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No. 660175
A Tradthot can be defined as: A woman who claims to hold traditional values while living in a modern way, using the concept of traditionalism as a method to gain an online following that typically consists of angry misogynists who don't recognize the hypocrisy of the girl they follow on social media/donate money to.
Tradthots enjoy modern freedoms and are often childless career women who pander to their male audience by showing cleavage, camel toe, and other revealing body shots while also posting pictures of aprons on Instagram and yearning for a 1950's way of living. These kinds of girls typically hate other women, as it is common for them to hold a "I'm not like other girls" attitude to suck up to the niche of men who also hate women. Many of them, in additional to sexist views, also have racist and anti semetic views to appeal to alt right and more radical men.
Some notable tradthots (there are many many more):
>Lauren Southern>college drop out who now travels the world full time on money donated to her from her male fans doing journalism >got her start from jumping on the anti feminism bandwagon that she has taken credit for pioneering>came under fire for wearing heavy makeup and bleaching hair, having black friends, a black ex boyfriend, pictures of her clubbing and dressing up as a sexy cop>shocked when alt right and white nationalist men are sexist, addresses some of the issue in her "Why I'm not Married Video">has previously mocked women for wanting to become doctors >video "What Every Girl Needs to Hear" tells girls to save themselves without citing any credible sources, even cites wikipedia (and can't give personal testimony)>now know as the biggest hypocrit and largest tradthotWebsite:
https://laurensouthern.netInstagram: @Lauren_Southern
>Stell Bell>16 year old girl who got her start on YouTube for pandering to racists >fakes country accent and deleted old videos to destroy proof, constantly talks about how proud she is to be southern (despite just being white trash)>sent ass and bra pics to an actual nazi>dates around and shames other women for being promiscuous>has said she has natural dirty blonde hair and green eyes despite being a swarthy white girl to appear more "Aryan", also dyes hair blonde and wears blue contacts>brags about being "full German">gets angry if you compare her looks to Anne Frank and is openly anti semetic >has daddy issuesInstagram: Birdie/Ashton Witty
>got her fame from jumping on the Trump bandwagon and working for Infowars>is now fucking Paul Joseph Watson on and off>Infowars fired her and Paul dumped her, had mental breakdown then deleted the video >constantly pulls down shirt and pulls out tits and talks about women needing to be more traditional >has autism>has dated women and says she is more attracted to women than men but is willing to put that aside for traditional family>desperate pandering in crop tops and MAGA hats >still obsessed with InfoWars and Alex Jones>brags about how hot she thinks she is>is currently unemployed college dropoutInstagram: @ashtonbirdie
>Evalion/Veronica>rose to fame as nazi girl on YouTube with the channel name Evalion>whines about getting banned after calling for the death of Jews>now makes less than minimum wage and lives in her autistic husband's parents' basement >has had her nudes leaked>angry at feminists for whatever reasonWebsite:
http://www.eva-tips.comInstagram: Tradthots:
>The White Rose>Cam girl turned "traditional"Youtube:
>Blonde in the Belly of the BeastYoutube:
>Lauren RoseYoutube: No. 660186
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The White Rose used to be known as "Mystic Mel" when she was a cam girl.
She is now very critical of porn that she knows she can get orbiters for it
No. 660230
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>>660202This guy is basically the new Naked Ape. Does she actually think he's some straight alpha male to bear children with? No. 660246
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No. 660250
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>>660226not sure you watched the same video I did…
No. 660253
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>>660250>>660226austists have trouble lying and often reveal personal information inappropriately.
No. 660264
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No. 660265
>>660192"My entire persona was around my grandfather who was a WWII veteran, punk rock and Alex Jones."
How is that even possible.
No. 660276
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No. 660277
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No. 660280
>>660175Of course thots like Birdie think they don't need feminism. Because she was born fuckable she doesn't need
-social skills
-critical thinking
-ability to create original content
-work ethic
-common fucking sense
She just post vapid selfies and thirsty males will send her money
Her only hope in life is to get married. She will literally starve if she doesn't get a male to commit to her before her looks fade.
No. 660283
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>>660277>>660276This is the first I've heard of her and I've watched that alt-light movement for a while now. I guess not everyone can be Lauren Southern, the tradthot flavor-of-the-moment.
I guess it's also because I don't watch Alex Jones because it's widely known to anyone who does their homework that Alex is not who he says he is and has even admitted to putting on a character. Everyone around Jones really has that vibe, PJW and her included. Just reading into her posts, she keeps posting over and over what a victim she is and how she gets death threats.
No. 660288
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>>660175Lauren just eclipses her and it's so sad. She really is just following the Lauren formula and this seems to be a thing among tradthots. This really just proves there's only so much market for dumb suicide blondes with MAGA hats antagonizing protesters and they can't be told apart.
Birdie reminds me a lot of Laura Loomer and how she tried to fill the gap Lauren made when she left Rebel Media. She's absolutely fucking crazy and needs to be here too.
No. 660295
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>>660293I like how she takes digs at people she is desperately trying to emulate.
No. 660543
Lauren Southern has her own thread
>>>/snow/350440as does Stell Bell
>>>/snow/564575not sure why they're included here
No. 660566
>>660543Lauren southern is also in the alt right general, in addition her own thread that has reached the post limit. Cows can appear in multiple threads if they fit into multiple groups.
This thread is to focus on the traditional aspect of them/their interaction with other tradthots as opposed to other topics.
No. 660601
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>>660566so what you're saying is that there's now 3 concurrent Lauren Southern threads. lot of threads for so little milk. just because a cow with their own thread cosplays doesn't mean they should be posted about in the "irrelevant uggo cosplayer" thread, the same should apply here.
No. 660604
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No. 660652
>>660625She's Celtic, most of dissident twitter hates anglos.
Yeah, it's hilarious how rapidly she fell out of grace with altright guys the moment she dared to voice an opinion on Patrick Little, a fucking obvious FED. She's not posted anything since June and ended up quitting the Public Space.
No. 660770
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>>660276Kek this is all I see
No. 660832
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Here is a list
No. 660857
>>660832When has Laci Green ever claimed to be trad? I don't like her but she's always portrayed herself as very left wing and untraditional as far as I know.
Also, pretty sure Brittany Venti is just a troll (and never claimed to be trad either as far as I'm aware).
No. 660893
>>660857Laci has come out as "redpilled".
Venti is a troll but she buys trump merch and enters debates that are hours long with points that seem unironic, so I would believe it if she was riding the alt right bandwagon
No. 660941
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this is just weird
No. 660951
>>660601Jesus those gums
>>660604That skinny fat physique
Can't believe this girl wasn't born in Mississippi
No. 661276
>>660923True, a lot of tradthots have previously been the other extreme. Stella talked about previously being politically left leaning and then getting "redpilled" then shortly after starting her channel in an interview.
The white rose used to make porn now she's "based and anti porn!!!".
Lauren southern was a civic nationalist less than a year ago, she talked about it with tara McCarthy and brittany pettibone.
They just hop on what's convenient.
No. 662244
>>660893Venti likes to hide behind the ~it's just an act~ thing so she doesn't have to own it and cop everything that comes with that.
>>660923if she was pointing out that tumblr is fucking cancer, and that most (if not all) of the 'asexual' community are people who do not fit the definition but need a label to feel special, then I suddenly love Laci.
No. 662268
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>>662251even though she's spoken ironically about being called "trad," if her being on the right is really a troll gimmick it's a convincing one.
No. 662348
>>662307HOLY SHIT I had no idea. I thought she was 35~40 years old.
With women like her and Southern it's no wonder the men in their movement won't stop sperging about "the wall" and how women look like shit after 25.
No. 662386
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>>662307Loomer is actually younger than Southern iirc
No. 662596
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>>660652I wonder why she left.
No. 662640
>>662635Shoe isn't left or right, she says shit to people on both sides that they want to hear, to keep followers, to keep her friends, and especially to keep her longtime trans friend around.
She'll never take a hard stance on anything unless shes got support either from a large group of followers or a close person to her shes afraid to lose.
Both sides have people that will say whatever, to get popular and keep views on their youtube channel. They want to be a somebody.
No. 662681
>>662400She looks like a psycho and I have a feeling she's the worst person out of the tradthots.
>>662601Where did you find info on her? I searched once and couldn't find anything.
She had an askfm but it has been disabled and I couldn't access it. All I know is she has a patreon for e-begging (, and a boring gab (
No. 662691
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>>662656Food for thought.
No. 662696
>>662656> themAnon come on.
Looks like a guy indeed
No. 662872
>>662681Blonde definitely has a sinister air about her personality and way of speaking. Just look at the unnatural looking smile in this thumbnail. She strikes me as one of those "queen bee" types who would convince several of her friends to bully a targeted girl to the point of suicide in high school and claim she was "weeding out the weak".
And what's the deal with loads of these women dying their hair blonde and making the fake color part of their identity? Lauren Southern gets hyper-defensive whenever someone points out her dyed hair.
No. 662982
>>662872Probably because some of them are of Jewish descent. When their hair is blonde, it lightens up their facial features meaning you won't see how obviously Jewish they indeed are. Lauren Southern is a good example of this, even though she's a diluted Jew, she panders to the white nationalist crowd now. And now those idiots are acting as if she didn't say she had Jewish ancestry, her grandparents were in the holocaust etc.
This chick and Lana Lokteff (whatever her last name is) has a sinister air surrounding them. Idk if Lana has been mentioned here, but if you don't know about her, she occasionally interviews self hating POC on her white nationalist podcast and in turn, her fanboys harass them. It's pretty obvious what she's doing, she also has a very fake nice voice she puts on while talking to these people as well, and that creepy smile, lol.
No. 662995
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>>662982Lauren isn't Jewish, that's strictly /pol/ making shit up about her.
No. 663079
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>>663024>they did flee Denmark when the Nazi's invaded, make of that whatever you wantand my Lutheran grandmother left Norway when the Germans invaded, doesn't mean she was a crypto Jew. knock this shit off, this isn't /pol/
No. 663091
>>663062>all these tradthots are sinister by fucking default. Idk. Most tradthots like Lauren, Laura Loomer, and Ashton Birdie just seem to be stupid, self-centered and opportunistic attention whores.
BlondeBeast and Lana look like they would torture kittens in their basement if it could make their hair blonder. They give me the chills, seriously.
No. 663122
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No. 663123
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No. 663139
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I browse and post on /r/the_donald and /r/conservative.
I quit going to /pol/ after it was raided by stormfront and Nazis
No. 663156
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No. 663171
>>663156>>663160>>663169The upside is that no matter how attractive she is right now, she will inevitably age and resemble the older, unattractive women she hates. Just imagine her world crashing when her skin starts to sag, her estrogen production lowers, she gains 15 kilos, and her redpilled husband loses interest.
I wonder if these handmaidens ever think that the attention and affection obtained through the pandering of misogynistic males has an expiration date? They'll get their karma.
No. 663180
>>663156So this girl wants to be a lazy leech off a man while telling other women who have their own money and lives that theyre useless unless they are uneducated breeding stock for men like her. Misery loves company.
But so long as she stamps a 'Sell By' date on herself and tell other redpill guys exactly what they want to hear about women from a woman, she thinks shes safe. Hope her mom puts her foot down on school or work or a fucking hobby outsie. This girl sounds so bitter and miserable.
No. 663204
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Battle of the tradthots
No. 663368
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No. 663384
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>gotta get the tits out, people will watch the video if I show cleavage
No. 663419
>>663156Fucking kek, now I understand why Shoe0nhead follows her. Makes perfect sense.
I can’t imagine being this fucked in the head and so hate filled to take pictures of random women and commenting on their bodies/faces for your male audience. Because remember, women only exist for one thing: being appealing to men! And if they’re ugly…what’s the need for them? It’s not like they’re human beings with feelings?
I would
love to see what this hag looks like. I guess there is a reason why she doesn’t show her face. My god far right/“””conservative”” women are fucking insufferable.
No. 663585
>>663578I always wonder what these type of women are going to do once they ''hit the wall/''/or become their definition of ''too old''? Do they forget that
they age just like everyone else?
They're in for a fun surprise once they hit their 30s and have spent years promoting the idea that women are ''used up'' at a certain age. They'll see what type of men they've attracted.
No. 663905
>>663156How old is this girl? Do we know it's a girl and not a tranny or a man? Those older women don't look bad at all and look pretty happy. That buff girl has a great body.
I'm getting this really weird vibe from this person like they're projecting a lot, especially with physical appearances. I don't know anyone that spends this much time picking apart women other than incels and MGTOW types. Really makes you think.
No. 663908
>>663156This is fucking gross. Imagine hating on women for aging– something every living human naturally has to go through. Women are already put under an insane pressure to never age or have wrinkles, even in their late 40s/early 50s.
Imaging hating other women this much to cater to men. This is really sad
No. 663915
>>663156This is a tranny. Just listen to this voice that's already low, but they talk as though they're struggling to keep it high. You can definitely hear it compared to the other woman in this interview. You only need to listen in until about 2 minutes to hear what I mean.
First minute into the interview:
>Redpill tranny voice: I swear I don't live in my mom's basement and I'm not a guy. I promise you.>Guy: …Right.Fucking cringe.
No. 663933
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>>663905She's 22 according to her cringey blog. So she's only got 4 years until she's "old" in her worldview No. 663935
>>663195This is actually a thing.
She is nowhere near educated enough to talk about it but my friend ran away to Australia because his family almost getting shot in his own house, I doubt bimbo mcfuckaredneck gives a rat ass about people that won’t support her patreon but still pretends to care about all whites.
Cherry picking other people’s misery to further her agenda
No. 663937
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>>663915The comments are having none of it.
She has the audacity in the interview to say she wants to write a book on being more feminine, then the first male comment immediately calls "her" out on having a suspiciously deep voice. The other person compares her to her arch nemesis Lauren Southern kek.
Also, no actual women are listening to her. She really is depressing.
No. 664043
>>663933Read through a couple of posts>men wont cheat on women if women just stayed feminine and submissive she saysApparently cheating never happened to feminine women. And if it did, it was her fault>sofia vagara is ugly and postwallShe really hates women aging doesnt she? I think she really believe she will never turn 25+>let girls be dumb>let girls live off their husbands because women with careers are ugly and no man likes a smart woman with a jobRPC is a mess kek
No. 664079
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No. 664084
>>664079>>664078OOF. My theory on this is she's pretending to be white online nowadays, she doesn't want her loyal fanbase of white incels/MRA to know she's actually an Arab Muslim girl.
Just noticed she's deleted thousands of tweets, what a weirdo.
No. 664093
>>664087Lol holy fuckin shit, she's making fun of other women for aging when she knows her skin will sagging worse than a fat girl's tits by the time she's 30.
Also wow so feminine with that mustache
No. 664186
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>>664078>>664079>>664087>>664043>''LOL Sophia Vergara is so hideous and post-wall''what a mess. gave me a good kek.
No. 664193
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>>664079the transition of her twitter bio makes her self-hate so obvious. wonder what happened to that boyfriend.
No. 664194
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>>664193also, apparently she made a post about being muslim but deleted it, but it still shows up on google
No. 664197
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>>664194She deleted it because she's now Christian, even though I've never seen her mention Jesus ONCE on her Twitter. She only speaks about God.
I explored through her Twitter some more just to see if she has any female friends, unsurprisingly, all her female friends are self-hating WOC who wish to have their own white supremacist kang.
No. 664202
>>664197The thing that both tradthots and sjw have in common: they love shitting on white women. Either they're 'feminist roasties' or 'privileged'…
Did 4chan find her already?
No. 664203
>The first time I showed up to the games, I was shocked that there were not really any females who came to play. Well, there was one but she was way older than me and she wasn’t someone I really could connect with. She had been playing the sport for years and was okay with playing with one of the boys. Heck, she blended in with them better. I wouldn’t exactly count her as a “female”.
>On the other hand, there was me blossoming with cute naiveté. I mean I wore my Chanel perfume to this thing. I even wore a cute, bright pink tank paired with Lululemon’s and perfectly color-coordinated Nike sneakers.
>I did not go to the game thinking I had to run and sweat. I came to the game thinking I’d have to compete against the other girls. I mean we’re just tossing a disc right and stand there for fifteen minutes, right?wow, this shit is a goldmine.
Thanks farmers, I finally found myself a new cow
No. 664205
>>664203Oh fuck there is more:
>I was not fast enough. I could not play well enough. I could not throw hard enough. I could not run and keep up. No one would throw the freaking frisbee to me. It was annoying to have to be play against an old man or a little boy (who by the way out ran me and scored multiple times).
>I wanted to bake an apple pie and put my hair tied up in a chignon. I wanted to do ballet at a dance center. I wanted to watch makeup tutorial videos and figure out whether I should buy the Morphe palette 35R or 35OS.
>I wanted to do girly things. I wanted there to be some shade of pink involved. I wanted it to be cute and fun not aggressive and sweaty.
>I did not sign up for that.I'm dying fam
No. 664209
>>664078Imagine this face saying that
>Matt Forney wouldn’t date her because she’s Indian and she probs smells like curry LOLYou could pass for Indian as well?!
How dumb is she??
Honestly looking through her twitter really pains me, that there are men and women who really regard us as something so low…
I hope to god her parents or somebody manages to intervene and stop her.
No. 664214
>We force women into male-dominated environments with the expectation that they will retain their natural, feminine submissiveness while performing like a man. We want women to have sexy, long hair and look sexy in a pencil skirt without being aggressive and manly but still have to get shit done.>We reward women for being like men but we get mad at women for acting bitchy.Oh hey, she seems to be onto something here…
>Women turn into bitchy cunts when you make them do things that are against their nature. Leave women alone. Let them be in the kitchen. Let them make food for you. Let them get married young. Let them play with dolls. Let them wear pink and stop lecturing your daughters to wear a t-shirt that encourages them to go into STEM. Let them keep their hair long. Let them get their nails done. Let them study whatever their idealistic heart desires. Let them go to church. Let them laugh. Let them be “dumb”. Let them rely on their husbands for money. Let them take care of the kids. Let them shave their legs. Let them dance. Let them have a hundred girl friends before worrying about getting a boyfriend.Uh…nevermind…
No. 664216
>>664197Her schtick is literally ''I'm a pure muslim feminine trad waifu, white guys let me show you how superior i am to your women uwu''
you've gotta be a special kind of desperate to be a Persian/muslim woman and try to appeal to far right white men.
>>664214>Let them rely on their husbands for money. I was wondering when this would come up. kek.
No. 664217
>Taken 3/4/17 <3What happened to her boyfriend?
I thought she was the ~perfect woman that keeps her man happy~
No. 664222
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>men peek when they are 40!
No. 664224
>>664221probably just bitter that women who have interests/hobbies exist or she had to came up with something to fill the list.
Ironically, if she's so ''trad'' she'd know that horses are often associated with femininity and grace, plus little girls adore them. There's a reason why girls' cartoons/movies/books/etc involving horses are immensely popular.
No. 664226
>>664222>>664222She linked this: How old are you?
15 to 16 years old: +5 points
17 to 20 years old: +10 points
21 to 25 years old: +8 points
26 to 29 years old: +3 point
30 to 33 years old: 0 points
33 to 36 years old: -1 point
37 to 40 years old: -5 points
41 to 45 years old: -8 points
46 to 49 years old: -10 points
over 49: you’ve hit the wall. waysa?
Because 17-year-olds are hotter than 21-year-olds…
No. 664234
>>664226For men: much easier, do you have a car, yes or no? Being over 30? Still good!
No. 664237
>>664230Women should just surrender themselves to pedophiles while they are still young and then kill themselves once they reach 25.
Don't question this logic dumb woman, it was made by a superior rational male who totally isn't a creep locked in his basement that faps to anime loli porn.
No. 664238
>>664234A women being between 41 and 45 years old: -8 points
A man being arrested for child pornography or public exposure: -1 point
Not so sure if this is how the "marketplace" works…
No. 664241
>>664234>>664238It's funny because there is plenty of dick for women to choose for if they want (regardless of age). Dick is abundant and low value.
While at the same time there is tons of angry virgins who can't get a woman and gather around sites such as PUA and TRP.
So going by that, men have a lower "dating market value" in general.
No. 664248
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why is she so salty though
No. 664255
>>664218>only shows her face in avi (warning sign)She doesn't even show her face, or
a face. She shows another woman's lips (and a white one when she's actually brown, at that), and all she posts is bitter anti-feminist shit. Do the rules not apply to her? This question is my thing with all "trad" figures, honestly. Shouldn't their social media be composed of cake recipes and how to shine your man's shoes, if they even have it at all? The rhetoric they push out ultimately leads to women not having any political voice or presence, but they want to dodge that somehow and get shine from policing other women. Isn't that unladylike behavior? Her husband (if he exists, and if he doesn't, tsk tsk) should be running her page, and the most we should see of her is in his "happy traditional life" photos every holiday. According to the rules she pushes, women need to be seen and not heard.
They don't even subscribe fully to their own backwards bullshit. They just want to leech off men, and are mad because they think women who actually want to work are blocking their blessings.
No. 664257
>>664248She wants men to read "chick" in her username while she regurgitates bitter male opinions. The idea is, they'll think "Wow, she agrees with my opinion! What a catch! Not like the other girls. I want to love her, support her and give her all my money", slide into her DMs, and she can pick out the most handsome/rich one. She'll still continue this schtick even
if this works to reap more benefits from orbiters. If her Patreon account doesn't already exist, it's because she doesn't have enough of a following yet (or because she's scared they'll eventually demand a face reveal, see she's a brown woman and walk out).
She's probably jealous of Markle because despite being older, half-black and having a history of her own, she married into the royal family and is set for life without having to use such cheap tactics.
No. 664267
>>664248Because she knows she has nothing of value to bring, so she desperately cling to redpill values like youth or not being divorced which allows her to put down objectively more interesting and accomplished women if they happen to be older, enjoy working, are feminist, etc. It makes her feel better about merely being a semi-decent looking girl with no skills or hobbies beyond 'femininity'.
So seeing Prince Harry go for a divorced 36 years old woman completely destroys that world-view and bring out her insecurities to the max. You can practically hear her going "Oh, but it's not faiiiir!" in these tweets.
See this post: this one it is pretty obvious she feels insecure about being a girly girl with not much beyond that.
>The first time I showed up to the games, I was shocked that there were not really any females who came to play. Well, there was one but she was way older than me and she wasn’t someone I really could connect with. She had been playing the sport for years and was okay with playing with one of the boys. Heck, she blended in with them better. I wouldn’t exactly count her as a “female”.See? There is one woman with frisbee skills, but it doesn't count because she's older and not really a "female".
No. 664292
File: 1534252366013.gif (929.79 KB, 320x240, mjl.gif)>Sometimes, a girl like me just wants to talk about girly stuff like who the cute boys in my class are, what color I should get for my next manicure, and whether I should adopt a lamb or a pig because baby animals are cute. Is this a thought crime? Nah. I’m not apologizing for anything.She's so brave.>I was feeling crappy today. Didn’t want to get out of bed. Woke up with the sniffles. The last thing I wanted to do was wear my nude Steve Madden heels. But I did it anyway.>Got into the elevator. Girl next to me looked slightly intimidated but impressed.Not just brave, bud badass! This girl had the sniffles but wore her nude Steve Madden heels regardless! I'm impressed indeed.
No. 664297
>>664255>They just want to leech off men, and are mad because they think women who actually want to work are blocking their blessings.This is what I don't get. ''Red pilled'' men and MGTOW constantly bitch about ''women leeching off of them under the disguise of marriage''.
Wouldn't her ''rely on ur man for the income, stay at home and bake cookies uwu'' shit be frowned upon by redpill standards?
No. 664344
>>664306Why are redpillers so obsessed with smirking?
It makes them even more autistic than they already are. Do they think it makes them look cool like Sasuke from Naruto?
No. 664372
>I guess, not everyone is as lucky as me but I’ve been wearing heels since I was 13-years-old. I started off with one inch heels and can now easily wear heels that are four to five inches in the daytime with zero issues. Even in high school, I wore boots with three inch heels while the other girls came in with flat boots or Doc Martens and they thought i was crazy.
>I was on the wait list for Wellesley, a liberal feminist’s wet dream, but in retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t get in or this blog would not exist. Who knows? Maybe, I would be ten times uglier or even have short blue hair. Even thinking about it makes me want to vomit.
>Coming from NYC, the women and men here are not as attractive nor try to be. Girls here care more about the white man killing off Native Americans than what’s on sale in the makeup section at CVS
>When Kanye West made fun of Amber Rose for sleeping around a lot, her response wasn’t “Hey, knock it off, bud!” or “I’m not a slut!” (even those are mild compared to what she actually said). Instead she went on to insult Kanye’s masculinity. Bad move! Very unfeminine!
> Lots of American women fight for pointless things like feminism and climate control. I don’t know if it’s my generation but whenever I hear women who are passionate about these causes, they end up stop taking care of themselves to devote their lives to their “passion”. It just all seems so weird to me when a girl who is my age cares more about having men and women be equal than something like finding their future husband, starting a family, looking nice, doing well in their classes, and believing in God.
>Bad thing about modern women- Most of them believe that they have to be independent after they turn 18 and take care of themselves typically without the support of their families so a lot of them work and are focused on their career.
I think she needs her own thread. Prime lolcow material.
No. 664402
>>664197does this idiot even know what shes saying? "just because Im a POC and disagree with you doesnt mean my opinion is invalid"
Uhhhh just because another woman disagrees with YOU and isnt your ideal, doesnt mean their opinions are invalid either.
"Lots of us are sick of being victims"
Then attacks other women for existing? You're not the victim sweetie. You're just an attention seeking whore with access to the internet.
No. 664426
File: 1534268861344.png (599.51 KB, 1190x1122, 2rsKQBK.png)

