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No. 511815
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>503384Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”Body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwiseRecent:
>Moo's Red Riding Hood Set was stolen from French artist MyOppa, MyOppa calls this out, Moo deletes it>OhNips and BunnyAyumi start a wave of call-outs due to the above, Moo promises to make a "statement" that she has yet to deliver on>Decided to """""redesign"""" her OC Moomoo and released Moomoo sets, each more horrifying than the last >Confirmed as a guest for a Mexican con, bringing the number of Central/South American con chairs thirsty for her fat ass up to 2>Since Nigri bailed on Katsucon, Mariah was forced to party… and party… and party with Vamp and their new munchie friend instead of stalking Mommy>Decided to stalk Hollytwolf instead but wasn't very successful>Has more or less bought Vamp's silence by helping to pay her move out and "furnish" her new apartment>Couldn't get Marshmello or her fans to send her free tix to his concert, so she'll be hitting up Sakuracon instead>Round 2 of call-outs has begun on twitter, this time due to Mariah treating superior cosplayer Cowbutt Crunchies and her costume like shit No. 511835
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Yikes even Hidori Rose can see through Mariah's thievery. In the end Mariah did this to herself. She could've just said "I fucked up guys. I should have known better than to copy a design" since the beginning and this would not have gotten this big. I doubt she will learn from this.
No. 511861
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Seems like midna ash is weighing in
No. 511872
>>511867moo and her have been tweeting a lot lately, I think she’s defending her and
i think she may have been friends with sss before but isn’t anymore?
No. 511892
>>511861Midna herself is trash who only recently slithered onto the cosplay thing after selling buttplug pictures to tumblr and realizing nerds were thirsty for costhots.
She basically wishes she was susu and has straight up gone out of her way to buy the same outfits susu does to try. Shoops her pictures to try and say she's 'thicc' and has a 'totally big black girl ass' but much like moo any candid pic proves otherwise.
>>511882She probably is siding with moo because she's done just as shitty things so she doesnt get called out next. I dont have receipts but the fact that she lives in LA but never hangs out with anyone outside of cons should be proof enough.
No. 511894
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No. 511907
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>i don't remember you or your cosplay
No. 511917
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Someone said this in response to the costume kicking thread
No. 511918
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No. 511927
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Who ran to the rescue but another cow.
Cowbutt wouldn't just make shit up she's got way more respect for herself than that shit. What does she even get out of it? Nothing. She's degrees higher than both you cows.
(Saged for cowcrew)
No. 511930
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No. 511941
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Saw this posted in the social page for CosXPo - an upcoming UK con with a focus on handmade costumes
So glad she's known as a problem even on this side of the pond
No. 511942
>>511930So is the story that CBC was standing near a wall. But Mariah never saw her, supposedly, cause it was hard to see OR the costume was hard to walk in. Prepared for both costumes just in case… But Vamp says that it was CBC who walked past them, changing CBC's story completely, saying Momo never kicked the tail?? But also Vamp saw her costume and is a fan and didn't point her out or stop for photos???
Did Momo tell Vamp the story and she not read it herself?? Or is this a bit of a lie??
No. 511946
>>511942no matter what it's BS that moo wouldnt remember the costume at all. Even if I saw that costume across the convention center I would remember it because a girl has a giant blue dragony cowl. it's not like it's some simple pseudo-casual thing like moo's roadhog that could be confused with a shitty wasteland costume.
If she doesnt remember the costume but was obviously near it (even with vamp's BS, they were near it) how do you not notice a giant blue thing directly at eye level?
No. 511964
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She backed down immediately. What a pussy
No. 511979
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No. 511984
>>511966If she walked through one of your shoots, is there any chance you snapped a shot, kept it, and could post it here? It'd give evidence she's inconsiderate (not that we didn't know that already).
If not, that's okay! I wouldn't want to keep a photo with a hambeast walking through it. Or, if it's give away for identity and were not comfortable with that.
No. 511985
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No. 511986
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>>511964Moos response to that:
No. 511987
>>511964And this shit right here is why she will continue to get away with shit. Pussies like this immediately kowtowing to her the second she says something instead of holding her accountable.
Moomoo kicks her costume and yet she is the one apologizing to her for being an “inconvenience”? Fucking really?
Looks like she will continue to be the cancer that she is and people will just keep letting her get away with shit like this.
No. 511995
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No. 512019
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>gets Katsucon heat
No. 512035
>>512019i'm starting to feel like these are just passive aggressive rather than
so not bothered
like i previously thought.
>>512024>>512034seriously man, she can't
not do this shit kek.
No. 512049
>>512014I called it ya'll!
Wasn't sure when that one anon mentioned the chains used in theatre or whatever but paying this much for chains… it must have been metal.
Anyways how can she go into Cons like that? Do they not have a weapon check? They wouldn't even let her into a Con in my country.
No. 512054
>>512049the fact that she ran from con security on both days was funnier. way to bitch out Momo. but we already knew she was a coward, whenever someone tells momo they are going to confront her in a con she spends the whole time in her hotel room drinking or hiding behind friends.
>512051SSS was someone Momo looked up to (or just used to steal her ideas) and when SSS called her out Momo and Col just turned their backs on her instead of listening to anything they had to say.
No. 512056
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No. 512058
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holy shit, i was away for the whole day and i come back to this. how awesome.
No. 512059
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No. 512060
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Holly jumping in on the moomoo defense patrol
No. 512093
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>>512082She suddenly remembers. Also Vamp has me blockt so no idea if that's why Tweet is unavailable.
And there's a NEW story since the friend called her out on lying.
No. 512097
>>512093L O L
>i didnt want to touch the photog so i photobombed the shot completelywhat a retard
i dont cosplay and i ALWAYS walk BEHIND the person doing the shot, or wait for them to finish
No. 512100
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No. 512101
>>512093Samefag BUT ALSO: how could she not remember her or her costume then suddenly remember everything in vivid as fuck detail.
Also her being cute (a bitch) and saying "sorry for my cape". Woooow.
No. 512112
>>512100lol, when has a fan ever caught Momo eating and they took pics together? I have seen Momo sit in on popular cosplayers dinners. Vamp, you were doing so well. Now no one will trust you. thousands of people don't hate Momo for no reason.
Yes Momo, it was rude of you to see a cosplay in your way but trotting over it. You saw it, you just admitted you saw it but choose to walk on/over it.
No. 512116
>>512113because Momo is a coward, and instead of defending herself she texts her friends endlessly until they defend her, then proceeds to bribe them
"You see this bitch? lol I don't even know her and even if I did does she know who she's messing with? Say something, she's obviously LYING… btw what kind of furniture do you want~<3"
No. 512120
>>512100Hahaha vamp claiming moo has never ever done anything wrong or hurt other cosplayers is hilarious! I just want everyone who thinks vamp is a victim to remember what she said here because she is absolutely the same as moo a piece of lying trash!!! People hate mariah because she is a raging bitch, she plays sweet to big names makes money for getting naked than makes fun of cosplayers who actually did put real effort into their cosplays!
I’ve known not one but twelve fellow cosplayers when she was milking the Diane from seven deadly sins mention that she was a raging cunt and hogging photos at the meet up during ala and called a girl ugly in front of a guy who was about to interview her, the girl left insulted and the guy about to interview moo heard it all, he posted that cringey interview with moo dressed as Diane and in the video she claimed body positivity is her plat form like she was in a beauty pageant. That video is gone now, most of her Diane ala interviews are now that those photogs won’t work with her. Bottom line, moo has this reputation of being a cunt because she is one, none of these “witch hunts” start because folks are jealous it’s because she’s hurt several people in the community and keeps getting away with it.
No. 512139
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wew these farm animals love to stick together
No. 512140
>>512139If I was CBC, I wouldn't remove anything. With her friends hounding
her for something
Moomoo did, why should she? Why are they giving her heat for something that she personally didn't do, but Moomoo?
First it was "I couldn't see, it must have been an accident if it did happen." to "Oh I remember, I barely even brushed against you." and now her friends are attacking her despite Moo being caught in a lie by the people who witnessed the event.
Stupid cunt can't admit to any damn thing without trying to drag other people down with her. Fucking hell I hope she crashes and burns soon.
No. 512141
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“I’m perfect and everyone else in the world is terrible”
No. 512146
>>512139Wow, all these girls are just passive aggressive bitches. The girl already let it go, it seems they just need someone to bitch at.
I don't know why they are even defending her. Momo already admitted to doing it and giving no fucks.
>>512141Stop changing your story ya daft cunt. First, you didn't remember her, then you kinda do, now you're saying you were going to approach her because you loved her costume? You can't apologize for shit
"Sorry for stepping on your tail"
Is that so hard?
No. 512162
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>>512137And to be fair, I’ll post this too
No. 512164
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No need. She's being an ass and a hypocrite in public tonight. Yet. Not many people defending her yet. Hmmm.
No. 512171
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No. 512175
>>512166Also lol at her saying “I’m not biased at all. I’ll call Mariah out when she is wrong”
Literally fucking when? Every time during Moomoo’s bullshit she is so quick to defend her and either call everyone else liars or tell them to fuck off because “She already gets so much unnecessary hate”. She has never held Moomoo responsible for any of her shit and just like her she is so quick to lay the blame at everyone else.
No. 512186
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Haha oh man…
No. 512200
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Vamp just posted this
No. 512204
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>>512200She doubled down and posted it on ig too, changing it up a bit
No. 512205
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Moo's response
No. 512212
>>512200yey for when i used to like vamp and thought mariah was using her
>>512204holy what her cosplay is holding together by SAFETY PINS…
No. 512214
>>512200>She had never done anything with ill intentionsUhmmmm
>bitch boy rants>calling KBBQ a snake>saying AkiraxRyo wasnt a valid ship>Lying about lipo>lying about guesting at cons>telling sjws off after the kanna debaucle>claiming to have made costumes in the past>ALL of her old negative tweetsTo say someone has NEVER done anything with 'ill intentions' is such bullshit it makes me want to throw up.
No. 512219
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Funny, because Vamp lurks here, you would think she and Mariah would've read the threads and known the shitty things she's done!
No. 512221
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she’s really going hard for someone she just met
No. 512237
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In momokun groping people news, holly put up part one of her katsucon video (momos hardly in it thank god.) anyway near the end she sticks a rose into this cosplayers top and says “do I have your consent to do this?” “Yes haha” “okay because there’s a camera right there and I just want to say I have consent to do this!!!”
No. 512238
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>>512141She is so fucking passive aggressive. i seriously cant stand this bitch. She's insufferable. She is gaslighting this cosplayer so hard.
No. 512248
>>512221>>512204>>512201>>512200Literally all the girl asked for was for cosplayers to start respecting each other more. So what does the cunt and her thot friends do? Start disrespecting cosplayers more so their friend won't have to apologize FOR HER FUCKING ACTIONS.
Vamp deserves the negative shit that Mariah does to her and who the hell is Holly? Seriously, never even heard of her before the last thread.
No. 512256
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With response to CBC original tweet, incoming passive aggressive Moo once again!
No. 512262
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Moo is trying to hard, so so hard.
No. 512266
They’re really the ones trying to get a witch hunt going
No. 512269
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Ah yes because Moo's pals are continuing on bringing down CBC but pointing out flaws in the cow's story is a witchhunt, totally get it.
No. 512278
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and tweeted this just the other day this is why she won't get involved and I commend her
No. 512279
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What's up with Moo and her cunty friends thinking they're hot shit for using words like 'doll' or 'honey'? Is it meant to be insulting? Lmao this is cute.
No. 512286
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This popped up in my twitter feed, a thread about plus size cosplayers so you don't have to support "that One" lmao
No. 512288
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chop choo! here comes the positivity train
No. 512325
>>512274>>512269Lara's always been kind of a cunt
Just look at her Reddit posts; she can't take any criticism or comments that arent inherently praising how perfect she is
No. 512346
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I wonder if this is related.
No. 512394
>>512279Uh but didn’t you just call her doll here?
>>512262 Why’re you posting your own tweets anyway? It’s cringy
No. 512464
>>512463This won’t be he end of it. Moomoo and her bitchy friends will be sure to keep passive aggressively mentioning it and trying to laugh it off.
I really do wish there was more push back against this though. They were acting like total cunts to someone who already accepted the quite frankly, shitty non-apology and moved on. But they wouldn’t just shut the fuck up, bitching about a “witch hunt” even though they are the ones who started one.
I really hope people don’t forget how shitty Moomoo and her little cronies are. Next time don’t let them get away with this shit.
No. 512474
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No. 512476
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No. 512479
>>512470Anonymous 47 seconds ago No. 512475
>>512470She's emphasising that Vamp remembered wrong, basically, so people will stop calling Moo on backtracking and lying. Anyone want to take better on her friends not deleting they're statuses?? The friend kept hers up, so I'm sure there might be something there. But. Jesus. This is a mess. But good on her for keeping proof.
No. 512496
>>512474>>512476>>512478Yeah, this whole “Taking the high road” shit doesn’t work with Moomoo. She will always try to one up you,, usually in the most obnoxious of ways putting in her best “Omg I love you so much we should all be uplifting each other” act. While you thought you just had an honest and mature discussion with, really all you did was offer a salvo into her “I’M A VICTIM! PLEASE FEEL BAD FOR ME!!” stockpile.
