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No. 553929
> Photoshop Enthusiast, got lipo but still photoshops herself several inches thinner> Gets lipo, won't admit it and thanks fans that congratulate her on her hard work paying off at the gym> Mental health advocate, not diagnosed or treated> KaWHY Leader, cannot even pronounce it> Serial blocker/comment deleter> Constantly in a depressive episode where she doesn't create any videos outside of unboxings> Likes to follow and unfollow her friends on social media and deny any drama> Does 0 research on people who send her PR/sponsorships and then botches the entire information sheet> Sells almost everything she receives as PR on her depop> Anti call-out culture, calls out fans constantly> Says whispers of color and YA BOIIII way too much> Tries to be hip and cool by dipping her toe into popular fandoms but does not understand any references to them>scene queen turned kawaii influencer>"mental health advocate" with self-diagnosed bipolar and body dysmorphia >first came under fire after posting one of the most entitled videos to ever grace the kawaii sector of YouTube, where she shares the story about how she demanded Angelic Pretty let her return a $1000 dress, despite their no returns policy, because she did the price conversion wrong… then proceeded to say they probably didn't want to let her return it because the company wasn't doing well>also blocked Lovely Lor when she did a super sweet video in Kelly's defense, all because she wasn't 100% kissing her ass and pretending she did no wrong>can't handle any criticism and blocks whoever gives it, even blocked a fan for nicely pointing out that she forgot to censor someone's address in a mail video>threw a tantrum over not being featured in a Final Fantasy Gallery and had the nerve to show up even after inciting her followers to harass the gallery over it>has requested her followers pressure companies to send her free shit>boycotted Sanrio for about two seconds for refusing to sponsor her>does a fan mail opening series where her entitled attitude tends to seep through, she has full blown dismissed gifts she deems unworthy and has even used a fan's sign they made her as a ramp for her dog>complains constantly about being broke, yet can afford things like expensive cosmetic procedures, $600+ pink microwaves, a purebred Pomeranian, regular clothing and furniture hauls, along with all sorts of other shit… while renting a nice house in Hollywood and a studio apartment she doesn't even actually need (and barely uses) for making videos>sells items given to her by sponsors and has a reputation as a shitty seller>seems to blindly accept any sponsorship, given that she will do ads for companies known for being downright harmful (flat tummy tea for example)The Fellowship
>has a group of friends that call themselves "the Fellowship of the Rainbow" due to all of them having colorful hair >Kelly's "best friend" and roommate Dre has been distancing herself from Kelly for a while now, the most telling moment being when Dre requested they start doing a lot less videos together and Kelly proceeding to throw a shitfit over it on Twitter (literally saying it was wrong for Dre to leave her out of the spotlight she helped create for her) Dre is now moving out this month>also worth noting she was calling Dre her best friend after hardly knowing her at all, which is rarely a good foundation for a healthy relationship>most of the Fellowship didn't even know Kelly was having her most recent surgery until she announced it on Twitter>couldn't even keep her depression to herself and fake being happy for her other best friend Stephanie's wedding, and made that a center theme of the blog she made for it>group has barely any sense of tact in public and has no problem being loud and obnoxious (two words: air horn) Steph has also worn a literal lingerie set to Disneyland Social Media: thread:
>>>/snow/517818 No. 554384
File: 1523614701733.jpeg (389.22 KB, 1242x1648, 21FF739D-FF76-41B8-948B-1A6C9A…)

Scrolling through my explore feed and this popped up why the f would Alienware collab with her? And why is she opening a stupid box from another brand double sponsorships or something?
No. 554619
>>554614Yeah, Kelly definitely doesn't play enough video games or often enough to constitute her as a gamer. I'm not even that picky about who calls themselves gamers either. You can play Hello Kitty Adventure Island once a week and still call yourself a gamer. They tag her as a twitch steamer but she's only done one stream and it was just a Q&A.
Not trying to be elitist but, any PC gamers know that alienware is overpriced shit anyway. It looks pretty but you can get a custom build off ebay (if you can't/don't want to do it yourself) for way cheaper. This just illustrates how out of touch Alienware is.
No. 554682
File: 1523649415418.jpeg (192.56 KB, 930x592, A5F26081-EDBD-494A-86D1-E83666…)

Wah wah, I’m never going to get married
No. 554795
File: 1523656219240.png (1.11 MB, 762x851, kelly.PNG)

Kelly might be going to South Korea? let's hope she actually brings someone who knows the language so she doesn't fuck up like in Japan. (watch her go full dva wannabe)
No. 554846
>>554795>>554682Does she know how to take a picture without the same damn Zoolander vacant stare lips parted look?
>>554801I can't think of any other reason as she's never shown any interest in Korean culture.
No. 555328
>>555302Unfortunately most tattoo artists are like copy machines. The difference is in the quality of the copy. There was a tattoo fixers show in the UK and when the artists had to freehand draw a suggested tattoo idea, their freehand scribbles literally looked worse than what a 14-year old would make. But their
copied from photos they found on Google tats looked fine
Tattoo artists who can actually
draw freehand are rare. Nikko is a great artist in terms of the quality of his tattoos but you can't judge on copy-culture because that's part of the territory.
No. 555395
>>555302First of all, have fun finding a ~pure~ tattoo artist who refuses to copy shit the client hands to them. The only moral line they'll have is copying another tattoo artist.
Second, holy shit, who the fuck cares? Art theft is horrible, but when a non-tattoo artist has their piece tattooed on someone, they're not losing out on any money because they're not providing that service. It's not like they're being mass produced or whatever. If someone got art I made tattooed, I would be honored.
No. 555424
>>554795Is she going to go on more awkward dates with foreign men, claim to be a pure innocent maiden and not allow them into her hotel, then make a video about it?
She fucked the gaijin hunter she went on a date with and I'll bet money on it. Kelly whines about being single on a daily basis and gaijin hunters are thirsty, desperate fuck boys
No. 555981
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That awful THING is back. It looks like she sweats petroleum. It's reminiscent of Zorg in the Fifth Element.
No. 556355
>>555450>implying willingness to copy fan art when asked and having freehand skill are mutually exclusivelol
>>555981Why does she do this??? What is the point of wearing a wig that's just a horribly fugly version of your hair???
No. 556520
Twitch overview (I started watching late). The video was horrible quality compared to the last one. Not going to give my opinion on this post so I could remain unbiased in the overview.
> Getting a new PO Box because the closed down Fed Ex is sketchy
> She won't cosplay Madoka because bobs are too big for a 14 year old.
> Envy will probably change her hair to Mint soon
> Stephanie is dying her hair Black, Kelly does not supporting it.
> Her crystal tattoo is already faded because her skin is tough and the tattoo did not go deep enough. She will get it redone.
> Surgery video is coming soon, by the end of the month. She had to get the footage, edit it, heal fully and write a script.
> She was weirded out by watching footage of herself unconcious.
> Going to Japan in September or October, Envy might go, Courtney will be going, most of the fellowship wants to go.
> Kelly & Envy are probably going to twitchcon
> Octopimp, Abipop,Skyhook and Aimee are watching and commenting
> Abipop is going to visit Kelly in 2 days.
> New roomate, Phi, will be dying her hair purple.
> New roomate, Phi, will probably be appearing in some videos with her after they talk about what she is comfortable with.
> Says she is burnt out on YouTube.
> Stephanie might ombre into blue instead of going full black.
> Kelly going off about how people pick on her for saying Kowaii instead of Kawaii.
> Kelly says Stephanie has no time to YouTube, Envy says that she does stream on Twitch though.
> Kelly might (huge might) come to the UK in July.
> Kelly said she wasn't able to get into Parks & Rec but will try again, goes on about wanting to marry Dwight.
> She's back on tinder, unmatched some guy for hating Jim & Pam on The Office.
> Favorite fake lashes are her friend's Ashlynn Castillo line.
> Gushing over Michael B. Jordan, says he likes anime.
> Is going to do another unboxing after the stream.
> Square Enix found her soap opera with figurines, this might have something to do with the unboxing.
> Some discussion about Ready Player One, neither of them have seen it. Envy said she probably won't because some people were angry that the movie didn't follow the book enough.
> Talking about nightmares, says the new Jurassic Park trailer was scary.
> Used to sleep in her sister's room with her crib so that the monsters would eat her first and she could escape.
> Envy is afraid of aliens and clowns.
> Kelly is afraid of burglars.
> Kelly says The Ring is the scariest movie and Envy says it's The Grudge.
> Envy didn't watch Doctor Who after Matt Smith, Kelly never got into Doctor Who.
> Other than FF7, FF8 would be her favorite Final Fantasy. Envy liked 10.
> Tips for alt models: Kelly says she just got in at the right time and the right place and it was really hot but it's really hard now. Envy says that as an alt model now you just have to do stuff yourself. Kelly says find people that will trade and shoot for free for modeling for free to build a portfolio. Envy says never go alone to a photoshoot.
> Favorite Bro from FF is Noctis, Prompto is close runner up.
> Did not answer the question about how she feels about Menhera/Kei Kawaii. Kelly says she's not an encyclopedia of J-Fashion. Explains menhera.
> Kelly has a yellow toothbrush, Envy has a pink one.
> Menhera brought up again. Someone said it's important. Kelly says it is an important movement, she's not into it but she enjoys looking at how people use it.
> Someone asks how to deal with a boyfriend who doesn't understand depression. Envy says to offer them resources and information. Be patient.
> Kelly said that depression is not always crying and eating depression and that sometimes you're just really tired and don't want to do anything.
> Stream ended, they will be doing more streams with Alienware.
> Switched over to Kaya and Jake streaming, Kelly is now sitting in their chat.
No. 556617
> Kelly going off about how people pick on her for saying Kowaii instead of KawaiiOoh this makes me so angry. She's literally mispronouncing a word and saying a different fucking word as a consequence. Maybe fucking learn how to say the word properly and then no one will "pick on you", Kelly.
(Almost can't even touch the fact that people telling you that you are saying a different word (a whole ass different WORD) so you might wanna fix that does not count as them picking on you)
No. 556709
>>556520> She won't cosplay Madoka because bobs are too big for a 14 year old.But Usagi is 14 at the beginning of Sailor Moon and doesn't have giant fake porn tits. Her age definetely doesn't stop Kelly from wearing very adult makeup with Usagi.
I still don't understand why she needs weeks to make the surgery video. Unless it's like a 2 hour documentary I don't see how editing and coming up with a script is very different from her other videos with voice overs. And how is that one video so all consuming that she can't release other content regularly in the meantime? It's her only job.
And where the hell is all of this money for more international trips (aka shopping sprees) coming from? People who are actually poor don't travel abroad every year for funsies.
Maybe twitch will be a good way for people to see her true colors when there's no editing and pure entitled brattiness.
No. 557386
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Didn't she complain in the pastel goth vid about how much she despises yellow?
No. 557430
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surprised she got synchronized right.
No. 557435
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>>557386Kelly your house decor became overkill the moment you moved in. She paints classic furniture in colour combos like mint and pink, i mean im astounded she never wakes up in her room that looks like lisa franks autistic niece and think maybe she shouldn't have picked 6 or so too bright pastel colours to be her running staple for the whole fucking house. I love pastels mixed with classical furniture they go hand in hand but in
small doses of accent colours(usually) How anyone can look at her hoardery ita home and praise her for it is beyond me. I see actual bonafied on the spectrum weebs with better decorum than her. She has p much thrown the money she spent on her furniture in the trash the moment she put a brush to them.
No. 557634
>>556841Isn't the whole point of tattooing copying the art exactly how it is on to the skin? Technically, Kelly's tattoo artist is respectably good at this.
Should she have asked the content artist for permission to get the art she got tattooed? maybe. Was the art from a movie poster or book cover or something? In that case I wouldn't think it was a big deal. If it's someone's private art from their page that gets a little trickier.
No. 557729
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The shoop around her jaw/mouth is soo bad. She looks so old here. Like a middle aged woman trying to look young. Also kek @ that comment
No. 557848
>>557386Kelly, if you had a true artistic eye, you’d realize this was goddam fucking ugly.
Kinda hope you keep it cause it makes you look like even more of a joke living in a clowns house.
No. 557897
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I just saw this and cringed. “realistate”? She is just making a fool of herself at this point
No. 557996
>>555981I'm sorry but I have to interject, where do you see the parallel between that stupid wig and Zorg?
>>557897Does she really not know how to spell "real estate"? I'm not surprised, but it's still cringe af.
No. 558053
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How is criticizing you for refusing to take responsibility for being a vapid cunt in Japan being "hypercritical"? Don't do fuckin stupid shit and you won't be called out for it. Pop that huge ego of yours and be more humble and genuine and maybe people won't hate you so much.
No. 558086
File: 1523997401241.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-17-15-22-05…)

STFU, Kelly. With whom are you engaging in shibari? Your fake husbando daddy? K
No. 558169
File: 1524000993597.png (445.59 KB, 1242x1850, IMG_2213.PNG)

Hate to break it to y'all….
(Right such family friendly advertiser material, I can't see one reason why Sanrio took a hard pass)
No. 558251
>>557729That comment is amazing.
Also - it took me a few minutes to figure out why this picture bothered me so much, aside from the bad shoop.
Does this look a little bit like her jumping the shark on the whole Korea thing and attempting a really harsh aegyo sal look?
No. 558554
>>558169>>557729It's always so jarring to see all her ink. Her flab would be bearable if her tattoos weren't there.
>>558394There are plenty of men who are somehow attracted to her and are her fans, probably why she keeps getting them to photograph her.
No. 558972
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>>558053>relaxed.real.matureLol ok.
If she really sees twitch that way, why is she she pushing the YA BOI IS A THIRSTY HENTAI THOT!!! thing so hard? What's her next move when she gets burnt out on pandering to neckbeards?
Just look at her most popular videos. It's all some variation of look at my stuff! or buy this thing! or I'm the best/#1 sailor moon fan!, or just completely dependent on the other people in the video for the video to have any point. Besides her draw my life which is I can only take so seriously given how she writes about herself on her website.
She's burned out because she never had anything of substance to give and people are catching on to how shallow and grating she is. Now she feels like she has to switch gears to being hypersexual to keep the money and attention coming in.
No. 559456
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I mean you spent so much time shooping this photo, you could have done that yourself
No. 559607
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I actually love Stephanie so it pains me to post this. Girl is taking lessons from Kelly, dat blur tool doe. I hope she sticks with the black, chops off the damage, grows out that side shave and just has regular ass hair because that's really my only complaint about her look is that fried, mangled hair.
>>559456What a Catastrophe, she should have spent that time shooping her hair pastel so it matched the color palette.
>>557996Zorg in the scene where he is on the phone with whathisalienface and he starts leaking black goo out of his head.
No. 559869
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>>559855So her jaw and waist just magically shrunk between takes?
No. 560514
>>560389Yeah, she always shops (they all shop) but, she's usually the least shopped out of the fellowship. She seems to be stepping it up though because that is shopped to near Kelly proportions. Just not quite up to Katie because she is still recognizable.
>She's not that nice or sweetDo you have any evidence to back that up? Spill the milk or don't bother vagueposting.
No. 560554
>>560514I almost used her as a model for one of my costume pieces since I've met her a few times. This was pre boob job and she had told me she was going to get a breast augmentation but she wasn't going to get them too big. Well we've all seen how big she got them. Her reasoning for getting them is so silly. Because her "hips are just soooo big" And also stopped responding to my messages afterwards so I never got to use her as a model. She used to be so cute and sweet but now she's super self centered. I went to a panel she was at at Nerbotcon 2016 about how to deal with cosplay not being consent at cons. They referred to her as an "Instagram cosplay star" and during someone else's turn telling their story she interrupts them and says "oh there's my fiancé recording us right now. Isn't he cute".
I saw her at LOJ and went to say hello and have my husband take a photo of her while her fiancé fooled with his camera settings before he took he photo. She very rudely said "not until my fiancé is done taking me photo" and her fiancé said we could go ahead since he wasn't ready. Also it was dark and outside and there were some lights but instead of having her face in the lights she had her cleavage in the lights.
also with the money she makes her cosplays could look better. At least Kelly's actual costume pieces look good.
No. 560941
>>560933i think it's supposed to be like "this girl wears a watch rather than obsessively looking at her phone so she got to see cool magic shit. you TOO can see cool magic shit if you wear a watch!"
i actually thought it was kinda cute. it's weird seeing kelly in video content that isn't completely half-assed and slapdashed together
No. 561047
>>560929I'm not, I like Stephanie, I actually like Kelly too (though that's becoming more of a used to like Kelly) but that doesn't stop me from criticizing her when I think she's done something wrong or getting very irritated by her antics.
However, nobody has ever posted anything negative about Stephanie other than criticisms of her weight, really (I've read all of the threads). Which means you saying she is not that nice or sweet means a) you know something we don't, in that case, spill.(You're
supposed to have evidence to back your arguments on here or you're going to get called out) or b) You're talking out of your ass.
If I dig deep, the worst thing I can think of saying about Stephanie is that I think her relationship is weird (maybe not bad, but definitely weird), I think the cosmetic surgeries she got were a mistake because she looked better before (however she is still gorgeous now) and I think she looks ridiculous when she sexy dances with her mouth hanging open. Personality wise though, she seems like a good friend, I enjoy her commentary, her Zilla308 content was great, she's not a fake nerd and she's gorgeous. I also have moral issues with her fingering herself on camera for neckbeards for thousands of dollars a month (though I DO NOT want to see it).
That being said, I'm open to any actual arguments against that, afterall, I was swayed against Kelly and Dre. But those arguments had text books worth of evidence and repeated public offenses. So get some receipts and come back here with a solid argument or just admit that you don't like chubby girls who show their vagina for money. Someone said the same thing about Envy but they also didn't have any specifics to back it up and it was shut down.
No. 561060
>>560989Even if it's nothing juicy, please at least let us get a couple of videos out of it. Kelly has damn near cancelled herself. She never even did that unboxing that she was supposed to do for the twitch stream.
She keeps tweeting about how she's so tired and unmotivated, says it's not depression. However, she said in the stream that depression can sometimes present itself as being just tired and unmotivated. Get some fucking meds already and do your job like everyone else in the world with depression. You know she's just going to diagnose herself with some random stuff from the internet that can't be tested for or treated so that she can go get some retarded shit done like crystal healing instead of getting actual treatment.
I have depression, I need medication so that I can go to work and do my job but I am an adult, so I do it. Do I want to take pills everyday? Hell no, but if I don't I'm going to be homeless because I'm just going to stay home everyday, sleep all day and scroll through memes whilst eating an entire bag of chips at 3am.
Be an adult, take care of your physical and mental health and do your job. The only other other option is being a scrub forever because she's scared of losing creativity (which is outdated info btw, it was old school meds pre-90s that did that, SSRIs have little to no side effects and there are hundreds of them if one doesn't work) which isn't doing her any good anyway because she doesn't do anything with the creativity.
No. 561211
>>561047I like Steph too. i think she's hot (who gives a shit about plastic surgery, it's her body) I would also like to see evidence of her being a bitch. I've been following her for awhile and I never saw her do anything wrong. Unlike Kelly, who can't stop doing things wrong lmao. Steph seems sweet. She's definitely loyal to her friends (unlike Kelly, who blocks and unblocks them every fucking weekend)
Idk to each their own, but I appreciate Steph.
No. 561308
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>>560554This is the best costume Stephanie has ever done, and Claire made it for her. She only makes as much money as she does because she gets naked and is basically a human blow up doll.
It's pretty sad because I agree with other anons saying she seems sweet. I hope she's at least being smart and investing the money she makes, she's already in her 30s so getting naked online won't last forever.
No. 561580
File: 1524338163209.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1934, 86A36939-CC71-4377-8AEC-7F47B4…)

