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No. 517818
>scene queen turned kawaii influencer>"mental health advocate" with self-diagnosed bipolar and body dysmorphia >first came under fire after posting one of the most entitled videos to ever grace the kawaii sector of YouTube, where she shares the story about how she demanded Angelic Pretty let her return a $1000 dress, despite their no returns policy, because she did the price conversion wrong… then proceeded to say they probably didn't want to let her return it because the company wasn't doing well>also blocked Lovely Lor when she did a super sweet video in Kelly's defense, all because she wasn't 100% kissing her ass and pretending she did no wrong>can't handle any criticism and blocks whoever gives it, even blocked a fan for nicely pointing out that she forgot to censor someone's address in a mail video>threw a tantrum over not being featured in a Final Fantasy Gallery and had the nerve to show up even after inciting her followers to harass the gallery over it>has requested her followers pressure companies to send her free shit>boycotted Sanrio for about two seconds for refusing to sponsor her>does a fan mail opening series where her entitled attitude tends to seep through, she has full blown dismissed gifts she deems unworthy and has even used a fan's sign they made her as a ramp for her dog>complains constantly about being broke, yet can afford things like expensive cosmetic procedures, $600+ pink microwaves, a purebred Pomeranian, regular clothing and furniture hauls, along with all sorts of other shit… while renting a nice house in Hollywood and a studio apartment she doesn't even actually need (and barely uses) for making videos>sells items given to her by sponsors and has a reputation as a shitty seller>seems to blindly accept any sponsorship, given that she will do ads for companies known for being downright harmful (flat tummy tea for example)The Fellowship
>has a group of friends that call themselves "the Fellowship of the Rainbow" due to all of them having colorful hair >Kelly's "best friend" and roommate Dre has been distancing herself from Kelly for a while now, the most telling moment being when Dre requested they start doing a lot less videos together and Kelly proceeding to throw a shitfit over it on Twitter (literally saying it was wrong for Dre to leave her out of the spotlight she helped create for her) Dre is now moving out this month>also worth noting she was calling Dre her best friend after hardly knowing her at all, which is rarely a good foundation for a healthy relationship>most of the Fellowship didn't even know Kelly was having her most recent surgery until she announced it on Twitter>couldn't even keep her depression to herself and fake being happy for her other best friend Stephanie's wedding, and made that a center theme of the blog she made for it>group has barely any sense of tact in public and has no problem being loud and obnoxious (two words: air horn) Steph has also worn a literal lingerie set to Disneyland Social Media: thread:
>>>/snow/466706 No. 517825
>>517818"the most telling moment being when Dre requested they start doing a lot less videos together and Kelly proceeding to throw a shitfit over it on Twitter (literally saying it was wrong for Dre to leave her out of the spotlight she helped create for her)"
Any captions of this? Just curious, because i´d heard about it before but thought it was just speculation.
No. 517853
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>>517825Posted the same exact day that Dre announced hitting 100k subs, and right around when she first mentioned Dre wanted to keep their channels more separate.
No. 517860
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She deleted this.
No. 517892
>>517853Honestly, while I definitely think Kelly is probably a very draining/potentially toxic person to be close to and most likely has BPD… I'm kinda on her side with this one.
I started watching Kelly when she only had like 35k subs and Dre was essentially a nobody. Dre's audience was pretty much entirely Kelly's fans until about 60-75k subs when she started to get recognition outside of "Kelly Eden's roommate". Then once she got her own audience and began to surpass Kelly, she wanted their channels separate.
Doesn't anyone else think it's sketchy AF that she was more than happy to do videos with Kelly for all that time, but the second she surpasses her in subs she wants to distance herself? I wouldn't think anything of her desire to get her own audience if it weren't for the fact that by the time she actually did that, she already had milked Kelly's for all it was worth. So yeah, imo Dre was straight up using Kelly until she got what she wanted and no longer needed her to further her audience.
Also, keep in mind that at the time Dre did this, Kelly wasn't seen as
problematic at all (even if you go to her PULL thread, you'll notice that no one was starting to seriously criticize her until months after that) so you can't even justify it with not wanting Kelly to tarnish her brand.
No. 517899
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>>517860Holy fuck, I knew her fan base was cultish, but justifying her scamming her Patreon supporters with "maybe don't give hundreds of dollars to a stranger?" is a whole other level. Absolutely appalling.
No. 517924
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>>517860>>517899Her Patreon needs to be updated honestly. Also looking at her goals it looks like a lot of people unsubscribed to her and the second goal was deleted, anyone knows what it was?
Here's a peak of her Patreon posts from last month, maybe her patreons will finally get a SM skit, or maybe it's backtracking for all the backlash she's been getting for not putting one out in over a year.
No. 517963
>>517892"Potentially toxic"
I'm sure that Dre had been feeling like she wanted to distance herself for a while. People don't just wake up one day and decide something like that. She probably got sick of Kelly's shit really fast but hadn't found a way to tell her because she was worried about her reaction (we've all seen that people have to tiptoe around Kelly since she has outbursts where she plays the victim). Also, Kelly has been
problematic, whether or not threads had been created against her yet or not. I'm sure that the people who have worked with her or are friends with her/were friends with her have realized this.
I don't want to insinuate that you are Kelly, but your post sounds very bitter towards Dre. Dre isn't perfect either but I doubt that she had an agenda to use Kelly to get fame.
No. 517972
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Lol rting Audrey Kitching after she was recently mentioned in her last thread
I'm sick of her making it sound like she got some huge life saving surgery. It's cosmetic surgery FFS.
No. 517991
>>517952>>517970>>517963I get that, but why wait until after you already got all the followers you could from your friend's fan base? Even if using Kelly wasn't her intention, she picked timing that would inevitably make it look bad. You have to admit the timing is suspicious even if you don't think she was using her. If she had done it before she hit the peak of what she was going to get from Kelly, I wouldn't think anything of it, but to do it right after doesn't look good.
>I don't want to insinuate that you are Kelly, but your post sounds very bitter towards Dre.And all the posts I make about Kelly are bitter toward her, just like everyone else's. Of course it sounds bitter about Dre when she's the focus. That's the point of the site. Bitching about cows and their friends you don't like.
No. 518000
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Not very milky but it seems that Kelly is losing more followers than she's gaining on Instagram. Same can't be said about her youtube or Twitter though. (Screenshot from socialblade)
No. 518002
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Especially when you compare it to Dre's insta. That's quite a difference in daily average growth.
No. 518035
>>517818>>518029Don't forget it was also the PASTEL GOTH critique video that Dre made with Kelly. That video really shot Dre's popularity and got her over 100k subs while Kelly was still in 90k subs. After that video, Dre thought she was hot shit and decided to do her own thing. Before the Pastel Goth video, Dre was a nobody and I remember she had only 20k subs while Kelly had almost 100k subs, but not quite there yet.
so I get why Kelly was bitter and hurt.
No. 518045
>>517860I can see your user icon at the bottom Anon, you should request deletion of that post.
>>517818Nice work on the OP!
No. 518052
>>518035This so hard
Kelly might be a cow, but that doesn't mean Dre didn't use her. Whether it was intentional or not, that was still the outcome.
No. 518296
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So I guess they are friends again? Guess she has been reading here again kek
No. 518401
>>518384I said this in the previous thread before it closed, I'm wondering if everyone realized that the radio silence between them is causing bad optics and harming their Fellowship of the Rainbow 'image'…
I've never been on a forum like this one, before yesterday. I am not a 'fan' of Kelly Eden per se; she is just one of the channels I watch or have on in the background when I'm getting ready to work. Sometimes I check their instagrams because I like their style and use it for inspiration when I'm making arts and crafts.
If even I, a casual viewer that does not watch every video of theirs, noticed how off everything has been lately, then how are genuine fans reacting about all of this drama?
I became curious enough that I searched Kelly and Dre's social media accounts to see if I could glean some information, but nothing. I even braved the Youtube comment sections, and again, nothing.
So I googled my question and ended up on here and some other 'youtube' forum. I ended up reading and wow, I had no idea of half the stuff that was going on, much less this latest moving situation.
My point is this: If I, a casual viewer, can tell something is off, and then I go off to search for answers, then I can only imagine how many other fans have done the same thing and are reading these same forums I have read yesterday and today. These threads not only put Kelly in a bad light, but it puts the rest of the group in a bad light as well. Considering how bad everyone's money situation has been lately, I don't doubt they decided to act civil in order to quell any suspicion and prevent more viewers from finding theses threads.
No. 518423
>>518419Do you have to be so upset? And actually, I edited this comment and removed a few sentences, so it's actually not 'word for word' if you want to be technical…
Anyway, I posted it again because I don't know if anyone saw it, since I made it late at night and this new thread was started shortly after.
I have no idea what 'sage' means, sorry.
No. 518430
>>518423A lot of people read these threads, people are more likely to reply if they have something to add or to disagree, doesn't mean we aren't reading if people don't respond. Everyone read the initial post hence the responses now…
Sage means write the word "sage" in the email field which prevents the thread being bumped if you are not adding new information. (blue "Anonymous" vs green)
Opinion counts as not new information, screencaps are new information.
No. 518441
>>518430Alright, I appreciate the information. I Hope I'm doing this correctly.
Like I said, I've never been on this type of forum before. And to be honest, I doubt I will stay around here, since I do not think I'm the target demographic. It's not just the forum rules that I unfamiliar with, it's also the way the conversations go that sometimes baffle me. Some of these threads I read last night and today left me feeling old, if that makes since.
No. 518443
>>518441When I found these forums I was like "dese bitchez" but here I am still contributing a month later. I recommend clicking the links to OT and G, the people who use this site are actually pretty good/kind people under our bitchy exteriors.
But yeah the format is pretty much throwing down a comment and walking away, any serious topic development is derailing. It's pretty interesting regardless
No. 518456
>>518443I do not want to derail this thread, so I will make this my last comment on the subject. I see the value in this forum; I ended up binge reading on it last night and today. I've learned a lot about several youtubers that I regularly watch.
I'm glad that this forum has exposed their phony personas, even if I wasn't really invested in them to begin with. Although I enjoyed watching them, sometimes these channels would make me feel inadequate about my life; these men and women are mostly younger than me, yet they have accomplished much more than I have. They seem to have everything figured out and they are living wonderful, successful lives. I now see that it really isn't as great as they make it out to be.
In a way, this strange forum has made me feel like I'm doing okay. I don't have a fancy house, I don't have a lot of friends, I don't go on trips or get latest makeup or fashionable clothes. I'm 'old', I work 50 hours a week and I'm always tired. But you know what? I love my friends and at least I can say I haven't hurt or lied to anyone. At least I can go to bed knowing that my friends really value me and aren't trying to use me.
I realize this all sounds corny, but it's past midnight, I'm tired, and I'm still trying to digest the fact that most of the youtubers I watched and admired were noting but liars this whole time.
Ah, well. To anyone reading, good night.
No. 518460
>>518456Anon, that's probably why most of us are here. I know you're new to this so I'll give you a bit of a pass, but most people here like to talk about cows because they make us feel better about our own lives and situations. most cows are people who project an ideal or enviable life, but underneath it all they're sad shitty people who are filing the void in their life with superficial shit instead of meaningful friendships and relationships.
Welcome to lolcow.
No. 518650
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>>518449Not much milk, just Lor mentioning it on Twitter. She also Tweeted another one along the lines of "She blocked me over that video!" Given the timeframe and the "I was rotting for you! We were all rooting for you!" gig, it's clearly about Kelly.
No. 518778
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>>518341I know it's a Kelly thread, but I have to weigh in and agree. My favourite of her horrible tattoos is the one for when Carrie Fisher died. It looks like a kid who just started learning to draw did it. It's so bad. Not to mention the artist fucked up when he/she wrote the "You're My Only Hope" because they spelled it "your" and realised it needed the e and the ' and they squished it in there. It's so obvious too. Photo related.
No. 518950
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Whoever Photoshopped this needs to uninstall it immediately.
No. 518953
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>>518778yikes… I guess Dre wanted a Sailor Jerry style but you need a really good tattoo artist to pull that off. The pistol looks so thin in that tattoo, too. more horrible tattoos on her chest
No. 518957
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>>518953and another pic of terrible arm tattoos. Dre does NOT have a good tattoo coordination, she just picks a bunch of random designs and puts them on her body.
No. 518959
>>518953however I have to say that I am impressed with Dre for losing a lot of weight. Back before she became popular for "Pastel Goth" critique video, she used to be much heavier.
old video from early 2016: definitely lost some weight and looks much better now. I just wish she'd stop getting bad tattoos :/
No. 518988
>>518959Put the link in the YouTube bar to embed it!
Stops them from getting views
Which I guess doesn't matter too much since she's been demonetized lmao
Polite sage, hope this doesn't count as mini modding
No. 519026
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>>518959I’d be proud of her for her weight loss if she had just been honest about it. She ignored any comment about her losing weight and in a life Instagram video said she wouldn’t answer any questions about it… but then she went on twitter after months of people asking and said the only change she made to lose the weight was she started drinking more water. LOL OKAY DRE.
No. 519068
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>>519026But she did loose weight and she looks good, she should be proud and not "lets stop talking about it" ??
esp in her most recent insta post.
I remember someone asking if she was actually plus size (or something along those lines) and she got super defensive and was all like "oh no, I AM plus size, i'm just tall"
she strangely touchy about that subject. It's like she thinks being plus size is such a huge part of her image that she's not special if she's not?
sage bc dre and idk if anyone cares
No. 519095
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So last I checked this thread was about kelly. Make a Dre one and take your shit there and stop derailing.
Why didn't she get a breast reduction again? She's obviously gotten lipo, did she think the huge fake boobs are going to look passable now?
No. 519234
>>519068idk, most of the time when girls don't want to address their weight loss is because they're doing things to lose weight that most people would get upset about, like ED shit.
Sage because Dre and there's absolutely no proof, but most people who make a good weight loss are pretty quick to brag about it or share advice.
No. 519267
>>519247nah. just pointing out that's probably why she's hiding her methods of losing weight.
>>519251yup. just "drinking more water" doesn't make you lose weight. that's literally the stupidest thing I've ever read. you make a lifestyle change, whether it's good or bad. if she was working out or eating healthy, she would probably post about it. I'm calling it here, she's doing some bad habit shit. maybe not full ED but it's clearly not anything good.
No. 519411
>>518778When/where was This tattoo shown? She’s pretty young, so I imagine a lot of the tattoos were chosen at 18/19, which I feel like is a little understandable? (I would have gotten shit tattoos at 18) but yeah this one is not great.
No. 519612
>>519379I second this.
Also, does anyone else find it uncomfortable how Kelly has began to really embrace her underage audience when a huge chunk of her channel centers around her adventures with her porn star friends, who she heavily promotes?
I'm not usually one to go "think of the children!" when it comes to YouTubers, but I genuinely worry about the influence the Fellowship might have on their underage viewers.
No. 519729
>>519719Hence the "allegedly".
She works as a makeup artist and has a few - as you mentioned - DIYs.
Apparently her educational background is steep in artsy fartsy stuff too - Waldorf or something silly like that.
No. 519748
>>519596True, except she crucified fans for complimenting her weight loss, even picking a random comment off her Instagram complimenting her to screenshot and post on Twitter labeling that person as being
problematic. She didn’t even blur their username. The fan was genuinely trying to be nice and give Dre a compliment to make her feel good and she dragged her for it.
No. 520012
It's funny y'all act like you're so much better than kelly and the fellowship when you're not. You're mean for no reason, you're broke, and you're bitches. You're probably jealous of the fellowship girls. You all act like they did something to you personally and it's fucking hilarious how you guys fucking stalk her to a point to up her government name, her address, body shame, drop slurs, but then go "no kelly is bad! she was mean to me and she also bought a dog and she's a fat girl!!!" W H O C A R E S if y'all hate the woman so much why does it bother you? Are you mad that you're not kelly? Also, why are you slut shaming Steph, she gets money from having a great body and sharing it with whomever pays and unlike most of y'all she's married and happy. You people are the ones who need to get help if you're in here fucking talking shit about a person you will never meet, have never met, and will continue to live their life on the internet making more money than you. She's a true scammer, because you were scammed into caring. Iconic, truly, honestly.
No. 520015
>>519457She is literally unable to give a substantive answer to half of these. And Inuyasha came out a million years ago and isn't even that good (this coming from a Rumiko Takahashi fan). Everything she mentions has been on tv dubbed or was on Netflix. She couldn't even give an example of ONE SCENE that she counted among her favorites and somehow thinks the late student running to school with toast trope is the best thing ever.
There's that heternormative bullshit with the waifu question. People who have waifus are not all boys? When she describes her favorite openings and endings, it's mostly Inuyasha (which too be fair had great music) and she likes them because….they show all the characters and allude to their relationships? Like every other anime op/ed??? There are so many actually stylish or cinematic iconic openings of popular shows like Cowboy Bebop or Evangelion or Utena.
She says her least favorite thing about anime is the people who accuse her of being a fake fan "because of her appearance." I'm sorry, but who the hell grew up in the 90s, claims to love magical girls, but is only seeing CCS for the first time in 2018? It was re-aired network TV for YEARS, and I know this because it took me years to record all the episodes on with my VCR. Sage for sperging, but what the actual hell. I can't believe I live in a time where people pretend to like anime to be cool. "Now you guys are seeing how weird I really am!" SMH.
No. 520059
>>520046Lol what even.
>>520012Definitely not broke, honey. Paid off my house last year and bought a second new car this year. Just hate how shitty Kelly is as a person. She has potential to be a really good influence in areas such as LGBTQ (pending she's ACTUALLY bi), mental health, and being an all around decent role model for young girls, yet she is just a pile of shit who blames everything on her alleged mental illnesses, can't take criticism, own up to her mistakes, or even follow through on promises for a simple Patreon page. Most people on here are people who used to be fans of hers before she started showing her true colours.
No. 520107
>>520079>you didn't fall for a scam so therefore you shouldn't care if scams are being carried out elsewhereyeah no that's not how it works
if you were prosecuting someone who was running a ponzi scheme, telling the jury 'yeah, but you didn't fall for it, so you should let the defendant go free!' isn't going to earn you any points.
you stupid cunt.
No. 520115
>>520046Just shhh. To say we are broke and jealous, no. Some of us like to bring attention to people that just milk money and use people. Kelly has used lots of people, look at her old MAC Denver family who did sweet stuff for her and she just wants nothing with them. Her old Goth MALE roommates who would bring her stuff, take her out, introduce her to people when she first moved to California…and then she just cut them out. She moved in with Demonpuff…then threw shades, when Demonpuff was just trying to help her out and introduce her to people and invite her to Shrinkle (makeup artist) events. She had a high position at Makeup Forever and quit within less than a month, which screwed the schedules and time of a lot of people. Kelly later gets roommates with new people who pay rent and she just instructs them how and what to do around the house to keep her "aesthetics", because she is a control freak. Then the ginger guy with Dre move in, and she films them all the time, breaking their space and boundaries for views on her ig and yt. Seth moves out, and Dre later has issues with Kelly. Kelly constantly re-adds/deletes Dre and Kota. When she first got to L.A cause issues with flirting with Ashley Purdy. She just has screwed lots of people. Didn't give an ounce of shit when Davey was being screwed over with his music label, and just wanted attention to herself. I can go on. Why so many people distance themselves from this girl. She use to be sweet but that damn ego. Hollywood for y'all. Its a small sad circle. Also, could care less that Stephanie films and works with nudity, just be authentic with photoshop when you constantly talk about body positivity.
No. 520197
>>520099It's internet celebrities own faults threads like these exist. They treat all criticism equally whether valid and respectful or slander and things that are actually offensive. They just delete it all.
When you censor your audience like that, that means they have to go elsewhere to talk and instead of their comments getting buried in thousands of youtube and instagram comments, they end up on a forum where it pops up on the first page when people google your name.
When you're constantly putting your own voice and opinion out there, it's only fair to allow people to disagree or respond with their own opinion. You don't even need to read it or respond to it, just simply let their voice as exist as yours does.
No. 520231
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Some ancient milk, but I think it's time "Lovely" Lor took down her "helpful" video which is now very old news, but still shows up as the first video result for Kelly, pic related. It's obvious it was always made because Lor is a 2/10 in every department. I just watched a Lor video and then switched to the start of a Kelly one and K looks like an angel in comparison to the sunken-eyed, horse-faced, personality-free, monotone Lor. The only motivation for that video was jealousy, and IIRC she even calls Kelly a bimbo in the video. Very "helpful" and "lovely".
No. 520234
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>>520231Ancient milk pt 2, comments on Lor's original Instagram post where people pointed out the video was bullying
No. 520243
>>520197That's exactly right, that's why I read lolcow. To get actual truthful opinions. Nearly every single person on social media blocks and deletes anything that isn't praise, and it gives a false impression. For example the artist mab graves is obviously a ripoff of mark Ryden. You never see that mentioned on her Instagram, or any criticism.
I looked her up on youtube and found a comment where someone said she blocks and deletes any mention of Mark Ryden from her page. They create a "perfect" social media space which is just a hug-box. They will say they are only blocking trolls but it's actually ALL opinion which isn't flattery.
Honest people have to go elsewhere to have any kind of discussion.
No. 520333
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From lovely lors curious cat.
Yeah it's totally normal for someone to act like a child and block everyone that doesn't suck her asshole.
No. 520404
>>520178>>520353>>520372I feel like the Dre hate is so unwarranted and derailing. She wrote a genuine apology for this, which Kelly would never in a million years do. I'm much more inclined to give someone the benefit of the doubt if they can own up to their mistakes. Especially when she's so much younger than Kelly!
And I have to agree with her points. I once lost 40 pounds but it was because I was caring for a disabled family member and was incredibly depressed and didn't have the resources to take care of someone else and myself. I had always wanted to lose some weight, but when I got compliments on my weight loss, it felt pretty shitty to have my weight loss be something people praised me for when was the result of me being stuck in an awful situation that I didn't want to talk about.
Dre's content has only gotten better with time, she actually does things with her skills, like being in a band and actually working as a makeup artist and getting sponsorships where she doesn't try to sell the free stuff she gets on depop after she makes a video. Kelly is so much more obviously an obnoxious and shitty person, so I don't get where the hate is coming from.
No. 520448
>>520372The term whiteknight gets so fucking overused on this site to the point where it's lost its meaning. Anon straight up says they agree with Tyler's video, but acknowledges that it was over the top in its cuntiness, so they're a whiteknight? Anything short of sucking the asshole of anyone shitting on a cow makes you a whiteknight on here.
Do you have autism? I'm being serious, not trying to be edgy. Because it's a defining trait of autism not to understand why people aren't going to take your point into consideration when you word it in a totally assholish way. Obviously, Kelly isn't one to accept criticism no matter how it's delivered, but if you don't get why even the most rational person would dismiss Tyler's video given how bitchy she was, then you might be a literal autist.
No. 520541
>>520450Agreed. I don’t get why Dre snaps when people ask questions about her or Kelly when they broadcast most of her life. Like this Dre losing weight topic, or when she flipped out on people for asking why Kelly was getting her shitty tattoo removed… on an Instagram video kelly posted of her GETTING HER SHIITY TATTOO REMOVED. “You can watch the video of her tattoo being removed but how dare you ask
why!!!!” You put your whole life out there with the sole purpose of gaining fame, you can’t get mad and lash out when people notice things about you that have changed physically or when they ask you questions that you may not like.
No. 520617
>>520404LOL the Dre hate is so not unwarranted.
First of all, her content has not gotten better, it's mostly sponsored or PR content right now. 4/5 of her last videos are sponsored or PR. The other video features her pretend sucking on a shot glass for big lips.
Secondly, as flawed as Kelly is, Dre was 100% using her, maybe she didn't set out to use her but she did and then dropped her the second she had enough of a following to break out on her own. The only reason I knew who Dre was or ever started following her was because of Kelly.
Thirdly, did you not see the video she made with some other Youtuber where they just made fun of a bunch of primary school kids on musicly? She gets so
triggered over all of these social issues but hey, making fun of kids when you have a platform and they don't is okay.
Then, we can talk about how 21 is still well into adulthood where you should know better than to act like a complete cunt to your fans that are at least half children.
She won't even open mail on camera because mail is private. How rude is it to be sent gifts and not even acknowledge the person that gave them to you? I don't see the issue considering her channel is desperate for content, it's nearly a ghost town on there.
If Dre actually produced enough content to warrant her own thread, we could talk about there. But instead she's a walking talking uber bitch commercial that has no problem using and dropping people the second she's sucked all that she can out of them.
I wonder how long it will be before she realizes Bad Wolf (who are amazing btw) aren't getting her anywhere and drop them too to try some dumb failing solo project featuring her whisper singing.
Oh, how about that time when she kept posting pics of her and Chris cosplaying together where they were nearly kissing and then flipped out because people were asking if they were together?
No. 520662
>>520541Oh god, the tattoo thing was so fucking annoying.
Like yeah- when you're removing a tattoo of your mother you should probably explain the reasoning otherwise people are gonna wonder if something is up. What's so difficult about being like "I think the tattoo is ugly and want a prettier one"?
I don't think that YouTubers should have to divulge every detail of their lives, but when stuff is right in your audience's face, they're reasonably gonna have questions.
No. 520674
>>520617I couldn't agree more, anon.
I'm really sick of all the people using Dre's age as an excuse as if that means she doesn't deserve criticism for her shitty behavior just as much as Kelly or any other person discussed on this site. Like holy shit, 21 is old enough to know that making fun of little kids for bad singing to thousands of people is super fucked up. A fucking 13 should know that.
No. 520713
>>520662>I don't think that YouTubers should have to divulge every detail of their lives, but when stuff is right in your audience's face, they're reasonably gonna have questions.Kelly does this with everything. Even now, she's doing it with her surgery (her entire twitter feed is her talking about having surgery, posting pictures of herself in bandages, making tweets about her doctor and how grateful she is to have survived and other histrionic shit but refusing to give any details about it other than it was cosmetic). It's a double whammy of attention-seeking because she gets to put something online for attention but be vague, and then victimize herself when people ask questions about it because how DARE they it's so invasive!!
It's like vaguebooking. People should grow out of that behavior…
No. 520766
It's not about people having to share their personal live online (even youtubers), privacy is a thing that should be respected, the thing is Kelly doesn't even respect it herself, she uses it as something to squeeze money out of people, the only reason she won't blab about it right away is because she hopes people contribute to her patreon so they can get to hear all about her "interesting" live.
She isn't worth it tbh considering she isn't even that big of a youtuber but it's totally trying to play into people's curiosity by dangling it in front of people's faces and than going "no no, pay me first"
I remember this was a thing with her tattoo too, I honestly thought the scoop was that she was going to remove the sailor moon tattoo she only recently got (I didn't even know where on her body she was having it removed then) and it was because she hadn't gotten the permission of the artist to use it, because I remember when she revealed it she either didn't know the artist or didn't know how to contact them which is a pretty shitty thing to do in my opinion. but apparently she is getting another art piece this artist did so i'm assuming she managed to ask this time?
Anyway I feel sorry for all the people who laid down actual money back then only to hear "I think its ugly gonna get a new one"
But yeah, It just shows how shallow and self absorbed she is to believe people have to pay her for mundane information, not saying she can't, just saying she's got a big head
No. 520920
>>520825Holy crap you're right. I just read it as psycho but it's a very Jill flavor of psycho
>>520766She still doesn't have permission. You don't need it for a tattoo, the law is she has to cover it if she's on TV or whatever.
She tweeted like mid-2017 with a link to the artist's page and said it was impossible to contact. A few people offered to message the artist, found an email address and a blog she could contact but she ignored it lol
No. 521180
>>520487I feel like this happens a lot in these types of threads where there's a cow & her buddy. For whatever reason farmers start staning the friend because they don't seem as bad as the cow (like momokun & vamp).
But lets remember, they may not be the same person, but they're friends for a reason. I don't think Dre is as bad as Kelly, but I don't see why anyone should be white knighting her here. I pretty much agree with everything anon said here
>>520617 No. 521249
File: 1520268212930.jpg (383.07 KB, 717x1119, Screenshot_20180305-164147.jpg)

