File: 1531229119125.jpeg (439.74 KB, 2048x2048, A8A0143B-F311-4631-B137-09A150…)

No. 5268
Last thread reached the bump limit.
>>550456What's recently happened
>Finally got her boob(botch) job that looks horrible
>Was humiliated up and down Twitter by men laughing at how bad her breast augmentation turned out
>pretending to be half Japanese
>lies about going to Michelin 5 star restaurant and was caught
>cannot stop lying
>lightening skin tone and extreme photoshop
>Fetishizes underaged asian girls and is pretending to be Asian
>Escort website was taken down
>Posted a long statement about Amina accusing her of running every blog or post against her, just came off as catty.
>Tried to work 6 days after her breast surgery until other escorts called her out.
>Claimed to take work off but is currently in Nebraska Hoeing
>Moved to Dallas with fellow scammer hooker called Kitty
>Photoshopping her skin tone and nose more and more often lately
>Changed escort name to Daisy B but used to be called Bunny Spears , Himeka, Momo
>Actively catfishes and scams her escort customers but changes her name to evade being caught
>Falls for men head over heels and becomes bitter from it.
>met a dom on fetlife who she almost gave $3,000 but he dropped her because she wouldn’t lose weight.
>Fell for Simon Benson but he dropped her because she couldn’t lose weight.
>has been a lolcow since she was a teenager, posting CP of herself. Claiming anyone saying anything was ~jealous~
>Was caught here multiple times by admins doxxing herself to make lolcow look bad, talking trash about her younger sister and came here to try and ruin Amina
>lies and calls herself a porn starlette despite her only claim to fame being an ashy parody porn she begged a Japanese company to make
> claims to be a ~whittle girl~ but is ballooning by the day and is nearly 200 pounds nowSocial Media
Tumblr: (nsfw) (private account for shit talking)
Escort website: (Now defunct)
Eros: tends to change the names of her pages often so be sure to keep an eye on this thread if you can find one of her pages
No. 5269
File: 1531229161510.png (69.74 KB, 260x275, 8BFD2B24-4592-4BF8-9B59-37FE3C…)

>>5268Second contender for thread photo
No. 5271
to the anon in the last thread who asked if her nips were ripped off and sewn back on
when they do lifts they have to change the placement of the nipples, so yeah they basically did's why it's so important to do proper aftercare and why angela's gonna regret being so retarded about it. she fucked herself over. anons weren't being flippant about them rotting off it could honestly happen No. 5272
Here's a far better summary. I usually post the new threads but I wait until it's at about 1190 before making a thread. Added all of her names too
Aliases: HoneyKittenMomo, Hime, Himeka, Bunny, Bunny Spears, Daisy Baby
Real Name: Angela Williams
What's Happened So Far
>Posted a wall of text bashing Amina in Micky's thread
>Made a tumblr blog to try and make Amina look bad
>Posted said blog on her own thread
>Got caught red handed shitting on her sister and creating the fake Amina blog in her thread when the Admin revealed which posts were hers
>Was kicked out of her mother's house when her sister told their mom about her nsfw blog
>After moving into her Grandma's broom closet her delusion of grandeur got worse
>Traded nudes for people to do her homework for her. Even though she claims to be super intelligent.
>Claimed to be dating a "super important, super handsome, super rich" guy but never posted his face
>Rich guy most likely never existed as she continued talking about other guys she was fooling around with despite him being "her man".
>Posted a picture of some random dude fingering her yeast infected vagina.
>Says her dad gave her a mansion but it turns out she's living in a rental vacation home
>Was "employed" under Simon Benson
>Filmed one AV in Japan before being booted by Simon
>Moved from Miami to back to her mom's her place
>Started an escort website to try and make money
>Failed to get clients and had to sell herself for cheap on Backpage
>Claimed to have another video coming up with an American porn company
>Turns around and then claims it's not happening
>Desperately seeking money to get augmentation
>Was tricked by a Dom to give him money and then promptly dumped
>Moved to Texas to live with her friend
>Her and said friend try to get clients via Twitter
>Seemingly have failed
>Friend came to Whiteknight and got banned
>Bought views for their lives on Periscope
>Periscopes were boring and they barely engaged their audience
>Flew to Florida for breast augmentation surgery
>Claimed it was going to be done by a highly rated surgeon
>In reality it was done by a back alley quack
>Both return with Frankentits
>Angela's looks far worse but depsite this she tries to advertise for more clients
>Get blasted by various people on Twitter
>Ignores everyone who says to wait and sue for the botched job
>Runs off to her locked Twitter account and Tumblr
>Says some shit about Amina on her locked account
>Amina finds out and blasts her
>Angela gets salty and acts like she has dirt
>Her evidence is Amina warning Kitty about Angela's bullshit and Angela repeating shit Jrcach said about Amina
>Deletes it all out of fear
>Is now lying about her ethnicity and existence of a Sugar Daddy to get clients in Nebraska. Other Things About Her
>Amina is her trigger
>tends to try and whiteknight herself or derail her threads
>backstabbing is her favorite hobby
>besties with Micky, despite Micky calling her a cheap whore
>loves to lie about any and everything
>can't type properly for shit and has abysmal spelling
>thinks creepy DD/LG shit constitutes as "cute porn"
>doesn't care at all about victims of sex trafficking is only concerned with trying to make money from Backpage posts
>went bat shit when her blogs got deleted because tumblr is her life
>not beneath throwing friends and family under the bus to make herself look good.
>has been posting nudes since she was 14
>claims to have been sexually abused by her father
>claims everyone here are jealous haters, even though there's nothing to hate.
>considers everything posted here to be "made up stories"
>likes to Photoshop herself
>lightens her skin in photos
>wears foundation ten shades lighter than her actual complexionSocial Media
Tumblr: (nsfw)
Twitter: lockedFetLife:
Escort Page possibly deletedShe tends to change the names of her pages often so be sure to keep an eye on this thread if you can find one of her pagesJust like Micky, Himeka likes to delete her posts to cover her tracks. Be sure to archive and screenshot everything No. 5281
>>5280Yeah, unfortunately. The OP could use some work. The twitter is outdated, her eros page is missing and some of the noted stuff could be removed. Just use
>>5272 or the link for the other thread.
No. 5283
>>5282I'm talking about reading the OP of the other thread or reading
>>5272 to catch up. Pretty sure nobody wants to wade through all the unnecessary posts in the previous threads just to read the new one.
Also that stuff isn't from 3 years ago. Like I said, they neglected to put her info for her locked account and main account on Twitter. As well as her eros account.
No. 5286
File: 1531358651295.png (95.33 KB, 608x556, uUqf5M1.png)

>going 2 an posh hotel
>im 2 generous
Spot the lies.
No. 5287
>>5286Posh hotel, sorta like the "5 star" restaurant, right?
Wasn't she outted for hoing in Omaha right now? She's probably just in the public hottub at whatever middle grade holiday inn her "sugar daddy" is staying at for his "business trip".
No. 5290
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>>5289from the last thread
No. 5293
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No. 5294
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No. 5295
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No. 5300
>>5296Lying about being mixed only works if you actually could pass for mixed. A lot of Asian escorts lie saying they’re white and Asian or if they’re Chinese they’ll lie and say they’re Japanese for marketing. Again this only works if it’s believable. Angela is 110% African and cannot pass for anything but it. She’s the darkest shade on the scale so lying about being asian is just stupid. A lot of black escorts lie about being Native American which also looks just as dumb. This only works if a girl is brown skin or light skin with “different” features. Angela just needs to market herself as a dark skin chocolate ebony escort. Yes it’s cringe worthy but she’ll most likely get more black fetish white guys and it’ll help her business.
She’s shooting herself in the foot because of pride. It’s not shocking though considering she hates being black herself. 99% of the girls she posts are blonde skinny white Girls, she claimed Amina only got chances in japan because of “affirmative action” and she called black men niggers and said she hated them on Tumblr. Angela is delusional but sadly she doesn’t want to be black and thinks she can pass as Asian.
No. 5303
File: 1531743171283.png (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 640x1136, 4E9EFDC1-6B64-4C64-BEAE-58940F…)

Someone asked for a no makeup photo and she posted this lol. She’s obviously stopped posting photos of her horrid tits because this is an old pic . Also if you thought she was ugly with makeup look at her face now. She played herself by posting this.
No. 5304
>>5302You never saw that? In her recent “drags” as well as other posts about Amina she said she only won some shit weeb awards and was in an actual idol group was because “Japanese don’t wanna seem anti black” and because of “affirmative action in japan”
Angela is racist as hell and has serious self hating issues. Someone needs to tell her that Japan doesn’t give a fuck about being PC. Her comments don’t sound far off from a racist hillbilly or jrcach. Not shocking she has so much self hate, same as kitty who uses makeup 10 shades lighter and claims to be Latina. I’ll try and find the post
No. 5305
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Someone record this cringe fest
No. 5309
File: 1531788841884.png (74.81 KB, 599x616, classy.png)

>>5303Looking extra busted without makeup. Even the filter can't help.
I wonder how bad her tits have gotten that she has both deleted all the photos off of twitter and is only posting old photos now?
Also fullkek at this recent post. Her "safe place" is CVS or Chili's. High class escort material right here.
No. 5310
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No. 5312
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I wonder what she's talking about this time. Also, her main page has taken another dip in followers. She's down to 6,950. I wonder how far down it'll go before it hits real followers.
No. 5320
File: 1531862763431.png (558.07 KB, 460x455, acne.png)

>>5316Honestly, Kitty's boobs don't look horrible here, they look like they've dropped now and aren't so weird, round, and hard looking? Angela's though, we all know about the horrendous scars she's hiding and the shape still isn't much better. I wonder if she's salty that Kitty's boobs are now so much bigger than her's?
They both are looking beefier than ever too, did they put on more weight?
Also, can we pause for a sec and acknowledge the grotesque amounts of chest acne Angela is exposing here? Her cleavage looks as bad as Shay's vagina.
No. 5325
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>>5320jesuschrist angela buy some clothes your size for once, this looks beyond horrid
No. 5326
>>5316>>5317>>5320My god, they're awful
Kittys are somewhat passable, but Angelas are an absolute wreck…
They look waaaaaaaay too much like a body builders pecks than actual tits and they seem to be breaking out all over. They're not settling down, they're just stuck like that looking..botched. She seriously ruined her tits which were the only thing she had going for her
No. 5327
>>5326I don't know if I would go as far as to say her previous boobs are the only thing she had going for her. They weren't great either, but at least they looked somewhat feminine and weren't covered in horrific looking scars.
Crazy to think her old flapjacks were way better than what she has now paid thousands to have.
>>5325kek. Remember when she was claiming recently she's a size XS?
No. 5329
>>5316>>5317they wear the tackiest, ugliest shit they can find. how did she suddenly have a flare up of acne on them so soon??
lol was kitty looking ugly in the first pic, what's with the sticker?
No. 5332
>>5331Yeah, they both have similar, unfortunate proportions. Short, stocky, with little natural curves when they aren't throwing their backs out to fake an ass. You would think being as chubby as they are, they'd have some kind of booty, but neither of them have much in the way of a decent hip to waist ratio or an ass to thigh/hip ratio either.
I think Kitty could be alright if she lost some weight? Angela really fucked herself with those botched bolt ons though, I don't think there's any fixing that mess.
No. 5336
>>5335She's always trying to be some erokawaii black Britney Spears oppai loli or whatever. She needs to simmer down, and lose some weight. It'd be best if she just did the IG baddie dark skin girl thing, and maybe incorporated
small amounts of "erokawaii" and early 2000s inspiration into her look. Can't she just go to Sephora or MAC and let one of the stylists there work on her so she understands her range?
No. 5346
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Stained clothes? Busted unit? Has she seen her latest wig? Her mutilated chest? Lmao these bitches have such a strong vendetta
No. 5351
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Wow at this Photoshop…
No. 5352
File: 1532048128071.png (Spoiler Image,1.73 MB, 998x1346, frankentits.png)

