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No. 970708
It's no surprise the cows are showing their narcissism and are making the pandemic all about themselves.
Elzani’s portion sizes are decreasing to make room for all the amazing, divine bakes. Thinks everybody is as obsessed about food as she is and potentially has autism. Elzani has non-UK farmers thinking all British people are entirely uncultured when it comes to food - don’t worry, it’s just Elzani.
N2F upsets us all with her sniffing of empty prawn cocktail crisps packets, using her hand as a condiment bowl, eating naked, and her inability to wash plates. Still graces us with pics of her yummy radioactive and uncooked food. Stronger than anorexia but not bulimia.
New Farm’s dainty queen moved to EDP where she’s been gaining weight, jk it’s just water weight, and dealing with her extreme mental hunger. Her dilated pupils continue to amaze us all. She’s started TMS for that clearly very severe depression she couldn’t possibly take antidepressants for. Not so little Lee has an EDP admission booked so she can join Porgie and receive unnecessary TMS too.
Laura the leper is in and out of hospital, no one can keep track of it. She’s heading to a Personality Disorder Unit for a year to avoid responsibilities and pick at her face.
D.parxom saddens us more and more everyday. The other Russian, Katekusima, is spoopy and not milky but her knuckles suggest she’s purging.
Kennedy made a brief appearance with some beach photos, difficult to say if they were shooped or not.
Shay is emulating a cancer patient, shaves hair and eyebrows then wonders why people ask if she’s got cancer. Claims chronic illness but won’t reveal what it is. NG and NJ tubes and lots of sad selfies.
Ganer wanted her followers to sign a petition to reopen gyms in the middle of a pandemic. Quickly changed her mind and deleted the story. Claims recovery but still has the anorexia smile lines.
American Georgie has made an appearance and she is beating anorexia one doughnut at a time. HAES supporter that, along with our precious Porgie, refuses to accept her health problems are a result of obesity and not her eating disorder.
Georgie’s friend Dani posted about all the ensure flavours she’s tried despite not needing them as she too, is obese. Of course Georgia cowtipped so she was sad about being mentioned here. Another wannarexic, 90sbabywrvld, enjoys posting chubby body checks.
Emma is upset she isn’t the sickest ana ever. Paris is as boring as always but makes the cut since she blurred out her cat’s face. Becky’s lack of fat gives her face an elderly appearance. Sarahfinallysmiling posted a photo of her ‘rolls’. Booty.over.bones got multiple mentions despite a serious lack of milk, literally just fake recovery. Morven is hiding under the stairs like Harry Potter.
May receives a tiny bit of attention as despite being a notorious self poster and posting on the thread recently, she caused an accident by driving the wrong way on a highway and tried to blame it on google maps.
There were lots of anachans mentioned but not discussed much so they’re not getting individual mentions. Super sorry if you self posted but it didn’t gain any traction and now you’re left feeling like you deserved attention. Some were discussed a bit more but are unworthy of a mention for various reasons.
Previous thread
>>>/snow/959342Some of the cows No. 970715
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No. 970772
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>>970708No one can say there isn't enough information there. When libraries open again, the farmer art and selected posts will be printed out. Such creativity and humour in what is a very, very serious subject.
Georgia and obese women everywhere are salty Adele managed to stick to a weight loss diet.
No. 970789
>>970787It reminds me of how Phoebe Tickner described the different size ~fats~ and how one group excludes another for not being one of them. Adele obviously put hard work into getting healthier and she feels she looks good. Why ignore it? They d desperately wish they had her willpower.
Btw, Alys back in hospital with a drip if anyone's interested
>>>/snow/740653 No. 970793
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triggered everywhere #riotdontdietadeletraitor #fatandhappyreallyiam #sounbotheredwehavetomentionit.
No. 970941
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I mean, cool beans if she actually takes hospitalization seriously and doesn’t just take the system for attention, but I’m doubtful given her overwhelming need to remind people about the specifics of her bmi. Who’s that helping?
No. 970953
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>>970941The absolute state of her fingernails…
No. 970957
>>970946Georgia's plain jealous she can't get healthy by diet. Adele's been losing weight gradually over a few years by exercise and good diet. It's the be all and end all to her who's going to not have fucked up knees and hips, less risk of diabetes, etc. Georgia's going to be waddling along puffing and panting at 30 because we still believes she can't lose weight because it makes her period stop if she's near to a healthy weight. Save your Aus dollar for your future walker, Georgie.
>>970953That's legit disgusting. She's growing the next pandemic under those. Idk much about her, but it doesn't sit well when you see Ana's posing with reduced calorie foods, like n2f with her skinny syrups in ~recovery~
No. 970985
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Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me
No. 970993
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Golden colours. Nice.
No. 971024
>>970772It's the Daily Mail. Its basically a Tabloid clickbait news source.
This isn't a soap box moment Porgie
No. 971043
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So where's the crying emoji? Also, typical Laura with her foot on her head
No. 971045
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>>971043Samefag but kek she already updated her profile
No. 971069
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She seriously does not look 23
No. 971077
>>971057No one gives a shit about when you were diagnosed.
They can diagnose emerging eupd in under 18s, it’s not an official eupd diagnosis.
>>971069She’d look about 70 under all that make up
No. 971128
>>970994This!! That baby voice combined with the little 'cute smile and giggle- oh I have to look away fr the camera I'm so shy hehe!!!!' thing she does when she videos herself eating makes her whole recovery story seem disingenuous.
Add that to her tracking her IP stuff… She wears her anorexia like a medal!! She loves it.
No. 971141
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Least she kept her top on this time
No. 971143
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Oh and anyone noticed the 'cheesecake' obsession? She basically rams lots of different sludge in a glass and claims it to be cheesecake!
No. 971144
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Looks like a poop….
No. 971171
>>971159>>971087Is it even inpatient? Found what seems to be the treatment she mentioned she'd been accepted for sessions for 12 months. No mention of IP.
No. 971223
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No. 971242
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>>971143>>971144She probably means her 0 cal cheesecake drops but her writing has been a lot more jumbled lately. She’s been using “with” instead of her usual “&”. She also goes through phases/obsessions with certain items it seems per week, last week it was that gross yellow burger sauce she was slathering everything with, this week it’s cheesecake and those potatoes. I think it’s based on when she runs out of things.
No. 971248
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>>971242a few of the worst creations featuring her full fat “recovery win” sauces (which she uses along with her 0 cal ones)
No. 971304
>>971242not to nitpick but is she inside or outside? it looks like grass to me and imo pretty odd to be having a nightsnack outside when it's light out.
honestly after this pic i could see her making her creations all at once and she staggers her posts.
No. 971323
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She’s seriously titling this “series” of Instagram stories about her hospital admission as “hospital adventures”. Like it’s some super fun summer camp, right? Anyone who is there to actually recover isn’t laughing and playing around and making a big spectacle of it. What a cunty waste of resources. I’m predicting right now that she’ll gain to about a bmi of 15 then discharge herself because she’s “soooo motivated and totally ready to do it on my own!!1!1”, go right back to eating her usual high volume, low calorie, protein infused, overpriced food (paid for by mumsy, of course, because she’s too precious and delicate to grow up and get a job) and drop right back to where she started. The whole time she’s losing weight she will continue posting ott captions about being a warrior, of course, and how you gotta “eat it to beat it!” With all the stupid recovery hashtags.
No. 971338
>>971334Adding, I notice some shadow in the bushes
>>971144 so there's possibly a light in the porch/door area and the light on the tiles is from her room. I doubt any of this matters. Everyone lies on ig to fit the time of posting.
No. 971358
>>971354As far as I understand she is going to a unit that she knows people who have died at. Run by a doctor she doesn't trust.
This is based on things she has said over years so can't post images to back it up.
However, Emma has been in and out of hospital for years so obviously she knows people who have died. It goes with the territory. She claims to have been 'really close' to anyone who dies.
No. 971433
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>>971407Anyone else spot that on her thumb knuckle……
No. 971448
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>>971340I’m sorry it’s had to come to this. Blue skies at 8pm. I rest my case. Thank you and good night
No. 971480
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This is almost a day old post, but it's quite telling that Georgia thinks younger people develop an ED because they want smaller bodies to look good. Does she not realise that it's likely caused by some trauma like dysfunctional family, abuse, bullying etc etc. To her it's all about not wanting to be fat because it looks shit. Or am I misinterpreting this?
No. 971742
>>971480But her car accident, anon!!
Interesting because many fat people do have trauma histories as well. She truly has no excuse to be as big as she is
No. 971815
>>971754>>971764>>971792>>971807Large sexual history is new to me
iirc she was catfished by a 50yr old when she was 15
I don't think they ever met But apparently something of a sexual nature happened and it made her feel uncomfortable. But she has said she wasnt assaulted by him
No. 971817
>>971754It's lurk more. And sage.
She only him s at something else and this
>>971815 is hardly trauma. We've all known fucking perverts.
No. 971820
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Isn't this advice she's paying NF for? Oh, sympathy is free, silly me.
No. 971866
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I watched Kate's livestream and s few things stood out
1) she kept being asked if she had an eating disorder and in English said "no, no eating disorder. Not today, maybe tomorrow." Then in Russian started bitching about how people needed to stop talking about that
2) when someone said don't starve yourself she said "no starving! No no starving!" (She said no a lot) then "I drink lots of alcohol and eat sometimes"
3) she said she ate chocolate and mushrooms that day, then freaked out and had to quickly add "little bit of low calorie chocolate"
4) she said she drinks so much alcohol because nothing in her life is good.
Its funny to me that she talks shit about the English viewers in Russian lol. Not too milky but there hadn't been an update in a while so I thought I'd bring something to occupy us!
No. 971878
>>971866She's a rude bitch
>Its funny to me that she talks shit about the English viewers in Russian lol. Nah it's shitty. A few Welsh speaking friends of mine do that and it's really cunty. I don't see how she's of any interest. For years she's pretended to be anorexic and never eats, then says no she isn't. That's all she does. She even looks like shit.
No. 971937
>>971904No. There's no milk with
>>971866 unless you think her being a drunkorexic is milky. I wait until I see something worth talking about ideas of scraping the bottom the barrel.
No. 971946
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>>971862Speaking of milking nf for money, looks like another revolving door patient will be returning soon!
“Safe, medicated, and in bed” desperately wants to feel ok more like desperately needs attention. The only thing she’s starving for is the sympathy of others. Lee needs that year long program more than Laura holy shit. Here’s to hoping Porgie porker is still at nf when Lee arrives, I love when the cows are at the farm together.
No. 971973
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She's at it again. Tagged Reebok on it. Great ad for a sports brand.
No. 972173
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Just reminding us AGAIN for the fourth time.
No. 972195
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>>972190So brings some fucking milk yourself. What is with the sudden influx of newfags and moralfags lately? Not even just in this thread.
Anyway, not sure if this one belongs here so sage, obviously. She is/was an anachan, though has made recent mentions of hoping the virus makes her lose weight, and that doing drugs kept her weight down, so that's still a thing.
Recent scandals:
- she sperged (I was dumb and didn't capture any of it like a fucking idiot) recently because her girlfriend/ex/friend/??? left because her drug addiction was too much for her. She was blaming her for her totally-going-to-happen suicide or some shit because the friend decided she needed space. Meanwhile, she has a post up about how someone else is not your responsibility or some fucking hypocritical bullshit
- has jumped on the muchie/spoonie trend with EDS. I would have posted her in those threads (sorry if I should have) but it seems like they're dead? Her barely hyperextended elbows are totes evidence of that shit I guess?
- currently has hand foot and mouth disease and has zero qualms with showing off her gross mouth ulcers
- was/is a sex worker, used to be part of some group as an actual prostitute, now I think she's just a cam girl or something
No. 972207
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>>972201She's an adult and here
No. 972276
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Well annnnyyyyyway…. in shay news she's being sent home not back to the clinic. Claims both hospitals (public medical thats shes in currently and NF) cant help her. Might have something to do with her constipation (literal full of shit) and constantly riding her feeding tube poles around the bathroom for tiktok views that pissed staff off. Wonder how long before shes back with leah and porgie at NF despite being "on home toob feeds" that she is paying for herself kek.
No. 972290
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Oh my god Georgia you are SO JEALOUS of the dainty anas. The venom just spews around, I can imagine her huffing and puffing with anger and envy as she looks at actually skinny anas.
No. 972294
>>972290She’s literally bitching about exactly the dramatics she pulls every single day. So much so that I almost wonder if she’s being self-deprecating or tongue in cheek (I doubt it though. She lacks the self awareness.) the only difference between her and the people she’s criticizing: they actually managed to become underweight.
Further: Georgie, you aren’t in refeeding syndrome! You have to stop eating and or reach at least a moderately low weight for that to happen. One look at your dainty frame reveals that neither of those events have ever occurred in your life.
No. 972330
>>972290ohh man, i can already see the reaction the recovery community is going to have when they see this! considering georgie is followed by booty.over.bones, sarahfinallysmiling and a ton of other recovery accounts this post was definiiiiteeeely in bad taste. It has lolcow written all over it with that "dainty anas" and "279492296 photos of", as if we didnt know she was a self poster already haha.
good job Georgie, you manage to convince some delusional pro recovery accounts that you were sick enough to deserve a follow but they sure wont be on your side now!
No. 972370
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I don't recall this one being posted in the past. She was a suggestion. Spoopy ana, trains for marathons, loves her bones, does some crying, had a ig drama recently (can't find what it was), UK, 5 kids.. and DID
No. 972377
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>>972373Another ana #nutritionistraining
No. 972379
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Dasha was crying on her livestream again and she Fainted and busted her head open
No. 972522
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newfag here,
not sure if this is milk.
another body check and a "talking update" bitching about her fake recovery.
No. 972654
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If you're not hungry, then maybe don't eat? I know you're a dainty anachan but I think you can afford to skip a meal
No. 972676
>>972654Kek hunger probably “never comes” because she’s probably still full from her last feeding. Is it me or she just using covid and the
dramatic frontline worker plight to try and ana LARP? And yes I agree op she will certainly survive if she skips a meal lol.
>>972670Potato face…. top kek, but you’re so right maybe she shouldn’t be glazing over the unknown she’s at risk, obese ppl have a higher chance of developing severe symptoms and complications of corona, yikes
No. 972717
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>>972654>Is it me or she just using covid and the dramatic frontline worker plight to try and ana LARP? She's doing a LARP. Frontline covid nurses are kitted up. She's wearing a face mask that you get 10 for £5. I bet she didn't even sanitise after using her phone for a serious pic. She wants all the glory that medical staff are getting. So humble.
No. 972773
>>972732She's walking around outside as vulnerable has a chronic asthmatic, going to cake shops. She's possibly already infected.
>>972738That's not a derail, you're commenting on a post of an ana with DID (apparently). DID is a fad like trans. I noticed chickpea the fake satanic abused girl pronoun follows her.
No. 972976
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smorven keeps hiding in her room from the nurses that are risking their lives to come see her. swear this is the 5th story I've seen of her whining about not wanting to see the nurse
No. 973265
>>972976Almost like she
wants to be recalled to hosp……oh, wait
No. 973327
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fighting what exactly? to breathe under the immense weight of her own body? she’ll be back into new farms in no time after they release her
No. 973348
>>973327I was surprised when I saw her moving and speaking on those yt videos. She comes across as a bit of an obnoxious but normal person. On her ig account she makes herself seem quiet, a bit slow and pathetic. When you see this
>>972976 it's obviously the real obnoxious gobby Georgia and the rest is an act along with the fake ED.
No. 973349
>>973348 meant to link to this
>>972290in the second one
No. 973431
>>973327When does she ever post anything with the hand under the chin pose? She’s obviously doing this to flash the bandage on her hand, this paired with the
totally hip vernacular is so out of character for porgie. Although I’m kind of living for it because it’s a change from the sociopathic dead eyes she’s normally serving.
>>973348I agree! She seems so quiet on ig and the YouTube videos seem like a different person! But we can’t forget the random bouts of outspokenness surrounding fat phobia, and the other ed stigmas surrounding weight and shape. It seems she truly is more outspoken and seems to be more lately! Like she’s trying to sound like a badass or something especially with this
>>972290 but then she just comes off stupid lol.
No. 973460
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Too sick to get out of bed and her nurses are sooper concerned, but still gives priority to taking a cutesy selfie to remind everyone how spooptastic she is and that she’s a recovery warrior.
No. 973481
Yeah I was the one who drew the pic, I just appreciated the college, it’s very good.
No. 973492
>>973330fcking SAMEFAG anon - was about to sperg about this, so glad you stopped me - her use of AAVE is sewwwww soooo suhhhhhh cringe. The layers of removal from being 1) black 2) American 3) queer (like words via drag culture origins) or 4) hip in any way is just…….. astounding.
sage for minor sperg that occured anyway
No. 973535
>>973496 ….. how am I surprised that digesting 20 threads did not reveal that to me. But I take back the queer note (lesbians =/= inherently included in American drag culture, however)
FINE - she can wear flannel.
No. 973619
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Unsure if this has been discussed before, I’ve only followed the last 4-5 threads but out of curiosity googled porgies name to see what would show up, found these gems on google images. What a great impression that will make on potential employers. And how embarrassing for her - or not, clearly she’s fine with it
No. 973629
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forgive me if I’m incorrect but I’ve only ever seen her sexual abuse mentioned on here, and it was only once. I thought her PTSD was from the car crash? maybe that post I saw was a self post
No. 973635
>>973634ah. I see, but yeah, that’s why I think it’s a self post because in all of the proana scum bag threads and on her account, I’ve never seen her post about it. Not even once.
I guess the car crash wasn’t attention grabbing enough.
No. 973692
>>973629>>973631Exactly what I thought when I saw her story. No one can remember her ever mentioning sexual abuse so it's pretty out of character for her to suddenly bring it up. We can't confirm if
>>971754 was a self post but it certainly isn't a coincidence that she posts about it a few days after it is mentioned here.
>>973431It's a stretch but it wouldn't surprise me if this new found boldness in what she posts is a result of all the unnecessary treatments she's had, e.g. ECT and TMS.
No. 973770
>>973734She has posted previously about it. especially when she had tellonym and would get hate. It's why she has done EMDR the last 5 or so admissions apparently. TMS for depression. EMDR for trauma. EDP for her "eating disorder".
She'll probably reactivate tellonym now.
No. 973808
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N2f announced on her story that she has a “food review account” to rate her slop. Because nothing says “real recovery” like going into elaborative detail about the crumbliness of the pastry every time you eat a cherry bakewell. I’m sure her reviews will have all the anas clearing the shelves of sweet pickle dip and whey protein powders!
No. 973813
>>973791I know holy cow! The date on that video shows it is from 7 months ago, I didn’t notice a real large weight loss on her Instagram alone but if you compare this thumbnail to say some of the other photos in this screen grab
>>973619 particularly the one that has the white text and the word winning in pink, she looks slightly less rotund and her triple chin is less prominent kek. I’m wondering if this is high quality posing or actual weight loss as she claims. How much does she
claim to have lost again? It’s funny because she probably eats less or more healthy in treatment to put on the uwu ana facade but does treatment actually make her lose weight? (Clinicians are ridiculous for not putting her on a weight loss meal plan) Has she really lost weight or did the camera just add ten pounds to our porker? So many questions lol
No. 973815
>>973770She never deactivated her tellonym. It's still there.
She's going to have lost weight because shes in hospital so often. There she eats less than at home where she binges. Being in hospital is like a weight loss boot camp for her. She should stay IP if it's getting her weight down.
No. 973819
>>973815I’m not sure if she actually is just a fat lazy person without an ed or just grossly exaggerates what disordered behavior she has, wouldn’t someone with an eating disorder vehemently refuse to be on a weight maintenance meal plan at her size and take any opportunity as you suggested to lose weight like she could potentially do inpatient? Idk she’d be a lot less insufferable and probably gain more followers if she healthily lost weight. Her successful weight loss and inevitable personality change from a fat, moody, asshole to weight loss influencer sounds exciting. But alas she will
never give this i can’t eat shtick up. She’s hilarious and entertaining to this niche group of farmers but I’m sorry to say Porgie no agency, network,or editorial is going to take you on as a writer with your whiny Instagram.
No. 973826
>>973819She says about 15kg or similar (33lbs) which I think is very possible between the YouTube and now, especially if she is over 160cm, like 5'2"?
I just don't think losing that from obese to still obese over 6 months or so is anything except healthy weight loss? Like even if it was over 3 months that would be fine.
Like obviously it's not healthy if someone restricts so they can't have enough variety of nutrients. But even that in itself doesn't = a diagnosable ED. And certainly not one that requires inpatient treatment and tube feeding?! (Excluding scenarios where people have insulin dependent diabetes)
No. 973829
>>973826No the tube is a behavioral addition not a medical necessity. Lots of people come into treatment undeniably fat and stop eating to get a tube for attention. The worst part for porker is that she can have her behaviors supported more through social media. Like if they didn’t allow camera phones in new farm I doubt she’d continue to get feeding tubes. She knows she’s full of it, we know she’s full of it and everyone at nf knows she’s full of it. The only validation or support she gets is from ppl who are pretending to care or just trying to be nice to a porker who’s incredibly unaware of how foolish she really looks. No insta, and her
ed would go away
snap just like that lol
No. 973842
File: 1589463920770.png (644.65 KB, 1242x2208, 51E94313-923F-4BA3-AA11-38AA2C…)

