File: 1503623674069.png (332.13 KB, 600x600, 1502935127927.png)

No. 379099
Aly is our inspirational recoveryqueer and we are her hordes of haters (!) We simply don't understand her F I G H T against food and being a stable human being #survivor
Prev. Thread >>/snow/356015
>>Anybody who leaves a comment that doesn't involve asspats will be deleted and blocked>>Her friends - I mean - Her Mother is always there to enable her and take a "photo shoot">>Father supposedly abuses her, don't you feel bad for our poor queen Aly ??>>A recovery role model like Aly doesn't need a job>>If you don't give her enough asspats she WILL commit sudoku so you better feel guilty about not commenting on the 7 photos at McDonalds>>She definitely won't comment on your profile, don't worry>>Black out image means she's serious, guys (!)#recoverywin #positivity #tellmeimpretty
No. 379105
File: 1503624000394.jpg (96.76 KB, 978x925, Screenshot_20170824-201858.jpg)

i wonder how low
can she go
No. 379282
File: 1503640140824.png (138.47 KB, 754x1030, aly_sjourney1.png)

>>379278Yea they do seem to clearly be bait considering both accounts are completely void of activity. The only thing on the moms account is an image with a desc that is the same exact thing she commented to Aly. They don't seem real at all. And Aly loves spotting fake accounts so she probably noticed right away.
No. 379320
File: 1503649615461.png (138.43 KB, 720x1104, 20170825_102527.png)

No. 379321
File: 1503649627200.png (40.08 KB, 720x288, 20170825_102552.png)

No. 379361
File: 1503657546210.png (284.48 KB, 750x1184, IMG_0088.PNG)

Aly has addressed the events of the last 48 hours in this post and is apparently spooked the haterz know her real name and gave her yells on Facebook. Is anyone friends with her on there?
No. 379368
>>379361Oh, thank GOD some people decided to give her something to talk about. Isn't it wonderful how these things work out fine, in the end?
Couldn't possibly have happened at a better time: even her followers were complaining that she was posting the same shoot over and over again and that she's on Instagram too much, but now she can talk about this until the sky falls down.
All's well that ends well.
No. 379371
>>379326Reminds me of that Twitter story about a girl who ended up dating a douche who had organised something like 10 dates in an evening to "optimise time".
The girl found out and then stalked the area and just befriended all the other girls and warned them and had a party elsewhere.
No. 379397
>>379278actually you realize that most of her followers are young and mentally ill, and that many of them don't follow her for the lulz? and the ones who take her seriously are arguably the sickest of them all? it's not that of an unbelievable situation. clearly jack fisher most likely isnt real, but this is something that could very well happen and she needs to be made aware of this..
Lol and she should be scared, she's making her entire life public for the world, and it's not that difficult to find her information, I cant believe she's surprised that this happened. If she had even half a brain cell she'd be a little more careful, having nearly 50k followers on IG.
No. 379423
>>379361is she serious
did she even read what people were saying? im glad i was blocked before and i dont have to look at her stupid face anymore
>>379368yeah but it wasn't all farmers getting at her and its not like people wanna hear about this either
No. 379432
File: 1503672181577.jpg (620.32 KB, 2896x2896, 20170825_084024.jpg)

She responded a little this morning in her transformation pic. I couldn't fit it all in. But, this is it basically.
No. 379442
>>379434meh shes still the same
if she cares so much about her followers how come she doesnt follow them or comment on their posts, shes "nice" to them rn cus she wants them to keep coming back to her
No. 379444
File: 1503674189821.png (1023.44 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170825-083320.png)

This in stories…bikini shoot posted right after
No. 379445
>>379444suprise surprise
shes probably gonna post soon about how she cant eat her snack but if they check out back post maybe she'll try
No. 379448
File: 1503674483556.png (693.18 KB, 1276x1481, IMG_4397.PNG)

Update guys! Aly decided to go to the water park… again. Fuck, this chick is so predictable it's just sad now. She posts about "omg, so bloated, should I go?!" But ALWAYS does. Then gets ? To take 8000 photos of her sucking in her sugar loaded gut in a bikini. Everything about Aly is fake. Goddamn it's making me extra ragey today.
No. 379468
>But this is my diaryBasically Aly does not give two shits about anyone else because her IG is for her and no one else. She doesn't write motivational crap for other people, she does it for her. She does it because it makes her sound "strong" and her followers like that. So they kiss her ass and give her compliments about how beautiful and not bloated she is.
Diaries are private and for the one person alone. IG is not her diary. It's where she goes for her validation and to show everyone how perfect and awesome her relationship with her boytoy is, how brace she is for stuffing a hotdog in her face, and to brag about her "millions of friends and pool parties".
Her IG is to make Aly happy and no one else. She doesn't care about her followers at all. And nothing about these comments says anything about her caring. They are all excuses and reasons why she does what she does.
No. 379512
File: 1503683454628.jpg (136.69 KB, 575x612, sheseemscreepy.jpg)

>>379507idk, but the Jasmin one seems creepy. I've seen her comments increase everyday, and every so often include wanting to be friends in real life. She asked Aly if she accepts friend requests on facebook.
This is one of the reasons i'm surprised Aly didn't know that people know her real name. Hasn't she posted it before?
No. 379515
>>379512She must have done or else we wouldn't know it!
That girl's profile pic is scary too. It's like she's hoping Aly is her savior.
No. 379527
>>379512ive seen that girl befriend other people on instagram too
i wonder how long it will take her to realise that aly couldnt care less about her
No. 379564
File: 1503689681841.jpg (301.51 KB, 540x1024, Screenshot_20170825-121244.jpg)

So I guess Aly is going to a high school reunion to prove she's better now. I didn't know they did reunions in less than 10 years of graduating…do they?
No. 379569
>>379564Why does she feel the need to prove anything to a few girls who she says gave her shit at school? She wasn't even thin then.
I've never been to a reunion. I mean, if you didn't bother to stay in touch after you left then why bother now. Why doesn't she do what everyone does and look them u on fb..oh yeah, she wants to show them she's successful and her life is epic.
No. 379775
>>379763yeah she uses pics of different days just so she can write about something
im blocked rn so i cant see lol did she go to the reunion?
No. 379871
File: 1503716071423.png (287.74 KB, 1044x546, excitement.png)

>>379775I don't get to see the stories, but she said she's going because of course she would.
Threw in the bonus joyful Aly splashing in the pool pic for you.
No. 379887
>>379871omg its not that deep aly
all the stories are gonna be her sitting alone somewhere
i hate you aly lmao
No. 379930
>>379871>>379564She really can't keep her story straight, can she? When it suits her narrative she was ~so popular~ and the "hot blonde" all the boys loved, but then she turns around and says she was "bullied" and miserable and everyone called her the "anorexic blonde" (what's her obsession with being fake blonde anyway?) even though she didn't have an ed in high school.
She always bitches about how no one reads her captions but she's lucky they don't, bc if they did she wouldn't be able to get away with how she totally changes every aspect of her past to suit her drama of the day.
No. 379988
File: 1503728262115.png (905.35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170826-001107.png)

She didn't post anything but this in her story. I looked up the hashtag of that place, trying to find Aly in the back somewhere. No luck.
It's a bar with loud music and lots of drinking and being goofy. I just can't imagine Aly partying without her mom for very long. I think she had one drink and left honestly.
No. 380093
File: 1503754144108.jpg (24.43 KB, 423x139, success.JPG)

>>379988Yes, but she impressed the barman by downing THREE (!) cocktails and eating chips. He even gave her his number. If this happened, that's enviable proof that she's hot and an amazing person.
No. 380124
>>380093so the previous struggles became meaningless but how long till another breakdown over fried foods, its goes on and on and on
No. 380138
File: 1503759520055.png (409.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-26-07-56-43…)

Doesn't she get donuts all the time? 1 kg has not made a difference in her body image. This girl is so crazy!
No. 380147
>>380138love how hater comments are still bothering her. i think i said to her that youre weight restored now i didnt say no one cares about you because youre weight restored, stupid cow. why cant she just accept that if youre eating to gain that you are going to gain
yeah she ate a doughnut yesterday and a kg is like 2 pounds!
No. 380169
>>380168oh i didnt see that just used to fake quoting
well it is true
No. 380172
File: 1503762788359.jpeg (137.69 KB, 1263x1788, image.jpeg)

Not sure if anyone else caught this, she deleted everything pretty quickly.
No. 380174
>>380172haha i knew it would happen
wish she'd learn that instagram is never gonna give her what she wants
No. 380178
File: 1503763329732.jpg (37.74 KB, 672x167, Screenshot_20170826-100021.jpg)

LoL she goes to a high school reunion and these are her accomplishments.
No. 380181
File: 1503763796584.jpg (42.01 KB, 664x173, Screenshot_20170826-100622.jpg)

Also… what about the weight thing does she need help with? is she so bored of talking about it that she doesn't even know anymore?
No. 380192
>>380172Her use of the word OF bothers me. She uses it mostly instead if FOR and FROM, "I suffer of an eating disorder". Yes, I am
triggered every. fuc*ing. time. I want to shut her mouth off.
No. 380195
File: 1503764668169.png (29.69 KB, 468x164, wp_ss_20170826_0003.png)

No. 380332
File: 1503776043675.png (1.21 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170826-112340.png)

I have a few things top post. 1/3
No. 380334
File: 1503776182340.png (854.79 KB, 720x980, 20170826_133504.png)

New video. Nothing new in there LoL. 2/3
No. 380337
File: 1503776267207.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170826-133216.png)

And finally, is this supposed to be proof she has friends?
No. 380363
Those are such simple things which would say someone who you haven't seen for a long time…What did she expect? I think she's playing a role for IG…I can't believe this girl is so intense in RL. Imagine if you meet a girl who one day is a survivor (!) a fighter (!) and all that and just in a few hours she's ''worthless'' and people ''don't care anymore''.
>>380172So if everything was wrong, Aly-nspirational, why did you post it 5 or 6 times and need people to read it so desperately?
I came to the conclusion that 7 comments per photo are enough for her.
No. 380387
>>380337Thanks for the posts. This one's really creepy. I imagine her pretending to do something inside her bag while trying to be all stealth taking a sneaked picture.
ATM I'd settled for Aly binning those awful peace earrings.
No. 380416
>>380337I took a look at the restaurants official page, and apparently most of their sushi menu is filled with vegetables and has lower calories than average sushi. That bottle it's just filtered sparkling water. And I bet Aly isn't gonna eat that much because STRUGGLING (!). But hey, it's a RECOVERY WIN (!) for our recovery queer.
Also, i think those are the same friends she ate sushi last time, which wasn't a really big portion though, at least for Aly.
No. 380567
>>380528lol me too anon
p much we could predict her whole day, everyday
No. 380717
File: 1503828663741.png (41.29 KB, 452x204, wp_ss_20170827_0001.png)

Perhaps not calling ~deep ~ comments dumb would be a start.
Good morning, you anonymous queers. Anyone got her stories post? Thaanks!
No. 380765
File: 1503840572813.png (2.42 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170827-072520.png)

>>380717The stories are not that interesting. Instead of the stack of oreos she posted, it's an empty space where the cookies would have been. I forgot she said she was spending the night at a friend's.. so there is this boomerang of her arriving at home?
No. 380797
File: 1503846106847.png (124.41 KB, 640x660, IMG_5156.PNG)

LOL wut?? Mistranslation there aly hahaha
No. 380815
>>380797Bone Densitometry (DEXA).
It's essentially a bone density scan. Considering the severity and duration of her anorexia I would not be all that surprised if the results suggested osteopenia or even full blown osteoporosis. If I was in her shoes I would be nervous too.
No. 380824
File: 1503849691107.jpg (449.69 KB, 1317x1304, Screenshot_20170827-095748.jpg)

You can't imagine.
No. 380837
File: 1503850125195.jpg (280.38 KB, 683x677, 20170827_100549.jpg)

Look at this shitty background blur. Did she do that or is it automatic? Were the trees really taking that much attention away from her face?
No. 380840
>>380837not WKing but I have a feeling someone mentioned in the other thread that it was a new iphone camera feature or something? might be wrong about that though.
sage for not contributing anything
No. 380847
>>380824I wish I could reach in and grab that SOON →
and ram it painfully up her arse, jesus god if pisses me off.
So someone called her a fatty. She went to a garden centre with Ma (that is definitely a shot taken by her) and she's closing her account. Again. Great progresses.
No. 380895
File: 1503853530735.jpg (43.99 KB, 323x474, fattyfatfat.JPG)

>>380887I've been looking at her comments on and off but didn't see anything negative. She's hearing the voices in head again.
>>380890P sure that'd be considered cow tipping but it'd be helpful if he did know, like if SHE told him. Really, why hide it - oh because it shows him she's still majorly fucked up and lies out of her booty.
No. 380909
>>380895yeah thats why ive resisted doing it lol
i dont think even any farmers have called her a fatty, it bugs me that no one questions how its always that word ya know and she says texted to make it sound ambiguous. ugh i hate her. her followers dont pay much attention i guess
No. 380959
>>380945i deleted my first comment cus i made a mistake so yeah now the samefag makes no sense
>>380919yeah i dont think any of us are hating on her for gaining weight or body shaming. we just hate you as a person aly
No. 380962
File: 1503856818603.png (535.17 KB, 457x686, UNFORTUNATELY.png)

>>380959> we just hate you as a person alyNobody wants to see you skele and die. Your suffering is OUR suffering. Believe me.
Now she's telling us to eat and feel "hella bomb" in our own skin. Only bomb she is is a walking ticking time bomb.
And she's still all…
>Rather if you look chic and pretty, or someone calls you "fatty" (true story ??) No. 380969
>>380962>>380959It pisses me off how fake she is. She only gets most of the comments because of her deleting and reposting the same shit again. Out of pity, that's it. She likes to hear how she's an inspiration or a role model out of strangers when in RL she can't even talk to her boyfriend about her ED or makes going to a pool a big deal (!). Such a fake girl, honestly.
>in the face of that ASS*OLE who texted me early ''oh you've become A FATTY!…!''I'm soooo tempted to ask her to give us more information about her hater (name? IG? something?), just as she does in stories when people comment and she decides it's okay to screenshot everything and shames everybody…But I'm afraid I'll get blocked asap hahaha.
No. 380977
>>380969shes literally claimed that someone texted her saying "youve become a fatty" before, like a week ago
thats how i got blocked i said like "who are you quoting now" lol she'd just block or not reply
No. 381036
>>381010Welcome back! She threatens to leave so followers will tell her not to because she's ~inspirational ~ and read lovely things about herself. It must make her feel wanted and it feeds her ego.
Idk why I love her pissing me off. There're a few others who I'm the same about and I have no answer when asked if they piss me off so much why do I follow them. Probably a PhD thesis waiting to be written there.
Alys totally the kind to emotionally blackmail her bf. Perhaps that's why he sticks with the useless cow. ?
No. 381076
>>381057Aww and Aly wants so hard to be a role model.
Yeah, I see how that explanation works. I'll click the link when I'm on my laptop. Interesting, innit.
No. 381086
File: 1503869780952.jpg (79.34 KB, 720x540, 200298_1831703002443_3168903_n…)

She actually used to look fine.
No. 381107
File: 1503871611347.png (553.4 KB, 611x530, icanseeyourbuttaly.png)

>>381102I don't know either, she went private and i can't see anymore. I tried following but apparently she won't accept anyone lmao
dropped pic
No. 381124
>>381102I will summarise. (Don't worry, she won't stay private long):
Aly woke up with a headache and guilt about sushi. She said she was only going to eat one Oreo because she didn't get comments until her 3rd repost. She posted an old donut at McD's pic.
She posted Oreos. She could eat after support.
(jasmin_elisabeth98 starts her scary commenting. Lousrecovery is now gone).
Aly posted a pic of herself at Amsterdam cafe eating chips/fries. She's on her own at home and hates it. She doesn't deserve to eat.
Kissing/bikini pic. She's going to see her therapist on tuesday and wants to go to Rome to see her boy for the last time because he's moving to Milan to be together forever.
She ate pasta and posted a pic as proof.
Bikini picture. She urges everyone to eat because it's great.
A Twix.
Out with "a friend" (her mum) at a garden centre eating candy floss. Someone online called her fatty.
An ice cream.
Old bikini pic eating chips/fries. She says she loves eating.
Picture of sushi (pre packed).
She does a #sundaytransformation with a
TW. I can't comment on it. I can't see it on my laptop or phone. The non spoopy pic is bikini at the pool.
>>381107My jaw is hanging open at that pic. It's E P I C (!) hahahaha!!!
No. 381126
File: 1503873347080.jpg (59.37 KB, 405x598, that hair!!!.JPG)

