File: 1523263181220.jpeg (58.19 KB, 206x275, 345863FD-C6A3-4636-8524-687B4D…)

No. 550456
Last thread reached the bump limit.
>>240761What's recently happened
>Moved to Dallas with fellow scammer hooker called Kitty
>Photoshopping her skin tone and nose more and more often lately
>Changed escort name to Daisy B but used to be called Bunny Spears , Himeka, Momo
>Actively catfishes and scams her escort customers but changes her name to evade being caught>Currenyly saving for plastic surgery
>Blogs abusive borderline CP images, has daddy issues
>Falls for men head over heels and becomes bitter from it.
>Formerly was a bondage dom and porn producer called Simon Benson who dropped her for catfishing. Next was a dom on fetlife who she almost gave $3,000 but he dropped her because she wouldn’t lose weight.
>has been a lolcow since she was a teenager, posting CP of herself. Claiming anyone saying anything was ~jealous~
>Was caught here multiple times by admins doxxing herself to make lolcow look bad, talking trash about her younger sister and came here to try and ruin Amina
>Got caught red handed shitting on her sister and creating the fake Amina blog in her thread when the Admin revealed which posts were hers
>Was kicked out of her mother's house when her sister told their mom about her nsfw blog
>lies and calls herself a porn starlette despite her only claim to fame being an ashy parody porn she begged a Japanese company to make
> claims to be a ~whittle girl~ but is ballooning by the day and is nearly 200 pounds nowSocial Media
Tumblr: (nsfw)
She tends to change the names of her pages often so be sure to keep an eye on this thread if you can find one of her pages
No. 550465
File: 1523263429076.jpeg (38.97 KB, 165x275, 42AD1D3E-1CE4-43A8-8C93-3112E1…)

>>550456Daisy’s buddy and scammer in crime. They both use very light foundation way lighter than their skin and abuse PS
No. 550524
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No. 550621
Here's a far better summary. I usually post the new threads but I wait until it's at about 1190 before making a thread. Added all of her names too
Aliases: HoneyKittenMomo, Hime, Himeka, Bunny, Bunny Spears, Daisy Baby
Real Name: Angela Williams
What's Happened So Far
>Posted a wall of text bashing Amina in Micky's thread
>Made a tumblr blog to try and make Amina look bad
>Posted said blog on her own thread
>Got caught red handed shitting on her sister and creating the fake Amina blog in her thread when the Admin revealed which posts were hers
>Was kicked out of her mother's house when her sister told their mom about her nsfw blog
>After moving into her Grandma's broom closet her delusion of grandeur got worse
>Traded nudes for people to do her homework for her. Even though she claims to be super intelligent.
>Claimed to be dating a "super important, super handsome, super rich" guy but never posted his face
>Rich guy most likely never existed as she continued talking about other guys she was fooling around with despite him being "her man".
>Posted a picture of some random dude fingering her yeast infected vagina.
>Says her dad gave her a mansion but it turns out she's living in a rental vacation home
>Was "employed" under Simon Benson
>Filmed one AV in Japan before being booted by Simon
>Moved from Miami to back to her mom's her place
>Started an escort website to try and make money
>Failed to get clientsand had to sell herself for cheap on Backpage
>Claimed to have another video coming up with an American porn company
>Turns around and then claims it's not happening
>Desperately seeking money to get augmentation
>Was tricked by a Dom to give him money and then promptly dumped
>Moved to Texas to live with her friend
>Her and said friend try to get comments via Twitter
>Seemingly have failed
>Friend came to Whiteknight and got bannedOther Things About Her
>Amina is her trigger
>tends to try and whiteknight herself or derail her threads
>backstabbing is her favorite hobby
>besties with Micky, despite Micky calling her a cheap whore
>loves to lie about any and everything
>can't type properly for shit and has abysmal spelling
>thinks creepy DD/LG shit constitutes as "cute porn"
>doesn't care at all about victims of sex trafficking is only concerned with trying to make money from Backpage posts
>went bat shit when her blogs got deleted because tumblr is her life
>not beneath throwing friends and family under the bus to make herself look good.
>has been posting nudes since she was 14
>claims to have been sexually abused by her father
>claims everyone here are jealous haters, even though there's nothing to hate.
>considers everything posted here to be "made up stories"
>likes to Photoshop herselfSocial (nsfw)
Escort Pagehttps://www.meetdaisy.netShe tends to change the names of her pages often so be sure to keep an eye on this thread if you can find one of her pagesJust like Micky, Himeka likes to delete her posts to cover her tracks. Be sure to archive and screenshot everything No. 550663
File: 1523288955388.jpg (461.44 KB, 1058x1710, Screenshot_20180409-114149_Twi…)

This girl really believes that people only make $6 an hour. Lmao Most places start you at about $9 - $10 an hour depending on experience and whether you're part or full time. Hell, some places will start you at $11 - $12. And that could be higher depending on where you live. Also, SWs are damn near always begging for money and can barely furnish their "houses".
>>550655No, problem.
No. 550670
File: 1523289538169.jpg (408.23 KB, 1079x1397, Screenshot_20180409-115621_Twi…)

There is no way in hell she wanted to be in her current situation at 7 years old.
No. 550674
File: 1523289878428.jpg (452.46 KB, 810x1590, 20180409_115529.jpg)

The fact she more concerned about herself and not the many women and girls who are forced into sex trafficking is pretty atrocious. Then again, most SWs seem like the self centered type.
>>550666They have a website. Also, nice trips.
No. 550746
>>550718Does she really think a business man spending $400 ph for a hooker is going to think she’s classy for using those ghetto ass line stickers
>>550674>jealousy Jealous that you’re more at risk for being raped or arrested and have no real life skills? Go off hoe
No. 550841
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Being short and a fat blob doesn’t count as smol sweet tea lol
>conventionally attractive
o k
No. 550875
>>550841It's so funny to see her without all the extreme filters and heavy editing. Her styling is such a mess too…
The worn out power puff girls shirt where you can see the graphic cracking from being so stretched out. The lopsided, crooked wig that is sitting on her head at an awkward angle. The unfortunate lighting which is making her harsh features extra haggard. Her makeup is awful too and if I recall, wasn't she super ashy throughout the entire video that this is from?
No. 551185
File: 1523321853092.png (Spoiler Image,326.26 KB, 678x439, himekajav.png)

>>550875>>550893I regret going back and finding it.
No. 551504
>>551503Prostitution is illegal in the US therefore her website is advertising illegal services
No. 551666
File: 1523374563736.png (107.39 KB, 785x515, himeka.PNG)

> inb4 "Daisy" is a huniepop character
No. 551908
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The amount of photoshop she does is horrid. I wonder if her customers know she’s catfishing like Delandra did? Or are they just black fetishists? I notice how she had professional photoshoots in the past but never uploads those photos(only once because they looked horrible but even then with a LINE sticker). This girl is worse than Kooters
No. 551918
File: 1523392730802.jpg (4.55 KB, 225x225, blackelixir.jpg)

>>551908Serious question: is there anything she can do about those deep lines around her eyes?
Are they genetic? I've only seen that kind of thing on FOB Africans/second generation
No. 552012
File: 1523398664703.jpg (436.42 KB, 1080x1579, Screenshot_20180410-181251_Twi…)

>associating gangs and gangs sign solely to black culture
>claiming a stupid fucking dance belongs to one culture
Himeka's friend is a fucking idiot. She was probably that annoying fucking anon from the previous thread.
No. 552048
>>552012Not to mention I think the OP was more so saying it's embarrassing that it's 2018, and this 40yo woman is using the very stale Asian fashion/culture gimmick, ie. the "harajuku girls" era of early 2000's.
Though you are right. While I do agree K-pop bites black culture via hip-hop, rap, and R&B themes. Her two examples aren't particularly good ones. There are white, hispanic, asian, etc. gangs, and while twerking is predominantly an African American dance, it was also heavily influenced by the LGBT scene. Sage because I can'tr believe I'm talking about the origins of twerking like it actually matters.
I am curious though. How come Angela now goes by Daisy, and didn't keep the matching "Bunny Spears" persona with Kitty?
No. 552143
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>>552141Here’s the photo I forgot to spoiler it
No. 552153
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She def has insecurities over her nose. She admitted to wanting surgery over it and she tries and covers it all the time
No. 552154
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>>552143This girl does not love herself in any way, shape, or form. Lol, saw this asks on her blog and it makes me wonder which girl she's talking about.
No. 552172
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The amount of photoshop this kitty bitch uses is horrible. Her nose is wider than Daisy’s lmao at least Himeka or daisy’s nose has some definition. She also wears ghost face makeup and looks like Michael Jackson. Himeka low key shaded her by adding this creep shot photo
No. 552175
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>>552156>>552143Her daddy looks like boo from oitnb
No. 552178
>>552172They are both a hot mess and have similar looks to some degree, but I would argue Kitty is the better looking out of the two. While she's still pudgy, she's curvier than Angela, and her tits only hang half as low.
>>552175Oh shit, spot on. Same body type, but with worse hair.
No. 552188
File: 1523410845401.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, ADD14C8C-679A-4A85-BD02-4ACC54…)

This is yellowface. Fix it jeeeesus.
Himeka doesn’t love or care about this girl. A real friend wouldn’t let their best friend go around wearing Michael jackson’s last day of life foundation.
No. 552189
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>>552188Her and Hime always cover their fat ass noses. Kitty is worst though especially this god awful makeup. These girls need self confidence
No. 552194
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>>552186>>552178I'm gonna have to politely disagree with both of ya'll about Kitty. Especially when shit like
>>552189 and pic related exists. She got a whole five o'clock shadow going on. I can only imagine how bad it looks irl. She probably gets clowned at her club.
No. 552208
File: 1523412065887.jpeg (137.66 KB, 635x829, 98EBEDE6-B808-419B-ABD3-B6D3A5…)

lol I did a shitty un-shoop
I was looking at this original photo and there’s so much curvature in the background (walls and pillows) it’s obvious they photoshopped their bodies from hell to back. Not shocked though because Himeka catfishes already. Also accounted for their real natural skin colors
No. 552214
>>552207Bartenders get paid very well in clubs and get huge tips as well. Himeka has already shown to be jealous of random girls online to the point where she goes in a rage. If she thinks she’s going to do well stripping at a club and doing porn she’s sorely mistaken.
She’s not even conventionally attractive and at least with camming you can scam customers. She’s gonna be like Delandra I predict and no strip clubs will take her / make no money and start drama
No. 552221
>>552215I would not be surprised. He's probably not even her bf and is just some dude who she fucks regularly for money.
>>552216>Himeka said on her blog they were going to run an illegal brothel from a hotel roomI hope they get caught by the cops lmao
No. 552225
>>552223>>552219I could see a young guy dating them, but only to use them or act as their pimp. A desperate old splenda daddy like the fat lesbian guy. Not sure about a neckbeard weeb unless he was particularly into getting cucked. Aminyan's boyfriend is a creepy lolicon and she was the closest thing he could get. Also, even though she is by all means a sex worker, she's not on the same level as Angela or "Kitty" at the very least.
>>552221>>552223Oh god, I wish this would happen if only for the amazing mugshots it would produce of the two of them.
No. 552232
>>552225Sage for derailing but Aminyan’s been vocal on twitter about being a sex worker but for some reason she seems so god damned awkward to me. I can’t even imagine her having sex because everything sexy she tries feels super forced. I doubt her bf is a cuck he just seems like a high key pedophile and slightly rich and they both tolerate each other’s autism. Plus I think she’s living in France(?) now where sex work is legal.
I’m really waiting on the day for Himeka to get caught up in a sting operation. Even if that doesn’t happen I really wonder where this life will take her. Even though she looks old af now she can’t do the “barely legal 18teen!” Thing for another five years. I think this girl will starve or couch surf like Delandra before she works a decent job though
No. 552240
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Compare this edit with a real candid. She’s a god damn catfish
No. 552250
>>552188>>552189KEK! Girl looks ready for her casket
>>552208And with that granny looking body she probably is.
No. 552968
File: 1523487271164.jpg (Spoiler Image,779.91 KB, 1077x1851, Screenshot_20180411-180313_Twi…)

Why does she think anyone wants to see her nasty ass body in that tag? What's the point of ruining a wholesome tag with shit like this?
No. 553644
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>>553642The tweet in question
No. 553886
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>>552172This is probably the closest to what her face actually looks like, even though it's still filtered.
No. 554515
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She's going to regret that in a few years if she gets it.
No. 554876
File: 1523661687633.png (33.87 KB, 580x317, staymad.png)

Apparently Angela showed "Kitty" her lolcow thread and is acting butthurt about it all over tumblr. She even went as far as to steal Shayna (dumdolly)'s line of "I fucced ur dad lel". She's so mad.
No. 554879
File: 1523661855223.png (462.98 KB, 584x758, stillmad.png)

>>554876Bonus post. Shoop anon, she's especially upset with you.
The best part is that all her posts crying about lolcow barely got any notes, no one cares about her drama.
No. 554934
File: 1523665911214.png (3.03 MB, 1643x1011, stillfattho.png)

>>554919Here you go, anon. With a bonus pic. Even without anon's "unshooped" version, they're still lumpy, fat, and saggy soooo…
No. 554946
>>554876>i havent looked at it in 3 yrs lolExcept you were deadass trying to defend yourself in the last two threads but ok.
>and WOW u bitches r so damn weird.Says the girl pretending to and sexualizing being a preteen. Ew.
>u guys r shading ur selves by actively contributing to a hate forumLolcow isn't a "hate forum", you sound like a dumbass Christian soccer mom. Also, everything posted is factual, the screenshots are from
YOUR pages. Meaning, whatever fucked up shit is said, came from
>im so ugly n haggard but im still adored n paid for my ugly haggard looks so yeet. You've only had, what, one or two dudes, and they only paid you 70 bucks, if even that. Sit down, clown.
>also me n kitty dont use photoshop. who uses photoshop in 2018 lmao tf. Clearly both of your pics are heavily edited. Tucking in your beer guts, wiping away all the cokehead wrinkles, and lightening the shit out of your skin. If that doesn't count as shooping then I don't know what does.
>u just mad bc we getting paid n we’re hot af n ur NAWT. Ya'll both are a solid 5 without filters and only make 70 bucks weekly. There's nothing to be jealous of.
>we fucked ur inhereitence money out of ur dad👀Nah. Again, you barely make chump change because ya'll stay fucking poor rednecks. Sit down.
No. 554980
>>554946Seriously, it's laughable that she pretends she's "hawt" when we've all seen what she looks like without editing and filters.
Also, she's out here fucking guys who look like this
>>552143 letting them step on her face for a few dollars. It's cute though that she thinks her life is anything to be jealous of.
No. 555256
File: 1523689612750.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x1920, 18-04-14-03-05-16-352_deco.jpg)

>My skin is just sensitive to light
Bitch, what? Lol
No. 555261
File: 1523690592236.jpg (2.1 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-14-03-20-35-637_deco.jpg)

>>555256Look at this. The three on the bottom are edited by her the top is from her porn. None of the bottom ones match her actual complexion you see in the video. She really needs to get help.
No. 555280
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>>555279She needs to start loving herself, for real.
No. 555309
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>hates me because of jealous / no reasonUmmm let’s go back the past few years
>started off as a teen cringe weeb posting sexually charged dance covers and eventually distributing CHILD PORN which is a federal offense and called anyone who spoke out about it as jealous>harassed dozens of young girls and women proof:
>came to Lolcow to doxx YOURSELF, Amina and bully your underaged own sister. Proven here: >>>/pt/51205
>changes name nearly every year to evade people finding shit out(Angela, Momo, Himeka, Bunny and now “Daisy”).
>Catfishes prostitution customers with fake photos and claims ~trauma~ when you’ve gotten told out about it(on Tumblr she does this sometimes)
>Falls for men head over heels despite being publicly played and fooled multiple times( Simon Benson, Dom who scammed her out of 3k)>Pathological liar (calls self a porn starlette, lies and said she was first black AV star, lies every month about a rich benefactor sugar daddy>Lies about being a successful escort despite barely having money to pay rent. If you had consistent customers you wouldn’t be moving every two months.>sexualises rape, piss, children, abuse and misgony.I could list way more but go off sis
No. 555311
File: 1523696594226.jpeg (112.21 KB, 641x818, 7DEC666E-3BC3-4376-B5A1-19EF13…)