Why the fuck do people get this cunt tattooed on them. I don't get it
No. 521761
>>521681How immature do you have to be to do things like unfollow and refollow your real life "friend" (in quotes because who knows)?
I'm imagining scenarios when they lived together like…Dre would forget to empty the dishwasher so Kelly would unfollow her, then she'd let the dog out or do some other favor so Kelly would refollow her…over and over forever.
No. 521867
File: 1520325953388.png (76.13 KB, 606x332, b.png)

we get it, you're single
No. 521870
>>521821This was really cringey & hard to watch
& woah at the amount of ps on her jaw in the thumbnail
No. 521917
>>521844I think the most
problematic thing about Kelly and Dre is their avid vocal support of Lime Crime because they're friends with Doe Deere. Kelly is super close to her and Dre sucks her dick in review videos because she obviously wants to be. God, they're so tacky.
No. 521928
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>>521821Finally she started a video barefaced! Kudos to you Kelly!
No. 521963
File: 1520341681409.png (581.16 KB, 953x558, wew.png)

>>521928I'm somehow happy and terrified at the same time with Kelly being barefaced.
No. 522022
>>521999This. Through and through.
She tries to emulate Usagi but that flops so hard…
No. 522218
>>522217Have you ever noticed her stupid designs on her cell phone cases and mugs that she sells on her society6 site?'re all "Daddy" and other sort of bdsm related themes. Most likely she is probably just trying to be 3edgy5you, but it's fun to mock her for dabbling.
No. 522401
>>521867Sorry got the incoming tin foil.
The "Fellowship" seems like a pretty large group of women, right? And most of them seem to be either married or in a somewhat serious relationship. And since Kelly is open about how she hates being single, you'd think her friends would want to help her out.
I find it hard to believe that between all those women and all their partners, and their partner's friends, coworkers, etc, none of them have tried to set Kelly up with someone.
They are all "alternative" looking ladies, surely at least one of them must know a single guy in Kelly's age range that would be into an "alternative" girl.
Which leads to be believe that either:
A) Kelly has impossibly high standards, far outside of her league, or
B) All her friends know she has a shit personality and would be a high maintenance nightmare to date and want to spare the guys in their life from her.
No. 522563
>>522401Oh man I don't think this is tin foil at all. Option B sounds sooooooo correct.
If you're in such a "tight knit" group of friends and they know how "important" relationships are to you, there's no way they wouldn't try to set you up with someone.
Unless they know you're a raging thundercunt and they don't want to have to lose a friend when you inevitably fuck it up.
No. 522633
>>522623I think it was davey suicide if he was the one she was engaged too? it was back in the day I came across her youtube and recognized her from that wedding dress show, I wanted to know if she ended up marrying the dude because it didnt seem like she was living with a husband. I am trying to find that interview again but it was like over a year ago.
edit: think i found it! dont know if this was the same one i read back then No. 522710
>>522697 Davey has tweeted some nice things to Kelly but kelly never responds, im pretty sure she's avoiding him and hasn't she admitted in multiple video's she had a "relationship" go really sour which she still had difficulties with and blames for not being able to get back into it. I don't think Kelly sees Davey as a friend no more, nothing is known about the break up anyway since Kelly never said anything about it (remember the video explaining to people she wasnt married, and they could stop asking about it because her "husbando's was a weeb thing, while the people where referring to Davey which was pretty obvious), Also she's pretty open to sell out her personal experiences like talking about coming out as bisexual, getting cosmetic surgery, her alcoholic father, but she gets reaaaaally touchy when asked about Davey so I don't think it was a mutual drifting apart.
this is from her tumblr:'t really sound she's talking about an ex she's still friends with.
My point is I wouldn't be surprised if guys dated her for her looks only to ditch when they find out what she's really like (high maintenance and crazy)
No. 523116
File: 1520438979580.jpeg (819.06 KB, 750x1318, 5D9A2339-E75D-4499-AE43-A44C4D…)

I might be overreaching, but it looks like Dre got fillers.
No. 523180
>>520231Why would she delete the video? Stop stanning Kelly. Lor isn’t a bully for saying Kelly is dumb. If anything Lor should have made a more harsh video about it, she was too nice trying to not take sides. Kelly should be reminded for a long while she is a dumb American everyone laughs at.
>>520350Lor said on twitter a while ago that she isn’t blocked anymore, kinda like the back and forth she does with Dre.
No. 523307
>>522914>>523259>>523282His tweet with the now deleted photo how it got deleted.. wonder if Kelly bitched at him to delete the insta post
No. 523313
File: 1520451286831.png (81.6 KB, 612x343, a.png)

>>523307Also lol
wonder if it's a dig at Kelly
No. 523523
File: 1520461715386.jpg (326.58 KB, 615x639, mallgoth.jpg)

She is literally a professional mall goth.
I also find it humorous that in her insta stories she is lipsyncing to emo songs which is the same thing that she was just making fun of per-pubescent kids for.
No. 523621
What is going on here? Twice now the posting has shifted back to Kelly and then all of a sudden someone comes in with a Dre photo trying to stir up more shit about her..
1) I smell a rat
2) if it somehow isn't Kelly or a WK trying to derail and point out how Dre is ~liek totally a bitch too~ , make a goddamn thread for her and stop shitting this one up!
>>523313Yikes that seems way too pointed to not be about Kelly. He's already shown he doesn't mind tossing shade her way via Twitter, and considering when that was posted - right as these threads have gotten going and Kelly was on about her "illnesses" - it seems really likely.
No. 523634
>>5236213) Kelly is being boring af right now and we're just rehashing shit that happened literally a year ago and there isn't much I can say about her 10 ~new~ shitty makeup tutorials in a row (that are just the same look over and over again with different colors).
If she ever stops entering a depression phase after every 3 videos and pumping out content like an actual professional YouTube creator (it's her only job), maybe there will be more milk.
It's desperate times right now, so we're reaching for friends, which is something that hasn't been talked about before but at least it's new.
No. 523678
>>523634Kelly just got face and body lipo and she's nonstop whining about it. I don't see that as being not Milky.
Plus the shit being brought up about Dre isn't even as it relates to her and Kelly. It's separate millk that should go in a Dre thread. If thisbmany people dislike her i reaaaally don't understand why people won't make her a thread…
Unless of course they're trying to detail the spotlight off of kelly..
No. 523685
>>523621It's not worth speculating on Kelly's surgery. We won't know what she did until we can actually see the results, then comment on it. I also don't really see cosmetic surgery as a super shitty thing to do. I mean, I would get a nice pair of tits with Patreon money if I had the resources.
I find Kelly's position of being a mental health advocate but treating her "Bipolar Disorder" as a personality quirk that makes her artistic rather than treating it like an actual serious lifelong illness that kills people with approx 50% of sufferers attempting suicide at least once much more
problematic than some liposuction.
Here is what I am thinking, people often accuse people of things they're doing themselves. I'm starting to think that you're a Dre fan, you're the one
actually doing the white knighting here. You're obviously new because you aren't even saging.
You're a Dre fan that feels that Kelly was mistreating Dre and you're butthurt about it and you think the best way to keep up Dre's appearances is come over here and talk about how mean Kelly is to Dre and how much better Dre is than Kelly.
No. 523710
>>523685Eh, try again. I'm the farthest thing from a Dre fan. She needs her own damn thread because she isn't little miss Perfect who happened to have to put up with Kelly's shit.
Who said that was speculation?
No. 523765
>>523732I think that anyone that follows the Kelly thread only follows Dre because of Kelly and don't know who the other altcows are.
Does anyone actually have an issue with the Fellowship being discussed here other than one Dre fan?
No. 523776
File: 1520484433962.png (35.42 KB, 732x273, cringe.png)

idk kelly maybe it's all the narcotics you're taking from your elective surgery that you refuse to talk about except to mention how much pain you're in
No. 523777
>>523732Not trying to wk Kelly or anything but Dre is only relevent in part because of Kelly and the fellowship. If Dre gets more milky then that warrants a whole thread so we're not completely derailing.
I vote keep the Dre drama in this thread for now.
No. 523837
>>523776Cringe indeed. she cant even get a simple joke right.
Ironically this tweet highlights her personality, having vague knowledge of some pop culture phenomena and trying to use it to make herself look cool but exposing how mentally vacant she really is.
No. 523936
>>521844I have it and I quite liked it
Sage for nothing new imo
No. 523950
File: 1520517635756.png (91.73 KB, 1242x572, IMG_1945.PNG)

Still absolutely sure Kelly lurks here.
Lina is creepy in her own right, but it seems like the numerous criticisms of Kelly ignoring her have not gone unnoticed.
No. 523991
>>523765>>523777>>523791If drama with Kelly is lacking and you think the next best thing is to talk about her former roommate that you find milky, then actually make another thread. The discussion of other members of the fellowship isn't nearly as intense or focused on one person's actions that are more recently not related to the original thread.
No one finds Stephanie of all people milky? She's not a fake fan of things and is a loyal friend to Kelly, but no one finds her bimbofication lifestyle questionable at all? Like'm not trying to slut or kinkshame, but that sounds like a scary power dynamic that involves surgery and an easily abusable amount of control. Before the images and her comments were deleted, she was pandering to users and encouraging other women to follow in her footsteps if they felt that it was right for them. And as soon as the comments stopped being positive, her contributions diasppeared. I find it more sad than anything because she seems like a strong and sweet person who deserves better than a partner that wants to train her to be as vapid and plastic as possible.
No. 524044
>>523991love stephanie, i have followed her since she was zilla308 and she made cute YT videos. over the past couple of years the “body-posi cosplay semi nudes” turned into her self posting to places like r/BoltedOnTits. i 100% agree with you that she deserves better, idk what kind of life she lives with her partner but seems kinda fucked up that he’s taking these photos of her (nsfw obviously)
No. 524049
File: 1520527782124.jpg (46.72 KB, 564x376, vLMUA1z.jpg)

>>523991Is this really her before and after? holy crap, WHHHYYYY?!
No. 524068
>>523991just read through the bimbofication subreddit a bit… I'm not sure if they're insane or pathetic. I don't care if I'm judgemental here. There's something wrong with these people.
The last woman I knew who was into that shit (among sundry other disgusting things) she wound up in jail alongside her 'owner' for CP, statuatory rape, bestiality etc. Cuz a good girl does whatever her man says, I guess.
Sorry. Totally off topic, but people like this/that sicken me. Obviously saged.
No. 524090
File: 1520533284396.png (Spoiler Image,969.27 KB, 544x874, ScreenShot482.png)

>>524087>Stephanie seems easily manipulated.>It makes me think that he sees her more as a way to make money than an actual wife. Especially since they're married now and he gets half.This is so true… She sure seems like his cash cow.
I feel bad for her because she really does seem sweet.
No. 524095
>>524090Oh my god, lmao.
Justin: Hey baby, the rent is due, why don't you put on that sexy cow bikini and give yourself a vagina wedgie for your thousands of neckbeard patrons.
No. 524139
>>524087Its really not uncommon for girls and guys to have the same interests in this community. There are tons of couples out there who are girl does pron/guy doesn't and vice versa and both are fine and their relationship is fine. They just don't do stuff you would call 'normal' to society. Steph was posting this stuff before him too anyway, so..
At this point should Kelly's claves have their own thread like how Moo's does? Kelly has just as many, if not more, of them.
No. 524183
>>523991>if you wanna talk about Dre make another thread!>let's talk about how problematic Stephanie is, though, that's totally fineCome on, anon, now you're just being ridiculous. Why are you so insistent we shouldn't talk about a professional mallgoth who makes videos dedicated to making fun of children when you're down to discuss other Fellowship members? Starting to get suspicious.
Also, we do talk about other members of the Fellowship, including Stephanie? It's there in the other threads.
No. 524186
File: 1520539478661.jpg (190.94 KB, 1240x200, steph.jpg)

This reddit post of hers makes it sound abusive.
Spending all her time looking pretty and pleasing her man. It makes her sound like a sex slave.
If it's just a kink, is Justin considered a cuck if he gets off by other guys getting off to his wife? That has to at least be cuck-lite.
It can't be just the pervy photog kink because you can do that without posting it out to everyone and having it as a full-time job.
Side note: WTF is this? Lmao VERY NSFW No. 524187
File: 1520539478644.png (10.61 MB, 1242x2208, 9C110090-047D-44BF-81AF-9F8F5A…)

