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No. 369619
Why does the UK bring out the worst wannabes ever? We're here to answer those questions.
In the last thread-
-G4laxy keeps us updated with much needed staleness
-Abi is senior coat tale rider and autistic in Japan
-Connie is the only one with an audience and gets pink and is, surprise, gay!
-Becki is as boring as ever and is, surprise, gay!
-Kelly forms a new lazy sub-group and is surprise, gay!
-Kelly gets
triggered when not everyone believes her
-Visit cons, being as uninteresting as ever.
-Abi starts their decent into lip fillers and botox
-Jared lurks.
No one else is relevant right now. Will we ever get our milk? No. 369928
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Who's going to pick up a copy of Connie's book?
I bet it'll be in a bargain bins after it's first week and all the hype is gone
No. 370175
>>369951'When fairy tale obsessed Lottie Pumpkin starts at the infamous Rosewood Hall, she is not expecting to share a room with the Crown Princess of Maradova, Ellie Wolf. Due to a series of lies and coincidences, 14-year-old Lottie finds herself pretending to be the princess so that Ellie can live a more normal teenage life.
Lottie is thrust into the real world of royalty - a world filled with secrets, intrigue and betrayal. She must do everything she can to help Ellie keep her secret, but with school, the looming Maradovian ball and the mysterious new boy Jamie, she'll soon discover that reality doesn't always have the happily ever after you'd expect…
A thrilling world of parties, politics and bad ass princesses, this is the first book in the brand new series THE ROSEWOOD CHRONICLES.'
It's a kids book series.
No. 372226
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Why are abi, connie and kelsey doing a cosplay panel at summer in the city?
I kinda understand Kelly Eden, no idea who the guy is. None of them make costumes, do masquerades or actively stay part of the cosplay community.
Also take a shot everytime abi wears the same crop top and shorts
No. 372283
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Look at her holy shit..
No. 372626
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I can't believe Connie got a book series deal.
she hasn't even reached 1 million subs on youtube yet and her videos barely break 100,000 views.
She must have an insanely good manager
Imagine working your whole life wanting to be published writer and then seeing a pink haired weeb just get handed it without any work.
No. 372630
>>372626sage for OT
thats how things are nowadays
lazy, dumb, people who aren't willing to do anything get jobs, work, deals, etc
the hard workers who deserve it are working their ass off for min wage or even trying to find min wage
No. 372661
>>372626That blotchy skin, crusty eBay Chinese false eyelashes with no other makeup combo.
They're probably hoping she's "the next Zoella" and don't care how shitty her book is or isn't as they know 13 year olds will buy any garbage if you slap one of their favourite YouTubers on it. It will have to be extremely well written to be a success, as she doesn't have even close to the popularity or influence needed to coast by on that alone. Even being PewDiePie's girlfriend didn't help Marzias book not be a total flop.
No. 379002
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yikes…someone needs to tell Kelsey to stop
No. 379244
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>>379238Right now the video has 110 dislikes and 155 likes
No. 379315
>>379002Good fucking lord that looks awful. Looks nothing like Dany whatsoever. Her use of contour just made her look dirty rather than actually change her face shape to match Dany's.
Also why did she not bother to conceal her imperfections and dark circles? Mess.
No. 379325
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>>379244she needs to stop crying all the time when she gets any sort of negativity.
Her cosplay looks terrible. Her eyebrows need plucking desperately and she didn't cover up any of her imperfections.
No. 379327
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samefag but how is this Sansa Stark?
Just because she has red hair?
she's literally just wearing a tshirt too.
No. 379330
>>379327Yeah even the hairs so far off. That's the least she could do? She could probably pull a proper display off pretty well
>>379244Lmao what a whiny cunt
No. 379331
Phone posting trash
No. 379357
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>>379002Noticed this other girl's Daenerys transformation video in the related, the sheer difference made me cackle.
No. 379785
>>379749I think Connie, Abi and Beckii can likely all move on to lead normal lives and still have a chance of a successful career. They're all still in their early 20s if I understand correctly.
On the other hand there's Kelsey, who may also be the same age but seems way too unhinged to handle the reality that her idol and weeb dreams need to come to an end. It seems like she'll go into a deep depression and have an existential crisis over the simple fact that she will never perform in stadiums. Almost everyone wants to be world renown performers but there's very few specific opportunities that can be afforded to even the most talented people in this world. People should chase their dreams, yes. But to be successful requires strategy that Kelsey does not have. She just whines over minor criticism, concerns herself with the wrong things and expects fame to just fall into her lap despite not having the work ethic to deserve it.
No. 379969
>>379238>>379244>>379798She hid the like/dislike bar lmfao
>>379785Tbh for a second I feel bad for her because it's obvious she so badly wants to be a successful artist and it sucks that her eye is a factor on why she isn't. How do you market someone like her without resorting to something like "she's got a weird eye, how quirky~" or some sjw ableism shit? It's like she has to degrade herself in order to become a ~superstar~.
I say I only feel sorry for her for a second because then I realize how vain and self-absorbed this whole ~~~girl gang~~~ is.
No. 380001
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>>379325>>379327they need to FUCKING STOP
No. 380589
Jared's back!
Turns out he just changed his username, not deleted his account No. 380597
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>>380589He sounds like a teenage girl even tho he's 36.
No. 380748
>>380747Why do you ask?
Why did you use Abi as your name?
No. 380750
>>380748Sry, that's my phone going crazy again XD
Uhm idk…The rest of the group is gay, so I thought maybe Abi is gay 2 ?
No. 380751
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No. 380823
>>380821Clearly she's mentally fit to be an international pop star though.. it's not like famous people ever deal with criticism and dislikes.
* eye roll
No. 380838
>>380821The annoying thing is, some of the other transformations she has done were pretty decent, or at least not as ridiculously bad, like her Yolandi, Melanie, and Wonder Woman ones. At least from the thumbnails/the bits I watched of them.
Is the Daenerys one new? Cause she has another one, this one, from a year ago still up on her channel.
No. 380867
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No. 380868
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No. 381645
>>381493Seriously? That's your argument?
So we should all allow them to be vain and conceited just because Abi is (in your opinion) hot?
Nothing about the fact that people have witnessed them being obnoxious in public and there has been a confession that Abi treats her boyfriends like crap if they can't add to her "fame"…
But hey she's hot. Let's all go home.
No. 381727
>>381645Is Kelsey really that bad?
I mean like Abi and co.
Kelsey is the only one that seems kinda normal to me.
No. 382987
>>382616I'm just waiting for the video of "Impressions from my book"
Where she does impressions of the characters from her book series.
(sage for no contribution)
No. 383387
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This just came up on my fb feed. Do people even give a shit about beckiis time as an 'idol' anymore? In the uk everyone has forgot about her years ago, it was pretty much just a cheap daily mail story and she said herself she finds it slightly embarrassing
No. 384394
>>383018what the hell has happened to abi's voice?
you wouldn't even know she was Welsh, she's ditched the accent almost entirely for some fake english vlog voice
No. 384424
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>>384394I don't think she ever had a Welsh accent?
No. 384866
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No. 385297
>>385011Despite the fact she called her room "teen dream fantasy" or something.
>>385011It can come off as a bit 'show-offy' but maybe that's because that's how I see Connie in general.
No. 385375
>>370175>MaradoveSounds a bit like Genova, from the princess diaries. I know people have made the prince and the pauper comparison but I wonder if shes lifted some stuff from that too.
No. 385384
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Getting even more creep vibes off of that jared
No. 385438
>>385375A lot of childrens books have stupid names for the countries they're set in so I've got to disagree with you anon, it just seems like grasping at straws at this point.
sage for not contributing.
No. 385911
>>385011her bedroom is so tiny!
she did a really good job on it but I'd hate a room that small.
and she's planning on putting a giant desk with a gaming computer in there somehow
No. 385957
>>385802Abi likes every tweet, so its no surprise.
I gave Kelsey a compliment on Twitter one time. She didn't respond or anything. Then I noticed that she hardly ever responds to male fans at all, but all her patreon supporters are guys.
So… yeah.
Not really what the point of this post was… Just venting frustration and confusion I guess.
No. 386023
>>385957The amount of butthurt in this post… Wow she didn't respond to you!??
Yeah she didn't respond to me either and I am a girl, who has also met her irl so she knows who I am. Maybe she has more important things to focus on!?
No. 386061
(Realized I accidentally tagged my own post in a previous comment. Whatever.)
>>385911Yeah that's what I was thinking. She said something about this being her favorite room and I was thinking, "It's cute but it's a lot smaller than your previous rooms." Maybe she likes smaller rooms but it seems very cramped in there. Wish she would've shown it with the windows open as well
No. 386079
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Saged for pointless rant.
Beckii used to do this "Beckii Box" Patreon reward, before she moved to London. Basically, you helped her out by subbing on Patreon and she sent you a box of little things every month. In the lead up to her move, she took 2 months of payment but never delivered on it, and then closed her Patreon account and said she would do something about it when she was settled. This amounted to I guess about £60 of money per person? I can't remember exactly how much she charged.
It has now been 9 months since she moved, and she refuses to respond to any questions about this. She turned off ask messages on her Tumblr and never responded to messages about it there before she did so, she ignores Tweets too. I guess the jew nose isn't for show.
No. 386238
>>385438>A lot of childrens books have stupid names for the countries they're set inwell isnt that even more reason then? Like if you're a fan of hers that cool but I really dont see how saying how maradova and genova sound similar is "grasping at straws" because they do.
>>386079Oh fuck now this is milky. I was wondering how she afforded to move to london, wonder how many people she scammed!
No. 386312
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>>386079This is the final e-mail she sent out before closing her account, on 30/11/2016. Notice she says "once everything arrives" like she had already ordered everything for the boxes and was going to ship it soon. It has almost been a year and nothing changed. She also had lower tier shipping rewards she never delivered on either.
No. 386637
>>386617I mean, I can only speak for myself (I was a patron) but I hoped that she would make good on it so I allowed her months to settle into her move before I started trying to contact her. When she was ignoring my contact attempts, of course I was a little irritated, but I kept making excuses for her and eventually it sort of slipped my mind.
I went to send her a Tumblr ask yesterday to ask about it again and noticed she had disabled them, and it annoyed me enough to finally post about it here. I assume most people gave her the benefit of the doubt and it eventually slipped their minds too.
No. 387068
When I first started watching Connie, she seemed so much more humble. I don't think people should have to sell themselves short, but she brags about something in every single video pretty much. Often the same things. I feel like her book deal has gone to her head a bit. She also doesn't seem to care quite that much about her friends from some things she's said.
>>369928I'm gonna get it, but the cover annoys me so much. It's such beautiful art, why ruin it with such ugly, huge lettering. Connie has a copy with an absolutely gorgeous cover, but sadly it's just the proof copy.
No. 387589
>>387585Disagree on beckii. What are you on about. She's not the one who keeps bringing it up but it remains the thing she's known for. And the media are obviously going to always focus on it. However she now has a real job that clearlt utilises her skills gained in her idol/YouTube work. Tbh I imagine she's quite an impressive cv.
This thing about her beckii box is intriguing though. She always seemed the most grounded of the lot to me
No. 387652
>>381480Thats the thing. Theyre too old, Dakota and Venus were lucky because they did all that when they were still teens.
Dakota was 18 when she went viral and then also had her parents pushing her, the grandmothers cash for equiptment, fame from myspace ect.
Venus had her creepy fuck mother pushing her into it all.
Whereas this lot are just too old… they may as well be bloggers or just standard vloggers.