You’ll see, in a few weeks she’ll be talking shit about you behind your back, using this very incident as another shining example of her being “bullied for no reason”. You may think this is the end, but it’s only the beginning.
No. 512550
>>512513She's acting like apologizing would ruin her image or something. What's ruining her image is NOT apologizing. Like let's say Mariah really didn't do it and it was wrong for her to be accused like this, the fact that she would still apologize shows her maturity. Yeah, it would've been better if she didn't play the "I don't remember" card, especially since she later somehow miraculously remembered….
Her continuously bombarding CBC with tweets and getting her friends to even start name calling and dragging the girl in the mud was immature. Holly who is 30 should know better. You can't keep preaching ~positivity~ and then start picking on someone for what seems like a misunderstanding….
No. 512556
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>>512403Exactly. Her cronies all are just the bottom of the barrell skanks trying to pass themselves off to the cosplay community. They have shit attitudes and are always making negative posts and dogpiling on anyone better than them like CBC. If they ACTUALLY cared about bullying and slander they wouldn’t suck ass to Mariah who loves to shit on other girls.
No. 512559
>>512550She apologized and then attacked the girl ruthlessly with her friends which pretty much made her apology as worthless as she is.
She doesn't realize that it only made them look bad, especially now that CBC kept a level-head and took the high road. It makes them look like immature, angry high schoolers. Two of them are 30 years old and should fucking know better. Too bad age really doesn't make you wise.
Professional cosplayers were watching that whole thing unfold last night and will be keeping their distance from Moo. The kind of shit that they did is what tarnishes reputations and why Mariah will never get jobs or guest invites.
No. 512566
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>>512556Momo calling out chel but call outs are so bad and toxic my dudes. Love how her ragtag bunch of gutter whores cling to this human herpes sore on the cosplay community while trying to shit talk people with 0 drama or moos victims like CBC and the artists who moo robbed.
No. 512582
>>512578right? i can't believe moo hasn't learned a single thing, obviously that's great for the milk, but seriously she has gotten worse if anything.
>>512579honestly, it's probably just because moo is 'young' if she was 25+ no one would give a fuck.
No. 512587
>>512578Notice that Mariah and her calves still haven't addressed the post Jane made yesterday. That post was actually calling her out but she ignores it, but goes out of her way to address a post that was only asking people to be respectful??
Looks like Mariah is afraid of SSS, Bunny, and other famous people commenting on the tweet. What a weak ass bitch.
No. 512589
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Looks like Steff is coming out with some shade. Probably related, as I’m positive some of moomoos cronies probably pulled the PPL R JUST JELUZ OF HER SUCCESS card. I would not wish Moomoos lifestyle on even my worst enemy tbh
No. 512597
>>512587She always does this. She is such a chicken shit when it comes to people who either have a bigger a name than her or are at least comparable to her. She shuts the fuck up and runs with her tail between her legs. Or she tries to pretend to be an intellectual and only comes off as an insufferable dipshit who is clearly talking out her ass and always ends it with “I’m so glad that we got to have this conversation” when if it was somenone smaller than her she would have told them to fuck off and sent her cronies after them like she just did recently.
She never picks fight with anyone who has an even bigger army to take hers down. She goes after the smaller ones because she knows she can keep getting away with it.
No. 512609
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Looks like the original poster that CBC quoted also made a response
No. 512611
>>512587Why does sss keep getting mentioned? She didnt comment or retweet jane’s tweet or the huge call out. Looks like she wants to stay out of it but the moo crew is scared and wants to try to slander her
>>512234 >>512225
which is weird since Bunny is the one at moo’s throat.
No. 512626
>>512611>>512613>>512616sss also promotes jane from time to time and from recollection they’re somewhat close. not an excuse to drag sss into it, but maybe a reason as to why it happened.
>>512617this time she’s targeting cbc while also targeting all of the other lewd girls who spoke up or associate with those who have spoken up. she’s in maximum denial, it seems.
No. 512632
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she’s so proud of her damn “I ate so muuuch caaakeee” story that she adds it as a moment on her profile?
No. 512638
>>512632I wouldn't put it past Moo to start streaming herself eating on camera. Probably a big audience to be found, especially if she does it in cosplay.
that'd be fucking hilarious if she resorts to that if she starts losing Patrons
No. 512685
>>512680comparing people to hitler is the new in thing tho, anon!
i kinda get where she's coming from, people won't stop to consider that you may dislike someone for their bad deeds and just assume everyone is 'haters', pretty stupid.
No. 512698
>>512620There's a reason why she has such a negative rep and it's not just because people are ~spreading rumors~. Even with negative rumors, if you're a credible person, people will believe in you and the rumors wont spread very far. Even cosplayers with negative rep will have people shutting down rumors about them if there's if enough evidence. For example, when someone claimed that Yaya's fabrics caused her skin to have a bad reaction, people shut down those rumors quick. And we all know Yaya doesn't have the best reputation. Even with Jessica Nigri who used to have a bad rep, when there's rumors about her, people will ask questions.
But with Mariah…. there's so much proof. People even post proof. It's not even like people are making this shit up. She even admits these incidents happened. Mariah keeps acting like people are just hating to hate or because they're jealous but if that was the case there would be evidence contradicting the claims! But there isn't. Her negative reputation comes from her time and time again fucking up and not cleaning up her act. People who are "friends" with her will either turn a blind eye or not see how she truly is because Mariah kisses up to them. Think about it. Holly only hung out with Mariah for a week and acts like she knows all about her. Yet Nana, SSS, Jane, Bunny, and others who were once within her circle jumped shipped and some of them even call her a terrible person. Don't you think the people that spent a lot of time around her know firsthand how terrible she is?
She's had many chances to clean up her act. But she's simple too narcisstic to do anything about it. I can promise you in a year, Holly won't be around her and neither will others who are in her current circle.
No. 512699
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No. 512707
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idk if anyone saw this but yanderejane called out mariahs slaves.
No. 512714
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>>512699don’t forget your complimentary gym tweets
No. 512720
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>>512714>went up 10lbs>noodle arms>shoulders and neck hurtthis bitch has no idea what she's talking about omg. she thinks 'arms' are all one area. i am dying.
No. 512721
>>512705Muscle training will just increase her mass though. Cardio will actually burn calories and make her lose weight.
She should lose the weight first, then bulk up afterwards.
No. 512722
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friendly reminder that jnig has a whole wall of her cosplay weapons in her house displaying them
No. 512742
>>512730JFC at her size she needs to do both in combination. Doing just one is going to do fuck-all because of what she eats. Linking to a website that is literally encouraging body building/weight lifting, and isn't backed by empirical science is just bullshit.
Aerobic exorcise helps burn calories/drop fat. Strength Training builds muscles/helps boost metabolism so you burn calories more efficiently so you do the aerobic exorcise better which helps you burn calories better/convert fat easier. They have to work in tandem if you want long term success. ←I can't find the damn Duke University study but here is one out of the many examples of testing that proves it.
No. 512747
>>512699What I don’t get is why she even wastes time going to the gym if she isn’t actually doing anything there and why she never actually shows her actually doing something. I see Instagram models all the time showing their routine and what they do to stay in shape. Meanwhile all Moo ever does is snap photos of her making dumb faces into her camera and bitching about whatever area of the body she is apparently sore from because she “totally crushed her workout today”.
Also, have you seen her? She is fucking haunting to look at. Anyone with functioning eyes could clearly see she neither actually works out nor does she even eat relatively healthy. From top to bottom she looks like a fucking train wreck. The acne and damaged skin alone could tell you that.
So I really don’t know who she is trying to fool with all of this. All signs point to someone who clearly doesn’t take care of their body at all.
No. 512751
>>512747she's still just trying to fake lipo. her neckbeard fans have likely never stepped foot in a gym so they probably don't know things that tip off normal people (like being sore minutes later)
>>512742come off it, the article i linked literally says to do both it just explains that cardio has more short term results but muscle mass uses up more calories in general, which is true.
No. 512761
>>512751Has she even mentioned her routine? What exactly is she doing when she gets there. Or is it just going to be a bunch of generic stuff that makes her sound like she doesn’t work out at all but in her head she thinks it makes her an Olympic level athlete?
I wouldn’t be shocked at all if she got another round of lipo done. It worked so well for those “abs” she suddenly had a few weeks ago.
No. 512785
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No. 512808
>>512750Didn't she drag his name through the mud and cause him delete all of his social media too??
I swear people in the cosplay scene have no backbone at all. I'm sure she was like "become my bitch again and all will be forgiven" or something.
No. 512810
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>places to avoid in march
No. 512820
>>512639>>512650>That didn’t happen>And if it did, I don’t remember>But now I do, it wasn’t that bad>And if it was, it wasn’t my fault>And if it was, I didn’t mean it>And if I did, it’s okay because>You’re attacking me>I’m the real victim herefuck it I’m not a poet
>>512684>>512693They see positivity as a one-way street. They expect people to be kind, respectful, unconditionally accepting and complimentary towards them, but when asked to reciprocate they accuse the other party of not being positive enough. They don’t care about positivity in the cosplay community as a whole, they only care about positivity that they personally benefit from.
No. 512862
>>512816I’m in the Bay Area too and all of my friends, + their friends hate her. I have never seen a post about Mariah on Facebook that wasn’t roasting her.
I’m so excited for her to get boo’d out of town. Bay Area folks are very outspoken.
No. 512921
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how many times is she gonna use this smiling saber screenshot
No. 512962
>>512862Bay area as well and yeah she just has a shit reputation period
Doesnt even matter where, shes notorious for being a cunt
No. 513003
>>512865Oh man, the idea of Mariah in the tenderloin is delicious.
Unlike NYC/Manhattan specifically, downtown SF is super spotty. You have to know where you're going because one moment your in front of a nice building, the next street over are crackheads and homeless people. The places that don't have homeless people will ream the fuck out of your wallet just to exist there.
Can't wait for SF to fuck her shit up
No. 513019
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oh lord
No. 513021
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I can’t wait for the pictures to start rolling in. She’s gonna be feelin herself tonight
No. 513022
>>512862Also a Bay Area fag; she will fit right in with the SF homeless in smell and looks.
I suspect all she will do is eat over priced sushi and take photos on the embarcadero.
No. 513031
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No. 513045
>>513042This is exactly where my mind went. I also thought Petunia was a fat girl name (how fitting) now I realize why.
God I can't wait to see this mess. I'm wondering if it's a cotton candy meltdown or a highlighter gone rouge. It's a lovely Friday night anons. And knowing her lifestyle there's no way she'll properly keep up with the after care, so it will turn into a salmonly wreck in no time. Wasn't her hair silver/blue/green? I can't imagine the transition.
No. 513057
>>513021From Wikia:
The petunia is a trumpet-shaped flower of South American origin. When they were introduced in 15th century England, they gained the symbol of demonic powers or satanism. Petunias symbolize resentment and anger.
So in other words a perfect fit for momo.
No. 513079
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No. 513087
>>513079… can't you just run it through google translate?
I don't know a lot of Spanish, but the first part is saying she's better known as Momokun, is a cosplayer of Arab descent, and is based is Las Vegas. She started cosplaying in 2015 and like games, comics, and anime and is a big fan of DBZ and Fate. She is important in the cosplay community, is body positive, and promotes the idea that everyone can cosplay.
…or something like that. idk. I took one semester of Spanish and am too lazy myself to run it through a translator.
No. 513104
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looks like babbys first manic panic dye job
No. 513107
>>513079Not a native speaker, but I'll give it my best shot
Mariah Mallad, best known as Momokun, is a cosplayer of Arabic descent, with an operation base in Las Vegas.
A cosplayer since 2015, Momo is a fan of games, comics, and anime equally, as well as being a big fan of Dragon Ball Z and Fate Stay Night.
Momokun has an important role in the cosplay community, since she supports body positivity, thus promoting the idea that the whole world is able to do cosplay.
No. 513116
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>>513112it looks just like petunia I don’t know what you’re talking about!
real talk though you guys have seen her wigs/cosplays you know how bad she is with colors
No. 513121
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>>513104twitter version she posted so we could all say hi to flannelkun (and really see how linty her shirt is)
No. 513122
>>513104I'm assuming it looks so patchy and shitty because her dresser didn't bleach it before hand?
There's no other way. People with home dyes look better than this.
No. 513123
>>513104TBCH, I much prefer this color to her old rat colored hair, even if it's patchy as fuck.
Hopefully she'll stay like that for a while and let her hair get a bit healthier, but who am I kidding.
No. 513126
>>513114Yeah I don't get it. If you look at the stylists instagram, all of their work doesn't even look that bad. I think it's just legit Moo's hair that's terrible.
Either that or they were already back to brown when Mariah changed her mind.
I was expecting more pink like her OC and not a Walmart brand version of Kelly Eden but there's only so much you can do with dead hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe now she won't go around wearing her pink wig all the damn time.
Also I can't help but laugh at her "I feel like a magical girl" when she gives the strong vibe of a 15 yo emo girl going through her "THIS IS ME" phase. I'm fucking rolling.
No. 513141
>>512461Actually, I see what you mean, but that poster isn't me. I'm pretty good friends with someone who's gotten really close to her all of a sudden. She just really creeps me out is all.
But, I won't derail any further.
No. 513151
>>513121Somehow this color looks awful on her. She would have had better luck doing a lighter color pink like her OC wig
Just.. Yikes.
No. 513169
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In the replies she mentions this is the first time she’s told the story publicly but has anyone heard anything about this before?
No. 513187
