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No. 8885
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My guilty pleasure is reading simsecret liverjournal .
Everyone who posts there is crazy autistic and catty as hell but fuck, I kind of enjoy reading it.
No. 8899
here you go anons
you'd need a torrent downloader if you dont wanna go through the hassle of needing institution to download the sims 4
here's fit girl repacks: can find it here. there's a magnet that lets you directly import the torrent file into the torrent downloader :S
No. 8902
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>>8885>>8887ahhh simsecret…
they take sims games very seriously lol
No. 8906
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I loved sims 2. It was for me hands down, the best version. You had a lot in your base game and the DLC had good content for the price.
Also you had a ton on really cool fanmade stuff, even i made some myself (which was really easy) and the end i had so much stuff for this game that the loading took age.
Sims 4 is really not good, you need a shit-ton of money to buy even the basics stuff, what every sims game had without packs. I can't get over the fact that you have to buy a pack so you can have 2 hot tub/ jacuzzi. In the other games you always had it in the basic game.
Or to get some hair that doesn't look terrible.
For the animal pack you only get dogs and cats where in the other games you got much more.
It is only money making…
It is so buggy, maybe i am just nip-picking, but my sims often just stand there and do absolutly nothing even if i told them what to do. Or they just stop something even if there is nothing in the quere of the do list.
Sometimes some think like 'go to bed' is stuck in the to do quere, i can't click it away and they stop doing thinks in the middle of doing it because of the 'go to bed' think.
Why do i need origins for playing this game? I don't want that.
No. 8907
>>8889I always have shitty, awful Sims in bad circumstances and trying to rise to the top from absolute rock bottom.
My favorite challenge was the runaway teen challenge in Sims 3 but I took it a bit further. I would get my teen Sim pregnant (through mods) then kill off the baby dad. Then I would move her to an absolutely barren lot and set her savings to 0. With the klepto trait I would go to neighbours houses and steal stuff to either sell or use. Otherwise I would dumpster dive and get a crappy part time job. Neither of which you can do when your sim goes into 2nd trimester which makes things tougher. Couple that with getting pregnant continuously, having to pay baby sitters, etc…it's a REALLY fucked up but fun challenge. I actually had a hugely successful legacy this way where the house grew with the family.
Unfortunately it's not really feasible with 4.
No. 8908
>>8905Hmmm let see:
-Better graphics
-Better house building tools (though no create-a-style sadly)
-Will work smoothly even on potato-est of the computers due to laptop mode
-Sims are more intelligent when it comes to routing, multiple sims are able to participate in a conversation
-CAS is better than Sims 3 in my opinion but it lacks color wheel
I actively play Sims 4 , bought base game but have pirated every single expansion, stuff pack and update and it still kinda feels like a barren game.
I think I'm gonna start a legacy in Sims 2 so I can compare what exactly am I missing from 4.
No. 8911
>>8906sims 2 has always been better
CAS has been the best in sims 4
I like how you can change the color of furniture, clothing, etc in sims 3
I also like how in sims 3 you can have your sim go places and still play sims at home
sims 2 was more simple however, everytime I play it, it just gives me nostalgia
No. 8912
sage for long post
these are my opinions:
sims 1 (original)
>very restrictive, obviously, but i like the nostalgia aspect of it
>had some cool objects
>beautiful soundtrack
sims 2
>sims have a cartoony look
>no real variation with body shapes
>face editing is pretty advanced tho
>you also get the ''body shop'' program to make your own clothes and genetics
>great expansion packs, most of them are worth the money
>you get 3 neighborhoods in the base game with pre-made neighbors that have backstories and stuff
>you can make your own neighborhood from scratch which is pretty awesome
>graphics are rather poor and sometimes glitchy (the base game is quite old to be fair)
>lots of cheats which make the game really fun
>you can create your own community lots such as restaurants and pools!
sims 3
>improved graphics
>the sims themselves look less cartoony and a bit more realistic
>base game hair, skin and clothes are ugly as sin
>new create a style tool which allows you to give customize anything (objects, hair, clothes etc) with new colors and patterns
>downloadable content is great though
>really great expansion packs too
>you only get one neighborhood (iirc) with the base game, which sucks
>amazing open world concept; your sim can explore the whole town without loading screens, you can go anywhere you want
>the sims have more personality than before, you can give them zodiac signs, choose favorite color and meal and change their voice
>your adult sim can has 5 personality traits and a life-time goal (becoming really rich, certain careers, family etc)
>loading screens last f o r e v e r
>the game size is massive due to the open world concept and may crash often
>some expansion packs lag awfully (island paradise for example)
>''rabbit holes'' are lots in the towns your sims go to for work or school, like the police station or the restaurant, for example. you can actually see the building/destination but can't go inside.
sims 4
>going back to the sims 2 cartoon look of the characters
>create a sim mode is fantastic, you can drag on the face and body to change (like 3d modelling)
>you can customize body shapes however you want by dragging
>your sims are not restricted to gender, males can wear female clothing for example
>you can choose a (pretty vague) aspiration and three lackluster personality traits
>personality traits are extremely superficial and predictable (romantic, evil, outgoing…), not nearly as good as the sims 3; there are also very few options
>you can change voices and the way they walk
>zodiac signs were removed for some reason
>the create a style tool from the sims 3 was also removed, so you're stuck with the base game colors
>build mode is impressive, you have a lot of freedom
>amazing downloadable content
>new ''emotions'' interface, your sim can feel around 14 different emotions that affect their behavior (sad, happy, flirty, angry etc)
>new deaths although it is very hard to kill your sims
>you get three neighborhoods with the base game; all sims from any neighborhood can visit each other which is really cool
>no open world concept. you can not go anywhere you want anymore. lots of loading screens, too
>the towns look ridiculously cartoony and the designs are super lazy
>you get almost no lots at all…seriously, you get like 3-4 empty lots in every town and you can not add new ones like you could in ts2/3
>sims 3 had schools and workplaces in the town, sims 4 does not
>boring, cookie-cutter careers, military and politics were removed.
>new skills (video gaming, gourmet cooking, mischief etc)
>cheating isn't as easy
>your pregnant sims constantly have bladder failure for some reason
>multitasking was added, your sims can now do up to 3 things at once (eating while talking or watching TV)
>the base game alone can cost you up to 40 USD! Expansion packs are the same price. Do not buy it full price. I got it on sale for half of the price.
>ts4 is generally a rip off, you get very litte in the base game and even less in expansions for a ridiculous price
get ts3 or even ts2, ditch ts4. it's not worth it.
No. 8917
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>>8914I played it but I don't remember much. Though what I do remember how even though it was a Sims 3 spin-off, it had a superior CAS and your sims didn't look pudding-faced.
Major problem I had with sims 3 was how CAS was shit and every sims you made looked doughy and weird. I had to download a shitton of mods, sliders and skins to make them looks decent.
Even then, all the other townies looked like shit so I had to spend a lot of time making human looking sims in CAS and getting rid of premade pudding mess.
