File: 1530373884698.jpg (62.55 KB, 1080x1350, 29418161_798718913631710_82977…)

No. 625557
The 6th thread for one of the absolute worst YouTube artists Baylee Jae. She's come under increased criticism over the past few months for her inability to take critique, general narcissism, excessive spending and hoarding of children's toys and art supplies, and laziness. She also draws like a 12 year old and has her very own instructional "How to Draw" book that was released November 2017. >>
>>>/snow/507913 No. 626374
File: 1530460533072.jpg (357.97 KB, 1048x1048, 2018-07-01 16.55.01.jpg)

The what now?
No. 627224
>>627073People in the comments are being very honest about her content. Nobody is really interested in her art content and she's been losing steam for a while.
I actually wonder what might revitalize her channel, since she's been at this for such a long time now.
No. 627595
File: 1530590078198.jpeg (217.55 KB, 750x759, F90AB76B-7351-44DA-AB6F-AE2931…)

I’m glad people are being honest with her. Her content now is more a crafty channel than an illustration channel
No. 627979
>>627816From her past vlogs, it looked like she does all the planning/artwork/editing within 2 days (roughly). So it feels like she is rushing to get it up and scheduled for the Saturday.
No idea if she still does that as I don't watch her vlogs anymore.
No. 628801
File: 1530729981304.png (387.48 KB, 596x631, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 19.4…)

Its not really the ways she edits or films (minus the green screen thing) its the content I find boring.
No. 633936
>>633933condensed version
"i'm a lazy twat'
No. 634019
>>633933 she's trying to figure out the best way to do bare minimum so she can have more videos up for the views/revenue. She wants max return for minimum effort. She should just turn into a regular vlogger without the art angle if it fuckin
pains her so much to do more than 1 piece per vid/week at this point.
No. 634020
File: 1531346729161.png (89.95 KB, 585x497, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 23.0…)

Will she like this one more than vidicon?
No. 635072
File: 1531447911907.png (3.54 MB, 1334x750, 42AA3122-CEC7-41F9-9868-C1B3C9…)

Remember this fail haha! I can’t with the eyes…
No. 635155
>>635148>>635148Oh yeah! No doubt she lurks here.
I just find it weird how someone who has an art channel rarely ever draws. Now it’s mainly a crafty channel. If she does draw it’s a ridiculous subject…. like the (insert character) and making them a hot guy. Idk how she can be happy being a try hard oddball.
No. 635156
File: 1531455991129.png (38.8 KB, 300x250, D6194EA6-6C00-42C2-B411-835338…)

Take note Baylee….
No. 636221
>>636193her thing of 'wanting it to look creepy' really sums up the basic problem with Baylee which is that she has NO TASTE WHATSOEVER. it's not just how hard she works, how skilled she is, etc - she has terrible terrible taste in everything. you can tell by the kinds of things she talks of as being 'pretty' in general - all the horrible disney shirts, Thomas Kinkade, etc.
she could become as skilled as anyone but she'll carry on making dreadful pictures because she likes things that look bad.
why anyone else buys her stuff is a whole other mystery.
No. 636236
>>636193Of course, sherk.
I can't even find these funny.
Jeez. Imagine the oil painting she could be doing instead of this. Even if it's just small test pieces.
No. 636294
File: 1531591435069.png (3.56 MB, 1334x750, 2E46EFA8-4761-468A-AD73-C5EAA5…)

Lord, her anatomy is so bad. It looks like so stiff, and the muscles aren’t even right.
No. 636379
>>636294That's actually terrifying.
What is with art youtubers lately skirting the NSFW line when their main audience is minors, only for them to go "tee hee so scandalous" like, who is this even
No. 640407
>>640391She unlisted the live stream of her at the kennels because she thinks it making her loose subs because she does charity work.
I think it's stupid that she has it hidden away so she can hit a milestone. Someone could click on it and check out that cat shelter's website and may donate/adopt but she's hidden it instead. Don't be ashamed in raising money for a cause.
No. 640536
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No. 640553
File: 1531959563164.jpeg (28.45 KB, 750x168, DD44DDC1-4498-43A6-9EFE-3E4B08…)

I agree with this persons statement aha!
No. 640799
File: 1531975052039.jpeg (414.44 KB, 750x851, D0D8BC3C-398B-4715-A71D-8D626B…)

She’s doing the ‘Draw this in your style’ meme
No. 642493
>>642467That video was like a long bad vlog. It doesn't have any substance on it exactly for gushing over pink and "bebe"
Tell us about the quality the pricing,… Im not gonna bother writing cause she won't do it
No. 642510
>>642497Yeah there are lots of things to go through and make interesting topics even with the price. But laziness strikes again.
I'm now wondering if this is not laziness, what if she REALLY thinks this is good? I just got vidro recommendation on follow me around on Walmart and in her vlogs, those types of videos are popular. So maybe she's just doing the same thing thinkin that's what ppl want?
No. 643724
File: 1532216477884.png (2.45 MB, 1334x750, CA649D72-1969-45CA-BD45-A21F79…)

GAHH, I hate the dopey ears she does….
No. 643734
File: 1532217030197.jpeg (88.04 KB, 1280x720, 82B0D81E-6A9C-4305-B5FA-0CFC16…)

>>643724Those type of ears look familiar…
No. 644564
File: 1532305298790.gif (3.08 MB, 640x320, why.gif)

>>643378why did she put this in the video? It's disgusting, nobody wants to see your massive double chin Baylee
No. 644975
>>644967I just despise how "Art" can be interchanged with "collectible" nowadays. Stickers, enamel pins, keychains… what's the fuckin point if you can barely see the image? Does anyone frame prints, anymore?
Every youtube artist makes their shit at a 4inch by 6 inch size, damaging the hell out of their wrists trying to work so small, and then the finished product isn't even visible from a few feet away.
No. 645922
>>645687Eh tbh they just look like generic "cute chibi" pokemon renditions. It's pretty basic and at least one booth sells a design similar to them at every major con.
I mean at least she knows what sells for once… but could she get anymore basic lmao
No. 646174
File: 1532458132629.png (328.7 KB, 621x818, Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 19.4…)

No, you don't need this.
No. 646227
>>643378I'm not familiar with this girl at all but I'm sure I've seen her art floating around Twitter. I've definitely seen that first challenge sketch (which I like) but that second one…
(Also not familiar with Copics since I don't use markers so idk if her method is really the best)
No. 646254
>>646177Thanks for spotting it before it was too late.
I forget they are in different places depending on the app or desktop.
No. 646307
File: 1532465199990.png (3.61 MB, 1334x750, 5498B0A6-5554-41DA-B39E-11E92B…)

Your daily view of her chin zits Hahahaha yuck
No. 646847
>>646729On twitter when she joke tweets about it. A devil emoji because she set a trap and something about sending the owner a ransom note. It's nice that she is trying to help the cat but come on.
I can already see it in one of her upcoming videos, ranting about other owners and how she knows best. She could help educate others about traps etc.
No. 647335
File: 1532559750092.jpeg (610.54 KB, 1512x2000, Di474PaU4AEr8o6.jpg-large.jpeg)

>Content producer
No. 647568
>>646732I missed that, what happened?
The only thing I like about BJ is her cats, they are quite cute.
No. 648184
>>648137Animation is a great skill to have but she would rather draw and colour in generic girls with markers instead. Nothing wrong with that but having all that knowledge and skill set to be pushed a side for speed paint YouTube videos.
Does she even have an interest in animation anymore, outside of Disney, video games and Pokemon?
No. 648212
File: 1532631983920.png (55.38 KB, 611x286, Screen Shot 2018-07-26 at 20.0…)

You still ain't funny.
> r/woooosh
No. 648255
File: 1532637194782.jpeg (189.69 KB, 605x653, 85236B38-7B1B-4223-9146-5A405C…)

Why does she make these stupid faces….?
No. 648271
>>648255ugly girls do this to be quirky and make themselves look like they're only ugly on purpose.
little do they know that cute people still look cute when they do this, just dumb.
No. 649162
File: 1532738829395.jpg (321.83 KB, 1076x805, 2018-07-28 01.40.19.jpg)

So this is her thing now.
I hope she is not just trying to target a certain audience now to help her subs grow.
Also how many buttons is she making!?! she complained that she ended up with leftovers rusting away in a cupboard.
No. 649565
File: 1532795602268.png (63.34 KB, 509x152, stupor.PNG)

>>649548seriously, a girl with a giant banana between her legs?
stay classy baylee
also enjoyable typo on this fan's tweet
No. 649576
>>649548New to Baylee threads. Anyone have a link to the others?
Anyway, oh my god. This is the first video of hers I've seen in a year or two. The rest of the characters are fine I guess, but the first one she drew is so fucking terrible. She took all the uniqueness out of the character's face, and it wasn't just a 'stylistic choice.' I just don't get how she could fuck up the interpretation so badly. Even if it's the characters face, the type of face it had wasn't a stylistic take on how the artist generally draws faces. Also, the body. I'm gonna guess it was supposed to have a masculine body rather than tumblrina hairy legs shit. Though, I'm not sure myself, so that's probably nitpicking.
I'm gonna guess she suffers from some same-face syndrome by looking at her style. maybe she couldnt even draw a new type of 'face, despite it being a simple 2 dots and a line
No. 649665
File: 1532804870270.png (2.31 MB, 1334x750, 3C4603C1-35EC-40B4-BA2F-E2D9F6…)