>>973770Porgie I’m doing the thread a favor right now and going through your massive lie of a Tellonym. Here’s a funny one for everyone while i go through all 2,000 because I’m almost 99% sure you’ve never posted about your sexual abuse
but kek….12.8
No. 973853
>>973838Thank you!
>>97384212.8 lol Come on Georgia what when you were in the womb?? Like she doesn’t even try to make it believable at all
>>973846 and this what I was going to say there’s nothing that she’d want more than to prove all these skinny ppl on social media and the evil farmers wrong lol. She would be the person to compare the same before picture to a picture of her now fat and say she’s recovered when she really just switched eds. Fine Georgia you were 12. whatever bmi. Wtf happened? Trying to make up for all the lost meals you missed when you were so spoopy ? What happened to the control your ed had over you and why aren’t you spiraling out of control into severe weight loss. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that her story makes no fucking sense and it’s full of holes just like Swiss cheese that she’d happily devour. What a fool honestly kek!
No. 973909
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>>973842I started to do the same when I saw Georgia's (sorry, anonymous') comment. I noticed this while blindly scrolling and just kek
No. 973925
File: 1589476547636.jpg (631.6 KB, 1080x1920, 1549279911835.jpg)

>>973909There are early posts about her tellonym and anon reactions here
>>>/snow/754044 Here is my personal favourite ig post of hers
Iirc she said her period stops if she ges under her set point.
No. 974058
File: 1589486870097.png (3.63 MB, 750x1334, 1DCCB77C-2ECD-48C2-A687-BB54C4…)

Tiktok proana attitude is getting real, a few months ago she had a healthy full face her comments are sad too
No. 974245
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>>974242>>974242I think anon is taking a cue from this kind of comment. No real timeline or evidence of her being any other size. Not evidence of milk, or ED, just skinny.
No. 974417
File: 1589548872324.jpeg (570.48 KB, 2048x2048, 11806CBF-62F0-44BA-B221-F32B16…)

Can someone plz explain why she thinks she’s serving as a recovery ~*~inspurashun~*~ for eating a tiny breakfast muffin and banging on to her followers about how it’s all she’s eaten and how it’s sooOoOOo dense? Somewhat related, what is that bruise on her thumb knuckle and why are her fingers so disgustingly groddy? Is she trying to compete with n2f now?
No. 974426
>>974223random skinny girls on tiktok that make you feel bad aren’t milk
if she’s not malingering or attention whoring about her ED, she doesn’t belong
No. 974431
File: 1589551846176.png (Spoiler Image,404.32 KB, 720x962, Screenshot_20200515-150839~2.p…)

Calling it now, UK dainty anas like Georgia will soon start sperging about a national drive to get fatties to lose weight because it's good for them.
Spoilered because ugly.
No. 974437
File: 1589553763775.png (Spoiler Image,7.71 MB, 1242x2208, 0E954B0D-313D-429C-952E-399380…)

Aly back at it with the “I’m so fat” half naked, sucking in body checks. If you’re so fat, why post it? Oh, because you know you’re not and just want people to tell you so!
No. 974485
>>974478Same. I'm pretty sure we don't have any Georgia equivalents I the UK. They'd never get diagnosed or referred. If they did get counselling for BED it would absolutely be outpatient but also probably from a charity.
Tbh there should be more help for BED but that help doesn't mean pretending they have anorexia!
No. 974496
>>974485They go directly to service user led support group for all sorts of ED.
Georgia for sure is my favourite cow right now.
No. 974534
File: 1589571183864.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 2E728F62-CCC0-4AE8-A47D-C7F949…)

>>970708>>974512Just for you, anon…
No. 974561
File: 1589573537874.jpeg (349.65 KB, 828x1462, 50400C7E-FD51-4EC2-95ED-843956…)

Anyone still follow wildstruggles? She is always putting not so obvious brags in her stories, like ‘light lettuce’ kek. Her real name is emma eston
No. 974598
File: 1589577074738.gif (3.9 MB, 272x340, 1498490091877.gif)

>>974592To boost the world's morale, let's have a Paris throwback to happier times. Booty, take note.
No. 974604
>>974561shes the biggest pro ana, she treats eating disorders like a cool club…very twitter pro-ed like.
she aspires to look and be anorexic but looks more tweaker than anything else.
No. 974615
File: 1589578623446.png (2.07 MB, 828x1792, 6EDF974E-D6AC-47DB-AE27-F31CF5…)

Aparently Georgia has a problem with commenting on other people’s weight now. Funny, she didn’t seem to mind when she was making fun of actually underweight anorexics a day ago.
No. 974637
File: 1589582345690.jpg (5.39 KB, 300x168, images (4).jpg)

>>974627No, it doesn't. Sally Bowles' green nail polish is decadent because it's shocking to society. A chocolate bar isn't.
No. 974638
File: 1589582498017.gif (8.08 MB, 275x275, 1501131467242.gif)

>>974619They're great aren't they. Paris dances no more.
No. 974641
File: 1589582856590.jpeg (608.63 KB, 750x1194, 3F519BC8-BC83-4CB3-92BD-87EBD3…)

>>974627>>974638Yeah. They are. I miss her dancing.
This one annoys the fuck out of me. Tbh I might just be a total bitch, she’s in recovery proper, and there’s not much milkiness going on.
No. 974645
>>974643I was replying to anon about Georgia and Dharma new Paris.
Clearly not a self post. Just seeking new milk.
No. 974649
>>974646Of course. Reminds me of Crying Girl (who we don’t talk about anymore) and other shoop spoops.
>>974638>>974640What is Paris IG now? I only found her on Twitter. Ages since I looked for her.
No. 974653
>>974641On @redefining_normal again (still not a self post,
>>974643), her way of maintaining recovery is promoting ‘thin privilege’ awareness for the non thin people? This is all kinds of messed up.
No. 974656
File: 1589585799206.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 4891C57C-B4CA-43CE-A608-458D08…)

>>974653Samefag, forgot the cap, sorry…
No. 974662
>>974658I read it. It’s been doing the rounds for a while now, and I hate all these ‘in recovery’ career anafats who share the shit out of it. It’s one circle jerk for boo hoo losers.
@journeyofmaria.98 and @redefining_normal and both fucking annoying.
No. 974680
File: 1589589780202.jpg (96.58 KB, 994x1116, LZAjg7a.jpg)

>>974649she's taken to posting eating videos on tiktok now
can be seen 'dancing' in supermarkets and eating only the filling of mcdonald's burgers
No. 974689
File: 1589590866797.jpeg (571.7 KB, 750x1294, CB72F065-9352-404E-B777-D6E822…)

>>974680Urgh. Sad times. I’ll get on it.
Conversely I have a dancing fatcow that I like to watch. A HAES bopo ballerina that cracks me up @colleenmwerner.
No. 974725
>>974717Here, anon
>>972290Personally I can’t stop chuckling about this one
>>973327 No. 974731
>>974478Would pay good money to see how Georgia would fare under the NHS with this “ED” bs. Prescription: exercise and (literally) jog the fuck on
Loving the Paris nostalgia, anons
No. 974799
File: 1589604188977.gif (4.61 MB, 275x275, 1501132392970.gif)