Also has lied about being mixed/haafu Japanese and lies on her website saying she can speak Japanese when she can’t at all( She’s trying to softly imply she’s mixed to customers which is on some scam shit
No. 555314
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More than 60% of her twitter followers are fake bots that she bought.
No. 555315
File: 1523697541210.jpeg (Spoiler Image,106.62 KB, 640x816, AF106BD9-FD98-47C6-B6B8-0BABDA…)

Imagine being only 20 and having National Geographic tits already
No. 555333
>>555315>National Geographic titsTopkek anon
>>555311152cm is hella short (especially for a black girl), is she lying?
No. 555348
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No. 555356
File: 1523706652770.jpeg (32.72 KB, 284x301, F2A4F2FB-C1DB-48F5-9C2B-0830A0…)

>every1 so jelus
No. 555372
>>555333What does her being black have to do with her height?
The fuck? I’m black and I know plenty of short black folks.
No. 555435
>>555386How the fuck am I race-baiting? You legitimately just wrote about her being black and somehow that equates with height despite there being plenty of short blacks and tall Asians. You people are fucking pathetic. On this website, you broads find anything to nitpick about even if it makes no fucking sense. Hell, even Kiwi Farms has more sense that the lot of you on this shitsite.
Have any of you looked outside the fucking window or ever gone outside—away from the comfort of your computer screens or cell phones? I highly doubt. Take a look outside instead of having such a distorted view of the world. Goddamn.
No. 555445
>>555435Himeka why are you so
triggered. Look at the average height in Asian countries and average height in black people. Also calm down
No. 555457
>>555445>>555386nayrt but I just took a look at average heights, and Japanese women and Nigerian women are around the same height on average, hovering between 5'2 and 5'3. think it's safe to say 4'11 is very short by anyone's standards (unless you live in a pygmy society), and Himeka is probably bullshitting to seem smol uguu.
Either way, this argument is unnecessary.
No. 555550
File: 1523728826452.jpg (154.79 KB, 1078x685, Screenshot_20180414-135911_Tum…) are girls in this world that dress far better and look much cuter than her. She needs to chill.
No. 555696
File: 1523740239898.jpg (592.04 KB, 808x1641, Screenshot_20180414-140604_Twi…)

Kitty hiding her face so we can't see the stark contrast between her foundation and actual skintone.
No. 556063
File: 1523785572959.jpg (477.95 KB, 1080x1182, Screenshot_20180415-054149_Twi…)

Nobody is really bothered, nor is this just for you. Any aliases of any cow or snowflake is always added to the title of the thread or in the OP post. It's so people can find threads and not get confused.
Also does she not understand time zones?
No. 556079
>>556074Someone already pointed that out in here.
>>556068Oh thank god. I thought she was going beyond mental
No. 556136
File: 1523799354125.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-15-09-33-41…)

>>555696>>555356>I luv being a dark girl soooo much like totally black girls rule and shit. My dark skin so beautiful!
>Skin changes like a damn chameleon between her own pictutres, pictures by others, and videosHimeka, pls. You're fooling nobody but your own shitty self image and piss poor self esteem. You need to love yourself.
No. 556528
>>555261Late to all this, but yes. "Daisy" has a huge problem about changing how she looks in her photos. To even try claiming she doesn't photoshop lmao..just because the program you're using isn't photoshop doesn't mean it's not still photoshopping honey.
Yes, phone apps count too.
Because you edit the lines by your eyes out in every picture you post-that's first of all. Second, you change the size of your nose all the time too as well as your eyes. You brighten the hell out of your pictures which yes, does effect your skintone. but what you have to realize is if you're trying to fuck men as a living you can't have pictures that show you 8 shades lighter than what you really are.
You look ashy. No, lotion doesn't only go on your legs. and you abuse fat girl angles more than anyone I can remember from the myspace era. No ones obsessed with you, you delusional bloated pig. You just do so much blatantly retarded shit that people can't help but take notice and laugh at you, just like the men who reject you every time you think you're going somewhere with them. Dumbass.
No. 556684
File: 1523838035014.png (1.52 MB, 640x1136, BC4C86F1-2EF7-4522-AE5A-C4D413…)

Kitty for sure goes here because she’s starting to photoshop her nose when we all know her nose bridge is about half her damn face
No. 557049
File: 1523887157002.jpeg (54.3 KB, 640x545, 7CD54431-E421-4AD6-8B71-A504AD…)

>runs a porn nude blog
>is mad at sex pests
No. 558407
File: 1524015976553.png (64.23 KB, 941x468, 676.PNG)

>>550718And now fake twitter accounts.
No. 558473
File: 1524020499921.jpg (220.78 KB, 1080x919, Screenshot_20180417-225928_Twi…)

They slay me with these fake stories. Lol
No. 558548
>>558478I'm amazed that she's acting like they would have let her into a 5star restaurant dressed like that without proving she had enough money to actually buy a meal. She would have been kindly asked to leave since with her tits that out the staff would have (rightly) assumed that she was a hooker.
Also why does she need to fully describe what they were wearing in both posts? Why not just take a mirror selfie of your outfits? Geez
No. 558589
>>558473>>558478>>558548It's funny because she doesn't have her hair styled that way. Why even lie about something like that?
Chances are there's some truth to her stories, but she definitely embellishes on them to the max. It's probably more like they got treated to Olive Garden by the fat lesbian "daddy" and families were looking at them in horror while they had their titties all hanging out.
Wealthy white guys have the money to afford attractive escorts, there's no way any guy with the funds would waste his time on these street walker tier hookers. She's still fucking fat rednecks for pocket change just like she's always been.
No. 558601
>>558478lol wat even is a 5 star restaurant
michelin only goes up to 3 stars
No. 559214
>>558601I didn't even catch that. She's so bad at lying.
Let's be real. If any of this were true, why wouldn't she be taking selfies/photos to show off her expensive meal at a "five star restaurant"?
No. 559532
File: 1524099921161.jpg (166.31 KB, 818x1024, IMG_20180418_210021.jpg)

Why go into a store intended for preteens dressed like cheap hookers? Like, families and little kids go there, none of them want or need to see that.
No. 559768
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No. 559998
File: 1524152298714.jpg (833.74 KB, 1069x1861, Screenshot_20180419-113346_Chr…)

>>558478That "five star" restaurant she was bragging about wasn't even five stars smh No. 560044
>>559998I googled the restaurant, Ida Claire Texas and you guys are right. It’s a 4.4 YELP REVIEW rated restaurant. Also the food was only about $5-10 per plate. They think that’s high class…yikes lol
I’d like to see what they’d post if they’ve ever been to a real Michelin Star restaurant lol
No. 560061
File: 1524157004338.jpg (239.77 KB, 900x1200, DbEaaYJUwAUyxU9.jpg)

She really went out like this. Like, even girls with perky tits at least wear boob tape with these outfits, but she didn't even try.
It looks so sloppy.
No. 560088
File: 1524158887197.jpg (445.23 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20180419-131352_Twi…)

Lol Is she blind? These threads span years and most aren't even back to back unless there's something worth discussing or roasting. Also, why does she think we're jealous? Going to Claire's and 4star hipster restaurants are nothing to be jealous of at all. I can and have done that without having to sell my body. Even the whole, ~*we have so many men falling all over us*~ isn't special. There are far better looking and richer men out here.
>>560044Texas doesn't even have any Michelin star restaurants. Lmao They got lied to quite hard.
No. 560312
>>559998>>560034>>560044>>560054This is too funny. Ida Claire is a cute little hipster restaurant, charming, but is in no way "fine dining". The fact that they think a place like this, with it's most expensive dinner options being $23 and $27 is fine dining really shows their perspective and where they are in life. Most diners have comparable prices, but I suppose when you are used to fat redneck "daddies" treating you to McDonalds a place like this must seem so high class…
>>560061I feel so bad for all the poor families and "daddies" they were disrupting the meals of and oogling. Her top is struggling to stay buttoned, trying to hold in those saggers. She's so delusional thinking that the looks of disgust are from jealously and not because she has her floppy tits halfway hanging out while people are trying to have a nice meal.
No. 560562
File: 1524202991520.jpg (508.43 KB, 1079x1439, Screenshot_20180420-012639_Tum…)

>i dont go to tht site i feel like it ages me.Yet you've been lurking and posting here for years.
>like, the current hot delicious tea is the fact that me n kitty went to a nice resteraunt… whoopty doo. Girl bye. The tea was that you and your friend lied about being at a Michelin star restaurant. Now you mad you got caught.
>i’ve literaly eaten at the top of the eiffel tower like 2 times. No you haven't, girl. Stop lying for notes.
>BUT, i told tht story bc we literally googled “chicken n waffle resteraunt” n went to the second one tht came up. No, you told that lie because you wanted to seem like you were living the rich girl life when you're not even close to that in reality.
>we were so caught off guard tht it was rich daddy central (we looked like britney’s back up dancers!!)It's a hipster flytrap, the most you saw was a regular middle class family eating and making fun of you tacky hoes. Also, Britney would not have some ugly, tacky girls like ya'll as backup dancers.
>ive been ignoring them for a verrrryyy long time. i think the last time i truly gave tht hellhole of a website my true attention, is in 2015 You've been lurking and talking about your threads for years. Even now, you're lurking and talking about us. Chill.
>when [name redacted] leaked my school and family info. Stop lying about that girl. She didn't do shit to you. You're just jealous she's better off than you.
No. 560570
File: 1524204150029.gif (1.62 MB, 342x306, waka.gif)

>>560562>we looked like britney's back up dancers!Is she seriously this delusional?
Also, way to show you are TOTALLY NOT BOTHERED by us Angela. She got caught lying and is salty and trying to cover for it. Has she ever even been to Paris or the Eiffel tower? Where are the pics? Yet another lie she can't back up.
No. 560571
File: 1524204246283.jpg (555.47 KB, 1069x1487, Screenshot_20180420-012845_Tum…)

>dont even understand the hate bc ummm tbh we’re perfect n its undeniable. like, everyone who meets us falls in love. Except, you threw your sister under the bus just to try and save your own ass, destroyed a friendship with someone you were close with for line stickers and being friends with a girl who called you a cheaper whore, shit on your family despite them putting up with your bullshit, and scamming the fuck out of your customers.
>(p.s: thx 4 the 9.4k views on our first evaaah peri broadcast yesterday) Ya'll didn't even make it past 50, wtf are you talking about?
>we abt to pull up somewhere , post the addy, and wait for one of those weird thots to run up on us. we’re thinking Braums Icecream on Frisco. come thru :3 !! u wanna beat us up so bad here’s ur chance. i wanna see what u guys got. Nobody said anything in the threads about fighting you. Also, looks like we struck a berve talking about your whack trips to Claire's and CVS. Lol
>i rly havent looked at that page for a few yrs bc it’s just reaching & its the same thing over n over again. (how many different ways can u say im fat darkskinned with a big nose? ya’ll played tht out real fast)There's been far more shit discussed than that, but thanks for revealing you were posting and lurking here recently.
>anonymous jealous uglies talkin crap on the net for no reason. ofc they gon drag her in 2 it also bc 1.) we’re friends. 2.) she’s a megababe and 3.) we both chasing this bag.Anyone that's currently friends with you is pretty trash. Kitty is not even remotely cute and cannot apply makeup properly to save her life(same goes for you). You're not chasing anything but a delusion. Otherwise you'd be on the same level as those high class escorts you hate on so much.
>something an ugly mommas basement type hoe would never be able to comprehend. A good majority of us make bank, can actually apply makeup properly, are in decent shape, and have our own places. Unlike you who continues to jump from hotel to broomclosets all across America.
>instead of being bitter, get better. Honestly, you need to take your own advice.
>we are srsly going to get some icecream and any Texas Based LolCower is more than welcome to join us. just expect to get your shit rocked. we don’t do that talky talky stuff. WE NOT PUSSY. If you were so tough, why didn't you fight your sister when she snitched? Why didn't you fight Micky after all this time? Every person who has confronted you made you leave with your tail between your legs and I'm sure Kitty is the same.
>we got goons. we two baby bimbo princesses who will still ruin ya life. anyway, back to the scheduled program of being better than them. You guys do not have any goons. I'm sure if some came to run a fade on ya'll, nobody would come to help and you two would run off crying to tumblr anbout getting beat up. And the only life you're ruining is yours. Ours are gonna remain fine because we aren't stupid. And again, you're far from better than us
No. 560581
File: 1524205302751.jpg (1.92 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-20-02-17-54-568_deco.jpg)

I can't believe these two really think they look good like this. They look like they buried their faces in baby powder. Lol
>>560578That would be the ultimate betrayal plot twist. Lmao
No. 560817
File: 1524241354181.jpg (42.82 KB, 300x328, tumblr_inline_mmq6egBJnh1qcgdi…)

>>560581Angela straight up looks like Coco Montrese.
No. 560906
File: 1524250466526.jpg (144.68 KB, 1064x648, Screenshot_20180420-144625_Tum…)
>they nitpick girls who they wish they cud be There are no nitpicks heres. Only legitimate criticisms and posts containing shitty things they did openly. Nobody wants to be you, Micky, Momokun, Momokun's calf, Raven, Onion, Margo, etc. All these people are almost beyond fucked in nearly every way.
It's also weird how she says our lives are mundane when most of these cows and snowflakes live boring, basics lives. Her included. Why does she feel that she's instantly better for being able to go to Claire's or an Amusement park or Japan? Hell, her trip to Japan was mostly spent at boring ass restaurants, getting bossed around by Simon, filming a flat porn, and then getting booted. Or when she was doing drugs in Miami at various clubs. There's nothing cute or appealing about that shit. She's trying way to hard to glamorize her boring ass life.
No. 560909
File: 1524250761049.jpg (612.31 KB, 1066x1307, Screenshot_20180420-144424_Tum…)

>>560906 and her are not even close to being Nicole and Paris. Nicole and Paris actually know how to dress, are in shape, are rich, and by far are more likable. Kitty and her on the other hand, have nothing positive going for them.
No. 560990
File: 1524259489444.jpeg (93.2 KB, 640x718, C8C6E262-CB54-424A-9AF3-0728B0…)

I watched one of their streams. It was mainly Indians saying “show bob and vageen” rather than legitimate ~fans~ of them. It got 4K views however looking further at the viewers it was egg profiles aka view bots. Something is pathologically wrong with angela where she has to consistently lie about her life. She’s hella insecure. It’s not like Micky who does trashy shit and doesn’t realize it. Angela knows she’s lying and is so insecure she continues. Kitty was shading her by saying the restaurant was a 4 Star YELP REVIEW restaurant than Angela lying and saying it was 5 Star Michelin lol. I can’t wait until they hate one another and the tea we will get about Angela.
No. 561030
>>560906>>560990I absolutely love when cows get mad and try to turn on farmers by claiming we're just jealous. They can only make wild assumptions of our lives, but have no idea who we are, the lives we live, etc. But I would say it's safe to say that most of us are doing better than fucking old, fat hillbillies.. oh, excuse me, "daddies" for Micky Ds and walmart shopping sprees. How many of us have our own homes, real, secure careers, don't think a $12-$15 meal is "fine dining" and have never let a man who looks like a fat, lesbian, dwarf, step of their face for a cheeseburger? Angela, "Kitty", please. Explain what we're supposed to be jealous of?
And before you claim it's your "perfect looks" again. Seriously look into a mirror. You both are fat, lumpy, saggy breasted, street hookers with bad weaves, orange faces, and loose falsies.
No. 561218
>>560581Oh my god Kitty what in the Ghost Face Killa??!?! I almost want to say that's just foundation that can't handle flash but the problem is her photo-app'd pictures stay looking 10 shades lighter than her real skin anyway so
And stop shrinking your nose Himeka, we all know that shits a 10 car garage.
>>560906Girl, no one wants to be like you!! You're out there hoe'ing and catching HIV and everything else out there! Sure hope you're getting STD + HIV tests often because it's not a matter of if honey, it's when. I guess that's all you have to look forward to when you have to fuck stranger men every day for a living (if they actually give you the chance anyway since most end up rejecting you for being too dumb and ugly). If you were actually worth anything they'd want to wife you and take care of you, not one night you. I'm sure all you can say back is "well I fucked your dad". If we were all from a trailerpark or the projects, sure maybe LOL
No. 561254
File: 1524288983422.jpg (339.7 KB, 1077x1237, Screenshot_20180421-013113_Twi…)