Is it me, or does she look the same?
No. 524200
>>524183Right? That's what I'm saying, they're clearly a Dre fan. Their criticism of Dre is that she it not perfect but, is that really criticism? That applies to everyone.
They are also the only one complaining about the fellowship being discussed here.
Send the white knight out to pasture already.
No. 524209
>>524187Yeah, she looks the same. I guess that's what happens when you photoshop yourself to look the same every time (with a weird angle on top of it).
I guess we were naïve to think we'd ever see what her face actually looks like irl, even after cosmetic surgery. Maybe she will get lazy and post an unshopped video.
She also says "Don't hate me, I have to do sponsored posts today". It's like, that's fine as long as most of your content ISN'T sponsored (it is though) AND you follow the FTC guidelines and properly tag it with the appropriate tags. #ad #sponsored or #prsample.
No. 524256
File: 1520542584706.png (100.29 KB, 1104x320, Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 10.5…)

is this kellys attempt at "subtlety" addressing the fact she unfollowed dre again?
No. 524457
>>524256I'm pretty sure that has to be referring to Dre.
I wonder how they'll handle their friendship ending with the public. I feel like Dre will act like people have no right asking if they're still friends and Kelly will ignore/delete anything said about it.
No. 524771
File: 1520606575968.png (153.33 KB, 582x631, a.png)

wonder who this is about
No. 525041
File: 1520632969544.jpg (469.39 KB, 1276x715, carpark.jpg)

>>524996The alley that you see them filming in in this video is right next to her house (you can see the pink chairs) goes to a garage unit and small parking lot behind the building.
It's a duplex style apartment building, but definitely has more than two units from the footage she's shown. Has to be 4-6.
No. 525230
File: 1520647196382.jpg (526.03 KB, 1632x1012, dre4.jpg)

Dre's insta stories from today/yesterday:
1) Parking garage behind Kelly's
2) In her room at Kelly's house with wet hair/no makeup, means she showered there
3) Written angry note for parked car in Kelly's living room.
I think it's safe to say it's confirmed she's still living there.
No. 525333
File: 1520659193643.png (9.43 MB, 1242x2208, DC60C5F6-98F9-488F-8493-1A98E4…)

Are those compression stockings?
No. 525343
>>525338going by how thin she suddenly is, I think yr right.
what a sad, sad woman. pretends to advocate working out and eating right to fix your weight or body if you feel you need it. Gets surgeries and augmentations instead.
My kinda role model, that.
No. 525362
File: 1520662302554.jpg (84.82 KB, 572x207, shelovescows.jpg)

Wow, shocker, I guess that Fit Tea doesn't work. Who would have guessed.
Well, I found out why Steph is a fucking angel and the most amazing friend to Dre and Kelly. Turns out she just loves cows. Also explains the multiple cow bikinis.
No. 525798
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No. 525817
>>525741Exactly my thoughts. It would already be bad enough if she wasn't an artist herself, but the fact that she is an artist makes it all the more infuriating.
And I feel bad for Steph, who defended Kelly and assured everyone that Kelly wasn't being an asshole, she was just asleep. Kelly has been awake and making posts all day, yet she ~apparently~ can't be assed to take 30 seconds to either credit the artist or just delete the tweet with the re-posted art.
Not only is it a slap in the face from one artist to another, but it's also a slap in the face to Steph who definitely stopped that tweet from creating more drama than it did.
What I don't get is why Kelly chooses this hill to die on. Why the hell is it so hard for her to credit the artist or just take the tweet down? Is she just
that lazy, or is she trying to be spiteful to the people who called her out?
Her fans are becoming more and more aware of her behavior, so this makes her terrible responses even more confusing to me. She can only hide behind "Sorry it's the mental illness" excuse for so long.
No. 525861
>>525836i bet that in the video about the surgery she will say she ain't lazy
and say shit about body dysphoria
we should do a bingo
No. 525895
>>525885This really isn't a bad painting, but it's nothing special/nothing more than a study. She did nothing to make the painting her own. Which is okay/what painting studies are for. Maybe one day she will actually use her creativity to manipulate the image on canvas. It annoys me how she was basically handed a tattoo license and doesn't even give a fuck and just threw it away. What a waste of time in regards to whoever spent two years on her (or however long apprenticeships take). I wish she would focus all her energy on her art she could probably be decent and less depressed.
Sage for art rant
No. 525907
>>525896It's not good, she made her look 15 years older.
I'd love if she could just stop shading with that black paint mixture, it just makes the painting look so muddy and dull. She said in the viedeo that she doesn't use black paint straight out of the tube to shade yet it still looks like she does… Her paintings would look so much nicer if she just could use another shading values. I know what I'm talking about btw.
>>525895Same thoughts, I wish she could put her creativity to good use into her paintings and add some of her own personal vision into them instead of just copying. Or maybe she doesn't have any of it, idk. Not a bad painting if you're into realism, but still nothing special.
No. 526316
>>525333>>525798The results are creepy. I understand now why she didn't want people knowing what she got done. Of course she was going to get backlash for being massively hypocritical. It looks like weight loss that could be achieved without surgery and with actual thought going into her nutrition and not just buying a meal plan that her gym is shilling. She probably also only had her specific trainer that she had to commute to as a referral to get the surgery after "not getting results" or some garbage. No wonder Dre wanted to distance herself with her own weight loss and cryptically mentioning that "Hollywood changes people"
She wants to claim to be a mental health advocate, but leads by example by not seeking treatment and instead getting a costly full body surgery that can ultimately worsen body dismorphia. AND making a sponsored video on the subject. All while trying to be relatable to a younger audience. She is gross on every level.
No. 526321
>>526271She doesn't deny it, she's straight up said her style is hyperrealism.
IMO she's a really good artist overall, but her faces come out kinda wonky and she generally doesn't put nearly as much detail into backgrounds compared to the person she's drawing. I think Kelly's work would be way better if she did more original pieces rather than copying photos.
No. 526362
>>526340And the thing is too, if an artist is talented they can do hyperrealism while also being creative and not copying a photo entirely.
Whenever this topic comes up I can't help but compare Kelly to the artist Euclase on tumblr (she's deleted it now but you can google her art). She did a lot of Supernatural hyperrealism while also making her paintings original and creative. Kelly WISHES she was half as talented tbh.
No. 526373
>>525828Yeah, I kept thinking the anons insisting it was lipo had to be wrong because she barely had any extra weight.
I think she's right about having body dysmorphia. Clearly she has some serious body image issues if she's gonna get lipo over like 20 extra pounds (at most).
No. 526376
File: 1520790012131.png (104.04 KB, 611x331, ugh.png)

hm I wonder why
No. 526380
>>526373tbh she's just lazy & wants a supermodel body without working for it.
Probably missed doing photo shoots
No. 526385
>>526382I think I speak for the majority of us here when I say that we're all mostly in favor of her getting therapy & encourage her to do so
It's just sad that the people in her life aren't on the same boat. I feel like her circle of friends generally encourage her antics & self-destruction without giving much thought to it, or they're afraid of her shutting them out should they dare to say something that she's not in favor of.
Sad, really.
No. 526439
>>526397The icing on the cake is she has a patreon too.
Hope her patrons will be happy that their hard earned money went to sucking the fat out of her stomach.
She really has no right to complain about her mental health anymore when she spends money on everything BUT her mental health. I hope people will start calling out her on this.
No. 526483
File: 1520801086776.jpeg (265.9 KB, 1237x898, 4C755087-0CDB-4093-BA12-23BD98…)

Get ready you guys, a depression is coming lol
No. 526491
>>526483Don't give her ideas lol
Esp. after her tweets about wanting lingerie sets (which are usually $$$$ expensive)
She'll play the depression card to get people to send her stuff to cheer her up
coughLinacough No. 526588
File: 1520808018418.png (109.9 KB, 601x363, mh.png)

hey, Kelly. idk if this is you pretty much confirming that you lurk, but hope you stick to it
hope you also take responsibility for your plastic surgery NOT being a good solution to your internal struggles
No. 526606
>>526476Student loan debt can be a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of USD. You can put off paying your loans for a certain amount of time if you don't make enough money, but once you cross an income threshold you have to pay something like $50-a few hundred dollars a month. If her family is well off, she probably didn't have to take out her full tuition in loans. Is in all likelihood an inconvenience that she complains about because is gives her less money to buy…pink sugar? Pink microwaves? Final fantasy figures and ketchup?
If you have a decent amount of income, it's an annoyance, but not some crippling cost. It's more difficult for people just barely over the income threshold and not established in their careers, not so much for people who go on international shopping sprees.
No. 526616
File: 1520810084800.jpg (391.06 KB, 1070x566, beforeafter.jpg)

amazing Dre before and after makeup tutorial
No. 526693
>>526316>>526593>>526516>>526385>>526382>>526373Kelly as we know you lurk, please read these posts. A lot of fans/critical fans/ex fans are disappointed you got surgery to…lose weight when you could've achieved those results at home by reducing calories and exercising a little.
It's unnecessary and definitely a bad impression for your younger viewers. Nobody really cared too much about the boob job because you can't do that at home. This was unnecessary and also sends out a poor message to others.
Please at the least accompany this with efforts to eat better and exercise as otherwise it's just super disappointing
No. 526771
>>526643lmao I'm the anon that posted about Stephanie and haven't said anything about Dre since. More than one person can find your intense need to Dre derail annoying.
>>526626>>526735The only person who needs to chill is you. No one is saying don't talk about Dre. Just pointing out that it's annoying/suspicious to bring her up out of nowhere for not doing anything worth discussing.
No. 527297
File: 1520882457640.png (7.43 MB, 1242x2208, 774A7BBF-EA05-4749-BE4B-95BF2C…)

She looks rough.
No. 527397
File: 1520891044644.png (960.62 KB, 897x541, k.png)

so I'm watching Kelly's Japan vlogs for the first time.
I've noticed that whenever someone else speaks she gets pissy. like if she's not speaking and getting attention all the time she gets annoyed.
No. 527398
>>527370You may want to get your eyes checked
I agree with
>>527388 No. 527583
>>527427Oh, ffs. Kelly does not have body dsymorphia. Or at least not BDD that's been actually diagnosed. Anyone with a vague familiarity with BDD can tell you that.
Kelly has regular, boring, old insecurity and self-esteem issues, that are heightened by the fact she lives in L.A. where perfect physical appearances are a lot more important and can have an active impact on your livelihood than somewhere like Des Moines, Iowa.
But regular insecurity is not special or different or interesting enough for Kelly, and she can't milk those sweet, sweet mental health pity points with it.
No. 527589
File: 1520904985175.png (349.85 KB, 498x547, grandma.png)

>>527388>very nice>appropriate to her age>implying she doesn't look like the actual Baba Yagalol sure jan
No. 527680
File: 1520910704483.jpeg (165.75 KB, 750x1334, 24BC0CB0-944C-4D2C-AFD1-16A7F9…)

At the tomb raider premier totally not using the “used only once” pink jacket on her depop
No. 527686
>>527297She really should have gone for the jaw shave…
At least it would be permanent. The lipo will last a few months tops with her eating habits.
No. 527764
>>527430This is what me annoys me about some of the farmers on here. Kelly has plenty of flaws to criticize but she is not ugly, masculine or fat.
Yeah, she looked better when she was 20lbs lighter but she's still not obese. She was a model and is lusted after for a reason.
In fact, I really used to enjoy her when she started YT but as time went on she developed this sense of entitlement, she stopped being honest in her reviews, almost everything became a shillpost and she stopped doing vlogs and just started doing unboxings and makeup tutorials.
I DO believe she has Bipolar Disorder, but I think it's Bipolar 2. However, I don't think she can call herself an advocate considering she has never been treated for it and still isn't being treated for it (a therapist is supplemental to addressing chemical imbalances with medication).
I do not believe she has Body Dysmorphic Disorder or even has any idea what it means. Thinking you're too fat and your tits are too small are probably the top two complaints that most women have about themselves. If she were going in for several jaw shaves in a row for a jaw that looks fine, then I'd believe it.
Her jaw is fine, y'all. A strong jaw makes a woman look sexy, not masculine. Anybody that complains about it probably looks like beaker from the fuckin muppets.
No. 527783
File: 1520919107501.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180313-022835.png)

Couldn't help noticing but what's going on with her mouth?? it looks like me when I had anesthesia put on my wisdom teeth removal surgery. It looks so crooked and weird :/
No. 527807
>>527805It never used to be this way. There were occasional appearance nitpicks, but once PULLfags and others started invading, the board culture has skewed more and more petty and annoying. I'm really sick of scrolling through seemingly endless nitpicks and blogposts in every thread.
Sage for OT ranting.
No. 527894
>>527783Assuming this isn't just a badly timed shot, it could be due to her lipo incision. I had lipo on my jaw line and I had platysmaplasty as well; one of the things the surgeon warned me was that my lips could end up temporarily wonky because apparently when you make an incision right under your chin, there are nerves that control your lip movement, so a bad incision could temporary damage these nerves and make you unable to move your lips correctly.
My lips moved like this for a week or so. My chin and neck area were numb for months, so it made my facial movements a bit weird.
No. 527901
File: 1520944495095.jpeg (383.31 KB, 1242x1269, 1CE955AC-0B35-4560-856C-EB7204…)

saged. shared on my facebook, claire did a diy sailor moon cosplay video. tbh it’d be nice to see videos like this from kelly in regards to cosplay rather than unboxing reviews of costumes.
No. 527915
File: 1520947705313.jpeg (951.98 KB, 2048x2048, 6F205412-2434-4CE2-9953-DCF6A0…)

Hmmmmm Dre firing shots at Kelly… Kelly’s tweet is from 3/8, while Dre’s is from 3/13. Beautiful.
No. 528003
>>527561Why do the booze filled chocolates blow her mind so much? I mean, maybe you can't get them in the States, but in Canada, you've been able to get little chocolate shaped liquor boxes filled with the corresponding alcohol for… decades? A long time, anyways.
Simple minds, I guess.
No. 528017
>>528003Oh you can get them in the states. You can order them online, go to boutique candy stores, or even Russian grocery stores.
So yes, simple minds indeed…
No. 528022
>>527993It's a reach absolutely. It wouldn't be if she was "vaugeing" something about putting up with a lot of unnecessary shit from selfish people who refuse to help themselves - or anything related to Kelly.
Saying she had a good day isn't 'firing shots' just because she also happened to say it was a vague post.
I actually saw that earlier and thought that was quite mature and healthy of her and a lot of the online community could prob benefit from feeling like they "owe" or have to share every single detail of their lives. It's perfectly acceptable (and normal and healthy) to say "I'm really happy I had a great day" and choose not to give details so you can keep that experience for yourself.
I'm really no great Dre fan - she comes off as weirdly entitled and standoffish, but good for her on that one. Maybe Kelly should take a lesson.
No. 528096
>>527680Why on earth did she go to a premier in that fucking UGLY wig?
Is it the only wig she owns?! It looks so terrible, like cheap Claire's Accessories quality. Her own hair with extensions would of looked a million times better.
No. 528141
File: 1520969398486.png (684.86 KB, 927x595, lipo.png)

No. 528143
>>528096I know, every time I see her wear that wig I cringe, that is one of the worst wigs that I have ever seen. The cut is really unflattering on her and those grey roots… why? Isn't the whole point of the wig to cover up her roots between dye jobs?
If she's going to be wearing a wig half of the time, she should probably invest in one really nice one instead of a bunch of crappy ones, OR pick a sustainable hair color, she could do a pink ombre at the ends.
Pretty girl, ugly wig. With her sharp jawline, it would really stand out and look amazing with a wig with at least half of the hair pulled back or a sharp angled bob.
No. 528144
File: 1520969627970.png (41.42 KB, 295x285, lol.png)

>>528141"hard work at the gym"
No. 528147
File: 1520969892252.png (5.19 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1977.PNG)

I mean…..yeah we know. Nice to see her admit it for a change lol
No. 528182
File: 1520973084835.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, CB8BB73F-82E3-4F81-9FAF-3BC4B3…)

She literally looks like she’s somebody’s 40 yr old mom
No. 528187
>>528173What's up with her belly button, is that from the lipo? It looks huge and looks like it has some sort of awful jewelry in it? Or maybe what's in it is making it look stretched?
She looked fine without the photoshop except for the horrible outfit and wig but I'm really disappointed in her for getting lipo and then STILL shopping herself thinner.
No. 528198
>>528141Her depop jacket that's new, never been worn before. Perfect condition but missing a few studs.
>>528173No wonder she's not getting work anymore
>>528182Looks like a mugshot
No. 528203
File: 1520974384440.jpg (248.36 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_1978.JPG)

My GOD can you imagine getting lipo and going on about feeling like a THOT and photographing like this and still lying to your followers by photoshopping your body?
Like girl if you wanted to actually look like that shoop you coulda actually put effort into losing weight and toning up prior to the surgery….
No. 528246
File: 1520975716764.jpg (1.01 MB, 1500x1500, reality.jpg)

>>528203Side by side for comparison
No. 528257
>>528246Looks like she tilted the photo to make herself look taller. The torso lengthening really is something
her finger in the psed version has a blur at the edge of her leggings too. If you're going to ps at least do it well Kelly.
No. 528273
>>528246This is part of what made me stop being a Kelly Eden fan. I understand photoshopping a bad pimple out, or photoshopping the bags under your eyes, but this right here goes beyond simple editing to downright dishonest.
It would be different if she said "This is my ideal body goal", but no. She never does that. She puts up these super photoshopped images and never clarifies that she doesn't look anything like that.
Kelly claims to have body dysmorphia and hates how society pushes impossible beauty standards, yet here she is, contributing to the very problem and pushing an impossible beauty standard.
No. 528282
>>528187Exactly. Kelly is not an ugly person, but she always wears the cheapest and ugliest wigs. Even back when I was a casual fan of hers, I always hated how ugly her wigs are and never understood why she wore them… especially when she has access to her cosplay friends, who always wear much better wigs. I know she probably doesn't want to spend a lot on wigs, but there are plenty of cheap wigs out there that look good.
Regarding the lipo, I'm honestly surprised she went out trying to show off her body this soon after her procedure. While the major swelling will be down after the first week or so, you still have residual swelling and lumps/streaks that typically take months for the body to flush out.
No. 528396
File: 1520985796249.jpeg (112.65 KB, 750x729, 056CF1C9-FCB0-4199-BC85-F0F2E5…)

Funny now this comment is deleted 🤔
No. 528406
File: 1520986476184.png (56.72 KB, 309x355, kek.png)

kek her fans are delusional
No. 528478
File: 1520991719590.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1920, ugh.png)

Dat wig and man face, ugh
No. 528699
>>528662I think she's covering up Lipo incisions with rhinestones/covering her pressure pants/lederhosen with the black pants
This is a "I just had lipo" outfit hence slight weirdness
No. 528701
>>528506Most Instagram people look
completely different on camera. Not ugly but always like a different person/different attitude/facial structure etc
No. 528748
File: 1521012985315.png (439.84 KB, 478x558, disneylandprincess.png)

>>527901Saged but you're oblivious if you think the other fellowship members don't shop the hell out of their photos just like their ringleader. Katie/thedisneylandprincess is probably the worst offender aside from Kelly herself.
No. 528867
File: 1521032711214.jpg (1001.75 KB, 1519x1920, 18-03-14-08-05-07-072_deco.jpg)

Any milk about this post? What a shit trade for the girl honestly.
No. 528995
>>528828>>528984Yeah she definitely favors the blur tool. Even her hair will be blurred.
She’s not so much “plus size” irl…she isn’t “skinny” but she has massive boobs. Not implant-y. Just natural, big boobs. Those always make you look super heavy.
No. 529000
File: 1521044551549.png (542.09 KB, 719x610, ugh.png)

Shane Dawson bought a mini kids "g wagon" for his dog as a joke because his friend Trisha Paytas has a pink g wagon and his boyfriend just bought a black one. Kelly's already trying to beg the "barbie car" off of him. Pretty sure in the video you can see that it cost like $300-400 so that's kinda tacky lol.
(Also dude, it's a gag toy for his actual dog. Calm your tits.)
No. 529098
File: 1521050538974.jpg (194.03 KB, 1065x770, Screenshot_20180314-180001.jpg)