>>974715I think her mum's death
triggered her weight loss/ED. She seems close to her dad so it doesn't sound like there's a dysfunctional family.
I miss the dancing Paris era because now all she writes is how she wants to die and wants chocolate porridge that's been discontinued.
If you haven't heard, Georgia's going home on the 25th and already pushing the urge to purge ~ed thoughts~
No. 974837
>>974731Georgia has private health and doesnt use public for treatment (or least amount possible) so she wouldnt even use the NHS cause she doesnt use Australias equivilent of the NHS and if she didnt have the crooked Doc at the Hotel New Farm she wouldnt get shit. If she attempted to get this attention in the public system she'd be laughed at (by other patients and probs docs) its hard enough to get treatment when you have a legitimate eating disorder that is causing daily distress, compromising health and safety, let alone an ana is cows clothing. No chance.
In saying that, im surprised by the amount of specialized units the UK has and how big your general mh wards are
No. 974849
>>974837There isn't a UK private place that would tube Georgia.
We have 4 NHS EDUs in London which has a population of ~9 million. Those wards take patients from other parts of the country because some areas have nothing. But yes, in the majority of areas there is outpatient treatment. Instagram wouldn't make you think it but most ED patients are treated as outpatients even if they have the occasional medical admission (like 1-2 nights) for electrolytes or something.
No. 974871
File: 1589626309235.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200516-125221_Chr…)

perth bpd ana has milk all through her multiple mental health story highlights
No. 974873
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No. 974874
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No. 974911
>>974871Answer: Because you have really shit taste in clothes.
Quick question: why do so many of these ana chans ~identify~ as lesbian?
No. 974915
>>974806Yes, her mother is dead. Catch up, anon, that is not new.
No. 974986
>>974968Nah, farmer below you gets it. I was browsing on ig and noticed how many of them had girlfriends. Same with cows here. They don't just happen to be gay, they have to make a big deal about it. Look up other disorders or MIs and they're not all rainbows and pride marches.
I should do a search about it.
No. 974991
File: 1589650647172.png (682.12 KB, 720x1019, Screenshot_20200516-183503~2.p…)

Maria's starting voluntary work. I'm guessing it's at St Vincent's.
No. 975027
>>974991Just FYI the ED service is called Vincent Square. There is zero chance they'd have her volunteer.
The picture is the Chelsea and Westminster hospital Costa coffee.
No. 975058
>>970787Samefag to add that I can’t stand Georgia’s lying, malingering ass anymore than the next person, but you are totally misreading her comment and this whole
problematic media propaganda obsessing over Adele’s weight loss. She wasn’t commenting at Adele, she was commenting at all the tabloids and shit who are obsessing over Adele’s weight
No. 975103
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>>970708>>975085At this rate I’m gon have to revisit the old threads. Again.
We need new contenders.
No. 975115
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Jesus christ, that poor dog
No. 975126
File: 1589671492817.jpeg (688.48 KB, 750x1180, 238A6FD3-7905-4CE3-B2DC-61F98F…)

>>974641I spy cow crossover. I knew Ceylin would be one to watch.
No. 975135
File: 1589672195776.jpg (268.85 KB, 1080x1715, 20200516_183525.jpg)

Back at it with the bad photoshop on an otherwise nonmilky account
No. 975148
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>>975135Inside the cabinet of literary laura
No. 975261
File: 1589709710808.png (4.89 MB, 828x1792, 4DD809FC-30D8-44AF-9ED8-5D6272…)

On the plus side, at least Georgie’s nails and fingers are less repulsive than n2f and dharma. Unfortunately that won’t do much for her “weigh in blues”. I really am unclear what she expects? If you go to treatment and demand to be “re-fed” like the spoops, don’t be shocked when you gain weight!
No. 975270
>>975261Vodka? I thought she was afraid of liquid calories. This pic is another cliche. She needs to borrow a cigarette and post a black and white pic of it in between her fingers with thighs in shot.
Her nails do no say malnourished to me.
No. 975277
File: 1589718595751.jpeg (1.11 MB, 750x1196, 01483BF6-1986-4105-87AF-307210…)

>>975126Laura is off to PD unit on Tuesday. Expect incoming difficulties.
No. 975293
File: 1589726298716.jpg (36.72 KB, 474x474, e3fae918bf723c6ddd7f8be01c8a07…)

>>975292Kylie's looks okay.
No. 975406
File: 1589749035045.jpeg (1.96 MB, 3264x2694, 3F585586-1447-498D-84DD-0D4D52…)

She fully deserves to have her license suspended
No. 975440
>>975271>>975131All of this is annoying but I think they were making a
valid point that you guys were trying to discredit them by saying they must have their feelings hurt and be reacting that way because they’re fat so they pointed out they aren’t. How many cals do you guys burn by jumping to conclusions? Kek
No. 975504
File: 1589765363911.png (4.34 MB, 750x1334, C54EBD84-B014-47EC-87CB-594533…)

So many questions. Wtf does that sentence say? Why is she eating 3 honey hoops on a crumpet? Why has she mixed butter, honey AND lemon curd? Why is there a block of butter sitting on her bed? Lmao. The bottle of domestos spray in the back..reassuring to know that she actually cleans things sometimes… but so obvious that nothing leaves her room, even plates and bowls, she probably gives everything a rinse and sprays them once a month to “clean” them.
No. 975522
File: 1589768235612.jpg (28.49 KB, 450x474, 6v7j9xl.jpg)

>>975406dude, seriously, if you're so dumb you follow google maps blindly, you deserve to have your license taken away
No. 975537
>>975133Maybe it depends on the person. I don't want to PL so I'm gona say this carefully, it is possible to make yourself throw up using only stomach muscles with practise.
>>975115this is a fucken service dog?? no. no way. if you're going to bullshit that at least get something you can't accidentally kill by sitting on even if you do weigh 80 poid
No. 975630
File: 1589798333018.jpg (413.41 KB, 1080x1652, Screenshot_20200518_113400.jpg)

Seems N2f will put burger sauce on anything except an actual burger, which looks dry as the sahara
No. 975631
>>975537Ugh why are there so many anachans here desperate to prove They're the best. That wasn't at all relevent? Anon was saying that maybe she had scars on her thumb because she was purging with her whole hand so why do you have to bring up your hands free purge stuff?
We get it, you're sooooo spoopy and supreme ana!!1!!1 now fuck off.
No. 975632
File: 1589798462291.jpg (516.24 KB, 1080x1760, Screenshot_20200518_113424.jpg)

>>975630With undercooked chips and dry beans for optimum flavour
No. 975644
File: 1589803511451.jpg (523.74 KB, 713x1299, Screenshot_20200518-135145_Ins…)

>>974689She gained a lot in two years. Said she developed an ED at 10, is now a HAES supporter.
You don't think binging so much you gain a lot of weight in a short prriod is an eating disorder? They are so obsessed with eating food and all the junk.
Junkfood + sugar addiction is real. Binge eating is a real eating disorder, but thats what she is embracing.
Saw her dancing video, she has no balance or control over her core.. she just collapses lol. Her ankles… rip. This shouldn't be allowed
No. 975645
>>975632Aye yo plain butter beans are actually very nice aha. And this is from a non disordered person.
The burger and chips look vile and undercooked though and the butter beans definitely do not belong with that combination…
No. 975648
File: 1589804717804.jpeg (917.79 KB, 828x1305, 3BE1CA17-91A1-4123-A17B-240CDD…)

>>975644Reminds me of Kenzie, unfortunately. These women were overweight when they started their HAES advocacy but they were still arguably not unhealthy. They were chubby but healthy. Now they’ve gotten carried away and think the only way to be proper “advocates” is to allow themselves to become totally obese. There’s a difference between being healthy-and-chubby vs. obese and just not giving AF. Being pro obesity is easily as harmful as proana.
No. 975653
File: 1589807010826.jpg (548.58 KB, 1076x1881, Screenshot_20200518_135555.jpg)

she rustled this up in the early hours of the morning. the crusty glass though
No. 975661
>>975658I was just about to comment on that. She needs to buy a hand whisk because the milkshake is milk with powder sitting in top. Unless that'd make too much noise almost as if eating all this crap is a secret.
Thanks for posting her gross foods, anon(s).
No. 975664
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>>975653Is this grime on part of her bed?
No. 975720
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>>975712Yeah. I get that looking spoopy is gross, but it's because you're I'll and it's not acceptable to be proud of how you look, but then why is being overweight acceptable.
Eg IMG related 1/2
No. 975721
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>>9757202/2. "Unrestricted eating" on bio.
No. 975726
File: 1589822428678.png (3.04 MB, 828x1792, C4E569EE-5E8E-41E6-86BF-2CAE05…)

newfag, saging in case not milky. this chick posts everything she eats, including a roster @ the end of the day on her story detailing exactly how much . constantly showing off her lapses and "swearing" she'll do better, only to report back the next day with the same story
the thought of her eating a jar of pb with her fingers in 10 minutes is haunting me
No. 975748
>>975740Let’s start a bet which huffing puffing fatsack was that.
My vote is on Porgie.
No. 975753
File: 1589826001053.jpg (51.97 KB, 548x429, yikes.jpg)

>>975740this thread clearly isn't your cup of tea, maybe you should read something else instead of shitting yourself about it
No. 975800
>>975648You can tell both of them are a little chubby at their natural weights but it looks normal because it’s what their body wants to sit at. Colleen’s face has changed significantly with the weight gain. It’s really alarming.
If you want more fat ana HAES cringe look up @/thefriendineverwanted. “Fast food restriction” and “people in marginalized bodies don’t get treatment!!” People with AN and a BMI in the single digits die because insurance won’t cover but being denied treatment for your made up anorexia is the real travesty right
No. 975858
File: 1589837386578.jpg (309.41 KB, 1080x1837, IMG_20200519_072720.jpg)

Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned yet. @recoveryjorja. Has regular stints in hospital as she is coddled by her gp. Is all about "all in recovery" including eating whole packets of cookies and documenting it all.
I found this post milky,who did she get to take this photo?
No. 975868
>>975406>Doctor: You can't drive>>975410>Person: You can't drive"y0u r n0T mY dOctOr!!1"
Girl, at least make sense
No. 975869
>>975800Its these sorts of people that go on about anorexia nervosa affecting everyone of every size despite the diagnostic criteria stating
"B. Intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behaviour that
interferes with weight gain, even though at a significantly low weight.
C. Disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape is experienced, undue
influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of
recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight."
No. 975915
apologies if these have been posted before
strugglingstrawbxrry's yt channel
ganer's channel No. 975925
>>975917The point of recovery is to not obsess about food, to aim to just let it be a thing you do.
Going from skele to healthy is fantastic, but why is pushing it brag about how much they now allow themselves to eat and what crap they can eat without thinking about health impacts any different? Drop food obsession, get on with life. That's recovery no?
No. 975949
>>975925I think it's because society believes eating disorders are all about appearance, and not just the manifestation of an underlying mental illness. Even documentaries just say the goal is "getting you at a healthy weight" as if that solves everything and makes the illness go away once you're at a normal weight. If that were true, average weighing girls wouldn't be able to have ednos.
Idk maybe these girls just aren't listening to their therapists. Or their bodies are so physically starving they can't help binging as a survival mechanism.
No. 976003
File: 1589851982039.jpg (460.04 KB, 1080x1759, 20200518_203148.jpg)

New plan: partially cover the bad photoshop with Hello Kitty but leave the most obvious bits visible
No. 976027
>>975965I get the idea but it’s just poorly thought through virtue signaling. You have OSFED. Advocate for practitioners learning about it because it’s extremely dangerous. Drop the bs comparison to AN. ~recovery~ accounts need to drop the whole “I don’t think poorly of fat people.” Yes, yes you do and it’s tied to your ED because it’s literally in the diagnostic criteria.
>>975949They seek out haes practitioners with very little education who need brownie points and validation for being woke
No. 976041
>>975917>>976005No one fucking cares. Get your blogposting ass out of here.
>>976028Probably thinks it makes her look her thinnest just like porgie when she stands in the elevator with her arms pressed to her sides. The most important question is why doesn’t she look for evidence of poor editing? I imagine it’s because she’s so focused on her body and salivating over how thin she made herself look that she doesn’t even notice them unless they are very obvious and she is looking directly in that spot.
No. 976105
File: 1589881028535.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, A91DBC5E-82C8-4745-B885-106ECA…)

May thinks she’s going to be a therapist. Foolproof plan, of course. Anyone else think she could be halfway to pretty if she’d take out those eyesores above her lip? It’s like these cows want to be as unattractive as possible, I swear
No. 976106
>>976100Ikr, they look like a mix between an elder and a young adult. Such a weird combo to admire.
But please, keep bringing milk from this cow if there is more.
No. 976119
>>976105I’m legit shocked she wants to be a social worker…and a therapist? (I thought May was from the US but maybe I’m wrong. Those are two very different things.)
Social work is a selfless, thankless job. It takes a lot of patience and compassion. May can’t even take responsibility for being a shit driver. How is her narc ass going to show empathy for the people she works for?
No. 976164
File: 1589896141650.jpg (420 KB, 1080x1924, Screenshot_20200519_144508.jpg)

N2f's latest night snack - radioactive sludge
No. 976165
File: 1589896227745.jpg (552.72 KB, 1080x1887, Screenshot_20200519_144714.jpg)

It's apparently protein pancakes. Bitch where? Doesn't look like any pancakes I've ever seen
No. 976167
File: 1589896454218.jpg (631.25 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20200519_144739.jpg)

So many questions about this. Why add ketchup to an already tomatoey sauce? Why are the crisps and cookie literally in the chilli? Why has she still not washed that plate?
No. 976199
File: 1589903832436.jpg (799.65 KB, 1080x1735, 20200519_105301.jpg)

The last one! Really!
No. 976205
File: 1589904783962.jpg (273.45 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20200519_171100.jpg)

>>976194She's so gross, does she not realise that not everyone likes getting food all over their hands when they eat?
Juleelysee comments on most of N2f's stuff and gets weirdly aggressive when she thinks a meal isn't big enough
No. 976228
File: 1589908206380.png (1.5 MB, 1214x784, n2fshitstravaganza.png)

