File: 1480576680041.jpg (73.65 KB, 600x800, CMVZhUBUYAAFLTz.jpg)

No. 207243
File: 1480578390079.jpg (90.99 KB, 999x211, lunytoon.jpg)

Be sure to make yourself a Team Leader shirt you batty bitch.
No. 207245
File: 1480578713146.jpg (47.5 KB, 547x832, IMG_0554.JPG)

Look at how this nutty bitch photoshops
No. 207248
File: 1480578889172.jpg (97.31 KB, 801x1200, IMG_0553.JPG)

>>207246Nice mental breakdown Luna. Shouldn't you be photoshopping your cheap implants to bimbotic levels?
No. 207261
File: 1480580020783.jpg (174.83 KB, 1200x892, IMG_0557.JPG)

Lmao look at how Luna photoshops herself. She's fucking retarded to think this looks good.
No. 207263
File: 1480580059653.jpg (240.02 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0556.JPG)

>>207261Can't even keep her shoops consitent.
No. 207264
File: 1480580148440.jpg (66.5 KB, 600x489, IMG_0558.JPG)

>>207262Here's Lunie's excuse for hating Kayyybear. This was posted in the most recent Mariah Mallad thread
No. 207269
File: 1480581776071.jpg (210.23 KB, 799x1200, IMG_0560.JPG)

>>207268This is a fucking gold mine. Also how old is luna? She looks like shes in her 30s
No. 207271
File: 1480582059568.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.38 KB, 578x1024, 33.jpg)

No. 207272
File: 1480582113204.jpg (41.05 KB, 480x720, 32.jpg)

they look like they are inches from popping lol
No. 207274
File: 1480582158096.jpg (162.83 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0562.JPG)

>>207272She looks like a retired washed up porn star. Look at her fucking lip injections
No. 207277
File: 1480583215268.jpg (269 KB, 799x1200, IMG_0563.JPG)

No. 207280
File: 1480583931165.png (132.16 KB, 750x612, IMG_0565.PNG)

No. 207282
File: 1480584173701.jpg (127.11 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0566.JPG)

>>207280And her lips are all natural too of course.
No. 207288
File: 1480588256801.jpg (67.39 KB, 500x750, IMG_3168.JPG)

No. 207289
>>207247Looks like meth. Lol
Can someone fill me in on Luna's scamming? Heard she swindled a lot of people out of money
No. 207290
File: 1480600642636.jpg (39.08 KB, 480x480, loonielanie.jpg)

the only thing real on this girl is her psychopathy lol. she used to be kind of pretty here but still somewhat resembles a rat. now she looks like a washed up whore. its gonna be fun to see her spiral
No. 207294
File: 1480612356853.png (547.18 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0827.PNG)

How ironic
No. 207295
>>207294Kiki 2.0
Shouldn't this have been moved to snow?
No. 207296
File: 1480614686332.png (356.77 KB, 1242x1938, IMG_2321.PNG)

No. 207297
File: 1480615516803.png (250.08 KB, 1242x1504, IMG_2320.PNG)

No. 207299
File: 1480618890722.jpg (97.39 KB, 640x640, 1458142443283.jpg)

>>207277just what in the titty screaming hell is going on with her feet/legs in this picture
No. 207444
>>207429>>207299Legs aside I can't get over how awkward the corset is making her boobs look
They're definitely forming a uniboob
No. 207668
File: 1480720324942.png (136.03 KB, 750x1116, IMG_0844.PNG)

>>207480"I don't do nudes"
No. 208259
File: 1480838952838.png (153.68 KB, 750x1085, IMG_0637.PNG)

Luna whiteknighting herself on anon-ib as well. Insulting the same cosplayers as she was in this thread. I get her hating momo since momo shit talked her on twitter and facebook but her weird fixation on kayyybear and swimsuitsuccubus reeks of jealousy.
No. 208527
File: 1480894018226.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1002x937, IMG_0641.JPG)

Spoilered for gross nipples. Her implants look so cheap and badly done.
No. 208533
>>208527Woof. Those are airbrushed as hell.
Reminds me of those expensive lovedolls with how plastic-y they look.
No. 208579
File: 1480899845557.jpg (121.92 KB, 800x1200, IMG_0644.JPG)

