File: 1447195232568.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.53 KB, 587x555, hh6g44rf.jpg)

No. 56503
Last thread
>>14121Queen Droopy tits meg and other girls active on camsites etc
> we get away with not spoilering the image, her nips are so low they didnt even make it into the shot!)
No. 56533
File: 1447201402061.gif (896.71 KB, 800x453, 1185234372602[1].gif)

No. 56536
File: 1447202117897.png (9.62 KB, 264x190, ss (2015-11-10 at 07.29.38).pn…)

No. 56543
File: 1447203726090.jpg (9.67 KB, 200x200, 1446747170869.jpg)

>(can we get away with not spoilering the image, her nips are so low they didnt even make it into the shot!)
No. 56743
File: 1447256507372.png (142.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-11-15-39-25…)

Yeah Meg that's not how dye works, dying ginger on to black would have minimal effect, you'd have to bleach it.
Why the fuck does she lie about something as stupid as her natural hair colour?!
No. 56776
File: 1447262467567.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.44 KB, 752x564, 5ttt4rr.jpg)

incoming icky screencaps, prepare your eyes.
Always remember; 23 inch waist ye
No. 56777
File: 1447262521299.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.64 KB, 730x567, fr4gggd.jpg)

i can't believe those titties are only 19 years old :'(
No. 56778
File: 1447262557317.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.71 KB, 750x563, yhgrr4.jpg)

No. 56780
File: 1447262611529.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.81 KB, 754x566, 84y4uir8tr.jpg)

Look at her ass, it's like a thong wrapped around a knee.
No. 56850
>>56777She just looks so downy in this one.
Her glasses probably make it worse though.
No. 56938
Anon I love your comments, hilarious and on point
No. 56986
File: 1447308078489.jpg (34.67 KB, 560x292, q.jpg)

No. 57106
>>57078same tbh. Don't think unfortunate genetics are a very honourable thing to slag someone off over. I'm sure megan is actually very aware of her bodies imperfections. Hence why she lashes out over insults so much. trying to convince people she doesn't care and that she is "perfect"
meh she's a cunt though so it's whatever.
No. 58452
File: 1447443860803.gif (306.16 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mdgf5fK0DA1r0rrji[1].gi…)

when meg gets a tip
No. 58454
File: 1447444191583.png (409.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-13-19-48-38…)

Hahah, oh God!
No. 59059
File: 1447528144319.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.67 KB, 400x533, tumblr_ns9xlplGn81tvky6qo1_400…)

Dem crinkly nips.
No. 59060
>>59059That is so unappealing god
Remind me again why people pay her to take her clothes off?
No. 59061
File: 1447528384249.jpg (349.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-14-06-26-19…)

This isn't really flattering for her stomach.
No. 59064
File: 1447528422534.gif (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 600x400, tumblr_n9z6l08u6A1tvky6qo1_128…)

?? This gif is a lil weird
No. 59081
File: 1447529914622.png (469.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-11-16-10-12…)

>>59061Yeah and those totally "black" roots.
Your real hair is brown megan and no one cares. Y lie
No. 59084
File: 1447530061455.png (Spoiler Image,322.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-05-03-11-58…)

>>59060Cos shes hot shit.
This is my face screenie from one of her pay for vids.
Gives me a mild kek with each viewing
No. 59089
File: 1447530341308.jpg (209.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-14-11-42-48…)

>>59081Eh i don't think she's bothering to lie about that anymore.
No. 59444
>>59059More like that dirty ass bathwater. I hate it when filthy bitches take bath selfies
especially after just washing and the water is filmy and clouded as shit. If you're going to be seductive, it'd behoove you to make sure your surroundings don't kill your viewers.
No. 59766
File: 1447680289085.jpg (394.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-16-05-19-11…)

>>i love and accept him for what he is and that's all that really matters!!
Don't you mean, he's got a BBC and that's all that really matters!!
No. 59767
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No. 59973
File: 1447712695219.png (87.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-16-22-18-12…)

Ummm.. What a fucktard
No. 60185
File: 1447765679764.png (Spoiler Image,848.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-17-13-04-15…)

I do hope this shit isn't real
Trigger - knife shit
If she is literally into real snuff can we throw her in an insane asylum pronto!!!
No. 60203
>>60192There's footage of sick shit like the guy getting smashed to death with a hammer, but real snuff would probably cost a shit ton and nobody's going to give that away for free.
There's real rape videos on onion but it's not the studio glamour production style she likes. These are poor quality like they're filmed on a phone. I don't download that shit because why would I but the thumbnails are bad enough.
She watches too much fake rape and imagines that's how it really is. Stupid cunt.
No. 60227
File: 1447778216355.png (487.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-17-16-34-06…)

Lmao shes such a loser. "Ye you so vanilla if you don't like to get stabbed up, I'm the kinkiest person ever"
Shes acting like its legit as well. Hahah. Has she never seen a film before? Or does she think they're real too. What a dope.
No. 60349
File: 1447797612951.png (116.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-17-21-54-53…)

"When people buy me shoes and lingerie"
So subtle.
No. 60522
File: 1447860616176.jpg (307.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-18-07-26-39…)

Pot, meet kettle. Wasn't she rambling on the other day about how an open relationship wouldn't work because she'd be fucking other dudes all the time?
No. 60523
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No. 60524
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>>60523Tbh i was more saddened by the gif she posted with her response than the actual response. Like how is she not embarrassed?
No. 60556
>>60522>>60523Does she not know how handicapped she sounds? Doesn't she realise that she talks like she's missing part of her brain or a few chromosomes? At this point, it's just embarassing.
>>60524Also ew…
No. 60609
File: 1447887520138.jpg (147.77 KB, 720x480, tumblr_nariziEOsz1tvky6qo1_128…)

This picture is rly weird. She manages to look skinny and chubby at the same time.
I blame sucking in.
No. 60611
File: 1447888334735.png (63.36 KB, 840x590, heymeg.png)

I don't really follow Megan much except for popping in every so often but I was watching this video and look who I saw.
Video I was watching: Trisha Paytas talking about her recent breakup where she was the side hoe basically.
No. 60612
>>60609She's chubby. Her chest is pushed forward,she's sucking in her abdomen, arms back and away from the body to make them appear thinner. If she took this in a relaxed posed it would look bad, especially since her body shape is square, it seems.
>>60557She put two slang terms together.
A basic is someone who has no identity to assume outside of what people around them also like; they're devoid of characteristics that make a person interesting
Becky is slang for a white girl who isn't anything special, just blends in and is just like the other beckys.
So the phrase is almost repetitive to me. That's probably why it seems weird. It would've sufficed to use either basic or just becky and it would carry the same message.
No. 60648
>>60639With that logic there's nothing to stop Dakota and Kirsten's threads being moved to /snow/.
She had a lot of drama and is bringing out regular lulz atm, what with her eternal thirst for a multi-cheating, convict boyfriend.
No. 60838
File: 1448005521171.jpeg (51.38 KB, 500x509, image.jpeg)

>>56503Not sure if this has been posted previously but this was her response to Ferguson.
No. 60861
File: 1448026234624.gif (Spoiler Image,1.97 MB, 400x225, tumblr_nry8lhZj8b1tvky6qo3_400…)

this literally looks like a down syndrome child
>them cheeks
No. 60894
>>56743Sorry for replying to an old post, but yes you can dye your hair ginger from black hair without the usage of bleach. I did the exactly what she said with my hair (I'm Asian with pitch black hair) and now my hair is significantly lighter. If she wanted to go blonde, then yes she would have to use bleach first, but I'm pretty sure most hair dyes come with some sort of bleaching properties in them already.
Sage for hair talk.
No. 60906
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No. 60962
File: 1448048382015.jpg (256.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-20-10-55-40…)

rolling my eyes so hard
Sure meg
No. 60983
File: 1448057995285.jpeg (140.25 KB, 750x1143, image.jpeg)

Lol she reblogged this picture. Yes Megan this is how the lingerie is meant to look not
>>40374 No. 60993
>>60611New flash to Meg and other dumb hoes like her: it really is that easy. Have a little self respect for yourself and you'll find a guy that will treat you like a person and not a hole.
All these bitches are the same. Meg and Trish are both trash so of course they only get dudes who don't even want to be seen with them in public and then they boohoo about how awful men are. It's so pathetic. Stop acting like a cumrag.
No. 61012
File: 1448070233879.png (6.95 KB, 266x145, lol.png)

A girl with the url 'Espikvlt' has been calling Megan out on her shit recently, they had a little spat over a snake. So now it looks like Megan's sending herself anons to make herself feel better about the fact that more and more of the tumblr porn community is turning on her.
I might be wrong so PLEASE correct me if I am, but I'm pretty sure Espi had her url with the v in 'kvlt' before Megan changed her url for the billionth time to try and avoid being pinned down with all the accusations she was getting.
Regardless, Megan's being desperate and petty like usual.
No. 61015
File: 1448070691237.png (25.35 KB, 266x405, lol.png)

Also this. She's trying way too hard to pull the innocent card. Didn't she actually tag that post with 'Ferguson' and everything?
And seriously I can't believe she's trying to play down the whole CP thing.
Those darn whitey social justice warriors! Not a single black friend to their name, and I'd know this because I'll say anything to make my enemies look like the villains, including sending myself the least stealthy self-anons in the world!
No. 61078
File: 1448118051894.jpg (122.81 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_npj63tweQ91tvky6qo1_128…)

Oh dear, looks like she's been hitting the cutting recently.
Dunno why she just doesn't admit to it rather than saying she has a blood fetish. She did say she'd been depressed recently.
No. 61101
and her trying to pass it off as a fetish and calling people "vanilla" because they don't like torture, rape and murder porn is disgusting tbh.
No. 61135
>>61078Never understood thigh cutters, it seems to be the most popular place to do it now.
Well I don't get it in the terms of if you're a camgirl as that is a common part of the body to show off. I wouldn't be comfortable on cam with obvious self harm wounds.
Go for the arms, no one gives a shit about arms!
No. 61155
>>61154haha sadly megan clearly doesnt have a life outside of camming!
Girl doesnt leave her damn house it seems like.
Eh just wear sleeves, sweatbands or a bandage n pretend you sprained your wrist or something.
No. 61165
>>61124Exactly. Those are little bitch cuts.
I'm not advocating self-harm or anything, but they really look like cuts she made to be edgy or get attention rather than because she actually struggles with self-harm.
Although even if she didn't just do it for tumblr points, I have no sympathy for her for showing it off like a fucking emo kid.
No. 61188
>>61185i deffo predict she used a kitchen knife that her parents use to cut cheese lol, and it will be blunt as fuck from major use.
I've tried before with em in desperate times, oh they're awful, its hard enough just to break the skin but things scar up nastier looking than they were.
I'm a pussy cutter and always have been, although i used to use razorblade from my dads Gillette (ha)so they were sharp but ridiculously small, can barely hold em.
I'd say I don't anymore but i've had some relapses and delved into the world of shit ass kitchen knives that suck ballz
No. 63072
File: 1448214506788.jpg (237.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-22-09-44-23…)

Ok right
No. 63109
File: 1448218452937.jpg (250.06 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-22-10-50-16…)

>get all the fat sucked out my arms and tummy
No. 63238
File: 1448241242345.jpg (Spoiler Image,613.14 KB, 1780x1423, megvnmvrie_160915_1405_MFC_MyF…)

her teeth are spoopy
No. 63239
File: 1448241614978.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.88 KB, 1024x811, 540a64628a3ba.jpg)

What is going on with her hair colour here, its not good.
No. 63330
File: 1448263288915.gif (982.95 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mj43zhVa2r1qe27eso1_500…)

I still don't understand how she's able to make herself look so skinny.
No. 63332
File: 1448264035873.jpg (13.84 KB, 512x384, Ellen.jpg)

>>63252Just watched that episode again Not to long ago. She's a huge bitch too haha
No. 64624
File: 1448547332343.jpg (168.86 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nyfd02TVsF1tvky6qo1_128…)

