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No. 402710
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No. 402712
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No. 402713
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No. 402717
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No. 402770
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She and Charms fought it out for a bit when Charms found out about her dating an underage
No. 402835
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>>402792 date of birth is 1993 which would match the 2009 graduation. The previous name on the forum is xxangelchanxx
Her little lapdog InfiniteLoaded is on this forum as well under the name Bloodcalibur."Yeah, we're both extremely understanding and communication is zero problemo.
3.7 years with the other one and 1.6 years with this one."
Makes it seem like they are in an open relationship?
There are a lot of gems on that website.
No. 402853
>>402835Who's infinteloaded and what is wrong with his hair?
Yusuke fudoh voiceBut yeah these are all proof I just hope this shitstorm is fucking huge that Lana has to try to shut it down.
Lana and Infinite being fwb makes sense and doesn't anyone have info about eeevee because she was lanas buddy but she left due to drama
No. 402897
>>402835not to be that guy but to graduate in 2009 she would've had to have been born in like 1991, or graduated when she was like 15. in which case yeah she's like 25-26. 1993 she would've graduated in 2012 or so.
sage for obvious reasons.
No. 402995
>>402927She'll make the video finally admitting it, and she'll get in trouble due to grooming.
Honestly Lana is actually fucked when she hites 30 because camming is something that will lose her money because she'll not be attractive anymore, her creative videos won't work because there'll be a younger more prettier girl who'll do the same thing.
She'll be stuck in New York and not have a stable job, and at her age, what can she do in college? Because according to her College is useless.
No. 403208
>>402897This. I was born in very early 1993 (a few days after New Year's Day). I'm 24, turning 25 in January 2018. And me and all my classmates (all born after me but in 1993) were class of 2011. I know you can graduate early in Canada (same with select us schools) but I believe it depends on credits (or quicken them, taking summer classes, night classes, college courses, etc). But it doesn't matter, even if she was class of '09 (she'd be 26ish) or if she was born in '93 OR even if she graduated high school at the age of 16 (in '09) she still would not be 21.
I think she's older than me. Most people who are class of '09 are ages 25-27.
She's probably lying about her age since she started porn, all them bitches pretend to be a few years younger to appeal as jailbait and lengthen their career span.
No. 403213
File: 1507934388337.png (504.03 KB, 1029x529, chaturbate.png) is online with one of her fellow camgirls/supporter.
No. 403242
>>403208Quebec you can graduate at 15-16 and according to lanas old Mal she listed her dob Nov 1993 fitting class of 09.
But 26 can work if she's dumb and got held back
No. 403245
File: 1507938252261.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.42 KB, 1440x2248, IMG_20171013_194212.jpg)

>>403213they aren't even doing anything. just sitting there naked. this photo is the most they've done. I bet they won't even have sex.
Lana's boobs are such a weird and ugly shape. she looks terrible. the other girl is pretty though
No. 403251
>>403242It's 16/17, no one graduates with 15. Even so, a lot of people do so with 17/18 (I'm in Ontario, not Quebec, but know a bunch of people from there. You can also look this up online, e.g.
She would have graduated with a bit over 15 which I highly doubt.
No. 403254
>>402703Actually glad to see a lana thread
I always felt something was… off about her. Definitely wasn't the 'perfect hentai waifu' she presented herself and people hailed as.
No. 403268
>>403255I think it's more of her having connections than actually being cool, like yeah her videos are creative but anyone could make those with knowledge of editing.
What i find funny is she says she's always busy with scripts all the time, like she can literally make a video of herself just fapping and it'd sell no need for the extra mile.
>>403245Lana did have a boob job because she was insecure about her small tits.
No. 403272
File: 1507942715766.png (Spoiler Image,40.68 KB, 1106x659, vero.PNG)

Well we can't dig Vero's shit because she disabled her ask, and I'm sure her fb is stricter than before
No. 403273
>>403270I'm a boobies person but she'd actually be more pretty with flatter boobs due to how natural they look.
I follow this cosplayer who has barely any tits but she's one of the most beautiful woman I've seen
File: 1507942912936.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.66 KB, 960x960, pedo.jpg)

I remember this photo lurking around and Lana posted it on her insta too but deleted it.
Can someone please ask why no one has checked up on Lana's status?
Like I know cops are useless but generally they're more strict with foreigners, it's like officials secretly fap to her porn too or someshit
No. 403295
>>403284The relationship isn't what I'm complaining about, that's fucking weird regardless and not socially acceptable despite it being legal.
I'm talking about Lana exposing a child to porn and her denying it's sexual when she used euphemisms when talking to her…
Also masturbating in an area with children, giving some weird person
No. 403630
>>403353It’s weird how no info leaks at all about her and Vero at all. She always hides every shit
and there she is now, kissing another of her fellow camgirl friends / supporters after all that shit with Vero went silent.
No. 403754
File: 1508007845415.jpg (44.17 KB, 1024x256, lana.jpg)

I just googled her for the first time and this made me chuckle a little bit
No. 403894
>>402703>>403268You are correct that Lana had a boob job.
Bonus points, she used her buddy InfiniteLoaded's username (Bloodcalibur) to post on the surgeon's website with a positive review. No. 403912
File: 1508028752835.png (144.77 KB, 638x695, rumors.png)

>>403894I wonder why she used his username, its not like it's a secret.
According to her they are still together. Veron's twitter is back to private by the way.
No. 403948
>>403938do we have any proof of that? I ask because I found this doing some digging. Lana lived in Montreal not Calgary, Alberta or Ontario. Could it be his other girlfriend/wife?
No. 404116
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Actual question: does anybody follow her past / current gf she tries to hide since shit went down on twitter ?
No. 404218
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Shallow dig but she has quite the dorito chin.
No. 404231
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She totally fucked a producer to get featured on this segment link box is broken)
No. 404268
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Crusty dorito bitch
No. 404409
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thoughts on this?
No. 404422
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There were some racist tweet from her. I can't find the other ones
No. 404446
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>>404425here they are in context.
No. 405173
>>402703God, her makeup is so crusty.
Not for nothing, she also loves yo ploy that she's in NYC but she's flat out living in Jersey City.
She mentions in her bio about Brooklyn being unsafe but literally ANYWHERE can be unsafe if you aren't aware of your surroundings.
No. 405616
>>405173Wow. What a wannabe.
She thinks Brooklyn is unsafe? Brooklyn is becoming the most expensive, gentrified place in the country. Which isn't to say that bad things don't happen in Brooklyn at all regardless of those facts, but wow. She's still relatively new to the US, right? That's kind of a weird prejudice to have. There's fuckin ~artisan mayo shoppes~ in Williamsburg where you wouls blend right in, Lana. Stay in Jersey City you creep.
No. 405686
>>403213late to the party but Chaturbate's Terms of Service says cosplaying underage characters is a bannable offense.
I've fucked with people before on there, and if everyone here reported them for "being underage" next time they were online, chaturbate would ban them, without even looking into it. its pretty crazy.
No. 406147
>>406010There is speculation that Lana and her cuck InfiniteLoaded got married so she could receive her green card see
>>403938 and
>>403954. I need to do some digging to find proof though.
No. 407835
>>403938as much as I believe it, aren't marriage registry's public?
Also we need more Eevee and Lana friendship moments because I want to know why they stopped talking to eachother
No. 407868
>>405616>>405616No, exactly. Of course if you're alone at night looking to pick up a john in what? Brownsville? It's gonna be a bad time. Even Bed Stuy and Bushwick are now relatively safe as long as you don't go out of your way to look or cause trouble. If anything, JC is less far along gentrifying and if you go a block or two in the wrong direction anywhere deeper than Grove Street, you're fucked. Newark is a shit hole, too.
Sage for NYC wank.
No. 408538
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Lana wants a bodyguard apparently…
Having a bodyguard will make her look bigger, but also a bigger target.
Plus why would she want a bodyguard? It just makes her look ego centric
No. 408985
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>>408900Can anyone from that area confirm this? Seems fishy to me.
Not to mention the account on myanmelist gives a different birthday
No. 409052
File: 1508920737176.jpg (22.38 KB, 640x478, 9ypPpHX_d.jpg)

Well this closes her fake age by taking a photo from her passport that confirms her birth date.
Too much work for a 24 year old so she's really turning 22.
No. 409269
>>409052Still seems weird her middle school is combined with her high school
And that means infiniteload starting grooming her at age 14. Gross.
No. 409413
>>409381that's not why we thought, it was because under quebec law people graduate high school when they're 16 and said school was laval catholic high school class of 2009.
If she graduated in 2009, her birthdate would've been in 1993 and the mal proved it.
The passport just proved we were wrong and she's born in 1995 and the laval catholic school apparently did middle and high school in the same place.
No. 409414
>>409269this just shows that the main villain in all of this is infinite "bad haircut" loaded who knew a girl since she was 14, and if he's way older than her, he kinda groomed her, but we can't make a thread on him because there's nothing on him, not his real name, how he looks like without his hair, his age anything.
Kid's good with his private life
No. 409842
>>409818Please do, he's the main villain in all of this (is this rule breaking?)
Like Lana is the result of grooming in denial.
Infinite is a child predator who's going to groom a 16 year old turning 17. It doesn't help that Vero is a us citizen meaning she can go to new York and meet with Lana if possible thus destroying her life if she becomes a camgorl
No. 409889
>>409842It still pisses me off how smug Lana is being and Infinite and Vero are making jokes about the situation.
Not sure how much I can say because it has to do with the 16 year old but lets just say I have confirmed she is not coming to America for awhile.
No. 409944
>>409889Vero making jokes is more out of ignorance, I mean when we were 16, legal children, we fantasized dating older people, so from her perspective they're just random adults. Kids always play the "I'm mature card" and not realize a mature kid can tell who's a child predator and her naivety is being shown.
Do tell about the not coming to America part. I'm kinda curious
No. 409974
>>409971I decided to try finding Vero again, and her fb shut down too, damage control I see.
Watch Vero go private again on twitter, I follow her, so you guys have an inside man.
No. 409975
>>409969bruh, can you post the entire conversation, if possible leaving out personal deets?
Sorry if I'm asking a lot
No. 409976
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>>409889found this gem, apparently a 16 year old dating a 23 year old, apparently the 23 year old has such a large brain they dated a child because fellow 23 year olds had small brains
No. 409996
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No. 410007
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No. 410012
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No. 410015
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No. 410029
>>4100242B porn is best porn
>>410012I see your anonymous message worked, as Vero's fb is dead, and all…
Waiting on Lana's answer to her curiouscat about Infinite knowing her since she was 14
No. 410144
>>410015doin good work anon
When I think about it though I feel a little bad, I'd be shocked to find out if my kid was involved in something like this. I'm curious if lana will make any comments
No. 410284
>>410007Wait, Vero is Italian? I'm surprised by her mother's English level, it's definitely above average there.
I think Ma will be more shocked by her daughter being exposed to a sex community rather than the age difference, in Italy it's not a big deal if a 16 y.o. person dates a 21 y.o. or a 26 y.o.
Anyway you did the right thing, anon
No. 410497
>>410424According to vero's old ask fm answers she said her dad is an American so it's possible her mother lived in the us at one point.
Then again it could be a coincidence as I've met people who know good English despite not living in an area with English being common
No. 410588
File: 1509150523084.jpg (115.55 KB, 900x1200, DITCC71XUAEuWiV.jpg)

>>410582boderline cp , 8 posted this image it could be vero?
No. 410639
>>410588I thought that was infinite dressing as a chick
>>410596oh my gawd how anon did you get this. Is this infinite's marriage certificate to one of his many poly relationships??
No. 410654
>>410588that's infinite, he often has photos of his with a bottle between.
And Vero's skin would likely be olive
No. 410850
>>410424I got the impression she has more problems with her daughter, from what she said. She seemed to suspect the account she was talking to might be someone she knew who was using a second account. That made me wonder whether the girl had some
problematic relationship before or some problem within the family and that the mother might be suspecting that the person she was talking to had ulterior motives to contact her.
That would explain why her reaction is a bit weird, but I'm just inferring by the way she spoke and the questions she asked. She also didn't seem overly surprised that the girl was in a weird relationship, so I wonder if she's aware of previous transgressions and is trying not to blow things out of proportion for fear of actually pushing her daughter into even more extreme behaviour.
I mean, I don't think a girl would easily and suddenly get in an open relationship with a notorious porn star without having had some extravagant behaviours prior to that. I'd imagine most people, however young, would be unlikely to end up being in LR's circle unless they had a peculiar outlook on life to begin with.
That said, I might just be getting old and assuming kids are like my friends and I were years ago.
No. 410968
>>410015Nice work anon. She reacted pretty calm imo, I wonder if she knew something? I suspect the same as
>>410850>>410596>>410591>file deleted What? Can anyone explain more on infiniteloaded? Why he tries so hard to be enigmatic?
No. 411072
File: 1509227574861.jpg (75.64 KB, 1200x680, CqwEFvyWYAAFN5D.jpg)

>>410968he posted this on his own twitter
No. 411114
>>411073Confused. If
>>410596 shows he married some Russian, how did he also marry Lana? Did he divorce the Russian? Is this address
>>411072 also hers?
No. 411249
>>411232so he pretty much has friends way younger than him because people his age realize he's fucked up?
like seriously, his hair is not even cool looking, just makes him look like he has to fix his hair each day making it tedious.
Grooming children?
That's what I'm afraid of, he possibly groomed lana if he knew her since she was 14, and now he's doing the same thing to Vero, who might have to shut down soon due to her mother getting involved.
Lana lied about Vero's parents apparently too, as she said on her curiouscat that Vero's parents knew about her
No. 411269
>>411249Well, apparently Vero is not "shut down" as she has edited a sex toy unboxing video for Lana. Products she's not old enough to purchase, but she's editing the video of Lana (a sex worker) unboxing and discussing them.
But I guess people won't care because it's on YouTube and there's no nudity involved.
shrug No. 411435
File: 1509294471961.jpeg (426.32 KB, 1460x1269, CF90CC9F-6A58-4EF8-85A4-C6A5D3…)

Have you guys seen her new over the top photoshop ? Look at her hands and hips
No. 411437
File: 1509294756667.jpeg (594.04 KB, 1734x2358, 2F6D72B3-269E-4DB8-8ADB-323D82…)

I wonder who does the shitty work of these three: vero, her secret husband or even
Lana herself
No. 411768
>>411232any receipts about the doxxing stuff?
>>411073 Lol, I didn't knew that manyvids accepted bribery. Plus not punishing Lana for the public masturbation video with the kids in the park seems that they love her
No. 411876
>>411481Lana is nothing more than a spoiled brat who comes of really arrogant.
Even Sabrina Nichole (or SabrinaTheBunny on Twitter) sews some of her stuff.
Come on a simple sewing machine doesn’t cost you so much lana.
sage for mentioning another person
No. 412040
>>411876Well props to Lana for making a living off her videos.
But if manyvids gets more and more pressure that girls start leaving the site then they'd try to take action against Lana because they care more about money than about Lana obv and atm Lana and money are the same thing.
No. 412456
>>412040I doubt they will, she should at LEAST get a one month suspension, along with other girls who were doing shady shit. (a girl getting a cum facial in public and whiping it on baby clothes, a girl shoving a cucumber up her ass and peeing/squirting in a grocery store)
Most girls have forgotten about her drama and moved onto stormy.
No. 418429
File: 1510134425031.jpg (121.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171108-094023_1.j…)

