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No. 117518
Let's talk about about a new youtube epidemic of lazy content: the Vtubers.
For those that do not know Vtubers are basically Youtube Influencers but as an anime girl drawing.
Common traits of Vtubers:
>Lazy content and lack of animation (Let's let facerig do all the work for me!!)>Repeating the kawaii aesthetic without inovation.>Act like a stereotypical anime girl using cringy moe voices.>All characters look practically the same, it's just all recycled content.>Fake niceness between Vtubers to appear friendly.>Constant circlejerking.previous thread
>>>/w/106239 No. 117525
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>>117522imagine having this art commisioned and for your actual personality be that of a nasaly voiced milquetoast shut-in who can't do shit right
No. 117529
>>117524Doesn't look like it.
She just skips a lot of questions, answers without caring. But still insists on "staying in character" for certain things.
>>117526I would rather have a charismatic dude than this tbh.
No. 117532
>>117523Everyone hyped her up so much and made her such a big deal and she's such a disappointment with a schmorky voice
She's so fucking boringgggg, even the chat said it.
No. 117539
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So, how will Domo's plans be affected when he realizes that the "superstar" shark he introduced to us dipped to 8,700 viewers?
No. 117541
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>>117538Just like any other idiot weeb, all bark no bite.
She's playing this shitty boring as game for gods sake…
No. 117545
>>117541Scuffed streams can be entertaining as fuck, but you need to have the personality to pull it off.
Io's debut is stellar compared to this.
No. 117548
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>>117546Nothing much, but here.
No. 117549
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imagine acting this on twitter, complete opposite to your real personality
No. 117550
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>>117540Oh well then. The design screams tranny anyway. Waste of money. There are some successful streamers in JP that got personality, anime girl avatar and are fully aware they are men with girly avatar and they actually got audience. However even them do nothing but draw lewds during collabs and talk about panties.
No. 117555
>>117551Probably Vtuber wiki?
>>117549There is one tweet where she says "shitposting on this website for 4 years". The definitions of shitposting must have changed a lot.
>She's nervous now>Nothing changedWow.
Let's see what she has "planned". If it's not a "this stream is all a joke, the real debut starts now" I can't see anything that can save this debut.
No. 117560
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down to 7k
No. 117564
>>117559>Obsessed with herselfYep, checks out.
The gamer things is possibly a "meme", it's probably planned to be a "super funny" inside joke.
No. 117565
She's finishing youtube's stream, now on twitch for "something cool"
Starting in 30 minutes. No. 117570
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>>117560Jumped down to 5.4k real quick before she said she's leaving to Twitch.
What is this logic? You can't stream both on youtube and twitch because in the end youd have to choose one place. I guess Artemis is trying to choose where she had the most views.
No. 117574
>>117569it's so retarded that she has her entire fanbase on youtube and she's going to twitch because she's "scared of copyright"
Idk, is she planning on singing? god that's gonna be so much fun wow. Can't wait for a nasal voiced tranny to sing me kawaii songs, wow I can't contain my excitement.
sarcasm No. 117575
>>117569>>117570I don't really know all the twitch partner benefits, but I don't see why do both.
Considering she was talking about copyright, will she try to sing?
One thing though, if partners are allowed to only stream on twitch, why does Moccachan still streams on youtube as well?
>>117574Little does she know, twitch is getting worse than youtube.
No. 117577
>>117575Its not about the copyright, its the same on yt and twitch.
Artemis wont be able to both earn money from twitch and youtube especially IF he reaches verified streamer status on Twitch.
>>117576This. No one cares if you are a nobody, but Artemis ass would be bitten quick because of how hype this shark head given to him. Imo design is complete shit full body.
No. 117580
>>117577My only hope is everyone unsubs to this tard and someone eventually makes a better version of this design with a voice that has an actual personality and can carry on a stream
I wouldn't care if it would be a gura offbrand, just take the good shit from artemis and make it good.
No. 117581
>>117576Yep I noticed that about Mocca too. She is breaking her partner contract by streaming on Youtube but she's not super duper popular so no one has noticed or cares. If she keeps at it though she'll probably get her partnership taken away.
Artemis isn't an affiliate or partner on twitch so she has no contract to break atm. Just seems weird trying to have her cake and eat it too on both platforms for her debut. Really strange and definitely doesn't seem like a smart move.
No. 117582
>>117581>trying to have her cake and eat it too This was her from the start.
From all the hype she fished up.
From the long debut wait.
From searching her own name on google.
From being so self absorbed and stupid.
No. 117583
>>117576Yeah, fair enough. I thought they would be way more strict with this type of shit, but I guess twitch is already too big for them to care if small streamers are following the contract.
>>117577>Its not about the copyrightIt was the reason she gave to go on twitch, even if it is a bullshit reason.
No. 117584
File: 1603577059410.png (367.5 KB, 1122x604, Sin título.png)

She got banned instantly by twitch
and she's singing now.
No. 117586
>>117584I also saw her going from 5k to 3k instantly
here comes her super heartfelt special song lol
No. 117587
>>117582Artemis' account and shit was generating at just the "right" amount of time when Gura was having full blown streamer hype. Artemis just got lucky enough to be able to ride on gura's coat tail of fame. That was the start, but then he starts sucking domo's predator cock like some weinstein/dan schneider casting couch broad and now this trainwreck comes up. Jesus christ, what an absolute mess.
>>117584>banned on twitchJesus fucking christ my sides.
No. 117588
>>117584God. She's singing Komm süsser tod.
No. 117592
>>117589mY SIDES
This is fucking horrible, she's offkey, not on time, highpitched, and she sounds like cat scratches on a board
What a fucking trainwreck of a debut
No. 117594
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It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
No. 117597
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is it possible to get a raid and actually lose viewers?
No. 117600
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No. 117612
>>117611She gotten only almost 3k views on twitch which dropped instantly to 2.3k.
Anon was talking about Artemis YouTube debut that happened before twitch, which had 10k but with each minute of Artemis talking itll drop by 500 or more, in the end leading to 5.4k
No. 117613
>>117609>all this hype>all this teasing>all this attitude>all this domo dick suckingAll for…
letting them down, letting them down,
letting them down
No. 117615
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> monogatari series
> favorite character is the one that keeps being questioned as a trap in gatari community
> puts "is still a virgin" in facts
No. 117617
>>117615With how much he latches onto domo's dick and is on a clout chasing craze that rivals Kiara's attention whoring, you'd think otherwise. But 170 cm >"SHE"
Boy, the salt and ego clashing is going to be real. Buckle up with some popcorn. Shit's going for a ride.
No. 117620
>>117605When Gura hit the million mark a totally sane /jp/-user put this together and had it displayed as an ad (4chan recently remade their ad-system so that was easy for him). Said guy spent a few hundred bucks to annoy other shitposters.
>>117557Artemis is worse than Kiara. Keeki might be a spoilt bitch but her singing voice isn't bad, speaking fluent japanese is useful and her whining and bitching attracts a special male audience. She has things going for her, unlike troonshark. Artemis is dead on arrival, his circlejerk won't watch, his defenders on Twitter won't, I give it three months.
No. 117624
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not sure if this is Io throwing subtle shade or what at Artemis' disastrous "debut".
No. 117625
>>117622Ironically, I think it still would have worked had they used the design for an androgyne, nonbinary character. The fact that they didn't proves to me it's a troon. A troon would never play as anything but "cute girl".
It wouldn't have saved anything (personality is still lacking) but the voice wouldn't be as unfit then.
Now don't tell me that wouldn't have worked in a community that is into "traps" or "representation".
No. 117629
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Already busy responding to criticism I see.
No. 117630
>>117614kek, same
Watch "her" trying to confirm she's not a troon next time she streams because she read it here.
>>117618Troon or not, this person is a boring af trainwreck and I hope in a month everyone ditches her because she's the worst vtuber I've ever seen hyped up.
No. 117632
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>Artemis' flopping applies pressure on all of her Atlier friends to sound more interesting.
>All of them except for Rosuuri try to sound like Gura and Amelia which pushes viewers away with how unnatural they'll sound.
No. 117633
>>117629Bet first thing she did after ending stream is googling her name to respond to criticism because she knows her stream was shitty as fuck.
Also, Artemis, if that was a "joke" it was very poorly landed, you suck as a vtuber.
>>117631This is going to be the end of her. Hilarious, a true cow can't take criticism for shit.
No. 117639
>>117634>"Would I watch my own product/stream? If I was a viewer, would this entertain me?" kek, if the average Twitter follower detected that mindset from someone's mouth that's 20 replies about how the style is unique or how it's the algorithm's fault.
On the bright side though, Artemis' pants sets up imposter syndrome pretty bad so I doubt those 40k followers can keep him going.
No. 117641
>>117638forgot to add, but the constant clearing of the throat also shows that the tranny voice isn't even practiced. I bet you the entire "wait" was so he could constantly rush practice trying to get the tranny voice down, realizing that the range he wanted to achieve for wanting to sound edgy and boistrous was unatainable, and realizing it was too late to change attitude on twitter. There was no stream prep other than trying to get tranny voice to "sloppy".
The least he could've done was at least own up to it like Xigneon and Ashunera. At least those two fuckers own up to it, and Xigneon goes full sexual and shit.
Trying to keep up the charade is only going to make for a more momentous occasion when he falls. In fact, I almost wonder if atelier live will completely drop artemis like a sack of shit when the fallout happens. Jesus. At least HoloEN mainly has Kiara to mostly seem as the ticking time bomb. The indie vtuber scene is a nuclear fallout brimming to happen.
No. 117643
>>117638Yeah, this dude is delusional if he things he's anything along the lines of "punk". He's a lukewarm self concious edgelord that makes passive agressive tweets.
>>117641I noticed at some point before "she" singed that she made a little oopsie with her voice changer and her voice was suddenly high pitched like any kawaii vtuber.
Did anyone else catch that?
No. 117644
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No. 117646
>>117623The only few i remember was zentreya a few days before her birthday chat where doing a few things and after some random donations people starting to donate a lot, at the end (and knowing she will get more in her birthday) she donated most of it to Inmune deficiency foundation.
After that probably close to july there was like a week where Zentreya, Mouse, Silvervale and a few others put a Covid-19 campaign. Can't remember if it was the same that normal streamers or not.
From other vtubers, i got no idea, in that months i barely followed Zen, silver and maybe some other with 10 viewers
No. 117647
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>>117623Sort of, Sana Natori worked with a hospital for some blood donation drives>>117644Check that comment again in a few minutes to see if it'll get deleted kek
No. 117648
>>117646There was also one Projekt Melody organized that raised $30k for Covid-19 over the summer
There's a few other smaller ones that have been run by individual ENVs but I think that's all the major collab charity streams
No. 117649
>>117643samefagging but I'm not sure if the little mix up with his voice changing device was on youtube or twitch, but it was definetely there. I hope someone can confirm this
also, his voice doesn't register as female, but not only for how he talks, but also the way he talks. There's none of the general female-ish way of talking in his speech pattern (saying "like" a lot is an example if I remember right). Like, it legits sounds like a guy talking, is what I'm trying to say.
No. 117650
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39:35 in the stream, all the way until 42:00 is when “FoxyJoel” spammed her DMs with something important, and she says that’s kind of fucked, no rats and changed donations to credit card only. Clipped just in case she deletes the vod but it’s still up for now, I tried to post but the file is too big. The whole 2 min is painful though,
She keeps saying she doesn’t care but is clearly panic-reading the chat trying to figure out what to say. Joel massively spams NO RATS over and over and Domo donated 100$ saying “no rats”
This won’t last long. She obsessively searches herself, doesn’t know how to stream and clearly didn’t practise like the holo girls did since they were noobs with expectations from fans, thinks being boring is the same as being “dry sarcastic” and clearly has at least one person doing SOMETHING malicious enough to make her nervous and make her simp friends rise up to protect her. the dropping viewers and the tanked twitch stream view numbers have her off on a bad foot. She was obviously thinking people would just accept her bland personality for what it is the way they did with people like Ina, but even the vtube simps who are always thirsty for abother indie to love think her design is great but she’s underwhelming - they’re always blinded by waifus but even they can tell when someone isn’t putting in effort vs when someone is inexperienced and nervous but trying
No. 117652
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>>117650>She obsessively searches herselfspeaking of which
No. 117654
>>117653The whole "no rats" shit started when he liked some lewd art on twitter of another vtuber getting fucked from behind. People started going "geeze artemis is horny" and then that whole shit thing went down.
For all we know now, that could've moved on to not ratting about artemis clearly being a dude. Which that isn't going to last long lol. And sounds like Domo is in on it. At the very least he's equally opportunistic with who he's a sexual predator on.
No. 117659
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>sound pretty "androgynous"
I bet you he found here.
No. 117663
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>When you fuck up your debut stream and people immediately catch on that you're a dude so you press on your sloppy seconds bootleg shark "companion" to go in for the defense.
No. 117669
>>117655I figure it was something in the donation message, or someone refunded right away. Either way it’s directly related to credit card donations only because you can’t hide your identity.
Can’t wait to compare her stream viewer numbers in 2 weeks to today. I think after a few streams where people realize she’s not just nervous and has nothing going for her they’ll stop watching and stick to twitter interactions. She mentioned not liking JRPGs which isn’t great anime audience appeal.
No. 117671
>>117664Anon, Valkyrie already debuted, and the streams are pretty comfy.
Btw, not sure if anyone here was autistic enough to check, but I kinda am curious to know how much Artemis actually made through donations. Io's debut was pretty packed for twitch and she read all the donations at the end, and she had a goal, so it was pretty easy to see.
Some anon said there was a 3k donation, but I think it was a misread since the biggest amount donated was 350 on streamlabs.
>>117665I didn't even hate the voice that much, I already listened to worse. But the lack of any personality whatsoever destroyed it.
And it's not "dry humor/sarcasm", that shit doesn't even work for streams very well, and it completely fails to translate to how she behaves on twitter. That gap could actually be a "cute" thing, but, again, no personality.
The minesweeper and pinball bit could be funny highlights, but they kinda fell flat.
No. 117677
>>117675When valkyrie announced she was leaving youtube a lot of people was already watching her streams months ago, her videos where basically a review combined with best clips from the streams. After that she changed her name to Neriness00 and keep streaming, the first week was full of "why you deleted your videos?" and "would you do videos again?" (mostly people that didn't follow her streams before).
The most funny thing it's that a few days after someone tought it was Artemis, she announced her vtuber avatar
No. 117685
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That's what people are saying under clips of her debut
No. 117688
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>>117685>"a trans of some sort"I wonder when that will spill on twitter and we will see some vagueposting, if that didn't happen already.
Btw, pic related. Nothing will change.
No. 117691
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Someone's lurking, say hi!
No. 117694
>>117692The text to voice bot isn't her. Idk I kinda hear it this dakooters person is friends with onlyafro and hannahyrule who were in Aretemis' chat as mods spamming
No. 117701
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So Artemis is a transbian
No. 117707
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>>117705I'm pretty sure this one is a guy too since his bio is something like the harem protag of atolive
No. 117714
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>>117688Someone posted this photo on 4chan and claims that this is him, same shirt and all. Too bad that the image has no source
No. 117722
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>acts edgy on twitter>Says "do your worst, humans!">hints at being a "bad bitch" kind of character>riles people upAlso Artemis:
>Is insecure and has to google himself all the fucking time>Is boring and doesn't have a personality>Doesn't know how to stream>Doesn't know how to act>Can't deliver a fucking joke>"hating" your fanbase is not a joke>Has to have a long ass debut waiting time only to fuck it up by being willfully unprepared>Doesn't respond well to criticism, immediately has to justify himself>Sings the Evangelion song for sad tranniesPic related is Artemis right now.
No. 117723
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>>117701of course, so stereotypical.
>>117714Male voice
Male looking face
Greasy hair
Shirt that unironically says slut, because trannies love saying they're sluts
Likes that tranny character from monogatari
Yep, this is a man.
No. 117730
>>117707>Europa YuuAt least the fucker has some good art, and an actual decent setup. I don't know why I expect a really obnoxious voice though.
>>117728Doesn't dakooters have at least 2 years of streaming experience? It wouldn't make sense to have such a bad debut then, and since no one started with a stupid "it was all a joke" type of thing. And if we look at the older search history thing, it has basic shit about alerts and stuff, it just doesn't add up.
Still, there's some anons on 4chan that really believe it's dakooters. If you consider the circle of friends as someone pointed out, it actually would make sense (OnlyAfro and HannahHyrule). Only if it's dakooters without putting effort to make the voice more feminine, but still, the personality doesn't match at all.
No. 117738
>>117732That's fair. His art is good. I don't know if he can hold a stream though.
Anya may be a good streamer, the voice is ok, and her art is good as well.
No. 117744
>>117740Minecraft viewers usually backseat game, telling the streamer what to do (to the point of spam).
Amelia attracted the worst of the bunch and she can't properly handle it. stolen from /jp/, it's from her Witcher stream. She probably got hit the harshest with the doxing stuff. That combined with her very Twitch-style of streaming and pandering to virgins led her to have the worst fanbase. I can't blame her for hating it.
No. 117745
>>117740With a huge chunk of new fanbase theg keep getting, people in chat keep commenting on how she
should play during game streams. Its the same for everyone else I watched: Ina and Mori too. Ina played HL2 yesterday, got much more new viewers that would keep going "UM AKKSHUALLY" mode. Ina forgave the chat for being like this, but said it would be appreciated if they stopped.
In Amelia's case, she would keep butthurting about it and be sorta rude towards viewers, which is also why they would call her
toxic (even seen in replies). Just Amelia semi-arguing with viewers.
No. 117746
>>117744>>117745I mean, how many viewers did she have? It's kinda weird she's getting mad at it instead of just ignoring them.
She is probably too used to twitch still and how really contained chat used to be on her streams.
No. 117750
>>117744I honestly feel bad for her. I catch some of her streams and it's seriously mostly backseating or just annoying chat. It's hard to ignore when it's every stream.
I had to stop watching her after the Gura spam on minecraft. It must suck for the other girls that they can't do anything without Gura being mentioned and spammed.
No. 117758
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>>117754In other words, she miscalculated badly, which is very in line with her whole streaming career.
What worked for a much smaller audience will not work for tens of thousands of nerds in your chat.
No. 117773
>>117766It should had been the opposite considering how many people are upset
>>117772>best debutin what planet? this is simping
No. 117774
>>117771I'm in the AtLive discord and she hasn't said a word in that one at least since before her debut yesterday…which is odd in and of itself
>>117772They probably never watch 'pro' Vtubers so they think this is acceptable. Maybe if it was spur-of-the-moment sure, but Arty-boy had well over a month to prep.
No. 117775
>>117774"Artemis" more like "arteCHOKE"
Is the atelier live discord also the same as the discord invite mentioned in domo's bio?
No. 117777
>>117772When Artemis was live, an hour into the stream she (he?) lost almost half of the viewers (12k to 7k). The chat was telling her the stream is boring. Something doesn't add up.
>>117771Maybe, but if Artemis was crying for sympathy, I see how this would get a couple of hundreds of subscribers. But not 20k in a day.
Artemis mentioned wanting to hit 50k, I didn't expect it to happen this soon, not even a week later.
No. 117780
>>117772>>117773>in what planet?You can't criticize anything, or you're a hater/anti/rat or whatever they want to call people that do not enjoy their content.
>>117777Really doesn't make sense though. If anything, she would hit 50k during the stream, not a few hours after. Then again, I saw some tweets on how she is a "great Vtuber", but I think I saw way more support for Io than for Artemis.
>Watching comfy stream>Domo subscribersCan this faggot just fuck off? Retard just orbits all fucking vtubers thinking he can groom them into a retard shitposter.
No. 117787
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>>117766I want to say it’s bots but part of me feels like the MtF community really wants Artemis to succeed to validate how “they’re just as attractive as girls.”
No. 117791
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>Gee Ina why does mom let you have 2 most successful lives?
No. 117800
>>117793Sure but it won't pay off. The audience will consist of jealous mtfers and chasers. They'll become irrelevant or stop streaming.
Io at least tried.
No. 117801
File: 1603652636752.jpg (91.63 KB, 718x456, ame.jpg)

