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No. 900161
Grab a sugar-laden starbucks as we continue to send our #support to the best and the bravest #EDrecoverywarriors on instagram and beyond*
(*photoshopping, ebegging, bed blocking, crotch baring, scab picking, POTS munching and anorexia diagnosis all optional)
previous thread
>>>/snow/883248(shit thread) No. 900175
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Anybody else notice she’s looking plus sized now? Also, the left is the original she was tagged in. The right is her edit. In the original you can see how filthy her clothes are. But gotta change the filter to look pale and smudge out the dirty clothes.
No. 900186
File: 1575231889741.png (180.39 KB, 1033x874, wannarexia.alert.png)

Searching for known members, I found some funny posts- these were from the ANOREXIA part of mypancakeaddiction. These posts are not recent, but I lurked their profiles and nothing's changed. Are we focusing on instagrammers or are forums like MPA fair game?
>>900161Not very detailed thread description, lol. But OP pic is great.
>>900175I wouldn't call that plus sized, but her face and shoulders look filled out. Definitely gained weight.
No. 900195
>>900186Apologies, first thread. Pic courtesy of anon
>>895467Pancake is a goldmine. 99% self diagnosis, shitloads of DID fakers, admin is nuts. Fair game imo
No. 900238
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She was mentioned in the last thread after posting about peeing herself, but ah, yes, much emaciation. She's now using a second account as a food diary, @rexie.skeleton or something. Curse To The Bone for making "rexie" a thing ugh.
No. 900244
>>900175>>900235if Bekah recovers even somewhat, that's a good thing. I hear your bones rattling, anon.
>>900218Bekah is a longstanding thread subject and not a self-poster (that we know of).
No. 900258
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I’m deeply triggered that georgieporgie is 100g away from her goal weight for today. Any guesses as to what it is? 250? The waif is going to blow away in a strong gust at this rate!
No. 900263
>>900195Right? I've looked at her profile too and damn. Pancake is like MPA's cowardly sibling, too. MPA only hides certain parts of the forum, but everything is hidden on pancakes unless you register. What's with this fear of being discovered, lol? I wouldn't be surprised if anamanaguchi was lurking this thread.
>>900227 But they are calorie-counting pErFeCtIoNIsTs, anon. On a serious note, is that why they're always looking for a buddy? Asking for tips?
No. 900372
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Doesn’t she claim POTS? I’m no medfag so idk if this would be something normal for that or if is she just making this all up (the vitals) to sound sooper sick and spoopy? I always attributed her high heart rate rate to her high body mass stressing out her heart. Overweight ppl breath harder and get out of breath their hearts have to work harder to do simple tasks so I always assumed she’s just fat and out of shape lol. Anyone have any ideas on what she’s trying to get at here? uwu ana or look at my severe POTS?
No. 900384
>>900372She’s trying to sound sick. Severe anorexics can die in their sleep when the heart slows down for sleep since they have exceptionally slow hr as it is. Georgia probably had a hypnic jerk and hopes it’s heart damage from not eating all her lunch.
>>900351I’d guess about 125kg average, 88kgs as a lowest adult weight. Looks to be average height, like 165cm or so.
She needs to stop reading wasted and unbearable lightness so often because it’s getting too obvious she’s referencing them in her play.
No. 900452
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First off, which photo is before and which one is after? and second, she’s being admitted in january? why? this is the first i’ve heard of it. i’m over her and her useless admissions. you’re fine eating and other than thinking you’re fat you have no other symptoms.
No. 900485
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>>900452She had to go back ASAP because “muh anorexia is gettin so bad”, duh! Clearly an urgent case. Life or death. Can’t have her losing any more weight!
No. 900531
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>>900507That’s my issue with her too. Like, I dgaf that’s she’s fat, it’s how she pretends eating is SsooOooOo hard and she’s desperately sick with anorexia that pisses me off. Who do you honesty think you’re fooling, Georgia? Healthy vegetables and roasted meat is challenging because it’s not the shitty junk food you usually eat, not because you’re a dainty ana fairy! Note: she was eating a lollipop and mozzarella stick in recent previous posts.
No. 900538
>>900531>>900485>>900452i just
cant imagine proudly attaching your face to this whiny bullshit. she needs to leave the internet & actually work on herself gd
No. 900541
>>900531This is my problem with her, too.
I get the whole ‘you can have an ED at any weight’ thing; but claiming atypical anorexia without actually losing a significant amount of weight after all these years? That ain’t AA.
Eventually one with AA would indeed become anorexic as they are literally afraid of food and weight gain.
If she is fasting/restricting between binges I’d say bulimia. If no compensation pure BED. If a combination of factors for random amounts of time, with no distinctive pattern, OSFED.
I’d have sympathy for her if she were honest. As for the POTS? BS. She’s overweight and inactive, HR monitors are not accurate and give ‘off’ readings frequently.
Maybe the psych stay will do her good as she definitely struggles with her mental health; but she will resist getting better despite being given help because then what is there for her to whine about?
I suspect her ‘fainting’ incident was just her looking to avoid work and/or get asspats. It’s not uncommon for self-harmers to pull stunts like this, or even for normal people to feign passing out to avoid work.
Curious to see how the dainty one survives Christmas food.
No. 900562
>>900531Ugh, she's doing the childish ana thing with sippy cups and cute. Winnie the Pooh next.
>>900541She's full of shit. Nobody can suddenly switch their fear of food on and off. Saturday: so scared of food I'm on diet coke. Sunday: had a roast dinner! Nope, nope, no.
She was definitely avoiding work. She posted a few days ago that somebody had given her shit at work.
Sad she fell into the ed for friends thing because she's actually got potential to be something else seeing how she's studying and has ambitions. Generally the ig anas don't have anything else (except Becky who makes things some times, but intellectually she's dull).
>>900186Not only insta ana chans. So long as anons post screenshots if it's on another forum (particularly a closed forum), I'd say it's okay?
No. 900570
>>900561Agreed, anon.
It’s not unusual for most young people to have a slightly raised HR. There’s so many things that can affect it that it’s mostly irrelevant to document it unless it is actual tachycardia that is affecting ones life; even then it can be easily managed with the right medication. Has Georgie-porgie ever mentioned being on a beta-blocker for her super serious POTS?
A lot of these insta-anas really should appreciate the help they are offered, especially if their insurance covers it. Some countries literally do not have the bed space for those in dire need and these cows hog beds whenever possible.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the cows get into munchiedom once they move on from their ed… there’s already a few who seem to be experimenting with vague sYmpToms
No. 900657
>>900602Beta blockers wouldn't be advisable in POTS..
Generally it'd be fluid, salt or fludrocortisone to increase blood pressure in turn preventing the tachycardia.
High or low HR on it's own is not POTS.
POTS is tachycardia in response to movement (i.e. sit to stand) DUE TO the drop in blood pressure. If the tachycardia isn't accompanied by a BP drop… it's not POTS/ autonomic dysfunction it's just really severe lack of fitness/ some other heart condition that needs investigation!
No. 900829
>>900811She seemed to go from years of hopping to and from treatment centers to nothing but I unfollowed her. My biggest regret. Would love any leaks she’s one of my faves
(For anyone interested she was mentioned around thread 16 or so?)
No. 900948
>>900923I don't follow her, but she has been mentioned here before earlier in the year (
>>821620 ). Googles picking up that she was mentioned in thread requests, but they said to dump her here. Seems like another photoshopping attention seeking munchie though.
That being said, wonder what happened to atravelsaway in the end. New name new ploy somewhere?
No. 900957
>>900923First time I've heard of her although I do remember the pic anon posted above.
Not much content to go off, but she kind of loves herself and even with so few posts she's really annoying. Idk anything about her.
>>900948atravelsaway - that's pilot Patrick's girlfriend? Lol. She's got to be around somewhere. That was some big time stalking/delusion going on. Hope she isn't in another coma.
No. 900970
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>>900923i was the person who posted about her in a previous thread. she's absolutely in it for the asspats and attention but gets away with it by claiming this ~mystery illness~ idk if she photoshops but shes a girl who thinks its okay to dress like a little in public so she's a bottom-feeder anyway
she also whiped her account not that long ago, i see that as another attention seeking tactic
No. 901062
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>>900891As requested. No it is not a self post.
No. 901089
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>>901088"belly full of" yeah…., especially love the #ootd
No. 901144
>>901126she did have a sex work side account but idk what the @ is
>>901088#ootd lmao girl this is some hooker shit
No. 901157
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Laura trying to appear totes anorexic by using childrens cutlery and bowls. Very paris and so even.
No. 901166
>>901157She's going to say she has DID, I swear. Hope her story involves Satanists.
This is fucking pathetic. She caught the toddler wanarexia from instagram.
No. 901190
>>901137Also chronic illness isn’t an excuse to be underweight forever. If she truly was sick and couldn’t eat enough, her doctor/s would do something. Toobs aren’t just for ana chans and munchies.
But her problem is less chronic illness and more ana scumbag attention whore syndrome.
>>901089Maybe I’m wrong, but doesn’t an OOTD require clothes??
No. 901361
>>901190She’s a tubie—she wiped her account after people were fed up with her shit and commenting about how her supposed “illness” wasn’t adding up. Before she had tons of selfies of her posing to look as thin as possible with a tube in her nose, constantly.
I wish I had thought to keep caps but the way she talked about her so-called chronic illness was super fishy. She’s just a spoiled anorexic munchie, doesn’t have to work or lift a finger. She’s totally allowed to photoshop (there’s plenty of old pics with major warping around her waist) as long as she claims a super sekret illness she will never give a name or speak of other than to say it’s why she poses like a thinspo queen.
She had a greasy boyfriend for a short period and when he posted a mirror selfie of them together, she was doing the thinspo pose with her legs wide apart and still commented something about how chubby her thighs looked with a keyboard smash. That’s when I knew she was full of shit, spoken like a true neurotic delusional rexy.
No. 901516
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Rebecca Leung looking a lot more healthy -wonder if Elzani will still idolise her now.
No. 901620
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Recovery.chii being an attention hungry cunt again. Note no body shot because she’s probably losing weight again.
No. 901687
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Some of today's grossness….
No. 901741
>>901687Dat alpro lid tho. Yummmmy. /s
It’s crazy that somehow in her fucked up brain she posts these things without realizing how utterly disgusting her surroundings are. Even serious hoarders generally try to hide their filth, not give it its own instagram platform.
No. 901914
>>901892It’s 100% not Winnie the Pooh, it’s a reindeer head with a Santa hat as
>>901711 stated, Pooh doesn’t have antlers kek
Now that we’ve sorted that out, the plate looks surprisingly clean for her. It must’ve just came right from the store, not used yet, and undoubtedly not washed before using it here either!
No. 902079
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>>901931To the left is parcel. Possibly some of the free syrup she gets sent to her. Also - get ready to gag - a yogurt lid with a USE BY date in JUNE (I can see the 6/20. It looks like a rat's been chewing on it.
No. 902083
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No. 902102
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>>902097Yeah, could be regional. On medical wards and ED units here in the North, Fortisip is the standard.
I know that in some areas cancer patients were refused NHS prescriptions of Ensure because they're £3 each. Yeah, probably depends on the health authority, although I don't even remember it existing as an option in the UK a couple of decades ago.
I don't understand why Laura (who doesn't need any help hydrating with sugary drinks) would want to waste 300+ calories on liquid. We've seen her eat fancy chocolate and avocado things so obviously it's not like she has a fear of solids. Still, makes her appear more disordered, eh.
Sad to see Becky can't do anything today. Not that she had anything to do (but later was pictured with some naff Harry Potter trinket in a shop). Haven't had a crying shot for a while, so I'll leave this here.
No. 902122
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How pathetic, and obviously searching for validation and attention. If someone honestly said she had chunky legs you know there’d be 25 stories bashing them. 2 weeks out of treatment and she’s already blowing all that money
No. 902219
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>>902206" if you dont feel sorry for me, for being in this position I put myself in, you're a mean fucking bitvh and you're blocked"
No. 902224
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why do you post 8000 stories of you taking a shit, like just relax damn, no one cares. love that she didn't want to be an e-begger but still asks for stuff
No. 902226
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No. 902236
File: 1575588885737.png (2.27 MB, 1242x2208, 9FC38F03-4DAB-4BC6-B59F-6524C4…)

I don’t even have words for this bullshit…
No. 902237
>>902226What an unusual thing to post is she really bored or just so deluded that she thinks her describing herself taking a shit is interesting kek? Omfg I regret whatever I did to get blocked, I’m missing out on some quality cringe lol.
>>902219 well that answers why she’s insta obsessed and has no real life outside of it … insta the only place she can make every comment nice to her and censor out anything that is critical or even a minor annoyance. She doesn’t have to account for literally anything, and she gets asspats for her wanorexia lol. It’s like an alyhugbox. It’s interesting she acts all confident and egotistical but it’s clear she’s very insecure. I remember watching her lives and she just reeks of desperation. It definitely comes across in these ott posts
>>902122>>902219>>902224>>902226 No. 902261
File: 1575591088527.png (2.34 MB, 1536x2048, BA10FE82-B37F-412E-83A3-29FD82…)

OMFG i seriously can’t stand this cow! she comes off as an attention seeking pro ana whore to me!
No. 902267
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>>902261I had to unfollow she pissed me off so much. Her follower's comments are p much the kind Cooney used to get:
>The face you make when you haven't eaten a real meal for years ..With ana chans wking her.
I mean, why post this to illustrate beetroot soup?
No. 902268
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…and this is plain pathetic
No. 902537
>>902519Who even is she? Paying her for a shoutout? Is she supposed to be famous? Who the hell would want a shout out from a baby bottle suckin' girl who's way in love with herself.
She reminds me of creepy chan.
No. 903076
>>902267It’s disgusting that she is doing this, the very fact that she is flaunting a mental illness around and portrays eating disorders as a glamorous condition shows how sick she really is, and to engage in these behaviours should be considered assisted suicide, there is no doubt in my mind that her posts
trigger people.
No. 903309
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>>903211the only thing milky about hannah is she refuses to gain weight & is one of the MANY anachans who loves kid shit as an adult woman. pic only somewhat realted (mostly nitpick bc i hate when ppl say "adulting" like taking care of yourself & your responsibilities is something new or difficult) other than that she's engaged & just got her first apartment away from home which is way more than 90% of what the other chicks in this thread will ever do
No. 903422
>>903309How does a woman who uses children's colouring books and watches kid's films and uses the term "adulting" manage to hold down an adult relationship, let alone get engaged?
Is she actually capable of leading an adult life and uses all this childish crap for effect/to fit in?
No. 903432
>>903422I cant speak to how she manages to be in a relationship or hold down a job, but (without wanting to WK) I think in the case of Hannah a big part of her fixation on certain things - many of which are childish - is because she has a long standing ASD diagnosis. Ive known her for nearly 10 years now and can categorically say that unlike certain cows
cough smorvs cough cough its actually a legit diagnosis and not just one she exaggerates ridiculously.
No. 903453
>>903422i think shes a teachers aid or something similar, so like …. having an affinity for childish things seems slightly more appropriate than if she worked in an office, but i still find it cringe in general
idk shit about her relationship but its not hard at all to find men who think a childish woman is cute
No. 903454
>>903418 I think she finally got out of hospital and is in supported living. she started a hashtag about travelling with mental illness? she's not very milky.
Does anyone know Hannah(?) she loved oasis and cats. Had several cat tattoos. had an awful relationship with her mum. Refused to gain weight. I used to follow her on tumblr. She was pretty popular on there.
No. 903456
>>903432Talking about smorven, she confirmed what everyone's been saying (that she's healthy) in a picture of her legs. I wonder what she'll do now that she isn't spoopy any more. Honestly did not believe Morven restoring to a normal weight would ever happen in my lifetime.
(I'm aware this is shit-tier milk but the milk hasn't been fresh since the glory days of Em W)
No. 903457
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>>903456Forgot to include the screenshot because I'm a bona fide retard.
No. 903462
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No. 903465
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The wavy ass twig arm and Betty Spaghetti limbs have me rolling
No. 903472
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>>903462Those head bumps look like dermal implants. They all be wanting to be looking like dinosaurs.
>>903465Phone home. If she had those proportions, her neck would snap.
No. 903474
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No. 903477
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>>903465So much fuckery going on
No. 903483
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>>903474Good question, Laura, why ARE you like this?
No. 903506
>>903454If youre talking about the Hannah i think you are, shes still refusing to gain weight despite multiple ‘no this time i really mean it, im going to really try’ announcements, has a bmi in single digits, still does ridiculous stuff with her food and still has a terrible relationship with her mum.
sage bc no new milk just another anachan spinning her wheels for years online
No. 903528
File: 1575852581941.gif (1.44 MB, 640x360, why.gif)

>>903506I'll never understand how the bona fide spoops choose to be spoops for years. How do they not get sick to death of it all? I mean, feeling ill physically, mental illness intensifies, can't eat what they really want to. Recovery's tough, but living that way is rougher. If they're not pissed off with their ed, how are they not pissed off with recording every detail day after day?
No. 903556
>>903456>>903462She doesn't exactly look totally weight-restored to me, but she looks a lot better. Obviously she doesn't have a choice in the matter because she tubed and involuntary but I am so glad wherever she is is going for actual weight restoration and giving her a damn chance at recovering… seeing so many of these people living in hospitals for months maintaining the weight they came in at blows my mind.
>>903528Not to blog, but this is what's horrible about EDs- you feel like they are truly fascinating and utterly fulfilling the entire time. I assume that's part of why these cows aren't embarrassed by broadcasting their lives online- they don't see themselves as having spent years doing literally nothing with no future in sight
No. 903558
File: 1575858800765.jpg (33.79 KB, 540x540, sweet snoflake.jpg)