Bitch those are your ribs, and they are only showing like that because you're sucking it in. Lol At no point has this girl every had abs. This is some straight up Momokun shit right here.
No. 561255
File: 1524289216413.jpg (625.09 KB, 1063x1691, Screenshot_20180421-013405_Tum…) fave would never embarrass themselves like that. Step your makeup game up. Also, you still don't look good, no matter how many times you spam that mess.
No. 561259
>>561254does she not know… what abs are?
what the fuck am I reading
what the fuck am I looking at
No. 561282
>>561254She thinks a flat tummy is abs?!? Who wronged her in life??? By the way Himeka good catch with the "had" because we all know the gelatin gut you're stuck with now from all those "5 star restaurant" meals
>>561255I'm convined Kittys actually laughing at her. There's no way you can look at someone with their face an entirely different ethnicity than their body and pretend nothings wrong without secretly loving it.
No. 561666
File: 1524345335086.jpg (838.13 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20180421-033735_Twi…)

She looks genuinely retarded.
No. 561926
File: 1524366353393.jpg (388.47 KB, 1080x1701, 20180421_230130.jpg)

>tfw you expose yourself as a catfish
Bummer there's no fullsized thumbnail for this. It's from a livestream they did, I think. Even though it's just a portion of her face, it's wild how drastically different she looks compared to all the other shit she posts.
No. 562007
File: 1524376859282.jpg (269.62 KB, 1080x640, 20180422_015956.jpg)

Their live stream is so dull. Though it's funny watching their views wildly flux between 200 and 100.
No. 562023
>>562020The usual "you guys are jealous of our bodies. We're perfect. You won't pull up on us" shit.
Why is it that ugly girls are so eager to fight when people mention their appearance? It's not that serious. Lol
No. 562048
>>562045Both are tragic looking, but Kitty isn't as dark-skinned as Himeka, so she probably benefits from colorism and gets a kick out of being the "attractive" (and I use this term loosely) one in a crusty duo.
In fact, the only way for her to not look horrible is probably to befriend even worse looking girls than herself and skin walk to lowkey be "the better version" of them.
No. 562157
File: 1524411666269.jpg (96.89 KB, 1075x661, Screenshot_20180422-113600_Twi…)

They had genuinely had 100 or less real viewers. The highest was 500 but it was bots and it only lasted a split second.
No. 562175
File: 1524413509739.jpg (377.05 KB, 661x1102, 1349921716170.jpg)

An ancient Himeka post from 2013. This is honestly quite depressing. It doesn't justify how she is now, but it certainly explains the behavior. Anyone would turn out shit with parents like that.
No. 562216
>>562183She was like 14 in that post and (apparently) a CSA victim, so it's not too surprising. Yuka did the same shit, but still people whiteknighted her.
It certainly explains her obsession with being a teen bimbo porn star or whatever.
No. 562273
File: 1524421541404.jpg (351.71 KB, 1064x1175, Screenshot_20180422-142246_Twi…)

She's acting like being a SW is something you're born as, like sexual orientation or race. Bitch, it's just a job. Just another whack ass job. It's not that damn serious.
No. 562311
>>562160She has something mentally very wrong with her. This was the same girl purposely appealing to online pedophiles at age 14 and distributing child porn. She needs serious psychological help. PT level of delusion.
I think Kitty will drop her soon tbh but kitty seems crazy as well.
>>562175>RiniThis is another failed teen wannabe jpop idol. Rini is now “kitty”
No. 562444
File: 1524429494686.jpeg (392.57 KB, 1242x694, 5456CF1B-BD26-4CA9-82C5-B92946…)

Why did you delete this anon
No. 562463
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No. 562472
File: 1524430810578.jpeg (104.33 KB, 639x795, 8F0C50D6-38F7-4D86-A9D7-2749DE…)

This bitch is a broken record lol. I thought the fan art flattered her
No. 562474
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No. 562478
File: 1524430942966.jpeg (101.43 KB, 627x775, 0FB6F753-0C9D-45E8-98FC-928744…)

Her entire validation and self esteem is relying on old lumberjacks and rednecks paying to fuck her. When you have a car, a house, an education or a man then say something Angela. But for right now you’re a homeless bum sleeping on your fake friend’s couch lmao
No. 562488
>>561921>>561922you got it on the money, anons.
>>562007imagine getting so angry because you actually believe you look like
>>560581 when in reality you look like
>>562472 No. 562490
File: 1524431206531.jpeg (101.89 KB, 640x640, E3371DB3-E608-4AC9-91B7-F35DD4…)

>posts archive link of Aminyan drama from 2015>claims not to look at this thread but consistently does.Ok Angela, are you going to post the part to your followers when you came on here and YOU trashed your underaged sister, YOU doxxed yourself to frame Amina and
ultimately you were caught for the liar you are. Proof is all here:
>>>/pt/133414 No. 562545
>>562510It's a common tactic to make dudes spend more money. $400 for 1, $600 for 2, and I guess at her rate $700 for three.
If she was smart she would save the steepest discount for the last number but as we know.
It's similar to subscription services making the monthly price less expensive the more months you pay for at once.
No. 562665
File: 1524438861806.png (1021.73 KB, 956x452, towongfoo.png)

>>562007>>562116Angela literally looks like a weeb version of Wesley Snipes in To Wong Foo, but with a worse body…
No. 562671
File: 1524439068265.jpg (600.91 KB, 1079x1825, Screenshot_20180422-191647_Tum…)

>>562474>>562478>>562490 a clearer, full image. Also, she went back to, what, her second thread to grab and post archive links about something that was already discussed in full. The conclusion was her and her sister were full of shit and jealous that Amina was getting views and genuine fans from her NND lives unlike those two. Not to mention she was actually having concerts and was on her way to/already going to Japan. Which is why they hated her. So, I don't know why she wants us to revisit that.
Do you want us to once again comfirm you're jealous of others more successful than you? Or that you have a long standing vendetta against someone who did nothing to you? Because you just proved that on very ask.
No. 562694
File: 1524439756464.jpg (276.94 KB, 1080x907, Screenshot_20180422-191856_Tum…)
>i get so so so much more luv and support ! If that was so you wouldn't have to beg for $2 on your lives, would have your own apartment, and would be showered with gifts. But the only thing you can get is trips to Claire's, Grocery stores, and some cold Popeye's. So amazing.
>me n kitty are abt to go to a vegan restaurant n than h-mart to shop n pick up yummy snacks … There's nothing extraordinary or extravagant about this. There's vegan restaurants damn near everywhere, same with H-Mart. Only Koreaboos get excited about H-Mart anyway. Lol 80
>meanwhile they r currently setting up the conference call to discuss todays #bunnytivities Oh yeah, because there's absolutely no way we could possibly post while doing something more important or posting while taking a break. Yeah, our entire days evolve around talking about how jealous we are that you get to sleep on a run down couch, eat cold fast food, drink cheap alcohol, and beg for money online. Hot damn, we're so jealous. /sarcasm
No. 562760
File: 1524441959337.jpg (1.68 MB, 2560x2560, 18-04-22-20-02-39-009_deco.jpg)

They did a live at H-mart. They didn't speak to their viewers and i'm pretty sure I could see the other shoppers snickering at them and talking about then. Kitty mentions people are staring at them and she's upsetabout it. Thry both looked a hot mess.
No. 562761
File: 1524442049131.jpg (535.51 KB, 1080x1573, 20180422_195705.jpg)

>>562760Look at these messy koreaboos. They went to H-mart for shit they could have gotten at Walmart. Lmao
No. 562787
File: 1524443755931.jpg (499.79 KB, 1077x1435, Screenshot_20180422-203230_Twi…)

It was actually just 40 - 50 viewers the whole time.
No. 562790
File: 1524444042569.jpg (1.89 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-22-20-39-11-779_deco.jpg)

They're really trying to fool people. Also noticed that Kitty tried to hog the spotlight on their H-mart live. Lol
No. 562919
>>562761>>562760Jesus. Those guts… and Angela's weird potato face. She has a horrible jawline when she isn't working the fat girl angle shots and abusing filters.
>>562856I can't believe she went out dressed like this. I can't believe she thinks all those stares are the good kind.
No. 562929
File: 1524449963756.png (679.39 KB, 923x597, kek.png)

Imagine walking in a grocery store and seeing this
No. 562932
File: 1524450155866.jpg (1.55 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-22-22-18-39-907_deco.jpg)

There bodies are so sad. Both have flat asses, box shaped frames and beer guts. Their faces don't help their situation. Also, what's the point of doing lives so often if you're going to barely interact with viewers and when you do you talk down to them or ask them to send money. What are they giving you money for? Being lackluster, box shaped shitheads?
Oh, and their views were so low, the highest was 35. That's sad, they should work on their presences because it's not bring home any bacon.
No. 562973
>>562937>>562945Don't feel bad for her. She chased out all the people that cared for her. She could be living a decent life with her family and repaired whatever rift between her and her mother by now. But instead chose to live this bland, broke bitch life, where she's disliked, out of shape, and has no one to really turn to. All because she chose to appeal to sick fucks and glamorize SW. She brought this on herself.
>>562954No, it's her bra, which clearly doesnt fit her right.
No. 562980
>>562048really? i dont agree, in
>>562007 and any other screenshot from their streams they look about the same color. maybe kittys a shade lighter but that really isnt enough to benefit from colorism. theyre both pretty dark imo
No. 562993
>>562980They aren't the same color at all. Look at
>>562790 >>559532
>>553886Kitty is lighter than Angela. But she definitely isn't as pale as she tries to make herself out to be.
No. 563022
>>563002Angela has a tendency to lie about how her mother and father treat her. She only says it just for the sake of making people feel bad for her and getting asspats.
Angela just a generally shitty human being. She posted about her sister here, spread CP on her blogs and old Twitter, and tried to frame someone else for it all. Not to mention her constant sexualization of child like things. The girl has been a sick fuck for awhile but she uses other people as scapegoats for her own disgusting behavior. Which is why when her friendship with Kitty falls to the wayside, she's not going to take any responsibility for it. It'll all be Kitty's fault. Like when Cola and Barbie had that falling out and one was blaming the other for everything.
No. 563048
Sage for half-asleep ramblings but does anyone remember that Tracey/Barbie chick who was on Catfish, who was raised by a single immigrant parent and turned out into a fucking harpy nightmare? Himeka absolutely reminds me of her.
I sort of believe her when she says her mom said those things. I also think that the clashing of cultures has something to do with why Himeka is the way she is. Not to excuse any of her bizarre/disgusting behavior, but it does make you think
>>562932This literally looks like a screenshot of some worldstar trash in the making
No. 563145
File: 1524500005216.jpg (154.75 KB, 1079x630, Screenshot_20180423-121051_Tum…), how many times do we need to point out that you were caught red handed posting on here? The Admin revealed your posts and you've getting constantly banned here ever since. Stop it.
No. 563173
File: 1524501993629.png (35.33 KB, 494x324, 181D362F-943A-42EF-94C7-572BFD…)

Remember this? Did she really get scammed out of 3k from an Internet Splenda dom?
No. 563352
File: 1524512675048.jpeg (29.39 KB, 192x275, 696E9343-8349-456F-8E78-6068F2…)

No. 563412
File: 1524515983958.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, 9460F1D4-C1FD-45E0-B241-40E4D6…)

She reposted this. She’s so ugly she has to hide every photo taken of her by someone else with a sticker or something. Even in her limited altered selfies she’s not much of a looker so I’m pretty sure she’s more of a butterface in real life. The only men willing to pay her $300 an hour to fuck are rednecks with ebony fetishes. They aren’t “daddies” or rich doma. They’re the same men that pay Delandra. old white men who fetishize black women and see her and say “this’ll do”. If she were getting real business she wouldn’t be bragging about it on tumblr all the time (people with money don’t brag, broke people do) and she wouldn’t be sleeping on couch to couch begging geezers on fetlife for shelter every so often. She’s pathetic
No. 563457
File: 1524517958979.jpg (50.17 KB, 615x410, Celebrity-Big-Brother-Tiffany1…)

>>563352I hate the way this girl types. Not even the just the syntax errors, the way she describes herself is absolutely disgusting. Ugh.
No. 563798
File: 1524537553561.jpg (178.19 KB, 1080x695, Screenshot_20180423-223655_Tum…)'s not fucking cute. That's disgusting. I hope she doesn't have kids and isn't allowed to be around them because she's fucked up.
No. 563828
File: 1524539027183.jpg (439.37 KB, 1072x1227, Screenshot_20180423-225735_Twi…)

She looks quite ashy from the neck down. Does she know what lotion is? Also, she once again edits her face and skin. The girl don't love herself.
>>563816Are you forgetting this is the same girl that posted CP on her blog? Not just of herself but other people and drawn shit. And with the drawn picture she claimed it was her and Micky. Like it was cute. A child wouldn't be remotely safe around her, all things considered.
No. 564187
File: 1524558824317.jpeg (167.31 KB, 1115x1285, 5F654F2D-1D2E-4286-B2BF-D89E50…)

they really went to the gym like this
No. 564188
File: 1524559149358.jpeg (35.65 KB, 375x525, B8D184C0-5B13-46EA-AAD6-9DC230…)

her totally real stretching. I love the "bimbo" aesthetic that she tries to push but doesn't even have any pink work out clothes
No. 564195
>>564187Kitty must keep her around to make herself look better. Next to Angela not only does she look lighter, but her chest looks less saggy and her stomach seems smaller in comparison. They both still a mess though.
Also, didn't Angela straight up say Kitty is the only one who drives? So she's sleeping on Kitty's couch and depending on her to drive her around too?
No. 564202
File: 1524560810258.jpeg (175.4 KB, 1242x992, F11F3A9A-BFCB-46D7-8830-C91AC8…)

she was just "dancing" because she clearly couldn't do most of the stretches kitty was doing
No. 564203
File: 1524560967804.jpeg (155.61 KB, 1242x880, 335D0E96-10D0-4727-9CDB-9FF173…)

Last one but she awkwardly sat there while kitty was doing splits. I'm convinced kitty hangs out with her because it makes her feel better about herself
No. 564205
>>564203Kitty does not like Angela and is using her for clout from porn bots lmao. I personally think angela looks better in the face than kitty but because kitty is a shade or two lighter everyone will say she looks better. Her gut and body shape is horrible. Both of them are fat as hell but Kitty’s body is like Mariah Carey on New Year’s Eve fridge body.
Also Angela has no job, no car, no place of her own, no education, etc. She also mentioned stripping a few week’s ago but I think kitty’s club rejected her because if she were dancing now she’d be talking about it nonstop.
No. 564208
>>564205they both look a mess but i feel like she (kitty) kept trying to show off by doing things she knew she wouldn't be able to doing splits while Angela just awkwardly sat there waiting for her to move on to the next position
also she told her to pull her shorts up all the way like that which made her look worse
No. 564226
File: 1524565949514.jpeg (136.53 KB, 975x1604, F7EE44A1-B2F2-45AC-B1BC-52C5BF…)

Two men came in to workout before they cut the livestream off after kitty started going off about blocking people, they both assumed every comment that wasn't kissing their asses were ~lolcow haters~.she said it was because couldn't engage with the audience while they were ”exercising” but I feel like they were just embarrassed because the other two men were working out in the same room
No. 564228
File: 1524568945768.png (944.22 KB, 640x1136, 4443D2FC-04C5-46EB-A876-1112D4…)