I see the spoopy pic. Here hair is gross.
No. 381137
File: 1503874557794.jpg (515.81 KB, 1390x1304, Screenshot_20170827-165420.jpg)

She got deleted? What is she talking about?
No. 381142
>>381124Can confirm that lousrecovery no longer follows aly so I guess whoever spoke to her here
>>379320made her realise that she was wasting her time.
No. 381149
>>381142thats good im glad
i dont think theyll ever convince dogsandpos
>>381126your hair tends to turn to shit when you get spoopy
No. 381167
>>381140this so much. I've been saying this for ages (!) but she honestly used to put herself together well when she was skinny. her style wasn't great but it wasn't bad, her clothes actually fit even though it must have been hard to find/tailor things to fit at that size, and her hair and makeup looked much better and less dated. she didn't make the crazy faces either or pose as weirdly.
I think she's just incredibly uncomfortable in her body now and refuses to accept the weight gain by buying new clothes. and somehow she thinks the obnoxious hair and makeup distract from her body or something???
Who even knows though, she so clearly hates her body but it's also totally up her own ass and thinks she's gorgeous so it's clear that logic does not apply
No. 381189
>>381167Oh she is 100% uncomfortable in her body, and to be fair that's expected from any amount of weight gain. It really puts it into perspective just how skeletal she was if she's gained what, 40-something pounds? (that could be wrong) And she is STILL thinner than the majority of the population.
What chaps my ass is when she feels the need to mention her bloating and stretch marks in nearly every fucking bikini photo. I don't think I've ever actually seen a stretch mark. But she points at all of her perceived flaws and talks about how they're beautiful and she owns them blahblah. Yeah honey, if you truly accepted yourself you wouldn't feel the need to OBSESS over all of those "flaws"
No. 381428
>>381149Yeah, lou told me I opened her eyes and she'll stop commenting since it hurt her aly never sent her anything back
I tried to contact dogs from 2 accounts but she never responded
No. 381484
File: 1503917276721.png (93.07 KB, 744x465, IMG_0093.PNG)

For those here who don't follow or are blocked: Aly out here posting several times a day about how that f*cking asshole called her a fatty (!)
>>381142Lousrecovery is still following but not commenting.
Dogsandpositivity is a delusional nutcase who will never give up.
No. 381486
File: 1503917327192.png (206.95 KB, 748x1208, IMG_0091.PNG)

No. 381487
File: 1503917521120.png (50.47 KB, 739x253, IMG_0094.PNG)

No. 381504
File: 1503920741357.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0345.PNG)

And she wonders how people found her facebook profile.
No. 381512
>>381504Maybe she's doing it because of what happened with her FB? Acting as if she doesn't care anymore about sharing her personal info, even when she's still private. Maybe she can imagine people thought she freaked out about the whole thing and now it's trying to convince her followers of not being scared anymore. You know, being a ROLE MODEL (!).
>>381487>>381484>>381485>>381486Thank you for the pics. I still can't understand how her followers -specially those who comment almost every photo- can't open their eyes and see how she's always talking about the same things, which may or not be true for days. It took me only like three? two? days to realise that something was wrong with their posts, it's like a loop.
>>381142I actually feel bad for Lousrecovery. It's so clear that she's sick and needed to prove herself caring about Aly (and other people, I imagine), it made me feel so frustrated. A few weeks ago I messaged her encorauging her about her recovery and she was the sweetest, responded her message in just a few hours and she seemed actually grateful about me writing just a few sentences. Aly thinks we're haters because of her body image or appearance, but we're so pissed of because she's just selfish about the whole world around her, at least that's what pisses me off the most. How she treats people and twist things to seem the good and inspirational (!) one here.
No. 381629
>>381485yeah um no one called you a fatty
youre literally shouting at yourself you crazy, crazy bitch
No. 381667
>>381486Those few lovely girls aren't enough for Aly. Must be a slap in the face to them to read stuff like that. I know lousrecovery was hurt by it.
And Aly thinks she's losing followers because she's not posting "as much chocolate as before".
No. 381697
File: 1503938355300.jpg (191.1 KB, 1355x459, Screenshot_20170828-103744.jpg)

Here we go again
No. 381730
her social blade doesnt update cus shes private i guess but shes at 49.4 now i wonder how long she'll stay private oh wait shes closing her account for her real life anyway
>>381718why cant either them buy clothes that fit properly?
No. 381747
>>381718when will dante return from the war? i feel like hardly anyone is around anymore who remembers those LUSH, OILY (!) days when we hoped to sight our patron saint instead of dreading another aly/roberto pda shoot.
>>381667still can't believe lousrecovery actually left. wonder if any of her other followers will notice and mention it?
>>381697her "i'm gonna leave!!" act has been going on for literally a year now right? i'm pretty sure it was last summer when she made a big deal about how she was going to leave aly_realrecovery and post on alice_eleanor instead. and then after a week of not immediately getting 50k followers with her #blonde #f4f hashtagging she crawled back and renamed it aly_recoverylife. she's the fucking sisyphus of the instagram age.
this could be the next great novel, somebody jump on that shit
No. 381762
File: 1503945877920.png (1.59 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4092.PNG)

Pa C ruining her day with the truth, oops.
No. 381765
File: 1503946315970.jpg (472.61 KB, 1770x1770, IMG_5200.JPG)

Lousrecovery just commented this on Aly's recent post
No. 381769
File: 1503946537200.png (182.72 KB, 640x889, IMG_5201.PNG)

And in other things that never happened…
No. 381790
>>381769The nurse probably congratulated her on her recovery and this is how Aly translated it.
I feel so bad for lousrecovery, but I wouldn't have bothered commenting or DMing Aly if she ignored my DMs more than twice. Aly won't even care.
No. 381801
>>381790yeah it shows how disordered her thinking still is, its p common for people recovering to hear "you look fat now" when someone has said "you look better/healthier" and ofc aly loves to twist things
and how many times is she gonna say that eds arent all about your weight, yes aly we all know this
No. 381823
File: 1503951745735.jpg (21.24 KB, 362x265, nsfw.JPG)

No. 381845
File: 1503953056404.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.48 KB, 485x532, acorn.JPG)

>>381841Be grateful he's not wearing these "cotton slim man boxer brief underwear inner pants shorts" (free shipping)
No. 381870
>>381857its because she thinks shes the patron saint of eating disorders. theres just a queue of people waiting to touch her hair clip
whats really obnoxious is that she doesnt comment on other peoples accounts or return dms so when she says would you miss me she means would you miss coming to look at pics of me and leaving me comments
No. 381890
>>381821Sage for conspiracy but do you think she guilts him into eating a lot/gaining weight because she doesn't want to feel "greedy"? Or maybe even gives him her left overs (aka half the meal she probably didn't eat)?Also I think she's fattening him up so she looks/feels smaller in comparison.
Dude has enough spare tires to keep a Vespa afloat.
No. 381924
>>381911She doesn't really see him often enough for double helpings to make him gain that much so idk what's going on.
When she was anorexic and not in recovery (before spoopy)he was slim. It's not middle aged spread because he's way too young. He looks like he's let himself go though, even with his grooming and he used to try to look hot on ig.
Perhaps he doesn't bother looking shit now he's back with Aly, like he doesn't have to try now.
No. 381930
>>381790>>381797What's worst is the people who BELIEVES what she says. Sure, it's completely normal to go to an hospital for an exam about something related to your ED and one profesional telling you ''you look fat enough''. So normal to go walking in the street and find some old friends who tell you almost the same thing ''blablabla you're fat again''. Sure, Aly.
Anyone noticed she deleted her story about her father? I'm sure she didn't expect Lousrecovery comment to get more than 35 likes. Some girls commented Lou about being a kind person and received some likes too. I'm sure that may hurt our INSPIRATIONAL (!) role model a little bit.
No. 381981
>>381930right. it doesnt even make sense for a nurse to say that and what about a text saying "youve become a fatty" lol i dont understand how people can believe her, these comments are ridiculous
it doesnt suprise me that people like lousrecovery even on another instagram, cus she replies to people and is kind and friendly. aly could be like her if, well nevermind aly has no personality. i hope she doesnt manipulate lous into thinking she cares
No. 382144
File: 1503975700632.jpg (158.94 KB, 700x632, rrsHkEV.jpg)

Miraculously healed
No. 382146
File: 1503975745704.jpg (84.02 KB, 1062x314, 20170828_205847.jpg)

Sage for not being about Aly.
No. 382158
File: 1503977327083.jpg (12.88 KB, 288x70, 1.JPG)

>>382155I wanted to add this img to that post, but I thought I'd have to trawl through too many of Aly's pics to find it but it's from Saturday (I think). She mus be DMing Aly because here she's talking about something she told her to watch. She's writing as though they're besties but I bet Aly hasn't DMed her back.
Aly's at the therapists today. I wonder if she's mentally miraculously cured and she gets asspats for doing so well. Then on Wednesday onwards we get more pics of her and acorn nob at the pool kissing. Yay!
No. 382284
File: 1503991461366.png (129.64 KB, 1242x402, IMG_4195.PNG)

New commentaries on papa.
No. 382340
File: 1503997681566.png (45.37 KB, 568x432, hasgtag update.png)

>>382284The latest. She has stones in her stomach and she's meeting "a friend".
No. 382344
File: 1503997776346.png (271.35 KB, 750x1155, IMG_0096.PNG)

SOS lmaooo @ her dad calling her a crazy bitch
No. 382461
File: 1504017180068.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170829-163150.png)

No. 382462
File: 1504017201001.png (999.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170829-163159.png)

No. 382464
File: 1504017399430.png (186.3 KB, 720x1074, 20170829_163535.png)

No. 382465
File: 1504017416132.png (91.5 KB, 720x442, 20170829_163603.png)

No. 382468
>>382465Samefag, I really don't want to post all of her posts from today since it's so repetitive and tiring but today's been basically:
fight with dad
don't wanna eat, give me support!!!
could finally eat
gonna see therapist
therapist appointment went good
but what's new
No. 382479
File: 1504018176722.gif (4.65 MB, 720x1280, Idonteaticecream_ikissit.gif)

Made this .gif of the stories. She says "sharing in a little moment with you" she kisses her ice cream, then makes the dumbest face ever…
I think she manipulates therapy to validate what she wants because she doesn't go enough.
No. 382487
>>382479>I think she manipulates therapy to validate what she wants because she doesn't go enough.She doesn't go enough; her relationship with food is objectively pathological and she needs a lot of work in therapy on that. She's been told by "lovely girls" she needs to go more. She's stubborn about it for some reason, I guess that is part of her illness
I mean, I don't approve of her dad screaming at her, although I understand why he does, and notice it always seems to be centered around meal times– I can just imagine her sitting around the family dinner table and picking at the meal that has been prepared. But he isn't wrong in what he's trying to say to her: that her food obsession is "crazy" and she's making problems for everyone (including herself) with her refusal to address them. His delivery method is terrible though. He sounds like he's been driven over the edge by her and her food issues.
No. 382488
>>382485she definitely needs weight goals, getting your period back would happen over time ive known girls that take over a year at healthy weight to get it back, desperately clinging onto a barely healthy bmi isnt gonna help
>>382479she kisses the ice cream jfc
No. 382543
File: 1504022695102.png (2.7 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170829-100307.png)

No. 382549
File: 1504023024829.png (862.41 KB, 1440x2064, 20170829_100809.png)

Wtf indeed Aly… why didn't she just respond directly? Why make an entire new post for them?
No. 382553
File: 1504023340944.png (123.55 KB, 1080x679, Screenshot_20170829-171206_01.…)

>>382549They didn't even say she looked happier on the right.
No. 382555
>>382549>>382553This actually made me laugh. She sees what she wants to see, that's all. I can't screenshot now but someone commented this in the WTF pic
>@orkdoopIdk Aly. A lot of your followers are still suffering. So maybe that's what their anorexia brain thinks? I don't know…I think it's what ALY'S BRAIN wants to think. That she's happier in the before pic, when she was so sick. If not, why is she getting this offended? Why she becomes all defensive? If she already knows that's not true, why the need to remark it? I think she's scared to admit she was happier before, when all the people gave her the attention she wanted.
No. 382607
File: 1504026780883.jpg (557.41 KB, 1063x1766, Screenshot_20170829-111119.jpg)

For real.
No. 382615
File: 1504027374685.png (379.12 KB, 668x392, kkfnlkf.png)

Lies, lies, lies…I think she's gone for real, living in a parallel universe full of donuts, hot dogs, Mcdonalds, so much HATERS (!) and where everyone's against her except if they leave a comment praising her posts / hair / smile. Don't comment on her body though! That's not what this account is for! Just because she posts four photos of her in the pool don't mean a thing! She's such a good FEMINIST (!), don't you know? Her account isn't only about weight, BMI and scales…She's only doing 5 or 6 posts about the same because that's completely normal, guys! Don't be haters!
No. 382620
was this comment
>>382607 on this post
>>382615 im glad people are calling her out on it
No. 382625
File: 1504028287923.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4205.PNG)

>>382589Did you say, Delusional? /swirls delish oil bomb unplanned 20th snack drink inches from face while not daring to budge that throwback effortlessly at ease posed face
No. 382628
>>382543Wait, she's actually met that creepy girl from Finland
Or is she pretending to be having some kind of cyber date with her? In any case it's weird seeing Aly notice, let alone interact with any of her followers.
No. 382635
>>382628Makes me feel sorry for lou.
Maybe she found someone just as crazy as her with this new girl tho.
No. 382638
>>382615Her new thing is asking for opinions since she thinks that's a form of "interaction" with her followers. Even tho she makes no effort to respond or value their opinions.
Someone should post their opinion that she should brush up on her English and understand the dude said "right up there" not "on the right" and he was literally saying she looks good and happy. And that she needs to stop being so defensive.
No. 382672
>>382655You guys are right, as I said I was quite unsure about that.
Not a huge casual drinker (going out sure why not but lets be honest she isn't going out much unless it's with ma) and it just seemed odd because she didn't post that much about it before.
Thanks for clearing that one up.
No. 382699
File: 1504033475213.jpg (79.67 KB, 652x277, Screenshot_20170829-125955.jpg)

Bruises huh?
No. 382717
>>382699jesus christ aly if he hits her then where? and why doesnt ma stop him, i get like a slap across the face some parents are like that but she makes it sound like hes punching her
will someone please say dw aly ive called the police for you lol
No. 382729
>>382699Tbh he probably just grabs her arm or something. Between her tendency to lie and exaggerate, and her super shit English, I have huge doubts that it's anything like she presents it. He probably used to spank her when she was a kid and now is just generally rough and gets in her face and yells.
Anyway she's a fucking adult. She could move out instead of leeching off her parents and cocooning herself up in her dependency on her mother.
No. 382739
>>382713Everything is fine! Hope you'll feel better soon!
And aren't we all enraged with her shitty behavior?
No. 382911
>>382581Are you such a dreamer?
To put the world to rights?
Ill stay home forever
Where 2 and 2 always makes a 5
Ill lay
Down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April showers
And 2 plus 2 always makes a 5
Its the devils way now
Zhere is no way out
You can scream and you can shout
It is too late now
You have not been payin attention
No. 382916
>>382874ive always thought that her motivational (!) posts were for herself
>>382911idk why you didnt sage this but damn i love radiohead
No. 382953
File: 1504066687777.jpg (11.74 KB, 233x280, crazy_aly_ash_grey_tshirt.jpg)

