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No. 1001090
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/985763Obligatory disclaimers from farmhands:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 1001160
unpopular opinions from an ugly girl, body image edition
>celebrities can be fat/ana-chan/photoshopped/taken to uncanny valley by their surgeon without any explanation to anyone. sure, it's fair game to shit on them and all of that since they put themselves out there, but it's not their responsibility to make people feel good about themselves or even be honest they do coke or got a nosejob. if they are famous, it means people made them famous, and as a society we should discuss which values we have and who we put on a pedestal. social media blurred the line between jane doe and super-rich famous people, but the line is there and harder than ever and people should face reality and aim for presentable and clean as opposed to glamourous and irresistible.
>it's harsh, but just because someone has naturally remarkable proportions or a naturally uncommon feature doesn't mean their body is "unrealistic". it's literally real, just say you're average.
>it's harsh, but body types and faces do go in and out of fashion. certain things also are universally unattractive. that's life and we should get over it.
>it's the parents' responsibility to monitor young girls' social media use and talk to them about what's actually important so they don't get body dysmorphia.
>i don't want deliberately ugly people on ads. perfume etc should be a little aspirational.
>i really respect people who admire beauty without coveting it.
>the "is it an outfit or is she just skinny ?" trend is… duh, models look good even in mite-eaten rags, mismatched socks and a plastic bag tied uner their chin, because they're models, how is this idea new.
>no, everyone isn't beautiful, a tiny minority of people are beautiful, and that's okay. your body is still your vessel and should be respected and cared for. you probably have qualities other than beauty and potential to develop yourself in a way that makes you proud of yourself and other people look up to you. if you're salty you don't have pretty privilege, what should worry you is your weak character and entitlement.
coulda posted that on the vent thread, dumping some ideas i got out of this youtube rabbit hole i went down so they're out of my fucking system lmao
No. 1001396
>>1001387It's a comfort thing for me. I'll rewatch the office when I'm having a bad day/week/month and it's always something I know will be funny, and at this point I know enough about the show to be able to skip the parts that make me feel awkward.
scotts tots. Sometimes watching new shows gives me a weird anxiety I shouldn't even have because it's just a TV show, but I'm a delicate easily
triggered snowflake currently so unless it's geared towards kids I won't watch anything new by myself lmao
No. 1001406
>>1001392I read a good argument about this before, I wish I knew where it was, that analyzed experiences of
victims of domestic violence by sex. The male complaints were all extremely petty along the lines of, not having dinner on the table on time as abuse while women were wondering if a man threatening to kill her baby was serious enough to count as abuse. I think it was an excerpt from "Why Does He Do That?"
No. 1001411
>>1001240I'm deeply horrified that I will become the kind of person that is obsessed with The Office and makes it half of their personality. The normie plebbitor type.
I do not want to watch that tv series or relate to it. No offence meant to
>>1001396, I realize that I'm projecting lol
>>1001160Throwing my thoughts out too, do not mean to argue. Just stating my opinion
>it's harsh, but body types and faces do go in and out of fashion. certain things also are universally unattractive. that's life and we should get over it.It's still fucked up how women go in and out of fashion like they are accessories. It's already wrong when it happens to animals. No wonder women rage about it when they catch on and stop putting the blame on themselves.
>the "is it an outfit or is she just skinny ?" trend is… duh, models look good even in mite-eaten rags, mismatched socks and a plastic bag tied uner their chin, because they're models, how is this idea new. I mean yeah, but bland outfits aren't ~a look~ or a fashion statement just because a thin person wears them.
>no, everyone isn't beautiful, a tiny minority of people are beautiful, and that's okay. your body is still your vessel and should be respected and cared for.Just cause someone isn't some Hollywood ideal of beautiful doesn't make them ugly. She can be pretty. TBH I very rarely see a woman that isn't pretty! Truly ugly women are rare (unlike moids), so I think it's really hard on them.
I agree with the need to take care of your body, though I imagine body neutral/positive people would say that it's a mistake to call your body 'a vessel' since it's not a vessel, it's literally you. I don't have a place to speak though, since I would prefer to be a cyborg and have zero attachment to my body. I already am very disconnected.
>if you're salty you don't have pretty privilege, what should worry you is your weak character and entitlementMaybe they were shat on for being ugly their whole life and need therapy for that. Despite sperging, that kind of nonas deserve empathy. Bullying for being ugly doesn't exactly help build a strong character or a charming personality, unless you are concrete resistant or do the fat scrote cope of being a class clown (debatable how much that works).
No. 1001445
>>1001411ayrt, thanks for your thoughts. yeah, i think salty do women deserve empathy and i should have mentioned it, they also (and that's the part i don't hear a lot) do have to take responsibility and work things out, even if they didn't have a choice but to carry this burden and the problem ultimately isn't their fault.
>>1001416i wasn't, i just watched too much youtube
No. 1001512
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>>1001485>i dislike anyone whose whole life or personality revolves around watching shows/netflix.The only person I forgive is Hideo Kojima
No. 1001617
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I think everyone should have the right to kill themselves. I see nothing wrong with someone taking their own life, assuming they aren't currently responsible for any children or anything along those lines. None of us asked to be born and we are all here against our consent. We are all forced to work jobs and take part in society, and if you want to opt out, you are shunned. Millions of people live entirely miserable lives interspersed with only brief moments of happiness, purely due to unjust material conditions. To me, being dead isn't a bad (or good) thing. It's a completely neutral act as there is nothing innately positive or negative about being alive or being dead, they are just states of being. Suicide prevention never gives good enough reasons as to why one should continue living in pain, other than you might give other people happiness, which is just stupid- you owe absolutely no one anything, barring children you yourself brought into the world.
INB4 suicidal: I'm not.
No. 1001690
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Eisenhower was retarded to take the Egyptian's side in the Suez Crisis
I get this is not a history thread, but wtf was he thinking.
No. 1001742
>>1001703>I think the whole right to live is ridiculous, not to mention expensive. People will bend over backwards to keep a miserable person alive and it costs them thousandsI agree that a right to die should be a human right, but so is the right to live and get help. A society where sending someone to a suicide machine is considered an economical solution to the problem of unhappiness makes my skin crawl. YOU KNOW that there would be a great push toward it by both the state and corporations marketing products related to suicide (it already is happening with dysphoria and trooning out). Horror world.
You really shouldn't bring up economics when discussing the right to die, unless you hate people and want the world to be as fucked up as it can be.
No. 1002030
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>>1001795>>1001771Okay so I went to /wiz/chan, I expected to misogyny and sexual frustration usual to Incel forums but I didn't expect this
It seems that most of the users are older(35+ being the average age range)
The users have a level of despair and enlightenment that I've never seen anywhere online
No. 1002038
>>1002030we literally cause them to live longer tho… we die younger when
we're married to them
No. 1002251
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>Aunt Mae dies in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Most marvel movies have me like this and it’s cool to watch I guess but it reminds me of eating fast food, like I just poisoned my mind and made it weaker by watching an extremely formulaic and ok ish movie with bland likable actors and a plot that basically goes nowhere.
No. 1002330
>>1002313My first serious relationship was with a short guy.. he couldn't eat any more than I did. We ate together for years and it was a match. I was even slimmer than him while we ate even portions. There's different factors at play outside of just sex.
I know some places where I live do 'half portions' though, They're mostly aimed at elderly people but anyone can ask for it.
No. 1002940
>>1002931I mean most cutting isn't as harmful as people make it out to be and certainly better than that horrifying experience. Both are maladjusted response to something terrible going on the inside… I like the idea of slightly rough sex but this makes me want to puke. I wonder if her therapist has continued to see it as brave and stunning.
>>1002936Women into being dominated are very different psychologically than scrotes into it or doming someone
No. 1002975
>>1002972The ending did that? I loved that book since I saw Audrina's family as a miniature of patriarchal psychopaty. You can expect edgy and
problematic shit from VC Andrews, she fascinates me as a person, though. So little is known about her. Feels like nowadays she would be on lolcow arguing with fujoshi about times being superior
No. 1003552
>>1003481You’re right, tbh, I get having a wishlist of stuff
you want to buy with your own money at some point, but throwing it at people on Christmas is just lazy tbh, unless you really need something that you could use like a pack of socks or, idk, some cash, it’s pathetic to ask for gifts on Christmas as a grown ass adult with a job.
No. 1003554
>>1003481>>1003552It seems like a good idea to me, that way you avoid getting things you don't want and someone else wasting money on something that no one wanted.
I'm saying this as someone who doesn't celebrate christmas (or any other holiday) with presents.
No. 1003699
>>1001617Sage for being late. You just articulated a belief I’ve had for a long time but never could find words to express. I seriously agree with this.
The only thing I might personally add would be a minimum age to the right to death, somewhere between 18-21. I think suicidal teens should at least experience what it’s like to be out of high school and possibly living independently (I realize I say this with privilege), because for me, just that created a night and day difference.
No. 1003873
>>1003431the baseline, as in the bare minimum, of human decency? you must be thinking of "status quo", the current and acceptable state of male behavior. how about you read a dictionary before calling dumbassery
nonnie lmao
what a weird hill for you to rage on. go off to the vent thread and get it off your chest
No. 1004225
>>1004099Great, another thing women can't have bc males worm their way in
Just don't dox yourself and voice verify
No. 1004229
>>1004225you do realize its easy for scrotes to use a voice app right?
No. 1004407
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Regular Janes and Joes shouldn’t be able to buy fireworks, anyone who truly wants to spice up their parties with fireworks should get a license to use them, like how people has licenses for firearms and such.
Fireworks should be only used by people who got a training to light them up at the right places and not at some backyard or parking lot. They should also be strictly forbidden in residential areas because even if they’re pretty, they’re dangerous and bothersome as fuck.
No. 1004540
>>1004469A number of American states have lax fireworks laws, so people just drive to other states and stock up.
To answer your question really, it's an unpopular opinion among American whitetrash who think they should be allowed to make big kabooms whenever they please because 'murica. They be shooting off fireworks on random ass days on my block.
No. 1004589
>>1004469Well, In my country nobody gives a fuck and you will have people setting off fireworks in the middle of the day just because, even if they’re surrounded by tall buildings and such.
I honestly think that firework laws should be enforced, not just put there as a decoration for others to be like “I told you so” when someone fucks up.
No. 1004899
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People who have big noses tend to be thinner.
I can’t really think of a single obese person who has a big nose
Prove me wrong nonnies
No. 1004915
>>1004901Not the same.
Big nose = not possible to become fat
Small nose = possible to be fat OR skinny
No. 1004919
>>1004899the nose stands out more in a thinner face. with fatsos it gets lost in the middle of the bloated features.
the same nose will look smaller on a wide-ass moon face than on a smaller one
No. 1005091
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like this page on Facebook it is named Smash Cultural Capitalism it makes fun of coomers, libtards and troons and even right wingers. Marx would never agree to the vaccine or to troons. I am economically leftist and culturally right wing. There are people with potential being born in poverty whose future is ruined. Do not take your medications SSRI's' are literally made to shut up your true instincts and dumb you down so you can consoom more
No. 1005097
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>>1005091troons are retarded and psychiatry is a scam but going full rightwing is retarded too. Theres nothing wrong with LGB (drop the T) gay people and racial equality should be promoted. Note I said equality not affirnative action.
Before you come at me, i'm planning to vote in the next republican primary for the most moderate candidate, since imo all the Ds after joe biden are too beholden to the twitterverse which i think is not good. Biden is too old to care so thats fine.
Honestly though i would love to vote for krysten sinema if she ran in either primary.