Kitty looks like Shrek
No. 564268
>>564263They're both disgusting-looking, but they're definitely not the same color, anon. Just look at
No. 564405
File: 1524588301463.jpg (210.65 KB, 1080x1040, Screenshot_20180424-124223_Tum…)

Someone apparently replied to her pic here
>>564224 but she deleted the reply. Hmmm, looks like someone was afraid of getting exposed I see.
>>564305Kitty's eyes are squinty and her jawline is masculine af. Neither of these girls have something appealing about them.
No. 564460
>>564446Lol she’s not dark skin but she’s not light skin either. She’s brown and the average color of most black people
>inb4 there is no dark skinSome black people, particularly American and Afro Latino black people aren’t dark but they’re not light either.
No. 564491
File: 1524594956996.png (551.26 KB, 448x670, 9898.png)

I'm willing to bet Kitty makes more money than Himeka, even amongst their bottom of the barrel white trash demographic, to be honest. It may not be fair, but it wouldn't be surprising.
No. 564551
File: 1524598329274.png (93.44 KB, 236x208, 4730d0f377ab1a0aa462381811fe41…)

>>564491Jesus this pic is so edited her bloomers look like they were put on in mspaint
No. 564923
File: 1524628421791.png (212.26 KB, 750x1024, IMG_6985.PNG)

No. 564928
>>564923I can't wait to see how awful this is going to turn out. Especially if the doctor doesn't do a lift and nipple resizing with the augmentation.
Maybe they won't rest on her knees when sitting down anymore though, at the very least?
No. 564948
>>564923>it only took us like 3 weeks lmaowe already know that she lies about her pricing and brags about making more than she does, so no doubt she's getting a cheap ass one in dallas
botched boob jobs incoming. can't wait
No. 565075
File: 1524646938416.jpg (471.66 KB, 900x1400, saki.jpg)

>>565070Typical, "I'm so smol n cute" bs that seems so popular with cows.
>>564961Googled these gravure/av idols and oh no. Their boobjobs are going to be a mess if this is their endgoals.
This is who Angela wants to model her boobjob after.
No. 565076
File: 1524646987524.jpg (97.54 KB, 640x799, jun.jpg)

>>565075And this is Kitty's…
No. 565118
>>565076That looks ridiculous, the implants are nicely done but it looks so unpropotional and upper heavy, she looks like one of those 18 wheelers without a trailer
>>565112True, texas is known for giving Bolt ons, American plastic surgeons either go to extreme and it looks unnatural and gross or they don't do it enough for more results and you p much just wasted 20k just to have your boobs look slightly bigger, especially since American plastic surgery is so damn expensive, Americans would be better off just booking a flight and rooms to Japan or south Korea, maybe even thailand to an extent, it would be cheaper and you'd get better results
No. 565132
>>565122 I'm going with never going to happen BUT will get mentioned ad nauseum after Micky and Kitty 'break up'. Of course it will be Kitty's fault for it not going through.
God, I hope Kitty gets a good titty job and Micky gets nothing.
No. 565144
>>565141 Oh! Thanks for correcting my mistake but to be honest, I wouldn't mind if Micky also gets nothing.
Angela and Micky: no titties for you!
No. 565289
File: 1524674147088.jpg (62.83 KB, 1080x468, Screenshot_20180425-122854_Tum…), were supposed to believe she and Kitty are both going all the way to Miami to get surgery from Dr. Miami without going the process of consultations? Bitch, bye. Enjoy your fucked up Mexican breast implants.
>>565232That's because Micky is trying to copy her. Micky always tries to act exactly like whatever girl she's stalking at the time. It's fucking weird.
No. 565725
File: 1524700316302.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.04 KB, 1080x1712, Screenshot_20180425-195040_Twi…)

I can't wait for Kitty to just turn on Angela and start acting like besties with Micky. Lol
No. 565793
File: 1524705980943.jpg (539.08 KB, 1080x1836, Screenshot_20180425-212430_Twi…)

That delusion though.
No. 565854
File: 1524710839898.jpg (325.6 KB, 1070x1071, Screenshot_20180425-224507_Tum…) is saying all of this like we didn't see her post on backpage where she was charging 50 to 70 bucks. The girl is not making bank and she needs to stop acting like she's made it big time.
No. 565877
>>565854This is the same girl who was posting backpage "specials" for $70 a fuck and $25 for half and half as seen here.
>>563352Yeah, okay, Angela. Keep sending yourself those anons.
No. 565894
File: 1524714633550.gif (499.03 KB, 480x228, tumblr_lx9jb1SPMr1qdrpdr.gif)

>>565885These dusty hoes are really about to get a backalley operation in Mexico. Lmao Maybe of they had gotten normal jobs they could afford to go to someone like Dr. Miami.
>>565887She said
pretty famous doctor in miami. She's talking about Dr.Miami, anon. And if she wasn't, that doesn't make what that anon said any less true.
No. 566154
>>565887I lived in Miami and that was one of the places I’ve ever been with high demand for plastic surgery. Reliable doctors are completely booked for a minimum of 1 year wait and it became pretty much of a requirement to see first an assistant. i think they do that to weed who is really serious with getting a procedure from time wasters like Angela. And the typical wait time for an appointment with an assistant is actually worse as of a doctor as Dr. Miami, because of celebrity status, and we are not even talking about price for consultation, at my time was $500 for the first time(2013-2014- ish, when he was first exploding on instagram, just to see his assistant). So no, I don’t believe she is going there for her boobs, probably getting from a butcher in Mexico for $2K or a small town in Texas wherever hell hole she found out by reading RealSelf. Also, take in consideration the fact that Miami’s sex industry is much more busy nowadays and porn actresses from there and surrounding states are in higher demand than anywhere else in the country, and with that we have another reason to believe that she is not getting her boobs done there at the time she is saying with any good doctor from the Miami area. At total she would have to have at least $30K in cash to even get noticed by a pretty famous doctor there, or whatever she said
No. 567101
File: 1524837350642.png (639.83 KB, 571x573, Capture.PNG)

this pic of kitty makes me laugh lmao where did that alien come from xD
No. 567122
File: 1524840083478.jpeg (31.17 KB, 275x242, F7F5D6F4-4660-4752-902F-4CC73F…)

>I’ve wanted to be a porn hoe and prostitute since I was a fetus!
Why does Angela keep lying like this. She said so herself Simon Benson, porn producer who dropped her for being a scammer and catfish was the reason she decided to go into porn and hooking. Now she’s changed her story. This was only posted last year so idk why she thinks people are dumb enough to fall for her lies
No. 567124
File: 1524840322683.jpg (50.39 KB, 1200x1200, 0d11a1d5bbc0f74412be62107bb6a2…)

>>567101Kitty looks horrible.
Let me guess, Himeka posted this?
No. 567128
File: 1524840502878.png (1.22 MB, 640x1136, 67C6F2E4-920B-4586-81F3-B40DDF…)

Kitty is a lot fatter than she likes to let on.
Also considering neither of them ever cook, I’m sure getting take out and eating at all these 4 Star yelp reviewed (lol) Waffle House restaurants will only make them get even fatter. For some reason Kitty and Angela think being short (5 feet) and fat still makes them ~smol~ and ~delicate~ when in actuality it just looks dumpy.
No. 567130
File: 1524840658595.png (130.53 KB, 1440x838, 95113C04-2083-4BC6-8F22-38720C…)

Remember when she supposedly had a sugar daddy with a black Mercedes? What happened to this? Or was it one of her many lies?
No. 567141
File: 1524841578463.jpeg (716.43 KB, 2048x2048, C618287F-8818-4340-A0EB-17C2A6…)

Reposting because this was only a few months ago(November 2017 when she posted this shit) but it’s relevant now. She is not living with Kitty because they’re “best friends”. She’s living with her to mooch as much as she can. Angela always complained that the sex industry in Miami was slow(not true. Florida is the porn and escort capitol of America, she’s just a catfish) so she was completely broke. She was begging random people online to let them live with her. First Japan, then Chicago, then New York…
Now she’s in dallas? I can’t imagine her having much business there. She’s essentially mooching off of Kitty
No. 567145
File: 1524841979202.jpeg (385.41 KB, 2048x2048, B00CC655-DD86-40F6-A136-75043F…)

>>567141Also she mentioned family issues and lack of work(aka broke) for reasons she wanted to move. I found the first photo funny because she’s essentially wanting to mooch(like she is with Kitty) but says the person has to be a man her age or a girl, that would for some reason let this sloppy bitch live with her for free. I guess kitty was the retard who finally said yes. She truly reminds me of Delandra, going state to state scam to scam sleeping on people’s couches.
No. 567269
File: 1524852198039.jpeg (4.88 KB, 89x87, 799AB180-CD33-4C0D-AE26-E4554D…)

Fix it Christ. Martin Luther King Jr didn’t die for this bitch to be doing white face
No. 567464
>>567122>being a dom = telling someone what to dowell since you couldn't even pass the preliminaries, there's no point being a dom to a useless sub
>>567145>live-in cutie sex slave>how fun would that beit's fun for her because she thinks she'd be living on her terms, and she'd be treated with some semblance of human respect.
No. 567649
File: 1524881116086.jpg (468.61 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20180427-205604_Twi…)

That's borderline Dwarfism. She can't be that damn short.
No. 567663
>>567649The way these adult women talk about their breasts, I just… Jesus.
WTF is wrong with them? How do you get to the point where this is actually how you communicate your shallow desires to the world?
No. 567899
File: 1524914179851.jpg (82.81 KB, 1080x289, Screenshot_20180428-070750_Chr…)

>>5678744'10 on down, actually. So, 4'11 would be an inch off from it. But I doubt she's a dwarf becausein the top pic here
>>562932 she's taller than Angela. Who likely isn't being honest about her own height.
No. 569768
File: 1525062018656.jpg (827.89 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_20180430-001223_Tum…)

>>569764 girl is in hardcore denial. She and Kitty are fat and speeding towards obese. That's if they aren't already.
No. 569770
File: 1525062125636.jpg (300.19 KB, 1080x960, Screenshot_20180430-001006_Tum…)

>>569768 she's still lying about the views on their livestreams. The highest they've legitimately had was 350. Otherwise it's 60 and below.
No. 569775
>>569764Hey Gutso (a/k/a Angela), don’t pretend we didn’t see
>>562929. You ARE fat, fat the water rat so lol, die mad about it!
No. 569777
>>569768But that isn't just "how bodies work"? There's a healthy height to weight ratio and she's clearly rather overweight.
>>569770It's like she thinks if she stells the same lie over and over enough, it will magically become true.
No. 570387
File: 1525121902972.png (56.37 KB, 605x430, 78654.PNG)

No. 570403
File: 1525122956578.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.66 KB, 684x1024, niku.jpg)

>>570387>>570392It's honestly incredible how delusional these chicks are. Nikumikyo is "soft", but I don't know if I'd go as far as even calling her chubby from what I've seen. Angela is just straight up overweight. It's not cute or "babyish" especially when you have such a worn out, haggard looking face and body.
Spoilered pic is of Niku for reference.
No. 570413
File: 1525123294673.png (Spoiler Image,800.07 KB, 734x581, basicallytwinsies.png)

>>570387>>570392>>570403Wow. Obvi so similar guys! Stop being so jelly, you haturz.
No. 570416
File: 1525123444693.png (577.83 KB, 512x639, lp.png)

>>570403>>570413Let's be real, this chick looks like a fat child. Without the editing, I wouldn't doubt she looks almost as porky as Himeka.
No. 570425
>>570416Nah, "anon". Let's be real. She looks very soft and babyish, but there's no way this girl is anywhere near Angela's size. Just look at
>>570413 . While yes, Niku's is obviously edited and posed, Angela's arm is still easily twice as thick, her gut way overhangs, and her tits are hanging low and almost resting on her stomach (if it weren't for that tanktop). Sage for replying to bait.
No. 570444
>>570425Why the scare quotes around "anon"? You think Himeka would ever insult herself with the word "porky"? Her sister, yes, but herself, definitely not - she's too much of an insecure, delusional narc.
I'm sorry if you look like that, but a whale is a whale is a whale. Some whales can edit themselves to pass as normal bodied humans, but there's usually something that gives them away (this chick's giveaway being her face and arms). Anyway, this thread isn't even about the cosplayer, so let's not infight.
No. 570516
>>569764kek very obviously talking about Simon and his rules for her. thought she was over him tho??
>>569770take caps next time so there's legit proof she's lying.
No. 570601
>>570444Kitty reads here too. Niku isn't anywhere close to Himeka's or Kitty's size. If you really need confirmation, just go look up her video clips. She's got a slight tummy at most which is why I said she was "soft" but she's in no way anywhere close to Himeka's bloated, sagging wreck of a body.
>>570516She'll never be over Simon. He was the closest thing to an actually "rich" sugar daddy she's ever had, but in the end she didn't meet his requirements and wasn't good enough for him, so he dropped her. She's been obnoxiously salty ever since. She tried to rebound with that tumblr dom who wanted her to give him 3k and also lose weight, but she didn't meet his requirements either. So now she's back to just banging and blowing fat rednecks for icecream money I guess.
No. 570661
File: 1525139752835.jpg (32.23 KB, 485x263, 20180430_212154.jpg)

>take caps next time so there's legit proof she's lying.You can see the views here >>562856 . They're always on display during the live at the bottom, on either the left or right side. The on in my pic is from this live
>>570617It's weird for her to say that because here
>>561254 she says she had abs. We know they're not, but why make that claim and then turn around and say abs are gross.
No. 571036
File: 1525189954213.gif (839.36 KB, 245x190, giphy.gif)

>>570885how does she even have skin left
No. 571279
>>571036Let's be real, it's not like Angela is actually following her own advice. She probably googled it.
Her skin is okay minus how ashy it is, but she also tries to pass off her heavily edited/smoothed skin as what it really looks like. Like this bitch seriously tried to claim she doesn't have pores anymore.
>>564224 No. 571524
File: 1525227048293.jpg (374.68 KB, 1078x1425, Screenshot_20180501-220633_Twi…)

>>571323>>571381She's not even using the machine properly. That's how you get yourself injured. This is no different from IG thots pretending to work out to get attention. This likely the only other time she's gone.
No. 571535
File: 1525228173151.gif (882.36 KB, 400x267, A4D54070-2C7C-4376-9C3C-40B548…)

>>571524Yeah, she definitely did that much weight. Definitely. Yeah. Just getting back to the gym and she does that much. Suuuuure.
No. 571548
File: 1525228850232.jpg (106.37 KB, 1073x551, Screenshot_20180501-221432_Tum…), so now she's saying they're not abs. Lol
>>571533Yeah, but you're definitely not suppose to use the machine that way, you're not going to get the results you want and it doesn't make women look any less stupid doing it. Mostly "fitnes", see thots with ass shots, models do this dumb shit. Doing squats with dumbbells or a barbell would be way better. Also, she's not lifting 205 lbs, she only put that in to entice gym nuts. Kitty would benefit from getting a gym trainer and watching actual videos from genuine fitness gurus and not some IG thot pretending to know fitness after getting her third butt shot. It'll benefit her in the long run.
No. 572757
File: 1525367022587.png (42.84 KB, 727x257, himeka.PNG)

>>572425>>572715The anon is clearly repeating something she said before.
Do you not see the "Say it ain't so!"
Not saying it's not self-sent, but christ, don't be stupid. The anon just didn't put quotations around it.
No. 573138
File: 1525391829670.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 2560x1920, 18-05-03-19-54-56-420_deco.jpg)

Kitty has absolutely no ass at all. Holy shit.
No. 573211
>>573165There's literally nothing there, what are you on about lol
>>573138This is tragic. If she did some REAL squats, maybe she'd have something to work with.
No. 573966
File: 1525477031603.png (Spoiler Image,375.81 KB, 480x465, what.png)

