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No. 114301
>>114280I hate vtubers, and I feel sad that now /m/ will probably be full of /jp/ schizos as well
Vtubers shouldn't had been brought here, imo
No. 114317
>>114316NTA but I can only watch their highlights, live is boring.
Kanae and his kawaii MILF mom are the best combo
No. 114437
>>114317To be honest in general streams are 90 percent boring shit and 10 percent funny or interesting stuff.
>>114316Forgot about Chaika friend.
No. 115029
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Any other Risu fans here? I find her cozy and sweet. She has great English, and I love her autumn-esque design with a beret and sweater.
Afaik she hasn't done any cow behavior which is nice.
No. 115069
>>115029I can’t stand her but it’s baseless hate, I find her extremely annoying. I’m curious about her having a history @ing senzawa but that probably doesn’t mean anything. I like iofi better, but she got screwed by a shitty model compared to the other two ID girls.
Fubuki just did a collab with one of the holostars which is cool, it seems like she collabs with the guys the most even if it’s infrequent. I really think the holostar boys would blow up if they learned more English, Roberu has really grown since his English clips went semi viral and there a large fujoshi market that I don’t think male western vtubers can properly hit and they’ve already hit their market cap in japan.
No. 115183
>>115069Fubuki does make an exceptional effort to include every branch of Holo, and its the reason she's considered one of the foundations of the agency.
Oga has actually streamed with her in the past on multiple occassions- out of the Holostars he seems to snag collabs with and get along with female vtubers with a significantly larger sub count the most frequently. His brand is more wholesome than Roberu's and he doesn't have any awkwardness collabing outside of Holostars like some of the others, so it makes sense.
As a side note, aren't his drawings super cute? I love the way he mainly just does doodles that look like they come from a high school girl lol
No. 115184
>>115029I like Risu the most out of the ID branch, but her persona is pretty polarizing amongst fans just because some find her cutesy squirrel thing intolerable. To each their own, but her vocal talent when it comes to singing is definitely one of the best amongst Hololive.
I honestly think a lot of the Holo singers get over-hyped but she, Towa, Watame, Izuru, and Astel are legit.
No. 115200
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Which Hololive or Nijisanji members do you guys think have the most unfortunate design?
I think a lot of people will say Kiara, although Huke is a great illustrator she has a very strange color scheme and outfit.
Personally I can't stand Matsuri's design for some reason. I feel that neon green & orange & black & brown & aqua is a nonsensical color scheme. Also I dislike her buck tooth.
No. 115202
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>>115200After you take a look at Robocco's outfit, you will realize that nothing will be as bad as her outfit.
No. 115203
>>115200Pretty sure I've seen you complain about Matsuri with this exact wording before lol.
Kiara's definitely the worst of Hololive. Huke is a great illustrator, but there's only so much he can do when the concept he was given to work off of was "RPG hero/fast food mascot/phoenix". Considering Huke's past work, I'm pretty sure the base fuck-up here was Kiara's desired persona.
I think Holostars generally has great designs, but Roberu and Arurandis were rigged really weirdly. Arurandis' illustrator, lack, is another god-tier get as an illustrator of pretty much anything in the anime industry, so the weirdly immobile rig and the oddly shaped eyebrows are regrettable.
No. 115204
>>115200I don't really hate them but most of Holo5's designs were really lukewarm (Nene, Lamy) or lowkey rip-offs. It's wild that Shishiro Botan gets away with being just Siege from Arknights. Mano Aloe looked like a frankenstein of Kiryu Coco and Elizabeth Bathory from FGO.
Polka's design though? I love it.
No. 115207
>>115069You've got a point with the fujo thing, it definitely garners Nijisanji's men a good amount of profit as Chronoir are the agency's highest earners despite being men. Togabito benefits from this to a lesser extent, probably because Kenmochi Touya is openly hostile to the pairing lol.
I think it's just hard for dudes to do that without feeling weird about it. Chronoir are a special case as they have an exceptionally strong relationship that I think is just hard to mimic let alone actually achieve.
The Holostars aren't that into Fujo shit, and most of their appeal comes from behaving as a family. Miyabi and Tenma are the only ones who have actually succesfully played up on the gaybaiting thanks to Miyabi being really openly fond of and affectionate towards Tenma. It helps that that softness is a big part of Miyabi's general appeal, he had fans actually cry when they met him at AGF.
No. 115208
>>115070They should give Roberu a 3D model already, dude's outpaced Rikka and it would clearly turn a profit.
I really wish some of these dudes were with Nijisanji, guys like Astel would already be at like 200k there. Astel has proffessional level vocal range and has tied with 2434's Kanae in Apex everytime they've been in the same competitions, which is saying something as Kanae is considered the best gamer in Nijisanji. Astel's wasted on Cover.
No. 115209
>>115203I think it's a real pity about Kiara's design, if the concept had just been left as "phoenix" I feel it could have been a really nice design.
Also, some of the Chinese hololive have really cool designs, it's a shame they're so inaccessible (and afaik they're ending?)
No. 115224
>>115200The lack of nose + buck tooth combo kills it for me. Her design overall is just so generic and boring.