Of course she would pick the cringiest character to draw of all…
No. 649724
>>649548Picks ones that are all kids/girls.
It would be nice to see her get out of her comfort zone.
Like drawing a male who isn't Link.
No. 649741
Haven't seen any of her videos in half a year but this newer style of her's feels like a way to avoid improving on her anatomy. It's veeery doll like.
>>649665I kind of wish she kept the simplicity of the mask.
No. 649804
>>649794Or Link.
That and I wish she experimented with her poses. It's all girls either standing, sitting or floating, facing the camera or with a slight tilt in their body. The last drawing in profile view I found on her Instagram was from 2015. It just gets boring.
No. 649959
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No. 650467
File: 1532891944366.png (42.07 KB, 184x168, ww.PNG)

Sage for blog post but does everyone else here watch the BJ vlogs because they yearn for a life where they can just sit around and make shitty art instead of having a real world job/responsibilities? I assume that's kind of the appeal of all vlogs, but as someone who is always strapped for money and does art on the side, it's kind of cathartic to watch someone have the easy/fun life you wish you could
>feels bad man
No. 650722
>>650052My problem with her is she doesn't need these threads to improve. Many of her fans have been giving and pointing out similar criticism for years. I found her through her marker reviews and started watching her vlogs from that. I stoped because she always has some snappy come back or excuse to her mistakes and it gets tiring hearing her complain about people pointing them out and her completely ignoring the details WHILE giving attention to it. If you actually don't care just stfu.
Imo her biggest hurdle is she's boring af. Jazza has clickbait and dumb challenges but he actually has the art skills to make them interesting. Then you look at Baylee and she has the most basic b ideas without interesting art to make her videos worth watching. There is nothing anyone above her juvenile level would find interesting in her drawing videos. She doesn't seem to understand that it's not what she's drawing that's the issue but her skill level. Headshots of a random girl can be nice speedpaints if the artstyle is interesting - it makes me want to see the process and perhaps learn new techniques. I look at her thumbnails and know anyone with basic art experience can probably tell how she drew it. She's bare bones - bottom of the barrel. Changing your basic style to another basic one isn't going to change that.
It's why her audience is majority children, their parents, or beginner artists. That and her focus on Disney, Spongebob, G rated video games etc.
Unless she can speed up her progress she should just embrace the children's artist label. It'll be easy to get 1mil from them, at least, and will give her an excuse to not improve.
No. 650876
File: 1532935705470.jpeg (181.34 KB, 750x980, 61BFB15C-0ED8-44B2-BBB4-D5F215…)

Okkkkk Baylee…..
No. 651307
File: 1532980608999.jpg (61.47 KB, 425x282, yt.jpg)

>>651295Hmm, interesting. I mean, she's got so many crazy expensive art supplies and buys so much random shit in her vlogs I just have to wonder. It seems like she sells a good bit at cons and stuff too, but would she even break even for travel and stuff for that if she's not a guest? I don't know enough about youtube or twitch monetization, any idea how much income she would be getting from that? I just find it all fascinating.
>>651293Yeah, I'm sage-ing this one because of nonsense questions, but why would that need to be sage-d? I was asking directly about her and her videos?
No. 651337
File: 1532982372556.jpeg (115.45 KB, 750x511, 308BE480-F859-4E44-8ECB-06CEBF…)

I’m sure She’s secretly hoping Christian is Bi so she can join in on that…..
No. 652046
File: 1533049045843.jpg (81.14 KB, 859x1024, 9cadafb856645c0b0f954572a01445…)

Her fans draw better than her.
No. 652050
>>652046holy shit that's really cute.
Is this a remake of Baylee's art? Can somebody post the original?
No. 652054
File: 1533049744414.png (686.72 KB, 633x887, 871E6926-1B75-4A9B-A382-83767B…)

>>652046It’s really similar to this fan art that was in the Pixie thread. So someone has to be tracing/copying off of someone else
No. 652089
>>652054How is it “really similar”? They’re just cute animuh girls riding on objects. It’s like the most common thing ever and tons of people drew that thing before, tons will do it after. Plus it was based over BJ’s original picture, that is the girl riding the banana.
Don’t read too much into it, it’s just a case of overused posing/concept.
No. 653899
File: 1533161340550.jpeg (208.4 KB, 750x633, D6F08808-40C5-4350-B665-445122…)

She’s so desperate for subscribers to reach that million! It’s so damn annoying. She’s hella thirsty….
No. 654043
File: 1533167331680.png (270.61 KB, 581x380, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 00.4…)

I hope some of them go towards a giveaway but someone said in replies "…you can rubber band the same colors together to create a three tip marker" which she told them to remember this tweet when the Saturday video is up.
Just don't put them in a blender again please.
No. 654631
>>654354Sage things like this pls.
IMO Jazza is a good artist, but he isn't amazing and unique due to the things you have listed. But out of all the "mainstream" artubers, Jazza is the nicest. He seems like a genuine nice guy. Definitely better than Baylee by fucking lightyears.
No. 655375
>>649122>she's just stuck in 2007.Of all the stupid insults. People wear tights in 2018. Jesus.
She just needs a shit ton of fashion help/advice. And to dress for her body not the body she wishes she has
No. 656265
File: 1533360008769.jpeg (45.17 KB, 400x400, FF0A0F32-EEA4-4831-BBEA-845911…)

new to this thread so unsure if this has already been discussed, but she is a guest at anirevo this weekend. No way in hell am I going to her panels, but it blew my mind when I saw her name as a featured guest.
No. 656570
File: 1533412634962.png (346.11 KB, 563x437, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at 2.56…)

Why must she make these ugly faces? WHY?
She isn't cute, she's ugly ffs..
No. 656572
>>656570She’s trying to be Quirky Relatable….
It’s annoying baylee!!!
No. 656710
File: 1533421992624.png (1.55 MB, 1334x750, D21C5E09-EB6D-4707-9C11-549652…)

Can’t she ever keep her cat off the damn workspace and out of frame….
No. 656793
File: 1533430012801.jpeg (110.14 KB, 661x749, 72F3F9FF-4208-44CD-AF4B-6FBC1A…)

Looks absolutely nothing like her….
No. 657126
>>656793two left legs
pipe cleaner arms
bizarre and unfortunate red knickers with a darker blob on the crotch - eww
limbs that are only vaguely attached to the body and not in any way that resembles human limbs
I mean I hate all of it, but.
No. 657523
>>656793Baylee really fell for the "I'm going to add EVERYTHING I like to this costume" school of shitty design. Jesus christ what a mess.
Has she ever made a comment about sharing a similar name to a tranny porn star?
No. 658053
File: 1533582892863.jpeg (294.1 KB, 750x604, 5DFB47B6-F768-4CC7-8C94-B50A69…)

She hit a million guys……. eyeroll….
No. 658057
File: 1533583035942.jpeg (104.04 KB, 750x769, AAA801F7-E202-436E-A4F5-E274E7…)

Oh yeah Baylee…. now you thank your fucking subscribers. All she cares about is numbers
No. 658088
>>658057Maybe she can shut up about it now.
>>656793This is straight up a knock off betty-spaghetti doll.
No. 658399
File: 1533603735403.jpeg (175.17 KB, 970x545, 40C4B003-867D-4A91-B914-CB20FF…)

>>656793am I the only one who sees the resemblance of this drawing to Star Vs The Forces of Evil?
No. 658584
>>658497I was at AR all weekend and saw her. It was so surreal seeing my first person from lolcow irl. I didnt approach her but the first time I saw her she was at her table talking to a camera she was holding. So expect some sort of AR vlog I guess.
Also I only ever saw 2 people carrying around her prints that they bought. One waluigi and one of that botw scene.. I wonder if she'll claim she sold ~so much guiz~
No. 658608
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No. 659398
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No. 660859
File: 1533857583488.png (142.18 KB, 614x581, Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 00.3…)

I thought she would at least do a video/giveway on her channel as not everyone can watch her twitch all day.
No. 661110
File: 1533880027532.jpeg (517.09 KB, 1536x2048, 9FBFE62C-6A8C-418B-A6B3-49FE42…)

No. 661112
File: 1533880115161.jpeg (693.53 KB, 1850x2048, 31B13759-C392-4189-9A7A-B61166…)

I can’t with these explanations haha
No. 661751
File: 1533942837139.png (3.25 MB, 1334x750, 10E46080-00FC-44FA-8624-721A53…)

Everyone looks so bored at her panel… hahaha
No. 661760
File: 1533943310577.jpeg (282.54 KB, 902x750, A1D1B1BD-EC3D-4945-9F10-4527DD…)

The art she’s demonstrating looks awful. Color scheme is just… bad
No. 661836
>>661760How long was the panel?
Couldn't she be bothered to draw a new drawing for it?
No. 661837
File: 1533950558269.png (351.59 KB, 601x555, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at 02.2…)