>>903556>you feel like they are truly fascinating and utterly fulfilling the entire timeMaybe for 2 or 3 years tops, but then it's soul destroying.
>>903557Yes. Special. Quite unique (along with their hundreds of like minded followers. P sure the internet created these sad creatures.
No. 903562
>>903558I think it can be soul destroying and completely fascinating and fulfilling at the same time.
People don't just keep doing something that is causing life to become absolutely hellish if that something doesn't have anything going for it
No. 903655
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The dainty one, who couldn’t even manage to eat roast veggies last week, seems to be doing so much better this week. eating mince pies, disgusting looking hot dogs, stir fries and taking a MUCH NEEDED break from the gym. A true ana warrior. Top kek.
No. 903662
File: 1575898832357.png (474.12 KB, 828x1792, 432D6891-5AEE-45CB-B111-845DE3…)

>>903657>>903661Pic for emphasis. Always whining how hard food is. Yeah. You got to be morbidly obese by starving yourself. Kay Jan.
No. 903673
>>903662Depends what context she means, but food - not just for people who restrict - can be hard. It's not uncommon for bulimics, BEDs or EDNOSers (or what ever the new fangled name is for it) to struggle with controlling food. Wanting to eat, yet not wanting to eat (or not wanting it to escalate), having that constant battle in your head is just as draining regardless if you end up shovelling food in your trap or not.
I don't know why, I just don't see her as all that milky right now. If you've never truly recovered, the limbo between disordered and trying for normalcy can just be a hellish place to stay in limbo in, horrible split in the brain - common in all sorts of addicts who've tried for a better life and relapsed. Not to white knight, just thought i'd give for food for thought. I don't quite "get" the whole Georgie fascination.
No. 903732
>>903725I don't think she's disordered. She's a fat chick who doesn't know how to diet properly and hasn't really got a grasp on what's "fat" and what's "thin".
Some fat people try to diet by starving for max weight loss (in their heads) but haven't got the willpower, so end up scoffing everything to feel not hungry.
That's not even binge eating, that's fucking around with stupid diets. If she went to Weight Watchers she could lose a lot fast and see it at her weight. She needs to read up on food to curb her hunger or snacks with protein. In short, do a proper diet.
It's really bad that in countries like Aus she can pay to get tubed. That's the last thing she needs. Who the fuck would tell her to gain weight or maintain? It's nuts.
No. 903791
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No. 903839
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>>903791Not like she'd waste away without a fucking Ensure.
No. 903844
>>903456You are right
>>903556What do you mean she isn’t spoopy anymore? she is still severely underweight, don’t need any scales or charts to realise that.
Yes she is a little bit more weight restored than before but she is still at a huge risk, years of starvation would have retarded her brain and organs up massively.
No. 903845
>>903839It’s not about her weight though is it?
Her organs and mental health as well.
No. 903914
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Now georgia is pretending she purges? As if she does any type of compensation…successfully Lol. why would anyone believe this? Sometimes the air is dry and ppl get nose bleeds. Or maybe this whole thing is made up just so she has an excuse to update her followers on the symptoms she’s feining. I’ll believe it when I see it.. as in the weightloss georgia. You’ve been starving for over a year yet defy science by growing more massive ? Unexplainable kek
No. 903942
>>903925she has a problem with binging if anything, not purging kek
she’s making this shit up for frail sick ana points
why else would you publicly blast this to an audience of hungry bitches and wannarexics
you can’t get as much validation from dr google
No. 903968
>>903942You can purge and still gain weight. Unless you purge everything you eat and don't binge, you likely will. If you're bingeing regularly you're likely to gain weight.
She likely binges daily and purges that (likely not all of it) along with eating regular meals/snacks with high calories so the purging doesn't compensate.
No. 904064
>>903970I don’t know, but it’s disgusting, much like the cow herself.
If she’s purging or not it doesn’t matter, posting about purging and generally being a wannarexic. She’s clearly making shit up to seem sick when her only problem is her inability to stop stuffing her face.
No. 904073
File: 1575992828996.jpeg (648.77 KB, 750x1164, DBAA9108-78AA-486B-BA84-7A1CE4…)

How in the fuck can she be eating those hot dogs and this stir fry
>>903655 with like oil and meat but she has to “plan the whole day around a piece of fish” does she forget she documents a lot of her life and half of it is unhealthy food? Since she lurks here I’m going to guess she’ll post to her story that she’s been purging more or “compensating more with exercise”. Dude u do not maintain this weight without overeating lol period. She is massive and there’s no way she’s eating one dainty meal a day
No. 904075
File: 1575993098728.jpeg (609.37 KB, 750x1236, FBAC317B-9C93-4286-A5D8-0D7D5B…)

Part 1
Would you look at that Georgie Porgie is on an outing with another wanorexic… I guess they stick together and commiserate. Perfect time to introduce a new cow thanks georgia!
No. 904077
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>>904075Part 2
This is Lee who has a hilarious username of littlestlee even though surely she’s not the littlest kek. She used to have an account full of milk but it got deleted. This is her second. She’s never been thin or underweight but claims on her story that she’s getting meal plan increases and that she is underweight (she’s kind of like aly in that she’s slim but not really severely underweight but sees herself as a waif) she’s got a nose hose as an accessory and couldn’t wait to get one. Like her profile pic is a super old pic of her with a nose hose, everyone on tell said to change it kek but she needed that proof on her new account until she could get some new tubie pics… and if you look at her feed on her story it’s a small amount of 1.0 feed which is not usually used for weight gain so the idea she needs to gain even a pound is debunked. She eats ice cream, fairy floss, and a even snuck in chocolate for an advent calendar yet she has a gd feeding tube …. keep in mind she’s “anorexic” so she’s not purging this shit. It’s very weird bc ever since she got deleted her stories are where the milk is so my apologies there aren’t a ton of profile photos to go through but it’s about time we’ve tried introducing some new cows, I have one other wanorexic in mind but we’ll start with this livestock first.
No. 904081
>>904077She's been mentioned before, I think.
Question for anyone who smokes and for whatever reason's had a nose hose - does the smoke not make things taste weirder? Like, exhaling smoke through your nose, or even inhaling and smoke leaks down the nose. Doesn't this fuck uo the tube or something? Soz but I see so many of these people smoking with tubes and it makes me think how it'd be shit, like smoking with a blocked nostril.
No. 904099
>>903791I find it odd how she's acting almost like she's been made(!) to drink it. You'd think with her ~super severe anorexia~ she'd try and use the veganism or intolerance as some kind of excuse but nah, she's almost definitely asked for these to be prescribed (or at least gone along with whatever misguided staff member suggested supplements) so she can look more
valid for the 'gram.
Keep kidding yourself Laura.
No. 904111
File: 1575998819997.jpg (1.29 MB, 1080x1894, 20191211_032459.jpg)

>>904075She seems to be hanging around both Shay and Lee. Both currently in new farm where nose hoses are for everyone and where georgia is going back to in jan. Wannarexics gotta stick together
No. 904183
>>904126I was
>>903506and thats exactly the Hannah I was thinking of. Didn’t realise about her mum though, was always (perhaps mistakenly) under the impression her parents were still together and are just infuriated with her and coping as best they can with her nonsense (given how much reassurance she asks for on IG, one can only assume she drives her parents up the wall… I’d start drinking too if I were her mum).
All that being said, I’m not sure she necessarily belongs here - shes infuriating and acts like an entitled brat when it comes to her family, but never begs for money and is genuinely physically unwell (which wont help her inability to think clearly)… I’m not entirely sure shes milky.
No. 904189
>>904183I'm pretty sure her parents are still together despite the alcoholism. It just sounds like an altogether strained environment.
I agree re: lack of milk, moving on.
No. 904238
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a mysterious chronic illness that she will not pin a name to. interesting.
No. 904289
File: 1576025045829.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 750x1334, B29BC31D-884D-4F48-BBA5-0B3A86…)

Tw Bc Laura self harmed her neck somehow, Dont know how you
>>904276 didn’t mention this, I’ll post what your referring to as well though, and it’s a boomerang you can just screenshot it for future reference.
No. 904347
>>904336learn to sage
>>904077i've been wondering if/when lee would show up here kek. hilarious seeing the difference in how much smaller she looks in her posed photos vs that one on georgie's story.
No. 904367
>>904347Yea there’s absolutely no hiding in a candid photo. Part of me feels like georgia would be the insecure friend that would post unflattering photos of her friends to make herself feel better. I’m not say lee looks unflattering here
>>904075 but her Shay and georgie are all trying to come off as skinny and Lee doesn’t exactly look like a waif in this photo at all.. definitely sending some shade kek or maybe it’s just jealousy or she’s just trying to show off she has ed friends who knows. I still think it be the ultimate farmfest if they were all there together simultaneously. They’d just feed off each other’s attention seeking and insta would be even more of a competition than it is now. May the best wanorexic win and action! Kek so ridiculous. a scheduled admit for Georgia, like a damn vacation
No. 904484
File: 1576082604958.jpg (470.05 KB, 640x992, IMG_8332.jpg)

didn't she just have and keep that disgusting stir fry down? what would be the point in lying to your vent account kek
No. 904486
>>904484As long as she decides that she wants to be friends with other attention seeking wannas, she's going to be tied to having to lie about not keeping food down even though nobody ever sees a weight loss.
Unless she decides to do full on body shots and pics of her weighing scales, she can get away with pretending. At least until after her next vacation…I mean, admission.
You're a fucking fool, Georgia.
No. 904504
File: 1576086255387.jpg (119.67 KB, 500x433, laura.jpg)

>>904500When she's bought bits and pieces to wear to fit the different ~alters~. Probably taking notes from chickpea/casper as I type.
No. 904578
>>904369Laura was diagnosed with PTSD ~5 years ago.
100% agree all the boomerangs and showing lig marks etc is complete cow shit/ milk but the PTSD isn't a new DX it's what she was IP for as a teen.
No. 904610
>>904578What's her ~trauma~. Literally anything that made someone cry can be labeled PTSD. If she had the diagnosis do long ago, she wouldn't be playing up this bad after therapy for it. She's escalated her attention behaviours rather than toned it down.
Nothing will persuade me she isn't taking the piss.
No. 904643
>>904615Counter point: I'm someone with AN (recovery) who gains at the drop of a hat. It seems to be a problem with intermittently eating.
If you eat 2000 calories every day spread over the day, it should be fine.
If you eat 900 once a day, or like, in a short period, you might gain.
I suspect that's happened with Georgia, although she has lost a little weight this year. I still think it would come off faster if she'd spread her calories out.
No. 904681
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>>904651Not at her weight it wouldn’t, anon.
Metabolic damage is usually minor in individuals at higher weights.
The AN anon who found 3k calories hard to gain on was likely in a recovery phase where the body exerts extra energy as it must repair vital functions and depleted resources before the body can begin to actually regain fat. 3k calories a day is on the very low end of recovery calories!
As for the anon claiming they gained on 900; this ‘gain’ is, of course, temporary. If one goes from restricting on very low calories, especially if it was low volume food, and then begins eating higher calorie and volume food then one would appear to gain. The gain here is literally just food weight.
I’m not sure how tall Georgia is, but she would lose eating 1.5-2k for a long time before needing to reduce calories. At least she gets some decent activity while at work; I wonder if another stunt will be pulled kek
No. 904805
>>904740The funny thing about listing number of ip stays or ng tube fed in bio is that it literally means nothing. Some of these people have never been sick or skinny or disordered a day in their lives but fein symptoms like munchies to get ip brownie points.
>>904761I think whether it’s mental or physical it’s in that munchausen/facticious realm of bullshit
>>904775>>904752Both op right, even claiming having anorexia for pity points when visually and behaviorally the audience of followers can tell your bullshitting them gets some idiots to give ppl like geourgia, Lee, Shay and Laura pity. The only thing georgia is probably suffering with is high blood pressure, impending pre diabetes and a rapid heart beat from over exerting her lazy dainty bones at work. I think someone mentioned it a while ago that weight watchers might help her. I agree a structured plan could help anyone … who is committed, however lol, Geourgie Porgie can’t even commit to having fake anorexia on Instagram and posts food spam and her ever growing body shape. She’s almost like the aussie amberlyn Reid. Someone get this cow a YouTube channel bc id watch this train wreck. Can you imagine the new farm vlogs? That be whole, unpasteurized milk.
No. 904817
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This bitch…
No. 904821
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No. 904888
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>>904885I don't bet on those things after saying the same about Ash four years ago. They might have the same gene.
No. 904918
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Don’t know if this cow has been brought up before. Self diagnosed with a whole range of issues including DID and anorexia. Says stuff like people will regret when I die from my ED but is easily over 200lbs. All their alters are wild and they’ve started weighing a story on their ‘inner world’ screengrab from story bc most of their posts are about alters
No. 904946
>>904918Oh my god, finally someone interesting. Please provide more details!
Sorry for going off topic, but is there a thread for DID cows? I could have sworn there was one, but I haven't been able to find it again.
No. 904950
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>>904946I’ll try I find them so annoying all their story’s are long ass videos. But occasionally some milky gold. No idea wtf is going on with them hard to keep up
No. 904951
File: 1576196527958.jpeg (87.73 KB, 966x1449, fast forward 10 yrs.jpeg)

>>904918Holy shit. More details. How fascinating.
>>904950That's cute. Her ~alters~ must take turns on her phone.
No. 904965
>>904918did this person draw on that door???
also i am very interested, i love a good fake did cow
No. 904967
>>904965Looks like it. These are the only pics I've seen, but I want to check out her scuzzy living conditions. This
>>904950 looks like a room where you know you're going to get murdered.
No. 904987
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So this new farm place just lets people drop their own tubes? I wouldn’t be surprised if lee and her buds started dropping their own at home and pretending to be on feeds or something just for the gram. Fingers crossed georgie doesn’t learn yikes. Also this is a weird thing to brag about. Having had “so many tubes” you how to do it yourself is nothing to brag about lol but here she is FKN CONQUERING ok Lee lol your still not the dainty skelly u think u r.
No. 905015
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>>904988Oh you mean people like lee? Gotta have it in for those outings so everyone can see how shes a super special warrior when she eats her ice cream
No. 905032
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>>904918>system of 2k+>2k+KEK how does she even remember them all?
No. 905036
>>905034Your diagnosed when your underweight but you retain the diagnoses regardless of weight and are considered “in partial remission” if your mental state and behaviours remain the same after weight gain.
But to be diagnosed you have to be a low weight for your body which is different for everyone. BMI criteria is not used anymore, at least where I am in Australia anyway.
No. 905124
>>904293honestly. im at the point with this cow where i pray someone sits her down, smacks her upside the head and really tears into her for her bs. shes just scrambling to be the sickest and most abwused baby ever,,, no one believes you laura.
take away her phone, force her to delete her social media and start being considerate of the people around her and how fucking privlaged she is. shes such a spoilt whore. either she'll learn to be a decent person or finally die.
No. 905138
>>905037! That's not how it's done in the UK. You get diagnosed with a BMI 17.5 or less. Higher than that they will put Eating Disorder/ OSFED.
However they don't remove the dx as soon as you go over 17.5 so someone could be diagnosed with anorexia but have a BMI of anything.
But… diagnosis doesn't matter that much here. In certain areas there is specialist treatment for all BMIs up to 40, in other areas there is nothing unless BMI below 15. That's why there are so many English people at Glasgow Priory in Scotland.
No. 905143
File: 1576243059642.png (4.67 MB, 1242x2208, A0767CB4-9FC9-4D81-BBC7-4FCD94…)

Is she honestly surprised people only follow her for her body checks? Not to mention all the creeps who like her posts because she is basically nude in all of them?
No. 905153
i muted her storries b/c no1curr about her talking-thot-a-thon every damn day so thank u for sharing
No. 905202
>>905143Does she really think we are too dumb to see this as a humble brag in disguise? No ppl aren’t liking it bc its a stupid
emaciated pro ana thinspo body check your sucking it in like always aly… ppl are liking it bc you put a story in your caption and as this op mentioned
>>905143 tons of creeps probably follow her for the semi nudes. Yet another one crying out anorexia whose stayed the same weight for ages. I totally know she lurks here bc she’s both conceited and has low confidence so any attention entertains her. But aly literally I dare u to post a pic without sucking in or posing lol. Ugh how must it feel to be average without sucking it in so
devastating I got blocked for a different reason but I’ve heard of her blocking ppl simply for asking why she sucks it in for every photo lol. My god, the control and censorship, none shall pass Allegra’s safe zone kek
No. 905208
File: 1576259607389.jpg (460.18 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20191213-175320_Ins…)

Morgan's been discharged. Any bets on how long it'll be before she's back this time?
No. 905257
>>905249I was going to mention the time of year. Medical wards, psych wards are crazy busy with temporary admissions over Xmas/New Year. I get the impression these cows want a lovely cosy time at home, then back in when things get dull and they've opened all their presents.
It'll be difficult for them to get in over this period if that's what they want. Until then they can talk about their festive ~struggles~ on ig for asspats.
No. 905260
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I get the impression she’s really desperate to make sure every remembers how super sick she is/was. She’s not going to be able to actually recover if she keeps her identity so completely wrapped up in being sick / anorexia / weight gain / eating alllll the foooood. She’s still playing the game of trying to be the sickest snowflake.
No. 905270
File: 1576269733726.png (1.03 MB, 954x694, F7XdSGe.png)