I remember when she was all like ~*~ uwu waiting for them to drop and fluff!!!!~*~ but here we are a month later, and the best images she has on her prostitution site still show her rotting nipples and frozen, hard, breasts that look like he-man's pecs.
guess the dropping and fluffing didn't happen. bitch is botched as hell.
No. 5354
>>5353And think. The photos are after layers upon layers of intense photoshop and filters and lighting and angles. I would hate to see what they look like IRL.
Her and Kitty both were off twitter for a while. Wouldn’t be shocked if Angela had a major break down. They also stopped doing twitter streams because everyone called Angela ugly lmao
No. 5356
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>>5355Every professional photo she’s had looks horrible so she would never.
No. 5358
>>5346Lol she's projecting real hard. Amina doesn't have stained clothes and her hair is ok, even if she wears a little too far back. Angela is making her jealousy real obvious.
>>5345I know what you're talking about. She blamed Amina when in reality it was a PULL user. I think their name was Pancake or some shit. It was on PULL 1.0 iirc.
No. 5360
>>5358I don’t believe in cow tipping but I don’t understand why she’s saying contacting a minor’s guardians if the minor is in danger is “toxic”??? Even though it didn’t do anything I’m personally glad that PULL user contacted her family and school. Shame on adults who let children sell CP. why does Angela think this is ok? Or was ever ok?
>>5359Her face looks unattractive in this photo. With makeup she’d be a low 6 at best. Definitely not worth the $300 an hour she charges when you can get a thin pretty girl with a good attitude for probably the same prices. A rich guy isn’t gonna go for her, she knows that which is why she catfishes with selfies and lies about being mixed.
No. 5369
File: 1532153485336.jpg (80.12 KB, 1080x317, Screenshot_20180721-020001_Tum…), your breasts shouldn't look like pecs and the scars shouldn't look like they do after a month. Your shit is fucked up and inflamed. You need to fix it.
No. 5370
>>5369Kek what did SHE expect. Is she really delusional to the point where she thinks her mutilated titties would win everyone over and she'd stop getting ~haters~?
Anyways, it's just downhill from here. There's no fixing this disaster. Nice self-sent asks though Angela.
No. 5372
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Basically she’s lying about being asian and fetishizing asian children for profit
No. 5373
>>5369Angela, I don't think you realize some of us have had procedures done to our breasts too, me being one of them. No, after a month they are not perfect. But yours are botched and you took care of them poorly at the most important time where you literally had 0 space to mess around. The twitter and tumblr likes should have been the last thing on your mind. You shouldnt have been letting them loose to take pics or baths or whatever else you were doing and now you'll have permanent damage because of that. Overall, your own vanity actually made you uglier in irreversible ways.
Your tits look like pecs with the most unnatural scarring possible and it's entirely your fault. At no point will they ever look natural again.
No. 5376
>>5369"I shouldn't have shown u my tities"
No shit Angela.
She should have laid low and recovered. Then when they were healed she could have shown them off. She legit must've been pressed about the saggy boob comments on here so instantly wanted to show off as a 'fuck u' to this thread. And look how painfully its backfired for her. I pity her at this point.
No. 5379
>>5378It’s kind of disgusting. I hope her tits don’t rot off or something.
Either way, she’s a horrible person tbh. So I don’t feel bad for her much. She has serious mental health issues and general toxicity she needs to fix before going out and being botched
No. 5381
File: 1532254300383.jpg (1.77 MB, 2560x1920, 18-07-22-06-09-48-192_deco.jpg)

>>5380Compared to a genuine candid of her, it looks like a totally different person.
No. 5384
>>5380Girl……… even in her own picture right here
>>5303 shows that she doesn't look like this jesus.
No. 5387
>>5385She has no education, no respect and has a horrible attitude. There’s no 9-5 she would be able to do that would pay as much as escorting even if she barely gets customers.
Kitty only keeps her around because Angela has some leverage on her. Everyone in angela’s Life stays around her because she has some leverage or something on them.
No. 5388
File: 1532267283064.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, 71ED5DEA-EFF0-4C87-B59C-031CEE…)

Even with the photoshop she doesn’t look attractive. She’s decent but not cute. Her nose is super wide and her face is starting to remind me of her fat sis Bibi
No. 5396
>>5394Her actual face is on the right here
>>5381. Honestly, her face is not that attractive. She's definitely a solid 5. The potato nose and the beady eyes don't help her at all, it makes almost gremlin-ish. Rhinoplasty would greatly improve her appearance. Slimming it down slightly would work.
No. 5399
File: 1532276001351.jpeg (31.44 KB, 640x480, AE03310C-1493-425B-B2E2-04CC39…)

>>5398Tried to find an early photo of Kitty aka Usagi Rini as she was in the Oishii Ichigo weeb group. The photo has a shit ton of over brightening but you can see her nose shape unphotoshopped. It looks horrible.
No. 5400
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>>5399Another photo where her nose is clearly shown. Also proof she isn’t “light skin” and is wearing makeup far too light for her.
No. 5401
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>>5398I hate Angela but Kitty’s nose can’t be beat with how bad it is. Angela has a flat masculine face in general but Kitty’s nose looks like KRS-One
No. 5407
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No. 5409
File: 1532329299211.jpg (204.61 KB, 1077x631, Screenshot_20180723-025951_Twi…)

Someone has been busy with buying more followers.
No. 5413
File: 1532350015558.jpg (120.23 KB, 720x1280, 0864563434678.jpg)

>>5390I think she's copying Amina because I've seen her do that as well. They do it to make their lips seem smaller but it looks so tacky imo
No. 5414
>>5413wow do you save old photos or what
Also I don’t think she’s copying Amina to be honest. I see lots of girls do that in ulzzang weeb stuff or cosplay makeup.
No. 5420
File: 1532374240085.jpeg (114.53 KB, 571x400, A6E268C1-2B1E-43FC-9235-8310BA…)

>>5416 This is what Lolcow Farms aka white and Asian women find to be the most ideal among women: (do not forget the extremely pale paper skin. They find all dark skin black women and their features as undesirable).
No. 5428
>>5426>>5427I’m not bringing my personal issues. You say not to race baiting, but you all do it in the most subtle ways. And, of course never get barred from the website because again this site consists primarily of white and Asian females who desire anorexia or already have it but won’t always admit to it.
I said she was definitely out of shape, but not morbidly obese. Take a step outside away from your computer and we there are people who far exceed her on the scale. I’m not defending her and honestly I find she is highly immature and has a disgusting personality to boot. But, this nitpicking is too much.
No. 5433
File: 1532380055231.jpg (75.79 KB, 540x675, tumblr_p3bwufQlot1t5k5e4o1_540…)

>>5425There are girls who are fatter, darker and have wider noses than Angela, but are still pretty (and aren't a tragic mess). It really is just her, all the criticism is not inherently some kind of dig at all black girls (unless you're trying to imply all black girls resemble her, which…please, no).
I do get what you're saying, though. I suspect a few anons in these threads are just racist white chicks here to pick at a trashy, dumpy black girl to get their fix of superiority, even if they themselves are just dumpier, uglier and even more fucked up versions of her without the melanin. But that's typical Lolcow fare. It's better to wait for them to get a little too comfortable and let their true racism slip before calling them out.
>>5417Different anon but you tried boo. You written her nose was wide like fucking three times we get it. You don't consider it desirable so stfu no need repeating it.
>>5418Stop being so hostile and just because someone disagree with you kid doesn't mean their kitty dumbass.
(derailing) No. 5438
>>5413Why is she obsessed with her anyway?
>>5437Stop derailing the thread.
No. 5440
File: 1532383627626.png (92.05 KB, 610x780, jeezusangela.png)

>>5417Nayrt but wide noses do not equate to not looking feminine, are you okay? Wider noses always remind me of the button noses of babies and so I think they are cute - but see, that's an opinion not a fact. Just like your opinion on wide noses isn't a fact. Just because some anons don't agree with you, doesn't mean they are wks. If anything, the nose hating anons sound like Angela herself since we all know she hates black people and thus hates herself/her feature. She hates her nose and covers it constantly but most farmers don't.
Back on topic, she reblogged this reply to her cheating post. What is wrong with these girls? It's not "nonmonogamy", it's called being a cheating slut. Stop acting like you chose this life, Angela. No. 5442
File: 1532609362792.jpg (317.31 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20180726-084752_Twi…)

Great, more boring lives filled with lolcow rants.
No. 5443
File: 1532733977459.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.17 KB, 640x863, B3DFE3C0-0927-4EDB-B83C-D6B1A1…)

She said she did a live show on chaturbate. Any anon get screenshots? Also she’s getting fatter by the day
No. 5453
File: 1532854192736.png (53.73 KB, 515x415, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 1.49…)

looks like camming is already another failure for her
No. 5455
File: 1532870130280.jpg (129.48 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20180729-091143_Tum…)
>there r legit people who think i walk arnd luxury hotels n resteraunts in skool girl micro minis and twintails lolz.Bitch, you said yourself that you did. There are screenshots of you saying so. So now you're outing yourself as a liar, dumbass.
No. 5462
>>5456>>5458>>5460I doubt any of her clients would even take her to hotels. They probably just fucked her in their cars like
>>5461 said or she did sketchy house calls.
No. 5466
>>5463>>5464She's not banned from any hotel. Trust me. The girl is definitely trying to make her life look more dramatic than it really is. That's why she deleted her website and her Eros page. She doesn't really get any clients. The only ones she gets are poor, ugly rednecks. And like
>>5462 said, they ain't taking her to any luxury hotels. The best she gets is a sketchy, bedbug filled motel. The only time we've seen her in hotels is with Kitty. Which happened all of two times. Lol
Don't forget this is the same girl that claimed she was going to live in her own penthouse in Miami, had several offers with big name porn companies, said she was getting ps done by the top plastic surgeon in Miami, and claimed to have fortune 500 CEO sugar daddies. Lol Don't be so gullible.
No. 5467
File: 1533113906798.jpg (101.04 KB, 1078x560, Screenshot_20180801-045328_Tum…)
>super jiggly and softShe's kidding right? Those things can barely bounce and look like they feel like rocks. Plus, they still look like man pecs. The fuck is she on about?
No. 5473
File: 1533731283105.jpeg (57.71 KB, 640x496, 80AFC861-4B07-486D-AB1B-E70405…)

Why is she pretending like she didn’t use seekingarrangements and she didn’t brag about every Splenda “multimillionaire” that responded to her profile?????
No. 5478
>>5445Oh God my eyes.
Why didn't she get one that's actually suppose to fit her?
No. 5479
File: 1533872441635.png (51.83 KB, 599x436, lies.png)

>>5476>>5477Yeah, who knows. She's claiming to be "taking a break" from escorting, but was seen on different sites trying to advertise herself while in Utah. Not sure if she still is and just isn't having any luck or what.
She's claimed on her tumblr that she only has the one "sugar daddy" and sees him only once a month. She also previously claimed that they rarely do anything sexual? Seems like a lot of lies stacking on top of each other tbh.
She also claims to only eat veggies/meat, rice and eggs? Which is laughable given her obvious weight gain.
No. 5480
File: 1533937250275.jpeg (113.82 KB, 640x747, FBFD27CF-42E4-48E2-8738-F8A57E…)

