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No. 603765
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/590174The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
>Pet mouse Gus died, lied about his age to make herself look better.
>Received new cages, only they’re improper sizes for most of her animals
>Continues to prove she’s not the animal expert her fans claim she is, caring for her animals improperly and giving terrible advice to fans
>Insists on keeping monitor even though he’s a danger to her other animals, is surprised when he displays natural aggressive behaviors
>Goes on twitter tirade complaining about her relationship and threatening to expose Jonny, soon after claims that it was all just a misunderstanding and continues gushing about him
>Brings animals outside on the pavement in 90 degree weather, including the cats, in ill-fitting harnesses
>Jen consistently makes a fool of herself on twitter by insulting rape victims, posting song lyrics like an edgy teenager, and borderline stalking her daughter No. 603772
File: 1528335369577.png (549.42 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180606-213625.png)

Has anyone noticed she's been going off about Jake Paul today? I feel like she's reaching for relevance.
No. 603779
File: 1528335908091.jpeg (354.52 KB, 640x910, 69F7CDA0-AFE3-4CA8-9138-419FEA…)

Barf, why does she think poses where her mouth is gaping open is cute?
No. 603816
>>603810She didn't blend the nose contour. It looks like really heavy strokes on both sides.
She's really shit at makeup.s
No. 603822
File: 1528340189065.jpeg (61.83 KB, 299x275, 6AA2A674-40F1-4D24-9E10-D78192…)

Her top lip looks like asshole skin
No. 603825
File: 1528340420445.jpeg (62.66 KB, 651x470, violet.jpeg)

>>603819I honestly can't tell because of how she kept flipping her around in the video.
On another note, check out this comment.
No. 603834
File: 1528341997646.png (243.53 KB, 478x554, Screenshot_2018-06-06-23-24-07…)

>>603825I mean I think its eco earth but its still not certain
No. 603844
>>603834Tate looks like eco earth (bringing it back to why in the world are they on eco earth)
>>603825Violet looks a lot more like mites, they look like theyre part of the snake not on top of the scales like eco earth would be
No. 603858
File: 1528345097463.jpg (335.07 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20180606-221901_01.…)

I thought this was supposed to be for the mantis shrimp? Why is she making it a predator tank? Most fish keepers say to never put anything with a mantis shrimp unless you're okay with the shrimp killing it. So is the shrimp going in the predator tank as well?
No. 603860
>>603858I was thinking maybe she'd move the predator tank fish over to the new one and keep the mantis shrimp in the 29… but idk if that's actually what she did.
Her fish probably will be okay with the mantis shrimp. I wouldn't do it, but it's not the worst thing. The issue is that the new tank is still only a 40, right? Without a massive sump that's just not enough water volume for the bioload of all those animals.
No. 603871
File: 1528347043297.jpg (831.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180606-225157.jpg)

Taylor, a couple months ago: she won't get yellow guys :)))) she's going to stay purple and pink :))) and get more purple and pink with age :)))))
No. 603936
File: 1528356914527.jpeg (301.85 KB, 1238x1682, 42BBA7DB-D37E-4E48-BE34-E12395…)

Tai Wright used to be in JC’s band slaves
No. 603970
Zazu apparently likes to sting other fishes (ex: Cheese) how Taylor thinks is a good idea to keep these two together?
>>603862It looks like a clown fish.
No. 604045
>>603936She’s not wrong. People around him willingly accept that he’s abusive and an addict and turn a blind eye. That is not okay. All of them deserve to have karma coming to them for essentially acting as though they know nothing about these situations. Let’s be real band mates are close so they know shit went down. She doesn’t have to be friends with anyone who didn’t help her when she needed it and still won’t speak out.
Taylor can’t do make up for shit. She’s trying so hard to be sexy in that pose that it came out so bad. Does she only own the same outfit? It’s shes going to try and be an Instagram baddie she should at least know how to post like one.
No. 604080
>>604046Hahahaaaa yes!!
She looks like a cheap hooker. That whole mouth this is trying to make her fugly lips come across as ‘oo sexy, blowjob mouth’ no, sit down, you look like a mess.
No. 604202
>>603779How the fuck does she look at that and say, yup, that looks good. Her lips look SO fucking bad, her contouring is awful and of course in every single shot we see her in anymore, she’s wearing the same top that makes her look naked. This is actually laughable, I’m embarrassed for her. She looks like a cheap hooker.
Why didn’t she just go for modeling instead of animal stuff? If you go through her old Instagram pictures, you can tell that’s what she was going for. She should have left herself natural, taken care of herself, stay AWAY from drugs, and she could have honestly matured into a pretty model. She looks cuter in older pictures than she does now. It’s sad. She’s only 21 but looks over 30, she has fucked up everything she has in looks from her lips, hair, body, etc. At this rate by 22 she’ll look 40. Yuck. But you know, insta-thots gotta stay relevant right??
No. 604205
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“Daddy snake noodle charmer” I just cringed so fucking hard
No. 604208
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Just fucking yuck
No. 604216
File: 1528384730616.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, B4132207-396E-4D73-B6B2-43E8DC…)

He’s so gross, he always has to do some weird fucking mouth open thing to show off his teeth, his teeth look so god awful. They’re way too white, look so fake. He apparently just went to the dentist recently, must suck for Taylor to have to pay for upkeep on his teeth lmao
No. 604218
File: 1528384835860.jpeg (111.78 KB, 750x1084, BEE4E951-98E5-482F-8BA8-A165D6…)

That face when your rapist druggy alcoholic boyfriend is so nasty you don’t wanna kiss him and he has to pull your face to him to make you
No. 604222
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Still has earned literally nothing for this “great app you get paid to walk for! It’s amazing and easy to get paid to be healthy!”. Goes to show they again, don’t use any sponsorships at all and just care about the referral money. They must be getting desperate, wonder if the YouTube paycheck isn’t cutting it for their lavish lifestyle.
No. 604242
>>604222This is hilarious. He's so lazy he can't even go on a 30 minute walk to show anything but 0 cents (assuming this app works, I haven't looked into it).
No one is going to download it when they see you aren't earning anything, dumbass.
No. 604379
>>603858So is she trying to get more views now with getting more predators? Hopefully not sharks like DIY did just so she can try to be threading too
Also, she has turtle mouth and not only that, her lips are crusty. Gross
No. 604381
>>603779Does she not know that these looks just makes her look like a girl that will never be taken serious by men? I’m a female but I don’t think real men would want to be in a serious relationship with a girl that does this and acts like that.
I mean I get it.. do it for the views.. but seriously? You will never be taken serious
No. 604492
>>604487I think she means the ugly lip fillers and vying for attention. Not the actual pose itself because I actually do that pose and it’s not really for attention it’s usually just because it can look cute when done correctly.
Taylor is just not doing it correctly at all so it looks worse
No. 604513
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It figures he identifies with this got quote
No. 604521
>>604487>>604492Not talking about just touching her lips in a photo. I’m talking about her need for attention that she has the need to dress in tube tops so she can hide her blouse to make it seem she’s naked, her constant need for compliments, and when she doesn’t get enough attention on her animals she starts to use them as accessories and if it’s still not enough, she starts to tweet constantly about people with more followers in hopes that they give her attention then post a bunch of photos just in case they see.
It’s like she’s getting more provocative the older she gets just for attention. She was simpler in her old videos before she moved out
No. 604745
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Taylor saying that no one has commented on Jonny doing therapy over Skype.. Sure Jan
No. 604782
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Like what? Their weekly couple urine tests?
No. 604784
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No. 604785
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No. 604825
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No. 604826
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No. 604827
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No. 604831
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What’s sad to me is she looks so NATURALLY gorgeous here
No. 604857
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Back when she actually had normal sized lips. Yet she tries to play it off like those baboon ass lips are her natural ones
No. 604890
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Please no
No. 604902
File: 1528433597495.png (2.14 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180608-004849.png)

Youtube recommended this to me since I'm looking at getting my first axolotl… I genuinely had no idea it was her. She looks so different now.
No. 604991
File: 1528444521988.png (8.12 KB, 533x89, 3259295325.png)

Anyone have any idea what this is about? I can only hope karma is catching up to JC
No. 605125
>>604831Wow she honestly looked naturally very pretty! Too bad she had to keep up with the newest insta-thot/baddie thing and have the biggest lips. She’s botched her lips, fried her hair and the drugs have just made her face look so aged… hopefully her getting her lips done like this (we all know it has not been a year since she’s done it) will fix them, but who knows. If they turn out nice it may just inflate her ego and she may get them done again, upping how big they look every time.
She used to be so pretty. Honestly it must suck to be that insecure, to have been that pretty that young, and think you need procedures that make you just look worse in the end to keep up with the Jones’s. I remember when I was in high school I looked like a mess, not nearly that pretty. She honestly could have probably landed a decent modeling career if she didn’t fuck up her looks and decide using her animals as accessories is better.
No. 605142
>>604782>our adventuresWhat adventures? Besides staying inside the house? Nobody wants to see that.
Nobody wants to see a rapist cover songs either.
No. 605259
>>605242And also incoming fan girls of both his and Taylor’s going “OMG GOAALLSS!! You both are so cute and perfect together!!”
UGH the girls that say their relationship is goals is literally the most disgusting thing ever. Yes, taking urine tests together several times a week is super “goals”, I wish my boyfriend was a known drug abuser, rapist and alcoholic.
No. 605316
File: 1528482251049.jpeg (149.21 KB, 1242x1012, 07E3A564-4DA5-4F26-994C-BC630E…)

Once again probably on about Liz or Chelsea. But him and Taylor are so in love!!! They’re not bothered by anyone!!! /sarcasm
No. 605360
File: 1528484962385.jpeg (249.44 KB, 1188x1747, 6DCF7575-9C8B-4DC1-87A6-2EE1CF…)

Yup. He’s actually right for a change…but insulting to sewer rats!
No. 605362
>>605316If he's so happy enjoying his life of leisure, why is there even a thought in his drug-rotted brain of making a dig at his ex?
if your truly happy & have moved on, you don't make non stop insults at an ex.
Also…. even successful people who don't have the 9 to 5 career still work their asses off. but the key word there is SUCCESSFUL.
No. 605418
File: 1528489516264.png (192.05 KB, 604x649, festival.png)

Apparently they got JC dropped from a festival and his fans are upset. He said that it's 'being sorted' though
No. 605420
Putting aside the rape, abuse, alcoholism, and drug abuse, the fact that Jonny cannot go more than a week without mentioning his exes should be enough for Taylor to reconsider the relationship.
Just imagine the fucking kind of drama he brings with him every single time Chelsea is mentioned.
This is the same shit he did when he was with Chelsea, too. Kept shitalking Amanda to no end and boasting about his life.
Also yeah dude, we should all totally be jealous of someone who can't afford housing on his own or credit due to criminal record, has unpaid medical bills for over 100k that are still getting mailed to his ex, a child who wants nothing to do with him, no teeth, and a sugar mommy who makes him take urine tests twice a week.
But please tell us how your ugly shoes are worth someone's rent because that's totally what you should be proud of.
No. 605421
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No. 605435
File: 1528490080796.jpg (553.8 KB, 1069x1084, Screenshot_20180608-163429.jpg)

She looks like Farrah Abraham after her lips got botched
No. 605447
>>605421What a beautiful bitch
Can't wait to see the new lumps on her botched lips
No. 605494
>>605421Now she has two bulbous balls in the center of her upper lip.
Also, just imagine having so much insecurities that you have to defend everything about yourself and your shitty relationship with lies
No. 605571
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The fact that he tagged tai in this after Chelsea posted that tweet about Tai having her nudes im guessing it’s also about her. Lol he’s a literal child (could be a reach I just think it’s embarrassing for a “man” his age)
No. 605595
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No. 605628
>>605571Do Chelsea and the rest have him blocked? Or does he have them blocked? I can't remember. It's embarrassing he is even reading their twitters and keeping up with them. I can understand them leaving him unblocked in order for him to be torn down more but what they say against him.
I also kinda want to read what lyrics he has been writing lately. Wondering if he will write any about Taylor.
No. 605686
File: 1528513007218.png (2.72 MB, 1652x1200, Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 10.5…)

They always thought those were her lips? lmao
No. 605696
File: 1528514476361.jpeg (279.51 KB, 750x1109, F556E69E-926D-4A9D-8B09-CDE4D4…)