>>573505No joke. If it weren't for that thong, her back just goes right into her ass. There's no definition above or below her ass cheeks and it's bewildering looking. Here's a shoop where I removed the thong.
No. 576623
File: 1525769175714.jpeg (89.8 KB, 633x631, 3E1CDFCD-0D6F-444C-B1D0-4ADD83…)

>I’m very happy with him
If you were “with him” it wouldn’t be a crush. If he wanted to make it official he already would’ve. How long before this one drops her or pump & dumps? Remember the “multi millionaires” she was talking to on Seeking Arrangements. Or alleged CEO daddy with the BMW? The Japanese “sugar daddy” who flew her to Japan allegedly? Simon Benson who clowned and dropped her? Or the Dom that tried to get her fat ass to lose weight and scammed the bitch out of 3 grand? This bitch is so utterly desperate and she’ll most likely die alone.
She also made another post about said crush being in a “board meeting” trying to make it out as if he’s rich. Anyone want to take bets how long this flash in the pan will last?
No. 576689
File: 1525786629285.gif (2.15 MB, 480x270, E753C43A-2C40-45E3-96B1-DB884E…)

>>576623Yep - here we go again. How many sugar daddies has she claimed to have had now?
No. 577177
>>577148Probably. He owns his own dumpy looking house by the looks of things too. I highly doubt the dude has a job that would require him to attend a "board meeting" it's most likely her exaggerating per usual. Especially with her obvious desperation to keep boasting about his "board meeting".
It's funny too that she thinks she's worth more than just the street prostitute that she is to these dudes. Does she seriously think one would want to sugar her when they can just pay her little to nothing to get their dick wet?
No. 577313
>>577261So I did my best to google it and literally came up with nothing? All I could find in relation is that he has a habit of fetishizing Asian women in the past and he's currently dating a white woman? But he hasn't seemingly straight up said anything outright anti-black women as far as I can tell. Even the "your fav is
problematic" on him has nothing other than a quick blurb with no sources claiming he's anti black women. So uh… Angela. Where? She only chases white "daddies", has fetishized Asians, and has participated in raceplay before too, so I don't get why she's acting like she's any better.
>>577305This is the same chick who was offering "specials" once for $25 a pop. She's simply not sugar baby material. She's bound to be a streetwalker forever.
No. 579137
File: 1526023221379.jpg (311.18 KB, 1077x1346, Screenshot_20180511-020105_Twi…)

Idk why she posted this. She still doesn't have an ass. Lol
No. 579353
File: 1526051208570.jpg (78.79 KB, 1077x378, Screenshot_20180511-105919_Tum…) highly doubt she's an xs/s. Her and Micky are super delusional when it comes to their sizes.
Nothing about her screams a xs/s here
>>562932 and here
>>562929 No. 579919
>>579353what if the clothes they're wearing in
>>562932 are actually xs/s tank tops that aren't cropped
No. 584480
File: 1526442898286.jpg (537.94 KB, 809x2087, Screenshot_20180515-233643_Twi…)

Unsurprisingly, Angela still talks shit about Amina on her alt account. What's wrong, Angela? Mad your life isn't going as well as hers?
No. 584585
So did she get that boob job yet?? As someone who's gotten one before, you're in bed for a solid 3 days or so and even after that you can't bend too low or lift your arms up in case it causes rips in stitching which I'd say in total the recovery time was about 2 solid weeks. So it's funny that she was looking for a party when she should have been recovering..guess it didn't happen afterall. AGAIN.
No. 584704
>>584480Who is the girl replying? Isn’t br4ttitude angela’s Alt account?
Also idk why Angela is clowning her for leaving japan when she tweeted a little while ago that “I would never want to live in Japan!” Despite wanting to move to Japan years ago. She also tried to follow Simon around London and stay there, or so she said on Tumblr.
Idk it’s really weird to me that Micky and Angela both blame everything bad in their lives on Amina and not the fact that they’re both cringey and musty as hell. And since 2012 neither have them have shown an iota of proof that Amina is a ~bully~. The only thing Angela showed was a nude blog which could count as revenge porn if anything.
No. 584725
>>584704>Who is the girl replying?Idek who that girl is. Probably another crusty "friend" of hers.
>Isn’t br4ttitude angela’s Alt account?Yes, but it's a locked account, so yout can only see the other person's replies.
>The only thing Angela showed was a nude blog which could count as revenge porn if anything.What's worse is that the nudes aren't Amina's it was sone other girl's stuff. So Angela's shittier for doing that.
>>584705Yeah, it's supposed to be June. So be ready for either bolt-on boobs or poorly shooped boobs. Maybe both.
>>584699They're bitter because all their efforts to ruin her life fell through. On top of that, they have no real accomplishments to speak of. They might not genuinely feel stupid for it now, but once they hit the 25 abd ovet they're going to really hate themselves for wasting their time on that shitt.
No. 585078
File: 1526495769784.jpeg (89.48 KB, 629x627, BBA5FC9E-BBE3-4EB6-BE3B-E4C948…)

> has no place of her own
>dropped out of education
>living on her fake friend’s couch
>suddenly has an ~emergency~ and begs for money every other month
Yet somehow she can spend thousands in days on worthless shit and a tit job. Her and Micky are a lot alike. They both base self worth on likes/reblogs from porn bots and chump change money. So insecure
No. 585127
File: 1526497581804.jpg (219.53 KB, 1080x771, Screenshot_20180516-150335_Tum…)

>>585078 should really cut back on the makeup. She doesn't even apply it correctly. She'd be better off getting some cheap drugstore makeup and practicing.
No. 585135
File: 1526497698170.jpg (492.49 KB, 1080x1618, Screenshot_20180516-145411_Twi…)

>>585130Can't wait for this shitshow. She's going to get a shoddy boob job and then say it's Dr. Miami's work. Lol
No. 585357
File: 1526507370718.png (16.06 KB, 659x260, dwarfism_classification.png)

>>584887Technically, anyone under about 4'10" are classified as dwarfs. But they don't necessarily have to have a medical condition. So if Angela really was under 4'10", she'd be a "dwarf". But I doubt she's that short.
No. 585421
>>585213>>585394>>585398Things Angela should have done with her money instead:
>Get a decent apartment and filled with decent furnishings(or get a pre-furnished one)
>Get her driver's license
>Get a decent car
>Get some car insurance
>Go to a black owned salon and get her real hair done
>Buy clothes that actually fit her (Forever21+ is your friend)
>Get those dumb braces removed (she's fucking her shit up by keeping them)
>Open a savings account and squirrel away the rest of her moneyShe would benefit so much more from doing these things than what she's currently doing with her money. She's too worried about impressing the nobodies on her social media pages instead of focusing on having a decent future. I'm sure she's going to be broke and mooching off her mom again within a year or so. Just like her buddy Micky.
No. 589044
>>588950Ugh. So, I don’t think that’s fat. That’s look like edema, fluid retention. You can tell from the severe lack of pores (despite the filter) and the puffed out look on the top of the foot. It also appears localized to one side of the body, the other foot appears different. (Can’t tell for sure.) It’s not good, it implies poor circulation to the lower extremities. The body isn’t managing its own water filtration system. and it’s super dangerous, particularly considering African American women have: a higher predisposition for diabetes and heart disease, as well as the highest rate of obesity.
That shit catches you fast when you’re from certain backgrounds. Her shit lifestyle is catching up with her.
Sage for autist medical rambling.
No. 589199
File: 1526816618260.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 640x1136, 0DBBFC88-FE90-470A-9E50-ECC9A1…)

>>589044Look how fat these bitches are now though. Both have tons of fat rolls. Also the dark Spots on Angela’s feet… are they hyperligmentation or something else? I have a cousin with diabetes and he started getting those dark spots on his feet and face before he was diagnosed. Hm…
No. 589722
File: 1526853928020.jpg (275.13 KB, 1080x965, Screenshot_20180520-175953_Twi…)

So I was looking at her tweets and she posted this awhile back and like none of that is true. She never even finished school, so wtf does she mean by this?
No. 589765
File: 1526856014791.jpg (362.84 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180520_180202.jpg)

>that lace front>that gut That's sad. Lol
>>589748Right? She couldn't even tell that the guys viewing her NND lives were shitting on her. Lol
No. 589932
>>589765this is not the kind of girl who can afford a lacefront.
No. 590873
>>589932You can see the lace in the front. Lol
>>590023I really don't understand why she would lie about that when we all know she dropped out and started whoring herself out to rednecks on the regular.
>>590845It's probably a hotel pool. Lol
No. 591138
>just because she didn't know it then doesn't mean she doesn't know it now>but that was just an awful example tbh because in that time frame she could have learned the actual language if she gave a damn.It's not an awful example. It's a perfect example. The girl hasn't improved at all since then. Her Japanese has been piss poor from then on out, go back and look at the previous threads. There's no improvement. She even tried sending herself shitty Japanese asks to prove she knew more but that got torn to shreds quickly.
>>591135You're honestly trying to defend her by say it's a shitty example when it's not, gtfo and go back to kissing her ass on tumblr.
No. 591196
>>591138And it's not a good example if she's saying /right now/ shes fluent so to bring up something that came out years ago makes no sense because according to her she wouldn't have been fluent. She's not fluent, she use google translate we already know this.
>> She even tried sending herself shitty Japanese asks to prove she knew more that got torn to shreds quickly That would have been a better example because its recent that's literally all I was saying.
No. 592461
>>592441how is she going to pay for this?
and where is the boob job she was supposed to get? it's been 2 weeks now
No. 595371
File: 1527455169584.jpg (374.9 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_20180527-170405_Tum…) the girl that came her and spammed her and Micky's thread with lies about Amina, sent jrach lies about Amina, started a thread about, and harassed her on tumblr out sheer jealousy. Angela, you have no room to talk and btw, Micky does send herself anons often and lie about her weight.
No. 595729
>>595395>>595401A second apartment? Sounds like the "first apartment" isn't actually theirs, are they both living with the splenda daddy or whoever is Kitty's supposed boyfriend that Angela also occasionally fucks?
Let's be real, there is no way they are going to get a "second apartment". This reads exactly like when Delandra "Barbie" Johnson used to lie about her multiples houses, vacation homes, condos, etc. in Japan, USA, Philippines, etc. whenever she was visiting some new john or visa hopping.
No. 596214
File: 1527548435842.jpg (101.18 KB, 1080x556, Screenshot_20180528-184922_Tum…)'re only saying that because he doesn't exist and you didn't finish making up shit to spout about your "sugar daddy boyfriend"
No. 596562
>>595729Angela and Delandra are one in the same. They both lie, lie lie and act out towards people who have better lives than them. Angela is young and isn’t a complete hambeast yet (she’s getting to it) so she can make scraps of change that del wasn’t as a prostitute. But at that dries up…
She’s already sleeping on people’s couches like a bum. Claiming her and Kitty are “roommates”.
No. 598381
>bowlegged and pigeontoedIs she talking about that forced stance she's always uses to make it look like she a thigh gap and thin legs? Because she didn't do that shit in her lives.
>>598308It's this weekend, unless she pushes it back.
No. 601863
File: 1528137091160.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.68 KB, 749x1199, 6DA8ECB5-B2DD-4D51-B8BF-F9FE25…)

No. 601864
File: 1528137177739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.02 KB, 749x1198, D844C0A8-47F7-4F02-815A-EDE190…)

wtf himeka
No. 601865
File: 1528137194980.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.72 KB, 750x1104, D16CCC17-64E8-42EA-8A5B-D5707A…)

No. 602603
File: 1528228059483.png (42.27 KB, 750x517, IMG_7693.PNG)

No. 602795
File: 1528239530961.png (63.13 KB, 637x390, 798.PNG)

No. 602799
File: 1528239960398.png (41.75 KB, 728x316, whyyoulying.png)

>>602726>>602733You absolutely can not soak, swim, or take a bath so soon after surgery. You aren't even supposed to shower until two days after. She's really terrible at lying.
Also, I did some research. There doesn't seem to be any hotels in Miami that offer a Japanese style hot tub on the balcony of their hotel rooms? There are a handful that do offer jacuzzi tubs on the balcony, but even that isn't particularly common, and those are extremely expensive hotel suites that are way out of her and Kitty's price range. Again, she's straight up lying. Pics are it didn't happen, Angela.
No. 602803
>>602726>>602733HA! This fat bitch didn't leave her sofa. If she really did get her tits done then she'll be in the hospital soon enough with a terrible staph infection since she's in a hot tub.
She doesn't really think people believe her, does she?
No. 602826
>>602583Yup, exactly. Something will magically come up at the last minute and she'll have to postpone the surgery.
she's probably sitting in her messy apartment bedroom staring sadly at her pendulous tits right now.
No. 602884
>>602803>>602814>>602826>>602850>>602867I'm anon at
>>602799 . I suspect that she is getting a boob job, but is lying about how luxurious it is, where she is staying and what she is doing in the meantime, etc. to try to make her life seem a lot better than it really is.
She's probably getting them done somewhere more local to her which is why we haven't seen any photos of her and kitty in Miami shopping, in their hotel, or soaking in their "Japanese hot tub on their balcony". She's taken photos trying to show off their H-mart shopping, their local icecream stops, but nothing while they are supposedly living it up in Miami for a week or more? Yeah right.
I would be a little surprised if she is dumb enough to straight up lie about getting a boob job though, as if she could hide something like that. Is she just planning on photoshopping her pics to make it look like there is a difference after? She can't be that dumb, can she?
No. 603184
>>603150People go to other countries a lot, including Mexico, it's plausible.
Miami isn't a huge reach as she's lived there previously. Not all of Miami is that luxurious either. She's definitely over hyping her trip if she and kitty are really out there. It's like how she lied and pretended that little hipster breakfast joint was a "5-star" restaurant and was some kind of fine dining.
No. 603516
File: 1528317233590.jpg (270.07 KB, 1073x960, Screenshot_20180606-163227_Twi…)

Yeah, this shit is fake.
No. 603712
File: 1528331080250.jpg (Spoiler Image,458.63 KB, 809x1480, Screenshot_20180606-201856_Twi…)

>>603596Honestly, it just looks like she put tape on her tits, and they look smaller. I'm pretty sure they're just going to use a VS bombshell bra to make it look bigger.
No. 603731
>>603635Except we do? There are other threads for other girls doing the same on lolcow. This particular thread is for these two losers? Begone whiteknight.
>>603712Something does seem a bit off here. While they do look different, this doesn't look like a day 2 photo of a breast augmentation. Might just be the layers and layers of filters though.
No. 603745
>>603712I cant see through all the filters…
but when I had my augmentation, i didnt get random shitty tape placed all over me like that. I had a tiny piece of medical tape over my incision (under the breast) and a wrap around my breasts that was told that I could take off the next day
No. 603786
File: 1528336392366.png (Spoiler Image,10 MB, 1242x2208, E2F6964A-4E65-4683-9D39-3166F3…)