Is it me or does her ass look hairy?
No. 208581
File: 1480899918293.png (38.64 KB, 750x255, IMG_0645.PNG)

>>207243Calls others ratchet yet look what she tweets
No. 208590
>>208259I kind of feel sorry for her. She seems like a girl who aspired to make something out of herself growing up but then realized that it was too hard so she started cosplaying thinking that it was an easy way to become famous. Unfortunately she realized that it wasn't as easy as she thought and seeing people more popular than her just made her into the bitter mess that she seems to be now.
It's fun to watch though
No. 208717
>>208658>>208658Who the fuck is "Raquib"? Sounds like a black guy name. Must be some guy that pumped and dumped Luna. According to Luna, Kayyybear bullied her in highschool and I saw momo and Luna had a twitter fight but what motives does she have to be so
triggered by Succubus?
No. 208753
File: 1480915309785.png (163.37 KB, 750x957, IMG_0660.PNG)

Luna has gone straight into whoring. Desperate to make more money so she can catch up to Jnig. "Artistic nude"
No. 208783
>>208769>>208774>>208778thanks for joining us again, Luna.
Did you find the place alright? The thread you created was moved a few times so that must have been confusing for you. Judging by how you continuously post in the same exact style and do not know how to quote, this all must be so difficult. Get some rest.
No. 208794
File: 1480919269308.png (44.91 KB, 750x280, IMG_0661.PNG)

>>208792Your jealousy is hilarious. Keep talking trash about Jnig because you're mad she'd never associate with you.
No. 209135
File: 1480976520006.png (209.22 KB, 750x1133, IMG_0670.PNG)

>>208259Even the neckbeards on anon-ib aren't buying Luna's shit yet she continues trying to whiteknight herself there.
No. 209341
File: 1481004176678.png (67.64 KB, 743x486, IMG_0694.PNG)

Funny how Luna tweets shit like this while she hates on Nigiri, calls other cosplayers "thots" on twitter and goes on psychotic rampages about them on here and anon-ib.
No. 209343
File: 1481004363705.jpg (46.41 KB, 580x580, IMG_0696.JPG)

How Luna sees herself:
No. 209344
File: 1481004385507.jpg (246.66 KB, 950x1419, IMG_0695.JPG)

>>209343How Luna actually looks:
No. 209347
File: 1481005099660.jpg (639.41 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_0702.JPG)

>>209343Her nose is fucking intense
No. 209349
File: 1481005362970.jpg (642.13 KB, 1367x2048, IMG_0707.JPG)

>>209347totally not photoshopped you jelly hater thots
No. 209351
File: 1481005485542.jpg (249.07 KB, 924x924, IMG_0709.JPG)

>>209347She got this way just from working out you haters! Goddess luna doesnt need photoshop
No. 209352
File: 1481005538631.jpg (476.74 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0706.JPG)

I ant get over that haggard face. So bad even her photoshopping can't save it
No. 209387
File: 1481005668750.jpg (435.54 KB, 1155x1599, IMG_0708.JPG)

>>209352Another high quality totally natural Luna photo.
No. 209390
File: 1481005842379.jpg (132.05 KB, 648x960, IMG_0712.JPG)

>>209389Compare to this shoop she did
No. 209396
File: 1481006946244.jpg (61.6 KB, 599x382, IMG_0704.JPG)

>>208821Probably because she wants to be Jessica but is now a washed up old whore selling her nudes online
No. 209419
File: 1481012966071.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.01 KB, 720x480, IMG_4797.JPG)

Mariah and her Asian lover
No. 209420
File: 1481013247438.jpg (206.8 KB, 800x600, IMG_0699.JPG)

>>209416>>209419Luna has returned. Careful with that rage Loonie before you pop an implant.
No. 209421
File: 1481013252390.jpg (6.13 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4798.JPG)

When you have the legs of a 43 year old
No. 209422
File: 1481013500750.jpg (56.02 KB, 431x720, IMG_0719.JPG)