>>976205Her parents must just be glad that she keeps that shitshow in her slop-dungeon. I'd hate to share a kitchen with her. Fuckin constantly be wiping the film off of bottles before I could even make something.
I wonder if she puts a towel under the door to keep the rotting food smell out of the house (though she's probably noseblind, fuck).
On another note, do her neighbors see this lunatic holding plates of disgusting food out the window all day? What must THEY think?
No. 976233
File: 1589908572628.png (605.12 KB, 720x981, Screenshot_20200519-181211~2.p…)

Georgia's been rinse n repeating for years. This time will be no different.
No. 976285
File: 1589912860774.jpeg (123.2 KB, 631x736, 42DEA01A-55E5-4817-BA6F-B50A99…)

JTE been transferred from medical to edu thanks to corona finally. she hasn’t answered any of her followers concerned comments about her possibly being on an end of life care plan (cos shes not!) but i think she loves the dramatic suspense she has created with dropping all the hints about dying for sure if she gets sent anywhere but medical (she doesn’t want to be anywhere but medical cos they are the only place that will continue to pander to her attention seeking & pretty highly skilled & well concealed (BUT WE SEE YOU) manipulation of healthcare professionals thank to your ultimate professional patient status & every trick in that sneaky book to remain unwell or become unwell when stable or talk of discharge or transfer.. we all see through your bs emma. So do the nhs. Pretty convinced by this point and looking back at her history of eupd (which she also likes to deny/hide but was on a complex needs ward ip for yrs for that plus ed) that when she had all her lines in in medical she was contaminating them on purpose cos she ended up with sepsis so many times over the yrs & ljust before she was transferred this month! Also has no problem pulling her tube almost constantly when it suits her, but when she has a function to go to she proudly keeps it taped to her face when im sure the hospital would have agreed to let her remove it for the occasion! its not unheard of.
No. 976300
File: 1589914282905.png (629.47 KB, 720x1104, Screenshot_20200519-155809~2.p…)

Maria's made it to the shortlist to become a volunteer. She also would like to be killed.
No. 976364
>>976233she looked less heavy than she does now here..>>976199
she has said that so many times over but the inpatient addiction persists
No. 976386
File: 1589928105158.png (637.42 KB, 714x941, Screenshot_20200519-180539~2.p…)

Looking through Georgia's ig, she's always carried some weight, bit didn't really blow up until around 2017. This is where she looks p much ok.
No. 976495
File: 1589949361482.jpg (135.72 KB, 720x985, Screenshot_20200520_053432_com…)

she hasn't been brought up on here in a while but looks like Korey finally gained some weight
No. 976499
File: 1589950173085.jpeg (573.82 KB, 750x1224, 37C6AE6F-CED7-4FC7-8C48-9D4FBC…)

>>976498samefag. i hit new reply instead of choose file AND forgot to sage. dumbass behaviour. my apologies anyways here it is
No. 976515
File: 1589954374752.png (226.46 KB, 327x365, Screenshot_20200520-065506~2.p…)

>>976499I had a look at this atrociousness. Gotta be a n2f fangirl. Even uses Skinny Food products. More mould…
No. 976517
File: 1589954673512.png (129.17 KB, 274x268, Screenshot_20200520-070105~2.p…)

>>976515More. Mentions bread is "a bit stale"
No. 976520
File: 1589956911849.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.11 KB, 1242x863, IMG_3305.jpg)

>>976517Ew. I’ve never been so disgusted. There is a muffin here too.
In comments calling her out she claims ‘’it tasted fine’ or ‘she didn’t see’. DOES SHE EVEN HAVE THE SENSE OF TASTE OR SIGHT?!
No. 976521
File: 1589957228744.png (Spoiler Image,6.6 MB, 2048x2048, PNG image.png)

>>976520And she eats out of date yogurts/bars. They are playing Russian roulette with their expired food. Probably trying to get some sort of stomach bug to lose weight ‘unintentionally’. “Will this make me barf or do I have to do it myself this time?”
No. 976538
File: 1589960748766.jpg (345.31 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20200520_084532.jpg)

Her nail… We've done it guys, we've found someone worse than n2f
No. 976546
>>976538This made my skin crawl.
Please tell me this is some n2f copy-cat troll? I don't wanna believe this is real.
No. 976547
File: 1589964257805.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1125x1403, 945E233B-83C6-472A-8210-C08F3E…)

Fuck this ham has also definitely gone bad. Also what’s with all these anas taking and posting 7274849264 pictures of everfuckingthing they eat eat/bp
No. 976569
File: 1589971470339.png (472.49 KB, 913x473, skinnysyrup.png)

>>976515Absolutely no milk I think, I just happened to notice that skinnyfoodco comments on a lot of her posts. Hearts and stuff. It was probably a bit too naive of me to think their marketing was aimed at overweight people who wanted to lose weight, and not anorexic people in "recovery".
No. 976571
>>976570I am totally overreacting, but I thought companies usually had some.. moral, I suppose.
I sort of doubt they see N2f and this emojiwarrior as anything else than struggling anorexics wanting to recover (since they portray themselves as that), and it's definitely a bit unethical to advertise calorie free and guilt free syrup then.
No. 976573
File: 1589973027023.jpeg (497.33 KB, 828x1628, 0F5A72C4-4263-45E3-A62C-227FD3…)

"green american hard gum" (what the fuck is that) "covered in cherry juice by accident"
its not an accident if you throw a bunch of slop on a dirty plate & expect it to resemble food
No. 976575
File: 1589973818505.jpg (Spoiler Image,374.5 KB, 1080x1663, Screenshot_20200520_122133.jpg)

Here's some more gone-off meat. You can see the bits where it's going grey. She makes n2f look like Nigella Lawson.
No. 976578
File: 1589974186451.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.64 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20200520_122813.jpg)

What's the slimy bit next to the chicken?
No. 976580
File: 1589974308473.jpg (Spoiler Image,567.32 KB, 1080x1873, Screenshot_20200520_123000.jpg)

a grey lump of tuna
No. 976583
File: 1589975049833.jpeg (830.61 KB, 828x1532, 4976FACD-06A2-4E6D-8651-D89C4F…)

ANOTHER food account? Guess I'm out of the loop but god. Food obsession is real
No. 976607
>>975632what do you mean by dry beans
they look like canned beans
No. 976621
>>976573She's giving the oversized jelly tot a fancy name. They're usually called JuJu's.
Why does she have to tip pick n mix on everything she eats?
No. 976629
>>976615Why do they have expired food hanging around though? Do their parents overshop? It's not surprising they get disordered when the person raising them can't even do the basics of life.
I wish the new disgusting freak was a side account of n2fs that she uses to have a laugh. It's not though. Ig ana chan are forming a wet marketesque movement of bacteria munching.
No. 976642
>>976607NTAYRT but if you don't know what 'dry' means maybe google it
>>976629since the pandemic n2f has been getting food deliveries, more often than anyone needs to IMO and always seems to overshop. she orders from different supermarkets and always gets like 10 new chocolate spreads and other crap nobody needs. like 3 types of hot cross buns at once.
No. 976655
>>976621An American hard gum is an actual sweet in the UK. I think they're called gumdrops in the US.
>>976583Has she been inspired by Elzani?
No. 976673
>>976642I think that anon
>>976607 meant that you can get both dried beans and canned beans, and the anon
>>975632 meant that the beans were served straight out of the can without any sort of seasoning or sauce, 'dry'.
No. 976690
File: 1589993759405.jpg (Spoiler Image,439.38 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20200520_174951.jpg)

>>976673I posted it originally and yeah I just meant they looked flavourless, no sauce or seasoning. To me it would be like eating plain pasta or rice on its own, just bland.
Here's her latest slop so this isn't just me blogging about dry beans lmao. Cucumber with watery mac and cheese anyone?
No. 976691
File: 1589994250482.png (4.1 MB, 828x1792, DC409CFD-9EEC-4C10-B3C1-0CAEFD…)

So aside from a little extra attention, what was the point of that admission? She wasn’t on an ED unit, ate exactly what she wanted to (ie. a few carbs, a ton of protein and almost no fat), didn’t gain weight and now she’s off to go right back to her safe foods at home? Nice waste of a bed.
No. 976704
File: 1589995580887.jpg (54.24 KB, 500x500, SGN4514.jpg)

>>976690This looks like the macaroni sold in pots like Pot Noodle. She's added water from her kettle and tipped it into the plate. Wish, steady on with those .02kcals! Weight restored my ass.
No. 976848
>>975644This lady states that she knows most about fitness but is severely over weight, honestly would rather be dead than to be her size and not be able to walk up a flight of stairs normally.
No. 976858
>>975115Animal abuse like this breaks my heart. A lot of people fail to realise that small dogs are also proper dogs, and have most of the same needs as a big dog. But it's not like any crisis for people if they turn aggressive or "misbehave" in any way because of fear, since they're too small to make any harm.
Sorry for ranting, I just.. Can't.
No. 976891
>>970708>>976690The cucumber. Oh lord. It is as
>>976824 says. I just can’t…
No. 977020
File: 1590047144412.jpg (1007.47 KB, 2324x2513, 15b555dc0345a2b682e6cc5f6ed628…)

>>976667nice observation. they just reminded me of this.
No. 977024
File: 1590050300970.jpg (Spoiler Image,990.84 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200521_093641_com…)

Nighttime buffet in the trash den
No. 977026
File: 1590050545467.jpg (Spoiler Image,741.49 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200521_093720_com…)

So she's got her main n2f account, nourishnreview, nourisht0flourish_bakes and a porridge account as well? She must spend all her time concocting things and deciding which insta to put them on
What did she do before the virus? Like was she planning to go to uni, get a job? I can't imagine her doing anything but obsessing over gross food
No. 977027
File: 1590050906443.jpg (Spoiler Image,456.17 KB, 1080x1368, Screenshot_20200521_094758.jpg)

Thought this looked less grim than her usual stuff but swiped to see that it went off over a month ago lol
No. 977038
File: 1590055395534.jpeg (1.15 MB, 828x1716, A52E2AE7-125A-4951-8E83-42E320…)

Just contributing to the parade of crimes against food. I understand even weird foods taste great when a person has been starved, but this is just stupid!
No. 977051
File: 1590058806542.png (4.76 MB, 828x1792, BC68D0AD-E902-4E4E-8828-16DDD6…)

What the fuck is that slop underneath the cookie? Its like she dumped the plastic bag under her bed into a bowl.
No. 977086
File: 1590072518891.png (Spoiler Image,210.96 KB, 301x362, Screenshot_20200521-154633~2.p…)

Why does Dasha do this?
No. 977120
File: 1590078312256.jpg (Spoiler Image,551.8 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20200521_172248.jpg)

brains? a craft project gone wrong? nope, just nurch2flurch's breakfast
No. 977213
File: 1590087207604.jpg (97.75 KB, 1200x1200, phd whey.jpg)

>>977120£25 bag of diet whey
No. 977271
File: 1590091655309.jpeg (436.13 KB, 1242x1881, B7264165-C351-4378-82B0-B7E8E2…)

“No promises…” just screams attention seeking. Wants to go longer than her record of 87 and brags about it…
No. 977381
>>977364Anachans who fast as long as possible are dumb af. They lose some water and poop weight and ~omg I lost 10 pounds you guys~ then gain it back the minute they stop fasting.
There was some weirdo in past threads who posted super long fasts to MPA (like a month plus), but he would always gain it back, repeat. He was overweight when not fasting
No. 977387
>>977324>>977328She looks about 23 but she could be older and look younger or be 19 and look 29. If she's over 25 it's round about 75 quid a week.
>>977328 sounds about right. She'll be in the work focused activity group whatever the fuck it's called and as long as she sees someone about her ED regularly, they'll leave her to it. She's not as savvy as Becky obviously.
Her parents probably don't ask for any cash for rent or bills so she's free to blow her ESA on junk food.
No. 977395
File: 1590100593795.png (133.22 KB, 1105x570, Screenshot_20200521-233350.png)

>>977388He's still recruiting followers to his fasting movement. The girls are fawning over this freak. Oh yah, my gf was a high level WIKA, I was a supportive boyfriend…
He runs a thread where they all sign up to fast.
No. 977416
>>977078Looks like shes a face picker here
Shes everything Laura wishes she could be
No. 977417
>>977381Wasnt he also trying to get others to fast with him? Like a 4 week challenge thing and others see if they can go as long
That guy will die very prematurely. Going from uw and back up and then uw, rinse repeat, is so so bad for your body. Probably just as much as if someone remained uw
No. 977466
>>976575Sage bc tinfoil but maybe anachans are always posting pictures of spoiled food because theres ED docs of actual Anorexics/Bulimics who eat spoiled food on purpose to force themselves to throw up?
Vid related
No. 977587
File: 1590133364078.jpeg (1.68 MB, 2999x3999, 8117ADE1-F87D-4FD4-81B3-963E4A…)

So we all know how Porgie goes on about how she was at a “severely low weight when she was younger but won’t share them because it’s triggering…” Well had a good look through her profiles and here’s a collage of photos from 2009 to now and in NONE of them does she look remotely even underweight… The picture where she’s wearing the black and white dress appears to be the thinnest she’s ever been yet still she only looked a healthy weight not actually skinny… She’s all bullshit. As if it’s to protect people because “it’s triggering” when she posts other shit way more triggering than that
No. 977592
File: 1590135571230.jpg (409.54 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20200522_091755.jpg)

All Paris's posts lately are about how she wants to kill herself and her brother commented below this one. Her mum comments on her pictures too sometimes. It must be horrible for them having to read about her wanting to die all day every day because she can't go to Maccies to dance while eating a bun free burger anymore.
No. 977599
File: 1590141005902.jpg (Spoiler Image,435.17 KB, 1080x1885, prawn gnocchi hell.jpg)

tried to cook gnocchi from a packet and made it disintegrate somehow? also peep the filthy tray
No. 977615
File: 1590146187367.png (1.63 MB, 932x1176, Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 5.13…)

sage for no real milk but i looked at elzani's account for the first time in a while and found this absolute nightmare fuel on her post where she's sperging about whole wheat crumpets and whipped cream cheese.
imagine the most exciting thing in your life being a crumpet. her parents can't think this is normal?
No. 977619
File: 1590147008198.jpg (62.07 KB, 450x853, Z2SXFCP.jpg)

