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No. 63059
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Who know this guy?
He hangs out at seres bar
That guy works as model in japan (big joke)
No. 63103
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>>63059He looks like an ugly Version of Yujiuke lol
No. 63134
His name is Georgios Toregas aka Yuji Kazuhiro aka Yujiuke, he's not very lulzy tbh.
You could say he's kinda Internet famous in Germany, but not really. Basically he's just one of those kawaii insecure twinks whos selfies you see floating around on tumblr all the time.
No. 63253
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everybody who hangs out at seres bar is a little bit weird
No. 63466
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Next top model
No. 63516
>>63488Now i can see it too
His instagram is jinnoctis
No. 63933
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we cant forget the classics
flan in japan
No. 63934
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also can't forget this snowflake
god damn theres so many snowflakes in japan nowadays. i wonder if they all run into each other all the time, because they all probably go to the same few weeb spots.
No. 64094
>>63933Who's this?
Also, so many of them are German (ex)VK people without a proper highschool graduation. One of them is a pole dancer (is that even allowed on a student visa?), hawk nose claims to be a 'model', but seems to be an overstay, there's himezawa and also some other vk bitch who got discussed about on fuckyeahbangya for being a train wreck etc
Why do so many people with an unstable mental health, underaged people etc go to Japan? Why do their parents pay this shit? Why does Japan let them in?
Where as I know that Japan is pretty loose when it comes to white girls, especially from Europe/Germany.
No. 64145
>>64094Jin is a neet doing nothing.
He is overstaying??
Who is the vk fangirl ?
No. 64214
>>64094I wonder this too. Everyone of them that goes these days claims they're a "model" when they're no or no where near model material.
All have background drama, horrid, slappers or spongers.
Idk why Japan feels the need to allow these freaks into the country.
No. 64221
>>64214It is ridiculously easy to sign up for a model agency by just being foreign. Doesn't mean you'll get any work
If you'd like to see a good selection of "models" check out
No. 64234
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>>64094its flan. an old CGL tripfag who ragged on dakota yet tried to be like her in a lot of ways. well known for her beak nose.
No. 64236
>>64094japan should do a mental health screening before letting people in.
also sometimes makes me wonder what my life would be like if i hadnt gotten a decent education/job OR majored in something stupid so i could just move to japan after school and squander my life away
No. 64237
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>>64235eh, magibon is decently cute.
flan is… flan
No. 64273
>>64237She could be related to himezawa with how she looks in this pic
Twin noses
No. 64471
>>64094Because they're weebs who think their life will magically become perfect and wonderful once they live in the Moon motherland.
I've got several FB friend with clear depression/mental health issues who are always posting about "I just wanna live in Japan sobsob my life here sucks". But changing geographical location isn't going to change your life so much. In fact, being in a foreign country where you don't speak the language and will always been seen as an outsider makes mental issues worse imo. It's really sad
No. 64615
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another horse
first she went to japan with working holiday and worked as hostess. fucked with a costumer so he pays language school(visa).
had a boyfriend and a fuckfriend and that old costumer.
now married (lulz)
No. 64617
>>64471Agreed. For some people it probably works out but for others it doesn't.
I used to follow a blogger who was a VK/J-rock fan and always posted about depression, not fitting in in their own country and thought going to Japan will magically make all her problems disappear. Even admitted to anons that she didn't speak Japanese and has never once been there. Naive.
No. 64638
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All these depressed/mentally sick weebs start with anime and then later read articles or watch vlogs that portray Japan as some totally different planet where everything is crazy, cute and whatever.
But Japan, or Tokyo, is mostly like anywhere. Yeah, it is different but not that different. You will see some weird and different stuff here and there but that doesn't turn your life around. Japanese people might treat you like a rare animal, but novelty wears off quickly and you just wish them to treat you normally, like everyone else.
If Japan can help you open the door for new opportunities, then that's great but most of those weebs don't know what to do with their life and are obssesed with otaku media shit, treating it as a priority instead of a hobby.
No. 65229
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Lived in nyc
Married a not too cute nip dude and moved to glorious moon land and studies… Something.
Hangs out with audrey.
She has a nice body but man face.
No. 65236
>>65229Ah yes, the typical white weeb glorious exotic kawaii woman who goes to Japan gets hitched to some gook and makes out she's kira kira whilst studying jap
yeah, nothing special because these fuckers are becoming the norm lmao
No. 65245
>>65230They both look pretty attractive, the husband has killer cheekbones
>>65238She looks thinner than those Japanese girls idk what you are smoking
So is there actually any drama with this girl? Or just gasp she married a Japanese guy and moved to Japan, how scandalous!
No. 65278
>>65238It looks like major PS.
>>65245>>65248Yeah. No. The girl looks ugly as fuck and the guy … is average looking. He seems to have masculine features which makes him look a bit better than many jap men.
No. 65279
>>65238>chunkymy sides
i htink her chin is more offensive than her 'chunkiness'
No. 65281
>>65236it literally is becoming the norm.
while western europe cries over their 'muslim invasion' and america grapples with their border issues, japan gets stuck with these fools. who has it worse? you decide.
No. 65552
>>65281The amount of salt in this thread is hilarious. A bunch of ugly weebs complaining that other weebs made it in Nippon. A lot of the girls posted here are students, teachers or housewives. Considering Japan has a low English literacy rate, what exactly are they doing wrong?
I read this thread for the real snowflakes, the posters.
No. 65555
>>65552Again another person feeling to use the "salty" tactic around because they don't agree with how people are literally pointing out that this is becoming the norm.
Yeah, not all weebs are e-fame hungry fuckers who want to be like kota or taylor. Some are infact just students, wives ect.
But you can't say it's becoming the norm now that they all seem to be anglo weebsters who want to be models or tarento which have married some gook on the side too.
Only difference is, this one married an alright looking gook and probably the nicest one we've seen out of all the weebs marry (ones which we know of tho).
Plus why is it always decided that you're an "ugly weeb" when we're all anonymous and none of us know what one another looks like though?
How have they made it in Japan by marrying someone? Anyone can get married though.
Making it in my eyes is doing something impressive and big.
But overall, I don't know why that girl with her fancy gook husbando was even poster. I do think here and PULL are getting irritating because people are just throwing around weebs with no or not much milk to give which is even tasty simply because they like Jfashion.
Can't say the gook marriage visa shit is dying though, it's getting popular hence why it's the norm now. So if Taylor R, Kate and Peachymilk suddenly get hitched to one. Yeah, it wouldn't even be surprising anymore. Like it wasn't surprising when Venus announced that sham marriage.
No. 65629
>>65555i agree.
if they werent fame hungry weebs they wouldnt plaster their faces all over social media like this…
there ARE white women that married japanese men and live in japan, that DONT act like this. i cant think off the top of my head but someone called texanintokyo. and others. just normal girls with normal blogs. not 'OMG model desu~~~'
No. 66100
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Ewwwwww gross
Everybody of them
Also saw gaya with another man ? mhhh money
No. 67181
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No. 67262
>>67261Old but gold (not op though)
But you're right this has also been in the old thread.
No. 67389
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Don't lie prostitute
No. 67393
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Yeah legally
No. 67394
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Desperate much?
No. 67396
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Damn girl
Can't do normal work because you are overstaying
No. 67549
>>67517Someone found out the truth so you have to shittalk about others
Be proud of your awesome life
No. 67578
>>67389Your pictures doesn't prove anything.
And still don't afford you a visa poor totoro girl <3
No. 68532
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Ladies and gentlemen
The joke of the day
No. 68536
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is it just me who found this incredibly ignorant?
No. 68542
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No. 68976
>>68536The real snowflakes of this thread are the posters. Congrats chewz, no sane human being in the jfashion comm is going to want anything to do with you.
And over what? The fact that German and Dutch sound so similar to the extent that people who speak either language can grasp the other.
No. 69006
>>68532Milestone for her model career ?
A snapshot
No. 69078
>>69045lol Chuey u still mad?crop your face out next time.
Everyone in the UK knows you are jealous of the girls living in Japan.
Getting mad over some girl you've never met over a snap shot, that's salty even for you.
No. 71847
>>71778Was eating my banana while writing
Im sorry
No. 71851
>>71812And what if she was? Sorry trans shaming isn't cool.
But after all she's a girl, some girls are tall. Not sure what 6ft are in the metric system though, but you know? An average runway model is about 180cm lol
No. 71874
>>71851Her face man
But her body like a woman ?
No. 72182
>>7217999.9% of trannies here are fake. Trans will always be used as an insult just like manly will.
Even if one anon stops the others won't. Jokes can't really go too far on here.
No. 72561
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Seres new prostitute friend.
Also host addicted
Often seen at deai cafe
No. 72596
Not very lulzy info and about a year old but did anybody ever see the episode of "YOU ha nani shi ni Nippon he" where Sere and that other girl I whose name I forget was on?
They talked about "gaijin gyaru" almost the whole episode, I thought it was pretty cool but also weird and kinda embarrassing.
I can't find the video but here's a bunch of screen shots No. 72615
>>72613Omg how can you
She is a mooodeeel
No. 72639
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Wtf is this? Mayumi is a stripper now?She used to be in the gyaru scene in the UK but everyone thought she was a bitch.
Double kek.
No. 72689
>>63032>>72602Wow, all she (presumably) has going for her is her tits.
I say presumably because I can't tell if they sag or not with how she's posing them.
Anyway, that ass is unfortunate.
No. 73275
>>72733Yup. Normal girls with normal jobs. That`s why we have to talk about these girls to keep entertained. Because you know, normal is `best` but it can get boring at times… most of the time. but too chicken or don`t have the ability to do something interesting.