If she made real money from camming she would’ve kept doing it lol
No. 5481
>>5477I looked up the Eros website and it's mentions on Twitter and it looks like it got more expensive to advertise on, which might be why she's less findable.
Personally I think she's so quiet either because her tits are getting worse or she decided to just scrape by until they do since no one wants her frankentits.
No. 5483
File: 1534004285851.jpeg (106.84 KB, 640x924, A0C003AA-7BA1-4F05-B5ED-24F4AE…)

Angela is trying to wipe everything of her escort pages. Her twitter is private with no more information indicating she’s a pro hoe and her website is down. Seems like she’s quit because she didn’t get enough work. She probably just decided to rely on the sugar daddy guy she’s with lol wonder how long this will last.
No. 5487
File: 1534008700037.jpg (354.08 KB, 1074x1070, Screenshot_20180811-133025_Tum…) She must think we're dumb. We know she's flopped hard and probably looking for a regular job at this point.
No. 5491
File: 1534083081875.jpeg (94.82 KB, 630x701, CEA82167-190A-4D83-A230-673708…)

>>5490So she quit escorting for her Splenda daddy. Goes to show she wasn’t making much money in the first place.
No. 5508
>>5507Back on her tumblr days she used to use her parents credit cards to scam websites like bodyline or that defunct site cosmates to charge a bunch of stuff and when they sent it for shipping she would cancel it on the credit card. the guy from cosmates said that one order was $1000 or something. I have to find the post because cosmates is out of business now but it was a lot of that going around when she was honeykittenmomo. she would also sell nudes of herself which was illegal not scamming but illegal.
her recent scam mainly is her cat fishing escort profile sites. she’s gotten beat up a few times by johns because she looks nothing like her photos. She posted about it on tumblr a few times
No. 5509
File: 1534635432165.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.95 KB, 586x856, F8B09FFB-23DF-4B23-A2A5-9C8B4D…)

No. 5510
File: 1534635452122.jpeg (80.79 KB, 640x399, 3C7804C1-7732-43D3-AAD9-3D50F1…)

No. 5512
File: 1534995771758.png (55.69 KB, 592x522, gross.png)

Apparently Angela is hooking up with chubby-crybby in public pools?
Did Kitty drop her yet? What a huge downgrade.
No. 5513
File: 1534995825729.png (Spoiler Image,435.41 KB, 496x787, chubbycrybby.png)

>>5512Sage for samefag, but this is chubby-crybby. Disgusting.
No. 5514
>>5512I can't even begin to comprehend using the jets in a public pool to get off on, let alone bragging about it to the whole world (or at least whomever's bored or blind enough to browse her shit)
thank the lady for chlorine.
i can picture it in my head so clearly, too. especially the revolted people nearby desperately pretending these creeps aren't publicly masturbating. considering it's a public pool, the odds are disturbingly high there were children present, as well.
i know this is lengthy, but this is… how pathetic and lacking in anything resembling morals does one need to be to brag about this?
No. 5520
>>5517You must be new here, are you oblivious to the other threads?
Doesn't matter if you're a skinny or fatty chan.
if Angela was skinny and farmers were saying ew disgusting put on some weight, would you care?
Stfu with 'promoting societies strict beauty standards' that's laughable.
Rhetoric questions, dnt bother answering. Won't be taking the bait again.
No. 5528
File: 1536098565650.jpg (253.2 KB, 1080x742, Screenshot_20180904-180010_Twi…)

>>5527You think so? I see she's been posting to her locked account. Who knows what bullshit she's blabbering about now.
No. 5532
File: 1536449783683.png (18.87 KB, 720x121, 0987654567890.PNG)

Is she pregnant?
No. 5536
>>5532>>5534Tbh I think if she got pregnant she'd get an abortion. A baby doesn't fit with her 1998 Britney bimbo aesthetic and we all know how she likes parading around how wild she is. A baby just doesn't fit the look she's going for imho unless she was trying to force tie down a guy to call him a sugar daddy.
Honestly I think she got a titty infection or some other kind of infection. Most likely her tits though.
No. 5541
File: 1536718123065.jpeg (71.21 KB, 640x531, BFB6F01F-FF56-4175-8BD7-268DEA…)

>>5539She mentioned her sister and she and kitty haven’t talked or mentioned each other online for over weeks. It’s safe to say she couldn’t afford Dallas and moved back to Florida
No. 5544
>>5542So this
>>5528 must have been part of their argument.
No. 5552
File: 1537158140984.png (280.33 KB, 600x923, zMia.png)

Is it possible that she moved in with that chubbycrybaby (Mia) girl? She was with her less than a month ago as seen in
>>5512 . Which is interesting given that Mia lives around Arkansas as far as I can tell?
>>5512 she seems to refer to Angela as "goth gf" which is weird. Is Angela changing her style? Is this recent post by Mia referring to Angela again or is "goth gf" someone else?
No. 5553
File: 1537158572392.png (621.34 KB, 639x869, zmia1.png)

>>5552Additionally, Angela reblogged this post by Mia that mentions a room mate gifting her these stickers. It's all speculation, but they've definitely met in person at the very least which seems to put Angela in Arkansas roughly a few weeks ago.
No. 5555
File: 1537459674499.gif (5.32 MB, 174x320, SmartSelect_20180920-120554_Ch…)

>money shots r so tacky but i cudnt help it. thx daddy
(Sorry for the low quality I tried posting the gif in better quality but it was too big.) What do you guys think this means?
No. 5558
>>5555>>5557honest to god from what i've heard/seen/talked about with sugar babys (like… REAL ones) 2k is like… one night most times, that dont even cover like the 'extra' costs or anything thats just to take them out to dinner and make you look good
like come on girl i though escorts and SB'd where supposed to rake in big cash because they need to pay those fucking school bills
No. 5559
SB's* im tired fml
No. 5563
>>5558>>5560>>5555>>5561But how does this all line up with her disapearing? It's so weird
this is what she randomly pops back up with
No. 5565
File: 1537508850894.png (20.82 KB, 565x293, 6854.PNG)

Wonder if she realized she's a failure and won't make it in escorting, porn, and camming and is trying to get a regular job. Though this probably has to do with her getting roasted on twitter for her botched tits too.
>>5564>>5557Well she did make a post a while back asking how to get money out from paypal and since this Angela that's probably true.
No. 5566
>>5565This is like a first step towards not being a cow. She's clearly realised camming/sw etc isn't going to work out for her so she's not completely stupid.
That being said her tits could just be severely botched and beyond hope at this point and THAT is why she's quit or she's pregnant like anons have suggested.
No. 5571
File: 1537654406606.jpg (367.89 KB, 1076x1816, SmartSelect_20180922-181222_Ch…)

Not sure if these are new blogs or not but I'll leave this here regardless
No. 5575
File: 1538252361387.jpg (506.53 KB, 1072x1055, Screenshot_20180929-161808_Twi…)

Looks like Kitty locked her page. I wonder why?
No. 5577
File: 1538253883701.jpeg (106.69 KB, 640x952, 5CBAE24C-C014-4479-95B1-C6FC97…)

Angela has been active on tumblr again
On her candygirl1997 account
No. 5578
File: 1538254016043.jpeg (190.43 KB, 640x972, DABC695A-29DF-417B-A279-D7CBE0…)

Her escort account has also been shut down in Dallas so it’s safe to assume she’s in Arkansas (kek) as some farmer predicted.
No. 5580
File: 1538339289600.jpeg (81.96 KB, 640x493, 09A8C36B-BB32-40E4-ADEA-CFB784…)

She’s calling out a tumblr catfish yet this girl has been scamming and cat fishing as an escort for years and is pretending to be half Asian. Someone on tumblr needs to call this bitch out
No. 5582
File: 1538339478148.jpeg (99.78 KB, 640x654, A15950D9-84F7-4F31-9972-ED1A6D…)

she’s a fucking hypocrite. She’s fetishizing Asian women, photoshopping from hell and back and catfishing/culturally appropriating by lying saying she’s mixed. Someone clock this hoe seriously
No. 5583
File: 1538340411773.jpeg (156.49 KB, 640x904, 983BE5EA-8906-4CA9-A710-FBC186…)

No. 5586
File: 1538344305843.jpeg (204.26 KB, 640x860, 2015E3BB-B4D6-4FE0-9E2C-E6CEAF…)

She’s triggered. >50% Trinidadian get it straight
So African from a Carribean island. Aka 100% african pretending to be half Asian for gross fetish reasons. Fuck off angela
No. 5588
File: 1538346246369.jpg (219.77 KB, 1080x830, 20180930_182409.jpg)

Holy shit guys she still stalks her own thread
No. 5589
File: 1538353342048.jpg (215.81 KB, 1070x787, Screenshot_20180930-201838_Tum…) is 1000% toxic. She should be axed from the sw community for her bulllshit.
>>5588That's been obvious. Angela has no life outside of being a catfish and lying about being half japanese.
No. 5592
File: 1538505572737.png (Spoiler Image,422 KB, 640x1136, 8AD73684-3806-4B4B-86BD-3E286B…)

Posted a photo of her boob jobs and her scars are HORRIBLE. They sag so badly too. Her breast lift was a waste of money. She looks botched as hell
No. 5593
File: 1538505766801.jpeg (114.89 KB, 640x676, AC7BC72E-6DF0-4EB3-BA47-46849E…)

“I retired because I wasn’t making any money at all because I’m a catfish, fat and ugly and trashy”
Also what does FOSTA SESTA have to do with anything? That law was purely about backpage. The upscale escort sites like Eros which she was still using in Nebraska and Dallas a month ago is still up and running. FOSTA has nothing to do with her flopping so hard lmao. I guess $2k a month from an old red neck is enough for her to retire and what she thinks is a lot of money. Most upscale escorts make 2k in a day though lmao
No. 5594
>>5592Her titties look better but the scars are just really dark..
No. 5596
File: 1538512619953.jpeg (102.23 KB, 639x603, 291BFD33-B851-47CE-87B7-147A8F…)

Delandra Barbie Junior lmao
No. 5601
>>5303 to
>>5592, holy shit.
A-are they dead? Are her fucking nipples dead? Even if she just scarred dark, that wouldn't have changed the color of the whole nipple. That would just leave a line around them.
No. 5605
It's funny how she claims
>>5593 is the reason that she retired and not this mess
>>5603 that is her boob job. Let's be real, she was very active, bragging about her boob job and "vacation" with Kitty, came back with these and when they didn't heal right, got roasted on twitter for how bad they looked, she ran off the internet and her already strained friendship with Kitty died too. I guess that last ditch effort at escorting when she visited Nebraska with her "sugar daddy" flopped and was the final nail in the coffin.
Her before boobs were kind of sad and floppy, but these things look hard and saggy at the same time. The scars/discoloration are just horrific. I can't believe she's still pretending like she's happy with these.
>>5596 She sounds exactly like a Barbie pt.2. I can't wait to see how much these cows butcher themselves in the next 5-10 years with bad budget plastic surgery.
No. 5606
>>5601Wtf to compare the color of post botch with her natural nipples and areolas.
The color is literally like, necrosis grey, and look like scabs that should be picked off.
Besides the zombie nips, they're low hanging, plastic filled bags that are creased in half with scar tissue. Jesus Christ.
Angela, how could you do this to your body???
No. 5608
>>5603Wow. Ok, so she really fucked up hard.
Because she didnt listen to a single word about healing, she did way more damage to her tits just like I and a few others tried to tell her she would lmao fucking idiot. But the more worrying thing is her nipples/areola.
I'm similar skin tone as her and has a breast surgery too. There's no way in hell they're supposed to be that dark. That is legitimately dead dark. Not only that, but they're flat. Exposed nipples on large breasts get hard annoyingly easily, so for hers to be out and still flat as a pancake is more than alarming.
Even in a professional setting, they warn you in addition to never being able to breast feed again that there's also a chance that your nipples will lose all sensitivity. That even with their best efforts this is a thing that could still happen.
So I have no doubt in addition to have STILL saggy tits making her lift a complete waste of money, but she probably also has serious nerve damage to her breasts. She probably can't even feel them being touched properly anymore. What a dumbass.
Korea wouldnt touch her with a 20foot pole, they don't do surgeries that risk their career
No. 5611
>>5610Ikr. Why doesn't she have some self respect and just wear lingerie?
It looks like her nipples have been stitched on in the wrong place, they look off-center. The scarring is awful but I don't think her surgeon is to blame. She fucked them up herself by not following proper aftercare.
Remember when she replied to an ask saying she didn't need to go back to the surgeon? I be she couldn't afford to.
No. 5612
File: 1538580771503.png (Spoiler Image,630.05 KB, 627x690, gah.png)

