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No. 712298
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/693293The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
> Decided to put all of her snakes into breeder racks Has now decided to start putting them back in display tanks> Still hasn't bothered getting a proper set up for the mantis shrimpThe mantis and rest of biocube are now being ‘babysat’ by a ‘friend’, unclear if they are still alive
> After months of neglecting to treat her bearded dragon for what started with a small tail injury and possibly losing just the tip of its tail, the tail became necrotic and about half of the tail had to be amputated. Her stans have began harassing the wrong breeder as a result of her lying regarding the dragon, legal action has been threatened by the breeder
> Still claiming that she isn't impulse buying her animals, and totes supports "adopt don't shop", despite buying a $7500 chimera ball python and buying another snake at Petfest> Misidentifies the species of the snake that she just bought on twitter, despite claiming that it's one she's totes wanted forever> Maui might be a female, she has apparently never bothered checking or getting him a general check up at a vet> Stated that she'll "consult" an expert on how to sex him but didn't say she'd actually get him sexed BY an expert> Orchid mantis is a male as was speculated on a previous thread> Claiming that she is "quarantining" the two new snakes, but the chimera has been out all over the apartment for pictures (the "quarantine" tank is a tank in front of their loud ass tv where they were caught smoking pot around the satanics)> Claims she is also quarantining the other new snake "Duck" in the bathroom, despite showing pictures of their bathroom with no tank in sight and no photos of wherever it actually is. > Photos of the new un-quarantined snakes all over their comforter where other reptiles and cats hang all over has now had all the new rats and the 'stray' cat all over the same> Jonny posted her nudes on ig and made comments about "slamming" her in bed> Claimed she was being interviewed for New York magazine, never brought it up again> She bought three new rats, claiming she was sent a feeder rat instead of a mouse, then that she was able to get two more siblings of the accident rat somehow> The siblings were at least a week further developed than the first rat> The first rat was incorrectly sexed (shocking) so she now has two females and one male. > The rats have been placed in an inappropriately sized cage with next to zero enrichment and hides> Stated she would be doing a ‘Serptember’ series about snakes, missed all of the deadlines she posted except one, which was the first and only video for at least the first three weeks of September> Claimed she couldn't put up any of the videos she promised for September because of 'chronic migranes' that are always so bad this time of year, yet goes and gets new tattoos and goes to reptile expos with no issues> Adopted another cat, a female tabby, that she claims she rescued from traffic and a storm after many of the residents in her apartment block had been feeding and caring for it (and got it microchipped and spayed apparently) for two years despite previously claiming that no one in her building knew anything about the cat> Allowed the "stray" to wander all over the apartment with all over animals, gorge on the other cats food, without any regard for the stress of the other animals, transmitting FIV, heartworm, other parasites etc, as would be common in actual strays, but it's okay because she "doesn't have fleas!"> New rat snake she bought at the reptile expo, left with another pettuber until it was eating> Claims the rats were going to be spayed and neutered, nothing came of that, male is still in isolation> Got a few new tattoos, all fairly poorly done> Got another new halloween crab> Halloween crab, cat, and rat snake all purchased within the span of a week> Trying to breed her clownfish> Claimed her lease was up in September and was going to buy a house, never happened> Admits to live feeding, and knocking rodents out with blunt force instead of a CO2 chamber> There was a shooting in a nearby night club, made the situation completely about her and how she was totally going to be there when it happened and it was so scary> Claims she has no obligation to keep anyone updated on any of her animals, and they're just for her to enjoy No. 712326
>>712298Thank you anon!
If this new cat really was living on the streets, she's going to have one hell of a predator instinct for all these baby rats Taylor is collecting
No. 712329
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No. 712333
>>712327>implying she has the money for itJonny was flexing about the million dollar houses they were supposedly looking at.
She should have been out of that apartment already, but I guess reality hit her in the face and made her realize it isn't that easy to buy one.
No. 712360
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She's definitely not keeping them separate, I know she took her to the vet but she's still an adult cat and you never know how she'll react to ghost and nemo. Not to mention it's stressful.
No. 712391
>>712326No problem.
And I agree. If she was actually on the streets that long she’d have a hell of a prey drive for all the rats, hedgehogs, and geckos ect. She’d be tormenting them through the cage walls. If smoking weed wasn’t enough of a stressor for those animals that sure as hell will be.
No. 712421
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Confirmed her rats are still being housed together as in this video on her story you can see the female behind him and the other female was in the same place in her video before this one.
It’s highly likely that they’re already pregnant. Goose is too young to even be neutered as he’s not done growing, but even if she did have him neutered when she claimed she was going to, he still would need a period of isolation for a few weeks until he’s sterile.
She’s a fucking idiot.
No. 712427
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>>712421You can see the female next to the Male better in this screenshot.
No. 712429
>>712426Lol let’s be real she won’t make a video because by the time she gets her shit together to upload they’ll be grown up. But I have no doubt that she’ll get clout from them breeding from her stupid fans.
Fair enough if you want to breed your rats to have your own source of food for your snakes, but have a separate cage for the males and females, it can be harmful for females to get pregnant young.
And god forbid she shares it with the world and her gullible fans think it’s a good idea.
No. 712439
>>712427This is truly sickening. Females should NOT be bred this young. It can stunt their growth and they are still babies themselves. Not to mention the strain on their body - trying to grow themselves while also having to give nutrition to a litter? She's so selfish. She really does not give a shit about these rats.
She can't even claim ignorance because she KNOWS Goose will get those girls pregnant. She just doesn't care or wants it to happen, either way she's disgusting. I feel so bad for those poor rats. It would've been better if they were just fed off. People like her who "rescue" animals only to put them into another shitty situation are awful. Fuck you Taylor.
No. 712488
>>712360There's definitely going to be some cat fights in this apartment before it's all over. The new cat doesn't have its own territory and the two other cats are used to having the whole place to call their own.
>>712421Both females will be pregnant and she'll make a video claiming the vet botched the surgery.
No. 712528
>>712513not true, spayed females will rule over spayed males. he sex ratio of cats doesnt matter at all as long as none are fertile.
there will be a lot of fighting though because she hasnt done shit to introduce them properly and give them their own space. lets not forget that one room of that tiny apartment is off limits for the cats, at least i hope it is.
No. 712543
>>712535Yeah she did. They’re not though because as many people pointed out to her the two girls were a few weeks older than the male (which makes it even worse because they were fertile sooner) and she admitted that she ‘tried her best’ to pick out some of a similar age.
Being feeders though they will have a whole mess of genetics and probably are closely related. Not to mention they’re high whites so the ‘megacolon’ drama she was worried about is a high possibility in any babies they produce if they even make it from such young mothers.
No. 712604
>>712573Yes it’s very fucked up. Females bred this young are still growing themselves and their smal bodies will have to give a lot to babies. Most rat breeders won’t breed their females until a minimum 4 months old, Taylor’s females are just over 2 months old. Females should also weigh about 300g to be bred so hers being tiny babies is just so wrong…. there’s also a risk that the mothers aren’t developed enough to raise the babies, may reject them, not be able to feed them etc.
I’m interested to see how it turns out either she will stupidly make it public knowledge and her fans will eat it up that she has babies OR she will keep quiet because she’s doing it as a food source for her snakes.
No. 712626
>>712612That’s the thing like either she’s ridiulously stupid and naive that they’re not pregnant, or she’s doing it on purpose. But I bet she won’t provide them with what they need. Female rats need their own maternity cage that is smaller with nesting material (not just some thin blanket thrown into the cage)
I also found it funny how in her Instagram story the female seemed very timid and wary of her. Feeders need more effort put into taming and it will show and is showing that she isn’t spending the daily required free roaming time with them.
Taylor if you’re reading this, stop talking about the cat bullshit for a second and actually address this because it’s concerning.
No. 712772
>>712421that is is stupidly huge bowl of food… yes, rats can have fruit and veges but not part of their staple diet. you can give them a small bowl every day, it's fine but too much can cause diarrhea and she's given them a massive amount. they need a high quality rat block or a homemade food mix with this kinda stuff as an extra treat. she really has no idea what she's doing.
also i can't tell what the orange pieces are, but i hope it's not mango. mango is a HUGE no.
No. 712943
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Another two snakes coming in
No. 712995
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Why don't you quarantine your animals then Taylor?
No. 713020
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No. 713060
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This wouldn’t be an issue if you stopped buying a new animal every fucking week
No. 713069
>>713060how does she not see how that’s an issue???
She really just sees buying new animals as a boost in likes/views as opposed to forming an actual relationship not only between her and them, but like that chick said, between her fans and pets
No. 713098
>>713060Literally just proved everyone's point. Taylor couldn't give a shit about the relationship with her pets or her fans feelings. Sorry to burst your bubble Tay, but people watch pet channels FOR THE PETS. They want to see the animals. Not you in a ratty wig and lingerie with kratom in the background of your dumpster.
You don't even keep updates on all your animals weekly because that's apparently too hard and whenever someone asks about an animal that's most likely dead (mantis shrimp) or dying you delete the tweet, ignore or block them. The gall to say 'oh no 30+ pics a day!' when this bitch posts selfies constantly and is on Twitter 24/7 giving updates on herself when she's a pet channel lol.
No. 713106
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>>713060Forgot to post the rest of it but yeah she’s so fucking full of herself
No. 713209
>>713109I was going through her animals to try and figure out how many she had, and it's very true.
The last time we saw her leopard gecko was in late June, and the last time she posted one of the cresties was in early August.
No. 713226
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No. 713227
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I think he looks small and skinny too. Any anons here that are more knowledgable about monitors?
No. 713278
>>713226I know right taylor, why does a rain forest/mangrove swamp native lizard love to sit in water?
Jokes aside she makes it sound like doing daily water changes is such a chore, with this kind of monitor I'd be doing it twice daily.
No. 713309
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I hope tanner never comes to know how much his mom resents him. She makes me more angry than taylor these days
No. 713330
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>>713227Here's an image of a healthier one from Google. Notice the differences?
No. 713341
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No. 713357
>>713341She could use her empty, free tanks for actual rescue reptiles but nope! There are tons of ball pythons people don't want, because they live so long.
Also stating that, can you believe she is going to have the same ball pythons 30+ years later? I can't picture it.
No. 713383
>>713368Because she feeds them shit diets and keeps them in too cold environments.
We have seen her feed her snakes etc too small prey many times and people that are actually reptile experts have repeatedly told her that her monitor only seems tame cause he's freezing.
Not to mention her being a total dumbass and walking him daily on a leash outside even though it's too cold for him there (I don't believe her when she says she has done it more than that one time for her vid but whatever).
No. 713393
>>713392I agree but also… I have no idea how anyone would care for this many pets in a 12+ hour day. Ignoring the fact that some of them aren't interacted on daily or regularly (which is bad enough), you still have to feed them, mist them if needed, change water, clean them. Not all of those are everyday tasks but I don't think you can feed any animal in 5 minutes without checking that they're okay/have ate/haven't regurgitated/whatever else.
Mind you, she still doesn't do the majority of those.
No. 713429
>>713393I totally agree. She has 3 cats, 3 rats, 2 hedgehogs, a monitor, a bearded dragon, a Leo, all of these animals are pretty social and need a decent amount of attention. I also have a Leo who I get out for at least 2 hours most nights (he let's me know when he wants to come out), he has a tank bigger than Taylor's but he still loves to come out and explore. I wouldn't get any animal that would negatively effect his life and time he gets out, but this is something Taylor doesn't grasp at all. There's no way she gives her hedgehogs as much attention as she did when she first got them, before the cats, rats, monitor and million snakes. There's simply not enough time in the day.
No. 713527
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No. 713553
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This isn’t new milk but Taylor is always insisting every new snake she gets is “one she’s always wanted.” Here she is saying her sand boa, hognose, and first ball python were all the snakes she ever wanted.
No. 713554
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No. 713559
>>713309Well, no need to worry because he's intellectually disabled probably to the extent that he can never understand the concept of resentment.
Prader-willis people are fucking horrible to be around, honestly. Jen's insanity doesn't surprise me in the slightest, she actually has it really together for a carer; when you're the primary carer for someone that profoundly disabled with no possibility of improvement it sucks the joy out of every aspect of your life. If you had to look after one of these people for any length of time you'd understand she's being generous and kind with her statement; "Not peaceful" is putting it mildly to say the least.
No. 713571
>>713559Agreed. Say what you want about Jen because she's a nutcase and posts some really dumb shit, but honestly dealing with people (especially family) with intellectual disabilities is draining and exhausting. As long as she's not saying this to Tanner, she sorta gets a free pass in getting to vent online.
Though she REALLY should be seeking support through some of community or therapist instead of social media.
No. 713607
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uhhhh has anyone talked about this yet
No. 713624
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>>713607Posted in the same thread where here being biphobic came to light
No. 713653
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>>713527So that counts as milk to y'all but not tay wanting to get into retics, bcis and more?
No. 713669
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>>713653This is what comes up when you search that listing. I swear to god…
No. 713675
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Why is she holding it so much she just got it
No. 713775
>>713761"don't worry i just took a quick pic and then immediately put him back!!"
this is her excuse every time. she literally can't leave an animal alone to settle in and get used to all the new smells, sounds and sights. just immediately shoves a camera in its face for her social media.
No. 713783
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No. 713784
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No. 713861
>>713850Yeah someone did say that but cant blame them, Jen is always dragging him to stupid drama i dont even think he understands
>>713859Probably because the mantis shrimp is "at her friend's", maybe something stupid happen with that bio cube, cause she has been really secretive about it
No. 714043
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What’s with these white spots on Mushu’s head? It’s not the fungus coming back is it?
No. 714073
>>714070omg I only just noticed this. It's probably the columnaris fungus again eating away at her gills.
Girls gonna have to do a "I ALMOST KILLED MY AXOLOTL… AGAIN" video
No. 714076
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>>714071Yes she’s still on the counter top above a dishwasher or something
No. 714077
>>714071Ironic, at 8:53 of her video about when this happened to her axolotl the first time she says
"no matter how much you treat it (fungus) if you put it back in a tank where its gonna get stressed out, the fungus is not gonna go away" yet shes put her straight back into a hot tank in a hot part of the house. Genius.
No. 714093
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I hope the permit isn't for some other exotic animal.
Also, interesting that she can afford to spend over $7k on a Snake but needs to go to an "affordable" vet.
And she's gone almost a week without getting bowls for the new cat?
No. 714165
>>714159You mean nitrates, anon. The tank has been established at least since she moved so it will already be cycled for a long time.
I don't doubt all of her tanks have sky high nitrates though, I don't believe she does weekly water changes even though she probably has a python which would make it barely any effort.
And I think it's funny/pathetic that she can film and edit a sponsored video in 2 days but she still hasn't released that beginner snakes part 2 lol
Unless she just films the sponsored part and puts it in that vid.
I will never understand why when interesting things like the rat or cat situation now happen she doesn't at least milk it and vlog the shit out of that. She uploads videos about that kinda stuff like a month later when noone gives a shit anymore, herself included.
No. 714180
>>714165Yes, thanks anon. I always get those two backwards.
All of her freshwater tanks end up with that evaporated look, so yeah I doubt she keeps up with her water changes.
No. 714332
>>714304I remember this, but it was when she barely had any furniture and all her enclosures were on the ground. Now that her place is lived in, you know it's a filthy, disorganized mess and that's why she hasn't done another apartment tour.
Can't wait for her to hire a cleaning team, do an apartment tour and claim she's such a tidy, organized person lol
No. 714342
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>>714332lol I just went back and watched the video. At like 4:56 she says "i thought it would be cool to show you my apartment now when it's trash so that when it's nice i can look back and remember" hows that working out for you Tay?
No. 714351
>>714342Holy fuck. I don't follow this cow but just had to drop a note off: FUCKING STOP WITH THE PLASTIC OMG!
How can ppl let it get this far, aren't they embarrassed?
No. 714356
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So I just watched back her apartment tour from last year to get an idea of the size of her apartment and its honestly smaller than I thought.
1. The kitchen with the axolotl on top of the dishwasher (in the video she says its only temporary)
2. The living room leading to the balcony
3. One of the bathrooms, the smallest of the two. Shes claimed to have kept kittens living in there and having quarantined snake in there before so its interesting to see the size although she didn't film much of it (behind that brown part is just a bath)
4. Her animal room before she got the racks in it, really not the biggest room in the world considering the number of animals she has in there now
5. Bonus shot of when she kept the hedgehog and the mouse in the closet that 'is more of another room than a closet' yet you couldn't even lie down in there.
6. Her bedroom, also really not a huge room so again shows that her apartment is really nothing special size wise for the amount of animals she has - and the fact that the three cats now probably just have access to this one room and the living room.
7. Her other bathroom, a bit bigger than the first so probably the one she claimed to quarantine in, still not ideal though.
8. Just a storage cupboard with a bunch of junk thrown in it
When she first showed the floor plan of her apartment I could have sworn she had a 3 bed… honestly for the price shes really not getting much space for money… or for her poor animals.
No. 714366
>>714360I was always bothered by this. She's in the US and has access to some amazing cages, yet she puts him in this plastic hell that all mouse owners hate and don't recommend.
Even if she didn't have access to cages, a bin cage is easy to make. Mice need floor space, not height. Unfortunately a lot of cages are marketed as "space saving" so the floor space is small and they stack levels on top to make it seem like there's a lot of room. When it's really not the same thing.
Taylor likes to think she's some animal guru but she's just like every other sub-par owner I see online who cram their animal into a bad cage, don't provide enrichment, a proper diet or pretty much anything except food and water.
No. 714393
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No. 714403
>>714356The apartment, according to the complex’s site, is 1298 square feet for roughly 2300 dollars a month.
It’s really small for the amount of animals she keeps cramming in there.
No. 714420
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Oh god.
No. 714425
>>714410I don't live in San Antonio, but we have to consider she picked an upscale complex attached to a mall, which most likely means she put herself before the well being of her animals for the sake of living somewhere expensive. Plus, just like her animals, "she's been wanting to live there for soooooo long you guys it's my dreaaaam apartmeeeent".
This might also explain why she hasn't found a house in the area yet. Probably thought she could get something in an upscale area as well, but it might be more expensive than what she originally thought it'd be. Plus her manchild of a boyfriend might also be throwing a tantrum because he's really itching to flex about his million dollar house he won't pay for lmao.
No. 714431
>>714351That was..before she got her lip fillers so she didn't even have any work done on that pic at all. It's just her face
>>714093>film video for audibleIt became so blatantly obvious she only films videos anymore if they are sponsored. If she doesn't have a sponsor she will find thousand excuses not to post videos.. sad.
No. 714432
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No. 714590
>>714577It's really obvious she wasn't thinking of her animals when she chose that place. I'm guessing she thought she had to match up with the YouTuber image she curated for herself, but it was pointless since she's living in filth. Also from what I've seen, the mall is more centered around boutiques and upscale shit that doesn't involve animals.
She has someone to drive her to PetCo and other pet stores after all.
No. 714644
>>714602Nope, she was driving without one. She’s never had a license
She did in fact buy a car as some point but deleted all evidence of it
No. 714771
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Yeah this isn’t concerning behaviour at all.
No. 714804
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One hand I can kinda see where she’s coming from cause I would do the same, though more for an obssession on visual presentation more than a “oh I just got to it and thought why not”.
But why doesn’t she just shove supplies in there instead of setting it up like something is living in it?
No. 714835
>>714771I have so many questions. Like why was the door open to allow Nemo in there in the first place? Why is it SHUT? Is she really pretending that she accidentally locked him in there? Um, what?
If she posed this and closed it for the pic, why bother faking shit like this? It's like Taylor saw some quirky cat pics online of cats sitting in odd places and wanted to show hers doing the same thing. Just stop.
No. 714855
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>>714420She’s 100% got this from this guy on Instagram who free handles hots… his motto is ‘snakes are defensive not aggressive’
I’m convinced she’s going to try and get a permit for hots soon
No. 714861
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The fact that she liked this photo with this caption also furthers the idea that she’s looking into venomous snakes, and she’s saif the same thing before about handling her own animals and feeling it’s the best way to ‘truly understand’ them..
No. 714892
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No. 714893
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No. 714894
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No. 714895
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No. 714896
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No. 714897
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No. 714902
>>714897I swear she read about how I mentioned she talks about her animal's deaths with zero emotion so she wrote this garbage. First starts with the tear-jerking before sperging on about how it's totally not because she owns so many animals, this isn't a regular occurrence, the haters are just out to get her. Time for the pity party to start.
Yes Taylor this 100% is because you own too many fucking animals. Your electricity malfunctioned because you have so much shit plugged in from all your enclosures, and when you turned it back on you didn't even CHECK EVERYTHING? Christ. I feel so bad for those animals, roasting to death and suffering. You are a shit owner, Taylor. It didn't cross your mind because you don't care, not because you're overwhelmed.
No. 714915
>>714913Double post
Also, after her power blew entirely in her animal room she just left the apartment for the entire damn day without checking in?! If that happened to me I wouldn’t leave the fucking place the same day in fear it could happen again? How careless
No. 714916
>>714901I'm curious what her electricity bill is.
The fact that she's so defensive about her hoarding means she knows deep down she caused it. Also she was asleep for 12 whole hours? That is fucking excessive for someone who doesn't do jack shit all day.
No. 714931
>>714897the comments on this post are ridiculous. All of her stans saying "it's not your fault! " "these things happen! " so sorry this happened to you, you're the best pet mom ever!" So so deluded…
If she and all her fans, think of her as a mother, & the animals as children, can't this then be compared to when a parent leaves a child in a hot car and they die? You never ever hear the public sending outpouring of "it wasn't your fault" & "you're a good mom, accidents happen", right?
No. 714972
>>714895The fact that she keeps going on and on about how it's not her fault…
Unless she buys some natural habitat or something, her pet care is always going to be subjective to a degree. Let your audience determine for themselves if it's just a forgivable human mistake, or if someone as careless shouldn't keep pets. Don't shove what your friends and your boyfriend said into their face to try and manipulate what they think. Don't mention your "friends in the community" just to make it seem like credible people also were fine with what you did.
Maybe sound like you're actually sorry for what you messed up, for once in your career.
No. 714998
>>714960Right?? This is just mind boggling! She should definitely have them on timers. You can get smart power boards or smart lights and turn them off/on at specific times. You can even set them up with Alexa and you can turn it on from a remote location (handy if you have a power surge and you're not at home to turn everything back home)
I don't understand how she didn't even check on her pets after a power surge, or even go into the room to check on them in the morning/during the day? Does she not check if they're done their morning poops etc? Are her tanks not big enough for a heat gradient? The amount of money that she drops on animals, has she never considered getting a webcam for the more expensive ones? I have one for my gidgee skink and I sure as hell monitor him whenever I have the time.
No. 715017
>>715008>>714986Lol she blocked me too. I had left a super long essay and got like 10 likes on it.
She left other comments that were more blatantly hating though, guess she doesn't mind the ones that fit her "omg haters are just insulting me" narrative.
No. 715021
File: 1539788024208.png (277.19 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot_20181017-085254~2.p…)

