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No. 79909
>>79903Why the fuck do you like Donald Trump?
Trump is the biggest puppet of them all. He is only there to stir up shit and make everyone else look like they aren't "hard enough" on the issues, so that both sides become even more extreme to compensate.
Trump doesn't seriously want the presidency. But he does want the media attention, and he wants to fuck with the election. He's what is called a hammer candidate; he swings down repeatedly, blindly onto every issue until he hits a nail that people agree with.
I think that having Donald Trump as a president would be one of the most disgustingly terrible things to happen to America. He is a mockery of all things considered American. I don't like him a single fucking bit.
>>79891Yeah, if you vote you can actually choose who is in politics, but corporations and lobbyists and the mega-rich are the ones who have the most say in world issues. But America is not quite an oligarchy yet; if we were, we wouldn't have ever even heard of Bernie Sanders or any other candidate that threatens corporate monopolies and big banks.
No. 80360
>>80022Hillary is the progressive version of Nixon. A Clinton without a dick to distract him is a terrifying thing.
No. 81382
It's a false flag guys.
Trump is in bed with Hillary. Hillary is still butthurt about losing to Obama that she basically used Trump as a puppet to embed inside the Republican Party. The plan worked as Trump came out attacking Obama's birth records. He could have ran in 2012, but he didn't because Obama was too strong and Hillary was Secretary of State. It's ratfucking on historic proportions that rivals Nixon's CREEP campaign that evolved into the Watergate Scandal. Trump does not care about winning the election. He wants Hillary to win and destroy the Republican Party at the same time. Nixon's modus operandi was to destroy the Democratic Party in 1972.
He's getting the money from somewhere. He sold a penthouse for $21 million earlier. can say it's not for funding the Presidential Campaign, but he needs to finance his campaign somehow without donations which is severely lacking. I mean he has to fly on his own plane and his helicopter which needs jet fuel that costs a lot of money. Renting large arenas to hold huge crowds, signs, fliers, advertising, etc. He's mentioned that he bought equities a couple of years ago due to difficulties in the real estate market, but to cash them out, you got to pay a capital gains tax which then gets reported.
He sold another condo for $14 million recently. are these clients? I know the Chinese are parking their money in the US in real estate on a flight to safety, but it's going to be harder now that the government is cracking down on sales in New York and Miami. We can't be sure if they are Chinese. Still the Clintons got into some flak about Chinese campaign contributions during Bill's re-election campaign in 1996. As they said in 'All the President's Men', you need to follow the money.
No. 81533
>>81426Why stick to hair-kin? You know you can apparently literally BE Trump nowadays? The kin thing went up a notch! Enjoy your wall building!
>>80018I know you're kidding but the way he talks about his daughter does creep me out lol