Found this while scrolling through my instagram so I guess they're still together. Blacked out the artists name as I'm not sure if I'm allowed to show since I'm new here.
No. 418863
also when is Lana gonna ditch the crybaby pastel pink look, it just looks too gross.
not to be an ass about that style.
Also yeah them being together makes sense, but Vero is locked down on the dl, because she had to leave fb, and her mother found out about Lana, let's just hope this doesn't culminate in the poor girl turning 18 and running away to the US to meet Lana, then forced to cam.
>>418429Honestly it won't make much a difference, I mean yeah good you blacked it out tho
No. 420667
>>420492sorry about that, (granted I wasn't one of them)
Back to topic,(directed to everyone on the board) but with Lana doing 24 hour streams, is it more just to avoid the internet drama, and how she and vero don't flirt with each other anymore. She makes jokes about being a pedophile (which technically she won't be), and Infinite "Bad Shonen Hair Day" Loaded acting like age doesn't matter with the "I don't care about age I care about ur BRAIN" tweet.
No. 426228
Hello everyone. Someone who used to know Bloodcalibur/Terence Sanchez / Eightloaded / Infiniteloaded here a few years back here with some more info for you, but I can't be bothered to go and search for evidence so feel free to think I'm making it up.
He has dated a series of women, all online before meeting in person and then dating in person or long distance first (he can't get a woman in person and never has). The order was Amanda, Jessica, Jillian (he called her Jilly), Bianca (Lana), and then most recently Veronica and he claimed to be dating Jilly's sister as well.
He dated all of these women except Amanda who was older than him when they were young and <18. He certainly grooms them. Bianca and Jilly were both 14-15 when he started dating them.
That Ontario post was him trying to visit one of the other above girls, I can't recall who these days but pre-Bianca and Jilly days. Good digging though.
As you all suspect, him and Bianca are in a long-term husband/wife relationship and she moved straight from Montreal to be with him in NYC. This is a ruse to make her appear to be a lesbian for her camming fanbase. He also has used multiple programs to springboard her to success in camming by tipping - at one point, he was 5 of the personalities and her biggest tipper on manyvids. He also encouraged her to camgirl at the start of her camming career. She definitely did not start camming 'right' when she was 18, how funny that people actually believe that trife.
You are correct that Bianca's username on that anime website was biiitchsticks. They were in a three-way relationship with Jilly/Bianca/Terence at the time. Jilly has since stopped communicating frequently with Terence.
Terence plays a lot of videogames, he was big into warcraft 3, world of warcraft, dota, league of legends are the most prominent since you can find old posts of him flaming/trolling on Blizzard forums. He is about 5ft tall tho, hence why he has to meet girls online.
Oh, Jilly used to go by mini_kitteh or mini_kitty if someone wants to go find that online. I believe the Jessica girl went under something like Soul.
Also, of course Veronica and Terence have a relationship. How do you think Veronica was introduced to Bianca if not through Terence? This is what Terence does. He is a predator and he is running Bianca's show.
You guys did pretty well coming up with all this information without having known them personally though, kudos.
No. 427592
>>426228can you provide us proof from Jilly?
Also should we rename this to Terrence because in all sense, he's the main villain here
No. 427622
File: 1511077962612.png (73.94 KB, 300x256, 2 (27).png)

shes gonna be 18 in two years and all of this facebook confronting is gonna just be over. Why even care about It when the age of consent in America are 16 to 18
No. 427624
>>4276221. no it's not
2. even if it were, it's illegal to have porn of anyone under 18.
No. 427783
Sure, why not to sharing more if you guys are interested in his mentality. He is 29 years old, born June 10 1989 in the Philippines and his parents moved him to NYC pre-grade school. His sister and Mom are nurses in a nearby hospital, his father is an alcoholic. He hasn’t gone to anything past high school for education.
When he has shared his state of mind with me, it seems quite delusional. He feels he is a bored genius of 181 IQ and can look down on the majority of the population around him like a God due to his higher intelligence. His words. He claims to always be bored and enjoys messing with / manipulating people but is quite aimless in his life direction career wise. He doesn’t work although he has tried in the past to make money via creating boxing websites, gaming guilds and forums, and a rebuilding computers website. Oh, and he has printed business cards IRL with “TEK” (the elite kingdom or something) that describe him as an entrepreneur and manager for web personalities (I.e. Lana’s manager). He claims to see demons in his sleep and him and Lana do a lot of drugs like MDMA, LSD.
Why do girls go for this act? He picks young and impressionable girls whom are lonely and have limited family/friends or are susceptible to influence. Bianca, for example, has mild autism which you can pick up based on how awkward and thought out some of her behaviour is on camera. She also had a very poor relationship with her mother and little to no friends at school when Terence met her.
Here’s Jilly’s fbook:’s an old post from Terence showing his age:
No. 427869
>>427783That jillian profile looks kinda shady but this looks very legit.
Do you know where this guy contacts girls? I'm thinking forums but I'm impressed since he apparently groomed more than 2 different girls.
Lana probably makes good money camming (but not as high as everybody thinks tho) and maybe Terrence snatches almost all of it, now he is grooming Vero so she is ready to cam before dumping Lana for a younger gamer cam girl.
No. 428102
>>427783Funny on his twitter he was trying to make it seem he was flying somewhere for a "business trip" but I don't fully believe that.
Also I recall him showing off the Pixel2 XL, which is a $900 phone. Thats $35 payment over two years. He has to have some steady job to pay for his lifestyle. No way can he be making that much from being Lana's manger.
>>427869He just posted this on his Facebook
"Who wants to rent a Brooklyn apt for $1900 a month? 625 sq ft, 1 bedroom 1 bath."
Wonder whats going on.
No. 429160
File: 1511259305738.jpeg (501.34 KB, 539x815, A7AE2901-095C-4393-836F-AC2448…)

I just scrolled through her likes and I can’t believe she is under 30 … why does she look so old on photos from others instead of the ones she edited
No. 429770
File: 1511323085234.png (778.11 KB, 1009x630, Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 9.56…)

umm was scrolling and this caught me off guard lol
No. 430246
>>426228Found this crazy's guy's website. He comes off as really fucked at times.
"insensitive, selfish, self-centered, self-righteous, overzealous, sub-95 IQ, same-eyeliner-everyday-wearin, ran-away-from-MFC, cant-make-shit-on-CB, cant-make-shit-on-MV, basic ass suburban, nothin-but-salad-eatin, hasnt-gotten-slapped-in-the-face-yet, stupid ass bitch. I see right through you like a badly done contouring." No. 430248
>>430246"Sorry I have the memory of a gold fish when it comes to people too many multiples of ten IQ points below me."
Like seriously. How absurd is it for this guy to think he's some sort of super genius?
No. 430379
>>430248Usually a person who has to keep calling himself smart is actually the opposite.
Also who has the time to make a website that's just spent talking about why someone is a loser or even creep, when the person who makes the website is a cam girl's number 1 fan, and groomed a girl with mild autism, and is on the process of grooming another girl…
No. 430550
>>430431Yeah, I doubt she has been diagnosed with aspergers or anything and even if she were the chances of strangers on the internet knowing for certain are pretty slim. The thing about her and eightloaded using their own money to win contests is purely speculation at this point too. It seems likely given he was (is??) Lana’s top tipper for ages. He once tipped her 100,000 tokens ($5000 to her) on cb and then shortly after posted some thing on twitter saying he had compiled data from a token/tipping tracking system and found that if cb had camscores lana’s would be the highest among a handful of other popular cb girls. Uh well yeah dude you literally just tipped her a 3 digit tip days before.
There’s also the whole eye crossing orgasm thing. Watch old recordings of Lana’s broadcast and you just won’t see it. Then all of the sudden she starts doing it and eightloaded is right there with her talking about her “genuine” ahegao expressions.
For the longest time she explicitly referred to him as her mentor, but then he posted recently on twitter that she got successful in the camming industry all on her own. So you tipping her so much, giving her a place to live, modding her room, giving her tech assistance, creative ideas, business model tips, etc did nothing for her? Well, alright then.
There are tons of SUBSTANTIATED reasons to find these two super unsavory, guys. Come on haha. They market themselves inauthentically and eightloaded attacks people all the time.
Oh and fuck what they did to eeeveee just recently lol. Eightloaded definitely did put her real legal first and surname on Twitter along with her location a long time ago. Just recently she brings up that he “dox’d” her. He blatantly denies it and calls her a liar over and over again. Have no idea what actually happened with those three (no one does other than them it seems) but whatever it was happened like 3 years ago and he’s not over it. He and Lana also both told their story about how when eeeveee first came into their circle they told her she was going to be “tested” and one of the “tests” was lana making up a story to tell eeeveee over text messages that eight had killed a cat and had serious anger issues. I guess the test was to see if eeeveee would keep the secret? Try to save lana from a bad situation? I don’t know, but what kind of grown ass adults play stupid mindgames like that? This isn’t a fucking anime you dumb weebs. It’s real life. How out of touch do you have to be?
No. 432013
>>431150We're all kinda curious about if that initial marriage is still in place, and what proof/evidence exists of any Lana-related marriage.
No. 432418
>>432013There is no documented proof of a lana related marriage. He's not THAT stupid to have physical evidence of their love. If anything he is just using his marriage with jillian to hide the fact that he's with lana.
I see everyone talking shit all over this thread, but what exactly do you guys expect to come of all this sleuthing? Lana will simply stage a breakup with eight, or eight will fake his death.
Also can anyone show any visible proof of lana or eight claiming that eight was her mentor?
No. 432894
File: 1511811063169.jpeg (72.11 KB, 639x437, DAAAC6BF-DF34-4C67-9699-860D52…)

>>432418Google Lana Rain “mentor” and you’ll find at least 3 tweet threads and an question where her answer defends his behavior, you’ll also find a blog post from her website, and I think it’s mentioned elsewhere also, I just don’t wNt to dig for it because I’m on mobile and it’s tedious
No. 434868
File: 1512036483135.jpeg (144.57 KB, 640x1136, 2A1B13E8-7AE3-4617-8CF6-180071…)

Because she deleted it I‘m going to post it here again
No. 436003
>>435474That’s why she probably deleted it, kek.
I’ve seen better REAL cosplayers who did a much better job on the wig and so on
No. 437686
>>427783Just found this guy's AskFm. The variety of his posts seems as if he's living the life of James Bond. of these posts are actually hilarious
"Holding a suitcase with 2.5 million dollars (Wasn't mine)"
"Lol, this won't be taken seriously: be the negotiator/delivery boy for things like plutonium when I was in mid teens. Only did this for four months (four seemingly long ass months though)"
"eightloaded", 8 times in my life I survived events that hardly make sense to survive (some don't make sense at all). 8 oz gloves used in boxing at my weight class, 8 rounds in a 9 round h&r .22 revolver implies 1 bullet missing (aka 1 fired, don't ask what this refers to I'm not gonna talk about it with strangers), and….my 8 inch dick bitches! Jus kidding no lol."
Some of these tweets seem like he's spouting bs nonsensical new age garbage.
"I'm open to possibilities with scientific backing, such as certain supernatural "psychic" ability evidenced in some studies within quantum mechanics."
"Believe me, if people understood or at least knew more in the realm of quantum physics more ppl would see just how much more astronomically beautiful the reality of existence is compared to some human-made arbitrary concept. It's mind breaking, ego destroying level beautiful, for instance with how sentient perception molds existence itself by subatomic design. This isn't really something I like to get deeper into unless it's with close friends though."
"Quantum boxes" exist in a non-physical "hyper-subatomic" state in a realm or "space" not definable by any currently known word or concept. I call it the "source" of perception. Perception in turn molds reality and the two are self verifying with each other in what my weak mind can only perceive currently as a paradox. The concept of "soul" (quantum box) to me is absolutely nothing like the one described in spiritual literature.
Perhaps the most perplexing faucet of his personality is how obsession with IQ.
"Anyway, I took two tests in my life. The first I scored 181 at age 8. It was the Stanford Binet one. It was administered to us before a scholarship program's real test that came after.
The second I took at 17 and scored 176. It was the WAIS test and I did it at the time to see if I degraded in measurable performance after all the beatings I took at this one job I use to do that wasn't very legal."
"(He wants a gf with) 175+ IQ"
An IQ of 176 - 181 assumes that Eightloaded is one of the top 70 to top 10 most intelligent people in the United States. If Eight was actually this smart, he would've been a PHD at MIT. However, EightLoaded has yet to even finish college and believes, "I'm overqualified for college at this point. I don't need a degree. "
If we assume that the majority of his claims to be true. Then we're forced to believe that Eightloaded is a 5 foot tall James Bond figure that's a super genius who has a better idea of Quantum physics than the physicists of our day and age.
Does he actually think that he's all of these things?
How does he still function after being this fucked up?
What his actual day to day living like?
No. 440297
File: 1512750714760.jpeg (468.01 KB, 750x677, CC92B3EC-7E54-4E8F-A279-519B00…)

new tweet from Lana claims that she “recorded a custom without makeup” when she’s clearly wearing foundation, mascara, eyebrow filler, and lipgloss.
No. 440545
File: 1512773511502.jpeg (256.02 KB, 640x657, 1D3C9D63-08C3-48FD-AB97-B6F8CF…)

Did you all notice how less she posted stuff since everyone wants her out on manyvids?
I bet it’s because of all the hate she has gotten from twitter by other camgirls.
This girl is so insecure about herself recently lmao. Deleting pictures / statements is really fishy from her too
No. 441058
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No. 441782
File: 1512947405692.png (115.66 KB, 1080x515, 20171210_180853.png)

No. 442560
>>434514I think she keeps her other art on her facebook, its all traditional however. I find it highly unbelievable that her first digital piece was of that caliber. She most likely commissioned someone to draw that for her.>>441782
Wow the irony in this statement is hilarious. Instead of talking about the money in her bank she is talking about the worth of her clothes. Smh, no better than the "nigga" calling her out.
No. 444246
File: 1513305723479.png (98.31 KB, 650x775, Eight Drama 01.PNG)

So apparently this chibellachan girl, that also went by hentalyachan, was a big defender for lana when every camgirl was attacking her for dating a minor, is now in a tussle with Mr.ShadowTheHedgehog. seems she knows some insider knowledge but doesn't want to spill the beans publicly. She has a discord though, so we might be able to join and get some info.
The discord is pinned on her Twitter
No. 444915
File: 1513385823342.png (572.93 KB, 630x622, Capture.PNG)

Kinda a nitpick but doesn't Lana know what Love Live is?
She keeps calling it "school idol" basically similar to calling Gundam "Giant Mech" or One Piece as "straw hat"
No. 446659
File: 1513615347020.jpeg (107.37 KB, 635x484, 84D348F8-A400-477B-9A07-6ADB2A…)

>>444246“No one has anything about me doxing anybody because that’s not what I do”
Can someone PLEASE post a screenshot of the tweet he tweeted with Eevee’s first name and surname when he was being a bully? It’s since been deleted. I’m sure someone has it.
I honest to god think this guy has a personality disorder.
No. 447053
File: 1513642471650.jpg (95.84 KB, 599x574, IMG_5018.JPG)

>>444915Gonna save for nitpick but this shit bugs me, nothing makes it more obvious that you're a fake fan. Plus she makes the cosplay look really ugly/uncute somehow. I actually googled some cosplays a while back and all of them seem so.. unpolished
No. 448117
>>447053and she has "support me on world cosplay" on her insta bio.
>>447404you should see her mio cos or even her stocking cos
No. 451956
File: 1514173816668.png (47.29 KB, 634x491, Capture.PNG)

Loaded thinks these are what aspies are
No. 475144
>>473685wait what?
Can we have some links? I mean I believe you but I'm curious
No. 475843
>>475672>>475672well since 8 is dating the minor also i guess pretty good
she doesn't fk anything but dildos in her vids anyways and they can share 8 happily i guess
No. 476626
File: 1516511261190.png (6.41 MB, 3052x2018, nice.png)