She acknowledges that maaaaaaybe she had too much plugged into one spot, but "it's not my fault guys!"
Also the house gets brought up again.
No. 715031
>>715021No, Taylor. You have to assess the load by
circuit, not by
outlet. Most, if not all, of the outlets in that room are probably on the same circuit.
And the circuits in a newer house will be no different.
No. 715046
>>715032No, just a power "malfunction" than only affected her reptile room
(Repost, forgot to Sage)
No. 715065
File: 1539793181209.jpg (426.79 KB, 1080x1840, 20181017_121225.jpg)

She's already talking to a breeder about getting croc skinks again…
No. 715067
File: 1539793460109.jpg (1.11 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181017-112223.jpg)

Kronos is not looking so good
No. 715083
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No. 715088
>>715044Again, this was not a power surge. Circuit breakers prevent overheating of electrical wiring within the walls caused by overloading, ie. drawing too much electricity. Circuit breakers are not surge protectors.
Anyone using many small appliances or more than one large appliance on the same circuit should know how to calculate load per
No. 715094
File: 1539796348781.jpg (235.1 KB, 1242x1080, MdlmWrw.jpg)

The comments on her posts are always interesting. Gee, she seems torn up. Glad she can laugh.
No. 715097
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No. 715101
File: 1539797065094.jpeg (239.68 KB, 750x1198, A1EAD146-457C-4D09-AF60-D1F47C…)

This is the Jessica that other Anon was talking about.
No. 715102
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No. 715103
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>>715083i thought i’d also check in on whether taylor’s petfest cronies have anything to say about this. saged as these two obviously belong better in the general pet youtubers thread, but how anyone can continue to associate with taylor and maintain any sort of authority as an animal lover, let alone an animal expert is beyond me.
plus this attitude of ‘mind your own business’ when it comes to taylor and her animal care is so harmful. it means that anyone with a genuine, constructive criticism is shut down immediately (see the comments on her most recent post if you even need any confirmation!), otherwise you’re slammed as a nosy hater!!! embarrassing.
No. 715107
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“could’ve happened with 1 pet reptile or 10” … she is absolutely insane and delusional
how has she managed to make herself the victim AGAIN?! horrible meanies criticising me for killing more of my animals, boo boo!
how about how much your animals were hurting while they were roasting alive taylor?!
No. 715128
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Also these
No. 715164
File: 1539802718857.gif (879.07 KB, 245x230, 1473021080252.gif)

>>715097This sounds like something you'd reply to someone who you wanted to get rid of. How is this a text between a "good" married couple?
>>715103>person makes giant post about how they killed their animals through neglecting to check on them>people respond about how yes, they did kill their animals from neglecting to check on them>MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! No. 715167
File: 1539802823859.jpeg (849.03 KB, 1242x1941, 709B0E33-46B5-4707-BC49-54D0DA…)

One big happy family.
No. 715180
File: 1539803654609.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20181017-131007~2.p…)

She finally posted a still of her ugly heart tattoo. Just as bad as we all imagined it would look.
No. 715210
File: 1539804889346.png (20.12 KB, 577x157, download.png)

Was trying to find the last time she even mentioned these pets. I think it's been months (June/July). Came across a fan account in the process that contained the most hilarious tweet.
No. 715216
>>715209I find it completely plausible that she overloaded her electrical system and then did a half-assed job of making sure nothing fucked up after. She's got WAY too many animals with electrical needs in that apartment, and way too little interest to do right by them.
I wouldn't be surprised if it took her days to notice any related damage caused to her animals. Hell, she's even admitting that it took her half a day to notice there was an electrical problem, which, uh, really? Neither she nor her "assistants" noticed that? Right.
No. 715221
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No. 715229
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They make me want to puke!
No. 715231
>>715107If she had only one, the circuit would not have been overloaded.
Logic: how does it work?
>>715209Her herps need heat in her air conditioned apartment, and the heat, in turn,
triggers the AC in an expensive vicious cycle.
No. 715232
>>715228>>715221Jessica's tweets were 9 hours before Taylor's tweets with her made up sob story.
Somebody got caught. Not that her stans will pay attention.
No. 715235
>>715232I'm so glad another creator is speaking up about this I just hope it doesn't go unnoticed
I wonder how they really died then?
No. 715248
>>715247maybe she already has, someone above posted that she was already looking into getting more crocodile skinks from a breeder, maybe she's already got them and was planting the seed?
but yeah it's likely that she panicked after finding out someone knew the truth so had to spin it to a narrative that made her look good
No. 715265
>>715065"you gave them all the absolutely best lives they could have"
but….she burned them alive? they weren't even old? or thriving? how is that even a rational way of seeing things? WTF why
No. 715270
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No. 715271
>>714897I'm surprised she didn't notice. I don't know how many times I check on my own snake because I'm scared something will malfunction or generally to make sure she's okay.
>>714962Yep, this too. Used to work at a place that had a 'reptile' room and it was far warmer than any other room but I'm pretty sure you'd know if something was too hot.
No. 715360
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this tweet is also pretty funny now considering she supposedly just cooked 3 of her pets
No. 715363
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>>715337she’s been going at it on twitter for a while, arguing with people about their grammar of all things. why take such a vested interest in defending taylor’s actions of it was all just a big mistake?!
No. 715365
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Why would she want to dm an actual crazy bitch? I just can't with this woman.
No. 715366
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No. 715371
>>715366Tbh I hate Tyler more than Taylor sometimes. He's so fucking desperate.
I bet replacing animals you killed is like a regular thing in the pet tube community, smaller pet tubers just haven't realized it's all about attention and money. Not animals.
No. 715374
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This whole situation reminds me of years ago (2015) when Taylor didn't realize Piper wasn't in the carrier with Solara when she went to a photoshoot until she got there
No. 715385
>>715366Tyler's either a piece of shit or he's really dumb and naive, possibly both. Even if we believe her story at face value, which we shouldn't, the kind of "human error" on display here is more a case of neglect than a mistake. Who doesn't check on their animals for 12 hours when they're at home? Who doesn't check to make sure electrical outlets and devices are working after overloading a system, especially if those devices are used in the care of living creatures?
No matter the details, it was neglect that killed these animals.
No. 715387
File: 1539814736009.jpg (214.31 KB, 1080x1419, IMG_20181017_231659.jpg)

If fame and attention are the last thing you want why are you making videos for the world to see and trying to gain subscribers? Man, these pet youtubers need to go back to school or something, they're so dense. Do none of them think before they speak?
No. 715398
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No. 715400
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how is the person who constantly subtweets her own daughter and openly disagrees with her choices is also the person who spends hours everyday arguing with other people who do the same? It's easier for Jen to pretend that everyone with valid concerns/opinions about Taylor are just 'angry trolls' instead of seeing the reality of the situation.
No. 715402
File: 1539815707649.jpg (574.41 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181017-153206.jpg)

>>715400Jennifer Dean is so cringey
No. 715417
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Literally nobody wants to be this washed up bitch. She is cold hearted and literally, even if something else didn’t happen, she let her animals bake. She should not have animals. This should be a genuine case to report to animal cruelty.
No. 715431
>>715360Tbh this alone proves to me that she is either lying about this whole thing or she just really doesn't give a shit about her pets.
Not in a million years would anyone make a joke like this just a few days after 3 of their pets literally cooked to death.
No. 715442
>>715405You bring up a good point though, even if a person is only a 'borderline hoarder' and has a ton of pets, but can sufficiently care for each and everyone ones above their minimum care requirements (like Taylor claims her situation is), it still results in neglect to the animals, intentional or not.
The fact of the matter is it is physically impossible for any one person to spend time with each individual animal when you have so many of them. And as a result you never learn each animals individual personalities, their likes and dislikes, their quirks.
And if you don't know their usual behaviours, then you don't know when something is off and they may be ill.
Not to mention, because you never learn your pets personalities when you have that many animals, they are no longer individuals to you. There is nothing to make them completely unique from every other of that species in your eyes, and they become replaceable. It's no wonder there is so little emotion behind deaths for Taylor.
Whenever Taylor gushes about her love for her animals, I do believe she loves being around animals, and interacting with animals, and enjoying the aesthetic of certain species. She loves them the way she might love a picture of these animals if they were online. But I don't believe she loves them as the individual beings they are because she doesn't know who those beings are.
No. 715467
>>715398The problem with the “if you were concerned why didn’t you talk to her? Taylor tried talking to you on multiple occasions”
Taylor doesn’t fucking listen. She either ignores, blocks, or overcompensates on why her care is fine and YOU’RE the one who’s wrong. What’s the point? I don’t blame that girl for not wanting to talk to her. What these idiots forget is that their whole entire career is being in the public eye which means being up for scrutiny and criticism. Clearly they can’t handle it.
No. 715470
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No. 715471
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No. 715472
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No. 715476
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Isn't it funny that they weren't posting this when Taylor was openly slandering the bearded dragon breeder… That wasn't even the correct breeder.
No. 715478
How long was everyone asking about thermometers, and she still never bothered. Honestly, even if it weren’t for the gaping holes in the story, (not knowing how an overloaded circut vs surge works, how circuits work literally at all, that mats fail into OFF not ON, the fact that she obviously hasnt been upset enough to even slow down on purchasing new animals, tweeting selfies etc) but honestly even if it were true she cooked her animals to death, not letting them die from neglect, even if I had just gotten the animal and hadn’t developed any bond with it, the thought of cooking an animal alive is so fucking traumizing to me that I seriously don’t know how she thought that was somehow ‘damage control’. It makes her look like a fucking sociopath.
No. 715481
File: 1539819936719.jpeg (407.42 KB, 750x1138, C1558B4E-4E54-426B-B0DD-53F8D3…)

Wow her stans want her to press charges?! That is crazy.
No. 715513
File: 1539821433520.jpeg (267.99 KB, 1242x1225, DFEC12CA-0693-4CC5-B870-EF92ED…)

Wow! She wasn’t just talking to breeders…sounds like she DID replace them…and was going to try to pass them off down the road. Now she will do an intro to new ones in a week or so!
No. 715519
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I wonder who this is.
No. 715525
File: 1539822152618.jpg (209.62 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181017-172212.jpg)

Lmao dumb bitch. Exploit your disabled kid some more.
No. 715527
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Jen casually threatening children with violence on Twitter. Nbd
No. 715530
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'you'll be blocked' constantly checks forum
No. 715532
File: 1539822358052.jpeg (151.52 KB, 750x1029, 3ED3018C-8C07-432A-B796-753C05…)

Hey Jen, here’s the review and breeder stating that Taylor was planning on doing an apology video that you said “didn’t happen”
No. 715535
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No. 715536
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No. 715547
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Who retweets something like this about themselves?
No. 715558
File: 1539823841511.png (1.39 MB, 2224x1668, 6D57C52C-ED82-4783-8C95-E8F369…)

Here she is suggesting she’s already decided to quit trying to quarantine animals and is putting them straight in the racks with her other snakes.
No. 715559
>>715552you're right. i had looked at the photo this morning when the whole story came out about them being dead.
a google search of taylor nicole dean crocodile skink and going to images will show you her skinks tho along with her care video still up on youtube No. 715560
>>715021why on earth would she have empty tanks running with heat or lights that don’t have animals in them yet??
she claims that before she got her new snakes, the enclosures were already running, to deflect people calling her out for having too many
but why would you have empty tank running heat and light???
No. 715561
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No. 715562
>>714893I literally asked where Asteroid was like four days ago.
No. 715567
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5 days ago
No. 715568
File: 1539824378570.jpeg (578.25 KB, 1124x1858, BF7D0B17-CD1D-49A7-BA43-4A087D…)

