File: 1500543372880.png (164.83 KB, 415x193, ty for this pic anon.png)

No. 356022
>>356015trying to move old thread here
>>356014is the a feed tube or a plastic straw taped to her nose? something about it looks…fake
No. 356026
>>356022It's definitely real. They gave her a really thick tube at the hospital (heh) and not a dinky one like you see most people have.
In her latest photo (make sure you give support), she says she hates the darkness under her eyes and it's because she was anorexic. Bloody hell, who
hasn't got dark circles?? There's a whole beauty industry (#fucksocietybeautystandards) that make undereye concealers. I personally use heavy duty Pwoargh Paint concealer. I've never even her sodding dark circles because her eyeliner's so ridiculous.
No. 356038
File: 1500551115667.jpeg (237.08 KB, 748x1301, image.jpeg)

At it again. I kind of want to post a terrible yell on one of her pics cause It'd be fun to get my comment featured in her stories.
>want to close in advance
Wtf does that mean?
No. 356048
>>356038I'm tempted to open an account and post late at night so it's not taken down for hours. I really want to tell her all I think of her. If I saw her in Milan I'd do it to her face.
Close in advance means she's shit at English. Oh god, what a dreary cycle she puts us through.
No. 356065
File: 1500554413518.png (53.35 KB, 414x216, teh fear.png)

No. 356068
File: 1500554817997.png (989.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170720-084400.png)

It's bizarre how her photos never match what she says. Is this a nervous face? Or something?
Its a boomerang in her story btw so it's animated.
No. 356101
File: 1500559365751.jpg (490.46 KB, 810x1459, 20170720_085800.jpg)

she always says something along the lines of "i wont have time to be anxious etc" so, how many black out posts? what if Stranger Girl is cuter and slimmer than aly?!
No. 356106
>>356025I'm dying hahaha
I like you, anon.
No. 356142
File: 1500562921245.png (198.17 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5641.PNG)

Follower encourages ali to stop focusing on negatives and stop using the number of comments as a means of self worth. follower's comment gets blasted on her STORIES(!)
Follower starts to regret ever giving aly encouragement.
No. 356154
File: 1500563524193.jpg (69.87 KB, 200x260, brow1.jpg)

>>356068I swear to God she would look 10x prettier if she only fixed those clown eyebrows. They're so… high and rounded? And she looks constantly surprised.
No. 356244
File: 1500572454769.png (364.42 KB, 750x1179, IMG_4171.PNG)

I wouldn't call that description OCD.. I but it is obvious that the bitch is disordered as all hell.
No. 356258
>>356244in the past shes described ocd as social anxiety, so im not sure she knows what it is. she does always post her chocolate pics with the same white background tho which is pretty obsessive
i used to have ocd and id always drive the same way to college even if it meant going out of my way and it would take longer i just did it because i thought something bad would happen if i didnt, that's kinda similar maybe? so it could be true but yeah either way shes still neurotic as hell
the thing is, therapy can really help you with ocd and anxiety but of course she wouldnt get help because shes such a goddamn martyr
No. 356265
File: 1500574564508.png (734.53 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4175.PNG)

>>356244So she just reposted this & added this cap to her stories and I can't help but wonder if it's because she got no comments after 30-40 mins or if she saw the screen cap here.
No. 356291
File: 1500577819544.jpg (355.2 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170720-140911.jpg)

you almost got it aly
No. 356330
>>356265If she ate better food and less sugar she would probably feel a lot better about herself. I know I feel like crap when I eat nothing substantial for the day. Healthy food makes you feel good. Eating 5 candy bars and drinking pure sugar (plus god knows how many cigarettes she smokes) is going to make you crash and feel like garbage.
But of course to her, healthy eating is just a gateway to disordered eating. Even tho normal EVERYDAY people do it regularly with no issues.
Being healthy is not an eating disorder, Aly. Eat some fucking veggies and put the candy bars down.
No. 356374
File: 1500586787710.jpg (33.84 KB, 978x158, Screenshot_20170720-163416.jpg)

on her transformations pic lol
>>356330eating heathily is orthorexia. what you need to do is eat mcdonalds every day, smoke, drink and never exercise! ed motivation if i ever saw it
No. 356412
File: 1500593082651.jpg (44.2 KB, 499x510, aly.JPG)

>>356407I was going to comment on that here too. The way she says it I'm thinking she means, "I didn't throw it up this time". Hmm.
Aly in 2011. She's not doing the smug face though.
No. 356414
>>356412yeah that was exactly how i interpreted it as well, hence the slight 'AHA! I KNEW IT' moment
also idk if that counts as a smug face but its certainly fucking ugly
No. 356416
>>356414It's a nothing going on in her head look which she tries to hide with her enchanting gazes in her beautiful shoots.
(meant to sage the post with the pic so duh @ me)
I thought the reason she was having breakdowns on holiday and not wanting to spend too long with her boyfriend was because she wouldn't get the chance to purge. Could be why she's so nervous about her holiday next week. Idk, it just seems logical.
No. 356516
>>356430A medical anon or maybe a one time ED anon said the drip bag thing she was wheeling around was some electrolyte thing. All I know is purging fucks up electrolytes. Aly mentioned her electro balance was wonk one time at day hospital control (!)
She's also said in the past she binged then starved for days.
Some bingeing tendencies are there anyhow and that's all I'm saying …
No. 356829
File: 1500646789287.png (763.6 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4187.PNG)

This shit makes me rage. Aly they asked a simple question. I mean shit I'm wondering the same thing, I could never consume the amount of sugar she does and not feel insane.
No. 356844
File: 1500650192500.jpg (438.92 KB, 1010x1090, Screenshot_20170721-101332.jpg)

so apparently aly is giving a motivational talk to some womans sister who has an eating disorder whilst eating a smartie like this, not that i believe this is even happening
No. 356930
File: 1500658853387.jpg (88.06 KB, 652x282, Screenshot_20170721-133732.jpg)

She moved zero? I thought she was at the hospital with Sonia and her grandmother. Also, why did they need Aly to help take them? Does she drive?
No. 356983
File: 1500663606389.jpg (870.62 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170721_145856.jpg)

Her mom's
No. 356990
File: 1500664172056.jpg (74.06 KB, 978x220, Screenshot_20170721-140816.jpg)

can someone please tell her that cellulitis is an illness lol
No. 357000
File: 1500665548232.png (129.08 KB, 737x1093, IMG_5648.PNG)

Aly is losing more and more followers. She's down to 50.3k when just the other day she had 50.4k. And just a couple months ago 50.9k.
Aly mentioned this woman today and this face is very….familiar. She makes dumb faces and eats foods that Aly loves to post about. It's almost like Aly is trying to be just like this woman. She also bitches about how fitness pages end up on her explore page and calls it "ed-fuel". Ugh. Aly needs better role models.
No. 357450
File: 1500726606216.png (26.86 KB, 303x279, screenshot 2017-07-22 14.27.40…)

More and more people are getting tired of her bullshit.
No. 357474
File: 1500733170446.jpg (234.99 KB, 978x724, Screenshot_20170722-091514.jpg)

jesus christ aly you're going on like a 2 hour flight its not a big deal. shes so obviously blowing this out of proportion because shes irrelevant now. like yeah, going on holiday when you have an ed can be difficult but i dont think its enough to trigger a relapse and im sure they'll have a mcdonalds
No. 357484
File: 1500735169809.jpg (80.55 KB, 652x220, Screenshot_20170722-105013.jpg)

>>357474Is this proof she lurks here? Or is this coincidence.
No. 357503
File: 1500738281509.png (302.63 KB, 750x1106, IMG_4324.PNG)

She didn't get many comments on this so so she just reposted begging for help yet again because she's "breaking down!" Aly if you can handle a weeks trip at 22 with friends and your bf, don't go. Simple as that. Whining about it 16x a day on IG isn't going to make that better.
No. 357505
>>357484Why the fuck is she going to Hungary, clearly she needs to go to some random Midwestern suburb with her refined cosmopolitan palate
>>357474Going "abroad" omfg. She's going one country over on a 2 hour direct flight, there are people with commutes longer than this.
Where is bingo card Anon? Let's start one for the Budapest trip. I predict random street harassment, feeling
triggered bc the "stranger girl" is thin/pretty/doesn't want to eat 24/7 and actually wants to walk around, fast food and other uninteresting food, angsty smoking on hotel balcony, 3468996 PDA pics, and that stupid black hair clip
No. 357529
Can confirm there are lots of American style burger and pizza places in Budapest. It's pretty cosmopolitan tbh. The natives are more polite and helpful than most places and the metro is so clean she could eat her donnies off the floor.
Why doesn't she fucking google places to eat. It's Hungary, not sodding India.
Sheesh (kebab) lack of life skills, yo.
>>357450Yeah, as a ~rape survivor~ it pisses me off when she uses rape as something to further her pathetic, basic grasp of psuedo feminism. If she was actually using the subject sexual abuse/violence to pro-actively raise awareness of casual sexism I wouldn't mind, but she uses it to talk about how short she likes to wear her skirt.
No. 357554
>>357514>>357527I don't even think she thinks she's going to stop eating. Tbh all of her recent "omg almost relapsed"/"want to relapse" posts have felt super manufactured for attention. She's clearly addicted to her sweets at this point and I really don't think she even struggles with restriction anymore.
So this big fucking deal about the trip is just another opportunity for drama and to stretch out her recover warrior identity as long as possible even though she's at a healthy weight and has no problem chowing down on junk food five times a day. She is no one without her ed, which is really damn sad especially since she was an adult when she even became anorexic and it's only been a couple of years. It's not like she's Ashley and has legit been nothing but a skeleton for a decade since she was a teen. Ash might have had the potential to have a personality that she's lost. Aly just never had one at all lol.
No. 357566
>>357554Sad thing is that Ash actually has a personality (shittiness aside) and interests. She likes making things, putting together cosplay outfits, collecting things, Japan…it's sad she'll never have the opportunity to share those interests irl at conventions or visit Japan whereas Aly has no interests yet is able to do anything she likes.
>>357559Anons, throw some bingo square ideas at me and I'll make a board tonight/tomorrow.
No. 357594
File: 1500751789986.jpg (24.76 KB, 273x168, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.JPG)

>>357583She crossed the pre-holiday I WONT POST FOR A WHOLE WEEK bingo box already.
I'm sighing so deep and despairingly.
No. 357610
File: 1500753478685.jpeg (159.66 KB, 1257x1625, image.jpeg)

>>357583Black post already checked
No. 357622
File: 1500754210052.png (180.3 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5656.PNG)

So happy her followers are taking notice
No. 357626
File: 1500754423970.png (179.82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5658.PNG)

>>357622Snagged this comment just before she deleted the post.
What a baby.
No. 357640
File: 1500754989330.jpg (25.83 KB, 290x178, 1.JPG)

Someone posted this on the last pic. Looking forward to Aly's next post. Ooo the suspense.
No. 357648
File: 1500755956783.png (189.94 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5659.PNG)

This was literally up for one minute and now deleted.
>sry girls it was the alchol
No. 357653
File: 1500756215608.jpg (14.62 KB, 279x71, obsessed much.JPG)

>>357648An apology from her's pretty impressive though, although it'll change nothing.
dogsandpositivity needs to be taken to the vet and euthanised. Insipid cow.
Love this autocorrect/typo.
No. 357654
>>357651Must have missed the other times. Noticed it back up again. The fuck is her deal?
I feel like I'm going crazy just watching her IG.
No. 357655
I know a mother's love is supposed to know no bounds, but I wonder if Ma secretly wanted to hold Aly's head under the water until there were no bubbles when she was leaning in close at the baths.
>>357654It must be traumatic to live with her. Does Rob not know this?
No. 357657
>>357610Lmao, that was fast.
Some other idea for bingo card:
>threatening to go private/delete the account>framing "hateful" comments in her stories>deleting "hateful" comments>saying she won't post for some time when she does the opposite No. 357713
File: 1500764242432.jpg (78.69 KB, 673x291, Screenshot_20170722-185337.jpg)

What the fuck kind of math is she trying to do here?
No. 357715
File: 1500764584667.jpeg (127.61 KB, 872x1035, image.jpeg)

I will properly edit later. Unfortunately I actually have a life.
No. 357976
>>357713lol clearly she's trying to demonstrate that she's lost ~so much~ of her life to her millions of years with an eating disorder. but she looks like an idiot bc she then casually subtracts a fucking DECADE for smoking. like…if you're so traumatized that you lost a couple of years to your ED, then drop smoking if you actually think it will shorten your life that much??? Fuck.
>>357715ty anon!!! may the oddities be ever in our favor
No. 358060
File: 1500801314883.jpg (20.69 KB, 452x208, aly recoverynolife.jpg)

>>357715Ha! "Only two lovely girls commented".
Here's one from overnight she just deleted (img). It's past the point where I immediately think comments like this are from farmers. Her followers really are turning and it's GLORIOUS.
Predicting bad start to the day.
No. 358064
File: 1500801423615.jpg (26.96 KB, 307x347, social blade.JPG)

>>358060(keeping track of her social blade)
No. 358067
File: 1500802329315.jpg (12.38 KB, 274x52, little cracks support.JPG)

Morning pic. She's suffering.
>I don't think today I'll take pictures (I don't even know if I'll be able eating)
Nice that she supports women who have little cracks. Admirable.
No. 358070
File: 1500802687380.jpeg (532.09 KB, 1260x1631, image.jpeg)

Does her mother seriously think this is normal?
No. 358215
>>356101IME and from observation of others most people with AN go through periods of binging and/or bing/purge episodes even when in the depths of primarily restrictive AN.
So I wouldn't be surprised at all if she is engaging in some bulimic behaviours now as I doubt it would be completely alien to her.
And I know weight restoration results in odd weight distribution, edema etc but her face is
so bloated it does make me wonder.
Like, even with the weight restoration nothing about her ED mindset seems to have changed, no matter how much she "shouts so loud!" her new found love of food and her body…
Of course it's all speculation on my part but her mental state seems so out of hand right now I can't imagine that frenetic energy limiting itself to thoughts alone.
Binging or B/P tends to be about immediate relief of turmoil whereas restricting is more methodical and less "here and now".
Like, she has such intense emotional responses to everything- and clearly hasn't been taught any healthy coping mechanisms as her "treatment" has being laughably shite (her therapist doesn't seem to have a bloody clue)- it just doesn't seem likely that she isn't still engaging in ED stuff.
IDK, obv it's different for everybody, so sage for blogpost and armchair diagnosing
No. 358219
File: 1500821678238.png (317.78 KB, 1080x1348, 20170723_095122.png)

shes posts 9 times today and this was posted and reposted as i clicked on it
everyone remember aly how she was, a deranged attention seeker, cus she wont be able to post for at least 3 hours while shes travelling
No. 358225
File: 1500821903791.png (569.34 KB, 814x564, Alice.png)

>>358219Does this count as "saying she won't post for some time when she does the opposite"? Check.
Also I smell "repost" from the Schoko Bons closeup pic. And pic related is both "bikini shoot" and "repost". Triple check for the bingo game
No. 358230
File: 1500822367980.png (1.13 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She has absolutely no shame and it makes me rage.
No. 358234
>>357715nice. i think you should add in like stranger girl
triggers aly and maybe mcdonalds budapest lol
No. 358260
File: 1500823341150.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Maybe I'm nitpicking but is Aly too feminist to wash her clothes now? I donut know how much more of this I can take.
No. 358297
>>358070Oh man. And I thought her ritualistic cookies/chocolate pics positioning (white background, food on foreground, package on back preferably to the right, 2 pieces piled up and top one has a tiny bite) was insane. But now I just realize that she went
more than once to the same spot near that Mcdonalds to take at least 7 pics with the same pose, food placement, angle, and almost same dress (which is the only difference, else I wouldn't have noticed these pictures were from different ""photoshoots""). I wonder if she went ~OCD~ about the cars not being parked in the same manner.
No. 358309
File: 1500825346808.jpg (48.16 KB, 930x594, zzz.JPG)

No. 358314
File: 1500825407250.jpeg (87.85 KB, 640x1005, image.jpeg)

Boo hoo poor baby. What will it take to get it through her thick skull that the Internet isn't just an infinite supply of asspats?
No. 358316
File: 1500825544051.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5662.PNG)

>>358309Posted a minute ago. Clearly having a meltdown. /s
No. 358323
>>358316That thumbnail.
Oh, she's turning into an alcoholic. Poor Aly. All these demons.
No. 358338
File: 1500826126511.jpg (18.76 KB, 296x101, Capture.JPG)

I don't even know what the fucking question was.
She's doing this meltdown out at dinner with Ma?
No. 358342
File: 1500826258682.jpg (77.78 KB, 978x178, Screenshot_20170723-110705.jpg)

>>358321yeah i think its cus she only got 2 comments. if she was a normal person she would make 1 post saying like im feeling anxious about going on holiday but she just cannot control the sperg
her question is whether or not to post her video right?
No. 358343
File: 1500826359127.jpg (85.21 KB, 1297x264, Capture.JPG)

>>358342Lol. I hope everyone says no.
Any Italian anons here? Google is wank at translation.
No. 358360
File: 1500827034781.jpeg (248.29 KB, 1154x1410, image.jpeg)

Got a couple versions, sage for kinda spamming
No. 358362
File: 1500827049252.jpeg (240.6 KB, 1154x1379, image.jpeg)

No. 358363
File: 1500827053430.png (49.38 KB, 745x323, IMG_5663.PNG)

Could you imagine being Aly's therapist and getting a call from her, freaking the fuck out because no one said they wanted her to upload her "farewell" video??
Not sure the point since we all know she will still post 15 times a day.
No. 358364
File: 1500827069270.jpeg (249.02 KB, 1139x1387, image.jpeg)

No. 358368
>>358362The square about the stranger girl ~
triggering~ makes me wonder if Aly finds other females threatening. I get the impression that apart from her "sisters" she doesn't get on too well with women and hangs out with men. I want this girl to be really hot. Please, please be hot.
>>358363Haha, classic. Why does she even ask if people want to see her dumb video because she posts it anyway.
No. 358374
File: 1500827516193.jpg (23.57 KB, 413x368, heeeeres alllyyyy.JPG)

so she uploaded it. it's amazing.
No. 358393
>>358309Black pic-CHECK.
>>358343"You didn't like my comment so you deleted it and blocked me? The best part is that you only seek the support you like, where people tell you you're pretty, good and cute. You never know how to handle constructive criticism and reply to it. You just delete the comment, problem solved. Maybe those 50000 followers you seek support from got fed up of feeding your ego since as soon as you get the first constructive criticism you get mad."
No. 358400
File: 1500828702916.jpg (6.96 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)

>>358393Grazie, anonimo
I like google's "puppy" translation.
How can Aly not feel like a complete twat getting her beautiful hair off at nobody saying they want to see hr video?
The way she feels must be a tiny, tiny bit like when a pop star's fame starts to wane. With Aly I wonder if we'll get a Britney Spears moment.
No. 358445
>>358425The funniest thing, crazy eyes aside, is her broken English and pronunciation, and her tone that is always the same. "Haigaizz"
Also, the staring-at-food face you can see in the beginning of EVERY video
No. 358452
File: 1500831915539.jpg (140.71 KB, 720x1280, 420ac333-f6e7-4806-a298-4e3fa5…)

yeah she did it again
No. 358507
>>358067Does she think she's 'broken'? She's NEET and yet she can still go on holiday abroad.
Sage for blogging but it's really bugging me. Yep, I'm just jelly that she can go on holiday with her imaginary job and I work 9 to 5 and can't afford holidays. hAHA
No. 358515
File: 1500837202094.png (13.86 KB, 296x82, screenshot 2017-07-23 21.05.46…)

Be careful, haters. Now Aly has her own personal bodyguard.
No. 358518
File: 1500837439365.jpeg (97.54 KB, 1224x526, image.jpeg)

Oh geez.
No. 358536
File: 1500838725561.png (3.12 MB, 1800x1370, IMG_8998.PNG)

Sage for OT
No. 358556
File: 1500840853877.jpg (142.98 KB, 978x465, Screenshot_20170723-151204.jpg)

shes down to 50.2k but at least she has them lol
No. 358844
File: 1500875916213.jpg (78.4 KB, 698x499, 21 maccas in budapest.JPG)

>>358803There's a 12 step programme for eating disorders. I doubt she'd benefit because she can't take advice. That commenter was 100% correct, but Aly's NEVER, EVER taken responsibility for her own actions.
Anyway, fun holiday starts today. Here are some tourist spots I found where we're going to see some beautiful shoots from Aly.
Enjoy your brain, balls and bones burger, Aly.
No. 358854
>>358338>>358342Haha, what?! How quickly did she delete and re-upload these? They're almost exactly the same except for the emjois.
She seems
really fucking manic and the thirst is seriously insane.
sage for just being gobsmacked
No. 358920
File: 1500892605934.jpeg (198.66 KB, 640x1073, image.jpeg)

Is it me or is Aly's analogy of "bombs about to explode" pretty fucking dumb considering recent attacks in Europe etc? Then again, she probably wouldn't know anything about that, if it's not about her then she's not interested, after all.
No. 358930
>>358920It's just you, this isn't America where people get
triggered for everything.
No. 358933
>>358374>>358536aw man… she doesn't look so good. like she's about to break the fuck down. i guess that's why ma c. was expecting bombs at the train station
poor kid
No. 358936
File: 1500895088349.jpg (24.49 KB, 634x688, cock.jpg)