-confessions of a normal girl
No. 74046
>>73999She has one in /pt but it's rather inactive try her pull thread.
But she's been inactive anyway
No. 74380
>>72561>deai cafeAre you that same cunt who said you saw Amina there?
>>72602For fuck's sake anon. I'm
No. 74394
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>>66169She used to be a shop girl at Baby NYC, I think she went over there with her girlfriend? Pic related. That's all I know about her though, I'm curious to know anything lulzy about her because I totally crushed on her and spaghetti'd when I talked to her in the shop.
No. 76830
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How can someone be so ugly
No. 76842
>>76839young? are you joking? he looks like tired old woman
she isn't bad, but she could wash her face
No. 76847
>>76830She is like 25 but looks like 40
Her gaijin hunter is 18 or 19
No. 76862
>>76854She's 'friends' with people like Sere, Shiena and co which gets her into all this bullshit. Like, I wouldn't even know her if it wasn't for these people above.
She really should stay away from them, would be much better for her reputation.
No. 76873
>>76865They each had photos from halloween up, but both deleted them. Halloween was like only a few months ago? I think bunny now tries to keep it in secret because of people talking about it on here and other platforms.
I don't think, beside of what I wrote above, that bunny gives any kind of cow material. She's just a teacher and part time 'model'. Who cares?
And wow, you still have Sere on instagram? Just guessing that she turned even more cringeworthy than before setting it on private.
No. 76875
>>76874Sere would NEVER do such a thing
sarcasm off Well fatty chan Sere is very desperate for money. No regular customers, a fuckboy and a dog she needs to pay for, hiding from authorities, paying for all the hostclub 'adventures' etc
No. 76880
>>76877"Obvious homosexuality" you came out of which century? The 16th? What makes him obviously gay to you? Do you know him in person?
Also, being immature in that kind of way still doesn't make her a cow? Lol
No. 76882
>>76881Japanese people usually ask, before taking pictures. It's mostly the tourists who are asswholes and just take pictures of you without asking.
I do complain about this too. It's just not right to take photos of a random stranger without asking them for it!
No. 76889
>>76880 I used to be close friends to Leo before he met Katie. Ever since they met I tried hanging out with him and her friends once or twice and they're all annoying weebs and smell quite horrid. Especially pheonix.
>>76882they all look ridiculous and Japanese people were laughing at them and taking pictures. Not for being foreign but because of their stupid "fashion". If you don't want picture taken don't wear such crazy weeb gear!!! They're really loud too and an overall nuisance
No. 76921
>>76889I bet it's more about them walking around in large groups and being so loud.
I often wore lolita, gyaru or other flashy fashions and people rarely ever bothered me with taking photos. And if they just came to me and asked for a photo.
No. 76943
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>>76842 is right. his face is busted. why does he have permanent levi brows? i think that annoys me more than anything.
No. 76948
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>>76889"Used to be close to Leo before he met Katie"
Stalker confirmed.
Aren't you sugar-honey-iced-tea ?
The girl who claimed to be Leo's girlfriend but then admitted you made it up and then blamed it on autism or something?
That explains all the hate. I think during that Internet shitstorm you also called him a fag.
No. 77039
>>77036Well, I have lived in Japan for a while.
It's true that for 98% of the jobs you'll need a degree. But teaching jobs, especially if you're from 'special status' countries like eg most of northern europe will easily grant you a long term visa. Seems like you know nothing about Japan yourself if you need to tell people again and again how much they don't know.
Many people in these threads think that only morons like Sere and co live in Japan. But there are many many 'normal' people living there as well. I know quiet a few English and German 'teachers' who haven't gone to University but only have a High School Diploma
No. 77046
>>77039>>77036kekkin' at the amount of people on here in this thread making Japan out to be a special snowflake.
Why do we all choose to go Japan anyway guys? Why not Italy, Spain, Thailand, Austria? Ect ect…
Japan is seriously becoming a trend simply because everyone else is getting into the kawaii motion and so everyone follows.
Kinda makes me hate liking Japan tbh.
No. 77095
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>>77092then stop wearing shit like this in public in a huge metropolis and being loud.katie legitimately wears shit like this every single day.She even wore a kawaii outfit with her boyfriend and their family to a shrine….
No. 77096
>>77003I totally agree with you about the making assumptions about peoples relationships only after meeting them a couple times.
But if you really want to hear about visa problems etc I recommend Russians, Nigerians, Filipinos, and Chinese. But we don't really care about visa stuff as much as we are interested in gossiping about the rare westerner who is struggling because they don't have it down to a tee like the others from the countries above who have been doing illegal sexwork/mizushobai/marraige for visas for decades.
Admittedly I think we only talk about these girls because they are willing to do whatever it takes to live in the Japan we have already decided to ourselves long ago isn't possible because leaving your room away from the computer is hard enough, and leaving our parents house in our own country is even difficult.
No. 77097
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No. 77100
>>77093Japan will always consider gaijin as smelling and weird even if they follow the Japanese culture strictly. Japanese people in groups are loud too if you ever see a circle meet. [im not talking about gyaru circles but normal daigaku circles for sports or whatever. They are always the loudest in izakayas.]
Japanese have their own view on foreigners and it doesn't matter whats true or not they stubbornly believe their view and when something doesn't fit the stereotype, they make it fit by altering scripts and taking words out of context on tv programs.
No. 77105
>>77104obviously if you dress like that you are going to head to shops that sell that stuff which is more than likely in the area that is famous for it.
I often take side roads to avoid detours but its not so easy in a group to do that.
No. 77116
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Jesus, the Japanese women on here are just as desperate to leave their country as the weebs are to get into Japan.
No. 77117
>>77116What makes me giggle, the ones like her on these exchange sites when they hit their late 30s early 40s their preferences are all mixed varieties but any young gook or weeb will always have specific preferences.
Usually "white/asian"
No. 77118
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>>77117What is with chink women tho and their creepy version of dolly faces?
No. 77119
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Weebs like this don't even deserve to have a preference tbh
No. 77120
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>>77119Found a "model" on World Gook Friends
No. 77121
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>>77120Do these weebs squint their eyes to look hafu or more asian?
No. 77122
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More kotakopies
No. 77124
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Is this magical weeb the one that sells herself?
No. 77125
Who would shag
>>77121 instead of
>>77122 tho?
No. 77126
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Another desperate weeb wanting meaningful relations in le nippon
No. 77127
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>>77126Some right ugly bastards in Japan
No. 77128
File: 1451766567682.jpg (18.8 KB, 240x320, 240_01.jpg)

ello! I am Miki but you can call me Moon (=^x^=)
I am not a VIP member and I really don't know how this site work (>_<)
I am a student that try her best to become an actress, singer and voice actor!
I am trying to learn how to play piano too ~
I love to draw, cosplay, anime, manga, shopping and many other things^^
No. 77130
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You'd have to be one gagging desperate gook
No. 77131
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No. 77132
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No words
No. 77134
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No. 77138
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time for some dolly Negro
No. 77139
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Oh yeah, how could we ever possibly forget.
No. 77141
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As if we couldn't already tell it was a wig.
No. 77143
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says she's half… hmmmm
reckon she's hafu guys? she does appear a bit chinkier than the rest
No. 77487
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Oh nuuu y do plp take our pictures so offended
No. 77502
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Chuey you just mad because when you went to Japan no one took a picture of your flat face 5oclock shadow uncoordinated looking ass
No. 77510
No. 77513
>>77507u jelly cos shes half magical kawaii ugu and ur not </3
dont be lesbian jelly h8er
No. 77666
>>77640Not that anon, but I was trying to look her up too and found it just by typing in "Mikko Obscura"
Here you go, friend No. 77670
>>77625if anyone is stopping her, its most likely so they can feel her hair.
ive seen asians of all kinds ask to touch kinky/afro hair.
No. 77671
File: 1451926445267.png (301.06 KB, 398x542, vv.png)

i used to follow this girl on IG but she deleted. anyway i found her on a modeling site. lets just say she isnt as cute as she looked on IG
No. 77673
>>77671She is pretty cute but I have no idea what her IG photos looked like.
The only problem she has is that nose but eh, her eyes (I like the shape a lot) and smile make up for it. Just an opinion though. I'm sure you will disagree.
No. 77676
>>77671She's a minor (18) and works as a prostitute for Seres prostitution ring. She's on a student visa.
Also has multiple sugar daddies. Her face is cute, but her body shape is horrible
No. 77682
>>77670Ah no anon, she actually was bragging how they would just stop her and not touch her, differently of Americans that pulled her hair and called her names.
She is going to start a youtube channel or something like bragging of how perfect happens people think she is and she also brags she knows some Japanese j rockers as Kyo from DeG.
Tell you, give some time and milk will pour of this one, it promises!
No. 77684
>>77682Japanese people, not happens lol
Stupid autocorrect lol
No. 77703
>>77691>she's drinkingUnderaged drinking isn't that big of a deal lol. 18 year olds in Japan drink all the time and nobody is arrested for it. They don't even cars in Japan.
>>77691Even though sere is batshit and a lolcow, I read the PULL about her and a lot of you are A-logs. She isn't running a "prostitution ring". A lot of her friends are immature and doing sex work but it isn't a ring as sere isn't forcing them or taking their money.
Sere is a bad person but a lot of you PULLfags (I'm looking at you Natto) are creepily obsessed with her.
No. 77709
>>77703She IS taking part of their money and it IS a prostitution ring. She refers to them as her 'models' lol all the girls working for her run over her phone number so don't try to wight knight her
Also Vika is an immature, naiv little girl.