Just posting the second picture from his ig post because it’s awful
No. 605750
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No. 605751
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No. 605861
>>605316did he start selling lularoe leggings/yoonique/mary kay or some shit as well as his awesome walking app?
loser comes off as a MLM shill. "i'm my own boss, girlllllll! not some 9-5 slave!! [fire emoji] hashtag bossbabe hashtag blessed!"
No. 605872
File: 1528546023581.jpeg (180.14 KB, 1206x1031, D395E4A7-BCF8-476B-88D3-7DD2B1…)

>>605750I don’t understand how people actually think her new lips look good..???
No. 605998
File: 1528563701414.jpeg (46.28 KB, 306x396, EDD94791-F472-4BD2-8310-B8E43E…)

>>605990She looks like a Wallace and gromit character
No. 606114
File: 1528573663743.jpg (311.13 KB, 1080x1370, Screenshot_20180609-154658.jpg)

How is she not getting any criticism lately? Is she deleting shit or are people just terrified of her stans? So many people saying her lips look sooo good and to "never change them".. At least she admits they looked like shit before too.
No. 606338
File: 1528587352992.png (878.02 KB, 790x887, tnd fake.png)

Fake lips but real tits for once
No. 606341
>>606338Pinned pupils again.
No. 606344
>>606338them bags yikes girl
get some fuckin sleep take care of yourself
No. 606482
File: 1528596299199.jpeg (107.58 KB, 1270x579, 65AEC4D6-F674-43F4-92A6-5FB7AD…)

So another 8-12 weeks that her monitor has to be stuck in way too small of a cage, and not arboreal like he needs.
No. 606543
>>606541They might be giving them to her for free… they did Solid Gold's for free I'm pretty sure and it seemed to take some time for her to get hers.
Though, I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor's dropping the ball on telling them what sizes she wants or whatever they'd need her to do to finish making the cages for her.
No. 606571
File: 1528607393168.png (252.32 KB, 409x503, fridaythe13thonfamilyguy.png)

>>605998Johnny after getting his teeth done reminds me of this. Wallace and gromit character+Brian with new teeth=taylor and Johnny?
No. 606584
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No. 606597
>>606590she could care less about anyone else so she has that mindset where she can post whatever she wants because she's an "adult", even if all her stans are all kids.
if she was actually a responsible adult, she'll post all of these skin on her private account. but i guess showing children that she's sexier than everyone else and she's a generic kylie jenner is the way to go
No. 606610
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This is like the worst way to hold BTs, they need the front and back of their body supported otherwise they freak out. But of course doesn’t care about the animal just wants to look artsy.
No. 606611
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No. 606612
File: 1528614690907.jpeg (253.18 KB, 1935x1290, 3E696CBC-840F-4B84-98AF-544008…)

>>606611Definitely way bigger than when she just used to overline them.
No. 606613
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No. 606615
File: 1528615104702.jpg (64.14 KB, 640x640, DEKH2HfXsAAOq_7.jpg)

>>606612I'm sorry they just… look so fucking busted. I can only imagine it feels like when you just had a popsicle and your lips go numb and you talk kinda weird. There was nothing wrong with her lips.
No. 606616
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No. 606617
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No. 606619
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No. 606620
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No. 606621
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No. 606627
>>606615i'm laughing so fucking hard at this
>>606617i'm pretty sure we've all always talked about her lips
No. 606634
>>606612>>606613instead of being balanced but full on her face like in her older pic her mouth looks like a fucking lumpy rectangle lol
arm chairing but taylor probably has bdd, wonder if she'll move on to more invasive proceedures
No. 606638
>>606628Now I’m I a relationship I feel so loved and content with myself that I can wear no make up and still feel fabulous. Does anyone else find it weird she’s been more obsessed with her appearance and changing it then saying she’s really I secure whilst she’s been with Jonny?
Also cannot wait for her to do a video with these suckers on her face. You thought her lisp was bad before, this will be hilarious.
(blogposting) No. 606649
>y'all fake as heckyou're the one with a lumpy, fucked up face full of hyaluronic acid injections, idiot. ~y'all~ the fake one
she really cannot handle anything but complete asslicking, can she
No. 606654
>>606650she'll probably continue to overline them
she's not bright lmao
No. 606667
Janice from the Muppets has better lips than her.
>>606663She reads here, so probably referring to us. Plus she patrols her Insta and deletes all the negative comments as quickly as possible.
No. 606678
File: 1528625307336.jpeg (36.72 KB, 242x166, B30D5F71-B925-45B2-B03F-135E86…)

Girl you got a booty on your lip
No. 606690
File: 1528627485030.jpeg (369.35 KB, 1200x1800, 3E0D4158-37F4-4574-B38D-11AC56…)

Taylor when she gets older and trying to stay relavent
No. 606691
>>606681Yeah I can agree with that. I mean we all saw her twitter meltdown saying she's gonna talk about "all the things she's been hiding" and then suddenly deleting it all and all those things just became "he slipped up and took pain killers twice" - it's so obvious he's telling her what to say and do. I try not to be too hard on her because she's young and thinks she's in love, and honestly her mother has handled the whole situation so terribly she just pushed them closer together, but I hate how she portrays herself to young girls who think this is normal.
Sidenote, is anyone else shocked that crazy Jen is still private?
No. 606695
>>606613Her philitrum is three inches wide. She has an actual baboon’s anus on her face and chalks up the criticism to “lol y’all haters are just jealous xx”
No one is jealous, Taylor. You went for Kylie Jenner and ended up with Miranda Sings. Don’t deluded yourself.
No. 606776
>>606645Wonder if since the money is clearly not flowing in enough for them, she chose to go with a cheap doctor to do it instead of a reputable professional lmao
She’s in so much denial, it looks so fucking bad and she’s gonna be paying the price for a while. They look so bad it’s funny!
No. 606866
File: 1528655506631.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1232, 018E1993-3139-43AA-94ED-21CA57…)

Remember when Taylor was naturally beautiful? She’s going to ruin her face before she hits 35
No. 606874
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No. 606915
>>606886I kinda hope she ends up just buying more designer ball pythons,and doesn't branch of to more species, because at least she sorta knows how to care for them. I don't want her to get anything really big, high level, or god forbid a hot snake. Because first of all we know she sucks at caring for things like monitors, and satanics, which are for much better keepers. (Seriously im worried shes going to go for a sunbeam) Not to mention,her impressinable fans getting their eyes on something glamorous that they shouldn't be buying. Also lets hope she doesn't try to breed her ball pythons, there's already enough ball pythons, and the market is flooded. But her breeding would probably go poorely, but hey she only has one female right now, and shes a few years off from even being breeding size, especially when she seems to not be eating enough. (Though she does look better)
In all she needs to stop buying animals, she already has too much for her worth ethic.
No. 607030
File: 1528669183372.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, C6B837F3-2057-4DE4-85EB-D569ED…)

Remember when you killed your kitten because of your shit care? Remember when mushu got fungus because of your shit care? Don’t act all high and mighty when you’ve done THE SAME SHIT.
No. 607033
File: 1528669325419.gif (63.83 KB, 497x500, F1d361c86a_36010543_o2.gif)

>>606613good god she looks like a fucking furby
No. 607038
File: 1528669613098.png (16.54 KB, 729x104, TND.png)

Imagine this getting passed and then having her instagram taken down for neglect
No. 607057
File: 1528670523122.png (275.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-10-16-00-08…)

I really hope this gift is not an animal…
>>606952I found out about white lipped pythons because of that viral video, and she probably did too honestly, and was like, wow thats pretty I want it.
No. 607066
File: 1528671375127.png (744.79 KB, 750x1334, 31CCCC3F-BFF7-4EAF-BBF9-366860…)

Taylor liked tweet… honey you didn’t research your monitor before getting him so I guess you’re no better than this girl
No. 607117
File: 1528676063638.png (3.93 MB, 750x1334, 46BC780E-6826-4445-B252-C0BAE5…)

Is this a mite on violet?
No. 607136
File: 1528679149223.png (4.12 MB, 1242x2208, 940B475E-9744-4C15-9138-AF0077…)

Ok I know it’s been said before but her tattoo looks so fucking bad. It looks like lettuce! Why would she want this on her body?
No. 607137
File: 1528679298190.jpeg (350.23 KB, 1290x1430, F610EEC0-C69B-475D-804A-29BC5E…)

No. 607138
File: 1528679308286.jpeg (181.96 KB, 1302x1427, F59AB5B0-1D5F-4B0B-AB42-D4FB53…)

No. 607139
File: 1528679329884.jpeg (198.1 KB, 1303x1421, 1A403CB2-ECB3-4020-88FA-2E3B28…)

Is she serious? This is exactly what she did with her monitor.
No. 607152
>>607139Googling things for an hour doesn't count as education, Taylor.
You didn't even know the type of monitor you were getting and because you're stubborn as shit, decided to keep it despite not being fully capable of caring for it.
No. 607179
>>607176A broken clock's still right twice a day.
That said, she's in no position to call out people. Doing so aggressively also doesn't help, most people are very ignorant about fish care. Being snarky with them just means they'll ignore you and your advice. Sucks… but she should know this.
No. 607188
File: 1528684389575.jpg (400.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180610-203453.jpg)

Wanna bet she just didn't film it yet?
No. 607190
File: 1528684419585.jpeg (391.09 KB, 1227x1613, F6EEF49D-9AD4-468F-ACB6-881897…)

Okay Taylor
No. 607212
File: 1528688149705.jpg (153.1 KB, 948x1179, image.jpg)

>>607139I can't believe she going off on someone else's pet care when she's been mistreating her monitor since day one.
No. 607214
File: 1528688508027.png (152.7 KB, 1184x1074, jc.PNG)

speaking of impulse buys…
No. 607245
File: 1528691888127.png (228.55 KB, 580x342, 4482242566.png)

Why are her crocodile skinks on top of each other in every picture she posts of them?
No. 607252
>>607245for the ~aesthetic~
i can't believe she goes around saying animals aren't accessories, yet she takes pics of her animals like this 24/7
No. 607281
File: 1528695459558.jpeg (520.33 KB, 1538x2048, CF32DEF7-B32B-4F78-B8A7-2681A2…)

No. 607282
File: 1528695475950.jpeg (514.58 KB, 1538x2048, F32F0417-3F97-494A-A5C6-4528FB…)

No. 607285
File: 1528695611516.jpeg (330.42 KB, 1242x1643, B5AA8DC6-E5FF-4A6B-AEBA-3AF4DB…)

No. 607297
>>607282Gosh that hair piece is extremely obvious and plastic looking.
>>607285I can’t stand when people post captions like this when it’s obvious that they tried to look sexy. The self negging is just blatant begging for complements.
No. 607299
File: 1528698192583.jpeg (132.83 KB, 1295x1422, 172F97D7-9159-4ADC-A619-93A0FA…)

Is she seriously doing this again after the monitor situation? Letting someone else pick out an animal for her?
No. 607300
File: 1528698232566.jpeg (141.08 KB, 1300x1011, 4BFCB29F-571C-4B4A-9D81-D2D294…)

Or because they’re poorly done and lumpy
No. 607306
>>607285Omfg her lips are 100000% worse. It doesnt go with her face structure at all. She looks like a snapping turtle..
Stop messing with your face Taylor, unless you want to end up like those celebrities with botched cement faces
No. 607312
File: 1528699611686.jpeg (530.93 KB, 800x600, 38427478-D161-4E5C-97A4-42AD9F…)

Jonny talks about his exs so much that Taylor keeps messing with her face and getting tattoos in hopes she looks better than them so he can stop talking about them. He’s never going to stop being obsessed with them, Taylor. He will break up with you in a heartbeat if ever his exs wants him back with a bank account to show for it
No. 607357
File: 1528705205894.jpg (27.02 KB, 477x476, jordan-parke-2.jpg)

>>607285I'm guessing this is the look she's going for.
No. 607512
File: 1528721014585.jpg (332.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180611-144255_Twi…)

Lol look at what chelsea retweeted
No. 607521
>>607299First, does she not know what insect shes getting?
Second, I thought she was against animals being gifts
No. 607630
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No. 607632
File: 1528733346472.jpeg (174.06 KB, 640x560, 207C101F-D159-4397-AE55-C35912…)

>>607630Why the fuck is she proud of this?
No. 607676
File: 1528736698885.png (306.73 KB, 1080x1651, thumbnail.png)

>>607621samefag i knew i had this somewhere
No. 607690
File: 1528737642856.jpeg (448.13 KB, 750x964, 0BD60FE1-6FAD-4FF3-8F24-205F6A…)

>>607300>look fineWhat? They don’t even look like lips anymore. They’re so mishapen. She was so naturally pretty, I hope her face recovers from the shit she’s doing.
No. 607700
File: 1528737956646.jpg (23.29 KB, 634x350, 3547239500000578-3641462-image…)

