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No. 100403
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about this cow yet.
Tana Mongeau is a 17 year old (the years have not been kind) self-obsessed wannabe famous YouTuber who spends her days making up ridiculous lies for her story time videos. Her dimwitted teenage fan base attacked a nail salon in Henderson, Nevada over allegedly "stealing" $950, basically destroying the business. In her story times, she often lies about
everything and can very easily be debunked with the use of a thing called
common sense.
She somehow blew up with half a million subscriptions in only about 6 months of being on YouTube by swearing like a sailor. Apparently, her fanbase consisting of teenage girls love her because they see her as "Regina George but nice" and for her "real and edgy" persona. One of her latest videos is of her fake crying over hate comments and hitting half a million subs,
Check out her cringeworthy YouTube videos for yourself.
YouTube: Instagram: No. 100408
>>100404Ok… why would you leave a bunch of cash just sitting in a purse? And why didn't her mom stop the lady from going into her purse and see them take the money out?
Also, she looks late 20's or 30's, not 17. It's probably not helped by her bleached hair and harsh makeup but geez… homegirl is gonna be haggard as fuck
No. 100410
>>100409She said she had taken the money out to pay a deposit or rent or something for her house. Funny that she doesn't mention it at all in
>>100405 though. If she only had 7 or 8 dollars then where did this magical $900 come from?
No. 100411
>>100405lmao so the bitch claims someone stole $950 from her and her debit card. but when asked if she could pay with cash she said she has like $8. What happened to the almost $1k she said she had?
Sounds like she lost her card and then tried to blame the nail salon. What a cunt.
I vote we keep her on /pt/
No. 100412
>>100411Also some of the comments are saying the $950 was her mom's money which was going towards bills, so Tana didn't even consider to think to use it? What?! If I noticed my debit card was gone and I needed to pay for a service, and I had almost $1k… I would use it to pay the people! Just dip into the "bill funds" and take the hit.
Sounds like she just wanted some free nails~
No. 100417
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Wouldn't be surprised if she was lying about being 17, but some of her older selfies on IG really do look like something dumb teenagers do.
No. 100422
>>100405She thinks it's illegal not to have security cameras in a place of business and she fucking scoffs at the woman when she asks if she has a driver's licence by saying "no, I'm 17." Because it's impossible for a 17 year old to have a driver's licence? Yeah, you really schooled her on that one.
I work retail and and this is totally a classic situation of a person who has the whole "the customer is always right!" memtality, when she's the one who doesn't have any money to pay for the service she received and is blaming the staff of stealing a card that she either forgot or misplaced. Ridiculous.
The man handling the situation is being super professional and level headed when I'm sure all he wanted to do was rip off the nails that she couldn't pay for.
No. 100423
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>>100421maybe you didnt think that she may have dropped out or graduated early.
also, a lot of parents dont give a shit what their kids do, i know that mine never did.
she's not a cow, i think she's funny even if she lies. at least she's real as shit unlike a lot of "story time" youtubers.
>inb4 "hi tana" No. 100426
>>100423actually I hate her storytime videos the most out of any I've ever seen, and I watch a lot.
She's whiny as fuck and exaggerates to the fucking extreme. Her videos are nothing but clickbait (like that's anything new though).
She's a basic-ass, botoxed, bimbo.
And Tana is not the only one who does the "OMG KEEPIN IT REAL 4 MY HOMIIESSS YAAAAASSS LOL" thing so don't try and act like she's special because of it.
No. 100433
Not sure how she is fooling anyone with the "Im 17" thing. Even ignoring how she doesnt look 17, nothing about her is like a highschooler. It sounds more like she and her friends are college age, and since she is american then
>>100417 is likely her at 19/20 if that comment is truthful. Of course she isnt smart enough to be actually in college but Im sure some of her friends are and she parties with them.
No. 100444
>>100417Holy Hell, this proves that she's trashy as fuck.
>>100438Well, I won't mind at all if she ever does. I'll find it amusing, and it'll only negatively reflect her.
No. 100445
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She looks like an ugly Jessica Nigri knockoff
No. 100446
>>100445that's what I was thinking
she looks so manly, from her nose and downwards reminds me of owen wilson
No. 100448
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>>100446Oh God, you're right. Especially with that stupid face she's pulling.
No. 100454
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Not that this site is super accurate but I'm still laughing my ass off
No. 100455
I believe her with the nail salon thing only because she has enough money for everything else, literally no one is going to brag about being dumb enough to lose that much money, there were people that prior to her going public had said they had been stolen from, things like that just don't go missing, and the fact that the employee moved all their bags before allowing the police to search. She also doesn't sound rehearsed, is clearly emotionally distraught, and has none of the mannerisms of someone telling a very lengthly lie. That and I'm assuming it was some nowhere suburban trash nail salon, and tbh those people can be shady.
Extremely stupid of her to not only pay someone to do a service in a place she immediately felt unsafe in but sit through what was apparently a very painful service. She also obviously shouldn't have let anyone touch her shit or take her eyes off of it when she had to move. However if that was me and it was a dumb mistake that everyone makes and I was focused on the service, I would have lost my mind. I understand wanting to empathize with the nail salon bc she comes off a way, but if you feel that way you obviously haven't been stolen from.
She needs to cool it with the dark eyebrows and black makeup if she wants to keep her platinum hair and not look as aged. I don't hate on noses because that's a really tired thing, but she should do her make up/styling smarter to tone down the harshness. Probably used some eyeshadow instead of harsh eyeliner.
But she also seems like someone who actively does not give a fuck about looking less harsh, and I kind of respect that.
No. 100457
>>100455Yeah a few other people have had similar experiances from long before Tana went there and the video the salon released somewhat adds to me beleiving her just due to the fact they lied about having no cameras and then proceeded to use a camera to record customers without permission.
I personally enjoy tana, though I do think she lies for comedidc value on some of her videos.
I would say she is 17 or so soley based on the ages of her friends who appear in her video.
She's fun but imo more of a snowflake than cow.
No. 100458
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Her friends look around her age if im honest, so I think its more likely she looks older in comparison to lolcows usuk ''uguuu kawayy loli'' makeup style than the chance of her lying about her age.
No. 100464
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She's ugly af
No. 100465
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No. 100470
>>100464>>100465I mean, she's not a stunner but she's not
that fucking bad. Come on now, guys.
No. 100478
>>100473She's mildly attractive in a basic way.
But she ruins it by bleaching her hair to oblivion, having bad skin and wearing pounds of makeup.
She's no beauty queen by far, but she's not terrible looking. She could be fairly attractive if she wasn't trying to be a "hot beach babe" or whatever.
No. 100481
>>100478Agreed – she's attractive in a basic way. Not beautiful, or even pretty, but guys go absolutely nuts for long, bleach-blond hair and boobage so I'm sure she gets all kinds of attention.
Guys are dumb.
No. 101908
>>101808Every title is "I was attacked!" "I was kidnapped!" "I was in a car accident!" WTF. Her friend "dearalexia" has exactly one video she put up, and it's about "simplynessa" being pregnant.
Maybe someone
should make a thread about her…
No. 102042
are the biggest and most annoying offenders.
No. 102202
>>101874This thread is so pointless. You're grasping at straws. There's no milk here.
>>101805For real.
No. 102265
>>101874i can't even make it through this video because of her voice. she sounds like she always has a dick in her throat
people probably tell this bitch she's pretty but she looks like a kmart version of courtney stodden
No. 103916
>>103914She keeps stressing that she felt like people would get mad at her and say she's like "every other YouTuber" if she moved houses.
Is this a thing? Do people actually get mad at people on the internet for moving into new homes?
If so, YouTuber fans are fucking ridiculous.
No. 104068
>>103914LOL the video about Disneyland came on after this and it is so full of shit.
She claims Disneyland ran out of water because it was so hot and told them to go to a gas station for water, and charged $50 for a spray bottle fan (jacked up the prices because of demand) and then let people play in the fountains.
Um… if Disneyland did indeed run out of bottled water (I doubt it), they have water fountains all over the place, and you can get a cup of water at any restaurant for free. They also don't jack up the price of things in demand for one day, prices are printed on everything and they are so concerned with guests having a good experience that they don't pull shit like that.
Also, there are not really any fountains that you can play in (there's one in Tomorrowland but you can walk on it anytime) so unless Disneyland let people jump into the freaking Rivers of America and the pond by Tomorrowland and the castle moat… ya that didn't happen.
Like, any of this stuff is obvious to anyone who's gone to Disneyland pretty much ever.
(Yes, I'm a local with an annual pass but I wouldn't believe this shit anyway, it's way too nuts)
No. 104413
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No. 104446
>>104413She doesn't look that bad here. Like a normal teenage girl with bad hair, but we all had some stuff we regret.
This looks a thousand times better than her stripper style she has now.
No. 104504
>>103916It's a lot of backlash for renting a huge home just because you can and it stays half empty, like you're wasting money and trying to show off your wealth.
A lot of celebrities in the 2000s got backlash for it as well (around the height of the reality tv/mtv cribs era) because they'd have these huge mansions but there'd be like, a couch and a table in a huge sitting room and the bedrooms were one big bed and nothing else. It feels impersonal and like the person doesn't actually care/just wants to show off how nice a place they can get but don't plan on actually living there.
No. 110971
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this makes me appreciate my skin, sure i have some redness sometimes but holy crap girl needs to get that checked out.. once her hair is out of the way she has nothing going for her
No. 118362
Not gonna read this thread or waste more than five minutes watching this boring bitch (because there are a thousand other youtubers, instagram girls, & social media queens just like her, actual 17-year-olds too) but I just wanna say that the sudden easy access to fame via the internet in the past couple of years is possibly the worst thing to happen to the human race, ever.
If you locked this girl in an auditorium with her 40,000 internet "friends" she's so proud of, she would be begging for you to end it with a bullet to her head within an hour. That's the problem with this whole e-fame thing. She doesn't have to acknowledge that 30k of those "friends" are actually creepy, thirsty men who would have her diving for her rape whistle on sight if she saw them coming up to her IRL. The rest are a mix of clueless teeny boppers who think she's awesome and then who knows fuck else (probably haters, mostly).
Internet fame literally comes down to luck and to how much of a whore you're willing to be for the faceless, thirsty masses. And yet it's a source of pride to girls like this who think they're the shit because of it, and a terrible standard to set for the younger girls who make a role model out of her.
No. 123889
>>104068omg sorry i have to put in my two cents in because i work at disney (haven't watched her video and i won't because i'll just want to comment useless shit on her video)
disney doesn't just run out of fucking water lmfao in fact on extremely hot days we have FREE WATER STATIONS where we hand out little bottles of ice cold dasani for fucking free and like you said, we have hundreds of water fountains just in one park alone. and also spray bottles are somewhere around ~$30 we don't just magically jack up the price in the middle of the day for demand.
also anon i'm glad you said something about this. i wonder if her video is as bad as the youtuber who said she was verbally harassed by a cm at splash mountain.
sage for massive ot
No. 126326
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You guys. Holy shit. This bitch is a fucking shape shifter.
No. 130775
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At the start of Tana's latest video. All over her Twitter she's going on about "nose doctors" and NEEDING the surgery for "breathing problems" and "nosebleeds" because she's too ashamed to admit she's getting a nose job for cosmetic reasons. So "real". When she comes back with a tiny, non-Owen Wilson nose we'll know the truth.
No. 130915
>>130842Tana fans confirmed for brain dead. But hey, it's perfectly fine to
bully salons that aren't even affiliated with the Luxy Nail Salon in Las Vegas even if they didn't have anything to do with the alleged "theft" that occurred, right? But please, kept defending the screaming liar and believe everything she says. Go choke on a cock. It's what the brain damaged variety of teenage girls love to do these days, right?
No. 130963
>>130842I hate when people call a 17 and a half year old a child and that you shouldn't criticize her. 16 and under? Sure give them a break but 17-18 is pretty much the same thing. Can't wait til she turns 18 and people can bash her without being told she's a child. What will she have to defend herself with then?
(Also no child talks about getting banged with a tooth brush and eating ass, I always roll my eyes when people call a vile teenager and angelic delicate child)
No. 146343
>>141495>also,her stories are true and most are proven with videosBecause it's totally
impossible to stage YouTube videos. No one ever scripts things, no. That never happens, not even in movies!
>well if it happens to u, u would probably do the same thing and she didnt expose the nail salon shop in the first place.How did she
not expose the nail shop? She fucking sent her idiotic fans (such as you) after