>I honestly have very few female friends
Gee, who would have guessed that
No. 664430
File: 1534269227578.jpg (55.57 KB, 778x711, klk.JPG)

She graduated college and lives in a shared house with her boyfriend.
I guess finding a job so they can find a place for themselves would be so unfeminine!
No. 664441
File: 1534270171350.png (106.13 KB, 580x876, 07FZEVq.png)

No. 664448
File: 1534270747370.png (23.84 KB, 650x257, 1.PNG)

DAE think that Rest d Pill Chick is just coping because she didn't get into medical school? She seems to always bring it up and seemed to want to go. Maybe she couldn't make it and that explains her seething hatred for "career" women?
No. 664455
>>664441>all the guys want someone younger so they can grow old togetherlmao, I guess you can't grow old with a partner your own age.
That doesn't make any sense and yet she's typing this as if she was spreading gospel. Imagine being this retarded.
>>664448A lot of tradthots hatred for "career" women, feminists, or just women with hobbies beyond pleasing men is due to insecurity. Like when Lauren made fun of a girl studying medicine.
No. 664458
>>664441>No guys in my family want her because she's too old for themWhat? Is she trying to marry within the family?
Anyway, 30 is when people get married nowadays anyway. 30 isn't a death sentence, and you can look pretty good at 30 as long as your lifestyle is good. I worry about these girls who freak out about this stuff.
No. 664463
>>664372This is too moronic to be real. It has to be a troll.
No. 664489
File: 1534274760439.png (208.2 KB, 1518x943, maximum cope.png)

>>664464after giving up on med school/heart surgeon, she tried to go to law school/be a lawyer.
i guess thats just more evidence that she couldn't make it to professional school and so now she spends all her time raging at women who could.
it also explains why she thinks that female doctors/lawyers have "no time" for men and end up single. most professional women i know have long term relationships and definitely don't have a lack of time.
it also explains her weird fan fiction about living with a female law student.
No. 664491
File: 1534274909723.png (42.42 KB, 646x335, 6 months of mcat studying.PNG)

>>664489sorry for the double post but lol, the juxtaposition of these two tweets made me laugh.
No. 664532
File: 1534278893803.png (64.52 KB, 590x304, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 3.31…)

>>664078now I'm not calling her fat (she has a nice body tbh) but I highly doubt she wears an xs.
What's with tradthots obsession with being uwu smoll. So many beauty icons from their beloved fifties era were bombshells.
No. 664538
>>664529i'm heading down this rabbit hole further and i'm really confused. at first he calls his girlfriend (redpillchick) indian multiple times. then he calls her an arab?
that and this post
>>663915 make me wonder if its a guy trying to catfish people
No. 664539
File: 1534279383915.jpg (89.59 KB, 500x333, noni-nelson.jpg)

>>664532She's probably a midget. (So sm0l and feminine uwu!)
>>664489Pic related
>Female law students are hot….said literally no one ever. This isn’t the actual lawyer chick btw. She definitely originally wanted to have a normal career and life.
No. 664541
>>664532Her boobs won't fit an XS based on that photo, and neither would her ass. Her waist might, and her height, but that's about it.
That aside, I wear small sizes and I don't think they are "sold out" but rather there's just… not as thoroughly stocked. There's more of a need for mediums and up because those are what sells more/that's the typical body.
No. 664543
>>664538or a troon
explains their hateboner for women who don't dedicate their lives to men and think femininity is all about makeup, heels and animals
No. 664544
>>664532because “American woman are so fat and unattractive, unlike
me, I’m a tiny XS size uwu”
All tradthots and right-wing pandering women are absolutely o b s e s s e d with being “smol, young looking and submissive :3”
No. 664545
File: 1534279893558.png (196.49 KB, 1196x926, cLi8PHK.png)

Anyone know what business~ she runs?
No. 664548
>>664545probably none, or just using daddys money to sell computers on ebay and now thinks shes a business savvy inspirational uwu
running a supposed business isn't very uwu feminine of you rpc
I'm guessing it doesn't apply to her but all other girls should be submissive baby makers who only think about makeup and heels or else they're feminist roasties who cause the downfall of society
No. 664551
>>664545>become financially independent >starting my own company >got a jobWhat?
The hell is she smoking?
I thought women should financially depend on their husbands, stay at home and let their men take care of them according to her? She spends all day bitching and moaning about “career women” for having 9-5 jobs but it’s suddenly okay for her to have a career related aspiration?
No. 664552
File: 1534280642356.jpg (47.35 KB, 751x241, gradschool.jpg)

You don't have to be a feminist to realize this logic is fucking dumb. If men prefer in their late teens-early 20s, why become entirely financially dependent on one who's going to dump you once you go past that age? It's hard to get hired once you're old, uneducated and have no experience; it's not just dating that has an expiration date. She's more concerned about that than surviving lol, her parents must be pretty well-off for her to be so out of touch with real life. Of course both of them have higher education.
No. 664553
File: 1534280779446.png (491.17 KB, 620x886, lol.PNG)

More lauren southern salt from RedPillChick.
Here she accuses LS of being jewish and getting a nose job, after some guy she follows gushes about her. No. 664554
>>664552that's it
I noticed all these trad thots are almost always spoiled brats who come from rich families
No. 664560
File: 1534281457123.png (168.41 KB, 1174x678, 8ydy3f2.png)

>>664554She's def from a rich family
No. 664562
File: 1534281645690.png (37.14 KB, 480x272, v9b2jgl.png)

No. 664568
File: 1534281966791.png (716.85 KB, 1440x671, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 4.25…)

she made her twitter private
No. 664569
>>664568let me guess, she's going to cry and blame this on mean, catty female boolies :(
even though she says worse stuff about women on a daily basis
>>663156 No. 664570
>>664567she's been lying every step of the way, also 20 yr old who married a 40 yr old and her dad is magically still alive somehow while her mom has a career and questioning if he wants to marry a 25 or 30 yr old magically right in front of her even though she doesn't live with her parents?
her entire twitter account is a mess of lies, I lowkey wanna find her boyfriend and parents and send this to them to see if half the shit she claims about her family is true or not, and if it isn't she sure as FUCK ain't trad at all
No. 664576
>>664570Her bf is on twitter she doesnt hide the relationship, _hollister_99 from his twitter in 2015 says his name is bruce hollis
No. 664583
File: 1534284353716.jpeg (111.53 KB, 750x725, A9B6BF66-7C61-4C0F-9B95-D3D99F…)

Lmao of course her boyfriend is a trump supporter and supporter of Eric greitens, the former governor of Missouri who had to resign because of his sexual abuse scandals.
No. 664586
File: 1534284505070.png (656.79 KB, 716x893, drunk.png)

>>664581Is this the pic in question?
No. 664589
File: 1534284835299.png (306.77 KB, 644x1076, 6q8VDtx.png)

>>664581>>664586Used reverse image search it's just a random internet image.
But up thread you can see she posted a picture of a woman at the beach without her consent. She's so similar to Shoe.
No. 664602
File: 1534286563962.png (547.34 KB, 676x617, crymore.png)

>but at times it's too much
>stop making fun of good little muslim girls, white boys
Aww, but I thought you were a 10/10 trad white girl, RPC? Why does it affect you?
No. 664605
File: 1534286705896.png (62.61 KB, 1118x490, Screenshot_2018-08-15 applying…)

"I use red pill as a joke, I'm not retarded I swear, hahaha"
No. 664606
File: 1534286723101.jpg (28.2 KB, 300x450, 1870791_nigella-lawson-v0.jpg)

>>664248cursing isn't uwu feminine nada
neither is whining about who a prince chooses a date just because she's a "mans leftovers" whatever that means
>>664242don't you get it anon? it's womens jobs to remain youthful, virginal, dumb, quiet,unemployed, feminine models (except for obnoxious ass ms man stache business owner here) just to get dumped for a younger girl when you turn 25 or whatever
men however, they can be the fattest, ugliest,cheating, pedophile pieces of shit ever and it's okay if he makes a lot!
No. 664613
>>664583Hes white. Isnt race mixing a big no no in trp? "save the white race" and all that?
>>664552>well I AM well educated, came from a rich family, and had the opprotunity to go to a nice college BUT NO other woman should. Its better for all women to be uneducated and financially dependent uwuwuwu>>664448>hit the wall and decline in value at 2525 is when you're fully developed as an adult. But keep pandering aamina.
No. 664624
File: 1534287444181.png (50.89 KB, 1535x588, Screenshot_2018-08-14 How far …) deleted the post but judging from the comments she wanted to get into competitive fencing 2 years ago.
She also mentions fencing here: it's definitively the same person.
I thought competition wasn't uwu feminine?
No. 664642
File: 1534289199550.png (124.58 KB, 1822x930, RPC GM.png)

Apparently she and George McIntyre were assaulted for wearing MAGA hats back in '16.
No. 664646
File: 1534289355645.png (669.39 KB, 1846x860, RPC GM 3.png)

>>664644The tweet found on the Wayback Machine.
No. 664663
>>664532lol this lying bitch. I am an XS and what that usually means is you're super twiggy or just small and petite. She is neither. You also get told all the time you "look anorexic" by types like her who love to scrutinize other womens weights to death.
Also, if she was really some XS, she'd realize they often don't make XS sizes or when they do, they usually are on discount or unpopular like the XL and XXL ones. It's almost like she has no idea what it's like to buy outside the "normal" range of sizes because she is a probably a typical medium.
No. 664670
>>664663I'm a s/m and she's a lot bigger than me and wider, I'd say she's a large, but vanity sizing in different stores and whatnot
She probably went to torrid or lane bryant and now thinks shes an xs petite uwu and everyone else is a fat masculine troon
>>664646I feel like a lot of trump supporters are only obnoxious about it to piss people off, without actually listening and take into account what trump actually says, hence why you ONLY ever see typical trump type "lol i wore a trump shirt and see what happens" type things,never at any point of history, even when other presidential candidates are widely hated, these people must be severely mentally ill if their entire lives revolve around pissing people off
No. 664680
File: 1534292067369.jpg (18.54 KB, 1223x369, DForiOgW0AMz_Yn.jpg)

>>664553I'm convinced that most of the people who talk shit on Lauren Southern are jealous purity-spiraling women.
No. 664687
File: 1534292670695.png (413.28 KB, 718x1044, Screenshot_2018-08-14-19-20-35…)

The most ugu feminine woman in the world ladies and gentleman, take her advice on how to be ugu feminine and not think about anything other than makeup and heels! Anyone who disagrees is an ugly lesbian whore!!
Does she have roast beef pussy, assne or deformed tits or something? Why is this damn insecure lmfao
No. 664735
File: 1534296846050.png (496.55 KB, 1186x864, BmFecdy.png)

No. 664738
File: 1534297322473.png (371.5 KB, 600x459, Screen_Shot_2017-08-03_at_12.3…)

>>664735Guessing you partied a lot you man-faced hag smh
Its always the ones who shouldn't be talking
No. 664747
>>664738Ugh she can get in line behind all the other uggo man hating femenazis like Kunis, Portman, and Johannson
Wasting away peak years on their careers, they'll regret it one day when they want to start a family…oh wait…
No. 664754
File: 1534298492560.png (17.16 KB, 601x206, 0bitterness.PNG)

>>664751"I have zero bitterness towards any woman who wants a career" LOL
No. 664755
>>664754lol this was what
>>664734 my reply was to. She's having a meltdown when getting called out.
No. 664756
File: 1534298972995.png (68.58 KB, 598x564, TBwXseA.png)

>>664751She also keeps claiming that she doesn't judge women at all and that she doesn't pander to men. You know, even though her entire blog is dedicated to tearing women down and pandering to the lowest of men.
And of course she calls the people against her "catty" As if it's not catty to make fun of old women, take a woman's picture without their consent, publish the details your cousin's dating life online, etc.
It's been said before, but she's Shoe on steroids. She pretends to be sweet and docile when she's really a bully. Other women are always at fault, never her.
No. 664761
>>664754oh please
>>664203>>664205if she just wants to be a girly girl but has no bitterness towards women who don't feel that way what's with her attitude here? why didn't she just think "hm, that event sounds like a lot of running around getting sweaty. not my thing" and stay home or go get her nails done with the girls? instead, she knew what kind of event it was and got buttblasted that the women there weren't like her.
i'm honestly sympathetic to the fact that women who want to be "traditonally" feminine get mocked endlessly and treated like gender traitors. i think it's gross that women who just want to have a simple quaint lifestyle get treated like their existence somehow makes all women look bad. but the whole point should be that there's room enough for women to have all kinds of tastes and lifestyles. she's the type that needs all other women to cooperate and be like her because otherwise the task of taking on an unfashionable lifestyle on her own is too scary.
No. 664764
>>664560>>664553>>664491>>664489>>664448>>664441>>664426>>664426>>664218>>664218"I don't care if you want a career and don't want a family!! you're just mad I want to live a life style you don
t approve of I-I swear"
does she have a memory loss issue?
No. 664770
File: 1534299676752.png (247.81 KB, 694x958, MargaretsBelly.png)

>>664751Yeah, some other girl with the username MargaretsBelly is calling her out on Twitter (using the some of the exact same screencaps as some of the posts above…)
Anyway, again, she's contradicting herself by saying her mom works, despite being shown evidence of her own tweets.
No. 664778
>>664541hi redpillchick
she has no ass and deformed boobs, her waist is normal and she looks 5'4, which is normal height
No. 664781
File: 1534300226718.png (29.12 KB, 576x314, pF48YdI.png)

No. 664782
>>664778Lol you're retarded. Also go read the rules. Her boobs are bigger than mine, that's why I said that is all. It really just depends on what sort of top you're getting if you can pull off an XS if you have any real boobage.
>>664773USA. XS usually fits 24-25 in. in the waist, with like a 32-33 bust, depending on where I shop.
No. 664784
>>664774there'd be no teachers, no nurses, no mental health workers, no hair stylists, no beauty specialists, the medical industry would have a downspiral of workers
without a lot of teachers, a lot of people wouldn't be able to get degrees, so there'd be a downspiral of ~male~ jobs to as well as a death rate going up and the suicide rate going up to
if women popped out babies, it would get overpopulated, more wasted resources, more waste, more sewage, less homes and residential spaces sold more traffic
No. 664785
File: 1534300351876.jpg (87.43 KB, 1080x1080, 16123136_234197183701630_70882…)