>>607690This photo looks like it's been shopped too. They look even more bumpy in the other photos she took down.
The problem is, when you overfill your lips you're always going to have that duck bill effect going on. Pic related. Taylor has that…
No. 607794
File: 1528744344405.jpeg (146.32 KB, 470x294, ECDC7785-4605-4440-BF6F-D700C3…)

Does she still have these super rare fish? Haven’t heard about them since she made the video
No. 607811
File: 1528745983855.jpeg (361.37 KB, 1125x940, BBCD4F6F-BD0D-43D2-A032-235B8C…)

The love bombing is sooo annoying at this point.
No. 607825
>>607711I think it's just because she's putting pressure on her arm in that position and it's making her veins pop out a little. Same thing happens to me. I could be wrong though.
>>607811all I hear is
>you have sex with me, you haven't broken under my constant abuse (yet), and I don't want to lose you because you pay my bills. No. 607846
>>607844 If there was real dragons around, we’ll probably see her trying to tame one for the views because she’s “a disney princess, all animals love her!! And she can tame anyone!! So look! I have a dragon like khaleesi!!
takes a photo of her lips”
No. 607852
File: 1528749560827.jpeg (233.06 KB, 1295x1151, 04A7F059-4E81-42B1-9134-11E70A…)

No. 607873
>>607852She had a budwing mantis before right? I keep mantises, I love them, they're really interesting pets but I really hope she hasn't got one of the more ornamental species. Humidity can need monitoring several times a day when they shed/are about to; because incorrect sheds can kill them and they have a much harder time than 'non-fancy' (budwing/chinese etc) mantises due to their decoration.
It wouldn't surprise me though… she likes to jump in the deep end when it comes to animals… there are certain species of mantises, just like reptiles, that you should work up to owning.
No. 607880
File: 1528750709662.jpeg (438.46 KB, 1272x1642, 895331F0-290F-4235-99BF-06BA2E…)

No. 607884
>>607842Yes exactly! I saw his post and was just like yuckkk
This is definitely just the cycle of Jonny Craig - a rapist, drug abuser and alcoholic. After he leaves her for Florida and cheats on her and uses drugs/drinks behind her back and she throws a tantrum, he's of course gonna start with the gushing on social media. This is why they have to maintain this status of having a "perfect goals" relationship, because look how sweet he is!! She changed him for the better! /s
No. 607907
>>607895Yeah, she's also done some shady sponsorships with poor cages for bearded dragons, has kept her animals in bare minimum cages, doesn't show a lot of the cages (making people think they're worse than bare minimum, especially when she said the bad beardie cage was an upgrade and they were kept in the dark before???), has animals that shouldn't be pets (alligator snapping turtle, which is kept in their basement), Danny also BYB snakes while she BYB her doves. etc.
There's actually a lot, the general pet youtubers thread has more info although you'll have to read back a bit to get it all.
>>605517 No. 607909
File: 1528751814989.jpeg (234.92 KB, 1294x900, C084B733-AE85-48E8-97F0-31F634…)

Does she really not realize how hypocritical this is?
No. 607918
>>607895There's a pet youtubers thread that dives deeper, but yeah she's pretty Eh with animal care. The betta thing was bad, she houses doves right next to ferrets (predator/prey), she's been doing a weird food fetish thing lately using her animals as accessories, her boyfriend guy seems to be a shit animal caretaker and she's ok with that, there was some viral picture where they LOST a pet lizard or something months ago and posted a pic of finding it with a fucking family and eggs under their dresser (>>>/snow/514710).
As far as relevance to TND, she's both thrown shade at TND and defended her, her boyfriend made a video mocking TND yet Em has admitted to stalking TND's lolcow to wk, etc etc. She just comes off as very two-faced and only in the pettube community so she can get discovered as ~an actress~
No. 607964
File: 1528754883929.jpeg (197.83 KB, 750x1092, 1FACB7A8-E95B-4112-86B1-4424E2…)

He is SO fucking creepy!!
No. 607987
File: 1528756765283.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, E0167C03-174D-4DD1-9A00-4B802D…)

Stop being Such a fucking hypocrite
No. 608004
File: 1528757417568.png (413.72 KB, 750x1334, B17846F3-D1AB-46B2-BDD8-187578…)

Ironic considering he can’t go a single day without being single, he keeps girls on the back burner
No. 608010
File: 1528757547825.jpeg (344.79 KB, 2012x1610, 2090A79E-7F90-4491-8E57-2D9795…)

She really messed up her face.
No. 608014
>>607995Origin is actually
> as a clock that stands still is sure to point right once in twelve hoursBut you get the meaning, don't be pedantic.
No. 608092
File: 1528762300373.jpeg (279.55 KB, 640x760, 564CC2A0-8C64-4D2C-82DC-4C56B0…)

Don’t you just love that 271 people saw this and thought “yep, that’s a great excuse”
No. 608136
>>608118I try to think about how much I used to love her.. When I found her she had a lot of animals and lived at home but it was before she started getting snakes. I didn't even think about her pet care.. I just assumed it was fine. I assumed no one would get that many animals if they couldn't handle them. Plus the way she talked and presented herself I assumed she knew her shit. I thought she was funny and pretty, and I liked that there was a pet channel that was fun and that she seemed like a normal 19/20 year old. And then practically overnight she started bragging about frivolous purchases on snapchat and getting more and more animals, and my opinion on her changed sooo fast. And that was before Jonny lol. She's gotten so much worse since then.
I'm js… If she were straight up fat/ugly she wouldn't be this popular. She could do everything exactly the same as she is now. She's only getting praise for this bc of how she looks.
No. 608242
>>608136Exactly that, I had a similar experience when I used to watch her videos. I didn't agree with all her fish care but at the time her freshwater care was average, and that's most of what I know about. Otherwise she seemed like a normal, entertaining person who had cool animals and really cared about them.
Then it became clearer she either didn't care about her animals anymore or never did, she started increasing the drama with JC on her own by responding badly instead to what people were saying, and she became a train wreck that now we're all just waiting for to crash.
No. 608293
File: 1528775381926.jpeg (125.49 KB, 1242x602, B22A5B57-12BA-45AA-A348-DD66C4…)

What does this even mean lol
No. 608299
File: 1528776147209.png (233.2 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-06-11-21-58-58…)

No. 608337
>>608332God, she starts every intro like she's confused but says the same shit every time.
Everything she knows about corals? must be a real short video…
No. 608345
File: 1528780737338.jpeg (274.11 KB, 1935x1290, B6D72282-A805-4190-8821-76F4FF…)

I don’t know why she keeps insisting she got lip injections to look exactly how her lips did when she overlined them. They look completely different and completely horrible.
No. 608350
File: 1528781771339.png (276.05 KB, 914x650, Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 1.36…)

Honestly creepy
No. 608356
File: 1528783156907.jpeg (178.35 KB, 1289x920, 5DFC77C5-2A84-4C4D-BAA9-4B17D8…)

Wasn’t he just insulting other women’s appearances earlier today though?
No. 608383
File: 1528788360112.png (73.68 KB, 828x749, IMG_9899.PNG)

I understand that eyebrows are meant to be sisters, not twins… but, hell, they're practically third cousins in her last video
No. 608384
>>608383i'm dying lmfao i'm usually not one to make fun of appearances but holy fuck she looks like something else here.
she's bitching because everyone's "making fun of her lips wah" honey, what? people have been making fun of her lips since the first time she got them done. they don't look good. that's all. if she's so secure in her decision then why is she letting everybody else's opinions get to her? i understand she has a lot of people commenting on her stuff all the time, but you can't expect people not to point out things that are blatantly obvious when you put yourself out there–like the fact that your lip fillers were botched
No. 608423
File: 1528795087771.jpeg (154.28 KB, 1242x832, 48BE6E77-F734-4FB5-BF1B-941BA0…)

Don’t think this has been posted yet
No. 608452
File: 1528798247991.jpeg (716.21 KB, 1125x2312, 6B4925B2-A66D-49DD-8D33-3D7623…)

1) A mistake is no longer a mistake when it’s repeatedly made.
2) People are “bitter” because we’re on the subject of living and breathing creatures that are being neglected.
3) It’s not hard to “find” these things (refer to point #1).
4) Taylor doesn’t make mistakes- according to her ridiculous video where she tries to justify keeping a monitor she absolutely knew nothing about while simultaneously forgetting that she said she was buying it for her bff who just had a baby. Oh and how can I forget that while receiving backlash, she had to deflect any blame in the situation by pretending to care that it was WC.
Basically what I’m trying to say is, TAYLOR STFU. Where do you come off berating people on the internet over their animal care. How is your “education” on animals any different from theirs. Did you get a degree or go to vet school- I’ll wait.
I’m so fucking sick of this girl. She thinks she’s better than everyone meanwhile, her hair is fucking oily, her hair extension (singular) doesn’t match her grown out yellow roots, and her lips are horrendous. She should feel ashamed that a “licensed professional” did that to her lips. She can now take several seats in a corner.
I’m not one for ragging on someone’s appearance, but DO NOT act like your pedestal isn’t dusty and cracked.
Sorry for the blogpost…
No. 608455
File: 1528798331023.png (1.2 MB, 1334x750, 11A29766-29A2-4AB6-ADCF-F57425…)

Omfg I paused at the wrong part hahahaaa she looks like a cheap sex doll
No. 608474
>>608329I liked this video. Sure, she probably pulled most of the info from google, but she presented it in a way that's entertaining for her viewers who probably wouldn't know or care about the subject otherwise.
I almost feel bad for her tbh. The comments are clearly getting to her. Now, if only she would take people that point out the errors in her animal care as seriously, that would be great.
No. 608507
File: 1528804599992.png (2.14 MB, 1440x2409, Screenshot_2018-06-12-07-47-11…)

She used to be so pretty, what the HECK
No. 608571
File: 1528814139583.jpeg (214.59 KB, 750x454, C99C2996-B980-494F-9A91-64C34B…)

Classy? Alright em. This is why she comes across so insincere. One minute she’s lowkey throwing shade at Taylor then she’s sucking up to her.
No. 608623
>she is no tuna.fried hair
penchant for opiates
weird lumpy top lip
lounge room costume changes
hoarding of accessories
rampant victim mentality
loser junkie boyfriend
compliment fishing
muh joint pain
never leaves the house
i'm seeing some parallels
No. 608684
File: 1528824072197.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.57 KB, 900x675, gg.jpg)

>>608455the goatse runs strong in this young thot
No. 609070
File: 1528849989278.png (265.03 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6610.PNG)

you've got to be fucking kidding me lmao
No. 609078
>>609070why did she put a question mark? She insinuating he hit and quit it hahahaha or they actually just friends
Most likely she past him once and said ‘hey’
No. 609145
>>609070Talking from time to time through Twitter doesn't mean you are friends kek
Her mother didn't even let her go to the corner alone without freaking out during that time,imagine letting her go to a Post Malone event or so.
No. 609155
Mama Dean posted an interesting video about a day living with Tanner. video is imo more interesting than one of Taylor's. Life with Tanner seems to dominate her entire being.
No. 609201
>>609155Can we not involve Tanner in any of this and give Mama Dean those vlogs of trying to profit off her son any attention?
But kek at her saying “I spent a lot of time editing this” nice to know her and tay have another thing in common (but I guess mama dean has a valid excuse)
No. 609251
File: 1528866158285.jpeg (420.48 KB, 1267x1649, 1DD28DC9-B7E6-4452-BFF6-892EC4…)

I predict she’ll be smiling a lot more in photos to at least make her lips look a little smaller. She’s never gotten so offended over people commenting on her looks before so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like how they turned out this time either.
No. 609318
File: 1528874481749.jpg (30.56 KB, 480x539, 6c0e45820b06b3fd161fa6df6b8467…)

>>609312Yeah, there's a weird rectangular shape they've got going on.
When will she learn that she looked fine before, she doesn't need to edit her pictures… she doesn't need to shove her face full of filler… she's making herself as ugly outside as she is inside.
No. 609344
>>609251Her teeth were fine as well now they look too small compared to the rest of her mouth. She basically destroyed her mouth and the lisp is what confirms it.
Her hair is greasy af and adding a cheap extension that looks like she got from the kids aisle doesnt help her at all
It's crazy how we made this thread to talk about her lack of animal knowledge and care but damn, her personality overall is the worse and i'm not even mad that we all end up talking about her looks and attitude because it's obvious that she's dying for pity and attention. It's horrible that she uses animals to get it
No. 609553
File: 1528908081610.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1125x1918, EF0FE60D-C7C0-4A93-B9C9-78E187…)