>>977587and she claimed her lowest bmi was 12.8 kek. she has always been a porker
No. 977649
File: 1590156021691.jpeg (1.54 MB, 828x1521, CF1304D4-5DF1-47E5-85E8-73990A…)

>>977646She’s showing less and less of what she eats and it’s becoming increasingly clear that she’s mostly just eating the same, smallish, bland foods with the occasional brownie binge thrown in. I’m guessing relapse is imminent. She can’t tolerate people not coddling her like a special little snowflake, and nobody is going to coddle if she looks perfectly healthy (except her poor, deluded mummy and grandma)
No. 977683
File: 1590161042792.jpg (894.91 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-05-22-16-20-40…)

She's vlogging on her story about how great it feels to be fasting etc, but is it really a fast if she's chugging down 200 calorie smoothies? You can't even call it a juice fast because she drinks soda during it lmao
No. 977688
File: 1590161730626.png (786.18 KB, 1114x719, Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 17.3…)

So Kara is officially one of those anorexics claiming to be in ReAl ReCovery for years, stating they so much, give in to extreme hunger, quit excessive exercising, yada yada yada…
If all of that was true, she would have gained a lot of more weight…
Her holier than thou attitude is still on point too. Urgh
No. 977695
>>977688where's the milk? her ig is boring recovery shit but she started out at a bmi of like 10. she's obvs made progress even if it's slow.
alyrealrevcover was milky bc she was 100% lying about recovery before she went to binge eating and bulimia. at least this chick is being realistic about it
No. 977707
>>977615is Elzani developing a lazy eye?
>>977592Paris never will end her life. She'll write about it multiple times a day but she won't do it. To me, it looks like she's managed to fly under the therapy radar for a long time.
No. 977751
>>977690Lol another of the easy ways you can tell someone with AN vs someone pretending
>>977619This also proves she’s always been fat. She’s not fat from her car accident ~trauma~ She’s got shitty parents and a shitty metabolism she doesn’t know how to manage
No. 977790
>>977706>>977771I just watched her ana doc and man… what a masterclass in attempted manipulation and being self-absorbed. In comparison to the doc that some anon above posted, it was a filthy body check and loyalty test the whole way. I feel SO bad for her family - not because of what the footage showed, bc they were supportive and she seemed.. grateful? But just at the exorbitant selfishness of the girl. The presumed self-awareness of what she was doing if she, being on the internet and ana, knew what she was deliberately editing. Maybe I'm being sensitive about the production abilities of an anachan, but it was all entirely self-centered; the complaints about the food, about missing a snowfall when HUN you're 19 (they'll come around again) and it was used to drag her family to the ward just to see her frolic. Just… the audacity of being upset that ~three people died around her, when she's there bc she's the living dead herself…. or the trying-to-trick her fam into telling her her legs were bigger (her dad firmly saying No. was just.. sad for him).
I feel awful for her family, and no doubt her sisters are going to grow up with some resentment about how she was able to gain the attention of their parents, specifically her mom.
sage bc who cares/armchair/ this has been said all before… yikes
No. 977797
File: 1590179421499.jpg (464.39 KB, 1069x1777, 20200522_152713.jpg)

Top: moving closer to the wardrobe won't make the photoshop less obvious. The carpet pattern between her legs is so interesting! I wonder why it's not like that everywhere.
No. 977824
>>977790This documentary was pity party for herself.I bet she not published second part cos its just expose her and whole family dynamic.
Whole this time she showed how manipulative she was,how selfish in a very "smart way".I know many anas but not many of them are that horribly twisted.
Her parents have some massive issue with her,their relationship are so unhealthy and every therapist will suggest separation.
No. 977846
File: 1590185049882.png (3.45 MB, 750x1334, 973BCD0B-3FA7-4CFF-8544-2C7DEE…)

Why the fuck does she do this half covering face thing ??? Is it to hide how fat her face is? It honestly just looks fucking weird like she’s covering a damaged eye or something? Kek Georgia we all know your little games and trust me, this half covering your face does nothing for you but make us believe it’s even fatter
No. 977869
File: 1590187227841.jpg (321.61 KB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20200522-173957_Ins…)

>>977861She apparently has retconned porridge being her safe food.
No. 977903
>>970708>>977790>>977795In response to your posts, I just watched (with some skipping). The whole thing is so, so bizarre. It’s almost like she planned every little step, put herself - and specifically her family - through all this as if it’s some experiment. None of it seems genuine, not least because she has filmed so much of it. Obviously we know she was/is I’ll because of the physical and mental strain, but it’s like the motive is just…it’s almost like she lab tatted herself with a future ana/recovery career in mind. Fucking nuts. The most disconcerting thing is when she’s bawling yet still checking herself in the camera to make sure she’s getting it all. So sly and manipulative.
No. 977961
File: 1590207702589.jpg (340.33 KB, 1080x757, Screenshot_20200522-191402_Red…)

Sage cause not milk but i found this on reddit and thought it appropriate
No. 977962
File: 1590208224059.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, B8D1F5ED-4B73-4094-8C28-A9D6C7…)

Kek to hold earphones and pens or an excuse for her fat belly???
No. 977978
File: 1590216848628.jpeg (95.05 KB, 852x1136, BF4FF9C5-DE5F-4187-A144-61425C…)

>>977962>>977964Lmao I was just about to point out her NEDA tattoo. Just another way for her to get attention.
No. 978034
File: 1590238476566.jpg (326.07 KB, 1125x2001, 60d5d3696f14b7673258a485b299c9…)

>>977975My first thought as well, anon. She's a trauma based Monarch ana butterfly.
No. 978044
>>978020they believe if porgie is
valid then they too, despite being overweight, must be a
valid dainty anachan as well
No. 978083
File: 1590249236468.png (509.55 KB, 1054x463, Screenshot_20200523-165121~2.p…)

Dasha was going to be on tv… 1/2
No. 978084
File: 1590249272099.png (132.94 KB, 604x301, Screenshot_20200523-165124~2.p…)

>>978083But it didn't happen 2/2
No. 978133
>>978054I wouldn't say she have really chubby cheecks.Her natural face structure make it looks like that-she have her mums cheeckbones and just round face shape.
Her whole body are in weird shape but well…when she was emancipated its not been that so obvious like now.
I will doubt she's purging,I think she just see that her parents clap her bravo when she ate so often or bigger portions,she get attention and she crave it so bad,she asked her mom so often like "Oh did you remember …..before ill be crying over it" etc
She swinging between her ED and "recovery" cos she is afraid if loosing her sick identity completly
No. 978156
File: 1590261381724.jpg (219.81 KB, 1242x2208, 8BsW3ur.jpg)

she cant even look after a cat
No. 978219
Mother Murderer
No. 978231
File: 1590274954858.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4556.PNG)

No. 978362
File: 1590303251576.png (2.7 MB, 750x1334, B4DE2549-A415-4B2F-A61F-ED872D…)

Hmm hunny I don’t think jamming your finger is the reason is won’t bend properly…. Time to be realistic about your obesity and realise you probably can’t bend your finger properly because of the lard you have
No. 978365
File: 1590303730552.jpeg (142.51 KB, 747x1028, FACD7884-1017-47E2-8477-3859FC…)

>>977964Yep, she’s had a NEDA tattoo for ages. Because we all know that’s exactly what she wants; everyone knowing about her so called “anorexia” whist she walks around at 200+ pounds kek I don’t know how she doesn’t see herself as a joke… I’d be absolutely EMBARRASSED to walk around at that weight with an EATING DISORDER tattoo showing to all….
No. 978388
>>978365Not only is she a wanorexic but also a hp stan? what a basic fat bitch.
How the fuck does she keep getting put away in ED clinics? I dont want to gatekeep eating disorders and I do know that people often get fat in recovery, but Georgie has never been anything less than fat, fucking lol.
No. 978402
File: 1590319431714.jpeg (244.07 KB, 828x1719, 0B591654-A238-4E04-BBF8-306D19…)

The irony is that Georgia probably has never had sex and she also hates being discharged from her hospital hug box!
No. 978404
File: 1590321978474.jpeg (233.58 KB, 640x828, A63A0120-A838-4E31-8EB6-AA8B4F…)

No. 978407
>>978365Such a Modest tattoo. She definitely wont be getting anyone asking her about it in life. Ohhh what a story theyll get. That tattoo means she can splurge about being a dainty forever and 'they wont/cant judge her for being porge cause shes had a too like 89 times.
Also, how tf is her memory so good after so many sessions of ect? In such a short period of time? 5 yrs on and i still have memory issues and those i know who have had large number of ect are almost zombie like. Do you think she's really had all those zaps?
No. 978414
File: 1590322948707.png (82.4 KB, 720x588, Screenshot_20200513-205043~2.p…)

>>978402Idk about that. She mentions having had a lot of relationships.
No. 978415
File: 1590323048448.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200524-131446_Ins…)

No words…
No. 978420
File: 1590323641168.png (737.18 KB, 717x967, Screenshot_20200519-180719~2.p…)

>>978417Fair point. There's a pic on her ig with this Dani girl but possibly just a friend, and this…
No. 978433
File: 1590325028927.png (5.92 MB, 828x1792, 199887FD-9721-41F4-8152-A8C5BA…)

i guess her idea of baking is just throwing shit in a pan & hoping for the best?
No. 978434
File: 1590325383922.jpeg (873.87 KB, 866x1470, 2449A2E5-C985-4D7A-ABC5-530445…)

>>978415Looks like she got some of her vomit down her top
No. 978435
File: 1590325464158.jpeg (933.13 KB, 828x1517, 857485A8-91A7-4757-B354-786E2C…)

Why does she share this?! Does she not realize how horrifying it is?
No. 978454
>>978412Some guys like to fuck obese women. Like they actually love it.
>>978172Plenty of people wait til marriage to have sex, it’s typically religious people though and elzani isn’t religious (afaik, correct me if I’m wrong). But a sugar daddy isn’t usually the person you marry.
No. 978464
File: 1590334040651.png (122.04 KB, 720x752, Screenshot_20200514-153120~2.p…)

>>978434Georgia definitely makes it up as she goes along
>>978434Her teeth tho.
No. 978465
>>978404I stopped reading after "marginalisation and oppressive systems". What a load of politically correct, cultural marxist bollocks! Take some PERSONAL responsibility. All these bitches talk about is how capitalism is ~evil~ (because they have little to offer productive society), about how the body positive movement isn't for thin people (because they're jealous of people who aren't morbidly obese being 'body positive'), and how they're
victims due to "oppressive systems". GROW UP!
No. 978481
>>978464Literally quoting Marya Hornbacher "Wasted" here…
Outing myself as a dial-up internet ana Chan
No. 978511
File: 1590343820332.png (5.34 MB, 828x1792, 691B8868-4B1F-4CD9-B534-31B4FB…)

Freshly discharged from a week in hospital where she basically just ate egg whites and dry cereal. Still preaching like she’s some inspirational recovery goddess. Eating sad looking salad and using mustard as a dressing. #realrecovery
No. 978540
File: 1590347525794.png (Spoiler Image,10.85 MB, 1125x2436, 3FA79AD6-7FF4-4F67-AF8D-F453FD…)

Wtf is up with this photo edit??
No. 978582
File: 1590353927505.jpg (Spoiler Image,245.78 KB, 1080x1797, 20200524_215851.jpg)

Oh my god thats obviously vomit stains on her top
No. 978583
File: 1590354018167.jpg (244.58 KB, 1080x1779, 20200524_220052.jpg)

No. 978588
File: 1590354401569.jpg (Spoiler Image,718.96 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200524-220711_Ins…)

No. 978688
File: 1590367729530.png (3.84 MB, 750x1334, CC7CDF27-0A1A-45B2-BE0E-70E56E…)

>>978434Oh my god those teeth and that Russell’s sign. Plus the sick stained top… she doesn’t even TRY to hide her bulimia anymore. This girl is getting worse and worse, her binges bigger, and shes broadcasting it all for us to watch… id feel sorry for her if she stopped milking the “real recovery” whilst blatantly lying to her followers
No. 978753
File: 1590384888752.png (2.94 MB, 828x1792, 90198FB4-E738-4C4C-AECA-26B72F…)

Shay has one too. Endless tube and hospital content. She’s been banned from new farm for not complying and now she’s just in and out of medical.
No. 978804
File: 1590398481622.jpg (217.23 KB, 1832x1228, DXF42ZB.jpg)

forget ash or daria, turns out nourish to vomit is the spoopiest spoop there ever was
No. 978817
File: 1590402684328.jpg (185 KB, 1080x884, Screenshot_20200525_203014.jpg)

>>978812Cinammillies was the only other comment on the thread, but here ya go. Idk her cow status, if any, but seems like decent input. Posting for posterity's sake, in case the comment thread is bawwleted
No. 978818
File: 1590404360767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,764.86 KB, 828x1626, 7792A3A4-9495-4BB4-91E0-C385B1…)

No. 978819
File: 1590404776335.jpeg (904.75 KB, 828x1704, F8493CC8-7A47-4821-A5DC-EE3540…)

First thing our brave recovery warrior princess Porgie does upon returning home from new farm? She ~*~challenges~*~ them liquid calories. What an inspiration.
No. 978844
File: 1590413014904.png (5.48 MB, 828x1792, 38C055EF-4C05-49F8-9BC1-2B95DC…)

now where the fuck is this chick getting tiny chocolate guitars for her purge puddings
No. 978845
File: 1590413150595.png (1.02 MB, 856x1198, Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 7.25…)

>>978831just had a look at her ig and kek
all this fitness/recovery warrier crap is just another way of remaining obsessed with food and body shape. and no woman has shoulders like that without using PEDs anyway.
No. 978864
>>977903>>977915Yeah final tinfoil before I move on with my life, is that she had watched 1000 other ana docs showing fragile youth either surrounded by their families or left in the hospital to rot (sobbing in her doc, she constantly implies both; depending on if her family visits or not, each interchangeably after the other) and really wanted to make one of her own. She knew she was IP, essentially sectioned, and that the hospital stay would be both lengthy and impermanent.
What fucks with me is that she films her family, and because they're not doctors or psychiatrists, they let her. They didn't know what she was doing was anachan porn and emotional manipulation…. As if showing people 'how far gone' she had gotten was the good thing to do, instead of the same old bodychecking shit. Putting it online was the final big fuckup, in order to forever validate her 'achievement' - edited to her liking - it has been made into a memory. The lore of a recovery warrior kekkkkkk.
It's just another over-produced self-image, still basic-tier, like every ana who makes a social media account - it's for exposure.
sage bc fuck you E, wasting my brain energy, and in the end lol @ me typing this shit. sorry farmers
No. 978869
File: 1590416519949.png (44.31 KB, 590x743, dildo.png)