any salon named Luxy because 13 year old girls are the perfect disposable army that blindly believe anything. And no, I wouldn't handle it the way she did because for one, it's immature as fuck and two, you can get sued for defamation because it results in a loss of revenue. If she were actually telling the truth, she'd file a police report.
No. 146529
>>146448Yeah, I mean when I saw the video I googled the lady's name out of curiosity and I didn't see any social media or any info at all really. So hopefully that means her fans can't find a way to harass her.
I still feel like using someone's real name is just beyond shitty though. And completely unnecessary to tell your "story"
No. 162460
>>162294I love how Tana's fans are stupid enough to use their email addresses in the field lmao. You have to be at least 18 to post here.
Anyway, since a dumb white knight bumped the thread, I talked to someone who works at the Luxy Nail salon. She says that this isn't the first time Tana and her family tried to scam the place and despite what her haters want to believe, the business is thriving. And who in the fuck uploads a video talking about dildos they had when they were 13?! Great role model to the younger generation. But let them worship their con artist horse faced queen.
No. 164637
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>>164435>>116847>>124061>>130842>>141495>>162294>>163510You always hear jokes about how youtubers fans are 10 y/o kids (every comment section on yt reeks of underb8it) but seeing them appear here- so unable to hide their power levels- is kinda entertaining. I haven't seen a thread get infested with this many children elbow deep in a cows asshole before. Can it be argued Tana's a cow because her followers produce relatively potent lulz?
Also does anyone know how they got here? Did Tana name drop us? Googled her, we showed up a relatively far down. But like who stans someone so hard they google them, check all related content regularly like an avid internet user, and still get severely butthurt enough over the mild criticism ITT to bother whiteknighting?
No. 166586
>>165780I'd be all for it but I have no idea where to start.
Yo, Tana's old schoolmate, you still around?
No. 167401
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>>164637>>167388people call out her lies and then literally offer to find her stalker and all stans see is that we called their lord and savior nasty looking. yall only mention the name calling because you know the rest is true. Clearly you from fucking yt like go back home and try to whiteknight her video comment sections if youre so fucking hot n bothered by comments that dont succ her.
No. 178813
>>178308You really think that people piggybacking off of someone else's drama is
new? Since you're obviously 13 years old, I'm going to tell you a little bit about how the real world works. I'm friends with someone who knows the owner of the salon. The police came out, yes, indeed they did. But do you know what happened? When Tana Banana told her story, they fucking
laughed at her because her story was so stupid and made no sense.
"They say they don't believe in security cameras!"
That's fucking bullshit. No where did they ever say that in a conversation. But by all means, please keep defending Tana and stupidly bumping her thread when no one said anything here for about a month. Her lies are constantly being exposed and dumb teenagers like you and the rest of her fanbase are gullible enough to believe it. One day you'll look back at all this and say, "Why did I ever defend this girl so much?"
No. 180031
>>179393>>179389I just watched all the videos on this today, honestly I would love to find out who this creepy fucker is. I just found about about this chick so i don't know much about her.
also why is this thread full of people using names and emails? its like the only thread that does this. Spur of the moment thought - think that sicko stalker found this thread? It would make sense since he's clearly obsessed over her.
No. 180034
>>180033What I want to know most is why this thread is full of Names/Emails/ and straight up bullshit.
I thought the TaylorR and leafy threads were bad. This is the only one i've seen that has got this bad.
Judging by her videos the stalker seems like the kind of guy to be a regular on this thread.
idk i'm most likely reaching.
No. 180317
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>>180031I'm pretty skeptical on whether or not her stalker exists… If he does, she does embellish a lot. For example, the story that she was emailed in her previous video she changed the details of. It was written by a horror stories writer a few years ago, he even confirmed on twitter that he emailed it to her and a few other people as a Halloween thing.
>Pic related, proof that she changed the colour of her eyes to "blue green" from "blue." The comments are even calling her out on her bullshit.Also, isn't it strange that her phone is doubled but the police aren't doing anything about it? Considering that the alleged stalker has been jailed, and was allegedly stalking several other girls. Shouldn't he be considered a threat to other people?
And the polaroids that the stalker "took." So the cops found they had no prints… so they gave them back to her? This sounds like a big deal, and someone COULD be charged with breaking and entering and wire tapping.
Does any of her "stans" have a rebuttal for this? Or anyone really. I'm not a fan, although I have enjoyed the few videos I've watched of hers.
No. 181446
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She is lying about the whole stalker story. She is not that pretty and not to mention that she is keeps changing the story to things over time. She sees a guy look at her. Makes a video saying that a guy was sexually harassing her.
No. 181461
>>180317In this day and age it's not that easy to break into someone's home without them knowing especially if they're home.
IDK but if I had a stalker to that level I would have not only my front door but also bedroom door locked and unless her stalker ALSO happens to be a master lockpicker (once again easily preventable if you add a latch on the door that wouldnt be able to be picked) People cant pick latches and if he was to kick the door down it would have woken her up/set off alarms.
Also she obviously has on a full face of makeup on in that supposed 'omg the stalker snuck into my place and too pictures' You can tell from
>>126326 that her eyelashes/eyebrows aren't that dark naturally and especially with the flash of a shitty polaroid. Also where's the proof? If this is all true wouldn't people know exactly who he is at this point? None of it adds up at all.
No. 181471
>>181461I agree. Tana has more than enough money to spend on her appearance, shopping, travel and outings, but somehow she's still a sitting duck with no possible security measures in place against her lifelong stalker?
Shell out for some good locks and latches and spend ten minutes with a power drill putting them in, look into home security cameras, buy a shiny new iPhone so you can factory reset the "bugged" one and throw it in a dumpster. Done. Easy.
I know she doesn't have a whole lot of common sense, but I don't buy that she's
totally unable to figure any of this shit out.
No. 181497
>>181471in order for him to clone her iPhone, he'd need to have access to her Sim card for an extended period of time, a blank simcard and a spare iPhone to put it in.
And iPhones aren't like android where you can just pop the back open, I'm pretty sure you need special tools to even get to the battery.
even if he had her apple iD and was checking her through that, he wouldn't get all this info.
No. 191351
>>191292 Kid, stay in school, because your grammar is painful to even try to read.
>>191294This is something I have noticed with a lot of young kids nowadays, not saying that Tana is a kid, or anything. But, I remember my mother telling me how back in the 80's or 90's, there used to be an issue with young girls, 10-12-year-olds in Chile, who used to develope breasts way before they had hit puverty. In the end, it had been hormones that was put in chicken and other foods. Like that, it could be her diet that is causing her to age so fast.
No. 191353
>>184038>how fucking ignorant and insecure somebody must be to spend their time and energy talking shit OT and late but why is this such a common argument? Tons of people allocate their time doing unproductive things on the internet all day anyway, time spent talking shit was their free time to do whatever regardless. Also what about the paradox about how talking shit is a waste of time yet OP feels the need to waste time coming here to tell us to fuck ourselves? Isn't that showing insecurity? And how is typing from the comfort of home on your own free time considered such an energy expending effort? Literally took two minutes to create a dialogue and hit 'new reply.' Is creating a post such a mental gymnastic for some people? Yikes.
Fucking hell this is so pathetic.
No. 193115
>>191887She's Trash. You're Trash. We're all Trash.
Check out Trash - the exciting new collab channel fronted by the one and only Queen Tana - No. 197183
>>194606I actually believe her. I think most of her story time shit is made up, but she has a point. She could lie about anything she wanted to get views. Why would she choose this?
Also her hair is falling out? And she keeps crying? I dunno, it seems legitimate to me.
No. 197256
>>197183…why? she's a classic liar.
>She could lie about anything she wanted to get views. Why would she choose this?cause that stalker story she did at first is the only thing that ever gave her attention…that's the point john was trying to get at. she really wouldn't get views if she tried something else. the only successful videos she has are the stalker ones, so of course all this "wacky crazy" stuff is suddenly happening so she can keep making them.
Her hair is falling out cause she's a dumb bitch that bleaches her hair like crazy, trisha paytas style (also bald). she keeps crying because everyone is attacking her on the internet; but the only reason people are calling her out is because she lied, she won't stop with the fucking lies. its frustrating.
i believe the whole "someone made a mean website about me in elementary school and called me :O", but i don't believe any of the dumb shit she pulled out after that vid went big. so yeah, some of it might be true like you say, but that doesn't change the fact she's lied numerous times on the new vids. like.
No. 197474
>>194606She's lying. A lot of her explanations aren't making any sense. The principal being able to do an online trace of the MySpace page back to her stalker?
What the fuck?That guy points out all of her bullshit really well.
No. 197521
>>197183She doesnt answer any questions that have been asked in that video, honestly just creates more questions.
If she knows who the stalker is, she should have just asked for a restriction order. Its not that hard to get one. Esp not if hes breaking into her house and watching her sleep. Honestly hope he picks the new video apart too because ???
No. 197535
>>197183She never "answers questions" or "clears things up" in that video. It's not a "frequently asked questions" video, it's a grab for sympathy so that people will ease up on calling her out. This guy
>>194606 even kind of took the bait by saying "Oh I totally believe she has a stalker" in his "reaction" video to this. Her entire story is suspicious as fuck.
>"He screencapped my Snapchats to post on Instagram, but he doesn't have a phone number" (even though you need a phone for both those apps, and a phone number for Instagram)>"The school traced the MySpace and Facebook accounts" (doesn't go on to explain how they could possibly do that)And then there was that story about going hiking with her friends, and her "stalker" knowing that she didn't paint one of her toenails, texting her what number she was thinking of after she yelled out her car window "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 500!", the "stalker" drawing a smiley face in the steam of her friend's mirror while she was taking a shower (complete thriller movie bullshit), him driving to her house and taking photos of her home while her mother just "thought it was one of the neighbors" and doing nothing to stop him or even ask what the fuck he was doing.
On top of all this, no screencaps of any sort. In her position, I'd be capping like a crazy person and getting as much proof of his madness as possible. If she doesn't want to give his name out (which is kind of a poor excuse, considering he definitely knows she's been spreading his story, she's admitted to being the "whistleblower" to the police and having him arrested, and openly mocked/insulted him more than once not only in her videos, but to his face with all her friends in that one "group message" she mentioned. If he could possibly be agitated by her actions, she would've had her life threatened and been forced into hiding long ago. If the things she's been saying in these videos are true, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain by exposing him publicly. Even the police already know about him), she could easily just black out or blur photos of him/his usernames and just show the messages, Instagram page(s), Twitter, etc.
But she won't, and it's probably because she's lying and she's somehow not dedicated enough to make fake screencaps or fake accounts.
No. 197706
>>197535>>197521To add to everything else you guys are pointing out, horse face moved from Texas to Nevada recently. So how in the
hell does she still have a stalker?! Bitch is lying
Her fans as we see from not only her YouTube comments but from this thread, are too stupid to use common sense or think that their queen is a liar. Her stalker doesn't even exist.
No. 198097
>>197535One more thing I forgot to add: She said he was arrested for "underage pornography". ie child pornography. According to her, he was charged for installing cameras into young girl's rooms and bathrooms and watching them change/shower.
But he just "got out of jail" in a matter of what? Weeks? Months? Less than a month? However long it took for Tana to churn out a new video.
That's not how it works. He'd probably be in jail a lot longer than it'd take for Tana to be able to tell her "story" in YouTube videos and garner a prime amount of views, and he'd be in the sex offenders category, his name available for public access (which, again, makes hiding his identity even more counterproductive and useless).
No. 204819
>>204812No one cares about this bitch. Ya'll keep bumping a dead thread.
Everyone here has more interesting people to talk about.
No. 207039
>>123889Don't act like Disney CMs are saints. I was a CM and as a guest I've been berated by CMs - and I'm respectful and nice af.
I've also been raped by another CM (from Splash, actually) so like, fuck the idea that CMs are all mild tempered angels
No. 207064
>>2070390-100 real fast anon
No. 209881
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>>209868I spent like five min searching like two months ago, all I saw was stupid posts like this. I want to know too No. 218546
>>218531ikr, I tried to find out if he's real after I've seen her first stalker video when it was still fresh.
I wonder if her bullshit will ever reach Trisha Paytas level. Their audiences are kinda similar.
No. 240314
>>239687tana said she was paying her heaps and it was just fucking 10$/hour.
what the fuck.
how come nobody is talking about that joocy n word drama? No. 240344
File: 1485460602982.png (828.81 KB, 1220x600, 346755643.png)

