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No. 1002335
Share your most intimate and sinful story
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>>>/ot/971568 No. 1002361
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I like the anime tomboy stereotype and I want to live by it because it's cool and fits my bubbly but not so girly personality, I don't care if scrotes are gross, I will take it from them and make it mine, MINE
Anyways, tomboy supremacy! And fuck troons, troons are the natural sworn enemy of the tomboys.
No. 1002402
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For the last few months I've liked this guy and after each new interaction with him I feel the crazy get reawakened in me. I don't do anything crazy.. I don't do anything at all but I go home afterwards and I obsess. Weeks can pass without seeing him and I'll slowly calm down in that time… only for it to ramp up again the moment I lay eyes on him.
I've never been so crazy attracted to a person before. I've dated.. I've been married. I've fucked around but I've never felt this. Nothing like it. It's so intense that I'm freaked out by it. I feel such a strong pull towards him but no. Something like 6 weeks of 'not seeing him and calming down' got undone in one look today. Basically I'm horny and I'm scared.
No. 1002456
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I don’t know what is going on with me, I tend to get infatuated with my best friend of the moment, but right now, I don’t know if this is infatuation anymore, I think I might be actually in love with my best friend.
The catch is that I’m not a lesbian, I’m pretty sure I’m 100% straight, like, I’ve thought about this before, I’ve thought
>hey, what if I tried having sex with a woman
And it just doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t turn me on like, at all. But I don’t mind the idea of kissing my best friend on the lips or anywhere else she would want me to kiss her, I’ve kissed her neck, hands, nape and cheeks before, we both like it a lot.
We like to hug and cuddle a lot too, unless there’s people around like her family or mine, because we’re really self-conscious about our really affectionate way to be with each other. We also hold hands a lot and I tend to just kiss her cheek on a whim very often if there’s nobody around and such.
I wish I could spend the day just playing with her hair, talking about whatever we want to talk about, hugging her and having her sitting on my lap as we watch some movie or listen to some music.
We actually would like to live together in the future, she doesn’t want me to get a boyfriend because that would surely ruin our cozy life.
But I don’t know, is this like, romantic love or is this just infatuation or something else?
Working together in the same office made me feel really happy, I wish we could always work together so I could sneak a hug or a kiss during working hours and so I could meet her coworkers and see her having fun. I just want to see her, and make her, really happy.
She actually doesn’t like the idea of sex in general, so in some way it would be okay if we were to like be together? In a romantic way? But then I can’t help but think “what if she got some really bad trauma?” How do I even help her? She wanted to troon out during our early university years, what could have possibly happen… I don’t want her to feel like she needs to bottle up her feelings because I really wish she could be seriously happy and healthy.
No. 1002506
>>1002101My eyes…
>>1002109I can't stop thinking back to those days and questioning wtf was wrong with me. Whatever did I see in those boring plastic uggos?, Sigh
Btw how long were you a stan? And over who? Just trying to see if had it as bad as me. No. 1002561
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>>1002552i didn't mean to
No. 1002568
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>>1002563Picrel tomboy they mean. Irl men chimp out/cold shoulder you if you have a "bro" personality (especially if you "banter"), and don't buy into the feminization & ego pandering women are expected to do.
No. 1002588
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>>1002568>>1002563I don't know whether I considered myself a tomboy or not but as someone who did marital arts, pretty much every woman I knew who did sports dated and later married masculine guys who also did sports, including myself
most of the guys who say their into "tomboys' or muscle girls are skinny fat nerds that none of us would be even interested in
No. 1002635
>>1002597Yeah I hate how so many are pushover for troons.
We have to create new spaces that don't pander to troons. I bet a lot of silent lurking women will sign up and feel relief.
No. 1002779
My boyfriend has some of the weirdest fetishes, like straight up bizarre. Instead of feeling gross, they make me feel really sexy if that makes sense? Like, I'm doing things that I wouldn't want anyone to EVER see or hear, and I do it for him. And the acts are traditionally the opposite of "sexy" or even attractive. It's like the world's dirtiest secret I've ever kept. And if you knew him, you'd never assume anything. He's very polite, meek, quiet. One of those guys who would be a loving father to a daughter, someone who helps his own mother and volunteers. But just such a kinky scrote in bed, asking for vile acts. It's almost funny how opposite his two sides are. Still, none of his fetishes are violent or dangerous, just very weird. Like now his foot fetish is so strong that I can't rest my feet on him when we watch TV anymore, which is kinda funny. Putting my feet on him at a restaurant until he's antsy is my favourite. Even anonymously it makes me red in the face to write out the things I do, though. So you can just assume the worst.
Unrelated but sad movies make him sob like a baby, like full-on crying and I LOVE it. Especially if any scene has to do with spousal death or illness. He won't look at me and tries to hide behind his hands, and he sniffles like a little kid. Oh, it's so cute.
No. 1002781
>>1002779Maybe you’re made for each other,
nonnie, so that’s good.
No. 1002806
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I constantly suicidebait on forums and imageboards because I don't want my 2 friends getting tired of me
No. 1002868
>>1002779Your boyfriend sounds really cute
nonnie, mine has the same foot fetish thing. He only recently admitted it because he would get SO flustered around my feet. Now he wants to kiss them and rub them, it's helped me feel more confident since I've always thought feet are ugly. I wish I could be into his feet in the same way but… he has ugly feet
No. 1002892
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>>1002889Awww did someone get proved wrong?
No. 1002915
>>1002911That’s what I mean, like I check here occasionally out of boredom but why spend that much energy here? Wouldn’t self improvement in any way be better?
There’s some really nice and helpful threads in /g/, but I get what you mean
No. 1002976
>>1002795I think she was implying that it's only one (out of many) of his fetishes and the rest were too gross to mention.
>>1002924It's all thanks to that annoying polyfag (who's
still posting there by the way)
No. 1003031
>>1003028Fuck you skank
That's just me agreeing with you.
No. 1003093
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>>1003028Can mods finally take out the sperg that has been shitting up the board with low-quality bait for at least last 24h
No. 1003135
>>1003093Seriously, I’ve seen people banned for far less, how and why is it still going?
Maybe this person is so miserable on holiday they have to shitpost and bait or reality will kick in.
No. 1003207
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the reason people im infatuated with always resemble me in some way is because the only person i'll ever be able to love is myself
No. 1003224
>>1003196I have the same fear and I also don't use social media,
nonny our minds
No. 1003235
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I don’t KNOW if I want my bf to buy me Christmas presents or not?? Feelings are confusing??
No. 1003679
slept with a guy who im pretty sure is an AGP …. the signs are all there and im literally a retard and saw every red flag and was well aware of this the whole time but also tried to pretend like i wasn't aware idk i found his body type so attractive. but anyways the signs are as follows: i learned what femboys are because of him, "traps aren't gay" 'ironically', browses /r9k 'ironically', former (?) brony, former incel, virgin, won't cut his hair, very very offended if you ever mention cutting his hair, formerly anorexic and now overweight with reverse body dysmorphia, thinks hes hot even when disgusting, greasy balding hair, that unchecked troony ego, also NEET, plays too much WoW, a faggot, and probably autistic. definitely into some weird fetish shit he never told me. i hate him so much for all the funnyjunk memes he's sent me about tomboys.
No. 1004123
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>>1003477Well… at least you can be glad you only hallucinate when sleep deprived.
No. 1004141
>>1002913Sour Sluts
Salty Sandras
Negative Nancys
No. 1004199
>>1004166Lame lanas
Tasteless Tanyas
Stupid Stellas
Sad Samanthas
No. 1005642
>>1005629I don’t either, but there’s a big debate around the whole thing. Your welcome,
No. 1005667
>>1005408>I remember man hating for years and now she’s all about becoming a man? man hating lesbians who transition to men are such an interesting phenomena to me, I've only known of two cases, one had a blog that I can't find now called something like "Misandrist transman" and the other one that I remember more clearly was from one segment of a podcast of "This American life" regarding Testosterone
She started life as a radical feminist butch lesbian woman, but began taking massive testosterone and now lives as a "man". It’s just 17 minutes long, and quite interesting in a way. You won’t find any real science here but it remains an interesting glimpse on the mindset of TIFs
The most striking change was she described having this incredible boost in her sexual desire. Where as before she would fantasise and embark on constructing a long inner verbal narrative around the women she would find attractive, she now simply objectifies, and lusts after their beauty. Everything she now touches turns to sex. She describes how she can now see that even cars can be sexy - their artful forms. She described herself as previously being very much a butch feminist but has now even been called a misogynist because of her newly found desires, and behaviours. She now identifies as a “post-feminist”
She also claims that she even found a new interest in science after taking testosterone and that she finally understands it for the first time.
The episode for anyone interested, This American Life: Testosterone No. 1005860
>>1005802Aksually the fact I’m anti fragrance pisses my mom off. I am allowed to do anything I want as I live alone.
>>1005795No divorced
>>1005794Nope I am just grateful that I didn’t have to deal with dumb men bullshit. I’ll never marry or have sex and I’ll die a virgin.
No. 1006009
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i sometimes think my obsession/interest in feminine men (otherwise: the ideal of a man that's literally indistinguishable from a woman, outside of flat chest/dick) is borne from some latent, subconscious desire to troon out.
for the record: i've never wanted to be a guy outside of a painful period in high-school. i don't even like the idea of hyper-femme men irl, but i can't explain this predilection any other way? am i just a coomer?
No. 1006146
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When I was like 11 I sang along dramatically with the entirety of Jewel's "Foolish Games" while my other friend sat silently in the living room with me. I cannot imagine why I thought it was a good idea and I don't know why she just sat there and let me go on.
No. 1006158
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I don't know If I can be a feminist or not cause of my worldview, cause while men suck and I think at least 70% of them should be culled for the sake of the human race my reaction with certain types of women is often more visceral, my brain instantly goes "sunhuman who shouldn't be allowed to breed"
Andrea Dworkin, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B all of these types of women are subhuman, an insult to humanity and their own ancestors, when I look at them I feel just pure hatred and disgust and he fact that people look to these subhumans is proof they are potential subhumans as well, I don't think they should be killed or mocked but they shouldn't be allowed to have kids or be near children
and yeah I know its fucked up that I have these views but these aren't based on prejudice or racism but logic and my genuine love for the human race, see I want what's best for all humans especially women
No. 1006161
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>>1006158>Andrea Dworkinok psycho how exactly do you justify that??
No. 1006172
>>1006161Look at her, when I think of Untermench women, this is an almost dictionary defination also the monkey had a comical understanding of history, getting basic facts wrong
Sub-IQ inferior Monkey's like her do not deserve any adoration
(back to /pol/) No. 1006174
>>1006169Nta but that makes sense. Anon hates women just because.
>>1006172You can't be a feminist because you care too much about looks rather than actual thoughts and ideas.
>t. someone who's not a feminist. No. 1006177
>>1006174I care more about other women then you imagine, I want what's best for us all, Its a utilitarian approach to feminism
where inferiors just should be cast aside for the betterment of all
No. 1006215
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>>1006158>shows pic of smelly white pagans as the peak of humanitykek anon stop with the bait
No. 1006235
nonnie why can't men build a house for you, give you a kid then go off to war and die like the good ol days. Atleast they accepted that men were inherintly shit and needed to work to justify their existence. Now gen z scrotes come with their broken dyk in their hand asking you what you bring to the table.
No. 1006287
>>1006278>>1006283>>1006267The woman who thought Joan of Arc, a teenage peasant girl in Medieval France was secretly a radical feminist who was just using religion to kill men or that Christianity was chosen as the state religion based solely cause it was phallic and didn't even understand even the most basic of theologies
This is your so called female genius philosopher
She was a Sub-IQ pretentious intellectual who was physically and mentally inferior to even an inbred troglodyte, such a subhuman could only produce subhuman ideas, people shouldn't breed on arbitrary standards of beauty and femininity but based on what matters, strength, ingenuity and intelligence
Inferior degenerates and sunhumans exist regardless of race and they should be culled from the population and I'm not even white btw
(Male) No. 1006300
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My hookup is moving countries at the end of next month and I’m seeing him for the last time in a few weekends. We’ve had fun and he’s not going to leave me heartbroken, so I can’t really complain. If anything I’m a little bit relieved that he’s moving bc I think he wants more from me than I want to give and it cuts out a lot of the mess of a sort-of breakup. The only problem is I’ve already bitched about him to my friends who think I shouldn’t see him again and got really mad the last time we went on a date. I’m used to being the high and mighty “dump him he doesn’t deserve you” friend, so I feel pretty dumb right now. Im basically going to spend my weekend sneaking around them and hoping we don’t run into each other in town at risk of massively embarrassing myself and causing some really unnecessary friction in my circle. The only issue is I’m a shit liar and I’ve already given a false reason that I’m going to be in town (I need to pick something up from one of their houses), so if I come clean now it’ll all look worse than it actually is.