I’m all for the body positivity and the whole Shabang, BUT WHAT IS THAT AWFUL POPE TATTOO
No. 561602
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No. 561868
File: 1524361856786.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-024556.png)

Im sorry to all the katy lovers, but even with huge quantities of Photoshop she does not look good. Why bother?
No. 562059
>>562050Heck, taking too much guarana causes cellulite
It's indiscriminate of body type basically
>>558169Yikes. This will not turn out well for her at all.
I'm sure it will for us though.
No. 562088
Kelly is never going to address her lipo. She's just going to keep lying about going to the gym and her gullible fans are going to feed into her bs. Just like they fed into the fact that she's "working on the video" kek
She's so lazy. No wonder she's lonely
No. 562189
>>561602Omg is she for real? Granted this is one of the most honest posts we've seen from her well…..ever, but still. Everything about it is still "look at me!" tryhard - including choosing a photo where her tits are literally allllll the way out there.
Kelly we know you read here: GO. TO. THERAPY.
Obviously having hoards of gullible fans constantly patting your ass for literally doing nothing is not helping you. Burned out from being a "persona"? Get off the Internet, see a therapist, and maybe examine how deeply flawed your personality is.
Try being an actual human instead of an attention whore trying to "make it" on the internet. I guarantee you you'll be a lot happier if you try doing things for yourself and not oversharing them online. You need to take responsibility for the fact that you're unhappy with where you are in life, and then do something about it.
But Jesus Christ stop pissing and moaning on the internet about how everything is so hard and you're so depressed while still actively refusing to get help.
No. 562904
>>561602Did she mean "online personality"*
Like… are you shitting me??
No. 563724
>>563401Nah if you look at her old fb she would post photos of them all the time
I think she doesn't post her because she doesn't fit in with Kelly's "aesthetic" which is stupid
No. 563860
File: 1524540908077.png (5.36 MB, 1125x2436, 4002E521-33B3-40E8-A151-946DF2…)

Uh, I thought Kelly was against smoking and vaping. And she’s still hanging out with washed up has been Dave Navarro? Okay.
No. 565262
File: 1524672634107.png (186.39 KB, 750x1034, IMG_4840.PNG)

I looked a little further back and agreed, some of her cosplays aren't that great. Some are but this one, I don't know if it's her bra that is lacy or the cut isn't straight?
No. 565373
>>564917Was this video sponsored by the word articulated?
Variations of articulate, articulated & articulation: 16
She really takes for granted how much square footage she has over on the west coast. I think 12" figures might be a bit large for most people.
No. 565550
File: 1524688705456.jpg (1.25 MB, 1774x2560, 18-04-25-13-35-01-323_deco.jpg)

>>565507How she even has fans left when all she does is attention seeking whining and lying is so beyond me at this point??
No. 565555
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No. 565567
>>565550God Kelly has outdone herself with this stupidity. It's not assuming if it's true - see the actual first pic of this thread.
So wait did she just attention grab that she had "disordered eating"/exercise habits of some sort and use THAT to say "look it's not photoshop because I starve myself!!"
1) this cunt
2) that's never been true a day in this cow's life
No. 565623
>>565604How is it not disordered to diet and exercise your way to passing out? That's a very clear red flag that you're super out of shape, trying to do way too much, or not giving your body something that it needs. It's not something you should brag about or encourage as a necessary means to an end of having a photoshoot.
And it's still supremely fucked up to pretend that her body came from diet and exercise and to perpetuate the same insecurities and ~dysmorphia~ she's always going on about to the people who look up to her.
No. 565759
File: 1524703945606.jpeg (201.19 KB, 1095x594, B55697D7-400C-42A3-9879-C4263C…)

bonus Victoria Murder for lulz
No. 565879
>>565759Lipo is pretty dangerous and can be bad for your health because it takes away subcutaneous fat. It's kind of flippant for Kelly to say there's "nothing wrong" with it.
>>565770>oh fuck she must lurk the entire board, i bet she's the one sperging in /g about stealing people's boyfriends lolWhat makes you say that?
No. 565938
>>565819I think it's only farmers in other threads. The way social media people are, the second
they're not in it e.g. a thread in g, it's of no interest to them.
Obviously farmers lurk the whole board but I don't think cows do at all.
No. 567326
>>567304I think she is confused about undertones. She keeps picking up warm toned sticks and saying they're too yellow but that's what the warm foundations are. Cool is pink, warm is yellow.
The exception is MAC who does it the opposite of everyone else. So that leads me to believe that she actually is not a licensed MUA but that she was just trained to work in a MAC store.
No. 567411
File: 1524860921719.png (29.49 KB, 813x137, Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 22.2…)

>>567326Exactly. I love that this is the most liked comment on her video kek
No. 567431
File: 1524863048055.jpg (16.58 KB, 621x177, shittoo.jpg)

I love that the comments asking why her tattoo looks so shitty so fast.
Wonder how many more there'll be over time? And if she'll address it, or just ignore anything that doesn't paint her in a good light, as she does.
No. 567445
>>567411If you read the replies, it's hilarious. They're telling OP she's being rude. She finally tells them that English is not her first language so they're probably reading it in a way she doesn't really mean. LOOL people are so damn quick to defend Kelly on ANYTHING that might POSSIBLY be construed as bullying or negativity. I hate it so much.
One comment even points out that, yeah, MAC's colour theory is opposite of every other cosmetic company, and that Kelly used to work for MAC, etc…HOWEVER wasn't there something that Kelly also used to do that she claims to know a lot about? Oh that's right! She was a fucking ART STUDENT. Didn't colour theory stick with her then? She's such an ignoramus.
No. 567456
>>567304“Let’s do a little bit of contouring” “I like a little bit more of a cool toned shadow”
……so why didn’t you go for “Shadow” which she read off in the beginning. Like obviously that’s probably your best choice.
No. 567500
>>567304She's so unprofessional. From the beginning, why would you decide to shoot a video the one time of week your dog is going to bark at the trash truck? We get it, you still have a dog.
On the lack of a number system: that could be a valid complaint, but she goes on about how it would be difficult to pick a shade, before realizing every tube has a sticker swatch. It's like she has to latch onto something to complain about to sound like a tough critic without even seeing the whole picture. Her unboxings are just stream of conscious rambling with bratty packaging throwing.
No research, or interesting first impressions or thoughtful reviews. Ending the video saying how she wants to see how it wears, but no follow up. And she always applies product directly to her face without swatching! How is that helpful to anyone?
These videos also probably require bare minimum editing because she's shooting one long take in one spot. At least her Alienware unboxing was slightly more visually engaging because it had multiple cameras and angles and better lighting. Going back to her default style makes it so much more obvious how low effort and low budget her videos are. But don't anyone dare ask where the patreon money is going.
No. 568215
>>567762She dated both of them and they both cheated on her, actually.
She dated Dave Navarro when she first moved out to LA. Some people think that she dated Dahvie from BOTDF but she did not, since she was legally an adult at the time, she was too old for him.
TL;DR: She dated two Daveys bot not a Dahvie.
No. 568412
>>567326Wouldn't she know their complexion products given that she worked for them? It's weird of her to make those comments off-hand on video.
Does anyone know if she worked retail or was she a rep/trainer that traveled for the brand? Iirc it was when ABH was just starting out right?
No. 568533
>>568412Okay, this was basically going to be a novel of a post, so I'll just cut it down to some key points.
> Kelly worked at ABH's flagship "salon"(store) for a year around 2015.> According to her, her title was Key "Makeup Artist". She also trained new people.> She has no certificate or license in any cosmetology related field. She is not a professional MUA.> She was trained by MAC to work in their store. From there she worked with MUFE and then ABH. She basically got some training from makeup artists that worked in those places.> The flagship "salon" offers esthetician services + makeup application.> AFAIK, she did not travel with their crew to makeup conventions however this was before she was on YouTube "full-time" so she may have just not posted about it.> She has held the title of "Makeup Artist" in makeup stores but to my knowledge she has never claimed to be licensed. She used to be more honest about this however, she now seems pretty deceptive about it often inferring that her work history with these stores makes her an expert in makeup.> She has done makeup on sets and on "clients". In most states, you do not need a license to do makeup for weddings or for film/theatre. Most salons require a license, though apparently ABH does not, the laws vary from state to state.At the time she worked for ABH
They had:
> Brow Line of products (during DipBrow craze)> Liquid Lipsticks and gloss> Contour palette> Eyeshadow Singles > A few pre-MR palettes> A couple beauty guru palettes (during the Maya Mia era)> ABH has actually been around a long time but only came into popularity when they re-launched, got Instagram, got carried by Sephora, worked with beauty gurus and came out with the infamous Dip Brow pomade.They did not have:
> Glow Kits> Foundation> The new and improved post-MR formula for eyeshadows.*All quotation marks are note used as direct quotes but to throw shade.
The only information I seem to be missing is why she stopped working for ABH. I assume that she was just making enough on Instagram/YouTube/Modeling a the time that she no longer needed the job.
No. 569961
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Saged since it's not kelly but damn this Katie is so ugly. She did an IG live on this
No. 570206
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No. 570227
File: 1525110825078.jpeg (222.76 KB, 750x1018, 87FF6264-9B07-47FF-8477-92700D…)

Wow kelly you’re such an edgy gamer gurl now*~ she wants so badly to fit into some type of niche. Everything she does seems so fucking phony and ungenuine.
No. 570252
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>>570206Some wish list items, including a PS4, minifridge, DSLR, and air conditioner.
No. 570346
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Okay so I’m watching some of her past videos and during her lightning cosplay review, the entire time she complains about being too small and too skinny for the costume when it fits her. I know this is pre-lipo days and I know this was discussed before, but it just irks me how she claims to be sooo tiny sooo petite such a smol bean, photoshops her shit, gets lipo and doesn’t address it, ugh.
Saged for no contribution.
No. 570608
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Why the fuck does she need a maid
No. 570833
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Her spelling and grammar kill me. Here, Kelly: vengeance, Chiaotzu. Why are* when referring to more than one subject. Use your money to go back to school ffs. The pink dye is seeping into your brain
They include them because not everyone dumps their friends once they advance in life. I know that’s what you’re used to though
No. 571041
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Kelly posted another review from ABH. She could've just put all of the products into one video, but of course she's gotta get that ad money. Typical.
No. 571144
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do we wanna start taking bets on what excuse she'll use to not post it this time?
No. 571150
>>571144we should do a bingo
depression is the free space
No. 571165
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No. 571176
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No. 571184
>>570821THIS. She's a walking contradiction about everything. I am baffled how she doesn't realise that she has conflicting information all over the internet and that people are going to call her out on it. The way she bitches and moans about money and then turns around and does all this frivolous shit grinds my gears so hard. It reminds me of the time an I was visiting a boyfriend's family with him, and his cousin was complaining about how her phone got disconnected because she couldn't pay the bill - in the very same breath she was talking about going to get her eyebrows done. Bitch what?
I still think having a maid is stupid. I work full time and still have time to clean my damn house. I can see if you have children that it might be something worth having, but she's single af and should have no problem cleaning her damn house.
No. 571193
>>571184Yup. If you have tons of disposable income for a maid and don't mind a stranger seeing everything in your house, cool.
But, she's complaining about trying to pay the bills and is actually home all day. She also only has a 2BR apartment. Most people can work full time and have a clean multi-story house with kids trashing it constantly without a maid.
I think I remember seeing a video about her typical day where she wakes up when it's still dark out, cleans the house, makes a healthy oats breakfast and goes to the gym. What a load of bullshit. She sits on her couch all day with her hair in a messy bun with a blanket and binges TV shows. She needs to do an updated typical day. I wouldn't even hate if she just came out with it. If I had a bunch of strangers paying my bills I would sit on my ass all day and binge TV shows too.
No. 571341
>>571016So accurate, and I'll cop to it - it's an "argument" that chubby girls who used to be thin use all the time. I used it when I was chubby and I knew it the whole time - I was saying I was too small for things mostly so other people would hear it.
Now that I've lost a lot of weight and I'm on the uncomfortably thin side, you'll never catch me saying about how I'm too small to fit into anything - because I have no reason to show it off.
TL;DR - I guarantee she never thought she was smol, she knew she was chubchubs and wanted everyone else to think that.
No. 571448
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Living for the YouTube comments on her shit show video
No. 571673
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Her followers have clearly never heard of Stephanie Nicole if they think Kelly is “sooo thorough and informative”
No. 572099
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>>572040she's pretty brave with that thumbnail just a handful up from this thumbnail where she looks like a different human entirely
No. 572688
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No. 572713
File: 1525362990029.png (2.58 MB, 1350x1368, Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 10.5…)

bruh if you have time for disneyland you have time to finish your fuckin lipo video, i swear to god. can you imagine if she had to live in the real world with an actual job?
No. 573054
>>572889What is she basing having a thyroid problem on, google and WebMD? She said she hasn't seen a doctor and that's not something you can diagnose yourself without blood tests.
It's probably just depression from her plastic surgery not solving all of her imagined problems or her general lack of direction or purpose in life. If she goes to a GP they will just refer her to treatment for mental health issues when they find nothing physically wrong with her.
No. 573330
File: 1525406998943.jpeg (102.69 KB, 640x1136, 47BACB27-C909-448A-B8A3-739CB4…)

Fucking lazy ass photoshop.
No. 573363
What. Is. Wrong. With. You.
You dirty clown.
No. 573681
>>573552I'm surprised and shocked that Kelly didn't edit out that part in the video. I winced when I saw her dirty feet. So nasty and completely a huge turn-off, even for foot fetishists.
Kelly has a new video out now about how to deal with anxiety and depression. Kelly, GET HELP!!! GO SEE A DAMNED DOCTOR ALREADY.
No. 573804
>>573780because she's hoping people will forget, and then she can bask in all the praise for her dedication, hard work and discipline for keeping her body slim and toned.
or, you know, she's just a deceitful womanchild in general.
No. 574021
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This bitch went on about nature being therapy. Smh. At least she’s finally seeing a therapist.
No. 574044
>>573804Idk, wasn't her cosmetic surgery sponsored? I don't know the legalities of sponsored surgeries, but I would think she has to upload the video if that is what she agreed to do.
Even if she legally doesn't have to, I feel like she would still do it because she would not want to tarnish her brand and get blacklisted from future sponsors.
No. 574051
>>574044I don't think she said it was sponsored, but she did say she had it recorded by a crew so that means it probably was. But if it was professionally recorded why did she have to edit it herself?
It's been months and she hasn't even said what the surgery was. Meanwhile, Vivka got surgery recently and told everyone exactly what she was having done beforehand. I think she thinks that not saying what she has done will make people more interested to watch the video, but all it's really going to do is make people mad that she's been denying having had lipo this whole time.
No. 574143
>>574021This video seems very self serving. There's barely any useful advice. She's like please continue to send me stuff I want, but it's a lot for me and my lack of real problems to have to deal with all of your sad stories because I have so much empathy you guise!!! Even though I branded myself as a "mental health advocate" and probably still don't know what that means.
It's also sponsored by better help, so it's ultimately about $$$ instead of trying to help people. Better help pretends to be affordable but can cost hundreds per month and is shady about charging people during free trials. It may be helpful to some people but the quality of care for the price is questionable.
The whole my designer puppy changed my life moment is eyeroll worthy. Some people with mental health issues can barely take care of themselves and owning a pet is a huge responsibility and financial burden. She's so out of touch.
No. 574236
File: 1525504982754.jpg (87.35 KB, 1006x412, Screenshot_20180505-082122.jpg)

A comment someone left on her mental health vid(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 574266
>>572771I hate her colour choices and shes sloppy but the fact that she can't even for the life of her try to do things properly trumphs so much of her cringy weeb shit. She even jumped onto her bed with barefeet to show the end results and WE ALL saw how nasty her feet get from this supposedly 'super clean' house. Now think about all the small smudges and dirt are on her mint bed sheets that aren't seen due to the high exposure of her camera. I can't get over that she stepped foot on her bed when she knows her feet get literally black from just walking around. Wear socks kelly.
Time stamp is 2:30 for when she films way too much of her getting onto that bed.
No. 574387
>>572882there is no reason anyone's feet should be that black with dirt.
her floors look clean though so is she going outside with Toshi with no shoes on or something?
she obviously doesn't bathe very often if that much dirt has built up
No. 574665
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meh okay Kelly
No. 574690
File: 1525560907970.jpeg (45.05 KB, 720x960, 1CD19CD3-E8E1-4D3D-A6C6-6E0985…)