>>664770Margaret is a tradthot herself.
No. 664787
>>664782>Her boobs are bigger than mine, that's why I said that is all. It really just depends on what sort of top you're getting if you can pull off an XS if you have any real boobage.they're not that big though and you can tell she's using ultra push up bras, the photos in the red top anyway, I wear an XS and my boobs are a full C, but I also have v narrow shoulders and she is NOT an xs around the waist, her waist is way bigger than mine
adding the whole "and her ass wouldn't fit!" made it more sus since even in skater skirts she has no ass
No. 664793
>>664773nta but while a lot of different women can sometimes fit into XS depending on the cut and brand, someone who insists they only look right in an XS, calling it "my size", would probably be very petite and skinny to the point that a size up looks baggy on them. Kind of like how many types of women could fit an XL top, but someone who
needs an XL and never smaller is probably a bit big. so maybe that's what those anons meant. not that it's suspicious that she could ever fit into an XS, but suspicious that that's her go-to size.
>>664774people never fucking learn from history do they? there's no middle ground. how hard is it to realize that having a rigid set of stereotypes and expectations that you apply to all members of a sex is always harmful, no matter what way you swap it? instead, we go from
>what's that? you want to be an accountant? but you're only a girl! you should be at home taking care of the children and braiding your hair! to
>if you're not a full time badass career woman you're a worthless trad stereotype. women who like makeup and girls who play with dolls are all brainwashed idiots falling for a patriarchal trap! to
>muh femininity is oppressed now. lipstick is empowering. i LIKE being called stupid. it's actually the tomboys who are all brainwashed idiots falling for a jfc how many times do we need to do this before people feel comfortable actually, honestly, doing what they want? never?
No. 664810
>>664805Marg if you're reading this pls debunk her "I never shamed women for having career claims">>664764
also, pls mock her for trying to be the epitome of femininity while looking like this
>>664087 No. 664812
>>664790Venti really shouldn't be free from criticism. A ton of crazy events have happened with her ex-boyfriend recently.
She also blatantly self-posted her and her ex to show off in an older Shoe thread to brag that he was a "Chad" compared to Greg lol. Actual farmers said he looked like a twink.
No. 664832
>>664785I had no idea Margaret was a farmer. I remember her from, I think, old Skeptic streams long ago. It's sort of wild now, but skeptics and alt lite types hate each other and they don't mingle anymore. Skeptics like Shoe and Sargon have boxed themselves off.
Anyway, thanks for beating up RCP, Marg. I'm watching the tweets as they come in.
No. 664835
File: 1534303146572.png (310.27 KB, 619x569, brownskinned.png)

She's mad.
No. 664846
File: 1534304246950.gif (589.76 KB, 231x253, 1501821131336.gif)

>>664832she posted a bunch of caps from /snow/ at the height of the shoe0nhead drama
No. 664848
>>664834ah i see, so 4chad's just another manchild who uses redpill and muh fax to compensate for the fact that he lacks emotional depth and couldn't intimidate his way out of a paper bag.
>bruh she was ugly and saggy the whole time i was just using her bro!! is exactly the same as those girls who are absolute doormats and idealize the fuck out of some lameass guy and then become the most outspoken misandrists when they get dumped.
in fact i'd say this is more pathetic because he either pretended to find venti hot when he really didn't, or he's talking shit just to impress his bruh when he really did like her. cuck.
>>664812i'm still curious about what other "crazy stuff" there is with them, even if it's not that milky.
No. 664854
File: 1534304854228.png (82.44 KB, 989x227, no1curr.png)

>>664853Pic is why. Lauren isn't of Jewish descent, though. She's just like 1/16 Danish and mainly Spanish I think. (Which is why she bleaches her hair blonde rofl)
No. 664855
File: 1534304881623.png (11.07 KB, 528x95, eceleb1.png)

>>664853/pol/ thinks it's a Jewish name. Loomer mindlessly parroted /pol/ talking points for about a year, in exactly the same way /pol/ claimed Lauren did.
No. 664856
File: 1534304967203.png (478.38 KB, 639x1290, 1510700876476.png)

here, I have some of the relevant tweets
No. 664865
File: 1534305650509.jpeg (54.04 KB, 500x370, 1530645669871.jpeg)

>>664812>>664834>Venti really shouldn't be free from criticism. A ton of crazy events have happened with her ex-boyfriend recently.More milk on this?
No. 664867
File: 1534305885705.png (44.21 KB, 671x584, simonsen.png)

>>664853They think it's a Jewish name. It's really stupid, because if you look that name up on Wikipedia, it recommends you a bunch of Danish pages, pic related. Lauren herself is legitimately pretty Spanish, though.
For those that don't know, the alt right is crazy paranoid because they believe the Jews control everything, especially media. It's considered the alt lite/alt right e-celeb career death knell if you have even a smidge of Jewish in you.
>>664855>>664680Speaking of which, what the fuck is Laura doing? She is a self professed Ashkenazi Jew. No. 664870
File: 1534306026476.jpg (48.83 KB, 634x423, 434756BE00000578-4793438-image…)

>>664850having fun is for liberal feminist masculine thots! how dare people like socializing with friends, clearly staying at home and browsing a dead image board filled with child porn, gore and revenge porn is the most ugu feminine of it all, so not like other girls
are there ANY tradthots that practice what they preach at all?
No. 664875
File: 1534306409045.png (328.89 KB, 1305x864, 1509900147932.png)

>>664867something I always found suspicious was that the craziest anti-Lauren troll was pro-Loomer.
No. 664881
File: 1534306708907.jpg (83.79 KB, 801x1024, 1500720742183.jpg)

>>664877Loomer is a real piece of work.
No. 664883
File: 1534306914616.png (440.42 KB, 1042x797, NoseJob.png)

>>664875>Jews should get a nose job to integrate into white European society>xDGod, that person is dumb. Maybe that is Laura. She really did get plastic surgery to fix that awful nose of hers.
No. 664884
File: 1534307044023.png (749.1 KB, 1349x3826, lauren sperg 1.png)

>>664883if is is Laura, she's schizophrenic.
No. 664887
File: 1534307536001.jpg (103.88 KB, 1200x630, great value lauren.jpg)

>>664883I wonder if she used Lauren as a reference pic for her nose.
No. 664895
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No. 664897
File: 1534307912070.png (519.07 KB, 553x526, 1499662327860.png)

>>664894Venti has a good eye for milk
No. 664914
File: 1534311122104.jpg (182.56 KB, 768x1024, 1510188295333.jpg)

>>664904I'm at the body dysmorphia part, wow. he's a /fit/ fag.
No. 664917
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>>664904>>664903>>664865Here's a link to Brittany's Ex, 4Chad giving his side of the story. (Warning, long af).'s my take on the story: Brittany was upset with 4Chad after he got drunk and got a little too flirty with a male bartender on his 21st birthday. They both got into a drunken argument which neither of them fully remember, but lead to them breaking up.
After the break up, they both go full scorched earth and lie their asses off (with a tiny bit of truth mixed in) in order to make the other look as terrible as possible.
Brittany claims 4chad is a lazy autistic faggot who abused her and used her as a beard for his possible bisexuality.
4Chad claims Brittany is a filthy psycho bitch with an apartment full of catshit and roaches.
No. 664925
>>664917>first videoSo, you date a girl with cats who shit on her bed with both of you in it. You don't break up with her or leave the bed, you just lie in the cat shit beside her. And somehow, you too are not disgusting?
I really, really don't like Brittany, but her ex sounds like a piece of work, too.
No. 664929
>>664917>Brittany is a filthy psycho bitchthis would not surprise me at all.
also, maybe a dumb question, but does she have fetal alcohol syndrome or something? she reminds me of miranda quite a bit.
No. 665001
File: 1534321365034.jpg (591.01 KB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20180815_100841881.j…)

A bit late to the topic, but top is what RPC wrote in her article about living with a "drunk whore" that just had a tinder hook-up, bottom is the reply to a comment calling her out for living with guys. I too feel always horrificly sad for married men who cant get tinder dates.
(sry for ugly picture, never done this before)
No. 665229
>>664586>>665001How fucking creepy and masculine of her, this sounds like some weird fetish blog shit, not very feminine nada
Anyway, she was probably the one who made living with other women hell, because just like other redpill dudes, they can't be in the presence of a woman and be mentally stable about it, the fact she did this literally proves she was the problem in the house, not women, but of couse the big stronk men came in and made everything better, and because 1 girl fucked a guy of tinder it means poor men are oppressed and evil women are privileged
No. 665265
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No. 665298
>>665001"But you know, men are the ones with the "privilege", right?"
According to this dumb bitch, yes, since men are desirable and fuckable till their deathbed, and women are fuckable only while they are 15-25-yo. Is she so dumb because her parents are cousins and her grandparents are siblings or something?
No. 665335
>>665265>>665324any personality trait is masculine to her because according to her, women only exist for breeding, pleasuring men and housework, kek.
i guess having an interesting personality and having more to offer than your pussy is unfeminine uwu take notes ladies
No. 665383
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not a tradthot btw
No. 665751
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>>664372>Lots of American women fight for pointless things like feminism and climate control.holyshit
No. 665849
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>>665808She's talking about Mason her ex who's "bragging" about fucking tinder women.
No. 665907
>>665849Nice equality from Brit!
>>664917Why do all of these dudes sound so fucking weird? One sounds like Hank Hill, 4Chad was crying when that dude called in, and another dude on there sounded like Napolean Dynamite, beautiful.
No. 665928
>>665383I dont see anything wrong with this
>>665849i was closely following his twitter after the breakup and he seems like the stereotypical hypocrite neo nazi woman hating alpha-wannabe. hope she finds better in the future. her ED page shows some pretty disgusting screenshots of stuff he said about her post breakup.
as a girl who used to talk to these sorts of men i relate to her frustration at how we're supposed to be pure trad virgins who have never seen a penis but they can brag about 'fucking whores' on tinder
No. 665934
>>665849oh thank goodness. i actually kind of like brittany, tbh, even though she shills for terrible shit, i really think, unlike shoe, and redpillchick, etc, who are basically bottomless pits for misogyny and mistreatment, she MIGHT eventually get sick of the hypocrisy, racism, womanhating, as she gets older. she is pretty young. also kek @ his name being 'mason', that's literally the singlemost twinky babygay pron star name
No. 666097
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>Woman having short hair likely means she's a slut roastie who just got bamboozled by a chad!
>But I wear my hair short because that kind of style looks best on me considering my hair type!
>Get extensions, stat!
No. 666102
File: 1534410676205.jpg (296.54 KB, 1261x1689, t2VSFyx.jpg)

>>666097she has the weirdest obsession with short haired women. it's so specific that it's almost funny.
>her talking about women ''looking like dudes'' because of short hair>her talking about other women being catty/bitchy kek
No. 666106
File: 1534411024570.jpg (57.13 KB, 643x643, 4qBbatg.jpg)