Unless you are still in your teens and have the money and looks to "make it" then there is no point.
No. 387730
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beckii has a boyfriend that she keeps secret from everyone. ever since she broke up with the guy from the yogscast she was desperate to get with someone. source/ I used to be in her circle of friends.
No. 387746
>>387730Kind of disappointed, I was hoping she would get a girlfriend this time to at least keep up her I'M SO GAY pretense. Do you happen to know why her and Sparkles* broke up? She said it was something like "things weren't what she thought" or something and that she was hurt? I was always curious.
Still a little
triggered that they tried to pretend they weren't a thing when they really obviously were
No. 387895
>>387743I also used to think she read these posts. It was mentioned either here or on PULL (Pretty Ugly Little Liar) that it seemed she was giving up on youtube, rarely posting videos, and when she did they were boring, and how she hardly ever does impressions. She brought it up on both her channels about she's not quitting, and released an impression video today. Her tweet said something like 'Oh my God, look an impression video??!!"
Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Connie is super full of herself. People who aren't humble don't sit well with me.
No. 388122
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>>385959>>385965 >>386023Guys please, I'm so nice :(
I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
No. 388165
>>387897Actually, she never explicitly denied it but she did misleadingly respond to questions/reblogged posts that described them as "friendship goals" or "best friends forever" and shit. Sparkles* never explicitly said they were dating but hinted at it, and responded to the "friendship goals" shit by being like "Yeah.. 'friends'.." rather than deliberately encouraging the narrative that it was platonic.
Considering they dated for 3 or 4 years, its kind of surprising they never came out and said it, especially since she could've milked it for boyfriend tag videos, which get a lot of views. Her excuse was something about her being 'famous' and not wanting to have to go through breakups publicly or something like that.
No. 388298
>>388234You're not alone, anon. I've noticed this too. I watched an interview of her at a con recently where they asked her to do Cinderella and she sounded nothing like her at all. She was doing what I assume you're talking about when you say her "bratty American" voice. She's done a few impressions that were good (her Snow White is pretty nice), but they're few and far between considering how many she's posted and the fact it's what she's known for.
Her singing is extremely overrated in my opinion, too. Like, she has a decent voice, but she can't really do more than carry a tune. Yet, her fans always say how she sounds like a Disney princess and is so amazing.
No. 388314
>>388155Nope. She is actually a really lovely person, treats her friends right. Steady boyfriend she has has since she was like… Fifteen I think.
She is the ultimately most boring one of the lot as there is absolutely no milk on her.
No. 389398
>>389376You're going to be really disappointed if you're looking for milk. She isn't horrible in any way.
She has a degree in creative writing, and loves drawing. Her art work is pretty awesome.
She is obsessed with kingdom hearts. And is in love with her female Sora cosplay.
I don't really know what else to say. She is the most down to earth and normal one of the lot
No. 389449
>>389398Is she even really in the group though? I only know of her because she went to Japan with Connie and Riri. I thought she was just a friend of theirs, not really in the limelight compared to them. I mean, idk where her online following comes from, I just thought it was just from being friends with the weebs. Kind of like Connie's roommates.
Also speaking of Ririchan, nothing's been said about her lately.
No. 390343
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I'm cringing so bad. I'm sure an actual child would like to sit with Alice and The Mad Hatter but as usual Abi seems to think she's the most important person
No. 390359
>>390343Apparently that little girl wouldn't stop staring at Abi.
Probably wondering why a grown adult is sitting at the table for children.
No. 391611
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This is a good pose for Beckii, hardly notice the nose
No. 391632
>>391611She's always reminded me of Brigitte from the Ginger Snaps movie.
That photo is nice, btw
No. 391722
>>391611I need to know who styled her hair
I love that sort of hairstyle
And like another anon mentioned, her nose isn't so prominent and she looks good in this-???
Damn, never thought a day like this would happen
No. 392180
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Thought to post here but has anyone been keeping up with pixieloubunny at all right now? Girl is looking so over filtered and haggered right now it's embarrassing almost.
No. 392513
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No. 396972
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I have such a crush on Kelsey.
She's too cute.
I've even had dreams with her in them :((no one cares)
No. 401883
>>401770It will have been posted in and then the post will have been deleted for whatever reason.
It's dead because there's no milk.
No. 402722
>>402238Though if anyone posts any wannabe Idol that isn't all that popular they get accused of self posts.
Which is probably why nobody bothers posting the real lulzy weebs.
No. 403134
>>403082I sure hope not, this was awful and cringy as always. She should get a decent mic first instead and work on her singing. But let's be real, she's never gonna become a huge pop star like she still dreams of at age 25. Can't these girls get a grip on reality and realize they should get a "real" career already? smh at least Beckii seems to be more grounded but I still wonder how they will be in 5 years or so…
It seems she used Beckii's set though, which is fitting for this pseudo-cyberpunk aesthetic everyone's jumping on thanks to the new Blade Runner movie.
No. 403173
>>403170I'm laughing because that was the exact same point that I decided I couldn't watch any more.
I thought she was trained to sing at drama school?! If so sack the teachers
No. 403581
>>403082Oh good lord that chorus is unbearable
And I know it's because of the space/futuristic theme but that holographic look is pretty dated now
No. 403583
>>403082I got some weird BOTDF type vibes from some of that before the chorus.
(sage for no real contribution)
No. 403587
>>403584So the first time I watched it I managed to make it to 1 min 32.
Then I forced myself to watch the whole thing. Here's a bit of a breakdown for those who didn't make it pasted 1.30
The total times Kelsey takes off or puts on those glasses :11
(I didn't bother counting how many times she simply touched them, but there was a lot)
Kelsey spins a lot. And sings to a wall for most of it.
There is a bit of awful martial arts in there. Proving Kelsey can't punch.
Am impressive shot of her doing the splits on two stools, which probably took longer to actually do than the shot was in the video. Shame, it was actually a nice shot.
Kelsey running from nothing. More spinning. More glasses. That's pretty much it.
No. 403650
>>403635kek, shes either delusional or bad at maths, or both. Thats actually normal, and she should be thankful that she has a few more likes to dislikes there.
No. 403733
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Is it that hard to believe some people just don't like the song or video? I understand she doesn't have the budget of a production company but the video is boring, she's just doing the same things throughout the 4 minutes and her singing doesn't sound very good.
>>403658Yeah Kelsey didn't seem this bad before or maybe I just never noticed but these days she's always whining about not getting alot of views or getting
triggered over people not kissing her ass.
No. 403826
>>403635oh no…this is so pathetic.
she really needs to give up at this stage.
No. 403828
>>403082Is one of the lyrics 'I knew that time would have to descend'? What does that even mean?
Honestly I'm having a tough time hearing/understanding a lot of the words though so perhaps it's something better than that.
Also cannot unsee the glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off glasses on glasses off
No. 403860
>>403828I think it says:
"I know all good things come to am end,
And in time we'll have to descend
But for now we're free,
Living in this distant galaxy"
Could be wrong. But that is what I heard.
Also, I counted 19 times she touched those glasses
No. 407088
I hope I'm posting right. I read this and the last forum entirely.
I know Jake, Abipop's boyfriend. He can be a dick but he's generally alright, and he told Abi off for not making videos but whining that people are losing interest in her. She's really spoiled and he calls her out on it. He does vaguely know Nigiri, but he met her around the same time he met Abi. He was pretty bored in Japan, they left him alone for large periods of time. I don't know why he's with her, she's a selfish idiot. Personally, I think all the stuff about her ex is a lie, but I don't know him.
I think Abi was dropped on her head. She's just so stupid , but plays it up as well. She fakes her voice, and only talks to people who will look good on her Snapchat. She hasn't worked for almost a year because she was fired for posting sensitive information about her job on Facebook, which she was sent to jail for a night over. She doesn't drink, but it's because it actually hurts her stomach. She's incredibly superficial with her friends. I think her and Kelsy are genuine friends, but she treats everyone else like they're irrelevant, she ignores them completely if they don't fit her aesthetic. She also brags openly about YouTube. When I met her once, this is my favourite, she kept spurting random Japanese ish words and phrases, saying she speaks such good Japanese and offering to teach me. I know Japanese. She was talking pure gibberish,there was no grammar, just random anime phrases stitched together.
I also knew Ririchan briefly. Her boyfriend is nice but she is such a joke I just can't be near her. Everything I read about her on these boards is absolutely true. And the prediction about her was true aswell, she did quit her job to be a Twitch gamer grill.
No. 407090
>>407088Cheers for the milk.
Do you know what kind of job Abi had that has sensitive enough info to put her in jail for a night?
No. 407137
>>407088i think the stuff about her ex is somewhat true. I mean he really wasn't posted anywhere and no one knew they were together.
Riiri is a fucking mess. A grand mess of a human who is selfish and also a fake cunt like Abi who also fakes her voice (accent) and is only friends with people who benefit her. She worships Nigri but openly talks shit about her. I wish i took caps when Nigri unfollowed her on twitter she was badmouthing her in about 10 tweets about how much she ignores riiris friend advances. I could go on about her all day.
No. 407699
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Looks like Abi is finally realising she is getting too old for this shit.
No. 407820
>>407768she flirted with me too loooong before there was any milk, like 08 or so.
Some Japanese guy who was probably one of her sugar daddies saw her talking to me and got angry and private messaged me on youtube and tried to intimidate me. I'd post the message but the message system has been overhauled and deleted a couple of times since then
No. 407925
Any proof of the robbery, FB info, and prison incident?
As far as we know, she worked at Thorntons and her store was closed. So that will be how she lost her retail job No. 409094
>>408913how come her singing voice is so much different than her heavily accented talking voice?
whenever she sings she sounds american almost?
No. 409109
>>409094anon, are you okay?
It's very common.
No. 409936
>>409888>Acting is something I’ve actually wanted to do since I can remember. […] I would imagine I was on a film and I was that person. My mum would literally have to explain at school who I was and the teachers would have to play along haha!Ie: spoilt. She kinda reminds me of ol' Lilou Vos at times.
>I have to have thick skin and honestly, I think I have a pretty thick oneHow many times she thrown passive-aggressive tantrums on Facebook after receiving criticism? Don't make me laugh. Successful people don’t pull that shit.
No. 409982
>>408913I clicked this expecting to be surprised that she would have a great singing voice and thats all it would be.
Not only was it not but this video is super cringy with the amateur dramatics.
No. 410805
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is anyone going to buy Connie's book?
honestly I'm kind of curious to see if she's a good writer or not.
Her book sounds like Harry Potter with just girls and princesses
No. 411915
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so I just finished watching a long vlog by Beckii from when she was at MCM London 2016 with G4laxy.
-she was really unhappy for most of it
-the only person she didn't talk to or hang out with outside of the meet and greets was Connie
-at the end of the video she says she almost wishes she hadn't gone at all and that she didn't feel like she really fit in
I'm probably thinking too much into it but I'm sure it's hard for Beckii who was once popular in Japan to see how far she's fallen and to see that really the only one people are interested in seeing is Connie.
Connie's getting really popular and soon she's not going to hang around the other girls any more and they're going to be screwed.
No. 412123
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>>411915Beckii’s group of friends seem to leave her out a lot? Or perhaps she’s the only one with a real job and responsibilities
No. 412362
>>412123when Connie sent her book out to everyone she wrote inside "to ___ love you! enjoy!"
but Beckii's one just said "To Beckii enjoy"
I guess Beckii's too busy to hang out? but somehow all these other people are free at the same time?
No. 412629
File: 1509486910475.jpg (180.55 KB, 1200x900, DNUDjnAWsAM49hc.jpg)