>>5603I remember she said the doctor she saw was very prestigious or whatever, but this is the end product? At least they looked perky (albeit scarred) in the initial stage, pic related. Now they're back to being floppy,
and her nipples are destroyed. If I were in her position, I'd cry every night for a fucking while.
So many people warned her to take proper care of them so they'd heal and maybe look better, too, but she just told them to piss off. Now, this is what she gets. When you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite.
No. 5614
>>5612Her scars were so inflamed here and I assume that's from her not protecting them and cleaning them well.
Instead of taking time off to heal and wear her protective bra she was busy on the internet taking selfies in tacky clothes and partying in hot tubs (unhygienic).
She was so excited about the boob job because people on here would make fun of her previous saggy boobs. It was supposed to be her Khloe Kardashian 'revenge body' on us. But she was too eager and impulsive and ended up fucking herself over and giving us even more dirt on her.
No. 5623
File: 1538594870960.png (156.39 KB, 420x377, dbl.png)

>>5622Good eye anon, I was too horrified by the zombie tits to look away.
It looks like she still has those braces in too. How many years has it been? How fucked are her teeth going to be after leaving these unattended braces on for so long simply for the ~aesthetic~?
No. 5627
>>5624>>5625I suspect another reason we haven't seen any recent photos of her in months is due to weight gain? She's been extra dodgy in photos/videos, always covering her stomach and her double chin is definitely more prominent than before.
Losing/gaining weight would make even fake boobs look droopy, wouldn't it?
No. 5629
>>5628nta but japan anon here, and i have indeed heard of this. apparently taking estrogen and human growth hormone grows them naturally, and it's not illegal in japan so i think they can get prescriptions. i'll search around on the web.
i know some beauty clinics give "beauty iv" for breasts so maybe that's it.
No. 5631
File: 1538625785884.jpg (101.35 KB, 1080x558, Screenshot_20181004-000024_Tum…) fact people constantly lie to her like this is probably why she doesn't much of a problem with her breasts.
No. 5633
File: 1538683893384.jpeg (52.57 KB, 640x448, C77334F3-07E3-4775-A2F2-A8BE7C…)

No. 5634
>>5633If she was making anything near even 1k an hour, you know we'd be hearing about it. She probably would have gotten those horrific frankenstein titties fixed at the very least by now.
It's funny how she was constantly posting about and hyping up the smallest things like going to a public pool (saying it was a private pool her and kitty rented) and claiming that the one little breakfast place they went to was a "five star restaurant" or whatever. She was constantly, desperately, trying to lie and pretend she was living some glamorous lifestyle. Suddenly she's "made it" and she stops posting? Sure Angela.
No. 5643
File: 1538846418716.png (1.39 MB, 640x1136, C618917E-48A6-4814-B502-246411…)

Sorry for OT but I pulled this from Amina’s escort advertisement. She’s definitely got fatter but it’s good she jumped off the loli jailbait bandwagon and is presenting herself as high class. I don’t think she even charges as much as Angela. Angela really could benefit for an image redo, new hairstyle. This photo isn’t even that great composition wise and looks like it’s from an iPhone but it still has some elements of class. What is Angela doing??(derailing)
No. 5646
File: 1538856443811.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1820, 1CBFD573-20EB-4482-B0A8-45B36E…)

so. is she or is she not stripping?
No. 5648
>>5647y'never know - she could luck in to a regular with more money than sense or taste.
someone out there's gotta be in to dumpy, botched, delusional, spiteful, lazy girls with about as many brains as a rock and get by being a leech.
… guess not, huh?
No. 5649
File: 1539097731451.png (300.94 KB, 1080x1563, Screenshot_20181009-110547~01.…)

it took you three whole days to get all two of your remaining brain cells to type up a summary about amina and then in your fit of rage you type this.
No. 5651
in case the thread gets deleted, angela made a very obvious vendetta post about amina
>>>/snow/707439 she updated it within 3 minute intervals until i bumped this thread and then it stopped. i'll upload caps once its baleeted though.
sorry for the samefag.
No. 5671
>>5661IMO, Angela and Micky are too dumb to make Amina look like a samefagging sperg, or like she has an insane WK all to get their own threads locked. Everyone here agrees they're cringy embarrassments. We just also see no issue with an Amina thread, because she is, too. It's been discussed before,
It's probably Amina herself or her WK attempting damage control and shitting things up in a bid to get Amina's thread locked again. This poster only just figured out that you're supposed to sage milkless posts after bumping both Micky and Angela's threads for 20 minutes and yelling at people to read previous threads.
No. 5672
>>5668Amina's threads haven't smelt any more of samefaggotry/vendetta than micky's threads have, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
>>707661lol enjoy your ban, retard
No. 5673
File: 1539109083261.png (18.96 KB, 504x77, lol.png)

So, you not only derailed threads, but purposely broke the rules to "quickly post". Fantastic job.
No. 5676
File: 1539110276670.jpg (147.38 KB, 1074x670, Screenshot_20181009-143248_Tum…) still highly this is true. Especially if Kitty and her still friends. Her bum ass is definitely still sleeping on Kitty's couch.
No. 5677
File: 1539110768297.jpg (295.17 KB, 1077x989, Screenshot_20181009-144424_Tum…) find it funny she reblogged this considering how she went out of her way to bully Amina. Does she just repress those memories to further her victim complex or something? Like, she threw her own blood sister under the bus for it.
No. 5685
>>5684You still haven't given up? After implicitly admitting to being either Amina herself or an obsessive WK, and openly admitting to purposely breaking the rules of the site so you can derail as fast as possible in
Nobody forgot, Amina. You fucked yourself over. Don't even try that "Wasn't me" shit, either. Only one sperg would come into this thread again and bump it with more dumb speculation about the Amina thread after it's just getting back on-topic. Also, I'm pretty sure you know lots of people have your social media and know your legal name as a result of you being involved in the community and being a public figure for years (especially in the Detroit weeb scene).
No. 5687
>>5685I’m just using common sense. None of this information has been brought up in 6 years but only by Bibi and Angela on tumblr when they both sperged out here. Why are you so
triggered at anyone suggesting that Angela made the thread?
No. 5689
>>5687No one has been
triggered but you since yesterday (and today, to the point where you replied to the same post twice. At least you're actually saging now, but you're still derailing). Come out with some actual evidence for your claims, or just give it a rest. No one is convinced.
No. 5690
>>5684I noticed some of the things being posted are things she posted or talked about before in regards to her. Not sure why she's doing this now. Like the last thing she said about her was that she heard Amina smell bad.
>>5686Honestly convinced it's her at this point. The last time this shit happened it was her. Probably been samefagging the whole time to make seem like multiple people suddenly hate Amina. Nothing's changed.
No. 5707
File: 1539268226741.jpeg (71.86 KB, 637x520, 368DB123-3358-4D61-B202-2894AC…)

>>5706I doubt we’ll get any pictures from it tbh
No. 5708
File: 1539298046846.jpeg (105.36 KB, 640x528, 26038B58-519E-47D9-A977-D8D987…)

>>5707She must read here because she’s suddenly posting non selfie random pictures. Who wants to bet this upscale restaurant was some Dominican beach shack?
No. 5709
File: 1539298192407.jpeg (109.67 KB, 640x495, B9BAAED7-1DED-45C3-9F49-177CB5…)

>>5708Sorry for double post. I bet the uber driver kicked them out because she’s disrespectful as hell.
Isn’t she a super rich exclusive sugar baby now? Why is she going to DR / PR for budget deals on nails?
No. 5713
>>5711>>5712She used to post photos, but anons kept catching her in her lies and providing proof she's full of shit. Sort of like the "5-star restaurant" thing.
What a sad life to live though.
No. 5714
File: 1539380746373.jpeg (161.09 KB, 640x876, 22982210-3043-4F75-8B8B-06040A…)

Things that never happened
No. 5718
File: 1539477322038.jpeg (796.22 KB, 3464x3464, 81A20364-21E4-4397-B47A-04BDDC…)

>taking applications now!
>not taking applications until 2019
This dumb bitch.
No. 5721
really hope she doesn't have any actual brothers
No. 5722
File: 1539892648356.jpeg (49 KB, 640x432, 080CCE05-2A3A-4C9E-B309-1364A9…)

She can post this nonsense but not any photos at all from her ~luxury five star island vacation~ ?
No. 5723
File: 1539912463458.png (35.21 KB, 598x261, s-camming.png)

She said she's considering camming again, but finds it boring.
>>5722>crackheads worship meHer "sugardaddy" is a crackhead confirmed. Seriously though, this is probably one of the only accurate things she has ever said. We already know she can only pull fat rednecks and crackheads.
She said she was going to post vacation pics over a week ago.
No. 5725
>>5723So basically, she's going to try camming again because she knows she can't prostitute herself or strip without men being horrified and disgusted by her dead looking floppy zombie tits. Sorry Angela, but you're not in the slightest bit attractive enough to make it in camming. To make matters worse, you have Frankenstein stitching all over your droopy tits now.
To get anything she'll have to really throw herself out there pulling out all the stops for any tiny attention she can get, meanwhile the most attractive girls can just sit there with their boobs slightly out and have hundreds of pay piggies lined up and begging.
It's probably time she submits her Mcdonalds application already. That way she can brag about all the hot dads she meets in the drive-thru who tip her $100 for sticking her ass out the drive-thru window and somehow magically fucking all their dicks as they remain seat belted in their car.
No. 5726
>>5722>>5724Imagine being so sad in your life that you brag about crackheads worshipping you.
>>5725She might as well apply for McDonalds. She probably would make a ton more. I guess at least with camming she can crank the brightness up to 11 to hide her zombie tits.
No. 5727
File: 1539931418125.png (39.63 KB, 590x374, 755765.PNG)

She mentioned that ad where she claimed to be black and asian.
No. 5741
File: 1540514296748.png (51.42 KB, 598x407, 5645.PNG)

Funny she linked to that site because it says on there that exfoliation is one of the things to avoid yet she was doing that weeks after her boob job.
No. 5742
>>5741>steal healingIt’s been almost half a year
No. 5744
>>5741Healing!!! That's a riot
It's been months, Angelina angelica-whatever her name is. It does not take anywhere near that long. Your tits are fucked and botched and that is how they're always going to look now. I know you probably tell yourself you're healing to sleep well at night but that is not the truth. That is your reality for the rest of your life. You'll probably suffer painful consequences later down the line as well-so this hell you're in right now is nowhere near as bad as it could and probably will be.
No. 5746
File: 1540797311626.jpg (357.04 KB, 1079x1300, Screenshot_20181029-015014_Sam…)