>>666097>>666102>women don't just cut their hair short because ''it's cute''>short hair is so masculine reee>the new VS models look unfeminine because they have short hair>most girls cut their hair short when they've been dumped by guys!! (lol what?)yeah, audrey hepburn looked like a manly dyke with her pixie cut! she probably wore it that way because guys kept dumping her since everything women do is in some way related to men, i guess.
No. 666116
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>>666110she has masculine features like that shrek neck and square jaw which probably means she has high testosterone = high sex drive
she can shit on other girls for being fat and having short hair all she wants but at least they can change it. she can't change her bone structure
pic related, her
No. 666129
>>666106I wonder what tradthots think of Audrey Hepburn. She's super feminine, feminist, a career woman who's funny, smart, and charismatic, and also one of the sexiest women in recent times. The definitive woman of the time and universally loved, yet everything they hate in women
I think the paradox would kill their minds
No. 666132
>>666129exactly, plus she did not confirm to ''what men like'' and loved to wear flat shoes with pants and a pixie cut, contrary to long, curly hair and petticoats of the 50s, yet she's still seen as one of the sexiest women because she was unique and interesting.
redpillchick/tradthots in general forget that what makes a woman sexy/appealing is not limited to mundane shit like long hair and wearing heels. you're a boring shell of a human if you have nothing to offer to someone beyond your pussy and your appearance.
most men (and women) want a partner who is confident, witty, ambitious and caring. they want someone who is interesting and can help you grow as a person. how is that supposed to work if every personality trait is ''masculine'' according to her and women should only exist to be an accessory for their man? sounds so fucking depressing lmao
No. 666148
>>666106she sounds salty there are women feminine enough to still look feminine even with short hair, she would look like a man with short hair
probably why she obsesses over femininity so much and tries to go out her way to make every woman who isn't like her to be masculine
No. 666210
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>>666102>>666097Yes Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, and the rest of the endless list of beauty icons that had short hair in the 30's-50's where all manly masculine women. RPC comes across as really sheltered and 'uncultured'. It's really sad to see a women in her 20's be this dense and vain.
No. 666234
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Aamina Mubarak gets butthurt over a 30+ woman choosing to stay a virgin.
No. 666242
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No. 666246
>>666234>this article reeks of ''wow look at me guys, I'm a virgin but that's okay I don't need to worry about finding a guy. I'm a christian but I'm a feminist''the article doesn't ''reek'' of that, that's literally what it seems to be about. is she slow or something? why does she have such a problem with this, since she whines about women sleeping around all the time.
>trying to rationalize her singleness>she chooses to be picky with menwhat the fuck even is this statement. i swear this bitch is from a different planet, lmao. legit crazy.
No. 666252
>>666242>this girl isn't even smilingbecause they are
fashion models and you're supposed to focus on the clothes instead of them. they're not supposed to smile, usually. that's what they're told to do. none of the other girls are smiling either but i guess she's gotta push that agenda somehow
this picture just screams ''NO FUN ALLOWED''
No. 666275
>>666234"If a man is single its by choice and hes a brave mgtow warrior, if a woman is single its because shes a picky whore"
>women who dress for cold weather are all masculine sluts unlike feminine me uwu>no guy would date tough or goth girlsLmfao,men fetishize "tomboy" and goth women to hell and back, the fuck is she on about
No. 666276
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No. 666288
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>>666097I actually feel bad for the young girls that follow her. All these "trad" women are just ridiculously insecure and project it onto other women.
"I keep my hair short because it flatters my natural hair"
"Ummm why not just damage your natural hair with excessive products and heat treatments? It's the only way to be feminine."
I've never had a problem attracting a man, and I've tried out just about every hair style and color; and a lot of the men I know (including the conservative ones) are with women with short hair. They're not hideous manly beasts with low sex market value of whatever.
I wish Redpillchick would start larping like she has superior principles to other women, when her entire platform is used to tear other women down so she can seem like the most special trad unicorn. It's not traditional or classy at all, it's pathetic and trashy. If she was really secure with her feminity and worldview she would be comfortable with other women making choices for their own lives that don't effect her.
Sage for blog posting.
No. 666291
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It's so hard to be a sophisticated and feminine women when those catty bitches are keeping you down.
No. 666296
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Another idiot who thinks lifting weights once turns you into the Hulk. No wonder she gave up on being a doctor.
No. 666309
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>these women were killed for rejecting men
She definitely deserves her own thread.
No. 666313
>>666291>Also, we're catty. We compete all the time. If we see another woman getting more attention if it's male, we go wild. Good lord, the projection is real. Your own insecurities =/= an overall ''women's issue''. Looks like someone just exposed their true intentions.
>>666309>She definitely deserves her own thread.Seconded.
No. 666319
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What do you mean, trad women don't talk about tranny dicks? She's so creepy.
No. 666328
>>660832Nagle isn't part of the alt-right, she doesn't even profess any of the "trad" beliefs…
The book was just an analysis of internet culture in the recent years (I think? didn't read it), anyway it didn't advocate for any of the shit the alt-right talks about.
No. 666333
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>he's a cuck XDDD amirite /pol/?
No. 666335
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No. 666340
>>666333>that one tweet in the top right corner''he's a real man. no wonder his wives are all models''. fucking golden.
>>666335i like how she's talking about ~going to church~ as if she's not muslim, kek. if you're that disgusted and
triggered by female pastors/lgbt support, maybe check out your local mosque.
No. 666358
>>666332The trans narrative actually fits quite well with “trad” beliefs. See
>>666333 and
>>666335>homos are gross>feminine men are gross>non-feminine women are worthless>men and women have different brains (and female brains are inferior and shallow teehee)Trans activism relies very heavily on strict gender roles and erases gay people. Does your son like makeup better than math? He must have a female brain! Better a straight, feminine trans daughter than a flaming gay son. Does your daughter like trucks more than Barbies? She has a male brain! Better a straight trans son than a dyke for a daughter. They’ve realised that praying away the gay isn’t working, so chemically and surgically converting nonconforming gay people into conforming straight people is the next best thing.
No. 666417
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Anyone else find it funny how lauren has dyed her hair different shades of blonde and claimed multiple of them are her natural hair color? Now her hair is a totally different color on top than it is on bottom but she claims it as her natural color. It looks like an ombre
No. 666422
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>>666276>if a woman says beer tastes good, she's probably lying unless she's a sluthahahaohwow.jpg
Can you imagine a trad mother/wife like Caroline Ingalls running a twitter account where she complains about other women being catty hoes, or calling a man a cuck because his wife is 3 years older than him?
No. 666425
>>666358This is pretty accurate. It's probably why you ever become a transperson in places like saudi arabia or die.
Trans people focus heavily on traditional gender roles and set both women, gay people and feminism back 100 years.
No. 666432
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>>666422Surprise, surprise. Her hatred of women drinking beer comes from her roommate. Here's some bonus roommate salt
No. 666435
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No. 666438
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>>666417Eh blonde hair changes a lot depending on sun exposure, so some differences in shade or even the appearance of outgrowth can be natural. In her case it isn't though because not even the darkness changes, but the actual tone. She hops from cool to warm tones all the time and a while back even used a semi-permanent dye that made it almost light ashy brown. She can't bullshit people saying she never dyes her hair and that everything has been natural.
No. 666447
>>666435uwu snitching and coercing someone who hasn't hurt anyone, so gracious, so feminine, truly Audrey Hepburn's successor here.
#femininevalues #girly
No. 666454
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No. 666468
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>making fun of her for being a "post-wall woman"
>making fun of her for not being thin and having a kid
Time to delete her entire blog and twitter then
No. 666479
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No. 666484
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>>666480She sounds like the most draining and hateful person to be around.
No. 666487
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>build an empire with your husband
>career ambition is wrong
I can't wait for when these girls' husbands dump them for a younger hotter girl and they're left without an education/job/property/money. Big wake up call
No. 666493
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sometimes I wonder if she's trolling, pretending to be a white woman or just forgets that people in 1950s USA weren't very nice to non-white people lmao
No. 666494
>>666487Even better if they already have a child and become the dreaded single mother they loathed. Of course they would have signed a prenup before marriage because that's the redpill thing to do.
>>666491Don't you know? Only trad girls know how to bake a fucking pie. Feminists and girls who like beer just eat instant ramen.
No. 666497
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>>666484she's absolutely miserable
No. 666498
>>666432>>666291I wonder if the reason why she doesn't have any girl friends is because she's absolutely rotten to be around.
Girl friends support each other; all of my friends are there to cheer each other on, through both our accomplishments and our failures. I can't imagine any woman out of high school who believes that all girls are just "catty bitches" who are waiting for your downfall.
She could never grab a coffee or a beer with a girl friend and talk about their lives together. She could never have a friend to go camping with, or get their nails done together, or even just watch a movie. She could never bake a damn birthday cake with a friend because she'd probably use it as an opportunity to drag the girl in her blog. Her lack of female companionship sounds so depressing, and points to her obvious and deep seeded issues with femininity and competition.
Her life sounds like an absolute bummer.
No. 666503
>>666484Women who say women like catcalling have probably never been catcalled in their lives, or they are just that self hating that any bit of validation is considered a god-send.
The last word I would use to describe being harassed would be cringey.
No. 666512
>>666097Everything she does and recommends here is bad for your hair. Extensions long term destroy your hair. Excessive or even daily heat, destroys your hair.
Idiots giving "advice" like this always
triggers me I STG.
No. 666516
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No. 666517
>>666484>"sad that some men in America won't experience this in their lifetime."Experience what? Their wife (or "God" forgive, girlfriend) cooking? Does this bitch never cook or something? Yeah sad to know that women desire more and don't want to be basically home-slaves–cooking, cleaning, raising kids while their husband sits on the couch scratching his balls watching TV. As if he is actually there to witness the effort she's putting into cooking. Sad to know that now women expect more and men (in REALITY) don't mind sharing the load!
>>666493Also I'm pretty sure the requirements for weight were mainly because you want to keep less weight on an airplane, especially of this time period. There's a weight limit. Back in the 50s most women were thin, being curvy was the exception. Hence why Marilyn Monroe was so popular and seen as a bombshell. This cunt is seriously so uneducated, uncultured, and sheltered it hurts.
I honestly feel like she's been raised with these extremely rigid and orthodox Muslim ideals, because it's exactly what you'd expect from them. But she wants to have the best of both worlds, i.e. be able to wear feminine things but also be super traditional uwu…and since poltards hate brown Muslims she acts like she's super Christian.
>>666335>She MADE the entire congregation hold up a "We support gay marriage" poster and take a picture of it.TOPKEK ! how fucking stupid does she think people are? this never happened and I don't need to explain how fucking ludicrous it is.
No. 666518
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No. 666521
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No. 666526
>>666516>get a discWha.. what is she even talking about?
>>666521Self hatred alert.
No. 666533
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"my OLD 30 yo successful lawyer cousin (DID I MENTION SHE'S OLD?) called my dad to ask if he knew any men, but no guys in my family want to fuck her, because she's too old!!!"
is this… are we… supposed to admire your family's stringent standards of only fucking their super young relatives, orr? this bih is literally talking up inbreeding just to shame her successful cousin
No. 666535
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'no girls aloud in the boys club hmmpf BOYS ONLY'
No. 666542
>>666516>>666537Remember this a girl who wanted to get into competitive fencing when she had already been "redpilled"
>>664624I guess she dropped fencing because it didn't fit the uwu feminine hands image.
No. 666552
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>>666518That's funny, I can't seem to find any tweets of her calling out "super toxic" women.
No. 666557
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No. 666559
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>>666553Jesus did you nail it.
These men aren't interested in them for their political rantings, in fact, it's quite the opposite. They constantly rag on these women or involving themselves into the political sphere.
Why do they try so hard to please these types of men when they hate them and literally consider most of them subhuman?
No. 666561
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>>666479>women who date around are whores, have standards you sluts!>actually you uptight bitches need to find a man already, date everyone who asks you her interactions with shoe are pretty milky
No. 666563
>>666484But traditionally, a gentleman will carry the ~heavy~ purse for their woman.
These bitches preaching shit they know shit about.
No. 666567
Your life has zero meaning beyond pandering to men who will turn on you in a half second and think you're worthless.
You live for nothing but pandering to men who would turn on you in a half second and will gladly try and have you deported when they learn you're pretending to be white.
You will leave no mark on the world, your stupid twitter will be lost in oblivion with the rest of them in no time. And you'll only be brought up again as something to laugh at from the past.
Get over yourself.
No. 666570
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No. 666588
>>666432>She was grossly thin and looked like a teenage boyTranslation: She was skinnier (and probably more attractive) than me, and it
triggered me
No. 666607
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>I think I come off as masculine or hyper aggressive
kek, did she come to this epiphany by herself?
No. 666633
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No. 666634
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suddenly the all knowing RPC wasn't able to bestow her wisdom upon a lowly woman after finding out that she doesn't live for the approval of strangers
No. 666641
>>666552It's so obvious she never interacts with actual people in the real world and spends all of her time online pandering to old fat white dudes
Has she ever talked to an actual guy (outside of a Trump rally)
No. 666648
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This is unintentionally hilarious.
>I care about red pill stuff because I believe everything I see on the internet
No. 666650
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she has to be trolling with this shit
No. 666675
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>>666644she used to bleach the fuck out of it, but I think it's naturally a sandy light brown. I dunno, I tend to think of brunettes as darker than this.
No. 666691
>>666675Also who called her brunette? I said brown and you literally said brown back, retard.
She's not a natural blonde, like I just said
No. 666692
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No. 666694
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>Don't be a bitch who has zero hobbies and nothing to bring to the table.
No. 666700
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I'm curious as to when she went from Aamina Karim Mubarak → Amina Mubarak → Amina M. → Holly Mubarak → Holly Grant → nameless
No. 666717
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>>666700so she was engaged, but now she only has a boyfriend? breaking off an engagement doesn't sound very trad to me.
unless it's the same dude and they've been putting off the marriage for years. that also doesn't seem very trad
No. 666742
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>>666691no reason to get cunty.
>>666688the braids are definitely dyed/highlighted. she looks better with darker hair, she doesn't take very good care of it and when she was a bleach blonde it would get really brassy.
No. 666763
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>>666752I meant the color, "bleach blonde"
No. 666765
>>666736Pretty much, you can tell she's bullshitting all the way through
Her family, im assuming is Muslim, according to her is
>well educated rich parents>when mom started making 100k moving from a 50k job, which makes no sense because who the hell gets a 50% promotion as a psychologist, especially in ny where an average psych makes 75k>her dad completely changed his career path to be the main maker again, which is impossible, especially considering his supposed age ie >dad being 40 and marrying 20 yr old mom (???)>living in a shared house despite her parents being rich, claiming when it was all women it was bad, and from my experience women who say stuff like that are often the problems themselves>her mom apparantly asks her dad if he would rather marry a 25 yr old or 30 yr old,but she claims to live in a shared house so how would she know, even then what supposed well educated woman asks her husband that>going to med school and claiming to own a business, which I highly doubt because she refuses to go into detail outside of making claims about how she did x y and z>the story about her cousin wanting to marry into the family ie incest then gloating about how its a shame because shes 30 and no one wants her, and from my experience even Muslim families arent that damn obsessed with womens age as she isI wonder if her family knows about her twitter and all the claims she made up, probably why she stays anonymous
No. 666781
>>666763wtf is that thing she's standing next too? wew
>>666776kind of an insult to lorena… she doesn't look as bad as lauren imo
No. 666862
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>>664426if she is a real woman and this is her genuine worldview (which i don't really believe at this point), her life must be sad as hell. all women are catty bitches and can't be your friends, all men want sex from you and can't be your friends either.
No. 666881
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>>666862ok i'm now convinced that's an incel who desperately wants a brazilian/asian/eastern european mail bride but can't afford it.
No. 666883
>>666710I wonder about this too. There are probably plenty of SAHM housewives who have recipe blogs and complain about the lack of prayer in schools or whatever but do any of them have the kind of following that these hypocritical thots do? For as much as “trad” guys cry about women not marrying and popping out white babies, it doesn’t seem like they’re actually interested in women who practice what they preach.
>>666765With the cousin thing, if it is true at all which I doubt, it could be that she’s looking at the other side of the extended family i.e. people she’s not blood related to. Like I could date my uncle’s wife’s nephew and it might be kinda weird but not technically incest.
>>666862And she can’t even have a cat because cat ladies are icky, too.
No. 666915
>>660832Why didn't u guys say who you orbit? I orbit Linday Kantha Souvannarath.
>>666332They're pro tranny and pro faggot. They hate lesbians, tho. Remember when they were all worshipping Milo until he said that pedo shit? "OMG Milo! A dangerous faggot! See, gay guys can be based!!!"
No. 666920
>>666896> Also didn't she use a pic of a stranger and say it was her roommate?She finished off every paragraph in the article with a random photo off google images, I don't think she meant people to think that was actually her roommate.
Anyway I do think she's real, just has no original thoughts in her head and actively avoids having a personality in case it offends men. She parrots basic red pill shit but in the most simplistic, unimaginative manner possible because she has no purpose but impressing men.
No. 666923
>>666694Um, aren't hobbies and interests what she said women can't or shouldn't do?
>>666700Tinfoily but if she's from Pakistan and decently good class of family (or at least from a family with ambitions to get their kids higher up), I have a theory of what happened. In upper class families both men and women are expected to be well educated and women basically must be either doctors or lawyers to be well wanted as wives (in that culture you have servants to do the cooking, it's not exactly a novelty there). My guess is she had an engagement but it fell through once she stopped going to med school (the engagement is usually partially based on future jobs/education and arranged before or during university). After that she got mad, found incels who actually want a useless woman, and decided to obsessively pander to them since she will have trouble getting a good husband now. She likely hates herself for not being white because that's what they want, plus the unfortunate part of her being rather dark skinned from a culture that prefers light skinned people (there is a race of people in Pakistan that are almost as white as Caucasians). If this is the case then what she has yet to figure out is she's better off with a desperate Pakistani man because incels don't actually have the successful career they act like they do (or will have). Granted a low class Pakistani guy willing to take anyone would likely not be the best husband in the world but neither would the incels who will certainly treat her like shit as they really don't know or understand what they want
No. 666936
>>666928Pretending to be Persian kinda fits. The light skinned people in Pakistan are Pashtuns, and they are likely ethnically Persian (it's kind of a mystery but the culture itself is very Persian and is considered to be). She looks Punjabi and looks to have Indian blood mixed in her too to me. Not really the standard of beauty there unfortunately so she'd really need a good education to make it worth it
Of course it's all tinfoil, and she'll likely never admit her actual ethnicity or heritage, but it's fun to wonder
No. 666939
>>666915>>666917I think they’re semi-accepting of gay men who agree with them because then they have a Token Gay to point to to themselves look like the good guys, like how Fox News occasionally showcases black people who parrot their talking points as proof that “See, we’re totes not racist! Even the blacks think we’re right!”.
Lesbians they cannot stand because women who don’t want or need men don’t fit into their worldview at all. Hence why they always try to demonise lesbians as ugly hairy fat dykes who are only into other women because they can’t get a man to like them, because women who don’t
care if men like them cannot possibly exist. At least men who are attracted to other men reinforce their belief that men are the most important and valuable sex.
Honestly I think they still respect gay guys more than women because deep down they think that men are always superior to women no matter what. They might orbit and throw money at redpill women who tell them what they want to hear for a little while, but as soon as she says or does something they don’t like they’ll rip her to shreds. Lauren has experienced this and I'm sure that every other tradthot will too at some point.
No. 666946
>>666883Most of the successful mommy-and home bloggers are Mormon women. They really do practice their traditional ideologies. Examples: sell it like fuck.
No. 666955
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>>666923>>666928>>666936She mentions Indian parents and Indian food, along with mentioning how she can make gol roti in her bio.
No. 666958
>>666947lol you hit the nail on the head, I've always hated the kinfolk aesthetic and now I know why. The only people I know who are into that crap are conservative hipsters (yes they do exist and are awful)
>>666955Eh this just shows me that she can't keep her story/ethnicity straight. I still think she's a guy trolling.
No. 666962
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After posting few tweets abouz being tottally sowwy for being a bitter catty bitch, she is back at it.
>>666958Why would a guy pretend to be a muslim brown woman pretending to be white and christian redpill woman? I'm pretty sure she tends to lie about details in her life to make herself look better, similar to shoe0nhead.
No. 666969
>>666967There are different types, the conservatard types (I'm guessing RPC fits there) and the alt-right types who usually end up being huge thots. (looking @ you karmapolitical) Totes not trad!
The white nationalist types are usually crazy, like wifewithapurpose who is actually a lesbian, but since she's Mormon she's now with some weird atheist dude and they have kids. If anyone is wondering, yes, apparently wifewithapurpose did suck on some coochie.
No. 666972
>>666958>>666965I thought for sure she was a guy, too. She just is such a dead ringer for an incel, but she's clearly tried to hide her brown girl appearance and posts so many white women on her blog as examples of "trad girls".
I think her religion might play a part in it. I think any Muslim woman probably has a lot of internalized self-hatred with how horribly male focused it is. I really wonder and almost kind of worry what her upbringing with the men in her family was like for her to write such things about her own gender. She talks a little too glowingly about the male figures around her, especially the patriarchs of her family.
No. 666980
>>666969WWAP's husband is an atheist? I haven't lurked her blog in forever so either I missed her mentioning that or forgot. Isn't marrying an atheist when you're religious "unbiblical"?
Also damn she's still ugly, shame she's passing those genes on to her kids. "Master race" lmao
No. 666984
>>666980>>666979 There was a whole blog about it, I can't find it now but after she got exposed by said blog she came out and said she was in a relationship with a woman at one point.
For lazy anons:
>Stewart once identified as a "Mormon Green Witch, Gnostic Mormon Wiccan, Deep Mormon, Reform Mormon, Joseph Smith Mormon, Early Mormon, Folk Magick Mormon, Universalist- culturally practicing Mormon-Witch, Shamanic Mormon." She was the administrator of a website known as "New Age Mormon Pagans".
>Stewart claims she was a former liberal and pagan. She is an anti-feminist and mother of six children.
>Stewart is a former supporter of LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. In 2008 she wrote that she "dated a woman who loved to dress up". She was once in a relationship with a female but now identifies as heterosexual. In 2017, she commented on this:
>We barely did anything physically at all, so don't go thinking it was some scene from a porno movie, it wasn't. I thought I would enjoy being with a woman like all the media pushed (this was at the height of the TV show The L Word about lesbianism) but I hated it, I hated every second of it. I was scared to break it off because I didn't want my husband to lose his best friend but after about 3 months I couldn't stand it anymore and I broke up with her.
>Although Ayla claimed to hate every second of her lesbian affair, she also wrote in her blog, Mother Lover Goddess, when questioned about her last homosexual relationship, during her baptism, that she responded to the pastor's question: "'Two years ago.' I replied thinking to myself - most recent anyway." This directly contradicts her 2017 comment, but affirms her previous blog about dating a woman who loved to dress up.Hope I didn't mess up the greentext
To the other anon, her atheist hubby is better than the evil dyke gf, because he's trad.
>>666982Some of these trad types think men should marry girl 14-16 years old and impregnate them (because, trad!). She'd probably be proud of her father if he married a woman around her age or even younger. "Thank God my father is with a YOUNG woman and not an ugly old hag who's 30 years old, ew!"
No. 667034
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All these girls still pandering to /pol/ for attention is so embarrassing. They should've been doing that shit in like 2013-2014 when it wasn't taken as seriously but, now we have dumb cunts willing to attach their names to sexist, racists shit unironically. It's no longer just about attention, they honestly believe stuff coming from the board that made zimzam memes. They're going to have lots of fun applying to jobs in the future with their terrible internet history.
Also, guys who want a "traditional" wife or w/e would not want to be with some crazy salty bitch who just tweets hurtful, spiteful shit all day RPC. Stay mad, you've already reached jealous hag status.
No. 667051
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do i smell some white boy fever?
No. 667061
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>>667051If it weren't for those dastardly white wimminz she wouldn't have the white dudes she craves.
And apparently, the dude on the right is her Aryan daddy. Such a cutie! Look at that athletic body, wow!
No. 667071
File: 1534522832073.jpg (Spoiler Image,331.86 KB, 1067x1600, LOVE-TAZA-9HF44.jpg)

