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No. 113789
Previous thread
>>100787Kayla has had various personas on social media, predominantly tumblr, gaining popularity through her poetry. She currently "raps" about having a hood life. No. 113822
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Mandie says we're weird and obsessive and yet she's the one who's got Kayla as her lock screen… lol okay.
No. 114091
wut the fukk did u just say to me two-faced hamconstellation.
narcissistic gigantic fukking shitposter
you know, i was really upset about all of this, because kayla was a real good friend to me, i don't know your situation with her, but obviously she really did something to piss you off and now you're acting out about it and trying to blame it on something else. you're probably in your teens or early 20's and haven't mentally developed into an adult yet. or your three friends who chime in, and random people who scroll over this and believe it all…but either way, it's her life. you can worry about her life all you want, in all honesty, it has nothing to do with you. and as for the "teens that follow her"- they aren't her responsibility. and as far as i've heard, she's has actually helped quite a bit of people she doesn't even know and even stopped them from killing themselves. so what is your damage? what are you trying to provoke? they aren't her children. their parents should be stepping in and maybe paying attention to their children or what they're doing on the internet. you or i have no clue why she does the things she does. all i know, is she is still young herself. she shouldn't have to ask permission to do what she wants. i meme, i understand it's the internet and you can post what you want about her, but at the end of the day, what is it accomplishing, other than giving you the satisfaction of potentially hurting someone? if the reasoning is that she hurt you in some way, why would you even give her the thought or the time of day? if you don't like what she does, then why do you give it a thought? why can't you just look away and forget she exists? that's where you aren't making any sense. you say you don't like her and then you spend all of this time getting shit about her past and putting her on blast.
kayla and i have had our differences and we grew apart. it doesnt meme that i don't care about her, or won't ever stick up for her. we are way too different, but i know her well enough to understand what you don't and speculate about. i will never have ill will for her. i worry about her a lot. my family loves her, she is my family. she was for a while. family drift apart. sometimes she runs off and does her own thing and i'm fine with that, i have my own shit too. i'm telling you, being cruel isn't the way to be. i am well aware this is more than one person. i'm not an idiot. either she's faking being a drug addict, or she is a drug addict, but either way, if she was one, you're going to bash her, instead of trying to help her? i will be forever grateful for our friendship. it memes like someone else has a huge problem with the fact that i'm not hating on her even though they incessantly try saying she 'dumped' me, so to speak, when thats not even what happened (unless it happened to them and they're trying to make me butthurt) anyway No. 114115
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omg look at her greasy face
No. 114529
>>114453"i'm a pirate."
i love this too much
No. 114721
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I wanna try the parody thing!
>h00d bunny
>by ginger bronson
>hey daddy over here hey look at me
>swimming in my silver chains & bathing in my money
>but i'm still super poor my life be tragic and unfunny
>my lips be like caramel my pussy tastes like honey
>i'm the h00d bunny
>with a mouth like a papercut
>don't come near me with your shit i'll get daddy to fuck you up
>after I spray your ass with mace
>cos i'm the h00d bunny
>that all the bad boys wanna chase
No. 114877
I am the only one who think Mandie is right? I mean I came to this thread because of soren and I am very dissapointed…the parodies are very funny but insulting her and every aspect of her personal life without reason… seems like idk very very immature. There's no serious evidence or arguments enough to talk so bad about her. I don't like her music it's not even music and neither like her vulgar style or her "daddy issues" poetry but she's a human being, don't liking her or her aesthetic does not mean you all can laugh about her life when you don't have proof she's not been into really serious shit. Saying "oh she probably has rich parents, they could never damaged her, she had a perfect life" is fucking stupid since every life is complex and can't be scanned and simplified to some old photos and supposed facts, dates, and parent's profiles. Also I think her mom's supposed profile is wrong, look at this: woman is pretty similar to the therapist Ruth but I don't think they are the same person and this one looks more like Kayla. Plus her maiden name is Tiffany which is the surname of Kayla's supposed grandma. And if you were wrong about that, you could be wrong about more and more.
All here are just stupid guesses and assumptionss. All here sounds like people with too much free time and too much hate inside who think ridiculizing girls who write silly lolita poems make them better when writing stupid poetry doesn't make you a bad person but writing shit without knowing about others does actually. Makes you a cynical loser who likes to emotionally discharge your personal hate by totally obsessing with a stranger. If she's so stupid and ugly and pathetic why do you care SO much about her??? Why she deserve your toughts and precious time?????
Also if she "encourages teenage girls to do bad things", you encourage people to have eating disorders. All the comments calling her fat or saying she was prettier when she was skinny are disgusting as it's obvious she had anorexia or bulimia (and for me she looked horribly unhealthy) and overcome this disorders and be able to feel good with your body is absolutely HARD and admirable you idiots.
So seriously you are pathetic if gossiping like this make you feel better with ourselves. Think about it. You all look like a bunch of idiots trying to be cool.
(Btw I wonder how many of you would would have the balls to insult Kayla NON-ANONYMOUSLY on her tumblr. NONE of you probably haha).
No. 114927
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She posted this recently and reblogged it because we didn't put it here, because she very subtly wants to ensure that people fall for her very slow and deliberate backtracking lol.
No. 115000
>>114929>>11492829) I wasn't talking about those comments since I tought they were for Mandy or for some user of the thread. But tanks for clarify that because I still tought they were awful. The comments I wrote about are not too many and there are in the 1° thread.
28) There was one comment saying that in the 1° thread. You can look for it if you don't believe me.
No. 115054
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>>114877Even if you ignore the glaring inconsistencies and rip offs in her story and the fact that she completely changed her personality(from Kayla Day), Ginger is still an attention whore who glamourizes a horrible lifestyle and encourages impressionable teens to do shitty things. I think thats reason enough for people to talk about her.
People itt would talk shit on her regardless of her income level because she's a shitty person. Also most people here aren't obsessed with her, there are 100s if users on this site, so a lot different people could be digging into her past. People like dont seem to understand that most people are here out of boredom or for the lulz, because she's not even popular enough for people to obsess over.
>>114899This is lolcow we're not exactly known for having nice, polite discussions about people. If you can't handle us "mean jelly bitches" then gtfo
What is with whiteknights writing walls of text? For gods sake, at least break that shit up
No. 115075
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>>115002no she didn't. she was perfectly content letting people think she grew up in the david lynch twin peaks and that it was the epitome of the white trash aesthetic she went for.
No. 115126
>>115123no one created this entire website for kayla lmao the page you're on is called a thread. it'll be here forever. and hundreds of people will continue talking about kayla because she's trash. and you can continue refreshing for replies til we're on thread #6 if you wanna act like you're doing anything better with you're time. cos at least we're having a good one. you're like a rusty needle trying to hit a vein. you're not even funny or making good points. it's like you're tapping at the windows until someone pays attention to you. no one cares? lmao
hi mandie.
No. 115141
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This shit is worse than all your parody crap on her, like this is honestly just awful and makes no sense at all. Also I feel like in recent photos she's been trying to look thin again
No. 115154
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>>115141i just know she has a black guy in mind when she's writing this. fresh and woke? tell me when she ever described cory like that in her old poetry. she's using aave again. and assuming a black traplord would ever be into white trash meth addict mediocrity with a swatstika tattoo and a $3 walgreens shirt. watch some more movies kayla you're regionally inaccurate. has she ever taken a look at a model in a rap video? they actually have sex appeal. they also wear bras. it's hilarious because most of those girls grew up dirt poor stripping as teenage girls. and what do you know, they all take showers and put time and effort into their appearance.
kayla is literally such a walking racist cliche. trap houses(no longer meth labs!), talking about the hood, rapping, gangsters, weed, excessive sex. she embodies everything white people think black folks are about. this just shows she only ever copies tv and movies. only thing she got wrong is thinking they'd ever be into someone like her. what black people does she wanna pretend she's around. how many times has she seen straight outta compton tbh. you know if there was ever a black human being around her they'd slap some rhythm into her at first listen to her garbage music. that's gotta be her first give away that she's still in her parent's house lol not some trap house sucking black parolee dick.
No. 115162

