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No. 821211
Last time
>Shuwu moved to a new place and it isn't her fiance's apartment. Preg still won't marry her.>Wishes Lauren Southern farewell and to have many babies>On the other hand still tries hard to get into leftie circles, references copmala>Nobody wants to accept her though so she has meltdowns dailySummary of Shoe’s past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. (Note: The sword and door pics are not her.)>Befriended a unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet. Also cheated on this guy with Skeptic.>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Summary of Skeptic’s past:
>Blamed (still blames) his parents for his intellectual failures and his general stupidity because, in his words, “they weren’t smart enough to raise a genius.”>Goes to a community college and majors in art. Shortly after he fails out.>Made a shitty web comic for three years that was on the same level as Sonichu from ages 19-21. (he was willing to make more of these comics in 2015 when he was 31)>Becomes a Messianic Jew, first cult he joined, and goes into debt from doomsday prepping. Believes in crazy conspiracy theories, like “The Simpsons” can predict the future.>Becomes an atheist because of Amazing Atheist videos. Joins Atheism+, his second cult. Atheism+ guys can’t stand him and eventually dox him to make him go away.>Spent loads of money on man-child toys and would hide them from his wife.>Cheats on his wife with various women (Shoe0nhead, Jenny McDermott, and a catfish who went by River, including a few other unknown women). His wife found out and sent messages to these women telling them to not contact him anymore. Shortly after, he gets a divorce and immediately starts publically dating Shoe.Present situation
>Shoe: 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills. >No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit and spends all her money on bing bing wahoo toys - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form an argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy gothic nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guidette with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. (this includes looking through posts and tweets with the word “shoe” in them)>Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd" >Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points. Venti later went and made Shuwu Saga vids, one of which was taken down twice. >Still never made that video with Lauren Southern because her fans have the memory of a goldfish and she didn’t need to appease them anymore.>Tries to make an LGBT artist’s suicide attempt about her. Acted like he already died for pity points.>Goes on to say she was friends with him when she barely ever talked to him and was planning to make a video about him, but never does.>Goes to Vidcon wearing obvious butt pads and was laughed at online for it. >Brought up in a ‘would you rather’ video that people believe her bf has Jacob’s Syndrome (aka a retard). However it doesn’t seem like she realizes it says more about her MENSA IQ dom daddy than it does about those who believe that.>Even though she said she would only make LGBT videos for pride month, she goes and makes an extremely low effort (even lower than usual) video on Gorillaz. In it she “””debunks””” a religious zealot who thinks rock-and-roll is the devil with an argument that boils down to just “yeah.”>After Vidcon, her bf released a 40-minute long vlog packed to the brim with cringe and disgusting close-ups of his face.>Soon after, Shoe released a video where she goes to a gun range with Blaire White, and lies nonstop. Claims to have only gone to a gun range once and being afraid of guns in the video despite the fact her gun nut ex took her to gun ranges all the time and owning a gun.>Threw a few temper tantrums on twitter because people gave her the slightest criticism.>Deleted her, as well as unlisted videos on both her main and side channel. Wouldn’t want anyone seeing she’s not a ~thicc smol pwecious uwu~>Shits on women who joke about drinking wine, then proceeds to make chicken tendies REEE xDDD jokes>Posts one tweet that's somewhat pro-woman (criticizes r/theredpill for being manipulative and abusive), gets shit on by her fanbase hard so she quickly goes back to defending MRAs>Lately has been shitting out bad videos faster than usual, obviously in need of quick beta bux>It's been noticed that Mister Metokur (Jim) has been avoiding to criticize her and Preg even though he has no problem with criticizing whatever thing skeptic community does. >Trying to start an internet fight with a radfem church, failing miserably. >Tries to suck up to Shane Dawson, James Charles and Jeffree Star but fails miserably >>739113>Greg gets scammed out of $1000 for a Darth Vader mask >>732346>Gets thrown under the bus by Contrapoints again >>733857>Sneaks into a pedo dm group and calls their pedo convos "just basically creepy fetish talk" >>748153>Unlists Ghostbusters vid where she called Leslie Jones a gorilla >>746617Last thread
>>>/snow/756206 No. 821212
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No. 821805
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>>821739It's been 1.5 years sunce they got engaged, no marriage in sight.
Have this old preggy tweet for lols.
No. 822102
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>>821884sorry for blogging
but I've dated a guy like him, it's this game they like to play where they see their SO as nothing but sex/money/emotional punching bag, whatever instead of like an actual partner
the trick is to just ignore them and distance themselves from you so that you chase them because they know their partner is emotionally vulnerable and has low self-esteem, when their partner starts to get a grip and realizing they ain't shit they'll love bomb (ie engagement) to reel them back in, and start the process all over again
it gets emotionally exhausting and ruins any self-esteem you have, june self-esteem was already in the gutter I can only imagine what emotional issues greg has caused her, the thing is the emotional abuser is the master manipulator so he's pretty much convinced her "it's not emotional abuse I'm just busy/it's the law/whatever excuse he can find"
as many issues I have with June, the best thing to do is leave ASAP when he keeps playing games, don't wait for him to lovebomb, don't even let him, call him out and go, Greg is NOT worth the emotional trauma and she can easily do better if she tried
(blogpost) No. 822128
>>822102Does this dude ever even lovebomb her? I can't recall him doing so.
I think you're projecting a bit. Sure, he's stringing her along. But to call it emotional abuse is a leap. He probably just went with the engagement to indulge what he thinks of as her silly feminine fantasy, and then forgot all about it.
No. 822206
>>822128>Does this dude ever even lovebomb her? I can't recall him doing so. Most likely not publically but we all get little glimpses into their life, one week "I love you so much June you beautiful princess here's a ring" next week she's a fade of his memory, he takes her out his bio and she's trying to get his attention on Twitter which tells me he ignores her randomly and often
I consider the engagement a lovebomb from him
>But to call it emotional abuse is a leapIs it though? We only see so much of the relationship on the outside and that enough is concerning to others, like how the BDSM guru was worried for June if she was being abused
No. 822245
>>822223Looks like the strawman baiters are out again today
Go back to your ice cream and Tumblr Bertha
No. 822250
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No. 822462
>>822250Greg is so easily butthurt, I love it. He always looks so damn childish whenever he goes on these tirades trying to defend himself.
>>822206>she's trying to get his attention on TwitterLol
No. 823635
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So she's basically gender-bent version of her father.
No. 823767
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God he's such a cringey sperg.
No. 823830
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No. 823852
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>>823830So I saw this thread on pol yesterday and was surprised to find most were defending chad and saying the people who did the study were fat guys (like pregory) and it was based on the opinions of fat sluts (like shoe) so no surprises she agrees with this kek.
No. 823954
>>823830when will she let this go, jesus christ
i would have thought it literally impossible for someone to be THIS obsessed with people's appearances, and then she takes it one step forward and defends the appearance of an absolute tub of lard. i'm so sure going off the kind of things that she's said in the past, calling average chicks landwhales and whatnot, that if she wasn't trapped in this baseless relationship with preggy she would be railing on his body type day in and day out.
No. 824018
>>823830>dad/bod/beer gut/beefy armshow hard is it for her to just say she's attracted to fat men? Like why does she need to use colorful terminology that is equivalent to calling a fat women thicc/curvy/large chest etc? Is it to make herself feel better? It's so obvious she needs to keep voicing this because she has a giant insecurity in finding Shreg attractive, she has to keep "justifying" it and prove that it's normal.
What's actually not normal is how obsessed she is with talking about it, everyone is aware of most women preferring men "bigger" than them, whether its through being tall, fat or fit. The differences, being attractive to fit men means you also prefer someone who is willing to maintain their looks compared to guys who just eats a shit ton or was just born tall.
No. 824019
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>>823995There is a lot of things going that prevents them from breaking up, and love certainly isn't one of them
June's side
- Built her entire brand on being a cool girl, to the point of pretending to be a bisexual ("but only for threesomes with septic tee hee!")
- Having a fat daddy dom bf is another part of her brand too
- Breaking up with him because he's unfaithful would portray that she has minimum expectations of men she dates and that wouldn't sit well with her fanbase
- Nearing 30s and still single - she makes fun of women like that
- Shit self-esteem
- She probably finds it endearing to be a mommy to her retarded bf
Though, seeing that she's trying to portray herself as leftist and have liberal audience might make her get rid of septic and turn her brand around. Except nobody on the left/liberal side is buying it.
Preg's side
- His career is failing, through June he still gets some exposure
- Same with money, she sends her earnings to him because she's his submissive babby uwu
- She lets him cheat since she can't risk losing her cool girl image
- Since he's career is dead and he's also fat, ugly and retarded, he probably has harder times finding women who will give him attention (like that camgirl)
- June is cucked enough to be fine with moving close enough so he can fuck her when he feels like it, but at the same time he doesn't let her move in with him even though they've been engaged for more than a year now.
- Basically she is his paypig and fuckbuddy and as long as he doesn't have to live with her 24/7, he benefits from the relationship.
No. 824060
>>823995Like you I also doubt it would happen but imo it would be the opposite, I feel the ~submissive bean~ really is just an act because shes shown before she can get
triggered and go on massive rants about the most inane of things. She would have an army of neckbeards defending m'ladys honor if they did break up so it could go either way imo.
No. 824215
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No. 824216
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No. 824225
>>824216Confirming what we all knew, that she has zero attention span and is the exact type of reactionary carrier virus who spreads fake news.
Tho I'm a bit stunned she didn't delete the original tweet per her coward mo.
Also how how how is she
still going on about shit like this, get a fucking life June please.
No. 824338
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>>824330I was just scrolling, and I realized her face reminds me of the Italian rat from Zootopia that was based on Snooki, but far less cute.
No. 824375
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No. 824382
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how can someone manage to look so different
No. 824451
>>824430She's an italian.
She has a natural olive skin tone.
Oh and italians aren't "white"(not raceb8ing btw)
No. 824471
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>>824451When Americans talk about Italians not being white, they think of descendants of south Italians, or more likely Sicilians and Sardinians who have darker skin since, historically, they had contact with North Africa.
If you visited North Italy, you wouldn't see a difference between regular "white" Europeans and "non-white" Italians.
Anyways not to go too much off topic, Shuwu is going on a crusade against YouTube for flagging her video as being anti-LGBT. Now I'm having flashbacks of Shuwu calling herself "YouTube employer" and blocking someone who told her she isn't one.
No. 824489
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Some tea from kiwi
No. 824500
>>823830>wahmen have to have big perky tits, wide hips, a big round butt and an itty bitty waist or else they're fat, gross and lazy>dad bod on guys is hot though uwu>healthy strong men are grossnotice how it's always insecure women who admittly only like guys with dad bods because you don't have to worry about cheating (kek)
attractive and secure women know their worth and that they can obtain someone they genuinely find attractive and not jump through hoops to convince themselves that lazy skinny fats are superior
No. 825284
>>824489Highly doubt the nudes part actually happened
the rest seems plausible
No. 825752
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No. 825753
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No. 825840
>>825792pretty sure they mean it in a double entendre way, like she's a cancer sign/she
is cancer.
No. 825854
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No. 825884
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No. 826062
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>>825854…..people buy this….
No. 826066
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Also she got called out again recently, her fanbase defending her like crazy in the comment section
>B-but I was only 25 when I tweeted this you dumb piece of shit!!!!
You'll never be accepted in the left/liberal circles June
No. 826220
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she'll make any excuse to complain about women huh
No. 826251
>>826220womens issue literally means "affects women", nothing deeper or political about it except for anyone looking to be ~offended~. it doesn't automatically mean that men are not also affected. likewise muh suicide stats is a mens issue as it predominantly involves men, but this does not mean women are excluded or dont commit suicide, men just do it more therefore it's a mens issue
dont know why shoe and every altliter gets mad over these semantics, especially when "mens issue" exists as a term yet they never cry about that
No. 827280
Did anyone watch Dusty absolutely destroy shoe0nhead? I loved when he called out her using a quote from a book character as evidence of how evil feminism is. It was wild.
>>824375>>824740No, because then they'd have to give up on the sweet money they're milking out of the LGBT community.
No. 827894
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Shuwu streamed NBC on her channel and got struck with a copyright 90 day ban.
No. 827895
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No. 827916
>>827895genuinely curious, how does this happen? did she get copyright-striked one time too many?
(i mean it's definitely possible seeing how lately her videos are 70% footage from the actual material she's responding to)
No. 827926
>>827895I guess her boyfriend’s retardation is rubbing off on her.
Get married already June, not even the low-quality camera is enough to hide the fact that you’re BASICALLY 30 and when you’re older, people aren’t very nice to you anymore.
No. 828382
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June is livetweeting the debate right now. It's not interesting, just cringy. No. 829465
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Preg back at it again liking pictures of random girls.
No. 831275
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>>829599Not only she's fetishizing Tulsi, she's getting inspiration from 4chan too so even her cool girl shit is just copypasted from anonymous 4chan posts.
No. 831500
>>831275pretty much, and its been confirmed all the yang and tulsi threads on /pol/ were made by shills too lel.
so she pretty much only supported tulsi because "4chan" liked her, but it wasnt actual 4channers to begin with
No. 831652
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Screenie from KF
No. 831676
>>831652Pls spoil this next time
barfsHas she talked about her engagement or any plans for a wedding? Lol knowing shreg it ain't happening anytime soon
No. 831721
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>>821517I feel like the reason she gets so many views is that even though her critiques of feminism are crappy, it's still a rare sight amongst anti-feminists, who hold girls like these up as a shield.
She has no brain. It's simply the anti-feminists trying to find some sort of credibility vicariously though her. And since she's so retarded, it's pissing into an empty bucket.
No. 831724
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>>824471Was it this exchange on Twitter?
No. 832136
>>831652he's curvier than June lmao, he looks liek a rubenesque woman kek. also you can just
feel him straining to suck in that gut. AND the dreamworks face! all in all, an extremely cursed image
No. 832251
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also dusty:
>she is the number one speaker on feminism in the world right now
No. 834142
>>827926lol. I hate misogyny/ageism but in her case it will be KARMA once she's on the other side and she recieves hate from both men and younger women for being a worthless 30 year old 'female'. The next generation of tradthots and redpilled gen Z female tards are gonna have a blast with her.. before it's their turn to hit the wall and the repeat until eternity.
Patriarchal/"traditional"/antifeminist women are just so fucking sad.
No. 835517
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So Preg and Juwune are trying their hardest to show how they are not centrist anymore and have gone full left.
Preg took the political compass test 3 times in one day to show us all, as expected of a tard.
No. 835522
>>835517Meanwhile Shuwu made a whole video about it on her new political commentary channel named "Brainlet".
Of course her test also turned out to be same as Preg, totally a lefty now so no more fenceshitting right? (Result at 6:28)
Maybe Contra senpai will finally notice her now uwu
No. 835545
>>825753wait judging from the background, is shoe living in Kingston, Canada now?
for non-Canadian anons, Kingston is university town with no prospects if you aren't going to school there. most people living there that don't go to school are either over 50 years old or are deadbeat. it's only notable because it's famous for one of the largest prisons in Canada lol.
No. 836462
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No. 836466
>>836462Guarantee that if armoured skepdick was short this would be the June & random Internet personality thread.
She’s just as shallow as any other girl, otherwise she’d be dating that fat fuck who leaked her nudes.
No. 836558
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>>836462if preg was 5'6 or under, their pictures would be so much funnier.
>june why are we sitting on the ground?>SHUT UP AND SMILE LAUREN No. 838850
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So Bianca Devins, an e-girl who posted herself on 4chan (something shuwu used to do in the past) got murdered and pictures of her dead got leaked by her murderer. He posted it on her own discord, 4chan, instagram and not only that but 4chantards are spamming the pictures everywhere (please don't search bianca devins related tags on instagram)
What does Shuwu do? Instead of expressing condolences or maybe warning people that exposing your identity on anonymous message boards can be very dangerous (remember Kenny shuwu?)…..she decides to whiteknight nice guys on 4chan because Bianca's murderer "was a friend, not a stalker"
They met only 2 months before he murdered her, and even though her family got to know him, he was still a 4chantard, he was still a "nice guy" (aka a sick piece of shit).
It's disgusting where her priorities are.
No. 838857
>>838850Sameanon, I also forgot to mention that her murderer was a /r9k/ poster and so was she.
Juwune is a piece of shit
No. 838875
>>838850Holy shit what about her having sort of known him for two months makes him
not be a nice guy
TM its a behaviour, its a pattern, characteristic etc
WHO HEARS ABOUT A MURDER AND DECIDES TO WHITE KNIGHT PARTS OF THE SITUATION? Like she died but hey he wasnt a NiCegUyTM, even though he literally did everything that describes the trope. The world would literally be better off if Pregory could suffer a "niceguy" attack tm and maybe just take them both out of this universe cause they do nothing but harm.
No. 838914
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does anybody know what was said to her?
No. 838928
>>838850It seems like she’s trying to blame the deceased teenage murder
victim for befriending this guy in the first place.
No sympathy or remorse for the
victim and the loss of this girl’s family and friends… just standing up for the r9k incel who murdered her because they had gone out on dates before he did? They still met on r9k discords and there’s even chatlogs between them where she talks about how she didn’t even want to meet him the first time. It’s obvious he was an overbearing “nice guy” taking advantage of a dumb teenager and weaselling his way into controlling her (meeting her family).
No. 838941
>>838928I think that she's trying to "protect" /r9k/ incels from being scrunitized by claiming he was her family's friend and unrelated to 4chan and its cancerous culture where women get their lives endangered if they reveal their identity. Basically /r9k/ is full of fucked up men and tons of psychos post there but Shuwu is still trying to baby them.
Which baffles me because she herself had bad experiences with these fuckups. Posted herself on /soc/ and /r9k/, befriended few of them and met them IRL. She was just lucky enough that they weren't psychopathic enough to kill her, "only" stole her phone and leaked her personal shit to everyone. Probably much more shit happened that we don't even know of.
She could have used her own experience to warn other girls what type of predators lurk there but noooooo, she decides to defend those shitheads instead.
(Also I'm aware she got her orbiters mostly on unichan but it's the same shit, if not even creepier than /r9k/)
>>838914>dying wifewtf
No. 838977
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shuwu can’t rub her two brain cells together to realize that “met her family” does not mean it’s true that he was a “family friend”. if Brittany and shuwu use this girl’s death to throw cheap insults each others way that’ll be a new low for them both.
No. 838985
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>>838977Someone already pointed it out and got blocked.
No. 838989
>>838977Anyone finds that "Bianca's friend" account strange?
">He was a family friend. He met her mom"
Doesn't mention they met 2 months prior to the murder.
>"He was not an incel"Was proven to be a /r9k/ poster
>"He frequently fought with her"Uh…and that proves what exactly?
Sure he wasn't a stalker, he was still a /r9k/cel with psychotic nice guy tendencies.
And June jumped on defending nice guys first, who cares about the
victim right?
No. 839127
>>838977the replies to that tweet are atrocious
'do the people who are saying you're pandering to men realize how sexist towards men that sounds?'
how exactly????
No. 839324
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I feel bad for her mom
No. 839412
>>838977>that girl's death>i corrected the story>i'm "pandering to men"careful shoe, your rampant hatred for women is showing
i legit can't believe this bitch would sink so low. as if somehow the fact that this guy "totally wasn't a stalker or nice guy TM or anything of that sort you guys it was a trusted friend" makes this whole situation any less tragic. like this "correction of the narrative" takes precedence over the insane crime the man committed.
how dare she use someone's death - a heinous murder, no less - to suck neckbeard chode.
No. 839417
>>839412samefag but an article on the incident reads:
>This was the fifth murder in Utica this year and the fourth female victim.put that in your uwu narrative correction shitsoup, shoe
No. 839556
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No. 839647
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>>838850saw this in some screenshots supposedly from Bianca's discord. immediately thought of june.
No. 839749
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No. 841290
File: 1563663140395.png (138.51 KB, 432x413, Screenshot_20190719-183355(1).…)