Maybe mute your mic or something!
No. 661869
File: 1533955373612.png (594.74 KB, 878x517, kiki.png)

Uhhhhh have we talked about how she's selling buttons of her cat's fur for $5 a set yet? Bitch what the fuck
No. 662016
>>661869This actually looks gross, I know people who make little necklaces and things with their
own pets' hair, but why would anyone buy this?
No. 662025
>>661996>>661942To be fair I'm not sure how she would even do that. Pretty sure she just dropped a bunch of car fur in her button press to see if it would work. She didn't seem to mention them again in any of the con stuff so maybe she realized they looked like pubes and didn't actually try to sell them?
>>662016Idk, it's from her most recent con prep vlog, she said something like
>There are people who would actually buy this! Hehehe I probably would if there were pets I watched a lot online! No. 662065
>>662038Seriously, Baylee…. all people have bowel movements, what makes you think people are interested in yours… fucking nasty.
She has no shame, her gross out humor is supposed to make her relatable and oh so funny, but it comes across to me as sleazy and gross.
No. 662225
File: 1534008179419.png (399.64 KB, 687x445, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at 18.2…)

> clickbait
Also her 24 hour stream is live right now.
No. 662232
>>662225This is her one million subs video then.
She has not actually drawn a million of them and just tells her story about youtube.
No. 662539
File: 1534041187121.jpeg (210.63 KB, 1749x1080, 803F8F5E-3FD8-4AF1-B3FE-A77C8C…)

>>662315Baylee in that thumbnail lol
No. 662608
File: 1534054046394.jpg (127.09 KB, 1020x1275, shady.jpg)

Has anyone else seen this? Waffles drew it for Baylee but it just feels shady to me.
No. 662638
File: 1534060053389.jpeg (530.76 KB, 1659x2048, 333D85E1-EF0D-4B94-9625-50A1F8…)

Bubble buddy as a hot guy…… ………. …………
No. 662641
File: 1534060239853.jpeg (514.65 KB, 750x1004, 79CFA66B-3D35-48D7-B6C2-7610CB…)

Seriously… that’s her $3000 stream reward…?
No. 662648
>>662608I personally thinks it almost borders on flattering to Baylee - her real hair is flat and she is in no way shape or form an hourglass body type. Though, I'm not sure Baylee is even aware of that second part based on her magical girl drawing and he way she dresses.
I do wonder how much interaction with Baylee from other artists is just because of her follower count?
No. 662677
>>662643Please no.
This series is like something you would have posted on deviant art and then be embarrassed by it a few years down the line.
No. 662873
>>662701Please yes. Minions would work too. Or Bugs-Bunny.
What am I saying, I cringe while writing this. Did Baylee not cringe drawing the bubble guy?
No. 663660
>>662608Not sure if it's just the perspective but Holy shit look those giant man hands.
Waffles is a fucking queen lmao
No. 663997
File: 1534210400598.jpg (14.28 KB, 240x320, 137593505136.jpg)

>>661837She says something like this again in her "1M Subs Reaction, Stream Prep & Whatnot" vlog like having the counter up and being afraid she was going to miss it because she had the "emergency poos". So disgusting. In one of her recent convention vlogs she shows meeting various fans who stop by her table and they're literally all just children or tweens probably buying her shit with their parents' money. Obviously they relate to her because she acts like a child herself.
No. 664460
File: 1534271667303.png (457.74 KB, 627x626, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 19.3…)

she retweeted this.
No. 667218
File: 1534538697598.jpeg (334.35 KB, 900x750, E2F72652-88F6-4873-9FDF-A12196…)

No. 667222
File: 1534538853663.jpeg (94.34 KB, 804x750, 6EFDF220-4EDA-431A-B34B-34FDF5…)

Why is she so proud of her triple chin…. I mean that’s fine but she’s always making the dumbest faces
No. 667662
File: 1534606713807.png (305.31 KB, 614x383, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 16.3…)

No. 667918
>>667662just saw bunny wearing this too
hot topic just throws random shit together now its like a ripoff of a random chinese store rip off
whats next? toy story but all the characters are bts?
No. 668169
File: 1534666962962.png (3.95 MB, 750x1334, 684E24E1-34DE-4C03-B053-A9E581…)

She looks like she’s in her late 40s in this pic.
No. 668183
>>667659I didn't realize her last name was Neubeker.
Other than that this was more boring than I expected, and way too long. She should just have showed their demo reels, but I guess that'd be less watchtime.
No. 668191
>>668169I don't know, part of me can't believe she threw an actual party with her irl friends for reaching 1M.
I get it's a big milestone but it seems really weird and stupid to me?
No. 668282
>>668231I don't know;I wouldn't be surprised if she just claims that because she knows people will think it's weird?
Either way, it seems a bit silly and she should really refrain from wearing 'gold lipstick, especially with that hair!
No. 668538
File: 1534721206343.jpeg (504.8 KB, 750x694, CB7B83DD-E11D-4CAA-AFB0-7589A8…)

>>668269They were wearing gold lipstick lol
No. 668932
>>668191She and her friends watch her videos together (in one of her vlogs they cast her spider video to the TV and were watching it) so it doesn't seem that weird to me her Internet career seems to be most of her personality and a big presence in her relationships.
Christian even mentioned her twitch streams in their wedding vows eugh
No. 670051
>>669266I mentioned it as an example of her Internet career being a massive part of her personality and her relationships therefore her having this subscriber milestone party doesn't seem strange at all rather than making a random unrelated jab at her
You're right about the vows being personal and anyone else's thoughts are irrelevant to them but as a viewer it's still cringey and tacky to hear
No. 670322
>>625557she really is the Andrew Dobson/Tom Preston of the YouTube Art community.
Hopelessly lazy, completely complacent and unwilling to put in even the tiniest bit of effort to improve her technical ability as well as being completely unable to stand any sort of critique or advice.
Just as Dobbles will always be content with his number 2 pencil and his photoshop fill bucket, she will always be content with her muddy copic colouring, her stiff lifeless ugly style(s) and her limited range of subject matter.
If you haven't seen ForeverPandering's Sins of A Complacent Artist I really recommed it to all artists it is a true lesson on how NOT to handle online popularity as an artist and a lot of the issues are so very relevant to Baylee (all except for the political strawman stuff which Baylee is not guilty of)
No. 671143
>>670560There's something so gross about seeing someone use such nice traditional 'aesthetic' materials to create such ugly basic cartoon doodles
Also how can you draw that many 'different faces' and they all still look identical. Yikes.
No. 671758
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Too bad, so sad…. ahahaha
No. 673401
File: 1535245402527.jpeg (133.86 KB, 784x750, 0C9C852B-CEE1-4B22-ACD7-FDA8BC…)

I don’t even know what to think about this…. lol
No. 673561
>>673485I wasn't around for all her threads, but at the very least she's an easy target. A YouTuber who played at being an artist and happened to be there at the right place at the right time on yt. Her stuff never was too terribly interesting, only that she seemed to enjoy art and be more genuine than she does now, after all the fame.
But aside from an inflated ego, mediocre art and boring videos she's just a little cringe, not necessarily cow material like say Holly…
No. 673620
>>673395Thanks for introducing me to karenhaley, decent art and a chill voice
sage 4 no contribute
No. 673749
>>667659I honestly think her animations are pretty good. I wish she had actually talked about the animation instead of just saying "oh my god it's so bad" over and over again though.
If she were to do more animation I think it could pull in more views and make current subscribers less bored with her content. Even if it's just cutesy pixel art. She never will though, since she can't sell animations at cons.
No. 674137
File: 1535340068365.jpeg (290.53 KB, 654x707, F99353B8-86BF-4185-B584-4710E2…)

Those eyebrows look so weird tho, why are there 2 dark patches at the beginning of them lol
No. 674264
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>>674137I'm not sure which is better
No. 674284
>>673749You have no fucking clue how pixel art works do you? God how can you be so jeallus of her if you don't even know anything about art.
Anyways her animations weren't good at all. And she knows that, don't act like anybody wants to see shitty 3D animation on a Copic based artist.
No. 674314
>>674284Here's the thing most of the animation in the video was her old student work (???) I look back at some of the work I did as a student and think its terrible.
She could do something with those skills she has but it would probably take too long with all the twitch streams etc.
No. 674354
>>674284Dude chill out, not everybody majors in animation and unless you study and work in it most people can't recognize the same mistakes as someone who has learned the same basic material.
Her animation work is decent for someone at a beginner level but there are a lot of mistakes that would not allow her to get hired at any professional animation studios.
All of her animations are stiff and hold no weight at all which was especially apparent in her flour sack and ball with legs classic animation.
The part where the guy was walking up the steps was actually pretty good but everything else felt robotic and uncanny. Her story boards and frame positions were pretty bad too with loads of tangents and centering stuff right in the middle which teachers try to steer you away from since it makes the scene look less cinematic and boring.
It's passable for a first year but anything else would mean she wasn't paying attention to what her teachers were trying to explain.
I'm surprised she stopped working on animation, if she had kept at it for a few more years and really hunkered down on learning why and how certain things worked she could have actually gotten into a decent studio and could have worked her way up to Disney if she worked hard enough and knew the right people.
No. 674366
>>674354>really hunkered down on learning why and how certain things worked she could have actually gotten into a decent studio and could have worked her way up to DisneyThat's the issue though. You have to work
a lot, and everyone wants to work at the big studios so it's quite competitive.
I always get the impression Baylee likes being an artist, or being a creative professional, but only the "fun" parts, not the hard work it takes to build your skills, or actually producing art, hence why she's so slow (lack of practice), and always complaining about how much work an illustration was. It's the same with other YT artists like RaeDizzle or ChloeRose, they get off being an ~artiste~, but are unaware of the quality of their own work compared to their peers in the real world.
No. 675568
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No. 675657
>>675587Whoa, she got that pretty quickly, I always heard people taking weeks to get their play buttons.
The next one is 10M though, so that definitely won't happen.
No. 675764
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Always with the stupid faces….
No. 675782
File: 1535572828585.png (3.07 MB, 1334x750, 3CE326EE-BBBA-4779-A8FF-6609ED…)