No. 603789
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No. 603799
>>603786>>603789this looks like an actual boob job sort of. How long does the ink from whatever marker the docs use stay on the skin?>>603712
This just looks like she bought a shit load of medical tape and went ham. But her boobs aren't sagging to the floor so maybe they found some back alley place to get it done.
Tons of girls take out loans and credit cards to pay for boob jobs, and seedy hotel type affairs probably only charge 2 or 3k.
No. 603802
>>603786is that really all the bandaging you'd have after a boob job? two little incisions?
any other photos I'd seen online was not nearly as clean as that, though I don't have personal experience with it so im not really sure ?
No. 604495
>>604489Angela's breasts hung very low and probably required a lot more skin to be removed for the lift compared to Kitty's. It also sounds like Kitty ended up getting a much larger implant than Angela. Angela could only get 300cc due to the lift, and they clearly re-did her nipples too. Kitty got a whole whopping 580cc.
I wonder if Angela is going to be salty about her friend suddenly having the boobs she wanted to have? Originally she was saying Kitty was going to be smaller than her's.
No. 604540
>>604482Don't be foolish. It's clearly Angela or Micky. Hell, it actually might be Kitty since she came her already defending her mooching, dumbass friend.
>>604495I doubt either of them have implants. It looks more like a lift and maybe a reduction.
No. 605627
>>605129As bizarre as it may sound, not everyone experiences bruising from a boobjob. However, both of their surgeries were too recent for bruising to really show just yet, but I expect Angela's to look rough soon enough, especially considering she had her nipples re-sized/replaced, and had a fairly major lift. Kitty might get lucky though and have minimal bruising, discoloration, etc. since she only had a small incision to put in her implants.
Also, keep in mind that literally every photo these girls post are extremely filtered and edited. There might be discoloration that we can't see due to the layers upon layers of filters. Give it time and we should get a somewhat better view of what their new work looks like.
No. 605727
>>605722I think it's a mix of disbeleif that Angela was actually not lying about it for once, she's said she was getting a boobjob before, and something would always come up last minute. Also, these two have lied about smaller things before, like the "five star" restaurant, the "private spa", etc.
Also, I think people are surprised they finally scraped up enough money to get them done? It's pretty obvious they did get work done though.
No. 605753
>>605727>>605727Tons of girls get credit cards or loans for some silicone.
It can cost as low as like two thousand (probably a lot cheaper in Mexico). It's not that hard to believe.
No. 606480
File: 1528596213217.jpg (336.77 KB, 810x1607, Screenshot_20180609-215809_Tum…) when she wanted that dog penis dildo? Well, looks like she's getting it now. She's so fucking gross, god.
No. 606491
>>605727This plus she kept moving around the date of the operation. Obviously she got them done, but it's easy to doubt a liar like her.
>>606480ew wtf
No. 606500
>>605993>>606476>>606491I do think she definitely got something done, but maybe she's just an idiot and not following her post op self care like she's supposed to be doing? Kitty should be healing up a lot faster than Angela because she only got small incisions, but by the looks of things, Angela got a lot more done?
If she legitimately got it done and isn't following what she should be doing to heal because "we heal so fast lul" she's going to heal terribly.I mean, do you guys remember that scar on her chest from that sore that wouldn't heal? Even Simon Benson was like "what is that? If that is how you heal, maybe you shouldn't get that boobjob". I do think there's some kind of lying going on though, considering she was claiming they were going to take a soak in a hot tub the day after the procedure.
>>606480Super gross. If this is any insight into what she's been doing to make that boobjob money, I kind of wouldn't be surprised. She's not attractive enough to be a classy hooker, but she is definitely the type that would fuck your dog for some quick cash. Disgusting.
No. 610076
File: 1528940753046.jpg (251.59 KB, 1080x908, Screenshot_20180613-213821_Twi…)

Angela's salty that her idol doesn't care for sex workers. Lol
No. 610132
>>610076>if you give them a couple thousand dollars, you can have sex with themAngela is probably just super salty that her going rate is nowhere near that. She was advertising herself on craigslist for what was it? $25 for a half/half? As a "special".
Nicki is trash though.
No. 610942
File: 1529018470222.jpg (326.63 KB, 1079x1146, Screenshot_20180614-191720_Tum…) And those same sex workers are constantly begging for money online. The shit is temporary. Having a trade or working for the government will bring in more money than that shit. Also, idk why Angela is trying to treat it like it's great when she's stuck sleeping on someone's couch and barely pay for shit.
No. 611114
File: 1529027107569.jpg (126.38 KB, 1080x657, Screenshot_20180614-214225_Twi…)

For someone who constantly says she's not scared of her "haters", she surely loves to go on her alt account and talk shit constantly.
>>610958Nah, they look infected. It's gross.
No. 611135
File: 1529027920673.jpeg (Spoiler Image,39.89 KB, 574x359, 2A9223AA-DA42-4C56-A338-23E6FA…)

This is so fucking horrible omg. And it’s after layers of photoshop and filters so I would hate to see how it looks in reality. She needs to get a lawyer and sue whoever did this. I understand surgery takes a while to settle in but with her neglecting after care and how bad it already looks she will have serious issues.
No. 611145
>>611135She be better watch herself before she gets the Trisha paytas botched titty look.
At least they aren't sagging to the floor though.
No. 611151
>>611135Holy shit, that keloid scar under each titty is terrible. The over all shape is better than I had imagined, but they kind of look like bad tranny boobs now?
I have no idea how she's going to hide that scarring. it's really bad.
No. 611180
>>611163>>611173And she hasn't been wearing bandages, or her compression bra. Not doing proper after care, letting her wounds come into contact with things they shouldn't. I can't wait to see how they heal up fully.
Oh shit, just noticed Kitty in the back. Look at that huge cavern between her implants. And here I thought her's might end up looking alright.
No. 611235
>>611173Isn't the whole purpose of fake tits to look NATURAL?
The bitch dun goofed.
No. 611330
>>611180>>611173Kitty's are way worse than hers. Like… I'm dumbfounded.
They look like what implants were 15 years ago
No. 611396
File: 1529055167688.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.06 KB, 1740x2320, IMG_20180615_053042.jpg)

>>611393She won't do what's neccessary for a proper recovery, but she'll irritate the wounds and fuck up the healing process for shit tier selfies. Ok
No. 611617
>>611396>>611173Compare these with pics of who she wanted to model her boobjob after
>>565075>>611393I hope she's just playing up the dumb bimbo act while actually taking the proper steps for recovery, but this is Angela we're talking about
No. 611743
File: 1529092108890.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.28 KB, 640x707, 8A092BC5-F54D-4CAD-A6D7-A74514…)

holy fuck how can she look at his picture and go ‘YUP’ post worthy
Girl see a Doctor
Your nipples look like they’re about to fall off
No. 611779
>>611562That's probably just because they're new.
>>611743They look fucking horrible. Bitch needs to lawyer up and get her money back. And she also needs to practice after care because they already look infected.
No. 611786
>>611784oh good, more back-alley doctors to butcher herself with
can't wait for that 90% blindness
No. 611799
>>611743>>611396FUCKING YIKES!!!
Ok. I don't know about boob job boobs, but I'm black and I've had a breast reduction surgery so maybe I can shed a little insight. The areolas almost look about right but they're fucking lopsided is the problem. Could even out once swelling goes down-she better hope they do.
She'll always have that hook-like scaring underneath her boob up to her areola, but how bad it looks ABSOLUTELY depends on how you are taking care of it!!! I'm so in shock that she's not wearing her compression bra it's insane. I almost feel sick lmao. I can't believe what I'm seeing. That's beyond insane.
By not wearing that compression bra she is making her scaring and damage a lot worse. She's going to seriously regret doing that. Even with the most careful treatment the scarring will be noticeable, but wilding out and just letting them loose like that oh my god!!
She's going to have to photoshop her tits in every picture she takes of them now due to all that scaring she's going to have
No. 612022
>>611986I don't understand why her dumbass didn't save up enough money for her to be able to at least take a week or two off from the hoe stroll.
Do y'all think she's dumb enough to attempt to put makeup on them Frankentitties? It'd be like putting lipstick on a pig but there's no way I could confidently thot bop around Texas with my boobs looking like horror moive extras.
No. 612141
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No. 612143
File: 1529118746108.png (Spoiler Image,285.7 KB, 784x267, capsular contracture.png)

>>612088Googled capsular contracture and her boobs already look like most of the before photos that came up. This one is particular with that weird, hard, masculine, pectoral shape.
No. 612644
File: 1529186564988.jpg (347.9 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20180616-180055_Twi…)

Kitty breats are now pointing in different directions. Holy shit.
No. 612647
File: 1529186616817.jpg (144.9 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180616_180049.jpg)

>>612645This shit is fucking ugly.
No. 612649
File: 1529186688052.jpg (Spoiler Image,558.38 KB, 1080x1746, Screenshot_20180616-180155_Twi…)

Angela keeps posting blurry ass pics because she knows they look botched. Lol
No. 612654
>>612650Her stomach is huge and the monster tits only make her look bigger. She’s really losing herself. Should’ve invested in a gym membership rather than getting botched.
>>612649She needs a damn lawyer
No. 612674
File: 1529188434940.jpeg (130.28 KB, 638x972, B104E4EC-AD82-4DD0-9928-8E7803…)

Angela is pimping Kitty aka Renee out now. Considering they are direct competition both in Dallas, both short and fat, both black, both have monster tits they’re in direct competition with one another. Can’t wait for Angela to get jealous and try and sabotage her.
No. 612676
File: 1529188593182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,102.46 KB, 639x767, 9A865626-2A0C-4CF8-A579-560B3C…)

Why the hell is she so desperate for money when she literally just had a major surgery?
No. 612679
File: 1529188673180.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 640x1136, D830C108-6BBD-4CBD-8487-D738A6…)

Angela is going to die. These look horrid
No. 612699
File: 1529189883262.jpg (574.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180616-185546_Sam…)

>>612694>>612692https://www.meetdaisy.netThere's a gif of her gross ass tits on her site too. Lol
No. 612710
File: 1529190403342.jpg (534.78 KB, 1920x2560, 18-06-16-19-04-13-849_deco.jpg)

Ok, so I compiled her rates. The top three, from left to right, her current rates, her rates before, and her rates when she first started. She's added some stuff too, which is at the bottom.
>>612704Who knows. I guess she wants to seem somwhat intelligent.
No. 612715
File: 1529190595009.jpeg (52.19 KB, 640x215, AA1BFD56-515B-42D2-BC03-A9353D…)

>>612710With the way she’s treating them, no they won’t heal.
No. 612716
File: 1529190677957.jpeg (25.55 KB, 633x147, 9611F757-8D07-42EE-8963-390152…)

She also keeps talking about her prestigious university in spite of not knowing the difference between to and too, woman and women, then/than etc. she’s a total idiot and any man outside of a white trash redneck will see it.
No. 612730
File: 1529191029889.jpg (365.94 KB, 1080x1605, Screenshot_20180616-191425_Twi…)

Girl your shit looks infected. That's not ok at all. You're gonna get sick and they're going to have to take them out. You shouldn't have gotten them in first place considering you couldn't even take care of your nipple piercings. You're too unhygienic for this shit.
No. 612736
File: 1529191302430.jpeg (71.83 KB, 640x402, 84DA2D47-F046-4724-A9A6-98ED8A…)

She’s starting to realize how trifiling she looks. Yikes
No. 612740
File: 1529191341729.jpeg (100.77 KB, 640x786, 51F2418F-4D55-499B-8246-C6263B…)

>>612730She is getting ROASTED on Twitter by johns and other escorts. Lol
No. 612741
File: 1529191379782.jpg (248.86 KB, 1072x1126, Screenshot_20180616-192003_Twi…)

>>612733Right? Also, Angela acts like taking the time to heal is going to kill her. It's not, it's really not.
No. 612742
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No. 612745
File: 1529191494181.jpg (275.2 KB, 1069x1106, Screenshot_20180616-192032_Twi…)

>>612740And ofc Kitty comes in to try and whiteknight her. Like, Kitty, no. You and Angela clearly bought your followers. Just like when you bought view bots for your lives. Their dumbasses deserve their botched tits.
No. 612758
File: 1529192227542.jpeg (91.07 KB, 640x703, 0AA490BB-EC08-4BA0-AC42-9BF105…)

She is getting flamed on twitter. Everyone is telling her she looks horrible… only person kissing her ass is powder cake face Michael Jackson looking ass Kitty. Kitty isn’t a real friend for real. Real friends don’t let this nonsense happen
No. 612759
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No. 612761
File: 1529192288122.jpeg (58.26 KB, 613x374, E974C300-F9D2-40CF-AC00-3D2872…)

No. 612763
>>612647Kitty looks like a busted Second Life character. I'm fucking dying.
>>612674>>612676They basically just confirmed that the entire trip and procedure was paid for using credit cards and/or loans. They're so desperate to get work right now to pay off the debt.
No. 612766
>>612759>i don’t want that scartop kek
>>612647its sad how hard they try to larp as qt thicc asian girls when they’re really just fat black girls give it up ffs
No. 612771
File: 1529192723720.png (89.33 KB, 761x287, uiiii.PNG)

No. 612773
>>612699She's such an compulsive liar. She's not going to any "prestigious uni". It's cute that she's trying to pass herself off as a well educated, "high class" escort all of a sudden now though. We've literally seen this girl advertise herself on craigslist for pocket change. The only way she's "low volume" is because she's probably not pulling in enough clients looking and acting the way she does.
>I'm small and fit in your pocket size at 5'1".And you are also quite overweight. You are short, Angela. Not small by any means. She's catfishing these johns so hard. It's really no wonder she can't keep regulars or, excuse me, "daddies".
No. 612774
File: 1529192892164.jpeg (508.29 KB, 2048x2048, E85E47ED-889A-4998-8D1C-3CDFDC…)

>>612745Angela’s twitter is page among page of bots and bought followers. Who tf are they kidding? She was in one off brand obsecure Japanese fetish porn. She’s not a “starlette” she’s delusional as fuck. She only has 13k because she bought them.
No. 612786
File: 1529193333942.png (38.71 KB, 611x240, JJAs7xL.png)

>>612771Why is she saying this as if it's something to brag about.
No. 612788
File: 1529193415175.jpeg (69.39 KB, 640x548, AABBBA75-9343-4C37-8DA7-816C79…)

She’s hurt people are being honest with her
No. 612791
File: 1529193650873.jpeg (87.63 KB, 640x680, 6AC1B4AD-FF6C-4D4A-93F3-CDBACF…)

She’s still getting roasted so bad lol
No. 612793
File: 1529193822452.jpeg (108.68 KB, 640x971, D3790CAE-05FB-4965-A557-43D63E…)

>>612791She must be crying to herself in a corner right now lol. Even though Kitty’s are bolt on and look like missiles they’re still passable. Angela looks diseased and she keeps getting flamed.
No. 612818
File: 1529195061499.jpeg (59.1 KB, 640x456, 97A66CC9-4517-4F87-8A72-8EBEE1…)

>>612815She keeps getting roasted too… this is so sad lol
No. 612821
File: 1529195271250.png (34.2 KB, 595x262, OWCnCRg.png)

No. 612823
File: 1529195392023.jpeg (80.83 KB, 610x432, F48DB02E-DB36-4ED6-926A-4FEBB8…)

>>612818Kitty is getting her ass handed to her too. This is hilarious. Surely they can’t say it’s all “lolcow haters!”/Aminyan/Uglies now. It’s even other hookers calling them out. Neither of them are true friends. If Angela aka Daisy was a real friend she would tell Kitty to stop buying Michael Jackson’s last day of life foundation and if Kitty were real she would stop Angela from compulsively lying, catfishing and doing desperate shit for men(sending money to them and getting botch job). Both of these hoes are fake as hell even to each other.
No. 612825
File: 1529195534339.png (40.58 KB, 612x243, lhrD3EZ.png)

No. 612832
File: 1529196329103.png (53.68 KB, 613x313, zc61jSH.png)

Angela said hi, guys
No. 612840
File: 1529196788538.png (65.6 KB, 612x396, jvhMnNU.png)

>>612752It seems like your comment bothered her lol. Why would a real sugar daddy would allow her to get this back alley job done?
(cowtipping) No. 612841
File: 1529196822498.jpeg (113.54 KB, 640x959, 10960F86-A8DD-4043-9041-E192F9…)

How long is she gonna keep lying to herself that it’s “lolcow haters!!!1”
No. 612849
>>612840A real sugar daddy would have gotten her a decent car and apartment too. She doesn't have shit. The reality is that she and Kitty probably hit up guys they meet at clubs and charge them about 70 for a wack ass blowie behind a run down gas station.
>>612832>hi lolcowShe needs to realize not everybody is from here.
No. 612854
File: 1529197326366.jpg (276.76 KB, 1076x921, Screenshot_20180616-210154_Twi…)

>He-Man looking titties
No. 612860
File: 1529197539040.png (44.83 KB, 612x295, uQmJ4Fo.png)

>>612842Can't spell something simple like "again" either
No. 612861
File: 1529197792676.png (46.81 KB, 603x349, BrekkZQ.png)