bridal dresses bookmarked
No. 841309
>>841290I thought that was milanoo bookmarked next to it for a sec.
why is she bothering to show a static shot of her twitter profile if she's not going to interact with it?
No. 842149
File: 1563796141742.png (122.71 KB, 547x743, Untitled.png)

No. 842975
File: 1563916203546.jpg (190.96 KB, 826x388, 000734.jpg)

This is from years ago but I was watching a video where Jaclyn, Arielle Scarcella and another girl were talking about figuring out your sexuality and Shuwu was in the comments. I still don't understand why she calls herself bisexual, and idn't her ex friend say that she would give blowjobs to her boyfriends? Was she lying to her friend or was she lying in this comment?
No. 843040
>>842149this reminds me of the whole “i don’t like anime or video games” argument she would never let go of despite posting pictures of new games (even recently with let’s go eevee for the switch lmao) and wearing girly loli shit to (as always) pander to her orbiters.
she’s so gross and disingenuous it’s actually starting to hurt. i bet in a month or two from now she’s going to post a picture of her reading one because she completely lacks in personality and original thought only to compensate with the incel neckbeard praise she gets on her shooped body and her obsessive misogynist tendencies. can this bitch hit menopause already?
No. 843136
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No. 843653
File: 1564010849767.jpg (110.87 KB, 738x850, OVZmrmu.jpg)

No. 843760
>>843136This dumb bitch
"The LGBT need to talk about this"
According to yourself shoe, that includes you. Instead you're too busy 'dunking' on those dumb women to notice tranny freaks like this. Besides that the Lesbian community has been super vocal about this shit but that makes us terfs. She's gone the brain the size of a walnut
No. 844514
File: 1564178547938.jpeg (119.84 KB, 743x836, 256750D7-8FF8-4938-8995-C3CB5F…)

>>842450Wouldn’t surprise me since he is one of her loyal reply-guys on twitter anyways.
No. 844946
File: 1564266353749.jpeg (257.28 KB, 750x707, 3B39BAF4-5947-4D14-9714-17C022…)

Shoe is at it again, claiming to be the president of “breadtube” meanwhile everyone is actually laughing at her>>844845he sperged out pretty hard and banned his own girlfriend from his discord, it was funny and pathetic to watch
No. 845014
>>844946Holy shit I'm interested to know more. I think we have a breadtube forum in ot so post the details there.
Lmao shoe actually thinking she's part of breadtube, she doesn't even say shit that comes close to the breadtube groupthink.
No. 845030
File: 1564281673564.png (256.11 KB, 611x1912, ian miles cheong's favorite tw…)

>twitter and it's "this tweet is unavailable" nonsense when it's very available if you just click the link to the tweet. REEE etc No. 845102
>>845030the sad thing is though is that out of all of this, shuwu will only be
triggered over being called a WOMAN and not a ~13 year old looking girl~ kek.
No. 845165
File: 1564319119642.jpg (65.72 KB, 559x786, 67.JPG)

"It's SJWs fault I was a /pol/ pandering pick me whore tee hee"
No. 845281
File: 1564345727887.jpg (122.08 KB, 747x649, KABLSHJ.jpg)

No. 845622
>>845512Imagine having no original personality that you depend on mental illness to give you one
What kinda Tumblr bullshit is this
No. 846644
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No. 846852
File: 1564624625558.png (233.47 KB, 578x524, engagement2.png)

>>846850doubleposting to confirm that it was still 2017
No. 846864
File: 1564625182861.png (1.1 MB, 571x2286, demdebatesround4.png)

cringy YAAAS KWEENing Tulsi and Yang, of course
No. 846931
File: 1564628528360.png (443.95 KB, 555x1615, yas kween slay kween.png)

no idea why "take a screenshot" insists on putting the search twitter bar in the cap
No. 847410
File: 1564711636987.png (781.78 KB, 740x657, ft2JpQx.png)

No. 847801
File: 1564790471755.png (56.48 KB, 584x376, political june.png)

people who "stan" meme candidates shouldn't vote.
No. 848149
File: 1564863649534.jpg (5.36 KB, 122x108, outedbyskebtic.jpg)

holy fuck skeptic outed her so badly in this one picture lol. looks nothing like how she looks in her 360p youtube videos where she tricks her orbiters into saying "you literally look 13 oh my g o d loli dream girl" in the comments, she looks flat out 30 there. also her eyes are basically touching each other kek
No. 848370
File: 1564895358932.jpg (103.97 KB, 1200x800, Dnz0d4tWsAET6no.jpg)

>>848149original pic from mythcon, before he cropped it and tweaked the contrast/saturation
No. 848836
File: 1564987930820.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1626, Screenshot_20190805-015210(1).…)

Fucking shit
No. 848899
>>848822>>848854well it was said that shuwu looks her age and just not the whole uwu 13 year old thing she and her orbiters push
>>848823they both look like shit in terms of their eyes i'd say lol
No. 848998
>>848370how are they not a meme?
they look like ridiculous cariactures here
like the fat ugly stinky kid who wears nothing but monster energy drink hats and cookie monster shirts and I love boobies bracelets grew up, picked out the cheapest suit pieces and glasses at goodwill and threw it on
June looks like that annoying girl who constantly begs for attention but pretends to hate it and relies on hair and makeup to look good because her face structure is shit, also stuffs her bra/ass, annoying sits with the biggest groups of guys and copycats them to fit in because she has no original personality
he hates her and bitches to all his side hoes and bros about how annoying she is but only stays with her for her money and doesn't wanna admit it
No. 849391
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No. 849392
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No. 849433
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>>849391>>849392I feel so OSTRACIZED from the LEFT because I say FEMINISM is DOODOO
No. 849444
>>847410shouldn't it be fiancée? unless he is trying to say "to the best engaged man a man could ask for"
mensa level iq, you guys
No. 850082
File: 1565205325151.png (90.07 KB, 1030x545,…)

June might've been disliking posts in her thread on kiwifarms lol
No. 850157
File: 1565221021233.png (17.06 KB, 592x182, uh when.PNG)

>>850144It's cause Brittany Venti made a callout post about her not fixing Ollie in response to June calling out the girl who hit her dog for views. The responses to Brittany's post are a wild ride though, I fail to recall when June "responded and annihilated her" last time.
No. 850160
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I have no opinion on this neutering non issue but I will say I fucking hate bunnies, they are the go to favorite animal/pet of almost every scrote pandering special snowflake slut I know of. They are pest animals who should be killed.(no one cares what your opinion on rabbits is)
No. 850171
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rabbit sperg but ollie might get a respiratory infection and or testicular cancer if he isn't neutered. the longer june delays his neuter his risk for testicular cancer goes up every year she delays it. same with females except is a bit more crucial. from what i can remember shes never taken him to a vet specialist to get him tested for infections, illnesses ect. shes not a responsible owner. if she was she would've gotten him neutered, and not gotten a hamster cage to let im live in. if june says hes 8 then hes growing older and starting to reach the end of his lifespan, i cant imagine the conditions and pain hes suffered through.
No. 850178
>>850157june's retarded for giving brittany the attention she's desperate for.
not wking june but brittany's cat shits all over her house too.
No. 850182
>>850177thats a bit better? but she should elly ditch the cage. considering june used a forum post as her source for not spaying her rabbit i don't really have any faith she knows anything.>>850180same anon i hope june is at least improving…
No. 850593
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No. 850661
>>848899> well it was said that shuwu looks her age and just not the whole uwu 13 year old thing she and her orbiters pushI have to agree that she does look her age in the photo but she doesn't look like a 13 year old and I'd hope people stopped saying that or just saying it as a joke because if they honestly believe that… Dumbasses
>>848998> also stuffs her bra/assWell we already saw she stuffs her ass with those hilariously bad padded underwear that she most likely got influenced by Blaire White who wore a similar pair (and looked a mess)
>>849161Agreed. I hate to say it but she doesn't look ugly. It's her fugly personality that makes her annoying as shit.
>>850157I don't know about the current situation with Ollie but yeah no, chick is delusional because Shoe didn't "annihilate" anyone. She simply just kept ignoring Brittany's videos until the attention died down and went about like nothing happened.
Really it's gonna take a lot for people to turn on Shoe because so many people believe she is genuine and it would take something really incriminating that would make her lose support. At the most she's just a "Not like the other girls" walking caricature who has no real personality than regurgitating memes. I really do think it's gonna be the age thing that will end her "YT career". Can you imagine a 40 year old June still making these kinds of videos?
No. 850700
>>850593Pathetic, June.
We all know the BDSM relationship is a gimmick. She doesn't even act like her servant to Pregory anymore, that was so short lived, now she's just his sugar mommy and helping him pay for Star Wars toys and now probably the Jeep.
No. 850714
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>>850455that thumbnail. jesus.
whatever's in the back seat, my brain is filtering into a bunch of empty dorito bags. also I bet he has an AXE-scented air freshener.
No. 851710
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No. 852716
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No. 853748
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No. 853749
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No. 853827
File: 1565939494593.jpg (45.16 KB, 800x450, shuwu pool.jpg)

>>853748their lack of self-awareness MHHHM what a tasty meatball mamma mia
No. 855711
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No. 855712
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No. 855713
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No. 856001
>>850133Probably yeah.
But then John L. Dicc does seem like the sort of alias that June L. Pine would use.
No. 856666
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No. 856687
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why does he constantly remove then add her from his bio
No. 856688
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No. 856828
>>856687most likely playing mind games and trying to manipulate her, or they get into fights, he removes it to make her apologize and she begs for him back like the desperate turd she is
sage for tinfoil and all, but something about it to me seems mad childish, this is something I'd expect from middle schoolers, not 30 yr olds
No. 857078
>>856666Did she chicken out because people wanted her to debate "mega murph"?
>personal problemsPregman funneling her money to camgirls while postponing their wedding again?
No. 857274
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No. 857290
>>857274Is he ten years old? The only crybaby I see is him.
Not that people should call in arson threats to venues, that’s shitty.
No. 857386
File: 1566631738819.png (19.84 KB, 454x199, take your girlfriend.png)

"I have absolute faith that the Mythcon guys will provide a safe environment"
No. 857623
File: 1566683262949.jpg (258.18 KB, 1403x1720, IMG_20190824_234744.jpg)

hahah this clown
No. 857627
>>857599that entire tweet made me want to puke lmao it is cringy as fuck. preg needs acting classes to comvince everyone he cares deeply about june
>>857623"clearly i'm being unfairly treated" um preggy.. you realize this could all be because nobody else likes you/your videos? only 500k people are tolerant of you, accept this.
No. 857655
>>857078>Did she chicken out because people wanted her to debate "mega murph"?that was immediately what I thought of. I'm pretty bummed, Megan would have murdered her and it would have been glorious.
>>857376>my little fiancevom. Gregory, she's a grown 30 year old woman. It's not much of a contest, but between the two of them she seems more like an adult that he does.
No. 857770
>>857623"i deserve to have my videos seen"
NO ONE deserves to have your videos inflicted on them preg
i'm surprised he's not
losing subs faster, his videos are more boring and less effortful than peppa pig marathon compilations
No. 857779
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No. 858055
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June looking her age
No. 858069
File: 1566776339529.png (34.39 KB, 155x282, ojcEue4.png)

