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No. 615774
>>614967>>615239Are you joking?
He's average compared to the actual idols she put in the video. It's super insulting sharla even thinks her husband looks anything like them.
No. 615787
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>>615239Are you ok? Do you need something for your yellow fever?
No. 615923
>>615899You should train your brain then.
I said regardless of how attractive an Asian guy is, he will be considered less desirable in western countries than Caucasian guys. This is mainly because of Hollyweirds poor representation of asian guys. Sharlas husband is therefore mediocre at best in some western countries and attractive in South Korea because he has indeed a good height, clear skin etcetera. Get it now?
No. 615994
>>615923>it's hollywood's fault that white girls in white countries prefer white guys…then why do asian women in asia prefer asian men as well…? Why is that allowed? And who's fault is it?
you should "train your brain" a bit anon kek
No. 616455
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>>615787Never said I found him attractive, anon. He just gives me some early 2000's Japanese idol vibes.
No. 620635
>>614952I think its funny that taylors bf is frumpy and gross while shes always put together, while sharlas husband is always dressed well while she frumps around in unflattering oversized clothes.
Also seeing her act like some Korea know it all after living there for like 2 months is cringy. Nobody wants to see a 30 year old woman fawn over korean boyband members 10 years younger than her. She basically killed her channel lmfao
No. 623231
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Texan in Tokyo? More like Tokyo came in Texas! Badum tsss
No. 624196
>>620635This, most of her recent vlogs look like a complete downgrade from her Japan vlogs. She insists it's clean there but she still had to explain air pollution days. A lot of locals in her vids are either unfriendly/uncomfortable or uncannily friendly because they know they're being filmed.
Maybe it's just me but I also wonder how stable of a relationship you can have with someone where you both talk to each other in a second language instead of your own. Sharla's learning Korean for her husband but her husband's not learning English for her lmfao. Inb4 he dumps her frumpy ass for whatever else he can get and she ends up either stuck there or attempts to move back to Japan.
No. 624552
>>614952>>615787I think he's kinda cute, but is anybody else getting a "male host" vibes from him .. ?
>>624459I can't watch Taylor. I ended up finding out that it wasn't even her filming or ideas I disliked, but rather her mono toned voice and scripted sounding humour. She always sounds so forced when trying to express any type of excitement or personality. ( I also I don't her different or interesting looking, but rather just bland )
No. 625142
>>624196Shartla has been ‘learning korean’ for like 4 or 5 years now, and can barely order food kek. They’ll be talking in a mix of shitty japanese and shitty english until they are old and grey.
>>623285Its her dead grandmas name. Still feel bad for the kid though. Nelda Mineta sounds like a rare disease.
No. 625214
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Look. I understand that it’s wrong for people to touch you no matter what you are wearing. Completely wrong. And it is difficult to be black in Japan. Those high school boys shouldn’t have touched you. But for fuck sake you have to cover your nipples up even a little bit in Japan. I don’t think you have to completely cover up to Japanese standards because in the summer time they don’t sweat, but COME ON.
No. 625237
>>625214Isn't this the girl who bragged about sleeping with 50 different men in less than a couple months?
She seems pretty crazy and desperate for the attention.
No. 625392
>>625214Have you ever even been to Japan? Japanese people 100% do sweat. Why do you think small towels/handkerchiefs are sold absolutely everywhere, and people are constantly mopping sweat off their faces with them? I'd go as far as to say they sweat MORE than foreigners, I've never had sweat dripping literally off my face.
There's really no excuse for wearing this at all, and if she really wore this out in Japan I don't know how she didn't get arrested, considering 1. She's already a black gaijin, perfect police bait, and 2. there was a story a while back about a woman being arrested and charged for stripping down to her underwear in public. This is 100x worse than that.
>>625357Oh Lord, I was literally talking to a Japanese guy today at work and he said there's so many lawyers in Japan, that there are absolutely no jobs left, and their average salary literally HALVED and is pretty shit now because there's no demand. Several law schools even CLOSED in the past few years because nobody wants to go to law school now obviously. And that's not even considering her foreigness or blackness
No. 625869
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Sharla's husband kinda looks like Key from SHINee
No. 626056
>>625214she isn't even traditional black. she appears Guatemalan. she is just calling herself black. she seems to lie about everything. just long list of lies.
>>625392is she even still in japan.
No. 626191
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>>625869He looks more like Jeonghan to me, though I think it's just the hair
No. 626848
>>626821Dunning Kruger.