All I need is this last time to give him back his stuff and get reliable sex from a guy I can count on to not murder me and that’ll be it. I just need a little bit of luck for us all not to run into each other in town, and then he’ll be gone and by the time I let it slip to my friends at some point in the future, I can either lie about the timeline or come clean and they won’t even care.
No. 1006304
>>1006297I don't wish to be tardwife, I want an equal partnership where both partners provide substance
>>1006294>>1006296I'm not calling Joan of Arc a subhuman, she likely didn't kill anyone and would have had ultra religious catholic views, she would have despised Dworkin even more then anyone for the sin of being a Jew
No. 1006400
>>1006233Nonna that's called being chivalrous, not sexist. Average women
are physically weaker and in inherent danger of being taken advantage of and harmed by men, if anything more men should be aware of this and treat women with care. It's just common sense to prefer to have a trusted male companion walk you home in the night instead of demanding to go alone.
No. 1006542
>>1006526Not even physical labor bc we have tools and machines that make the intensive labor part minimal. Lets be real they're not only useless but a cancer on this world.
>>1006529Even back in the day when "strong silent" thing was expected of them, they still drank and beat women. But honestly I'd rather be fucking beaten once in a while than have to put up with the constant "me me me! Look at me! Praise me! Listen to me! Wipe my emotional asshole! Waaaaaaa!!". If a woman isn't there to pay attention to a man does he even exist? I know a woman who's hubby divorced her and moved back in with his mommmy because his wife didn't constantly praise and stroke his ego like mommy does.
No. 1006606
>>1003196late but there are definitely people in my circle of social media (I just use instagram but rarely post) and there are some personal cows I share between 2 of my closest friends.
Just generally cringey people who overshare or this one girl in particular who's way too awkward to be doing tiktok dances but does them anyway and tries desperately to pull friends in who clearly don't want to be a part of it.
I was chatting about her to one of my close friends and she mentioned that there's probably so many people who have personal cows and share them between friends. I think if you're posting anything personal on social media you're bound to have someone send it to a friend to laugh at.
Sorry to worsen your fear and sage for blog posting but I felt it necessary.
No. 1006657
>>1006529but dont you think guys have feelings too?
I mean, I would want somebody I'm interested in to be balanced, not completely shut off but still strong?
>>1006557but is this really gender specific though
No. 1006667
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I swear, I look down on anons here that respond to obvious mood bait. You’re no better at responding to bait than /cgl/
No. 1006693
>>1006667I'm very conflicted because on the one hand I love seeing anons sperg out on obvious bait, it's hilarious, but it does get tiring seeing how dumb some nonnies can be. Unless they're responding to bait with further baiting??
I've literally gotten to the point where I take everything said on the internet with a grain of salt unless there's
valid proof. Browsing the internet has become much more fun as a result.
No. 1006837
>>1006820>is not not untrueplease swear to god to have him grant you some reading comprehension before you respond to another post again
>>1006825quoted it in my first post but Genesis 4:8-12
>>1006828No I'm talking about the part where Cain kills Abel and the earth is referenced as female
No. 1006845
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This is very hard to admit but this image awakened my sexuality.
No. 1006876
>>1006842God = Mother Earth = Foreign Element
Curse = Corruption
thank you for coming to my bible interpretation group, see you Sunday after next
No. 1007021
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>>1006845lmao anon, I haven't seen those in a long time. Tbh, I kind of hate those drawings because it pleases the 4chan scrotes. However, I would like to shake the hand of all the different fujos who makes those board ship. They never fail to derail a thread and infuriate them kek.
No. 1007059
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I can't take people who whine about getting ghosted by people they don't know well serious at all. I usually also ghost them for that.
No. 1007071
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There was a time when I was a kid that I took a really big shit in the toilet and forgot to flush after closing the lid, and later I heard my mom yelling at my dad and asking him why he didn't flush the toilet. He said that he didn't do it and that it was me and my mom said that it was too big to have come out of me…kek
No. 1007093
>>1007067Is it known who owns/operates Ovarit? I searched a tiny bit and came up with this link they suggest that Ovarit may be a psyop, which I think is interesting enough that I may x-post to tinfoil to see if anyone else has thoughts???
No. 1007239
>>1007093>>1007103I only know one of of the head admins, girl_undone
she's fair most of the times but can be very weird, like she goes between all men are trash to "we shouldn't hurt men's feelings uwu"
She's also really into Pagan shit and obsessed with the "Divine feminine energy" concept and I think she's made some anti-Semitic comments against Jewish radfems cause she thinks Yucky Abrahamic religions destroyed her glorious pagan world
No. 1007252
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>>1007034I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
No. 1007537
I have grown so callous, devoid of emotions and empathy with years. I remember myself crying over made up sad stories that my parents told me to troll me, believing everything I was told, being unable to watch characters getting in embarrassing situations in films because I felt as much embarrassment as they did, being affected by the mood of others while talking to them… And now I am the diametrical opposite of all those things: individualistic, not motivated by others' needs and stoically unaffected by all the events happening in my life. I feel like I have lost my humanity to be honest, being overly emotional was indeed very bothersome to my existence (especially given my propensity to rightful rage), but at the very least I could differentiate between right and wrong. Right now the only thing that sustains my morale is my "sense" of justice, or to be more precise the remnants of it, given that it is impossible to form any sort of coherent ethical system without basing it on one's subjective values. My main concern is not the lack of feelings per se, but the consequences of it, like the lack of meaning in life, desensitization to injustice and the erasure of my own individuality. I have never truly realized what a large part feelings have played in my life before. It was the thing that kept me going and now I don't know what to do.
No. 1007568
>>1007550Of course you're going to have similar interests and opinions to the people you surround yourself with, but that doesn't mean there's nothing special about you, or that you're interchangeable.
I really like being able to relate to a lot of farmers here, because it makes me feel less weird or alone. A lot of people in weeb/video game communities are either overly woke or NLOGs seeking male validation. Lolcow made me realize there's plenty of people sharing my opinions and interests, and I don't think it's a bad thing that discourse here helped me solidify my own standpoints and beliefs.
Of course I don't know you, but I doubt that lolcow influenced your traits that heavily. It seems more likely that you found similar-minded people here and naturally got along with them. Your traits and opinions aren't any less valuable or "you" just because there are others who share them.
No. 1007576
>>1007550I don't really think that posters on this site have much in common with each other tbh
source: constant infighting. It seems like the only unifying factor is a desire to partake in a community where you're allowed to id a male as a male
No. 1007584
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"What’s more, the Y chromosome has degenerated rapidly, leaving females with two perfectly normal X chromosomes, but males with an X and a shrivelled Y. If the same rate of degeneration continues, the Y chromosome has just 4.6m years left before it disappears completely. This may sound like a long time, but it isn’t when you consider that life has existed on Earth for 3.5 billion years.", the y chromosome is a defect and also it'll be gone eventually. happy holidays nonnies
No. 1007586
>>1007582lmao anon i told people dirty jokes i read in a magazine at a family reunion when i was like 5. i didn't even understand the punchlines, i just knew they were supposed to be funny
i don't find it cringy, looking back to it, it was hilarious
No. 1007591
>>1007550There are so many buzzwords in your post, i thought it was a copypasta from tiktok
>>1007584This makes me inmensely happy, and it's not bullshit like artificial wombs
No. 1007608
>>1007584You al realize that like… manmals have been around for 70 million years, and there are males and females of all mammals…? The exact number of chromosomes that a species has fluctuates easily.
Chimps and bolobos have different numbers of chromosomes from us even though our genes are 99% the same. Chromosomes are basically just how the genes are bundled in chunks, it doesn't actually matter that much and changes quickly in evolutuon. If the Y chromosme disappeared it would only be because the penis genes moved to a different chromosome. Penises will be around forever…like, snails have them. Get it together…
No. 1007650
>>1007622That's the point of my post, anon.
>>1007627It's not on purpose. I don't feel like I am appealing to the male gaze, I feel like it only matters to me what I think looks good. But I know that has been irreparably tied to what has been projected on me as a kid to like.
>>1007568I wouldn't say lolcow influenced me that much per se, I mean, even a lot of things I like don't have dedicated threads to them, but I feel in essence like most girls here could replace me. It's not a bad thing, as I enjoy being around similar people. It sucks I've never met another woman IRL who is similar to women on here. It just weirds me out. Like I don't understand how my boyfriend is meeting these super millennial type women in college (i e. their idea of being ultra online is just Twitter and tik tok, they like friends, Disney etc.) and not people like me because here I feel like I'm just 1 of many.
No. 1007913
>>1007537Have you experienced some kind of trauma in this time
nonnie? You sound like me but I know the reason I feel like this now is because of an
abusive relationship which completely shut me off from my emotions and empathy
No. 1008023
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I've been keeping tabs on a local attention-whoring cosplay troon who recent became a father and it's so hilarious how they've devolved back into a man and toned down on the degeneracy as soon as the baby was born, reality must've finally sunk in
No. 1008071
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This is a confession, a vent, and a question all at once: a few years ago I was doing very badly in many ways. Emotionally, private life, physically, academically, etc. but there was one guy I met at the final day of uni before summer that year who was REALLY nice to me, and selflessly helped me out with some academic stuff even though I was broken as a person. After that, I never saw him again. That sucked because I had instantly developed a crush. In all my pathetic glory, I perused his social media for a bit and discovered his gf and whatever else, etc. After a year I sent him another text to thank him for his help when I was in such a bad place, and he responded very kindly. Never spoke with him afterwards. Eventually, I felt I was being too creepy and stopped checking his stuff. However, last week, after not googling him for years, I looked him up again because I-don’t-know-why, and disovered that he’s single and… works in an office very close to my house.
I barely know this guy, met him only once. Don’t know what he’s really like. He’s probably already forgotten me. I would never visit his office. And yet I can’t stop thinking about him.
How pathetic/creepy am I? Is it normal to develop such an interest in someone because they were… nice? I feel like a freak.
No. 1008086
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just spent 2 hours reading through a guy i was friends with for half a year and haven’t spoken to in almost 2 years’ entire Reddit history just to satisfy my curiosity (i wanted to date him obviously). i’m in a relationship with a much better man but i couldn’t quell the urge to read his spergouts about salsa and penmanship.
oh also at the time i knew him i went to church to try and get in his pants because he is very Christian and i was extremely desperate for no good reason. it would never have worked because i am not a WASP. i literally just ghosted him after months because i embarrassed myself in front of him >15 times and i will never reach out to him because i am doing my best not to be a weird desperate broken individual. idk why autistic moids made (make) my motor run. closing the tab and forgetting… pray for me but not really
No. 1008130
>>1008120oh definitely, it never would have worked out unless i continued to LARP for the rest of our time together. it was a humbling experience to use every trick in the book and be redirected at every turn, like the universe was telling me “fuck off leave this man alone you’re no good for him”
even at this point i know if i get into contact again as a friend i will go berserker pickme mode and that is horrible, so i’ll just allow myself a brief what-if-we-had-met-in-a-universe-where-he-wasn’t-a-gigachristian fantasy every now and then until i get all the way over myself
No. 1008175
>>1008169I mean that's not really something you should be ashamed off, most people are attracted to their own racial group
Its not racist and only becomes racist when you start insulting others
No. 1008962
>>1008919It wasn't too hard since they (of course) had their Venmo listed on their profile. Take a look at their friends list, find a profile, look at recently liked pictures, and bam. Found the troon. It was actually harder to find the domain name of their company, but I think I did it.
Tomorrow I may just DM the company on Facebook directly (with a burner account of course).
It was a fun way to kill time. I encourage other nonnas to practice their detective skills and make society a better place if they are bored.
No. 1009361
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I cannot stop thinking about my 17 year old coworker I don’t think it’s that bad cause I’m 20, but those boney, veiny hands. And those spindley long limbs. He’s a buffoon and sort of a himbo. I get so excited when he comes in, idk what it is. He’s white and got long curley red, hair. His face is pretty plain. I think I’m in love but I’m honestly boy crazy. There aren’t a lot of white people here so I might just be biased cause of exotic ness,
No. 1009365
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im basically going through opioid withdrawls right now and have had the thought of wanting a man in my bed for the first time in over a year just so he could crush me with his weight and i could stop tweaking out enough to get some sleep
No. 1009455
>>1009446There are some genuinely scary people on here, this is unfortunately just one of many creeps that outed themselves here.
