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No. 325480
last thread:
>>223291(prev thread^ hit reply limit)
our inspirational (!) self "arming" ~muh feminism/body posi~ cow has gotten a new full-time job. will she continue her raging blackout-post/sudoku threatening for "support", or will she finally grow up? is she just lying? who knows. the saga continues…
No. 325481
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>>325480tried to add this to the last thread but it hit reply limit. this did not happen. this cow is so delusional it hurts. also, did she just slander her new employer or am i imagining things? why would an employer tell her they didn't hire her because it's not a women's job?
No. 325486
>>325481im thinking they gave the job to a man because its a menswear store maybe? im interested to see how this plays out lol
also i guess she dropped out of school and never posted about it because it didnt involve a magnum
No. 325489
>>325481Tried posting this as well as she went public for a short period and I was reading her delusional posts.
Why would she even accept a job from an employer who sexualized her in that way? Total bullshit.
Sage for blogpost but years ago I walked out of an interview for a bridal shop when the owner (a guy) asked me personal questions about my relationship with my bf, how long we had been together, if we had any kids, if it was serious, and then told me he likes to hire cute girls who look good in heels and a pencil skirt which was the dress code we should adhere by.
Does she even know what feminisim means?
No. 325490
>>325481i was going to list all the reasons this is (a) stupid to post and (b) fake anyway but tbh did not feel like writing a post longer than war & peace.
this didn't fucking happen and doesn't even sound remotely believable. if she wants people to believe her shit she really needs to just stick to the "some guy on the street whistled at me" stories bc no one is going to believe this level of bullshit and any comments to the contrary are just stupid fangirls hoping for more followers of their own.
not to mention way to get fired, by ranting that your brand new employer is sexist.
aly, you're not model material, and if you want your ~feminism to feel real you need to keep your deluded histrionics separate from your aspiring jezebel-writer rants.
No. 325497
>>325480Oh this job.
no way is she not getting fired for being on her phone at work or instagramming private/back of house shit she's not allowed.
And can you imagine her when she has to deal with a rude customer? Breakdowns await…
No. 325501
>>325486even so, what she's doing is considered slander, or in most places it would be. most companies try to adhere to a non-discriminatory policy, and to have some girl plaster that all over her psuedo-recovery instagram feed without proof of them saying that's "not women's job" would fall under defamation.
>>325490>this didn't fucking happen and doesn't even sound remotely believable. if she wants people to believe her shit she really needs to just stick to the "some guy on the street whistled at me" stories bc no one is going to believe this level of bullshit agreed tenfold.
some of her deranged followers do, which makes me so irritated. it's so obviously bullshit but they all go along with it. also, i'm laughing so hard bc she plays the whole feminism kick, and then brags that she's working at a place that once denied her a job because she's a woman (according to her). such feminism. much empowerment.
No. 325725
I actually think they could have said that, but to me it sounds less like a nice compliment and more like what happened to
>>325489. There are lots of guys like this in business who are flirty and sleazy when they're supposed to be professional. I dunno why she's humble bragging about it, she may be in store for a lot more inappropriate comments since she took a job with them.
No. 325732
>>325725There was a big thing in the news recently about here in the UK where a woman was sent home from work because she didn't wear high heels! A pair of heels are really uncomfortable and some women at work have it in their dress code they must wear them.
One time I went for an interview for a placement at the local free newspaper. The editor called me "love" and he had page 3 girls (for non UK, girls with their tits out on page 3 of The Sun) stuck on the wall around his workplace.
So, yeah, it's a man's world and this shit goes on. I really doubt that Aly can change things with #womenpower hashtags and sounding like a 13 year old who just found out what feminism is.
As well as that it's reaaaaally difficult to believe anything she ever says because she's a bullshine merchant.
Predicting she doesn't sign the contract if there's a job, or leaves after a week and blames it on #sexism.
No. 325880
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Ah, yes, running the showroom 7 days a week…
No. 325999
>>325880TOP FUCKING KEK! She is so damn stupid.
>>325549 She quoted the guy as saying she "should be a model for a brand," but not for them specifically.
No. 326184
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No. 326187
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Maybe because you're in a constant cycle of sugar highs and subsequent crashes.
No. 326191
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Samefag, just checked her insta and the thirst for asspats is real.
No. 326203
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Aly has blocked me because i slapped some reality into her whoops
No. 326235
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OT but….. Her hair wtf. I have naturally curly hair and I don't understand why anyone would purposely do this to their nice straight hair. Why is it so greasy what's with the patches??
No. 326238
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I hate when people do the "I'mma kms" shit then grovel for attention, and she probably has people trying to calm her down and just ignoring them
No. 326252
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>>326184>>326187>>326191it really makes me rage when she does this shit. maybe i'm a fuckin idiot but what is running away going to do? oh right, attention. this is like cryingemily #2, running away to waste taxpayer dollars on chasing her. she is SO fucking obsessed with getting her "support" and it's never enough.
No. 326296
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Just go eat dinner Aly…
No. 326317
>>326296"in the bad"
how the fuck does she think this makes any sense?! She has been learning english for fucking ever and this is such incompetent bullshit it makes me want to slap her #sagerage
No. 326322
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I can't
No. 326323
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Also WTF ALY it has literally been TWO HOURS since you posted it, half the world wasn't even awake yet. And on her posts asking for support she NEVER only has "one or two lovely girls" it's so fucking hard not to go off on this girl but I can't get myself blocked
No. 326330
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I'll starve myself without asspats.
No. 326331
>>326323If it was posted around two hours ago, the that's around 6pm (her timezone). A lot of people are going home from school at that time, are ending their work shifts or have dinner. So there's that.
Next she might start asking people to turn on their notifications so they always knows when she posts something
No. 326341
>>326322"i'm aly i have anorexia and pretend to hate myself but like i'm so fucking hot i'm so beautiful everyone is just bound to hate me. wait what did you say? no one cares? time to threaten sudoku and run away from home and not eat because wHY AREN'T YOU GIVING ME MUH SUPPORT" that's all i hear when i see her posts. she's so painfull vanish that it makes me want to self arm. ffs.
>>326325no she's upset because she didn't get 1000 comments telling her how much of an #inspiration (!) she is, and it makes her severely suicidal and suddenly anorexic again. interesting pattern isn't it? she's all sunshine and mass amounts of chocolate and ~#foodblog #foodlove backpost~ until she doesn't get X amount of likes and comments, and then she sperges out and threatens to hurt herself in one form or another.
>>326330nah that roughly translates to "thanks for giving me the asspats i need, now i'm not anorexic anymore for a few hours until i do this again, time to post more chocolate and sugary foods!"
No. 326409
>>326389well seeing as her fashion sense is also straight out of 2010, that sounds about right.
>>326252aly. you're TWENTY-ONE. it's not called running away, it's called going for a fucking walk. maybe if you had an actual life or ever did anything without your mother chaperoning, you'd realize this.
No. 326472
>>326409Ms Independent Woman isn't so independent. I hope when she says she's running away from home it's some language error because otherwise lol.
With her new job she should be able to afford to move out of home, but that'll never happen.
I wonder if she ever pulls a "gone missing" trick. Her "breakdowns" have been really poxy. Lying about arming herself, lying about running away from home. I want her to do something drastic, but that'll never happen either.
>>326403She was reported like fuck when she was a spoop but instagram didn't do anything (much like with the cooney girl). I don't think her page is ever going to disappear, but I'd love to see a Crying Emily style sperg out ("THAT ACCOUNT WAS MY LIIIIIIFE. NOW NOBODY KNOWS ME!!!1").
No. 326806
>>326191Jesus christ she sounds like a child. "nobody wuvs me! waaaaaaah"
I know we all hate armchair psychs and online diagnosis but that is such BPD behaviour. In fact all of this shit is. Give me attention or I'm gonna top myself.
The thing with this kind of behaviour is you can only cry wolf so many times. At some point, EVERYONE sees it for what it is and will ignore her. When she "really is" up shit street nobody will give a fuck.
(I know it's probably the angle but she looks like she has some serious water retention going on here)
No. 326842
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No. 326892
>>326875Same fag as
>>326806She's driving them away.
It's self perpetuating.
She won't learn JACK until she has 0 response.
No. 326911
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Someone in Italy please record this for us.
No. 326935
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Yeah Aly, today's the day to treat yourself with a Magnum.. Like you do 3x a week..
Also didn't see any "yells" on her post before she deleted it.
No. 326957
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>>326935When she says "yells" does she mean cat calls in real life? Because in this post she is mentioning her dress. If that is what she means, what does that have to do with Instagram and closing her account?
No. 326979
>>326935of course she's exaggerating and/or outright lying. by "yelling" she means not receiving 200+ asspatting comments or someone very politely pointing out that she's being unreasonable.
>>326957i think she's trying to play the "i'm being body shamed for my weight and my clothing choices and i notice and adress this because i'm a feminist" card. which is a lie.
No. 327009
>>326806this. 100% this.
>>326842i can't wait to see her temper tantrum when no one "supports" her (aka giving her the asspats she so desperately desires)
>>326957it's her new thing, faking misogynistic cat-calls. her muh feminism side is her new focus to get asspats. it won't last.
>>326981stop getting your panties in a fucking wad because you're offended that someone's calling people with bpd on their shit and comparing aly to them. people with bpd act like this too. they're both in the same category of dramatic personality disorders.
No. 327018
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This didn't happen.
Oh and she's close to breaking down again if she gets hate, but she'd rather people say she looks shit but she helps them. WUT?
No. 327020
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I saw this too. No answer from Aly, of course.
No. 327060
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>>327047Don't feel weird about it because I do that as well!!! First thing in the morning I look at her posts to look what followers have written and I spend too much time refreshing them throughout the day. She's lying for sure, so I'm going to cut back on it now.
What DOES irritate the shit out of me is when people ask questions and she cba to reply. Even things that'd only be a sentence long. Have you noticed a few people keep begging her to read the DM they sent her? She must scan read to the "you're inspirational…you're beautiful…you're my role model" then delete it.
She's not around tomorrow. She's hiking with her family. She won't post lol - that's not going to happen.
No. 327121
>>327009Actually, know-it-all, Aly wouldn't meet close to five of the nine criteria for BPD but essentially meets every criteria for HPD. I have no bias towards either disorder or any disorder it's just literally cringe-worthy when people think they know what they're talking about when it comes to mental illness and throw around inaccurate diagnoses to act like they have milk lol
Milk the fuck out of facts and actual behaviour but there's no need to speculate diagnoses when you don't actually know what you're talking about and are just jumping on the "this must be bpd" "they must have bpd" "that's bpd" bandwagon okay massive kek and goodbye
No. 327184
>>327121regardless, you have your armchair diagnosis and i have mine. i'm not going to sit there and sperg out because i don't think she meets criteria for hpd or any other diagnosis she may meet. that's the difference. you're getting
triggered over me simply saying i think she has bpd. now let's stop derailing.
No. 327191
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>>326324every time she sperges about her work with male models
No. 327256
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Who else thinks she will post tomorrow like normal?
No. 327261
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>>327256With her arm around her brother. On a bike. Bitching about her dad. No nice scenery pictures, all of Aly as centre of attention.
No. 327278
>>327256>>327261Also posing with food both before and after the hike, which will probably just be a stroll on a paved path.
Pa casati looking pissed.
Smiling with ma.
Kissing her bro.
Posing seductively on a rock or by a tree or sitting on the ground.
Random pics of her not-hiking-appropriate outfit, probably wearing sandals or her street tennis shoes, one hand in her moussed up hair, crazy makeup.
Another food pic for good measure.
Wish the bingo board Anon would make a board for tomorrow.
No. 327300
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>>327278>Wish the bingo board Anon would make a board for tomorrow.Ahh someone remembers me! I'll do another soon. It's going to be a full house now because she's more predictable than she was when she was supposed to be mentally ill-er.
She might do one of those shoots where she's standing with her back to the camera looking at hills with her arms open ~embracing the world~ She's done that before. Whatever she does, there'll be no nice pics of scenery. It'll be nice scenery with Aly posing right in the middle as the focus of attention.
I wish Aly would go through a spiritual phase with crystals and shit, digging the Goddess. I want to plant the idea in her mind somehow (even if I need to make an account). Her crystals would be glass things from a cheap clothes store, and her new agey floaty skirts would end just below her crotch.
You know it still makes me genuinely sad to think of that old picture at the beach where they're standing far away from her dad and he looks all smiley but really sad with a beach ball in his hands. Awwwww.
Yes, so I want to see more of these motivational quotes on her page.
Marina Joyce went craycray with weird religion and I don't think it'd take much to tip Aly over the edge into all that is spiritual and enlightening. (Even if it's fake).
No. 327321
>>327300>>327278Yes! I remember bingo. I want this to happen.
I think she will still somehow post chocolate on that white surface, like she did at the movies.
No. 327332
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>>327322Stay tuned ←soon
"Ate these on the road. Did not look classy".
No. 327335
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>>327321i'm not the original bingofag and i just kinda whipped this up not knowing what you're talking about (newfagish) but here you go
No. 327442
>>326911I wasn't able to record it but I honestly think that it would be really boring for people who don't speak the language. The documentary never shows her face.
For any italianfags that want to see it just go on the rai site and you'll find it.
I wrote down some parts of it.
She mainly survived on coffee on her ED days.
She felt disgusting and unclean when eating unhealthy foods. Alice felt superior to people with normal eating habits back in the day. At her lowest she was 30 kilos (66 lbs).
The realization that she was in real danger came from "her parents' concerned faces" and "her doctor saying that she had a BMI so low that it wasn't listed as one of a living person (I am sorry for this translation but he basically said that she shouldn't be alive at that weight)".She was hospitalized with a slight liver failure and bradycardia and fed with a naso-gastric feeding tube a for a week. When she was discharged from the hospital she had psychotherapy and a diet to follow. She regained 14 kilos in an year and half.
Without even being asked she states that all of this information about healthy food is damaging.
The end part is kind of funny:
"I started to go again to restaurants and to happy hours with friends" then there's a shot of her at the pub clearly with momma casati and one girl I do not recognize.
The doctors that explained her case are Sara Bertelli and Alberto Benetti. From the documentary I could understand that Benetti directly worked with her, he defined her ED as an orthorexia and cleared up her statement about the BMI, he said that it was at the limit of survival.
No. 327461
>>327442>>327458Thank you anon for your work though, a bit underwhelming - 66lbs is extremely low though, unless she's very short.
It is an important part of recovery to find joy in food again, and not view it as source of failure or embarrassment. Not necessarily a bad message but considering her current diet… well. EDs are caused, and cause black and white thinking.
No. 327475
>>327461She's 5'7"/170cm
She talked a lot about how difficult it was to change and that searching professional help is important. It seemed very scripted.
>>327458She said that she ate three walnuts with coffee in the morning. Unseasoned veggies and plain meat the rest of the day.
No. 327547
>>327481I'm assuming she rounded it a bit since 30 is an even number and exaggerates her lw a bit, but she has often used the bmi 10.6 to describe her low weight. You're right though that the weight she was during most of her skinny phase was more like 12-13, she didn't maintain 10.6 at all but can't stop taking about it for ana points.
>>327462>>327530I don't believe she was ever orthorexic either. Obviously her account was bullshit for awhile but she never EVER has posted anything at all healthy or clean, not even calorie dense but "healthy" shit like Clif bars and avocado or other shit you always see former orthorexics post when they're faking recovery.
I think she was staying closer to the truth than usual since she knew her doctors, family etc would hear it and her asspat club wouldn't, plus when it was recorded (last fall) she was way more rooted in reality than she is now. But she still couldn't resist the slight drama exaggerating about the bmi of a dead person, not just ana but also super orthorexic, etc.
No. 327560
>>327555Maybe, but then it's weird she never posts anything remotely healthy as
>>327547 said.
I mean, there are lots of things she could easily find that are more healthy than M&Ms: tomato and mozzarella, crescenza, salmon with steamed vegetables. They all photograph well and are dead easy to cook.
No. 327637
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And we've got our first black post of the day!
No. 327664
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Here is the arm around brother.
No. 327740
>>327664>>327673her poor brother's face is the epitome of "aly can we stop taking fucking pictures already and just hike? can you just stay off your phone please for once?", like i can only imagine how many times her family asked her to just stop and enjoy time with them and how many times she had to stop to post seductively on their hike. if aly was my family member i'd lose my shit and be like "get your fucking life together"
>>327690it's scary how predictable she is.
No. 327747
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>>327278Here is smiling with Ma!
I love that we know her so well.
No. 327751
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>>327747another bingo point for that awful makeup.
No. 327762
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>>327740i think she posted 9 times today
car snacking? pic clearly not taken in car
No. 327771
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>>327482Thanks for the link. I'm watching it now. ALl I understand is "pizza", "pasta" and "restaurant" though. Why is she cooking vegetables when she doesn't eat them? I bet she was pissed off you don't get to see her face.
Her mouth is scary.
No. 327781
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Lipstick on her teeth.
Why do they try to protect her identity but then show her spoopy beach photos and show her full face at the end?
No. 327786
>>327782When she used to post those short videos on ig
of her eating I noticed she doesn't chew much. When she's eating that apple pie in this tv thing she's like a snake and just swallows it down without chewing.
That pretend friend must've been one of the camera crew. I think she was at NHero there.
She needs a lip liner and a matte lipstick. She can't deal with gloss.
No. 327802
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Bingo point for no scenery, focus Aly.
No. 327823
>>327813Mine are chipped but not as much noticeable as Aly's. I've always chewed on plastic straws, pens, clipped plastic tags off with them, etc though. General tooth abuse/bad habit. I thought that was how all chips were made.
>>327818Point is because although it's alright to have messed up make it, the messed up make up has to be perfect.
You know how she says what would you change about me in this picture and what's the worst thing about me in this picture? She always goes on about her thighs or stomach when the thing she should really change is those tight high waisted shorts and terrible make up.
No. 327835
>>327823anon, the answer is "THE SOCIETY"! you're anti-feminist and a hater giving yells if you think there's anything less than perfect about her shitty styling and ill-fitting clothing!
>>327637so weird how she mainly begs for comments and "support" (which seems like it would have to mean comments since how is double tapping a post "support"?), but she gets like no comments on her food pics. maybe she gets more likes because she uses food blogger tags but fucking no one comments on some stupid picture of broken oreos. and she's never tried posting anything interesting at all to even make a claim that her "girls" only care about the food posts.
constant sweets aren't interesting and neither are 10 pictures in the same shit outfit. and body-posi~ and feminist~ rants sound insane when the other half of the time she's crying suicide. post ACTUAL CONTENT, aly. the fact that she doesn't seem to realize there are options beyond transformation shoots, food shoots, and alternately loving/hating herself in long form essay posts makes it so obvious how very NOT recovered she is.
she has literally nothing going on outside her ED identity and very little going on upstairs, lol
No. 327839
>>327462I´ve only commented once on her account and have been blocked immediately.
It was like one and a half year ago (?) and I asked smthg like
"Which fruits do you like?"
→ aaaaand blocked.
weird shit
No. 327841
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>>327835>very little going on upstairs"A sandwich short of a picnic" #foodblogging
#snack-ing in the car on the way home
No. 327867
>>327839>I've only commented once on her account and have been blocked immediately. It was like one and a half year ago (?) and I asked smthg like "Which fruits do you like?" → aaaaand blocked. weird shit
> and have been blocked immediately>(?)>→ aaaaandhm. interesting.
No. 328051
>>327966i noticed that too. i reported. i'd kill to know if that was her and if an #admin could check that out for us.
>>327986kek she had a busy day spending it with her eyes glued to her phone, obsessing over how many comments and asspats she got.
No. 328054
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she's been reading this thread for sure. i'm guessing someone tipped her. this post makes it pretty blatantly obvious. none of the stuff in this post has been said to her outside of this thread, and if it has, i haven't seen it.
No. 328059
>>328051Even the picture where she's holding a stalk or whatever it is is so posed. Has she ever posted one natural looking pic?
Also, the same few names crop up in the comments. Every time I see dogsandpositivity I scream internally.
As for her possibly posting here, she knows of these threads. Not sure why she doesn't refer to lolcow for sympathy and attention though. All the other tipped cows (and friends) do.
No. 328079
>>327839>have been blocked immediately. >(?) >smthg>→ aaaaand blocked.lmao. nice fake story about yourself aly. why don't you tell us another one since you have so many weird, outrageous stories up your sleeve?
>>328059i don't know. her mind is a disturbing enigma. all of her photos are posed though, she's never really authentic. her videos are the ultimate cringe, with her fluffing up that rat's nest of hair, and like looking down and pretending not to see the camera filming her right in her face and then speaking. none of it seems authentic but she has a few select few eating out of the palm of her hand. lol yeah i think that's because a lot of us follow the same crowds of cows. i know exactly what you mean. i think she doesn't refer to it because of some of the previous threads. then again, why don't we ask her anyways, since she's here in the thread now too.
No. 328426
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she writes the weirdest shit
No. 328429
>>328426shit, she writes about her brother like he's 6 years old.
She's so delusional.
No. 328434
the way she always says "not" sounds so stupid, like this is 1995
No. 328475
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I hate the first few seconds of her videos. She's so staged. I guess this video was supposed to be a surprise? I hate when she says that too. "I have a surprise" then its just a video saying the same crap she says in all her videos. Plus she has deodorant or something on her dress.
No. 328479
>>328426Rolled my eyes so hard I gave myself a headache.
"I was soooo sick and my poor brother was so concerned for me! And all his friends thought I was dying because I was soooo sick. Everyone thought I was on my death bed and told other people who asked about my health to shut up!"
Wow really aly? Your family cared about you when you were sick? Holy shit. You must be some sort of goddess.
No. 328496
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>>328475I hate when people put their ass on tables where you have to eat, even when it's the ass of a Goddess.
No. 328545
> That anon could just be mocking her writing style, though you'd think they'd have said something by now. I highly doubt it's actually aly.I´m that anon. How can I proof that I am not Aly?
I´m not from Italy and English is not my mother tongue.
No. 328555
File: 1496520109673.png (23.83 KB, 442x156, wp_ss_20170603_0003.png)