>>667041Yes these women have businesses and jobs but their husbands are involved with the business also. They are not the kind of women to put off having babies for a business; the babies ARE the business. All their daughters are being raised to become married babymakers at the first opportunity. I just wanted to highlight that these women do at least exist. Typical blog pic related.
No. 667076
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No way she isn't a troll
No. 667086
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No. 667092
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>>667079>Besides cooking, isn't the most "trad" hobby knitting/crochet? Have any of these bitches touch a hook in their lives? the only women in my life I knew who knit/sew/cook or whatever were tumblr cozy cat lady type girls, you know, the ones they make fun of for "ruining femininity and western civilization"
while RPC is screaming on twitter about the women she claims aren't feminine enough, while they are doing actual feminine hobbies lmfao
No. 667096
>>666946Those blogs seem so liberal compared to amina's. Barefootblonde just sounds like another hipster blonde girl with a family. Pinkpeonies is just another fashion guru you can find on youtube. No bitchy insults, no posts demeaning women who arent apart of their lifestyle. Its almost as if theyre just happy and sharing that with others. Like what rpc wants. And yet that isnt pandering enough.
>>667079Sewing too. Its pretty useful but those hobbies arent cute enough. Tradthots only use cooking because thats what their audience see then as being only useful in. Trying to replicate 50s american aesthetic housewife posters
No. 667121
I'm not sure why there is even a debate about if she is real or not. She just hates herself and she's a compulsive liar.
>>666862>Tell me, what's at stake more than friendships and relationships with fellow human beings? This man slapped pure wisdom into her and her stupid incel pandering brain couldn't even understand what he means by this.
No. 667128
>>667092>RPC is screaming on twitter about the women she claims aren't feminine enough, while they are doing actual feminine hobbies lmfaoIkr? What's worse they'd probably call a guy a cuck for liking a feminine hobbies that they don't know how to do.
Also the more I think about it, tradthots couldn't be capable of knitting/crochet cause it requires basic math skills and patience.
No. 667129
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No. 667142
>>667129>Make me and my followers some sammichesI can't believe she's on this level of "not like other girls!!!!!"
And saying that in 2017 as of that's still a relevant joke - is she that desperate for a man??
No. 667147
>>667129If she's satisfied with playing house all her life then that's fine, why does she have to shit on women who have careers? I don't see them hating on housewives/stay at home mothers. Why force one life perspective onto others just because they share your gender? How can someone be mad about people working 9 to 5 jobs? So everytime she goes grocery shopping and sees a woman cashier does that
trigger her? Who has time to be this mad about everything?
No. 667153
>>667147this, I don't understand the logic of how redpills/blackpills/incels/mras/mgtows live
it lowkey makes me paranoid I'll run into a customer like so and they'll throw a tangent because I'm a woman and I exist, fuck the fact there are women who need to support themselves, fuck women who need to support parents or pay for medical bills, college or whatever
like how the fuck do they even exist when they're so fucking
triggered about half the population not living to serve men? are these people even able to walk past women on the street and be mentally stable about it?
No. 667161
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>>667107Let's not get crazy here. Shoe may not be an autistic conservatard like RPC, but she surely believes in some of RPC's paranoid ramblings since they both hate women so much.
At the end of the day, both of them still think feminism is some Illuminati-esque power that controls the government, schools, media, etc.
No. 667163
>>667161what's with tradthots or redpills making up arguments from the side they're against before they even make those claims?
I swear, I've seen more tradthots or redpills talk about how "you're gonna hit the wall and wonder where all the good men gone you thot!!" more than I ever seen a woman, even the sluttiest actually say that, my aunt was a major thot in hs and is divorced and even then, I never, in my life, heard her say the words "where have all the good men gone"
the best part is, it's actually them who run around asking where all the good women are, biggest projectors on the planet
No. 667211
>>666650Is she really unaware that the republicans and democrats switched platforms around the 1930’s and used to be complete opposites?
God she’s an idiot.
No. 667220
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No. 667252
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No. 667264
>>667252At least she said correlation and not causation…
Also kind of funny that she's accidentally saying that a huge number of the female children of the Trad women of the 50s are depressed haha
No. 667274
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>>667252If she actually read history books and not the twitter accounts of women she hates she'd know that drug use was very common among American housewives in the 1950's and 1960's. Valium, Serax, barbiturates, and Mellaril are just a few of them. Psychiatrists discussed a widespread problem of women feeling depressed or empty. Turns out being cooped up inside all day while doing the same simple repetitive chores for a man who thinks you exist to serve him isn't conducive to happiness. Drug overdose deaths among housewives happened commonly enough that everyone was aware of them and you can find frequent "jokes" in 50's media and literature about women trying to commit suicide by sticking their heads in the oven and turning the gas on.
As the advertisement attached to this post shows, these drugs were also marketed towards husbands to keep their wives "manageable". Part of the reason the stereotypical 50's housewife is shown as happy all the time and a little ditzy and dumb is that they were often in a drug-induced stupor.
No. 667319
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Her hair is so damaged it doesn't move
No. 667402
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>>667303you're the one who chose to write "white men" instead of
>any man>treating women well No. 667416
>>667252>>667274Not only this but antidepressants as we know them today didn't even exist. Before 1951 amphetamines and opioids were used. Barbiturates, Quaaludes, etc aren't technically antidepressants. They're for anxiety and insomnia. They get you high as fuck. SSRIs didn't come to market until 1988 ffs. It was way more common to be pumped full of drugs even if you were just discontent. If your husband thought you were too naggy he could get you locked in a psych ward for the rest of your life. Which I'm sure is exactly what would've happened to her if she was living back then.
The reason it increased is because people abused the hell out of barbiturates and it really doesn't treat depression. Tons of people died. Addicts abused them. SSRIs were discovered and became favored. Plus Reagan came with the war on drugs which demonized such drugs.
No. 667475
>>667319I only watch her to see how much more damage she does to it. Gigi Gorgeous and Trisha should rec her some weaves/wigs.
ABitofBritt and LaceyLynn should be added
No. 667489
>>667163It's what mgtows claim women say because mgtows ask themselves where have all the good women gone, but mock imaginary women for doing the same
Hell just look at most mgtow shit, it's debunking imaginary arguments that they literally just pulled out their ass, is that even considered a strawman if there was no argument to begin with and they made it up?
Handmaidens like RPC and June are just mirrors and exaggerate what mgtows or mras always say in order to cater to them
No. 667697
>>667402Red Pill Chick chose to write "white men" as seen in
>>667051Did you even read the thread at all?
No. 667751
>>667051>treat women wellno, they tend to be dicks, plus don't slavic men have a stereotype of beating their girlfriends? maybe in nordic countries, but white men everywhere else, especially western white men who pretty much own mgtow and incel shit who hate womens guts and scream about them all day? ehhh
>very niceno, american white boys are known for shooting up shit because other white boys were mean to them, a lot of them treat girls awfully especially in school
>tallerno, but again, maybe in nordic countries, not america
>leadersmen in general tend to be leaders regardless of their race (not good ones but the world sucks mens dicks so even if they're bad they still get praised, take trump, if trump was a woman the world would be nitpicking and alienating her every step of the way)
>good facial featuresno, white men tend to look feminine, yeah some can look good, but most white guys look more feminine than nada ever will lmao, probably why she loves them so much
>athletic and adventurous maybe, but it's not a white only thing, especially since black men tend to be more involved with sports in the western world
>>667051topkek! no wonder she has such a problem with white women lmao
>>667751she's def talking about american white guys, europeans and white americans are like two completely different groups. not even comparable.
No. 667785
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No. 667788
>>667785most men I know love tomboys or alt style what is she on about? where tf does she think goth gf or tomboy gf come from if no men want them lmao
even then, I doubt most men want to be with women who live to impress men
No. 667794
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>>667785>most of the trends promoted on instagram that is liked by most women is absolutely horrifying and I cannot imagine most men being into thatyeah, totally. I imagine most men find
this absolutely repulsive!
Does she not understand that IG fashion is for the most part very revealing/sexy? whether you like this type of fashion or not or you think it's trashy, I highly doubt many men would describe it as ''horrifying'', lmao.
No. 667804
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No. 667810
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No. 667814
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>associating with men like this
love yourself holy shit
No. 667816
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yo so this chick is legit crazy. I've been following her for a while long before the dasha stuff and because I leave twitter open while working I catch some of her…unguarded tweets like this. She deletes them after a while but she does stuff like this a lot.
No. 667830
>>667814Men already do this, especially the mgtows they support, but god forbid even 1 woman do what hundreds of men do
>>667810That's not very uwu feminine
>>667804Just like her all her other friends are married and feminine, or the friend who got drunk when she came home and she took pics of but those same pics were also magically on a porn site, or all the friends she helped start businesses with, if shes gonna lie about having friends she could at least make it believable
No. 667831
>>667810A few months later she posted
>>664203, where she talks about going to a mostly male frisbee meet up in a tank, yoga pants, and Chanel perfume. She can't keep her lies straight at all.
No. 667874
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No. 667892
>>667814Is redpillcoach a real person?
>uggos arent the same species and should knkw their placeTo them 99% of women are uggos who arent up to their ridiculous standards. Jfc
No. 667957
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what a nutjob
No. 667999
>>667957wait…is she really that upset over a male cheerleader? Are they really that simple minded they're going for the "ew so gay!" shtick? Do any of these lazy manchildren realize the core strength needed to be a male cheerleader? Some of the strongest male athletes you'll ever see and amazing(hot) bodies. The only reason this pic upsets them is because the guy is a little effeminate looking. Big fucking deal, why do they think everything is some alex jones conspiracy? They actually believe the ((them)) /pol/ shit? Fucking amazing.
I doubt RPC even watches football but, def the type to fake that she does to men.
No. 668030
>>667147It's because she failed to succeed in her career plans. You see this trend in trad/ incel circles.
>fail to get job/ professional school/ etc.>blame already disadvantaged minority xyz and "affirmative action"Rise and repeat.
No. 668031
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Not sure if she fits here
her account is a cesspool of trad crap
No. 668064
>>667957state with one of the highest
>murder rate>homeless people>poverty>crime>natural disasters, just to be fucked over by FEMA>domestic abuse>female murder ratebut he draws the line at a male cheerleader lmfao
No. 668075
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>>667785she thinks men think like her and are a hivemind
didn't she even say in the interview she was salty fat girls can get men but she "had to put on makeup and everything for men to like her"
it's extremely obvious the only reason why she writes novels on femininity is because she's salty she still looks like a damn man despite going out of her way and obsessing over every word she says and every move she makes having to be feminine
she's pissed there's women out there who don't have to do all that and can live comfortably, doing things they enjoy and still get quality men
No. 668077
>>668073well in rpc case, a skater skirt that would get her harassed in the 50s she loves so much, hell even june claims her skater skirts are "modest" despite most school not even allowing them
what's with trad thots and skater skirts anyway? I know most of them have no ass but you'd think women desperately trying to be not like other girls would choose something less basic
No. 668082
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No. 668086
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No. 668089
>>668086high fashion models serve the purpose of showcasing clothes. they're basically walking mannequins. not for your uwu 5'5" diversity so oppressed
Imagine if someone said "I think the fashion world could be more diverse. It would be nice to see some plus size girls on the runway. Too bad no designer wants that." She would flip
No. 668202
>>668095>russian dating women…This bitch really used photos of escorts and mail order brides, and touted their appearances as what all women should aspire to. Like she wouldn't be negging them for things like wearing "too much makeup", being "slutty" for wearing their dresses too short (something she complained about in one of her blog posts), for having plastic surgery or daring to tempt innocent males with their cleavage. I am deceased.
Nothing she says is even halfway consistent.
No. 668204
I will sage this because I don't know how milky it is, besides confirming what we know, but according to hosts this is RedPillChick's first live stream (22.07.18) don't know anything about this Hapa Supremacy people I just looked for redpillchick on yt to hear her opinions and voice.
I'm warning you - this is extremly boring, her voice is monotone and slow. I can't give you full recap because after 10 minutes I had to skip around, nothong with value, only vague bs about 'yeah you know femininity, children, I don't know… blahblah buzzword'. And her internet connection is shitty sometimes.
The little I gather is - in the beginning she is saying that she wants to write more articles and maybe a book (lol) to guide young women, because there is void in the market and only feminist and wrong stuff about how to be a woman, I assume 'true red pill woman'.
Funny moment for me - confirmed mommy issues lol about 28:20 - my mom was a career woman, it's her fault that i can't cook she didin't teach me. Is this a thing in US that young people can't cook?I have a lot of doubts. And she claims women are stil better than men with it, except stake. But women totally made society fall.
They also talk a little about how woman are destroying each other and allow themselves to be fat and sill get a guy, a lot of complimenting herself (her aunt says she has sooooo light skin) and she encourages people to read Rollo Tomassi, I don't know who he is.
It's basically her twitter but more boring and watered down.
If sameone feels like transcripting all please do, this video bored me to tears.
And comments in the chat about how to be true man and woman are golden.
Also, just an idea - maybe she plays character, you know, persona for social media to promote certain ideology (even if she don't understand a lot about it) and that's why it sounds so extreme?
No. 668210
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>>668204>she wants to write more articles and maybe a book (lol) to guide young women>''if you want my advice grow up and listen. I'll help you become better.''>''You need guidance.''Why are tradthots so entitled that they think they are in ANY position to teach or ''help'' other women? Lauren does this as well.
They're 22 or even younger, they're
barely considered adults in society and think women, including older women, are supposed to listen to them?
They don't even have degrees, life experience other than college and high school and their ''research'' does not go beyond 4chan.
What world do these girls live in?
No. 668249
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Not a very feminine MBTI type. ENTPs tend to be argumentative, not submissive at all.
No. 668253
>>668249Honestly she seems too aggressive for even ENTps. More like scornful ESTj attracted to redpill /pol/ shit who thinks everyone should follow her same values/morals(Te/Fi).
Assuming she actually believes anything she tweets and isn't just desperate attention seeking.
No. 668257
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>>668095Saged for kinda off-topic, but the lambhunting girl she's replying to here is batshit insane and one of my personal cows. She met some guy she described as being "full 14/88 like her" in March and they were engaged in April, and then suddenly two weeks later weren't together anymore. It was hilarious watching her talk about her perfect trad relationship, engaged after one month only to have it crumble. One Google search of the dude's name shows an article where he stole a weapon and broke into cars. A perfect trad husbando! She also used to work at a daycare and would constantly bitch about it on Twitter, going as far as to call it a baby gulag and she wrote a whole article about it.
I can share more if there's interest.
No. 668262
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everything about this is wrong on so many levels
sorry to burst your bubble but not every woman is a doormat
No. 668568
Tradthots like RPC and Southern, especially RPC, don't seem to think of children as actual people, the way they talk about them, they don't realize just how much work a kid actually is, how hard it actually is, especially when all the responsibility and pressure is on the woman to do everything. They talk about kids with the same passion as a cat or dog, like it's just this thing you have to feed and clean up after and it's that easy. They're so immature.
And as for having a job, do they have any idea how much it costs to give one kid a good life, let alone several? That's why most houses have both parents working, that's why so many people sacrifice that time and energy, because you love your children and instinctively need to provide for them and give them the best lives you can. These girls are so selfish and attention whoring, I don't buy that they want to be mothers and give a shit about something besides themselves for a fucking second.
sage for pissy rant
No. 668749
>>668344It can be a collab with shoe0nhead!
>never let ur man go to bed angry, hungry or horny>buy him all the Star Wars toys he wants because he’s a big boy and you’re his mommy footstool>don’t listen to the roasties, putting other women down does make you more beautiful!>>668673They’d probably defend guys who cheat on their heavily pregnant/recently post-partum wives because ~men have needs~ and shit on any woman who gets stretch marks or doesn’t bounce back to her pre-pregnancy weight immediately. Honestly, I hope none of them ever procreate.
No. 668776
>>668568tradthots and their worshipers: femoid– I mean women having pets??? eww you must be an ugly feminist career woman. why not have a kid instead?? not like they're two different worlds of responsibility
they also seem to sperg out at the word "furbaby" kek
>>668773this is why I have no sympathy for shoe when greg publicly lusts after camgirls. her mra pandering is basically jerkoff material/flirting for them and she gets attention from it. LOOK IM SUCH GF MATERIAL!! Don't you wish I was your perfect antifeminist loli gf? :3
No. 668959
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Seems like RPC is back at it, screeching about career women yet again.
She goes from "uwu i'm so nice here is a peach cobbler recipe" to screaming about how every other woman is useless in a matter of days
No. 668964
File: 1534791614483.jpg (50.94 KB, 938x477, 601.jpg)

>>668959>"there is nothing envious about that lifestyle">constantly brags about running several businesses>brags about her SAT scores/school ranking>used to brag about wanting to go to med/law schoolEven with all of her trad posturing it's still obvious that she desperately wants to become a career woman and is envious of them. Maybe she'll be able to admit it one day and stop taking her anger out on other women.
No. 668974
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No. 669006
>>668959>I'll be 30 and leaving a legacy behindWhy does she keep saying this shit? Her twitter is full of ''if you don't choose family over career, you will never leave a mark on this world!'' Like what fucking legacy will you leave behind, there are billions of people on this planet and you're not special for reproducing, lol.
Also I love how she's saying this as if ''career women'' don't have kids/families. Does she not realize that most families NEED two incomes to survive?
No. 669021
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>>668992>>668974She's 100% the type of person to blame the woman if her man cheats on her. Probably because said woman has short hair and isn't feminine enough uwu.
Or because the evil women keep emasculating the poor men :(
Seriously though, if a man is so easily emasculated because a woman(who according to them, are the weaker sex anyway) tells him things he doesn't want to hear or chooses to pursue a career instead of family, he's not gonna be a strong leader anyway.
No. 669043
>>669021rofl this is a life guide for why men are the weaker sex though. Fragile masculinity is the all time high.
OT but i work in a clothing store and this man (no lie) did not want to buy adidas pants unless i confirmed with another guy they were indeed men's pants and not ladies. it was really pitiful to see.
No. 669137
File: 1534807098625.png (2.32 MB, 1862x1184, superior genes.png)

>>668783>>668838She never explained why they broke up but from what I can tell via a post her friend made on Facebook and some of her Pinterest boards, he either faked who he was or something along those lines. Which makes sense to me. Googling his name gives his criminal history and some of his old social media profiles where he seems opposite of how he presented himself when he was dating her. He was a bartender as well… so trad. He proposed to her with a personalized Bible. He has scrubbed himself off of social media so I don't know too much about him. She has not deleted any of the tweets relating to the engagement or said anything on Twitter about the breakup but on Facebook she deleted everything (sadly I have no caps) and is listed as single now.
Also, they met on Tinder. Pic related of the beautiful newly engaged Nazi couple!
No. 669221
File: 1534813379544.png (107.84 KB, 604x1226, 4hN32F0.png)

>I asked her why she couldn’t stop going from dick to dick. She said she didn’t know how.
i cry evrytiem
No. 669256
File: 1534816643465.png (84.01 KB, 1062x320, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 11.5…)

>>669137Thanks for the milk anon. How did you find her facebook and pinterest may I ask? Do you know her in real life?
I looked through her twitter history and found a response to a tweet that is now deleted and was most likely about the proposal breaking off. From this reply and a couple others responding to the original tweet,
it sounds like he wanted her to prove she could get pregnant via another man before marrying her? Because he didn't want to marry a barren woman. Sounds whacked.
No. 669268
File: 1534817655416.png (842.15 KB, 1402x1082, ew.png)

>>669256Oh damn, I missed that! Wow, what a nutjob. But I mean, all the RPW talk about "vetting" men yet she couldn't be bothered to Google his name and see he was arrested beforehand, and not just on some minor thing?
I believe she linked her Pinterest before, or at least one of the other tradthots on Twitter did and she was following one of them. She had her full name on Pinterest along with a picture of her. Easy to find on Facebook and everything was open. Her Pinterest is /dactylic in case you're wondering.
Also, I love this article she wrote. It's so revealing in such a terrible way, I don't know what she thought this article would accomplish: No. 669279
>>669268Why'd she have to write an entire article on this, she could've just did the typical "we yts have da rite to luv our race!"
I doubt she Googled anything on him because, ya know, jews.
No. 669297
>>669237There's a reason lauren southern didn't speak about herself when she lectured other women on not sleeping around in one of her videos lmao. She was a party girl and used to frequently talk about going out on dates and getting drunk, etc which is fine but not "trad".
Hell even stell bell isn't pure.
No. 669384
>>669221>Step it up ladies. Let's make things more competitive.The fuck? I'm convinced she's a man now. I thought women were supposed be to be feminine, submissive, and not like competition? I mean she thinks frisbee is so harrrrd :(( Only a man would want more competition and catfights between women over them. It makes them feel like they're actually worth something kek.
She's next level neurotic if she wants more competition. You would think an attention-addicted girl like her would love her competitors (read: all females ever including underaged ones) to be fat, short-haired, feminist wildebeests like she always describes them to be, cause it'd make her uwu stand out more.
No. 669389
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No. 669393
>>669389Shes lying, not that her being dishonest and making up tall tales is anything new however keychains are sorta new, knowing her age I doubt they wouldve been made way back then and magically only given to a compulsive liar who hates women and asspats men for one
2 - I don't see anything wrong with the first quote, its not a man hating quote, it's the truth if anything, any woman who's ever had to work hard knows this
3 - the last one was an obvious joke, anyone with a brain could've saw that, however, I think the fact that women are expected to deal with being bombarded with woman hating jokes but GOD FORBID a woman ever make a joke about men because then they're somehow brainwashing little girls to hate men or something
No. 669395
>>669268That article is totally embarrassing
"The menfolk taught me the way uwu"
No. 669407
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>>669398You are likely right with this analysis.
Rachel acknowledges 'hypergamy' and seems to give an indication that she does it herself. A lot of fundamentalist Christian women fall into this trap actually, because they grew up on romance novels, had little romantic interaction with real men and believe in a prince in shining armour. They have high standards that reality can't match up to. So many end up struggling to marry.
No. 669443
>>669393>>669389The funny thing here is that these have been said for years and the second one I could see as a joke in a 50s sitcom. They always made the man a basically bumbling idiot while the woman was the mature one taking care of the house while also laughing that women always had "needs" (ot but no shit they need your money if you won't let them work). She'd probably cry feminazi sexism if she watched one without knowing the time period
>>668959I'd love to ask what legacy she thinks she's going to create. If I didn't know her I'd read this as a super career woman going beyond a basic cubicle job and shitting on women who are fine with their 9-5s. No woman was given a legacy for raising a kid at home, and the only women who are given a legacy for supporting their famous husbands were the women who actually did most of the work for their husbands and their work is finally being properly credited today
No. 669634
>>669612I kinda feel bad for the waitress
All that just to be used as an example for one of the most masculine looking hoes on the internet to be telling women they aren't feminine
No. 669649
>>669443She like other girls talk about their hypothetical babies/legacies like buying a new accessory. They remind me of the type of women who cant handle their kids growing up past infancy when the babies are completely dependable
>>669407>women arent choosing shitty guys whats going onAnd maybe thats good thing. Less shitty genes the better, right?
Tradthots ive noticed hardly ever talk about partners and women especially who look into, want to adopt or have adopted. There are thousands of kids already born that can have a good shot at a good life if they have the right parents. But tradthots never acknowledge this
No. 669655
File: 1534867901985.jpg (48.63 KB, 553x494, 7878.JPG)

hurr durr
>>669649>There are thousands of kids already born that can have a good shot at a good life if they have the right parents. But tradthots never acknowledge thisBecause tradthots are all about pandering to creeps. These type of men don't care about actually raising kids, they only care about passing on their DNA. They are huge egoists so they probably think adopting kids is a form of "cuckery" or something. Trathots pander to that kind of thinking so they can get beta bux and have a status of "cool girl"
No. 669656
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>many of us don't have fathers
lmao what's this
No. 669760
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I was skimming through random RPC articles she’s written, and Jesus Christ she’s such an idiot
No. 669765
>>668082If this bitch didn't already post her pictures on her account, I'd tinfoil it to be shoe0head 's alt account.
Thought they do follow each other and interact soo….
No. 669778
>>669760how can you tear women apart for not being feminine enough when you type like this?
>there's no space to fucking recycle>it's fucking garbagethe most basic femininity/class tip is to not curse, use ''foul language'' or gossip. how do you mess
that up?
No. 670204
>>670157I don't really see how this is entirely relevant cause she never gave a reason for not recycling except that it's supposedly a stupid thing that stupid people do. I doubt she actually knows or cares about how efficient it is or she would have mentioned it instead of basically saying nothing
Also, ot but at least in Canada you've got it backwards for paper and plastics, some plastics are more expensive to recycle than its worth but it used to be offset by the serious cash saved on recycling paper (but now paper isn't as much of a thing which is making us reconsider recycling certain plastics or at least how we do so)
No. 670243
File: 1534921464982.png (48.42 KB, 615x457, myxjRIG.png)

I really wanna hear this ~evil~ roommate's side of the story just to see how miserable RPC was to be around
No. 670251
>>670243>Recycling and reducing waste is for feminist liberal hippiesImagine reaching
this hard.
No. 670257
File: 1534924746993.jpg (43.69 KB, 530x337, bio.JPG)