>>978688Is that a dildo in the background? It's flesh coloured and looks like it's got balls.
No. 978906
File: 1590425119192.jpeg (8.18 KB, 226x223, images.jpeg)

>>978869You see a dildo, I see ing. We're both fucked up lol.
No. 978953
File: 1590433390278.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 52B32276-CDA6-4752-958D-E70D5C…)

Apols if old photo that she’s sharing but here’s what Laura’s up to…
No. 978960
File: 1590434038618.jpg (204.55 KB, 1080x2030, Screenshot_20200525_220739.jpg)

>>978748I'm not the original farmer who told us this but I was curious and found Kelsey's tiktok. I think those will be harder to shoop
No. 978976
File: 1590436627743.jpg (946.04 KB, 1079x2093, IMG_20200525_205646.jpg)

Why can none of these anachans drive safely?
No. 978979
File: 1590436858260.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.98 KB, 1079x2067, IMG_20200525_210022.jpg)

Also, shady uploaded a vid of her peeing. Spoiler BC pee.
No. 978989
File: 1590437854312.png (432.84 KB, 1086x639, Screenshot_20200525-211341.png)

At least Kennedy's chest doesn't resemble a chicken carcass anymore.
No. 979032
File: 1590445193217.jpg (865.45 KB, 1080x1826, 20200525_235901.jpg)

Just found this girl on tiktok, she claims to have an ed. Her videos are super cringey
No. 979033
File: 1590445666090.jpg (733.47 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200526-002714_Sam…)

>>979032annoying for sure but not milky, just baking and tube pics
No. 979191
>>979039It’s so boring that whenever a new person is posted, people say ‘self-post’ and ‘not milky’ immediately.
We need to give people more of a chance and stop shutting potential milk down straight away. That’s why this thread is dead half the time.
People say ‘if you’re bored then bring new milk and don’t complain’. So people bring new milk but oh no!! It’s not good enough or it’s a self post.
No. 979217
File: 1590493383870.jpg (179.67 KB, 1080x1731, 20200526_112834.jpg)

anyone seen babybirdbean?
>constantly posts about undereating, purging and getting blackout drunk even though preaching recovery the next day
>on and off boyf in and out of rehab, switches between calling it abusive and toxic to sharing about love and sex
No. 979233
File: 1590496242162.png (2.36 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200526-082947.png)

yeah, why excuse yourself to be alone and recollect when you're feeling overwhelmed when you can just snap at your dad and a child
Bet money if they were quiet she'd be crying about feeling "unwelcome" and how "unexcited they are"
No. 979244
>>9792361. Sage your posts pls
2. She looks too young to be posted here. Is there any other milk than that? I have seen russian pro anas promoting each other so many times already I even find it normal now.
No. 979253
File: 1590500307663.jpeg (872.57 KB, 828x1325, 5EFDF5CC-8404-4AE2-AFFB-FECFE7…)

N2f v.2 coming at us with some nasty-ass looking magotprawns and skinny-syrup dressing on her bread.
No. 979257
>>979254Oj shit I remember her while shes got a brace on her teeth,short..very short hair.Was banned from Tescos for theft.Its been so disgusting everything…such a mess,dirt and her looked out of everything.
Here she looks surprisingly good
No. 979265
File: 1590502815649.jpg (251.2 KB, 720x1243, IMG_20200526_161824.jpg)

The fuck does sleep have to do with your clothes? I have heard countless excuses to justify a bodycheck, but this one is too much
No. 979271
>>979265Translation for those who don't have a brain tumor:
"Who needs sleep when you've got what the kids call saggy pants"
No. 979289
File: 1590506061792.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.69 KB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20200526_161317.jpg)

>>979253and she kicked off in the comments when someone dared to politely ask why she cuts her sandwiches so weirdly. as a britfag I can confirm that's not just the way we all cut sandwiches.
No. 979291
File: 1590506143825.jpg (Spoiler Image,573.39 KB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20200526_161143.jpg)

meanwhile, nourish2purge manages to make a simple raspberry yoghurt look haunted
No. 979293
File: 1590506313459.jpg (1.02 MB, 1079x1829, Screenshot_20200526-171743_Sam…)

>>979265I'm getting an actual stroke trying to read this
No. 979296
>>979289She's got the same aggressive defensiveness as n2f, ie both rude bitches.
She probably cuts the bread that way because she thinks it looks good in a pic, but I've only ever seen sangas cut in quarters when people go to fancy shops for high tea where they cut the crusts off. That and also cutting it small for children.
Reasonable question seeing how it could be a ritual thing.
>>979291Whyyyyyyyy does she do this?
>>979293She/them/its/whatsit is 2c00l I'm $o j3l
No. 979408
File: 1590518879270.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, EFD09655-3572-46CF-8D85-E9AA8E…)

well? anyone have any ‘sudjestions’ for dharma?
No. 979419
File: 1590520745722.png (700.38 KB, 1123x834, rv.png)

Did this chick actually paint dark circles on? It looks like it to me, but I don't want to believe…
Saged because unsure if milky beyond that, if true.
No. 979466
File: 1590526559774.jpeg (507.84 KB, 750x1194, 997EE141-5040-4EAB-94EE-F5886F…)

>>979419Yes milky. Praise be for new cows.
No. 979469
>>979298>>979333>>979422The youtube proana comunity are the biggest ana LARPs. They just film their most "healthy" looking meals (based on how they all look healthy while bragging about starving themselves on youtube), edit them like these "aesthetic" videos you used to see on instagram, making it all cute and uwu. The hipocrisy in uploading youtube vlogs edited to look cute, while crying about how difficult it is to deal with your s00per seri0us ED.
Sorry to break it to you, but if you were really struggling you wouldn't want to be making any videos.
No. 979481
File: 1590527916752.jpeg (523.61 KB, 750x1196, F899BBED-87DA-487A-ACC6-AC9EF3…)

>>979471One (1) very important heart shaped tear.
She used to be super spoop. Scroll back to 2017. She’s recently relapsed again, and feels the need to roll out the Porgie “yOu CaN DiE At AnY SiZe” disclaimer for the sheer fact that she’s now not as skelly as she was at her most ill (read ‘best’).
No. 979601
>>979456Seems like those smilies were microwaved, wtf. Anemic or this one here
>>979419 applied her foundation to them
No. 979631
File: 1590541750638.jpg (389.77 KB, 1855x3819, _20200527_040719.JPG)

Not exactly milk. But the old queen of tumblr thinspo keeps blasting her terribly shooped ~aesthetic~ shit while actually looking like pic below.
No. 979711
>>979233How much must it suck that your dad and brither want to talk and intereact with you snd want to be engaged in your life. Nah its way better having a distant father and a narcissistic sibling.
Your privlidge and self interest is oozing out your pores
No. 979732
>>979315Lurk more
Theres a post above that has a pretty good explanation and pic of why she'd cut it like that
No. 979742
>>979481She used to be recoveringvampira iirc and a keyboard sjw. Thinks shes good at makeup and has started an ig for that but ive seen 4yo on YT that are better. Shes very holier than thou and another one where if you challenge her, shell just delete or block. Seems to have one of the crooked GPs that just allows toobs anywhere any time. People have asked her why and its always some bs of, my doctor suggesyed it cause x, or im unable to do solids rn or i may not be uw but im stressed atm.
Hey vampira, get rid of ig and i guarantee your ED will magically go away
No. 979801
File: 1590578819787.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.48 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20200527_122601.jpg)

I don't know what the salmon is crusted with but it looks so unappetising, like bugs. Still hasn't washed that tray either.
No. 979802
File: 1590578846513.jpg (Spoiler Image,380.54 KB, 1080x1677, Screenshot_20200527_122543.jpg)

peep her coke nail in the background lmao
No. 979803
File: 1590578885827.jpg (Spoiler Image,610.94 KB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20200527_122526.jpg)

pink vomit for breakfast for n2f
No. 979804
File: 1590578943289.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.52 KB, 1080x1416, Screenshot_20200527_122503.jpg)

look at the frets of the guitar spoon, looks like the crust of her previous meals is still there
No. 979821
>>979802And you pointed this out because you are a sadist, or…?
Actual vomit.
No. 979825
>>979803Is she eating cereal, apple, and candy floating in a pile of mixed flavored syrups, topped with sprinkles for breakfast??? It's no wonder her teeth look so rotten between all the sugar she consumes and vomits back up.
Maybe she sticks to the syrupy sweet snacks as "meals" because it's less awful tasting coming up when she binges.
No. 979829
File: 1590584329478.jpg (Spoiler Image,623.11 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20200527_135458.jpg)

she's reviewing her own "bakes" on her review page which all look chaotic and horrible. looks like she makes them out of whatever she can find, just shoves cereal and biscuits and spreads in a tin.
No. 979830
File: 1590584415715.jpg (Spoiler Image,630.89 KB, 1080x1885, Screenshot_20200527_135533.jpg)

in what world would this be classed as blondes?
No. 979832
>>979830Is… Is that just cornflakes with dollops of that chewed-gum looking spread and jam on top? How is this baking? What the fuck?
Somebody educate her on what real foods are because this is just. Insane.
No. 979833
File: 1590584689013.jpg (Spoiler Image,543.35 KB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20200527_135559.jpg)

her reviews don't even make sense. and she keeps tagging all the companies in them, even tesco and mr kipling, probably hoping someone will sponsor her. if I had a reputable food brand the last thing I'd want would be to have it associated with this gremlin lmao.
No. 979834
>>979830meant blondies, my bad
>>979832I think she sees other people's themed bakes like oreo brownies, reeses brownies etc and thinks she's doing something like that? but she chooses 10 different themes for each one to the point where it's technicolour slop.
No. 979850
File: 1590587466794.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1425, 771EE2E9-7FEB-4ED1-B645-A783B2…)

What an egotistical cow. I don’t think anyone is jealous of you at all love.
No. 979880
>>979850I wonder if she's talking about us or the people who commented negative (true) things on her gross selfies the other day. why does she think everyone is jealous of her when she does nothing but b/p horrible food all day? I guess for her that's what living the dream looks like.
>>979875for sure. she was really smug about not having russell's sign but her knuckles have looked chapped in the past, plus she could be doing it hands-free or with something other than her fingers. her teeth are golden blonde and she eats nude or in her undies with her feral hair out of the way in a trunchbull bun.
No. 979902
File: 1590595600848.png (448.13 KB, 720x1065, Screenshot_20200527-170451~2.p…)

>>979883I follow Maria. Shes been drinking black coffee and diet coke at Costa. Today she posted a bodycheck video.
No. 979939
File: 1590605058457.jpeg (9.5 KB, 183x276, download.jpeg)

>>979934Someone this filthy shouldn't be allowed out of her room before being immersed in a sheep dip.
No. 979954
>>979850this is incoherent. it looks like she tried to restart this paragraph 3 different times in the middle.
>>979946it's ok bleeding heart chan, it just cleans their wool of parasites/general filth. n2f would benefit greatly.
No. 979964
>>979850I don’t know about you anons, but the people who inspire envy in me generally aren’t crusty, self-delusional bulimics living in squalor. She’s always been like this though. Used to post pics of her hair thinking she was hot shit because it is/was mega long and when people (actually quite nicely) pointed out how ratty and unhealthy it looked she would flip at any suggestion of conditioner. Maybe that’s another reason for the bun.
>>979902Oh, Maria. I saw this earlier. Presumably to show off her (admittedly very cute) cat but who doesn’t know the score by now. I live for people like marmitelovingvegan and chaoticmind who aren’t afraid to call her and Katy out
No. 979969
File: 1590608936905.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1868, 9D673F1C-C211-4796-8C80-5E1F29…)

She may have been talked about briefly before but there is quite a bit of milk on this one. She had a recovery account but now just posts about her daily food challenges and begging for donations to fund her treatment which doesn’t seem to be working clearly. She’s babied similarly to Paris by her family who are well off and could easily pay for this amazing private care. Obsessed with being a Disney princess and flaunting her body at any opportunity she can get. She’s been getting worse and worse over the years both physically and at how irritating she is but I think she and her family just love the attention from her being known as the anorexic one. Her facebook is much the same.
No. 979991
File: 1590610866198.jpg (69.94 KB, 500x333, original.jpg)

>>979631Isn't Violet kinda old already tho?
I think she was 25-27 in her heyday of being the spoopiest grunge girl, those black hair pictures are from that time, now she must be at least 32, she doesn't look too bad for someone that does as much drugs as she does.
She and her russian twink boyfriend were known for being major junkies.
No. 980012
File: 1590613697030.jpg (260.31 KB, 720x1254, IMG_20200527_230814.jpg)

Adding to the $hady topic, sc dump ahead of idiotic language and desperate excuses to bodycheck
No. 980019
File: 1590614014382.jpg (355.63 KB, 720x1265, IMG_20200527_230855.jpg)

>honouring my ancestorsBitch you white.
No. 980026
>>980017She doesn't give any personal information of that kind on her account (even though she posts herself half naked, peeing on the street, abusing alcohol, etc. on her stories)
I've been feeling very sketchy over this for a while.
No. 980063
File: 1590619781376.jpg (295.76 KB, 802x960, 501461__.jpg.c83c1f04fef3a3baf…)

>>980054(Is that her boyfriend Misha walking around? He's also a spoop.)
Hooo boy i take back what i say, she definetely looks she does as much drugs as she does.
But tbh she only looks like the skinny cheekbones queen when she's in ultra spoop weight, there's a handful of picture of her in a healthy-ish weight from her blogs and she also looks chubby cheeked.
No. 980119
>>980102eat it t0 yeet it
nom it t0 vomit
chew it t0 spew it
No. 980149
File: 1590632027148.jpg (244.87 KB, 877x1183, young-boy-sitting-on-park-benc…)