No. 715572
File: 1539824622013.jpeg (379.42 KB, 1207x1498, E7FAB810-144D-4D08-8EB2-E9CFA4…)

Protecting the queen at any cost…
No. 715574
File: 1539824700115.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2400x2400, C57A9CD9-8B23-4A70-A0C1-52D73B…)

I don’t want to wk but the picture she posted 5 days ago of them seem to be the same skinks
No. 715575
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No. 715586
>>715582>>715584And look! She has a degree. Good for her.
Tyler is just out here begging for Taylor’s fans to support him as well because if they’re really “friends” they would call out each others bullshit long time ago
No. 715595
>>715527Jennifer Dean is trying to become Greg Paul of "PetTube".
>>715525Since we're all here let's take some time to learn about quarantining your animals and what not doing that results in. (Hint: Dead animals).
No. 715614
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No. 715621
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>>715618You're right. But she's grieving so hard guys…
No. 715716
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No. 715724
>>715362i don't think she would need to cremate them, actually
too soon?
No. 715727
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Not sure if this is a stretch but does it look like her nipple is visible here
No. 715733
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No. 715801
>>715733Ok that's sweet honey, but just because you're "known" now doesn't suddenly make the stuff you say in the past irrelevant. Now that you're "known" you won't post stuff like this? Why? Because you're gonna get called out for being trash? lol
Also yes, it IS biphobic and if you aren't going to provide context AT THE TIME OF THE POST then it reads as "bisexuality is a fake sexuality" or "people can't make up their mind". Otherwise you're just covering your ass years later after you've come up with an excuse. I love it when straight girls try to preach what is and isn't offensive.
No. 715811
File: 1539845212113.jpeg (423.35 KB, 1421x1691, 032AEE50-9534-4A8E-96D4-5226C2…)

She changes her story so frequently.
No. 715834
>>715804It’s also incredibly frustrating that the issue of Taylor’s blatant neglect has been completely overshadowed by everyone leaping to her defence over this dead / replacement pet issue (and by the way, I think it’s adminrable that a much smaller youtuber would call out this behaviour and don’t blame her at all for this change in narrative).
The neglect that people are so upset about was described by Taylor in her OWN WORDS, in great detail and people are allowed to criticise that, be angry about it and comment on it as much as they want. Taylor certainly uses her twitter to virtue signal what she believes to be neglect or poor animal care, so why shouldn’t others?! It’s always one rule for Taylor and one rule for everyone else in every aspect.
Incidentally, I’m sure we all know that ridiculous, extraneous details are often added to a story when someone is lying, but never mind.
No. 715835
>>715825She clearly checks on them in the morning, when she gets home and then goes to bed!! /s
She's such a fucking liar lol. Asleep 12 hours, then gone for 10. That's 22 hours your pets were alone. What, you checked on them 3 times in a two hour period? Why do her stans believe this crap?
No. 715840
>>715811She’s SO desperate to prove that she can cope with the number of animals she has and therefore doesn’t need an assistant to help with them that she’s just digging herself a bigger hole.
She says that the assistant helps out when she’s sleeping or when she’s sick? So why not get that same assistant to help when she knows she’s going to be out of the house for 10 hours?
Both of these activities result in her being unable to supervise her animals for an extended period of time. So yes, that IS neglect I’m afraid.
No. 715856
>>715842She's mentioned her schedule so many times it's not even funny how her stans just disregard her neglect.
She sleeps, every day, up to 12 hours (hence the aSsIsTaNtS). The rest of the time is spent doing pretty much nothing.
No. 715884
File: 1539857154830.png (68.29 KB, 592x286, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 11.5…)

if she would feel sooo fucking terrible and depressed about this she wouldn't reject ANY responsibility with "it can happen to anyone durrrrrr"
yes, all pets can die in freak accidents. no, it is not just as likely if you have one pet and claiming so is ridiculous. if this whole electricity adventure is true, it wouldn't have happened with one enclosure in the first place and then it would have been much easier to make sure everything works. if you have 30 cages in one room of course it's easy to miss something, especially if you are kinda negligent anyway. that doesn't mean it's any less of your responsibility to make sure everything's fine if you have 30. it means you shouldn't HAVE 30.
the words "you're such a good pet mom" piss me off so much at this point. brainless mantra
No. 715911
Taylor is really the only cow who can genuinely make me mad and sad. I truly can not fathom how anyone can claim to care about animals but be blind to her neglect and mistreatment of her pets, or how she or anyone can be so delusional to think that haters are just jealous haters who hate her for personal reason, why tf is it so hard to believe that people are genuinely concerned for your pets, when your pets are the only reason for your popularity in the first place?
She and her minions are acting like she's the victim of a witchhunt, wtf. I don't want to watch Taylor crash and burn, I really just want her to pull herself together and DO BETTER, so that no more animals will suffer.
I couldn't get myself to read through this thread yesterday because the thought of her pets burning to death made me nauseaus as fuck and they weren't even my pets, and here she is making jokes about uncooked noodles, tf.
I feel sorry for that Jessica girl, and it baffles me that anyone would accuse HER of slander when Taylor is the only one with the power to actually slander someone. If anyone tries to do that to her, her army of bullies will attack them and shut them down and nothing will change.
Saged because no milk, I just had to vent a bit, sorry
No. 715914
>>715911I agree. This all went down when I was in class and when I saw her tweet I just felt sick. How do people justify her literally roasting her animals?
>>715811She needs to fire that "assistant," they're doing a shitty job.
No. 715921
>>715911It makes me really upset too anon. It sounds ridiculous but I actually had a hard time falling asleep last night because of all that crap yesterday. With any other cow I'd laugh at people getting this involved but fuck, this is about like 35+ innocent animals.
I get why Jessica took down all her tweets about Taylor but it would've been nice to raise awareness about it. Some of her stans saw that tweet and very actually kind of reasonable.
And I also understand the cowtipping rule but in cases like this there should be exceptions imo. This is not about ruining lolz this is literally about saving lives.
No. 715938
>>715911Taylor is NO victim! I DO want to see her crash and burn for how she treats Jonny’s Exes and anyone who isn’t kissing her ass.
Something to note: she should have SMELLED if her pets were dead/cooked! Pretty sure it wouldn’t be a pleasant smell. But then, her apartment is akin to a garbage dump so maybe she didn’t notice the extra stench.
As for slander, don’t even get me started, she does this consistently! First with the shop who sold her the “wrong” monitor to south Texas dragons. She never removes her slander.
I 110% believe what Jessica was told. The skinks dies from dehydration and had been replaced, which is why there was a pic of the skinks 6 days ago and has now been removed and replaced which her Swiss cheese story (too many holes) and the frog, well, anons have been saying every time she posted a pic that it didn’t look right and malnurished!
Time for Taylor to call off the dogs, including her mother, if you could call her that!
No. 715968
File: 1539870659731.jpeg (374.21 KB, 1242x1705, 94B30EC5-9D3C-4925-A7A6-F9C9DA…)

Fucking WHEN, Taylor? Like this is so fucking infuriating how her fans and petuber group is just dismissing this incident when it’s literally such an obvious case of neglect. She says in her own sob story notepad post how the power went out for 12 hours as she slept - she realized it when she got up and “fixed” it and then literally didn’t go back into the room for TEN HOURS. These are her own fucking words. This is such a clear cut example of neglect but no one cares. It makes me sick.
No. 715975
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No. 715988
File: 1539871928358.jpg (192.51 KB, 1080x521, Screenshot_20181018-161142_Sam…)

Nice to see people speaking up about it. Hope she doesn't also get bullied into taking those tweets down
No. 716037
>>716034Oh probably. I don’t know I hate the fucking hell site normally because of fandom brats and witch hunts.
I only thought of it because of how many more posts I saw calling her out than giving her ass pats.
No. 716066
>>716054It’s because it’s a BULLSHIT made up story but she didn’t think it through before she tried to get ahead of Jessica outing her!
She would have been better to have said the power went out in the night and they got too cold…not that she ignored them after 12 hours with no power (don’t know how she can determine that exactly) and after turning back on she ignored them for 9-10 hours. Irresponsible story. Not someone to feel sorry for!
No. 716154
File: 1539887863235.jpeg (410.73 KB, 1668x2224, 0FF3AE20-77DD-4E85-9D93-423DF2…)

> mocks those who criticize her care
> says she’s totes open to criticism
> claims she totally isn’t blindly getting asspats from clout chasers no matter how many animals her neglect and ignorance kills, as if the only legitimate criticisms could come from her ‘friends’. Oh wait, when one did, suddenly “she’s not in our group anymore”
No. 716165
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No. 716191
File: 1539891130599.jpeg (56.99 KB, 1092x196, 4D6FD021-2F61-444A-A0C4-BF0B9F…)

Pretty sure she deleted this.
No. 716250
File: 1539895767390.jpeg (227.5 KB, 976x998, F242D54A-8008-4983-A099-94A40C…)

This will be a headline for Taylor soon…bank on it!
No. 716339
>>716165What a surprise. Good luck with your underaged females being pregnant, you twat. Zero idea on history or genetics, but go on and breed even more sickly animals into this world. First she was claiming Goose had megacolon (he prob doesn't, she just wanted to sound smart about DWS even after incorrectly calling it high white lmao) and now she's letting him breed? HUGE no. Taylor used to be against backyard breeding and now she's doing exactly that. Good job, Tay!
Can't wait for the 'oooops' litter after she claimed she got Goose neutered and the vet must have botched the surgery! It's like she thinks she's the only person in the world to own rats and neuter them. Newsflash Taytay, heaps of people neuter/spay and know that males need to be kept away from females six weeks after the surgery to make sure the "pipes are clean". Not to mention the huge surgical site Goose would have. Same with the females - it's an invasive surgery that not only removes the uterus, but the ovaries as well. Hard to botch that when two major sex organs are removed.
No. 716448
File: 1539912405524.jpeg (280.75 KB, 750x596, C66F5513-7024-40B8-BFC9-ADA439…)

The white knighting is sort of getting out of hand if Taylor’s fans are dragging people who haven’t tweeted about it into it.
No. 716453
>>716448Taylor's stans all have hate-boners for Emzotic, even though Taylor publicly doxxed someone on her Twitter lol
They're all fucking hypocrites.
No. 716524
File: 1539917867452.jpeg (329.84 KB, 750x599, F803981F-3E05-499C-A146-4905DC…)

She’s so insane
No. 716569
>>716524But… the animals really
did die…
No. 716586
>>716524I love how most people when a pet dies will go quiet for a bit then come out and say it because they had their period of mourning or just make the announcement but still obviously sad.
Meanwhile the deans are just “lol my animal died so I guess I better joke about the hate instead of just ignoring it”
No. 716595
>>716524I love how most people when a pet dies will go quiet for a bit then come out and say it because they had their period of mourning or just make the announcement but still obviously sad.
Meanwhile the deans are just “lol my animal died so I guess I better joke about the hate instead of just ignoring it”
No. 716649
File: 1539926077917.png (58 KB, 638x424, tnd-abuse-joke.png)

The way she and her mother joke is fucking psycho. Even if you truly believe you've not done anything wrong, SURELY you must realize how bad it looks to be this way after something tragic or controversial. Especially if you've COOKED YOUR ANIMALS ALIVE. Now's not the time to make "teehee, I'm abusing my animals!" jokes. Really, there's no time for those jokes if you want to be taken seriously in a particular field.
No. 716685
>>716682Not to WK the other pettubers because they are just as bad as her, but she most likely manipulated the situation and didn't outright say it. Probably posted something in their group chat about how her skinks died, doesn't know how, etc. Questions get asked, she answers like 'well they haven't been drinking a lot lately' and they come up with the conclusion of how they died. Then no doubt Taylor mentions her audience, how much her fans loved the skinks, how the haters are out to get her, etc. So she'd mention buying new skinks to replace them to avoid the drama. Easy enough to spin when these are other youtubers with their own audience.
Same with the frog. Mentions he passed, makes a few comments of how he didn't look too good, he wasn't eating properly, etc and she noticed something was amiss but didn't realize how bad. She's manipulative and I don't believe she's dumb enough to outright say an animal died so she'll just replace it, it'd be too easy to expose her if any of them wanted to. Instead she'll mince her words.
No. 716739
File: 1539935479858.png (80.66 KB, 718x626, IMG_20181019_095103.png)