She was a biology major too?
Women do, in a way, seek "high value" males. But what these tards don't understand is that "high value" is more of a subjective thing than objective. It depends on person's personal preferences which can also be influenced by external factors such as parent's pressure, societal and cultural influences etc.
Red pillers think everyone is just hardwired to love the same type of alpha, super masculine, rich and sociopathic chad. Yes, there are certainly women who are into it but it's far away from general rule.
This whole red pill movement is based on nerds projecting their butthurt feelings because Stacy didn't choose them in high school.
Or as in RPC's case, Chad didn't choose her in high school even though she is better than all the other girls!
No. 670258
>>670243Me too tbh
She tells so many tall tales that are so obvious she's lying from how poorly she contradicts herself
Im surprised no one else called her out yet, I wonder how long it will be before she starts claiming her "roommate" is stalking her or whatever
No. 670266
>>670263She would probably cheer on and encourage men who demand 16 yr olds with perky G tits, 24 inch waist, 50 inch hips, kpop skin and a baby face in the name of fertiltiy, but then yell at a woman who wants a decent man because its evil and misandrist women want men who make them happy and not fuck the first man they see just so it doesn't hurt their feefees women aren't living to serve men
They cry about double standards all the time but love double standards when they revolve around men
No. 670315
>>670263Orangutans are a species of great ape who live semi-solitary lives where adult males and females only come together to mate and offspring is raised by single mothers and occasionally older sisters/aunts. Funny how nobody ever brings them up in this appeal to nature argument.
Bonobos, our closest living relatives, are matriarchal and engage in lesbian sex. They‘re hardly ever brought up either.
Chimpanzees and gorillas are patriarchal but non-monogamous as the Silverback Chad monopolises all the females while the Beta Incels get smacked around or exiled if they don’t behave. Monogamous species like gibbons do exist but I can’t think of a single species that is monogamous only on the female’s side while every male, regardless of fitness or status, has access to desirable young females over his entire lifetime. It simply doesn’t work.
No. 670362
>>669541She panders so hard.
Off topic but I hate how she doesn't have a top lip
No. 670400
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No. 670401
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No. 670422
>>670400Aamina, I'm concerned for your sexual market value, you haven't shaved this morning and your stache is showing. Have you been using your fair and lovely cream? I want to be sure you're okay.
hows that RPC :^)
No. 670439
and yes this picture
>>664687except edited with all her posts about being feminine and youthful around it
No. 670449
>>669648it's so funny that she has the nerve to call other women "plain janes" when she's a mannish looking indian girl that no one ever looks twice at
>>670401let's make this the next thread picture when her and her incel looking boyfriend break up kek
No. 670461
>>670401wait how old is she now? is she seriously only 22 thinking someone she met last year is most definitely going to have her "set for life"?
jfc i thought modern liberal loose women were supposed to be the ones being that delusional and naive about marriage
No. 670616
File: 1534974102359.jpg (131.47 KB, 1200x488, DlO2VAkXsAUZcnu.jpg)

I wonder how much it would upset RPC to realise she is more like 'The Becky' than 'The Stacy' in this meme.
No. 670883
>>670879It depends on which one you talk to. Creationists wouldn't liken people's behaviours to that of animals or talk about pscho-evolutionary babble because they see everything as from God or from Satan.
RPC seems to buy into that pseudo-evoultionary pick up shit that doesn't even make sense so logically she should therefor 'believe' in evolution. Not sure how that conflicts with her supposed religious beliefs though.
No. 670941
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No. 670954
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>>670941isn't it convenient how one second women are the most privileged people on earth because men are easy, next minute all feminists are bitter evil ugly girls who are made men won't fuck them, can't they at least get their own memes straight or at least have some sort of self awareness?
and now this dude thinks he's tfw too intelligent because somehow women liking good men (even though we all like criminals or tyrone or whatever) is the end-all feminism???
I swear, the mental gymnastics these people do, how the hell do they work out in their minds this shit? men are oppressed because women can just spread our legs and men will fuck us, but also we're all ugly and no man will fuck us if we aren't redpilled handmaidens, we all like white handsome bad boys but also all like tyrone and now we all end feminism (???) if we like high value men, what the hell goes on in these peoples heads?
No. 670963
File: 1534999543595.png (370.58 KB, 599x1672, 1534999354432.png)

Ashton Whitty threatened suicide again and deactivated her twitter account
No. 670967
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No. 670991
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>>670967She posted this on Instagram 12 hours ago
She’s near a national park. Yosemite or Lake Tahoe are the guesses apparently
No. 670998
>>670966So sad :(
Jk lol bye bitch
No. 671095
>>671020Look at the OP discription
CTRL+F and search Paul Joseph Watson on the page
Or on iPhone- click to add page to favorites, it should show “find on page” then search his name
No. 671109
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>>670941Ah yes, the classic "if a woman is a feminist it's only because no guy wants her". Never gets old!
No. 671130
File: 1535029523847.jpeg (231.85 KB, 1242x912, 6800F518-3223-41BD-8082-6374E3…)

What a surprise
Who could’ve guessed? Lol
And she’s being a bitch to him after he was worried after she attention whored out her fake suicide threat to everyone
No. 671154
File: 1535030897239.jpeg (365.96 KB, 1242x1652, AD1608B9-73FD-480D-AE51-3C403A…)

Incoming dump
Saging for obvious reasons
No. 671177
>>671164damn it feels like these infowars cucks took a very vulnerable, emotionally unstable girl with a shitty family situation, pumped and dumped her and led her on.
isn't she only like 18? i know she says really vile shit but she's at an easily impressionable age and is obviously mentally ill and needs help, not a group of manipulative men abusing her and alienating her from her real family/friends. i hope she grows up and finds peace
No. 671184
>>671177….she’s 22 years old, turning 23 in October
She knows what she’s doing, she’s an adult
And and attention whore
No. 671287
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She kinda has a whoville face, not as much as shuwu though.
She has little beady eyes though, that's why she wears eyeliner 24/7 lmao
No. 671355
>>671223We’ll all her previous “suicide attempts” she’s done the exact same thing.
Tweeted about it publicly
Text everyone telling them over and over
Then deleted everything, act like she’s a victim, and shitted on her friends for helping or calling the cops or trying to find her via friends and family.
So it’s not the first time shes publicly threatens suicide then deleted them the next day or days later, after everyone’s already seen them.
I know it’s good to be sensitive about this just in case, but she’s done this so many times. People are saying she lied about taking an overdose as well. Since she didn’t go to the hospital and was texted people within 8-10 hrs. You sometimes have to take this stuff with a grain of salt because it can end up enabling them.
No. 671423
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>>671406again, I say there's no way PJW is straight.
No. 671428
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>>671423though it's entirely possible Ashton is too autistic to pick up on the social cues that suggest he isn't interested in women.
No. 671449
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K bitch
No. 671512
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No. 671514
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I thought she said she wouldn't be catty anymore?
She sure turned over a new leaf
No. 671525
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>>671517lmao you know what, I think it is.
No. 671620
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No. 671689
>>671184Yeah she's old enough to know better, she's not a fucking child.
No. 671713
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No. 671746
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>I don't believe in divorce
No. 671755
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>>671747Yeah she has no ass lmao
No. 671786
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No. 671790
File: 1535073176286.png (99.61 KB, 626x776, O7co0Eu.png)

No. 671872
File: 1535079396761.png (44.26 KB, 618x483, HtjJoytlrR.png)

wow what a catch
No. 671886
>>671872This guy has no room to talk about anyone being a cuck when he has a GF who looks like she's got a bigger dick than he does swinging around under her skater skirt.
He's probably LARPing as RPC though let's be real
No. 671939
>>664552Most guys that are successful and/or well educated will typically marry someone there age, give or take a few years. Additionally, they usually won't get married until their late 20s to early 30s. The youngest girls I've seen successful men marry are usually 25 or 26. It's lower class, lower caliber men who marry when they're young, or marry exceedingly young women when they're post 30 (under 23/24). It makes sense, because humans don't fully mature mentally until we're 25 - why marry someone when you or they are still maturing?
Also it just makes me laugh that all the tradthots who push the whole WOMEN EXPIRE AT 25 or whatever are literally the types of women who will only go downhill from 25. Not that it actually fucking matters, but another reason guys prefer to marry girls who are at least 25/26? It's because by that age you can tell if someone will age gracefully, or age like a chopped salad. Tradthots are the chopped salad types and they fucking know it.
No. 671965
File: 1535092078050.png (357.01 KB, 1292x484, looool.png)

tfw your 21 year old boyfriend makes you get a real estate job
No. 671966
File: 1535092107006.jpg (148.5 KB, 956x959, 17883595_408937422820075_22005…)

tfw you only own one skirt
No. 671984
File: 1535093294580.jpg (104.99 KB, 597x800, BkF_S7ZIAAAsYDQ.jpg)

Why is it always tranny looking bitches who say this kinda shit?
No. 672016
File: 1535101109242.jpg (31.24 KB, 620x400, laura-loomer-onyx-truth-2-620x…)

Just read this thread a little bit and you can't tell me that this person was born female. Someone should try posting her into the tranny thread in /ot/ and see everyone saying that she doesn't pass. WTF. No wonder she has to hop on the trad bandwagon.
No. 672018
File: 1535103121806.png (556.52 KB, 826x607, Happy #Pride.png)

>>672016Loomer really isn't "trad" in the slightest, nor does she pretend to be
No. 672024
>>670406Your comment brings up a good point. Some feminist contemporaries are married and have children. Jessica Valenti comes to mind. I wonder how they feel about their political enemies succeeding in that regard?
Oh I know. The men they married are low-T soyboys unlike their master husbandos like this: No. 672036
File: 1535107755672.png (867.46 KB, 1233x991, nadia zaman.png)

>>671965>>671966So I googled her name with her uni and got a picture of her co-ed fraternity. guess these are all the "roomates" and "women in her uni" that she constantly shittalks.
No. 672042
>>671966her boyfriend looks like a fat baby.
>>671965kek, how trad. why isn't her "set for life" bf already supporting her?
No. 672048
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>>672036truly cant believe this bih thinks she can critique other womens appearances for being "too manly" every four seconds.
that having been said, i think she's lying about being persian. on her FB, someone jokingly asked her "where's the rishta?" in response to her looking 'pretty' in this pic, which is apparently the indian name for a marriage proposal. she then says "idk i haven't posted it to yet", which is apparently some indian dating site.
No. 672059
>>672053Not to mention as many times as she's brought up, retweeted, and basically boasted about how white America used to be and how the old trad ways only hired white women - you can tell she REALLY hates her race and herself lol
The fact that most feminists are white women probably upsets her more than anything
No. 672074
>>672048I wonder when she'll stop talking shit on Twitter for a second and invest in some skin bleaching cream and blond hair dye so she can finally look like the white alt-right trad housewife she RPs as.
This "catfishing by omission" shit just isn't it. It's not going to work out for her once her audience finds out what she really looks like, lmao.
No. 672082
>>672076Not that anon but found her Facebook too; given the fact she was browsing 4chan she prob new that eventually she'd be found out and try to set a false trail so no one could
The only posts of her available are her public ones. Ironically enough she had a public post saying she wanted to get rid of all homophobes lol
No. 672092
>>672048I now understand why she hates cute short hair girls, because they can pull off the look while she's stuck with a giant head and manly features, if she didn't have long hair she's pass as a guy.
But, what really makes her ugly is her personality, it's just so typical that she would project her own flaws onto others.
No. 672206
File: 1535126920059.png (1.96 MB, 1186x1154, kek.png)

>>672076OP who found her real name, I found her boyfriend's facebook lol and found her thru that
No. 672211
File: 1535127085163.png (339.24 KB, 330x930, I love white boys onlyyyy.png)

She's definitely one of those girls who think having your hair as long as possible is the most flattering style, but 99% of time super long hair looks disgusting and dead.
No. 672213
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tfw you browse /pol/ too much
No. 672214
File: 1535127192541.png (2.07 MB, 1866x1198, potato sack chic.png)

nothing interesting on her ig, she follows kim kardashian though. doesn't seem very trad..
No. 672232
Obviously she was very into pre-med, she was in a fraternity for it and even has a published article she co-authored with who I'm assuming was her professor.
My guess is she became tradthot once she met her boyfriend. His family has $$$, his dad started Hollis Law Firm which does hernia mesh lawsuits and he died in a boating accident in 2013. His mom has donated a substantial amount, not a ton, to republicans (looks like she maxed out to Ben Carson and Rudy Giuliani kek, also weirdly gave to the DNC).
Her bf donated 5.4k to Ben Carson (clearly he knows how to pick 'em) so seems like they have some money but they're aren't super loaded. Only work record I can find for her bf is internships and the extent of him being a "political analyst" seems to be posting wikipedia screenshots on Twitter.
sage for campaign finance sperg
No. 672336
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No. 672338
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>>670616she's trying so hard to play it cool it hurts
No. 672343
File: 1535136576051.png (46.59 KB, 455x378, mDX92HS.png)

Cow crossover
No. 672363
>>672126It's white! Just like she is! Such a beautiful pale princess!
That kewpie doll looking guy on the far right of the pic, lol
No. 672370
>>672213She makes fun of a black man being a "chimpanzee" even though she herself is brown?
No. 672375
File: 1535138744592.png (574.93 KB, 933x598, 0000.png)

>>672211Lmaooo, looks like she's
been on that skin bleaching regimen. That picture is from 2016, while this is from 2017 (on top of her lightening her skin with filters in this pic.
>>666536 aren't as edited).
No. 672384
File: 1535139202478.jpg (101.69 KB, 680x752, Poo in the loo_ec1a00_6257784.…)

>tfw you spend so much energy pandering to /pol/, trying to be their ultimate woman…and yet they will always consider you a poo in the loo
No. 672386
>>672383She did, but that's because some woman named Margaret started calling her out:
>>664770I don't think it's because she found this thread herself.
No. 672404
>>672375this outfit
triggers me so bad
>>672384she spends hours each day pandering to people that see her as nothing more than a shitskin lmao
No. 672426
>>672375Skin bleaching? No, no, no, you see, she
exfoliated her skin
>>666521No she looks less olive, more white!
No. 672479
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>>672338i lmao'd at replies
No. 672496
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>it's not necessary to be friends with men
>i can't be friends with women because they're all catty
then who are all of these immigrant friends of hers that get married early?
No. 672509
>>672496Wtf. With such a poor understanding of human relationships she legit has to be autistic. It's obvious she think of people only in binary ways.
She does not seem to realize you can be friend with someone over common interests and hobbies that "Chad" might not share with you, and even if he does, some of these hobbies can be appreciated in groups.
No. 672795
>>672509>>672558She's lying though. If you look at her social media (unrelated to the RPC persona she's playing) she seems to have a number of female and male friends.
She just has a need to pander to these sort of trash men, obviously out of a big insecurity.
Also all her friends seem to be from NY and her Washington uni days… now that she is stuck in some midwest shithole because of her bf, she probably doesn't have much of a social life.
No. 673164
File: 1535229110765.png (79.52 KB, 611x581, zqiBpPb.png)

>>672214Because Kim is the alpha female, duh
No. 673497
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No. 673499
File: 1535266109096.png (144.5 KB, 1204x866, Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 2.47…)

what the fuck lol
No. 673539
>>673506Her boo probably browses Tinder while she's gone.
I wonder when will he tell her that he wants to have white babies with a white woman to secure the future of white race or some shit like that.
No. 673768
File: 1535308403839.jpg (96.69 KB, 800x600, lauren_rose3.jpg)

Lauren Rose.
Who is she, does anyone have proper info on this tradthot?
No. 673810
>>673768She was being groomed by JF Gariépy a few month back, but ended up getting away.
(starts at around 3 mins in)
No. 673830
>>673810I mean, how old is she, where is she from etc.?
That girl is a total mistery, came out of nowhere and now is basically gone from that scene.
No. 673858
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I can't believe faith goldy isn't a troon. her voice is so fucking deep
No. 673893
>>673830Lauren Rose disappeared because she criticised Patrick Little, a white nationalist whom many suspect to be secretly a fed due to his constant sperging about Jews. A bunch of whignat retards got
triggered and she ended up taking a break from youtube (as you can see with anon's link in the thread, she used to co-host a talk show with J F Gariepy, who's pretty milky himself).
Video on the Patrick Little incident: (it's pretty long) (more succinct)
Lauren Rose is probably the most level-headed of the tradthots, though she's more politically radical than Lauren Southern and more self-hating as a woman (like when she went on Milleniyule and went on about how women are worse than men at everything lol).
No. 674032
File: 1535329249416.jpg (151.17 KB, 960x502, RenaissanceRebel.jpg)

>>673893Lauren Rose is an overt white nationalist. Lauren Southern is alt-light at most.
>>673858does anyone have the video where Gavin McInnes made her cry? I saw it once but never saved it before it was copyright claimed and taken down.
No. 674163
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No. 674164
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No. 674166
>>674163Won't somebody please think of the poor white men?!
The self hatred is stronggggg with this one, wow. Must suck to be that brown and worship whiteness that much
No. 674173
>>674163let me see if i got this right:
gender roles are so biologically inherent that everyone, not just people that enjoy them, should follow them and anyone who breaks them is just brainwashed and going against their true nature
yet gender roles are so weak and easy to shed that all a woman needs to do to topple the whole structure is to get a job and an interest in pop feminism?
gotta love when the mental gymnastics of reactionary bioessentialists is just as good as genderspecials
No. 674184
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No. 674227
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They say I did something bad
No. 674231
File: 1535353586533.png (1.55 MB, 1494x1050, Really bad.png)

Most fun I ever had
No. 674236
File: 1535354493158.png (99.19 KB, 1296x864, sadness.png)

Well fuck, now I feel bad. I interrupted the milk train. SrY gUiS(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 674287
File: 1535364380754.gif (1.51 MB, 425x481, evil pepe.gif)

>>674227>>674236the next step is exposing her to her to the real estate organizations in her area or any future employer
>>672213if monkey jokes about people are enough to get Roseanne cancelled then they should ruin Nadia's career life or at least teach her a lesson. how funny would it be if she had to do diversity training lmfao. she won't be able to whine about it to her hoard of white men cause she'd be under more supervision at that point
>>674287She hasn't said anything blatantly racist or profane though has she? And there's no real way to tie her to the RPC account unless I missed something. Besides she'd probably like being fired and see it as confirmation that she's too "delicate and feminine" for a real job which are for men & feminazis anyways
Would looooove to see her outed as a brown girl tho!
No. 674301
>>674295jokes on us, if she gets fired then she'll be living the housewife dream meanwhile us fat harpies have to go to our hard jobs
(meanwhile her husband cheats on her on tinder with younger women and she'll just have to accept it because it's "male nature")
No. 674302
>>664078>>672375She’s from DC. Weirdly, I’m 99.9% sure that I’ve seen this girl before IRL, a while back. If you look at her profile picture, my old apartment building is in the background (where the hanging lights are) at city center. It’s in downtown DC, where a lot of college students/str8 outta college/capitol hill employees live, who all come from rich Arab families, surprising there are a good amount (around 20ish) of Arab Muslim girls who go to school/work/live around there
like myself (so you take notice when there’s another one around) …does she still live there? Or did she move?
I’m not surprised tbh bc most middle eastern girls are right leaning or conservative as its most closest to the morals of Islam and Arab culture.
Kek at her very clearly larping as a white European chick to appeal to orbiters. Which is stupid, she could’ve gotten a big follower base if she admitted she was Muslim and Arab, like that Syrian right leaning girl. She could’ve used it like milo uses being gay, redpillblack being a black woman, Blair’s being trans. The whole “I’m a minority working for infowars so you can’t bash me and totes #notyourshield and Alex jones will love me bc he can flaunt how “diverse” the right really is!!1”
No. 674378
>>674302This is my post, just updating. I remember where I know this girl from, not only did she live in/around my neighborhood, but I saw her twice at Starbucks, and she used to sit at the eating area of Whole Foods (sometimes with female friends), right next to Gw sciences building/right near the student housing (my bf remembered her more than I did when I showed him her picture) but she was apparently in one of my college classes, we must have had a similar major, (the class was a pre-requisite for med school, the major that I had was biochem, so she must’ve been in a similar major). I never talked to her or had any interaction with her and I very vaguely remember her bc the class was quite big, and her email was in the student address book. She seemingly had friends (all female-ironic, since she hates females now), dressed like a normie preppy white girl, and she has a resting bitch face/snobby face IRL and wouldn’t make conversation with the Starbucks staff and would just be on her phone not saying anything. She’s about the same height as me (5, 3”-5’ 4”) And her family probably has money bc the apartments in the neighborhood that we both lived in are expensive, unless her bf lived there (which seems more likely bc a lot of rich white boys who work office/government/financial jobs live there) and she just lived in student sorority housing? which is closer to campus/a lot closer to classes.
I’m kicking myself for never talking to her and getting more milk. If I had known her cow potential, I would’ve been all over that. It’s always the people you least suspect I guess? Wish there was more I could say about her but I only ran into her on the sidewalk or at food places. I didn’t even remember she was in my class until I went back and looked at my undergraduate classes contact info (they have an address book of emails for people that are in your class, sometimes you even share phone numbers for homework, projects, notes).
Out of all the universities in dc, Gw has the most right leaning amount of students (mainly white dudes who come from money), and it’s only a few dozen students, as dc schools are made up of mainly liberal students. And it’s the only dc school that agreed to let milo give his speech. It’s so strange that she is RPG, small fuckin world.
No. 674505
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No. 674533
>>674466As long as she's trash-talking and degrading other women, they won't care.
>>674505jfc isn't that Shoe's creepy stalker? Absolutely not surprised he's interacting with rpc
No. 674540
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No. 674560
File: 1535402536477.png (693.52 KB, 872x1224, JME7PpV.png)