>>905260people are already commenting on how inappropriate this is
No. 905271
>>905260She takes food obsession to another level - even for an anorexic - her vlogs are nothing else and she doesn't have anything else except food. Still don't understand why 37k people want to watch her eat- if she had a talent or was interesting ….
Not watched the vlog but will be interesting to see if she mentions therapy ( or the lack of)- she's never talked about it ever.
No. 905273
>>905260yeah this is honestly cringe to watch. over an hour and a half of showcasing her ~worst moments~ in the hospital and trying to convince everyone that she's still super sick and anorexic… it's literally one long body check, "looks how sick I was!!" talks BMI, lots of crying, etc
Is she still braindead or does she just have no self awareness period? Why would you be okay with showing such private moments, (that should honestly stay private.. the excessive silent naked body checking is kinda weird)??
No. 905288
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>>905283Honest to god laughed when I saw this shit. she’s so funny, like imagine your family taking this picture and keeping it this long
No. 905295
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>>905281Ok but am I the only one who didn’t know she was so skeletal spoopy? Like I never went too far back in the lore but I genuinely had no clue she looked so fucking gross and skeletal. jEsus no wonder she’s so hung up on her Ed, she realizes she can’t ever get back to that without dying
No. 905324
>>905302Despite how it seems with dickwads like Laura, getting help for EDs on the NHS can take ages. Idk if she was outpatient first? At that weight it's possible she was still left to her own devices and the medical people would patch up any physical issues. There are long waiting lists whatever spoopiness someone's at and a lack of ed units/beds.
Idk if she went private but if her parents didn't do that then tgey should be ashamed.
No. 905331
>>905312By manipulation. The family become enablers because they are afraid of making them angry- same way addicts and extremely obese families are.
“If I shout at my starving daughter then she won’t eat at all, so I’ll let her live off of her safe food because at least she’s eating!”
“My daughter threatened to run away if I take her to the doctor, so I won’t take her so she is safe”
“When I tried to encourage her to drink the milkshake I bought she threw it at the wall and screamed at me. I won’t do that again.”
The parents probably thought they were doing the right thing already- but ED patients are sneaky & deceitful. Maybe she ate everything parents gave her but spent all her free time exercising it off. Etcetc.
No. 905378
File: 1576282525262.jpeg (135.94 KB, 1536x340, 775D5B07-D991-41DF-82C5-67C728…)

Well this is going to get deleted soon, the others got deleted, this was a rare find.
No. 905420
>>905288>>905294Should I feel bad for laughing at this, because I don't.
I notice a sprinkle of comments about the thumbnail. Bet they'll be gone tomorrow, but I totally agree that posting that shit is bang out of order. Desperation for views?
No. 905430
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Aly: gets hit on at work, gives him her number, goes to meet him at a hotel the same day…? You do you but that seems unsafe. And I'm sure it's not at all related to her being devastated by getting stood up by that couple she had a threesome with yesterday.
No. 905447
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imagine looking at this and thinking this is something you should show the world. kek.
No. 905463
>>905403She really does, your right there.
There are so many subs with EDs and yet she does this, she knows what she is doing and it’s sickening.
No. 905510
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>>905270started watching but had to nope the fuck out at this. 1 hr 47 minute body check, no fucking thanks. also is it just me or it is really weird that she even has all this footage? who tf thinks to film all this shit while they're in the hospital basically on their deathbed? like did she plan to make this video all along or…?
No. 905520
>>905517I love the way she’s put ‘documentary’ in the title!
Her talking now ( as in when she’s sitting in her black T-shirt )- she’s almost normal - as in none of the ASD side of her- she can string two words together and be coherent .
But the fact she was videoing the stuff in the first place is unsettling and weird- like why?
No. 905522
File: 1576327542682.jpg (81.02 KB, 1080x463, IMG_20191215_014347.jpg)

georgia's going for the munchie route now, apparently
found on a munchie page i was creeping but recognised georgia from this thread
No. 905566
File: 1576337253412.jpeg (316.94 KB, 1242x965, 84D718AE-B1A7-4031-AA70-2C9066…)

Georgia’s comment on Elzanis ig post KEK
No. 905578
File: 1576339524120.jpg (16.78 KB, 339x339, 11737998_941972789179708_35584…)

>>905566This envy fuelled hate boner is pretty funny. She was sperging about Elzani on her Tell and offended Elzani fans. As much as E is a fake, I like that she's something Georgia would love to be. She'd rather be faking recovery from spoop to healthy weight than from obese to healthy weight.
>>905571The one she has on her fb where she isn't huge has her looking really pretty (imagine!). No way does she look underweight, but it's the closest to looking a healthy weight. She's unrecognisable.
No. 905593
File: 1576342444312.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 3464x3464, 111F4DA1-C6CA-4B13-B6BD-2D3F5A…)

I really wanna support her but I’m so tired of watching her destroy herself. It’s a never ending cycle and she cant get out of it alone but she cant see it. It’s stupid to say things like that when she’s OBVIOUSLY dying from this. she always ends up in hospital then freak out about gaining WATER weight and sign out ASAP! Ugh so frustrating ending cycle, she always ends up in hospital then freak out about gaining WATER weight and sign out ASAP! Ugh so frustrating. Not to mention she thinks she has a special kind of anorexia bc SHE CANT even think of weight restore, she wants to “recover” and still be underweight
No. 905608
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>>905260i seriously can't get over her filming herself while lying in the hospital looking like a corpse with her distraught family members around. tf? what must her mum and dad have been thinking?
No. 905696
>>905672pretty much. Like how tf does she not see how
triggering and damaging this would be to broadcast publicly to people with fragile mental states… in what world does she think it's appropriate to share these overly intimate moments?
Throughout the entire video the one constant remains that Elzani appears immensely selfish and uncaring as to how her actions affect her family. It's shocking that her parents don't insist on therapy to at least deal with the fucked up family dynamics. Instead, Elzani cries "they think I'm a nutter! they think I'm mental!" and basically says she'll never let it get so bad again so she can at least go home and eat her mom's food. Then she manipulates her way into never actually addressing and working on her underlying problems. It seems her mother will do anything to make her little baby stop crying.
Now, Elzani appears even more self centered by showing off obviously
triggering material just to stroke her eating disorder's ego. I feel so bad for her sisters and her family. It must be horrible to live with her.
No. 905711
>>905696I've seen others upload stories about their illness but never as full length as this shit. Even tv docus arent as harsh and in the end the people do recover, unlike Elzani.
Recording all this before she even had a channel? Why? Don't think I've seen anything so fucked up by posing as motivation.
No. 905719
>>905711I really think she is on the autism spectrum. Her special interests are food and documenting everything. Recording and rewatching.
I don't care what people say about her being assessed and not having it! I really think her parents are delusional enablers and will have said things like 'no Elzani was a totally normal child' when clearly she had and has attachment issues and is markedly different developmentally from her sisters.
That doesn't mean that I don't think she is manipulative or that all her behaviours she is unaware of (like posting
triggering images on a recovery channel!) but I think she is autistic, particularly in reference to the idea of 'female phenotype' autism (which isn't really female exclusive,just people who try to fit in and manage to some degree to fit in).
No. 905729
>>905723The heroin guy sounds interesting. Is it available online?
I agree with anons re the autism. It's glaringly obvious. Not only with her videos, but how she chose an OU degree to actually going the usual route. She must struggle in lots of areas of her life and seeing how regular her sisters are, it's not as if upbringing made her that way.
No. 905750
File: 1576369757501.jpg (481.96 KB, 1080x1799, Screenshot_20191215_102637.jpg)

My apologies if this has been posted but, this just in! May thinks she will never have to weight restore because she's naturally underweight! Imagine putting out the concept to a solely eating disordered following that you can recover if you're underweight.
No. 905782
File: 1576374828758.png (442.42 KB, 917x496, Screenshot 2019-12-14 20.36.24…)

This bloody eye-kleenex is GOLD
*First comment after much reading, looked @ guide, plz tell me if wrong.
No. 905859
File: 1576400351954.jpg (448.76 KB, 1079x1526, Imnotlikeothagirls.jpg)

Since its an img board-example
No. 905866
>>905522Ha, you mean Caitlin, right? I thought I saw Georgie creeping around there.
Love how Caitlin, who always showed strong munchie tendencies and is quite the narc, has dove headfirst into the EDS fantasy.
No. 905867
>>905719I've been saying this all along. She's definitely got ASD. And her parents are so fucking daft and totally play into her manipulation (at least her mum does, her dad seems somewhat okay)
Also why did her mum agree to bring her in all that chocolate to hospital?? Like when she said she was eating 200g of chocolate a night when she clearly wasn't supposed to do because of re feeding risks. And I doubt she even kept that shit down. That was all kinds of fucked up to me and totally not normal for parents to be going against medical advice all because Elzani wanted a lil secret binge.
No. 905876
>>905858I second this tbh
once you've seen one "my battle with anorexia" video, you've seen them all. 9/10 the song is that insipid "skinny love" song lmaooo
No. 905914
>>905882Special needs and an overbearing mother.
Throwing another ana docu song into this thread's playlist.
No. 905916
File: 1576421771670.jpg (13.15 KB, 343x380, fuuuuuck offfff.JPG)

This story of Becky goes to show how much she piles on the misery for attention.
>giving in
Good to see your spergs are just minor rants and nothing as serious as you'd like us to think, Booxy
No. 905948
>>905900To the ‘how’ - web cam on laptop- doesn’t need to be a phone camera.
As to the ‘why’ no idea.
No. 905967
File: 1576436600571.png (93.69 KB, 1151x566, wk.png)

>>905963Soz, I thought anyone could see the forum but not some of the content for members only.
No golden milk. Most are saying what we've all said on here. Lots of powerlevelling (of course), some talk about brains, some WKs. Might as well be lolcow without red text "blog post".
I can't get my head around people calling her "sweet". At best she's non threateningly irritating. Sweet?
No. 905969
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>>905967This is the best post imo. It's not me because, in my defense!, I registered for research purposes.
Someone says they wish she'd spoken about what she thinks caused her ED, which is something I'd like to know as well.
No. 905984
>>905969That’s the question she avoids- what caused her ED- she’s never mentioned it at all . Nor therapy ( although that might come up in the HU video).
I pity her sisters going back to school tomorrow .
Her extreme attachment to he parents- especially her mum makes me wonder if she has some form of BPD/EUPD- with the extreme form of abandonment . She still can’t survive without her mum. There is parental support but her parents are way over the top. And hospital parking isn’t cheap- everyday for 6 weeks at about £4- soon adds.
Still genuinely surprised she apparently didn’t realise she was being given a MHA on day two ( but she was so incoherent and bawling )- and that they didn’t section her. Bet her parents had something to do with it.
No. 906005
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No. 906011
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>>906005If that insta is really this mpa member's account, I'd say she's using an old profile pic and isn't the weight she claims.
That site's full of shit.
(the farm's highlighted btw because I was looking for Aus wanas seeing how they all have socials at the New Farm place).
No. 906012
File: 1576443692182.png (180.37 KB, 854x318, imageedit_2_2657986962.png)

>>905963I thought this comment was spot on about E
No. 906014
>>906012I agree, except their last paragraph. She (I presume she's a she) is confusing those wonderful people who give support with fucked up anas who only want to know someone if they're skele.
Otherwise, yeah. When a walking skellington says you don't have to look like a corpse to get validation…yeah, sure Jan…
No. 906020
>>906019Idk how common it is, but in that docu about Dana the 9 (?) year old anorexic, they said as soon as she entered Rhodes Farm she was eating everything. They said it's because they'd taken away her control…and she was hungry.
I do find it odd though. She still must fear gaining weight because look at her, so I'm even more confused how eating isn't an issue. Especially things like chocolate and ice cream.
No. 906023
>>906020With a 9 year old they’re still just a little kid so I imagine they’re probably scared of what’s been going on in their head and probably more relieved to just eat. Also they probably listen to adults and do as they say more because they’re a kid.
On the other hand, E acts like a kid.
I know they do the whole eating to get out thing but E was eating beyond her meal plan eating extra chocolate and picking the cake options instead of the lowest calorie or ‘’healthiest’ option. I just can’t get over how she can restrict to a bmi of 10 and then a day after being admitted will eat cake and sweets and everything given and more
No. 906027
>>906023I read your first sentence and was thinking your third!
Is it possible that her problem isn't food and she was doing it for attention? I mean, that's a mental illness in itself and she definitely had to be ill to starve herself so hard. This is one of the reasons I'd love to know how it all began with her.
Apart from the little kid Dana, I haven't ever seen or heard of anyone who can really enjoy food when the day before they were starving…unless they barf it.
No. 906030
>>906020Rhodes Farm was a massively fucked up clinic that almost killed a lot of people via refeeding and really fucked up a lot of others.
The dealt in complete fear "don't eat and you won't see your parents again" imagine how that is for an 8 year old?!
So so good it is shut down now.
No. 906033
>>906030I didn't know it was shut down. That documentary about the place (the one with the girls, not the boys) made me think it was a bit of a shitty place. The girl (can't remember names) who said if you refused to eat they'd blend cream, chocolate and stuff and give it them with a feeding tube. I still don't know if she was making that up.
I know it had successes, but that Dee woman came across as an ogre. It's like you don't want the staff to wrap the kids in cotton wool, but she was the opposite.
Has anyone asked Elzani about how she developed anorexia? The comments I read are usually people telling her she's brave etc etc and tip toe around the big questions. Unless she deletes them. I wish I was the family's neighbour. I'm nosy like that.
No. 906035
>>906032I was
>>906027 and I'm uninformed. I know sod all about refeeding but that's what I was saying - Elzani was given "permission" by having someone else tell her what she had to eat. Nobody's saying she doesn't have an eating disorder.
No. 906070
>>905984>>906033If anyone can get out of Elzani why she developed an ED they will be a very sly person- she never ever answers or talks about it.
Wonder what their family therapy was like….
No. 906080
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Oh my god why on earth would anyone post a photo like this? Following this cow from when sh was first brought up generally pretty boring typical wannorexic but this photo my god I’m crying
No. 906095
>>902236>Protein>Essential building blocks of the body>Every single cell>Your literal DNA iT mAkE u SiCk.
I mean these retards do crack me up. Quality entertainment.
No. 906194
File: 1576500900737.jpg (506.02 KB, 1080x1819, 20191216_225120.jpg)

Still using up those resources with vomit worthy "inspo" kek
No. 906220
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>>906214I ran out of space pasting her food tweets.
No. 906227
>>906224I'll link it. I can probably find it p quick.
Didn't an anon say in her video Elzani said she was first admitted at 17? Doesn't sound like it on that twitter. I should watch that vid, but ugh.
No. 906235
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Spot the difference.
No. 906247
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I don’t know if this one has been mentioned before but is similar to Laura. Makes out she’s super ill and on deaths door when she’s not, same old relapse then real recovery bullshit and her followers don’t help by lying to her that she’s super teeny tiny. The pictures don’t do it justice but if you follow you’ll understand.
No. 906254
>>906250Has she posted recent pic?
P sure she can be prescribed Forcical and other minerals. 300 calories is wasted on a damn drink. If these cows are British, they should go to the shop and buy those Ensure type things alkies have instead of draining the NHS because they'd rather have a shake for photo opp.
No. 906261
>>906254Ensures are prescribed/bought for alchies too, just saying - It's given in detox. No idea what you're actually on about.
>> 300 calories wasted on a damn drinkPeep that though.
No. 906266
>>906261I'm on about how the anas want to be prescribed Ensure because it makes you part of the Ensure Ana IG gang. If you're prescribed asprin, it costs the NHS £9 when you can get it in Poundland. Instead of the NHS paying for Ensure, they should buy the Nurtiment stuff out of their own money.
Oh, you're the peep anon. Peep what? Who the fuck would want to drink a not so nice 300 Ensure when you could actually eat something is what I'm saying. By that I mean, the fakers like that cow.
No. 906275
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>>906214It’s interesting af following her mindset as the years go by on twitter. At first there’s a lot of tweets about her mum actually annoying her and the more recent you go there’s more and more about how much her family mean to her and not wanting to be away from them ever.
Same with food, it’s peppered about going back but it’s always “can’t stop eating” “just ate my body weight in nutella”, would explain why she only went real spoopy later on if she spent her teenage years bulimic
No. 906342
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>>906196She has a non Ana tumblr
No. 906343
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>>906294Wow. Congratulations on the most ana chan comment I've seen on here this whole year!
Becky's saying on insta how the dog knows she's not feeling well and goes to tell her mum. Reminds me of Skippy the bush kangaroo.
No. 906371
File: 1576535799785.jpeg (1.11 MB, 3465x2444, legitservicedoggo.JPEG)

>>906343How dare you anon this is clearly a happy animal and not at all terrified! Becky even "feeds her etc"
No. 906413
File: 1576541182553.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x1920, 20191217_100602.jpg)