>>382874Even though she was obviously fucked up to be skele, she really seemed more stable (although still a compulsive liar). Although she said she covered her body with shame at that weight, she was wearing short skirts and tights and wearing bikinis.
I really do think she was "happier" in a way. She didn't have to make any life decisions, she was waited on because she was sick and she didn't need to be independent.
Now she's physically healthy she's freaking out because she's got to have a life but being a horrible person all she's got is her chubby boyfriend. She's miserrable as sin.
Predictions for the next two days:
- anxiety in the morning
THIS WOULD BE A++++ if she took that empty wheelie case to the donut shop again and says her dad came to take her home to apologise. Is she crazy enough??
- "I won't be here much because I'm away…" but posts loads
- aqua centre/by the sea
-"bloated stomach because I just ate"
-"stretch marks"
-boyfriend's acorn bulge in too small shorts
-she's lonely/black screen post
-she's had 3000 calories
-at least 3 kissing photos a day
-cheap seafood restaurant
-lets everyone know she's had sex
-delusions about living together
No. 382954
>>382953yes everything haha
i think she'll only do dad apology if someone says about reporting him hitting her to the police or something
i also think she might do a dramatic "here i am, at the train station" "bought my ticket, im gonna go , im really gonna leave rn, im leaving"
No. 383022
File: 1504087957357.png (204.48 KB, 747x1067, IMG_0355.PNG)

"Oh donut, you so funny!"
No. 383028
File: 1504089916414.png (51.86 KB, 460x260, wp_ss_20170830_0001.png)

Another non existent comment.
No. 383065
File: 1504097045092.png (169.54 KB, 750x1107, IMG_7965.PNG)

Um, I see nothing in the previous post that would cause her to flip out like this? Jesus her English is such shit I can't cipher out what she's saying half the time.
No. 383112
File: 1504102089072.png (162.99 KB, 749x1068, IMG_0356.PNG)

At least she has embers support hah
No. 383125
File: 1504104515702.gif (3.44 MB, 360x640, Imissedmytrain.gif)

Made another .gif
"Hi guys, Ive been missing train because of a bad panic attack, and ya, I had the bag ready, but I wanted to keep this video because it's ok to not be always ok. And ya, thank you for your support…and I have noticed I have a terrible face, but ok, tears are ok, and let's try better next time kiss "
I wonder how many takes she does for these.
No. 383234
File: 1504114131386.png (1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170830-112555.png)

Is her mom seriously waiting with her at the train station? Where was she during the panic attack? Now she has to waste more time waiting for another train?
No. 383256
File: 1504117240594.jpg (365.05 KB, 682x1120, Screenshot_20170830-121813.jpg)

Sure Aly…
No. 383298
>>383256She got 16 comments out of it, not including a hater comment she deleted.
Instant flip flop! She deleted the part of her caption where she said she's saying goodbye and leaving.
No. 383304
>>383256She'll post again and say "this is my account and I can do what I want".
She knows what gets her attention; saying she'll delete, saying she looks fat and bloated, saying she's having a hard time/break down and then powering through it with a candy bar, and her obsessive need
to post her
triggering "transformation" photos three times a week.
Her repetitive word salad about SCREAMING FOR RECOVERY and how ED thoughts are hard doesn't give her any attention.
No. 383319
>>383316you fail everyday hun
i remember an anon said she was confusing drive by with something else but i cant remember what it was..
No. 383433
>>383390she doesnt do anything
i think she might tutor english sometimes tho? lmao
No. 383483
i wish her account would get deleted or something so she'd be forced to get the fuck over instagram
No. 383509
>>383507i wonder if she did too
she posted throughout the time she said she was having a panic attack and why was she even having a panic attack? she definitely is obsessed with ig all she has is her bf and she never seems to really be happy with him
No. 383576
>>383567Phew. Without motivation from our recovery queer I would feel insicure and kill me. I definitely wouldn't eat because of stones in my stomach.
>>383568On his fb or ig he's posted a few pics of himself with a girl and they seemed pretty close. I know platonic relationships with the opposite sex are possible, but it's a possibility they were an item.
No. 383643
>>383617Yea but this is Aly we are talking about. Even if both of them dated other people, in Aly's eyes it was more damaging to her than to him. She's -always- the victim.
Her weird anxiety about visiting her boyfriend is bizarre. More reason to believe shit will get worse for her when she "moves in" with him.
No. 383650
File: 1504170060939.png (81.61 KB, 889x466, 16482631082017.png)

For those not able to view her account
The last 24 hours included:
>>Gonna leave on the train - but didn't
>>Cookies for breakfast
>>Donut and pose, fries and pose, magnum and pose
>>prepackaged sushi
>>Two bikini photos
And today she says she's leaving again. Okay, Aly.
No. 383661
File: 1504172494372.png (1.13 MB, 720x1280, 5g5ynAk.png)

>>383650Well fuck me, she actually managed to make the train.
No. 383693
File: 1504183723003.png (1.06 MB, 715x1173, 20170831_134707.png)

What a hoof!
No. 383702
>>383701While that is a pretty severe camel toe, it's also just the bathing suit extending the wrinkle higher up. Kind of obvious.
But yea, that's a nice catch, I didn't notice it at first, yikes
No. 383704
File: 1504186402726.png (149.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170831-143241.png)

Gotta be a cow?
No. 383755
File: 1504194203711.png (21.63 KB, 468x107, wp_ss_20170831_0001.png)

She did this again. There was one comment by dogs& but obv she's a zero.
No. 383760
>>383759That always pisses me off as well!
Is she even in Rome? Her bf must be a zero too.
No. 383790
File: 1504197594510.png (14.29 KB, 455x120, wp_ss_20170831_0002.png)

She's hovering around her comments because she's deleting some like these
No. 383798
File: 1504198032512.jpg (119.26 KB, 526x424, Screenshot_20170831-104455.jpg)

I think this bitch is going to catch on that Aly doesn't care sooner than we thought.
No. 383943
File: 1504212141644.gif (Spoiler Image,932.16 KB, 324x576, Gross.gif)

It's gross how she makes her boyfriend pose the same with her everytime.
No. 383972
File: 1504215729657.png (826.56 KB, 714x590, crazylady.png)

Here're some story ss for non followers. Those eyeeeesssss.
No. 383977
>>383972woah they crazy
i feel like she regrets every other meal, does she not worry about
triggering people who follow her? (i already know the answer ofc) like you have to keep your struggling consistent lol dont pretend youre happy about eating in one post n then break down in the next. i know its hard in recovery but what is goin on in her head. wish she'd just completely relapse so she could get all that crazy looked at
No. 383978
File: 1504216463405.jpg (42.24 KB, 270x290, mansonscarysanpaku.jpg)

>>383972why do so many cows have those mad, mad sanpaku eyes? ugh
No. 383987
>>383981I'm not one of those people who get off to killers, but I think he was hot at that age.
She went to some really cheap Spanish restaurant that had menus like you get at Pizza Hut with deals. I reckon she makes these
triggering posts with the intention to
trigger. If she felt that bad she wouldn't have gone on to eat that main course slop whatever it was.
Some parts of Aly's mind are so predictable and transparent, but others still make me think WTF.
No. 384023
File: 1504221255323.jpg (285.58 KB, 701x740, Screenshot_20170831-171151.jpg)

>I did it this time
…Did what?
No. 384055
File: 1504982062599.jpg (352.93 KB, 2896x2896, NORMAL.jpg)

Testing Testing…
No. 384087
>>384076Yay! I missed original lolcow too. I couldn't post from my phone because the strolling cow wouldn't stop,loading
ANYWAY she just posted that the donut shop's offered her a job. Ha.
And no, she doesn't look underweight. Nobody's going to say it because Aly would sperg out.
No. 384096
File: 1504989156292.png (275.3 KB, 750x1210, IMG_2177.PNG)

wut? how did they just send her an email to start working there? did they just randomly approach her and ask for her email because she's "so cheerful" and visits there a lot? Otherwise they must've seen her IG promoting their food.. so they know about her ED and her "struggles". I'm so confused. Anyways, I thought she just got two jobs… now she's considering a third?someone shed some light on this
No. 384114
File: 1504992278582.png (500.9 KB, 354x587, entrails.png)

This pizza looks like the topping's been swept up from an operating theatre's floor.
finding.maisie asked her how she can afford to keep eating out. Today everything she's eaten's been from cafes and cheap restaurants.
No. 384180
>>384114than ever? thought you ate 4000 a day on holiday
>>384111yeah i agree with you. i dont think she'll ever get a job tbh there will always be an excuse
No. 384272
>>384229i cant work there cus it triiiggerrss mee!
>>384096really this is so made up, oh my god. why would you ask a customer who is talking about job interviews to a job interview? she just wants it to sound like shes super popular and living this brand new life when really she ain't got nothing. cant wait for tubby to get there
No. 384326
File: 1505025344898.jpg (92.16 KB, 652x331, Screenshot_20170910-002840.jpg)

This person claims to be a secret sample maker. They apparently make Starbucks drinks. Isn't that weird considering what Aly is claiming about shake inventor? Or am I reading to much into it?
No. 384338
>>384096Even if she did get offered a job and took it, she wouldn't last long. She wouldn't be able to do her usual lunch shoots at McDonald's or Eat and Go with Ma. She would go insane not being able to have her routine. You think think corporate is going to be cool with her taking her lunch break posing in front of her job, while her mom takes a million photos?
She's such a bad liar.
No. 384357
File: 1505035468359.jpg (73.34 KB, 692x614, role model.JPG)

Family sitting at a table eating their McDonald's being all normal. Aly's Ma taking multiple pics of her pretending to eat fries looking like a twat.
Today's quote:
>dance in pants on your illness's grave
No. 384364
File: 1505038931005.jpg (13.64 KB, 300x66, 1.JPG)

>>384357She only got two comments so deleted it (and so there'll be a repost). This was one of the comments.
No. 384378
File: 1505041931478.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4336.PNG)

She's reposted her morning pic three times now, with 1-2 comments each time, so obvs her logical solution is to starve herself and guilt-trip followers.
No. 384411
File: 1505052316874.jpg (45.16 KB, 480x223, IMG_20170910_160210.jpg)

Of course Aly, you don't have a phone to contact people but you can upload stories and such…How much worse she can get?
No. 384414
>>384096>What's a colloquium?She meant a job interview.
As an Italian, I crack up everytime she says "solar" like in
>>384096 … She really uses Google Translate shamelessly. Even "sunny" would make more sense while being closer to the Italian term. I love Alyisms.
No. 384455
File: 1505058901116.jpg (968.26 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170910_095303.jpg)

This is really pathetic…no DMs, but comment anyway
No. 384469
>>384455I insist she needs a job and more obligations (like having to keep a house tidy, paying the bills, etc.).
If she had real problems she would slowly start to become more resilient and would realise that getting confirmation from random people on the Internet on whether she's fat or not really isn't satisfactory in the long term.
No. 384476
>>384455she really needs to get her hair cut
i hope people question this like i cant use dm but i can post stories on the app?
>>384469yeah if she just got off her phone for like 1 week she'd see its not that important although we are talking about aly n she operates on a different level to normal people
No. 384488
File: 1505062239760.png (46.59 KB, 367x169, mymymytelephone.png)

I don't know if the person who posted the second one would see this but I'm LIVING for that comment!
No. 384518
File: 1505068500090.gif (764.27 KB, 500x378, IMG_5992.GIF)

No. 384568
File: 1505073475045.jpeg (64.8 KB, 479x554, wtf.jpeg)

>>384529As always she didn't say anything, just liked the comments…I'm afraid some day I'll get blocked because I like those comments too. With Aly, everything's
Right now she reposted this and, seriously, this girl infuriates me. She makes ZERO sense. Fuck them but I'm suicidal. She talks about it as if it's nothing and I actually think she deserves to experience something hard in RL so she knows what's actually suffering or/and pain. She's so desperate for comments or attention that she HAS to claim she wants to kill herself or purge and that's just pathetic for an ex-anorexic (or other people, by the way) who claims to be so proud of who she is. So hypocrite.
No. 384580
File: 1505074100987.png (516.72 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4337.PNG)

>>384568aaand she's deleted the post. It'll be up again by the time this uploads though
No. 384583
File: 1505074269320.png (163.61 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4338.PNG)

>>384580Samefag, it's like clockwork. Only now she's "suicidal af"
No. 384593
>>384583She's at 19 likes and 3 comments. None are haters so far…will she repost again?
Maybe her and Jasmine got into a fight lol
No. 384604
>>384583>suicidal aflmao no one said anything to you!
No. 384611
File: 1505075656369.jpg (179.27 KB, 702x649, Screenshot_20170910-142654.jpg)

I have a lot to say, but like and comment on my previous picture first.
No. 384612
File: 1505075693155.png (21.15 KB, 290x352, ad.png)

No. 384617
File: 1505075942079.png (1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-143757.png)

No. 384619
File: 1505076140470.jpg (312.16 KB, 978x764, rp.jpg)

She deleted a bikini pic she posted and even though I'm almost sure she'll repost it again, that's what she said. Maybe she's actually that crazy and she's hearing voices and seeing things that don't exist. Or she's a pathological liar.
No. 384626
>>384619this is what makes me so irritated w her, this is all fabrication. i was gonna say maybe shes translating wrong or something but then she says they were fake accounts
>i dont look so anorexic to need supportisnt that something shes said herself before? ughh i hate her
No. 384629
File: 1505076912425.png (1.04 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-145306.png)

No. 384646
File: 1505078310070.png (182.5 KB, 720x1010, 20170910_231708.png)

she posted this 9 hours ago
am I going crazy or did she post the same fucking speech just about 2 weeks ago?
No. 384687
>>384646It's similar to something she's already posted. I wouldn't be surprised if mentioning she doesn't have her period back is another way for Aly to remind everyone she's still a delicate Ana. I'd be surprised if she ever
does post about getting her period back.
No. 384864
File: 1505120987140.png (17.32 KB, 436x107, wp_ss_20170911_0001.png)

>>384858Same happens to me and twice she requested after I only liked a post!
In other news, Aly's decreased her BMI overnight.
No. 384891
>>384876I wish I didn't follow Aly. I hate looking at what people I actually like are posting and it's all heavy on Aly pics. I only followed when I knew she'd go private.
On her latest she said her first post had hate comments. I was watching closely and I don't even need to say it but there were no hater comments.
I wish dickheads would stop telling her haters are idiots because it only encourages her to do the fake hate routine again and again.
No. 384896
File: 1505132692819.png (17.9 KB, 480x108, wp_ss_20170911_0007.png)

No. 384897
>>384896hah just wanted to post this
I don't even know what to say anymore really
No. 384899
>>384895well, I do wish her luck
luck with fucking off (!)
No. 384916
File: 1505136286131.jpg (38.59 KB, 514x269, popular.JPG)

No comments yet. Will she delete? Will she Sudoku? Stay tuned ❤️
No. 384925
>>384896i hate people who demand others to care about them like it doesnt work like that
>>384916heres hoping
No. 384932
File: 1505141101191.jpg (188.5 KB, 713x670, Screenshot_20170911-084306.jpg)

Being suicidal is a lifestyle!
No. 384934
>>384932shes suicidal when she survives?
also aly a healed scar is a um, scar
No. 384936
File: 1505141483744.png (59.69 KB, 636x1005, IMG_4343.PNG)

So recovered. So normal.
No. 384939
>>384936girl is losing it
is this all over instagram comments? seriously?
if she would just try n fill her life with other things she could get over all of this im sure, but she refuses to
No. 384940
>>384936So much hate = 3 comments or less.
I keep reporting all these kind of photos and when she tells she's suicidal and all but she's too fast deleting and editing those things..Ugh.
No. 384954
File: 1505143118163.png (940.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170911-091753.png)

No. 384960
File: 1505143513870.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4344.PNG)

>>384958God I wish she would just fuck off.
No. 384961
>>384960shes just ridiculous
people do actually care about her n she dismisses them
No. 384962
File: 1505143902681.png (69.07 KB, 749x370, IMG_0501.PNG)