No. 8920
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>>8918Sims 3 is a clunky, ugly mess with superficial customization. I’ll take body morphing over color wheel any day. Being able to move rooms around over hot tubs. Quick loading screens little and often over a giant game that takes forever to load and constantly lags.
It’s all silly considering 2 is and always will be the best. But 4 is second.
No. 8921
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>>8920Not to mention even the environment is far more visually appealing
No. 8924
>>8921But I feel like the sims 4 world are so tiny and boring…
Idk the sims 2 and 3 were the absolute best to me, but I find the 3 a little better because it was prettier, very complete, funny, and you could customize the furnitures almost however you wanted.
No. 8925
>>8923>The stupid 3 trait limit makes for boring simsWhat?
There are three different
types of traits (normal, reward, bonus) not a three trait limit. Adults have four normal slots in CAS, and develop more as you play.
No. 8932
>>8920Sims 3 was a bloated unoptimized mess but still had way better features like the real time neighbourhood. The xpacs didn't feel like needless filler (the pets one for instance was so robust - having horses was amazing) and there was just so much to do and so many ways to play. Sims 4 looks better and plays more efficiently but it feels like the base game and every successive xpac are unfinished. Hell, the base game WAS unfinished to the point where they had to add pools and toddlers later.
To each their own I guess but 4 is where I stopped playing the series.
No. 8937
>>8936Think you need to do "testingcheats on"
You can modify Sims' relationships by using the somewhat long modifyrelationship yoursimfirst yoursimlast targetsimfirst targetsimlast x relationshiptype.
Relationshiptype is either LTR_Friendship_main or LTR_Romance_Main.
X is the percentage of the bar, either full, half, or half into the red (negative numbers). While there are many different relationship names, these are simply combinations of varying amounts of friendship/romance (either positive or negative).
For example:
modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Friendship_main - Bella and Mortimer are now best friends
modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Romance_main - They're now soulmates if they have a high friendship level as well
above is from cheats for the relationships are crap in sims 4, it's easier to install MC command centre and reduce the relationship decay setting, or you can add traits to your sim that reduce their relationship decay or build relationships faster.
Everyone remembers a Beloved Sim! Their relationships never fade. enter "traits.equip_trait Legendary"
Relationships decay more slowly.
enter "traits.equip_trait Memorable"
Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster. enter "traits.equip_trait FamilySim"
Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster.
enter "traits.equip_trait Gregarious
No. 8942
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One of the things that bothers me the most is that sims doesn’t have memories in the sims 4, maybe a bit silly but in sims 2 I felt I could get more “immersed” with the stories I was creating. Like if my sim cheats on their partner in S4 they barely give a shit, they’re just sad for a day or two. Tho I prefer how advanced they are with customization to really flesh out personalities, but they remain superficial shells when you really break it down.
No. 8945
>>8899lmfao i used fitgirl repacks for the sims 4 and got a threatening email from my isp, oops, how to avoid this in the future? i feel so stupid
sage for ot
No. 8946
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I miss the original Sims–back when Making Magic was a pack and Unleashed too. It just had so much charm.
I've tried torrenting it but I can't find any that work on my mac…
No. 8948
>>8946Same anon, I think while Will Wright was still working on the series (TS1, TS2) , even though the games were simplstic it felt like he and his team gave them a bit of magic.
I remember getting Making Magic and this trailer for Sims 2 was included. I was so hyped for it. When I got it, my old computer run it at like 15-20 FPS but I didn't care and played it regardless
No. 8950
>>8949I think anon means that there's only a 3 trait limit in CAS, you can earn more traits through rewards or by adding them with cheats of my sims end up with like 10+ traits once I've played them a bit.
No. 8951
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Everytime I go to simresource to find some nice clothing to download, 80% is slutty kardashian shit
No. 8953
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I've been playing Sims 4 on and off for 2 years and have been pretty disappointed with it overall. I think the game looks great, but the gameplay is so shallow that you basically have to rely on your imagination completely to get anything out of it.
Even with some of the latest expansions like City Living, Jungle Adventure, and Pets, which certainly added stuff to do, the Sims themselves are so bland that the game still feels boring. Everyone is hyped for Seasons, but it's just going to be the same thing. What good does it do to have all this new shit when the Sims all act the same, are never affected by anything long term, etc?
I've had to use mods just to make things interesting, but that can be a pain in the ass when they conflict, so sometimes it's not even worth the effort.
No. 8955
>>8953>What good does it do to have all this new shit when the Sims all act the same, are never affected by anything long term, etc?THIS. My Sim in TS2 still remembers being cheated on by an ex and gets angry even though he is dating someone new.
Meanwhile TS4 they just get sad for like an hour and that's it, everything is fine and dandy after it.
No. 8957
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>>8929I'm still sad I missed that (computer was broken and I couldn't afford a new one tile like 2 years later)
I don't feel as bad about torrenting them since EA is discontinuing support
No. 8958
>>8880>>8956I think they gave up on storytelling. The sims games arent chronological if you look at the goth family.
A youtuber chrillsims (i think) has some interesting videos on sims family stories.
No. 8962
>>8960I just tried. They said they couldn't add it since it's no longer supported. I'm a bit sad now, I lost my games during a move and since I had them when that promotion was going on I didn't think about just getting it anyways.
I could pirate it but I don't have good internet.
No. 8966
>>8962From what I've read it just depends on the support person you get. Some people say they won't let you get it at all, while others say they will give it to you with or without proof that you owned the game.
>>8964I would just try it. I first tried to get it a few years ago but chickened out when they asked if I had proof. The second time I tried it they just gave it to me without any proof.
No. 8967
>>8966Second one was nicer and explained I had to have a physical copy. I told them exactly what I said here about losing them during a move.
I'll just try again in a few moments.
No. 8968
>>8967 again. No live chat support is showing on the website now. Guess opening multiple cases was not a good idea?
No. 8971
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I'm kind of obsessed with making sims that fit my beauty standards, like my ideal appearances. Excuse the cringey style I was trying to do a Mathilda-inspired look
No. 8972
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Also, sims 2 was an absolute blast to design interiors in.
No. 8981
>>8975>impossible to keep them alive without cheating U wot? I'm gonna assume you were exaggerating a bit but if I was able to keep my massive families alive when I was like 10 and had no idea what I was doing, I'm sure you can.
>>8979Skylines is far and away the better game.
No. 8985
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I know this is probably silly question but is it possible to use the sims3 dlc from games4world on the base sims 3 from steam?
Would it work like adding mods but just adding that dlc file to the main file for the game.
No. 8988
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So I was bored and downloaded this murder mod (called extreme violence or something) made a sim that’s a cop and has a torture basement (lmao) saw a random sim walk by who I invented in. I choose to stab her and he gets blood and everything over him. Next second he switches to cop uniform and goes to work with the blood on him still, had a hearty chuckle. Pretty well made mod considering it’s fan made.
No. 8995
>>8993Also wanted to ask this kind of. I dug myself a hole and kept buying stuff for TS4 because I thought it'd get better and it didn't. Also part of me blamed my depression for not being able to enjoy it because that's sometimes how it is with other games lol. Plus, the get to work pack wasn't too bad. But anyway, is it possible to add on the pirated version to the ones I already have?