Note the McDonald's receipt
No. 906567
>>906206She has nothing to her without her ED- what was her OU degree in?
No mention of the new job or her winged shoulder blade recently.
She is as attached / reliant on her mum at the same level you’d expect from a 13 year year old not a 22 year old.
People do come from nowhere on the internet to have big followings - but they are the kind who want sponsorships or to earn money - I don’t think 37k and her latest video will be earning her much money or respect - unless she’s planning on selling her story to a trashy magazine .
No. 906619
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Has elzani’s eating disorder Ig always linked to her personal Ig? It does now and there’s a goldmine of somewhat normal, pre-spoop content.
No. 906649
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>>906619She looks so much better when she’s not spoopy, she looks haggard now
i hope for her and her families sake she gets her shit together
No. 906667
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Kek oh yea she looks super depressed…laughing at the fact her “best gal” is an average weight person with a nose hose. I just find it so funny that she’s super sad and depressed and can’t eat anything but icecream, cotton candy and drink beer off the ward, and chocolate from her advent calendar on the ward. Can anyone tell me why she’s had a feeding tube for over three weeks kek? I mean fine lee pack on all the unnecessary kg you want. I’m starting to see that having the “appearance of having an ed” albeit a total fail is much more important than actually being thin or any aspect of the actual suffering an ed comes with. These ppl don’t care they just want attention. Look at that shit eating grin. Both of them. Tubes like fucking accessories for wanorexics lol. Speaking of which any georgia updates? Looks like shes been on private for a bit
No. 906709
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Dr shopping for benzos and diuretics, to Ketamine infusions, to vyvanse, to begging guys for pain killers…
Apart from her new drug seeking, she’s still her usual recovery/relapse self.
What happened with the ketamine anyway? Did she pocket the money or actually refund?
No. 906777
>>906683People who do OU courses are usually older than standard students (18-21) and they fit the online course in with work. A lot of prisoners do OU if they're in for a while. Myra Hindley got a degree with the OU. Not sure why she'd choose that over studying at a usual uni. She drives, so she could've gone to the uni nearest to where she lives. Idk what grades are expected to take a degree with them though (if any).
>>906761That was a sad tweet when she said her mum was away for the night and she was missing her. A NIGHT.
No. 906793
>>906777You don't need specific qualifications to do an OU degree. For instance lots of people have done them once they have kids because they didn't have the chance when they were 18 (for instance did a trade from age 16 rather than academic exams (A-levels) for uni).
It is distance learning, now with loads online but it used to all be by post.
Some chronically ill people also do them because it's more flexible than needing to attend class i.e. a friend with cystic fibrosis or because of missing lots of exams due to illness as a teen.
With mental health conditions it's more common to take a year out for treatment and/or go to a uni close by. But also tonnes of people go all across the country (bearing in mind the size of the UK).
Some people also choose it for financial reasons even at 18-21 because it's cheaper and you can work full time alongside it in quite a good job (like not just work lots of evening shifts around classes).
Basically, Elzani staying at home isn't 'normal' even for those with anorexia/ mental health conditions. It's another extreme. THOUGH based on where she was hospitalised her local uni sometimes requires AAA/ A*AA so that may well not have been an option. I think her closest uni requiring far more flexible grades would be an hour commute but it may well be 2 hours (on small winding roads)
Saged obviously…
No. 906796
>You don't need specific qualifications to do an OU degreeI thought this was a case.
I haven't looked at unis where she is, but isn't there a X University and a University of X? (ex Poly)? The ex Poly's are generally more lax with grades (speaking as someone who would definitely not have had the grades for a Uni but okay for ex Poly).
She either had piss poor grades (notice she talks a LOT about her coursework and exams and not her results, or she didn't want to move away. It's sad if it's the latter because despite being odd, she didn't seem to have problems making friends at school. The uni life might've done her some good, and I think that being a full on student is what getting a degree's all about.
She doesn't strike me as someone into academia, but she needs to do something because she can't keep uploading taste tests forever, unless her dad gives her some token "job" at is building business.
No. 906824
>>906684Yes kek.
>>906691Exactly! Especially bc I have heard that at this new farm place you can have drop and pull over night feeds, granted this would be traumatizing to the nose so I can understand opting to leave it in but if your having planned outings why not just pull it so you can look normal… oh wait because like
>>906691 said they’re weight restored so they need their sooper speshul toobie to show that their anorexia is still very serious and life threatening
as they chug another beer absolutely ridiculous, ott, attention seeking. Maybe I’m the weird one but wouldn’t a normal person feel awkward or weird going out like that with a fricking tube taped to your face like what else says
look at me it’s all too much lol.
No. 906834
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Has this girl been mentioned before ? I dont want to photo dump etc if her stories been played out
No. 906850
>>906667 ohh how infuriating this ill people really dont care what anorexia is TRULLY about, like the suffering or being thin
Stfu anachan, its an illnes and is different for everybody, and anyway the seek for attention and care from others is really common in EDs so nothing new, just that you can stand people with a normal weith having an ED. Theres no milk in being ill but not skin and bone
No. 906859
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I found another one of Lee’s accounts and it’s even more milky kek. She’s basically integrating the tube into her *~ aesthetic~* She looks like a total fool lol
No. 906860
File: 1576631582366.jpeg (352.41 KB, 750x1083, C363E2D9-FA68-4C07-A184-40AF94…)

Part 1 Photo set
Like wtf
No. 906861
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>>906860Part 2 Photo set
Yet another ice cream but we really need a tube 24/7 for 1.0 that looks like maybe one can minimum lol
No. 906862
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Gotta have cute eye attracting tape, bc a clear tegaderm is just to invisible. Kek attention whore
No. 906864
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No one really answered i dont remmeber much if anything about her but i could be wrong so sage
No. 906868
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Seems she a begger too
The most milky thing about this is shes inpatient now but claims shes not in recovery and doesnt want to be there. I suppose they actually used the money for treatmwnt and not art supplies or some bs
No. 906870
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The broken Bambi legs seems to be one of her favourite poses kek
No. 906871
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The blatancy of these selfies is embarrassing
No. 906876
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fish fish fish
pat pat pat
She's also a horse girl (or woman, i think shes 30?) Has anorexia, DID, c-ptsd, OCD and "just too much"
No. 906887
>>906875On her ed account she acts like she “can’t tolerate it” or the plan is too hard. She’s living it up on this account
>>906862 kek. I’ve never seen someone more chuffed to have a tube other than maybe Bekah
No. 906892
>>906885Its so true, i lurked her page, screenshotting milk but i basically filled my album with them
Wtf is with all the ana chans turning munchie, i swear soon this will be pro-ana-munchie scumbags thread
No. 906893
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No. 907018
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Has this lady been talked about before?
Every second post is basically a “i am going to kill myself very soon convince me not to” and then every other is a “life with an eating disorder is so hard no one understands” and every photo is a spoopy body check or child items.
No. 907233
I honestly 100 % people here are being unfair with elzani: it's very common for people who are that young to film absolutely everything. Makes no sense to us (+29 ppl) but it's what they do.
It's also hilarious that farmers are demanding her to know why she became anorexic , like fuck guys if she knew she would be totally recovered. Many of us never get to pinpoint a specific reason.
Also this made up controversy here about her video , wtf, she is allowed to film/edit and broadcast whatever she wants of her experience, is her life, she doesn't have to baby sit the internet to avoid "triggering" ppl. That being said, she has tons of issues to figure out, and can be criticized like anyone who makes their life public.
But let's be fair, she actually seems like a sweet girl. All anas are manipulative, selfish, childish, dumb. Is what our ed makes us be. It's a sickness.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 907264
>>907233Take your WK bs else where
Quit blogging
You understand the concept of this thread right? Dont like it then gtfo
No. 907354
>>907303Ok white night
And there are pages full of reason why elzani is a cow
No. 907378
>>907165What has she done to her hair? It’s 3 years since I left IG and she hasn’t changed much! I’m guessing by her name she is still eating 97g of strawberries every day.
If she was serious about killing herself she would have done it by now not just whined about it wanting sympathy .
Out of interest she looks slightly less thin in the photon- has she put on weight?
No. 907387
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Jesus, is Lee fucking serious? I don't understand how her "eating disorder" works, it seems like she's happy to eat/drink or tube anything equally.
No. 907435
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Shes a drug addict too. She knows she's skinny. Shes just looking for attention
No. 907439
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Wildstruggles is very milky. I want to stop unfollowing her but its so entertaining. Kek
No. 907443
Why is she milky?
No. 907461
>>907387'So tired i cant be bothered drinking! But ill make an instagram poll post instead'
Who tf asks that shit but also does it? These cows are taking the fucking piss and theyre abusing medical equipment and using it as a…diet aid, for lack of a better word rn. Ive seen a lot of shit on here but for some reason that pic made me so angry
No. 907511
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Aly… no one dares to press no incase you go on a rampage again and blocks everyone
No. 907556
>>907461You actually hit the nail on the head with you said diet aid, bc these cows eat regularly outside of clinic, they often lose weight on a caloric diet of what their body actually needs lol. I feel like they just go to treatment to lose weight. Honestly so fucked kek.
>>907387Kek at the fact that she can have unlimited coffee and the Drs and team aren’t worried about it being a diuretic, appetite suppressant or just generally taking up space that could be used to eat lol. Probably bc they know these girls are wanorexics and they aren’t worried. They’re just taking their money or insurance to pump out a profit, they don’t care what rediculous ppl come in. I mean they tube georgia lol.. like come on what are the standards/protocol at the new farm clinic
>>907511No Aly, you look the same. Average. Just imagine if every follower was honest lol she’d block her entire following kek. Followers: you look the same aly your not anorexic Aly: blocks every negative follower that disagrees with what she wants them to say it’s like she’s baiting them to weed out the ppl who won’t kiss her ass. What a controlling wanorexic loser lol
No. 907569
File: 1576779680089.jpg (890.18 KB, 1070x1902, 20191219_162733.jpg)

This one's been discussed in a few older threads but I haven't read much about her recently. All that bitching a few years ago about how the Retreat would cure all her problems only to continue on her one-woman munchie crusade to drain the NHS. Syill not convinced she isn't causing these medical crisises herself.
No. 907594
>>907569I don't know if she causes the crises herself tbh I don't think she does (she definitely DOES have underlying conditions, she doesn't always follow medical advice and therefore gets ill but that's not the same as faking, obviously every anorexic is 'not following doctors advice' because otherwise they wouldn't be underweight.)
BUT she is an absolute nightmare to be around very competitive about every symptom of every illness not just ED.
No. 907669
>>907511Tbh, she looks the best I've seen her here. I don't pay her attention except what's posted here and her legs look a lot less spoopy than they used to.
(By "best" I mean healthiest). As if she doesn't already own an accurate scale.
No. 907779
>>907765"Why are you so dedicated to AN as a dx of ~skinny ppl~??"
bc that's literally what it is you dumb cunt.
No. 907784
File: 1576818407656.jpg (5.66 KB, 250x250, 1494625852203.jpg)

>>907765"fatphobia REEEEEEEEEEEE"
No. 907826
>>907819But anon muh malnutrition!
fat person cries>>907765Atypical anorexics should just sit and eat their food. (Literally and figuratively) Take your osfed and stfu
No. 907844
>>907829Wtf gtfo
Get permission from mummy next time you want to use the big wide web
No. 907846
>>907765Were not obsessed with AN dx, the cows are. Its not the weight we care about its the behaviours. If georgia was realistic with herself and her dx we wouldnt give a shit.
Where are all these WK coming from ffs
No. 907866
File: 1576837302448.png (103.41 KB, 355x313, ezaniiiicow.png)

>>907765what? AN dx criteria is an underweight BMI, not fat-phobic just a fat-fact. if you're referring to Georgie porgie nobody is having a go solely because she's overweight, its because the things she claims she's doing doesn't add up when you look at the bigger (lol) picture.
>>907303Are you actually blind or just that daft, nobody is being an asshole to E for no reason but you obviously cant see through her stupid facade which is literally as translucent as her pale spoop skin.
Stg everyone here is either a cretin straight from the dark depths of mpa or an atypical WK. Sip the milky goodness or fuck off
No. 907890
File: 1576851536833.jpeg (646.81 KB, 750x1071, 29D6E0C0-BBDC-46DA-A7F2-449BC2…)

Kek Lee, facepalms your not even trying to look like you need that tube anymore and the caption?? I can think of several other things “your eyes are saying” like fuck those clinic workers I’m pulling another one over on them.
No. 907891
File: 1576851864716.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, 096A3B9D-4C03-49BD-B2A5-A0E3B1…)

Well yes when you go out and eat a burger probably chips and beer, your going to be bloated and too full for challenge! Oof it’s really going to bite her in the ass when she gains a little too much weight at this clinic. No one that knows much about new farm has explained anything but if this cow can just malinger her way in here and stay for ages with a tube all the while going on outings eating like a regular human…she going to gain kek it’s coming Lee! Your anorexia is fake but the consequences of your eating regularly and getting tube feed calories is very real lol
No. 907893
File: 1576852021298.jpg (1011.63 KB, 1080x1705, 20191220_142450.jpg)

Anyone else see these monstrosities yesterday? I'm still recovering. Who the fuck puts all that in soup????
No. 907894
File: 1576852130172.jpg (572.1 KB, 1080x1440, 20191220_142808.jpg)

Full description for anyone that wants to feel sick too….
No. 907909
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>>907908You forgot the accessory.
No. 907912
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She lasted like three days
No. 907923
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Sweet potato mash on a crumpets. For breakfast. Yikes.
No. 907924
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breakfast description
No. 907998
>>907912She really hasn't a clue - they dont section people for no reason?
Out of interest has morven ever tried to kill herself or does she just moan about being dead?
No. 908027
>>907893Whatever happened to Kim and her poor children?
>>907891Geez she just screams personality disorder
No. 908028
>>908026Still the same Ipecac effect I imagine. Her combos are so strange she may as well stick everything in a bowl and mash it up.
>>908027Ha! The onions made me think of Kim. I wonder if her children are still surviving on a mouse portion of cheese and half a cracker. Their skin's probably peeling with vitamin deficiency.
No. 908264
File: 1576920536483.jpg (446.67 KB, 1080x2099, boohoo.jpg)

So May is completely outing herself as a drug seeker. Another cliche ticked off the list.
No. 908281
>>908264Idk if thats enough to say shes outing herself as a drug addict. Her teeth are fucked and would cause a truck tonne of pain.
>>908225Shes like 19
No. 908296
>>907893Is that raw parsnip?
>>907907>A post of her food is a special highlight of this thread.This
No. 908312
>>907923blogging about ana chan bs skip over if you dont care just explaining things: (not an ana-chan just a psych student)
we all make fun of the fucked combos and i def think they're disguting but I have to say when you starve or have an ED you crave weirdo combos of shit and try to just shove everything into one meal. sorry for blogging but I see lots of people say "why do that???" is bc the cravings and a fucked over brain from not eating properly (not just starving, as in just being a general wanarexic or even binging about meals) makes you think anything is good if youre lacking certain nuterants and stuff.
No. 908412
>>908375It's a far more common autistic characteristic to struggle with multiple textures/ tastes/ colours together and eat things seperately. And/ or eat the same few foods repetitively which can lead to severe deficiencies/ weight problems (ARFID)
Not saying that no autistic people mix foods together in odd combinations etc. But I don't think N2F's foods exhibit autistic behaviours. Much more the typical restriction (of fat) leading to obsession with tasting EVERYTHING, hoarding behaviours etc.
No. 908437
Some people never grow out of a childish way of eating. It's like maybe you know some people who still rip the crusts off their bread/toast or only eat the pieces of pizza with the good bits on. It's like she's still a kid putting her food together and throwing in some gummies and syrups because she never grew into eating in a more "adult" way. Does that make sense?
>>908416Her parent's house looks nice and pretty middle class. That last pic posted above, it looks like she's taken a pic of her plate in a porch or conservatory. It looks weird that she's squatting over a dead plant with a tin of soup on the window ledge. She spends time setting up her food (even though it looks like unicorn vomit), and taking pics but, yeah, her lack of embarrassment at how grubby her own surrounding is is really difficult to get over. Same goes with that pic where she's doing a full body shot in the garden IN HER UNDERWEAR. Like - ???? wtf lol. I wish I'd followed. I miss the gross.
No. 908456
File: 1576980843151.jpeg (873.57 KB, 743x1208, 5F2B6819-A710-498D-BE92-252AD3…)

I bet if she actually had problems she wouldn’t be able to laugh at or scooter away from them kek. Oh lee what r u doing? Helmet, glasses, scooter, tube? TOO MUCH lol. How tf long do they let these cows stay at new farm, any informed aussiafags here?
No. 908544
>>908322Apart from being socially awkward and a total idiot/twat/knob making a fool of herself in front of the camera and talking like a 13 year old, what makes you so certain she has ASD? Yes she’s obsessed with food but isn’t every anorexic ? She’s got none of the other symptoms of ASD- she has no routine to her life and nothing like OCD. She’s far more along the lines of having BPD with her attachment /abandonment issues with her mum and the things that go with BPD, or histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder and being a drama queen.
There’s a lot more to ASD that just bring really stilted in front of a camera, and I don’t think anyone with ASD would have the weirdness to want to film her entire hospital admission. I think she just needs to grow up and sort her mummy issues .
There were parts ( not many) in her hospital vlog where she was sitting talking and you could see her brain was functioning normally , she was talking rationally and was making sense and stuff. I think a lot of the things people on here have labelled her as having ASD with are just because her brain was so malnourished - they are less.
I’m not saying she’s normal - no fucking way- just that if you look at all the different criteria for an ASD diagnosis she doesn’t have many at all.
No. 908561
>>908549Agreed but she has more traits of other disorders than ASD- i don't think she has ASD ( too normal in most things)- but every time she makes a vlog or is a drama queen someone goes' oh she's so clearly got ASD'. Having it or not brings no milk to her- it's the other ED/family relationships that are interesting.
She still doing her real real recovery?….
No. 908590
File: 1577012834342.jpg (873.3 KB, 1080x1728, 20191222_110618.jpg)

Parsnips on a bun anyone?
No. 908611
>>908608Agree! Deffo in the 30% of people admitted for their ED who have ASD.
Echolalia in an attempt to 'fit in' repetitive conversation and phrases.
No friends
Obvious difference to siblings
Stilted speech even at more stable weight.
Special interest- need to film and record everything!
Lack of self awareness
Big fear of going inpatient due to leaving family and there being "other people".
Seems much more focused on food rather than body image distortion.
Anyway, people are clearly bored of this conversation.
No. 908612
File: 1577020588262.jpg (665.8 KB, 1079x1797, Screenshot_20191222-131553_Ins…)

Quite ironic how Emma is complaining about someone else being competitive when she's as bad as that other spoopy Becky (not e-begger extraordinaire Becky J) with trying to outdo every other anorexic.
No. 908705
File: 1577047331583.jpg (373.21 KB, 720x1031, 20191222_204151.jpg)

That caption
No. 908717
File: 1577049112028.jpg (209.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191222-211122_Ins…)

>>908708 she responded to you
No. 908729
>>908721? Loads of people struggle in January. There is Blue Monday or whatever it is called.
Not saying that's the case for ED people but January is well known for being a tough month mental health wise.
No. 908739
File: 1577053717782.jpg (915.81 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20191222-222750_Ins…)

Why is there sweet and savoury on the same plate?
The beans are touching the pies!!!
No. 908745
File: 1577054333198.jpg (56.28 KB, 346x480, 80006180_1976146689197924_3967…)

How long can one foot really be?
No. 908803
File: 1577060284070.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.29 KB, 813x1080, 14kg.jpg)