Hmmm if only you used your patron money to make these skits instead of using it on shopping sprees, expensive microwaves and plastic surgery…
No. 529104
>>529098I just want to know, how are they expensive? You have the makeup, wigs, cosplays, you film at your house, you edit them, etc etc what's so expensive?
And isn't her Patreon money exactly for that? This girl is ridiculous
No. 529113
File: 1521051131384.png (510.59 KB, 1211x693, IMG201.png)

or idk..perhaps.. buy your own??
No. 529133
>>528523Ugh, I'm so sick of people in this thread hi kellying or assuming people are trying to wk Kelly every time any other member of the Fellowship is discussed.
They're probably the same ones that go on and on and on about OMG KELLY SO READS THIS YOU GUYS, DO YOU GUYS THINK SHE IS READING MY COMMENT RN. I'm not on here for Kelly's attention or Dre's praise, I'm here for gossip. These people are probably here because they couldn't get Kelly's attention with positive comments so they figured they would try acting out instead.
Katie is definitely the queen of photoshop. I saw her through Kelly and Dre's videos and went to her instagram to check out more of her and she was so photoshopped I didn't even bother following. I'm on instagram for photos, not digital paintings.
No. 529146
>>529133It's the same with Kelly though kek she photoshops herself so much that she doesn't look real, she looks like some weird wax figure
(psst digital paintings are also photos)
No. 529153
>>528806I've thought the exact same thing and have pointed it out in the past, but no one ever replied so I assumed I was alone.
Connie definitely comes off as lowkey snobbish toward Kelly, which is very different than how she normally acts on camera toward people. She's stated multiple times that she is extremely fond of Stephanie (has also said she's her favorite channel) so I think it's rooted on jealousy since Kelly is Stephanie's best friend.
Also, not that long pink hair is by any means original, but I couldn't help but notice she dyed her hair the exact same shade as Kelly pretty much immediately after her LA trip.
She's also ignored Kelly's enthusiasm about seeing her during her England trip and they didn't have any photos together besides one massive YouTuber dinner where they weren't even near each other. So yeah, I definitely think it's safe to say Connie doesn't like Kelly.
No. 529154
>>529149Agreed, she seems genuinely sweet.
>>529153Same but I don't think it's out of jealousy. I think she just has a good radar on shitty people
No. 529159
>>529149I agree. I definitely can't stand how she Photoshops herself to such an intense degree (she reminds me of those incredibly uncomfortable hyper airbrushed photos of pageant children) but I like her over all. She seems like she would be the most pleasant member of the fellowship to actually hang out with.
I get the vibe she's the least appreciated. Kelly doesn't seem nearly as enthusiastic about her as the other girls and Stephanie had her vlog at her wedding while everyone else was a bridesmaid. The worst part was when people were pointing out how that looked, Steph had the nerve to say "all my friends were included in some way! Katie vlogged!" Right, because holding the camera the entire time while the rest of you have fun must be such an honor.
No. 529160
>>529154>I think she just has a good radar on shitty peopleI take it you don't read her thread? She's best friends with Riri who's so bad that she makes Kelly look like quality company.
Sage for different cow
No. 529181
>>529146Oh yeah, I agree Kelly's photoshopping is also ridiculous but if you think it's to the same extent that Katie does it you're crazy. Kelly still looks like Kelly in hers but taller, thinner and with clear skin.
I do hate that Kelly shops herself at all. Dre does it too (though to a lesser degree than Kelly) but then they say it's all body positivity and yayaya.
People love to call Stephanie fat and gross but that's just because she is the least shopped of the bunch.
On the shopping scale, Steph is like a 2 (mostly skin blurring blemishes, which almost everyone does and many phone camera apps do automatically), Dre is like a 4 but getting higher by the day, Kelly is like a 7 and Katie is a full 10.
No. 529190
File: 1521056637556.png (2.07 MB, 1118x1065, 1521056527906.png)

>>529181Agreed. I'll never forget these shops kek
They're all pretty in their own ways but they need to stop hawking the body positivity shit if they're gonna alter their bodies irl or in ps.
From> No. 529617
>>529502Most of them don't have any milk, it's really just Stephanie, Dre and Kelly.
The rest are fine imo, just unfortunate in who they have chosen to be friends with
No. 529706
>>529098Woooooow. Her nerve never ceases to amaze.
>>529104I've wondered this too. It seems like pretty much everything that would make it expensive are things you only need to purchase once. All I can think of is that she's paying a camera person and everyone acting in them. I feel if the fellowship is that close her friends would be willing to act for really cheap if not free?
No. 529732
>>529699what's this from? People keep mentioning the making fun of children but I don't recall it.
No. 529849
I'm so sick of the anons insistent Kelly DEFINITELY lurks and go "this confirms it!" any time she does anything. Hangs out with Steph like she does all the time? Confirms it! Addresses accusations in her video comments that she's not really bisexual? Confirms it! It's like they forget she has tons of people discussing her actions on her various social media platforms and the things we talk about here are covered there too 99% of the time. Not to mention how fucking dumb it is to assume she's hanging out with her best friend just because people on here are questioning their closeness. How self-important can you be???
I mean, I think she lurks here too, but I don't consider it a definite fact based on ridiculous stretches.
And the "hi Kelly" whenever anyone else in the fellowship is discussed really needs to stop. How exactly does bitching about other members magically mean Kelly is going to stop being discussed? That's stupid. Admittedly, I'm only in a handful of threads on this site, but none of the other threads I participate in mind at all if you discuss the cow's friends too, even when the OP doesn't explicitly allow for it like this one does.
I find the amount of whiteknightibg of some of her friends incredibly suspicious. Not the people talking about how they find Katie likeable, but the people getting weirdly defensive about Dre and saying we shouldn't talk about her. Especially given how one of them proceeded to bitch about Stephanie in the same post they were saying we shouldn't talk about Dre.
I suppose it could just be obnoxious AF anons, but it seems really fucking strange that anyone would be insisting we don't talk about Dre, especially when the OP calls for discussion of the Fellowship as well as Kelly.
No. 530358
>>530341Watch the video posted
>>530266She's literally talking about these issues and says a lot worse about guys than I do in my comment, maybe watch the video
No. 530404
File: 1521153616917.png (521.25 KB, 616x542, ke.png)

what was the point of this video?…a boy probably didn't text her back and she felt the need to cry to a camera.
No. 530462
>>530404whoever makes the next thread about Kelly should use this photo, or have her red carpet photos side by side next to each other
saged for useless chatter
No. 530509
>>530266the blatant script-reading is really awful.
also i'm sorry but this stuff she's talking about is something 99% of people deal with while dating, dude. why is she acting like it's some deep trauma to have a guy act aloof when you want to be bf/gf?? i'm baffled
No. 530531
>>530431Was she ever formally diagnosed as BP? I swear she acts
just like my dad and my brother, both who were diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
They tried the therapy route, and while it did help them understand their illness, it did nothing to stop their manic episodes and the destruction that came with them. They resisted medication for years, and ruined a lot of relationships in the process. It was only with medication that they were able to get their shit together, which also made their therapy more effective.
Point is, I don't think Kelly will ever get better without medication. Therapy alone isn't enough when you've got a problem that is caused by chemical imbalances.
No. 530558
>>530531I don't think she was ever formally diagnosed, only self diagnosed (along with BDD, depression, anxiety, etc..)
But yea, she exudes BPD symptoms for sure
No. 530605
File: 1521165764623.png (263.49 KB, 797x385, yikes.png)

>>530458her lips are fucked but at least if its temporary thats understandable. what i don't understand is how she somehow came out of this surgery looking even OLDER than before? she wasn't exactly youthful to begin with but jesus christ. now she looks like president coin from the hunger games.
No. 530622
File: 1521167017280.png (485.67 KB, 864x596, ll.png)

>>530612Don't think they're new. She just overexposes her face a lot in vids & this one wasn't so overexposed No. 530644
>>530531Borderline Personality Disorder has a lot of overlap with Bipolar Disorder, people with one often get misdiagnosed with the other.
Both need medication to be treated. Borderline Personality Disorder is there all the time whereas Bipolar comes and goes. This is why it's so hard to medicate people with Bipolar because they often think that they have it under control, they can go months being perfectly normal before something happens.
There are sort of three levels to Bipolar Disorder though so this is where it gets really confusing. Bipolar Disorder tends to have longer periods of mania, normal and depression that can last weeks or months and the mania is a full mania. It includes illusions of grandeur, lots of impulsive and irrational behavior and putting yourself in risky situations, you get very little sleep and can go days without it.
Bipolar 2 has shorter cycling, doesn't tend to last months and the mania is a hypomania where you just feel like your best self, lowered inhibitions, lots of energy, you get less sleep but you still sleep.
Now there is one below that that is Cyclothymia, this is rapid cycling, your phases last only a few days and you might never have a "normal" phase, you just flip flop between mania and depression like it's on a switch. This has the hypomania which I believe is the type of mania that Kelly describes where she's very artistic and productive but she isn't out being promiscuous, doing drugs or staying up 3 days in a row.
My best guess without being a psychiatrist and having a very limited view of the situation is that she either has Cyclothymia or Borderline Personality Disorder. I think the best way to tell which is which without being formally diagnosed is whether her mania or depression is brought on by a specific event or relationship issue (Borderline Personality Disorder) or whether it happens purely based on a chemical imbalance, seemingly randomly (Bipolar Disorder).
Sorry for the novel, hopefully somebody found it helpful.
No. 530648
>>530622anyone find it weird that she mostly posts pictures of toshi when he was a puppy? once toshi grew up out of his puppy phase the photos and videos around him slowed down.
guess he wasn't a cute little accessory anymore once he got bigger.
No. 530650
>>530644BPD isn't always treated with medication. It can be treated with therapy (particularly DBT) and, if Kelly is Borderline, she's on the right track to recovery, now.
I don't understand why so many anons are obsessed with the idea that she needs to be medicated to get better. If she is bipolar, then yes. If Borderline, then no. I personally believe she is the latter, and truly I wish she would just get a diagnosis and then learn how to manage her emotions instead of being a dramatic mess.
No. 530655
>>530650I mean, schizophrenia isn't always treated with medication either but it doesn't mean that you don't need it to be properly treated.
Borderline requires therapy, you can't manage it based on medication alone but medication REALLY helps and there are so many medications out there now that have such a low risk of side effects.
That being said, she has a history of trauma, living in a broken home and having several unhealthy relationships with men in her life and that is going to require therapy.
Anecdotal but, the only type of therapy that has ever helped me(anxiety/depression/history of abuse)is cognitive-behavioral therapy but I don't find it to be even 10% as effective as simply taking an SSRI everyday before bed.
No. 530685
>>530650I think therapy is a good thing, I just don't think doing
only therapy is going to be enough. Like I said, my dad and brother were only able to get their shit together once they started adding medication. And it didn't just help get their lives back on track, it made their regular therapy sessions much more effective too.
Besides, she's been in and out of therapy already and it obviously isn't working. At this point it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
No. 530724
>>530702I didn't even finish it, I was just like WOW, making fun of children that like emo and lip syncing to it (she has done multiple insta stories of her lip syncing to emo just as badly), so ~E.D.G.Y~.
I didn't get the blinds either, is it because they are throwing shade? But shades and blinds are different things, so that doesn't make sense either. I have no idea who Frank is?
I mean, make fun of as many adults as you want but then you can't get
triggered over people asking you if you're dating someone. Dre gets
triggered over EVERYTHING so I find it hilarious that she can treat people like this but have such high standards for the way that people treat her.
No. 530734
File: 1521175206835.jpg (324.18 KB, 1638x2048, DXUUgyeVoAA8xsq.jpg large.jpg)

>>530724CrankthatFrank is the one with the girlfriend that has the saggy earginas.
No. 530754
>>530734always wanted to stretch my lobes when i was younger… now i'm glad i never did. i almost split my tongue when i was 18/19 as well.
i maybe got pierced 35+ times, but i avoided being permanantly disfigured, at least.
(blogposting) No. 530780
>>530266I almost stopped watching because I noticed how long it was. But then I got to the part where she forces tears over her brother being nice to her for a bike and I'm legit cackling she's sooooo fake. Good lort.
Every relationship is exciting and passionate at the beginning because it's exciting. Duh, Kelly.
Also leaving is the hardest part for you because you have BPD, you moron.
Those statements of the right person coming along when the time is right or when you stop looking aren't Hallmark responses, they're damn true.
This is the dumbest video ever. She's so extra and dramatic. Everyone has breakups. Big deal. Learn and move on.
No. 530782
>>530780Samefag *because it's new.
That'll teach me to post when I'm tired. Ugh.
No. 531035
>>530672I don’t see this as really a Dre thing, the idea, jokes and video are all his stuff. She isn’t even that mean and seems too nice to roast.
For context-
1. Videos are complied by fans for Frank to watch
2. Inside jokes like the blinds comes from previous videos of this series where he gets so upset by the cringe he would break some of his stuff (that was already broken) and make kms jokes with the blinds
3. Frank did use the app himself so it is a joke on his own cringey past self, and the emo culture
4. A lot of the ppl featured are likely fans since they make inside jokes with what they do.
It’s an embarrassing video but I don’t think there is much to hate from Dre who clearly was just there as an excuse to hang out with a friend.
No. 531044
File: 1521224232464.png (108.82 KB, 612x353, skjd.png)

She did this with the voice actor for Vegeta too
No. 531108
File: 1521229305747.jpeg (485.36 KB, 1242x2006, 11894D4C-6496-45DD-888B-D13468…)

Except she’s gotten multiple plastic surgeries and other work done to meet these expectations?????
No. 531149
>>528173Wow!! She does not have the stomach for a crop top.
>>528175I think those shoes are from YRU or some other similar brand. They're ugly as hell ballet flats with straps that make your ankles and calves look chunky. That entire outfit is beyond unflattering for her body type.
No. 531179
>>531125She's one of those people who think that wearing heavy eyeliner and a few black and "edgy" fashion pieces make you goth
Alternative sure.. but goth? Not even close, Kelly.
No. 531214
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No. 531216
File: 1521237319894.jpeg (480.57 KB, 750x926, 3B1DA19E-C8AB-4FDB-86A8-2AAC73…)

No. 531227
>>530672Wow thanks for sharing. They are both pretty bad in this imo, but I wasn't expecting Dre to be like this. They are just kids. We were all cringe as teens.
No. 531316
File: 1521345822090.png (558.89 KB, 1188x704, thot.png)

No. 531350
File: 1521347774748.png (8.88 MB, 1242x2208, 07236811-0485-4D00-97ED-CCC940…)

I think that’s the hole they sucked the fat out of.
No. 531378
>>517818>>531376where in the snaps did she shoop her body? please show us an analysis, I'm curious lol.
as for Kelly's arms, she needs to do sculpting exercises to build arm muscles and make them look toned and firm. People cannot lose weight in their arms or legs by targeting a spot.. That's not how exercise works. Just keep working out and hope for the best. Saged.
No. 531393
>>531350I like how she shopped herself a gigantic thigh gap. What a role model.
I was still holding out hope that one day she'd get treated (for mental health) and we'd have to old Kelly back but everything she has done in the past month has shown she's charging full speed in the opposite direction.
I don't even care that she got lipo, it's a stupid financial decision but jesus christ, stop shopping your kid fans into an ED. Your stomach is already flat, do you really have to shop your waist in several inches as well?
She comes out with this video where she emulates pouring her heart out to her viewers, but it's scripted, she talks in a baby voice and fake cries. I believe the things that she said but the true emotion came out when she wrote the script, the video was just a poor reenactment.
We have enough photoshopped instagram bimbos shilling products from scam companies. If that's what she's going for, she's never going to be the best at it and she's going to alienate her remaining original audience.
What we need is someone brave, unashamed, honest and relateable. I thought that was what she was at first but I guess I was wrong about her, what a disappointment. She needs to get out of Hollywood before she becomes Trisha Paytas.
If she was smart, she'd get the lipo video out ASAP instead of letting her poor fans continue to make themselves look like idiots defending her and saying it's the gym. They're going to be really disappointed and feel foolish the longer she waits and the more that they jump to her rescue.
No. 531665
File: 1521383705016.jpg (169.82 KB, 652x737, Screenshot_20180318-143302.jpg)

This lady gives her 100 bucks a month and kelly can't even send out her stuff. So gross but not surprising.
No. 531776
>>531712Not that anon, but the lipo really isn't that milky, y'all are just thirsty AF. Yeah, it's obnoxious that she made a big deal about working out then got lipo, but that's not anything worth nearly this much discussion about.
Honestly, the cow is dry and it's time we accept it. The only things Kelly has done worthy of posting her here are the AP drama (which by now is ancient news) and her Patreon scamming/shitty seller reputation. Other than that, she's just an annoying girl with nothing really discussion worthy about her. That's why the majority of her threads are nitpicks and infighting.
No. 531788
>>531176Don't forget
>making fun of cringey kids is a whole YouTube trend!So, your defense is that she hopped on a trend made huge by people like RiceGum, who is the most /pt/ worthy piece of shit YouTuber in all of existence. lmfao
No. 531795
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That set costs over $1,000.00 smh …
No. 531883
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>>531776i mean tbh she's not a cow. she's in snow for a reason. she's a snowflake. she's like…the perfect definition of a snowflake. her recent video about love proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt
frankly if anyone wants to go in hard on kelly drama, we should legit focus on her society6. people lost their shit over simplykenna tracing designs and MENTIONING that she might ONE DAY sell merch, but kelly didnt even trace her designs, but 100% janked them, and is selling them right now. some of her stolen shit is even fanart. she's probably making hundreds of dollars each month, judging from my own experience with my s6 shop. it's actually pretty fucked up.
No. 531892
>>531884she needs the money to get cosmetic surgery, japan trips, hella expensive lego sets and lingerie (she got some creepyeha stuff and that shit is not cheap) so of course she's gonna make her friends pay for her whims
>>531883i agree, she's a fucking art thief
No. 531930
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>>531883I don't really care enough to do anything about it, but I found the original art, it's by Archaedia Studios and they sell their own merch. So if anyone wants it, have at it, they have contact info on their site. No. 531960
File: 1521406880243.jpg (292.41 KB, 636x1057, img0098.jpg)