Watch Taylor become a twich thot
No. 716741
>>716739LMAOOO. What "games" has Taylor ever played? Sorry honey, but if you're gonna play games on Twitch you either need to be a) good or b) entertaining. Usually both and you can't do either.
Can't wait to see the unedited mess of this stream. She's gonna turn into a twitch thot with tits out and her camera taking up the entire screen while they "game" and there's only so much time she can spend sitting there banning people in her chat lol. Stay on insta with your filters to spare yourself the embarrassment.
No. 716841
File: 1539957358850.jpeg (93.84 KB, 738x743, DC05E6C4-E5A9-49E9-9F31-53A66D…)

But I thought the microchip was unregistered? And what kind of TNR program microchips a feral/stray? None, bc it’s a waste of resources, Taylor.
No. 716934
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No. 716935
File: 1539964988541.jpeg (285.5 KB, 750x1226, 093DF6BA-8223-446B-8DE1-2A4D02…)

Oh look, now Jonny doesn’t have to hide his drinking at the mall attached to their apartments
(Backstory for anyone who doesn’t remember/know: Jonny passed out drunk after sneaking to a restaurant’s bar to get hammered while he was out eating with the Deans at this mall)
No. 716936
File: 1539965220386.png (300.7 KB, 920x796, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 12.0…)

I like how after directly replying she felt the need to quote the same tweet aswell, as if she wanted to make an example of what happens when you question her (aka she knows all her fans will jump whoever does)
No. 716947
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No. 716948
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No. 716949
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No. 716954
>>716948i don't wanna be nitpicky but her views on "30 year old man with decades of experience" vs "conservative female with a degree" baffles me on how she views females (or herself).
you have money for college, Taylor. you have time in your hands to prove people wrong by making GOOD content about your pets all the time. you have time to update people with every pet you have. All we get are "look at my new pet!" every week but no updates on pets you got a month ago unless they die. your own boyfriend RAPED and ASSAULTED his ex girlfriends and you laughed at the thought because it wasn't 'you.' I don't feel bad for your own little pity party. you're only doing this because there's more people not believing you this time.
No. 716957
>>716739Youtube doesn't give as much money anymore, Taylor? I heard people getting more and more of their videos monetized for no reason or having to split the ad revenue over 5+ companies that's striking it.
just imagine Taylor finally having to go in front of the webcam edit-free? LOL she's going to just stare at herself and check which angle she looks nice in for the first hour of each stream. hilarious
No. 716960
>>716949Calling bullshit on the statement “this is the last response you’ll get from me”
Taylor, you love the drama. Fuck off.
There are people who are here to trash her appearance and shit but a majority of us are here because you treat animals like objects, use them for views, borderline abuse them and then forget they existed
No. 717016
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>>716974Explanation for the deletion
No. 717027
File: 1539975309830.jpeg (314.25 KB, 1233x1228, B9795E7C-1395-437E-AECC-DA8BCD…)

Her fans are more delusional than she is.
No. 717036
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No. 717040
>>717027usually her stans just support her just to get followers on twitter. they probably think, "if i kiss her ass and she retweets, i get followers." I mean not all do it, but it's obvious some do.
>>717030what i noticed between King of DIY, SolidGold, Snake Discovery and all the semi/overall good pettubers vs Taylor and her "gang" is that we get an inside look at all their pets almost ALL the time and with Taylor, it's basically a hassle for her to update her stans with all her pets and even complains about it like BoO HoO PoOr ME! UpDaTiNg YoU GuYs AbOuT My PeTs Is SOOO HARD!
No. 717053
File: 1539977558066.png (803.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181019-073255.png)

Wouldn't it be stressful for two male cresties to be taken out and put together on a paper towel?
No. 717110
>>717036PLEASE ENABLE ME.jpg
She's such a poor, poor little victim. If only she had some way to do research, or money to buy her pets better enclosures! Oh, what a world, what a world.
No. 717113
>>717027jesus christ. do people believe this shit?
an expert to me is someone with an EDUCATION and degree in animal welfare or veterinary medicine with years of experience under their belt. taylor has neither of these. gender or sex doesn't even come into the equation, you morons.
she's a youtuber aka entertainer. not an animal educator or expert. you can also call her hoarder, animal abuser, sexist, ignorant, arrogant and vain if you want. what a load of shit mentioning misogyny when she dates and fucks a rapist, and not only that but publicly laughed at his victims.
No. 717126
File: 1539985494583.jpeg (175.53 KB, 750x380, DFFF862E-55FB-4453-9B37-824A78…)

I can’t believe she put that on the internet.
No. 717187
>>717150Even with screenshots, she can claim they're fake.
Chelsea proved her convo with Taylor was real and yet her and Jennifer said they were faked and manipulated.
No. 717195
File: 1539994092283.jpeg (34.83 KB, 232x261, ADF9C29A-95A9-4570-97C6-2340CC…)

Looks like her new merch is gonna be previewed soon, thank god she got Bindi redrawn because the last one she released looked like shit
No. 717198
>>716934"I'm so sick of everyone trying to catch me in some lie"
Stop lying then.
No. 717269
>>717251I really think her "saving" the cat helped her avoid a lot of backlash for the recent deaths of her pets. It was like a reminder of, "Oh, isn't she so thoughtful?"
Otherwise, her recent track record would have been a complete pile up of awful. Not sticking to her snake September. Constant purchasing of animals. Constantly leaving her animals behind.
No. 717337
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No. 717338
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No. 717341
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No. 717357
>>717338So five days ago this breeder said they were sending them to taylor k
(This screenshot might be old, my phone's saying 5 days ago) and she announced the death three days ago. Odd.
No. 717556
>>717498Might be a blog post, sorry
One time I asked about her cat dying (when I was still standing her) because my friend got kittens and I didn't want them to die and I simply said "Is there anything you could've done differently for the cat?" or something and she quote tweeted me saying how people are always attacking her for things out of her control and how this was completely unpreventable. She can't even handle questions anymore.
No. 717573
File: 1540046728399.jpg (74.9 KB, 750x1334, proof.jpg)

>>717544Here you go. Instagram only shows it as 'wednesday' as it was the most recent Wednesday the 17th October
No. 717589
>>717573Can’t wait until big bad mama dean tries to play this one off as “slander”
The whole pet tube community honestly needs to apologize to this girl. Even the ones who stood idly by and washed their hands of the situation. Animals literally died because the biggest pettuber forgot to check up on them but people who have been in her circle and who are getting paid to promote animal care “*~don’t wanna be involved in the dramas~*” Emzotic literally has posts upon posts here reaming Taylor about her looks and pet care but the only thing I saw her post about it was vaguely saying “it’s okay to say no to having too many pets :)”. Like no you literally see this girl calling out BS and putting her neck out and you just watch like the others? All these pettubers who just watched idly by are just as culpable as the ones defending her tbh. Honor amount thieves.
No. 717686
>>717628Dude, drop it
You has been pushing this PettyPaige thing months now, it wont happen and if it does that bitch already said Taylor "wasnt that bad"
I think all the petubers defending Taylor are just waiting to grow more theirs suscribes (which wont happen. ever) so they can call her bs out and probably throw her down
They are so two face its a possibility
No. 717730
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Why does this feel like a lie? Like she was the one who hit her child, and she wants to talk about it, but she doesn’t want to look bad.
No. 717789
>>717778So she already purchased them 6 days ago…yet it was only 4 days ago that she concocted the electricity story (bullshit) and then said she was only “thinking” about getting new ones…nice story Tay!
Wonder if this breeder knows she doesn’t give a shit about her pets and half the time they aren’t fed or given fresh water daily?! He obviously only cares about the $170 each he gets and not their well being!
No. 718031
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No. 718034
Who even is this friend she's talking about? I thought her only friends are the pettuber leeches and Betsy.
No. 718035
>>718031…Doesn't she already have a snake that looks exactly like that?
Not exactly but you get the point.
Seems really pointless to get similar looking morphs if you're basically just collecting them.
No. 718064
File: 1540131165110.jpeg (217.27 KB, 1185x757, D32B9097-9F7A-4500-85E2-DAB9B0…)

Wait, she actually thinks she’s well known and compared herself to celebrities? LMAO
No. 718132
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Sage for no real new milk but i searched her name and more people are starting to catch on to her bullshit.
No. 718134
File: 1540138982358.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, EFF70A7D-B4B6-4D20-9B43-DE138E…)

Someone else made a screenshot on twitter so I just took that, was going to do a side by side but can’t really do that on phone.
The snakes do look eerily similar.
No. 718164
>>718031this is the exact same snake being sold bby viper. if you look at this screenshot you can see a snake egg hatching underneath it.
if you look at vipers insta story it is the exact same video
No. 718171
File: 1540142550043.jpg (382.86 KB, 1080x2031, IMG_20181021_182001.jpg)

>>718164Wow you're right, this is a screenshot of that story incase it gets deleted.
Taylor is so full of shit. Making it sound like she's aquiring these animals for free/as rescues really does nothing for her, honestly planning out the animals she's getting and looking like a responsible pet owner that doesn't just aquire every animal under the sun would be a better angle.
No. 718227
File: 1540147565601.png (271.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-21-14-45-37…)

She already bought it
No. 718230
File: 1540147956314.png (212.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-21-14-49-46…)

Wait sorry my bad, it was the older pied snake unless shes planning on buying both
No. 718236
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No. 718237
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No. 718252
>>718250Main thread
>>624728 she's a huge hoarder as well
No. 718262
File: 1540150941434.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181021-213831.png)

>>718031She already deleted this post.. probably hot scared of by anon posting screenshots of the conversation with the breeder.
But seems like the rush of getting a new BP made the ones she already has more interesting to her.
She posted this on her IG 6h ago.
At least one of her BP got some enrichment today..
No. 718279
>>717011She's not ugly on the outside, she's ugly on the inside. She's slowly killing these animals.
As an aside, though, it's obvious she's had her lips filled multiple times. Compare her to PlasticandProud.
Maybe if she spent as much money on her animals as she does on her clown lips, they wouldn't be dying.
No. 718287
File: 1540153038859.jpg (156.51 KB, 1080x802, Screenshot_20181021-221544_Ins…)