My god, she's delusional. People are trying to help you, Angela.
No. 612866
File: 1529197981782.png (Spoiler Image,249.96 KB, 646x594, OrqRjgj.png)

No. 612885
File: 1529198891230.jpeg (127.4 KB, 635x712, E57D9734-66B5-466B-91CF-F426AA…)

No. 612954
File: 1529201630164.png (953.74 KB, 640x1136, A9CFD614-93B4-4450-962E-71E749…)

>>612880She should’ve gotten facial reconstruction
No. 612974
File: 1529202351399.jpg (118.14 KB, 1080x566, Screenshot_20180616-222441_Tum…) apparently lack self-esteem, but this girl goes out of her way to photoshop herself smaller and lighter than she actually is. As well as her trying to prove her botched tits aren't botched.
No. 613012
File: 1529204795408.jpg (71.51 KB, 720x405, 1486186158033.jpg)

>not ugly
has she been shooping so long you guys forgot what she looks like without it?
No. 613027
>>613012her real face is in the OP. She's not ugly, just average. If she dressed and behaved like a person who loved herself, you wouldn't look twice at her.
She just makes herself look ridiculous with her aesthetic.
No. 613030
File: 1529207177197.jpg (103.89 KB, 1080x557, Screenshot_20180616-234537_Tum…) she really forgot when the previous admin exposed her posts in her own thread? Or when she posted a whole wall of text on Micky's thread about Amina? Ok. Lol
No. 613035
File: 1529207654061.gif (889.87 KB, 276x277, 638746854.gif)

>>613030Sure you don't post here, Angela.
She was probably the one sperging in Micky's thread not long ago.
No. 613044
>>613030The fact that she's trying to convince herself that anyone who is mean to her on twitter/on the internet is instantly "from lolcow" is pretty hilarious. You just know she's extra salty about all the men on twitter saying she looks awful. Even her own followers aren't on board for her horror show of a boobjob.
>>613012I think she's kind of ugly, but in a very average sort of way. I think she had potential at one time to turn it around. The braces were a good start, but of course she hasn't kept up on them and is keeping them glued to her teeth for the rest of eternity as some kind of dumb gimmick/accessory. If she had lost the weight, and had a breast lift done by a reputable surgeon, followed proper after care, etc. Fixed her hair, better makeup, flattering clothes, etc. She could be alright. But instead we get this photoshopped, ultra filtered mangled titty monster with her fupa hanging over her way too small clothing.
>>612821>How do scars on my breast affect my dick sucking n bouncing abilities plz enlighten meYou are literally not supposed to be exercising until after a month of healing. You are at two weeks post op, Angela. You should absolutely not be "bouncing" with the wounds you have under your boobs. Consider yourself "enlightened". If you have a reputable surgeon, you would know these things and be receiving proper check ups.
No. 613098
>>613092Angela definitely needed a lift, but what she had done looks like garbage. She had very saggy soft breasts, not much in the way of firm tissue. Losing weight would have helped her overall appearance, but her titties would have just deflated even more.
If the girl was smart, She would have lost the weight while saving up to afford a real surgeon. Gotten a lift and a small implant to add some shape back,. and actually follow her aftercare. She's stupid though and is botched for life now. Even if she gets a 2nd boobjob to correct this mess, there's going to be so much scar tissue.
No. 613142
>>613065>i decidedYou mean she got dragged to hell and back on twitter and realized she wouldn't be landing any hillbillies on their lunchbreaks from their walmart greeting jobs any time soon again
Guess she gets to awkwardly sit there and watch Kitty get all the business instead although I'm sure they only catch clients off Kittys face to begin with anyway. At least when Kittys botched boobs fall out she can be sitting right there to pick it up, slip it back in, and tape it shut
No. 613358
File: 1529255470933.jpeg (68.08 KB, 640x495, 6E7867FD-C07C-4F01-B509-7474B5…)

Wonder when this’ll end ??
No. 613365
File: 1529256123556.jpeg (95.12 KB, 640x778, 419B1F0F-6A47-4B6D-8362-89C11A…)

Meanwhile Kitty’s Frankenstein tits are getting praise.
Also I don’t get why she keeps deluding herself into thinking that foundation matches her body when she’s been dragged for it. Just like Angela keep getting dragged for her monstrosity breasts but they keep telling themselves it’s only lolcow lol.
No. 613425
File: 1529260440107.jpg (313.28 KB, 1080x1850, Screenshot_20180617-132948_Tum…)'s so obvious she sent this to herself. Omg At least
try to make it seem like it's someone else, Angela.
No. 613832
File: 1529297278295.png (9.99 KB, 571x197, smalldicksd.png)

>>613358>>613420Starting to think her "SD" is actually just a fat lesbian. She's confirmed he has a baby dick and is massively fat.
Also, who the fuck brags about tagging along on a trip to Nebraska?
No. 614011
File: 1529327548397.jpg (215.57 KB, 1077x775, Screenshot_20180618-080908_Tum…)
>no scarsGod, she's a moron. Regardless of what you got, you'll have scars. It's a surgery that involves slicing you open. Kitty like healed better, but she still has shit breast becaue you went to a fucking quack.
No. 614137
File: 1529340717496.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.51 KB, 1800x1200, DEL.jpg)

Just a random anon passing by here, so I'm not really familiar with any on the two girls.
I'm just confused on why Daisy/ Angela (?) doesn't show off her butt more in her state, use 3/4 angle shots or put her boobs in bras that hide her scarring for now and make her appear sexy. Not trying to be rude or mean, but both gals might want to look into erotic photography.
I'm sure they brought all of the botching upon themselves, but I can't deny feeling somewhat sorry for them.
No. 614252
File: 1529349286128.jpg (140.14 KB, 1080x637, Screenshot_20180618-141222_Tum…)'s a millionaire but he can't afford to get you a good surgeon, pay for the surgery, get you a car, and own place? Bitch bye. He ain't real. Stop trying to flex.
No. 614336
File: 1529358214920.png (1.17 MB, 720x1087, 20180616_150234.png)

Amina did a porn shoot with simonbenson. Haha the world is small
No. 614417
>>614350>>614378Fyi, this is Micky. She just posted a tweet about it on her Twitter.
>>614407If Angela says anything it'll probably be on her locked account. You she's a pussy when it comes to this kind of thing. Though if I'm wrong and she openly addresses this, she'll get chewed out.
No. 614429
File: 1529362845092.gif (366.02 KB, 267x200, 78E1F1A4-4CCE-4D12-93A0-CCDAD9…)

>>614417Angela will probably come here like she did last time. Although Amina has said people have contacted her family about gravure stuff and I wouldn’t be shocked if Angela was that low. I’m waiting for the shit storm
No. 614460
>>614336kek the ot amina sperging will get worse now
seethe, angela, this is what you could've had if you hadn't been such a lazy dumbass.
No. 614462
>>614079The problem with keloid scars is that they are very difficult to treat, especially on the chest. If she were to get surgery to try to remove it, it is likely to keloid again when healing. She's definitely not helping the situation though with her lack of proper after care, and claiming to have soaked in a hot tub as well as "exfoliate" them though.
>>614252She's so bad at lying. If he's a millionaire let's see you chilling in his mansion, nice car, anything. I'll wait, Angela.
>>614378I doubt Angela is on her radar. Simon is constantly contacting new "talent" and has connections with Japanese agencies. It's unsurprising with her new line of work that Simon would pick her up. You know Angela is losing it over this though considering Simon straight up rejected her. She was still calling him her "ex" up until recently too.
>>614407>>614429I can't wait. Even if she doesn't do it publicly, we all know she's going to be having a huge fit over this. She was obsessed with Simon and kept making their "relationship" out to be more than it really was for a long time.
No. 614467
>>614336Damn, Amina's a little savage for that, can't lie
Anyway Angela, no one believes you have a millionaire. You're too fat and ugly. See how much easier thin pretty girls make it in sex work? While you have to beg and plead and still get rejected. You have no car, no place of your own, no luxury heels or anything-nothing but weight gain from shitty eating and now fucked up tits with ugly scaring. Poor dat!!
No. 614468
File: 1529364219884.png (Spoiler Image,154.17 KB, 500x522, 0EA3D935-94EC-48FB-B78E-25BCBF…)

Remember when Angela became a meme by writing Simon all over herself in sharpie to get his attention lol. First twitter drags her for her monster tiddies and now this. she’s going to go batshit.
Also I hope the Aminyan OT autists don’t raid this thread. It’s been obvious she was a hooker for a while so I don’t know what the milk would be.
No. 614480
>>614470I'm no expert, but from what I understand, lasers can be tricky when it comes to darker skin and can actually cause scarring. I doubt it would work on her, honestly. According to google, it looks like there are some doctors that do specialize in removing keloids from dark skin though, they do surgery and then use a radiation treatment to prevent regrowth. She would still have notable scars, however, just not as raised. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how bad it gets once they heal more.
>>614468No joke. Micky is over there trying to say the universe is smiling upon them, but in reality things are pretty hilariously shit for Angela right now.
No. 614498
File: 1529365999511.jpg (495.13 KB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20180618-185112_Tum…) just keeps digging the hole deeper. So she planned, for 4 years, to go to a shit surgeon to get shit implants and for them to become completely inflamed from lack of proper aftercare? Alright, have fun with that fucked up shit.
No. 614502
File: 1529366126692.jpeg (69.15 KB, 640x536, 80684439-5F69-447C-9D01-0F83B9…)

her and Kitty literally picked a doctor without any consultations and did it in 4 weeks notice aka after their quickloans were approved. it’s funny though because now she’ll have the reminder for life. Her bad decisions are catching with her
No. 614811
File: 1529389316083.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.89 KB, 1000x667, 6EAC02E1-7B8F-4AA4-BC27-0972ED…)

anyone else notice the bad editing of Kitty’s ass in this pic?
No. 614898
>>614794this is honestly terrifying. her nipples look like they’re about to fall off bc they’ve been badly sewn on. those scars look like someone took a hacksaw to her chest, opened it up, slammed some implants inside, then stitched that shit up real quick.
if this isn’t an advertisement for NOT getting plastic surgery, I don’t know what is.
No. 614958
>>614821>>614918I… don't think they're oiled. I think she has edema, and the skin is stretching to make it appear shiny. Her body is overproducing fluid, it's seeping into the tissue, and her skin is trying to accommodate all the extra plastic and silicone. her body is like "WTF is this foreign plastic object".
these are honestly some terrifying, botched boobies. she went for an implant, lift, and areola reduction. there's literally pus leaking from the area where her areolas were sewn up. they look so fake, tight, hard, and uncomfortable. such hideous breasts.
No. 615263
File: 1529442551887.jpeg (42.39 KB, 640x296, 4C46F9D6-AB73-4ECA-9AAA-6F4470…)

Angela aka Daisy and Micky are wishing Amina(?) death right now
No. 615281
File: 1529443311841.jpg (82.82 KB, 1070x556, Screenshot_20180619-161204_Tum…) is why her shit has open sores and an infection.
>>615273They're bitter that their shitty behavior didn't take them far in life.
No. 615367
File: 1529448658620.jpeg (76.37 KB, 640x795, BCEECCE0-5E30-4CA6-AC27-6D3496…)

She’s shooping herself to look like Aminyan
No. 615433
>>615367I mean, at least
the frankentits don't rest on top of her belly anymore, I guess? That gut though, you can see she's trying to hide it under that laptop.
No. 615483
>>615463pretty sure they're still at least partially open wounds. so yeah, the st. ives will make them worse.
never had a tit job, but i doubt it would make much difference on fully healed scars.
No. 615577
>>615566Just because your surgeon never told you to do something doesn't mean it's okay to do. There's no way she should be exfoliating the incision area at this point. Anyone with any kind of basic medical knowledge would know that's a horrible idea. But considering this is the same girl who wanted to soak in a hot tub the day after her surgery, and tried to go back to sex work immediantly (you shouldn't be having sex until roughly two weeks post-op. No jumping/bouncing is reccomended until they are completely healed. She's so stupid.
>>615571Funny how she'll hype a white girl like Gemma, but Amina's success drives her insane.
No. 615635
>>615577iirc Gemma was a huge cunt back in the "Western kawaii aidoru" days when Angela and others were active so ofc she stans her.
Sage for massive OT here but I was reminded that Gemma was in the Becki cruel documentary and has a YT channel and good Lord her voice is so grating. Especially how her accent is where it sounds like she's perpetually clicking her to tongue against her teeth while she talks? Is that normal in the UK or is it just also because her teeth are so fucked up?
No. 615640
>>615635OT, but what did she do? All I remember about Gemma is people talking about her dating older guys when she was 14.
Angela was also friends with Yukapon and even hung out with her in Japan (they fell out because Yuka lied to her about something IIRC), so I'm not surprised she likes Gemma too.
No. 615647
>>615640Yuka lied to Angela or Gemma? About what?
also saying for slightly irrelevant aidoru expired milk
No. 616437
File: 1529550415139.jpg (88.07 KB, 1080x380, Screenshot_20180620-220544_Tum…)
>castor oilBullshit, we all know you just edit yourself to the point where you're a blurred mess.
No. 616466
I don't understand why this girl is so determined to fuck up her tits.>>615566
>>614336lmao savage. I'd be willing to pay for Angela's next McDonald's meal if it meant finding out how mad she is on her private twatter
No. 617398
File: 1529620429930.png (105.06 KB, 478x899, 1529619144874.png)

From Micky's thread
>>>/snow/617357Amina's finally calling Micky and Angela out for their bullshit campaign against her kek
No. 617670
File: 1529635677706.png (68.72 KB, 567x541, QubVM9y.png)

No. 617672
File: 1529635699236.jpg (397.74 KB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20180621-214753_Tum…)

>>617668 why she's reblogging these old asks. It's clear these were from farmers during that drama she started with amina awhile back.
No. 617673
File: 1529635721224.png (80.91 KB, 561x587, FcjTZnY.png)

No. 617681
>>617667Why is Angela acting like she's more successful than Amina? Amina did gravure, she made some appearances at events and by all means, was an "idol" of sorts to some small degree. Angela illegally made one AV and instantly started bragging about being an up and coming AV star? Amina may have not succeeded, but she definitely made it a lot farther than Angela ever did in the idol world. I'm not even an Amina stan, but the fact that Angela acts like she's better than she is, is just astounding. Amina's site looks way more professional, she's not obese with botched titties, and she's living in London with what appears to be a fairly successful sexworking career? It's not my ideal life, personally, but if you compare it to Angela living in Texas, sleeping on her friend's couch, and bragging about old, fat dude's stepping on her face for pocket change?
It's obvious she'll never be able to let it go. Just like Micky who is still obese, living at her parent's house, and giving her nudes away for free to anyone who will take them. This Simon this has her a whole new level of
No. 617682
File: 1529636578325.jpg (1.45 MB, 809x4032, Screenshot_20180621-215637_Tum…) the complete version.
>>617676The only things the screenshot proves is that Amina tried to look out for Kitty and the dumbass didn't want to listen. Also she lies about the situation with Micky's nudes, the doxxing that happened in the first thread, and when first told her mom she was selling CP. She's making all these claims with zero proof. Just like micky. These girls are fucking idiots. Mostof the shit she said can be easily disproved on here and PULL.
No. 617684
>>617681She called Simon a racist pedophile and brought up petgirls like she wasn’t gagging to shoot for him. This bitch is so
No. 617685
File: 1529636957601.jpg (239.36 KB, 1078x855, Screenshot_20180621-220551_Tum…), we're more reliable because we keep screenshots and archive links that can be used as evidence of scummy cow behavior. You posting an old conversation of Amina warning someone about you isn't evidence she posted about you. Also, PULL has more stuff because they've dealt with you prior to our existence.
>>617683Right? The girl is clearly tweaking.
No. 617706
File: 1529638500569.jpg (435.53 KB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_20180621-223419_Tum…)
>genuinely thinking this is AminaThis is some next level retardation.
No. 617707
File: 1529638500762.jpeg (20.86 KB, 640x250, 46707975-A761-441F-B7A5-CF7821…)