Wtf is that comment
No. 384966
>>384962 Seems like a 10 years old with a phone.
>>384963She's stuck in a parallel universe when people don't have school / work and can comment all the time, so that's why she probably thinks she's alone there. Everyone's actually living in the real world.
No. 384967
File: 1505144276338.png (131.57 KB, 750x506, IMG_2179.PNG)

BITCH i thought you DID faint. actually Aly, we do know what "you're fighting", you write your entire life on instagram
No. 384978
File: 1505145531007.jpg (20.03 KB, 285x249, bmi 17.5.JPG)

>>384968I'm 100% on his side. Of all the cows/snowflakes on here, Aly's the only one I wish lived near me. I'd do so much stealthy surveillance because I'm itching to know what happens in her life 7/24 behind all the bullshit. I could make a documentary about her.
No. 384989
File: 1505146888439.png (26.47 KB, 742x201, IMG_2188.PNG)

Yet another suicidal person in her comments, Aly gives no fucks. How dare someone make it about them, not about her. I wonder if she'll delete this one. remember Jack?
No. 384994
File: 1505147697274.png (694.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170911-103351.png)

Crying so hard I can't taste the ice cream
No. 385009
File: 1505151917622.jpg (73.62 KB, 662x661, fascinating pose.JPG)

And wtf is this pose about?
No. 385010
File: 1505152202061.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4347.PNG)

Alcoholic Aly strikes again. With the hard stuff this time, strawberry daiquiris (!)
No. 385012
File: 1505152504050.jpg (37.89 KB, 349x639, noooo.JPG)

Don't jump, Aly!!!
No. 385040
File: 1505157789826.jpg (40.21 KB, 652x184, Screenshot_20170911-132146.jpg)

You ask for help literally everyday
No. 385049
File: 1505158578953.png (32.46 KB, 332x542, 1235611092017.png)

She's NOT a role model and never has been. She's mental jfc.
No. 385056
File: 1505159196832.png (558.02 KB, 599x600, ewewewewew.png)

Am I the only one who feels disgusted seeing her bite marks? Idk, maybe I'm just weird but? See the marks from her teeth just skeeves me out for some reason, idk why. Sage for nitpick but I just fucking hate the posts with such visible bite marks. And it's just hers that bother me… Maybe because she bothers me.
No. 385057
>>385049>at least on here i can be meyes and we're all so grateful
so shes currently "drunk" and isnt going home for dinner. what about those liquid cals aly
No. 385058
>>385049She's not going home tonight? So she's like a 5 year old who runs away from home because they didn't get their way.
When is she supposedly moving in with her boyfriend? She hasn't mentioned him in a while it seems. She wouldn't shut up about it for weeks.
No. 385064
File: 1505160797818.png (803.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170911-141123.png)

No. 385072
File: 1505161405637.png (1.13 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4350.PNG)

No. 385135
File: 1505168877784.png (579.36 KB, 720x1097, 20170912_002646.png)

>>385129A real recoveryqueer (!) doesn't skip dinner!!!
No. 385165
File: 1505172640091.png (949 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170911-172419.png)

>>385072I love how she thinks we're to stupid to know what pic she needs comments on.
>check out the crossed leg #tbThen she felt we needed more help, pic related.
It's like leaving a string of texts to your crush like, "leaving my house now, call me" "ok, just got to work, I thought I heard the phone ring but false alarm, call me"
It's so desperate
No. 385168
>>385165oh i hope she gets hardly any comments
can't get over how fucking stupid she looks just holding a fry up to her face
No. 385184
File: 1505174135812.png (35.06 KB, 333x599, 127611092017.png)

She got 5 comments, guys! Now maybe she can eat and continue fighting (!) #recoverywin
Honestly, though, what constitutes enough comments/likes for her?? I can never tell lol
No. 385424
>>385389Ikr…She always has an excuse for not eating / being poorly / feeling sad. Even some people who are giving her support tell her in some comments that the only one who can change it is her, but Aly needs her lovely followers (!) as always. Someone said maybe in this thread or another one that being anorexic was the best thing to ever happen to Aly and I thought that couldn't be possible at first, but now I don't know what to believe. When she was that bad, everyone paid her attention, everyone had to do what she wanted and talk her the same because…Well, she was ill. I'm sure she loved of people had her as an inspiration, how everyday people checked on her to see how she was doing. I'm sure if she could return to those days, sometimes she'd do it. Just for a while. She keeps telling her BMI is lower and lower but she doesn't go to the doctor inmediately, nor her therapist. She can say whatever she wants about money and jobs and blablabla, but if she - or her mother - has money to pay for take away food or snacks and all, they'd have money for therapy. Hell, I don't even have the money to always have snacks and chocolate at my house and also to order food out. At least, not every day.
I only knew of her at the beginning of this summer so I can't fully understand how bad she was before but now it's just frustrating to see how much she wants to get attention and pity of other people. What pisses me off the most is that she actually has the nerve the say she doesn't have anyone or that she's alone when she's so desperate for comments that she doesn't appreciate. Who in their right mind would think that it's okay to say ''almost no support'' or ''almost no one commented'', just to ask for more attention? I mean, behind EVERY comment there's a person who spend some time of his/her day to left her some encouraging words and what do they receive? Photos deleted, reposted, saying how she's ''alone and worthless'', a like at most or -at worst- a delete and block.
When I first found her profile I read only a few posts and I felt actually bad for her, so I write DM's maybe three or four times. I felt kind of helpful. Until I realized almost one month and a half later (I already found this site) that she didn't even read them! It makes me so angry how people like me try to reach for her in an attempt to actually helping someone, even if it's a stranger and this crazy chick just couldn't care less. It's not that I expected her to notice me or something, but a simple thank you would be appreciated, not this kind of guilt she tries to inflict in everyone reading. I'm sorry for the long rant but I know this girl needs ACTUAL help (a medical one!) and what what she does to others instead of getting it, it's just…Infuriating to me.
No. 385431
File: 1505211456780.png (201.42 KB, 720x1116, 20170912_121700.png)

repost bc only 2 comments lol
No. 385450
File: 1505218856788.png (184.42 KB, 640x1001, IMG_4387.PNG)

Our recoveryqueer would've literally died without strangers' kind words (!)
No. 385454
File: 1505221028725.png (879.34 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4388.PNG)

No. 385485
File: 1505227194744.png (1.58 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4389.PNG)

"Thank god I'm posing with something I don't have to pretend to eat"
No. 385536
File: 1505238344043.jpg (1.2 MB, 810x3113, Screenshot_20170912-134317.jpg)

Guys she got a job (!)
No more restricting or sudoku!! Life is amazing and she's totally not a liar (!)
No. 385548
File: 1505239992486.png (579.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170912-130948.png)

>>385536shes gonna work here?
>this time it really will be a drive bylol right…so shes gotta come up with some excuse before tuesday. what are we betting on?
also love how crazy she is, yesterday she was gonna kill herself cus "someone" called her a bitch now the previous struggles became meaningless cus she has a job..
No. 385567
File: 1505242597329.jpg (66.69 KB, 536x312, oops.JPG)

>>385566I read some reviews on their facebook page with google translate. Seems the staff are pissy, so she'd fit right in.
No. 385576
>>385565i cant really keep track i thought it was an internship for a legal department, maybe thats another job as well but i guess she wont be doing that anymore cus the skateboard shop is a drive by
kinda hope it is true, im not happy for her cus i think shes an awful person but itd be good for her to stop being on insta all the time. idk if i believe her tho
No. 385590
>>385536She's claiming she will still be able to go to her favorite spots. This makes me thing she's lying. So she can just pretend she got a job for asspats. Her profile is private so tagging the company won't arouse suspicion. I almost want to look at a map and see if the place really is close by.
I hope she's not lying but she's lied so many time who's to say.
No. 385592
>>385590I was going to do google maps to see if that store really is near Eat & Go.
What about her "catering job"?
No. 385598
>>385592It's on the same main street as her eat me and go spot. Most retail companies(high end is often a different story) usually don't hire full time unless you're a manager. Maybe it's different in Italy?
I don't know. I guess time will tell.
No. 385769
File: 1505261519419.png (320.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170912-144012.png)

>>385592It's 4 minutes away
wouldnt it be hilarious(ly depressing) if it's all pretend? I would actually like to see her have a real job though, wonder how she would cope
No. 385836
>>385769I don't think she would cope with a full time job right now. She's got more than anorexia going on in her head. From personal blog experience, a 4 day a week job when I thought I was ready after major mentals as too much. I stuck with it because I had rent and bills to pay, but it's easy for Aly to quit.
She's not ready for full time. HOWEVER, she said the menswear brend job which seems to have vanished, was full time and…yeah.
A part time job would be good, but 9-5 6 days a week (7/24/18), nah. Too stressful for someone still very fucked and not used to actually doing work.
I'd like to see her progress and I'm not just being a bitch, but the things her dad told her is troof.
No. 385886
>>385598>Most retail companies(high end is often a different story) usually don't hire full time unless you're a manager.They do? You just get a contract for 1-3 month contract and if they like you they renew it (with another 1-3 month one=, if not you're out. You still get to work normal hours (like 7am - 3pm) and 5-6 days per week. The only people who work part time (so less than 8 hours per day/not the full week are students)
>>385590Wouldn't be surprised if she's lying.
No. 385921
File: 1505297843759.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170913-121601.png)

only 2 comments in 1 hour. Feels bad man
No. 385954
File: 1505306235423.png (815.86 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4399.PNG)

She's so sensitive I can't believe it. There's no way she'll be able to handle a full time job.
No. 385961
>>385954calling people out who are just tryna help is gonna get you so much support aly
>>385921>i cant believe in myself jc
No. 385995
File: 1505313881691.png (73.55 KB, 640x926, IMG_4400.PNG)

No comments in 16 minutes, she's gonna sudoku for sure(!)
No. 385998
>>385995she feels fat for what she wrote?
is aly having daily breakdowns now
No. 386004
File: 1505315311032.png (135.02 KB, 750x646, IMG_2195.PNG)

Reason #809 for her anorexia: lack of love and attention
No. 386006
>>386004her "i fell into"
triggers me everytime lol
yeah you did it all for attention, like rn, makes sense
whats "i eat to sick attention"?
No. 386010
File: 1505315961109.png (213.46 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2017-09-13-10-16-46…)

Maybe she'll block, screenshot in stories, and black post.
No. 386035
File: 1505318346875.png (1.66 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4405.PNG)

No. 386036
>>386035"I hate the world, want to sudoku (check my last post)"
No. 386040
File: 1505319011182.png (47.02 KB, 720x325, 20170913_180813.png)

please tell me this person's just being sarcastic
No. 386076
File: 1505324133965.gif (1012.47 KB, 504x896, Junkfood.gif)

"Hi guys! I've been wanting to relate to everything about food, junk food, about, no, we do deserve it, and I will write something more because ???? ??? ??…to support you"
When she takes a bite if the ice cream, talking about supporting you, she sounds very sarcastic lol
Anyone know what she said? I couldn't make it out.
No. 386093
File: 1505327226656.jpg (178.27 KB, 703x490, Screenshot_20170913-122406.jpg)

It triggers me when she reposts, and sticks her depressed rant on top of her inspirational post…how can she not see how disingenuous she looks? She reaaaly doesn't?
No. 386096
File: 1505328286083.jpg (556.91 KB, 1200x1215, Screenshot_20170913-124121.jpg)

>>386093Lol she deleted the part about "recieved none" after this comment.
No. 386106
>>386093>i will never heal>it will happen, can you believe me?yeah…
so she gets a 2 hour break or she works 7 hours with no break? this is her gettin an excuse ready right. cant wait for tuesday lol
>coworker said i was one of the most beautiful girls he ever saw but why i eat so much? this is why im a feminist(!) No. 386121
File: 1505331001164.jpg (32.27 KB, 331x235, right.jpg)

someone should start quoting her own inspirational words in the comments to her. Like how prank callers use sound boards from tv shows or whatever. see if she even notices.
No. 386159
File: 1505334726218.jpg (91.82 KB, 1200x176, Screenshot_20170913-142855.jpg)

Does anyone here actually believe she will be gone this time?
Every time she does this there is a part of me that believes her…
No. 386168
>>386159so god damn ridiculous that she thinks you cant have an instagram and a job(!)
i dont think i ever believe her, i cant imagine her giving it up cus shes been so dramatic recently as well. i think she'll be like "ive decided to keep this account open so you can find motivation in previous posts" that she did before her trip n a bunch of times before and then just keep posting as normal
No. 386186
>>386168She just wants people to say "don't go! You're my inspiration!!" But most say "yes, go! Stop using IG!" And then she gets upset "wow I guess people want me gone. I'm fat and ugly and greedy". And the next post is her saying that IG is her diary and she doesn't have to go anywhere.
It's the same story every month.
No. 386200
>>386035She looks special needs here.
>>386090They're over plucked. Her eyebrows must be really bushy naturally.
No. 386207
>>386186yeah shes definitely gonna stay on insta and i think maybe she'll pretend to go to work for awhile, it'll be easy cus she goes near it everyday and then quit cus its interfering w her recovery/people there are sexist
im v distrustful of her lol if she really has this job ill be amazed
No. 386291
>>386282honey you're so right!
yeah boy coming was supposed to be the end to all her struggles i remember her saying she wanted her ed to be gone by the time he came now does she even talk about him except saying they had that fight about him not wanting her to drive or something? cant wait for next week when it hits the fan
No. 386307
>>386291>>386292Lovely girls agreed. Sick of the assholes though. I actually had texts from farmers calling me fatty. I want to drink into alcohol and kill me.
But remember LIFE IS AMAZING #inspirational.
How sly she must be keeping her account private from the boy. Not that he cares because her cooking is better than restaurant food.
No. 386446
File: 1505377823034.png (501.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170914-103008.png)

No. 386456
File: 1505381508845.png (204.16 KB, 720x1142, 20170914_112929.png)

So that's how the whole thing will play out..
No. 386506
File: 1505393023569.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20170914-133828_01.…)

The caption on this says her stretch marks are too notifiable. All I see is an ill-fitting swimsuit. Why doesn't she buy clothes that fit?
No. 386511
File: 1505393849173.jpg (32.08 KB, 502x252, swim1.jpg)

>>386506Ew. Christ. Idk how women can wear bikinis where they constantly have to dig the fabric out of their crack.
If she's so bothered about stretch marks, she should wear something like img. Tbh, she should wear one of those anyway because she'd look slightly less gross.
I don't know how I'm going to deal with having to look at Rob all the time when he moves. They're a really disgusting couple. I need to calm me down and not #relapse.
No. 386514
File: 1505395329006.jpg (96.26 KB, 688x398, Screenshot_20170914-071922.jpg)

Who wants to bet this boyfriend shoot will be reposted? Only 1 comment in 30 min.
No. 386515
>>386446What is that?
>>386456she won't leave Instagram because her therapist thinks it's better if she doesn't have a job?
No. 386516
>>386456she said her job started tuesday now it starts the day after, not that weird but how did her therapist know about her job? and yes, theyll say she cant work and aly will be so disappointed
im also bothered by her maintaining at an underweight weight its fake recovery again
No. 386529
File: 1505397039542.png (72.29 KB, 750x1094, IMG_0524.PNG)

Here we go again
No. 386532
File: 1505397184165.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0525.PNG)

From her stories
No. 386533
File: 1505397317572.png (160.73 KB, 750x1074, IMG_0526.PNG)

Too bad she will delete this before dogsandshit can read that comment
No. 386536
>>386533she'll say "a hater called me a manipulative bitc*"
i feel bad for maisie shes always critical of aly but keeps tryna talk to her? jus leave girl
No. 386540
File: 1505397902499.png (169.85 KB, 750x1050, IMG_0528.PNG)

No. 386541
File: 1505397935394.png (216.7 KB, 737x1082, IMG_0527.PNG)