She looks so frumpy n small fitted ;(
I love the irony of how many shoes she gets and how she never leaves the house.
She prob can't walk in heels like that anyway.
No. 64648
>>64624I have those exact heels in black. Such nice shoes.
But yes, she looks so fucking frumpy. She needs to work out and get some definition.
No. 64650
>>64639Yeah that's pretty much it. They're purely an accessory.
>>64648I like but I can't walk in heels like that. Why do nice shoes always have huge heels!
No. 64927
>>64916Lmaooo megan whatever happened to
>>59766 These two are so emotionally stunted it's not even funny.
No. 64987
File: 1448656343622.png (141.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-27-20-31-30…)

Downy is the new glam
No. 65003
File: 1448658942315.jpeg (23.59 KB, 220x184, image.jpeg)

>>56503She looks like cat man.
No. 65091
File: 1448681648618.png (197.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-28-03-31-05…)

Guh 19 year olds calling people kids is so cringe, especially when it's to someone 3 years younger.
By British standards has been an adult for like a year and a half.
And by American standards she can't even drink n shit and shes trying to act all high and mighty.
Shes still as dumb n horrible as she was when she was 15, the only difference is now it's not illegal for her to post nudes.
No. 65112
File: 1448688112278.jpg (207.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-27-21-19-04…)

>gna look like an angel or a heroin addict
Can she just please stop talking forever
No. 65223
File: 1448727259487.png (113.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-28-16-12-32…)

Her belly button scares me, does this even qualify as a belly button?! It looks like someone ran a scalpal across her stomach
No. 65224
File: 1448727315368.png (Spoiler Image,184.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-28-16-12-23…)

"I never get bumps from shaving"
OK bbz
No. 65600
File: 1448783658390.png (Spoiler Image,627.74 KB, 1280x382, tumblr_nyk4nq4K1M1tvky6qo1_128…)

so badly wanna make a video with that big pink dildo but im so scared its gna paralyze me fam :-(
No. 65633
File: 1448804003531.jpg (183.64 KB, 640x632, tumblr_nyjol1ogKp1tvky6qo1_128…)

This pic is weird AF. It looks like she's shopped herself into the mirror. Why did she only edit the bit with her in it, it looks stupid when you can see how different the lighting is in the other half of the mirror.
No. 65642
File: 1448809852121.jpg (73.57 KB, 338x600, tumblr_nu1qzv1g8c1tvky6qo2_400…)

idk how she expects to get away with this level of photoshop like it's not even remotely believable
No. 65650
>>65642Considering she looks like this in videos
>>59084 does she really think that the world is this oblivious to the wonders of photoshop?
No. 65668
>>65651Honestly, except for the sad tatas, her body isn't awful by any means… she's pretty average wank-bank material. Not as hot as some camgirls but not the worst-looking of the bunch by far.
And I suppose when you're willing to fuck yourself senseless for an audience, that seems to help make up for any flaws.
No. 66357
File: 1448914452152.png (6.38 KB, 303x176, ss (2015-11-30 at 03.12.05).pn…)

you are neither.
No. 66417
File: 1448931716971.png (292.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-01-00-49-12…)

Why would you even bother to think about something that could be over 2 years away and one min shes acting like she loves him n then talking shit about him.
Pretty sure sex would be pretty shit after being locked up for years.
No. 66426
File: 1448932958149.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.73 KB, 720x480, 1439919153092.jpg)

>>66357So curvy brah. Nothing says curvy like floppy deflated tits, a brick torso and a flat ass!
No. 66439
File: 1448936808917.jpg (46.23 KB, 724x500, 479Rotom_Frost_Rotom_Pokémon_P…)

Literally Refridgerator Rotom.
No. 66714
File: 1449004367532.png (Spoiler Image,354.31 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>56503She's not Asian but accepts when people say she is.
No. 67029
File: 1449097595203.gif (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 442x442, tumblr_nyr0s5rTfA1tvky6qo1_500…)

No. 67191
>>67186Maybe you're right but it seems more common in short girls.
Margot Robbie has the same body type and gained some weight and now it's more obvious her body is blockish but she looked good before. And Megan is even fatter. She really needs to lose 20lbs because of her body type.
But she'd be better off saving up money to fix her boobs which is the most fucked up part of her body imo fam.
No. 67669
File: 1449254141373.jpg (260.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-04-10-32-02…)

Goddamn she's projecting so hard. U mad, megan? There's no way this chick is under 100 lbs tbh.
No. 67748
>>67669I know its such bullshit. Anyone can say "proove it". Scales and tape measures n shit but I just know she'd manipulate it. Shes no stranger to Photoshop. The fact it says 90-100lbs on her directory, wtf is that. 10lbs is quite a big difference especially if she's supposedly 4ft fucking 10.
If anyone has an eye for height then study the PIC of her and Hugo in the mirror. Yes she looks small but he's 6" 4. Most women look small compared to that.
I also find the fact it always used to be "I'm 4" 11" and more recently shes shrunk an inch. Oh and ofc the deleted yahoo question from years ago where she said she was 5" 4. And it doesn't make much sense to lie on a yahoo answers question. There is 0 point in asking personal opinion on something if you are lying.
Realistically adults don't get their height measured and if you do it yourself then ye it might not be completely accurate.
No. 67754
>>67669>I can fit in age 11 clothesok? i can fit into age 10/11/12 at 5'4" and 130lbs.
I'd put her at 120 tbh, 110 would be stretching it. Sure, she's fairly small but she isn't the tiny frail baby she makes out to be.
>>67748She says he is 5'7.. so almost 2 feet taller than her.
No. 67774
>>67769Does she? If you go on hugos tumblr page it says 6"5.
My bad I remembered it as 4.
No. 67837
File: 1449284112016.png (220.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-05-02-53-16…)

Yeah… That's deffo the kinda thing a "under 100lbs, fits into children's clothes, is a UK size 6" would say…
No. 67986
File: 1449337590275.png (154.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-05-17-40-50…)

Um ew.
Also has she ever done a days cooking or cleaning in her life?! Her room is always a dump.
No. 67987
File: 1449337964099.png (130.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-05-17-50-31…)

Major is an American term and it refers to a university education. She did not go to uni, she went to college, bit different!
No. 67997
>>67986Megan flip-flops so quickly between sickly shit shit like this and stuff like
>>59767>hardly can be in an open relatioship with Hugo when he's sat in a cell with his dick in his hands and i'd b out there getting the D from other menDoes that even
sound like a committed relationship? Jeez.
No. 68154
>>67987>You write your own website code?Did she say/imply that she coded her tumblr or did I miss something?
>it'd be cool if i could have like a real talent like singingSinging is a talent, but so is coding.
This humblebrag shit is really irritating. "I'm good at [X], but I wish I had a
real talent in [Y]"; then why not just practice at [Y] instead of bringing attention to [X] and downright insulting it?
No. 68165
>>68154Yeah. Just take the fucking compliment, don't try to act humble while insulting the skills of other people.
I think coding is a pretty impressive skill. I sure as fuck couldn't do it. If she made as much money from camming as she claims to, she could take some fucking voice lessons instead of being a dick about it.
But she's obviously bullshitting about how much money she's making. Unless a really,
really high amount of men have a downs syndrome fetish or something. Just like she's bullshitting about being a size 6 and being able to code.
No. 68270
>>67987>calls it a major>implying she took game dev and web programming in uniWhat a fucking joke. She could never handle the workload that major requires. Why even bother lying about it? No one fucking buys it kek
I'm starting to believe that she actually has a developmental disorder or something. How else can one person be this dumb? Unbelievable.
No. 68455
File: 1449459878428.gif (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 600x400, tumblr_nox2kxJRFz1tvky6qo1_128…)

So flat, so sad, so gross :'(
No. 68655
File: 1449516352279.jpg (21.02 KB, 300x300, full.jpg)

So I found this old myspace picture, what the flying fuck has she done to her face? lol
God awful editing.
No. 68656
File: 1449516482066.jpg (43.33 KB, 300x300, 300x300.jpg)

teeny sceney meg incoming
No. 68657
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No. 68658
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No. 68659
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No. 68660
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No. 68661
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No. 68662
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No. 68663
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No. 68664
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No. 68665
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No. 68666
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No. 68667
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No. 68668
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No. 68669
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No. 68670
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No. 68671
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No. 68672
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No. 68673
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No. 68674
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No. 68685
File: 1449518114715.png (7.45 KB, 288x159, ss (2015-12-07 at 02.53.04).pn…)

hahh, someone doesnt want people knowing their "boyfriend" is a granny scammer
No. 68693
not even one pic of meggerz
>kek's middle name is Sean, this account used to be hugo_shh)
No. 68703
>>68685Well her ex, that daniel lad, literally posted her full name on his tumblr once, she's blurted out the name of the school she went to.
Oh and all the "this is a fake name", It's not really, it's just missing out her real last name and I can see why, it's not a very cool surname.
No. 68722
File: 1449521417380.jpg (2.09 KB, 118x63, meggygums.jpg)

lol discussion of her teeth, anon saying they are gross and her saying they're "super nice".
Meg's teeth remind me of these ones you can choose for your xbox avatar called "fearsome" lol
If her avatar doesnt have this mouth on I'll be disappointed
No. 68733
>>68693I bet she's so fucking jealous of those girls in the pictures. I bet shes like "why is there no picture of me and him :(((" until he comes out of jail and fucks her over so hard. Can't wait.
>>68663this is fucking respulsive
No. 68740
File: 1449522460410.jpg (64.71 KB, 720x480, tumblr_nciazo8U121tvky6qo1_128…)

What the flying fuck is this?
No. 68743
File: 1449522562678.png (439.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-03-13-34-18…)

Wanna talk about Meg's doppelgangers? I found one on Instagram. Poor girl, the resemblance is so uncanny…
No. 68748
File: 1449522934483.jpg (56.75 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n0y0z9Gw581tso2aio1_500…)

What is the deal with this picture?
Did she draw on freckles?
Did she wipe crap all over her face?
Does she have a rash?
wot y
No. 68749
File: 1449522970261.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.47 KB, 720x480, tumblr_nebew5QVJN1tvky6qo1_128…)

This looks too much like shes shitting out a purple turd
No. 68799
>>68703haha, yeah i found it
she always says it's her fake name, but everyone just calls her by her porn name anyway!! w/e megs
No. 68890
>>68849>I can literally find out the street she lives on.This is why I never want to end up on a place like this. I'm not a great person at all, but lolcow really encourages me to clean up my act (and also learn about internet safety.) Sorry for ~muh personal diary~.
On topic, does anyone else remember when Meg the Pegged was prettyp0lly?
No. 69036
File: 1449596364740.jpg (70.18 KB, 540x788, tumblr_m5ynv8QNxl1qe27eso1_540…)

>>68890Seriously she's had so many fucking names/tumblrs, its ridiculous!!
u got ya Moonstruckkmegan emo child like 13/14 year old
Remember when she was a wannabe goth with her ex bf and they claimed they were satanists lol
then she went weeaboo with the dodgy makeup to make her eyes look 3 times the size, that was p0lly wasn't it?
Then we had famous lewdl0lita of pastel pink madness featuring child pornography.
She runs this tumblr of herself and tracks down her own pics from various accounts, so many different names! reading all the "fuck hugo, he's a cunt" is funny to read now she's all back into him again.
oh megan, you're so retarded it hurts, but my god your online presence is entertaining because of it. Royally fucked.
No. 69058
File: 1449601630647.png (212.37 KB, 705x524, maximum edge.png)

Why would you ever post this? Seriously, why? You're practically building up a case against yourself if you ever get reported for drug use.
I find it SO hard to believe she doesn't have some kind of disability that cuts off her common sense.
No. 69101
>>69058When did she post that?
Is her plan to end up in prison too cos she thinks she will be with Hugo cos shes dumb like that?
No. 69166
>>69146She deletes most things so yes probably.
Not sure why, she will answer asks and delete them days later.
No. 69167
File: 1449625945890.png (364.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-09-01-48-46…)