>>674236>need to take some time off for the next 3 weeksHer most recent likes are from only a few hours ago. I think it's safe to assume that she's still perched on Twitter and that this break won't last long
No. 674682
>>674540What's the point of women into redpill? They agree that women get a bad deal in many relationships but still go along with the worst men possible? At least sex workers and rinsers get some cash out of their pandering, these fools are left in the dust.
As an aside, it weirds me out the redpill subreddit allows talking about all kinds of scams and lies to pull on women to get sex, but rpw doesn't allow stuff regarding getting money or a rich guy. Lel dude
No. 674693
>>674540So men trying to make women happy and wk is not normal.
What about women doing the same thing for men? aka her entire online persona.
She is so confused.
No. 674801
>>674540>advocating and encouraging dehumanizing behavior is totally feminine uwu because all women should just pretty things
>men in healthy relationships? men valuing their partners as partners and not things? cucks! Maybe her ex fiance got tired of her shit? It also wouldnt surprise me if her current bf left her soon for a younger girl
Also, does her (assuming conservative) muslim family care that she converted to another religion like Christianity? I dont know much about Islam tbh
No. 674823
File: 1535431120124.png (1.07 MB, 1190x986, 648302474656.png)

>>674767sage your dumb shit
No. 674865
>>674862Hey judge this guy isn't paying me what I deserve! Employer then lists off literally any other reason and how could they refute that? The burden of proof would lie with the one making the claim. It would be very difficult to prove it was based on sex when all the employer would have to say is "that's not true, it was [anything else]."
It's so ridiculous to be this naive to think businesses never break the law lol. It's rampant, and not just in matters like this but with many forms of discrimination, tax fraud, all kinds of shit,
all the time.I've seen this
but it's the law! argument before, too. Is this really the best you guys have? It's like the exact same fallacy as the school shooter who sees the "gun-free zone" sign and turns around to go home.
No. 674889
File: 1535446491136.jpg (182.96 KB, 749x1765, T7Ohq63.jpg)

She's super obsessed with Tomi Lahren for some reason
No. 674891
>>674889Sorry for dp but how can she talk about another woman being ~annoying and masculine~ for the way she talks to other women when her entire twitter account is based on being a nasty cunt towards women?
How can you tweet things like
>>666309 and tell others to be more ''feminine''? Literally everything about her is masculine by her own definition.
No. 674929
>>674913This. When most cows sperg about these vague reasons and reaching assumptions why they hate a certain female so much, and why that women sucks because they don’t act/speak/look like what they personally believe is the “right” way to act/speak/or look and their beliefs, and tweet about them multiple times with watery justifications, with the girl not even knowing who they are or acknowledging them, then it’s usually because they’re jealous of their follower count/looks/“compition”.
ESP bc she, herself, looks like a masculine mtf transwoman, so it’s pretty rich of her to go on about other girls not being “feminine” enough and too “masculine”, when she’s over here looking like brianna wu’s dark-skinned twin.
No. 674933
>>674184lol why can't feminine girls like feminine boys? she really is autistic
also for all the sperging about femininity she looks totally manfaced, long face, huge nose, change the hair and clothes she would totally pass for a man. not to mention her agressive Twitter arguments and use of profanity tsk tsk
No. 675015
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Did anyone here ever read Lauren's book(let)?
No. 675353
File: 1535509602409.png (108.2 KB, 598x854, 5aA4Zwz.png)

but I thought she wasn't going to tweet for 3 weeks?
bonus Mmayu
No. 676087
>>675015This is Cracked tier writing. Even lowers, since Cracked writers bother do to some research beforehand. I've seen highschoolers writing more insightful and better worded stuff on politics than she does.
She doesn't know shit about history, politics, socialism or economy, and you can easily see all that in just that short excerpt.
Fuck, I'm
No. 676350
>>675441i think you're spot on. she reminds me of contrapoints (kek) because he also had high expectations from his family for education and career success, and because failing was too much of an ego injury, he had to come up with a really big excuse, in his case, that he was really a girly awesome trans gal the whole time!!
both cases had strict,unwavering expectations from parents, both cases failed these expectations, both cases think of themselves as smart (so they can't stand to just admit that they're personally not cut out for a fancy career), both use a cartoonish, insulting version of femininity to excuse their perceived failure.
No. 676379
>>675353What's funny is she's only 22 looking back at 18.
Imagine how "awkward" it's going to be when she's 40 looking back at when she posted things like:
>My parents always told me to be really driven & get the best career. Later on, I realized guys didn't even notice or care about any of that. No. 678100
File: 1535843300465.png (117.49 KB, 590x1046, RIP.png)

It's time to bid farewell to our tradthot queen.
She had courage to call women slutty, fat, lying bitches when no one else would. Her generosity and wisdom will truly be missed.
No. 678102
>>678100LMAO, what a redemption story
>if it wasn't for you all, i'd be a hoe in med school, but now i have a man and want a family!!!is this bih trying her hardest to self-soothe with the fact that she wasn't smart enough for med school, or is she just this nasty? she has 0 security and is flaunting it. i love that her definition of 'meeting people' is attacking older or heavier women and/or calling any woman at all with a career or professional life ugly and masculine.
No. 678104
>>678100Dumbass cowtipper ruining good milk for everyone.
It's funny how she keeps bringing up med school as if it's the worst possible outcome in life and not the sort of thing that automatically makes you look good. She must be severely bitter deep down that she isn't there to mention it so often, or she secretly wants everyone to think she's smart and capable and the only reason she's not a doctor-to-be is because of her choice to be a trad wife. Not very trad to want to impress men with your brain but it's almost like we feel dehumanized otherwise…
No. 678133
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No. 678158
File: 1535850679529.jpg (18.48 KB, 400x400, B5LYsUFQ_400x400-1.jpg)

>>678133is this a tranny or just a horrendously hideous woman? the world may never know
No. 678163
File: 1535850954589.jpg (169.57 KB, 750x1334, DisGSbfU0AAM3Aj.jpg)

>>678158lmao no wonder rpc was pity nice to her, she was agreeing with rpc and is ugly enough to not threaten nadias territory of obese poltards and mgtows
No. 678265
>>678106 Nah I doubt she's gone for good. I msged her and let her know I wasn't going to leak her address.
Plus lets be real, the milk was mediocre at best before this.
(cowtipping) No. 678295
>>678275Learn to sage first before you go stomping around trying to make demands, newfag
Lets be real, I elevate this board
No. 678444
>>674378I don't know how this post got ignored. That sounds hilarious, when did you stop seeing her around?
Have you checked do you know people who know her irl, (not to dox her admin), I just want to hear funny stories of hypocrisy and becoming a tradthot for dick.
No. 678569
>>678100This is so typical for these tradthots. They can only dish out but can't take the heat.
>i'd be a hoe in med schoolTop fucking kek - does she not realize how pathetic and stupid she made herself look with that statement?
Congrats, you just admitted that you're too dumb to think on your own and need some retarded movement/ideology to control yourself. She basically implied that it's in a woman's (or hers at least) nature to be a thot.
This girl never fails to amaze me, I swear.
No. 678631
>>678100Even if there was genuinely good milk and this bitch was ridiculous, I'm glad. We don't need another tradthot talking shit about women non-stop and pandering to men about how inferior we are and to ignore feminists, all women want is to serve men, it's biology, and you can trust that coming from a woman. It's one thing to have a man say these these, but for a woman to say it disgusts me so much, and who knows how many girls got caught up in the alt-right shit and became tradthots themselves because of assholes like RPC.
And maybe she got scared enough to get off the Internet altogether and will grow out of this, she's still young.
No. 678731
>>678100>I'd be a hoe in med school.HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
And this is why she didn't get in to med school. She obviously does not have the cognitive ability to handle the responsibility and work load. Continue to cope bitch.
No. 679529
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No. 679559
>>678163This picture makes me uncomfortable, she looks like a more masculine version of mayu but with a more define face and fucked up make up
I really doubt any boogiewomen feminists at all came up to her and shamed her for not being a hoe, not that alt righters/wannabe trads are anything new to making up stories about le ebul wimminz
No. 679662
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>>679538she just wants to
help people, anon.
No. 679663
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No. 679724
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No. 679742
>>679724Since when do churches talk about sexually satisfying men?
The church I attended, (Catholic) priest would only say that people (both men and women) should have intercourse after marriage for the sake of making children.
No. 679775
>>679724Oh, shut the fuck up. If you want institutions that ''hate feminism'', any mosque in your area will do.
>a female speakerDoes she mean a pastor? lel
Considering how often she posts about churches only to somehow tie it into her ''le evil womenz'' agenda, she's definitely pretending to be a christian for the sake of pandering. I don't believe for a minute that she's actually interested in the beliefs nor does she know much about it, she's only using it to push her agenda.
She's exactly like those white christian girls that convert to muslim for arab dick and ''woke'' brownie points.
I love how she says ''hates feminism'' instead of women, too. As if she doesn't consider women second class citizens and hates them regardless of them being feminists or not.
No. 679880
>>679742Just another bullshit story of hers, like how her mom is supposedly 20 and asked her dad if he wants a 25 yr old or 30 yr old
My question is, who believes this shit? You have to be extremely naive if you believe half the claims she made
No. 679995
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No. 680008
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No. 680023
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No. 680383
>>679758There absolutely are sects of Christianity that believe sex is for the pleasure of men, in most cases they believe it goes hand in hand with both reproduction and preventing adultery. In other words, a man needs to be sexually satisfied in order to be a father and loyal husband. I have heard about as much said at churches I've attended, though it's typically kind of indirect/tounge in cheek, the message is clear.
It's most common in smaller fringe sects and Christian based cults, especially the ones that support polygamy.
No. 680437
>>680103It's really sad too. If she's grown up hearing from her family how her entire value depends on getting married by 25 then no wonder she's so insane about it now.
In the end, feminists and tradthots aren't that different. We both acknowledge that men think we're worthless outside of our beauty, youth, sexuality and reproductive ability. The only difference is that we react by thinking men are awful, other women react by trying to convince men that they aren't worthless and desperately striving to meet their absurd standards. It's a reaction of pure fear. Too bad for them we all get old and ugly eventually and those sorts of trad men think we're inferior human garbage no matter what we do and how much we suck up to them.
No. 680515
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Doormat confirmed
No. 680518
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>Being both a breadwinner and a mother has become difficult for different reasons in the 21st century
If there wasn't any proof of her being a real person I would've never believed that this isn't a troll or incel.
No. 680702
>>680518>RealRPWomanI wonder if most of these rp accounts are just dark skinned muslim woman larping so they wont be harassed by white supremacists online
>>680515Fucking pathetic. Nadia will justify any man's actions because she fails at everything else. She reminds me of those people who join the kkk because they have no other acomplishments than being born white. She has no other acomplishments than being born with a vagina. Have to wonder now that her bf has already cheated on her and shes trying hard to accept that
No. 681200
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No. 681203
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No. 681204
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To the surprise of no one, Nadia will likely not be deleting her Twitter.
No. 681211
>>681203>>681203>no butter in your browniesthese must be so dry and gross. i know there's some oil in nutella, but not nearly enough for brownies.
it was even worse than i'd thought. 3 ingredient nutella brownies. that's taking laziness to a whole new level. every recipe online for nutella brownie recipe tries to combine multiple flavors and far more ingredients than 3, to give depth to the brownies.
like, at this point, when you're this lazy, why don't you just pick up some brownies and throw them on a plate as if you made them?
you'd think with how much these women talk up trad life, they'd be making mille feuilles for their man babies on the daily, but they can't even be arsed to use a proper brownie recipe
No. 681231
>>681200sorry but i'm just imagining showing up to a date carrying a pan of gross brownies and dying laughing.
also why would you give it to them regardless of whether the date went well or not? making brownies for everyone doesn't seem thoughtful, why not just make them for people you actually care about
No. 681234
Why do so many tradthots hate Planned Parenthood? You'd think theyd try to push more family planning centers and proper female reproductive health clinics. Considering thats what women shoukd be focusing on according to them. Is it really just because of abortions?
Another wannabe Lauren Southern, but this time shes pro guns and hates feminism! (Despite being able to go and complete university studies) No. 681245
>>681230KEK that last sentence, holy fuck
>>681231right? and if they're going for men that would care about their ability to cook and bake well, be wives and homemakers, showing up with the shittiest brownies possible is a million times worse than just grabbing pre-made brownies from the bakery. their impressions will be completely ruined.
No. 681267
>>681200>regardless whether the date went well or not what is wrong with her.
lots of women nowadays are so scared to go on dates because of all the horror stories you constantly hear. it’s dangerous out there, sometimes even if you know the guy beforehand. I’d love to know what her definition of a “bad date” is.
why do men need to be rewarded and validated for everything in these people’s mind? also how fucking weird would it be if you went on a date with a girl and she shows up with brownies lmao.
No. 681289
>>681203uhm what? Seconding what
>>681203 said. This would certainly be a waste of ingredients and probably tastes like shit.
No. 681303
File: 1536127309145.jpg (46.42 KB, 680x293, IMG_20180905_075933.jpg)

>>681203This shit along with her peach cobbler recipe tells me her cooking skills are on a par with a broke college pothead.
No. 681311
>>681300Which one is it, though? I've seen arguments that the entire reason females supposedly make good mothers/the reason females are better with kids than males, is because women are "teenagers forever" - trads need to get it together and figure this one out.
But seriously this is a super harmful ideology. Do some formerly irresponsible people suddenly become mature responsible adults when kids come along? Sure, but just as many (if not more) are abusive/neglectful parents.
>>681303utter disgrace to every human who likes baking tbh
No. 681326
>>681200why are redpills so damn obsessed with cooking? she can't give decent recipes at all while pretending she cares so much about cooking
>men aren't use to getting anythingall the women I know go out of their way to please men and get little or nothing in return, what planet she lives on
>I'd respect her a lot morelol now women can just trick men into thinking they care by giving them brownies, she can be the biggest gold digger on earth but if she bakes shes a pure wifey angel!
>do it for all men who asked them outsucks nadia can't bake for men much, also that seems tryhard and pretentious as hell, it would just make you come off as manipulative, not that it's anything new to her, I feel bad for her if she thinks cooking means someone respects you, women can easily poison men that way, maybe she has a point though to help serial killer women lmao
>>681203that's a shit recipe, no butter, no baking powder, no salt, only nutella, flour and eggs, which is a pain to clean out of measuring cups, the brownies would just end up being poorly mixed and dry and clumpy, you'd think the uwu baking queen knows this but apparently not
>>681230why do annoying
triggered manbabies always whine about feminism even when the topic isn't relevant? I can literally just say the sky is pretty and they'd come in and say "WELL DUMB FEMINISTS AREN'T PRETTY THEY ARE ENTITLED CUNTS WHO HATE MEN"
>>681303vom, if I didn't know any better I'd think this is just some 4chan troll recipe to make your house explode
so much for ~making things from scratch uwu~
does she even test her recipes before posting them?
No. 681345
>>681303This is fucking Semi-Homemade tier shit. Which is even more embarrassing for her given that Sandra Lee at least had a rich, influential husband who bought her a spot on TV.
Imagine being the dollar store Sandra Lee.
No. 681348
>>681345At least sandra lee puts effort into her food is the original recipe, she didnt bother mentioning to grease the pan either. I doubt she even tried it at all and just googled the easiest recipe
No. 681361
File: 1536140226393.jpg (91.68 KB, 601x812, Kybkyf6.jpg)

well that explains a lot
>they were wasting my time trying to find becky
what is that even supposed to mean
No. 681365
>>681361>what is that even supposed to meanShe's mad at men of her culture for preferring white/white passing girls. She's a dark-skinned Indian girl, and India is known for being very colorist, so that checks out.
Sidenote: Why is she calling herself Asian and talking about "having hapas" when she knows damn well in the US, people typically think of them as East Asians?
The lying by omission and misdirection never ends with her, does it? She'd probably attempt suicide if these racists she worships started calling her a "poo in loo" or a curry-scented bitch.
No. 681372
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No. 681387
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>>681372>tannedWhy is she acting like we don't know what she looks like?
Pic related. The "more white less olive" kween before her "exfoliation" (see: bleaching)
No. 681418
File: 1536148910527.jpg (45.7 KB, 596x372, Zg8ioR0.jpg)

>Nadia could be 23, married, and have a family
>Instead she's on Twitter trying to prove to feminists that her trad lifestyle works
>Failed to get into medical school; went through a failed engagement, and only has a bf
>She can do better than this and she knows that
No. 681426
>>681300This has to be a man roleplaying as a woman.
>>681418Why isnt she married yet then?
No. 681466
>>681418Not very trad of her to lecture women older than her on what to do with their lives despite her being fucking 22. Notice how all trad thots are college dropouts, too?
I wonder what she'd say if asked why her bf hasn't proposed yet. She's gotta hurry up or she'll become a ''leftover'' in a few years according to her family.
No. 681469
>>681267It only makes you into a doormat lol it's obvious this chick doesn't date a lot.
If a man needs me to be perfect waifu material in order to "respect" me I will hold him at the same standard (as in: man with morals who protect women, assume their responsibilities, good character. Not little bitches who sperg on alt-right websites)
No. 681478
>>681326this lol.
She is so young and tries to lecture everyone about stuff she obviously doesn't know. Saying "should be" when she has/is none of these things (married, mom, good character, etc.)
It's even worse than the misogynists of 4chan lecturing about marriage and children (the survival of the white race and all that jazz) when they are fucking manchilds who has no good personality to offer. Let's say you manage somehow to have a lasting relationship in these conditions, how are you going to secure a healthy family life when you can't even respect your spouse or have such backward mentalities? What will be the example on your children?
Anyway my point: before lecturing show by example first.
No. 681492
>>681203sage for baking sperg, but what is this dry, nasty shit?
>no mention of greased baking pan>no butter>not even oil>no saltConsidering how retarded alt-right men are, they probably think she's some kind of great trad waifu cook. Simply the fact that she posted a recipe is enough to convince them since they actually believe that most women can't cook or bake nowadays, lol.
No. 681499
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No. 681596
>>681594she can't even groom her stash or eyebrows, she thinks just wearing skirts, dresses, heels and tons of makeup is feminine, even said herself she had to put on makeup for men to like her, probably why she's so bitter
even traps put more effort into being feminine, she acts like a guy who was dared to crossdress once and now just focuses on makeup and clothes, I wouldn't even doubt if she was a trap at this point either
No. 681649
>>681613No joke the IRL examples of alt-right misogynist men I know DO all have mommy issue lel. I think it's psychological, ironically likewise to cancer feminists who have daddy issues too.
RPC has no idea what she will have to deal with with these kind of men. One day she will face a REAL misogynist, the kind that will bottle irrational hate and resentment just because of her existing. Let's see how far she will go with her "cakes on the first date" that will label her a doormat on the go. And then she will do anything to appease his unrealistic expectations and manichean views of women; not be a whore, not be a bitch, be a goal girlfriend and perfect waifu, be perfectly groomed, be a sex object, have the highest morals. It's impossible. Useless to even bother. I speak for experience. I think the women who get into that have the lowest self esteem, and it's really sad.
No. 681872
>>681203I know many anons have gone on about this before me, but holy shit. This is so ignorant she
must be trolling. I can't imagine what a disgusting, gummy mess these "brownies" would be. There's so many recipes out there for beginner bakers, the only person who shouldn't be making excuses is her.
>>681361What is a "Becky" and what is a "Stacy"? All of this 4chan-tier jargon is really telling; it seems like the only people that hate women as much as she does are incels.
>>681418For a girl who dropped out of medical school and whose only claim to fame is a demented twitter account dedicated to judging and demonizing women, she sure does have a lot to say about how other people live their lives.
No. 682118
File: 1536208840726.png (341.8 KB, 1238x1390, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 12.3…)