poor sad fools
No. 532073
>>531776No, anon, the lipo IS milky because:
A. She's always complaining that she's poor (but muh student debt doe)
B. Is raking in money from Patreon and not delivering on what her page promises.
C. Is most likely using that $$ for her elective surgeries
D. And is dodging it and letting her stupid fucking followers believe it's the gym and her diet.
No. 532078
>>532073Are we positive that she is paying her student debt? The Youtube/Patreon/Sponsor money must be a nightmare to claim on taxes and you could easily not claim it all and apply for an IBR and even get payments due low as $0 a month while the interest accrues. Then after 25 years, your loan is forgiven and you didn't have to pay a dime for it.
No way to prove that of course, that's really grasping at straws but I have always wondered how influencers do their taxes.
No. 532257
>>531776I do not care if Kelly wants to get lipo; it is her body, and she can do what she wants with it. What makes me lose respect and ultimately caused me to unsubscribe from Kelly is the fact that she purposely lies and misleads her viewers about how she looks. Kelly promotes body positivity and has spoken about her 'body dysmorphia', and yet she photoshops herself with perfect skin and an impossible figure.
I could forgive the extreme photoshopping when it came to her fashion/editorial shoots, but once I learned that she did the same thing with her ""candid"" shots, I could not stand watching her anymore. It is actually pretty frustrating to read so many comments praising her ""hard word"" and looking up to her for #bodygoals, when they have no idea that Kelly's photoshopped version is literally unattainable. The saddest comments come from her fans lamenting about the fact that they have been working out and eating well yet they are not seeing the same results that Kelly is. Thank god Instagram and Kelly weren't around when I was a teenager, because I know I would have fallen for their lies too.
No. 532440
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Shaaaaaade. She knows she's not being subtle.
No. 532533
>>532532dre: posts about how she hates fruit loops or whatever
No. 532915
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No. 532916
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No. 533212
>>532078you still have to pay taxes on it after 25 years so you will end up paying "a dime" just not as much (i'm on an IBR plan)
some influencers don't pay their taxes, i remember jeffree star saying on shane dawson's podcast that he knew a beauty youtuber who claimed to have not filed taxes in 3 years. i wouldn't be surprised if kelly did something like that. then there's the obvious youtubers like onision that file their taxes all fucked up and make false exceptions for business expenses on regular everyday things (like his cars or house).
No. 533260
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No. 533300
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>>533292I read it as they're each doing their own channel and they're not doing it together anymore because Dre doesn't have time. I think that they are frenemies still.
No. 533318
>>533300"yes we do!"
>for nowTo me it seems more like shes trying to calm the gossip, living with kelly would be hard enough but for everyone else to see and keep pointing out the fact that they have drama must make it so awkward esp if they're trying to keep it civil as roommates.
No. 533325
>>531214OT, but that Garnet and Pearl are really good. Kelly does so odd compared to them, especially because she looks as chubby as the Steven cosplayer.
>>531216(I don't watch the show , but is she supposed to be bare foot?)
No. 533327
>>517818>>533300did Kelly delete the ad looking for a new roommate? Someone on here claimed that Kelly put up an ad a month ago seeking a roommate for March 1st.
also good on Dre for getting a new job to make a steady income. I like that she's not relying on youtube as a single source of money.
No. 533343
>>533327from what i know dre has never been only a youtuber at a job, she's always been a freelance makeup artist.
>>533328except in this senario it's kelly who stays up all night and dre wakes up early to go to work.
No. 533349
>>533347well, Dre was gonna move out and live with her BOYFRIEND? Did they break up?
Sorry for asking questions… it just doesn't make sense. Seems like people on here are making up fake drama when Kelly and Dre are fine and on good terms.
No. 533361
>>533349>Sorry for asking questions… it just doesn't make sense. Seems like people on here are making up fake drama when Kelly and Dre are fine and on good terms.Right, we just totally fabricated the entire thing. That's why there's screencaps of Kelly's ad for that room and Instagram stories where Dre straight up says she's moving out. And their relationship is perfect sunshine rainbowland with no issues whatsoever. That's why there's screencaps in this thread of Kelly publicly throwing a fit over Dre not wanting to do videos with her.
And for the record, her planing to move in with her boyfriend was 100% speculation and never confirmed.
Did you even read these threads? Serious question
No. 533362
>>533348Working freelance means having on and off seasons as you go through movies and tv shows, etc. I think she must have booked a movie or something like that which would explain the early hours, and then she seems to be doing a lot of work with hot topic as well as a promoter for other things.
>>533349i think it was assumed that she was going to move out with a boyfriend, a guy we don't even know is 100% her boyfriend… just from insta sleuthing.
No. 533369
>>533327A screencap of the ad was posted in the last thread.
I've noticed there's a few new people in this thread asking for receipts that were already posted in the previous ones. Y'all need to look through the other threads before posting.
No. 533382
>>533343are you sure? I thought it was Dre that stays up all night, she's been doing club promoting lately.
Right now afaik, she works as a brand promoter for Hot Topic, does a horror talk show gig on Youtube. I think she only does social/media influencer work now, haven't heard about her doing a makeup job in ages.
She also went on and on about how Youtube demonetizing her videos was crippling for her, so I think it's safe to say she was making a decent amount from what very little content she had for her very brief YT career.
No. 533398
>>533382Yeah I'm sure, her and kelly have talked about their sleep schedules before on q and a's.
As far as Dre's work goes this is what I know from her youtube/social medias-
She only promotes for emonite la which is like once a month and only on the weekends, it's an event not a club. Does work with hot topic and foxblood sho as an influencer. The talk show is once every other week. She's said that when she does big gigs like movies or tv shows she's not allowed to talk about it legally (thats kinda obvious though) and she doesn't really like to mix her professional career with her social media stuff. She even has a separate makeup instagram. like she's posted about 6 different jobs since the beginning of the year.
No. 533403
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Dem arms tho
Anyone else gettin reeeal tired of “thot pocket” /which she immediately stole from somebody who tweeted her.. it was the name they had in their bio
No. 533414
>>533398See, I told y'all it's a Dre fan doing all of the wking here. Stage 5 Clinger. 😂😂😂
>>533403Yeah, I'm really annoyed with the thot stuff. We get it Kelly, you are familiar with ancient memes like "thot" "ya boi" and
airhorn sound. Stephanie is on reddit enough, she should keep Kelly current on these things, give her a this week in memes newsletter or something.
No. 533424
>>533414i'm not trying to wk, just stating facts to help either side of the argument. Saying dre is only doing influencer work clearly isn't true, that's my ONLY point.
>>533403kelly needs to chill with the stomach edit, no one is shaped like that
No. 533434
>>533382Thank you for saying all of the things I was being too lazy to say. I swear, people don't even bother reading or paying any attention before posting.
>>533386This was already posted.
>>533398Kelly literally just said in her live stream that Dre is up all night and is getting up when Kelly is going to bed at 10pm, because she (Kelly) is a "grandma."
You can also see in tons of videos that Dre is just waking up sometime around mid-day.
I'm sure that she wakes up and does a more "normal" schedule when she has a gig. I used to keep a super spastic schedule when I was younger and didn't have a regular 9-5. It's not uncommon or out of the question for other people, including her, to do the same.
No. 533445
>>532915Who is she trying to fool? It is becoming glaringly obvious to even the most casual of fans that Dre and Kelly aren't friends anymore. The appear to be tolerating each other and being polite, but that's about it. If the lack of retweets/mentions/photos weren't enough to clue them in, then the fact that Kelly keeps unfollowing Dre on Twitter would be enough to make fans aware that there is trouble in the Doll House.
Not only that, but right now if you click on Kelly's youtube channel and go to the 'about' section, she lists everyone but Dre's channel. Her channel used to list Dre, now Dre only shows up as 'related channels' rather than Kelly's customized "sister channels". That means Youtube fans that aren't privy to Twitter or Instagram drama now don't have to stray from Youtube to notice that something is wrong.
I honestly don't understand her logic in trying to pretend that everything is hunky dory. Maybe some of the more dedicated fans will buy it, but everyone else is becoming more and more aware that something is amiss.
Does Kelly realize that if curious fans google about her and Dre, these lolcow threads pop up in the search results? You would think she would want to be more transparent if for no other reason than from preventing more and more of her fans from finding out her dirty laundry.
No. 533641
>>533445Yeah, between this and the fact Kelly unfollowed her twice, the idea that we're "just making up drama" is laughable.
They should have just said "we were having a rough patch, but things are better now" rather than try to pretend nothing happened as if no one noticed at all.
No. 533653
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It's so weird to me they keep acting like nothing has happened.
No. 533812
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>>533403>'hello fellow kids, please tell me I look like the Hot Animes'it's always interesting to see what people imagine they look like via the insane way they photoshop their pictures. she pictures herself as this cute/sexy FFX character with big eyes and a round jaw and tiny little waist… but then in reality she just looks like pic related. A kinda dumpy, average sized woman with fried hair. Not quite dakota or momo levels of delusion, but still kek-worthy.
No. 533892
>>517818>>531350She’s obviously had lipo in multiple areas. Most surgeons charge per area. If she’s had it under her chin ($1500 - $3500), in her abdomen ($3000-8000), her hips/waist ($2500-8000), and her thighs (2,500-8000) plus a surgical fee (usually 1k). She spent at minimum $10K to get her new body. But she said previously it was a “sponsored procedure” so who knows if that’s true or how much she was discounted.
As someone with body dysmorphia, I’m furious that she keeps getting procedures, rather than getting proper therapy. She is actively indulging and feeding her disorder by continuing to get more and more drastic procedures to physically alter her
appearance. Ultimately what she’s doing is far worse for her mental health than learning to accept and love her body as it is.
No. 533990
>>533270No, she isn't. See up thread where photoshopped vs non-edited pictures of her at a red carpet event were posted.
She may have had lipo, but she STILL doesn't look a goddamn thing like shopped to hell images she posts constantly.
No. 534200
>>519451didn't watch the vid but the left pic in the thumbnail looks so much better than her ugly pastel hair
No. 534203
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While I wish Dre had her own thread, this irritated me so much I couldn't help myself.
This right here is her problem. You have an audience that cares enough about you to emulate you - you don't get to complain or have an attitude about it. Either don't answer comments still asking where the dress is from, or actually help people who are looking for it. But don't act like it's such an inconvenience to you as a person, that's so fucking rude. This is the second time in a short period that I've seen her bitching about this and it's like ….really? People still asking where stuff is from despite descriptions/tags is the most common thing, get the hell over yourself. If you're that annoyed by it, find the link, drop it to someone in the comments, others will see it.
TL;DR - dres biggest problem is that she stands the WHOLE fucking way in her own way in terms of her relationships with her followers.
No. 534217
>>533653I don't understand why influencers do this.
Every intense friendship has its ups and downs. If they just said "we were having issues like any friends who live together do, but we worked them out and we're good now" hardly anyone would be discussing it.
No. 534325
>>534283I mean also she went from looking chubby as all hell to looking relatively slim in only her face and stomach….what else do you think does that? Certainly not a human metabolism.
And we know her ass ain't been to the gym because she hasn't been insufferably mentioning it every two seconds.
No. 535082
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"You too, can beat body dysmorphia and all you need is tons of plastic surgery!" :)
No. 535084
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@ Stephanie
No. 535311
>>535301softboy yaoi is different than bara and the like that's made for men. it's very explicitly made for women as a fetish. two kawaii boys turning borderline rape into happysex, fucking eachother without condoms or lube. it's the same as yuri shit for men that's just two horny sexy girls grinding their muffs talking about how lewd and pretty their pussies are.
of course yes gay men can like softboy yaoi and lesbians can like overly sexual yuri, but they're minorities and it's not for them.
No. 535434
>>535084This could apply to Jill. hah
>>535086I agree. It would be easier for her to just eat right and get lean through working out. She also needs to learn how to dress.. because she doesn't have the legs for maxi dresses.
No. 535464
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Who the fuck posts shit captioned like this? It's so tacky. NO ONE CARES KELLY
No. 535738
>>535348Personally, I see getting turned on by any couple you're not a part of as fetishizing them, regardless of sexual orientation. I also don't see fetishization as inherently bad as long as you're not treating real people as objects or telling them you're turned on by them being together like straight men often do with lesbians.
I wish Kelly elaborated more as to what scale of fetishization she's referring to.
No. 535745
>>535397>>535416I dunno guys, I think Kelly probably does have it or at least has body image issues that go far beyond the norm.
I know it looks like Kelly is just being lazy, but think about it. She spent thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars to suck out maaaybe 20lbs of fat out of her stomachs at most. It's super common for people with body dysmorphia to completely lack the ability to be patient when it comes to healthy weight loss results and turn to extremely unhealthy means instead. Turning to plastic surgery they don't need is also a very common thing they do. If this is the result of her being lazy, it still shows she clearly has some kind of intense mental problem.
I'm not saying she's definitely right about having body dysmorphia, but she sure as fuck has body image issues that go beyond the normal young woman with low self-esteem.
I really fear how this looks to her younger followers. She may not realize it, but she's showing surgery as a quick fix to all your body image issues. Don't like your small tits? Implants! Small lips? Fillers! Too anxious to wait a couple months to lose 20lbs? Lipo!
No. 535806
>>535738Honestly there's some misinformation going on here with regard to fetishizing. The word we should be using is sexualizing. To fetishize something is to have it as a fetish.
A fetish is something unconventional/abnormal which you require in order to achieve sexual gratification. The only way these queer pairings would be fetishizing would be if the person doing the objectifying legitimately required them in order to actually get off. Otherwise it's just regular old objectification or sexualization.
Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine because too many people don't fully understand the depth of having a fetish.
(derailing) No. 535982
>>535939Thank you, was about to say this.
She didn't pay thousands - she begged a company to sponsor her surgery because of how much "exposure" she could give them.
eyeroll No. 536073
>>536051Yeah, she is a bit too young.I'm 31 and emo started right after I graduated, I was 2000-2004 end of the nu-metal era.
Kelly would have been in High School 2003-2007 when nu-metal/pop-punk went out and became emo. So, she caught both eras which is reflected by her playlist.
People inbetween their ages would have had emo at it's peak. 22-26.
Emo happened around 2005, probably died 2009-2010 which is about when someone who is 22 would be getting into high school.
Myspace was completely abandoned by 2008, she would have been 12, so lul.
No. 536093
>>536079Really? All three were shaking and crying, and called it a "HUGE MCR SURPRISE", they were dead serious and that's why it was so sad.
As people said above, they're all too young to even be emo, they're just jumping on the emo nostalgia bandwagon just like 90s kids did during 80s kid nostalgia and just like 00's kids did during 90s kid nostalgia.
It's like nobody is even nostalgic for their own shit anymore which is the whole point of it, lol.
No. 536123
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The student have becometh the master.
Dre has reached peak cow, she is now:
1) Missing (or nearly missing) obligations due to fauxiety. Not putting out a reasonable amount of content because she is so ~busy~ (sleeping until 10pm).
2)No longer works in the field that she claims as her primary field (makeup, only done about 3 jobs since the beginning of the year, all of which friends hired her for)
3)Questionable new collaborators (Pervy Frank and his boring girlfriend).
4)Shilling for companies will poor ratings and customer service and not complying with FTC guidelines regarding sponsorships. (VP Fashion, FashionNova).
5)Losing a ton of weight with no explanation, gets super defensive upon being asked about it.
6)"calls out" her fans constantly on twitter over super trivial things (asking her where a dress is from or if the guy she is kissing is her boyfriend).
7) Has a twitch channel that is always coming but never actually happens. Plans to become a "gamer" but only plays one game and not even that often.
Now she just needs to move on to step 8 and coast on her current subscribers and keep them engaged while providing bare minimum content to be considered an influencer so that she can keep getting PR packages and unboxing them on her channel. Still waiting on those lip fillers.
No. 536142
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>>536123You're forgetting this attention grabbing stunt from yesterday. Why would anyone post this? kek
No. 536224
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wow sitting home all day doing nothing sure is exhausting right kelly?
No. 536229
Hey, don't need to apologize for being new, sage goes in the email field. New blood helps liven up the thread (it's getting stale since Kelly isn't producing).
I think you are correct about Steph's age, I remember about 5 years or so ago she was definitely older than me. I think most of us on here agree that Steph is sweet, she's a really great friend and she's the only one out of the bunch that is real (despite the fake body).
This must be her from 2009, she's still pretty but man she looked so beautiful more natural. I don't mind people that do plastic surgery (I would get some myself if I had everything I wanted already) but, it almost seems like a crime on her. was surprised to see that she used to suffer from ED and that she was a size 13 before. I thought her new thicc body was new.
No. 536239
>>536093you have a good point, but emo was still a thing for 20something/30something adults / high school kids in the 00s, it was not even a thing for 00s kids who were too young for high school. I'm just saying it makes no sense. Emo went out when myspace died in 2009.
saged and sorry for derailing.
No. 536364
>>536352Seriously, what an odd choice of moderators.
We have a emo/goth/nostalgiaofthemoment girl that has cosplayed a couple of times because Chris made her and a Disney boy cosplayer.
From what I can tell from briefly browsing Chris' twitter, what qualifies him for Sci-Fi is that he once cosplayed a genderbent Rey (only because it's Disney).
I love how Star Wars finally gives us a strong female lead and somebody is like… BUT WHAT WOULD SHE LOOK LIKE AS A BOY? That would be so ground breaking and original. I'm not
triggered, I just think it's funny.
I'm guessing that's why Chris got it and they gave Chris the option to pick who his other mod was and he picked Dre because Dre can only get jobs that friends give her.
No. 536420
>>536409Yep. At least Kelly and Steph's friendship went back and forth. Kelly was really popular on instagram and she would shout out Steph a lot and then when Steph went to YT she helped Kelly out.
Steph introduced Dre to Kelly when Kelly was looking for a roommate, Dre was new to the area. Kelly pulled her in to the fellowship right away and they accepted her.
Dre was looking for a way to make more money so Kelly told her to get into YT and really hooked her up by doing constant videos with her and giving her shout outs on social media etc.
Every friendship Dre has is transactional. She only picks out people that can give her something and once she's gotten all that she can get, she moves on to someone else.
She went from Steph < Kelly < Kota < Chris and now Frank. Kelly is definitely a cow but Dre is on a whole other level. I don't doubt that she'll have her own thread soon once she moves on from Frank to someone with a larger following.
She hops from genre to genre because she collects followers from each one. She's done makeup, song covers, cosplay, very briefly goth (with those two from the UK) emo and now she's trying to get into gaming.
No. 536529
>>536123I feel like both Dre and Kelly get so many wonderful opportunities and could get so many more if they bothered to work harder. There are so many things they could do with their channels and just don't bother.
No. 536627
>>536196I think you're right about her age. It was her 31st birthday party in a vlog posted two years ago.
>>536046>Pretty sure that most people, who suffer from EDs or BD, quietly hide it and pretend that everything's ok while they get plastic surgery or starve themselves, et al. I literally laughed out loud at this. Oh anon, I take it you're not familiar with the proana/mia phenomenon? Girls with EDs romanticize their mental illness more so than any other group genuinely suffering from one.
No. 536671
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Why the fuck would anyone do this
No. 536682
>>536420Just scrolled through her Instagram quite a bit and not a single person she's posted pictures with doesn't have some kind of following. I've noticed she never collabs with smaller channels on her YT either. The only exception I know of was a video she did with Katie back when she had very little subscribers. One thing I will say in favor of Kelly is that she features her friends regardless of whether or not they have any kind of fan base.
Speaking if which, has anyone else seen the video I'm talking about? It's kinda relevant to the discussion we were having earlier about how it doesn't look like the Fellowship appreciates Katie that much. The underlying message in the video is essentially that Katie is the poor man's Kelly.
No. 536702
>>536682Katie is waay better than Kelly and they're not even on the same level in terms of what they're into tbh. Kelly's a plastic manufactured trash weeb and Katie does the Disney shit. Sure she may need to stop shopping her face to hell and back, but she's way more genuine both physically and personality wise than cardboard Kelly. The only similarities I can see between them is that they're both into pastels.
I don't get why Katie, Kota, and Courtney are friends with the likes of Kelly, Dre, and Steph
No. 537029
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cringing that she set a camera up & pretended to be asleep for a photo to tweet kek
No. 537033
File: 1521855121810.jpeg (113.65 KB, 539x960, 3532793D-24AE-4BFC-8F77-27DE84…)