>>115159girl on the right is pretty mesha idk who girl on the left is. pretty mesha was engaged to chief keef a rapper who ya know sold drugs and even got arrested and shit. these are the kind of girls these guys go for.
the mv for hella hoes is just a good example of the legit lifestyle and lady choice of the traplords kayla loooves to sing about. hella hoes makes frequent references to buying and selling drugs. kayla actually never uses any of these references lmao she can only ever say daddy and trap house and weed. like, you're in a fucking TRAP HOUSE and that's all you can rap about is sucking dick? bitch these are businessmen no one wants your crusty smeared lipstick mouth on their dick.
>I got a start in these streets, extra hard for these hoesself explanatory
We move hard in these streets, young God, X'in' them O'sI'm like God in these streets, got a tech in my coatI go hard in these streets, Johnny Depp with the blowI flip nickels and O's, I flip powder in bassI done shoveled the snow, I done showered the stateso yeah. it's apparent these guys love beautiful girls. they're fucking obsessed with money, beauty and glamour. they got IN this business for money, beauty and glamour. if they're traplords they have money period. why the fuck would they have some white nearly 30 year old former meth head hanging around writing shitty music on her macbook while wearing dirty winnie the pooh shirts? lmao
No. 115187
>>115177also same anon but do we
really need more entitled white girls sensationalizing ~violent thug hoe ghett0 h00d life~ + racist stereotypes to this world lmao…
No. 115219
>>115204>in the land of God and monstersIs what she
really wanted to say
No. 115288
>>115126oh hay, girl.
you're pretending i don't know anything about internet land because i am fully aware that this is at most 2-3 butthurt girls who just want to take the bad shit in their life out on someone, and the rest are just people going through it and commenting.
me not know what computer is
tumblr lyfe is so real guys
(you can defend your friend if you want but at least post intelligent and objective replies) No. 115371
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Her writing has gotten more and more horrific because she really has such dedication to her live action role play of Lana feel Rey.
No. 115884
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No. 115885
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Sorry if these were already uploaded here
No. 116045
>>116023i agree on that, but you don´t necessarily have to come from a wealthy background to write decent poems tho.
but, as someone else mentioned earlier, that´s probably the reason why she feels the need to be these different personas. her life got boring, so she decided to become a traumatized victim online lol
No. 116046
>>116023No it just means her audience is a bunch of morons.
There's also a lot of people that like onision. Doesn't mean he's clever.
Getting into an university in London isn't an achievement if you are rich and american.
No. 116125
>>116084same anon as
>>116071nah it was never impressive imo? just, it was kind of sweet and like, over romanticized but in a good way if that makes sense lmao
No. 116150
>>116148yeah yeah like it has zero feelings to it now its all about how ~cool and fucked up~ it is to make horrible choices lmao
like i for one learned to cope with a lot of negative feelings thru her writing and after she transitioned into writing about negative life choices i just kinda rolled with it and assumed that since it all made me feel better before it would still help me but instead it just made me act dumb and reckless lol
and again im embarrassed about it bc i was a teenager but thats the thing, at the time she was 20-something and she knew she was messing up stupid retarded kids like me and she kept doing it bc it fit her ~aesthetic~
No. 116300
>>116266are you kidding me i clearly remember her answering an ask on tumblr a while ago (which has since been deleted lol) where she said that her grandmother were russian!
anyway she has some east-european characteristics but for god´s she has to make up her mind lol
No. 116313
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No. 116336
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No. 116337
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i just saw this on tumblr; lanas four "stages"
No. 116338
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No. 116366
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No. 116491
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>Daddy I just wanna make you feel blessed
No. 116579
>>116495i always thought those pics were taken by someone else. Hard to believe she could pose like that for random ppl tho lol, but maybe thats what shes going for? making it look like she's just being photographed by random strangers? idk. Also the aesthetic side of tumblr loooves sloppy looking photography, im talking fucking up the macro setting and over exposure & the whole fake retro look. makes it seem more "real" i guess. as someone who clearly is familiar with camera settings + her years of modeling and all Kayla def does this on purpose though, unless someone else is indeed photographing her.
Also, unless she made that thing up too: she has vaguely mentioned in some of her early posts that there was someone/some people who were creepily interested in having her modelling for them, sending her kind of perverted emails begging her to have photo sessions with her. There also were photo shoot pictures in her tag that got deleted shortly afterwards. It seems definite that she has participated in quite a few photoshoots (I'd assume by relatively unknown artists) so it wouldn't surprise me that people (esp American tumblr artists) wanted her to feature in their projects.
No. 116649
>>116600just because you have attention doesn't mean you don't want more or if or keep it tho. not to mention there's other rich, boring white women(laura albert, lana del rey, courtney love) who have done the same thing as kayla where they lie about being poor and abused white trash for the sake of aesthetics. so it definitely isn't a situation isolated to ptsd?
and even if her theatrics were driven by ptsd it doesn't change the fact that she's lied about drug use, prostitution and growing up poor she gives terrible advice to young kids, asks for money, and is also a neo nazi turned black fetishist. kayla is theatric as fuck. she's copying movies like girl interrupted and gummo. like. at this point even if she had ptsd and was abused as a child none of that justifies her shitty actions because there's literally no correlation.
No. 116650
>>116605Exactly. They were listed living in the same place. The age matches up, the address matches up, the info matches up.
And to the person who tried to say that the woman on Facebook looked completely different: no she doesn't.
No. 116725
>>116579I remember on her early tweets. She used to talk about being kidnapped in a locked room for days. Tied up with all the windows covered and being videotaped while being fucked.
Later on she used to talk she wish she was in snuff films and stuff like that. like wth?!
No. 116828
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>>116749>ever since u went away i get on my knees & i pray cuz i don't wanna do it does she just rearrange ldr's crappy lyrics?
No. 116874
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>>116752Ah her Nazi roots are showing. Next up cornbread, watermelon and fried chicken. Cos, you know, white pure angel is totally getting gangbanged and tainted by dangerous black gangsters in trap houses.
Don't forget to donate to her paypal and fund her music career to get her out of this toxic environment! She just wants to fulfill her dream uwu
No. 116925
>>116912have you read the soren saga, anon? that's wilder imo
>>116874"daddy is the kool aid king and he got so much paper
he got a gardener from south of the border named pablo
he tried to touch and i said "nuh uh i only fuck guys from the hood"
i'm the trapqueen and i definitely dated c-uh, uh, uh, c-murder and not a nazi
went to the penitentiary to see my baby and said to him, i was getting my tattoos removed including my totally not a swastika buddhist peace symbol
he said back to me "who the fuck are you, hoe?" and now i'm crying baby girl tears in the trailor park
my daddy totally broke my heart :'((("
No. 116935
>>116150Yeah you write like some fucking shallow idiot that would be into her writing. So grateful you found this thread to share your experience.
>instead it just made me act dumb and wreckless lolNo you stupid cunt, it didn't
make you do anything. That's why the tacky and repulsive persona of Ginger continues to thrive online, because there's an infinite amount of impressionable dough-minded bitches like you out there eating this up and never bothering to log off and read a fucking book.
No. 116941
>>116935damn like put the keyboard down
take a few deep breaths
tell your parents you love them
y'know like take a day off
set ya self free. let it go
No. 117049
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>>117018>>116874>Next up cornbread said u still slang he said u bet
he said lets get high today in ur grandma's house hideaway
cornbread 4 dinner we sneak out like sinners
smoke hoodies & liquor
No. 117055
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>dated white supremacist
>white trash tattoo
>swatstika tattoo
>ss bolts tattoo
>made up fake story about black guy named papi who was a gangster from bronx who beat her and had a big dick
raps about
>big dicks
>trap houses
>kool aid
>southern usa
>drug dealing
>incarcerated lover
wait till tumblr gets a load of her racist ass
No. 117062
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>>116749You can tell just by the soundcloud pattern that this is a horrible song.
No. 117065
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>>117062all of her patterns look like that
No. 117091
>>117079just because there was a black guy eating her out doesn't mean the whole story about their magical dangerous Love The Way You Lie™/Robbers™ mashup adventure was legit lmao. especially not with that swatstika tattoo on her chest. you don't need to take off your shirt to get eaten out especially since she wasn't living with the guy and he was most likely some dude trynna smash and she was probs just some quickie. the swatstika literally delegitimizes her entire thug life adventures literally no black man is gonna fuck with a nearly 30 year old white lady who wears 3 dollar walgreens shirts and has a swatstika tattoo they're not gonna keep her around.
refer to here for more info on why black drug dealers wouldn't fuck with her ugly ass anyway
>>115154>>115162 No. 119801
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I've been watching rupaul lately and kept seeing this queen Robbie Turner and wondering, "where have I seen her before?"
then i realized she looks familiar because she overdraws her lips shittily just like kayla. they look like sisters
No. 119873
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I don't know what to say about this picture.
No. 119979
>>119879kayla is not going to appear on their list obviously because she deleted her facebook and also with the kind of things she posted there, do you think she would share them with her relatives?
PD: why take a polaroid while doing a selfie with the phone at the same? like wut?
No. 120063
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>>119879unless there are two identical blonde, blue eyed, middle aged ruth aaron née tiffanys living in the same city, they're the same person.
No. 121441
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she sounds like the fucking Doge meme
No. 121470
>>121466a lot of times this is just a way of getting promo for your blog lmao. i used to do this shit with nicole dollanganger back in like 2013 where i was like wowow nicole ur my hero!! and put some sob story because i wanted her to notice me and be my friend so i could be tumblr famous ultimatley lmao. i was 16 back then. truly only children pull this shit. which makes kayla's obsession with keeping up her false image just even grosser. she's got a narcissistic fetish for having vulnerable underage girls sucking on her saggy martyr titties. obviously kayla wants fame and recognition and there's normal ways of doing that but nah.
i don't even know where i was going with this i literally always feel like i'm in a vortex writing about this cunt. she's no better than soren.
No. 121476
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>>121441wow grl, much special, very soul.
No. 122219
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She posted this on her blog at some point, then deleted it.
What the fuck is with these people and grainy, creepy stills of children?
No. 122272
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The lips. The nails. Why does she think she looks good? She really does kinda remind me of the mom from mean girls.
No. 122306
>>122272i wonder if she can manage to wipe off her ass without bleeding.
lips are sausages, she is a parody of herself like her whole narration and her looks makes it look like a black humour comedy.
No. 122597
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No. 122734
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>>122729Ah that was fun show, that's for the reminder.
No. 123067
lol she has a very obvious even cheaper knock off called 1aurapa1mer who raps over the same britney instrumentals is almost too hilarious
No. 123089
>>123067What the actual fuck was that?
Just when I thought Kayla had shitty music…
No. 123131
>>123067I actually kind of like this one
> me of 1st Lady, but even she had better production and this was made in 2006 lmao
No. 123664
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>>122656>You can go on Tumblr and ask the exposegingerbronson girl if she's still around.hey dat me
FUCK lmao i haven't remade yet. been busy but i'm defs remaking. i've got 2 threads of glorious gold(the first thread didn't have neeearly as much dirt when i first made my blog so it didn't take me long to actually make masterposts) so i mean i'm gonna have a blast exposing this bitch to all her followers and this time i'm making several back up blogs with the same shit lmao like i'm gonna go hard on this bitch cos i'm petty
No. 123799
>>123676nah she'd reported me since before cos i got terminated like a few minutes after the address post and tumblr doesn't respond that fast lmao. altho who knows maybe they totally did. i'm definitely posting the full address this time tho because i got terminated a second time just for remaking with one post about how i remade. so address or no address i'm still gonna get terminated. her address is the most incriminating piece of info tbh it shows she's a rich girl. and since kayla is an even bigger scumbag than i ever imagined my mercy for her is out the window lol. i love kayla so much i'm also gonna update her encyclopedia dramatica page which can never be taken down.
i hope the past 5 years have been fun because that's exactly how long her little act lasted before she started going down lol.
No. 123815
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No. 123923
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not sure if still relevant but her lyrics reminded me of this song from the tune i was reading it in.
No. 123924
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also is this her? (will delete if already posted)
No. 124045
>>122636>(underage)wait what? i thought this post was just parodying ginger's dumb fans and not actually serious
>>123131dude, did anyone ever find out what happened to 1st Lady? anyway i think shitty production is part of ginger's (and laura's by extension) "aesthetic" lol
No. 124183
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No. 124380
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>>124370'barn' bad was truly my magnum opus
i hope kayla took some notes
No. 124466
>>124461Elvira Scabface
Cinammon Güdfellaès
Sweet Potatony Montana
Pumpkin Belford
Cabbage Brasco
Kourtney Codaine
Apple Dontfuckwithmetony
Michaela Corleone
Imgonnamakeyouanofferyoucantrefuse Day
No. 124474
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No. 124477
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>>124474Her lips look like those wax lips…
No. 124911
>>124747focus by ariana grande isn't completely awful. fancy by iggy azalea isn't completely awful. cruise by florida georgia line isn't completely awful.
this song is atrocious. her other songs were an abomination. kayla's music is on a scale of torturous to bad it literally never gets higher. i've heard better shit coming off 13 year olds with a banjo on youtube.
No. 124937
File: 1461742029761.gif (868.1 KB, 400x225, latrice wouldn't lie kayla.gif)

>>124474Between this picture,
>>123815 and
>>122272 someone is clearly lying to her. She seems like the sort who needs constant feedback in the form of asspats and someone is telling her "You look amazing, definitely post those!"
No. 125523
>g-i-n-g-e-r>i like ridin in ur car this is reaching unintentional self-parody levels if it wasn't already oh god :^)
>>124466>Sweet Potatony Montanak e k
No. 125556
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>>124997I've wondered about this too. I get there's a lot you can with a timer and a tripod or selfie stick but I think she might have some assistance. Like this pic from the last thread that girl could be her and if so there's no way she took it herself. I'm curious what people who know her IRL think about her shtick, she has brother not much younger than her…
No. 126417
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"baby pink silk highway girl" r u fucking kidding me ginger
No. 126498
File: 1462084191108.jpg (45.68 KB, 900x599, IMG_7017-angle.JPG)

>>126417pretty sure baby pink silk is a metaphor for a bald smooth pussy/labia aka referencing child prostitution and rape since she's also mentioning highway girl aka runaway hitchhiker/prostitute. the whole child rape prostitution hitchhiking thing is truly a theme she's often used before. her fav one. nice. wonder if she's a pedophile.
No. 126510
>>126502nah only in that pedophilic tumblr *~bruised lolita~* scene where child abuse is #aesthetic. kayla wrote poems about how she was abused and raped as a child and it got hella notes. she likes to mix shit like winnie the pooh, pigtails and lollipops into her wildly sexual look not to mention the never ending references to daddy.
really it's all rooted in pedophilia i'm starting to believe the vast majority of these girls are pedophiles there's always those obscure less popular tumblrs with lolicon and closeup shots of suspiciously smooth genitals in floral printed panties. and it's the same blog content as these more popular tumblrs. these obscure ones just have occasional explicit porn. who knows how many of these popular blogs keep their fetish under wraps. i know nicole dollanganger used to reblog lolicon, bloody child rape(there was a manga page of a pregnant toddler giving birth) and incest manga when she was pinklarvae. then she wiped everything when she began getting attention in like 2013.
No. 126550
File: 1462104721617.jpg (113.99 KB, 593x593, glitterging.jpg)