>>980107Smoking or fag in hand looked cool on David Bowie in the 70s. That's about it. Marlboro Red stinks. Not sure what could replace a cig as ~kewl~ accessory. Seeing as being a smoker makes a person a social pariah these days, might as well pose with a bag of glue.
No. 980171
File: 1590638558993.png (9.99 MB, 1242x2208, BCA4E90B-5A3E-4875-91C6-A74BB5…)

Speaking of eat it to yeet it, Aly is back in b/p mode after her “easy” fast… she was complaining a while back about how her job won’t promote her to cashier and then she sleeps through work… lmao I wonder why they won’t promote her!
No. 980214
>>980149Idk what country you’re from anon but in most european countries people still smoke as much as ever.
That being said, I wouldn’t put huffing glue past violet, not even as an edgy accessory lol
No. 980233
File: 1590655435638.jpg (Spoiler Image,533.24 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20200528_094359.jpg)

this is supposed to be a mug cake, she always has that filthy blanket as a backdrop
No. 980234
File: 1590655474962.jpg (Spoiler Image,611.18 KB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20200528_094205.jpg)

mini weetabix with a side of grey sludge
No. 980255
File: 1590662114696.png (1.05 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200528-113016.png)

Georgia's stomping her feet because she has to haul her jumbo arse to shop for herself.
Forgetting Weetabix makes her angry. Shift your blubber and get angry about something like, oh I don't know, people trafficking for eg. Write something about it using skills you learned on your journalism course and do something useful?
No. 980280
>>980214Im seconding this, its even normal to ask complete strangers for a lighter if you don't have one, I've only seen Americans and Brits being weirded out by public smoking.
sage for ot smoking shit
No. 980404
File: 1590693521107.png (164.79 KB, 720x999, Screenshot_20200528-201700~2.p…)

Is marmites name Kuda? There was apparently drama with Maria.
No. 980405
File: 1590693826331.png (123.31 KB, 720x762, Screenshot_20200528-202241~2.p…)

>>980404Ignore that, I figured it out. Marmite is Hayley. I think she's talking about this comment.
No. 980443
File: 1590700684252.jpg (Spoiler Image,422.82 KB, 1080x1951, Screenshot_20200528_221640.jpg)

No. 980444
File: 1590700937917.jpg (Spoiler Image,599.41 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20200528_221700.jpg)

birthday cake energy balls, apparently? they look like those fat balls people put in bird feeders, but with jelly beans glued on with neon spread.
No. 980497
File: 1590708836785.png (190.86 KB, 246x413, Screenshot_20200529-003033~2.p…)

Guess the body part. Dasha captioned this ~my gentle details~
Idk if it's a farmer, but someone's commented about her being pro ana scum.
No. 980505
File: 1590709382705.jpeg (243.84 KB, 1242x750, 28F46D00-A081-4BDC-9272-97493B…)

>>980497I capped so you didn’t have to
No. 980531
>>980510It's the birthday cake flavour syrup, I think.
I'm trying to figure out what the furry green bits are. Doesn't look like a plant.>>980443 left of the pic, near the lettuce, between the potato halves?
No. 980539
File: 1590712449779.png (955.89 KB, 790x754, Screenshot_20200529-013209.png)

I saw this posted on CL and I'm wondering it it's~kelsey~. The ridiculous pose makes me think it's her.
No. 980606
File: 1590719073528.jpg (Spoiler Image,593.93 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20200529-102243_Ins…)

Ash has really deteriorated during lockdown
No. 980607
File: 1590719334427.jpg (339.81 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20200529-102830_Ins…)

No. 980630
>>980444once upon a time when I was suffering from ~ana~ my starving ass would put together the WEIRDEST concoctions. Shit just fucking like this because all my brain wanted at that point was calories. I'm a little
triggered to be honest because like, bitch what the fuck? Why would you put that in your mouth
(no1curr) No. 980631
>>980606her room decor had skeletons
you can't make this shit up
No. 980665
File: 1590731682214.jpeg (232.93 KB, 1019x1280, 4483E25F-842B-4819-919A-B91A51…)

Porgie probably thinks she looks like this.
No. 980694
File: 1590740297579.jpg (Spoiler Image,388.94 KB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20200529_091705.jpg)

so lumpy
No. 980695
File: 1590740391625.jpg (Spoiler Image,473.94 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20200529_092008.jpg)

can't tell if this is before or after the purge
No. 980731
File: 1590753482577.jpg (640.38 KB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20200529_125509.jpg)

N2f's skelly friend channy ballerina sent her all this for her birthday - junk food and what looks like shower gel. I wonder if she's trying to tell her she looks like she needs a wash lmao
No. 980732
File: 1590753631166.jpg (565.23 KB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20200529_125534.jpg)

also sent her a card with a pic of herself in ballet gear on it. channy ballerina is potentially weirder than nourish but I feel like she might have some learning difficulties. definitely arrested development at least.
No. 980735
File: 1590754387809.png (401.71 KB, 526x650, channy1.png)

channy's living quarters
No. 980736
File: 1590754741168.jpg (332.57 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20200529_131859.jpg)

she posts stuff like this practically every day. "still too weak to walk and passing out, do you think I need to eat more?"
No. 980738
File: 1590755609008.jpg (465.38 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200529_132938_com…)

old pic but seems like her life hasn't really changed since. Laura leg pose but make it creepier somehow.
No. 980740
File: 1590755688544.jpg (727.26 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200529_132644_com…)

She's in her 20s as far as I know
No. 980751
>>980746Yeah, a few threads ago farmers kinda agreed to leave this one alone because she's legit mentally backward. It's the only one brought up here I feel a bit bad for because she's properly ESN.
As for n2f, the fact they get along confirms n2f has mental functioning issues. Idk. I wish an anon lived near N2 do we'd have first hand accounts of how she does daily life. Something's very off about her to put it politely.
No. 980753
>>980751Here's her first mention
No. 980755
>>980751maybe they just get along because they lead similar lifestyles.
>>980750nta but autism isn't directly correlated -negatively or otherwise- with intellectual ability.
No. 980761
File: 1590760616937.png (9.04 MB, 1242x2208, E8B821AE-FD53-4821-A1E3-108D6E…)

Keep dreaming, Aly. Also if her friend knows about her ED why would he encourage her like that?
No. 980762
>>980733Sage bc blog post
But happened to me where some not actually friends gave me shampoo conditioner and deodorant got the fucking hint and did everything I could to make myself not smell despite having that lovely gene in my family. Who wants to be we’ll see no change in n2f even after this blatant hint. Also cut those friends off because they never said anything to me before that but wouldn’t believe her friends wouldn’t have tried every nice way to tell her to tend to her personal hygiene. Again sorry for drunk blog post
No. 980774
>>980731Gotta love when the ana/mia cows send eachother binge food
Sometimes it feels like a power play
No. 980928
>>980761>>980778They have been best friends in real life for a long time apparently,but they totally encourage each other. Her friend has bulimia and him making an eating disorder instagram account was probably inspired by Aly.
I also remember reading on her instagram the other day how they were both at her friend's house and she was b/p-ing.
No. 981076
File: 1590818393673.jpg (97.48 KB, 657x568, 20200530_155544.jpg)

So shay is home from hospital and she has "a new feed" which is just code for 1 fortisip that she refuses to drink orally and makes the staff send her home with NG supplies so she can put it in a bottle and a new NG. She also added her movicol in with it because she hates the taste so obviously can eat and drink normally. 3 days later she claims "something" happened and she ended up in ICU and is now on the ward. The hospital has removed her NGT and are making her eat normally. Kek what a ride
No. 981101
File: 1590831308689.jpg (Spoiler Image,486.41 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20200530_103501.jpg)

grossest iced coffee ever
No. 981102
File: 1590831365508.jpg (Spoiler Image,524.37 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20200530_103522.jpg)

smoothie bowl with ice cubes and a splash of jizz. bone apple tea!
No. 981115
File: 1590834763711.png (59.21 KB, 402x493, n2f bingo.PNG)

No. 981118
File: 1590835474823.jpeg (104.76 KB, 1080x1920, Toob1.jpeg)

This is a risky one because i know she has a lot of followers and has been in the ED community a while, but recently, under the usual tag line of 'im documenting the rawness' is more about showing off how sick she 'thinks'she is. Used to be a private treatment girl til recently and boy does she hate not being taken seriously by them but then discharging as soon as she gets what she wants, does SO well at home 'refeeding' yet is still got a planned admission to an ED ward even though she claims what she's going through rn isnt ED related but has conversion syndrome
Shes never had a toob til recently and only had it for 3 days but man oh man did she document it enough, like videoing her toob being taken out. Body check errywhere. Things she's going for a sooper sick award
Come at me WK and gate keepers but in the past year, particularly in the last 6 months, she's been leaking milk
Her profile should be public so that everyone can see her journey.
If people think shes milky i will post more
Not saged because i don't think theyve been mentioned before
No. 981123
File: 1590837061991.jpg (579.18 KB, 1080x1720, Doyd6opfupuf.jpg)

Unsaged ?new milk?
No. 981124
File: 1590837161490.jpg (859.19 KB, 1077x1727, 70fd69iyeoye.jpg)

Had some stipulations for her self admitted stay
No. 981127
File: 1590837319486.jpg (616.95 KB, 1080x1810, Ydo6dd6of6o7o.jpg)

Last one
Apparently she has atrophied so much she needs weeks of physio so she can be able to walk independently again
No. 981130
File: 1590839871997.jpeg (956.24 KB, 828x1525, 9DB03678-6990-4F4E-9D45-950427…)

Oops, Georgia forgot she’s soooperanuhrexic again. How embarrassing.
No. 981137
>>981123this seems promising, she cries & begs to be admitted and then in
>>981124 says that shes already asked to go home several times? what country is she in?
No. 981140
File: 1590844037738.jpg (567.17 KB, 1076x974, Yocoucyd69.jpg)

>>981137>>981133Yeah she's been pro recovery for a while but lately it's like she's a completely different person. The dramatics are crazy. Waiting 9hrs in ED with legal info to still be told you don't need to be admitted to then go find a law that they can't loophole. Get toob for 3 days and repeatedly post. Go home and 'smash' meal plan and comply completely. Has refed at home successfully (refeeding syndrome was not a risk but according to her it was). Planned admission, buys shit tonnes of stuff and needs continuing physical therapy for leg atrophy? Yet Ash and many of the other spoops walk around on toothpicks. Sje first dx'd herself with ARFID but now it's conversion syndrome.
No. 981141
File: 1590844146894.jpg (703.23 KB, 1080x1528, 20200530_183029.jpg)

Super special quick recovery
No. 981151
File: 1590845453746.jpg (439.21 KB, 1080x1246, Screenshot_20200530-212218_Ins…)

No. 981152
File: 1590845529774.jpg (436.77 KB, 1080x1229, Screenshot_20200530-212250_Ins…)

No. 981153
File: 1590845640406.jpg (764.26 KB, 1079x1711, 20200530_212931.jpg)

No. 981154
File: 1590845799978.jpg (737.18 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20200530-212555_Ins…)

No. 981156
File: 1590845955076.jpg (724.71 KB, 1080x1664, 9y6ie68ddyouo.jpg)

Most recent post
No. 981240
>>981124"a touch of ptsd"
No. 981310
File: 1590879268197.png (1.99 MB, 1184x1184, Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 4.54…)

sarahsfinallysmiling continuing to post photos of herself looking like this while claiming that "weight gain is something i praise" sure jan. she will never recover.
No. 981313
>>981311When I was admitted to the paeds ward as a teen they wouldn't let me have my phone unsupervised until I reached a certain 'level' during treatment. I didn't even use my phone for anything other than Snapchat and playing games so I didn't get why they took it off me. When I was admitted to an ED clinic as an adult I was expecting to have to hand it in but the nurses didn't give a shit despite the fact that I was using it to count cals… guess it depends where you go.
(Sorry 4 the blogpost)
No. 981316
>>981308The question is, why would you need your phone permanently while IP? Ward based payphones exist. Why do clinics encourage their ridiculous Instagram posts and social media in general?
Know of places in the UK where phones are locked away until an allotted hour for phone calls. Sounds reasonable.
No. 981344
File: 1590887554650.jpg (928.62 KB, 1079x1785, IMG_20200531_021156.jpg)

Tits out on the streets now, guys!
No. 981346
File: 1590887888550.jpeg (311.61 KB, 750x1334, 2D03BB9A-5763-4F09-8207-51BD78…)

No. 981347
File: 1590887916721.jpeg (267.35 KB, 750x1334, 7C472F60-6260-41DD-9C5E-BDE9DD…)

No. 981421
File: 1590903452207.png (4.51 MB, 750x1334, 0600ADE2-5BA0-4C8E-9641-5D7025…)

Can this muddy shit be considered tea? Why does she feel the need to add so much syrup to it? I’m actually grossed out
No. 981472
>>981456Anon, please, my stomach can only take so much.
This thought reminds me of that one Japanese chick who would puke into bowls on camera for kicks. Those were dark times. I wonder if she's still kicking?
No. 981486
File: 1590921120870.png (5.55 MB, 828x1792, 22FF3270-9202-43F4-8497-077EB2…)

Obviously not N2f level, but is anyone else repulsed by elzani’s weird food combos?
No. 981522
>>981470>>981344she lives in NYC and maybe im remembering wrong but i believe they passed a "free the nipple" law a while back allowing women to go topless in public
>>981475 it depends on the state and then on the city. just last year a woman in utah was charged for being topless in her own home b/c her children saw her (the horror!/s)
No. 981533
>>981522Utah is the home of the Mormons so you can't really be surprised.
Some places have the law that it's not illegal unless somebody calls the police BC they've taken offence. (UK) it's a very dumb law.
No. 981536
>>981533Also UK anon. Shame we can't report some of the sights when all the men get their tops off. Shudder.
Of course, the cow is topless for attention. Who wears socks and trainers in the heat but is so jot they have to remove their shirt? Only this spoop.
No. 981561
File: 1590937625126.png (115.84 KB, 720x624, Screenshot_20200531-160457~2.p…)