No. 476999
>>473685I highly doubt that eight would deal drugs considering there's a high chance he would get caught compared to what he is already doing with lana. It would be safer just to assume that he's taking a fraction of the profit lana ears and investing in crypto currency and then using that to pump lana to the top.
Who knows when he started investing in crypto, if he did that about a year ago he would have more than enough money to pump lana to the top consistently.
I highly doubt he is dumb enough to deal drugs online or in person.
No. 477361
Holy shit Lana made a bestiality video.
I would put a screencap but to me that is beyond fucked up.
Here is a link of her talking about it and calling it a bestiality video. is a preview. Proceed with caution. No. 477710
>>477651Please learn how to sage idiot, unless you have something important to add to the thread. Read the rules.
Filming herself mastrubating in front of people and children is one thing, but fucking herself with a dildo and saying it's a dog is another. It's not real so who the fuck cares.
No. 477720
It's like that porn that say "teen fucked by a big cock" but we all know damn well she ain't a teen.
Lana has soo many stupid and plain out wrong things to be accused of and you're mad about this?
Let's make a thread for all the other whores who make "dragon dildo" porn. Or are you saying you're worried someone will actually rape an Arcanine?
No. 477744
>>477737Learn to sage anon, are you dumb??
She can call it whatever she wants, at the end of the day, it's not a real dog so there's no harm done?
Don't argue with an anon here, argue with her and please your hate boner on twitter.
No. 477758
>>477755I completely agree, to me it's also trashy and disgusting.
But the anon above said she shouldn't "get away with it", with what exactly?? Lmaooo it's roleplay.
No. 477764
>>477759The same point to be said about rape or kidnapping roleplay. Just because it's a "baby" doesn't mean it's more bad, moral fag.
To me it's all disgusting, rape roleplay to whatever the fuck you said. But at the end of the day it's still roleplay and no one is getting hurt.
She is a piece of shit, but she's not doing anything illegal is what in saying.
No. 477779
>>477769I agree how can anyone take a look at this video and think "Oh it's okay because it's not hurting anyone. It's exactly as you say, morally repugnant. I agree same logic as people who think drawn CP is okay just as
>>477768 stated.
Also she even said she really enjoyed making this video. She is so smug that she bent the rules of Chaturbate.
No. 477783
>>4777731) Everyone must be over the age of 18 to broadcast. There can be NO minors, children or unauthorized persons on camera or in the same room.
2) No bestiality, or animals/pets on camera in a sexual or pro-vocative context.
3) The use of illegal drugs on webcam is prohibited.
4) Absolutely no skat play.
5) Its against the rules to mention or advertise competing websites.
These are the Basic Rules. Take a look at #2 and #5
No. 477786
>>477773From Chaturbate:
Illegal and Prohibited Conduct. In addition to the above Code of Conduct Contributors are prohibited from doing any of the following:
Bestiality, or animals/pets on camera in a sexual or provocative context.
From ManyVids:
No Animal Sex - No vids or images with animals involved in sexual activities.
She is purposely pushing the envelope.
No. 477787
>>477783But what does the video she made have to do with CB?
It's the same on MFC. Guys are not allowed, but you're sure as fuck allowed to sell boy/girl content.
You should talk to CB about #5, I see a lot of girls on both cam sites promoting their MV even though it's against the rules.
She's just doing what all the other top models are and admins don't give a shit because they bring them money.
No. 477789
>>477786Anon, her video does not include real animals.
"She is purposely pushing the envelope" I mean it's MVs own fault for having stupid rules imo.
No. 477796
>>477794Draw the line at what? For what?
Some people think it's morally wrong to sell sex. The same people can ask you "where do you draw the line"?
When did lolcow become a place for moralfags?
I'm all of shitting on her and being petty but you're just being annoying lol
No. 477804
>>477794Why is this the hill you pick to die on? I hate to break it to you, but Pokemon aren't real. There were zero animals involved. A dildo is not a sentient, living thing. Bestiality is a felony in most states. This is not bestiality neither by legal definition nor the CB and MV rules.
You should swing by Bad Dragon, though. It should be informative for you.
>>477796I'm pretty sure it's one anon. I've never posted in these threads and even I had to stop at the clickbait that was
>>477361 and say "are you fucking joking?"
No. 477835
>>477804I come to these threads to laugh at the cringe of these cows and snowflakes, but some people are plain stupid lmao
>>477361I just checked this guys twitter and this is all he does, just policing cam whores on the stupidest shit kek
No. 494852
File: 1517901243495.png (3.32 MB, 1943x1386, a.png)

>>482349shes on cam with 8loaded and ex porn star with aids shane hall aka fucked pumpy in an awful video they seem to be on drugs
No. 494854
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No. 494856
File: 1517901735521.png (Spoiler Image,2.43 MB, 2193x1114, d.png)

No. 494888
File: 1517905954189.png (Spoiler Image,124.63 KB, 560x332, ps1 ass tits.png)

>>494857Why is it so lumpy??? I swear to god I did alter this shit.
No. 515797
>>510894I didn’t notice that tbh anon, maybe she recognised how stupid her fellows are,
with their “high IQ” aka
drug spouted nonsense
No. 524038
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No. 524047
>>524038>>523768I'm waiting for the day he pisses off the wrong person he goes on live debates.
And the hopeful news is he didn't successfully groom a child recently.
With all that's wondering I wonder if anyone can convince him to do a speech at a university just to see him shit.
No. 525161
File: 1520641240238.png (56.06 KB, 778x465, vT9XqHm.png)

In regards to Infinite being a creep, does anybody else feels like he just tells Lana that she's talentless and she should be thankful to have him? I don't have any hard evidence, but there are tweets like these that give me that impression.
No. 525226
>>525161for all of Lana's flaws, she's talented with some stuff.
Terrence? What does he have that's talented? Being a degree-less almost 30 something with a teenage immature personality?
He is a nobody, we talk about him because he's that much of a nobody it makes him a somebody that is a creep, grooming (Lana succesfully, if he knew her for 7 years meaning she'd be 14, and he be like 21) (Vero was unsuccessful if we go by her not talking to them much)…
He calls people aspies and other insults,
he is a self proclaimed genius, when all he does is post shit that people can't read properly because they make no sense.
"Imagine perceiving time in four directions instead of one. " What does fucking mean?
sorry to compare, but if you wanna know a genius who you can understand, follow Neil DeGrasse Tyson, at least he can be understood at first glance when you're not even thinking.
No. 525391
>>525330To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Infinite Loaded.
But in all honesty, I heard Terrence has challenged people to fights irl or someshit, anyone have the dirt for that?
No. 526044
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That sure is an elaborate way of saying "we're doing drugs"!
No. 527734
File: 1520912920933.png (317.41 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20180312-234849~2.p…)

How is he so chuuni for a near 30 y/o?
No. 528369
>>402703Local laws matters.
This would be legal here in Germany (isnt that legal in New Mexico too?)
also the correct term is hebephilia 12yo to 16yo
No. 528910
File: 1521037483699.png (186.18 KB, 774x1442, eHz75g.png)

when you're so quantum that you start contradicting yourself.
No. 529131
>>528910doesn't quantum mean "minimum physics", so going quantum means going minimal.
Also why does Infinite act like he's some famous scientist when all he is doing is probably reading flyers given to him by randos near a train station?
Like dammit, I wanna see his degree for proof that he's some genius, as actual geniuses, despite hating school, will still get a degree to get a job in said field
No. 536310
>>536246only effort i can see being done is making the fake lube,
also scripts? if she needs to do those, just film herself blowing infinite loaded with crappy diologue
No. 536756
File: 1521829899370.png (2.33 MB, 1920x2152, rtav5864AR5aa.png)

>>536246She showed it once in a video.
But it still seems like not a lot of work at all.
I can imagine that the Eromanga Sensei video was a lot of work, but that was just a lot of unnecessary bullshit and all the chat text was cringe as fuck.
No. 537084
>>536808Other than her justifying Griffith, which is surprisingly the most normal thing she's talking about.
I have a feeling she'd be a mess when Terrence stops talking to her once he finds a younger girl to groom succesfully
No. 538202
>>536808Next time post caps.
But dear god, she sounds like any other kid who overdoes it on MDMA when they first get into that scene.
Both of them are too far gone to realize how crazy they sound, I have to say I never expected this, though. I thought she was sober.
No. 543671
>>543067I bet the legal battle is some lawsuit because he stole some rando's papers and using it as his own lmao.
Or no battle and just him spewing on and on about him being a genius and using it as some analogy.
But I can't wait for the schadenfreude about him getting his just desserts when he goes to some university and scientists make fun of his demeaneur.
I've met his types before, their highest education is high school graduate where they took the lowest of the low classes, and dropped out of college out of some false sense of being "smarter" than everyone and not having a stable job.
Bitcoin mining isn't a job, it's just a waste of electricity and power Terrance
No. 543899
>>543742And he represents himself and says quantum every 5 seconds, in the end he's sentenced to 8 weeks of community service, 8 months of probabtion and has to pay 808 dollars
Lana will then tweet that 8 is really significant because of this
No. 547589
File: 1522978221788.png (413.05 KB, 1456x361, lana.png)

I'd like to point out that for brief periods of time, Lana drops 4-5 places on Manyvids top model list, and then one day she randomly shoots to the top and stays there for months despite putting content out maybe once a month. I feel like there is no way she actually reaches that height without some sort of cheating involved… there is no way Lana in THAT big
No. 547593
File: 1522978477911.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.56 KB, 861x482, DZyUxi2VwAAzbdG.jpg)

She posted a screenshot for her new Chun Li video… how do people still think she is the best cosplayer on Manyvids?
No. 554543
File: 1523638674390.png (350.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-13-12-55-29…)

Jfc can she learn to fuck off from obsessing over 8?
Hey guys it's a coincidence but it's the 8th time viewing her 8. Posted at 12 58 pm here.
I wonder if her iq is 8 and we know she loves her girls 8
No. 554854
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This one I'd like to call
No. 555034
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Probably don't have that eight-inch dick tho
No. 555351
File: 1523706012996.png (1.1 MB, 1178x1000, awsheeit.png)

>>543067it's probably something to do with this
my money is on "drug-related"
No. 555595
>>555430Yeah, I doubt it was a 'crazy stalker' or whatever she was claiming on Twitter.
Going by the dates, this was just before she moved to her new place. I'm getting the feeling of "unpaid drug debts" or something similar
No. 555834
File: 1523754130943.png (921.14 KB, 1371x1028, Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 03.2…)

Here you can see the midget Terrance behind Shane. You could roughly estimate his height. His ridiculous hair is supposed to make him look taller? Also Shane said one of his roomies is a cam model, does it mean Lana, Terrance and Shane live together? Sorry for Shane, he used to be in a much better company.
No. 555888
>>555834Alright I wanna see someone captioning this photo and ask what the context is.
Also I think they do, I doubt a single cam girl who isn't that huge on sites can afford a good apartment in new york a long with a ps4, large tv, led lights on the floor, a high quality camera, a computer, adobe (tho that might be pirated), ps4 games, steam games, all that.
So plausible she lives with them
No. 555894
File: 1523762225221.jpg (492.38 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_20180414_231403.jpg)

Maybe im just tin-foiling too much, but in some photos of lana's new place the same air conduct thing can be seen like this.
No. 555928
File: 1523765099045.jpg (59.29 KB, 576x1024, DZyWvchVwAE42I-.jpg)

>>555923More evidence Shane lives with Lana/Terrance.
No. 556001
File: 1523773339212.png (233.85 KB, 1826x502, RKA7HEw.png)

>>555929That's not nearly enough to afford all that shit though, especially in NYC, not on her own at least.
Up until early March she was letting some batshit crossdressing tweaker live with them (he posts on 420chan, claims she's his ex or something), I talked around and I guess Terrance realized he couldn't exploit him for anything decent, so he kicked him out. Pic related.
No. 556206
File: 1523807098941.jpg (184.31 KB, 960x1280, 26jan.jpg)

>>556157from when the "trans" tweaker first moved (late January)
No. 556210

>>556157And this is from February.
don't do acid/meth when cooking chicken, kids.
No. 558474
File: 1524020526692.jpg (49.43 KB, 700x534, b74e5d3b9fb1301c2b3939c0041488…)

>>556001Omfg I laughed my ass off reading that fam, someone told me I was in your thread here and lmao basically 💯 accurate besides the pronouns but whatever I ain't no SJW.
I thought it was funny y'all saying dude do meth when no lol I do yet all things considered I'm not the most stand out character in this thread… that's a change.
Also before you ask about my insights "no comment"
No. 558551
File: 1524029146584.jpg (46.88 KB, 600x600, Screenshot_54.jpg)

>>556206Also how'd y'all silly doxxin mofos get that pic? I'm pretty sure I only put that on my FB yo. Also found the chicken day pics. Damn y'all got too much time on your hands lol, but it's all good.
I'm kinda entertained I'm part of this imageboard based soap opera going on here, us tranny's love attention y'know. My character name is cool too "Trans Tweaker".
My one comment to this thread it's correctly directed less on Lana as I can assure you she's not a bad person and the questionable shit is not sourced from her actions. I hope the best for her especially and also that household, but tbh I'm glad I'm outta there personally. I'm better off back in Detroit smokin my meth then having to be in the spotlight of this complexity.
Y'all do have a lot of time on your hands tho may I suggest a hobby, writing, actual soap operas… or my personal favorite drug addiction?
File: 1524087723353.png (54.67 KB, 1014x182, 2.png)

>>558571holy shit i found his twitter, definite lolcow No. 571727
Terrance "exposed" some other cam model @ comic sans, did he do this in MS Paint?
>>555833It's hilarious
No. 571883
File: 1525278990424.jpg (2.09 MB, 1720x5782, 3iTd0UC.jpg)

>>571727Even moar trus for you guys.
in lana's voice.
No. 571934
File: 1525285265218.png (1.69 MB, 1754x992, Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 20.1…)

>>571907It seems those guys are making fun of 8loaded, do you think he's able to give advice on anybody's career without ruining it? Look at this trash. My only hope that Lana will read this and will consider taking advice from us anons.
To improve: do nose job and put some fillers in your freaking lips.
>>556206Do you guys have any proof of loaded being a legit man? He seems a lot like trans. Small, fatty, no beard, girly hands, pedo/hentai obsessed.
No. 571945
>>571907That's what I was thinking. This reads like Terrance wasn't able to manipulate another cam model and is having a tantrum about it.
>>571934Not as far as I can tell. The way he talks doesn't fit with being trans, at least.
No. 574885
It's a fucking cult.
Terrence is giving them shrooms and brainwashing them, some guy Scarlet worked with posted a phone call about them on his porn blog site where she exposes a bunch of their shenanigans. No. 574924
File: 1525589313464.jpg (22.57 KB, 784x185, shane fcked.jpg)

This is exactly how cults work Shane, wake up
No. 574927
File: 1525589532733.png (67.09 KB, 640x427, Screenshot (114).png)

No. 575019
File: 1525611519547.jpeg (91.95 KB, 1029x586, C3BDB3FD-98B3-4C60-B6E4-FFDE7C…)

Her makeup skills are amazing , this looks trashy on so many levels
No. 575362
File: 1525644212839.png (15.46 KB, 758x113, Eevee.png)

>>575280It doesn't appear she's out just yet, or at least isn't willing to come forward with anything
No. 575833
>>574899Holy shit, really puts this
>>494852 in context, eh?
No. 575901
File: 1525711914365.png (50.81 KB, 1000x637, asdssd.PNG)

Welp they're deleted for some reason, how come?
No. 575981
File: 1525718765803.png (318.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180507-144348.png)

>>575901Probably for legal reasons. Sammy said he took his evidence to the New Jersey State Police, I hope they listen.
On a different note did Lana even listen to the phone conversation? Scarlet said it multiple times eight likes being called a God. Is Lana that dense or just brain-washes?
No. 576073
File: 1525725534413.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 2285x2000, 66984283_p0.jpg)

Lana is a narcissist.
No. 576470
>>576430No, she just makes them money and porn companies don’t really give a shit about morals, if you couldn’t tell.
As long as you’re willing to be somewhat within their guidelines they dgaf
No. 576588
File: 1525761010916.png (141.49 KB, 1119x668, IMG_3655.PNG)

No. 576628
File: 1525769777505.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.53 KB, 1373x769, IMG_3659.JPG)

how was she #1 on manyvids for so long with this shit quality ?
No. 576778
>>576602Thanks man. Also, Lana's response sounds extremely…immature, for someone her age. No wonder she dated a 16 year old, she has the mentality of one.
>>576470Other models on that site have gotten penalized for less, even some completely removed from the site. Hell, half of the people ManyVids Twitter ended up blocking were other models using their platform. There has to be something going on, even if it's just as simple as Lana making them the most money.
>>576697I get why Lana defends him; she's been groomed by him since she was 14. He fans though? He's even went out of his way to start shit with her fans. I remember one of them showed concern for the 16 year old when she made a Tweet talking about depression. 8 started attacking him, claiming psychiatry and mdma can save her. Lana defended this. be honest, I'm surprised she can even have a fanbase, given how toxic 8 is.
No. 576871
File: 1525804177742.jpg (160.97 KB, 899x1024, PicsArt_05-08-02.28.41.jpg)