Jeez she really can't answer comments questioning her care without being snarky.
Are BPs even supposed to soak?
No. 718292
>>718288Haven't we seen things that look like mited on some of her snakes? I think Violet looked like she had some.
And now I remembered that that snake exists. Guess Taylor doesn't like her anymore cause she is not turning more purple "like the breeder said" but actually just yellow now.
No. 718303
>>718287LOL!! Tay your guilty conscience shows. Maybe you wouldn't be so defensive if you had nothing to be defensive over.
"Ball pythons tend to soak in their water dishes and I use eco earth, so the water gets dirty (:"
WOW that was hard to reply in a semi nice and informative way!!!!!! You call yourself an animal educator but that's how you educate people lmao. What a stupid bitch. She is really a very simple minded person. Not smart at all.
No. 718328
>>718264It takes two seconds to update people about your pets like this. And if you're excited enough about your pets you would! I have to restrain myself from posting about my pets every day because I love them so much, and they're super interesting to me, even if they're just sitting there doing nothing.. But it's her fucking job and she can't even do it. Obviously she can't post
every pet every day, but there are so many we never even see anymore and she wonders why people question it. Especially after she killed her skinks and frog from neglect. It's evidence enough that she doesn't check on all of her animals every day like she should, especially when they are in need of her to.
No. 718332
>>718235I’m gonna guess the latter since that seems like her MO especially since she waited until weeks(?) after her crocodile skinks died to let anyone know.
Tbh I think she actually is sad that her pets are dying and is buying even more animals to “cope” with the ones that pass. She doesn’t see an issue with it because she’s too focused on the feel good vibes of getting a new animal before eventually they become “boring” (most of her animals probably aren’t accustomed to being handled too much - she says in her skink video that she wouldn’t be touching them that much since they don’t like it which I find a little coincidental too) she becomes more negligent to them and then they end up dying causing the cycle to repeat.
I’m going to tinfoil here and guess that Taylor bought new skinks thinking she could replace them (obviously), got called out by farms and that girl on twitter and now has to wait to reveal them along with her new morph snake purchase. A month seems like a long enough time for her stans to forget those poor 4 pets even existed and she’ll probably do a reveal video like she did with her chimeras.
No. 718336
File: 1540157723511.jpg (130.68 KB, 1080x626, 20181021_163507.jpg)

No. 718347
>>718279…giving fresh water daily hardly costs ANY money…but requires time and attention…which is why her skinks died!
Umm Taylor…we know you’ve already gotten 2 new ones…why not post them?
No. 718382
>>718371Except Goose is still living with the girls and when neutered males still need to be kept separate for SIX WEEKS after the surgery. This is to make sure that "the pipes are clean" in a sense and to make sure he's no longer fertile. So even if she did neuter him, she still fucked up.
They haven't been neutered or spayed. She would have posted about it and their genitals would have been shaved and there would be stitches or staples. Taylor seriously thinks her audience are morons lol. Until she posts proof, I don't believe a word she says.
No. 718520
File: 1540184416014.png (598.43 KB, 750x1334, 2F6D65AD-56F8-4F76-BFDF-C11C55…)

Uh, maybe do an intervention for your daughter so she stops harming animals through her neglect then. Very ironic just days after tnd murdered three animals
No. 718523
>>718395>>718513This one?
>>714043>>714076She looks like she has no gill feathering out at all, and the tank obviously doesn’t see many water changes. You can see where the waterline is dropping in the lines of scum. Poor Mush. I feel so bad for her. That water is probably a solid 10* F hotter than it should be, but we’ll never know because she doesnt use thermometers. Despite having just boiled three animals to death.
No. 718593
File: 1540205400986.png (29.38 KB, 641x241, tnd on animal abuse.png)

>>718523Yikes. Major yikes. Her increasing lack of care and concern for her animals is terrifying. (That's what drugs do to you, everything else fades into the background and your new normal is not so normal…) Remember when Tay-tay was like… against animal abuse in all its forms, including neglect?
No. 718594
File: 1540206711892.jpg (56.65 KB, 1080x320, IMG_20181022_120714.jpg)