Keep this in mind when connecting through the Friend Finder thread.
You don't want to be their next target.
No. 1009514
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>>1009510Thanks for the kek, anon, for a moment I thought you were talking about cows as in the animal. Next time I shit all I'll be thinking about it cute baby cows.
No. 1009520
>>1009510Nonna my baby brother went through horrible years of this, and the best advice I can give is take coffee or laxatives, (not extremely powerful ones; look for more gentle ones) , and make the bathroom nice. For him, it was having a toy by the toilet, or a cool night light.
For you, it can be a nice candle or a good toilet seat replacement. Then when you’re pooping you can think of the shitty (pun intended) moments or cows of your choice and flush it away. Sometimes noise can be a sensitive factor too. The kid prefers to sing or hum, but maybe starting some music before the deed will help.
Most likely your poop problem stems from a hard situation in your childhood year when you are potty training. I myself have a stress reaction with my bladder I don’t think I’ll ever quite fix. Hope this helps.
I once gave the kiddo a pep talk and it ended with “I BELIEVE IN YOU (name) !! YOU CAN POOP ON YOUR OWN! YOU CAN WIPE YOUR OWN ASS TOO! Now get in there and STINK IT UP”.
And he hopped up with confidence and said “I CAN wipe my own butt!! YEEAHHHHH!”
No. 1009525
Slightly related, I find that a lot of people have their own rituals connected to shitting, so that's not unusual. Reminds me of anorexics and their food rituals. Things that need to be fullfilled/done just a certain way so they can eat/shit in peace.
No. 1009588
>>1009579SoooooooooooOooo many people I know just want to whine and play the
victim, good on you for working on your health!
I don’t trust therapist though, since I’ve worked at a private office. A lot of confidentiality breeches with gossip. I hope you get what you need and find better friends!
No. 1010219
>>1009945Thank you for giving me empathetic reply, nona. I appreciate it.
We've had so many talks but it only helped a bit. I cannot teach him how to not be a fucking slob that I have to baby when I want a fully realized man who will take care of me. Letting go seems like the only option, but it's breaking my heart because of everything we've shared and still do and how we feel about each other. We are each other's life and the closest people.
I'm horrified he will take away our pet because he is in it's papers, even though he doesn't like taking care of it. The pet was my dream and ongoing autistic obsession.
All of this makes me want to kill myself because I don't see a solution that isn't fucking awful in some way
No. 1010266
>>1010231Diff anon but I have a pattern of staying in relationships even when I deep down know they're doomed. For once in my life I'd like to be the person who walks away from things when it's clear as day it'll end one way or another. I have moments where I miss my exes but more than that… I mourn the extra years I wasted by hanging on in there. I could've moved on by now. I could've missed out on something better. I felt tied in by the time I already invested and in the end all that did was cost me more time.
I see alot of anons posting when they're in the middle of that predicament, hits home. It's no way to live.
No. 1010339
>>1010334Kek they are just in various /g/ threads like plastic surgery and the body type ones
No. 1010979
Also what about Roger Waters? David only headed 3 albums. The band sounds wildly different album to album regardless.
No. 1011327
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>>1011315I've done something like this before when living with housemates, think I peed into an old paper coffee cup.
Back when I lived with my parents I discovered my dad would pee in the kitchen sink rather than walk upstairs to the bathroom at night… I always was amazed at how he just never peed for hours down there while drinking cups of tea. I caught him but he doesn't know that I know…
No. 1011331
>>1011322The instant a scrote complains about child support or gets excited about no longer having to pay for it, they're pathetic deadbeat losers to me. The ones who actively avoid paying it are actual irredeemable scum. Boo fucking hoo, you have financial obligations to your child like every other parent. How tf are you gonna act like a
victim for doing the bare minimum? They'd have a heart attack if they realise how much my dad spends on me purely out of love and generosity with nobody to force him.
No. 1011336
>>1011331>They'd have a heart attack if they realise how much my dad spends on me purely out of love and generosity with nobody to force him.bit unrelated but as someone with a deadbeat dad who was super happy to have child support fuck off, seeing others with these fathers who didn't want them to even
work in favor of accepting gifts and shit had me so surprised.
No. 1011347
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no confession just thought this pic fits the thread
No. 1011632
>>1011315Why couldn't you empty the cup outside, or in the toilet, or literally anywhere
except the sink
No. 1011758
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I’m afraid I’m unable to lose weight in a healthy and non-psychotic way that WONT consume me and ruin my mood.
But I’m gaining weight and I’m equally worried that I’ll just stay fat instead of losing the few lbs like I always do.
I have been using food as a crutch, and I’m fully aware of it.
No. 1011896
>>1011632The bathroom was taken up and I wasn't going to sit with a brimming cup of piss on my desk. Opening the door would've been too conspicuous.
>>1011649I didn't clean it with bleach, just dish soap and now I can't tell which is the piss glass, but I should've.
This morning a similar situation happened. Bursting for toilet, sister was 10 minutes into a bath so I went downstairs to get a glass to piss in. She was out soon and I didn't, but I think I crossed a boundary I can't go back from.
No. 1012122
>>1011896People say urine is sterile but it can contain e coli and other bacteria, especially if you already have symptoms like urgency that can indicate an underlying infection.
I had a pretty bad uti lately and I was suddenly very turned off at the memory of an ex of who was into.. stuff. It's not always sterile, you don't always pick up on utis immediately so be mindful about the possibility of e coli in it.
No. 1012177
>>1011896Sometime I wake up and have to pee, immediately. There’s been a few times where I’ve had to grab a cup because there’s one bathroom and my bladder is the size of a child’s.
I understand the struggle. I always feel so shameful after, but also you gotta do what you gotta do. Also, why dump In the kitchen sink? Outside in the grass or in the toilet makes the most sense sanitation wise
No. 1012357
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>>1012347Samefag, Googled it, it's utter bs lmao:
>Users take a sexual personality quiz to assess their sexual style, and receive a "personality type" (e.g. "The Adventurer") describing how they are in relationships and in the bedroom.
>Based on their results, they will then receive a series of videos, podcasts, and motivational phrases that cater to their specific sexual needs — free for a week, then $9.99 a month, or $59.99 a year. No. 1012671
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I disagree with her and feel terrible
No. 1012712
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I actually really like that sticker journal that everyone in the consoom thread is shitting on. I want to try something like that some day, I hate writing in those things.
Also I secretly hoard snacks in my room because I'm tired of my family stealing shit and eating everything within a day. They don't care if you put your name on it either. Then there's the ones who rarely clean their hands so once they dig through a bag of chips or box of cereal (they never pour it in a bowl) it's tainted.
No. 1012782
>>1012671Maybe she feels a sense of betrayal towards maxwell? She trusted maxwell, naxwell was the one who recruited her in the first place and made things happen. Epstein just sat there fiddling with his egg shaped dick. She also joined in the abuse on occasion. I find eggstein to be more evil too but if Virginia or other
victims don’t see it like that, I can see why.
No. 1013339
>>1012774It doesn’t sound healthy to want to be beaten up, even if it’s by a girl. You might need to ask yourself what happened to make you like that stuff. Plus, at least you know your gf loves you.
Everything is hotter after abstinence. Do not view explicit material, touch yourself or anyone else for a month. Then everything will become spicy again. It’s a good test of self control.
No. 1013591
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I don't care if this is a raw display of consoomerism or mental illness I love this decor. At least it's husbandos and not some weird scrote anime
No. 1013651
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I like this style of clothing I'm sorry. No I'm not a zoomer. I don't even buy these clothes, I'm too trashy and uncultured to pull it off. I just daydream about wearing it in cozy and gloomy settings and save a bunch of images like it.
No. 1013685
>>1013665nta but my guess is because it's that "dark academia" aesthetic. Zoomers love creating all sorts of ~*~*aesthetic*~*~ boxes
I love the look too though. I want to find some nice wool pieces.
No. 1013735
>>1013685its just a put together ans refined look lmao i dont think its any kind of subculture…
also wtf is dark academia??? dumbest shit ever and its the second time ive heard the term today
No. 1013804
>>1013651Were you also a teenager in the early 2010s? I dressed like the bottom in 2012, and dress like the top row now. I don't think this style is exclusively zoomer.
Also, unrelated confession: there are some things my friend does that remind me of Pixielocks and I'm scared.
No. 1013861
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Sometimes, I wish I was just 2 months younger when we had sex just so it could be counted legally as statutory rape. I know it wouldn't change a single thing except that I'd be 16 while he was 30 as if it does anything. But at least, I'd have a way to justify why I'm still, many many years later, so affected by it, even though really, it was just sex. Or maybe I'm just overexaggerating a simple bad sexual experience to the point I am making it worse for me myself. Self-sabotage. I know it's such a miniscule thing and I hate myself so much for making it so big in my head. Maybe I just have hangups about sex. People are going through worse shit, hell, I have gone through worse shit than that but lord, I wish I wasn't so mentally unwell at that age. I can't believe I actually licked his hairy asshole and let him pee on me, the fact that he even wanted me to do it, why the fuck did I do it?
No. 1014261
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>>1014255Rest In Peace. I will pray for you.
No. 1014355
>>1014286I tried to be cool and cultured once, it was boring as fuck and life is too short for me to be reading, watching and listening to shit that I don’t give a fuck about.
Sometimes it’s better to know the basics of such things, then, whenever someone tells you that you should totally listen to this sooper cool underground artist that nobody but that person and their mom listens to, you can be like “been there, done that, yawned all the time”
No. 1015327
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I really, really love the original Dragon Ball, despite all of its perversion. It sort of makes up for it by always punishing the pervert in some humiliating or painful way, but I'm not going to say it doesn't still bother me. But at least Goku is innocent and pure. The show is just so cozy and funny. The music is amazing and although the animation budget is obviously pretty small, they make it work and manage to create some really beautiful shots and the environments are always gorgeous and saturated with warm colors. I love Bulma, I love how unapologetically assertive and loud she is, the fact that she's a literal genius, and she's so stylish too.
No. 1015348
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I hate bitches that judge people's media tastes. I like highbrow and lowbrow shit and people like you are the reason I can't find anyone genuine to talk about the highbrow stuff with. Liking both is fine. Who gives a fuck, just let me stop finding posers who won't sperg with me and then think I'm a snob kek.
No. 1015379
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>>1015361all weeb flavors are bad tastes, I don't really care though so long as it's not gross moidshit. Here have a different flavor
No. 1015402
>>1015379Who are the top 2, they're pretty.
Bottom is average over designed anime rpg protag
No. 1015421
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>>1015398oh no not embarrassing! oh noooo
No. 1015463
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i've been trapped in this fuckers theme park since march 2020, been on every ride multiple times, bought every souvenir, eaten enough to where I've puked, and the only thing I can't locate is the fucking exit. get me out of here
I can't tell if it's satire or desperation at this point when I say that? is there an exit? is there an end to this?
No. 1015484
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>>1015478the mr. bones in question
No. 1015518
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I guess wanna dress what my early 10s teenage self wasn't able to do. Even if its not my taste anymore.
No. 1015527
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there's good variants and remakes of it too. i love this fucking painting. even if I can't unsee that strapping skeleton as a metaphor
he will wrap his bony tendrils around me one day
No. 1015561
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>>1015518I went full Effie/shorts over tights harajuku shop employee in my early 20s and I regret nothing.
No. 1015592
>>1015541I swear I could have written this. Selective mutism as a child, was punished for it at home and school which made me shut down more, diaspora immigrant so I could not practice my native language with anyone but my
toxic family.
No. 1015602
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>>1015561I still wear shorts over tights, I still wear jeggings, hoop earrings, and black UGGs with the ribbon, yes I'm a cheugy millennial but God damnit I finally got a little fit this past year and I wanna relive my early fashion desires out to the fullest
No. 1015638
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I succumbed to gachashit again. and lost pathetically, rip 20 dollaronis for literally nothing
No. 1015794
>>1015662How is that supporting sexism? You sound retarded, I said i didn't support trannies. I might be a degen but this is an olympic worthy stretch
>>1015671Way ahead of you friend. Straps for life.