And as mentioned before, she's only there on a student visa, it's her second year now, so it'll run out this year. She already wanted to marry some Japanese trash to get the visa, but sadly he doesn't pay his taxes, so no sugar daddy visa
No. 77813
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love this look
No. 77816
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>>77678this is her on the right. used to filter the shit out of herself to hide that nose. i do think she is p cute except for that
No. 77843
>>77836There's a kardashian thread in /b
I'm not from PULL (I didn't even know what you meant by that, so I needed to google it lol)
The problem with some of the girls in this thread is or let me say the cause why some of these girls are in this thread is because they're are sere's lapdogs. No one would probably know abt these girls shady and obviously illegal businesses if it wasn't for Sere. You know why these girls are popping up in the thread is because some people googled for sere, not because they've searched for these girls.
I WOULD make a thread abt phillipina cows in Japan, but well, I don't know any of them? Imagine Sere would take one of them into her prostitution ring, that girls photo/link would be up on here as fast as the others. That's it.
And people like shani, barbie etc might not be major lolcows like the swampprincess, but they still do lolcowish things once in a while but not many enough to deserve an own thread so that's why we have this snowflakes in glorious nippon thread. If you don't like this concept, just go over to 4chan or tumblr
No. 77845
>>77843Barbie has her on thread. For some reason it ended up back in /pt.
PULL = Pretty Ugly Little Liars.
No. 77846
>>77845You're right. Sere once had her own thread as well in /pt
But this thread here is kinda better, since you can talk about all of them in one thread and doesn't need to fill up the boards with every little snowflake who's in Japan. That's it. Pretty easy
No. 77888
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No. 77890
>>77889Reading and posting are two different things my dear.
You guys are no better than those on PULL tbh
No. 77894
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Who wants to fuck that old fat body?
Nobody. She had to lower her price
No. 77954
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>>77836they're not cows. thats why they are posted in /snow/
No. 78529
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No. 78530
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No. 78558
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>>78530> killer bodyif you're into pic related
No. 78612
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Such model. So beauty.
No. 80948
>>80929Anon, if you've got a BA and speak English you can easily get a teaching job right off CL.
Also find some old lonely ass gook on a language site, talk to him and get hitched. Visa and bang, done.
It's pretty EASY.
Just make all the shit look believable and be intelligent enough to teach.
You can always photoshop yourself to fuck (be white and kawaii obv) and hope Japan finds you kawaii and sends you a free modelling contract
Problem solved
No. 80949
>>77671Why do most people who go to model in Japan look terrible?
i just…
No. 80951
>>80929Maybe not EVERYONE wants to live in Japan. Have you ever thought about that?
Seems like you are new to this site aren't you?
No. 80974
>>80948Hope Japan finds you Kawaii and sends you a modeling contract.
Do you know how moronic you sound.
No. 80988
>>80949Japan has some of the lowest standards for models is probably why. Places like Western Europe and North America for example would reject them in an instant so they try for the shittiest market. Most of them
still get rejected anyway. Lol
No. 81171
>>80988Japanese people honestly don't know the difference between pretty and ugly when it comes to white people.
If you're white and vaguely tall, you can be a model
But getting visa for modelling or aidoru is incredibly difficult
No. 81182
>>81171Can't be THAT difficult, himezawa got one and she can't neither dance nor
hell no she really can't sing lmao
No. 81201
>>81182It's not that difficult, Japanese at least give you a shot if you are white. They need to keep pushing the agenda by infiltrating the market with these women. Japan is being flooded by whites because Japan has successfully pushed their media on the west, They used western revenue to do so. Japanese praise them so highly that white failures who feel they have nothing to fulfill in he west clammer to the east. They think life will be handed to them on a silver platter
cough,cough sere*cough.
No. 81762
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Japans next topmodel
Also Fuzokujo with the longest nose
No. 81959
>>81762Cute body but that face.
Anyone know where she got her top from?
No. 82105
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Tells everybody she is a model but truth is she is a prostitute lol
No. 82132
>>82105 holy shit her nose is the size of 3 of mine put together lmao
>>82114 honestly how many people that wanna be an uguu kawaii model does oraora? lmao usually oraora models have a bunch of tattoos or are/were connected to yankii culture.
No. 82144
>>82114Amina "Idol" lol
She can't call herself an idol anymore without an agency
No. 82145
>>82132I kid you know when I was 18 I was seriously obsessed with oraora. I want to get back into it, but I don't even know where to start at this point.
>>82144Hey now guys I was giving examples. Sabrina is still calling herself an idol and she was dropped to.
Personally, I wouldn't want to be a model in Japan.
No. 82153
>>82147She can't be on stage legally without an entertainment visa. So yes, there are indie idols in jpn, but they're Japanese.
Himezawa doesn't have a big visa problem, since she's married and just strolls around tokyo to get jobs.
No. 82179
>>82153Not true actually. She just can't serve alcohol or sit with customers while alcohol is being served. She's been on tv a lot so I'm sure if it was that illegal she would've been deported months ago.
>>82157I've noticed it too but Asians like to seperate themselves from everyone. Superficially Japanese people think they're close to whites kek
No. 82186
>>82181>Just admit you guys just don't like the idea of non-Asians being in Japan.It may be a nonsequiter in this conversation, but I find the idea of the people I see in this thread living in japan cringeworthy.
Mainly the thing of someone living in japan as a prositute, and the idea of someone living in japan but acting and dressing like a stand-out special snowflake instead of trying to keep their head down and fit in like everyone else.
No. 82192
>>82186I don't even mind that ppl are dressing up like crazy and want to become idols…those gurls(mostly gurls) are delulued, cringeworthy but mostly 'peaceful'
Where as said prostitutes put us foreigners in a super bad light. Recently I heard so many complains from simple tourist being nampad or even directly asked for payed sex by Japanese guys, just because they're white foreigners. Damn this hurts, ok?
No. 82195
>>82192Its probably more harmful, you're right.
But I still cant not get annoyed by people, in a country that values conformity, fitting in, and not imposing yourself on others, as foreigners in that country, going outside dressing and/or acting like fucking anime characters.
And I love anime.
No. 82196
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ms piggy
No. 82204
>>82196Hey kisu
Truth hurts right?
No. 82205
>>82201There is no milk
Just vendetta from that prostitute girl with the longest nose in japan
No. 82211
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>>82210No customer at soap land or at kirari today? You must be really upset
No. 82215
That kisu girl is behind it. Seems like she got too much free time
No. 82216
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New half or okama?
No. 82218
>>82211you can't get inside deai cafe or soup land without a legal visa
does anyone know how she's overstaying??
No. 82220
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Bought with her prostitute money oops model money
No. 82221
>>82218Deai cafe is easy to enter without a 'legal' visa. Even as a tourist you can go there.
Anyway, she mentioned on her instagram that she's 'there forever' and that we're all just butthurt jealous on her
No. 82223
>>82222Omg she rolled her eyes
Don't be so sensitive
No. 82224
>>82223Dude, my problem was more that she called me a slut in Japanese and didn't realize I spoke Japanese. She isn't a nice person, and you don't say that to someone you are meeting for the first time.
Chill your shit and quit white knighting her.
No. 82227
>>82224Oh god that was funny
Nice lie gurl
No. 82239
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>>82233Said the….literal prostitute.
No. 82246
>>82241I also think, they shouldn't be there. But in their cases as well as Philippines and east Europe/Russia it's often a case of human traffic and they're given no other choice but to do that work. They get their passports stolen and that's it. They are too afraid to seek for help.
But sere and her squad started shit out of their own free will so stfu
No. 82247
>>82244Post the pic girl, post it! Otherwise it's just another lie.
She apperently wants to look like vanilla, I'm pretty sure gackt would pay for it, if she rly was his wife
No. 82258
>>82255Hello white knight,
You should that this thing she calls HER bar isn't even HERS by paper.
>They aren't going to deport one hooker unless they're running a ring or working illegally as a hostess but even that is rareShe has a prostitution ring, works as a prostitute, a host, a hostess. She lives in divorce and even her own lawyer tries to make her sign the papers since she's refusing to do it, because that would mean that she'll get kicked out within only three months. "Her" bar gives her nothing.
Also, you must be a very butthurt person. Probably sjw? Lol
Yes, most hosts and VK guys see girls as objects. But no, those arent't the majority of Japanese guys. And no, the majority of Japanese guys doesn't see women as objects.
No. 82265
>>82258Hello same fagging PULL lurking bitch. I'm not a white knight. Sere is annoying as fuck, left her kids and is generally a bad person. But calling her hooker friends a prostitution ring is fucking stupid. As you said before, there are women who get their visas taken from them and forced to stay in Japan. These girls are hookers by their own will.if the police will crack down who will they get? A white girl who willingly sucks dick every other week to pretend to be a moderu or a man trafficking girls from third world countries? You're such an annoying A-log for fucks saaaaake
>Host and VK guys see girls as objectsBitch what does that have to deal with anything? Makes me think you're one of these weebs. Japanese society in general doesn't value women and sees women as objects. I'm not a SJW but Japan is 50 years behind when it comes to equal right. My point is people go up to Japanese girls all the time asking to pay for sex. Just because someone nanpa'd you doesn't mean your life will end. Get over it.
>>82262You literally go places looking for these girls that you hate so much to get approval from Internet people. You're a faggot Melissa/natto from PULL. I'm not q white knight but your vendetta shit isn't entertaining. If anything you look like a cow.
No. 82266
>>82265What a looooser you are. Get your brain checked. Also you are writing not with that girl. You didn't even notice that
Stupid bitch
No. 82268
>>82265You really think I'm someone from PULL? Not everyone who hates Sere and her squad are from PULL.