How much weight has she lost??
No. 537039
>>537029Rofl, omg, I did not even think of that. Bae caught me slippin. Too bad she didn't catch the camera in the mirror.
>>537033About 120 fingers down the throat worth.
No. 537122
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>>537109Yeah, she doesn't know how to harmonize, no range, no gusto, bad tone, no strength and she can't hold a note. I'm not sure why she thinks that singing is her thing?
Poor Kota, she's always trying to fix someone, isn't she?
>>537065I actually think she looks slightly better thinner however I know damn well you don't lose that kind of weight by drinking water unless you're using it as a meal replacement. I do wonder if Hot Topic pressured her to slim down so that she fit in their range more consistently.
You can tell by the way that Dre is built(like a plank) that she wasn't meant to be big in the first place.
I'm all for plus size ladies if that's their natural body type but she has no curves. You don't need huge boobs to look good plus size but you do need shape in your hips, that's why this cosplay looks flattering on her, it gives her hips and balances out her broad shoulders.
It also looks like she learned how to do cosplay makeup. Remember that horrendous makeup she did for Kelly's Sailor Moon skits?
No. 537385
>>537257>>537264I was gonna comment something similar to this
>>536627 as well.
I've never suffered from an ED, but the people I personally know who have definitely did not romanticize their illness much less boast about it. They generally aren't very vocal about it until they are in recovery.
It's also pretty obvious that the people who are pro-ana are just girls with body issues who want to achieve a certain body type.
No. 537454
>>536981Okay so first of all - Kota is no great singer either and I don't get why that doesn't get brought up more.
Her enunciation is shit, her range is mediocre, her tone is inconsistent. She's just….not that great. How she got on that reality tv show I will never fucking understand because she had no place there.
In THIS particular video, Dre is so overpowered by Kota that I'm a little surprised anyone in here felt like they could confidently comment on her vocal ability?
>>537215 Here, I agree with you. Her range is absolutely alto, but it's a good sign that she can put on the different "voices" of the characters - it means should she decide to seek training she'll likely benefit from it.
And before anyone gets all up in arms about "white knighting" - i don't care for either one of them. They could both benefit from vocal training, I just don't get how Kota has coasted for so long with people saying omg she has such a great voice! when she doesn't really. You'd think that once you reach a higher level of recognition you'd want to keep getting better but I guess not with her?
Dre isn't untalented but she does need training.
And really - I get this is why we're all here but remember, singing is pretty much all muscle memory, self study, and dedication. Anyone can learn it, anyone can improve at it.
Picking apart someone's current ability or talent based on a buried background part is just….lol. Wait until you have enough information/examples to form an opinion (see also, my thoughts on Kota).
Saged for literally everything but especially that I've had a beef with Kota's vocal ability forever and this is a topic I'm actually knowledgeable about so you have no idea how excited I am that this was brought up.
No. 537462
>>537385Yes and no. I think both are true? At least I feel that way.
I have suffered from an ED and I definitely found I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to show it off, I explained away my weight loss quickly whenever someone commented on it (oh you think I'm this thin after having the flu? Yep sure it was that dang flu, it was a rough one this year..). But every once in a while I'd want "connection" for lack of a better word and that's where I'd look to ED communities and things of that nature online. Keep in mind this was a long time ago (a decade at this point?) and I'm going to go out on a limb and introduce the concept that the "pro ana/mia" corner of the Internet has vastly changed since then.
Back in my day (ugh that sounds so fucked) it was legitimately people with eating disorders and maybe some of them were pro-ana but it was a symptom of their illness telling them this was a good thing….not full on fuckin foolish nonsense like what we saw with the whole Emily/Ember debacle.
Now I'd say its definitely more true that people who say they're pro ana or whatever absolutely don't actually have illnesses. If I felt the same way now as I did then, I wouldn't go near anything or anyone claiming to be pro ana with a 10 foot pole.
Sage for blogpost
No. 537475
Can you imagine the type of havoc living with someone as egotistical, arrogant, and full out terrible as Kelly would cause your self esteem?
I'm sure kelly has convinced Dre that when it comes to vlogging, having colored hair, gaming, doing makeup, etc that she's done it first and done it better.
p sure it was mentioned somewhere up thread or in another that kelly didn't like the Disneyland princess having the same color hair as her - I can imagine her being just as selfish about every other thing she does being "hers".
I've thought for a while that Dre being so defensive about her weight loss was because she has somehow tied being "plus sized" to being her "thing" and she feels like she won't have anything special about her if she's not plus sized anymore.
I sure hope she is still moving out. It's going to be really interesting to watch how the both of them change afterwards.
No. 537508
>>537454You're wrong that anyone can learn to sing. Anyone can learn to play an instrument. The problem that many people have learning singing is that they simply can't match a note by ear using their own body and they can't differentiate between flats and sharps. That requires natural ability and if you have that, then you can build upon it.
Everybody also has a natural maximum range that they can train up to and this can be severely limited by numerous medical conditions such as damage from untreated acid reflux disease, thyroid removal/damage, connective tissue disorders, muscular diseases and things like scleroderma.
Also, being able to imitate characters is not a sign of a good vocalist, that requires a very basic ability. If you can only imitate it means that you lack creativity as an artist and are unable to develop your own sound.
Kota does have good range and she is talented enough for what her band requires. Kota's issues as a vocalist are in her high register, it sounds very nasally and somewhat unpleasant because iirc she has issues with the way her nose is built. What Kota does have is natural ability, an ear for music, she can play by ear and write music and her own sound, that's more than what most of your basic pop stars have today that are autotuned to death (Britney Spears, Selena Gomez, Fergie, etc). She's not the best vocalist and she can probably find more success as a song-writer but she's a talented musician.
Dre is not, she doesn't have the voice, the passion or the personality. She requires a lot of post-production and lacks creativity. She can improve a bit with training but she will never be any better than average.
No. 537573
>>537508I agree with the first anon, I've had a lot of success with training people who initially told me (and sounded like, yikes) they couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.
Does this mean they're professional level vocalists and the world will be clamoring for them? No.
Does it mean that they can, physically, learn and sing a song? Yes.
Being able to imitate means that in terms of anatomy you have a working concept of what it feels like for things to go higher, lower, looser, more tense.
That entire reply was extremely snobbish, as often techniques described in lessons include such inuitive things as raising the larynx, lowering it, or holding it steady. That's an anatomical cue that needs to be taught. I've had several people who had no idea what I was referring to but who knew the mechanism in their own bodies, just not by its technical name.
I agree with you, kotas high range is absolutely an issue, but her mid range and her lows aren't stand outs either. You're also blaming Dre's voice on "post production" yet fail to mention the same post production used on Kotas voice. If you're going to argue for one thing you have to argue it in a balanced way.
Another agreement is that kotas pronunciation is extremely lacking. There's no engagement with hard consonant sounds which is actually something I noticed while watching her on The Voice.
I do like the idea of kota doing more songwriting though, I do believe she'd excel more in that field as well.
No. 537598
File: 1521931274958.png (1.56 MB, 640x1136, A3544E47-8F64-4BC9-AEF3-AD4145…)

Oh boy
No. 537655
>>537598"wahh therapy is so expensive I can't afford treatment don't go to college I'm crippled by my student loans wahh"
gets giant ugly tattoo that will probably cost upwards of $1k+love me that cow logic
No. 537693
File: 1521936602349.png (5.62 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2063.PNG)

>>537598Wait where did this picture come from? This is the one on her story and it has writing on it
No. 537741
>>537385>It's also pretty obvious that the people who are pro-ana are just girls with body issues who want to achieve a certain body type.Yeah, those proana girls who end up hospitalized and fuck their bodies up for life totally aren't real ED sufferers.
Maybe just maaaybe, people with EDs aren't a hivemind and some people are ashamed and try to hide it while others are super vocal, like the countless clearly emaciated examples on the internet prove?
No. 537745
>>537742Yeah, sometimes I feel like farmers let their salt cloud their judgement. He's a world famous artist and heavily respected in the community. Not to mention you can't judge a tattoo based on the stencil.
But yeah, it is another Sailor Moon one, it's human Luna.
No. 537750
File: 1521942669753.png (1.09 MB, 726x810, Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 9.50…)

>>537742100% is going to be another stolen design from the same artist who created the original art she got on her leg
No. 537762
She's stealing another piece of art after being called out for stealing that same person's art?
No. 537769
How is
>>537693 faded enough to become
>>537750? I can see that there's a lot of shading and dark colors, but a lot of the last tattoo is still showing through.
>>537631Her laser doctor basically asked her the same thing in the last laser video.
No. 537789
>>537693We need an answer to this! Question of the day.
>>537631It's funny that the issue last time the issue was a face on a shoulder since your shoulder is bulging. So I'm interested to see if there is the same issue.
However, I am guessing since it's an animated face that it won't be as troublesome. I have seen very few human face tattoos that have gone well, hopefully she covers up that horrid Gaga tattoo next. I like all of Kelly's new tattoos but her old ones are fug. The ones on her thighs look like poorly placed stickers. AS much as I love David Bowie and Labyrinth, that tattoo needs to get covered too.
No. 537825
File: 1521949183506.png (2.62 MB, 1807x833, adfasd.png)

>>537750Yeah, it's another art piece by Sunmomo. What's hilarious is that Kelly claims she can't get in contact with her because she doesn't speak chinese and "can't find a way of contacting her" from the same girl who claims to have gone on multiple dates with a japanese man and used her phone to translate the entire time because she can't speak japanese. but I guess figuring out a way to contact an artist you like in order to ask for their permission to use their work in tattoos permanently etched into your body is just too hard u guise.
i doubt the artist would be offended or even care (she's so successful that kelly probably doesn't even blip on her radar as anything other than just another fan) but its still hilarious how nothing is ever kelly's fault. she'll just go ahead and use the artwork without asking because it's easier.
No. 537829
>>537825it took me literally two seconds of googling to find her blog to message her it was last updated in feb so even though she's kinda inactive it's obviously not abandoned or anything…and she says on her weibo profile ( that she's busy a lot so it makes sense. it really doesn't seem like it would be that hard to reach out…
>>537789its from her twitter No. 537878
>>537829Hate to be a buzzkill but I remember her saying in one of her videos or somewhere that she was able to get in contact with Sunmomo after she got the tattoo.
The art she reposted on twitter a while ago, the artist had also said it was okay for her to repost after Kelly found him even though it said no repost.
I also don't see someone getting a tattoo of art or reposting things (while not claiming it as your own) as art theft. That's just overreacting.
However, the shit on her Society 6 is 100% stolen. That is art theft, she's edited it, claimed it as her own and is making a profit from it.
No. 537895
>>537878It's using someone else art that took time and effort? Artists have the right to decide how their work is used, especially if they would charge someone to create a custom design. Photo based tattoos are usually for someone who already owns the image and has the right to use it.
I've approached an artist with a pre-existing image I wanted to use, and he redesigned it because it was something I had found through google. It's basic respect to not claim something that doesn't belong to you by putting it on your body.
No. 537992
>>537878I remember that, but I forget how the exchange turned out. I thought it was a relatively big deal because after getting in contact the artist said she wasn't okay with the fact that kelly got her work tattooed on her without her permission.
I might be remembering it wrong
No. 538115
File: 1522001732887.png (300.65 KB, 1920x1080, 20180325_140854.png)

>>537126>>537122I'm sorry, but how tf do you think she has no curves? Here's a screen shot from the mv, she clearly has curves. Not whiteknighting, dre is still annoying af, just don't understand this anon's logic
No. 538587
File: 1522070780032.png (570.78 KB, 930x596, Screen shot 2018-03-26 at 9.51…)

No. 538682
>>538666Even the anons not too far above you said it looked like cum. Which is true and a big point of the tattoo. the whole emphasis on the picture is Kelly literally shoving cream covered fingers in her mouth? She's gross to begin with.
(the yellow/brown 'syrup' or whatever underneath the cum makes it look like smegma has been mixed in lmao)
No. 538725
File: 1522088981552.png (82.12 KB, 613x353, ak.png)

Maybe you should ask your therapist instead of a myspace celeb Kelly
No. 538848
File: 1522100014373.png (336.63 KB, 659x430, cute.png)

No. 539068
File: 1522117161303.jpeg (147.48 KB, 750x1012, DB83578C-536E-4B0F-9FC3-07B420…)

Why her foot look so crusty? She looks like she’s auditioning for porn.
No. 539151
>>539142That's… just stupid. A lot of people have tattoos of faces/images of either the opposite or same sex on them.
If a male face tattoo'd on a female body disturbs you, you're the one with the issue in such a case, and probably ought to grow up some.
No. 539282
>>539272I feel like she thinks she's creating this great meme series that people will share everywhere like her sailor moon skits without caring about the actual quality.
Stephanie's ffxv video was cute, but nothing Kelly has done has matched that. But she keeps making these videos. Congrats Kelly on being able to network with male dub voice actors in LA to get them pretend to be your fictional bf.
No. 539289
>>539279It is, but her art is so deep that a self portrait of her eating cake with her
hands and frosting on her face that looks like semen is like…super deep, you wouldn't understand without an art degree and crippling student loans.
No. 539540
>>539481Yep, when she gets views on something she does it to death and she doesn't have any variety.
Last 20 videos (6 weeks):
PR/Sponsored/Unboxing: 8
Vlog w/sponsor: 1
A video only for Lindsay that for some reason she posted on her channel: 1
So, about 50% of her videos are sponsored or she got something for free. I even excluded the fan mail videos from that number which would have brought it up to 70%
I'm so bored with Kelly, she's cancelled. She's just an ad at this point.
No. 539996
>>532812At 0:37 she picks her nose. BM cosmetics is shit, I hate the quality and it gets all on your teeth.
>>539241 and she has her old Mac eyeshadow palettes, which I assume are seven+ years old. I admit she does look pretty as the Android whatever.
She stays home a lot, I wonder if she collects LA unemployment. She was represented by that no name modeling agency and was doing Disney dream creation whatever it was called group >that's how she got Disney passes. But, does YT really pay a lot? She was a great makeup artist back in the day. But, her narcissism I am just over it.
No. 540131
File: 1522254070390.png (143.86 KB, 750x1334, 7D224338-F551-4206-9319-BCC62F…)

Kelly’s new roomie? Twitter handle is @phinamin
No. 540132
File: 1522254133913.png (175.07 KB, 750x1334, 99D84E81-144D-493C-86BD-970A36…)

No. 540372
File: 1522271770265.png (403.78 KB, 809x595, ps fail.png)

what is going on with her thighs?? that shop
No. 540422
>>540133I don't think she was ever a makeup artist period. I think she's just had MAC and ABH basic training. I could be wrong but I don't think she has a cosmetology/mua license.
>>540131I'm calling it now, she's going to go full cow within 6 months.
I watched Kelly's stream from the other day. It was really boring because it was 2 hours of Q&A where Kelly couldn't read anything because for some reason she got tits, fillers and lipo but didn't get lasik (which is the most amazing thing I've ever done for myself). It was like 1:45:00 of just saying hi, thanks for following and squinting and apologizing for not being able to read and maybe 15m of actual information.
Surprisingly, I enjoyed Kelly as a person in the stream though. So I am speculating that I just don't like the person that she edits herself into on YouTube or Instagram. I hate the fake kelly with the 18 inch waist, the smooth skin and the horrible obnoxious high pitched baby voice with a rehearsed script.
I like unedited Kelly with chest acne, a perfectly normal waistline and her average pitch voiced. Just average Kelly with the same interests as me. Sure she says dumb shit sometimes but I don't follow her for her intellect and ability to spell. Twitch might actually be good for her. She should just do her regular YT vids but live and unedited.
She needs to really learn what body dysmorphia is though, that self-diagnosis is completely wrong. She just has regular ass low self esteem and body issues. If she has 4+ nose jobs and still isn't happy with it even though her nose is the ideal size and shape, then we can talk body dysmorphia.
I actually really like her new tattoo so far, she should cover the rest of her sleeve with more current and colorful stuff in a similar style. The Gaga tattoo is sooooooo bad.
No. 540447
>>540131Has to be the new room mate.
God I wonder what kind of self conscious neurotic mess kelly will turn this one into.
No. 540564
File: 1522284884009.jpg (911.53 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180328-205140_Ins…)

Mama Nigri has acknowledged her and the fellowship
No. 540576
>>540514Nah, if she liked the way she looked with glasses she would definitely have them already.
If I DID like the way I looked with glasses, I would have still gotten lasik anyway and just got non-prescription glasses because this way I don't have to keep renewing the lenses (did the math, after 12 years it turns a profit) and I can see in the morning, while laying in bed, in the shower and in the pool now. Also, if my glasses broke/I lost them, I would not have to worry about getting new ones.
I know not everyone can afford lasik but it was a huge quality of life purchase/save money in the long run purchase for me that had the plus side of making me look better because glasses accentuated my deep eye socket.
No. 540854
File: 1522327191157.png (677.79 KB, 1131x662, kelly.png)

whoops i forgot the picture /sage
No. 541102
File: 1522356923049.png (658.15 KB, 1200x891, dreexiled.png)

I may be late on this but it definitely does seem like Dre has been exiled from the fellowship just by looking at this…
No. 541437
>>541230Come to think of it— Kelly acts very much like wannabe Kristen Leanne. The sponsor videos, the story time drama videos, cosmetic procedure. They were both on that stupid TLC wedding show, Kelly wasn't even engaged. Davey is too stupid on how to be classy and propose.
>>540854Those tattoos are so ugly, LOL. Looks like a trailer park tattoo artist did them. I hope they all get them.
No. 542016
File: 1522451274248.jpg (68.5 KB, 570x591, il_570xN.125598429.jpg)

>>539068she looks like a doll made out of other dolls' pieces
her head and arms are so big
No. 542273
File: 1522472874950.jpg (137.07 KB, 600x675, Untitled56.jpg)

Hmm… wonder what changed?
If they broke up within the last 2 days it obviously wasn't a good one if she's posting that, or she's just a bitch.
No. 543150
>>543069I second this anon.
Also, I just went to his IG and he's a pretty good tattoo artist. Why would they get something that looks like a middle schooler's doodle for their pastel goth themed Tumblr from someone that talented?
No. 543361
>>543308Yeah, I find him incredibly hot too, especially with the new blonde hair. Courtney is a lucky woman.
Kota is also married and Katie is engaged. I don't think any of the others are, though.
No. 543603
File: 1522620336277.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180401-175049.png)

No. 543604
File: 1522620365555.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180401-180315.png)

No. 543615
>>543603Let's go to Hollywood Forever on Easter Sunday and do cartwheels to flash our panties!! Lol so funny!
Aren't these women mid 30s at least?
No. 543621
>>543604This is so trashy
Totally what kawaii ambassadors do
No. 543718
File: 1522627846585.png (495.71 KB, 1242x1718, IMG_2121.PNG)

My god those extensions are heinous
No. 543726
>>542273I love that Anons are talking about open relationships based on this one screen cap. Don't think it proves anything. Anyway here's something about Kelly:
How come she never posts pictures of her back/her full back tattoo? Also I just realized guys might have issue with looking at a giant horses head if they, y'know. However if you have issue with that you wouldn't ever get along with Kelly in the first place so I guess it's a moot point
I don't have tattoos so I don't really understand having a fairly epic back tattoo and never showing it in photos. Can Anons with tattoos shed some light here?
No. 543784
>>543768get over yourself. not everyone is you. it really is
that simple. deal with it.
No. 543879
File: 1522639163791.jpg (251.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180401-231834.jpg)

>>543726She answered to your prayers, anon
No. 543894
>>543879What is this…. it looks like a massive bruise or like the tattoo artist just took a crayon to her back and inked that.
A fucking blob, it's just a blob of ink.
No. 543982
>>543879What even happened in the "months" she spent in the gym? Her ass is flat n' flabby, no muscle definition, none of the perkiness you would expect.
If she was complaining about being sore after leg day, I just wonder how frequently she even works out?
No. 543998
File: 1522651469257.jpg (13.93 KB, 702x87, IMG_1592.jpg)

Guess it's confirmed she's still waiting on filming that tattoo video she promised her fans years ago–all while getting more and more randomly plopped ink.
If you regret putting a gigantic black horse on your back just own up to it.
No. 544017
File: 1522654980280.jpeg (54.5 KB, 523x293, 6150A60D-91A1-4C21-B245-1C986C…)

>>543972The only two dressed like children are the two in full pastel with no neutral colors-Kelly and her friend.
No. 544019
File: 1522655075048.jpeg (263.02 KB, 750x411, DAE71154-9363-46A9-BE48-569AB3…)

>>543988The awkward pause after she said cemetery. It really is a bit disrespectful though..they couldn’t have it at one of their houses?
No. 544022
>>543965I feel like Kell could have given a little more effort into “introducing” Phi and making her feel like more of a part of this whole thing.
I wonder if she’s over time being around the Fellowship, she’ll feel she needs to change her hair color to a fantasy color. I think Kelly’s going to destroy this girl honestly.
No. 544105
File: 1522669598077.png (46.97 KB, 720x539, 20180402_144525.png)

Oh boy…
No. 544143
>>544069>>544067…You’re so
triggered you commented after the fact you must be samefagging
No. 544175
>>543726>I don't really understand having a fairly epic back tattoo and never showing it in photos.Not to WK Kelly or anything but not all people who get tattoos get them for the sole purpose of "showing them off the world". Tattoos can be personal or used to boost your own self esteem. As another anon said, I dont think her back piece is finished yet. Maybe shes embarassed and doesnt want to finish it? Laser removal would be waaay too expensive for a whole back piece.
I personally dont like the style of Kelly's tattoos so they all look bad to me lol. Theyre going to fade into a big blotchy mess, ESPECIALLY those black horses…
Sage for no contribution.
No. 544367
>>544157>Mourning and dead culture really differs in every culture thoughThat's exactly the point. It also varies from person to person. Whoever decided to bury their loved ones there was probably not thinking about this cemetery being used as a playground by grown women flashing themselves.
Also I think in years past they never did the egg hunt near the actual graves. It's disrespectful because some people have reverence for the dead and you can't assume everyone would be fine with you partying on the graves of their loved ones. There are parks and picnic areas nearby, the graveyard itself was never intended as a fun, hangout spot. Don't be obtuse.
No. 544407
>>544379Even Envy was like
>yeah I found a ton of eggs in the mausoleumsThat's so disrespectful
No. 544411
File: 1522697360653.jpg (188.95 KB, 1360x1836, 11405703_av1.jpg)

I'm fairly new to this, but I was searching through this before and saw stuff about Dre, I noticed she's modelling for hot topic now, do you think that has anything to do with her moving out? They brushed off her moving out too quickly.
No. 544425
>>544411from what i know about friends modeling for similar companies, she actually probably got paid decently. you get paid more if you have any sort of following (standard for most modeling jobs). if they combined her modeling "contract" with her influencing, of which she's done several shout outs in recent months, i'd estimate she's earned a decent salary. it's likely she'll have an ongoing contract for a set period of time (3-18 months) and earn a few thousand each month ($1500+, but idk what sorta budget they have and how many influencers they employ) to model, promo, and maybe even show up at events.
pure conjecture here, tho, since i'm not familiar with hot topic specifically nor anyone with as much of an "influence" as dre.
TLDR: imo, if the money is as decent as i'm guessing, she probably was able to move out thanks to this job.
No. 544516
File: 1522704649706.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1561, 20180402_222842.png)