Also what is it about cluster B messes and Japan?
No. 626926
>>625214God, not this bitch.
I watched gimmeabreakman's videos on her where she commented on both trying to justify herself before promptly having an argument with Victor about the use of the "n-word" and basically pointing out how he wasn't black enough to use it or some shit.
I can't even begin to talk about how entitled she is. Part of me feels like she's just acting the way she is in Japan for the sake of standing out and getting attention since god knows that being a slut back in America is way too common and basic now.
No. 628046
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Kek @ sharlas body in her friends vid. She always looks so different in other peoples vids compared to her own
No. 628125
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>>627851I feel really bad for her. Elbow-san seems kind of shitty towards Taylor. In her latest videos when she says "Carly had her baby!!" he responds, "Who?"
Clearly she previously talked about her SISTER having a child and he doesn't even know who/what she's talking about.
Every time he's on camera with her the only thing he says is "Babe…" in a disapproving like "come the fuck on" tone, to whatever Taylor is doing (singing in public, dropping something, dancing, literally anything she does).
Even in their engagement video he says "she's so dirty" when Taylor simply dropped a napkin on the ground. Idk it's like listening to a father scold their child, not a boyfriend talking to a girlfriend.
No. 628148
>>628131I don't see how that's funny or humorous at all? It seems 100% like he's always scolding her. If anyone spoke to me like that constantly I wouldn't like it.
>>628137He can speak English obviously, he speaks a lot in her videos. It's not like he had to translate a word, it was her sister's name.
No. 628210
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>>628072Don’t get my hopes up ! My god it’d be like an early Christmas as Taylor is having everything kaka ever wanted.
However, I don’t agree with most of what pull says, besides the fact that Taylor probably did agree to the relationship due to the money and not because she was attracted to him. Honestly I alway found him hideous and boarder line retarded/ face transplanty looking.
No. 628292
>>628125>>628148I really don't think he treats her bad, anons. She finds that stuff humourous and leaves it in. She likes living in HK.
She already said they moved back to HK with the plan to buy a place together, you know it had to be serious with the price of real estate there.
No. 628304
>>628148The 'babe' thing to me comes off as a insider joke the two have tbh. Or maybe when he started saying it Taylors viewers found it so funny and now they do it on purpose. Like not scripted but being aware.
>>628210Some ppl are honestly so exaggerating about his looks. Just because he doesn't look like an asian idol and that's always what people seem to expect. He looks VERY average, that's it. Not ugly, not handsome.
No. 628316
>>628312>ifIsnt that the point people are making though? Obviously they would be all over him if he was thinner and younger but he isnt. Honestly he just looks like he needs a better haircut if anything.
Hes not the ugliest man out there for sure, but lets be real, he’s lucky af to snag somebody in Taylors league.
No. 628346
>>628316>>628304People can call him average, I still think he's ugly af. That doesn't mean I expect people to look like kpop idols ( I don't even listen to kpop or know any bands lol) I'm just pointing out that she only said yes to the first date based on his money ( like he chose her based off of looks only ) She would have probably rejected him if he was a minimum wage worker, anons would have probably said she deserves better rather than calling her lucky if he was broke. Money plays a huge roll in what makes this relationship work. Taylor has always had a eye for luxury and all things beautiful, and has always been surrounded by beautiful people and objects.
Agree, he is lucky because she is def out of his league. No doubt she probably could easily snag a more attractive rich guy, just maybe not another high roller like Tom. He's also lucky in the sense that she is pretty materialistic, but at the end of the day also a good person, unlike other pretty faced girls who'd only use him.
No. 628399
>>628184Princess Taylor is back!
He doesn’t like her cutting her hair either.
No. 628746
>>628673OH GOD, I hope Tom lets Taylor go fucking NUTS, and have absolutely thy most beautiful mouth dropping wedding, that'll leave Kaka with no teeth left to clench.
>>628718She hasn't had to work since the day she met him, anon. Don't forget she had hardly a following when entering Japan, and had constant designer goods, a fancy expensive apartment, taxi rides everyday, eating out at expensive vegan cafes and shopping everyday. She worked like 1-3 gigs per year while in Japan. It was obvious than that he was financially supporting her weeb dream. That was why PULL started speculating sugar daddy, because they never actually knew who or if she was dating. Just that she had a bunch of shit she couldn't afford on a basic catalog model salary.