You guys, she taught herself how to take care of one before she ever had one… L O L
No. 609560
>>609553Ugh… at least it's not something like Idolomantis diabolica.
However orchid mantis are super sensitive to humidity and need a warm temp. Really hope she doesn't end up killing it.
No. 609568
>>609539Didn't the same Anon mention something about a video of a orchid mantis being trendy? Kek
Sorry Taylor your mantis didn't arrived enough fast, it stopped being trendy, you aren't the cool girl. But the next trend of the month is a chameleon.
No. 609577
>>607281Can someone who knows about shooting up comment on her veins in this picture? The skin around them looks bruised and the veins themselves look fucked up.
Even if she’s not shooting up she needs to be more careful about this shit. I feel like the last couple of days worth of her posting hypocritical bitch tweets were because of drug use too. She seems like the type who loves meth + heroin tbh.
No. 609578
File: 1528910412178.png (616.86 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-06-13-11-16-46…)

What's the problem with this bitch and real plants? I am ok when the animal doesn't depent completely on the plant but insects do. A responsable person would have the tank planted and conditionet already, not half assed like this.
No. 609585
>>609578To be fair, that mantis is going to be living in a cup for a long while. You shouldn't put nymphs in too large of an enclosure or they won't be able to find their food. You size up the enclosure with the mantis.
I'm not sure why she put the cup in the tank though… she could spend this time getting the terrarium nice / planting it etc.
I also realise now she's put that stupid fake flower in the cup (I thought it was just for a photo), she needs to have things for the mantis to hang off of, not just the lid, sticks etc. work. It needs to have room to shed as that's the most dangerous time for them. Falling or landing on something can cripple or kill them. They need a surprising amount of vertical space when they shed because they stretch out entirely when exiting their skin (so think, the dead skin on top hanging on, and then their bodies stretched out too and larger…).
No. 609589
File: 1528911182948.png (562.96 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-06-13-11-00-41…)

No. 609594
File: 1528911479001.jpeg (356.13 KB, 640x885, A69DEBDB-3847-4248-9168-1D20FE…)

Are these Jonny’s nasty ass nails? Yikes
No. 609607
File: 1528912081298.jpeg (302.76 KB, 640x857, 90C95EF8-1942-4DFF-A9D5-808104…)

Does anyone know when her first mantis died? She claims he lived for 7 months, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was lying. Also, is she right about male budwing mantids living 6-8 months?
No. 609614
File: 1528912179392.png (497.11 KB, 640x1136, 6C8A45A6-863C-41AA-B1FA-2EE129…)

When she first posted about her first mantis
No. 609621
File: 1528912507375.png (459.77 KB, 914x596, mantis 1.png)

>>609611Ok just checked… so she got him ~18th September.
No. 609622
File: 1528912538289.png (437.97 KB, 913x597, mantis flight wings.png)

>>609621He reached adulthood on the 20th of November.
No. 609623
File: 1528912587493.png (478.17 KB, 913x591, mantis big and old.png)

And she called him old on the 24th of December, after which there are no more pictures. So he likely died a short time after.
No. 609630
File: 1528912975379.png (41.74 KB, 606x321, mantis 3.png)

>>609626Nvm I looked at her twitter myself. In feb she was saying 'when she had' as in past tense. So he was already dead by that time, likely much earlier around December time.
Conclusion… she's lying again… just like with Gus.
No. 609635
>>609629If she didn't impulse buy she would be able to grow a planted tank, it's really common to have several deaths before the plants settledown
But since she just like to throw her pets to tanks with whatever fake plants she found that will never happen.
I don't think her satanic geckos are thriving with just plastic plants tbh.
No. 609642
File: 1528913807500.jpg (57.7 KB, 618x480, 1.jpg)

>>609630Does she even try and keep track of how old her pets are/how old she's going to lie about them being?
No. 609643
>>609642She just lies and lies… I like how it's getting longer now.
My female ghost lived for over 10 months with me and that was excellent. A male would not live that long (he was at least L2/3 when she got him like most mantis are when they're sold)… she didn't have that mantis for 4 months as shown above, let alone 9.
No. 609646
File: 1528914132120.jpeg (775.68 KB, 1265x1462, 84A6C9B2-7B2D-4CE6-8A36-758FF4…)

No. 609662
File: 1528915532096.jpeg (275.91 KB, 640x693, 8DECF7F8-AFB4-4736-8869-CB37BF…)

>>609251What the hell is going on with her mouth here
No. 609675
File: 1528916380970.jpeg (840.1 KB, 1457x1983, D55ECE3B-26EF-4EF4-B451-86F842…)

This one’s worse
No. 609690
File: 1528916803710.jpeg (765.79 KB, 750x1181, D3E70CA9-8A80-4663-A957-58753E…)

>>609682When I saw these photos on here I thought the multiple similar photos were once you can swipe along. I did not realise they were separate posts. Fuck she’s obsessed with her ugly ass botched face and ratchet hair.
No. 609692
>>609681More lying. I mean hell, mantises lifespan is greatly affected by the temperature they're kept in. I keep mine hot because I think it's cruel to keep them cold. Cooler temps = longer lifespans. Hot = shorter.
She could have (if she actually knew anything about mantises) said she'd kept him hot and as a male he'd therefore only lived a short time as an adult.
But we all know this isn't the case, he likely died from neglect like her leaf insect.
No. 609722
File: 1528918459423.jpeg (242.38 KB, 1326x1981, 0226E74B-6970-4AC2-8899-144E01…)

No. 609723
File: 1528918515340.jpeg (323.22 KB, 1392x1615, CB359D1C-9E0E-43F7-8AF5-3DAC23…)

She knows exactly what posting a photo of someone who was rude to her would do.
No. 609729
File: 1528918974542.jpeg (36.84 KB, 640x139, 119016B5-F641-4BD3-8C49-E13677…)

No. 609736
File: 1528919280133.jpeg (213.2 KB, 1287x674, CBC13524-EFF7-4C74-90F1-77D1F0…)

No. 609792
File: 1528923591273.png (307.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6621.PNG)

god her stans are so fucking idiotic and hypocritical. it hurts my head honestly
here's a great one from maria, another "pet youtuber" except she has like no followers and she's obsessed with taylor (there's some milk on her in the gen pettubers thread)
No. 609795
File: 1528923664940.png (299.65 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6622.PNG)

attacking this girl for saying something to taylor, then calling that girl names/being even worse to her. it's a FACT that taylor's shit looks wrecked lmao they're delusional
No. 609797
File: 1528923709396.png (287.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6623.PNG)

and one more. also, taylor didn't take the comment down like she said she would. just left it up and let her flying monkeys attack this poor woman
No. 609833
File: 1528925468305.jpeg (246.89 KB, 1295x1265, 4EAF299B-7AC8-422E-A479-D2DE60…)

No. 609854
>>609833Not speaking for everyone here by any means, but from observing I've noticed people tend to be more likely to "fix" things about themselves when they're not in a good mental state, which is why they do more and more in the hopes that will be the thing that will make them feel better, but it isn't. Last week Taylor was on a twitter rant about all the things she's been keeping to herself about JC, which turned into her saying they take weekly piss tests, she really doesn't strike me as someone who is happy and in a good mental state. People who are in a good mental state don't compulsively buy animals, "fix" their already straight, white teeth, "fix" their already plump, nicely-shaped lips, and bleaching the shit out of their hair until it falls out.
It's like she can't cope without her new animal fix so has turned to fucking up her appearance instead.
No. 609881
File: 1528927678482.jpeg (238.38 KB, 750x553, C5C649E4-7C47-49A4-BC5E-A5E935…)

>>609877Bahaha she’s not much better look at that pout though, at least it’s natural I guess.
No. 609930
File: 1528930461588.png (555.89 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Here's the full pic that anons were talking about earlier
No. 609946
File: 1528931103444.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6627.PNG)

>>609892it's mostly just him showing his friends or whatever. and calling it dancing is generous. he's sticking his tongue out and trying to make a "sexy" face but it's just gross. he's singing something like "got that thing on my waist" in this shot lmfao he really looks so old and ugly in this
No. 609947
File: 1528931133867.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6632.PNG)

this nasty face
No. 609964
File: 1528932449082.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1125x1998, 0EFC32DB-DB04-46F7-AB7E-245C6B…)

He was just live on IG (sorry for the bad pic), but his face looks TERRIBLE. His face is so swollen, which is a sign of alcoholism… which we all know he is, but I really doubt he’s sobered up at this point. It’s been already what, 2 weeks since he came back and was sober?
No. 609977
>>609893some discussion on maria starts here
>>>/snow/582210and more here
>>>/snow/595528and one more on the first
>>>/snow/556917anyway, mama dean is back with part two of her video. i'm only a few minutes in but she's already talking about how tanner's instructor is incapable of communicating well with him. which, why don't /you/ tell her how she should communicate with him so he isn't so stressed out? she uses this to segue into how that's similar to social media nowadays, and how everyone gets so offended so easily. sounds like a few deans we know, huh? No. 609982
>>609964in the video he says he's doing a "full sober" right now, so no weed or alcohol or anything. lmao right.
>>609981he also emphasizes that they finally have good women around them. what an absolute douche, blaming his failure of a life on the women HE ruined. i hate seeing all the comments talking about how much people love him it's so gross.
No. 609984
>>609981That would be Liz.
Which is kinda funny because she's the most uninvolved out of his 3 exes. He used to give her a lot of shit for being a stripper when they were together and actually tried to get back together with her before dating Taylor.
No. 610012
>>609646She looks like a completely different person nowadays. She was actually pretty before and now she's just super basic?
Damn those injection sites are still bruised to shit too.
No. 610052
>>609981convert the vid to webm first: then you can upload it like an image here.
No. 610053
File: 1528939150366.jpeg (366.61 KB, 1305x1428, E754B1F1-7655-430B-9854-A93494…)

No. 610054
File: 1528939160186.jpeg (400.48 KB, 1373x1431, C6A12744-2A80-4924-BAB7-1E6142…)

No. 610060
>>610055Her face is square and chubby, so the lips kinda make her look unbalanced.
Going through her ig she's always tilting her face or taking a selfie from an angle. She's not getting used to her new lips at all.
No. 610070
File: 1528940380661.jpg (121.93 KB, 578x510, Screenshot_20180613-213950.jpg)

Ur fly is down tay
No. 610079
File: 1528940916759.jpeg (305.36 KB, 1290x862, 1AA05DF0-CE63-4BCE-A5A8-16BE60…)

>>610070This was her tweet.
No. 610087
>>609881Do you really think that's natural? It screams lip fillers. lol
>>609987please don't insult K-Fed
No. 610105
File: 1528942318447.jpeg (201.34 KB, 750x306, 13AF7EAC-9A5A-4233-9651-790882…)

$6000 on a piece of metal and it’s already all scratched up
No. 610111
File: 1528942611778.png (302.84 KB, 500x390, learn already dammit.png)

>>610105again with the holding animals right when she gets them
No. 610188
File: 1528950166208.jpeg (131.71 KB, 1242x730, DC075240-4CC3-499F-8F13-7AC89F…)

No. 610189
File: 1528950180600.jpeg (392.62 KB, 1242x1668, B1D98B5D-E276-4510-9805-E50838…)

No. 610201
File: 1528951531118.jpeg (473.57 KB, 1270x1909, E3DB848E-E0DD-41D1-B569-3EE8E0…)

No. 610205
File: 1528952130795.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, 3196A215-BB72-44C7-90EB-043FF2…)

I’m so sick of her and her stand calling her animals dogs. It’s not funny at all. The joke has run its course. Move the fuck on you immature brats. Also her saying that this is an animal she’s wanted for a really long time is ridiculous. EVERY time she impulse buys or doesn’t prepare, it’s ok!!!!!! Because she has wanted it for a long time!!!!!! Don’t worry guys I’m an animal educator!!!!!! She drives me insane.
No. 610232
File: 1528954296406.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180614-012849_Ins…)

God dammit. i really need Kyle to stop fucking with Jonny.
From the snaps, it's some kind of arcade bar.
No. 610240
File: 1528954931243.jpg (601.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180613-234345.jpg)