hello is doxxing allowed in here?
t. /hlgg/ refugee
No. 117804
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>>117803no, spoonfeed me
( No. 117810
>>117806/hlgg/ is Hololive Global General from /jp/
Those threads are like 5 levels of crossboarding and cross-site posting
>>117807They think doxxing is posting pictures of the girls faces which we already know of, this isn't new information
No. 117817
>>117816I think it's fine to post about vtubers here (duh) but please learn to integrate
First of all, sage your posts if you have no new milk to provide
and please, don't doxx people
>>117814more info here No. 117818
>>117813Lrn2 soft hyphen. That’ll get around not being able to type “Senzawa”.
>>117800Still waiting on info about one of io’s past accounts dating a child groomer
No. 117821
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No. 117826
>>117824Ina is a korean illustrator
That's more or less ame/sachiowo/folkey or whatever the fuck she called herself.
Kiara is keekihimedesu and there's clear pics for comparison.
No. 117829
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>>117824Kiara has one perk and that's offsetting her useless goddess Aqua impression by being hot.
(no one cares) No. 117830
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No. 117834
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>>117791>>117830I'm starting to see why Nagu was assigned to a girl with long almost black hair and a hime cut…
No. 117835
>>117832since you're failing to understand refer to
>>117830aka Wooperfuri, aka agnes kwon.
No. 117840
File: 1603656368491.jpg (688.51 KB, 1536x2048, 1603360363452.jpg)

>>117838Here is a Mori facedox, you haven't seen this before.
No. 117842
>>117838>>117839/jp/ has extremely uptight and biased moderation from what I can tell when it comes to vtube so the retards are always looking for somewhere new that isnt reddit. They'll get bored soon enough when they realize the difference here is that posters are all female and this is a drama board, no room for schizos or simp arguments. I cant stand their threads but I know you absolutely cannot post about Artemis there and iirc cant post deleted vods
>>117840Surprised by how normal and cute she is, doesnt look like a raging weeb.
>>117834Not surprised by Ina, shes average but doesnt put work in and basic looks suit her personality
>>117829cant stand her hideous overshooped face. she tries to edit her face the same way jp cosplayers do and she gives herself a frog mouth and changes the shape of her lids/inner corner. /jp/ said she used to selfpost on /cgl/ but no source and I dont care enough to archive dig if its minor cringe
>>117801Is this Ame? Looks like your average cgl poster too. Shes what I imagined Mori would look like.
Is gura the only one who doesnt have confirmed pics?
No. 117846
>>117842>Is gura the only one who doesn't have confirmed pics?Yeah. There was that one pic in the last thread, but it's unconfirmed, and most likely not correct.
>Kiara's faceTook me a whole fucking minute to click that it was Kiara, if you look at past vods it's so different.
>>117844Nah. She's alright, not really fucking hot, but she's alright (her face is far worse than the body though).
>>117845You should see it in closer shots.
No. 117849
>>117844>>117845People age. Isn't she closing in on 30? She doesn't need to look good for this job.
Botan is supposedly the oldest but I can't find her image again.
No. 117852
File: 1603659718392.png (133.89 KB, 601x671, 0Untitled.png)

>tfw you expect to have hentai of the character you play as within the 1st or 2nd month.
No. 117860
>>117840Please if you come from /jp/, refrain from calling it a doxx.
Just call it a face reveal or something.
No. 117862
File: 1603661808816.png (542.34 KB, 443x595, 1987419199.png)

>>117801If by "doxxing" you mean "roomate-posting" then yes, my fellow /hlgg/ tourist.
But if you genuinely like Vtubers i wouldn´t recommend you too stay here since this is very obviously an anti-Vtuber thread. I only came here to shit on the Discount-tranny gura but then found out that i can do that on a Vtuber thread in /trash/ so i'm fucking off there.
No. 117886
>>117875Honestly, this got me thinking about when did Sachi break up with her boyfriend. From his twitter the last interaction they had was around June this year, and it was just him responding to a tweet from her account or her alt (the former doesn't exist anymore, and the latter was wiped).
I saw him orbiting a different e-girl recently though, and I guess they stayed as friends since at the beginning of the year I remember seeing her around his streams. And from the curious cat they were still ok until June 2019 at the very least.
>>117884I don't think I ever saw it.
No. 117894
>>117888hey newfag, read the previous thread
> 0////////0 jesus christ.
>>117889/jp/fags were. The idea that she had a boyfriend apparently sent them on a frenzy of cutting themselves, and amelia rushed to delete her shit. That her supposed body count would indicate possibly 3 things.
1. she's lying about how many she's actually fucked
2. she's still with her bf, and if the number is true, then her bf is a cuck. kek
3. if the breakup did happen, then after her bf the 2nd fuck was a quick rebound situation.
No. 117896
File: 1603676066410.jpg (294.52 KB, 555x2003, 1600545911419.jpg)

>>117893why did you post the link instead of posting the picture directly lmao
No. 117904
>>117898She still streams on her channel, I don't follow it though.
>>117887>>117894My memory about it is not very good, but I found Sachi in 2017, I think. She was already dating Neet by that time, and I do believe they mentioned seeing each other irl in later streams (I think it was Neet visiting Sachi; not sure if the opposite happened as well). The exact dates is something I can't remember (I'm pretty sure it was in before 2019), I'm surprised I can even remember that.
I was going to mention a shared donation goal for a trip to Japan or something, but that's a different e-couple (it was for the guy to visit her I believe), but the girl left twitch after I decided to check back on them (went to bilibili), and I think the guy rebranded and "came out" since "her" pronouns are she/her now.
>>117901Purists are funny as fuck.
>>117891>crab namedrops sharkWeren't they yuribaiting really fucking hard on twitter? So I guess Artemis will be there showing "support".
No. 117907
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>>117846>>117842>There was that one pic in the last threadEven though senzawa on twitter said it's not her, the ifunny account gets brought up often enough that it's worth going back to it.
The girl in the videos went by kawaiiliee, as well as a few names like thiccwaifu on tiktok. She wiped her accounts some time back but still posts occasionally on vsco and tiktok. Most likely she wanted to get away from the weeb stuff.
No. 117909
>>117908In the wake of HoloCN disbanding, you think that means that Hololive is completely pulling out of China? Now maybe they can get their syphilis filled dicks cleaned up now.
Has the domo routine been usual or has he been silent with newcomers? The same with troonemis/artechoke, is he keeping a lower profile after disaster debut? The new sub numbers are fucking suspicious though
No. 117912
>>117911At this rate I'm 90% sure he's using follow bots. Either that or he somehow found a hidden army of simps that love his tranny voice.
That growth is just too sus at this point, it doesn't make any sense.
No. 117915
>>117908>I can't fuckin' remember if someone already brought this up butYes, some other anon already brought it up.
Anyway, they didn't break the news today, it has been going around for a few days. The CCP apologist thing was being labeled as narrativeposting, and I didn't care enough to go validate all that. Even then, would she have a different choice, considering she is chinese and lives in China (honest question)?
>>117909>DomoGod, I really fucking hope Artia doesn't end up in Domo's circle, imagine if that fucker gets to have an interview with her?
>>117907That's true, it's pretty easy to find her tiktok stuff as well. You throw that kawaiiliee and the first few results already give you that. But I don't know, it's really difficult to say anything. Too bad we don't have any voice to compare.
So, I found a small ENVtuber, looked quite decent at first, decent model, voice not super good but capable of being entertaining. Looked more into it.
>Used to be a camgirl>Quit and now decided to become a Vtuber inspired by ProjektMelody>Wants to become like Melody, planning to get a model to do camming with it>Always talks about how much money she used to make>Plans to do irl and virtual camming if she needs moneyNot sure if anything interesting will come out of it, but I might keep tabs in this one.
No. 117921
>>117912Honestly, considering the stream vod has over 150k views, I don't doubt it that some people just subscribed because it's "one of those cool new Vtubers", and didn't even watch.
>>117918Thanks, anon. I really don't have much info on hololive members.
No. 117922
File: 1603683022757.png (46.99 KB, 902x701, artemissocialblade.png)

>>117921Samefag, but pic related. Social blade is a bit behind though, it's still interesting though.
No. 117924
>>117922LMAO whoa nelly what the fuck??
at least make it subtle jesus christ
No. 117929
File: 1603735337794.png (284.19 KB, 589x488, schedartemis.png)

>Artemis posted her schedule on twitter
Will she turn it around? Or will we have dead air Mario Kart stream?
Considering Mario Kart is one of the easiest games to get content out of (she literally just needs to make "cute" noises, or struggle a bit), we'll see how bad it truly is.
>Unironically playing minesweeper for a stream
I think it was said once, but she doesn't seem to have the personality to pull that off.
Pic related.
>I can make things
Can't plan a basic debut, even if Vtubers have been a thing for years.
On a side note, do you think she will break it off from AtoLive if she somehow maintains an audience? Not sure if it happens on Discord, but aside from twitter meme convos I don't think Artemis and the other members interact at all (and I think even those are not many), if they do it's very little from what I've seen (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
No. 117930
what does everyone think of hana macchia and her "dad". im pretty sure the "dad" is her boyfriend if not i think it's strange how he talks and acts around her. here's an example but i honestly have no clue what he is too her but it feels creepy
No. 117936
>>117929I've been curious about this "Bao". From what I can see it's another one of those Vtubers following the marine animal + singing trend, this time a whale.
Her design and model look good to me at least. I believe Bao may have some potential?
No. 117953
>>117948(samefag from before)
Really? Dang, that's a shame.
No. 117963
>>117930Idk, really. It feels a bit unusual. There was this one japanese Vtuber that didn't find collabs and played a game with his mom, and it was super cute and wholesome. But Hana's doesn't give that vibe, and I don't know much about to say give a strong opinion (he just "roasts" her).
It could in all honesty be a supportive dad that knows what his daughter does. But we would need way more info to get a conclusion on that.
>>117940>American dude in his 20sVoice and age can have a really big difference sometimes (not a defense, but I really can't guess age with voice alone).
>>117938>crab has a boyfriend irlDoes she? I never saw anything about it. That's new for me.
Doesn't stop the yuribaiting, since that shit brings a lot of views.
Also, crab is a part of AtoLive now. God, they're desperate to bring whoever gets popular, aren't they.
>>117936That's the catch, anon. Really good models wasted on really shitty entertainers (and sometimes people).
I don't go check their twitters often, so I don't see all interactions.
The ENVtubers that generate hype right now feel all kinda same-ish. They try to create a big twitter wave, insert themselves in all types of groups, get in domo's sight and there we go.
>>117954Yeah, it's cute. Can she fucking stream though?
>>117961>>117962Holy fuck, it's true.
No. 117964
File: 1603742733472.jpg (278.66 KB, 1080x1236, IMG_20201026_172818.jpg)

"Bao" is not actually new, she's a popular youtaite that has a huge ego and now she suddenly decided rebranded her youtube channel as a whale to her 120k subscribers
No. 117970
File: 1603743336635.png (246.45 KB, 591x908, domoapric.png)

>>117959Samefag from
>>117963, 'cause I forgot to add pic related (the credit for this one goes to a 4chan anon).
>Already in domo's circle. No. 117974
File: 1603744044477.png (26.33 KB, 1686x151, 2727272425.png)

Found this in an archived thread on /hlgg/.
I mean, maybe he only had a single week of prep, but damn he still could have come up with something better that "WATCH ME PLAY MINESWEPPER XDDDD ALSO GAMRES SUX!!!11". Also explains why i remember seeing a short video of his avatar with an actual female voice like 2 weeks ago, i wonder what happened to the original actress (if she was even suppossed to play the avatar and not just some test thing)?
No. 117978
>>117974>>117976That wouldn't make too much sense though, anon. The twitter posts didn't suddenly change, at least it didn't feel like that.
And Artemis was not a part of AtoLive originally, if I'm not mistaken.
Oh, and this.>>117977A few words being whispered isn't that hard to get a decent voice in. Even on domo's stream the day before I thought it was a real she with a bad mic.
No. 117979
File: 1603744727900.png (62.86 KB, 626x944, 01603563877911.png)

>>117974Man it sure is nice of Cover to not only deprive their vtubers of mods but also task the nicest girl there is with deeming who is NGMI or not even though she has drawing work to do.
No. 117984
>>117978I think i might be schizo-posting now, but maybe it's another person doing the RP on twitter? Which would explain why his personality is so much different from his twitter posts
>>117980Wasn´t Ina roomate someone called Myooopi or something like that?
No. 117991
>>117980I think that tweet debunks a bit the theory of Ina being the manager on AtoLive as well, though. Since it mentions manager-san, and it clearly looks like 2 (different) male hands (yuu and manager) and one female hand (nana)
And I seriously doubt Clover would give management rights to a talent, makes no sense, and I don't think they're that stupid.
Any rumors are to be considered fake until proven otherwise (they can be helpful, but it is a terrible idea to base things on them).
>>117984Anon, you're thinking too much, honestly.
>>117988>>117989Namely, any other accounts/names/works the person behind the avatar did.
Nagu's twitter handle is wooperfuri.
No. 117993
File: 1603745754696.png (39.44 KB, 631x426, 07979.png)