Do you think that Kelsey only said she was a lesbian (Or whatever) to discourage her fans?
No. 413815
File: 1509665842103.png (64.66 KB, 704x580, yikes.png)

wow most of the written reviews for Connie's book on goodreads are bad.
Maybe Penguin should have seen how well the first book was received before giving her two more book deals to continue the story
No. 414191
File: 1509717854638.jpeg (101.85 KB, 749x593, F7AE332B-6278-4EE5-A800-685079…)

Forgot screen capture from Becky’s blog
No. 414216
File: 1509720735064.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 9703A826-FD2B-411D-B900-3060C4…)

He looks so uncomfortable. I wonder if he will break up with her soon? It’s going to be messy.
Laughing text was added by Abi on Snapchat, but it doesn’t look cute it looks sad. Irony to be at a part for rosewood and show the rose tinted glasses are wearing off for her boyfriend.
No. 414345
File: 1509732261861.jpeg (227.31 KB, 750x1334, C75C4C98-DBF4-4C41-ACA0-BA360A…)

This girl called @cotton_bun has been adopted by the weeb crew. Her channel looks ok, props to not being another boring lifestyle blogger, but she’s still just another slim girl with pastel hair and ok looks.
No. 414379
>>414333Girl got
triggered by chocolate being used to describe a skin colour I assume.
No. 414846
File: 1509778573013.jpg (47.2 KB, 587x626, book signing.jpg)

>>412629>>413421>>413861Back again in the same shirt.
No. 414847
File: 1509778615619.jpg (14.62 KB, 513x210, our guy.jpg)

>>414846Liked by our favorite lurker.
No. 414848
File: 1509778653995.jpg (17.49 KB, 554x276, back again.jpg)

>>414847Thank god he told her, Abi was probably worried.
No. 415130
I want to rethink my University choices now.
No. 417365
File: 1510081194042.jpeg (94.86 KB, 750x609, A5CEA728-F108-40FC-B943-A60459…)

Abi is in titty streamer denial. She’s also stupid if she thinks that she has it tough on Twitch when she was handed partnership instead of earning it like other streamers.
No. 417462
>>417397She doesn’t stream often enough to receive a place on the affiliate programme. It’s unfair to those who are affiliates and work their asses off to become partners.
Abi is streaming right now and has a £300 donation goal for “food, cosplay and pantsu squad pins” which is pretty disgusting. She already receives money on Patreon towards her store bought cosplays.
This goal has been reset too, in her last dream it was for “food, bills, cosplay and over-locking machine” where she received £115 by the end of the stream. She set it back to zero for today.
In my opinion donation goals on a stream should be for streaming related funds (capture cards, PC parts) and not for hobbies outside of streaming or your bills.
Also her highest goal on Patreon is to pay fees so she can open a PO Box to receive free goods. What?
No. 417556
File: 1510088766189.jpg (158.33 KB, 800x1200, DN5DMMzXkAAovie.jpg)

Abi is selling this Scream Queens cosplay print for $13.50 on her store.
I think Kelsey looks quite good but not worth that money
No. 417769
File: 1510095588418.jpg (93.62 KB, 750x930, DNziI-eXUAEaqWc.jpg)

Winoa from Edward Scissorhands
I know Kelsey only has one eye but surely she can see how bad this looks
No. 417773
>>417769Winona's hair had way more volume, way less waves lrn2nineties
Also always bad eyebrows on this girl
No. 417876
File: 1510100342700.jpeg (440.93 KB, 2048x1365, 7604C074-2EE1-47A9-A705-709450…)

Riiri trying her most to be like her Nigri-senpai on Patreon
No. 418152
>>417769Oh my god. I knew she wasn't very good at cosplay makeup but she looks absolutely horrendous!
>>417876Riiri's still alive? kek
No. 418462
File: 1510140024577.jpeg (75.46 KB, 749x588, 6386B0E0-269D-4A20-B744-B44914…)

Yep. Video from last year.
You sure about loving your skin Connie?
No. 418464
File: 1510140176725.jpeg (243.72 KB, 750x1082, 6E67D49F-5608-481D-A90D-0B9492…)

She tries to preach self love to her fans and so many young girls believed her
No. 419132
>>418462>>418461In this video she talks about how she feels bad about her skin, is frustrated, and how she wears makeup constantly, but that it’s okay to have bad skin and that misconceptions about skin are damaging. Nothing in this video says she wouldn’t want to change it, in fact she says she doesn’t like it, but that she was having to deal with her skin changing and was “learning to love it”
There’s nothing wrong with her trying to fix it and you guys are seriously reaching for a reason to get mad
No. 419501
>>419496Personally i don't think it's bad for a child's book. A lot of horror kids books go into detail like that of some sort. I know Connie's isn't horror but i dont see anything wrong with it. It's not like a kid is going to read that and turn Vegan, but it might but it into perspective for them which i dont think is that bad tbh.
Bit of a nitpick but i get it
No. 420361
>>419908I just don’t know about her dancing…
It’s not bad, but also not really good…
No. 420364
>>419908I wish she would stop with all that make up, singing and dancing crap.
The only thing cool about her channel are her vlogs :/
No. 420405
File: 1510334625743.png (993.25 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Abi got fillers. Honestly good on her, such an improvement
No. 421551
>>414216Honestly i feel really sorry for both of them. For abi he's an accessory and fills the "boyfriend slot", and for him - well he has to deal with her constant narcissism and probably psycho/annoying traits.
Just watching all their japan vlogs made me so uncomfortable, if my boyfriend ever looked at me the way he would sometimes look at her I'd feel like absolute shit, and that we should break up. Seems like they both treat eachother like garbage to me.
No. 421760
>>421551I felt sorry for him and their other friend during the japan trip. It was very obviously the “Abi and Kelsey in japan!” Show and they weren’t welcome.
There was an in-joke during the videos when their friend would go missing nearly every day because she had wandered off to do her own thing and I wonder how much of that was from feeling left out? (It says a lot that they never noticed she was missing until it was time to leave the area they were in)
No. 422173
>>421832this is quite sad. 12 minutes of her begging for money essentially.
I thought she had a job at a toy shop?
No. 422695
File: 1510568789664.jpg (44.21 KB, 612x486, Mic problem solved.jpg)

>>421832She's asking for money to buy a new mic, looks like that problem is over.
>>421761What a lazy bitch, Abi still sends out physical rewards. Why can't Kelsey? Poor planning probably.
No. 422806
>>422226Personally I think its a great idea, those who can't make a larger donation can still contribute. And Kelsey doesn't have to do anything as a reward.
If 20 people decide to donate the smallest amount possible (because not many people will miss £1 a month) Kelsey gets £20 for nothing.
It's a great way to include your not-so-money-fortunate audience, while possibly getting a decent amount for nothing.
No. 423687
File: 1510670452345.png (1.86 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-11-14-09-57-14…)

What the heck is this Abi
(From her insta story)
No. 424463
>>423975Would anybody even be willing to pay $100 for a shitty pin that nobody can happily wear in public?
I don't even think the weebish of weebs will happily wear a badge with just a picture on underwear on it.
No. 424592
>>424463Legend says there is but one man brave enough to wear abipop merch in public… Jared.
Can't wait to see him wear it when they meet up… Maybe at HyperJapan next week.
No. 424704
File: 1510774858747.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171115-193832.png)

How does riiri not realise how fucking sad and cringe this is
No. 425076
File: 1510797328310.gif (Spoiler Image,538.82 KB, 384x216, nasty.gif)

>>424957She loves pedo animu so she is
No. 425140
File: 1510801220326.jpg (26.18 KB, 540x394, The 100 Dollar Baby Boy.jpg)

>>423687>>424592>>424596He is one step ahead of us all.
No. 425170
>>425076that… would be disturbing if true. She seems immature and juvenile and trapped in some kinda fantasy, I can't help but wonder if she has a similar mentality to those women teaching in high school who had affairs with their teenage male students, it has been shown that they were mentally warped and trapped in an adolescent daydream fantasy that they never outgrew past their late teen years.
No. 425836
File: 1510865604140.png (869.27 KB, 1024x576, image (1).png)

Abi is streaming sorting out her pin collection. Riveting stuff. Good to see she has some nice fans tho.
No. 425902
>>425140The fact that she calls them 'patreon's' and not 'patrons' fucking
triggers me.
>dat filename kek No. 426172
>>425170>if trueshe literally says that kodomo no jikan is her fav anime on her youtube channel, on the video "my top ten fav anime" its number one
she is so devoted to it she bought the actual japanese book despite not knowing japanese
No. 426307
>>425836She’s still collecting donations to fund her pant pins even though it takes $100 to earn one??
Shady as fuck
No. 426314
>>426307And has she mentioned which cosplay she’s working on? Because if she’s collecting donations under the impression of hand making something but she’s actually just buying some cheap crap from China then that’s fucked up.
I noticed she resets the donation goal back to zero every time she streams which is also really gross. She likely got her “monthly” goal but pretends that she hasn’t in an attempt to fleece more.
Can she be reported for this?
No. 426569
>>426202I used to follow her a bunch and it was a year or so ago. Riiri was always posting about how ~depressed~ she was, bitching all the time and just all around negativity, along with begging for cash and wishlist items. Same stuff she posts normally. Although i really wish i did screenshot the now deleted tweets of her subtweeting Nigri. She said something along the lines of happy that she doesn't have to try to be friends with someone who reads and doesn't reply to messages etc. Took her about a week to start kissing nigris ass again. Funny enough they still tweet each other sometimes but nigri never followed her back.
I don't follow Riiri anymore, i got sick of her like nigri did. Too much whining and negativity. Shame, i used to like her and was somewhat acquaintances with her once, then i learned she was a self centred asshole.
No. 426576
File: 1510947812853.png (59.59 KB, 568x560, classy.png)