Adult acne or scabs on his forehead?
No. 610312
>>610275i think you’re on to something, anon. she always has her head turned or angled to the side and in this pic
>>610201 she’s pulling a Vicky Shingles and hiding her chin with her hand. i think she might’ve gotten the fillers to try and make her other features look smaller but instead it’s had the opposite effect and she looks bloated and weird.
No. 610479
>>609553>>609560orchids are worse to keep than Idolomantises imo. Idolos don't need humidity, they come from Tanzania and 3/4 of their life is the dry season anyway, hence the yellow colouring, green as adults. But they do need insane heat, Idolos should be at least 32c. Orchids come from the Malaysian highlands so they need not only high heat and humidity but constant air circulation, the highlands are really windy. I've heard good things about using fans in their enclosures. They also only eat blowflies. If you feed orchids terrestrial feeders, they pretty much always die of gut blockages.
>>609578This setup is abysmal but because it's too crowded and the wrong dimensions. Mantises don't benefit from any kind of plant, especially fake. Glass tanks are generally a poor choice, especially for this species. Exo terras doubly so because the mesh on the top mangles their feet. They should be in net cubes or plastic tubs with two of the sides removed and replaced with plastic mesh. This poor little guy is gonna mould whilst he's alive in that setup. Ideal mantis tank is three times the height, two times the width, paper towel at the bottom and a diagonal twig. Anything else is just shit they use to hurt themselves or mis-shed.
That orchid is also too young to be sold, and I'm 99% sure it's male from the pic, so she wont get the big pretty display animal if she manages to raise it to adulthood. Which she wont. Mantises are a stupid pet for Taylor because 80% of them die for no reason. That's just being an R-selected species. If you want adult mantises you need to keep at least triple the amount you intend to have.
No. 610487
File: 1528987667676.jpg (10.87 KB, 260x250, 1528954296406.jpg)

>>610232#relationshipgoals #uwu
No. 610506
>>610201Jfc they’re nastyyy, he looks honestly like a corpse! He looks sick as hell. And absolutely disgusting
>>610372I think a few anons speculated this on previous threads, honestly who would want to date Taylor after she’s been with this disgusting rapist of Jonny? Probably loaded with STDs and drugs in her system by now. She is the “sloppy seconds” nobody wants. I couldn’t see an actual big celeb dating her after all this nasty shit she’s done since October. I could only see someone much smaller than her dating her for the boost in followers.
No. 610516
>>610479Idolos have a hell of a time shedding, which is where 90% of mantises (in captivity) die and they do require high humidity also when shedding (70-85%), along with a great deal of airflow. I feel like despite the humidity requirements, the Orchid has a better chance of survival simply because of that fact. Not in the US, but fly cultures are easy to get here, so I assumed it was the same there?
As far as the orchid being too young to be sold. I don't think so, many places will even sell L1. But with anything under L3, the mortality rate rises. If I ever get anything under L3, I'll always get at least two because as you said, a good deal of nymphs will die for seemingly little to no reason even if their set up is perfect.
Good point about the Exo Terra too.. didn't realise it had metal mesh on top. That's rule 1, no metal mesh because it will mangle their feet. To add about the glass, aside from ventilation and heat issues, many mantis will bump their head into it repeatedly because they don't see it. This can cause blind spots on their eyes, or even complete blindness. You'll be able to see this very obviously as dark patches on their eyes.
No. 610524
>>610201I’ve heard the saying before that no matter how ugly of a man you are, you can still get a girlfriend, which seems sexist.. but honestly their relationship is the definition of that. You can be a rapist, druggy, alcoholic, physical + mental abuser, and on top of all that have your ugliness show on the outside and literally look like a walking corpse… and yet someone will still date him.
No. 610566
File: 1528995906725.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1773, 6EE30036-C7D2-4CC4-AF93-33C589…)

I was going through Taylor’s “likes” on twitter and stumbled across a liked tweet that led me to this.
It’s not super milky. It’s not like he was telling her she’s “hot” or whatever, but I imagine someone as insecure as Taylor would have a hard time dealing with him commenting on a somewhat provocative pic of another woman nonetheless.
No. 610691
>>609568God forbid she gets a chameleon. Those little dudes require so much experience and she can barely care for half of her reptiles as it is.
>>609629Considering the fact that her snakes seem to have empty water dishes half of the time, yep. I speculated a while ago that she had people come in every few days while she was gone as essentially most of the animals don't eat every day and if they do all you have to do is fill the bowl.
>>609792The irony in telling someone to not criticise… and then telling them they look wrecked.
>>610593I don't think she's being abused to the level we think she is but there is no doubt that she will milk the situation if they break up for whatever reason. She already milks the situation when he disappears for a few hours and she can't get attention lmao.
No. 610702
>>610691I own a chameleon and i can assure everyone on this thread that she would kill it. From what we've seen she doesnt supplement her reptiles ever nor does she give them the correct UVB and chameleons not only need multiple vitamins and both calcium with and without D3 but they also need 10.0 linear UVB lights that need changed every 6 months. And if she got a female it would become eggbound because we know for a fact she won't provide a lay box at all. They also require screen cages but i doubt she would get it one.
Plus chameleons, depending on the species, tend to be fairly territorial and defensive, she would get butthurt that it "didnt like her" because it wouldn't let her rip it out of the enclosure every damn day for pictures.
If she gets a chameleon im going to lose my shit.
No. 610712
>>610711This one didn't research any of her other pets so you're not going to be pleased.
No joke, even Taylor is able to read a care sheet (even if it's for the wrong species)
No. 610718
>>610712Oh man that chick is a trainwreck
>>610713Annd yeah they are amazinf animals but she wont respect it if she gets one and it will end up neglected or "rehomed" or dead within a month. She cant wvwn be bothered to feed her reptiles anything accept crickets. And if she gets one she would probably not even research what plants are safe for chams or even just stuff the tank with tacky dangerous fake plants.
No. 610730
>>610205would like to add; its rich that she sat and made jokes about teacup chihuahuas
wasn't that what she bought then abandoned a few months later? Was mentioned in a previous thread when her facebook was being pulled up
No. 610737
>>610730It was like a day later
Not even exaggerating
No. 610756
File: 1529007304554.jpeg (116.02 KB, 1299x938, A0E1ECC4-87A9-402C-A9A1-362069…)

No. 610866
File: 1529014903514.jpeg (181.93 KB, 1293x936, 28F2BC8D-F750-47C4-AD78-485CBB…)

No. 610867
File: 1529014939357.jpeg (305.74 KB, 1292x876, A97F8698-4967-4527-9A02-15AD81…)

No. 610868
File: 1529014954267.jpeg (386.73 KB, 1351x1428, 76E5379F-26CB-438A-A807-9E5A21…)

No. 610871
File: 1529015249799.jpeg (136.05 KB, 1295x693, 20B7DD1F-D402-4124-9A26-D83809…)

No. 610895
File: 1529016819264.png (337.5 KB, 922x934, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 6.54…)

She's already starting to delete the tweets
No. 610896
File: 1529016860537.jpg (24.83 KB, 582x147, Capture.JPG)

Couldn't screenshot the rest of them before she deleted them
No. 610897
File: 1529016891646.png (329.23 KB, 914x918, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 6.55…)

No. 610902
File: 1529017085965.png (557.91 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-18-58-19…)

No. 610903
File: 1529017241017.png (562.72 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-18-56-45…)

No. 610907
File: 1529017295331.png (560.21 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-18-56-51…)

No. 610908
File: 1529017300448.png (25.02 KB, 578x270, tnd111.png)

No. 610912
File: 1529017414629.jpeg (235.91 KB, 1356x793, 371A41EF-2E67-4CEC-AD10-E78D07…)

>>610895The top tweets were replies to these.
No. 610913
File: 1529017429927.png (18.12 KB, 576x156, 222.png)

No. 610919
File: 1529017548895.png (16.78 KB, 581x154, 3333.png)

No. 610922
File: 1529017651798.jpeg (106.78 KB, 1386x504, F71308A2-A6BE-4FD4-87AD-8806B8…)

No. 610924
File: 1529017684176.png (289.78 KB, 904x736, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 7.08…)

No. 610928
File: 1529017903053.jpeg (263.33 KB, 1339x1091, 7DE8AAE5-F926-40F6-BF0B-2AC3E1…)

No. 610938
File: 1529018368327.jpg (289.72 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20180614-181926_Twi…)

Taylor's ex wants to weigh in.. this shit is good
No. 610943
File: 1529018535347.png (16.23 KB, 580x129, 5555.png)

No. 610947
File: 1529018615575.png (375.96 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-19-24-00…)

No. 610948
>>610943What does she think Chelsea's going to gain out of this?
Like… no… really.
What does she think she gains from editing the conversation. What's her motivation behind that?
Taylors motivations for lying about sending those messages are obvious.
Out of the two of them, Taylor is the only one with the motivations to lie.
No. 610949
File: 1529018634369.jpeg (230.3 KB, 1351x1111, 4ADEF6B5-26FC-47BD-B475-2455C0…)

Does anyone know if it’s possible to edit a conversation where you can actually scroll through it like that? I know you can do it with screenshots but not like the real iMessages, as far as I know. Taylor’s still claiming they’re edited.
No. 610956
File: 1529018758501.png (17.66 KB, 577x152, 666.png)

No. 610961
>>610924All im getting from Taylor's reply is she has nothing to back any of her claims. Lmao she struggling to make sense of her excuses.
GIRL. YOUR. MAN. IS. A RAPIST. AND. A WOMAN/DRUG ABUSER. He deserves no excuses and Deserves no pity from anyone. He's the scum in the bottom of a barrel that you chose to be with. You're so blinded from the attention and fake love he sprouts out for you but we know he's messing you up mentally and you're too deep in it that you have no idea
What's that old saying about slowing cooking a frog rather than throwing it in hot water?
No. 610967
File: 1529019119963.png (675.47 KB, 932x752, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 7.32…)

No. 610969
File: 1529019131077.png (3.4 MB, 1242x2208, 51574D08-ED34-459B-BBCD-8D8986…)

Chelsea’s roommate is spilling all the tea
No. 610975
>>610967Is taylor still trying to say that a video of all her texts are still fake? Lmaooo she's basically begging them to give out her number for the public
Grabbing all the empty cups for all this miiiillkkkkk
No. 610979
File: 1529019407297.jpg (419.57 KB, 978x1219, Screenshot_20180614-193357.jpg)

This is in the vid but I don't remember it being posted before, so I'm posting it just so it's here if the video is deleted.
No. 610990
File: 1529019912016.png (893.13 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-19-45-29…)

No. 610992
File: 1529020080107.jpg (29.92 KB, 600x380, tmp_14378-overdoseofmilk-healt…)

Fuck, I've been waiting for this shit to blow up. She can't just sweep it under the rug anymore.
No. 611002
File: 1529020297143.jpeg (142.48 KB, 1296x591, A1E0FEFC-4354-444A-B49E-E156B1…)

She’s tweeting about plants now and pretending nothing happened.
No. 611003
File: 1529020328906.png (453.11 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-19-52-39…)

That subject change tho
No. 611005
File: 1529020349526.webm (8.16 MB, 960x1280, 22C671AE-E9A0-4BA1-B296-71A953…)
Ok here’s the webm of the video of the texts (hopefully this works haha)
No. 611027
File: 1529021444170.png (902.08 KB, 1152x2048, lol.png)

This is funny AF
No. 611081
File: 1529025303636.jpeg (99.79 KB, 943x562, FBD4B8CB-41E5-4EAF-AEC9-C45D19…)

No. 611103
File: 1529026816304.png (567.72 KB, 898x940, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 9.40…)

No. 611119
>>611109I don't think her brother is going to get involved with her, considering her mom is also batshit. I'm willing to bet Taylor contacted them or something.
Jonny is probably imploding right now.
No. 611127
File: 1529027473959.jpeg (175.55 KB, 1287x790, 98F7DEA1-0D6D-4AC4-B304-09850B…)

No. 611160
File: 1529029202628.jpg (586.9 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180615_101848.jpg)

>>607690I tried to fix her lips with facetune. It's crazy how much they bulge at the front. It looks like a bad shellfish allergic reaction.
No. 611167
>>611160god she looks like she got the supercuts equivalant of a lip job. It's like it was the first day on the job for whoever disfigured her lips like that.
You made them look 100 times better anon
No. 611185
File: 1529030553633.png (334.86 KB, 1440x2160, Screenshot_2018-06-14-22-42-26…)

No. 611193
File: 1529031286446.jpeg (468.79 KB, 1299x1986, 6971DDB4-5502-4F2E-B7DD-436CBB…)

