File: 1454021432768.png (1011.72 KB, 948x604, whataspecialsnowflake!.png)

No. 86904
Since she thinks she's safe from Lolcow I figured it was time. Meet PULL's favorite rage boner. Cecilia's real name is Victoria but that wasn't kawaii enough. She is a jobless vegan high school dropout who considers herself a living doll and idolizes the likes of Venus, Anastasiya, and Valeria. She also likes to go back and forth about how she doesn't care about her haters while whining about cyberbullies. Cece's also quick to whine about how mean and evil her parents are all while spending their money on lolita, wigs, makeup, and cosplay. Her brother is also turning out to be quite the fuckboy and can't wait until he starts to build an internet presence. Anyways, have some links.
IG: I also mention that she claims to be into kitten play and bdsm despite not being of age?
No. 86905
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No. 86907
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No. 86921
File: 1454024280791.png (44.31 KB, 398x135, 1446281963489.png)

She also tried to piss people off on 4chan
No. 86922
File: 1454024338198.jpg (200.76 KB, 336x516, 1446215906276.jpg)

Also this
No. 86933
>>86928that reminds me, today I was lurking on 8chan for the first fucking time in my life and then became curious and went to /hebe/. Literally took me a couple of seconds to recognize what I was looking at.
No. 86942
>>86933>>86936guess please i'm actually scared
there are men there talking about touching their underage family members and neighbours what the shit
sometimes i think lolcow can leave a bit of a stain on my conscience but jesus I don't know if i'll ever be able to defend 4chan/8chan again
No. 86947
File: 1454029572844.png (472.09 KB, 815x482, bjbknbkn.png)

stolen from PULL
No. 86948
File: 1454029582354.png (43.5 KB, 293x302, bjkjkbfjkg.png)

No. 86950
File: 1454029830614.png (2.45 MB, 1190x1186, Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 8.09…)

her art is so shitty too, jesus christ
No. 86957
>>86904Cecilia is a great person and kawaii living doll! I'm her friend and i think you all are horrible bullies!!!
Just let her live her life without your judgement! nobody cares what you jerks think anyway!
No. 86965
File: 1454031102195.png (1.39 MB, 876x1148, Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 8.30…)

god, why even bother editing if you're going to make your face blurry as shit?
No. 86968
File: 1454031584177.png (1.3 MB, 938x1154, Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 8.37…)

learn how to use makeup
No. 86970
>>86968her makeup is fine -_-
do you guys just like……have no life?
there's honestly nothing here to make fun of.
No. 86972
>>86967Nah, she looks fat as fuck and literally blurred her eyebrows into another dimensions.
Sorry anon, but you have disgustingly low standards if you genuinely find this hedious cow "cute" in the slighest. Your opinion alone makes me feel like
you're CeCe.
No. 86974
File: 1454032070155.jpg (232.23 KB, 750x1251, 562ced9922d7a_Photo_2015-10-25…)

The original post that brought her to attention.
No. 86976
>>86972>>86973>>86974Cecilia does look like a doll.
and I am not her.
I just am sick of you jerks acting like you can say whatever you want about people with no consequences.
In fact, many of you writing on this board are much MUCH worse than the people you think are "cows"
No. 86978
>>86977she has a very cute facial structure,
which is very dollike in nature
No. 86980
File: 1454032609230.png (2.19 MB, 1932x1713, PhotoGrid_1454032494823-1.png)

>>86976You posted screenshots of this thread to your instagram? We all know you're here, lurking and commenting.
Please stop whiteknighting yourself, CeCe. You do not look like a doll and you're fat as shit kek.
>eternal_malo: @kawaiicecilia_ I know this is very much serious, make sure you tell your parents.
>kawaiicecilia_: @eternal_malo I did but, they don't think it's serious .. They joked about it.. I'm going to have to go weapon shopping at my local gun store soon now because im not risking my life No. 86982
>>86976hi Cecilia
anyways i was there when PULL exploded around her. that website is so full of self righteous shits.
No. 86984
File: 1454032766444.png (861.51 KB, 1080x1609, Screenshot_2016-01-28-20-57-52…)

To the literal whiteknight(s): bumping this thread with posts like this will only make matters worse.
No. 86985
>>86980>>86982JFC i am not her.
sorry, but maybe you should realize that some people really do have friends who defend them.
No. 86987
>>86984so what, you found my post. big deal.
Why would you make things worse for her when im the one doing this?
just to be a jerk?
cuz seriously. wow. pathetic….
No. 86995
>>86991>>86989>>86989I think that you morons just hate being told the truth about how you really are.
everyone knows that if you're sitting here, talking trash about people, that you're a pathetic little plebian with no life and low self-esteem
No. 86997
File: 1454033101156.png (1.29 MB, 1069x1344, Screenshot_2016-01-28-21-03-54…)

>>86980Okay I take back what I said about CeCe not looking like a doll LOL (Wtf is this shit)
No. 87004
>>86996>>86996Because there is no certainty when it comes to identity here. I still think you really
are CeCe pretending to be that other girl, so you can get away with whiteknighting yourself.
No one actually cares this much about another person's drama, espically when it's a fucking nobody.
No. 87005
>>86999i dont feel like she did anything bad though
yes, maybe making responses got the wrong reaction
but if anything, that's PULL's fault.
they kept it going.
No. 87009
>>87004Let's just assume all the whiteknights here are her and brace for the incoming butthurt
>>87005man I hope PULL gets deleted again
No. 87010
File: 1454033343583.gif (1.75 MB, 240x160, tTBWPrv.gif)