>Your manager isn't even in your group's Discord server.
No. 118001
>>117978I second that Artemis just clouted her way in, originally it was mostly Yueko, Io and Nana (these three announced their debuts the fastest I think), Europa joined them as the last original AtoLive to debut, then they took Artemis in after he started gaining so much clout and interacting with them.
>>117977Was there a voiced clip? For me it was a red flag it's a dude personally.
>>117980>>117984Isn't Europa Yuu their manager now? If you try to join their Discord, it says he's the one inviting you to it. He also posted the rules there.
I don't recall Nagu doing anything in AtoLive. I was actually surprised she was part of it and still listed on Twitch.
>>117997Nagu already has a different Twitter handle than their nickname (both forms of it) and we know it's Ina as well.
The screenshot also says she's Nagu on the Cookie Jar server.
Take a guess.
No. 118012
>>117998Oh alright, i don't use discord so i don't know how it actually works…
>>118005Yeah hard to tell. I feel like that's an actual female voice, maybe just because of the whispering?
No. 118022
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>>118013I know the bits in the middle are supposed to be her bangs but they look like angry eyebrows lmao.
No. 118031
>>118012Whispering is usually easier to be able to maintain a gentle voice, especially if you're trying to keep up appearances. It is the least strain on any vocal chords, especially when Troonemis/Artechoke seems to have only spent the stream prep-work trying to get the voice somewhat passable.
Had he been working on the voice and speaking for the entire time, then while it would be the atypical tranny voice, it would still be less often he'd be stopping to correct and reset his voice.
No. 118032
>>117974Atelier is not a company stop referring to it as one. It’s clearly just a friend group, like how in twitch you can make your own squad.
It seems kind of stupid to compare an actual company like holoEN with some random group of weeks
No. 118039
>>118022something in this model looks really wrong and funky but i can't put my finger on what exactly.
the mouth? the dots at the side of her face that i thought was dust in my monitor? the old man hairline? the eyebrow bangs? mystery.
No. 118059
>>118053If Kani is who I think she is, yes. But I don't really like to just come out with schizo theories without any evidence, so I will either wait until debut to compare voices or that anon can say from where the info came from.
>>118058No, Io's model was drawn by tsudenremaid, and Artemis' by SuteinuA.
Btw, the talk that Io was tsunderemaid, I don't know if it's legit or not, since she was using the location to indicate the icon artist and the header artist at the time.
If there is any other info, it's unknown to me.
No. 118063
>>118062Crab just joined, but she draws according to her twitter.
And yeah, it started as a group of artist friends I believe. An anon said something about it in this thread.
Some of them did made the model themselves, but I think not all of them.
No. 118067
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>>118064I could have sworn she was at 8000 followers last month but I guess people really like their indie vtubers for some reason.
No. 118082
>>118059>Btw, the talk that Io was tsunderemaid, I don't know if it's legit or notIo's literally drawn tsunderemaids' drawing style though.
Io, Nana and Europa have drawn their own models and usually commissioned the 2D rigging to Iron Vertex, so at least that's what Artemis and the artists turned vtubers of AtoLive have in common.
No. 118083
File: 1603759770946.png (41.86 KB, 728x118, Screenshot 2020-10-26 174854.p…)

>>118082if they are the same person how is this stream gonna work?
No. 118085
>>118083she'll use an echo
anyway i'm wondering if the next tranny shark stream will go the same. i hate how everyone chalks it up to him being "calm" meanwhile hes just lazy with no personality
No. 118087
>>118053He has a few of her but like way back in his media tab
>>118059Crab is LT
No. 118089
File: 1603761002462.png (99.5 KB, 500x337, LinkCrawling.png)

>>118085>Meanwhile hes just lazy with no personalityMore like worse than no personality since his voice is flat out the anime fan stereotype. Shit sounds like an abridged series.
No. 118090
>>118082>>118083Makes little sense looking at the schedule.
The thing is, the Io = tsunderemaids theory came from the @tsunderemaids handle mentioned in the location tab in her bio though. And that part of the bio is used by her to credit the artist responsible for her pfp and header.
And yes, she was drawn by tsunderemaids. If she is indeed tsunderemaids, well, the stream will be just she saying "actually, I'm tsunderemaids, so it's just an art stream".
>Artemis' next streamShe will probably get a decent audience, I would say around 3~5k. But I think it will be boring, and with time her numbers will most likely go down and settle, if she can handle that, I have no idea.
Or maybe she will just do a great stream, but that's very unlikely.
No. 118093
File: 1603762019389.jpg (142.33 KB, 1080x786, Screenshot_20201027_012457.jpg)

>>118087>>118059Same anon as
>>117973, here's your proof
No. 118095
>>118093Thanks, anon. My guess was wrong, I misread a tweet probably.
I just got around to find her instagram, and it really hits the nail, since she uses crab in there as well. It's her here indeed >>118073
No. 118098
>>118083>>118090>If she is indeed tsunderemaids, well, the stream will be just she saying "actually, I'm tsunderemaids, so it's just an art stream".At the same time you have to be someone as known as Artemis to be accepted into Atolive while not being an artist.
Nana has initially put all her vtuber stuff on the art profile, then made a separate one. Same went for yueko.
>actually, I'm tsunderemaidsThe whole point is to forget about that for a moment. Even if the identity behind a vtuber is known (which is true for most members of Atolive) some of them are pretending they're dragons or crabs for a while… unless they aren't and are just using their OCs while behaving just like they would on usual art streams.
tl;dr if your theory was to be plausible and Io isn't tsunderemaids, it would have to be someone very close to tsunderemaids who was in the Atolive artist circle (tsunderemaids doesn't even take vtuber commissions)
No. 118101
>>118098If its not maids than its most likely their gf teacuppity. Io's comics/art that she posted without any credit is also just maid's style/sketches
as soon as they do an art stream, it'll just scream who they are tbh
No. 118104
File: 1603766057620.png (Spoiler Image,532.98 KB, 857x1066, 115198948479.png)

/hlg/ tourist here
I'm to lazy to check the other thread, what was the reaction to the Brap saga here???
Context: No. 118106
>>118104you could just not be a lousy lazy piece of shit and just look at the previous thread. I don't know what fucking piece of shit decided to link to here from /jp/ since the influx of autism came pouring in, but it's pretty fucking obvious.
So far not a whole lot of shit is going on at the moment, until something happens or is shown otherwise.
No. 118110
>>118096Someone else, but that is in their circle of friends still.
>>118098>>118101Fair enough, anon. I want to go look if there's any art to compare (not sure if Io posted any personal art), if those chibis are hers, then I can agree it's tsunderemaids (since they feel really similar to teacuppity's header).
I probably overcomplicated the issue. But, anyhow, just need to see that sunday stream.
> some of them are pretending they're dragons or crabs for a whileHonestly I only see that as a gimmick for Vtubing, at best. I don't think they're putting up any characters, only appealing to the vtuber audience.
>>118104Should I tell you to take your meds?
No. 118112
>>118104If you think anyone here gives a flying fuck about that then I don't even know what to say to you
>>117929She's actually doing a Minesweeper stream? Jesus Christ
No. 118113
>>118112Yep, a game that lends itself to focusing less on the game and talking more with chat which would really show us just how many games and anime Artemis has in common with the average viewer.
Also there's Mario Kart streams even though last week had an Ina and Kiara collab that's sure to make this one look like dead silence in comparison.
No. 118126
File: 1603775343631.png (88.82 KB, 255x264, 1918947894784191.png)

I´ll never undestand how people can be obsessed with twitch emotes, specially poggers. This shit looks horryfing.
No. 118135
File: 1603781377883.png (364.02 KB, 589x996, Ina.png)

Casual reminder that the Ateliers have quietly scooted out Ina's neighbor as of the 26th.
No. 118137
>>118136Here before you get eaten alive. My advice to you is to adapt your typing style to be less distinct and don't announce that you're trans. It's better for people here to think you're an advocate for trans people rather than actually trans. Other than that, you made a
valid point.
No. 118138
>>118136Trannie gtfo
Are you the same one who was screeching about pussy juice in ot before? lol
No. 118141
>>118140I hope they wont use the same buisness model HL use. I liked their HoloIDs that are both fluent in Japanese and English.
But that also means they might end up turning their community into hell (as HL community turned into one) all because of how hyped westerns n vtubers are right now.
No. 118146
>>118140I hope not. Honestly, I've been watching less and less holo after they started pandering to en users and have been sticking more with nijisanji. it's just a more chill atmosphere and the chats aren't full of english comments repeating the same joke over and over or just being overall asshats.
I can see it happening though since even in the indie scene, Japanese vtubers are starting to try to appeal to weebs. But it's inevitable that once they do their chats just get overrun
No. 118148
Artemis sounds like this dude. The same nerdy fat gay man intonation.
(this is an imageboard, embed video) No. 118154
>>118135High time. It's not like she'll stream as part of Atolive anytime soon, it just looked weird.
>>118140I'm personally fine with Nijisanji being less popular. I prefer their streams to most Hololive streams tbh. Nijisanji streamers don't usually try to pander to their viewers by doing something that goes viral (like Coco using a depilator on stream), if it happens it seems to be organic.
I wish I could say they prefer the quality over quantity, but I can't since they hired hundreds of vtubers. Some of them stream twice a month or something, but still count towards the quantity.
(lrn2sage, newfaggotry) No. 118177
>>118176Doesn't seem to be the case, the voice seems different. Dakooters said she was in a hiatus a few days ago as well.
And how would she somehow have the idea to be less entertaining for a way bigger audience is beyond me.
No. 118179
>>118176Does Artemis even have mods?
I can imagine that having instaban words like Dakooters, trans, trap, and Gura are gonna go out of hand if people realize that Artemis is the exact same as Yandere Simulator right down to picking a mopey Evangelion song for themselves.
No. 118187
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No. 118190
File: 1603830017786.jpg (120.62 KB, 862x572, 1603829768136.jpg)

Is this guy donating to himself???
No. 118195
>>118194He's actually pretty good at mariokart, 4800ish watching currently and he's got a few superchats.
Mad technical issues though, Char is having to take care of the chat while Artemis fixes his internet or something. his model keeps freezing and he got kicked out of mariokart because he didn't have enough bandwidth I guess.
No. 118196
>>118190>long time viewerMy
No. 118199
>>118198Yep, with Hoshino Char. Mariokart isn't the best game to collab on but it's something I guess.
Voice is still the same.
No. 118201
>>118183Nagu's Discord. Don't ask for a door.
>>118198Yes but Artemis occasionally hums which is very out of character with the design.
No. 118207
>>118206Look at
>>118200Better than the debut, still pretty boring. I honestly think it has better entertainment value just because of Char.
No. 118217
>>118135whatchu talkin' 'bout
they already slitting each other's throats? that was fast
No. 118228
>>118190"dakooters i think someone was saying i sound like you" let me embed
(lrn2 integrate, lrn2 sage) No. 118239
>>118228I really think they sound highly similar when we are comparing this video
>>118176Do you guys really think it's not Dakooters or this a high chance it is? I know people have said all trans sound like that but I dunno… they just sound SO similar. Nearly indistinguishable. We haven't gotten any other kind of dox on who Artemis could be either. Is Dakooters entertaining as streamer, does anyone know what he is like on his own stream? Just because he makes funny YouTube videos doesn't mean it translates well into streaming.
Also let's be real, YouTube videos don't make that much money anymore like they did in that past. I could totally see Dakooters wanting to buying a high end avatar to get superchats thrown at him by spergs. He can't exactly do that on Youtube because he is partnered on twitch and you're not allowed to stream gaming content anywhere else is you are a twitch partner. I'm gonna say it's Dakooters and someone was using his account to try to detract away from it actually being him.
No. 118253
>>118250If she was as spergy as you'd say she'd have ruined it already. She seems more like a careercow than anything else. She got the job, now it's on to make yourself a face everybody knows. Be the person everyone wants to have lunch with. Being the go-to link between EN & JP is the ideal position (during Among Us many of 5th gen would go "Kiara translate this to ….", even when Kiara was supposed not to speak as per the rules).
I've seen it too often in managment but usually the guys get an egotrip and cross the lines and get fired, the women only get shittalked.
I fear more of Ina who is now associated with Atolive, a community filled with unstable individuals. They'll recognize her, screenshot didcord chats and post them the second they feel wronged or jealous.
No. 118254
>>118253>>118250I think the funniest part is how Kiara _began_ her ''ruthless buisnesswoman'' route. She would always attentionwhore spam about how much she loves Pekora, to a point where Pekora would feel uncomfortable and stream during the same hours on purpose, adding that 'she does not want to talk about any of the girls today'. She brought Marine's attention only by her, being a whiny little bitch (back when she only started having pure mental breakdowns on stream and crying about how shitty she is, doing pity-party streams, etc) forcing Marine to come to her and talk to her about it, explaining 'haterz gunn hate'. On any collab she is always overlyforcing herself which really shows, on holoEN she would try to be 'not like ze others' for the sake of attention (game stream), or be obnoxiously loud, talking on top of others (eg snack stream) and now this.
She is a holoJP reject and many things really do show how she wishes she was holoJP instead of holoEN, because of how desperately she wants to get those 'numbers'. She really is the only holoEN who actually numberfags and whines.
No. 118259
File: 1603883275423.jpeg (255.2 KB, 1125x738, 06F2D4F9-1599-4942-BFB0-E68078…)

>>117308Hasn’t even debuted yet and she’s already stirring drama in the community, classic Yurunyan. While I don’t doubt Cream the uwu lewd degenerate tranny would do anything written in the call out, it felt more like a fan fiction the way she referred to a mom friend as “Mamma” for the duration of the paragraph. I’m also wondering why she didn’t call out the friend who supposedly encouraged Cream to molest her? Ending this with “A-also she hacks and botted followers for me!” raises some question marks for me. No. 118260
>>118220Hololive has 28 of top 50, Nijisan has has just 9. If we go higher then Hololive has 7 of top 10 while Nijisan doesn't have a single one. I think it is pretty fair to say that Hololive is more popular.
Source: No. 118265
File: 1603885873455.png (1.02 MB, 2476x1660, munibug - Copy.png)

so munibug is having drama again
>banned everyone under 17 from her discord
>openly calls minors who might support her ugly
>bad talked vtuber catfeiine on twitter for warning a friend that there's a rumor munibug might dox people
>is rumored to dox other vtubers during collaborations
>arbitrarily bans people on discord, then deletes conversations about it (over 2000 bans already)
>has a loli voice and always does adult like, when there's 2 bad comments she ends streams and cries
>closed her dm on twitter and discord, no one can write her except friends
>reset all discord channels after having drama with friends and a massive amount of people left
>is not excited about subs anymore, even has a sub count
>she lives in a flat for over 1000 euros, told people she likes invadervie
>got reported on twitter for self-harming posts, still continues them
>every 2 weeks she goes mentally instable and takes a "long" break, then suddenly comes back after a few days to get massive donations in a stream
No. 118266
>>118261There's like this one Idol that streams on twitch, she's alright, has decent popularity, but I think she's pretty unknown as an idol.
>>118259>>118262I guess that's what we have been waiting for. Any chances we get other "my experience with x" happening because of this? I didn't see anything on CreamBRabbit's twitter about it.
And did she already post any proof? Because I seriously don't get it.
>waits years to talk about it>now needs time to show proofJust make it seem like bullshit.
>>118265I don't know munibug too much, but for the most part, the real bad things you said were dox people, and being a drama whore that constantly tries to seek attention through posts like "I'm in a bad space mentally, need a break" or "Maybe I should just quit".
For the started drama and the dox accusations, it would really be better to put in something that shows them.
Wiping discord, deleting stuff, that's typical behaviour for unstable people that want attention, but it's not real milk.
>banning minors>called them ugly>lives in a flat over 1000 euros>likes InvaderVieIf she doesn't want minors in her community, she can ban them, that's absolutely fair; ugly feels way more like a joke than anything; why the fuck it matters where she lives? Unless she's lying to bait donations or support; I won't even mention the last one.
No. 118268
>>118265This idiot also sexualizes her own loli character, commissioned porn of her oc once and would draw lewd shit with her. Her previous private was super milky, she is obsessed with whining about her friends and complaining about how depressed she is while also saying that she regrets sitting at home all the time instead of going outside with her irl friends.
Before she became a e-persona she would attention whore around on uwutuber servers, going to a point where she would try hitting on mods or getting attention from them. Is also known for randomly vc popular youtubers mods for "lulz". Been having high pitched voice since the beginning but it sounded not as rough as she tries to make it seem, sounded more screechy and fake.
No. 118271
>>118270Her art is a joke compared to other streamers that can really draw. Many smaller ones even made fan art for her that looks ten times better than what she does.
One time she streamed minecraft and got called out by 2 people how she could do it better (she built a shitty house out of dirt for hours), then ended the stream, accused people for backseating and went on break for a week. When she came back she got tons of subs and donations from her loyal fans.
No. 118273
File: 1603891258996.png (122.04 KB, 856x814, holocnending.png)