>>209421Your one to talk Luna when you have the waist line of a 43 year old
No. 209424
>>209421Learn 2 screenshot you autist.
Someone do a wellness check maybe?
No. 209426
File: 1481013845160.png (1.85 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0720.PNG)

Luna is mad because she has an ass like fucking Hank Hill.
Also is it me or did she seem on drugs in this whole video. No. 209427
File: 1481014242490.jpg (142.04 KB, 700x933, IMG_0723.JPG)

>>209425Luna Lanie is mad because Martin Wong dumped her. She wishes she had an asian lover lol.
No. 209429
>>209426She must be on drugs in general, just look at her behavior in this thread.
>>209421omg she doesn't even know how to screenshot…
Luna please get help.
No. 209430
File: 1481014437058.png (629.82 KB, 399x660, can't shoop a vid.PNG)

>>209421calling out others when you literally are flatter than a board yourself
No. 209733
File: 1481065238821.jpg (25.76 KB, 236x294, IMG_0722.JPG)

>>209426I like comparing how she looks in that video to the way she shooped herself in that same cosplay.
No. 209804
File: 1481076635463.png (28.36 KB, 750x220, IMG_0739.PNG)

Says the whore who gave pussy to Martin wong and Alex Ramos kek
No. 209827
>>209791lol you're right. wow.
>>209804Her tweets are the same style as her recent posts here. It's an insult to kaka to call her Kiki 2.0 now. Kiki at least kept up a different persona publicly lol.
No. 210096
File: 1481137756680.png (217.41 KB, 750x934, IMG_0954.PNG)

> buys a cheap Halloween Native American costume
> buys hair up
> calls it rikku
No. 210184
>>210096As someone obsessed with ffx THE FUCK does this have to do with rikku apart from her shitty (wrong colour) attempt at her hairstyle? This looks NOTHING like the berserker dressphere (the closest thing to this shit she's wearing) or anything resembling anything rikku ever wore. She could have fucking cosplayed a simple dressphere but NO that would require EFFORT
And to add insult to injury this fat cunt doesn't have rikkus bodytype and her manly face looks nothing like rikku. It's rikku because some random middle aged womanchild tramp in a forest needs an excuse for a shoot?
The rikku tag is spammed enough without ugly cunts like this making it worse.
She should try changing that description to "dumpy middleaged rikku finds cheap costume dressphere"
No. 210213
File: 1481157145273.jpg (324.41 KB, 1152x1728, IMG_0714.JPG)

>>210184Her regular Riku is even worse.
No. 210215
File: 1481157187139.jpg (125.75 KB, 640x960, IMG_0705.JPG)

>>210213Her implants are so gross. She actually was less ugly before the plastic surgery
No. 210297
>>210213What does this girl have against sit-ups and cardio? Every picture I see she looks like a pot bellied pig.
Luna your stomach is disgusting get rid of that thing. Exercise please
No. 210350
File: 1481182250813.jpg (355.31 KB, 1155x1732, IMG_0752.JPG)

the airbrushing, the terrible lighting, those fucking lip fillers. I can't believe idiots give this photoshopped bimbo money.
No. 210385
File: 1481191926226.jpg (65.2 KB, 480x720, IMG_0756.JPG)

Did she airbrush on a pair of tits? What the fuck?
No. 210479
>>210213She's cosplaying rikku when she let herself go after the calm set in and vegnagun was destroyed. She started mooching off yuna for money until yuna got sick of her shit and eventually got a job at rin's travel agency in the thunder planes. She was too scared of the thunder to get much exercise there, naturally, but binge eating chocobo tendies and cactuar kebabs helped her stress levels go down. She did get quite haggard due to all the stress and had to resew all her clothes to fit her new fat body, so they look a bit more shitty now.
It's an AU and a great cosplay.
No. 210520
>>210386…is that a lipstick mustache?
>>210380>youthfulmy sides
No. 210564
File: 1481225269040.jpg (84.95 KB, 504x960, IMG_1090.JPG)

Found this picture of her shitty Harley. She looks like a goblin.
No. 210571
File: 1481226947405.png (3.23 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_4799.PNG)