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Tenderbroembrace really is on Momo's clit. I don't see how her posting Momo with a fan is proof of her being a good person. Of course to her fans she acts like an ~angel~. The issue is her not treating everyone with respect. Also, there's photos online of Hitler giving love and respect to people in his circle. Does that make him a good person too? It's so dumb that she would even use this to say Momo is a good person.
No. 513188
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“Hey guys! I’m going to start stripping……the paint off this armor because it’s cracking off everywhere already”
ruining her saber chestplate inc
No. 513189
>>513188…There are so many other things she can do instead that are less likely to fuck up the whole armor piece
No way am I gonna say WHAT they are since we all know she lurks here and I love to see her trainwrecks
But she really can't think anything through
No. 513199
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saber breastplate mess, not a cosplayer so I don’t know how true what she’s saying is but:
>”I could see using woodglue for something like a prop”
>”I throughly believe in using something flexible for your armor because you’re going to be moving in it”
>”I could be working on ‘titsyana’? but I gotta be fucking working on this”
she sure does believe in flexible armor, you remember how nice and flexible her Camilla breastplate was. anyway basically talking shit on kbbqs skills because she’s too big for the breastplate I guess
No. 513228
>>513199As an armor focused cosplayer she’s a fucking idiot. Many people use wood glue for priming armour but their stuff isn’t ruined after the first wear. If kbbq used wood glue on that chest piece he most likely used it on all his other foam builds in the past too.
How can she be tearing down someone else’s work whilst her own armour work looks like garbage. At least we’ll get to enjoy how bad the new paint job will be in comparison to the old.
No. 513231
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>>513228expecting her repaint to be something akin to pic related
No. 513234
>>513169>>513179Isn't she pretty much hated in the Vegas cosplay community, moreso than anywhere else? You'd think that if someone is actually a really nice person and just has a bad reputation because of slanderous jelly internet haters, it would be the other way around.
>>513187He's an idiot. Every adult with a functioning brain knows that even the shittiest of people don't behave like rabid animals 24/7. There are video clips of necrophiliac cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer being charming and pleasant around his family while in the middle of his killing spree, so I guess he was actually a nice guy and the police was just slandering him, right? These little snapshots in time don't prove anything.
>>513190>ARMOR BY ME CHESTPLATE painted BY ME ((base by kbqq)) No. 513242
>>513199I'm glad kbbq isn't making anything for her anymore (hopefully). She's an ungrateful bitch. If she knows soooo much about armor she should make it herself. That'll show all of the haters.
Way to spread positivity. Trashing others people's work and method that many people use!!
And oh wow you could be working on something else right now? Actually working on it? Or going to message a bunch of people to make it for you?
No. 513246
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>>513121She spends so much money on the most useless shit but won't go buy herself new clothes. It's so lazy. I understand having certain clothes you rely on to always be comfy and cute, but this bitch records her life almost every single day. Even for appearance's sake, you think you'd want to look like you own more than three items of clothing.
>>513199Is that why you didn't wear half the armor that /you/ made at Katsu, Moo? It was just too flexible??
Again, another instance of her trying to seem informed on something she knows jack about. She is so embarrassing. I'm glad KBBQ has finally been freed from his contract.
No. 513247
>>513199As an experienced cosplayer and a prop maker: What the fuck is this bitch rambling on about? Wood glue is a common sealant for foam and a ton of cosplayers use it. If the base is made out of foam ANY sealant is bound to crack/peel at the flexing points a bit because despite being flexible (like wood glue is) it doesn't expand like foam does, so it can't completely adapt to every movement the base makes. This cow is just parroting something she learned from a friend without fully understanding what it's about to seem like ~a cosplay sempai~.
>>513228Also this, she probably doesn't put enough layers because she's always crunching her shit costumes together a few days before the convention instead of actually putting time and effort into them. I've used wood glue for my foam based parts a ton of times and they haven't cracked. Also I don't treat them like trash.
>>513242>She's an ungrateful bitch. If she knows soooo much about armor she should make it herself. This. It really boils my fucking blood to see her bitch about stuff she got others to make for her lazy ass.
No. 513250
>This cow is just parroting something she learned from a friend without fully understanding what it's about to seem like ~a cosplay sempai~.This.
She does this with practically everything. Just because she has "connections" to big name cosplayers who ACTUALLY make their own cosplays she thinks she has infinite knowledge of everything. I'm sure she's the type to be telling people "well I know such and such cosplayer and such and such cosplayer uses this and that!" Like she knows what she's even talking about.
I think what's worse about this rant is it's basically a backhanded insult to kbbq and his work. She's commissioned him before and I'm sure he's used wood glue for those too and she hasn't said anything bad. But just because he doesn't want to be her fuckboy anymore, her bitterness shows. Like girl, start making your own stuff and surpass him before you start insulting his work.
And also worse is that people who are starting out cosplay and people who look up to her (unfortunately) will start to follow her advice of not using wood glue even though it's perfectly fine. It sucks because they don't know any better and will take her uneducated advice blindly…..
No. 513271
>>513104THIS is from a salon?? Nothing against home dye jobs because i do my own hair, but god damn, that is patchy!! You can see how damaged it is and that huge uneven spot in the front is
triggering me. She actually paid money for this…?
No. 513273
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No. 513275
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No. 513277
>>513275And it looks like crap. Must she complain about everything? this is the bare minimum. If cosplay is your 'job' why complain for such pathetic things? I follow cosplayers on ig like Altier Heidi and other people who do cast/molds, 3 printing, etc.. And they do some incredible work.
This bitch sands a breast plate a little bit and starts crying for attention.
No. 513279
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>>513273so i guess this is the kind of guy she wants to fuck then
No. 513328
>>513273it's called crossplay (for my people who don't know what it is; girl cosplaying a guy or guy cosplaying a girl) and using makeup/craft skills to pull it off.
but, this is mariah. so we know that'll never happen
No. 513345
>>513296We all have seen how Moo stores her cosplay: On the floor in her filthy 'craft room'.
I also wouldn't be surprised if David didn't do his absolute best on those pieces for her as we know 1) Moo is extremely cheap, and 2) These were made after her whole crusade against him.
She should of got her NEW Asian Prop Bitch to make her a new one since the breastplate was made five sizes ago, but nope, she's trying to prove she's a prop master now that the only cons she's truly been invited as a guest to are touting her cosplay senpai skillz.
No. 513374
>>513362Yeah… she's claiming its cracking EVERYWHERE but she was sanding the thing for hours, so the paint job can't be that bad.
>>513364I think so too, especially after only wearing it once. I know she paid for it, so its technically hers and can do whatever she wants with it, but still.
I just think it has something to do with her still being buttmad at KBBQ tbh. She repainted over the Mei pieces he made for her too, and when he found out he seemed kind of annoyed that she went over his paintjob that he spent a lot of time on. And we all know Mariah's idea of painting is lathering shit on the piece and then ~weathering~ it
No. 513393
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Cat slaving away
No. 513397
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>>513296This reminds me of the time she bought a brandon gilbert suit that already comes shaded and added disgusting shading on top of it, ruining the suit.
No. 513459
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>>513338Fwiw her stylist sends decent and even adept at handling bad dye jobs (though this look isn't my preference it's objectively nicer), maybe momo's hair is just that fried. Doesn't seem like she takes care of it.
No. 513467
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No. 513473
>>513464Well you know anon, she's just a weeb with a sewing machine, not a professional! -Unless claiming she's a professional benefits her like getting free con passes and guest slots at trashy cons.
>>513467Gotta keep up that bi lie for her neckbeards/immunity points, I see.
No. 513482
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No. 513491
>>513362Also plastidip is much more expensive than woodglue and it takes a little bit more time (from my experience).
Anyways she could have asked him in the first place to use plastidip. Woodglue is a very common method she as a professional cosplayer should know that kek.
No. 513500
>>513482So there was back armor… I'm going to guess that it didn't close properly because it wasn't big enough, so to fasten it she had to pull it at a wonky angle and that caused the whole thing to tip forward like it did. Also explains why she wore the cape the whole time.
I'm not sure why KBBQ made it all one piece when it would have made more sense to make a front and back piece separately, especially with how much her weight fluctuates, although he may have wanted to laugh at her when it no longer fit, and I wouldn't blame him honestly.
No. 513501
>>513491That's the thing I don't understand. If she knew that the flex seal was the better way to go, why didn't she just ASK???
She has ~so much creative control~ she can pay the extra money for supplies. Don't complain when you're paying the bare minimum and expecting god tier cosplay
No. 513511
>>513502I use wood glue for my armors all the time and I have had no issues. However, I would like to add that I actually take care of my armor and props. I have also seen kbbq at multiple conventions in his armors and he has even let me touch one of them because I was curious how he built things. They were all good quality. Far better than most cosplayers and far better than what Mooriah could ever make. I can almost promise you she doesn't know anything about flex seal and is only using it because she asked her other ~professional~ friends.
This whole situation ticks me off because as an armor maker myself, she is shitting on a technique many people use. She's trying to act like she knows something she clearly knows nothing about. And the sheer and utter disrespect towards the person she commissioned….
Commissioners should stop taking her commissions because I wouldn't be surprised if she starts doing this to other people..
No. 513526
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Some con photos
No. 513527
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No. 513528
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No. 513529
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No. 513533
>>513515I simply can't believe how fucking disrespectful and immature she is. She's tearing apart a commissioned piece??? Why didn't she make one from scratch herself if it was so shoddily constructed to begin with? I would be so offended if someone did this to my creations and she's done it before (re-painting a prop KBBQ made) that I'm pretty sure she's doing it deliberately to fuck him over. She doesn't do this shit with props made by others.
>>513483>Mentioning there not being enough layers and blaming the chipping on that right after the reply here that suggested the problemI see she still religiously stalks this thread. I might be overly paranoid about this but the timeline adds up. And I'd like to see her use wood filler to seal the foam and watch how that shit cracks even worse.
No. 513536
>>513533Making it from scratch would mean actually making it though.
Way easier to strip it, and claim that since she altered it she technically made it.
No. 513541
>>513533well thats not forget that just yesterday she went on a huge spiel about how great, and wonderful, and perfect the Beekeeper Mei gun that she commissioned is. So much so she just has to display!!
>>512722Then literally hours later she shits all over David's chest piece, destroys it, and implies he doesn't know anything about armor making.
>>513188Its really fucking obvious she's doing it because she's still buttmad about him.
No. 513544
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>wood filler
>uses flex seal but not caulk to full in crevices
No. 513548
>>513482My friend paints props for a living and does not understand why she would use flex seal when it is is more likely to peel off than wood glue. Agrees that it is more than likely poor care to the chest piece if the paint was chipping.
That is just…. what? How could it also be peeling off at the wood glue base but she had to sand it off if it was just peeling off???
No. 513557
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Texas rodeo sponsoring Momokun’s next cosplay. Can’t wait until she gets here.
No. 513567
>>513563She's def doing this to take his name off of it. I had a friend once who commissioned from a mutual and a famous local leather worker for some things. Anyway, he did the majority work and then she went through and changed SMALL details/buckle pieces and took full credit.
Relevant because: People do this and it's possible
No. 513583
>>513580it's a mixture of her lying about her measurements as well as the fact that it's obviously the best thing about the rest of her costume so she's gonna make it look shit to match the rest of it.
On one hand it would be shitty for her to now still say it was made by kbbq but knowing how she goes she'll 200% take credit for the new terrible paintjob.
No. 513615
>>513605>>513610Exactly this. This was the boyfriend that I was referencing to.
>>513606That's some dumb logic that they have then.
No. 513669
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No. 513701
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No. 513704
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No. 513709
I've just discovered an anime that was popular 5 years ago but I'm acting like I've always liked it because I can't handle people not seeing me as a superfan of eveything.
No. 513722
>>513544Was thinking that too lmao
Why use a nonflexible filler to close gaps and holes when you want it to be flexible?
She doesn't know shit about making armor, just knows how to throw product names out there so it looks like she knoes what she's doing
No. 513756
>>513368Someone in here went to school with that sylar chick or whatever her name was
But I forget how long they'd finished
No. 513857
>>513571Didn't she complain about not having enough room for her luggage? That's why she didn't bring those side pieces I assume.
Anyways the armor already looked fucked up in earlier pictures. She probably didn't pack it right and just stuffed it into her baggage. So no wonder the paint is chipping off.
Also in the future she will totally say something like breast plate base by kbbq everything else by me or so.
No. 513870
>>513857I thought she did have the side pieces but I went back and looked and it looks like she only has one in every picture, on her right side, and not on the left.
It's not even a costume that you HAVE to have the armor, there are a few scenes where she has only the dress on, why didn't she just wear that if she forgot the armor for one side?
I will never understand how someone can be so half assed.
No. 513919
>>513526I know Moo not having an ass is a dead meme but man… I'll never complain about my white girl butt again.
Her proportions are just straight up wonky.
No. 513933
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this straight up creeps me out
No. 513936
>>513933why is only one glove a mitten? is the original character just 1 mitten?
also i guess those rings on her fingers aren't secured very well because they're all over the place and her index finger is missing one lol.
No. 513947
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moo wants to cosplay yamraiha but she’s more fit for budel lmao
No. 513956
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No. 513957
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No. 513959
File: 1519540592594.jpg (214.46 KB, 2048x1528, 28164999_1267775546699540_8007…)