Oh just nonchalantly posing in front of a fence in a glittery dress, not trying to look like she was crying and forced to prostitute herself. Just an average evening ok. Was she using a tripod or did she have a photographer for this one?
No. 126552
>>126510I searched around for "" and found nothing.
Checked /tagged/pinklarvae + /search/pinklarvae and it was empty there, too. Also, the URL "pinklarvae" was up for grabs (I just now reserved it to avoid confusion in case someone does take it).
I almost want to believe you, anon, but receipts? Caps??? The information shared in these threads loses credibility if we can't prove anything.
No. 126556
>>126555I know, which is why I looked it up. And idk,
>>126510 is the one who first brought it up.
No. 126574
File: 1462115285091.jpg (217.32 KB, 500x382, tumblr_lrxb0d5Q3W1r22195o1_500…) sure these are kkkayla's old pages. i found a link to pissgarden as the source on one of her old writing pieces. the flickr links to the same deactivated page. it looks like someone else picked up the url in 2013. nicole used to reblog from the original pissgarden too. No. 126575
File: 1462115420198.jpg (34.17 KB, 640x480, 6558458483_47e3f43448_z.jpg)

"blood test" aka look at my emaciated arm and weird clubbed thumb
No. 126576
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No. 126577
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No. 126579
also lol at her favorites that picture of the buddhist signs temples in asia. probably she thinks the swastika has only 1 meaning in the world. how ignorant…
No. 126681
>>126510yeah nicole used to reblog a bunch of fucked up shit. in her defense she was really sick and depressed, and i remember when i was depressed and self harming i drew gore and skeletal bodies and of course followed her so i was into the same shit as her lol whereas now i just draw spooky artsy shit. anyway she reblogged constant jun hayami manga, bloody bdsm, piss, vomit, girls getting raped by bugs, premature babies, worms, amputees, mutilated bodies. she had river phoenix's corpse as her icon one time.
go to bones-of-baby-dolls and look at her archive in 2012. that's exactly what nicole's was like. lolicon and all. if someone's got the time to look through pictures i'm sure you'll find that some of the most fucked up pictures will say via nicoledollanganger.
No. 126803
File: 1462184143901.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.28 KB, 1055x1311, omg1.jpg)

>>126681>you'll find that some of the most fucked up pictures will say via nicoledollangangerHoly shit, you weren't lying anon. Not all of the
unpleasantness was from her but you will see via nicoledollanganger pop up quite a bit! I know we're not delicate flowers over here but I'm going to use a
trigger warning just in case.
No. 126804
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TW just in case.
No. 126809
>>126803>>126804Yo what the fuck. I just went through that person's archive and came across what looks a lot like CP. Wasn't reblogged from Nicole (wouldn't that be a fucking scandal), but still a nasty surprise.
Be careful, guys.
No. 126815
>>126808I'm sure different people have different reasons, like
>>126681 has depression for an excuse and some people have a fetish.
For me I just got into extreme gore pretty young out of curiosity and nothing else to do, I think the internet desensitised me. There was definitely some desire to be an edgy special goth snowflake mixed in though, liking stuff that would scare noemies etc. The sjw-free tumblr of 2009 created a microclimate where people liked my pictures of bloody baby corpses, so it just accelerated.
Now I'm older and have actually experienced that horrible things aren't "uwu so tragic" I avoid posting real crimescene, selfharm or rapey photos but I still just dig that #guro aesthetic. I try to be more tasteful about it now.
Sage for blog
No. 126832
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no comments.
No. 126982
gonna rant here mostly bc some people are kind of like, wondering how people like this exist yaddayadda
i mean there definitely are people who are psychologically disturbed and use their blogs as a means of expression. me included. my blog looks exactly like that minus porn. and it's like, i'm unbelievably depressed and never leave the house and fucking smell as we speak. and i'm ugly and feel a deep sense of self loathing. and when i'm not on lolcow i'm on tumblr scrolling through corpses and haunted houses and hospital pictures. it keeps me in a depressive state which is fucking stupid but that's what happens. you know, it's how my illness manifests. i'm a gross smelly idiot i've been depressed since i was 7. wow so #aesthetics so #edgy amirite?!
god i just hate how these tumblr shitheads have trivialized mental illness with their stupid aesthetics. i mean the aesthetic is entirely based on psychological trauma. pedophilia, abuse, gore, self harm. put the face of a cute girl over anything and it becomes a trend. it just makes me so angry that people would wanna play dressup with that. because sometimes it hits me when i look at my blog where i'm just like yikes girl this is pretty bad maybe you should! get better! but i don't. there's nothing glamorous or cute about it. my blog has been the same gross gorey mess since 2011. reading here that people get uncomfortable and upset looking at blogs like that, like mine, i genuinely feel kind of humiliated. i feel bad. and then i realize, some people actually crave that reaction of disgust from people. they want pity. getting attention isn't fucking enough they want pity and disgust.
but my favorite part is when this fucked up gore shit becomes a trend. because then when that trend passes oh, i'm left with a boring blog aesthetic. i'm unoriginal lmao. like. it's literally become a joke. i remember when i got followers at first i was like wow i'm not alone. boy! how mad i am now to know how it's all about aesthetics and attention.
tbh this rant is stupid and i sound like such a whiny bitch lol. anyway i just hate that people forget that these trends came from actual sick people. people like kayla come around and wave the edgy pieces of psychological disturbia and they make it their brand. i can't think of anything more vile and fucking harmful.
No. 126990
>>126982You know, Anon, I was in the same place as you - I was depressed and agoraphobic, I even had one of these sad bby uwu aesthetic tumblrs (still have it, just don't use it) and just stepping away from Tumblr helped my mindset tenfold.
I took a eight month long break from Tumblr and just recently came back (this time with a nature/positivity blog) and in that time, my life has become much better. I realized that Tumblr (and pretty much all social media) doesn't actually mean anything and it's better to focus on real life and how to improve your real life.
If you surround yourself with negativity, your life is gonna suck. I don't know, but I thought sharing my experience might help in some way.
Sage for OT.
No. 126999
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"I won’t believe a word u speak just make it sweet 2 hear"
what the fuck is with her arm?????
No. 127044
>>127043Thank you for your amazing commentary anon. Why don't you read the thread to see her already confirmed rich white family?
Anyway this sort of morbid fascination scene isn't just in the USA, or did you forget internet subcultures are global? The language barrier doesn't keep the edgy out.
No. 127064
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>>127053even if this message is sarcastic i'm gonna clear up anyway lol
kayla's mom graduated california state university in 1988. kayla was born in 1989. with over 20 years of work experience, kayla's mom has been working as a psychiatrist charging $40-$80 per session
since the day kayla was born. not to mention, she married a fucking criminal lawyer. there's literally no way a university graduate with a degree in psychology married a lawyer and had a low budget wedding in las vegas and then had cornbread right after. kayla wishes, apparently.
No. 127139
>>127124>stop being mad for something you like being trendyi think it's more embarrassing to read how bad your reading comprehension is for this to be what you got out of what i said.
i said that i don't even get pleasure out of my blog content. i'm mad that now whenever anyone sees a blog with gore or sad photos the immediate reaction has become "ew she's trying way too hard for attention wtf are these girls thinking" because of girls like kayla. i don't care about my blog becoming "trendy" because i want to be oh-so special and get attention. my blog is a manifestation of my depression which i? am not happy about? i said that reading how uncomfortable and angry blogs like mine made other people just made me feel bad because i wish i wasn't in such a bad state as i am now.
comments like yours are exactly what i'm talking about. i can talk about how i'm some ugly loser who is so depressed that i can barely keep up my hygiene much less an emotional connection with a human being and that that's why my blog has so many pictures of mutilated bodies and sad pictures, and the first reaction will always be "she's taking this edgy sad lolita aesthetic too far". i'm not angry that people think that in the first place because it's become so common that even i have begun to believe most of these blogs are girls living normal lives. i just hate when people
forget that actual mental disturbia exists. i hate how people have forgotten where this trend came from. i hate how it's no longer an option because of these stupid fucking cunts.
my blog *~aesthetic~* isn't something i sat down and thought about. jesus christ i can't imagine how someone could. do you know how nice it would be if i could actually run a blog about memes, captain america and interior decorating? i fucking tried and i got no pleasure from it and it made me fucking sad. like, my mental health has been essentially crushed in a blender. i've always seem my tumblr as this bittersweet thing where i can express and let out in some way all this shit i keep inside. but then once i actually see what
is inside i wish i would die already. because i'm never getting better just looking at my blog. i don't get pleasure from what i see i don't look at girls being raped by insects and go "oh this is so cool imma reblog luv it!" i condition myself to all of these horrible images because depression.
god i hate that i have to write all of this because i'm honestly just whining and bitchingggg. i don't think i'm special i'm not crying about how i'm special and want attention blahblab. i'm anonymous!! i don't care!! people just need to know that mental illness still exists despite these girls making it all up. i know more often than not it's all part of some blog aesthetic but it didn't start that way.
you know how these blogs constantly reblog the same 3 pictures of genie wiley the feral child? the same screencaps from child of rage? yeah they want that. they idolize these girls. they all wish they were that unimaginably abused so they can get the same attention, documentaries, pity, shocked reactions and even icon status. it's so fucking vile.
No. 127143
>i got no pleasure from it and it made me fucking sad. like, my mental health has been essentially crushed in a blender.>but then once i actually see what is inside i wish i would die already.Not trying to be harsh, but you seem to take Tumblr waaay too seriously. I mean, it's a website that has no effect on your real life (if you don't let it). It's supposed to be something fun you do in your spare time, not something that makes you want to kill yourself.
If you're really that mentally disturbed and you know it? Then you would know to log off Tumblr and get to a therapist instead of whining about how people are appropriating your embarrassing edginess.
No. 127145
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contributing some content because i forgot to sage up there
No. 127148
>>127142>>127143i've been depressed since i was 7 you think i don't already have a therapist lol?? and yes i know i should get off tumblr i've deleted at least 6 times already. you're right it isn't good for me. i already said it's stupid and fucked up for me to keep doing something that is detrimental to me i already said i'm stupid i know it's not good for me. nothing i do is good for me. i know i should shower more but i don't. you act as if just because i know better means that my depression won't keep me from doing it. it's a chemical imbalance in my brain. and when you've been depressed for so long as a child it becomes a permanent state and embeds itself in your brain permanently like language and speech. sorry buddy but deleting tumblr won't magically make me better because it never has. and that's why i didn't respond to the previous anons even though i appreciated the concern. apparently you're offended you didn't save me and give me a wake up call over a reply on a forum. i wasn't talking about getting better or wanting advice i didn't expect someone from lolcow to save me lmao. i don't need advice or pity i don't like it i was just giving my side of something really ugly that does, sometimes, make for the gross content on thesr blogs. did i right too much yes lol but oh well. people hadn't thought about actual sick people when the other blog came up, which if you read the replies before my first message, it's apparent. not that it matters anymore since i get now that it's not that big of a deal.
truthfully my emotions are everywhere and i'm a stranger anyway who got too dramatic for 4 minutes on a website about a website you're right lol. so you can just ignore me now i won't whine anymore.
(where can i subscribe to your newsletter, i am interested in hearing more) No. 127156
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>>127148a lot of people on here are depressed, among other things. you aren't special because you cling to your diagnosis and make excuses for why you can't control yourself. get better anon.
No. 127163
>>127157all i can say is, there is worse shit out there, like the 'lady' we are talking about here. wake up every morning and repeat to yourself that you are better than this useless fat cow's bullshit dogma diarrhea she spits out of her mouth in every and each of her words.
nothing in this world compels to the shit of her songs. remember that ;)
No. 127165
>>127163PD: I think her songs are more gore than the
trigger pictures up there.
Everything she puts on is a visual fart to my eyes. I'd rather see a chopped head on my tea table, it'd be more pleasant.
No. 127323
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kayla's rapping be like
No. 127664
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her bedbones era was so obnoxious. hi! wow! pills are great! everything is scary!
No. 127665
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No. 127666
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No. 127667
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i swear to god she's recycled half her old tweets in her new writing, just with chatspeak
No. 127668
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No. 127669
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her old myspace profile pic
No. 127681
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>>127669Weird. She looks like a 15yr old girl who was kept as a sex slave in a basement dungeon.
No. 127722
File: 1462410430358.jpg (28.44 KB, 500x397, beth.jpg)