Do you think she's going to rant over this comment?
No. 328561
File: 1496520687363.jpg (583.86 KB, 2048x2048, AA4AD647-B88B-41EF-BADD-BAB583…)

>>328475Caught some Kek-worthy screens of Aly from that video. Honestly I can hear the crunch her hair makes every time she touches it. I agree with the above that she is so over-posed and fake. I can't see how anyone sees her as anything other than a caked make up IG clown. Hear that Aly?! You're a try-hard & nobody who matters cares.
No. 328573
>>328561Her eyes-wide-open expression, makeup and tendency to ramble nonsensically is starting to remind me of Asha
Bad sign
No. 328574
>>328569All of her expressions for photos are disturbingly manic/maniacal. Doubly so when they are contrasted with a normal face like
>>327664When I saw that photo with her bro, I narrated in my head:
>On the left side, folks, is the face of quiet resignation, on the right side, you see the face of simmering madness No. 328613
File: 1496530584120.jpg (29.97 KB, 334x473, bertello.JPG)

>>328578This is her shrink You'd think that with all those qualifications/experience she'd know what she was doing, but…
She talks about social networks and how it's good people with EDs use instagram to encourage each other. Well you really fucked up with Aly, mate. translated it)
No. 328664
>>328639I imagine when Aly first saw her shrink she was behaving "normal" like in that tv thing. No mention of all the fake recovery with pint parties and tons of chocolate.
Now she might see her and she's behaving more upbeat, but I bet she never sees how fucking mental she really is.
I think she should be aware of Aly's desperate need for attention and her tactics, but I have nooo idea how she'd take screen shots from instagram. I mean, does she know Aly's really mental but she's an ED specialist so doesn't concentrate on personality disorders or w/e's wrong with her.
Not related to Aly, but I found my shrink on facebook. It was amazing to see her pissed with friends with a cig hanging out of her gob and swearing like Gordon Ramsey on her updates. After I saw her personal life it was difficult to speak to her and not want to smirk. Sage-ing this in case it's too personal blog.
No. 328815
File: 1496570504358.jpeg (198.03 KB, 605x979, image.jpeg)

"Hey Mum, make sure you get this shot of me bending over. My followers will love it"
No. 328825
>>328815I'm just grateful this isn't a shoot with her boy.
How does she not feel like a twat with these poses?
No. 328831
>>328815I'm personally
triggered by her eyebrows. They're like thin spaghetti noodles on her face.
No. 328833
File: 1496576842386.jpg (13.69 KB, 276x69, lol.JPG)

"Yo, you risk got raped!!"
No. 328850
>>328833Man she really would benefit from developing a backbone or a sense of humor…
Anons in the last thread were talking about how most of those comments probably come from old rude men who have nothing better to do than make uncalled for remarks.
I live in a middle-European country and it's exactly the same here. Yeah, sometimes it can be a real pain to get old ugly men commenting on your appearance, but you just have to develop some thick skin. The only reason those comments matter so much to her is because of how unhappy/insecure she still is with her own body.
No. 328880
File: 1496588358061.png (962.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170604-085408.png)

Now if she would just let her hair be soft.
No. 328997
File: 1496596410796.jpg (79.76 KB, 682x314, Screenshot_20170604-110819.jpg)

Don't criticize, but don't call her pretty either. So she wants to direct the WAY people "support" her now? Is it ever going to be good enough?
No. 329019
File: 1496598668974.png (878.1 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>328997Clearly not.
I'm gonna threaten sudoku if she says "explainations" one more time.
No. 329025
File: 1496599327898.jpeg (162.27 KB, 640x960, image.jpeg)

Samefag, she just uploaded the fucking m&ms that she's posted countless times before.
No. 329026
>>328885There's nothing that's not dated about her. Even that latest tattoo. I haven't seen anyone get a Chinese symbol tattoo for at least ten years.
>>328997I'm not surprised she doesn't have any friends. She oozes contempt for everyone.
No. 329040
File: 1496601636804.jpg (101.01 KB, 778x578, ew.JPG)

She's still wearing that stained dress!
Surrounded by skinny people? Her "sister" is probably UK size 12 or 14. Such a liar!
No. 329044
File: 1496601767545.jpg (48.26 KB, 278x294, Capture.JPG)

>>329037>Jeez, what does she even want?She certainly doesn't want to talk about feminist literature judging by her silence on the issue raised here.
No. 329053
>>329040wtf this doesn't even look like a dress, just a long tank top. she probably had to pull it down every 3 seconds just so her ass wouldn't hang out. I hate how she equals wearing skimpy/unflattering stuff with being ~body positive~. Even if I had the hottest body in the world I wouldn't wear 'dresses' that short lol
Also I would give a leg to have someone follow Aly around for a day and see how all of those conversations/comments actually go lol
No. 329064
File: 1496605434196.png (451.83 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6377.PNG)

Don't call her pretty but you can call her Marilyn Monroe (from yesterday)
No. 329070
File: 1496606324928.jpg (111.06 KB, 1000x775, mm.JPG)

>>329064Wow, her fans are so far up her arse.
I don't think Marilyn stayed in shape eating donuts and chocolate.
Fucking LOUSRECOVRY aaaagh. I needed a video of you, Aly. You're inspirational, Aly. You save millions of women around the world from anorexia and empower them, Aly.
No. 329175
>>329040Ugh the whole anorexic ballerina stereotype is so worn out. I somehow doubt she was backstage and if she was, she wouldn't have heard people congratulating each other on not eating. They weren't all size zero either, and she's still thin herself.
She can't seem to celebrate her own choices without tearing other people's down, usually with obviously fake anecdotes that show her own insecurities and projection way more than anything else. So feminist.
No. 329212
File: 1496621596577.jpg (55.19 KB, 621x620, darnce.JPG)

>>329175Her friend had some pictures on her fb page of her dancing with the others. She's made some private or deleted them, but there's this one of her at her dance group thing. The girls are just normal weight. Not sickly skinny things. I doubt they'd have the energy or stamina for dance if they were this size zero that Aly's obsessed with.
Yeah, at this point Aly probably is still slimmer than some of the dancers. Nobody seems to care about the weight of dancers unless you're a professional ballerina.
It pisses me off too when she starts slagging off "other recovery accounts" where the girls are "eating clean and exercising". I think there's a choice - you can stuff yourself with crap and not even do light toning exercises or you can get on a health kick. She needs to work on that thing where she thinks everyone who eats healthy is disordered because she apparently used to obsess over nutrition details on packets.
And yep, some feminist if she doesn't support other womens life choices. She's probably envious of having a grip on their disorder (ie eating well but not making it an issue) and she hasn't and she's going to end up morbidly obese.
No. 329221
File: 1496622095922.jpg (219.77 KB, 358x709, Screenshot_20170604-181629.jpg)

This is the friend Aly refers to as "sister" im pretty sure it was her dance recital Aly attended. I forget her name. But, she is the only friend I've seen Aly with in the past 2 years.
No. 329231
File: 1496622622147.jpg (181.35 KB, 500x518, classy.jpg)

>>329226She took her inspiration from this dawg.
No. 329251
File: 1496624716216.png (756.65 KB, 842x437, unbelievable.png)

>>329244Got to say, lousrecovery has a point.
No. 329294
File: 1496630314287.png (877.78 KB, 933x438, exactly like marilyn.png)

>>329287Considering how bolshy she is about what anorexia means, yeah. I get the same feels when people who don't get panic attacks say they're having a panic attack when they're only getting in a flap about things. Double standard Aly.
No. 329327
>>328561she really is insane though. those wide manic eyes, the staged awkward posing before speaking in videos, the nonsense rambles, etc. it just makes no sense to me. she'll delete photos, reupload them, beg for "support" but when she gets it she's either not happy with it or it just propels her to do it more and more. she freaks out over fucking everything, and she pushes for authenticity but she's the most absurdly unauthentic individual i think i've ever seen.
>>328613i still cannot believe that this girl is seeing this therapist and is acting like this and getting away with it. she seriously needs help. take away that phone, put her on a ward or one of those rehab ranches, get her some real therapy, and help her realize that life doesn't revolve around instagram.
>>328833ugh. the ~muh rape culture~ is strong with that post.
>>329035this. like, how does she want people to comment? what are her followers supposed to comment on?
>>329040for someone who's all ~muh feminism~ she sure is a fucking bitch for body shaming other women. not every women who is a size zero has an eating disorder ffs.
sage for raaaaage
No. 329443
>>329221Aside from the hair and makeup, she actualy looks good here. I hate those shorts, but you can see that she is still quite thin in this picture.
I don't really lke critiquing her diet - it's common for some recovering anorexics to be militant recoverED people who are intolerable. I guess just let her grow out of that. It's not helpful to call her untoned or bloated. That's pretty normal too, and we were all outraged when doctors allowed her to exercise at BMI 15 or something (would be unthinkable in many programs). Plus, in some pics it is clear that she's still thin.
Her personality is disgusting, arrogant, and self-absorbed. She needs help for her personality disorder and needs to stop making up stories to get attention. But all of that was there from the very beginning.
No. 329449
File: 1496658561266.png (937.51 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Sure, Aly.
No. 329485
File: 1496665574544.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.35 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_9491.jpg)

>>326235damn her hair is making me hungry
No. 329506
File: 1496669826049.png (42.51 KB, 290x241, 1.png)

Surprised she hasn't spazzed out over these comments I caught from that bending over photo yesterday
So glad she was called out on this
No. 329511
File: 1496671490187.png (61.4 KB, 457x651, wp_ss_20170605_0002.png)

Oh ffffffsssssssss
No. 329539
File: 1496674572999.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-05-07-53-57…)

Uuuggghhhh seriously wtf is wrong with this girl?! She is so insane.
No. 329561
File: 1496678468593.jpg (316.03 KB, 652x1031, Screenshot_20170605-095402.jpg)

I don't know why I keep giving her the benefit of the doubt. A part of me just can't believe someone would threaten to close so many times and not eventually do it, but then again, this is Aly. Soo…
No. 329571
File: 1496681137401.jpg (612.24 KB, 810x1635, 20170605_114247.jpg)

just more of her bs
>i was so beautiful but then other girls judged me and gave me an eating disorder
No. 329574
>>329561her threatening to close is beyond a joke at this point. she's been saying that on nearly a daily basis for months. remember about a year ago when she made a major deal about how she was switching accounts back to her alice_eleanor one? that lasted for like 2 days because no one was losing their shit over her #blonde #modelsofIG awkward shoots and her 50k followers didn't follow her on over.
since then she's been constantly threatening to delete, leave, take a break, start posting different things, or start posting less. none of this has happened, unless daily blackout/?-mark posts and sudoku stories count as posting different shit.
No. 329576
sage for samefag but wtf @
>>329571 she is SO OBSESSED with her own "beauty" and the male attention she gets. what the fuck. i've never encountered any other anorexics online or irl who are so obsessed with refering to themselves (and generously, too) as beautiful. she needs to fucking stop.
No. 329605
>>329571>>329582>>329601Tbh she clearly had/has a legit and serious ED, and in p much all cases, EDs are not as simple as "oh no dad's fault" or "oh no society" or "oh no healthy eating." They're a mental illness and they're complicated. But seeing as she doesn't appear to have gotten any substantial in-depth therapy, and how deep in denial she is about everything, it's no wonder she keeps hopping from one superficial blame game story to another.
Sage for armchair-ish.
No. 329625
>>329616Of course. All of the flakes ever are. They all live in their own small bubble, unaware of all the stuff outside.
This board on this website is nothing but people living in the real world staring fascinated into the personal snowglobe of a particularly loud snowflake.
No. 329646
>>329605Armchairish is ok, apologetic is not. Understanding is one thing, approval is a whole 'nother.
The world has a problem with her, not vice versa.
No. 329664
File: 1496692770668.png (37.2 KB, 465x207, wp_ss_20170605_0003.png)

>>329663Balls, dropped pic
No. 329790
File: 1496707807670.png (692.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170605-180707.png)

>>329664>>329663Aly blocked someone then posted this to her Instagram story.
No. 329959
>>329790That means she actually received a comment which was a little bit nasty-ish. Thanks for explaining.
I'd love to do an anonymous survey thing with her followers to read what they really think about Aly.
No. 330089
File: 1496756140170.png (507.2 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

When you're feeling shit and reminded of the truth..
No. 330091
>>330089Get a grip Aly for christs sake!
Has nobody in this bitchs life ever said something she didn't like before?? Who is this damn sensitive??!
Sage for rage!!!
No. 330094
File: 1496757246655.png (1.64 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Wasn't she inpatient for like, 2 days? She's whining about it in her most recent post and how her hospital admission was such a horrible memory wah wah wah.
No. 330120
>>330109Because what's the point if you can't post 12x a day?
Supposedly her job is 7 days a week. I don't think she will stop though.
No. 330153
File: 1496765071400.jpg (137.94 KB, 670x367, Screenshot_20170606-100151.jpg)

An anon called it earlier. That not getting the job would be an excuse to relapse or never quit Instagram.
No. 330170
>>330153lol aly
so of course a man is gonna get her job, that probably didnt exist in the first place, and she'll be free to post pics of food until the end of time
No. 330173
>>330153Sometime employers will interview more people for the same job, hire one, and keep another people or two close by incase the person they hired doesn't work out. I've been a "second choice" before because the other person turned out to be a moron.
It's smart. But Aly wouldn't know because her brain is mush from zero veggie and a pure sugar diet.
No. 330210
>>330170I'd bet irl cash that she doesn't start a job. I don't think she was ever offered the one she claims she's been given. She's got no experience of retail yet she's claiming the boss was so into her working there she called to ask her to come back because he was stupid with his sexist comment. She says a "friend" works there. Well, she doesn't have any friends except Sonia who she rarely sees.
If I was a bitch (…) I'd post these screenshots to her new boss. I'm sure he'd love to read that she's slagging him off for being a misogynist all over instagram.
Predicting she's going to say that she hasn't signed the contract for #feminist reasons and all goes back to normal (whatever "normal" is for Aly).
No. 330224
>>330210She's setting a story up where she's all excited, saying good bye to her IG followers, "oh em gee I'm just a girl in a man's world being sexualized but watch me rise up", followers tell her good luck and she's "got this".
Now she's setting the mood where she's hinting about being replaced by a MAN. And the day comes where she's supposed to start work and quit IG and SURPRIZE she's been replaced because her thighs are too big and her stomach isn't flat and she's better off being a model.
No. 330351
File: 1496789575729.png (164.56 KB, 533x380, OH EM GEE.png)

Fruit??? W-w-what's going on???
No. 330499
File: 1496801406990.png (142.11 KB, 640x628, IMG_2570.PNG)

No. 330510
File: 1496803200816.png (1.54 MB, 1285x576, 10.6 bmi.png)

>>330500If I may add more beautiful poses. She should be a model
as the Face of Delusion &
Lunacy No. 330537
this post altogether, and especially that word, is the irrefutable proof I've been looking for that get English has been getting worse over the past year. Seeing STRENGHT makes my day more brighten (!)
No. 330579
File: 1496811137765.jpg (46.89 KB, 564x423, aly guiding light.jpg)

>>330517This is one thing that bugs me about the way she dresses herself. She definitely doesn't wear a skirt underneath that brown tunic top. She wears TOPS as dresses. At least she could buy one of those long length strappy t shirt tops and get away with it. I think they're meant for the beach, but I wear them in bed in summer (although I don't get them skin tight).
>>330537Misteaken has gone though. Sad. I'm looking forward to the return of her life being UNBEARABLE with joy and her eating a bomb (literally, heh).
>>330541Don't worry, she won't have eaten fruit. She's probably trying to get the hater comments about her eating crap to stop. Unless she means the raisins in the chocolate were the fruit?
I hope she doesn't leave instagram even if it's what she needs. I enjoy watching her descent into madness, her lies and delusions.
Our beautiful inspiring angle.
No. 330605
File: 1496815025517.jpg (100.31 KB, 552x551, please come back.jpg)

>>330590DANG! and if she drank from her FREAKIN LUSH Starbucks plastic cup (!) SPONTANEOUSLY CAREFREE!!!
Aw, I'm so happy Aly's thread was allowed back. I love the anons that post here because you make my life more brighten too ~emoji~ ~emoji~
No. 330704
File: 1496835593248.jpeg (200.18 KB, 639x992, image.jpeg)

She got around 5 comments but that's not enough for Recovery Kween Aly, so she reposted with the sperg-y first sentence.
No. 330723
File: 1496839470771.gif (988.53 KB, 500x272, giphy.gif)

>>330704>You "look" ok, but what about how you FEEL?You'd feel way better eating fruit, veggies and co., compared to the shit she "eats" daily. Aly you should try it.
>Freedom means to follow your stomachGirl…
No. 330753
File: 1496844903758.jpeg (42.4 KB, 640x902, image.jpeg)

What's the bet that she "lost her job due to a man"
No. 330789
File: 1496848152230.jpg (253.38 KB, 652x852, Screenshot_20170607-090341.jpg)

Everyone in the comment section is finally being real with her. Basically, dress codes are common and it has nothing to do with feminism.
No. 330793
File: 1496848308471.jpg (1 MB, 810x2869, 20170607_110859.jpg)

Her full post.
Well, we called it. Excuses for her not to take the job.
I work 80 hours a week and wear shit I hate but I never thought it made me less of a feminist.
She's a child.
No. 330795
File: 1496848368962.jpg (992.17 KB, 810x3859, 20170607_110932.jpg)

At least the comments are sane.
No. 330805
>>330795Except the one in Italian. It says that for someone with ed, who worked so hard to get back her real self and accept it, it could be harmful to "go back to schemes".
But she has to, if she ever wants to finish uni or get any job at all. I can't picture a job where she could get away with those clothes.
No. 330824
>>330793Sexist because they want her not to stand out as a sales person? Are the men allowed to go around in a red dress and with scarecrow hair?
I saw this kind of behaviour being the cause for the disparity in hiring between men and women in different kinds of restaurants, for example. More men work in high class restaurants and more women in cheaper places. One of the main reasons appears to be the unwillingness on average of women to look "anonymous" for higher-paying jobs. These kinds of places want the least amount of makeup, uniforms, simple haircuts and a low-key demeanour and men apparently are more likely to comply.
If she can't accept that a workplace isn't somewhere to express yourself through your appearance, but somewhere to earn money doing what you're told (within reason), then she's the one who's placing appearances above everything.
No. 330831
File: 1496850992384.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's "frail" because she's not mentally recovered at all. Any hint of brutal honesty and she crumbles.
No. 330851
>>330780I seriously thought this was sarcastic until I saw her post. wtf.
If her friend already works there shouldn't she know there's a dress code?
I'm also amazed that she's got the nerve to post all this shit about her employer (at a job she hasn't even started yet, no less). Accusing them of being sexist etc. Just no.
No. 330860
>>330851She's never had a job before, but it's incredible not knowing dress codes exist. Part of the reason some schools have uniforms is to get the idea that you have to be stripped of a personality in that setting because that's what happens in a workplace.
She's pathetic. Really.
No. 330866
File: 1496857186561.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Is she an Aly-coholic now?
No. 330887
File: 1496858736072.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170607-120446.png)

No. 330899
>>330887I wish I knew her in person so I could tell her to her face how absurd she's being and all her crying and self loathing could have been avoided if she had taken the job.
I think she's too addicted to asspats and Instagram. She could have been making all of this up honestly.
No. 330937
File: 1496862952521.png (136.07 KB, 640x974, IMG_2024.PNG)

I don't know if this was meant to be salty or not but my god is it gold ahahah
No. 330940
File: 1496863190446.png (220.03 KB, 640x937, IMG_5289.PNG)

first, i'm glad she recognizes she's still mentally fucked up. i do wish she'd recognize she's addicted to instagram attention though. second, she's already jumping to conclusions and it looks like she's staging a relapse. also, this (the comments shit) didn't happen (i feel like at this point it's a running gag to point out aly's delusions)
>it is not gonna arm you or kill you
for fuck sake girl it's HARM. does she really not know ARM (limb attached to your hand) from HARM (injury)?!
No. 330946
File: 1496863657423.jpg (14.25 KB, 357x263, mmm.jpg)

i just looked at the trip advisor for the Magnum store. Those things are €4 each!!
It'd be a bit like working at Subway, throwing things inside bread but throwing them on chocolate.
I prefer a Big Feast. Magnums are way overrated. Sorbets > ice cream anyway.
She NEVER answers questions. So many followers have asked about uni but she ignores it. I want to know if she's dropped out.
No. 330961
>>330940she always claims that people call her "cheesy"
what even is this post no one even commented this like yeah we get it, eating is good for you
>>330946i wanted to know about her uni too i can only assume shes dropped out because she was planning to work 7 days a week but is that story even true
No. 331259
File: 1496914431966.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Looks like she's running away to her boy's house. Bit early in the day for a "breakdown".
No. 331260
File: 1496914690826.png (265.38 KB, 639x1094, IMG_5354.PNG)

>>331259she made a bigger post out of this and it seems a bit different from her typical ~running away~ posts.
No. 331262
>>331260So she's just staying at her bfs place for the weekend?
>somehow I "lost" my mother tooDid Ma finally say no to taking pictures of her??
No. 331285
File: 1496921973188.png (751.26 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>331270She's already posted her breakfast cookies and this in her story.
No. 331353
File: 1496935811225.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170608-092858.png)