>>576778Sorry for the shitty edit, but this dude is such a fucking creep.
No. 576913
File: 1525807704173.jpg (48.1 KB, 734x463, 8dicks.jpg)

>>576871I am just gonna leave this here
No. 576925
>>576913I personally don't believe she works as much and as hard as they let on. She claims to stay up for days getting shit done, yet somehow she looks relatively fine. Maybe she hides it all under makeup, but having that kind of sleep schedule and being up for days does not bode well for your mental or physical health.
I believe 8 does a lot of the work for her, or at least they spend an equal amount of work. They just market her as doing everything because it looks better on her. The scripts in her videos don't even sound like her writing. It's almost as if 8 is pulling all of the strings.
No. 576938
>>576871So the guy being accused of feeding people shrooms and forming a cult around him… is telling a depressed person that they need to stay off meds, do shrooms, and find therapy through religion? Uh okay.
>>576913So much for him not liking being called "god".
No. 576982
File: 1525812152395.jpg (72.8 KB, 1080x545, Screenshot_20180508-134105__01…)

No. 576983
File: 1525812230287.jpg (72.32 KB, 1080x469, Screenshot_20180508-134137__01…)

what the fuck
No. 576991
File: 1525812664638.jpg (190.09 KB, 1080x1060, _20180508_134946.JPG)

dude's been joking about this for a while tho
No. 577080
File: 1525821713914.png (112.53 KB, 633x833, InfiniteLoaded-Shrooms-180508.…)

>>577029>>577029>>576983>>576938Here's hoping he gets arrested for possession/distribution of a Schedule I drug/substance. Why out of all of this, nobody's reporting his illegal activity to the police instead of complaining about the fact that he likes to be considered a god is beyond me.
No. 577168
>>576991>>577078>>577080>>577138I seriously don't understand why this guy even draws the attention and support that he does from these other people. He's a dumpy, stumpy, porky looking dude with one of the worst hair styles and clothing "aesthetic" that I've seen in a long while. His personality is abrasive, arrogant, toxic, and downright ignorant.
What is this guy's appeal? He's not attractive or particularly likable or talented in any eay. Is it just his steady supply of drugs? Are they all just too mush brained at this point to know better?
No. 577190
>>577189oh gotcha. my bad. maybe he's one of those people that seems to absorb other people's good qualities when he's in a group and therefore comes off more attractive/cool/interesting by association.
>>576628weird deja vu from
>>547593 No. 577218
File: 1525836709998.png (475.46 KB, 483x434, lana.png)

>>577217Yeah, I do think the "kawaii" pastel stuff looks the worst on her, because it highlights her harsher features. She filters and edits the hell out of her pics to soften those features too. Are there many pics of her unedited/unfiltered? They seem fairly rare.
No. 577220
File: 1525837126810.png (Spoiler Image,525.83 KB, 736x615, LanasWeirdFoot.png)

Look at this shitty photoshop work.
Whoever her photographer is clearly has no idea what they're doing.
No. 577390
>>577220Terence's mad skills at work, she actually said that he knows everything without learning
(don't remember which software photoshop or premiere)
No. 578021
File: 1525937457942.png (Spoiler Image,201.84 KB, 995x1677, IMG_3672.PNG)

"Best cosplayer " : gross nails with left over polish and trashy rings on chun li, hairline on the wrong side ( she actually said she reshot it and still got it wrong ) and her pantyhose are the wrong color . I like how she always brags about attention to details
No. 578802
>not a stanwhat
also she has a horse face
No. 580153
File: 1526111182327.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.96 KB, 672x756, DCk1SFjXoAAVp54.jpg)

Anyone remember that Lana shot a public masturbation video near a playground? She claims that she did it when she thought no children were around, however you could still see kids in the back of the shot. Regardless, why would she pick that location anyway? Even if she thought she'd be less likely to be seen by kids there, she had to know there was still a chance. It's almost as if she wanted to expose herself around children. Either that, or she's autistic and doesn't understand why this is a social faux pas.
No. 580706
>>580109PLEASE that
>>5801158 vs the whole internet would ruin him
No. 580894
File: 1526175037182.png (15.58 KB, 603x169, everyoneisjealous.PNG)

from her curiouscat page
No. 581237
File: 1526212740043.png (299.25 KB, 579x599, imaginary friend.png)

I bet those three "almost died" is just his version of "I was almost raped because some ugly guy hit on me in a parking lot and I thought he was creepy."
It was probably just some black guys making fun of his stiff stinky hair.
No. 581239
File: 1526213111975.png (559.36 KB, 607x913, The Hair.png)

A team of camboys are ganging up on shithair to the point Lana had to step in to say people "love" his hair.
No. 581258
File: 1526217299679.jpeg (Spoiler Image,208.01 KB, 1412x1158, 3F63F1B6-54FA-45A2-9C25-18A3F4…)

Top tier editing , yea Lana we believe that it takes you 8h to edit your videos,such a hard worker
No. 581533
File: 1526240175354.jpg (684.66 KB, 2052x1140, just a fan.jpg)

When they were pretending he was just a normal user that tipped her.
No. 581762
File: 1526252477869.jpg (114.44 KB, 698x1199, proof gohan.jpg)

holy shit. absolute proof of shithair being a pedo imo
No. 581787
>>581237He's such an embarrassing try hard. Addressing his "other personality/imaginary friend" via twitter serves what purpose? Does he really believe any of this shit? How much drugs do you have to take to permanently make you this mentally impaired?
His "almost died" was probably him putting himself into dangerous situations while really fucked up on drugs. Funny though, how he's upset that he's aging and idealizes his 17yo self. Aging is going to be extremely brutal for people like him and Lana. It's going to be a hilarious trip.
>>581239He looks like a fucking troll doll though? A crusty, greasy, troll doll. His hair looks so bad and I just don't understand why or how anyone would think it's a good look or style. Half the time his shits all fallen down too.
>>581762Is this Vero? How old is/was this girl again? How old is eight now?
No. 581853
File: 1526256719522.jpg (21.31 KB, 292x380, 9vz6g2G7.jpg)

>>581833She deleted her Facebook but here is her Twitter from Nov 2017 before she wiped that clean too.
No. 581890
File: 1526258136875.png (2.06 MB, 2022x1554, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at 02.2…)

I literally like calculated like how many times Lana says "Like" in like 5 mins, and I swear it was like 45 times. OMG. Why wouldn't she take a speech class? Like srsly.
Also note she undresses for 500$ (1000$ for viewers) to show off her lumpy tits, wtf.
Does anybody know why she came back to CB, because she used to start a campaign against them in the past, 'cos they are recording and uploading broadcasters' videos and act badly towards models.
No. 582338
File: 1526299544047.png (56.15 KB, 1131x247, shaneissodumb.png)

Hey Terence , I think Shane is illiterate, why are you keeping him around ?
No. 582590
>>582338>>582558Is Terence Eight's real name? Do we know his last name or anything?
>>582459Can you imagine having standards that low? I bet he's always sticky and smelly from the absurd amounts of hair products he uses.
No. 582631
>>582597I can't say with full certainty to be honest, as I didn't bother to ask, but I would say it was most likely a culmination of things. After her mother found out about the relationship, she restricted her ability to interact with them. After that, her and Lana had a blowout. Lana broke up with her, and basically wanted her to quietly exit Lana and 8's discord server, and Vero was upset about it. She ended up staying, but it was clear things only deteriorated from there. She doesn't talk at all in there anymore. 8 and Lana were right about one thing though, she is mature for age. She was mature enough to let all the drama go, and she deleted her facebook because she's actively trying to get away from the toxicity and unhealthiness that is social media. I'm honestly really proud of her. It is disgusting that those two associated with her at all, considering the very clear depression a self esteem issues she is going through. I don't want to give away too much personal info, but her mental condition was so poor not that long ago, that her family and doctors signed off on a surgery to try and help her. They really preyed on someone that wasn't and isn't in a good place at all, but I'm glad she got out of it and is doing better.
No. 582845
>>410596 and
>>411072He uses so much gel that his hair looks like it's made of fucking plastic, lmao.
He looks like a cheap knock-off Wayne Static.
>>582066She unironically made a couple "Griffith did nothing wrong" tweets a while back. She considers Griffith to be the most noble character in Berserk. Which, if you know anything about the series, is hilarious when considering how she worships and views Terence vs what he really is like.
No. 582917
>>582845Lana's opinions are basically a reflection of 8's opinions. At this point it's hard to tell what she actually thinks vs what is 8's brainwashing.
>>582631What did Lana blow up about? I mean, it's just funny to me that at the time she painted this picture that she and Vero were so in love and all (yet on a question she said they barely knew each other, wtf it can't be both) and even had artwork of the two commissioned for them. It's really says something about Lana's character that she's willing to do a 180 on someone she claimed to love.
Of course, it's my personal opinion that Lana has narcissistic personality disorder and possibly some co-dependence issues. To me this explains so much about her personality and actions.
>>582801Lana's discord server is nothing but her sycophants. Even if they did witness something wrong, they're wearing rose colored glasses so red flags look just like flags.
No. 582935
>>582587>>582631Hmm but what about what was said on the phone call with Scarlet? That Vero has stomach cancer and her mom was abusive?
This shit isn't adding up.
No. 582950
File: 1526340000607.jpg (13.7 KB, 400x400, bloodcalibur.jpg)

>>582845Thanks anon! By the looks of things, he went through a shaved head phase way back in 2011, claimed to be an amature boxer and has his "BLooDCalibuR" handle tattooed across his back. Hilarious. At first I didn't think it was him, but the location, name, and the hair all match up from the time frame. As he had posted a photo of him with a shaved head around this time on that forum.
I wonder what lead him to drop the tough guy, wanna be boxer act and decide to start the troll doll hair and shitty 90's rave clothes. Is he trying to look like a bootleg tekken character or something?
No. 582955
File: 1526340469264.png (36.79 KB, 675x588, antisocialpersonalitydisorder.…)

>>582950He's probably a better shit talker than a boxer. Maybe he got his ass kicked one to many times.
That, or he lost focus in boxing or did something to ruin his reputation within the underground boxing culture.
Also, read the list on this image for some interesting coincidences. :^)
No. 583213
I know that was the guy 8 went after for daring to show concern for Vero, because he believed in actual medical science rather than 8's pseudo-scientific drug trips.
No. 583225
>>582066Is it safe to say she's not actually a fan of Joji considering she doesn't seem like the type to watch filthy frank or listen to his kind of stuff?
Also glad Lana is getting negative traction can't wait to see mental gymnastics
No. 583229
>>583209I'm curious to know who you are and would like to talk to you. If you're willing, I made a temporary Discord server, It'll only be up for a few hours though:>>583225Take pleasure in the fact this thread is on the second page of google when searching "Lana Rain"
No. 583250
File: 1526361000606.png (443.74 KB, 413x426, miku.png)

>>583241What do you mean, anon? She's so smoll and has such delicate kawaii features. Just look at this face. It's like real life anime. kek.
No. 583272
File: 1526363648613.jpeg (511.64 KB, 1125x949, DDA08D0B-BA36-4E00-A72E-32CD19…)

Yeah nooone thinks his hair is bad except every sane person. Just because their fake friends kiss every aspect of their ass doesn’t mean they truly unironically like his clown hair lel.
Idk why we are even talking about Lana as a separate person anyway, she’s just an avatar for him because who would care about a talentless ugly midget and his over inflated ego if his pupped dindn’t bring him an audience
No. 583280
File: 1526364770940.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1125x1921, 5251A8DF-BECC-4801-9496-360531…)

She’s always posting stolen art like nobody’s business to promote ger shit yet agressively fights any illegal posting of her content. She/8 also have a twitter account called HentaiChan which is basically only stolen hentai images without any credit to the artists. How gross and ironic.
No. 583286
File: 1526365794435.png (7.46 MB, 1800x1800, 5EDD6EC6-B3B1-4377-BD3E-C4E6E7…)

Bad hair, ugly attitude and his stupid crusty glasses. Is she subliminally trying to tell us she is in fact him and has 0 personality ? Also her receding hairline and black roots look disgusting.
No. 583288
>>583280She pulls mental gymnastics to justify this behavior. She's been called out on it before but
1. she says the art was freely posted online and thus it was ok (then why not credit the artist?)
2. just go "I don't have time to look for the source of everything"
>>583286dog face really?
No. 583293
>>583286How is she better than any other 4/10 thott who tries to act like a 7/10 through the magic of shitty make-up and wigs?
Look at that hairline. It's so far back.
No. 583307
I don't usually make posts encouraging someone to get a thread made on them, on the Kiwifarms, but the fact that this guy tried to groom a 16 year old made me take that step. hope Kiwifarms takes notice, and he will refrain from ever attempting something fucked and pedophilic like that, ever again.
No. 583310
File: 1526371066383.jpg (13.56 KB, 367x352, FB_IMG_1507023199475.jpg)

>>583307I have a lot of caps of information on the dude if somebody wants to get them out there
File: 1526374456546.jpg (16.74 KB, 439x335, 11749482_683736918426670_13906…)

Sorry about the wait, here dat phone call!23Y2zKDZ!WJloMS-bhAJOrgL_DQ17Vu5x9b4KoSWGlnqKr4MTkQQyou can download it too, keep in mind
No. 583337
File: 1526374672141.png (342.4 KB, 675x780, brooklyn.png)

Now here's a bunch of shit without real context. He talks about his night work and his "mentor" a lot. Probably how he makes his money tbh
No. 583339
File: 1526375060567.png (95.69 KB, 778x760, gohanhypothesis.png)

this is what the dude actually believes apparently
from what I can tell, he gets the people he hosts at his place in New Jersey addicted to both the drugs, (shrooms and MDMA) and the supplier, (him)
No. 583340
File: 1526375183950.jpg (236.07 KB, 1200x1200, GohanSelf-ProclaimedStory.jpg)

I'm gonna keep dumping shit without my commentary, you guys can just do you
No. 583344
File: 1526375269517.png (44.27 KB, 727x404, gohanindigoaccusation01.png)

No. 583345
File: 1526375305653.png (48.5 KB, 731x369, gohanmentor.png)

No. 583346
File: 1526375321844.png (56.77 KB, 733x378, gohanmentor02.png)

No. 583347
File: 1526375336364.png (19.71 KB, 724x139, gohanmentor03.png)

No. 583348
File: 1526375361328.png (23.77 KB, 728x181, gohan-teach.png)

No. 583350
File: 1526375388331.png (98.18 KB, 777x562, fghjk.png)

No. 583352
File: 1526375415726.png (63.04 KB, 738x464, gohangery.png)

No. 583353
File: 1526375469710.png (25.85 KB, 728x182, sbhjlmkm.png)

No. 583354
File: 1526375498239.png (35.73 KB, 732x249, gohanwarningsign.png)

No. 583355
File: 1526375522252.png (54.66 KB, 778x445, gohanPGP.png)

what's PGP?
No. 583356
File: 1526375544093.png (15.41 KB, 729x102, groomednocontext.png)

No. 583357
File: 1526375569737.png (85.47 KB, 771x648, gohanvirus.png)

No. 583358
File: 1526375631162.png (866.24 KB, 729x771, souleater - x0mb3h.png)

No. 583359
File: 1526375656980.png (162.32 KB, 760x719, membermeeting01.png)

No. 583360
File: 1526375691678.png (134.37 KB, 433x728, membermeeting02.png)

No. 583361
File: 1526375752122.png (84.56 KB, 781x652, goku.png)

No. 583362
File: 1526375783398.png (33.82 KB, 536x283, verobirthday.png)

No. 583363
File: 1526375801445.png (174.7 KB, 715x394, findawomanwho01.png)

No. 583365
File: 1526375840778.png (589.87 KB, 873x782, findawomanwho02.png)

No. 583366
File: 1526375857203.png (234.87 KB, 1399x382, findawomanwho03.png)

No. 583367
File: 1526375882561.png (17.52 KB, 728x127, gohanpredator.png)

No. 583368
File: 1526375909129.png (73.72 KB, 773x510, gohanforbiddenlove01.png)

No. 583370
File: 1526375926562.png (59.56 KB, 761x436, gohanforbiddenlove02.png)

No. 583371
File: 1526375963131.png (124.92 KB, 783x878, gohanverogroomed.png)

