'm attached to him. he's the black sheep of the family because he's so disagreeable and maladjusted, and for some reason i struggle with feeling responsible for his well-being/his relationships with our family. at times i even feel guilty for associating with him when he's so awful to the family members who i truly value and care about, like 10000x more than him. and all this is after he HATED me for years and years, told me to my face he was doing everything in his power to make me feel unwelcome… now just because he apologised and sends memes, i love him again? he's also been helpful to me several times throughout our lives, recently immensely so. as thankful as i am, i also feel disgusted by him for being pornsick and mean. i guess i just wish things weren't so complicated. i wish he was a good person and not a misogynist but that's already asking too much of 90% of men. i wish we had been raised right.
No. 1021471
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My cousing got offended because I never greet him first. Jesus fuck, why do you even care we never even talk to each other you fucking retard?
If I'm outside I don't want to have to scream across half my yard and when you honk at me I CAN'T see who's in the moving car because I'm short sighted and it's not like I don't get catcalled. Fucking baby.
Then I got dogpiled by my mother and aunt for the same shit. Take a hint, I don't consider any of you family and the fact that they are all "uwu poor neighbour kid got depression, poor her" meanwhile they ignored any simptoms I showed as a kid, and still struggle with the crap, but get told it's because I'm lazy pisses me off even more. Seriously fuck all of them. I'm tired of this shit.
No. 1021492
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Every female friend i have is getting pregnant or already on their second kid. Dont get me wrong, i want kids soon, but society really makes you feel like you're somehow less of a woman if you arent popping out kids..
It feels really weird, but that's my vent. I dont not like kids, but the way society treats women as if their worth is tied to having kids is gross. All my friends are only early 30s too…
No. 1021501
>>1021483You were still a child but you were probably a lot more mature for my age and it’s ironic but when you grow up you learn to appreciate mean snobby characters because I used to hate them when I was younger because I was a highly sensitive kid. What anon
>>1021499 said is so true too
No. 1021528
>>1021525Do antidepressants actually help in general
Asking for a friend whose too afraid to get help
No. 1021551
>>1021492They make you feel lesser for not having kids bc all those friends who have kids basically cut you off bc they don't have time to hang out & the wife is exhausted & only wants to socialize with other moms. They traumabond with other moms to make themselves feel better about their shit situation and childless women
trigger them.
No. 1021570
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>>1021545no, because I never took the one connected to higher risk of dementia
No. 1021589
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>>1021570>>1021574yeah I think I'm good. Stay away from paroxetine nonnies
No. 1021590
I am not doing better at all. I've simply distracted myself enough to think that I'm doing alright. I am not. I feel so fucking scared, I really thought I'd left my mental days back years ago but the moment I stop my distractions, the media, shows, meaningless shit, I can feel myself going fucking haywire. I hate this so much. I have deteriorated so mfucking much, I feel pain looking at myself. I am not getting better at all. I'm gonna panic. I hate this so much, why have I not improved at all? If I remove all the things that keep me distracted and dumb, I don't think it would even take me long to revert to my older, unhinged, piss-drinking self. Like, why am I not getting better? I've only fooled myself for all these years.
No. 1021592
nonnie you didn’t offend me I genuinely want to read the comic one day
No. 1021632
>>1021618God this
triggers me. I'm not going to coo and aww just because someones handing around a phone with a picture of a dog and some unfortunate looking baby on it. I don't care.
And it's hypocrisy, none of these people stop scrolling and DAWW whenever a baby pops up on their insta feed. They just go past it and don't give a fuck.
I don't care about any damn baby.
No. 1021653
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>>1018146>>1018179Thank you both! I've been thinking of your kind words while I pack the last of my stuff. It means a lot.
>>1018179And don't worry, this is helpful! I think deep down in my heart I know a lot of it is luck, but it processes in my head differently hearing from someone directly that they know someone else in the same boat, as opposed to reading a years-old forum post about the same issue.