Shame she'd rather spend 5 hours playing video games than spending time with her pets. Does she just stay up all night and sleep all day? Do her diurnal animals not get fed until mid afternoon/evening when she eventually drags herself out of bed?
No. 718629
>>718625Apparently she quarantined the "chimera" (in her bedroom I think?), and the SSTP she apparently quarantined in her bathroom (surely the humidity and all the sprays she has in there can't be good for it) but I don't think she ever showed it. She didn't separate the rats from each other (apparently they're from the same litter but it's pretty clear they aren't), and she apparently quarantined the new cat for like a day? She hasn't mentioned quarantining the new snake, she probably thinks because her friend had it for a week that that's enough, and I don't doubt she's put her new skinks back into the old skink tank, but she probably wont mention that she's bought another pair for a while.
She's delusional to think she doesn't have too many animals. If you haven't got the room to quarantine an animal away from any other animals, then you have too many animals.
No. 718670
>>718606At this point I really hope she's on drugs because otherwise.. yikes. She behaves just like Luna Slater with wearing lingerie as normal clothing to expose to her underaged followers, posting selfies like it's a job but complete inability to actually work, hoarding things she's obsessed with, and dating a scumbag she defends to the end of of the Earth while blocking/deleting anyone that speaks the truth.
If Taylor isn't shooting up something as an excuse then she's a true shitshow of a person who's just like this naturally.
No. 718699
>>718614Her apartment was okay space for her animals when she first moved in. Now though she’s aquired so many in such a short time she’s running out of room. That’s way to many reptiles to be in just one room plugged into maybe four sockets and one circuit. If she got a house she would have to spread them out into multiple rooms and various places in the house.
And no she couldn’t run a rescue out of her house?? She can’t even take care of the pets she’s getting that are perfectly healthy much less rescuing animals that are already in poor health. Do you want her death toll any higher??
And she’s never had self respect so idk what ur talking about
No. 718809
>>718708>>718705It's interesting because she should have a good bit of money left over, yet it doesn't appear that she does? She lives in fucking cheap looking lingerie and her pets' enclosures are minimal or bare. She could be responsible and trying to save it but lets be honest.. a huge chunk is probably going towards drinking and drugs. What else would it be going towards if it's obvious it isn't going towards her animals which she claims is the most important thing.
I've seen some crazy fancy animal enclosures from people who obviously aren't as wealthy as she is.
No. 718840
>>718809You can do nice cheap-ish enclosures as long as you actually plan things out correctly and DIY shit. She's too lazy to pick things up off the floor so obviously she won't be bothering to DIY anything either.
Plus I don't think it's that she can't afford it, it's that she doesn't care about animals. They are just a way for her to get attention and money. So why spend anymore when her stans insist everything she does is perfect?
No. 718897
>>718869She won't do well on Twitch lol. Unless you mean having underage boys tip $1 to call you a slut and having to sit there banning people in chat because she disagrees with what they say "well".
She'd just be like any other Twitch thot with their tits out. She's not entertaining and she's not good at games so once the novelty of her blowjob lips wears off, people will get bored and leave.
No. 718997
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A few days? More like every single day. It’s just laughable at this point.
No. 719000
>>718955No. It was just an idea to see if people would watch her.
But to be honest, we're assuming she'd even be able to hold a proper schedule to begin with.
No. 719091
>>719027She's given an excuse for this before. Basically what she does is record a bunch of videos but she never uploads them because she gets anxiety about them because they're not """"perfect"""" so she ends up redoing them over and over again.
Which, tbh, if you get such bad anxiety over them, maybe organize an actual schedule so you make space for any potential fuckups. Which is why Twitch is honestly such a laughable concept for her to even try.
She might be able to try it for a month tops, but imagine her manchild losing his shit on stream and constantly flexing on "the haters". Plus she can barely keep up with her channel.
No. 719170
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Has anyone else noticed the short tail python submerging in its water? Is that normal for that type of snake or is it usually only more of a reaction to mites?
No. 719312
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No. 719317
>>719315That's at least responsible of her. She has the money, why not use it if she's not about to put in the work herself.
(LOLing forever at her "taking a few days off" above. Bitch, from what?)
No. 719329
>>719323She probably hates Kronos anyway.
I'd say he is easily her most difficult pet and he is not even the monitor she wanted to get.
She would probably be kinda relieved if something happened to him.
No. 719334
>>719329She’s already neglecting him so I wouldn’t be surprised when he actually does. Never realized he has so much shit in his enclosure so he can’t really do much.
I really don’t understand why she keeps getting a pass for her excuses. She literally has multiple animals die every single year. That’s not normal
No. 719335
>>719333Apart from that snake rack in the corner… I'll forever side eye the shit out of snake keepers who keep their animals in fucking shoeboxes and pretend that their animals like that.
There's a link to the inventory of her hoarded animals at the top of the page.
No. 719344
>>719312My god those snake racks look even tinier than I thought they were. That feels so cruel to me. I know snakes like small and secure places, but giving them only small and secure places feels so wrong, no animal should live like that.
I bet her $10k snake has a nicer tank though, until she eventually gets bored of that as well.
No. 719353
>>719350And conveniently it was only “select” enclosures!
The skinks died of dehydration and the frog from malnutrition.
No. 719369
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>>719350Same anon. I went and watched her new cages video from 6 months ago, she actually put the skinks in a smaller tank on the middle row, above bindis tank. According to her Instagram the pacman frog was moved to the same tanks in August. Sorry should have checked that before posting. We know she's bought new skinks, but I'm assuming she's replaced the frog as well considering all the lights are on on that row?
Also, I noticed the frog seems to be in a tank on the far right, but from this picture
>>719312 the tank seems to be set up for something totally different.
No. 719370
>>719369Fuck her enclosures always look so pathetic.
I know it's been said a bunch of times now but she just throws random shit she has left in there and calls it a day.
No. 719390
>>719388Rachel O'Leary for fish and Clint's Reptiles.
Both are actual professionals and Clint even has degrees in it.
Rachel focuses mostly on nano fish but she also talks about more broad topics.
No. 719502
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Second line, proof she got new crocodile skinks
No. 719507
>>719492She made a tweet the other day about how she doesn't use them at night. Not sure why you'd use them at all, though, something that replicates natural day light seems like a better option to me.
Also, it kinda concerns me that she always seems to have her blinds closed, I know most of her animals have artificial light, but for the ones that don't I worry she's depriving them of any natural light. Also, from the picture it looks like it's dark outside and she's got all their lights still on. Apparently she posted this tweet at around 3am if I'm not mistaken, bit of a worry if she's not replicating a natural circadian rhythm for her animals.
No. 719555
Sage for nothing new, but if you guys want a good laugh, take a trip down memory lane with this search for the word video on her Twitter account: It's like she's never heard of under-promising and over-delivering. So many promises and ludicrous excuses.
No. 719582
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She's going to another dang reptile expo, and she you know she's goinf to buy something, she always does.
No. 719588
>>719502Does anyone else find it bizarre that she refers to her animals as their species rather than their names? Some of them I can understand such as "snakes" as its easier than writing 15 names, but why Leo? "Snakes that have outgrown theirs"? Does she really have so many snakes that have outgrown their current dishes it's easier to write that than name the ones that have?
Curious to know why she's moving her leo to a tub, if that's what that means? Not against tubs at all if they're set up properly and often they can provide more space on a budget, but she has enough money to just buy a proper tank if she wanted something bigger…? Another case of shoving it in a tub to make space for something new?
No. 719605
>>719588She keeps saying that her tubs are as big as the cages her reptiles were in before but like… that's just not possible.
They are all clearly super flat and not very wide either, no idea how long they are.
It'd be a different thing if they were actually big 20g tubs or something but the ones she has just look like shoe boxes.
It's just weird to me. I'm sure that some animals she sticks in those tubs would benefit from looking outside their tiny enclosure just to stimulate their little brains.
No. 719606
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>>719602Found it. She really is delusional lol Her average uploading schedule is like once every two weeks, and that's being generous
No. 719608
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No. 719628
Her to do lists make me laugh. They read like someone who has nothing actual to it in so just makes up stuff for the sake of writing it. Why is she just buying temp regulators now when apparently it was weeks (if we believe her saying this month rather than this week when she posted her death lost) ago when they died. Surely you’d get on amazon and have them delivered within a day or two. I mean who has to write clean bathroom and get groceries on a list. Those are things you just do as you need to do then, you don’t need to be reminded of them! The fact your bathroom is filthy and you have no food is enough reminder.
No. 719642
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Why would he even feel the need to say this?
No. 719668
>>719662That's more or less what I meant, I apologize that I worded that poorly.
I meant that like, the mental strains and issues she has are normal given the situation she's in, that she's not struggling with mental health but just her brain freaking out over the situation she got herself in. And she thinks just because she feels crappy and is having a hard time coping that she's got mental illnesses.
No. 719688
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I doubt she’ll care for her animals much while her “friends” are around, maybe they’ll see how bad her care is and finally leave. Not likely though
No. 719716
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>>719697The walmart Taylor
No. 719763
>>719502The fact that she has things like "feed all snakes" and "clean rat cage" on here. That's something you should probably be doing more than once every few weeks, you know. And "clean hedgie cages!" with an EXCLAMATION POINT, meaning it's overdue even by her standards, which means it's actually probably to the point where the animals are actively suffering every day she doesn't.
No. 719867
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No. 719895
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Taylor and I have a mutual friend on Facebook so I was able to see more of her posts than most. Found this comment. I’m not usually into “exposing” but six years ago she would be 15, right? I think that’s old enough to know better. Idk. I also screen recorded for proof but idk how to submit that here.
No. 719902
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>>719895Ironic that she recently posted this lol.
No. 719915
>>719909it wasn't hard r and she used the slang version so it's okay everyone!!
she's like any other stupid white girl.
No. 719989
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Wait I thought her dream was animals? Why is a gamer getting jealous over that?
No. 720004
>>719665not only that but cats take a lot of time to adjust to other cats due to scents and behavior reasons, a stray cat would never adapt to an at-home environment with other cats just due to different types of life environments. while it can adapt, if you throw it into an at-home situation with other cats randomly it stresses and freaks the cat out so bad
im just betting she didn't even get a "stray"
No. 720037
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Why would you only get them so little? Just go out and buy stuff for the whole fucking cage ffs, it STILL looks barren. And what happened to the critter nation? Is that gonna be another "the cages are in the making but the company delayed them again!!!!!"
No. 720117
>>720107Letting them walk on exposed wire will absolutely fuck their feet up and give them bumblefoot.
Just plastic shelves and stuff are ok but you need to wipe them all the time cause they get nasty real fast.
No. 720190
>>720186yeah those rats are gonna chew it up and pee and poop in it.
unless she got them litter trained but cmon she didnt
No. 720245
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It's so weird to me that she lets all her animals walk around on the carpet. She could at least put a blanket or something, especially since she never quarantines
No. 720264
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No. 720267
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So joking about dead animals is cool apparently
No. 720312
>>719582I thought one of her rats names was star.
However, no it's not normal to have a checkup after unless there's a drain or something has gone wrong with the neuter/spay. They should also not all be living together, it takes 2-3 weeks for a male to become infertile, and even if the girls have been spayed, he will recover faster than they will and could potentially bother them in the meantime. Never-mind that you should never just throw rats together like that…
No. 720322
>>720267They're such psychos. They seem to think they're joking about the (pretty solid) speculation here that TND was trying to quietly replace the pets she killed. What they're really joking about is animal death that actually, factually, happened under their / their friend's watch. That's fucking crazy coming from people who want to make a "career" out of caring for animals.
Can never decide if social media has brought out the worst in people, or if we just now know a bunch of people are the worst.
No. 720330
>>720245I fear that Kronos will be stunted and forever look like a baby monitor and Taylor will just be like, “see guys! He’s not as big as what those haters keep lying about!! Im a good mom”