>>908729The concept of Blue Monday was based on pseudoscience. January's tough for a lot of people because they've racked up debts because of Christmas. These wanarexic/ana chans love Christmas because of the free stuff, like Becky. The day after when they don't have things to open, they ~struggle~.
>>908745The face doesn't even look like her. Wtf have they done to it?? I always lol at the blobs whoeveritis puts on her nails.
Img is something ana predator Bill Bockman put on his vk wall. I imagine "Kelsey" uses her as a template.
That crotch gap tho.
No. 908847
>>908516Can any QLD-fags (or anyone else) confirm whether New Farm is public or private?
Georgia and Lee would NOT get admid
tted to a public clinic; as there are something like 30 public beds. I've seen people who don't eat rejected because there are so few beds.
Which explains the tubes and long stays: public clinics only want to save your life, private clinics want to solve your mental health problems, and won't take you if you are actually dying (they'll send you to a medical hospital until you're well enough to be in a psych hospital.
No. 908995
>>908749>>908746>>908747Entire body is emaciated face…normal. That knee tho
>>908861Ha! Ramsey, that makes sense
No. 909064
File: 1577117037669.jpg (782.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191223-160321_Ins…)

No, it's really not…. looks like curdled vomit
No. 909145
File: 1577131549226.png (526.5 KB, 720x1203, Screenshot_20191223-200232~2.p…)

Yes, you're really"fat". How is she going to afford going to Australia?
No. 909156
File: 1577133628905.png (1.19 MB, 828x1792, D25319CD-AFE4-431C-B8E8-FED03A…)

“All-in-pro-recovery-mommy-blogger-extraordinaire” Kim is back at it doling put healthy exercise advice to her followers. The fact this woman sells herself online as being a “recovery warrior” while pushing diet foods for profit is both hilarious and gross.
No. 909195
File: 1577138895985.jpg (44.66 KB, 301x435, fuck off.JPG)

eBeg Becky's a miserable bitch. A family as neurotic (and miserable) as this shouldn't be allowed to leave their house. Merry fucking Christmas to you too.
No. 909199
>>909195eh, what she's describing
is incredibly rude and invasive. i can buy being anxious about it. leaving the drinks though? what a waste
No. 909201
>>909199It would be if events happened as she said, but I doubt a mother and three kids RAN over to her dog to stroke it. She even said it rarely happens, and I'm betting she's dramatising events here.
People can act like unthoughtful twats, but that's life. How about when Becky said she shouted some nonsense phrase out of the car window at someone and she was puzzled they took it badly.
She's planning to do the Boxing Day sales, she shops at the Trafford Centre, Arndale Centre, etc yet she flips her wig over someone petting her dog? I'm not surprised she doesn't have any friends. She's a horrible person.
No. 909237
File: 1577144326279.jpeg (591.83 KB, 750x1207, 0E4535A2-99B9-4CA3-BF07-D4FF15…)

Kek omg… she was always healthy, she never looked dead. Does anyone really think they are making her gain there when she looks like this
>>908456 or is she just trying to sound like a sick dainty ana who needed to gain weight? She just looks so chuffed to be posing with the tube and feed. It just makes her look more ridiculous being a healthy weight and having a tube and talking about needing to gain weight. I get some ppl struggle and need a tube at an average weight.. but this girl time and time again shows she has no problem eating food most ppl with EDs would feel fear foods. Dumb.
No. 909258
>>909195Yeah, it
is rude to do this, and people should be more aware. That being said, every. single. time. becky goes out and does anything, she ends up "in a state." Makes everything about this bullshit PSA laughable.
No. 909261
File: 1577150440811.jpeg (795.8 KB, 750x1116, 02FC90F1-5219-4BB7-9B4C-2A20C0…)

>>909239And what the fuck is the tube station? Is that the trough all the cows feed from kek? In my opinion anything going in the tube, pump rates should be handled by the nurse, like I’ve seen this girl with syringes and flushes and shit and I’m like… why lol? I mean 1 bag of 1.0 feed Isint a lot if your really trying to gain weight (she could be having more but since it’s overnight I doubt it) whose to say the ppl who actually need the tube dont just get rid of it lol, if they’re in control of the pump …not trying to give any cows ideas but like wtf? I guess it goes back to what this person said
>>908847 there not actually sick so it doesn’t really matter, they aren’t a liability to the clinic.
>>909251I’m not exactly how tall she is but on insta she never disclosed her weight or anything like that. Actually I think she said she was 5 7 at one point but that’s total bullshit bc im not that tall and shes waaaaay shorter than I amZ I’d guess like 5”5 based on how long her limbs are. Look how short she is in this photo. She probably just pretends she’s taller so she can lie to herself about her BMI omg the mental gymnastics. Bye it’s very hard to find a full body shot of her and this one is from 2018 so she does look considerably different now.
has gained several lbs lol
No. 909381
File: 1577188665825.jpeg (844.42 KB, 828x1567, 2DD82858-32AC-4A59-86C8-BA9A3E…)

Please explain how this is a 22(?) year old woman writing a caption like that, making smiley faces in her cereal and somehow insisting she’s a healthy adult…
No. 909418
File: 1577199774387.jpeg (120.11 KB, 745x736, F85BA0C9-C412-44DC-A15C-C243B9…)

Apparently E is thinking of taking up weight lifting .
No. 909432
>>909237So this clinic basically glorifies tubes?!
This kind of jokey poster would absolutely not be allowed in most EDUs!
>>909377Unless someone is being discharged from hospital with tube feeds for a medical reason I don't understand why they are allowed to be involved with running their own feeds?! If you can't trust someone to eat then how can you trust them not to interfere with the feed?
No. 909443
>>909432Everything about that clinic sounds off. I wonder if there are any cases of malpractice reported online from newspapers.
>>909418It'll be fun to see her bulk up on protein. I can't watch her, but I'm thinking she thinks this is going to be her new "thing" for youtube, like other ~warriors~ who take up weight lifting. Great way of her to calculate her macros 24/7.
No. 909518
File: 1577220419170.png (388.31 KB, 828x1792, ED45B4E6-8752-48FE-ABE5-0B25A1…)

Georgia reminding everyone that she’s sooper sick and going to treatment soon. Cringey enough that a clinic would send such a text, worse still that she would post it on Ig. I swear to god these cows really have turned treatment into a version of summer camp.
No. 909523
File: 1577220814752.jpg (24.78 KB, 300x233, she got tubed.jpg)

>>909518> these cows really have turned treatment into a version of summer campIf I could be arsed (and could write music), I'd turn the ana chans into a musical. Farmers here could write the lyrics and source the tubes etc. We could base each cast member on a cow.
No. 909567
>>909518they all pretend to hate it in the same way too. really reminds me of
>>909237 implying she'd cry about the ordeal of being tubed if she didn't beam for pics with it
i feel like these girls are so bored and understimulated that they're completely fascinated with the idea of any point of conflict or drama in their lives, even if the drama is manufactured and the conflict is something anyone can sign up for.
No. 909581
File: 1577232956627.jpg (50.75 KB, 366x517, 0.JPG)

Idk about weightlifting, know nothing about anything body shaping gym like thing, so can anyone tell me what the point of weightlifting is? Is it to get a body like the random I found on ig? Or is it all about competition? Or both? Just trying to figure out where she's coming from with this.
No. 909592
File: 1577235051620.png (983.2 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_2019-12-24-19-46-34…)

Yikes. I see no weight loss. Still grotesquely fat with zero fashion sense. Ewww the mirror.
No. 909603
File: 1577236637692.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 36743F06-2984-4C97-A304-9F27F8…)

what the actual fuck paris
No. 909656
File: 1577247959430.jpeg (354.97 KB, 639x1203, 5174B049-6669-48C7-A110-9FD844…)

What’s with all the wannarexic Aussie cows getting admitted with nose hoses at normal weights and insisting they can’t survive outside a hospital? This one hasn’t been actually underweight in years, yet keeps claiming to be practically dying from anorexia. She also tends to pull the face-clawing bit for attention.
No. 909691
>>909603Has she put on weight or is it just the glasses?
I can’t understand why she is still alive .
No. 909696
>>909390You don’t need a x-ray when a tube is placed. They can test the level of acidity in your stomach with a syringe to check it is in place.
In Perth we have one private hospital and the psych rejects 90% of patients except for her favourites and people literally are not getting the help they need and yet New Farm they get away with so much shit.
No. 909718
>>909696But according to her, her program's 'The Best' kek
Then explain all the revolving door-ers
No. 909737
>>909718I know right.
People either end up back on her program upwards of 10 times if she likes them, or end up in the state system which is doing shit all to help us.
No. 909738
>>909737Its BS she's the only admitting Dr to the only Private facility to have an ED program.
As i hear it, she also has pull over admission to WAEDOCS
No. 909816
File: 1577303246523.jpeg (Spoiler Image,560.11 KB, 750x1204, 91D8A955-36DD-4247-AB41-95BC1D…)

>>909656I’m so glad you posted this one. She is absolutely nutty….. She’s ridiculous and yes she totally does the face scratching thing like Laura. spoiler for the disgusting, scabby, bloody face
No. 909817
File: 1577303472712.jpeg (Spoiler Image,424.59 KB, 750x1030, 316FA126-B911-4D00-8D34-51CC51…)

>>909656Also I’m absolutely repulsed when she puts her photos in black in white kek, she wrinkles her forehead creating these strange crevasses and then the wounds just look like some skin disease lol wtf are these ppl thinking posting these, honestly why kek!? Spoiler again for farmers who don’t care to see this repulsive monstrosity
No. 909821
File: 1577304036350.jpeg (Spoiler Image,569.98 KB, 750x1204, 99C00ACB-79C6-4305-B741-1F0406…)

This photo really captures the whole aesthetic, we got the face wounds so everyone knows she’s a sooper strong warrior battling mental illness and the feeding tube to prove that she’s still sick even though like
>>909656 said she hasn’t been underweight in years. What I’m wondering is who in the fuck would date this? I am guessing the guy I blacked out is her bf. Not saying anything about her appearance but as for mental stability that is certainly questionable lol. I thought ppl self harmed in places that were hidden or places that could be easily covered, kind of a suffer in silence thing, but with this chick and Laura it’s more like
look at me I’m struggling I scratched my face kek. Another spoiler for the gross face
No. 909828
File: 1577304848456.jpg (32.31 KB, 306x314, kama sutra.JPG)

Oh, and she's back at it. Here's my mary xmas to you, farmers!
No. 909839
File: 1577307807546.jpg (53.83 KB, 568x592, 00.JPG)

>>909833Looks vaguely so in the eyes in this pic which is weird because she doesn't even have an epicanthic fold.
Speaking of eyes, mine can't roll back any further to the back of my head with how cliched she is. Img related.
No. 909840
File: 1577307838205.jpg (59.2 KB, 738x495, 0.JPG)

And who the fuck tags this shit? Oh, she does.
No. 909843
File: 1577310431582.jpeg (150.12 KB, 1055x649, F8316568-BD7C-4B74-AC02-1B26E4…)

>>909828Such a dainty lil festive faerie! Almost as wide as the tree
No. 909867
>>909821Sage for blogpost
There are many people who self harm in hidden places, eg. Tops of thighs and wouldn’t even self harm on their arms and wear long sleeves in fear of someone seeing. The people who self harm by cutting their neck, arms whilst purposely wearing short sleeves, face and hand scratching etc. are 90% of the time doing it purely for attention, they want people to see it. Yeah some people do it as a genuine cry for help but usually it’s an attention seeking behaviour and behavioural, not something psychological. Seeking attention off family, friends, nursing staff, trying to prove their ill etc. Seen most often with personality disorders. A clued up nurse knows that the ones who hide it are the ones to keep an eye on. It’s the same with suicidal thoughts, the ones who hide it are more likely to just do it and the ones who always go on about wanting to die are generally the ones who take purposely non lethal overdoses or call them self an ambulance. It’s a behavioural thing.
No. 909879
>>909738WAEDOCS will admit you as soon as you’ve lost 1 kilo a week for 3 weeks or your medically unstable regardless of weight. I had a friend who was admitted to Charlies because she went from obese to overweight. She lost 1 kilo a week for 10 weeks which isn’t exactly dangerous when your obese to begin with, they kept her in for a week on full bed rest, specialed etc and threatened to tube her.
So I don’t think she has anything to do with WAEDOCS. Hopefully this new residential program we are getting at Peel hospital will help. Mind you I don’t understand why they put it so far out of Perth, because its going to make it hard for families to visit.
No. 909881
File: 1577320972487.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1360x828, pervert.png)

>>909848Welcome to the world of pro ana chan old perv Bill Bockman/Henry Roth. The one Ashley called a "predator".
No. 909882
File: 1577321089287.jpg (40.67 KB, 551x362, lol.JPG)

The face only a mother (and a pervert) could love lol.
No. 909916
>>909656You said she hasn’t been underweight in years, I scrolled back to like 2014 on her insta and she looks exactly the same. I’m
Starting to think this was a self post with a slight humble brag about being underweight thrown in. Where’s the proof ? Where’s the spoop? I was on board with this nutter until I looked more into the op. (I could be totally wrong though, so sorry if I am op) Unless she didn’t document her spoopyness on insta I doubt it happened though. Maybe I missed it but I didn’t even see a
transformation Tuesday post or something dumb like that where weight restored anachans relive their glory days. Id like to see Han/Freddy Krueger 2 please, but make it spoopy kek
>>909656 No. 909918
>>909903Oh I've seen that. I looked her up on facebook at the time and she's a very healthy weight now.
This one's the lulsiest with Lilly being the biggest ever pro ana cow who should be included here. I'd love to know where she is now.
No. 909998
File: 1577356982289.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1125x1932, 7FDE0A82-05FE-45C9-BE7E-45E9AF…)

Her food always looks unappetising, but this is just depressing
No. 910007
File: 1577358067347.gif (2.15 MB, 498x280, B70682DE-D824-4261-A00F-97E0B4…)

>>909998This is actually sad to look at. Mustard, ketchup and bbq sauce with a soggy frozen Yorkshire pudding, frozen veg from a bag with fucking cocktail onions, and some sort of beans that look like cat sick. Who the fuck cooked this? Her mother? Father? If I was served this on Christmas I would spend the rest of the day violently weeping.
No. 910015
>>909581I think appeals to anachans because it's swapping one diet obsession with another. Eating while weight lifting is all about hitting macros. For munchies and anas there's also the optional supplement regimes that sort of mimics medication.
The need to eat a nutritional diet of mainly protein and the mental benefits of exercise would probably benefit E a lot, so good luck to her I guess.
No. 910292
>>910034Another self post.
>>907018Paris is boring
No. 910304
File: 1577395902734.jpg (417.21 KB, 1079x1485, Screenshot_20191226-213113_Ins…)

Laura standing with her legs 3 feet apart to pretend she has a thigh gap like she hasn't posted recent full body shots.
No. 910359
File: 1577400617345.png (1.23 MB, 905x578, bwuk.PNG)

>>910304Flourishing chicken, kek
No. 910385
File: 1577402929280.png (159.78 KB, 318x225, 0.png)

>>909901What's up guyz?
Becky looks like J* I've thought this often.
No. 910470
File: 1577410802209.png (164.35 KB, 222x299, 0.png)

>>910464Oh I love Paula Yates too much to imagine her exhumed corpse, but I can see it. Looks dead either way. And to think she says she looks like Keira Knightley.
No. 910517
>>910253Oh my god one trait out of 9!She MUST be BPD. /s
Kek you fishin
Add 4 more traits then shed have it. OR everyone can stop armchair dx
No. 910520
File: 1577417188658.jpeg (174.02 KB, 750x1034, CB9A082A-BFFF-4522-9DF1-94BCD8…)

Part 1
Oh my gosh what needs could she have that are “too complex” like wtf kek?!
No. 910526
File: 1577417882740.jpeg (122.09 KB, 750x1051, 319ACD1C-7C6A-4209-AD10-C8656E…)

>>910520Part 2
The first comment is the best though
“New Farm?” According to these aussiefags
>>908847 >>908853 because it’s a private clinic, beds are easier to come by and it’s for people who aren’t on deaths door, so I’m not exactly sure why she’s acting like she’s a critical patient and then saying New Farm is an option, bc if she was as complex as she’s claiming to be and this farmer
>>908847 has there shit right then New Farm would not be an option. She’s just another cow for the New Lolcow Farm Facility kek. Filled with average weight “anorexics” begging for tubes but pretending they hate them while taking a shameful amount of selfies… ugh what a sad life
No. 910529
>>910525I think your talking about bekah georgy and she wasn’t too complex she just wasn't accepted for behavioral problems because she was giving adolescents ED tips and is overall 100% non compliant. That also marked the beginning of her munchie switch bc she was saying they wouldn’t take her bc she had too many medical problems, I know people who have been in treatment with her and the only medical problem she
had was anorexia. She’s actually massive now and blaming it on Cushing Syndrome that she doesn’t have kek. It’s quite funny actually
No. 910581
>>910564Fucking newfags.
>>910526I checked this one's account out due to the constant "hasn't been underweight in years", and it seems like the only time she looked remotely underweight was when she was a literal child. Chances are that was purely her child's metabolism doing it not anorexia. The older she got the more weight she put on, not to say that she's enormous. It just seems like a normal progression of metabolism slowing down as she reached adulthood. I'd share the pictures but I don't know how we feel about under age pictures, even if the person in them is now an adult.
No. 910584
File: 1577436269367.png (2.06 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2019-12-27-18-40-48…)

Has anyone talked about caloriewhore_ I've followed her for a while and she never used to be milky until just recently when she started saying all this shit
No. 910658
File: 1577463147850.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 550D2AB3-C823-42F7-BF1C-C1B85A…)