>>5745Probably capsular contracture. I don't think she actually has any kind of serious infection left in the incisions, though it's pretty obvious the wounds healed very poorly resulting in the horrific scarring and discoloration we are seeing now. I definitely do suspect she's already experiencing early signs of scar tissue building up around the implant though.
She really didn't follow any of the guidelines when it comes to the dos and don'ts of healing after a boob job. She was "back to work" bouncing on her supposed SD right away according to her posts, which definitely goes against the physical activity limits at the time. Then there was her talking about taking hot baths immediately after, and her talking about "exfoliating" the wounds to help them heal? It's really no wonder they look so bad. Even if the doctor wasnt a complete hackjob, she would have botched the healing process. Though, given that the doctor didnt provide them with a checkup after the initial surgery, it's likely the doctor is shady too, or Angela figured she knew enough not to go. Either way, healing takes roughly 6 weeks. She's way beyond that point.
No. 5747
>>5746Yep. She spent her (prob) life savings on a breast lift as well as an implant. The days/weeks following the procedure were the most vital in determining how the wound will heal and how the scar will form.
She totally fucked up, and childishly underestimated the grave seriousness of having your body cut open, stretched by a foreign object, and sewn up again. She will have to cope with those scars for the rest of her life.
I hope for her sake that her wounds just look grey and don't actually have any necrotizing tissue. It's very unlikely she will be able to breastfeed – if she has any sensation is iffy.
The doctor probably offers the service of a follow up consultation, but Angela was not responsible enough (or too broke to fly to?) to visit him again.
No. 5750
File: 1541095370832.png (53.7 KB, 603x390, 8766.PNG)

I wonder how long she's gonna claim she's still healing
No. 5754
>>5752>>727399\she's just so…
stupidit physically pains me to see her trying to sound like she isn't dumber than a bloody rock.
No. 5756
File: 1541525027905.jpeg (515.23 KB, 1540x1525, 6481F3F6-A469-49CE-9BEC-0E9F93…)

So I was watching Jerry on my off day a few days ago & I stg these chicks were Angela & Kitty lol. I tried my best to get good shot, but I don’t have a dvr to pause. Sorry for the shitty quality, but I couldn’t help myself.
No. 5760
>>5759what are you on about? she's claiming she hasn't had a single complaint, not a single compliment.
she's full of shit and types like a retarded toddler, but jesus.
No. 5768
File: 1542323524739.png (454.48 KB, 574x559, 97869i87.PNG)

>>5767Mean't to reply to
>>5766Also looks like she gained a lot of weight.
No. 5770
File: 1542325400064.jpeg (128.71 KB, 1125x507, 3DAA724E-F2F5-4487-BC9A-382922…)

What about taking shitty Asian app selfies is exhausting?
Her and kitty unfollowed each other. Safe to say kitty booted her
No. 5772
>>5770Translation: I got even fatter and my tits are still a disaster and on top of all this I can't even sell myself for 2 cheeseburgers on Craigslist anymore since personals got taken down so I gave up and moved back home
We all knew that would happen anyway Angela, you flop at literally everything you attempt. Looking in the mirror tells you that every day. Now get an actual job like an adult and stop peddling your ass to strangers. Only thing that awaits you in the world of street walking is more fat sweaty hick feet on your face and death.
No. 5774
File: 1542407941424.png (9.26 MB, 1125x2436, 3CFA965A-4E10-4FC0-A6B6-CAAE6D…)

She’s huge
No. 5776
File: 1542526213328.jpg (92.98 KB, 540x720, 1441262612795.jpg)

>>5774>>5775Have some vintage Angela when she actually used to be thin, what a change.
No. 5778
File: 1542526408129.png (Spoiler Image,305.47 KB, 390x641, bibi.png)

Shes at least, if not more fat than Bibi was back when the shitstorm happened. Also never forget this video lol No. 5779
>>5778so this is the botched, failed Frankenwhore's sister?
wew. can only imagine what rest of the clan looks like…
No. 5782
>>5781Read. That anon said these were old pics
>>5776But shit this is just awful
>>5774How does she get herself into these clothes that are clearly too small for her
No. 5783
File: 1542570736719.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x1920, 18-11-18-14-50-41-211_deco.jpg)

>>5774>>5776Had to do a side by side just to show how big she's gotten. She really let herself go. Then again, she was living off Popeye's and junk food.
No. 5784
>>5780I was taking a stroll down memory lane. It's all in the very first thread about these two.
>>5783IIRC she was still living with her rich family and doing cheer at this time. Her parents probably cooked for her but shit went downhill when she got kicked out since she doesnt know how to do shit for herself so she just lived on take out her pimps would buy her.
No. 5786
>>5784>rich familyI thought she was just middle class
>>57852 out of thousands isn’t “all”. You can find plenty of white weebs who are cam girls or selling snapchat nudes. Nothing to do with race or weeb status
No. 5799
>>5798NTA but
>you fuckersIt was pretty clearly the thread's subject themselves derailing by falsely claiming Angela and Micky made that thread in a bid to get it locked/removed.
Come to think of it, said subject also didn't know how to sage, and was warned by a moderator.
No. 5801
>>5800>>5798>>5796Stop dragging this out for multiple posts. You're only prolonging any derailing going on with this back and forth.
Anyway, I wonder how Angela is reacting to Tumblr's purge of NSFW/CP blogs. If they're serious, her account is definitely in trouble.
No. 5807
File: 1543860011345.jpeg (69.17 KB, 553x329, 3C768728-E369-428D-B17B-652CF4…)

Angela is fucked considering any relevancy she has is on tumblr
No. 5809
File: 1544115780742.png (6.28 MB, 1242x2208, F9461FE2-226A-4E56-9B90-0D3381…)

I think she really did go to Mexico to get her titties done. She’s following this tag on instagram and its a surgeon from Mexico
No. 5810
File: 1544116132810.jpeg (424.58 KB, 1242x941, 1F1404E8-37BB-49A3-AF25-C87E9A…)

No. 5812
File: 1544118356429.png (45.74 KB, 600x219, lkmkl.png)

>>5809>>5810I feel like she first got them done in the USA, and since she knows no right-thinking surgeon will work on her to give her what she wants (especially knowing that she can't take care of them), she's doing it in Mexico now.
No. 5813
File: 1544124024628.png (42.65 KB, 578x463, 5789.PNG)

>>5809Her boobs are gonna look even worse if she goes to that surgeon. Also she said she bought skin lightening cream but claims it was only for scars and hyperpigmentation.
No. 5829
File: 1546703636732.jpeg (Spoiler Image,226.12 KB, 1125x1667, 17BF7B64-F4D6-42AE-9453-AF3342…)

She’s active again on twitter guys and her account is @candyangel_6
She’s also posting ancient pictures from over 5+ years ago because I guess she got too lazy to use meitu and shoop her huge stomach and botched tits
No. 5839
>>5835>working a real jobyou know what, I'm happy for her. Maybe she'll be able to live a more stable life
maybe she'll even stop acting like a cow, who knows
No. 5841
>>5839Honestly, I hope so too. Wonder if Kitty is going the same route.
>>5840Reality humbled her real quick.
No. 5843
File: 1547910308749.jpeg (102.45 KB, 575x787, 9ADC8FCE-CDD0-4507-A9DA-C275C9…)

>>5841Doubt it. Only reason she got a real job is because she isn’t attractive or smart enough to make real money stripping.
Kitty is still stripping while wearing struggle wigs and cartoon tits. Doing the whole ddlg thing too while stripping.
No. 5844
File: 1547913289051.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, IMG_20190118_035435.jpg)

>>5843Kitty isn't that cute herself. It's honestly likely she's only still able to do because she's light skin. Black dudes tend to be a bit more ok with average or uggo light skin girls. Just look at Micky.
Then again, I feel like Kitty might end up working a regular job once she's utterly out of shape and her tits completely deflate. She looks like she well on her way to it.
No. 5849
>>5848She might be able to. She's been pretty quiet lately, so this leads me to believe that maybe now she's finally realized 1. She's not conventionally attractive enough to live off of her looks alone and 2. a life of sucking and fucking strangers is actually a very empty and dangerous life to live anyway.
Don't mean to sound grim, but Kitty will probably go off with the wrong john and never come home again anyway. Girls like her disappear all the time and it never even makes a splash on the news. That's the very cold hard reality of what she's doing. You can be as sex positive as you want, it's not going to stop some monster from dragging you off one of these nights.
So in that regard, Angela might actually be lucky. Her ugly face will ultimately save her life. All she has to do now is go back to school and get a real job and career. If she calms down, she'll end up with a nice average guy who hopefully will be sympathetic about her botched tits.
No. 5851
File: 1548548744784.jpeg (184.29 KB, 1117x1024, 41338FBB-F855-43D9-8078-156D50…)

Seems she hasn’t learned from her first hitch job. btw her new twitter is @br4ttitude and private is @lollipopgirl, she also locked her escort twitter as well.
No. 5853
File: 1548550326959.jpeg (46.97 KB, 1125x232, 2EC61F71-379E-4EA5-8AB9-184FCF…)

Anyone got the caps from last summer where she said tons of porn companies like brazzers was begging for her? And she was just waiting until she was ~ready~ by having her surgery? Ofc that was a total lie. She’s still trying to be a porn star though and thinks she’ll be invited to AVN kek
No. 29691
File: 1548759497990.jpeg (751.57 KB, 1242x2024, 0E3F3A2F-3DE9-4484-93C1-3F5E46…)

Hm… sounds like advice EVERYONE was telling her since day one
No. 29692
File: 1548759872545.jpeg (519.26 KB, 1242x2019, 63F8FBA3-1739-4990-B456-33E43D…)

No. 29693
>>29691She’s definitely only saying this because when she was younger she was obsessed with being “barely legal” and all the attention she got for being as young as legally possible. Now that she’s older she’s no longer as special or desireable. As well as all of the new 18 year olds who join the industry every year and are probably cuter and doing better than she ever was.
>>29692Kek now she’s trying to be a anachan. Good luck with that. You’re body is already ruined with those frankentits
No. 29735
File: 1548793549906.png (18.42 KB, 758x134, Capture.PNG)

>>29691>>29704I checked her twitter and I think the reason she posted this is because she feels old compared to the young girls/new competition that.
No. 30478
File: 1548884718590.jpg (572.32 KB, 1071x1741, SmartSelect_20190130-164114_Tw…)

Not sure if these pictures are recent but, I didnt see them here.
No. 30479
File: 1548884900178.jpg (508.56 KB, 1064x1638, SmartSelect_20190130-164741_Tw…)

Also, shes still on about this
No. 30480
>>30478They’re old. From when she was staying with kitty and escorting out of hotels.
>>30479She says this but we all know she secretly misses it. She probably wishes she could be 15 dating 35 year olds forever. Why else would she make being “young,dumb, and full of cum” her entire brand?
No. 30490
>>30479Literally nobody says this is right. This is what people warned her about for years and she called them
problematic for doing that… like…who tf is saying it’s ok for 15 year olds to date grown men?
No. 31338
File: 1549101619284.jpg (529.88 KB, 1065x2017, SmartSelect_20190202-045813_Tw…)

I guess she thinks she looks like this, kek. Oh, angela…
No. 36100
File: 1550367304368.jpeg (587.83 KB, 3464x3464, 3CBDD0A6-039B-4FF7-8EAF-6AED2E…)

wannabe anachan confirmed
No. 36136
File: 1550407475637.png (1.12 MB, 747x833, cali.PNG)

She's in California for some reason.
No. 36461
>>36454That's what I mean. Like, she stands zero chance making it there. Especially with her fucked up titties.
>>36419Fair point.
No. 36469
File: 1550543208996.jpeg (351.9 KB, 1125x1569, EB179A8C-E995-49E9-822E-DB654D…)

She’s forever trying to start shit or overreact to shit that doesn’t even involve her just to argue. She’s so filled with hate and seems like a total negative bitch 24/7. Reminds me of Azealia Banks
No. 37379
File: 1550968273694.jpeg (204.13 KB, 1118x1041, 6C1D7C13-463D-4B3D-A283-DA36C4…)