>>426569sorry for double posting, just checked riiris twitter in awhile.
First thing i saw was begging for more wishlist stuff for christmas.
Never change Kerri, so classy.
No. 426716
>>425836Asking for donations towards this month's:
- Food: lives at home rent-free, presume she only has to pay for food when eating out
- Cosplay: is not working on any cosplay, goes to conventions wearing the same crop top all the time
- Pins: has seemingly already brought and is charging $100+ for them
No. 427284
File: 1511034220051.gif (1.74 MB, 500x282, nzqjwtX0qJ1ql5yr7o1_500.gif)

>>427277At first I was thinking it wasn't as bad as her other songs, but then 1:15-1:30 happened. Yikes.
Also I think it sounds better initially because the vocals levels are so low compared to the music.
No. 427328
File: 1511037966413.jpg (10.11 KB, 342x247, Clipboard01qwwq.jpg)

>>427277wait, she is on lolcow? kek
recently watched her "whats wrong with my eye" video. personally i think it would looks thousand times better if the eye would just be sewed shut instead of… this. she reminds me of parismelodyraven with her weird motions.
she looks like she's dead with this eye.
No. 427347
>>427277That actually wasn't…terrible
she's majorly autotuned but compared to her other stuff this is an improvement
>how long until nintendo take this down due to copyright No. 427361
>>427328the glass eye is honestly creepy but i can understand not wanting to see your eye shut. at least from a distance she looks normal.
she’s never going to be a fucking idol though, but weebs gonna weeb.
No. 427362
>>427280Super nitpick but "$1 = £0.50"?? Not for about 10 years girl. Patreon also charges VAT in the EU, so that's already approx £0.91,
plus if you pay by card a lot of banks add conversion fees on top.
Yeah yeah still not a huge amount of money but know what you're talking about.
At least she is actually updating her Patreon and not pulling a Kiki.
No. 428453
>>427636I’m starting to realise that she’s a little deluded about her vocal talents.
Did her audition on X Factor ever air? I’m curious if the complaints about her singing in Korean were true or if they genuinely judged her voice and she got upset?
No. 430729
>>430688Then watch people who have an interest in that stuff?
Yeah sure all the weebs do the same thing and go to the same places but that’s because they’re interested in the stuff there
No. 431420
>>43140643 minutes?? No girl.
People were complaining about Jenna freaking Marbles putting out a 41 min video, nobody gonna watch this all the way through.
No. 431431
>>431406"I think my nose used to be too big for my face but maybe now it's not"
No. 431442
>>431406just for the people who don't want to watch a 41 minutes video
>says the outfit she was wearing in her Danjo video was meant to be a Hatsune Miku closet cosplay
>wanted to be a dancer but was basically forced into being a singer as well by japanese still very scared of singing
>cries over her dead cat
>mentions her documentaries briefly I actually really like Beckii. She seems like the only genuine member of G4laxy but she's not that interesting which is why she probably keeps talking about when she was an idol.
I'd like to see her doing dance videos now and she how much she's improved
No. 431504
>>427277This is pitchy at a lot of the high notes, and I hate the layering she does with her voice in the chorus, but other than that, it's not too bad. I think Kelsey tries too many times to pull off high notes that she obviously can't, but the low notes in this cover sound okay.
No. 431801
>>431442I like her too. I'd imagine the other UK weebs clinging on to their 15 minutes of fame (if they'd had that kek), but she doesn't mention it constantly and seems to accept that it's over. She is kinda boring though, her views are relatively low even on clickbait videos/when she panders to weebs. I wouldn't be surprised if she gave up on YouTube.
She said in the video she didn't really dance anymore so I don't think she's improved. Good on her for not being stuck doing the same things she was doing she 12
No. 431903
File: 1511648033609.png (289.27 KB, 378x289, woof.png)

i see why she hides her chin all the time
No. 433598
File: 1511876111845.jpeg (311.29 KB, 747x1105, 8E17F406-F7D7-4582-B823-2449EC…)

Because you’re irrelevant and your content sucks bye
No. 433606
File: 1511878672426.png (231.59 KB, 750x1285, IMG_1933.PNG)

>>433598>>433603Check the comments, it's obviously a joke. Maybe a bit of an obscure in joke but it wouldn't have killed you to scroll down and read a few words
Kek at beckiejbrown taking it seriously though. She's a much bigger cow than Beckii. I know she has a thread here but I'm not sure why it never really took off
No. 433609
File: 1511879464584.jpg (59.98 KB, 455x810, itsajoke.jpg)

>>433598i see ur a cool guy
No. 437173
>>437157Where does she get her money from? She's hardly living a life of luxury but she seems to be able to buy a lot of clothes/crap and afford to go to cons regularly as well as pay her share of the rent (not cheap in London) and fund her projects. She works part time in Harrods (probably earning around minimum wage), makes pennies from YouTube and her family doesn't seem wealthy enough to bail her out. I'm guessing she gets something like Disability Living Allowance for her eye but that wouldn't be much
I'm really curious
No. 440551
File: 1512774069443.jpg (21.73 KB, 502x352, sim-sala-creep.jpg)

What do you think that chances are that he made a Sim of himself and made Kelsey marry him?
No. 441051
>>440551I‘m gonna text that guy Hehehehe
Lets see if I can get any juicy screens
No. 441677
File: 1512935843020.png (1016.2 KB, 1440x1705, 20171210_194725.png)

If Connie looks this bad and washed out whilst she is just transitioning to bleach blonde she's going to look try my awful once It's finished. I cannot believe how washed out she looks.
Also she just prefaced her new q&a video with something like "wow you guys ask such interesting questions!!" and then goes on to answer the most boring self-masturbatory questions ever. "How is your leg?" being one of them. I thought we were over the tragic broken leg pity party since it has literally been a whole year….
No. 441789
>>440552I wonder how it's working out for them now with the new patron rules.
I wonder if they've lost many supporters
No. 441821
>>441677I was looking at older pictures of Connie when she had her natural blonde hair and her face looks a lot more fuller now. She does look a bit washed out but at least she doesn't look as anorexic as she did back then. She looks a bit more healthy now.
I agree about the q and a questions. I knew before the video even started she was just going to focus on the questions about her book and ofc about her leg. You can tell nothing tragic has ever happened to her the way she constantly brings up the leg thing.
No. 442648
>>441677I think people with pale skin and redness do not suit light hair colours, going platinum blonde will not look pretty!
Also, why was Abi invited to the Star Wars premier when she has never seen any of the movies before? (Kelsey made her watch the most recent the night before the premier)
Such a wasted invitation.
No. 443340
>>443040Why? She's a semi-successful UK youtuber with close to a million subscribers and has achieved a decent amount for being a relatively small channel (the book series, voice acting in the UK cinema Trolls). She only got half a second of screen time so I'm pretty sure they just invited her to pad out the crowd without it looking too much like they were doing that. This is the first year I've watched YouTube Rewind but there were loads of other nobodies in it.
I wish she'd drop the whole sickly sweet persona, though. I think she's a nice enough person but I was expecting her to speak out about YouTube Rewind after Emma Blackery did. I guess she's scared of not being invited back, so she'll put up with poor treatment for literally half a second of screen time? Pathetic really
No. 444247
>>444063If she'd just shut up it wouldn't be the worst tutorial. Its not good, but it just becomes annoying af with the constant irrelevant/cringey interruptions
"ooo fore-ed'"
No. 444422
File: 1513327812702.png (232.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171215-084945.png)

>>444418From Kelsey's twitter
No. 444512
File: 1513349541251.jpeg (84.23 KB, 737x351, 7B1F657E-099A-41B5-808F-528C12…)

I don’t know if she checked with people on Patreon or in private but less than 5 people on Twitter mentioned not seeing the video in their sub page or not receiving a notification. That’s not a “large amount” Kelsey.
I saw some good points though regarding that there will be an over saturation of Star Wars videos right now so there’s a lot to compete with as well as people avoiding all Star Wars related videos for risk of spoilers. But let’s face it, her transformations are never anything special. I think the word “transformation” implies something higher quality than what she’s delivering, Cosplay or Costest would suit what she’s doing much better.
Sorry for the essay.
No. 444672
>>444422I kind of feel sorry for her.
she blames everything else but not the fact that maybe people just aren't interested in her videos anymore. Connie is the only one in G4laxy that gets decent views anymore. Her tutorials are always really bad too.
No. 445283
Kelsey has re-uploaded her Rey video.
(I'm sorry I don't know how to embed a video here.) No. 445288
File: 1513441957414.png (658.44 KB, 764x539, sodjww.png)

>>444922oh god don't remind me of that Melanie Martinez tutorial
>messy lipstick>coloured in gap in her teeth>coloured in her nose to make nostrils seems bigger No. 447799
File: 1513708013281.png (821.88 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-19-18-15-13…)

No. 450715
File: 1514018573873.jpeg (113.99 KB, 750x883, E4348D57-66A9-4539-BA58-A69A12…)

You can kinda see why she’s been getting disheartened tbh, 100k subs and not even 600 views? Although tbh I haven’t watched this video coz it came up in my notifications and I was like meh not interested, same with most of her new content tbh…
No. 450779
>>450715I think that's what the main problem is. Most of her subscribers are weebs from her Kimonotime days. They more than likely subbed for the dance covers… Probably stuck around for the clogs when she went to Japan.
Now though, nobody is interested in her videos as the content isn't nearly weeb enough to catch the eye of those that have been subscribed to her for so long.
No. 450780
On phone. Saged for samefag
No. 450784
>>450715Same here, I saw the video in my sub page but it just looked bland so I wasn’t interested.
The title seems too long and boring also, something shorter like “Christmas in Narnia!” would have been perfectly fine but having it read as “it feels like Christmas and I did this and this happened” is just not catchy enough for a title.
Isn’t this YouTube 101? Short and catchy titles?
No. 450838
>>450784Exactly. Titles should catch the intrigue of the audience. Not tell them everything that happened.
If they read a video title that explains the entire video, they aren't gonna watch. No point. They already know what happens.
No. 450857
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No. 450965
File: 1514053173547.jpg (154.78 KB, 682x930, wahhh.jpg)

kelsey whining about her subs feat. jared lmfao
No. 451856
File: 1514159283353.jpg (13.55 KB, 280x396, $$$.jpg)

>>450715Kelsey got "paid" $120 for making this video.
>>450857Abi looks like a tranny.
No. 451859
File: 1514159683473.jpg (19.83 KB, 458x494, list of losers.jpg)