That’s weird Lee because you seem pretty happy…. she’s like the most jolly depressed person I’ve ever seen on insta. Not even that fake it till you make it bs she looks like she’s living it up and having a ball with all of her friends at New Farm, gets leave whenever, gets drunk, endless tube selfies to feed her ego. What more could she want? Then she says “I still don’t know if I can fight it” well yea its pretty hard to fight something that doesn’t exist like your anorexia kek. How long is the average New Farm stay? Is this cow just going to keep making them unnecessary gains for months? Where is the end of this shit
No. 910660
File: 1577463368449.jpg (655.23 KB, 1080x2340, IMG_20191228_021337.jpg)

>>910657>>910656>>910654I am not her, if I was I wouldn't still be here. I'm a long time lurker first time posting so stfu. Her post on her account never have any milk. It's only her stories which I've posted the only milk from today. And yes as far as I am aware she is still accepting followers but I wouldn't know 100%. Like I've said twice already I've been following her for a while
No. 910773
File: 1577490107227.jpeg (336.06 KB, 1095x1375, A2DF64E5-D662-412B-8461-C64354…)

Yeah…. toootally recovered if you post before and after shots of yourself, guessing this one turned totally fitness freak judging by her obsession with ice skating and frozen.
No. 910786
File: 1577494928182.jpg (755.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191228-010141_Ins…)

Looks like spunk….
No. 910789
File: 1577495114779.jpg (835.8 KB, 1055x1732, 20191228_010532.jpg)

I don't have words for this one….
No. 910790
File: 1577495515988.jpeg (631.62 KB, 750x1180, 6AD52CD5-D9A9-42F1-A4B5-1E53D8…)

>>910694She’s not in jail she got arrested for a possession of paraphernalia charge I believe, if you are aware of her full name, you can search it and find her in public records really easily. But anyway this is what she’s up to now… all this different names in the story highlights are her alters and story highlights made by or pertaining to that alter….. its full blown insanity. The sad part is, she already messed up and proved that it’s fake bc she says she has amnesia when she’s anyone but “the host” which is herself, yet she knows exactly who she switches to and how many times she switches a day… she says it to make herself sound worse than others like “most people don’t switch as much as I do” or “it’s rare to switch alters as many times as I do a day” just like she has to be the sickest munchie and the sickest ana, she’s gotta be the worst DID case. But I think she’s totally lying bc how would she have both amnesia and also be ale to remember all of these vivid details…. sounds like selective amnesia to me kek! Lmk if u want more farmers
No. 910846
File: 1577511057146.jpeg (407.3 KB, 750x992, E7E78AF5-D1D7-45AF-A7CB-5E4DD5…)

>>910821So she posts as each alter sometimes and she has two “littles” or like child alters one is called Rae and is like 4 and doesn’t communicate and tot is 6 and “fronts” more I’m guessing this means appears more? She uses all this esoteric DID nomenclature no one would fucking understand unless they did serious in depth research and watched several real stories and documentaries. So here’s “Tot” posting
No. 910848
File: 1577511321798.jpeg (221.15 KB, 750x1017, 493D8C5D-36F7-4853-88C3-2CFD34…)

Here’s a screen grab of “tot” playing with some horses or something and she acts like the cat got mad in the video but it legitimately just ran across the bed kek, like she’s trying to assert that her DID is so real EVEN the damn cat notices and doesn’t like the littles … mmm sure jan l think your cats probably just hate you lol
No. 910851
File: 1577511818951.jpeg (351.42 KB, 750x1211, C7108F33-0EF8-4C1D-A6EF-B44BE5…)

Part 1
She’s still using ED symptoms to munch her way into the hospital but is going full out DID. here’s her at halloween embracing the little aspect of the alter thing…. I really think its just another aspect of her need for attention. I don’t think she does it for any other reason than the attention, maybe to escape some adult responsibilities but this cow just loves the attention and coddles.
No. 910852
File: 1577512149643.jpeg (445.15 KB, 750x905, 4F501BAA-77E2-4320-8E10-CC90CE…)

>>910851Part 2
Attention seeking text post and hashtags, check lol. Like did she really hashtag amnesia yet she recounts the entire memory like wtf? It’s so obviously bs I don’t know how anyone buys this shit. She’s only saying she has amnesia bc people who actually dissociate, and switch personalities or identities don’t remember, they have legit amnesia and time loss. But since jonzie just web md the symptoms she’s just hash tagging it without actually weaving it into her poorly woven lie. What a fail kek
No. 910855
File: 1577512465281.jpeg (283.72 KB, 750x1213, E5CC5AD8-5B2E-4FA4-9CBD-87EFDE…)

She also still creates her own message conversations with these fake iPhone interfaces to make it look like she’s chatting up her clinicians, or like they have a sooper special bond. More like unethical bond… I hope for the therapists sake this is 100% fake lol
No. 910856
File: 1577512674381.jpeg (348.43 KB, 750x1217, 0DFF2CC9-5721-4187-965D-2B4D3C…)

Part 1
Another conversation I believe to be fabricated, more milk in the text post in which she explains and speaks about “jordan” another one of her alters kek
No. 910857
File: 1577512786639.jpeg (390.1 KB, 750x829, 703A844B-937E-4481-8EDD-4F4358…)

>>910856Part 2
The text post… I love how she signs it
-Alexys as if it’s ever anyone else but her posting it (for any new farmers not familiar with this cow her names alexys jonzie so she goes by both names)
No. 910867
>>910856Wow, I haven't seen fabricated texts with a fake therapist like this since the Kaydee days (May she rest in peace).
Jonzie really never moved on from that era of lolcow drama, huh? Though, gotta admit I've been pining for the haydays of this thread lately, this has come just in time ahaha. How long has this oh so super real DID been her shtick?
No. 910929
>>910861Kek, your welcome! I was dying to post it when people were talking about other cows and DID but I ignorantly thought she was a banned topic for some reason… milk got a little dry on the farm here so I’m glad to contribute! I’ll post more when I get the chance but I suggest people follow her for the videos just in case I can’t find her YouTube channel I really think she made it private.
>>910867I’m not sure when she started this the first Instagram post is November 5th of 2019 so not long. She claims to have had alters her whole life though. And that her trauma and CPTSD caused it. Just to let everyone know CPTSD is not indicated in the DSM 5 lol. People like I believe Laura and definitely Jonzie just like to say they have it so they can claim their ptsd is extra bad lol. Idk I see that floating around a lot but that’s not a real diagnosis. There’s no reason to delineate ptsd that way bc it doesn’t change the treatment or anything it just gives them muh mental illness brownie points.
>>910888Yea it’s called munchausen kek with a side of OFSED and attention whoreitis kek. Jonzie, in a nutshell, one crazy, f*cked up, attention seeking, over the top, lying, nutter lol.
No. 910938
>>910929It's good to see her back but is she still ed heavy? Just thinking maybe stick her in the DID thread with no sage. I kinda see farmhands being picky about her in the ana thread.
I want to know more about the drugz.
No. 910968
>>910929cPTSD is starting to be diagnosed in the UK. It used to be PTSD from multiple events.
Now "Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD, sometimes abbreviated to c-PTSD or CPTSD) is a condition where you experience some symptoms of PTSD along with some additional symptoms, such as:
difficulty controlling your emotions
feeling very hostile or distrustful towards the world
constant feelings of emptiness or hopelessness
feeling as if you are permanently damaged or worthless
feeling as if you are completely different to other people
feeling like nobody can understand what happened to you
avoiding friendships and relationships, or finding them very difficult
often experiencing dissociative symptoms such as depersonalisation or derealisation
regular suicidal feelings." (Mind UK)
DID is caused by early childhood trauma and is basically nothing like it is presented on YouTube/ Instagram. I personally do think it exists (I know not everyone does) but all this stuff where people have names for all their alters, 'switch' all the time and catch it on camera, can describe in detail the alters etc. …nope. Goes without saying I think this cow
>>910855 is a load of cowpat!
No. 910977
>>910956>>910957Agreed there’d probably be less of it. But even on wards you get similar happening, trying not to blog but being stuck on general psych with an ED is the most frustrating experience when you get other patients clocking on to the ~sweet sweet~ staff attention that comes with extra obs, meal plans and stuff. Not tryna like gatekeep EDs but they’ll literally ask outright how to purge or what a food/fluid chart is and next mealtime you see them making a song and dance about refusing or ~feeling tOo fAT~ forgetting staff have seen them ordering nightly takeaway and crap up until then. It’s dumb as shit.
tldr; the internet doesn’t help but people like Georgia, Laura etc. will always exist
No. 910985
>>910968I think it's one of the Elizabeth Loftus books where I read that DID doesn't exist as such, but some people (not tumblrinas or igdids) use the faking personalities as a coping mechanism, which makes sense to me.
Haven't got another book/stats in front of me (think the book is Satanic Panic), but after Sybil was published:
>Shirley Mason was the psychiatric patient whose life was portrayed in the 1973 book Sybil. The book and subsequent film caused an enormous spike in reported cases of multiple personality disorder. Mason later admitted she had faked her multiple personalities.Kind of like the ig of those times.
No. 910986
>>910968It’s interesting because don’t some clinicians believe cPTSD and BPD are basically the same thing? Like, Laura
says she doesn’t have BPD but even though I’m not a medfag that list is….telling imo
No. 911029
I think it is important that trauma is recognised in BPD but basically cPTSD is 'you have BPD but we recognise you have experienced trauma'. It is quite distinct from PTSD imo and the person would still need the DBT input to address their issues.
Basically I don't get why people think it is such a great diagnosis (I mean, why is any diagnosis great?! Why are we here?!) but people brag about it and don't seem to get it is a BPD rebrand
No. 911208
File: 1577599592243.jpg (541.44 KB, 1080x1779, Screenshot_20191229_160731.jpg)

Previously talked about, but what is with the current trend of anachans going munchie?
No. 911272
>>910855I hope the therapist sees through it but is continuing to see her to study the munchie part of her. Thing like how much she lies and switches and holes in stories. Is she delusional or have no sense of self, a constant need for attention and affection. In any case, that therapist isnt treating her for DID.
Ah Alexys, ive missed seeing her posts. Does she have an up to date lolcow thread or kf?
No. 911274
>>910986BPD is a spectrum PR and can manifest outwardly or inwardly. Its often mixed up with Histrionic PD (because of the attention seeking etc) Heres HPD symptoms
*feel very uncomfortable if you are not the centre of attention
*feel much more at ease as the ‘life and soul of the party’
*feel that you have to entertain people
*flirt or behave provocatively to ensure that you remain the centre of attention
*get a reputation for being dramatic and overemotional
*feel dependent on the approval of others
*be easily influenced by others
Im no medfag im not dxing anyone but cows like Laura fit HPD, not BPD
Just my opinion/ observation
Sage for blog
(Armchairing ) No. 911288
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>>910948Do I continue posting jonzie milk!? Someone mentioned a DID or munchie thread I don’t want to spam this thread with jonzie hospital pics and DID shit if she doesn’t belong here lol. But part of me thinks she will always be an honorary cow of this thread bc she’s still fucking claiming anorexia even though she looks like this… and has legit highlights dedicated to the garbage, unhealthy food she eats
No. 911292
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>>911288Another photo of her
anorexic legs featuring tot, she’s literally describing herself.. as “too sweet” tots not real jonzie it’s you lol your just trying to find away to compliment yourself more. Not to nitpick but I’ve never seen a toddler with thighs that.. strong kek omfg why is she still claiming anorexia, I will never understand. In this video she’s just playing with the tutu talking about her long legs in a baby voice like pretending there’s an actual child inside her adult body.
Btw for old farmers mama bear is very much in the picture, they do lunch, jonzie accompanied her at some opioid walk, she met with mama bear and some of her students to talk about you guessed it, herself and opioids… to “educate” the students. Fuck I better post that shit too lol. All of that was dumb but what I was thinking was shit don’t u have
Gastroparesis or
anorexia how are u eating this garbage!
No. 911350
File: 1577649455236.jpeg (Spoiler Image,800.01 KB, 828x1579, F47280EB-E148-4252-933F-AE0285…)

(Spoiler for spoopy underwear shots) Anyone catch the ~*~sooper insperashenul~*~ progress picture ganer posted for Christmas? Is it just me or does she 100% still look anorexic in the after shot? Being slightly less spoopy =/= recovered. And she markets herself as a fitness coach. Kay. (Will follow up with whole caption).
No. 911352
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(2/2) right. “Strong not skinny”, because she’s definitely not still emaciated. Okay then.
No. 911367
File: 1577652733043.jpeg (434.33 KB, 1125x1915, aimless.jpeg)

This fucking idiot.
No. 911369
>>911367>full blown fluYeah because you can totally be arsed to apply makeup and fanny around on insta when you have ~full blown flu~
>I've never had that beforeExcept last year when she posted a selfie of her crying and in agony because she had the ~flu~
What a sorry little life.
The dog looks terrified.
No. 911378
File: 1577654432805.jpg (24.41 KB, 333x604, free nimbus.JPG)

You can't get out of bed for anything if you have flu. Especially in her state. Why are they taking a DOG into a healthcare place?
She's written how she wants to write an article for a mental health magazine. I don't understand how she doesn't realise how ludicrous that sounds.
No. 911406
File: 1577658727875.png (3.42 MB, 828x1792, 3FBC156C-9D9E-43CF-8A81-3CC72F…)

Opinions on @sorcha.blossoms? Is she even acc sick tbh I don’t know like someone asked her on Tellonym is she a healthy weight & she said no buttttt…. looks p healthy to me hun(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 911427
>>911367Like fuck she has flu and way to go spreading it about if you did.
What a selfish attitude to have.
Poor dog is being swallowed be giant coat!
No. 911430
File: 1577662116708.jpg (1.05 MB, 810x2236, 20191229_232811.jpg)

Why is it always so raw looking?
No. 911468
>>911430I really believe she cooks in her room with a small halogen oven. She never cooks things properly and she keeps her bag of chips (US fries) in her room.
No. 911533
>>911406Read the rules newfag
Her boots don’t even fit. Let the girl live. FYI we aren’t guessing BMI anymore so LC isn’t the place for you
No. 911545
File: 1577679457621.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1712, 112CD3F3-CD8A-48F4-92B5-B3EC3B…)

tsk tsk tsk Georgie so so so frail and dainty now
No. 911555
>>911545Someone’s gearing up for an ‘emergency’ IP stay with a nose hose. Heaven forbid she drop below the weight of a baby whale.
Seaworld called, Georgia, they said your contract’s not up yet and they’re expecting you back in the tank by tonight.
No. 911579
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has anyone mentioned this trash can? recovered from anorexia and like many cows is suddenly super unwell with EDS and other shit. i mean who puts “ive got a catheter” in their bio LOL
No. 911581
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Georgia love, your body iSn’T cOpiNg because you’re morbidly obese
No. 911613
File: 1577692679514.jpg (757.59 KB, 1080x1751, 20191229_235053.jpg)

I know Aly has been too boring to be on here lately, but doesn't this seem like she's tempting fate/the internet just a little bit? Or am I just a total dick?
Like if I cared enough I would scroll back and find out where she got charged, contact the judge and let him know that she has a well-documented history of continuing to misuse drugs and behave irresponsibly (with screenshots) even After going back to rehab (again). Just saying.
No. 911642
File: 1577700171322.jpg (1007.42 KB, 1080x1848, 20191230_200143.jpg)

It's mayonnaise soup with some leaves in it. That's not a salad
No. 911644
>>911545kek at how she twists her legs to make her appear skinnier… such an ana chan
She maybe lost a few pounds but I doubt she dropped 13 kilos.
>>911642Poor Georgia can't even finish a SALAD. Sure we're going to believe this. That's why you're still obese, huh?
No. 911674
File: 1577714367553.jpeg (246.08 KB, 773x1673, C29D95A2-11DC-4B43-B57E-0EA7E6…)

new level y’all
No. 911684
>>911670By complaining enough at therapy/her dr she got an EDNOS diagnosis. She claims the type is atypical anorexia.. but she has not lost a dramatic amount of weight in years.
She claims she was anorexic at 15 or something, yet any photos from around that age on her insta/fb look very normal.
If she was anorexic in the past then that would be documented somewhere as she apparently went to a unit, there has never been any proof. There are many overweight tubed pics, no skelly pics.
I guess the asspats she gets when ‘struggling’ are just too sweet to resist.
Side note; that ‘salad’ looks ridiculously oily.
No. 911688
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i know it’s old milk but i’ve just come across this on twitter, people are still going back to watch elzani’s horrible video over and over to trigger themselves, as i expected. she’s either super thick and clueless to what she’s doing or totally evil doing it on purpose and doesn’t give a shit 1/3
No. 911689
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No. 911690
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No. 911728
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>>911684apologies that this will be old milk for most people in this thread so i’ll sage everything but. she couldn’t have been older than 16 in this photo, so she should be thin at least, assuming she’s recovering slowly from her hospitalisation at 15. still fat. she definitely doesn’t have an eating disorder but she probably has some sort of attention seeking personality disorder. a new favourite cow of mine
No. 911740
>>911728She’s attention seeking and has realized that crying “atypical anorexia” gives her a free-pass with respect to eating all the shitty food she wants. If anyone suggests she should eat less / eat healthier foods she can cry back at them about being “
triggered” and how she needs to “challenge” these foods (despite obvious evidence that the only thing she needs to challenge is her unwillingness to address her obesity)
No. 911854
File: 1577754641826.jpg (785.68 KB, 1080x1663, 20191231_010658.jpg)

Simple? No rank!
No. 912046
>>911854I mean I for sure hope the kidney beans are cooked given they are
toxic raw!!!
No. 912137
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>>911990Don't worry, there is still unicorn vomit.
No. 912145
>>911613as much as this post she made got on my nerves, that's probably not necessary.
I'm sure Aly can land herself into more trouble all on her own.
No. 912153
>>912144She must have a sweet tooth because who else counts Pick n Mix as dessert?
Thing is, with the cakes and sweets, she's going to feel hungry quickly even if she's getting calories (if she keeps it down).
No. 912362
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>>912341I thought she deleted her instagram? She’s very self righteous, she IS recovery and everyone else is pro Ana scum. These are some of the conversation I’ve had with her.
No. 912363
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No. 912365
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No. 912420
>>912414Agree with the vendetta theory. Seems like an anon is too invested with chii and is the one who recently tried to stir shit about her here recently.
I understand how some cows really miff your muff, but contacting them and posting here…that's kinda crossed the line.
No. 912479
File: 1577911672386.jpg (33.85 KB, 532x524, 0.JPG)