No. 1005157
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>>1005118Marx is a 19th century man that hates capitalism if he'd be reborn he would never support degeneracy as degeneracy is hand in hand with capitalism. Marx hated medicine and thought it was being used by capitalism to control masses. What in the world makes you think that he would support insane consumerists that spend millions into surgery and hormones to make themselves into something they are not and are also notoriously consoomeristic. Troons spend a shit ton of money because they were brainwashed by capitalism and medicine (which is hand in hand with capitalism) to think that they need to dedicate their entire life's resources or prostitute themselves to pay the big pharma money to give them the body they think they should have and even when they get the body they think they should have they are still not satisfied and proceed into spending money on more plastic surgery and more plastic shit and they still end up killing themselves. Their problem will not be solved with changing their body because their problem is not their body but the BIG PHARMA encourages this since both capitalism and medicine make money off the mentally ill the most. Karl Marx has been appropriated by woke tards but if it was possible to ressurect him Marx would be considered a Nazi by all woke tards that claim him but have never read his books and have no understanding of his work, ideology or mindset. Marx promoted a society in which medicine does not even exist, Marx hated jews because they were very capitalistic and Marx thought the Utopian society is stateless and we should all cultivate our own food and eat it without enslaving others "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Troonism is impossible in a Marxist world and troonism is literally so prevalent because of capitalism nowadays. I do think troons naturally exist, but it would be like 000,1% of population and they would not even require surgery for gender reassignment. The medical field does not actually want to treat people, especially mentally ill people because mental illness keeps consumerism and capitalism alive. If we all waked the fuck up and seeked real value and true independence we wouldn't have to enslave ourselves to stupid products even surgery and hormones are a product. As for psychiatric medication, only a very small amount of people in society truly require psychiatric medication and ironically those that require it are not being prescribed the medication because real LOONS dont have the awareness that there is something wrong with them thus don't seek psychatric evaluation. Psychiatric medication is mostly prescribed to people that think too much or don't fit in the box perfectly to shut them the fuck up. You American doc prescribed you SPEED because you cannot focus and makes you both physically and mentally addicted to it when they could tell you that the capacity to concentrate is like a muscle and you will improve your concentration if you practice it daily for a long time. They don't tell you a lot of people in the modern world suffer from issues with being able to focus due to growing up in front of screens and having their brain molded on not being able to focus on one thing and daydreaming. Technology is changing the structure of the human brain and giving people meth won't make their issue better, but telling them to retrain their focus by concentrating on singular activities such as reading, dancing, puzzle making will solve the issue. People that truly have ADHD and actually need that medication are very few. Same with BPD, a lot of people diagnosed with BPD don't even have it and don't require that medication, but a slight deviation from the "norm" puts you on SSRI. I don't plan to take SSRI anymore, it makes me more docile and literally more prone to consoom and it censors me, almost like it stops my mind from working and turns me into an NPC that does not think her own thoughts, that does not have feelings or reactions.
No. 1005164
>>1005157Marxism is about the poor and the truly oppressed socially are the poor and leftists and Marxists act as if troons are the most oppressed class in society and they must immediately be handed precious resources to make their schizo delusion a reality meanwhile in my country and all around the world there are millions of children born in poverty. A true marxist or communist would try to relocate the resources to someone truly in need, not to some deluded person that already lives a good life and thinks they have "le depressshun" because they were born in the wrong body. So many resources are spent on these wastes of air and space for their "gender reassignment" while 1 million children in my country live in utter poverty and nobody helps them and especially not the marxist and communists which should be the ones helping them. I am a marxist, but most Marxists are not true Marxists they have just appropriated Marxism and have a completely schizophrenic interpretation of what Marxism is truly about. There is no side of the political spectrum that truly helps people in need anymore or those oppressed by capitalism and theoretically it should have been leftists, Marxists and communists that are the ones helping those in need but they are to preoccupied with their fake western "opresshiun" and 600 genders to give a fuck about children born in poverty in 3rd world countries. Marxism and communism are about the poor and helping the poor and distributing resources better. Giving money to troons in 1st world countries is not better distribution of resources. Most modern communists are literal millionaires and nobody sees a problem with that? NOBODY. If 10 of the self proclaimed millionaires commies such as Hasan Abi and the troon Philosophy tube would give 40% of their capital they would save like 60% of the children living in poverty in Romania, but they are too busy buying designer clothes, literal million dollars mansions while they make content about communism, wrongfully appropriate Marxism and make 100k monthly buy running their mouths about communism in their cozy millionaire homes while children in my country live with no food or toilet. I am a communist and if I made 100k monthly I would give 80% of that money to the poor to create better distribution of resources and I would keep enough to live a comfortable life. If you are a commie it does not mean you should isolate yourself in the forest and plant your own food but there is a difference between comfort VS luxury. Comfort is human,normal and necessary. Luxury is capitalistic. I am someone that grew up in poverty and our life is completely ran by capital and if you are born in poverty your life is decided for you by your faith. I cannot even make videos about these people or share my thoughts on the internet because most media is parted in 2 sides and highly censored. If you make content criticizing commies you have to side with the right wingers but I am not a right winger, I am a left winger that hates 90% of left wingers and of commies because they are hypocritical as fuck. 99% of communists are the bourgeois. The left is more capitalistic than the right at this point, but I do not hold right wing values because the right wing is hypothetically capitalist. I do not believe in anti semitism, I do not believe in racism and I believe in real marxism and better capital distribution
No. 1005254
>>1005118when analyzing history marx distinguished between "material conditions" (mainly economic conditions) and everything else (culture). He believed that a society's history is mainly driven by economic/productive factors, rather than by its culture, which develops as a consequence of these. Therefore marxist analysis will tend to disregard cultural factors like race and religion and focus on economic factors like social class.
Marx wouldn't support gender identity because it's pure ideology, a completely cultural phenomenon that has no basis in reality; he might be interested in the social phenomenon of troonism but only to study its ties with capitalism/social class
No. 1005283
>>1005266but again I'm not rich so I cannot afford giving a huge chunk of my capital away, but if I was I would.
>>1005254yes and it is based and true Karl Marx is universally too. If the posters here were born in a slum in india they would not post on lolcow. Even posting on lolcow is conditioned by material economic conditions. Being a troon does not exist and is ideology.
No. 1006408
>>1006398I made some spelling mistakes because of my acrylics growing out so that should give you a hint I’m not grouping pickmes with raddishes. I think most of the people that join an online community are no older than 22.
>>1006401Buuuuurn (grow up)
No. 1006413
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>>1006397Lolcow ai-chan is back at it again.
No. 1006450
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not even an unpopular opinion on but anyway
No. 1006487
>>1006450I've always been a weeb but all I did was normal shit like doodle in class and read manga openly, this anon's comment
>>1006472 being guilty by association is fucking true. There was a guy who would naruto run during PE classes and I always lost my shit laughing. He looked shocked whenever I could clean off my stuff after he handed them over to me. (he sits in front of me) He also tried to make an "all girls'club" on facebook and invited me to join, where he pretended to be a girl and posted things like "hey girls share your girl problems!". Moids are disgusting.
Anyway anime is mainstream and cool with the kids now and everyone is fucking annoying about it and I seethe reeeeeeeeeee
No. 1006492
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Cathy comics are better than Garfield comics
No. 1006509
>>1006476Fourthed, I was bullied for being sightly dark skinned than others and daring to have a best friend, I didn’t even know what was anime until my cousins told me what was that.
Liking anime was more like an extension of liking how to draw out of loneliness.
Maybe if I hadn’t gotten bullied over the years I wouldn’t have even like anime tbh, but telling people that being isolated by others and harassed too because of the shit they like is retarded. Specially when you fucking know that some of the people that then go full retard with growling and nyaing are those who just want a crumb of attention and acceptance from their circle if they even have one, like, if you had to spend a whole ass year not being able to talk with anyone, you would at least make some noise on your own, unless you’re some super special kind of retard who can be silent 24/7.
I don’t get the need to be so harsh on the mild spergs when there’s huge ass spergs like Chris Chan who will go full retard on people unprompted.
No. 1006532
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>>1006516go ahead celebricow thread poster
No. 1006549
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>>1006516This is an imageboard. Fuck off to Reddit or Facebook if you can't handle it
No. 1006640
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>>1006516Do you think you're cool for being on a image board that came to be because cosplayers wanted to be able to talk shit about other cosplayers while hating anime? Please go back to posting exclusively on /g/ and the celebrity cows thread or just log off and pretend to be a normie on Twitter or something
No. 1006666
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>>1001742sage for late post but your post just made me think of the suicide box in futurama.
No. 1006717
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East African women are prettier then west African women. Idk what that says about me as a black woman of west ethnicity.
No. 1006831
>>1006802I remember being told “everyone has a kink” but I really don’t,
except for wild born sexy yesterday sexy men like Tarzan I thought there was something wrong with me because I was vanilla. I hate how shilled they are, apparently this is what happens when ~sex positivity~ becomes a thing. i can’t wait for stupid kinks to die out like BDSM and DDLG especially.
No. 1006857
>>1006824He's a stalker.
I remember watching a video of his where he talks about stalking his ex gf, going to creep up on her apartment unwanted when she ditched him. I think she got a restraining order in the end, but don't remember too well.
He painted himself as a saint and her as unfair considering how much money he spent on her and now she doesn't want anything to do with him. This was many years ago.
No. 1006885
>>1006824Loved when he tried to catfish a pedo by using a teenage photo of a famous porn star. Not wrong or creepy at all
>>1006857Wish that was archived somewhere. Dude feels like Onion 2.0 in the making
No. 1006962
>>1006915Yes, I agree it's so cringy! He tries to paint himself as some real-life vigilante superhero and it comes off as really tasteless. Honestly, men who are incredibly vocal about how much they hate pedophiles and would totally beat them up on sight give off red flags to me. I see tons of comments on his videos of other men bragging about how they totally lured in some guy by pretending to be a teenage girl and then beat him up for being a pedophile (as if that totally happened) and it just comes off as really self-serving to me.
Incoming tinfoil rant, but I get the feeling that guys who are super vocal about how they target pedophiles are trying to compensate for something because newsflash: almost everyone dislikes pedophiles and hating them doesn't make you exceptional. It's almost like a nlog thing but for men. "See, I'm totally safe- not like other men. Look at how trustworthy and heroic I am because of how much I hate groomers." It feels bad to admit that since it just sounds like I'm sympathizing with groomers or that I'm overly paranoid. Seems like everyone else on Youtube is willing to give these guys asspats, but I don't trust them.
No. 1006984
>>1006962Predators will often insert themselves into spaces for
victims of their crimes or be excessively vocal against their own in order to cover their tracks and give themselves plausible deniability. “B-but he HATED pedos, how could he be caught with pics on his hard drive!!”
No. 1006986
>>1006897kek I knew he knew he reviewed hentai but some scrotes on kf
on the Nexpo/YT Horror Channels thread are saying that he was reviewing loli hentai. I can't confirm if that's true since the videos are gone but I wouldn't be surprised since that's the shit hentai degenerates are usually into
No. 1007001
>>1006831you mean men that are absolutely so dumb as hell, i mean absolute fuckin buffoons, but with basic kindness, survival skills, provision for their partner, and looks?
yea that's the SAWCE
No. 1007079
>>1006717Are you African-American? If so, you're likely to have some hang-ups from being surrounded by American/white media and fucked up depictions of Africa
If not, it's probably because you make East Africans out to be exotic, and you see more of the ugly West Africans because duh proximity. I've seen tons of pretty West African women and not so pretty East African women. I say this as a neutral party to both
No. 1007095
>>1007001I don't think Tarzan is dumb, just naïve. He is the ultimate, unplugged, anprim himbo though.
>>1006962I'm not sure I'd read that much into it. They are making content for youtube aren't they? It is basically a job then and dramatics are rewarded. Maybe he's a secret creep, maybe he's just following the money.
No. 1007121
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>>1006516anime reaction pics? on an
imageboard of all places? well i never
No. 1007156
>>1007116If a man doesn't pay for the first couple of dates, I'll just assume he's not interested. He's not obligated to spend money on me, I'll split the bill if he wants, but if he sees me as an expense he'd rather avoid I'll take it for the obvious hint it is. I often see men promoting 50/50 specifically because they don't want to waste money on a girl they're not sure about or when they just want cheap/easy sex.
Men always ree about gold diggers but I couldn't care less about the money. I can and do pay for my food all the time and it doesn't affect my finances. If the cost of a date is concerning to a man (as opposed to just being butthurt about gender roles), either he's not financially stable enough to date in the first place, or he's going on a tonne of dates to the point it becomes a large expense. Either way it's not someone I want to date.
No. 1007268
>>1007116I honestly don't understand why either party should pay for all of it, I don't know if it's a cultural thing or not but in my country it's unheard of to treat someone to a date. You decide on a place to go that both enjoy and are willing to pay for, the "at least I got free food out of it" mindset doesn't exist.
>I had this discussion with someone and they sperged with >"I'd pay because I wouldn't want to owe someone anything."This is just a common self preservation tactic. You never know which scrote is the unhinged one who tries to hold it against you later if he ever pays for anything. I had one crazy fuck constantly demand to get me gifts and pay for small, meaningless things like a takeaway latte or something, then later tried to use that to extort me for sex.
No. 1007331
>>1007156I agree with you. Women can pay for their own shit nowadays, they just want to see if the man is generous and interested enough to pay instead. Of course it's not always foolproof, but it's the bare minimum.