Or do I have to start over completely?
No. 8998
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No. 9001
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i'm not sure if this is necroing or whatever, but what is with cc-creators producing absolute nightmare fuel? look at this!
No. 9002
I still think that 2, fully modded and with all xpacs is the best of the lot. A decade of my life spent with that shit, lol. The community is so crabby though and has always been kind of snobbish and weird. I was always super supportive of my favorite creators but was otherwise a pretty quiet person on forums and whatnot because of it.
I suck at art in every way possible, but I wanted a specific custom sim made for 2 and was even willing to pay well for one, back when the game was maybe a year or two old. I always took pains to be super polite about it, but I was told I was being ‘rude’ and that I should ‘teach myself’ and it was just like fuck me, I’ve been trying to teach myself and they look like shit! Even doing the photo wrap on mesh technique, it always looked like a hot mess. It was so weird because if I had the ability I’d be cranking out custom sims for people left and right, especially if I were being compensated for my time. I remember getting absolutely dragged on MTS for asking and I just felt so bad.
tbh I’d still pay someone to do it, like seriously just name your price haha but I’ve basically given up. I wonder if it was because at the time, the creators were all older people and maybe didn’t get it? It seems comparable to me to someone commissioning an artist on tumblr or whatever but I guess not. I know this sounds kind of bitchy now but I swear to god I was always super nice when asking about this, I never sent out blanket messages to every creator in the book or anything like that, it’s just something that still makes me crabby lol.
blogpost sage
No. 9007
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>>9005Always update your script mods. Also, S4Studio is great if you have loads of cc, especially if some of it is older as you can update it.
No. 9009
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ghetto simblr is the fucking worst.
No. 9011
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Tbh, i find a lot of simblrs can be super rude and snobby to their “fans”, even the story simblrs. It gets old reading their bitchy responses to geniune/innocent questions.
Also tired of how ugly they make their sims in an attempt to be ~unique~ (Pic related) and shit on people who make “conventionally attractive sims”
Anyway, i know it’s dumb, but shit annoys me about the community.
No. 9020
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>>9018Maybe you can try downloading a cc folder? There are some on youTube (at least for TS4 there are, but I'm sure there are some for TS3). It's not the same feeling as actually going CC shopping yourself, but it's good to start out. I download them when I'm to lazy to download CC myself, never encountered any viruses or anything.
>>9017Maxis match is CC that looks like the items that are already in the game, it just blends in with everything else. Alpha CC isn't a specific texture like Maxis match, It's supposed to look more realistic.
No. 9023
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>>9020that's a really bad comparison picture anon. They look practically the same there
No. 9025
>>9024Same, anon. I never liked when my sims popped out from every other sim and object.
Is anyone getting the new fame/celebrity one? I'll wait until it goes at least 50% off. I'm not falling for their tricks again haha.
No. 9026
>>9025just pirate them off games4theworld. you won't catch me dead spending money on Sims games. I love them but too expensive and too much DLC.
I like get famous for shitposty reasons, but the fame system gets old after awhile, and you can turn it off. some of the quirks are REALLY annoying.
No. 9032
>>9030I loved Bustin' Out. I still have my PS2 disc, but I'm emulating the GC version on my PC. Remember Mimi? I loved her house so much.
I had the TS1, The Urbz and TS2 on PS2 as well. I miss Sims games with story mode.
No. 9033
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Don't mean to necro (because really, I don't think we need a new sims thread) but can someone explain to me why CC creators love making their toddlers look like midget adults?
No. 9042
>>9040never got this to work for me but might be computer illiteracy
>>9041i don't even own an apple computer, im just saying it doesn't/didn't work on 10
No. 21888
>>9043There is a sim save floating around by a YTer called simsiesave. She overhauled every single neighborhood from the sims to the houses. No CC, just much more functional and nicely decorated houses and families with premade backstories that you can play with. I highly recommend it. I use that as a base for any new sims save I'm starting.
Also if you haven't, you should definitely get MC Command Center (mod). Gives you a lot of randomizing tools which can help craft stories. You can fully tweak the settings which include things like random townie marriages, children, what sex the marriages can be, what specs the kids can have, abduction frequency, etc etc etc. A lot. Since Sims 4 is really really bad about not having story progression, eventually all your town residents will have died out and if you have City Living you will have 200 homeless Asian sims that are mostly single parents… this mod fixes that by creating families and aging them properly, moving them into available housing, etc.
No. 24318
>>21888Thanks for the advice. I have that annual "I need to play the Sims NOW" attack and since my laptop can’t handle anything else, I will have to play The Sims 4. I usually get bored of this one after a few days, but I think that save file can really help as it especially is the dull neighbourhood & pre-made Sims that annoy me.
That being said, I really am ready for TS5. I feel like TS4 was bad from the beginning and can’t be saved, even with popular expansions like Seasons being here now. It simply lacks the soul of the franchise and was poorly executed from the beginning. I just want them to move on now and release a better game. The idea still is so amazing, it’s just the game itself that sucks.
No. 24350
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>>21866If you have a macbook, you should be able to find the SIms 2 super collection on the app atore anon.
No. 24359
>>24350kinda unrelated but EA gave this super collection (PC) away for free to everyone 2 years ago on twitter. Wish they could've given away the mac version too..
Stills salty about it
No. 32693
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sorry to bump this thread but the sims 4 is being offered for free now on origin, for anyone that wants it or couldn't get the fitgirl repacks to work No. 74975
>>32693sims 2 is so hard to find and buy nowadays. Even sims3 is hard to buy.
All you have sis sims 4 which is super expensive
No. 74997
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Next Sim game might be like Sims Online. Thoughts?>>74975You can get Sims 2 with all of the expansions if you contact Origin. I sent in verification (just a picture of my old CD case with a timestamp) and it worked, but I've read that you can get it if you just ask nicely.
No. 75124
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>>74997I got a USB with all the sims 2 expansions, straight from an EA developer my mom knew years ago. If anyone is interested I can upload but I don't wanna get glow in the dark'd.
No. 81029
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>>74997I wouldnt buy it, EA saying “online features” means in game transactions.
Fuck them if they screw The Sims 5 up.
No. 81030
>>74975sims 3 is quite easy to get.
But sims 2 is really hard.
No. 104718
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>>101955It depends on what you like, here are some suggestions:
>Make a sim and try to max all their skills and earn enough money to buy the most beautiful lot>Try one of the challenges posted online (100 baby challenge, history challenge, rags to riches, whatever)>Try to make your dream home (this is the best part of the sims for me)>Invite friends and take turns making the ugliest sims you can>Turn on sim autonomy and just watch them do whatever, and take screenshots. Works best if you have lots of sims on a lot because there's always something crazy going on (this has become my favorite way of playing)>Come up with a story and try to play it out in the sims (warning, if you get really creative you'll just end up disappointed by the limitations of the game), for example a farmer sim who inherited their grandparents' property and can only make money off of the land (yeah I ripped that from harvest moon), or a witch who must never leave her home, or make a sim try to make as many friends as they can and then try to make them all hate you in various ways>Try to make a beautiful neighborhood (if you are playing sims 3 download the Create a World program)>Extra fun points if you try to make a themed neighborhood, like a medieval or elf or gothic neighborhood.And when you take some funny screenshots post them here!!