Anyway, Sere HAS a ring, she's not only selling vika over her phone number, but also a few Japanese girls.
No. 82270
>>82262desperate much?
give me a real reason why i should post it and i will
No. 82274
>>82270Well, you said you have one. You said, they're married, now it's up to you ti give some little proof, otherwise it'll stay an empty lie.
Also, why would you bother not posting it? You sound like you took it without them being aware of it anyway. So, when you already have it, why don't post it?
No. 82293
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Her teeth are yellow as fuck
No. 82343
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No. 82346
>>82344They both wanted to commit suicide, so kisu was with her when it happened. There are rumors that she actually pushed her so she fell.
What I wonder about is that this has never been on the news.
No. 82361
>>82359She definitely died.
If kisu pushed her, or if she also wanted to commit suicide is a rumor
No. 82377
>>82373My words
Heard the pink girls also had problems with a guy :/
No. 82385
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No. 82407
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Satan suits her
No. 82462
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Hot mess
Already 29
Bad skin
Ugly tattoos
Had a neet boyfriend but cheated on him a lot.
Debt at host club but she never paid
Host crazy
No. 82846
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No. 82852
>>82846Is this that fin(?) girl??? I thought she modeled for several brands right now? Why would she need to go to deai cafe? Doesn't she also has a bf?
Also, do you HAVE to leave a photo at the deai cafe?
No. 82856
>>82846didn't think she would go but she must be very popular with her body type
often models for h.naoto
No. 82865
>>82861She has also modeled for other Japanese brands.
It seems off that someone like her goes to deai
No. 82881
>>82868Me too! She seemed legit
Anyway, can someone please tell me, why you have to leave a photo at deai? Or why/how do these 'kirari' photos exist/are found online?
No. 82900
>>82896of course you have to
it's a whorehouse to look for old ojisan
No. 82989
>>82856Not often she just modeled the recent collection work. Plenty of other gaijin model for him all the time no big deal really. He put up an open public ad lol
She does some other model work but it's small
No. 83483
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No. 83511
>>83510"Topmodel" I've never seen a single photo of her in a mag or CM though
Even swampprincess is better than her
No. 83519
There are psycho. I have head some rumor like that.
It's so gross just thinking about it makes me puke.
No. 84043
>>83693Because they all toppu moderu desu!
No illegaru desu! No prostitution desu! We all kawaii moderu desu!
No. 84100
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>>82856>>82859>>82989h.Naoto likes to use any white models he can get as li FB as they're not obese and don't have excessive acne. Some of the white models he uses are dog ugly or worse.
I wonder if he does the same as Mr. Yan with his white models, tryin to wife them down and all. This girl seems to be the only white model he uses anymore after pic related, who barely has any pics up. Maybe she turned him down?
No. 84127
>>84122Of course I did, that's why I asked for
more evidence or evidence at all, because at this point it's all rumors. There really is not much information provided in this thread and all I asked for was more details, so please unrustle your jimmies a bit.
No. 84131
>>84127Alone your state 'as far as I know kisu is still in Japan' says a lot. God, we all KNOW that she is still in Japan? She's posting photos on instagram and claims to be legally forever in Japan.
Anji definitely died, ever since that day non of her other close friends ever heard of her again.
No. 84342
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That ugly bitch is from austria married an old as fuck host. He doesn't have any education and got a huge debt. That's why they live in his hometown. He can't find any work so he works at his family bakery
No. 84347
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Awwww our topmodel is scared.
Also the girl with the host husband is good friends with kisu
No. 84433
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>>84242They've posted others in the past to. It's easier to get people to come to them applying and pay them shittier than go to an agency. But they use some agency models for past fashion shows or big press events
No. 84440
>>84342Why tf did she marry a host with debts? Lol
Any story about her?
No. 84462
>>84346> Who wants to marry a host with debtsomeone with a death wish probably
iirc, arent there clubs run by yakuza?
no matter what country, where there is money, there are drugs/corruption/crime
No. 84510
>>84342Wow you guys are so retarded. She's a very sweet and nice person and has a legit job. As far as I know she even attended University.
That she's 'friends' with someone like kisu is a shame, but since it's more of an online thing it's not even that bad. So shut the fuck up and leave girls with serious jobs out of this thread. (Working at a bakery to pay of a depth is still better than getting lost in the red light of tokyo)
No. 84844
>>84840Sweet husband with only a high school degree <3 and debt because former kyakusan didn't pay. So he escaped to kagoshima
No. 84847
>>84822You got posted here because of your "friends" like gaya, sere and kisu
Take care who you trust
No. 84855
>>84847No she got posted here because like the other 60% of girls posted here, someone made up a bunch of shit to make this thread more milky.
We get it - you don't like Sere or Gaya, but hating on every person they've ever interacted with is reallllllllly petty.
No. 84859
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What a mess
No. 84864
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Oh lord
No. 84867
>>84866What's so bad about working for the parents business anyway? I'd be glad if my parents had an own business running for which I could work.
But as said before, that already has been years ago. OP is stuck in the past
No. 85058
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>>85049sere, u are so thirsty for drama. she posted a total of three times, but she's 10/10 lurking daily…
the milk is
never going to happen.
No. 85063
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Our famouse horse model was on tv
No. 87632
>>77005You would think that, but she has to live with her BF as she can't afford a place by herself. Relying on someone else isn't being successful, it's scary.
That and she goes to deai cafe because the 3 jobs she works obvs don't pay very well.
No. 87686
>>87669The katie thing must be vendetta that's for sure.
But nope, why should we be jealous of people without proper education who left to Japan to work as prostitutes there? I'm not jealous of these girls at all! Because I know so many people who live a 'normal' life in Japan, without the need to sell their bodies for some dollars and a drink, but with proper jobs, maybe also a family. Those people deserve my jealousy, but I know if I work hard I can also achieve that, without getting low class.
No. 87791
>>87719>>87712Why not? Because most of them do it illegally without a proper visa! They should go to countries like eg Germany where it's allowed to anyone, no matter what visa you have. Or they should have stayed in their home countries to begin with. Because going to Japan, just in order to sell your body? Wtf? Why? You can also do that in your home countries. And if you're comfortable with selling your body for sex that's ok, earn some money with it and then go to Japan on a holiday trip.
But they just see Japan as their holy grail, because lots of them were too lazy to just finish high school and then go to University or learn a proper job.
No. 87796
>>87791Some of them are studying in school or came to japan for -other- reasons but foreign women can make a ton as sex workers in japan. In germany tall blonde are a dime a dozen. In japan? A blonde white girl than can speak passable japanese selling her body? Foreign women in japan can make 3000 EUR a week with minimal effort and the Japanese police don't give a shit. Just admit that you hate them for vendetta.
In the case of gaya who has a marriage visa its legal. When sere had her marriage visa it wasn't illegal. You don't care about legality. Stop acting like you do.
No. 87798
>>87796Someone here sounds a little butthurt. Talking about yourself Gaya?
You can visit a language school, college etc in Japan without sellibg your body and the majority of people won't sell theirs, because they know it'll most likely not only ruin their reputation if someone finds out, but probably also their lifes. Once a prostitute, always a prostitute, goes for 99% of the people working in that business, though you can't do that job for all too long, usually it's over if you hit your early to mid 30's. No ome wants an old pusspuss if there's cheap fresh meat all around. None of you girls are thinking about your futures.
I don't mind doing these kind of things for a limited amount of time, if you run short of money and have no other possibility to pay your bills and some for some food. But Sere and her kind think that it is a reliable job in which they can work on and on 'til forever.
No. 87809
>>87642I think, "there's a difference between doing something out of choice than out of necessity" is what anon is trying to say.
Either way who cares, if 2 people are happy then their situation doesn't matter.
No. 87810
>>87801Not Melissa here.
Anyway, I know some of you girls personally and you're not capable of taking responsibility for your lifes.
I don't mention people like yukapon or the swampprincess here, because they've their own threads, they're as des illusioned as the girls in this thread here, just in a less harmful way.
I'm not salty, vendetta or jealous at all, because as I said, if doing these things for a short amount of time to get some money to pay rents, food etc, they're totally fine. You shouldn't brag about your illegal actions though. You should keep that stuff to yourself.
To working as a shop staff is even worse, you can't get StDs from working as a shopstaff, you won't ruin your reputation with working as a shopt staff, no people will actually see that you've done some reliable job to make your money instead of choosing the path of prostitution.
No. 87813
>>87810With perfect condom use and regular check ups, most sex workers have less instances of stds than the regular population. Not saying sere is smart enough to do that but just stating that. Also i don't think bragging is cool either(tax reasons, it looks tacky, someone can rob you…anything) so I agree on that part. However the only girl who openly brags is sere. the rest seem to do their business and go on. Melissa wants it to be a witch hunt where she herself has signed up as a sex worker in the brothels just to spy on them.
Again for gaya and some of the rest of them its not illegal and i don't see them bragging anyways.
No. 87870
>>87813Can you stop spreading bullshit?
No. 87891
>>87887Your brain is fucked up.
nobody believes ur made up nonsense lol
No. 87894
>>87874Okay once and for all let's get this shit straight. Melissa you literally
live in this thread and post vendetta shit about these girls all the time. It's not funny it's annoying and sad. I don't even know you outside of PULL so no vendetta. You're just really god damned cringy.
No. 87904
>>87894You think everybody is melissa
Girl, you have a problem
No. 88136
>>88093I don't hang out in cities like Ikebukuro, Shinjuku etc… But I feel you anon :( it is extremely disturbing.