>>1015703To be fair it isn't, they aren't real and are supposed to be actual women that happen to have dicks. Trannies are men, born male and always will be. They're gross. You couldn't even show me one good looking tranny that both passes and is mentally stable because they do not exist.
No. 1015965
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Forgive me, for I am but a retard seeking amusement. I love to incite the inner sacred seethening of my fellow black nonnitarias. Their quickness provide me with entertainment when LC slows or is nearly dead. Help me overcome the glee I get when I witness the petty infighting. The instant dopamine hit isn't worth it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAsrry
No. 1015987
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Classically, I am a borgerfag.
No. 1016010
>>1015995Well I'm sorry people bullied you for such a retarded reason anon
>>1016007Calm down, people have been starting infights about eye color the last couple of days, I'm just wary of bullshit.
No. 1016044
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When will you blue-eyed faggots finally calm down?
No. 1016080
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I've lost a lot of weight and my body has become unbearable to look at. I don't know how to accept having small yet very saggy breasts at the age of 22. The idea of being touched by a man makes me want to puke because i know i would just serve as a hole for them to masturbate into. i hate my life
No. 1016091
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>>1016084thank you,
nonnie, you sound nice. i don't want to come across as overtly self deprecating but i really believe men don't care about women at all aside from using their bodies. men truly are trash
No. 1016121
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>>1016091men being trash and acting like it doesn't mean you're just a masturbation tool for them
nothing wrong with losing weight or saggy breasts, hope you feel better sometime anon
No. 1016131
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>>1016121love you,
nonnie, i hope you have a nice year, i would write a heart emoji if it wasn't a bannable offense
No. 1016152
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>>1016091Replying to an image of a based queen with another based queen
No. 1016181
>>1016166I get you, sometimes I wish I could just get cute toys, like a Barbie house or something like that, and play with some small Pokémon figurines like when I was a kid. Or that I could just buy some of those cute animal figurines that got pretty houses and such.
But idk, I feel like playing with toys isn’t the same once you stop feeling the magic? Something like that, I tried playing with some random toys I had while cleaning up some years ago, I was already 20 years old, and it just was impossible, I just couldn’t get into it like when I was a kid and would play with a single toy for hours.
No. 1016452
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I have a thing for mena/menasa men to the point it’s getting embarrassing. There’s a few reasons (including the fact that I hate soy boys and I’ve met far less soy mena men than I have soy white or east asian guys) but also because they’ll try harder to impress white girls because they think it’s a personal triumph to pull one. They especially love to compliment my skin, and after spending all of high school being teased for how pale I am and having guys tell me I couldn’t be their gf unless I started fake tanning, having guys be attracted to me not in spite of my skin but partially because of it does something to me.
It’s all fun and games until I remember all the dark skinned mena women these guys have probably shit on in their life for the same uncontrollable physical trait that they put me on a pedestal for. Hoping this is just a phase and it’s over soon, because I don’t think I could handle having a mideastern mother-in-law, especially knowing how many of these guys are total mommas boys.
No. 1016520
>>1016461>>1016465It's really not that depressing imo. Men are taught and encouraged to develop and maintain negative and harmful traits. Considering that their behavior, culture, and actions affect the trajectory and life paths of most, if not all women and girls (especially slightly off-kilter online girls deluded about general male mental health viability and their typical set of overall ethics) I think they should be made aware of this where-ever possible.
I interact perfectly fine with men plenty but recognize their issues and I know how to deal with my disappointment with a culture that values dysfunction. I support MH/PP related spaces on the basis of their pure subversiveness, value for venting, and ability to peak women who might otherwise continue ignore the harmful behaviors and actions from men that they are conditioned to ignore. It doesn't mean you have to read or interact with the threads 24/7 or anywhere close to it, just like anything else in life.
No. 1016790
>>1016520>It's not really that depressingYes it is. Reading stories about how men abuse/murder/sexually assault women and that they would do the same to you if they could is really depressing. Being constantly reminded that a huge chunk of men are pedophiles is depressing. Being reminded that even decent men don't have much empathy for women is depressing. And that's not even all of it.
>It doesn't mean you have to read or interact with the threads 24/7 or anywhere close to it, just like anything else in life.… I know it doesn't, which is why I choose not to visit 2X much anymore. I never said someone was forcing me to use it. Idk what your problem is.
No. 1017016
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Bump Anon, I'm sorry for telling you to kill yourself. While what you have been doing is annoying and I have noticed that you have gotten smarter by just replying to random anons without saying anything and not sageing. However I should not have said that to you and should have instead just ignored and reported you. The last couple of months have not been good to me and I should not have taken my frustrations and out on you and on others that in hindsight I could have done thing differently.
I'm sorry.
No. 1017084
>>1017071>If those threads were to comebackthe PP thread did come back, it's on 2X yeah I'm somewhat prone to mental instability, that's why I stopped using it. thinking too long on that stuff can be pretty damaging, like you said
No. 1017286
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I sent nudes to two guys when I was 18-19 and I also had sex with one of them twice despite not really being in a relationship with them. I sent all my stuff on snapchat but I know that they might have saved some of it and the thought of it just really depresses me and I'm so embarrassed about what I did that now I feel like I should just die alone
No. 1017339
>>1017286Everyone does something retarded at some point, I sent nudes to like 3 people when I was 21 and then again when I was 23, but I don’t really care, as long as you don’t show your face nor have some really specific tattoos, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
And you can just try finding a non-permanently online guy.
No. 1017525
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>>1013651lol this is actually how I dress, you're fine
As for my confession…… I did it, I fucked my ex. It's been 3 years since we were together, and our relationship was
abusive and
toxic. Since then we've barely kept contact apart from a drink once or twice. Both of those times I still felt uncomfortable. I watched him in both those times shifting and changing into the man I knew he could be. He came from an
abusive background and as such when we dated he didn't know how to accept anyone's love or care. This isn't an excuse, he really damaged me and made me lose my trust in men for years. He knows this too. However after a recent tragedy I met up with him for dinner and something had changed. It's been over a year since I'd seen him, and he seemed calm. Relaxed, uninhibited. He was softer, he listened to me. He's been going to therapy for a while now, is back in school and on meds for both depression and adhd.
On top of it all, he knows how much he's hurt me. He told me he could never forgive himself for the way he treated me. It was bizarre, it felt like I was speaking to a much more fully realised person.
When we kissed it felt mutual, I no longer felt like I was giving into him. We did sleep together, but given the SSRIs it didn't last long. What felt better was lying on his naked body again. In all the relationships I've had since us it never felt quite the same. He felt safe, but not because he was someone I'd been with before, just that he'd proved himself to be a growing, developing human being.
>inb4 don't get back togetherWe won't. Neither of us are looking for a relationship right now. We're both quite happy being single, growing as people. We have different paths at the moment, but part of me does believe that we'll find our way back to each other, better people and more grown than we've ever been.
I don't believe everyone's capable of such change, and I'd understand why people would be sceptical. But my gut feeling is telling me this is a good thing, and it's usually quite on point.
No. 1017586
>>1017525I'm glad he's (seemingly) improved nona. I agree that it's very rare
abusive men change. Lundy Bancroft states that less than 7% do, and that's only with therapy and a continued desire to improve. That being said,
abusive men need real consequences (like their partner leaving) and time to consider the cruelty of their actions, and it seems your ex has had both. It would be different if it had only been a few months and he hadn't done jack all to work on himself during that time, but based on your comments it seems he's genuinely improved himself and his life. As someone who has had a similar experience with an ex, please just continue to monitor his behavior and stay safe. We didn't get back together either, but finally seeing more of the person I'd hoped he could be and enjoying some of the old intimacy sans the gaslighting and rage was nice.
No. 1017588
>>1017544Nonnie, I’m glad you called.
Keep posting here. We are here for you.
You should not feel shame. If you could could talk to the 9 year old version of yourself, what would you say? Honestly.
No. 1017594
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>>1017586Thank you for that really mature response nona, it seems we're on the same page. I agree with you it's very rare to see this kind of change, and I can also see how our experience was unique in that I was his first relationship, which imo is easier to break bad habits from than say, if he had done this to previous women.
But thank you for your advice, I'll be sure to stay safe and alert.
No. 1017635
>>1017544I don't know what you've been through but it sounds heavy, and I wish you didn't have to carry that burden alone.
You can't blame the 9 year old self for that, but you can look after her and listen to her. Sometimes you have to be your own mommy. When you were younger, going through dark times, what did you need? To be listened to? Comforted? Write all your hurtful thoughts out if you can, make yourself homemade meals, take long baths if that's your thing, just imagine you're looking after the 9 year old you. And good job for calling the line, and for telling us how hard it had been. It is very brave to keep going every day when you don't want to, and I'm proud of you.
I really hope you remember your dreams and things you wanted out of life. I hope you get to go to the places you wanted to go to, learn things you wanted to learn, meet friends, and find your strength. I know things are going to get better for you soon and we are rooting for you.
No. 1017645
>>1017286chica, I sent nudes WITH MY FACE IN THEM to my long distance bf over email when I was 19, you're not alone
>>1017639you can't just say that and leave us hanging, show us the art
No. 1017717
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Today on my walk home from work I took a detour so I could catch a pokemon. I looked up at the sky and knew it was about to piss rain. I knew that this pokemon would be the difference between me getting home dry or getting drenched the whole way back.. my life is really that empty right now. I caught the thing and got soaked right through as expected.
Pixels on a screen, awe yeah.
No. 1017748
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>>1017682>>1017683>>1017689>>1017692>>1017693I love you all nonnies, I wish I could meet you! I'm not even a hikineet nor completely socially retarded, I even have friends, I just want to find some more like-minded people to sperg about interests. I'm used to do things on my own and I don't really mind, but I want to meet new people. I'm going to a niche event in a few weeks (live reading of an epic poem), hopefully I'll be able to break out of my she'll and talk with some people.
No. 1017750
>>1017740nonna i tried to catch the tard waves but i couldn't pick anything up noo
i sometimes wish could have meetups so we wouldn't resort to telepathy but that would be a disaster kek
No. 1018057
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I have a few transgender friends who upset me and cut me off (I’m BPDfag and it was probably mostly my fault), I began talking about them in therapy and when asked what their names were I deadnamed them and used the wrong pronouns.
No. 1018089
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I use this website to get my life together. As in, I have to imagine a bunch of farmers critiquing and nitpicking me as motivation. So I imagine stuff like
>eww, she didn't hoover her bedroom floor, trampy
So I make myself clean
>She lacks respect for her mother, such bpd
(idk what it really means to be 'bpd' but it makes me ashamed to be rude)
>Wow, she didn't study? She is never going to get that qualification to get into uni! Stripper arc when?
and then I study more
>She doesn't know you need to sleep enough or you get nasolabial folds kek
>ah she is finally practicing her instrument, very based
I know it's kind of sad but it has helped me progress in life a little more
No. 1018138
>>1017885>>1017907>>1018045Trying to snap out of a celebrity obsession and it's v much not easy. How can I redirect my withdrawal and frustration in a healthy, sane way? How do I rid myself of this hefty load? I'm not spending any money and it's not financially ruining me, but I live with the mental pain of it. The way I show my fanaticism is a coping mechanism. I had weird ways of showing it. Did some things I should not have.
I don't know how to move on, if I'm ready to. If the pandemic had never happened I wouldn't be here. I would've been graduated by now. I would've been in the industry itself. I would've succeeded. I don't want to be defined by this. It doesn't own me. I want to stop seeing him as a hallucination who pushes me over the edge. I shouldn't be terrified. it's not him, it's my conscious. I am not going to be held hostage by my future anymore. Reminding myself he's just another human being.
No. 1018159
>>1018153people do that with western celebrities too, not as commonly but it happens
lots of stans are mentally ill
No. 1018162
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Tbh I can’t tell the difference between high-quality clothing and low-quality clothing because my wardrobe is 80% H&M and Primark, and have lasted me roughly 5-8 years. Idk what people mean when they say ‘H&M’s clothes barely last a year’ because I’ve somehow managed to make that stuff last a decent amount of time. Maybe my standards for what looks ‘worn-out’ are high, and maybe I’m just wearing clothes that look ratty to other people without realizing because I honestly don’t care about stuff like pilling on sweaters. I’m not even particularly good at taking care of my clothes aside from the bare minimum and don’t know how to repair/alter clothes. I’ve also bought more expensive ‘vintage’ clothes, thinking that they’ll last me longer, but either ripped easily or have to be treated in a specific way to look good. Since I can’t tell the difference, I’ll probably just buy second-hand cheap clothes
No. 1018171
>>1018165Fan is more normal, simply just something you like and are into but to a limit I'd say.