>>127687there's a reason child of rage has so many views on youtube and has hella notes on tumblr.
No. 127758
>>127669i've had the displeasure of looking at child porn accounts on twitter to report them. let me just say this picture is nearly identical to the photos i've seen. this was 100% intended to look like child pornography. the flash from a darkened room, the confused face, the naked torso, the damp hair from sweat, the flushed cheeks from what is suggested to be the embarrassment of being naked and having just been molested by a trusted adult.
okay so wow kayla has obviously been looking at a lot of child pornography, and i don't think it was while visiting a signal boosted account to report it. the fact that kayla sat down and thought, "i want to take a picture that looks like i am a child who has just been molested" is like…. what kind of repulsive pig do you have to be. was she checking a reference photo while doing this photoshoot? or was the image perfectly clear in her head from looking at child porn so often? so much time went into the accuracy of this photo and it's sickening.
kayla is a pedophile. this just got to a whole nother level. there's no denying she regularly masturbates looking at or thinking about children being raped why the fuck else would she know so much about what it looks like to recreate the image of it. her constant obsession with child abuse, rape and prostitution and the sexual context of it all is more than a muse. it's a fetish. i hope this pig dies.
No. 127769
>>127758lmao holy shit i know you guys love to pull real wild shit out of your asses but it's not funny when you do it with something as serious as this
like damn you honest to god need to chill
No. 127933
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>>127927No caption. This is the only public picture he has with a girl and where you can see his face clearly. Everything else is private.
No. 128189
File: 1462558648667.jpg (15.95 KB, 479x146, destinysripoff.jpg)

But she ripped off that line from Destiny's Child - Say my name.
No. 128410
the first person i felt close to hung herself in the bathroom in the hospital because she heard i was leaving soon but before i went to where they send girls not even the doctors want to see with my donation box panties we would always take two cherry desserts at dinnertime because they were fun to throw up, she wrote about angels who only felt pure when covered in dirt on my pink & white sneakers & that was what we were & her telephone number, she made my hair messy with her hands on her tiny white just-like-mine mattress, she smiled in my face, i let my head touch her bed frame, she had red watery eyes that looked bruised inside, like if you committed arson in an ocean so the flames came & the deep dark swallowed it, blistered forever & the waves just hit her & since we both shaved our heads we were already best friends & she was warm she was soft in the hallway she told everyone my daddy used to fuck me & my brother both, fire opal soul, girl filled with fresh coal & we were alone & because we thought they’d never send us home we kissed with our tongues in front of the grown-ups who never did watch us & i never called that number when i stopped seeing her because i knew nobody would pick up but at least i know what it feels like to fall in love; whenever i run away now it’s for her, when i close my eyes i imagine they burn"
Dunno about the jennifer one, can't find it. The poem mentions the father abusing Kayla/Ginger and her brother, not the brother abusing her. That's how I understand it, at least.
No. 128497
>>128482Same here. Her old stuff, true or not, told a story and seemed to mean something.
That was before she started pretending that she can barely speak English. She seriously went from one day writing like "I love you too" to the next day "I luv u 2"
No. 128505
>>128503I mean its definitely generic and predictable (and possibly plagirized), but it at least attempts to have some imagery and emotion.
Gold in comparison to what she does now.
No. 128510
>>128507Its honestly fucking offensive if she did have such an exceptional education. There are so many people who really can't afford or have access to a basic education that would kill to have that kind of opportunity.
And she glamourozes them and fakes being unable to spell or write.
She loves to appropriate, she's probably gonna get dreads or something next.
No. 128514
>>128510>>115378>>105307 This comment is from the first thread, made by someone who was a longtime follower.
Funny that she got educated and then the quality of her writing and spelling went downhill. All for the ridiculous aesthetic that doesn't even suit her.
No. 128827
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"Pretending you're poor is wrong. It wasn't okay when Mary-Kate Olsen went through a hobo phase & it's not okay now."
No. 129124
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wadda'papi meme
No. 129125
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la colezzione
No. 129276
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No. 129384
>>129276photoshop laser removal swastika + titties contouring.
congrats you leveled up gg
No. 129537
✰ at . - 4 years ago
I. AUTOPSY today a man touched my hands with his hands without asking & then without seeming to remember that he should have asked, he should have not, he ran his fingers over mine, though not for longer than he wanted to. i could not escape his hands. II. FUNERAL when i arrived where i was meant to arrive, i washed my hands, scoured them really, for what was minutes but was eternities of unearthing & then expelling him, the now missing man, i mean, but even then i could smell the strange terrifying smell of them, my hands; his skin on my skin. III. EULOGY beca… more »
0 1 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
when i visit the doctor, he says that there is not enough of anything between the bones of my wrist, just a smallness. he says, "consider this the beginning of physical problems due to being too thin." at the hospital, i wonder what my body looks like inside: a great expanse of earth or bone, & i in calm enclosure, observing it like a moon.
0 3 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
after not walking through acres of near-dead narcissus, i dropped a glass on the kitchen floor & abruptly went back to bed where i lay absent & quietly ill for some time. in unmoving, i eventually found a sliver of paper on which i had written, "march 22: get out of me whoever you are."
0 5 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
when away from home for the first time & every time since, i can't seem to remember what my father looks like, nor which one of him was my favorite.
0 7 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
i remember the first hospital stay in this way: here is where she sat crying, here is where they laid linens over the little bodies we belonged to, here is where she played with my hair, here is where she hung herself & fell, a too-heavy star, helplessly removed from the dark.
1 2 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
sometimes my mother paints pictures of women who look like they haven't wept in years. she keeps a movie on the television, one in which a man gets very angry at anytime & wraps his hands around things like shoulders, & shakes, & shakes. sometimes i fall asleep in her bed to a sheet-scent of pale wisteria & the medication she doesn't take. sometimes i imagine that she hasn't stopped smiling since we first saw one another, that she misses me like eucrasy when i am nowhere near.
1 8 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
i am running my hand under kitchen sink water. i have a dizzy head & dirty socks on. my mother says very suddenly & beside me, "she needs me to take care of her." i feel very sad when she hugs me, & i don't quite understand the feel of it. i can't even imagine it now. it's almost as if she were a closet door closing, & i the air inside, strangely unaware of anything that might mean anything to me if i had a mind with which i might understand the difference between dark & light.
2 0 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
my mother has a bruise where her eye is, or where her eye should be. our eyes have always been the same color, though she's never said so herself. i think i haven't once looked at her eyes & understood them to be otherwise, or anything other than mine; it seems to be something that has always happened, is always happening, though i don't think that the glow-green, cerulean silent films that she owns, the ones with the yellow sighing somewhere & suddenly in the center an hour or two in are the same ones that i know, the ones that i've got all the words to. i imagine that when my moth… more »
2 1 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
he was wearing a tie & there was something on it, i think, a strange flower, an almost-flower, so i said so & so i reached out because by that time he was close enough to reach out to. after flowering i kept not-looking at him much as i felt that i'd blush, or that he was looking first, & so i stood not saying a word & twisting around & back & forth with my eyes down & all about & he was smiling & i knew he was smiling & i could just tell without seeing & he said "it's okay," & he said it again & again & more than once & i think that the beginning of anything that's at all lovely mu… more »
2 2 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
today i found the diary that he used to put his hands on my thighs for having.
2 4 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
i am wearing a dirty silk blouse & a too-long skirt as i sit in the car with my mother. she talks for a minute about the hours in which one can do things. i recall briefly that once she bled & bled on the mahogany before i held her separate skins in place & together, her blood blooming & shooting up up up from my fingers like favorites. "you have some appointments coming up,"she says, & a bit later, "i am a lot less hungry."
2 8 .
✰ at . - 3 years ago
he hadn't meant to, had he? he hadn't meant to. he hadn't meant to. he hadn't meant to apologize as apologies are for awful happenings, are for accidents. accidents. if it wasn't an accident, hadn't he meant to? apologies are for "forgive me's""i'm sorry's" mean that what was wrong fell from my body & found a home inside you. a home means a heart. what rains or flees removes me. he hadn't meant to, had he? "sometimes falling feels like flying"
No. 129553
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>>129550the rest is just childish gifs. i will post the pissangel posts (includes + photos) later!
No. 129686
>>129588That's not the video, this is just her being an attention whore in her "trailerpark" room.
I meant other where she actually is walking and dancing around showing her luxury "suite" which is just whatever hotel tbh…
No. 129698
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kayla be like
who did your lips? they are full of bumps
No. 129720
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This doesn't even mean anything.
Everything she says is just an effort to sound poetic like it's layered in 9000 layers a metaphor but it doesn't fucking mean anything.
And I've had the feeling that she just sends herself messages to answer when she thinks she has something good to say.
And why is it necessary to reblog your own answers? Are you that in intrigued with yourself?
No. 129883
File: 1463076904086.png (158.26 KB, 659x292, wsdhsd.png)

>>129753Now she deleted the reblog lol.
No. 130026
>>130006Jesus Christ. As a califag, West Covina isn't even that bad. It's fancy, sure, but if she wanted to pick a true ~crystal meth druggie town~ she should have went with El Monte or Baldwin Park.
Ging can't even pick the right shitholes to sing about.
No. 130340
File: 1463203167486.png (42.76 KB, 474x247, Capture _2016-05-14-00-18-04.p…)