This overly quirky wannabe creeper face is just uncomfortable. But maybe that’s what she want you to feel…. I can’t…..
No. 675783
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No. 676310
File: 1535640649300.png (511 KB, 635x385, bayl.PNG)

watching an old vlog of hers because youtube hates me, and happened to hit pause here. she looks like one of her characters, now I know why she does noses like she does
No. 676565
>>676510With sharp edges??
She could make one with that saw of hers, I guess.
No. 677668
File: 1535776820187.jpg (263.67 KB, 1071x1855, IMG_20180901_143750.jpg)

jesus CHRIST why would you post this on the Internet?
but also she's talking on twitter about how she missed a flight, had to buy new tickets where she could only get business class but boasting about all the "free" stuff she's getting in the lounge..? solid baylee logic.
No. 677687
>>677668I don't think she'll stop making faces anytime soon, it's her ~brand~ now. Her pre-teen audience will think it's funny and ""quirky"".
Also flying business class is nice, so might as well make the best of your fuck-up? Don't really see anything wrong with that.
No. 677744
>>677687I think it's less about being quirky and more because she's trying to "own" her perceived ugliness. people who think they are ugly will pull faces and shit so at best people think "oh they're just making a face" without passing judgement on their actual appearance, or at worst they hope they don't come off as being confident because society expects ugly people to be insecure and accused them of being delusional of they aren't. (source: I'm ugly lol)
that said I don't think bailey is ugly. yeah she's overweight and makes shitty style choices but in normal pictures she has a cute face. she should stop trying so hard.
No. 677824
File: 1535809391212.png (275.35 KB, 578x397, Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 14.3…)

> 'The furry video"
Didn't she have some sort of animal she related to in her really old vlogs that she was too embarrassed to share, I think its in one of the older threads but it shows how times have changed.
It already feels like she made this furry video for the views.
No. 678037
>>677943i mean, if you have been a furry for long time time you know there is something inherently sexual about it (but im glad she separated it for the kids… tho, showing the yiff subreddit was…kinda weird)
but it was funny how she was kinda walking on eggshells (like ''i dont want to talk in behalf of them!'') like, we aint a protected minority
No. 681485
File: 1536159170618.png (279.75 KB, 619x767, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at 15.5…)

Spooky click bait vlog coming soon.
No. 687148
>>686786to “collect” them, i’d assume, otherwise known as sitting them eternally on one of her many shelves filled with super expensive figurines and toys whose only purpose is for her to gaze over them every once in a while and feel filled with gratification for her hoarding.
also, is it just me, or is she making a lot of haul videos recently? i can’t believe she said that she wanted to make a series of vids where she goes out, buys some random art supplies, and then makes something with it before. A couple vids is alright, but we know she’ll never use that many supplies outside of the vids since she doesn’t even try out or learn to use the nice stuff she has now! (like the professional grade watercolors) She doesn’t have any passion for learning more about art; she just likes to have pretty books and supplies to look at and make her feel like she’s a “real” artist.
No. 687447
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No. 689023
>>689017WTF? she couldn't even boil some clean hot water she had to use nasty old kureig water really? Couldn't find an easier way there? So she didn't have any of the real supplies that she needed to do this, didn't look into getting any of the cheaper alternatives (and there are many she only had to look up a list or watch one of the face-up youtubers they all pretty much have an expensive prof. quality list and a cheaper start off list) and the doll looks like a cheap chinese factory made barbie now because of it.
that faceup is horrible, legit horrible I've seen so much better from other dolling newbies this is sad, why does she half ass everything?
No. 689030
File: 1537048202714.jpeg (342.9 KB, 750x750, 338074B8-9FB0-434A-9D1F-EACEC4…)

Those hands creep me out, she painted them to look like gloves haha
No. 689090
>>689030Are you joking, when I first did a face up (EAH doll was on sale dont judge me i had the tools already) it took me 3hours to crank it out and it didn't come out even half as patchy, shaky and overall sloppy? Her lines are as harsh and insecure as teens in arts classes. It's so difficult to watch someone who has surrounded herself with art for so many years, is a grown woman and still make things you find on the etsy page of a 47yr old woman going through a mid life crisis thinking art would be her independent source of income.
Seriously though, how can you fuck up painting over a dolls face thats so 3 dimensional. You have ALL the guidelines, you would only have to be so utter shit at using your supplies for this to be the outcome.
No. 689576
>>689453The length of the yarn doesn't really matter, after you start brushing it, you will reveal how long the strands "inside the yarn" actually are. It is possible to get it longer, but you cannot comb to style the hair then. Mozekyto had a tutorial how to make longer yarn wig but all of her yarn wigs have the same length because of this reason.
It rubbed me the wrong way that she didn't shout-out anyone who customs dolls. Like with the yarn wig thing with mozekyto…
No. 689832
>>689017seriously, if she took the time to research and practice more and get MSC, like that would make so much of a difference. I do doll faceups for fun too and like, this is incredibly basic for a first faceup, but MSC makes a ton of difference and that's why everyone in doll faceups swears by it. Like the whining about watercolor pencils not working is WHY you get it, there's no other equivalent to it in the NA market, that's why her doll's face was so shiny.
seriously like, she keeps rushing things and rushing things doesnt lead to good work. This is very much one of those "well it's trending so i should hop on this" things
No. 690341
File: 1537210012208.jpeg (94.76 KB, 793x677, F6820312-D527-4BC8-90C6-09242A…)

Her hair looks like plastered plastic here, not digging the hairstyle either
No. 691223
>>690026There’s no dolls of her body type. What was she supposed to choose?
The stitches drive me crazy.
No. 691230
>>691223A lot of doll customisers find ways to add to the body…..
if baylee was going for accuracy she would’ve done those techniques but she’s just lazy
No. 691712
>>691611Fashion dolls can be pretty pricey depending on where you get them, how new/in demand a specific sculpt is and whether the doll is sold on its own or in a playset. Barbies, Monster High, and Ever After High dolls can easily be up to $20 or more, sometimes in the $50-$100 range for new in box collector/ likited edition Barbies.
That said, if you're not picky and are just using the doll for faceups you can find decent quality dolls for $5 new and as low as .50 used.
I don't think it's a big deal to buy used dolls but I think the general rule is to go for dolls that need a little work, like ones that have been drawn on, are missing parts or have had unfortunate haircuts. Most of the people I watch who do toy collecting or faceups leave the stuff that's in good condition for little girls to buy rather than snatching them up.
No. 691859
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No. 692961
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I'm sure she has also trashed things without knowing more information about it.
No. 692963
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No. 694315
>>694292keto's shit, why do everyone of these cows insist on weird trend/crash diets all the time? Just stop eating shit and drink some water, go for a walk, eat a damn banana
does she do it for attention I wonder? because they know in a week she will give up but at least all her fans cheered her on right?
No. 694415
I want a cricut too, so I get the appeal, but I hate bj, she doesn't have two shots together.
>>694292>>694315>>694352thanks for the laughs anon, some good dry truths in there XD
No. 696746
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Those dark patches in front of her eyebrows drive me insane
No. 696749
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>>696746Omg they look so effin wonky
No. 699532
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That face…. shudder
No. 699533
File: 1538159067579.png (9.98 KB, 1008x81, no link rip.PNG)

baylee still hasn't fucking put the link to appleminte's video into her video lmfao
No. 699534
File: 1538159119055.png (820.26 KB, 884x492, appleminte drawing.PNG)

>>699532literally versus appleminte's drawing LMAO
poor appleminte. she looks way better than that drawing suggests.
No. 699539
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No. 699828
The head is off. The eyes are fucked. The coloring is shit. The anatomy is stiff and off (her legs are …. broken).
Appleminte has better coloring technique/skill. It’s more bland overall.
3/10 bayls you can do better
No. 699873
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>>699521 oh god, this was a comment on that video.
please no.
No. 700202
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No. 700203
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I guess she using 'ditto nut' because nut is a funny word on internet.
No. 700783
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>>699521The other girl's art is also stiff and amateurish but way better and more flattering than Baylee's half of the collab by a long shot. It's clear that she put more effort into this collab than Baylee did.
No. 702371
File: 1538471796144.jpeg (473.34 KB, 2048x1076, BE4DBE9F-CA90-4578-8A26-5678E3…)