No, we don't. Get to the hospital now u nutjob
No. 69254
>they are uploading my own personal pictures with out my permission while sharing private details of myself that I don't want to be shown online. It is an online forum used to abuse others they are spreading defamatory information! I would like the site to be removed as it is spreading defamatory information and personal things about myself. Please remove this website or this will be taken further
>please remove this website or this will be taken furtherSure it will Megs. Wasn't it Megan that made her thread on PULL in the first place? No. 69266
File: 1449664764222.jpg (81.32 KB, 540x360, quack.jpg)

from mysticalhoe
No. 69268
File: 1449665367738.jpg (113.11 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nghvlyv91t1tvky6qo1_540…)

No. 69304
>>69254Ha. What a turd. All the "I don't care, jelous fatties" kinda attitude. She was clearly scared and embarrassed.
The lesson is simple: don't post stupid things and don't be a massive cunt on the internet, it will come back to shag you in the ass.
She still acts the same tho.
No. 69323
>>69058I don't understand why people need silk road to buy drugs. She lives in Leeds ffs, not some remote Scottish island.
She's the definition of chav.
No. 69438
>>69430i think a lot of them do, because drugs r cool. But yeah, unless you want some extra rare shit, you don't really need silk road.
I'd be too paranoid anyway.
No. 69451
File: 1449701189738.png (113.89 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-09-22-44-50…)

No. 69482
>>69479She'd freak if she saw a corpse.
Tbh, those are bog standard fetishes someone wanting to come across as edgy would writ as
>>69456 said. No imagination.
No. 69804
>>69519Yeah c'mon anon. I think we all gave her a google and found that already.
I wonder about her facebook identity though. She must have one..
That said I personally don't ever think it's okay to go down that route no matter how much of a cunt someone is. I've had my privacy threatened over nudes before and it's awful. I'm just curious. I like my internet stalking.
No. 69886
File: 1449763519592.jpg (244.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-10-05-38-06…)

Lmao isn't that like your job, megan? …..idk she barely interacts or even does anything in her camshows it's not like it's that fucking difficult for her to sit there on her phone and whine for tips like she usually does. Or has she gotten so lazy that she can't even manage that? What the hell does she even do all day? No job besides cammimg, no real friends…
No. 69928
>>69886She claims she does private Skype shows n people book times but I seriously don't think that's true. Idk what she does. Reblogged some bollocks and wait for people to send asks.
As it is the only thing she has is her crappy manyvids (God the screenshots look bad) and she hasn't made a new one of them in ages either!
Shes clearly depressed, put on weight, possibly been cutting and just cba to do anything. Just reblogged the crappy video previews all day
No. 69968
>>69928I kinda feel bad for her.
I follow a few camgirls/sexworkers and you can tell the differences.
For example, Ashe Maree. She uploads a selfie every day, or every other day, she lets people know when she'll be online and that's it. The only time I've seen her reblogging herself is when she had a deal on her videos, and she reblogged it a couple times a day for three days. She'll answer anons nicely,non anons privately, and mostly deletes/blocks the hate.
Megan tho? She reblogs the same selfies and the same video posts every day without fail. Doesn't even get on cam sites even tho it's supposedly her job. She never bothers interacting with her fans in any way (probably because she has no fans) and is consistently rude to people who talk to her.
Ashe Maree is successful enough to have a nice house with a pool in LA.
Megan lives with her parents in Leeds.
No. 69980
>>69968Ashe Maree is really attractive so I'm sure that makes the world of difference.
This is OT, but this girl is basically Megan in a nutshell No. 69995
File: 1449779361643.png (106.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-10-20-24-34…)

Who the fuck cares, upload them all at once, what difference does it make?
Oh God do you think the squirt is gonna be that nasty white yoghurt shit. How many people can actually squirt anyway?
No. 69999
File: 1449780103039.png (410.45 KB, 621x349, finnymong.png)

Guys, guys. Maybe she's actually Finnish. They can look pretty mongish
No. 70047
>>69451This list.. I can't even.
For 1 how are her followers fans not screaming bullshit and if they believe it, why aren't they disturbed.
If this were true she should be in serious therapy (well tbh she should be anyway for lying about this)
She answered a q about zoophillia like omg so wrong, how could anyone hurt an animal. But murdering a person and raping their fresh corpse is cool? OK then.
She expects us to think she's a pain lover yet all we have seen is some dog shit lovebites and self inflicted shit cuts that are clearly just cos shes miserable. Shes even said how shes depressed.
We've seen the pathetic spank gifs. Wow so hardcore
No. 71284
>>68670LOL she absolutely looks 100% mentally retarded here
It's like if a girl wanted to dress her downs sister "scene" for fun
No. 71494
>>71487Fuuuuuuuuuuck really? That's fucking hilarious, what a trashbag.
That case was a bloody national embarrassment but so funny kek
No. 71496
>>71494I'm 99% sure anyway.
Only one record turned up when I searched for Megan Binney. The initials listed for her middle name matches and the address is a stone's throw away from Leeds. Too much coincidence to not be her imo
No. 71503
File: 1449938111221.png (250.68 KB, 1322x1064, Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 16.1…)

> claims to earn 5 digits from sex work
> still lives with parents in a council property valued at £74k, probably even less because she's in a terrace
Council houses = projects to you amerifags
No. 71516
File: 1449939925473.png (2.15 MB, 1404x928, Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 16.1…)

>>71503 definitely jealous of all the money she has
No. 71536
File: 1449945070032.png (142.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-12-18-29-54…)

No. 71582
File: 1449952620032.jpg (425.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-12-12-34-30…)

>>71578Me neither
Like what the fuck is she even doing in the last frame? Did she fall asleep? What? No. 71584
File: 1449952729176.jpg (Spoiler Image,534.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-12-12-34-22…)

Some guro shit she reblogged for edge points.
No. 71610
File: 1449957317547.png (159.29 KB, 356x203, ew.png)

>>71582she looks like a tranny here
No. 71630
File: 1449962647339.png (301.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-12-23-16-52…)

Well that's obv not true.
N we all know she would never.
If you use fake blood n say its fake butcits just to create a visual towards a certain fetish that's fine but the "ohh id so do that but I can't ;(;(' thinking its proper cool n kinky to do that but you would not ever actually do that
No. 72007
File: 1450058010557.jpg (63.97 KB, 320x425, 6200343934_003cbd8101_z.jpg)

No. 72008
File: 1450058019989.jpg (58.5 KB, 320x425, 6199830389_e0d9153433_z.jpg)

No. 72009
File: 1450058027787.jpg (72.42 KB, 320x425, 6079222897_c79b7e09e5_z.jpg)

No. 72046
File: 1450065948635.jpg (16.67 KB, 571x347, voldy.jpg)

when u can only fap to voldemort porn, megan is the answer
No. 72047
File: 1450066008263.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.43 KB, 665x336, caniborrowanass.jpg)

The thong is literally gaping off her body cos there is no ass to consume it :((((
No. 72059
File: 1450066598296.jpg (49.57 KB, 927x527, 10.jpg)

courtesy of meg's wishlist..
So she's this "size 6, 23 inch waist" girl ye.
Yet she's added a size 10 which equals a 27 inch waist which obviously if she was the size she claims and wore these, they would be absolutely gapingly loose.
No. 72061
File: 1450066764660.jpg (58 KB, 959x459, 10inchorgreater...jpg)

>>72059and then you got this crap.
"suitable for people with a 10 inch or greater hip/waist ratio"
and "please deduct 4-5 inches from your actual waist size"
What happened to 23"?
And yes they do sell this in a size 18"
I don't think she'd even get in this 20 and if it's really well made that she could then that bitch gonna squash her internal organs.
No. 72227
File: 1450109895379.gif (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 500x333, tumblr_nzcvhsC8WF1tvky6qo2_500…)

She shouldn't have made this a gif, its a bit weird how everything but the ass is so still.
No. 72286
File: 1450115849344.jpg (33.35 KB, 426x458, 1448334276652.jpg)

>>71964is it bad I think she's kinda cute like this?
No. 72307
File: 1450119830860.gif (1.71 MB, 235x150, 1426439803853.gif)

>webcam thread
>366 posts about one(1) chick
Fucking autism.
No. 72399
File: 1450129858083.jpg (220.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-14-13-49-39…)

Pot, meet kettle.
No. 72400
File: 1450129890515.jpg (354.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-14-13-49-44…)

give me attention bawwwwwwwe
No. 72504
File: 1450149930841.jpg (33.72 KB, 370x370, store_1450111177.jpg)

N omg shes charging $40 for this photoset lmao. Who the fuck is gonna pay that?!
No. 72661
File: 1450199113530.jpg (81.98 KB, 720x480, tumblr_nzeoynHGBt1tvky6qo1_128…)

oh jesus the mismatched colours in this outfit is baaaaaaaaaad.
No. 72680
File: 1450202834468.jpg (744.34 KB, 1710x1373, MegvnMvrie_151215_1716_MyFreeC…)

looks like her cam session went well lool.
But then does she realyy expect anything in like a 10 min session
No. 72696
>>72400>>200k ppl are following me>>39 note post
No. 72701
File: 1450209614723.jpg (36.29 KB, 500x280, tumblr_md6vi86Wqh1qe27eso1_500…)

No. 72702
File: 1450209651072.gif (364.51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_md24itwKJd1qe27eso1_500…)

There is such a thing as "too much" girl
No. 72703
File: 1450209703075.gif (853.69 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mfpiu5vwFS1qe27eso1_500…)

this wig made me laugh
No. 72704
File: 1450209760789.gif (1.07 MB, 400x300, tumblr_mw7d48yawC1qapet0o1_400…)

lollipop for the special child
No. 72705
File: 1450209827939.jpg (Spoiler Image,191.77 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nphasvGBNY1tvky6qo1_128…)

I can see why she went back and deleted this.
No. 72707
File: 1450210049161.gif (Spoiler Image,260.66 KB, 250x167, tumblr_nof3eaG1z61tvky6qo1_250…)

can people really fap to this with the downy face lurking in the background?
No. 72709
>>72705hooohhmagawd her torso is so square but she's also very bottom-heavy.
I'm not trying to make fun of her because she can't help she has an unfortunate shape but I'd definitely try take better care of myself.
No. 72715
File: 1450210598916.jpg (63.67 KB, 500x333, tumblr_midzqyRaGx1qe27eso1_500…)

No. 72788
File: 1450224854115.png (423.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-00-07-29…)

She is actually on cam. Holy fuck. She looks as miserable as her tits tho and only one guy is tipping a few 5s lol
No. 72791
File: 1450225287558.png (436.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-00-09-58…)

No. 72805
File: 1450226236463.png (299.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-00-30-22…)

Her chubby armpits/shoulders are nauseating
No. 72808
>>72805You get that from when your bra straps are too tight and it hoiks your tits too far up.
She's trying to make them look less droopy.
No. 72812
File: 1450226599519.png (1.22 MB, 1366x768, 2015-12-15.png)

texting texting
No. 72816
File: 1450226763117.png (1.24 MB, 1366x768, 2015-12-15 (2).png)

shes just.. shaking her titties?
No. 72818
File: 1450226882664.png (1.2 MB, 1366x768, 2015-12-15 (4).png)

No. 72821
File: 1450227102858.png (1.24 MB, 1366x768, 2015-12-15 (5).png)

No. 72825
File: 1450227649630.png (422.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-00-57-21…)

Her wormy eyebrows are distracting af
No. 72827
File: 1450227932441.png (397.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-01-03-53…)

Even her fanboy says she looks like an alien lol
No. 72830
>>72829lmao, she's asking what else she should write in a letter to Hugo
scratch everything I just said.
No. 72832
File: 1450228405245.png (1.22 MB, 1366x768, 2015-12-15 (7).png)

shes so… lumpy..
No. 72864
>>72832Dear god…
Shes not even super fat or anything but her tits are like fucking udders
No. 72868
File: 1450234486302.jpg (127.14 KB, 421x264, fattiefat.jpg)

No. 72869
File: 1450234618885.jpg (98.81 KB, 325x276, thatass.jpg)

Who wouldn't fuck that ?
No. 72885
File: 1450237886279.png (464.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-02-54-08…)

No. 72886
File: 1450237922078.png (496.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-02-56-09…)

No. 72887
File: 1450238045876.png (354.47 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-03-09-02…)