Reminds me of SnakeDiscoverys alligator they rescued that is severly stunted to the point she’ll forever look like a juvenile. Its a shame how ignorant people can be
No. 720385
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I wonder how Taylor feels about Jonny still being hung up on all his exes
No. 720394
>>720380You didn't watch the video with the alligator in the bath so you just presume you're right with no knowledge about the situation?
It was Dawn dish soap which is animal safe. The reason she was being bathed is because she peed in a travel tub and got it all over herself.
No. 720409
>>720330I fear that Kronos is gonna lash out and potentially severely hurt one of her other animals. We’ve already seen photos of her cats in the same room.
If they get hurt because of her negligence I’ll be really fucking mad.
No. 720415
>>720399bring it to the gen pettubers thread who the fuck cares.
i give it less than a year before kronos causes some problems w her other animals
No. 720416
>>720209Trained temperament. Temperament is inherited by parents, so if the parents are skittish, etc then babies will be as well. Handling rats often "trains" them to be calm and loving around their humans, which is a good thing but you have to handle them every day.
At first Taylor probably did handle them every day, when they were younger. Now that she's bored of them and isn't handling them as much, they are reverting back to their true temperaments which is skittish and afraid. I'm not surprised in the least.
No. 720556
>>720352 bro thinking about what she does with her dead pets is so weird, she lives in an apartment building so she probably can't bury them and she had to get rid of a frog, two skinks, and the mouse all recently? obviously not something she would want to talk about, but like… imagine having to walk ur dead pets to the dumpster outside to throw them away
that being said feeding the snakes her dead mouse would be weirdly sadistic but also not wasteful so idk how to gauge that one morally if that's how she went about doing it lol
No. 720563
>>720556And the hedgehog.
Honestly if she gave a shit, she'd get her pets cremated. But I won't be surprised if she just takes them out and dumps them in a bin or near some bushes. She's can't bury them, so there's only a few other options and she's not mentioned having them cremated to my knowledge so I guess she does dump them.
Honestly, if she did feed Gus off to her snakes it's conflicting because on one hand, it's not being wasteful but on the other… I could never feed off a pet to another pet. It doesn't feel right at all.
No. 720620
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that moment when you try to be petty but once again expose yourself for regularly stalking all of your ex's
No. 720724
>>720620I truly can’t understand how someone like taylor who is so desperate to portray themselves as kind, considerate, caring of animals, intelligent, etc etc is somehow okay w dating someone like this? Obviously she displays some of the same behaviors as him in reality or else she wouldn’t be able to handle him. He is so obviously lacking any level of intellect whatsoever, even in their small clips together he is a barely coherent human, i have no clue how they can even converse.
Dating him is SO bad for that image, the only people who don’t realize that in order to date someone for nearly a year you have to share a lot of similarities?? We see those similarities whenever she gets close to breaking up with him and sperges out on social media but no one over 16 is actually fooled by thinking taylor is some intelligent, humanistic goddess when she dates a human trash can?
No. 720852
>>720825I used to enjoy watching Taylor too, she seemed very genuine in her old videos but it was around the time that she started getting snakes that something changed.
I started to avoid watching her videos when she got Nemo and his sister. I just remember seeing the thumbnail and feeling sickened. She had no business raising those kittens and it shows because one of them died. After a while I clicked on one of her videos, around the time she got the green tree python after the original died. After not watching her for so long and seeing that video something just felt off and it prompted me to look into TND's care more and ended up here. I do believe her care has gotten worse since she moved out since before nearly all her animals were in her room and it was difficult for her to buy more due to space. Also I remember Jen saying no to certain animals, like snakes until she gave in and Taylor's snake spree began.
I do think she can fix her care, but she needs to be open to criticism and listen to other people instead of instantly blocking them or arguing. She also 100% needs to downsize and rehome certain animals she clearly can't take care of or provide for, like the rats and monitor.
No. 720862
>>720724>>720761Their relationship is so pitifully fake. I mean just look at the way she splurged on social media when they broke up, it was the only time she’s spoke about how he is abusive to her. How do you go from “fuck boys, he’s abusive” to “omg I love you daddy nobody understands us”? It just screams sad and fake. I think she really just doesn’t want to prove she was wrong about him from the beginning. We all know he’s just with her for sex and a place to stay/sugar momma to pay for everything he wants. She’s probably grown dependent on having him around on some degree too, she needs his constant attention so she feels worthy. I’m sure he tries to isolate her from all of the people around her as much as he can.
Regardless I can’t believe that manlet thinks everyone is jealous of that nasty relationship. So gross
No. 720883
>>720862I agree. They post shit on social media that no normal couple would.
>>719642 for example, I can't get over how bizarre this is, I mean I know Taylor never really sees anyone but really fucking strange to be so stoked for someone just because their friends are visiting lmao. Maybe he's happy that she's speaking to other humans and not just reptiles for a change.
No. 720928
>>720620Who the fuck would ever believe this
anything would be more believable than an app randomly liking two of his exes posts out of the millions of insta accounts/posts out there… I seriously wonder if Taylor believes this
No. 720932
>>720928Sage for blogposting but when I dated my ex he would constantly tag his ex in Facebook posts and like her posts. I fucking hated it but he didn’t care, he would do it anyway. Not only that but he would ignore me for days on end and still do it.
I just don’t understand how Taylor deals with Jonny’s bullshit. She probably does care but is too scared to call him out on it. Having your S/O liking their ex’s posts is super hurtful and inappropriate imo.
No. 720977
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At least she’s aware she’s fake as fuck…
No. 721058
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No. 721065
>>721058You can pretty obviously see here that they are still not bonded to her and scared.
Slight blogpost: I got 2 girls around the same time as her and even though one is really timid by nature she would already have run out of the cage and onto me if I just had the door open like Taylor does here.
No. 721071
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Is he supposed to be this thin?
No. 721076
>>721058How many rats does she have?! I'm counting up to six. Is that right?
There are three in the bottom right, one (4) in the bottom left. I think Goose (5) is on the top shelf in the cubby on the left (or, if not, he's somewhere in the cage; he isn't all white, so he's not as obvious), and then there's the white rat (6) up top.
Did I miss something, or am I miscounting? I thought she had three total.
No. 721087
>>721076I also had to do a double-take. At first I thought I saw 5 (the extra two being the in the lower right), but with the quality of the pic it's hard to tell.
I doubt she'd get more though. I don't see her being that enamored with rats nor wanting to spend the extra time/energy/money.
No. 721101
>>721090yeah after seeing the story myself she didnt get new rats.
the 2 white things are a kind of doll and goose is the rat on top which is you watch the video you'll see as he moves down and you see his black head
but kek to seeing gooses balls are still there
No. 721150
>>721058is that even enough room for all those rats?
she's so obsessed with flaunting new pets, yet here are way more rats than she's shown in the past. Is it possible that one of her rats had babies?
It's pretty clear that she doesn't spend the time bonding with her rats. I can't even imagine having that many. There's no way she spends enough quality time with each rat and can still manage the rest of her pets, especially if she's regularly sleeping for half the day.
No. 721157
>>721153The hide moves as Goose steps into the hammock it's touching, causing it to move.
Taylor's just uploaded more videos of them to her stories. There is only 3 rats.
No. 721168
>>720620I don't know how these apps work, but I looked and Amanda doesn't even tag her photos or anything, she isn't following slaves, slaves isn't following her… How would the "app" randomly find her photos to like?
>>720385 Let alone two pics that just so happen to make sense that he would like them. What an idiot.
>>721157>>721058I'm so confused, what are the things at the bottom right? I looked at the video. Whatever it is, it looks like they have eyes and ears?
No. 721172
>>721168They're just balls/toys of some sort. It's just the picture. One is more visible in Taylor's video, looks like a cotton ball or something.
Aren't her rats pretty skittish considering she's had them since they were just a few weeks old? I'd expect them to be walking on her hands by now if she'd been handling them every day, they just seem to sniff her and run off.
No. 721328
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How come Cheese never seem to grow? wasn’t her tank crowded before?? I would think they’ll film the mantis shrimp as well because who wouldn’t want to video a punching shrimp?
No. 721528
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That's going to be your apartment soon you idiot.
No. 721542
>>721537This is extremely concerning. With the amount of animals Taylor has she needs a serious plan in place for evacuating her pets. Once you're out of the apartment, the firefighters won't let you back in and usually it's only when you're outside do you know if it's a false alarm or if there's a fire. At least that's how it was for me.
But I bet this bitch just grabs her phone so she can type shit like this to her followers.
No. 721548
>>721546She wouldn't even have enough time for that. Imagine having to open 30 different enclosures AND catching the animals to put them in a carrier or bag.
Jonny wouldn't help cause he would just grab his fugly shoes and get out.
She would make up some sob story about how the firefighters forbid her to save her animals. Would be great for her, she would have a fresh new start to get 35 other pets though.
No. 721603
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No. 721703
>>7216841) Taylor isn't telling the truth.
2) If she were, strays cats shouldn't remain strays, if at all possible. They destroy local bird populations.
No. 721711
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i honestly believe taylor keeps up with this thread almost daily. her disposal of dead pets was being discussed in this thread only a few days ago, and what do you know?? here’s handy evidence of how she keeps the remains of one of the pets she’s killed in the last few months …
No. 721720
>>721716It looks like it, she’s running out of space in that tiny apartment. I wonder if it’s in a spot her cats can reach… I bet one of these days she’ll post about how her cat knocked over her urns but it ~~totally wasn’t her fault it was her assistants~~
(Reposting, forgot to sage)
No. 721744
>>721453>>721452>>721527Honestly the likelihood of Jonny's band using a bot to 'like' photos is very high. Something like autoinsta is free and probably what he's using. Let's face it, his shit band wouldn't get much interaction otherwise.
However… these bots require input, a tag to like eg "flowers", your followers random photos to like etc. If Amanda didn't tag her photos and Slaves isn't following her, it would literally be impossible for a bot to randomly like her photos…
It's totally deliberate. Jonny did it. All mind games when he's called out.
No. 721745
>>721744i’m pretty sure Instagram doesn’t let third party apps do anything without your control either, an app can’t like random photos, it has to present the photo for you to like.
you’re right, the only means of him accidentally liking her post is if she uses tags or buys likes, which is unlikely
No. 721747
>>7217453rd party apps can do things without your constant approval. I've used them before. You just have to sign in with your account.
But yeah the other points; no tags and no following etc. means it would be impossible for the bot to auto like it.
No. 721784
>>721542kek. You're right. It would be like when the gay club was being shot up the other week and her first reaction was to jump on twitter and sperg about "it could've been me!!1! I was meant to be there!!! omg!! mEEEEEE"
If her house was on fire she'd be having a pity party outside on Twitter "GUIS all my animals have been roasted to death but itS AlL gOod cause I'm totally fine!1!! i'm already contacting breeders for the next houseful of pets!!"
No. 721813
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she actually posted a video.
those extensions look atrocious and i'm not saying that to shame her appearance but bc it's making her looked unhinged. may be exaggerated but to me it's kind of alarming.
No. 721814
>>721711>shrine to dead pets on top of living pet enclosureI'm all for remembering your beloved pets in any way that will help you cope but.. yikes. I wouldn't want to tend to a pet every day with the cremated remains of MULTIPLE pets right above it. Not in the sense it's morbid but more in the sense that it would remind me every day of how the living one below them could be next.
For Taylor though it's probably some weird narc badge of pride. Shows people in and spends ages sobbing over her proudly displayed cremation jars so her guests feel bad for her.
No. 721840
>>721813How does someone who's been keeping snakes for less than a year seriously thinks she should be advising other beginners on snakes?
Her enclosures are so pathetic, like no decorations, maybe a fake plant or two? Like seriously.
She starts talking about how you shouldn't get WC reptiles because of the parasites they carry, how they could then transmit parasites to your other animals, and it can impact life span, god, talk about a pot calling the kettle black. Bitch you ROUTINELY bring wild caught animals into your tiny ass apartment AND NEVER QUARANTINE.
No. 721848
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>>721747Ive never tagged my photos and i dont follow their band, not trying to ruin the fun but its pretty likely that they can somehow auto like followers of bands that are similar to them
No. 721850
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this is her most expensive animal
No. 721871
File: 1540594522575.png (5.72 MB, 2224x1668, 6D268E41-F644-44E6-827F-562656…)