>>858064Was replying to this and by the time I posted the post w/ pic related was deleted.
Only managed to save the screenshot for ants but it is still readable.
Why delete it though?
No. 858078
>>858075I was wondering the same thing. I actually have a tinfoil that June posted it here, maybe to be petty about Greg, idk. She would probably post this kind of shit publicly though. No idea where it was originally posted, I just was able to save it once I realized the post had been deleted.
Additional tinfoil is her projecting (sub)conscious sadness onto the wasp in attempt to get Greg to pay her more attention than a mere "Ok". That
would explain a selfpost a little.
Selfpost or not, though, we know how much they boast about their "24/7 bdsm lifestyle" which this also "shows".. except obviously not really bdsm, just their idiotic personas.
No. 858090
>>858075>>858078Nvm it's on her twitter 2 images are obviously combined since the layout of the first bit does not align with the other part)
I still don't get why anon deleted the post though??
No. 858095
File: 1566780120712.png (499.44 KB, 503x396, shoo.PNG)

>>858055nitpick, but this angle is awkward. is she trying to show off her cheeks?
No. 858104
>>858055i used to think june's face really wasn't that bad but her giant cheeks freak me out. i'm probably just used to her filtered low quality pics tbh.
>>858095truly a who from whoville
No. 858260
>>858055And she filmed an actual video without a 2007 shitcam.
She looks much more like her sister than I thought.
No. 858273
>>858260why so
triggered at pedos lately june? is she realizing her uguu baby daddy vomitfest with preg is only a few steps away from literal pedophilia, and this is her way of "omg i'm totally different from those weirdos out there, i only
talk about being treated as a child so it's less bad"
>she looks much more like her sistershe looks balloonfaced lmao, i'm also loving how she's just straight cropped the top of her head off. why june lmao
No. 858285
File: 1566820330697.jpeg (171.76 KB, 581x446, AFFAEAB3-C146-4470-9567-60F41B…)

No. 858290
>>858260She has some mannerisms in this that seem very Blaire White style.
Also the comments are filled with people licking her ass over how good her "hair" looks. Always using the word hair. Even though she says around 6:45 that she is wearing a purple wig. I'd 100% bet it's due to her audience's lack of hearing comprehension. Well that and beta orbiters (who tend to only hear what they want to, anyway).
Also of course she feels she should make a video about female pedophiles/ephebophiles. Because #notallpedos??
Yeah we all know why.
No. 858583
>>858306Yep and especially her cutaways to her looking at her phone and screaming/throwing it/giving a look to camera.
>>858409Agree, I was expecting much better quality when anons said it was HD. It's still better than her other shit, but it's not good HD and what's with the black borders on the sides?? And the final bit looks even worse.
No. 858698
>>858619>ah yes perfect i'm looking all the way to the right, smiling and my face is tilted upwardKEK
She moved out of her parents' house semi recently though anon, unless you mean 99% of her life was living with them doing nothing, then yeah. Now she lives by herself and does nothing. She's also still in New York, so she's not even that much "closer" (her reasoning) to Greg.
No. 858715
>>858260How does she manage to have such weak arguments agains lowest hanging fruit imaginable- a fucking pedophile??
Also interesting how many known youtubers have made anti-pedophilia videos but Shuwu is the only one I know that got such huge backlash. Says a lot about her audience.
No. 858788
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No. 858815
File: 1566929886391.jpeg (516.89 KB, 828x1179, B47E8A7F-6624-4E32-86DD-A519C3…)

“I have no money” yikes.
No. 859081
>>858698right now she hangs out in her parents vacation house wasn't it? still has no job and does nothing every day but has more privacy i guess lol.
>>858815haha shuwu exposed preg. these two jobless fools will waste money on anything, then again it's funny how even june sees how preg is an idiot for throwing away money on expensive pointless tacky shit/children's toys
No. 859541
File: 1566993696528.jpg (45 KB, 551x558, shuw.JPG)

No. 860061
>>859488She might be trying to prove it to Greg, kek.
Also in general, yes. She was the one who spilled the beans on her discord a long while ago, mocking his ex-wife for not buying poor bb preggy his pwecious star wars toys.
>>859541This might be the first fanart I've seen of her that actually looks like her. (and ngl I do unironically like how this person did the skin on her face)
>>859979I still agree with this, though. The fact it actually
resembles June (eyeliner around tearducts making her eyes close together, whoville nose, nAsOLaBiAl FoLdS which aren't fundamentally bad but tend to make someone look less young which she'd hate, giant nearly-buck teeth… and of course that damn pose).
And while I complimented how the face was done, the wig looks like shit, which is also accurate. The philthrum could have been enlarged slightly though.
>>858815>>859380I REALLY hope they don't buy this. $2k for two chairs (like he wants, unless the throne is for him only, which is entirely possible knowing them) and that's on their discounted price (might just be "discounted" from a fake price to encourage impulse buys though because this is crazy).
If they do get any chairs, I hope to god that June isn't paypigging him as usual. As much as I can't stand her, I think Greg is an absolute unreasonably egotistic manchild.
Plus unless it's findom, June being in control of the wallet goes against their "24/7 bdsm dynamic." And if I had to pick one of them to see actually improve as a person and do things in life, it would absolutely be June.
Greg has had his chance with actually having been married and is nonetheless a failure of a human being. Also his literally buying into cult shit.
Idk how much she realizes he is 100% the one benefiting from their relationship, not her. It'd be sweet schadenfreude to see her kick him to the curb. But I won't hold my breath.
No. 860192
File: 1567091904977.jpeg (162.69 KB, 1242x1191, EACCFCDC-44B7-4D13-9B65-EE9673…)

>>821211did june tweet something about magdalen berns deserving cancer and then delete it?
No. 860221
>>860192Do you think Blaire is annoyed at shoe now? Like, I wonder if this was a mean girls moment between them bc shoe seems like the type of person to eat someone’s ass in the hopes of getting them to like her. Blaire seems like she forgot about shoe a while ago and is barely trying to keep up appearances at this point
Saged for tinfoiling
No. 860294
File: 1567104820024.png (612.94 KB, 737x716, bbHKLi5.png)

No. 860498
File: 1567131567528.png (11.61 KB, 612x123, or thicc secret #42.png)

>>860496although there was a twitter account named zanthuraa, which has since been suspended.
No. 860597
>>857073>what if the reason there are no concrete plans for the wedding with june is because greg hasn't finalized divorce?this is tinfoil.
>greg gave her the ring is to keep her on the hook indefinitelythis is not.
No. 860609
File: 1567144878951.png (51.15 KB, 825x309, chrome_D6phNqhRAk.png)

Shoe tweeted about her cousin dying tragically and then made a tweet memeing about how he was long island stereotype and told her fans to "press f to pay respects", another tired old meme. She deleted it tho. She doesn't respect anybody. I think she has a problem emphathizing.
No. 860644
File: 1567151436850.png (108.87 KB, 1035x677, junef.png)

>>860609>told her fans to "press f to pay respects"I couldn't believe she could be that autistic/heartless so I checked the replies and found all the "F" replies replying to a deleted tweet..
>>860610I wouldn't be surprised, always felt like her relationship with Preggory is for her "brand" more than anything.
No. 860649
File: 1567154364412.jpg (57.31 KB, 470x605, syren cove.JPG)

Preg's thicc secret made a "joke".
No. 860674
>>860192>>860260>>860307>>860527Actually, no. It was a tweet from RadscumTakes that had crab emojis with brain emojis in the middle over and over, with attached screencaps of the tweets about Mag's status from her twitter. (For those who don't know, those emojis are a crab rave reference which is basically celebrating the brain cancer.) The tweet was swarmed with outrage.
Shoe quote-retweeted it and made fun of it. She may have deleted it because without the context of the original tweet, it looked like SHE was the one talking about celebration of cancer, so in a favorable light I guess? But she was legit calling out this page.
Not trying to WK, I was just infuriated by that tweet from the "meme" twitter because it's a deplorable thing to joke about. Of course some people had to chime in with "But transwomen aren't women is hate speech!" and the like, but the vast majority was disgusted, even the trans folk and terf haters.
June is dumb but she's not
that dumb. Blaire's tweet was in agreement with her.
I only know this because I'm
>>858090and was checking her twitter for that post, and this was before anything got deleted.
No. 860987
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No. 860991
>>860699Yep! Just good to make sure to clarify since some anons started calling her sociopathic etc based on their assumption that it must be true.
I think she deleted it because like I wrote, her retweet may have looked like she DID support celebrating cancer. I know at first glance I actually misinterpreted it as such before reading the 2nd line she wrote and what she was quoting.
Without the quoted tweet, her tweet would be much more easily misinterpreted.
Either that or she just didn't like it or its comments anymore maybe.
I know hella people reported that "radscumtakes" tweet, myself included, so it's no surprise it's gone now.
Maybe she just stopped caring once the tweet was gone, even though she COULD write a new tweet speaking about those disgusting sentiments in general, since a few people hold them.
>>860822Lmao yep. Performative 100%.
>>860956Yeah she's posted pics of gays being killed more than once, which is… not really considerate to post without any kind of warning/censor.
>>860987tbf she is right about Boogie, though I doubt the part about him actually caring/self harm. Boogie is a notorious fence sitter but he also seems genuinely like a potential sociopath.
No. 861104
>>860987>stand for something!>stop caring about shit!Rich coming from someone who flipflops views to appease whatever the flavor of the month is when it's convenient for her, and acts like she gives serious shits about issues that she seemingly drops within a week. All the time.
Hey, Boogie is another fat atheist YT personality with some money who fantasizes about being a dom. Maybe Greg has a contender…
No. 863006
>>862944Lurk more and sage.
This post covers it:
>>860674 No. 863096
>>861662Julia (And shadi) are quite cows themselves. It’s always interesting to see
Cows collide
No. 864081
File: 1567636866215.jpeg (60.94 KB, 526x448, F7EB0E32-936F-4EEA-8679-CAADAE…)

Why do her wigs all look so fucking ratty
No. 864559
File: 1567721828068.png (371.14 KB, 606x1149, tfw june wouldn't buy me shitt…)

preg's throwing a temper tantrum
No. 864787
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How are they so insanely pathetic and embarrassing? If you have to publicly beg your 34 year old fiancé over Twitter to stop acting like a moron, you might want to consider your future. Greg is going to turn into Boogie2988 and I cannot wait to see it
No. 865178
>>864947Nice revisionism, shoe. Was she even on the internet back then? Let alone youtube? Every single youtube atheist/skeptic had been relentlessly bitching about feminists for at least half a decade. Rebecca Watson was their first major target, for having the gall to say she was uncomfortable to be cornered in an elevator, in the middle of the night, in a hotel, in a region she was unfamiliar with, and daring to suggest "guys, don't do that".
This was in 2011, a few years before gamergate. She, and every subsequent feminist or "SJW" channel they could find after that were dogpiled with threats and downvoted to oblivion. The only explicitly feminist channel that stayed sizable and wasn't totally submerged with trolls is lacigreen.
No. 865224
>>864947She is acting as if she stopped uprising of Nazism by making anti-feminism meme videos.
No Shuwu, you didn't fight against authoritarian and dangerous feminists; you were making fun of chubby women and calling black women gorillas while trying to convince your fanbase how much you love being a handmaiden.
No. 865520
>>865280i thought it was XYY but i don't clearly remember what june said, and who knows if she even got the "scientific" terminology correct.
just know XY is male, XX is female. so i figure it must have been XYY but that's just a guess.
No. 865747
>>865599>> XYY
>> symptoms of XYY syndrome, per NORD:“Affected individuals are usually very tall. Many experience severe acne during adolescence. Additional symptoms may include learning disabilities and behavioral problems such as impulsivity.”
No. 866294
>>865979Hope? Yes.
Expectation? No.
No. 866445
pol's opinion about shoe: (most likely june herself) asked why no one gives a fuck about her anymore.
>I like how she keeps repeating how she is obsessed with her fat boyfriend and how he treats her like a dog on her daddy-daugther dom/sub relationship. Degenerate bitch should shut the fuck up desu. Shit is disgusting to have to keep hearing.>I dropped her when she was shilling for that app. I can't even remember the details of the controversy.>People realised she had zero convictions and absorbed the political stance of whoever she's in the presence of. i.e. like most non-aspie women>She looks like she's 45 now.>She's probably a guy with androgen insensitivity disorder and that's why she's so weird and yet so pro trans.>she's a degenerate lesbian and a leftist go fuck yourself onion boy No. 866979
File: 1568134124109.png (563.03 KB, 724x558, JoB5SiI.png)

No. 867336
File: 1568204871128.png (71.27 KB, 624x824, realdoll man thinks june is cu…)

june made friends with a breadtuber
No. 868799
File: 1568515599830.jpeg (667.94 KB, 828x1347, 0E8A81B2-D732-4031-930E-F4BE8E…)

How do these false lashes not cause permanent sagging eyelids at this weight
No. 869041
File: 1568584723209.jpg (64.41 KB, 749x890, EEiSgRaXYAYIrlA.jpg)

>I'm unsure of the single-issue candidate's single issue but I support him because I get all of my politics from memes uwu
No. 869051
>>868799they do that's why her eyes are so beady and she has to shoop them
also, despite her eyes and shortening face/nose and shortening her philtrum, did she photoshop another fucking pair of lashes on her already bat wings? lmaaoooo. I live in the ghetto and even I see eyelash sets that look less ridiculous. June clearly has money, why doesn't she get more professional shit done instead of cheaping out? or is she that dysmorphic that she thinks a traditional eyelash set isn't enough and her eyes have to look like ridiculous overexaggerated uwu anime eyes
No. 870051
File: 1568804265451.jpg (185.09 KB, 1270x590, june has a new twitter banner.…)

someone is Mad Online.
No. 870053
File: 1568804416389.png (249.24 KB, 625x1478, shoe0nhead is a nazi.png)

>>870051the twitter thread that sparked that. can't ignore engagement numbers like 3 retweets.
No. 870703
File: 1568933817188.png (525.47 KB, 720x1024, Screenshot_20190919-175347(1).…)

June has a wasp infestation in her apartment kek
No. 870792
File: 1568952711476.jpg (410.29 KB, 608x2844, pregger tantrum.jpg)

june's pet ogre is having a cry over not being as youtube famous as he thinks he is
No. 870923
File: 1568992271197.jpeg (467.72 KB, 828x734, 052BEDEA-70DF-46EB-818A-1541AC…)

>>856687>>856688He took her out of his bio again lmao
No. 870993
File: 1569005681931.jpeg (58.25 KB, 565x394, CDF1CEA7-77DD-4275-B926-7E94F9…)

the lashes are so fucking hideous.
No. 871324
>>871070>short kingsew please do not call shorter men that, it sounds just as bad as calling him a manlet.
Her trying to claim she totally wouldn't have cared if preg was shorter than her is rich. she constantly gloats about it because it makes her feel uwu smol and its the only "masculine" quality about him.
No. 872773
File: 1569375264264.jpg (95.28 KB, 608x805, me, a liberal.jpg)