>>87005I don't even know who this is, I'm only here for the strange milk.
No. 87015
File: 1454033463517.jpg (78.86 KB, 606x609, Screenshot (110).jpg)

>>87013now i'll leave you morons to get a clue and stop messing with my friend cecilia
No. 87019
So scury, wow
No. 87092
>>86904kekkk from her instagram
>>Friends, family, foes .. This war we call life is going to get much harder in the coming months.. I've got to get my emotional shit together because I don't want a breakdown especially at this time in my life when things are starting to go to hell fast. If I end up getting depressed to the point I fall to a new low it will be one step closer to my judgement day. Little did we all know the battle I was facing had just began.. Now we are in for a show. I will ignore what is happening but if it starts to invade my life and privacy something will happen and I will not hold back next time.. But I'm not talking about online.
No. 87107
File: 1454048491319.png (4.96 MB, 3300x2300, 1433014870587.png)

No. 87113
>>86904finally… she got what she wanted kek
the girl is a fucking trainwreck
No. 87125
File: 1454051371888.png (394.78 KB, 892x585, kk.png)

> So please teach your children not to watch Filthy Frank at a young age! OK?
No. 87130
File: 1454051659457.png (375.51 KB, 776x595, 1.png)

No. 87132
>>87127Interesting point. But she did self-identify as Luna, correct?
>>87125Stop pretending you have the courage to ill yourself, bitch.
No. 87142
File: 1454055388618.png (829.72 KB, 1438x1873, Screenshot_2015-12-08-00-56-20…)

This is supposed to be her cutting herself. Can you see it?
No. 87143
>>87142Kek, wtf
Real cuts have protruding surfaces, and don't level with the skin surface.
It looks like she lightly scraped herself by accident
No. 87145
File: 1454056363287.png (380.19 KB, 1440x1677, Screenshot_2015-11-15-01-16-05…)

Here is her being super dramatic and talking about how poor and bullied she is. I don't know about you but if i was that poor i wouldnt spend my last coin on circle lenses, wigs and dresses.
No. 87147
>>87142I'm laughing my as off. This is too hilarious. Looks like she drew on herself with a marker.
Get back to us when you draw blood, faggot.
No. 87209
File: 1454080563890.png (120.12 KB, 271x295, 562cf27034708_Photo_2015-10-25…)

>>86970Yeah her makeup is great
No. 87212
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>>87105She apparently already did
No. 87418
File: 1454121934841.jpg (27.11 KB, 281x429, image.thumb.jpg.fef11947a8b964…)

>>87386She also took a selfie during his surgery
No. 87460
File: 1454133902625.jpg (77.66 KB, 640x640, 2016-01-30-01-02-32-557.jpg)

>>87418tried to make her look like a doll, but… if you have to shoop your face this much to look remotely how you want, you're just shit out of luck.
No. 87549
>>87531Whoa, calm down. I'm actually just an anon who is really bad at the whole photoshop trend, sorry lol
I had a hard time understanding how kota's face became so warped back in the day too. I literally don't know shit. Sage for OT.
No. 87582
>>87460this is creepy
she looked nicer before
No. 87597
I stared at this image
>>87460 befote looking at the before
>>87418 and just Jesus christ, she will never look like a
living doll without some kind of editing software.
No. 87649
File: 1454195496854.jpg (13.66 KB, 281x295, MAKEUP_20160130222713_save-1.j…)

>>87460I tried but dolly just doesnt work for her
No. 87695
File: 1454201153808.jpg (194.51 KB, 1104x1534, pt2016_01_31_00_41_02.jpg)

I tried.
No. 87789
File: 1454229139968.jpg (75.12 KB, 522x640, 2016-01-31-03-23-27-904.jpg)

>>87703For you, anon. I did not modify her face in any way, just changed her makeup and hair color. This style I think makes her look so much better and more natural. And this is 100% doable if she would just try. If she wants to do Asian fashion so bad, she could try soft and girly casual fashions that are popular with girls in Japan/Korea. Like normal, everyday looks. Dolly styles just aren't something she could ever pull off. But something like this is.
CeCe, in all seriousness. Stop the kawaii shit, and embrace a calm, feminine style instead. It would do so much for you.
No. 87819
>>87789That's actually cute good job anon.
Eyeliner and filling out the eyebrows does a lot for her
No. 87983
File: 1454282573540.png (188.25 KB, 431x519, ezgtz.png)

>>87863Did she post in the archive thinking people would still respond?
No. 88032
>>87996When you look like you're 13 and take pics doing a vogue face it always looks unbelievibly embarassing. Like a little girl playing pretend in a mirror.
Smile in your pics, CeCe. Kissy face won't make you look like a #livingdoll or a #humanbarbie, nothing ever will. Smile.
No. 90494
File: 1454896129520.gif (179.66 KB, 400x351, cece.gif)

already thought the original was pretty cute so i tweaked it a bit No. 90496
File: 1454896362189.gif (2.1 MB, 600x560, cececece.gif)

No. 90686
File: 1454958989597.png (557.37 KB, 596x468, 1449220931736.png)

>>90496damn dats disgusting