No. 513960
File: 1519540664732.jpg (445.69 KB, 1944x1296, 28161543_1274243786040693_7350…)

No. 513961
File: 1519540732055.jpg (207.09 KB, 1365x2048, 27709810_1204953256305240_7134…)

No. 513983
>>513959Those lopsided choppy bangs are
triggering the fuck out of me
No. 513984
File: 1519543137721.jpg (813.91 KB, 1166x1411, Cleanup.jpg)

Was waiting for some paints to dry so I did a little half hour exercise. I can't believe how she looks when I turn the edits off, its shocking.
No. 513988
File: 1519543675072.jpg (33.24 KB, 720x706, 1516825208007.jpg)

>>513701>>513704Please no one show her the Djinn Equips.
No. 513996
File: 1519544723343.jpeg (1011.37 KB, 1232x1480, 78317CA4-EBEC-4795-A5CD-9686FE…)

>>513984Too tier craftsmanship and attention to detail my dudes
No. 514012
File: 1519546699338.jpeg (535.42 KB, 746x1095, 5026E430-19BD-47BB-8136-18F1BC…)

okay she is seriously full on the damn thicc donkey Kong body in this, I know it’s the worst meme. I guess she’s up reflecting on times when her abs were fresher
No. 514038
File: 1519550803614.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, 98DA0011-4959-45EF-B3E5-CBB681…)

watch out guys she’s powerliftin now
No. 514052
>>513970Lol never 4get #takanoproject
Jk even moo already fucking forgot
No. 514057
File: 1519554507903.jpg (763.95 KB, 1753x1973, 18-02-25-02-26-17-276_deco.jpg)

>>514049>>514012Also did her "abs get even more misshapen?
No. 514059
>>513996Oh yikes, wtf are those bangs? Seriously I don't get how this could possibly be okay in her eyes when she pays so much attention to detail. Kek what a travesty.
>>514057Yeah people are obviously too blind by her "beauty" to even realize how shit her body is.
No. 514156
File: 1519575016422.png (356.75 KB, 634x766, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 8.png)

Didn't she watch Carnival Phantasm??
No. 514304
File: 1519587846569.png (2 MB, 750x1334, DDD02E66-B4D7-44D9-AFDB-2B74F7…)

I hope someone comes through with this chocolate milk for us
No. 514309
File: 1519587981649.jpeg (295.13 KB, 549x907, B6B844D4-59F4-472A-A7CB-3007A6…)

How is this going to be implied nude I don’t understand
No. 514311
File: 1519588041938.jpeg (94.65 KB, 576x905, AE348D73-30DA-4807-B397-30BE3D…)

No. 514313
File: 1519588118560.jpeg (708.42 KB, 750x1117, 0EE8636E-8B7B-4BF9-83D5-291891…)

she’s gonna teach us about bootleg figures vs real
No. 514317
you think you look good in these??? DA FUQ?????
Shopped straight to hell and back and you still look like an awareness ad for obesity
No. 514323
I’m weezing y’all
No. 514326
>>514170I believe it. She's the type to want attention all to herself. You can tell she's salty with how she's giving his work backhanded insults. She's the one who commissioned him because she obviously believes he does good work. So it doesn't make sense why she's all of a sudden trashing him. If she loves Saber as much as she constantly preaches online then she should have made everything herself. It could have been an actual ~big build~ unlike the terrible Yoko she did.
Even if she didn't like the wood glue and the paint chipping, she could have easily just sanded everything off in private and only shown the repaint using an excuse like saying it was so the paints would match better. But no, she purposely and maliciously publicly talked bad about someone else's work. Who the fuck does that? Personally, I am not very experienced with crafting and making armor but I'm better than Mariah for sure and even I don't think I have the right to insult someone else's work so I don't know why she feels like she can.
Sage for rant but yeah she's a terrible person.
>>514311Ew the fuq… those back rolls.
No. 514328
File: 1519588501285.jpg (63.12 KB, 549x907, tinyaf.jpg)

>>514309those are some tiny af tits
No. 514351
>>514328The sauce down her thigh literally just looks like she's shit herself and the stomach shoop on the other photo is HORRENDOUS.
How long ago did we call her releasing nude photos?
No. 514355
>>514309>>514311Damn I feel sorry for the person who had to take and edit these photos. Imagine having to first look at this cow naked and then shave off 40 pounds off her body and airbrush everything. Mariah's so unfortunate with those back rolls, bingo arms and the fat going to the front of her thighs instead of the back. It looks seriously grotesque. At her weight she would lose weight fast if she just ate less crap and drank less wine coolers and hard liquor.
>>513709This. As a huge Magi fan though I'd love to see her pull Yamuraiha off with a ratty glue-filled wrong-colored wig, sagging tits with the seashells falling off and unfinished threads sticking out left and right on her ill-fitting robe and a hat she hastily hotglued together. I'd laugh my fucking ass off.
No. 514356
>>514328It wouldn't surprise me if she regrets her reduction nowadays. She got it around the time she was playing lacrosse, right? She was aiming for a career in sports where big tits get in the way, whereas she ended up in a career where she'd probably make more money if her boobs were bigger… the irony.
(Yes I know huge boobs are uncomfortable and that's the main reason people get reductions but still)
No. 514369
File: 1519592709504.png (1.05 MB, 640x1136, 7949AD9B-2F11-45DA-AA5F-2460ED…)

ratty wig + backroll combo
I dunno what‘s worse to look at tbh
No. 514390
>>514311I'll always be amazed how flat her stomach is compared to how much she actually weights. I know it's mostly from the lipo but even before her stomach was quite flat.
If even half of her arm or thigh gap was in her stomach even most of her neckbeards would say that she is fat.
I feel like most of her fans think that (kinda) flat stomach = skinny
No. 514394
>>514309what happened to her buff abs uwu
>>514311seriously what's the point of shopping the waist and leaving the back rolls?? you can literally look at her roadhag pictures from last fucking weekend and go hmmmm woa she looks nothing like this but neckbeards have too much Cheeto dust in their eyes I guess.
No. 514402
>>514397This one yes, obviously.
My point still stands though. Just compare her bikini Mei.
I feel like any other woman with her weight would have much bigger rolls.
No. 514406
File: 1519595072119.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 1518899849158.png)