>>118269>she even allows some to stay while she bans othersSee, that's a type of thing I agree being a bad point now. Lying about your age is easy, but if she wants no minors, it needs to be all of them. Things get especially shitty when rules start getting applied for some, while not for others.
I just wanted to point some things that felt nitpicky, but with a bit more context seem like
valid criticism, which she clearly can't take it.
>She banned people just for mentioning her voice as "cute" or "funny" because she doesn't want to look like a child She makes an almost toddler-like voice. And she is super into loli, what the fuck does she want I think the only one that one-ups her is the rebranded Himepen.
The first time I heard her it was difficult to handle for my ears.
By the way, it seems HololiveCN will not get to go indie. Pic related (credits to 4chan for the caps).
No. 118278
File: 1603894222751.png (274 KB, 768x737, artiainsanity.png)

>>118275>Biggest cowChecks out, pic related (caps from discord and old twitter are from that same 4chan anon).
No. 118280
File: 1603896608169.jpeg (53.42 KB, 995x969, ElUsM7oVcAAMMt9.jpeg)

>"omg Ina if I win you have to draw me in a sexy bikini like Amelia, ok?! If I win in Mario Kart you have to draw me!!!!!!!!!!
>draws pic related
Sure, she's made out to be the ticking time bomb but you're all underestimating the rest of them. They're not taking her seriously one bit.
No. 118281
File: 1603896983706.jpg (60.11 KB, 668x720, Doodlestream.jpg)

>>118280Ina drew this in less than 40min, what a chad. She had no time to finish it because her drawinh stream was already too long.
No. 118282
>>118280I really don't think that Kiara will do anything dumb. She makes way too much money now to quit, and she doesn't harass the other girls so she wont get forced out. She might be a bit obnoxious but she is far from the only girl acting like that. People speak as if she can't handle failure, but if she stayed in Japan and applied to hololive over and over after countless rejections it seems like she has the mental stamina to manage.
And overall almost every girl in Hololive stays, quitting is very rare. And when they quit it was mostly to avoid harassment from angry fans.
No. 118285
>>118284Are you just here to post fake rumors? Are you someone with a grudge or what?
I saw some other strange stuff about her posted earlier that I couldn't find anywhere on the web, like her forcing a colab with Marine forcing marine to quit a colab with Ina. Ina never had a colab with Kiara and we don't know if Kiara will have a colab with Marine, its just baseless speculation nonsense. That was you as well, right?
I just don't understand why anyone would hate a virtual streamer so much they would go around spreading fake rumors about them.
No. 118286
File: 1603897643128.png (158.16 KB, 892x1220, 1486170464577.png)

>>118282> and she doesn't harass the other girls Until she doesn't get what she wants or they start threatening her position. Then the milk will flow when she talks about how the girls are bullying her, they're fake or she wants to die because her sempai don't want to take her shit. Remember, this is the girl that on stream with her supposed "friend" forced viewers to answer which was cuter then cried when they said the other girl.
No. 118291
>>118289Nah, it wasn't. She would agree with China's actions on her stream and private twt, celebrating Haachama and Coco's break.
As for Civia, everyone on twitter threw torches at her the second she started doing YT all because she was celebrating some China war-related stuff before. I think u can find it on her twitter by searching up people's replies, everyone were angry.
No. 118292
>>118285I think she is just really hated here because she is keekihime and did some shitty stuff in her past like the whole /cgl/ thing and blueballing some guy that helped her come to japan.
I don't think she is that mentally unstable anymore, and if she is then cover might control her the same way they somehow manage to control Matsuri. The only slip she might have is if she decides to say some SJW stuff during a stream or something.
No. 118295
>>118291I still believe the possibility that she said that so that the Bugmen cabal didn't attacked her. If she had stayed silent when the Coco situation was at it's height, instead the bugmen might believe that she was actually supporting Coco and Haachama (they are insane enough to believe that Aqua is pro-CCP just because she hasn't said anything about Coco), which would lead to her family in China to get arrested by the CCP if the bugmen where loud enough.
I believe in both possibilities anyways, so I'll just wait until she goes indie or to another company and see what she says, if she says anything pro-china or anti-hololive outloud then I will believe the Judas theory.
No. 118298
File: 1603901294431.png (637.63 KB, 500x1667, 1603896261819.png)

>>118297You could at least use true things like the SJW background instead of making up things….
Also, Artia is having a mental breakdown on Bilibili, here's a translation of what she has said so far
No. 118299
>>118297People don't want the retarded narrative posting that's on every other Vtuber thread elsewhere because then it just goes into schizoposting territory, if you're going to post milk let it at least be based in reality
>>118298>KFC here sucks, there's nothing goodkek
Maybe it's a good thing after all HoloCN is disbanding, Artia was also a ticking timebomb
No. 118300
>>118298Goddamn, it's way worse than I thought.
Kinda liked Civia, not sure what she'll do after that.
No. 118307
>>118285>>118305>on the webIt’s at least a European so probably her friends
A chart went around /jp/ that had amelias dox and kiaras, and kiaras pic was a really good highly edited pic where she was turning her head away, and Amelias pic was a really unflattering one I’ve never seen before. I’ll see if I can find it, sage until then
No. 118308
File: 1603905578597.jpg (1.2 MB, 2250x5300, 1603193240875.jpg)

>>118307This one?
Also, i don't understand the whole Kiara being really ugly thing, that only applies to her teeth. She seems average here for example: No. 118309
>>118308That’s the one, yeah. I thought it was kind of weird that it’s a chart for showing identities but the Kiara one is an extremely flattering angle and heavily smoothed when there’s tons that show her face much more clearly. Kiara is also the one who previously posted on cgl and has talked about people shit talking her before she was posted about here so it’s not far fetched that she’d be on /jp/. I don’t think any of the other holoENs would but Kiara has a 4chan history and is openly insecure.
Sage’d food for thought.
No. 118315
>>118298I've just got this weird feeling that Artia being a CCP shill was true this whole time, and now she's gonna use Cover fucking her over as a springboard to rile up the chinks again for another attack on the company. I'm already seeing a lot of unrest and some bugmen blaming Coco (of course, who else) for HoloCN getting slam-dunked.
Should be interesting developments regardless, everyone keep your eyes on it
No. 118329
File: 1603912062226.png (134.52 KB, 1184x584, Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 2.06…)

>>118284Cover wasn't sponsoring her visa. She came to Japan herself on a year long working holiday visa, she says so multiple times. I think its up sometime next year.
No. 118332
>>118305Isn't the point to ridicule people? Posting fake shit doesn't do that. There are tons of things off with Kiara you can talk about so why make stuff up?
If someone is ridiculously dumb then post why instead of posting fake shit. It is more fun that way. Otherwise we are just making fun of a caricature and not a real person.
No. 118335
>>118332If not kiara, at least a friend that’s coming to shill. Not to mention not even giving courteousy to sage. Who the fuck tipped them off?
This went from previous thread of some shit on holoEN, then obviously talk of kiara and her costhotting around. Given her behavior she’ll likely be first to burn out, but clearly her attention whoring is going to be friction to holo vtubers.
Then we’ve got the indie scene, with a simp that has the ego of Mount Rushmore and the need to insert himself into every indie vtuber just getting out. Next, artechoke’s disastrous stream, clearly a tranny. The egos of the indie scene are going to create an entertaining shitshow. Outside of that, just waiting on the milk to flow.
Still waiting on whatever milk there was about Io dating a child groomer on a past account.
No. 118348
>>118308sorry to be that guy, but it would be nice if someone updated this pic with the latest faces, like Ina and Mori
Okayu's face is also known
No. 118356
File: 1603924706997.png (177.01 KB, 503x559, Inazzy.png)

>>118348Sorry anon, AX2019's venue is too big for the YouTube VOD people to go to the Artist Alley and get a peak at Nagu for us. Everywhere else was boarded up by her, even her Discord.
( No. 118374
File: 1603940890204.png (561.33 KB, 1192x1482, milk.png)

Some actual milk. I found all this happening while browsing through a random Vtuber's twitter.
I am seeing both of them for the first time, but I think the situation explains itself well. Fluffly groomed Cathy, shit got exposed, then he comes with all the usual bullshit of how he know that he is the wrong, etc. Screenshots and many details are in the twitlonger made by Cathy. Fluffy's response, as said, is the usual apology because he got caught. just got wind of this, so I didn't do much digging in their circles, and other things that could be interesting.
Also, his avatar is a fucking sheep, the irony on that just feels amazing.
Although this drama is from a very small part of the ENVtubing community, I feel like this will happen a lot.
No. 118378
>>118375I just got done reading and my spidey senses are tingling as well. Something about the way it's all written? They're both so nonchalant. Though, I don't have any history on these two so maybe I'm just a tard.
If it's for real then I hope this guy has turned himself in. He kept referring to what he did as a "mistake" kek. He doesn't deserve to have his precious pedo feefees spared. I feel sad for her that she feels obligated to protect him.
No. 118392
File: 1603967162863.jpg (568.43 KB, 900x1200, hololive noel3 facedox.jpg)

>>118308I'm always surprised when the better Noel face isn't used.
No. 118399
>>118378Honestly, I don't know. I'm leaning more on the side of that it is true.
If this was somehow scripted, or fake to gather attention and boost following by pity points, it failed horribly, and only served to jeopardize both of their careers if anything came out exposing that, in fact, it's all fake.
Fluff nuked his twitter before I could dig more, and I didn't archive anything from there. Just in case I archived Cathy's tweet and both twitlongers (not sure if you can delete those), Fluff's account was lost though.
Not sure if this is mentioned in any of the caps, but what was being said is that Cathy was 15 and Fluff was in his early twenties. (Cathy's tweet thread) (Cathy's twitlonger) (Fluff's twitlonger)
>>118387Is there anything about it, or that would be just her personal account?
I got nothing about it though.
No. 118430
>>118392tbh IRL Noel just ain't fair. Actual shortstack, about 4'10", L-cup chest, perfect face symmetry, goddamn.
I'm glad she shares her 'gifts' with us on her alt account(s).
File: 1603996092812.jpg (656.4 KB, 992x2595, le_undoxxable_queen.jpg)

/hlg/ finally dug up Guura's face :
Sǝnzawa used to have a Twitter (@sǝnzawaa) before her current one, which we can confirm through her friend and her commission.
She used the name Sena and did a few minor roles that link back to that Twitter as well. know she was called Sena: was credited with a full name under a VN role she ultimately didn't do (Nyanners picked it up) and that name was used in a minor voice role for a board game animation.
Voice actor with that name around that age starting around that time period. Obviously is her voice. All of them credit sǝnzawa (Sena) for the voice acting.
My Teen Romantic Comedy is UNDERSTANDABLY F*CKED
When Cutie Met Patootie - Chapter Four
Finally, the VN credits her FULL name for the role. the boardgame kindly provided a photo of her. real name is SENA HOWARD.
Narrative: As that one sharkfag has been saying all along: Her wearing glasses is the reason Gura's eyes are always spazzing out, the rigging itself is fine.
No. 118436
>>118435> face is so filtered, blurry and unnecessary eye increase. Girl, love yourself.
I wonder how she looks like without those edits.
No. 118461
>>118456You got it completely backwards lol
Amelia is nerdie girl next door kind of cute and Mori is normie tier cute. Kiara has a big honker and shoops too much. Gura looks like an average nerd girl. Ina is average nerd looking and is almost homely tbh.
No. 118467
>>118437Well, if the shark girl aesthetic didn’t work out, she’s certainly got the makings for a goblin vtuber.
Goblin shark
No. 118471
File: 1604006006348.png (74.86 KB, 750x645, hl.png)

HoloENs are still not getting paid.
No. 118475
File: 1604006340620.png (110.05 KB, 362x260, insecuritydetector.png)

>>118435The fuck is with her nose? The more I look at it the worse it gets.
No. 118485
>>118478>>118482I don't see why Cover would say Gura can't spell, other than that, if they did, please show it.
I saw anons on /jp/ insisting it wasn't senzawa and saying she was a japanese that has english as her second language, but that was schizoposting at the time, and even more now.
Also, I don't really see much of a problem to say they didn't get paid. I don't know how japanese culture looks at that, and how much that would affect them though.
If she's speaking every day or way too much about it, than I can see it as a problem.
No. 118486
>>118484The kickstarter or whatever was still up when I looked earlier.
No. 118495
File: 1604013042616.png (8.76 KB, 339x95, meh.png)

(this is not milk)
No. 118506
File: 1604021089355.png (113.83 KB, 901x837, tTqROI5SvK.png)

Sena Howard used to ERP in some really raunchy French +18RP forum, if you know some french here's the source: related is a translated snippet.
No. 118511
>>118506>>118507I'd say the combination is a coincidence. 2 of the characters that poster plays are based on Sena Kashiwazaki and Luka Crosszeria, simply changing their last names to Howard for rp.
>>118508If the conspiracy rabbit hole is right, then as a teen she said she knew french. But the link between the two isn't strong enough to convince people (especially with how heavily the other's photo is filtered).
No. 118514
>>118513also for it being "fake and gay", the links listing to the facebook posts listing the face in question were taken down post-haste after it's bringing it up. Quite unlike the senzawa ifunny where the IRL vids and other shit were left up.
Her pay whales can try to plausible deniability all they like, but cat, or should I say shark, is out of the bag now.
No. 118519
File: 1604027859840.png (636.91 KB, 1079x845, Screenshot 2020-10-29.png)

>>118513There are a few tweets to @senzawaa that predate that specific account, it's a case of twitter being weird in how it handles mentions when someone scoops up an old username. For instance is 9 months earlier
No. 118522
>>118519Yeah I had imagined it had something to do with someone taking another users name, since Twitter shows the account being active since 2017.
I'm almost impressed with how many fake accounts there are using the Senzawa moniker. Didn't think she was popular enough for people to RP as online.
No. 118529
File: 1604040992853.png (390.05 KB, 2048x950, Screenshot_20201024-122249~2.p…)

I just saw this.
She's so big headed she thinks shooting herself in the foot wouldn't hurt at all.
No. 118535
File: 1604046201490.jpg (147.49 KB, 720x867, Yadda.jpg)

>>118533Shame that anon didn't say anythint about the cow.
This VTuber does nothing but daily tweets about how she is hated by everyone and how VTuber community fears her.
People dont want to do much with her all because she:
-Fully brainwashed by christianity
-Brags about being right-wing daily, believes thats why people do not want to hang out with her, not because she always whines about how everyone hates her (and making daily tweets about it)
-Openly homophobic
-Is a pretentious tradthot pickme
-Said n-word once and keeps spregging about it
-Self-diagnosed with autism in order to get a pass in everything
I keep thinking that's a troll.
( No. 118555
File: 1604073572852.jpg (187.72 KB, 1079x551, Screenshot_20201030-085432_Twi…)

Why does she have to be so blatant about pandering? This is cringe.
Also what if something actually happens? I remember when Shion and Marine had a sleepover and Marine went into extreme detail that Shion groped her and they fooled around a bit in bed. Shion completely denied it to the point some fans believe it actually may have happened because how awkward Shion's response was.
No. 118576
File: 1604085840400.png (1.08 MB, 1441x2048, Screenshot_20201030-142223.png)

>>118535>mocking a "welcome community"The absolute irony
No. 118586
>>118555>>118557Kind of a rant, but this shit is really making me not like her more. The thing about that is that the yuribaiting Marine gives off follows the joke that nobody ever loves her romantically and never hooks up. Kiara meanwhile is trying to get close to Marine as kind of a blatant way to get close to Pekora really just makes it ultra cringe since it comes off more as if a fat otaku inserting himself between two idols, even if Marine herself said she's trying to bridge them together. It hasn't even been a half year since she fucking debuted so usual decorum would have been her refusing, but whatever.
I've liked Marine ever since her debut not for her yuribaiting, but more for the jokes that come out it and the occasional reality checks, but I'm thinking the one thing that will make me stop watching her might actually be Kiara.
No. 118608
>>118451Mori > Kiara > Amelia > Gura > Ina
People in here constantly shitting on how people looks really does tell how salty and ugly you bitches are.
No. 118626
>>118615The look is chosen by the artist, as well as the overall character although they rarely stick to the character. Pekora has spoken about her character being designed just to be a cute bunny girl which she (thankfully) found difficult to stick to.
Subaru's artist is a vtuber herself and sometimes talks about designing the outfits. Subaru had a minor argument with her on stream once because the artist had added visible underwear which Subaru didn't really like.
No. 118627
>>118435looked up voice acting from that dumb movie and that dumb game. 100% her.
As far as the loli shit, it isn't inherently sexual. I find it cute in an imouto sense, and not sexual at all. I know a LOT of pedos like it though.
No. 118633
>>118629False alarm. "faye" is nyanners's alias.
yuliya faye/taylor faye/anything slavaboo
The tweet announcing senzawa as the voice actor postdates the one announcing nyanners. This is strange because nyanners is listed as the voice actress in most of the credits I find.
No. 118634
File: 1604111360574.png (5.88 KB, 756x84, fired.png)