>>1007297>Then he switched and started to be resentfulBut see, having him pay for everything in the beginning filtered him in the end. If only you just dumped him afterwards instead of relenting and buying his shit.
No. 1007484
>>1007297Reminds me of my ex. It started with him putting gas in my tank a few times and buying me lunch if I didn't have it to me paying for our meals, half the rent at his mom's house and at least $20 bucks a week for tobacco leaves to wrap his weed in because using papers to roll weed is for poor people. And he'd still accuse me of using him. My lesson learned is that all males are scum and looking for a come up, and they try and manipulate you into thinking
You're the bad guy and he's doing you a favor.
No. 1007763
>>1007757Some retard has been hard at work low-effort baiting for the last week and this is another retarded post in that vein. You will not change my mind.
Everyone ignore this dumb discussion topic, we've been through it like 3 times already
No. 1008330
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>>1008317Norwegian forest Grimes kek
In general, all 30+ white women who go blond/are blond and then do this to their bangs are guaranteed fakes (Yolandi, Grimes, etc). I don't know why, it's a pattern
No. 1008364
>>1007780This. Unless it's clothes/jewellery, I find bright blue (and green tbh) horrible looking against human skin.
>>1007746Stfu and stop projecting. I have never seen a blue eyed person that wouldn't look better with grey or hazel eyes.
No. 1008402
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>>1007780> Me. Blue eyes are weirdly childish and demonic looking. They're cute on children and babies but when I see adults with blue eyes they look so off and spookyFacts, I see people shill this one actress (Alexandra Daddario) & her eyes look weird and freaky most of the time. Darker blue eyes aren’t as bad but pure light blue eyes are creepy looking and seem like a side effect of keeping the bloodline close/pure imo.
No. 1008500
>>1008452Kek well yeah, this is the unpopular opinion thread, not jelousy infighting sperg thread…
Off topic a bit but I swear there are people who come on this thread just to get mad about people's opinions or to call them ''fake'', it's anonymous what would be the point anyways.
>>1008432How is my insignificant opinion about eyes impeding on anyone's life? Besides it's just the first impression, any judgements I make about people will be made based on their character and actions, not their eye color.
>>1008454Idk, people seem to be pretty passionate about eyes up in this bitch. I agree though, it's not a big deal at all.
No. 1008622
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>>1008402kek same vibes as picrel
No. 1008682
>>1007746thank you for reminding me why I hardly ever read this thread, it's always the same fucking discussions
>blue eyes vs brown eyes>complaining about ppl who care more about animal rights than human rights>something about bisexuals>something about makeup/pickmeismI know there's more but they get rehashed every thread, I swear to god
No. 1008830
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>>1008682It's retarded because pink eye is singlehandedly the most attractive eye color.
No. 1008837
>>1008830God YES look at how
blood shot those eyes are DAMN girl keep it pink and keep it moist and keep it
runnnnyyyyyy No. 1008987
>>1008851>>1008907every single person I've ever met who claimed to have green eyes really just had blue eyes or greenish blue at best, my guess is when you look super close up at your eyes in the mirror you notice nuances that most people don't see, but to the rest of the world they don't look like that
in other words, your eyes are probably just blue. sorry.
No. 1009017
>>1009009let's switch places
nonnie, you can have all the 5'9 italian men I'm surrounded by
t. 6 ft tall
No. 1009086
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>>1009082yeah i have similar eyes, a small brown/yellowish ring around my pupil depending from the light and dark ring around the iris.
No. 1009093
>>1009086Obviously photo shopped. Everyone with "green eyes" wears contacts to feel
No. 1009331
>>1009203don't worry we're not the ones who gotta tell themselves a whole eye color don't exist because they have complexes over having common ass shit eyes and not being "speshul" enough
(though funnily enough, here where i live green eyes aren't rare because most people have blue eyes and green eyes here and brown eyes are the rare ones so no one would feel any need to fake having green eyes for speciality points lmao)
No. 1009376
>>1008987This is the weirdest take I've ever seen, are you colour blind? If anything, people are more likely to claim their hazel eyes for green. My eyes are also like
>>1009086, I wish they were more green but the brown makes me unsure of what to define them as. Blue eyes are desirable, nobody is ashamed of them to the point of pretending they're green instead.
No. 1009380
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me with hazel eyes fanning the flames on all sides
No. 1009495
>>1009376I'm not colorblind. and most of the people I've encountered who claim to have green eyes, like a teacher I once had, are defensive about their eye color before I even have a chance to tell them it doesn't look green to me. they'll be like "my eyes are GREEN!!! NOT blue" so they're apparently used to arguing with people about it which would mean I'm not the only one who thinks that.
>>1009082I never once said they didn't exist.
No. 1009561
>>1009533What ends up happening when non monogamy is practiced is that most of the women end up with a small amount of men, which results in the rest of men becoming very violent towards women, other men and everything else which is destructive to society as a whole.
>It doesn't fit evolutionary theoryEvolution is really complex. Some things in nature seem counterintuitive. Just because something doesn't immediately make sense on the surface doesn't mean it can't benefit the human race.
>monogamy is manmade and enforced through violence, laws & religionLots of things are enforced through laws, laws exist for a reason. Lots of things (like the internet) are also manmade so I don't get what's wrong with that either. People who complain that monogamy is "unnatural" or whatever never have a problem with oral sex, contraception or staring at a screen 8 hours a day. And there are countries with governments/religions that enforce polygamy, I've yet to see evidence they're better off for it.
No. 1009564
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>>1009490i'm not sure what people mean with hazel sometimes because sometimes they call brown eyes hazel but sometimes people say hazel is pic related which is more blue? like in my country the eye color is not even known or doesn't have a name no one says they have "hazel" eyes
No. 1009642
>>1009564hazel can reflect multiple colors because the coloration of hazel eyes is far more nebulous and relies on amount of melanin in the body. all eyes can change hue but it's most apparent with hazel.
sometimes they are more green and other times they can appear more brown, grayish, or even amber in color
No. 1009659
>>1009617I've never been poly but when I was 19/20 I was in a social group where most people were a decade older than me and living the poly life. My god, the drama, the fallout from break ups.. the cheating?? people couldn't stick to their own rules around who they can sleep with and what needs to happen first. Ugly people inside and out. Watching a baby be conceived in the middle of what I'd call a 'bpd freakout bdsm cheating scandal gone mad' was my queue to get away from these people.
Think of the most
toxic relationship you've had, then think of the ugliest, messiest break up that followed it. Multiply that times ten and just keep reliving it every few months with someone new. As dumb as I was for even hanging out in circles like least I never got dragged fully in. Dysfunctional on a level I've never seen since. I'm now the age that they were and I cannot imagine carrying on like that. I know they got into it with mostly good intentions but it attracts fucked up people with existing emotional damage that only gets infinitely worse in those circumstances.
No. 1009982
>>1009916>I've been on this site for like 6-7 yearsIrrelevant.
>It's an unpopular opinion.Because we know this thread never gets any bait at all.
No. 1010102
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>I've been on this site for 6-7 years
No. 1010134
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Inspired by that one post in /m/, like Eren (and Gabi).
No. 1011010
Strap in.
The reason most users here have such a supposed moral aversion to men being attracted to, or dating younger women, especially in the 16-19 range, is not due to, as they claim, a desire to prevent immature girls being exploited by “creepy older guys” but because it either consciously or subconsciously reminds them of their own comparative undesirability, due to the either the inevitable ageing process, or diet or lack of exercise.
In the same way that we’re probably attracted to status or powerful men for evolutionary reasons, men are most sexually attracted to the healthiest and most fertile females, which happens usually to be young women, because the youthful looks, slim body etc. which are obviously more likely to be found in young women, are physical indicators of fertility and health for their offspring.
I don’t wish it was like this btw.
No. 1011020
>>1011010You are either a scrote or a woman who spends too much time on incel/lookism forums
I'm gomma go with thr former for my own mental sake
No. 1011061
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re: pickme retard above
No. 1011066
>>1011010Male fertility dies when they leave their youth. That's when they start producing autistic children, and other issues crop up. Simply put, it is an abomination for an older man with low quality sperm to attempt to reproduce with a young, fertile women in her prime. It just goes against all evolutionary logic
That's also why these "age gap" relationships aren't actually mainstream or natural, but seem to occur most often in societies with marked or extreme wealth inequality between the sexes. Despite the lies of older males (especially Hollywood producers), an aged, near-infertile man is not attractive to any young, healthy woman. That's why these older men must hoard wealth that would rightfully go to young, healthy males. It's a bid to monopolize access to women who seek better lives, and it is indeed predatory
No. 1011124
>>1011073I haven't really had terrible hook ups but I've had sex that certainly wasn't worth the risks that are attached to sex or that wasn't even worth the hassle of arranging the meet up.. it was just meh. If another woman tells me she's never had a hook up.. I'd probably just reply that she's not missing out on much.
For me it felt like a phase that I had to get out of my system but it's overrated. Rarely lives up to what you want from it.
No. 1011161
>>1011010Speak for yourself, hun. I was taken advantage of by men at that age (and even younger) and I don't want the same for others. As difficult as it may be for you to experience empathy, the rest of us actually do and can actually perform selfless acts.
Maybe seek a psychopathy diagnosis?
No. 1011232
>>1011010I don't want babies, no man I've ever slept with or dated has wanted me preggo, they still share the same tastes as any man.. I don't know how much we should care about them claiming it's all fertility based. Men can claim what they want but IMO mens sexuality is so far removed from nature that it's a joke.
Maybe I've just met too many fetish freaks
No. 1011399
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>>1011010The fuck is it with all the retarded r9k scrotes here lately? Or is it just the steven moid?
No. 1011457
>>1011401lol I was thinking this exact same thing a while back. scrotes be like
>the reason why teen porn is so popular is because 17 y/o's because they're ~the most fertile~ and men naturally want to ~spread their seed~but then they love choking, anal, blowjobs, piss play and a bunch of other nasty shit that is not conducive to procreation. I think it's pretty clear it has to do with taboo.
No. 1011482
>>1011010XYs get the rope
>>1011019I keep cracking up at this redtext
No. 1011501
>>1011490>incestoh shit, I totally forgot about that really popular theme in porn too.
>"I fantasize about fucking teenagers cuz I wanna have healthy offspring">proceeds to fantasize about fucking their little sister which would result in serious birth defects"fertility". sure jan
No. 1012007
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>>1011497yes, they're all using it as a shield when they get called out by adults for anything
No. 1012061
>>1012056Do you know what a NLOG means? It's a woman who claims to be unlike the other women around her in a way that makes her special, usually to boost her own status and gain admiration in the eyes of men and other women. The
problematic part is that it inherently implies that women are a hivemind with their personalities and aspirations tied to a very shallow stereotype, a meme that has been forced for centuries and one that feminists are desperately trying to get rid of. NLOG isn't a woman who simply doesn't get along with basic bitch staceys who disagree with her on her band shirt.
No. 1012063
>>1012061>NLOG isn't a woman who simply doesn't get along with basic bitch staceys who disagree with her on her band shirt.And yet, that woman will still be called an NLOG for daring to ever judge other women. This is why I say it's a misused insult
I've seen it used multiple times for any woman who just says she dislikes a certain type of other woman kek. It's probably just deflection and cope from those in the group being complained about, but it's honestly egregious
No. 1012111
>>1012106Because it's used for any woman who steps out of line now. I'm not white, and I was literally called a Karen for telling an American woman of the same race to stop bashing those in the diaspora lmao. Don't even get me started on how often it gets used if you don't agree that men can be women. Even white men call minority women "Karen" if you ever step "out of line"
Pick-mes and misogynists have ruined the word, and they're using the concept of racism to shield themselves. It's honestly pretty similar to how white trannies constantly equate their struggle to enter women's spaces to black people being segregated from everything. In fact, whenever African-American people do or experience anything, it seems like all the other Americans hop on it and stretch it to fit themselves
No. 1012114
>>1012106It's scrotes that are taking it and applying it to too many women for any old reason. I've seen a woman with dementia who was acting confused.. called a karen for being lost and asking people for help. She wasn't aggressive at any point. It's too much. Like other anon said, it quickly became a stand in term for 'this bitch' and in some scrotes eyes women are bitches for any little thing.
There's a channel on youtube that gets millions of views for sharing karen vids, not a single male karen has been featured and it's a cesspit of bitter males talking about women living life on easy mode.