Although something like this happened to me in Akasaka and I had to walk through a hostess area. The touts really think you are going to work for them. Crazy…
No. 88173
>>88136 yeah it's hilarious, I was just trying to go to a bar and then my night was ruined.
>>88138 wow ur so funny i almost shat myself
No. 93336
>>93313Non of the white knights but why do you hate her so much? She's definitely annoying and can't dress for shit (like himezawa and if she had the money she'd definitely fuck up her face like taylor) but despite from that she's rather 'quiet' in my opinion.
I'm struggling with my opinion towards Shiena these days though. I really liked her because yes, there was some drama but I came after that, and she really seemed like working hard, but nowadays whenever I read one of her posts, I want to immediately send her to some mental health doctor since she seriously seems to struggle, just like sere and the other girls.
The only one of this group I really admire still now is Ashley.
No. 93345
>>93336Ashley… Yeah her good points is she takes care of her body and kid.
Bad parts is she's a cleptomaniac and pathological liar. She doesn't really have real life friends left because of this. She also does some shady work (not talking about kyaba ) but I don't really care that much about that
No. 93354
>>93313She lives with her boyfriend so IDK what you're talking about "she didn't pay her friend"
As the person she previously lived with….. yes she did pay rent… every time….. so wtf?
No. 93389
>>93381she's just extremely vapid.
she used to keep a long winded blog about shit literally no one cares about, going into such detail about the most mundane things.
RIP my brain cells
No. 93390
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also natto merkel is on IG, its private tho
No. 93391
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>>93313are you melissa lol
but i do agree her new make is even worse than before. didnt think its possible
No. 93404
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>>93336Ash has a really nice body.
No. 93475
>>93375No… its not because as I just stated "as the person she used to live with, she paid rent every time"
Thank u
No. 93593
>>93313This is funny. I used to hang out with Katie and Emi back when they were friends, Emi was jealous because Katie was nice and popular and would make up bullshit about her and causing fights all the time. Emi started dating a uglyazz host and then went completely cray crying in Kabukicho all the time and street fighting her boyfriend. They stopped being friends I think but emi could never get it over it. Also as far as I'm aware Katie isn't an ALT and hasn't been for a long time. Seems like Emi digging up shit again. Good job gurlll stay relevant.
Katie helped my friend a lot when she first arrived with Tokyo and it seems like money wasn't an issue, which is why I'm calling out.
No. 93819
>>93593Hi emi here, lol. Im not dragging shit up someone told me abt the comment made about katie so i came in and defended her twice just stating she did pay rent to me every time. We stopped living together and being friends for various reasons and yes I was VERY upset because I loved her like family.
I was never jealous of her, I could have came out and been as social as her, at least or pretended I wanted to be if I really wanted the same lifestyle. Its funny that since we stopped being friends all of my stuff has been private and I've kept myself out of this comm because actually…. I don't want to be a part of it? Lol. So IDK why people are bringing me into something involving people I haven't spoken to or been friends with for over a year.
I also never "went cray" in Kabukicho or street fought, but thanks for the overexaggerated drama in an attempt to make my life a little more interesting! All I do is go to work full time and keep myself to myself nowadays. That's how I like it.
To finish, I have no issues with Katie and hope she's doing well :-)
Thank you and goodbye!
No. 93907
>>93904Because as soon as I was shown it, I knew I would be next target.
People will always trash talk, I get that. People will always overexaggerate situations they know barely anything about because that's what people clearly deem as entertainment here, I get that too. I didn't want her or her friends to think I had been talking shit, so I came in on the defense, and told the truth. That's why I care.
The person that wrote the original comment clearly doesn't have native English anyway, so I really don't understand how/why the finger was pointed at me.
And if I wanted to "stay relevant" I definitely wouldn't do it by making myself a target or talking about irrelevant information that's almost 2 years old lol.
Are people going to still bring it up when it's 3 or 4 or 5 years old too? Loooool.
I have no issues with Katie or her friends and sorry that whoever brought all the shit up again it did. That's why I care and why I responded.
Thank you and goodbye!
No. 93971
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not vendetta or anything just curiosity
anyone know this norwegian girl that started a band in japan? i thought that's kind of cool. her voice isnt that good imo but whatever
also why does it seem like so many of the gaijin in japan or Scandinavian or german?
No. 93972
>>93971 shit
*are Scandinavian or german
No. 93997
>>93976nop but ok
her band is salty dog
No. 94038
>>94031White women into Asian dudes are my pet peeve. If they prefer Asian dudes they should stay in a society created by Asian men. So many of them divorce though and come back.
You're right anon.
No. 94048
>>94023tbh i really wish japan could stay homogenous. its one of the most unique things about is sociological atmosphere.
but at the same time i really wanna see how peoples views will evolve as full-blood japanese have fewer babies, gaijin fever proves too powerful, and haffus reign supreme
No. 94052
>>94048There aren't enough non Japanese to make a demographic impact.
Tbqh I'm sick of Asian guys attempting to get at me by calling white women whores, lolcows just promote negative stereotypes. Actually most white women dislike Asian men.
No. 94129
>>94111I hate both Dakota and Yukapon and consider them two sides of the weeb equation. Yukapon is this totally broken, fucked up, daddy issues ridden girl with no self-esteem, she's the sort of girl who posts on /r9k/ and says that she isn't like the other girls. She's fueled by subconscious and explicit self-loathing.
Dakota, on the other hand, is this girl who was never popular in school but desperately wanted to be the proverbial queen bee, so she suffers from arrested development in that mindset. She's driven by a childish mentality where the world is and always will be high school and subcultures are these things you attach yourself to successively like a social butterfly in order to leverage social capital from them.
You can see this in their respective characters. Dakota purposefully cultivates a mean girls persona, being purposefully bitchy because that's how she
imagines girls who have high social capital to be (caricatures again). Yukapon has such abysmally low self-esteem that the mere thought of ever standing up to someone wouldn't even occur to her, hence her getting used continually.
These two archetypes of weebdom are essentially the two types that go or want to go to Japan, want to marry Asian men (yuck) and so on. They sit on opposite ends of the weeb spectrum but their respective behavior is just as dysfunctional as each others.
No. 94131
>>94129What about Venus?
Tbh right now everyone is sucking her asshole so idk if you can slate her.
No. 94133
>>94132Look at the one constant among all of the major Japan-based lolcows: They're all asian fetishists with asian boyfriends or husbands. Normal, well adjusted white women do not want fuccboi asian men. Fact.
>>94131Don't know enough about Venus. I'm surprised people seem to be letting her so easily off the hook and piling onto her mother. The apple never falls far from the tree in my opinion.
No. 94136
>>94133Pretty much, I agree tbh. They're all the same, no matter who whether black/white weebs they all end up doing the same shit.
Everyone is literally licking Venus out. I understand her mum was a bitch to her, I get it and cool for her leaving. But she is definitely getting a pat on the back and "poor u omg ur so amazing". We don't know enough about her yet and give it time, something will fuck up.
No. 94231
Re: all the Katie drama. I used to follow sugar-honey-iced-tea on tumblr while she was raging against her. She is still so batshit, I would not be surprised if she is making the vendetta comments like
>>93313. Especially since she is super jelly Katie lives in Japan and she just had to leave since her vacation ended.
I don't know Katie from a hole in the wall, I only started following her a few months ago, but sugar-honey-iced-tea is definitely still crazy. She even made this weird post about some of her past drama with katie as a way to… prove a point about something? I can't remember but I can find it if anyone cares. Katie just told her to stfu and leave her out of it lol.
I would not be surprised if sugar-honey-iced-tea is still bitter as fuck and raging, she gives off sociopath vibes something fierce.
No. 94324
>>94301Oh come on. Look at some of these people.
They have absolutely no identity of their own.
You're just mad.
No. 94353
>>94348They're usually fixated on Asian men prior to going to be fair.
>>94347No one said that. But it is fact that the majority of white women find Asian men to be undesirable relative to other races.
No. 94434
>>94347People can date outside of their race but we're talking about those who have an unusual fixation on Asian guys.
They think these guys are going to be like Asian drama heroes or generally have unrealistic ideas about them because of anime and Korean dramas.
But to be fair, the same kind of people who
only want to date white foreigners exist in Asia as well.
No. 94486
>>94428Doomed to failure. Not even in my most desperate moments did I contemplate an actual LTR with someone I could barely communicate with.
>>94434>But to be fair, the same kind of people who only want to date white foreigners exist in Asia as well.I used to know this white guy who grew up in Singapore. I remember him telling me how weird it was when you became conscious of the fact you have people wanting to sleep with you purely because of your race.
He said he took advantage of it for a bit but after a while it just feels so hollow and the sort of people you get involved with through racial fetishes so vacuous that it makes you genuinely depressed.
If a typically thirsty dude can realize being fetishized isn't cool, why is it so hard for white female weeaboos?
No. 94497
>>94456agreed…. i have friends that speak english totally fine but totally do not understand nuances so there are many instances of lost meaning and misunderstandings…
i cant imagine spending more than a day with a non-native speaker. you literally have to talk like they are a child… personally i cant tolerate it but props to those who help others learn another language.
>>94492dont listen to da haterz
No. 94561
>>94550>despite me knowing Japanese to an extentlrn2read.
that anon didnt say they were perfect.
even if you understand some moongo, if neither party is fluent, its just hard
No. 94595
Also samefag here but
>>94550 I wrote that my partner speaks a different dialect of Japanese that is hard to understand, and he doesn't speak regular Japanese cuz he's from the country. Are you also fluent in every fuckin dialect? If not then kindly shut the fuck up lmao
No. 94605
They're probably ugly in their home country so come to a place where they'll be put high high up on dat pedestal and showered with attention for simply being white. No different from the pathetic white men who go to asia tbh.