>>358920It's a really common phrasing in Italy, so the connection to recent events doesn't really offend most people in Italian. I guess it doesn't translate well literally.
Also, what
>>358933 said: generally speaking, we don't get offended at the same amount of stuff in Italy.
It's a bit like calling someone a cock: you don't really imagine them looking like a huge cock.
No. 358973
File: 1500900736370.jpg (326.71 KB, 980x978, Screenshot_20170724-074906.jpg)

no idea how she thinks she can do this, shes posted 3 times already about how shes going to stop posting so much and all the people saying goodbye to her lmao
No. 358983
>>358973>will you keep looking for my words?Nobody reads the captions. Even dogsandpositivity only pretends to.
What was the shit gift she made her boyfriend? I don't see stories on my windows phone.
No. 359232
File: 1500920876954.jpg (859.88 KB, 987x1182, Screenshot_20170724-132149.jpg)

so natural
also i dont think you can count years you were broken up as years you were dating
um also who took this
No. 359276
>>359232For someone who ~yells so much shit being a feminist and body-posi, she so transparently has no concept of herself outside of being desired by and desirable to men. Her entire existence feels centered on making herself feel wanted.
She needs a hobby.
No. 359307
>>359232Those shirt dresses she wears are so trashy it kills me. It's not the length so much, although her vag looks like it's barely covered, but just the fact she's wearing a tshirt dress and nothing else. No shorts or leggings or a cute mini skirt.
It just gives off the vibes of the oversized massive beer tshirts girls wear to bed. Which is acceptable attire when you're home and don't want to wear pants.
No. 359320
>>359307those dresses ride up really bad too (sorry i cant think of a nice description for it lol)
>>359276yeah she has like zero personality and obviously has identity issues. her whole thing now about how shes not gonna post cus shes gonna live life instead lol like she doesnt have a real job or go to school or have friends, all she does is go out to eat
No. 359347
>>359307Ha. I wear those to bed in summer and they're not even as short as the ones Aly wears. Her look's gone from disgusting cheap accessories to trailer trash. She needs to wear tights or something, 80 denier lycra ones. Saying that, they're going to a fancy restaurant and her shining knight's wearing a pair of disgusting shorts with a white shirt.
These pics where he's picking her up are really sad. It's true, she really makes herself look needy and being with a man validates her whole existence. He must be nuts. How does he not know she's a nothing of a person?
No. 359384
>>359359After a week living in the same place she'd be back at Ma's saying he hit her. He's been to stay with her family though, he's seen her instagram, she makes him do these poses, he MUST know she's demented.
>>359361Alright, Our Kid? We need a Manc cow. We could put her under surveillance for the sake of lolcow. I pray for that.
No. 359398
File: 1500930479100.jpg (30.19 KB, 500x274, IMG_5670.JPG)

>>359390All I can think of is Liz Lemon and her chip clip when it comes to Aly's new founded hair accessories.
No. 359471
>>359432Personally I could never wear anything that revealing out in public, I don't care how banging I might think my body is. I've seen 200lb girls wear shorts that show under butt. More power to you I guess ?
Sure, it's trashy to wear clothing that short, but I can't judge the outfit just on the shortness alone. If it was a cute ass dress I'd probably have a slightly different opinion. STILL TRASHY if your bits are hanging out but Aly's outfit as a whole is just….revolting.
I'm sure my logic makes no sense. But yea…shortness alone isn't why her outfit choices of late are trailer trash tier.
No. 359529
File: 1500941698735.jpg (17.69 KB, 336x413, bodycondress.JPG)

>>359471Everything about her just looks cheap and I don't think she can help it.
I get the feeling that if Aly had big tits she'd be accentuating those with lower cut tops. I don't understand why she wants to show so much ass.
She's into #bodyconfidence and google "black bodycon dress" and you get things like img. Figure hugging, but not trashy.
As opposed to (next post)…
No. 359530
File: 1500941730752.jpg (27.54 KB, 286x444, classy.JPG)

>>359529…this, which is Aly style.
No. 359857
File: 1500986604227.jpg (29.4 KB, 388x313, christ.JPG)

I'm getting to know how it must feel to be Aly's gynecologist.
No. 359884
File: 1500990302005.jpg (977.38 KB, 1015x1547, Screenshot_20170725-084243.jpg)

shes manages to make every meal look old and congealed
No. 359923
>>359830Take your spergy hate boner for Italian women elsewhere, it's already the second time
>>359857She's wearing some lycra shorts down there, right? I refuse to believe she goes around with dresses that short and nothing underneath, in plain daylight, in Italy
No. 360012
File: 1500999091556.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4414.PNG)

Things are going pretty better guys!! God I wish she'd just speak and write in Italian.
No. 360030
>>360012What's happened here? She's sitting eating a … thing…wearing wet clothes?
I'm curious how she never tans/gets sunburn. She's out in the sun quite a lot and stays pasty white. How's that possible?
No. 360036
>>360030p sure she's wearing a tank over a swimsuit, eating some basic pastry. exciting~
idk, she's tan in her pre ED pics and some of her earlier ED pics even. that plus her family all being pretty tan makes it seem like she's able to tan. I just think she doesn't actually spend much time out at all, she only goes out to do her shoots and then goes back inside. what a life
No. 360053
File: 1501002246782.jpg (573.41 KB, 810x1229, 20170725_120246.jpg)

i predict a blackout post
No. 360153
>>360053Here we go again….
Probably has like 3 drinks max, gets "drunk", then gets a hundred times more neurotic. Then she blames it on the alcohol like it's noooo big deal that she threatened sudoku because hey she was just drunk lolollol!! It's not like she chose to drink!!!!
If she's sooo set on recovery and self-improvement and if she had even the slightest self-awareness she'd stop fucking drinking lol. She's obviously not dependent on alcohol, if it makes her feel so depressed and impulsive why does she continue getting "drunk"? Oh yeah - she's a fake
No. 360168
File: 1501012583088.png (529.46 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Presumably a farmer wrote this, made me laugh a bit
No. 360169
File: 1501013046406.jpg (382.82 KB, 1000x948, aly.jpg)

>>360168noticed teh yellz from this person too
No. 360196
File: 1501015083239.png (247.55 KB, 1506x1580, IMG_4381.PNG)

This commenter kek. They have a point. I wonder if she makes him pick her up to feel "light" and assure her that she's not gain d too much.
No. 360219
>>360053I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to spend time with someone like this.
>"Hey anon, take 30 pictures of me posing in the same spot with some food or drink, or hair in my hands">"Hey anon, make a video of me in front of McDonald's saying something in broken English">She's constantly looking at her phone, scrolling through her insta page, calculating the number of comments and likes>She gets moody because "not enough support" and spends the rest of the evening broodingBut she's also clearly unstable, so… I don't know. Her mother should really stop enabling her, for her daughter's sake.
No. 360251
File: 1501018544289.jpg (32.52 KB, 672x378, gsoh.jpg)

>>360169The picking her up thing looks ridiculous because she's tall. Is he shorter than average because she just looks … big … compared to him, and I don't mean her weight.
If she was 5ft 4in or under it'd look okay, but she's a tall-ish girl and it looks weird like she's disabled.
I don't get it anyway, and it's something she's done with him since before their break up. I'd feel a total dick if I had pictures of me being picked up by my boyfriend. Is it meant to be ~romantic~? It's weird, or is it me?
He needs to lose the facial hair. It does him no favours.
No. 360703
File: 1501056007961.png (119.66 KB, 598x177, screenshot 2017-07-26 09.57.15…)

No. 360787
File: 1501070295044.png (125.57 KB, 640x1085, IMG_0963.PNG)

Can she go anywhere without turning it into a photoshoot?
No. 360798
File: 1501073308970.jpg (78.72 KB, 822x617, lol.JPG)

>>360787Of course not. She just took a picture of a fucking sarnie at the airport. Can't lie, it looks good.
I was stalking Aly's fb and it was difficult to see what the boyfriend actually looks like because every one she's glued to his mush. I wish one of them would get herpes or a cold sore.
(Please let the stranger girl be hot).
Oh god, while stalking I found this. I don't think the cringe factor of this one can ever be beaten.
No. 360808
>>360798> herpes or a cold sorelmao same thing
I would never make fun of a recovering anorexic for gaining weight, but her obsession with food is an entirely different kind of ED now.
is she still in school? is her family rich? how can she afford all of these trips. I feel like she's been on vacation for like 6 solid months now, save that two week span where she pretended to not get a job
No. 360837
>>360808She swerves around the issue, but it seems like she's dropped out of uni. People ask but she never replies.
The money for trips and food and whatever else is sponged from her parents. I don't get the impression they're rich, but both parents work so I suppose they're in a better position than most.
Even when she moves in with her boyfriend (sure, Jan) it'd probably be him out working to pay the rent while she plays instagram all day.
It's not like she spends money on clothes or decent make up/hair dyes. I just imagine her being a massive leech who thinks she's entitled to free stuff.
No. 360927
File: 1501084699828.jpg (748.75 KB, 810x1675, Screenshot_20170726-105719.jpg)

and it begins
No. 360932
>>360808>>360837It's possible she's still in uni and currently off for the summer, though I'm not sure what the academic calendar is like in Italy. I do believe that she was taking classes last year, just like a super light schedule. The job was obviously bullshit and she has fibbed around that by referencing her tutoring and pretending to be referring to a more full time position.
P sure her family is just average for living in a large Italian city. They don't seem to live extravagantly, they go holiday to the seaside every summer but that's really it and their home looks normal middle class. Honestly aside from treatment Aly's life isn't expensive, her living at home doesn't cost her parents much, I would imagine. Not that this is an excuse for her to do nothing ever, but other than her daily donnies her only extra spending is an occasional trip to Rome and her tutoring money probably covers that.
No. 360944
File: 1501085721701.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170726-121055.png)

Sage for samefag but I cannot even deal with all these makeout pics. I don't even mind PDA at all irl and I don't mind kissing photos if they're in a context that makes sense (like New year's or ONE pic somewhere pretty on a romantic holiday) but the non-stop face sucking for the camera in random restaurants is just too much bc it's so clear that it's not motivated by genuine affection but instead just a need to show her followers that she's wanted by a ~man
No. 360948
>>360927Hope she gets stuck in traffic because of the fina wch going on
Sage for bitterness
No. 360973
>>360944ive never seen a genuine photo of them together
>>360787are they both wearing a size too small lol
No. 361048
>>360932She's not even in treatment anymore, she seriously needs weekly therapy and her family can clearly afford it, but she chooses to not to. Shouldn't health be the number one priority?
Going on vacation won't enlighten her and cure her of all her mental health problems.
No. 361053
File: 1501094186469.png (36.38 KB, 507x590, IMG_5494.PNG)

>>360927Nani the fuck is this picture
No. 361060
>>361009Newfag much? They most definitely have them in Italy and she has posted hundreds of pictures of her with Starbucks ??
Ur dumb bye
No. 361063
>>361060She reused an old starbucks plastick cup.
If you use their store locator you'll see that there are none, not even in Milan or Rome. The closest ones are in Austria/Germany. Why are you being so snarky torwards anon, geez
No. 361110
>>361060Except I'm Italian.
So I know if we have Starbucks or not.
>>361081Yess!! I can't wait.
No. 361117
File: 1501100330093.jpg (130.45 KB, 1006x339, Screenshot_20170726-151536.jpg)

jesus christ girl
alys already been on a bunch of trips this year already, just because this one involved an hours flight its somehow a pilgrimage to the perfect life
No. 361145
File: 1501102235615.png (153.77 KB, 640x1001, IMG_3766.PNG)

The fuck is she even trying to say
> how much does weight your eating disorder? How much does weight freedom?
Aly, how much does weight your brain?
No. 361185
>>361117tf is this girl even trying to gain here? like there's no way she actually believes aly's bullshit, and her recent comments (like the one a farmer screenshot last week where she said sth about "i worry that i annoy you" or "i comment every day but you never reply") make it seem like she knows aly doesn't actually give a fuck. so thennn…???
is she just hoping other people will click through and follow her? does she still think her beloved aly will finally follow her someday? is she actually that fucking lonely?
so many questions, so little logic
No. 361189
>>361060>calls someone else "newfag">is totally oblivious of the old news that Aly has reused a Starbucks plastic cup one million times>>361117She has the same syndrome as Aly's, which is writing so much and saying nothing of substance. Birds of a feather
>>361160>It's wildly different from AmericaIt's not. Have you ever been outside?
>Lots of girls are vapid and self obsessedYou can hear any other "notlikeothergurlz" snowflake from UK, Russia, USA etc. say the same thing.
>very skinny bodies are still on trend hereAbsolutely not true. Stop spreading BS.
No. 361192
>>361145sage for samefag and noncontrib but god damn my ultimate dream conspiracy theory would be that aly actually died a year ago when she was ~run over~ by the car and since then her account has been run by someone else. they've been posting older and older pics of her to fake her weight gain, thus explaining her reconciliation with an old boyfriend and her backwards-moving fashion sense. this ghost-poster also has shittier english than skele-aly did, which explains why her posts have gone from semi-coherent to google translate tier. the poster has now grown bored of aly's recovery journey and is throwing in the black posts and attention yells in order to entertain himself + set us up for the ultimate internet death.
once aly's 50k fans have embraced her utter insanity (who knows what this may eventually include. extremist political action? competitive eating in the name of #feminism?), Fake!Aly will meet her end, either choking to death while trying to eat a donnie and kiss her boy at the same time, or else when her dress gets so tight she dies of strangulation.
then there will be 13 black posts in a row, finally not deleted.
the very last post will be a selfie of the true genius behind two years of Fake!Aly performance art.
his name?
No. 361430
File: 1501135706369.gif (1007.24 KB, 390x319, aly without ig.gif)

I bet she's jonesing to post on instagram.
Maybe she's been kidnapped and taken to a red room like in Hostel. Bids for her were high considering her intolerable personality.
Perhaps the stranger girl has a low bullshit threshold and she's gone n done her in!
No. 361551
File: 1501161071979.png (893.07 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3774.PNG)

Hahahah yes Aly, THAT'S why you lost followers
No. 361579
File: 1501165269456.jpg (277.25 KB, 978x708, Screenshot_20170727-091901.jpg)

does she believe any of the things she says lol oh and bikini pics comin up
No. 361601
File: 1501169336695.jpg (1.03 MB, 1034x1272, Screenshot_20170727-102744.jpg)

No. 361608
>>361601lol @ the photo bomb from the couple behind them
Aly looks fucking insane as always. how can she really think that's how normal people act around food when no one else ever does that? also enjoying the stranger girl looking at her like wtf
No. 361614
>>361601Poor girl, in a new relationship and now stuck with Aly for days.
I think I'd flip.
No. 361616
>>361603>>361608I thought this too. The others being so normal makes her look even more ludicrous.
Stranger girl IS hot. I would. Look Aly, proper curls that don't look like fried noodles!
No. 361627
>>361601Aly looks so misplaced and insane. My sides hurt from laughing. I want to believe that girl with her tongue out is mocking Aly and her ridiculous posing.
How many photos of her posing with the pie do you think she made the waiter take?
New girl is cute af. She looks like Gina from Scarface.
No. 361633
>>361627She reminds me of someone but not her although she does look like her too (except Gina didn't have that olive skin I really find attractive).
Do you think that anyone ever feels embarrassed at Aly's behaviour? Even her facial expression's really weird and look at her pinkie sticking out. Really WTF.
The girl sticking hr tongue out reminds me of Jolty! I know which table I'd rather be at. I bet they're all walking on egg shells trying not to offend Aly, having to listen to her #warrior stories and have to keep stopping while she takes these dumb pictures.
Notice how Aly never gives people names? I'm going to stalk fb and find out cute girl's name. Pretty sure she wouldn't talk shit about Aly there, but we all know she's thinking Aly's a lunatic.
No. 361643
>>361601I wonder if Aly's boyfriend's friend and the stranger girl even know that Aly is posting pictures of them for thousands of people on the internet (not to mention that we're all nitpicking them here). Does she ask for permission or does she just post it?
Also, does her boyfriend even know she posts a billion pictures of them on her recovery account + life stories? He doesn't follow the alys_journey account and she never tags him on there… he doesn't seem like he's all that into social media anyways.
No. 361682
File: 1501182367583.jpg (869.9 KB, 810x2005, Screenshot_20170727-140133.jpg)

ugh aly thats not the right word
will she ever manage to post any scenery without herself in it?
No. 361691
>>361603>>361684Testes apenis?
At least she's wearing tight
>>361687Idk the Shayna thread…okay just looked. Def not doing that. I didn't post her fb url, her surname or anything about her. A couple of pics to emphasise cuteness is all and I said it stopped there.
Stick the Shayna rule thing as a sticky or something. I didn't even see that shit.
No. 361692
File: 1501183349411.jpg (52.88 KB, 1065x217, Capture.JPG)

>>361691It was also in the rules you obviously never read
No. 361703
>>361692>>361692The rules change when mods do and that must be a new one. Seeing how every thread I've seen have info about friends of [insert cow] and links.
No. 362179
File: 1501239844804.jpeg (174.76 KB, 640x994, image.jpeg)

Of course Aly's coming up with excuses to spam Instagram while on holiday.
No. 362260
File: 1501252758397.png (684.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170728-103059.png)

I don't understand reposting the whole thing. Why not just delete the comment?
No. 362267
File: 1501255052528.jpg (91.47 KB, 978x242, Screenshot_20170728-101601.jpg)

>>362260>pls last post if anyones doing the bingo lol itll prolly be done today
No. 362270
File: 1501255162563.jpg (809.45 KB, 810x1600, Screenshot_20170728-101519.jpg)

samefag but i had this screenshot too
im sure she let him know she skipped breakfast because of him too
No. 362310
File: 1501261083651.png (200.09 KB, 741x995, IMG_5691.PNG)

She got her Starbucks and she doesn't care she's making the trip all about her and what she wants, because it's HER vacation.
She's being selfish for once in her life.
No. 362312
File: 1501261441442.jpg (323.84 KB, 809x862, 20170728_120228.jpg)

guys the haters almost ruined this but it took aly so much strength to ask to get starbucks! recovery win
No. 362330
>>362315I didn't post the caption so it's a joint effort.
I feel bad and awkward for whomever is taking her suck-face photos with her boyfriend.
I don't know anyone who posts so many make out photos with their s/o. Or kissing photos in general. Is this a European thing?
It comes off as fake and forced and trying to hard to be like "look how perfect and cute we are!!"
No. 362332
>>362312"I am from Italy, where espresso was invented, and I am literally crying at the thought of drinking a caffeinated milkshake from an American fast food chain"
seems legit
No. 362333
>>362330I don't think it's a European thing, but I'm also older than her, so maybe it's a generational difference.
I think the only kissing photo I had with my BF when I went on vacation with my friends was something my friend took when we went to Gardaland together because she was making fun of us for being like glue. Otherwise, we all just took photos of places or us looking like morons when we got splashed with water or got scared at stuff.
No. 362336
File: 1501264067355.jpg (112.71 KB, 978x277, Screenshot_20170728-124256.jpg)

in my head i read the "love it" real intense
did anyone catch what the hater comment on this was?
No. 362357
>>362332My thoughts exactly. I had some of the best espresso and cappuccinos of my life when I visited Italy.
Starbucks makes me want to shit my pants with all the sugar and milk they put into their drinks.
>>362333Generational makes sense. its weird to me how Aly claims to have social anxiety, but has no issues making out and dry humping her boy toy in public. Or posing like an idiot with her food.
You either have mad balls to do that or are completely oblivious how gawky you come off.
No. 362459
File: 1501274575472.png (531.13 KB, 1536x1655, IMG_4382.PNG)

Stranger girl is super hot and looks great, Aly is that "friend", sucking in her gut trying too hard to stand out. I wonder what that girl thinks of all this.
No. 362467
>>362459Aly could have a nice toned body too, but she would have to stop eating junk food and actually put effort into her body.
But healthy = disordered to her. Exercise is the gateway to EDs!
God forbid you do a little cardio a couple times a week and eat a fucking salad.
Diabeetus and bloat is the true recovered lyfe(!)
No. 362482
File: 1501276609240.jpg (626.27 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_5694.JPG)

Photo on left is from today. Supposedly fries she got tonight. However…zooming in on the lettering on the box, it appears to be italian? Also the wood grain bench and daylight lighting suggests she took this from a shoot back in Milan, where the photo on the right is from. Box is different tho but the background is very similar.
Lying about her food intake and didn't eat her 5 Oreos in the morning. I think stranger girl is really getting to Aly.
No. 362507
>>362459Honestly, I feel kind of bad for Aly. She has an extremely unfortunate bodyshape.
No curves to be found yet a very noticeable gut even at a low weight. Probably pretty apple shaped at a normal bmi. She should actually start working out.
No. 362572
File: 1501288169984.jpg (435.82 KB, 1016x1431, Screenshot_20170728-150313.jpg)

triggered No. 362764
File: 1501304525433.png (398.64 KB, 516x515, screenshot 2017-07-29 06.56.44…)

>>362512So true. Her body didn´t look like this before (see her pre-ED picture in the orange bikini). She lost all her muscle and gained back only fat. Her body would probably look better if she didn´t eat only sweets, pizza and fries.
It´s amazing how she totally ruined her good looks with her ED and her "recovery".
No. 362856
File: 1501326437318.png (14.58 KB, 289x110, screenshot 2017-07-29 13.03.57…)

Way more lanky? Way more flabby I´d say. Aly is not "lanky", she just lost all her muscles, that´s why she still looks thin.
How stupid is this asskisser?
No. 362904
File: 1501336116463.jpg (498.84 KB, 978x1412, Screenshot_20170729-084533.jpg)

>starbucks for we two, we only together
so shes having a hard time cus she lost followers but thinks she'll stop using instagram after her trip when you know shes gonna be even busier with all her friends and her job
No. 362945
>>362482Oh God you're right, the lettering on the box is in Italian.
Anyway, her latest caption style is making me miss her good ol' LUSH (!!!) captions (sake emoji) where she described all the food she ate. I miss them so badly.
No. 362950
File: 1501340589201.jpg (828.92 KB, 809x1927, Screenshot_20170729-100101.jpg)

um aly we can see your ass
No. 362994
File: 1501347137783.png (228.21 KB, 750x1242, IMG_0159.PNG)

God damn she's crazy.
No. 362995
File: 1501347317545.jpg (320.3 KB, 716x1126, Screenshot_20170729-124926.jpg)

Wow. she usually posts this kind of thing in her stories. She feels alone? While on vacation with her boyfriend and 2 other people..
No. 362996
>>362994its the post about hot dogs lol
i thought her bf was super supportive
No. 362997
>>362995Either her friends don't know about her online bizz or they just feel really sorry for her. I bet it's her bf'a mates.
I'd just feel so uncomfortable hanging with a person like aly.
No. 362998
>>362994"I feel so alone even tho I'm on vacation with my super supportive loving boyfriend and amazing new friends I've made!"
She is seriously mentally ill.
Also, that hotdog photo makes me want to yack. Why would you put that greasy meat log so close to your face? She's been putting food under her nose in shoots and I don't understand why.
No. 363026
>>362995I must say, I feel so unworthy. Think how hard it must be to have one's holiday paid for by one's parents and having to eat hotdogs.
Truly, an inspiration to all of us.
No. 363046
File: 1501357095466.png (244.63 KB, 750x1134, IMG_5698.PNG)

She's posted about 4 photos of her sucking face with her boy toy. /vom
In a different caption she said she's not having a good time as she is having restrictive thoughts and keeps comparing herself to stranger girl.
Found this caption rather hilarious, since she was just QQing about how she wasn't getting any support from her followers. But now her followers and Instagram are meaningless because she's got such great friends.
No. 363303
File: 1501390139972.png (23.65 KB, 292x260, screenshot 2017-07-30 06.42.36…)