No. 72888
File: 1450238082840.png (554.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-02-57-20…)

No. 72892
File: 1450238661957.png (184.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-04-01-06…)

Oh wow. So I think she started countdown of 1000 to lose her clothes. Got down to 200 odd and now she's changed it to this?!
And yes she is still clothed. Shes done nothing. It almost feels scammy to pull a move like that.
Also these 2 spacks just talking to each other bout pure shit. Wtf
No. 72911
File: 1450241730322.png (207.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-16-04-52-58…)

"I don't go topless" is actually a rule now, wow.
Shes so ashamed of those titties.
No. 73035
>>72892Chvnelbvby might be another cam model? Sounds like a girly username. It's really common for cam models to go into other model's rooms and start chatting up all their customers to steal them.
And since Megan was being super boring, the attention of the one active guy in the room was easily snatched up.
No. 73060
File: 1450282689018.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.09 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nya4m4uOMA1rnq3xbo1_128…)

>>73035This is her. You can find her tumblr through Meg's.
No. 73122
megs: proof of evolution.
No. 73127
>>72869Damn, someone should show her this or plaster it so her clients can see it.
I'm so glad I could screenshot it, it's probably the most unflattering pic of her : fat back and arms, weird butt, tiny legs.
No. 73130
File: 1450289991678.jpg (12.02 KB, 332x251, lobstermeg.jpg)

is she part lobster?
No. 73131
File: 1450290033892.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.89 KB, 320x240, nightmares.jpg)

posting this lovely shot to give you all nightmares tonight
No. 73144
>>73130w-whats even happening here
i thought my body was weird but jesus christ
No. 73150
>>73131Can't blame the girl for not wanting to get naked with a body like this.
How would she even go about fixing this without surgery?
No. 73598
File: 1450449493173.jpg (310.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-18-06-28-39…)

Apparently her MacBook broke.
No. 73600
File: 1450449571586.jpg (319.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-18-06-28-24…)

No. 73601
File: 1450449624476.jpg (314.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-18-06-28-28…)

>cummy panties
No. 73606
Also who the fuck wants a hand written letter from a camgirl???
No. 73690
File: 1450477142665.png (206.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-18-22-15-24…)

So basically after spending like £600 shes broke? Her rent is to her parents too so its gonna be a lot lower than normal rent.
So bad. I think she overprices her stuff n ppl won't pay that much for her money ass. Top cam girls have more reasonable prices than Meg!
No. 73754
>>7375120k is well over the income tax threshold and that doesn't even include gifts, MFC, etc. At that sort of income it would also be easy to get Apple Credit and only pay like £100 a month. If timed right then buying stuff on credit for business can actually save you taxes and improve your cash flow.
Of course that assumes she's really making that much and she's declaring her income.
No. 73756
>>73754Honestly, she isn't even able to save for basic things she needs in her work, she does fucking sexwork from what I'm guessing is her child home with her parents in the next room, do you really think she declares income ?
I'm guessing her business plan is mostly buying lingerie et stripper shoes with all the money and hope for the best.
No. 73974
File: 1450613360093.jpg (360.45 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nyuw6cePNF1tvky6qo2_128…)

What a mess
No. 74007
>>74001When you reblog your own shit does that add to the notes?
If so I wonder just how many times some of her notes are from herself lol
No. 74026
File: 1450640462246.png (648.21 KB, 550x589, lol.png)

>>71582Her face in one of those gifs reminded me so much of Kim K crying.
No. 74036
File: 1450643260742.jpg (222.69 KB, 720x480, blurryeyes.jpg)

Her eyes are weird and blurry. Was she trying to make them bigger ?
No. 74037
File: 1450643451687.jpg (3.41 KB, 161x132, slugs.jpg)

No. 74038
>>74036it does look like they are wider but idk why you'd bother editing that, looks even weirder. Maybe its just weird eyeliner.
It pisses me off that she's wearing a grey hoodie with black fishnets and heels, it does not go at all.
No. 74041
File: 1450643840557.jpg (22.19 KB, 543x296, whatisthisfeelin.jpg)

>>74028Her "pleasure/cumface" does make her look manly and like she's straining for a shit.
No. 74043
File: 1450643905471.jpg (224.05 KB, 640x678, blackandretarded.jpg)

I wonder if her parents go in her room. I'm guessing these just lay around besides her pile of dildo.
No. 74045
File: 1450644443248.jpg (32.31 KB, 661x485, suchafan.jpg)

I'm very much convinced the MV account is meg giving herself 5 star reviews lol. one, who would name themselves that, only reviews meg's vids 5 stars for all, all on the same date, each review has 1 "this was helpful" and just the comments look like they were written by megan…
embarrassing much?
No. 74048
>>74045Also I'm very suspicious of megan's vids "views".
They're all in the thousands yet if You look at the number 1 woman on MV she doesn't have that many and she has full on fucking videos, males and females.
I seriously think megan creates accounts, pays herself for vids and refreshes the page all day to get views up and shit.
this is fucking pathetic.
No. 74055
File: 1450647262216.jpg (324.84 KB, 1082x1920, -.jpg)

Did she stole the belt from her father ?
No. 74062
File: 1450648019218.jpg (219.81 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nnoqen5FXx1tvky6qo2_128…)

>>74036wouldnt be surprised
pic related
No. 74063
File: 1450648050276.jpg (44.78 KB, 679x90, megansfriend.jpg)

No. 74067
File: 1450648518342.jpg (268.57 KB, 715x558, morefriends.jpg)

No. 74069
File: 1450648839944.jpg (268.57 KB, 1231x576, removed.jpg)

Wonder if this is her.
No. 74080
File: 1450652160419.png (265.67 KB, 993x286, Capture.PNG)

Waist: 20"
Hips: 40"
No. 74087
>>74080she did the exercise lost the weight but now she doesnt exercise at all so its likely she'll slowly go back to that 130lb girl.
I find it strange if a vegan is fat if that's been their choice for several years.
All the vegans I know tend to be underweight
I've seen like a gif of meg eating pizza n shit, don't think shitty takeaways do vegan pizza do they?
No. 74088
>>74080What a spacker, you can only achieve a certain waist/hip size based on your body and it's structure.
Is her goal to remove a couple of ribs and stick em to her hip bones?
No. 74162
File: 1450693992931.jpg (31.49 KB, 600x450,…)

No. 74221
File: 1450722552855.jpg (84.38 KB, 869x353, blah blah.JPG)

We had a uniform at my secondary school. I left a long, long time ago, but the policy's still the same and it isn't a faith school (see pic).
If you watch some of those Education Suchaplace tv programmes some of the kids have a lip piercing or w/e, but I can't say I've ever known a school to allow fantasy colour hair or multiple piercings. Even this kid was sent home because his hair turned out a chestnut colour: No. 74223
>>74221Lol yeah a boy at my school was sent home cos he put a pink underlayer. They don't mind when it's bleached but God forbid you put any colour on it.
I put a none vibrant red in my hair n they were like nope. Nor could you have coloured clipins or massively backcombed hair
No. 74226
File: 1450723418093.jpg (79.29 KB, 579x618, megs school.JPG)

I googled her school's uniform policy. Also strict.
No. 74278
>>74240They usually mean things like mohicans, although some male schoolkids have been sent home for having their hair clipped too short.
I can understand the jewellery thing because it's a health and safety thing and the schools don't want their asses sued if someone rips their ear during PE.
This was my school
>>74221 but I had my ears pierced twice at that time, as did others, and nothing was said. Just studs though.
We DID have to get onto our knees though to check our skirts were knee length at the start of a new term! After that we all just rolled them over to shorten them, but there was never any slootiness.
If Megan was being all scene at an early age, I'd bet it was a summer thing.
One thing that strikes me is that she comes across like an uber chav, but that school sounds pretty good. Has she ever mentioned being excluded, because THAT would be the mark of a ~real rebel~
No. 74301
>>74278She made a claim about dating a teacher loool but that's so obv bullshit!
There was a guy at my school and when he was in year 8 he was not allowed to have facial hair. It's unusual for someone so young to get quite a beard but they made him shave, I'm not quite sure why. They don't want students to look mature?
No. 74302
>>74217>>74226It looks strict on paper but it could be different in practise. My RC school basically had the same policies as hers and there were still plenty of crazy hairstyles and lots of makeup. They might have made girls wipe off more excessive makeup (orange foundation, bright eyeshadow, etc) but there were kind a few kids with scene hairstyles and colours. It was just too much effort to keep sending them home to parent who didn't give a shit. A lot of teacher would just let it go if it couldn't be changed within five minutes on the premises because they'd rather have the student in the classroom and learning.
>>74068I'm curious too. If she's already so cringey online, I want to know what concentrated cringe she could put in an e-mail.
No. 74323
File: 1450742833929.jpeg (142.85 KB, 1242x1159, image.jpeg)

Why does she fetishize having non-white looking babies so much? She does know she's white right? They're gonna look a little white….
No. 74324
File: 1450743477179.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.19 KB, 720x1280, image.jpeg)

Her and her friends are sending some girl messages like this because she tried to call her out for being ableist (which is also stupid because they were just song lyrics)
No. 74348
>>74323She's such a retard
Blue is the most common eye colour amongst white people and most babies are born with light hair.
Plenty of kids are blonde until they grow up.
Also if blue is such a problem why isnt "green" like hers, that's pretty white people. And black people can have blue eyes its just not common.
No. 74349
>>74323To be honest, she's a redhead.
her hair color is the least liked lol
No. 74365
>>74348The whole point is the baby daddy won't be white so it'd be extremely unlikely for either to happen.
Basically Meg is just using another way of saying she loves the bbc.
No. 74466
File: 1450813432907.jpg (25.14 KB, 290x93, meg.jpg)

So edgy.
No. 74468
File: 1450813723520.png (109.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-22-19-42-06…)

Lol. Does she actually think any stuff that resembles such things on tumblr is legit? You're obviously not allowed to upload that shit.
What kinda weird would wanna watch actual rape anyway?! Especially as a female…
Though I think she just says shit for edge points.
No. 74469
File: 1450813892977.png (229.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-22-19-49-46…)

Dear Meg.
No. 74501
File: 1450820653088.jpg (94.97 KB, 331x297, meg.jpg)

"Fuck you with your support, just give me money !"
No. 74506
>>74501DUDE WHAT.
WOOOOOOWWW someone deserves a throat punch.
No. 74543
>>74506>>74501Gah shes such a cunt, disrespecting your fans/customers is the dumbest thing.
If I was considering buying something and questioned the seller and they replied with something along the lines of "ew shut up freeloader bitch. Buy my content or fuck off, bi x" then obv id not go forward and buy from them.
She has 0 business ethic, like not even basic human instinct. She wonders why no one tips on cam? Cos shes so needy but disrespectful. Complaint after complaint is not appealing… At all!
No. 74571
File: 1450837782071.jpg (61.39 KB, 592x147, Sans titre-3.jpg)

Meg is having some deep thought about religion.
No. 74577
>>74576Maybe she is deliberatly vague because the broken computer is bogus.
That would explain why she is not happy that people want to know what the problem is.
No. 74581
>>74576ikr I don't play around with that area of study anymore but I was coding my own websites in HTML and CSS on freeforums as early as 13 years old.
Basic coding is not special in the slightest but Megan probably believes she's Einstein for memorising <a href> kek.
No. 74605
File: 1450846293685.jpg (458.27 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nsok6wBEuq1tvky6qo3_128…)

Her flopper of a tit in that bra grosses me out so bad.
No. 74625
>>74576This isn't true just for stupid bitches. So many actual programmers these days are terrible with computers.
The problem is that XP was the first OS to actually achieve "Plug & Play" so if you grew up on XP or later there was never any need to truly understand computers.
Secretaries from the 80s know more about computers than most so called nerds these days.
No. 74658
>>74582She should just do what the other anti-religion edgy Tumblrtards do and paraphrase the fuck out of the Nietzsche quotes that float around tumblr and claim those ideas as her own.
Honestly, even the craziest of religious nuts wouldn't dignify her ramblings with a response - there's nothing worth responding to there.
No. 74770
>>74650There's a difference between having a rape play fetish and actually enjoying seeing a genuine rape. That's messed up, getting off on other people's suffering.
Someone who has rape fantasies wants to play them out usually with someone they trust, they don't wanna actually be assaulted and raped in the street by a stranger!
Tbh should it even be called a rape fetish? It's just extreme submission. Rape doesn't exist if consent is there.
No. 74848
File: 1450932161915.png (457.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-24-04-36-26…)