No. 583373
File: 1526376056727.png (786.89 KB, 761x735, gohanassignment.png)

No. 583374
File: 1526376079651.png (66.57 KB, 753x588, gohanassignment02.png)

No. 583375
File: 1526376168377.png (653.06 KB, 754x702, veropeddefense.png)

No. 583393
File: 1526377395129.jpg (148.76 KB, 1762x487, qrBH6xY0.jpg)

>>583334Here's just an excerpt of Infinite's "roast" towards Johnny Stone. Really fucking weird wording.
No. 583401
File: 1526378761981.png (769.33 KB, 583x739, novastormtrailline.png)

In the call she says she didn't work with anyone out there, but in a picture of her with Shane while she was in Jersey, you can clearly see a track mark on her arm. Pretty sure you don't usually inject shrooms or mdma intravenously.
No. 583408
File: 1526379914757.png (1.12 MB, 1145x779, lanathepirate.png)

Spams anti-piracy messages in all her videos but uses utorrent :) gj Lana practicing what you preach
No. 583546
File: 1526393100128.png (31.13 KB, 499x382, scr1.png)

No. 583549
File: 1526393162039.png (31 KB, 509x413, scr2.png)

No. 583583
File: 1526395524899.jpg (703.33 KB, 1440x2380, SCREENSHOT_9.jpg)

Saw someone screenshot that so I asked her what it meant, hope you don't mind. She also opened her direct messages if anyone has a question, just heads up!
No. 583594
File: 1526396195846.jpg (258.9 KB, 1440x943, SCREENSHOT_10.jpg)

wonder why she doesn't deny it? :doubt:
No. 583619
File: 1526397624123.png (769.82 KB, 1440x2386, eight1.png)

[apologies for censoring my timezone and mentioned names]
No. 583620
File: 1526397691000.jpg (699.46 KB, 1440x2404, eight2.jpg)

No. 583621
File: 1526397722603.jpg (647.86 KB, 1440x2378, eight3.jpg)

No. 583622
>>583621"elevate my friends minds."
wubbalubba dub dub
No. 583623
File: 1526397823761.jpg (650.86 KB, 1439x2410, eight4.jpg)

No. 583624
File: 1526397832941.jpg (705.54 KB, 1440x2180, eight5.jpg)

No. 583636
Shithair just fucked up Lana's entire marketing plan because he wanted to brag to a complete stranger.
No. 583689
File: 1526402485263.png (274.26 KB, 1440x2419, Screenshot_20180515-180606.png)

No. 583690
File: 1526402500845.png (314.24 KB, 1440x2415, Screenshot_20180515-180617.png)

No. 583691
File: 1526402515370.png (310.87 KB, 1440x2424, Screenshot_20180515-180639.png)

No. 583693
File: 1526402529745.png (247.3 KB, 1440x2417, Screenshot_20180515-180612.png)

No. 583695
File: 1526402559342.png (264.01 KB, 1440x2419, Screenshot_20180515-181555.png)

No. 583697
File: 1526402575829.png (254.89 KB, 1440x2406, Screenshot_20180515-181602.png)

No. 583698
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No. 583699
File: 1526402600544.png (248.13 KB, 1440x2415, Screenshot_20180515-181614.png)

No. 583700
File: 1526402628428.png (234.5 KB, 1440x2424, Screenshot_20180515-181620.png)

No. 583702
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No. 583703
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No. 583704
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No. 583706
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No. 583707
File: 1526402686504.png (279.52 KB, 1440x2396, Screenshot_20180515-183159.png)

No. 583709
File: 1526402699536.png (293.56 KB, 1440x2396, Screenshot_20180515-183204.png)

No. 583710
File: 1526402712567.png (267.6 KB, 1440x2412, Screenshot_20180515-183211.png)

No. 583711
File: 1526402803763.png (284.32 KB, 1440x2421, Screenshot_20180515-183216.png)

No. 583712
File: 1526402812518.png (249.52 KB, 1440x2416, Screenshot_20180515-183536.png)

No. 583713
File: 1526402821247.png (196.63 KB, 1440x2403, Screenshot_20180515-183541.png)

No. 583715
File: 1526402832358.png (273.75 KB, 1440x2371, Screenshot_20180515-183558.png)

No. 583716
File: 1526402856706.png (207.93 KB, 1440x2244, Screenshot_20180515-183550.png)

No. 583734
File: 1526404306956.png (247.88 KB, 1440x2401, Screenshot_20180515-184847.png)

"almost a thing"
No. 583743
File: 1526404775089.png (191.53 KB, 1440x878, Screenshot_20180515-191926.png)

what does this guy do for a job again?
No. 583746
>>583734Are you still talking with him? You ought to ask why he acts like an ass to random people who haven't done shit to him or Lana.
8 is a sociopath with narcissistic tendencies. There's no doubt in my mind that he truly believes that his cult is helping people. But, despite what he says, he does it for selfish reasons.
Normal people, good people, don't do the shit he's done. Good people don't try to manipulate their friends and shame them for not bending to their will, which is something Vero has confirmed.
Right now he's playing the victim about Vero leaving because she managed to get out and spill some of what's going on. In reality he's probably really pissed that she got away and is telling people why really went on. He wants control over her again. He's trying to manipulate the situation so that other's will be on his side when he tries to further harass this poor girl.
No. 583747
It's easy to tell he's trying to do damage control right now. Had you not shown him this thread, he would NEVER be so nice to you.
No. 583757
>>583689There’s is some truth to the amplification of senses (not thoughts) from taking shrooms. The celts used them for hunting to elevate their awareness and also during battle. Shrooms to make you perceptive but the whole 38 vials thing prior is bull shit along with all the other pseudoscience 8 spews- the guy is tripping constantly. If he’s telling the truth about the amount of shrooms he takes he may never come down. It’s happned that people have OD’d on shrooms with huge mental consequence- a life long trip. Also what’s with the whole “quantum”physics thing doesn’t he not realize that quantum physics and mechanics are completely separate to cognitive ability and neurology (and all organisms); yes, physics plays a role in everything but quantum physics refers to the physics of tiny “minimal” particles by saying he has a “quantum” brain/awareness is he admiitting his simple irrationality. We are bound by physics from his so called quatum world for a reason or else we’d be flickering in and out of existence so-to -speak and we’re way to complex for that to happen.
Anyway all the pseudo intellect as another anon said prior is just a summation of someone who was probably slightly above average intelligence but ruining it through ego, drugs and arrogance and sucking everyone up in their puppetry (I can think of personal examples of people like that no point mentioning though they’re no 8!).
It’s not a hugely uncommon thing when you break it down. He’s definetly got a superiority complex.
No. 583771
From bottom to top. That's all, you are welcome!
And he's nice to me because he probably checked my social media out and knows I am friends with Vero and someone else he used to talk to.
—Or just so he can appear as the victim to the public eye being attacked by an anon. You never kno No. 584541
File: 1526445278543.jpeg (836.78 KB, 1125x1500, 824AB576-4330-4480-8806-B521CB…)

I think there’s trouble in paradise and someone upset the god, he just wants to save ppl but the assholes don’t want to be saved … kinda like the real God lmao what a joke he is
No. 584597
File: 1526450901608.png (10.59 MB, 1125x2436, 96FD762D-01BB-4DE4-A5C4-E17218…)

One question remains, will she ever iron her cosplays? It’s an impossible task for this hard working professional
No. 584610
>>584547I've thought about this for a while and I don't think that he's deliberately predatory. I think he's predatory because he's so fucked up himself. He likely picks up a lot of his ideas from anime and most likely sees himself as a protagonist in his own struggle. Everything else is sort of an accessory to his story. I think in a deluded sense he might actually care for the people around him in the same regard that Adolf Hitler might've cared about the idea of the German people.
I'm almost certain that nothing is deliberate with him, but rather spontaneous. A true predator would attempt to keep a low profile and selectively target his prey, but it seems that Eight is willing to preach to anybody willing to listen and most of the people are crazed camgirls.
I think that he actually believes that he's one step away from unraveling the secret to the world and everything unsavory is mearly an unsavory means to an end. In the same regard that Charles Manson thought that he needed to commit murders to spur society forward. Eight likely justifies his day to day actions and whatever the fuck Lana does as a necessity for his "higher goal".
I am very curious about how Shane/Nova perceive everything. It takes a special type of crazy to be enamoured by a narcissists delusions of grandeur.
Anyways, just my two cents.
No. 584626
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>>584623Can confirm, just look at this response from months ago. No. 584797
>>584760It really doesn't. It's clear to everyone who has paid attention to Lana at all, that shithair was the one getting her to the top of the ranks. That's why he was always her top tipper, and would tip her outrageous amounts of money. It was just advertisement.
I doubt ManyVids cared either. They still took their share, and Lana was easy to market due to her gimmick. But yeah, I am pretty sure Terrence ran out of money. Maybe they can use some of Lana's savings to boost her ranking again, unless they spent it all on shrooms.
No. 585450
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>>583743>>583745>>584760>>584797Terrance has a video posted online from 2015 of his bank account. The guy had about 450k in there at this time. But if you look at his spending, he's never putting new money in, and is spending at least 2-3k a month. He's bleeding his inheritance money dry on paying off shitty cam models to worship him as their "god". He's probably spent a good 75,000 or more since then.
With Lana's popularity waning and her rank ever dropping lower and lower. It's pretty obvious this lifestyle they have is unsustainable. He should still have some inheritance money left, but he's probably slowing down because he's beginning to realize this.
No. 585460
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>>584541>>584626More milk that I haven't seen discussed yet is this video. Apparently they had a huge falling out with another camgirl named Evee Frost. Lana reveals a lot of milky stuff in this video including lying to a fan/Evee because Eight told her to even though "she didn't agree with it" and other manipulative stuff he pulled. Also, Lana admits she accidentally killed one of their kittens. No. 585482
>>585464That was quick. I don't think you're going to be a big topic of discussion however. The milk is old and you aren't very relevant to their current story. I was more so highlighting the manipulative behavior eight showed and Lana straight up admits to in this video. I'm newer to this thread, so I was unaware as to who you are/were. I did some lurking now and understand. Though, really your best bet is to ignore threads like these and not react to gossip, even if it is entirely in the past. The fact you are keeping tabs doesn't reflect well and in itself could probably be used against you. Good luck on your future endeavors though.
>>585472It's possible she has, but American law is usually rather lazy and ineffective with "harassment", unless maybe they showed up in person to harass her, most law officials are going to try to brush it off. She's old milk, but I thought the video was interesting as Lana straight up admits with Eight acting very manipulative, her blindly following his orders despite "not agreeing with it", and also her talking about possible animal neglect.
No. 585824
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Finally a cosplay that would fit her manly face. She should stick to only cosplaying guys , I’m not even joking, she did some crossdressing a while ago and she straight up looks like a twink without trying too hard
No. 592370
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>>588585These were her boobs before anything was done.
And this is the boob timeline she posted to show her breast transformation but obviously she tried to make the before as flattering as possible, not like what you see in that screenshot No. 592493
>>592370Yikes. They look like Chelhell's, but on a smaller body.
>>592397Agreed, they didn't look so bad after the lift. Not the most beautiful boobs ever, but they were nice and suited her body. What I don't understand is why she got such large, lumpy, hard looking implants. If she wanted to fill them out a little, she could have just opted for much smaller ones that would have looked so much better.
No. 593366
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Yeah cuz Umaru chan totally has a long bony horse face, this is like the opposite of what the character looks like, she could look actually pretty styled like a normal girl but she chooses the anime aesthetic and hilarity ensues
No. 593389
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>>593366This made me realize the IRL hentai she could pass as
No. 594363
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I really do agree with the "sex cult" definition studying this case. I am a professional psychoanalyst who works at an organization that deals mostly with abused women and I've specifically dealt with cases of cult surviviors. The level of psychological control he has on Lana and others he controls is chilling. The way he mixes the mask of benevolence with the terror that comes with his played up omniscience to where she is afraid to hardly question him publically (and surely often privately in her own mind) is so extremely calculatedly fucked up it is cult leaderish. He throws in a bit of trickery and focus on coincidences (which don't exist according to him) to give his audience a show of sociopathic showmanship to solidify his fraud prophet image. He's clever (at manipulating people at least), but not that clever.
Like any cult leader he seems reprehensible to us, but within his sphere of influence he is easily beloved so much even his abuses seem to be excusable. Trust me, from my reading of him, even most of you could fall for his con if you met him a priori to your following the twister of scummy, insane bullshit he leaves in his wake that's displayed on here. You can draw comparisons between Jim Jones (drug paranoia and narcissism hidden behind a veil of creating a better world) Charles Manson (creates a "family" targeting mostly young girls fed up with their parents then uses psychedelic drugs to give himself divinity) and David Koresh (uses his divinity to justify his abusive, predatorial behavior) with Terence. I don't think he even realizes how textbook of a sociopathic cult leader archetype he is (of course he doesn't he's has legitimate sociopathic personality disorder and he doesn't seem to read anyway). Neither does he realize fully both the conscious and unconscious ways he manipulates and abuses people, I doubt… at least he is unwilling to currently or probably ever accept it.
You guys gotta really take full consideration Lana is an abusive relationship and a position many a select handful of people on this planet find themselves in life being in what is, for all intents and purposes, a cult. It doesn't excuse some of the things she's gone along with, but let's try to understand. She's clearly coping with the nagging fear she is in an abusive relationship. Which she's gotta be semi-aware that's exactly what it is, however my assumption is even accepting that she fears the existential crisis and not knowing what to do after Terence.(armchair)
No. 595854
>>595806She used to make those goals, and she probably still could if 8 didn't scare possible new people away from her. Maybe this is the real reason 8 has "changed" and is "lowering his standards" to help the world or whatever.
But in any case, if Lana wasn't so egotistical then she could just lower the goal.
No. 595855
>>595854He has always done that even from the start when he was pretending he was just a tipper and her cam room mod. Still girl was hitting those high goals. He once dropped her from a big contest for cam girl of the year because he was shit talking another model in her room while she was working 24 hrs shifts to bring in votes lmao (they dropped her because he was allowed to do that)
She keeps talking about her career only just begining but she seems pretty burnt out imo. Too much drugs probably and 8 not having the money to pump her goals like before
No. 595927
>>595913I'm pretty sure they both completely fried their brains with a fuckton of LSD/Shrooms/MDMA. I do that think I know a single person that came out fine from doing LSD every day. I think it's pretty much going to be prison/psychiatric hospital/dead for eight in a matter of years and prob psychiatric hospital/dead for Lana too.
There's simply no way they're still functional human being anymore.
No. 596357
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They actually think his hair looks good
No. 604810
>>604778Not to mention horse face, awful boobjob, poor quality editing, etc. There are cosplayers on MV that are quickly exceeding her in rank for all of these reasons. She's dropped down to rank 12, with at least three of those girls ahead of her doing cosplay. Most notably Hidori who is all the way up at rank 4.
Tbh, surprised that Eight and her haven't launched some batshit attempt at a takedown on Hidori yet. They must be seething watching her outrank Lana by so much these days.
No. 604824
>>604816I honestly have no idea, I'm not actually a patron on MV or anything, just a regular farmer who pops on there for the thread's sake. She doesn't have a thread here if that says anything? She doesn't shill shrooms/drugs, support some skuzzy
abusive fuckboy wannabe cult leader, target underage fans? So she's at least better in those aspects.
I'd argue she's easily more attractive. She's thicker than Lana, but not in a bad way, her boobs look less square and hard, she has a softer/cuter face more suited for her cosplay, better makeup. I haven't actually watched any vids though, so I don't actually know. She's rank #4 on MV as a whole though, which I imagine says something about the quality of her vids?
Sage for off topic.
No. 605220
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I don’t think this is real. Way too low key for someone like him.
No. 605276
>>604147Most of her videos are basically executed by 8. He writes the scripts and edits them for her. She's only the face of her brand, everything else is planned out by her God.
If you like Lana you might like Hidori even better imo. Try to support people who actually deserve it, not some girl who's clearly being abused by a drug addict. The more income she gets from these videos, the more she'll rely on 8 for help.
No. 605302
>>605286They'll most likely "make amends" on Twitter as soon as 8 realizes that he no longer serves any purpose to Lana's orbiters if he cuts ties with her. Without her followers sticking around, nobody will go preach his delusional discoveries on shrooms, which equals 8 no longer having a voice on the internet to make any sort of impact with his quest to save humanity on the works.
At the end of the day, people only give him attention in hopes that he'll open a path for them to get to Lana. Take that away from him and he'll be a literal nobody, which will definitely hurt his masculine ego.
No. 605436
>>605417I have a few resources that gave me valid proof, but I can't disclose any of it at the moment so take my words with a grain of salt if you wish.
Just like the other anon said though, the writing sounds a lot like Eight in the first place. Lana used to misspell most of her tweets too, minus the pseudo-intellectual ones about drugs and quantum physics that were clearly written by 8, for obvious reasons.
No. 605456
>>605442No, this is nothing I came to learn through his Twitter if that's why you're asking.
>>605443Whiteknighting Lana non-stop I assume
No. 605614
>>605220>>605236>>605286Definitely fake bait to try to salvage her dying career. A lot of people dropped Lana due to Eight's endless drama, harassment, and trolling of her fans/supporters, twitter users, other camgirls, etc. Literally no one is/was safe from his massive ego. It's definitely hurt her career now, so to try to save face, and try to slow her descent into a camming has been, he's pretending they aren't friends anymore.
We've already pointed out in this thread that he is running out of money fast, and without constantly fluffing up her numbers and ranking on multiple sites, the reality of her career is really showing through. All of her numbers and ranking were faked and fluffed up by his donations that cycled back into their accounts.
I suppose him pretending to suddenly "be done with her" also provides him with the chance to try to catch people who have been trying to turn her against him, etc. He's made Lana go along with manipulative plans like this before to try to prove people's loyalty to him. Lana always blindly goes along too, saying "I didn't agree with it, but I went along with it, because he's a good friend". Same shit, different day.
No. 605813
>>605700She asked not to be mentioned on this thread again, but long story short she allegedly tried to poach Lana's followers behind her back despite Lana giving her a place to stay after her Eevee's bf kicked her out of his. Lana stopped talking to her after that and Eight got pissed and obsessed over bullying Eevee for months (what's new).
I only know this version of the story and it might as well be false, so don't take it too seriously
No. 605815 How ironic that he made fun of other people for whiteknighting camgirls for a living when that's all he does himself.
He also plays "the bigger person" card on Twitter when he makes fun of peoples' BMIs and dick sizes (oh Eight, we can only imagine what YOUR dick size is)
No. 606102
>>606088Her endings aren't all that elaborate, it's just her making different facial expressions and reactions, and they normally last seconds so they don't take long to film. Watched her Ann video earlier and she didn't even bother to clean her filming area, it was an utter mess.
I do give her (or Eight) props for the concepts, while Lana isn't the best at executing them they're refreshing to see, I guess? I see how people might like them but to me it's really hard to enjoy them when her cosplays, editing and acting are so half-assed. At least she could stop lying about how much effort she puts into them.
No. 606115
>>606107The costume was ok (of course, she bought it online). The wig wasn't styled very well and her makeup was horrible as per usual.
It makes it all the more annoying to me that she shits on other cosplayers for the lack of effort they put on their cosplays when sometimes she doesn't even bother ironing her aliexpress costumes.
No. 606130
>>606104I don't know if you saw that video on YouTube where she cosplayed either Ram or Rem and she tried this flip egg on camera. If I remember correctly, she stated somewhere (if not in the video itself) that she just "got off work" aka finished filming that Ram/Rem MV video when she started filming that YouTube one.
It's quite obvious that 8 helped her filming all that since he was alrdy present in her youtube video. There's no issue with having people helping you out, but it's really fucking stupid to lie to your fans about how bad you actually are with your workflow just to impress them.
No. 606168
>>606130She used to make it seem like she worked for 21 hours a day and only took naps when now it's clear 8fart has been living with and doing her editing for her the entire time. Not to mention she makes none of her costumes or cams much.
I'll give her that exporting probably takes a fuck ton of time but you don't need to actively do anything for that.
Her lack of actual work ethic is showing and holding her back. She doesn't upload or cam consistently, she doesn't try to elevate where she films or even invest in a fucking green screen, and her costumes, wigs, and make up look like Baby's First Con material.
Sad she'll probably never learn from anyone other than 8fart's high ass
No. 606715
>>606609I don't want people to say that I'm whiteknighting I just like to be fair. Firstly, Lana videos might be 12-13 mintues campared to someones 20-30 but the mintues doesn't matter depending on how much is in it. Someone can make a 12 minute video with alot of dialogue and alot of scene changes while someone does a 20 minutes one of them just getting fucked by a guy and moaning. Length of video doesn't mean quality or more effort.
Also, most of the top girls videos are cheap because they made alot of money of those videos already since most of what they do are customs. and to get one of their custom videos ranges from 60-100 for 5 mins. And that's not talking about if you want add on like anal which will cost you 200 dollars. Now that's what you call over price.
No. 606756
>>606715I agree with you, compared to the other MV girls her videos are practically dirt cheap, but personally I wouldn't spend thirty bucks on poorly edited porn clips with cringey acting, corny text dialogues and cheap cosplay costumes/makeup. The only thing I appreciate of her videos is the camera quality.
Lana has the right to price them however much she wants to and if people buy her stuff it means they enjoy her content. Maybe I'm being too nitpicky, you can't please everyone I guess.
No. 607221
Here's a tweet from late Jan, 2018, where she offers the option to buy from her a five minutes long custom video for $350. didn't partake in many contests this year, hence her MV scores dropping at a high rate.
No. 607226
Lana wishes 8 a happy birthday and seems to be going along with the "we're not friends anymore" narrative: people call 8 out for abusive behavior and for basically doing all of the hard work for her, and he gives some retort: then writes this nonsense: being so narcissistic that you think only your relationships with your friends are genuine and everyone else just have shitty relationships.
No. 607254
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>>607226dont forget he retweeted this. I found it odd since he is trying to distance himself from her.
No. 607262
Ya know. I can't tell about eight anymore. Maybe he's actually madly in love with Lana and gave all his money to her. It's weird.
I don't think it's as cut and dry as him simply being a complete predator or being a complete beta white Knight sucker. There's some really really unique about their relationship in a really fucked up way. Some type of codependency. I don't even know how to explain how I perceive this, it's so weird and abnormal.
I'm trying to think about this and I'm wondering what would be internally consistent with eights mode of thinking. He thinks that he is a god, but despite everything doesn't want to contribute to Lana's success.
It seems more than evident that eight seems far more intelligent than Lana. Eight manages to articulate complete thoughts, that are usually consistent, even if the ideas behind those thoughts are insane. Lana just seems completely retarded.
So, if Eight is actually doing all the work for Lana, is a complete arrogant and pompous ass. Why in the world wouldn't he take credit for helping. I think the only rational answer is that he's 100% in love with Lana in a very messed up murder-suicide way. He might actually think she's a goddess, knowing how fucked up he is.
This is how I think it all went down. Eight is a depressed neet with a lot of money and delusions of grandeur and a very vivid fantasy world, but nobody really listens to him and everything thinks he's crazy. So eight decides to find someone impressionable enough to bring into his fantasy world. He finds 14 year old Lana and then hijinks ensue. Now Lana being less insane as she grows up, realizes how insane this guy is but decides to stay with him because eight actually loves her and cause he's given so much money to her. Furthermore, Lana is severely lacking any nuturing figures in her life other than eight.
There's something that generally attacts damaged people towards eight and I'm not quite sure what it is. Shane, Lana and Scarlet are all into that strange cult shit and I can't figure out why. I think just maybe he provides them with 100% unconditional love.
Anyways just my two cents.
No. 607287
>>607254Between this and her literally making him a birthday cake (that was obviously eaten by more than one person), it's pretty obvious it's all bullshit to try to put a bandaid on her camming career. With the new extremely shopped photos, all the new "big" vids in the works, etc. It really does seem they are scrapping together to try to turn her camming career back around. I look forward to Hidori continuously smashing her numbers/rankings, and hope we'll see more and more other cosplay camgirls climb the ranks as she drops down too.
The fact that she's going along with his plans (as always) and playing like she's this pure, innocent girl honestly makes me lose hope for her. She's just as manipulative as he is.
No. 607290
File: 1528696278340.png (580.12 KB, 614x768, surejan.png)