A drawing she’s working on for fan expo
No. 702962
So I came across this site some days ago when looking for Baylee's website out of curiosity, which by the way, this hate-site is nowhere near as 'hidden' as you think it is. Guess what, I got things to say. Sure, Baylee has stunted development in her art, she's lazy and it shows. HOWEVER, you are all a bunch of hateful b*s. I'd like to see your artwork, you all act like you're sooo professional and just 'happen' to know something about everything this girl does. Also, by the way its a Cricut machine not 'cricket', a simple 3-second google search would have given you the correct name. You pick on this girl's appearance as if it makes her a bad person, really, wow. You disgust me, these sites are created to bring people down, so disgusting, you all need to get a life, and stop being so spiteful. Get a hobby, learn how to draw, perhaps?
No. 702982
>>702980I'm a different anon, genius. And I got your point, now take mine: quite being such a brainless cunt and think for yourself. Take your own advice, go outside, learn to draw, go get laid, or maybe realize the fact that a bloated pink haired youtuber doesn't give a shit about you or your struggles. I used to be a big fan of Baylee, but alas she plateaued skill-wise, and then she has the nerve to believe she can teach! And when you try to give her constructive criticism she shuts you down! As an artist, take advice and never EVER stop learning!
Now, go away so us adults can speak.
No. 702983
>>702980learn to sage retard.
a lot of us are ex-fans who are criticizing her dwindling art talent and poor business management @ her con table sales. sorry ur on an anon message board dedicated to discussing ppl like baylee tho, you'd probably be better off somewhere soft and hugblankety, like her youtube comments or on tumblr.
No. 703047
>>702962Bruh fuck you, nobody thinks this thread is a secret.
Also, I'm wagering a guess that this is Baylee, given the excuse for 'finding' this site.
No. 703297
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No. 703328
This is the last time I'm gonna reply, so you can all relax. You can go back to whatever you were doing.
>>702982I still don't think you got the point and it doesn't matter which one of you I'm talking to, you all share the same views. The point was: these websites are disgusting, it doesn't matter who the subject is, in fact I found others about other youtube entertainers, all that matters is the intent. These websites are created to tear people down. I get it, it's the internet, and to that person who posted 702983, I'm not looking for 'somewhere soft and hugblankety,' I'm calling you out just like you call out these entertainers, it's fair game, don't cry. It's an OPEN forum (this one is for you too 703131), so just like you comment whatever you like, there's nothing stopping anyone else.
There is something inherently cowardice about an anonymous hate website, no accountability, no consequences. You're wasting so much time closely following someone just cause, but I guess we all have our hobbies.
The other point I wanted to make, this was not in any of the previous posts, is the entitlement. No entertainer (or anyone, for that matter) owes you anything, unless you are directly giving them something and there is an understood expectation that you gill get something back, e.g. directly paying for a service, you are NOT entitled to anything. You guys give the impression that you are entitled something, and she betrayed you in some way.
Again, most of these replies to me are filled with generic insults, and I'm not offended.
Lastly, what the hell is 'sage'? or ketobese? I'm assuming these are 'clever' words you guys just made up.
'Now, go away so us adults can speak.' LOL, have fun…
No. 703338
>>703328Do you seriously expect everyone to fall over and go "you know what you're right, let's shut down this site!!"
This is a public website explicitly made to criticize and laugh at people, you can cry about everyone being mean bullies all you want but you're wasting your breath.
No. 703348
>>703296My bad I shouldn't have instantly typed that post.
I knew that was a joke but it's the whole 'I must draw this because everyone else is' thing. It makes an easy video and I hope she draws things she actually wants to draw and her audience.
No. 703424
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>>703328Yo don't call us the cowards, a lot of us ex-fans used to be Patreons(you know, people who have her money to live) and whenever one of us tried to give constructive criticism, she was the one to have a fucking meltdown. She would block, give snide remarks and worst, set her 12-year-old stand to attack you. We have this thread so we can discuss anything we want about any particular cow, and we are anonouymous for our own protection. (Let me repeat that, being anon means we are protected from fuckheads like you)
Also, don't pretend your some 2deep4me thinker who will white knight a piece of shit "artist." If you were actually smart and deep, you'd know that is darkness in the world. This "hate" forum is TAME compared to the awful shit out there. Quit acting like life is all Disney.
No. 704620
>>704528same here, and it kinda helps to learn what youtubers/entertainers not to waste my time checking out. yeah sure, we’re spending our time complaining about ppl who will probably never see these forums or do anything about the shit we mention, but it’s almost therapeutic to look at a popular person’s glaring faults (particularly in art) and relate it to how you can improve or not make the same mistakes.
also it’s fun to make fun of her. ngl. biggest reason.
No. 704708
>>704696You are going in every single old Baylee thread and spewing off tons of shit lol
Obviously you're just one of her little minions who's just found all her threads on here. Or you're her. Either way hi Baylee
No. 704877
>>704696they are all cows because they provide milk for us to talk about
if they are indeed cows in real life, that's up to debate
also, go away
No. 704889
>>704801I go out and enjoy life but here you are worried about what everyone else is doing.
I read here to past time now and then not every day all day. Most people would like to see Baylee improve which has been said in previous threads.
No. 705449
File: 1538843344834.jpeg (350.87 KB, 998x750, A2562416-D3DD-4454-AB79-8BAB4A…)

Of course she drew spongebob.
No. 705452
>>705440sorry for sperging but I just had to.
Bokkei was kind enough to write all the products into the video decscription. Baylee was probs too lazy. Here is a summary who send what + prices.
Baylee said in her vid, that there was a limit of 50$ lets see.
Baylee -> Bokkei
Liquitex Acrylics 29.99$ @ amazon
glue 7.50$ @ michaels
wooden box ~2$ @ the dollar store
glitter ~3$ @ the dollar store
craftsmart paint pen set 28.99$ @ amazon
simply simmons paint brushes (4 & 8) ~6$ they only come in sets afaik
(+ some of her uggu old buttons & the new AC ones)
sum = ~77.48$
Bokkei -> Baylee
Caran D'ache museum aquarell pencil (x7) ~28$ @ amazon
I blue myself pencil ~1.10$ @ 6pack from etsy
daniel smith extra fine watercolor (cascade green & rose of ultramarine) 33.82$ each @ amazon
pearlcolors refill (teal) ~5$ @ amazon
Artgraf Water Soluble Kneaded Graphite ~12.40$ @ amazon
Holbein Acrylic Gouache 5Set 74.14$ @ amazon
Pro Art Polyurethane Flower Dish 10$ @ amazon
Hahnemuhle Watercolor Book A5 25.40$ @ amazon
Escoda ULTIMO Tendo Synthetic (I think) ~20$ @ amazon
other Escoda Brush (could'nt see a name) ~15$ @ amazon
(+ some gummx candy and a tacky porcelain cat)
sum = ~258.68$
No. 705453
File: 1538843665520.jpeg (530.82 KB, 910x750, CD38AB5D-A4AD-49BD-99BB-26FAFD…)

It’s just laughable how bad Baylee’s art is. She couldn’t even put in effort to think of an art piece. Just doodling and painting fucking spongebob characters. But I should’ve expected that from her.
No. 705459
>>705454they both are in the wrong tho.
If the price cap is real, bokkei should not have sent stuff this expensive. I think she meant well, but ofc it looks shitty for good ol' bails.
But what Baylee did with those supplies was a hit in the gut I bet.
Bokkei made such a nice piece of art.
No. 705632
File: 1538868911897.jpeg (706.6 KB, 1334x750, 5D1F7169-2DE1-4D5D-950F-278BE5…)