No. 106043
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>>106006Gamescom had a billion SW things announced today. Seems Disney is pushing it really hard but to think the Star Wars Land tie-in (Batuu is where their SW park is "Set in") would be the fucking SIMS is killing me.
Too bad we didn't get a game pack that the community can do something with. What pack would you have liked anons?
I personally wanted a pack with a distinct world that isn't North American looking. Maybe Spain or Japan could be cool. I feel like gameplay is never actually that different across packs (you craft stuff for the vast majority of the content or you go to rabbitholes) so I'd mostly like a new and pretty world to play in.
Gameplay-wise I'd probably want something that adds nuance to sim interactions and adds those small tidbits we loved from Sims 2. Romance obviously gets really samey quickly, as do inter-generational interactions in families. Something that adds a lot more social gameplay would help craft stories imo. Same goes for drama. A pack centered around your sims' relationships and strives to stir shit up would be my ideal pack.
I don't want more arts/crafts, I don't want new careers because they're all boring and the same, I don't want tedious shit like having to generate electricity for my house.
No. 106047
>>106043seconded on relationship mechanics. i didnt realise it then but generations added a lot of flavour to my games
kinda sad that they never added an attraction system. and hilarious that of all things, wicked whims is the one that has that feature
No. 106430
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i've been making houses in the sims 4 since quarantine started and i kinda want to make a tumblr (or something??) to post screenshots on but i've been too lazy to do it… i don't know if theres enough interest to dedicate the energy
No. 106461
>>106043Late but I'm kinda pissed but not surprised. Fuckin morons eat up every single pack and now they're on reddit whining about how dare EA think they'd by this when they literally go on and on about being competitions.
Can't be mad at EA for selling slop to the pigs.
No. 106471
>>106461For me it'll come down to the items that come with the pack, both build and debug. I do use mods but I have a high standard for what looks good. I want props to blend in with the professional level art the Sims team puts into the game so I still prefer EA-made build items over cc unless the type of furniture I need does not exist outside of cc (comfortable but stylish looking couches being something I downloaded online, for instance).
Gameplay-wise even a pack I thematically enjoy usually has lackluster features (what the FUCK was realm of magic ugh)so well-made meshes and textures are what I'm usually looking for in a pack at this point. Give me good setpieces and worlds and I'll craft a plot with some gameplay mods like Slice of Life and Meaningful Stories. I really do hope someday they'll release an expansion pack specifically for story crafters that includes a lot of the features I currently maintain like 5 mods to experience.
No. 106650
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>>106432>>106437thanks y'all! i use a lot of custom content since i'm too broke to buy packs (and i have a mac so cracks have never worked for me) so maybe i'll post pics of basegame stuff if i get around to it
No. 106882
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I know they always do this shit and it’s expected at this point but can we talk about how not only did no one want this pack but they also completely half assed it too… that dumbass textured mask is like baby’s first Alpha CC and there aren’t even new aliens, it’s just a costume. That ‘Letter from The Sims Team’ was a complete joke too, basically saying ‘We know what you want but you’re not getting it anytime soon! Also skintones are getting pushed back… sorry not sorry! We’ll blame it on the pandemic even though skintones have been an issue since launch!’ I think I’m going to redownload TS3 and let TS4 figure itself out for a while because I’m just so enraged with these recent events. TS4 is a fucking joke
No. 106883
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>>106882Here’s the shitty mask for anyone who hasn’t already seen this monstrosity
No. 106884
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>>106882>>106883I’m sorry for samefagging but here’s the ‘aliens’ which are literally just socks, a mask, and gloves… this is so embarrassing
No. 106942
>>106882Kind of an aside but that image is retarded, this MAX TEXTURE EVERYWHERE mindset is why CC fucks people's performance. I've seen shoes at 10k polys with uncompressed textures for no fucking reason. People really need to stop talking about shit they don't understand.
>>106883That mask is so fucking poorly made, I don't understand why they shipped it that way. No excuse.
This pack is stupid as shit but people really expected like 15 occult races or something? Obviously the aliens were gonna be socks for a game pack lol
No. 106952
>>106942I mean the least they could do was making it connected to the aliens we already have. Like give aliens the option to choose weird textures or different heads, kind of what they have with mermaid with the fins.
I didnt expect anything from this pack anyway, maybe sims 5 will be better but i doubt it
No. 107492
>>106979As the other anon said, things are too "perfect". It's the little things, sims 2 had this whole thing where they made sure each premade family comes with their own drama and the starting day is a different pre-built scenario which is a really nice touch. My sims 2 families always involved at least a couple instances where people were slapping the shit out of each other and doing things to piss each other off. Sims 4 does not really have that.
I actually get a lot of use out of the negative traits in Sims 4. I use the negative character values from parenthood (especially the insensitive one), evil, jealous, clumsy, etc. They often end up creating friction or at least sims react to things in an amusing way. Highly recommend utilizing the more negative traits!
I dont agree with the buildmode swatch issue that's been raised though. I think plenty of items match and it's kinda fun to try and find things that share swatches. I like that there are tons of different colors that aren't the same because I don't like using the same colors and furniture for my builds. I also don't build monochrome so using two wood colors and some wild accents are pretty par for the course in my houses. I imagine if you're really fond of white and black it will probably get annoying though, as there are a lot of varying versions of b/w in the game that definitely do not match.
No. 107498
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>>107492i TOTALLY agree about the negative traits in sims 4 being more entertaining. the most interesting character i have ever played was this glamorous, snobby old lady with the dastardly trait and the criminal career. it was fun trying to throw successful dinner parties while also pickpocketing and getting into fights with the guests.
but usually, i skip the gameplay part of sims altogether. i was the kind of kid who would spend hours arranging a dollhouse but would quit as soon as it was time to play with the dolls, and i guess this is just an advanced version of that lol.
…which is why i would KILL for the swatches in sims 4. if y'all couldn't tell i use a lot of black and white, and as you pointed out it's really frustrating when the shades don't match up right. and if you want to match wood colors, you can't separate it from the other parts– ex; if a room is dark brown and red, and the dark brown bedframe has a lime green bedspread, you're just fucked.
No. 107521
>>107498The beds are the most irritating part of decorating for me, those damn sheets never match what I'm going for. I've started to plan the whole room around the bed, that saves me a lot of headache now.
I do wonder why they didn't make the blacks and whites match. The sort of builder that uses those colors probably wants it all to match perfectly, that's just how monochrome folks roll. It's a bad move from EA.
No. 109430
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In preparation for Halloween, I am shamelessly sexually attracted to my Witchy sim. I'm also building the house from scratch, based on a pic I saw on Pinterest.
No. 109431
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>>109430Going to build this house. Wish me luck.