The killiest… Okay…
No. 130623
>>130592wow, the cringe is way too much.
i fucking hate her voice, but i think she looks good in this video. her photos are always flash-bright that accentuate her clown lips and puffy face.
i can't decide if she's trolling or not. her writing used to have some quality.
No. 130663
>>130592It would be better if she could at least keep a rythym..she clearly doesn't understand how music works. She needs to stop trying to force this because it's not working.
Her cringey "personality" aside, this is just bad.
No. 130723
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did she get eyelash extensions? lmao, so much for poor, you rich bitch
No. 130746
>>130704What the fuck lmfao
This guy and Gingew should make videos together
No. 130941
>>130592>>130704the secondhand embarrassment is
triggering my gag reflex, I wish I'd never watched either of these. I can't believe people put videos of themselves doing this kind of shit on the internet.
No. 131845
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No. 131846
>>131845This photo is a trainwreck. Like even more than usual. What even is that shirt?
(Also does anyone know what song was playing in the video of Kayla in her undies trying to act stoned? I feel like I've heard it somewhere before but I don't remember it…)
No. 131848
Kayla is like a bizarre aesthetic rabbit hole - how far will she go for the ~*broken trauma baby uwu*~ aesthetic next?
No. 131849
>>131848Just wait for what is the trend next. She has changed her persona every year depending on what was popular at the moment.
What happened to the exposing ginger bronson blogs? It's kinda sad all the messages she gets are from teens on their 14-19 years old… i don't know why she keeps up with all her created fantasy world in tumblr and that people actually buys her shit.
No. 131850
>>131849Most buy it because they're impressionable tweens that don't know any better. I think all the callout blogs had to lay low because they were reported for ~harassment~ and Tumblr was actually deleting them to protect Kayla's feefees and aesthetic trap baby "stardom".
It would be hilarious if the next popular bandwagon that she tries to hop onto is the complete opposite of this one.
No. 131919
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>>131845I really don't find her to be that attractive at all tbh. Not just this picture. Even in the ones where she is all dolled up. She has an odd face… Idk. It's symmetrical and all, but it just looks strange. Best way someone on this thread described it was "Courtney Love before surgery" lol.
She's kinda ugg. With shit music. Does anyone follow her on twitter? She ALWAYS screenshots stupid ass anonymous asks she answers and posts them to her twitter saying "oh my bby all my 2 bad angels ily u all we r all 1 <3"
I can't be arsed to take a screenshot (also cant find button for it on this comp) but she tweeted this a few days ago:
"I xperiment w my music cuz I wn have fun! If u don't like it, don't b mean! I can't hear u & I don't really care lol. Just b cool instead <3"
do you guys think she's read the thread lately? Or does she notice her dwindling fandom? She definitely doesn't get as much attention on tumblr after her whole 180 style change to ~dreamy broken sad dolly gangsta
No. 132031
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what a cliche
No. 132035
>>1320312deep4me lol
At least stereotypical emo diaries are better than whatever Kayla even is nowadays, I suppose.
No. 132149
i just made the encyclopedia dramatica page lmao i'm just a nigga passing thru relax beckie
No. 132153
>>132152i'm black lol
>>132151take your own advice
No. 132154
>>132153yes, i also told you i am black. and i dont say nigga because it's trashy.
all you've done in the past two threads is constantly bring up that fuckin' tumblr nobody cares about. it's annoying. stop trying to make it happen, fam bae nigga squad. not gonna happen.
No. 132161
>>132154i brought up an encyclopedia dramatica page i made lol you ok
>fam bae nigga squadthis is literally shit ppl say on instagram you ain't black why do you want me to care
No. 132164
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No. 132165
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her bag looks ratty as hell.
No. 132174
>>113789> Anonymous:how would you define yourself?
Christmas lights in a gang sign world
Thumbsucker with a wolf heart
Ain’t changed ⭐️
from her tumblr blog.
>aint changed lmfao this girl changes every time the wind blows
No. 132206
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>>132193nah before this persona kayla was normal going to university in fact WHILE she was on tumblr talking about sucking dick and doing meth in berlin she was actually just in uni making jokes about justin bieber with her friends on instagram. nothing about her life is or has been tragic. she started off writing about abuse and shit and lowkey roleplaying on her blogspot and tumblr as pillowstars and pissangel. then she started getting attention because people assumed all of those things about her were true. she became interesting and popular and got a fanbase. and from there she just kept going based on whatever movie she was into. by creating this ultimate tragic life she truly rose to fame and became iconic among her little tumblr clique for a while.
things like this have happened before. google laura albert. she created the penname jt leroy and wrote two books claiming to be about jt's life called sarah and the heart is deceitful above all things. shit about the kid being raped, being in meth labs and doing drugs as a child in a trailer park. everyone ate it up jt became famous and laura hired a model to pretend to be jt and show up to book singings. they caught her when she committed fraud on her taxes or some shit. then she was like "oh through jt i was more creative i could write more" it's literally the same with kayla. two writers who roleplay being abused as a form of muse because they can and because it gets them attention.
No. 132207
>>132194she was was just luring and copypasted a lot. she's the kind of appropriating but never ever gave the source. like not rebbloging pics from other users in tumblr. but she just posted in her tumblr and instagram pictures from "aesthetic" groups in flickr she never credited for.
it's not like she regressed. she is just showing her kinda natural true form now, which is that she is just plainly brainless and stupid.
No. 132210
>>132206holy shit I googled Laura Albert
"For me it was created the way an oyster creates a pearl: out of irritation and suffering. It was an attempt to try to heal something. And it actually worked, and it did so for a lot of other people. The amazing thing is, now I can be available to people. It's OK with me if someone doesn't like my writing. But they shouldn't try to tell me how I'm obliged to present my work. No audience for any work of art needs to worry about being fooled. Art is the opportunity to change the way you think, which means you can never be fooled – you either have that experience or you don't."
Let's be real this is totally what Kayla is doing.
No. 132224
>>132215Pretty sure that didn't happen Lol. I'm pretty sure, if she even HAD an encounter with a music producer, he listened to her shit and told her to get out and stop wasting his time, and to at least make something halfway decent. She just puts out garbage.
I think that was just a little "i'm being judged for my weight but i left and told him 2 fuck off bc im pefect how i am beautful broken angels 2 good for life, ur all perfect how u are fuck beauty standards"
just trying to make herself seem noble.
No. 132284
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No. 132285
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No. 132286
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Some old pics of Kayla in her past life
No. 132854
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in case anyone was curious, the crystal she's talking about on her latest song is this girl, crystal didomenico. she posted a few pictures of them together in august of last year, around when she first got back to socal, and she was the other person in that twitter video of her shit talking a bartender for kicking her out that someone mentioned before. she is very much alive, and there's nothing on her profiles that suggests she had a recent suicide attempt, or that her mental health was ever in a dark enough place to warrant one.
her twitter, instagram, and tumblr are all crystalxfrankie, and she has another tumblr with the url crystal-di-domenico. most of her posts are about, well, herself and her boyfriend, but she's still interacting publicly with kayla's posts. they probably still see each other regularly, despite what the song was implying.
there was an anon in the first thread who knew her irl, saying that her songs and poems were generally about multiple people in order to ratchet up the drama. i wonder if the third verse might've been about someone she's mentioned before (megan, jennifer) or someone else entirely? ofc it could all just be a flat out lie, but i feel as though she's cherry picking. a lot of her friends are aware of her web presence, and i doubt she would blatantly make things up about her interpersonal relationships. they would know. it would have real repercussions for her & she isn't that stupid.
i wonder which it is. because if it's not about crystal, and it's not made up, then she's using her friend's suicide to sprinkle some shock value into her music… just another drop in the bucket of shitty things that kayla has done.
No. 132938
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Kayla updating her meth poetry blog mobily at the turn up function No. 133083
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You were not happy with the size of them Kayla?
No. 133123
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No. 133183
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>>133123>Dear God please let me have more money than all the men who ever disrespected me>Dear God please let me have more money>more moneyWhy pray to God for more money when you can ask your dad the attorney working in Riverside who lives in the same house as you tho.>Kayla Day Aaron>2342 Jamestown Ct>Claremont, CA 91711-2215>related to Jeffrey A Aaron>Jeffrey Alan Aaron>2342 Jamestown Ct>Claremont, CA 91711-2215>related to Kayla Day Aaron>Jeffrey A Aaron (Attorney)>Attorney No. 133782
>>132854Well I doubt their friends give a crap about the lies she tell in tumblr, probably they are like "as long as you have fun with it" Kayla: "look at this losers who buys all my shit". But It would be kinda funny if they really lurked into her tumblr because Kayla has many times stated that she didn't have any real friend or one at all, that she has been a lone wolf travelling and being rescued by men, blah blah blah.
She's the kinda acting like the typical teenager at 15s who doesn't have a clue about their lives and are spoiled af. Please grow the fuck up.
No. 134192
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This ask sounds like Kayla wrote it herself tbh.
No. 134202
>>134192wow that's cringy af
also i don't ever want a bloody boy in my drink
No. 134226
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No. 134276
>>133782It's like she watched Lana Del Rey's Ride music video and said, "This is what I want everyone to think I am"
>>134225Maybe she's trying to be religious like LDR is or she's doing it ironically. Probably the former. Everything I see of this chick screams wannabe and copycat. She also keeps mentioning how city lights inspire her like Lana used to say A LOT. Fucking cringey.
No. 135455
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sending herself anons to remind every1 how she's a complicated & broken fighter in this cruel world<3
because it's so hard for a uni graduate living in upper middle class california with her psychologist mom and lawyer dad to succeed in life.
No. 135535
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imagine seeing her on the street
No. 136000
>>135979Ok first of all no no NO. Do NOT fucking stalk this girl, it's not only against the lolcow rules, it is illegal and is also fucking cruel as hell. This isn't 4chan.
Leave her alone in real life. That's too far.
No. 136025
>>136000Calm down Tumblrina, her address and phone number are available publicly on whitepages when you google her name. people choose to stalk her that's 1. not our fault and 2. the fault of her dumb ass for literally signing a paper giving permission for her house address and photo to be available to everyone across the globe. No one's forcing or encouraging anyone to do shit since we've brought up her address early in the previous thread. Anyone who stalks her is a fucktard who could've done it without lolcow.
Shut the fuck up.
No. 136046
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we made it
No. 136179
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her writing composition lately is reminiscent of my alzheimer riddled grandmother in her final days
No. 136188
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No. 136189
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No. 136190
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let me're the flawed rose. because you're better than other girls.
No. 136214
>>136188lmao that song broke his waking state enough he couldn't even punctuate correctly
how fucking old is she really again? i understand being a middle class white girl and the delusion that gives you but really how the fuck has she never been touched by the real world to this degree? while she romanticizes the ghetto lifestyle she has literally no connection to???? when even ghetto people want a better lifestyle ???????
No. 136249
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She keeps sending messages to herself.
No. 136250
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Her job is selling dope it seems.
No. 136251
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This is so inspiring, almost convinced me to be like this but hell nah.
No. 136384
>>136249>>136250>>136251dad's phone in one hand and her own in the other, sending herself texts from her dad's phone and screenshotting them as they arrive before deleting them.
that's one way to pass the time when you're unemployed.
No. 136416
>>136250I think…
I like..
I am..
No. 136562
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No. 136563
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No. 136564
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No. 136565
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Proof she sent her books or whatever from the UK i guess lol
No. 136847
>>136214bitch you want to try and hate on that guys grammar when you aint punctuating right yourself
>>136249she doesnt even try to sound different. this is her exact word choice
No. 136918
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>>136565these look like shit
No. 136926
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>>136923adult women buying stickers and exchanging their word vomit/scrapbooks
No. 136927
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No. 136938
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bpd confirmed?
No. 136949
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No. 136952
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No. 136968
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>>136563hold up, does this mean an ex other than cory did some of her tattoos? so much for not wanting any. wonder if he did the skull on her leg too. the linework looks similar.
No. 136983
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No. 137167
>>136952>>137011during her halfbunny era she used to write so many poems with the head titles named by big serial killers.
it seems she was inspired by this? just to spice up even more her edginess. she also used to post in her facebook stories about not very well known ones like dalphine laularie as if that was gonna maker more edgy interesting or cause shock to the public. i wonder what she will do when the whole gang/thugh/rap trend gets over. now she sounds like the typical 40s mid life crisis woman trying to catch any rich old man in a southern beach palm tree rich city with no avails, always complaining about how everyone is on fault and that don't like her or don't play her way and making it seems is others problems not her cause she is superior and ethereal and out worldly.
No. 137168
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more like full time unemployed and stupid.
No. 137231
>>137167>i wonder what she will do when the whole gang/thugh/rap trend gets overthis. trying to be black is so in right now and it's how i smelled the fakeness of this new era she was walking into. because it was just. so. trendy. right now is all about gold and long nails and grill and those bootleg cornrow french braids and overdrawn lips and saying y'all and finna and bad bitch and fleek and whatever other aave. and kayla of course had to make her own oh-so unique spin on trying to be black. by being a mess and looking poor and rapping about drug daddies in la and overdrawing her lips. which. just ended up being a 2013 lana del rey bootleg. i really feel like she didn't mean to do it on purpose lmao. it just shows what little imagination she has.
>she sounds like the typical 40s mid life crisis woman trying to catch any rich old man in a southern beach palm tree rich city with no availslord i know she doesn't even sound edgy. she just sounds like a middle aged woman on facebook who discovered internet lingo for the first time and is trying to relive her youth after getting a divorce. she doesn't even sound poor and tragic anymore or that she lives off sugardaddies. she just looks like she smells and has a part time job at office depot.
also why can't she just learn how to rap on key??? or even sing in verses. being born poor and abused in a trailer park doesn't mean a person can't have talent or even grasp the concept of melody.
No. 137247
>>136847they weren't making fun of that guy's punctuation. they said that kayla's song was so bad that it fucked up his mental state, thus, he couldn't punctuate correctly.
>>136565that's her book? it looks like folded paper.
No. 137261
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>>137247blown was even worse, it was just stapled together and scrawled on with sharpie. at least violetly looks like a normal chapbook, but i swear the covers are just photos she reblogged before. btw the postmark on that envelope says it was sent from santa ana, not the uk.
No. 137262
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No. 137479
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i see she's a fan of leafy
No. 137825
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>>137746I think it's everywhere right now due to the recent social acceptance of bdsm and the dd/lg "lifestyle" aka romanticizing pedophilia. Roleplaying as a bbygirl allows women to regress and release their autonomy to their "daddy" (ew) while receiving validation for acting like an oversexualized toddler. It's an extreme way to give your life meaning by enrolling yourself in this extreme power play scenario I guess.
tl;dr they dont love themselves
No. 137900
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finally realized who kayla reminds me of
peggy from married with children
No. 137929
>>137900Anon no, at least Peggy was entertaining, and actually poor
Kayla is just sad and pathetic white girl living a fake life
No. 137945
>>137943No, she's just a rich girl who is white and incredibly fake. For some reason, this kind of behavior seems to be a trend with girls who fit those traits. There are more examples mentioned in previous threads, I think.
Don't mistake it for a racist thing, anon.
No. 137953
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>>137943when people bring up the fact that's someone's white it's not pointing their race it's to say basically this person was born middle class with well off parents and they probably live in the suburbs and wear uggs and drink starbucks on the weekends. and it's always brought up when we're talking about someone who is, in some way, claiming to be #struggling #suffering in a situation that only really ever negatively affects people of color. if you notice, in the previous thread during kayla's meth head neo nazi white trash alabama thing no one brought up that she was white. but now that it's obvious she's obsessed with black culture it's become relevant.
example: simply replace the face of kayla's whole ginger bronson act with the face of the lady in the pic attached. look at that she's even taken a flash photo in the dark! anyway, a "hoodrat trash" tramp stamp, greasy hair, bad makeup, horrible rapping about sucking sugardaddy dick in a drug house, prostituting, atrocious grammar, narcissistic retarded rants about being a manipulative piece of shit etc etc. now tell me honestly if an unattractive overweight black 26 year old woman doing aaaalll of that would be *~aesthetic~* #feministgoals on tumblr lmao.
No. 137957
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started from the bottom
No. 137958
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now we're here
No. 137966
>>137962you completely missed the point. i'm saying there's a clear difference between the kind of poverty halfbunny was about then the one gingerbronson is. you'd be naive to say that there isn't often a difference in culture between poor white people and poor black people. i clearly said that no one felt the need to bring up kayla being white when she was writing poetry about ptsd, sucking dick in berlin/alabama and doing meth. it was believable lmao. but there's a reason people collectively smelled bullshit when she hopped on her ginger bronson persona. black dick, rapping, using aave, getting long nails, hoop earrings, the hood, gangsters, wearing fur coats, dealing drugs, trap houses and rapping about literal fucking cornbread and grape soda is obviously an image of poverty relevant to black people, or at least people who grew up in urban cities. which kayla didn't.
not that that matters anyway because she was born in neither a trailer park or a ghetto lmao she lives in upper middle class california this bitch was never even poor period.
No. 137975
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honest my ass. trying to make people believe she was real, raw and true to life.
No. 137979
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This is one of Ginger's ex boyfriends
Don't know if it's important at all but they dated when they were in highschool, he's 2-3 years older than her
They split because she left to Michigan and from there to Alabama
He got in trouble because he'd ditch class to be with her amongst other stuff
No. 138071
>>138033>>138069kayla's version:
Anonymous: What were you like in high school?
I cut all my hair off in the bathroom & spat at the skinhead who liked me & wore a shirt I wrote better off dead on in red paint & a skirt I wrote FEAR on the back of in the same & sniffed glue & snorted meth & sat alone
No. 138075
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No. 138082
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i think i follow someone on tumblr who knew her a little bit more recently. she makes vague posts about ginger all the time and threw a shit fit when she dropped one of her recent songs. i'm not sure how they know one another, since this girl is some 6 years younger than her and lives in new jersey, but she might have stuff on her blog about her somewhere
No. 138087
>>138076>>138077interesting, wish i could say i'm surprised but i'm not.
>>138082the anon in the first thread said she knew kayla when she was on the east coast and that she was actually a few years older than her even though kayla said they were the same age. could that be her?
No. 138095
>>138090And to:
>>138082>>138087I think we are talking about the same (ex?) girlfriend of hers. They both used to date this Asian boy at different points. Think that is how they met?
No. 138097
>>138094was she ever really as skinny as her bedbones photos showed? she looked like she was at a healthy weight during her hedi photoshoot but if i remember right she was already halfbunny by then.
>>138095is that ex-bf the jake/jacob guy that
>>138072 mentioned?
No. 138111
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I really want more info on this story
No. 138116
>>138111>I really want more info on this storylie
nounnoun: lie; plural noun: lies intentionally false statement.
synonyms: untruth, falsehood, fib, fabrication, deception, invention, fiction, piece of fiction, falsification;
No. 138156
>>138111I don't know if there's any connection, but if you google Corey (Cory?), news articles come up talking about him and his baby mama who were living with their kid in a meth house (and iirc, the baby's room was right next to the room where they made meth).
>>138098Yeah, it'd be nice if someone made a Google Docs or something summarizing everything so nobody gets confused.
No. 138166
>>138152 and yeah that's who i was talking about
No. 138261
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>>138165From the looks of it, she's been pretty invested in both of them for a long time. If she and Kayla were dating, though, it makes a lot of sense that she would be the one to expose him. I mean, Soren wrote a really elaborate rape fantasy based around her. It's not that surprising.
No. 138294
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>>138261I'm sure your mother was not living in her parents basement, making up stories for her 14yo audience on tumblr at 26, Kayla.
No. 138296
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No. 138333
File: 1465414489859.jpg (111.85 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mwse1pwVDs1qh6hioo1_500…)