here are the racist comments, that people have found of her (two are just screenshots of videos).
apparently she was still saying it when she was 16, considering the snapchat on the left, instead of 13 how she keeps claiming.
No. 240377
>>239687omg this video.. her ex-assistant seems dumb af. if you're supposed to get paid $30 to do someone's laundry but you literally destroy their clothes by not sorting them, you really shouldn't expect $30 girl……. like, you're lucky she isn't making you replace the shit you ruined?? lol also you shouldn't need to be told to sort yo laundry. it's how laundry works. all this shit over $30 is cracking me up tho ngl lol
&…….tana sounds like a dick (your dog should not be shitting inside, tf). it's like a 100% lose-lose drama rh
No. 240686
File: 1485519033320.jpg (67.13 KB, 575x1024, 7564321425.jpg)

here's another one
No. 241078
>>240377Actually, legally speaking that's not how emploent works. Whether or not it should work like that is debatable, but from a legal standpoint, whether she ruined the clothes or not is irrelevant in her entitlement to the money.
Also, the assistant had mentioned that she had done her clothes that way every time without incident in the past and, if you have a decent washer, you shouldn't have to sperarate at all. I have never once in my entire life washed my clothes separately and never has there been an issue as a result, the entire concept of "separates" is so foreign and strange to me. It really is the kind of thing you should be warning about beforehand.
No. 241122
>>240594lmao. she really messed up on this one.
i think it was the right move for her to address the n-word situation so quickly.
she opened a whole new can of worms, talking about trump though.
luckily for her, most of her subscribers are kids and don't care about politics (yet).
No. 241141
If you have dog shit on your laundry, why would you pile more on? Legally speaking, Yeah Tana should have paid for it no matter the outcome. Better yet, why is her dog not potty trained?
As for the work environment, I wholesomely agree, first of all pay comes when it's agreed upon. If you miss out on an early pay which was agreed upon to be paid early, you will be in trouble as a boss. Never ever fuck with someones pay. I've quit because a boss paid two weeks late. It's not a good sign. I was employed two weeks later by my now ex-boss who was amazing (I went back to uni /end of blogpost). Tana should learn quick that if something is agreed upon by text messages, it is binding. You can't leave something unpaid because you weren't satisfied with the quality drop, when it's caused by you, you can just not commission again.
No. 241222
>>240344She was blonde in some of these which makes her older than 13 right?
No. 241236
>>241228i'm dying.
btw, here is the comment she made about idubbbz, that apparently started this whole mess:, at 8:34 talking about donald trump was her bf going to say "you are his biggest (supporter)" and she kept shouting "stop"??
No. 241238
>>241236Dude you know she legitimatly calls people nigger, I can just tell shes one of those bitches that if she gets slighted by a black person she'd screech NIGGER at them.
10/10 Tana is a closet racist that avoids all blacks so she won't get
triggered and sperg NIGGER.
No. 241257
I truly don't understand the point of even badmouthing this ex assistant. It's not like this girl is well known. What did Tana get from badmouthing? Personally, I think she just got enjoyment from being the bad bitch. And for Tana's sake, if a future employer calls, she better not lie.
I'm in the middle of lawsuit against my ex boss for breaking the law. Aka, not paying me hours. I know how this works and you're right. Doesn't matter if she destroyed clothes, Tana still needs to pay her. Plus, it's just 30. You can't tell me Tana doesn't have 30 extra laying around.
This girl got proof too. She did her job well, messages and who knows what else.
I'm curious why her dog isn't house trained too… Having a dog poop on your clothes. Gross.
Also, I know Tana mentioned an expensive dress was ruined? Forget how much it was worth, but could remember sitting there and being like, Tana, you're an idiot. Why would you leave an expansive dress on the floor? Better yet, why didn't you take it to be professional cleaned?
As I said before, Tana is 18. Doesn't know how to be a boss. Well Tana, you learn to be one before hiring anymore people. Cause one-day, you might be finding a lawsuit at your doorstep.
No. 242160
>>242084it's not very relevant anymore, since it's pretty long ago and settled.
tana basically assblasted her so bad, that freelee started to wear make up in her following videos, out of mere insecurity.
also, it got boring quick, after tana called her out on her bullshit, since freelee was/is very obviously in the wrong and really desperate for any kind of attention.
No. 242527
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Addressing the dog pooping on the clothes laundry ex assistant situation: I'm pretty sure tana knew there was dog poop bc in a text to Alyssa she said "why would you put jeans with dog shit on them in the laundry?" And Alyssa responded saying that she didn't know the jeans had dog poop on them and that she only found out when she took them out of the washer. So, how did tana KNOW that it was the JEANS that had dog poop on them? After everything got ruined in the wash it would have been impossible to tell what item of clothing originally had the shit on it, bc it was all over everything, every item. And Bella in tanas you now stream mentions the jeans too. But Alyssa didn't even know there was dog poop on anything or even which item was the "patient zero". Conclusion: I think tana knew her dog pooped a bit on her jeans and was a lazy bitch and didn't do anything about it and didn't even mention it to Alyssa, and just expected her to know or do something about it and just deal with it. Either she forgot to tell her and then when everything got ruined, she blamed her out of convince. Or she just thought she didn't need to mention it bc she expected her slave to tend to it and psychically know.
But I 100% think tana knew the poop was on her jeans before Alyssa even did the laundry, and is just sticking to her guns and blaming Alyssa bc she has no other choice in fear of looking like an A+ cunt.
Also, I know tanas lying about paying Alyssa, she younow'd with john kuckian and flashed her phone on the cash pay app and it just showed the last payment as $216 and she tried to scroll down more but it kept showing the que circle loading but nothing showing up and the que stopping. I have the same app. When your looking at your payment history, when scrolling down, the que appears for only a sec, then your later payments load, if you try to scroll down, and the que appears, but doesn't load anymore payments. Then that's it, there are no more payments, it's the end of your payment history. $216 was what she paid Alyssa right before she was suppose to pay her the $30. Therefore, $216 was the last payment. Tanas just lying, she even sent a text (ex assistants receipts) saying "I would have paid you…." then after it turns into "I just paid you" then "I already sent your payment, but I'll resend it right now" to "I paid you already!!!! GOD!" Just like the poop laundry, she said a lie, and now that it's permanently on the web, she has to keep denying & insisting she paid her (with no proof) so ppl don't think she lied about it all.
That's like her go to tactic:
>lies about something publicly on internet
>oh shit! They're calling me out on my lie!
>imma just keep lying
>I swear to god I'm telling the truth
>I just don't have proof
>plz let this die out soon it's hard to keep my lies str8
& don't get me started on her "stalker" story. I've gathered lots of evidence if anons care, holla and I'll dump them. It follows the same theory except she keeps lying to back up her lies, & bc those vids got her noticed/views.
I can't wait for idubbz to bust her lying ass on the next content cop, she deserves it after blatantly lying about him to cover up her use of the N word scandals that she's been in.
Pic related of other yt comments pointing this out.
No. 242540
File: 1485851871551.jpg (209.25 KB, 1024x701, IMG_5860.JPG)