No. 110317
>>110283>The voice acting>The trailer style in generalI hate it, so tryhard. It's just the sims omfg.
That being said the mod itself looks interesting. Hope it does well so Maxis will consider some features for the next game.
No. 110408
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Unironically reinstalling Sims 2 just so I can use this
No. 111506
>>110317I really hated it too. The mod itself seems fine but was a storyline necessary?
On an unrelated note, I guess the next EP is being announced next week. Can’t wait to be disappointed…
No. 112289
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Next EP is Snowy Escape! I guess the map got leaked too, I'm just so excited that it's Asian inspired! Really hoping there's some new building aspects introduced, but honestly I'll probably buy this on launch for the Build/Buy items alone, regardless of anything else.
No. 112402
>>112309Yeah all base game skintones look ashy or neon. They also lack the interesting variations in skintone you'd see in real people so it all looks a little too plastic.
Anyway, the new expac looks great and will come with new personality mechanics. It's actually nearly all of the things I asked for previously so I'm floored.
No. 112429
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>>112404Same. I actually made Newcrest into a weird Japanese town with tons of CC and it never looked quite right due to the unchangeable props placed in the world (like the deco buildings around) so I'm looking forward to this a lot.
Also went and screenshotted the personality-related system they're adding for farmers' convenience. Honestly seems like EA actually listened to us this time. I'm very happy.
No. 112439
>>110283the brookheights beta is out. Story is skippable (thank god) and the city looks mindblowing! You can drive cars, it's open world (with some rabbit holes), airplanes and you can even edit the world! It feels like Bridgeport in the sims 3. EA really are pathetic, a modder made what they couldn't.
No. 112869
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This is so fucking stupid. It’s literally apart of Japanese culture to bow at shrines? That outfit in the reveal trailer doesn’t even closely resemble the rising sun.
No. 113126
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No. 115196
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I've themed each world with a different architectural style so it's all coherent but I haven't yet found an identity for Newcrest. It used to be my Japan but now that the new pack arrived I need to find a new vibe for Newcrest. What do you guys think? I refuse to use the lilsimsie style BLUE FAMILY HOME shit, I want it all to be distinct.
I've got:
>Willow Creek
Creole/bayou, tons of community lots like jazz bars and bakeries.
Georgian, mostly townhouses and some matching architecture for each campus.
Queen Anne
Mostly Tudors, the rural looking side is overgrown mansions and cottages and the more "downtown" parts are townhouses. The island is Scottish, think those stone houses with grass roofs.
>Oasis Springs
Spanish/Mediterranean, with the red terra cotta roof. There also is a huge steampunk "amusement park", a waterprark, and a pseudo vegas strip that's surrounded by midcentury homes.
>Forgotten Hollow
Gothic colored gigantic victorians. There is also a graveyard for my funerals with a hidden underground bar where Vlad's house once sat.
>Brindleton Bay
Top left area is San Francisco, top right is all farmland and a shabby looking fisherman's lodge. The island houses the museum of my legacy family, that way I get to store all their cool stuff without having to build annoying mansions. I just take my heirs there each gen to dump all the achievements.
The dock area is all repurposed factories turned into trendy community lots and there is an Ancient Roman looking bathhouse where that massive lounge used to be. It's a weird place but I love that bathhouse. It reminds me of a Cheesecake Factory but a spa lol
>Evergreen Harbor
Scandinavian eco homes. They all have grass roofs though. The big community centers are made to look like repurposed factories.
>Magnolia Promenade
more creole
>Del Sol
Just LA tbh, lots of community lots because I think it looks more novel to visit rather than to live in. There is more than one Starbucks here.
>San Myshuno
Again almost entirely community lots, I use the apartments if I'm gonna live there.
>Granite Falls
Overgrown chalets. There is a gigantic abandoned train thing in the 50x50 national part lot and a campgrounds obv.
I kept the native style here, just used more fleshed out lots that look more lived in. Also added a lavish museum to replace the weird shack looking bullshit they had in it originally.
I turned this entire place into community lots in its native style. Nobody lives here. Mostly wedding venues, beaches, restaurants.
Just upgraded the fairtytale homes with actually nice looking ones.
>Mt. Komorebi
I put mostly Machiya homes in this world, though there are some lots reserved for onsen and the 50x50's are a "japanese village" and an art/yoga center that's quite sprawling. Thinking of adding some Japanese style apartments instead of just single family housing.
No. 115236
>>115165Thanks but it only has torrents.
I'll just uninstall and download it again.
No. 118680
I just reinstalled sims 2 and added some cc, but like half of the cc actually shows up, mostly stuff that shouldn't be conflicting with anything, such as the batbox and simblender. It's so annoying
>>118677Yea, especially the sims 2 premades fandom for some reason. God forbid you don't hate General Buzz or the Beakers for being "aboosive!!!
No. 118698
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>>118680Check your file names. I've had the same problem with TS2. If the file name is too long the game fails to recognise it. If you use Clean Installer (you can find this on MTS) it will inform you of what files need shorter names. The other issue is sometimes you need to enter live mode before CC will show up in build and buy mode. Also remember to check "enable custom content" in the game options.
>God forbid you don't hate General Buzz or the Beakers for being "aboosive!!!"The level of autism is bad but the amount of pedos and sick fucks is what got to me.
-the creator of InTeen outed the owner of MTS as a convicted sex offender
-the owner of TSR doxing teenage girls
-rape, bestiality and toddler fuck mods
No. 121669
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>tfw finally bit the bullet and started a fresh install of Sims 2
This is suffering but I had way too much CC, it was completely corrupt and disorganized (pic related, fucking heinous), and the game kept crashing. I hate losing all my stuff and houses and sims but I need to start over completely.
Anyone know some good sims 2 CC creators? Most of the CC I had was super old, the fashion was so out of date lmao I think I'm gonna use tumblr as my main source from now on.
No. 121953
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Even at this stage of my life, there's still rabbit holes I regret exploring.
No. 123152
Can we talk about how the Sims 2 was programmed in such a way that the game was corrupted from the start and would eventually become unplayable even if you didn't use any mods?'ve lost my entire game twice bc of corruption but now I just play Sims 4 bc TS2 looks so dated.
No. 124393
>>124374 to the TS3 section of the forums and find the update threads. You can then browse through all the CC uploaded around the internet instead of trawling through simblr. Older CC updates are in the updates archive.
If you encounter box links that won't download, switch your browser's user agent to android and it will work.
No. 124623
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there are some ugly sims out there
No. 125041
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>>124623It could be worse.
No. 127842
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This one scared the shit out of me
No. 127846
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Speaking of creepy sims have you seen the mesh head accessories? Pure nightmares
Why do people insist on making their sims realistic if when you enter the game they start doing retarded faces right away anyway
No. 129667
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Apparently the Sims 3 Store is returning, as well as bunkbeds.
No. 129771
>>129667a vacuum. you get to pay extra for a fucking vacuum.
im gonna firebomb ea's headquarters at this point holy fuck
No. 131661
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>>131660I don’t know which one is the clone: Plumbella or her. FakeGamerGirl who makes sims videos tends to do the same “funny extremely loud gamer girl” niche and I honestly think it’s
nonthreatening female tism.