Perfect opportunity to post a video of kicking your spoopy legs around then.
No. 912622
>>912414 Agreed yeah– chii is self-
congratulatory in a human way and prob correct in this case stfu yr bad unless more context…curious re her moves tho, never followed & she went semi-dark (opaque?) so plz keep showing that wholesome Canadian bagged milk.
No. 912682
>>911795>>911848>>911688I thought Elzanis second channel was going to be about ‘loving her best life’ and vlogging non recovery stuff compared to her original channel - but the whole of the Boxing Day vlog is all about food.
Do 21 year old still play board games ? That’s what kids do.
No. 912704
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There is a user I follow on ig (babicomplex) and for a while, she has advocated against pro ana and even claimed she has her own share of the disorder. Despite snapping back at girls who comment stuff like “OMG ur so thin I wish I was you” and her saying “it’s unhealthy to encourage me to look like this you don’t wish you were me” ect, she poses in ways that make her look even thinner and exaggerate her thigh gap. In this photo, you can see her knees are pointing inwards and she’s wearing shorts to exaggerate the thigh gap…. I find this milky imo cause she’s constantly saying “ don’t say you wish you looked like me I’m ill you’re encouraging my ed” ect, she will consistently post pictures of her body in classic ana poses. Really makes me feel she is pro ana but covers it up by having a go at any followers who envy her weight. If you look her up on google search as (medik8lyn) you will see what I mean. Thoughts?
No. 912708
File: 1577963203050.jpg (811.61 KB, 1080x1833, 20200102_210554.jpg)

Toob is out. Tantrum is occuring. Dad coming to save the day. This new farm place is hilarious
No. 912737
>>912704Doesn’t seem that interesting, just another who seems to think she’s smaller than she really is?
>>912725Another anon here eagerly awaiting the milk after our resident salad dodger Georgia waddles in! They’re probably reinforcing the furniture as we speak
No. 912763
>>912708”Entirely fucked over with my progress and plan” and yet she’s had her tube removed lol meaning she’s progressed to the point where she clearly doesn’t need it (even though she never needed it) but like she’s literally admitting to being mad about not having a feeding tube kek.. does she see how dumb she looks
>>912725Top kek this had me dying lol. The fucking stupid tube station hahahahah I can’t imagine being a client and seeing someone like her at
the tube station! I agree, decent milk to be expected from our dainty frail georgy
>>912737Reinforcing the furniture kek I had to respond to this lol. I can’t wait to see the stunts she pulls this time!
No. 912801
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Carrot cake doesn't have lumps of left over carrots in it from the night before….
No. 912803
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>>912725 It's gonna happen!
No. 912812
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>>912801If anyone is wondering what the white log is on top of that, it's one of these.
No. 912825
>>912823Losing 6kg in a week wouldn’t be healthy regardless of starting weight and obese people can absolutely be malnourished, but I don’t think that’s the case with georgieporgie. If she actually lost that much (doubtful) it’s 100% water and shit and she probably weighed herself after a big meal for the high weight and first thing in the morning for the low one. She’s just trying to set the stage for when she enters treatment and suddenly needs immediate medical intervention to stop her from wasting away.
No. 912831
File: 1578000259040.jpg (757.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200102-212344_Ins…)

>>912814Don't worry. Back to grossness now.
No. 912836
>>912803Just don't get admitted then!
Why is she being admitted??? I don't understand why you can just book yourself in when it isn't a crisis. She isn't a risk to herself, she isn't having ECT, what is this place?
No. 912838
File: 1578001861222.png (77.6 KB, 1314x550, 0.png)

And here are some reviews
No. 912955
File: 1578019498921.jpeg (670.31 KB, 750x1154, D68AA53F-AB9E-4633-B356-D9CCC1…)

Anyone notice how much bigger the wanorexics like lee, Laura and here Shay look in photos not taken by them lol? Like candid or not controlled by them they look completely different… she looks like 15 pounds heavier here than her last few insta posts wtf
No. 912975
>>912803oh no she'll drop dead any second, quick get her a tube stat!
also it's telling that she's getting tubed at new farm rather than an actual hospital which would laugh at her and send her on her way
No. 913069
File: 1578043802164.jpeg (107.48 KB, 600x558, 35B2290D-F947-4A8B-A835-187B4B…)

Can someone please post Georgia’s picture on to this mans face and include it in the next thread photo? I don’t have access to photoshop
No. 913107
>>912943Public hospitals admit below BMI 14 for psych, 12 for medical, and a heap of physical markers.
There are 36 beds for eating disorders in the public system, most of them are at those hospitals and not at clinics.
Private clinic is more about mental health than refeeding. If you can prove you have an ED, you don't need to be dying to get a bed. Take that part how you will.
(bmi) No. 913113
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>>913100This is exactly the kind of trash I’d watch
No. 913157
File: 1578076301021.jpeg (306.94 KB, 750x1055, 9B4BC793-A2B0-4C05-8CD9-8BB9A3…)

guess who's begging for attention with a trump tattoo and caption about depression
No. 913182
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>>913118She seemed happy about it.
No. 913192
File: 1578081906164.jpeg (786.92 KB, 828x1475, 9009F9E0-D08B-4EF7-80A7-07ED4A…)

Ganer, who sells herself as a fitness/recovery coach on Ig, posted a story today and she looks seriously awful. Like thin flesh stretched across a skull. No fat at all. What an ~*~inspirational warrior~*~
No. 913197
>>912943Depends on the state.
In Perth its shit, the one private program picks and chooses who they want so a lot of people that need it can't access it.
There are no state beds, so we get stuck on medical wards in the private system and its literally go in, be tubed, watched 24 hours a day (so even on the toilet, and in the shower) gain to a certain BMI, get formed and then get put on a cto on discharge. There is no psychological support at all.
The girls at New Farm would not get away with the shit they pull here and its fustrating that they have a program that allows that and yet we can't get proper help.
No. 913205
File: 1578083200418.jpeg (774.61 KB, 828x1534, 3785BD5D-49BB-4F02-B0B0-C9F2B6…)

>>913195She only recently stopped posting her “meals” in her Ig stories because people were pointing out that she eats the exact same meals and snacks every single day (hint: they’re all gross looking and super bulked out with vegetables and salty shit (pickles, onions, mustard, hot sauce) with minimal fat.)
I’m surprised she doesn’t get more air time here on lolcow. She’s such a subversive pro ana scumbag. Preaching and profiting off of “recovery” while engaging 100% in her eating disorder. Not to mention trying to convince people her body looks healthy / they could look like her without being anorexic.
No. 913228
File: 1578088796911.jpg (23.59 KB, 449x390, 00.JPG)

I just looked at her depop and she's claiming size 4 (US size 0) is "slightly" too big for her, so she's a fitness coach who isn't even UK size 6.
No. 913237
>>913232YES! Isn't a size 4 a 23 inch waist chan? Sounds like a humble brag.
>>913233Not at all. It's like she possibly tried to maintain what she had to gain, but she's consciously sliding backwards hoping nobody's going to notice.
Is it even legal for her to put herself forward as a nutritionist and fitness coach?
No. 913239
File: 1578090198001.jpeg (222.2 KB, 422x866, A07BFC58-5550-4275-9D67-43687A…)

>>913233I mean…she at least doesn’t look like this anymore. I agree that she’s still very restrictive and obsessed with exercise but I do also feel like she’s trying to get better, even if that has to be achieved in a very controlled way. I’m not sure if she’s getting therapy for her mental health but she desperately needs it. Physically she is improving though, even if it’s slow progress
No. 913240
File: 1578090908210.jpg (482.86 KB, 1080x1099, 20200104_083326.jpg)

Considering where she has come from, her recovery is going to take a while. She was a PT prior to her ED. It'll be a slow road for her but at least she isnt binging or relying on toobes
No. 913292
>>913240Mentally it will take years but it doesn't take years to get to a healthy weight.
Standard IP weightgain is 1kg/ week or 0.5kg outpatient.
Obviously there will be blips but it is absolutely possible to get to the target set by medical team and absolutely get that maintenance plan nailed within a year.
Either she should do that, or she shouldn't claim to be a nutritionists etc. The reason her gaining is so slow is because she wants to gain all muscle and minimal fat. Which is really unhealthy, especially after being such a low weight.
No. 913312
>>913302dont forget to include nutritionists and dr's/nurses to that list.
i think it has to do with the inherant ED need for control over what others eat/do vs. what all these ana-chans eat/do
No. 913331
File: 1578101763368.jpg (41 KB, 489x609, 00.JPG)

>>913302Is she even moderately successful at being a nutritionist? Take one look at her dry hair and skin is enough to know she isn't getting the right nutrients.
Fuck muscle, gain some body fat because she was a pretty little thing.
No. 913369
>>913302Seriously, can't they just chill and take a break? It's like just barely recovering from an addiction and then IMMEDIATELY trying to work in a rehab center helping others with it. I guess some people want to prove to themselves/others that they're 100% recovered no take backsies and surrounding themselves with their
triggers post-recovery scratches that itch
No. 913376
>>913369Idk, (red text personal blog), after a spell in psych I really wanted to be a psych nurse auxiliary. A mix of wanting to help people who I could relate to and also access to the drugs cabinet (j/k). Therefore I think it's possible to be inspired by watching someone doing a job. HOWEVER, I knew I'd have to be mentally in a good place before seriously thinking about it whereas these ana chans want to leap on board. Fun fact - several of the auxillary staff had previously been on wards as a patient.
The thought wore off when realisation kicked in that seeing others in a dark place is a
trigger. Working in rehab centres will always be a
trigger for recovered anas so idk why they put themselves out there to suck up that old bad vibe.
I've also noticed from tv programmes that a lot of teen mothers want to train to be midwives eventually. Again, I think it's because they probably think it's going to be a rewarding job. Doubt there'd be any
triggers there, but yeah, the career choices of these cows are very dubious and unhelpful.
(blog post)
(blogging) No. 913430
File: 1578114312749.jpg (62.33 KB, 720x808, _20200104_070300.JPG)

No real contribution but found this on an ana fetishists ig and thought it was both hilarious and disgusting.
No. 913448
>>912968Yep i do
Whats the bet she gets back on the tellonym posting when she's back IP.
Also i think in Aus you have to be IP to have TMS (what ive been told) so thats possibly why its planned, but then how does she ALWAYS get on the ED program after like 3 days of 'fasting'. She was eating Christmas lunch 2 weeks ago, then was only drinking stock cubes? Wtf? That place is a joke. Seems a lot of the Ramsey run ones are.
She'll be transferred to the Munchie thread in the near future
No. 913465
>>913422Not necessarily. People with POTS can have low or average resting heart rates as well. What matters is the increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure when the person stands up or changes position. Also, that has to happen due to the autonomic nervous system not working correctly, as proven by testing, instead of the ana chan usual of dehydration, caffeine, generally shit nutrition, and other meds. They can copy the symptoms of POTS very easily.
Georgie Porgie has a high resting heart rate because she doesn’t exercise and is fat as fuck, plus purposely dehydrating herself and chugging caffeine.
No. 913471
>>913430He's one of the vk skinny fetishists. Might compile a collage of these proana jerkoffs later today.
>>913463I can see the weight loss she claimed in this pic lol
No. 913492
File: 1578131081676.jpg (395.43 KB, 720x1274, aly.jpg)

Bwahaahahah "I've never felt the need for male approval" my ass. Sorry Aly, but when was the last time you were being a show-off for the previews night's hookup? Or whining about said person seeing you just as a one night stand?
No. 913507
File: 1578138491900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1242x2148, D152BB4F-FFEE-47A3-9517-34185B…)

I think I stumbled upon a recovery cow worse that Georgia herself, and of course Georgia uses it as inspo (she follows and liked this pic but this is SS’d from a burner acc)
”nobody even checked to see if I was eating enough” well uhh I wonder why(>>>infinifats general)
No. 913538
>>913492>never felt the need for male approval>b/c my daddy loves me so much & takes care of mealy thats male approval right there? and shes SO old and still needing her parents to pay and provide for anything. he post should have read "i dont need male approval, just mommy & daddy to take care of me forever"
she's delusional
No. 913585
File: 1578157287337.png (3.93 MB, 828x1792, 3ACAC49C-65E7-43AC-BB44-971254…)

idk of anyone mentioned her, she’s
in recovery but i see that she’s been posing like this in her recent posts.. like she’s tryna make it look like she’s a thigh gap??
No. 913592
File: 1578158901330.jpeg (607.08 KB, 2048x2048, 17585FF7-9FA2-4D3A-A359-AB9E98…)

Lmao. Excuse the shitty collage but E just posted these 4 shots OF THE SAME DESSERT. I can only imagine how tedious it must be to try to eat with her. I’m guessing she wasted 15 minutes running around taking pictures from every possible angle and with every possible background before finally taking even the first bite. Peak “functional, normal adult”, right? Kek.
No. 913662
File: 1578172125231.jpeg (505.46 KB, 750x1227, A8EBEB4C-5229-4912-8658-F45295…)

>>913504Here’s a caption of Laura addressing her scratching. She mentioned in an early post too that she was put on 1-1 for it; I’ll go back and find it if anyone cares.
No. 913677
File: 1578174742286.jpeg (208.1 KB, 750x1185, F311C682-7358-4FAD-95D0-699D5F…)

>>913664This is the first post, and then a detailed account of what happened (which I’ll post in one second) was posted two days later, and that’s where she mentioned 1:1 for scratching.
No. 913678
File: 1578174784961.jpeg (365.38 KB, 750x1198, 0CE0774E-C56A-4EDD-842B-59680B…)

>>913664And then here’s the milky caption from two days later
No. 913684
>>913672>>913679Maybe it's MSG or something they add to junk food that make people crave it? There are deals (eg at Tesco) where six yogurts are £2 and with a bag of apples at £1.50-£2.00 you could add fruit. I don't know why people prefer stodge every day.
It doesn't even take that long to prepare something simple from scratch as opposed to sticking crap in the oven or microwave.
Still, that's a LOT of food to get to that weight. Morbidly obese, a woman on aforementioned guilty secret viewing (600lb Life) was maintaining at 10,000 calories a day and constantly eating, so it's not only one binge of a packet of nuggets.
No. 913688
File: 1578175975318.png (5.4 MB, 828x1792, E76A1F1E-E805-497B-9FF6-5F6799…)

Ganer, the fitness-recovery coach extraordinaire, is trying to give n2f a run for her money with her vomit-inducing hodgepodge of shitty ana food.
No. 913704
File: 1578178263872.jpg (842.21 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200105_083501_com…)

>>913688Speaking of n2f. Look at the absolute state of that pillow in the background. It looks like it's moulding. I'm pretty sure a lot of ana chans follow this one as a way to put them off eating by being to disgusted to. Just. Yuck.
No. 913708
>>913688This looks fine to me. Not personally massive on condiments, but the curry, rice, beans combo looks okay
>>913704I was hoping that bed sheet/pillow/whateveritis was a paper bag or wrapping, but that's home made hot dog, so omg that's her bedclothes. Using a pickled onion rather than fried onions confirms my suspicion she cooks in her bedroom.
No. 913736
File: 1578184700439.gif (2.06 MB, 448x448, ezgif-5-37ed8cfaf87d.gif)

Bringing some no food price chat into the thread. Saw this gif and wondered - any new Kelsey?
No. 913874
>>913615There is going to reach a point where she starts BPing ( when her sister is at school and she's bored and she has nothing to do)? She's still not fully weight restored.
I'm looking forward to her second video about hospital and the therapy she did/ didn't get.
No. 913893
File: 1578219036035.jpeg (188.65 KB, 750x1136, 445DE8EE-5AC4-42BC-96F0-69EFFD…)

>>904918So no one ever gave new milk on this one (op?) but through tellonym I found that there’s a whole Facebook page apparently dedicated to her and her bull poopy
No. 913932
>>913182Omg go not eat at home. What a waste of money and the time of the professionals she's being treated by
>>913197How do they pick and choose? That really sucks, I'm so glad where I am there aren't CTOs /miniblog, sorry
No. 913956
File: 1578245565149.png (1.44 MB, 1360x828, thriving.png)

This ~personal trainer~'s been mentioned before. Went to check up on her and yup, the picture of health. No. 914001
File: 1578254478816.jpeg (1.17 MB, 828x1570, 78A6FB8C-CDFB-4936-9A5C-125B84…)

>>913956Wow, from the face scabs to the obnoxious poses showing off her flexibility she’s everything Laura wishes / thinks she is. She’s Laura if Laura actually was as anorexic as she claims to be.
No. 914040
File: 1578265420609.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1519, FFE3AC31-95BF-4D91-B4F8-9AE2E8…)

Let the whining begin. She makes it sound like it’s being forced on her when she is actually over the moon about it.
No. 914050
>>914040She’s been looking forward to this for ages, and is planning on milking it. Watch for a toob within a couple days.
Shut your fat pie hole, Georgia. You don’t have anorexia or POTS and you aren’t some sick little snowflake. We know you not only eat but can’t stop eating. It’s obvious based on the fact that you’re a legitimate whale.
No. 914053
File: 1578266943971.jpg (644.61 KB, 1080x1860, 20200106_092831.jpg)

fuck off Lee
No. 914054
File: 1578267049622.jpg (917.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200105-232806_Ins…)