>Trump's getting impeached.
>Tulsi makes it to the next round of this dumb fucking reality show.
No. 873741
File: 1569604651812.jpeg (61.19 KB, 543x434, 9BE0F9F1-323B-4B24-9B4A-1A296A…)

Did she miss out on part of her childhood or something? Why the reverting to dressing like a child?
No. 873837
>>870703wait, she has a landlord? I thought she was living in her parents vacation home? why would she move out, and move somewhere on her own and not in with her fiance?
>>871143I think that cousin was female?
>>871158why doesn't she use a mic? This is almost unlistenable. Her 2007 yootube stylings just come off as unprofessional and lazy.
No. 873890
File: 1569631698601.jpeg (138.57 KB, 545x271, 2752A042-1967-419A-962A-4969CC…)

I think she may be trying to channel Belle Delphine, same demographic she’s always been after
No. 874418
File: 1569757234671.jpeg (427.07 KB, 828x777, 3D1D78CC-7DDC-4770-8CA0-97BC1B…)

hes out of her bio; breakup announcement in the works?
No. 874696
File: 1569804491486.png (12.93 KB, 312x137, skepskep.PNG)

>>874418I really hope so, God Bless America.
No. 874776
File: 1569854881419.png (61.01 KB, 579x250, muh video games.png)

nope, preg's still her "bf"
No. 874778
File: 1569855170952.png (143.6 KB, 622x547, stupidpol.png)

No. 876926
File: 1570327088641.png (676.3 KB, 414x578, rennfare.PNG)

June and Preg went to the New York Renaissance Faire
No. 876927
File: 1570327158615.png (643.57 KB, 463x577, fuckinggng.PNG)

>>876926's a video at the end where she tries to shoot an arrow
No. 876971
File: 1570343917490.png (1.91 MB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20191006-013713(1).…)

I literally cannot handle Septic's Assassin's Creed cosplay
No. 876979
Take the picture while I do a cool pose, mom!
No. 876990
File: 1570357759464.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.46 KB, 960x1280, youngerelf.jpg)

>>876926The anons saying she was impersonating Belle Delphine got a w. Classic shoe, she's impersonating another "teenage" cock pandering sloot. And here I thought she was changing for the better, with the more mature style, no more downward angles in the videos thing…
No. 876999
File: 1570360847250.jpeg (28.88 KB, 480x600, 1502541F-F2AB-46CD-8AC8-A5F1BA…)

>>876990She is so obviously trying to. The wig change happened around the same time too. She probably caught Greg jerking off to Belle or something
No. 877010
>>876990I wonder if she'll still be trying to impersonate popular teenage girls when she's in her 40s, or even her 50s.
She gives me Baby Jane Hudson vibes.
No. 877030
File: 1570373025560.png (153.48 KB, 452x240, junes baking company.png)

>>876926Was she going for frumpy and cheap? Because that's how you execute frumpy and cheap.
>>876971LOL he didn't!
Why bother getting dressed up if they don't understand how to dress for a Renaissance? I think we all know they weren't in character either and just expected people to appreciate their wit in snark and jokes. They might as well have worn normie clothes, or did a costume rental at that faire if all they had was their cheap cosplay.
How could someone who calls himself the "armoured" skeptic not own any period pieces?
>>873893Ehhhhh she was trying for Belle but she achieved Amy from Kitchen Nightmares.
No. 877033
>>876971I know I'm not supposed to laugh at mentally handicapped people, but this pic made me laugh out loud. He looks so serious and proud of himself, it just makes me feel second hand embarrassment
>>876926And shuwu looks like a mousy, almost middle-aged tard handler that can get enjoyment only from special events like this where she can dress up and pretend she's not a tard handler for even a few hours, while the tards run around in their cosplays
No. 877133
>>877123idk what's worse. June's shitty purple wig, or THIS.
>>876926this is just pure cringe I can't deal with this thread anymore. These two are trainwrecks. I can't believe they're in their 30s.
No. 877316
>>877133June is still around 27-28 I believe.
There is nothing inherently wrong with cosplay into adulthood imo, but Preg and Wig are just terribly cringe in pretty much anything they do or touch. Why they post pics like this is a complete mystery.
No. 877350
File: 1570439007586.png (1.01 MB, 786x970, Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 2.30.…)

my fucking sides her wig
>>876926i am in awe at the amount of shoop going on with her face jesus lord
>>877010the most underrated comment in this thread kek
No. 877574
File: 1570474267331.jpeg (95.92 KB, 512x753, 87B24C2C-B2DF-46FF-A245-4DB97B…)

his hands and arms are unusually small and dainty
No. 880623
File: 1571189529274.png (314.04 KB, 587x374, shuwu has opinions.png)

>i'm a smol leftist uwu
>here's a project veritas bideo!
>yaaas mommy tulsi
No. 880801
File: 1571229999557.png (17.66 KB, 496x479, shoeb0t.png)

>>879874botsentinel, although it's the more subjective part of their network/plugin
No. 883275
>>882572Preg literally calls people to RISE UP
No. 883304
File: 1571764838162.png (493.79 KB, 745x621, joker.png)

No. 883423
>>883304We need to turn this into a meme.
This isnt the joker, this is just a joke. He looks like a dollar store scary mask.
No. 883590
>>877574That's because he mistook a tall stature and a girthy waist for actual strength, so he's never been to a gym. Then again, he probably prides himself on being an "intellectual heavy weight" - a perpetual state of arrested development - his coping mechanism for explaining away why he only leaves the house to get drive through McDonalds
Bet he couldn't do 20 pushups in a row if his life depended on it
No. 883952
File: 1571877355034.jpeg (58.66 KB, 618x343, 5A2806EA-4636-45E7-ACE4-4F944C…)

Hideous look
No. 884112
File: 1571920678938.jpg (130.53 KB, 579x1384, please don't vote.jpg)

>>883952hideous look for a hideous take
No. 885901
File: 1572296306682.png (65.86 KB, 727x293, big titty rey.png)

No. 886047
File: 1572316106381.jpg (359.55 KB, 2048x2048, shoebingo.jpg)

June just posted her own bingo card
No. 886094
>>886047More "look how quirky I am guise!"
Just give it up already, gotdamn
No. 886174
File: 1572356459648.jpg (396.69 KB, 2048x2048, EIBAjTwX0AAa2OX.jpg)

>>886047"okay here’s the hard one"
No. 886598
File: 1572429287802.jpg (17.51 KB, 598x512, little faggot dog.jpg)

>>882572I was just skimming past and realised what preg's face in the thumbnail reminded me of
pic related
No. 887245
File: 1572572786617.jpg (77.43 KB, 598x512, little faggot greg.jpg)

>>886598will never unsee.
No. 888905
File: 1572899900521.png (428.82 KB, 586x2708, eyy I'm deletin' tweets over h…)

shuwu is fighting with Kristi Winters.
No. 888916
File: 1572900879755.png (223.73 KB, 582x599, screenshotting your own delete…)

>burned to the ground in minecraft
"how do you do fellow chapos"
No. 888921
File: 1572901190784.png (316.49 KB, 577x599, i literally can't even.png)

oh no somebody said mean words about mommy tulsi!
No. 889474
>>889161>She says "wine aunts" cause June's COOL YOUNG GIRL unlike those "boomer wine aunts xD".yeah, why "wine aunts", why doesn't she namecall the men, just the women?
"She drink wine and she's old xD". This dumb bitch is almost thirty, she shouldn't be throwing stones, just because other women don't have peter pan syndrome like June does. How hip and BASED june knows the online culture, she's BASED. Long live Kekistan!
No. 889503
File: 1573001076447.jpg (14.85 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg)

>>889501Look at the time. Let's party like 2-0-0-8
No. 889510
File: 1573001802320.png (35.44 KB, 518x462, animotion - obsession(dot)mp3.…)

live from uwu york, it's tuesday night!
No. 889511
File: 1573001894446.png (14.87 KB, 578x212, live june.png)

("Kevin addressed this" sung to the tune of Animotion's "Obsession")
No. 889518
File: 1573002981525.png (42.08 KB, 576x306, EYY I'M STREAMIN' HERE.png)

oh boy, three hours of pausing the video mid-sentence to yell "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?", "SHUT UP BOOMER" and something about middle-aged moms.
No. 889857
File: 1573069508338.png (316.88 KB, 598x848, vNSJIWw.png)

No. 889896
File: 1573076706752.png (239.5 KB, 579x600, reee feminism reee.png)

still going
still unable to communicate without may-mays
No. 890418
File: 1573172284873.png (266.16 KB, 816x763, Q8qRQf6.png)

June: Debate me 1v1 is so stuuuuupid.
Also June: her and followers pester Kristi Winters to tell them why she doesn't like Bernie
No. 890491
File: 1573185884205.jpg (17.32 KB, 400x400, 31hyPNMF_400x400.jpg)

at least her new profile picture is appropriate
No. 890548
>>889896It really makes you wonder if this woman can have a mature conversation without using memes.
>>890419Eh I'm not surprised she wouldn't actually debate her position because her views are shallow.
No. 890567
File: 1573204767007.png (139.38 KB, 604x674, delicious drama is delicious.p…)

No. 890571
File: 1573205530568.png (169.91 KB, 619x1583, peter coffin nods respectfully…)

No. 890580
>>890571Isn't that the same guy who catfished as his own Asian girlfriend to make a shitton of racist comments, and also tried to parade an actual sex doll as a real woman? He's a joke. Probably accusing that user of lying about being a Patron because it's the kind of lie
he would tell.
No. 891766
File: 1573468964326.jpg (225.1 KB, 1428x1929, IMG_20191111_113911.jpg)

This is in her liked tweets.
No. 891799
>>891766oh yeah shuwu, tell us all about the hunk who picked you and everything he does for you and how he's
married you
tell us
No. 891810
File: 1573479944307.jpg (103.16 KB, 674x1024, DaHa_YaWAAAP1PL.jpg)

>tfw you will never get picked by a winner like preg
why even live, fellow spinsters?
No. 891821
File: 1573481695234.jpg (240.98 KB, 1200x1533, rod_serlin.jpg)

>>891766See's not even a proper pick-me tard, If she was married to an actual traditionally masculine chad then this meme might work but she's not she's dating some fat degenerate pseudointellectual who will never marry her
No. 892222
>>891795True, although what counts as man-hating these days seems to include any stance that doesn't just pander to men
>>891877Yep, despite all her progressive signalling, the mask still slips off a lot lol
No. 893532
File: 1573764992384.jpeg (410.14 KB, 828x1100, 27401AE8-D7AE-42D5-84BA-15B75E…)

No. 893562
>>891809What's crazy is being strung along for years by Pregory is "being picked" in Shuwu's eyes. Uh, wouldn't someone who got picked actually be living with their fiance and planning a real wedding instead of pretending over the internet?
Actually this situation pretty much sums up the experience of pick-me girls in general. They don't have a clue that they're fighting tooth and nail for a booby prize and think they're superior to girls who chose not to even play.
Sure, Shuwu. I'm sure he'll pick you some day for real.
No. 893714
File: 1573803097535.png (611.91 KB, 593x562, oh boy.PNG)

incoming milk
No. 893943
File: 1573848112301.jpeg (43.81 KB, 429x385, 5341F652-24FF-4BBA-A33C-67F519…)

>>893809Why are his hands so tiny
No. 894066
>>893809I didn't bother watching all of it because these two are unfunny and terrible, but they basically make fun of it for half of the video before even playing it. June, as usual, can't seriously and intelligently discuss any topic and Ogre is sitting there barely explaining shit and thinking he is God's gift to mankind. They discuss how the wage gap is a myth and how more women are educated than ever and getting paid more, and that more women should go in STEM fields (stem is the best amirite gamers)and Ogre implies that because the majority of teachers in the US are women, that the US education system is fucked. June also suggests $15 minimum wage and Greg cringes at that, and then says that this game is bad and he would never get it for his daughter because it teaches girl that they have a right to things because they're women, but instead it should be teaching girls to work for things and not have things handed to them. Both of them thought this game was a parody.
The game's tagline is that women make more money than men. Some of the cards are like "you get to see a superhero movie with a female lead" or "you buy a pair of heels, but bad news, it was probably made by a man." When they play the game, June says the game is boring and giggles most of the time. They complain that it's condescending towards men. Greg also jokes that this game will finally teach June to "learn how to count." June gets a card that says she gets a flat tire on the highway but, good news, she knows how to fix it, and Greg cries "no way! You know that's not true." June says, "did you know that the military industrial complex is run by women? Yay feminism!" They also play it incorrectly for a majority of the time and they don't even finish it.
No. 894172
File: 1573874796006.png (287.5 KB, 583x389, i'm too stupid to play candyla…)

No. 894665
File: 1574032395565.jpeg (486.51 KB, 800x1007, B1804553-F381-4D75-A03F-6C1130…)

So cringe. Does she think it’s hot when he talks about her like this?
No. 894715
File: 1574036900845.jpeg (43.76 KB, 480x480, 9738AE29-C0AF-429B-8C2E-3BB547…)

>>894665Yet he lets her live in another country by herself for years meanwhile simps on 90 Day Fiancé literally travel to third world countries to bring their fiancé’s over to their country and marry them. What a chickenshit beta loser bitch boy. I can’t stand them. They’re so fake.
No. 894793
File: 1574045551579.jpg (699.16 KB, 3000x2405, EJhZDU5UYAAZqdD.jpg)

>this fan artI can't tell if she's being trolled softly with that facial expression though
No. 894900
>>894665He really thinks he's being clever and badass saying that.
>>894793Also June literally looks retarded lol
No. 894907
>>894899It's hard to say, really. They're stupid in different ways.
June is stupid because she can't think about anything for more than 15 seconds. Were she able to she'd have dropped him. But then Greg is stupid because he's never entertained the possibility that he's wrong. Like he thinks that so long as she keeps shitting on her the sugar mama gravy train is gonna last forever. If not for him being a piece of abject human garbage that chats up strippers in front of her I'd say each was the best that either could ever do.
No. 895060
>>894751Because in his mind he knows on her part it's wishful thinking lol. It's been a year now and it's not like they're hurting for cash so I think they would've married or mentioned wedding plans about now.
>>894899How come June never dogs back on Gregg? If he has all the jokes for her, why doesn't she do the same?
No. 896730
File: 1574477309173.jpeg (60.66 KB, 624x439, C769EB0B-FBE7-4BE4-9BD7-964A83…)

No. 896936
>>896688Back to full time neckbeard pandering I see. I guess now that Hontra is MIA, June doesn't have a need to make babby's first leftie videos in attempt to gain his attention.
RIP Nick Parrott. If you only hadn't trooned out, you'd be Shuwu's Flynn Rider.
No. 897210
File: 1574598282510.jpeg (674.27 KB, 828x1364, 9B9DEBB1-2329-4B51-A98A-2BA754…)