The rest was posted, might as well post this last one too.
No. 331372
>>331361The uniform thing is pretty funny too, because she made it seem like they wanted her to change into fully covering black robes. Like they just wanted her to put on some black pants and a profession looking top. She must wander through life completely out of it to not notice that most retail and service workers wear all black on the job.
Look around you Aly, there's a whole world outside of chocolate bars and Instagram.
How the boyfriend puts up with this, I will never know. He's young and could do without this constant manufactured drama I'm sure.
No. 331381
> like they wanted her to change into fully covering black robes.why isn´t she happy about this.
Black lets you appear skinnier.
No. 331385
>>331260What a fucking pathetic arsehole. Ma's sick of paying 4 euros a day for a fucking Magnum and donuts and all your fucking food? Awww.
Wow, getting on a train to see your boyfriend. If you was 15 I'd be impressed (almost) BUT YOU'RE FUCKING 21, ALY. Jesus, she makes me flip my fucking wig.
No. 331415
File: 1496948403705.png (653.13 KB, 639x1104, IMG_5367.PNG)

apparently pa beats her
No. 331421
>>331415Well then, why doesn't she be an adult, get a job and move out of his house.
Can you imagine the friction she causes in that house.
No. 331427
>>331415Abuse is messed up and getting hit is not ok. However, she's a grown adult. She had an opportunity to get a job and leave her parents house. But she refuses to change because she's so addicted to IG and her "blogger" lifestyle.
Most anons on here are frustrated with her batshit behavior. Imagine being her parents.
No. 331529
She lies, switches, exaggerates, and invents ridiculous things so much, I'm not not even inclined to believe this
>>331511, let alone this
I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth, just as I don't believe anything that supposedly comes into her mouth.
No. 331548
File: 1496964227234.png (813.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170608-171707.png)

She's been happily updating her Instagram stories all day instead of making posts as usual. Something for sure happened. Just don't know if it was really as dramatic as she made it seem.
Also, what is this a picture of, and what is she talking about?
No. 331848
>>331626I missed her commenting that she's perioding again. Remember when she was really prissy about periods?
I wonder who's taking the same old tacky pics of her and the boyfriend where she's climbing up him? Is his mother as thick as hers?
> No, I didn't starved, armed, punished myselfWhew, she didn't armed.
I still don't get how going to visit Whatshisname is a brave thing to do. She said she was going to visit before starting her "job".
No. 331925
File: 1497028577102.jpg (128.68 KB, 704x411, 170609-111121.jpg)

I feel really stupid for not realising this before. This whole "I ran away" thing is fake. She was planning to spend time with her boyfriend anyway, the weekend before her job started on the 17th. No matter what happened, she was going to Rome anyway. This fucking bitch got me…
No. 332036
>>331847not necessarily. Getting your period back after amenorrhea from an ED or other physical reasons doesn't guarantee that you'll be able to reproduce. It's like when your body still has a "period" while you're on birth control but it's not a real period in terms of the cycle/fertility etc.
sage for medical spiel
No. 332061
>>331892How spontaneous (!) and what a passion killer. Fannying around to get the phone just so, getting back in position to fake a kiss and hold still till the picture's taken.
She's writing as though she's not going back to Milan and setting up home with the bf. Does he know she's planning to stay?? If she isn't, does she think she is? Delusion?
No. 332184
>>332036Just because you are not menstruating does not mean you are not fertile. I know one woman who got pregnant at BMI 15 (no period) and another perhaps even lower than that (again no period). Don't ever think you are "too malnourished" to get pregnant, because it does happen. Use protection always.
sage - medical
No. 333291
File: 1497091402481.jpg (46.48 KB, 352x574, gah.JPG)

>>333290I don't get to see stories. Would kind anons please post screen shots of any that're particulary infuriating/attention seeking. Ta.
So "running away from home" really did mean she was just visiting her bf as planned. She mentions she needs to get back on track with eating. Wow, she needs to be around Ma to take her to donut shops to get something to eat? Was his food too representative of what society expects you to eat? Not #feminist enough?
Hate to say this because we don't even know him, but I'm really getting sick of the sight of his face. As sick of his face as of this pose every fucking time she's with him.
Has it really been TWO YEARS since her first overnight stay in hospital? Doesn't seem that long.
No. 333352
File: 1497105046556.jpg (862.48 KB, 803x1961, 20170610_092819.jpg)

>havent done hair or makeup
>dont care how i look in pictures
>havent checked social media
o k
No. 333361
File: 1497106129272.jpg (126.62 KB, 686x345, Screenshot_20170610-084530.jpg)

What responsibilities?
No. 333462
File: 1497123466470.png (157.86 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. "Hot blonde babe", she's such an icon for feminism.
No. 333521
File: 1497130291228.png (187.32 KB, 750x1133, IMG_5366.PNG)

She's reposting food photos like they're new. This Twix photo is from April, and she just posted it again today.
Same thing with the sea food pasta dish.
Does she do this to stay relevant or
Is she just flat out lying about what she eats.
No. 333627
>>333521I've not kept check on Aly today, but usually I take note of the post count. She usually deletes one before she reuploads it saying it's a new one.
If I could be arsed, I'd start taking shots of all the food and put dates on. I'll see how bored I am tomorrow.
Idk why she's lying about eating so much chocolate. Unless she she shares (eg has one half of a Kit Kat stick and gives the rest away/bins it/puts it back in the cupboard, she's not eating three bars a day. She'd have gained more than she has now if that's the case.
I want to ask Italian anons something. Is it usual for Italians to eat so much pasta? Aly's family seem to eat it all the time.
No. 333730
File: 1497182233997.jpeg (73.57 KB, 640x995, image.jpeg)

Bit early in the day for a breakdown.
No. 333759
File: 1497189766098.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-11-06-58-32…)

Of course the day is not complete if she doesn't complain about getting support eye roll A lot of people are just waking up in the u.s. AND she posts so damn much it's hard to figure out what she is ever talking about. Also, her anniversary was like 5 days ago, she can stop talking about it.
No. 333781
>>333759I'd say the true anniversary of her recover wad when that car hit her leg. Only after being on crutches and baking 109 cupcakes a dqy did she start to gain.
She was admitted again fir a day during those two years for "bad bloods" (ie faking eating her meal plan and "extras".
No. 333880
File: 1497203102048.jpg (545.48 KB, 1411x1359, Screenshot_20170611-114309.jpg)

Yes you dumb cunt. It's been 2 years you look recovered, get over it.
No. 333881
File: 1497203204168.png (982.03 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Gosh! Yes Aly. Ignoring the hair, makeup and manic grin, you look like a normal girl.
However you're clearly not mentally recovered at all, as you take that as an insult.
No. 333884
>>333627Not an Italian native, but I spent a month in Italy and I had a hard time finding a diverse selection of foods. Some areas had the occasional Indian restaurant but I never dared. I live in California, so finding Mexican, Chinese, Korean, Irish or even French food is easy as finding a McDonalds.
I actually went to a McDonalds in Florence just to get a burger because finding something other than pasta and pizza was a challenge.
This is just my experience as a tourist tho. Maybe I had bad luck.
Sage for blogpost
No. 333954
File: 1497210742506.png (649.71 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's an asshole.
No. 333973
File: 1497212748087.jpg (407.42 KB, 1410x1661, Ass.jpg)

>>333954Yep. She has to bring everyone down.
No. 334014
File: 1497217585552.png (177.1 KB, 750x1097, IMG_5380.PNG)

What kind of asshole bites into a candy bar like this? Makes me think she didn't really eat it.
Aside from children, most people take small bites as the tongue registers sweet tastes on the tip of the tongue. Certainly not a huge mouthful bite of chocolate. Ugh.
I am unfamiliar with eating disorders. Why would she lie about foods she eats like this? Is it because unhealthy foods = recovery in her mind? and salad eaters are just anachans who are obsessed with being skinny?
No. 334037
>>333954yeah you dont know what ocd is
its nothing to do with wanting to be perfect in pictures
No. 334062
File: 1497222932957.jpg (729.72 KB, 2896x2896, 20170611_171137.jpg)

>>334014She's always taken weird bites out of things. Like, most people break chocolate into squares and eat them in pieces…or eat from the end, not the side.
No. 334081
>>334014I'm impressed she took a bit and it didn't separate the chunks from each other. She must've bitten that really carefully because the pressure of a bite shoulde've broken the chocolate.
Thanks anons who answered the pasta question. I couldn't deal with that. Not at all. I'm not surprised pasta comes in different shapes. Something's needed to break the monotony.
No. 334314
>>334179Traditionally at lunch, pasta would be served in a small portion before a meat or fish main dish (il secondo).
Then dinner would be a lighter meal - soup, cold cuts, spreads, bread.
This is still the case throughout a lot of central and eastern Europe. Where I'm from, lunch was traditionally the bigger meal, and we often just have bread, cheese, and salad for dinner. But this is changing because it's hard to eat hot food during the day if you go to university or work (though most unis have a cheap mensa where students get hot lunch for a low price).
No. 334323
File: 1497265911296.jpeg (284.65 KB, 750x1095, image.jpeg)

She deleted her last post about drinking milkshakes for some reason.
Now she's completely contradicting herself here. I don't think anyone believes for one second she doesn't know how much she weighs.
No. 334355
File: 1497275059672.png (201.82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5418.PNG)

Have been watching her last few posts (she's been posting like 3-4, all 20 minutes apart, then deleting them again). No one is even commenting, let alone anyone calling her a fat pig.
Fuck this bitch is infuriating. She's so mentally deranged. Narcissistic. How does she keep spamming the same photos with the same captions day in and day out and not notice her follower count drop? Every time I go on my instagram there's 5 posts all from her, they all look the same I can't even tell them apart now.
No. 334356
File: 1497275076269.png (282.94 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170612-144323.png)

exhausted sigh
No. 334358
File: 1497275351963.png (99.95 KB, 1080x440, IMG_20170612_164437.png)

"life is too short to not recover fast"
It took her two years to reach a healthy weight. That's not very fast.
No. 334359
File: 1497275599342.png (217.13 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 334368
>>334361When she admits she's a healthy weight and drops the BMI 17 thing she's not going to have any content for her monotonous account.
Had she sacked the job thing then? She raved about it for days and now…nothing.
I can't see how she's going to keep her ~warrior~ act going. Is she going to keep posting pictures of chocolate for years?
No. 334390
File: 1497281626450.png (274.01 KB, 1080x1072, 20170612_103105.png)

>>334359so the person who called her a fat pig was apparently a women in irl but hey lets not make a big scene about it at all now
No. 334397
File: 1497282220033.png (13.48 KB, 294x109, screenshot 2017-06-12 17.38.19…)

>>334361But if recovery is more about smiles than about weight and if the psychological side comes before the "psychical" one (lol), then why is it so difficult for her to accept that she has a normal weight?
No. 334445
File: 1497288842292.png (1.12 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Aly-coholic is back!
No. 334453
>>334390You mean that demented little voice in your head screamed "fat pig"?
If a person screamed fat pig to me I'd just assume they smoked a lot crack. But I'm not fucking insane so I don't understand why she would even lie about this.
The desperate need for asspats and attention is severe.
No. 334471
File: 1497291964712.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1845.PNG)

>>334445She posted this 40 odd mins ago. Does Aly know what OCD is? And shit girl if you can't handle your alcohol, don't drink.
No. 334483
File: 1497293373152.jpg (397.44 KB, 895x1388, 2017-06-12-11-36-45-679.jpg)

>>334445She is getting drunk, and by drunk she means drinking a glass with dinner, because two years ago she was told by "hundreds" of Psychologists and by a "thousand" Doctors that she was lost. Her need for attention, asspats and to be viewed as the victim is just astounding.
No. 334489
File: 1497293985189.gif (1.41 MB, 380x380, youlookrecovered.gif)

No. 334554
>>334489Looks like she's pulling a guy off.
At least she's a classy alcoholic. Fancy cocktails instead of cans of cider. Got to be a pricey addiction she's nurturing (NOT)(!) there.
No. 334613
File: 1497310368761.png (97.58 KB, 1080x380, 20170612_183035.png)

>>334471yeah thats not ocd aly
No. 334663
File: 1497312974729.png (162.47 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1821.PNG)

>>325480Bomb has been planted.
No. 334728
>>334613OCDs doesn't even make sense. How can one disorder be a plural? Shouldnt it be "my compulsions"?She needs something more ~dramatic~ to hold anyone's attention. All she's doing is still ritualizing eating behaviours mixed with anxiety. I fucking hate self diagnosis people.
At least she's got a couple of days content to sperg about with that "hater" comment.
No. 334776
>>334613>>334616>>334622>>334728She's totally blowing up the OCD(s) shit as a replacement for the ED. She's figured out that she's not interesting if she's recovered. Same reason she's pretending she doesn't know her weight so she can keep saying her bmi is "around 17" and bitching when anyone says she looks recovered. OCD is another attention grab.
Tbh she should just pretend to have anxiety instead since at least that would match what she's describing.
The plural OCDs instead of compulsions gives me an OCD to smack her.
No. 334829
>>334776I wish I'd screencapped a caption where she mentioned weighing herself/something to do with scales that implies she weighs herself. One of the many shitty things about her 13 times a day posts is not having the will to trawl through all that crap to find it.
It's sad to think that her next appointment will be her last. She's so fucked up and it's all festering. So now she's nurturing her OCDs (!) and alcoholism/fancy cocktail dependence. I see her being a future hoarder. Idk why. If a docu's made about her as a hoarder we'll see that Starbucks plastic cup and she'll say it's what started her problem (that and her awful relationship with her dad and "society").
So pissed off we don't get to see any of the scenery at these places she visits. Dumb Aly sitting on a rock pretending to be a mermaid. Pft.
No. 334890
File: 1497347494582.png (296.44 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170613_124658.png)

Really? Are you sure that you really don't give a shit, Aly? Because this "posting every negative comment on stories and talking about it for two days" thing doesn't seem like that.
That comment posted here earlier is still up btw, wonder why she didn't delete that one.
No. 334897
File: 1497349767313.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.06 KB, 557x643, bleck.JPG)

>>334890If she doesn't give a shit about critics then I'll post this and say her hair is so disgusting I almost retched at this.
TW because that hair is ready for infestation (if it isn't already).
No. 334929
File: 1497356065819.jpg (162.95 KB, 703x1124, 19181841_1172590179553383_1496…)

>>334663Yawn. This is so predictable it's not even fun.
Of course this bitch never hides poster's names so that people can reply to them and defend ALY'S BRAVE RECOVERY
fist emoji No. 334935
>>334929I love the "if you don't like her don't follow her" answer under that. If we keep going this way, humans will become so soft-spined we'll just extinguish ourselves by simply never striving for anything harder than rolling out of bed to reach our phones and post on Instagram to our loving followers.
It's a lost cause. Either this woman meets someone who tells her that she needs to get her act together, or she'll just sink lower and lower and blame anything but herself for her state in life. I do wonder what sort of shrink would consider her recovered, when she's just replaced one addiction for another.
No. 334947
File: 1497360897648.jpg (254.48 KB, 1047x706, Screenshot_20170613-093220.jpg)

this is one of her more hilarious aly-isms to date.
You could easily make a bot to spit out her """inspirational""" rants. I get deja vu with nearly every post. One part guilt trip, one part fatty food, one part screaming about wearing skimpy clothes.
No. 334956
File: 1497363098262.png (54.04 KB, 1500x1175, l380RBo.png)

>>334935She thinks she knows everything and stomps her feet if anyone challenges her reasoning.
This is one challenge I'd accept though
>>334947 Mmmm, I could just do with a good mint fap.
Her English has hit rock bottom. What does this even mean
>Write like you've nothing to hide: I DO AM RECOVERING even if not deadly thin. So what?There's a book on my kindle that I cba to read (free download, so…) called "Almost Anorexic". I googled to see if it was worth reading and nah, but seems some people CAN be more anorexic than others?, as I post I notice a comment calling her out on saying everyone's a hater. Nice work.
No. 334957
File: 1497363152307.jpg (37.13 KB, 309x309, hater.JPG)

aaand here's the hater comment
No. 334959
File: 1497363351721.jpg (97.37 KB, 930x594, deja vu.JPG)

Here's proof that she uses the same pics. I've saved her chocolate the past two weeks.
exhibit 1 TODAY
No. 334960
File: 1497363378230.jpg (95.87 KB, 932x666, butterfinger.JPG)

No. 334988
File: 1497368760657.jpg (348.16 KB, 1388x826, Screenshot_20170613-093941.jpg)

She's not going to talk about her ed guys…for just a couple days.
No. 334994
File: 1497369458693.png (515.51 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

but.. she is fucking insane.
No. 334995
>>334988AS YOU MIGHT HAVE NOTICED, you might have seen. Perhaps you've noticed. I don't always talk about food. Just myself.
I don't know if you NOTICED. Excuse you.
No. 335002
File: 1497370231027.png (47.88 KB, 753x623, yikes.PNG)

Because I have no life…This is what she claims to have eaten so far today.
No. 335040
File: 1497376127259.jpg (80.01 KB, 860x260, 2017-06-13-10-35-01-983.jpg)

I don't understand how she can mix up the words harm and arm the way she does and not realize it when she has been speaking English for so long. Her stupidity and lack of awareness fucking triggers me.
No. 335048
File: 1497376784144.png (393.09 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

yikes. she's crazy sensitive.
No. 335075
>>335057any sort of comment which is it overwhelmingly positive gets called out for
triggering the recovery queen; i have to assume that most of those nauseating comments are due to her manipulation. ofc it would be easier to just say nothing but then she screams about not having support soooo. i don't know if she acts so childish in real life, this binary "if it's not asspats it's hatred and criticism" but based on what she posts it seems like everybody kind of lets her get away with it, probably more so when she was so sickly. maybe she's getting more desperate for """support""" on instagram because she's being pushed to grow up a bit and get a job and be evaluated not for her personality and not on how thin she is
No. 335101
>>335075i would guess people are kind to her because theyre not paying attention like we get irritated because we see what shes doing
i wonder what her end game is but i dont think she thinks that far ahead you know. is the job thing just done with now? did it ever exist? has she ever fully eaten a kitkat? who knows lol
No. 335276
File: 1497402983624.png (288.74 KB, 1073x1142, 20170613_201504.png)

No. 335390
>>335002Don't feel bad about doing this. I'm the anon who's started taking shots of her chocolate and collects crying faces on ig.
This is interesting. I didn't know Bounty bars had so few calories unless that's only one half of it.
Okay, so she's not eating all that chocolate. Breakfast is probably without the biscuits. She can't get away with not eating/drinking when her mum's there.
I'm thinking perhaps Ma lets her skip the pasta they all eat some times because she's happy she's eating (NOT!) all that chocolate.
She's definitely not packing away almost 2000 calories on crap AND eating regular meals.
>>335276How does she not get bored with Instagram? She's been doing it for YEARS. I've tried to get into instagram, but it's so dull and I don't like pics of me (because who cares?) so I only used it to write messages to friends and there's facebook for that.
Today she won't be on instagram. NOT! First post will be breakfast cookies while she's "waiting" for her boy to arrive. Pics of them at Amsterdam chips and lots of her mounting him, ending with apologies why she hasn't posed much (10 pictures). She'll say she doesn't need him, she needs to love herself.
>>335224That looks like the shit google translate comes out with. ASMRmania, one of the Russians, taught herself English using google translate and she speaks the way Aly writes. (Only it's cute with the ASMR woman).
Really going to make a bingo card tonight. Then compare it to the old ones. We can track her life developments (hahahahahahahaetc) with the use of Aly Bingo.
I wish you all a royal Wednesday, girls.
No. 335395
File: 1497432420854.jpeg (182.14 KB, 632x947, image.jpeg)

>>335390A royal Wednesday indeed, anon. That was uncanny!
No. 335396
>>335395I'm actually Aly. Just waiting for my boy with a hand of donnies. Lol.
Ugh. I feel more swimwear shoots are imminent. Saints preserve us from this vanish girl.
No. 335462
File: 1497447979189.png (111.55 KB, 1080x353, 20170614_084440.png)

>>3353902nd bfast with boy rn thanks for the constant updates aly
2 or 3 swim pics today?
No. 335466
File: 1497449851112.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-14-07-15-20…)

And we've got our first swim suit picture!
No. 335470
Maybe I'm going insane by osmosis, I thought she meant she smears her hand with mint and then faps.
No. 335475
File: 1497451652736.jpg (255.94 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20170614-154423_1.j…)

the worst part about saint Aly's body positivity spiel is that she thinks we can't tell how painfully obvious it is that she's sucking her stomach in for this photo
No. 335479
File: 1497452018062.jpg (149.85 KB, 1404x366, Screenshot_20170614-085015.jpg)

>>335475Nuh uh…she had no time to pose anon!
Plus, that's not what stretch marks look like. That is cellulitis.
No. 335481
>>335475>>335479Yeah, I thought all the way along that she meant stretch marks that're hidden, but she obviously means the deposits of cellulite. I mean, fine, cellulite is cellulite, but PLEASE acknowledge these aren't stretch marks and it's CELLULITE.
>>335478So her boyfriend gets back a girlfriend who was slowly killing herself by anorexia, and not he gets a healthy weight one. Should be good, but CHRIST this obsession with instagram.
No. 335496
File: 1497454271365.jpg (130.88 KB, 1218x483, 20170614-092520.jpg)

I just saw this from yesterday. I don't think she meant it like this. Funny it's true. All she has is tight skirts and no life.
No. 335553
File: 1497461521897.png (574.37 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20170614_0005.png)

Christ. It's like Groundhog Day.
No. 335561
File: 1497461935994.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170614-103417.png)

"She could find time" kek
No. 335577
>>335557Me too.
When she mentions him it's never how caring, compassionate, humorous, intelligent, etc he is. It's all about her and how her recovery"won him back" so here's some smoochy pics to show how solid our relationship is.
Tbh he sounds a bit of a dick with being jealous if she worked around men. I hope they don't breed.
No. 335602
File: 1497465782770.jpg (1.01 MB, 1304x2174, 0170614-123624.jpg)

I think it's interesting she mentioned this is an old picture of the same candy she's eating at the pool. Why?? She might as well start posting stock photos of food. It's just as effective.
No. 335603
File: 1497465999447.jpg (1.16 MB, 1418x2170, 0170614-124348.jpg)