>>210386Yeah ratchet
>>210564Literal box shaped body and witch from Snow White face. How unfortunate.
No. 210590
File: 1481233023227.jpg (79.59 KB, 720x480, IMG_0757.JPG)

>>210571We get it luna, you're jealous of Kay. As if you can call anyone ratchet when you sell nudes.
No. 210664
File: 1481238724744.jpg (706.65 KB, 1732x1155, IMG_2562.JPG)

Her face looks like a caveman in this photo. Why would she post this
No. 210669
File: 1481239879834.png (122.56 KB, 750x674, IMG_0759.PNG)

>>210663Luna is losing her mind over SS making more money than her and not getting nude. No one would be talking about how SS makes more money if Luna herself wasn't bringing her up along with Kay and Nigiri. Luna should stop trying to shit talk girls doing better than her. It just draws attention to how pathetic she is.
No. 210675
>>210669Luna has over 200k followers on insta, 100k on facebook and 80k on twitter
SS has 30k on insta, 37k on facebook and 30k on twitter doesnt do nudes and still makes more money on patreon than Luna. That's also excluding however much SS makes in sales from her photoset store. I see why Luna is pressed.
No. 210688
File: 1481243077238.jpg (174.15 KB, 750x957, IMG_0761.JPG)

>>210681Lol what the fuck is the this garbled mess of text? Luna herself says she does nudes what the fuck is this idiotic paragraph about? Many of these photos posted are from this year.
>>210685Welcome back Luna. I see you gave up on trying to change your typing style. You litterally call what you do NUDES and theres several photos of you with your plastic tits out. You're a phsyco.
No. 210697
>>210685>>210687Luna, get some fucking help. It's pathetic how much time you have to come on lolcow to whiteknight yourself. Nobody on this site uses fucking emojis besides you btw.
Maybe if you spent as much time working out as you do spamming shit about Kay and SS, you'd be making more money on Patreon.
Then again, working out won't fix that haggard ass witch face of yours.
No. 210699
>>210666Like the other anon said here,
>>210538 it's unfortunate genetics. Right now they're both in a tizzy because being mixed is trendy rn with big butts and lips. At least jnig is making money but still
No. 210706
>>210704why are you doing nude and fetish softcore porn?
It says on your patreon "NUDE and FETISH" so please explain, LUNA, how you aren't doing porn or posing nude?
No. 210707
>>210697>>210685No amount of money in the world could fix this botched plastic bitch. She wants to be famous so badly but she's really just another internet whore selling her body.
But oh wait, she's not a whore because she sells nudes. (wat???)
It's obvious she hates herself.
No. 210711
File: 1481245003337.jpg (55.36 KB, 720x481, t9hjHHt.jpg)

Luna Lanie looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome which explains her behavior.
No. 210713
File: 1481245072343.jpg (60.97 KB, 481x720, R0ZG0Xy.jpg)

>>210710>from over a year ago and when she was 19So she's only 20? HOLY SHIT SHE LOOKS OLD AS FUCK even with all her photoshop lol
No. 210739
File: 1481246494264.png (821.97 KB, 1273x717, they'rehardasrocks.png)

Every time I see Luna's boobs, I think of this scene from Mean Girls.
"Make sure you check out her mom's boob job. They're hard as rocks!"
No. 210744
File: 1481246895426.jpg (73.84 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nb7e24vutC1tdk4kbo1_500…)

Luna used to give Alex Ramos free use of her roastie vagina.
No. 210750
File: 1481248038650.png (246.73 KB, 1242x1446, IMG_2567.PNG)

>>210745He still uses her. According to his Twitter he was in Nashville where Luna lived and was posting about how sick he is of her shit. Even the psycho Alex Ramos will never love you Luna.
No. 210758
File: 1481249473841.jpg (42.87 KB, 600x450, tumblr_nmg6fxwd611usrd21o1_128…)