This made me just sad. I liked all her sticker sheets so far, but this is so lazy and bad.
No. 705783
>>705770It upsets me that she isn't into it for the health reasons. It should be a lifestyle choice, but of course she's doing it so she can be a piglet at Disney.
Poor Christian, wouldn't he want to go somewhere else?
No. 705933
>>705450I'm so mad at this swap, honestly. Baylee doesn't deserve any of this shit. I hope Bokkei at least got some more followers from it, but she's a tattoo artist first and foremost… so not like it's going to make a huge difference in her income anyway.
sage for intense sperging
No. 706694
>>705773This tbh.
I just started hate watching her because I’ve been really trying to improve my art recently.
Does she have a job other than YouTube??
So many artists (myself included) DREAM of having days where they can do nothing but work on their art. It seems like everyday judging from her vlogs she just dicks around and puts off doing anything art related, and when she DOES it’s reorganizing her shitty merch or mindless doodling.
I honestly don’t hang around drama boards but she just pisses me off too much. The hiding of the hands thing is so childish and she STILL does it. When I realized I sucked at drawing hands I forced myself to include them in every drawing I did, and guess what? Now I can draw them 100x better.
I wish she would just do some fucking studies for a week and see how much that would improve her art.
No. 707263
>>705773lol, the irony is that she did seem to be more passionate about her art and worked on it more WHEN she had a day job a couple years ago (which was animating at a small company, i think). it probably helped that she didn’t have as much income from youtube then and that she lived in a small apartment where she couldn’t build a dragon’s hoard of toys and shit like she has now.
i had a feeling her art would start going downhill when she announced her patreon and her plans to go youtube full-time. before, she was actually dedicating her free time to her art, but now, she has all the time in the world to do it. her only requirement is that she shits out a vid once a week that has a topic which will get decent views. if she’s still doing patreon, i guess she also has to ship out rewards and such once a month, but that’s still like nothing considering that this is literally ALL of the work she has to do. (and all of it could easily be done in 2-3 days max.)
doesn’t she get bored of creating the same stuff over and over? what does she do when she’s not running errands, playing video games, or doing her “job”/art? wouldn’t she want to do something else or go out more? well, i guess she has all of those disneyland trips she goes on.
No. 708958
Repost because I put Sage in the wrong thing:
I think Baylee would make better art if she did have a job or something on the side to get her juices flowing. Aside from cons and Didney Woorl, she has a lot of free time yes, but people who have too much time on their hands can even end up put their own passions on hold, especially when there's so much "I'll do it later" only to put it off to the side. I know this because I go through that issue all the time when I hit that bump. They dont treasure their time and lose interest while being interest at the same time.
This is why a lot of YouTube artists who only get payed through YouTube, MAYBE patreon and are following the same old boring routine produce a lot of shit content. The REAL professional YouTube artists usually don't upload much on YouTube and are Hard to find because they have a busy life outside of that and YouTube is a hobby and something they can use to share their skill with other artists while giving tips. Kienan Lafferty, Moxie Saturday, Ahmed (I kinda forgot how to spell his full name but I hope people know who I'm talking about), even Juicy Ink (yes her art is same facey, but it doesnt matter because her art is still interesting to look at and even her realism especially is VERY tasteful and not just another photorealistic piece) are some examples. Jazza is alright.
A lot of professional artists with amazing pieces are always outside and on the go, even if it's a simple trip to the cafe or museum, and they always have a sketchbook on hand to do studies or jot anything down that they need for ideas. Freelance art career isn't for everyone. You can know how to draw and be amazing at what you do and it still wouldn't be the proper career for you if you don't play your cards right.
Baylee also has a very young audience who is easy to please, so its even more of a reason to not push herself too hard. she's flat out admitted that she doesn't work on any art unless it's for a video on a screenshot in one of these previous threads.
Baylee issue in her art is not Same Face Syndrome, it's not broken anatomy, it's not the fact that she only draws girls and potato noses, it's not even the fact that she just draws disney shit and Pokemon shit, two of the easiest things to get attention for, or that her drawings are stiff and look dead.
Her art is just uninteresting/bland in general and she's not doing anything special for it. You can have stiff anatomy and dead expressions in your art if its executed in a way that makes it interesting to look at or if you find a proper style for it.
If she honestly thinks time=good content, she's DEFINITELY not cut out for it, because she's brought up time as an excuse as to why she's improving, which it doesn't even matter. Is possible to do studies and not have anything sink in, just like if you skim through a book, you won't know exactly what's going on.
I'm in no way a professional artist, if anything I'm still a n00b, but I've always wanted to make my art as a career until now, because it's not that simple and I've noticed that its either like walking on eggshells or you'll just regress from trying to appeal to the shit audience you've attracted.
Baylee and even Holly especially made me realize that and I hope the I other fans catch onto that as well.
Baylee is livin it up it seems. I ain't trying to assume her life, but her vlogs are even boring to watch now considering that's the most I actually did like coming from her and now I don't even peep at her uploads unless I'm watching an outdated vlog of hers.
I think I genuinely only like two of her pieces and they look like something you could find on a folder at 5-Below. She might as well start doing art for retail products, tbh.
No. 708977
>>708958james gurney is another fantastic example of this! he has a decent social media presence of course (that’s kind of a requirement to getting attention for your art nowadays), but he doesn’t upload on youtube very often and when he does, they’re very short vids (which isn’t bad. i would take an informative and interesting short vid of his over any of baylee’s). he also does a lot of studies and plein-air.
there are, however, some artists that i enjoy watching even if they’re not particularly skilled bc of their passion and dedication to their art. JelArts to name one, and she’s still decent for a student. i think you hit the nail on the head there, anon; no matter how much baylee could manage to improve her art, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s not as excited about it as she used to be. she no longer wants to experiment or invest time into doing things out of her comfort zone just for the sake of it (and not for a vid) and still making a decent piece. having a better understanding of and drawing skill with human (or animal) anatomy, perspective, color theory, design choices, etc. doesn’t matter to her bc she doesn’t care that much about her art in the first place. in a way, i’m kinda shocked she managed to make it all the way through animation school if she’s this apathetic about art now. i guess her materialistic and lazy sides won over her passion.
No. 710028
File: 1539266817045.jpg (622.08 KB, 1918x1080, 20181011_160337.jpg)

Why does she dress like a toddler?
No. 710790
>>708977Yeah, I also watch artists who I genuinely love watching because of their personality and not their skill. They also kind of give you this motivational kick, too because of how much fun they're having and how much they love their work.
I respect that.
Baylee used to be that way, too but now she's not very interesting to watch anymore and kinda just comes off as a try hard geek, and it's a huge turn off when watching her videos. Nothing wrong with being an adult and loving video games but dammit if you bring up "pokemon go", "animal crossing" and "shinies" one more fuckin' time.
>>709999And yeah, I've noticed that as well. In her older videos, she sounded like such a sweetheart and a fun person to be around. I remember when she visited that girl from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and it was a very sweet, tear jerking video. Even her art videos were kind of entertaining. I'm sure she still might be, but sometimes she kinda throws me off with how her attitude is at times.
Another thing:
How many fucking buttons is she planning on making? I get that her older ones still sell especially since they're polished, but have you guys seen the massive amount of buttons she spends her time pressing? Her last Vlog pretty much showed the massive amount she's made, and she's going to make MORE, which are going to be BNHA, an anime with a LOT of adored characters instead of simply 3 or 4, and more are just going to keep coming.
She also has so little new prints that half the time I forget they exist because the older ones are still there. Or maybe the new ones are just that forgettable?
I could just not understand how this works, but why won't she put the older ones to the side in her shop and put a small portion to the side for her conventions, bumping the price up to maybe 50 cents to a dollar a bag since they're limited in case anyone would still like them? They're outdated like hell, polished or not. I mean, she's making stickers now and some most likely being the same exact thing as the buttons anyway, so why won't she cut down if they're up to the point of preventing her from making better and new artwork? Her stuff sells like hotcakes either which way.
Like I said, maybe I don't understand business, but as a customer, I'd honestly get bored if a professional artist I looked up either recycled and sold the same shit over and over again or made me wait a long time for them to produce one piece at a time, and most of them were just tiny knick knacks that rust in humid weather fairly easily. Maybe she even said that she'd cut down on buttons since she's gonna have stickers, but I haven't seen anything saying that here and I can't be bothered to watch more than 3 minutes of her videos anymore without skipping through.
This'll be my last long one, I promise. I'm kinda new here and read the rules, but I wouldn't know if this counts as blog posting or not, so I apologize in advance. Youtube Artists like this just tend to give me a mouthful.
No. 711636
>>710790For buttons, it’s because she sells them so cheap that’s why I think she’s stuck on them forever. She tends to only vend at anime cons and general fandom ones, the demographic she appeals to is very young and very cheap since they’re kids with a fixed or limited income. And she does really unremarkable or stand out art, like a kid would totally throw a dollar at a button cuz of fandom or a thing they like. I think to her, she feels they’re very cost effective to make cuz they literally only cost a couple cents but she, like a lot of other artists I know, don’t factor in time as a cost. Like the time she could have spent either working on art or planning or anything else really, she’s just pressing buttons. She probably honestly does sell a ton of them.
It’s morbidly fascinating to watch for me tbh cuz I’ve done AA’s like her and she’s stuck herself in a rut with those buttons imo. They take so much time to do and like I’m pretty sure they’re her money maker but they’re so forgettable and unoriginal, just like the stickers too.
No. 711638
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What was on her chin? Lol
No. 712342
>>712339Oh yeah, I knew the "draw this in your style" was a meme thing, but, and I could be wrong about this, I thought it was Kasey who came up with it to do a video series about turning the idea around and her drawing her followers characters. I only saw it on her channel, and then very shortly after saw it on Baylee's.
I guess this plays in to the whole thing of Baylee not being a creative person, and openly knowing that herself. That's such a weird concept to me; someone having very little imagination getting into a creative field.
No. 713040
File: 1539584339512.png (29.86 KB, 588x103, Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 07.1…)

More button badges and stickers then.
Is she ever going to do at least one oil painting or is that completely out of the window now?
No. 713088
File: 1539593761470.png (505.79 KB, 604x604, harajuku.png)