No. 131713

>>131661>female tismPlumbella actually has autism so it checks out
They’re both insufferable along with lilsimmie and the scrote they form a quartet with. I can’t even remember his channel name because his content is so boring.
I had to unsubscribe from plumbella not explicitly because of her incessant troon pandering leaking into her channel content, but how she went full tra “jk rowling bad!!1” despite being a massive potterfag. And she was completely silent on every other sjw issue at the time too (spring/summer last year.) It’s so fucking grifty. The worst of her actual videos has to be when she plays Urbz. I understand that she had no prior experience with the game, but holy shit she was worse than a child. While playing she kept messing up to the point where I think she got tired of trying. It’s one of the best console and overall Sims installments, yet she managed to make it uninteresting.
Looking at it now I see she’s removed the continuation to this video where she had to get taught by chat how to move her fucking character past the bouncer in diamond heights.
Urbz is more than one of the best console installments, and I think it holds up when paired with a lot of ts4 packs. Despite not being as big of a world or have as much opportunities as a base game with EPs, the Urbz world is very expansive for its small size. And we actually get to play while they’re at work kek
No. 131758
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my least favorite simtuber along with deligracy and the Australian scrote. Lilsimie perpetually looks like she just sat on her hermoriod and the other 2 look like they escaped a cloning facility sponsored by EA, and manage to make they make the least memorable content
No. 131765

>>131758Yeah, the australian scrote is whom I was referring to. I think he and deligracy are married. Both of their content is so boring and overdone that I forgot deligracy exists.
I actually prefer Deligracy’s play style compared to the rest of these people. The content is boring but she’s more laid back or reserved than the others. Nitpick but her mouth gets really annoying to look at. The lisp doesn’t bother me as much as the skull/face structure. It’s like Jarvis Johnson. Vidrel this simtuber plagued my feed for a few weeks and I got bored of the recycled content so I unsubbed. I’d noticed is that every video she has an unflattering ReadyToGlare tier cheap wig and nobody in the comments says anything about it. I think plumbella is the best looking “big time” simtuber. And I don’t mean this to be shallow, it’s merely an observation that most of the bigger sims channels that show their faces are average at best.
Prescripted, faceless sims youtubers overall make better content imo. With the exception of the likes of Pixelade who is the troom troom of sims. He makes so much redundant content for no fucking reason. Every tweet and forum post gets its own video.
Chrillsims3, onlyabidoang, The Sims Lore, Carl’s Sims Guide, and LGR are my favorite sim content creators that are not Let’s Play or CC/Mod oriented. The Sims Lore especially.
No. 131898
>>131765> I’d noticed is that every video she has an unflattering ReadyToGlare tier cheap wig and nobody in the comments says anything about itShe actually just made a video about it. She shows she is balding because of pcos and admits that she filtered the word wig because so many people made comments about it. I do feel bad for her, i think she just had 0 experience with wigs and was so stressed so she never bought a decent one. She is saying that she is going to donate them all and stop wearing them so i guess we don't have to be bothered about them anymore kek.
I mostly watch her videos that are sims 2 related like mods, i dont care that much about sims 4 so i never watch any videos related to that.
No. 131908
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>>131713Are you talking about The Sims Supply aka James Turner? Could have sworn him and Deligracy were in an actual relationship and they’re both sims youtubers. I kind of respect Deligracy only because she had the balls to collab with a great cc creator named grimcookies and the items in the collection are very good. Most sims youtubers praise or attempt to embrace the modding community but most of their gameplay says otherwise, they are mainly EA simps to the T with very few exceptions (ex. Carl Sims guide). Lilsimsie is like the Drew Golden of Sims youtube. She builds the same houses or usually gimmicky videos based on builds she made for her Twitch audience, she never curses or goes out of line because she wants to maintain herself as a general family-friendly channel. Her “I’m not as talented” shit gets on my nerves because stop building the same house where a white LC user would live in 50 years suburban blue and build something out of the box.
Lilsimsie, Steph0, and Plumbella are the quartet you’re confusing yourself with.
No. 131921
>>131898Damn PCOS is a menace. She has my sympathies completely. I’m glad she felt like she could finally come out with it because I fucking hated the silence about the wigs kek
I was never big on her TS2 content but I’ll check it out.
>>131908Yes it was The Sims Supply and I agree with everything you’ve said! I thought they were a quartet because I saw a collaboration between the 3 with James and they were all pretty chummy. It was a very mediocre video I couldn’t finish. 3 boring players and 1 overdone over the top personality gets boring. I love Carl’s videos even though nearly all of his ts4 reviews can be summarized as “this is shit, EA should have done better” kek
No. 132083
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Any anons seen the adventure time episode "little people"? It called simmers out for how batshit our hobby is and I love
No. 132208
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>>132180This challenge and the “breed out the ugly” challenge never made any sense to me because people would create an ugly sim and just… custom content them out of their ugliness? Like there was no real transformation, you just make an over exaggerated sim and then undo everything to make it pretty and with nicer clothes again.
I wish it was more creative, like they had to make the ugly deathfat sim, use a mod that categorizes sims as “disgusting and unattractively ugly” and try to bring the sim to the beauty standards of their town. Otherwise this challenge is never really a challenge at all. Or at least I wish it was more about trying to work with the features the sim was generated with, and working around them instead of bulldozing them completely. Like an actual challenge.
No. 133427
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Thread is absolutely dead but EA finally added bunk beds to the game in the recent updaye, only for it to just be reused beds from dlc packs. Didn’t even make new beds with different designs/patterns, holy fuck, and of course the dumbass community becomes easily placated from such laziness and shortcuts. Embarrassing
No. 133479
>>133427>>133435A) one of the bed frames is apparently from parenthood
B) the beds don't always work if you put stuff below it but apparently they're going to patch this later
Honestly, I feel like this will be another one of those 'well the modders fixed it so we won't bother' things, or it will come several years later
C) I've seen some people say that the trait improvements for neat/perfectionist (not sure which) sims are taken from the dust kit which also let you to 'polish to perfection', but even without that it seems like a lousy update
On the subject of Sims 5 - seeing as it's likely to be online/multiplayer, I honestly can't see it taking the stuff that made Sims 3/2 good and the stuff that made Sims 4 good to mash it together. It seems likely that we will stay with the building mode (as that seems to be the only thing that made Sims 4 good), but the gameplay will be as bland, unless they somehow utilise playing with other players which means that the 'offline' (assuming we get that) version would be shit.
Plus interested to see how they'd work around the large portion of people who play the game just for building
No. 133516
>>133514they linked this post a bunch of subreddits are privating because of that admin reddit hired that people aren't allowed to talk about
No. 137271
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I'm back to being obsessed with Sims 2, today I made a Lolcow-tan sim and put her in Strangetown for that Bella Goth milk.
No. 137668
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>>133946Late reply but I'm seeding it and it works on my end. If you can't download the torrent from the G4TW site I can provide the magnet link if you know what to do with it.