To what depths does she name search
No. 897219
>>897210"i posted a screenshot of a checkmark who made a hot take."
Imagine being basically 30 and talking like a series of fucking memes.
No. 897255
>>897232But she does speak, she’s fairly important.
>>897237It’s a television show.
No. 897312
File: 1574623674811.gif (Spoiler Image,188.38 KB, 228x137, 1574623096052.gif)

i was lurking on /b/ on 4chan and i saw a "youtuber you want to fuck" thread
i saw this gif and i haven't seen it before
selfpost? i mean, she's been fading out and she has posted nudes on /b/ before No. 897351
File: 1574627915547.png (158.34 KB, 586x1016, june vs anita.png)

No. 897352
>>897232But she speaks. She’s been in two scenes so far, both very significant and she’s not named but to be fair, hardly anyone in the show has been named, not even the main two characters right now. I found her character interesting, she’s a female blacksmith of a warrior race and she’s not in sexualized armor. Considering the way other Mandlorians defer to her, she might be a high up person in their society.
Star Wars sperging aside, Antia making glaring mistakes like that gives fuel to idiots like Shuwu who froth at the mouth to discredit any kind of feminist criticism. No media is without criticism, but making incorrect assumptions makes people less likely to address actual problems with the tv show.
No. 897357
File: 1574629654893.jpeg (445 KB, 807x930, F7416F64-2CC9-4E14-843F-7DD2A5…)

June would have killed herself if she got even 1/4 the harassment Anita got. I dont like Anita either but she objectively received a shit ton of harassment but poor wittle wig gets called out on raising pitchforks and now “this is why we are anti-feminists !1!1!” They are both so fucking stupid and annoying. “It’s scary” are you serious? Why can’t she take her own advice and close her eyes and walk away
No. 897359
File: 1574630126684.png (266.26 KB, 598x496, uwued to death.png)

>>897357that might explain why the guy from these tweets
>>897351 protected his account
No. 897594
File: 1574673863530.png (36.96 KB, 581x512, armored skepteesian.png)

>>897357at least there's some pushback against preg 'n' june on this.
No. 897696
>>897595Kek, like hell June will be up to debating. She'll chimp out right away and go "it's just low hanging fruit! I'm not political!"
She cannot speak about anything unless it's in meme form.
No. 898448
File: 1574846405923.png (370.38 KB, 582x518, preg's posting cringe…)

also, that poor horse
No. 898483
File: 1574862249394.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1334, E549F113-182E-4CEB-BA17-E6204D…)

>>898448What the fuck does he flex in his photos as if he actually works out
Being fat doesn’t magically make it look like muscles
No. 898492
>>898483holy shit this man has no fucking muscles, this is the body of a guy who lifts probably 30 lbs max on a bi-daily basis
>>898448>more bitcheswasn't he married in 2009 lmao
No. 898500
>>898448He should invest in some fitting jeans, jesus christ
>>898492>wasn't he married in 2009 lmaoI guess his ex-wife wasn't as big of a bitch as shoe is kek
No. 898788
>>898665 >>898606
What were they even gonna talk about?
>>898703True. It's the reason why she doesn't debate anyone because she knows she'll lose because her politics are shallow base level at best.
No. 902621
>>902420I think HC said something anti trans so of course June will cry foul. She has to oblige to all her incel and mgtow followers that the word women is eyeroll inducing.
But just imagine being shy of
30 with no education, no marketing skills in the workforce and no life experience besides Twitter memes. Doubt she'll get married. Pregs stringing her along until there's a younger girl more impressionable to lure and she'll tossed aside like his ex wife while spending her money.
No. 902639
>>902621He won’t marry her but she’s dug her hole so deep trying to prove she wORShiPs his d1ck 24/7 ddgl shit that she would never leave him and give everyone a chance to say they knew it’d never last
They both repeatedly call women in their 30s old wine moms so you know her man child bf will see her that way. They deserve it for all of the shit they’ve spouted for years
No. 903481
File: 1575845947132.jpg (91.27 KB, 581x1000, uwucast.jpg)

No. 905587
File: 1576341442107.jpg (179.51 KB, 1436x1969, IMG_20191214_173545.jpg)

>>905549Oooh interesting.
He does follow her still though but she stopped following him.
Maybe it's just to see how much attention will it get so she can brag how people are obsessed, or maybe there really is trouble in fupaland.
No. 905661
>>905659I guess it's kind of sad if she really fell for his "inmigration is so difficult, you can't move in with me yet. Why don't you just live closer by so I don't have to drive so long." crap.
But I guess that's what you get for being a pickme bitch.
No. 905682
File: 1576359711149.png (575.75 KB, 1018x754, qTUAeMF.png)

>>905587this was posted just a few days ago though.
No. 905841
>>905682Such skinny arms on such a lardass
Also, is it supposed to look like she's showing his penis size with her finger pinching? What is that meant to indicate?
No. 906193
>>905695Remember this is the man that spent his ex-wife’s income in Star Wars toys and his side chick thought it was adorable.
Years later they continue to screech on Twitter and have nothing to put on their resume except professional grifter. Such train wrecks but it’s so entertaining.
Even Jenny McDermott got married and had a child… what are June and Greg doing reliving the 2010s?
No. 906197
File: 1576501155747.jpeg (180.19 KB, 828x675, 2DB7CC07-E598-4A85-B31B-08ADD0…)

Does she just search for every possible iteration of her name? Holy fuck she actually does not have a life outside social media.
No. 906217
>>906197She moved to a small place where she doesn't know anyone and her "career" doesn't require her to go out of the house. Her fat fiance keked her into thinking he'll marry her once she moves closer but that ain't happening. She probably spends all day at home alone, staring at laptop screen. At least when she lived with mommy and daddy, she had someone to talk to.
Getting money for being useless seems nice but her current life is quite depressing.
No. 906623
File: 1576584437604.png (220.86 KB, 587x749, the judge of what makes a femi…)

Saw Shuwu in the wild when OP's tweet ended up on my timeline. Of course she needs to chime in as if she even believes there are "good" feminists, then adds some of her retarded gotcha articles about how men are oppressed. Then her fans start swarming below the tweet attacking the OP's other tweets in the thread, like one that says women don't bear the responsibility of curing that loneliness in men, and attacking the op for being a feminist period.
No. 906681
>>906623Oh my god, women are no longer forced to be financially reliant on men and can afford to have standards? That’s
I bet June is so happy to be a manbaby’s sugarmomma when he wastes hundreds of dollars getting scammed over Star Wars toys on eBay.
No. 906724
File: 1576607631504.jpg (81.65 KB, 678x677, DpAAdIiXsAAehBN.jpg-large.jpg)

She made a political compass out of her own discord posts and put it on her Twitter.
It's really sad how tryhard she is.
No. 906792
>>906724She's so self-absorbed and lonely. Honestly it would be quite sad if it wasn't so goddamn funny.
Also many of these don't even make sense.
No. 907488
File: 1576761348974.png (22.27 KB, 591x307, present uwu.png)

what, no "mommy!" tweet?
No. 907491
File: 1576761679350.png (13.87 KB, 589x160, lol permanent record uwu lol.p…)

>being marked forever as one of three presidents in history who were Very Naughty "doesn't matter lol"
No. 907522
File: 1576770845979.jpeg (249.39 KB, 828x508, 7C631ABF-DA54-4EF9-9145-BBEF7E…)

Big yikes
No. 907574
File: 1576780542761.jpeg (411.81 KB, 828x1146, BE4D8B2D-E2E3-470B-9C02-1B254D…)

>>907537It’s embarrassing but I don’t think he’s trolling
June seems to take it seriously
No. 907595
>>907491A waste of time for what? Why do pseudo centrist fuckwitts like Shoe always say trying to hold Trump accountable "is a waste of time". Like sorry you spent the last 4 years developing your opinions from the vastly knowledgable archives of political reddit posts but having a president impeached by the house is a fucking big deal? It's why theres only been 3 fucking presidents (Nixon if he didnt peace out) who have the honor of having that title next to their presidency.
Shoe is a fucking fool who tries and acts like shes smarter than the mainstream but she only comes off as insecure and trying to appeal to her incel tier fanbase she acquired shitting on feminism while trying to remain "woke" so she can get those breadtube points and not be looped in with smooth brains like Sargon. It's a shame YouTube gives empty headed, attention starved people a platform that makes them feel like their opinions are important.
No. 907963
>>907902Shoe just continues to make excuses for herself and explain why the things she has said aren't actually that bad. She also claims "she never went after intersectional feminists" and that she was never the type of channel to say "The left has gone crazy!". She also pokes fun Jeanine Anez, and when when Vaush asks if she "stans Evo Morales" June asks "Who?"
Man, she is such a phony. Vaush is an idiot too.
No. 908255
File: 1576914889806.jpeg (275.33 KB, 640x581, 646D40E9-066C-4E90-B0BD-471A55…)

No. 908916
>>908484Basically vaush told shoe how she felt about certain things and shshe agreed out of obligation.
They both flirted the entire time too. I've never seen vaush smile the way he smiled while talking to shoe.
Idk I kind of ship it. At least vaush wouldn't manipulate shoe or treat her like a fucktoy
No. 908929
>>908916>At least vaush wouldn't manipulate shoe or treat her like a fucktoylol, what?? vaush is worse than preg. he disrespects his gf like mad, he comes onto autistic little girls and doesn't let up, talks to autistic little girls about fucking them against a table and all kinds of graphic shit (i believe he did this while he was in a relationship as well). he seems like he'd be incredibly
abusive in a relationship.
No. 908949
>>908929>talks to autistic little girls about fucking them against a table and all kinds of graphic shitwtf has he ever been called out for that shit?
I'm so out of the loop with this guy but how the fuck does vaush have a gf in the first place
No. 909092
File: 1577120885471.png (60.26 KB, 606x543, unknown.png)

>>908949Vaush was called out multiple times for this and still gets called out for it today. He was extremely pushy (to the point of sexual harassment) towards an e-girl in Destiny's discord server. Said e-girl is also known for causing drama.
About his gf, he does disrespect her a lot. Even his chat tells him to be nicer to her. Tbf, she does interrupt his streams over stupid shit, however, she doesn't do it a lot anymore. Vaush's temper hasn't improved at all. He'll throw a hissy-fit because she tells him to stop sperging out before twitter cancels him for thousandth time. Or he'll throw a hissy-fit because she offers to bring him food while he's livestreaming.
I'm not saying this as a meme or to defend Vaush, but he is literally autistic and bipolar. God bless his gf for putting up with his constant meltdowns over picrew pfps wokescolding him.
>>908077The best part of that is, Vaush and his gf are poly lol. Who knows what will happen…
No. 909196
>>909178I don't disagree with you anon, I'm just saying he's autistic.
Also, the girl is notorious for starting drama. Still doesn't excuse Vaush's predatory and aggressive behavior towards her.
And I don't think she was underage, unless I'm missing a part of the story. I do know there was another girl, but she wasnt underage either and she threatened to kill herself if Vaush stopped talking to her.
No. 909352
>>909092Well dang anon, hearing all that makes me sad for his girlfriend since she's trying to be attentive. Didn't know they were poly though, well then shoot, it's no wonder he's flirty with Shoe and other E-Girls, maybe he's trying to add one to their mix.
I just think it'll be funny if Shoe ends up leaving Preg and gets with these two kek.
No. 909353
File: 1577172881659.png (250.5 KB, 1077x939, Screenshot_20191224-013306(1).…)

>IF I marry you
Fucking KEK
they've been going on 2 years since the day of engagement? No wedding plans in sight!
No. 909367
>>909353How likely is it for any father to “go ballistic” when his daughter’s boyfriend proposes, though? Even in conservative rural areas fathers aren’t usually
that protective of their functionally adult daughters. Unless of course the daughter isn’t a functional adult…
Does this happen often, Greg?
No. 909394
File: 1577194560523.jpeg (475.47 KB, 828x865, EA0FAA8A-37A5-45F3-89F5-4B36CE…)

>>909353How are they so constantly fucking cringe
Didn’t her family throw an engagement party for them already? Which implies they already “got permission”
Everything always has to be about them. If there is any opportunity to “teehee I’m not like other girls” she will take it
No. 909559
File: 1577229321306.jpg (291.49 KB, 2048x1536, EMleTqYXkAA5LJ6.jpeg.jpg)

No. 910046
soon-to-be husband, anon. someone you
chose to marry kek
all of this shit reminds me of
>>891766 again. so happy you must be, june, to be picked this way
No. 910068
>>910054It's even more sad when you find out that a lot of youtube skeptic fans used to call ArmouredFupa "the handsome skeptic", the bar was THAT low.
Wig actually thought she struck gold.
But then again, we always forget how her fans look like. Anyone has that pic from her Discord meeting?
No. 910219
File: 1577388885028.jpg (30.17 KB, 374x351, this fucking ogre.jpg)

No. 910343
>>909426 said, probably thankful and hoping it hasn't happened yet. But on the other hand if they were genuine, they may be wondering when they're finally gonna tie the knot, especially since June moved out and away from them.
>>909823I just can't kek I mean I know it's most likely a joke (or is it?) but just… Man the cringe.
>>910039It makes me wonder how Greg would react if June talked about the kind of men she wants to fuck. Why is it always women? Is she that pathetic that she can't play up her side of the coin and "play" back. Because I'm more than sure June has men that she would fuck if the opportunity struck.
No. 910674
>>909559Every time I see his arms, hands and torso in the same picture, I get unreasonably upset at how small his hands and spaghetti his arms are compared to his pot belly. But I have to say I admire his confidence, not everyone would be so smug while looking like that, and it's pretty nice of June to humor the tard
>>910343She would lose most of her fanbase if she ever talked about men like she talks about women, especially if she talked about attractive men. She could get away with talking about men who look like jabba the hut, but she gets more attention if she pretends to like women, so…
No. 912234
File: 1577849879668.png (338.6 KB, 580x405, engagement1.png)

happy 2 year anniversary to june & preg's totally real engagement
No. 912982
File: 1578024375676.png (150.72 KB, 583x1012, jihadi june.png)

classic june!
No. 913039
File: 1578037805417.jpeg (395.88 KB, 828x1123, 7E8F5576-EE37-46EF-97FB-08D8B8…)

June comparing Bernie to the Happy Merchant on Twitter. At least she didn’t actually post a picture of him but her followers did in the replies so anyone who insn’t a 4channer can also be in on the joke.
Anti-Jew humor is one thing on an anonymous troll site like 4chan but when you’re someone with a visible face on Twitter with hundreds of thousands of followers posting it publicly, it’s pure cringe. I’m curious to see how fast Shoe gets fired from her first actual job just based on her tweets, if she ever gets one.
No. 915169
File: 1578487352060.jpeg (218.88 KB, 828x596, EFE05F82-5F58-4A47-8327-8E04D9…)

Is she not capable of processing thoughts without her memes or is it because she’s so fucking retarded from not having a job for the last several years and her brain has been stunted
No. 915407
File: 1578538116952.png (534.61 KB, 1077x1207, Screenshot_20200108-204832(1).…)

Cow crossover
No. 915580
>>915169I think it's the latter (Not having a job for the last several years). When you have to interact with other people on a regular basis, you just learn to jibe with people in at least somewhat normal fashion. Shoe is pretty much a NEET who never leaves her house unless it's for food or seeing Preg so it's like her mind is warped through prolong days end Internet meme humor.
But I agree, it's like the bitch cannot function without the use of memes and it's annoying and reeks of insecurity if she can't use her own words and not need to use memes to get her point across.
No. 916059
File: 1578690569073.jpeg (177 KB, 828x1137, C0BBA2EB-81FF-44ED-8247-B26987…)