"Hunna times better". So cringe!
Also why is she writing comments directed towards a guy in prison who won't be reading it.
Meg is crumbling so hard
No. 74937
File: 1450972932972.jpg (83.18 KB, 472x263, drama.jpg)

I'm guessing the drama is again about her and the black prison guy.
No. 74941
>>74937Something about him not contacting her enough or some crap.
The man's in prison ffs, I'm sure he has more important people to use his phonecalls on than some skanky hoe he met on tumblr
No. 75025
File: 1451012786519.jpg (331.66 KB, 1080x720, megbruise.jpg)

She has a bruise on her tit?
No. 75028
File: 1451013504293.png (2.78 MB, 2048x1851, PhotoGrid_1451013377894-1.png)

Not a cam girl but I don't know where else to share this.
Anyways, this girl has ruined her body with tattoos. It's been a minute since I've seen a travesty like this one.
No. 75029
File: 1451013562215.jpg (21.6 KB, 336x391, ihavehorribletits.jpg)

Daily reminder meg has realised just how awful her tits are that she refuses to get them out on cam.
What kinda cam model doesnt go topless? She's making it massively obvious she has fucking horrendous tits.
No. 75030
>>75029Tip before requesting is some retarded shit.
You have to discuss what's cool or not cool first.
If someon tips meg and says "eat ur own shit" by her rules, she should have to do it
No. 75033
>>75031If you knowingly knew about a big discusssion about yourself you'd prob always be on it.
Meg has said she's aware of it so he prob check it every 5 minutes tbh.
Meg you anus, go on cam like you said you would so we can laugh.
No. 75035
File: 1451014947249.jpg (24.11 KB, 453x72, megie.jpg)

I'm betting on striper-shoes and dildos.
No. 75036
File: 1451014979487.jpg (58.32 KB, 500x281, coffeespit.jpg)

>>75025>>75026holy shit guys this bruise is from a breast pump. cheap chinese self-pump one at that. if you use them too much or pump them too strong you get bruises. i'm legit losing my shit.
No. 75045
File: 1451019455130.jpg (1.08 MB, 1563x898, collage.jpg)

Got bored waiting for Meg, so I made a collage of la crème de la crème of mfc.
No. 75047
File: 1451021151164.jpg (149.82 KB, 959x959, tumblr_static_img_20131105_143…)

>>75028Eh, not that bad. Her body is in good shape and the tattoos aren't that bad, except for her tit tattoos and the weird bloody fingerprint gap below her tits.
Her face is beat, though.
No. 75075
File: 1451047649353.jpg (54.31 KB, 720x397, image.jpg)

>>75045Camming on Christmas Eve…
>mfw I have no suitable face for this No. 75090
File: 1451054368626.jpg (37.94 KB, 1005x576, image.jpg)

>>75077It's pathetic either way.
No. 75116
File: 1451067058994.jpg (402.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-25-09-28-17…)

Is it just me or does her face look chubbier?
No. 75117
>>75114Oh god anon why are you doing this to us
>>75116God, normally I don't think she looks THAT bad, but those fucking Ember eyebrows aren't doing her any favours.
No. 75191
>>75107But isn't it a day to be with your family or friends? My family doesn't believe in Christmas, but we spend time with each other anyway (and take in any of my friends who are stragglers.)
I mean, I understand if you have bad feelings about Christmas or don't celebrate it, but to me personally because of the attachment I have to the holiday, it seems really fucking sad.
Sorry for anyone who was
No. 75234
File: 1451101868146.jpg (104.03 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmx0k4sYGV1qdsbwvo1_128…)

15$ the bottle booze and holes in pantyhose.
No. 75252
File: 1451106968170.png (42.78 KB, 726x429, wow such edge.png)

Never change lmao
No. 75279
File: 1451136545747.png (427.02 KB, 1071x445, 0382047024707450467047540.png)

>>56503I think I might have accidentally come across something?
I was watching a interview with this rap group I like and one of the people in the comments had Meg's icon so I went to the channel and this is all that was there. It said the channel was created in 2008. Weird but probably nothing.
No. 75479
File: 1451231623815.jpg (53.64 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n0xwyeQAxR1tso2aio1_500…)

Drawn on freckles ?
No. 76126
File: 1451392449613.jpg (61.52 KB, 474x161, meg.jpg)

Meg sure knows how to do sex work.
No. 76153
>>76151Yeah she's really bad at her job.
Imagine Meg in retail.
"Fuk u basic bitch, no u can't try it on, buy it or fuk off n get raped"
No. 76179
>>76126>>76159Exactly. Fuck. It's not exactly unheard of for camgirl clients to have partners, and fuck, maybe even kids.
You'd think that would be the sort of thing you'd consider before becoming a camgirl, but I'd be surprised if Megan thinks anything through.
No. 76186
File: 1451413832648.jpeg (286.27 KB, 1082x1920, image.jpeg)

This is so god awful idek where to start
No. 76227
File: 1451420284346.png (104.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-29-20-14-10…)

Ha. It would make more sense if it was believable that megan had self esteem.
The girl clearly hates herself inside. Her confidence is dead. Shes a camgirl who won't get topless, that says a lot.
No. 76249
>>76229Yup. If you need the money real bad, you do the real sex work the discreet way then you find yourself a nice job.
When you hate yourself, you take pics of your vagina in your childhood home.
No. 76276
File: 1451429434109.png (171.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-29-22-43-06…)

Lol. This is literally the only moral stance she has.
It's fine to wish rape and murder upon people and say you fap to that tho.
She claims she'd like to torture and murder a guy then shag his fresh corpse but God forbid a trained hunter shoots a deer in the head causing instant death.
No. 76278
File: 1451430516201.gif (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nz96z3HrsB1tvky6qo6_500…)

When are you fixing those wonky uneven tits, Meg ?
No. 76288
>>76278 it must be so satisfying for the girls who went to highschool with meg and see her washed out and going no where.
if some attention whore was being bitchy to me and i went back to check up on her years later and saw that ugly bod and position in life, i'd feel good about myself
No. 76293
>>76288I'm guessing they don't really care. She was the weird kid, had the lolita and scene phases, and I'm guessing she was pretty dumb (based on the constant display of stupidity in each of het texts posts).
It's the kind of person you expect to have 3 kids by 23.
No. 76385
File: 1451458270843.png (498.32 KB, 559x618, Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 5.42…)

not sure if this has been posted before but….. why would you lie about your measurements on a photo that clearly disproves them lmao
No. 76399
File: 1451477545267.jpg (8.85 KB, 275x208, 1450289991678.jpg)

>>76385Reposting this to laugh at those supposed measurements even more.
No. 76411
File: 1451483876504.png (151.42 KB, 575x385, Screen Shot 2015-12-31 at 12.4…)

didn't she say something about thousands of people having bought her snapchat? looks like you only have 24 people on there meggy, that's like what, $600. which is still a fair amount of money but nothing near what she was claiming lmao
No. 76437
File: 1451497174146.png (206.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-30-17-28-42…)

>>76436It's like a blog for no one
No. 76438
File: 1451497232270.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.19 KB, 370x370, store_1446334901.jpg)

Her tit in this pic looks fucking rank
No. 76439
File: 1451497373024.png (Spoiler Image,168.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-30-17-31-36…)

This made me laugh. "Condition: very dirty"
Do you think they're somewhere unclean with her rotting pussy muck because she's been trying to sell those for fucking months.
No. 76444
>>76439I cannot imagine how disgusting and stuck together they must be.
>Seal the item in a plastic bag - $1.00what? You can get like 100 ziplock bags at the pound shop, that should come as default tbh
No. 76489
File: 1451515324551.jpg (79.81 KB, 720x480, tumblr_nhgxhxdLpj1tvky6qo1_128…)

she looks like her face had an allergic reaction to a bee sting or smth
No. 76569
File: 1451544786358.jpg (281.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-30-22-50-19…)

Ye gods, is Megan getting her hair dreaded? That's going to be hilarious lmao.
No. 76665
>>76586I think anon was getting dreads confused with box braids.
I'm not sure if that's what she means by "getting her hair braided", but it sounds like it.
I hope it is. That'd be hilarious.
Not to be tumblr, but they look like shit on white girls.
No. 76671
File: 1451560644343.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1548, Screenshot_2015-12-31-12-15-27…)

Classy as always
No. 76673
File: 1451561187154.png (273.5 KB, 1079x1822, Screenshot_2015-12-31-12-24-00…)

Hugos Tumblr if anyone cares
No. 76689
>>76673Nothing about her. I'm guessing he is putting up with her attention whoring because she takes it in the
No. 76736
>>76671This doesn't even look like cum. Looks more like snot.
Either Hugo has dodgy semen or its not cum at all.
No. 76798
>>76671Wow, and people wonder why no one respects camgirls. huuuh
There are a million things good for your skin that I can easily buy in an asian store too, you skanky ho.
No. 76870
File: 1451668165679.png (Spoiler Image,641.95 KB, 500x588, Capture2.PNG)

thought Meg got her nips pierced
then I realised she doesn't leave the house kek
No. 77049
File: 1451751316016.png (Spoiler Image,387.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-02-16-13-00…)

Blood play, bahah. Ffs megan just admit you self harm, its not surprising.
I sincerely doubt she's frigging herself off while she's cutting her thighs.
No. 77148
File: 1451768079150.jpg (209.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-02-12-48-57…)

Lmao didn't she keep talking about playing him or something before though? And she's kind of slaggy anyway.
No. 77156
File: 1451768686826.jpg (255.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-02-12-59-49…)

I love how she always avoids actually telling us what Hugo did. "And his crime doesn't matter" lmao like you know if he was in for robbing a bank or drug dealing or something her trashy ass would be all over tumblr bragging about what a badass her man is or some nauseating shit like that.
No. 77178
>>77049Isn't the whole idea/definition of blood play is that it's a sexual activity between people. One cuts the other etc.
Scratching your thigh with a shoddy kitchen knife on your thighs in your bedroom by yourself that's not blood play, there is no play involved, just blood.
Her saying its blood play is so glamorising of self harm, it's gross.
Let's face it you aint got a perfect head if you cut yourself for whatever the reason.
No. 77211
File: 1451786548950.png (78.94 KB, 1080x526, Screenshot_2016-01-02-20-55-40…)

What world does she live in where she actually believes it's not her fault for reacting angrily?
No. 77216
>>77212she gets angry when people compliment her, too.
>how dare you say nice things to me, just give me money!!can't win for losing around her.
No. 77293
File: 1451827684159.png (9.11 KB, 486x164, 6547687876563454356457676.png)

I can't deal with how edgy Meg is.
No. 77321
>>77293I know shes such a twat. And the amount of claims she makes about what she supposedly likes yet no evidence at all.
She just spews bollocks.
No. 77327
>>77110For attention. That's literally the only reason.
Back in my edgyyy days as a 16 year old, I would post pictures of my cuts because ~omg guys look how deep~
But really it's just stupid and mega embarrassing. I wish I could go back and bitch slap myself for being such a fuckin tool.
If you're self-harming to show other people, you're just showing off. Ugh.
No. 77364
File: 1451850116884.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.38 KB, 370x370, store_1446335062.jpg)

No. 77379
File: 1451852896241.jpg (44.73 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg)

I found some fabulous old yahoo answers and questions from ol' megs
No. 77382
File: 1451852973403.jpg (22.6 KB, 596x182, icutsmyself.jpg)

No. 77395
File: 1451854358040.jpg (46.71 KB, 540x360, tumblr_ntcpzvGlYw1tvky6qo1_540…)