No. 97731
>>97728Also I don't think either of them are friends with Sere? Maybe before her Britney Spears break down kek
Sounds like bitter Betty wasn't allowed to join their friend circle. Aw.
No. 97733
>>97728It's been established Katie and her faggy friends come here so disregard posts about "vendetta" because it's them. Nobody has a vendetta. You and your entire group Katie look awful and cannot speak Japanese. You're cows.
>>97728>one worksKatie is a basic English teacher like every other eurofag in Japan. Doesn't require any real qualifications so stop acting like its an accomplishment. Katie looks uggo as hell cant speak Japanese despite being in Japan for 5 years and she wears shit like Lolita to traditional shrines. She's a cow down to the wire. Just because they're your friends doesn't make this vendetta.
>studentShani has been in school for at least 6 years including visa hopping. When is she going to graduate? She has a delusion that Japan will let her stay forever in a language school/visa hopping but they will catch her. Not to mention she steals most of her clothes and works in kyaba.
>why does her height/weight matter?Her choice of clothing is awful. Her ass is hanging out all the time, and her blonde ratty hair makes her look like a Atlanta street whore. she's fat as hell despite living in Japan and is generally a dirty person. She's a cow. If she dressed for her body type and invested in decent weave she would actually look tolerable despite her donkey face.
Katie's groups are the biggest cows in Japan.Pheonix smells like shit and dresses horribly,Katie's boyfriend is a faggot(I've seen him in 2chome) whose using her as a beard.theyre all cows and worth talking about.
No. 97759
>>97750>Katie >bunch of Japanese friendsYou mean those harajuku fags who are only using her? nah those aren't friends.
>shaniShe's not continuing studies. Why would you be in language school for 5+ years? You should be fluent in Japanese already.considering she has a criminal record as well as visa hopping bitch will
Be deported this summer most likely.
No. 97884
>>97802Do these white girls who go to JP and do this sort of shit have dads?
I legitimately and unironically feel sorry for their dads, if they do have them.
No. 97923
>>97792Read the thread bitch. It's already been posted a picture of Shani in the prostitution place sere goes to with a picture of her wearing the same outfit on her instagram.
Shani has been in school in Japan for 5 years but can't speak or read Japanese, has visa hopped and stolen. She will be kicked the fuck out soon. She has no real goals in Japan and like delandra she's crazy as hell.
No. 98041
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>>98003nobody likes harajuku besides middle school kids and weebs.heres Katie and her "tons of Japanese friends" at fashion walk.
No. 98066
>>98042Lol it's not illegal to go back and forth. Especially if you're going back to your home country a lot. And while doing it too many times might raise suspicion you are working illegally, if you are staying in your home town for like 3 months too sometimes it's not a big deal since Japanese people all have the image westerners are loaded.
There are a lot of business men that go back and forth all the time. There are also people who's work is mostly computer based so they go back and forth easily.
Also going from student visa to student visa isn't suspicious either. But there is a max number of years you can be a student.
And no there is no rule about what you wear to shrines and not exactly disrespectful since you are decently covered up. Also a lot of churches that tourist go through alot don't normally have a dresscode. Mosques are a little different since they're kinda… Well strict.
No. 98068
>>98066Notice how whenever Shani or Katie are mentioned someone immediately comes to their rescue despite neither of them being well known?
>Businessmen go back to backBusiness men in Japan have proper working visas. Shani going in and out on visa runs without a visa -is- illegal and they will ban you because you can't keep getting tourists visas.
>You can wear anything you want to a shrine, not true again. If you really want to be that person it isn't illegal or anything but why would you want to be that weeb who disrepspects a family's shrine by going in lolita? lolita isn't seen normal by japanese people so by pushing your weeb fashion there are no excuses. No. 98072
>> Disrespects family's shrine.Lmfao I'm done sorry. Please learn about a culture before you 'defend' it. It literally seems like one person samefagging the shit out of this thread with this vendetta.
We aren't white knighting these bitches, but what you're saying is wrong. You don't know shit about visa status or what is considered acceptable in Japan so just stop its embarrassing.
No. 98100
>>98066it only matters if you are trying to come back to america. they lock that shit down.
otherwise no other country cares if you hop around.
No. 98108
>>> we were asked not to wear shorts, skirts, show cleavage etc Yes because showing skin/being provocative is the same as wearing a Lolita dress which showcases modesty/ full coverage yep totally the same
Lolita isn't uncommon to wear around busy parts of Japan or shines, especially during holidays. Katie just looks terrible when she does it.
No. 98185
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her accent… its not purely australian? thats not what australians sound like right?
"i'm going to japan for about a yeea."
"what am i going to miss while we are not togeddah"
No. 98293
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Umm sometimes I see Japanese Lolitas at shrines esp when it was more of a lifestyle thing awhile back. ( I didn't take this photo but here's an example )
No. 98297
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It might even be the appropriate attire lmao
No. 98300
>>98068A lot of business men go on traveler visa. They are being paid via their own currency back home so no they are not on working visa. I know some models and musicians who do the same thing.
It is not illegal to go back and forth. Though as I said earlier, doing it many times may raise suspicion you are illegally working.
You guys clearly don't know your shit. And ps. Not everyone or even many goes to live in another country just to be an average whatever is there. That's the beauty of experiencing more than one culture–picking and choosing what you want from it. If one isn't normal in their own country why would they be normal in a foreign country? Clearly there's too much glorification of normal. It's a shame because the best part of western culture is valuing individuality.
No. 98641
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>>93554 It's funny that so much time has passed that more people know about this vkei girl more than the gal one. But I'll never forget which cow came first.
No. 98834
>>98800Ohhh man has her internet persona got you fooled. Ashley only looks out for herself and her spawn. She is a conniving little bitch who will fuck over anyone who gets close to her. That's why she only has shallow friendships or internet friendships. She has a history coming all the way back from America. But it's hard to expose this user because she likes to erase her photos and lie about her past and she's an expert of playing victim. Try arguing with her when you catch her screwing you over. She will start crying and start an over dramatic self-pity soliloquy to make it look like she's the victim. Classic case of whoever cries first.
It's sad really, deep down inside I think she has middle child syndrome and some innate problem that causes her to steal things that aren't hers all the time from identities to money to small stuff like a lipstick or something. Or she's just a pathogical liar, theif and user.
It's hard to even say this because she is the type who will twist the image around to make her look like a matyr since she has all day to sharpen her internet army.
In short don't trust this bitch. And it was never about the nudes. But it's the only thing that might hurt her a little since one of the most important things to her is her reputation. If I felt really vicious I'd send these to her man-child husband whom she keeps a lot of secrets from. But I don't want to release her out in the world where she can hurt someone again. For now she's her mother-in-law's problem since neither Ashley or her husband can keep a stable income.
No. 98978
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also shes balding
No. 98997
>>98978Any other pics?
Cause that could just be bad lighting (like the whole Demo Lovato?=Poor ordeal)
No. 99041
>>98978I found pics of her at kirari haha
Howd buy that
No. 99042
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>>98999her roots are snow white ?
in this pic, its shaved on the side but you can see her part is thinning.
her hair/scalp probably cant stand the intense regimen of vkei hair styles
No. 99043
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all the 'what the fucks' aside, she might be the first cow in history to take the advice 'you are not suited to dress like ___ stop it!'
(she used to be lolita/gyaru but this vkei is sooo much better for her angular horse face.)
No. 99058
>>99042Holycrap, she really is going bald. How often does she get her hair done?
>>99043She still dresses lolita/gyaru from time to time though.
No. 99157
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No they are not friends. Bandman don't take pictures with fans unless they are paying for them. You buy a certain amount of goods at lives to get a picture with them for many small bands like that. Or for instore buy the CD. Pic related.
Her being a fan isn't the crazy thing, but she stalks this guy and thinks he really loves her because he says a few nice words when she pays to take a picture with him.
No. 99614
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Not an lolcow or snowflake but I found this hilarious. It's not even like she tries to hide it. Why are these girls so open with this kind of stuff. Is she proud of this or something?
No. 99675
>>99669that person has no fucking clue what they're on about.
i know that for people with holiday work visas they aren't supposed to work at night clubs or anything lewd, but a lot of them do. other than that you have to work in the field you get your visa in.
No. 99688
>>99678>>99675I said Maid cafes are legal but stripping is illegal. Learn to read you stupid simian fuck.
And for your work visa you can get part time job permit just like students get. You can't do any nightlife work so Gogo is a total gray area. Honestly if you did it though nobody would give a fuck.
No. 99723
>>99694Well, Sere is still violating the law being under a spouse visa and not living with her spouse nor is she taking care of her child.
Good enough reason for me to get her out. Why should immigration make a difference with her? So then everybody could just marry for a visa and live in nipponlando forever
No. 99753
>>99694This so much. They only deport prostitutes here if they're involved in a really big forced trafficking thing. Japan doesn't give a shit about hookers and it's only illegal for a man to pimp a woman. Most Japanese girls have tried being sugar babies, escorts or anything at least once. Stop a-logging. Sere is lol cow but she's not going to be deported any time soon.
>>99723Nobody is justifying her anon. The former post is only saying that the Japanese government will not invest thousands of dollars they don't have into deporting one hooker from Australia unless she assaults someone or something.