Samefag…but come on!!! You did not make that tonight! We've seen this before! It's making me crazy
No. 335614
>>335461"Donnies" is almost as
triggering as FitVeganGinger's "nanas" and "cukes". Christ. Why are these ana girls mannerisms all so terribly alike? Just compare FVG and Aly and it could virtually be the same girl from their social media posts.
No. 335646
File: 1497473901896.jpg (969.5 KB, 810x1953, 20170614_155619.jpg)

>>335481who took this? like self timer i guess
No. 335866
File: 1497534505800.jpg (309.08 KB, 803x807, 20170615_084711.jpg)

haha good luck dealing with aly
also guess the "job" is done with
No. 335916
File: 1497547587908.png (315.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-15-10-22-18…)

No aly, you shouldn't wear that dress because it's not a fucking dress…it's a long shirt. I would bet money on this job isn't going to happen since she hasn't mentioned it at all. Hopefully people will ask come June 17th.
No. 335924
>>335916when she walks it must ride up pretty badly
alys rules of overcoming an ed are basically
>eat junk food everyday >eat 2 breakfasts>dress like a slut >date boys who are only interested in your body>judge anyone who wants to eat vegetables No. 335928
>>335916Well good thing she filled up on junk food(and not fruits and veggies)so she doesn't pass out from the heat.
Fuck me… such a warrior for girl's health. We should all strive to be goddesses like aly.
No. 335933
>>335916shit like this makes me question if she ever got any legit therapy. like surely if she did, someone would have mentioned at some point some of the other psychological shit that goes along with EDs? she basically acts like anorexia is the same as a diet, and that recovering is equal to not dieting. which is dumb af bc diets AREN'T necessarily a bad thing and most people who diet never get anorexia, and also anorexia is much more complex than "eating only fruit because it's summer" or "wanting to wear a tight dress that is a size 0" or whatever she's on about at the moment.
it just sounds stupid because obviously her ED was way more than a diet gone too far, and she's clearly fucked in the head even if she doesn't have OCD(s).
same as her "i'm a feminist" claims making no sense when her main reasons for recovery are shit like "attract a man and grow big boobs".
she would be able to fake all of this much more convincingly if she would just write short captions instead. one ~inspirational quote and done. no one would catch on to how thick she actually is.
No. 335945
>>335933 see this
>>328613 I think that's the problem. She believes social media is a great tool for recovery. Maybe it can be, but Aly is taking too far and completely the wrong way, and no one seems to be helping her now.
No. 335998
File: 1497555582707.png (286.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-15-12-37-40…)

Is this a joke? This better be a joke.
No. 336037
File: 1497558851937.jpg (105.48 KB, 927x592, mars protein.JPG)

>>335998recovering emily might be wanting to start nurturing some dreadlocks.
Aly's great at purging chocolate. It comes up exactly as it looked before she chewed!
1/2 Sometime during the past two weeks…
No. 336040
File: 1497558949742.jpg (107.04 KB, 926x679, snickers protein again.JPG)

and today she ate the exact same bar. Amazing!
No. 336043
File: 1497559141824.jpg (103.01 KB, 911x673, protein snickers.JPG)

>>336037Complicated, but the first image of Mars should be this, so she DID use the same picture.
No. 336362
>>336148Remember when she was called put on using a really old pic of a cafe from her other account? This was a couple of years ago! She said, oh I'm in this cafe with Ma, then someone said, hey you used thus a million years ago on alice_Eleanor. Then she was all, um, um, I didn't say it was NOW, but it's the same place. She's been doing this so long.
How much of what she says is fabricated? What do we know for sure about her. All that's kosher is she's Italian, lives with her family and has a bf. The rest could be totally made up. Most of her life is lies. That's bizarre.
No. 336372
>>336042What the….it's actually more disturbing that they're different bars, than if it had been the same picture. The precision is ridiculous, Aly is
fucked up.
No. 336378
>>336376The way she used to arrange breakfast years ago with that chipped saucer with the chip pointing in the same direction every day screamed OCD.
Same as you, I think she has some OCD too, but it's the kind where things have to be in a particular place, like when people have to keep lining up ornaments and shit. I wonder if she gets
triggered if she doesn't arrange her feed the way it normally is (food, me, food, me) because she has to delete.
It's something that hasn't improved and she needs help with it. It'd be interesting if she COULD write the raw details. Even the pics of her jumping on the bf might be part of it? I'd actually begin to feel a twinge of empathy for her if she was honest about it and didn't use terms like "my OCDs".
No. 336407
File: 1497615061360.png (1.27 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Boo hoo, nobody left a comment on her picture so she's having a breakdown.
No. 336415
>>336407She does this every time when her boyfriend goes. She's so dependent on other people it's sad.
>>336412I'd go with OCD. She looks too shit and doesn't do anything to challenge herself to be a perfectionist. It's not like she's achieved anything in her life intellectually or creatively. There's a problem though, whatever it's connected to.
No. 336426
File: 1497618390809.jpeg (481.62 KB, 1271x1900, image.jpeg)

Somebody sort of called her out on the reposting food.
No. 336428
>>336426Aw, I wanted to read all of that.
She must know this is the truth. I think she does know and that's why we'll get a black screen today. Betchya.
No. 336430
File: 1497619186900.jpg (101.78 KB, 673x677, yisssss.JPG)

BRILLIANT! (but lies)
and the Stans say nooo please don't let the haters stop you, you're so inspiring and beautiful!!!!
No. 336433
>>336430As soon as I read that post I was like "yep sure Aly"
I guess I'm a few hours then, Cue another long rant about she's not gunna stop showing her body just because the haterzzzz say mean things. Then cue 13 photos of her from the pool yesterday. Such feminism, much recovery… no self awareness.
No. 336435
>>336433I give it a few hours*
Can't brain worth shit today.
No. 336444
>>336433why does she think going private will do shit
shes so unstable its awkward like post about how you dont care what people think, that youre proud to be "fat" but then buckle over comments every other day
also it irritated me how she pretended to be anxious about wearing that bikini but you just know she thinks she beautiful and wanted to show off
No. 336486
>>336378The problem with Anorexia and OCD is that a lot of Anorexic behaviours surrounding food can become very ritualistic, it doesn't mean that the recovered person has OCD.
Given that Aly's life (or what she chooses to share on instagram) is literally all related to food and anorexia in one way or another, we have no way to know if she has 'The OCDs' or if its a by product of obsessive Ana behaviour.
No. 336492
File: 1497623006434.png (228.45 KB, 1080x1132, 20170616_102146.png)

Someone put that on a bumper sticker. So feminist (!)
There's no way she's still underweight. How long is she going to be in denial?
No. 336509
She needs to stop sucking her stomach in because it makes her look like she's in the first trimester. If she didn't suck in then she'd look normal, but it's giving her a weird outline. Front on she looks fine, then from the side deformity.
>>336492Yeah, she's healthy weight now. At the low end of "normal", but not underweight. She'll look better when her face isn't bloated and she fills out all over a bit, but there's no problem with her weight now. She's using it as an excuse not to do things (ie rent a place with her "boy", paying rent with money she hasn't got).
No. 336559
>>336550During times when I'm feeling evil I want to comment on her #transformation photo, "Congrats on the weight loss". It's like those moments when you fantasise about knifing someone you hate. You wouldn't do it in reality*.
(*only if really pushed)
No. 336772
>>336588I think Aly is a great cow and her personality is intolerable, but I really hate bringing her weight into it. It's a known fact that recovering anorexics have an awkward period. She is going to look weird for awhile until the weight redistributes. That can take years, no matter what you're eating. She's going to have a temporary stomach - it's how refeeding goes. She's probably constipated too. Her diet is partially to blame for that.
I personally think she's purging or chew/spitting. The strangest part of her body is her face.
No. 336823
File: 1497672532454.png (130.51 KB, 1420x170, thinktobeawoman.png)

No. 336926
File: 1497691902970.jpg (187.9 KB, 348x490, vanish woman.jpg)

Blocked by Aly for the 7th time for questioning how long she was ip.
Tbh, I've needed a break from looking at her feed. Her face gets too much, and all the other BS.
No. 336945
File: 1497695362457.jpeg (94.65 KB, 750x750, image.jpeg)

Does she really even think this is flattering
No. 336967
File: 1497700516670.jpeg (96 KB, 614x555, 1497700475042.jpeg)

No. 336969
File: 1497700913150.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2588.PNG)

No. 337001
>>336926You got blocked for asking this question?
Tf…I thought being ip was one of her favourite topics.
because ***~~~speshulll~~~*** you know
No. 337007
>>336991I remember there was even a song about people who are kissing in public and it took the piss about how they were "exchanging chewing gum". I think it was early nineties. We probably have more public display of affection than some other places, I would expect most places would turn a blind eye to that kind of show so long as it didn't go on too long and no one complained, and I'd definitely expect most people to just roll their eyes rather than go to the management.
Certainly, I've been surprised at how much more likely other countries I visited are to have someone (usually an older lady) complain for this sort of thing, were it to happen.
No. 337029
File: 1497714970338.png (32.2 KB, 268x267, IMG_5420.PNG)

>>336945I don't know why her faces bother me so much. It's sort of like when you have a family member who has to flip the bird in every photo. It's funny the first couple of times but then you just want it to stop.
No. 337039
File: 1497716583606.jpg (67.72 KB, 800x800, swimming-pool-rules.jpg)

>>337001Yup. For asking that question.
I think she likes people to think she was at a treatment centre for a long time because ~muh struggles~ and so her recovery is even more amazing in her eyes.
>>336997I can't swim, but when I was having lessons (obv didn't work), they had a modernised version of img pic on the wall!
I was also thinking rules are more lax where she is because if there're kids around in swimming suits you can't have cameras. Parents can't take pics of their kids having lessons. The issue's with them taking pics that're going to have other peoples kids in shot because of peedos.
I've never complained about PDAs. There's a couch in one coffee chain that me and sig other call "the shagging couch" because whoever's sitting on it always gets carried away. It must be on a ley line or something.
Idk, I think if you make a point of having to demonstrate physical intimacy in public (like Aly does) it screams insecurity. A full on kiss goodbye or something I understand, but with her he's like a prize or she's saying look how incredibly loved up we are.
No. 337041
>>337029Angry Boys vidya for you anon!
That comb over's getting worse.
No. 337043
File: 1497716952305.jpeg (1.37 MB, 2896x2896, 1497716653546.jpeg)

>>337029Her mouth/teeth looks weird when she does this thing.
No. 337051
File: 1497717790605.jpg (34.75 KB, 500x151, plz.jpg)

>>337043Her eyeliner is also so, so
triggering. I don't expect her to be a fantastic makeup artist, but it's really not difficult to wing your eyeliner by following the natural curve of your lower lid. Pic related– and sorry, I drew on a trackpad.
I just don't get it.
No. 337054
File: 1497718530659.png (316.04 KB, 909x570, mintfap.png)

No. 337056
File: 1497718692720.jpg (388.78 KB, 1419x1026, Screenshot_20170617-105642.jpg)

Who wants to bet the surprise is her in a bikini?
No. 337070
File: 1497720287563.png (738.59 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2603.PNG)

No. 337121
File: 1497726734557.jpg (1.29 MB, 1331x1950, Screenshot_20170617-125700.jpg)

Interesting how she mentions her pizza shoots always look the same.
So do your candy shoots, and boyfriend shoots.
No. 337135
>>337121That's in my folder under spinach pizza. I need to improve my leaf knowledge. It's on my laptop though, but it really is the same one.
>>337069 Alys the kind of person who's say they had a gift for you and when you open it it's a framed photo of herself.
No. 337157
>>337155I buy packets of rocket for salad. Can't imagine cooking hot food with it.
Why would anyone lie about eating pizza when they didnt? Freak.
No. 337158
>>337155ive had arugula on pizza before a few times. its not bad. and lightly wilted on pasta. its ok.
>>337157you must be new
No. 337159
>>337158God no. Been here since the beginning. I thought she'd changed her ways to some extent. It was obvious why she was pretending to eat when she was a spoop, but now I don't see why she doesn't post what she IS eating because she's gaining weight. Her real dinner isn't aesthetically pleasing enough? She's a compulsive liar? Pizza gives her asspats? All of those things?
I bet she eats baked beans out of a tin irl. With a plastic fork.
No. 337405
>>337114>I'm shocked how many healthy eating focused recovery accounts she follows though with her whole clean eating = eating disorder belief.Interesting. What if (sage for wild speculation) she's become orthorexic? A lot of those ex-ana's who endorse "healthy eating" use it as an excuse for continuing disordered behaviour, and have just traded anorexia for orthorexia.
Maybe Aly is doing the same. When she used to be anorexic, she posted pictures of all sorts of food she didn't eat. Now she may be following some raw vegan diet shit and gorging on watermelons while posting pics of all the candy she doesn't eat, and the occasional fast food she also never touches.
It would make sense. She did that kind of thing before. She'd still be obsessively posting food because she's still restricting in a way. She'd still be thin because she really doesn't eat any of that chocolate. But she'd be weight restored because she does eat something, and puffy in the face from all that water from the imbalanced diet.
No. 337504
File: 1497793349040.png (23.67 KB, 334x68, 1.png)

Which one of you did this kek
No. 337519
>>337504It wasn't me. If I wasn't blocked I would said she looks ~
trigger~ BMI 19.
(She actually does tho).
No. 337525
>>337159>>337157i feel like she reposts food for the same reason she posts so many photos of the same outing/meal. in both cases she sees it like a photoshoot, and takes a bunch of pictures until she has the one (or several) she likes, and then she milks that for several posts/days. i think she might really be eating the same pizzas over and over (she's a SUPER repetitive eater, always has been, and maybe in a way her "donnies" and "mint faps" are a new version of safe foods for her). she's just not taking pics every time bc she's lazy af.
>>337043those faces tho. she makes me want to punch something. the most annoying part is how she won't stop banging on about not posing, not doing things to fit "society" or be "beautiful and classy". liiiiike girl you're posing so HARD. just admit that you want attention for your looks. it's the most authentic part of who you are.
i can't imagine working that hard for a photo and still ending up looking like such a dated, sloppy mess. i also don't get how she even manages to look so dated and poorly done? her look is what i would expect from a middle aged divorcee who is trying to get back into the dating game but all her go-to fashion choices are way behind the times and she's out of practice at makeup. aly's only 21, how can she be so out-of-touch already?
it's crazy how much more aspirational her life used to look even when she was drinking out of that rank starbucks cup and looked like she was dying. her presentation and effort get worse and worse the harder she tries to stay relevant.
No. 337543
>>337525> i also don't get how she even manages to look so dated and poorly done…how can she be so out-of-touch already?This is something that really baffles me. I see females with curly hair all the time but they don't look so 90s with it. Is like she's from space and she was given a bunch of old fashion and beauty magazines to read and she has to follow what the articles say. Her clothes are appalling. If the iron curtain hadn't have fallen, it'd be understandable if the Soviets were wearing this awful crap, but she's in the fashion capital of the world!
You can't even tell who her early role models were. Like, I learned about make up and clothes by copying pictures of Siouxsie Sioux. Don't most young girls do that with a particular musician/actress? She just can't do clothes and I can't even think of any cow on these boards who dresses so terribly.
Anywaaay, I was on the bus earlier coming home and I had this thought - every single minute of the day Aly must be thinking about Instagram. Spooky.
No. 337551
>>337542I try not to believe everything she posts. Even her "personal" account has been edited to show how "good" she's doing to get her boyfriend back.
Here is my theory, and I'm sure others have said this. She claims to be a body positive feminist, who believes clean eating and exercise give you an eating disorder because that is what happened to her. So, in her mind, doing the opposite must be recovery. Que the sweets. Believe it or not, orthorexia is officially her diagnosis. It was said in the Italian tv program featuring her and her doctors. Was it an accurate diagnosis? Who knows? a lot of people here don't think Italy has their shit together when it comes to treating eating disorders.
No. 337554
File: 1497802047529.jpg (1.05 MB, 1304x1893, 100241.jpg)

>>337543Agree, this dress came direct from the 80s. I can see Cyndi Lauper wearing it.
No. 337557
File: 1497802231929.jpg (30.78 KB, 350x350, kylieeeee.jpg)

>>337551I stopped believing
anything she posts a long time ago. Her lies are going to get worse as time goes on because she embellishes her past so much (two days on a medical ward is made to sound like months tubed at a treatment centre, her dad was the reason for her disorder but now it's because her high "bad" cholesterol wasn't explained to her properly, and on and on).
She swore that she wouldn't leave home because she fears her bro's going to get a thrashing from Pa C, and now she's planning to find somewhere with her boyfriend.
I wouldn't be surprised if the boyfriend turned out to be someone she paid to pretend to be her bf.
>>337554Holy ra ra skirt Batman!
No. 337558
File: 1497802398668.jpg (79.05 KB, 500x703, lol.jpg)

See! She's been given a catalogue from the 80s! She even does the ice cream poses they do!
No. 337561
File: 1497803074828.jpg (32.94 KB, 899x200, 2017-06-18-09-10-59-923.jpg)

>>337305She won't respond though.
No. 337584
File: 1497807396633.png (529.37 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

They have a point, but it's not kissing her ass so it's obvs a "dumb hater". I don't even understand her response. 'The situation'? Ugh.
No. 337587
>>337584What were the last #win-s? Situation? I'm going to do online thesaurus and try to figure out what she means. WHAT AM I SAYING WHY AM I EVEN TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ALY???
Love the comment underneath though
>when someone ask me what is yur rolemodel i don't say a anfelina jolie or a singer i always say aly from instagram.Are these people taking the piss? Please tell me they are.
No. 337600
File: 1497810414346.jpg (293.13 KB, 1347x659, Screenshot_20170618-122359.jpg)

Really? I thought they called you back and you turned it down because of dress code?
No. 337630
File: 1497815589038.jpg (183.33 KB, 1386x2214, Screenshot_20170618-134813.jpg)

A little late in the day for black out posts…
No. 337631
>>337630holy shit, she's literally saying that she feels like a failure because she didn't get enough attention on social media
how can she not realize that something is really wrong with that??
No. 337641
>>337630so manipulative
blaming others for your self harm is gross
No. 337674
File: 1497822869966.jpg (1.16 MB, 1382x2198, Screenshot_20170618-155219.jpg)

>>337630 Nevermind guys.. she's better now with over 20 comments on that black out post.
No. 337681
File: 1497825264952.png (7.89 KB, 276x183, AA312BEF-1848-4C93-A274-971D08…)

>>337630Jesus Christ. How long is this going to keep happening? And seriously how are people still enabling this obviously disordered behaviour?! Aly you aren't a whiny teeny bopper, this shit just looks sad and pathetic. I've never seen a "recovery account" that does as well as Aly's cry for attention and blame ours for their own stupid behaviours like this. She's a train wreck I can't look away from.. sage for small rant
No. 337696
>>337674Wtf does her shirt say here?
Before she deleted the black, other commenters were encouraging her to stop worrying about comments and social media. She ignored them of course.
So is the job just..gone? Is she ever going to do anything with her life? Volunteering? Mentoring? Hobbies? Talents? School?
No. 337832
File: 1497860179583.jpg (2.93 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_2265.jpg)

>>337696I googled the words I could see and google image gave me this t shirt.
I think her life's going to be miserable. I can't see her boyfriend putting up with her if they live together. She's too selfish to do anything voluntarily (even though this would give her an asspat from me), she dropped out of uni and she has no hobbies/talents. She doesn't even seem to want to learn about something to develop a hobby.
No. 337850
>>337846If that job existed, if she'd taken it despite a sexist boss (fictional or not), to work in that environment would've done more for equal rights than turning it down because she can't go to work looking like a clown. Fight the enemy from the inside and all that.
As with everything about her, Aly's knowledge of #feminism is very shallow. Read some Dworkin, bitch.
No. 337892
File: 1497880379485.jpg (1.02 MB, 810x3027, Screenshot_20170619-095052.jpg)

1. She has mentioned she has a job again…what?
2. It's her mother's birthday and she's posing out in front of the cafe like an idiot. With a candled cupcake.
No. 337900
File: 1497882548688.jpg (476.08 KB, 2896x2896, _082700.jpg)

She talked about arming herself yesterday, someone reports it, she makes fun of them. I hate this bitch so much.
I included the Google translate
No. 337904
>>337900So she mentions self arm and gets reported, but all the hardcore mutilators I've reported never get a warning?? Worse still, we reported her for promoting anorexia when she was skeletal and didn't get a warning but now she does?? Ig is fucked up.
The fact she's posted the warning confirms that the other hundreds of pics "instagram deleted" of hers weren't taken down by them or else she would've been taking the piss like this.
Feeling great, eh. Obviously not if you wanted to hurt yourself…unless that was just an attention seeking stunt hm?
No. 337908
>>337905It's good that a survivor of any illness, mental or physical, can feel proud that they worked at it to not lose hope, put up with all the crap involved etc etc. BUT there comes a point where you've got to say, okay that was a blip, time to move on.
I know that taking a year off uni like she did would be a bit of a bitch having to retake the year, but she didn't bother sticking with it.
I know plenty of dull people out there, but no one as dull as Aly. Not one interest. How is that possible?
No. 337928
File: 1497889545597.png (1.46 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Can't even let her mum blow out her own birthday candle without somehow relating it to ~muh recovery~
No. 337935
>>337668She came in with an older woman who I assume was her mother (I've never seen a pic of her though so cant say with certainty), but she left halfway through when she'd finished her food. As far as Aly? Umm she looks a lot shorter than I'd imagine her to be from her IG pics - didn't look like she was at deaths door but definitely a thin girl.
Think that's about all I got. She was in a world of her own.
No. 337949
File: 1497894198906.jpg (6.41 KB, 300x168, say yes say yes.jpg)

>>337938Dear God, I'm sorry I never believed in you but if you show me a sign, eg this is Dante posting, I will give my soul and all that to you. Thanks and Amen.
No. 337953
File: 1497894702971.jpg (90.14 KB, 1089x553, Capture.JPG)