she only smoothed out half her face here…
No. 138337
File: 1465415063752.jpg (133.3 KB, 407x500, tumblr_mkhuxfqHRG1qh6hioo1_500…)

>>138335probably photoshopped that too. something usually looks off in her pictures of bruises. they're too smudged looking.
No. 138339
File: 1465415498721.jpg (111.86 KB, 500x669, tumblr_ncbote9KZL1qh6hioo1_500…)

No. 138346
File: 1465416658806.jpg (268.14 KB, 1280x1259, tumblr_o1my7tKhey1qh6hioo1_128…)

No. 138355
No. 138360
File: 1465420362411.jpg (63.91 KB, 720x660, tumblr_n568cizpG51qh6hioo1_128…)

No. 138362
File: 1465420447076.jpg (53.05 KB, 309x750, tumblr_mlhjycaKDm1qh6hioo1_r1_…)

No. 138363
File: 1465420523690.png (16.6 KB, 517x125, tumblr_mla5nuG7hH1qczzhyo1_500…)

No. 138399
File: 1465430908896.png (12.99 KB, 671x303, layla.png)

>>138374Kayla's also going by Layla. How many names does she have ffs
No. 138595
File: 1465499218732.png (7.75 KB, 566x194, baww.png)

>>138494if you look through the layla or "L" tag on gp's blog, you can tell it's not just friendship. kayla's toying around with gp/jackie/kitty/sawyer (maybe they're perfect for one another, they both have a bunch of fake names).
No. 138597
File: 1465499429268.png (28.17 KB, 678x544, kayla.png)

gothicprep addressing the kayla situation.
No. 138659
>>138597she acts like kayla is just being a dramatic catfish when kayla has literally put herself in the position of an idol to people who have been sexually and physically abused and struggle with drug addiction and are fucking homeless. who the fuck wants to worship some rich white girl who uses their struggles as a costume because she's bored? kayla knows actual victims(most underaged) look up to her and become emotionally invested in this oh-so tragic and inspiring story, and she jacks herself off to that every night. these people don't deserve to worship such a goddamn narcissistic piece of shit. that's why so many people want her exposed. it's not just to be petty it's just like, a lot of people would appreciate knowing martyr ginger bronson is currently chilling with mommy and daddy in upstate california where she was born and raised.
i sure did.
No. 138666
>>138659She doesn't have that much influence anymore though lbr. Gone are the days where shed get constant (genuine) asks, 1000s of reblogs, a bunch of copycats, people paying for her little books… Now she gets like 10 notes per post, ain't no one paying shit for her "music", her new aesthetic isnt as popular with the nymphet crowd that idolised her. She's literally a tumblr version of a celebrity has been.
Those expose blogs would have been a real scoop if halfbunny was still a thing. No one cares about ginger Bronson except to idly discuss her here for those of us who remember Kayla at her peak.
Her fanbase has moved on. They don't care if she was living in a Hollywood mansion the whole time or if she literally lives in the gutter.
No. 138708
File: 1465525096220.png (17.47 KB, 1218x136, Untitled.png)

some old asks, this one is especially ironic
No. 138709
File: 1465525118645.png (12.49 KB, 1211x178, Untitled2.png)

No. 138710
File: 1465525136591.png (10.05 KB, 1224x114, Untitled3.png)

No. 138711
File: 1465525160918.png (7.79 KB, 517x140, untitled4.png)

No. 138712
File: 1465525180002.png (2.38 KB, 240x79, Untitled5.png)

No. 138760
okay i just remembered about a post in the previous thread and i'm 99% sure this is gothicprep
>>105641 when they stopped talking for a while and she was pretty mad at kayla
also i have no idea if they ever even met in person honestly
No. 138765
File: 1465553519107.png (27.45 KB, 1108x104, Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 12.0…)

this is rabbittongue i think she obviously was talking about kayla. i remember i sent her a private message one day about a picture of kayla in her instagram with a bunny sleep mask with a caption that said "i am gonna hurt her" while kate was visiting in her house those days but she refused to believe me. at that time nobody knew kayla had an instagram and she always was asked in tumblr if she had one and always saying she didn't and was like "should i make one?" same answers when she was pretending to have PTSD as bedbones she had an instagram already and was goofing around with her friends… she's is so cruel and vile.
No. 138859
File: 1465588102286.png (14.32 KB, 558x268, krjgk.png)

Someone JUST commented on her songs being gone and all of a sudden she has an ask about it too
No. 138880
File: 1465598852093.jpg (15.83 KB, 600x450, snapshot_04671ef9_44671fa0.jpg)

I got bored and made a sim version of Kayla called Ginger Bronsim. She lives in Pleasantview but pretends to live in a trailer in Strangetown.
~drug haze queen livin the strangetown dream~
No. 138913
File: 1465605016780.png (289.28 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-06-10-21-24-02…)

>>138861btw gothicprep reblogged that from kayla and added those tags
No. 138945
>>138737What drives me absolutely mad about most of her songs is that the back beat is usually really good, and then she proceeds to shit all over it with her rapping or singing.
Does Kayla make the beats herself or does she buy them off someone?
No. 139215
File: 1465731096149.jpg (26.91 KB, 400x250, BRITTANYMURPHYSPUNRIPACTRESSKI…)

>>139182spun? it's a brittany murphy movie about meth, i feel like she got some ideas from it
No. 139468
File: 1465820624316.png (92.78 KB, 590x459, Screen Shot 2016-06-13 at 14.2…)

ehm.. wut?
No. 139572
File: 1465845454872.png (25.72 KB, 543x124, Screen Shot 2016-06-13 at 21.1…)

okay. someone's tongue tickling
No. 139624
File: 1465859182734.jpg (128.13 KB, 1200x1177, Ck3X-CFUgAAAo2p.jpg)

I didn't think she would get worse yet here we are with this shit
No. 139964
>>139962Like damn just bind properly or let your boobs hang there like normal boobs
I'm gonna scream is that person tryin to split their tiddies in half
so they'd have 4 mini tiddies
I just
No. 139972
cuter than her tho
No. 140228
File: 1466031560735.jpg (253.37 KB, 500x666, remember to delete this for be…)

Another weird pic of a child with her blog as the source. This bitch is fucking creepy.
No. 140234
File: 1466032248860.jpg (93.06 KB, 969x912, Screenshot_2016-06-16-00-08-10…)

>"throw your mask in the trash & never talk about who you used to be again"
…I think this is from before Kayla went full ghetto with her typing.
No. 140238
File: 1466032813623.jpg (69.75 KB, 1383x939, Screenshot_2016-06-16-00-16-44…)

>"a knife at your spine"
>"the ghost of the man you should've shot when you were 7"
No. 140423
She has a benzo addiction.
No. 140439
>>140319I keep coming back to watch this, such a trainwreck.
>>140423I can def see it. This reminds me of trying to snapchat while almost black-out drunk.
No. 140448
File: 1466078292078.jpg (47.6 KB, 582x411, rr.JPG)