>>77364I actually don't think Meg's boobs are -that- bad sagging-wise but the uneven sizes and weird misshapen nipples are what makes them ugly.
And why is she using this picture as her Manyvids profile picture? What is that nasty mark between her boobs? Really unflattering.
No. 77404
File: 1451856112310.jpg (96.77 KB, 1202x682, vampirefreaks.jpg)

No. 77406
File: 1451856170381.jpg (91.42 KB, 1202x533, luvtodog.jpg)

No. 77407
Not sure if this was an international thing, but I know it was super popular among chavs in the UK. Anyone else remember this style of writing for myspace and piczo and shit?
██████████████████ 100%
αвσυт мє
тнιѕ gυяℓ ιѕ ¢αℓℓє∂ мєgαи
fєℓℓ fяσм нєανєи σи 26тн мαу
ѕєє'ѕ тняυ нαzєℓ/gяєєи
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fανσяιтє ¢σℓσяѕ: ριик, ωнιтє , gσℓ∂
ѕιgи: gємιиι
fανσяιтє ѕιиgєя: вяιтиєу ѕρєαяѕ ..
M - makes dating fun
E - Has gorgeous eyes
G - very outgoing
A - hot
N - can kick the shit out of yooh
Sauce: No. 77408
File: 1451856198716.jpg (18.41 KB, 303x275, unwatchables.jpg)

>>77406sadly can't watch any of the videos, I'm sure they were top tier though.
No. 77409
>>77407oh wow.
I bet meg had a brilliantly cringe-worthy piczo!
>M - makes dating fun>E - Has gorgeous eyes>G - very outgoing>A - hot>N - can kick the shit out of yoohI don't think she grasped the concept of this…
No. 77420
File: 1451859006945.jpg (56.16 KB, 639x640, 1601440_768139753215599_150370…)

>>77407That Laura girl is the one in the leopard print.
She has a kid now lol, dont think she talks to meg anymore
No. 77437
File: 1451864135388.jpg (69.48 KB, 453x604, 21978_100526693312132_5005942_…)

school meg, like the only picture I can find, she must've been a big loser
No. 77445
File: 1451865902703.png (18.47 KB, 589x158, Capture.PNG)

good job
No. 77459
File: 1451868330553.png (19.17 KB, 785x153, Capture3.PNG)

idk why I find this so funny
No. 77482
File: 1451872061735.jpg (468.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-03-17-46-32…)

> i be a good girl and i take it
No. 77498
>>77459lmao, it is pretty retarded, and why would you go on yahoo answers surely you'd just ask your parents?
Even if she's 13 that's pretty retarded, desktop is just shortcut icons, obv doesnt hold the data.
Bet she had some dodgy cp nudes in her recycle bin.
No. 77499
>>77459I'm sorry but looking at Hugo he looks completley none threatening. He scammed some pensioners and thats probably the height of his bad boy image. I really dont think he'd ever do these violent things meg says, n she says this shit while hes in prison and will delate them later like always.
We've all seen the shitty spank gif, he's clearly not a rough sex maniac rapist.
No. 77509
>>77395The right one is ok sagging wise but the left one (the smaller one) is saggy as fuck. I still think it's the weight loss which is really unlucky since she wasn't THAT fat before and she's not even thin now.
No. 77514
File: 1451878625559.jpg (388.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-03-19-32-56…)

Because it's always the chubby, plain-looking white girls.
No. 77515
File: 1451878744220.jpg (346.43 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-03-19-35-08…)

>The amount of guys i’m close to that are addicted to me and want my babies and to marry me is intense.
Damn, how delusional is she?
No. 77557
File: 1451890363882.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, frodo-ultimatedigust.gif)

>>77482That is the most sickening thing I've read in a long time.
No. 77646
>>77641She's an attention whoring, idiotic cunt from Tumblr who camwhores. Nothing like any of the school shooters/mass shooters. She's a britfag too IIRC, she's probably never even touched a gun in her life. She's not going to kill anyone, she's just edgy white trash.
Don't be that person who calls the police or tries to have a snowflake arrested/committed in a mental ward for moralfag reasons, anon. Just don't.
No. 77738
File: 1451944769722.jpg (55.08 KB, 604x453, 225884_10200151390931786_28420…)

Is this meg?
No. 77747
I believe this is Megan's dad location matches and I recognise the dog, I think it died.
I mean there's fuck all on it and it's clearly unused but there ya go
No. 77865
>>77820Are you seriously trying to tell us that Britain is the only country where fat girls lose their puppy fat and suddenly think they're hot shit?
The world is
full of former fatty-chans who think they're supermodels just because they're thinner now.
If Meg was considered a 10/10 in the UK, she would have guys falling at her feet rather than being some pensioner scamming black guy's booty call.
No. 77976
File: 1452026881483.png (151.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-05-20-39-41…)

So shes basically resigning herself to doing nothing for 2 years.
She also has 0 concept of money does she? Obv she only pays a small amount of rent to her parents and she was saying how she couldn't even afford it when her laptop broke..
And Hugo obviously won't have a job when he's released and will find it incredibly hard to get a new one after what he's done.
They're gonna be the most tragic couple
No. 78433
File: 1452142493975.png (28.55 KB, 581x315, marriedwat.png)

Did I miss something? Since when is she married?
No. 78611
File: 1452206345841.png (430.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-07-22-34-32…)

Then buy it you mongoloid. You can't afford to spend £21? Maybe you should sell that pole gathering dust sitting in your room.
I still have 0 idea why she bought that thing, she has no pole dancing experience and she says she doesn't even exercise anymore (you can tell) so obviously she doesn't have the strength for it.
No. 78871
File: 1452291777741.png (250.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-08-22-20-25…)

Shes got extra chunk, loorrrd.
How is she gonna lose it with her new found laziness. She might be spiralling back to her old fat ass ways.
No. 78878
File: 1452293908813.png (715.62 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-08-22-57-14…)

Oh dear..
No. 78889
>>78878Fuck me that's bad.
I almost feel sorry for her.
No. 78891
>>78878My hair falls out a little but jee not like that, more like if I've been around you will find singular red hairs around!
I don't even know how much hair Meg has cos she uses or at least has used extensions.
No. 78968
File: 1452342872542.png (167.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-09-12-31-14…)

No. 78976
>>60861She looks exactly like a slavic femboy friend of mine.
She definitely has BPD
No. 79054
>>78879kek her hair was the only thing about her I was actually envious of.
honestly think she's my favourite snowflake right now. idk
No. 79089
File: 1452383971593.jpg (314.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-09-11-00-07…)

Some fanart of meg lmao
No. 79093
>>78879Inb4 she gets braids/dreads and uses "um my hair dreads naturally actually" as an argument against anyone who bitches about it.
(I don't give a fuck about white girls getting dreads but everyone knows a ton of people will give you shit for it if you're white.)
Seriously though that just looks like such a blatant setup for this.
No. 79312
File: 1452444306167.jpg (11.17 KB, 150x186, PhotoEditor-1452444251544.jpg)

No. 79314
>>79099Yeah, that's what I was wondering, too.
I don't know how recent the picture seen in
>>78871 was posted, but it would explain all the hair in
>>78878I know Meg's a massive fucktard, but I don't think she would publicly post a picture of her clumps of hair if it fell out rather than having been cut off.
No. 79342
File: 1452455395239.jpg (355.62 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-10-11-48-37…)

>>79314Nah man she's just reblogging that selfie or she's posted it before i think.
No. 79344
>>79342Ah, alright. Cheers, anon.
Now that you mention it, she looks kinda like she has a grown-out fringe in
>>77395 No. 79358
>>79354so fucking accurate
No. 79500
File: 1452516306891.png (106.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-11-12-43-51…)

No. 79501
File: 1452516379555.png (235.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-11-12-44-00…)

Yeah OK, blame your psychotic fucked up brain on your star sign, makes perfect sense!
No. 79987
File: 1452637738870.jpg (222.76 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nov5h02pSb1tvky6qo1_128…)

oh the sad boobies
No. 80127
File: 1452652196229.gif (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 360x640, tumblr_nqddilSfQc1tvky6qo2_500…)

>>80111Googled "megvnmvrie spank"
>he can’t spank 4 shit ^_^>goes on and on about the amount of kinky shit they do in the bedroom No. 80136
>>80127I'M HOWLING
No. 80335
>>80009And I could barely see that for the "baby's" the illiterate bitch.
You know, I'm pretty sure that making this face at/about someone used to mean you were insinuating that they were retarded. When did it become OMGsosexy?
No. 80417
>>80153My boobs are like that too and I used to be really insecure about it but I've gotten over it. Surgery is expensive and risky, it's better to just accept them for what they are. When people make fun of Meg's boobs, they're also usually making fun of her horrible personality. Don't put yourself in a situation that your boobs can be made fun of (don't be a lolcow, don't sleep with douches, don't send nudes to randos, etc.). Get some nice bras and you're good.
>>80397It does look fake and weird, yeah. That might have never even been on her snapchat, it's pretty easy to photoshop the snapchat text box. I can easily see her taking a selfie, editing it so she looks better, and adding a snapchat overlay.
No. 80490
>>80470Not even most, literally every woman has one titty bigger/smaller than the other to a degree, but most of the time it's not noticeable.
Titties are sisters, not twins.
No. 80715
File: 1452781603179.gif (771.21 KB, 500x274, giphy (1).gif)

>>72059>>72061Willam is a 28 inch waist ffs. She isn't 23 inches
>>74089Also, this. If she started cinching she'd look a lot better and maybe her baby daddy would include her in some photos now and again.
No. 80749
>>80653No, they're not.
You think they're the same because they look and feel the same but the differences are very discreet.
No part of a human's body is mirrored identically, your hands, your ears, your eyebrows, your tits, all of them are very slightly asymmetrical.
No. 80755
File: 1452794179031.jpg (94.85 KB, 600x800, CYW3rARVAAAP_Dx.jpg)

>>80622Personally, I like Daydreamcutie because I have a thing for petite, black haired girls. She also seems pretty decent in comparison with other cam girls tbh No. 80799
>>80755first rule of lolcow: if you like someone, don't post them on lolcow.
second rule of lolcow: if you like someone, don't post them on lolcow.
No. 80858
>>80810why the fuck would you post her on lolcow
either your her, or a sad lonely neckbeard fan
fuck off
No. 80860
>>80755>dat overbitei bet she looks glorious from the profile
although i am jelly of her tits
No. 80870
File: 1452811750458.png (Spoiler Image,160.9 KB, 500x375, 1444340815851.png)

>>80866>smalltheyre wayyy bigger than mine and an ideal size for me kek
No. 80872
>>80870>>80860>>80755samefag get out of the thread
no girl wants you, least of all this C- one
No. 80875
File: 1452811946177.jpg (61.06 KB, 640x423, JN10-20-13.jpg)

>>80872you know i was being sarcastic when talking about her overbite looking glorious?
that shit never looks good
she should get dentures or smth
No. 80890
File: 1452814115900.jpg (475.46 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o0yogoo3dr1qb3sizo1_128…)

Kek. She looks obese
No. 81338
File: 1452898268839.jpg (26.76 KB, 426x530, beaut.jpg)

My version is better, we could make too many.
No. 81455
File: 1452958079302.jpg (399.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-16-07-25-27…)

Christ she's let herself go. Or she just stopped shooping herself.
No. 81460
>>81455i almost feel bad for her now. just a bit even though she's a massive cunt.
if anyone actually wants to watch the entire snap, which is just her wiggling her body around and making nauseating kissy faces. No. 81490
File: 1452966001970.jpg (223.5 KB, 720x480, tumblr_o122g3Q20V1tvky6qo3_128…)

>>81455Ye shes looking awful.
She only posted that PIC about still bring 23" waist not that long ago! Shes prob still clinging to that fantasy.
"I put on weight but still got that 23" waist"
No. 81493
File: 1452966208087.png (147.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-16-17-41-46…)

She blates sends these asks to herself.
No. 81511
File: 1452969430408.png (169.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-16-18-33-56…)