Kelly’s lipo job and stomach looks exactly like Trisha paytas when she got her lipo (which btw, she spoke about openly instead of being shady like Kelly)
No. 575434
>>575006I used to think that belly rings were so cool and sexy in high school but now they just remind me of every girl that has ever been on Flavor of Love or Rock of Love. Nobody can pull those off anymore, the rhinestones are even more trashy.
That being said, I like the elf look from the neck up. The rhinestones are trashy and the thigh-highs make her look even more short. Black isn't traditional for an elf but that could be forgiven had she put more effort into the outfit, it looks too modern. She goes every year, she should invest in something nice.
No. 575489
I worked on set with Kelly a few years back, right after her boob job.
I was sort of excited to meet her as I liked her videos and was subscribed to her channel.
It turned out that she wasn’t. ANYTHING like she presents herself in her videos! Had I never seen the videos, I would have taken her for a quiet, awkward weirdo. She barely spoke to me, and would only talk to the photographer on the shoot. I really got the vibe that I wasn’t of her ilk (aka “aesthetic”). No eye contact, either. I couldn’t tell if she had social anxiety or couldn’t be bothered with me… I now know it’s a bit of both.
What definitely proved it was how she REFUSED to credit me in her Instagram/social media. Purposely omitted my tags/credits but credited everyone else. I went as far as to comment with my credit… nada. She finally did tag me but later in the day edited the caption and removed the tag!
As anticipated, the products gifted to her from my company and other clothing brands for the shoot ended up on Depop. I had mentioned her using the items for future projects, but that didn’t happen!
I honestly don’t get all the photoshop, though, she obviously has body issues. She looked fine to me minus the fake boobs which she didn’t need and her terrible under $20 eBay wigs.
Its so obvious she craves free shit yet hates or doesn’t appreciate any of it. Is she a trust fund kid? She reeks of it!
Anyway, after all of that, I unsubscribed from her channel. I still look from time to time because someone will tell me to look and all I see is some 30-something chick (guessing she’s that age due to her eye bags) that sounds like a bratty 13 year old boy repeating catch phrases that were semi popular a few years ago. She was definitely not this spazzy. She’s definitely acting like a toddler. Oh, people laughed at this once so I’m gonna keep doing it over and over, expecting the same result.
Anyway, she sucks and that’s my experience with her.
No. 576373
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Dre finally spoke up about the moving delay. Whoever said she was going to move in with her bf was right. From this it sounds like he broke up with her after she finalized moving but she needed to get her shit together and they led to the awkward is she leaving or nah.
No. 576582
>>576579“Just get a computer”
Computers are expensive, especially gaming PCs
No. 576587
>>576579Based on her Amazon wish list, Kelly is missing a good chunk of equipment she "
needs" for streaming. Her a/v setup may be good enough for her youtube videos, but you can't expect her use the camera and mic she already has for twitch! How will she build an audience on twitch without a rainbow keyboard? She obviously can't afford equipment that costs less than the hundreds of dollars she recently spent on hideous designer shoes.
No. 576589
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>Help me, I don't know what google is
No. 577041
File: 1525817089565.png (140.65 KB, 750x1019, IMG_4986.PNG)

I wonder how actually dying her hair blue would change her "aesthetic". Would she give up her pink and now mint green lifestyle. Or do it and just complain the whole time like she did with the hot pink hair.
No. 577050
>>576875i love when she gets all butthurt in comments when someone 'suggests' that she shops her pictures. her fans are even worse, screeching at and insulting anyone that points out that she does.
such body positive. good job, Kelly.
No. 577053
>>576875What kills me about this is she actually looked better before the photoshop. The proportions are correct, in the shopped one her torso is way too long and her legs are too short. Her head is wider than her waist, she looks like a bobblehead.
>>576979That's because it was a shitty thing to say. I also think it crosses a line when you go to her instagram and YT and comment nasty things where she has to see them UNLESS it is constructive criticism (that will definitely be deleted). That was not constructive, you were just insulting her at a 3rd grade level. If she comes here where she knows it's 100% criticism and occasional baseless insults, well, that's her own fault.
No. 577105
>>576875I am so confused how this bitch is gonna try and say she has a waist thinner than her head but also giant sausage log arms.
Girl if you're gonna keep trying to fool the world, get a fucking anatomy book.
No. 577108
>>575489That stinks! I remember she went ham on some brand that used her image on a t-shirt, which was a stencil of her, in the cupcake frosting all over face pose
if i remember correctly. She was furious and demanded credit. Guess credit only works one way for her.
It kind of kills me when Pinupgirlclothing works with her and all the items gifted to her end up on her depop, for an expensive price.
No. 577186
>>571868Omg I was thinking this too as a watched the video, she's basically making an ad for irregular choice shoes but failing to acknowledge the self-help site she convinced to sponsor the vid just so she could buy said shoes.
I remember her making an insta story of the Maya boot wanting to buy them, but of course why spend a ridiculous amount of money on shoes like a peasant when you can just get other people to pay for them without giving anything in return.
Then 2 days later she finally posts a solo video about dealing with anxiety for the sponsor (and skimming though the video idk if she even mentions the site at all someone correct me if I'm wrong) when she should have still briefly mentioned it in the irregular choice video if that's where she got the money to from to make the shoe video.
I guess the contract was they probably paid for a solo video and I'm probably being nit-picky but STILL
No. 577277
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Okay so, ahahah, I’m laughing because I posted the Trisha photo comparing bodies and lipo to Kelly and lo and behold, today is Trisha’s 30th birthday and Kelly, Dre, steph, and I think Courtney are there.
No. 577282
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No. 577405
File: 1525878188787.png (4.39 MB, 1242x2208, 8B813143-AC56-4500-9277-64CC96…)

dem arms
No. 577717
Stream Overview:
> First stream from her house
> Envy is there.
> Alienware sent her a whole setup
> Someone asked where she got her cat headphones but she said she won't shout them out because they don't sponsor her.
> There seems to be no reason for her to actually be wearing the headphones as Envy is not wearing any.
> Envy asks what Kelly should stream. People want Sims, Stardew Valley, FF. People suggested Nintendo games but she says she has only ever owned a Playstation.
> Says she has been MIA because she's been depressed and feeling like there is too much pressure to be entertaining to make money.
> Says she likes twitch because it's more relaxed and she doesn't have to edit.
> Did not know what emotes are.
> More talking about how she doesn't like YT anymore because they promote bad behavior like Logan Paul.
> Says uploading to YouTube feels like she's losing some of her soul.
> Says twitch community is more mature.
> Says lots of kids were going to her channel because the YT algorithm was pushing her house tour to YT Kids which she didn't like because she's not kid friendly.
> Says YT community is hypercritical (again)
> Says her cosmetic surgery video is done and she hasn't posted it yet because she sent it to her doctor for approval and they have not responded yet.
> Says she hasn't had a boyfriend who would buy her stuff. (didn't Davey buy her the pink PS4?)
> Says last boyfriend she had was so cheap that she had to pay for herself when they went out.
> Says last boyfriend wouldn't come to her events or hang out or anything, he just took her out to dinner all the time, made her pay for herself and she was on a diet.
> Says splitting the bill is fine in 2018 but it's abrasive to just flat out say you're paying for yourself.
> Stream was about an hour long. Was much less Q&A like, she was just chatting with fans about weird stuff like sucking toes and dates.
Just like the last stream, she actually seemed a bit like old Kelly other than the griping about YouTube a lot. It will be better once she can get rid of Envy (Envy is there teaching her how to stream)because I cannot fucking stand Envy. I don't even know why I don't like the girl, I have no issue with what she does, I just find her personality to be really annoying. She's really boring, too.
Kelly is much better on Twitch than YouTube, she just edits herself into some awful character that nobody likes on YouTube.
No. 577769
>>577717I mean, edit or no edit she's still bratty, fake, vapid and entitled. Her attitude and dishonesty has completely soured any good will I had towards her, no amount of "personality" is going to change that.
Did her sense of entitlement stem from her being traumatized by having to pay for her own food, and now she has to make boring videos unboxing whatever she demands people send her in order to heal?
Why does she need someone to hold her hand through every little thing she does for twitch? I want a twitch channel but idk what games to play because I don't actually care about games, I just want attention and gifts!!! Give me a break.
No. 577908
File: 1525923320618.png (9.24 MB, 1125x2436, 520D8AAE-1EA9-4608-B1CF-77C57E…)

Oh god here we go on the bandwagon of another Japanese trend. Remember how she can’t pronounce Kawaii? Well, remember when she couldn’t even fucking spell “menhera”, and spelled it MANHERA? Smh. Calling it now. Will fetishize it because she herself has “‘mental illnesses and MANHERA makes it acceptable and fun”.
Ugh. Dumb bitch can’t pick her own style anymore.
No. 577947
>>577717>Says lots of kids were going to her channel because the YT algorithm was pushing her house tour to YT Kids which she didn't like because she's not kid friendly.Very responsible Kelly. I agree with all her YouTube gripes. Their algorithm doesn't give a shit about kids and it's an altogether toxic place for creators
Twitch will be much better for her. Anon
>>577769 here worried about her being in it for the $$, most people on Twitch are. Even tiny channels will have huge DONATE buttons so I don't think she'd be out of place even if she did
The paying on a date stuff I can kinda understand? Offering to split versus him making a point of "You're paying for yourself bihhhh". I always pay for myself but there are still occasions when the manner is a bit off (like once I went on a date with a Dr to a place of his choosing, he eats a semi-raw steak even though I'm vegetarian, and then we pay separately at the till later. It was a little obnoxious considering Dr him, student me. Think he still tried to get an awkward kiss after that.
Sage for tangent
No. 577962
>>577947Literally no one cares about your date with a jerk. Kelly is almost 30 years old. If she's unhappy with relationship dynamics then she could, you know, be proactive and talk to her bf about it or dump his ass instead of just moping in an unhappy relationship because she
needs to be in a relationship. I can only have so much sympathy for an adult who admits to chronically being attracted to assholes, but does nothing to change that.
E-begging may be standard on twitch but it doesn't make her less lazy and entitled to expect her life to be funded for just existing with pink hair and giant boobs.
No. 578466
File: 1525988989768.png (6.18 MB, 1125x2436, 6B5D62C4-2EF0-405E-9D6D-4EA3FF…)

What even is Envy’s wig? And what the fuck @ all of this
No. 578519
File: 1525991121353.png (8.08 MB, 1125x2436, 02E834C5-AC92-4FAF-8C95-959171…)

Uh oh
No. 578529
File: 1525991506236.png (8.56 MB, 1125x2436, 74D548EE-2563-42AB-9884-A0F12F…)

Lol nvm, but hi chest acne!
No. 578581
>>578531Lol what do you mean it looks very much like a wig.
>>578529How and why did she lose her top in between photos?
No. 579892
>>579883nope. there's definitely some nipple showing through.
wonder if she noticed. or cares.
No. 580050
File: 1526093807654.png (4.99 MB, 1242x2208, D272D33D-15D7-42F3-A05E-AE5E0C…)

“I HAVE to do them ugh”
No. 580052
File: 1526093860257.png (4.36 MB, 1242x2208, A2EE0325-342D-4E3F-A2D4-5B2504…)

She can’t even take the time to hold it up the right way
No. 580054
File: 1526093898012.jpeg (401.25 KB, 1057x1594, C46DCD9D-0593-4EE3-9019-CB6404…)

Last one
Except that it’ll end up on your depop in about a week
No. 580102
>>580054It is so infuriating, like she is being paid by these companies to promote their brands, and she can't even take the time to make sure the box is the right way up! She obviously took multiple pictures. If she was feeling super lazy and noticed it after she could have cropped and flipped the box, she took the time to edit her face.
If I was smile sciences I'd be pulling her from my influencers list…and if I was any other company I'd be questioning if I'd even bother with her, given she makes out like it is such a chore to do the thing she is paid or gifted products to do. Then can't even do it correctly. What an entitled brat.
No. 580108
File: 1526102326976.jpeg (345.32 KB, 1242x1676, B9DD7491-34AD-4D23-80FB-E3F2AC…)

hey kelly since we know you lurk your twitch link in your bio is incorrect kek
No. 580136
>>580108It's so crazy to me how much she goes on about how badly she wants to get started on twitch, but she knows absolutely nothing about the platform??
>>580102Maybe she's going for a "tee hee, I'm such a bimbo I can't tell that this box is upside down!" angle.
No. 580528
File: 1526152924854.jpg (829.1 KB, 2069x1835, 18-05-12-12-20-15-060_deco.jpg)

>>580407Another day of quality content vs hypercritical fans, poor Kelly
No. 580869
File: 1526173601460.jpeg (104.25 KB, 1242x567, 2F4199E5-5CC9-4C22-8254-BDA580…)

so when are you going to put out the lipo video
No. 581111
File: 1526194034802.jpg (893.54 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180513-164422_Ins…)

Can shitty basic girls be banned from being guests at this event? Dre is a mall goth pretending to be a successful influencer, she shouldn't be guessing at a place for talented people.
No. 581122
File: 1526195264660.png (943.65 KB, 750x1334, 665DCF2E-DECD-41FA-9F3D-09BFFA…)

>>581111She repping for a makeup company which makes a little more sense for being at Dragcon, though I’m not sure why they didn’t have a local queen represent them.
No. 581166
>>581111lol, I wonder how many people were looking forward to seeing and meeting her…. She is so drag. Lol. Can they have a local queen and not this desperate "influencer"
No. 581287
File: 1526222059577.png (548.44 KB, 629x590, download.png)

She like just got this tattoo and I knew it was going to look awful but damn I didn't think it would look THIS awful THIS quickly…
Yikes kelly I hope everyone elses tattoos don't look as bad as hers.
No. 582142
File: 1526272611665.jpeg (387.81 KB, 1242x1827, 9B481140-7472-45BF-84A1-4416A4…)

I see she saw our post about her broken link
Re: her tweets; this girl is a mess kek
‘I’m telling’ what are you, five?
No. 582602
>>582142I'm confused, she was going on about how expensive her pc was, but then made it sound like Alienware gave her everything for free and she's still asking for more free stuff for twitch on Amazon.
She should consider herself lucky if her biggest problem is she can't be making very little money by doing nothing on camera for strangers for a little longer and still live comfortably without getting a real job or putting any effort into improving her youtube content. I really can't wait for the youtube bubble to completely burst and these lazy, delusional cow creators have to deal with reality.
Why would you base your entire income on an algorithm working in your favor or people watching your ads without a backup plan or career path? Why not use your limited influence to build more sustainable longer term job prospects instead of doubling down and trying to be successful on another platform with the same responsibility to be entertaining on bad days and sticking to a consistent schedule and STILL relying on ads and views and donations? It's so mind bogglingly stupid.
No. 582726
>>582602her tweets about her broken computer infuriated me for this reason. first of all, her computer was fucking free. alienware gave her this stuff so she would say their name a few times on social media – which she then trashed entirely by tweeting about the computer being broken. the mature, adult thing to do would be to reach out to the sponsor and have them fix it low-key. i mean, alienware is garbage tier as far as gaming goes, but they're not cheap, and considering she shat all over them on twitter, i'd be demanding my shit back as the sponsor. how ridiculously unprofessional and entitled. not to mention we all FUCKING KNOW she probably wasn't going to stream over the next few days, and if she did, it'd be for like 30 minutes with her answering the same questions for the 5th time.
secondly, she posted online as if this were some Huge Tragedy and evidence that her life is So Hard. she's ABSURDLY out of touch. "my free computer stopped working after a few days! i TOLD you my life is impossible and hard! no one believed me, but look! this $2000 hardware set up i was gifted isn't perfect. i'm CURSED." what a spoiled fucking cunt.
and third of all, she's been harping on this twitch thing for months now and hasn't even watched any streams herself to know ANYTHING about the platform. why the fuck would she invest ANY time and ANY money (not that she's done much of either lbr) on this new endeavor if she has no idea what it even entails?!? for fuck's sake, twitch isn't some catch all for youtube failures. it's a completely different genre of online entertainment and it has a culture of its own you need to know or else you're going to look like a fucking asshole asking what "emotes" are during your 4th goddamn stream.
end rant. she seriously gets me so fired up lmao
No. 582816
File: 1526332479974.jpeg (827.21 KB, 1125x1907, 41DFB415-C04B-4412-B36D-E0D95B…)

I can’t stand how Dre is all into cosplay now about shit she knows nothing about. She suddenly is into anime and it’s like, transparent. But I can’t give her too much shit since she’s doing more than Kelly. But still a fake ass.
No. 582844
>>581597But didn't she have the lipo and then like 2 full day sessions of tattooing on her shitty arm in like a week or something? Seems to me like she overloaded her body and it couldn't handleANOTHER tattoo. Courtney and Envy's tattoos look like they healed just fine?
Seems like Kelly didn't take care of it and fucked it up.
No. 583021
File: 1526342963240.png (863.31 KB, 869x576, 5265.png)

>>582627lmao @ her hair without any extensions. its like a weird cross between a mullet and "the rachel"
who would even want hair advice from this woman i stg
No. 583708
>>583516>>583680Not wk, but I don't know what penises any of ya'll have seen, but I've never seen on with a sharp pointy head. The tattoo looks like shit, but I don't glance (or stare) and see penis. Ya reachin'.
>>583021I think it's hilarious how so many people rely on extensions, and they are continuously complimented on their hair when in reality their hair looks shitty and pathetic like this.
Also that chest acne. Ugh. With all the disposable income she has you'd think she'd see a dermatologist about that shit. It's so gross, especially since she's constantly wearing low cut stuff to show off her fake tits.
No. 584650
File: 1526457406453.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1871, 8030A872-DBF7-4E1E-A042-E0E47F…)

I understand some people deal with break ups differently, but if I were Kelly who is still talking about a two year breakup, I’d delete him from my life completely. But I don’t know, maybe I’m too much of an extremist when it comes to exes.
No. 584708
>>584650I don't think your extreme anon. I do the same, I think it's healthy. Who wants to be reminded of negative feelings.
Even if you are on good terms, sometimes can erk you if you see them with someone else. or vice versa. In my opinion.
With them out of your life. You can focus on yourself. Don't get
triggered past emotions.
These are my opinions. I say move forward not back.
No. 584915
>>584827Nitpicky af but I don't get why her thumbnails almost never match the video she's posting. Like what's the blue hair elf version of Kelly doing on this thumbnail? lol
>>584650i had this thought too when watching her video with phi and she talked about phi giving her advice because of a boy. I really hope she's not still hung up on this relationship that ended over a year ago? What boy is Phi giving her advice on?? wtf
No. 584966
File: 1526490359680.jpeg (370.22 KB, 1125x1753, 1C286A00-C4F6-46B6-8DD9-D8A164…)