Remember ladies, men don't owe you anything but you owe them your gag-inducing shit brownies!
Also kek at how she doesn't even properly reply to the other girl. She just gives her that stupid "hmmm I think you missed what I was saying" as if she was trying to be deep and not literally saying put three ingredients in a bowl and bake it so men will like you
No. 682132
>>681499I don't understand what she means by this. What does being "masculine" or "feminine" have to do with making a relationship work? It's hard to believe that this girl has ever had a real relationship when she believes garbage like this.
I can only imagine the kind of advice she'd give to a friend or loved one whose marriage was falling apart. "Well do you wear make-up every day? Did you bake him cookies? He's only cold towards you because men need to be constantly rewarded for existing, just try to be perfect and your problems will go away."
No. 682151
>>682132I wanna know what goes on her mind
Why is she so set on being feminine? Her twitter screams being insecure about her femininity because she looks like a man
Actual feminine women don't need to have the word "femininity" on repeat in their minds which consist of cookies, heels and make up apparantly, feminine women are just effortlessly feminine, if you have to force yourself to be feminine chances are you aren't feminine at all in the first place
Also aren't men known to chase tomboys was more than try hard alt right girls who think making cheap 3 ingredient desserts makes them feminine?
No. 682170
>until he has proven worthy no bakesAt least someone who gets it and tells her kek
For someone who pretend to like tradition she sure doesn't seem to know this shit. Relationship are no "project" or "work" to be won. Marriage sure isn't a "ticket for life". This moron has no idea what she is talking about…
No. 682289
File: 1536238229041.png (532.55 KB, 547x554, trad.png)

just curious, given the hypocrisy of tradlife and all these tradwomen, i've been wondering for a while if this one has gotten/been getting injections/surgery/something
she has looked fairly like this for the past 2 years, and while shes pretty, something looks… off.
is it possible for a child to look this little like them as an adult? there are literally like no similarities. i wouldn't be surprised if she's circlejerking men with submissive asian/hapas are so perfect and stunning tradwives etc etc
what do you guys think? surgery is certainly quite the thotty thing to do and a lie, etc, etc
No. 682300
>>682289Ew why would she pump her face up like that? It makes her look old
And yeah I agree, the alt right and anti feminists in general will set this long list of rules for everyone else before they can respect them but break almost every single one of those rules and jump through hoops to explain why it doesn't apply to them
These people don't have the first clue on practicing what you preach, they're even bigger hypocrites than the alt left too
No. 682301
>>682206I think she's using this shit as a way to proselytize toward the white women she's obviously very jealous of.
She's obsessed with chiding the fall of white America and sympathizing with the dregs of the white male population for brownie points.
Too bad that at the end of day, she's still the two things they hate the most: a woman, and not white.
No. 682305
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>>682118>most men aren't used to getting ANYTHINGWhat fantasy world is she living in?
No. 682470
>>682289That's Roaming Millennial, right?
She's a pretty girl, but why do her cheeks look so…swollen?
>>682301It's why she has the most intense hate boner for Lauren Southern and Tomi Lahren. She's obsessed with them to the point were it's almost creepy, especially the poll in
>>674889 asking her followers how high Tomi's partner count is (???the fuck).
She very clearly knows that the people she panders to are racist so she has to find some way to make herself seem more ~special and desirable~ by pretending to be ''traditional-er than thou''.
No. 682518
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No. 682519
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No. 682534
>>682470they do, and so do the lips, and actually, the entire face looks nothing like her former self. i've never seen someone look so little like the child version of themselves unless surgery, tbh. i think all of the cheekbones are injections. all of it.
>>682503'scuse? she's got it on lock, anon. she has 3 ingredient nutella brownies and high heels and a spine like a doormat. that'll surely keep him! plus, i'm sure she'll reneg like taylor a la onion and allow other hyper fem femmies into their relationship because 'muh evo psych, males are made this way!!', etc.
>>682519how is it that they can complain 24/7 about this but yet avoid ANY critique of capitalism? how can you keep circling the issue and still not get any closer to the root of the problem?
No. 682542
>>682503Then she should look into adoption. Or foster care or volunteering with kids. Id give her some credit if she mentioned those options but the men she panders to only value breeding.
>>682519Why. Dont. they. Understand. being. liberated. means. You. Can. choose. You can choose to larp as a white 50s housewife baking pies in the kitchen or not. Why do they insist that EVERY woman should do that. Not to mentiom that wasnt it discussed how alot of women back then were drugged?
No. 682566
File: 1536272743626.png (4.78 MB, 1778x1774, I JUST WANT TO BE ON ANTIDEPRE…)

>>682519it's pretty easy to find pictures/etc. that fit ur agenda
>couldn't open a bank account until 1974>couldn't serve jury duty until 1968>couldn't practice law until 1971>couldn't take birth control until 1965>could be legally fired for becoming pregnant or going on maternity leave until 1978>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018>couldn't go to ivy leagues until 60s/70s>couldn't go to west point until 1976>couldn't run the boston marathon until 1972>couldn't fight in combat roles until 2013>couldn't become an astronaut until 1978>could legally be sexually harassed at work until 1977>could be legally raped by your husband until 1993>couldn't get a divorce from your husband if he cheated on you until 1969>couldn't get a divorce if your husband beat you until 1966>couldn't get a legal abortion until 1973>could be discriminated against just for being female until 1964but sluts, right?
No. 682676
File: 1536281315006.jpg (729.37 KB, 1076x1615, Screenshot_20180906-194637_Ins…)

No. 682690
>>682566Awesome. Did you make this? When I saw
>>682519 my first thought was basically what you posted. Anyways nice work anon, agree 100%
No. 682840
>>682566This is the BEST example i've seen to use against these awful tradthots. Thank you, anon.
they are serious idiots who fantasize that the 1950s were a better time for women.
>could be legally raped by your husband until 1993this legit shocks me that it was legal until the 90s.. Horrible.
No. 682850
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No. 682870
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No. 682874
>>681365>>681387Oh shit fam, she is lighter in her more recent pics, huh? LMAO. Should hit up some of that hydroquinone like Raven. (however, she'd look like a ghost after using it.)
>>681372She is full blooded Indian, her fam moving somewhere doesn't change her ethnicity/race. She needs to see a therapist.
>>681365All her female friends on Twitter are self-hating SouthEast Asian women, she probably wants to be one of them.
No. 682886
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No. 682898
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No. 682993
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>>682898It looks like vomit.
Imagine posting this picture and thinking ''yeah that looks appetizing''
>>682870This one legit made me laugh out loud. The whole post looks like a parody, it's just that bad.
No. 682999
>>682870I love how these ~trad women~ are so hilariously bad at baking and cooking overall, it's so ironic and pathetic. They pride themselves on ''look! I make food for my family! checkmate, feminists!''….as if women nowadays don't cook anymore? kek
>The captionI've noticed that these trad thots want to be the new moms of their husbands.
And notice how they never talk about what they expect from their men, it's always just ''women must submit to their husbands and make them happy''. What are the men expected to contribute?
They love bitching about ~women don't do traditionally feminine work like cooking, cleaning and housework anymore reee~, but do any of their husbands do traditionally male work other than having a job? I can guarantee you their partners don't do half of the shit that they are supposed to do according to their own ideology.
''Trad men''/Far-right men are the most entitled, lazy breed of men.
No. 683007
>>682999Sure there is nothing wrong with being an housewife but in their case it’s so ostentatious and 100% virtue signalling. You go at the other extreme as a "statement" and becomes a caricature of yourself.
Assumption: there are problems in third wave feminism and tensions between the sexes nowadays.
>Tradthot: AAHH ALL THESE LAST 60 YEARS ARE ALL WRONG I MUST GO BACK TO THE 50 I WANT TO BE OWNED BY MY HUSBAND LOOK AT MY CAKES OTHER WOMEN ARE BITCHES AND WHORES WOMEN MUST BE PREGNANT AT 25 AND MARRIED OR SHE IS WORTHLESS I’M NOT I’M DIFFERENT I’M SUPERIOR OTHER WOMEN BAD etc. etc.IMO it’s insecurity over not being appalling to men enough. Which is hilarious, attracting men isn’t that hard if you are not too much below average looking or asocial. Your job should be to work on your personality instead, and have enough insight to sort out the bad guys from the good ones. I’m not sure they pick the best ones. The men I saw being into that backwards thinking had no good personality to offer, mental illnesses and issues with their mother (which you REALLY don’t want to deal with), sperging on 4chan and letting their emotions and bad experiences shape their view of women (which isn’t very logical or "manly", but that’s my opinion lel).
I hate internet sometimes, when people tend to the extreme for brownie points…
No. 683033
>>683001I think so too. They probably want a handsome fit guy who looks good in a suit and has a high-earning job so they’ll never have to work, but they can’t admit to any of that because it would make them shallow gold diggers in the eyes of their audience. They have to pretend to only have high standards for women or else their insecure male followers will abandon them.
I bet most tradthots would be disgusted by their audience if they met them in real life. It’s much easier to maintain the successful masculine trad daddy fantasy online, where you can pretend that you’re not surrounded by manbaby losers.
No. 683035
>>682917 a lot of similar posts are on the subreddit redpillwomen itself. They are all saying they are happy submitting to their husbands, but then you look into their post history and find that plenty of them got cheated on by their husbands, or he disrespects them, or hes uneployed and isnt looking for new job.
Like this one, shes asking how to better serve her fiance and then you look into her post history and her fiance used to be alcoholic, is an aspie and they have poly relationship, but she cant date other guys, because he would get jealous, so only he gets to have fun.
No. 683037
File: 1536316946944.jpg (87.95 KB, 816x612, 898.jpg)

Honey~ I made you some delicious steak! I know real men need real meat and not like those soyboys, amirite?
Aren't you happy that you picked me instead of those modern career women. They would demasculinize you so bad by treating you for lunch in some restaurant!
Good thing I'm here, the red pilled trad wifey, who makes you homecooked meals every time ~<3
No. 683042
>>683035Once again, it's got to be a defense/coping mechanism on the female's end. They're probably quite literally so void of any good personality traits that they could never do better than these sorry excuses for men that they've shacked up with.
The one you linked to is especially insane. How tf does polyamory fit into a trad lifestyle???? Seems awfully "degenerate"
I've seen Denny's serve up rare t-bones that look for appetizing than whatever that's supposed to be
No. 683094
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>>682566>>682840You can be sure it would be legal again under RPC rule :^)
No. 683109
>>683094So I know we’ve established she’s real and an actual woman and all that jazz but… are we sure this isn’t her slimy bf posting on her account? Every woman on the planet has had moments where she’s
really not emotionally or physically available for sex, and even the shittiest, most misogynistic women will have some empathy for that, right? …
Usually when I hear this argument from women it goes something along the lines of
>as long as you keep him satisfied the majority of the time he’ll respect you when you’re temporarily unable to please him (e.g. when you’re sick or about to give birth)and I’ve only ever seen men argue that every woman should be sexually available to her husband at all times even when she’s literally in hospital dying of cancer or else he’s entitled to cheat or divorce her.
Alternatively, RPC is a virgin who has no idea what sex entails and is talking out of her ass once again.
No. 683116
>>683109I would like to believe at the very least that she has very little experience. Come on, do you really believe this broad is a sex goddess? She would have lectured everyone on the subject already.
Same with her "relationship" which I'm sure consists of meeting an unavailable man once a week and think "tru love we totally gonna get married uwu". I mean, she actually believe marriages/relationships fail because the woman "doesn't work for it enough". If only women weren't such bitches! Every couple would stay together and everyone would be happy. She ended all the world problems guys! Don't forget to cook and garden in stilletos, accept rap.. I mean assume martial duties, write corny love letters each day before he leaves for work, give up all your passions, eduction, work, aspirations and character. He will sure LOVE that.
FFS it's like reading the worst Cosmo but alt-right edition.
No. 683125
>>682999I thought it was implied that they want their husbands to pay for them.
Tradhot = Golddigger - Negative connotations.
No. 683128
>>683109>>683116Maybe she's a virgin waiting until marriage. She really has a weird view of sex.
Or maybe she just preaches something she herself doesn't follow, that's a big possibility.
No. 683189
File: 1536336027949.jpg (170.83 KB, 814x604, Screenshot_20180907-105925_Ins…)

Brittany pettibone is so much prettier than lauren southern(no1curr)
No. 683217
>>682886Bitch just because you don't have any skills that can be applied outside of the modern (i.e. low-maintenance) household doesn't mean that the rest of us should sit on the couch eating bonbons all day and throwing shit into a crock pot.
>>683203This is pretty much spot on. It doesn't require any skill to run a household anymore (pre-war 'women's work' required just as much effort as men's, just less muscle power or danger), and lord knows these tradthots don't know how to cook an appetizing meal (just like the barbiturate-popping 50's housewives they admire). The stuff they're bragging about doing is comparable to those work programs for mentally disabled adults when you put it in the context of prewar women's work.
No. 683305
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No. 683306
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No. 683307
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No. 683308
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No. 683309
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No. 683368
File: 1536355782417.jpg (77.78 KB, 800x394, fishvag.jpg)

>>683309More wear and tear? She understands how a vagina works about as well as a tradman does.
No. 683472
>>683390Right then the guy is completely justified dumping her ass for a younger woman, at which point she'll be all used up so nobody will want her. Then it'll be time to seppuku at 24 because she has no sexual value and
what's the point of having a career or life goals, boys don't even care about that.This girl is so fucked in the head lol
No. 683511
>>683035I remember seeing a 16yo with a 28yo fiance on that sub and none of them thought there was anything wrong with that.
>>683307How does she expect older men to become "experienced" if girls aren't supposed to have sex? Do any of these trad losers realize that their ideal world requires a subset of women whose only role in life is to get pumped and dumped so men can "gain experience" so they can later throw those women away for 16 year old virgins? Do they not realize that's going to be them?
No. 683522
File: 1536370171239.jpg (124.12 KB, 750x937, 24274227_1765485840150485_6825…)

>>683270Her username was swanlisabeth or something, I mentioned her early up in the thread somewhere I think. She's in college and allegedly does ballet, the crazy part about her was she'd be calling everyone on Twitter niggers and spics while she was always hiding half of her face or abusing face tune, lmao. David Duke used one of her pics once, but you can't see her face in it, so here's this one. She always did shit like this targeting black Twitter, but she would always be sniffing Asian assholes on Twitter daily. She would often like creepy middle aged Asian guys @ing her saying "u r so beautiful and white".
No. 683533
>>683307Who are these older men getting experience with if younger women are supposed to pair off with older men? How are these older men supposed to mature and get relationship experience if you don't want women to date when when they are younger?
Obviously the answer is that this scenario only works out in the fantasyland that is her delusional mind.
No. 683730
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No. 683753
i mean, i feel bad for the kid, but the dumb bitch deserves it for being such a handmaiden
No. 683832
>>683762I actually lol'd when I got to that part. Like seriously, an Ivy League graduate who's "not a feminist" and "converted past partners to redpill"? As harsh as it sounds, she got what she deserved. Still, I hope she got out of this situation, if only for the sake of her kid.
>>683795I'd love to meet a childfree man, but according to my personal experience sooner or later they start talking about wanting to have a kid. All my exes went into "how nice it would be if we got a child together" after a while.
Also, reagrding divorce horror stories - I don't know how exactly it looks in USA, but where I live most of those sad estranged daddies are full of shit: they never took paternity leave (which court takes into account when deciding custody), pull every possible trick to avoid paying alimony and often demand custody only to one up their ex-spouse, not because they really want to take care of their kid. They're just as petty.
No. 683837
>>683542I feel kinda bad but the way she describes this dude there must have been a
ton of red flags she willfully ignored. You don't end up with a selfish asshole overnight.
No. 683869
>>683730Those women look cute and harmless. Imagine being this
triggered, Nadia
No. 683902
>>683795can you not with this dumb as fuck, cowish rhetoric? this doesn't happen as often as men claim and it's a bullshit fear. more male self-victimizing bullshit.
the truth is that most men want children for solely egotistical reasons (pass on their genes, etc), and have no concept or understanding of what it takes to raise a child and lose their shit, bail, or start hating their lives/resenting their wives/partners once they realize how involved it is and how it isn't as simple and easy as 'leaving a genetic legacy'.
No. 684008
>>683730lmao, she really couldn't have picked a more innocent picture. I'm not one to support the hijab but this is so harmless and kind of endearing tbh.
like…what is this supposed to prove? they'd have a point if they were holding up ''sharia for britain'' flags but they're doing the opposite, they're showing support for the country? this is such a reach
>so cringeeeeeecringe is a 22-year old muslim indian girl pretending to be a christian right-wing tradwaifu for white dick.
No. 684019
>>683309>>683307>men are more masculine and better with women when they have more experience with them>women should stay virgins until marriage and not waste their time with dating>women having experiences with men is a bad thing and it makes her less ''innocent''So…how are men supposed to gain ''experiences'' if women should already be married by 21 and not have sexual relations beforehand? This bitch is so thick it's insane.
I feel like vomiting whenever ''trad''/far-right people talk about grown women being ''innocent'' - it's very transparent what they're really saying and hearing it just makes me sick.
No. 684045
>>684019>I feel like vomiting whenever ''trad''/far-right people talk about grown women being ''innocent"It's because they're ephebophiles, alt-righters, in general, believe 16-year-old girls are at the perfect age to get married and have children with some old ass 30 something-year-old dude. They're all man-children, they don't want a woman their age, they want a naive teenager.
>>683730Using this same logic, as she is a 22-year-old Muslim Indian woman, she shouldn't be in the US because she's invading our country, right?
No. 684064
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>>683231>So the tradthot is the evolved form of a golddigger. This. They are literal soft core gold diggers disguised as ''the few, reasonable women left in today's western world destroyed by le evul feminazis, willing to save civilization by baking brownies for you on the first date!'' because they're not attractive or smart enough to attract rich men like regular gold digging ho's. I wonder if their partners even make enough to support a family of three with a single income.
They're all just lazy as fuck but don't want to be seen as NEETs so the only thing left is pretending to be a uwu housewaifu. Shoe0nhead does it as well but she's not nearly as insane as RPC. It's the only thing they have left after dropping out of college/school, making a fool of yourself online and believing in an ideology that brands you as leftovers once you're unmarried at 25.
No. 684091
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>>682861(let's ignore the limping hunchback of an analogy that is for a sec)
so what you're saying is:
>lion preys gazelle, eats and kills it
>gazelle is tired of being prey to lion
>gazelle decides to take on lion
>poor frightened lion
>we shouldn't fwighten poor widdle wion, he's need to be babied.
strong, modern, admirable men.
like even as a person in a het relationship the shit they're spouting is so insane.
No. 684097
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No. 684101
>>683795>The stories of fathers losing all access due to petty exes making false allegations(and then putting their kids in the orbit of actual child predators) are beyond terrifying.Oh, shut up handmaid.
>In 51 percent of custody cases, both parents agreed — on their own — that mom become the custodial parent.>In 29 percent of custody cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement.>In 11 percent of custody cases, the decision for mom to have custody was made during mediation.>In 5 percent of custody cases, the issue was resolved after a custody evaluation.>Only 4 percent of custody cases went to trial and of that 4 percent, only 1.5 percent completed custody litigation.So at absolute MOST, 1.5% of men get fucked over by petty exes, despite there being no evidence to prove it (besides anecdotal). Women spend most of the time with the kids, do the majority of the child raising, and the vast majority of the time, men CHOSE to leave the kids with her. I'm sure there is some bias in the courts for that small %, but considering most men think women exist for child rearing, it's strange that they'd suddenly have a problem with it when the courts agree. Studies show those biases are most evident in older, more traditional judges.
No. 684350
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What should the next thread pic be?
In other news, RPC locked her account again.
No. 705921
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>>662995nice try, Moshe. Simonsen exposed herself.
No. 877117
>>683832"they never took paternity leave"
Because that's just a thing you can do? Women are useless at work when they're about to pop and just after, so they're out of a job–so that leaves the father to pull in an income to support the woman and baby. Is he just supposed to go up to his boss and say my wife just had a kid, be back in a month? The fuck?