No. 140460
>>140450"Do u like it baby?" NO NO I DO NOT
At least the video is only 4 seconds long, I suppose.
No. 140465
>>140464Thanks so much lol
I'd make my own if I had photoshop and the fonts.
No. 140488
File: 1466087643891.png (627.03 KB, 640x642, Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 16.2…)

No. 140855
File: 1466108309546.png (22.78 KB, 588x264, ginger.png)

did a farmer send this?!
No. 141155
File: 1466129490838.png (29.23 KB, 343x238, Capture _2016-06-16-21-06-21.p…)

This is a reply on Gingew's recent post… What the fuck lol
No. 141279
The white housewives of rich men who are never home also have benzo addictions.
It takes a benzo addiction to be okay with sounding this fucking awful and embarrassing. Benzos take away all self awareness and you're easily susceptible to becoming a stupid, fat fuck.
It all makes sense.
No. 141418
File: 1466202232742.jpg (51.8 KB, 556x882, Screenshot_2016-06-17-23-21-12…)

Any suggestions, /snow/? Kayla is doing another cringey q&a thing lol
No. 141542
File: 1466242142823.png (294.12 KB, 586x378, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 11.2…)

is she also copying us?
No. 141589
File: 1466257363464.png (385.74 KB, 393x593, tumblr_n5ubgaChQ21qh6hioo1_400…)

Another one of her uploads.
There is no doubt in my mind that she used to Google "disturbed child", "mentally ill child", "child abuse", "hurt child", etc to get these pictures.
No. 144493
File: 1466372151499.jpg (115.12 KB, 1800x1066, Screenshot_2016-06-19-22-31-57…)

Kayla was attention seeking on Twitter and it was great because no-one cared and literally one person actually gave a shit and asked what was wrong lol
No. 146307
File: 1466546751930.jpg (108.67 KB, 1156x880, Screenshot_2016-06-21-22-59-28…)

In other news, Kayla keeps reblogging that Q&A question request post over and over again since nobody likes her current aesthetic so it has virtually no notes or requests for our poor ~aesthetic trap bbydoll~ to answer.
No. 146494
>>146307what's the point? she will just make up some boring questions like the last time.
does she have a job outside tumblr or is she being lazy lately?
No. 146527
>>146494I think she's just lazy, since I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a job.
Maybe she's figuring out what new direction to take her aesthetic in, since she deleted most of her old songs to try something new…
No. 146603
>>146600Not before she says she was abducted and went through a lobotomy as a
trigger though.
No. 148011
File: 1466885461069.jpg (230.22 KB, 1645x960, Screenshot_2016-06-25-21-09-17…)

Oh wait there's a photo from yesterday. She looks just as fake trashy as ever.
No. 148276
File: 1466943939561.jpg (25.11 KB, 259x303, Capture232.JPG)

No. 148448
File: 1466970287906.jpg (51.04 KB, 805x748, Screenshot_2016-06-26-20-40-33…)

No. 148652
>>148538yeah… she has to be on something in that damn video
how can a person do this to themselves?
No. 148699
File: 1467044874856.jpg (44.22 KB, 500x437, 16ir4l.jpg)

>>148538before she inevitably deletes this horrible video:
>u know someone told me its a man world but pussy makes the world go round… who has the pussy?… me… and what makes the world go round again?.. pussy… so whose world is it?… mine. No. 148854
File: 1467082899202.jpg (36.92 KB, 736x613, daf5075222e5caa1734a9dd4dc5420…)

literally everything kayla writes sounds like the relatable minions facebook meme
No. 149030
File: 1467144406794.jpg (39.5 KB, 487x752, Screenshot_2016-06-28-20-55-52…)

It seems Kayla really wants to generate some hype for her next video since she reblogged that cringey preview thingy again.
It's pretty funny since even with her enthusiastic hype generating it still only has 93 notes.
No. 149031
File: 1467144543866.jpg (81.42 KB, 1182x525, Screenshot_2016-06-28-21-01-43…)

I genuinely think she's losing the ability to speak English. This is a new grammatical low, even for her.
No. 149241
>>149031I feel like, assuming she's moving on to her next persona, she could be trying to fake some type of mental illness or something akin to that at least. I know this does not apply to everyone with a MI but I and many people I've spoken with can have where all forms of communication can become very difficult (and thus simplified, often with plenty of mistakes kind of like Kayla's recent tweets/posts) during "episodes"/ times when mental health is shit (for me it's usually during panic attacks, flashbacks, mental age regression from PTSD, etc.)
TLDR; It's quite a shot in the dark really… But I feel like her obvious aggression in typing could point towards her next persona having developed some kind of neurological disorder/brain injury/ mental illness, based on my own experience and the experiences of others.
No. 149392
File: 1467255494611.jpg (51.28 KB, 500x271, 11455200295_15b7fe6120.jpg)

>>149241you mean a retard hooker like in gummo? #aesthetic
No. 149986
File: 1467464585529.png (67.37 KB, 331x395, Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 14.5…)

>the ultimate aesthetic
No. 149988
File: 1467465951672.png (65.47 KB, 314x403, Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 14.5…)

No. 149989
File: 1467465977469.png (27.73 KB, 310x152, Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 14.5…)

No. 150164
File: 1467501444700.jpg (609.08 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o9o5041j8N1qh6hioo1_128…)

> "sometimes a sun just sets inside u"
No. 150249
File: 1467541471793.jpg (2.3 MB, 3264x2448, 01.JPG)

No. 150250
File: 1467541517700.jpg (1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 02.JPG)

No. 150252
File: 1467541596147.jpg (2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 03.JPG)

No. 150253
File: 1467541650958.jpg (2.59 MB, 3264x2448, 04.JPG)

No. 150254
File: 1467541702305.jpg (1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 05.JPG)

No. 150256
File: 1467541795805.jpg (2.06 MB, 3264x2448, 06.JPG)

No. 150257
File: 1467541865379.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448, 07.JPG)

No. 150258
File: 1467542055513.jpg (1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 08.JPG)

No. 150259
File: 1467542175244.jpg (2.07 MB, 3264x2448, 09.JPG)

No. 150313
>>150254this is so shit. like i'm used to the horrible quality of most tumblr "zines" or whatever but this is next level. this looks so bad and half-assed, i can't blieve she actually thought this looked good.
did she seriously sell these? and people bought them? geez.
No. 150346
>>150269I guess her old handwriting wasn't hardcore enough for her current persona. Writing everything differently all the time must be hard though.
I wonder how many copies of these poetry book thingies she sold?
No. 150418
File: 1467594893093.jpg (74.03 KB, 1302x718, Screenshot_2016-07-04-02-13-27…)

Out of all the things that ever happened, this happened the most.
No. 150419
File: 1467595067392.jpg (61.38 KB, 1225x718, Screenshot_2016-07-04-02-15-12…)

Also more TOTALLY 100% SUBTLE hype building for her new songs. She seems so delusional and thinks that they're the best things ever, meaning that it'll be super funny if they turn out even worse than her old ones (which they inevitably will I mean let's be real here).
No. 150745
File: 1467680211232.jpg (75.93 KB, 540x540, tumblr_o9th2uPCXP1qh6hioo1_540…)

No. 151799
File: 1467802479621.jpg (129 KB, 1159x913, Screenshot_2016-07-06-11-49-56…)

More asks that were blatantly written by Kayla herself.
>>150745Also what even is this lingerie holy shit that's ugly.
No. 151833
>>151829>>150646actually i sent this anon during her halfbunny era when she was talking a lot about sex, drugs and guys. the free life and trying to be tumblr femenist lol
back then she tried to write better, but still used the anon questions to answer whatever random thing that was not related to the actual question.
No. 151856
I only discovered this girl a few weeks ago, she is so close to being a full blown cow, I wish she'd release a whole album or start a youtube channel
No. 152310
File: 1467947181364.png (53.16 KB, 656x353, Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 04.0…)

so much for high school dropout….
No. 153840
File: 1468224229076.jpg (137.51 KB, 720x714, IMG_20160711_030218.jpg)

I'm disgusted
No. 154600
File: 1468371393829.png (209.08 KB, 449x548, Capture _2016-07-12-19-16-55.p…)

No. 154845
>>154600I thought it says "Rape Heals" at first and wanted to flip my shit.
"Rap Heals" is not very much better though.
No. 154936
>>154600did she spay paint a white santa costume?
where is the q/a, kayla?
No. 155696
File: 1468531046995.jpg (69.98 KB, 1103x1110, CnS3KAyUsAAC5T5.jpg)

What even is this outfit? It makes her look so…droopy.
Also her super different new song and Q&A seem to be floating around in the aether atm, she hasn't really mentioned either after her fail hype generating from before.
No. 155779
File: 1468554445636.png (424.04 KB, 599x597, ojgjkl.png)

I seriously dont understand this purposeful trashy look
No. 156187
cloud at p - 5 years ago
caked with mud and mother's blood do you remember the first sunrise? an urge to kill the s k ythis is from the acid bath song "the beautiful downgrade"
cloud at p - 5 years ago
If there were an antonym for suicide we could all choose when to be born. I would have been born after that day so I could not remember you. So my fingers would stop pointing at all the things that aren’t there. ..-☆
cloud at p - 5 years ago
☆ i'd be ☆
i'd be like dead, i'd be wood, telling myself this doesn't count, it's not really happening to me, i'm dead, i'm blank, i'm just letting time stop and pass, and then i'd hear the slam of the screen door and i knew it was true, it was really happening …/
it's in a book named "100 years of the best america short stories",+i%27d+be+wood,+telling+myself+this+doesn%27t+count+the+slam+of+the+screen+door&hl=es-419&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuuvCzhPnNAhXDH5AKHZ3FDuEQ6AEIHzAA#v=onepage&q=i'd%20be%20like%20dead%2C%20i'd%20be%20wood%2C%20telling%20myself%20this%20doesn't%20count%20the%20slam%20of%20the%20screen%20door&f=false-
cloud at p - 5 years ago
the moon understands dark places. the moon has secrets of her own. she holds what light she can. we girls were ten years old and giggling in our hand-me-downs. we wanted breasts, pretended that we had them, tissued our undershirts. jay johnson is teaching me to french kiss, ella bragged, who is teaching you? how do you say; my father? the moon is queen of everything. she rules the oceans, rivers, rain. when i am asked whose tears these are i always blame the moon.
cloud at p - 4 years ago
starlight in my spine, i peel off a disguise. i peel off aqua marine. my lungs are spilling. my waves go out and never return. my waves go out and never return.
cloud at p - 4 years ago
i am not like honey. love me on the floor. leave me for her blood. i will vomit blacklight and then come back. ❤
cloud at p - 4 years ago
i am magnum mouthed honey snatched my flavor changes constantly bullets pass through me and i keep moving when i talk you know exactly what i mean. when i’m in love i stay wet all the time “i hate that bitch” i never had a father i never learned how to be that kind of whore. you need a daddy to practice that kind of stalking. you need a daddy. i never apprenticed to my mother i wasn’t well for that kind of center of attention and protection i was nobody’s angel nobody’s princess, nobody’s baby i grew wild, uncultivated, ungroomed, unprotected, to a position of power. i know what you… more »
from the poem "no mona lisa" by penny arcade:
dream it,
cloud at p - 4 years ago
i was born trying to balance the light and dark between eyelids tightly shut against sun and moon my voice was wild with cries, as though no arms had ever held me, and if they had they'd let me go. and then i opened my eyes and it was the shadows that soothed me, not the light. ☆
i found this: i can't tell if that girl copied kayla or kayla copied the girl
anyway, kayla is absolutely FAKE
No. 156191
File: 1468714196803.png (72.11 KB, 737x375, sfef.png)

here are pictures and captures of the blog:
No. 156192
File: 1468714274581.png (112.92 KB, 711x395, fdfs.png)

No. 156193
File: 1468714439646.png (56.61 KB, 743x330, kdfsdbf.png)

No. 156196
File: 1468714646544.png (47.91 KB, 741x387, jksdkd.png)

No. 156198
File: 1468714824662.png (86.89 KB, 675x393, hjj.png)