>>451856Why do they give her money? Are they that desperate for attention?
No. 452043
>>451856why is she complaining about not making much money off youtube videos so?
she has a job and makes 120 per video?
she has it better than a lot of other people. she's very ungrateful
No. 456253
>>455687Is this a reportable offense?
If she is claiming it makes her stream goals for “paying bills” even more shitty, but she’s so money hungry I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
No. 456344
>>455687She might not even be claiming benefits. For all we know she might actually be using money from her streams to live on until she gets another job.
It's all just speculation, and a but pointless discussing how shitty she is scamming people while in benefits, if we don't even know she is on benefits.
I know I sound like I'm white knighting, but I just think this topic is pure reaching and guess work in an attempt to be angry at her for something else. Wait for some true milk.
No. 457544
>>456344I wonder what "bills" she even has to pay for living at home where her parents no doubt pay for everything including her food ect
its more likely that shes wasting it on disney/weeb shit and saving the rest for another japan trip
No. 458832
File: 1514820884911.webm (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1504477269587.webm)

Lillybetrose slip
No. 460693
File: 1515002953096.png (288.07 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-180816.png)

>>460659Not that anon but here you go
No. 461666
>>461605I'm going to buy Connie's book just out of curiosity.
the reviews are so godawful for it that I feel I have to experience it for myself.
I wonder how much she got paid to write them.
Penguin must be kicking themselves now
No. 461678
>>461534Here's the video for reference.
I agree, as much as she forces the cheerful ~quirky but relatable persona she's just plain dull. No wonder no-one is interested in 'updates' on her life.
No. 463334
>>461666Where did you see the reviews? I'm curious.
Also, is it in libraries? I wouldn't suggest buying it.
No. 463389
>>463334look at goodreads and Amazon.
also the the two main characters are lesbians or something and the scenes with them are apparently over the top. licking cream off each other etc
this book is for 10 year olds up I think I read and a lot of people thought the scenes were WAY too adult for them
No. 463484
>>437157Sorry I'm new to this girl in particular, only really know about beckii and and abi.
Is this girl disabled ? Her outfit looks special needs and her lazy eye gives her an unfortunate look. She doesn't even look like she's into anime ?
No. 463640
>>463565I am so sick of hearing about her fucking leg!
you can tell how boring of a person she truly is because this is all she can ever talk about.
Could you imagine knowing her in person and having to listen to her complain about it constantly.
she had a fucking amazing 2017!
She traveled to LA and Japan for free!
Voiced a character in the Trolls movie!
Got a book deal!
Traveled with her book tour!
Went to Disneyland a million times!
she's so ungrateful! I used to really like Connie but she's such a brat these days
No. 463660
>>463565Bitch has a choice between vidcon at Amsterdam or getting her leg fixed to stop the pain and she chose vidcon!
she has no right to complain
No. 464129
File: 1515331448475.jpeg (194.2 KB, 750x632, 0EE2716A-6249-456A-9B77-B12DD8…)

From Instagram.
I think this is a terrible idea. The channel has way less followers than her main and will likely under perform, therefore leading her to complain about views and other numbers.
If the main channel is going to stay “randum” then there’s room for all projects surely.
No. 464247
File: 1515347691505.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, 54189351-081E-4DC5-A9D9-86B6F2…)

In the half price bin…
No. 464381
File: 1515358116139.png (170.44 KB, 610x974, IMG_9565.PNG)

>>464247 of the reviews are negative but this one is wild. I wonder why she chose to write something so generic, I get that she loves disney and princesses and all that, but this book seems totally impersonal.
No. 464946
>>463565This has to be the most entitled thing I've seen in ages. Yes, a leg injury is awful but I'm sorry it's kinda offset by the amount of - incredibly brilliant, and lucky to have - experiences that she's had (and chose to have vs. another leg operation with regards to Vidcon)
Makes my blood boil.
No. 465918
>>463565I'm usually irrationally foaming at the mouth over anything Connie says, but I think you guys are being pretty harsh. She ended up with permanent nerve damage, that's actually a pretty huge deal. She's going to have intense pain randomly pop up in her leg the rest of her life. I agree her life is pretty good over all, but I'd say getting permanent nerve damage after being run over by a car is a valid reason to feel like you had a bad year. Plus, she did acknowledge all the things that were good in it.
My main issue with that video was how she talks about how her book was her saving grace, yet it still managed to be so vacant.
No. 467368
File: 1515673528058.png (589.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180111-122245.png)

So apparently Kelsey doesn't have a job, and is committed to working full time on her YouTube.
I would normally be hopeful for better quality videos, but my hope has left the building.
If someone was able to work full time on videos, surely they would at least be of a decent content?
No. 467762
>>467368She does have part time jobs though, she talks about them all the time???
The delusion is strong in this one.
No. 468251
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Kelsey claims she does not care about the views her videos may receive. I don’t believe this will last long, these are her “big project” videos and it won’t be long until she’s upset by the lack of views because she worked hard on them.
Maybe she’s using her smaller channel to justify the smaller view count “oh it got less views because the channel is small” instead of the videos being boring.
No. 468872
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Connie lost a lot of followers yesterday, I wonder what happened?
No. 468875
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Abi’s Patreon is used to fund her Twitch streams. Which is shady as hell considering she openly asks for donations on her stream and is also a partner which allows people a paid subscription to her channel.
No. 468898
>>468425am I the only one that hates cyber dog?
the thumping loud music and constant flashing lights
not to mention most of the clothes are hideous.
Kelsey works there part time and as an extra even if she doesn't want to admit it.
she wants people to believe she's doing so well with her youtube channel but she makes like £60 a month from it
No. 473236
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She hasn’t posted a video on this channel since 2016, was she really that surprised?
No. 473301
>>473236on no, my 2nd channel which is never used isn't making anymore free money from old views???
I'm suprised her main channel isn't getting the same treatment, she puts zero effort into her videos.
"Disney Vlog 43!!!!" with the same hyuk hyuk fake laugh. If this is something she's serious about she should be putting effort into it and not expect youtube to give her free money from shit videos. Even though Kelsey is the same, she puts more effort into her content at least.
No. 473339
File: 1516191158313.jpeg (145.93 KB, 750x711, 536751A8-B9EA-4B97-A204-65B58A…)

Kelsey’s 2nd channel is being affected too and she’s upset, even though 5 days ago she was saying how she “doesn’t care about the views because it’s a learning experience.” She’s now annoyed because this will give her less views.
No. 473343
>>473339they're acting like brats. Even people on my TL who have not uploaded in 2 years are telling people to hurry and subscribe because muh free money!!1!!
If you can't put the time and effort into videos dont expect free money to be given to you. If you don't have 1k subs, damn straight you shouldn't be making money, if you don't have the watch time your content is boring and you need to put more effort into it, its that simple. If you consider Youtube a job you should have over these numbers anyway. Any self respecting, half decent Youtuber would have way more than what abi and Kelsey have combined in over 10+ years of their "dream Job".
Simply embarrassing and I hope their channels get killed off if they refuse to keep with the times.
No. 474980
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Why stream something creative and have the focus be your face cam instead of the actual project?
No. 475403
Beckii has done her video ranting about the whole algorithm thing. Though this isn't limited to YouTube.
(sorry can't embed videos) No. 475482
>>475347I agree, she doesn't need a facecam so big.
Either way why are you watching her? kek Riiri is as dull as a door knob, i hate her and i can't even bring myself to hatewatch her. I am glad to see her streams are still dead though.
No. 475741
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what do you think of Kelsey's casting call for her Harry Potter fanfiction?
is she going to pay these people I wonder
No. 476218
>>476173basically the same besides inverted colors
anyone contacted the artist?
No. 476390
>>476224I feel sad for Kelsey.
She put so much effort into her Harry Potter thing and it's absolutely going to flop.
People subscribed to her for her dancing videos
not for a cheap Harry Potter fanfiction.
I think she really needs to stop now and just do her dancing videos.
also the charity stream for suicide awareness is going to be a bust because she has no idea whats shes doing or how she's even going to raise the money.
No. 477305
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I think Kelsey's fake eye is one of the biggest things preventing her from her gaining popularity. It's not her fault but tbh it's creepy and makes her look derpy when she otherwise would look fairly pretty. In the thumbnail of
>>476224 she looks like she has downs. Since she appeals to weebs she should be using a chuuni eyepatch with a heart or star on it for her videos. It would be great for branding too, selling merch with heart eyepatch logos or something.
No. 477976
>>476390I really hope she's doing it just because she wants to – not for views or money. Just because she wants to create some middle school-tier Harry Potter fanfiction into a video for the fun of it.
But we all know that she wants to be recognized for her ~acting skills~
No. 481669
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>>481386I'm not surprised, her main audience is middle aged men with disposable income.
No. 481678
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>>481671Speaking of insecure, if I was her i'd consider getting breast implants before lip fillers. LOL.
No. 482122
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>>403082god, can she stop trying so hard
No. 482134
>>481671Why didn't she just wear longer shorts? She's jumping and spinning, of course your underwear will show lol. Putting the camera at a low angle doesn't help.
>>481678Big boobs aren't kawaii anon.
No. 482783
>>482688I don't doubt she'll donate it, give her a few days
In other news, has Beckii given up making her nose look less like the monstrosity that it is?
No. 483770
>>481386This is funny when she criticized Jacksepticeye after he raised $200,000 cause she didnt like the suicide charity it went to. She couldnt even get to 1% of that.
She moans all the time about views and money bet she makes an excuse so everyone forgets and she keeps the cash. Ive unfollowed her on everything had enough of her fake positivity when she is negative and moaning all the time.
No. 486773
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Donations have happened.
No. 487134
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OMG HILLARIOUS - Connie is showing off to her fans on one of her friend's streams about how she can get free stuff, and keeps talking about her deadlines and herself. Not usually one to drag people on here but something about her rubs me the wrong way, and part of that is as an adult she will scramble for validation from whoever she can get it, ie. child/teen fans. It's embarassing. Kinda goes with the pink Disney aesthetic of being a snobbish, brattish child stuck in an adults body that was hand-fed everything growing up and MUST have her way and be the star. Can't stop laughing at this omg, no wonder her friends seem to either a) only hang out with her for YT fame or b) not actually seem to enjoy being with her
No. 487139
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>>487134This is literally her
No. 487985
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Connie looks so different these days.
I guess it's hard to keep the weight off when do nothing but sit around writing all day
No. 491834
>>488011Proananess of this post aside, is Connie actually a "kink nymphomaniac"? If so, evidence?
Because I've always gotten that vibe from her and I'd love to be confirmed right.
No. 492235
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>>491845She's not even close to 32I.
No. 494987
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hey I got it right!
she is in the new Han Solo movie.
I wonder if she had to change her accent to say the lines seeing as it's so thick
No. 495480
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>>494987>work in full more!Dumb bitch.
No. 497133
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Beckii, Abi, and Kelsey are going to LA thanks to one of Abi's twitch followers, I wonder if it was Jared.
No. 497434
>>497133What's creepier than a random Twitch sub paying for a 20 something year old girl's holiday? A random Twitch sub paying for THREE 20 something year old girl's holidays.
Totally not weird at all.
No. 497441
>>497434It'd be fine as long as random sub doesn't think he's owed something back.
Considering men think they deserve services for buying you a drink, it's uh…
No. 497442
>>497133What the actual fuck?
Lol at Connie for not being invited.
>>497434I highly doubt a middle aged man on neet bucks could afford that.
No. 498346
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The face of someone being so attractive they were never told they were untalented.
No. 498853
>>497614are we sure someone bought them the tickets?
because on instagram Beckii said the trip was a present to herself and not one of the girls mention anyone paying for the trip
No. 500716
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>>500701Ugh god, I'd totally forgotten about her. I guess she achieved her weeb dream even if it (most likely) involves sleeping with old men.
Those teeth tho No. 500738
>>500716she's not doing AV though, which might be for visa reasons. Has a lot of followers and more DVDs out than any of the rest of these girls could ever get in a million years.
It's not the most wholesome way to do it, but people in Japan actually know who she is and she's gone a lot further than the 1 or 2 dvds at the most other westerners have tried to break into gravure with and is making enough money and is popular enough to not be making AV yet, which may still happen.
No. 500759
>>500738yeah it's actually impressive. It's still sad though. is with weebs and doing gravure.
No. 500796
sorry she's polysexual not pansexual. although I thought I remembered her saying she was pansexual before?
No. 501728
>>500931>>500966Her gravure dvds are in the adult section of most websites and by all means are softcore porn, as hers are pretty racy for gravure.
When someone says they're not doing AV and what I meant, was it was not categorised as such, since she isn't having sex with anyone, which is what AV is in Japan.
No. 502033
>>502005if you dig up the old threads there's lots more info than just this though.
I'm not even sure she has permanent residence though from her UK visits over the past few years
No. 502957
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Not sure if there’s be a break up or if she just isn’t able to see Jake tonight. I’m also not sure the people she works with at Disney will be happy to see her promoting a pirated viewing of their new film with her followers.
No. 502962
>>502957I saw that too. Might just be bad wording?
Coco is already out on digital.
No. 503100
>>502962in the UK it's only just come out in cinemas though, unless she's using a VPN?
…or it's pirated
No. 504988
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Kelsey's getting free lip fillers.
this can't end well
No. 505087
>>504988Is she insane? Has she really not heard of the terrible reputations of doctors who do free work in exchange for promotion.
There’s been some terribly botched stuff. Not to mention, top plastic surgeons actually recommend against accepting free work due to the risks of these poorly reputable “doctors” desperate enough for anyone to accept their services.
Granted it’s only lip fillers which I understand is an extremely simple procedure… but still with her low sub/follower count, it’s especially sketchy.
No. 506005
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>>505136>>505990Hi Kelsey!!
anyways, Kelsey is starting to get REALLY irritating with these Harry Potter videos! She's constantly whining that the budget is going to be 7000-8000 pounds! Nobody is making her make these stupid videos! Her set looks terrible too.
I really have no idea why she's putting so much effort into videos that will only get 1000 views if she's lucky.
No. 506014
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>>506005It sounds really dull.
Also this kid's dad must work in tech or film and be filthy rich because the first consumer camcorder wasn't released until 1983…
No. 506025
>>506005woah wait what..
7000-8000 pounds is 10k USD/15k CAD, that's shocking considering she won't make any of it back..
Where on earth is she coming up with that kind of money? Why doesn't she pay herself a few years at uni (in film/video, theater, music/dance) to improve her artistic abilities and professional networking, if she has access to that amount of savings.
No. 506063
>>506005Not really. I'm not arguing your view on her body but you asked a dumb question that's hardly relevant.
Is anyone even at all interested in this fanfic sounding tripe
No. 506118
>>506014haha oh no!
she can't even get something that simple right!
this entire thing is going to be a trainwreck and when it doesn't go well for her she's going to blame youtube and everyone else
No. 506386
>>506133also from the description it's going to be her in a cheap hogwarts outfit, doing vlogs with some related shit in the background.
No. 506425
>>506133Which will be interesting… According to canon, electrical equipment doesn't work at Hogwarts.
This character is muggle born, which means her parents would not know how to "magic" the camera to work (like Colin Creevy's)… and as
>>506014 said, the time line is already off.
No. 507251
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isn't Kelsey and Abi like 23 or 24?
aren't they a bit old for all of this.
the lighting on her set is awful and glaring.
everything is from Primark, I wonder how much it cost her.
No. 509473
>>500716>>500701Wait wait wait
Is this that girl who was in the BBC documentary about Beckii? Oh my god, she seemed so innocent in that. This is honestly heartbreaking.
No. 510162
File: 1519181126286.jpeg (Spoiler Image,474.09 KB, 1125x696, 650C2D64-568A-4A15-AF1E-AC0DE2…)