Just realized it's an ube cake, and an entire roast pig for his birthday, but he supposedly wasn't there? Extremely doubtful that Lana planned such a filipino meal with him not present. She's a terrible liar.
Note the candles spell out "I heart U" too.
No. 607582
>>607508There are screenshots of 8fuck being the highest tipper on cam since she started and pretending he was just a fan. If that's not fluffing then what the fuck is.
All of you soft Lana fans need to GTFO.
No one cares if she looked good in one cosplay or if you buy her shitty vids.
She's a brainwashed robot that 8load is using to generate income and worship him. I hope she tanks and gets dumped by him for real so she can finally think for herself for the first time since she was 14.
No. 607615
>>607582I don't know if I would call myself a fan of Lana…okay I guess i am I do like some of her videos, but in al honesty I think some people are just in here to insult her for no reason.
First of all the real villain seems to be infinite but people still shit on Lana and also even though I like her videos I still think the bitch is crazy and seemingly stupid. But it's still the thing of if someone famous you can usual always fine something out their that'll make them seem like a shit person weather it's true or not. That's why I try to have all the fact before I just judge someone.
No. 607622
>>607615then lurk more and actually read, dipshit.
So precious that her stans are mysteriously showing up on this board when she's trying to clean up her reputation and pretend she's not living with 8 anymore.
No. 607749
>>607685Honestly I agree, some people on here are just shitting on her for fun. Problem is, she does deserve to be called out for all the wrongs she's done to the camming community as a whole. If some dumbasses on this thread are unale to see how fucked up the whole deal actually is, that's their issue.
There's so much proof that she got where she's at today thanks to Terence. This is just ONE of the many ginormous tips he gave her to raise her scores.!3j5iDK7K!hC6idpH8HOwcwkb0ruGlesOoN2dPfpN5f7NJpnTfLh8 No. 607788
>>607749It's clear from the way you type you're talking to yourself.
If u don't like ppl being big meanies to your anime waifu then leave.
Anyway I wonder if this is all to clear Lana's rep or if Terrance is trying to find a new cam scam to get rich off.
No. 607806
>>607508>>607615>>607685I'll be a little nicer than the other anon, but there has definitely been an influx of newfags asking for her videos and trying to play it off like Lana isn't so bad.
She may not be as bad as Eight, butshe's not innocent and has openly admitted to going along with his plans to manipulate other people before. Read the threads before commenting. It's not our job to link every new anon to every piece of evidence we've already posted in old threads.
>>607725>>607727>>607734I do think she's a bad person who plays dumb to get away with the shit she's done. Even Vero has a hard time blaming her and puts almost everything entirely on Eight. The thing is though, she's been a willing accomplice for a long time now, and even tried to help Eight groom an underage girl? She has admitted to willingly going along with his plans to manipulate people in their circle despite "not agreeing with it"? She's exposed children both in real life and online to adult content. She literally masturbated in public with her back to a playground where you could see children playing. Maybe she's not as openly bad as Eight is, but she's hardly the innocent, confused, sweet girl she tries to play herself off to be.
>>607801Not that anon, but you also sound very new, "bro". I have no problem with newfags, we all were one at some point, but you guys really need to work on assimilating better. The others need to lurk harder before jumping right into commenting too.
No. 607810
>>607806How am I new? I read the whole thread, and I agree that Lana deserves to be called out. The only thing I agreed on with the other guy is that some people on here are just having fun insulting the chick because they're being petty, which is a common thing on the internet.
I think y'all are getting worked up over nothing. There's only one person on here that clearly didn't lurk before commenting, nobody else is blindly defending Lana's behavior.
No. 607826
>>607810Are you changing your writing style for every reply? Weird. I just said that you sounded new, I'm not getting worked up. Like I said, there has been a big influx of newfags and robots in this particular thread lately which is why other anons are acting a little hostile.
Also, off topic posts should be saged.
No. 608239
>>608157Your posts are starting to read more like advertisements for her more than anything at this point. Please go.
>>608182 No joke. This one anon just won't give it up.
>>608223That's probably what's actually happening here. How would she even dress the machine as it's literally just a box with no body?
No. 608327
>>608157At this point you sound like the little hedgehog Terr shilling her out. Just like him you can’t accept that not everybody likes her shit and you have to try to convince everyone of your bullshit
At the end of the day, the quality of their vids is pretty much unimportant, they are still pieces of shit as people so let’s leave it at that. Her vids are porn, I don’t think most of her customers will care about her as a person so why should we?
No. 608539
>>607254At first I didn't understand why Lana changed her avatar and the cover on Twitter to this, but more I look at it — is it actually her? I mean yeah, they have to sell this horse face somehow, applause for editing. It looks nothing like MooLana now apart from those botched tits.
Also: white knighting is really annoying, gtfo already. Her convulsions and cold light in the last clip make it look like a scene from a psychiatric ward.
No. 608580
>>608539She looks pretty much the same to me. The only thing that looks different is her makeup because she had someone else doing it for her on set. She's terrible at applying it on her own, so.
Also, MV probably asked her (and maybe even paid her) to set it as her cover and avatar to promote the zine.
To me she doesn't look flattering in this picture at all, she looks nothing like Sonico, even her facial expression is off.
No. 608742
>>608727Marketing. That's all it is. They're trying to fix her image. That's why he "Stopped being friend with her" (yet…still is very much involved in her life). That's why he's making nice with random camgirls.
However, poke him enough an his true self comes out. Trust me.
No. 608987
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No. 608991
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No. 609014
>>608580>>608585>>608589Wow, I also couldn't tell this was supposed to be Sonico. She looks nothing like the character. With the headline "facets of fantasy" I thought this was just some sort of really shit Lightning cosplay.
>>608987>>608991He's so damn cringe worthy. The stupid knock off tekken hair and cloths, the edgy "higher being" god complex, the nonsensical ramblings of a hobbit high off his ass on shrooms, the fact he got his old username "BLooDCalibuR" tattooed onto his back… I can't wait for this dude to burn through the rest of his money and end up on the street shilling his "prophecies".
No. 609190
>>609179And Eight likes to be called a girl, has tiny feminine hands, crossdresses regularly, etc. Hasn't he also taken hormones before?
I bet it's Eight and they are hiding that it's him because they are still pretending that, "they aren't friends" and he "doesn't help her film".
No. 609215
File: 1528861589606.png (Spoiler Image,99.63 KB, 640x813, IMG_2407.PNG)

>>609190it's probably really a girl in the video since a strap on's being used. i wasn't sure either until i saw pic related a bit further down her page
No. 609486
File: 1528903452734.png (156.57 KB, 1168x542, twits.png)

>>609364Lol, imagining it's 8 makes this video even more nauseating. And who are those girls? Nova is home and working, Sammy? Nah, it's just 8 fucking her, otherwise you could see boobs on cam.
Manic beyatch. A green screen would save her some editing time. But of course it's just another lie she spreads.
No. 610000
>>609932This is nothing compared to what many people in and out of the sex industry do, true.
It's funny to me how ManyVids always overlooks it when Lana breaks their terms because she gets them good income, if it were a model with low ranking they'd get banned on the spot.
This is a jab at MV more than Lana, people are (unfortunately) into bestiality and the shit sells. I can't exactly blame her on this.
No. 610011
>>60998550 dollars seems fairly reasonable considering the length of the video. The preview shows a good variety of content too, which is fundamental for something so pricey.
I'm bothered by the split screen when she goes down on the dildo in both cosplays, but it's pretty hard to properly edit these takes to make them look as natural as possible, considering how the toy moves around a lot while she licks it.
I won't buy it nor look it up on pirate websites because I'm not into the type of porn she makes anyway, but for once she seems to have chosen a proper price for her work.
I just hope she didn't let 8 help her again, this guy gives me so many fucking chills. I don't even wanna think about how manipulative and conniving he is IRL, I feel sorry for whoever was ever touched by this abomination even with just a finger.
No. 610019
File: 1528935978708.jpg (12.03 KB, 250x197, IMG_20180614_022042.jpg)