No. 1012159
>>1012126Samefag but isn't it weird to you that the stereotypical names "Shaniqua", "Ling Ling"/"Ming Lee", "Juanita", etc are/were
only used on minority women respectively, but "Karen" gets used on all kinds of women these days? You don't think it's been hijacked in the least? Wake the fuck up
No. 1012208
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>>1012159funny because i have only ever seen shaniqua been used to make fun of "ghetto" black ladies as a kid after seeing something related in a movie or something. the other names, never heard except for people on the internet claiming people use them all the time.
karen was funny at first because in my eyes it was just a joke about ladies wiuth that one haircut who always ask to see a manager, didnt think of race as a significant part of the equation because the focus was the hair style and just having some kind of attitude/the courage to speak up about something (even if theyre wrong). the term hasnt been funny for years and is overused to demean women in even the tamest interactions, idk who has been so focused on the race part as much as the woman part
No. 1012221
>>1012214The longer that I've been sexually active.. the more I appreciate regular old sex acts with a scrote who doesn't try to always escalate to something more extreme.
Those guys who are always trying to get a woman to do 'insert a sex act that most women don't like' .. like can you not just enjoy the fact that a woman wants to fuck you at all?
No. 1012248
>>1011010Have you ever noticed how grown men who actively seek out teenage girls never keep them around once they are older than 21? Hmmm well if they were actually attracted to the fertility aspect, that kind of implies that they're in it to have kids. But if they want children so bad then why do they never marry and start families with these teenage girls? Why do they just dump and replace them with another young girl, never having children with the previous one?
Men who are attracted to teenage girls as dating partners are allergic to responsibility, it's the opposite of your reasoning. They don't want to have kids and there's less consequences for treating teenage girls like that because teenagers aren't usually ready to get married either.
It's so obvious once you meet or deal with these types irl too. They'll make all kinds of excuses but it really just boils down to that they have the emotional maturity of a teenager and they don't want to have to grow up, man up, and become a father.
No. 1012263
>>1011066Based post. I hate the geriatric fucks who think being in their 40s makes them a sex symbol when there is nothing in the world like a young athletic guy who has stamina and no need for pills.
Plus too much connotation of autism with women when every autistic person I know had a dad in their 40s-50s. Old sperm swims in circles and can't do it's only job right.
No. 1012285
>>1012234Who gives a shit what the term originally meant? Negro used to be the PC word for african american, but its usage has obviously changed since its inception. The fact that it used to mean something else doesn’t make it inoffensive now.
The Karen concept was always seemed kind of not cohesive to me anyway. There are plenty of men and women of every race who pull that shit (in my personal service job experience, I’ve most often had bad interactions with eastern european individuals), framing being an entitled asshole as a white soccer mom thing feels forced. I think everyone can easily picture some imaginary short haircut live laugh love woman getting away with being a total bitch to service workers, but what proof do you have that a significant number of these people actually exist?
No. 1012314
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>>1012285Omg how much am I gonna have to explain to you that Karen is a specific character, it’s not a bunch of random ass ratchet mean customers walking up and screaming about how the fries aren’t the same anymore kek
No. 1012360
>>1012342Men like the visuals of lesbianism for pretty woman acting sexual reasons as you say, but actual lesbians, who reject men and think they are disgusting, are hated.
The lesbians they sexualize are not seen as true lesbians, a true lesbian is an "ugly dyke"
>>1012349That's weird as fuck, men truly are obsessed with what they can't have. People (men) need to learn some damn boundaries.
No. 1012362
>>1012360Weird, I've known a lot of like, redneck dudes and lesbians who get along fine. The only time I've heard the dudes talk shit on the lesbians was when they get into their male-dominated field (automotive industry) and then can't do the work.
Idk this idea that men just sit around being disgusted by butch lesbians, I haven't seen much evidence of it
No. 1012369
>>1012363Now I'm just convinced this is a retard trying to bait.
>uhh ackshually I think men don't fetishize lesbians at all because real lesbians are ugly dykes?????>uhh and also lesbians are always real meanies to straight women!!! Ignore this shit already
No. 1012389
>>1012368I didn't report. He was young and trying to be some cool guy treating me like one of the boys by talking tits and porn at me cos lesbians surely relate? I think someone else told him my 'must be gay shaved head' was a medical thing so I then dropped in that I'm not gay seeing as it was already kinda out.. Thought he'd laugh it off but he got awkward and basically never made eye contact with me again.
He went from bugging me for details about my sexual tastes to.. that lol
No. 1012420
>>1012416Wow you're really
triggered by nothing
No. 1012423
>>1012420You lead on an authority figure and baited lesbianism, it's easy to see that you're a dumb bitch for that without having any feelings connected to it,
nonny, hadoy
No. 1012431
>>1012423 >authority figureDude was younger than me. Kinda hot but then too offputting in other ways. Shame.
>>1012425Sorry I'll stop kek
No. 1012595
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Because of pic related combined with
>>1012444, minors just shouldn't be allowed to have online accounts. They should be allowed to lurk/browse most sites and access emergency or therapy services for help, but not sign up, interact with people or access 18+ spaces until they come of age. Chatting should be disabled for games, except for pre-made responses like in Among Us
Since most major sites already take our phone numbers, if they start asking for credit card verification (free of charge) to create an account, it could drastically decrease the amount of minors making accounts online. Anyone with an account who claims to be a minor gets their account locked and investigated, and any adult who gets caught allowing their child to use their account gets banned
Within this generation alone, there are countless examples of minors being groomed, exposed to shit they never should've been, involving themselves in discussions they don't belong in, and embarrassing themselves publicly. Some of them get targeted for harassment, stalking and kidnapping. All of it can be fought with this simple rule
No. 1012606
>>1012319are u referring to
>>1012234? kek
>>1012279its so annoying lmao im not playing colourblind, theres women who fit the funny manager calling type in all races heck my mom is one of them, but she doesnt have the haircut and her skin isnt pale. if someone means to call a white woman a bitch they can go for it, just stop with cringe terms like "becky" this isnt twitter
No. 1012755
Sometimes Karens are in the right. I worked in the service industry, primarily fast food, for years, and so many of my coworkers were lazy teenagers who came in high on weed or heroin. They would give incorrect orders and not give a shit, then get mad when customers got angry. If it's on the incompetence of the employee, there's no excuse. Also, some service industry workers are rude as fuck to you and can be just as nasty as Karens, especially if they happen to be middle aged women. I can be super polite when I thought a price was different, or that I need to return something, and they'll treat me like I'm screaming for the manager. But I also know that they are probably so used to this treatment that they are on the defense. I try not to get upset about it but nobody seems to notice this.
tl;dr. not all service industry workers are innocent flawless angels, some are genuine assholes or straight up incompetent
No. 1012816
>>1012595Fantasizing about this is bringing me so much euphoria, I wish it was the reality. Minors need to be deleted from social media for their own safety, the sites need to start asking for adult verification and hide all content from users that aren't logged in. Because let's be real just blocking social media from them would do a world of difference already, kids would only be limited to sites with no user interaction.
I grew up online in the early 00's and while everyone knows the "old internet" was a cesspool with no moderation and I was exposed to a ton of degenerate content I still feel like I would've turned out much worse if I was involved in today's social media communities. I didn't have any two-way communication with adults for one thing, I might've stumbled upon a cartoon porn site but I had no way of actually communicating with the adult creators or even make them aware of my presence. Social media changed all of that.
No. 1013011
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I hate that in many parts of the internet, people are expected to keep up a sort of pretense. For one example, we bait each other on all topics, and if someone dares to be a little too sincere about their emotions, the automatic response is "Why are you mad haha calm down xd", even if the one doing the shaming was the first to cast insults. It's almost scrotebrained. The type of slimy, cowardly scrote who wears fedoras and is obsessed with one-upping people passive-aggressively to feel "intellectual" because he can't fight and women don't like him
"Schizo" anons who unapologetically type out walls of text composed of pure negative emotion are actually kind of based. They express their raw feelings without fear of coming off as crazy or bad to online strangers, because they understand that unless you constantly use identifiable information or avatarfag like an attention whore, the "real" story of anything will be opaque (at best) to those who don't know you personally
If you're good with words, you could literally set fire to someone's house and lock their granny in an attic for insulting your pet, then come here, recount your actions and garner the support of multiple posters who will call you based. Schizo posters know this, and they refuse to play the game. They don't care about being validated, they can't be fucked trying to look reasonable in an anonymous post, and they're not out to convince strangers of shit or push an agenda. They're truly just expressing themselves, and anyone who replies to them trying to argue, or question their sanity, will only receive another impenetrable wall of text. It's impressive (not the Romanianon, though, after the cat thing)
No. 1013017
>>1013010It depends where you live, I've lived both in south america and the southern united states and everyone in their 18-20s was still using it.
But i guess if you live somewhere "cooler" lmao
No. 1013019
The recent surge of zoomer hate is extremely gay and petty.
Don't even try to talk about their retardation or obsession with identities – an obsession that has been going on for the last fucking fifty years! it's not exclusive to zoomers, the internet just provided another area for it – or their terminally status. What, you weren't retarded at that age? Anyone who spends their time being spiteful at zoomers or at the younger generation is just resentful that they're no longer socially relevant. Not only are they resentful, but they're also extremely immature and caught in crisis static: They're upset about aging out of the socially and culturally relevant bracket and the only way they can express their frustration about the passage of time is by being spiteful of the younger generation, talking all smug about how one day they'll get to see what it's like, trying to enact their favorite revenge fantasy.
The same goes for retarded zoomers as well. "Wow she's so old……..she's thirty" or "OK boomer hahahaha" – again, they're only expressing their frustration adulthood and old age, and trying to spite older people as much as they can. Setting themselves up for future heartbreak and self-loathing.
Yes, generational personas exist, and you can shit on the new social or cultural climate surrounding this persona all you like, but I don't think zoomers are going to come up with anything new other than maybe new sub-genders.
No. 1013025
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>>1013021It was just before the coof anon, i genuinely couldn't do shit in Louisiana without facebook
No. 1013037
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The MTF thread is peak retardation. No wonder trannies have done such a good job of portraying terfs as a bunch of conservative karens. The wonderful opinions I have encountered here were: women just naturally prefer dominant men and hate submissive ones, "he looks like a male but not like a man", generally equating masculinity with being a "top" and sexually dominant and femininity with being weak and timid. And that's only the ones I can remember right now, there are way more of this shit out there.
No. 1013043
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>>1013036We used it to get services like plumbers, electricians, buying second-hand stuff (specially car shit that my boyfriend is into), knowing about non touristy restaurants, and whole lot of other stuff.
Using google only gives you the expensive top of the line stuff that puts in an effort to make a website so facebook is better to find local less expensive things.
>iirc craigslistcraigslist was a ghost town where we lived.
No. 1013054
>>1013036I will literally tie you up and parade you in a litter carried by a swarm of they/thems and put you in front a 2006 computer with Word open and ask you to correctly align a picture and move it around, then I will witness the sweat dripping down your forehead and watch as you descend into a (
trigger warning: retardation) epileptic episode. I will deprive you of the need to watch YouTube when you eat and force you to have a meal at a table away from your phone and your laptop and any electronics. You will so deprived of stimulation you’ll get a little woozy. And then I’ll force you to watch old faggoty videos of that one orange from YouTube circa 2007 and play neopets. And I will put you in your little and then take you out of it and take your phone away from you and tell the swarms of mentally ill they/thems with family issues to begone and I will force you to ask for directions from strangers instead of using Google Maps. I will force you to take a taxi and watch you melt in anxiety as the driver tells you he gas no idea where that new gay little place that you’ve been seeing all over Instagram, and he’ll get frustrated bit by bit at how retarded you are, and then he’ll have to stop pedestrians and ask them, “Hey, you know where is that gay little place at?” And they’ll spare you a glance and say no, what the fuck is that, sounds retarded, and you’ll keep saying I-I’m not sure and I don’t know, and the driver will start getting a little frustrated because when did they starts ALLOWING RETARDS out of THEIR FUCKING HOMES who need A DIGITAL IV DRIP constantly FUCKING CONNECTED to their bodies? God, this is like the Matrix, but it’s so much gayer and the protagonist crumbles into sobs when she actually has to talk on the phone instead of using UberEats or whatever you use to order food.
No. 1013063
>>1013017Where i'm from facebook is still pretty full of 20-30 year old people as well. In fact i use it to connect and be active on social media with those demographics, while other social medias like twitter or instagram feels more like for late teens or college freshmen.