No. 1021680
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I have a test for work tomorrow and I'm stressed as fuck. I have no idea why because who cares, I can just take it again or whatever. It feels stupid as fuck to take a test FOR WORK. God I hate corpo jobs
No. 1021745
>>1021680>test for work>for workThanks for giving me a new nightmare
No. 1021766
>>1021745Kek I'm sorry, just never work in a call center for a big company and you'll avoid that crap
I can't believe I actually have to study for that shit, as if it's important for my life or anything
No. 1021877
>>1021871I don't think it's mean or nasty.
It's an oppressive belief system and any woman who doesn't have liberalism-induced brain rot or are under the threat of abandonment or violence would get sick of it real quick.
No. 1021955
>>1021928>they want to find arguments for why they are oppressed and they're self hatingIf you have to find arguments to discover if you're oppressed or not, you most definitely aren't being oppressed… Also if you have to go on a obscure female gossip imageboard with extreme beliefs that probably less than a thousand women globally actually use, then you are not facing any real oppression in your life. You could make a better case that women are oppressed by going on /pol/ since more people use it and they're even more extreme with their beliefs and misogyny. The most oppression scrotes have felt is when their mommy took away their xbox as kids.
>>1021948I agree it's pretty dumb. I remember there was a "lolcows of lolcow" thread made a while back, because one of the women from the discord was apparently a nazi sympathizer or something.
No. 1022018
>>1021752Burn his life to ground when you get out,
No. 1022022
>>1021178Is there anyone in a past who was dick to you when you were happy, mocked you or got mad you when you got happy about something? Feeling guilty about being happy can come from treatment like that.
Or if people were suffering around you and so you felt bad cause you were happy and they weren't.
No. 1022045
>>1022026YOU CAN DO IT
No. 1022083
>>1021928Pretty evident with a lot of the infighting and obvious scrote arguments - especially their weird obsession with little anime girls.
>>1022048That's the only way to get it.
>>1022023>lots of gays using thisWhere? That would be very easy to spot considering they aren't immune to talking like failed rupauls drag race contestants. Plus I know a lot of anons don't like gay men due to their misogyny so why would a gay man feel comfortable posting here.
>>1021948We used to have a male admin. When he got outted, I stopped posting for a long ass time. This place has been shit since.
No. 1022087
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let's be real lolcow is filled with psycho bitches that project their issues on others and are manipulative as fuck. I hope you die anorexic cunts. You literally all have fake performative empathy and love hurting other women. I hope you rot in hell. Thanks for making me hate and showing me women are as bad as men. Yea men rape and kill but women can be psycho as fuck too. Humanity is doomed.
No. 1022097
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essay anon here im now about half way through the essay and ill try to finish it by 8 am
so tired
No. 1022115
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>>1022101That sounds really tough, anon. Have you two ever talked specifically about this? If it feels to awkward to talk in person, you could also write her note/letter about your appreciation and need for support. The two things are not linked.
No. 1022124
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Someone I dislike has just joined a hobby circle I'm in, but unlike most of the cases of me disliking someone, it isn't because I just started to hate her randomly. She hated me first. And her hate was pretty out of nowhere too.
It's odd because this person has admitted to enjoying the content I produce (to the point of, across multiple hobby circles, seeking me out for it) but they have also done things like shade me in public or just be very rude and condescending. I've always been more of a lurker, so these things never really bugged me enough to call them out, but they always made me squint.
To make matters worse…she is charismatic in a zoomer-y way (always abusing text speech, playing all the 'in trend' games like Genshin, etc.)
I feel like I'm never going to cross paths with her in this particular circle – and if she does approach me, I'm just going to reject her offers – but it's kind of irritating to see her buzzing around the community and charming everyone as usual. Rant over.
No. 1022163
>>1022124omg anon your situation makes me think of ex-"friend" in which we were never actual friendly. We were in a same hobby circle as well so we just tolerated each other despite disagreeing a whole lot. She has this board-tan persona while I'm more familiar with twitter text speech & charismatic in groupchat.