Stan comes from the Eminem song 'Stan' about a crazy obsessive fan. Crazy obsessive twitterfags pretty much.
Celebrity crush is self explanatory is it not? Just a celebrity you have a crush on but not to true extent of being a stan.
At least that's how I see it.
No. 1018175
Ever since I was like 10, I've been infatuated and obsessed with girls that embody what I've always wanted to be. Pretty, liked, nice, smart.
Friends, models, actresses, k-pop idols, singers, anyone that fits that description.
It's an admiration, I just feel the need to keep up with their lives (when it comes to celebrities), see and save their pictures, watch their interviews to see their mannerisms, read what the people think of them. There's some jealousy, definitely, and it's actually painful, now that I think about it, to be so invested in their lives while I waste mine. I just always find a new celebrity I'd like to be and I live vicariously through her, by watching her live her own life.
I wonder if I should seek professional help for this, I don't do anything creepy but it's just not good for me.
No. 1018206
>>1018158thank goodness someone else does the exact same cringe thing as me, bless you nonna
No. 1018225
>>1018159Funny thing is I used to always look down on stans of western celebs and never was obsessed with one but then I became a kpop stan.
I blame my loneliness and depression but I know that's a major cope
No. 1018226
>>1018089Your post brought back primal memories of the
nonny that posted a picture of a couch she had repeatedly stabbed. A lot of anons thought she was insane because it wasn't for any deep reason, she was getting rid of it and just decided to thoroughly murder it beforehand for the hell of it. I got it though, that sort of catharsis. I love her and hope she is doing well.
No. 1018271
>>1018225as the recovering western celeb fan I wouldn't judge you for your kpop standom, the two are similar enough sides of the same coin. one industry pushes parasocial relations more, but all celebs rely on an image and stans attach themselves to portions of their fav's persona. there is comfort in familiarity, and a lot of people literally see themselves in their favorite idols or celebrities.
thought as a western stan I was above the kpop insanity, now I'm realizing I was no better. distancing yourself from it isn't easy, I'm learning that. considering I actually want to be in the industry in some capacity I'm scared of running into this celeb when I get there, but I have to be above where I am now. I am better than this. The reason I was the way I was was me hurting mentally, I know I can't wind the clock back and stop myself from doing it. Trying to make something out of my pain and not look at it as wasted time. Trying to make something artful of me getting over it too. Just good to know I'm not the only one who's felt this way
No. 1018285
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Yesterday I was venting about how for years I've had bleeding during sex, done all I can do to try and find out why. Frustrated to hell over the dead end I've reached.
I bought myself a fucking butt plug today because I refuse to fully give up on ever having internal play but I also know pretty modest dildos have been enough to set it off… I really think it's my cervix that I need to just not hit. Plugs and other butt toys were the only toys I could see that were short enough to maybe not set it off.. that and they don't encourage much thrusting so getting carried away is less likely? idk Wish me luck when my not-even-for-buttplay-butt-plug arrives. I will find a way.
No. 1018299
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My niece has left me on read now since we last met on Christmas and it's really weird because she always replied me. I don't know if it's because I made a joke about her having an "emo moment" because she was broody at a trip we did or if I did anything else wrong, or maybe it's just that she's in her first teenage year and she wants to distance herself from the adults or whatever.
It kinda hurts though, not gonna lie lol I gave her a customized Blythe doll for Christmas and I was looking forward to exchange with her some clothing shops and sewing tutorials. Also japanese books, since she wanted to learn. Oh well, I hope she answers back, someday.
No. 1018318
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On the topic of being an obsessive fan, I was a huge fan of a visual kei band towards the end of my highschool years and all throughout my time in college. I had ended my first relationship and was very suicidal because of it, so I threw myself into this band and told myself that I would wait until I saw them live, then would see if I wanted to kill myself kek. I studied abroad just so I could see them. It made me feel like the ~*most devoted fan*~ to sorta put my life in their hands.
Well, it's been many years since I've seen them and I'm pretty happy with my life now, so I guess that decision wasn't all for naught. Still dumb but I was a cringey teenager so seems pretty par for the course.
No. 1018365
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>>1018331ेधंक ेरामह नोप हेद ेव ष्रघंस ेक िशार ीद हाक
ैह ाचब रऔ यमस कए ीभअ ंेमसउ रऔ ैह ातजब राब ईक ोज लुगिब हव
ैह डंउास नयिपंैच ोज ैह ातआ रप जावआ ीरेम हय मइाट नेव हाक
मग मेड नोप नर नाव्ग तंाद ेवए, ंीहन नौक रऔ
ैह ानसीप ाक ंोतंाद रऔ मताम रऔ ानोर ंेम लॉह संाड हय
No. 1018466
>>1018394you did what you did to survive. there's parts of it I don't regret as much. I'm sure it'll always shadow me. I think the most important thing I'd like to put out there is that I never meant any harm. seeing stans say disgusting things in public, and researching into celebrity stalkers, I realized there was no way in hell I'd let it escalate. I was crazy but I meant no imposition, no matter how selfish I was. To think I lapped up the idea of attention at one point, how I wanted to be noticed, and now I'd take it all back. Witnessing stans desperation at their most direct. The callousness is so offputting if you have the ability to feel a lick of embarrassment.
I too wish I were a different person, that I know who I was well enough to establish my own self and not to hinge on an unstable human who'd strangle me to death if he found out what I was doing. And I wouldn't blame him. I would want to hurt me too. none of this strayed me away from self harming behavior. It's easy to look back on yourself in the past at the person you were. I'd like to think it wasn't all in vain and that components of the obsession can still be used for good. Pieces of it still mean something to me, independent of the celebrity's identity. I can make something of my pain, is what I keep telling myself. but it's hard, it's so so hard.
No. 1018502
>>1018477Yeah I still very much enjoy kpop as a music genre and engage mildly in stalking fan sperging now but my time stalking stan twitter obsessively was hell. Western stan twitter wasn't much less unhinged than kpop twt and had its own problems. kpop twt has its underage carrd kids and western twt has that and some infantizing, childish adults. oppar did nothing wrong ain't exclusive to Korean media. The way some stans adamantly insisted they knew the celebrities or stalked celebs family members strikes me as unwell. I still really enjoy movies, television, film, interviews, and music, and I love gossip, just can't stand when it gets too serious and unhinged. I was in it for my own pleasure and talking to other people was okay, until I realized how some of them were seriously bothering the celebs they fanned over. All this firsthand made me take a step back from the ledge I was about to leap off of myself when it came to stanning. stanning a moid is always a bad idea, when he's a member of an industry where everyone shares the same five stds. I realized I just wanted to enjoy the celebrities and media for its middling amusement, not every deep and salacious allegation of their personal lives. I love mess, I don't love mess when it means I can in my mind no longer like anything
why can we not enjoy things in peace without it being about obsessive records or aesthetics or having to like every singer or songwriter and be constantly hyperaware of their flaws. the problem is you can't know everything about everyone. spoken as a gossip mongrel and a former borderline stalker, there's no point in it. human beings make media, and human beings are flawed. why did some of us ever actively choose to put other human beings on a pedestal like that and forget how to enjoy what they were putting out? when did records and the number of streams and pitting musical acts against one another start to replace the lackadaisical fun? loneliness and sadness I guess. I've never gotten the capitalistic and cutthroat competitive part of musical artist fandom, I listen to what I want and hope they get a little money for it, it's not that deep. as obsessive as I've gotten the one side I will never understand is the capitalistic, money driven bend and the extent people will go to to amass hoards of crap thinking it'll somehow make them the best fan
No. 1018506
>>1018477Let's not act like those parasocial relationships aren't by design and the fans are just unhinged for no good reason. Cultivating a huge fanbas of crazy stans is the ultimate goal of an idols existence, it's facilitated and encouraged because they are the ones with deep pockets and loyalty to their favs.
I feel bad for idols because the stalking gets extreme and often legitimately dangerous but the majority of their obsessive fans aren't actually that harmful, they do a lot for their reputation/status as celebs, and fund their lifestyles.
No. 1018511
>>1018506some of the k-moids end up taking advantage of fans themselves. actually most moid celebs do, even in the instance when they could have a woman of equal social standing.
they'll target female fans or non entertainers of lesser social status. why else? they have power over them.
god I wish I could just be fully into girls, why the fuck are men so awful
No. 1018530
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>>1018322Thanks, anon! She liked mine so much when she came to visit, so me and her mother decided to gift one to her. She even looks a bit like her, as intended, so she could project herself and her fashion style onto her! Also during that same visit, I put my yukata on her and she was so happy, so I thought that showing her a doll yukata video tutorial would get a reaction out of her, but.. left on read again lol hopefully she's not mad, maybe she just have a lot of school work since her classes are back?
>>1018341It's from a japanese book called "Neko no Kisekae Nuigurumi", where it teaches you how to make the cute cat dolls and their clothes! I love those japanese craft books, there's also a lot for just sewing doll clothes, which I am always using.
No. 1018592
>>1018556the closest people who know are my friends and therapist, and they don't know the fullest extent. as for the rest, my family will shame or a find a way to institutionalize me for it, so I've given up on telling them. I have a long history of abuse in my past from so many sources. they don't and have never cared about me except when I'm a weighty hindrance. do you get along with your mom? you're not a failure to your family because of this, it's very difficult to tell your family about your mental health without the fear of judgment, especially when it surrounds something as stupid seeming as this. people think it's some inconsequential journey. it's like someone dragged me through the mud. at the end of it all you're not sure you can take another step, but you keep on living. like the fuck else am I supposed to do?
i tried to od on painkillers in july and have had 10+ relapses since january 2021 but I swear I'm fine, right?how do you calmly explain to someone that stanning a fucking celeb too hard caused you mental duress? the nightmares of escaping your idealism? how do you reconcile the pain it causes you? for people who don't understand they're gonna treat u like a lunatic. me and you may understand another, most of the world doesn't. there are some things only you feel obligated to know or hide out of embarrassment. I'd like to think of myself as someone who's adamant. Who's too truthful. this is the one I've kept buried inside me. from most of the world. this is the one I hate myself for. It's not even about him anymore, or the truths, half truths, rumors, perhaps lies, it's the fallout. knowing he's a celebrity I wish he'd get cancelled so I never have to see his fucking face again, and have a
valid reason to dismiss him, but I don't want to wish ill upon anyone. no matter how much of a dick he is, does he deserve to lose that? There's still a sad part of me that admired him, and wanted to be the underdog who succeeded like he did, in an industry where nepo brats ride high. There's still a sad part of me that thinks I might even be like him, and that's why I liked him so much. I know it's all me, myself, and I. I need to get over this, but I'm dying inwardly knowing that not everything I did was bad, I didn't mean harm, I wasn't as stalkerish as some other fans, and yet I still feel like a crippling, psychologically unstable failure, who's going to be ruined before she even gets a chance to succeed
and am currently sick for physical reasons so doubling down on my self hatred.
if you trust your mom I'd admit to her you're depressed, without saying the reason if you can. if you don't want to or y'all don't have a good relationship I also completely understand. have a good cry, maybe take a bath, listen to some music. I jot down and vent out my feelings when I'm under duress. I'm spiraling out myself with the head cold and dissociation pain. you're not a bad person, nona, I hope you know that. This has been a very hard last two years, and not the trajectory anyones wanted or asked for. I really do wish you all the best and hope you feel better
♥︎ No. 1018593
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I want to post in the friendfinder thread to find some cool nonettes to sperg about movies and dumb internet shit with but I’m deathly afraid of stalker scrotes and I’m probably too old for most people here anyways..
No. 1018629
>>1018623>it also feels weird feeling attraction to these 3d shits but still hating the hollywood industry at the same timenah that's normal and you should remain pinkpilled, they ain't shit. neither are normal men for that matter.
also hello fellow reformed weeb.
No. 1018778
>>1018730so celebs
do post here…spill the show
No. 1018804
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I was just at my distant-ish relatives house for the holidays after almost a full year of being a complete recluse. I had only packed skirts but really wanted to ride a bike around their neighborhood so I thought I'd risk it and so I put on a long skirt for modesty's sake. As I started riding down the driveway my aunt and uncle happened to come out the front door and stare and whisper about me like I was retarded. I tried to be funny about the bike and weirdly long skirt by saying, "Do I look like the wicked witch of the west" while slowly straddle-walking towards them, struggling more than I expected with the long skirt. The year of silence had broken my social brain and I stuttered so much that they just kept cutting me off asking me where I was going and why I was wearing a skirt. My social anxiety went full swing so I just kept repeating "d-d-do I look like the w-w-wicked…" and they would just stare at me like pic rel. I just keep thinking back on it every day since because most of the conversation went like:
>"Do you need a pair of pants?"