Granted i live in some third world country so maybe that's why. Facebook is genuinely nice to use though. It has a lot of features like editing, archiving, custom audience posts, groups, etc. Shit people have to beg twitter and instagram to give them. This idea that certain social medias are "old people thing" is very weird to me kek
No. 1013090
>>1013087? i don't know who that is
you're not doing a very good job at trying to portray that you're not brainrotted and addicted to the internet. so far you've admitted to being addicted to facebook, growing up online, knowing obscure twitter and tiktok references… you're just a typical zillennial NLOG, pretty much a zoomer.
No. 1013112
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I will hop on this Facebook talk to say Facebook is increasingly hard to use especially when you make a new account. I make a new account when I need it for something specific (mostly selling) and when I am done I delete it. I don't need it to keep in contact with people because for me Facebook feels plastic and fake and full of advertisements and disagreements.
Whenever I make a new account they don't let me use the normal functions I could use years ago and things are behind a paywall sometimes. Less people use groups too. It's like they give more benefits to people who have been on Facebook longer. They also want me to verify my identity with my ID everytime and every time I do it doesn't work and FB just keeps those pictures for themselves. I hate it. Anyone else has seen this?
No. 1013122
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>>1013115Or maybe some people just like to read interesting posts and not validation-seeking ones,
nonnie No. 1013152
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this whole show was so cringey
No. 1013161
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>>1013141Speak for yourself kek
No. 1013173
>>1012595Yes, please. Except I think 18~22 years olds are still too young to be on the internet. I feel like around 22/23 is when you actually start getting out of the "minor" mindset, and truly realize that you have absolutely nothing to do or in common with younger people. Tbh I could totally imagine 18~21 year olds wanting to hang out aroung teenagers, or at least not caring about being mixed with them, since they probably still have a lot in common. 18 year olds love to brag about how "mature" and "old" they are for some reason, but they still hang around teens no problem.
It honestly feels surreal reading youtube comments and seeing shit like "Five nights at Freddys was my childhood, I was 6 when I first played it" and shit like that. I'm not even that old and I already can't believe I'm sharing the whole net with people that young. I guess that sensation grows stronger and faster the older you become.
No. 1013190
>>1013173Unpopular opinion - I hate the infantization of people who are 20+. It just feels like someone who either
A - wants to feel better or more mature than most, so once they reach a certain age they'll claim everyone younger is just immature
B - some weird excuse from people in this age range to act childish and immature for not trying to get their life together, or they feel bad since everyone else their age has a career or family going so they cry "noooo you're so childish in your early 20s"
C - (the least likely option, I hope) it's an excuse for people who are 18-22 to date minors. Not accusing any of you of doing this but I've seen so many scrotes 18-22 claim "well I'm just as immature as a high schooler so I can relate to them more therefore it's okay if I date them, nothing is serious when you're 18-22"
D - these people who say this were childish and careless when they were 18-22, and then regret it and are now trying to piece their life together and just uses this as cope for poor decisions they made
No. 1013194
>>1013011Lolcow thinks everyone is a scrote. I got called a scrote because I asked someone to explain their side kek. They literally said "saying "explain" makes you sound like a scrote". It's like they think women are only capable of just submissively ignoring things that concern them or just bitchfighting kek. Try to convince them women are a wide range of personalities who are all capable of reacting to things they disagree with in different ways and they'll scream scrote
Literal MGTOW mindset just on the different side
No. 1013199
>>1013194Babe if you can’t see the difference MGTOW and the women here,
you are the retard
No. 1013205
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>>1013173>>1013190>>1013195Vent but i was from 19 to 21 during the coof lockdown so i honestly haven't matured a single bit because i was locked at home doing college online classes, and that's it.
Im dreading my birthday because i genuinely didn't have any adult experiences, didn't have a job, didn't mature and didn't do shit for the two-three years that are most devolpmentally important for adulthood, and now suddenly im "old" with the same brain i had when i was 19.
No. 1013230
>>1013207I don't really know if other people have felt the same anon but in myself it genuinely feels like i have some genuine arrested development.
>>1013208All that talk makes me uncomfortable too
nonnie, i hope you feel less lonely now, im high risk for covid so it doesn't even feel like i had any choice, it was between home prison or possible death.
>>1013210fucking same, I went from reasonably quirky but still sociable college student to weeb womanchild, im not a neet because i "work" remotely but it feels like the same thing when you're a freelancer.
No. 1013348
>>1013288I'm not american and the lockdown was extremely enforced where i live, on top of me being at risk for serious covid, the only time i went out was to go to the supermarket at 3 am.
Why do americans think the world is just like their country wtf? You saw on the news how other countries took covid seriously, some still are like Australia and China.
No. 1013397
>>1013054this was a good post. say what you want about trying hard to be funny, but i appreciate the effort here and the post happens to be funny.
this is very true and i enjoy watching people get angry about it
No. 1013446
>>1013411I really think it's got to the point where making an ass of yourself online doesn't matter anymore. The Amazing Atheist literally shoved a banana up his ass on camera online and he bounced right back from it. As long as you stop feeding and being a lolcow, it all dissipates.
I know it's ironic considering the website we're on, but nobody really cares about you doing cringy shit as a teenager online.
No. 1013460
>>1013446>shagging fruit to own the theists Male atheists are a circus.
>>1013452This, no matter what a man does, he’s still a whole human to the world. A woman’s value revolves around her looks and sexuality, she will always be ‘goods’ to be coveted or ruined.
No. 1013506
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>>1013337it’s almost like we keep having the same discussions in this world, begging people to at least have a moderate level of empathy and understanding is futile. tired of being nice, you’re another robotic subhuman convinced of their own agency and I’m not even the anon you’re talking about, you’re just another faceless idiot who will finally die and never have to the right to type your shit again and i’m glad that this species is able to die
No. 1013516
>>1013506She said all that shit because she feels like she did so much work, and hearing about others not doing the same thing makes her a little miffed. In her eyes, they all took a backseat in the time that she busted her ass, so she's earned the right to look down on people. Funny because she doesn't know who here is a third worlder, poor or in an
abusive home. In some people's eyes, the world revolves around them and them alone. Only anon's struggle is real and everyone should somehow find a way to copy her even though her existence was literally unknown until she decided to insult a stranger
No. 1013530
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>>1013525ntayrt And that wasn't happening before? That's just life, grow up. The 2020's are roarin' with stupid if you ask me.
No. 1013531
>>1012966It's true. I am 100x more scared when a middle aged dude yells at me than a so-called "Karen". But women are easier to make fun of for people.
On that note, filming people in public should be illegal. I know this is lolcow of all places, but so many womens lives have been ruined by this Karen meme over misinterpretations of minor situations and clout-hungry zoomers
No. 1013548
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>>1013537>the rocketing covid cases again.>It's not over for god's sake. >The hospitals are filling up with unvaccinated patientsYou sound like a news headline lol.
No. 1013561
>>1013554Makes sense tbh, like, how difficult could it be to keep a relatively small population controlled than a whole ass continent? I’m glad things aren’t annoying in your country,
No. 1013615
>>1013446The issue is that people have no self awareness to their own flaws and mistakes so just lynch everyone over every little mistake, the anons blasting and nitpicking every little mistakes cows make in snow and every unflattering outfit probably have complete brain farts at times just likes those cows and wear even worse things. It's like a weird game where you need to "react" how the internet wants, if you get defensive then you'll get blasted even more for acting human, people and trolls have become weirdly sadistic.
The amazing atheist never gave a fuck and publicly makes fun of himself, that's why his consequences were never as shitty as when celebrities have vanilla nudes or tapes exposed. No one cares about Kim k anymore because she didn't care
No. 1013660
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>>1013642>>1013619Why are anons always having Corona debates everywhere but the Corona thread
No. 1013699
>>1013642I'll explain to you why this makes no sense unless they are referring specifically to ICUs/ COVID wards
>Emergency room, commonly referred to when talking about COVID are for accidents or health issues such as heart attacks, trauma, appendix bursting, etc. If someone is experiencing COVID symptoms because they're big scary unvaxxed plague rats they would just be turned away due to covid symptoms and referred to a COVID test and then to the ER, if they have COVID they will be sent home and quarantined unless they are unable to breathe >Urgent cares/walk in clinic/family doctors/ etc will do the same. If you are experiencing COVID symptoms then you will be referred to take a test and then told to stay home unless you are unable to breathe. >Most people who claim "the hospitals are being slammed with unvaccinated people getting COVID!". Not only live in areas that are like 70-95% vaccinated and expect us to believe a minority, whom are usually poor and uninsured are going to the hospital a lot over COVID, most unvaccinated people I know avoid the hospital unless they absolutely need to. reality is most people testing positive for covid lately are fully vaccinated Most actual COVID cases do not require hospitalization, if they do then they will be put in the ICU or COVID ward, and I will bring that up next
>L&D, Cancer wards, sleep ward, brain trama, etc. I shouldn't have to explain why they are not putting COVID patients in these sections. If you are vaccine injured and it hasnt been 2 weeks since you were fully vaccinated, then you're considered an unvaccinated patient.What I mean by "actual COVID" is that patients get tested whether they have zero symptoms, all of them, or are in for a leg injury, or pregnancy. If you are admitted because your leg broke you are consider a
COVID patient, even with no symptoms, and you won't get multiple tests despite the fact there's a HUGE influx of false positives, like 75% of positives are false. Several people have called this out and made videos of them testing tap water, fruit, etc on COVID tests and getting positive tests. Why they don't bother fixing this I don't know. There's no vaccine mandates where I work and most nurses are against the vaccine since they see effects of it daily.
I know if people even did deny medical care to unvaccinated people will still claim that it's unvaccinated filling up the hospital somehow, they're always the scapegoats even though vaccinated people are told by fauci himself it doesn't prevent transmission or spreading of COVID but go out and party and travel
No. 1013800
>>1013716Most popular in my hospital is myocarditis, miscarriages/other pregnancy complications, and tremors/seizures. Young people, including children seem to be more prone to vaccine injuries I assume because of the unneeded high immune response, especially after two doses, since a lot of people are exposed to it in their daily life and are already immune with the antibodies. I also notice people who have already had COVID seen to have more reactions too.
There's also a lot of allergenic ingredients that most people don't even know they're allergic to unless they were prescribed something that is rare to be prescribed, such as the methoxypolyethylene glycol in the mRNA vaccines, which is why I really want people to take health panels before they get the vaccine. Methoxy also has been known to cause blood clots too. Some days there is a lot of people with vaccine injuries that are considered "unvaccinated patients". I feel bad for a lot of people who have taken the peer pressure from their families and employers to get a risky vaccine. COVID was never severe in the first place, I've also been in this business for years and have seen similar "full capacity hospitalizations" during major flu outbreaks but the hysteria is going to kill more people than unvaccinated plague rats ever will
No. 1013843
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I know that most people consider these paintings wholesome, but I simply can't feel the same way, because these fucking hags really piss me fucking off. Something is certainly off and ugly with their faces and it really disturbs me, like in an uncanny wallet way.
No. 1013848
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>>1013843I am actually
triggered by an unpopular opinion for once, do NOT speak ill of precious hags just living their best life
No. 1013911
>>1013865>Get over it! Oh yes, a great advice. If only we all could simply get over whatever uncomfortable feelings and trauma we have!
I think it's only up to the affected person to decide how real something was to them and when they are done with the effect it had on their life.
No. 1013914
>>1013865i met my husband on tumblr in 2013, in a relationship since 2015 and we have now lived together for the past 5 years
literally only met him once irl before moving in together
i do agree the relationship isnt real if theres no rush to close the distance gap in less than 2 years, long distance is nothing like seeing each other every day, even if you talk on webcam for hours a day its seriously not the same
No. 1014018
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Psychology is an industry at this point
In my opinion, you should only go if you think there is a chance you think you'll need medication, otherwise you're wasting money on something you could just as easily get from a talk with your parents, which is to say mostly unhelpful advice from someone who doesn't really know what you're going through but means well
No. 1014056
>>1013554Ay, I'mma just island gorl, I'mma just island gorl
I'mma get keep that gun, I be just staring at the sun
Nummies I'll fool gazin', I'm like the pool where I'm stayin'
They like "You wanna be famous?" I'm tryna be outdoor gators
I'm gonna be floater gorl and get a real down tropical
I'm a island gorl I put my vests on, yeah
Like a wug woman tryna make it to the top
I'm a island gorl, I been tryin' to make it
No. 1014169
>>1014018therapists are not supposed to give you advice, anon, goes to show you're criticizing something you have no idea about
Though it's true that just like any other industry, there are some willing to scam people in need, especially now when it becomes more common to seek psychological help, and it sucks.