Well judging by how happy she seems to be about the modelling she must of been paid a decent amount. Either that or she is so obsessed with the idea of working for hot topic that money isn't too important to her.
No. 544576
>>544157Exactly. America has a really shitty way of dealing with death.
Celebrating life is the best way to honor the dead. So, as long as they didn't damage anything there really shouldn't be a problem with their gathering. Some cemeteries even hold gatherings/parties on the grounds to raise money for restoration and for community engagement.
No. 544600
>>544570I don't mean to sound like a bitch but I'm shocked that Envy has a cute boyfriend (see the end of the video when she's holding hands with a tall guy)… I find both genders attractive but I do NOT find her sexy, pretty or cute at all. Her face does not appeal to me (her body is okay-ish) but her personality is annoying and I don't know how a guy can stand to be around her.>>544516
good for Dre, but she looks like an awkward model…
No. 544729
File: 1522716983085.png (15.7 KB, 589x134, Capture.PNG)

No. 544732
>>517818>>544729she's really feeling good about her body after lipo…
so where is Dre moving today? Did she say why she moved out last night?
No. 544803
>>544729"big butt"
sure, Jan
No. 544840
>>544794Those aren't really the same things.
If you feel people shouldn't be allowed to joyfully walk around where people have decomposed then you better get used to moping around or sitting in one spot. The world has been around for a long time and many people have died. You're walking over the dead every day.
There are much better actual things to fault the Fellowship for. People enjoy cemetery strolls all the time. They aren't unique.
No. 545018
File: 1522736045013.jpg (140.35 KB, 420x606, 1522704649709.jpg)

See, this is why I don't understand why people say she's curvy. The only reason she has any shape in this photo is because her legs are so far apart she could nearly mount a horse in attempt to force a thigh gap. Seeing the hot topic modeling gig, I think it's obvious why she lost weight now. Hot Topic must have asked her to lose weight so she could model in the plus size section without actually being plus size. There is no way she's more than a 10.
I don't have an issue with her being thick or thin. I just want her to tell it like it is. Did you lose weight for a modeling gig? And no, you're not thicc or curvy anymore, so just stahp with the gothicc shit. That brand no longer applies to you. You're just average now. She really needs to cover those fug tattoos with decent ones though, she is making everything she models look tacky af. Also, can we stop with the biting the tongue out of the mouth and the fluffing the back of the hair poses? You're going to have to get more than two poses if you want to be a model.
No. 545025
This whole conversation about disrespecting the dead is stupid. We're on a forum where we nitpick people into shreds and you all want to talk about respect? LOL
First of all, that cemetery is basically a park that holds community events, what they are doing is not at all unusual. Secondly, if you want some respect, don't be a dick and just get cremated already. There is no reason a rotting corpse has to take up that much space. Being buried is so selfish.
Secondly, there are private mausoleums and public mausoleums and the public mausoleums are huge buildings with bathrooms and seating areas in them. People generally congregate there after they're done visiting. It's like nobody here has been to a cemetery before.
It was Easter Sunday, nobody would be visiting relatives and there would be no burials. You're all bored af and this is the best you can come up with? I'm pretty sure it's even been beaten to death further back in the threads/YT comments, it comes up every year.
In other news, Kelly is ridiculous if she thinks she has a big butt, her butt is so small it makes her big fake tits look even more ridiculous. I really don't know what she was thinking going that big especially when her boobs were so nice and proportional before. Her butt needs work, it's small and shapeless, she can make any pair of panties look frumpy.
No. 545113
>>545025So it's ok to nitpick strangers on the internet because everyone is entitled to their opinion, but only your idea of what should happen to dead bodies is valid? And other people aren't allowed to be offended or find it tasteless or disrespectful and reflective of the poor character of the person this thread is about? This is a discussion board.
There are flowers near a couple of the grave markers in the video, showing that people had visited at least a couple of those graves recently. There isn't video footage of running around on graves in the previous Easter egg hunt videos. I think it's pretty gross for someone who pulls the dead dad card whenever she's not getting enough attention to treat a cemetery like a playground. What if April 1st is the anniversary of someone's death? Does grieving and death and loss only matter when it applies to her?
No. 545179
>>545154She's clearly lying. I'm just not sure if its because she's worried about alienating part of her fan base, or if her dieting method's would come under scrutiny so she keeps it quiet.
>>545113They probably used the cemetery to get more controversy on the video, which would give it more views. The fact that they went to a cemetery would have people talking or commenting at least. They could have easily done this at a public park.
No. 545266
>>544729Maybe she does actually have BD. There's no other explanation for being deluded enough to call her nonexistent ass big. Other than baiting her followers into assuring her it isn't.
>>543615>Aren't these women mid 30s at least?Please read the threads before asking stupid questions. It's been mentioned many times that Kelly is in her late twenties. The oldest is Steph, who is 32. So, no. They are not "mid-thirties at least".
No. 545741
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Nope, mature adults just unfollow and refollow each other on social media and throw shade over twitter and then overcompensate in every video to prove they are like, totally real friends guyz.
No. 545767
>>545741I found this exchange rude and, dare I say, manipulative… as if she wants to make fans that are curious feel bad so they won't ask any more questions. While Kelly and Dre don't owe anyone an explanation of what goes on in their private lives, they are wrong to act like their fans are being unreasonable or shit stirrers for wondering if Kelly and Dre had a falling out.
Yes, it's true that there are people out there that just like to stir up shit and cause drama. But most of her fans were simply surprised and they just wanted a better explanation other than "lol we aren't roomies anymore!". Kelly cannot blame her fans for wondering if something went wrong between her and Dre, especially when she and Dre had a very prominent, public and happy relationship that suddenly went silent. Kelly and Dre very suddenly stopped hanging out and the friendly chemistry that they both shared is obviously not there anymore; the Easter video Kelly cites as 'evidence' that there is no drama appeared awkward and forced to me.
But, let's just say Kelly and Dre are telling the truth, and that there was never any drama involved; that is still no reason to blame the fans for wanting an explanation. You cannot blame your fans for wondering if something is wrong when you present Dre as your 'sister' and say how much you care for her, then suddenly you aren't talking to each other and you keep unfollowing her on twitter.
You cannot blame your fans for wanting to know why Dre is moving out when you and Dre live in the public eye and you always share details of your lives, yet this massive change gets nothing more than a 10 second blip in a video posted on April Fools, and a single tweet from Dre. Quite frankly, it should be proof that you have a loyal fan base that cares about you and Dre's relationship enough for them to ask about it. If you didn't have such a loyal and caring fan base, most people wouldn't have noticed the change to begin with.
No. 545858
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dat shop on her waist tho kek
at least be consistent, kelly.
No. 545869
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Kelly, you’re such a cancer to the Final fantasy world.
No. 546112
>>545952 I follow Jaclyn and wondered when her and Dre would finally meet up. Jaclyn has been going to Emo Nite consistently, correct? (maybe started when she dated SR?)
Jaclyn is straight. She has another video of her kissing a girl in her vlog channel I think. So unless she has had an awakening, it's all for the lols.
No. 546236
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>>546123She wasn't asked out, she was asked to hang out to discuss a makeup look, hence the vague guilt trip post but definitely not tin foil.
Looks like she's using classic narcissist manipulation tactics. Using social media to guilt trip her into a relationship. She's probably trying to get her fans to ship them to put pressure on it. Worst part is, she's probably just using her for her followers like she does with everyone else. What a cow.
No. 546290
>>546284Did anyone ever think that maybe kelly kicked dre out because of jealousy?
Dre has been doing a lot more than kelly lately so maybe kelly pressured dre to move out
No. 546299
>>546236I think that's a reach. You can't manipulate someone into a relationship via social media. Especially if they don't know each other well, it's easy enough to ignore or quietly distance yourself from someone online or IRL if you're not feeling it.
If you want to believe that Dre only makes friends for her personal gain, that's one thing. But no one can FORCE people into being their friend lol. Unless there's blackmail involved. Not to wk, but her job relies on her internet popularity, why is networking wrong?
No. 546301
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>>546290or maybe Dre wants to move on with her life and not live in a pink house with an adult woman who's only goal in life is to have voice actors voice over their truly terrible makeup tutorials and then after that cuddle with a Sephiroth pillow and cry over how she can never find a man to love her because her alcoholic father left her unable to trust men
and then she goes on twitter to talk about her love of final fantasy, despite the fact she's only ever cleared Final Fantasy 15.
she looks in the mirror everyday and all she sees is a fraud so she gets cosmetic surgery because she thinks it'll fix her problems..but you have to wait to find out what the surgery is because she needs that sweet, sweet youtube money. Money that she'll spend on more pink hair dye and a figure of a final fantasy character she knows nothing about.
Dre also has a girlfriend now so maybe she wants to move in with her..?
No. 546372
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>>546299I don't think you know how manipulation works. When there are two people who are social media semi-famous and their livelihood depends on the paycheck they get from their follower's views, it is very easy to pressure a situation into happening.
If Dre pushes it hard enough via social media (if it were real, she'd do it in person, in private) and the fans want it, Jaclyn might on some level want to please them. I'm not saying that's how she thinks of it, because if she did, that would be insane but on an emotional level, it happens without you realizing that you've been manipulated. Guilt tripping is also a huge part of manipulation. She guild tripped her by vague posting about a crush only wanting to hang out with her to help her with a makeup look. This is meant to manipulate her into feeling bad and therefore hanging out with Dre when she doesn't need something to prove she's a good person, that way Dre has more time to manipulate, most likely via love bombing and pandering. Like I said, if it wasn't manipulation, she'd do it in private and not over social media.
>>546278Nope, the people have spoken and the fellowship can be discussed here, the rest of the fellowship don't live with Kelly and we still talk about them. Also, as stated previously, nobody knows the other altcows. Most of us aren't into goth and only know Dre via Kelly. This is the appropriate place to discuss her unless she ever gets enough of her own platform to get her own thread.
See this image to help you see why she does not have enough of her own platform. Most of Dre's followers are actually Kelly followers.
No. 546440
>>546372I mean actually if we wanna be technical, a weirdly defensive person (or small group of people) said Dre could be discussed here by shouting that anyone who said otherwise was TOTALLY A TRANSPARENT DRE WK!!!!
So nah that still doesn't sit right
No. 546491
>>546372I see what you're saying but it's also really not that deep. Even rabid fan shipping, which is not even a little bit happening here, can be ignored or addressed in a way that clears the air about the nature of their relationship.
If people care enough about people to ship them, they're not going to abandon ship because the people they want to be together aren't together? Having a relationship with your fanbase doesn't mean going along with their every demand, especially if it involves your personal relationships.
You seem really pressed to paint Dre as a scheming manipulative mastermind when this just looks like her being a human being interacting/awkwardly flirting with another human being and alluding to vague plans. Maybe she is ~conspiring to trap her into a relationship~ or whatever, but there isn't really any proof of that right now.
No. 546631
>>546491You missed the part where I said that it's on an emotional level, it's subconcious. If she knew what she was doing, she would know how fucked up it is. Do you think "nice guys" know what they are doing? They don't they think they are being completely reasonable and normal. I'm not equating her to a nice guy either, because what she is doing is not the same, but it is similar in the way that they are both being manipulative to get their desired results and don't see what's wrong with it.
I see you also missed the point with fans shipping them. I did not say that fans are shipping them, I said that what Dre is doing all over social media is trying to incite fans to ship them to add pressure to the situation. I doubt anybody would do something just because their fans wanted them too but that doesn't mean that fans can't add pressure to something and when your paycheck is basically signed by your fans, that's extra pressure. As a Dre fan, you should know this because she did a whole video with Chris about the damage that fan shipping can do to a relationship. The difference is, she went from scolding people for it (even though she was fake kissing Chris all over the place) to trying to make it happen on purpose.
I don't think that Dre is a mastermind at all. I think she's a narcissist using basic guilt and manipulation tactics to pressure someone into a relationship with her. She most likely sees it as normal behavior because she's learned it from a close family member during childhood, as that's where it generally comes from. Yeah, the twitter reply could be harmless and had that been the only example, I wouldn't have thought anything of it were it not for the guilt trip tweet a few days before. That was not harmless, that was specifically to make someone feel bad in way that only that person would know who it was about.
But yeah, totally cute and awkward Dre flirting. Tee hee. So on brand. *tilts head to the side, fluffs the back of hair, winks, sticks out and bites tip of tongue and boomerangs
No. 546637
>>546620It's not impossible that she did drugs. Idk if weight loss for heavier people is more forgiving if you lose more than the suggested amount per week, but obviously whatever she did is dangerous. It can be drugs, starving, disordered eating, intense exercise like in Biggest Loser, they all mess you up bad either way.
Personally I kinda interpreted her "just more water" as "more water, little to no food".
No. 546641
>>546631Lol not everyone who isn't foaming at the mouth in anger like you is a Dre fan. You're really reaching with hypothetical situations, perceived guilt tripping, and fan pressure that isn't a thing. If Jaclyn isn't interested in Dre as a friend or more, no amount of social media vagueposting is going to change that. She always has the option of muting or blocking Dre. She don't have to hang out or interact with Dre in person if she doesn't want to.
How are you so absolutely certain that you're right about her motivations any anyone who disagrees loves Dre? Maybe deal with the strong feelings you have about the narcissist in your life. This situation could change but right now there's no milk here.
No. 546781
>>546722>Dre hangs out with Jaclyn Glenn>Dre hangs out with Eugenia CooneyHonestly HONESTLY you would not hang out with these drama magnets for anything other than social climbing.
Obviously she's moved on from Kelly and onto bigger fish. Re: Anons above speculating about manipulation, she near-forced a relationship with a gay man (Chris, who has a boyfriend) and seems to act like she's still in high school where you can have a mega intense friendship with someone, then drop them. It's narcissistic and childish behavior.
No. 546802
>>546796 Nope, different anons. I'm not 546781, I posted about the manipulation and most of the Dre posts aren't mine. I've also had interaction with at least two different people that do posts about Dre.
I mostly post about Kelly. However, any time someone criticizes Dre, a mysterious 1-2 WK come out to defend her honor. Can we just have them banned already? I'm so sick of arguing with this trash. Nobody comes out to WK Kelly. The Katie WK wasn't even 15% as annoying as the Dre ones. If any of you had a solid argument I could stand it but it's mostly just whining. All you say is: 1)Move Dre to Altcows
2)I'm not a fan of dre
3)I'm not wking for Dre, she's not perfect
4) lol a lot at being called out for wking as if laughter is a solid counter argument
5) claim people are reaching and speculating even though that's what people do about kelly all the time and nobody has a problem with it.
Like, do you know where you are? You're on lolcow, this isn't summer camp. Does pull even put up with this? Go write her some fan mail that she won't post on YT but will vaguepost on twitter about how offensive a compliment you gave her was.
No. 546849
>>546802More like you don't have a solid argument to back up your speculation. This isn't even a Dre thread, so people generally don't give a fuck about your tinfoil hat theories. I'm well aware that this is a gossip site and discussion board. If you don't like being called out on your boring non-drama about someone having twitter exchanges, deal with it. People have a right to disagree with you or say they don't find that interesting.
There are plenty of threads that die out or drift to the bottom of the catalog if there's nothing worth talking about. I'm not sorry that I think Kelly is generally more explicitly awful and don't care about every person Dre interacts with that she's totally trying to use for fame you guise!!!! Get over yourselves. Infighting just shits up the thread. Some people have different opinions. That doesn't mean they're all secret Dre fans that need to be silenced.
No. 547016
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>>546849I'm not anyone involved in this conversation and as a complete outsider, I have to say that the Dre "discourse" isn't coming from nowhere. It's not pure tinhattery. She and Kelly built her a platform on YouTube, together, and then Dre pulled away.
Kelly posted around this time last year saying she was hurt that "someone she helped" was ditching her. It became apparent that this person was Dre based on her comments on her videos at that same time.
>>517853You can see Kelly's comments about Dre here but I screencapped a few: I'm not saying they're not friends and I'm not saying Dre is some abusive user of famous people or whatever, I'm just saying it kinda reflected poorly on both of them. Kelly subtweeting was immature, but she kinda had a point in that she helped Dre and suddenly Dre is just gone and has decided to be "an independent brand." And it only added more ??? to the situation that Dre literally never once addressed the situation, that Kelly kept unfollowing Dre on social media.
Now that Dre's moved out, I'm curious to see what happens to their friendship and "professional" involvement with each other. Dre immediately going out and tagging bigger YouTubers on her sm after she moved out is mildly suspect, lol. Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if we never see Kelly on any of Dre's social media ever again.
No. 547052
>>546895Even if it were true that no one can buy from them, how is that even relevant? I'm so confused about what point the girl was even trying to make.
Also, it drove me crazy how she didn't even know how much the dress was in USD. Like, ffs Kelly says it multiple times in the video.
No. 547549
>>546874Except the shitty middle manager example is in a job, employment, everyone knows it's different from real life friends.
Youtubers present themselves as if this is their REAL LIFE, real friends. Everyone knows interactions at work are work interactions.
This is in their homes, in Disneyland, whatever else, it's treating someone 100% as a "friend" when you are just piggybacking off their fame.
The line of distinction is far less clear in that circumstance than when you're on the clock, I'm work clothes, being nice to colleagues in an environment owned and operated by someone else in exchange for money per hour.
Point being for the viewers it is seen as "real", and they are being presented with this shallow shop and drop life. Someone like Jaclyn wouldn't care, Eugenia seems to have no self awareness at all and neither do the people who are happily photographed next to a dying girl who never seeks help.
never networks and very much views her friends as real, trusted comrades I.e "The fellowship of the rainbow".
We're contrasting Kelly's behavior to Dre's and Dre's is manipulative
in context of Kelly's not in content of general Youtuber fakery.
No. 547740
>>547699What is that based on? You saying so? Does Stephanie get her modeling gigs too? Y'all are delusional. You don't build enough of a social media following to win a popularity contest like kawaii.i or whatever it is, or have a channel that is mostly sponsored content doing absolutely no networking.
>>547549They're still people. You thinking you know everything that goes on in their lives based on their social media speaks to your own short sightedness. You have no idea what's going on in their relationships, that's the reason no one knew if or when Dre was moving out. It's not like Kelly doesn't interact with people outside of the fellowship on social media. Or is it only ok to do that with people have EXACTLY the same amount of followers or less, or it's manipulation?
No. 547958
>>547663Agreed. Kelly herself admits in multiple videos she reaches out to companies to sponsor her.
>>547699 you truly believe that Stephanie manages to network for herself to build her own career
and for Kelly as well? Half the time Stephanie is thanking Kelly for invites to events, like the Tomb Raider premiere for example as stated in an IGlive video and her IGstory multiple times. Kelly is constantly reaching out to companies for sponsorships and invites. Get your facts straight before posting. Saged.
No. 548085
>>547958Stephanie is the one that hooked her up with the YT community in the first place.
When she first moved to LA, Demonpuff got her most of her new modelling gigs (mostly the tattoo stuff). That's why when she first moved out Demonpuff is in almost every shoot with her and Kelly had a sudden interest in very bendy posing(that's demonpuff's signature). If you look at Demonpuff's insta, you can see Kelly in the shoots whereas on Kelly's insta, she just crops everyone out but herself.
So, get YOUR facts straight before posting. Kelly's idea of networking is someone giving her an email address and her emailing them. She also shows up to casting periodically.
No. 548126
>>548100That's a big told you so from me saying she was not in that relationship anymore. Lul, open relationship, okay guys. Another told you so that Dre was the night owl.
They do seem like they aren't mad at each other anymore, I don't sense any tension. But, it's still a bit awkward, you can tell they aren't as close as they were. Then again, it's really easy to get along with someone that you don't live with. Notice them saying they have no drama AFTER she moves out because it's a safe move considering how difficult it is to have drama with someone that you don't see on a regular basis.
LOL so hard at saying that they don't do drama after all of those vague posts and YT comments though (
>>547016 ). You hear that Dre WKs? Don't victimize her!
No. 548213
>>548100Dre looks like an actual Tim Burton character in this video and Kelly looks so much better with the shorter hair imo.
Lmao how Dee tried to mention “not being a stick” as why people victimize her. She’s really trying to hold on to this whole plus size thing isn’t she? She’s average. I wouldn’t say she’s thin or chubby/curvy- she looks like a typical woman in my eyes.
I did sense that there wasn’t much tension but Dre seemed like she was in another world in this. I get a almost sad/disconnected energy from her in this.
No. 548228
>>548213Nah Dre is chub chub but not obese or anything
Either way, I look forward to her goff demise in a sense. is it just me or does it just seem like Dre deserves it somehow?
No. 548247
>>548206That's because you're arguing with two different people, hun. Two different arguments.
I never said Kelly was sweet at polite, I'm just saying that Kelly can't network for shit. But, at least she's not befriending people for subs. Who said anything about twitter followers? This is about YT. Try to keep up.
No. 548251
>>548213She didn't seem to want to do this kind of video in the Easter video. I would be over it too if I had to live with Kelly for years and was ready to be free months ago.
This would have been a more convincing video if their energy levels weren't completely different and Kelly wasn't saying "We're fine!!! We hate drama! Even if we weren't fine we wouldn't film it! But we're fine!!!" 50 times in 5 minutes.
They also we're both asking their fans to harass summer in the city to invite them, so there goes the argument that Kelly gets all of her bookings through email and Stephanie.
No. 548255
If I haven't seen these girls put on makeup before, I would think that they suck at makeup. Look at them STRUGGLE with the shitty Hot Topic makeup. They made Eva ( cover her saggy earlobes. Don't they know wrinkled saggy earlobes is the target demographic for Hot Topic? Giant plastic ear plugs are a must for mall goths. I guess this is why they were at HT HQ the same day. If you like muddy/chalky eyeshadows and patchy lipsticks, these are the looks for you. Hot Topic chic brought to you by boring and boringer (you decide which is which).
No. 548264