No. 386556
>>386549>>386551>>386552Aw, thanks guys. I really tried to push her to understand her idiocy, and sometimes it worked, but I guess I pushed it too far this time. I have no way of seeing the milk as of right now, so please keep the screen shots coming!
And by the way–DM girl, totally knew you were a farmer haha.
No. 386557
File: 1505399002081.png (190.26 KB, 749x972, IMG_0529.PNG)

>>386555And also the part about closing her account. Dumb fucking bitch
No. 386559
File: 1505399242225.jpg (94.99 KB, 807x596, tramp.JPG)

Now she's okay and not giving in. She's still healiling and looking shite in tight green shorts and awful, AWFUL wing things on her eyes.
How punchable?
No. 386560
File: 1505399412580.png (198.03 KB, 745x1075, IMG_0530.PNG)

This day is getting better and better omg
No. 386562
>>386559wait so she doesnt agree with minnie maud? i thought she was following that
No. 386565
>>386533Aren't those three the only "kind girls" left that still commented her posts? They have finally seen the light, lol.
Who will support our favorite feminist (!) now?
No. 386573
File: 1505400440669.gif (731.27 KB, 289x296, output_yBkR8y.gif)

10 pictures and one video during one visit.
No. 386582
File: 1505401077348.png (150.34 KB, 750x1018, IMG_0546.PNG)

So much is going on today
No. 386583
>>386573Who takes these pictures? Surely ma is busy working, she has no actual friends and fatberto is absent so who? A random diner being harrassed
>>386574People have asked in the past and comments were ignored or other ig users tried to support which really pissed aly off.
No. 386585
File: 1505401146162.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0535.PNG)

Just eat your fucking ice cream jfc
No. 386586
>>386582She answered this yesterday exactly the same as canariosillbando has
But prove
haters wrong by doing a video taking a single bite and flicking that dreadful hair
No. 386611
File: 1505403708621.jpg (18.56 KB, 371x265, aaaaaagh.JPG)

So, giving herself "challenges" is her latest
way to attract followers. Pft.
No. 386618
>>386611her face is genuinely frightening
she probably sees other accounts doing challenges and wants to pretend shes serious about recovery too
No. 386649
File: 1505408822712.gif (3.18 MB, 357x357, Ohididn'tseeyou.gif)

Me again…ya the surprise was a video of her sitting on a McDonald's table.
No. 386662
File: 1505410291033.png (1.28 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4430.PNG)

I wonder if the staff at McDonald's recognise her each time she sits on the FREAKIN TABLE (!) and takes a video. Her eyes honestly scare me.
No. 386715
File: 1505421856411.png (100.98 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20170914-223951.png)

Also finding.maisie thank you for trying to make this crazy girl see the truth… I liked most of your comments and I wish I could stay as calm as you were all this time.
No. 386720
File: 1505422841722.jpg (307.27 KB, 540x883, Screenshot_20170914-145416.jpg)

>>386582This really got to her I guess…and that chicken nugget STILL couldn't make it into her mouth lol
No. 386726
File: 1505423684122.jpg (82.49 KB, 605x914, funny-english-translations-t-s…)

>>386720the way she writes reminds me of those mistranslated chinese shirts with random english words
No. 386728
>>386720show them haters by eatin aly!
that post is almost a parody of her
No. 386742
File: 1505427652711.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4432.PNG)

Aly.. you.. you literally let the "haters" win by doing that.. you dim cunt.
No. 386753
File: 1505429970489.jpg (15.26 KB, 296x85, 5.JPG)

>>386733I think she means this comment.
No. 386822
File: 1505443522061.jpg (52.2 KB, 319x533, thanks anon.JPG)

I'm guessing this is a farmer? Ty for supplying some fuel to Aly's rages tomorrow!
No. 386849
File: 1505450233428.png (283.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-14-21-33-18…)

More people calling her out on not ever responding to comments/dms. It's hard to even fathom how narcissistic this girl is.
No. 386874
File: 1505454657537.png (160.43 KB, 739x862, IMG_0550.PNG)

As if aly would care! Yeah, good for you that you survived a hurricane, but Aly mastered a FREAKING hella bomb STREETS FOOD CHALLENGE (!) she's so much recovered and kicking ana in the butt!!
No. 386899
File: 1505464664186.png (459.72 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4433.PNG)

She mad
No. 386901
File: 1505464721693.png (765.49 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4435.PNG)

Part 2, she's so far up her own ass.
No. 386904
>>386900For real?! Omg i've got to be so careful from now on, i don't want to get blocked.
You know what's funny, her asslicking followers complain that they don't get a reply to their dms. I wrote some critical comments in the past and SHE sent me a dm!
No. 386907
File: 1505466154720.png (206.15 KB, 750x1066, IMG_0555.PNG)

The drama intensifies (part 1)
No. 386908
File: 1505466178115.png (157.67 KB, 749x934, IMG_0556.PNG)

Part 2
No. 386915
File: 1505467039793.png (90.56 KB, 750x1125, IMG_0557.PNG)

First black post today!
No. 386922
File: 1505467884764.png (225.24 KB, 750x1107, IMG_0558.PNG)

Jfc she really keeps me busy
No. 386925
File: 1505469554540.png (113.55 KB, 750x615, IMG_0559.PNG)

No. 386937
File: 1505474024751.jpg (240.66 KB, 600x799, dk.jpg)

For those brave blocked farmer with no access to Aly, here's her latest blurb (she's posing with a chicken nugget). I haven't read it all because…yeah.
>aly_sjourney(Pls read until the end) Luck is gonna kiss you. The wheel is gonna turn. I wish you that, to you all. #tb ? and #update : I want the last chapters of my diary to be POSITIVE (!) and even if not always requited, my love for the friends I found, it's true ? This kiss is not for the 'curious' but for the amazing you ??? I'm always so attacked about my 'real life' that it seems I spend my days on here posting and writing ? Not. You know: you can suffer of various mental issues and 'normally living' out there:
- I finally found a full time well payed (and it seems pretty nice) job.
- I'm on a relationship since 5 years and it will turn from long distance to short-distance, he's gonna move.
- I've some lovely friends with whom I'm celebrating my hiring this evening ? + a caring mother and brother.
I'm anyway recovering from an ED.
I'm anyway meeting a therapist each 3/4 weeks.
I'm anyway happy ??
?? The wheel has turned: since next week ? I'll have everything desirable. I don't know how to handle it ?
That's why my therapist wants to meet me on Tuesday, weight me and talk with me ? cause he's afraid I may freak out/relapse even tho the joy (or maybe BECAUSE of it ?)
1️ If I do write on here and share food posts/Recovery topic IS NOT because they're my whole life and I'm SAD if people followed me only for thinspo and other sh*t ?
If they were 'curious.'
But I'm a PERSON.
I'M FUCKING AFRAID AND EXCITING at the same time ? I'm both these 'Aly' ?? and the recovering one is shaking. If I still have someone to ask help to I would need so much an encouraging word ?? 2️ If I do write and give you #motivation is as well because I want you to believe that recovery is possible. That it gives results. Rewards. That the wheel turns.
Idk if it is helpful but: can you remember who I was when I opened this profile? ?? Well: Recovery CHANGED everything and let me add IN BETTER ?
I wish you my same achievements and even more, with all my soul.
I hope to still have some precious you ❤️
>>386930I love when Chinese/Korean people wear t shirts and don't know what it says because the manufacturers have obviously just copied some English words. This kid's either a Dead Kennedy's fan or he doesn't know English.
No. 386978
>>386937thank you anon! Currently trying to set up a new account and waiting for her to accept my request kek
how likely is it she'll actually leave next week?
No. 387002
File: 1505482001103.png (114.04 KB, 459x608, wp_ss_20170915_0003.png)

>>386978As likely as the Pope turning Muslim.
Latest in 2 parts.
No. 387006
File: 1505482242096.jpg (97.58 KB, 600x600, IMG_0562.JPG)

I really, really want to punch that stupid, ugly face.
No. 387012
>>387003so how come 3 comments isnt enough?
>>386937>That's why my therapist wants to meet me on Tuesday, weight me and talk with me ? cause he's afraid I may freak out/relapse even tho the joy (or maybe BECAUSE of it ?)so do guys think that her "therapist" is gonna say to her she shouldn't work and she won't?
No. 387036
>>386907Is she trying to say she had lost more than 2k followers in the last month and even more because she blocked them personally? wth
Btw, today I've been blocked :v for liking a "dumb" comment
No. 387041
File: 1505484993965.jpg (27.76 KB, 234x368, kq.jpg)

>>386720Her English always gives me strong Duwang vibes.
>"Food in our mouths feels the fucking good" No. 387148
File: 1505494328580.png (241.89 KB, 749x1028, IMG_2201.PNG)

No. 387151
File: 1505494488353.png (229.52 KB, 734x1188, IMG_2202.PNG)

"if you've never suffered from an ed you probably think I'm crazy and narcissist" …. what does having an eating disorder have to do with being able to notice her insane behaviour? Fuck off Aly. and lol at how she's asking people if her pics are vulgar for "opinions" as if she won't delete and block the first comment that's neutral let alone negative
No. 387153
>>386900>>387038She blocked me too! I'm travelling right now so I didn't pay attention to my phone (you know, living real life!)and I didn't thought about her in all day.
For a lovely (!) minute I thought she finally deleted her IG… I got blocked because I liked a "hater" comment… How pathetic she is, living a life where everything can be solved with a block (at least to her).
Actually I feel kind of relieved, this girl only makes me feel angry and frustrated. Thank you in advance to the people who will keep us updated. <3
No. 387234
File: 1505505007731.png (1.6 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20170915-134341.png)

I think she doesn't let any of her "friends" take pictures of her bc I never see her in the geo tags posted by her "friends" I would think 21yr olds go out to party, take pics, and tag each other, tag the location ect…but nothing with Aly…
No. 387245
>>387234yeah like whenever she goes out w friends you never see them (!) the reunion, the pool parties etc.
i kinda think shes just out with her mum lol
No. 387252
>>387101>>387245She was obviously at the cocktail bar with Ma.
Next update will be how many calories she's eaten.
>>387234Going with the girls. Good old recovery queer!
No. 387284
File: 1505511216968.jpg (561.39 KB, 1200x863, Screenshot_20170915-153131.jpg)

I guess she's done posting about her "night out" lol
No. 387389
>>387284who are your friends aly what are their names
im ashamed to say im excited for her new job/bf breakdown next week she better not disappoint n handle it lol
No. 387395
>>387389she had more friends/more of a life when she was actively anorexic and supposedly so ~miserable~ than she does now when she's weight restored and supposedly so ~happy and living~
like truly how can she think anyone believes her "i'm so happy i have everything i want my life is amazing i love myself" bullshit when she has nothing else going on and screams about sudoku on the daily? how is she literally dumb enough not to realize the amount of cognitive dissonance she has going on?? i sincerely don't understand this
No. 387469
>>387395Today she'll be banging on about what an amazing night she had as if going out for spaghetti is the most thrilling thing that could happen in life. Her life is great because she goes out once a month with "friends".
After a day of being all up, she'll crash again.
Cocktails with her mum and, sorry but, seafood with her mum. Pretty sure a few of us here have/ had major mental health issues and it actually doesn't take that much to start doing life things again even if it's a struggle. I think what stops her from doing life things is her shitty personality not winning her new friends.
Oh, wait though. How long before she's invited out with her new co-workers, like the ones who've suddenly disappeared invited her to a paella party?
No. 387530
File: 1505558595930.png (32.73 KB, 475x191, wp_ss_20170916_0002.png)

>>387514At times I'm grateful I don't have a like comments option on a windows phone.
Maybe ppl are too afraid of saying the wrong thing, you ignorant mare.
She had no comments after an hour so reposted shit about worrying about calories with this added.
No. 387595
>>387530yeah its because you're wr that people dont care to comment
not that youve blocked almost all your active followers or that you screenshot n insult them in your stories OR that you say their comments arent enough
No. 387633
File: 1505574675398.png (132.03 KB, 640x906, IMG_4450.PNG)

JUST EAT THE FUCKING CHOCOLATE instead of scraping at it with your teeth for a picture.
No. 387662
File: 1505579246276.jpg (360.81 KB, 540x1059, Screenshot_20170916-102208.jpg)

>so embarrassed for the style
Sure Aly, im sure we won't be seeing more of that style over the next few days.
No. 387666
>>387633I am sure this is an old picture anyway.
What's the point in all the hashtags if she's private anyway?
No. 387674
File: 1505580064281.jpg (11.01 KB, 267x47, lol.JPG)

>>387662Her followers must share the same non existent sense of fashion. Really, how is this a good look?
No. 387680
File: 1505580299019.png (1.6 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20170916-103959.png)

Ya Aly, you're the only one. Very special.
No. 387683
File: 1505580512918.jpg (616.3 KB, 839x1378, Screenshot_20170916-104713.jpg)

>so embarrassed
No. 387685
File: 1505580625036.jpg (4.42 KB, 290x174, images.jpg)

>chocolate ice.Riiiight.
Look at her hands though. Bitch needs some hand cream, and look how far away from her cuticle her nail polish is. God. She makes my flesh crawl.
No. 387691
>>387662how could they tell her whether or not she could work? shes 21 not a minor or in ip and like so many people recovering have jobs and she said she already signed the contract like shes gonna say to her "job" the day before oh cant come in too anorexic like…you just know theyre gonna say she cant and oh well she'll have to keep her account
im really annoyed by this constant job lie just get a job aly it could be part time stop bein a crazy bitch
if she really goes to work i may faint (!)
No. 387707
>>387666She's not aware of that, methinks.
>>387676Say it in the most sugarcoated way. Like "Hey Aly, your words may inspire (!) other young girls, but since your profile is private they won't be able to see your hashtags and reach you"
No. 387720
File: 1505584680809.jpg (18.3 KB, 321x156, fuck me.JPG)

No comments so REPOSTED with this hoping on comments saying she should ignore haters zzzz
No. 387737
File: 1505586359997.png (2.12 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20170916-122436.png)

She seems just fine to me
No. 387748
File: 1505587476238.png (70.07 KB, 640x994, IMG_4451.PNG)

Oh for fuck's sake, Aly.
No. 387763
File: 1505589126068.png (194.66 KB, 634x1023, IMG_4453.PNG)

No. 387777
>>387772I had one sockpuppet account accepted one time she went private. I had no followers and followed a dozen people, then I uploaded a shit load of black posts just so it looked like I was actually posting. She accepted (later blocked for saying something I didn't consider offensive -ha!). Be prepared to get a request from Paris Fucking Melody.
I've been so tempted to comment or like on this account I'm using now, but I'm blending into the 40k masses of silent followers.
I used one of my blocked accounts to pinch one of her old usernames. I might do something with it.
No. 387807
>>387763I remember the comment she is referring to its this one
>>386822They were saying the picture with her boyfriend is inappropriate. and acting insecure while posting bikini pics is not authentic.
But over 2 days she has morphed it into "someone said posting my body in a bikini is inappropriate"
I wish I could say something about it. Its so hard not to comment lol
No. 387811
File: 1505593907848.png (744.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170916-142503.png)

I wish she would go back to screenshoting comments. I don't believe this "piggy bitch" nonsense
No. 387816
File: 1505594135223.jpg (179.46 KB, 709x598, Screenshot_20170916-143308.jpg)