>"No, i-it's okay, haha, do I look like the wicked–"
>"We can, uh, bring you down a pair of pants. That looks unsafe."
>"I-it's ok, do I look like the wicked witch o-of the-"
>"How about you come inside, anon"
>"Do I look like the wicked witch of the….. the west"
My brain is broken.
No. 1018810
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>>1018804This made me lose my shit anon, that's some impressive spilled spaghetti
No. 1018837
>>1018798it may take a hot second for it to go away
and thanks to dawnfm dropping i may not be getting over j*m yet on my end but i believe in you. that's why we have places like these. there are things irl doesn't need to know. you aren't deranged for reflecting on that part of your life, the shame will creep back in every once in awhile, it's only natural. what's important is that you are beyond it, you are better than it, and you hoisted yourself out a gaping purgatory and no longer cling to your obsession the same. consider it an accomplishment. you are strong
sometimes i wish there was a reformed stan support group, the parasocial infection is more of a problem than ppl think, esp post pandemic. i've found very few people i can discuss this with especially in the months where my obsessions started fraying at mentally. it's so awkward to people who dont understand. you're a breath of fresh air!
No. 1018873
>>1018830Nothing as extreme but I had an ex spend years telling me my dad spanking me as a kid was serious abuse. Fair enough some people feel that way but he wouldn't let it go… Id one dead parent already and didn't want to cut my dad off over childhood spanking. The same bf went on to hit me during arguments and left bruising and marks twice, played it off as my own fault. He really acted like a white Knight in the beginning. Tried to convince me my whole life had been people victimising me. He wanted to rewite my history and paint himself as the white Knight who saved me. I corrected him whenever he started that shit and he got increasingly angry. The woman he dated before me was a csa
victim so I think he missed the vulnerability of dating someone so damaged by abuse.
I feel uncomfortable even trying to unravel the thought process there.
No. 1018886
>>1018873>>1018830I also had an ex who tried to convince me my family was
toxic and dysfunctional, just because we get drunk and have fun together and talk our problems out passionately, and then he ended up strangling me until I thought I was gonna die, socially isolating me and forcing me to sit in silence for hours.
No. 1019094
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I love stupid pet names and I long for the day I find a partner who will indulge me. Honey, sweetheart, my love, baby girl, only that sort of cute shit. I think it's so cute and endearing. I don't even want my partner to call me by my name unless it's something serious, I just want to be referred to by a petname normally. I fucking love that stupid mushy shit.
No. 1019473
>>1018778I'm really not a celeb at all, not in the least. I was on a reality show for a total of 7 minutes kek
>>1018785I'm so sorry but I'm terrified of someone realizing who I am and getting roasted. like I said, the anxiety is real lol. trust me when I say it's not that interesting
No. 1019820
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>>1018804I’ve been crying laughing for 10 minutes holy shit anon I can’t breathe
No. 1019959
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i need glasses but you bitches are the only ones whoh will ever know that i read this site on 200% zoom otherwise eberythings blurry but i refuse to wear glasses bcus i refuse to join the ranks of anyone who identifies as disab;ed
No. 1019977
GAAASP AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAAAAAAA hahhhchghk… Hgcxj…hchzxhhclkknkhhelpp uckhhgdhfack
cough wretches urrrghhhhhhh….
diesGet glasses
No. 1020083
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I love rubbing in all the sexual things I've done as a woman into the faces of incels online. Specifically because I'm having a pretty decent romantic life and career as someone in their 30s. Therefore in incel eyes I'm ~getting away~ with my whorish ways and I'm all about their little bitch tears over it.
Their frantic attempts to legitimately intimidate and insult are fucking delicious. It's knowing that they're irl seething at the thought that women are out there getting everything they want.
One called me a narcissistic sociopath while projecting about the wall and saying whores die alone LOL. The fucking cope.
No. 1020101
>>1020086Easy anon, not all do. Plenty of devoted and chaste women have died alone too after being fucked over by scrotes but no one says women shouldn't be loyal. There is no actual purity-based meritocracy about the amount of sex women have or don't have.
Dick is abubdant and men are disposable. Men are the ones actually desperate for relationships which is why men try so hard to make women as insecure as they are so we'll settle for their shit. It's proven that long term relationships and marriage benefit men's longevity but not women's. It's because women sacrifice more in those dynamics.
"Whores" especially upset their narrative because it demonstrates how little a normal woman's life is impacted by her sexual choices in modern society.
It drives moids nuts. That we can't be sold off and married to our rapists. That we can choose to abort their genetic material that we don't want to carry, birth, and raise for them. That we can sexually select men and size them up with others if we choose not to be saddled with mediocre dick for the rest of our lives.
It's in a scrote's interest to threaten you so he can manipulate you because that's how he maintains control over you.
>>1020093Any man bringing up "the wall" most certainly does not get laid and is making a bitterly veiled threat against attractive women who will not fuck him by saying they will be ugly.
Well, two can play at that game.
Men also have "the wall" re:
>dad bods>limp dicks>bald>neckbeards>saggy>hair on backUsually all before 40 too.
No. 1020105
>>1020086Submissive housewives die alone too, if theyre lucky enough not to play nursemaid to their aged scrote in their final years.
They'll call you a whore no matter what, yet men reward their attention time and desire to "whores" and always will.
The best winning move is to go separatist so that you're chaste but for all the wrong reasons in their eyes. Not bc you're some loyal and pure idiot, but because you're filled with caution, disgust, and rage.
No. 1020112
>>1020103I've watched a older womans dating coach channel out of curiosity and she straight up warns women over 40 that many men get desperate for a wife in their 50s up because they have the sudden looming fear of not having a wife to take care of them in their old age. If they taunt us with a wall, they're facing a cliff.
Tbh all grannies should discard all men in old age and golden girls it up in retirement, men resent women who aren't young and attractive so we should just return the favor and leave them hanging when they're 75.
No. 1020131
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>>1019959I’m in the same boat except I’m short sighted so I’m just developing wrinkles while I walk around like this
No. 1020770
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>>1020748dont watch the show then, hes the ugliest guy on it, frogfaced fucker
No. 1020964
>>1020853Picking boogers is also social "taboo" but nearly everyone fucking does and lies about it to save face. Lots of people fuck on their periods.
Just use a towel.
>>1020925>blood is the same as feces and therefore is like analNo.
No. 1021029
nonnie, I think it's kind of freeing to hear that men depend on us more than we depend on them. And
>>1020101 is right, the studies done on measuring happiness and satisfaction in older women who are single vs married (straight) women shows time and time again that women are better off, and happier, when they can depend on friends and loved ones over a husband. It really takes the pressure off when you've been fed the lie all your life that your ultimate happiness lies in being married to a man.
No. 1021331
>>1018804I can't even laugh at this o just find it sad
I'm sorry
nonnie hug No. 1021414
>>1021405i wish you well in getting over it, please don’t beat yourself up about your lizard brain, we’re all prone to it.
i feel like i’m dangerously close to developing one too, there are a couple of celebrities i can’t stop thinking about lately. i do indulge in watching movies and tv shows with them, but never interviews. i don’t need to know that stuff. hopefully it will be enough to keep some mental distance.
No. 1021425
>>1021405Who is it
I’m also obsessing over a celeb lately. Been obsessed for a couple months. Found their phone number, even…
No. 1021445
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When I was in college I had a classmate who made a big project on the surprising fact that saying “Gypsy” and to “gyp” or “jip” someone out of money is a slur, so since then I have just replaced the word with “jew” or “jewed” like “yeah I got totally jewed out of 20 bucks at Walmart” and now when I say it everyone looks at me far more offended than when I was saying “gyp”
No. 1021469
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>>1021451There is a reason why people are cautious towards them especially with that romani crucifixion legend shit. Just leaves a bad taste in many mouths. I confess I love laughing at the gypsy wedding show but I feel bad for the women and girls. What a disgusting misogynistic culture. They need chaperones and get married as teens
No. 1021481
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>>1021469>40% of marriages between first cousinsThat’s kind of high. So, travellers are Europe’s Alabama folks.
No. 1021484
>>1021405dopamine high or whatever it's similar to a social media addiction, your endorphins go haywire when they see something you like
>>1021414definitely stay away from interviews, those contribute to any parasocial illusions you build. no matter how gloomy your life may seem it's not worth it
>>1021421>napoleonare you one of the napoleonanons from awhile back
really admire you, i do
No. 1021490
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Pixielocks looks cute af in her last video
No. 1021602
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The one thing I miss about being a teenager is the ear pimples. Sure they hurt, but all the curves and folds and flexible cartilage of ears made them very easy to pop, and you could hear the popping noise so well! All the face pimples in the world can’t compare to the joy of an ear pimple.
No. 1021721
>>1021698>>1021714I've seen a lot of people who could pass for being in their late 20's despite being in their late 30's. It mostly boils down to how you style and carry yourself plus genes and facial structure. Some people look like they're in their early 40's at 28 and some can be like my friend who looks exactly the same at 38 as she did at 25.
Plus men are idiots when it comes to guessing ages, in their minds 35-year olds are geriatric grannies but if you told one was 23 they'd believe it because their perception of female aging has been ruined by media sexualizing young women.
No. 1021729
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>>1021714True. The people who do look old in their 30s usually had a mature face even in their 20s, pic related
No. 1021746
>>1021691Lol my brothers friends think I’m 16, I’m 22
I had them guess and didn’t correct them
No. 1021751
>>1021743Anon I have a mature face too. It helps to shape your eyebrows to a softer arch rather than huge points like in
>>1021729 Also make sure your lips are hydrated because cracked lips also age you, same with dry skin in general (can deepen wrinkles, makes your skin look dull, etc)
No. 1021923
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I unironically enjoy kreayshawn’s music
No. 1022320
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I relapsed into my eating disorder because I felt bad about being more attracted to women than men as a bi woman with very little experience with men and thought my bi friends who prefer men judged me and thought they were prettier than me (now I get to be asexual through starvation and not fuck anybody). trying to recover though but after hitting rock bottom last year my libido disappeared
No. 1022323
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>>1022320this is the dumbest shit i ever heard. jfc. eat a sandwich and then hook up with someone, ana-chan.
No. 1022385
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>>1022320hope you get better anon, I wish you luck in your path to recovery
No. 1022414
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No one wants you to be here. No one wants your support.
No. 1022467
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>>1022466>>1022466Agreed, but I think nurturing can be a good thing. Just reserve it for yourself and your cat KEK.
It's opposite is destruction and we all know which sex takes the cake for that.
No. 1022556
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>>1022552The dictionary points to the mommy definition, though it isn't the only one. Anyway isn't nurturing in the meaning of the other anon used is pretty much a big scrote meme? Need a big titty nurture gf uwu
No. 1022704
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even though my own life circumstances are nothing to be jealous of – i'm a comp sci student who's bad at programming, i still live with my parents, i have 0 internships/0 experience/0 clue what i'm gonna do once i graduate this year etc. etc. etc. – i still take a certain pride (smugness?) in not being quite as mediocre as the girls who made my time in high-school hell.
seeing that they're all fat, pregnant with the babies from ugly men (some of them have multiple kids lmao), and majoring in things like english and psychology after talking sooo much shit about how Kewl they were going to be in their twenties pleases me. it's like, they've totally peaked. i still haven't.
and even if i never do, at least i have interesting hobbies that aren't like, disney movies and harry potter.