>>710028Looks like she was trying to dress in Harajuku style but ended up looking like a fat toddler.
No. 714504
>>714434A sign would put people off buying altogether maybe and I'm not sure if touching or being near a bit of their fur could cause a reaction.
Hopefully she removes any she finds before she puts them on the table at cons.
No. 716255
>>715789I can't believe it. I watch her "art" streams on Twitch every now and then, but she is styling a Cosplay wig that has been taking her 2 full streams to do. I know many people who do this style, can you imagine someone sitting on a chair for almost 8 hours getting this done?
I am just dumbfounded.
No. 716392
File: 1539906755884.jpg (575.3 KB, 2048x1464, IMG_20181019_005018.jpg)

>>7162558 hours on a Sora wig!
No. 717794
>>717621Those darn ghost box apps.
I thought something like this would be next Saturday's video or maybe she'll do a Halloween one later on in the week.
No. 717867
>>717796Sweet Jesus, where are their chins?!
This is something that seems to be a staple in Baylee's "art" is the lack of chins. It honestly looks like the mouths are going to slide off their faces
No. 721202
File: 1540503415086.jpg (230.1 KB, 2048x996, IMG_20181025_223310.jpg)

So is she being Zora for Halloween or at whichever Disney park she is going to? Halloween @ Disney?
No. 721285
File: 1540510503097.png (93.81 KB, 1242x861, IMG_1462.PNG)

>>721202Shit, I accidentally posted without adding the message and I don't know how to delete it. D:
But I did some digging through the comments on her wig video and thankfully someone asked about her costume(s).
No. 721540
>>721285Thanks, anon.
For some reason, I can't picture her picking that character to dress as.
No. 721778
File: 1540586953389.png (123.33 KB, 1242x648, IMG_1470.PNG)

"Tomorrow's art video"
"Storytime about paranormal experiences"
No. 721877
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That onesie is a nightmare….
No. 721940
File: 1540600702584.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, A2D0652C-F193-4918-9937-B0A062…)

Baylee’s lump worries me a lot. Does she not have insurance?
It seems like it got bigger.
Saged bc I’m a worry wart
No. 722092
>>721992I can agree with that, especially since she was seriously laughing over them in a vlog. She had talked about the bumps before but when she actually showed them I audibly gasped.
Some people are saying they're pilar(?) cysts but no matter what I'd try to get those fixed ASAP. They look really bad.
No. 722145
File: 1540629903509.jpeg (70.07 KB, 513x626, 62FF5E4A-073B-498D-B670-5AF85A…)

That’s a good sized lump, she even mentioned they hurt and she’ll get them removed “one of these days”…. uhhhh, wouldn’t pain be a cause for concern… baffling
No. 722149
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No. 722150
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No. 722176
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>>722145You can see it better here
No. 722679
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>>722607I got bored and took that screenshot into Procreate in like 5 minutes to make it more “nighttime” especially cuz she missed a lot of cast shadows. I know she did it in markers but frankly I thought it’s actually a pretty OK drawing for her and she easily could have planned the coloring out a little more. I think her coloring did a disservice, she would be fine doing like coloring book style images
No. 724759
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She posted her cosplay on Instagram
No. 724821
File: 1541064290568.png (199.09 KB, 608x789, Sora_Halloween_Town_KH.png)

>>724759This is what its supposed to look like
No. 725199
File: 1541130071595.jpeg (245.76 KB, 750x439, E8666F98-3E9E-4E94-9550-25BC3A…)

…and then everyone clapped
No. 725220
>>725202I honestly feel like it’s just a bullshit ass story, no way somebody saw her and immediately thought she was Waffles. No reason to.
No. 725629
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No. 725814
>>725629Holy shit Baylee really looks like those special needs adults who go to disney on a big trip either w/ their family or like a special needs group, tf. I don't think theres a cut off age for things like wearing pastels, however when you clearly dressing like some 14yr old "I just discovered fairy kei" weeb, with added stringy dyed hair, illfitting tulle/ebay skirt, tshirt tucked in looking a size too small, plain makeup that makes your features even smaller and ya good old double chin photo angles. I really am gonna question what on gods fucking earth made you decide to walk you the house.
The same goes for the Pusheen dress cause again its a onepiece that seemingly is two sizes too small, her already thin hair murdered into a microscopic bun just so she can have an even rounder face, with nothing but pastel pinks on her that wash her out and make her look larger than she is. I hope to god she isn't wearing white or light coloured tights too or else im certain shes on some Asherbee spectrum shit.
Whats with the biggest art youtubers being literally the most tasteless and colour blind people, are autistic fandoms really so readily available to accept new kings and queens for their harem?
No. 725815
>>725629Holy shit Baylee really looks like those special needs adults who go to disney on a big trip either w/ their family or like a special needs group, tf. I don't think theres a cut off age for things like wearing pastels, however when you clearly dressing like some 14yr old "I just discovered fairy kei" weeb, with added stringy dyed hair, illfitting tulle/ebay skirt, tshirt tucked in looking a size too small, plain makeup that makes your features even smaller and ya good old double chin photo angles. I really am gonna question what on gods fucking earth made you decide to walk you the house.
The same goes for the Pusheen dress cause again its a onepiece that seemingly is two sizes too small, her already thin hair murdered into a microscopic bun just so she can have an even rounder face, with nothing but pastel pinks on her that wash her out and make her look larger than she is. I hope to god she isn't wearing white or light coloured tights too or else im certain shes on some Asherbee spectrum shit.
Whats with the biggest art youtubers being literally the most tasteless and colour blind people, are autistic fandoms really so readily available to accept new kings and queens for their harem?
No. 725837
File: 1541241907878.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1567x1908, E2D0E91A-E359-4E3B-9C76-CE3B16…)

>>725802Yeah it doesn’t even look good on the models either. Very nightgown
No. 725985
File: 1541266735661.jpeg (164.33 KB, 534x1266, E93539B3-2BB7-4972-9D06-70A4A4…)

That skirt makes her look bigger. It’s not flattering at all.
No. 726151
>>726110She wears leggings with everything.
Idk which video but she mentioned having vitiligo on her legs so she's hiding it
No. 727406
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No. 728745
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She looking haggard on stream today
No. 728757
>>728745Her hair looks fried as fuck. Maybe the pink hair isn't worth all the damage to her hair and skin.
And her keto diet isn't working out.
No. 728838
>>728789lol Good job, Baylee.
Your weight loss goals coincide with your art goals.
No. 730438
File: 1541939066645.png (931.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181111-120718.png)

She's going to do a Shane Dawson skit for her next video. Nothing wrong with skits as it can bring in more views but gimmicks and trending topics are becoming her thing.
A Shane parody about herself!? I can see her talking about her copic/disney "addiction" with some dramatic music and editing.
No. 731155
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This is creepy…
No. 731156
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No. 731348
File: 1542086495939.jpeg (129.06 KB, 577x834, 86386766-ED5A-4B9F-9F06-62F20F…)

