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No. 2064363

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.

>Most accurate description of her ever, coming from ex best friend, termed "Hurricane Dana" >>>/snow/2029841
>Dana and Matt are expecting, fail to move back home and get family support and decide to have unpaid live in maid "equal partner" Chelsea move in, this set up quickly falls apart. It will be a pattern for years to come. >>>/snow/2029783
>unsightly boyfriend Eli, the man for whom Dana regularly delivers fresh women for, yes she gets jealous but that's okay! >>>/snow/2028438
>still married to rapist Matt Hare years on being with her "husband" Eli >>>/snow/2029782 >>>/snow/2029701
>moved away immediately after becoming official with Eli, decided to be polyfags instead of breaking up >>>/snow/2029822
>rotating inhabitants of the house - not roommates but mommy's beloved partners - in and out of her child's life, see the woman right before Gaby >>>/snow/2029831 and her bullshit "yeah caretakers might leave… and it may hurt a little bit… but i vet well!" (Gaby moved in weeks after dating Dana and Eli) >>>/snow/2030066
>yet more evidence of their unicorns breaking up with them and calling them out on social media >>>/snow/2030741
>bullied her rapist ex moid's victims, accusing them of slander and playing victim herself >>>/snow/2061795 >>>/snow/2061994 >>>/snow/2029701

Recent behavior
>"triad" gf Gaby breaks up with Dana, of course Dana is handling it well (with alcohol) >>>/snow/2029531
>ebegging to fix her nasty rotting teeth, even though she says she can afford it on her own. But we have to pay her, because she provides education >>>/snow/205196 >>>/snow/206338
>regularly uses being a mother to promote her porn >>>/snow/2029452
>constant lurking on reddit and lc >>>/snow/2062315 >>>/snow/2062297
Eli is a creep >>>/snow/2062800
>still defending herself including bullying Matt Hare's victims, putting her child at risk out of sheer stubbornness, she can never admit she was in the wrong >>>/snow/2062715

and more. Read last thread >>>/snow/2026090
Redditfags learn to sage and reply. Please enough wking.


No. 2064370

as the poly thread is about 50 replies away from max, with the last couple weeks focused almost solely on Dana, I thought we should finally have a containment thread. Therefore when the next poly thread is created it can be focused on more general poly drama/milk.

No. 2064374

samefag better thread links Background
>Most accurate description of her ever, coming from ex best friend, termed "Hurricane Dana" >>>/snow/2029841
>Dana and Matt are expecting, fail to move back home and get family support and decide to have unpaid live in maid "equal partner" Chelsea move in, this set up quickly falls apart. It will be a pattern for years to come. >>>/snow/2029783
>unsightly boyfriend Eli, the man for whom Dana regularly delivers fresh women for, yes she gets jealous but that's okay! >>>/snow/2028438
>still married to rapist Matt Hare years on being with her "husband" Eli >>>/snow/2029782
>moved away immediately after becoming official with Eli, decided to be polyfags instead of breaking up >>>/snow/2029822
>rotating inhabitants of the house - not roommates but mommy's beloved partners - in and out of her child's life, see the woman right before Gaby >>>/snow/2029831
>and her bullshit "yeah caretakers might leave… and it may hurt a little bit… but i vet well!" (Gaby moved in weeks after dating Dana and Eli) >>>/snow/2030066
>yet more evidence of their unicorns breaking up with them and calling them out on social media >>>/snow/2030741
>bullied her rapist ex moid's victims, accusing them of slander and playing victim herself >>>/snow/2061795

Recent behavior
>"triad" gf Gaby breaks up with Dana, of course Dana is handling it well (with alcohol) >>>/snow/2029531
>ebegging to fix her nasty rotting teeth, even though she says she can afford it on her own. But we have to pay her, because she provides education >>>/snow/205196
>regularly uses being a mother to promote her porn >>>/snow/2029452
>constant lurking on reddit and lc >>>/snow/2062315
>Eli is a creep >>>/snow/2062800
>still defending herself including bullying Matt Hare's victims, putting her child at risk out of sheer stubbornness, she can never admit she was in the wrong >>>/snow/2062715

and more. Read last thread >>>/snow/2026090
Redditfags learn to sage and reply. Please enough wking.

No. 2064375

No. 2064380

They're gonna hate you for it. I never understood why anons are so reluctant to create threads for specific cows instead of keeping them in hard-to-follow generalized threads. So what if rotten tooth girl comes to the thread? Laur has been doing that for LJ's thread for months. It wouldn't be the end of the world if Dana decided to show up, she'd just get banned and we'd all laugh at her. I'm pretty sure we'd all be able to smell her dental plaque and tarter through the screen if she did show up besides.