>>548251I never said that all of her bookings are through email and Stephanie. The point was that she doesn't network. Having your fans harass an event or company isn't networking, I don't even know what you would call that? Messy?
>>548260No, not on twitter, in real life. She is seeing these people in real life. Jaclyn, Frank, Eva, Eugenia Trisha Paytas, Chris.
I have read the thread, try finding out what networking is. You must be hardcore Gen Z if you think it's sending emails and tweeting people, if you ever want to have an actual career, you might want to find out what it is. Career as a social media influencer? Babe, she has a part-time temp job with no room for advancement as one at best. You're really stuck on this Jaclyn stuff when the argument moved on from Jaclyn a long time ago.
I really don't know how this Eugenia stuff is getting brushed under the rug. Why is this not a bigger deal? This is not photoshop. As a body positivity enthusiast why would you "network" with Eugenia?
No. 548291
>>548264That Kelly gets her fans to harass people isn't networking dumbass
>>548085 is claiming she has only gotten work through her friends and email, which is ridiculous.
Whether or not you think being a social media influencer is a real job, it's stupid to think a job that involves regularly getting sponsorships and trying to find opportunities to get your name out there requires no networking skill or effort. I don't like Kelly by any means, but you can't act like she doesn't put herself out there or try to make connections in every possible way, including sicking her fans on companies.
I'm not stuck on the Jaclyn thing, that's literally what started this. I also have no idea who Eugenia is, so…
No. 548307
>>548291That's what I said, getting your fans to harass people isn't networking. So you agree? It's like we're speaking different languages here. I will try to make my statement as simple as possible for you.
Kelly thinks that networking is sending emails and texts to numbers and emails that she got from her actual friends. Her friends did the actual networking to meet these people, some of the emails she finds on websites or in desperate times, she just finds their twitter handle and has her fan harass them.
Networking often involves going to events that you aren't interested in and picking up small jobs that don't further your career and pay shit so that you can build a network of people that you have good relationships with. Stephanie does that, Kelly does not. Kelly goes to events that she is interested in and then screams social anxiety into her camera. She went to SITC and socialized only with people she already knew. That would have been the exact time to network and expand her platform further overseas.
Stephanie builds business relationships through work and remains professional. Dre gets into messy friendships(and rooms) with people because she sees it as a way to reach their audience, she crosses professional boundaries. The false friendship is manipulative. Stephanie even finds this girl roommates and dates. She found her last two roommates and set her up on several dates.
You are taking small snippets of arguments from multiple people out of context from way back in the tread, piecing them together, exaggerating the meaning until it's black and white by using words like always and only and screaming that person is a dumbass. You're the dumbass in this scenario, so please just shut up about it already because it's derailing at this point. This whole thread doesn't need to turn into people explaining very simple concepts to you.
No. 548377
>>548126I REALLY need you to shut the fuck up about these Dre "WKs". You are literally the only person in here screaming that as often as you possibly can. I've never seen anyone even close to "Wk"ing for Dre.
Realistically the closest anyone has gotten is saying approx 'well I just don't think this is a big deal..'
I don't know what your issue is, but sort it the fuck out. You seem ridiculously ready to pounce on everyone who isn't participating in derailing this thread into a Dre thread.
Oh btw - you also don't get to bitch that "other members of the fellowship are discussed here too" when Dre is discussed disproportionately more and in more nitpick-y detail than any other fellowship member in here (besides kelly).
Please, for all of our sanity, shut the fuck up about the Dre "wks" that you're continuously imagining in here.
No. 548404
>>547549Why would kelly be friends with Miles Jai or Noodlerella? Literally just for their following/networking.
That’s just part of their jobs, it’s not something to bitch about, it’s not even milk.
Social media people are friends or hang out with people in the same field as them. That’s how literally any business works.
No. 548409
>>5484041) Who wouldn't be friends with Miles Jai?
2) She isn't friends of Noodlerella, she's a fan of her. They hung out once and she lives in another country. You can have online friends but that's a very casual friend, more of an acquaintance. I mean, jesus, she's closer to Pixielocks than she is to Connie and they aren't friends either.
No. 548567
>>548307This Anon: You nailed it. Thank you. This is exactly what I was saying (I'm
>>547549 and there's plenty of different people in this conversation, for those who thinks it's only one or two people saying this)
No. 548678
>>548542that's how Dre ended up with Kelly - the original person who was supposed to move in with Kelly backed out and Dre took the spot.
The most recent ad posted in the last thread was Kelly looking to rent out dre's room and said nothing like that.
No. 548852
>>548255She used 4-5 different eyeshadows but they all look the same on her eyelid.. Bad quality makeup, i suppose. It was also just boring af to watch.
>>548734Maybe Kelly wanted Dre out for a while? Or Dre needed out? Either way, we'll see where the milks takes us.
No. 549489
>>549158>>549226I don't understand why she was so OTT attention seeking about it if she ultimately wanted everyone to forget. It doesn't make sense that she would still be waiting for footage from whoever was filming.
Maybe it wasn't actually sponsored and she doesn't want to deal with questions about how she could afford it? Or comments about her not needing surgery and taking an expensive shortcut instead of eating right and comitting to working out.
It's so sad and gross that she's willing to let her young fans look at her photoshopped post-lipo body and think that's attainable with exercise.
No. 550199
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Pretends to be so edgy and hip but doesnt even get a huge office reference
No. 550201
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No. 550203
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No. 550462
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Yes kelly, this is what most people feel like when they have a job you lazy cunt.
Fucking hell this woman! Gets Lipo so she can model again, and promptly moans about it actually having to work.
No. 550602
>>550462>>550516Is she even doing modeling work? this is the same dress from
>>535082 and at a glance her IG seems to be the same old deal of slowly releasing photos from one shoot weeks ago. Maybe photoshopping everything is time consuming? It's not like she's making videos.
No. 550615
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??? so many layers of dumb
No. 550780
>>550769Seems like a stretch to say she is leaving her out on purpose. To be honest its mostly about her and what she does. There weren't many friend shots as there were job shots or photoshoot shots she was working on. Her and Kelly didn't do that many photoshoots together where Dre promoted the images a lot unlike with the Harry Potter stuff she has done in Universal or the makeup and talks she does with Chris Vicious and other people in that industry. If Kelly made a promo video then Dre most likely would be in it because Kelly's been more of a vlogger than a worker the past two years, so that would be HER focus. Unless she'd focus entirely on those small photoshoots she has done AFTER the lipo and boob job and the Lime Crime makeup reviews.
tl;dr : Dre is showcasing more of herself and what she and her brand are about rather than focus on a promo that only shows her messing around in cemetaries with friends. Pastel doesn't work with her goth brand which makes sense.
No. 550898
>>548100i honestly think this video had the opposite of its intended effect on me. they dont seem on the same page at all and it completely shifted my perspective on dre moving out. like most people on lolcow, i thought for sure it was dre trying to gtfo, but i feel kinda confident that kelly has been pushing her out. like, in the middle of last year dre says "i dont wanna be on your channel anymore, i'm gonna do my own thing" and kelly, over time, decided dre shouldn't be her roommate then. and if yall remember that new years video where she read stuff from a jar? kelly seemed really reluctant and weird about her relationship with dre and i now think it's because she had decided she didnt wanna room with her anymore and knew it was a matter of time before she was booting her from the house.
lol this is mostly tinfoily sorry. some people said they seemed chill in this vid but it didnt really come off that way at all for me. and in the following days, on insta, kelly kept joking about "not being able to get rid of dre" but…… maybe there's some truth to that shit
No. 551012
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Calling it now - she's going to do a "reaction" video and somehow try and avoid what the surgery was for/any direct references to what was involved.
Will definitely use that as an excuse to not play any extended amounts of audio from the original footage.
No. 551062
>>551012What's the point of lipo if you still have hammy upper arms?
And are you allowed to show surgery videos on youtube? i guess she'd own the rights to her own video, but it's still odd
No. 551151
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So I think I've solved the mystery of why Dre is moving out.
in this video Dre says
>I was 19 when I moved in
>I've changed a lot, I go out a lot
Implication partying. If you watch the very old Dre vids where she has short hair, they talk about what Kelly wants in a roommate and it is specifically NO drinking, NO drugs, no partying. Reason being it reminds her of her alcoholic father.
Pic related: Kelly's expression when Dre's talking about this really says it all.
No. 551199
>>551190Someone else speculated Dre's weight loss was because of drugs.
They are hardly going to announce that as the reason on Kelly's kawaii channel, especially if Kelly disapproves. Dre couldn't even drink legally when she moved in so moving onto a more partying lifestyle at 21+ seems reasonable.
No. 551649
>>551573right, which is probably part of it, but if you find a good/reliable roommate, that's like hitting gold. it would have been as simple as saying, "oh sorry, the room's not available anymore" to the new tenant. considering that kelly and dre have tried to paint this picture like they're THE BIGGEST BFFS EVER OMG, it just seems a flimsy excuse. especially since kelly didn't actually pick her new roomie until …literally 13 days ago?
>>540131so at some point in the last 13 days, dre broke up with her bf and decided she didn't really wanna move, but at that point it was too late? hmmmmmmt
No. 552238
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>>552160It's the thrift store shit she wears, it doesn't fit, it's worn in and its from 20+ years ago. She has this thing for oversized tops that only make her look even more top heavy and teeny tiny bottoms which add nothing to the outfit because they're too small to make an impact. Those easter sweaters are such an eyesore. Also, THAT wig, the one we always talk about. I would literally rather see her messy hair with no extensions with grown out roots than that damn wig one more time.
But this is what she does, she buys garbage from Goodwill, wears it or paints it, puts it on instagram and flips it on depop where somebody for some godawful reason buys it.
It's also those Betsey Johnson dresses, listen, Betsey Johnson everything in the late '00s. The Pussycat Dolls were fashion idols. Beyonce became Sasha Fierce, Rihanna, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga made their debuts and also became fashion idols. Everything was turned up to 100% volume and now it's all tacky as fuck. Those dresses never fit her properly either because they were all second hand. Her too large implants also really damaged her look, I didn't realize how much until you scroll back in her feed.
No. 552381
>>552238I think Kelly could maybe get away with staying with a more kawaii aesthetic if she dressed more minimalist. It’s possible to still incorporate kawaii elements into your wardrobe without it being complete overkill and looking like you’re going through a midlife crisis, mistaking yourself for a toddler playing dress up.
I get wanting to have a more flamboyant style but at her age and with her facial features and body structure, I truly believe less is more and she would 100% benefit from choosing ONE or TWO accents for an outfit.
No. 552726
>>552704lol @ the massive talking out of her ass about yamikawaii "menhera" fashion. "One artist turned it into a fashion!"
Kelly just shut up. Stop pretending like you know anything you dumb bimbo
saged for slight jfashion sperging
No. 552767
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Today, in twitter news:
1)Oh, I don't know, maybe because you're not on the mood stabilizers and anti-depressants you should be on? I guess this means another dry spell, she didn't even get shit done during her last depression from like 2 weeks ago. I've gone from fan, to critic and soon just to unfollow. She does NOTHING but unboxings, just fucking nothing anymore. She's so boring.
2) Dre, you're not thick anymore, you're average. Now you're just being a dick capitalizing on actual thick girls. Find a new niche like "painfully average mall goth" or "pretending it's still 2008", can you fit that on sweatpants?
3) I guess the Dre/Jaclyn stuff was not tinfoil or they're just being fuckwads and capitalizing on their LGBTQ+ fanbase. So much for not being able to guilt trip someone into a relationship using social media.
>>552238Totally agree, she does her makeup very heavy (I like her heavy makeup) and she needs a less busy look. One print per outfit and less accessories. And for the love of god, NO PIGTAILS. If you get (nice) second hand clothes that don't fit, pay your friend to tailor them.
No. 552777
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her tits look ridiculous on her
No. 552827
>>552797idk but they look really bad on her frame
with the dress too, the buttons facing down like that looks really bad
No. 552911
>>552767You had me until guilt tripping. What kind of spineless doormat would start a ~social media official~ relationship with someone because of "guilt tripping" that was really just vagueposting about a budding relationship you knew nothing about? Come on.
I think it's questionable that she's starting a new relationship so soon after a breakup, but people do that kind of stupid relationship hopping all of the time. Who knows how long this will last?
I feel like there's a good chance that Kelly is "depressed" again because someone who used to be close to her (physically as a roommate and as a friend) is in a relationship and not available 24/7 for her antics. And she still feels the need to photoshop her body and ham arms like crazy even after lipo.
No. 552962
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>>552953She has a type, my dudes.
>dresses like a bad Nightmare Before Xmas drag queen>immature for her age>knew his daughter was a lesbian>has a history of jumping into things too quickyDre's profile photo is too fitting.
No. 553029
>>552953Ehhh, even if Dre is taking advantage of her, which I think is a stretch to assume at this point, I can only have so much sympathy for a grown woman who not only consitently makes bad dating decisions, but is well aware of that fact but just seems to laugh it off instead of, you know, learning or growing or looking out for her own best interests.
Like Kelly doesn't seem very naive or trusting or easily manipulated. But people are still convinced that Dre tried to use her for e-fame instead of moving into a place and becoming friends and accepting Kelly's help building an audience. She doesn't seem smart enough to be that manipulative tbh.
No. 553041
>>553029You don't need to be smart to be manipulative, children and animals are capable of it.
Who said anyone felt bad for Jaclyn? Also, nobody said Kelly wasn't naive? Why are you so defensive about Dre?
No. 553161
>>553104She also didn't care for menhera fashion and seemed super disappointed by the theme. I wish the box discussed it more in its card but they were obviously trying to steer away from what makes this fashion controversial as well as Kelly who only thought it was controversial because of the dark theme.
In Japan there's a big stigma against mental illness, its not something people openly talk about so menhera fashion is about showing mental illness visually through medical and sick themes. It's kind of making it so its in your face and forcing a discussion out of people. The term menhera itself is super offensive so the use of it in the fashion is to reclaim the slur.
sage for blogposting and fashion sperging
No. 553188
>>553169It was bitchy, I have praised Kelly in the past as have others for her honest reviews. However, she seems to have taken honest to mean nitpick everything. The things she nitpicks are not even things worthy of nitpicking either and shows she knows nothing about business.
1) Whole box was not the same theme. Menhera is so niche, how would you get a whole box of stuff that fits the same theme. If you try too hard to fit the theme you're going to end up with dumb stuff, like 2 mugs and a pair of socks. You get a few menhera things and you get some kawaii goods, I don't see the issue.
2) Wishes they shipped in stuff from Japan. Of course, everyone wants things from Japan. However, shipping, customs, taxes and duties are INSANE these days. That would add on so much to the cost.
3) However, I agree with her on the hair clips, if I paid money for a box and someone sent me a child's craft perler beads thing, I would be pissed. That is literally worthless.
4) She jokes about how critical people are about her mis-pronunciation of Japanese words. However, people might not be so critical if she made an effort to learn the language of the culture she cares so much about. She's been to Japan 3(?) times and is going again in the future. She should put in a little effort. Get Rosetta Stone or something, fuck, have Lina send it to her, put it on the wish list. It's a tough language to learn fluency in but the pronunciation is easier than english because it's more consistent and everything sounds exactly how it is spelled.
Good things to be honest about are quality, cost, customer service and whether it was what you expected based on the way it was advertised. Complaining about the decor of the shipping box is nitpicking and being rude. I do wish she did research the boxes she reviews though, she goes into them all blind and then botches all of the information.
No. 553192
You say she's straight like nobody that has said that they're straight has ever suddenly come out as bi during adulthood before. She's either bi or being an attention whore for LGBT likes and subscribes.
Dre's face is already covered in lipstick when they start so they either were making out before or they took several takes of the video because it was staged af.
No. 553199
>>553041I'm not? What is the point of posting
>>552953 if not to suggest poor Jaclyn is repeatedly the victim of people taking advantage of her and Dre is just the next in line?
>nobody said Kelly wasn't naive? What are you even trying to say? Can you not derail the thread with your Dre wk witch hunt bullshit again because someone thinks the idea of an adult guilting another adult into a relationship via social media posts is stupid?
No. 553207
>>553199I think you're confusing me with someone else, I didn't call anyone a wk? I asked why you're so defensive about someone on a forum where we talk shit about people, it's weird and out of place. Are you the one that we had to explain networking to? Have you not found out how to google yet?
You're literally the one derailing everything. You make us derail to explain networking to you, then when you've been corrected, you just start swearing at some other poster. You're insane if you think the people posting about Dre aren't also posting about Kelly, they're just generally not in the same post. I've posted shit about Kelly like 4x today and 2 about Dre. If you think it's stupid, just don't post and get on with your life, you don't have to make a big thing of it. Instead you just beat a dead horse for days on end.
No. 553234
>>553207>If you think it's stupid, just don't post and get on with your life>Assumes I'm everyone you don't like in the thread and continues to derailK
>>553210I think she mentioned that they're a sponsor and she's going to work with them somehow on her twitch channel. Why a legitimate gaming company would sponsor her is beyond me.
Has anyone seen her on twitch? I know you can stream non-gaming content but she mentioned that she would be gaming. I can't imagine what she'd be playing unless there's new dlc for ffxv.
No. 553593
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Okay, obviously the person she is "calling out" is stupid but can we discuss wtf this call out culture shit she keeps saying is?
I've just (briefly, did not go in depth) googled call-out culture because I have never heard this term and it's apparently about people fighting back against microaggressions and bigots by calling out patterns of behavior by exposing them on social media. That is not at all relevant to what is going on here. Sounds like a term made up by old bigoted white dudes that were sick of getting fired.
The thing she is referring to is debate, people have two opposing point of views and then they each do research and find evidence that supports their point of view. It's not about being a hero, because if being a hero is winning an argument, I mean, fuck, that is sad. It's about providing a discussion from different points of view so that people can make an informed decision for themselves based on the information available.
No. 553621
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Has she ever spoken about her Bipolar? She seems to manage it a lot better than Kelly
No. 553639
>>553593Callout culture is a thing, but it's not at all what she's talking about. She's complaining about a particular person's comment, which from what she's saying, sounds pretty silly. But with the audience size she has, it isn't worth pointing out. If anything she's making the person a target to point out and criticize. It was easy enough for me to find the comment.
Callout culture is more or less when someone goes out on a witch-hunt for something minor. Like when the Steven Universe fans were trying to do some big callout post for some artist that drew the character's skinnier.
No. 553715
>>553639I don't think call-out culture is necessarily that nitpicky. I think you could argue that good chunk of these threads is call-out culture because there are screencaps and other proof of Kelly being a shitty person who creates an environment in her youtube/ig comments where no one is allowed to be critical or disagree with her.
I agree that she's misusing the phrase and one person being upset about her filming somewhere else isn't a call out.
No one is trying to be a hero by calling her on her bullshit. Especially not on an anonymous discussion board. If she's going to play the victim of a hypercritical audience, she should at least use an example that makes sense and doesn't make her seem like she's massively overreacting to one comment. I am regularly amazed by how dumb she is.
No. 553854
>>553715That's exactly it. Kelly's not being "exposed" because it's trendy and makes us look heroic. It's because she NEVER addresses criticism, she straight up tries to censor it, and she NEVER makes the effort to better herself in the context of how she interacts with other people. She plays the victim to escape blame, but the truth is not even the kindest people in the world are that faultless. Kelly is
problematic because she utterly believes her mental illness is the only issue with her.
No. 553930
Deleted old new thread based on some feedback of the summary
New New Thread:
>>>/snow/553929 No. 597771
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(use new thread)