>>242531Gathering evidence now, might take me a few hours to put it together, but I always deliver.
In the meantime enjoy this collage I did in honor of queen tana~
Also I screencapped her younow like crazy where tons of her fans are calling her out on specific lies as she says them, her fans getting upset that they're tipping her over & over with not one thank you, and ppl complaining they paid for VIP meet & greet and it was only 1/4th the promised time (which is what idubbz paid for in the N word video tana did)
I hope y'all have seen the video of what really happened between idubbz & tana & the N word debacle, it makes her video where she claims she was "in fear for her life and safety of everyone" & "assaulted in a neck choke hold" really shitty bc nothing like that happened.
No. 242542
File: 1485852184978.png (40.19 KB, 587x749, IMG_5786.PNG)

"I was in fear for my life"
"I was going to get security and metal detectors bc when he said 'say nigger!' While smiling at the camera I was scared for everyone's safety"
"It felt like every emotion left my body. I felt like a ghost"
"I was terrified, I thought he was going to harm me!"
No. 242727
>>242542She also said:
>He kinda like locks his arm around me, like around my neck like this (gestures)>It wasn't like a chokehold or anything, it was very like firm and like tight. Like I couldn't have really gotten out if that makes sense.>He had me like really firmly wrapped around him.>Arm locked around me! (gestures with arm around neck)From her description I would have assumed he had a death grip on her and was making at least some contact with her neck.
No. 243184
here's a pretty accurate 21-second summary of the whole thing
>>243077ikr? didn't expect that from him, since he seemed really acquiescent in the livestream-interview with her.
No. 243187
>>243184Tana is so sheltered it seems to me, like she doesn't go out much except to cons or what have you. I've had weird shit like this happen to me in public and I just would laugh about it cause I mean you're gonna encounter things like this and sometimes from legitimately crazy people. Her reality is wacked.
Where is she even from?
No. 243640
>>243187hell no. she doesn't believe half the shit she's saying (about white privilege etc).
she's trying to be as pc as possible to keep her fanbase as broad as possible.
also what
>>243194 said.
No. 244006
>>100445I look younger than her and I'm 21
She cannot be 17 or this bitch busted her face up something fierce
No. 244042
>>244006i can't tell if her genes are shit or if her lifestyle is shit. how does she look like that? she legit looks like she's in her mid 20s
where the hell are her parents? why are they letting her ruin her lips, live alone, get drunk/high, hang out with people way older than her, etc at her age? she's going to be busted in no time.
i'm not a prude by any means but god damn, don't do that to your face when you're not even old enough to vote jfc
No. 244160
lol this bitch….
>>243892 is she is actually making her assistant do what assistant should and not the job of a maid???
No. 246272
>>246195Maybe this is a better place to discuss this away from the hate boners at the CC thread.
I feel like he could've taken longer with this video but he did say that basically the whole commentary community had already covered on it so there was no point to it. He brings some valid points to the table. And I am glad we were finally able to see full footage of everything that happened.
No. 246289
>>243892Its so convenient that her apartment was super secure when talking to John, and then now she's like "WELL ITS NOT SECURE, THATS WHY I MOVED OUT"
She more or less implied that people could be more than happy to check it out themselves. And finding those doors is a no brainer, and would be so easy for murderous stalker to find.
Bitch pls. I think she she's so deluded she just believes in her own lies at this point
No. 246293
>>246195I tried going into this with an open mind, but I honestly cringe at the fact he traveled all the way and spent all that money for views. he could have gotten all these points across without being a totally autistic.
But he does bring up good points as to why Tana is totally shit and her content is shit.
No. 246436
>>243661Apparently she's too retarded to come up with a half decent excuse, so she's banking on the fact that almost none of her viewers grew up in Vegas, so they can't know for sure if she's full of shit.
So let me say this as someone who lived in Vegas from the age of 6 to the age of 12: I, and the kids around me, ABSOLUTELY knew "nigger" is racist and offensive as hell.
And even if "nigger" was casually used by everyone in Vegas to mean "friend" (which it isn't), by the time you're a teenager you'd almost certainly have learned that the rest of the country sees it as a slur.
>>246220Did she ever express support for BLM before this whole racism fiasco?
No. 246489
File: 1486472871376.png (325.28 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20170207-205703~2.p…)

>>246456She's finally realised that attempting to lie her way out of this isn't going to work and is just getting her into deeper shit.
'Apology' video with added probable crying and guilt-tripping incoming.
No. 246660
>>246293not at all. it was well worth it.
that way he could without a shadow of a doubt demonstrate objectively (with actual footage) how she is fabricating stories.
also, the whole fallout was just perfect.
No. 246710
>>246293He was one dedicated troll to travel and spend all that to prove a point.
That's the beauty of it.
No. 247391
File: 1486576805504.png (39.06 KB, 777x489, Tana Mongeau Socialblade.png)

oh my.
she was in the red zone at each hour of the day after the content cop hit, except for 9 pm 2017-02-07.
seems kinda off.
how could she be gaining subs at this point?
i have a feeling, that her network is buying subs for her.
the reason being:
if her subscribers see how many people she's losing, they're more likely to follow suit.
especially considering, that her main demographic consists of young girls at an impressionable age.
so she/her management try to keep up appearances and make the whole situation seem like less of a big deal.
also, she said that (
>i have made a lot of mistakes, and the right thing to do is own up to them, and move on>own up to them, and move on>move onsince obviously the best thing for her would be if it blew over quickly and EVERYONE moved on, to minimize losses.
(i might be off about the buying subs thing. if anyone has some insight on that, or how that number could make sense, please share.)
No. 247489
File: 1486588924177.png (22.4 KB, 586x232, hujm.png)

>>247391No, she didn't buy subs. I can't remember the reason why but it's some glitch or something with youtube or socialblade. I think it's just a correction or something. Pic related, idubbbztv "lost" ~3k and pewdiepie "lost" nearly 10,000 at the same time.
OT, why the hell has pewdiewpie lost ~20k subs in the last 5 hours? That's definitely not a glitch or a correction.
No. 247500
>>247489or this ppl losing subs when people sub
this guy streaming is at -1.5k
No. 247506
File: 1486591143863.png (13.5 KB, 451x203, uhhhh.png)

>>247500Oh shit so that's what's up. I came here to post this cause, uh, it seems a little off…
No. 247738
File: 1486609891424.png (12.98 KB, 879x131, tana.png)

>>247506Is this really legit? This would have to be a record if it is actually true.
No. 248446
>>246489i still cant believe she's my age
she looks about 10 years older than me at least, and how do her parents let her do all this stuff??
No. 250200
File: 1486962499072.jpg (113.85 KB, 619x873, Kim-Zolciak-plastic-surgery-01…)

looks like kim zolciak
No. 250283
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>>250200She looks like the love child of Kim and Owen.
No. 252615
I believe that she is 17 because I live in Las Vegas and most of the girls from her area (new Henderson) get fake tans every week and eventually start losing hair. I know what nail salon that is too. Nothing seemed sketchy the times I've been though. It makes me sad that people think that she is what a typical Vegas girl looks like. It really depends on the area, and her stalker story might be true, I don't know, because I have met at least 5 kids throughout my education that could be clinically insane. Not even joking, there are some crazy kids that live here. They are usually neglected and non social types of kids.
The fact that she tried to say that growing up in Vegas everyone said the n word and no one told her its bad is so funny to me. From a person that spent half of their childhood in her area and the other half in an area a 8 minute drive away, no one ever thought it was okay to say that word with at all, much less -er. The kids in high school now say it with -a referring to any boy of any race(Little sister in high school). I know it's not something that maybe changed from year to year because I have siblings older than me too. Even my mom knew it wasn't okay when she grew up here in the 80s. She sounds stupid. When I first saw one of her videos and she said she grew up in Vegas, I immediately thought she went to either three different schools that all have the same types of girls that drink and tan and go around half naked. I was right she went to one of the three.
Also, anyone who said that people shouldn't make fun of a minor when she was a minor sounds dumb too because she graduated early, she moved out, and was portraying herself in her videos as an adult. I like to say that unless you are some ridiculous age like 15 and under and graduated early , that you graduated and should try to act like an adult. She is going to college, she has/had her own place(I don't know). She needs to grow up a little bit. I graduated at 15 and still went to college at that time and am going to graduate. I am an adult. I'm younger than her, I'm 17. I pay my bills, I have a job. She shouldn't have been out of high school if she wasn't ready to be an adult and she can't be treated like a child when it's convenient.
Act your age!!!
No. 253567, she finally made an apology video.
Sounds like a bunch of excuses and it's pretty obvious she's not sorry.
No. 253831
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>>253567Ooh wee.
I wonder how long it took for her to film that.
And still, she keeps saying, that she was 14/15 or a junior in high school when she was racially insensitive, i. e. saying nigger.
How about those racist tweets when you were 16, bitch?
No. 255930
File: 1487767138663.jpg (448.59 KB, 471x3044, tana mongeau insincere moments…)

DESPITE the video being very controlled,
-prepared talking points, maybe a script
-highly edited (heaps of cuts)
-minimal movements
you can still see, that she isn't honest in quite a few points of the video.
pic related is what i've noticed on first viewing.
(higher contrast, so the facial expressions and the text are more visible)
the reason, why some of the things she says seem insincere, could be because her management wanted her to say that.
her management could be involved in the monetization of the video as well.
they want to milk her dry while they still can, instead of banking on her gaining her popularity/channel growth back.
besides all that, she does say some things she actually believes. repetitively so.
>>255888tbh, i think she was absolutely in the right regarding the caci twins and freelee.
No. 267456
File: 1489229114552.png (1.43 MB, 720x1037, latest.png)

Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second.
No. 267461
>>267456hahahahahhaa holy fuck anon, did you make this?
this is golden!
No. 270603
File: 1489643233940.png (3.39 KB, 198x156, Screenshot_22.png)

tana's uploading on her vlog channel. cant be because of this. you can look for yourself if you want
No. 285280
File: 1491437294394.png (821.63 KB, 1688x712, tammy mangos.png)

did she and somer break up?
No. 285370
How much does she charge An hour?