I went way far back into her Instagram and I saw this post which made me laugh since, well, she has super dirty feet.
No. 584970
File: 1526490408434.jpeg (318.27 KB, 1125x1856, 631FF5E7-1353-497F-94DD-269A86…)

I also didn’t know she used the unfinished unicorn back tattoo to cover an ugly ass Marilyn tat. Yikes.
No. 585063
File: 1526495237368.png (701.91 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180516-184529.png)

>>584827Quality tumbnail.
No. 585065
File: 1526495281888.png (889.09 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180516-184401.png)

Also new wig(?) And its terrible.
No. 585066
File: 1526495298367.png (986.99 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180516-185918.png)

No. 585071
>>584970I can completely see her being that delusional girl who finds Marilyn relatable as a tortured, misunderstood sex symbol. Especially doing stuff like this
>>584966Foil hat time: She mentioned in her last q&a stream that she's waiting for her doctors to clear her lipo video. I find it hard to believe that if that were the case she wouldn't be throwing a tantrum on twitter and shading them at every opportunity.
Why would she be okay with putting "weeks" of editing into something that could potentially get a lot of views and ad $$$ and have it never see the light of day unless she actually just wants everyone to forget she was ever hysterically posting about surgery? The story also keeps changing. She said she would be done editing it by the end of April and never mentioned anything about getting it cleared until someone asked her about it live on stream.
Maybe that's another reason why she's avoiding streaming. Unless she's trying to inflate her follower/subscriber count, it doesn't make sense how often and for how long she's been saying in her youtube videos that she's going to start using twitch for the majority of her content. She's only had like 2 q&a streams where she's showed that she know nothing about twitch, has no idea what to stream or play, and is completely relying on Envy and her bf to explain everything technical to her and to make her overlay.
She already has a computer powerful enough for video editing. If she really wanted to stream an unboxing or anything not requiring her to run a game at the same time, it's not like she doesn't have the technology.
No. 585397
>>584966"from popular demand"… who the hell would want to buy these?!
I couldn't imagine putting someone's signed footprint on a wall, even it were an actual famous person. (then again, some people have actual tattoos of kelly's face eww)
this is worse than that hideous furby painting
No. 585468
>>585397probably her attempt at pandering to foot fetishists. She's commented on them before in one of her 'shoe porn' videos.
or maybe she's just
that vain and up her own ass.
No. 585749
File: 1526524724177.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180517-033756.png)

So shopped it hurts my eyes. Who is this person…?
No. 585765
File: 1526527176400.png (1.15 MB, 1080x805, 20180516_230316.png)

I was surprised no one posted these from the other day. Excuse the quick photo dump
No. 585766
File: 1526527208291.png (2.57 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180516-063026.png)

No. 585769
File: 1526527248506.jpg (1.77 MB, 1920x2560, 180516231216936.jpg)

No. 585770
File: 1526527274751.jpg (1.83 MB, 1920x2560, 180516231049543.jpg)

No. 585771
File: 1526527319820.jpg (1.8 MB, 1920x2560, 180516231331391.jpg)

No. 585777
>>585770y'know, everyone always points out how Onion has crazy eyes, but Kelly has that exact same showing way too much fucking white of her eyes as he does.
being able to sees the white above your eyes ain't normal.
No. 586116
>>585769Lip injections.
Lip injections everywhere.
No. 586194
File: 1526571864643.png (665.13 KB, 750x1334, B17E880B-2AC4-455A-BEDE-377C71…)

Omg she’s so ridiculous. Also Taylor R liked it? How r they related lol
No. 586291
File: 1526577288225.jpg (136 KB, 590x469, 32423942349784.jpg)

I hate Dre but I like that she did this. Called out the influencers abusing laxatives(senna, which you can become physically reliant on btw) and promoting ED behavior to their followers (includes Kelly).
>>586234Yes, they are from Creepy Yeha.
No. 586910
File: 1526603304779.jpeg (409.68 KB, 1242x1964, 5C49CEEF-211B-4FFD-A488-6CF318…)

Before what, your lipo?
No. 587099
File: 1526620566816.png (2.08 MB, 1334x750, IMG_5102.PNG)

Stephanie is in this video at 15:22 No. 587126
>>587099What your talent be?
Stephanie: I have boobs!
No. 587514
>>587490I don't think so, I think she just gained weight and because her implants are so big, and the dress isn't fitted enough it's just unfortunate looking.
This still makes her look like someone's mom.
No. 587743
File: 1526674902936.jpg (105.26 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20180518_211918.jpg)

WHY does she continue to embarrass herself by wearing that FUGLY wig!!??
I honestly can't get my head around it.
It's so fucking horrible and unflattering yet she wears it to these prestigious events?
Girl is fucking trash.
Saged for rant lol
No. 587764
File: 1526675482904.png (3.82 MB, 1125x2436, 5A1AAB49-C2EA-46DF-9A11-A78828…)

Iconic fat arms
No. 587785
File: 1526676094946.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-05-18-16-39-46…)

No one gonna post this nightmare? Also her post on IG says she was invited by Square Enix. Yes, I'm sure they reached out to you specifically to go. Pffff.
No. 587809
>>587743I agree with you. Far be it from me to judge someone on what they wear, especially if they like it, but I really don't get why she wears
that wig so much. It is so distracting and never looks like it goes with the rest of her outfit. She also sticks out from the rest of her group, but not in a good way.
It's just so ugly and looks like one of those crappy Party City wigs. If she wants to wear a wig with pink hair and black roots, why can't she just buy one that looks half way decent? Hell, she could probably get one sent to her for free if she agrees to make another sponsored post. Given that all she posts anymore is sponsored posts, it shouldn't be that difficult.
No. 587836
File: 1526680322749.png (1.91 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180518-174924.png)

What is it with Kelly and these horrendous wigs?
No. 587875
File: 1526683512765.png (785.34 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5147.PNG)

>>587809I found the wig online. It's overpriced since it looks cheap. That or she makes it look cheap
No. 587908
>>587875Idk it looks good in the product photo and on the darker skinned girl, it looks hilariously bad on the fairer skin girls (like Kelly). I don't think it has to do with skin color, but the fact that Kelly's used that wig 1000x and it's worn out and both those girls and Kelly have the wig pulled up too far wheras the product photo and the darker skin girl have it sitting in the proper position.
Kelly always pulls her wigs up too far, she doesn't have the forehead real estate for that.
No. 587924
File: 1526687760317.jpg (173.01 KB, 701x942, Screenshot_20180519-005411.jpg)

Lol she's salty af
No. 587950
>>587924What a weird comment. It reads like she knows it's ugly but she can't help it, she can't afford a nice one.
The thing is… it's not like she HAS to wear this wig. Seriously Kelly, you could just
not wear it.
I really don't like talking bad about what people wear but god, I hate that wig! I wish her dog would eat it.
No. 588036
File: 1526696232067.jpeg (454.99 KB, 1125x658, 61EF371A-8606-45B0-BAC2-21871F…)

I love how she uploaded something she did today, but she can’t post the surgery video. LOL OKAY KELLY
No. 588071
File: 1526699384730.png (595.22 KB, 675x547, yikes.png)

>>587962not really, she's been platinum blonde and her hair still looks like a shitty wig. i dont really know what would suit her, for someone whos had a million different hairstyles none ever really suit her..
No. 588141
>>588071What is that weird cavity spot on her tooth? I’ve seen it in multiple photos now. Is that like a tooth fashion accessory?
Cause it looks like decay.
No. 588158
File: 1526707150643.jpeg (179.79 KB, 740x1019, F50FAEFB-7122-4A5D-A63A-0510D3…)

>>587875I saw a similar one on eBay too
No. 588299
File: 1526731203753.png (469.66 KB, 610x469, ugh.PNG)

dunno if this was posted before but
wew ladettes.
they all look like tumblr/hot topic rejects and half of them looks like silicon is taking over their brain (especially trisha,yikes)
No. 588318
>>588299Woah, never noticed how nonexistent Dre’s forehead is. She’s looks like she got a ton of bad work done on her face
Kelly’s chest acne and loose stomach skin are revolting. Her tits look ridiculous
Trasha’s nipple is out and she her mouth reminds me of Pennywise
Steph looks ok but her face is ghostly
Courtney looks the best but I never noticed how thin her hair is. It looks like a wig
I recently saw Dre and Kelly vagueing that they made out with each other in a bathroom but I can’t find the comments now. Did anyone screengrab them?
No. 588405
File: 1526742787283.jpeg (77.55 KB, 750x444, 3ADE4412-A089-422B-B9A2-C5B4DD…)

New makeup review/tutorial. I definitely liked this look more than her last one, but I cringed at the (of course) horrendous wig, 40 min video time (skipped through because f that lol), and her brush comment “It’s small enough to get my small, little cheeks”. Idk why she feels the need to constantly emphasize that she thinks she’s a tiny, dainty little thing. She’s just short and no matter how many times she says it, she’s not a tiny doll.
Also, I firmly believe she is hoping everyone forgets about her posting her survey video and she can pretend she never got a procedure. Maybe she wouldn’t be so depressed all the time if she didn’t live such a BS life
No. 588702
File: 1526762280359.jpg (105.56 KB, 1049x404, Screenshot_20180519-213420.jpg)

Does this stupid cunt really expect anyone to feel sorry for her?
At least she has the option to stay in bed when she feels depressed, unlike people who have to deal with depression and work customer service jobs 5 days a week. Oh boo fucking hoo your life is sooo hard.
Saged for rant.
No. 588784
>>588702"i don't feel like doing anything… everything is so pointless… but let me post about it on social media for likes"
Dude, she has so many posts on her Twitter announcing that she's depressed. It's annoying.
No. 589273
>>588702Has she actually been diagnosed by a professional? Really tired of this shit online, it trivializes people with actual depression. And lucky her, she doesn't have to work so she has the option to be comfortable at home all day.
Also, there is no way she can pay for her current lifestyle with what she makes on YT alone. Do her parents give her money? Or does she gouge her roommates?
No. 589864
File: 1526864075908.png (204.03 KB, 750x1037, IMG_5163.PNG)

Did she wear the same outfit twice? Also Is this a non shopped photo of her.
No. 589865
File: 1526864130078.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5165.PNG)

No. 589866
File: 1526864145644.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5164.PNG)

No. 590268
>>590234She does have shoulder length hair without extensions but is obviously too insecure/devoted to her ridiculous image to not have
long princess hair. Anything but that isn't cute apparently.
No. 590302
>>590268To be fair her natural hair isn't cute. She'd need to give it a TON of tlc to make it pretty. It's so thin and fried looking.
>>590234Honestly I find that shorter hair is harder to style.
No. 590303
File: 1526922943788.jpeg (110.66 KB, 573x748, 72EF8784-6F27-49ED-A56C-DADE27…)

I don’t know why she doesn’t just stick with her short hair! It looks so much healthier once she gets it cut since she doesn’t have to keep curling her hair & extensions, which is really damaging. I just think this color and style is very flattering on her! It looks more mature while also being cute and fun and it looks 1000x better than those wigs she keeps wearing
No. 590352
>>590303This is the first time I've ever thought her short hair looked good.
I agree that this style is definitely more mature. I really like her in all black. She just looks generally better here haha.
No. 590613
File: 1526946626530.jpg (423.43 KB, 2048x2048, 5B014411-E4EA-4E32-BDF4-CDFBFA…)

Off topic but here's a side by side of dre two years ago vs now.
No. 590631
File: 1526947963406.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1125x1917, 6F26EE71-8430-4248-92D1-8D2805…)

Stfu Kelly
No. 590641
File: 1526948637875.jpeg (436.87 KB, 1242x1838, 4F9C0E8F-BA94-44EB-89BA-FF2F6A…)

I’ll just leave this here. Her Twitter is infuriating
No. 590776
>>590641Is she really questioning why people ask about Dre when the entire time they lived together she was always saying "THIS IS MY BFF WE ARE SISTERS OUR BOND IS UNSHAKEABLE EVERYTHING IS GREAT BETWEEN US" Does she know anything about real friendship?
I feel like she likes Stephanie because she can get away with acting like rude troll, she gets to look short by comparison, and she can get her to buy her stuff and take care of her. Stephanie actually makes friends at cons with shared interests, Kelly doesn't have genuine interest in anything but herself.
No. 592148
>>591281Nope, it's not weird at all. It's to be expected.
She doesn't have any sort of sexual or romantic interests in women at all. She's just a straight girl who thinks that if you recognize that someone of the same gender is attractive it ~totes means ur bi~
No. 593052
File: 1527201251638.jpeg (473.01 KB, 1242x1991, A8FD70F0-6F16-4F43-96DC-233668…)

Today in misleading photos we have an arm held back as far as humanly possible and photoshopped as well as hilariously overblurred skin that now extends down to her chest acne.
Hi Kelly we all know you lurk at god-tier here.
No. 593220
File: 1527214743090.jpg (369.77 KB, 718x799, IMG_20180525_1.jpg)

It's not even curled? Or was she too tired for that too
No. 593224
File: 1527215118013.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1125x1986, 2B4B3152-A55F-405B-BA8E-4AF490…)

Both of these are….scary
No. 593267
>>593224Whatever she did to the top photo means her irises are out of alignment and one of them looks oval…
I worry about these people, most lolcows and co definitely have body dysmorphia because they always miss a normal feature (like eyes) going askew while shooping something else
No. 593449
>>593121Love yourself, anon.
Her social media posts usually have some level of brattiness or bitterness or ignorance that probably also comes through on dating profiles.
Her place might be cool to look at online, but the reality of dating someone who lives in an exclusively pastel "dollhouse" whose job is making half-assed videos for an audience half her age is not really ideal partner material for people in her age group. She has nothing of substance going for her to balance out how much of a sad midlife crisis she looks like.
No. 593460
File: 1527238032183.jpeg (149.14 KB, 1069x672, 79ED491F-BFF8-42F7-8604-B92AA7…)

A) Let’s take bets on what’s excuses she will use for not streaming and not going to Fanime
B) What exactly is she tired from? Laying in bed all day posting stories of Toshi and shooping all her photos?
C) Wasn’t her Snapchat for her patrons? Kek
No. 593470
File: 1527241976241.png (820.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180525-124107.png)

No. 593498
>>592824Girl, we all know you lurk her, just STOP with that rancid wig! It´s looks like the hair of my barbies that i´ve kept since the 90s, ratty af. Seriously, it´s so horrible, why does she keep wearing it? It´s not the wig though, Sebastian Columbine has one and I think it looks pretty cute on her. Also, what the hell is up with that: "I didn't always have good xmases cause my family was poor…?" She made vlogs back home, they didnt seem that poor to me. Bitch's just ungrateful.
>>593224Why wasn't "photoshopped" an option…?
No. 593552
>>593470I can never get over how ratty her extensions are. I guess when you dump a ton of heat on them to “curl” them they look fried much faster.
I don’t even have the energy to talk about how ridiculous this zero effort sponsored post is
No. 593588
>>592824>Stolen pics of decoden phone cases with no credit to the shopsStay classy, kelly.
Also, as if she couldn't confirm she lurked more, I like how she goes on and on about how everyone yells at her for talking about the box too much in product reviews.
No kelly, you read that on lolcow, not on your yt comments. But I guess when your head is mostly filled with hot air and you spend all day online, it's hard to keep track.
No. 593623
File: 1527262110165.jpg (226.07 KB, 1366x768, arm.jpg)

Her arms do look thinner here, maybe it's the angle.
No. 593626
>>593623Whats in the ever-living fuck are those glasses?
Keep telling yourself they look "cute and quirky", but trust me they look god awful.
Also, who cut that frizzy rug you call a wig? Were they wearing your glasses at the time? Did they use an electric chainsaw with a broken cord?
No. 593650
File: 1527266239003.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.61 KB, 801x454, 6CF6yny.jpg)

jesus christ kelly. surely she noticed this in editing? gross
No. 593671
File: 1527267764486.png (197.84 KB, 1746x824, wavyarm.png)

>>593628if you zoom in it looks a bit like she did some kind of wonky job shaving some flab off
No. 593760
>>593552I know it’s spergy of me, but the extensions drive me bonkers. There’s seriously no reason for human hair extensions to get that damaged! Is she not aware that you can style hair without heat in about eight thousand different ways? It’s so easy, especially when the hair isn’t attached to your head and you can literally manipulate it like fiber…I don’t understand why anyone would be so neglectful when their appearance is their job, and their hair is the centerpiece of their “aesthetic.”
Kelly, I implore you, please invest time and money in your hair. It’ll pay off a lot more than spending more time and money decorating the dollhouse.
No. 593765
File: 1527273964120.jpeg (472.42 KB, 1242x2036, C44014B2-2DAE-4AA9-825C-F583CF…)

Yes hi kelly WE SEE YOU
No. 593807
>>593781Not WKing, but where though?
Can you point it out? I may need new glasses and be tired but I seriously can't see any of the cabinets being fucked up. The thing behind her sort of on her left is made like that, all wonky.
No. 594177
File: 1527314336115.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1118x1783, EF1C35AC-AB54-46C6-ADB6-0CE0BB…)

No. 594189
>>594002Near the end she can’t stop reapeating and insisting that it doesn’t fit her calf because she works out and obviously has huge calf muscles. And that she’s actually very petite and small because she’s 5 foot 2.
She’s so insecure.
Gurl you’re a hobbit just accept it.
No. 594225
File: 1527321128440.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1125x1980, 3D24691E-AA0A-40CE-9CCC-97781B…)

No. 594277
>>5934703% of each sale? LOL, so a chair with the sale going on right now is $269.99 and they will give 3% making it about $8.09 donation …that the company will use as a company tax write off. How about truly supporting veterans and making donations or to woundedwarrior fund. Jesus F
* Christ.
No. 594341
>>594284Anymore interesting facts? Was she actually
"bullied" in school like she claimed? She def has that bitchy snobby art student vibe
No. 594381
>>594187Lol she's still "waiting for it to get cleared." I doubt it was sponsored at this point, why would a business offer free or discounted surgery in exchange for video promo and then not give the creator the go ahead to post the video for weeks?
Kelly is too stupid to tell a good lie. She couldn't resist trying to get attention and sympathy after the surgery, but now she has a bunch of people who don't have goldfish memories who are going to keep bringing it up.
No. 594584
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>>594564In this video she's saying she's emotionally stable and has her shit together….. but on her Twitter and to her fans she's always whining that she is so depressed and tired?
So what is it? Is she lying to her fans to get sympathy and more money while she actually is pretty stable?
No. 594969
File: 1527403437183.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1996, B8453878-E55B-4413-ADAB-083DA3…)