Now I guess someone called her a whore? For those socks? LoL she called herself a whore.. she was the one embarrassed to wear that outfit. I'm sure we will see more of it in #tb tomorrow.
No. 387859
>>387772She accepted one of my accounts like 2 days ago, the same day I accepted. It had like 30 followers, was private, and no bio. So idk she's just really random with her follower accepts
>>387807Whenever she gets critism she literally talks about that hater for a good week straight. And then claims how haters don't bother her and how she's above them. She's such a joke
No. 387860
>>387662Sooo…her "therapist" is going to tell her she's not ready for full time (even tho she supposedly has other jobs) and doesn't recommend she work. And Aly will take her "therapists advice" instead of being a grown ass woman and work the damn job.
It's obvious she lied about the job offers. She just wanted people to say they were proud of her and yay her! And since people paid attention last time she made a stick about her interview with the men's clothing store, she has to stick with the lie.
Her therapist can't prevent her from working. He might say I don't think your ready but a good therapist wouldn't say that. If we believed her, she already has a job. What does full time or even a second/third job have anything to do with her mental state of mind?
It's all a lie. It's so sad and pathetic.
No. 387877
>>387860A therapist would encourage her to work. She's no longer physically ill where her health would be in danger. If the stress gets too much she isn't going to suffer because she lives with her family.
Bit personal blog but the first job I got after a long period of much mentalness was the scariest but the best thing I ever did. Scary because if I fucked up I wouldn't get my rent paid and be homeless, but good because it really does you good to be around different people and actually doing something.
I don't think she wants to do anything though. Basically she's an idle bitch who wants everything handed to her on a plate. She thinks she's above having a job.
AAAaaand I really can't see how they thought she'd fit into that particular shop - sports and skatewear?? Wtf does she know about the products? It's like asking someone from 1890 to work in an Apple store.
Okay, while I'm here I'm listing my biggers ~
triggers~ she gives me:
- sticking her pinkie fingers out when she's holding things
- doing that one leg (usually the right one) bent pose
- ANY video. I can't watch her actually moving. It's horrific.
- her wing eyeliner that looks like Amy Winehouse applied it while she was off her tits on heroin.
- HER VOICE. There are more
triggers, but these make me slam childrens heads against the wall.
No. 387890
>>387877different strokes for different folks. if her therapist knows about her IG (which I can't really imagine), they'd be encouraging her not to think about work yet because she's miles away from being able to handle it, and when she inevitably fucked it up (!) that would be a big setback, could
trigger relapse, and so on.
all this is assuming the therapist is actually real and not just a handy deus ex machina
No. 387898
>>387890Oh, of course. She's batshit crazy, but nobody seems to have picked up on that. She must save it for instagram. I wouldn't offer her a job in 1000 years. Not just because of personal bias but I know the days of training would be wasted when she leaves (which she will/would if it's a real job) and I can't imagine she'd put any effort into it. And she's mentally unstable and I'd find her rocking in a corner clutching a donnie and fap.
Either her therapist ifshesgotone is really incompetent or she's an amazing liar irl.
No. 388119
File: 1505646282597.jpg (39.73 KB, 292x330, 1.JPG)

Today Aly is celebrating the anniversary of the day she was given that transfusion at hospital because her fake recovery after the June hospital stay was proved to be a fake recovery. Over dramatising as usual. She was being "fed by tubes", which was really a transfusion. Still, makes her sound more or a #edwarrior I suppose.
No. 388143
>>388139Farmers were asking the same question in the old thread when she was admitted!
It sounds like the medics were just patching her up physically and then they expected the mental health team to do the rest.
I can't comment on the system in Italy, but they seem to do the same thing here in the UK. If you're out of danger, you can be discharged
I can't believe it was TWO YEARS ago! I've wasted so much of my life on lolcow haha.
No. 388144
File: 1505652296383.png (1.05 MB, 938x601, 1442414522776.png)

>>388143I meant to post this too. FLASHBACK!
No. 388153
>>388143I don't know how the system in Italy handles the issue, but here in Austria I was able to refuse treatment even at alys level of spoopyness
I feel like they are way stricter in the US and UK, at least from what I've read on Instagram and so on..
No. 388156
>>388153Yeah, in the UK you get sectioned and there's no problem with your/your family not being able to pay for treatment because of the NHS.
If you continually don't show up for appointments though, however spoopy, there comes a point where you get left alone. I've mentioned in the past how an Ash tier spoop I was friends with never went for appointments and so they wrote her off. If she collapses for whatever reason they do the "patch her up" thing, but since she hit her mid 30s all the medical people have just given up on her. I think this is pretty rare tbh. She doesn't even have family who'd intervene in any way.
No. 388159
File: 1505659325769.gif (1.74 MB, 719x477, happy aly ip day.gif)

>>388158WOO HOO!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (!) especially if you're woman.
No. 388160
File: 1505660150028.jpg (74.45 KB, 652x255, Screenshot_20170917-084819.jpg)

I hope we don't have to start following her on Facebook…
No. 388161
File: 1505660262026.jpg (45.29 KB, 584x217, Screenshot_20170917-084438.jpg)

Also this comment was under an earlier picture. So far she hasn't seen it
No. 388162
>>388160Stupid move taking her ED to facebook. She's asking for trouble and drama. Not that she'll leave instagram. Anyway, Alice Casati, we've been looking at your facebook for over two years (!).
>>388161I can't find that, but yay for whoever got that one past her even though it's cruel.
No. 388166
>>388161well this is just dumb and puts us haters in a bad light
>>388160youre not goin anywhere aly
No. 388167
>>388163Must be the same in most places. Hospital's where you're supposed to do that anyway. Got to say that the psychiatric side of hospitals are piss poor though but it's not like they can pump you with a chemical and you're suddenly all cured.
>>388164Ta. Going to have a look for myself (!)
No. 388174
File: 1505661603503.jpg (360.47 KB, 652x883, Screenshot_20170917-091540.jpg)

She also said she shared this pic on Facebook. But I don't see it. Is anyone actually friends with her on fb?
Dont know why she would share this over there since she said she felt a whore in it.
No. 388178
File: 1505662132335.jpg (390.36 KB, 652x883, Screenshot_20170917-092602.jpg)

>>388174She decided to wear them again with one of her "dresses" it was meh with the shorts…but now this is hooker territory.
No. 388184
>>388178why didn't she just buy some tights?
>>388174i guess she wants "real" followers to message her so she'll friend them on facebook i wonder if she will reply to any of those dms oh also guess she got her phone fixed and doesnt have that broken dm phone anymore
No. 388195
>>388191The candy floss might be replacing the donnies as food to post with. She did the same pose with candy floss recently when she went to the garden centre with her mum…I mean "some friends".
I'm not on facebook as a real person (only use it to place Alphabetty Saga) but wouldn't want to follow her anyway. It's irritating enough having her dominate my ig feed. She seems to add anyone on there though. I went to "recently added" and they look like random Italians.
No. 388306
File: 1505678489102.gif (1.96 MB, 576x1024, Checkoutthehappiness.gif)

Dancing in the car listening to that song by Charlie Puth "attention"
I wasn't believing it fully, but her mom really does drive around everywhere with her…
No. 388336
>>388306So sad. It's great if a daughter has a close relationship with her mother but this is really sad. It's not normal (and I know "not normal" can be good, but this isn't normal in an unhealthy way).
>>388332She's been unusually calm today. More than likely the calm before the storm, so fasten your seatbelts!!!
No. 388416
>>388153! Servus! Were you around when Aly used to post bastardized Kipferl that looked like mini croissants?
On topic: I do think she's gearing up for a relapse. Candy floss has almost no calories.
Following her on FB will be exhausting. I hate making realistic looking fake accounts there, and I don't want her to know my real name.
No. 388436
>>388336ah guys i cant wait lmao
what are yalls predications for next week? therapist says she cant work (!) aly cant believe it she wanted to sell skateboards, fatberto proposes he wants aly to be a kept woman in his tiny apartment hes living in w his friend
No. 388449
>>388436Aly is going to need lots of support because her anxiety is over the stars.
Hmm…predictions. Oddly enough, that's a bit tricky because it' depends on her moods and they're erratic.
If her meeting with the shrinks say she can work she'll be all manic and ~motivational~. If this job's fake then she'll say they've suggested she's not yet weight restored (BMI 16.5) and it'd be a bad idea to work full time.
All will be amazing with Fatbob for a while.
She has meltdowns at work but says the staff were sexist or some other bullshit. Aly calling at Fatboy's place will cause friction between him and the friend who he's sharing with, or she'll be jealous he pays too much attention to his friend because he wants to go on lads nights out and not Netflix with her.
I. DON'T. KNOW. but (!) whatever happens her ig feed will stay exactly the same. Food and smooch pics and Fatbob's ever increasing waist size.
No. 388477
>>388436For next week: therapist supposedly tells her she's not ready for a job, so she doesn't start working.
Long term: Roberto dumps her when he gets a good hard look at her hysterical personality and untreated mental illness. And also when he realizes she is one bad day away from relapsing. I think she has started restricting calories again. All these food pictures are exactly like the ones she took when she was a skelly. You never actually see her eating any of it, just playing with it.
No. 388480
>>388416Servus, thanks for making me laugh anon. Never seen that word written on this website before.
Yes I was, I think I've been following Alys thread for well over 2 years now (what am I doing with my life). It really kinda bugged me. Didn't she post something about eating "wursts" as well?
No. 388491
>>388477She's blatantly admitted to maintaining, so she's going to lose weight anyway because she doesn't ever want to be sick Aly the weight restored.
Ohhh, Fat Boy will definitely dump her. They argue like fuck now and she's miles away from him. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SHE GETS ALL STALKERY OVER IT.
>>388480I can't even remember who brought Aly to our attention. She appeared in the ana thread one day and that was it - hooked! I came here for Ash originally, but I don't even check her ig any more. Idk, just let her die in peace now she's not begging for wishlist items.
I hope another milky snowflake along the lines of Aly appears though in case there's a 100000000000000000th in 10 chance (7/24) she does get her life together and vanishes. No one else here grabs me right now. The Munchie thread's too technical now and the anas are meh. Aly spoiled me.
No. 388717
File: 1505727083801.jpg (41.87 KB, 300x404, fake.JPG)

Ohhhhhhh, she was faking the calm.
She needs strength to survive this Monday.
No. 388736
File: 1505735653694.png (253.66 KB, 750x1096, IMG_0577.PNG)

I swear I've read the exact same shitloaded textwall before?!
No. 388754
File: 1505738872623.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0580.PNG)

That's not a good look Aly. All those fries, burgers, icecream, chocolate bars etc. are starting to show(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 388776
>>388756I was thinking the same thing. I've been thinking she looks thinner for a while now.
It could just be the angle or tight ill fitting denim shorts, but her butt and thighs look smaller than in more of her older donnies and mcdonalds fries shoots.
No. 388779
File: 1505743176564.png (3.63 MB, 1936x1936, Photo_2017-09-18_11-57-14_PM.p…)

No. 388782
File: 1505744902649.png (243.84 KB, 750x1068, IMG_2273.PNG)

What kind of psychiatric professional would be like "No Aly sorry you still need to continue focusing on recovery and ONLY recovery, you may NOT even think about anything else!"
and wtf, "They will decide if I'm allowed to work"? If she literally feels like she has zero control over her own life and career, maybe she should've checked in with her doctors before applying to jobs?? jfc this is so fishy
No. 388790
>>388754She's not fat at all, keep that ana shit away from here please.
However everyone knows you're not going to be healthy eating only junk and chocolate… most people who recover from ED starts out eating snacks only and not real food.
But honestly its still better than eating nothing, hopefully real food comes in time
No. 388796
File: 1505747121552.png (1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170918-090324.png)

Is she serious? Or is she talking to the granola bar?
No. 388799
File: 1505747471435.jpg (220.71 KB, 550x854, Screenshot_20170918-090924.jpg)

This auto correct. LoL
No. 388819
>>388796Lol I wonder how Fatberto would feel if he saw this, Aly met up with and is worried about looking greedy around her ex
(realistically she probably just saw him from across the street and made this up)
No. 388820
>>388790Nah, nowhere near fat. Her fat distribution's really wonk which is understandable. If she did gain more and the rest of her body caught up with her hips she'd have a really great figure. Her face isn't all puffy like before, so I guess it takes time for her body to take shape. I don't defend her about much, but she's nowhere near fat.
>>388799That's got to be one of you lot.
No. 388849
File: 1505750137549.jpg (140.59 KB, 678x412, Screenshot_20170918-095159.jpg)

Awww poor Aly.
No. 388865
File: 1505751211451.png (933.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170918-095654.png)

>>388852That Jessica rabbit thing was posted before her "breakdown". She's mad because no one said they would miss her lol
No. 388883
>>388869POSITIVE and POWERFUL (!)
what's funny is that she isnt goin anywhere haha this bitch is crazy. why can't see understand that people scroll instagram, maybe speed read her post and then go to school or work or w/e, her words don't resonate with anyone if she really did close then no one would care, i mean there would be an aly shaped hole in my heart but i'd make it through
No. 388920
File: 1505753332076.jpg (286.63 KB, 677x766, Screenshot_20170918-104354.jpg)

I hate how vague she is… no one can tell what she wants. She says
>I had a breakdown but maybe it was the situation (stories)
So I check stories, and she's eating ice cream. I don't understand what "situation"… the eating fries and granola? That ist a "situation"…unless she's talking about her ex…
No. 388926
File: 1505753711030.png (99.14 KB, 732x478, IMG_0581.PNG)

She hasn't seen this one yet
No. 388940
File: 1505755613530.jpg (1.34 MB, 2896x2896, IMG_20170918_110648.jpg)

>>388796Wich one is her ex? #1 or #2 ?
No. 388955
>>388953#1 looks Neanderthal
#2 looks like a criminal
#3 looks like a Jim Henson creation (esp. the eyebrows)
No. 388981
File: 1505760205351.png (56.66 KB, 750x1096, IMG_2278.PNG)

No. 388991
>>3889893 is like zero to her
i think it would have to be at least 10 to defeat her ed
No. 388993
File: 1505761551545.gif (493.52 KB, 504x896, Imbetternow.gif)

She will be back to this soon.
No. 389070
>I will never turn my back to someone who's asking for helpyou do tho…..EVERY. DAY. And the people who do ask for help even call you out on it when you bitch about receiving no support(even tho you clearly DO get support. i.e all the DMs you obviously get and IGNORE)
What an infuriating bitch.
No. 389120
>>388953From my experience there's like a strong divide between Italian guys and girls. The average Italian dude is much uglier in comparison to the average Italian girl. You see lots of beautiful girls in the streets, then you see the guys and feel just… underwhelmed. It's like a genetic thing.
Even in those pictures of Aly's exes and current bf you can see she's the most attractive in the couple
No. 389187
File: 1505781941485.jpg (436.42 KB, 694x987, Screenshot_20170918-171831.jpg)

I hate this picture, from her outfit, to how she's holding the cotton candy, to her other hand holding her glasses, to her stupid horse leg…so normal Aly.
No. 389296
>>389259She's not wearing that stupid hair clip, so maybe thigh highs are the new hair clip.
Even tho she "looks like a whore".
No. 389299
>>389296She says Pa says she looks like a whore. I'm wondering if it isn't him who says it (like haters don't call her "piggy") and it's her thinking she looks like one.
TODAY'S THE DAY OF THE THERAPIST MEETING (!) She's going to need lots of support to eat her breakfast cookies.
No. 389304
>>389301That's the guy she always referred to as her "best male friend", but recently (before being reunited with her ~boy~) she said she tried to reignite something with him (or something), but they really fell out. That was the first time she'd ever mentioned she'd had a relationship with him.
>>389302She expects he'll fund her habits, just as Ma does except he's been proven not to be the enabling type, so stay tuned (!)
No. 389305
File: 1505811038166.png (486.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170919-094922.png)

>>389304Waay back on her fb but face sucking him here
No. 389318
File: 1505814779834.png (621.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170919-105149.png)

Aalice_casati is not aly
No. 389320
File: 1505814948909.png (46.89 KB, 600x448, Untitled.png)

>>389318I saw her on facebook when I looked for other Alice Castati's in Milan and wondered if it could be her.
Here's the latest for those who can't see her updates atm. Pic is whore socks at Amsterdam chips #tb
No. 389333
File: 1505822039849.png (16.66 KB, 291x339, offtowork.png)

Surprise, surprise! The therapist actually allowed Aly to work! Stay tuned to what happens next!
No. 389336
>>389333thanks for keeping us updated anon. She still hasn't accepted my request.
This is actually getting interesting? Because what I predicted was "her therapist not being okay with her taking the job". But now she's actually forced to work and therefore leave ig. How will she put up with that?
No. 389352
File: 1505825670912.png (161.34 KB, 640x757, IMG_4477.PNG)