No. 314244
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She's been commenting on all Justin pics trying to get noticed lmao
No. 396054
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No. 553421

She posted about her vidcon experience in a video that's nearly an hour and a half long. I watched it, all of it, and can summarize:
- She really wanted to attend vidcon bc she has the saddest backstory of all time, her childhood was so traumatic, etc
- The first year she went, she wasn't invited, even though she really wanted to attend vidcon AND it was her birthday, guys. but they REFUSED to invite her even though she had a HUGE following and over a MILLION SUBSCRIBERS on her BIRTHDAY!!!
- She showed up to the convention without a pass and created a frenzy of tweens that then shattered a glass window and she was asked to leave… on her BIRTHDAY. had she mentioned that? it was her birthday!!! she was a tiny little 17 year old (she was…19, but somehow she "cant remember" lol)!!!
- The next year she thought she was going to get invited for sure. and then wasn't. because she was on some YT red show, her face was on ads all over the place, which in her mind meant she had a free pass to attend vidcon even though she wasn't invited, and can you BELIEVE they wouldn't let her use the hotel and private hallways for invitees?!??
- Note that other people in that same show weren't invited, either, despite the fact she claims they were? and they also didn't just show up at vidcon? in tana's mind, her REALLY wanting to attend and it being her BIRTHDAY means, somehow, that she's entitled to go. so she did. the exact same chaos from year one ensued
- She HAD to attend a panel for the show she was on (spoiler alert: no, she didn't. not everyone in the show as invited to the vidcon panel, and she wasn't invited either, but she reaaaalllly wanted to go and also… IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY. okay?!?!?)
- She caused a mob at the panel because they didn't have room for her
- Vidcon said "fuck it" and gave her a badge so she'd shut up
- The experience was so horrible and traumatic for her that she refuses to support them ever again. how dare they not be cool with tweens shattering glass windows, trampling people, blocking halls, refusing security detail, refusing a hotel room, etc, etc, etc.
TLDR: vidcon didn't invite her, hadn't ever invited her, and nevertheless she showed up and expected security detail and access to the hotel, and when her fans caused legit property damage, she was kicked out and it was TRAUMATIC. Also, it was her birthday.
Even from her perspective the story makes her look awful.
No. 553864
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>>553421I couldn't place where I'd seen her face before but she's basically Jake Paul in a wig.
No. 567213
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No. 574621
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>>572498It's a perfect pasta ready-made from PULL
she literally is not trying at all anymore with hiding the shops.
No. 574676
>>574621She's wearing a loose shirt, literally no one would care if she had just left it unshooped because on most people with their arms up in a loose shirt they'd have it hang from their bust line and not cling to their stomach. I don't know if it's sad or not because clearly she cares what people think but not
that much because wonky lines. either that or attention and I've just taken her bait.
No. 574767
>>574676Legit question– does she need or wear prescription glasses?
Why doesn't she just pay someone to shoop her pics for her?
No. 609853
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No. 619598
File: 1529810262295.png (1.74 MB, 2002x1012, tanacon.png)

>>619578Here's a few.
>Guests: Bella Thorne, Shane Dawson, Casey Neistat, Miranda Sings, The Gabbie Show, and The Vlog Squad No. 619609
File: 1529811302113.jpeg (367.57 KB, 1241x1317, 0C64DF0B-229B-406F-8E9B-4D9319…)

>>619598I have seen people throw up random numbers to make it sound worse, that 1k number isn’t true.
But it sounds like they sold 5k tickets and she booked rooms that together would be 5k max. That on its own would have been the fuck up as she didn’t account for walk ins. Then 15k more than she thought would be there came leading to the issue of people standing in the sun.
No. 619730
>>619609No, 1k is about correct. The venue only holds about 3200 and the areas she rented only held 1000-1500. The main stage area only holds about 500. there were a lot of walk ins (because she tweeted for everyone to come) but that 15k number is fake. no way that crowd was anywhere close to 20k.
but she oversold by about 4000.
what a disaster
No. 619830
>>619730She really is such a dumb bitch. Love that about her! But sometimes you just need to accept your dumb bitch limitations and not attempt things that are clearly so beyond your comprehension and skill level and I don’t even know… just general competence? Sweetie… there’s a reason you’re banned from Vidcon… it’s because you’re entitled and stupid as fuck. Dangerous combo!
I already know she’s going to spin this in some narcissistic fashion, “oh I have 20,000 beautiful wonderful fans all there for ME,” and you fucked every one of them over because you’re a shady, sleezy dumbass.
No. 619870
>"crying" but makeup looks fine and you're covering most of the screen and your faceyeah this bitch is not crying but wants us to believe she is. when you make your whole living out of lies too, that's a dead giveaway.
even if she's really crying, who gives a fuck. what did you expect? did you seriously think you could compete with something as huge as vidcon? do you have any idea how much effort goes into making a convention? are we really supposed to believe this flakey junkie who doesn't wake up till 3 pm could do it? she's fucking retarded and delusional for expecting anything else
No. 619910
>>619892>>619673Some people according to video dropped $600-800 plus time on travelling to tanacon.
How does anyone watch even one Tana video and decide this is a good thing to drop money on? Or that their kids should be watching? Same as her "tour" which was just her swearing and telling her usual 80% fictional "true stories"
No. 620408
File: 1529883122301.jpg (33.23 KB, 749x750, Vi1Pdp3.jpg)

Megathread on everything that went down is here: is glorious. I have to post the link because there's like 50 screencaps in there.
> The scene in the video above took place in the main lobby of the Anaheim Marriott Suites hotel, an area that wasn’t supposed to be overtaken by TanaCon attendees. Fans were expected to remain within a small ballroom that could maybe hold a thousand people, uncomfortably. Across the narrow hall was a smaller room that could hold 50 people, with chairs lined up into a few rows directed at a screen. Just behind the rooms was a merch table, selling t-shirts, jackets and sweaters for $150 to $300.
>$150-$300>tfw you dropped 500 bucks to fly in, bought a VIP pass to meet ~shane dawsum~, they don't even give you VIP perks and then they expect you to drop another 200 on an ugly tie-dye sweater No. 620692
>>619948she's the same age as james charles, and james charles is an acceptable influencer. he has apologized for his dumb mistakes and never gone back to them. meanwhile tana's constantly taking drugs, making empty promises (to other youtubers AND to fans), telling straight up made up shit and just doing tacky shit in general.
it's not about age, it's about being a dickhead
No. 620884
>>620808Fam, she rolled up with her fans unannounced expecting to get a badge. Then her fans trashed part of the hotel and the floor.
Tell me again how she was treated badly. Even Onision didn't show up at Vidcon expecting to be let in, given a badge last-minute and be able to set up in limited space… at least to my knowledge.
No. 620991
>>620890>>620884I'm with these anons. How obnoxious and up your own ass do you have to be to go to a place and expect special treatment just because you're popular? Tana getting treated like the spoiled cunt that she is is long overdue.
You would think after getting content copped and having her lies exposed that she would dial it down a few notches but she hasn't.
No. 621042
>>620991Even people like Pewdiepie, Markiplier or Shane Dawson wouldn't do that, because they'd understand that a con doesn't have a stall and panel for everyone. You can't just show up and expect a badge, no matter how ~important~ you think you are. If you aren't featured, don't try to bully your way in with your posse of underaged girlfans. It's disrespectful to everyone who worked hard to be a FC.
Then again, they probably invited all three of those. Kek.
No. 621309
File: 1529961285930.jpg (34.33 KB, 419x115, kek.jpg)