She looks eerily like Kailyn Wilcher
No. 917355
File: 1578914571069.jpeg (264.79 KB, 828x641, B2032B46-EC84-4DAE-83F7-1D5E50…)

>>917348Three ring lights seems overkill. How hot does she get in that wig with all that heat
No. 917432
>>917355Three ring lights and she still looks bad….
If anything the overexposure of all the lights emphasis how bad she’s looking.
I’m wonder if Preg is finally going to marry her this year since the family threw another engagement party. Probably not but one could hope.
Maybe if she wasn’t eating nothing but takeout because she can’t cook she wouldn’t be constantly getting bigger. Peep that soda in the left corner of the vid
No. 917511
>>917432There is a fat chance they’re getting married. They’re at the height of being bored with each other. There was a higher chance of getting married when they were making cringe photoshops on Twitter
But Greg is a fucking idiot if he lets her go because she’s his meal ticket as the years go on. Guy in his mid 30s with no work experience? Good luck with the competition
No. 917614
>>917511Greg's been married before. He panders to mgtows, mras and red pillers that think marriage is awful and cohabitation with women is the worst mistake. He probably won't go down that road again and keep stringing her along using country borders as an excuse
His family's rich enough that he could go back to school, earn a degree and get into work that way. Same with June but these two won't do shit that's productive.
No. 918006
File: 1579005868228.jpeg (444.71 KB, 828x1094, A284BE46-9B8C-48E0-BB21-F84368…)

Not “long distance;” “ONLINE DATING.” That is so fucking embarrassing
No. 918127
File: 1579025172527.jpeg (187.49 KB, 828x1281, 955AFBD4-E56B-4331-8E02-B333C8…)

>>918104I assumed it’s about her, at least she responded to it. Would be sad if he is talking about someone else tho and she is trying to save face
No. 918133
File: 1579026146813.jpg (42.41 KB, 682x348, nltog.JPG)

Did nobody notice her twitter cover photo?
No. 918162
>>918139Girls that don’t game = ew
Girls that own a plushie = interest piqued
No. 918278
>>918239It's more about being of the opinion that the millitary industrial complex is inherently
problematic and the neoliberal approach to obfuscate that is by adding 'diversity' and 'wokeness'. Common meme among lefties being ' needing more female drone pilots' etc
Regardless, her only being able to communicate her political views via memes is very fucking cringe.
No. 918295
File: 1579049427361.jpg (49.37 KB, 940x530, gm-8266f879-602f-40fd-9968-e3b…)

Shoe looks like this video game character. sage for no contribution, just wanted to share the eerie resemblance
No. 918380
>>918278She's one of those people who will cling at a cringe narrative, but do so in a way to further validate her hate for other women.
Slight sperg, I remember Dave Chappelle saying he knew which people laughed at his racial jokes for the wrong reason, this applies to June.
No. 919813
File: 1579295168742.png (1.59 MB, 1615x1080, Screenshot_20200117-150347(1).…)

>>919811KEK I honestly cannot believe she's wearing Bernie merch and just shows it off in the middle of the video. Like I honestly don't care for two shits about Warren she's being a dunce, but her Bernie support is exceptional. To be fair, her support for literally anything is cringe and halfway serious. It's hard to tell if she's doing it to fit in or if it's genuine.
No. 919880
>>918295is this from siege?
i can only see it because of that god awful elongated philtrum
No. 919892
>>919813ngl, that's a cool sweatshirt. too bad it's not his official merch. also she does it 100% to fit in.
>>919811hate that warren did this. she really is a snake. it's too bad this is like the one time june's criticism can be considered legitimate and deserving of ire. though let's be real, she doesn't give a fuck about the actual implications of warren's behavior, and domino effect of this stupid bullshit, she just wants a reason to be a misogynistic ballsucker. she's so transparently apathetic about the actual effects of things women do and just wants literally any reason to draw up hate against them.
No. 920066
File: 1579352048301.jpeg (221.89 KB, 549x651, 606DB3F0-4A49-4574-8087-304004…)

>>919811The false lashes are so tacky and cheap
No. 923231
>>921762Pretty much
>>921803 stated the truth, the magic of ring lights to drown out her features but yeah, you're also right that YouTube's editing program does have a few filter effects you can use.
A big reason about why she's pulling such trickery is because I remember back in either 2018 or 2019, she filmed a video using HD quality as opposed to her usual 480p quality and she looked quite noticeably different (older). I think it was mentioned in an older Shoe thread here because after like 2 videos, she went back to using her 480p quality and I'm pretty sure she lurks here which is why she became aware that the HD was showing her look her age which she doesn't want.
No. 923255
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No. 923257
File: 1579899245999.jpeg (498.86 KB, 818x1193, AAC269FF-FD3C-41C9-92A6-B6605F…)

Do you think she’s finally getting tired of this old shtick
No. 923335
>>923255preg really thinks hes as hot as video game characters lmao.. the ezio cosplay and now this??? he looks like an overweight dutch with down syndrome
ezio and arthur sweetie, im so sorry
No. 923882
>>923255Is this the equivalent to morbidly obese girls who compare themselves to models or refer to themselves as sex goddesses?
>>923257Greg is a bigger cow than shoe is tbh
No. 924028
File: 1580035168418.jpg (216.99 KB, 1080x804, Screenshot_20200126-203728_Twi…)

Why does he tweet stuff like this? Does he forget hes engaged?
No. 924061
File: 1580043566065.jpeg (264.51 KB, 828x741, 38A60E3B-83E6-4A5E-8BE4-F32574…)

>>924028Wow her response makes it all the more depressing.
No. 924549
File: 1580137350053.png (67.22 KB, 592x853, owned by moviebob.png)

preg's getting owned on twitter by moviebob
No. 924552
File: 1580137489356.png (52.88 KB, 593x665, triggered by SNL.png)

also he has "owner/manager of shoe0nhead" in his profile again, for those keeping score.
No. 924583
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>>924552LMAO he did add her back, just checked and she added him too. Wonder in how many days they’ll remove each other again
No. 924597
File: 1580146512215.png (128.17 KB, 395x488, 463.png)

>>924552Wait how the fuck can leftism be used to oppress the poor?
No. 924608
File: 1580149462578.jpg (60.37 KB, 690x569, Capture.JPG)

Septic retweeted this.
June got shat on yet again.
No. 924609
File: 1580149755962.jpg (118.47 KB, 634x459, gulag.jpg)

>>924597Gee, I don't know, Anon. When HAS leftism ever been used to oppress poor people? Not to derail/defend Preggo (believe me, I really don't), but you've got to be functioning at a sub-optimal level to think things are as simple as "Left wing think poor people good, right wing hate poor people!"
No. 924649
>>924608seems more like preg agrees that the picture is stupid, not that he's discounting June's (non-existent) importance in his life specifically
>>924609can we not poli sperg this is retarded
No. 925230
File: 1580255913553.jpeg (Spoiler Image,525.2 KB, 584x1142, E3AB857B-9FF2-4DE4-B84A-406771…)

No. 925256
File: 1580262048969.jpeg (562.76 KB, 1585x1768, 100908D4-12D8-404B-82F2-FA2B88…) fanart from KF for us anons to enjoy.
>>925230I have a hard time figuring out if he shares this ironically but tells himself "it's kinda true though"
No. 925750
>>925656Why post that here instead of the tradthot thread? Also why is that milk? For as long as she's been online she's been called a hypocrite for working instead of focusing on family. Now she's actually gone and done that, so really, good for her.
Maybe when Lauren's son is Pregories age Shoe will be married as well.
No. 926182
File: 1580445453070.jpg (52.99 KB, 640x651, the cringe is real.jpg)

He got people whiteknighting this saying hes not being serious, doesn't stop it from being cringy as fuck kek.
No. 926209
>>924527>>925256So basically Wig knows that Preg will cheat on her eventually, but she doesn't want to seem like a 'typical vanilla normie' who hinders her man's sexuality or some shit, so she just plays along and pretends she likes it? God that's so pathetic.
But of course she's so uwu bisexual sub
No. 926326
File: 1580489752607.jpeg (320.39 KB, 804x649, 1C605858-C344-477F-B02D-78E850…)

How is she not embarrassed by this
No. 926614
>>926326I would die of embarrassment and shame if my fiance posted this even without the 3 wives part. I hope she's really enjoying that subby cuck queen lifestyle right now, because no ring will transform this despisable creature into a prince.
But hey, at least she got picked sis.
No. 926639
File: 1580547365608.png (349.58 KB, 1440x2560, 1492095399410.png)

>>926326"Land of misfit toys" isn't even a cringy quick thought that came up recently, he's been thinking about it from at least 2017.
No. 926652
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No. 926654
File: 1580553010130.jpg (36.35 KB, 649x309, capt2.JPG)

No. 926688
File: 1580563224036.png (719.86 KB, 728x806, 403E8F78-FE5C-4F13-82DE-CE9607…)

>>926652Why the hell does he have such a big ego? Is he blind?
No. 927226
File: 1580658767101.jpg (263.29 KB, 1080x1104, 20200202_165127.jpg)

This is ironic right. Please tell me it's ironic.
No. 929258
File: 1581086093183.jpeg (742.84 KB, 1242x1715, 4F0C6FB9-4B1C-4FB6-8C69-DB663E…)

Black History Month - the one month where June pretends not to be racist.
No. 929303
File: 1581095792374.jpeg (705.66 KB, 1315x1487, 1272BB04-6BBD-4AA6-9A83-8A5C0F…)

Holy shit, is this why its taking them so long to get married??
Also “marry that american chick”. You guys are ENGAGED have some fucking respect, this is just sad.
No. 929313
>>929303“Or if it’s smarter to stay where there’s healthcare”
the hypocrisy lmao
No. 929317
>>929303Imagine shuwu's parents seeing their future son in law talk about their daughter publically that way.
Oh but we're all too vanilla to get this is all part of their 24/7 totally healthy bdsm dynamic uwu
No. 929597
>>929303So he would consider moving to the US because he has friends there - but the fact that his FIANCEE lives there is only mentioned as an afterthought.
And then he goes on to tastefully ponder if he even wants to marry 'that American chick.'
How does a fat, useless retard become so entitled and self absorbed?
No. 929806
No matter how bad Greg gets, June bends the knee and passes every cool girl test with flying colors. She's the kind of girl every PUA bases there game on, she's so insecure she'll take every humiliation he throws at her publicly while smiling.
"It's fine that you've invested your time and money into a dead end career, I'm not a good digger, I'll even be your pay pig hehe"
"It's fine that you spend unreasonable amounts of money on star wars toys instead of saving for our future, it's your money I'm not your horrible ex-wife."
"It's fine that you like porn and cam girls on your public Twitter account, I think they're hot too!!!"
"It's fine that you're unkempt and out of shape, I'm only attracted to dad bods anyway!!! Unless it's an egirl hehe I'm so gay!!!"
"It's fine you don't take me out on nice dates and just want to ogle women in the park! I think it's fun too! uwu"
"It's fine that you speak to me disrespectfully in public that people think you're abusive, they just don't get our kinky dynamic!"
"It's fine that you want to fuck other girls, I want to play with other people too!"
"It's fine that you said you only want to marry me so I can get a green card to move in with you!"
"It's fine that you have no plans to marry me yet, I can just move closer so I don't inconvenience you."
"Oh… I mean it's fine that you want to move farther away we'll be married then so we can move in together! Oh what? Probably not? Oh that's okay, I'll just get another apartment close by! Yeah I know, you're afraid to get married because of your mean ex-wife! See you Friday? Oh you have a girl coming over? That's hot!!! I have a video about Bernie to make anyway!"
No. 930331
File: 1581320288342.png (76.42 KB, 1024x453, Screenshot_20200210-013846(1).…)

No. 930338
>>930331Oh my god you retard, you don't look cool
And you 'respect' men more because they would actually be able to beat your pathetic fat ass
No. 930369
File: 1581331051439.png (1.02 MB, 1075x1541, Screenshot_20200210-043754(1).…)

>white male rage
June is turning into a SJW right before my eyes
No. 930864
>>930695>>930780sage for toplic, My husband admitted to me that he was molested by his own aunt and that it had a negative impact on him, but he's not some MRA antifeminist loser, infact he always believes
victims of sexual abuse(male and female) and sticks out for women because he knows what's it like be a
victim No. 930899
File: 1581441532713.jpeg (234.4 KB, 790x576, D8D39647-3A95-46A3-877A-1B2B4A…)

>>930443Are they polyamorous? Because if not, June needs to dump his ass. This is so fucking cringe for your fiancé to talk this way about how he treats women
No. 931263
>>931258June panders to the crowd that don't care about
victims either. They'll only bring up male
victims to tell women to o shut up about sexual violence. So she doesn't care really either
>>930935Do you think she'll just stop posting online? Break up with preg and ghost the internet.
No. 931387
File: 1581525381363.jpeg (58.27 KB, 741x741, EQgjvS7WAAII1un.jpeg)

No. 931427
>>931387honestly hope he does it so he can get completely mocked by everyone on a large scale.
no one takes super seducer seriously, even after the second game where the creator tries to make himself look self aware by being a "living meme" he's still just seen as a wannabe Tommy Wiseau.
I can literally see preg's ugly ass on there and streamers/lpers vomiting from cringe.
No. 931439
>>931387at this point preg's cow tendencies have completely eclipsed june's
did she have anything to say about this on twitter?
No. 931457
>>931258Agreed. What could've been a good message is just polluted by her
toxic way of using it to shit on more women. I'm not defending what those women in the video did, very messed up regardless if it's man or woman but it just sucks that it has to come from someone like Shoe.
>>931263>Do you think she'll just stop posting online? Break up with preg and ghost the internet.I feel like her disappearing without notice off the internet is the most plausible. She'll just stop uploading or going on Twitter but maybe make a second account with none of her pictures in it. I'm just curious if she's been saving money because she's been out of work for like 3 years now? And it doesn't look like Preg is marrying her anytime soon (ever). It's gonna be interesting.
>>931412Priorities lol
>>931439Most likely not anon because remember, June is cool and not like other girls who would get bothered by something like that
No. 931479
>>931387I know June is a walking doormat, but there's no way she'd let him traipse off to Eastern Europe to embarrass himself in a PUA game after making her move to be closer because he's too lazy to marry her or travel back and forth???? I'm stupid to expect her to have dignity though, if he doesn't do it she won't be the reason.
Didn't some breadtubers make videos criticizing Super Seduce? At this point he's not just a terrible partner, but detrimental to her rebrand.
No. 931494
File: 1581542989992.jpg (209.06 KB, 1079x937, Screenshot_20200212-223003_Chr…)

Did they cast him as a bridge troll?
No. 931662
>>931570Ah, trying to pull an onision? Well it hasn't worked for him and it won't work for preg lol
>>931625Honestly sometimes I wonder how wig reacts to this stuff. Does she just repress it further to be uwu submissive or does she ever get pissed/cry when she sees this shit?
No. 931798
File: 1581622462093.jpeg (605.5 KB, 658x1457, 0A1C8C0C-AC94-4AAD-82EA-944D56…)