>>137511Look into basic colour theory. Also make sure wood tone matches.
No. 138927
>>138787Sims 4 toddlers are adorable but so fucking stressful that they completely derail the game. If you want them to have a decent childhood on a shorter lifespan you have to basically build a baby containment center. Sims 2 toddlers cried in their beds all day but they were made of tougher stuff.
Sims 4 toddlers leave their beds to ask for a story and get stuck.
Also sims 2 toddlers slept in pet beds and snuggled the animals.
No. 146171
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Bonny nonnies can I please get some recommendations for unique looking sims for download?
Alpha, MM, fantasy, I just want sims for my game that are actually varied or have some character. Love kamiiri's sims based on real people because at least they aren't all eternal insta-baddie teens and Ken dolls. Recommendations for presets and sliders other than the luumia and obscurus or the endless big lips would also be so appreciated
No. 149249
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Hey girlies anyone interested in higher chances of rape randomly happening to your sims? Such a great idea, I mean it'd definitely give Sims 4 University more realism right?
No. 149395
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>>149255>Was the Sims community always this degenYes, as far back as TS1. The difference now is that sex mods have reached a stage of refinement where they aren't laughably crude. It also doesn't help that TS4 is lacking in gameplay compared to TS2 and TS3.
No. 149397
>>149255I feel like theres more degen mods for sims4 because the base game is incredibly lacking compared to its predecessors.
I’ve been hoping for a patch to fix autonomy system but it’s so fucking broke.
No. 162678
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I’m looking to buy a new laptop that the sims 4 and all its expansions will run smoothly on, also I want to get into using mods as I never have before (always had shit 4gb laptops)
recommendations please ladies? I’m not in a position to be spending 500 - 1200 On a whim
No. 162701
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>>162678I bought a laptop with these specs for 1200€ last week and it runs sims 4 perfectly. I have the pirated version with all packs and I can run it with reshade now, and I also have 20gb of mods/cc.
This laptop is definitely a bit of an overkill for sims 4 though, but hey if you want something decent this is my recommendation.
No. 176005
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No. 177724
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An anon on /ot/ wanted to see the fairytale sims world I made so I thought I'd share it here.
I used the world Moon Valley which is downloadable from the sims3 store and bulldozed most buildings except for the ones I couldn't be bothered making again (the equestrian centre and junkyard).
The little market you see is something I curate myself with some of the townies, they all grow fruits and vegetables from home and sell it at their stalls for other townies to buy. I made a big bath house which you can see in the bottom right, but I'm not overly happy with the columns.
I populated my little town with all sorts of supernaturals, vampires, fairies, werewolves, witches, you name it. It does lag sometimes but I use mods to keep it running smoothly.
No. 177732
>>177727No problem at all! I'm in love with this little world and love to share it around. Supernatural is my favourite too. I wish I had more photos but it's currently winter and things don't look nearly as good.
I hope this inspires some of your sim creations
nonnie! I love to see what other people do when they get creative on sims.
No. 177733
>>177724That bath house really resembles a Hungarian spa I went to once. I don't get why you're not pleased with it, looks great.
>>174124EA already killed the Sims franchise as far as I'm concerned. I didn't have the desire to buy Sims 4 at all. It's not a quick death like that of Sim City, but a slow painful one.
No. 177736
>>177733I actually modelled it after the hungarian spa I went to myself! Good to know it's come through in the visuals.
I'm also on the same boat with having no interest in sims 4 whatsoever. Something about the lack of open world really killed it for me, that's a big part of why I love 3 to begin with.
No. 177750
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>>177738You guys!!! So sweet.
No. 180135
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Necroing our sims thread because I saw this and it annoyed me enough to do it.
The game has an entirely fake language why do we need cUsToM pRoNoUnS?
No. 180177
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>>180143All I want is a spin off sims like urbz or even the console sims with a story (2, castaway)
No. 181769
>>181746I've been playing Sims 2 pretty much since release, so at this point in time I'm just trying to make the game more chaotic challenging for me, which includes
>no cheats, obviously>modding the household limit out and keep every single sim until they die in some way or another (my record currently lies at 19 sims at once)>more dangerous fires and diseases>harder homework and jobs>higher bills>no perma plat status for granting life wishes>fight anyone anytime regardless of current relationship>potential death by childbirth (still looking for a mod that could kill your sim at dangerous jobs if you chose the wrong chance card)>slower skilling>blind needs, if I'm feeling up to itI've had CJs Edukashun Iz Gud mod for a while, which made it impossible for sims to get to the higher levels of any career unless they went to college, but I hate playing college, so I took that out and replaced it with job stoppers. If anyone has mods that might the game worse, please link them, I'm always on the lookout for more, since even like that the game could be a little harder, still lol.
No. 181771
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>>181746my ts4 trophy doesn't let me know after 15th generation, and I don't use mods in general so I'm just vaguely guessing that my legacy play may be at 20th right now (I need to keep track better..)
Picrel is one of the households I managed to take photo of, I made the purple girl married to Bess (Eco Lifestyle NPC)
Alien breeding is also very fun imo. The toddle twins are grown up and moved out by nowHow many did you get keep your first save?
I solved my ugly breeding sims problem by using cheat cas.fulleditmode as they become teenagers. The manual CAS for my sims to stay attractive and not wearing ugly clothes have been a major chore for me, otherwise it's still pretty fun! I'm actually having trouble to have one of the household to stay alive long enough to unlock a hidden career item in Eco Lifestyle
the meat vertical gardenTell me about your legacy experience anon!
No. 181774
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>>181746I never play with families of sims, I don't make them age or have children, I don't ever find that fun. I just make up my own sims to live in the city, make their houses and play with them for a bit until I get bored then I move onto the next sim. I got bored of everything very quickly until one day I decided to make jojo characters as sims and watch them doing their random shit, that was so fun. They can just do whatever and I'll be laughing hysterically
>>181771The left one is so pretty I love her
>>181769That's brutal!!
No. 181777
>>181746I make characters from other games and have them act my personal autistic version of a reality show.
>I never play with families of sims, I don't make them age or have children, I don't ever find that fun.same, I let characters get pregnant sometimes but I use mods to terminate the pregnancies before it's too late. or just bring out the good old OMGWTFBBQ, if only it existed for 3 and 4 too
No. 181785
>>181774Oh yeah, I can find raising children can be tedious and there's not much to do when they're at school all the time. And the toddlers really keep my adult sims so busy to have fun on their own (this is so true in real life lol). I still find children sims are absolutely adorable, I especially love the animation when they interact with a pet. Maxis' animation is definitely top-tier despite of gameplay's degradation tbh.
Anon!! Your picrel!! Your Mayor Whisker is sick please take him to the vet omg!
No. 181822
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>>181746i like to make extremely detailed lot sets and my oc families, they all usually have a theme or a story. I don't usually get past the first few generations unless I'm fucking around and doing a legacy.