>>118633Other way around, the Sena tweet is Aug 2018 and
>>118629 is June 2019.
I'm glad this was brought up because it turns out Sena was fired. No. 118643
File: 1604113610893.jpg (204.73 KB, 1080x1750, Screenshot_20201031-040214__01…)

What the fuck
People really give money to this boring ass person
No. 118651
>>118634>firedIn workplace vocabulary, either shit really went places, or the designers are terrible in their communication and wording.
Letting go = underperformance or general unsatisfactory. No violations of any work policies
Fired = termination as a result of actions or behaviors that violated standards, regulations, and other general rules within the work environment.
No. 118652
File: 1604119496614.jpg (86.63 KB, 1036x960, gura.jpg)

spent a lot of time searching. only thing I could find was the original image that got baleted from facebook. this girl is really good at covering her tracks. I'm pretty sure sena howard is a pseudonym.
No. 118655
>>118555what a leech, she knows marine is popular with JP audience. no wonder she's the lowest sub on EN member lol.
i'm just glad pekora never give her an attention (she's the only vtuber that i like ironically)
No. 118658
>>118535>-Said n-word once and keeps spregging about itYou mean nigger?
>>118604Venti is that you?
No. 118662
>>118651Although she could have been just messing around about the constant drunkenness it wouldn't surprise me if she actually had a serious drinking problem which could have led to termination.
If she did have an alcohol problem then it's rather nice she's actually been able to turn things around somewhat.
No. 118731
Domo's discord server allows the use of the word "trap", some are demanding that he needs to take a position about it.
What will he do, bend the knee, or keep his stance.
I'm surprised this stupid discourse took this long to spill on the vtubing community. No. 118753
>>118751What about the rest of his circle though? Did any of they say something? Literal whos probably aren't going to make him worry much.
>>118745All of those words are already normie speak, maybe "redpill" isn't used too much, but for the rest, you go on twitter and you are able to see them quite a lot.
Maybe not epic fail, because it got changed to "F"
No. 118757
>>118750I believe artemis was propped up by weebs who would tell him to fuck off the moment he came for their actual passable guys that dress up as women.
>>118740You got a penis don't cha?
No. 118768
>>118740Trap is literally only used by horny weaboos and people getting upset over it are also horny weaboos for acknowledging it
That being said I do want to see Domo get his shit dragged for talking about traps, seeing people eat each other from within is funny
No. 118771
>>118770You posted right before me, good thing I waited a bit.
He just talked in DMs with Riri. Yeah, the dude is slimy as shit, just the smallest bit of pressure made him bend for fear of losing anything in "his community", not sure if anyone in his circle talked about it in public though.
It always baffles me how these type of people just go nuts by using a word that doesn't even mean what they think it means. This "community" is already damned and it didn't even start.
Do you think she's going to be in one of the interviews soon?
No. 118775
>>118773jap artist behind black rock shooter and steins;gate.
He drew Kiara, she got permission to invite him to their minecraft server, autists of various varities got pissy and he was asked to leave. She was said she was upset about it.
No. 118776
>>118773He's the artist who designed Kiara's model. He apparently worked on a number of games including the Metal Gear Solid series so he has quite a following himself.
Kiara apparently asked permission from management for him to join the server to HELP her. During a later stream one of the other girls discovered an item that he could only have through cheating somehow. The combined autism of Minecraft purists and hololive viewers who don't want men anywhere near their waifus forced Cover to rescind permission.
No. 118781
File: 1604195880393.png (81.69 KB, 643x563, purists and backseaters are ca…)

>>118770Man those anons from the last thread saying that the western vtuber community would turn into the UTAU community were right.
>>118773>>118776Went on Leddit for some more background, apparently he made enchanted crossbows as gifts to the girls and backseatfags and purists were mad because it's "cheating and cheapening the experience for the girls" (even though these same morons found the seed to their Minecraft world and wanted to give them coordinates and they constantly spoil other games for them). According to some people on Reddit, the enchantments were for the regular bow so it would have been useless on the crossbows anyway and it was supposed to be a joke. I have no idea what exactly the enchantments were, but I don't think they would be hard to get anyway?
Pic related also mentions other times when autists sperged about how the girls were playing, but this case definitely sounds like they were jealous that a male not only played MC with their precious waifus, but also gave them gifts. Imagine how pissed they would've been if the ENmanager that carried them in L4D2 a couple days ago was a male.
No. 118783
>>118781samefagging to correct myself a bit since I'm a bit Minecraft illiterate, but after googling it, it's impossible to put bow enchantments on crossbows in Survival mode, so huke would've either had to go in Creative to make the crossbows or use cheat commands. It's still fucking stupid to sperg about was is essentially regular crossbows with joke enchantments. It's not like he gave them an overpowered weapon or a chest full of rare materials.
>>118782Pretty much. The spergy entitlement of idol otaku combined with the spergy entitlement of gamers is too
No. 118784
>>118781To be honest the most anger I've seen is from Minecraft "blind play" fanatics. I'm sure there'd be many who are angry that a man dares enter their server but I think that's much less so in the West. I think people are genuinely angry because he decided to cheat into existence a crossbow which is useless. For those unaware about Minecraft the enchantments (the buffs for the weapon or armour) are very specific and won't do anything unless added to the specific weapon or armour type. He seems to have deliberately have added enchantments that do nothing just to fuck with viewers.
Apparently hololive viewers don't have a sense of humour.
No. 118796
>>118792banning the world trap and all that on their discord. Who'da thunk it that all those tumblrites would coalesce into the indie vtuber scene? Not to mention, is the discord server in question just some indievtuber discord? is it the atelier one? Or is it actually one that was his that he basically got himself cucked out of? So much for the "yeah I'm such a badass look at me be verbally
abusive to all these women (and tranny)".
No. 118797
>>118784Hilarious yet sad. I understand it's out of character, but perhaps if they adopted the way a certain binyot casually makes fun of the people that try to backseat game, either that shit will flair up more, or that shit will end. The fact that there's no moderation for their chat to allow it to happen is definitely a mistake on their part.
>"apprently hololive viewers don't have a sense of humour"It's people from the land of the declining birth rates and people emulating like the people from the land of the declining birth rates. Full on autism.
The other thing that this means is that the hololive audience would be so autistic that they would flip their shit about some renowned and wealthy artist that they wouldn't care about shit. Granted BRS is just some vocaloid fanfic OC pooled into their own world, this leaves implication that if someone like renown like Junji Ito or Eiichiro Oda, hell or even if someone like yoko taro somehow found themselves in the server, the wave of salty autists would just eliminate any chance or semblance of any shit because their retarded purist-radar would be going off the charts. And ten to one these girls, like Amelia and Kiara, have already fucked while they're sperging out about "wut is boy doing with these servers"
No. 118816
>>118797>certain binyotNice.
I think the biggest problem would be the company's response to that, which I don't know if it happened already, but I can see them having to give out an apology because she said something "bad" to the audience.
Didn't Aqua have to issue a super long apology video because she played more than one time with a pro smash brothers player in an open-lobby stream, and some people lost their shit over that?
Backseat gamers/purists (in a gaming sense) are obnoxious as hell, don't get me wrong, but I don't think any of the Hololive members would be able to make jokes about them and be fine later on. The only way to solve the problem would be to flat-out ignore them and get a moderation team to just purge this type of shit.
I mean, you can go on twitch and find streamers that barely have 30 viewers with more moderators, so I can't understand how something so stupid can get out of hand.
Then again, I guess it's par for the course for the retarded fans to somehow be able to destroy things.
>>118811>>118812I think I know which image they're referring to, but I won't even engage with obvious bait.
It was a question of when the thread would be found, not if.
Also, Io's stream with tsunderemaids made the chances of that possible milk go to 0.
No. 118821
File: 1604251402416.png (751.53 KB, 841x1000, please shut.png)

redpill me on pikamee, anything juicy about her?
No. 118827
>>118823Niji have their own issues but they aren't involved in some crazy drama every other week. The Meiro Roa drama was basically nothing compared to stuff like Aloe Mano, the Taiwan Coco incident, etc.
The drama was more on Meiro and Roa being catty than Nijisanji themselves. At least Nijisanji gets permission from game companies to stream their games unlike Hololive who ignored it until they got in trouble and had to take down a bunch of VODs. Also Niji actually treats their talents like regular streamers and not like idols which is something I prefer.
No. 118829
>>118827Honestly, I feel like this is true. And, in a certain way, the lack of idol treatment kinda makes it easier on the people behind the avatars.
However, if Hololive has something on Niji, it's the way they build hype. For example, NijisanjiEN already exists, but it's just a rebranding of Nijisanji India (which I didn't even know that exists), since they used quite a lot of english. A few days ago I caught a birthday stream of one of the members and it had barely 50 viewers, while her channel wasn't even on 10k subs.
>>118821Other than the loli stuff, no.
No. 118830
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>>118829>>118825>yah she's a pedophile, but so are all of them, who cares?That anime brainrot at work.
No. 118841
File: 1604260750056.jpg (197.74 KB, 954x2048, zpi6q1l4gir51.jpg)

>>118835she definitely is one
even if she wasn't, it's still fucking weird to talk this way about child characters
No. 118842
File: 1604261121024.jpg (202.23 KB, 1066x1165, 1603689248309.jpg)

>>118821Pikamee out there getting that fresh cunny.
>>118842>>118843This isn't /hlg/.
>>118841What was the context behind this?
No. 118854
>>118847Glad to see Vtubers don't just cater to pedophiles, they are also pedophiles themselves. Such wholesome cute content, I guess I just don't understand japanese culture where it's hot to molest children.
Venti was right.
No. 118858
File: 1604264722646.webm (3.74 MB, 480x270, wholesome.webm)
>>118854and racists apparently
No. 118861
>>118860nah I like it here
now stop crying
>>118846We all know that's where you came from, though.
>>118860Just wait for the mods to ban them, anon.
No. 118867
File: 1604269420746.png (342.31 KB, 1062x727, 2020-11-01_22-23.png)

There was already a conversation about Pikamee last thread wasn't there? Feels like I'm getting dementia.
Anyway the Chinese Hololive hatedom made a website and are attempting to do gayops. No. 118869
>>118867>>118868What exactly are they planning to do? Mass spam?
>There was already a conversation about Pikamee last thread wasn't there? I think there might have been one.
No. 118871
"Before we begin, let me explain the goal of this operation.
Build mistrust between westerners and Taiwanese.
Fake tagging attacks on westerners' social networking sites and blame it on 4v.
Build a negative perception of cover among Westerners.
Support the punching locusts by creating confusion for Westerners.
Pressure Covers to offer better negotiating terms to the B site."
Seems they want to engage in FUD shenanigans by making different social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and 4chan) fight with each other for the purpose of getting better treatment from Cover on Bilibili…somehow?
The best part is that they keep writing as if it's some super sekrit plan but it's on clear web for the rest of the world.
If anyone else knows Chinese though feel free to input because I feel like DeepL is missing some details here.
No. 118876
File: 1604277261656.jpeg (218.01 KB, 1512x2048, EizZqK-XYAEFkPj.jpeg)

Imagine being genuinely triggered by people lewding inanimate drawings and equating it with real people. Might as well steer clear of any media with a hint of violence while you're at it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 118877
>>118871This sounds super stupid, which is great.
Can't wait until the international autism gets weaponized and they start wanting to fuck with the chinese, or bilibili, etc.
DeepL is pretty solid to get context, so I don't see much of a problem.
>>118875You would be surprised by how silly things can really be.
>>118876How hard is it to sage?
No. 118878
>>118876ok I'm imagining, now what?
btw you should sage if you're just shitposting
No. 118882
>>118875Most Vtuber fans are massive incels who don't want others to have what they've never had while also feeling entitled to the girls they stan. They spend so much time and money on these girls that they feel like they deserve reciprocation for it, they build up imaginary relationships with them in their heads and feel betrayed when they find out they've been dating. They also tend to have purity complexes in which they believe girls who have been in any relationships or had sex (with anyone but them of course) are sluts and whores. It's common behavior among idol fans.
>>118876Back to 4chan, pedoscrote.
No. 118888
>>118887I know her chat is getting botted
but where's your proof it's her botting it and not the antis? you posted a recent video which is after the Coco-Haato Taiwan incident
you do realize chinese have been spamming Coco's chat?
No. 118891
>>118890What the fuck are you on about? She created the image of the scrolling chat she uses on stream. It's the same 10-15 messages over and over. Because of the spam in all the holos chat, primarily hers, almost none of them show chat on stream anymore.
Are you ok, anon?
No. 118892
>>118888We are talking about different things. The chat in her video is a pre-made loop, not a real chat.
If you're wondering about the bot messages you need to watch her live and go to the anti coco site to see what to look for. You might be able to look at the chat from videos vods too Im not sure. Antis are using the copy paste messages from the coco hate site to spam her chat yeah but they aren't completely over running it. I'm not on a pc right now so maybe another anon can post some screenshots from cocos chat and see that it matches the same messages from the Chinese coco hate site if you're unwilling to do your own research.
No. 118893
File: 1604280791010.png (13.84 KB, 536x376, 1.png)

>>118887Pro tip: copy this link instead whatever other link you're copying into this bar right here so you can embed things right
No. 118898
File: 1604282076505.png (1.04 MB, 1337x2048, Screenshot_20201101-194734.png)

How can you brand yourself as a good cathlic when you are constantly sperging mean shit?
Also how can you call yourself a Vtuber when you don't even have a live model during the stream?
No. 118901
>>118898>good cathlic when you are constantly sperging mean shitGod approves when you think you're on the right, I guess.
>can you call yourself a Vtuber when you don't even have a live model during the streamPeople really destroyed the standards for what a Vtuber is. A butchered model, and now even a png give you enough to slap [VTuber] in a video or stream.
And I suppose Athena is doing better than most indies, even if she is on that shithole of website that is DLive.
No. 118902
>>118900Oh no, he did that the same day, but only in DMs. Also, it looks bad to have his name on sankakucomplex, since the comments on the news of the website are an absolute cesspool.
He's doing what's best for him, not mentioning it specifically, keeping things vague, and not saying "I apologise" directly, since that would mean he did something wrong.
No. 118955
>>118940eww it's a ratsized dog, thought she'd have at least a beagle or something
that said, does anyone have clips from senzawa streams? she deleted everything from twitch when she started hololive
No. 118957
>>118953I guess she never called herself one? I'm not sure about that though. At the very least she does have a decent model. And this "debut" will for sure bring some more viewers.
>>118955I don't know, there might be some other streams archived like this one. Not sure though, people don't really have a habit of archiving streams.
As for clips, I think her youtube channel or some tweets mare have some.
No. 118980
File: 1604337648681.jpg (76.55 KB, 1080x1080, borzoi-overview.jpg)

reject weeb degeneracy
No. 118993
>>118991I would unironically subscribe to our very own lolcow Vtuber, tranny voice or not
Just stream yourself reading threads and it'll be enough
No. 119001
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>>118991Don't unless you're the type for constant snark.
Cute voices are half of a vtuber's potency and R*ddit/YouTube saying that Artemis' pitch is okay because Ina forget the part where priestess has the single best talent you could show to others.
(responding to scrotes) No. 119003
>>119001Even snark won't get you far in vtubing, if you don't have the uwu voice. Artemis gets away with it because they blueballed their audience by delaying their debut, so their followers were already invested.
The anime community either wants some unobtainable gf experience or want to be the gf experience. Very little in between.
No. 119005
>>119000>I would unironically subscribe to our very own lolcow Vtuber, tranny voice or notSaid no farmer ever.
Go back to /jp/.
No. 119027
File: 1604373571231.webm (8.46 MB, 1920x1080, 24502230000-offset-424.webm)
>>119022Don't know anything but peeked out of curiosity at a random 2017 stream, she's in the middle and her brother there is Mew2King.
No. 119029
File: 1604377051711.png (210.51 KB, 950x788, Overwatch.png)