>>514402She really isn't. Before her lipo she had a huge belly in her Mei shoot. And in various candids she does have a lot of stomach rolls to go around. It's just angles, shoops, lipo and her sucking it in when it looks flat.
No. 514409
>>514400Judging by her back fat too you can tell that without the lipo her gut would have been a lot bigger than that Mei pic shoot. Her weight gain happened so quickly. That's how you know she doesn't do anything during her free time besides eat. Like yeah we get it Mariah, you do a photoshoot like once or twice a month but those take 3 hours at most each. She doesn't make any of her cosplays either so it's shocking how much of a lazy slob she is.
I bet she only pretends to attend college still just so she can use it as an excuse as to why she never works out.
No. 514422
File: 1519596651193.jpg (183.04 KB, 576x905, 1519588041938_mr1519596370309.…)

>>514311>>514311You're welcome for the unedit
She's sucking in hard tho
No. 514425
File: 1519597017028.png (3.63 MB, 750x1334, 3D4899E8-569B-4A12-8386-3C1611…)

No. 514455
>>514442Holy shit, that bra does NOT fit her. Is it on purpose (tighter bra = more pushed together tits) or is it completely accidental and she's too stupid to get a properly fitting bra?
>>514422This is way too generous
No. 514470
>>514359can agree as a big tittied girl, very minor back pain
just wish all the bras for any cup size bigger than DD weren't grandma-tier hideous and all beige
I think that's probably why moo wears sports bras all the time and then too small bras for shoots since there's nothing sexy about big-titty bras. plus then she gets that spillage which makes them look bigger
No. 514587
File: 1519607740792.png (Spoiler Image,166.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180225-171305.png)

No. 514595
File: 1519608072132.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 4444x6659, DSC_8247-Edit_preview.jpeg)

No. 514599
>>514585This somehow isn't "nude"? The only thing covering her is a couple of pasties on her nips, and a dumb af looking paw censor bar.
At the very least, by definition, the back shots can be considered non-frontal nudity, so, yeah, she's nude. She has literally released nudes
No. 514601
File: 1519608277194.jpeg (158.21 KB, 1154x724, 76B9DDA6-5E6D-46CC-A322-DA9E04…)

she may be naked but she’s still wearing her invisible hat
No. 514606
File: 1519608627154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,244.03 KB, 1367x2048, mygodwhy.jpeg)

This is actually unspeakable. I've seen people shit on themselves in the hospital and this is exactly what it looks like. I'm in disbelief.
No. 514607
the melting ass, i am fucking dead and buried
No. 514613
File: 1519608884583.png (Spoiler Image,3.57 MB, 1538x1586, ripple.png)

remember when we thought this weird ripple was from an ill-fitting bra?
No. 514632
File: 1519609756758.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.88 KB, 906x478, 84861464156.jpg)

No. 514634
File: 1519609977837.gif (5.34 MB, 421x750, C4E73891-CCFA-4139-B99C-9DB70E…)

not very interesting summary:
buncha sets on her website (chocolate moo is $50)
on her period so she feels bad about herself, so relatable.
isn’t used to her pink hair yet and is still thrown off when she catches herself in a mirror
>gif related “who is that? is there someone in the house I don’t know about?”
No. 514637
>>514634Her patrons don't give a single shit about her being on her period. Why did she feel the need to let the world know?
>>514595And why in the entire universe would she show this to anyone? This is fucking disgusting. My stomach just did backflips after looking at this.
No. 514638
File: 1519610203525.gif (5.72 MB, 337x600, 8A39F973-4DA6-4EE9-8663-A894E2…)

>>514634peep underneath her nails. Still dirty from sanding/roadhog paint? either way it’s real black
No. 514642
File: 1519610579088.png (111.95 KB, 250x238, 1506294748841.png)

>>514606Why the fuck would she release this seriously why the fuck no
No. 514677
>>514646I just saw this like …huh? Then clicked the link and saw the photo and PFFFFTTTT
thanks anon
No. 514687
>>514593it amuses me so much knowing her breasts look like
>>514595 for real. she literally must be at the nipple with that push up bra.
No. 514699
>>514632Her feet are dirty in basically every shoot she shows them.
Like how hard is it to clean your feet for the photos you're charging people for holy fuck
No. 514702
>>514691I think almost every American gets free return shipping/exchange cause they're the only people I know who shop for clothes online…
I'm jealous clothes shopping is horrid
No. 514707
File: 1519615095809.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 868x712, ripmoo.png)

The comparison to her past Valentines set is almost kind of sad
No. 514759
File: 1519622019796.png (453.84 KB, 604x555, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 9.08.…)

15 k and she cannot stop lookin crusty
No. 514761
File: 1519622063199.png (325.46 KB, 417x465, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 9.12.…)

She looks like Paula Deen with this makeup
No. 514773
File: 1519623012533.png (439.15 KB, 961x579, kek.PNG)

>>514707Sorry if this was posted a million threads ago, but I wanted to point out that last year's valentine's shoot corset is work 13 dollars on wish. I bought it myself for personal wear, but she's a big name cosplayer buying cheap Chinese lingerie and throwing them on Patreon for $20+ tiers?
No. 514782
File: 1519623850843.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 750x1334, DA742388-316B-408E-B7AE-7EB4DD…)

tfw you try to edit her but less than halfway in you give up because there’s no help
No. 514789
File: 1519624680687.jpg (56.24 KB, 876x493, paula-deen.jpg)

>>514761You're not wrong.
No. 514791
>>514789both love butter, both are racist.
works for me
No. 514793
File: 1519625179091.jpeg (164.79 KB, 1367x2048, ADCD3BFB-F437-4218-AB7F-DDA3E5…)

Her hovering forest tho
No. 514796
File: 1519625375492.jpeg (144.61 KB, 1367x2048, 71C05578-C37D-4BF5-9391-91847E…)

Hovering forest part 2
It is so apparent where the shape of her corset ends and her own butt begins
No. 514803
File: 1519625854998.jpeg (157.55 KB, 470x467, 5AAE22C9-C352-4C3D-8B24-990516…)

>>514796That back fat spillage
No. 514804
File: 1519626367956.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.18 KB, 1367x2048, DSC_8255-Edit_preview.jpg)

Whoever the fuck keeps shooping Mariah's pictures needs to get beat upside the head with an anatomy book.
No. 514806
File: 1519626739337.jpeg (80.49 KB, 406x388, 6B610536-78BF-40C5-BAFB-3D883E…)

Did she make these? Because these seams are giving up
No. 514821
>>514804This looks like one of those anon edits where they try to make Momo look more attractive by shaving off 50 lbs. I can't believe Momo is trying to pull the wool over her fanboys' eyes with this.
>>514613Oh shit, I was one of the people super confused by her Roadhog bra causing weird spillage beneath her armpit. Didn't realize her reductions scars would cause that much warping in her skin in conjunction with her weight gain. Momo's a dick, but it's still sad to see her focus on weight go from priding herself on not being fat to what seems to be binge eating.
No. 514834
File: 1519629850013.png (6.76 MB, 3296x2592, butter.png)

No. 514841
File: 1519630359156.jpg (133.03 KB, 500x486, 84d5a37a-172a-4289-a146-13b92d…)

>>514804they had to blur her so much that she looks discoloured, wtf.
No. 514846
File: 1519631500388.png (660.78 KB, 800x597, moopshoop.png)

I'm at my buddies house on her small ass laptop so this was an adventure to shoop. There's something so satisfying about editing this cow though.
No. 514856
File: 1519633282032.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 2896x2896, 1519633245759.jpeg)

>>514804I really tried to make this look better but there is truly no way of saving this mess is there?
No. 514877
File: 1519636220519.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1232x812, lookslikeshit.png)

She couldn't even be bothered to remove the white pixels around the paw, which is an easy fix in Photoshop. Either Mariah edited these herself or her photographer is just as incompetent as she it.
No. 514888
>>514877enjoy ur bv mariah
>>514846this actually looks really good, but wtf is all the chipping on her sword…? she really can't take care of anything she owns.
No. 514899
>>514773>>514773On Halloween she bragged about how many outfits she did
It's cause the Halloween store was open tho
Men are literally too retarded to recognize this kind of shit
No. 514901
>>514799Infinite to the amoount of times she cashes patron checks
>>514804Her body looks physically broken
No. 514920
File: 1519647347524.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.51 KB, 941x974, labiakun.jpg)

labia-kun reporting for duty
No. 514923
File: 1519647798725.jpg (11.7 KB, 428x154, forest.jpg)

i love my forest suiy
linguistics major
No. 515018
File: 1519660607530.png (147.09 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3376.PNG)

I'm sorry can we getta cap over here from when she was making fun of that guy for being a furry less than 6 months ago? God she's so fake it's painful
No. 515028
File: 1519661346729.jpg (29.26 KB, 275x254, IMG_2213.JPG)

>>515018Sorry it might be super blurry, there may be a better screenshot in one of the threads
No. 515029
File: 1519661399523.jpg (19.53 KB, 275x235, IMG_2214.JPG)

This is the one I was supposed to send, sorry
No. 515033
>>515018In B4 implied beastiality pov
Also someone should tell this dumb bitch her ugly cow is her fursona
No. 515042
File: 1519662560401.jpg (173.3 KB, 1077x1122, Screenshot_20180226-162729.jpg)

Wow Moo, we can really see just how busy you are with schoolwork…
No. 515046
File: 1519662741257.jpeg (Spoiler Image,659.75 KB, 2078x2078, 1B61C500-7A54-439D-8E3D-44597C…)

Does this idiot seriously only know two poses?
Holding a hat and dropping a duce
No. 515134
File: 1519669687393.jpg (568.94 KB, 1079x1470, Oh shit.jpg)

Screaming over this edit. Bless this person.
No. 515153
File: 1519670825711.png (3.08 MB, 1839x1866, whatisposing.png)

how isnt she ashamed in the quality of the photos she puts out. these shots all look like like shes in the middle of switching positions. the one on the right looks like she was in the middle of talking.
No. 515233
>>515153Her poses lack any motivation and intention. They all feel like half poses. Like I get what kind of poses she's going for but it all seems half assed. Such a ~professional model~.
Inb4 "I never said I was a professional model my dudes! You guys said that!!!!"
No. 515243
File: 1519677967952.gif (5.62 MB, 440x440, 9D7C9ECC-0CEA-48DC-8F9A-7E997F…)

momo (and her munchie) made it into dpiddys video again.
No. 515287
>>515246>>515249That's clearly a China costume, tons of people have it.
I wonder if she learned her inaccurate hoop skirt ways from Moo. At least hers in the right shape, it's just way too long.
No. 515301
File: 1519681086893.png (Spoiler Image,324.67 KB, 427x640, mooooo.png)

just saw her poop photo shoot… her horns trigger me beyond belief. so i thought id do a small edit.
forgot to spoiler.
No. 515323
File: 1519683148260.jpg (Spoiler Image,897.2 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180226_221152.jpg)

I tried, she still looks grotesque but at least passable as a human female.
No. 515412
>>515368It's on the same level as drawfags tracing over Mariah's face - it gets boring and unfunny after a short while. A lot of photoshop jokes are really "meh" too, like last thread's LifeAlert image.
Most of the time I think the cringe on behalf of the cow in question can speak for itself and weird edits or memes make me feel cringey for being a fellow farmer. But I can't stop anyone, so whatever.
No. 515413
>>515412I think the drawfags are fine, it's just… these guys are editing over her bare ass. They are zooming into that HD unedited, unclothed skin and–
gags I need to stop right there lol
No. 515414
File: 1519693488694.png (Spoiler Image,829.5 KB, 638x530, Screenshot_9.png)