The colour on the light patches on the blanket is just vile.
No. 914058
>>914053Poor thing had to survive off the cake and ice cream and beer she was fine with eating and drinking until she whined her way into a new tube. She could’ve wasted away!
Oh right, she’s fine ant just a huge attention whore who clearly doesn’t have anorexia kek
No. 914270
File: 1578313200218.jpg (276.46 KB, 693x1209, 20200106_221706.jpg)

If she couldn't be a nurse the first time, hows this any different? Why do they always want to be nurses/psychologists? Meet actual ill people and learn their ways? KeK
No. 914286
>>914270I think it's common for a fair few people who suffer from mental illness in general (and the reasons vary greatly). Often find people who want to study psychology to gain better understanding on their own issues, or develop an overall curiousity about why we do the things we do. Some people want to go into those fields because they felt people in their present or past who haven't been "in their shoes" couldn't truely understand what they're going through, and weren't as able to help. Or they see a void in services and "when well" if that day ever comes, they want to be able to fill that void.
Others i suspect it does come down to pure obsession with their illness, and staying in their illness. I remember in one of maria hornbachers books, they had a line about how people with obsessions with food become gormet chefs (or work in the field), others develop eating disorders. I think that personal training/fitness fields, nursing, nutritionists, psychologists/counsellors etc. could also fall under the disordered spectrum - it's some sort of Nobel goal/work whilst being able to stay closely entwined with their issues. Others probably head the munchie route because they don't want to grow up outside of a childish bubble, consider work, but still want the attention they once had (and still use their food issues as symptoms for another issue for ass pats).
>>914277 Part of me laughs at the idea of Shay being a nurse, but i bet she'd fit right in with the nurses who like to bitch about their patients behind their backs. She's been caught bringing up georgia here numerous times despite being ~best fwends~, created drama about uwu nurse notes said i'm faking my anorexia, I wouldn't trust her with anything remotely about caring for others. I've always thought from the moment I saw about her "charity" that there's something dodgey about her field of choice. She's probably turn into one of those angel of death types, "oh no my patients are dying and i don't know why, but look at how well i did for them in their last moments!! Aren't i great?"
No. 914321
>>913932The psych who heads the program decides who she'll allow onto the program so having private health means shit all.
Some people she'll only allow for 1-2 admissions and then decide that the program isn't for them, whilst others have been allowed back upwards of 20+ and some of them are actually recovering because no one gave up on them or chucked them in a system that doesn't provide any help. The psych in charge finds your vulnerability and exploits it.
I know one girl who was incredibly suicidal and she told her that "it can't be that bad because you would have done it by now". People that see her as an outpatient have panic attacks before the appts with her because you never know if she's going to help you that day or just be downright nasty.
No. 914322
File: 1578331434150.jpg (344.81 KB, 720x1026, 20200106_172333.jpg)

One if the twins posted a body checking video in a busy area. So many people walk past her.
No. 914330
File: 1578332091315.jpg (Spoiler Image,527.37 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_01-06-05.30.45.jpg)

kelsey uploaded a video of her body checking I don't think you can upload videos here so I made a collage of screenshots. She looks very similar to her usual pictures but you can still tell she edits them a bit to make her legs thinner.
No. 914346
>>914294She didn't include the side serving of burger.
>>914330Why wear such a big bra? Even a slim person wouldn't wear one with straps the size of a camera strap, let alone a spoop with no bewbs.
Her face is looking weird here.
Someone on vk will probably upload the vid. I'll save it and post when it appears.
>>914294 No. 914354
File: 1578334846164.jpg (26.46 KB, 557x377, ick.JPG)

Tried to upload a gif of this but file was toolarge. You might be able to see it here No. 914370
File: 1578336824819.jpg (381.07 KB, 1800x1350, justfuckmyshitup.jpg)

*~self care qween~*
why is mummy letting Becky play with scissors
No. 914374
>>914370Like nobody knows about using conditioning oil. Like, why make a big deal about changing hair colour and doing it at home? Like, why say you struggle with self care when every single day she does her makeup and selects an outfit for going to a garden centre.
Nobody gives a fuck, Becky. Oh btw, vitamins and minerals are great for getting healthy hair. Just a little tip ~wink~
No. 914396
File: 1578339041477.jpg (318.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200106-192809_Ins…)

Can anyone translate?
No. 914436
File: 1578344552056.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.62 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200106_210202_com…)

Can your bone structure change like this? There's a bigger gap between her collar bones now.
No. 914448
File: 1578346315716.jpg (37.12 KB, 393x604, 0.JPG)

>>914442She hasn't gone, she said she wants to go.
At the beginning she says, "Shall we do it here?" and her sis says "yeah. So she does a twirl in Costa in the hospital.
No. 914488
File: 1578352933246.png (4 MB, 828x1792, 8A8AF9A0-26F9-41E2-A735-B7DFF0…)

Can someone tell me what the Malcolm line is? Is it some new farm cattle run? Sage for no milk, just curiosity.
No. 914503
File: 1578354587387.jpg (630.77 KB, 1080x1713, 20200106_234923.jpg)

A green tea made with that berry options? Fml…
No. 914506
>>914270please post more caps of this brat
her, georgia and lee are of the same species
No. 914572
>>914529Gummy fish and mallow chips sweets. I've not seen that flavour either. Only one he Belgian, white, mint and chocolate. If i didn't know she was in the uk, I wouldnt guess because I don't recognise the things she has except that unicorn spread (saw it in n Poundland).
>>914488She can't wait to get on that ward!
No. 914593
File: 1578359725969.jpg (10.84 KB, 312x42, malcolm line.JPG)

>>914488>Can someone tell me what the Malcolm line is?Lol, ana chan NEWB. You don't know what the Malcolm line is? Actually I have no idea either, but I guess it's something only those "in the know" with much experience of New Farm Clinic know about. Some lingo to use to prove you've been there, done that before.
When I googled it only comes up with lines from Macbeth.
No. 914607
File: 1578360560279.png (652.7 KB, 1336x684, malcolm line.png)

>>914596>He wants their $$ for many yearsGreat reviews! Too busy counting his Aus dollar. You got the $ we got the toobs.
No. 914616
File: 1578361533940.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, 20200107_114423.jpg)

So dietician said no to a toobe but she wants her doc to say have one. Bring on refusing food for 2 days so she gets that toobe
No. 914655
File: 1578364988162.jpeg (231.95 KB, 743x1104, 1B64DFE6-A50F-4E7D-B662-2390EA…)

Ugh god this cow annoys me. She’s such a fake and just fucking complains non stop! She’s being all woe is me but she wasn’t even skinny at her so called lowest also claimed she was underweight but she looks healthy on the right and honestly extremely chunky on the left. I don’t understand why she keeps pretending to have an eating disorder she does nothing with her life but do drugs eat and complain she’s fat. Pretty sure she’s from Australia why couldn’t she die in the blaze
No. 914663
File: 1578365887125.jpeg (586.18 KB, 749x1334, F9665351-CDE4-4DAD-9DF4-2DB51D…)

>>914616She’s having fortisip now
No. 914683
File: 1578369598015.png (104.85 KB, 895x250, Capture.PNG)

>>900186Lmao, I assume these are connected?
If so it's hilarious that no one seems to know what doxing actually is.
No. 914713
>>914655I thought it'd been established the person who keeps posting this bings chick is herself?
>>914699I'm still positive it's all fake. Her chin is squarer on the recent bodycheck vid. The fact this Kelsey entity gives nothing away about itself is very un insta ana chan. Art project yup.
No. 914799
>>914753I'm also confused by her, anon. Compared to other pictures I've seen of similarly emaciated people (quite a few, unfortunately), Kelsey is so different. Someone as far gone as she is would be more … tendony? Sinewy? Also droopy, colorless, and probably not standing up.
That could be a CGI face, but honestly it didn't look like it in this last video.
Another thing – wouldn't you be able to see someone's heartbeat in their chest/stomach at that weight? Idk
What a time to be alive.
No. 914804
>>914736I'll post more in a bit, anon
>>914743Help Desk > Perma-Ban Transparency
Time matches up with the supposed "doxing" lol. Admin/her whiteknights definitely lurk these threads
No. 914813
File: 1578418330552.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 889x9271, lol.png)

>>914804Aaaaand some more Pancake.
Spoilered for LONG image. It's a full-page screen capture, tried to make it as small as possible by hiding signatures and cropping the rest of the page. Sorry if it's a bitch to read.
Context: Well-meaning user that doesn't have their head up their own ass asks if there's a way to opt out of gifted subscriptions (yes, the site has paid subscriptions), as they don't want to financially support pro-ana. They get dog-piled by the admin and her white-knights and eventually delete.
>admin: i understand your ethical concerns uwu>sweetpeach (admin's most loyal, most bitchy WK): reeeee this isn't a pro-ana site?? that hurts my feelings, don't say that???>admin: actually let's not bring your ethics into this you're just as complicit as everyone else by being here.I hope everyone stretched before doing these mental gymnastics.
No. 914823
>>913312I doubt that tbh, it wouldn’t be right to assume that all professionals who have had EDs just do it for the control over others, some genuinely do it to help.
And not all nurses who had anorexia still get
triggered when working with people who have it as well.
No. 914831
File: 1578422878601.png (49.04 KB, 441x95, Capture.PNG)

>>914813Well, that was fast.
Since you're all lurking, hi Anamanaguchi! Your "community" is absolutely pro-ana and your insistence otherwise is creepy as hell. You claim to love them and they claim to love you, yet you all encourage each other to self-destruct. You and everyone else that refuses to get help are actively a burden on your friends, family, and society as a whole. This is coming from a mentally ill bitch herself, so don't pull the "normies just don't understand" card. There's a reason you haven't told your loved ones or therapist about the nature of the site you run, you know you're doing something wrong and that they would rightfully call you crazy for doing so. You're hurting people, and you take joy in doing so. You are a delusional narcissist and I hope you and your cronies get serious help one day instead of wasting the time and energy of those who actually think you have a chance. I genuinely feel bad for your family.
By the way, "doxing" is when someone's identifying information is posted online, like their name and address. Not when their ana-chan bs is shared for the amusement of others. And take a damn shower.
Anamanaguchi's social media info for anyone that wants to keep up with this trainwreck now that I've been banned lol
-Discord: bijou#5167
-IG: Twitter: Twitter: expired domain: RP site: Tech: name [removed] seems to be tied to the email [removed], though the ages and location don't match. Perhaps a family member?
autistic AF post over, carry on
(3.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.) No. 914832
File: 1578423268520.jpeg (1.04 MB, 3464x3464, FB2157D9-D309-4EFA-84B6-730FCC…)

>>914270Speaking of soon to be nurses who are scum, here’s one of them.
… honestly if I ever get this one as a nurse I would demand a different one…
No. 914855
File: 1578425655788.jpg (408.78 KB, 1536x2048, ENEUrh5UEAAmLc6.jpg)

>>914846Aaaand both Tumblrs are deleted.
Stop lurking, Anamanaguchi. Your deletion of accounts and privacy settings of your website show that you have something to hide.
Come defend your totally legit ed support site if I'm wrong.
No. 914861
>>914855BF's Twitter: [removed]
BF's Twitch: [removed]
Anamanaguchi's Twitch: Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.) No. 914862
>>914861RP Twitter: Twitter (locked): believe this is an ex of hers?: [removed]
(3.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.) No. 914886
File: 1578432822109.jpeg (1.08 MB, 828x1515, A37BF278-21AC-48BF-881F-685BA8…)

The dainty one is deeply upset about the constant stream of food at the treatment centre she voluntarily signed into despite not having an eating disorder and that is being subsidized by her parents. As a grown ass woman she should be embarrassed by her own whining.
No. 914888
>>914886Are they trying to get her to
gain weight? Why?
No. 914891
>>914813Tbf the “well meaning user” was Rock Rabbit who has deleted in the past when admin wouldn’t comply with the multiple modifications she demanded for the site.
RR is an autistic 40-something who’s been on pro ana sites for as long as they’ve been around. She’s on welfare so she has nothing to do all day besides post on online forums
No. 914931
>>914893She will be on a maintenance plan but because of the schedule of the clinic I'd imagine that is still food 5-6 times a day just less calories than a weightgain plan.
Like breakfast, group, snack, group, lunch, group, snack, group/ rest, dinner, free time, night snack/ drink.
No. 915009
File: 1578448472719.jpg (191.38 KB, 1080x1184, previous post.jpg)

>>915005She's been restricting to zero coke and can't manage more than half a salad! Definitely a super sick ana. She fell off the toilet recently because she was so lacking in glucose. She has a habit of ~spiraling into her ED~
>>915006I think quite a lot of new farmers have joined us since Paris was much talked about.
No. 915012
File: 1578448663358.jpg (177.7 KB, 1079x1848, 1556459897074.jpg)

Another previous post
>I love being tubed.
No. 915021
>>915012LW: 32kg
fucking kek, when, at 4yrs old?
No. 915174
File: 1578489662580.jpeg (779.91 KB, 828x1545, 105EE892-171F-420F-9A85-5D018E…)

Does anyone else find it kinda odd that elzani is still only posting Christmas / New Years food on her Ig? Almost as though she restricted all around the holidays and only actually ate on the “celebratory” days. Hmmm
No. 915259
>>915254What is it with these lazy ass farmers not posting pics on a fucking image board?
If you want to discuss milk, you gotta bring the milk.
No. 915269
File: 1578511761112.jpg (675.6 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20200107-115629_Ins…)

I thought this was a strictly ed place? That seems like a HUGE thing to mess up if that's true.
Sage because it's not her fault.
Any other girls there bitch about it?
No. 915271
>>915269Food looks better than some places I've seen get posted.
>Lots of tension on the tableJesus, this grown ass woman is posting about anorexics being antsy about their meals.
No. 915274
File: 1578512467508.jpg (86.43 KB, 856x515, 0.JPG)

Imagine Georgia sitting there at the table cutting her carrot into 20 pieces and eating it like it's pig entrails to appear like she's afraid of food.
No. 915282
File: 1578513473465.jpeg (607.52 KB, 1536x4106, E10C4A40-EEB4-47B4-A848-C137A4…)

File this under #thathappened. She’s a perfectly average weight, yet acts like she’s close to death. Not quite as humorous as Georgia, but definitely a major attention whore/drama cow
No. 915284
File: 1578513939594.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.31 KB, 551x406, q.JPG)

Quarantine 13 is almost as spoopy as Kelsey. Here's a daily body check.
No. 915308
File: 1578519394751.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 1E133017-BE7B-43AA-A07F-A279C2…)

>>915254Bc op didn’t post screenies
No. 915342
File: 1578524602402.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, 4BFB1115-F403-4223-ADFF-244647…)

Because it’s a reminder you’re a fucking whale who doesn’t have anorexia and can’t stop stuffing your face unless you’re IP and playing the poor little sick snowflake game?
No. 915350
>>915342>>91534310/10 guarantee she's going to complain about her meal plan getting increased because she lost SoOoOo much weight at her weigh in. Then she will proceed to cry about how she doesn't know how shes going to be able to eat more because she's already hardly able to handle her current meal plan. Quote me on that.
She's done "treatment summer camp" enough times to learn the lingo and the little dance they all do for attention.
No. 915390
>>915342(I like to read all her captions as though they're narrated by Cartman)
Yes, I'm sure all will go well with that. They'll tell you you are obese. Probably.
Or, since this place seems to be a bit of a scam, they might actually allow her and other paying patients to continue with their delusions … as long as the money is coming in from their moms and dads.
No. 915395
File: 1578534636027.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1867, B398C3FA-0BF5-4624-B1A0-F217C0…)

So she’s on overnight feeds FYI according to her story, again which makes us all question “why did you wanna lose weight and then VOLUNTARILY go somewhere you know that will tube you if it’s been 2 hours since your last meal and you feel faint”
No. 915463
File: 1578550528486.jpeg (210.94 KB, 388x710, FA4247C9-408E-4347-BEC2-DDCF64…)

>>914004Would love to unsee this, from her FB
No. 915510
>>915478Because being sick and frail becomes so embedded into their personality that they feel lost when faced with recovery. It defines them, without it they stop receiving attention/care/love/andeverythingelse and have to finally grow up and face the world.
The need to stay sick almost becomes an obsession; which could explain why a lot of anachans try going down the munchie route. “Look at me, I’m still sick! Don’t make me adult, I can’t!”
Of course, this is just a broad generalisation of anorexia; but pretty much everyone discussed on this thread fits into this.
No. 915681
File: 1578605810114.jpeg (753.26 KB, 2048x2048, A08E3CB2-F8C5-473D-BDEF-CB4A3A…)

The elephant got her beloved nose hose so now she’s ready to “smash ana omg! Such a warrior!”
No. 915682
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Wildstruggles don't like us 😥 also congrats everyone, we are an APP now !
No. 915785
File: 1578617717524.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, 97D81481-25AC-4F56-8ECA-541C99…)

(Posted by Lee yesterday)
Premature discharge aw Lee you didn’t get enough selfies with the tube? Can you imagine her photos? Hers much like Georgia’s right now is probably stacked with new tube shots. It’s so funny that they really don’t care about how there body looks, someone mentioned that earlier, it’s literally just to have toob photos for Internet asspats
No. 915800
File: 1578619994950.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, CA018795-B7AC-47F4-AE7B-120E73…)

Update from insider, she’s out kek
No. 915822
File: 1578621618025.jpeg (742.35 KB, 750x1179, 644D8B9D-38C6-481D-8B31-E84E3D…)

Spaceship/Natalie/Cassandra/Violette???? posted 10 whole body checks in one post
No. 915859
>>915734>basically none of the actual spoops at New Farm have Instagram accounts showing off their toobsPretty much like the ones on tv documentaries. I tried to look up some of the anas from the Louis Theroux docu but could find NOTHING. Same with older documentaries. The only one with any internet presence is the guy from the Boy Anorexic programme who talks about recovery.
Georgia, congrats. You're totally worthy with that plastic shoved up your nose.
Do you think they feed her a placebo ie no calorie thing?