I just scrolled down Ma C's timeline and noticed this. Aly's been making a big deal about buying a bikini and being seen wearing a bikini and she wore one last August.
No. 337966
File: 1497896385403.png (79.22 KB, 155x275, snek.png)

No. 337985
>>337928Haha wow what a self centered cunt.
I can't believe her mom enables her so much.
No. 338169
File: 1497928536389.jpg (611.85 KB, 1052x1226, Screenshot_20170620-125445.jpg)

How long was she taking photos of this cupcake? The candle has melted all over it. Not to mention it look shorter here than in her photo with Ma where they were both 'blowing it out', so was she lighting and re-lighting the candle for photos? Probably.
No. 338270
File: 1497946696584.jpg (458.52 KB, 1037x1124, Screenshot_20170620-181553.jpg)

Wait, work? I thought she didn't take the job?
No. 338349
File: 1497968931386.png (1.98 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170620-081807.png)

She's just gonna stock up on those shirts huh? There's another one hanging behind her.
For the newbies,in case you wonder, she teaches English. I actually wasn't sure if she still did that.
No. 338364
>>338349Looks like she's tucked the dress under to make it shorter. I'd love if she was a serial shoplifter and she stuck those tops in her bag. Winona style meltdown.
>>338298That's what I reckon.
No. 338371
File: 1497972693097.jpg (569.54 KB, 1072x1523, Screenshot_20170620-112802.jpg)

So feminist and so ana (!) Accepting random food from men. I'm sure her ~ultra protective~ boyfriend will love this!
When I get cat called crudely, I give a dirty look at best, and flip them off at my worst. I don't accept their gifts…wtf Aly.
No. 338373
>>338371That's another #recoverywin! How wonderful to have random nobheads objectifying your body while out with a bloated stomach!
Yeah, I don't take kindly to any kind of cat calling. Not because ~uh muh feminism~ but because it's tacky and dated.
Nah, not believing her anyway. What's a guy doing carrying ice creams around with him? Maybe he was doing that thing where there's a promotion going on and you get a free mini size can of soda or snacks or something.
No. 338378
>>338375>>338371I have a feeling he's the jealous type because he knows she's a cheater.
A little while back she told the story of how they became a couple. Basically, she had a boyfriend (different guy). They went to a party and got drunk. She made out with her now current boyfriend(Roberto), the guys get into a fight. Her boyfriend at the time forgave her. But, she never stopped seeing Roberto. So she broke up with old boyfriend. And I guess Roberto lost all of his friends to be with her.
No. 338387
>>338371I wonder if she realises that some men do that because they get off on women eating their cum in food
Like they will literally inject it into chocolates and stuff and then offer it to girls
No. 338390
File: 1497977061852.png (562.44 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

You guiiize she's totally not pretending to eat more than she is, it's about the ~meaning~ of the fries posted 10x. God we're all just too dumb to understand her feminism.
No. 338392
File: 1497977445454.jpg (550.31 KB, 1307x2034, Screenshot_20170620-104850.jpg)

Rare comments from Aly. Sage for not THAT interesting
No. 338394
>>338390You should definitely gtfo instagram. Really though, she's a freak isn't she. I've never met anyone so oddly mental. At first I put some of her ways down to translation errors. I think some of her blocking people is down to her misunderstanding what someone means, but I think more that she's a stroppy bitch.
Then I thought maybe it was a cultural thing. Maybe the way she behaves is more usual in Milan. Then we get Italian anons who aren't fucked like Aly. I don't even think I'm irritated to hell with Aly herself, but irritated at not being able to suss out what's wrong with her.
No. 338399
File: 1497978516307.jpg (922.5 KB, 1350x2095, 6-20-2017.jpg)

>>326384>>334959>>334960also she posted this again today. is it 4 different times already so far?
No. 338402
>>338392Nice of her to say the comments she receives are "dumb", although the Stans really are dumb.
These followers think instagram's like a drop-in crisis centre. It's sad.
Her use of "girls" is really annoying, like,
really. It makes me imagine Aly and her Stans like img, all fluffy, glittery sleepovers (although I imagine she'd be J'aime from Summer Heights High).
>>338399Oh yeah, and "support". JFC.
No. 338403
>>338399ok, so it's fairly obvious that she doesn't eat any of the stuff she posts, but why does she reuse pictures so many times?
like her entire life seems to revolve around ig/food pictures, why can't she at least take some new ones once in a while?
No. 338406
File: 1497978894850.jpg (95.45 KB, 911x664, caramel eminem.JPG)

>>338270She's used this before as well.
No. 338441
File: 1497985700790.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5459.PNG)

She's posted this crunch bar photo at least once a week. But of course she got smart and deleted all the past photos.
I don't know how she still has followers when she's constantly bitching about dumb comments and not enough support. Girl needs severe mental help.
No. 338515
File: 1497993318283.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.8 KB, 550x359, yam yam.jpg)

>>338441Fuck. Crunchies are the worst chocolate thing ever invented. Honeycomb is awful. AWFUL. I'd only eat one if there was a disaster or apocalypse.
Enough of that.
NOW. How long is she going to pull this "feeling way less support than usual" BS? Can anyone remember when that started? I think it began around the time she bragged about writing an article about anorexia for an Italian newspaper. I lose track of time with Aly because a month feels feels like an eternity looking at her feed.
>>338452It's a glorified thing where she appears to be helping a family friend with his homework. She teaches Latin as well! She used to do it only on Saturday, so I'm not sure why she's saying she was working today. I really wish she'd address the issue of DROPPING OUT OF UNI.
What was the reason she needed more support as ref'd here
>>338399Thanks anons for posting her crap. I tried to keep my fingers from typing at her with my 7th account but couldn't, so…need to make another account.
I could really use some support, girls. Until then #nightsnacking on a gorgeous can of mealworms. #larvaeheaven
No. 338593
File: 1498003113292.jpg (594.11 KB, 1397x1473, Screenshot_20170620-175556.jpg)

>>338515>>338399Sometimes when she asks for support, she just wants to know how much she has inspired you.
No. 338599
>>338593Things Aly writes that piss me off #19034 - "if one girl reads this and tells me I've changed her life…"
She'd be happy with just one person telling her she's amazing?
AS IF her lies and beautiful poses inspire others to be model-like like her and therefore be a success because she has a relationship, a job (…), and she feels "great".
I'm debating starting an ig account similar to the old Aly expose ones, but a lot more vague so there's no way she could report for use of her photos. A parody account which uses stuff she writes but at the same time calls her out for her lies and fakeness. Internet's being too distracting atm, but f*uck it, I think I'm going to do it.
No. 338699
File: 1498015402795.jpg (179.27 KB, 1379x2064, Screenshot_20170618-110533.jpg)

for fun
No. 338889
>>338387What the fuck since when?
Not that I'd ever accept food from a random male because of this possibility but I think I'd be able to tell if someone came in my ice cream.
No. 338902
>>338699ily. I want a cut out Aly paper doll where you can dress her in 80s fashion. I can totally see her wearing deely boppers. She fits in with these other throwback girls so well.
>>338761CC was great. My favourite was the video of him throwing his lunch in the bin.
>>338889I've never heard of this being a "thing" for some men, although I was suspicious/paranoid when the guy who cooked the veggie burgers with a cheese topping told me and my friend that the cheese had a "secret ingredient". He said it with a wink kind of thing as well. Idk. It made me feel violently ill, but that cheese mix was spectuacular I can't lie.
No. 338981
File: 1498063164413.jpg (153.85 KB, 1304x361, Screenshot_20170621-103653.jpg)

Trying so hard not to comment. She is so insulting.
No. 338988
>>338981"doesn't matter how you look or how much you weigh, love yourself!"
"i was told my BMI is over 17 OMG AM I FAT IS THIS WHY YOU'RE YELLING AT ME"
god i could gladly beat this bitch up to give her a real problem.
No. 338993
>>338988Her life's a bed of roses compared to many people mental illness aside. It shows that she doesn't really have many life problems because she has to make her dad sound like Stalin to get any sympathy.
The other day when she said even her Ma doesn't care if she doesn't eat, I took as meaning her mum was to busy to go to the donut shop and that fucked up Aly's shoot of the day plans.
She's a very unlikable person (to put it mildly).
No. 339092
>>339028She used to talk about "seeing the black hole of death" or something and that was back when she used to pretend she wasn't that sick instead of pretending she's the sickest ever, so idk why that hasn't made a reappearance. Does anybody remember details about that?
>>339074Yeah, when she was actually in medical danger she would downplay it, pretend she had gained, and actually not use numbers. She hid her body too. Now she's done a total 180 bc she no longer gets attention for her appearance alone. Poor baby.
No. 339122
File: 1498079945224.jpg (117.71 KB, 1020x610, 1431616832697.jpg)

>>339107Okay, had a google while drinking coffee and found something I'd forgotten. She was put on the medical ward for a second time late 2015, so 2 year anniversary, Aly? NOT!
>>>/snow/33022Here is the first admission. She says her BMI is 12
>>>/pt/119907Looking forward to reminiscing. Those old threads are pretty funny.
No. 339125
>>339122her post there actually sounds normal
she did a fake recovery after this tho right?
No. 339128
File: 1498080719942.png (96.95 KB, 262x275, 1451050844848.png)

>>339125Oh yeah, fake fake fake. This is her when she was recovering. She only started to gain when she was wheelchair bound a year ago.
No. 339148
>>339145Yep. She described his illness as if he was close to death but turned it all around to make her look like the one to feel sorry for. Oh god. When you
really piece together what a bitch she is it's really grim.
No. 339172
File: 1498085450104.png (120.27 KB, 750x645, IMG_2773.PNG)

Comments on Aly's latest transformation photo. I'm sure she'll throw a shitfit tomorrow.
No. 339207
File: 1498090982164.png (263.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-21-17-18-50…)

Aly is getting called out again on her insanity. Let's hope for some black posts tomorrow.
No. 339235
File: 1498094645289.jpg (1.17 MB, 1351x2424, Screenshot_20170621-191736.jpg)

Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here? Did her mom photograph this?
No. 339361
File: 1498127047087.jpg (20.11 KB, 296x130, support.JPG)

Aly is "not so up" this morning, but thanks to two comments calling her a beautiful warrior she was able to eat cookies.
One like = stop me starving myself this morning.
No. 339460
File: 1498144724229.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Oh honey why.
No. 339487
File: 1498145873723.jpg (143.85 KB, 983x396, Screenshot_20170622-103508.jpg)

>>339460lol can someone tell her that yeah cellulitis is actually a serious skin infection
No. 339502
>>339235I'm imagining asking my mom to take a picture of me taking my clothes off.
Actually, I can't. I can't imagine it.
Aly wut r u doin.
Look at your life. Look at your choices.
No. 339509
File: 1498147539020.jpg (689.37 KB, 1075x1498, Screenshot_20170622-120132.jpg)

Jesus Christ.
I cannot fathom how she is so vain. This post was accompanied by her pointing our her "flaws".
Aly, you have the ideal body shape. You are thin, but no longer deathly. Hourglass shape. You can still see your ribs. Nothing is flabby or "anaesthetic". If you truly thought you were gross, this isn't how you would show it and empower others, in the same 5 fucking poses sucking your stomach in.
How do people find this empowering? The only thing ugly about her is shit she's done herself, fried hair, bad makeup, horrid fashion. Her face isn't awful and her body is basically ideal.
There's nothing brave about vanity ffs.
No. 339518
File: 1498150058985.jpg (680.89 KB, 1029x1605, Screenshot_20170622-124627.jpg)

….lol, I wonder if she may get deleted. That would be hilarious. A girl can wish, unlikely though.
No. 339527
File: 1498152168431.png (188.99 KB, 1439x2220, 20170622_112150.png)

I don't get it… she's using it right now
No. 339530
>>339527What does she fucking expect when she posts about wanting to harm herself or
supposedly already has?
No. 339534
File: 1498152688368.jpg (22.03 KB, 308x189, Capture.JPG)

>>339527Bitch needs to learn to instagram.
I bet it's a mental illness thing and she deleted it herself so she could repost it because there's nothing else. I doubt the IG powerz would be arsed about a girl holding a pig sarnie to her grinning lips (unless they're vegan).
She's still a student YET has a full time job
She's just started a full time job YET she's taking a week off for a holiday.
>>339460And she wonders why her dad says she looks like a whore when she flashes her knickers at a cafe.
>>339502It could've been worse. She could've made baby Matteo take them.
She won't be posting for a week. Oookay then.
No. 339583
File: 1498162639913.png (282.8 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-22-13-11-28…)

I wonder if she'll bitch about this comment and call her a "hater"? Aly will never actually take a break, but she desperately needs to. No sane person posts to instagram 15 times a day, every day.
No. 339591
File: 1498163303921.png (1.81 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170622-142640.png)

Seriously Aly? This is what your complaining about?
No. 339596
>>339583In other words don't bother to comment unless you write how beautiful she is.
I can think of at least two cows who'd love clothing companies to send them free shit. Actually, she should take them up on the offer. They probably can't believe her 80s time warp fashion either.
>>339583I can't imagine going on holiday with my parents at 21. Last time that happened was when I was 10 years old.
No. 339599
File: 1498164106239.jpg (43.89 KB, 332x453, doll shorts.JPG)

Is she squeezing herself into old shorts to make herself feel thinner? It looks dreadful.
No. 339687
>>339591Is she that stupid that she doesn't realize this is just some dumb robot trying to find sponsorship ? It's not surprising she would get bots like this because of her follower count.
Holy shit, Aly. You are a lost cause.
No. 339695
File: 1498172814764.png (2.6 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_2593.PNG)

Yes Aly, cellulitis is an illness ?? god shes so lazy with her translations, it infuriates me so bad
No. 339876
>>339714Are you from Europe too? Cause it's a thing here. Maybe not in every family, but the majority I know.
Not because they hate each other, it's more of a "gaining independence" thing I guess
No. 340000
File: 1498224549311.jpg (494.71 KB, 810x1395, 20170623_082655.jpg)

>if something fun happens ill update
nothing interesting has ever happened to you aly but im sure a pic by a fence will be posted
No. 340005
>>340000Ahaha we'll see. She'll probably post 8 times instead of 15, one of which will be a horrifically-posed picture of her with her mum/brother.
The mountains'll probably whisper that she's fat as well.
No. 340017
File: 1498229118729.jpg (543.02 KB, 1391x1329, Screenshot_20170623-084126.jpg)

I don't know if you guys have seen the trailer for this show. Anyway, it's a Netflix show about anorexia. I guess Aly thinks it's triggering? But it's ok for her to be?
No. 340099
File: 1498238473935.png (121.97 KB, 678x874, IMG_5487.PNG)

All her videos start out with her playing with her hair and looking away, as if she's totally unaware she's being filmed.
Aly's life is the literally definition of insanity. I feel like her life is on repeat weekly. I don't know if it's milky or just plain fucking sad at this point.
No. 340113
File: 1498240486310.jpg (2.98 KB, 236x177, manic-aly.jpg)

>>340099Her mouth is scary. She could literally be in a horror movie with her mouth and teeth.
>If and only we will do something funny or worth being shared I may update you with some newsRemember when she said she wasn't going to post food unless it was a #recoverywin and she started posting every single thing she ate as a #recovery win.
Aly, if you're reading this, please no more bikini shoots. It makes you look so vanish (and repetitive and mental).
No. 340209
File: 1498247139384.png (51.27 KB, 750x195, IMG_5488.PNG)

She's scared she has to eat in public and outside in the view of others.
But has no problem looking autistic and playing 20 photos with hotdogs.
No. 340216
File: 1498248739029.png (8.88 KB, 299x187, Untitled.png)

Did anyone actually see this comment, or was it Aly telling herself that wearing those tiny shorts made her look legs look big?
Seriously, if Ash tried to squeeze into a pair of Barbie shorts her toothpick legs would look big too.
But yeah, drop the old shorts, Aly.
No. 340297
File: 1498257994698.png (168.92 KB, 750x1030, IMG_2867.PNG)

>>340216I managed to get this before she deleted it, so yes for once someone did actually say that lol but they aren't wrong
No. 340373
File: 1498269730269.jpg (1.65 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170623_200129.jpg)

remember the days when she would NEVER look up from her food? She also used to post a lot more meals back then
No. 340415
Ok so newfag here but I have read through the thread/done my research for cumulatively at LEAST 6-8 hours today (post uni exam/addy/clickhole, whoops!), so just hear me out I'll be (kinda) quick.
I just wanted to propose the idea that she may not have ever been necessarily that "sick"/etc from the get-go bc after checking out family pics/old pics it seems that they are all very small/bony/skinny in general and it could be genetic. (had a friend who struggled to gain weight but was generally healthy/ate/total normie)
ANYWAYS, I'm sure that this has been said before, I definitely did not dig deep into previous threads bc wow so much. But, you know maybe since she was so naturally thin that people would assume anorexia/ed/etc and she just eventually like became "obsessed" (for lack of a better word) with the, it's something that gave her attention or made her stand out, and she just like decided to run with it? If not even the fact that her subconscious mind realized it before she really did, aka definite mental-illness no matter which way you look at it I guess. But I just can't comprehend the fact that someone like that could go actually untreated pretty much, esp if she DID have the issues she claims on an hourly basis. I don't know too much about many European countries (southeastern US here \m/), not the most cultured gal, so I guess things could be different.
Just curious really, pls let me in on any info that may prove my theory untrue!!
Sry long post / newfag / interested
No. 340428
>>340373Anyone who eats a sub sandwich(or is it a hot dog?) with a fork and knife is clearly mentally ill.
aside from never looking up at her food and obvious spoopyness, I like these photos A LOT more than her current ones. Hair looks nice, outfits are cute, smile looks genuine.
No. 340435
File: 1498279811537.jpg (1.58 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170623_222707.jpg)

>>340415I'm finding it difficult to understand your theory. You are saying she was never anorexic? It's been proven. she was hospitalised. Her doctors went on tv to talk about her illness, so when you say she was never treated, I don't understand. She would go to her monthly "day hospital control" And we would all play bingo because she would do the same shit everytime. she's been batshit crazy for years. I'm not sure what your trying to say. Yes, Aly LOVES the attention it gives her. It's the same as murdering your own baby for asspats. She's an asshole, with an enabling mother.
I mean, just look at her.
No. 340456
>>340415Aly is obviously mentally ill. Lurk moar. She was very fucking abnormally underweight and if it was genetic, then how would she have been able to gain weight?
Some ppl are assholes because of their mental illness, some are just assholes who happen to have a mental illness and sometimes it´s a mix of both.
If you wanna know about my theory, too. Some anons who have or had the same diagnosis as some cow tend to not want to believe that this cow actually is an asshole OR actually does have the same mental illness as them, because they fear they might just be as much of a shitty person.
No. 340541
File: 1498310898181.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1100, 20170624_082629.png)

>>3400004 posts already today
>view of the lake No. 340551
File: 1498312135897.png (91.26 KB, 364x403, A-lie.png)

Oh yes, those three years where her aly_realrecovr account was stuffed with shoots of her wearing tight tops, tiny skirts and black tights. She did that rexia well
No. 340589
File: 1498318085529.jpg (1.34 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170624_092009.jpg)

>>340453For you medfag, maybe you'll find these interesting.
On a side note, the bottom right pic got 151 comments. I don't think she will ever get that many again. Also, everyone needs a friend like Sonia. That poor girl provably feels stuck forever being Aly's friend. I know people in real life acting like these two.
Sage for not adding to the current saga
No. 340611
>>340589Especially that particular Oreo because she's posted it before.
>>340589I doubt Sonia and Aly are that close anymore. Aly needs some friends, go out at night like normal 21 year olds (as opposed to the cinema with her mum).
I wonder why it's difficult for her to make new friends? She doesn't seem shy, but I cant imagine her conversation being great. When this boyfriend leaves her again she's going to age into an old maid.
No. 340653
File: 1498325852981.png (3.9 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170624-113022.png)

This is probably the most genuinely interesting thing she's ever posted. To bad it's in her stories. I don't know why she won't post things like this to her normal feed more often
No. 340668
File: 1498327337514.jpg (276.55 KB, 983x1390, Screenshot_20170624-130108.jpg)

jfc aly
No. 340674
>>340648It was typical Aly for her to go to Sonia's dance thing and not comment on it afterwards. Nothing like, I really enjoyed it and my sister was amazing. Not a word.
>>340653That's a nice picture, but it'd be better if she wasn't on it.
Really, she has nice outings. She doesn't know how lucky she is tbh.
>>340668That's okay Aly. I'd rather you didn't share your whole body with me.
AND as if we need any confirmation, she really is addicted to social media. Diagnosed. You know at the Priory they have inpatient treatment for texting and social media addiction.
No. 340679
>>340653>no make uplooks away so her face is barely visible
>random clotheswears same shorts as always
>no made hairso she actually puts effort into her usual crazy cat lady-combover-mess when really anything would be better…lol
No. 340680
>>340674pretty sure no one said that unless she deleted it in like 5 minutes
i think shes just saying it to get asspats because a lot of people were saying like "thought you were on a break?"
shes probably so lonely that this is her only connection to people
No. 340733
File: 1498334328246.jpg (688.16 KB, 1380x1585, Screenshot_20170624-134357.jpg)

I can only imagine the awkward moments after a tantrum or snippy comment her brother's friend has to go through being in the same room with Aly for one week.
I swear, I had a friend just like Aly, online everything was happy, in real life it was hard to have fun around her. She would snap about random little things, like a difference of opinion on stupid things like a movie plot, or just flat out be rude to someone simply because she didn't know them. Then the awkward moments that follow. She would later post online about how much fun we all had. Im very glad I don't know her anymore.
Sage for personal bullshit.
No. 341031
File: 1498387884859.png (1.18 MB, 1340x535, Untitled.png)