Saw that Jeffree changed the title of his video to this and made me chuckle.
No. 622064
>>622022She’s just white trash. Something in style 10 years ago means it’s easy enough to find in thrift and consignment stores now.
There’s records of her attending Green Valley High School. She may have been held back a few years because she’s dumb as hell, but your conspiracy theory beyond “Juicy Couture was out of style” doesn’t pile up against the mountain of evidence that she’s as old as she claims.
No. 622299
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Tana lied about soooo much
No. 622501
>>622299Shane went on live after it and said that he didn’t think there were 15,000 people there. He acknowledged that the venue only held 1000 people, and he believed there were 4000 people left outside (of the 5000 tickets sold) and everyone waiting to get in had tickets. So this confirms that. Tana lied about 15,000 (because her huge ego would think that’s believable) people showing up “without tickets” because she conned 4000 people who did buy them.
Side note but I love Shane. He’s so tactfully shady. He knew full well he was calling her shit out directly but played it off as a “conspiracy.”
No. 623208
>>623067It really is partly his fault. He lives in a bubble of yes men but he has to know how unreliable Tana is. She is hours late for any obligation if she bothers to show up at all.
He attached his name to this shit show and people came specifically to see him.
>I know it's not my fault buuuut>Tana is my friend, I like Tana>It's really not my fault I know thaaaaat guys No. 623295
>>623208>>623258Same, I don't think it is either. Tana needs to be held 100% accountable here.
>>623293I was disappointed. I expected something similar to their podcast on the Paul Boy. Why does everyone let this bitch do whatever she wants without any real consequences?
No. 623298
>>623208Guests at cons aren’t responsible, even creators. He wasn’t an organizer. He has no blame.
>>620692>james charles is an acceptable influencerKek stfu. Charles is a cow too. His whole guru career is based on a lie. He has no skills or talent and he’s annoying as fuck. He’s a liar and fake.
Attached video of someone not totally awful who covered the issues. Im not shocked that Tana would pull this shit but she brands herself as a “messy bitch who can’t do anything and I’m lazy and I’m a druggie with no responsibilities” so the fact that anyone actually thought this wouldn’t be a total fail (with a MONTH of planning) is actually surprising
No. 623769
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No. 623774
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The company she worked with legit claims they work for Disney, Nike, MTV, etc etc.
No. 624259
>>623771I understand that Shane wants to clear things out and listen to all the parts (the fans, Tana, the company) but I hope the next parts aren't going to be a Tana pity fest because she doesn't deserve Shane to defend her. All she can do is lie and cry and make up stories like when Ian went to see her and then she made a video saying he wanted to assault her and she was in danger. She is the one to blame here. She wanted to do this stupid con, she put her name on it, she didn't check if things were right.
I wonder why Casey Neistat didn't say anything about this. wasn't he in the list of the creators too but he went to vidcon instead?
And I agree about the annoying fan…she talks too much and she sounds so fake "oh you're skinnier in person" "oh the window" yeah yeah yeah stop liking Shane's ass.
No. 624509
>>624493Lmao they're shit.
He's gonna push blame onto GoodFace or whoever she partnered with and be like ''Tana wasn't fully responsible'' when she very much was responsible.
No. 624596
>>624493Tana doesn't appear until the final three minutes of this, if you were on the fence about watching. Shane is really dragging this shit out.
Once she meets him face to face she switches on the waterworks though. Not saying it's great acting, but Logan Paul could never sell this kind of performance.
No. 624657
>tana 3,500,000 subscribers>shanedawsontv 8,000,000 subscribers>shane 14,000,000 subscribers he hasn't gone to vidcon in years cause he gets overwhelmed by it. but he was friends with tana so he accepted tanacon. therefore, a lot of shane's subscribers who wanted to meet him went to tanacon because it was the only meet and greet he has done in a while (aside from booktours). all fans dissapointed. shane feels guilty because he loves tana and all his fans tweeted at him how bad tanacon was, so he's taking everything upon himself and trying to fix things he shouldn't, as shane does. i actually wanted to go to tanacon just to meet shane because he doesn't do vidcon lmao…
also views $$$$$$$
No. 624776
>>622022Iunno, juicy tracksuits were in style when I was in highschool, and I'm probably a year or two older than tana.
>>624631Shane's like the captain save a hoe of YouTube. It's a really smart way to stay relevant tbh.
No. 624826
>>624493Wow this documentary is turning out to be really interesting. Like Shane said, both Tana and this Good Times guy are way too young and immature for any of this. You can tell both are trying to manipulate him with their tears and suicide claims. The thing that makes this milky is the fact that both parties are extremely over-dramatic and they both seem to be compulsive liars. It's hilarious.
I love what Shane's doing though. He has a very sweet persona and it makes people want to open up to him. All of this "I love you" and hugs and cuddles and "I want to hear your side of the story :)" and yet he's still holding them both accountable by the end of the video by saying they're both scammers, calling them both out on their lies and "We need to stop protecting Tana". He's done what he had to do to get all the juicy info.
Mad respect for Shane for doing this.
No. 624868
>>624657>>624768Shane knows exactly what he's doing, though. What's this shit about him being some sweet pure bby angel who just wants to defend his ~frens~.
I don't dislike him, but he's absolutely doing this for the views. He's clever and took the opportunity knowing that dramuh gets bux.
No. 625038
>>624826You make a great point about how his persona gets people to open up. It's true. Its how Howard Stern got famous. Shane is like the goofy lovable version of Stern which makes him more effective at investigating. People let their guard down a lot easier when they underestimate you as "nice". In journalism, it's an incredible asset to get people to warm up to you like you're buddies and then start hammering you with hard questions.
At the end of the first video, Shane is telling BOTH of them that they knew the venue couldn't hold 5000 people. The look on his face reminds me of a parent catching their kid trying to lie about stealing cookies. Shane is like "No sweetie, I see the cookie crumbs on your shirt :)" Shane has been in the business for 10 years and he's like 30. It seems like both Tana and Michael, in all their youthful naivete, tried to make wine out of water and it failed. And they are both trying to save face and manipulate out of it but based on the preview, I'm hoping he wont let it slide.
No. 625047
>>625038He's talked before about being obsessed with Howard Stern for years and even had a podcast that was pretty much the exact same as Sterns show. It's no coincidence.
I like Shane a lot but he's an extremely good manipulator which is why it's so surprising he got swindled so hard by Bobby Burns
No. 625204
>>625065OT too but I feel like his most genuine one was his series with his dad.
I also think Shane wants to help people to a certain extent, but he gets WAY up over his head about it. The Bobby Burns videos he made completely went overboard and his close friends seemed weirded out by it. It might stem from his parents probably never being able to buy shit for him as a kid, he tries to live vigorously and give people shit. But I’m armchairing LOL I know shane is really involved right now but this is a Tana thread, not a Shane thread.
No. 625438
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>>625403We got to wait until monday for part 3
No. 625547
>>624768>I feel like people take advantage of him e.g. bobby burnsWhy do people think Bobby took advantage of him?
Not to mention, isn’t it weird Shane is friends with these 21 year olds but also constantly refers to how they’re children, immature, can’t be responsible, etc. So he considers them friends, actively seeks out their company, and then claims Tana “can’t be responsible for anything.” The youtube intermingling of 30+ originals with the new under 22 year olds (Morgan, Bobby, Tana, etc) is kinda predatory imo. And if he knows Tana is so fucking retarded, why’d he trust her with his name? She might be a little young but Shane is 30. He’s old enough to know better and be like “wow wtf is this.” Not just blindly going along with it and then playing protector, investigator, and judge.
I like Shane and I don’t think he’s to blame for the event but he’s definitely responsible for vouching for the cluster fuck that is Tana. He needs to call her out and then drop her. She’s a shitty manipulator and toxic influence. And he looks like a fucking idiot or predator to be in cahoots with her
No. 625561
>>625539I really like his outlook on that. Felix is probably the most grounded youtuber right now despite his edgelord persona and his wealth. And he's also really good at picking Tana's shady shit apart.
>>625547Anon, please. He surrounds himself with younger people to make himself look older and wiser. And possibly relevant if he's in with the young crowd, idk. But without going into Onion-levels of tinfoiling, I believe Shane's a smart businessman and he also likes to see people around him make mistakes so he can be the one to "save" them. For video reasons or just so he can feel better. All the more props to him, but he's no uwu angel saint shane.
No. 625574
>>625547He is using the term “friends” lightly. They clearly don’t hang out a ton but youtubers are “friends” with each other all the time for collabs. Don’t be stupid and think too deep into it. Any sane person would say that a 21 year old and a 19 year old are too young to be managing a big event.
Shane was dumb to not research the con and he does even admit it. He also admits he didn’t realize until after how many people came for him vs Tana, but that goes to the not researching part.
No. 625576
>>625571I don’t think anyone mentioned him being a pedophile?
I think a much more experienced creator in his thirties hanging around with much younger, stupid creators to act as a savior is really fucking cringe and weird. It’s creepy to know that these people are irresponsible, irrational idiots but to still hit them up, hang out with them, and promote them. Kinda skeevy.
I do think shane is good at what he does. I just wish he didn’t leech on these younger creators who are pieces of shit just to cultivate this “wise daddy Shane” image.
No. 625584
>>625580It’s not tinfoiling, it’s critquing. Stop white knighting. Regardless of his intentions, it comes across as creepy and predatory to me. That’s my opinion. Chill about it.
If he defends Tana or doesn’t rip her a new one, I’m going to be seriously disappointed. He’s talked about how much his kid fans mean to him. Now it’s time to see if that extends to telling off a friend or if he’ll baby her because she cries and has legions of fans with too much free time.
No. 625599
>>625590>>625590You guys are overreacting to my comment. I’m not saying he’s Onision levels (is anyone) and that’s not the bar of behavior by far. You can critique someone without saying they’re the worst.
If I knew someone irl who was thirty and hanging out with 21 year olds, I’d pause. If I then found out those 21 year olds act like 8 year olds on coke, I’d be even more weirded out. If the 30 year old then made a shit ton of money by acting as some kind of wise “daddy” figure, I’d be done. It’s creepy. Sorry your like of him is making you blind to that. I like him too as a creator. He’s pretty funny. But this is weird. And it was a throwaway comment that’s now derailing the thread so whatever. Tana is a mess and I’m going to be suspicious of
anyone who associates with her.
And Tana needs to become even more irrelevant and fuck off to rehab to sort her life out. He’s preventing that from happening so there’s that too. Or she can become Trisha 2.0 idc.
No. 625616
>>625599Shane is definitely creepy. The consensus is that he's nice and cute, but he even calls
himself a big creepy man in the "I'm done" video. He's a big creepy man. He makes a lot of creepy content. He is friends with 21-year-olds and makes passive-aggressive "concerned" videos. He's just like every popular male youtuber; manipulative and predatory specifically for youth audiences, and I guess his audience don't have their radars finely tuned to be able to see it.
There is a Tana video called "peeing on Shane Dawson" where she sits on him laughing and maybe pisses on him, if you needed any more proof that it's a bit depraved.
No. 625634