>>210744>>210750Then after that she was porking Martin Wong
No. 210760
File: 1481249540597.jpg (63.22 KB, 600x900, tumblr_nmg6i9uNkY1usrd21o1_128…)

her nasolabial folds are triggering
No. 210765
>>210699I never said or implied anything to do with genetics (although you're right in a sense, they're just kinda busted up from what they've done to themselves). Simply that she took and bastardized la catrina, or general dia de los muertos, and put her fake ass white bread self in it to try to make money.
i'm also a salty mexican bitch so maybe i'm just extra
No. 210823
>>210812Twitter iirc
But it's probably been deleted
No. 211135
File: 1481302448923.jpg (97.2 KB, 800x1200, IMG_4803.JPG)

November looks like she's out of cosplay on to better things
No. 211142
File: 1481302916089.jpg (145.2 KB, 900x1200, IMG_4804.JPG)

>>211121You're making fools of yourself she's hotter than you and verified something ugly bitches like you will never be so go cry.
No. 211193
File: 1481307504121.jpg (34.78 KB, 480x480, IMG_4806.JPG)

>>211191Is she getting fat?
No. 211266
File: 1481318477057.jpg (83.15 KB, 480x720, IMG_0755.JPG)

Luna is mentally retarded. She whores herself to neckbeards for money and validation because a bimbo like her with an IQ of 55 could never do anything else. Look at how stupidly she "whiteknights" herself. She cant even comprehend why people make fun of her. It's pathetic how racist and delusional this cow is. Move her to PT.
No. 211267
>>211140Gross. Hank hill ass.
>>211193Who is this? She's pretty cute tbh.
No. 211298
File: 1481322906752.jpg (78.26 KB, 643x960, IMG_0721.JPG)

Wait Luna is 20?? Wow in this Mariah Mallad thread Luna was sperging out hardcore over swimsuitsuccubus
>>>/pt/311262It must be because SS is 25 and looks 10 years younger than Luna who she's 5 years older than lmao! Must feel humiliating to get a bunch of plastic surgery and photoshop yourself to high heaven and still look ancient compared to people older than you.
No. 211304
File: 1481323810500.png (49.05 KB, 750x342, IMG_0781.PNG)

>>211298Luna is so
triggered over Succ
No. 211327
File: 1481326891678.png (94.86 KB, 750x769, IMG_0786.PNG)

Lol here's an embarrassing video of her trying to proove she has an ass. It's all shot in slow mo and she makes this laughably exaggerated "struggle" of pulling her shorts over her flat ass while shitty rap plays in the background. No. 211369
File: 1481334879033.jpg (2.74 MB, 3840x5760, FB485289-6660-4AAF-857F-6F323D…)

This "cosplay" is supposed to be deadpool as a sith according to Luna. What even made her decide this made sense and was good? This is past Nigiri levels of bullshit.
No. 211372
File: 1481335358599.jpg (57.07 KB, 480x480, IMG_0793.JPG)

>>211369Her Harley is also fucking terrible. Pic from SVCC this year.
No. 211382
>>211142lol luna none of us would be talking shit about you if you didnt photoshop yourself to within an inch of your life and whore yourself out for whatever attention you can find.
Also Im not Mariah, Asian or jelly about your spare tyre. Im just some random. Seeing it has inspired me to start doing situps and to cut all the sugar from my diet so I thank you again.
take care and get help.
No. 211383
File: 1481337066392.jpg (101.45 KB, 391x500, IMG_0792.JPG)

>>211372>>211381Why did she do this horrible inaccurate Harley?
No. 211685
>>211682The bra and corset that they're advertising are fine
But the raw edges and seams of that cape is not up to standard with the rest of their stuff
It makes no sense why they used it for their fashion show
No. 211697
File: 1481408966769.jpg (34.15 KB, 480x480, IMG_4815.JPG)

>>211694Work on that face first
No. 211700
File: 1481409059877.jpg (44.81 KB, 320x320, IMG_4813.JPG)

Do you just stay on Anon and Reddit all day? Nice cosplay
No. 211710
File: 1481409501397.jpg (538.17 KB, 1503x1089, loonie.jpg)

Holy fuck Luna, you look like Ilona Staller
No. 211714
File: 1481409705991.png (3.3 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2617.PNG)