>>363046A hater´s reaction to this post.
No. 363320
File: 1501394180649.jpg (241.83 KB, 1076x695, aly.jpg)

this is what happens to your brain on "ana", kids. Never skip your fraps n donnies.
No. 363324
File: 1501394727750.jpg (56.07 KB, 318x364, aly bs.jpg)

~such feminism~
>the cute lady in skirt has been better than his boy-friend
No. 363398
File: 1501411670368.png (15.15 KB, 282x146, screenshot 2017-07-30 12.43.31…)

Well Aly, I think this beauty doesn´t exist exclusively on fries, chocolate bars and "donnies" . She probably eats healthy most of the time, that´s why her body looks so much better than yours, even though her weight is probably higher.
No. 363404
>>363398Man, she is
obsessed with the other girl. I feel pretty bad for that chick, imagine having to put up with Ali and her crap for days at a time. At least the boyfriend sort of knew what he was getting into; the new girl was an innocent bystander.
Also, I bet Ali and the bf break up after this vacation, as he will have gotten a concentrated dose of how she really is.
No. 363408
>>363398The other girl looks like she has a decent muscle mass, that would need some nourishment to maintain and thus she won't get a load of flab on her even though she eats decently.
Aly on the other hand looks like she's just bone and fat. There's nothing there to hold stuff together, so she looks shittier by comparison. She could start some sort of regular exercise (swimming? Pilates? Yoga) and that would help her a lot.
I don't understand why she insists on gorging herself with sweet stuff and fried things all the time: once in a while it's fine, but there's nothing unhinged about eating vegetables and fruit and generally nourishing food. Whoever let her believe that her path to recovery was going from only eating "healthy" food and restricting to eating loads of sugars all day is a criminal.
No. 363431
File: 1501420910664.png (9.83 KB, 282x78, scree nshot2017-07-30 15.19.31…)

What´s so special about that? That´s what she does all the time when she´s at home: eating out and eating junk food.
No. 363435
>>363404They've been on holiday abroad before while she was anorexic but when they came home he didn't lea…oh wait.
>>363408>Whoever let her believe that her path to recovery was going from only eating "healthy" food and restricting to eating loads of sugars all day is a criminal.I know of Minnie Maud from things written on the general ana threads and it seems like what Aly does now (load up on junk food), yet Aly said she gave up Minnie Maud because she gained too quickly. I thought it'd really put her off sugary crap.
Yoga would be good for her physically and mentally. Her medical team are useless at advice.
No. 363520
File: 1501432532795.png (20.3 KB, 291x165, screenshot 2017-07-30.png)

Aly finally managed to put herself before everything else for once.
No. 363530
File: 1501434866820.jpg (514.62 KB, 989x1299, Screenshot_20170730-120908.jpg)

>>363520what the hell is she even saying in that post, the whole thing is confusing me. she puts others first so she couldnt recover? um aly
No. 363534
>>363530My mind boggles trying to figure out what could've been her demands while she was around these people. I don't understand either.
She's only been there 4 days, right? I bet it's felt like 4 weeks to the others.
What two years is she talking about? Does she mean two days? They wanted to eat healthy food but she dragged them to McDonalds and Starbucks?
So, I've learned nothing about Budapest. Haven't seen one building. She didn't even describe the taste of the food or her opinions about it. Did she buy souvenirs? Did she do any tours? What was her room like? What was the view from her window?
Why does her tubby bf go along with all this crap? Doesn't he feel second hand embarrassment?
No. 363576
File: 1501440940739.png (71.06 KB, 750x298, IMG_5703.PNG)

She deleted the photo of her, her fries and her boyfriend because NO 1 CURRR
No. 363594
>>363435I read about this Minnie Maud method: does it have to be horribly unhealthy food, though? Or
only unhealthy food? Surely, one could fit a few veggies and fruit in such a diet? I mean, she could cook variations of pasta, meats, eggs and such and pack a decent amount of calories. Or am I missing something? Salmon is pretty fatty, too, but at least from what I understand it's got a different kind of fats that helps in other ways.
I don't know, I just think there has to be a way to reach a certain calorie intake without going for processed foods all the time. I'd be constipated to the point of no return if I ate like she does.
No. 363690
File: 1501455878864.jpg (709.84 KB, 2896x2896, 20170730_164945.jpg)

A thousand questions about the chips? LOL you mean 4 comments and one question asking if they taste good…god damnit Aly
No. 363814
>>363690I get why she doesn't post any shots of scenery or anything other than her face or food. Because a beautiful building or nice landscape takes the attention off of Aly.
GOD FORBID people are interested in something other than her.
She has to be the most self centered, self obsessed person I have ever encountered. Holy shit.
No. 363871
>>363814Right?! She is such a fucking headcase. I am infuriated regularly by her selfishness and willful obtuseness. She expects people to give her a very specific sort of response, and if you deviate from her expectations, the sky is falling. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK she makes me rage.
Here I have a new game…let's call it
"The World According To Aly: 10 Commandments Edition!"
1. Instagram is the supreme most important thing in LIFE. Thou shalt always be logged in and waiting fervently for new posts from Me.
2. Thou shalt comment on every single post I make.
3. Thou shalt praise Me and give Me asspats constantly.
4. Thou shalt never ever offer con/crit.
5. Thou shalt rave about how brave and strong I am.
6. Thou shalt ignore when I post the same motherfucking picture 13 times and comment every time or else!
7. Thou shalt never try to teach me anything or offer advice.
8. Thou shalt pretend along with me that every fucking thing I eat is a meaningful moment or inspirational!
9. Thou shalt beg me to stay when I put up black posts and threaten to delete.
And last but not least,
10. NOTHING AND NO ONE is more important than ME ME ME! Are you with me girls? ILYSM my darlings!
No. 363875
>>363690I saw a comment asking what the curly fries were made of. Someone replied and the two made another comment about the to each other (ie no asspats). She deleted them.
>>363871 yeah. Spot on.
No. 363962
File: 1501511887045.jpg (584.91 KB, 978x1513, Screenshot_20170731-093435.jpg)

she always eats out why does she keep pretending she finds it difficult
can you imagine how many #throwback pics theres gonna be
No. 363969
File: 1501512452425.jpg (17.58 KB, 385x84, dogsandnegativity.JPG)

That's a great typo. A+
No. 363970
>>363962Yup, that's been a constant thing since ~recovery~. Suddenly she's "proposed" to "eat outside" and she's nervous and needs help deciding what to do because it's unplanned. Next photo she says she's going.
She wants to "close the door on ED" apparently. Lol. She gets
triggered by people commenting on food pics because it makes her feel greedy, writes all holiday about how many calories she's eaten, how she's comparing herself to hot body stranger girl, how she wants to restrict, how she feels lonely , how she isn't active enough. How is that ANYWHERE near ready to close the door on an eating disorder. As soon as she gets home she'll weigh herself, black screen and say fuck it I had a donut. Rinse and repeat.
No. 363974
File: 1501512757676.gif (383.57 KB, 406x193, puppetpsl.gif)

>>363969PLEAAASE don't edit, pleeaaase. omg haha.
No. 363991
File: 1501515185886.jpg (996.07 KB, 1037x1491, Screenshot_20170731-103030.jpg)

so dinner is stressful because of the calories but this is fine?
No. 364004
>>363991If I knew I was going out for a meal in a few hours, I'd go for something light during the day.
She's so confusing. Does she really have no idea about how to eat? I know an anon wrote earlier that they saw her at a cafe and she had two bites of something then left, so does she leave most of what she posts?
At her stage of recovery I'd think more about getting some muscle tone back than gaining weight.
Idk loads about nutrition, but when I see her food I can't help but think it's going to be damaging to her body. If not now then in the long run.
She said her high cholesterol wasn't fake news yet it started her ED ~eye roll~ She can't be that concerned with all the fried food she eats. I wish she'd discover meat substitutes. I don't mean go veggie or vegan, but to balance out nutrients. Quorn and shit is really good (I impressed my doctor with my good cholesterol reading because I eat substitutes - give me asspats NOW!)
No. 364008
File: 1501517125073.jpg (36.71 KB, 674x124, Screenshot_20170731-100225.jpg)

Who looses weight on vacation?
No. 364011
File: 1501517339724.jpg (10.82 KB, 292x173, yay i lost weight on holiday.j…)

>>364008Someone who got food poisoning from eating dodgy seafood!
BUT she hears it CONSTANTLY, like 7/24, day and night, never ending, so it definitely happens.
No. 364020
>>364008What a load of shit. She hears guys and girls saying "nevermind all the cool adventurous activities I just did on vacation. You know what the best thing was? I lost so much weight!" ??
I have -never- in my life heard this. If weight is mentioned, it's usually laughing about how much food was actually eaten.
No. 364030
>>364020The sign of having had a good holiday is gaining weight. I only usually get a long weekend break but it's the only time I eat a cooked breakfast, eat on the go then go somewhere nice for food at night. If a bakery looks good where you go it'd be ridiculous not to sample the carbs.
It's like saying, Oh I lost weight over Christmas. Riiiight.
No. 364032
File: 1501518803101.jpg (413.06 KB, 967x1201, Screenshot_20170731-112807.jpg)

she'd rather count orgasms than calories!
>ate 4000 calories
does she not know how to count calories like how was she eating 4000 a day, that just seems ridiculous
No. 364033
>>364032>pairs>slept 4 yearsWhy do we need to know she had sex?
Idk how I could eat 4000 calories. Just quantity. Why would she need all that?
No. 364050
File: 1501521533466.png (33.93 KB, 750x182, IMG_5784.PNG)

I can't with this lmao
No. 364073
>>364050She's said this orgasm thing before. She's desperate to give the impression her relationship's amazing when it's probably the opposite. Still, at least it makes her look like a winner at life, huh. Everyone needs a man, right?
>>364062I'd forgotten about that. How do her friends (inc. bf) not know about her account? Or at least have a word with her about what a maniac she is on instagram? Seeing how she spends so much time around them doing ig and her ED is all she is you'd think they'd hear nothing else about what she's posted and all the inspiration she gives and praise she receives.
Img: I really hope she wears knickers. You can see her ass cheeks here. I hate winter, but I'm looking forward to not having to see Aly's flesh.
No. 364093
File: 1501526310356.jpg (41.73 KB, 270x255, IMG_20170731_123122.jpg)

>>364073She has booty short type thing on under. I wish she would throw that skirt away.
Of course Aly would spin it into "they said I'm to fat to wear short skirts!" No Aly, that dress is made for a child. It doesn't fit, how can she breath in it?
No. 364122
>>364032I highly doubt that she's counting calories. This number is so high it's unbelievable. Unbelievable in the sense that she really didn't eat 4000 calories and she just throwing a super high number out there to make it seem "oh look at me so recovered and eating like a normal person!"
She has no idea what a normal person actually eats Calorie wise. It reminds me of being a little kid and thinking five dollars is $100 because you have no concept of money
No. 364198
File: 1501538901799.jpg (75.75 KB, 583x542, vomit.JPG)

>>364093She used to wear that when she was a spoop. Perhaps it makes her feel like she's still skinny because she can fit into it (even though it's an elasticated waist).
Whatever she ate tonight looks like it was thrown up by someone on Brighton beach.
No. 364207
>>364032>>364050Her obsession with talking about sex and orgasms is so awkward. It would be normal to talk about this with your close girlfriends or even in like a group therapy session, ie "#recoverywin I'm enjoying sex again" or sth. But to constantly drop this info in public posts to her 50k followers? It's so forced.
>>364198This, you know she tries to convince herself she's still thin as long as she can still fit into some of her sick clothes. This skirt seems to be the last item standing bc it's got a fully elasticized waist plus it's supposed to sit at the hips or low waist, and she has it stretched out so hard it doesn't even having the ruched look it's supposed to and it's practically up to her boobs. She needs to throw it out. She'll look better in clothes that actually fit her.
No. 364213
>>364207It's all the more awkward because we've seen them together and don't really want to get mental images of them at it.
The way she talks about sex the way girls at school would. I suppose it made them feel grown up because they'd recently lost their virginity and had a boyfriend they were having sex with. Aly's 21 though. As for orgasms, she'll be faking it like a lot of us.
No. 364232
>>364225Anon also got these
>kissing her boy>bikini shoot>"other girls…vs. me…" speechI bet the other couple bitched about her "oddities" behind her back.
No. 364235
File: 1501544154149.jpg (307.12 KB, 652x1039, Screenshot_20170731-172055.jpg)

No. 364250
>>364235Yea Aly…it's called being normal and healthy. Normal people also have days where they feel "gross" and "fat" (period bloat, anyone?) we just don't obsess over those thoughts, do a photo shoot with junk food, and/or beg for reassurance or validation from Instagram as a means to cope.
You are not special. You're just crazy.
No. 364306
File: 1501554368723.png (12.65 KB, 287x110, screenshot 2017-08-01 04.22.07…)

This hater has a point.
No. 364364
>>364306lol holy shit for real though. I bet her boyfriend doesn't even know all the stories + photos she shares of him to her 50k followers, he doesn't seem to frequent insta a lot or even follow the alys_journey account. Plus how she recently posted about something she claims she never told her boyfriend. Jesus I'd rage if I had an SO like Aly and I found out they were posting all about me to the internet.
In Italy it seems to be legal to publish photos of others without consent but still…
>>364235This honestly pisses me off so much. Aly literally has no fucking clue about anything that goes on in stranger girl's life- they JUST met. Stranger girl might be dealing with a lot of difficult shit in her life, and Aly is all like "she's sooo HAPPY (!) and FREE just because she's smiling and eating like a normal human". How the fuck would Aly know if she "feels good in her skin" because she ate hot-dogs? Does Aly feel good in her skin, eating big macs?
Imagine being stranger girl, struggling with a lot of issues and then reading what Aly wrote. Double standards much? If someone was like "wow Aly you must be so happy now that you look heavier" there would be a nice blackout post following up.
No. 364490
>>364364It's legal if it's public persons or if you take a photo of a public situation without focusing on any individual.
In any other situation, even if it's on social media, you should obtain the person's permission. If it's a minor, you need to ask their parents. If there's no permission, the person portrayed (of their person if they're a minor) can ask for the removal of the picture. If any damage results from the posting of the picture, the person portrayed can ask for compensation.
Were someone to publish someone else's image without their consent to gain a profit or to damage them, they would be liable of illicit treatment of data (sorry for the crappy translation, I don't usually use these terms in normal conversation, so I'm less practised with them) and might end up in jail for up to 3 years.
I'm guessing people just do whatever the fuck and give the impression these things are legal to outside onlookers, but they're really not.
No. 364545
File: 1501586461886.png (962.02 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I wonder how much of her holiday was spent worrying about her follower count. Seems her mantra "count followers, not orgasms" is more likely.
No. 364548
File: 1501587383382.png (35.01 KB, 296x313, IMG_0053.PNG)

Normal people take several selfies and choose the best one to upload to Insta. Aly uploads all of them, no matter how ugly. FOR GODSAKE GET IT TOGETHER ALY.
No. 364584
File: 1501595505258.jpg (169.23 KB, 978x481, Screenshot_20170801-084835.jpg)

>>364548oh she was being pensive anon, lost in super important thoughts
i thought she already reached a healthy bmi? how long is she gonna stretch out worrying about weighting herself
No. 364624
File: 1501601496455.jpg (150.87 KB, 978x747, Screenshot_20170801-103001.jpg)

>>364603yeah its the chocolate aly, not your terrible personality
No. 364634
File: 1501603308641.jpg (78.49 KB, 463x619, tick that box.JPG)

>>364624It gives me pleasure to keep skipping to her social blade stats and see her lose followers. Definitely the chocolate.
She posted a buttful of holiday snaps on her fb. Still looking at food like a twat and the one post she does with her bf, BUT some nice scenery pics. Odd she didn't share those on ig. Aly Bingo winner anon gets another win with this pic of her with her back to nice scenery.
No. 364636
>>364634She just HAD to be in it. Never change Aly.
No. 364667
File: 1501606908094.jpg (524.37 KB, 810x1235, Screenshot_20170801-120011.jpg)

guess whos back on her bullshit with an even shorter and tighter "dress"
No. 364677
>>364667She's has to be pulling that thing down every second she walks.
Wasn't she just freaking out like a month ago about how men were harassing her in the streets? And now she's dressing skimpier than ever. I try not to judge girls who wear ass-baring or chest relvealig clothing, but holy shit who just leaves their house like this?
Nothing wrong with a short dress.
Everything wrong with half of your ass hanging out.
Respect yourself, Aly.
No. 364682
File: 1501608333460.jpg (175.14 KB, 704x621, 20170801-102414.jpg)

what decision is she's talking about?
No. 364689
File: 1501608997990.jpg (27.87 KB, 387x139, real world.jpg)

>>364677There's a way to wearing short skirts/dresses that makes it not look trashy, and it's tights or something. I'm not surprised she gets comments from her dad. He must know what a lot of men are like and really worry about her getting attacked when she's flashing her half her ass.
I wonder if comments like this ever put things in perspective for Aly? I don't think she ever even contemplates that some people can't afford Magnums that cost 4 Euros.
>>364682Fuck knows. She's totally lost the plot, so don't worry about it.
No. 364701
File: 1501609963092.jpg (746.37 KB, 806x1846, Screenshot_20170801-124940.jpg)

what is she even saying here!
No. 364703
File: 1501610047377.jpg (138.06 KB, 978x331, Screenshot_20170801-125119.jpg)

>>364701samefag but dogsandpositivity is so pathetic oh no aly you dont look recovered you look so ill
No. 364727
File: 1501612834013.png (487.59 KB, 1075x1685, 20170801_203659.png)

>>364682Whether or not to weigh herself.
No. 364737
>>364727Here's a question, Aly. Why do doctors weigh you? To make sure you're not underweight or overweight or losing or gaining weight suddenly. It's an indication of possible illness if you're not in a weight range that's healthy for you.
Your mind is still ED crazy.
Fuck me, she's so tiresome. I don't believe for a second she didn't hop on the scale as soon as she got home. What would you say, guys?
No. 364739
File: 1501614690767.jpg (249.44 KB, 978x605, Screenshot_20170801-140938.jpg)

ugh its like she can't keep track of why she became anorexic
No. 364845
>>364667this dress. how does she think this is a good idea? waiting for
>>361192 to come true
No. 365175
File: 1501683936752.png (842.53 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I don't even know why she's mad at this comment.
No. 365209
File: 1501687546178.jpg (564.82 KB, 805x1460, Screenshot_20170802-102301.jpg)

i feel like shes realy running out of stuff to say lol blah blah blah blah blah so hey girls whats your opinion?
and so she did weight herself?
No. 365218
>>365195I hope you're being sarcastic, if not - Milan is part of Italy, which happens to be part by the mediterranean sea
I'm probably being stupid rn>>365209She's been saying the same thing over and over for almost years now
No. 365230
File: 1501689925063.jpg (61.51 KB, 652x226, Screenshot_20170802-095400.jpg)

>>365175Really? She literally said she's "fucking hungry" and doesn't know if it's normal, asking for opinions. I wish I could ask her what was so wrong with the comment,
But id be blocked. I fucking hate this bitch
No. 365248
File: 1501691901989.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

My guess is she actually weighed herself and her bmi is above -gasp- 18.5. I almost feel sad for her as she's not mentally recovered at all.
No. 365283
File: 1501694596841.jpg (209.26 KB, 978x668, Screenshot_20170802-121537.jpg)

she never learns
>>365248i dont understand why she bothered putting on the weight if she still had disordered thoughts. i know just being weight restored doesnt erase an eating disorder but usually you work through the issues as you gain the weight back, she just went straight to pretending everything is fine so she could be recovery queen
No. 365326
File: 1501698047862.jpg (376.63 KB, 810x1185, Screenshot_20170802-131433.jpg)

>well dressed oh and the "random" pic is her posing
>>365320i feel like the only way she can go now is to relapse
No. 365330
>>365320I think instagram is her (unhealthy) coping method.
>>365326Honestly I kind of just want her to relapse. It seems like nobody in her life knows about her instagram, so nobody knows the extent of how crazy she actually is. If I found out about anyone I knew doing this, I would be like what the fuck, crazy bitch? She obviously isn't recovered mentally anyway.
No. 365637
File: 1501727794788.png (17.03 KB, 293x167, screenshot 2017-08-03 04.32.58…)

>>365320Some hater told her the same.
No. 365639
>>365368Basically you are totally right, but there are some ex-anorexics on instagram who are weight restored (or even more than that) who still spend their entire life attention whoring on instagram, constantly seeking for validation and confirmation from others.
They may be physically recovered, but not mentally.
Some people are just addicted to getting asspats on instagram…
No. 365904
File: 1501757350113.png (264.54 KB, 750x1094, IMG_0054.PNG)

thank god donnies and mint faps can't arm us
No. 365913
File: 1501759120628.png (201.98 KB, 943x419, Untitled.png)

>>365904If the donnies are stale and the fap is iced and someone puts them in a sock and hits you, that would really arm you.
>>365637She's just booked an appointment with her therapist. Aly's taken a hater's advice???
Follower count during the past two days (img).
No. 365979
File: 1501773428590.png (25 KB, 311x376, surejan.png)

Okay, Aly
No. 365983
File: 1501773732589.jpg (463.5 KB, 1004x1316, Screenshot_20170803-101819.jpg)

did she even go to therapy? his advice or whatever youd call it just sounds like her. either way she was just as nuts on holiday so idk what she thinks shes achieved
No. 365990
File: 1501775455564.jpg (135.32 KB, 689x428, Screenshot_20170803-093858.jpg)

She obviously doesn't tell them everything. Only what she wants them to know, so she can get them to tell her what she wants. I think it's obvious here in pic related.
No. 366000
File: 1501777569241.jpg (430.93 KB, 934x924, Screenshot_20170803-112432.jpg)

cursed image
No. 366071
File: 1501784148828.jpg (327.27 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170803-131227.jpg)

No. 366080
File: 1501785611912.png (200.79 KB, 640x991, IMG_3853.PNG)

Aly, food is not sexy and neither are you.
No. 366083
>>366080lol shes so fake
suddenly everythings ok? but what will be the next problem you stretch out over 30 posts
No. 366087
File: 1501786157139.jpg (361.93 KB, 978x871, Screenshot_20170803-134654.jpg)

>tanga and glitters
whats its going to be…a throw back pic of her at a bmi of 10.6
No. 366140
File: 1501791153097.png (Spoiler Image,161.22 KB, 640x907, IMG_3854.PNG)

>>366094You called it, anon. Still claiming to be 3kg away from the dreaded 18.5 BMI. For a recovery queen she really fixates on that number.
No. 366155
>>366140she literally said her bmi was 18.6 after her last checkup she probably deleted it off instagram tho
>>366151yeah ive seen that one before. girl probably only owns one bra tho
No. 366156
File: 1501792852171.jpg (120.47 KB, 689x332, Screenshot_20170803-143712.jpg)