>>625599>>625616But Shane has plenty of friends who are close to his age (Trisha, Garrett, Andrew, Jeffree, Bunny, and so on). There's nothing wrong with befriending or networking with people in your industry. You guys are reaching lol. I could see your point if you brought up his dad videos (the ones where he 'adopts' a child). But they never come off as predatory, just cringey. He doesn't know how to interact with children and he treats them like they're his adult friends.
>And Tana needs to become even more irrelevant and fuck off to rehab to sort her life out. He’s preventing that from happening so there’s that too. Or she can become Trisha 2.0 idc.Do agree with this. I'm tired of everyone in Tana's circle coddling her because she never learns from her mistakes. I don't think she'll learn anything from Tanacon unless she gets into legal troubles. And I hope she does.
No. 625710
>>625590Onision accuses Shane of being a predator every chance that he gets. He's the only one I know of who actively thinks that Shane's a predator.
>>625634This anon is also right. Shane has a lot of friends of various age groups and hopefully drops a certain 20-something because of her lies, crocodile tears and con drama.
No. 625902
>>625710If Onion ever found this thread, he'd probably have a micro orgasm.
I agree with the general consensus: he's absolutely not a pedophile. But he enables his younger friends wilfully and I think he partially does it to make himself appear better. So when they fuck up he can swoop in and be like "well you done goofed but I forgive you". Maybe he's a good person. Maybe he's just in the know on how to make himself look good online. Probably it's both.
No. 625932
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>>625896Yeah why are anons giving any fucks about how Onision feels or what he thinks?
>>625710>Onision accuses Shane of being a predator every chance that he gets.No one cares about Onision. He’s an irrelevant washed up creep. And he’s not relevant to this thread at all.
Considering Tana is tweeting about how absolutely amazing Shane is, I doubt he’s gonna expose her. Wasted drama and opportunity.
No. 625936
>>625932Should've known Shane doesn't have it in him to really call out Tana.
Honestly I doubt any of these people are going to get their money back. This thing was a scam from the fucking beginning though. Like can anyone explain to me why there were people that believed that the goodiebag would be worth four times the ticket price when the tickets are literally the only source of income?
No. 625995
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>>625936Yeah, no one's getting their money back. Michael Weist says he's going to file for bankruptcy (possibly) and Tana's…well, Tana. From the sound of it, Michael hasn't been responding to anyone regarding refunds and Oevo threaten to file a lawsuit against his company.
>can anyone explain to me why there were people that believed that the goodiebag would be worth four times the ticket priceBecause Tana is the most honest Youtuber ever. She's even more honest than Onision. She never lies, exaggerates, or breaks any of her promises. And her fans are also very dumb.
>>625942I would feel bad for him too if he didn't have so many accusations against him - from the alleged sexual abuse to hijacking another Youtuber's store. And this isn't his first time running a scam either. He was responsible for Digitour too.
No. 626125
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Make her go away.
No. 626386
>>625936Shane is showing more and more how spineless he is and of course people is taking advantage of that. After these tweets from Tana I like him even less. He just made her ego bigger.
And fot the goodiebag thing. Of course the condom is forth four time price of the ticket price…don't forget it was supposed to be free.
No. 627184
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>>623771>>624493not shane trying to get this lazy cokehead broad get some sympathy.
No. 627209
>>627188TLDR breakdown (because Shane doesn't get to the fucking point until around 38 minutes into the 41 minute video:)
>a bloo bloo Tana thinks contorting her face as ugly as possible is the same as actual crying>Shane is a garbage mediator and allows Tana to talk over Michael>They both knew the capacity of the Marriott was 1000 people and chose to ignore it, although Michael signed a contract that only 1000 people would attend the convention>Michael signed a contract for only a maximum of 25 security guards working at any point in time, paid $60,000>Over 5,000 $65 VIP tickets were sold while only 200-300 free tickets were sold, meaning they made around $325,000>Michael signed a contract with a ticket company called VEEPS which had a condition that if anything went wrong with the convention that would warrant a refund, Good Times would be responsible for refunding it>Good Times is responsible for everything, but Good Times is literally just Michael>Tana is still a stupid bitch, but if Michael is not a straight-up scammer, he's even dumber than she is No. 627213
>>627210Kind of. She repeatedly admits that she's fucking stupid (duh) and he says, "I know you are but I still love you." It's a pretty biased representation. Shane shows footage of Tana "asking questions" the day of the convention(?) in an attempt to make it seem like Tana was involved at all in the 2-month planning process beyond making impossible demands. They also completely ignore that she was drunk at a party afterwards instead of working to fix her mistakes.
He's not so much defending Tana but when it comes to the blame game they're absolutely positing the information to place the fault with Michael and not her. Any "blame" they put on Tana is purely superficial. She's not the one who is going to refund the $325,000, nor is she technically (or legally) responsible for doing so.
No. 627243
>>627221>>627213Maybe I'm just easily influenced but I'm gonna play the devil's advocate.
GoodTimes, which apparently is literally only Michael, is the one that should be held most accountable for this shitshow. I mean he was the eventplanner, he should know how to organize an event when he accepts/suggests to put one together. The security, catering and ticketsales were his responsibility and those were the main reason for this whole thing failing as bad as it did. Not saying it wouldn't have been a shitty event, even if those things were in order, but at least no one would've been sunburnt and dehydrated.
Tana's biggest mistake (aside from making this event out of spite) was to think that GoodTimes could organize a decent convention. Granted if she'd actually listened to everyone telling her GoodTimes was a shit company, and had been present for all meetings even someone as stupid as her could've figured out there was no way this would've worked, but she didn't.
Tana is obviously dumb as shit so I was actually rather surprised by how competent the footage Shane showed made her look. Like she was actually asking questions (I assume in the days before the con took place when they were in the hotel) and Michael was just reassuring her that everything would be fine.
From the beginning Tana just wanted to spite vidcon and Michael saw that as a way to make a profit, eg the documentary he wanted to sell to netflix, overselling tickets when he (and Tana) knew that no more than 1,000 people could fit inside that building, only hiring 25 security people, and ripping off people with the goodiebags.
I'm actually happy that he/GoodTimes is responsible for issuing the refunds, because for him it was always just about getting money.
Despite all that I think Tana definitely did have a role in all this, she obviously also knew that the capacity was 1000 people and I seriously doubt anyone from the Marriott would've told them otherwise. Because honestly what would the Marriott earn from having 4000 people try to get inside without having room for them? Plus no one has ever shown any footage of any of the staff explicitly saying it could fit 5000 people.
So in the end Tana got off way too easy but at least we sort of know what happened and who is responsible for refunding everyone.
No. 627280
>>627243>Like she was actually asking questionsI hate how that kept being brought up in the third part of the doc. Okay she asked some questions but all of the footage is from
one day. Where is the footage of her sitting in during Good Times meetings? Where is the footage of her checking up on the progress leading up to the con? Where is the footage of her checking the goodie bags for the first time? There's none, because she showed up to one meeting with the guy and then took a holiday.
Both of them are trying to look like victims and pretending to be suicidal and I want these two greedy fucks to suffer but I know neither will.
No. 627318
>>627188Not a fan of Good Times guy but Tana was so annoying this whole video. She sounded so fake and narcissistic.
Both are extremely incompetent though which was the main reason for this shit show imo.
No. 627323
>>627287Cursory googling, his mother is Amy Weist and she's a real estate agent in Tennessee. She owns Cottage Realty. His father is obviously Michael Weist II, but I can't find much on him.
Regardless, don't believe a fucking word Tana says. She doesn't know how the world works. She doesn't know how declaring bankruptcy works. Right now he's in a minimum of $380,000 of debt from the ticket sales he needs to refund and the money he paid for the security. He's 20 years old. He's no longer under his parents' wings and there are very few people in this world that can afford to spontaneously pay a third of a million in debt, fewer people still that would do it for their adult child.
(Although she does seem like a very loving mother, so maybe, but the fact that Tana thinks people can and do just do that is so ignorant.)
No. 627333
>>627188So basically what we all anticipated: everyone involved were fucking idiots. I don't buy this "you told me everything was okay/you told me you were taking care of everything" excuse. If your name is associated with an event, and you give even the slightest fuck about it, you should be fist deep in everything that goes on.
I just can't believe there wasn't a single logical person who was like "hey, maybe this isn't a good idea?"
No. 627352
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>>627188shane has worked harder on the tanacon damage control than tana ever worked on tanacon
>tana complains that michael took a plane when tanacon was over but she tana went partying and drinking once tanacon was over…>the faketears about how she's so sorry to shane>shane admits he wouldn't have gone anyone else's convention, only tana's because he loves her. as suspected. tana realizes he is as stupid ever.>when shane preaches her for how petty tanacon was, tana seems like a scolded child merely pretending to listen to her parents.>says she was working so hard on tanacon but then says she did it all on in two months and went to hawaii vacations while michael broke his back working>tana telling michael "i trusted you" and putting the blame on him. you're the rich skank who put every single decision on him while you partied constantly!>"the giftbags and food were wrong!!!" and she starts crying. BITCH HE SAID YOU DIDN'T GIVE HER ENOUGH MONEY AND WENT TO HAWAII WHEN HE TOLD YOU HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T HELPING HER.i can't keep watching her crocodile tears i'm halfway through and this liar is driving me mad. fucking shane is gonna let her get away with all of that because he loves her. she's clearly trying to be seen as a victim because she knows shane is gonna believe her.
No. 627358
>>627334What pisses me off is that capacity is a legal term, mandated by actual laws. It's how many people can fit in a space with that space still being safe (because you're all about safety, right Tana?) If capacity is exceeded the fire marshal will be called because it's a safety hazard, which is exactly what happened. The fact that they blatantly ignored that should be a crime in itself, but again it's probably due to the fact that they're just all so fucking stupid.
I mean it is amazing to me how dumb these people are. Why do people give them money?
No. 627373
>>627334It sounded like she didn’t get it, no one in that room brought up that there is a problem in overselling that much. The way she reacted about lines makes me think she couldn’t grasp how bad the line waiting would be, or where everyone would go after the first 1k. Paired with her not realizing the rooms she was shown were too small, she comes off as too dumb to know better. And really it Michaels job to know it is bad and try to get another room. It makes sense that he should get the brunt of it because his job was to plan it, Tana was just the figurehead.
>>627323We cannot know his situation but he is for sure getting money from his parents. There is no way to try this kind of event without some capital since most things will ask for a deposit first at least, with some stuff asking for the rest on the day of. So the only way to be 20, have the capital to be your own boss and make an event like this is from being well off. Even the whole wearing Gucci persona screams rich kid. His budget should have accounted for security anyways so he is in the hole the ticket refunds only unless there are other unexplained expenses. There is also no way that he spent all that money from the tickets on the expenses of the event either so he shouldn’t be out the total amount. I cannot imagine he would be actually putting himself into a situation where his life is on the line, he just needs to sell that Gucci for cash.