What the fuck is this outfit?
No. 389360
>>389333the permit to work? lol so they said yeah sounds like a good idea
rly thought this would be her excuse to get out of it but ok close your account n start work aly hahah
again everything is solved
No. 389374
>>389352It's me eat me and go aly!
yes, its awful. Why has she bought so many knee highs?
No. 389397
File: 1505831774869.jpg (164.19 KB, 677x549, Screenshot_20170919-083431.jpg)

She's upset about her uncle under a bikini photo.
No. 389409
>>389397My uncle just died. Here, have a pic of me smiling and posing in a bikini!
I can't believe that stupid bitch
No. 389414
File: 1505836216293.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170919-094922.png)

I feel sad for her family though
No. 389419
>>389414Sad, but it's always a relief when they've been suffering with terminal cancer.
>>389416She probably didn't say. She's only ever mentioned her uncle for pity points.
No. 389453
File: 1505841649863.jpg (95.26 KB, 1000x592, u.JPG)

Yeah, fuck your uncle now. Have an ice cream and talk about YOUR suffering.
No. 389455
File: 1505842108245.png (1.08 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170919-112537.png)

>>389453She just doesn't want to make anyone sad. LoL
No. 389456
File: 1505842204112.jpg (135.88 KB, 707x459, Screenshot_20170919-112651.jpg)

Also, I thought she decided she was closing. What is she still thinking about?
No. 389458
File: 1505842593405.png (11.59 KB, 268x188, images.png)

>>389456>No 'yummie foodies'Goody woody.
No. 389459
>>389456no fear foods? i thought she was afraid of fried foods just last week
i knew she'd do the "i should keep account open for inspiration" she really thinks shes that important
theres no way shes gonna "close" its so dumb how shes pretending shes completely cured and still not desperate for attention online even tho every other post is asking for account support~
No. 389536
File: 1505855348604.png (196.42 KB, 750x875, IMG_2288.PNG)

"suicide attempts" lmao she's the type of person who thinks suicide ideation = attempt
No. 389542
>>389536Oh, cry me a river. FFS, three years of anorexia. I'm not undermining how shit eating disorders are, but three years isn't really a long time for the condition. She wasn't alone. She had her mother who took her out to buy her food to get her to eat. She had her mother to cater to every whim during that time. She was never abused as a child or faced enormous difficulties a lot of ED sufferers had.
>I'm not so specialNobody said she was?
She HAS been lucky. Her mental health team sound shit, but no way was it Aly who weight restored all ~alone~.
The way she writes it's as though she's all recovered when in the real world she's more of a mental mess than when she was starving herself.
She IS fucking lucky she survived for 5 years. Some of us have been battling mental illness for decades without the support she has.
Anyhow, let's see how she's getting on a week from now.
No. 389548
>>389542she makes it like a competition and there are a lot of people who have been ip more than once and she only went to get her vitals up, can you imagine how many pics she has of her ridiculous tube in her nose
when is fatberto coming?
No. 389549
>>389548Yeah, she used to put HOPSITALISED X 2 on her profile. Always a sign of someone wanting ana points.
Fatty's coming on Thursday, the day she (apparently) starts working. Fun, fun, fun!
No. 389562
>>389549yeah i hate when people put their like ip stats up and theres always someone whos had it worse
"oh youve been ip 5 times? ive been 37 times! i was born in an inpatient hospital!"
yay cant wait
>now that my boy is here the previous struggles have become meaningless>girls i want to kill myself No. 389606
>>389562I don't know if the IP count bragging's the same or slightly less tragic than the ones who put SUICIDE ATTEMPTS X 20 (usually on self harming accounts). Like, must try harder or gtfo.
I hope Aly stays because I don't want to miss the details of her new life. I'd find it so motivational. What would you say, girls?
No. 389696
File: 1505880691182.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2772.PNG)

This is crazy
No. 389711
that would almost be kind of endearing if she actually turned herself into a decent worker through her own motivational speaking. ah well.
No. 389735
>>389696I wouldn't find taking pictures of your icecream that cringy, if it wasn't because its not only the exact same icecream store everytime, its the EXACT same spot and angle.. is this considered borderline instagram OCD? lmao thats such weird precision!
I wonder wtf the owners think, seeing her taking a picture everytime from the same spot.
No. 389737
>>389696The hardcore stoners I know don't even eat this much ice cream on a weekly basis.
The OCD positioning of these ice cream photos is
triggering. I hate OCD shit like this. I think that's why I hate Aly so much. The bent leg, the pinky out/hand positions she always does, the same poses in the same spot/chair/table with the same outfits.
It's maddening.
No. 389743
>>389455Translation: don't use all your support on my uncle, im the needy one! Me me me!!!!!
He's died but she needs you to give her support to keep eating ice cream.
When will Fatberto resort to using sick days and holidays to go on photoshoots with aly? I give it a month until he loses his shit
No. 389749
File: 1505898885497.jpg (47.59 KB, 377x322, 1.JPG)

She's taking the first day at work off.
No. 389751
>>389750He's supposed to be moving there tomorrow. Maybe she'll delay that.
It'll be interesting to see what she posts today seeing how she's deeply grieving. Surely doesn't want donnies and Amsterdam chips?
No. 389777
File: 1505910394291.png (273.24 KB, 750x1018, IMG_0593.PNG)

Her uncle died, but comments on instagram are still her number one care. S T U P I D B I T C H (!) I ? like her.
No. 389786
>>389777ok don't eat then
like as if comments would change how you felt about someone passing away
only this bitch
>>389751i dont think she can stop him coming cus hes coming for school right not just to be with her
No. 389789
>>389777Reason #89384 for her anorexia
Jfc that's not a fucking eating disorder lots of people lose their appetite when grieving. She thinks she "punished herself" because her grandma died. It's always about her. How dare it be about anyone else! It's never about how she worried her family, her friends, about what her mom must have gone through, it's just about HER struggles (!) She needs to seem sooo sick, the "2 x hospitalizations", the "feeding tube", the "suicidal thoughts since a young girl", now this. Aw Aly you were ana at age 13, poor Aly!!
Fuck Aly. I feel terrible for her mom or dad, imagine your brother dies and your shitty self-centered unempathic daughter is typing on her phone all day, threatening not to eat to "punish herself".
I used to pity her like 2 years ago but she's actually a really shitty person and I'm so happy that she's a cow. She ruins people's lives and gives no fucks
No. 389790
>>389789It's like she's opting in and out, trying so hard to be perfect tiny frail anorexic even though shes a binge eating bulimic mess
Sort it out woman esp if you're wanting fatberto to respect you as a feminist
No. 389812
File: 1505918901952.png (206.69 KB, 750x1087, IMG_0599.PNG)

You gotta love our recovery queer
No. 389818
>>389817I wouldn't put it past her to be jealous that she's not getting all the attention, npd~
This timed out so well for her so she wouldn't have to work. I bet that she won't be able to go in because of all her obvious sadness and REAL emotions for others so she loses the job or, we never hear about the job again
No. 389821
>>389789 My mother passed away due to cancer when I was 18 and I swear I only have blurry memories of the days after her passing away. I couldn't even touch my phone for more than a week, only if necessary. This bitch only wants all the attention focused on her and it infuriates me how she uses her uncle's death to claim for comments. Aaaah I think I've never hated anyone as I do with this girl.
I don't want anything bad happening to her, because I know life's gonna hit her so hard she's going to live everyday with the mistakes she made / still makes to this day. Her sad life, focused on stranger's comments and junk food, obssessing about all that and not paying attention to actual life.
No. 389827
>>389821sorry about your mum anon. yeah, you can tell she doesn't really care about him shes completely self serving when she talks about him.
she puts so much effort into her instagram but if it was deleted tomorrow nothing/no one would be affected except there would be a crazy girl screaming about losing her insta
No. 389838
>>389832shes public again
ugh i actually prefer not seeing her posts tbh
No. 389852
>>389835Thank you. <3 I appreciate it.
It's just that this girl's always claiming for attention and pity when she's the one making her ED the center of her universe. Okay, I get that we all have our problems, but she always has ''someone else'' to blame for it?
She talks about how insicure (!) she felt all the time and worhtless NOW that she's recovered? Not when she didn't eat anything and kept losing weight?
She wants to be seen as a rolemodel and some kind of hero but she's not, she can't be if she's acting as she's acting everyday. Furthermore, she has to believe it HERSELF. I.e., if I can go on with life with my mother's passing away, I don't care if people see it as something to be proud of, I care about my feeling and how I do it because at the end of the day I'm the one who has to deal with that pain. I understand that people can think I'm strong, but I don't need it to ''not breakdown''.
She's only making excuses to relapse, or to have people worried about her and that's just pathetic when we all know her mother is ALWAYS by her side, when she's still in a relationship with the same boy for more than 4 years and when she didn't die. It's hard to think about it and sometimes I feel kind of harsh because I don't know her but what I can't tolerate is how she tries to make everyone feel guilty about her ED.
We're not her parents, nor her doctors, we're not her to tell Aly ''c'mon, just eat now''. We shouldn't be blamed when she doesn't get more than 3 comments. She had and ED and didn't eat because she didn't want to, not because of her father, her friends, the boys who looked at her, etc, etc. The day she starts to see it (if she does someday, anyway), she'll start living as miserable as she can.
No. 389863
>>389858Because -of course- when her ''friend'' meets her to distract her from her uncle's death, she'd be totally cool with the fact she's constantly with her phone.
I'm actually curious about how this whole ''living with my boyfriend'' thing will work out. Will he realise that she's 7/24 on her phone? Will she breakdown in front of him and instantly post a photo of her crying?
No. 389887
File: 1505924289193.jpg (103.78 KB, 573x499, Screenshot_20170920-100511.jpg)

This is the first time I've seen dogs say anything other than "your doing great!!" There are also other comments similar to that second one. And Aly has deleted all the "repost" captions about throwing up.
No. 389890
File: 1505924500982.jpg (230 KB, 708x827, Screenshot_20170920-101843.jpg)

Also this
>not deleting
>always be a proud member of the ed community
Wtf? She's basically saying she will never be over it? Or what
No. 389901
File: 1505924786303.png (1.02 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170920-102323.png)

No. 389902
>>389890So she won't be censoring comments 7/24? That'd be interesting.
>>389901Poor girl. Grieving so hard.
No. 389918
File: 1505926431366.png (1.19 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170920-175118.png)

Meal out with drinks, good news coming.. death of uncle obvs old news already
No. 389929
>>389926oh yeah, I hate it too. He was just a prop and an excuse to beg for attention.
It's disgusting, but somehow it disgusted me a million times more when he was still alive.
No. 389933
File: 1505927260852.jpg (72.75 KB, 690x239, Screenshot_20170920-110443.jpg)

I imagine they said "I hope your feeling alright, I'm so sorry about your uncle" she's like "huh? Oh ya, that. Yes I'm devastated"
I can't roll my eyes hard enough over >I finished with my ED
No. 390045
File: 1505940286102.jpg (112.27 KB, 978x300, Screenshot_20170920-154315.jpg)

I think I'm going to unfollow cus I hate her lol
No. 390046
>>390028Oh how #feminist. Thin girls aren't "sexy". Double standards much. She says you can't insult a full figured woman but bashes skinny. Wait til she goes public. She's going to feel my ire.
I'm thin (not Ana chan) but physically healthy so genetics or w/e. I also don't starve. Everything's so black and white to her. She's so hypocritical.
I pray we don't have to see her boy in tight shorts.
Good to see her devastation quickly passed.
No. 390049
File: 1505940514413.jpg (345.66 KB, 999x966, Screenshot_20170920-154600.jpg)

oops forgot this
if she does go public I think we should all fight the urge to be a hater cus she literally thrives on it (mainly talkin to myself here)
No. 390051
File: 1505940688962.jpg (262.65 KB, 916x911, Screenshot_20170920-155000.jpg)

>>390048you too can be this happy
No. 390084
File: 1505944349053.jpg (104.32 KB, 1023x576, aly.jpg)

>>390059Remember when her brother was ill and she threw a hissy fit because her Ma had to stay home and they couldn't go out to pretend to eat until Pa got home? Well, if it's Ma taking these pictures imagine how shit that is. Her brother's just died and her daughter's making her go out to take pics of her grinning at chips.
No. 390231
File: 1505963966838.jpg (1.32 MB, 809x2147, Screenshot_20170920-221633.jpg)

No. 390236
File: 1505964407135.jpg (1.25 MB, 802x1997, 20170920_222444.jpg)

it's like a fever dream
No. 390279
>>390236>>390231Normally you take a couple of photos and choose the best one, aly thinks they're ALL fabulous
Am i only one who looks for people photo bombing in the background ?
No. 390298
>>390236It must be so weird for the staff to see her come in every few days, then take her food outside, pose with it until it's cold and disgusting, whilst whoever she is with is forced to take the same photo day after day.
Someone works there daily, sees this shit going on for months, and they can't even ask her what the fuck she's doing.
No. 390315
>>390298Sometimes I'm tempted to go there just to observe it all and take in people's reactions. You know, have the full experience: a donnie, fries and icecream (!) and then write poetry about the nymph that appears and has her appearance captured and sprinkled all over Instagram.
Or something.
No. 390362
>>389812Just noticed something really weird. She is claiming that 12oz coffee joint is a new place she just discovered? Yet we all know she had thousands of photos of herself there, all ridiculous poses holding donnies and fraps and that punchable smirk on her face.
Now she has deleted all of the ones taken prior to today… as if trying to fool us into thinking she's never been before? When she literally just said they asked her to work there "to create new milkshake flavours". Wtf… just why…
No. 390385
File: 1506000669766.png (188.17 KB, 750x1028, IMG_0604.PNG)

I bet they're already fighting.
No. 390390
File: 1506001280320.jpg (886.58 KB, 810x1702, Screenshot_20170921-083923.jpg)

>a new terrifying one
lmao how long till black out post today
No. 390395
File: 1506001733766.jpg (484.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170921-144713.jpg)

>>390390>i know how to survive on my own Who are you trying to kid
No. 390398
>>390395she keeps pretending that she dealt w this all alone like aly you cant be alone for even one minute
>>390390hes probably used to the routine i imagine that would take the romance out of it
>bert its time to kiss me in front of ma for 10 minutes again No. 390401
File: 1506002938482.jpeg (117.04 KB, 1256x1655, image.jpeg)

Here we go
No. 390406
File: 1506003435812.png (973.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170921-151620.png)

>>390402Repost claiming a friend made a comment about people only caring about the anorexic aly
There was literally no time between the original post and this one. Someones got voices in their head
No. 390409
>>390406i dont even understand
"a friend" (irl?) said she was anorexic? like he walked by and shouted that
yeah shes talkin to herself
>>390405lol anon i thought you were doing an alyism
No. 390414
I saw the entire old post from the moment she posted it to the moment she deleted it and the ONLY comment was dogsandpos being all ~go aly!!~. What a lying bitch, dogs must have lost a lot of brain cells being ana if she thinks Aly gives a shit about any of her comments and continues to worship her. I'm glad lousrecovery saw the truth.
Remember when she was all like "I look for quality not quantity"? righhhtt
No. 390420
File: 1506004547498.png (131.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170921-093428.png)

or, i hate being with you roberto
No. 390421
File: 1506004548006.png (72.13 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20170921_0001.png)

No. 390427
File: 1506004908713.png (12.87 KB, 293x278, last.png)

and reposted again with new intro!
No. 390432
>>390428idk anon, maybe she means her IG?
also, Aly, people wouldn't know you as 'the anorexic' if you did ANYTHING ELSE in life. jfc this bitch. I know there was probably no comment and she is making it all up bc crazy, but… literally all you do in life is 'recovery'. What else should people know you for when there simply isn't anything else?
No. 390433
File: 1506005195104.gif (448.12 KB, 168x130, 129508641869.GIF)