>>115202I also hate that Robocco looks like shes from a ps3 game
No. 115225
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Fubuki doesn't have the worst design, by far, but something about it irks me. Maybe the super angular face and the nose placed right between the eyeballs? And for some reason I feel the black and white is too much contrast? But maybe thats just me.
On the flipside, which vtubers do yall think have the best designs?
No. 115228
>>115225It's because the art style she's drawn in is outdated. Fubuki looks like an anime character from 2009 or something, as much as I like her.
Belmond Banderas has to be my favorite design hands down with how well it pairs to his voice and personality (an important factor for me). Kagami Kira's alternate outfits are actually cuter than what the majority of female vtubers get. I also think Sukoya Kana and Ange Katrina of Nijisanji are great.
No. 115230
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>>115225For me its nagao kei from nijisanji I love the gap between his serious looking design and his goofy personality.
While not unfortunate or bad Naruse Naru's first model was honestly boring compared to the rest of nijisanji but I guess it fits with his character backstory.
No. 115301
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>>115230I like Nagao Kei (I'm a VALZ fan) but his design is too similar to Yuu Kanda from D.Gray-Man for me to really praise it independently. Kanda is even an exorcist like Nagao.
No. 115317
>>115310I'm a female fan too, but I really need to be in the mood for it if I'm going to watch Hololivers. It's probably a mix of the content and the audiences they attract, but Nijisanji livers are much more within my tastes regardless of their gender.
I am curious which female livers are popular with female viewers, though. I personally like Suzuhara Lulu and Gundou Mirei- anybody else wanna comment?
No. 115338
>>115309I don't see their point too, most male streamers have a lot of male viewership. Hololive in particular do have quite a few talents that do pander to a specific male fanbase (and lesbians too I guess?) but not all of them.
Ina for instance, probably has a good mix of audience, most of my friends into drawing are girls too and she really sounds just like a cool nerdy friend.
No. 115393
Polka and Miko are lesbian, Matsuri is bi, Noel and Flare may or may not have hooked up. I don't follow this whole thing closely, there might be other LGB holos. For most it doesn't matter, they don't usually blog in detail about their life and feelings. Polka and Matsuri are legitimately mentally ill, so they do, and see how much shit they get from antis because of that. Some vtubers play a character, others are simply being themselves with an anime face, most are somewhere inbetween. Holos are free to make of themselves whatever they want, within reasonable limits, but it is generally a bad idea to reveal your vulnerabilities to obsessive haters.
>>115362>Usually women are into female streamers that act like regular women. The type of stereotypical, retard-like "cute" behavior generally appeals to otakus (yes I know there's exceptions, I'm speaking generally though)There's a whole subculture of weeaboo women who are into idol and cutesy vtuber stuff. Not saying you are wrong about them being a small portion of the overall population, but there is a surprisingly large number of them tucked away in their (often literally) autistic communities, and they tend to be very involved. You probably just won't come across them unless you are also a member of those communities.
No. 115758
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>>115723It makes one wonder about the general mental health of people who do this kind of work for a living. I assume many are well adjusted. Most don't share a lot about their personal life, but the ones that do often seem to have social and/or psychological issues.
No. 116622
>>114299i believe i read that hololive creates the characters for vtubers on their own, so most of the girls probably did not have much of a say-so in what they look like or the concept
i feel bad for the holo's with mediocre designs, gura for example had a lot of hype predebut specifically because of her design
No. 116977
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New hololive indonesia generation… I really think the zombie girl has a cute and unique design! It will stand out nicely amongst the current hololives imo.
No. 123606
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>>123511REZA LAMUNEDO….. REZA REZA REZAAAAAAAA REZAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH <3 <3 <3 <3 WANGI WANGI WANGI WANGI HU HA HU HA HU HA, aaaah baunya reza lamunedo wangi aku mau nyiumin aroma wanginya reza lamunedo AAAAAAAAH rambutnya…. aaah rambutnya juga pengen aku elus-elus ~~~ AAAAAH reza lamunedo keluar pertama kali juga manis, tidur juga manis <3 <3 <3 dia pake baju itu juga manis banget AAAAAAAAH REZA LAMUNEDO LUCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU………… GUA BAKAL BAKAR DUIT 30 JUTA RUPIAH BUAT REZA LAMUNEDO AAAAAAAAAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
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>>127403>>127372Buset men, gue naik lrt ke arah rumah gue pun diliatin sama orang dan satpam men, emangnya setelan gue sekeren apa sih, sampe kayaknya pada demen liatin gue
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>The vtube /w/ thread has become over run with refugees who can’t integrate and think it’s a holo live general. Use this thread to talk neutrally or positively about indie and corporate. Leave your waifu arguments, scrote fan memes and jp narratives out, the same rules apply here. Go to Kiwi Farms if you want that, they have a more suitable vtube thread for you there.
No. 128191
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>>117294>Kiara (holo)>Artemis, Domo and related circlejerks>Coco/Chinese holo/the Taiwan thing >room mate talk Are examples that belong in the /w/ thread. This is an image board, don’t post direct links to tweets without caps or to stream archives that are hosted by the streamer directly because they’ll be gone.
No. 128223
>>128191pour one out for that garbage dump!
It hasn't even been relevant for about 3 of the threads.
No. 128245
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when will /jp/ & /vt/niggers stop shitting on this dead thread already