No. 2064388

It's not just about Dana. Redditfags are pouring in and now they can just plug "Dana lolcow" into google and shit the place up further. The thanksgiving milk is over, the poly thread is a fucking mess. This is the worst state I've ever seen lolcow in and this thread is a big red sign reading "newfags welcome"

No. 2064391

LC isn't some exclusive members-only club, you know that, right? Redditfags can come and use LC too. If they lurk and integrate, great, and if they don't, then they'll get banned. It's not that big of a deal.

No. 2064394

Jesus fucking christ I hate it here(if you don't like the thread just hide it)

No. 2064398

So leave.

Seriously though, why is Dana having her own thread so horrible? She's completely taken over the polyamory thread. Anons enjoy gossiping about her, and she always gets posted there. So, why can't she have her own thread? You act like LC is some sacred institution and not just an internet gossip site. If anons want to talk about Dana, they should be allowed to do so.

No. 2064399

>internet gossip site
Go the fuck back

No. 2064402

We didn't make a thread weeks and months ago because we suspected Dana would milk the thread back, leading newfags to the board, feeding her ego, constant lurking etc. But it happened anyway, too little too late, so we may as well have a containment thread for it. It's one thing to say she's not worth containment when the poly thread is just coming up on a couple hundred replies, it's another when the whole thread is Dana central and poly #3 is about to end up the same, and so on. If the milk dries up, so what? Let the thread fall to the bottom of the catalogue. The general thread sucks when it's not a varied mix of the community.
>At least before non farmers had to figure out the catalogue and find the thread
As if that was keeping them away, please. You people act like lolcow is impossible to figure out and holds so many barriers for entry, meanwhile the cow in question posted the name of the site multiple times and the redditors keep the poly thread at the top of /snow/ posting their unsaged noncontributions.
Lolcow isn't your special best friend, retards. Get a life, or some actual possessions of your own at the very least.
ly nona

No. 2064407

File: 1733258879143.png (1.16 MB, 644x1156, Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 3.47.…)

Alright, Dingbat.

No. 2064408

ntayrt but what exactly is so offensive about that description kek

No. 2064411

i think she really camps in here or reddit or wherever her "haters" are commenting about her. organizing your life around "proving a point" to your social media followers. bleak

No. 2064421

File: 1733260723793.jpg (399.5 KB, 1080x2056, 1000005203.jpg)

Kek because we say muhh slurs we're garbage humans? Damn then what does trying to intimidate rape victims into silence make you then Dana?

No. 2064427

The only assumptions people made are from her previous posts. If she doesn't want people talking about how she's a disgusting rapist-chasing whore who exposes her daughter to her degenerate lifestyle, then she shouldn't post that content. It's that easy. She chose to make her life public so she can be an "educator." Unfortunately for Dana, she can't control what people say about her "educational" content.
She's clearly not a good judge of character and has no leg to stand on, really. Imagine being offended because of words rather than one of the most vile acts a person can do to another person.

No. 2064428

Hard to tear my eyes away from her snaggly teeth, Jesus Christ. Beg harder for your new mouth, retarded faggot tranny.

No. 2064429

Saying slurs is still more better than marrying a pedofag rapeape kek

No. 2064430

File: 1733261555159.png (461.63 KB, 1050x728, Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 4.29.…)

Dana, is saying slurs worse than telling DCF "uh, I don't know" when they ask you if your rapist husband was capable of hurting your daughter when he's already hurt you? And on top of that, you didn't leave him before she was born for her safety? You waited until after he did what he's done to you and nearly a dozen other girls. But yes, wax some more about an anon saying tranny.

No. 2064432

Let me say it in words she'd understand, Dana, you're comparing our behaviour here to that of a person with a mental injury causing disability, that's pretty ableist! Just because you disagree with us doesn't make it okay to throw strays at mentally disabled people. Now it's your turn to take accountability, when are you going to apologise for calling Matt's victims slanderers and trying to get them silenced for speaking out, and years later still referring to these women as "matt hare hate club"? It's really highly disrespectful to victims of abuse and coupled with the multiple independent accusations against yourself and Eli it gives an awful impression of your character.

No. 2064434

If this is the worst state you’ve seen lolcow in you must be very new. Site culture has changed a bit but back in like 2016 threads would regularly devolve into self posting and insane shit flinging. Get a grip.
Anon is retarded and probably doesn’t know what a lolcow even is. In recent years I’ve seen newfags who legitimately think this is a radfem website.
I think this thread is a good idea simply because she completely dominated the last poly thread and shows no sign of slowing down. Farmhands have been pretty on top of things lately so anons should stop whining and just report redditards if they show up and won’t integrate.