Also, I have to wonder does she mean 2/3rd of a kg? LoL… or is she saying 2 to 3 kg?
And how would she know that if she threw her scale away?
No. 366160
>>366155oh balls it was 17.6 i thought it said 18
how can she be eating 3000 calories a day and still be underweight? i guess it could be true if shes just bone and fat now
No. 366174
File: 1501794368747.jpg (17 KB, 363x215, now.JPG)

>>366160I'm still not sure of her motives when she posts these old pictures. Is she really doing it for ~motivation~? I think if I'd been so ill I wouldn't want any photos of that time hanging around. Okay, maybe one if she feels she needs it to see how ill she was, but she has a whole bunch of them.
If she's doing it to get followers who want thinspo, it ain't working. Followers are still dropping like flies.
I don't believe she's underweight, but let's say she is. I don't think she's unhealthy still, as she likes to tell us. No way is she in any danger at her weight now, although with all that sugar she's a candidate for diabeetus. She's clinging on to a "still physically ill" tag for dear life.
No. 366187
>>366174probably to remind people that she was at such a low weight oh and for the asspats of course.
she just made a big deal about not weighing herself because it would be
triggering or w/e but she feels ok to look at herself like that?
No. 366196
>>366080you are wrong, pic related
>>366156pretty sure by 2/3rd of a kg she means 0,6 kg which would be 1.32 lbs. It is more (!) than half a kg (!!!) you guize, she is still ~underweight~
No. 366198
File: 1501796056767.jpg (48.23 KB, 474x444, alyeats.jpg)

>>366196dropped the pic sry
No. 366315
>>366160Hypermetabolism maybe. She was still extremely spoopy like a year ago, and only just recently (6 months or so) started to look more normal. A lot of anorexics have problems with hypermetabolism in recovery and can't gain weight very quickly,
but the response to this is adding more food to their meal plan until they start to gain again. Why she would have stayed on 3000 for this long and not going up is beyond me.
No. 366468
File: 1501852938370.jpg (132.66 KB, 978x437, Screenshot_20170804-082054.jpg)

girls on one big holiday
No. 366540
File: 1501866124545.jpg (607.99 KB, 810x1584, Screenshot_20170804-115951.jpg)

some more word salad
No. 366553
>>366550This bit
>In order to serving size I'm a family of four in the last periodWHAAAT??
Is she saying people eat less in Summer because they want to be ~beach body ready~? In the UK we get a week (maybe) of hot weather. Who the fuck wants to eat hot, heavy food then? Isn't it normal to have a decrease in appetite when it's hot? Even drinking lots of water or other fluids makes you not want to eat as much.
I'd say everyone needs a bit of exercise. Even 80 plus year olds have classes where they sit down and stretch their arms so they don't seize up. I cba to do exercise classes, but I make sure I walk enough just to get the heart pumping etc.
She really is craziness. She's said you can't enjoy life if you don't eat a crepe for lunch. So life is eating? WHUT? So much crazy I'm like….???????
No. 366557
File: 1501868137839.png (252.74 KB, 452x331, aly_sbite.png)

>>366071Pic related
>>366140Holy fucking shit, she was Ashley levels of spoop. She may be a snowflake but I'm really glad she's not on the verge of death anymore. That right pic is scary.
>>366550It's just that she's not really fluent in English so she uses the same only words she knows over and over
No. 366588
File: 1501871291786.jpg (43.63 KB, 978x130, Screenshot_20170804-132700.jpg)

No. 366680
>>366666Check out those 6s!
If I didn't know as much about Aly as we do, I'd think she was on something. Her behaviour reminds me a lot of manic depressive behaviours, even down to what she wears. I'm not saying she is, but her dishevelled appearance at times, lack of self awareness and the way she perceives things…she's really mentally ill. How's nobody picked up on it.
No. 366725
>>366680lots of people have i think lol
her family seem to lack a lot of awareness as well
No. 366783
>>366666Lol, was this you,
>>358518 ?
She does seem to get strange "insights" where she acts like she just discovered the true meaning of life, but the insights are like… "be happy".
No. 366846
File: 1501904710309.png (11.46 KB, 295x94, screenshot 2017-08-05 05.43.02…)

You WILL get blocked!
No. 366862
>>364545ouch! good ol' dogsandpositivity just got overlooked by Aly yet again.
That's gotta sting.
No. 366877
>>365983IDK, imo it reads like something a therapist would say once you de-Aly it.
It's basically the standard "you fall back into old, destructive behaviours too easily at home" combined with the ol' "you can't stay stuck in the past, you need to move forwards rather than continuing to see yourself as [fill in the blank]."
Although I do wonder if the therapist isn't planting the idea that it's time for Aly to move forward with her life *~on her own~* (caveat; if she went to therapy/if this is an accurate account of the session etc).
But if the therapy stuff
is true I really hope that he'll start to discuss the idea of her moving out of the family home by learning to stand on her own two feet- without mum, dad and her brother there to prop her up.
Mind you, I don't think she's at all capable of moving forward (by moving out) at the present time- she's such a fucking mess.
She clearly needs some pretty intensive therapy to prepare her for leaving the family home and negotiating the world as an independent adult because it's obviously beyond her atm.
I reckon she'll also need competent ongoing support to help her adjust to her new life
after she moves out too.
Otherwise she'll end up being completely overwhelmed by it all and she'll just run back into the enabling harms of her mum.
Honestly, if she doesn't get appropriate mental health care she will
never succeed with any moves towards independence in the long term.
sage for speculation
No. 366972
File: 1501938913888.png (18.66 KB, 308x157, screenshot 2017-08-05 15.12.45…)

But…but, Aly is NOT posing at all!!!
Such haters. Lousrecovery to the rescue!
No. 366979
she keeps thinking she'll fix herself with over the top positivity and instagram comments like aly thats not gonna help you, youve been the same this whole time
No. 366980
File: 1501939943737.jpg (399.99 KB, 1070x1255, Screenshot_20170805-093002.jpg)

Aly liked this comment. And posted it on her story saying she agreed. She also claimed to have deleted "less meaningful shoots"
Aly then immediately posted a photo of some "creation" and "throwback" pics with food. So strong!!!
No. 366982
File: 1501940035482.jpg (47.67 KB, 291x374, 1.JPG)

>>366980I saw that post and I've seen that person write comments before. I was surprised she hadn't been blocked because she gives a honest opinion.
I'm waiting to see what Aly does with this. More truth.
No. 366984
>>366980haha she cant help herself
she was just saying this on her trip about how she wouldn't come back to instagram because life is out there to be lived or w/e and then um just stays exactly as she was
No. 367009
File: 1501945382280.jpg (836.64 KB, 810x1916, Screenshot_20170805-100148.jpg)

donnies solves it all
No. 367011
>>367009>Food is not clean or dirty, it doesn't make you fat just like starving won't make you "skinny."Starving doesn't make you skinny?
Wow, a medium (?) box of fries. What's that, around 300 calories? Big recovery win.
I'm already sick of that dress but looks like she washed it at least.
I want to chop her pinkie off.
No. 367012
>>367011(sorry the post was so long i couldnt capture it all)
p sure mcdonalds is bad for you if you eat it every single day
No. 367028
File: 1501949303543.jpg (581.33 KB, 2896x2896, 20170805_100726.jpg)

Had to post this. Look how over it stranger girl is lol
No. 367039
Can you imagine how embarrassing it is to have a girl in your group continuously asking waiting staff to take photos of her looking like Norman Bates on speed and showing food to the camera?
Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if she gave her boyfriend an ultimatum and refused any further contact with the other couple.
In fact, fast forward a few years: imagine StrangerG gets married to Hostage Guy number 2 in
>>367028 and they're forced to invite Aly. Everyone's having a good time, taking photos of the bride and Aly's souring it for everyone by asking every other guest to take photos of her with every crumb of food available.
In fact, fast forward even more - the Earth is a scorched wasteland: humanity has been decimated by a nuclear conflict of epic proportions and the few survivors must fight for any scrap of food. Aly, somehow, is still alive (part cockroach?) and taking "selfies" with her broken phone.
Also: is it stranger girl giving a fed up thumb up right next to Aly's chest in that photo?
No. 367040
File: 1501951277616.jpg (368.46 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170805-113901.jpg)

dont even need the text that went w this you could make it up in your own head
No. 367043
File: 1501952090490.gif (1.34 MB, 1920x1440, Can i eat now.gif)

>>367039I noticed that thumb thing too. And in this look at stranger girls other hand. Plus notice how stranger girl was cool with one pic, then done.
No. 367068
File: 1501955181760.png (69.09 KB, 636x823, IMG_6871.PNG)

Aaaand a black post.
Really wondering how long she can continue living the way she does. Amazed she's sustained it for this long.
No. 367070
File: 1501955390116.png (720.76 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5733.PNG)

>>367068She's not getting many likes or comments on her photos and I think this is what sent her over the deep end. Plus the poor random girl who just wanted to eat her salad and
triggered Aly.
No. 367080
>>367068I think its funny how a salad can
trigger her. But this
>>366140 is ok and helpful…
No. 367084
File: 1501957582968.jpg (398.78 KB, 978x1001, Screenshot_20170805-132310.jpg)

does anyone go back and forth more than aly? now its ok because that evil skinny girl probably never eats
No. 367098
>>367084Someone prettier than our goddess? This cannot be. How dare that girl be a size 0 and eat salad with no dressing. She should have at least 700 calories worth of dressing on that salad to make Aly feel better about stuffing her face with McDonald's fries and 3 candy bars.
Prettier girls are the biggest problem in today's society. Always
triggering others. They should eat 4000 calories like our goddess because she is perfect in every way.
No. 367105
File: 1501959769310.jpg (577.25 KB, 810x1701, Screenshot_20170805-140138.jpg)

oh boy
No. 367119
File: 1501960910463.png (276.3 KB, 750x1191, IMG_5735.PNG)

>>367105She totally deleted this. What a cunt.
But it's all good now! Because her boy found an apartment in Milan. She no longer suffers from ana today.
No. 367134
>>367119how many times has she said "now its meaningless" just today
relationships dont fix your mental health
No. 367136
File: 1501961992994.jpg (87.84 KB, 978x798, Screenshot_20170805-143901.jpg)

No. 367151
>>367084Third time she's posted the same caption. Pool party tomorrow. Great.
>>367136Ooop so close to 50k. Congrats, Aly.
No. 367157
>>366980She also deleted this comment. She just uses other people's comments as a means for ass pats; positive or negative.
She obviously doesn't care about what her followers want, it's all about what Aly wants. She doesn't want to talk about her life because she has none. No job no school no hobbies, literally nothing outside her ED and Instagram. She's in total denial and beyond help at this point.
September will be an interesting month. Most couples (at least in the US) gain weight when they get married or move in together. I suspect she will explode.
No. 367160
File: 1501964286715.png (758.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170805-141524.png)

>>367157Why would she delete it when she agreed with it in her stories?
No. 367189
>>367160Why would she agree with the comment and take absolutely no advice from it? Because it doesn't work with Aly's life. Re read my post.
She deleted it because she doesn't really agree with it. But she can't "shame" that person because then Aly would look worse to her followers who are just doing what Aly asks; offering her their opinions.
So she uses the comment to show "look I really am interacting with my followers and really do care what you say!" Even tho she doesn't care at all and only wants them to say "you're perfect! You're not fat"
No. 367226
File: 1501972149763.jpg (17.52 KB, 421x227, 9.JPG)

No. 367254
File: 1501974151998.png (860.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170805-170019.png)

>>367251What are bills and rent?
No. 367255
>>367254Oooo, I don't get to see these story posts.
Well that says it all. Where does she think money comes from? Her parents really must buy her everything.
I find that post really offensive, but I'm going to keep reminding myself that it's Aly because what else can you expect?
Wait until she's eating things out of cans and picking her boyfriend's dirty pants up off the floor for the 100th time. Life won't be so "amazing".
That food looks gross btw. Plastic bowl and fork. Classy. 6 twists of pasta - why bother.
No. 367261
File: 1501975072487.jpg (83.13 KB, 600x450, aly's kitchen.jpg)

>>367256Count the skid marks not the calories (!)
Nah, I bet Ma cleans her room.
No. 367339
File: 1501985448450.png (96.47 KB, 640x859, IMG_4406.PNG)

>>367119>>367134The passive aggressive sarcasm here is cringe worthy but great hahah do you think Aly will catch onto it and be offended or actually not see that it's sarcastic?
No. 367355
File: 1501986992728.gif (4.15 MB, 473x681, mcdonalds slut.gif)

20 pics. all mcdonalds. no duplicates, although it is hard to tell.
there are so much more, if you can believe it, I made a longer one that was so large lolcow wouldn't let me post it.
No. 367417
File: 1501998912227.gif (2.69 MB, 405x697, eatmeandgo_rightside.gif)

okay, and this is about 17 pics, no duplicates, from the right side of the table. As I was making this I noticed before her hair change she stood on the left side of this table.
and I have one more gif.
No. 367418
File: 1501999014717.gif (2.7 MB, 467x681, donutcare.gif)

this one is about 17 pics in front of the donut shop.
No. 367490
>>367417that one little wink in there creeps me out.
>>367355she probably has her foot outlined on the wall to get the position right.
No. 367519
File: 1502016337064.png (31.49 KB, 478x193, wp_ss_20170806_0001.png)

Aly's queer.
No. 367569
File: 1502023848982.jpg (388.92 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170806-075006.jpg)

No. 367572
File: 1502024105333.jpg (349.6 KB, 1018x863, Screenshot_20170806-075142.jpg)

as if she wasnt gonna go to the pool party um chance for a bikini shoot aly!
its so irritating how she always does this oh idk if i should go, give me asspats for motivation
No. 367597
File: 1502029222633.jpg (110.27 KB, 993x237, Screenshot_20170806-091923.jpg)

she officially went to the pool!
No. 367606
File: 1502031221241.jpg (663.17 KB, 808x1872, Screenshot_20170806-095205.jpg)

so insicure
No. 367616
File: 1502031920137.jpg (82.21 KB, 580x537, wtf.JPG)

I clicked on the tag where she is and it doesn't look like pa-pa-paradise. It looks a bit boring and too many posers. This is the most interesting pic anyone's ever taken there.
No. 367621
File: 1502032376273.png (60.43 KB, 298x360, Screen Shot 2017-08-06 at 4.12…)

she keeps putting her foot in it now and i'm glad. she'll delete this soon
No. 367625
>>367621She'll go on about how numbers don't matter than go on about being BM1 10.6. Her account's really poisonous. I wouldn't want to follow her if I was a recovering anorexic. I wouldn't want to follow her for stacks of reasons, but anyway.
> make the bash to begin guysWow, she's a real party girl. The life and soul.
No. 367626
File: 1502032834255.png (11.01 KB, 296x96, screenshot 2017-08-06 17.18.27…)

People are really getting annoyed with her.
No. 367646
File: 1502034852908.png (584.34 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3866.PNG)

Oh my.
No. 367647
>>367632uh ok
>>367625and then dogsandpositivity will say you go aly post whatever you want! <3
No. 367660
File: 1502035586788.png (231.47 KB, 640x1072, IMG_4408.PNG)

It blows my mind how inconsistent she is. I thought she was always the hot blonde babe that guys only cared about her because of her looks? Kek
Also now she's saying men whistling at her in the street is a good thing and means she's pretty and classy? Girl make up yo mind!!
Ps: aly fist fighting? Give me a fucking break she'd be crying in a ball on the ground if someone so much as pretended to poke her
No. 367712
File: 1502038136587.jpg (458.67 KB, 2048x2048, B343AA66-461B-46CF-92D7-D91E31…)

Can't you see how big of a piece of shit you are Aly? You want asspats and it drags others down. This girl needs ACTUAL therapy.
No. 367715
File: 1502038179221.png (222.64 KB, 1536x1032, IMG_4384.PNG)

Also.. this!
No. 367722
File: 1502038646341.jpg (64.84 KB, 638x455, no calorie tea.JPG)

She posted an "apology" which reads more like, "You misunderstood me you dumb fucks".
Also this
> Can you imagine how it felt to be the only one with ice cream ? and all the other girls with zero-calories-iced-tea?
Bullshit. On that place's tagged photos people are drinking alcohol and smoothies and eating seafood and tiramisu mmm
I see they do yoga there. She needs to book a class.
No. 367744
File: 1502040286205.jpg (336.59 KB, 2048x2048, 7F7B5784-C84F-4AE9-B18D-2ADBC4…)

I have never wanted someone to continue commenting more than I do this person. It was about damn time that people called Aly out on her shit and now it seems to be a veritable tidalwave of people realising she is full of absolute bullshit. Or cowshit as the case may be.
How long til she gets blocked i wonder?
No. 367748
File: 1502040526637.jpg (16.97 KB, 361x238, 1.JPG)

Aly's just earned 2 new followers. Unfortunately it's just some guy who takes pictures of scenery and a business account.
No. 367772
File: 1502041982793.png (237.58 KB, 750x1094, IMG_5743.PNG)

Aly just says she's fat because she wants people to tell her how skinny and beautiful she is.
She was just joking, being sarcastic, so sorry for hurt feelings, sorry I made you feel terrible
Look how confident and great I look in this bikini
No. 367798
File: 1502044785668.jpg (367.18 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170806-133831.jpg)

No. 367819
File: 1502048909616.png (13.63 KB, 429x85, wp_ss_20170806_0003.png)

She's really rocking coming out as queer. Is she now they/theirs?
No. 367839
File: 1502050449980.png (702.15 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5745.PNG)

Major hater.
No. 367845
File: 1502050665391.png (97.24 KB, 610x1062, IMG_2680.PNG)

No. 367849
>>367839"This shit" when everything said is how to do life.
No. 367859
>>367855So basically fat takes up more space to reach the same amount of mass. Hence why bmi can be a useless measurement because two people can be the same height and same weight but one may look much bigger than the other simply because they have more fat and less muscle than the other person. Just like when someone looks thinner than what they say their weight is but it could be because they have a lot of muscle and so that makes their weight higher
Sorry samefag here
No. 367860
File: 1502052568971.png (549.41 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3873.PNG)

This bitch I swear to god. Followers that comment anything that isn't asspats are branded "dumb haters". If her therapist says something she doesn't like, does she call him a hater too? Fucking hell, normal people can take criticism. She's batshit.
No. 367870
>>367859I get it now. You have educated me.
Yeah, the BMI thing I've never understood how buff people can be told they're in the overweight or obese range but it's muscle not fat. I didn't ever think of that with Aly for some reason.
Stranger girl looked like she weighed less than Aly, but she had a lot of muscle mass so probably weighed more? I'm so shit at biology.
I really hope she stops eating crap though. Her insides must weep.
No. 367895
File: 1502056229210.jpg (114.14 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170806-164937.jpg)

im glad people are realising what an awful person she is
No. 367919
File: 1502060005258.jpg (207.48 KB, 978x556, Screenshot_20170806-175200.jpg)

some more truths that'll get deleted
No. 367920
File: 1502060086164.jpg (217.46 KB, 563x1024, Screenshot_20170806-165306.jpg)

The comment section is blowing up on her latest post. Pic related and much more LoL
No. 367923
File: 1502060654299.png (22.94 KB, 287x375, a2.png)

Whoever you are..thank you
No. 367925
File: 1502061193669.png (32.82 KB, 304x541, a3.png)

I just can't understand how Aly doesn't see it this way, EVER. Like if she had never to face the truth, just maybe crossing her mind that maybe - maybe! - those ''haters'' are kind of right!
No. 367945
File: 1502062706913.jpg (246.88 KB, 570x995, Screenshot_20170806-173644.jpg)

I love that it keeps going. Unfortunatly it will all be gone tomorrow
No. 367989
File: 1502066136712.jpg (37.17 KB, 428x480, deep.jpg)

>>367945Yup. Deleted then back to posting #tb pics of today and probably pasting a caption she already has. Of course she'll wake up in a bad place, but some asspats from lousrecovery and dogsandpositivity's going to allow her to eat some cookies for breakfast. She'll say she still feels bad with body image but she'll be brave and go for a donnie.
Meanwhile…Aly's still nuts.
No. 368013
>>367839Kek at how aly doesnt seem to realise that posting these comments on her story means that people read it and go 'OH WAIT THEYRE RIGHT SHE IS FULL OF SHIT'
sage for being a hater
No. 368104
File: 1502079279931.png (18.93 KB, 452x159, wp_ss_20170807_0001.png)

Posting this before she deletes it
No. 368131
>>368119She needs some support
She was hoping for more support
Threatens to close her account
Changes her mind, but her account will be different.
It won't be different.
A crying shot in stories
A screen shot of haters in stories.
At least two #tb bikini pics from the amazing pool party.
The words cellulitis, bloated and stretch marks.
She hasn't blabbed on about feminism for a while has she.
No. 368134
File: 1502085379931.png (597.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170807-064942.png)

Anyone else notice her boyfriend seems to be piling on the pounds? Poor Aly probably throws a hissy fit if he doesn't eat more/ the same as her so she doesn't feel fat in her bikini
No. 368226
>>367722lmao yes, the only iced tea i saw in the tagged photos was canned estathè, which is 98% sugar and definitely not "zero calories". there
is a 0kcal version of that, but i've never seen it for sale anywhere outside supermarkets. it's definitely one of her imaginary stories like
>>368181 No. 368234
File: 1502110757607.jpg (357.36 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170807-075814.jpg)

um none of those accounts were fake
No. 368235
>>368234Did she also block the person who wrote
>>367945? That looks more like someone who's concerned about other people being affected negatively by her poor behaviour.
No. 368239
File: 1502111519146.jpg (143.3 KB, 978x416, Screenshot_20170807-080901.jpg)

>>368235they seem to have survived and uh idk what theyre doing now
>>368226i think she actually went with her mum i looked through the tag and i didnt see any big groups of girls, i didnt look too far tho but still i think it was a fake story
No. 368259
File: 1502116060155.png (186.17 KB, 750x1104, IMG_0211.PNG)

How much sugar do you think she consumes in a day?!
No. 368263
File: 1502116359501.jpg (8.76 KB, 259x194, this much.jpg)

>>368259I hope she brushes her teeth at least 3 times a day. I'm still dubious about how much she eats of a thing. If she ate all the chocolate, donuts and fries she ate she really would be very "bloated".
Hopefully this is a phase and she'll get sick of her diet. So many choices yet she chooses the same things day after day.
No. 368289
File: 1502118220815.jpg (401.58 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170807-075735.jpg)

we're slowly seeing the story of how she ate these fries
No. 368319
File: 1502121283088.jpg (605.14 KB, 810x1582, Screenshot_20170807-105302.jpg)