( It was obvious when it was her paying because she'd shop at cheap places that anyone here would )
No. 628762
>>628746Sometimes I feel like certain anons lived in an alternate reality when it comes to Taylor.
>had constant designer goodsNo she mostly shopped fast fashion (109 brands, Style Nanda, Zara, ASOS, Forever21 etc). She has some bags that are obviously gifts, plus a couple of Kenzo pieces that she got when she was paid in trade. And Comme des garcones tshirts which are overpriced but not unaffordable.
>taxi rides everydayAgency pays for that
>eating out at expensive vegan cafesCooked more especially during her first year and half
>shopping every dayNot really
>catalogue modelNot according to her book. When she was in Hong Kong she did a lot of editorial (pays shit) and advertising (usually pays ok). She did some high end catalogue (most models do. It's the industry's bread and butter) but it was hardly the only thing she did.
>worked like 1-3 gigs per yearTrue. Although Maybe more like 4-5 during her first year. But the ones that she did probably paid pretty well.
But you are totally right that she couldn't afford that 2LDK in Minato-ku on the money she was making. Having Tom certainly helped with the basic aspects of comfort.
I guess I'm just in the minority in that I didn't find her initial lifestyle in videos that expensive or luxurious. But then I also don't find her family's lifestyle in Canada to be special.
No. 628860
>>628762Anything designer, the now garbaged lolita stuff, business class travel and general lifestyle was bankrolled by her the guy. He owns a beauty company and got her most of the work she ended up with.
Modelling does not pay that much after deductions and is not constant enough. She knew what she was going for with this guy. She has aspirations for expensive things, not class kek
No. 628884
>>628860Ffs she was a working model for 7 years before she even met him. But sure he took a time machine and retroactively provided her with all of the work that she had been doing since she was 16 (when she first got signed in Toronto).
Her only jobs that have had anything to do with him were the beautyexchange events. He runs a new media company with a beauty emphasis (like an Ameblo for people who want to show off their new lip gloss). It's not he's the CEO of Lancome.
The reason she even got signed to Satoru was that she had a great book and a good reputation in HK.
No. 629081
>>629030Almost forget about that sea witch.
Is she still being salty about Taylor ? ( was it actually proven she was ? ) I feel like Mimei hates everyone, thus is salty about everyone. Like I remember she didn't even speak or talk to Dakota and got salty towards her in no time. Everyone doesn't just drop being your friend for no reason. Taylor doesn't seem like the type either.
No. 629160
>>629081Isn’t it funny how most people who come into contact with mimei and her annoying boyfriend end up never talking to them again.
But yes, its THEM who are the big fat meanie bullies to poor delicate Mimei
No. 629231
>>629207How is that a strawman? It's the truth. Anon said Tom got her most of her work. That's objectively not true.
>The point is she was never independently earning enough for the lifestyle she has.And I'm not arguing that she was. As far as I'm concerned those are two separate topics.
1. Did she earn enough for a lavish lifestyle? (No not at all)
2. Did Tom get her most of the jobs during her career? (also no).
No. 629246
>>629030Isn't Mimei married for years already? Why would she be salty about Taylor getting married too?
I swear, too many of you here are still kissing her ass. She's a gold digger/sb, and he's old and ugly - anybody who believes otherwise probably has yellow fever.
I saw a short documentary about Russian models in Japan; those girls land multiple jobs a day and still only receive a couple hundred bucks per month. There's no way Taylor ever made enough to support herself. Hell, there are even models doing shoots for big mags like Vogue for free, just for exposure. The small stunts she had are basically just poket money.
No. 629387
>>629160>>629030>>629081Mimei and Duncan openly mocked Taylor for flaunting her boyfriend's money. I don't really see how getting married makes that any less comical to them. They both come from working class families and Taylor was probably the first person in their friend group who is upper middle class. They clearly thought she wasn't genuine and made fun of how she just showed up in Japan one day and was desperately trying to become an influencer/youtuber. Even Taylor now makes fun of her videos and personality from 2-3 years ago.
Duncan literally has entire channels dedicated to mocking generic youtubers, he's more of a counter-culture YTer if anything. So when they made that vlog which was clearly mocking Taylor, I honestly don't know why their friends were surprised? Like as a viewer I expect that from them? Their humor style is bitter and jaded because they both deal with depression. That's common for comedians like Duncan? What comedian isn't depressed and bitter lmao? And Sharla said she was a huge fan of him for years and kept up with his content - was she only saying that to get on his good side so he wouldn't publicly trash her (like he eventually did)?