No. 2064445

>>they say bad words!!!
>>i knew he was capable of hurting our daughter but i froze and said uh, i don't know.
this is so messed up.
i wonder if she's ever heard the phrase, actions speak louder than words.

No. 2064461

File: 1733264287859.png (337.92 KB, 692x1242, danangl.png)

She intentionally misses the point. People on her NGL are concerned why she waited until 11 AM to check on her daughter. This, coupled with not going trick or treating with her, nude photos on the fridge, etc, it's not looking good.

No. 2064462

File: 1733264399051.png (472.5 KB, 686x1254, Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 5.18.…)

She's checking this thread at least every thirty minutes of the day.
Why would she call attention to the fact that she said i dont know to her audience?! More people will begin to turn.

No. 2064464

wow, she really is camping out in here kek.
yeah, every time she tries to "explain herself" she ends up digging a deeper hole. why does she even feel the need to share ANY of this
and also
>>advocate for all of his victims
since when

No. 2064465

File: 1733264765757.jpg (787.38 KB, 1080x2323, 1000005210.jpg)

She's trying to low-key make some sort of rebuttal against the fact that she did in fact, try to intimidate Matt Hare's rape victims into silence with this long fucking spiel of "I believe victims should be heard" you clearly didn't fucking think so when you accused them of slander and threatened them with legal action for speaking out? Lol

No. 2064466

>because Matt was with me at the time
Why would police ask her about Matt in front of him? I don't buy this for a second, they absolutely take you into another room and ask privately.

No. 2064469

not to wk but I absolutely can believe the police mishandled a domestic abuse situation, they're not here to protect women and half of them are abusers too. At best it's not hard to forget or miscarry protocol during a long shift, even when that ultimately puts someone else's life at risk.

No. 2064470

They probably did im sure,she must've lied to protect her pedomoid over her daughter like the pickme she is I really hope her daughter is alright now poor girl has such good awful parents

No. 2064472

>"matt hare hate club"
I fucking hate this term so much. I sincerely hope her daughter joins the club when she finally realizes what a shitstain her father is.
>scared, abused and traumatized
I don't understand her. She's willing to admit he's an abuser but still defends him from accusations of abuse?
>reeeeeeee you don't matter to meeeeeeeeee
>replies to us
Seethe harder kek

No. 2064476

>"boo hoo my hate club is calling me a rape apologist"
>proceeds to cast doubt on allegations and make excuses for an accused rapist
>"but but this isn't rape apologism!"
God she's dense. She's only digging a bigger hole for herself.

No. 2064477

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No. 2064478

Huh! Her phrasing is curiously vague for a topic she should be shutting the fuck up about. Reading this without already knowing the nature of the crime, combined with her story in >>2064465 , it wouldn’t be a leap to misconstrue what she means by assault. Does Dana Christine Hare of Nashville, Tennessee mean to imply that alleged serial rapist Matthew Hare sexually assaulted their daughter while in her care?

No. 2064479

She’s so fucking moid brained and she paints it all as her being the most noble and virtuous defender of women. Dana has claimed to have also been raped so I would love to know if her rapist was convicted, because by her own logic, everyone should only say ALLEGED rapist until their rapist is convicted and jailed (despite 98% of rapes going unreported and unprosecuted). She’s so fucking disgusting it’s hard not to a-log. When a moid does something awful to her shes the victim but when it happens to another woman suddenly it’s all about semantics. She hates women so fucking much I’m scared for her daughter

No. 2064482

I’ve been thinking the same thing and it’s really fucking creepy of her because she already said it was strangulation and not sexual in nature. I believe her on this because her daughter was so young I’m assuming SA would be obvious. Why the fuck she seems to want to mislead her followers who don’t know the nature of what happened is beyond me and completely fucked up. Most people would specify that it was PHYSICAL assault especially while also talking about the perpetrators history of sexual assault and rape. Normal people would want to make as clear of a distinction as possible but not Dana!

No. 2064486

I agree with you. i dont think they would ask if he was dangerous in front of her. and she also added that part, her story is worded differently in the version on her story than in the screenshot that was posted earlier.
i don't have a lot of faith in the police either especially when it comes to protection women. but this was an infant involved who had physical marks of abuse.

No. 2064513

if this bitch actually took accusations seriously she would know how difficult it is emotionally and literally for a rapist to get convicted in court. She doesn't give a shit. She's clinging to the excuse that nothing has gone through the court. Dana, I can't imagine what kind of fucked up shit your daughter has seen that ALSO hasn't gone through court.