No. 368324
File: 1502122259701.gif (5.44 MB, 720x960, how I ate a med size mcd frenc…)

>>368289This shit is hilarious. So I made a gif. Will she ever reach the bottom? let's stay tuned.
No. 368331
>>368329Amazing how she can claim she doesnt live through instagram and its only for her and she doesnt really care about it, then right after cry over only 4 comments like this.
Get real Aly, you have nothing else but insta.
No. 368341
File: 1502124146661.jpg (231.14 KB, 1011x565, Screenshot_20170807-113843.jpg)

>>368331ikr it wouldnt hurt her so much if she had anything else in her life
im still amazed that she has any content lol like how many times can she say we do deserve recovering
No. 368355
File: 1502125605499.jpg (390.64 KB, 689x1123, Screenshot_20170807-110155.jpg)

Ya, get glasses. This picture isn't posed or perfect at all. I always sit like this. Totally caught of gaurd.
No. 368364
File: 1502126181465.jpg (673.25 KB, 810x1552, Screenshot_20170807-121352.jpg)

>>368350theres a lot of these today. idk how she can call em fake or haters but im sure she will
No. 368402
File: 1502128743877.png (4.93 KB, 260x138, supernews.png)

>>368128I think we bingoed already
No. 368412
File: 1502129590747.jpg (481.54 KB, 810x1338, Screenshot_20170807-131108.jpg)

>>368402oh she um made up with her friend or something?
>youve come back from the deadsounds kinda rude too lol
how many dms will she answer..
No. 368418
>>368412She's seen her friends recently, so why would they say that? More like:
Aly: You didn't invite me because you think of me like an ANOREXIC and I'm an EX ANOREXIC and I'M HERE, I'M ALICE AND I'M FUCKING PERFECT!"
(in Italian)
What a shame. I'd hoped she'd signed up for a class or something, but it's being all high school over friendships.
No. 368422
>>368329Damn, I was a blackout post away from bingo.
Good playing, anon.
Sad how Aly thinks acknowledging the "hater's yells" she's being uplifting and having her voice heard. But it just makes her look weak and victimized to her followers. I think it's the most damaging thing she's doing aside from posting bikini pics and claiming she's fat and bloated.
No. 368432
>>368422To me it makes her look like an arrogant twat who won't take advice that's glaringly obviously good advice. Not that I didn't think that before.
#transformation pic tonight?
No. 368435
>>368432the main comment has been stop using instagram and relying on comments and she thinks shes achieving that because she went out with "her friends" once, even tho she documented the whole thing! she even ended that post with "i owe you everything!" i cant win w her shit
im gonna go w dry humping her boy
No. 368437
>>368432Unlikely she will post a transformation pic as she only does it Tues/thurs/sun and she missed Sunday.
I'm guessing another #tb McDonald's shoot.
Also, she reached 50k followers again. Strange?
No. 368546
File: 1502143984088.jpg (475.92 KB, 978x1355, Screenshot_20170807-171043.jpg)

is she serious w this?
>the less i post about food
>thinking you need 4000 calories a day
>scale trapped in closet
No. 368585
>>368546Is she saying she's eating 4000 calories a day? Wouldn't that suggest at least a pound gain a day? Roughly?
She is either lying about how many calories, or she's not being honest about how much she's burning or she's purging.
No. 368594
File: 1502148388876.jpg (157.41 KB, 536x1030, Screenshot_20170807-172346.jpg)

Now this is happening on her vegan chocolate picture.
No. 368599
>>368594its gonna
trigger the goddess
>>368585i think on average 3000 a week is 1 pound gained per week, so yeah she should be gaining pretty quickly if shes eating that much and considering that shes a healthy weight now
No. 368623
>>3685851 pound is about 3500 calories. Divide that by 7 days a week, its 500 calories. you need to eat 500 calories OVER maintenance, everyday, to gain 1 pound a week.
Let us pretend Aly needs 2000 calories a day to maintain her weight. but, If shes trying to gain weight she would need to eat 2500 calories every day to gain 1 pound a week.
shes claiming to eat 4000 calories every day? if i'm doing the math correctly that's 4 pounds gained a week.
and it obvious shes not gaining 4lbs a week. shes not eating 4000 cals everyday. shes a liar.
No. 368658
>>368623shes said before that she eats 3000 normally and then trip was 4000, all the hotdogs by night i assume, but yeah shes probably eating <2000 and maintaining her barely underweight um weight
its kinda illogical for her to claim these high calorie intakes n then say over and over oh ive almost reached a healthy bmi
No. 368725
>>368546>I counted it as a joke this evening, with my motherGreat joke, counting calories.
>>368594OK now these comments ARE dumb as fuck
No. 368781
>>368623>>368682I doubt she actually has 4000 on a regular basis. People with anorexia over estimate the calories they eat plus she's probably rounding up.
But I do think she has been eating a lot the past few weeks. Her freakouts seem genuine. Plus the physical things she's describing, especially the extreme hunger she got so pissed at finding.maisie for pointing out, suggest that she's finally eating enough to have kicked her body into hypermetabolism or at least enough to kick off extreme hunger. Remember how like a year ago and beyond anons would always say her recovery was unbelievable not just bc she didn't gain weight but bc she never talked about any physical symptoms that come with drastically increasing intake? Well she's finally doing that. My guess is that a year ago she started eating enough to actually gain, but still not much, like a lot of girls do who have a lot of autonomy in their weight restoration. So she started gaining but it was such small increases there was never a big physical reaction.
And now she's reached what is probably a healthy weight for her body plus has developed extreme hunger while truly eating what she should have been eating to restore her weight. And she's flipping shit.
If she doesn't get better therapy she is either going to relapse or transition to bulimia or BED.
No. 368830
>>368781Aly's a notorious liar though. She could be existing on the fap and donut plus maybe a few bits of pasta. That'd be only just over 1000 cals a day. Plus she could be walking a lot to burn it off.
It's difficult to figure anything out when most of what she tells us is untrue, but I believe she's restricting again.
No. 368898
File: 1502212167761.png (3.95 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8679.PNG)

Hello Bulimia.
No. 368904
File: 1502213460389.jpg (247.03 KB, 525x928, Screenshot_20170808-112810.jpg)

After reading this she posts a story about gong out for wine lol
Sometimes I think she does things on purpose because she knows it riles people up.
No. 368923
>>368907I don't do kg, so it was only half a pound she lost? Had she just had a dump? Half a pound?? That could be anything. After a period I weigh less because of water etc. Before having a wee in the morning I'm weigh more.
Those scales sound like some rickety old ones with the scale thing inside. Those are crap. Not that I believe she threw her digital ones out of the window.
Wow, all this over half a pound lol.
Why did Ma suggest she weigh herself anyhow? Bit of a fucked up thing to get her to do. Aly must only talk about her ~recovery~ at home. Tubby boyfriend's got heaps of fun waiting when she starts spending so much time with him.
No. 368951
File: 1502218608219.jpg (68.28 KB, 978x151, Screenshot_20170808-135358.jpg)

i thought it was because your dad abuses you/girls said your hips were too wide/boys never liked you
No. 368999
>>368923nah she lost 0.5kg which is 1.1lbs.
but still
hardly a HUGE!! #lifechanging amount
No. 369073
>>368898So did her mother take this picture of Aly in distress, I wonder. Because that is all kinds of messed up if so. Actually, anyone taking it so Aly can post it is pretty messed up, but especially her mother.
Speaking of her mother, one would think she would be trying to get her severely mentally ill daughter to see a therapist more than once a month, preferably once a week. Or her boyfriend. The one person in her life that seems to be trying to push her or move her in any way is her father, and what we see of his actions is through Aly's unreliable narrator filter. Her posts the last couple of weeks have been especially whack.
No. 369080
>>369073its a selfie i think? she probably took it w her mum i doubt she was crying just had her hand in front of her face
idk people keep suggesting therapy to her, haters and non haters alike i doubt she'll go anymore often than she already does and she'll just stay a mess
hm thinking about alys life kinda makes me depressed… and want a doughnut
No. 369111
>>369073I think it is a selfie when it's in her stories. She's done vlog type stuff before, she was alone then.
It makes me wonder though about her normal feed. When she asks the waiter to take pictures. I wonder if it's in burst mode. Or if she tells them to keep clicking until she says stop.
No. 369229
File: 1502267967640.png (132.55 KB, 750x607, IMG_5756.PNG)

I couldn't deal with Aly's BS and her flipping her shit over a fucking pound. Anyone with at least 6 brain cells knows you weigh less in the morning than you would at night or any other time of the day. Either her brain is literally mashed potatoes or she just saw an opportunity to be a victim and receive asspats. Even her followers are telling her to calm down about it. And some pointed out her weird mood swings; one minute crying in stories(!), wanting to vomit and an hour later "cocktails and snacks!". Then sharing photos of her smiling with her junk food hovering above her top lip.
This beautiful word salad could not be ignored though and I wanted to share it.
No. 369286
File: 1502279648434.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3882.PNG)

No. 369288
File: 1502279699648.png (1.13 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3883.PNG)

Poor recoveryqueer didn't get enough asspats this morning.
No. 369291
>>369288Oh wow.
Ive never noticed it before because she never posts photos like this, but see those two little pockets either side of her mouth that are kinda swollen rather than looking like the normal crease when someone smiles?
Hallmark of purging.
sage for rage
No. 369295
File: 1502280239911.jpg (148.36 KB, 760x221, bulimia face.jpg)

>>369291Nah, it's just round face syndrome. I have the exact same (I honestly had to stop scrolling because I thought this actually was my face for a second).
Purge swelling is more to the side of the face, at jaw level.
No. 369299
>>369288this is some Jenny Holzer tier nonsense
>>369291honestly at this point in her "broke downs" I think she would talk about it if she were purging. she always makes these dramatic "want to throw up" posts plus tried to make it sound like a single glad of wine is major alcoholism, not to mention all the talk about self arming when no cuts it scars have ever been visible.
she's so desperate for attention and to prolong her anaqueer status that I 100% think she would stretch one attempted purging episode into 10 posts about her ~bulimia~
No. 369302
>>369299glass* of wine
cuts or* scars
sage for can't type
No. 369315
File: 1502282739123.png (128.42 KB, 638x987, IMG_3884.PNG)

Aaaand we've got a blacked-out post.
No. 369317
>>369315If I was one of those ''few lovely girls'' she's talking about, I'd feel pretty useless at this point.
She's so self-centered she can't appreciate other people's efforts…Unbelievable
No. 369322
File: 1502283485565.png (41.6 KB, 325x610, a.png)

Some of the comments on her last photo…
No. 369331
File: 1502284288455.png (44.14 KB, 326x655, kjhglm.png)

How much do you think her CHANGE (!) will last this time?
No. 369349
File: 1502287792167.jpg (152.57 KB, 1033x332, Screenshot_20170809-090812.jpg)

>>369331its gone now and has been replaced w some passive aggressive chocolate
No. 369375
File: 1502289473285.jpg (128.38 KB, 978x323, Screenshot_20170809-093623.jpg)

Losing 1 pound has triggered her so badly. girl needs help
No. 369402
>>369286>only lovely girlsonly lovely, no intelligence
>>369384Wow, if my only regret was eating a Magnum…
She won't pay for therapy sp fuck her. Why should she get piss poor advice from dickheads like dogsandpositivity for free.
No. 369407
File: 1502294444367.png (55.59 KB, 310x976, tj.png)

No. 369412
>>369407She's afraid of him finding out how she controls her food intake and something? Great relationship. After 3 (proper) years together she still can't tell him her reason for not wanting him there.
Post a pic of them smooching so it seems like they're really in love and have a tight relationship. Gah.
No. 369417
>>369416She might do that thing like last time where she tells him to only stay two days. And she's talking about them getting a house together.
He's useless and she's neurotic. It aint gonna last. We should start an Aly Relationship Dead Pool and guess how long it lasts.
In other news she's down to 49,959 followers. 22 gone already today.
No. 369418
File: 1502296582038.png (213.15 KB, 750x1197, IMG_3612.PNG)

how long before this person gets blocked i wonder…
Aly will no doubt sperg out again and either post a passive aggressive story about it amd send her minions to bully whoever this person is or just block them
Kek the milk just doesnt stop flowing with this one
(Although part of me does wish she would just get some fucking therapy)
No. 369425
>>369418So Aly posts a pic of a Magnum!
>It isn't all about youOuch!
Every post today she's been begging for people to decide things for her. Now she wants her followers to
>I need all your encouragements to call my coworkers and accepta dumb paella party.
I can't even…
No. 369426
>>369416haha i know
i predict a few hundred "should i cancel? i still have a few days to decide. give me your opinions girls has anyone faced something like this before?" posts and then he will come and straddling pics will be abundant
>>369407its really obnoxious of her to manipulate what people said (after crying no support) just so she can like disagree with something
No. 369429
>>369427Co-workers = her mum again.
15 minutes in and nobody's given her paella party encouragement. Not even dogs&
No. 369436
>Am I the weirdyes Aly, you are the weird
this is getting to the point of ridiculous bc she clearly reads all her comments since every time something even looks slightly negative she puts it on blast. so she has to see that tons of ~lovely girls are telling her the same shit about therapy and getting away from insta but she just ignores it and keeps telling for attention.
No. 369468
File: 1502302707823.png (144.44 KB, 750x993, IMG_5757.PNG)

the face of someone who's had two days of panic attacks and break downs.
I mean, it's totally normal to be posing perfect with your over priced ice cream bar when you're having such a hard time with life.
No. 369479
File: 1502303735018.jpg (81.64 KB, 700x393, LOOOOSER.jpg)

>>369468No, no, no, anon! She is being very brave! Even though the assault to her system's left her with chronic stomach acid and nausea, even though she can barely stand because the attack was exhausting, even though mentally she's in an abyss because the agony of attack after attack grinds a persons mind to fucking despair, she's managed to apply make up (despite shaking hands and numb fingers), slip into a classy long t shirt thing and go out with Ma to scoff an ice cream. Unlike the loser in this pic.
I'm #motivated and #inspired. Who needs valium when you've got pistachio sprinkled Magnums?
No. 369510
File: 1502307941096.jpg (173.51 KB, 692x594, Screenshot_20170809-133916.jpg)

I have a few questions about this one..
Why did she put her name in quotes?
Why is she saying she did the opposite of what she normally does?
Is "drive by" some kind of Italian slang? If so, for what?
No. 369511
File: 1502308148161.jpg (155.36 KB, 1036x383, 20170809_144629.jpg)

>>369510i really dont understand
did she forget her breakdown over pizza and magnums? the fact that shes posted everything shes done today? and "friends" dont you mean your mum
No. 369515
File: 1502308358437.jpg (487.83 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170809-145046.jpg)

forgive me for samefagging but god, that face isnt cute aly and notice how her mum has finished lunch and her drink while aly still hasnt taken a bite and her drink has separated
No. 369530
File: 1502309606402.jpg (25.12 KB, 640x360, drive by.jpg)

>>369510This is all bad English plus madness.
That place she had a spritzer at was a mall. No pictures with "friends" definitely means it was Ma again.
>>369517She likes to think of her followers as some kind of maternal figure sometimes. When she says things like I hope I didn't disappoint you, or I'll try not to disappoint you, like anyone gives an actual fuck what she does.
This is really tragic.
No. 369535
File: 1502310081594.jpg (1.01 MB, 2460x2460, IMG_3486.JPG)

>>360944After anon pointed out her bf's weight gain, I can't stop seeing it. Imagine the guilt he must deal with, he must have to eat 10,000 calories a day to avoid
triggering her.
Left: June 9th
Right: August 9th
No. 369558
File: 1502311307935.png (88.92 KB, 707x814, IMG_5758.PNG)

>>369515Ugh. Her faces(!) make "me" want to vomit up my own lunch.
I don't think she even enjoys food. She's just addicted to being ana recovery queer on Instagram. She looks like she's trying to eat fried bugs-on-a-stick.
It's just fucking pizza. Eat it and shut the fuck up.
No. 369564
File: 1502311920242.jpg (390.89 KB, 2896x2896, 20170809_145049.jpg)

So brave
No. 369565
File: 1502311936478.png (2.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170809-154813.png)

uh yum
No. 369581
>>369565That was probably what Ma ate while Aly had the cheese wrap thing at the mall.
You don't go to eat with friends for only an hour.
No. 369714
File: 1502327803467.png (98.98 KB, 640x452, IMG_3904.PNG)

Dear Aly, adding "-porn" to whatever food you're posing with does not make it seem appetising.
No. 369816
File: 1502338811856.jpg (48.83 KB, 298x381, a.JPG)

>>369714I googled "fish porn" to find an amusing img. Don't google "fish porn" unless you're really into fish…insertions.
Anyway, Stans aside I'm pleased people are starting to speak out. Another one here who thinks she should stop spending a small fortune on "eating outside" and pay for therapy. Will she do it? Will she fuck.
No. 369945
File: 1502363321616.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-10-04-07-55…)

Yeah sure Aly.
No. 369954
>>369945Is "not worth the candle" a real thing or did she make it up?
I see she deleted comments about her tubby bf and getting some therapy.
Prime example of one of life's biggest losers.
No. 369966
>>368923>>369229You anons seem to forget Aly's recovery is from anorexia, not depression or something. All this "omgzzz im sooo fat (even though i lost weight)" or "omgzz im going to throw up all this pizza (the urge, even when she doesnt do it)" comes with the territory of being or having been anorexic. Sure, Aly parading it around and constantly talking about it doesn't, but numbers have a different weight (heh) in an anorexic's mind than a normie.
Sage for non-contribution.
>>369402>>369386Wow Anon, your panties really are twisting up in a knot, aren't they?
No. 369995
File: 1502372395740.jpg (452.93 KB, 856x1396, Screenshot_20170810-083636.jpg)

>asks for advice
>gets what she doesnt want to hear
she cant call em haters but shes gotta insult them some way
oh and shes gonna close! hahah bye aly miss you
No. 369998
>>369995oh shoot i didnt read this properly
so shes pretending shes done with her ed and shes not closing and everything will stay the same, even better
No. 370008
>The cows I follow normally make me laugh but she makes me so fucking angry. Same here. I've grown to really loathe her. She's more arrogant as time passes and even Aly-isms don't make me smile any more. Even dickheads like some of the cows in the old ED snowflake threads like Crying Emily were frustrating and twats, but I didn't hate them. They were too amusing, but Aly's a pure bitch (in a bad way)
She's not going to change ever and she'll always be miserable. Her problem. Going bak to Crying Emily, I suppose she still has meltdowns, but at least she's sorted herself out quite a bit if facebook's anything to go by and good for her.
Thanks anons who explained the candle thing. I thought she'd been playing pick n mix with a dictionary again. (Going to spend an hour later looking up these sayings because I'm a geek).
No. 370013
File: 1502375766717.jpg (700.49 KB, 810x1548, Screenshot_20170810-093400.jpg)

same pic she always takes
>not an ig profile
>not a psycho
>not a slave???
No. 370019
>>369468That picture is probably days old
>>369824>It needs to hurry up and get cold in ItalyYou're so right, even non-Aly related. We're experiencing actual Africa this week
No. 370039
>>370032I don't see it.
Plus we've said this a few times, Aly isn't smart enough to learn how. I really doubt she Photoshops.
No. 370087
>>370036the original meaning of orthorexia was an obsession with a certain type of eating, this can be anything from only wanting to eat one type of food that they may consider in their minds, healthy (like all those people you see on TV who eat only potatoes)
lazy unhealthy fucks who wanna sit around all day and eat junk just changed the definition and calls anything or anyone that eats well orthorexic, I feel like aly just counted calories and made sure she had healthy food on her plate rather than actual orthorexia
No. 370092
>>370084i dont think she even swims she just poses in the water
>>370008omg i know, she irritates me so much like shes
triggered by losing a little bit of weight, people say get therapy, shes mad at them for suggesting it, is closing account, isnt closing account and says she no longer has an eating disorder. what!
No. 370095
File: 1502385635090.jpg (131.67 KB, 978x340, Screenshot_20170810-121821.jpg)

i wish someone would ask her why shes smokes, i would but i dont wanna get blocked
No. 370171
File: 1502396682756.jpg (182.74 KB, 393x684, Screenshot_20170810-141503.jpg)

Obligatory #transformationthursday…
BUT what is this pose??
No. 370246
>>370088You're my idol.
>>370008Yes, yes, YES. I'm convinced she only thinks about herself and nobody else. I'm not saying she doesn't care about her uncle (in this case, which she sure does) or her family, it just seems that she does it when she NEEDS that IG attention, always pointing out family / friends problems when she notices people starts to call her out. Something - always - happens when she's at her worst, people comment on her photos and then she starts again being ''positive'' and all.
>She's more arrogant as time passes At first I felt kind of bad when I started to despise her because I thought I was giving her too much importance but I just can't stand how toxic and harmful for people who cares about her she is (i.e. lousrecovery or similars).
No. 370274
File: 1502407614850.jpg (15.52 KB, 200x300, wormguy.jpg)

>>370171She reminds me of the alien worms on men in black movie
No. 370346
File: 1502417746753.jpg (287.98 KB, 680x1014, Screenshot_20170810-200145.jpg)

>>370279Here is the sick uncle post. For those that can't find it.
No. 370378
File: 1502422920807.png (86.84 KB, 397x641, wp_ss_20170811_0001.png)

>>370346I can imagine the scene - there's her uncle dying of cancer and she's blabbing to everyone about her brave recovery and life is sweet.
Here's a hater, critic, judge wasting her time.
Are there any recovering anorexics ON INSTAGRAM who aren't attention seekers? Lolcow makes me think not.
No. 370407
>>370171Where are all the other people? Does she get there early for
sexy pose with Ma then leave when non psychos arrive?
>>370290Is she not? Damn she's turning into one crazy woman
No. 370465
>>370171Oh my god she has the worst tan lines from those stupid tshirt dresses. The lower part of her butt is tanner than the rest since she always has it exposed.
That has to look so bad in real life. I wish I could witness the tragity in person.
No. 370577
File: 1502462222014.jpg (514.89 KB, 1005x1464, Screenshot_20170811-093425.jpg)

not sure why she thinks shes doing ok all of a sudden and why does she put leaving in quotations, we all know her instagram is gonna stay and wont change one bit
No. 370604
>>370597its so awkward how she does that
kinda petty but i hate how she parts her hair with like 95% of it on one side
No. 370607
>>370577>A woman who eats 3000+ calories a day peacefullyOkay I understand that this is part of
recovery but seriously this attitude is fucked up. 3000+ calories a day for a normal woman is not any healthier than restricting. Neither is going to McDonald's every day.
Sage for rant but I was looking through #bodypositive accounts bc other than Aly's I've never interacted with that community and holy shit. It's like tons and tons of obese women talking about how being extremely overweight is beautiful and healthy and eating crap is fine. I definitely think everyone deserves to feel valid as a person regardless of size but given that obesity is a much bigger health risk in Western society than anorexia or ~feeling bad about yourself~, I seriously question the execution of this ~movement~. Like love yourself and everything but maybe consider moderation and not just happily eating yourself into a heart attack???
Sorry lol
And a huge percentage of anorexics go on to develop bulimia or BED, even aside from that.
No. 370640
>>370607There's no way she's eating 3000-4000, she'd have gained a looot quicker and a lot more if she was honest about what she ate. She probably greatly over estimates or just flat out lies.
"peacefully" lol she definitely eats peacefully
No. 370662
File: 1502471243698.png (270.42 KB, 750x1154, IMG_5036.PNG)