Idk maybe this is off topic but I just never understood why the conclusion to the drama according to farmers is: "Mimei is unrelatable bc she's sad and just jealous of Taylor who is perfect". Even if people are poor or depressed, they are capable of having thoughts or opinions other than jealousy or envy.
Like I really don't think Mimei is sobbing over a girl she barely knew or never really liked, all because she's getting married.. in a different country.. when she probably has no contact with anyone involved.
No. 629390
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The vid has been uploaded and the rock is huge. Eat your heart out kaka.
No. 629404
>>629387They’re just not very funny in general, and I love dry humor. Just bitter at things. Their channels are also boring and unoriginal as well, although not to the extent of Taylor. PDR is on annoying customers 38 if I’m correct. Their personalities are probably a reason why everyone they befriend drops them within a few years.
And no I don’t think Mimei is crying or truly upset. But she has no contact with Taylor or their old friend group, yet still makes fun of her in videos. I liked the old jokes when they were all friends. But now there is clearly bad blood between them and of course most people are going to role their eyes when they see that Mimei still gives a shit about Taylor.
No. 629427
>>629404I second this
>>629409I'm not the biggest fan of Taylor's ( not a hater either) but I genuinely don't understand why she always has these holy fuck obsessed people like Kaka ( probably some pull tards) and possibly Mimei go ape about her. She's just a really boring bland girl that is spoiled and lucky, not some snotty,rude,malicious or a huge scam/liar.
>>629390Thats a big rock, but also kinda think it looks a little bulky and ugly. I kinda expected something cuter with more design than a simple band and giant rock.
No. 629445
>>629431I agree with all of this. Even in this video where she shows that clip of her portfolio, it's totally full of tear sheets from editorials and advertising. And that was just the book she left behind in HK.
Also it would seem that Taylor is a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless).
No. 629486
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“It’s so good I love it” says Mimei lying on Taylor’s floor
No. 629523
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Can we all stop bringing up sperg-tard Kaka like she’s going to come back. I miss the good milk too, but face it, we lost the drama years ago, and it’s not coming back.
No. 629529
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Honestly if he just got rid of the weird mullet perm, lost a fee lbs, and maybe switched to contacts he wouldnt look so weird.
No. 629851
>>629816CEO and owner of about 2 separate new media companies.
Beautyexchange- one of the most popular beauty/lifestyle blogging platforms in China. Predominantly female and female moderated.
Menclub- sort of the equivalent for men with a bonus dating app.
EIG Limited- Which seems to be the mother company for the other two and focuses on site building.
And it seems that all of them are successful. In short, he's very comfortable.
No. 629866
>>629859Wtf anon.
>>629390 is tiny to you?
No. 629870
>>629859anon…that ring is easily over 10k
it makes sense its a "simple" solitaire type, it fits her aesthetic.
No. 629885
>>629851Plus we dont know his family history either. There could be more money tied up through inheritance, a bigger family company, etc.
I wonder how long after the wedding they’ll pop out a kid.
No. 629889
>>629851thanks sharla
(jk idk if this is true but must be an insider)
No. 630040
>>630037>she's 30yo and has the maturity of a teenagerI guess it depends on what each person finds to be immature. What is it about her that you find immature?
And while Tom does have cash to offer, what else is there? He seems to be just as boring as she is, and maybe that works for them.
No. 630061
>>630040>What is it about her that you find immature?Not that anon but I watch teenagers on yt who have better content, vocabulary, insights, varieties of interests and critical thinking in their vlogs. Heck even kids have reactions better than Sharla or Taylor's "that was soooo goood" for everything.
Tom is def more intelligent than her and takes care of the bills but I'm sure this is the intended dynamic they both want.
No. 630332
>>630165>>630248I don't think she's that fucking mental. She's been on accutane twice and I truly don't blame her for looking for other ways to treat her skin problems. Whether its herbal or not. Thats that only thing she's treating herbally that I know of. To tie that to her "totes not getting her kids vaccinated" is ridiculous.
The only thing I agree with is she will probably try to push and have them eat vegetarian. However, you have to remember her soon to be hubby isn't vegetarian or into "herbal" "gluten free", so he's likely going to have a say in what happens. I mean, he is paying for everything.