No. 611205
>>610941You know what I bet he’s doing? Chelsea’s reading him for filth and she’s RIGHT because there’s no way that nodding walking corpse isn’t high out of his mind, so he’s telling Taylor “this is making me relapse, it’s Chelsea’s fault I’m relapsing.” Chelsea has been doing this since they got together and now suddenly Taylor has to “speak on it,” and wants to say how Jonny’s addiction is a DISEASE? Keep drinking the koolaid, girl. It’s not a relapse if he never stopped using.
God her life really does suck. He’s got her convinced nothing he does is his fault but she’s the one who has to live with the ramifications. Too bad for her this is the life she hand-picked!
No. 611216
>>611185So 100% Taylor is on some drug(s). There's nothing in me that thinks otherwise anymore. And Jonny is still using.
I know Chelsea is just trying to help. She did it kindly first and talked with her and Taylor shit all over her. If this is what it takes to get Jonny away from a woman then so be it, I guess. Nothing will come from silence, Jonny will just do whatever he wants with no consequence. Taylor is too far in denial.
No. 611227
>>611222hard to say really, but usually you shouldn't have a accumulation or pocket of filler near any of the injection sites because, when applied by a properly trained and certified professional, after application they massage and help move the filler smoothly to the desired areas.
I've never seen that happen from a lip filling, personally.
No. 611230
>>611225Is it normal for the injection site to swell for a while after the fact? Her lips look painful.
Jonny being so gross is what made me think it was herpes to begin with, you know he’s spread some diseases around.
No. 611234
File: 1529034743537.jpeg (135.84 KB, 1085x1469, 257C664F-0733-4179-8AAF-AF7FD1…)

I don’t know anything about lip injections but this lump doesn’t seem normal.
No. 611236
File: 1529034781282.jpg (354.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180614-215425.jpg)

This is like the fiftieth time she's said this lately and it's getting really old
No. 611237
>>611225I have to agree. Unless you've done drugs yourself, you really don't understand the effects. People who don't do them don't generally care what they do because they don't have any interest lol. I don't think most people who haven't done coke fully understand what coke does. Her level of understanding just shows her familiarity with it. I suppose she could argue she's been around people who do it, but I really doubt it.
I am vaguely remembering something that happened on the last tour involving Taylor like.. Passing out one night?? Did I imagine that? I have been half afraid to bring it up here because I feel like I did lol. Didn't she leave the tour early due to some drama? Someone help me out here.
No. 611246
File: 1529035199050.png (1.76 MB, 1256x918, Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at 12.0…)

No. 611261
>>611255I get cold sores every so often.
It's hard to tell from the picture because she covered it with lipstick, but I'm inclined to believe it's most likely from the injections. Apparently lumps are a side effect.
No. 611266
File: 1529037082203.jpeg (271.73 KB, 1800x1800, EBF44A41-E764-4F60-81D9-DC89BF…)

Took the pic on the left from the general Youtubers thread and compared her to before. For sake of reference she was mentioned as throwing shade at Emzotic in her most recent vid.
Seriously, how do u even mess up your face this much in a year????
No. 611276
>>611266If she wouldn't draw on a fucking black unibrow she would look years younger and less haggard.
Your. eyebrows. are. too. close. together.
Between her drug usage, style/makeup choices, and animal care, this cow makes me sperg like no other.
Fix your fucking eyebrows, Taylor. Sharpies are for writing on paper, not on faces.
No. 611279
File: 1529038886351.png (410.81 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180615-010100.png)

He's sticking to the "I'm not drinking" story, for whenever they say "its casual drinking!!"
No. 611302
>>611298And trust Jonny is probably obsessively watching their every social media move and fuming.
Oh no! their happiness is gonna make him relapse! /s
No. 611315
File: 1529042045102.jpeg (493.39 KB, 1242x1318, 53871A00-31C0-440B-910E-1A5C67…)

This bitch thinks she’s saving the planet when she herself hasn’t even gone vegan yet
No. 611342
File: 1529047140406.png (90.73 KB, 1080x417, IMG_20180615_081823.png)

She's like a 5 year old/parrot who gets stuck saying the same word for days on end.
No. 611344
File: 1529047246061.png (245.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180615-082043.png)

No. 611345
Holy shit, I just realised how much better looking Chelsea is. wonder Taylor is insecure about her looks.
No. 611353
File: 1529049433498.png (273.1 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6677.PNG)

taylor's stans really are fucking stupid. "you should help them not tear them down sis!" they say, straight to one of his many victims. i just can't fathom how they think they're doing the right thing. i can't wait for this to blow up right in his face. he deserves everything that's coming to him and then some.
No. 611400
>>611399Here. Let me. A non vegan. Educate you all on veganism.
kek she's crazy.
Sure talk about reducing meat consumption /as a meat eater/, but don't talk about shit we all know you don't know about. Especially don't preach veganism if you're not a vegan, it's hypocritical.
No. 611457
File: 1529067039509.jpg (3.51 KB, 353x143, 1526527354378.jpg)

>>611344she left will turner for a fucking "night of the living dead" GINGER with no teeth and a smack habit. i cant w this bitch. honestly dont feel for her at all what with how she treated her animals pre-jonny anyways
No. 611459
>>611400also don't talk about living cruelty free when you don't look after your own animals properly
and don't cunt on about reducing your carbon footprint when you fuck off on vacation every 2 weeks and you could power an entire small town with the amount of electronic equipment you have
taylor is a bottomless pit of pathetic
i don't give a fuck what happens to her. she brought it on herself. and she did it on purpose, the stupid asshole
No. 611479
>>611477I don't know… have you seen the vegan community on youtube? Have you seen the anti-vegan community?
Combined it would be a shit storm.
No. 611485
>>611479With the amount of stans Taylor has who are willing to ignore anything and everything that isn't in line with what she's said, she probably won't see that big of a drop in viewership. But I do agree, vegans and anti-vegans can be frankly rabid, so even if Taylor's "career" isn't over, it'll get pretty intense. Which should be fun.
That said, if it is what gets this bitch off Youtube, I'll be very happy.
No. 611491
>>611234Definitely a herpes sore.
Anon who has actually had lip fillers before, the injection site is a small spot, not a raised bump and usually goes a light purple bruised colour. That's either a herpe or a pimple.
No. 611541
>>610573if jonny did die while she was dating him, she’d just tell everyone he was older than she thought and she did everything she could and he died of old age, not because of her care.
you know. how she does with animals.
No. 611590
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She's so bothered lol
No. 611611
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>>611351Not sure if anyone's responded to this yet, but Will/Taylor took a break around like 1 year/ish of dating because Taylor needed time to 'find herself' outside of a relationship, ultimately Taylor ended up breaking up with him months before they planned on moving in together. Originally her account was getting attention for being in a long distance relationship, which is when i started following her
No. 611627
File: 1529084033566.jpg (39.63 KB, 264x364,…)

Taylor accusing someone of not being able to take constructive criticism
No. 611637
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Had to do some insane digging because they both deleted the pics from their relationship, but here's Taylor during the 2014-2015 period of her and Will. He was really good for her and she looked so much healthier and was stunning, it's a shame. I was a huge fan during this time
No. 611641
>>611637I'm pretty sure this is the person she claimed was abusive.
She deflects peoples musings as to whether or not her relationship with jonny is abusive by saying "I've been in abusive relationship before!!!! I KNOW the signs okay!!!!!!!"
guess it was this guy she's referring to???
No. 611645
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No. 611650
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>>611646Yeah Will was one of the people Taylor was texting about how all she and Jonny do together is smoke heroin/do coke, she's definitely referring to someone from way back. Now that I'm comparing her old pics to hers and Jonny's, the difference in happiness/health in the pictures is insane
No. 611651
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No. 611665
>>611654Nah I agree, everybody in this world has been through something difficult and not all of us let it define us as people and post about it twenty times a day. I think its obsessive and pathetic, and the fact everyone in this thread praises them up to high heaven isn't something
I agree with. Sometimes reading through this thread it looks like Chelsea is self-commenting and praising herself. I think its because us anons who think they need to move the fuck on don't really say much about it, whereas the anons who think that Jonny's exes are 'SO INSPIRATIONAL' seem to comment it over and over and over again.
Only reason I even care about them is because they provide the milk, not because I pity them anymore. I did at the beginning but now its overplayed and boring, you can only give someone so much sympathy.
No. 611671
>>611662They don't care about Taylor, they just like the drama lol. The only reason they say they do is because they feel like they need to redeem themselves for attacking her. I can honestly say I don't like Taylor just because I think shes fake, naive, and is a liar.
They interfere because they're obsessed with Jonny and what he did to them, not because they care about Taylor. Taylor isn't getting the hint and neither is her mother. But again, they're attention seeking drama queens and my milk senses are tingling profusely at them posting.
No. 611687
>>611674Eh. I’m not in any way a fan of any of these people or their constant tweet bitchfights, but in Chelsea’s case I can definitely see her not dealing with it well at all. Long term abuse and partner rape makes for some really confusing, fucked up emotions in the person who was raped and abused and tbh I’m going to give her a pass for ‘not being able to let go’.
Taylor is way too enamored of the rockstar/heroin chic lifestyle and it’s going to keep her there a lot longer than the rest of these girls. She switches up her shit pretty quickly. First she was the long distance relationship girl, then she was the pet youtuber thot, now she’s Jonny’s girl. She has like zero sense of self and it’s prob because of her batshit mother but she needs to shake off those cluster b fleas because she’s already in the shit and frankly, headed for worse if she doesn’t pull herself out.
No. 611737
>>611719I didn't know about Will and honestly it makes me mad because I was under the impression she has only ever been hurt and abused by guys and in unhealthy relationships because that was how she made it out to be. How could she compare her relationship with Jonny to Will if she knows what it's like to be in a good, loving, stable relationship? Part of me gave her benefit of the doubt because I thought well, maybe she had nothing to compare it to so how would she know, but she
does. Fuck her. Sounds like her boyfriends weren't the problem, she is.
No. 611749
>>611735Honestly I used to think they should stop commenting on both of them, but then it's like, this is exactly why he's been able to get away with so much shit. Because people don't speak up about his abusive behavior.
Not to mention that he himself isn't able to let go either as a control tactic. Besides, Chelsea was with him WEEKS before he started dating Taylor. Of course she's not going to "let it go" so easily.
No. 611839
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Fucking EW
No. 611841
File: 1529099237892.jpeg (138.72 KB, 747x646, 4F67EA6D-A7AA-4EDE-A15E-B96ED6…)

She sees an article circling around twitter and then researches it for a video and never talks about it again
No. 611853
File: 1529100183759.png (118.36 KB, 1080x486, IMG_20180615_225940.png)

She's so incredibly self absorbed. Most girls wear vests when it's hot, Taylor must be the only person I know to get several dirty looks and comments when she leaves the house in a tank? This is honestly such bullshit. She must be wearing see-through clothes, wearing the skimpiest outfits ever, or the more likely reason of her being totally delusional and thinking someone glancing in her direction is someone judging her for showing a bit of cleavage, I bet all these people she's talking about never even noticed her. People don't comment on having your tits out daily just for showing a little cleavage?
No. 611854
File: 1529100196300.jpeg (142.34 KB, 1242x518, 2F5B993C-895B-42B4-A8A3-D758F8…)

LOL I cannot with this bitch. This bitch doesn’t know the first thing about having big titties or she would know a D cup is very average. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did have a C or D cup but, sorry Taylor, as much as you want that to mean you have haaauge titties…you don’t. See
>>610868 when you were too focused on face tuning your mangled face and forgot to stretch your boobs to your belly button like in your turtleneck photos.
No. 611857
>>611810If every youtuber acted like Taylor when they received criticism I may agree with you. Her fans went to that girls account and were commenting about how "wrecked" her lips were on her latest selfie. Taylor knew about it and purposely left the girls comment up to keep it happening. Any professional or decent human being would just delete the comment and tell their fans not to do that shit. I'm not even saying the original comment was okay.. But TAYLOR puts all this attention on her appearance. All by herself. She wants people to comment nice things only and can't handle the negative comments about herself. She wants to play it like she's this feminist hero standing up for body positivity but then encourages her fans to attack someone elses appearance to make herself feel better.
So yeah she's still the bitch in this equation.
No. 611912
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I was trying to find a photo where you could see how small her SUPER HUGE D BEWBS are and I saw this and…look at her right boob (our left) it seriously looks like she just took the black paintbrush tool to her boob to try and make her titty look bigger like wtf?? Am I crazy or does anyone else see this? I was too distracted by her ratty extensions and weird fucking mouth the first time this was posted.
No. 611913
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>>611904they're practically non existent in that picture the other anon referenced its fucking hilarious. she's so happy with her body and face, but yet she gets lip fillers and pretends she has bigger boobs than she really does. take this picture for example lmfao she can't even complain she does NOT know the struggle whatsoever
No. 611924
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>>611854D cups can actually be fairly small tho, lmao.
No. 611925
File: 1529104922217.png (133.36 KB, 750x1253, IMG_6695.PNG)

im laughing out loud
No. 611930
File: 1529105175784.png (163.12 KB, 750x1171, IMG_6696.PNG)

she's not wearing a bra in this one as far as i can tell, but they still look small. if a girl with actually big boobs tried to wear this it would not look like this
No. 611934
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This just doesn’t seem like the response you’d get from someone who actually cares about their animal that died. This isn’t as damning as her constant jokes about Nala being dead though.
No. 611957
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>>611949It’s not just that. It’s a common misconception that someone who wears a D cup has giant boobs. It’s just inaccurate. Like I said before, I wouldn’t be shocked if she truly does where a C or D cup because, frankly, that’s not very large at all.
No. 611960
>>611957Yea as I said I think she’s just humble bragging. Always the victim - someone’s being mean because my boobs are so large
eye roll okay Taylor
No. 611966
>>611962>>611957>>611949>>611931and a thousand more
can we move on from the topic of breast size now? this shit always derails
every single thread it happens in.
No. 611972
File: 1529107319179.png (6.66 MB, 1242x2208, 6F3CED72-72E9-426D-A7AA-AF6B4A…)