How can someone ever think this looks beautiful?
Holy crap.
No. 515431
File: 1519695778275.jpeg (Spoiler Image,58.4 KB, 683x1024, 4512D8DF-AD4D-4603-9585-7AB8BA…)

>>515392What was the point of putting a paw censor on this one? The fupa covers everything just fine lol
No. 515453
>>515153Labia-kun still didn't ask for this.
>>515368The memes are fine, it's editing the nudes that are creeping me out rn.
>>515414I was gonna ask before I saw this whether or not Moomoo would be smart enough to test run how this would photograph, but I don't think that happened.
>>515449She's 22?? Holy fuck I thought she was closer to 30, she's only two years younger than me.
No. 515481
>>515462>>515474Hell, if she wanted a foot print she could've gone with a hoof print.
She also could've used hot fudge sauce instead of chocolate syrup. It'd be darker and have a thicker consistency than what she used. Or, maybe it'd look more like shit. I don't know. I don't smother myself in condiments for neckbeards.
No. 515504
>>515418good luck sir
i hope you make it back
No. 515509
File: 1519702843711.png (241.26 KB, 589x512, Screenshot 2018-02-26 at 7.40.…)

She posted 5 of the same gif trying to make herself a meme again
No. 515511
File: 1519703507930.gif (4.38 MB, 337x600, 46B30018-7366-4A75-A415-F50B2E…)

any guesses? looks like a quilted paper towel to me
No. 515524
>>515511I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say it has something to do with her “childhood fursona.”
Zig zag stitch on the puffy looking backside of the material is telling me it’s some kind of fur.
No. 515527
File: 1519704387651.jpg (122.36 KB, 800x533, 40441514072_929411c3ff_o-L.jpg)

No. 515534
File: 1519704871365.jpeg (462.54 KB, 750x961, 80AD024F-1366-434D-8FFD-968D3B…)

>>515530samefag with the sheep artwork she wanted to work off of
No. 515539
>>513126Is it possible that her hair is just so destroyed from how much she's fucked it that it just doesn't hold color?
I stripped my hair by box-bleaching it at home 2-3 times and it wouldn't hold ANY kind of dye after that. Professional or otherwise. I had to cut it all off and start over. I feel like that's what's happened to Moo - otherwise that is just a travesty of a dye-job.
No. 515555
File: 1519706962470.jpeg (904.17 KB, 3072x3072, 1C6D0FCB-794D-4855-BD03-9B006A…)

It’s really hard to shoop this grotesque beast but I tried.
No. 515596
>>515555First year: called it "boudoir" and said she would never do porn
Second year: called it "Lewds" and admitted to doing porn but still will never go full nude
Now: goes full nude….
No. 515603
File: 1519709635476.gif (5.21 MB, 337x600, A0E5D3CC-E28A-4159-B9E3-5D2313…)

No. 515610
>>515603Ruffling is so fucking easy, she acts like it's some great achievement.
Just sew two straight stitches and pull the thread.
No. 515629
File: 1519712480052.jpg (12.74 KB, 250x250, 250px-Celestin_Lucullus黑兽个人2.j…)

first guess was this but it looks more like bride!Sonico
No. 515633
File: 1519713030658.png (713.44 KB, 1280x1920, Majin_Android_21.png)

>>515631They most likely mean Majin Android 21
No. 515634
File: 1519713059770.png (3.2 MB, 750x1334, 6B1C7132-3314-4654-927A-D1ACF3…)

another big skirt makes me think it’s another fate
No. 515644
File: 1519714099380.jpg (192.49 KB, 640x939, 9cede433cb1e211f13bac9f8ae0bd4…)

>>515634Maybe this dress?
No. 515650
File: 1519714816966.png (167.31 KB, 500x733, mariah-mallad-september-30-201…)

I love that she never keeps her word(reposting)
No. 515651
File: 1519714832095.jpeg (381.8 KB, 607x913, BE1D3CD5-800B-4F89-9BB8-C32192…)

No. 515655
File: 1519715169552.jpg (816.65 KB, 1248x2220, Bruh.jpg)

>>515511Dude them nails tho
No. 515658
File: 1519715551339.jpeg (Spoiler Image,320.21 KB, 683x1024, AFB70D5B-23CE-4F30-ABCB-0285D8…)

>>515431I did a lazy shoop in trying to make her thinner. But she’d be ok if she lost weight and had jaw reduction. Kek
No. 515660
File: 1519716052573.png (116.68 KB, 500x541, rebel-wilson-is-so-skinny-now-…)

>>515658if u wanna edit good please first get some anatomy courses, im getting tired of people shooping moo's pics its like that rebel wilson meme
No. 515667
>>515661It's shit and the edits are annoying. They stopped being interesting and were overdone like 10 posts ago. None of them make her look remotely better, they're pointless.
Plus most of them are unsaged, it isn't milk.
No. 515678
File: 1519718472401.png (136.34 KB, 720x1036, Screenshot_2018-02-26-23-59-35…)

No. 515680
>>515660maybe save this thread and edit it yourself then if you're so great?
>>515666>>515667>>515668all of you sound like the same person. chill out. maybe if you guys would stfu, the thread wouldn't be flooded with unnecessary posts and responses complaining. if its so shitty, make one yourself. we get it, there's shitty shoops. no amount of good or bad shoop can fix moomoo.
No. 515685
File: 1519718881155.png (712.34 KB, 718x1118, Screenshot_2018-02-27-00-06-05…)

No. 515687
>>515678>>515683Holy fucking shit, if I was kbbq I'd be so pissed.
Not only is she ruining a piece he made her because "muh armor making skillz!" but she's shitting on him some more and not even trying to hide it.
It is so frustrating that people give this kind of attitude a pass. She really needs to be kicked off her high horse.
No. 515690
File: 1519719363190.jpeg (412.63 KB, 544x980, 67855F17-8588-448F-B35A-41B969…)

give us lord our weekly fate sperg
No. 515694
>>515678Another example of her having to post every single detail of what she does to show she "totally knows what she's talking about guys".
She could have just said she had to redo it, but no. Not only does she have to mention his name, she has to explain her entire ~process~ like the pro she is.
No. 515696
>>515666 not the others. You're the only one being sensitive.
>>515678Is she seriously trying to tell someone what to and not to use when making a cosplay? The same person who styles those ratty ass wigs?
No. 515717
>>515638Well someone had to actually do the work while moo "learned"
Do you think moo pays extra to take credit for this basic bitch shit
No. 515720
File: 1519722786875.jpeg (19.95 KB, 279x181, 4853228C-6D87-482B-8E34-9B4E1E…)

>weatheringi can’t wait to see this mess. i hope kbbq finally tells the truth of everything that happened because of this bullshit.
No. 515791
File: 1519737195307.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.23 KB, 590x845, 21BE08AC-09EF-42FC-8BE9-0AB41D…)

No. 515792
>use wood glue for props and wood..Oh look guys the girl who commissions everything all of a sudden thinks she's a genius!! This is just some bullshit excuse for her again to take credit for work that isn't hers. Now she will be like "kbbq made the chest piece BUT I MADE IT BETTER!!!!!"
For fucks sake Mariah, people use wood glue for armor all the time. Just because you don't like it, you want to slander someone's work and the method? This is some elementary school bullshit here.
Oh and Mariah where's your ~statement~???
No. 515798
>>515793I wonder if that anon that texted him or whatever before is still around.
I doubt he'd spill anything, but jfc he has a right to know that she's publicly shitting on his work.
No. 515801
>>515800Tbf I'd be doing the same thing. He doesn't have to do anything because she does shit to herself. Think about it. Ever since their falling out so much shit happened to Mariah without him even lifting a finger:
- got called out for taking credit
- doxxed a guy because of a meme
- got shit on by people on funimation
- came out about lipo
- possibly got new lipo
- got caught lying about going to college
- got caught stealing her "OC"
- got caught stealing from MyOppa
- got called out by prominent figures in the cosplay and patreon scene
- got called out from unapologetically stepping on someone else's cosplay
- proceeds to bully a cosplayer about the issue AFTER "apologizing"
No. 515804
>>515801Samefag but she is done for. She has been going down hill for a long time now. Her Valentine's Day photos show how desperate she is now.
If she has any common decency left in her she should immediately issue kbbq an apology for what she's doing. But she's not. She's not a decent person and she's definitely not a good person. She's a piece of washed out shit who has no real friends and has to do whatever it takes to stay relevant. Because she knows once she becomes irrelevant (to even where we get bored of talking about her here) she will have no money, no friends, and no life. She's going to be like one of those old moms who keep trying to cling onto their golden years by talking about the "good old days".
No. 515863
>>515848Yeah, people have at least commented with the meme-pic on this post, which was posted on the 30th of september, so before the redesign: you go down far enough. And this is not the only time either, so she must be ware of the meme, right?
No. 515874
File: 1519746875549.png (1.35 MB, 2156x1916, reference.png)

for reference for those who didn't saw it or forgot, this is the redesign.
No. 515901
>>515678"Use wood glue…. for wood not props"
isn't it wood filler that's typically used and she's has no idea what she's talking about?
No. 515903
>>515874The only difference is the jeans instead of shorts, and the hair is up instead of down.
"Original Character do not steal"
No. 515910
File: 1519749963146.png (641.05 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3379.PNG)

>>515863She is aware of it, I recently saw it in her twitter likes.
No. 515912
>>515881It cannot be this hard to create an OC. And before she says that it's hard to come up with an original cowgirl because there's a lot of cowgirls, she should open up her baggy eyes and actually look at them! Like cowgirl Sonico and Milk Party look nothing alike. Both pink haired cowgirls and still original designs.
Here's an OC idea Mariah I'll let you take it too because you steal ideas anyways:
Brown haired (not pink because that wig is ratty as fuck) cow girl with a cow pattern bunny suit. You can keep the cowbell and because you like the armbands so much, why not have TWO of them in red?
No. 515917
>>515678oh my god, this idiot is actually bald-faced claiming that chest armor should be "flexible" and hers now fits well because she stripped the wood glue off and primed it with more flexible materials. that's not EVA foam works you dum dum, that's not even how most fabrics work! you're making yourself seem even more incompetent than you are just to shit on KBBQ!
>>514888>>514846to add insult to the injury, not only the sword is chipped but there's also chipped paint from the chest armor stuck to it.
No. 515921
>>515912To build on the OC idea:
Use the base wig you had for Rin (just take out the ponytails), it looks amazing on you and your skintone and the wig quality seems better than all your others. Dark brown wigs are also easy to find in good quality in any shape or style. If you want to feel adventurous you can add white-blonde wefts as an underlayer for more 'cow' feel. Alternatively using the pale blonde in the ear tails and have a streak going back into the ponytail. It would make the character unique to you rather than still being a gross rip off of Milk Party.
Go thrift shopping for white clothes that actually fit you and NEATLY paint on the cow spots, there's no reason to commission someone to make you a cow print blouse? How are you actually that lazy? You could even do the base painting while you watch hours of anime straight… or study if you're still claiming that's a thing you do.
Go and buy a real cowbell, just do it.
Since you can totally sew so well, buy cow print items in the largest size you can get your hands on, you can always tailor them in and then you can use the extra fabric to make accessories like ribbons to put in wigs and patches to put on pants for the homey farmy look you seem to have gone for.
I honestly dont care if you steal these ideas since I would prefer you look better rather than have to deal with your neck beards saying you're the best while looking like trash in shitty wigs and nonsense costumes.
No. 515934
File: 1519752282117.jpg (437.7 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-28-01-24-01…)