Dat skin
No. 595049
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Anyone else notice this?
No. 595588

I think I've found out why Kelly is single after watching bits of her Mukbang.
It's all in the details. She talks about her multiple failed navel piercings, does a demo of what a dermal piercing is with a mid-size knife between her fingers which she swivels, then describes how the dermal got half-ripped out, picks up the knife again and says she cut the rest of it out herself, in the middle of the day, standing in her house, she cut a piercing out of her own belly
deafening silence)
I mean add that level of crazy/trailer park tier to the fact she is diagnosed with mental illness and sees a therapist. I don't blame her for seeing a therapist and seeking medication, but there is proof of the crazy in the details, as above, which jar against the cute pink aesthetic. If she did a Goth rebrand she might find guys with a better tolerance of her true personality, which is more dark, moody and foreboding than cute uwu talk is about a third of the way in
No. 595726
File: 1527490831400.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1541, 52CE5156-E6EF-4DEF-A4C9-9C2F9D…)

such skill 🚮😂🚮
No. 595801
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Although I agree with her point of view regarding her stalker and the recent shootings, I laughed my ass off because I feel like Lina has some loose screws.
No. 595804
>>595801She's obviously lying about the stalker being the reason for her not doing a fan meet-up. The stalker knows where she lives (as she doesn't hide it and is very open about it) and could easily attack her there or wait until she comes out of the door.
He doesn't need to go to a fan meet-up with like 20 people and witnesses do to anything. She's just looking for a "noble" excuse to not having to meet people.
No. 595808
>>595804True. Oh, Kelly. Excuses, excuses.
Also, I was dead at her mentioning lolcow. Man oh man, after so much arguing on here with people (aka: Kelly and the gang) that they do not go on this site, it’s finally confirmed she’s constantly on here now.
No. 596092
>>595798Nobody would even give a shit about the candid photos on here taken of a public figure at public events if she didn't shop the fuck out of the photos she takes herself. It's the only way we can see what she really looks like (SHOCKING, a human!)
>>595997I really wish that she would stop using that term AND aspiring to be that. It is a very harmful trope and why would you WANT to be a shallow, one-dimensional person-like object that exists solely to further a male's plot line. It really explains all of her relationship issues.
Kelly can't stand being single because a MPDG is worthless on her own. It also explains why she just globs onto people and needs to steer their lives using her contrived "POSITIVITY!" only persona. Nobody even likes that persona because it's completely unrelatable.
Just be yourself, don't photoshop yourself, you like fine. Don't try so hard. Stop looking for a bad boy that needs to be saved, you're too old for that and if a bad boy is a bad boy at age 30, he's never going to grow up. And for the love of god, stop fake crying for the camera. I can believe that you're in pain without seeing liquid leak out of your face.
No. 596240
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Looks like dre going through people quick, was only around xmas she was supposed to be moving in with her bf if you look at his posts around October / November it looks like they already Found a house and we’re doing it up etc , then after suddenly she dumped him , from her twitter etc looks to have a couple bfs already and now onto another , was told this from a friend and did a little snooping
No. 596414
File: 1527564681099.png (1022.75 KB, 953x531, what.png)

i know the fact that she doesn't know how to wear wigs gets nitpicked to death but kek @ how badly she cut the lace on this one. its just like…sitting on her scalp, looks so weird.
No. 596454
>>596414what’s the point of taking the time and money to dye your hair pink if you cover it up most the time with wigs? Of pretty much the same color.
You dye your real hair to show it off in all it’s pink glory. Not cover it up all the time. Because you might as well just have normal colored hair then.
It’s dumb. But whatever. It’s not like Kelly ever makes sense with anything she does anyway.
No. 596733
>>596675Honestly, I found the video very awkward. When I first started watching Kelly Eden, it was around the time that she and Dre went and bought matching PJs at Target. During that time, it was very natural and you could tell Kelly and Dre had chemistry. That video was just two best friends shopping and having fun, and they were buying matching PJs because it's something cute that two best friends do.
This video though? It feels really forced. Saying "Anyone who lives in the Doll House has to wear matching PJs!" just comes off as bizarre compared to how it went down with Dre. The actual shopping scenes were cringy because it's obvious there is nothing in the store that Kelly or Phi like, but they're going to buy something anyways. They obviously don't want to be there and Phi doesn't seem to know how she should act. It doesn't look good when Kelly is the one making all the decisions while Phi just follows behind and agrees with her.
All in all, I just find it a bit sad. I don't get why Kelly thinks she HAS to do these things with Phi. Phi obviously has a different personality than Dre, so Kelly should just try doing different things with Phi instead of trying to repeat what she did with Dre.
No. 596944

>>596813Not nearly to the extent that Dre does. Before stories, she would delete any photos featuring anyone with a different aesthetic because she is obsessed with her grid. She has retweeted people complimenting her about it before.
>>596492It was not a short relationship at all. Seth was long-term.
>>596494I highly doubt that. The last guy she was with, the mad hatter or w/e was under the impression that they were in love, moving in together and heading towards other serious commitments, he was crushed and Dre 2 days later is posting on twitter about how someone she has been interested in for a LONG TIME asked her to hang out, but it was just to help with a makeup look. Meaning she was already looking for other options while she was in a relationship with this poor guy that she bailed on last minute. She also complains about how nobody takes her seriously relationship wise on Twitter all the time.
After that, her instagram stories just became making out (literally) Jaclyn and (figuratively) humping the legs of anyone with more followers than her. Messy. In the story where she makes out with Jaclyn, it's staged and they took several takes for those LGBTQ+ likes, she already has lipstick on her face before they make out again.
After this night, Jaclyn kept teasing Dre as her "gf" and "<3" on her twitter despite making 10,000 videos about how special she is because she's straight in 2018.
Then she claims people use HER for her followers. L-oh-fucking-L. For your 200k YT subs on a platform you never post on? Give me a break.
Anyway, check out this collection of insta-stories where she embarrasses herself terribly and showcases that "amazing" singing voice that she's already given up on.
No. 596960
>>596944UGH this emo nite shit they do looks so fucking cringey and disgusting. It's just a bunch of former MySpace scene kids faux dancing around to really horrible has-been bands. I can't with this shit. I hated that music when it was popular and I still hate it today. There should never be any sort of revival for it.
That aside, the clip of her and Jaclyn kissing is so pathetic. I hate that whoever edited it replayed it three times like it's something majorly crazy. It's two girls kissing. Who cares? It's seriously no different than when two drunk straight girls kiss because they think it's going to score them points for the dudes around them.
No. 597131
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Yikes @ the wigs and….everything
No. 597284
File: 1527653641700.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180530-051204.png)

Sorry, had to be done. Katie photoshops herself to non human standarts.
No. 597285
File: 1527653803135.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180530-051035.png)

Reality: (she's doing the livev with her eyes wide open to look more like the pics, lol)
No. 597316
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Uh ohhhh
No. 597414
>>597398>>597387It's literally Phi, why did ya flip out over "uh ohh" with everything else in this thread to reply to?
If someone broadcasts their life with the
intention of making money from their viewers, directly or indirectly those viewers have every right to discuss whatever is publicly posted on the internet specifically for their consumption
No. 597516
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No. 597526
File: 1527687580652.jpeg (140.76 KB, 750x738, 9EA938A1-BDEB-4653-8B0C-7AA466…)

Have we discussed Kelly and this Creep yet? Were they a thing! Last I heard BOTDF weren’t doing to well… Is this one of the ’famous’ guys they were talking about in the food eating thingee video?????
No. 597606
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That uneven eyeliner look is just 👌🏼
No. 597736
File: 1527704254979.jpeg (457.44 KB, 1242x1973, 63E62DAC-7F7E-440B-A083-D23042…)

I feel like this is a lowkey callout for Vera
No. 597775
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No. 597836
File: 1527711749320.jpeg (232.74 KB, 1020x1020, 14ACA506-7783-43ED-81A7-FFC302…)

Awww Kelly, you’re so sweet and such a kind advocate for a fake depression episode you have!
No. 597871
>>597836Ohh Kelly just doesn’t get it…
it’s like when you tell your friend that they always talk to lound and they respond just screaming (lol sry if this was weird)
No. 597878
>>597836People who are depressed don't mention that they're depressed every two seconds as an excuse for everything and they often deal with it in private if they choose to seek help. Wasn't she claiming to be a mental health advocate even before she started seeing a therapist? I vaguely remember her mentioning that she doesn't believe in therapy or medication, but I could be wrong.
What a /great mental health advocate/ you are being by staying at home in bed all day with your dog doing nothing Kelly!
It has been weeks of "here's a minimal effort video for ya because I'm too depressed!" with a dash of "you guys seem to love these videos!" to justify her laziness.
Gotta get that ad revenue from the sheep
No. 597922
>>597606>>597606I unsubbsed from Kelly today. So sick and bored of her make-up videos. NOBODY SUBBED TO HER FOR MAKE-UP. PEOPLE SUBBED TO HER FOR KAWAII, COSPLAY AND FELLOWSHIP FRIEND VLOGS.
Is she gonna be a make-up vlogger from now on? ugh. saged
No. 598335
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Her Twitter has been quite a show today
No. 598344
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kek it’s true tho
No. 598606
File: 1527789810402.jpg (105.32 KB, 1403x739, vOjstBJ.jpg)

so she stole her father's ashes, put them in a self-portrait, and only left HALF the urn for her family. sorry if y'all already know this but what the fuck.
i've linked the instagram post, but she says "My family is probably going to kill me when they find out", rambles about van gogh and how she put the ashes in the cigarette / wine bottle, then says "I’ll let you draw your own conclusion to the conceptual meaning behind this piece" after literally explaining it. wow, such art.
eyeroll"My family is giving me hell for it but its something I had to do… Plus. I've pretty much "immortalized" my dad by doing this"… does she think this awful painting is going to last forever?'s also a video on youtube with her painting ashes into another painting:
No. 598655
>>598644She went to Denver School of the Arts, and I
think she graduated in 2007
No. 598688
>>598665Looks like an incredibly underwhelming shitty college to owe over 100k in student loans. All she got out of that "investment" was a BA in fine arts?
Yet she has the nerve to complain about her loans as if she didn't willingly sign up for a scam. How did her family let her do this when there are so many more worthwhile and affordable schools?
The irony is that she probably could pay off her loans in a reasonable time frame given her income as an influencer. She probably does make significantly more money than her artist peers but wastes the bulk of her income on LA lifestyle crap.
No. 598721
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Replies on her post talking about releasing the surgery video. Her fans are so delusional.
No. 598832
>>598606Does she hate her father or something? Is this supposed to symbolize abuse and alcoholism? Did he strike the side of her head that’s bleeding…
Because I could kind of see why someone who hated their parent’s guts would steal their ashes to paint a gruesome portrait… but otherwise…. what the fuck
No. 598857
>>598832Nah, she's just being narcissistic like other anons are saying. She's not been hit, she's missing an ear because she's trying to make a parallel between herself and van gogh.
The alcohol thing is, according to Kelly, he died from alcoholism and depression or something like that. It's been a minute since I watched the draw my life and I don't care to go watch it again.
Everything seems to point that she loved her dad and was sad at his passing. She even use to annoyingly mention that she was sad about her dead dad in all the time and made a "I'm so pathetic" father's day video with her sister last year.
No. 599010
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English is not my first language, so correct me if I'm wrong… but shouldn't that "then" be "than"?
No. 599034
>>599010why did you post the same thing so bloody far apart?
and the answer to your question is 'yes'.
No. 599145
>>598857"he died from alcoholism and depression"
>>598606"she put the ashes in the cigarette / wine bottle"
No. 599219
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No. 599258
>>599247For some reason, this reminds of when Trisha paytas would say she fucked celebrities, when they were really d and c list celebrities. Kelly dated Dave Navarro and her washed up faux jefree Starr ex boyfriend who she still is obsessing over.
Anyone in LA can find a C/D list celebrity and sleep around. It’s not hard,
No. 599561
File: 1527876582565.png (2.85 MB, 1242x2208, 4360F2B9-0B22-44E3-826E-07CFC8…)

Wait. Wait. Hold on.
She got that blonde human hair wig sent to her, couldn’t wear it properly, snarked at someone for pointing out that one wig is hideous, and at the end of it all……she dyed the wig the same…..color as her hair?
I can’t tell which is worse - her being a total bitch to someone about wearing a cheap hideous wig knowing she had a free human hair wig she received for free or her never ending laziness. Wasn’t she literally just saying she wanted to dye her hair another color? If I received a free human hair wig I sure as hell wouldn’t dye it my current hair color, what’s the point?
No. 599579
>>599541Lol. This is reaching, she was clearly laughing. Nobody even says they used to hook, that's not a thing.
IF she did say hook, and you were right. It was most likely the beginning of her saying she used to hook up with celebrities to validate her self worth.
Kelly would be the worst prostitute ever. She is too shy about sexual stuff, I think she's testing the waters with the shibari stuff to see if she can make herself comfortable doing the Patreon work that everyone else she knows does. All her friends do are talk about kinks, cater to kinks and talk about hentai. I understand that's their job but jesus christ, get a personality outside of work.
No. 600198
>>600176TLDW summary: she had fat sucked out of her upper stomach, lower stomach, sides, and from under her jaw. she did it because when she turned 24 suddenly she gained 10 pounds and had to stop modeling. she only ever looked good when she went on a body-builder fasting diet.
tbh she doesn't look much different now to how she looked before and it's incredibly obvious to someone standing on the outside that she just has serious body dismorphia and needs therapy for it. she's still photoshopping her images ffs, and now she has the added trouble of looking fairly lumpy (like trisha paytas; their stomachs arent smooth). she'll never be happy. it's actually depressing in retrospect and i feel kind of bad. :(
also, all the shit she said about her "before" body in this video is in direct opposition about how often she used to talk about how skinny and tiny and smoll she is. there are literally tweets from DECEMBER (two months before surgery) where she's talking about being too tiny for clothes. girl…
oh, also, as we all suspected, the video was sponsored. she got the procedures for free (but of COURSE that doesn't change her opinion! her dr is amazing! best in the west! omg!)
No. 600253
>>600247I mean in all fairness, have you seen the photos of her when she was modeling versus how she looked before the surgery?
I think we can all be honest and say that 10 was probably closer to a 30 and that Kelly just can’t stop herself from lying/trying to keep up her “so smol” fantasy
No. 600254
>>600176This video is full of lies…
Telling her followers that since she's 28 (which is not that old lol wtf) she can't reach a certain body type. That she's been "working VERY VERY HARD" the last 2 years and nothing helped… Whatttt?? Is this the same Kelly? The Kelly that ordered 20lbs of sugar? The Kelly that keeps having clips of her eating shit and saying "I don't care if my trainer sees this" etc?? Whaaat?
Such bullshit. I don't care if she did lipo, but saying she did it because there was no other way for her to lose fat because of her age… bullshit!!
God I hate her.
No. 600305
>>600304chubby? fat? you guys are tripping
maybe she wasn't bone skinny but kelly hasn't been fat not even one day of her life lol
No. 600315
>>60025428 is not 'old', but it is an age where your body has noticeably changed from your teens/early 20s. It gets harder to lose weight around your late 20s/early 30s due to metabolism slowing down and your fat displacement starting to change. Your late 20s is also the age you start losing collagen; the loss of collagen and skin elasticity changes the way your body looks and holds fat. Point is, weight loss alone will not always enough if your goal is to more or less maintain the same body you had in you teens/early 20s.
All that being said, I don't believe that Kelly is being honest about her diet and exercise. I do remember back when I watched her more often, she was always eating junk and her exercise routine was never consistent. I don't know if she's being willfully dishonest, or if she just doesn't realize how much calories she was eating and how little exercise she was doing. She definitely was NOT doing enough exercise to justify the amount of calories she was consuming.
Not only that, but her diet and exercise routine wasn't created by a professional with a degree in the field. Her exercise routine was "designed" by a corporate gym trainer and her diet was a standard meal plan by the same company. Those company meal plans don't take individual's nutritional needs in to account. They might be okay to supplement into your diet if you are aware of your own nutritional needs and caloric intake, but relying on them alone is not a good idea, especially if your goal is weight loss.
The other issue I had with this video was that she said it was "before and after", yet I didn't see any "before" pictures, and her after picture was obviously photoshopped to hell and back.
No. 600341
>>600176I think part of her problem is she has a wide ribcage. When she was showing her photoshoot pictures from the shoot she worked so hard to loose weight for, she looks pretty wide in it. Like her ribs are almost as wide as her fake tiddies, even though her stomach is flat.
Also when fake tits are that big they make people look fatter because of the way clothes drape on them and how they hide the stomach and waist. I don't think the lipo was worth it. She looked fine before and though some anons say they see results I really don't. Only in that one picture she showed in the video where she's bruised up she looks thinner.
No. 600404
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No. 600422
>>600315This. Plus she sits at home all day most of the time or when she goes out, she gets starbucks or take out.
Kelly is the perfect definition of self-induced "depression" by being a lazy, entitled fuck. And when she puts on weight with her lazy lifestyle, which makes her even more "depressed."
Depression /=/ laziness, Kelly. You are just a lazy slob.
No. 600432
File: 1527983336593.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1871, FFD1810D-0F14-4659-B0AF-D3F923…)

Not again with this pride shit.
Kelly, accept it. You’re a cis female who loves dick. ACCEPT IT.
No. 600439
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>>600432Maybe she likes chicks with dick. Maybe she likes traps.
No. 600670
File: 1528010336795.png (57.62 KB, 441x302, ZHmHih5.png)

>>600176I only got about 1 minute in before her voice became too grating and I had to turn it off but I can't get over the fact that her lipo was SPONSORED. and she has a DISCOUNT CODE for plastic surgery!! this woman's entire life is a parody. at least she's finally discovered her marketable worth- as the "before" for cosmetic enhancement procedures. hilarious and depressing.
No. 600720
File: 1528020461684.png (490.91 KB, 750x1334, 047DE410-2F85-41A3-A1EA-280625…)