No. 931898
>>931798"My favorite people are people who aren't political"
Ouch. What a thing to say after your fiance has been non-stop posting about politics for months.
He had a wandering eye from the start and now that marriage is looming he's getting more and more depressed and desperate. He obviously wants out now, tweeting about moving away and how his dreams are ruined because of her. Not that his stupid fantasy of being a film making knight (lol) would ever come true, but he's clearly very bitter at her for getting in his way somehow. Also name dropping Sargon, the person who hosted the stream where they met. I bet he regrets it now.
No. 931921
>>931919man. what a compliment to "that american chick i can possibly marry"
why is preg ramping the insults up lately? i'm starting to agree with the anon who said he's really looking to break loose and june instead just keeps putting up with every last thing he throws at her kek
No. 931923
>>931919KEK, this is classic. you're the fools that wanted to keep his company… i love how public opinion turns on carlgon and suddenly it's like they were duped by him or something. like they didn't know who they were dealing with, as if they're any better.
>>931798she is a dog that will predictably come crawling back for more abuse and mistreatment. this is so disrespectful and unfunny.
No. 931935
File: 1581646542758.jpeg (254.42 KB, 795x742, 11E4330A-EDFD-4B15-A90D-E77909…)

Damn shameless
No. 931984
File: 1581667580508.png (92.67 KB, 216x249, 1477867719336.png)

>>931798the amount of confidence preg has is mindboggling. motherfucker calls himself "the armored skeptic" online what kind of audience was he expecting to garner?
he can't even get a shitty film degree to at least have an ounce on what makes a good movie or even any of the technical bullshit.
how does this clown feel he was gonna achieve his dreams? how?? when he's done absolutely nothing to pursue them and has the vocabulary of an angry middle schooler.
how do you get this far in life not being able to hold yourself accountable for anything?
i guess he's a narc but i'm sure preg might think that makes him some kind of genius.
also fuck june, i feel no sympathy for dumb bitches like her who set themselves up like this. enjoy licking preg's asshole for another 10 years while he cucks you with internet trannies.
No. 932005
>>931984 >>931798
>trains as a knight on the sideand who's preventing him from training as a knight on the side? shoe?
he could definitely use some training the fatass
these 2 are the perfect couple, both are absolutely spineless
No. 932042
>>932019IIRC he has a learning disability but actually believes that he did badly in school because he was
too intelligent to do well in school, and that his parents and teachers simply didn’t know how to handle someone so gifted.
No. 932053
File: 1581693481356.png (122.46 KB, 760x470, Screenshot_20200214-101521.png)

>>931935I think she felt weird about his come on because she mentions Shoe and third wheeling and he stops replying. Total turn off to mention that American chick.
No. 932076
>>932054It's hard to feel bad anon. He's literally doing all this and has been doing it for like a year and Shoe is just a spineless dolt who just accepts it because "Teehee I'm not like those other girls, I'm the cool girl". She's pathetic but she brings it on herself. Even though hey, maybe we could be wrong and Preggory isn't as crass offline as he presents online but with how frequently he shits on her, you have to really wonder.
And this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so one-sided. Like if it's supposed to be all fun and games, why doesn't Shoe do the same and "joke" with guys she finds attractive. It's not like she has a lack of male attention since they comprise most of her fanbase and there's bound to be a few that would intrigue her enough to be flirty with. Just saying that if Preg can do it and expects Shoe to be complacent with it, it should be the same for her.
No. 932105
>>932088This, pretty much. It's eye opening that anons feel differently.
In any case, don't feel too bad for poor June. I'm sure her parents will throw her a third engagement party later this year.
No. 932125
File: 1581705782258.jpeg (50.54 KB, 339x622, 94162D37-871A-4522-BC20-D7D215…)

>>932088Self-fulfilling prophecy
No. 932134
>>821211>>932105I hate Greg so much, I actually wish that June would dump his fat retarded ass and live her best life, go out with a guy who doesn’t have a weight problem and a sub 90 IQ and leave him to fester in his parents house orbiting e thots forever. I want Greg to know how repulsive he really is, as June only likes him because she’s fucked in the head and almost (but not quite) as mentally retarded as he is. June is the only half decent looking woman in the whole world who is degenerate enough to let this flabby pig slam his pathetic chode into her. June please fucking dump him, you have potential, you really do. You can do so much fucking better. Just go back to your parents and find a decent man who doesn’t hate and resent you.
I can’t believe he thinks she ruined his dreams, he is literally a useless fucking parasite in every way.
No. 932142
>>932125What a cope to call your
toxic relationship a 24/7 bdsm fantasy.
No. 932167
File: 1581711308430.jpg (49.55 KB, 681x479, 123123.JPG)

Just found this old tweet, Preg posted that while still being married to his now ex-wife.
June couldn't see a huge red flag right in her face, the kool girl aid is that strong.
No. 932196
File: 1581717163163.png (797.82 KB, 593x910, bodied.PNG)

jesus christ
No. 932283
File: 1581729044180.jpeg (383.47 KB, 771x1361, 501236DA-9976-47D5-940A-856BD3…)

No. 932285
She’s obviously scared of being single again at her age especially after being with him for so long but this can’t be what she really wants for the rest of her life. Starting over at 30 is better than publicly begging for your fiancé to love you back. This is just sad.
No. 932292
File: 1581730762797.jpeg (261.17 KB, 750x560, AAB9E82F-EB2A-4DE3-8DE9-D01359…)

No. 932295
>>932134I just hope for her sake she doesn't get regnant by him. She is pushing 30 and she may want to have kids.
>>932285Disdain for her aside, you're right anon. It's not too late to turn your life around at 30 and she could probably find a better guy. Like I said, the worst thing she can do at this point is get knocked up by Greg.
>>932292Oh boy…
No. 932298
File: 1581731692847.jpg (1.06 MB, 1304x2216, EQwBD13XsAI51dO.jpg)

>>932269Here's the full image
No. 932302
File: 1581732496259.jpeg (319.8 KB, 1242x685, 86B12172-3A15-4DE6-8BF7-68D163…)

This is in his liked tweets
No. 932318
File: 1581735689598.jpeg (74.96 KB, 250x323, 099E8BE9-65B3-4C11-A6FE-ED2B45…)

>>932302IT’S HAPPENING!!!
he’s so obviously fed up with her shit and is trying to give off signals because her only way of getting the hint is via manically scanning his twitter activity
shuwu meltdown over pregory soft-blocking her incoming, mark my words
No. 932328
File: 1581739771822.jpg (84.37 KB, 720x333, 20200214_230830.jpg)

What are your bets for when they officially break up? Here's another tweet Grug liked.
No. 932342
File: 1581742966627.jpeg (377.25 KB, 750x1087, 7C9EC85F-B153-41FF-94FB-6B18F0…)

similar to
>>932053, when preg shamelessly disses his own fiancé in a reply to someone they get uncomfortable and try to defend june
No. 932344
>>932306Anon she'll be 30, not 40 or 50. She'll be fine if she wants kids. The big issue is preg being the disrespectful cow that he is meanwhile June is just sitting in that garage fire of a relationship thinking "everything is fine"
>>932342Even his own fans are uncomfortable.
No. 932350
>>932346Molymeme's "by 30 all your eggs are gone" fake scare tactic aside, preg would never be cooperative in general lbr. He left a seemingly normal marriage and normal woman to play with star wars action figures that he couldn't afford, get into debt and a cult and ultimately fumble through life. He just doesn't care. If June saw a woman in her position now, she'd laugh and mock her with her incel horde.
Boxxy left a long time ago to be normal. And she's the whole reason for June even staying online. It's time for June to cut her losses and reinvent herself now.
No. 932369
>>932346>>932306stop repeating this shit. it's framed so badly to make women seek fertility treatment or to just make women seem like decrepit old hags at 30 years old. the truth is that you only even have 25% of your egg reserve left at 12-13/start of puberty.
only 300-400 eggs undergo maturation throughout your entire lifetime, out of the 2 million eggs you're born with, so these statistics about egg reserves are purposely warped to make women seem like barren old hags. it's not like women are actually experiencing difficulty specifically because they have fewer eggs, it's other issues that cause difficulty, not the amount. and the quality of your eggs is not poor at 30. this is fertility science scaremongering.
>>932283this is so hard to watch. shoe is a shitty person but damn, this must be causing her self esteem to take a nosedive. sad and totally unnecessary. get it together. she literally has a discord full of probably mostly gainfully employed paypigs that would give their left nut to be with her. plenty of which, i have to assume, are much more attractive than preg. why do this
No. 932403
>>932346>by 30 to 40 half of your eggs are goneShut the fuck up scrote
>>932351Ty for posting this I just cackled my fucking head off
No. 932406
>>932398Her biggest obstacle is for sure Greg. She’s waiting with baited breath day in and day out for him
>>932306You’re delusional. You obviously never leave your room or are 18 because I know shit tonnes of people who have conceived naturally at 30 - 40 sometimes even by accident. I’ve known couples struggling to conceive at 24. You’re either a scrote or a dumb 4chan obsessed thot.
No. 932433
>>932398If she had a tiny bit of brain, she'd use betabux to get a proper education and later get employment.
She wouldn't have trouble with money since she still gets money effortlessly.
Dump boyfriend, use betabux to invest into education and get a proper job at the end, it isn't that complicated. Her biggest problem is that she is spoiled and dumb.
No. 932436
>>932423I'm sure any child they have would be taken care of by the grandparents, while Wig and Preg work on their 'careers.' Maybe an occasional outing to pose for social media and show how great they are as parents.
Sadly I think their kid would just be used as a prop to demonstrate their superior alpha genes
No. 932489
>>932320Well damn anon, you make it sound like they have some sort of call-girl arrangement only without the payment afterwards lol. If tweets like this aren't a wake up call to June, I don't know what is. I think it's clear that deep down Preggory wants to end things with June and go back to jacking it to cam girls but he's too much of a wimp to tell her because he made her jump through hoops to see him by persuading her to move closer to him and it'll make him look bad to break up with her and June will have to explain to her parents why she's moving back in with them after wasting time on him.
>>932344I think the age thing varies. I have a friend who's pushing 40 (she's 36 currently) and she's been having some complications trying to get pregnant. Ihear that complications can show up in your mid 30s but I think it's a case by case basis and point is, June still has ample time to have kids if she wants them but she's going nowhere with Preg and if she stays complacent, life's gonna really pass her by and I don't mean the sake of having kids.
>>932398Good point, it's not Preggory who's the issue really, he's just a distraction for her because like you said, the biggest issue here is that she has nothing of merit to survive on her own and her YouTube popularity will not last forever and as she gets older, it's not gonna end well. A decades worth of unemployment, not even at least consistent self-employment.
>>932403I mean if Shoe really wants to be a housewife (which seems like her best bet if she continues like this…) then yeah agreed, she needs to learn to be a useful contributor.
>>932433Possibly learn how to invest some money too. You know put some of it away and harvest it.
No. 932536
>>932161There's far more similarities. They're both bald cucks with fat, ugly, unemployed manchildren who think women over 30 are hags. Except gimpgirl's misogynist blob actually married her.
June could learn a lesson reading about gimpgirl's life, but I'm sure if she did, it'd go over her head and she'd think "lol that bitch is ugly…greggypoo would never fuck her <33"
No. 932538
File: 1581801746886.png (35.81 KB, 711x276, lhvC3Dw.png)

he really left her stranded in the middle of nowhere away from her family and friends.
No. 932555
File: 1581805591204.jpg (127.18 KB, 1423x985, CdAQLrtXEAAd9UO.jpg)

June's current situation is a really good lesson on what happens when you try to be the cool girl to incels.
She tried so hard to prove to "feminist harpies" that her misogynistic MGTOW boyfriend is actually a lovable genius with a heart made of gold and look where she is now.
No. 932560
File: 1581806476701.jpg (170.58 KB, 700x700, shoe2.jpg)

I made a personalized version of the reaction pic June always uses.
No. 932570
>>932555Especially when they start giving off red flags like what he's been doing.
>>932560Seems pretty accurate lol.
No. 932652
>>932560>traps welcomelmfao
next thread pic
No. 932659
>>932560This is so good but so dark.
I agree that it should be next thread pic. I sense darker times ahead to come.
No. 932679
>>932306When I was 20 my boyfriend came in me repeatedly and I never got pregnant despite not being on birth control, I didn't have kids until 27
It varies person to person but you're absolutely retarded and need to stop getting biology lessons from people who hate women
No. 932733
>>932721you really think preg would try to claim june was
abusive? how would he pull that off?
No. 932735
File: 1581855219986.png (Spoiler Image,944.49 KB, 1711x914, wtf.PNG)

i was scrolling through his likes and found this. i haven't watched the video (because i will not subject myself to that) so i can't tell you all what it is but I think the screenshot tells enough
No. 932760
>>932721I'm not sure about the "
abusive" thing but yeah it's pretty clear that he's trying to get her to break up with him so he's not painted as the bad guy. I'm sure he would have earlier if June didn't move out to be closer to him and that's the biggest reason why he's not wanting to be the one to initiate it because she took a gamble to be with him.
>feed it to the next cool girl that'll be expected to jump out of her skin trying to prove she's better.You know you raise a good point. June is not as popular as she was during 2014-2016 and there other "cool" girl types who have risen since then. Yeah Shoe may still get the views but her appeal is slowly wearing off since she hasn't really changed all that much since those days and so maybe Greg is just bored of her now and realizes he made a mistake getting with her even if it was just for the clout because without her, he would still be a nobody.
No. 932768
>>932721That does seem pretty cannon for Greg to do, most north American girls would be smart enough to look at his Twitter and see he was clearly the
abusive and neglectful one. Do you think he will just get desperate and buy a mail order bride once enough women run from him? Especially with June no longer around which was why he even interacted with as many pickmes as he did
No. 932816
File: 1581880611232.jpg (208.82 KB, 750x750, muhbdsmdynamics.jpg)

>>932560You just don't understand, anon
No. 932818
File: 1581881409407.gif (56.78 KB, 300x184, 1542312447375.gif)

>>932560This better be the next thread pic.
The anticipation of this breakup is killing me. I just want to see how June will try and sugar coat all of this and pretend everything is ok and preg go on a downwards spiral. I just want to see them get what they deserve
No. 932834
File: 1581886867257.png (323.51 KB, 672x677, 1.png)

Her and Preg clearly don't like sargon anymore.
I wonder how it must feel knowing she met her "future husband" through him? Preg certainly seems bitter about.
No. 933022
File: 1581935665001.png (23.46 KB, 594x294, go get hit with a fish again c…)

how has carl managed to evade the ban on this account for so long?
No. 933023
File: 1581936093362.jpg (105.56 KB, 595x735, brainlet.jpg)

so someone posted this on kiwifarms
what an absolute twat
No. 933047
>>933041BuT mUh MeNsA IQ Anon!!!
He's just so smart our pea-brains can't understand the deep insights on theoretical physics he gets inbetween sessions of fapping to camgirls and traps.
No. 933069
>>932902I think she’s saying that Sargon is lying about Berniebros being sexist.
>>933023Is he trying to get on r/iamverysmart?
No. 933139
>>933133E=mc2 implies that anything having mass has an equivalent amount of energy and vice versa (just the wiki definition) so seemingly "empty" space may involve measurements of mass if there's anything like radiation, even in sub-microscopic amounts. and when you get that small, energy can appear as matter depending on the instrument used. From what I can tell the number you found doesn't take dark energy or dark matter into account. Preg is the one who seems to think that space should be handled like a literal vacuum with no forces acting on it just because it looks empty to his droopy human eye.
So no, E=mc^2 doesn't ReQuiRe the universe to be full of matter AND energy as if they're two completely separate things, it just accounts for the sub-microscopic variables in the universe rather than assuming they don't exist.
No. 933215
File: 1581981256161.png (71.85 KB, 677x624, 1.png)