NSFW image but Gemma Cruel literally has self harm scars up the backs of her thighs. Do you think guys get off to that or something?
No. 510651
>>510162>Do you think guys get off to that or something?Nayrt but guys don’t really care as long as you don’t do it
anymore. Men can be attracted to women despite their physical flaws, yaknow.
No. 511291
>>511265She’s obviously doing something wrong, there’s athletes who are vegan and obviously have plenty of energy.
Why is she even trying to be vegan?
No. 511304
>>510603 Gemma was the most shy of the three girls, and wouldn't even show a bra strap in a video, now she is doing this…
Makes me wonder if the other two, Beckii and Sarah know about it. Kinda curious as to what their reactions would be. Beckii even refused to do swimsuit shots in her photo book. Must be a shock to them seeing Gemma this way
No. 511367
>>511039Check the second pic. Stretch marks do not form as X shape.
>>511287A lot of young girls self harm on the back of the upper thigh as it's hidden by their school skirt
No. 511532
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>>511291Based on this it sounds like it was to lose weight.
No. 511550
>>511304…I mean have you even seen her old videos from back then? they're still up.
She may have acted one way on the documentary (which is what everyone is basing this innocent angel image off of)but she even had a second YT channel at the time of the single/group (now deleted) where she was flashing her underwear and cleavage all sorts of other stuff.
No. 512118
>>511304Gemma shy?
During her idol days (when she was 17) she would post on gumtree London about searching for a Japanese exchange partner. They were mostly dudes and she hooked up with some of them, 28-30 yo at that time. When she was 19 she married a 33yo old Japanese dude (a broke freelance game developer) and moved to Japan. I wonder if her husband is okay with randome men massaging her vag lol what a wreck at such a young age
(I used to know one of the dudes that hooked up with her through gumtree language exchange lol)
No. 512504
>>511287That's actually a super common area for girls to cut because it's so easy to hide.
The fact she was doing it there indicates it was more than just a desperate cry for help, she must have been really far gone in her suffering.
No. 513300
>>512118>>513032Thanks for the info.
>>513295Is she…British? What's with the weird accent.
And yeah, look at how sloppy she is. Must be on some heavy drugs or something.
>>500701>>500966This is just sad.
She looks pretty drugged up here too imo. Damn…never heard of her before, but this is just sad
No. 513327
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I noticed on Gemma's website she claims she's half Ukrainian. Nothing about her accent, or her mother's accent, seem Ukrainian at all. She's probably outright lying about it as the Japanese love Russians/Ukrainians
No. 513340
>>513327Also lying about her age as she was born in 1993 but that's also standard in Japan, they like them young
Someone said she's might not be doing AV because of her visa. She is married so there are no visa issues for her. As far as I remember she also had a profile on a prostitution site? Lemme search.
No. 513361
File: 1519489325155.jpg (31.23 KB, 480x360, IMG_4121.JPG)

Gemma at 16 years old
So innocent and pure
No. 513376
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>>513357Just lying about being Ukrainian for them Slavic beauty points.
She used to have a Twitter account under her married name Kaida (甲斐田) but she deleted everything and it's private now
No. 513378
>>513360but again, 99% of the blonde gravure stars with DVDs out in Japan are blonde Russians so that might have been part of it.
Her first manager used to post about her "beautiful natural blonde hair" as well
No. 513394
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>>513384You're welcome anon
No. 513441
>>513340Would be awesome if you could find the profile, it was posted here before but I couldn't find it. I'm only now seeing all this heart breaking Gemma stuff and can't help but see how low she's gone
>>513351>>513357Boyle is an EXTREMELY English surname. There are so so few old generation Ukrainian immigrants here the odds of her being actually Ukrainian (especially seeing how her mum is just some average English woman who most like wouldn't be anywhere to have met a Ukrainian) is SO low
No. 514266
>>514263Why does her voice always sound like her nose is congested?
Sage for nitpick faggotry
No. 514298
>>513848Errrr Check the new video here:
>>513295Does this sound British to you? Because I live in England, and never heard anyone who sounds like this here, except Japanese (from Japan).
>>514259Sounds like she's imitating a Japanese girl who speaks English as a second language.
No. 514384
>>514298What in thecff
I'm not reading this thread but I'm a britfag. She most definitely is imitating a ESL Japanese woman and it's really bizarre and insulting wth
No. 514719
File: 1519616237502.jpg (3.48 MB, 5312x2988, 20180226_033439.jpg)

not sure how interesting this is but clearly Connie can't use Google to save her life if she thinks that a Germanic language + a Slavic language = a Romance language?
No. 515208
>>513664this video had to be sponsered right?
she even made a ton of posts about the cafe on instagram and twitter but she never says anywhere that it was sponsered or an ad.
isn't that against youtube rules?
No. 516172
>>516162She suddenly looks downs ??
She needs to get rid of the light hair its not doing her any favours and would it kill her to stand up straight, have some poise and stage presence. Esp if all shes doing is standing there singing mediocrely
No. 516250
>>507251It's only Primark so not that much!
Also everyone buys Harry Potter stuff! It's gotten popular again thanks to the new movies. They are younger than the people that grew up with it tbh!
No. 516414
>>514719"Lottie groaned internally."
What kind of sentence is this???
No. 516626
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>>516162>>516426I got called ana-chan or some other stupid name when I said she had gotten fatter.
Like I said before, all she does is sit in her house watching Netflix and writing her book.
I'm just surprised at how quickly she got big
No. 516670
>>516626You got called Ana-chan because you sound like one. Yeah, she gained a little weight and went from "recovering anorexic" to "still skinny, but doesn't look like she has an ED" and you're acting like she ballooned into fat territory.
>I'm just surprised at how quickly she got bigHoly shit, she looks like she only gained like 15lbs and looks so much healthier. Seek help.
No. 516685
Yeah dude wtf I fully agree with
>>516670, she was an unhealthy weight before and is now a healthy weight, it's not like she ballooned up and eats her weight in junk food a day, lay off.
No. 516712
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>>516700she's not fat but she has gained weight in the last couple of months.
I don't think she was exactly anorexic before.
she was very thin but I don't think she starved herself or anything..?
No. 516916
>>516718>>516712She didn't look like she definitely had anorexia, but she had the body of a 13 yo Thai boy and I wouldn't be that surprised if she did have an ED. Have you guys ever looked at profiles of proana girls? That body type is very common among girls who aren't quite at the "needs immediate hospitalization" stage just yet.
>People saying that must be fat. Just look at Connies arms in her new video, they are fat. >anyone pointing out I have an incredibly unhealthy view of weight must be fatThis is why no one wants to be friends with ED-chans.
No. 517302
>>516626Is no one going to mention her nipple?
(Can't unsee now I've seen)
She's an adult so should at least wear a bra.
No. 517986
File: 1519938690222.png (1.01 MB, 813x915, baff.png)