Kitty is trying to be a gravure cosplayer.
>five followers
No. 37390
>>37379Couldn't even get "Neko" in hiragana right, but somehow japanese is okay
Slightly OT but what apps besides snow do all these "gravure" girls use anyways?
No. 38693
File: 1551739010774.jpeg (648.31 KB, 1125x1192, 8274F631-D378-4B4D-856E-998D71…)

she thinks she’s conventionally attractive….. she can’t right?
No. 38701
File: 1551742954665.gif (422.01 KB, 275x207, 1518648243176.gif)

>>38693>financially securehuh?
No. 38752
>>37582If you peep the user icon in
>>37379 I'd say they "dropped" pretty low. Kitty's new boobs look like Angela's old boobs.
>>38701I guess after sleeping on kitty's couch for months on end and trading bjs for burger king, living off your parent's and working a min wage vanilla job must seem "secure". kek.
No. 39318
File: 1552155793470.jpeg (268.48 KB, 1125x1514, 97CF864A-3366-446A-96CF-3B103C…)

looks like flipping burgers at Wendy’s isn’t paying the bills anymore
No. 40037
File: 1552625739973.png (1.06 MB, 1159x598, 01.png)

No. 40105
File: 1552703645104.png (2.71 MB, 1686x1264, b.png)

>>40089It looks like she's lost a lot of weight since her Tumblr/YT days. Too bad she's ashy as fuck in her other photos.
No. 40123
File: 1552712062652.jpg (450.35 KB, 1080x1533, Screenshot_20190316-004930_Twi…)

Hmmm, I wonder who this is about?
No. 40125
>>40124Honestly wouldnt be surprised if it was about her sister. I think if it were anyone else it would be
valid xrit or advice but it's Angela we are talking about here. She's always said she doesn't care what people do as long as they're of age 18+ even though she tried to pull the Yukapon route when she was hardly even a teenager, it's weird hearing her say this when this is exactly what she did.
No. 40143
File: 1552741152137.jpg (Spoiler Image,134.61 KB, 900x1200, D1qo7R6WoAEAFg7.jpg)

I wonder if Bibi got a boob job or she's just holding them up?
No. 40146
>>40143Honestly, we never saw her tits like we did Angela's, so they might be naturally like that.
Angela might just be the unlucky one out of all her sisters. It happens.
No. 40153
File: 1552750690140.jpeg (Spoiler Image,181.13 KB, 956x1275, 742B3308-6BD4-4925-922F-6244D7…)

Definitely looks to me like she’s had some sort of plastic surgery. She tagged this with #barelylegal kek. We all know Angela is fuming.
No. 40174
>>40123YOOOOOO this milk is good. Angela came here years ago and talked so much shit about Bibi her own sis. Bibi actually looks really cute and if she did her makeup like foundation she could make decent money. Plus no botched tit job and no nudes floating everywhere like Angela. She’s fuming. She’s already a
toxic and shitty person so I wouldn’t put it past her being jealous of her own sis.
No. 40251
File: 1552798747550.jpg (189.85 KB, 1440x1016, 20190317_005221.jpg)

>>40228I didn't delete the posts and I not Micky or angela. A mod did and I was banned for a "unspecified reasons"
No. 40253
File: 1552799296154.jpg (16.04 KB, 379x374, 1459222574102.jpg)

>>40228I can confirm that this wasn't "angela" or whoever the fuck that is. And the thread WAS taken down by mods. nice try though; everyone knows Amina is a whore (literally). She put that out there herself.
No. 40592
File: 1553048766123.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.58 KB, 1125x1107, 168A099F-5592-4CAD-B5CD-53E9AB…)

Boobjob confirmed. This time she tagged it with #jailbait and #lolicon. No. 40596
File: 1553054860634.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.23 KB, 900x1200, D2D3HoqWsAIYR8i.jpg)

>>40592>#oppailoli #jailbait #loliconWhen does this shit end? Fucking gross.
Besides that, I can imagine Angela seething right now over this, lmao. She looks so much better than her in the face alone. Her boob job clearly isn't as botched, either.
This reminds me of the whole role-reversal with Kiki and Dakota. Unfortunate that instead of with modelling and popularity in Japan, it's with trashy sex work and pedo-pandering on Twitter, though.
No. 40616
>>40600Honestly, it seems like it's always been like that with them.
They had similar blog aesthetics on Tumblr, both tried to be kawaii dancers/aidoru, etc. I wonder if Angela is the one who first got her little sister into her interests, then became a bad influence as she started slutting it up.
By now, she should have her own path and identity. She's actually pretty, so she might not end up going down Angela's botched, broken-down trailer trash route, but I can't tell at this point.
No. 40636
File: 1553112777996.jpg (32.08 KB, 472x459, IMG_20190318_035438.jpg)

>>40628>Bibi is not cute by any meansDude, you are tripping balls. She's definitely cute. Unlike Angela. And yes, she could be a model. Especially considering some models look like ayy lmaos.
No. 40705
File: 1553138961653.jpeg (389.27 KB, 1125x593, ABA1F652-258A-4D8E-86FF-F72CF9…)

>>40704Yep. Bad editing. At least she learned from Angela getting dragged on Twitter. To bad she didn’t learn that a cheap boob job and poor aftercare wouldn’t help her.
No. 41371
File: 1553488680554.jpg (390.49 KB, 810x1673, Screenshot_20190323-143613_Twi…)

This bitch is a whole fucking weirdo for this shit here.
No. 41905
File: 1553820614971.jpg (515.54 KB, 1080x1624, Screenshot_20190328-204750_Twi…)

No. 41946
>>41906>>41908It's wild how salty she is about 18/19 year olds, and constantly talks like her being 21 is so old. She has such a warped idea of age, I can't imagine how bad it's going to be when she hits 25 or heaven forbid, the ripe old age of 30.
>>41916She moved to Texas, let some fatty step on her face for rent money to sleep on kitty's couch, and got one of the worst botched boobjobs I've seen in a while. She's achieved something, I guess? Nothing good, but it's something.
No. 42135
File: 1553982565280.jpg (455.34 KB, 810x1564, Screenshot_20190330-174617_Twi…)

Angela's just mad because she was dumb enough to go out and fuck old rednecks just for burgers, 200 bucks, and trips to Walgreens instead camming or making a "premium snapchat" like most of these girls do.
No. 42136
File: 1553982596313.jpg (343.67 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20190330-174654_Twi…)

No. 42646
File: 1554209481248.png (918.91 KB, 1182x1238, a.png)

Her family are really tired of her, aren't they? I'd almost call it sad, but she made some awful choices on her own.
>>42230According to those old messages she showed a video of years back, Amina was an underage SW too. They were both into findomming, and even swapped clients. They're both gross trash, kek.
No. 42694
>>42674Are you stupid? I mentioned her in passing after someone else randomly brought her up and uselessly bumped the thread (probably you). I'm not sure what your problem is, but I'm far from a "vendettachan", and admin has never mentioned me in relation to that autosaged flake.
>didn't even sage their unrelated postAt least read up on board culture before coming into WK, you look embarrassing.
No. 43181
File: 1554513316878.jpg (392 KB, 1064x1586, Screenshot_20190405-211235_Twi…)

This is coming from a girl who literally fucked a dude for some fucking McDonald's, sold nudes for Line stickers, and went on a date to fucking Walgreens. Angela, please take several seats.
No. 43182
File: 1554513379305.jpg (217.35 KB, 1078x901, Screenshot_20190405-211318_Twi…)

>>43181She's really jealous of this chick. Like, damn girl, sorry you weren't smart enough to think about doing that when you had the chance.
No. 43184
File: 1554513483945.jpg (231.11 KB, 1080x799, Screenshot_20190405-211333_Twi…)

>>43182Also, she doesn't realize that fucking for "free" has always been the damn norm. Angela, everything isn't like those wack ass porns you like to watch despite what you like to believe.
No. 43200
>>40596are angela and bibi the two youngest? What the hell went wrong with them lol
Bibi is at least fairly cute, but if she insists on sw she needs to drop the jailbait loli shit and market herself differently.
No. 43598
File: 1554871761452.jpg (501 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20190409-165219_Twi…)

Just say you want to bleach your skin, Angela.
No. 46454
File: 1557113995832.jpg (286.15 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20190505-232947_Twi…)

So she's still posting dumbshit on her Twitter. I think she's gone back to doing sex, but not too sure.
No. 46455
File: 1557114062936.jpg (236.54 KB, 1076x655, Screenshot_20190505-233316_Twi…)

>>46454That's the pot calling the kettle black.
No. 46456
File: 1557114172729.jpg (329.55 KB, 810x1390, Screenshot_20190505-233731_Twi…)

>>46455She also openly displayed her absolute lack of understanding how mental illnesses work. She claims to have one, but very clear that's not true at all.
No. 46460
>>46456I think it's obvious Angela has a mental illness. Just look at her life, her behavior since she was a kid, the shit we know she's been through (prostitution, porn, underage grooming, etc) and how she acts overall. This is not the behavior of a sane person who's just a little stupid or spoiled. She's been fucked up since she was like 14. Not to armchair, but there's clearly something going on.
She's just too stubborn to seek actual help, and not self-aware enough to accept takes by those who actually prioritize wellness and improvement.
No. 46791
File: 1557362763380.png (6.76 MB, 1125x2436, 101A744C-F010-4946-A5E2-590DA3…)

Kitty is trying to be a big tiddy Twitter gravure thought. She’s gotten huge and lumpy lmao
No. 47310
File: 1557703859492.jpg (658.67 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20190512-192734_Twi…)

Something tells me this is a lie. Even if she had a "Sugar" Daddy. Every time she had one they could only afford trips to Wal Greens and splurging at Claire's. Shit, she couldn't even afford to get proper plastic surgery with her sex work schtick.
No. 47311
File: 1557703920405.jpg (400.8 KB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_20190512-192640_Twi…)

Kitty abuses the absolute fuck out of the blur tool.
No. 47352
File: 1557719908302.png (171.95 KB, 698x923, menu.png)

>>47310Exactly as
>>47315 said, lunch there is actually really affordable at only $29 for a "three course meal". Here's a cap of the lunch menu for reference. It's cute she's still trying to flex though.
No. 50076
File: 1558627795119.jpg (264.37 KB, 1080x915, Screenshot_20190523-120805_Twi…)

Angela (and Micky) just mad she's shaped like a fridge. That's the only reason she said anything.
No. 50077
File: 1558627864018.jpg (351.15 KB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20190523-120820_Twi…)

>>50076She also doesn't seem to understand the actual argument at all. Which further proves she's just salty as usual.
No. 51305
File: 1559132928382.png (68.57 KB, 783x682, ok.PNG)

No. 51593
File: 1559296369118.jpeg (166.89 KB, 1125x1122, 23955628-012C-4ACD-9BA7-5854CA…)

Any details on what she said?
No. 51601
File: 1559310291412.jpg (274.01 KB, 1080x1228, Screenshot_20190531-093652_Twi…)

Sure, Angela. Sure.
No. 52546
File: 1559870464830.jpeg (369.79 KB, 1087x1697, 2544CBCB-4C4E-4914-949A-32E2DF…)

It’s confirmed she’s on drugs right?
No. 53098
File: 1560198932047.png (501.18 KB, 659x259, kinkfriendlyroomie.png)

>I'm very flexible with rent
aka she wants someone to pay most of it kek
No. 62998
File: 1566232659852.jpeg (284.45 KB, 1094x1115, F85A6B50-15F0-41C3-A5D1-CB3D82…)

she’s still pressed over amina
No. 70265
File: 1571635854103.jpeg (419.01 KB, 1536x2048, 58F625B3-DDDA-4E30-A7CD-22A13C…)