The salt is real.
No. 933226
>>933215>just because no one wants to read my loser opinions, the same must apply to the entirety of twitter usersWay to miss the point
>My girlfriendKek
No. 933311
File: 1582015558355.png (93.96 KB, 595x599, lol.png)

>>933215dude's in denial that half of his followers subscribed only because they followed shuwu.
>>933023Apparently he belives in electric universe "theory", it's a flat-earth-tier pseudoscience bordering on conspiracy theory (mainstream science is hiding truth because it would to make free energy aviable?) and spiritual belief. It's ridiculous and community is like flat earthers but more obscure. I guess it's time for a new sect/identity?
No. 933335
>>933311just imagine dunking on flat-earthers on yt and then saying this shit
he got out of his cult but the cult mentality is stil strong
imagine if he actually got kicked out instead because they were tired of his bullshit
No. 934015
File: 1582172614401.png (241.34 KB, 760x699, Screenshot_20200219-232215.png)

Even after being called out multiple times, Greg just can't NOT follow camgirls and like their posts. If you go to his likes this girl is all over them, and a few other egirls. I wonder if June pays for his Onlyfans subscription.
No. 934052
>>934018If she was smart shed break up with him for "wasting her fertility" with his philandering about. " I thought we were gon be mawwied, have baby, it's all I want booo hooo" and maybe some beta bux who wants to play trad alpha husband will rescue the Dumbsel in distress.
But I like what shes getting right now, this is fun.
No. 934058
File: 1582182846424.png (1.05 MB, 832x1346, Screenshot 2020-02-20 at 12.39…)

make up your mind, preg
No. 934081
>>934027Definitely, he probably thinks he has more chance with them, being a """popular""" youtuber and all.
Popular camgirls wouldn't even notice him.
No. 934550
File: 1582261585231.jpg (95.29 KB, 1029x626, fish.jpg)

>>934149stopped pretending to be a "centrist" or a skeptic
claimed Heather Heyer died of a heart attack instead of being hit by a car at that Unite The Right thing (this was an alt-right/actual neo-nazi talking point)
ran for MP as a member of UKIP (along with Count Dankula and Paul Joseph Watson)
the media found his "I wouldn't even rape you, Jess Phillips" tweet, which he refused to apologize for or see anything wrong with
did a "standup comedy" sketch video where he "joked" that he "might rape Jess Phillips, but let's be honest there's not enough beer yukyukyuk"
while running for officegot hit with milkshakes and fish
got disowned by his hero Nigel Farage who referred to him as the "lunatic fringe" or the party
picked a fight with Mr. Metokur
got banned from Patreon
got banned from Twitter about a dozen times
referred to non-white UK citizens as "not culturally English"
had to be told by UKIP to not use the N word
No. 934578
>>934544agreed. took a quick peek at a couple of her brainlet videos, she's looking like she'll do it
shed the loser june. even you can do better
No. 934636
>>934578can you share which videos gave you this notion?
I am curious but cannot stand watching her shit for too long
No. 934661
File: 1582289991573.jpg (531.44 KB, 969x723, might do it.jpg)

>>934636it was this one she's sick or has had a two hour cry
it made me curious too, so i watched the two newer videos on her brainlet channel (this is the third newest) and she just looks dead inside to me
it's also a real struggle to get through the videos so admittedly there was a lot of skipping, on my part. she sounds like it's so difficult for her to talk sense without referencing memes. once in a while she'll get carried away with what she's saying and start to smile, and then she goes back to looking like she'd rather be sleeping.
i hope it's not a retarded tinfoil on my part, feel free to correct me though because at this point it's just sad if true
No. 934693
File: 1582294529817.jpeg (244.04 KB, 802x698, 1F392E3E-A4AF-465F-AA56-569A58…)

So fucking deluded. The women just beg for your fuppa ass to give them babies, sure
No. 934804
>>934636NTA but I linked this video a while ago
>>934661 video linked, I honestly think she's covering up the fact she's done with Greg with politics
No. 934840
File: 1582306113160.jpeg (421.18 KB, 2048x902, DgRJdSFUYAUtLJ5.jpeg)

>>934809How about this
>dump greg>go to her discord>pick a beta orbiter who will stay loyal to her foreverpic related, all men in this pic (excluding greg) are her beta orbiters
No. 935184
>>935181samefag but at this point she probably needs to talk to her family. maybe she doesn’t have the option because they might be
abusive or they want her to tie the knot already(two engagement parties, whew!) so she doesn’t go back to being a NEET at their house, we don’t know. but if the only things that’s stopping her is embarrassment, she should get over that and ask for help lest she ends up an heroing like anons are tinfoiling she might.
No. 935341
File: 1582385323985.png (91.76 KB, 168x216, this dude.png)

>>934809i kek'd at both options but she really has a lot of options tbh. sure, she's pathetic but men don't see her that way tbh.
anyways, i am casting my vote. iirc this autist is the one that caped super hard for her by attacking venti with that spergtacular stop motion response vid. he's kind of cute and of age, especially for her fanbase. certainly already a better catch than greg. a lot of her autistic male fans are in software dev or web dev or whatever. she has plenty of options. not like it even matters, at this point just getting a guy that isn't employed but doesn't drain her bank account by purchasing cheap plastic toys for $800 a pop and getting hilariously scammed by them on ebay would still be a gain.
No. 935344
>>935176>>935176I mean even the most pickme women require the man to be somewhat affectionate at the very least, Greg somehow managed to fail extremely desperate women's standards
He quite literally just sees June as an ATM, if he left her his ass would have to go back to bus driving and flipping burgers or begging daddy for money to get by, he won't have the luxury of making money doing nothing, no other woman will be willing to put out as much as much money as June does for him and expect only distance and cheating in return. While I do think June needs to get help Greg will literally never get someone who is willing to do as much as June is willing to do for someone so ugly, useless and awful
No. 935427
>>935243honestly in the US it's not to uncommon to see people living with their parents till their 30s to save money nowadays because the shitty economy, expensive housing, and low paying jobs, especially with student loan debt.
But shuwu doesn't have that excuse, she has has orbiters paying her a ton on patron and merchandise for years now, she could've have been living on her own much earlier on if she was actually independent but it's obvious she relies on preg and her parents. When she was living with her parents, she stated her mom still cleaned her room and made her food.
The place that she's staying at now belongs to her parents so she's not paying any rent either. She has the perfect set up but, still chooses to let preg to be in control of their finances(she's claimed this in the past) because she's so far gone in believing it's part of their "dynamic".
No. 935431
>>934915If Carlgon were successful she'd probably still kiss his ass, but he was a national laughingstock who destroyed UKIP so it's better for her reputation to drop him
>>935176That would make a lot of sense, but I think Greg is literally incapable of such basic strategy. He is constantly self-sabotaging because of his incompetence, like when he bankrupted himself for a doomsday cult and got divorced for spending money on toys. What would make sense for Greg to do is probably beyond him; he might really be shitting on Shoe just because he thinks he deserves better
No. 936244
File: 1582528723587.jpg (673.79 KB, 1775x659, e58.jpg)

>>935899Just like all the other accidents he's ever been involved with.
No. 936478
>>936244 >>936302
I think it's a case of correlation!=causation
he is just jumping onto already dying memes, not to mention the fact that, on his part it is completely unintentional (look at how he tried to revive gamergate)
No. 937130
File: 1582689584437.png (334.68 KB, 760x1006, Screenshot_20200225-225616.png)

No. 937132
File: 1582689693914.png (306.28 KB, 760x1097, Screenshot_20200225-225709.png)

>>937130He then immediately flirts with a trans can girl, what a coomer.
No. 937133
File: 1582690140288.png (463.97 KB, 760x1034, Screenshot_20200225-225351.png)

Also not really milk but "You need to grow up." This manchild almost exclusively watches capeshit and spends his pay pig "fiance"'s money on thousand dollar Star Wars toys. What mature person wants adult themes in a game made for babies???
No. 937156
File: 1582692718759.jpg (221.27 KB, 1074x847, 20200225_234933.jpg)

Besides the "grooming the young girl" part, all of this is correct.
No. 937170
File: 1582693890347.jpg (515.23 KB, 1080x1828, 20200226_000845.jpg)

Preg acting oblivious and afraid to name drop.
No. 937250
File: 1582713537606.jpg (156.12 KB, 735x538, cow.jpg)

>>937130>>937170looks like june completely ignored this stuff? she's going on about politics as usual. i think she's stupid, but at least she's applying herself
somewhere. meanwhile preg is busy dressing up as the joker AGAIN jfc what the fuck is wrong with this retarded potato? someone reassure me he's doing this deliberately
No. 937322
File: 1582730932953.png (332.51 KB, 760x859, Screenshot_20200226-102021.png)

Greg you are obese, and Jason Momoa is jacked. How can Show stand dating someone so delusional and narcissistic????
No. 937336
>>937322What kind of cognitive dissonance do you need to possess to think your overweight body is comparable to one of the fittest celebrities currently while simultaneously calling any girl who's close to an average weight a "whale"?
The phrase "dad bod" is so pathetic coming from someone who cant help but salivate when it comes to insulting a woman about her weight. What's the woman equivalent to a "dad bod" to Preg? Just being fat? Kek "manchild bod" is more like it.
No. 937339
>>937130Not even denying it. June has no self esteem anymore. Pathetic
>>937332Not to mention Jason mamoa is 40. Preg is just that damn lazy and believes he's ultra attractive without any muscle definition because of his height.
No. 937396
>>937130God, I know June is a cow here but I really pity her at times.
Just because this is their dynamic or whatever doesn't excuse this at all. Like I can barely feel any chemistry between them or any ounce of respect towards her at this point.
Unless June, or Greg are mentally handicapped or whatever and they cant share the same living space, their relationship just looks like they're business partners if anything.
No. 937687
>>937685truth be told this appearance is worse than them just breaking up lmao
i know it's likely june who threw a crying fit, but i really want to think preg absolutely
begged to not be tossed away because no one would watch his channel ever again, and is pissed that he had to beg so he's degrading june publicly now
No. 937774
File: 1582806871449.jpeg (231.01 KB, 808x712, BAA46514-F819-4042-B065-97D80A…)

Real classy.
No. 937880
>>937685I can't see them breaking up yet, rather I think their relationship will slowly wither away until they are not even attracted to each other, Wig permits Preg to fuck other women without her just so he doesn't bother her, and they keep it up for appearances. It seems like they're already at this point.
But if Wig wants to move on and find another guy, it's over because Preg can't handle that
No. 937977
>>937849She knows he would just go blab to the other girl about how she's fat and
abusiveI honestly don't understand how someone can purposely flirt on Twitter with other girls and shit on their fiance as much as preg does, is this on purpose or he is that stupid?
No. 938156
>>938081i mean i feel bad for her because this isn't something a fiance should be doing to his partner. then i see june doesn't even have the spine to respond and all my sympathy just melts away kek
if she can't stand up to him when he's as disgusting as
>>937774 then yes, she kinda deserves being talked about like this
No. 938171
>>937849She knows he would just go blab to the other girl about how she's fat and
abusiveI honestly don't understand how someone can purposely flirt on Twitter with other girls and shit on their fiance as much as preg does, is this on purpose or he is that stupid?
No. 938189
>>938156Exactly. Of course if our friends or family members had a fiancé running around doing the crap preg does to them, we’d feel horrible. But it’s also expected that if your partner is doing half the shit he has done to her, that you’re supposed to dump their disrespectful, selfish ass, and that’s what a normal person would do.
>>938171She doesn’t see it as shitting on her. She thinks she’s in on the joke and he’s laughing WITH her, when really she’s constantly the punchline. It’s pathetic when they both pretend to be on another level with this super “meta” self-deprecating humor when really it’s just a way to get away with being cunts and a way for them to pretend to be self-aware and not have any responsibility for their actions. It’s all “just a joke guize.”
No. 938221
>>937774What the fuck?
>>937849>blackmail materialWould anyone even care at this point?
No. 938303
File: 1582896445240.png (233.89 KB, 592x417, white women extinction.PNG)

if any of you expect a person like this to up and leave her jello-bellied philandering fiance you are sadly mistaken. warren is a snake but like 99% of her tweets remain "woman bad" from an allegedly left perspective. she's also still tweeting about hillary. the picture on the right is pepe running to push it btw, so literally nothing has changed
No. 938341
File: 1582907225825.jpg (642.71 KB, 1022x731, 8V2Pe15.jpg)

>>938338>do you expect me to care if he watches pornI mean, it takes a real retard at this point not to understand the PERSONAL reasons for not accepting porn in a relationship (complete sexual dysfunction, breaking of intimacy, physiological issues). God forbid if you begin to think of the societal and ideological effects of porn.
How convictionless and spineless can a person be?
No. 938419
>>938338This is old isn't it?
"We're getting married" Bitch you thought. You're not even his first choice American chick, he'd rather have a harem in Colorado.
No. 938694
File: 1582944497038.png (65.55 KB, 682x686, 1.png)

Poor preg has it so hard!
No. 938784
>>938694Ah yes Greg getting a girlfriend most men can only dream of who pays for all your shit, let's you cheat, treat her like shit and still supports and defends you must be so hard smh
There are men out there who are literally begging for girlfriends, men who get killed, cheated on, and used for money by their girlfriends and his worse problem is his girlfriend spends a lot of time online. Unbelievable
Inb4 someone gets offended, no I'm not saying all or even most girls do this, Greg is selfish and June is a pleaser who is desperate, they go well together
No. 938823
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She’s still not in his bio lol
No. 938826
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>>931798Why are their fans so horny
No. 938827
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>>938823I refuse to believe that bio even belongs to a human being
No. 938846
File: 1582977706999.jpeg (410.78 KB, 828x790, A24F2072-0755-4C31-8F41-766BF1…)

>>938823Time to watch how long it takes her to remove him now
No. 938870
File: 1582980793298.png (247.8 KB, 760x625, Screenshot_20200229-075041.png)

If he's not online all the time how is he always finding these obscure camgirls that he's constantly replying to and liking their selfies???
No. 938876
>>938823>Conspiracy Theorist >Antichrist>Jedi Imagine being with a man his age who says this shit and likes
>>938870 on twitter to show up on all your fans' feeds.
No. 938888
File: 1582985944114.png (319.69 KB, 692x796, 1.png)

Remember this is not cheating at all you vanilla normies!!
No. 938897
>>938892I think he's calling the person who @ her a bitch for not getting it's
totally just a joke (some tweets of preg's fans are saying that).
No. 938898
>>938826Do his fans really believe he's knowledgeable about actual BDSM in any way? It's all part of their shtick. Preg is a terrible
abusive retard who treats women like any other
abusive misogynistic moron. Being an uncommitted, selfish, piece of shit does not make one a Dom kek.
as if his deformed retard arms could handle a flogger correctly
No. 938920
>>938892He's calling the person that mentioned her a bitch because they made it slightly harder for him to cheat on her.
>>938898He knows about safewords and not to use zip ties. He doesn't know you still need to have a real relationship.