No. 156199
File: 1468714998971.jpg (24.85 KB, 239x320, kgdhdfg.jpg)

No. 156459
File: 1468787069316.jpg (186.03 KB, 1198x1656, Screenshot_2016-07-17-21-14-31…)

She literally sounds like a parody of herself.
No. 157658
File: 1469065521843.jpg (37.46 KB, 679x595, Screenshot_2016-07-21-02-39-10…)

> ~*lost girls*~ uwu
No. 157660
File: 1469065596675.jpg (55.19 KB, 654x700, Screenshot_2016-07-21-02-39-10…)

What even is grammar anymore?
No. 157662
File: 1469065924852.png (57.17 KB, 464x308, Capture _2016-07-20-20-51-19.p…)

Lol ironic that her alleged ED was just brought up again.
No. 157831
>>157662She stole the last line from a Radiohead/Stanley Dogwood edit a girl she used to stalk (for content) made.
It's "if you don't take me out to dinner, I don't eat" I think. The girl used it all the time. It's like she thinks people just forgot who she is and what she does. She'll steal anything.
No. 158043
File: 1469153483919.png (57.23 KB, 737x425, Cher-4.png)

>>157662she tweets like cher
No. 158632
File: 1469311951401.jpg (166.79 KB, 640x960, tumblr_ng0oettyXf1qh6hioo1_128…)

No. 158670
File: 1469325353064.png (560.42 KB, 632x909, Untitled.png)

No. 158692
>>158670I googled the poem and it's not hers unsurprisingly (originally from, but she didn't credit the writer anywhere.
No. 158982
File: 1469409107878.png (199.55 KB, 468x437, Capture _2016-07-24-20-10-58.p…)

No. 162252
>>162227But now she's gonna start
singing anon. That's worse.
No. 162681
File: 1470182268822.png (550.34 KB, 543x880, afgag.png)

who could J be?
No. 162696
File: 1470188508544.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.34 KB, 529x770, image.jpeg)

Please tell me by daddy she's speaking of is one of her ghastly basic boyfriends & isn't still trying to pass off her relationship with her father as this gag-worthy poetic thing a la her old posts on carrionqueen and pissangel.
No. 162950
File: 1470274690558.png (363.01 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-08-03-20-37-17…)

No. 164574
File: 1470835611711.jpg (79.2 KB, 732x732, CpdjQS1VMAEFxJl.jpg)

"Money & powder"
No. 164717
>>164574The aesthetic swap is so jarring from
>>127156The new one is cute though, tbh I think all her photos are great, it's just her personality which stinks
No. 165891
File: 1471278289629.jpg (167.98 KB, 742x742, good lord.jpg)

>>164722She actually consistently wears metal patches/shirts which is what's baffling to me while she's trying to pull off her ghetto persona. The metal accessories really do say a lot about who she really is. Here's a pic of her from last month wearing black metal patches of Watain and Mayhem over a fucking lace bedsheet.
No. 166564
File: 1471497668754.jpg (25.98 KB, 448x291, tumblr_nngo9o3CFk1qa09rfo3_500…)

anyway look how much #yung courtney love looks like kayla lmao
No. 166565
sorry for double posting but this is literally kayla 100%'m too lazy to site and explain every reference/similarity between courtney and kayla but it's literally insane how obvious it is.
No. 167418
File: 1471804355745.jpg (13.58 KB, 667x128, wtf....jpg)

Um. Ok? Why would anyone post that?
No. 167506
>>167505my thoughts exactly.
>>167418she's posted before about how she always loved watching porn as a child and that it was beautiful and that she loved it because everything was pink. of course, sans laughing emojis. she tried to be fake deep about it. she's recycling the same topics because she has no originality.
No. 169677
File: 1472526095735.jpeg (90.93 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

Most of Kayla's milk is dry but I couldn't help but pass judgement on this, she looks so busted.
My phone says this was taken in Claremont; so much for shithole trailers & Berlin trap houses once again.
No. 169683
>>169677imagine the effort put into this photo just so she could come out looking like shit. can you imagine the other photos if this was the best one.
when you're almost 30 and going through a crisis
No. 169793
>>169704fuck her for butchering this video was uniquely digusting. i feel bad that she spend time making that power point/tumblr-core porn trailer. i also feel worse for even watching it. fuck me
No. 169817
File: 1472568711737.jpeg (119.3 KB, 600x886, image.jpeg)

>>169704That was the worst
No. 169967
File: 1472603772013.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, gvn1.jpg)

>>169704What the hell was that…? Don't tell me that people actually listen to that…
No. 169972
File: 1472604455676.jpg (1.82 MB, 2048x1536, Teri_Chloe_Grace_Moretz.jpg)

>>169966>russian whore shipped off to new york at age 12 would suit herunbeknownst to kayla she already is. teri from the movie equalizer. frequently abused russian child prostitute who's awkward and wears a lot of terrible makeup and tacky clothes, who dreams of becoming a singer with an album called "alina the singer" despite sucking because she has dreams of being free.
No. 169975
File: 1472605211251.png (436.36 KB, 756x428, soaesthetic.png)

>>169862The lazy clips of her alone in her bedroom in casual clothes spliced with the movie shots just hammers home how boring and teenage her life seems, as much as she wants that Lizzie Grant look. She could at least set up in a grubby alleyway or ditch the slipper socks for a more committed aesthetic.
I'm ashamed but I actually thought this song was better than her usual mumbling.
No. 169991
>>169862pfft shes trying to make home-made "artsy" videos like lana. kayla really has no personality of her own.
No. 170440
>>169972Idk who this girl is, but as I was just idly scrolling I had to stop and do a double take because at first it thought it was Kootie.
Hell, maybe it will be in a few more years?
No. 170446
My word that video was nearly as cringe worthy as that time she did a Tinychat or whatever & proceeded to swig Stella, dance around like a twit and then cry. What a ride.
Also she has a wish list now if anyone wants to buy her some Pleaser shoes (kek kek kek what is it with lolcows & tacky shoes) and lingerie that brings to mind Megan or w/e she's called.
No. 170461
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>>170446Lmao, she has nyquil added to her wishlist! Is this thing just a prop for her character? I thought she was winding down with the whole Ginger Bronson persona and was going to start fresh with a new one, guess I was wrong.
No. 170652
>>170508If you go back earlier in the thread you'll find people posted her soundcloud when it was still full of music from her other personas.
Even if she likes to pretend she's all about daddies and sparkleuwu drugs trailertrash, I can't imagine she's able to just switch off from liking stuff she used to like.
No. 171812
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>>171561I know it's been said before but her self written asks on tumblr enrages me. She's not even tried to hide it it's the exact same style ffs
No. 173827
cringe as fuck
No. 174253
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>>173648THOSE BAGS jesus christ girl
No. 174313
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Is she still tying to look like pic related or is she full Lana now?
No. 174948
File: 1474226996438.png (98.45 KB, 637x865, IMG_1937.PNG)

1. Kayla honey, I know you're trying to sound high or something but even the highest of people can tell that caption makes no sense whatsoever
2. Can't her daddy (actual father) buy her shoes that fit? Those look at least two sizes too small.
No. 175844
>>174313Total 100% Lana rn.
Her current persona doesn't garner her much attention, I'm surprised she hasn't gone back to the damaged heroin chic, 90's grunge look as people still rather enjoy that style on tumblr.
Even if she kept churning out the horrid music, going back to her old style alone would get it more views/plays and she'd receive more likes/reblogs/followers/asks on her blog.
It honestly surprises me that someone like her, who wants to create an edgy online presence, wouldn't have figured the above out by now.
No. 176968
File: 1474851129264.jpg (161.27 KB, 640x480, tumblr_l5hkyb7uNy1qbqq5f.jpg)

i really loved her until she gained weight & needed 2 "change her aesthetic"
she helped me to cope with things, but it was a sort of just a limbo to be in; lots of acceptance of how shitty one can be + romanticizing it. she's kinda like how taylor swift tries 2 be relatable to girls everywhere yet has a mean girl type squad of models, & doesn't even want people selling arts and crafts products that say "shake it off" cuz that's HER money. selfish but wants to look like she represents everyone.
i'm such a f00l(2 != to OR too)
No. 177092
File: 1474885325564.png (72.24 KB, 494x495, Skjermbilde 2016-09-26 kl. 12.…)

i just found this on tumblr and holy fuck it´s so cringy and obvious that she´s basically copying ginger´s writing style. this girl isn´t fucking some bad man or getting drunk in gas stations, like shut the fuck up and do something productive instead of writing shit that doesn´t make any sense because ~aesthetic~
No. 177093
File: 1474885443447.png (35.22 KB, 504x323, Skjermbilde 2016-09-26 kl. 12.…)

holy tits it gets worse
No. 177197
>>174948the caption is wording that is slightly different from ldr's "ride" music video. "Because I was born to be the other woman.
Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone."
It makes sense in context but kayla still has no originality.
>>177092>>177093you wouldnt believe how many basic bitches on tumblr all write like this. the nymphet and creepy nymphet sides are the most guilty
No. 178428
>>177099you're most likely a piece of human shit using a computer
you can leave now lmao
No. 178429
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No. 178432
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No. 184106
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No. 184805
>>184106"It was beautiful but it was sad."
LMAO this reads like some Perks of Being a Wallflower manic pixie dream girl bullshit. I've been homeless. There was nothing 'beautiful' about the situation.
No. 187156
>>187044*briefly checks behind her to see whether anyone is witnessing her trash ~*aesthetic*~ video*
No. 190051
File: 1477702937572.png (90.87 KB, 750x824, IMG_2378.PNG)

boring but cringey
No. 193959
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….is this girl for real?
No. 194026
>>193959she looks like
>>194011 lmfao
No. 194718
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didn't basementangel expose soren hayes for being a liar. it's hypocritical for her to kiss up to another liar
No. 196008
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No. 196013
>>196008The cringe.
It's also hard to read
No. 199531
File: 1479318124592.png (87.58 KB, 640x780, IMG_2782.PNG)

So Kayla's pretending that she's Russian now? Oh boy…
No. 199539
>>198039I think you're just reading too much into it, anon.
Kayla was really into images of abused children at some point, though. Fucking creep.
No. 199552
>>199531why does she insist on writing like she is actually illiterate
her writing reminds me of iggy azalea's faux blaccent… so fake, so forced, so stupid
No. 202636
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A broken home in one of the most expensive areas of the city with two loving parents and access to anything and everything she could ever want and need… Okay
No. 202641
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I swear I don't even want to bump this post because shes so pathetic oh my god but if we are gonna bump it we might as well post some more evidence of her hypocrisy, picture related coughSWASTIKA
No. 202644
>>202533oh it definitely would be! unfortunately we both work fulltime and i don't have access to kayla's old poetry. it was years ago and it would be a difficult project yknow. here are some other things i can say about kayla from being her friend..
- i had this popular racist blog in 2011 that made fun of 'ghetto' people and this is how i became friends with her. when the blog got deleted, she cut me and never talked to me again lmao.
- we would go on tinychat and she'd do a ton of drugs and take her clothes off. one time she was topless with her swastika displayed, overdosing on cam just passed out with her eyes rolling back in her head. we were trying to call the police in california before she came to. she could've faked it though.
- she got drunk and drove to the cornerstore in here parents svu and crashed into someones garbage cans
- people in the thread were asking why she went to Michigan. she fell in love with a boy online from michigan and went to live with him. i think she said they dated for a year or so but she didn't like him because he was too short. i forget why she went to alabama tho.
No. 203585
>>203157idk why she pretends to be poor either since we both live in the same really affluent town. i saw her the yesterday (100% sure it was her) and she had a pretty face but looked strung out as fuck, like she hadn't showered in over a week.
ginger, you need to clean up and quit trying to be poor for the "aesthetic". claremont is fucking expensive as shit and we all know you wouldn't set foot in san bernardino where all the actual poor meth addicts and crackheads live.
No. 204644
File: 1480240140214.jpg (137.74 KB, 1200x1200, CyP9UuBVQAEB8q5.jpg)

so unflattering