>>370590Guess She got enough asspats on her "surprise video" that she's decided not to leave guys… I can't with this chick anymore
No. 370672
File: 1502471676053.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170811-131154.png)

She's still insane and idk what this pose is BUT. This is the most brutally her face has ever looked. It might even be a genuine smile, and she's ditched the lip color and the clown brows. Progress???
No. 370711
File: 1502473205898.jpg (84.19 KB, 648x260, 1.JPG)

>>370672She looks way older than 21. Her skin looks really dry.
An Italian hater just posted this on this pic. I had to do google translate.
No. 370751
>>370673Wow. No makeup makes Aly look way less hagrid and like all she drinks is coffee.
I like this look on Aly.
No. 370768
File: 1502479389535.jpg (47.79 KB, 652x265, Screenshot_20170811-131834.jpg)

Why does she call it hidden news? What's hidden about it? The whole thing was about finding a house.
No. 370890
File: 1502492734252.jpg (26.12 KB, 298x178, 1.JPG)

Now she says she MAY be leaving (on her last chocolate pic.
At this point I wish she'd just fucking leave.
No. 370923
>>370906She's lost her "real" follower base (girls looking for thinspo + the active recovery community) bc she gained weight, started acting crazy, and never built any relationships. Now her followers are probably mainly people hoping for others to notice them and follow, commerical and promo accounts, bots, and people who follow everyone in the tags she spams. I really don't think she's ever bought followers, she just doesn't engage with anyone else so gets no reciprocation, plus she posts SO much it probably pushes her shit way down the page in the insta algorithm. Even people who like her posts aren't going to like ten posts of hers in one day.
She used to post pretty food and not crazy selfies in cute outfits, plus she was skel. Much more user friendly than blackout posts and crazy faces.
No. 370956
File: 1502500191184.png (141.71 KB, 622x1050, IMG_3935.PNG)

>>370246What a brave recoveryqueer, what's the bet that she never mentions her dying uncle again? After all, it's nothing a donut can't fix, right?
No. 370984
File: 1502502370982.jpg (26 KB, 405x227, spill.jpg)

>>370956shes about to spill that shit all over herself.
No. 371014
>>370956She uses people to get ~so brave~ asspats from others. She's mentioned this sick uncle once before, ages ago, and nothing about him since then.
Next time we hear it'll be his death (if it's terminal), but no update on how he is. She'll want sympathy.
No concern for this uncle, it's all about how Aly's feeling.
Idk his situation, but he's either having chemo and radiotherapy treatment which is gruelling plus he's wondering if the treatment will nuke his cancer, or he IS terminal so he's dealing with the idea of imminent death and taking pills for incredible pain.
She's scoffing donuts and complaining that she feels fat and inferior to thinner women.
that. This is Aly.
No. 371197
File: 1502539431036.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3936.PNG)

Will she ever realise her followers aren't required to constantly cheer her up? Stay tuned…
No. 371214
File: 1502542987301.jpg (372.29 KB, 1014x1044, Screenshot_20170812-080107.jpg)

shes already posted 3 times today lol
i thought she was recovered? i cant keep track
No. 371293
File: 1502556787735.png (1.38 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170812-104711.png)

If you have to remind us everyday that your normal…
It's like she's mimicking people in movies or tv because she doesn't know what normal really is.
No. 371315
File: 1502559647123.png (985.04 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3944.PNG)

>>371293Sure Aly, normality is the same as depending on ig "support" to function.
No. 371335
>>371293There's nothing normal about your behaviour, Aly.
Even Josef Fritzl's daughter adapted astonishingly quickly to real life when she and her children were given their freedom. Aly has an ED for 2 years and is fucking useless.
No. 371355
>>371319You mean 7/24 ;)
~ aly grammar 101
No. 371362
File: 1502562940675.png (15.25 KB, 279x182, screenshot 2017-08-12 20.32.42…)

Poor Aly spent the last years working and studying so hard that she had no time to eat.
No. 371364
File: 1502563062853.png (170.05 KB, 720x1043, 20170812_123456.png)

No. 371418
File: 1502570471172.jpg (265.06 KB, 683x743, Screenshot_20170812-143848.jpg)

I think she's lurking hard today anons. She's become obsessed with the word "normal"
No. 371428
>>371424LoL me too! I came here to say this.
What the hell is she doing?
No. 371516
File: 1502582374103.jpg (8.97 KB, 234x215, recovery queer.jpg)

>>371461Nah, she can't act normal. There's nothing normal about posing with a donut/ridiculous posing in a bikini for multiple pictures.
It's not like she was hiding her food shoot thing on holiday because she did that series where she's doing something with a pie or w/e it was.
Her ex best male friend ended their friendship twice, apparently over her ED although the last time she was ~recovered~. Her best friends didn't invite her out to a club last week. There's a reason.
I know stacks of people who fake happiness on facebook, but in reality I know it's all lies, but Aly does it differently. It's too extreme.
She reminds me of some people who I've been on psych wards with in so many ways. They were mostly bipolar although I'm not saying that's what she is.
I doubt her boyfriend knows she's convinced herself she's moving in with him. I mean, it's strange how she said he's moving in with a friend and she'll stay over sometimes and then she writes as if they're setting up home.
I wish it'd all fast forward so we didn't have to get through all the stuff in the interim. She's definitely fucked. I think she believes the lies and that's the scaringest (!) thing.
No. 371580
>>371456From my interactions with other wogs (some of my family is Macedonian and I grew up with a lot of Greek and Italian girls) there is very little acknowledgment of things like mental illness.
It's seen as more of an anglo luxury if ykwim- like, just being melodramatic and self indulgent.
So there's fuck all support within the community to reach out- it's private, family business. To go and seek outside help just isn't even thought of, you just tough it out.
So I wouldn't be surprised if people in her life can see that's she's not all there but maybe they're just waiting for her to grow out of it and simply get her shit together and their idea of "support" is by either being stern (dad) or enabling (mum).
No. 371807
File: 1502635748784.jpg (569.22 KB, 1021x1655, Screenshot_20170813-094506.jpg)

she reposted this exactly as it was earlier because she only got like 2 comments on it
her story was something about being fat and needing help, i couldnt screenshot it in time
wonder who you could ask for help other than instagram followers aly hmmm
No. 371858
File: 1502641438447.jpg (75.31 KB, 670x219, Screenshot_20170813-101731.jpg)

I have a feeling she's struggling to eat lately because her boyfriend is there. She can't get away with skipping meals with him. I think she pretends to be all better around him. I don't even think she loves him, I don't think he actually knows anything about her. She just makes up this fake person to be around him. He should be the one person she should share everything with, not Instagram.
It's that or he's just as dumb as we all think. She literally says nothing about his thoughts, hobbies, or why she loves him.
No. 371869
File: 1502642828570.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170813-114336.png)

>>371858what does she want people to say? idgi
No. 371871
>>371858I think he's dumb and he doesn't want to know about her illness. I think she's with him because she wants a boyfriend and doesn't care if she loves that person or not. Having a relationship means, to her, she's successful in some way.
She's posting black screens and wanting attention WHILE SHE'S STANDING WITH HIM. How fucked is that?
No. 371886
>>371858Can you imagine Aly feeling and showing real selfless love for someone? I can't. She says "women don't need a man to save them" the same way she says "love your body, be positive, etc". She doesn't truly feel any of these things. I wonder if she's aware of this, or if she's very much so in denial. She must lack a ridiculous amount of self-awareness if it's the latter.
I bet she genuinely does think that a relationship will "save her" because she probably feels sooo abandoned and alone with no one, leading to relapses, so that obviously means being with someone = mental stability, right? She loves the idea of having someone love her.
When's the last time she talked about her boyfriend, unrelated to her own selfish problems? Same way as the whole thing with her uncle, how she made it all about her. When has she talked about something other than how her boyfriend makes HER feel?
No. 371892
File: 1502646613845.jpg (42.62 KB, 478x531, lol.JPG)

Aly uses this as her linkedin profile picture. You know she's nuts.
No. 371896
This is aly we are talking about, if she read half the stuff on here the girl would be in constant crisis and we would have had a million blackposts about this site already. She thrives on attention, the people mentioned on here who lurk have a tendency to screenshot and post about it for MORE attention (see: the munchies).
So yes, i think in this case it really is just coincidence.
No. 371902
File: 1502648466948.jpg (47.58 KB, 1021x108, Screenshot_20170813-131805.jpg)

hows that? youve been posting all day
>>371886hes pretty much her only friend amd connection to other friends. probably the only reason she invited him over was cus her mum is away and she needs someone to do things with
No. 371904
File: 1502649177377.jpg (18.5 KB, 219x228, aly.jpg)

>>371896>>371897She IS in constant crisis. I think she's sick enough to make posts specifically for us to rage over because she loves the attention, even the negative ones. At times I think we are her personal bank of attention. Her smug faces say it all.
I could be wrong though. I admit, I can see what you mean.
No. 372016
File: 1502667879458.jpg (22.95 KB, 978x101, Screenshot_20170813-184248.jpg)

ok whos trying to cow tip after we just talked about her looking at this thread
No. 372058
>>372016Not me and I've had 9 opportunities to do so. I would've thought she was vanish enough to google herself and it's bizarre she's never mentioned lolcow.
>>372037I always suspected Jolty was cow tipping, and someone who can not be named.
No. 372077
>>369535oh, he's actually kind of attractive, too bad his chub ruins it
also why is alys skin so… weird? something is so off to me about her skin I just don't know how to describe it
No. 372082
File: 1502678068241.png (2.66 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3526.PNG)

>>372077Pssssst, her skin is made of hot dogs.
No. 372211
File: 1502704694091.png (2.06 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0068.PNG)

>>372077No he's really not, look at his TEETH.
No. 372232
File: 1502711848287.png (32.43 KB, 745x272, IMG_0069.PNG)

No. 372239
File: 1502713925222.jpg (990.16 KB, 500x325, eMdOgPz.jpg)

Realized where I've seen Aly's eyebrows before.
(no offense meant to Lucille Ball, whose personality, looks, and talent are far beyond what Aly can even dream of approximating.)
No. 372247
File: 1502716054420.png (6.81 KB, 268x46, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-14 um 1…)

>>372232Who does she think she is???
No. 372250
>>372247Where's she say this am I missing a SS?
No. 372263
File: 1502717631070.png (776.97 KB, 711x1187, 20170814_143255.png)

>>372250She was asked why she struggles so much if shes not that sick anymore
She wasnt calling her followers assholes
No. 372275
File: 1502720615859.jpg (671.03 KB, 809x974, Screenshot_20170814-091945.jpg)

so, a total stranger took this? or a "friend"?
in her last food post she said she was "so lonely" now this just screams fake
>>372271i think its basically a heated pool and for bikini shoots and inappropriate pda ofc
No. 372317
File: 1502725569160.png (56.65 KB, 720x1013, 20170814_094432.png)

No. 372322
File: 1502725885180.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170814-104811.png)

>>372317you mean no one cares about a pic of you and your boyfriend? seriously what does she want people to say?
also whats the surprise gonna be? her n boy in bed together
No. 372326
>>372317Yeah, because our comments change everything, right? Because our comments make her eat, feel better about herself and don't skip meals. Because just a simple words show her how MUCH she means to everyone, according to her.
What irritates me so much it's that people don't call her out because she's not recovered at all, nor because she's weak or sometimes has humour changes (even though she thinks like that). People call her out because she's ALWAYS claiming that she IS recovered when she's clearly not, then people tell her how proud they are and how strong she is. But if she don't receive enough comments (lol) she's sick again, can't control herself and ''nobody cares about her''. It's the same old cycle: if Aly's an idol / role model, everything's fine. If not, she's ''disgusting'', ''fat'', ''useless'' (said by her), just to get sympathy. Lies, lies, lies, all around her feels like an illusion, something that's as real as her.
I just don't understand how some of her followers don't see her that way. I mean, I discovered her IG and at first I thought OMG poor girl, how brave, how strong she is!…Only took me a few hours to realize her true self. She's only lying not only to anyone around her but herself.
No. 372335
File: 1502726682512.jpg (111.47 KB, 708x436, Screenshot_20170814-095952.jpg)

The prize is a bikini shoot!
Also, what is she trying to say here? That she fits into a bikini she wore when she was 16..but her bmi is not 19…
No. 372342
File: 1502727367820.jpg (280.97 KB, 1015x663, Screenshot_20170814-111333.jpg)

jfc aly just relapse already
No. 372363
>>372335psst Aly it's bc you used to actually eat normally and move occasionally and now you constantly eat sweets and never exercise at all so your body composition sucks and you're larger and flabbier than you were before even tho your weight is a kilo less
the more you fuckin know
get a new swimsuit ffs
No. 372375
File: 1502729899960.jpeg (19.17 KB, 480x195, WhatsApp Image 2017-08-14 at 1…)

She wants to kill herself so bad the first thing she does is grabbing her phone and telling her followers about it. Boyfriend? Family? Friends? Who cares about all of them when you have -more and more- comments on your IG photos!
No. 372377
File: 1502730105312.png (192.61 KB, 640x990, IMG_3951.PNG)

>>372375Beat me to it, also pic related - she acts as though she's had a lifelong struggle with anorexia for extra sympathy, ugh
No. 372382
File: 1502730386396.jpg (72.44 KB, 716x214, Screenshot_20170814-110407.jpg)

>>372375 She's the one talking how big she is…wtf
No. 372385
>>372335I'm concerned about her body fat percentage
I wish someone would explain to her that BMI is not the only indicator of health and BFP is important too. But she'd flip her shit
No. 372393
File: 1502730904957.png (73.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170814-181356.png)

Just an estimate but..
No. 372411
>>372405>>372403I'm starting to believe she actually lurks on here and saw some of the comments, then made her own version in her head to tell her followers and receive such support about how ''heartless'' haters are.
If not, I can't believe how her followers never asks where those hate comments were, specially when Aly's known for posting screenshots in her stories and all.
No. 372422
File: 1502734596423.jpg (187.66 KB, 996x460, Screenshot_20170814-131454.jpg)

pretty sure she made up those hater comments cus i never saw them n she never posted them in stories
shes so bitter that shes weight restored now, its sad
No. 372438
>>372211Nah, I still find him attractive facial wise, imo as long as teeth aren't looking like you chew on bricks in your spare time you're fine, I have less than perfect teeth myself
sage for OT
No. 372442
>>372422One post she think she's fat and wants to sudoku, the next she's a brave recovered warrior who likes her "soft body".
I don't get how her biggest followers don't see this. It's clear a lot of her followers do, as she loses more and more every day. She's so desperate for attention it's sickening.
No. 372481
File: 1502739574748.jpg (1013.74 KB, 809x2086, Screenshot_20170814-143742.jpg)

kek at this pic ugh
all the problems have gone away again, for the 1000th time
No. 372489
>>372481This made me laugh.
>Aly boils pasta and throws some shrimp on it>Boytoy is now smitten and wants to know when they're getting married because Aly is such an amazing cook Aly is such a bad liar.
No. 372500
File: 1502740529505.jpg (109.35 KB, 978x239, Screenshot_20170814-145403.jpg)

>>372489yeah this was pretty funny lol
>the previous struggles became meaningless should be on bingo for sure
No. 372659
File: 1502816089661.png (176.27 KB, 638x988, IMG_3969.PNG)

Her poor mother.
No. 372667
>>372659I'm sure her uncle's dying wish was to watch his niece suck face with her boy toy.
Yea, you seem real shook up about your terminally ill uncle you're about to see one last time.
No. 372669
File: 1502816506816.png (2.43 MB, 1280x1274, IMG_6220.PNG)

Dante repost cause why the heck not??
No. 372672
File: 1502816757634.png (226.56 KB, 750x1124, IMG_5822.PNG)

She's really going to milk her uncle's illness for all it's worth in asspats.
>powerful close up
No. 372690
File: 1502817784896.png (2.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170815-073834.png)

this was in her stories like i guess she could have gotten her meal after everyone else idk
No. 372721
>>372690Maybe…but the dish the guy has on the top right looks just like the "powerful" pasta dish Aly posted on her IG.
And they all seem to be eating when this is taken. In the states (or at least where I live) it's usually rude to start eating until everyone has their meal in front of them. And most restaurants will bring out all the meals at once for this very reason.
i suppose it's possible she got a salad first and finished by the time the entrees came out.
No. 372729
File: 1502821107025.png (19.81 KB, 288x169, screenshot 2017-08-15 06.54.47…)

"Supportive" is probably the last word on earth I would choose to describe Aly.
No. 372739
File: 1502821584155.png (180.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5829.PNG)

She confirmed she didn't eat. She had to make it all about her.
No. 372754
File: 1502823012454.jpg (113.09 KB, 527x530, Screenshot_20170815-124721.jpg)

>>372739comments pointing out how she can still eat, why wait for tomorrow?
No. 372814
File: 1502827496610.jpg (18.29 KB, 368x102, child abuse.JPG)

>>372790I bet she only wanted him to visit so she could "proof" to her haters that their relationship is solid (despite her never telling him the truth).
It's Ma's fault she didn't eat. Imagine a mother leaving her 21 year old daughter to go on holiday. Tsk. Someone needs to call child protection services.
No. 372976
>>372739Now she claims she turned anorexic because she was angry and because her grandpa died. What happened to because boys didn't like her/she was the hot blonde babe/her daddy beat her/she had big hips?
I honestly fucking rage at this girl
No. 373062
>>373050ive never seen her mention him because its all aly 7/24. i think this is her trying to share more of her personal life but ofc it goes back to eating disorders and i get not eating cus youre upset but like shes just so desperate to relapse she wants any reason
i follow recovery accounts of insta and like most of them eating 3000+ to gain do it and gain, aly seems to be keeping herself underweight. it irritates me so much like just relapse you stupid bitch so you can get some medical attention
No. 373080
File: 1502851270491.png (235.33 KB, 286x534, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-16 um 0…)

This dress is so appropriate for this occasion…
No. 373113
>>373102you know that shes freezing in that position too lol and i think in that pic shes kissing his beard
the worst one ive seen is them at the beach and hes p much on top of her and you just know her mum took it, ew
is there a pic of them not kissing?
No. 373130
File: 1502856359888.jpg (270.72 KB, 687x535, Screenshot_20170815-220250.jpg)

>>373113Here you go. It's literally the only normal looking one…
No. 373181
File: 1502870688587.png (808.65 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170816-090044.png)

If her facebook is anything to go by, shes ptetty proud of her bikini body. All 5 chosen pics are of her… semi naked in a pool. No signs of struggles here
No. 373282
>>373181>Studies Lettere Mod. at Universita statale di MilanoSo Aly has a bachelor's degree? Modern literature is apparently a master's degree.
Honestly, I had no idea she went/goes to uni.
No. 373287
>>373282She lasted a year, relapsed, went back this Autumn and as far as am aware hasn't finised the course yet or graduated
She lives in hope
No. 373296
File: 1502893435608.png (173.78 KB, 745x791, IMG_1691.PNG)

what fucking house? Is this the place that tubby and his roommate are gonna move into? Why is Aly acting like she's moving in too? "I really hope we will like the house"… what!??
No. 373303
>>372077no clue, looks like she may have dry patches with pink undertones
she probably doesn't protect her skin when going out in the sun
>>373130here her makeup could also have a lot to do with it as well, the eyebrows and liner make her look like her makeup was done by a middle aged working class woman, the crookedness can make her skin look uneven
No. 373311
File: 1502895089309.png (72.14 KB, 640x958, IMG_3986.PNG)

Talk to your damn boyfriend Aly. Not IG strangers.
No. 373315
File: 1502895502090.jpg (162.63 KB, 1008x350, Screenshot_20170816-095700.jpg)

>>373311she already deleted that but this is the same text
No. 373320
File: 1502896053429.jpg (63.52 KB, 296x320, aly.jpg)

>>373310I found this mention while digging through her posts (this is from August 7th). So I think I remembered that wrong and you're right. Apparently right now he's just visiting for a week while her family is away, I thought he moved there already because I don't care enough to read her captions that thoroughly.
No. 373327
>>373320She's so fixated on physical recovery and clinging to physical illness (see her thousands of rants about how she's still underweight!!!! and not weight restored!!!!), while ignoring mental recovery. the thing is, she IS physically recovered. she's at least the size she was pre ED and based on her old size and her family's sizes, it's pretty clear that her set point is right around the slimmest end of the healthy bmi range.
so she should start eating normally instead of yoyoing between 4000 cal days and then panic days of semi restricting, and stop worrying if she gains or loses a pound because her weight is not the issue anymore.
instead she keeps focusing on it, both to cling to her skelly queen days and to keep ignoring the real work she has to do, aka addressing her fucked up brain in some way other than embarrassing insta begging.
i would be thrilled to fund her getting a makeover and new wardrobe. for someone young with a decent figure and at least average looks, she makes herself look almost unbelievably bad.
No. 373330
File: 1502897536028.png (32.82 KB, 292x350, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-16 um 1…)

How long before this post is deleted?
No. 373331
File: 1502897553329.png (14.37 KB, 292x128, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-16 um 1…)

part 2
No. 373337
>>373331aly never replies to dms or the comments she gets so how does she even recieve support from people? like all she wants is someone to say youre so inspirational and you look great! oh but still skinny, i dont get it like how does her brain work
and i think aly thinks shes taking a break because shes not posting food pics all the time, theres no way she'd quit instagram
No. 373376
File: 1502901982615.jpg (429.49 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170816-114501.jpg)

No. 373388
File: 1502902846400.png (682.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170816-175942.png)