I did
intentionally piss her off a lot in public (mostly lecturing her for being immature and insensitive), she finally had it with me, softblocked me after that and went pity party in her priv about how I had been secretly harassing her lol
Not saying you're similar to her, but the situation is just too similar IMO. I know people like me the person you crosspath with is grating to be around, mute/blacklist her name on your feed for counter measure might help.
No. 1022171
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>>1022168sorry for samefagging but it is impossible for me to believe women watch porn more than men do and that they enjoy violence more than men even if
scientifical papers say so. True empirical reality shows me the opposite. I read the studies, there's something irky about them, something off from the standpoint of objectivity. I hate how humans are so likely to throw around words and call you names like you cannot have nuanced beliefs or like everything modern
science says is true. Science is kinda dead and corrupted by capital and bias and we have lost the true intellectual/philosophical truth seeking mindset we've had in the past. It's just stupid. This meme is so so good.
No. 1022173
>>1022168what radfem cow? i agree with you though, i have had similar conversations and yeah the "science" is stacked against you. the people that go into these "sciences" have axe to grind, especially the men or delusional women. i would venture to say that none of what you mentioned that they claim is actually true, that women cheat more, that women watch more porn, etc, etc. we're just basically never going to get that confirmation so it's to the point where i avoid even having these conversations with people because they don't care to recognize that these dumbass "scientists" are looking for precisely those outcomes. it's all very politicized and anti-woman.
also nice job with this post in particular you kept it together
No. 1022190
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Thank you for the support nonnies, love you guys
Finished and submitted the essay now i'm FREEEEEE
No. 1022214
>>1022160Sorry to hear this
nonny. If keeping suicide as an ‘option’ on the table helps you get through the days then do what you need to. Just also keep in mind how many people attempted, survived, and are now living happy fulfilling lives. The ones who completed didn’t give themselves that chance. Hang in there.
No. 1022216
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>>1020166Glad it helps! I just noticed that I missed out words and made a lot typos in my original post haha. My eyes must have been too swole from excessive crying lately too. Let's be cucumber buddies <3
No. 1022240
>>1022231Sorry master, should I immediately get back to the kitchen? Do you honestly believe that women with children don’t have free time, or read gossip collected by other people about cows? Sounds like you have a narrow view of mothers
>>1022233>anyone who points out that a statement is wrong is proof the statement is right, obviously! Sure, it’s me coping
No. 1022268
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>>1022259You do know that the person hosting this imageboard isn't a 19yo student like you right? Or do you think everyone older then you who have real life experiences are obsolete hags that don't belong on lolcow?
Get a life, dummy - your haggard self in few years.
No. 1022285
>>1022275>You might be one of them somedayNo lol I hate kids. And by 25 I probably won't be posting here because I have parents who love me and I'm not pathetic.
>>1022268>Or do you think everyone older then you who have real life experiences are obsolete hags that don't belong on lolcow?If you don't have kids you probably have a lot more free time lmao. If you do and still post on here instead of doing more productive things with your very limited free time, your life must suck pretty bad, no wonder you had kids since you clearly had no goals and ambitions in life. Anyway, seethe.
No. 1022301
>>1022285Since your'e so young and have your whole life in front of you why aren't doing more productive things with your very limited free time as a student that depends on your loving parents. instead of wasting your time here why not set any goals in your life and get ambitions while you are at it?
From your loving senior by one year ♥
No. 1022306
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I keep regretting things I message/post online. Not on image boards, I can shitpost to my heart's content here. But as soon as I have a name and profile picture attached to me I find texting and commenting on posts so excruciatingly embarrassing. Even if I don't in the moment and say 'fuck it', it always, always hits me. I have to hit myself occasionally out of sheer cringe. I thought this would stop at real life interactions but it's spread to online ones. Absolute state of me nonas
No. 1022307
>>1022301I have goals and ambitions, actually. But now I have so much free time that there's no reason why I shouldn't spend it anywhere I want. I'm young and pretty and have a whole decade to shape up, which lolcow mommies can't say about themselves.
>>1022290>Thinks anyone over 20 gives a shit about if their parents love them or notLol of course they do, spoken like a true loser with shit parents.