No. 70267
File: 1571636057625.jpeg (514.11 KB, 1536x2048, 599F4D09-F1F6-4C33-8C9C-1AE087…)

I’ve never seen implants so saggy
No. 70268
File: 1571636089160.jpeg (637.81 KB, 1536x2048, 012DB7AB-0602-4BD2-B48C-D466D9…)

No. 70328
>>70268Her foundation in combination with her tits are SENDING me
She wasted her money and time to get a different version of pancake/granny tits lmao.
Like, she legit looks like a fuckin wannabe 40 year old cougar here.
No. 70335
File: 1571681414724.png (406 KB, 630x834, ba2.png)

>>70267Damn, I completely forgot about this girl.
As for these pictures, I don't understand. If plastic surgery is available to her, and she's vain enough to go for it, why not start with a lift? Why is it always implants?
Also, she has "p.e.a.r." in her Twitter bio now. For those who don't know, it's some pedo shit popularized by diaperfag 4Lung that stands for "pro expression, anti regression". Real classy.
No. 70337
File: 1571681646760.png (151.97 KB, 1140x648, gf.png)

>shipping child siblings from a cartoon No. 70555
>>70552>I don't give a fuck about her tits>angerly defends her flapjack titskek.
Her boobjob is botched, but I'll agree it's old milk. I'm surprised she's still so chunky. I wonder what she's been up to since her social media hiatus? Not shocked she's resurfaced as a pedo tho. Her old tumblr was covered in borderline cp.
No. 70561
>>70555She's just really short and broad. It would take a ton of work and training for her body type to have a small stomach.
As much as she wishes otherwise, she does not have the body shape of a petite Asian waifu, instead that of an African mammy.
Anyway. I wish her the best.
No. 70600
>>70334>>70552You sure are mad people don't agree with you about her tits huh lmao
The posts are sage for a reason dumbass
No. 71170
File: 1572196877471.png (594.84 KB, 741x514, pedochan.PNG)

Looks like she's still a pedochan.
No. 73774
File: 1574655331464.png (385.49 KB, 1242x974, B339C9D6-7A04-41CE-B621-43BF3C…)

Sounds like she’s having another little melt down
No. 73789
File: 1574666682400.jpeg (630.71 KB, 1242x1686, 0FEA899A-707A-4250-8F26-AAC412…)

>>73785She applied to be one but didn’t get it lmao
No. 73792
>>73789>Naomi CampbellIs this bitch really trying to compare herself to Naomi Campbell? Like OG supermodel Naomi Campbell? How delusional can someone be? Literally Delandra's chunky hump having ass is a stripper. Even before all the Columbian lipo. Just how fat did Angela get in the past year? And she claims she's only 130lbs? Doubtful. She was always pretty chubby and struggled with her weight, so I can only imagine where she's at now if she's "gained in the past year".
>>73791I've only passed through a few clubs in my life, but the less "elite" ones definitely have at least a couple chubby girls on their roster. Black girls too? Kind of curious which club she tried to get hired at, some places have really have no standards.
No. 73969
>>73890Yeah, but Angela was saying that even Naomi Campbell types wouldn't get hired which is a boldfaced lie.
I agree with you though. She's just too entitled to admit she got turned down because she's frumpy, fat, and obnoxious. We've all seen how she tried to squish herself into kid's clothing before she gained even more weight. Not sure how big she's actually gotten, but there's def clubs with lower standards and "BBW" nights. She needs to face reality that she's not the "kawaii uwu tiny half japanese loli" she tried to pretend to be on tumblr and learn her market or get a regular day job.
No. 74044
File: 1574886137990.png (318.89 KB, 1080x1080, E72D265F-51D2-43B6-AE81-A00D06…)

>>73890Apparently she’s going to now
No. 74082
>>74044>im boujie afSays the girl who lived on her stripper friend's couch and peed in public streets for male attention. Says the girl who doesn't have $250 to invest on her "look" and ran around in ill fitting children's clothing for years. kek.
>>74076She obviously thinks she's better than "hood" black people. She's always had a bizarre sense of entitlement for being such a trash human being and has lied about being mixed in the past. Can't wait till one of the "hood" chicks she works with gets sick of her shit and sees her outside.
No. 74106
File: 1574914958118.jpeg (149.95 KB, 1125x748, CEA435B9-E711-412B-A8E1-791CD0…)

she’s drunk and embracing her inner pedo on twitter
No. 74236
>>74044Lol holy shit I love how she's saying the black clubs have NO STANDARDS and will certainly let her in. I can't wait to see how that goes. If they deny her is she gonna say because they hate her for being """boujie""" and are just jealihs?
Like she's not pretty, and she has more than a lil bit of chub. Fuck even the club Kitty worked for wouldn't let her in.
She hates being black so much and other black people notice it right off the bat which is why most don't fuck with her lmao. She's her own worst enemy
No. 74583
File: 1575434975284.png (681.41 KB, 1080x1623, 910D7243-083F-440D-A6FF-36D495…)

She’s crying about not being Bunny Ayumii
No. 74584
File: 1575435326048.png (665.52 KB, 1242x1559, C290A01C-8F5A-43AB-9BCB-6C30EE…)

She’s talking about going back into escorting too
No. 74595
>>74583Imagine wanting to be like bunnyayumi just because she has gravure nippon clout.?
Bunny doesn't look like that irl, and Non (the other girl in the pic) would be called a man faced thot if she wasn't Asian.
Get some better idols girl..
Also unfortunately black girls really don't do well among the weeb audience these other hoes cater too
No. 74822
File: 1575605835515.png (499.84 KB, 1242x1804, ECAFAD90-CEEF-4D44-A5BF-054960…)

Remember when everyone tried to tell her this would happen but we were all jealous and she knew better?
No. 74844
File: 1575634343297.jpeg (Spoiler Image,312.4 KB, 944x2048, 45E9F9DD-D5C2-4574-8D13-4E3E2E…)

New pic(spoiler nsfw)
No. 74848
>>74844Oh my god.
I knew that when they healed, they would look bad, but I didn't know it would be
this bad.
Her breasts are literally destroyed for life.
No. 74852
File: 1575642671725.jpeg (301.04 KB, 1139x713, 9FBD8151-61F1-43F9-8483-4E36DB…)

She should of never gotten it tbh
No. 74858
>>74844Her tits are completely botched. Can you even fix this?
The sad thing is people were telling her to be careful and that she could get really bad scarring. Her head was so far up her ass she didn't listen now her breast look like this.
No. 74860
>>74844God. Why did she have to get implants
and a lift,
and do escort work when she should've been letting them heal? It's like she set herself up.
Notice she's holding them up in that photo to make them look better, too.
What can even fix this? A reduction/implant removal, intense weight loss and another lift? The scars will probably be there forever, but that's all I can think of to make this look less awful. The "thicc"/"cute chub" thing clearly isn't working for her, and she's always been into lolicon shit, so maybe that'd help. Then again, she might just end up looking like a decrepit grandma/skinwalker from Pan's Labyrinth like gimpgirl555 does if she tries to be thin instead.
No. 74873
>>74844Remember when anons told her to let them heal and even gave tips. Imagine if she listened.
>>74860Honestly she should have just lost weight and saved her money.
No. 74932
>>74852jesus christ… i mean she literally did not take care of them the way she was meant to. and people told her this time and time again and she just ignored everyone because she knows best…
they look 5000x worse than her original boobs… they have the same sag as before now and her nipples are COMPLETELY botched… just yikes
No. 74946
File: 1575709445230.jpg (82.5 KB, 1024x1002, 1538187000887.jpg)

>>74852She's really gonna sit there and blame the doctor when it was entirely her fault that they look like that. She was stupid enough to exfoliate her then healing scars,despite being told by said doctor not to do it and rest.
I swear she's too old to being that kind of shit.
No. 77015
File: 1577727166944.jpeg (459.74 KB, 1242x1456, 45B26EB3-BA32-4F39-B1E5-3B98E5…)

Well being a stripper and being a prostitute are two different things
No. 77016
File: 1577727228027.jpeg (385.9 KB, 1242x1167, BE0B2FA2-5806-44C2-B632-3928A8…)

Didn’t she already said her body was literally just like bunny’s lol
No. 77095
>>77016Wow Angela don't you get it? You have to value yourself more than the outward appearence of your body. Have you invested in your education? Hobbies? Career? Family?
Hell no. You have a chip on your shoulder because you're black, but other dark skin girls are THRIVING.
It's you that's the problem..
No. 82621
File: 1581735045719.jpeg (Spoiler Image,413.49 KB, 1622x2048, 6986233F-FDB3-4B10-BBA6-0B6B2E…)

She posted new pics on Twitter they’re golden
No. 82622
File: 1581735082703.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.26 KB, 854x1278, 50F52D33-D2B2-44BE-B66A-2885B7…)

No. 82623
File: 1581735137865.jpeg (241.08 KB, 1242x603, 25B15C4E-DE42-41CD-90BE-722A17…)

She’s actually putting this on her new escorting website I’m done.
No. 82773
File: 1581817987929.jpeg (Spoiler Image,105.6 KB, 576x1024, D6FE9285-4D6D-42D0-BF93-A6CD80…)

Incoming more photos.
No. 82774
File: 1581818075419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,335.69 KB, 1152x2048, 3EFDAD16-47F7-4551-9018-F53652…)

No. 82775
File: 1581818242954.jpeg (317.02 KB, 1152x2048, 2B410C1B-23CD-46FE-9958-C6C9F7…)

No. 82776
File: 1581818418530.jpeg (Spoiler Image,213.2 KB, 1152x2048, 8CBD8A16-E79D-49A9-A0A5-737B3F…)

No. 82778
File: 1581818586133.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.12 KB, 1152x2048, 43C6A743-C0D6-4919-9432-693FD7…)

No. 82780
File: 1581818682034.jpeg (Spoiler Image,277.55 KB, 1152x2048, 334DC0B3-84EA-4A05-994F-39294B…)

No. 82781
File: 1581818798720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,343.24 KB, 1152x2048, E0E7CEAE-4463-4C77-8F4D-CE6BB6…)

No. 84389 she is in a escort website and her tits are a blurry mess in all pictures.
Sorry I couldn’t take a screen shot right now but it’s sad how scammy she is lol
No. 84423
File: 1582736161887.jpeg (Spoiler Image,14.95 KB, 183x325, 25C82FCA-ACDD-48E7-8C6E-C2DB29…)

>>84389Where are the anons who said her boob job was fine cause it looks natural
No. 84668
>>84524 Here
>>74852 I think there is more but this what I found so far.
No. 85483
File: 1583710279193.jpeg (Spoiler Image,744.61 KB, 1242x1201, A4F44181-BC06-4E57-8140-949F92…)

She’s posting this old af picture again that she posted for Simon
No. 85484
File: 1583710327587.jpeg (454.91 KB, 1221x947, C87F66D4-9B90-4421-81F8-01483F…)

She’s so insecure i almost feel bad for her tbh
No. 85486
>>85485iirc haven't anons confirmed that Angela is pretty short, so 110lbs might look a little heavier on her than on someone average/taller
she lies about everything so who knows
No. 85490
File: 1583717024772.png (86.74 KB, 1248x805, 1482024151355.png)