Errr Meg you were claiming your hips magically expanded to 37 the other week.
Keep your lies straight!
No. 81529
>>81511Not to be the megan white knight parade, but it's possible that's a different hip measurement. Upper hip measurements are usually a few inches smaller than lower hip measurements.
I don't know the context of her saying her hips were 37 inches though so ignore me if this isn't relevant.
No. 81547
File: 1452975080365.png (30.84 KB, 507x171, meggies fluctuating boobs.png)

>>81546Her amazon wishlist has a 32d bra but it also has "small" bralettes. I don't think she knows her own measurements tbh
No. 81549
>>81546She needs to start wearing her actual size instead of going for what sounds good to everyone else. She would look 200 times better in properly sized clothes.
She wears small or extra small triangle bras or bralets even though she claims to be a D/DD? Most soft bras I've seen will stick you in at least a medium if you're over a c cup unless your band size is very, very small. The one shown in
>>81490 obviously doesn't fit right.
No. 81558
File: 1452979169116.png (158.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-16-21-17-19…)

Over the Christmas period?!
As a 4ft10 midget?!
That's a huge gain.
No. 81564
She isn't even that short though. See
>>67748. She probably gained more weight than 20 pounds tbh.
No. 81592
>>81549I own some of the underwear she has, in the same size she'd put it for on Amazon.
I'm barely even an A cup, and it all fits me perfectly.
Just so that people can get an idea of how ridiculous it is that she's supposedly a size small/X-S.
No. 81602
>>81594She tends to wears bras that are too small for her
>>72825>>60609 No. 81634
>>81584>>81575Ikr. I'm 5" 3 and ive gone from being underweight to gaining about 20-25 lbs in like 2 anda half years. To say shes gained 20 over the Christmas period is ridiculous.
I think it's more likely shes been slowly gaining weight but not admitted it, and now that it's painfully obvious shes had to come out n say it.
Shes basically saying she's about 120lbs now and that's quite a lot in relation to her claimed height.
I'm like 5lbs more and apparently 5 inches taller n I feel like a burger lol.
No. 81727
File: 1453045059850.jpg (194.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-07-32-14…)

No. 81728
File: 1453045131280.jpg (163.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-07-32-23…)

And still refusing to actually directly say what Hugo is in for lmaoo.
No. 81729
File: 1453045207465.jpg (220.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-07-32-36…)

"Go with the flow"
So basically eat herself into obesity…..jeez meg.
No. 81731
File: 1453045362201.jpg (225.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-07-31-16…)

Buttflustered meg lol
No. 81745
You're a true artist, anon.
No. 81793
>>81728You can bet that if he pulled some gangster/hoodrat shit like a drive-by she'd be bragging about it all over Tumblr "Hmmm Hugo's big dick daddy cock my man looks out for me he's in prison for a drive-by so watch what you say ;)".
But no, he scammed vulnerable elderly persons out of their pensions. It's disgusting, embarrassing and shameful and she knows it lol
No. 81797
File: 1453053378064.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.09 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_o13sx6ulxg1tvky6qo1_128…)

She "loves this lingerie set".
It's not just me who thinks its fucking awful is it? Like in every way. Even on a hot girl it would still be ugly.
No. 81799
>>81729>weight yo-yos a bit>a bit20lbs in less than a month isn't a bit and i think this is the secret to those sad flappy boobs she has.
And she is such a liar it's obvious she binge ate sweet and/or fatty foods.
No. 81805
>>81490>>81455I seriously think she is at an overweight BMI. Looks like 5'3" 150lbs.
But the worst part is her face has gone full Down's syndrome again. She really needs to get her weight under control. Her face looks so fucking terrible now.
No. 81811
File: 1453054674396.jpg (429.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-07-33-37…)

No, Megan, you really don't need any more cookies.
No. 81879
File: 1453061891526.jpg (363.08 KB, 1082x1920, tumblr_o144xoc7yB1tvky6qo1_128…)

What the fuck is this makeup?
No. 81880
File: 1453061913777.png (119.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-17-20-16-29…)

No. 81883
>>81836Shes said it too many people. Even when she was inher prime fatass state.
Hey she referred to me as fat when I was underweight.
She can keep up her embracing the chub facade but its obvious shes insecure as fuck about it. She has serious self hatred issues and takes it out on everyone else
No. 81890
>>81886Lol and some botched fake tits!
I can completley see that happening.
No. 81905
>>81797Yeah, I can't think of anyone looking good in that, ever. It's almost as if someone deliberately went out of their way to design the most unflattering lingerie possible.
Also holy shit, I thought people were exaggerating when they spoke about her lack of waist definition but that shit's crazy.
>>81811Jesus fucking christ, she really ballooned up. I don't want to sound like an ana-chan here, but I seriously think she's almost at the point where she could market herself as a BBW. Maybe it's just a really unflattering picture or something.
No. 82048
>>81971Wait, is she 4'10" or 5'3"?
If she's 5'3", she's probably even around 160 now.
No. 82106
>>82048idk :|
If she's 5'3" and claiming that her measurements before she got fat were 32-23-34, then she's an absolute liar… because I'm around her proposed height and am 32-24-32… and she has not looked anywhere near that defined in any picture I've seen of her on here.
(sorry for posting my measurements. I saged for politeness. There's just literally no way she was ever what she claimed.)
No. 82152
File: 1453097365923.jpg (107.16 KB, 333x250, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>82048Absolutely not 160. 5ft 3 fatty-chan here. Even assuming that she's 5ft 3, there is no way that she's 160. That's board line obese. Assuming that height, I would guess 130-140
If she's 4ft 10, I'd guess around 110-115 (pic related)
Heres a chart comparing height and weight: No. 82199
File: 1453108731265.png (6.44 KB, 246x179, Sans titre.png)

She is claiming she has Type1 diabetes now. Yeah, right.
No. 82252
>>82203But she
did have needles pics back when she was still PrettyPolly, iirc. She just claimed that it was for her super hxc drugs.
No. 82306
File: 1453121950274.png (341.55 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-18-12-51-16…)

Lol. Funny how the amount on manyvids shop hasn't changed huh?
Y even lie?
No. 82311
File: 1453122690109.jpg (47.37 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o138gxG3QW1tvky6qo1_128…)

She looks dread
No. 82314
File: 1453122994141.jpg (30.08 KB, 642x333, jklm.JPG)

>>76411>>82306kek you're right
No. 82466
>>81905I think the BBW thing is exactly what she's going for. People made fun of her rolls so now she's boasting about gaining weight to try and make a thing of it that could help save her nonexistent profits.
>>82314 And by looking at this, seems that her business plan hasn't worked, haha.
No. 82476
>>82472She's totally going to end up like Charms.
Except Charms used to be cute.
No. 82477
File: 1453139696957.png (16.11 KB, 702x315, lmao.png)

>>82311tbh her face looks really manly sometimes.
No. 82478
File: 1453139731938.png (21.56 KB, 717x228, why u always lying.png)

literally what is the point anyway WHO CARES
No. 82855
File: 1453208533830.jpg (Spoiler Image,340.1 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_nc4jswHnC41tvky6qo1_128…)

Just looking at this makes my midsection uncomfortable. God damn girl buy a bra that fits, that mark is horrendous!
No. 82940
File: 1453212519992.png (Spoiler Image,314.92 KB, 561x537, droopsychan.png)

No. 83037
File: 1453226042083.jpg (51.26 KB, 1011x397, Untitled.jpg)

She's added wigs to her wishlist, her hair must be falling out like mad
No. 83057
>>821524'10" is 1.47 meter
People this short actually exist?
No. 83065
File: 1453230372233.jpg (7.1 KB, 225x225, midget.jpg)

>>83057Estelle Getty was this height.
Judy Garland was 4ft 11in.
Fun facts.
No. 83075
File: 1453231034113.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.81 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_ns73zbUsXn1tvky6qo1_128…)

meggys collection of ill fitted lingerie
No. 83079
File: 1453231148796.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.36 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nit022rm3m1tvky6qo2_128…)

>>83078ps whats going on with her vagina ere
No. 83081
File: 1453231210067.gif (1.11 MB, 400x300, tumblr_nabdlksdB61tvky6qo1_400…)

No. 83083
File: 1453231248614.gif (1.99 MB, 500x333, tumblr_nnw3w7KxJM1tvky6qo1_500…)

No. 83085
File: 1453231308398.gif (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 250x444, tumblr_ngy1pctK901tvky6qo1_r1_…)

Hope he washed his hands thoroughly after this
No. 83087
File: 1453231376942.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.32 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nso9k3qtFD1tvky6qo1_128…)

No. 83088
File: 1453231413955.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.46 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_n96233O9KE1tvky6qo1_128…)

Her stretch marks.
They must be a lot worse now, yikes.
No. 83090
File: 1453231502345.gif (Spoiler Image,1.93 MB, 560x315, tumblr_ne9gqkIZPM1tvky6qo1_128…)

The more realistic version of the gifs of her in the bath trying to make it look like she has an ass.
No. 83091
File: 1453231568987.gif (1.01 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nm0xwqWSCT1tvky6qo5_r1_…)

What is this facial expression meant to be?
No. 83099
>>83091She looks like she's trying to hide her teeth.
Nobody opens their mouth to moan like that naturally
No. 83106
File: 1453233695808.jpg (348.37 KB, 1241x1083, 16-01-19-12-00-15-175_deco.jpg)

>>83081What is wrong with her fucking face
Is this just what happens when you purse your nonexistent lips too hard?
No. 83107
File: 1453233976009.jpg (6.75 KB, 187x269, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

I was watching The Undateables Las night and all I could think of when I saw the Down's woman was Megan, except the Down's woman was intelligent and witty (and not a ho).
No. 83177
File: 1453239018797.jpg (142.97 KB, 472x472, jocelyne-wildenstein.jpg)

>>83081is it just me or does she look a bit like the botched catwoman jocelyn wildenstein…
No. 83250
File: 1453245219886.jpg (40.48 KB, 384x512, Hair dye 3.JPG)

>>83081What the fuck? Does she actually think she looks cute there? She looks like one of those people that have bad reactions to hair dye (pic related).
No. 83477
>>83473There are a lot of searches where I am so, so glad I'm not a doctor. I can't deal with half this shit, I don't even understand how.
I think it's just crappy photoshop too, but you never know.
No. 83546
File: 1453321713447.jpg (4 KB, 394x72, 30fuckingh.jpg)

Hahahha she's claming to be a 30H
for fucks sake meg.
No. 83554
File: 1453323771761.jpg (49.73 KB, 489x652, 567a3a60139c5d755b00bcaa448255…)

>>83546This is a 30H bra
Who the hell does she think she's fooling?
No. 83585
File: 1453331233386.jpg (20.54 KB, 259x301, img_5627.jpg)

>>83546The girl pictured is a US H cup/UK FF cup. Since Megan is probably going by UK sizes, She's actually claiming to be a bigger cup size than this.
No. 83587
>>83585I always forget how the US is always a bit smaller than UK sizing.
I wonder how many socks it takes to make her tits look like this.
Do you think she'll be wearing those ugly translucent lingerie sets from here on out? Kek
No. 83608
>>83554>>83585I'm waiting for her to upload pics of these supposed H cup tits lol.
Also like the idea that shes still claiming a 30 band size, fuck off Meg.
No. 83979
File: 1453398276355.jpg (41.89 KB, 392x649, getrapedndie.jpg)

The fucking irony of megan reglogging this.
No. 83980
File: 1453398322264.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.7 KB, 335x431, giantboobs.jpg)

Wow, such H cups!
They look the same as ever?
No. 84036
File: 1453404099015.jpg (17.53 KB, 319x238, piggy.JPG)

>>83091Looks like a poor man's Ms. Piggy
No. 84044
>>84039I know, in what bizarre world are they supposed to be a H? Like wtf. And she's supposed to be all Small and petite so it's not even like she's a giantess and it makes them look smaller.
My breasts look bigger and they're a small D.
No. 84062
>>84055maybe she has something like reverse body dismorphya(sp?)? Where she thinks shes something shes obviously not?
idk Im tired, I hope you guys know what I mean lol
No. 84085
File: 1453408080818.jpg (26.33 KB, 716x367, meetthebinneys.jpg)