This bitch can't photoshop for shit. Her entire face is like a puddle lol JUST STOP.
No. 212084
File: 1481483272790.png (172.37 KB, 750x1269, IMG_0991.PNG)

Nothing said on the internet bothers you?
Is that why you have to make a post every week if not every other day about how much you "don't care" about people saying shit online? Lol
No. 212134
>>212084yet she keeps coming back to vehemently white knight herself claiming she's not her. Ok Luna.
>>212115don't worry about it literally no one cares. Everyone knows it's her.
No. 212261
File: 1481503233784.png (2.54 MB, 3286x1080, luna 1.png)

>>211655 dude I feel ya. Luckily, I don't cosplay and put myself out there in the public eye like some of these girls do. Matter of fact, I do agree that attacking the way Delanie looks is irrelevant, regardless. She's not fat at all, and she's hella short, the thing that bothers me is this bitches attitude. She went on a rampage back in the Spring and blocked like 150 cosplayers because Nigri pointed out to one of her "fans" after Luna claimed she does all photography herself, that it was actually her BF helping her. Then the bitch tries to play it off like her marketing person was the one abusing her social media and she doesn't like drama blahblahblah…yet here we are, 8 months later, and crazy bitch is calling people thots and ratchet again. I don't even care what she looks like, she's a pathological liar, sociopath, narcissist, and I actually pity her fanbase that thinks she gives 2 fucks about them.
No. 212287
>>212263Holy shit you autist, learn to fucking crop your screenshots before you post them here.
Fucking retard
No. 212296
>>212263they provided delicious milk, I can forgive the uncropped screencap
>>212287You sound overly upset about it tbh.
No. 212306
>>212296I have a dual screen set up I didn't think it'd screen cap the whole thing ffs lol.
Autist? Because I didn't know how to do one technical thing correctly? Retard? Do you even have friends? At least I don't hide behind a fucking screen, I put myself out here in the open BECAUSE I GIVE ZERO FUCKS. Come after me, Lanie, you fucking trash cunt!
No. 212312
File: 1481506516605.png (145.88 KB, 828x1060, luna 3 crop.png)

>>212287Here ya go, fuckface.
No. 212326
File: 1481507351710.jpg (496.47 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_0994.JPG)

>>212318Just lurked your twitter and this was the best lmfao thank you
No. 212339
>>212327It's DELICIOUS because Luna Lanie herself made this entire thread to deny she ever dated Martin Wong and there she is admitting it.
Now thanks to Kimchi we know why Luna is so assblasted over Jnigs (
>>212261 ) Still no explanation over her pycho hate for SSS but I bet it's only because she makes more on patreon without getting nude and with a much smaller fanbase.
No. 212343
>>212339Luna brought up some dude named Raquib in connection to Succubus
>>208658 Another highschool drama case like Kayyybear?
No. 212346
File: 1481509212145.jpg (117.26 KB, 657x853, luna 5.jpg)

>>212287>>212313>>212327Nah this just pissed me off because I thought she was actually being genuine and …idk…a human…I actually bought into all her bullshit and her apologies to me even AFTER she put my name on her facebook asking her fans to report my page for getting her twitter account suspended when it was her dumbass that locked herself out of her own account. She deleted the post but that is also on my twitter.
>>212339 No. 212429
File: 1481522085046.png (195.23 KB, 368x366, Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 9.54…)

>>212161fucking nightmare fuel
No. 212732
File: 1481577777387.gif (494.89 KB, 226x309, a3kQJDXfun.gif)

>This whole thread as of lately
No. 212764
File: 1481580296691.jpg (166.36 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0847.JPG)

Look how blurry her face is. Trying to hide those premature wrinkles?
No. 212817
>>210479This was the most amazing thing I ever read. Just because you actually created a mini fan fic here almost. So accurate.
But for real that's actually my favourite Rikku scene in X and I would love if Luna would stop ruining my favourite characters…
No. 213027
File: 1481622775023.jpg (73.33 KB, 480x640, IMG_0698.JPG)

>>213023>>213025Luna STILL comes here holy shit. Also lmao at this old pic she used to look much less ugly before the plastic surgery. She actually paid to look worse.
No. 213058
File: 1481631564951.png (224.8 KB, 1280x1024, Untitled.png)