No. 630411
>>630331i don't remember which video and there's too many to search through, but around the time she started looking for help for her acne she went on the pill for the first time. her family and some commenters told her that the pill is evil and makes you infertile so she stopped almost immediately and pays for overpriced chinese tea for her acne now. don't get me wrong, birth control pills aren't for everyone and some can have bad side effects for people, but she very quickly accepted that the pill was terrible without much time or research of her own
>>630392she was never completely vegan, she called her food vegan a lot but usually said she had a 'plant based' diet, so just mostly vegan. usually that means the things excluded from a vegan diet that are usually still usually considered healthy, like eggs. it's also usually more about health than ethics, since a lot of people would say you can't be vegan but have leather bags
No. 630431
>>630411Eh, I truly don't think its that big of a deal that she gave up on the pill early. Most nurses I've spoken to are against it ( not so much doctors if they are promoting and making a cut of the sales ) And honestly, at the end of the day its her choice and her body. I don't understand why so many people were making a big deal out of it.
Lets not turn this into PULL though. Nitpicking about what she eats or what medical treatments she chooses or how she lives her boring life. Its not milk and there is no drama.
No. 633749
>>633738I kinda get it, this way you're safe from allegations that you don't follow someone because you're throwing shade, or you follow a person that's
problematic, or "why aren't you following fans!" or shit… She probably has a private insta to follow her friends
No. 651024
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so she's in the hospital now?
No. 651098
>>651052Bless their hearts
I don't follow her too closely but I feel this has come out of the blue?
No. 651531
>>651378So where is it?
Cant see the fucking thread
(use the catalog) No. 669058
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>>668929there's not much milk tbh.
a few years ago kanadajin3 (miranda has a thread in /pt/) harassed her on sockpuppets, got called out, and now she and rachel are not friends.
she got a nosejob two years ago and said it was because she couldn't breathe well.
after the surgeon had given her the perfect nose, she said she was shocked and spent months in regret that she agreed to the rhinoplasty in addition to the (supposed) septoplasty. it was a great procedure though, it's completely changed her face. she looks much more delicate now. she was almost kind of dowdy before?
she's at least open that she had the procedure done, which is more than you can say for some youtubers that get work done and never talk about it, ever.
her style is absolutely tragic and awful but that suits japan because most fashion there is similarly terrible, so…
that's about it.
No. 680000
>>679921She's 31.
She desperately wants to look like a member of kpop girl group these days. It's fucking embarrassing.
No. 680627
>>680000Yikes. That kind of behavior I would expect from a teen/someone in their early 20s, but she also looks super aged with this style. Horse faces do not pull of this look well.
Also wtf is her actual name? It is really cringey that she still calls herself Mimei.
No. 685872
>>685867Daniel has his own thread but wow lmao
He is obsessed with deen
No. 688587
>>685867why the fuck did sharla comment on his video lmao?
sharla confirmed for constantly searching for her name on youtube
No. 689208
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No. 695503
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No. 696694
>>695974She has no money because she was saving up to move out from her parents home.
I think she is desperate for some attention. Her channel doesn't grow anymore, it's literally stuck at ~50.000 subs. Her Japan friends have more subs/attention than her and it really helped her then a few years ago when she was with them. I bet she misses the old times.
I think she should make her own thing and let Japan go or she will be miserable forever. I miss the old happy Bii. She has a lot of potential and she could be a very successful youtuber if she would upload more frequently and show different facets of herself and life in general. She is a little bit too vanilla right now. I really loved her when she was with Emily because she was funny and sassy.
No. 705669
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No. 706664
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>>685978I think at one point she said that she hated her given name and wanted to go by Mimei.
Morena In Japan recently went home and got a tattoo that says I am God to spite the people who talk about her here and on PULL. She wants to get a face tattoo too, and still thinks she'll be able to find a job in Japan after she graduates.
No. 731020

Over the summer, “Tokyo Lens” Norm was on You wa Nani Shi ni Nippon e (Why Did You Come to Japan), a very popular Japanese TV show. It was a while ago, but I do remember him completely lying about his history in Japan and talking up all of his “skills.” He said he moved to Japan five years ago to become an apprentice to a shamisen master (one of the Yoshida Brothers), when he’s just said he moved to Japan in 2007 in his latest youtube video and according to PULL, worked at an English conversation school for years.
He talked about his videographer career, but strangely never once shared the name of his youtube channel, which would’ve brought in more viewers and subscribers than anything he’s ever done. He never brought up his wife or kid, even though the TV crew visited his home and the show would usually work up the Japanese family angle.