As if this cvnt would care for a second
No. 600721
File: 1528020513776.png (592.5 KB, 750x1334, AEB4D6FE-6CC1-4DDB-8658-A0F173…)

And this thirsty ass mofo does only react to the sex reference lmao a mess
No. 600907
>>600880Agree!! this was super fun to watch!
Kelly, I know you're reading this, fam, please keep it up!
No. 600981
File: 1528050703108.png (Spoiler Image,470.9 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180603-201003.png)

This is most you see in the lipo video.
No. 601014
>>600981Lmfao so you literally see her getting the fat sucked out of her ass and nothing else? My god what a joke.
Also - I’ll say it, I lost a bunch of weight at age 29. Quickly, too. Its really not that hard. Certainly not a “THIS IS SO HARD MY ONLY OPTION IS LIPO” situation.
No. 601266
>>601014Same I’m 27 and i watch a little more about what i eat and do a little yoga and lost 15 kg easily
Kelly is just a whiney little brat with dirty feet that’s too lazy for everything
No. 601314
I was so disappointed with the lipo video, no footage, no before and after. That's what we waited for? a lipo vlog? And I was just praising Kelly for being more honest recently.
>>601266It's funny that you mention dirty feet because in one of her recent videos, Toshi is chewing up a slipper and she says "Oh, Phi got me a pair of slippers when she moved in and Toshi claimed them".
It's like, damn, she cannot take a hint.
>>600759Yeah, I don't watch TT or whatshisface videos and I know people hate TT but she cannot be so bad that she deserves that guy in her life.
No. 601584
File: 1528097501421.png (612.91 KB, 1125x2436, E6A4F357-D143-414E-8134-149AE4…)

Oh, to be broke
No. 601645
File: 1528113551864.jpg (41.54 KB, 500x500, IMG_20180604_091843.jpg)

>>601584Buying figures on eBay? I shouldn't put it past her, but I really thought she'd know better. I hope she enjoys the bootlegs!
No. 601770
I agree, I loved the fanime vlog, so fun!
On another news, and a bit off topic, the other day Katie aka thedisneylandprincess mentioned lolcow on her live on instagram. She said she hated lolcow and had even donated to a petition towards shutting lolcow down. She lurks her for sure, since she also claimed she didnt photoshop the picture in the picture comparison of hers someone posted above (LOL). Maybe she has body dismorphia as well…? When I first saw her on a video (one of kelly´s vlogs) it took me a while to realize she was thedisneylandprincess on instagram, since she´s actually SO different from the pictures she posts. Not only is she way stumpier, but the face is just completely different, she always photoshops her jaw and eyes to a huge extent. Everybody´s beautiful in their own way, but nobody appreciates being deceived Katie. Since you lurk here, know this is the thing everybody criticizes. She also said she hated that her friends where always being picked apart here, and that we were all anons hidden behind a screen, bla bla bla.
No. 601803
>>600304It's because Kelly is short. She's always going to look slightly chubbier. Add on her massive fake tits, and she looks way heavier than she actually is because of her height. People never take proportion into consideration.
Also, finally watched the lipo video. I laughed at her trying to compare it to body modifications and other cosmetic procedures. Girl, those are things you cannot change on your own. You can lose weight and fat if you just take care of your damn self. Not to mention her going on about it being no one's business. If she didn't bring it up every five seconds on twitter then maybe no one would have tried to make it their business?
No. 602034
>>60169410:07 "tsundaray"
Wow Kelly, wow.
No. 602107
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>>601709>>601694>>602053Speaking of, I noticed that she was posting similar photos on insta (the photos on the right row) and is it just me or does it look like she took them all on the same day and just changed her top?
No. 602235
>>602234Oh I’m stupid, ahahah. I already knew this and idk why he didn’t come to mind.
Lame, even the “celebrities” she banged are boring.
No. 602236
>>602234this is an image board, my friend.
pics > links thanks.
No. 602238
File: 1528178701912.jpeg (826.09 KB, 1125x1577, FB4E110C-9DCF-439A-B430-1B41A4…)

Y’all it’s Skrillex. Kelly got piped by both Dave Navarro and skrillex.
Also, I saw this and I thought that her big ol fake titties do make her look bigger. Welp.
No. 602239
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No. 602244
File: 1528179625703.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1125x1624, B9897AB1-17E6-4EE5-9739-3135BE…)

Ehhh idk man. This faux sucker punch look she got going isn’t so hot
No. 602245
File: 1528179804389.jpeg (621.59 KB, 646x975, 77076524-2253-4F37-8237-BEE1E3…)

Okay so, apart from Kelly straight up looking like old school Jefree Starr, this chick looks better doing this dumb shit than her pseudo weeb trash scheme she’s going for. Idk why she didn’t just go do suicide girls. Oh wait, she turned 24 and gained sooooo much weight.
No. 602246
File: 1528180021102.jpeg (83.03 KB, 500x752, DB6F6B87-A4B4-434C-81B5-CB28B3…)

Hmmm, let’s do a checklist:
1: pink hair
2: pink eyebrows
3: some for of cake
4: some of form pastel clothing
5: whispers of juxtaposition with the blade in his mouth.
No. 602247
>>602240>>602238I agree the style is better for her than her current bs, but her makeup looks str8 up tranny/drag-esque
>>602244That fucking photoshop, so much so that it looks like a completely different person, the face blurring is killing me softly
No. 602249
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>>602245>>602246What a coin-ki-dink…
No. 602255
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No. 602258
File: 1528180861774.jpeg (190.87 KB, 1020x1020, 24F8903A-1241-4A23-A74F-519BC1…)

I’m having way too much fun seeing how much Kelly fucking copied Jefree Starr.
No. 602284
File: 1528186154571.webm (5.3 MB, 1280x720, _DAMAGED_ Make up tutorial wit…)
>>602249Yeah and she calls herself a make-up artist too. lol.
No. 602394
>>602107Setting up a day to take all your alotted upload photos for the week is a well known creator trick. The instathots have caught on to it too I guess.
Most of her mindless fans wouldn't notice since she usually does the same hair and makeup all the time anyway.
No. 602415
>>602381"Muck-BANG" LOL doesn't she realise it's a fucking Korean word and the "bang" is pronounced "bAHng"
Gawd mukbangs are so gross. I hate hearing people eat and trying to talk with food in their mouths.
My gawd, it's freaking ridiculous that it took Kelly till she was 28 or whatever to realise that she doesn't NEED a relationship to be happy and that there's so much good to be had in being single.
Bitch that ain't a quiche.
And fake nerd girls do exist. There are plenty of girls who claim to love video games or any other male-dominated fandom in order to gain bro-points. It's a thing.
Lol "roast me in the comments if you disagree" - because I'll just block youuuuuu.
The people who hate gatekeepers are the people who aren't comfortable with their level of enjoyment in a subject and need to prove their worth.
Jeez I can't continue to watch this. She's so bland.
No. 602489
File: 1528219256206.jpeg (136.06 KB, 577x1024, 1290D6FA-0107-40A3-B588-223E83…)

>>602381 she
still believe her fans are going to buy her this shit?
still has the $2,000 pink smeg refrigerator on there KEK (when she has a pink refrigerator already, “b-b-but it’s not smeggggg!!!!!!”)
And all the streaming equipment; she expects her fans to purchase filming, video, and streaming equipment for her when it’s her job? She can’t be bothered to buy the shit necessary for her job, that she gets paid for, so her fans have to buy it for her?
Even though she already has all this shit but older versions.
“Hey my young underage tumblrina fans! Drop $400 on this miniture anime model for me I super need it to make amazing muckBANG content for you! Love yew guize xoxoxo!”
Won’t even get into all the furniture, rugs, interior decorating shit, which is ironic since her parents fully paid for her house and almost every single object in it including all of the interior designing.
YTers that make amazon wishlists like this are always greedy bitches who would barely thank their fans if they dropped $1k on a ~pastel pink unicorn kawaii dildo~ or whatever other ridiculous shit she adds to her list on a whim.
No. 602520
>>602498It's not a big deal to like anime. It's not a big deal to not like anime or have a shallow interest in it or not to participate in the fandom. It's obnoxious when anyone claims to be a super fan or the biggest fan ever of something they constantly show that they don't actually know much about.
When you're actually a fan of something, it's pretty obvious when someone is stupid and insecure enough to be pretending to like it. Male or female. Of course women are going to get called out more than men in a misogynistic society, especially in male dominated fandoms. It's not sexist to say that fake fans exist.
No. 602791
>>602638Right?! It’s okay though - we’ll all get to watch the fun game of seeing her giant arms balloon up and/or her increasingly desperate shoops.
Because you don’t just stop gaining weight when you get lipo - the fat has to go
She’ll have a mediocrely small abdomen and giant sausage limbs in no time, guys.
No. 603439
File: 1528311229113.png (78.41 KB, 913x451, yt.png)

Say this again when you go in for more lipo, kek
No. 603703
File: 1528329456589.jpg (990.63 KB, 1042x1933, 20180606_194613.jpg)

Kelly looking like a troll doll with her fucked up angelic pretty boots. Guess she learned from Pixie Locks in how to take care of her shoes kek.
No. 603839
>>603439>>603457Lmao I think she missed the part where the commenter said she was a woman, herself and is confusing the commenter as a male.
Or she’s just being her usual retarded self.
Has she really never heard of posers?
never heard of people pretending to be a certain type of person, style, interest, scene, or fad just to fit in with a certain group of people/community? O rly?
No. 603857
File: 1528344958398.jpeg (281.22 KB, 1242x1187, 5DB85925-0D80-4864-A835-2890C6…)

Can this girl go five minutes without mentioning depression? We get it, you need attention.
As for Eeyore*, it’s not his friend’s responsibility to fix all of his problems, Kelly. It sounds pretty shitty, kinda sounds like she’s comparing Eeyore to her own life and is bitter about her friends (even though they’ve helped her a ton). Just sounds ungrateful.
No. 603864
File: 1528345880199.png (370.97 KB, 679x473, 4B01DEC7-7D9C-44F2-8A26-D3ABC9…)

She needs to stop
No. 603907
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>>603864It's sad haw she doesn't seem to have grown or changed at all from this…cake moment. Does she really think it's edgy and cool to be aggressive and obnoxiously vocal about all the ~fReaKy~ stuff you're into? Oversharing is a thing. No one is asking about her kinks and her sex life. It's just awkward and reeks of insecurity and attention seeking.
No. 603950
File: 1528358968771.gif (716.51 KB, 500x254, Annoyed-person-GIF.gif)

>>603857>Can this girl go five minutes without mentioning depression?She can't. My partner suggested that we should play "Depression Bingo" if we want to get drunk, just take a shot Kelly Eden mentions how depressed or tired she is.
Just imagine if people with other diseases kept talking about their disorder/affliction in literally every video and forcing it downs peoples throat.
"Oh, my diarrhea is so bad."
No. 604195
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this new “I’m a gamer girl” persona is just overkill at this point, Kelly. You don’t need custom controllers and pc builds when you literally just play ffxv over and over.
No. 604264
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>>604201>>604185“I hate Alice in Wonderland it’s so over saturated and it’s for plebs”
No. 604469
>>604201I always find it so awkward to see Kelly around her friends.
Phi seems like a really sweet girl and whenever she speaks or wants to tell a story Kelly always looks thicked off.
She grabbed her camera off phi a lot too but left her carry it no problem when her arms got tired.
It just seems like Kelly's only a good friend when everyone is talking about her or listening to her blab about herself
No. 604485
>>604469>>604314I'm actually worried for Phi. Kelly seems like such a parasite as a friend/roomie and it makes me anxious to watch even from afar. Like her constant guilt-tripping her friends into taking care of her and her over-controlling nature around them.
I've known those types of people that are leeches, not accomplishing much in life, who live vicariously through their roommates and have huge expectations about their friendship. Suddenly it's like you're apart of a relationship you never consented to and by the time you've realized it's gone too far, their attachment to you is borderline obsessive.
I feel like Dre was too young to truly know herself and how to assert herself around Kelly but now she's a bit older she realized Kelly's dependency isn't worth it.
No. 604915
>>604485>>604717She must be seriously lacking in self awareness if she doesn't understand why she's still single. Can you imagine what it's like to date her if this is how she treats her roommates? Who would want to date someone that openly bossy and bitchy who also needs attention and an audience at all times?
I feel badly for anyone who just wants a place to live without signing up to be a sidekick/prop available 24/7 for The Kelly Eden Show. It's kind of shitty for Stephanie to have dumped Kelly on Phi knowing exactly the kind of friend she is.
No. 605391
>>605322According to Merriam-Webster, some antonyms for elegant that pertain to Kelly could be: dowdy, graceless, unrefined, coarse, crude, uncouth.
Amongst may others. Take yer pick. They're all her.
No. 605471
>>604201Jeez. Omg I despise children, but Phi and Kelly are being fucking ridiculous about the kids screaming on the rides. They're fucking CHILDREN. They were probably screaming while the ride wasn't even moving because they were so caught up in the excitement because. they're. kids. Idk it was definitely OTT the way they were complaining. Calm down.
Hmm, Kelly if you didn't pair your monstrous, disproportionate-to-your-body titties with your cheap Forever 21 clothing, this wardrobe malfunction would have been less likely to occur. Just sayin'.
No. 605524
File: 1528496738590.png (990.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5368.PNG)

Fellowship tattoos
No. 605618
>>605448Phi's in the comments on Youtube replying on behalf of Kelly like she's her PA
You need more chill Phi. You're really cute but you gotta chill. It's good you're happy about your new housemate tho
No. 605645
File: 1528510080889.png (629.64 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180608-200508.png)

So she didnt sell her hello kitty kitchen stuff. She moved them to her studio.
No. 605698
>>605618I don't think that Phi is the angel that everyone thinks that she is. She was totally enabling Kelly's manipulation of fans when Kelly said that she wants a pink stove/oven and she's made some snarky comments defending Kelly too. Either she's not as nice as she pretends to be or she's overly trying to win over Kelly and fit in. Maybe even use her for exposure, like
>>605099 said. If so, prepare for the bitter tweetstorm from Kelly when Phi surpasses her in followers/subscribers like she did with Dre.
No. 605770
>>605721most things from daiso
are from China. it's a dollar store. and they're sold on taobao and even aliexpress. plus they're direct anna sui ripoffs she's been trying to get rid of them for years.
No. 605801
File: 1528530571014.png (1.39 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-091922.png)

We can see she takes such care of her shoes.
No. 605804
>>605801The condition of those AP boots are horrifying, they are so beat up they literally belong in the trash.
I would ask how she isn't embarrassed to wear them out looking like they do, but the rest of her shoe collection is pretty hideous too.
No. 605830
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Don't worry Kelly no one likes the Kelly Eden persona anyway you can stop
No. 605862
File: 1528543377633.jpeg (177.22 KB, 750x737, 09E6FC3F-86FB-411A-BD33-33E654…)

I know I’m not her biggest fan but that controller is bomb! Also if she hates the whole ‘gamer girl’ mentality why has she hashtagged that post with #gamergirl Is she ever consistent with what she says?
No. 605864
File: 1528543648498.png (460.17 KB, 750x1334, 1F41156D-D5BF-44C9-B80A-7BA457…)

>>605645She tried to sell her HK stuff on depop. The microwave is still listed for sale for $200 where she’s willing to bundle any other HK merchandise because she’s “getting rid of all of it”. It’s been listed on her depop well over a year, maybe two. I think she threw a fit and then backpeddled when people stared calling her out for being an entitled brat about it.
No. 605870
>>605860i don't see the double shoes
this picture was taken in a mirror so there's double everything lol
No. 605904
>>605864>"For personal reasons I am no longer supporting #sanrio"LMFAO
This bitch is supposed to be a kawaii leader, yet she is boycotting Sanrio?
No. 606198
>>606052Seriously, she really thinks that she is the biggest special snowflake because she throws (minimal) money at a brand and then expects to be sponsored since she has pink hair and a youtube. And if they don't acknowledge the pennies she has spent? BOYCOTT TIME.
What's precious is that Sanrio is a major international brand and supporting them does show Japan that the US wants "kawaii" things and helps support their economy.
Now that she is a "Kawaii International Leader" it is pretty nasty that she can't keep her drama to herself while publicly stating that she no longer supports the brand… when they did absolutely nothing wrong, aside from not pandering to her bratty entitlement.
Just. Wow.
No. 606409
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No. 606724
>>606558I know larp and its rough if you dress yourself as sexy as she used to you get very rough comments. The guys play hard soldiers most of the time and almost everyone gets sexist comments. (they are good guys in real but when they play soldiers and thiefs they are rough)
I don t think she can handle anything other then happy hippie larp where everyone is nice. And i bet she doesnt understand the roleplay. Hey she is playing Elf and thats not a fitting role for her at all. So stupid.
No. 606909
File: 1528658963812.jpg (112.82 KB, 952x634, c712f6f6c7.jpg)

Man, when you watch her oldest video… she was more interesting and happy. Now every video she mentions:
"I am depressed."
"I am so tired."
"My depression. Depressed? Yeah, did I already mention depressed? Childhood."
No. 607105
>>606909Right? And then it's:
>I'm so anxious and depressed I can't do anything please fund my (stove/computer/student debt/xyz expense)>meanwhile… (goes on vacations and trips/blows money on stupid shit/bought a puppy/eats out all the time/has a personal trainer/pays for therapy out of pocket/brags that she is doing well financially)Also, this is a bit old, but in one of her mukbangs she mentioned while she was recovering from her lipo surgery, she ate those chocolate pies every single day for a while. Like. What.
No. 607112
>>606909Is her mouth supposed to be crooked this long after whatever surgery she had? (Unless this is an old pic.)
>>607001Yup. Bored and lonely.
No. 607119
Okay so I noticed something.
She has stated before that she’s never finished Final Fantasy 8, 12, and 13. She has some figures from Final Fantasy 9 (I recall seeing a Zidane…). I’ll assume she finished 7, 10 (debatable), and 15. Leaving out 1-6 and 11-14.
Now, a while back, she had played Persona 5 and named the character Toshi. Yet, no sign of her mentioning that game, much less finishing it.
Later on, she complained about Nier Automata being too short (that game requires you to “pass” it at least twice so that the third play through leads to you actually passing the game.) She recently posted a video with 9S voice actor.
Kelly is a game band waggoner. She bitches and moans about gate keepers, but how do you expect people to take you seriously when you don’t bother to finish games or even do your research and shout that you’re a massive fan? I get that you’re a FF7 fan. Everyone fucking is. But there’s more to final fantasy than just 7 and 15, Kelly.
Ugh. She just angers me with the amount of band waggoning.
Saged for rant.
No. 607200
>>607119Let's be real here, 11 and 14 don't count. Lol
But I highly doubt she's ever played a pre-vii ff game.
She definitely did not play through 9S's line or the remainder of the game. I'm done with the game but only 49% complete with approximately 55 hours. There's a lot to do. I also doubt to high hell she ever finished persona 5 that game has so many hours of story gameplay. She knows nothing about actually gaming.
And yeah I'm salty that she managed to get 9S to voice over her shit.
No. 607203
>>607200I’ll accept 11, but I enjoyed 14 relatively. Regardless, she won’t stfu about 7. And I’ve finished both P5 and Nier and yeah, you can tell Kelly didn’t finish this. Just when she did the unboxing of the nier figure and she put the bucket on the robot because “if you played the game, you’d know.”
Ummmm idk kelly maybe finish the games so you know what the fuck you’re talking about
No. 607604
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This is ironic coming from her of all people
No. 607617
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This happened on twitter earlier, her shitty attitude towards her fans is becoming more and more evident. I used to stan kelly but now I see how shallow and unkind she really is.
No. 607878
File: 1528750685299.png (18.2 KB, 720x248, 20180611_205052.png)