From her current instastory. But her boobs are so big you guys!! Kek
No. 611977
File: 1529107651464.jpeg (170.2 KB, 1314x1107, 9FED98E3-8A55-4ACB-AE0E-69D80E…)

Why is she still joking about this when it was proven the texts of her admitting she does heroin are real?
No. 611981
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Tbh not sure why Taylor's boobs are brought up for discussion so often, if she wore a push up and acted like those were her natural size then id get it. But Taylor has posted loads of pics without a bra, past and present, so i don't think she's trying to be deceiving. But i do think in the future she'll probably get more work done that doesn't take loads of recovery, like butt injections or an eyebrow lift etc.
No. 612009
>>611654I agree with you anon, what they do is too much. It's like they themselves are still attached to Jonny, they haven't separated the bond. However, the only thing that's given me pause are the drug stories. Leading someone into drug abuse and potential addiction is very fucked up and will leave a lasting imprint on a life. On that front, I think some selective speaking out is possibly warranted.
As for the rest, it's just messy milk to us.
No. 612058
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So Taylor’s going to go to “tanacon” while JC’s in Canada - I’m ready for another milky twitter meltdown.
No. 612086
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No. 612091
>>612058Jonny's family is in Canada, i have to wonder if he didn't invite her because we know she isn't
overly concerned about showing up to cons
No. 612092
>>612058She is saying that because they are ok rn, she will have "flare up" again because "traveling is hard and you never know what food have gluten" and will go with Jonny because she neeeds emotional support.
So predictable.
>>612086Who wanna bet she won't go?
No. 612133
>>612011Anon, confident people don’t need to go onto anonymous imageboards and talk about how good looking they are.
I don’t know what the fuck happened to this thread but it went from actual milk to a complete void of fucking blogposting and humblebragging. Mods don’t seem to give a shit either.
No. 612158
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taylor and tyler's texts
No. 612159
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"omg people stop commenting about my lips"
No. 612171
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No. 612193
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>>612189Bootstrap bill looking mf (Jonny)
No. 612204
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>>612189Jonny the creeper
No. 612207
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Comment on Taylor’s Instagram…
No. 612233
>>612207Just search about her, its like a less butched copy of Taylor, aparently had/has a "mini zoo", a service dog, EDS and PTSD.
There is no way Taylor will contact her.
No. 612238
>>611552"you're so fine just the way I found you. You're so mine"
LMAOOO oh wow jonny you fucking lyrical genius. what a wordsmith!
since he found her she has slapped the following crap on herself:
> shitty hairpiece that looks like a sheep corpse> shitty lumpy fake lips> shitty fading tattoo of a toothless alligator emerging from a lettuce couple goalz ya'll
No. 612257
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No. 612304
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Really Taylor? Agriculturists taught you wheat is bad? Really? I swear this bitch doesn’t even think about her lies and made up expertise before she opens her mouth.
No. 612373
>>611315There's no such thing as a cruelty free diet you stupid bitch. Animals still die in harvesting veggies and grains, not to mention the wholesale abuse of
people in agriculture.
Also she ain't even vegan yet so wtf
No. 612377
>>611741Honestly? The best revenge is to move on and live your best life. Let the scum fester and die on its own. Obsessing over the hurt someone else did to you hurts you way more than it could ever hurt them, esp someone that's a pathological narcissist like JC.
And this is comin from someone who has been in abusive relationships with a guy that was a rapist. She's put the info out there, she came forward and called him out. At this point, obsessively tracking them both on social media isn't helping her heal. All it's doing is proving that he still has control over her.
No. 612400
File: 1529161619520.jpg (54.86 KB, 599x608, son.jpg)

>getting an axolotl soon
>have been researching and preparing for weeks
>go to Pet Supplies Plus to hit their $1/gallon sale
>employee asks what I'm going to put in it
>start to explain
>he's familiar with the animal, but makes a couple suggestions that don't make sense like trying to recommend a heater wtf no dude
>correct him and explain further, assume he can see from this that I've done proper research
>nope he's still assuming I don't know what I'm doing
>"You know, if you need more information, there's this Youtuber-"
>boy don't you say it
>"-Taylor Nic-"
No. 612494
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I know Oscar Wylde’s response was posted but I don’t think it was posted that Taylor replied to a tweet from Tana. It’s so obvious how she always tries to answer to more popular youtubers/influencers to try and boost herself and her platform. She’s so desperate for fame it’s getting really tiring and cringy
No. 612586
>>612259Because rape accusations are difficult to prove, and the process can be long and costly for the victims. Not to mention that there might be bias, for example in the case of Liz because she’s a stripper and was working as a stripper when Jonny raped her.
Chelsea would actually have more luck if she referred all of Jonny’s medical bills to Taylor’s address.
No. 612648
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"dozens of people" sure jan
No. 612908
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“Thriving” but she looks obese.
No. 612923
>>612908Not obese, but yeah a bit overweight. I don't think it's a purebred so it looks to carry it's weight differently/be a bit more stocky.
Agree with the anon's saying something looks up with its coat though.
No. 613024
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god this whole "i care about the earth" act is pissing me off. it's getting old. you don't give a fuck about any of the things you're preaching about taylor
No. 613056
>>612979Technically just about any animal can be an emotional support animal. ESAs aren't trained to perform tasks, often they're just for people who are helped by having something to interact with around. ESAs can't go out in public, their only legally allowed in places other animals aren't for housing or travel.
Taylor was "training" Kida to be a service dog though, which you're right, a "traumatized dog" like that would be highly unlikely to be suited to being calm enough in public to be there let alone to perform tasks for Taylor.
It also seems like such BS Taylor needed a service dog. People with (real) EDS and related conditions can benefit from a service dog to perform mobility tasks, but Taylor's mobility seems fine. And if she needed a dog for her anxiety or whatever, she wouldn't have been okay for all this time without one after leaving Kida behind to move in with her rapist druggie boyfriend. She's so full of shit.
No. 613057
>>612908Regarding her skin, i'm guessing Taylor picked Kida not because she was a rescue or because of her breed, but because she likes to hoard "designer" animals. Blue dobermans are sought after for their colour since it's "rarer" than the black and tan or chocolate and tan dobies.
But blue Dobermans come with a variety of skin problems because they're not meant to be that colour. It's unhealthy for them to be that colour and they end up with skin issues because of it. They get color dilution alopecia and can end up with weak hair that breaks easily, exposed dry and scaly skin, and bacterial skin infections. Looks like that might be what's happening to Kida. I hope they're treating her for it to try to keep it under control so she doesn't suffer.
No. 613408
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What does this remind you of lol
No. 613444
>>613095Insider anon here, there’s a few environmental sponsorships up for grabs recently. Like an app where if you do something on it, they plant a tree or something. So yeah 99% sure it’s a sponsored video. Shame she has to be paid to care about these things
Also that Maria girl - Taylor wannabe like stalker level hahahaa
No. 613478
File: 1529263803578.png (261.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6739.PNG)

wow. they really do absolutely fuck all. wish i could sit on my ass playing video games 24/7 without having to worry about money because my 10-years-younger than me girlfriend pays for everything for me
inb4 "other people play video games" we know this is all he does when he's not bragging about his "lavish" lifestyle
No. 613479
File: 1529263919835.png (124.45 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6740.PNG)

>>613478also, he posted this at 1pm. he could've woken up earlier than that, sure, but why would he post about it so much later in the day?
of course i'm speculating but if they stay up all night and wake up at 1pm how are tay's animals getting the correct care/routine
No. 613605
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i haven't seen the short, so i don't even know what it's like. but jesus christ jen. not everything is about you
No. 613686
>>613605I'm js.. I work with people with intellectual disabilities and if they have a behavior
triggered by something it's just a fact of living with said disability. You manage it. It is not Pixars fault he had a reaction to the short video. She said they had to leave, so leave and calm him down and talk about what happened.. But beyond that it's no one's fault she took him to a Pixar movie and he couldn't get thru it. It's just part of having individuals with disabilities in the community. She's an idiot.
No. 613731
File: 1529283171730.jpeg (209.27 KB, 1194x940, ABBD1671-C88E-4D88-BC81-2401D0…)

Saw this on Facebook and immediately thought…true…unless you’re Taylor and Jonny and broadcast every aspect of your relationship on social media!!
No. 613848
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>>612257I can't believe this screenshot wasn't posted, but this jackass really insinuated that Taylor was THAT sensitive even though for the last 6 months he's openly downed 10 twisted teas a day and kisses Taylor and she's been fine.
No. 613855
File: 1529299433420.jpeg (448.12 KB, 1800x1800, 265B5EBB-8580-4037-A9BA-716C75…)

Untalented thot pose
This MariaNicole girl is automatically cancelled for trying to copy the copy of a literal sack of shit. Actually, shit has substance. Let’s not insult shit.
No. 613887
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No. 613892
>>613887Uhhhh they don't just take you off them, they lower you dosage little by little. They don't just say stop taking them, cause yeah it does screw with you and they know that.
(I was on Zoloft for about 11 years and decided to stop taking it. Not a good idea and no doctor will tell you to do it like that)
No. 613899
>>613887I have EDS and I've had doctors take me off meds to see if I really need that med for one reason or another, but like other people said yeah, they don't do it cold turkey.
Even though tapering can still screw with you if you do need the med, I'd find it suspicious that she hasn't said anything about being anxious before, nor did she come up with an excuse for not having a video until someone posted about it on here earlier today.
No. 613901
File: 1529308349823.png (202.81 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-06-18-01-38-07…)

It must be a pain in the ass living with this moonchi, if she isn't having a flare up her celiac disease attack, or a panic attack, her anxiety, her depression, and her PSTD.
No. 613902
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No. 613904
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No. 613905
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No. 613906
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No. 613908
>>613901…So she doesn't even go to a psychiatrist. She just goes and gets her meds refilled and lives like that, no CBT or anything.
Plus why you fucking lying, you said your doctor decided to take you off your meds to see if you didn't need them anymore, but he actually prescribed you other meds, and it was actually YOU the one who decided you didn't need them anymore.
You'd think that with all the money she has she'd invest in actual therapy instead of fucking around like this.
No. 613910
>>613907She pull a Luna Slater with this one
"My insurance didnt cover it and I'm so upset, I swear guise, I'm having multiple panick attacks rn lol"
If this is true (of course not) her parents take her out of their insurance or why out of nowhere it doesn't cover it anymore? (I'm not from there do idk how it works)
No. 614069
>>614058Exactly. She has a lot of nerve claiming she couldn't afford something bc her insurance wouldn't cover it. Some of us.. MANY of us in the US can't afford that shit even if insurance covers most of it. I'm honestly offended that she spends so much money on trips and animals but despite being a supposed mental health advocate, she uses money as an excuse for not getting help from a psych. She could 100% afford the out of pocket costs.
This is all irrelevant honestly though bc she's probably completely lying as usual. My guess is she took herself off the med bc she ran out without her doctor even being remotely involved to get withdrawal symptoms lowkey on purpose. She over shares so much.. Why is she even telling people about her medications?? She just needs to stop making excuses and say nothing instead.
No. 614070
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Not to mention she has been “loosing her mind” and “not well enough for filming” these “last few days” but is definitely well enough to go out for “date night” with her rapist boyfriend. At least get your lies straight.
No. 614073
>>614019Sorry anon, I understood the very last screenshot as her implying that the doctor suggested she didn’t need that particular med anymore, switched it, and never tapered.
Although we know none of what she says makes any sense since every tweet has another lie in it.
No. 614140
File: 1529340945240.jpeg (210.21 KB, 1125x574, 2E6E6E7D-8C6A-4981-A612-E7735C…)