Ok so what baffles me more than anything is why she's lied about her parents relationship.
Remember the bollocks about he was way fucking older than her n people were calling her dad a creeper.
That doesn't seem accurate at all.
Meg's folks appear to be old as fuck. Both of them
Also which one is supposed to be Chinese? lol Cos these are the least Chinese sounding names I've ever heard.
No. 84105
>>84085Chinese immigrants sometimes use a more English-sounding name, especially in the UK. I know Chinese-born people called things like Florence, Graham and George. Not saying she's telling the truth, but it's hard to know just from somebody's name.
She probably said about her dad being waaay older because tumblr really romanticises relationships like that.
No. 84107
File: 1453409596834.jpg (126.75 KB, 960x1280, 358b89b4-97a1-4cb0-878f-b5973d…)

>>83990Her pussy looks exactly like her belly button, she looks like some kind of experiment gone wrong
No. 84110
>>84107Surgery, birth complication or defect
This is all I can think of to cause that bellybutton
No. 84112
>>84085I doubt she's actually Chinese though. I mean, look at her older pics.
>>77424I think there were some in her older threads, but she looks straight up retarded.
No. 84121
>>84112Yeah, I would be more inclined to believe she looks like that because of something like FAS or effects rather than believe she's half Chinese.
For the record, I don't think she has FAS either, I think she just has a strange face, but I would believe that a lot sooner than I would believe her being half Chinese.
No. 84136
>>84085the one jean binney on facebook i found from the uk isn't asian looking and neither her husband
one guy on her friends list with the same surname is white but has some asian-y looking eyes.
No. 84143
>>84105Idk if there is anywhere on the internet to read into people's ethnicity without paying for those lame ancestry sites.
From what I can find they are really fucking old.
Unlesss they're her granparents, idk.
No. 84144
File: 1453412191074.jpg (57.85 KB, 944x892, bigp.jpg)

>>84136Well this is her dad.
I presume mother doesn't have one.
So No pics to show unless anyone wants to send a friend request lol.
I think that dog died? But yeah here's meg with the dog.
No. 84153
File: 1453413104064.jpg (9.62 KB, 200x29, Capture5.JPG)

>>84144Doubting if they're at all related
But those damn eyes
No. 84158
>>84155Some guy who shares the same surname is all
Hence why I doubt their relation.
No. 84366
>>84365Obvious self Anon question is beyond obvious
She doesn't look any bigger at all, she's still the same size she's always looked except around the hips.
No. 84369
File: 1453457164063.jpg (253.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-22-02-00-55…)

No. 84491
File: 1453484653315.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.49 KB, 441x221, pornstarpussy.jpg)

I don't even understand whats going on in this picture, like her flap is stuck to her thigh??
No. 84506
File: 1453487027981.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.19 KB, 640x426, 3JWNMMh.jpg)

>>84502It does very much look like an axe wound.
It doesn't look like a vagina
No. 84507
File: 1453487068896.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.54 KB, 720x480, fLAN51p.jpg)

idk why it looks so roastie here
No. 84508
File: 1453487133451.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.44 KB, 720x480, y0aUTdz.jpg)

"muh downs"
No. 84533
>>84507Smooth outer labia, check, wrinkly inner labia, check, another set of wrinkly inner labia- wait what
Why does she have two sets of inner labia?! I've never seen that before in my life.
No. 84602
>>84587well tbf as a straight person with a vagina I think most pussys are pretty unappealing.
So if you are like you usually like whats closest to your own, unless you hate your own puss.
No. 84613
>>84507Damn, her pussy is fucking ugly. This is coming from someone who can appreciate a cute cunt.
The lack of soft, squishy outer labia is bugging me. It literally looks like someone hit her with an axe and everything is spilling out. Not really that fuckable, desu senpai.
No. 84620
File: 1453505394081.gif (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 390x293, 1446581281633.gif)

>>84502>>84517>>84529>>84610>>84617Just gonna leave this here for you guys.
No. 84622
>>84614Oh come now, everybody on the damn board would lick that shit for half of £10,000,000, especially the Americans as that's $14,267,000.
Shit, for £10,000,000 I'd lick it and serve it breakfast the next day.
No. 84646
File: 1453508235937.jpg (4.9 KB, 425x140, amfromleeeedzmate.jpg)

So she's stopped saying Leeds now?
Though to be fair anyone in the UK interested about her whereabouts, its pretty fucking obvious from her accent she's from Leeds.
>>84641You'll never eat a candycane again
No. 84647
File: 1453508396652.jpg (11.82 KB, 416x168, edgysex.jpg)

Meg that doesn't make it sound like you have kinky sex, it sounds like you legitimately dislike his sex and would rather not fuck him.
edgepoints for rape implications
I personally think she won't ever see Hugo again and we will never see a video of her and another human being.
No. 84656
>>84507Why do her labia majora look like an extra set of labia minora??????
I've honestly NEVER seen this on a human being before.
No. 84681
File: 1453512617973.gif (859.72 KB, 90x160, tumblr_o1dametXTl1sbipglo1_100…)

This gif appeared on my dash and caused me to cringe uncontrollably
No. 84687
>>84653she has 2 candy canes in the vid but idk if she swaps em by accident or something. Could be possible.
She probably doesn't understand that its a cause for infection and prob would for extra edgy kink points
No. 84691
File: 1453514435199.gif (Spoiler Image,746.8 KB, 365x205, tumblr_nq8nqr06KN1rk3xbfo3_400…)

>>84681lmao sexy
I love seeing dumb gifs of camwhores, pic related
No. 84756
>>84687I remember seeing her Candy Cane Double Penetration video promo on Tumblr. I sincerely hope they were plastic candy canes, I don't
really dislike Megan beyond thinking she's a bit gross but if she fucked an actual candy cane I'm done lmao.
No. 84791
File: 1453538259853.jpg (242.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-23-00-35-55…)

Careful, don't cut yourself on that edge.
No. 84796
File: 1453542042309.jpg (160.91 KB, 725x640, TnqsyZ7.jpg)

>>84791Is she not bored of this copy/paste edgelord stuff by now? She literally sounds like a 13 year old boy after spending a week on 4chan: she's all talk and you'd know if she were actually put in that situation, she would wimp out.
No. 84819
File: 1453552615607.png (216.06 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

"He loves how my ass feels now" oh really? How has he felt her ass when he's in prison
No. 85012
File: 1453591830495.png (338.41 KB, 848x591, ok.png)

did megan forget that she's also white as fuck?
No. 85085
>>84821When you fat but you still go no ass :(
>>84879Jesus, she can't get anything right, can she?
No. 85096
>>85012But anon!
She's Chineeeessseee
No. 85165
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No. 85167
>>85160Don't make excuses for her anon. Her ass is gross and so is her body. She's just minging and ugly.
>>85156Probably just eats and plays with her fanny all day while being on the dole.
No. 85299
File: 1453681705747.gif (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 500x333, tumblr_nblc20V2cB1tvky6qo1_500…)

>>85298ok I forgot the file lel
No. 85300
File: 1453681780761.gif (1.99 MB, 500x333, tumblr_nrl48jc74z1tvky6qo1_500…)

this bra tho
No. 85327
File: 1453686112842.jpg (37.2 KB, 771x574, 85986966.jpg)

fave sceney pics
No. 85328
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No. 85329
File: 1453686131825.jpg (52.71 KB, 688x768, zomg.jpg)

No. 85346
>>85300Oh my god
her fucking face looks so retarded
like a literal retard
No. 85691
File: 1453773909063.gif (486.61 KB, 300x200, tumblr_lv6pq45CvC1qe27eso1_400…)

wtf is this
No. 85692
File: 1453773922096.gif (245.18 KB, 300x225, tumblr_lqrj52Y8qf1qh4r8o.gif)

No. 85693
File: 1453773947770.jpg (52.75 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lpkpo24MVn1qe27eso1_500…)

they look like conjoined twins in this
No. 85694
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No. 85695
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No. 85696
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No. 85697
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No. 85698
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No. 85704
File: 1453775311522.jpg (43.16 KB, 640x960, 1044176_3917914562873_46502098…)

>when megan said she had good teeth
No. 85776
File: 1453793776670.jpg (21.18 KB, 280x390, SNF0612F_280_573701a.jpg)

>>85695there is 1000% no way that she is not the daughter of stalking cat, hoooly shit
No. 85816
File: 1453818428374.png (106.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-26-14-26-14…)

L. O. L
No. 85861
File: 1453830942576.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.13 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nmrurxSViF1tvky6qo1_128…)

It's like a sad apple
No. 85866
>>85860I have the same eyes as Meg (yeah I know it sucks) and got called Chinese as an insult all the time when I was younger. I'm not Asian at all.
She's not Chinese, just an ugly white girl. most mixed race people have ugly/weird face combinations but are considered beautiful because race mixing is trendy and she's trying to get in on that.
No. 85972
>>84756they were actual candycanes.
you can tell because in the gif, the red stripe is coming off on the skin around her asshole, that's why it looks weirdly inflamed.
No. 86008
>the red stripe is coming off on the skin around her asshole, that's why it looks weirdly inflamed.Oh, dear god, you're right.
Surely that's the kind of thing that eventually gives you an inflamed ass for real
jesus christ megan why
No. 86056
File: 1453860691094.png (171.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-27-02-09-40…)

She blatantly sent this to herself. You can tell by how its written
No. 86313
>>86312She deffo has but shes been putting it on for a good while, shes just finally admitting it n tryna flaunt how she likes it but we all know shes distraught. She went from being a fat ass to not so obv she didn't like it n changed. Ive read so much of her self loathing about her weight n insulting large ppl calling them whales.
Shes just given up
No. 86465
File: 1453955774313.png (884.87 KB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 8.28…)

This is meg right?
No. 86466
File: 1453955845753.png (869.9 KB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 8.32…)

She even has to lie about her height on youtube comments
No. 86716
File: 1453982272371.jpg (439.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-28-03-38-17…)

Figures lmao
No. 87173
File: 1454072024822.png (361.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-29-12-52-06…)

Holy fucking ew.
Also these are her supposed H cups? Lel
No. 87174
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No. 87252
>>87239Shes only 19 n way too dumb n poor.
I think we'd know if she had a baby!
About a year ago she claimed to be pregnant and aborted it but that was almost certainly a lie just to cause drama and be edgy.
She wasn't even an enormous fatty so idk why her tits look so incredibly deflated. They were never large.
No. 87311
>>87306Indeed. I will keep my opinions to myself mostly. If she was just some random girl who did no wrong I wouldn't take the piss.
But shes an utter cunt and ive been personally attacked by her online. Shes a freak.
No. 87363
>>87329basically this. I'm all for supporting all types of tits because they don't always look like they do in porn ffs.
but then I remember megan is an utter cunt. Still think it's insecurity though.
No. 87400
File: 1454117487985.jpg (1.91 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160130_012918921.jpg)

Got sour cream all over my fingers n realised it looks like I've been fingering meg
No. 87434
>>87408jesus I thought the same thing and was fucking horrified lmao. I wouldn't put it past her n
nasty ass either tho
No. 87516
File: 1454167700540.jpg (263.13 KB, 1082x1920, tumblr_o1ruiv5P5T1tvky6qo1_128…)

Shes blates gonna cheat on Hugo with Jamal.
She just jumps back with exes cos no one else will go near her.
No. 87535
>>87516dear lord what made her think this pose was a good idea
still doing the idiotic tippy toe look
and ffs dont smash your arm against your side and let it look all fat like that
No. 87612
File: 1454188342520.jpg (48.16 KB, 640x640, tumblr_o1pl7swCwi1tvky6qo1_128…)

Her hair color looks janky as hell.
No. 88042
>>87174"say hello to titty"
No. 88051
File: 1454297307418.png (Spoiler Image,689.82 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>84638>>84638What are those two weird bumps by her puss??
No. 88370
>>88368Samefagging to clarify that I mean where the food coloring has stained her skin a little.
It's easy to believe she's got an STI, but yeah, I think it's just a couple of pussy juice droplets this time.
No. 88452
File: 1454369043654.jpg (19.49 KB, 494x524, ravingat17.jpg)

For fucks sake, she can't go 5 minutes without making up some shitty story.