No. 1014408
>>1014040Therapy that actually does anything is extremely rare, but I think it is out there
>>1014406>I've had so many men show me nudes girls have sent them just to talk shitThat's disgusting. Sending nudes is definitely never worth it because of the possibility of shit like that
No. 1014421
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>>1014018I use to believe a lot in therapist even if I never went to see one. However every person I know kind of got worse when they started seeing one regularly. Those people actually became more emotional and unhinged. They feel conforted about someone telling them how life is unfair and difficult to them, which is probably true but instead of working on it, it only push them to become lazier and weirder. I do think it's ok if you go only for a short amount of times though.
No. 1014532
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Karen is kind of a cute name. The “care” sounds sweet. I wouldn’t use it because of the association but it’s not an ugly name, they should have used something like Brenda for the meme.
No. 1014548
>>1014538Too Generic isn't good either, im named something like Mary Smith for my country and i got school documents constantly messed up because there were 7 other girls with the same name-surname combo and people always refered to me as "Mary Smith the weird skinny one not the cute one" and other variations that make you feel like not an actual person, i even had issues with an university exam because there was a girl with the same name combo AND BIRTHDAY as me but from a different city.
I think a middle ground between generic and unique snowflake is the best choice, if you have a very generic surname like i do its better to have a more unique first name to avoid all of these problems.
No. 1014556
>>1013865Why do people think this?
It's not even an unpopular opinion.
My unpopular opinion is that online friendships/relationships are real and meeting them irl really doesn't change much aside from having more things to do together and hugs, and this is coming from someone who has met multiple online friends. If you don't want them nobody cares but I find the shaming of people who have online friends and view it as a genuine friendship odd.
No. 1014581
>>1014546As someone who really struggles with it, I think having good teachers is really important too to build a good foundation. I thought that I was just mad at math until I met my precalc teacher in my last year of high school. I barely passed algebra, geometry, and trig up until that point. I was in the dumb class, but she broke that shit down so easy that even a retard like me who still can't do long division/multiplcation the normal way could understand everything. I took my notes from her class to college to help me out. I like that there are lots of ways to approach any given math problem for people's brains who might just get it easier with one method than another.
That said, I still need a lot more time to process a problem kek. Math is more fun as an adult since I have all the time in the world to figure shit out now.
No. 1014817
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I hate it when super pale women dye their hair a very unnatural shade of black. I think pale people can look good with black hair but it has to be a "softer" more natural looking black, not the super g0ff blue-black box dye that they all seem to go for. I feel the same way about Dita von Teese.
I was originally gonna use Amy Lee as an example but looking at her pictures I think her hair looks kind of good on her.
No. 1014834
>>1014817Dyed black hair looks bad on anyone (dem roots). And ur right, I hate that blue black sheen it always has. It's part of why I find Peter Steele unattractive.
The pale skin/edgy goth with black hair look is incredibly boring and try hard looking to begin with. Dime a dozen really. People who look alternative without dying their hair black and wearing black lipstick like an anne rice theatre kid always look 100 times more effortlessly cool.
No. 1014936
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>>1014843People who dress alternative without doing the whole goth makeup shtick. That could be anyone.
Only celeb that comes to mind for women is early y2k Avril Lavigne. Her all black outfits or cargo pants looked hard as fuck. She looked like the skater chick that would beat your ass. Definitely cooler and more refreshing.
No. 1015056
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cutters should always cover up, yeah no matter if its hot, wear some fucking linen or cotton, i was just thrown of the loop when some chick with gnarly scars showed up on my feed, it just makes you look selfish and an attention whore because it will scare and make most people uncomfortable.
>Buhbubuh normal people don't have to cover up!!
should've thought about that before doing this stupid shit.
No. 1015090
>>1015061I have very few noticeable scars. I will not cover shit. Fuck that. People shouldn't have to cower in shame their whole lives.
Fresh wounds are a different matter, obviously. Though I wouldn't judge someone for not hiding if it's super hot and they aren't visible unless someone looks closely
No. 1015111
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>>1015082idk anon its something that naturally makes people stare and usually makes both people uncomfortable, I've never seen someone with stuff like staples in the open, when i had surgery myself doctor gave me those rubber skin-colored bandages like picrel.
Mind you that's just for fresh/newish stuff that's red and raised and will obviously draw attention, not some shit that happened 10 years ago.
>>1015090>people shouldn't cower in shame for all their livesif its a shitty decision like being a bpd cutter yes they should, its like having track marks
No. 1015115
>>1015111My mother was an acid attack
victim and deserves to go outside a lot more than most judgmental mentally ill bitches posting here
No. 1015119
>>1015111ah, it's the "kick the bipee" thing again. So
victims of CSA abuse should live ashamed of their body cause they "made a shitty decision" when they had no other coping method? Fuck off. I hope nobody covers their old scars because of concern for what random normies will think. Shoving your cuts in people's face is fucked up, but at some point you have to live for yourself and not ignore going to the beach, pool etc. because someone will see the scars
not a bpdfag, but I find the idea of eternal shame from a result of trauma disgusting No. 1015124
>>1015061Does seeing them make you not want to talk to people who have them? Are they less approachable? you going to judge me on things that got there by accident as well as the cut and burn scars too?
Believe me I don't like them either. My skin feels the damage. There's no easy way to erase them. Still not going to cover them up in 100°f weather for your comfort
No. 1015134
>>1015119This. What's so hard about ignoring the scars? The fact of the matter is, you generally don't even know what's self-inflicted and what's not, but even if you did, most people's skin won't be flawless. We don't live in a cartoon. Even stretch marks can look like old self-harm scars on first sight, so should people with stretch marks constantly cover themselves up? What about other "uncomfortable" things like strabismus, severe injuries, cystic acne, extreme burn scars, cellulite, etc?
Fuck all that
No. 1015221
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>>1014817Over a decade ago I remember everyone using this dye in one of three shades, blue black, purple black, cherry black.
I had super short hair so tried the first two and grew it out no problem but I remember reading forums where women with long hair were freaking out that permanent black dye is hard to get out..?sure is lol
No. 1015222
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Black wojaks are pretty funny, 4channers hate its use because they can't stand seeing black people enjoy themselves and feel the need to gate keep shit internet memes.
No. 1015285
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>>1015222I love seeing how people get creative with wojaks, even the weird ones like womack wojak, shroomjak etc. Not surprised about the 4channers being like that, the userbase is made up of moid-incel-nazis so…
No. 1015542
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>>1015532They made this and others before the black wojaks though
No. 1015551
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>>1015545It was used interchangeably, incels even got mad over women identifying with it and made pic related
No. 1015782
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nonnie! this one's my favorite
(bait) No. 1015814
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>>1015782>favoriteWasn't that one made by angry incels from /pol/ mad about black women having fun? Kek scrotes seething, even here and now
No. 1015841
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>>1015834Same. I think it's nicer to look at and more female gaze-ish than the "original" white femwojaks
No. 1015849
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>>1015844Oh nvm, you're a seething /pol/sperg kek. What a way to enter 2022
No. 1015866
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>>1015859Oh honey, all women are capable of naturally growing nice hair…except for picrel.
(racebait) No. 1015868
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>>1015866>Oh honeyEw, it's getting worse
No. 1015885
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>>1015844You aren’t supposed to be here you disgusting fucking racist moid you should be busy dying in a war or building apartment complexes for hipsters. If you’re one of those racist asian anons going around and being rude towards the black anons I’m incredibly ashamed
No. 1015886
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>>1015875Nah, the pillow case thing sounded way too "Buffalo Bill or Ed Gein childhood anecdote"/white scrote to me kek
The best I can offer is that it's an obsessive troon from LSA or something ala pic related. Probably mad that he got told he'd never be a woman in spite of his Beyonce gif collection or something
No. 1015910
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>>1015902>I-I-It was my black friend! I totally have friends!! Women talk to me, including black women!!!I'm sorry about the things you've experienced in life, Matthew, but there's no need to lie kek. Also, picking up a "
nonnie" or "nonna" here and there when you're on LC won't make you sound less like a boomer male in his 40s
No. 1015935
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Kek @ all the black anons seething because we don't have universal experiences. Quit being on the defensive all the time. I wonder if it's the amerifags or eurofags?(are you done)
No. 1015942
>>1015936I'm not sure what you're doubting? I said they
can be expensive and time-consuming. Not all wigs are pricey, but you can still own more than one expensive thing. Either way, no one would a child to mess with them.
No. 1015944
>>1015940tbh you sound obsessed. go talk to someone who actually has dark skin
No. 1015950
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>>1015944So true sis hunty ni-I mean
nonny, fellow black womyn
(infighting) No. 1016367
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Wtf is a 'boba' tea?
Just have normal tea with milk. It is that simple. What, you cannot drink tea without a tonne of sugar and plasticy balls inside? That's YOUR problem. Tea (breakfast/black tea) is supposed to have a round, earthy, grounding taste, balanced out by the slight sweetness of milk. And YOU have ruined it. Disgusting, carcinogenic balls. I hate boba, it costs too much because it's exotic and it tastes like something a three year old would want to drink. And why would you ruin your tea with these balls. I personally like my tea without balls in it, because I am not retarded like you, but if you feel like you need to chew plastic balls and give yourself diabetes over tea, you do you. I will be laughing if I see you drinking that disgraceful beverage, however. I feel like shaking with rage whenever I see 'boba' shops. What a waste of good tea.
No. 1016380
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I don't think neckbeards and shut ins should be made fun of like they are. "Haha, he lives in his moms basement" type thing. After spending a good year living like that during the lowest point of my life, I just see these people as being mentally disturbed and to be pitied.
I can't help but see it the same as laughing at homeless people or other damaged people.
No. 1016392
>>1016384Nta but not everyone has to like boba, it's an unpopular opinion for a reason
Personally I don't like boba because the chewiness hurts my molars, I have wisdom teeth that need to be pulled out and I thought eating tapioca balls would be fun but when I tried to chew on them it was awful
No. 1016428
>>1016400I am full of anger today and proud of it. For me it is like seeing something lovely, tea, being vandalised and RUINED. Imagine if an obese man crapped all over your favourite painting! That's how I felt. I'm sorry if I came off a little too strong hehe
>>1016384Your life must be pretty good to be using the internet and browsing pointless websites
No. 1016431
>>1016419Eh but it's not like 40+ women (I basically consider 30s 'young women') are developing EDs or whatever at a late age because of tiktok or insta, chances are they've had body image issues since they were teenagers being influenced by the media of the time. And frankly if they aren't recovered by then, hand wringing news articles aren't gonna help- they're not likely to have teachers or parents looking out for them anymore, and they are probably pretty self aware about negative influences.
It's just a statistical fact that teen girls are most at risk of EDs etc and they're also the ones who will benefit most from public attention being drawn to those issues. Stuff like post partum body positivity is more targeted at older age groups.
No. 1016436
>>1016429I never said adults should be shielded from it. that doesn't mean it still can't have negative effects on them though.
>>1016431that's true I guess. I was more thinking of women who have had EDs or BDD since they were teens and still struggle with it.
No. 1016459
>>1016455Agreed and I hope you're directing that at the retarded anon/s who think fat women are worshipped and thin women are victimised lmao
Honestly sometimes I think being average is a harder pill for women to swallow than simply being ugly. If you're truly ugly you know it, you just have to accept it. When you're average, you've got a ray of hope that one day you might glow up or be 'in fashion' to the point of getting stacey tier pretty privilege. And when that never happens they get all self pitying about how ugly they are, when really they're just not getting special treatment.
No. 1016475
>>1016436Why don't you mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine. I don't need you, some rando, thinking about how something affects me, I can think just fine for myself.
t. woman over 40
No. 1016484
>>1016459On top of that, I think a lot of average women tend to want a "halo" to rely on, and start to feel like they've been robbed when it's not there. If you can say "I have this trait that's commonly assumed to be pretty, so I guess I'm pretty. Nothing to worry about", there's a certain safety in that. If you can't say that, you end up worrying more
>>1016468Like I said, there are other factors besides body type that this applies to. I don't want to cause infighting, so I won't say them. The way I've heard some women talk, it's like they truly believe they've been made into femcels or something. The truth is, no one honestly believes women who were considered knock-outs in the past are ugly now. Things are just a bit broader now, more types of beauty are visible, and it's like some women can't handle not being the center of attention at all times. It's really lame
No. 1016661
>>1016633I'm an ex fakeboi and even I don't get the ones who grow a beard and then wear lingerie and get all loud and queer.. that's a whole new breed of fakeboi that I'll never understand.