>>119027RIP, I guess this is our premonition for cancellations across the indie vtuber scene since both the Smash and FGC communities got the big cull this year.
No. 119038
>>118841A lot of times I can look past loli when it's these characters who clearly act like adult women in a petite body, or hyper-cute little characters who make you want to pat their head, but… going into this much depth makes it feel really realistic and squicky to me. Talking about aging and maturity is a thing that happens to irl little girls, not fictional girls, so.
Ngl, I used to like Pikamee more than most vtubers, but this kind of makes me lose respect for her. A bunch of coomers will use this as justification for their own little girl interests.
No. 119044's the anon that said Kiara wasn't mentally unstable anymore?
Even if you say this is "Acting" or whatever, I can't imagine being unprofessional enough to talk about how jealous you are over a coworker being friends with another.
And the fake pekora style laugh. Skinwalker territory
No. 119051
>>119044This is pretty cringe. It doesn't feel like a "joke" anymore once Kiara rambles on and on about "Moona and Pekora THIS, Moona and Pekora THAT" incoherently for like 60 seconds. It feels stalkerish and manipulative at this point. What if Pekora simply didn't want to collab with Kiara or already has a busy calendar this month?
If I was Pekora, I wouldn't find this flattering anymore, I'd find it creepy.
And people are always going to meme on cute interactions between the girls. Once the Moona thing dies down, it'll be someone else. What if Pekora has a cute interaction with Ame or Ina? Will Kiara turn on them too?
People are going to be afraid of collabing with Pekora if she keeps this up. But maybe that's her goal.
No. 119053
>>119048>>119049I was just coming to comment the same thing after watching the Moona complaining. she does sometimes do it during her debut as well but you can tell she can barely handle doing it.
I dont see how people can keep trying to give her a pass. She doesnt even have the excuse of 'oh she's an ignorant foreigner she doesnt know how to act around Japanese people' since she's been living there for so long.
Also something I found weird looking at her debut I know the excuse is that it's 'fried chicken day' but you cant convince me that she didnt hunt down a date close to her own birthday so she could get a bunch of donos right before her actual birthday and hopefully get them in time for that. (Kiara's is July 6th Keeki's is July 19th it seems)
>>119051I dont think it would make people scared of collabing with Pekora but it will make people want to ignore Kiara. If anything I had never heard about Moona before this and now I'm going to check her out since she's so jealous.
>>119052Lowkey I want to see Ina and Marine do a collab so badly. Just a casual art stream and their dynamics work too since a lot of iconic cthulu/lovecraft stuff is based around water and oceans.
No. 119055
>>119053I watch only Ina, but I believe she have mentioned that she wanted to collab with Marine and planned on at some point, just to find out the next day that Kiara is going to hang out with Marine?
I wonder if Marine really got sick or dodged the bomb by delayig their collab, after all Kiara and Marine were supposed to have a sleepover.
No. 119057
>>119054That was a narrative people made up. This thread is as bad as those retards on jp. I bet half of you are angry scrotes from there.
She's the only one that can speak good enough japanese to do what she's trying to do. Both of her previous collabs were fine.
No. 119060
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Sage for no milk, but its crazy how Kiara is different compared to the amount of photoshop she puts.
No. 119061
>>119060Lol that schnoz
Shes too unremarkable looking to have passed as a beautiful moderu type in germany. so she had to learn Japanese and move to Japan so she could coast by on her just being white and nothing else
No. 119074
File: 1604417547403.png (168.42 KB, 1374x828, file (26).png)

The publisher company of the rhythm game Muse Dash has banned all Hololive tubers from streaming the game. Archives of earlier streams have already been made private.
No. 119081
>>119044holy shit this is so cringe. is this entire reading archived on her channel? and was the pekora laugh a gimmick she said she'd do or is it something she quietly slid in? i stopped lurking her streams because shes so insufferable but shes been revving up the milk
i watched the collab last night and the moment it hit an hour of streaming she kept pushing it to end. she suggested ending it at least 4 times and when she pushed enough that they agreed end you could tell Gura wanted to go longer (cant blame her considering the views she had) everyone was very obviously annoyed with her, she was being really loud and shouting in to her mic a lot. sage ill try to clip some
No. 119090
>>119044Now why would she do this to herself? If she ever even gets in a collab with pekora it'd probably be a group collab, and she would make it so awkward and comfortable. One of the main reasons the among us collab was tolerable was bc Kiara kept dying early so she couldn't talk during the meetings. I want to know how she feels about Moona's collab with Gura and Ame? It was fairly popular.
Also the the hololivejp girls including pekora like gura and wanna collab with her cause she has 1mill subs (and a cuter design than kiara)
No. 119092
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>>119044Is… this something that a therapist can even fix? Are those sorts of people even good with what they do?
(imagefagging) No. 119094
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she must be incredibly happy abt this 1
No. 119099
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>>119095Where does chicken stack up compared to the other vtubers who happen to draw?
No. 119110
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>>119106Mid until you peer into her secrets and start disliking her, you could say that the art matches the person.
>>119109>Makes everyone look like snails in comparison. No. 119114
>>119113I can't disagree on that. Even if she has actual work, her style feels completely the same as any other anime-style artist sometimes. Not saying it's bad though.
From an art standpoint some Atelier girls do way better work in my opinion. Though, I guess Yuu is the one that has the style I like the most.
No. 119116
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>>119114I still enjoy her artwork more than Yuu's probably because Ina has very decent official artworks when you click on them.
Generic anime or not, her details are stunning.
No. 119161
>>118955If you want the raw twitch stuff there's a big folder here: I can suggest is skim for thumbnails that interest you.
No. 119174
File: 1604511738755.jpg (100.04 KB, 1200x559, EVapNm4UcAEbNig.jpg)

Any pictures or news about the ID girls? Risu and Moona preferably? Ever since the Minecraft Peko/Moona interactions, ID seemed to be getting more attention recently then usual.(asking to be spoonfed)
No. 119176
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>>119161>1st video>It's been a while since I streamed.Thanks Sena…
No. 119200
File: 1604533022826.png (95.93 KB, 748x605, Screenshot 2020-11-04 153657.p…)

does anyone know why she got banned?
No. 119226
>>119188Kiara's only talent is speaking Japanese.
Once they get someone who can speak Japanese AND do something else, she's going to lose it as her sempais would have someone else to collab with
No. 119234
>>119231idk i just find that she can't converse with any of the other talents without it feeling reeeeallly forced.
again, i might just be projecting too hard here. something i thought i noticed.
No. 119235
>>119229please don't make me defend the cow Kiara but no, Calli and Ina cannot be considered on the same level of Japanese ability. Calli's Japanese is horrendous. Her accent and extremely stifled way of speaking shows she's barely conversational tier. The Among Us collab proved it when she could barely string a sentence together. Ina is at the same level but her accent is a bit more tolerable. You can't say you speak a language really well if you can't communicate playing a simple game.
Kiara lived in Japan and streamed on niconama. She's got years of Japanese under her belt. It's literally her only talent and most likely the reason she was added to Hololive.
No. 119245
>>119244can a vtuber stay popular with just yuribaiting? some holoJP girls like marine do it as one of their gimmicks, but I think marine can also draw well
so I wonder how yuribaiting would work for kiara in the long run
No. 119246
File: 1604550950023.png (942.51 KB, 800x1092, tumblr_lz2i4aG9AN1r5ca4lo2_128…)

>>119243Long story short, kiara was a failure as a gaijin idol and had to escort. We only know of one confirmed job for 300k yen
No. 119247
>>119245I think JUST yuribaiting wouldn't work very well. Like you said, Marine does yuribaiting along with her other gimmicks and she's also a very good artist. Yuribaiting is just an extra for her.
For Kiara to depend solely on yuribaiting to stay relevant she'd need to be a lot more charismatic and be a way more likeable character.
Plus I'm personally not a fan of Kiara's yuribaiting with Calli. Feels a bit too forced for me.
No. 119255
File: 1604556982310.png (73.83 KB, 601x523, R7NgaRM.png)

Not a good look to bitch and beg for money before you even debuted.
No. 119259
File: 1604560068959.png (184.04 KB, 400x363, Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 11.06…)

Did a double take when I saw the thumbnail.
No. 119263
>>119261Artemis is one
which is the other one?
No. 119265
>>119240Agreed. She's doing the same things she did on niconama and twitch but now she can't bank on her looks and there are girls who are more talented than her in every way she's tried to gain popularity before (Ina with art and Gura with singing.) She's got nothing going for her when the battle is down to personality.
The people on reddit claiming her strength is in "networking" don't see how awkward she is with her genmates and sempai. Suddenly forcing her way through collabs like asking on stream when they can't say no or trying to force something with Pekora. It's going to backfire soon.
I can't wait for Gen2 of Hololive EN to bring in someone with both talent and the language skills. She'll probably graduate when her numbers fall even more and she thinks she's being bullied or something so she starts bitching out the other girls like the Moona/Pekora rant.
No. 119270
File: 1604569928730.jpg (174.67 KB, 720x1152, Chickenwantsviews.jpg)

Actually surprised how no one mentioned that Kiara has at least two interactions with Bao now.
> Bao has a pfp where her character is naked
Classic among ENtubers?
No. 119274
>>119255>>119266Don't they usually have some kind of agreement that bars them from talking about their contracts so open and brazenly like this? The person behind the vtuber is definitely not showing a good image for future employers if she'll just blabber whatever her contract is about.
>>119265Since Coco was allegedly the one who pushed so hard for HoloEN to be a thing, hopefully HoloEN2 electric boogaloo will come. But yeah, her usual attention whoring and bitching isn't yielding results; so adding this impersonation/imitation on top of her attitude and behavior is just going to drive more people away. Ironic the phoenix will likely burn out first before the shark has the metaphorical water pressure of her being the biggest in the group crush her.
No. 119275
>>119274Coco was literally the reason why HoloEN was created, she also was the one who helped with auditions. She always kept pushing and talking on her streams about how much she wants HoloEN to happen and she would keep talk to YAGOO about it.
Disgusting how during Taiwan incident all the Hololive newfags with shark or amelia avatars would scream about how terrible Coco is and Hololive should kick her out, while Coco is the mother of HoloEN.
No. 119277
Went to check out artemis singing on twitch thinking maybe at least she can sing? but no she was awful and the chat just kept gushing about how her singing was top tier and it really baffled me
>>119273 same its all a hugbox circlejerk fest and the consumers just love it
no room for criticism and only confirming to whatever is popular
No. 119278
File: 1604572110205.png (2.97 MB, 2000x968, HoloEN.png)

I wonder if Cover values irl appearance. They know they'll eventually dox them and most of the girls are actually really cute.
No. 119284
>>119246We’re just going to believe some shifty ms paint jpeg artifact without any actual receipts?
/jp/ fag invasion is awful lmao
No. 119288
>>119247Thing is, yuribaiting gets boring after a while, in my opinion. It's like a comedian who always plays around the same skit. Maybe people like it now, but after a few months? I doubt it.
>>119255>>119266She has already debuted, but now she will redebut on Twitch, because she got "robbed" 1k from superchats.
She even said she didn't know youtube took a 30% cut.
Not sure what her network is, she just said she signed up with them 2 years ago. In the old days (like 2013 at best), there wasn't much choice for creators, so I can excuse that. Recently though (2014 and forward), only if you're trying super hard to get some monetization on your videos and don't have the following for it, I guess. There's no excuse for getting a bad network though, you can literally reach out to people with experience anywhere, and youtube doesn't demand a network (considering that there are plenty music creators on youtube).
>>119259Happy for some of them, honestly. Hope they get a boost in viewership.
Artemis can play it off with other people, but it's far from great, and still pretty boring at times.
>>119273>>119277It indeed is a circlejerk. And criticism is frowned upon for some reason.
>chat just kept gushing about how her singing was top tierIt's literally like that for everyone. It could be the most normal singer, but they get huge praise like they're the singer of the year. It has developed like the art community, where you always need to praise the artwork, nevermind how shitty or ugly it is, you get called out for pointing flaws.
No. 119297
>>119292>>119295I'm fairly certain she mentioned that she knows that Twitch takes a 50% cut from subs (for affiliates).
As far as I know, partners get a bigger cut (around 70-80%), and there are different rates with more benefits for custom contracts.
Also, I don't think they take a cut from bits, I'm pretty sure the money they make is from selling the bits and the ads for free bits (there are some addons for the stream that permit bit interaction, those I know that they take a 10-30% cut from bits).
No. 119300
>>119278Literally all the photos except for Ina and Amelia use SNOW or filters to make them look a lot cuter than they actually are. Same goes for most Japanese vtubers.
For a female-only site I’m surprised farmers are this easily fooled by the typical tricks girls use to seem attractive online.
No. 119320
File: 1604597434657.jpg (125.66 KB, 1000x1042, El3J9ErX0AU3NoJ.jpg)

>>119270but she's not naked lmao
No. 119321
>>119278>Nerfing Ina with a slit eyes photo.>>119240>>119315At this point it'd be healthiest for chicken to realize that getting to hang out with these HoloENs means she reached a good life goal.
Everyone else is stuck with drawing and trying to decode which arts would get the RT or not if they want their oshi to think highly of them.
No. 119327
File: 1604603203329.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, IMG_20201105_105257.jpg)

>>119320My bad, anon. Really looked like a bait from her cropped pfp
No. 119348
>>119345I don't really care about Melody, but holy shit.
I saw the guy being a sperg one time about how his models were great, and how 2d models are so inferior to his "professional work", and it took some weird turns there (he kept putting him as the reason Melody got big and some shit).
I thought at the time that he was being ass-hurt about the money Melody makes, and it seems that it was really the case.
I wonder if the rapper girl that he made the avatar got fucked over by him and is stuck in a shitty contract.
Don't think he's getting any jobs for models any time soon.
I can't really archive anything right now, too bad.
No. 119352
Actually, it wasn't as much as I thought, so I could archive it quickly. Last one was a pain because it had 27 images. (mel's tweet) (mel's twitlonger)>>119349It's pretty funny, no?
I wonder what he will say, or if YFUBABY will even say anything as well. It's really not her problem per se, but she might be forced to say something.
Also, Domo really ticks all the boxes of a cow, doesn't he? No. 119356
File: 1604610793833.jpg (12.21 KB, 236x236, hmmm.jpg)

"Repeat infringers" so on October 25 she was banned? Was this the first notice? Or have they sent multiple? If they sent other notices, I wonder did she show them this evidence? Since she was banned before back in spring, and has evidence from before this year.
"slander between Silvervale and Ironmouse"? What's that about?
Digi seems shitty as hell, but something still seems to be missing.
No. 119359
>>119352Is that domo interaction new?? Was he seriously trying to get his followers to jump on him hitting on a Japanese cosplayer? There’s that predatory behaviour speculated before. Gross
And can you elaborate more on the icon thing the twitter is mentioning? I didn’t realize it was a specific character
No. 119362
File: 1604612371618.png (1.19 MB, 1880x10681, oomikuandjet.png)

Great to see the ENVtuber community is healthy… (tweet archive)
Couldn't archive the google doc page, big printscreen instead. Pic related.
>>119359It's difficult to say, since he always make his personality about being a "memer", it's a way to cover up if anything.
The first is mentioned in August, he said he was gonna simp or is simping hard and got a retweet, the other one that is shown I really couldn't find, might have been deleted.
His profile pic is from Matsuri, a HololiveJP Vtuber, I don't really know what Shigure mentioned about it being a problem. From a quick watch it is because it could bring a bad impression about the Vtuber because of the bad behaviour from a 3rd party that uses their image as a pfp.
And that might have been the reason that person called him out, but he always say that Matsuri pic is his "brand".
No. 119364
Correction, I found it. Sorry for the wrong info. Not deleted. No. 119373
File: 1604615168142.jpg (41.59 KB, 300x261, KRidley.jpg)

>>119368With the amount of pedo streamers and TOs that were outed this year it'd be easier to ask if there's a male EVntuber who isn't a pedo.
No. 119383
File: 1604619544564.png (127.52 KB, 1245x986, copyright.png)