No. 99849
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>>99614just a shani clone. nothing to see here
No. 100002
>>99723Technically, yes. Or keep renewing a work visa for about 10years and paying taxes. (And yes, most of these jobs are lower paying and a lot less options and yes, you can be here for x amount of years and still have to go back because you failed to get a new visa because your shit job that provided the visa is being shitty to you. And yes, if you switch to tourist visa at any time between work visas, your cycle starts all over again and it's another 10years from there. And no, even if you make it to the 10year mark with paying all your taxes, it doesn't garuntee your stay. So get ready to get married at some point to ironically relieve your chains and be treated human or take the next option I'm going to list which is the same bullshit only you own a company and it costs a lot of money ) Or make your own company and self sponsor a business visa.
In short, marriage is the fastest way to start being treated human here
No. 100085
>>99528I honestly am so sick of hearing the same over and over about these hookers and strippers, the milk is dry, yall are beating a dead horse.
Now let's talk about horseface instead I'm dying to hear more.
No. 100308
>>100079This is alltotally true, except most of these white women are "otaku" and they think it's cool to date/marry Japanese guy the same level as it's cool to have an exotic dog for pet. Literally the same. Many of them can't even recognize which Asian guy is handsome and which is not. Basically all are hansome (same) to them. It'a a bit humiliating.
Other than that, economical status is very important for the marriage.
No. 100309
>>100308Meh- let them learn their own mistakes and most of these women you are talking about end up with Japanese guys who think the same way about them. So let them be eachother's exotic pets.
On the other hand what else do you expect when you are living in Japan. There's a higher chance of dating a Japanese guy than a guy from somewhere else because, I don't know, that's just the majority of the population.
No. 100549
>>100079In an age opf equality, this is a backstep.
>>100547Yeah, but in an age of equality, why are you pretending to be all traditional and shit? Just want your cake and to eat it too right?
No. 100555
>>100551Alright, here's something I need to get my head around: Wouldn't you fall in love with someone who's compatible with you? I've been married for 5 years now (to a Japanese man, felt this was relevant to this thread), and while I fell in love with him all these years ago, if I had felt that our lifestyle, dreams and ambitions didn't match I wouldn't have married him. I feel like love and compatibility are so closely entwined, does anyone really get married just because "he's so hot and dreamy"? Sounds like a recipe for failure.
Getting only married because you want to live in glorious NIPPON is setting yourself up for failure as well, because after some time Japan will be boring and you'll be stuck with someone you don't love. (You could of course simply wait 3 years, get PR, and then get divorced…)
No. 100557
>>100551>Just because you're a fat feminazi and guys won't buy you lunch don't cry about equality.Did you even read what you wrote?
>equality>someone paying for your shitNot how equality works, hun. Don't be mad you're a whore in sheepskin.
No. 100751
>>100736This is so not true. This is way more often in Europe and USA than in Japan. In Japan even when a politician makes something like that or if he cheats wife, it's such a shame that he has to step down.
In USA and Europe, he can become a president.
No. 101398
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Is Ksara also one of Seres 'models'?
No. 101453
>>101398No, she goes to Vatan fashion college here.
She's nice enough, but can sometimes be a little too frank and say things without thinking when she is mad.
I don't know her too well, but as far as I can tell, she won't produce much milk.
No. 101461
>>101398Annoying girl
Stole money from guys
Married for visa but didn't get one because that guy was a loser
No. 101465
>>101461Do you mean vika or ksara?
Vika wanted to marry a Japanese (who's about 15y older than her) for visa, but he didn't pay taxes so she refused since it wouldn't give her a visa.
No. 101755
>>101463i heard vika is trying to visa hop into vantan next year so she's probably just trying to get connections and *~***senpaisssss~*~*
ksara is really fucking boring i had her on fb for a month but all she posted about was vantan
No. 101776
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Gaya shut uuuuuupppppppp
No. 101836
>>101755She can't attend vantan though! You need to go through at least 12years of education in your home country or have a legal high school graduation.
Also how would she pay? With her prostitution money and her sugar daddies?
No. 101854
>>101842Nope only realschule (middle school) and not the very best diploma, she's not the brightest light bulp out there.
It's true that you can join a Japanese college via tests, but to be allowed to the tests you need either a high school diploma, or 12years of legal education
No. 101866
They don't even think about that! But act like poor little victims.
No. 101904
>>101899Nope you don't lol
It depends on the school though.
She's on one of the cheap 'alibi' ones, where the school gives a fuck if you actually attend or just use it for a two year visa
I 100% know that she doesn't have a high school diploma, since I knew her personally.
But as a proof, she finished school with 16 and went to japan with 17, first on a tourist visa and then jumped over to language school as soon as she got 18
No. 101998
>>101869 I can speak 3 languages and I'm not smart.
No. 102003
>>101998I speak 4 languages.
Speaking various languages doesn't mean you're smart, it can lead you to have it easier with learning stuff but that's not always given.
No. 102051
>>66263kek, she even obviously self posted her blog on PULL in Mira's thread back when all the drama was still hot.
>>101891I still can't believe she managed to get over $70,000 funded for her shitty comic book (which is way too similar to 'My Darling is a foreigner' for comfort). The stories she tells aren't entertaining, and the drawings are crap and colored in a knock-off photoshop app. Why do weebs eat this shit up? I'm totally in the wrong business.
No. 102363
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Yeah, Texanintokyo is pretty shit. I stopped watching her vids because I couldn't stand hearing her say "BAAAABY" "HUUUUUUNNY" one more time. Her fake cutesy voice is annoying too.
>>102360but anon! it takes a lot of effort to pump out comics like pic related!
No. 102744
>>102721There's different people in this thread dipshit
>>102728My friend used to scout in dogenzaka and told me how they all talk about her and how annoying and stalkerish she is.
No. 103851
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No. 103858
>>103851 what happens when you hang around with sere too much. Crazy after all these years that Ashley and Shiena are getting back into sex and nighttime work.
Will translate.
>I work in a kabukicho shotbar. Let's everyone happily drink. English and Japanese is okay!(I can speak either English or Japanese)Sorry if I butchered the second sentence. Couldn't think of a good translation.
No. 103867
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No. 103868
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No. 103869
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No. 103926
>>103868 shannon is getting fat again
>>103910 if you know something about jvloggers feel free to post it. there's another thread for them, i wish this thead was just about gyaru in japan b/c im more interested in shitting on them than others. and no im not meririn
No. 104445
>>104324Shani was never deported you fucking idiot, if you get that kinda record no school will accept you and immigration DEFINITELY won't let you have another student visa
After deportation they give out 5-10 year bans so clearly you're lying
Katie never did prostitution - literally none of them are friends with sere anymore
Ashley seems to keep to herself these days so who CARES
literaly nobody cares about ksara either
What is your obsession like are you ok??
No. 104491
>>104481Katie isn't illegal
Shani isn't illegal
Ashley isn't illegal
Shienna isn't illegal
Gaya isn't illegal
The only person left is Sere. She's literally the only problem
If the rest are just living happy weeb lives - leave them be
No. 105164
File: 1457927999150.png (310.1 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Gonna send her dad the porn.
He must be proud
No. 105222
>>105220 sending her dad her porno lol
gaya needs her own thread serious
No. 105228
>>105222>>105220Screenshots or link to the porn stuff.
It doesn't even pay well, especially not this amateur shit. I know some porn actresses and also some porn producers of high quality stuff and you usually get about 120$ a shot some get less and the most is about 500$.
For this low class shit, even as a speciul foreigner you only get about 50-100$ max
No. 105262
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Fun in Nippon
No. 105276
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No. 105278
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sayonara nippon
No. 105284
>>105281Lmao that would be funny. A bunch of immigration officers gathered round a porno
"Now, theres only one way for you to get of out deportation, miss"
No. 105287
>>105278I'm on mobile so can't link but she's wearing the same dress from that video in one of her IG posts from 7 weeks ago minus the jacket
This girl looks like that ebonybee girl too, but idk I don't think she'd really be into making porn
No. 105308
>>105298no. if you are on a spouse visa you can do it. the real question is why.
i know a french woman that worked in an adult shop. she's on a marriage visa. then go asked to do a porn. her husband is also in 'the industry' so he was fine with it and there were no problems
No. 105328
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Delandra was in porn too.ew at least Shani has a decent body lol.
No. 105329
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No. 105374
>>105363his head game must've been whack lol
Bitch is asleep
No. 105725
>>105525Link is safe. Fc2 is Japanese pornhub.
>>105531Agreed. Unless you plan on getting married in Japan you won't live there forever.
No. 105881
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is this her instagram? I still have the page open from before she made it private lol
No. 106035
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>>84864idk but she gross af and cant nihongo
No. 106041
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who is this
No. 106270
>>106128Wait mayumi? The british japanese girl?
She's fucking insane, has sugar daddies, hostesses legally and is in s fucking on/off lightswitch relationship with some yellow fever American guy who she beats up then he beats her up then she beats him back up
She's creepily possessive of him considering he's ugly which is hilarious
Like when he goes anywhere she'll call him a billion times to make sure there are no girls, then call his friends to also make sure there are no girls
No. 106294
>>106270Mayumi is fucking lovely so who cares what job she has. Shut the fuck up OP, you know 0.
PS her ex is the psychopath. If its Mayumi, please tell me when she spent time in prison for "beating him"….?
Oh, she didnt!!!!
No. 106316
>>106294Her ex went to prison for beating her and she STILL got back together with him?
She might not be a cow, but she's clearly fucking stupid
No. 107291
>>107290English is obviously not your first language you eurotrash piece of shit. What I'm saying is that you guys try to use morals and PULL type logic on this website and provide slim to no milk. I would expect Japanese girls to get STDs and be stupid about sex more than any American or European or Australian girl here. Ofc Shani is stupid and gross as fuck for being cum inside on porn but the average girl isn't doing that shit.