This was on her last video with Phi about Larping. Interesting to see people shipping them. I dont think Kelly has ever been into girls, no matter what she says.
No. 608603
>>607936The nails fit her bad medieval market "elf" costume with the iceblue wig. I hope she didn t wear that costume to larp.
thats soooo bad.
No. 608679
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Looks like she for her look from Ren Faire to larp
No. 608835
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No. 608838
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>>608837>>6088353/3 of today's Twitter bullshit a la Kelly.
No. 608900
>>608835I once posted about her blocking me for asking a question she answered someone else, and her fans immediately jumped down my throat to attack me.
Claiming I’m a source of negativity who didn’t know the full story, and that I attack other women for no reason.
Got rude comments on my instagram for days calling me awful names.
When all I said was “Hey wondering why you blocked me on twitter for asking a question you’re answering now?”
Her fans are fucking insane and it’s good to see it’s not just me being blocked for no reason.
No. 609380
File: 1528888194013.jpg (1.15 MB, 1079x2073, 20180613_070306.jpg)

She's at E3 yesterday. Wonder how many people she's going to tell to stfu over a game they are excited about cuz she already played the demo for it.
No. 609556
>>609520Her arms say „I just had two cakes at a buckbang“ they speak the truth!!
Honestly I don’t understand why she’s not hiding them? I hate my arms and they’re like half the size of hers, I never go out without my arms covered. Guess I don’t understand her *~bodypositivityyyy~*
No. 609863
File: 1528927000234.png (11.79 MB, 1242x2208, 23F3359E-5E7B-473E-9D8A-181F8B…)

Oop, and here we have how she shoops her arm - she cuts out any flab that shows outside the line of her tattoo. She’d have us all believe her arm is as narrow as her unfinished sleeve.
Pls compare with the pic upthread that one anon called out as photoshop while others said it was the angle. No angles can hide that hammmmm
No. 610224
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sage for nitpicking at Kelly not reading her tweets before posting them
No. 610519
>>610509she's basically saying "this almost
triggered by bdd because at first i thought it was too small since i lied about my measurements, but really it's just fucking broken"
No. 610525
>>609811"My life is fake… I know who I am"
- Kelly Eden, 2018
No. 610699
>>609811So I looked up the dress brand and they cost hundreds of dollars, some nearing 1000USD. I thought this was a cheaper brand, considering the way Kelly behaved during the review, e.g. complaining about the zip, and even her friend was like 'why do you want me to talk about a kirby/pokemon fan-fiction during your promotional video?'.
I also thought it was weird that Kelly was acting like she didn't know why the dress was sent? Surely a brand would be like "oh we want you to review this" or "we would like you to have a photoshoot in this" or something. Plus she would have to give her measurements and choose a dress - especially as she thought a white one was coming?
She didn't even put their link in the description, what kind of advertising is this?!
It's like she's so used to getting free things that she doesn't put any effort in any more, and enjoys picking faults in things. How can she expect a dress ordered online to fit her perfectly when she has huge fake boobs?
No. 610791
>>609811Listening to her try to describe the art on the box is so grating. She's trying so hard to display her art school knowledge.
Knows her terms? Yeah okay. Those flowers look more like an applique than embroidery, and those sleeves are definitely 3/4 length - not half-cap. Good lord.
Why the fuck didn't see bother to try on the dress properly without that stupid tank top underneath? About a half of the actual review part was just her standing with her tits as the centre of the camera.
Talking about kids watching her channel and trying to blame it on some random commenter when we all know it's because we've mentioned it here and she LURKS.
I checked their site though. The tagline is kinda risque, but they have so many pretty dresses.
No. 611046
>>611033do you legit think one person generates this.
but what's gross is having a window open right over it.
No. 611177
File: 1529030165198.jpg (77.66 KB, 1080x608, sam-hyde.jpg)

>>611046>but what's gross is having a window open right over it.Yeah. Does she like the dumpster scent wafting into her home?
>>611028Does she understand that the caption was about throwing shade her way and calling her trash?
No. 611460
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No. 611462
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(2/2) nothing too milky? But I wonder what happened. Someone probably called her out and told Kelly give-me-attention Eden she’s a poser.
No. 611502
>>611462She posted an E3 vlog. I haven't finished it, but I think she's already said all the reasons why she didn't enjoy it. Which were that it was too hot, too crowded, and the event had bad energy.
But mostly it was because of the unwanted male attention. Boys were treating them bad for being girls at a gaming event, one guy grabbed her without her permission, and they were taking pictures of them without asking. She was also upset because she felt she wasn't making a good vlog/the vlog wouldn't have good content.
No. 611751
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>>611730>he says that some lolita shop there should spon her and give her a free dress so she could review itShe hasn't learned her lesson has she?
No. 611794
>>610792sorry for OT but I'm looking to buy a chotronette dress in the future. can you recc it? just for special occasions
also kelly doesn't deserve half the shit she gets for free
No. 611831
>>611825seriously it just baffles me how she continues to get shit thrown at her. is it so hard to look at the person before you're going to send them stuff?
Did she stream recently again or did she throw that out of the window too?
No. 611922
>>611873Nah, probably a good 20% of people in attendance there are legit on the spectrum, what they are are toxic LA thottys. I could not have been any more annoyed by the amount of tumblr bullshit they were spouting in that video, it was repulsive. Envy is THE WORST with that.
Some real things that happened in this video:
> Compared everyone to the witches from hocus pocus or dementors, saying they were sucking out their soul and energy. Referred to it as "soul soup" "controlling our energy"> Kept taking about vibes, "weird vibes", "bad vibes", "good vibes".> Said someone taking a picture of her face was invasive, despite being a public figure who puts a 30 minute video out of her face everyday. (She was just mad that she couldn't photoshop it)> "like, you're the speaker of my soul, you just, I can't even explain how you make me feel but you just put the words" - Kelly about Envy, Envy squees and awws in the background and refers to herself as a "soul ambassador"> "We were exotic pets in a zoo, we're just like trying to exist in this plane." - Stephanie> Going to Little Tokyo where they are "among our brethren", "with their people" feels like "a weight lifted off of my heart".> "It wasn't just like, hey you can exist here on a level plane" - Envy, queen of obnoxious buzz terms> Kelly shows her friendship tattoo that is still barely visible and hasn't been redone. Dan did such a shitty job on those.> Nitpick: says matcha tea. I bet she says naan bread, too.> "Yass", "yasssssss", "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas".> Buys more sephiroth merch. "I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it." puts on whiny voice "I had a tough day"> Complains about people sexualizing her all day, proceeds to sexual harrass a person at work, calls him a snack, fetishizing him because he is asian.> Talks about Yu Yu Hakusho all day because it's her flavor of the week because Sam was in town.> Forces Stephanie to repeat something she said during a candid moment in a way that made it awkward for everyone involved. "I just said that we were meant to experience this together because made the most of it and made it better and the endings are what matters, so, we made a wonderful day out of it and it had to be us to experience it"I generally like Stephanie but holy shit she was annoying in this video.
Was anybody ever in like one of those all female group therapy groups in high school where they talk about mindfullness, and everyone goes around telling people about their day and everyone just GUSHES feigned support all over everyone and it's all so fake and then everyone just goes back to being bitches at the end. Everyone gives awful advice about how you are never wrong and never deserve anything bad happening to you and everything that everyone does is a huge violation, even if it was a poorly timed facial expression. I feel like that is their life and it would be a never ending hell. Is that what LA is like?
No. 612194
File: 1529125729403.png (6.38 MB, 1125x2436, BB53AB51-30D2-4624-B41F-650293…)

Alright, so these cosplay clowns are doing yet again, another fucking sailor moon group cosplay for this years Anime Expo. Lindsay is doing all the “princess” gowns. Cant wait for Kelly to act like she made her own cosplay again!!
No. 612288
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dre is such a whinny little bitch
No. 612289
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No. 612290
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No. 612406
>>612355This is so awkward, Kelly isn't in the video at all even though they are in her house? They didn't even introduce Kelly in the video as the "Hey, this is our generous host who is letting us stay in her house" or some other kiss ass gratitud I was expecting.
Did Kelly just hate them that much that she refused to be in their videos? iirc she mentioned in a vlog or mukbang that she was sick of having people over who just used her house as a place to crash, I wonder if this was why.
No. 612453
>>612438Dude me neither. It
triggers my misophonia SO BADLY. It's just so disgusting. It also bothers me so much that she can't properly pronounce mukbang. Loool
No. 612492
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Why does she always look so miserable and self titled where ever she goes? Do you reckon it was because no ‘nerd’ boys were throwing themselves at her?
No. 612510
File: 1529172344102.jpg (33.81 KB, 500x684, 64223456889986543223.jpg)

Saw this and immediately thought of kelly
No. 612533
>>612530Nayrt, but You need to chill the fuck out. It’s normal among friends and family. Kelly is obnoxious about it yeah, but it really isn’t a big deal as you’re making it.
I’m always down for shitting on Kelly but you’re just being dramatic.
Sage next time too.
Your long ass paragraph isn’t milk, no need to bump the thread with it.
No. 612536
>>612441Nah, the whole point of going to Korea for plastic surgery is that they do it cheap and do things that surgeons in 'Merica won't do.
A lot of people go for gastric bypass or lap band, which they only do on obese people in countries with decent regulations (it's very dangerous if you are not obese). They will also do more than the recommended amount of lipo.
But, Korea is also good for cheap, legal facial surgeries, especially if you're trying to appeal to asian beauty standards.
No. 612584
>>612492Because she is infact miserable, self entitled and ungrateful.
If someone is not giving her attention, doing something for her that only she benefits from or giving her something for free; she's not happy and forever "depressed".
No. 612625
>>612536You are underestimating how eager the clinics are to sponsor any and every influencer they can, the lap band or bypass thing is unlikely because they are not as keen as you think to do that on non obese people, venus angelic had to go to a butcher who is now actually in jail to get hers and it took her going through many who said no to find him, I do see more lipo though since unlike in the US there is clinics that will do your entire body in one session and the standard for skinny in asia is of course different so they will take more off you, she can get those hammy arms fixed
>>612591they look so saggy and long, I would be pissed if I paid for that
No. 612718
>>612625hello robot or chestlet, thats how breasts look when you're hunched over like that.
>>612394I actually like these larp stories, i've never been able to sit through Kellys vids for a long time, this was a nice change even though it's not really a mukbang.
also kek at kelly eating a hugeass burrito, so much for that lipo diet.
No. 612722
>>612394Kelly, we all know you lurk here, so FYI: These videos are boring as fuck. Nobody has the patience to hear you yapping for 50 minutes. Please don't bullshit us about filming breaking the immersion, there are several youtubers whose channels are mostly about larp and that film larps happening all the time, like larpgirl, momo o'brien, larp house etc.
Sincerely, a former big fan of your channel, who nowadays ends up boring as fuck with 90% of the content you put out.
No. 612760
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No. 612998
>>612820I've heard such mixed things about DocFinder. A lot of people say they're neglectful and don't actually help, but their sponsored influencers have nothing but great things to say. Knowing Kelly - both in regards to how she treats her sponsorships, and how much of a baby she was during her last surgery's recovery - she wouldn't be able to help but REEE if she was left alone for more than a few minutes.
Here's hoping to some more sponsored content!
No. 613287
>>613251catch her making excuses for being crap at the game she supposedly loved and completed and forgetting what was happening because it has been soooo long since she played it and it was on xbox and she doesn't understand how xbox works, the game came out last year, she didn't play it on release and her latest insta picture is her posing with an xbox controller
>>613260this time she claimed people were muttering stuff about her being a fake fan under their breath, conveniently Phi wasn't there as a witness just for that segment and there was no footage of that
No. 613315
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So this dumb bitch claims to be rusty because 1: it’s been so long, and 2: because it was on Xbox.
Kelly, you dumb fucking fake nerd, your last Instagram post is with an Xbox controller. And nier came out last year. MAYBE FINISH THE FUCKING GAME.
No. 613353
>>613315How did she forget the games she loves so much so quickly?? Plus she only got the very first ending and just didn't go back for the other endings.
She seems to think that only finishing a game half way through still makes her a super fan
No. 613406
File: 1529259382740.png (606.71 KB, 630x548, dwdwf.png)

I know there shouldn't be an age limit on the stuff you enjoy but Kelly's friend Lindsey is almost 30 and got a giant Love Live tattoo.
seems quite sad to me.
Sadder still that Lindsey has a boyfriend with that love live mess and Kellys still single
No. 613432
>>613406Im convinced they all hate each other, how do you let your friend get a giant
love live tattoo?! its as cringy as getting a trollface tatted on your chest, love live is just another hype wagon thats been dead for a hot minute. They let their grown ass woman friend tattoo a high schooler on her thigh.
No. 613469
File: 1529262986914.jpeg (162.05 KB, 750x1288, 7823C1BC-FF17-43E4-B5BC-BE7ED1…)

Grown ass women asking for smutty self insert fan fics for a kids show!
No. 613470
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No. 613504
>>613490Wow it’s almost like we’re not a hive mind, and we’re an anonymous board with dozens of different people who have different opinions.
Can you at least sage your shit if you’re going to pull a “Hi (cow)!”
It’s against the rules.
Learn to integrate before you post stupid shit.
No. 613505
File: 1529266638623.jpg (533.78 KB, 1080x1812, 20180617_211653.jpg)

This made me feel weird? Is this disrespectful? I know it's her dad but?l
No. 613515
>>613493I think Phi is a fan of Kelly's for sure. Phi herself seems like a lovely person and she's really pretty so it's not too pathetic, but I think the dynamic is fan/idol at present.
She does facially look a little like Stephanie (and the light hunor is similar) and I noticed Kelly's childhood friend has a similar voice to Dre. Implication being Kelly chooses new friends based on past friends/familiarities. Not too weird but something I noticed.
What Dre has that Phi doesn't is a kind of dry, dark humor. Phi seems like she's had a reasonably pleasant life and is missing that dark side. But Kelly is there to inject it.
I'm assuming the friendship will develop to be less of a fan/idol dynamic, Kelly chooses quiet, tall roommates to be pleasant bodyguards for her, and the "problem" with Dre was that she started coming out of her shell and no longer being the quiet, tall protector role that Phi has taken up again.
No. 613795
>>612288This… is completely reasonable. I'm not insta famous in the least, but I had a mutual randomly start sending me multiple paragraph messages about their fucked up life out of nowhere. While I wouldn't call it
triggering, it is completely inappropriate and weird and makes people uncomfortable. She's right in informing others to reach out to others irl because a stranger online is not the person who's gonna help you. Although Dre does have a whiny "me me me" tone, the point of her post is valid I think.
No. 613799
>>613792Possible, but I doubt it. I think people are just getting really bored with her content. I used to watch her videos every morning before work, now I don't because the content she puts out is just so stale. It's either unboxing, boring makeup tutorials, click bait-y bullshit, and now mukbangs. I'm not interested in any of these things, but even if I was, her videos are low effort and boring. It doesn't help that Kelly makes it obvious that she does not like making videos anymore and is only doing it because it's a source of income. She still shows up in my feed, but I rarely click on them anymore because I know it will be a snooze fest.
I also think lolcow might be another reason for the viewership decline. Let's face it, back when Kelly was pretending she and Dre were 'fine', lots of people ended up on the old Kelly thread and learned a lot about her. Lots of people (myself included) only found lolcow because we were trying to find out why Dre suddenly disappeared, and I was very surprised at what I found. Although I mostly stopped watching Kelly because of her boring content, I'm not gonna lie, some things on lolcow really made me disappointed in Kelly and affected how I viewed her while watching the videos.
No. 613803
>>613792Her last video is only on 3k which is…not great, but it has been a really weird and quiet weekend online everywhere. On my Twitter feed is just people posting nonsense for the last day.
She only has 191k followers too, and the number of fans within that is probably pretty consistent. 10k watch every video and another 20k watch only the interesting ones. She has no viral videos. Yumi King (of le Dead Thread on snow) has actually got viral video with 2.6 million views recently.
I started watching Kelly early last year and noticed she got EXACTLY 30 dislikes on each video and wondered where this avid group of dislikers came from. And then I found lolcow…(I just checked, is between 57-71 dislikes per video now which is consistent with the increase in followers since last year. Interestingly the childhood best friend videos only have 13-17 dislikes so I think everyone likes that friend. Lindsay is really hard to watch but the childhood friend is very easy to. Just checked a few more and some videos have 20-30 dislikes so it's less regimented, more constructive disliking in 2018.)
Anyway I would say it's a normalish viewer to follower ratio, in summary. Her content is a bit hit and miss and sometimes awkward which might account for the variation in views and likes/dislikes.
No. 613913
File: 1529310390541.jpg (36.97 KB, 684x381, 098098509314285093.JPG)