Oof… she should really stop colouring her hair…
No. 731459
>>731439Based on the facial expression in
>>731156 I actually think it's Shane Dawson?
No. 731920
>>722537it's cute…
for a 15 year old hobbyist.
No. 731940
> Sakuems only ever spoke to Baylee because she’s famuz. Notice how she only associates with people with a following or with similar art to her own. If Baylee didn’t have the following she does, Sakuems wouldn’t touch her. She constantly imitates Baylee - cute food stickers is her most recent one. She’s doing conventions all of a sudden? She’s as sincere as pig shit.
>>731929She’s a vile cow with her head up her ass 24/7
No. 732050
>>732045That video just proves that she reads this forum religiously. Also, very bad acting. Why the comments on the video flooding with people praising her? Why can't she just make art? We know she can draw very well if she puts 100% effort into it. My suggestion is for her to create a video of the tutorials she has in her book to entice others to buy it. Why buy a book if we have no idea what's in it?
Do you guys think she is having other issues? The excuse from too many conventions etc is not very believable anymore. Also, the Disney thing is a way to escape the realities she is facing. Do guys think not getting pregnant is her major issue and she has been trying since January?
I have been following her for 3 or 4 years and she has changed drastically and has nothing to do with her successful YouTube followers.
No. 732154
>>732045I'm glad I stopped watching her a while back, she keeps slipping further into youtuber/twitch streamer.
I'm guessing she's never going to do an oil painting unless it's a funny meme or something.
No. 732226
>>732218There is a part where she said something like "you can make rubbish (or boring?) art and still get a million subscribers" and it cuts to her drinking with a straw.
I hope the million subs isn't the new sketchbook slam excuse.
No. 732235
The video backfired and I bet you she is not happy. Look at .. she has lost -85 subscribers so far today.
No. 732360
>>732045the jabs she made were pretty funny and valid i guess. i didn't expect she'd be so bold as to do that considering she probably licks his asshole and the jokes about his body issues (although mild and accurate) would maybe
trigger him should he see the video.
No. 732393
So me and my friend noticed something interesting while watching Baylee's videos… she doesn't use the word with.
Here are 2 examples of times where she just skips the word "with" entirely; listen on your own and contribute your own horrible applications of grammar!"I'm not even done [with] my hair""Now that I am done [with] this artwork…"
It's bizarre.
No. 732404
>>732393sage for autism but this was bothering me so much I went back to some of her other videos, she does say with. probably just misspoke and didn't notice.
No. 732684
>>732045God that thumbnail is nightmare material. It's weird seeing what she's become over the last couple of years, I remember when she used to actually post art and seemed to legitimately enjoy creating, now she's just a lazy, materialistic slob who has to pander to trends to feel good about herself.
>>732075Because she censors her comments, can't have anyone pointing out how shitty/cringe this video is and how it's not the content her viewers subscribed for.
No. 733072
>>732045upopular opinion but this was kind of funny. most of her 'shane faces' were spot on.
then again im biased because I cant stand shane
No. 733098
>>733073>>733077Imagine how pathetic you'd have to be to ride Baylee's coattails, of all people.
No one's going to touch Holly with a ten foot pole after all the shitstorms she's caused. Not even Baylee.
No. 733784
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I wonder what it could be!
No. 733972
Sorry for double posting but she did do a collab with Baylee a few weeks ago. She mentions it in the video that
>>733787 is talking about.
No. 733974
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>>733972she deliberately drew her character with lopsided eyebrows and eyes when imitating Baylee's style kek
No. 734095
>>733974>deliberatlyI doubt that.
Anyway, her art is somewhat more appealing but that's barely an achievment and she's irrelevant to this thread.
No. 734265
>>734244link for the curious
erm, I think she should start a craft channel as she seems to enjoy gluing stuff together and making costumes more than her usual stuff
I mean this 3d collage thing, it's OK, but she could have done a little more to make the composition appealing, maybe - stuck less to the rectangle form, or if she was going to make it rectangular, maybe finding a way to frame it? It's too sort of crowded, as well
No. 734626
>>734602"you don't think" she did it, but that's literally what happened.
Go watch her video.
I would LOVE if people stopped giving Kasey that much credit, she didn't create anything, those are things you learn to do as a kid, exactly like poseable dolls and mixed media with vellum and other crap.
IF we have to give credits for the idea, I think one of the first artists on YT that I've seen using this technique is TheAverageArtist, which is friend of kasey.
Also if I remember correctly the ride piece made by art a la carte predates Kasey's pieces.
Also also, since I've seen it popping around: she didn't start the "draw this in your style" challenge, it was going around socials weeks and weeks before somebody even made a video about it.
I know it's fun to shit on people but if you think somebody's lying, just do a one minute search.
No. 734936
>>734626I realized Kasey is kinda a sperg herself ever since she went on that Twitter rant calling Bob Ross untalented on his birthday
I think most of these art cows are attention whores so picking who started what trend is difficult, but I've seen this "draw in different styles" thing in DeviantArt since 2012
No. 735841
>>735827I felt that the excuses she made in this video are beyond complaining and justifying that she can't do art at all if she has deadlines that SHE made. Can you imagine if she was at a real job like most of us and had project deadlines? BTW, the art is horrible and she could have just not posted it. Seriously what's her issue? Also, she has over a million subscribers and the videos getting less than 40k views?
If she keeps posting bad art, I will unsubscribe. I had enough of her.
No. 735884
File: 1542826432485.png (30.41 KB, 607x101, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at 18.5…)

Her health is more important than catching shinny pokemon.
No. 735949
File: 1542836364641.jpeg (133.84 KB, 750x499, A7A40175-B265-4CEF-AD4D-12951E…)

They ain’t lyin…. twitch is her priority now
No. 735950
File: 1542836467200.jpeg (190.55 KB, 750x503, C1CA87A6-0E5E-427D-8D13-4C407E…)

Glad others are seeing it for what it is…
No. 736004
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No. 736557
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No. 736559
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No. 736782
File: 1542982781387.jpg (38.27 KB, 640x640, DJF_jv8VAAAKHY6.jpg)

>>736559>>736557I know she didnt invent the style but these remind me too much of stuff like MIS0HAPPY's art (the bodies are closer to something like Adventure time but the face layout on Chihiro is very close to Mis0's). it's so different from Baylee's regular art that you can tell she referenced someone else. It's not even consistent between the two and with a simple style like this it's really annoying to see that she has the following she does.
It really shows that as long as you put out content on a consistent basis you'll bring in followers
No. 736984
>>736920There are flies coming from cracks in walls!?
I don't even want to know who the next 'hot guy' drawing is.
No. 737218
>>737157>something or someoneI like the way you think, anon
But for real, I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing there's probably something dead and attracting flies in my attic.. Bitch needs to call pest control.
No. 738097
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No. 738293
File: 1543202450599.png (543.65 KB, 1366x768, unknown.png)

>>736559She's actually proud of these too. In one of her vlogs she showed the original and was bragging about the remake stick-figure pin… Her art has downgraded so much… I don't know why she thinks that'll sell compared to the original
Pic included of the original..
No. 739087
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No. 739088
File: 1543327712353.png (242.93 KB, 430x432, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 14.0…)

I know talking about how damaged her hair has become is boring but I can't get over how short it's gotten in one year since the sketchbook slam… god
No. 739157
File: 1543337492524.png (707.9 KB, 865x543, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 16.4…)

>>739145More like a hot guy dressed like Carl.
The more I look the more weird things I notice.
No. 739228
>>739157Im sorry but this is awful. Everything is distorted. Nothing is anatomically correct. The pose looks awful.
And this is after she tried to fix the sketch in photoshop.
No. 739245
File: 1543346183630.png (88.49 KB, 400x360, Carl.png)

>>739157>Drawing sexy "grown-up" fanart of a 10-12 year oldThat shit better be amazing to make it worth it, but it's…not.
No. 739343
File: 1543353782580.jpg (80.61 KB, 686x558, Capture.JPG)

Baylee is streaming a Stephen Hillenburg tribute piece actually think the piece is pretty cute
No. 739798
>>739271The reason why the carl drawing is more “tame” is that no one would know who the fuck it was without the clothes. She butched the design and needed the clothes so people can recognize the character.
Bet she also thought she could hide the horrible anatomy with clothes.
No. 740674
>>740611Has she done anything with toy room now?
She could display things in there.
No. 741658
>>741629I mean this is Baylee, she obviously has an issue letting go of childhood obsessions like Disney/dolls/etc.
It is a nice piece though.
No. 742420
>>741596Honestly the groundwork was already laid out for her. The characters are simple enough to reference on their own, but you can tell she actually likes the subject matter despite trying to view grab off of Stephen Hillenburg's death.
Like with the Meltan and Pikachu vs Eevee, those were garbage looks wise and you could tell she was just drawing them because she thought she could get views with Let's Go coming out.
No. 744317
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No. 744857
>>744852I think it's crazy unprofessional that 1. She does this and 2. Discloses this information to everyone!! She does it quite often as well. I get she wants to be transparent with people but come on. She is always showing how she is cheaping out on stuff and ghetto rigging her self made products that she is selling to people! 'Ugh these shipping envelopes are too expensive' jump to next video clip 'i totally just bought 75 limited edition dolls that I can't even fit in my room, oh my word.'… Like wut?
Her priorities are so dang warped it boggles me. You see all these independent artists striving to make their products top notch quality, great packaging presentation, no cutting corners - and then there is this lazy noodle who puts in no effort because she knows her fan girls and boys will eat them right up.
No. 744905
>>744254>>744852>>744857are you fucking kidding me? holy shit.
that's so… i don't even know what to call it. rude? unprofessional? like, how low do you value your customers that you take some low-quality stuff, "fix it up" and then sell it to them acting like it's totes fine? jfc
No. 745826
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I hope this is joke and i'll never understand why she had let to everyone know she's naked.
No. 746453
>>746331Its still kind of the same as her vlogs… we have already seen how she does stuff in her "studio".
She said she hasn't done enough reviews of art products lately in her previous video and now she loves studio vlogs over art videos, reviews etc!?!
No. 746556
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>>745835I hope so. That would be hilarious
No. 746773
ok so the whole buying a new printer is so fucking stupid. a replacement printhead costs just over $110CA and this was my first search, took five mins. could probably find it cheaper. brand new canon pro-100 costs three times the price??? its almost like a weird flex but ok situation. annoying.
No. 747405
>>746548 Almost definitely. I thought it was funny that someone in the comments of that "studio vlog" asked if she had heard of Katnip, and recommended her to Bailey considering it's pretty obvious that Bailey is jumping on all her bandwagons.
I always thought she undercharged for prints, but if she's using the weight of paper that I think she's using, they're probably the right price. I don't understand how she burns money on hardware, but skimps on things like paper quality.
Also, unnecessarily buys a new printer that is the same as the faulty printer and immediately has her cats jumping down on top of it.
No. 747793
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Looks like her house is flooding??? Yikes
No. 747878
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New enemal pin designs
No. 747944
>>747793I can't wait for that vlog title.
First flies and now this. Is that house okay?
No. 748610
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No. 748611
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