No. 1022741
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>>1022729yeah so is a lazy unemployed neet with 0 friends, a misplaced sense of superiority and without any kind of work experience
No. 1022750
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>>1022722this is a lot, but since you asked (and i guess this is similar to the venting thread in that i can bitch here):
one of them:
>spread a rumor that i lived in a trailer park behind my back, and fucked dogs. >told everyone i was planning to shoot up the school, which got me suspended for a solid week (do mind i was very much the weird and quiet kid so i didn't have anyone on my side) >told some older girls to lock me in the music room multiple times, which led to me quitting orchestra out of fear; i didn't even figure out she was behind it until my senior year.the other one:
>spat her apple juice onto me randomly, under the assumption that she "was laughing too hard and just couldn't keep it in lol" >insisted i was a lesbian and constantly made jokes about it in our homohphobic southern school which had me targeted by both the retarded lgbt club there and moids who would act weird about my body >broke my 3ds by randomly tickling me until i dropped it – everyone treated me like a bitch when i got mad about this>used me as a way to prop herself up, always – whenever she got shitty scores on her tests she'd never not come to me to cry about it and both of them would just, back-talk me intensely. i'd always be told "well you know anon, girl #1 said you were a huge liar so idk if i can really trust you on this…" on top of making me out to be an idiot in almost every single conversation. it's like i couldn't say anything without them twisting it into a joke or belittling me somehow. it culminated in one of them deciding i'd done them wrong, which led to me having to isolate myself from the loose friend-group we shared because she'd always act huffy whenever someone interacted with me(i never did learn what set her off, either).
and all of this shit happened while they insisted they were my best friends, and were just playing around, etc.. i didn't realize it when i was 16 but friends generally don't treat friends as badly as they treated me. i'm twenty-two now but i'm still undoing all of this mental bullshit they inflicted upon my person for virtually no reason.
No. 1022756
>>1022751>you sound bitteri don't know what in that post seemed bitter. i'd be bitter if they'd actually gone off to be model actresses in california or whatever, and not just fat bloated mess #10904930932. i actually find it great and am genuinely pleased that they're so dull.
are you a burnt-out ex-bully or something? did you feel called out?
No. 1022761
>>1022756A lot of anons on here love to be contrarian and double down on people who were bullied, don't ask me why but it happens a lot. It's extremely common on here to read hot takes such as
>Pretty people are better than ugly people, ugly people are jelly bitter fatties with bad personalities so they deserve to get shit on>Bullying is okay and makes you a stronger personMaybe it helps them cope, I don't know or care.
Anyway, it's perfectly normal to be bitter and hateful towards someone who made your life hell and they sound like losers. I'm sure as hell not going to turn the other cheek when someone treats me poorly because in real life that never works and you don't get a pat on the back for being the bigger person, you just get shit on even more, since the offender now knows you're gonna do fuck all about it.
No. 1022765
>>1022704>fat and ugly I mean can't
victims end up this way too post high school and would it mean they're still losers who deserved it?
And tbh I don't see the dunk about college degrees. What matters is what you're gonna do with yours anon, get gud.
Anyways, I empathize with your bullying. My bullies never left their hometowns, never went to college, and are either drug addicts with 2.5 kids or nurse aids at best. They were always homely so becoming mothers at least suited them. It wasn't hard to be better than them in my case.
No. 1022773
>>1022757Nta but aren’t NEETS technically looked at as freeloading parasites? She may not be fucking up kids but her parents on the other hand…
But who knows maybe anons parents want her around.
No. 1022787
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Every time I get nervous about defying social norms I think of people I knew and the rewards they reaped for doing what their elders told them to. Especially as a woman, caving in to peer pressure is a trap for the meek and retarded.
I'm also glad that my bullies are suffering in life, but if we're being honest, they never even had a chance. I was born in a really shit place and only got out because I had the balls to do something crazy that all of them shat on me for and called me crazy and mentally ill. Meanwhile they did all the normie things you're 'supposed' to do and went through all the important steps in life, but nobody told them what it would actually be like on the other side, or that there's no rush to do it at 20 for that matter. Enjoy the meth and starving rez babies, I guess.
No. 1022792
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I live in a rented house with 7 different people, there's one couple and they have a cat, and the fact that I'm the only person the cat likes, except his owners, makes me happy. He always ran away from everyone despite knowing these people for like 8 months, I'm literally the newest person here and he started coming to me like 3 or 4 days after I moved in, he allowed me to touch him, then started purring and even demanding pets from me and then eating food from my hand etc. Everyone was shocked because he never ever allowed strangers to come near him. My friend said something along the lines "maybe you are really better than me". Idk if animals are good judges of character, but it just makes me feel happier. I'm a very depressed and self hating person, and the fact that such distrustful and reserved animal chose me out of all people to show so much affection, it just makes me feel a little better about myself, even if it may seem stupid for others
No. 1022838
>>1022792this is not a confession but a girlboss moment. you are the chosen one
No. 1023625
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Every time I crochet I imagine I'm a woman in an apocalypse making items for myself, or my little community of survivors. I'm working on a bag and I like to think that it's for when people go scavenging for supplies.
If you're one of those doomsday people, you should learn how to crochet/knit.
No. 1023630
>>1022704You're based. Don't let other anons say otherwise.
You can always find experience at any job so don't worry I'm sure things will work out.
No. 1023652
>>1023625I love you,
nonnie, I wish I could hug you.
No. 1023661
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When I was nearly dying from covid for like 2 or 3 months the thing that helped me not become completely desperate was listening to Chromatica II and 911 by Lady Gaga on loop all day long. No idea how that worked but Gaga saved me from asphyxia and chronic diarrhea I guess.
No. 1023698
>>1023665I'm also curious why?
As a temporary solution maybe try to be single for a while and don't commit idk
No. 1023705
>>1023690Nta but if I want to laugh at some fat bitch who still wears baby phat, having disgusting unwashed babies with her white trash scrote, I will. Especially when that fat bitch used to put gum in my hair, throw shoes at my head, started rumours about me. What exactly is the harm in it? Thinking back on it and laughing isn't at all negative, especially if you're walking your own path and are achieving the things you want to achieve. I'm not stalking her online or approaching her to flaunt my perceived better life. If I see the girl at the grocery store looking trashy and it gives me a little spark of joy, that isn't hurting anyone. She actually
did hurt people, all the time, and probably still does. Idgaf if she is happy with her shitty, dirty little life. That doesn't matter to me. I know that life isn't for me, and it's repulsive to me, that's why I feel the satisfaction.
No. 1023722
>>1023714Same except I'm one of them.
>>1023717That's a nice goal anon kek
No. 1023726
>>1023634It really is! Plus you can make your own yarn
In the apocalypse world in my head, I either make my own from various materials, or I raid what's left of the local JoAnns so if you know what to do then you can literally make anything in the event of a apocalypse. If I really believed the world was gonna end, then I would be printing out as many patterns as possible and collecting them.
No. 1023728
>>1023625I think making shoes would be a more critical skill.
But yeah i also imagine this scenario when i practice archery in the woods
No. 1023739
>>1023705you said what i wanted to so eloquently.
if they're happy being like that, good for them, but it makes me smile to see they're satisfied with such boring lives
No. 1023742
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>>1023730Please someone make this happen, somehow, I want it desperately. Idk how I feel about Discord but if some anon made a special craft discord just for us, I'd join because I think it would be worth it. God I just want crafty friends to share projects and ideas with, and to encourage each other and learn new stuff.
No. 1023791
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>>1023756Gross, clip them like this and attack his dick with it
No. 1023812
>>1023801It is, they don't really feel anything.
At least
>>1023791 will make him feel something.
No. 1023950
>>1023674NTA but I've also cheated on every boyfriend I've ever had and I think I do it because most of my relationships have been awful and
toxic lol. I've never been cheated on because the scrote is usually very madly in love with me but to the point where it was possessive, and I lost a lot of agency in those partnerships. I'd feel so kept in a box that it became suffocating and fucking someone usually liberated me from feeling like that, and gave me the motivation to break up with the bf of the time. I tended to date very emotionally unavailable men as well and in doing that dug myself a hole when we'd be 8 months in and I feel distant from him.
The whole "just break up with them" doesn't really work in situations where you feel trapped in the relationship, and doesn't apply to every situation. When people say men and women cheat for different reasons I have to agree as other women I've chatted to who've cheated will tell you something similar to what I just did. I think men mostly do it because they're just horny and coombrained and can't help themselves, which is dumb imo.
I don't cheat anymore but instead have some sort of monogomish arrangement and actually keeping my relationships open stops my desire to seek it out which tells me another part of it is I have a natural desire to rebel when people piss me off but I'm working on it with a therapist dw No. 1024005
>>1023976I did tell one of them, because I actually really liked him and felt actual guilt after the fact. The others don't know about most of the times I cheated on them. I say most because there was a time where an ex actually pieced it together when I came home late one night and dumped him the day after, but we'd already broken up by the time he'd figured it out.
He was super enraged about it, but the one that I told seemed so calm at the time. I remember him wanting to mostly know why I did it, and when I brought up problems about feeling disconnected and suffocated we attempted to work through those issues but ultimately it wasn't the same.
The rest of the times with other partners though, pshhh they didn't have a clue and I didn't bother to tell them. Sometimes it's better to just leave it if you know the relationship is going to end anyway, they're better off in the long run and I didn't want to give people long term trust issues because I'm too autistic to grasp the concept of monogamy.
No. 1024181
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>be me
>create an alternate discord for roleplaying
>Join different roleplay servers
>join only 18+ servers
>It’s all full of degenerate shit
>everyone is seriously into BDSM shit everywhere
>All the moids are either Doms or uwu femboy subs
>consider isolating myself again
>delete discord
I just want to refresh my ideas, roleplaying helps me find more creative ideas because I have to improvise. I don’t want to autistically create a character with a long ass description and bio because I’m already doing that for other personal stuff.
I also hate that if it’s 18+, it has to be about porn shit, and it’s full of cumbrains and undercover children. I hate discord with a burning passion.
No. 1024317
nonnie, I'm in my early 30s and in a long-term monogamous relationship
No. 1024331
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>>1024309Imagine when he gets wrinkly and bald, and you still have to look into his eyes and accept his low quality semen and your future sons torment more women with their deficiencies. Because of your genetic littering.
Pic unrelated, Mongolian men have luscious hair unlike your Nigel, and can ride horses irl and not just in Minecraft.
No. 1024357
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>>1024181What do you RP
nonnie? I RP for the same reason you do, but haven't done it in a really long time for the same reasons. Maybe we could pick it back up together.
No. 1024449
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>>1024357I honestly can roleplay anything that isn’t particularly deep
I suck at deciphering crimes, I tried it, it was difficult I like long walls of text but also simple stuff, depends on how much I could describe and such. If I read the profile of an existing character I can also roleplay with it comfortably.
And when it comes to settings, honestly anything is fine, I’ve been roleplaying non-stop with my best friend, but she’s really into a few characters for a personal project that we got and I feel like we’ve started to flanderize them since two years ago. I really need something fresh to remember the roleplays we used to do 6 years ago.
No. 1024533
>>1024309nonnie get out of there, I'm in my 20s dating a balding scrote in his 30s and I'm going to dump him sometime in the coming weeks
Of course this isn't the primary reason I'm doing it, but you deserve a man with thick luscious hair
No. 1024637
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Logged into an old fb I had in high school, so over a decade of non use, and holy fuck. So much satisfaction to see all these mean girls from high school got so fat and gross.
Meanwhile, I was chubby in high school and now I’m much thinner and in the best shape of my life. Ahh, the revenge is so so sweet.
Also all the popular hot guys aged like milk in the sun.
I can’t believe I believed what they used to say about me, I can’t believe I let them affect my self esteem at that age. Most of them are fatties and pushing MLMs on Facebook.
No. 1024640
>>1024637You go
nonnie. It's so satisfying. My main bully from elementary and middle school dropped out of high school and is now a fat single mom with two different kids from two different guys. Just lives off welfare and does grocery delivery services. Yet she still brags about being a super mommy. She'd bully me for being fat and I'm in the best shape of my life. Sucks to suck.
No. 1024983
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>>1024449Ohhh, I see. I'm a smidge pickier than you, anything modern is really boring to me, but I do like fantasy, sci-fi, history, and even just fandom stuff kek.
I understand though. I've been in both positions before and you just gotta move on sometimes (even just for a little while and then coming back to whatever it is).
Find me in the friend finder thread on /g/ if you want to hit me up for rp
nonnie. I have an email there you can contact and then we can maybe move on to discord.
Maybe have a codeword you stick in your email so I know it's you? kek. Try 'mandate' No. 1025034
>>1024717>>1024724>>1024746I fell for the same shit. Libfem sexual liberation is a moid scam that serves the masculine urge to treat others as single-use objects. Women who hook up and have casual sex do so only to compete with porn and prostitutes, whether they want to admit it or not. Men love feeling like their dicks are something to be fought over, which is why they shamelessly create a demand for sexual impulsivity and always take the chance to pit women against each other (to men, women are basically just sex pokemon they like to compare).