No. 2064515

File: 1733271310192.png (158.86 KB, 537x1657, 1724586434656.png)

I want to drop this here for future reference, albeit it's old milk, so, saged. But I think this highlights a major part of Dana's personality.

No. 2064531

Let's see…
>oversharing to a public online audience
>total lack of stability and maturity
>feelings of jealousy and resentment towards others
>constantly playing the victim and blaming others for her issues
>always has it The Worst, always persecuted by an intolerant world
>glorifying destruction and violence
Yep, that's Dana alright.

No. 2064543

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No. 2064548

it jumps from we were living together and got jobs together and inseperable to i fell into some hard times and slept on her couch and then she was over it? what happened in between there i'd like to know

No. 2064550

taking some real feedback from someone who actually knew her well like
>>you've been through shit but most of your problems seem to be self inflicted..
and jumping to
plus the halsey quote
>>pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame, like me
do we even need to say anything more kek. she'll never not be the victim in her mind

No. 2064552

File: 1733277257113.png (170.42 KB, 1441x835, Screenshot 2024-12-03 203533.p…)

Oh, St. Augustine? In St. Johns county, Florida? Matthew Alan William Hare (DOB 3/27/1992) sure does have a lot of cases filed under his name there… What was it Dana said?

>but has not been charged

No. 2064553

Is Dana also a cocaine user and that's why her teeth are so bad?

No. 2064554

File: 1733277517415.png (197.06 KB, 1545x849, Screenshot 2024-12-03 205504.p…)

Samefag with a pic of the initial search results & case numbers.

No. 2064556

>Contributing to the delinquency of a child
What does this mean?

No. 2064565

It usually means helping or encouraging someone under 18 to break the law. Pretty sure it also includes an adult having a minor with them while the adult does something illegal. It’s a misdemeanor.

No. 2064567

I though Coke made you skinny, jesus. She looks like she's just addicted to booze, weed and food

No. 2064572

>these girls didn't even try to continue to help me, even though they knew deep down i needed help
>once i started standing up for matt
Are you serious, bitch? Of course they did. How exactly did you "stand up" for Matt? Because I feel like that will show us exactly why they stopped trying to help you. Did YOU know that deep down you needed help? Why didn't you reach out to ANY of the women that were helping you before hand and say "hey, you were right, please help me". I bet they would have relished the chance to help someone escape that dude's clutches, but yet it's partially their fault the events leading to her daughter being strangled happened. LOL

No. 2064574

File: 1733282404310.png (207.56 KB, 798x688, 1089738742.PNG)

samefag, but this is why. She didn't reach out because she didn't want the "hate club" to say "I told you so".

No. 2064576

Holy shit that John Green quote… Sure Dana, your friend dropped you because she was just miserable boring drizzle in the face of your awesome gorgeous endlessly fascinating hurricane self. Clearly that's the only possible conclusion.

No. 2064577

File: 1733282949768.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 1170x2137, IMG_7268.jpeg)

You really shouldn’t be raising a child in a place called “chateau of sin.” I thought she said she didn’t have a revolving door of degenerates coming in and out of her home.

No. 2064578

File: 1733283066598.jpeg (Spoiler Image,762.61 KB, 1170x1934, IMG_7269.jpeg)

Meet in greet in Dana’s home, where her 7 year old child lives. Who watches the kid when they have basement orgies? What if the kid has an emergency, or needs something? Do the perverts downstairs take turns watching her between cumming? What the fuck

No. 2064581

How is this an appropriate image? Shouldn't it be more business-oriented? This is an orgy ad

No. 2064592

File: 1733285662744.png (145.34 KB, 1542x542, Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11.04…)

Dana finally admitting on reddit that her marriage to Eli isn't legal.

No. 2064596

>battery of facility employee by expelling certain fluids
sounds like a classy guy, no wonder the town was pissed off

No. 2064606

This is really like that "catgirl manor/the chateau" thing all over again, but somehow uglier and smellier.

No. 2064624

This is just awful. Her daughter is 7 now, right? So she would’ve been around 5 at the time? That’s kindergarten age. Kindergartners don’t entertain themselves and mind their own business for long periods of time. I’d really love to know what type of child care she arranges while she has strange sex freaks come to her home. Does Dana know that parents associating with criminals and perverts is enough to get CPS involved? Tons of single mothers of young children don’t even think about dating until their kids are older and would never in a million years move in new boyfriends. Dana doesn’t seem to have a single protective instinct. She makes my skin crawl.