>>610002Just pray it ain't Terence. Imagine getting fucked by this.
No. 610123
>>609215>can't see anything other than some baggy clothing and a fake dickYeah, totally girl confirmed anon! It's probably Terrance for all the reasons the various other anons have already stated. Let's be real here.
>>609320>>609486Seriously, why go to such great lengths to hide this persons identity, hands, body, etc. if it wasn't someone she didn't want people knowing about? If it really were a girl, she'd be smart to advertise it and make more bank.
>>609985All that editing, lighting, makeup, and she still looks this rough. Isn't she super young too? I can't imagine she's going to age very well.
>>610027Yeah, okay. Probably just Ter in drag. He said he's a "she" at heart. Maybe we'll get to see his crazy ass try to transition.
No. 610325
File: 1528963805247.jpg (42.02 KB, 887x219, poop.jpg)

>>402703Except not at life because she's just a brainwashed puppet and living in a lie lmao, all the porn "titles" won't change that. The even sadder part is that this tweet has a high chance of being sent by her druggie owner Eight
No. 610341
File: 1528968036994.jpeg (544.41 KB, 1125x632, 963F19FC-80E5-483F-A74C-10D1A7…)

Her ahegao is sooo bad, this only works if you have a pretty face and even then just barely. I remember her gatekeeping so hard that only she can do a proper ahegao but look at her derpy horseface trying to look sexy with poor acting
No. 610480
>>610019KEK. Holy shit, anon, that's amazing. But pls, even Kenpachi looks better than trap-chan Terrance.
And the person with the strap on just doesn't look like a girl's body. That would be prime advertisement if she actually had a friend Terrance hadn't scared off.
No. 610535
>>610123I actually think that the Sae Niijima cosplay is one of her better looks. The wig not being super weeby and more western like makes her look better than usual. The kawaii animu girl style just doesn't work on her no matter how hard she tries to push it. Her face looks like it's going to look rough because it's really skinny and will lose even more fat fast with age.
As for the vid, it is clearly a man in it, either Terrence or Shane but I think rather Terrence, it was so weird seeing those man legs in thighs pretending to be a girl in there.
Also her moaning is horrible, sounds like a dying animal getting worse with every video it seems
No. 610536
>>609985I find it so cringy that she's so selfish and refusing to collaborate with some other cam girl (maybe one of those who lick her ass?) for an easy and natural looking double bj but would rather go to such lengths and still make it look choppy and awkward.
She's toxic in the community and never helps or supports anyone even though she talks up and down about what kind of positive and good person she is. If anything she and Terrance stain the community further
No. 610571
File: 1528996346646.jpg (Spoiler Image,453.09 KB, 1069x779, kuku.jpg)

>>402703All that shoop and her tits still sad af
No. 610654
File: 1529000474113.jpg (148.99 KB, 1200x720, Da1BBdsW4AUoDp3.jpg)

honestly it's kind of upsetting to see how popular Lana gets with her low effort cosplays, the Makoto vid has been out one day and she's already right behind Hidori, who clearly puts more effort into coplaying
No. 610714
File: 1529004692228.jpg (262.79 KB, 911x953, catskuku.jpg)

More of her fans start to smell their bullshit and more proof that she is in no way better than 8. Super entitled and trying to seem like some super anime character, hilarious and cringy
No. 610720
File: 1529005053300.jpg (409.16 KB, 1352x414, lul.jpg)

>>610707Her ama Basically : I don't agree with his ways but he defends me so I'll support the piece of shit blindly! Such a positive light in the world!
No. 610733
>>610726She refers to Eight as "she/her", I'm pretty sure it's him, goldengoddess doesn't live with them, they just met a few times
>>610729She always says shit and doesn't do it after or does it much later, such business pro.
No. 610738
>>610729She can state that she had to still edit her video.
>>610714It was just one guy. Also that tweet was such bullshit. You can't change in 14 hours. Not so much that you need to state it in a tweet.
No. 610750
>>610571The filters definitely help hide just how awful they are, but it's still pretty obvious the implants are just hard, overly round bubbles sitting on top of her chest, way too far apart. She should have gone for a wider/teardrop shaped implants. At least they don't look as square when she's lying on her back though, I guess?
>>610714It's so funny that she thinks she's some sort of "living proof of the concept" or something more than just a cosplaying camgirl. Eight has her super fucked up on those drugs. Guess she's still his guinea pig despite them totally "not being friends anymore".
>>610720She refers to Eight as he and then switches to "her", "she", etc. throughout the rest of the paragraph. I wonder if we'll get to watch this mess transition into this new "female" identity?
No. 610775
File: 1529008411032.jpg (444.68 KB, 1295x638, shittt.jpg)

>>610720Jesus, she keeps embarrassing herself by proving to be the second biggest iamverysmart after 8. It's like she's wearing his skin, she's a brainwashed zombie at this point, no hope for her
No. 610833
>>610654I think it's more a matter of Lana's prices carrying her forward. The newest video is $50. Her circle of regulars could buy it and propel her quickly.
She isn't entering contests and is making content slowly; the boost won't last.
>>610775Imagine some dumbass on the street saying "that's so quantum" kek.
Also if her circle is so obsessed with saving the world, why is something as simple as volunteering beyond them. Anime porn isn't going to free the masses, shroom heads.
No. 610837
File: 1529011524105.png (155.4 KB, 1440x729, Screenshot_20180614-232152.png)

Watch out fellas
No. 610862
File: 1529014488452.png (174.73 KB, 583x336, IMG_5922.png)

>>610837related, have had these screenshots for awhile now of eight talking about how he wants to kill people who make fun of others (one more to follow)
No. 610864
File: 1529014539221.png (205.77 KB, 534x333, IMG_5923.png)

No. 610960
>>610716Yes she does put more effort into it.
For one, she irons her costumes. :^)
No. 611176
>>610833>Anime porn isn't going to free the masses, shroom heads.My sides, anon. It's true though, they all seem to have this bizarre delusion of grandeur. Yet what are all of them doing? Sitting in their apartment(s), doing drugs, dressing up as anime characters, and selling sex videos (or in Ter's situation, selling drugs)? Um, okay.
It's like the drugs have warped their weeb fantasies into thinking they're living a real life anime.
>>610837This loser thinks he's some kind of second coming of christ now? Ter, you aren't bringing anyone any kind of judgment day. It would be interesting to see this idiot try to become some kind of terrorist cult "messiah" though. That's literally what he's beginning to sound like.
>>610960She even brushes and styles her wigs, cleans up the backgrounds of her sets, and doesn't wear dirty/lint/fur covered clothing/costumes. Lana is just SO busy and tired that she just can't do any of those things though, you guys. She's out here trying to save the world, after all.
No. 611349
>>611337But people ARE asking her questions, lmao. I personally have nothing to ask her, this is a Q&A session after all, it shouldn't be taken as an occasion to spread free hate on her thread. We're not grade schoolers.
Also, the reply she gave that user was extremely immature. No wonder people don't come forward to her and would rather address the drama to Eight himself. You get more answers out of him than you'll ever get out of her.
No. 611350
>>611337Literally the first question that popped up on her thread when it loaded. You're doing a REALLY bad job at whiteknighting.
Do you think having a friend that is aggressive … No. 611382
>>611336She’s a big fat lier, the move shouldn’t have had THAT much of an impact, it’s not like she stopped releasing vids during that time. Her Chun Li , May and the second Ruby vid did jackshit for her score.
The only thing changing was that she didn’t go on cam as much because they were too busy tripping on shrooms more than usual going on their tweets plus the move too. Btw very few of the other top Mv girls need camming to hold a high rank, she without cam is dead because her content itself can’t carry her especially with those prices.
No. 611509
>>611503Nobody even cares about that trashy mag apart from other models, it’s not that big of a deal tbh, she just likes to make such a big deal out of everything she does to make it seem that she does so much more that dildoing herself on cam it’s almost like she has some frustrations tied to that.
Awhile back she was slutshaming the girl who called her out on Youtube because she was talking about sexual stuff in her vids instead of “genuine interests” meanwhile lots of Lana’s vids are sex toys unboxings cuz her fans are not interested in make up tutorials or whatever obviously
No. 611533
File: 1529077444169.jpg (573.95 KB, 1428x544, 888.jpg)

>>611529For example this pretty much sounds like 8 I am 99% sure it's him with his usual bs,this phrase particularly seals the deal: "I've seen of InfiniteLoaded going after anyone, he's basically a mirror put up to show you just how horrible you actually are, and then it's up to you to fix that and realize you're wrong."
No. 611535
File: 1529077765590.png (17.98 KB, 1167x205, Screenshot-2018-6-15 Lana Rain…)

>>611533Also the goldloadedrainhall person too. That account was recently made the day of the ama. All the account did was stated that eight and lana are amazing and do good work. I like how a person stated that they had a row with eight in the ama.
Also lana was called out about vero, self-tipping, eight doing shoorms, and her winning streak. This was her response. She didn't even answer any of the questions.
No. 611544
File: 1529078511402.png (13.93 KB, 840x140, Screenshot-2018-6-15 Lana Rain…)

This was the person who was asking the hard questions in ama.
>>611539I also doubt anyone is gonna ask that anymore. She's trying to put it in the past and in a dark hole where no one can find it. She doesn't want to get all the hate like she did last time which is why she's keeping quiet about her new SO.
No. 611549
>>611544I see no point in asking them this question, we all know we're never going to get a real answer. It was asked several times both to Terence and Lana, they will never admit to being groomers… or cultist drug-addicts for that matter.
>>611381Whiteknighting? Where? For saying we shouldn't spread free hate if we don't have questions? I'm sure many from this thread came forward to ask Lana about Eight, her cult or whatever, and those ARE good questions already. I was talking for people who, like me, have nothing to ask.
I personally don't bother addressing any of the drama to her because as we all saw yet again, she's Eight's parrot, repeating like a broken record over and over specific set responses. You will never get real answers from her, she's a liar and a cultist groomer. I appreciate everyone's effort to continuously address the issue in hopes that one day she'll spill the tea, but I have lost faith in that completely.
No. 611669
File: 1529087380782.jpg (Spoiler Image,380.99 KB, 1278x1118, Lana-Rain-boobs.jpg)

>>610571I might be right by suggesting her bad boob job is a direct result of her/Ter decisions. They wanted her to have perfect animu tits UwU. Just google it and you will see that her tits are an approximation of what you see in hentai. Now it's even more fucking sad that she's so upset with them that doesn't even show them on cam anymore. But yeah, you guys are just jeea-loosse.
>>611010That doesn't disappoint me a lot, from the amount of questions and how long it took her to write "her" answers, you can see AMA was shit anyway. What disappoints me more is that the group of people who Ter and his minions attacked didn't present them with any legal suits. Dunno if there were any serious actions taken against shroomheads, but it's kinda shitty that they took all that badmouthing from a 19 yo (who promised to bring down hell on the vets, if they wouldn't diagnose her flea bag and would lose it). And did Terry ever apologised to Johny? Or anybody else? What a loving personality… 99% of ppl love him, you guys.
No. 611965
File: 1529107019788.png (97.08 KB, 1440x428, Screenshot_20180616-015623.png)

ok plato
No. 611969
File: 1529107200430.png (151.84 KB, 1440x712, Screenshot_20180616-015623.png)

basically it's a shooped emo tumblr quote that celebrates how nobody understands you because you're different from the rest
No. 612002
File: 1529109679715.jpg (667.01 KB, 1440x1199, Screenshot_20180616-023934_mh1…)

>>611980yOu'rE mOsT LiKeLy tO oVeRdOse oN wAter tHAn YOu aRe sHRoOmS
No. 612004
He deleted
>>611965 just now.
No. 612014
File: 1529110830060.jpg (64.43 KB, 524x524, IMG_20180616_025851.jpg)

How can anyone call her a good cosplayer. Her makeup is horrifying.
No. 612016
>>612014What a kawaii mustache!
>>611980>>612002While he might not die from doing so much shrooms, he can permanently alter/damage his brain, which I suspect has already happened. He's literally going to end up one of those rambling homeless people preaching gibberish on the sidewalk once his inheritance runs out.
No. 612137
>>612002This is literally just a gotcha fact based around the general populous having vastly more access to water than druggy mushrooms. No shit people over hydrate more than they convulse over their keyboards high on shroom knowledge.
This dude reminds me of every highschool boy who lived in hot topic and he's almost middle aged.
Also, there were plenty of people that spoke up on the AMA but Lana & Terrance weren't even answering all the of the positive ones with their glacial pace, which was to be expected.
No. 612444
Is anybody interested to see the vid of Lana where she elaborates on shrooms? Where do I upload it? She was overall giving advice for 500$ and shitting the same time on people. "My teenage years were fucked up, my psychologist was fucked up, my dad was an asshole. My mom is a bitch. Psychology is bullshit, dude. You don't need substances to cure your depression. You don't need to take meds to be you… I am me now, I'm so much better bla bla bla". And then people started to call her out on her BS, asking what good shrooms do and how is it different from the category of substances. She's so fucking confused, oh lawd. I genuinely hope for her that there would be a person in her life who will say, "Lana, go back to college". And it won't be Ter. But yeah, I give 99,988% (kek) it won't happen.
No. 612495
>>612444"Psychology is bullshit, dude"
"You don't need substances to cure your depression"
I'm screaming
No. 612513
>>612444Ooh yes! keks all around.
I want to see that. Use a dummy email to make a dropbox and upload it there! Then share the link to it here with us. Thanks anon love you.
No. 612553
>>612444Holy shit. Please upload that video to dropbox like an anon suggested!
I'm fucking screaming @ "you don't need substances". Terrance really sucked the brain out of her smh.
If she has aspbergs or autism or whatever it's clear its not cured. She goes above and beyond to not have to talk in her videos for a reason.
No. 612579
>>612553You can't cure asperger syndrome or any other form of autism lol …
You can only try to supress the symptoms or try to teach the person how to act in certain social situations
No. 612833
File: 1529196411494.jpg (302.03 KB, 1152x828, shroom-head-has-visions.jpg)

Enjoy your Saturday movie.!O64FTYyY!c61pzLg_bfDibTCBYD79PWlQyrUd032F-9tQF8qKwbkChat:
1. Psychedelics also interfere with how visual information is processed in the brain.
2. Yeah the thing about depression is you feel bad for feeling bad when you have those things. Like depression has a physical cause, the brain isn’t processing happiness because it can’t.
3. First ever time I took shrooms I had to go to the dentist.
4. There is so much poor information around Shrooms and acid.
5. Yeah there’s a lot of misdirected info on shrooms on the internet. No one is using it right.
6. And if you think you’re talking to aliens or some stupid magical shit like that, it’s not going to deliver well. Not to mention that’s stupid.
7. Sounds like ayaguasca trip.
8. But medical trials using psilocybin to alleviate depression have happened.
No. 612925
File: 1529200627387.png (599.74 KB, 1440x1103, Screenshot_20180617-035055.png)

Terence behaves as if his discoveries on psychedelics are so innovative, yet so many human beings at this precise moment are making a lot of progress and discoveries to "upgrade" our technology, science and so on. He even shares news articles about it. And what is he doing for humanity? Jerking off his sad excuse of a dick to hentai on a camgirls couch?
Yeah, he's so ahead of humanity you guys.
No. 612931
File: 1529200753599.png (459.4 KB, 1440x2203, Screenshot_20180617-035001.png)

On other news, remember Shane's inspirational quote? Look what went down under Eight's tweet about it.
No. 612932
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No. 612933
File: 1529200794919.png (713.38 KB, 1440x2212, Screenshot_20180617-035013.png)

No. 612935
File: 1529200813970.jpg (130.35 KB, 1440x906, IMG_20180617_035017.jpg)

(ss tweeted by 8)
No. 612942
File: 1529200984591.jpg (676.19 KB, 1440x1800, Screenshot_20180617-035027_mh1…)

No. 612944
File: 1529201006193.jpg (655.02 KB, 1440x2037, Screenshot_20180617-035045_mh1…)

No. 612945
File: 1529201049313.png (99.23 KB, 1440x422, Screenshot_20180617-035133.png)

Moral of the story: internet should be used to inspire each other.
No. 613015
File: 1529205291306.png (94.8 KB, 1440x424, Screenshot_20180617-050128.png)