Men also like to think abstinence is about them or should be about them, but that's where they're also wrong. The only way men can have their 'pure abstinent waifu marriage culture' is for women to abstain from all sexual contact for their own health, and not for men's. The m*le is just an afterthought in this equation - and men hate being just that to women, which is why they always try to manipulate us into believing we're akchually doing this perfectly sane thing for men's pleasure first.
I will gladly teach my possible future daughters the real, actual reasons why women should refuse any sexual contact before a thorough vetting process and a legally binding contract aka. marriage. Less of that 'you wont be pure for him and he feel so bad' shit. More of that 'men are volatile sociopathic retards who will use you and toss you if they can' true knowledge.
No. 1025043
>>1025034>they shamelessly create a demand for sexual impulsivitySex and nudity is everywhere grooming young kids for it even, yet there's no orgasms to be had with modern sex. Truly a lizardman scheme.
>Men also like to think abstinence is about them or should be about them, but that's where they're also wrongScrotes get so pissy when you bring up how men's sperm has mood controlling hormones and dead viruses so you'll never touch it/put in inside you. Or how you became celibate but still use a vibrating dildo. They want celibacy centered around men's desires (violating an innocent) and not around a woman protecting herself & serving only herself.
No. 1025326
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i fantasize about witnessing a female mass shooter in my lifetime. a woman who selects only male targets and kills a bunch of them as an act of revenge toward all her assaulted and murdered sisters. i think that would be really cool.
No. 1025407
>>1025326Allowing men to be
victims is a huge mistake. Give them too much power and entitlement.
No. 1025414
>>1025034I agree with most of what you said, although
>Women who hook up and have casual sex do so only to compete with porn and prostitutesThis is a bit of a generalisation and is slightly infantilizing. Women can want casual sex and to hook up because we feel sexual desire, but aren't seeking emotional commitment for whatever reason. I do think porn and "hookup culture" has put this lifestyle on some pedestal and it's not healthy to participate in it for moid attention/for peer pressure, but discounting that there are women out there who are sexual, who want to explore different people and have different experiences is assuming every woman is deep down some scared handmaiden who wouldn't have casual sex if not for coombrained moids strips us of agency.
No. 1025436
>>1025414Thank you for saying this.
I'm too exhausted to defend my desire for sex and I don't feel that I should have to justify it if I'm responsible about it. It's sick that my value as a woman is still determined by the amount of people I've slept with. On some level men and women alike think in some puritanical logic that men have gotten one up on women when they want to have sex because we all should hate it because only men could possibly gain from it.
I don't give a fuck what men think of my sexual history, it's none of their business just as they see theirs as none of mine either. If they view sex in some sick light then that's a reflection of their character and not mine.
True equality is when we can look on a woman's number of sexual partners as cavalier as we judge men's.
I'd teach my daughter that the opinions of men, no matter if she chooses to remain a virgin or have sex, don't fucking matter. Wish I had that kind of support.
No. 1027161
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I have never admitted this to another Individual, not even online, maybe not the worst or most shocking confession on here but its still something I'm deeply embarrassed about
a lot of the times(more times then I can count) I cry because I’m not ever going to be a witch in Hogwarts or a demi-god in Camp half-blood or a Pokemon trainer and I’ll never meet the characters in those series and I will never experience those worlds. those worlds are my escape cause despite all the dark stuff there's still a level of safeness and yet adventure that the real world will never have, I mean when I was a kid I prayed everyday to wake up in the Pokemon world, where I could travel the world and still be safe
I'm almost 30 years old with a job and I think I'll feel like this for the rest of my life. When I die, I want to be reborn as witch in the Wizarding World… That's what heaven would be like for me.
No. 1027248
>>1027202not even into Pokemon anymore(the games and new anime)
seasons 5-12 of the anime were a big part of my childhood and I really don't have any interests in the new seasons
No. 1027646
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Had a bpd fueled argument with a girl that has been stalking my fiance's social media - and when he blocked her, mine - for years, I thought I'll feel worse since that's probably not a really healthy thing to do and should have just ignored her but actually I feel good for having confronted her even if that would've seemed insane to the outside world. Fuck doing the right thing sometimes.
No. 1028249
>>1025432I'm so sorry the world failed you,
nonnie. I hope you at least find peace in death. Your friends will still care and be shocked by your death though, I hope you realize that. They'll put two and two together and figure out you only cut ties in order to not hurt them. You will be missed.
No. 1028267
>>1012806>I sort of wonder if I'm a toxic person in a wayLate, but no. What you described isn't
Toxic is cruelty, selfishness, intentional manipulation, drama, and chaos. Some codependency isn't
Sorry you lost all your friends, even if they weren't the best for you. Wishing you better ones in the future.
No. 1028409
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I’m 21. I want to experience young love. I want to get married. I want a child or two before 30.
No. 1028418
>>1028409got married at 23 and had a kid at 25 and am still happy
don't worry
nonnie, its a normie dream to hold
No. 1028425
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>>1028418Thank you anon. That really makes me happy you said that.
No. 1028613
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I wish a certain coworker who's alcoholic got found out and would get confronted about drinking on the job. I actually have no idea how he kept the facade up for so long. He can barely speak during meetings and slurs his words - if he shows up on them at all. Maybe if he was found out it'd give him incentive to stop this behavior
No. 1028634
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Sometimes I think my pussy smells real good and sweet
No. 1028638
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>>1028634twitterfag alert
No. 1028655
>>1028613My best friends little brother was drinking on the job, and he ended up getting some emotional support from a coworker, and that led him to addressing his issues/ going to AA.
Management never stepped in, but he was able to finally “tackle” the issue so to speak.
If you’re not in the position to ask him about it (or, want to) you can always make a throwaway email and send a note of concern to your managers.
Hang in there nonna
No. 1028659
>>1028409>>1028418I could not imagine that so young, But i support the dream.
My dad gave me 3 rules as a kid…
1)finish college, even if I work outside the field
2)never smoke cigarettes or he’d kick my ass
3)never marry a man till he’s 30, because the idiots don’t know what they want until then.
And now, as I get closer to 30, I finally met a man I could marry and have kids. All the morons I dated before (ages 20-28) could have never been the partner or dad kids would deserve.
Sure the first 2 are silly (especially with the price of college now), but I sure as hell held on to those rules.
No. 1028690
>>1028670Thank you anon! My mom is a POS, but I count my lucky stars for having such an awesome dad.
I hope you do go back! It’s never too late, and there are so many scholarships for older students.
No. 1028693
>>1028655I'm surprised to hear this, I assumed that when people are at the level of at their addiction where they are shirking their duties then there's no going back. I'm glad your best friend's brother managed to turn his life around.
I thought about writing to the manager but I'm not sure if that'd be the right move
No. 1028697
>>1028693I understand, but if he’s drinking that heavily at work, it is a cry for help/attention. I support you any way you navigate this. Maybe there’s a employee tip line or HR you can contact with anonymity?
Another factor to be concerned about is that the alcoholic is driving drunk to/from work, and that could endanger so many more people than himself.
No. 1028845
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So I despise Drag race and find it cringy and degenerate but I have an OC character who I fantasize being a contestant in Drag Race
He's a anti-social, depressed and autistic gay man who wishes he was asexual rather then straight or gay
he does drag for incredibly pretentious and petty reasons that only make sense for him, throughout the show he goes into rambles about humanity, nature and genetics and reveals aspect of his fucked up childhood which makes everyone uncomfortable and leads to awkward science
also he's a better seamstress, dancer and performer then every single contestant
No. 1029315
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>>1029290I can teach you how to make drugs with it
nonny No. 1029509
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My boyfriend has a nice older house (smallish and cozy, in the country and built in 1950). We’ve lived together for 3 years counting. In the last year I took to cleaning up the upstairs area, which is a finished attic/ kids bedrooms kinda situation.
No one else was using the space besides some little spider dudes, so I did the thing and now we have 2 bedrooms upstairs. I made one room my own bedroom and I LOVE IT.
Of course we still sleep together most nights but sometimes I love to go up into my room and just… be. My bf doesn’t get upset either, he gets it. I think he enjoys stretching on on a bed solo too.
I have a mini fridge, all my crafts and books, I moved all my clothes and skincare/hair stuff up here. It’s nice to have the space to even use, but I know my bf appreciates having his own closet.
When my friends visit there’s space for them to relax privately too. My cat thinks all the beds are his, lmao. If I can help it, I’ll never go back to one bedroom for both of us, all the time. I love my personal space, and I’m thankful to have it.
(Bonus content is cat and I chillin)
No. 1029549
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>>1029544>>1029536Thank you nonnas, I grew up in really shitty situations/ moved every few months, so I’d like to think this is some part of a karmic reward.
Also! Here’s a detail of the wallpaper. I love it so much, it will break my heart if we ever move. I love the glitter.
No. 1029631
>>1029509Alot of the time people jump to thinking about dead bedrooms and dying relationships when they see seperate bedrooms but I'd probably never go back to living in a one bed place with someone again.
I was living in the city and sharing tiny apartments in both of my long term live-in relationships. If they get sick, if you get sick, if one of you snores like crazy when sick(or after a few drinks) If one of you has restless legs, sleeps poorly… has night terrors (my ex did and would thrash about the odd night and nearly smack me) There's just been plenty of nights where I hated knowing a hard couch is all I had to retreat to.
No. 1029905
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Something about brutalist architecture turns me on
No. 1030662
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And just like that I've developed another crush on a funnyman shit poster youtuber
WTF is wrong with me stometimes
No. 1030700
>>1002335Someone I know is posting all their personal info, and their child's, on social media. Including photos in front of their house, photos with their license plate… A personal hashtag with her FULL NAME.
Like damn, you're really asking for anyone to come kidhap/ hurt your family, aren't you? He works security, and that makes me think it's absolutely intentional. That poor fucking kid.
No. 1030766
>>1030757It depends on how long you knew him before the engagement imo. A year is pretty standard for most people who want to be married. Past 3 years is like a deadmans zone, even if you do make it to the alter, the relationship is probably gonna be shit. Is there a reason she's a NEET? Like a
valid reason and not her just being a lazy bum?
No. 1031126
>>1031116I have an obsessive personality and it happened a couple times before for to get engrossed in some cows here but i recently became obsessed reading about those hikkineet girls. It started as just interest, reading about them, their bizarre antics and aesthetic,… I always was anime and sanrio loving trash but not to that level and now i am finding myself buying mc Donald's and sniffing the bag like void did and it felt…good? I ordered some melo merch and started playing their games like Yume Nikki or Silent Hill that i am enjoying a bunch. I hate this part of me i get so obsessed. Not even with the person but the whole concept. I hate this and i am well aware i am a complete psycho who needs help. I got too fascinated by the drama and ended becoming like them when i was mocking them a couple threads ago.
Help me.
No. 1031291
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I’ve drawn my whole life but I haven’t drawn anything meaningful in almost a year now. I’m going to buy a laptop tomorrow and start editing media / making weird videos. I don’t think I have art block, I think I’m trying to force myself to do something I no longer have passion for. It makes me sad because I do enjoy drawing. Just not in a very long time.
No. 1031422
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I sort of want a heterosexual female life partner. Sort of like making a woman part of your life (like marrying your best friend), but you don’t have sex with them
No. 1031433
>>1031428Not really. The main difference between friendship and a romantic relationship is:
-for a friendship, the person is rooting for you, but isn’t on your team. You don’t integrate them into a major facet of your life, and you’d be okay if the had other friends
-for a romantic relationship, you’re actively trying to make them a facet of your life, and taking actions to share your lives together, and you’d be angry if they had other romantic partners
No. 1032149
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I think watching passion of the christ at a young age is the reason I get turned on by hurting men.
No. 1032170
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I think nothing motivates me more to lose weight than having a nicer sex life. Of course, being healthy and fitting my favorite clothing pieces are also up there, but there's something about being completely confident on being fully exposed and making the most of it during sex with my fiancee is so motivating for me.
Double confession: Sometimes reading erotic stuff, mostly doujin, makes me even more motivated because I wanna copy some of the positions presented in it.
No. 1032198
>>1032182I am clinically obese based on BMI, but since I don't get much belly fat (maybe due to diet?), a lot of people would just consider me chubby when I bring it up. I have actually lost 35kg in the past and stayed like that for like almost a decade, but it went spiraling after the pandemic due to a lot of reasons. I'm now trying to lose around that again, and I have started a diet and an exercise routine once more.
What's the follow up?
No. 1032214
>>1032196You think me trying to give you advice to overcome shit I've been
though is dumb? No you fucking don't.