>every world was populated by fat reheaded asians with latin nameskek. I can't play without either genociding the townies and replacing them manually or customizing them all. the random generation is so fucked. usually I just change their name and slap a skin overlay on there to make them less fuckugly
No. 181842
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New kit.
This is getting so bad, I can't even be bothered to pirate this shit anymore.
No. 182372
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I have a lot of builds but I thought I'd share pictures of a san franciso townhouse build i worked on, it was one of my first builds years ago.
No. 182373
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and here are the plant themed rooms in that house, quite tedious to place all the plants but it came out like I wanted!
No. 182397
nonnie these are both amazing. do you have a simblr?
No. 182403
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>>182397i've thought about it but i'm too lazy to run a blog lol, would rather spend my time making more junk. thank you nona!
No. 182445
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>>180135>>181842Finally representation for the South American troon prostitutes, the hon in red is atrocious. Sex work game pack when? We also need a mental illness kit, separate from a neurodiversity kit of course! It's all so bleak nonnas, they could have made the underroofs recolorable or worked on the babies, just about anything would have been better than pronouns and men in skirts. My
terf heart grows more tired every passing day
No. 182449
>>181822same, I kinda really like editing the townies as my played sims come across them. If they strike up a conversation, I'll at the very least slap some skin details on the randos lol.
I've played ts2 and ts4 for ages but I have never completed a legacy, the farthest I've gotten is gen 4. Just can't stay interested
No. 182605
>>182407dude that's so cool! it must be fun to see people using your cc
>>182437it's peacemaker's vara office desk. i know what you mean, most of my cc desks are almost child sized.
No. 183140
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I can't get over how ugly the birds look in the sims 3 ! Did they let the unpaid intern make the 3d models ?
No. 183143
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Dreaming of a sims 3 64-bit remaster
No. 183397
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>>183170I remember how sad I was when I couldn't buy the physical copies in my country anymore.. I had almost all of them, just few minor expansions missing. Ah, good times, shit was already expensive that time too.
Didn't know you couldn't buy it anymore on origin.
Been years since I got in my origin account or played the sims 2 so this is a very dumb question: if I got the game years ago via origin, will I still be able to download it?
No. 183434
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does anyone know wcif this ts2 hairstyle? i don't wanna ask the op of this sim because she has autistic piss jokes on her simblr and i don't wanna interact with weirdos like that kek.
No. 184088
>>183143 I would kill for this. Playing sims 3 on windows with not a single error 12 in sight.
No. 184116
>>181746i play ts2 and ts1 exclusively, in ts1 it's mostly the same i just build stuff and grind manically to make a successful celeb or magic sim, or i play the premades. in ts2 i also have two playstyles. one is where i play the premades a ton without ever saving because i need all the families always being at their starting point so that i can replay different "routes" for all the characters without having to reinstall. i have a weird emotional attachment to the premades so i can't have them be gone from the game or change or i will get so much anxiety for no reason lol. i also love the unique "event" message things when you first enter their lots (like when you're encouraged to make cassandra marry don), that shit just does something to me idk why. my other playstyle is making my own neighborhood from scratch, doing all the public and private lots and filling it with families. i love the roleplaying/storytelling functions of ts2 so i always write bios for everyone and everything, make up complex stories for all the families and the town, make photo albums of important events of each familly's lore as well as photo albums for the whole town like the premade neighborhoods. rn i'm even working on editing a main photo the same style as the premade neighborhood stories have with like a cover art thing with the "main characters" of the town all edited together doing their thing (this is proving to be so fucking hard though since i can't edit photos or use photo editing programs effectively for shit). i'm also kind of ocd about writing everything in the sims 2 writing style, idk how to explain that though, i kind of mimic the style and syntax of the descriptions and bios and everything and write to make everything i do fit in with the unique tone/aesthetic of the game. don't use any mods or cc, i have used teen pregnancy mod in the past because for some reason i just love making angela pleasant become pregnant with her bf dustin broke and have her family disown her over this, leading to her and dustin having to move in together and live tragically like trailerpark people. i also love doing this with romeo and juliette in veronaville for obvious reasons. anyway, i'm also working on making my own university and city for my neighborhood. obviously this is all a huge timesink, i have only had a few somewhat complete neighborhoods in my life, and i've played since forever.
No. 184139
>>184116>one is where i play the premades a ton without ever saving because i need all the families always being at their starting point so that i can replay different "routes" for all the characters without having to reinstallYou can reset the premade neighbourhoods without reinstalling the game. There's clean templates of Maxis hoods that have had some of the corruption issues fixed. You can just download them and replace the existing version of the neighbourhoods whenever you want to start a fresh play through.'s also possible to have more than one version of a premade neighbourhood installed. This tutorial explains how No. 184280
>>183005You can use testingheats just fine, I actually have it activated all the time in my startup file and haven't had my game corrupted in close to a decade.
Read and especially get the mods at "Avoiding neighborhood corruption>Have too many Sims in your neighborhood." You can use Mootildas Hood Checker at MTS to check your neighborhood for corruption and Boiling Oils No Trash Memories at leefish to have the game not create useless memories (instead of having to get rid of them by the batbox periodically). Since you also talked about long legacies: the game doesn't recognize some sims as family past a certain point (like aunts and uncles of the spouse, or anything further away than grandparents), so I'd recommend faiuwles family hacks to have your game recognize great-grandparents (usually they don't live long enough anyways, but just in case you also play with custom life spans), second cousins, spousal family etc.
I know this all is just a band aid on a broken bone, but the game hasn't caused me any problems in years like that lol.
No. 184290
>>184280thank you, i actually have all of these downloaded! i think BO's memories mod already helps a lot, but i noticed that i get those squiggly lines in speech bubbles pretty early sometimes and afaik that's a sign of some kind of corruption??
also my game just crashed in CAS when i rolled the pacifier on a couple to preview how their offspring would look and i'm torn between "maybe it's just ts2 being ts2" and "i bet some cc is conflicting and now i have to sort it out." but i haven't changed any of my genetics in months - which i assume would cause a crash when rolling the pacifier - so i don't think it could be that? ugh.
No. 184395
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>>183620I'm glad someone else remembers them! The legacy challenge stories were my favorite but I can remember the names of a few others I loved because autism I guess:
A few exchange stories, mostly legacies, have been archived here
>the gravity of being green about the alien girl (i think she was called yvette) adopted by human parents>melancholy dreams by amandaskeefer about the family growing up in a trailer park with mommy issues teen pregnancy etc>all about the girls by amandaskeefer which was another alien story about sisters in high school iirc>menace over pleasantview about the dark side of the pleasantview premades or something>also the uglacy legacy by candi where she tried to create the ugliest sim possible using npcs kek No. 184487
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>>183620fuck yeah, i used to read the shit out of legacy stories but on the swedish the site has been gone a million years now but i would die to be able to reread familjen love, one of the most famous and funny legacies on there.
No. 186181
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Do any other oldfags remember the Boolprop and Garden of Shadows forums that were popular around 2005-2010? afaik GOS is still-semi active and used to have some great TS2 cc. I think Boolprop is dead or at least wildly different though, it used to be popular with legacy writers who posted on the official site