As soon as I happen to stumble across a new tweet of Eight, I'll share it on here. It's not uncommon of him to delete his stuff just to cop out when he's in a pinch.
If anyone else could keep track of what he says it'd be very convenient for all of us.
No. 613020
>>612833"They open up on it. They open up about their problems"
Tfw advocating for MDMA just makes you sound like you're explaining the first steps to legit cult initiation. So weird this is what Terrance loves about this drug and coincidentally wants people to use when they first hang out.
"It makes your brain work harder like it it it overpowers your brain and makes you more understanding and empathetic"
Chemicals in your brain altering on drugs resulting in a high =//= brain working harder
I absolutely can not fathom claiming to be so intelligent and feeding your porn puppet such garbage info. Seeing aliens is stupid but opening your quantum third eye is fact?
These people are so sad.
No. 613282
>>6131128's style of arguing is honestly unbearable.
He just mocks everyone who doesn't agree with him but goes a step further and tries to make it seem like he's genuinely smarter and beyond the argument HE'S ENGAGING IN.
I don't know if can possibly ascend to a higher level of douche than where he's at but…maybe on enough shrooms he can beat himself.
No. 613311
File: 1529250741553.png (116.33 KB, 1440x497, Screenshot_20180617-174459.png)

Remember when Terence would threaten Lana's bullies with lawsuits? It's been almost an year since the whole "Lana is dating a minor" ordeal, yet no signs of lawsuits from his side against all the defamatory claims.
And yet, the same Terence makes fun of JP from HollandHouse for not presenting him a lawsuit straight away when he threatened Eight a few weeks back to file one against his claims (of JP being a pedophile who lowkey groomed his son's friends).
The hypocrisy is overabundant.
No. 613985
File: 1529324682312.jpeg (1002.26 KB, 1125x668, 04518F43-989A-4F13-BFDE-6D57C3…)

>>402703Oh god , her original character looks so bad when you actually put it in an anime/game setting. It’s a hot mess and the pink katana over the green bra lmao, this is such an unfortunate design
No. 613997
File: 1529326384058.jpeg (671.81 KB, 1125x1490, D0EBF190-C16D-4CFD-B9BF-307E5C…)

Mr Expert on the human mind who can heal autism doesn’t know the simple proven fact that depression can simply be a chemical imbalance in the brain. He solved this one, all the smart ppl studying this should go home now. Damn he’s so stupid and tries so hard so make everyone hate him but at the same time he’s God and immensly kind, such a repulsive mess of a human being
No. 614002
File: 1529326855653.jpeg (804.82 KB, 1125x2190, 6146F861-20C3-4585-BBB9-371441…)

Have ya’ll seen this? Stormy is calling them out lol
No. 614008
>>613985Do I understand correctly that this is her OC? Aka a character she cane up with? Explains why I see nothing about it when I search kek.
Is your pic a fanart?
No. 614025
File: 1529328941351.png (448.93 KB, 1440x1870, Screenshot_20180618-153226.png)

Pretty sure Hidori is tweeting about Lana. I hope she wasn't attacked by the cult or anything, she seems like a sweet girl who loves her job and is ACTUALLY supportive of fellow camgirls and cosplayers alike (unlike Lana who claims to care about the community but barely ever shows support to anyone)
No. 614026
>>614008Yes, I think she called it her mascot
>>614016The even creepier part? While Lana herself is quite young, Terrance is almost 30 now and tbh it looks like their end goal was for HIM to pair up with the 16 year old, and Lana was just the bait, this is a predatory act of the highest degree of creepiness, sounds like the start of the classical "teen lured into sex cult with the help of a young girl then drugged and persuaded to do sex work by a 30 years old man with no job"
No. 614028
File: 1529329044170.png (348.07 KB, 1440x1441, Screenshot_20180618-153110.png)

they were following each other recently too
No. 614033
File: 1529329395119.png (7.91 KB, 848x121, Screenshot-2018-6-18 Lana Rain…)

Nova answering the question after lana did. Sorry to say can't really believe her because she drank the kool-aid. Also she goes between genders like lana did. If Terrance wanted to be called a girl you think he would have told them to call him a her. I think that they go in between because it gives gender fluidity which to them makes him seem more god like.
No. 614037
>>614032Maybe you can dm her and find out for sure.
>>614034Oh didn't know.
No. 614039
File: 1529329654727.png (10.79 KB, 914x145, Screenshot-2018-6-18 Lana Rain…)

Nova complaining about the call that was used against Lana and the cult.
No. 614042
>>614040True. I also agree with that statement. Once the wool is pulled from peoples eyes and they call the group out the group turns their followers against that sex worker.
>>614041I see that reason why. It could end up being bad for her.
No. 614283
File: 1529352921241.jpg (140.01 KB, 1200x700, fgdfhgfh.jpg)

The mental gymnastics of this guy, I cant even fathom.
No. 614857
File: 1529397536078.jpeg (384.17 KB, 1125x809, B352A48E-7D37-425C-A543-BA6C3E…)

Lmao , Shane just compared 8 to the average 12 yrs old raging LoL player, wow I guess he’s right but he’s making their situation worse. He and Nova are so dumb that everytime they try to help they make 8 and Lana look worse
No. 614924
File: 1529411700122.png (7.63 KB, 1115x100, Screenshot-2018-6-19 Lana Rain…)

Its not the only thing we go on. We have proof from cb. The problem is that he uses twitter to attack people. Theres also the fact that his twitter talks about how shoorms are the best thing ever or how he's amazing.
No. 615280
File: 1529443290047.png (1.16 MB, 1108x629, fixed.png)

>>613985Her OC looks like a really shitty Gaia Online avatar. Fixed it for her btw, actually looks like her a little now.
No. 615528
>>615524they also claimed he cured their depression
also, one of Vero's main issues is depression
makes me wonder now if that was a jab at her because she's turned against them
No. 616435
File: 1529550295421.png (5.08 KB, 862x80, Screenshot-2018-6-20 Lana Rain…)

Just dogue whiteknighting again. Can't take him seriously because he's drank the kool-aid. Lana hasn't answered any questions in a while. Its mostly other people coming to defend eight and lana now.
No. 616463
>>616193His word salads are getting worse. Full blown schizophrenia when?
>>616448Isn't she a little old now to start an idol phase?
No. 617690
File: 1529637447180.jpg (33.09 KB, 370x493, nova.jpg)

>>617345I mean, why settle for this
>>429160>>447053>>494888>>501523when you can have this?
I'm just surprised Nova is desperate enough to settle with someone like Terrance, but I guess he still has just enough of that inheritance money to spend on girls who aren't Lana.
No. 617893
>>617690She's most likely in it for the cash and drugs. When Terence is sucked dry, she's gonna look for someone else to exploit.
>>617660Terence and Nova have eleven years of age gap, Lana I believe five or six.
No. 617894
>>616980Did she ever finish it on twitch or hit at least ten hours worth of gameplay?
And her youtube videos are scripted, you can find the scripts of her NieR videos on her website. Once again, scripts sound nothing like her. Terence must have at the very least proofread all of it… if he didn't write them himself, which is most likely the case.
No. 617908
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Lana looks like a hag compared to Nova, and the pic is airbrushed.
No. 617983
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The age gap isn't even that big. Truly tragic.
No. 618069
>>617983Wow. Lana's hairline is really receeding.
Not sure how far the rabbit hole Nova will go down. Lana is exceptionally damaged, even for a camgirl and Nova might be just a little bit saner than her.
No. 618196
>>618140Nah. Lana has some really ugly facial features, she'd still look pretty damn bad. The fact she doesn't even take proper care of herself is disgusting though.
>>618148She loves Lana and Eight, they've been friends for a long time now. She's just less retarded, probably because she lives far away and barely ever sees them.
No. 618994
File: 1529754345556.jpeg (939.62 KB, 1125x1116, F911B7CB-5A27-4FEE-B119-0FB1FF…)

>>618839This was her in 2014 , she is degrading fast. She was never a looker but the baby fat was helping a little I think, not sure if drugs are the problem or just really unfortunate genes
No. 619454
File: 1529797906047.jpg (890.98 KB, 2941x1230, Shane.jpg)

Picture: Elevated Shane in the near future.
The other day Shane was preaching on his broadcast that you have to build your armor from insecurities, that’s how you are becoming yourself and a confident person. Does this BS make any sense to you? Is it some animu wisdom he comes up with or does it come from their Mole Man? In the chat some Dutch dude wrote, “The more you chat, the more stupidity comes out!”.
Today he’s talking about his ex friend, “Let’s not shit on Johnny, let’s elevate him.” Pretty sure Johnny dreams about being elevated. Shane is all the time talking about being used by his ex friends, and I’m not sure I follow this, because in the past he made a good buck thanks to his friends, so who used whom in that sense?
Somebody was wondering before if he has HIV and a good way to tell is by looking at his face or belly, google lypoatrophy. But there’s some mystery going on with his face indeed. He claims to be late in development, but to me it seems he’s doing steroids.
And the last point — I have a question for you anons, is it just me or Shane and Lana really talk in the same intonation, on the same topics (elevation, being yourself) and even gesticulate with hands the same way? Lana does it all the time, but when Shane is high he does it a lot too. They just seem like people without any personality, puppets in The Little Ugly People Cult.
No. 619539
>>619504I think he does. He has his own old internet handle tattooed across his back. He has a huge ego and I think the drug use has only caused him to become more delusional. Not to mention, his weird, little sex cult off to the side always inflating his ego and hyping his "claims".
>>619454>>617983I like how the most long time members of this "totally not a cult" look so sickly, dead-eyed, and used up. The newer members are in for a rough ride, it seems.
No. 620050
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No. 620079
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I think these are the same legs from the new persona video. So proof that it was eight.
No. 620167
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so many upgrades
No. 620645
>>620050>>620079I guess this is what they meant when they said Lana's "new" roomie is a girl and the person in the video was a "girl". He's going by Valkyrie now and is going to try to transition?
Do you think he's going to keep that stupid hair?
No. 621251
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>>621203You must be joking. Isn't this her natural hair dyed bright blonde? That is the worst thing you can do to your hair. No way is her hair healthy.
No. 621493
File: 1529976302061.png (2.22 MB, 2880x1440, Screenshot_20180625-211835.png)

I watched bits of a recording of this liveshow and it was SO awkward. Lana kept repeating shit like "I always dress so dope" and Eight in the background was pulling pseudo-cool anime poses not saying a word even when people would talk to him. If through text he looks like a moron, he might look like it IRL even more so.
No. 621555
>>621493Those are some tiny legs and feet for a dude, no wonder he's trying to be a woman now. Isn't he also really short?
>>621273Your point? She's clearly not using any.
>>621251>>621253Is it not in Ter's budget for her to get her eyebrow's threaded? They always look so gross and bushy. Even worse so now that they don't match her hair.
No. 621586
>>621493This thread depresses me too much - this sad anime den, that fucking christmas tree, a fading manwhore with aids, a square titted 'loli' past her prime, a sentient troll doll raving incoherently about a field he has no real grasp of.
I'm glad it's immortalized here because it has the makings of a Tennessee Williams play, it feels like such an unbelievably tragic waste of human potential.
No. 622102
>>622054The part where their trans friend brought Eight a plate of food (I didn't watch the whole thing and I couldn't see very well what the food was, maybe chips) was the cringiest shit I've ever seen. Eight took one of the "chips" and started crushing it silently and shedding all the crumbs back on the plate. He didn't really speak for a while and just pulled anime poses while sitting on the couch.
I skimmed through the stream and saw him screaming like a child with Shane, which really shows the level of maturity and humour he holds (their jokes were so bad).
I'm thankful I'll never see him in real life now, I thought he's at his cringiest when he rants and throws blurbs on twitter. Instead, he somehow manages to look so much worse on webcam.
No. 622121
File: 1530038736189.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.96 KB, 2048x1145, IMG_20180626_143953.jpg)

Preview of Nova's upcoming ManyVids video. She states she'll be changing completely her style of content, meaning she'll become the new Lana Rain under Eight's guidance. Cinematography and coloring looks exactly like something you would expect of Lana's content, therefore I assume either Eight or Lana are taking care of the production for her. images need to be spoiled) No. 622755
>>622216Lana wants to be like Nova while Nova is being groomed into becoming the new Lana by Eight.
>>622219Looks like it, maybe Lana lend it to her.
>>622304Personally I haven't seen any proof that he actually has STD, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does
No. 622757
File: 1530107448480.png (346.69 KB, 1440x1446, Screenshot_20180627-042554.png)

I think something happened between these two after all. Whatever it might be, I am happy Hidori isn't associated with Lana anymore. No. 623243
Terence has to be the saddest individual in this cult. You can tell he's very insecure about his upbringing and his appearence, so he somehow brainwashed himself into thinking he's hot shit. He's so convinced he's better than other people now, that those who are around him (all while struggling to understand his nonsencial arguments) end up trusting him. Because he trusts himself this fucking hard, that people believe his words might hold some truth to them after all. I mean, how can someone trust themselves so much for no reason?
If his arguments get ridiculed for making zero sense, he tries to deflect the topic to something that might make the people he's arguing with feel bad, just so he doesn't feel cornered by anyone he's having a discussion with, and so he doesn't ever come to face the harsh reality: he's an insecure fool.
People like Lana stick with Terence through thick and thin because they're very insecure and sensible themselves, and someone like him who blindly empowers people with compliments he doesn't actually mean, makes them feel wanted and accepted. Terence, in exchange, gets faithful followers/concubines to brag about online, so he can show off to the world how wanted and adored he is. Most importantly, to show off to his conscious and self-aware self, that he's wanted and adored.
Long story short, in this cult they all abuse of each others stupidity, but Terence in particular is a morbidly depressing case. He comes off as someone angry online all the time… Because he's desperately running away from his inner problems.
No. 623531
>>623297They have been sperging like that for years. That's why I'm questioning why Hidori chose to stop supporting Lana only now. Doesn't matter though, the important is that she's out. No one should support someone like Lana, there's nothing remotely commendable in her work.
>>623263Just think about it. Shane has been friends with Eight and Lana for years now. Why did he get so close to them NOW? What was so groundbreaking for him to lead him to LIVE with these guys? If you look at the timeline, he became bffs with Lana and Eight around the time these two started sperging on Twitter about shrooms (because I assume they started taking them only then, which was about an year ago now). Cmon, it couldn't be any more obvious.
>>623264The new thread's cow should be Terence. Let's be real, homie's got milk in abundance.
No. 623721
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Comments under Nova's new ManyVids video, where she debuted a new "content style", filmed in Lana's apartment.
No. 626318
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No. 626319
File: 1530453456149.png (Spoiler Image,748.09 KB, 1440x1344, Screenshot_20180701-095451.png)

No. 626321
File: 1530453753437.png (Spoiler Image,622.14 KB, 1440x2209, Screenshot_20180701-095056.png)

Just Lana "casually" mentioning how she enjoyed filming Nova's new MV video, and Nova thanking her back for being taught by her how to color grade and edit, making their audience assume Nova edited the video on her own under Lana's guidance.
This is so fucking dumb.
No. 627232
File: 1530562951666.png (252.11 KB, 1440x1320, Screenshot_20180702-160816.png)

Now that Terence doesn't have Lana for himself anymore, he's grooming not only Nova, but even Sammy into turning into his new concubine. These two are moving together to NJ, and they've been tweeting at each other and to Eight more than they do to anyone else (including Lana and Shane). 3P, maybe? Yeah, definitely.
All these girls look very sensible, they allegedly grew up in bad environments that influenced their worldview negatively. Being with Eight makes them feel safe and powerful, because he empowers women like that. With words he obviously doesn't mean. He lowkey treats them like dumbshits and only gets close to them for sex, and the girls are in too much need of the rose colored glasses he provides them to even care to acknowledge the sad truth.
It's no coincidence the only people Terence seems to have in his life, have all taken psychedelics with him. Everyone else eventually distanced themselves. Sad.
No. 774106
Ayy, this article was posted in the new thread that somehow got deleted: don't have the screen shots, but apparently Lana and Terrance are trying to silence Nick using legal tactics. Also, apparently the minor that Lana and Terrance were involved with is back in their circle after seemingly leaving it.