>>85484She's either lying or remembering wrong. She definitely weighed more than 110, although I cannot find her weight in past threads, he was asking her to get down to 7.9 stone which is 110-111.
She was quite a bit smaller then, although still a little chubby. She was trying to make it through the initiation into this Simon Benson guy's petplay porn site, but in the end didn't make the cut. She did go to Japan and make one low budget AV via his "connections" there when she was still only 19. He was supposed to buy her the boob job too, but when she couldn't keep up with his rules and dropped out of it, she went through with the boobjob anyway. I don't know who was telling her who boobs looked alright, but anons here were warning her about the boobjob situation from the start. She had keloid scars on her chest already from other things, so those gnarly looking lollipop scars were definitely foreshadowed.
Also, she was making posts about going into a hot tub and exfoliating the wounds/scars early on and anons here, myself included, were straight up saying "don't do that". She's admitted to reading here in the past, but was too cocky to take any advice. I'd pity her if she wasn't a self admitted pedophile because she's clearly an idiot, but trash is trash.
No. 86723
File: 1584816728939.png (74.33 KB, 745x282, stillapedo.PNG)

when cows collide
No. 86724
File: 1584816775006.jpg (265.07 KB, 1358x1900, ESfFYcgXsAAE20u.jpg)

also "loli bimbo"? That doesn't make sense
No. 87647
>>87626>>87627>>87629>>87630But also?
>>71170>>70335>>74107>>74108Anyone who argues that literally pretending being a child getting fucked isn't pedophilic in nature is absolutely delusional. You are still getting off on the thought of a child in a sexual situation, Angela.
No. 88499
File: 1586649903698.jpg (599.13 KB, 810x2191, Screenshot_20200411-200255_Twi…)

>>87671I think so. It's likely in one of her old threads. Would make since, considering how angry she is over people openly voicing their disgust with loli/shota art.
No. 88527
File: 1586677545145.png (47.68 KB, 892x154, 876y8798.png)

>defending, following and retweeting Aggy
When cows collide.
No. 88612
File: 1586725347672.jpg (464.03 KB, 810x1590, Screenshot_20200412-165959_Twi…)

No. 88616
File: 1586725519232.jpg (604.14 KB, 810x2134, Screenshot_20200412-170159_Twi…)

>>88612The fact that not only did say that Tezuka & Miyazaki were loli/shota pedos but that she's on par with then, is fucking disgusting. God she needs her ass beaten.
No. 88651
>>88616>>88612>>88502>>88499I'm just gonna write off her botched frankentits as pure karma at this point. She's such an absolute piece of trash.
Her argument of "they draw cute child characters, must be lolicons" is absolutely pea brained. Tezuka is a reach, but including Miyazaki is just brain dead. She's a whole pedo and trying to hide it behind "trauma" and "anti-censorship". If you get off on the concept of a child, fictional or not, being in a sexual situation, you are a pedophile sis.
No. 88797
File: 1586886844394.jpg (158.72 KB, 1080x731, Screenshot_20200414-134915_Twi…)

She really using this as an argument for drawing cp? I'm pretty fucking disgusted honestly.
No. 91067
File: 1588621168529.gif (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 332x332, 2423fde4-168c-4643-a6ae-63dbb6…)

Was curious about how her sister was fairing and she looks fair better than Angela. She also started one of those internet boutiques.
No. 91114
>>91075Oh my god she has 200k what the fuck
>>91087I’m crying who saw this coming? She was so fat like, I considered her an NPC in the game of underage hypersexual black weebs but she’s actually so popular. Why didn’t Angela just ask her sis who her surgeon was lmao
No. 91117
>>91114Almost positive she got lipo but yeah it's funny how she's bigger than them all now following wise
Betting she learned a lot about what not to do from Angela, surgeries included
No. 91126
File: 1588651866008.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.23 KB, 768x1024, DD924C1F-4714-4263-8E4F-EEAC48…)

>>91067I cant believe her younger sister is hotter than her lmao
No. 91128
File: 1588651913428.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.95 KB, 1322x1985, 6E79A612-EC22-44B3-89EA-5EEBD8…)

Just posting recent pictures she has posted on Twitter
No. 91130
File: 1588655375837.jpeg (552.66 KB, 1125x1641, 04FDF037-7242-4515-A335-4C903F…)

>>91114Unless I’m looking at the wrong insta she has 17.000 followers and most are fake or weird foreign people. She also looks a mess and pedo pandering like her sister. it’s kinda weird someone randomly brought her up here though Hm……….
No. 91133
File: 1588656169361.jpg (487.87 KB, 1078x1207, Screenshot_20200505-012156_Ins…)

>>91132>>91130This is her actual page. With the most recent pic. She has videos there too. She looks quite cute.
No. 91150
File: 1588675781789.png (Spoiler Image,2.31 MB, 1864x1196, nmj kn9.png)

>>91128The amount of blurring and increased brightness that was needed to make this photo look halfway decent. Fucking hell.
Anyway, it's kind of sad that Angela's sister followed in her e-thot footsteps, but at least she's actually pretty, and is trying to run an online store/brand besides that.
The surgery on her breasts and ass are pretty bad, though. Don't get me wrong, she's clearly in a better position than Angela, but some of these pics/vids look painful. It's a waste of her face.
No. 91173
File: 1588694352998.png (888.76 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20200505-115716~2.p…)

The sister has had lipo. She has the lipo belly, and the scars for it.
So she got way more work done than angela, or it was more successful.
No. 93004
File: 1589345487461.png (9.8 KB, 595x316, chrome_2020-05-12_23-48-35.png)

From the screencaps earlier on in the thread, I'm pretty sure this is the right name… did she get banned because of all this?
>>88612 No. 93018
File: 1589347603197.jpg (767.01 KB, 1075x1993, Screenshot_20200513-012442_Twi…)

>>93004I wanna say yes, but her page still shows up for me.
No. 109339
File: 1597556956364.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.92 KB, 670x1195, 20200815_231047.jpg)

No. 109340
File: 1597556991213.jpg (Spoiler Image,360.73 KB, 1152x2048, 20200816_004810.jpg)

No. 109462
File: 1597636160350.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.72 KB, 1152x2048, 20200816_224652.jpg)

looking as haggard as ever
No. 109470
File: 1597650289080.png (686.42 KB, 653x358, pathetic.png)

didn't see this shared but
>i'm terrible at holding myself accountable
no shit Angela that's why you're a fat hooker
No. 109521
File: 1597695690660.png (71.99 KB, 664x798, degenerates.png)

>>109512just a couple fat cucks asspatting her and telling her she doesn't need to lose any weight kek
No. 109617
File: 1597846994450.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.73 KB, 719x1279, 20200819_092319.jpg)

No. 109618
File: 1597848117382.jpg (Spoiler Image,267.95 KB, 1080x1869, 20200819_094155.jpg)

now that her boobjob settled they look so sad i almost feel bad for her
No. 109625
File: 1597858280601.jpg (Spoiler Image,603.3 KB, 1079x1921, Screenshot_20200819-093049_Vid…)

No. 109646
>>109622karma is real and this is gods punishment to angela for being such an ungrateful and vindictive person
like her parents are well off and she had so many opportunities to become something better but decided fucking crusty old married men was a better career path + all the hell she's put amina through
No. 109677
File: 1597908604649.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 2560x2560, 965912D6-2BB2-4AEA-A783-269ED0…)

>>109618>>109625They look like Trisha paytas Tits
No. 109866
File: 1598067481965.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.78 KB, 850x1024, 20200821_154921.jpg)

No. 109872
>>109870>shes as big as her sister nowHer sister lost a lot of weight, as seen in
So, now Angela is the fat sister.
No. 109978
>>109866Over a year later and her scarring is as prominent as ever. She can lie all she wants and say that doctor fucked her up on his own when she literally refused to wear her compression bra.
No wonder she keeps pandering to incest loving pedos she they're the only freaks that'll accept her lmao
No. 110457
File: 1598552949840.jpg (273.28 KB, 1080x1664, 20200827_132853.jpg)

>>110395she's known as the girl with the fucked up nipples on twitter
No. 110469
File: 1598557235631.jpeg (390.3 KB, 828x1313, BEB15086-E1D1-4C64-899F-6D2DD6…)

>>5268>>110465Samefag but I went ahead and took caps before she deletes. 1/4
No. 110470
File: 1598557267921.png (29.64 KB, 599x255, 4413C1A2-72A4-432F-B9A0-018256…)

>>110469Def a farmer. 2/4
No. 110478
File: 1598560030146.jpeg (256.7 KB, 828x916, 5C5DE21E-0F9A-4FD6-858C-B8467A…)

Repost. Forgot to sage. But yeah forgot the last cap. Def a farmer. Both parties are pathetic
No. 110497
>>110478People will always find ways to start drama with themselves for attention. The whole screen caps may be a farmer but JFC it feels like bad bait coming from her
I wouldn’t be shock if it was herself starting some drama for a Twitter clout sob story
No. 112475
File: 1600193486366.jpeg (Spoiler Image,429.55 KB, 655x1164, 62130BA8-C9C6-4F6D-9F02-F0F903…)

I tried photoshopping her into not having a fridge shaped body, she should get a bbl or something jfc, why does she think any guys would want to fuck what she’s got going on rn(fanart necro)
No. 148860
File: 1620271434072.png (11.5 KB, 596x481, suspended.png)

>>146046No idea, Twitter suspended her last account though.
No. 302953
File: 1688809162751.png (371.72 KB, 1079x1199, Screenshot_20230708_124010_Chr…)

i somehow managed to stumble upon her new twitter. she has interacted quite a bit with Shayna, which is how i found her. a lot of her likes/retweets are drawn CP..
No. 304730
>>302953looks like she quit sex work fully and is working at a restaurant. she's still in florida and doesn't post pics of herself anymore
i guess the botched boob job and humiliation on twitter really was a wake up call
No. 310305
File: 1697761758812.png (101.63 KB, 1052x1252, byebyenonce.png)

>>302953Update; she's gone. She has been actively using her Twitter every day up until this happened. Her tweets were about her dogs, her father mistreating her dogs, shitting on other women and her reading and loving books by a moid who writes gorefests, as well as starting to dislike her job. Her RTs included lolicon, Japanese porn actresses, official Sanrio tweets, J-idol group video tweets that went something like "on this day x years ago idol group y released z". Her likes included the same things as her RTs, but also a lot of porn of the main character of Into The Spiderverse (Miles iirc?), tweets of a relatively popular tranny shitting on women/evil TERFs, more Japanese actresses, some Japanese woman's brands and e-girl " oomfie" tweets, as well as picture tweets of a famous anorexic ladyboy/sissy.
Here's hoping she doesn't ever show up again.
No. 310313
File: 1697765626696.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1427x1816, IMG_4192.jpeg)

>>310305she just changed her handle I think, anon
No. 310383
File: 1697833670935.png (18.43 KB, 592x196, Untitled.png)

>>304730She wants another one now.
The botched boob job, the humiliation, and clear constant rejection and degradation she endured from all those disgusting Johns have turned her for the most part anti-men now. Think she realized no matter what she did, she would never have the blonde bimbo sugar baby life that she imagined she'd have.
No. 310560
File: 1698043969499.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1290x2059, IMG_5947.jpeg)

To whoever said she doesn’t post herself anymore… I just found this image she posted.
There’s no hope for her No. 310572
File: 1698056451760.png (101.07 KB, 1080x332, Screenshot_20231023_131934_Chr…)

>>310560to all nonnas who thought this bitch changed; she didn't. from her likes i gathered that she likes furry porn too.. she's also still pro-prostitution and gets upset at those who aren't, she still posts and retweets grotesque shit. and she's still fat, wow.
>>310383i think you're giving her too much credit; if she were against men she wouldn't post dumb shit like picrel which is basically an admission of still thirsting over the same fucks who humiliated her.
No. 310573
File: 1698061755898.png (589.68 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20231023_144546_Chr…)

samefag but kek at her taking Macon's side. they've both shown to be like scared animals, lashing out at anyone (in Himekas case both men and radfems.. even though i don't recall radfems openly mocking her botched tits on Twitter with male profile pictures and names) when they can't get their way. it's curious how in some tweets she's like "dumb bitch if you don't like feminism go close your bank account" and then there's tweets like this..