Four posts before 1am. All old "shoots", including these freshly made courgette things she made in May.
Today's been ~muh weather sensitivity~ because it rained and she's getting antsy because she can't go on a long walk and be active.
No. 341071
File: 1498397982782.png (2.7 MB, 1080x1448, 20170625_083425.png)

>>341031shes posted 7 times atm
before she left she made a bunch of posts about how she was going to be away from instagram for the week and then just stays on the same amount. i guess the girls couldnt miss out on a pic of aly on a rock
No. 341077
File: 1498399532560.png (886.54 KB, 1321x468, regurgitate.png)

>>341071Does she not understand that people might want to see the view WITHOUT HER in the picture? Christ.
The pool pic was reposted when barely anyone liked it. She reposted it complaining people haven't been giving her much body positivity (asspats) recently.
The twix was posted a couple of weeks ago.
No. 341093
File: 1498402398147.jpg (309.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170625-164912.jpg)

Here we are again
No. 341106
>>341086Not sure about this. Bit of a personal blog, but relevant. My first and massive breakdown happened after graduating from uni. I felt bitter it took most of my 20s away, I can't hold down a job etc BUT when I got a grip of the situation realised shit happens and others get it worse. I don't feel bitter anymore and feel proud of the work I put into recovery and still do.
Dwelling on it doesn't change anything and blaming particular people is pointless. Idk, she needs to break away from the persona she's created.
>>341099She might be doing it just for ig. Right now she could be posing in the pool for all we know and wants virtual attention.
I hope she's not fucking it up for her mum and bro.
No. 341139
File: 1498409419690.jpg (467.12 KB, 1304x1198, Screenshot_20170625-103952.jpg)

I think she has posted this caption before too. I remember the comment she is referring to, that was a long while ago. Maybe I can find it
No. 341143
>>341139She's been reposting old captions a lot recently.
I remember that comment too because she shamed whoever it was in a caption all of its own. All she's done is insert something about the hydromassage.
She's probably out of inspiration or hasn't taken her self help books away to copy from.
No. 341152
File: 1498412518387.jpg (820.75 KB, 1304x2157, Screenshot_20170625-113809.jpg)

>>341139Aha! Found it. Was a month ago taken from the last thread.
No. 341180
File: 1498416196840.jpg (21.79 KB, 292x149, Capture.JPG)

Even her brother and his friend thinks she's a lolcow.
And no, Aly, I don't understand you.
No. 341184
File: 1498416607883.jpg (14.58 KB, 181x215, Capture.JPG)

>>337043(and for you, anon)
No. 341189
File: 1498417477223.png (751.69 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

The Instagram "break" is going well, I see.
No. 341208
>>341189She might be a bit autistic seeing how she has struggles relating to people. She's mentioned being lonely. When she said she hated walking through the mountains in the rain alone and felt lonely I was glad I like my own company. That sounds like a dream.
She's a very difficult person. I couldn't deal with her neediness and longing for attention.
Oh look an ana ig cig picture.
I wish she'd cut the bullshit and admit her life isn't all weeeeee I love recovery, I do. I'm so happy and relaxed!!! Because we know she's a mess.
No. 341209
>>341189i dont get why she said she was going on a break if she knew she couldnt do it
>>341208if she was just more honest i could like her slightly more its all her lies and fake motivational shit thats so irritating
No. 341214
File: 1498419993101.png (2.62 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170625-134306.png)

>>341189So basically eat chocolate for dinner?
No. 341216
>>341180She is probably extremely embarrassing, so he's lashing out at her because he has a friend to witness the horrors.
It's easy to tolerate when you're in the privacy of family. It's another thing to be publicly embarrassed by an insane sibling.
No. 341220
>>341216When she was in the deeps of her skelly phase and had pictures with him, he always looked like he was being tortured. I think she must be very difficult to be around, even now that she's "recovered."
I understand why he might look like a prisoner when standing next to his sister who is slowly killing herself before his eyes, while she's clearly expecting him to put a good face on it and be a smiling little doormat for one of her great social media pics. I have often wondered about him, and whether he holds a grudge against her for what she's put the entire family through, and for she seems to have no understanding that she put them through anything at all. I think it might to be hard to be forgiving and kind to that person.
No. 341221
>>341214At least that's a new chocolate bar because the Snickers she said she ate is an old pic.
Sounds like she's restricting because she sperged out at eating loads yesterday. That or IF she purges, she can't do it where she is and it's getting to her.
>>341216I bet he writes about her on Italian chans. "My sister is insane AMA". I bet he takes the piss out of her all the time behind her back. You can tell that by the faces he used to make when she forced him to pose with her.
I wonder which "oddities" he's referring to.
No. 341222
>>341220Lol, snap! You elaborated on my thoughts here
>>341221She's been the focus of attention for years. He must feel resentful. I would.
No. 341228
>>341180I hope he finds a good job and is able to leave the house and never come back. Man she must be horrid to be around. And, of course, it must be because of the company he keeps that he commented on her oddities.
For fuck's sake, therapists in Italy must be really shitty if they can't work on her to develop some self awareness or personal accountability. Fucking piece of trash, people like her destroy families while being enabled by one or both parents, all the while whining about how they feel like shit and how everyone is out to get them.
How about, instead of "anorexia" having taken anything from her for years she took everything from her brother in those years? Fucking hell do I hate her guts. I really hope he gets out of that shithole.
No. 341657
File: 1498490963616.gif (221.27 KB, 601x876, Hello.gif)

No. 341675
File: 1498494031862.jpg (118.06 KB, 1377x262, Screenshot_20170626-101627.jpg)

Let's all guess what the surprise will be. I guess a thank you video. Wich could be cool considering location, buuuuut…
No. 341686
File: 1498495105650.png (480.26 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Ohhhmyygoddd she's so self absorbed.
No. 341875
File: 1498519113941.png (137.13 KB, 749x628, IMG_5519.PNG)

Her life is hard because she has to be on vacation with two 15 year old boys.
Rough times ahead for aly. Let us pray our goddess can get through the week with asspats and likes. Don't forget to tell her how pretty she is. But not -too- pretty because of feminism.
No. 341906
>>341875Ma C might've told him to apologise, but he still despises you, Aly.
Aly is now over anorexia. She's no longer eating disordered. She's gained weight and so it's gone away. Deluded much.
No. 341937
File: 1498531265106.png (27.98 KB, 301x316, screenshot 2017-06-27 04.37.31…)

Soon to be deleted.
No. 341956
File: 1498533296395.jpg (602.47 KB, 1347x1419, Screenshot_20170626-211302.jpg)

>>341937Seriously though. She knows what she said…or is she so mental she can't remember her own words?
No. 342065
File: 1498557361624.png (435.38 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Urgh the way she tries to explain her "break" is such bullshit. Like she explicitly said she wouldn't be posting this week, but she's just doing the same shit as always with a different background. What a #recoverywin.
No. 342072
File: 1498560805598.jpeg (156.5 KB, 750x938, image.jpeg)

No. 342083
File: 1498563465291.jpg (211.65 KB, 720x1016, PicsArt_06-27-06.30.03.jpg)

>>342065Does she actually thinks everything about her is perfect?
(Kek at the poses part)
No. 342130
>>342102she looks like she's about to take a bite out of him or something
what kind of pose is this even supposed to be?
No. 342139
File: 1498573816479.png (508.39 KB, 1238x1923, IMG_1316.PNG)

I see Ember is trying to jump on the Aly attention train
No. 342149
File: 1498575639375.jpg (536.33 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-06-27 07.57.32.jpg)

Hahahahaha hahaha. I don't think any "hater" comment she has ever received has been from someone jealous. More just in awe of her insanity, mental gymnastics, and insane amounts of posting the same thing over and over.
No. 342201
>>342155>>342167Maybe they can't afford to give him a proper nutritional meal so he can grow because they spend all their time and money taking aly out for donnies lmao
"Sorry we aren't coming home for supper today your sister needs to pose and rearrange our cafe food for the next 4 hours to show IG she's winning"
No. 342279
I'm feeling like I need a break from Aly. Her posing's grating more than usual and the same banging on about the same thing.
I'm waiting for the next phase and it's difficult to imagine what it's going to be. I didn't think she'd gain. If she did, I didn't imagine she'd be so fucked up. I'm leaning towards her getting obese and being a Sudoku.
Right now her narcissism's too much for me.
>>342276Yup. I hope he starts dating soon.
No. 342424
>>342279>>342414yeah she irritates me the most out of anyone on here. just the constant lies and smug faced pictures. every single post is the same boring motivational crap "i ate a snickers because you know what girls? i deserve too we all do"
idek what she'll do next she obviously doesnt eat all that chocolate so i doubt she'll become obese but who knows
No. 342439
>>342279>>342414>>342424agreed. wondering what she'll do next is the only interesting thing about her atm. her captions and photos are all so similar they feel like repeats all the time even when she isn't actually reposting the same exact shit. for a while her ~black posts~ were entertaining bc so much cognitive dissonance between the emo aly of her stories/blackouts and the OTT posi-aly of her cut-up candy bars and swimsuit posts, but even that is getting boring bc it's clear she will NEVER acknowledge her crazy in her normal posts, just like she'll never take a break no matter how much she says she will.
for next phase i predict bulimia. i think she actually wants to relapse bc she's clearly not mentally recovered and she knows she only got attention for being thin (and even now her "transformation" pics usually get way more notes than anything else). but i think she can't actually restrict anymore and is basically addicted to sweets and sugar. so i bet she'll start binge/purging (if she hasn't started already), and then possibly we'll get a "realrecovery" from bulimia.
otoh i sort of doubt she would ever admit to bulimia because it's gross.
love that she added "fear of abandonment" or whatever to her latest self-dx laundry list.
can't believe she's literally wearing pants that say "CUTE" on the ass. her fashion isn't even circa 2009 anymore, she's full 2004. why doesn't the mayor of milan evict her for her fashion crimes?
No. 342616
File: 1498646314566.png (6.81 MB, 1800x1456, IMG_6637.PNG)

i haven't been on this board in awhile because i've been trying to stay away from the rage inducing nightmare that aly is, but does anyone else notice that she's lost weight? because i really noticed it in these latest tennis posts
No. 342624
File: 1498649343977.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1543, 20170628_072729.png)

Who the fuck took this? This is so so so vain…is wearing less and less clothes her next thing?
No. 342667
File: 1498663040786.jpg (193.59 KB, 1327x378, Screenshot_20170628-091520.jpg)

She has scoliosis?
No. 342696
>>342667Maybe lordosis or kyphosis but scoliosis?
I mean in
>>342624 her back looks straight and her hips look normal too
No. 342739
File: 1498668681920.jpg (901.46 KB, 1084x1304, Screenshot_20170628-104923.jpg)

I hope she keeps her hair this way. It's honestly pretty.
No. 342774
File: 1498674658991.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170628-122532.png)

Aly is saying these have all been the same person. I think they probably are one person, but is there a way she can tell for sure? Or is she assuming too?
No. 343327
File: 1498739988888.jpg (98.81 KB, 807x593, Capture.JPG)

So Aly started today's ig activity by posting another glamour shoot (probably taken by her mum WHAT A FUCKING WEIRD FAMILY).
Proofs that Aly's on some other planet where time is different, she ate fries and drank cocktails at 13AM.
It's insane to think she believes her nice hair and no make up is "slumming it" when back in Milan she looks like a clown when she tries to look attractive.
No. 343345
>>343336Yeah, it looks better not blonde, even though she needs a good colourist.
Shame she prefers to tart herself up because she looks younger and miles better natural and not trashy like usual.
Still cringe when she talks about being EX anorexic. She's overly obsessed with what people think even though she goes on about how she doesn't. She wouldn't mention it so often if she wasn't insecure.
No. 343351
File: 1498744686286.jpg (87.92 KB, 960x720, Never touch a running system s…)

>>343327Maybe her days are 48 hours long. It would explain why she can post so much in such a short amount of time.
No. 343365
>>343327her pics are getting so revealing lol i guess she realised she can ditch the shorts all together for more likes
her hair does look much better like this but im still irritated by her oh its not a break from instagram but a break from doing my hair and makeup, she must be so much fun on that trip
No. 343367
>>343327she looks a lot younger with this kind of hairstyle, but you can see how terrible that dye job is.
the cocktail - tbh aperol spritz is not very alcoholic. Then again, I remember my relatives drinking wine coolers at 1pm while on vacation.
No. 343368
>>343351That'd explain why she always gets 24/7 wrong.
Has she ever eplained where her ~abandonment syndrome ~ comes from?
No. 343371
>>343327>13 AM…
Anyway, did she dye her hair? From the other pic it just looked like it was the usual awful ombre job that slowly turned from blonde to gingerish, now they look actually ginger. This color looks so bad on her, why couldn't she stick to blonde - or even, you know, her natural brunette. Not lush (!!!) enough?
No. 343400
File: 1498751435356.gif (83.83 KB, 140x140, mk.gif)

>>343371She's been getting some semi permanent "red" put on her hair because it symbolises "fire" (…)
I love how she thinks she has to speak about hair as "they" and "hairs". One full tedious caption about how symbolic her lion's mane of curls (lions don't have curls) is. She had THEM dyed.
Brunette, yes. Blonde, nah. She looked awful imo.
>>343369"They" is her. I wonder if she's ever taken responsibility for her own actions? Everything is always someone else's fault. She needs to admit that "they" is her own mind and then she'll be in a position to recover mentally, because right now she's one of the most mental "recovered" instagram people on this planet (and probably her planet).
I'm really fucking sick of seeing her flesh. What if her next phase is camgirl? Aaagh.
No. 343421
>>343400camgirl probably seems unfeminist ti aly
i think she'll just keep doing bikini pics for asspats and then move on to boyfriend drama
No. 343469
>>343408On this board I've never been able to tell that English isn't someone's first language. How can Aly be so bad at it when she's been communicating (badly) in English AND TEACHES IT for years? I know two other languages, neither fluent, but typing to natives of the countries and reading the language, you can't help but improve…but she doesn't.
Anyway, I wish she'd stfu about her chips and cocktails. OKAY YOU HAD CHIPS AND FUCKING COCKTAILS.
> proud to say that while everybody's like "detox summer diet" I'm more like "chips and cocktails"I don't know anyone who does detox diets for summer. I know a guy who does a week detox after Christmas, but that's it.
> The point is (as well) that it may always happen to be at the same hotel of a group of girls who spend the whole time running, and then congratulating each other for the xxx calories burnt in the runBULLSHIT
>The ones who every-fuc*ing-day order the same steak with salad as dinner and lunch.Okay, I don't eat meat, but protein and salad sounds healthy. Why does she hate the idea that people want to look after their bodies?
She was asking what people are supposed to do on holiday. She has no concept of what people do. She should've taken a book. So sad that she's bored on holiday and she doesn't think it's acceptable to rest (even though she berates those fictitious women who went for a run).
Straight from the fingers of the person who claims to not know her weight until she goes to the clinic
>Maybe that's what it means to not be afraid of the coming meal, or once at home the scale. No. 343507
File: 1498764679051.jpg (550.84 KB, 809x1013, Screenshot_20170629-142819.jpg)

this is literally the same type of picture she always takes with a doughnut or whatever. the only difference is her hair, much break no obsession
No. 343531
File: 1498766538431.jpg (103.28 KB, 384x504, Screenshot_20170629-135759.jpg)

She almost never relaxes her face
No. 343540
>>343495She doesn't even communicate with people on her ig, so forums are probably not an option. Strange that if you google her name there isn't anything that relates to her except lolcow. For someone attention hoe-ing the way she does on insta you'd think she'd at least have accounts at other places apart from fb.
>>343531If I had the cash I swear I'd be at their hotel so I could steal those disgusting earrings and bin them.
Hey, did you know she had chips and cocktails today?
Prediction for when she's home. Lots of breaking downs because she weighed herself. Pa C will shout and she'll run away from home. I like her dad. He sounds very switched on/Aly savvy. He knows she ain't recovered and knows her therapist's an idiot. GO, MR C!
No. 344070
File: 1498842566785.jpg (1.24 MB, 1320x2242, Screenshot_20170630-110819.jpg)

>>343540Guys! She had 1,2,3 chips. Gosh.
No. 344084
File: 1498844569666.jpg (616.2 KB, 1020x1062, Screenshot_20170630-124029.jpg)

the pictures she takes are so obsessive like shes posted an ice cream like this almost everyday and i think ive seen a half naked bed pic 3 times now
No. 344179
File: 1498856130219.gif (994.6 KB, 500x372, anticip-.gif)

>>344084Well, to her the holiday "break"'s been a #recoverywin because she hasn't posted food. Much.
>>344070Her body reminds me of a sausage. No, not fat. Maybe it's the colour. It reminds me of these pale sausages I've seen on farmer's market stalls. I don't find her body offensive, it's just irritated the shit out of me and I'm not sure why. Good for her she's comfortable enough to walk around in a bikini and post pictures, but I keep thinking how she said she stopped eating for attention. She's always thought she was hot and I think she would if she was half a ton. Idk, I'm confused what I think about her. She thinks she's hot when she's spoop, she thinks she's hot now, she'll always think she's hot.
ANYWAY…img is me looking forward to the meltdowns to come.
No. 344227
File: 1498862792799.png (303.22 KB, 1237x1370, IMG_2696.PNG)

>>344070I almost swore I saw this already, minus the swimsuit change. This was from the 28th.
No. 344244
>>344229Just noticed she's deleted the pic of her with her brother looking out on the lake.
Anyway, legs. They look different in every pic. They're still pretty slim because most of the body fat's gone to the top area/ass because she's a woman (#womenpower!!1). When she's seated the body fat spreads like everyone else. In the pool they look slim. In the one you mention she looks thigh gappy, but that's probably the way she's angled her legs unintentionally.
No. 344245
File: 1498865931629.jpg (26.37 KB, 340x386, Capture.JPG)

>>344244Fuck, I need sleep. Didn't sage and dropped pic. Black screen.
No. 344350
>>344346There's something a bit off about the gap to me as well, that's why I asked if she got a bit thinner.
but it's true that thighs squish more when you sit down and she does a loooot of sitting pics so its hard to tell.
No. 344544
File: 1498931297787.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3268.PNG)

>>344346It made me do a double take too, but I agree with
>>344351 I don't think she'd know how, let alone to make it look realistic. Also, she posted this to her story this morning and you can't shoop stories. Personally I think she looks particularly thin here too, even the sun is casting a shadow on her chest showing chest bones. I think we're just so used to seeing her in the most unflattering poses and angles and are forgetting that two people of the same height and body type can have the same bmi but look different if one of them doesn't have any muscle they will look bigger than the other since muscle weighs more than fat and all that jazz so it takes up more space in order to meet the same weight. If that makes sense? So I actually do believe she is still underweight technically
No. 344553
File: 1498932489541.jpg (762.77 KB, 1096x1637, Screenshot_20170701-120602.jpg)

Silly little brother? Or genuinely tired of it all?
No. 344884
File: 1498997412204.jpg (843.7 KB, 1023x1549, Screenshot_20170702-080827.jpg)

…does she really write her captions in such a state of mania that she can't see such a terrible spelling error?
I've seen a few people asking about her job, yet no answer.
She's also claiming this morning to have gained again.
No. 344892
File: 1499002109418.jpg (174.99 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot_20170702-142350_1.j…)

Alys crusty hair is now falling into her food
No. 344894
File: 1499002338002.jpg (223.73 KB, 986x664, aly bs.jpg)

good god, is this what starvation does to the brain?
No. 344934
File: 1499010371345.jpg (299.87 KB, 978x342, Screenshot_20170702-104408.jpg)

shes back on the fries and dwindling content
No. 344942
>>344894Apparently yes. This "lousrecovery" girl has no live except kissing Aly`s ass and begging for attention on instagram. And she does not look as if she regards calories as a good thing.
But I always thought Aly`s followers are even worse than she is.
No. 345085
File: 1499022280254.jpg (1.24 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170702_125104.jpg)

Bored, so I put this together. Top row is from 2013 I believe. Bottom row from now. If you're reading Aly, you are not "almost" weight restored, you ARE restored and then some. Stop hanging on to the scraps of your illness for attention.
Sage for nothing new
No. 345170
File: 1499035007940.jpg (30.85 KB, 508x437, manic.JPG)

OH GOD. Please stop posting the same "shoot" posing with Doritos and a cocktail.
To me Aly looks in the healthy weight range. Tbh she weighs more than me in the ones where she's not sucking in (not ana chan, I'm short and don't eat junk food). I'm not sure why she was sperging out about having eaten more than she does at home because it looked less. She was eating a small ball of ice cream, the usual chocolate and a main meal. She wasn't having a daily donut and and sugary frap. Unless she counts the walk to the 12oz coffee place as being active, she was burning way more calories on holiday - playing tennis, climbing mountains.
I don't believe she's struggling with how she looks. I mean, could anyone post pictures more revealing of her body shape?
I'm not buying that she's been self harming either. There's no trace of any cuts anywhere on her body.
I can't tell what she says at all in the second part of her last video. Back in fake mode, I see.
No. 345418
File: 1499076050698.jpg (34.99 KB, 933x595, sad aly.JPG)

Here we go
No. 345542
File: 1499098915028.jpg (314.72 KB, 750x981, IMG_3425.JPG)

This line almost needs to be a banner. But seriously what the hell is she trying to say here…
No. 345568
File: 1499100913243.jpg (6.66 KB, 225x225, MUH FEMINISM.jpg)

>>345542Sounds like she's been reading some trashy American thing.
It fucks me off how she's all OH I'M DOUBTING MYSELF RN BLOO BLOO, then the paragraph underneath is about body acceptance.
She hasn't got a clue about feminism. All she knows is what she's seen on fb pages. She doesn't believe what she writes anyway. None of it, because it's all lies.
No. 345572
>>345542her english is so bad that it just sounds like shes contradicting herself constantly
i guess shes a feminist because she thinks women are people? shes so desperate to give out these motivational speechs she just rehashes the same things
No. 345575
File: 1499101059689.jpg (30.32 KB, 486x326, Capture.JPG)