>>981543My thoughts also, but I didn't mention it because I didn't want to feed into her bullshit ~boi~ thing.
Y0 c0w b n33dy 4 dat att3n$i0n. Found this on her tagged content. Wants followers to meet their…daddy.
No. 981622
>>981573I'm the anon you replied to- I phrased my sentence badly, I don't think she needs to gain weight either but I meant she's not gaining as rapidly as she would be if she were eating all that food.
I only brought it up because of the speculations over her purging/ over exercising. Sorry for confusion :)
No. 981675
File: 1590953294074.jpeg (320.55 KB, 750x1075, E66AAC68-9D8D-4098-8B58-E879D6…)

It’s impressive how unappetizing she manages to make a Lindor Truffle look. She has a knack for the opposite of food porn.
No. 981700
File: 1590955223415.jpg (543.41 KB, 1080x1708, 20200531_150003.jpg)

Laura's looking pretty fucked up these days
No. 981719
File: 1590957027681.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.23 KB, 1000x1252, bristol-stool-chart-image-cred…)

>>981675I'd say that's a type 2.
>>981700Nah, same as usual.
No. 981779
File: 1590964108361.jpg (77.17 KB, 275x275, 1432741690329.jpg)

>>981729Remember when…Aly had that down to a tee to a blatant OCD level. Of course she wasn't eating it at this point, but n2f should still take pride in her food blog pics even if it ends up as vomit.
No. 981811
File: 1590970229023.jpg (17.55 KB, 720x433, OhvOm2X.jpg)

>>981700Looks pretty well tbh apart from the standard BPD headbang thing
No. 981900
>>980607I can’t stand Ash lmfao
“I aM sUfFeRiNg fRoM meNtAl IlLnEsS pLeAsE dOnT cOmMeNt On mY aPpEarAnce”
Posts the most obvious body check, look at her fucking hand & arm lmao.
No. 981903
File: 1590997637851.jpeg (583.23 KB, 827x1903, C9361DE7-4B25-4980-89FF-147514…)

This one constantly reposts same four or five hospital pics, pretending to be inpatient in a children’s hospital. She’s been doing it for months if not longer.
No. 981934
File: 1591012126777.png (2.48 MB, 828x1792, 5B8BC99B-DE12-464E-8B2A-C876C2…)

youve got to be kidding me.
No. 981937
File: 1591012630541.jpeg (244.5 KB, 828x1540, C17B9172-BDD1-48FB-ABB3-E34462…)

No. 981940
>>981903 not
Self post or not, that's a boring account and dairy free. The dullest account I've seen for years tbh.
No. 981964
File: 1591020152869.jpg (432.86 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200601_144610_com…)

Speaking of anas unaware of the world around them, smorven thinks the queen is 'cute'. simping over the royal family in 2020 is pretty cringe. what's wrong with Brits?
No. 981969
File: 1591020960111.png (6.04 MB, 1242x2208, 979AF627-2E75-4906-B180-5ABEEB…)

Today’s the day for real!
No. 981979
>>981964Britfag here. The only younger people I know of who loves the the royals are Becky and now Smorven. I understand how someone over 90 might like them, but it's staggering to think that anyone else, especially under 25, would like this bunch of cunts. Obviously all that headbanging is her excuse.
>>981961The family probably had home delivery. They can walk and not see a soul else. If the virus isn't a threat to her, she doesn't gaf. Her dad's a builder so it's not like they've had to stop working and worry about cash. She's very privileged but has no idea how fortunate she is. When I read comments she never responds to from someone distressed, I picture her thinking "moving swiftly on, la la la".
No. 981980
>>981937couldn't help it, the little
TW sticker on the first slide made me laugh out loud
No. 982062
File: 1591039281765.jpeg (103.36 KB, 1241x699, F4FE1AC1-C7C9-42F9-B26A-373FBD…)

>>981958jesus christ you were right about the jump scare
No. 982065
>>982009No point comparing because they all need putting out to pasture. All embarrassing and out of touch with the real world. Same goes for the royals and Trump hurhur.
>>982044None of us claimed to care about the grubby vomit scented hoarder. Shoo!
No. 982110
>>982044Can someone translate, I'm confused is the anon saying N2F is in year 11?
Mindfuck! Anon come back and explain thy self plz.
No. 982112
File: 1591049796526.png (Spoiler Image,339.48 KB, 667x546, 1930s.png)

>>982044If she was in year 11, she would be 16. Something doesn't make sense here.
>>982062I had no idea that Elzani was into German expressionist film.
No. 982178
File: 1591062516004.jpg (470.36 KB, 1073x1908, 20200601_204742.jpg)

Back home posting photoshopped body checks
No. 982243
File: 1591072674807.jpg (773 KB, 1200x1996, 20200601_233626.jpg)

>>982194Yep, there was. A few people actually contributed $1000. she's focusing on "harm reduction," according to recent stories
No. 982254
>>982243Which means she has no intent at all to recover but is going to pretend that she’s trying. Continuing to play the
victim, which is all she ever does.
No. 982308
File: 1591084070079.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1071x1428, 20200602_154727.png)

Found N2Fs bedroom kitchen
No. 982329
File: 1591091520849.jpeg (266.4 KB, 750x1334, 8E5D8F77-758E-4886-ADA4-0AB424…)

I know this one has been brought up before but she seems pretty milky sometimes. She’s an aus fag I think. Has apparently been inpatient for the past 3 months for her depression (she claims her bpd isn’t the issue but it seems very prevalent). Posted a couple days back that she was being discharged and a few hours later posted she was sectioned and boom now she’s in hospital on toob feeds. She constantly talks about how she is to complex for private treatment. Has been in and out of hospital for months and months, seems reliant on the attention she gets in there and a free pass from real life. Doesn’t seem to put any real effort into anything besides being as sick as she can. At least in the UK you actually have to be seriously unwell to get the level of hospital care ausfags get
No. 982330
File: 1591091780702.jpeg (852.44 KB, 828x1704, 99E94490-842D-480A-9F03-EB490B…)

Good old Porgie framing her unhealthy food choices as brave challenges. I guess she forgot that she posted pizza, candy and vodka like, a day or two ago?
No. 982341
File: 1591097023088.jpg (552.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200602-211941_Tik…)

Shay got discharged with no tube or supplies
No. 982347
>>982346next she will claim DID due to her sooper severe trauma
60 cal yoghurt would do her some good.
No. 982386
File: 1591108301888.jpeg (840.52 KB, 828x1597, 29F817BF-8F80-4FBB-A056-070B18…)

Pretty ironic to call oneself the ice cream queen when what she’s eating can’t even be marketed as ice cream because it doesn’t have enough fat. Then again, pretty ironic for her to hold herself up like a recovery inspiration while eating diet “frozen dessert” and posting about her bmi dropping under 10 despite having so many “”recovery wins!!1!1!!””
No. 982443
File: 1591116318661.png (Spoiler Image,3.65 MB, 750x1334, D5950DFE-A774-498E-B142-7B7BBC…)

I know porridge has this kinda texture, but you can’t convince me that this isn’t vomit
No. 982450
>>982443Oh Christ. That looks like the vomit outside of primary schools. Any chance n2 is a troll because
… yeah.
No. 982780
File: 1591182866353.jpeg (613.61 KB, 828x1379, 8942F9B9-3585-46E6-A7D3-951F0A…)

The new n2f wannabe. That nail though. It was hard deciding whether to post this or the screenshot of the OVER ONE MONTH EXPIRED nonfat yogurt she had with it. Go ahead and be a hypocritical and preachy anachan, but why do they have to also be so disgusting?!
No. 982843
File: 1591209925735.jpeg (411.41 KB, 1242x1525, F9E91783-6032-4A8A-BF0F-050AFD…)

>>982780I’m more concerned about this 6 month old cake from halloween she posted a few days ago YIKES
No. 982855
>>982843In my day anachans were not pathetic enough to intentionally eat expired food to make it easier to vomit later. Where do they even get that food from?
>>982780One month expired yogurt, I guess that's one way to die
No. 982894
File: 1591220635675.png (4.19 MB, 828x1792, 8577C459-95CE-4302-BF1E-949FF6…)

Don’t think she’s been mentioned before but i’m going to post 2 of her insta stories, which were posted a mere few hours apart. She has also been inpatient for a few years too
No. 982895
File: 1591220705112.png (4.92 MB, 828x1792, 6BE3B369-2FB9-4B0D-94C7-951905…)

part 2
No. 982975
>>982855Pro ana sites and stupidly misinformed information spread by the wannabes.
'I swear of you bath ice cold skinny tea, during a 3 hr fast you'll lose 20lbs that night"
No. 983140
File: 1591275363776.png (664.99 KB, 720x965, Screenshot_20200604-135035~2.p…)

She's at it again, giving us some ~gentle details~ Can't figure out what's going on here, but shes "fine".
Meanwhile, Georgia is looking forward to tucking in to a big fuck of steak.
No. 983141
File: 1591275426223.png (1.21 MB, 720x1352, Screenshot_20200604-134732~2.p…)

>>983140Georgie, my warrior inspiration.
No. 983153
>>983140Let me get this straight… this lunatic Is allowed to parade her rusted twigs over IG and is accepted, as to malign her would be ableist in some way? But anachan who has not achieved this yet is derided for sharing images of someone like this, because
Don’t get me wrong, it’s all fucking gross, but is that the way it is?
No. 983254
File: 1591289844367.png (1.18 MB, 720x1032, Screenshot_20200604-175654~2.p…)

>>983222She posted another. Is Russia not on lockdown?
No. 983289
File: 1591295750762.png (3.5 MB, 828x1792, 4E5451CC-7BE8-4E4B-87F2-81DFAC…)

Sooo shes essentially giving all her anachan followers extremely high volume, low density meal ideas and tagging it “edrecovery”. This is the weirdest fucking combination of food I’ve ever seen. Angel food cake plus cucumber plus turkey slices?
No. 983314
File: 1591300547508.png (73.1 KB, 715x793, Screenshot_20200604-205418~2.p…)

>>983313Could be pm.
Sand which meat is definitely turkey.
No. 983380
File: 1591309651692.jpg (210.58 KB, 1080x1283, Screenshot_20200604_232456.jpg)

I've been sent this on Tellonym. Not sure who's sent it or why they've sent it to me as I'm not a 'cow' on this thread and I haven't been sent any messages like the one in the tell but somebody is cowtipping (or at least trying to).
No. 983404
File: 1591312129683.jpeg (315.57 KB, 750x1192, C008681D-AD96-4422-9214-7AE456…)

Looks like Kelsey just graduated from high school
No. 983492
>>983140Already posted, anon
>>971973>>983141I’d completely forgotten what her face looked like without that meaty hand against her cheek.
>>983481Read the threads and the rules
No. 983495
>>983476What do they do in circumstances of actual ed?
Like when someone refuses to eat do they do anything besides feeding tubes? Or if someone claims suicidal ideation. What do they respond with?
No. 983669
File: 1591359240463.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.85 KB, 1080x1683, Screenshot_20200605_131124.jpg)

hot chocolate or contents of her toilet bowl? who knows
No. 983671
File: 1591359394658.jpg (Spoiler Image,545.9 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20200605_131103.jpg)

note the placement of the almond lmao
No. 983688
>>983671Suspiciously hidden hummus expiry date too.
>>983669Alicia, please wash your blanket. Not a quick wipe with toilet paper either, actually in the washing machine.
No. 983705
>>983688That’s the one I noticed without even seeing the Strategic Almond.
Jesus. That fleece.
No. 983775
File: 1591384465507.jpg (595.89 KB, 1080x1656, 20200605_141323.jpg)

Looks like Laura's aiming for a nose hose
No. 983820
File: 1591394224132.png (655.57 KB, 925x557, Screen Shot 2020-06-06 at 7.53…)

not sure how someone could look at this and think it was even remotely appetising. what is it with these chans and their desire to eat food that resembles unicorn shit?
No. 983857
File: 1591400948063.jpg (322.86 KB, 1077x1118, IMG_20200606_004828.jpg)

Sage BC no milk but look at shady simping over other anorexics in their comment sections kek. She's so competitive with them. Any idea what she's trying to say?
No. 983881
>>983820There's also the hem of badly applied nail polish/chipped polish going on. The n2f wannabe is the worst offender. If you're going to make your feed mostly showcasing your plate of food, sort out the grime under your nails or the nail polish.
>>983775All that purging helped the weight gain eh. Guess she wished she hadn't pushed for the PDU.
No. 983883
>>983881Hem = theme*
While I'm here,
>>983857 I see her writing and can't even be arsed to suss out which symbols are letters.
No. 983927
>>983857Took several minutes, a flashback to my shitty scene & homestuck phase in high school, and a headache, but I think this translates to
"hey just want to say ya boi be feeling you on life low key sucking right now, for real. But at least your aesthetic skills be mad lit"
I don't get why tf they used an actual f and then open for l33t sp33ch but pretty sure any brain matter left is mush. Mine and hers.
No. 984024
>>983915at least her photos are nice - clean, well lit, free from vomit & clearly expired foods.
milo powder in everything though, wtf
No. 984047
File: 1591453643380.png (1.49 MB, 1242x2208, 53867678-82F9-4F8B-B4EE-80DC68…)

>>984030Okay, i have some. I’ll probably get banned since it’s not “milky” per say but I thought it was funny how quick she turned on everyone
No. 984053
File: 1591453952047.png (1.59 MB, 1242x2208, 2B93B71D-4C0A-4AFD-A9D2-B3A53E…)

>>984030Last one, promise
No. 984068
>>984049Loving the word honky. Haven't heard that since Jim Davidson (unPC 1970s "comedian").
>>98405Gonna miss that thread pic.
No. 984117
File: 1591472584606.png (344 KB, 700x862, Screenshot_20200606-204138~2.p…)

>>980497More spoopy hand pics.
Somebody please make a new thread? I still operate without a laptop.
No. 984163
>>984158I agree. Those twats protesting in the cities are putting the lives of black people in danger, what with the virus finding they like to be severe on that particular ethnicity.
Ghost's colour's never even been mentioned here because it doesn't matter. Now if anyone doesn't publicly state they're not racist, we're a bunch of fucking Nazis. Gtfo.
/slight derail
But yeah, actually only time I'd defend ghost.
No. 984164
File: 1591481064512.png (1.33 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-06-07-08-02-59…)

No. 984502
>>984466Just want to make sure anyone that reads this site, we do not condone this, we do not accept whoever said this on our farms.
What a piece of shit you are.