The old ones that wanted to blend in if possible.. I get the thought process that leads to it that. And there's the same few factors that usually lead women to it too.
No. 1016961
>>1016933Yeah, every time I go to a feminist space and they bring up race, it's like…white feminists vs black feminists, and the black feminists are like
>Reeee you voted for Trump and you are racist toward us btwand the white feminists are like
>Reeeee no we didnt and we're never racist you're just dividing us as women btw you're just jealous because black men want us and we're prettier than u so there!!!Both groups type out some variation of this, but expand it to like 1000+ word essays and no one ever gets anywhere. Neither group tries to listen to each other or empathize, it's just cattiness, attempts to silence and underhanded insults all around. I guess it's an American thing, but it makes me sad to see it anyway. It's like women don't want to get along
No. 1016990
>>1016950I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that white men see white women as possessions/broodmares to protect lol. Black men are like, even more worthless and broke than most other scrotes, so they do no such thing. In fact, they're literally the main ones attacking black women, and that's why other races of men feel free to do it
If other races of women jump in and try to help, the hoteps/fake woke black incels, pick-mes and the black feminists who have hateboners for white (or even just non-black) women blinding them from building bridges start to seethe and say "Stay out of this, Karen, it's not your business, you're not even black! Stop trying to make this about you!". There is no winning honestly
No. 1017308
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>>1017060unpopular opinion but kanye interrupting her that day was hilarious and im glad he did it
No. 1017345
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Unequal attractiveness of people in threesomes should be outlawed.
No. 1017686
>>1017680Same, I was a the gym when I found out and had to leave because I couldn't stop crying lol
Never really cared about him or the band but it really hit hard
No. 1017911
>>1017884Text legibility decreases with wider lines. It helps a lot to make the browser window narrower so the text is more like a book rather than an ocean of letters. I wish imageboards would implement formatting restrictions.
It would help with people screenshotting 50 word line posts that are unreadable on phones and still hard to read on proper monitors too.
No. 1018083
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Trans men pass pretty well some times, way more than trans women.
No. 1018090
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>>1017842Disagree, but because I love playing with the Broke family and fixing their life. It's not really fun to play with Sims you yourself created tho
No. 1018211
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It's fine for girls to like things like Saya No Uta or yandere cut my life pieces whatever. Like who gives a fuck, obviously an aesthetic
It's a red flag when men do it though. Obvious mark of a tranny or groomer, copying girls to signal fake safety. Warning coloration except it's meant to draw in prey instead of scare them off. Don't care whatever groomer coomer peepoomer salvador Steven pretending to be radical feminist Discord girl disagrees and wants to fight, peace out
Don't care & didn't ask, chora chora chora faggotinho
The only time it can ever be "fitting" is if the male in question resembles the characters the way many girls do and actually likes the style/fashion/art. They never do, this never happens. They are always obese Balkan Nazis, stupid groomers and failed hook-nosed tranny
No. 1018250
>Don't care whatever groomer coomer peepoomer salvador Steven pretending to be radical feminist Discord girl disagrees and wants to fight, peace outKek
No. 1018272
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>>1018204I would never hand the aux to you
(racebait) No. 1018369
>>1018286Had a genuine kek at this
>>1018348That’s how her name is spelled, blame her parents
No. 1018381
>>1018372Stop responding to them all americans and new worlders regardless of skin color are utter trash. Iggy Azalea’s real name is for example Amathyst and her son’s name is Onyx. They suck. Old world ftw.
(shitposting) No. 1018444
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She gets shit on all the time, especially for hitting on Leon but you know fucking what at least she had the fucking balls to ask him herself. SHE ADMITTED TO HIS FACE THAT SHE WANTED HIM TO COME OVER FOR SOME OVERTIME AND WHO FUCKING WOULDNT WANT LEON S KENNEDY TO COME OVER FOR SOME OVERTIME. SHE WAS HONRY FOR HIM AND ADMITTED IT.
I respect her
No. 1018731
>>1018444She cute
>>1018479The more sweaters one wears the more powerful they become
No. 1018794
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>>1017842Agreed, all games after the OG were cute but soulless.
I require chaos to be entertained and only the Sims 1 can provide that.
No. 1019176
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The word Karen should had stayed as a inside joke thing. Now even my coworkers use it. Anyways, leaving the obviously crazy racist white women aside, the word Karen is so misused nowadays. I'm pretty sure most "Karens" have a reason to be one. They probably were mistreated by some scrote and seen as garbage. Idk. Besides the ones who grew up with an already notorious Karen personality I think most Karens must have had an origin story of some sort. Perhaps they were sweet once but then assholes mistreated her and now she tolerates no shit. I dunno
No. 1019187
>>1019184And overworked too. America is just Debtland. You can apply to apologize your student loans but then it doesn't fix the cost of the degree
Education should be free and for everyone
No. 1019511
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The only thing Josh did wrong was harm people who weren't in on the prank and waste his time. I don't like how his story ends. I'd like if he went to jail or something other then his fate. It's been a while since I played the game buttt I always felt Josh wasn't justified but…fuck Mike and everyone else who played a part in that "prank". They killed the sisters. I don't care if it was dumb for them to run out into the woods in the middle of a snow strom. I don't care if Josh was drunk (they were partying & having a good time). Everyone who played a part in that prank killed those girls. I have little sympathy for those who were apart of it. Just for those who Josh pranked and didn't have shit to do with it. Especially his best friend. Josh isn't a good person but most of them weren't. Also, Emily was mean but her boyfriend was annoying and a whiner. Mike is a asshole.
No. 1019707
>>1019251Disagree because of what
>>1019331 said. Tumblr shoplifters were rightly given flack. Fuck fucking over workers.
No. 1019944
>>1019882Why though? Most are in separate programs and classes anyway. Though I guess bullying still happens.
In middle school, the extra disabled kids, like the ones you see in chairs, would mostly be in a separate facility off-campus
No. 1020004
>>1019944The mentally disabled kids, those whom were severe on the ‘tism and those in wheelchairs whom were mentally “the lights are on but nobody’s home” were housed together in separate classes from the normies but in the same campus in my school district.
However in high school, the mentally disabled and severely autistic kids did extra-curricular/core classes with us. The barely high-functioning ones had more normie classes with TAs as well as those with learning disabilities and blindness (I’m partially blind).
No. 1020006
Hip hop was a mistake. Now every third white boy is an annoying wigger.
>>1019886Bullying builds character. We cant shield kids from social conflict.
No. 1020046
>>1019998The point is that the corporations are looking for every possible way to fuck over their lowly paid workers, so why the fuck would you want to do that to your fellow worker?? Don't give corporations more reasons to fuck them.
>>1020000In this capitalist state, I really, really, really doubt that's illegal. It doesn't help that most American workers aren't unionized.
No. 1020106
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Women should not have the right to vote.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1020132
>>1020106Based cunts making the rightoid scrote who made this pic seethe.
The only thing this proves is that women are generally not rightoids, though. There's still a difference between centroid (liberal) and leftist women. Some of those things that have allegedly increased entirely because of women (lmao) are not always part of the same political ideology.
Also for my unpopular opinion:
"Freedom of speech" is a meme and not necessarily good. I don't want incels and neo-Nazis indoctrinating more alienated young men and boys into becoming mass shooters and raging misogynists or racists with no possibility of being cured of their mental illness, or to allow other dangerous ideologies to spread.
No. 1020168
>>1020106All societal problems are the end result of the scrote obsession with dominance heirarchies. You are the plague, the flesh eating disease that permeates every oozing pore of humanity. The mindless drones of civilization, who soldier on to the empty promise of power and glory, only to be left rotting in a putrid ditch made up of your own piss and bile. All of your woes sown by your own hands, but too stupid to realize. Blind to the fantasy of supremacy, unable to feel the warmth of another in the dark. All the blood in the world won't fill the festering pit in your stomach. Your victories are hollow, your triumphs meaningless. Your existence, ultimately, worthless. Such a brutal reality cannot be reconciled within your narrow framework. You are the original crab, in the original bucket, and for all eternity will you tear mercilessly into each other's backs.
No. 1020227
>>1020220>>1020221It's not just competition, most fields are competitive but still don't hate each other. You won't even hear cutthoat business people talk like that about their competition, imagine that "ew, they're using
that advertising platform", it's just silly
No. 1020296
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>>1020168Anon is this you
No. 1020474
>>1020168I'm blushing
nonnie you have such a way with words.
No. 1020548
>>1016419Telling women it's fake isn't doing much unless we also nail into men's heads that it's fake. Most of women's self esteem issues are rooted from mental abuse from heavily porn sick men who can't comprehend the idea that ig thots, porn, twitch stars, etc are all fake and don't look remotely close to that irl, so they compare that to real women and start associating women's identity with their appearance, every single woman I know has had a porn sick bf who heavily insulted her appearance because she didn't look like a model with a sex doll body
It's kinda harder now since even normie girls are bra stuffing into oblivion, using video and photo editing to make their body's look unrealistically proportioned and most of them can't post a single picture of themselves without a Snapchat filter, so now men think having G cup perky tits, a 15 inch waist and massive ass and hips with the face of a doll is the norm now. It's practically impossible to try to convince men to fully grasp how artificial the girls they see on the internet are, including their "friends" who Photoshop themselves into oblivion
No. 1020765
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nonnie? you don’t find King Kong attractive? you’re insane!!
No. 1020769
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>>1020767his name is actually cameron boyce
No. 1020773
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No. 1021054
>>1021027This is a fact,
nonnie. Sliced fruits taste better than regular fruits.
No. 1021079
nonnie, it’s just that sliced fruits have this
thing they look fancier and that makes them taste better.
No. 1021106
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>>1021057I'm going to let this nameless person with no obvious credentials prove my point
No. 1021648
>>1021359I do think pretty privilege is just another word for the halo effect, i.e. when someone is more attractive (and not just pretty physically, but holds characteristics personality wise that are seen as attractive) then others around them tend to associate other positive traits and think they're an overall "gooder" person than someone who was less attractive. Being conventionally attractive is more likely to get you work in a lot more places than you think, especially if your boss is a scrote. People will be more likely to approach you and so it's easier to make friends and meet new people, others overall will be more lenient on you when you fuck up.
In saying that, I agree with you that there are definitely annoying women out there who flaunt their pretty privilege as if it's the best thing ever, but as
>>1021630 very ironically portrays, a lot of pretty people are lonelier because they tend to care about their aesthetics over real, meaningful relationships. I don't have a source for that, it's my general theory
I've been told I'm unapproachable before and I think my features are nice but very sharp and mean and I look intimidating so I don't have many friends at all No. 1021654
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>>1021630>wears the hijab, which exists to "preserve women's modesty" or whatever the fuck>uses makeup>muh pretty privilegeWhat the hell is going on here
No. 1021669
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>>1021650Unless you are a North Korean dictator or ISIS, using "westerner" definitely makes you sound terminally on the spectrum
No. 1022043
>>1021761Green bananas are horrific, I cant believe people have fooled themselves into thinking green bananas about to turn yellow are peak ripeness. The only truly good tasting bananas are the ones that are just starting to spot.
I had a great grandparent who loved eating bananas that were completely brown/black.
No. 1022070
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i don’t understand the love for eminem. i’m an oldhead when it comes to rap, but his music doesn’t arouse anything other than indifference in me
No. 1022257
>>1021650Fucking facts, doesn't help the fact that most fellow SEAfags i know who use this word were primarily raised and/or more familiar with the so-called western culture as well.
>Durr stupid westerner amiriteSo many of these bitches are pretty upper-middle class and have all the time in the world to sperg about american politics on twitter, yet they have the audacity to act like they're the double minority
POC or someshit. Would be funny if the self-righteousness isn't so fucking grating
No. 1022269
>>1001090but if I don't use the word
westerner then which one should I use to refer to that culture and geographical area, but mostly culture. I feel like I cannot use descriptive words anymore because of political shit associated with it. Like somebody yesterday called another anon "tranny" because she used
brainworms but this word already exists. Like Im pissed off usually at words like
stan/stanning because they are Twitter lingo created there but
westerner is a descriptive word
No. 1022465
>>1022402kind of see your point as I used to buy a bad dragon dildo every time I wanted to get fucked instead of going out to get scroted upon. but porn is lame to say the very least and my stance is superior. Why? because I managed to completely experience something new sexually and
sensually arousing. smoothbrained visual stimulation moved to the backseat. what I experienced was peak feminine voluntary celibacy. but then the pandemic hit and they stopped producing custom dildos
No. 1022597
>>1022257Yeah, the girl I know who uses it all the time always bitches about racism, how westerners ruin shit, how she's such a
POC minority but… She's an Asian woman living in an Asian country. It gets so annoying. She also basically means 'white' by westerner, she lumps slavs or anyone in.