>>119345I don't know shit about the law but this doesn't look great. She bought a model and only filed the copyright for that, but he went and filed copyrights on both 2D artwork and the 3D design. And her big bit about him saying on record that she has the IP also works against her: she says right there that it's not a work for hire, which means the author owns it and she might have filed some kind of fake claim. I think she went into this super innocently and got fucked over by someone who planned to use her (him declining payment and calling them "favors" instead set off red flags for me).
No. 119391
>>119390no I don't support any ewhores 2D or 3D but the fans are fucking hypocrites which I'm sure you're included in that.
simping for an ugly bootleg black rock shooter character who pretends to be innocent and a
victim in this is embarrassing as fuck. you're retarded if you don't see the hypocrisy
No. 119393
>>119391Weren't they laughing at the camgirls, not for being camgirls, but for getting mad at a cartoon character replacing them?
That's the jist I got from it.
No. 119400
File: 1604625988913.jpg (70.43 KB, 513x292, screenshot.1529.jpg)

Is this really Melody? wtf
No. 119408
>>119402The voice sounds a bit similar from twitter clips, but I don't care enough to try and find a full video to compare for real.
I think someone mentioned Mars Mayhem in the last thread. There were some brief posts about Melody.
No. 119422
>>119421Matsuri was a hambeast as well and look at her now.
I believe in Okayu.
No. 119423
File: 1604653439351.png (38.88 KB, 637x381, Selection_211.png)

not milk but seriously why does everyone need to know about this
like pls pity her look people are being to her
>artemis has a cute voice thono she doesnt stop lying to yourselves and her
the sooner she realizes she can stop crying about something she doesnt have
No. 119434
>>119433Troon insisted he's a girl and gay all the time through the debut.
A shitty thirst-ask went like "Can you be my gf???" and he went "Of course, if you're a cute girl."
I think the insistence is proof enough. Only a man in a dress would be this mad.
No. 119435
>>119423If it's not milk, sage your post.
Also, I hate this type of shit. Somehow there's harassment against Artemis because a few people mentioned the voice a few times? To be fair though, Artemis is not the one playing the
victim card. But still, seeing people doing stuff like this just rubs me the wrong way.
No. 119451
File: 1604676877327.jpg (50.26 KB, 388x1024, IMG_20201106_163402.jpg)

>>119443Not in holo or nijji, but there is a popular artist vtuber in Japan who plays as a trap character, Tamaki Inuyama. However he is aware and reminds everyone that he is a man, and his character is a trap, he is also a well known h-artist and some of collabs with him involve lewd talks. Also always baits people into shipping him with everyone, but he has nothing milky to offer because he is not popular around westerns.
He does lots of collabs with Holos and others.
No. 119455
File: 1604677702152.jpg (767.74 KB, 532x2350, HoloEN.jpg)

Gura is definitely above them all but interesting to see how her banner doesn't have the HoloEN squad compared to others and damn Kiara sure love to tweet a lot
No. 119459
>>119441I agree. Ina and Ame's streams were shadowbanned too, at least two were recently and no one whined about it and their views were still big.
>>119456Subaru has a big voice range and that's honestly impressive. Her natural voice is not high pitched, but a beautiful voice of a woman. Towa is not a troon but a tsundere devil-chan. None of holos r troons, the tinfoil is retarded. The only troontuber is Artemis with his obvious troon character design and acts.
>>119439She quit Nijisanji for Hololive but its not milky at all, you can always google that. Other than that she is known for always changing her Vtuber brand, but with holo she will stay long for sure because she is popular among japanese and is comfortable there.
No. 119460
>>119439She was another
victim of Matsuri, who repeatedly sabotages her own friendships
No. 119464
I made a vtube general for talking about literally who’s, suggestions for corporate tubers that aren’t milky, general community talk because this thread is valuable in archiving info and potential milk since all other boards delete stuff eventually, but it’s getting shit up frequently
>>>/m/114280Also, KF has a vtube general that is probably more suited for the /jp/ refugees.
I tried to watch the among us collab last night and give it a fair try because the only one I didn’t like was Artemis, but the rest are proof that a small following doesn’t make you a good streamer. It was so insanely boring and awkward and quiet.
No. 119465
File: 1604687142451.png (131.49 KB, 586x1296, wtf.png)

>>119461Pic related. This made me chuckle a bit.
>You want me to do better?>Insults harderI don't know the guy, but is it a real problem? I honestly don't know if his behavior is in line with the disorder.
No. 119467
File: 1604688607955.png (168.95 KB, 604x1596, tumblrdid.png)

>>119466>tumblr head mate bullshitPic related. If some people I saw there are his mutuals, it definitely is tumblr shit, "fae people" feels like a dead giveaway (the use of the word "system" as well is pretty weird, and I think it is a very specific lingo used on that community). And the way everything is put doesn't feel like someone is having a serious problem with a real disorder, but that might be just my lack of knowledge.
If I read enough, the thing goes like this
>Lucian (real) makes a tweet about getting fed up with some common ENVtuber circlejerk>People don't like how he worded his stuff>Impy (alleged personality) gets full control and starts acting up to destroy everything and give Lucian a reason to not go back>Suddenly there's a third personality No. 119473
File: 1604693387304.jpg (1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 20-11-06-12-06-44-412_deco.jpg)

The girl who got caught tracing Pinky Putin's art apparently has been caught tracing again even after her re design. Does she google "pinky vtuber" and go "yeah I'll trace this"? kek No. 119478
File: 1604694123216.jpg (304.79 KB, 400x400, 20201106_142101.jpg)

>>119474Half the vtubers in these threads are literally who, deal with it nerd.
She deleted her account anyways so the guilt shows itself.
No. 119479
File: 1604694181462.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.61 KB, 634x622, 39C33C2C00000578-3877974-image…)

>>118475don't think her nose is photoshopped, just weird way shadows fall. I've seen other people with that sorta nose where the tip is pretty angular.
No. 119481
>>119474learn to sage
literally who applied the first time she had a suspiciously close design, but twice is a bit much. the first one was up in the air because arguably they both copied their design from lucky chloe but two isnt a coincidence. did she delete her whole account last time too or is this a new step? im sure she'll do what that hime loli girl did and change up her name a little after waiting it out
No. 119489
File: 1604706212174.jpg (27.54 KB, 400x400, ZSRFkZ3L_400x400.jpg)

>>118435I'm still sure there's solid evidence out there somewhere. But so far it's just a hundred coincidences connecting her to an even earlier youtuber.
No. 119509
File: 1604722192706.jpg (1.1 MB, 3264x2217, mouse update.jpg)

Looks like mouse might have seen all the people shitting on her for loli baiting. She added huge tits that just look wierd and out of proportion to the rest of her. (Right side is taken from the stream of an artist doing her mousepad art, because of course she commisioned a titty mousepad)
No. 119522
File: 1604738991585.png (199.18 KB, 427x381, pekora666.png)

>>119520You definitely didn't suck dick yet. Lmao.
>>119339>>119334That's (supposedly) a friend of Ina, the person who made that image messed up.
>>119300Yeah, I'm surprised so few people even acknowledge that. Many (not all) vtubers are average to above average looking, but those pictures people post to show that often barely look like the person they're supposed to represent.
No. 119541
>>119519>>119522Note to self: if anyone ever posts about someone you know, pretend to shit up the thread while begging mods to ban the people shitting it up in hopes that they’ll delete the entire thread. You’re not even good at imitating the jp retards, not even they talk like this
>>119517It’s assumed it’s someone who lives with her, most likely her partner, I know a lot of the Japanese holo girls have to hire moderators. She might be the only one with an active mod that has a character and everything, I don’t think she’s very good at ignoring negging or annoying posts in the chat like the others are so she’d rather not look at it. Kiara isn’t good at ignoring it either so she obsessively reads it, she kept reading the chat back seat out loud during their collab and ina was getting bothered by it.
No. 119553
>>119531>>119540here's the clip: in /jp/ said in that "finie" in that context is only used in canada. gura might be Quebecois
(IMAGEBOARD) No. 119586
File: 1604795768157.png (1.44 MB, 1182x1532, Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 4.27…)

>>119583Yeah ina just collabed with that holoID girl beside watson and it was insanely popular, something like 27k viewers when I saw it on my feed. Kiara on the other hand.. maybe she has another collab? either that or we're about to get some good milk.
for the 100th time, this is an image board.
>>119584i dont think theyre friends for real, theyre just the only ones who live in japan. if they were friends they would have had way more collabs, irl collabs make fans go crazy. i really dont get any vibes that calli genuinely likes her, there's never any positive interaction out side of her "stay away from me kusochicken" gimmick.
and of course Kiara would care, shes obsessed with collabing with as many jp holo as possible. even her fans point it out, both positively and negatively.
No. 119596
Definitely Canadian and but not from Québec. Anglo-Quebeckers make frenchisms when speaking english. Also she likes shepherd's pie instead of pâté chinois
No. 119601
File: 1604803410666.png (2.3 MB, 1200x1680, fake sora.png)

No. 119606
>>119584> Keekihime> Not caring about not being invited somewhereAnon, really? She's unstable.
>>119593Can you imagine the absolute meltdown Kiara would throw if Mori turned her down? I could imagine her whining on stream about it. From their interactions I see it more as a coworker you just tolerate friendship rather than something more real. Calli has more chemistry with the other HoloENs and even indies.
No. 119613
>>119586From what I know big collabs are usually First Come, First Serve and announced via @everyone on Discord. Lately they have non-JP slots reserved for ID and EN, here it seems to be exactly half of the players. That's no coincidence.
The fact that Kiara and Ina aren't there can be simply explained when you think if them opening Discord a few minutes after their slots were filled.
The streamers say they DM privately but that's fake. Their managers are organizing everything that goes further than your own Gen. They tell the idol later.
No. 119621
>>119613I think your words make sense.
Their business model probably likes this.
1) After debuted, the idols must get along with their generation. In this phase, the manager will identify their personalities, talents, and so on.
2)When intergeneration collaboration banned is lifted. They must get along with recent Gen usually the least popular one either before or after their generations to create a strong fanbase.
3) Once the idols get established enough, they will open collaborating with their senior who more popular like Marine, or Fubuki as an example.
If their managers do not control them, probably their idols rampaging or leaching their favorites seniors or something.
Yup I am starting to believe their managers control everything.
No. 119642
>>119638That's basically how it works.
>>119639They get warnings, but I don't remember what said warnings do to them.
No. 119664
>>119654I've seen this video posted before as evidence she's American but I still can't hear anything from your timestamp that indicates it.
And if she's American, why is she unfamiliar with a lot of US candy and the most important thing - why is she more familiar with the metric system than imperial? If she's American that makes no sense.
No. 119666
>>119637Well yeah obviously the managers have to watch the streams like Pekora's manager was watching her Minecraft stream and contacted her to let her know that they had to cut shit from the archive. That goes without saying.
But what I'm skeptical about is the managers organizing collabs as well as managers being there for off collabs. Just from the way the girls like Marine have talked about Kiara's leeching, it sounds like the managers are hands off in regards to the girls collabing. Unless every Holo is just lying about DMing each other. And the off collab thing too. I can't imagine the managers physically having to be at the girls' houses just for a collab.
Not that it matters. I just hate the /jp refugees trying to do the narrative bullshit here and spouting things that aren't true for no reason.
No. 119668
>>119666That Anon probably not meant like that. The manager is not there physically, but keep monitoring them when it involves work. Either online, physically there, or rewatching their archive.
I believe Hololive production is not strict to their idols. But collaboration might need agreement on both parties of those Gens.
For HoloEN, I believe they have at least 2 managers there. 1 is taking care of Mori, Kiara in Japan, another one is taking care of Ame, Gura, Ina.
Their managers must be first there beforehand an unexpected event happen like doxing, accident, sickness and etc. The ones who help them all the time from behind the scene.
I view them as corporate employees, there must be rules and regulations to abide by.
This is just my assumption who familiar with corporate cultures for years.
No. 119669
File: 1604850571751.jpg (200.95 KB, 1263x669, Untitled.jpg)

Kiara is painting something, and it's not bad? Awful taste but pretty ok execution. Only watched this stream for a couple of minutes but she did call this abomination her daughter.
No. 119679
File: 1604860488388.png (721.48 KB, 1122x640, idk kinda sus bro.png)

>>119669I think it's fine but the sketch was hella sus and I believe she's heavily referencing from other art pieces with explains why the types of shading are all over the place and why all of her highlights are just white and her shading seems to all be gray/black overlays and multiply layers.
Image attached being literally the first frame she shows of her sketch. Her excuse was 'she hasnt drawn in a really long time' but idk i've never seen someone sketch look exactly like how people tend to trace
I also guarantee the longer you look at the nose the more messed up the face will read.
No. 119680

>>119637The managers hands off, more and more so over time, it’s why the EN debut had been so full of problems like no housing, insane technical issues etc. They’re not there in person, do you really think they stand around in their house for the 8 hour streams? Have you ever watched any of the 3D collabs either to see the chemistry? It’s really obvious when it’s a one off thing scheduled and when it’s something they want to do. A great example of how the managers fail is that giant song they did. Coco missed it because she didn’t know it was a real song and thought it was a meme, and Korone slept through the recording - two of the biggest eng names at the time. Anyone with managers To the level you’re describing wouldn’t have had that happen. One of Holos downsides is they hold the girls to an idol standard without the support of an idol management team.
I think it’s commonly known that for
some streams the managers are in contact, sometimes you can tell the girls are communicating because they stop talking about something but it’s almost always in the talk streams and not gaming or collabs. I’m calling narrative on this one.
No. 119690
File: 1604868819097.png (335.76 KB, 535x809, twt.PNG)

their pandering is really cringey
No. 119693
>>119692maybe the trannies don't want his fans to know that he's trans
or fans don't want to admit to the possibility that they've been simping for a dude all along
No. 119706
File: 1604880881909.jpg (109.02 KB, 674x1199, domo.jpg)

I know this happened in the past. But someone pulled that trend of "icon vs owner" for ENVtubers again. I don't really care to go looking for who posted their photos, but since Domo popped up for me, I guess it's fair to put this here. (tweet archive)
No. 119716
>>119706what a chad, tilting his head
that far back and still having that round definition-less chin
No. 119732
My youtube embed screwed up I guess
No. 119755
>>119742Did she lose weight? She looks slimmer here
>>119278Love girls that take care of themselves instead of drowning in self-pity
No. 119756
File: 1604915899525.jpg (108.69 KB, 720x783, Kek.jpg)

No. 119769
>>119741>>119666Not that anon, but
>>119613 pretty much has it down. I don't remember what stream it was since it was so long ago, but one of the girls kinda let something like it slip. Basically during the start of a gen it seems the managers are in charge of pairing crossgen girls together for collabs (criteria unknown). Hololive is lucky in the sense that unlike Nijisanji the girls there are generally way more sociable (niconicodouga streams are proof) so depending on the senpai they can "push" for a collab way earlier than managers planned. Subaru and Kiara was pretty much all Subaru's will.
After that initial turbulence, that's when the girls get to collab more freely (I don't remember who said this, one of the 4th gen ones on a FreeTalk). In the case of 3D debuts or "big streams" the manager is quite obviously there the entire time, either in the studio or through an earpiece. They're always being directed, though they're super lenient anyway and are just there to make sure the girls won't do something retarded that could damage the brand. I wouldn't be surprised if Coco got more shit because she isn't pure JP like Marine is, though.
No. 119770
>>119713>The Vtuber ManifestoKek.
>>119736Can't do much since that's what he posted.
>>119756Management fuck up with stream keys? Other than that, there's not much we can take from it.
No. 119776
>>119751Yeah it's her friend.
>>119537Ina's actual pics are also listed somewhere above
No. 119778
File: 1604935977334.jpg (1.1 MB, 623x1280, MXAde3V.jpg)

>>119756>Ame streamed on Gura’s channel yesterday because Gura was lagging when she was the one doing it. Ame must have accidentally forgot.Also Kiara has confirmed that she was going back home at least temporarily.
> Said she was gonna be flying back to her homeland (though whether this is permanent, I'm not sure).
>There were also a few others that were interested in joiningPretty sure this includes the chicken
No. 119782
>>119751I woulnd’t mind if he was a tranny shark if he would just admit it instead of playing his viewers.
I think its quite obvious he is avoiding that to prevent meltdown from his own community.
No. 119790
>>119755I think the picture is a couple months after the video, but it also has a filter, so who knows.
Here's a video that shows how she looked a couple years ago, without filters or covered face. No. 119793
>>119745> I can’t wait for the yabai moment when he reveals he is a dude.You have to be absolutely deaf to not recognize that is a man's voice. I know there are a few people who can be fooled because they are naive about the internet, but the majority of the audience knows and doesn't care.
>>119756I hate how the fans meme about how dumb the vtubers are. Hurr made some mistake, so dumb haha. They're not geniuses, but neither is their audience. Ame and Gura both got mad about that in streams, but their autistic fans don't care.
>>119770JP streamed on each other's channels before. I'm not sure how exactly they share accounts, but it's clear they have some degree of access to each other. They're all considered corporate accounts and several people have access by default. It's not like your personal account you normally don't allow others to sign into.
>>119692Transwomen are identical to ciswomen :^)
If you think otherwise you're a thought criminal.
No. 119794
File: 1604940802134.jpeg (67.37 KB, 511x680, 5BFCD862-3F0E-4111-AB77-3CC6E0…)