>>213023Actually I've posted about her 3 times. Back in the Summer/Spring. But good try fuck face. Shove your head up her ass a little more, I don't think you're kissing it enough :')
No. 213100
>>213084First off, learn to read you illiterate cuck. I just said that we all know Jessica had a boob job. I literally don't give a fuck. Do I like Jessica? Yes. But I'm not friends with her. At least she's not going around harassing and attacking people. Butt injections? No. It's called photoshop. Nothing any worse than your beloved Delanie does. You can tell every single fucking photo of hers her proportions are absurdly different even in the past month. So stop trying to play it off it's because of "old photos". Also Jessica is actually 26. So nice try, again. In the rare occasion that you see Jessica without a face full of makeup, she looks her age. The makeup makes these chicks look way older than they are. Jessica didn't send people here.
Kayla didn't send people here.
Take your girl Delanie off a fucking pedestal for one second to realize you're worshipping a literal human trash can full of anger and hatred for any person that doesn't 100% kiss her ass or agree with her practices of how she handles herself publicly. I've got receipts for days on this bitch, but keep trying to blame Kayle or Mariah or whoever the fuck when I'm the one laying all this shit out in the open for you. Salty little bitch.
No. 213154
>>213115more like you clearly have way too much time on your hands, Luna.
Yet you still haven't figured out how to change your typing style.
No. 213167
>>213123Why would Jess care about you? She's making 50k a month and the only person who could match that is maybe Turney. You can barely make lunchbox money Luna
>>213100EWW Jessica's face is a disgusting leather crater. That's the worst thing about her for sure. That boob gremlin is well into milf status. You're dumb as fuck and aren't you the same fat chick who tried to be a handler for Shitna? Or something
No. 213183
>>213177LOL k Luna
No. 213231
>>213228She cares because she just made another reply on her own thread lol. Have fun stalking lolcow in LA, loonie!
As if any desperate "fan" would know that much about your personal life from two years back, strangers you've dated and post your business/location on an anonymous chat board. It's you luna, give it up
No. 213239
File: 1481654770943.jpg (83.91 KB, 444x428, IMG_0865.JPG)

>>213111Wow. Luna is so caught up in her own deranged lies she forgot she made this thread herself to claim she never dated Martin Wong. An entire thread just to whiteknight herself.
No. 213283
File: 1481657277898.png (142.12 KB, 749x732, IMG_0871.PNG)

Well I guess I'll just keep posting hilarious photos of Luna since people want to sit there arguing with her retard delusions instead of just posting more evidence to how shit she looks irl.
No. 213292
File: 1481657662898.png (256.61 KB, 749x923, IMG_0874.PNG)

>>213283>>213289What is this costume construction?
No. 213300
File: 1481658058170.jpg (278.79 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_0876.JPG)

>>213283>>213289>>213292>>213298Serving washed up aged porn star realness
No. 213304
File: 1481658182950.jpg (70.94 KB, 735x490, IMG_0877.JPG)

>>213294>>213296Leave the "i'm so quirky lol" faces to Jnig.
No. 213311
>>213294"partying with celebrities"
No. 213312
File: 1481658717139.jpg (98.3 KB, 505x960, IMG_0879.JPG)

Her ass is so flat jesus
No. 213313
File: 1481658759946.jpg (131.66 KB, 500x750, IMG_0878.JPG)

What is going on with her face? Specifically her upper lip.
No. 213314
File: 1481658932261.png (196 KB, 750x870, IMG_0868.PNG)

>>213312Her hips are concave wtf?
No. 213317
File: 1481659105673.png (180.9 KB, 1242x2022, IMG_2695.PNG)

>>213298I'm gonna throw up lol. I recommend you stop bumping your own thread Luna. You'll be on your second thread in no time <3
No. 213319
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>>213316Her whiteknights work so hard because they know Luna will put her tongue on anything that gives her attention.
No. 213335
File: 1481659790315.jpg (98.41 KB, 500x750, IMG_2700.JPG)

Wtf is this