I bought Connie's book
yes I know I'm giving her money but I'm genuinely curious about how bad it is.
I can post little snippets here if anyone if interested.
No. 518149
>>516981Anon, there's thin and then there's having no features that separate you from a middle schooler. Ffs just look at her thighs and lack of hips or boobs.
We must be fat because we acknowledged Connie looked like she hasn't even gone through puberty? Flatty detected. Sorry anon, but she looked far more like a middle schooler than a grown woman. That's simply a fact.
No. 519149
>>518149Oh its the boob sperg again, lovely.
Her boobs are perfectly normal for her weight, read an anatomy book instead of watching the kardashians.
No. 519275
>>514719>of Latin origin>mixing English and RussianWhat the flying fuck
And the way she starts the description by pointing out it comes from ~Latin~ screams pedantic.
She also has no idea of what a dialect is. Even if you generously assume she can tell the difference and just opted for not using an actual linguistics term like creole language in a children's book, there are things she could have done before scrapping accuracy and calling it a dialect.
No. 521911
>>520391>The point was that the only people that compare thin girls to young boys are always fat people. And the only people who call someone that thin fat when they gain a tiny bit of weight are ED-chans.
I think Connie looked/looks fine, but the anons who said she looks like a teenager who hasn't finished puberty aren't wrong. Middle school age boy? No. Middle school age girl? Not inaccurate at all. She could have easily passed for 14 in the pic we're all sperging over. If I didn't know who she was, that's the age I would have guessed.
Also, I find it funny how pointing out how skinny/curveless she was is somehow more offensive to some people than the anons calling her fat for gaining a little weight and going from twig to normal skinny.
No. 522435
This thread is living evidence why the ana threads have been banned once. It always brings the worst people and discussions to the board.
Sage because I like this thread otherwise.
Also waiting for
>>517986 to post some stuff from Connie's book.
No. 523014
>>522435my book only arrived today! I'll start reading it soon and post some updates
sorry for the wait, Amazon takes forever to ship to other countries
No. 523846
>>523781It's called self-interest, dear anon.
Usually authors (commonly of fanfiction) write a character that embodies their own traits and personality. They change the names to make it less obvious, and often times the characters become very Mary-Sue.
Clearly Connie is loving through her book.
No. 523849
>>523846Self-insert **
Damn this phone.
No. 524199
>>523586>>523563I would have been surprised if it weren't her self-insert fantasy fanfic. Connie is just totally the type to do that.
I've read reviews mentioning an incredibly uncomfortable bath scene between the two main characters. When you get to that, please let us know just how awkward it actually is.
Also, I'm calling it right now that by the end of the series, Connie's self-insert has a harem of both guys and girls and everyone lives happily ever after in polygamist bliss.
No. 524215
>>524199The bath scene is one female character dying their hair over a bath topless and the main character walking in on them. It doesn’t go into graphic detail or anything, but it is very weird considering the age of the characters.
The girl-girl relationship feels very forced through the book, and she’s building up a poorly written love triangle
No. 524337
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so I'll do updates on where I'm at in Connie's book. If you plan on reading it then I would ignore these posts cause spoilers.
this might be all over the place but I'm trying to remember stuff off the top of my head
So Lottie is obsessed with Rosewood, studies really hard and ends up getting into the school.
she meets Binah (the girl who uses words like erythematotelangiectatic rosacea" she's obviously the nerdy character.
there's anatasia, who I was expecting to be the cliche bitch character but seems to be nice so I was actually glad that Connie avoided that cliche, and then there's twin characters, who I can't remember the names of.
Lottie goes to her dorm room and sees a girl with dyed black hair, chipped black nail polish, a rebel without a cause poster on the wall and she's wearing a band tshirt.
Lottie introduces herself to her and the girl introduces herself as Ellie. They shake hands and it hints that Lottie has some sort of gay reaction to Ellie, like electricity when they touched or something.
"Have we met before?"
"That's highly unlikely" Ellie replied, raising an eyebrow like an eighties teen heartthrob.
anyways, Lottie makes her side of the dorm all pretty and tidy and pink! but OH NO disaster!! Ellie is a slob and all her stuff is all over the floor.
Lottie tells her to tidy up, Ellie gets annoyed and grabs Lottie's stuffed animal and throws it around. Lottie gets upset and says "GIVE THAT BACK"
Ellie gives the toy back, apologies and says she's not going to the fireworks festival later because she's going to tidy her room up.
crisis averted!! phew!!
I'm off to read more now.
tell me if you want more updates like this because I don't know if I'm being annoying by spamming a big wall of text.
No. 524347
>>518714it's a nipple, we have pictures on this website of cows shoving foreign objects in their asshole close up, seeing a girls nipple poke through her shirt is far from weird for anyone to post unless they're fucking amish or some shit
>Is no one going to mention her nipple?>(Can't unsee now I've seen)>She's an adult so should at least wear a bra.that doesn't sound like "lol it's just weird for her to post" to me
No. 524800
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>>524791the way Connie posts about some things genuinely make it sound like an advertisement though.
Connie has two roommates too. with her youtube money and the money from her books wouldn't she be able to afford a place by herself?
how much would someone get paid for a debut book?
No. 526395
>>524800She lives in London, which is insanely expensive. Even if she could afford her own place, it would be a really bad financial decision since her money is still pretty new.
>>525859It's aimed at teenagers
No. 527278
>>526956I'm so
triggered by how bad she is. Every voice is the same. She doesn't even make the effort to cover up her british accent when so many characters aren't of british origin. I can't believe the amount of views she gets with these poor impressions.
>>526990I know most of the characters because I grew up with them. I believe i'm around the same age as Connie. How old are you anon?
No. 529687
>>529151>>529509Someone sounds salty…and desperate to get the topic onto Abi. What did she do to you?
Anyway, there is a large chance Connie has watched the shows. Let's face it, she doesn't exactly act like someone around their mid-twenties. (personally I have watched some of the shows and I am older but that's irrelevant)
Her YouTube audience is younger than she is, and she knows it. Why else would she write a kids book not an adult fiction? She possibly watches them purely to relate a bit more to her viewers, though there is a chance she actually enjoys the shows
No. 529895
>>529513the age range on Amazon used to be 9-12 and now it's 10-17…???
I wonder how many copies she's sold altogether. she's not on any bestseller list anyways
No. 529900
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>Someone sounds salty…and desperate to get the topic onto Abi. What did she do to you?you're either a newfag, Abi or one of Abi's friends.
She got sent a Tomb Raider doll for no reason.
She gets sent on free trips, gets free pr boxes all the time and she does nothing to deserve it.
she builds lego on twitch and gets handed almost £1000.
it makes no sense
No. 530296
>>529895I work in a big chain supermarket in the UK.
My store is pretty small and we have a small entertainment section that typically only stocks books known to sell well/ books that will potentially sell well.
My store stocked Connie's first book for a few weeks when it came out but we have not stocked her 2nd book at all so that could be a sign the first book wasn't nearly as much of a hit as expected.
No. 530928
>>530885Perhaps I'm wrong in feeling peeved at this but thats because I assume their audiences are young?
I remember a reality show "star" called lauren goodger went on tv to show how lip fillers fucked up her mouth and how actually dangerous it can be. Given beckii's image (or at least, how she seems to want to be perceived) this is a shitty hypocritical thing to do.
No. 531643
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Kelsey’s Patreon payments are per video which means she should have earned $200 by now to be able to buy these things. Has their been any evidence of her doing so?
The last I saw she had purchased a Hogwarts uniform in the style of a Japanese school girl uniform which rubs me the wrong way when she is constantly begging others to fund her projects.
No. 532604
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The girl who did the the cover for Connie's book, Qinni, is getting her 4th open heart surgery for a heart disease she was born with, and her doctor is telling her to consider a heart transplant, which would mean that if the surgery is successful, it's still a 57% mortality rate after 10 years. This has nothing to do with the thread. I'm a big fan of her so I'm really depressed right now, so I feel like maybe sharing it here would bring her some support. idk, I honestly dont know why im sharing it here. I don't want to say this, but I'm so scared that she might die young. She's only in her 20s.
No. 532785
>>532604I love her art! it's much too good for Connie's book.
I own Connie's book and the cover is even more beautiful in person.
I follow Qinni on instagram and it's so sad to see what she's going through. she seems really scared too. I hope everything goes well for her.
I wonder if they'll have to get someone new for the cover of Connie's second book
No. 534900
>>534863do you know what character she's going for?
I'm guessing Alice in Wonderland..or maybe a character where she can act hyperactive like she always does
No. 535953
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Connie in 2012 was so pretty
No. 536172
>>536148got any interesting stories about working Disneyland?
How do you think Abi will find it if she does get a job?
No. 536535
>>536186My point was that Connie wrote a children's book as that's her main audience on YouTube. She wouldn't sell as many copies if she wrote and adult fiction as that isn't her main viewing audience.
The entire point in my previous post was to say Connie did impressions from children's shows as she knows it will relate to her audience,just like writing a fiction that will appeal to her audience.
Clearly you missed the point dear anon.
(saged for pointless reply. Also before infighting occurs, this is my last response on the topic)
No. 536635
>>536148Which Disney park is she potentially working at? Paris?
I know the LA one takes the "no connecting your personal life to work life" rule stupidly seriously. Like, if people are posting pictures of you online and people realize who you are, you can get fired. That happened to a Peter Pan a few years ago who was exceptionally popular with the tumblr crowd because he was pretty hot. If Paris is anything like LA, she could really run into trouble.
No. 536700
>>536635Hilarious since she’s already made a video about it
Also I swear she “couldn’t work” due to “PTSD” from when she fucked up her last job (ironically by posting about her job online)
No. 536745
>>536546I guess let's start with the basic questions:
Are they on time with delivering their rewards?
How responsive are they if/when you have issues?
Do they interact much with patrons who post on the page?
Are you satisfied with what you're getting for your money?
No. 536911
>>536700PTSD? From getting fired? Wow.
I get the feeling it’s a self diagnosis and not actually from a professional. Also, can you work in Disneyland Paris without some knowledge of the French language?
No. 537236
>>536635lol I remember the pandom and the poor acorn peter drama.
Paris is less strict in that sense. They were making auditions for dancers and face characters for the parade, I seriously doubt she can manage that.
>>536911Yes, she could work without knowing French.
No. 537248
>>536745Abi only mails out psychical rewards, no problems with delivering on time. Abi and Kelsey will generally respond to a message or comment in a day or less. They both reply and like every comment on a post. Kelsey usually goes for a generic "Thank you so much!". In terms with satisfaction, I think Abi does a way better job than Kelsey. Abi makes you feel like a friend and she genuinely is interested in talking to you even tho I know she really doesn't care in real life. Kelsey, hmm not so much. Usually it will be a photo of her Harry Potter set, extra early access to a video of hers or a song download she's done.