>>373303This make up looks like amy Winehouse post drug relapse
No. 373483
File: 1502914621660.jpg (317.19 KB, 978x883, Screenshot_20170816-151454.jpg)

does aly just say this bs to try and convince herself that things are alright? a few hours ago she was gonna skip dinner
No. 373492
>>373483good question. Because if she was in it for asspats only, wouldn't she ditch the "motivational" updates? just stick to the "I cant eat dinner" story?
does she feel like being motivational gives her just as much attention? or does she feel obligated to do it?
or are her emotions literally moving up and down dramatically all day everyday? When something "bad" happens shes knocked all the way down. But when something "good" happens shes 100% happy. shes got no middle ground.
No. 373507
>>373506In that pic she looks like she's trying to dress how girls who go to festivals do, but gets it really wrong.
Really though, a crop top OVER a top. What the fuck. Even those shorts look cheap as fuck (bad stitching) and the fabric's like what they use on jeggings and not proper denim. How can she get things so wrong.
No. 373541
File: 1502920389010.jpg (27.34 KB, 280x382, croptoppp.jpg)

>>373507lol yeah thats why I said pop fans in 2011
in the late 00s/early 2010s era people were big on things that cut off mid chest but wore a shirt under it, it's like for people who wanna wear crop tops but their mom won't let them so they found a loophole, as well as jean shorts
and they wore short ass tight dresses, did their makeup like aly does her, wear denim jackets, etc, not sure why she wears 00s outfits but eh
No. 373602
File: 1502926116063.jpg (148.75 KB, 560x900, boho shit.jpg)

>>373541Nasty. I didn't see that happen. Aroun d here mothers don't seem to mind that their pre pubescent kids walk around wearing make up so crop tops would be nooo problem.
I think she's going for a boho look? This crop top/vest combo reminds me of a post by an anon up there who noticed she's covering up because her boyfriend's there. I'm starting to think that could be happening.
No. 373648
>>373483I mean, she's probably aware of all these positive things she posts and realizes that they're true, but doesn't reaaally feel it, you know? It just hasn't clicked for her yet. I doubt she's purposely bullshitting everyone simply for asspats, that's a fuck ton of effort she puts into her captions. She's probably in denial though, probably thinks this is as best as it gets.
Ie. she knows these things, knows that if she wants to recover she needs to do and feel so and so, things she's on the right track, but she's just hasn't gotten that "click". Most likely doesn't even know that it should click.
Pretty common, especially in ED recovery, especially trying to recover without wanting professional help (therapy). With time and repetition, she'll seem to "grow out of her eating disorder", but she won't be any closer to feeling fullfilled, her underlying self esteem problems /depression/whatever else will still be there. It's likely she'll transfer over to another self destructive behaviour, stuff like alcohol abuse, self harm, promiscuousity, etc.
No. 373651
>>373483Why spew this motivational crap when you're just going to starve yourself?
She probably thinks it'll make her look "strong" while choosing to not eat.
Why should anyone believe in her words when -she- doesn't even believe in them? "I'll talk and talk all day about being a strong warrior and how I don't need to starve myself. and then I'll starve myself."
No. 373656
File: 1502929689172.jpg (89.09 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170816-192639.jpg)

No. 373675
>>373602Just watch, I'll bet after the week is over she will go back to her bodycon dresses, no jacket.
And I'll bet she seems happier too. I think she's struggling lately because she knows she has to keep up with eating in front of her boyfriend. Without him I'm sure she's gets away with skipping a meal here or there.
We shall see.
No. 373689
>>373507I hate those shorts so much, I can barely look at them, holy fuck. They look terrible on her, tight high waisted shorts don't flatter her figure whatsoever, disgusting fabric, ugh.
>>373602Yeah those shorts are high waisted enough for her to not bother with that tank top. Clearly trying to cover up her percieved round body with belly rolls and cellulitis which is supposedly beautiful (!) one day and shameful the next. Remember that tank top she wore at the beach with him?
No. 373696
File: 1502932812990.png (776.71 KB, 720x710, 20170816_191301.png)

>>373656Heh. January of this year.
No. 373701
>>373696aw this almost makes me feel bad for her, just stop bein a selfish brat alice
that combover tho yuck
No. 373707
>>373678Not having Ma around's thrown her whole routine out of whack. No 12oz donut shop. I hope she doesn't go back to the usual, but she will.
>>373651>Why should anyone believe in her words when -she- doesn't even believe in them? I've always thought this. It's like she's put some paragraphs from a self help book in her own words and it's all positive and then there's a gap where she announces (more or less) that she hasn't copy and pasted and it's all gloom.
If she's not taking her advice, why should anyone else.
I've noticed in the tagged section that a follower's copying Aly's style on her new-ish account. That girl eats good food though. Weird how she sees Aly as a role model but she's actually doing better than her.
>>373656That red line dip makes me happy mwah ha ha.
No. 373721
>>373707>If she's not taking her advice, why should anyone else.i think thats why shes losing followers because she spews her motivational word salad, which yeah i think she writes ahead of time/copies bodyposipanda or w/e theyre called, but then has a breakdown, oh dont call me recovered im not etc which can be kinda
triggering if youre trying to get better yourself
oh and ya as soon as ma is back she'll be on the doughnuts
No. 373735
File: 1502935127927.png (332.13 KB, 600x600, alysjourneytoautism.png)

No. 373748
>>373728Yeah, I noticed she'd started following some overweight recovered anas.
>>373735This is going to give me nightmares. Lol at the Magnum. Aww, I've missed these collages.
No. 373750
>>373728The irony is, that whilst bodyposipanda is definitely not a healthy bmi (which is a separate issue), she is one of the most supportive and caring accounts out there and worked incredibly hard to get to where she is today.
Aly could learn a lot from that woman and personally I think its incredibly disrespectful that she just copies her captions. Like fuck off Aly you actually have to do the work and earn the right to be considered 'motivational/inspirational/a role model'.
sage for no contribution and ot
No. 373755
File: 1502935916856.jpg (98.55 KB, 898x559, support pls.JPG)

I know of bodyposipanda because Aly quoted (and didn't bother to name) her, but I don't know how some of them get so many followers. Aly definitely steals her fake #motivational crap from others. Idk who this is, but this post screams Aly (except this one actually seems to be a honest person).
No. 373762
File: 1502936192394.jpg (91.09 KB, 930x585, 1..JPG)

>>373755It's more convincing when it comes from someone who isn't at the low end of a healthy BMI.
Aly's never had an original thought in her life.
No. 373923
>>373762>>373721I often wonder how long it takes her to write those captions, she must literally spend her entire day eating writing on her phone. Nightmare to eat with, constantly online, hours wasted on her phone instead of living a real life..pretty rude as well! Wouldnt be able to tolerate someone on their phone constantly while out eating or at dinner table etc
Guess shes never been pulled up on it for fear of upsetting princess Aly
No. 374076
File: 1502980207160.jpg (598.55 KB, 1011x1520, Screenshot_20170817-092715.jpg)

>talked to her bf about ed
>he makes her pasta
oh will she be able mananging a pool party! will there be pics of anything other than them making out
No. 374077
>>374076would be super funny if she dumped him because he didn't ~"support"~ her enough.
I wonder if she only rants with followers when they don't support her, because she apparently never rants over her boyfriend or anything related to her close relationships.
No. 374081
>>374076Came here to bitch about this. Really, a pool party is a challenge? She practically lives in her swimiswuit. Why does she even try to make this a big deal when anyone who has ever looked at her page can see that she has like 50 bikini pics from multiple pool trips?
If she wanted her ~omg so struggling need your SUPPORT lovely girls!~ to be believable she could at least fake worry about things that she doesn't do on a daily basis, such as eating an actual normal meals that doesn't involve donnies and faps, or…idk getting ready for fall classes and how she plans to balance her life? Or getting used to going out with her friends from before? I don't even know bc her life is so boring that I can't even think of anything, but surely there's something she can challenge herself to do in fucking Milan that isn't just posing in a t short dress in front of McDonald's Lorenteggio Drive.
No. 374102
File: 1502983267576.jpg (42.21 KB, 542x159, Screenshot_20170817-091518.jpg)

>>374081Her life is exciting and full of adventures
No. 374103
>>374087He's so
close to being attractive… but that side gut wtf. Never seen such fat distribution on a man before
No. 374104
File: 1502983385292.png (14.64 KB, 436x79, wp_ss_20170817_0002.png)

>>374081It's a REwin now!
She fucks her eating disorder!
Anyone else not believe they're there with ~friends ~?
No. 374107
File: 1502983738872.png (23.65 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20170817_0004.png)

>>374100Why? WHY did you have to share that. Ew god no. I'm having break down.
No. 374115
>>374100oh yikes
>>374104yeah there's no friends. i hate how often she says pool party when theyre just at a public swimming pool
No. 374141
File: 1502987523761.jpg (165.24 KB, 1007x451, Screenshot_20170817-113028.jpg)

just eat your damn seafood pasta aly
No. 374143
Holy shit its not!! Bleach my eyes
No. 374146
File: 1502987874145.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170817-173726.png)

No. 374152
File: 1502988335721.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170817-173939.png)

>>374141How can she be this happy
No. 374171
>>374152dear god, you can see the psycho in her eyes.
its so unsettling.
No. 374186
>>374152her BROWS. they make her look SO crazy.
you can tell from close-ups like this that she would naturally have pretty full, thick brows (bc the clown lines she has have such length and arch; she has to have a lot to work with originally to make this shape, and they're not drawn on). if she grew them out for a month and then started shaping them in a way that didn't look insane and ultra 90s, it would do so so much for her looks.
please aly i'm begging you.
No. 374218
File: 1502994029383.jpg (785.58 KB, 810x1823, Screenshot_20170817-131717.jpg)

this pic is kinda weird why is she sitting like that and does she mean its her darker side cus shes sitting under a slide? lol and alys challenging herself by doing everything she always does
shes obviously not out with friends, well i would hate to go out with her cus she has to disappear every 5 minutes for a photo shoot
No. 374351
File: 1503009472287.jpg (136.96 KB, 978x351, Screenshot_20170817-173704.jpg)

you mean hardly any comments
No. 374489
File: 1503023499657.png (11.44 KB, 283x78, screenshot 2017-08-18 04.29.20…)

>>374186I don´t know what to think of this…is this a joke?
No. 374490
>>374459She hasn't done #alyfeminism for a while.
Nips aren't permitted on ig! She'd definitely get banhammered with her #freethenip campaign, so hope she goes for it.
Berto really needs to lose some pounds or get new shorts. I'm afraid there's going to be a wardrobe malfunction in his … area … if he keeps squeezing his packet into those undersized things.
No. 374493
>>374489I keep thinking all the comments that're using U instead of you are dogs& or is it lousrecovery (whoever does U) being uber stalkery and trying to make Aly feel better with more comments.
That one's got to be taking the piss though. Only spoopy Ash has worse brows.
No. 374709
File: 1503055116889.png (143.19 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7826.PNG)

Such a hater (!) can't believe anyone would be so cruel to the bravest ED survivor out there!
The best part is Aly liked this comment but didn't reply. I cannot stand her.
No. 374755
File: 1503063070350.jpg (537.04 KB, 1033x1434, Screenshot_20170818-082923.jpg)

oh shutup aly, you definitely are fake and arrogant whats the symbol for that
No. 374776
File: 1503065709163.png (81.63 KB, 750x517, IMG_1752.PNG)

she deleted these. SUCH haters.
No. 374778
File: 1503066213623.png (316.31 KB, 750x1125, IMG_5347.PNG)

So she's reposted her last photo freaking out because she only got those two comments about the tattoo. I'm sorry but how unhealthy it is to breakdown every time someone doesn't comment 100x on your IG account. Something's gotta give, Aly can't keep doing this without a relapse or something else, she losing tons of followers every day and with every hater bashing post.
No. 374779
File: 1503066409053.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5349.PNG)

Honestly WHO does this… daily. How do her followers that still praise her not see how unhealthy this is.
No. 374783
>>374778how can she be so ridiculous, like comments come in on a post over time if you dont have a lot after 30 minutes then thats p normal its also early in the us right now blah blah stuff thats been said to her 100 times
she makes herself look pathetic w the reposts and it just proves that she didnt get hater comments, she got 2 and that wasnt enough = haters??
No. 374785
File: 1503067582368.jpg (31.76 KB, 702x182, Screenshot_20170818-094511.jpg)

>of course i act like a child my childhood was robbed by anorexia and my fathers beats!
No. 374793
File: 1503069223724.png (30.44 KB, 280x331, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-18 um 1…)

>>374778her followers addressed that topic, too:
No. 374794
File: 1503069244550.png (21.88 KB, 295x211, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-18 um 1…)

No. 374814
File: 1503071290261.jpg (559.2 KB, 1014x1471, Screenshot_20170818-104634.jpg)

um so this is her reply i guess? shes lonely because her bf is going to leave..
No. 374848
File: 1503076865984.jpg (145.23 KB, 998x386, Screenshot_20170818-121949.jpg)

yes stay underweight and enjoy all the health problems that come with it
No. 374880
>>374814Her ED will end because her boyfriend is
moving to Milan? Such #feminism.
If anything it will get worse, especially since she doesn't talk to him about her issues and uses IG as a diary and interactive life coach.
things are about to get real for Aly and I don't think she can handle it.
No. 374882
File: 1503080458345.png (191.36 KB, 750x1097, IMG_5847.PNG)

Samefagging as I forgot to post this. Comments on her recent photo. One of her followers gave her a taste of her own guilt tripping medicine.
Also finding.maisie's comment and the fact Aly liked it was pure keks.
No. 374885
>>374880It sounds like he's moving to do further education, so what he's renting is student accommodation with his friend. Aly thinks that's "living together".
How does he afford the student fees/rent/bills etc (idk the system in Italy). She's not working, so how's she going to afford her donnies? She thinks it's going to be all ~pool parties~ with non existent friends, drinking cocktails and eating out at cafes every day. How can someone be so naive?
>>374882That pereson's been following Aly for ages. I'm glad she wrote that but it's not even going to register with Aly. Even if (heaven forbid) some nobhead terrorists drove a van into people on her doorstep she'd only complain her 12oz coffee shop's been closed for the rest of the day. No empathy for anyone, anywhere, ever.
No. 374925
>>374880>If anything it will get worse, especially since she doesn't talk to him about her issues and uses IG as a diary and interactive life coach. things are about to get real for Aly and I don't think she can handle it.
I was thinking the same…I bet she doesn't post as much when she's with her boyfriend because that may seem strange to him - obviously -, not because she's ''enjoying life''.
I think Aly's incapable of convincing herself she doesn't have haters because of jealousy / her being '''''fat''''', it's because she builds her own happiness / well-being just on some comments that strangers gave her (I'm 100% most of the people don't ever read her captions) and then freaks out if no one pays attention to her multiple photos. People actually care for her sometimes but she only complains about comments, words, ''lovely girls'' who commented and how lonely / forgotten she is.
Actually, I sent like 4 DM's to her just to prove my point and she didn't read anything! When people call her out because she doesn't care about her followers she -always- has an excuse for it, without exception. Her life revolves around her ED, even is she gained all that weight (which is admirable, I must say) she's still stuck in that phase of wanting attention at all costs. Sometimes I feel actually bad for her, she must feel pretty lonely, living her life like a lie, incapable of talking with her bf, family, friends (??), with one only goal: mooore and more comments and such.
No. 375267
File: 1503134525891.png (724.85 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7834.PNG)

Saw this in my insta explore feed… pretty much sums Aly up!
No. 375306
File: 1503146715971.jpg (47.82 KB, 325x550, c5431c0922954b7199f6d739ace589…)

>>374152Holy fucking crazy eyes Batman
How does she take a pic like that with her eyebrows like that and ever chose to post it yet alone pose that way
Alys body dysmorphia is more than anorexia jfc
No. 375326
File: 1503152987634.jpg (187.29 KB, 996x561, Screenshot_20170819-092815.jpg)

wow he stayed over for barely a week and they almost never fought lmao
No. 375399
File: 1503164044430.png (218.54 KB, 750x1107, IMG_5856.PNG)

She's being totally righteously selfish by being alone today. Not because she's forced to be alone due to Ma C still on vacation, or because fatberto went back home. It's because Aly is a strong recovery goddess with extreme mentally clarity and self awareness.
No. 375409
File: 1503165543380.jpg (158.82 KB, 978x511, Screenshot_20170819-125740.jpg)

um she posted this again? i remember it cus of the math lol
No. 375413
>>375409this math doesn't make any more sense the second time around lol
>>375399is she trying to say that letting herself fuck around and do nothing is a big deal bc her anorexia/OCDs don't ~let her do that? this would be more convincing if she had ever done anything productive in the 4 years she's been documenting every second of her life on ig
No. 375418
File: 1503166807186.png (911.76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170819-121758.png)

In her stories, it's a video of her saying "hi girls..and guys. this is for those that still support me"
What is?…the video? The empty ice cream cone that you needed a spoon to eat for some reason?
No. 375419
>>375418i'm more concerned about her face…tf
even her sunglasses look like 2003
No. 375435
File: 1503169050786.png (17.57 KB, 433x97, wp_ss_20170819_0004.png)

>>375418Good girl you ate ice cream again. I'm so proud of u emoji emoji
Noticed this Freudian slit on her bikini post.
No. 375448
File: 1503170752430.jpg (208.52 KB, 678x693, Screenshot_20170819-132417.jpg)

I wonder if she's really doing this
No. 375451
>>375435ayy lmao she copy pasted this
>>357653and didn't notice the typo for the second time. Nobody reads Aly's captions. Not even Aly herself.
At least her old captions didn't do T H I S S H I T which makes me so fucking mad for some reason
No. 375464
>>375451I read the first bit if it's not ~motivational ~. If she's #struggling I'll read on. My scan reading is pretty good on her captions. Relevant words jump out, like "thighs".
Her home cooking is fried eggs and boiled pasta. The rest is processed crap. She's going to be the wonderful lil housewife her boy dreams of.
No. 375828
File: 1503222560230.jpg (75.11 KB, 695x261, Screenshot_20170820-034646.jpg)

I thought she ate 4000 calories in Budapest…
No. 375867
>>375828I feel myself only when I'm alone. I'm not a degenerate.
Anywaaay, I thought BMI and kgs were only a number, Aly.
Truly sad she can't find anything to do when she's alone. What about uni coursework?
No. 375897
File: 1503249399682.png (84.03 KB, 440x472, wp_ss_20170820_0003.png)

While server was struggling, so was Aly. She had thoughts of self arm and becoming a junkie. Instead she binged. How long til toothbrush down throat?
No. 375921
File: 1503251504480.png (1.13 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170820-185037.png)

>>375897This was her binge. Wow so much fruit and food.
No. 375926
File: 1503252172000.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170820-185358.png)

>>375923For someone struggling, shes pretty shameless
So many struggles, so many underwear/ bikini shoots
No. 375931
>>375923Idk, it gives an insight into what she thinks is a lot of food, her 4000 calories etc. This is flap all yet she considers it a binge. Makes me wonder how little she's been eating really all along.
>>375926She said she started to starve herself for attention. I guess she doesn't have much of a body image problem. There's no way I'd do shots like that (and if I did, the public wouldn't see them).
That's gross tbh. Looks like she's almost not wearing knickers.
Needs to wax that tash.
No. 375937
>>375931Metions of fat this, cellulitis that.. think shes protesting too much with the trashy dress tops and bikinis 24/7
Need to spoiler that tash, vom!!
No. 375953
>>375937Yeah. She's EX anorexic with low confidence and body dysmorpia? I'm none of those but wouldn't cover up my ~imperfections~ because I body shame myself ~sadfaceemoji~
She's got gallons of confidence. I've said before, I'll say again, she's always thought she was shit hot when she was a spoop and now she's not. Even if she gets obese she'd think she's hot. I don't get it.
No. 375963
File: 1503256213070.jpg (16.65 KB, 375x222, oops.JPG)

No. 375995
File: 1503260217443.jpg (43.41 KB, 634x423, burqini.jpg)

>>375979I've seen a few men post random comments on her pics. Nothing seedy, just shit like "very beautiful", and new followers have been youngish men. It hasn't stopped her posting her bikini ones though.
Even making those ridiculous poses 7/24 takes bags of confidence. Imagine standing in a pool beside a pretend rock and running your hand through your hair trying to look ~fascinating~ and thinking you look good!
I'm not getting into a debate about burqas or burqinis but ffs, Aly please for once?
Mama C's back now so back to the donuts tomorrow.
No. 376072
>She's got gallons of confidence. I've said before, I'll say again, she's always thought she was shit hot when she was a spoop and now she's not. Even if she gets obese she'd think she's hot. I don't get it.I so agree with you. What pisses me off is that she tries so hard to hide it, calling herself fat and ugly just to get compliments of people who may think she's actually sad or something. She's like those girls who think they're so ugly, they post three or four photos of the same session to show how hoooorrible they look.
Without her ED, her life's boring, plain. She wouldn't attract anyone's attention at all because she always tries to be the center of everything. At least anorexia gave her a reason to claim how bad she felt and people obviously helped her. She doesn't have any hobbies or interests. She enjoys food and now is in a almost healthy weight, but that won't get her comments about how proud people is of her because that's just a normal life of a normal girl without any kind of ED. And for sure Aly's afraid to recover that normality and monotony.
No. 376448
File: 1503314058491.jpg (177.78 KB, 669x538, how.jpg)

>>375921This… was 1500 calories?
Lion Bar = 256
Bacardi Breezer = I'm not familiar with these drinks but after some googling this looks like a 275 mL bottle of Bacardi Breezer Pompelmo (pink graprefuit?) which is 171 calories
AT MOST assuming she had everything.
And I've been racking my brains trying to figure out what that fruit is. It looks like a Mickey Mouse head made of 3 cherry tomatoes but I don't think whatever it is can reach 1073 calories lmao.
No. 376454
File: 1503315049503.jpg (236.28 KB, 1190x696, THIS would be a binge.jpg)

>>376448Like most things about Aly, her taste in alcoholic drinks is outdated. Bacardi Breezer's an "alcopop" which were popular in the 90s. They were like drinking fruity dilutable drinks with a tiny bit of alcohol in them. (Smirnoff Mule was nice - vodka and ginger), but they were pretty much "girly" drinks because they were more drinkable than straight shots. I don't think they're popular any more (?)
When I saw her calorie count it was obvious where her OMG I ATE 50000 CALORIES ON HOLIDAY!!!1 came from. She might've counted that ice cream, but a Breezer, Lion Bar and Mickey Mouse thing is NOT a binge. (Not if we're to believe the stacks of chocolate she posts in a day, donuts, fraps). It's like a snack you'd eat and drink doing college work.
Today she's very needy. Her followers are her "second family" and she's under pressure to not be eating disordered before the end of September. For her ~boy~
No. 376477
File: 1503320977979.png (15.02 KB, 283x150, screenshot 2017-08-21 15.06.45…)