That’s rich coming from her.
No. 614142
File: 1529341217839.jpg (36.98 KB, 585x150, 2.jpg)

Lmfao the Dean women have absolutely 0 capabilities of self reflection. Literally every piece of constructive criticism, or slightly negative feeling/thought someone has expressed about her or Taylor she's literally told them they're wrong because they "don't know the full picture" (even with screenshots for proof!). It really is #mostlyaboutyou isn't it, Jen. Lmao she should have just stayed off twitter.
No. 614203
File: 1529345675260.jpg (877 KB, 3300x2550, BloodyMary10[1].jpg)

>>610896>IT'S A DISEASE STANAll I could think of
No. 614265
>>614146and all she does is complain about her anxiety and mental health why would anyone think that she "wouldn't need it anymore"
This is the weirdest shit ive ever heard as an excuse to not be responsible
No. 614449
>>614231this. sage in case of blogpost, but as someone with anxiety, i think about taylor a lot and put myself in her shoes and just think WHY?? if your mental health is as bad as you say it is, why are you choosing this high profile, high stress lifestyle for yourself. i’m paranoid, think everyone hates me or is out to get me so i’m completely invisible and keep to myself. i maintain a simple, low-stress life with a good little routine and the only relationships i maintain are very few, but healthy/beneficial ones. i don’t doubt taylor suffers from anxiety rn; her lifestyle would make me a nervous wreck! and yet she’s clawed her way to it and would probably never give it up. i don’t want people knowing my dirt so i don’t put it out there. being looked at and criticized is terrifying. so why is she hellbent on being an instathot, pursuing a rapist for his clout, hoarding more animals than she could possibly look after, oversharing every aspect of her life, jumping on stupid trends for attention/views, obsessed with being in the public eye, etc…. either she’s lying about her conditions to be a special snowflake uwu, or she’s sabotaged herself by chasing this destructive lifestyle she thought she wanted and is now paying for it.
i seriously hope she still reads this thread and sees this. get rid of your abusive boyfriend, an army of people would help you, that’s so much more than the average victim has. keep quiet; if you don’t overshare your life, you don’t get criticized. if you can’t handle all the e-hate bound to occur when you’re an attentionwhorey, instathotty YT guru then consider a career change, or paring down your social media presence and being much more reserved. don’t seek out responsibility your “anxious” self can’t handle by hoarding 30+ animals that need your care. there’s so many things she could do to avoid having an emotional breakdown every damn week. she would feel so much better if she did these things, i never thought i could overcome anxiety but it’s amazing the difference it makes when you take active steps to simplify your life and look after your best interest. i’m absolutely sick of seeing her complain when she has dug her own grave. she’s a POS. /endrant
No. 614473
>>614449I don't mean to be
that person but you should be saging 99% of your posts anyway & saging doesn't excuse blog posting. Its still against the rules, so u really have to avoid speaking about urself as much as u possibly can on here.
No. 614488
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Her fans are morons.
No. 614490
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“fat shaming”
No. 614517
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rapist/homophobic rapper xxxtentacion was just confirmed murdered, no surprise that Jonny is probably gonna go on a tangent about sympathy lmao
No. 614520
>>614517Oh it goes way beyond that. He bashed some dude's skull because he was doing some "gay shit" in front of him and beat his pregnant girlfriend, as well as trying to shove a barbecue fork up her vagina.
Of course Jonny is going to excuse it, because "muh mental illnesses" or whatever. Mental illness shouldn't be a shield for shitty behavior, ever.
No. 614549
>>614520But he was trying to change! those were mistakes!!11
Only makes sense for an abuser to sympathize with an abuser right?
No. 614554
>>614525He's literally insane. I don't know how anyone has the audacity to say he was a 'controversial' person when the reality is he was
cruel and disgusting I'll laugh if Taylor even thinks of tweeting anything sad about this dude. Even though this guy was murdered i have to wonder how long jonny has left, liver failure and all.
No. 614787
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>>610105This might be reaching but did we ever consider that her cartier bracelet might just be a knockoff? That seam line is ROUGH
No. 651110
I want to put for a different type of narrative about the various theories, lies, and conjecture regarding Taylor Nicole Dean. I am not saying my narrative is any more or less theory, lie, or conjecture than anything else that has been posted. Only that it gives you something different to consider. You can do your own digging to see how the facts line up with my narrative – not that this forum is too interested in facts. But then again, that makes my narrative all the juicier. Forget the facts, just bathe in the emotions you get from thinking that perhaps, just perhaps, my narrative is closer to the truth than what others have offered. Let’s first start with the Jonny Craig. Consider this.
Girlfriend #1, an abusive alcoholic in her own right, known to throw a punch or two – in a heated, alcohol charged argument with her high out of his mind boyfriend. To defend himself he raised up his arm, only to clock her across the face with his elbow. Aha – evidence that he punches girls for the thrill of it?
Girlfriend #2, what do you know, another heavy drinker who also loves getting high. But not the hard stuff…”just liquor and pot, maybe do a line of coke now and then, but no big deal.” She’s passed out from a night of partying, her boyfriend now turns to his drug of choice, heroin. “Man, she should get in on some of this,” he thinks in a haze. As he walks over to her slobbering, peed-herself-drunk ass body passed out on the couch, a bandmate stops him. “Hey man, that’s not cool.” Jonny is like, “whatever dude, that just means more for me.” The next day she is told of this. Eventually the story is known as “Jonny tried to shoot me up when I was asleep.” Aha – evidence that he hates women and is scum. Well, regardless how you spin it, he is no saint in this version of events, but, is he what he has been made out to be?
Girlfriend #3. You think the other two girlfriends were “winners,” get a load of this one. She had Jonny’s name tattooed on her BEFORE they even met. Obsessed to the hilt. And,” OMG! He not only notices me, but we are dating.” Her whole identity is wrapped around once dating a D-list rocker (C-list maybe?). All her fulfillment and satisfaction in life is tied to being connected to “him!” And her mom is the same way. They live for him and through him – while having done drugs and drinking right along beside him. In another alcohol and drug induced state, they have one of their many fights and she locks herself in her room. He knocks the door down. Yeah, sounds pretty violent, but the aggressiveness stops there. She is never touched. Aha, evidenced that he is dangerous and threatens her. Of course, his dumb-ass tweets threatening to burn her house down don’t help. No defense there. Again, he is no saint, but, is he what she portrays him to be? And she doesn’t stop there.
Totally obsessed…she stalks him. Rarely a day goes by that she doesn’t tweet something about him. Old pictures of them (Girlfriend #2 likes to do this too). Throwing out names like rapist and narcissist and saying he is obviously high. Her favorite is to point out his pupils…aha, look, they are small here, or too large there. Oh look, he isn’t clean shaven to cover scabs…or, aha, he is clean shaven meaning he is high. Or, hey, he is wearing hat to cover scabs, or his hair is covering this or that. You can’t DISPROVE things that you can’t see, so she sounds credible to people foolish enough to fall for it (admittedly, I once did). “Hey, there’s this vase floating in the air over there. Prove to me it doesn’t exist.” It isn’t for Jonny to respond or have to prove anything. And the funny thing is (although not really funny) if you pay attention, he looks ten times healthier in all his recent photos, but let’s not have facts get in the way of the rumor mill.
The burden of proof is on her, and she has none except perhaps an obsessive, psychopathic compulsion to remain attached to him in any way possible. Her identity is wrapped in having once dated him.
She goes to his concerts, or if she missed the concert, she knows where he likes to hang out afterwards, so she shows up at the bars and harasses any girl that gets close to him. And then Taylor comes along.
For the first time there is a girlfriend with parents who are involved and take interest in doing what they can to help ensure their daughter’s safety. They are concerned about Jonny and given his history, who can blame them? Girlfriend #3 feeds them with a mix of truth, half-truths, and full out lies. She fakes DM messages between her and Taylor, taking advantage of the fact they asked her to talk to Taylor. Girlfriend #2 goes so far as to fake other accounts to make it appear like she is someone in the band, feeding her parents “real time” information as to what Jonny and Taylor are doing. Girlfriend # goes so far as to solicit a friend of her’s to help feed fake stories. It just so happens, her friend is a friend of an ex-boyfriend of Taylor’s. He is brought into the ruse to tell Taylor’s parents and the Twitter-verse that Taylor is confiding in him and saying the same things that she is supposedly telling Girlfriend #3. Who would imagine this ex-boyfriend, in another state, has any connection with Girlfriend #3. Two, unconnected people saying the exact same thing? It must be true! Who else other than a mean spirted, spiteful, angry, jealous, fill in the blank person could have orchestrated this?
Well, out of guilt, he later comes clean as to being sucked into the ruse of girlfriend #3 at the behest of his friend who knows girlfriend #3. Unfortunately, it comes too late and her parents have already taken many steps based on the “credibility” of so many “separate accounts” of what is going on. In this case, it wasn’t just idle false gossip -but real harm was done to real loving relationships.
Girlfriend #2 and #3 and their army of fake accounts harass not only Jonny, but also Taylor, bandmates, and anyone on “Jonny’s side.” Girlfriend #2 and #3 work hard to get venues to drop their band – again, causing REAL damage to someone’s livelihood. All in an effort to keep their narrative alive. They so identify their lives with Jonnny that they will do anything and everything – every day – to stay connected in whatever twisted way they can. It lends credibility to their own stories. And that’s the thing. They are just stories. Perhaps no more credible than the one I’ve told. Maybe? Maybe not?
Now, Jonny meets Taylor via Twitter. Yes, Taylor is intrigued. She listened to his music when she was 13 or so. So yeah, there is this infatuation that she is now chatting with this guy. It’s easy to question someone’s motivations for wanting to connect with someone, but whatever those initial motivations are, they truly do connect. And thus, Jonny has girlfriend #4.
Girlfriend #4 doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t drink (yet), and has parents who are amazingly actually married to each other and love and support her. Neither parent is an addict. And, Taylor is financially self-sufficient and in her own way is as “famous” as he is. What? “She doesn’t need me to vicariously live out a rock star fantasy? And what? She makes way more money than I do so isn’t hoping for some payday at some point?” Even further, “And she isn’t thinking I can be a hook up with a drug dealer?”
Jonny has been clean from the “hard” stuff like heroin, cock, perk, etc., for many months when he met Taylor. But still was heavily drinking and smoking pot. He finally sees that the support and love from Taylor that he needs to kick this. He stops drinking. Within a few weeks his swollen, pasty, yellowish inflamed body (just look up what kidney and liver damage can do to you), returns to some level of normalcy. And he has new teeth! He is starting to look as good as he now feels. And even Taylor’s parents are seeing that yet this guy, with a jaded past, has value. He still is no saint, but, he certainly isn’t the worthless scum the ex’s have portrayed. Maye, just maybe, he is realizing he can use his creativity and talent to be a light for someone else’s darkness, instead of just adding more darkness.
And Taylor? One narrative is she is an animal hoarder who can’t take care of her animals. Have you seen the equipment she has? Taylor has a penchant for taking home the runts of the litter. Sick and injured? No problem, she feels she will give them a fighting chance as she has the means (knowledge, love, and money) to recuperate them. Most of the time she is successful, but sometimes, well, sometimes the animals die. That’s a risk when you gravitate towards the sick ones. And, even when they aren’t sick to begin with, keep in mind the average life expectancy of some of her animals is only a few years. With the number of animals she has, there will be some deaths every year. And she has two assistants that she can call upon if she is out of town or otherwise not feeling well (yes, she has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, look it up to see what that entails). Of course, there is always some “expert” out there. Some “freshwater enthusiast” who will say that one particular breed of fish doesn’t belong with another or otherwise dispute something in order to get attention.
In conclusion - Again, I am not saying Jonny is some saint. And I throw up a little bit in my mouth to even utter the word “victim” to describe him – but, consider my narrative. While he may be an addict, may have been a shitty boyfriend to his previous girlfriends (who were also shitty girlfriends as well), and has done things to fuel his addiction that he is not proud of (Mac book to name one)…. well, that sure makes it easier to imagine him as some monster in this MeToo movement…. But, what if the monster is Girlfriend #1, or #3? Don’t take my word for it. This forums are full of sleuths who love scouring the twitter-sphere or other sites and use various tools to uncover evidence that supports their own narrative of things. It’s time to consider an alternative narrative to what is out there. What you find just may surprise you.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)