>>536907I'm not sure really… most likely out of curiosity.
No. 537343
>>537248how much do you give each of them?
are you big fans of them anyway?
are you happy with what you get in return for supporting their patreons?
No. 537688
>>537343I give them more than enough I think. Abi gets a bit more than Kelsey.
Yeah, I like them. Kelsey tries way too hard tho.
Hmm, yeah I guess I'm kind of happy with what I get. I love the psychical stuff from Abi. Kesely is kind of… ehh, It's just mostly early access to videos tho.
No. 537877
>>537841Yeah and if in a few months time someone approached him and asked him if he remembered 'an egotistical
insert vague description girl who quizzed you about an extra one time' he would probably be just as baffled and not know what they were on about. Move along.
No. 537905
>>537841I saw Jillian at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen peeps in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the peeps and started scanning it multiple times, Jill stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Jill kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Anyway, your story sounds like bull.
No. 537928
>>537688are you excited for Kelsey's Harry Potter show?
she's putting so much effort and money in and it's going to flop really bad.
any patreon videos from it show anything interesting?
No. 537929
>>537928Come to think of it, has Kelsey ever been involved in a project that didn’t flop?
She makes such a big deal out of her projects (like the recent girl group) but they never last
No. 538136
>>537929I do feel sorry for her.
she must be around 23, all her friends have full time jobs, successful youtube careers, book deals…and Kelsey is doing a Harry Potter fanfic and at the time where everyone seems to collectively hate JK Rowling and are fed up with her adding stuff to HP.
It's obvious that Kelsey feels like there's something missing in her life or that she has something to prove.
I know when she was in dancing and drama classes she got praised a lot so I guess it went to her head and when she went into the real world she was confused that people weren't offering her roles left right and centre
No. 538198
>>537928I'm excited for Kelsey's Harry Potter show ironically. She hasn't done any videos about it tho. The last post was some photos of how she's changed her room in to her character's room.
She did some videos about her Rey cosplay "short film" a while back, there hasn't been any updates on that in a while.
No. 538820
>>538800She said "Are they coming back?"
The only reason I know this is because I watched some of Connie's video about it. It shows her repeating that line over and over (which is normal in voice acting)
Though I honestly nearly missed the line in the movie.
No. 538835
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>>537888Looks like you have been found out.
(also confirms Kelsey lurks here)
Honstly though, don't blame Kelsey for this reaction. Nobody cares enough about her to want to know where she lives but having someone so happy to share the information is just… Creepy.
No. 538885
>>538835Tbf, it’s pretty shitty thing to do in general (inb4 do you know where you are, I know)
But when you know there’s super creepy people who would totally go looking for her it’s just not okay.
Not to mention that Kelsey lives with 2 other young women, so like, sure, if you don’t like her content or wanna gossip about her or whatever, go ahead and sip the milk but just leave it there because it’s kinda endangering 3 young women
No. 539042
>>536546>>537248>>537688You're not a patreon. This is only vague stuff that Kelsey has announced that is available on her patreon.
>>537841At least you tried harder than this person.
No. 539432
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Who’s the traitor?
No. 540085
I guess I made Kels feel really uncomfortable
No. 540105
>>539610Lmao she's talking as if her life turned upside down cuz of her eyebags. They're just fucking bags. I can understand that sentiment if she had a fucked up nose and people went at her for years about it but that didn't happen. Later she mentions how her eyebags affected her social life. God. She's so overdramatic.. she would have been fine if she just talked about the procedure and not about how her life was ~ruined~ cuz of her bags.
It was pretty cringe how she was pretending to wipe her non existant tears.
No. 540109
>>539610Out of the filler trio, Abi benefited the most from her fillers. Kelsey and Beckii achieved a result that looks fine, but honestly could be achieved by just continuing to overline their lips.
Looking at Abi's before pictures compared to her after pictures…what a difference. Definitely a big improvement for sure.
No. 542575
>>542496tbf being run over would shit anyone up
yeah she's spoiled, but that doesn't mean something like that wont affect u
No. 542729
>>542575Connie had the choice between getting her leg surgery early or going to vidcon in Sweden and she chose vidcon.
Also after she eventually had surgery she didn't rest for as long as she needed to and instead went to Japan and had Dodie and Evan carry her around on their backs the entire time.
She honestly needs to get over this sob story. I'm surprised she hasn't wrote it into her book yet
No. 543353
>>542496"I've never talked about this before"
-2017 sucked a visual guide
-I got hit by a car and broke my leg
-Awake during surgery
-Dodie Carries Me Up the Fushimi Inari Shrine Stairs
-I got upgraded! Flying to Tokyo
-Big fat swollen sausage leg
-I'M HOME !!! (but i still can't walk)
-Vlogging from a hospital bed
all the videos where Connie has talked about her broken leg and her sob story!
I also love how she used the paid sponsership to just plug her own book.
No. 544802
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Has Sophie had any other work done on her face besides her nose? She looks different from her 2014 rhinoplasty video but I can't tell if she's just overlining her lips to hell and back or if she got fillers.
No. 545676
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>>538835That's right, Kelsey. Just like I know that you're reading this.
No. 546126
>>542496I dunno, I think people on here get too harsh on Connie when it comes to her leg. I agree that it can get annoying, but she got run over by a car and ended up with permanent nerve damage. That's not a small thing. She has random extreme pain shoot through her leg for the rest of her life. Belittling the severity of that makes you a cunt tbh.
That being said, how much she focuses on it indicates that she's had a pretty good life. I wish the worst thing that ever happened to me was a broken leg. She seems aware of how great she has it, though, so I don't hold that fact against her.
>athletes have worse injuries then go on to win gold medals. What athletes have done this? Could you provide some examples? Also, even if there are countless examples of thus, I don't see why that means Connie shouldn't feel happy with herself for completing her book? If you'd ever had any major physical trauma, you would be aware of how the pain/medication fucks with you mentally and not just physically.
No. 546170
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>>546126yeah it sucks that she's going to have nerve damage the rest of her life but I don't have that much sympathy for her.
Like I said before, she chose to go to Vidcon instead of getting surgery on her leg early. that could have made all the difference and could have saved her the pain. she also went to Japan and America within a few weeks of surgery instead of resting.
tfw you STILL use your broken leg to get paid sponsorship and sympathy youtube views from anons like
>>546126 No. 546182
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>>497133Beckii genuinely looks like a dude
No. 547362
>>547055it's because of swelling. it'll take over a year for the swelling to go down because it's her second nose job or something like that.
I still have no idea why she got a boob job and only went up very slightly in size. she'll have those red scars forever and for nothing
No. 550068
>>549915it's reminding me so hard of some other song but i just can't put my finger on it ??? ugh someone help
also this is terrible, her voice just isnt strong and who ever her videographer doesnt know how to find a flattering angle apparently kek
No. 550252
>>550068melanie martinez?
>>550217her voice sounds katy perry levels of shitty with the autotune so it's like bad. not fergie bad but still bad.
No. 550668
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Connie looks so bad throughout this entire video.
No. 556975
>>556168Holy fuck that is embarrassing.
Is she doing the same voice she did for that shitty April Fools day video?
No. 556981
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Hey Abi, I think you missed a question.
No. 557379
>>556168You know, the idea is kinda cute. Execution, not so much.
Why the accent? her real voice would have been just as fitting.
No. 557464
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I feel really sorry for Kelsey.
25 years old putting all her hopes into a self insert Harry Potter fanfiction where she plays a 17 year old.
it's meant to be set in 1989 or something so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for her to mess up and have some modern day stuff in her videos
No. 557953
>>556168Her '80s' look is very cringe.
Also wouldn't using magic (to levitate the camera) destroy it?
No. 558100
>>558033I haven't check in on Riiri in a while. Holy cow she's gained weight.
Also "anime bod" fund? I think she needs to see a therapist before she mootches for free tits. Posting gifs of anime girls as boob inspiration isn't being a weeb, it's sad.
If she got a job and stuck to it she would have been able to afford this by herself by now. She still lives rent free in her bfs dad house as far as i can tell.
She's such a punchable cunt.
No. 558148
>>556168This 80s phase has gone too far. Setting this fic in the 80s is fine but why the ULTRA 80s music and font? The original HP isn't exactly a sign of its time.
Also why the shitty southern England accent? Hogwarts isn't limited to just posh southern people. Nothing wrong with a northern accent, might make this seem a bit more believable.
No. 558289
>>558033She’s asking for much more. She showed that she has almost 500 coffees and each is worth approximately £2 each so that’s £1k already and her goal is at 30%
I’m really surprised to see how much support she’s received, but she is offering NSFW photos and videos in return so I suppose it’s the horny fuck boys.
She quit her stable management job at a games store to stream full time and has since quit streaming. She doesn’t deserve a thing.
No. 558582
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>>558289She wrote an essay about how having bigger boobs will cure her depression and how much she's wanted it. Considering shes gained so much weight and clearly got a bigger cup size from it, it was bullshit for money.
No. 558637
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No. 558655
>>558637oh wow this is so pathetic…
what's going to happen when she's older and her twitch viewers lose interest in her?
No. 558701
>>558592makes sense, she's probably already tried the NHS route. The fact she's said this
>>558637 proves she's not dysmorphic about her breasts. Adding a cup size or two wouldn't fix it unless she's planning to go from what looks like a B cup to a G cup or something. Which would be laughable.
Didn't she do this about her teeth a while ago? She has fucked up crooked teeth and made a fundraiser to get them fixed. Pulled the whole "i would never smile because of it which made me depressed" show, just like with her boobs now.
Wonder what it's going to be about next, her ass or waist? I know she used to wear waist trainers all the time so i'll put money on lipo to give her actual shape.
No. 558812
>>558803I'll give it a couple weeks.
Nirgi did unfollow her so she might still be bitter over it, yet she still tries to grasp at every loose end nigri leaves behind.
No. 560257
>>560127I wish I saved the tweets. She was ragging on nigri because she unfollowed her saying stuff like "i'm focusing on people who actually reply to my messages" etc they're long deleted but it was a big rant.
All i can assume that at the time it was the height of Riiri's woe is me tweets. She would spam, for hours, about how sad and depressed she was about her family, boobs, teeth, job, you name it. Heck even i unfollowed her because of them so i bet nigri did it for the same reason.
She's dialed it back since but clearly still does it for free money for her "anime bod" fund.
No. 561518
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Why does it look like she is suffering?
No. 562128
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not sure if I'm imagining things but has Connie shooped her kneecaps out??