>>617702She sent herself asks pretending to be Amina
This bitch is crazy
No. 617717
File: 1529638987867.jpeg (155.93 KB, 640x599, B4E606B9-EBD7-4A62-AC71-27E871…)

Imagine being this salty
No. 617718
>>617684Yet she cried over him forever and claimed he was her ex up until recently. Yeah okay, Angela. You know she'd go crawling back to him if he'd let her.
>>617685So she has zero proof that Amina bullied her and only has screenshots of her supposed "friends" bullying her? She's desperate and reaching.
No. 617726
File: 1529639908948.jpg (175.29 KB, 1078x793, Screenshot_20180621-225818_Tum…)

Asking for proof and ripping apart her flimsy narrative counts as hate apparently. Lol
No. 617750
File: 1529641567252.jpg (318.82 KB, 1080x1115, Screenshot_20180621-232202_Tum…)
>none of those “”girls”” tried to sit me down n explain to me why i was wrong and why i should stop. People on PULL and here tried to tell you it was illegal and to stop but you were the one acting like you weren't doing anything wrong.
>i was called horrendous namesBy your viewers in NND, jrarch and some anons on StaminaRose.
>me n ami were still friends at that point so thats a lie.That's right she stopped being her friend. Lol The fuck she lying for?
No. 617752
File: 1529641835343.jpg (99.91 KB, 1078x564, Screenshot_20180621-232921_Tum…)
>amina's tricksSo, aside from this being a self sent ask. She once again clearly full of bullshit. If she had evidence, she would have posted it.
No. 617753
File: 1529641865760.jpeg (71.79 KB, 640x567, 6EF397BB-F28D-4A92-A2CD-F778AB…)

So…she had no problem involving kitty, Micky, calling Amina all sorts of name but some tea and a screenshot would be “too far”. Gotcha
No. 617764
>>617670>the third point of this postIf she's telling the truth, can't she just release the screenshots of Amina admitting to leaking Micky's nudes (among other things) and put an end to all this back and forth? I don't doubt Amina has some dirty laundry, but so far, it's just been Micky and Angela looking like walking embarrassments.
All of this would end if they'd just either come out with evidence, or shut up and move on. Instead, they lie, get exposed, and end up worse for wear every time.
No. 617769
File: 1529642849545.jpg (490.05 KB, 1078x1347, Screenshot_20180621-234606_Tum…) Amina really and truly did some shit to her family, she would have actual evidence. Not this ~listen and believe~ bullshit. Angela, we see through the lies. Stop it.
No. 617776
>>617750So this just single-handedly proved her to be guilty
EVERYONE was telling her it was wrong. Everyone from here to people in that group. She was constantly told she was wrong and needed to stop doing that because it was dangerous the exact same way everyone has been telling her to take care of her deformed tits. and the same way she didnt listen back then is the same way she wasnt listening now in the present day either, dumb bitch. Every fuck up she's ever had in life is no ones fault but her own. She never listens
No. 617783
File: 1529643471340.png (559.81 KB, 593x764, gMX0HEd.png)

>>617769>my room was a+ cuteThat's not what she was saying when she lived there…. She said it was tiny and ugly.
And it's funny how she had no defense for Amina doing better in life than her.
No. 617815
>>617753She's lying through her teeth, per usual.
>>617769>sucking dick for $400Yeah, okay Angela. You didn't even have rates set back then and you were bragging about peeing in the street and doing this sort of shit "for the fun of it" all the time. We all know you didn't get anywhere near $400 just for some head. Try again with a lie that's at least a little believable?
Also, it's funny she still pretends like her thing with Simon was more than just a business thing for him. Does she not understand that he wasn't her boyfriend and that she was just a potential "pet" to use for his porn sites? Why does she still act like they were in a real relationship? The guy is married and has a new "pet" every week.
>>617783It's like she forgot that there's years of threads documenting her bullshit here. She has zero proof Amina was the bully and straight up refuses to share the only "proof" she claims to have.
No. 618351
>>618178and that is why we screenshot, kek.
>>617905they always act like everyone should believe them just because they say so. anyone with half of a brain would realize they're just salty little hoes.
No. 618388
>>618379“I’ve retaliated in the past”
So she’s admitting the fuck shit she’s done
No. 618617
>>618602That's not the story
>>614794 is saying lmao
No. 619103
>>619075So seeing all the bullshit being spread here thought this would be interesting…
I actually used to be close to Amina when she lived in America but not so much anymore. Without going into detail, someone who knows Angela and also knew Amina has told her that Angela believes Amina is the owner of lolcow and staminarose(yes she’s this batshit) Because Angela cannot believe hundreds of other people find her revolting. Since everything has came out I think she’d be ok with me posting this because imo she didn’t expose Angela and her ilk enough.
while she and Angela were “friends” Angela would constantly harass other “idol” girls during live streams and 95% of the conversations she has is about other girls. Ive known one other person whose known her in the weeb idol days and pretty much everyone agreed that Angela is really seriously unwell. Everyone in her family has abandoned her besides her young sister.
The person who told Amina that Angela believes she owns and runs lolcow is the same girl who told Angela that Amina had an STD,chlamydia I think. The reason Amina told her I believe is because that particular girl had it as well(which is why i don’t get why Micky and Angela mentioned it).
That same girl has told Angela things that were said in confidence and even though Amina knew this for a while she never “leaked” anything.
Which is why I really believe that Angela claiming to have screenshots is horse shit. She said hasn’t released them in part to protect “said person” but it’s a BS excuse. If she were to “leak” anything it would’ve been done by now.
after talking a lot online and meeting at a few conventions, I’m convinced Amina is very awkward but honest. She does tend to overshare like Angela says though. She’s way too trusting and tends to be oblivious when people don’t like her.
No. 619131
File: 1529771673991.png (825.57 KB, 720x1234, 20180623_173427.png)

Posting underage girls on her 18+ tumblr blog. What's going through her head that this is acceptable?
Imagine you were a 16 year old child who got posted to someone's porn blog.
No. 619183
File: 1529777660390.jpg (457.71 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20180623-141233_Tum…) wonder she looks so stupid in candid pics. She legit goes out and buys foundation way lighter than her skin. It's pretty insulting she gets that deep powder when her foundation isn't even the same color
No. 619302
File: 1529787267029.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 962x606, 67690.PNG)

>>619131Didn't she accuse Aminyan of posting nudes of Micky when she was underage? And her she is reblogging underage girls on her porn blog. And the post even says their age so there is no excuse.
No. 620017
File: 1529859647615.jpg (237.02 KB, 1080x825, Screenshot_20180624-125712_Tum…)
>do proper studying n researchShe didn't even do that herself, tf?
>>619356The only thing she has is text with her spreading rumors to her friends about stuff with Amina's idol career.
No. 620418
File: 1529883507912.jpg (60.46 KB, 1078x502, Screenshot_20180624-193727_Tum…)
>xs - mediumAngela, stop lying. You are a xl - xxl. You're not the tiny, petite girl you like to make yourself out to be.
No. 620634
File: 1529894546016.jpg (72.26 KB, 456x810, xs.jpg)

>>620418>>620436>>620456Her idea of fitting into XS looks something like this. Girl, this isn't a "look".
No. 620647
>>620634Girl has a hairline like Micky's boyfriend.
>>620636There's no way she's fitting into an XS with that fupa.
No. 622165
File: 1530041082331.jpg (651.12 KB, 810x2230, Screenshot_20180626-152246_Twi…)

Ofc Angela is still talking shit on her locked account. Why are you so scared, Angela? I thought you weren't worried about Amina and lolcow?? Lol
No. 622267
>>622170Wasn't she just claiming to have a "big crush" on her "SD"? Now it comes out he's totally married and has kids? Sounds like she latches onto any guy that will take her, but no guy actually wants her beyond sex.
This is the most realistic thing she has said in a long while though.
No. 625914
File: 1530396186393.jpeg (944.86 KB, 1228x1235, E87E080D-3C52-431D-A2C6-48AD49…)

This is an old post from last year but i’ve never seen it. She was tagged in this picture on insta. Haha i dropped the pic on the first post.
No. 625934
File: 1530398635742.jpg (170.74 KB, 800x1000, c153a06ba8c00a02d06dff46cc0ec6…)

>>625930I think she should just give in a embrace a look like pic related tbh. Could you imagine what a difference it would make? She might actually start getting customers.
No. 625949
File: 1530400415525.png (546.2 KB, 635x635, 80A1074A-4AD2-4586-AD64-3EACB0…)

She should embrace her color
No. 625951
File: 1530400591298.jpeg (62.77 KB, 639x856, AAE3F7AA-6CD9-4A85-9775-A50E28…)

nightmare on elms street and guess who’s playin freddie
No. 625978
>>625940>> She was tagged in this picture on instac'mon anon
>>625952daisybiii it's pretty inactive
No. 625980
>>625914She's super dark without all those filters and lighting, but to be completely honest this is the best she's looked in a while. Maybe it's just the really low quality of the photo and the fact it's from such a distance though?
Who are these other girls? We've never seen her interact with other people outside of Kitty. Did she have actual friends at one point or were these just "co-workers"?
No. 626117
File: 1530419769358.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.19 KB, 640x853, IMG_8262.JPG)

Her tits are a wreck
No. 626141
File: 1530422661865.png (Spoiler Image,651.43 KB, 633x605, whatarethose.png)

>>626117>>626121>>626124>>626126It's even worse when you fix the lighting/contrast a bit. It looks like her one nipple healed okay, though it is a bit pink around the incision. The other one is scarring horridly. Even once it heals fully, she's going to have permanently scarring there. She definitely had some kind of an infection going on there to get these results only on one side.
I can't believe she paid thousands of dollars to look like this.
No. 626148
File: 1530423759869.jpg (Spoiler Image,559.73 KB, 1080x1445, Screenshot_20180701-013943_Tum…)

>>626117Don't forget the link.>>626141 she just went to a better surgeon and actually followed the proper steps for healing, her breast would look fine.
No. 626151
>>626117Then bitches are swollen af
That must be so uncomfortable and painful. They even stich up your nipples oh god
This is the only time I have ever felt any type of sympathy twords himeka
No. 626159
>>550841her demanding to be a sexworker makes sense. she is ethnically from a people who show their bodies and have no problem being adored–think Rhianna.
>>551185that's not ashy. that looks like powder. she tried to spruce up her bottom for pictures. anyway her people use oil and thick crème. she needs to give up on white women tricks. look at how the lotion dried into powder. I cant believe she looked at the picture and posted it. is powdered butts big in japan. lol.
No. 626179
>>626159Kek, what the fuck is wrong with you? You sound like a psuedo-intellectual incel.
I'm sick of this invasion. At least keep your bullshit in /ot/.
No. 626203
File: 1530433770605.jpeg (251.86 KB, 1242x1203, A26D690C-452E-43CE-BACC-AE9C0C…)

>>626159>her people use oil and thick creame>white women tricksThis kek woke me up better than my coffee. Lol shit that racism was so fucking out of blue.
No. 626507
>>626159Rihanna is from Barbados and Angela is Nigerian. Too very different cultures.
>>626148It’s been over a month and she still looks fucked. Most likely botched for life. It’s funny she thinks Line camera editing and shirt angles will hide it.
No. 626613
>>626203>>626179>>626167>>626163Godbless our farmers.
Please don't write nonsense about "her people" on here,
>>626159where do you think you are?
No. 627234
File: 1530563065420.png (349.05 KB, 558x213, 0010213075313115302.png)

You can't even take care of your tits right what makes you think butt implants are gonna go well, Angela?
No. 627291
File: 1530567507744.jpg (Spoiler Image,121.56 KB, 960x696, 4-patients-who-have-been-helpe…)

>>627234You know this bitch is going to get hardware silicone injected into her ass because she's cheap and stupid. She could really end up dying when all she has to do is some exercise and weight training to build a butt.
No. 627647
File: 1530594743291.jpg (461.44 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_20180703-011112_Tum…) why she's mad. The app only shows and reccomends tags and blogs similar to what you actively look up.
No. 629359
File: 1530797952455.png (Spoiler Image,304.49 KB, 595x708, httpscandygirl1997.tumblr.comp…)

It's just too gross, man. I haven't checked up on her in a while but I thought she was denying being a fullon pedo/toddlercon player? Like, I thought her whole thing was "13 year old disney channel slut" which is still super gross but, c'mon girl. You're no better than the greasy, old dudes who produce this shit.
No. 629381
File: 1530800835955.jpeg (100.28 KB, 640x850, 8E395701-ABC6-4870-AC0A-C076C3…)

I’m cringing
No. 630032
>>629381Totally real and not fake.
>>630012That anon, all of the anon here, at least half of twitter, literally anyone with functioning eyes…
No. 631926
File: 1531096592741.jpeg (57.29 KB, 640x467, DE3FFF26-D33F-4C0A-B1A5-7B60AB…)

No. 632614
File: 1531171376280.jpeg (74.63 KB, 640x985, EE8D40C3-2367-42B3-BAFD-979E0D…)

Angela aka Daisy B is lying to clients now saying she’s mixed(Black and Asian) and is working now despite lying saying she was on break to tour. she was supposed to “visit her sugar daddy” in Nebraska but instead she’s stepping out on him and working when she said she was taking months off. Proof here
No. 632615
File: 1531171393687.jpeg (116.84 KB, 640x762, F7973DBB-7ACB-4815-9E25-694D4E…)

No. 632618
File: 1531171439647.jpeg (128.25 KB, 640x824, 9486BAF1-0A63-485A-8D96-1A7EEA…)

She keeps lying saying she knows Japanese (kek) who in Nebraska would even know though
No. 632623
File: 1531171532641.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.7 KB, 573x762, 3CCE2CA7-2F63-4477-8A8E-514189…)

Her tits still look a mess and she’s shopping herself light skin again. Even though she’s 100% Nigerian she’s lying about being asian and fetishizing underage asian girls. Sick
No. 632628
File: 1531171760689.jpeg (67.5 KB, 466x468, 7F71EE7E-C756-4AE9-B82E-DAC783…)

her wig…omfg someone get this bitch help.
here’s proof she’s catfishing and broke as hell only working weeks after a major surgery and not healed yet No. 632644
File: 1531172518151.jpeg (399.64 KB, 2048x2048, BFD37792-C2F7-439D-BADE-66F6B9…)

~blasian Japanese fluent escort daisy b~
this bitch is a total catfish omg. I wonder how many guys walked out after seeing how she really looks
No. 632648
File: 1531172733118.jpeg (53.25 KB, 640x694, C210CCCE-01E2-4224-84C9-6FDB4C…)

No. 632650
>>632623tits still looking like a dude's pecs with rotting pepperonis for nipples.
No. 632676
File: 1531174628752.png (Spoiler Image,546.29 KB, 527x698, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 4.17…)

What the fuck
No. 632701
File: 1531177299348.png (Spoiler Image,903.56 KB, 866x549, hemantitties.png)

>>626117She reblogged this photo four times just last week, and that awful video these caps are from three times. Starting to wonder why she's just constantly reblogging the same two posts instead of taking new photos/vids.
>>632614>>632618>>632644>>632648I can't believe she's trying to pass herself off as half Asian. Or "wellspoken" and "highly educated" for that matter. The fact she wrote wellspoken as one word is endlessly funny to me.
No. 632780
File: 1531185384166.jpg (439.52 KB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20180709-211439_Twi…)

Wonder what she's talking about this time. I swear, she talks more shit on there than anywhere else.
No. 632790
File: 1531187352738.jpg (83.98 KB, 1080x512, Screenshot_20180709-214609_Tum…) keeps getting salty over this, but they're right. She fucked her shit up from improper aftercare.
No. 632793
File: 1531187465705.jpg (150.18 KB, 1080x678, Screenshot_20180709-214720_Tum…)'m shocked Micky hasn't said anything to her about this. Especially since she tries to save face by being anti-cheating.