>>612394was kelly trying to cosplay Regina George's mom in this video?? the pink hoodie. the nips. I can't.
No. 614086
>>614080she said she needed the Xbox controller to play on PC. I guess she doesn't plan on playing her PS with her pretty new controller.
Does she not know that any USB connect will work on her computer?
No. 614814
File: 1529389537387.png (168.13 KB, 1234x672, Screen Shot 2018-06-18 at 8.23…)

why is dre crying about not getting ad revenue on a SPONSORED VIDEO? If you want to talk about youtube flagging videos talking about mental health that's one subject, but crying how you're not making ad money bc of the flagging is another topic entirely.
No. 615035
>>614080Laughing at her commenting several times about not reviewing the box. More proof of lurkage?
While I think it's cool that you can get these custom colours, I think most people who are really into the games just aren't going to care that much if their consoles and controllers match their "aesthetic". It's weird to me that she's so concerned with that. To me it's just something to distract and replace the fact that she doesn't know anything about gaming, streaming, or anything beyond FFVII and XV.
No. 615116
>>615076>>615035>>615064Yeah to be honest usually the girls that care most about having their ~custom pink D.Va controllers uwu~ are the ones that are just Twitch thots or pretend to be a gamer while only playing the most basic MOBA out there.
It is a lot of money to spend that you might as well invest in actually improving your setup/buying new games etc.
Have to agree with the other anon, it seems like a lot of work to pretend to like something that you don't care about at all.
No. 615300
>>615116Let's be real, we all know it's because she wants a quick and easy way to make money. Isn't that why she is doing the twitch thing?
Of course Kelly would want some way to sit on her ass and play a simple video game and make money off of it.
No. 615515
Not that I like defending Kelly for anything, but I don't get the salt over the controller at all. Like holy shit, the things some of you guys complain about in these threads are suuuuch a reach.
>>613519What did she paint with them? I don't really see how that's offensive unless it was something super tactless. People grieve in their own way and it's kinda shitty to judge her for that unless he painted like hentai or something.
No. 615525
File: 1529460738802.jpeg (613.82 KB, 1125x598, 1DD5BC87-7055-4019-8831-28C0E4…)

Did Kelly honestly just say she gets called a fake nerd because people think she’s attractive? Omfg Kelly, get a grip.
No. 615526
>>615515she used them in a self portrait. seen here
>>598606i actually agree some anons are salty for the sake of salt tbh. but kelly makes it hard to like her sometimes, frankly. getting a sponsor for events, getting free shit, etc, and then turning around and whining is such a terrible, entitled look. she got thousands of dollars of free gear to start streaming and turned around and complained to twitter about how her free PC had some hardware issue (that was getting fixed for free). she got to go to e3 with square enix and got to play kingdom hearts early and gets all these special privileges and then bitches on twitter about people being impatient for the game (the game she already got to play, like…). she's legit her own worst enemy.
No. 615845
>>615444Gosh all the comments who wants to join larp now kelly talks about it. I am gonna puke.
The american larp is like cosplay videogames with all the talked fantasy stuff.
Its so far from my version of historical oriented larp here in germany.
Kelly is a first time larper and chooses all these powers etc. Thats so lame. "yeah i never played but i am allmighty"
No. 616202
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The larp group is promoting her videos. Either they haven't watched them or any publicity is good publicity
No. 616270
>>616122 Good to know for a german. Here reenactment is a serious thing like you research the hell out of it and look like you are straight out of a museum. The historical larp people are a bit more relaxed but don t want fantasy because its always lame to play out (yeah i throw this ball at you and shout fireball and you have to act like its real).
But thats out of topic sorry.
As far as kelly eden. She looks like a pastell goth going to a club and not like a high elf out of the fantasy books. Very cringy. What comes next she makes vlog on the larp and saying "this is no go pro its my magic crystal ball!" ?
No. 616362
File: 1529544588836.jpg (768.62 KB, 1071x1538, 2018-06-20 18.28.28.jpg)

I guess she wasn't a blue elf all the time at larp.
No. 616678
>>616674How retarded are you? The features of her face, her bones AS WELL as her skin color simply isn't german. Why are you so
triggered anyway? Are you brown yourself and demand to be seen as white or something? Lol.
No. 616719
>>616564Gtfo you sensitive pussy
No. 616783
File: 1529594317756.png (1.58 MB, 1391x669, KellyMikaela.png)

Why is Kelly Eden just Mikaela Long with a weaboo skin on?
They legit talk similarly, use the same slang, have the same face and nose shape as well as long, fake ass eyelashes.
The only difference is Mikaela's actually funny.
No. 616803
>>616678You can be a nationality without being also the cliche image of a nationality
More breaking news at 9
No. 616822
>>616803This discussion is stupid. We all have in our heads an image of what a certain nationality looks like. You wouldn't look at a Nigerian person and think oh, he´s Japanese! Or look at a Nordic person and think, oh he´s Indian! She doesn't look German at all, like several people mentioned. Might have been born there, just doesn't look the part. I´m european, been to Germany several times, and I would never look at her and think she's german. Yet, she is, great. People are just curious about her ethnicity, since she looks exotic. There's nothing wrong it that, it´s not milk, so it would be cool if people stopped discussing it.
>>616803 No. 616923
>>616590>>616662>>616678>>616719>>616822Lol sorry you all are offended for being called out for being small minded. People of different races live in pretty much every country. Why do you care so much about the ethnic makeup of someone because they happen to look different than what you expect? Getting the "no, but what
are you,
really??" line of questioning over and over is obnoxious if you've never experienced it personally.
File: 1529617455258.png (337.21 KB, 720x536, wp_ss_20180621_0022 (2).png)

>>617284Attractive screencap
No. 617365
File: 1529619443510.jpeg (165.99 KB, 1080x522, 3AFB23DE-5615-438B-9DDB-03F2DA…)

“I’ll see you tomorrow”
Tweets one hour later
No. 617511
File: 1529626838336.png (1.09 MB, 1101x637, KellyMikaela2.png)

>>616783>>617284>>617287>>617319For starters, I thought those screen caps were of Kelly, second, look at this spitting image.
No. 617551
File: 1529628674271.png (577.89 KB, 769x507, KellyMikaela3.png)

>>617511Same anon but fuck, I'm stuck on this.
No. 617606
>>553929>>616564FYI I'm the person who asked about her background, and I'm a WOC (Afghan and Bengali), you
triggered SJW piece of shit. Yes, Germans who are culturally German in heritage are white. Germany is a very diverse country with many POC, especially Turks. but Turks are not culturally German, they are German Turkish. just like Americans cannot claim to be Navajo or Mohawk just because they were born in the USA, a country that Indigenous people lived in first before anybody else came. GTFO with your SJW bullshit. saged.
No. 617611
>>617365I'M SO DEPRESSED, FYI, I'M ON ANTI-DEPRESSANTS. Holy fuck she doesn't ever STFU about being depressed.
>>617517I lovee how this dumb bitch tries to shade her ex (presumably Davey Suicide, the last guy she dated) when Davey has stated a few times on his social media how proud he was of her and always being supportive of her career. stupid ungrateful cunt.
No. 617757
>>617551Normie Kelly has the exact same face shape, eyes, nose, eyebrow position, slightly wider mouth.
>>617511I really want to know if she's seen Kelly and dressed up like her intentionally. Normie even says "ya boi" and uses the same tired vine sound clips and videoclips in her videos, akin to Kelly's repeated use of catchphrases and air horn sounds.
This is like a Clark Kent/Superman situation. Normie has an interesting video where she talks about her vines that got famous, and is apparently friends with Jenna Marbles
No. 617788
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Guys, she’s totally bisexual! 🙄
No. 617870
>>617606>Germany is a very diverse country with many POCThat's the point? Phi also has a parent that is ~ethnically~ German, whatever that even means, and she was raised there. She has as much right to describe herself as German as anyone else with a German parent raised in Germany. There are plenty of people in plenty of countries that have foreign born or ethnic minority parents that still consider themselves to be a part of the culture they grew up in.
No one cares about the ethnic makeup of white Germans who probably have ancestry from other countries in Europe and beyond. But I guess pointing that out makes me a crazy SJW, right? There are white and asian people whose families have lived in African countries for generations who identify as South African or Kenyan or whatever.
Asking someone where they're from and asking about their racial background is not necessarily the same question. It's 2018, I'm sorry you can't wrap your head around this very basic concept.
No. 617913
>>617870Does it hurt being this retarded? She doesn't fucking look german at all, period. So obviously people are going to ask what her actual heritage is because they are curious. If you think a normal, reasonable question is annoying or
triggering then lock yourself into your room and never leave tumblr.
No. 617975
>>617870Honestly these anons are retarded and seem more
triggered by the fact that non-whites can be german or european than anything else. I didn't question anything about Phi's background, I just accepted that she's german. The same way I wouldn't think twice or care if I met a black guy from britain. My brain would just go "he's a black guy from britain ok" like why would I even bother with "but but wait, blacks aren't from britain, where's he from reallllllyyy" what a waste of brain power. Surely people who have that mentality don't live in multicultural cities or else they would have that same stupid brain loop with 90% of everyone they meet.
>>617788What is even happening here? Are her friends trying to out her? Such a weird thing to post/tag her in.
No. 618002
File: 1529673436662.png (748.08 KB, 657x713, mikaela1.png)

Who's actually infighting over the race of someone? No one should really give a shit when talking about trash people.
No. 618087
>>618002Lol your use of normie Kelly makes it like a reaction pic. New thing for this thread is dropping pics of Mikeala in and seeing if people notice
The race sperging in this thread is really dumb, people can have variant appearances and still be from a country. The environment you were raised in plays a significant part of your character. If you were raised in Germany and identify as German you are German. Like why are we tryna do a DNA test here
No. 618098
>>618087I see it like this:
There's a difference between someone who may not be German by race but was raised in Germany and identifies as a German citizen and someone like Kanadajin3.
Both are citizens in a country different to their race, right? However, one was born in Germany and raised just like other German people and the other just wants to be a relevant freak show.
It shouldn't matter this much.
No. 618225
>>618090You're a funny hypocrite.
>A gossip site matters, but people asking about someones root or heritage doesn't matter.Top logic.
No. 618443
File: 1529701860232.png (8.42 MB, 2436x1125, 6E068096-3A5B-4DE6-B2B9-193D69…)

I thought she haaaaated Alice in wonderland
No. 618596
The issue was not the conversation but the length of it. It was clear early on that neither of you are open minded enough to make revisions on your opinion, so making 10+ posts of that conversation was obnoxious and a waste of everybody's time.
However, I did find it less pointless than some farmer talking to themselves all day about how Kelly looks like some other YouTuber that nobody cares about or they would have responded.
This thread has turned into complete trash. People used to actually make valid, somewhat intellectual points but, now it's just a bunch of idiot tweens flaming and calling Kelly fat. Honestly, there are more important issues to focus on than how her diet and exercise are going and how flabby her arms are.
Let's talk about her photoshopping, lack of original content, lack of unsponsored/PR videos, double standards, impulsive spending, constant begging for money, how all of her sponsored shit goes on depop, her wasting money on psuedo-scientific mental health treatments like saging, detoxes, cleanses and aromatherapy instead of getting actual mental health treatment, self-diagnosing herself with BDD even though she is clearly like 90% of women who struggle with their weight.
Her treating YouTube like a VERY part time/casual job, then complaining that YouTube is paying her like it is a very part time job whilst ignoring the fact that if she wants to do YT part-time, she could also get AN ACTUAL part-time job to supplement her income, keeping her in the work-force, adding to her work experience and making it more likely for her to get a big girl job when YT influencer "career" ends (RIP Modeling/tattoo artist/MUA career).
Her willingness to share her deep personal issues with the world yet not allowing anyone to share with her in return by claiming it's too triggering for her, creating a one-sided and completely selfish interaction with her viewers. Or how she thinks talk therapy (the least effective kind) is going to work long term versus cognitive behavioral therapy/medication therapy. Her promotion of fake therapy (Better Help). Don't trust fake therapists with your personal health information guys, they are not bound by patient confidentiality laws and are not properly trained to handle people with severe mental health impairments.
I mean, shit, did I miss anything? But no, let's talk about her arm fat.
No. 618705
>>618596You know there's more than five people in this thread right? If someone posts
>opinionAnd someone replies to it to disagree, that doesn't mean all subsequent disagreement is from the second anon, nor that all subsequent held positions are from the first. A lot of people here think the same thing.
She is doing talk therapy and taking medication, not just one. I saw anons over in /ot mention that their therapists had shared information with people they knew, and others said their relatives were therapists and would doxx their own patients over the dinner table. So you're putting a lot of weight on the idea the official guys are any better. Some people can't leave the house or get to a therapist due to anxiety, online therapy is an option for them. Not a great one but an alternative. Since she is seeing an irl therapist it can't be suggested she is pushing only
one way.
I do agree that talking about arm fat or whatever is dumb. (especially because that's just her body shape, fat is not quite the right word)
No. 619139
File: 1529773668989.jpeg (290.64 KB, 825x1936, D1CDFDFE-046A-403F-BD39-256F8B…)

We all know she doesn’t want to buy a badge and is secretly hoping to get in from her sponsors or gifted a badge by one of her sheep.
No. 619524
>>613276I agree. I don't doubt they were being judged, because they're so naturally obnoxious. It's not the coloured hair or the fact that they're girls. There are other girls in the convention who fit better in the crowd, you see them throughout the video. The difference between them and Kelly and co was the way they carry themselves, tryna be funny and quirky with their "booois" in public and whatnot. They are just the personification of annoying fake nerds who are calling for attention.
And I have a feeling that whomever muttered "fake nerd" around her likely knows of her or has seen her videos. She's been visible in her sponsored videos for Alienware and Square Enix after all and she really does give off that painful image of fake nerd.
No. 619537
File: 1529806237846.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1671, Screenshot_2018-06-17-20-06-21…)

I wouldn't put it past Kelly to not like Claire because she's actually able to pull off the kawaii look but has actually been married? Even though she's divorced, she's still able to maintain a healthy realationship. Must suck being the only single one in the fellowship, huh Kelly?
No. 619546
>>618630She can't commit to anything. She's depressed so it's hard for her to motivate herself, but at the same time, you can't just use depression as a free pass, you know? Thousands of other people struggle with depression yet they can't afford multiple weeks of rest time like Kelly does. She's been spoiled in her fantasy world for too long, she barely edits her videos because dear God the thought of work is so unbearable…! Even when that work is her primary source of income. It's like she was meant to not work at all and instead receive money simply for being a Youtuber but not really posting much interesting content.
It's as the previous anon said, if only she could force herself to get an actual job, where her schedule is totally not up to her and she's able to contribute and work with other people who aren't exactly like her. Then she might be able to re-learn discipline and actually be more productive and earn money that way. It might even ease off her depression.
No. 619547
>>619537uh… she's not the only single one though. dre, phi, maybe lindsay (idek). also is claire actually part of the fellowship? i know she's been at some stuff with them but she doesnt seem to be part of the group. tbh it's like impossible to know who's in and who's out. we need a like, fuckin roster or something.
ps to like, 5 of the newer anons in this thread: type "sage" in the email field to post something without bumping the thread. you shouldnt bump the thread for your personal feelings on shit like phi's ethnicity, or random theories about shit, like why kelly's lazy or depressed or whatever.
No. 619807
>>619744>>619605They're strict about IDs probably as a scalping deterrent for something as big as SDCC has become and for general liability reasons.
She's asking for someone to wait in line for one of the biggest cons in the world and give up a badge for her. If they aren't vendors or press or a guest with an extra badge intended for working professionally or to support the con.
If you don't want to be called a fake nerd and have the disposal income to live the way that she does, it might make sense to put $$ or effort into getting your own damn tickets or positively contributing anything to fandom in a way that makes other people want to support you? Just an idea. She really thinks she's someone that's entitled to being worshipped and doted on for existing.
No. 619817
File: 1529827413611.jpeg (171.27 KB, 750x1094, 7F2AA14C-5CEA-4A07-A7F0-709203…)

Why does she have to keep telling everyone she’s on her period. No one cares Kelly! It was barely funny the 1st time let alone the 85th!
No. 620135
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But I thought she was on a strict meal plan??!!
No. 622039
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>>621602My youtube autocaptions are kinda fucked, but she's supposed to be saying 'they started to fall apart at the third wear'. I believe both antlers are chipped (not just cracked paint, it has completely flaked off in some spots and shows huge patches of the white base underneath), and one of the antlers have completely come off. The girl in the video mentioned how she was very careful with the antlers because she considers them works of art. The antlers falling apart was not a fluke, the girl mentioned she has another pair and the paint on those is coming off too.
That's really the only milky thing in the video, she just talks about her wedding and how much she loves kelly eden. I wouldn't even call this a review. Considering these antlers are 200+ each, I'd be beyond pissed if they fell apart after three wears. Kelly used to always wear these antlers, and they didn't seem this shitty. I wouldn't be surprised if she used shitter materials and cut corners on the ones she sold so that she could make more of a profit.
No. 622217
>>622011I've noticed as well and I think that it's either because
A) She's being lazy/pulling the depression card to justify her laziness
B) Maybe her therapist suggested it
C) What you said
No. 622220
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what guy pissed in her cherrios?
No. 622244
>>622220God I’m so sick of her ~gamer girl~ shit. It makes it harder for actual gamer girls to be taken seriously.
What has she even played outside of square enix games?
Or does her entire personality just revolve around final fantasy, kingdom hearts, and Nier? She hasn’t even finished most of those.
No. 622246
>>622217I doubt it's A because she'd at least be posting a lot more about how DEPRESSED she is. B could be possible since she's apparently actually doing some sort of treatment now. I'm just more willing to believe C because it fits her character.
>>622220I'm SO over her bitching about the girl gamer/nerd issue. The only reason it's an issue for her is because it
triggers her because it reminds her that she is, in fact, a shallow fan of the things she likes. So she feels inadequate and needs to shout about it to show HOW MUCH of a gamer/nerd she really is. Kelly, no one fucking cares.
No. 622409
>>622220Male gatekeepers do suck but they're usually incels: ugly basement-dwelling types, 250 lbs, adult acne, etc. I've never, ever encountered an actually attractive man who has complained about "fake nerd girls" or tried to quiz me about my interests.
So unless Kelly actually is SO PRESSED by incels calling her fake (which like… Why would you be that desperate for approval?,) I think she's just projecting. She knows she's a fake gamer girl. Now she's overcompensating for it.