>>376454Her begging for asspats is getting on people´s nerves…
No. 376487
File: 1503322916077.jpg (799.88 KB, 810x1742, Screenshot_20170821-083851.jpg)

still going on about her "binge" stopped eating doughnuts cus ma wasnt home. also since when does ice cream have no sugar?
No. 376498
File: 1503325228333.jpg (136.92 KB, 1080x1676, Screenshot_20170821-161858_1.j…)

Poor baby
No. 376504
>>376498"overexercise" = walk around a bit
"binge" = another lion bar
No. 376529
File: 1503328504644.png (14.31 KB, 274x93, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-21 um 1…)

Aly, eat nothing but donuts for the rest of your life if that´s what you want. You don´t have to rant on and on about how you are "allowed" to eat that sugary crap in such quantities, it´s not prohibited.
But to claim that your body - or any human body, for that matter - "requires" refined sugar is total bullshit.
Get a nutritionist, perhaps if you changed your diet you wouldn´t have to complain about "cellulitis" or bloating all the time.
No. 376540
File: 1503329508622.png (2.47 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170821-102434.png)

>>376529shes just trying to convince herself
i guess shes freaking out because boy is going to move. i also saw her say she'd be busier at work? lol ok aly all this just proves how bad shes doing she has no coping skills at all just straight back to eating disorder
now shes eating ice cream, idk if she thinks thats a good or a bad snack
No. 376545
File: 1503329672979.jpg (597.52 KB, 810x1262, Screenshot_20170821-103306.jpg)

>>376540omg this is the 3rd time ive seen this stupid picture. all she does is say repost and then post the exact same thing!
No. 376623
File: 1503338297016.png (2.04 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5525.PNG)

Looks like Aly took a walk to get her fave gas station sushi. This photo says it all. Girl is a mess.
No. 376643
>>376627Because she's an idiot.
And also because in Italian, to make the hard G sound when there's either a E or I after a G you need an H.
So we'd read 'onigiri' as 'onijiri', if we knew nothing of Japanese transliteration rules.
No. 376675
>>376623Her sushi always looks disgusting anyways. Unless they make the sushi right there, prepacked sushi is literally garbage.
In California you can get damn good sushi at the grocery store, but they make it right there just like at a restaurant.
Her starkist tuna stuffed gas station rice cakes should be reason enough to lock her in a looney bin.
No. 376713
>>376707If she is as psychotic now about her weight and body changes, imagine how she will be when she gets pregnant. ED or not, your body changes so much when you're pregnant and some days you feel like a manatee and others you feel prideful of your new founded curves.
With the amount of sugar she eats; if she ever got pregnant I would suspect she would balloon up at least 70lbs. And her weird thing about exercising and eating healthy…she would never lose the weight without relapsing.
Please Aly …don't breed.
No. 376742
File: 1503350974843.jpg (136.12 KB, 703x446, Screenshot_20170821-142510.jpg)

>>376707Posting this for anyone who doesn't follow her.
Also, literally everyone keeps telling her to get more therapy. No one thinks it's all about BMI and numbers. It's obvious it's not about the numbers anymore Aly.
No. 376807
File: 1503359197249.jpg (670.01 KB, 1000x611, New Canvas.jpg)

The photos are positioned so that you can't see the shop staff side-eyeing her in the back.
On a different note, I don't get why she's only ever capable of one pose at a time. She never mixes it up, it's always like kissy face for a few months, leg pop for a few months, hand in hair for a few months… etc.
No. 376869
>>376844Yup. She can't even look after herself. If she does eventually spawn it'd be to keep Bloberto. I hope she's infertile for this fictitious future kid's sake.
On the subject of anas and fertility, I've always wondered how Erika managed to get pregnant. She was even nursing when she was spoopier than Alys spoopiest. How's it possible?
No. 376970
>>376807I mean some people just don't know how to pose and just pull the same shit they think looks good.
Nothing too weird about it, but it is hella weird not to notice on instagram especially.
No. 376990
File: 1503382977802.jpg (767.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170822-072217.jpg)

12oz coffee joint for example
No. 377058
File: 1503404297199.gif (469.87 KB, 320x240, tumblr_lnuvd5Ag5x1qe23qm.gif)

Aly will soon be on the road
You have been warned!!
No. 377060
>>376891>>376869You actually don't have to be at a healthy BMI to get pregnant. I know two women online who fell pregnant at horrifying BMIs. Neither were menstruating because of their low body weight.
This is important information to spread because there are many women who don't use protection, assuming that their underweight status will prevent them from getting pregnant.
Sage for OT.
No. 377073
File: 1503408689477.jpg (1.45 MB, 810x2068, Screenshot_20170822-082928.jpg)

>>376990theres like a couple people w their friends mixed in
No. 377086
File: 1503410168791.jpg (176.92 KB, 978x439, Screenshot_20170822-085239.jpg)

>i didnt plan to go to fucking mcdonalds!
so how many selfies is she gonna take while learning to drive, oh we gosh we just has to go to the mcdonalds drive thru
No. 377108
File: 1503412597181.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4040.PNG)

GOSH 1/2
No. 377111
File: 1503412627751.png (1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4041.PNG)

No. 377113
File: 1503412756965.png (63.9 KB, 640x890, IMG_4042.PNG)

>>377111Samefag, refreshed her IG page and we have another blacked-out post.
No. 377115
>>377108Just abput to post this, nearly fainted after a 2mile walk?!?
Maybe more nutrients less junk food would help her stamina. She really believes shes still a fragile weak anorexic petal when shes actually pretty much healthy weight and im sure she walked more on her holiday last month.
One bounty chocolate has tipped her over the edge haha
No. 377118
File: 1503413521780.jpg (670.12 KB, 810x1296, Screenshot_20170822-094856.jpg)

what's great is that she doesnt change the post just the start of it, so like the rest of the post is alys version of positive in which she p answers her own questions
No. 377124
File: 1503415177000.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170822-101834.png)

seek professional help
No. 377135
>>377111Hahaha, what face is THIS??? wHAT A JOKE FACE!
>>377124Here she looks like a chav. 21. Unbelievable.
No. 377176
File: 1503422664657.jpg (71.57 KB, 410x570, fuck me.JPG)

>And then a friend who asked me "what about going for ice-cream and wine?"
Out with Ma again.
This pose, tho.
No. 377190
File: 1503424506893.jpg (482.18 KB, 1029x1365, Screenshot_20170822-122106.jpg)

such a good friend who never comments on anyone else's account
and ya, out with ma again
No. 377194
>>377108Wasn't she "overexercising" the other day? And yet she's so fragile to faint over a 3 km walk?
I just want to physically take her and bring her to a goddamn therapist. I can't imagine how she is irl. Is she worse than online, or puts on a "normal" facade and uses instagram to vent all the psycho out? Either way, she desperately needs help
No. 377228
>>377194Why does she try to convince people she's still mentally ill when it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS. This fainting waif thing doesn't wash. She eats more than most of us here (it's crap food, but still calorific) but she wants us to believe she's so physically ill she's fainting.
I know some parts of Europe are having a heatwave so maybe ~weather sensitivity~ made her feel ill. She didn't say that because she's still an nth from 18.5 so she's still physically unwell? Okay.
All these friends she has! Shame they wont listen to her whining although Ma…I mean friends…must be sick of her me me me chatter.
Really should send her fruit picking as anon suggested or send her to that place that's just had a massive earthquake to help. I bet she's never helped anyone in her entire life.
I bet even tubby bf has another girl in Rome and being with Aly is a sick joke to him. He obviously doesn't care about her.
No. 377232
File: 1503430168598.jpg (Spoiler Image,931.38 KB, 1039x1432, Screenshot_20170822-142700.jpg)

i wish she would stop showing off her awful anorexic body and that lime green bikini too
really the only thing thats changed is that shes gained weight
No. 377346
>>377232Judging by the tan pattern on the left, she must've worn shorts at that time too. All this "I used to cover up I was so ashamed". Lol, sure Jan. The repulsive colour draws attention to her too.
Aly looks at her #transformation pictures and wishes she was thin again.
>>377274I didn't catch that. I'd like to see how many images of chocolate bars are on her phone. Really I wish I was invisible and could wath her 7/24.
No. 377416
>>377346haha youre right she probably wears the same ones now
idk what goes on in alys head she said shes seeing her shrink again soon but will she share any of these problems? tbh her biggest issue is her self
No. 377432
File: 1503442656369.jpg (16.86 KB, 350x231, tw.JPG)

Need to keep a check on the countdown. The only ~numbers~ Aly wish she could regain.
No. 377479
>>377432These numbers give my OCDs life
>>377135She often looks chav-y. The recent gas station sushi stories and the posts about her dangerous neighbourhood have made me curious about what her area/family are really like. Obviously she's a drama queen but I'm wondering if she's more working class than white collar middle class? It would sort of explain her obsession with the word "classy" if she genuinely feels she doesn't fit in with posh friends or sth.
>>377073Holy shit, this is insane. I wonder how many random people in Milan have clicked on the places she visits and been so confused.
No. 377516
>>377499Ugh even though she eats absolute crap there is no way Aly is eating 3000 a day, its more like 1200-1600 i reckon.
Shes full of shit.
No. 377914
File: 1503500490684.jpg (173.82 KB, 1030x394, Screenshot_20170823-095919.jpg)

guilt trippin followers again
No. 377915
File: 1503500551005.jpg (373.3 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170823-100007.jpg)

and now shes fake eating a hot dog
No. 377927
File: 1503503777601.png (187.74 KB, 639x989, IMG_5038.PNG)

>> so fuck*ng lunch
No. 377944
File: 1503505440856.jpg (102.75 KB, 978x287, Screenshot_20170823-112309.jpg)

No. 377951
File: 1503505828373.jpg (116.53 KB, 593x597, dog.jpg)

>>377915I don't understand this hotdog. Is it supposed to be creative? the bun is split down the middle, and yet the dog is sitting on top of the bun? why
No. 378024
File: 1503511344027.png (574.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170823-115944.png)

Ya, she deleted it, and responded to someone else in her stories…
No. 378030
File: 1503512348455.jpg (375.02 KB, 703x1133, Screenshot_20170823-121621.jpg)

>>378028Maybe, but now were supposed to care about her suicidal thoughts because hers are sooo much more real?
No. 378033
>>378030oh god.
>>378028i mean she does take everything pretty seriously though, this isn't someone who's very rational. i'm willing to bet she didnt care if it was real or not, she just didnt want some else's problems overshadowing hers
No. 378071
>>378064it is really hard to deal w mental illness in your family especially a child with an eating disorder because theyre pretty much killing themselves in front of you, i dont think he does hit her like she wears hardly anything im sure we'd see.
if she ever says hes physically abusing her again im gonna say like aly ive called the police for you lol
No. 378081
>>378071If he does hit her, it's because of a cultural difference, "hitting" your child is common and normalized in many european countries. It's not like, punching your child mercilessly, but slapping with a belt or whatever. Aly over exaggerates everything for sympathy.
Also, someone once did that and Aly freaked out and black posted, threatening to khs
No. 378089
>>378081She isn't a child, though. She's legally an adult. And regardless of how one feels she behaves (and I am pretty much in agreement with the prevailing sentiment here) she's also mentally ill and arguably vulnerable because of that.
I don't know if he hits her or not, as Aly is the world's most unreliable narrator, but I can easily imagine someone who is forced by circumstance to be around her being snappish and impatient (yelling).
Question for Italian Anons: is striking an adult (regardless ofof they're your child) a crime in Italy?
No. 378129
>>378089In my opinion yes, most authorities would no longer see it as 'discipline' and rather 'assault'. HOWEVER, unless they have changed since I lived there, Italian Police are not always known for being entirely reliable or sticking to what they
should do.
italianfag now living in the uk
No. 378133
File: 1503523555313.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170823-162233.png)

you're right, you're not helpful
as if she'd leave ha ha
No. 378168
>>378133Our recovery queer needs to work on the colour order of a rainbow flag.RIchard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.
Idk anyone else who wants their profile to be "something" and fails so miserably. She wants to be a recovery/bodyposi profile but can't be because she hates both things.
If I had the skills I'd hack into her account. There. I admitted I'd do something illegal. I'm badass, what can I say.
No. 378175
>>378027>>378028I agree with first anon. Even if it wasnt' a serious threat, if someone told her to do the same, she'd freak out and possibly we'd get a lot of stories about how worthless she is and how the world hates her and such. Funny part is that if someone call her out about this she's lie about writing them a DM or that she's at one of her worst moments…
She replied to one girl in a photo saying
>Thanks so much honey… well, I don't know if it will work (wrote more back, right now I'm feeling too shit to text..)Sooo…She's feeling too shit to text and worry about someone who's clearly asking for her attention, but not to post ELEVEN more photos? She's such a walking lie.
No. 378191
>>378187I was delayed and blocked once for exchanging a few comments about recipes under a food post of hers. From that I took that she doesn't let like her followers interacting and she didn't like our convo wasn't about her. She's
that selfish.
No. 378200
>>378191>>378187She's selfish…Can't stand the attention is not focused on her. I think she should adress those ''hater'' comments, actually responding to them. She only post a bunch of lies because she wants to inspire people but when it comes to interact with them (even if it's to adress someone who she considers to be haters), she's useless. Her obsession to be or seem perfect in front of people who possibly only read one or two captions out of 10/12 is kinda scary.
I bet her days are always the same, so focused on food and photos, making everything seem like a huge challenge (!) to beat her ED (!!!) that she loses contact with her ''real life''. What if she doesn't get (enough) attention? Guilt tripping her followers, black shots which she'll delete later, break downs and that's it, the cicle starts again. Every week she has an excuse, if it's not her father, it's her mother, if not her uncle, if it's not her friends, someone told her something on the street. Strangers staring! Haters on DM's! Comments which doesn't exist!
Pure facade. At first I thought her behaviour was even amusing, she stills makes me laugh sometimes because she's so…Naive to think everyone thinks she's a role model. But sometimes the only thought of her makes me feel tired. Imagine if we were people who actually know her in RL!
No. 378243
File: 1503535224323.jpg (29.03 KB, 651x211, hoo boy.JPG)

Just had a quick check on her follower TW numbers and had a look at who recently followed her.
Idk this show, but I want Aly to kick off about it like she does about the other one. As if Aly sees comedy in anything.
No. 378452
File: 1503563609647.png (225.7 KB, 750x1092, IMG_5888.PNG)

Dumping this hater comment here before Aly shames this person and deletes it.
No. 378454
File: 1503563636582.png (117.02 KB, 750x635, IMG_5889.PNG)

No. 378455
File: 1503563883665.png (648.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5890.PNG)

Sorry for all the dumping. Found this in her stories. Sad I missed the whole comments. Sounds like a possible farmer.
No. 378456
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>>378444I saw the first minute after clicking their link and bookmarked it for tonight! I was expecting something really low budget and crap but it looks good.
>>378452I caught one earlier but forgot to post it. It's gone now so the mental is obviously out of her pit and ready to say how her day is bad because of haters.
That ondrei looks cute. I've seen her comment before.
No. 378458
File: 1503563983841.png (53.03 KB, 720x288, 20170824_103726.png)

So I replied to this comment saying that this happens to a lot of people and I can relate and aly blocked me I fucking hate her
No. 378470
>>378129Same, also moved to the UK.
I come from what you would probably call a violent family (not trying to sound dramatic, I just don't know how else to put it). We did have the police over a couple of times and they seemed to be more in the mood to caution my parents rather than take either of them for the crazy shit they were pulling.
I don't know whether it's lack of funds or a cultural thing. I don't think that having a criminal record would have done much for either but we did have a social worker with us for a while, so maybe that was the route they preferred.
No. 378476
>>378470I know that the police handle domestics between husband/wife or partners as nothings unless there's been visible physical abuse. Not sure what they do then.
I think a lot of the reason why the police are so shit when they're dealing with everyday matters (ie not murder or large scale theft) is because they can't be bothered with paperwork.
No. 378494
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Can this godawful stupid bitch shut up already
No. 378620
File: 1503587151129.jpg (533.04 KB, 809x1261, Screenshot_20170824-100331.jpg)

all alys posts today have been about haters, wish she'd get the message
No. 378628
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No. 378635
>>378628She just doesn't want to say that she's at a healthy BMI
Funny, for someone who has "recovered" she still puts so much emphasis on numbers.
No. 378675
File: 1503593374559.png (13.87 KB, 293x128, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-24 um 1…)

Lol, Aly called a thousand friends and was busy organizing events. Going to the swimming pool (= pool party) with Ma Casati I guess?
No. 378678
>>378675her most scared food is fried? ummm
yeah she doesnt have any friends, shes going to the thermal baths with her mum
No. 378681
File: 1503593867776.jpg (240.8 KB, 978x668, Screenshot_20170824-115600.jpg)

yes aly people know what a feminist is
No. 378753
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Will be deleted in 3…2…1…
No. 378769
File: 1503599205390.jpg (749.41 KB, 2048x2048, 4F72C541-6A75-4E2E-BEA5-D724FE…)

>>378753Lets watch Aly make all of this into several big dramatic posts over the next day or two. Everyone's a hater Aly. Everyone.
No. 378780
File: 1503599990937.gif (3.56 MB, 347x244, pootin.gif)

>>378769What is your privileged smart phone's pronouns? Lol.
From her latest post at EatShit & Go
>I got so much work/social life stuff done that I completed my "to do list" of the coming MONTHThat must've taken all of 30 seconds! So desperate to seem like she has a buzzing social life.
Fuck it, I'm going to make an account a day on my privileged smartphone (it/its) and give her some truth every day. It seems to really bring out her warrior spirit. #recoveryqueer
No. 378782
File: 1503600004873.png (238.98 KB, 750x1112, IMG_5894.PNG)

She's so full of contradictions it blows my
mind how people don't raise an eyebrow to what she says.
>today I ate guilt free
>counted calories because of hater comments
>you need to stop fearing food
>eats fried food and claims it is a fear food
No. 378784
>>378782I don't get this bit
>I've been told that I often break down to seek attention ?? Really? I'm proud to say indeed: today even tho everything has been the first day GUILT FREE (!)??It helps to me, to see like this ?? E A T I N G.
Did she forget to finish the sentence about being an attention seeker? If not, what's she saying?
No. 378787
>>378782Also I have to add, strange she suddenly
Has a million friends and her social anxiety is cleared. But not cleared enough to send support back to her ball-sucking IG followers. Must hurt to comment 15 times a day for years and never get a response back. Yet Aly will suddenly pick up the phone and make plans with all the friends who never wanted to hang out with her when she was spoopy.
No. 378800
File: 1503601145189.jpg (119.71 KB, 572x589, Screenshot_20170824-125412.jpg)

People are really leaning in today lol. What's going to happen when she goes to bed?
No. 378810
>>378780social life stuff: going to public swimming pool with ma; taking kissy pic with fatso
work stuff: ???
No. 378820
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This literally could've been directed at Aly herself and it would make perfect sense…? Like what the fuck lol, Aly ass kissers are so oblivious, they don't realize Aly is the queen of begging for being to rescue her and slandering then if they don't
No. 378838
>>378820That evolving kid is going through a really cringe phase, isn't she. A vegan new ager exploring her inner world. Calls anyone with a smartphone privileged (the homeless even have top up smart phones) but have you seen where she lives? It's like a haven (at least to inner city dweller me).
Loves the earth yet appears to not give a shit about her carbon footprint when she goes on privileged travels. Smfh.
No. 378845
>>378838literally one of those wannabe hippie types who'd probably have a breakdown herself if she went to live on an actual commune with no wifi for more than 12 hours. "exploring the nature of the universe and conciousness and personal growth" = read one essay by alan watts, did one buddhism meditation, ENLIGHTENED.
sage for no contribution
No. 378846
>>378838I just read one of her posts too. She calls out "paleo" and "vegan" diets, and warns against being tricked into a diet…yet proudly claims vegan in her profile bio.
btw, where are Alys regular followers? Lois and Dogs?
No. 378848
>>378846>proudly claims vegan in her profile bioBrainwashed moron. She doesn't think that the sudden surge in people becoming vegan isn't an industry in itself? When I started being veggie in the stone age all there was to eat was Beanfeast and Sosmix. This little bitch gets all fancy foods with springs of plants on top. Such privileged food.
>where are Alys regular followers? Lois and Dogs?Aly hasn't posted for ten minutes so all three are probably planning a resistance force.
No. 378853
File: 1503605517153.jpg (332.79 KB, 460x1366, Screenshot_20170824-140536.jpg)

>>378820Posting the responses for when Aly comes to delete.
Do you think she will respond with a separate post? Or just go back to acting like it never happened?
No. 378860
>>378853Her latest #transformation pic (or #howiwishistilllooked) answers this question
>I've no words.Stay a twat and carry on.
No. 378904
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Are these all farmers that have been commenting today? Or are they truely followers who are sick of her bullshit?
No. 378905
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More comments
No. 378907
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No. 378958
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No. 378991
>>378958Yea I don't know. I think this was just for
Shock value to get her to admit she's a cunt who likes to humiliate her followers when they don't stick their noses up her ass.
But who knows. Some kids are so overly sensitive they kill them selves over the smallest things. Like that one 12 year old kid who killed himself because he was told his girlfriend killed her self but it turned out to be a prank. And other kids have committed suicide because they were humiliated on social media.
No. 379010
>>378997cus shes pissed at all those comments
wow i hope thats fake, most likely is, but im glad it gets to her and people see what trash she is
No. 379011
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Do they call intensive care intensive care in the US?
Course it's bait. Fisher…bait.
It's a scenario that could possibly happen though considering the mental fragility of her followers.
No. 379037
>>379011Yeah they do, ICU or Critical Care are often used interchangeably in the US.
Looked a little closer at the comment…
>behaviourEither little jack has a british mother or thats a might fine bit o bait right there.
No. 379049
File: 1503620075744.jpg (431.07 KB, 1127x1600, stay strong.jpg)

>>379037Missed that one!
Yeah, in the UK everyone says Intensive Care even though it's called ITU now. The "intensive care" sounded British. No A+ for you, anon but well done for making Aly think (except she's probably thinking about herself). I'm going to sort out next months social activities and work now (!) which is going to take HOURS. I'll probably wake up in a bad place ~sad emoji~
I hope she manages to force some double choc cookies down her neck even though she's going to be having thoughts of restriction.
Oh, this thread's going to autosage soon. Would be very good of someone could make a new thread. I started this one and I'm uninspired atm.
No. 379100
>>379081I like it
New thread up