His segment was mainly about how he had a big solo for an important shamisen concert. But his performance was actually for an outdoor fair sparsely attended during the day (I think it was Yasukuni’s Mitama latern festival when the main event is after dark) and it was a group performance where each person had their own little solo. Norm made mistakes because he was too nervous, but it was also obvious that he was just a beginner. He also came off as rude and arrogant in Japanese because of his inability to use polite speech, despite living in Japan for over a decade.
TV show: No. 733712
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Tay got married yesterday.
No. 733978
>>733880Oh, found the speculation you're talking about. What a shame, his videos are rather boring but I like how informative the ones I pick to watch are. As long as he doesn't bring that rude personality to his channel I'll still probably watch his videos that interest me since they contain good info for locations. There are of course nicer (I hope) J-tubers that do the same thing like Cake with Faces and etc but I like Norm's video quality.
It's a shame that Mimei, who bought a good camera and could've been pumping out the same type of content, became a Kpopboo like the rest and mainly does boring BTS videos with that nice camera.
No. 749826
>>749796with this attitude of yours nothing in the world would be done or changed lol.
also this whole argument sounds like weebs being angery over people not acting like Japan is some holy ground. How dare they treat it like any other country.
Get over it, it's about time.
No. 749831
>>749824>>749826Can you just chill? I'm really disgusted at anons behaviours here on lolcow lately. It's just a simple opinion and nothing controversial. Go to Tumblr with your sjw and edgelord shit.
>>749796 just said that she's annoyed that some people don't want to adapt to foreign countries customs which is indeed fucked up if you live in this particular country. As a tourist you don't need to adapt but be polite. That's it. Calm your fucking tits.
No. 749846
>>749546>>749643>>749796Pretty obvious none of you watched the video and are getting
triggered for no reason.
1. She's vegetarian, not vegan.
2. She ordered something that was labelled vegan on the menu. She didn't ask the restaurant to make her something special or change anything. She pointed at something on the menu, ordered it, and they brought her the wrong order. She pointed out their mistake and they just lifted the beef patty off and put the vegan one on and ended up leaving random bits of meat in the salad.
3. Vegetarians/vegans are relatively well catered to in Japan because of the Buddhist tradition of shojin ryori. But yeah, these evil gaijin invading glorious nippon with their dumb western ideas are such a problem.
No. 749915
>>749643>They moved over there and expect everyone to caterFirstly, there are many Japanese born vegans. Veganism is not a western concept. Secondly she ordered a meal explicitly from their pre-set vegan menu. You're basically saying "I ordered noodles but got soup, but as I'm in Japan I must respect their culture and eat this item I did not order"
Also some people cannot physically digest meat. You weebs are fucking ridiculous. This is a restaurant giving someone the wrong order, but because its ~in Japan~ its somehow offensive to complain. Fucking weebs man
No. 755156
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>>755150I was surprised too, I think she started this year.
No. 755202
>>755156Lmao i swear to god why is it that majority of weebs who get popular online have so little going for them they always thot around and pander to the lowest common denominator.
Literally hell will freeze over the day one of these chicks choose a BA over slumming it as a wannabe 'idol' doing progressively more explicit soft core porn until they get uncomfortable and quit or go full on escort/porn. Social embarrassment is apparently worth any and all attention/clicks/views.
It would be such a nice change if one of these women moved because they had actual bussinesses, conferences or anything interesting that isnt a failed attempt at just getting generic brand popular for fifteen minutes through any male pandering window you can find no matter how small.
(Besides it shows that no matter what following they originally had, the female side of their audience means nothing for what you can gain in static one off monetary value from men cause who cares about having a sustainable fanbase when you can whore it out for some neckbeards for a couple of years before you either turn into shayna both in relevancy and income or force yourself to take a shit tier educatiob/job)
No. 755221
>>755156Everything is cute and aesthetic. I have no problems with this at all. Peachy should milk those thirsty men as long as she can until they are dry. I don't know if Luke is cool with this but in the end he is her boyfriend and the others can just look at her.
Wasn't she a legit teacher in Northern Ireland a few years ago? I wonder if she will return to her old job and if her sexy pics will have an impact on it since she is working with children…
No. 755290
>>755202Real businesswomen dont want to be in the spotlight nor do they have the time
Youre seeing whats being broadcasted the most and that will be attentionwhoring losers with no skills and too much free time to be able to parade their boring lives on social media.
No. 755687
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>>755156she is really pandering to the thirsty dudes