No. 627387
>>627373They're both accountable and she definitely knew about how bad line waiting to be. The way she's always came across is simply not giving a damn about other people, only herself. SHe only had the con because she was pissed at Vidcon. Even after that whole disaster, who in the hell
goes partying soon after? People would usually be out of their minds with worry when you literally have a crowd of 4-5000 people screaming refund and complaining. She was more than a simple figurehead.
Both of them seem like two spoiled brats who are trying to throw each other under the bus when they're both responsible for DisasterCon.
No. 627493
>>100403Good lord I scrunch up my face whenever i see girls that look like that (fake tan,fake hair,fake eyelashes,too much makeup) she's like a walking Stacy cliché.
And lol, 17? She looks almost 30.She should think about slowing down on the makeup and all.
And jesus fuck what a dumb bitch. Regina George but nice kek, that's what she wishes.
(Nitpicking) No. 627599
>>627387I agree. Michael is clearly liable but Tana is not without blame either. She was apparently getting drunk in her hotel room when she heard that Tanacon was going to shit, and then she claims to have gone to a network party because she didn't know wtf else to do… like really bitch? On top of that, her pupils were huge in this video and I'm picking up major substance abuse vibes from her.
Also she toured the venue, saw the main room, and toured adjacent rooms. The room that she asked whether it was big enough seemed to be a backstage area, but while watching the footage she acted as though it vindicated her somehow even though that room would probably be off-limits to fans anyway…
Just by looking at the main room, they both had to have known that they would need to rotate people in and out. They both had to have known they were over capacity. Tana even said in their meeting that people should wait in line to build anticipation because "people love to be oppressed". I doubt Michael will actually sue the Marriott, but if he does then they will have a solid countersuit without a doubt because Tana and Michael are dumb af
No. 627641
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No. 627664
>>627654This is the same guy who coddles Blaire White despite her alt-right leanings plus the things in his life that she's super against, and his 'love everyone" ideas and who loves Trisha Paytas for the love of god. Shane's more focused on everyone liking him and getting along than actually calling people out (ironic considering his shit movie + skits)
As for Tana, I put a ton of blame on her. If things had gone well she would have taken all the praise despite not even being at her own damn convention despite her being the selling point. Not to mention she should have been there for quality control. If she wanted the goodie bags to be good she should have made sure they were and checked what was in them before making wild claims about their contents. If she had done everything she could and the con turned out shit cause her organisers fucked her over I'd fault her for naively trusting a random company and not doing enough research into them, but here I fault her equally because even if the organisers were great she'd still have a shit con, or at least one not nearly what was advertised since she hadn't communicated with the organisers and still didn't show up
No. 627668
>>627243basically what i'm thinking anon
so this michael guy is just a scammer. having been to many a convention, everything he promised her was so unrealistic. like telling her that her favorite glitter company was gonna be in the giftbags, and then not even having water.. its so obvious that neither of them had any idea what they were doing, but it wasn't tana's job to know how to run a convention, it was good times's.
but tana is dumb as hell for getting played so easily by some kid on an electric scooter.
and everyone who went to tanacon is dumb for trusting tana.
i love it tho, it's like dashcon 2.0, but with more cameras.
No. 627670
>>627664oh yeah, he associates with
and supports so much trash and it bothers me cause i enjoy his current content so much. but he's crazy about the "please like me" attitude. he fucking tried to launch the career of bobby burns just because he made a video criticising him and shane just
HAD to make him like him. and the blaire white shit annoys me too, fucking one step away from shoeonthehead shit. i remember in a video years ago he talked about how in high school he actively tried to be friends with all the outcasts in the school and tried to "fix them". poor bastard hasn't changed and people like tana will play him.
tana is absolutely using shane and his series to her full advantage and trying to make people feel bad for her. but the entire project was stupid, fueled by stupidity, done by stupid people, and did stupidly bad, because tana is fucking d u m b
No. 627711
>>627670Tbh I think at this point he does it on purpose. People like his forgive, forget, love everyone shtick and he makes good money with it. But I'm tired of people saying "oh god he's just being USED poor baby shane not realizing they're manipulating him!", because girl. He clearly knows what he's doing, he's not dumb.
He's making good traction with the Tana video. Maybe one part of it is him actively wanting to deriddle this whole sitch, but it's definitely about the views and attention drawn to his channel as well. Shane clearly knows how to work a situation to his advantage and that's an useful trait. But he's no uwu innocent saint.
>inb4 hello onion/shane-hater No. 627856
Firstly, what the fuck is up with this bitches lips? She got so much lip injections they look like two puffy slugs ick.
>>627280Thank you!
She went and partied it up that night, instead of buckling down with good times and hashing out contingency plans for the snafu.
Only 25 security guards. What a mess. Ugh.
the stupidity of everyone involved, everybody, i mean everybody, is that nobody thought ahead to have water available for people.
Hello? California is sunny ya??!
Every single person at any level, from the fans to Tana, should have discussed and planned to bring water. Having no food sucks yeh, but water, everybody should have had water. That's where good times dropped the ball, thats where the Marriott droped the ball, that's where Tana dropped the ball. Knowing al the possible people coming, and being in the sun for hours, water should have been provided, pallets and pallets of water.
The fans should have also brought water, but waiting for 5-8 hours, I realise their water would be long gone by then.
Water. Umbrella. Sunblock. A light long sleeve. These are things that people living in sunny states should never leave the house without.
But honestly, Tana and Good Times are now directly responsible for any melanomas or new moles and freckles these poor kids might develop. Only takes one bad sunburn to start it, ask any aussie.
No. 627875
>>627480>>627467>>627483I checked the veeps website faq and terms and it says
> "Veeps charges consumers a 10% service fee for each package purchase sold as well as a 5% commission of gross sales revenue from artists to cover standard processing charges."So the 10% extra was what people had to pay on top of the 65$ tickets, which is why some people stated they paid 70+$ for their VIP tickets.
>"Artists are able to connect a bank account on the management dashboard and can choose to cash out after each event or at the end of each tour." faq>"After deduction of our transaction fee and commission, we will remit the remainder of the revenues to you reasonably promptly following the Package event date (assuming that you fulfilled your obligations with respect to the Package)." terms> "If you fail to provide such experience, you agree to indemnify us and reimburse us for any refunds that we need to issue or damages that we suffer due to your failure." termsThis probably means that Michael and/or Tana had to put in their own money to rent the hotel, security etc. beforehand. But since they failed to deliver the "package" they sold through veeps (the event), Veeps is now withholding the money because Michael signed a contract saying that GoodTimes is responsible for handling/paying refunds if anything goes wrong. I'm not sure if that means that GoodTimes has to pay Veeps the difference (the money needed to refund all people with Veeps keeping their profit from fees) and they will refund it, or that Veeps gets to keep
all money and that on top of that GoodTimes will have to fund and handle refunds all by itself.
No. 627974
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>>627863Except Shane is directly related to Tana right now and is releasing videos about her. It’s relevant.
The dumb bitch is already joking about this. I hope she crashes soon.
No. 628153
>>627995Yeah, too many important people up her ass for her to care. I'm glad at least Felix is holding her feet to the flame though I doubt she'll actually care of aknowledge his critics of her. Especially since no one else is. She'll probably pull an idubbs thing where just because iddubbs has fucked up and done shit things it means that all criticism he makes of her is automatically totally invalid.
Side note, James was initially making fun of her with the whole sister con thing but now it seems he's changed his tune. What a shame
No. 629360
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I just went to check her socialblade and saw her description. I just can't with this bitch. She's not an influencer on youtube, she's a storytime youtuber. Also someone who can blow the kind of money she can isn't struggling. Not to mention the fact that if her videos didn't include things like her watching her friends have sex, she wouldn't be demonetized. She chose the path she went down and she's being rewarded anyways by stupid fans and brands. She can't complain about living the high life just because youtube isn't giving her as much money as she wished on top of all that
>>629289Here's to hoping he put it in the contract that Tana has to pay either half or the full amount herself. Sure she'll make the money back quick but at least she cares about money so it might still hurt her if she does have to pay
No. 629449
>>629273I realize this is just petty but she such prominent nasolabial folds for a woman at 20; I compared her recent live about her con (double entendre intended) V her live when she discussed her “near harrowing assault” by Idubzzz kek and just one year has been horrendous to her and I don’t say that to be mean. She needs to stop the constant tugging from the excessive makeup, stop the drinking and the drugs, quit smoking, stop tanning, and drink some damn water ffs or she’ll look close to 40 this time next year. She looks old AF… and has had a lot of work done.
Sage for being annoyed
No. 629556
>>629449Her body literally cannot produce good skin while her immune system is constantly overwhelmed fighting off the drugs. She needs to never touch alcohol or pills again if she wants any chance at regaining her body's youth and vitality. That shit literally tears up your DNA.
That being said even the healthiest of young women can have prominent nasolabial folds. A lot of people are born with and have them throughout their childhood, nothing to do with diet or skincare. It's just face structure.
She is starting to look like Lindsay Lohan when she first went off the rails though. Hopefully she can save herself.
No. 631175
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I know this thread is 2 years old, but just imagine thinking Tana Mongeau ISN'T a cow. Just funny to see those comments now after the Tanacon nightmare.
No. 772066
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Necroing this thread bc she is legit getting fat. Also did anyone see her recent video tour of her room at the Versace mansion? I almost died when she banged the heavy toilet roll holder against the door frame.
Pics lightened and contrast upped for detail.
No. 772136
>>772108And she has her leg popped to look thinner. Yiiiikes
I wonder what kinda drugs she does and how often. Would love to be a fly on the wall during a drunken night of hers. I can't imagine it's pretty.
No. 772139
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Better pics. I think I actually made it harder to tell by brightening the other pics.
No. 2017088
Dead thread I know but recently she’s been getting attention because of rape allegations she made against CodyKo a while back are getting coverage by D’Angelo Wallace and the commentary community having shielded Cody, surprisingly she seems to be in the right for once and IDubbz is supporting her, it’s being discussed mainly in the YouTuber General thread
>>2016888 Feeling aside I do feel bad for her and how all these dumbass commentary channels excused what he did to her but that community has been shit for years