Well this is very mature, normal and a great new start. Her boyfriend's actually living in the same city and she's asking for help on instagram.
But still….(see img)
No. 390436
>>390426haha i was like black out post! black out post!!!
>>390427what i read from this is that she wants to be the anorexic who people care about, well i guess everyone got that tho. she really cant stand being with berty she always freaks out with him
No. 390456
File: 1506007164412.jpg (423.01 KB, 1022x1057, Screenshot_20170921-101623.jpg)

this comment is p good, shame it wont actually do any good though
she has 3 comments rn hahah
No. 390479
File: 1506009730997.jpg (30.95 KB, 319x243, who cares.JPG)

She def needs support guys.
No. 390480
File: 1506009918153.png (740.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170921-100120.png)

No. 390481
>>390405No, no, I like this Domingo thing.
How many black posts before she goes Domingo? Is Fatberto going to go Domingo? Did she go Domingo on the icecream?
No. 390483
File: 1506010080126.jpg (370.12 KB, 1006x1039, Screenshot_20170921-110611.jpg)

>>390479thats not even an insult just like an observation and uh aly you reposted something 3 times and said you were dying inside! oh my god
No. 390493
>>390479Little does the friend know that Aly is 1000x more fucked up now than she was when she was all snoopy. But honestly how did that "bad" comment affect her so much, obviously people remember her when she was snoopy and the notice that she eats more/has gained weight.
>>390456Aly is so obsessed with "having an identity", whatever the fuck this means. People aren't static unconscious rocks where you can look at them and say for certain "that is solid and black". Hobbies and interests change for everyone, life events occur, everyone is constantly changing, how can you know "who you are"? You're completely dependent on your environment, you aren't solely in charge of your own identity, that's absolutely ridiculous. I don't see the big deal about not knowing who "you" are and having some kind of set identity.
It honestly might help really her to read up on mindfulness or even Buddhism (the basic values and ideas) to accept herself the way she is but Aly is so completely deluded, egotistical and unaware of everything, this isn't even "oh this poor mentally ill girl", there's plenty of people with EDs, other mental illnesses, personality disorders, etc who are aware of their past and present actions and emotions and thoughts, aren't drowning in denial, accept their situation and are actively working on bettering themselves.
No. 390495
>>390493Her problem is she doesn't have a personality as such. She has the basics, but there's nothing about her to speak of. If you're describing one of your friends to someone it's usual that you can gush about what their interests are, what they do with their life, their sense of humour, their style, their likes and dislikes. Okay, we don't know Aly irl, but we've known her for TWO YEARS PLUS and the only thing we know is she's a borderline borderline case who's dependent on other people for asspats. Oh, and apparently she likes to travel. Two years and that's all we know about her.
When you have a mental illness, at your worst you can feel you're an empty shell of the person you were. With Aly she's always been an empty shell. I honestly don't know anyone in real life who's as much of a blank canvas as Aly.
No. 390496
File: 1506012740091.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0605.PNG)

No. 390499
File: 1506012852700.png (38.79 KB, 750x750, IMG_4401.PNG)

>>390496Kek before she posted that story she posted this blackpost
No. 390502
File: 1506012935466.png (86.36 KB, 750x758, IMG_4402.PNG)

>>390496Then changed it to this when she didnt get the response she wanted.
Then she has deleted it.
THEN she posted on her story.
Kek this cow is fucking nuts.
sage for samefagging but relevant
No. 390508
>>390496What does this even mean?? Her english is so shit lol.
Also not thrilled about the onset of the knee high socks. Will these be the new hair clip??
No. 390509
>>390496where you gonna run bitch you aint got no friends
i wanna ask her like why does he
trigger her so much but i dont wanna get blocked
No. 390510
>>390507What I was saying though is that Aly didn't seem to have a personality even before her ED.
And yes #prayforbert
No. 390513
>>390500I bet she won't even help pay rent cuz she's a leech and berto will be too scared to ask her to help pay bc she might off herself
No. 390529
File: 1506015542138.png (663.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170921-123110.png)

life sux
No. 390531
File: 1506015713387.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4528.PNG)

Is she 14 years old?
No. 390532
File: 1506016023380.jpg (7.24 KB, 191x264, images.jpg)

>>390531Hope she doesn't self arm.
No. 390557
>>390535Isnt home now with berto? So shes running away from her boyf of 5 years because some friend said she used to be anorexic
I still am! i still am goddammit!!!
No. 390562
File: 1506021487901.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0607.PNG)

No. 390567
>>390562When I was in a long distance relationship, we would take it in turns to visit. I didn't have a car, so I often spent "nights" (if this was posted around the time of
>>390562 it's half past 9PM in Italy) at the station.
In fact, one time it snowed and I was standing out in the cold for hours!
Gosh, I don't know how I didn't see that it was such a brave thing to do. There I was, thinking myself lucky I had a boyfriend who loved me and for having a job that allowed me to travel by train every other week-end. Thinking back on it, I wonder how I survived!
How do we all survive??? Are we really alive? Or did the black, black night swallow us all?
No. 390572
File: 1506022904064.png (1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170921-203813.png)

>>390569Im so suicidal i had a dinner date with my boyfriend before going home again.
She ran away from home, wanted to kill herself, ate dinner and drank wine, then "reassured" her real followers she was safe and going home.
You wil be called a little girl if you act like a child aly.
No. 390576
>>390572What she calls "feeling suicidal", we call "feeling slightly upset".
She's such a shitty person, she KNOWS she's not suicidal (she obviously had plans to have dinner with Berto before "running away" lol) and just decides to use it to her advantage to get attention by claiming she's running away and wants to die. Fuck her for minimizing suicide and repeatedly crying wolf for something as serious as this
No. 390591
File: 1506025210852.png (29.57 KB, 104x108, aly.png)

holy shit that fucking eyeliner
No. 390596
>>390576Exactly, the whole story was her getting the train with them to get dinner
I love how she thinks she has to reassure her followers, shes getting like 2-3 comments max, no one curr
No. 390606
File: 1506027689492.jpg (12.32 KB, 289x68, the strange.JPG)

They give me the strange too.
No. 390608
File: 1506028310430.jpg (561.08 KB, 809x1566, Screenshot_20170921-160841.jpg)

>>390597im sorry im an idiot i deleted the post cus i thought someone else posted it cus ive been doing that today
repost ×2
No. 390622
>>390562>"by night">This cap was posted at merely 9:18 pm (Italian clock), so the picture is probably even earlierDrama queen as always.
>>390597Don't worry anon, if they spend the night together she'll be counting orgasms (!!)
No. 390658
>>390608I like how her dad is always exactly right and tells it as it is. Why does she always act like something a 13 year old could do is a HUGE ana recovery WIN? It's not like she ever was actually contemplating suicide and suddenly made the incredible decision of not doing so. She leaves the house and meets up with her boyfriend? WIN!!! Recovery paid off!!!! Hands in a resume? WIN! Does yoga?! WIN!!
It's not like her entire childhood was lost to an ed, she got it when she was like 16…. why is everything apparently so difficult for her
No. 390731
>>390658yeah what doesnt make sense and what irriates me is that he apparently says "you act like a little girl and wont eat" and she proves him wrong by eating? he never said you'll always be a anorexic little girl, she did! like your dad wants you to eat
shes such a horrible person like i say this all the time but i really hate aly lol i hope this narcissistic bitch loses everyone cus she doesnt treat anyone with respect
No. 390768
>>390658she wasn't even 16…she was like 18. tbh I think her ed was more fear of growing up and having to actually do shit than anything else.
every time I think she can't get any more desperate and cringey she goes and sets a new high/low. THERE NIGHT IS NOT AS DARK AS MY HEARRRTT
No. 390775
File: 1506044978276.jpg (138.65 KB, 702x1024, possible.jpg)

>>390768Don't know if this is ~controversial~ because I know there's a lot involved in every mental illness BUT she said she starved for attention. Being a gigantic (!) attention ho, it's possible that she really did start off for attention.
I know it takes a lot to lose weight and restrict, but we've seen her outraageous (!) need for attention. When she started losing weight, maybe that's when the other issues kicked in. The buzz of feeling hungry/having control over something.
Now she LOOKS healthy physically, the attention from anas has gone and that's why she's threatening Sudoku when she doesn't get attention. It even sounds like her #relationshipgoal relationship is pissing her off because she'll have to eat normally. I do think she could lapse into restricting hard again. She's desperate enough, but idk. I admit I could be talking bollocks.
No. 390931
File: 1506076022839.png (229.24 KB, 744x1081, IMG_0617.PNG)

She won't always be all smiles and cotton candies. Huh, we couldn't tell!
Also, she's public again. Let the shitfest begin! And don't feel bad about it, because she is "not ashamed anymore" and doesnt "give a shit about it anymore". Let's find out how true that is.
No. 390933
>>39093142 minutes
No. 390936
>>390934I used to "like" only the food pictures because I know she hates that.
>>390935Can't see her attracting any recovering anas. She's old news. Maybe she'll get follows from perverts with a sock fetish?
No. 390941
File: 1506077772785.jpg (34.04 KB, 500x402, aly twinstar.jpg)

>>390940That wouldn't surprise me. I bet she's dressed as a mourning widow with black headscarf, being all hysterical and screaming at the sky, "Why? Whyyyyy?" (meaning why did he die because the funeral's stopped her usual shoots at the 120z Coffee Joint.
No. 390945
File: 1506081678224.png (157.44 KB, 750x1040, IMG_0621.PNG)

Does she ever have an easy day?!
No. 390947
File: 1506082374621.jpg (12.37 KB, 280x45, chicken wings.JPG)

I'd love to see the commercial for this.
She's talking about anorexia being a control thing. I was blocked on one account a few months ago for telling her this can be the case.
No. 390951
>>390950Hope there's no hair scrunching, knee high socks or porno dresses
Actually i need a laugh, bring it on!
No. 390958
>>390950Let's not forget that Aly is more important than both her uncle AND chicken wings.
Idk how she can eat something like that before a funeral. Funerals are awful and I can barely manage to eat even a slice of toast beforehand. That yucky feeling in the stomach and all that.
No. 390978
File: 1506092926442.jpg (574.12 KB, 809x1176, Screenshot_20170922-100739.jpg)

oh thank god we finally got a shot of that chicken
No. 390984
File: 1506093158509.png (1.47 MB, 1360x625, mcd.png)

>>390978So she stopped by the crematorium too?
I was looking at the uploads tagged with her regular McDonalds. We wondered what people think of her incessant posing, and here are a few answers.
No. 390986
File: 1506093208509.jpg (88.65 KB, 894x530, wtf.JPG)

>>390984and here the guy is all WTF. She's the most ridiculous person he's ever seen in his entire life.
No. 390994
File: 1506094191624.png (242.27 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2309.PNG)

She made the funeral all about her and her recovery. No surprise here. She calls herself "empathic" LOL good one!
No. 390995
File: 1506094377670.jpg (7.78 KB, 19x19, d.JPG)

>>390994Those fucking emojis are so inappropriate.
No. 391004
>>390994oh my god i gotta fight the urge to be a hater rn
girls im thinking about saving up to go to milan and punch aly in the face let me know your opinions
No. 391025
File: 1506096910659.jpg (326.85 KB, 652x814, Screenshot_20170922-101219.jpg)

So this was the before the funeral outfit? Was it Berto who took this pic? Who is with her taking pictures right before a funeral?
No. 391026
File: 1506097040456.png (745.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170922-101555.png)

Posting several stories… 1/3
No. 391028
File: 1506097148838.png (721.76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170922-101606.png)

>>391026>>391027I hate her so much… who is going out celebrating with her? For what? Her stupid job?
No. 391029
>>391028haha ciao uncle
how many contracts has she signed now? im still confused about what job shes going to on monday
No. 391055
File: 1506100643325.jpg (610.92 KB, 810x1583, Screenshot_20170922-121510.jpg)

>i now know how to walk on my own
haha ok
can't believe aly will stop posting on monday, im gonna miss her
No. 391072
>>391025If this is the outfit for the funeral, she's completely insane.
Even if she changed her clothes to something more appropriate, she's still insane. How in hell can someone worry about taking smiling photos with food when they're about to go to a funeral for a person they supposedly did care about at least a bit?
How is it possible that her therapist thinks she's made progress? She has a clear obsession with social media, is unable to lead a normal life without posting dozens of pictures of herself holding food and she's completely delusional about her level of empathy.
No. 391077
>>391070I actually went for lunch at Panini Durini the other day (I live less than two hours away from Milan, by car) but Aly doesn't seem to go there anymore. I was lowkey hoping I'd meet her!
>>391071Well she's just signing through gigroup. It's a temporary work agency, sorry I don't really know how to translate it. So she either has the job, or she could be just signing up for the agency (in order to be eligible for jobs) if she's lying.
No. 391081
File: 1506102649230.jpg (834.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170922-194941.jpg)

Aly at her best (!)
No. 391094
>>391086I think it's her way of kind of doing a face that means OMG IKR!!! Like when someone stops at the end of a sentence that they think is incredible and gives a look of WOW kind of thing.
>>391087Did this uncle really exist?
No. 391106
File: 1506105814843.jpg (40.32 KB, 1080x181, Screenshot_20170922-204000_1.j…)

Yeah, sure… 8 posts today and she has not even finished yet
No. 391108
File: 1506105822944.jpg (644.82 KB, 809x1720, Screenshot_20170922-134216.jpg)

shes really down on likes i suppose that wont bother her now that shes got this new real life
No. 391110
File: 1506106476747.gif (1.16 MB, 498x280, lol right.gif)

>>391107No point making a new one is there now that our fave recovery queer's leaving ig and all grown up and no longer fucked up (since this morning or something).
No. 391144
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No. 391145
File: 1506112748385.png (16.14 KB, 255x126, b816adad8d6d46a02de8120576efe6…)

>>391077I want to visit Milan one day and go to the bar of the famous Dante pic, I'm not kidding. I want to figure out which table Dante was sitting at by looking at the picture and lay flowers on it. And ofc take multiple pictures, Aly style.
No. 391146
File: 1506112905250.jpg (82.29 KB, 750x341, 5bb914ab599be98dbfc043a0acaff2…)

>>391144i thought i saw the "you would miss you" before it was when she thought her stalker was going to rape her and that she would kill herself instead..
No. 391174
File: 1506117325406.png (91.56 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1978.PNG)

I'm surprised she answered me tbh! Although I asked for her fave TV shows, books, movies, hobbies.. y'know, to see if she showed any sort of personality. Nope.
No. 391187
File: 1506121482048.png (84.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170922-180108.png)

i asked her what her job was gonna be
i didnt reply but maybe ill ask where. she said she was a seller before right? like she means sale assistant i guess so not internship? still confused
No. 391223
File: 1506125322229.png (1007.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170922-180214.png)

Free time. LoL
No. 391278
File: 1506135898019.jpg (886.39 KB, 2048x2048, 2DD21E6D-F44F-4395-89BD-18D8FA…)

Jack Fisher has made a comeback!
No. 391300
File: 1506139077850.png (165.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170923-045422.png)

>>391278Wonder if she'll block kaleidobaby too?
Im guessing jack account is one huge fake?
No. 391302
File: 1506139168580.png (63.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170923-045815.png)

>>391187To add, so she's interning for treesse as a seller. Not working in their shop.
No. 391319
File: 1506141147736.gif (581.51 KB, 350x280, sawako.gif)

>>391107Dammit, full already? I was OP of this thread and was proud of it, boo. What are some important things to add to the desc of the new thread? And we need a good photo, any suggestions?
No. 391341
File: 1506144160427.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6083.PNG)

She's going to leave her account but only post recovery related posts.
No. 391352
>>391337I aint afraid of haterz (!)
We shall see
No. 1260868
>>1260844Damn I lowkey got excited there, fuck you
nonny read the rules and don't bump dead threads
No. 1260871
>>1260838Fuckin newfags
Just take for granted Aly's just the same except she's forever just a teeny bit under a bmi of 18. She's exactly the same. Always will be. Time to let this cow rest in her new pasture. Her teats are dry.
No. 1261030
File: 1624227610242.jpg (745.2 KB, 1080x1920, 20210621_001831.jpg)

>>1261020Wtf are you talking about? She's still posting daily.