Riiri the complainer decided to jump on the bandwagon of indievtubers putting their own faces out there. Now riiri ‘s “eat poop” and “people are stinky” remarks are making sense. She looks underage. What a shock, some underage attention whore starting shit in the community she’s a part of.
No. 119795
>>119793Oh, for sure. If the shittiest youtube networks have manager access to youtube channels sometimes, it wouldn't make sense for Cover to leave the streamers in full control.
The point was mostly to say that what was posted isn't anything much, just a mistake that can be made into a meme for a few days, but that's about it.
>>119790Embed videos. Just throw the link in the "Youtube" part while replying.
>>119794A massive part of the community is doing it. Even Moona posted a joke in reply to this trend. Not sure about any other big names, some did, some didn't.
No. 119798
>>119793Literally people don't want to fucking acknowledge it is a man. Most of his subscriber base keeps denying this fact just calling her a "lesbian"
Transwomen are not identical to ciswomen. I prefer to be a thought criminal than a retard.
Keep feeding that tranny shark, but once he reveals he is a dude I have my popcorn ready to laugh my ass off
No. 119817
>>119783Honestly, Kiara probably would've helped made the collab go smoother. While she has her moments she is the type of person who'd be more than willing to translate even if it wouldn't benefit her ingame. Meanwhile Risu (whose content I adore) actually used her knowledge of both languages to manipulate narratives in her favor when she was imposter and wasn't really translating much as crewmate either, or at least couldn't get it above the cacophony of the other girls.
Then again Kiara was never imposter in the previous collab so who could say.
No. 119820
>>119819She is just salty about the game
Tree rat literally shit on her
No. 119841
>>119819she does sound off compared to how she usually does
in the beginning she sounds tipsy, but I'm not sure
ngl it was amusing to see her die so often and rage kek
No. 119851
>>119819Someone on 4chan said she usually drives somewhere on Sunday and comes back on Monday morning, so she had to stay up for this.
She was probably irritated to begin with, and then she got the shittiest Among Us experience you can have and malded.
There's no slurring of words or anything else that suggest tipsy to me, aside from her expressing her anger openly from the start and exploding at people in the second half, but then again Mori yelled at the chinks too, and she wasn't even being specifically trolled by Ame.
No. 119855
>>119853It was just banter among friends, but Gura was primed from the start and seething after Ame killed her the first time. I don't think Ame realized how murderously angry Gura got over the course of the stream, so she kept baiting her.
It's the kind of thing you laugh about together the next day however, no real drama. It was amusing to watch though.
No. 119861
File: 1604975479224.png (1.09 MB, 1880x5354, weakmilk.png)

It's some very cheap drama involving no names (I don't even know who the other person she mentions is, I just got it from seeing twitter). I just can't see this as a really big deal other than having a bad friend.
Anyhow, the indie ENVtuber community is looking like a disaster, not that we didn't know, but each day it seems the point is pushed even further. (tweet archive)
The link is pic related.
No. 119867
File: 1604976284286.png (21.81 KB, 598x207, Screenshot_2020-11-10 .png)

Is this a personality?
No. 119871
>>119819Not sure about tired but the way Gura and Calli got so heated and salty in front of Holojp gave me so much second hand embarrassment. Calm down it's only a game.
Also not sure why iofi didn't step up and help translate. She tries to claim she's great with all these languages but for some reason I never heard her voice during the meetings
No. 119883
>>119876I didn't watch all of Risu's archive but I'm not sure why people are saying she twisted the narrative. Like the whole med bay scan thing, she was doing a task and didn't see if Gura was scanning.
The body thing was just how the game is played. If you're caught with a body you need to lie and say it was the other person. Her lying is literally what the game is about.
>>119872Jfc she didn't even need to translate EVERYTHING. There were times where clearly the girls were struggling immensely and wanted to be understood. She could've stepped up then with a quick translation. Calli has shit Japanese but she tried. I wouldn't say anything but Iofi likes to flex her language ability and it's what her fans like to be annoying about calling her worldwide.
No. 119898
File: 1605011788953.jpg (78.39 KB, 1125x899, personality.jpg)

>>119867As much as pic related is one.
>>119885>nowadaysTo be fair, it was always like that. "I'm such a shitposter" and the model basically built all the hype. Now it is just even more forced.
>>119893I don't watch much among us, and the little I watched mostly looks like a screaming contest, so trying to translate anything feels like a mess.
Can't really point out how it is in a JP lobby, but it is way less messy, from what I remember. I mean, even the collab that had Pikamee, Mocca, Mint, and others was way more well organized. Yeah, they all can speak english, but it still maintained felt more natural than that the Holo's.
No. 119905
>>119898If not mistaken, both of them are male correct? Correct me if I am wrong.
Why they did lovey-dovey cringe tweets like this.
No. 119908
>>119905Sage your posts.
Yuri baiting has been the standard in vtubing for quite a long time and people eat it up. This is what we're getting now. Enjoy.
No. 119921
A couple stats. The superchat data is incomplete, they likely all made more than it claims. It also doesn't track income from memberships and other income streams, obviously.
Gura:'s unknown how much they get, but the generally assumed splits are 30% youtube, 35% Cover, 35% talent. They then have to pay taxes out of their cut, so you can probably slash that in half for an idea of how much they actually get in their hands.
>>119917She isn't the one with the highest income though, but I guess beyond a certain point, which they all crossed, it doesn't matter anymore.
>>119914> Does she have a main job or not taking this vtubing seriously?Why are these your two options? People have different circumstances and abilities, it doesn't mean they take something more or less seriously.
No. 119930
>>119928The price of memberships depends on where you live, so without detailed knowledge of where members are from it should be impossible to calculate.
That's in addition to people setting different base prices to begin with (eg Gura and Kiara only have one 5$ tier, the other three have three tiers for 5$, 10$/15$, 25$).
No. 119931
>>119874I thought it was alright. I mean it was RBC most successful apex stream (even though it was mainly because watching through RBC stream was smoother)
I thought she communicate good enough and could have used help from her chat to communicate better.
Funny thing it seems the stream ended because she misunderstood ame when she was talking about the "last game"
No. 119940
>>119930You can get a general idea from the members only polls of approximately how many members there are from the total votes.
Are the membership and ad revenue calculated differently? It would seem awfully high if the holos get 30-35% cut from those as well.
No. 119970
File: 1605061250559.png (Spoiler Image,531.65 KB, 598x783, teresa.png)

>>117827God you're really clueless. She lives in Calgary. In Nagu's old tweets she said multiple times that she's worked at the Calgary Stampede during the summer after high school, and she went to the University of Calgary to study geology. Also her sister, Teresa Kwon, who posted the Twitpic photo of Agnes on her 18th birthday, also lives and studied in Calgary, pic related. Also if you put any effort into digging, you can easily find Teresa's Linkedin which corroborates the fact that they still live in Calgary
No. 119981
File: 1605069569470.jpeg (314.24 KB, 1707x960, EmcNnKIVcAERKDw.jpeg)

Mori is still busy making new illustrations for Fake Type. I personally really like her art style, though I'm not an artist myself. What does everyone else think?
No. 119998
File: 1605085773726.jpg (23.97 KB, 133x522, membership.JPG)

>>119928This is not really updated but these are the rough numbers of membership hologirls have (proven how gura have 11k votes on her membership poll)
>>119928 No. 120035
File: 1605111414701.png (81.61 KB, 272x305, theprophecyisuponus.png)

No. 120055
File: 1605124582897.png (55.31 KB, 837x626, A3Npn43.png)

>>120043Use a nose verification model instead, you'll get >1.0 confidence for that summit
>>119970One of the two sisters got a lot luckier than the other look-wise
>>119977>>119989 did not find any proof of what he says but they clearly were fanboying for one another. Could he be the jealous AO-chan ?
No. 120060
>>120043how is it not obvious to y'all that she just edited her face different in each pic and/or used a different filter?
those pics are so blurry it looks like she smeared vasoline on the lens of her phone.
No. 120077
>>120055>One of the two sisters got a lot luckier than the other look-wiseYou do realize she's wearing makeup in that picture, right?
>>120060>>120071Remember there are men among us.
No. 120090
>>120085Most vtubers watched other vtubers before they debuted themselves and many weebs watch them too. There was an article about Coco having a meetup and most of the people who approached her were women.
I think there's a substantial female fanbase that just isn't very visible. I assume most women watch them the same way guys watch dudebro twitch streamers, whereas men are mainly into the waifu angle.
No. 120095
File: 1605139988938.png (85.25 KB, 1209x383, price.png)

>>119489> to an even earlier youtuberWho would that be?
>>120056>>120028Here's a comparison of prices for red superchat. In the US it's 100 USD. The price for memberships should be equivalent, e.g. the 5USD tier would cost .55USD if you pay from an Argentinian IP.
No. 120099
File: 1605141270322.jpeg (113.17 KB, 922x520, B8F05EC4-45E3-4502-9C47-839713…)

>>120088Sounds fake tbh, iron and Domo have enough followers that someone would be raising a stink by now
No. 120102
File: 1605141606801.png (36.8 KB, 609x387, domomouse.png)

>>120099>>120101It never happened.
Doubt it he would be that dumb to make fun of ironmouse.
Also, sage your posts.
No. 120110
>>120077I had this photo
>>117834 in mind where she appears to have a fatter and broader face. Upon looking at
>>117830, they are pretty much identical
No. 120112
>>119489How is literally using the same OC a "coincidence"?
Even disregarding the voice (which is OBVIOUSLY the same), that alone already proves she is Sena/@senzawaa.
Incidentally, both the facebook posts with her image and the tweet with her full name were deleted quickly after the dox started circulating.
No. 120122
>>120085The female fans usually watch male vtubers. Watch the Nijisanji boys and you'll get a good picture. Vtubers like Kanae and Kuzuha have a lot of female fans. Though I guess in general Nijisanji just has more diverse of a fanbase judging from their live concert having a good mix of men and women.
>>120103People kept wondering why Cover couldn't get her a visa and I was wondering if it was because she doesn't have a degree? I know for work visas you need a degree but not sure about things like entertainer. I wonder what visa Coco is on.
No. 120123
File: 1605160546550.jpg (347.85 KB, 1080x1013, Screenshot_20201111-235304_Twi…)

I guess HoloCN is finally done? Still no official word from cover though. Last info we got was that the girls could keep their avatar but there was never official word from cover over it so I guess that wasn't true
No. 120125
>>120123Looks like she just had to reveal her true allegiance with her last post.
The horde lost the war it started and it cost them their heroes, but their warchief goes on unperturbed.
No. 120140
File: 1605171141439.png (70.6 KB, 591x656, lol.PNG)

>>120139they didn't huh? did you even bother to check
No. 120144
>>120103If it's true that her homecountry is Austria then she'll probably be fine. People aren't too nosy about what you do there.
Moving cross-continent during covid sounds like a pain though. Mori is probably pissed too seeing how Kiara is the only one she's casual enough with to meet up.
No. 120145
>>120123Speaking about HoloCN members.
I am starting to doubting myself about them.
It is like I have 50/50 about them.
You may check here, somebody makes a thread about it. No. 120148
File: 1605175767222.jpeg (790.03 KB, 1242x1777, 2B77C6C9-1131-4BE1-927B-DEB987…)

>>120146Didn’t she tweet that she’s excited to get home? Pretty sure she’s not as bothered as you think she is.
No. 120149
File: 1605175819609.jpg (1.84 MB, 8664x3816, 1604500379589.jpg)

friend linked me this, was this posted before?
if anyone can decipher this mess into a tl;dr I would appreciate it
No. 120150
>>120144I am pretty sad when heard this news.
Mori looks comfortable to be with her.
Maybe both of them are foreigners and understand each other because they are not in their home country.
I am not sure why she cannot renew her working visa.
Anyway, whatever happens, we shall respect her decision.
No. 120151
File: 1605176008954.png (211.82 KB, 1129x761, X53cmm0.png)

I should have done image search first, this image was posted today No. 120158
File: 1605177380842.png (33.61 KB, 1624x261, p0mf3ZC.png) do I operate I can't find this quote anon posted in pic related
No. 120162
File: 1605181036666.jpg (1.71 MB, 8664x3816, lFOrO9c-min (1).jpg)

>>117518>kiara is an SJW twitter activist whore who also shared a video with a pro mentally ill tranny message on facebook.>mori is an SJW tranny braphog>amelia has an ugly below average BF boyfriendburn holoEN down to the ground
mori calliope sjw tranny MY NIG pretty much supports BLM and ACAB (she follows quite a few pro-ACAB and pro-BLM accounts on twitter, most being pronoun bios).
kiara is a fucking whore but at the very least I hope that 300k yen was worth it for one time.fucking old men
kiryu coco the ,redditor dragon is cringe
mori kiara They're two foreigners living in Japan, without the ability to have personal lives because one is a shut in and the other is a failed idol who garnered hate for her underhanded tactics.・2011年来日した際、友人宅に宿泊していると言っていたが配信した際、塾講師(FX生主)の部屋
AMELIA BOYFRIEND DOXX Ina'nis bf is an SJW traitor who alongside kiara is attempting to force trannies like that tranny shark artemis into the vtubing scene and ina is running atelier live as a manager
proof in the archives
morijewalsobitchesaboutantisinmembers only steams
gura doxx
civia artia traitor ccp shill>JP has to compete with this amelia mutt HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 120163
>>120156Damn you're right. This schizo shit is crazy…
tl;dr without dumb bullshit:
Kiara lives in Tokyo, used to be an escort, posts a lot of dumb SJW shit
Amelia "had" a boyfriend, he's ugly
Ina had a boyfriend 7 years ago (also p sure the Atelier roster removed her)
Artia & Civia are CCP shill antis
Calli used the N word
…so basically nothing new. Shit wasn't even worth reading
No. 120190
File: 1605195063842.jpg (115.72 KB, 939x1179, EhiguoQUwAAjIJU.jpeg.jpg)

>>120163Nah, Ina and her bf are still dating. They and their closest friend circle (@nebokeruu, starbottle, etc) have gotten really good at hiding it, it's not publicly searchable because any remnants are on locked twitters (which Ina doesn't have). They're also still married on FF14.
All I can say is, if you're in the convention circuit you likely know, and if you otherwise don't believe it then don't. Although Mins drew fanart of Ina when HoloEN just debuted.
No. 120193
>>119278I knew ina was an uggo
goddamn I just wanna say I used to be a hololive watcher but something about the chats and the whole community disgusted me, its a bunch of guys simping for an e-girl which is somehow made suddenly okay to them because she has an anime avi. "N-no its 2d its not like onlyfans". Glad this site is doxing these hoes.
Stay based frens
(blogging) No. 120194
>>120193It wasnt her on the pic, and picrelated is doing them wonders. Check the
>>120162 instead to look at how they actually look like. You can also always look at how unfortunate keekihime is and always been.
Actual Ina is
>>120165 there and thats confirmed. A basic korean girl.
No. 120195
>>120190So anyone who is married in FF14 is in a relationship irl? Trying to claim it's this 'well kept secret' makes no sense because if 'people in the convention circuit knew' more people would be backing up your story or not know to keep it a secret at all. Also Ina got a lot of big fanart because her character is the most appealing for that kind of artwork. The tentacles lead to a free background element and her colors are generally the most appealing for making a more finished illustration.
Nice try of 'Oh if you're a super insider person who does artist alleys you'd totally know teehee' fake exclusive knowledge attempt.
Using the same arguing style as flat earthers totally makes me believe you!
No. 120196
>>120151Please stop sharing the extremely stupid schizophrenic narratives here. This is all written by crazy Chinese morons. They’re all straight made up and spammed around 4chan. You people are retarded. No one here gives a shit that someone followed someone pro blm or had a boyfriend once, Kiara being an escort and guras previous voice work is relevant, as well as pics I guess.
Does anyone have any pics for next thread, I’ll go make it
No. 122193
File: 1606151343825.jpeg (122.08 KB, 1100x2048, 1AAC2E19-DDC4-4010-972E-30C2C3…)

No one is talking about how this person is literally just adult kanna kamui from dragon maid No. 122204
File: 1606154116687.jpeg (246.83 KB, 820x1069, E329006A-D419-4C88-A7A7-FD52C6…)

I’m just going to leave this here….(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)