Oh, this is where she got that quote from. Some body posi twitter woman.
No. 345596
>>345575Oh she's a former ana turned fatty feminist.
Not surprised aly would steal motivational quotes from her since she is 10x more popular.
No. 345604
File: 1499103103657.png (986.72 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

So Ma Casati's seeing aly's therapist tomorrow to talk about aly's dad. Once again she's gotta make it about herself and mention how her dad caused her to develop anorexia. She's so self-centred it's shocking. Gosh.
No. 345606
>>345568isn´t stealing quotes without referring to the original font illegal?
sage for dumb question
No. 345650
File: 1499107743188.jpg (21.46 KB, 292x157, oh god.JPG)

>>345604Ma C must be at the end of her rope if she's done that. Can you imagine it though? Whatever Aly says she's going to sound like a spoilt brat. Idk what kind of therapy/counselling it is they're taking, but I hope he/she gets Ma to stop pandering to Aly.
If there was a problem in their marriage she'd be going to see a different therapist, so the problem's Aly's. At her age you'd think she'd grown out of being stroppy with her dad. His mental abuse towards her is not doing whatever she says.
>>345606No idea. I know some who were marked down or not awarded their degree at uni because they were found to have plagarised a lot in essays.
It's not a dumb question, I'm wondering myself. If someone says something and someone puts it on a t shirt, does it "belong" to someone legally?
Oh, she quoted a feminist in her latest post but didn't say whose quote it was. AND she's making her dad sound like a fucking serial killer.
No. 345930
>>345606No. it might be morally wrong or dishonest but it is not illegal (at least in the USA).
You get into actual legal trouble (different than academic trouble which is a moral or honor code) when you seek to profit from someone else's quote or otherwise protected intellectual property.
No. 346028
>>345931>>345930Actually they were right saying "than".
When grammar police are wrong kek
No. 346092
File: 1499178130122.jpeg (74.98 KB, 640x857, image.jpeg)

No. 346153
>>346092Her therapist probably told her she's full of shit.
Or maybe they just refused to like her IG posts.
No. 346172
>>346092Sigh shes so tiresome… Imagine living your life SOLELY from instagram alone
I hope the therapist tells her to get the fuck off the internet
No. 346201
File: 1499195520539.png (93.71 KB, 750x396, IMG_5554.PNG)

>>346092What are the odds Ma really cried about aly? If Pa was really as bad as she makes it seem, why not get a protective order? Or take the kids and run? I smell BS.
Sure maybe their marriage isn't great but I don't believe Ma joined in on Aly's therapy session just to cry about her marriage. That's something she can do perfectly on her own with her own therapist.
No. 346202
>>346092love how even when she's so ~distraught that she needs to do a black post, she still tries to get everyone to comment on the previous post instead so she'll look more popular even after she deletes the black post. So genuine.
also her stupid "only three lovely girls" shit always just sounds like Tyra about to do an elimination on antm.
No. 346211
>>346205I don't doubt that, but the way aly words it makes it seem like she and her mom were victims of her father and her father is the cause of everyone's pain and suffering,
and not that it was her illness that probably tore her family up.
In one of her brother shoots she even said their sibling relationship was ruined because of her illness.
We can barely stand her, imagine what living with a self absorbed 21 year old brat is like.
No. 346231
>>346205I would tend to agree with this.
If anything, you can read between the lines: if her mother didn't tell her anything and is so prone to defending her, that is probably why she's such a fucking baby. In that context, it would make sense for the father to blame the mother, to a point, because that's a perfect way to raise a useless human being with no resources or ability to fend for themselves.
No. 346266
>>346201If she cried, she'll be crying about how intolerable it is to live with Aly constantly being a dick to her dad. I doubt it was a marriage counselling session.
I'd accuse Ma of enabling her daughter's brat behaviour like
>>346205 says. Looks like Aly's got her wrapped around her little finger to get her to spend her work lunch break EVERY SINGLE DAY taking endless pictures of her posing with donuts or fries.
If her dad was that much of a twat he would've thrown her out whatever condition she was in. I've seen it happen with people I know irl who aren't even intolerable as Aly.
IF her mum and dad were to break up, Aly would soon miss all the disposable income. Then she moves in with the boyfriend (yeah, right) and her mum's left struggling with her brother.
Fuck, I hate her. She's not ashamed at being the uber high BMI of 17.5 (yeah, right again). Shows how fucked up she is if she thinks that 17.5 is something to be ashamed of.
No. 346759
File: 1499276235172.png (199.55 KB, 640x1000, IMG_3301.PNG)

I hate when my pairs are mean to me not that I believe anyone ever said those things. Like literally no one that doesn't have Tourette's would ever say she looks fat or "fatter than a bmi of 17.5" they might say she looks higher than a bmi of 17.5, but she's seriously fucked for thinking anyone with half a brain would believe that people call her fat so often.
No. 346778
>>346759How long is she going to say the same thing over and over?
To me she doesn't look "Mediterranean". If her pairs were Mediterranean girls wouldn't they also have the same body shape?
What's with the word "classy"? She's obsessed with it.
So she's got swimmer's shoulders and big hips?
>My head was a mess>wasNah, no one calls her fat, but I don't believe what she's saying is her BMI.
>>346775Just popped up. Yeah, I've said that when she says these things it's HER that's saying it.
If only she worked on sorting out her underlying mental illnesses (and personality).
No. 346819
File: 1499285673364.jpg (17.98 KB, 286x150, Capture.JPG)

>>346791>no pretty smile or fascinating gazeShe ate chips and drank cocktails on holiday? Well I never knew.
No. 347111
File: 1499339427091.png (55.4 KB, 1080x1540, 20170706_070752.png)

On one hand, I'm kind of worried because I'm an empathetic person, and this is a cry for help.
On the other, I can't ever trust Aly, and this seems like the ultimate way to get asspats.
Do we think/know if her father really "beats" her? We know she's a liar, but lying about that would be dark.
Aly may be annoying, but I don't want her dead. If this is just another ploy for attention, shame.
No. 347113
File: 1499340078923.jpg (95.6 KB, 796x578, Capture.JPG)

See, she's already deleted and replaced with some body shaming post.
No. 347117
>>347111Usually I would be concerned too if people suddenly made a post about their father abusing them, but with Aly its just impossible to trust anything she claims.
Aly is the type of person who would throw her dad under the bus any day, but then if somebody tried contacting the police she would flip her shit because nothing actually happened.
She really, really needs to get off social media.
No. 347134
>>347113um who called her fat?
id only believe her beating claims if she posted some kind of proof like bruises or w/e. she says he hits her, she says she self harms but then has no marks on her
No. 347135
File: 1499344475277.jpeg (26.66 KB, 740x416, 90bb5cabdb9f9f6b3c93.jpeg)

>>347113Is she holding the popsicle in her hand instead of the stick or am I seeing this wrong?
>>347111I honestly have to wonder what "beat" means to her. If he was beating her, like literally beat her, wouldn't she have bruises or something similar? I honestly hope she's exaggerating. She might be mental but no one deserves to be be abused.
No. 347177
File: 1499348268229.jpg (52.82 KB, 596x568, poor aly.JPG)

>>347166Fucked up first link thing up there, sorry.
ANYWAY, Aly really has taken a beating. Her poor, poor face.
No. 347215
File: 1499349821230.png (282.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2765.PNG)

i packed a bag and im leaving home
im running away from my super abusive horrible father
(oh but this trip was already planned for my boyfriends birthday bc i dont actually have any reason to run away from home bc im a lying cow)
I hate that i doubt what shes saying about her sad but honestly she is the reason that so many people who are genuinely victims of DV arent believed.
she makes me nauseous
sage for being salty af
No. 347242
File: 1499352423539.jpg (1.03 MB, 1304x1816, Screenshot_20170706-083731.jpg)

>>347135Hi, welcome to the Aly thread. You must be new here.
>>347113 that is a magnum ice cream, they come in a little dish with toppings. It's one of Aly's staple meals. To answer your question, She is holding it in her hand, with the dish.
Pic related.
No. 347260
File: 1499353822850.jpg (776.89 KB, 1396x2139, Screenshot_20170706-090441.jpg)

Okay, I think she read the last comments about calling the police on her dad, and is now making up this fantastic story of forgiveness suddenly?? I mean she's obviously packed, already out the house, Stopped for photos with donuts.. and he found her and took her home? What story is she planning now?
No. 347288
>>347141>>347242>>347283Lmao, I didn't realize it was in a box thingy and I didn't zoom in on the computer so it looked like the box was chocolate. That's why I asked. Thanks for clearing it up lol and no, I'm not new, I just don't follow her on insta to see every post
Yes I feel dumb
No. 347318
File: 1499359939797.png (552.37 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Why is she mad about this comment?
No. 347324
>>347318Probably because she's worried someone may actually call the police and her dad didn't really do anything. Doesn't she have at least one friend on IG who knows her?
That commenter is right tho. If Aly was in the states and threatened to kill herself
Because dad beat the crap out of her, I guarantee US followers would call her local PD.
She suddenly realizes their are consequences to lying for ass pats and now wants to avoid the topic.
No. 347345
File: 1499363421817.png (250.6 KB, 750x1048, IMG_1096.PNG)

I am so fucking confused. First her mean dad beats the crap out of. Now her sweet father comes, hugs her, and takes her home. Now she's leaving again away from her evil daddy.
Can't tell if theres some major idealizing and devalueing going on here or if 90% of her stories are made up.
What about her mental health was so bad that she was able to pose with donuts after getting ~very visibly~ beat by her dad but couldn't get on a train and went home with him? Wtf?
No. 347364
File: 1499365028052.jpg (28.12 KB, 500x312, Mega-Rage-Face.jpg)

her use of
drives me crazy
No. 347370
>>347345shes just desperately scrambling for a story that makes her seem heroic
this post makes zero sense though..she stayed because shes a feminist or um
also who said "you should have done what your men wanted"? lol no one talks like that
No. 347388
File: 1499367925508.jpg (496.66 KB, 810x1420, 20170706_135948.jpg)

surprise aly fixed everything!
what i dont understand about this is like why didnt her mum know what happened? surely she was with aly taking her pic today?
No. 347400
>>347388Damn. You took the words right out of my head.
Ya, why wouldn't her mom have known? She said her mom talked to her dad to apologise. She said he apologised at the station.
Also, who answers a casual question like "what are you doing home?" with "SURVIVING"
No. 347528
File: 1499382527891.jpg (114.68 KB, 1024x184,…)

The fact that she made a food pun in what should be a serious matter at hand is astounding.
No. 347817
File: 1499437897694.png (936.11 KB, 1080x1116, 20170707_093003.png)

shes not gonna be present today but shes already posted 5 times of course
No. 348013
>>347817Jesus fuck, that's from a restaurant? My amateur ass makes better-looking sushi than this!
Fuck her and her cutesy rage-inducing food puns. She's a walking contradiction, and even in that, she is sad. Everything she tries to portray as sincere appears as poorly-executed caricatures. Fuck, if she were just honest, she could really do some good. Sad.
No. 348051
File: 1499464659890.jpeg (73.29 KB, 481x526, image.jpeg)

I know we've said Aly isn't smart enough to photoshop but it looks like something weird is happening with her butt/ upper thigh area here.
And this whole post is actually vomit-worthy. How does she get her boyfriend to participate in these disgusting photoshoots?
No. 348059
File: 1499465042383.jpg (644.59 KB, 810x1212, 20170707_170229.jpg)

why does she white out the background it makes it look fake
No. 348231
File: 1499481641256.png (1.45 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2649.PNG)

No. 348330
>>348231And? What's your point Aly?
I wonder what her boyfriend would think about this…
No. 348388
>>348051Who takes these pictures? Does her mom always come with her ? Someone is always taking pictures…it's so bizarre.
Most people I know, including myself, hardly touch our phones when we are out having fun. Maybe a quick scenery pic, but I swear aly lives her life like a reality tv show.
Everything has to be documented and appear a specific way. It's so…inauthentic. Sad.
No. 348427
File: 1499514172791.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-08-04-39-52…)

Uh because your posts are ridiculously long and boring and make no sense.
No. 348505
>>348388I agree, but it seems that all the people with a following, esp on insta, literally spend their whole time taking pictures and videos at everything and everywhere. It only got worse with the stories, so you don't even have to take nice pictures for your profile… Just take a load of pics and videos, they're going to disappear in 24h anyway. Aly is just following the wave.
But if instagram is a sort of job for instahoes (so it's partially justified for them to live on there), has Aly ever made any money with it? Now that I think of it I've never seen any Fittea tier promo crap on her profile
No. 348554
File: 1499531090158.jpg (875.14 KB, 794x2078, 20170708_112014.jpg)

now shes aly sjourney
time for some chicken mcnuggets
>>348388i guess its her bf now but usually her mum. aly thinks people need to see everything like i know people update frequently but shes posts every single thing she does in a day
No. 348707
File: 1499544772310.png (97 KB, 750x436, IMG_5585.PNG)

>>348607I cringed so hard, my unborn child was almost delivered.
Also, Aly is treading Vicky territory with this literal nonsense. NO one said this. Aly keeps bringing light to the fact she was around 6 men and no other women. And??? AND?!? So what?
Her life is so sad and pathetic that she thinks hanging around a bunch of men, and not being a whore, is some sort of life achievement.
And I need to add, the amount of McDonalds she eats is nauseating.
No. 348801
File: 1499551769667.png (121.94 KB, 640x824, IMG_3398.PNG)

Finally we have some of her followers with sense that are speaking up again
No. 348886
>>348554lol so now she's up to pretending her ed has lasted 4 years? what an exaggeration. it was literally like 6 months before her first IG documented recovery (deleted), then a few months of fake recovery, a relapse in which she never admitted she was relapsing on IG, then more fresh start recovery that she still lists as her "recovery since" date. she was active in her ed for like a year and a half tops, and less according to her own insistence that she was recovering two years ago. and it still has only been like 3 years since the very beginning so wtf, Aly.
>>348427…and here above the circled text she's like "I was too young to do these things before my Ed" in an attempt to sound like she was sick since she was super young she in fact the onset of her ed was much older than average.
it's annoying af when she lies so hard to seem like the sickest ever~~
No. 349135
File: 1499576985005.png (15.52 KB, 289x112, screenshot 2017-07-09_07.03.23…)

>>348801And guess who´s hurrying to kiss Aly´s butt?
It´s so ridiculous how she always calls Aly "angel".
lousrecovery, please note: Aly is anything but an angel, she´s a lying, manipulative bitch.
No. 349176
>>348619would love a compilation of all her weird intros… when Alice still had fried noodle-nest hair she always scratched her head like it was itching, my favourite.
>>349135She is such an airhead (or acts like one because starved brain). Does anyone else get
triggered by how she calls Aly "chicka" or is it just me.
Stalked her ig a bit and didn´t see a SINGLE fucking comment from Aly…lol
No. 349178
File: 1499584347638.png (32.26 KB, 279x308, screenshot 2017-07-09_07.14.35…)

It is so humiliating how she´s begging for attention from Aly. But Aly obviously doesn´t give a fuck about her, lol.
No. 349181
>>349135>>349178I've seen her posts, it wouldn't be a stretch to say this girl
literally comments on every Aly pic. Every cow has her neglected chronic asskisser, I guess.
No. 349590
File: 1499640235021.png (94.66 KB, 750x393, IMG_5596.PNG)

Ali got a ton of cold hard truth from her followers. Now she's saying she doesn't need everyone's asspats.
Please. Aly, you threaten sudoku at least once a week because "no 1 currrr" or you don't get enough attention.
This girl is INSANE and I want to slam some sense into her withering jello brain.
No. 349597
File: 1499640605581.gif (1.91 MB, 300x165, LzVrOcN.gif)

>>348607Every time she opens her eyes wide all I can see is pic related. She really has a bad case of crazy eyes
No. 349849
File: 1499676156636.jpg (56.67 KB, 476x597, classy at mcds.JPG)

>>349590I missed all the cold hard truths (I mean hater comments) yesterday. I really am trying to not look at this bitch as often as usual for blood pressure reasons.
I'm surprised she isn't following #1 Stan
when she's following joint #1 Stan dogsandpositivity.
>>348886She's definitely making her past (and present) seem a lot more dramatic. It's true she was anorexic before the aly_realrecovery account, because on the alice_eleanor one she's somewhere in Europe with the boyfriend and she mentions anorexia. She isn't the spoop we first knew though, just pretty thin.
Her year ~
TW~ numbers are as inconsistent as her weight and BMI.
There're pictures of her at 16 and she's a good weight. Heavier than she is now, so she wasn't all ana then.
It bugs me hard how she deletes any mention of her being in hospital for 3 days. She's made her time on a medical ward sound like she was about to die and tube fed for months. Remember when she complained she didn't want to share a room and had a hissy fit when they moved an old woman in. That's Aly.
Maybe I'll start a blog where the person isn't mentioned but it's obviously Aly. I want the new "fans" to know what a lying bitch she is.
I was thinking…I could be wrong…but not long ago remember she was saying she didn't want to spend a whole weekend with her boyfriend because she needed time to herself (lol, like she hasn't got enough?). I'm thinking that the whole thrashing her dad gave her tale was an excuse to not spend that day with him.
>>349636She's really deranged. I used to put a lot down to maybe cultural differences. Maybe she was aloof because that's the Italian way (such as Brits supposedly being stiff upper lip), but reading what Italian anons have said I don't think it is that.
Woke up bad today, anons. Hoping for your support. I'll leave you with a beautiful post. Hope your day is better (but you'd still better give me asspats or BLACK SCREEN!!!) <3
No. 349880
>>349590>>349636This has gone so far beyond a joke at this point. She is so far out of touch with reality it almost seems as though she's developed delusional disorder in place of her anorexia.
It's just become really sad. Hate to say it but she was more interesting when she was a walking skeleton.
No. 349947
File: 1499695306728.png (268.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-10-06-52-56…)

This is a response to a post of Alys complaining her mom can't go to therapy with her because she has to work and her dad doesn't want to. She's also complaining about the cost. She's such a brat and really needs to grow up. Her parents should kick her out because it's clear she's nevery had to work for anything and pay her own way.
No. 349974
File: 1499699667320.png (33.77 KB, 282x355, screenshot 2017-07-10 17.11.33…)

Such evil haters. How can they say things like "get a job" or ""act like an adult" when poor Aly is too weak to get on a bus without fainting?
No. 349979
>>349974She calls herself an ex anorexic and is saying she's taking life by the balls, etcbullshit BUT she really does want to appear to be a fragile sick girl.
There really is nothing stopping her getting a job AND GETTING A BUS ON HER OWN. What about people with epilepsy? Do they take their mum everywhere incase they have a seizure? No. Years ago I used to pass out in public when a panic attack got out of hand. It happened on a tube train. All I did was write down my name and phone number of my housemate on a piece of paper and stick it in my wallet adding that I'm just having a panic attack so no big deal don't call an ambulance. Why is she she pathetic?
She's never managed financial things herself ever. She's never had to pay her way. She drags her mother around to cafes. It's really, really pathetic. She needs to leave home, but she won't be able to deal with it. I blame her mum and I blame Aly. Who'd want to be so reliant on their parents in their 20s.
So yeah, she wants to be handled with kid gloves and wrapped in cotton wool and that's pathetic. If she wants to play the mental patient, then that's a shitty way to live your life. She doesn't know how to have a life where she just
happens to have a mental illness.
She's like all the rest of the terminal ED people.
No. 350048
File: 1499706508274.png (37.51 KB, 295x306, screenshot 2017-07-10 18.58.59…)

>>349979She wants to play the little weak anorexic girl for the rest of her life, that´s why she insists so much on still being underweight when she clearly isn´t.
Being healthy would mean taking responsibility for her life, so that´s not an option for her.
No. 350087
File: 1499710124156.png (174.64 KB, 747x895, IMG_5598.PNG)

Someone told aly she looks recovered and that has apparently really triggered her.
Laughable since she has mentioned she doesn't care if -she- triggers others by mentioning numbers or posting her spoop pics three times a week.
I get mental illness can't physically show recovery, and she is FAR from mentally recovered. But if she really believed her vomit inducing paragraph about being a strong, recovered survivor…she should welcome the words "you look recovered".
No. 350150
File: 1499716279234.jpg (727.16 KB, 1004x1260, Screenshot_20170710-144955.jpg)

the face of someone about to burst from the crazy
No. 350362
>>350150Why can't she smile like a human being?
Also, looking forward to seeing that hair clip in every single picture for the next few months. RIP ramen hair.
No. 350384
>>350382At least it's infinitely better than the ramen, I can live with this. If only the colour all matched her roots, though.
>>350150Now when I see her staged photos I can only imagine the awkward squirming she did before the photo was taken.
No. 350498
>>350157Apparently the waitress took these photos, which might explain why she toned down the crazy.
Earlier in the day she said she wasn't feeling well so she was just posting "throwbacks" because she didn't want to show herself. Two hours later she's in a restaurant, having a waitress take photos.
Ma didn't feel like enabling Aly so she threw a fit all day about it. I'm expecting a few black out posts today.
No. 350524
File: 1499768242072.jpeg (168.47 KB, 640x979, image.jpeg)

So who's gonna tell her it's a Tuesday?
No. 350548
>>350498Can you imagine working at a bar where she's a habitual customer?
"Oh, here she is again…"
No. 350560
File: 1499777633159.png (408.4 KB, 471x591, screenshot 2017-07-11 14.45.52…)

What the hell is she wearing? I live in a free country, but if a woman went to a cafe or a restaurant wearing only a shirt and no bottoms (thus showing her underpants), the staff would ask her politely but firmly to leave.
Why does she do that???
No. 350583
File: 1499781793892.png (59.56 KB, 1080x204, IMG_20170711_165601.png)