>syphilis strain with no cureLol no. Syphilis is easily cured by penicillin. It isn't the 1700s.
No. 107293
>>107291Even with the cum inside porn, I honestly don't believe that she'd have done it without having a thorough STD check with the other actor. In fact I thought that it was generally just done practice for actors to share std check results
It's not regular prostirution where the customer is trying to get his dick wet no matter what, it would have taken planning and consideration
If you look at the hooker gaijin in Japan's ads, it always says covered/condom play only so you guys are really reaching on this
No. 107295
>>107275They're just trying to work and earn money. That's literally it. The only person glamourising it is sere (and maybe Gaya, with boasting about being the prettiest girl in the date cafe)
Sex work is a job. That's all it is. There are sex workers, escorts, porn stars, sugar babies and cam girls everywhere so why are you so obsessed with these girls? Why are you trying to shove your agenda on them?
I understand if it's girls like sere but (to my knowledge correct me if I'm wrong) has Shani ever talked about it online? Or bragged about it, or anything at all? She seems to keep herself to herself but you're still all so so so mad about everything
And don't try to make some shit excuse like "they're giving foreigners a bad name, jap guys think all gaijin are hookers" well jap guys think anyone's a hooker if you throw money at them look at them tryina pick up high schoolers on the street come on
No. 107297
>>107288lol pretty sure no one was insinuating that glorious nippon was moral free. Bragging rights to being paid to have your 3Ps on the internet doesn't faze these girls and it's sad because when it comes time to get an actual job later down the line when their looks run dry this shit could be easily discovered.
also since shani is clearly lurking this thread please take our advice and at least cover up if you're doing nakadashi
>>107295shani has bragged about fucking "movie stars" and getting free datura or w/e but I see your point. Other than that she's not too much of a snow flake
No. 107301
>>107299the sad thing is a lot of the girls in this thread think japan is a magical place where they can start over. And in some ways I can see why; no one knows you.
But about these lies? Do continue
No. 107313
>>107310Where are you getting your information from, she's on really good terms with her parents and her brother. They're always talking on Facebook
Now I know you're just making shit up but maybe try harder next time if you're that obsessed with her you should at least have more solid info :)
No. 108694
>>108661i dont know mang.
i think there are a lot of weebs who honest to god think japan is like anime or like the harajuku fashion walk where they will "be accepted for who they are," no matter how "quirky" they dress or act.
they dont want anyone to shatter that naive dream, so they dont listen to any advice or research about real japanese society. then they go to japan and shockerrrrr you will never fit in.
No. 109756
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>>109755I was lurking os Seeking Arrangement to see if I could find Margo and found this
>About MeI like many types of men, but someone who can make me laugh is the best. I'm a student here in Tokyo. I prefer men over 30 years old. When I'm not studying I enjoy fashion, watching documentaries, trying new foods and going to museums. 色んなタイプが好きですが面白いタイプが一番好きです。アメリカから来た東京に住んでる学生だ。30歳上男の方が好きです。勉強してないとファション、ドキュメンタリーと珍しい料理に興味があります。6年間ぐらい日本語をべんきょうしてるけどまだペラペラじゃないと思います。教えてください。 I can speak Japanese and English:) I'm a young student, and while I'm young my dreams are big. I'd like to be discrete and have fun, so I would get along with someone similar:) I'm well traveled, and have a lot of experiences. I appreciate honesty
What I'm looking for
Looking for a mentor-like figure to give me some business pointers, while having fun dates for the both of us. I think the point of this website is for both parties to have fun! :) Help with the ever rising university tuition costs as well as shopping and nice restaurants are perks, but I would appreciate the presence of a gentleman. I don't mind someone coming for business or for short meet. My time and presence however, is valuable so of course I am selective of who I spend it with. No. 109834
>>109756There goes our pure ami :^)
I wonder how her fans are gonna react when jcock spreads this around
No. 109984
>>109891 that German aidoru girl
Keekihime agreed to a Japanese guy that she would marry him and their dirty conversations were leaked. He even gave her 3 grand so she could come to Japan and when she came she ditched him. Even though all that shit happened she was still hired by an aidoru company and they even got her a visa. So one little picture that may even be a fake profile by Himeka/Micky won't do much damage.
No. 109987
>>109982Being a prostitute and that's sorry not sorry what a sugar babe is, IS indeed illegal. She sells sex for money.
And also the sugar babe goes under 風俗
No. 110001
>>109756she has a paid premium account. I actually went on seeking arrangements when I was struggling financially. Didn't go on any dates as a good friend quickly convinced me not to after telling me that facts. I'm so happy that I didn't do it in the end because these men 99% of the time always expect sex or some kind of fetish stuff. I was naive.
All I'm gonna say is that from research online is that most sugar babies also work in other parts of the sex industry. I always wondered how anima was surviving a degree in Japan. Any degree abroad is far from cheap as it's hard to get financial aid.
Of course the white Knights are gonna protect innocent anima. amina is trying to become famous and has a lot of influence on teenage western girls tho. I don't care about Sere but amina doing this is really stupid.
Anon I tried to search but couldn't find her profile. Do you have a link of the text bit? We still don't know that this isn't a fake tbh
No. 110016
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>>110006Ikemen suki (
she stalks gaya everyday
No. 110018
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No. 110025
>>110002Most gaijin sex workers don't do this either. Sere is one of a few open about it. I was just using sere as an example. So it's okay for little innocent kawaii amina to be doing sex work as an aspiring idol that so many girls look up to but for other girls who don't have a following it's not?
No. 110036
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Who is this? She look like she had zika virus from birth
No. 110039
>>110036She looks like a horse
Friends with shannon and ashley
No. 110047
>>110029Hey sere
Why do you talk like that about your besr friend gaya :(?
We know you are samefagging
No. 110048
>>109987Being a sugar baby is not the same as being a prostitute. With prostitutes you're paying for one session of sex, and just sex. With sugar babies the person basically had a gf/bf or friend who they help financially, and will see more than once. More often than not, they will go on dates or hang out. You don't get that with a prostitute. Another thing, there are sugar daddies/mommies who don't want sex from their sugar babies. Another difference is sugar babies are boosting general things about themselves, what they like, what their hobbies are, hopes and dreams. To find a suitable partner. Prostitutes boost sexual skills.
At first, it may look the same, but it's definitely not, there's things that separate the two. It also sperates it from sex work.
Sage for OT
No. 110056
>>110044Learn how to quote. Also making such a statement proofs that your some jelly piece of trash yourself. I don't mind ppl going after host dicks, I mean, she doesn't even life in Japan, so having fun during vacation time is a totally ok thing.
She's hating sere out of both causes tho there was some fight going on her tumblr some months ago
No. 110059
>>110018>22 She wishes
>to spoil me and spoil back You prostitute yourself to pay for sex while having abandoned two children…wow
>interested in girls n boys Interested in money and to complete your std collection.
May someone post this in her thread maybe? Adding the link to it?
No. 110060
>>110018>22 She wishes
>to spoil me and spoil back You prostitute yourself to pay for sex while having abandoned two children…wow
>interested in girls n boys Interested in money and to complete your std collection.
May someone post this in her thread maybe? Adding the link to it?
No. 110061
>>110018>22 She wishes
>to spoil me and spoil back You prostitute yourself to pay for sex while having abandoned two children…wow
>interested in girls n boys Interested in money and to complete your std collection.
May someone post this in her thread maybe? Adding the link to it?
No. 110071
>>110063>You sound like you read too many tumblr SB blogs.I'm speaking from experience, and research.
>I also thought that till I realised that the majority of sugar babies are or have been escorts before. In speaking from experience.
That's not true, while a small amount might be, there's many that aren't.
>But I'm not stupid enough to believe that sugar babies aren't sex workersThey aren't though. They aren't being paid for sex. They usually in a relationship or friends with them and do more than just have sex. Porn stars and prostitutes are sex workers because they are being paid to have sex. A sugar baby is bringing more to the table than just sex, and even then, as I said before, not everyone's looking for that.
>The world ain't cupcakes and kawaii idorus.Nobody thinks that, but the misinformation being posted just to have some milk is annoying.
No. 110101
>>84510She didn't.
She is dumb like all her other friends
No. 110113
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Present for my lovely anons
No. 110140
no way to get it. But it's her, i can confirm it. She's now embarrassed and went private
>>110139yes she is
>Hi Aminaaaaaaaa No. 110147
>>110146Shani is on the photo
Shannon? Really? Where?
No. 110154
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She married her ugly boyfriend
No. 130946
File: 1463368426635.jpg (18.75 KB, 320x320, 13151203_871352702994559_43887…)

What about this girl.
I've seen her sooo many times, at Anime conventions,
little Tokyo(LA), Japanese events, and
J-rock concerts ( like the resent one I went to,
the GazettE). She always wears the same clothes,and
shoes. Looks like a horse, long nose. Actually found
out that she's 3 years younger than me, and I thought
she was 50 yrs old. And I think she's a groupie, cause
I see pictures of her, at Japan, going around,
stalking band guys, and probably sleeping with them.
Which is sooo gross( cause she's ugly as fuck).
And found her FB page, her name is Dania Gutierrez
No. 130947
File: 1463368659171.jpg (28.36 KB, 320x320, 926535_793874707299986_2080121…)

yeah, hangs out with this two
I just checked her Instagram, she really wears the same clothes all the time.
No. 130948
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her without makeup (GROSS!!)
No. 130950
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No. 130951
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at the GazettE concert, May 3rd