I swear, her wig is SOOO…distracting
No. 515953
>>515678This fucking bitch can't even be bothered to make a goddamn cape, and she's going to try and go off on someone who has had made dozens of armor pieces before???
why is this shit okay? if this was any other cosplayer dragging someone else's work like this, the community would be in a tizzy. but because its mariah, its expected, and therefore ignored.
No. 515995
File: 1519757413733.jpg (447.27 KB, 2048x2048, 742F944D-13CB-4269-888A-9D49D7…)

I was wondering why this MyAuna girl was defending Mariah this hard and I realized she's friends with Cat so it makes sense.
And Mariah giving advice? She isn't qualified to give any advice. That's like getting medical advice from someone who's never taken a science class. Mariah has never done good armor work but she thinks just because she has actually talented acquaintances that she is talented herself. I get that she has a lot to prove but if she wants to prove herself she can start by making something from scratch for once.
Also this isn't giving advice. She clearly had ill intentions when posting this and other posts about her "improving" this armor piece.
No. 516000
>>515998Exactly. If she actually made her shit she wouldn't have to credit so aggressively. Like would it kill her to pick up some scissors and rubber cement?
Someone like Mariah HAS to credit because we have seen time and time again her trying to take credit for someone else's work or let her neckbeards ignorantly believe she made her armor and props without her ever once correcting them. She's purposely trying to keep up the lie that she has actual talent. This is fair for people with actual talent and people who actually put in work.
No. 516014
>>516005How many of those costhots have actual talents though?
I hate some of these thots up but most of them still make their own costumes, are transparent about their work and don't have a hidden agenda (aside from cam girl work veiled by """"cosplay"""")
Moo always has a hidden agenda. Everything is about being the topper of the cake, not thinking about the ingredients or techniques that go into making the rest of the cake. Without that, you're not a topper anymore.
No. 516023
>>516014not saying moo has talent, and a ton of girls who just wear bikinis with tits out get invites to shit. moo is just notorious for being a cunt at this point. plus she bought her way in. buying articles and shit to get notice doesn't mean you're good.
>>516017>this is an image board for Momokunuuuh… right.
it's definitely worth saying moo isn't the only one who benefits from this slut in cosplayer's clothing.
No. 516039
>>516033She's a cosplayer who thinks like a cunt from high school and treats people like they're in a high school setting and not the real world. I don't think she'll ever grow out of it or learn from her actions.
>>516032Eh, Nigri deserves credit for growing into a more professional stance on things. She doesn't try to drag other people down even if they deserve it. Mariah on the other hand will drag people down even if they don't deserve it. She has yet to learn from her actions and just blames others for things that she does. She never takes responsibility.
No. 516040
File: 1519760402153.jpg (387.01 KB, 2048x2048, 90F9ACA8-5E35-41CF-8719-1BE3B5…)

I guess Mariah is claiming that not enough layers of wood glue was applied??? But if there's more wood glue, there would be less flexibility and it would crack a lot more. So her argument makes no sense. Let's keep in mind that kbbq has made armor many times and based on when I followed him he used wood glue often but we have never seen his stuff crack and chip before. Especially as bad as what's happening with her chest piece. So she clearly wasn't taking care of it and trying to blame it on anyone else but her. Typical Mariah tactic.
No. 516044
>>516040isn't moo trying to
make it flex? this fuccboi isn't even defending her properly.
No. 516124
File: 1519767821235.jpeg (100.37 KB, 800x600, 1517069227798[1].jpeg)

>>516119she's already got a new dumpy asian guy, anon! pic related.
No. 516148
>>515807i think about that too. dragging him after so much time looks like she wants him back. maybe she never recovered from her crush or whatever.
>>515921she could use the wig from her witch, she was actually beautiful there
No. 516155
File: 1519770982551.jpg (753.95 KB, 1503x1035, 16fe51bf428900a09427b4f2ff1951…)

>>516148I feel like that was a mixture of poor lighting and having someone else do her makeup. Dark hair looks best on her imho and even though her makeup for Rin was terrible she looks good in the wig. It's hard to even compare because every single one of the witch pictures seems to have been taken with a potato?
These were when she was still taping her face though. Even though it was going to ruin her face and make her jowls worse in the long run I wonder why she stopped?
No. 516164
>>516158>>516159compare her face in these to her Saber and Cow diarrhea pictures. This one
>>515431 is close to the same angle but you can see her jowls even with the shoop on these pictures She had a V jaw instead of the heavy U
No. 516180
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No. 516186
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No. 516192
File: 1519773483035.jpeg (332.48 KB, 750x1017, 0357D7FB-E3D5-44A1-80E9-280508…)

>>516186I think this is the only new picture on the status ^^^
No. 516206
>>516186>>516192I an't for for nher to "fix" this and probably never wear it again because it still won't fit.
The problem isn't the wood glue, Mariah, its the fact you just straight up cant fit into it.
No. 516217
>>516209I'd really love to know what he thinks. He seemed annoyed that she painted over his Mei pieces he did, so I can imagine this whole thing is pissing him off.
But he also seems 100% done with cosplay in general, and that is also Mariah's fault for what she did.
No. 516237
>airbrush the weatheringOh? Are you actually going to do some work now?
>someoneLooks like someone's been lurking here again. Fucking moomookunt and her bitter self at it again.
>>516217Like anon mentioned before I don't think he cares because she's ruining herself. Every day she's doing something to worsen her image further. As long as he doesn't do anything he has all the power because she's going to keep self destructing for attention that she's not going to get from him. He doesn't want to stoop to her level probably because all it does it make a bigger scene. Nothing ever happens. Like last week a lot of popular cosplayers called out Mooriah for not making her statement and she still hasn't done it. The tweet that went viral hasn't stopped her either.
Unless he has damaging evidence against her like: proof she was planning on hiding her lipo this whole time, her talking bad about other cosplayers and those around her, her intentionally scamming her fans, her having a bad emotional break down, her planning on doxxing someone, etc, it won't be anything we don't already know.
No. 516278
>>516268if that was true why wouldnt he just refund the money and not do the commissions? He obviously isnt hurting for money
There are tweets and messages from both ends saying that the pieces were commissioned from before the split and it was implied that they were started already by the time all the drama went down.
No. 516293
>>516278No they were only planned before the whole thing but she never paid. My assumption is she probably made him say that they were already ordered so she can save face from people asking why she is working with someone she doxxed. Or better yet she forced him to tell people that narrative so she seems like less of a cunt for going back on her word about not doxxing him. Because she would be the only one to gain from him telling people that she commissioned him before the fall out.
I think the Saber chest plate is enough proof that it happened during the fall out because she didn't seem that into Fate before the fall out.
Yes, these are rumors until someone gets screenshots or other proof but I heard this from someone he's pretty close to so I trust my information is correct.
No. 516346
>>516334lol nope there’s no statement.
She just thinks it will all go away.
No. 516385
File: 1519786244986.png (15.97 KB, 589x88, Screenshot 2018-02-27 at 6.51.…)

No. 516455
>>516385This is now in her description on Instagram as well.
I'm sure this is an attempt to "Re-Brand" so she can get back on SSS and Bunny's good side. (or at least stop taking heat for ripping off the catchphrase)
Good idea, Mariah. Except… oh wait. You already released a LINE OF CLOTHING WITH THE PREVIOUS PHRASE.
No. 516475
>>516408jesus christ gross
does she even know how lactation works?
No. 516489
>>516155Don't forget she bought a lace front wig (so the most realistic and most expensive wig she owns)
for her Beast cosplay and she has never worn it again, but keeps wearing these cheap ratty wigs
No. 516514
File: 1519798553659.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, D55C0813-167C-4C60-88CA-3707CF…)

momo never promotes other cosplayers, anyone have ideas why she’s promoing this one?
No. 516525
But that works too I guess
No. 516528
File: 1519799260732.jpeg (548.03 KB, 750x1184, 91B66CD1-CF16-4E7C-82A6-1A476D…)

>>516520she tries to be a Nigri clone too
No. 516569
File: 1519805314566.gif (2.69 MB, 421x750, AE0854B3-7253-49CE-BBC7-7FA2EA…)

>>516568ham hocks in sheeps clothing
No. 516574
File: 1519805525582.jpeg (513.6 KB, 750x924, BDE3E295-4116-45B5-8DB3-AE025D…)

>boohoo I wish I could have annoyed these girls and tried to upstage them
No. 516623
>>515995>>515998That felt incredibly passive-agressive to me, too. Everyone can tell that she's using "crediting" as an excuse to publicly drag his work and apparently this girl thinks that's clever instead of pathetic.
>be careful what you wish for huehuehuehue>>516044>>516049>>516053They're having a hard time following the logic of her argument because there is none. I just hope they're smart enough to figure that out themselves at some point.
>>516485Same. I'm sure she thought linguistics was just a fancier word for language and that using it would make her sound smart.
No. 516710
File: 1519825471433.jpeg (1.2 MB, 974x2641, B28E07D0-9FAE-4DA1-B9C5-32B763…)

>>516192 momo taking time to blast people for calling her out on slamming kbbq by name and how everyone is wrong but her, as per usual
No. 516715
>>516710>I've primed his props for himoh really
>>516714Silly anon, she did all her midterms two weeks in advance!
No. 516757
File: 1519832605030.png (1000.3 KB, 720x947, Screenshot_2018-02-28-07-41-46…)

This won't fit..
No. 516773
>>516598anon she shops herself so much that when i looked at a photo of her without make up/shop i thought it was her boyfriend or a male friend. she is hideous.
sage for ot
No. 516843
>>516710bitch what? those lightning cracks could only happen IF YOU did it on purpose or if it had a lot of friction against your suitcase (yeah the one you said was say too full right?)
also there is a fucking instastory of your cat PLAYING with that breastplate. it could be him too.
if you know so well stuff cracks why ask for it in a single piece and not a front e back one? mooriah is so fucking dumb it baffles me i just…
No. 516845
>>516824Found it. Yah it was the dick lollipop again. though because the whole thread is about fat shaming. Not to sound pompous, but I'm sick of the people who bandwagon on hating Momokun. Calling her fat completely erases the other fifty threads on here that have tons and tons of dirt. I mean a lot of anons have poked fun of her weight in poor taste but only because of the few months she lied about lipo and claimed fittea was the reason why lol. But again all that information becomes irrelevant once they just call her fat because moo uses that to her advantage every damn time.
No. 516849
>>516847yeah she can say omgzzz didn’t finish but she was clearly sewing the main parts (probably had the wig/horns and we know she had shoes for awhile) the other night when she was using that huge blanket of wooly stuff.
also I know the shoes have connected tights to make them look better but doesn’t it look like hers on the right leg is already pilling?
No. 516860
File: 1519839796272.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1534, BE9C19B0-70A0-400D-99B5-5EBB09…)

>>516849Looks like she’s starting her own seperate group with her calves.
No. 516862
File: 1519839931964.jpg (44.01 KB, 540x960, 28471795.jpg)

>>516843>>516850She wasn't properly taking care of it. But looking at it up close, the cracks looks like she was bending the piece. Like she was trying to bend and curve the piece around her and it started cracking.
The chest armor clearly didn't fit her right, so I guarantee you that was probably part of the issue.
No. 516869
>>516843Honestly if she thinks she's such an expert she should try making a monster hunter armor set like one of the people commented on her photo. And do it with NO help. That includes bringing over her Asian fuccbois to "help" (but let's face it they just made the thing for her and she took credit). I'm not even saying this to be an elitist bitch. I'm saying that since she likes to cosplay whatever is hype at the moment and since she suddenly thinks she's an armor expert she should do it.
C'mon Mooriah. Prove us wrong. Show us your bottomless talent.
No. 516874
File: 1519841195085.jpeg (14.55 KB, 261x193, E912965D-01AE-4A64-8AC8-CBC451…)