No. 1022857
>>1022852Yeah, good point. I choose to anon but I don't care if people namefag. I still kinda feel like we are just accepting and continuing a lot of the culture that came from absolute retards over on other chans, rather than ask ourselves whether these norms make sense or not. (Or should be bannable offenses.)
Kinda like idiots on reddit downvoting posts that contain an emoji. Like, what the fuck sense does that make?
It's just been a thought I've had on and off for the past few days.
No. 1022860
>>1022848I don’t think there are rules against that on 4chan?
People namefag all the time on there and you wouldn’t be banned for any of those other things. I think the point is to differentiate us from 4chan and other websites
No. 1022865
>>1022848Do you want a smiley face, clown, blush face, eggplant, tongue, water droplets, upside down emoji like on Twitter? On every post, I mean farmers find a way around that with spoilering, image posting and I personally would like a divide between social media and imageboards as people most likely don't read the rules when they first post here so it is a good clue on newfags, whiteknights, trolls and twitterfags. And if they don't read rules and intergate then it's just shame on them really.
No. 1022874
>>1022865Even my Twitter feed doesn't contain emojis in every post, so… I reckon most people would still not use emojis. I am just saying, I wish nonitas would not sperg if someone
does do these things.
Because it is not a big deal. Some of us only make it a big deal because it is a learned behavior we copy from other boards.
Do you know what I mean?
No. 1022930
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>>1022902A lot of women way over exaggerate their pretty privilege and then call women ugly who call out obvious lying. Picrel for example. This woman is average or above average at best but where exactly are all these women getting strangers to pay for food and magic As appearing in the system? kek. Women with pretty privilege have this be the norm for them and often don't know it. Also having beauty can be extremely isolating
I'm moderately attractive, please don't start infighting over this I'm not trying to humblebrag or anything, this is just according to universal standards>Attractive women often get sexually harassed, followed, etc a lot more. That's not to say average or ugly women don't face these kinds of things, but some places it gets so bad that if I leave my house without my husband I'll get relentlessly starred at, flirted with, catcalled, etc. Regardless of where I go or how I dress>You get a lot of people having an infatuation with you, if you're in a living situation such as a college dorm or roommates there's always 1-2 people who are bound to form a crush on you and drama starts, you often lose a lot of friends if the group is specifically immature.>A lot of things you do are excused as being for attention, this is especially true if you use makeup, dress nice and do your hair nicely >If you don't present yourself nicely people get offended because "you obviously are beautiful so why not put in effort unless you're lazy?">Intimidation, insecure women are often afraid of you, assume you're bitchy or try to ruin your goals, or attempt to make you insecure>Men often assume you're either their porn fantasies or will treat you like shit because they automatically assume attractive women are put on the world for their pleasure, meaning they're more likely to nitpick your looks and compare you to others in order to neg you or because they view women as their own personal judging competition>You're simply not taken as seriously especially if you have youthful features >If you have criticisms towards other women people assume it's jealousy is the other woman is also attractive>Men can be intimidated and assume you're an evil demon trying to use sexuality to get something from them, this is rare though but it happens>Starers, constant attention when you don't want or need it, from kids and old ladies>If you work out in public God help your soul, catcallers, people who video and take pics, honkers, etc if you try to run or bike. If you're at the gym you get starers. If you have a male oriented hobby people assume it's for attention and you get assloads of creeps. Trying to involve yourself in any sort of group, if you try to involve yourself in religious groups the men in the group treat it as a match making game show and you're the bride contestant they you never wanted to beThese issues intensify if you live around military towns too
These are just my experience though, I know nonnies will get mad but I'm autistic with major social issues and I can't do anything I like that involves being around other people because of these issues. I even use to pay friends to go grocery shopping with me because if I go by myself men will try to talk to me. I don't mind kids making the Disney princess comments or old ladies being sweet but it gives me major anxiety about going out due to the fact it starts out like this anytime I was sexually assaulted or stalked. I moved to a new city recently and legitimately considered paying people to come shopping with me to prevent creeps. I know people think I'm over exaggerating but I'm a nervous wreck
No. 1022949
>>1022930Yeah to be honest I'm really ugly and while it obviously sucks in some circumstances, overall I'm glad I don't have to deal with some of the shit that comes with being an attractive woman. I hate attention and have pretty severe social anxiety so the fact that people always leave me alone in public is a huge bonus that outweighs a lot of the negatives for me.
Though in a general sense I don't think there's any way of winning in terms of attractiveness when you're a woman - most of the situations you described don't get much better if you're ugly, they're just bad in a different way. That's why I think infighting about it is ultimately pointless because it all really stems from misogyny.
No. 1022971
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>>1022966Right, she's super pretty and not that her humblebragging is remotely cute but I'm sure all that stuff listed happens to her
No. 1022973
>>1022930I don’t think you even have to be that attractive to get weird guys following you or being creepy, it seems more like a power thing imo. I doubt it’s because we’re
that attractive. It used to happen to me all the time when I was younger and dressed in school t-shirts or sweats. Can’t believe how many 40+ year old guys would hit on me when I was obviously underage and buying bread at Walmart, ick.
No. 1022976
>>1022973>>1022972exactly, and hello, it also matters just how "pretty" a given guy thinks you are. attractiveness can be objective but the exact level of how attractive a person might find someone varies and sometimes people just have a "thing" for a "type". being "pretty" is an obvious benefit and almost all of what anon listed happens to averagely pretty girls, who are still pretty. you don't need to be a 10/10 model to have guys be creepy or weird with you, and you don't need to be a 10/10 model to reap benefits of attractiveness. guys are also creepy and persistent with "ugly" girls too. anon's post is just insane to me tbh
obviously if you are a 10/10 model though you're at a level where you might reap insane benefits that average pretty girls don't. there's obviously a benefit to being attractive vs being unattractive.
>>1022971i believe all of it happens to this twitter girl, it's not far fetched, and i find her quite pretty
No. 1022977
>>1022930I'm actually going to give her the benefit of the doubt because my sister is a fat fuck and she has had men buy her stuff because she has that tess holiday thing where she doesn't have an overtly fatty chan face.
I personally think women who say things like this aren't that "woke" to the intentions of men, they just like getting free shit and living life on easy mode even if it means putting up with random shit.
I also want to add that i feel like black women tend to over-value attention from men since black men are put on ridiculously high pedestals they don't deserve to be on just because finding a good one so hard and other things i won't get into.
No. 1022981
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>>1022979Meet more women, most of what anon described is just men being weird, not a testament to modelesque attractiveness.
>>1022977What the girl mentioned wasn't even that drastic and men will go crazy for even butterfaces. The girl has a body and a face, it's not even a stretch to figure she's going to get tons of attention.
No. 1023042
>>1022848i really like that everyone is anonymous. namefags/tripfags are really annoying on the male imageboards
as for emoji, i dunno, if i wanted emoji, i'd want BBCODE emoticons, because those are easier to type with a keyboard which is my preferred posting method. and if i wanted BBCODE a vBulletin/phpBB forum would probably be fine. but i don't like emoji
im sure it was a moid who invented emoticons anyway, so i dont see how 'no emoji' is inherently any worse than 'emoji'
No. 1023098
>>1023096Is this new? I remember
victim was one of them but I don't remember
No. 1023102
Abusive has been red ever since I started here, back in 2019. Also
woc and
terf are newer
No. 1023117
File: 1641886199960.jpg (35.85 KB, 770x513, maccas_counter_770.jpg)

NEETs aren't actually the parasites that they're made out to be. NEETs live on the barebones on NEETbux. The actual parasites on society are lodged in the upper classes. Every second person I know that has a high paying job, only has that job due to government interference in the market or the proliferation of spaghetti laws that need workarounds. Think HR, Health and Safety, much of Accounting, much of law, etc. If you strip the government back to the barebones, a lot of these people would suddenly be useless. Your ditch diggers, Mcdonalds workers, retail wagies, etc all do socially necessary work, the pandemic proved that. Of course there are high paying cognitive jobs that are socially necessary, but whenever you come across one it's very often not. Just take Pharmacists, they're glorified baristas, taking the pills from the drug companies and placing them in individual packets for consumption. There's absolutely no need for them to be paid six figures, but they are due to insurance reasons, which is indirectly again due to government interference in the market.
I can't get angry at a NEET living on $20,000 a year when there's some guy in a pharmacy doing what amounts to a menial job and getting $120,000 a year for insurance reasons.
No. 1023143
>>1021027Sliced bananas are instantly slimy. Why.
>>1021748I don't like them either. Kiwi and cantaloupe are the most disgusting fruit imo.
No. 1023196
>>1023186I agree on MOST anime/manga media. People eat so much shit and it's the majority of production.
I still like the variety in artstyle in most japanese production that ends up being niche. There are so many works that deserve more light but get overshadowed by shitty seasonal shows/manga.
Comic related unpopular take: european comic artists are clearly superior to american ones.
No. 1023208
>>1023117>NEETs live on the barebones on NEETbuxIt's still more than other people would get for doing nothing, why complain? Just because you're a tiny parasite doesn't mean you're not a parasite.
>The actual parasites on society are lodged in the upper classes. Agree that upper classes are big parasites but parasites are still found at the bottom too. Just because we should be more mad at richies doesn't change this.
>Think HR, Health and Safety, much of Accounting, much of law, etc. If you strip the government…a lot of these people would suddenly be uselessYeah because we wouldn't be living in a civil society anymore without those. I can see why people hate HR but you're really gonna act like accountants, health officials, and defense lawyers are the boogeymen? A lot of those roles explicitly protect us from upper class shenanigans.
>Mcdonalds workers, retail wagies, etc all do socially necessary work, the pandemic proved thatNo one needs McDonalds (a parasite company) and a person at a clothing register to live. That was the fucking joke of the pandemic. The issue is that the governments didn't want to pay the millions of menial workers who generate money for rich people to stay at home. So they deemed them "essential" to risk their health and be forced to work. That was the actual bullshit at play. When other working people want the "NEETbux" they are denied because the government picks and chooses who gets to be the parasites to keep rich people moisturized and thriving.
>Just take Pharmacists, they're glorified baristasLmao
>There's absolutely no need for them to be paid six figuresYour local drugstore tech is not being paid six figures. Still, there would be an awful lot of sick or dead people without distribution of modern medicine what a weird profession to attack and compare to Starbucks haha.
No. 1023217
>>1023211I know your NEETbrain tells you that ready made junk food is essential but it really isn't and it's unfortunate that governments have allowed that company to position itself in such a way that it actually is all of what many people can get.
Like instead of government addressing lack of accessibility and affordability to healthy food, and social programs to help elderly and the disabled obtain and cook food, they've double downed on letting a corrupt company continue to poison people with that shit.
>>1023213Mold in their ice machines too.
No. 1023247
>>1023208NEETs often take a bigger proportion of financial burdens, especially if the people they are mooching off of people who are poor. It's not just a person who's practically a ghost these people still need food, water, resources etc, they often find partners and financially destroy them too. It's usually men who are NEETs like this though
Rich and upper middle are different though since their families can usually afford supporting people who don't want to work with no financial damage. If anyone in my household decided to stop working then it would put a huge dent in the income and we would have to completely re budget everything and just lose more money when we're on the edge of scraping by
No. 1023298
>>1023297So you're just this dumb all the time or?
>>1023289There's a difference between an opinion and just blatantly lying about other people's intentions kek
No. 1023305
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>>1023299Agreed. Too many women are willfully naive/ignorant about this.
No. 1023307
>>1023304it's so easy to pick you out as "that one anon who can't stop posting this fat cunt whenever she gets angry someone said something she doesn't like"
i'm glad i've pushed your buttons on more than one occasion
No. 1023318
>>1023299Hey there's women that stick around for several years with no ring or engagement at all.
I'd take my chances with the scrote willing to throw down some Gs for an excellent ring and proposal vacay than waiting for just the wedding. Is it even common for people to do weddings without engagement stage? Usually those are shotgun weddings kek.
No. 1023353
>>1023330No one answered so they're gone. For now.
new thread
>>>/ot/1023351>>>/ot/1023351>>>/ot/1023351 No. 1023505
>>1022930This woman does not have "pretty privilege". As you said, she is average looking/not ugly.
It is more likely that she looks/comes off as easy and men are buying her drinks and so on because they think she is an easy fuck.