How is pizza for lunch different from pizza for dinner? I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think she has said she has pizza for dinner once a week.
No. 350585
>>350560I think these are short shorts, not her underwear. And the times I've been to Italy I've seen a lot of revealing clothing. Maybe someone from Italy can say more to that though.
>>350583That just doesn't make sense… but whatever she says, right? Maybe she just deleted all the old pizza photos again, kek.
No. 350586
File: 1499782460442.jpg (63.07 KB, 981x197, Screenshot_20170711-091315.jpg)

No. 350588
File: 1499782699609.png (664.8 KB, 935x605, Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 10.1…)

This is also a weird af shot.
No. 350601
>>350585Italian clothing is not more revealing than any other European country tbh. You see girls dressing more revealingly mainly in big cities or sea places in summer. And yes,
>>350560 are short shorts
No. 350633
>>350617as far as I'm aware she doesn't shoop at all and it was never pointed out in the threads
>>350602Not from Itlay, but near the border. People just get used to it. Here you have tea or coffee in the morning (7am) and then at 10:30 you get half an hour pause to eat or do whatever.
No. 350704
>>350602Italian here, personally when I wake up I don't feel like eating a lot. Coffee and a couple of cookies are more than enough, and usually we have a pause around 10,30/11 to eat something again.
To be fair, we will never wrap our heads around foreigners eating eggs and bacon in the morning lol
No. 350743
File: 1499799558450.jpg (537.05 KB, 810x1497, 20170711_135336.jpg)

as if she wouldn't post an update complete w how much she weighs + her bmi
i wonder what will happen when she gets to 18.5 or they sign her off from treatment
No. 350753
>>350716We don't eat all the same thing. Some have tea/coffee/milk, some make pancakes, some eat a lot of cookies, and yeah, some have a bowl of cereal. It's mostly sweets for breakfast but it's cultural, we start our day just fine like this, just like foreigners who eat meat at breakfast and are fine this way. I guess you get used to it.
An American friend of mine once described Italian breakfast as "every American child's dream" kek
No. 350774
>>350602I don't know, it's definitely not cookies though, it's biscuits. Usually, I'd have cereals or a few biscuits (pretty hefty ones from Mulino Bianco) with milk. Personally, my fuel is carbohydrates, not proteins. Maybe it's partly a matter of habit: because I've always had breakfast like that, it feels weird not to.
That said, I do have some fruit around 11 or so, so maybe that helps as well? I also generally don't find cookies as filling as biscuits, even though cookies are much more sugary.
No. 350910
File: 1499827327836.jpg (31.53 KB, 634x419, mmm toast.jpg)

>>350743She's a feminist but needs her boyfriend to help her go the clinic.
Whatever the results are, she's going to shave off some weight and she'll never admit to being the BMI she really is. If she does. that means she's no longer sick.
Btw, Britfag here. Toast and a big cup of PG Tips is my favourite breakfast. Wholemeal, seeded bread is preferable but fuck it, even white toast is good.
>>3508453 pieces of picked at pasta.
No. 351214
File: 1499881897787.jpg (97.24 KB, 978x378, Screenshot_20170712-124701.jpg)

>>351146haha now its 17.6 i was gonna joke that she would say this
now shes saying ex anorexic again but the other day she was saying her body isnt healthy and she isn't recovered which one is it
No. 351255
>>351146Well I'm noticing her ice cream portions are getting smaller.
She hasn't been discharged as such though. She said she still has to go 2 or 3 times a year and isn't that more or less what she's been doing the past year?
Hoping something kicks off soon. These beautiful gazes and dull as fuck captions are making me depressed.
No. 351256
File: 1499885832956.jpg (17.74 KB, 287x177, was it worth it.JPG)

>>351255so depressed I dropped the pic of her HUGE, OILY (!) ice cream.
No. 351273
>>351266Yeah, but to Aly the higher the BMI, the "fatter" she is. She just sees it as fat.
She seems determined not to get to BMI 19. Isn't that the ~number~ that makes her freak out?
No. 351293
File: 1499889353297.png (1.48 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170712-135419.png)

Coming from someone who posts bmi, and before as after every week.
No. 351300
>>351293Why does she have to be so pissy with people? That person might want to know the stats as something to aim for. She's being sketchy about her weight and said she WEIGHTED herself at home. They would've weighed her at the clinic so wtf?
I really do hate her.
No. 351356
File: 1499895538876.jpg (64.52 KB, 281x278, 20170712_163736.jpg)

No. 351436
File: 1499899331419.png (206.84 KB, 750x1202, IMG_5613.PNG)

>>351368Top keks.
Aly's followers are starting to get sick of her pity parties and whining about literally everything. They all spend time commenting and sending her PMs trying to make her feel better but they all get ignored, and constant captions of "no one cares about me waaahhhh". I feel bad for the girls who really try to befriend Aly. She's apparently lost a few followers today.
She could be a great role model but her attitude is pure garbage. And she's a grade A psycho.
No. 351668
File: 1499920206741.png (21.97 KB, 275x152, screenshot 2017-07-13 06.26.34…)

>>351660I must cut Aly some slack here (for not responding / not giving a fuck about lousrecovery). Even for her, this amount of gibberish is obviously too much.
No. 351671
>>350583>>348233why are italian women always delusional about how big/nice their ass is? sage for OT
>>348231nitpicking but why does she consider herself a "woman" and the men as "guys", maybe I'm looking way into it but it just seems kinda off she would call herself a woman while mentioning she is around a bunch of men, maybe I'm just crazy though lmfao
No. 351708
File: 1499928231938.png (868.37 KB, 1065x734, IMG_20170713_084149.png)

>>351356you cut off the best party of this picture though: the people watching her awkward posing session, lol.
No. 351711
>>351708the guy on the left seems like he would be hot as fuck
sage for ot
No. 351724
>>351708Is the bald one her dad?
Is the other one Dante?
No. 351735
File: 1499933050474.png (106.67 KB, 273x200, peter sutcliffe.png)

>>351724That totally looks like her dad. The other one looks like the Yorkshire Ripper!
Bet it'll be a day of black screen today. It usually is after a weigh in, so much support will be needed. That and people have AT LAST caught on to her being a bitch about comments.
No. 351755
>>351726Lousrecovery is a - rather skeletal - anorexic whose "recovery" is as real as Aly´s was before she really started gaining in 2016. And yes, I think her comments are sincere, she´s really adoring Aly, probably because of her "transformation pics" which serve as thinspiration for her.
Check out this girl´s profile on Instagram. Anorexia has really eaten her brain, that´s why she writes such bullshit and is constantly kissing Aly´s ass.
No. 351757
File: 1499942092976.png (679.61 KB, 672x715, screenshot 2017-07-13 12.32.05…)

My goodness, how many of these stupid pics of her in bed is she going to post?
No. 351759
Typical how she's guilt tripping followers for making here feel shit about her being shitty to followers. She can't reply to them cos ~muh socia anxiety~ another self diagnosis she's pulled out of the bag.
Her social anxiety is that she won't be the centre of attention in a social setting.
>>351757I really want to get inside her mind for a nano second and try to understand how she thinks her ridiculous poses aren't embarrassing. I want her to stop posting these bed ones because hotel bed covers are always disgusting.
>>351755Does she purge? She's skinny but has chipmunk cheeks.
No. 351815
File: 1499955874662.jpg (352.32 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170713-092241.jpg)

No. 351816
File: 1499956119210.png (285.7 KB, 750x1134, IMG_2893.PNG)

> please stop with this stereotype that "everything is easy to a pretty girl"
No. 351836
>>351816I dgaf what she says, she was INCREDIBLY lucky during recovery. She had a mother who caters to her every whim. Living with her family who make sure she eats is lucky. Not having to worry about finances/independent living is lucky. Having the funds to receive treatment is lucky. No, it wasn't all your work that got you to gain weight. Give your family some credit ffs.
I don't think she's pretty. To me she's awkward looking, with or without make up.
No. 351838
File: 1499959005119.jpg (36.94 KB, 923x591, baw baw.JPG)

I said this would happen
No. 351841
>>351838ugh shes pathetic
i cant pay attention to aly for too long she irritates me too much
No. 351844
>>351838God she gets soooo
triggered at little comments from strangers over the internet, there's no way anyone's ever insulted in her and called her ugly/fat irl like she's claimed or else she'd be dead now
No. 351845
File: 1499959634133.jpg (42.64 KB, 304x284, 2.JPG)

Possible farmer? Lol.
No. 351887
File: 1499966013472.png (345.37 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3419.PNG)

Holy shit she gets so passive aggressive sometimes. I wish I could read what's underneath her stupid caption thing. Especially the fact that she ends it by saying "darling ;)" the epitome of passive aggression
No. 351889
File: 1499966529495.jpg (245.28 KB, 704x685, Screenshot_20170713-110936.jpg)

She got that job?
No. 351890
>>351887>i care about my followersok
shes at 50.6k now i love seeing people figure out what shes like
No. 351904
>>3518895 year anniversary? Weren't they apart like a year if not more?
I know it's a bit irrelevant but
No. 351937
>>351755Aw lousrecovery is really young and seems very genuine, just still obsessed with her body and food. She looks like she's definitely gained since her first post but she still has a few kilos to go. If you've scroll through her stuff it seems like she wasn't
triggered by an actual traumatic event (the way she talks about it sounds like it might have been a sexual assault but I didn't see a post where she confirmed that). Unlike Aly who just wants to be a helpless child and doted on and adored forever and makes up reasons for her ED.
Btw Aly, my dad had a temper and hit me too and I've also experienced street harassment like every other woman in the entire world and I don't use it as an excuse to act like an idiot. Grow up, get a job, move out. You won't have time to obsess over donut photos and selfies when you need to pay the rent. Half of her problem is that she's got fuck all to do.
No. 351941
File: 1499974196547.png (39.67 KB, 408x331, IMG_6523.PNG)

>>325480Girl needs some muscle mass, this is gross.
No. 351955
>>351937Lousrecovery isn't even young, she's 18 but sounds/looks like she's 13
Agreed with everything about Aly.. In Italy "beating your kids" is really common. It's not the intense beating (black eye, nose bleeding) that you picture, but a sort of spanking. Not just in Italy but most eastern European counties. My family is from a eastern European country and everyone there was raised getting hit with a belt, a cord, getting spanked as a punishment, etc, including me, and we all turned out fine. It's just a different culture. If you complain about your dad hitting you there everyone will laugh at you because it's the norm.
And most woman are raised to ignore "street harassment" and not let it get to them, there's so many creepy men in those counties. Aly, however, throws a hissy fit for 4 months straight after an old man whistles at her.
No. 351980
>>351955In the 70s kids were still getting the cane at school. My mum said at her school they used to get the belt! I remember getting whacked at primary school twice. Can you imagine the snowflake outcry if that happened now.
Tbh, if Italian girls wear as little as Aly you've got to expect dickheads to shout out comments. Of course you should be able to wear what you want, but it's never going to happen because most men get brave when they're with their friends and their balls are full.
No. 352223
>>351955south european, I can confirm this
>>351845nah I think everyone everywhere is starting to hate her.
No. 352380
File: 1500043037692.jpg (347.25 KB, 652x693, Screenshot_20170714-083152.jpg)

"Don't watch "to the bone" on Netflix today, you might be triggered, look at me in this lime green bikini instead"
No. 352397
File: 1500046037600.png (31.34 KB, 283x342, screenshot 2017-07-14 17.22.38…)

>>352380Poor Aly took this movie "personally" (although she hasn´t seen it). But some evil hater is already calling her out on her bullshit.
No. 352421
>>352397Lol these anas getting
triggered by that Netflix movie is so tiring. Do you know how many movies glamorize drug addiction and alcoholism, accurately or inaccurately)? How about violent movies and people with PTSD? Just close your eyes and don't watch it lmao it's not that big of a deal.
No. 352423
>>352421I reckon none of them are actually
triggered by it, it's always a competition with anas and they don't like the fact a fictional depiction is getting more attention than them.
No. 352519
File: 1500058041923.jpg (935.57 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170714_124524.jpg)

I hate this face so much…
No. 352523
File: 1500058497666.jpg (15.02 KB, 604x438, c67.jpg)

>>352519So unbearably smug, ugh
No. 352532
File: 1500059516577.jpg (391.99 KB, 652x693, IMG_0231.JPG)

>>352380It's been said no editing, but what the hell is that?
No. 352560
File: 1500061947579.png (666.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170714-135101.png)

No. 352563
File: 1500062089843.jpg (542.52 KB, 2896x2896, 20170714_135022.jpg)

Top post from today, bottom post 2 days ago…hypocrite.
No. 352565
File: 1500062246435.png (15.91 KB, 285x110, screenshot 2017-07-14 21.55.48…)

This makes me want to puke.
No. 352567
File: 1500062503269.jpg (120.08 KB, 567x460, Screenshot_20170714-140032.jpg)

Took her long enough to realise.
No. 352581
>>352563no defending her but no?
cutting food into tiny pieces isnt a weight loss tips its an ED behavior
No. 352601
File: 1500066192397.jpg (103.29 KB, 810x253, Screenshot_20170714-160020.jpg)

says she doesnt want to write more because someone said she cant comment on a movie shes never seen..also i didnt screenshot the chocolate she posted but its one shes posted about 5 times before
No. 352717
File: 1500074347917.jpg (35.25 KB, 346x332, chimp face.JPG)

>>352519Chimp face. It's worse than the kissy face she used to do.
>>352601Using the "i'm not in a good place" excuse to guilt trip a follower again.
I didn't look at her account for 24 hours and I thought she hadn't uploaded today because her feed looks exactly the same as every other day.
No. 352719
File: 1500074462172.jpg (32.43 KB, 280x280, ranga.jpg)

No. 352821
File: 1500088381893.png (134.78 KB, 640x629, IMG_2653.PNG)

>>352532>>352547>>352554It is foam here, but her hips are weird, uneven.
No. 352950
File: 1500128315451.jpg (42.68 KB, 681x118, Screenshot_20170715-081052.jpg)

How does someone actually relapse in anorexia? I get that if your alcoholic, and having a drink, it's clear. but, wouldn't you have to skip more than just one meal with anorexia?
No. 352952
>>352950i knew that she would start saying stuff like this once she got over that precious 17.5. i feel like this behaviour is p
triggering to people
she just means she'll start restricting again (if she doesnt get more asspats)
No. 352957
File: 1500129093921.png (577.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170715-082917.png)

This was earlier, she's fine now of course. I guess she was upset her dad still calls her anorexic
No. 353013
File: 1500142085550.png (219.6 KB, 750x1154, IMG_5621.PNG)

Waaaahhhh I'm so fat and no one loves me or gives me support because I'm fat.
No. 353036
>>352957I hate pictures like this because I always imagine how the process of taking it looked like and it's so pathetic. Get an idea, take your phone, make a dramatic fake face, pose, add a lil filter and wow, so dramatic and so in pain.
Sage for no contribution
No. 353472
File: 1500204828929.png (1.43 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Nice ana pose there, Aly. Only 2 comments on her recent post so she's getting desperate. Loving the typo "curses" as well.
No. 353474
File: 1500204896498.png (159.37 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8720.PNG)

Q&A Aly style - pretend that the things you tell yourself are actual comments you received and/or twist people's words however you want, ask yourself all the questions, write down your own answers thinking it will make you look clever and ~feminist~, don't reply any of the actual questions you receive in the comments. She should have written "imaginary FAQ" instead of "Q&A"
No. 353665
File: 1500238272642.png (192.6 KB, 750x1072, IMG_0022.PNG)

She's not gonna like this
No. 353818
File: 1500255082634.png (1.74 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_4373.PNG)

>>353665Of course she didn't and had to post twice in her stories about it.
No. 353933
File: 1500277833007.jpg (13.74 KB, 270x187, waking up in a bad place.jpg)

>>353845>>353929I've seen her profile before at some point. She's gorgeous and her flexibility is enviable.
True though. Aly really is fake and always has been. She's always bleating about how deliriously happy she is now she's an EX (!) anorexic, but that's bullshit. She's miserable af. If there was one thing better about her when she had the profile way before she pretends she started it, at least her "poses" were more natural. She looked frail and tragic but all this OTT posing is pitiful. It's shocking how she hasn't researched nutritious food and swears she'll carry on eating donuts and chips every day.
I think something's going to happen soon. Something slightly drastic mentally. She can't keep the pretense up, and her followers are already getting sick of her (except dogsandpositivity and lousrecovery).
Any bets she's going to wake up in a "bad place"?
No. 353951
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>>353933oh man, it already happened
by-night before I could even bet.
So whenever there's a hater she invariably always posts it on IG/stories. Then there's not really so many "haters" as she make it seem.
Aside, I don't get how Aly's content is supposed to be "inspiring" in any way. It's so dumb it makes me want to never be a part of whatever she's part of.
No. 353968
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Tellin' it like it is. Probably a farmer, but they aren't wrong. Aly is a selfish mess, girl needs to get a new therapist, move out & try being independent for the 1st time in her life. It must be embarrassing to be her family, enabling or not.
No. 353969
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What's the bet that she's gonna threaten sudoku after reading this comment?
No. 353972
>>353968I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the future she doesn't Sudoku. Unless she gets some help for whatever the fuck's wrong with her.
Can't believe it. That says it all. Right there in front of her is the truth and she can't see it.
No. 353974
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(She loses more followers every week)
No. 354054
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Is she really taking a poll on if she should relapse? Really Aly?
No. 354070
>>354054Nah, she's just asking people to tell her she's inspirational.
I think she's a lost cause, really. She'd have a chance if someone threw her somewhere like Sierra Leone, to help poor people and see what struggling really is. But that would be illegal so, instead, she'll become another strain on the state by never becoming independent.
No. 354084
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For someone who pretends not to care she sure spends a lot of time making several posts back to back about the hate she gets. Yet she seldom brings up positive comments she gets. I have been racking my brain trying to come up with something she can't twist, but after reading alot of these 'hater' comments.. I'm starting to think she's so damn delusional that shes convinced she can do no wrong. I find it funny though that she doesn't mention the comment about her enabling mother.. truth hurts eh Aly
No. 354096
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No. 354128
>>354054lol fingers crossed she gets tonnes of votes for "become anorexic again"
how can she even pretend to believe she's inspirational if she literally has to take a public poll on if she should relapse? what a twat
No. 354153
>>354142as if it even makes her anxious shes just desperate for anything to write about. i dont even understand how that would make someone anxious, its her friends but one person she hasn't met? how terrifying
+im trying to imagine what the trip will be like and im sure she'll start it off with "i wont be present on here today" etc.
No. 354265
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i dont think its possible for her to focus on the positives. everything is always about how she looks like theres nothing about career or school its just "my hair isnt tied up"?
>beautiful dress
No. 354481
>>354265"Big legs"
"Stretch marks cause of weight loss"
No. 354613
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No. 354926
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Her face to all the people who mock her for wearing tight clothes that show off her "fat and chubby" body. Her words, not mine.
I want to comment and say "nothing wrong with looking fat! Go girl! You got this!"
I don't know if she's delusional about her size or if she's just fishing for "you look so thin! You're not fat!" Comments
No. 354949
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>>354926>>354941did she have like 1 week of therapy or something like her disordered thoughts never seem to change
oh and her mum wants them to go swimming or something and shes freaking out about her bikini being one size bigger
No. 355093
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>>354926What even is this face she is making?
No. 355129
>>355086Seriously ….I'm not nearly as fucked as Aly and I have been doing weekly therapy sessions once a week for over a year now.
It changed my life but then again I wanted to change. Aly doesn't want to change. She is perfectly content being insane and doing her daily STORIES(!) Making stupid faces and feeding her ego with asspats.
It's likely she lies to her mom and therapist about her level of obsession with social media and her daily photo shoots. No therapist would condone 15 posts a day, obsessing about food and weight. Posting weekly about suicidal thoughts and wanting to die.
Sage for blogging and arm chairing.
No. 355180
>>355086In my area you'd pay €200 a session, but that's still affordable at least once every two weeks.
Also, if you're really fucked up you can go through the national health service. They are really overbooked and only deal with the most serious cases after a while, but I would have thought she would have qualified when she was a skeleton and you can still do quite a few sessions without paying a penny even if you're not that bad, it's just that after a while your therapist may discharge you in favour of dealing with people who try to kill themselves or continuously threaten to kill themselves.
No. 355244
>>328613The therapist may be part of the problem. I mean she might work well with other patients but def her methods are NOT for Aly. She looks like the kind of therapist that's overly nice too. Aly needs someone blunter.
I remember a post where Aly allegedly quoted her dad referring to her therapist as "that asshole" lol (I'm trying to find it but navigating through her million of photos is hard fam). I doubt he really said that but I take it he doesn't like her for valid reasons.
No. 355368
File: 1500478790012.png (1.37 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Aly says a big fuc* (!) off to society in today's manic posts from the thermal baths.
No. 355436
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she's trying to figure out how her bikini pics aren't getting more than 5 comments.
No. 355440
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This is so fucking awkward.
No. 355456
>>355436she was just called out for not responding to comments and dms haha
>>355440i wish her mum would just be like aly can we not take pics for once
No. 355460
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yeah well done ma
No. 355756
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So anons, would you say the smug puff face (>>355093) is better or worse than her previous poses?
1. The hide behind donnie
2. The smile at salad
3. The drinking glass duck face
No. 355984
>>355756That looking through the donut doesn't rile me as much as her later donut ones do. She looks natural there whereas later on it was all "I'm Aly, I look through donuts". The other two make me flinch because of ana face.
Smug face is really unattractive and more ridiculous than anything that's gone before.
Verdict: smug chimp face is the face which is worse than any other face she's ever posed EXCEPT the kissy face. That really haunts me.
I was thinking how she never uses DANG any more. I kinda miss it.
No. 356012
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>>356006Oh wait, it's this thread that needs a new one, right? I'll do it and yes!
Right now she's telling her followers she only had a few days to live when she was put on a medical ward for 3 days.
No. 356014
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>>355756You forgot the most important… The kissy butthole lips face.
No. 356018
>>356014Aww, but she only had a few days left.
(in reality, the doc probably said she would spend only a few days in hospital).
New thread!