>>516869the only monster hunter cosplay she can pull off
No. 516883
>>516875Exactly. Cosplay has become too much of a fame game now. Let's be honest, nothing wrong with making money from cosplay. What makes Mariah so terrible for doing it is because she is always claiming to be doing it for fun. She's always saying she's just a weeb with a sewing machine and it's so fake.
Like she could just say she's doing it for money and no one would care because we already know. She started a patreon as soon as she started cosplaying for crying out loud!! If she really cosplayed for fun she wouldn't be getting more and more naked with each set. She's clearly doing that because she's running low on cash. There's nothing wrong with wanting money but there is a lot of things wrong with being fake.
What's worse is she's always trying to claim she's distancing herself from being considered a cosplayer but time and time again she tries to pretend she's an expert cosplayer. Like if you're just a lewd model just do your lewds and stop trying to give advice you're not qualified to give.
If Mariah didn't get paid anymore or was kicked off of patreon I can guarantee she will no longer be at cons.
No. 516948
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>>516943her twitter is still up?
No. 516961
>>516945My point exactly. He's made many props for her and she hasn't complained once until now and it's happening after he cut ties with her. She's also doing it in such a passive aggressive and malicious way. She didn't ''clear up' that she respects his work until she got called out for it.
I get that he's out of the scene but if he was still doing cosplay and taking commissions, her constant posts about 'how bad wood glue is' and slander of his would would have effected his business. If think of it this way she most definitely was not acting professionally.
No. 516963
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No. 516971
>>516967It's because patreon is broken. She gets paid whether or not they get their rewards and patreon is set up in a way where she will not get punished for it unless her spineless neckbeards all group up and write a massive complaint.
She cares more about her, already negative, image more than her patreon patrons because she only thinks about herself. She wants to be taken seriously so she could get invited as a guest to cons and get free stuff from companies.
No. 517097
File: 1519855633829.png (1.15 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180228-140410.png)

>>516385Is she trying to rip off another quote entirely now? Just saw this from iiiiclothing & know she's been wearing their stuff recently.
No. 517106
File: 1519856618715.png (1.47 MB, 1080x2089, Thatearringthough.png)

She was talking about her lifting weights and stuff. But what is up with her random long earring? Am I missing a fashion statement
No. 517154
File: 1519860009810.jpg (351.14 KB, 2048x2048, 4BC8DA0C-6F9F-4DB1-A212-4B7584…)

>glad you are able to save the armor piece
What a cunt. This is exactly what I mean. She has not problem leeching off of the works of others if it makes her look good. She basically trashed someone else's hard work just to get praise from people and make herself look like some talented cosplay hero. She even used kbbq's lack of social media so he can't say anything back and because he isn't someone famous she had no guilt doing it. She wouldn't pull this shit on Henchman Props or Punished Props because it would be a rain of fire.
Also she liked that comment. How far is her head up her own ass?
No. 517182
>>515651I'm also screaming over that raw edge.
Is she seriously bragging about this?
No. 517186
File: 1519862509888.jpg (405.84 KB, 1080x1147, 18-02-28-15-59-04-196_deco.jpg)

>>517106 her hair is a wreck and that earring is way too long for working out. If she was legit it would totally pull while she lifts weights.
>>517115>>517124That part though.
No. 517292
>>517228Yeah stop reaching. She's parked. But she has driven and recorded a video before. I believe her bitch boy rant was recorded while driving.
>>517154She will soon crumble under the weight of all the lying and manipulation she's done. Look at her current circle and compare it to her circle only last year. So many people came and went. If Mariah was a good person she would have had long time friends but she clearly doesn't. She's surround by fakes just like her who want to leech off her.
No. 517334
File: 1519872359498.jpeg (205.28 KB, 750x516, 917624C8-73F3-4C5D-96DF-A8BC6A…)

everyone has dirt but not everyone has enough dirt for 50+ threads
No. 517349
>>517334But she hasn't learned from her mistakes??? For example, she had lipo possibly 3 times but the 2 times has been confirmed by her. That means she didn't learn her lesson after the first round. Or how about stealing credit? She got caught not crediting by Plurfox and then did her call out video, only to get caught not crediting on multiple occasions again. Or how about her saying, before she went off social media for like a day, that she would clean up her act and be less public about her life? Or how about when she got caught lying about college and just kept lying???
We all make mistakes and yeah we can all have call out posts but the difference is there's 50+ threads that have been documenting her actions for 2 years and not once has she cleaned up her act or truly apologized without being passive aggressive.
No. 517355
File: 1519874133795.jpeg (81.49 KB, 634x630, 3FF5089D-1409-426F-AD0F-39D754…)

>>517177Ohhh my goddd. Hahahaha she’s hitting levels of autism that shouldn’t even be possible.
No. 517359
File: 1519874733945.jpg (284.39 KB, 2896x2896, 20180228_212202.jpg)

From Insta, momo with "forestkun" on &tenderembrace's sonico milk bath. But it's not stealing because TE is a super fan
No. 517370
File: 1519875597637.jpeg (555.72 KB, 750x980, D860729E-B1FF-4E89-972E-F42C77…)

she’s retweeting more than usual tonight
let’s play “is she becoming aware or being passive aggressive?”
No. 517386
>>513558I'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed that immediately.
>>517154She is truly human trash. She uses people until they are no longer useful to her. Even worse, she bullies the people once she's done with them, makes up rumors and paints herself in a good light. The worst part is, people believe her even though there is so much evidence against her bullshit stories.
KBBQ made that armor at a time she was 25 lbs lighter and it probably fit then, but this cow balloons up every few weeks and now she has the gall to trash his work because she can't make armor herself?? i can't stand her or anyone who supports her 'cosplays', collabs with her, or gives money to her patreon.
No. 517519
File: 1519887134405.jpg (582.3 KB, 1058x940, Procosplayer coming…)

Man seeing these tagged photos of her I'm shook. As someone who styles wigs for a living this wig just pains me.
No. 517528
>>517523She doesn't have time to shower when she is so busy studying in her hotel room!
Real talk though, I don't get how people like her do it. After a day at a con, all I want to do is shower and lay around in underwear. Not go out and party more. Maybe I'm just old.
No. 517535
File: 1519888386393.png (584.43 KB, 1072x1126, Her face is screaming.png)

Home girl looking rough in the video she just posted. Even her makeup is half assed
No. 517537
>>517535Those glasses fucken
trigger me
No. 517546
File: 1519889029485.jpg (1.11 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1519888978254.jpg)

>>517535She reminds me of this
No. 517554
>>517535She has thick eyeliner on the inner part of one eye and thinned out on the other. She must have been high as hell that day.
>>517546Kek! One has hair. That's the only difference.
No. 517655
File: 1519915591937.png (782.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6622.PNG)

No. 517656
>>517655okay but who would think to wear that .. in
No. 517677
File: 1519918520338.png (212.78 KB, 589x588, Screenshot 2018-03-01 at 7.34.…)

>on danbooru
>can't find artist
>artist name is right there
No. 517696
>>517655still looks like that other OC XD
(touch the cow)
No. 517702
File: 1519920402679.jpg (2.57 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8370.JPG)

Polite sage but I saw this when shopping and it just looks too much like Momo not to post
No. 517719
File: 1519921959430.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, 9B8EF40A-37A9-4C0B-B9E4-04AB3F…)

>>517655Anon you forgot the best part
No. 517733
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>>517730that’s why it says pink city
No. 517744
>>517733samefag but after looking at the website l of the varsity type jackets are $100+ (looks like usually about $132) and their hoodies are about $70….lmao. people hardly wanted to pay for her $20 keychains..not to mention wouldn’t there be extra costs she’d have to pay even as a collab? nobody cares about your titty oc this much.
Jessica has been wearing their clothes for awhile and this is where momo got her “okay looking” hat
No. 517768
>>517719Would this be bought and shipped through a company like creators guild? Or will Moo ship each order herself? She can't even send out her patreon rewards on time and exactly how many people were willing to buy her keychains again?(I'm still shocked some even got their orders within a one year time period)
Why? What brought this on? If she's notorious for not sending out rewards and prints on time what makes her think anyone will want to buy this?
No. 517817
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>>517726I’m sure the nah would be much higher if people knew the price lolllllll. Pink city makes great stuff but moos fans aren’t the kind of men to spent $$$$ on clothing
No. 517847
>>517838Not to white knight but that pillow actually looked really good. The art was great.
Moo has shitty ass art for all her stuff because only the most untalented desperate shmucks want to work with her. Who wants to buy merch with ugly ass art? It looks so cheap and cringy. She also doesn’t cater to the animu fags like the girls she coppies because they actually take care of their bodies and looks. She appeals to gross normie fat fetishists and they dont care about spending money on waifu stuff.
No. 517877
>>517850She still hasn't sent out those damn mousepads. She always starts an idea and either barely sees it through or never sees it through at all.
She sure as fuck can't put in enough effort for a clothing line so why does she keep trying to bother?
No. 517905
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>"what is wrong with u mariah"
Everything, in case if you aren't ~self aware~ yet.
Damn, you're working hard for your classes, Mariah.
No. 517913
>>517908it reminds me of middle school. she does this multiple times a week…does she just save all this fanart on her phone? danbooru and pixiv would have pretty big selections of fate I’m sure but there’s probably not enough for
hours multiple nights in a row?
No. 517921
>>517852She just wants a way to make money long term because she knows she's pretty much done in the cosplay scene and her looks have only gotten worse. She's not doing what Yaya is doing because she knows jack shit about cosplay and cosplay materials. She can't go the SSS route because she knows that would just be copying her even more and because she's not attractive enough and too trashy. That's why she's doing a clothing line. However she's unoriginal and failing miserably.
>claims to be too busy to do anything, including making cosplays and ship out rewards on time
>has 7 hours to kill on looking at Fate artworkAnd she wonders why people question her decisions so much??? Someone with actual no time are the many great cosplayers out there who work a full time job and sometimes two jobs and still pull out great quality cosplays. Prop makers like Punished Props who are busy 24/7 filling orders and commissions still take the time to put work into their cosplays. What is your fucking excuse Mariah??? Going to "college" was your one excuse and you have proven time and time again that it was all just another lie.
No. 517976
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>>517677All she had to do was to SCROLL DOWN.
No. 518047
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so did you spend 7 hours looking at art and 5 hours looking at porn?
No. 518063
>>518047Sometimes I wonder if she thinks that
she is that character when she talks about porn and posts a cosplay of her as the female in the romance.
Bitch is delusional.
No. 518083
>>518063sage for OT but self-inserting is the entire point of reading doujins
that's a big nitpick
No. 518087
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I just noticed that she changed her IG bio with her "recently new" catchphrase.
No. 518125
>>518087She's trying to hard. Look Mooriah we all know you copied (or was ~inspired~ by) SSS. Like why does your catchphrase even need the word 'lewds' in it? It really doesn't especially if you want to keep flip flopping between being a cosplayer and masturbation fodder. Heck you could've done a catchphrase that fit your OC like >"welcome to the farm cowboy c;"
>"milk it til you kill it". Such missed opportunities. I'm more creative and I'm only a first year community college student. Nowhere near a dual major like her.