She’s definitely completely given up on quarantining. This is her new rat snake put straight into the rack with her other snakes.
No. 721885
>>7218751. You don't need to type, "anon" for your name.
2. "Choose File" > Attach picture
oof, just went to the timestamp and those definitely look like fresh cuts. Normally when she gets injured by her pets she would reassure her audience otherwise (I could be wrong). Even from that short glimpse, her voice and appearance just seems…drained.
No. 721887
>>721867How to make a TND video:
1. Sarcastic intro about how you haven't posted in ages, uwu relatable meme about HOw UnOrgAniZed I aM
2. Blue steel, staring intently at yourself in the viewfinder throughout entire video
3. Pucker lips and allow snake to roam across your titties
4. Regurgitate snake facts you read on Wikipedia
5. Fin.
No. 721890
File: 1540595370469.png (529.65 KB, 972x644, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 4.08…)

Deep cut close to her hand. Other faded cuts lower, you can see the pinkish edges.
No. 721893
File: 1540595470147.png (142.7 KB, 372x430, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 00.1…)

at 13.49
No. 721899
>>721890I have experience with cutting and it doesn't really look like self harm to me, I think one of her animals did that.
That close to the hand is a really weird place to cut, not just cause of visibility but also because on her arm there is a lot of space left before she would wander up that far. Idk hard to explain.
Doesn't her condition make her skin thinner or something too?
No. 721915
File: 1540597256504.jpg (151.39 KB, 1080x574, Screenshot_20181027-014014_Sam…)

It is a symptom of Ehlers Danlos so it probably really is just a scratch from Kronos or her cats
No. 721932
File: 1540598939324.png (151 KB, 416x230, Skärmavbild 2018-10-27 kl. 02…)

Yeah, Doesn't look like self harm at all..
Looks like a deep cat scratch.
No. 721985
File: 1540605686534.jpg (175.73 KB, 1080x1794, IMG_20181026_200005_502.jpg)

I saw this comment on her photo of Frank on Instagram, did anyone get a ss of the satanic insta picture? I remember seeing it, but I didn't bother to capture it as I didn't think it was important.
Why would she have deleted it?
No. 722041
>>720008It's funny, I took in a stray cat around the same time as TND as well! And you're right, if her story about this cat never living inside was right, her cat would not be using the litter box right away. I'm pretty sure the cat I took in had a home at one time, if years ago, but I still had to use litter attract and leaves/dirt from outside to get him to figure out what the litter box was for, and there were plenty of accidents.
And knowing how bad her apartment probably smells already, can you imagine how bad it would be if her cats were peeing and spraying on things she didn't clean up?
Also stray cats tend to be more territorial, and any cat that's never lived inside before tends to want to go back out and hunt. Mine certainly does. Plus they're often afraid of normal household things they wouldn't experience outside like ceiling fans, TVs, showers, dishwashers/laundry (though lbr she probably never does laundry,) and the sound of heat/AC units.
If she hasn't posted about any of those problems with this 'stray' 'homeless' cat, because I'm sure there'd be a "my new cat is afraid of the ceiling fan hahaha!!" post, there's no way that cat wasn't already an indoor cat.
No. 722045
File: 1540611453456.png (522.75 KB, 1080x829, Screenshot_20181026-211536~2.p…)

Given that she posts this shit with her rat snake lunging at the camera, I agree that she's post shit about her "stray" cat being afraid of normal household things.
No. 722106
>>722075She takes pictures like these ones
>>712360>>722045and it's obvious she doesn't understand basic behaviour in these animals, much less the individual animal's behaviours and emotions
No. 722273
>>721915her tattoos heal quickly and perfectly tho, even in the
problematic places
No. 722291
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No. 722292
File: 1540652822469.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-25-17-28-15…)

No. 722426
File: 1540674078083.jpg (71.74 KB, 1242x546, QFi8cpu.jpg)

Every time she gets a new pet, at least one Stan comments like this.
No. 722443
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No. 722473
File: 1540680939635.jpg (574.67 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20181028-005539_Sam…)

Wanna bet if she found another animal to hoard even if it was a tiny expo?
No. 722517
File: 1540685969454.png (1.16 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181027-201919.png)

Taylor's hair is so uneven in the back
No. 722573
>>722443>what I am now going to pay for Taylor's brothers birthday partyYou mean what TAYLOR is going pay? Or does he just automatically assume Taylor's money is his money?
>>722517Can't believe she showed up in actual clothes. Johnny looks like a homeless person though.
No. 722600
>>722598Not a fan of shitting on short guys, but, seriously, if you'd cropped the photo and told me that was Taylor, I would've believed you. Says a lot about them both.
This is probably one reason why he's always acting like a "badass" and being a shithead to women. It's the only way he feels at home in his body.
No. 722773
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No. 722785
File: 1540742050188.jpg (405.17 KB, 1184x1879, N1SPExY.jpg)

No. 722792
File: 1540742450708.jpeg (930.14 KB, 1118x1488, 506A00EC-4061-4988-A3B3-B30AD7…)

Looks like she admitted to hoarding animals.
No. 722793
File: 1540742463811.png (418.53 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181028-110012.png)

This isn't funny at all
No. 722798
File: 1540743433459.png (4.57 MB, 1125x2436, 9292C4D8-3F7C-4861-8A15-97CF73…)

She’s really playing mom to this grown man, she’s giving him rewards like he’s some sort of kid that just made good grades.
No. 722801
File: 1540744037977.png (436.78 KB, 640x1136, 4A31D334-357B-4904-BF1D-E09DDB…)

>>722793What a classy response Tay.
No. 722816
>>722801I see someone is starting to use the cowboy emoji like certain other "quirky" youtuber lol
Also Jonny is going to steal her pop figures along with the cats when they break up, calling it now.
No. 722824
>>722816IDK, do you think those fuck-ugly Funkos would actually sell quickly enough to get him drug money?
Real talk, though, if Taylor has a shred of sense she ought to keep receipts of everything and take photos of her valuables. Just sayin'.
No. 722857
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No. 722865
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No. 722875
File: 1540751851803.jpeg (225.37 KB, 2048x1536, AF4A1A9C-3CA7-478F-AC97-B11CEB…)

She is such a cunt
No. 722876
File: 1540751864411.jpeg (55.85 KB, 1085x203, 6F1DD4ED-B3DC-4E9E-8953-78554C…)

Apparently someone accused her of removing one of her snake’s fangs. I don’t think she has any male snakes that are rear-fanged though.
No. 722882
File: 1540752327237.png (970.3 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181028-124255.png)

No. 723030
>>722798Hasn't he been sober since december of last year when Taylor appeared in his life to get rid of all his demons? uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw
I guess this week's piss test finally came up clean.
No. 723031
>>722842I'm rolling at the fact she's in a "slump". She pumps out one video per animal and then is bored of it so she has no idea what to do. People have channels dedicated to ONE species of animal and a regular upload schedule with all kinds of different videos. Yet she has this assortment of various species and can't think of any ideas? She's either lazy or stupid.
However I think the real reason is she just doesn't give a shit about her animals to do anything creative or fun with them.
No. 723156
File: 1540781929965.png (2.78 MB, 1082x1414, Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at 10.5…)

happy halloween!
No. 724348
>>721813man like even shitty extensions work for some people, like tana mojo. like the hair all blends together in the front and looks ok with little effort
how the fuck do you put the same little amount of effort to no use? both her fur vest and her real hair are matted and oily beyond belief and the extensions dont even look like they connect.
she actually looks unhinged and druggie'd out here. shes gotta be going crazy behind the scenes. theres no way someone in their right mind got behind a camera like this and was like "yeah that looks good"
sage for appearance nitpicking