No. 2064657

Classy. Nothing screams “my child is my highest priority” more than keeping her in a house filled with dead animals, empty liquor bottle decor, and a dozen unwashed degenerates who get naked in the living room. It’s like The Florida Project but somehow bleaker.

No. 2064662

More like someone posted evidence that she’d been lying about being divorced from her rapist pig of a husband in the polyam thread and now she’s cryfagging to Reddit in an attempt to backpedal. Probably sweating bullets in her cuck chair while her not husband Eli gets laid in the other room by a girl who also thinks Dana’s ugly, not giving a shit. Truly the life she deserves. Rot, Dana.

No. 2064666

Comments like this are why we lurk lolcow kek nonna

No. 2064670

This has been talked about before, it is not news. >>>/snow/2029782
If you're going to come from reddit lurk more and stop posting your own comments.

No. 2064673

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No. 2064680

I'm so so sorry nonas, I actually love the vintage maximalist decor. Ngl I didn't expect her degenerate sex house to be so well-kept. It's possible they only clean for pics though… And god forbid someone walks through with a blacklight kek

No. 2064684

Dana hasn't realized her daughter will be the number 1 hater of the Matthew William Alan Hare hate club (a serial pedorapist from Florida with multiple charges of sexual assault). Also she'll be the number 1 hater of Dana Christine Hare from Nashville, Tennessee, who is currently married to Matthew Hare, for allowing her to exist by procreating with a known rapist and getting the worst of it, instead of Dana. In the end Dana, maybe you were the exception to his abuse, but not your daughter! retard

No. 2064694

She doesn't have to be home. Now all of these people know where she lives.

No. 2064703

That house looks like a mess.

No. 2064704

File: 1733321411989.webp (123.8 KB, 750x1334, didnt-they-just-say-that-they-…)

taken from her snark reddit, ugly ass Dana caught lying again, she did knew she was pregnant way before the six months due date. narcs can't even make up for their own lies! so this inbred bitch was proudly pregnant of a rapist pedophile, it's always me me me and yet she never thought how her daughter might feel knowing she choose her to be the daughter of a rapist and eventually, baby aggressor. we've got an horrorcow here

No. 2064705

File: 1733321433316.webp (89.51 KB, 750x1334, didnt-they-just-say-that-they-…)

No. 2064723

The entire freaking time since this truth bomb dropped? I wonder if Dana is aware children have ears. And a brain. Thats developing exponentially. Because everything shes said about supposedly keeping her daughter safe and away from her partying polycule sex parties has been focused on she cant visually encounter or know or remember.
>she doesnt know I use my motherhood status for OF shit (MILF) so thats ok right?
>Shes only seen a few things once so she wont remember right?
And so on. And even then shes fucking failed that. Shes never considered what her daughter might overhear at all. Its like she thinks 'oh shes so young she wont understand it at all so its fine.' Ugh what do you think shes overheard.
I guarantee the other parent in this equation is an iphone, and its quite scary how quickly kids run into very inappropriate things online. So shes eventually gonna put things together.
Um. congrats Dana.

No. 2064745

there's nothing special or interesting in real life to being a fucking broodmare. she's only sexualizing it because she's a self-hating woman pandering to degenerate scrotes. pregnancy ravages your body. look at what her kid has wound up with. having to protect yourself/act more responsible than the people who are supposedly there to raise you is truly something.

No. 2064771

tour of her hovel

No. 2064781

Hi, I was >>2064680 - I take it back, this shit is tacky and I hate it. I was so blinded by all the little tchotchkes I forgot she has bad taste.

No. 2064802

All her tattoos are awful but the hideous big splotch on the side of her face makes her look like she’s molding. No one can really control being naturally ugly but the way she styles herself is a great way to give normal people a heads up that she’s insane and they should stay away.

No. 2064803

she seems to really love dingy, old worn out furniture. those chairs from her grandfather look like they need to get the cushioning replaced.

No. 2064804

she stands out but mostly in just an awkward way. The way she stores her fat seems really unhealthy. looks like it's all going into her gut which is usually something that you see in men.

No. 2064807

She puts the burden of growing up solely on her daughter. Tiny human will be able to parse what she's seeing and hearing and figure out the intricacies of having a revolving door of adults coming in and out of her life because she's so mature and understands a lot. Tiny human will be able to selectively forget about the softcore pornography Dana has up on her refrigerator door. Tiny human will shut oour the nasty noises from the orgy happening downstairs. Legitimately the same argument nasty old men use to seduce underage girls: tiny human is soooo mature for her age!

No. 2064811

Yeah she’s fat (alcohol will cause central adiposity like hers) but the real red flag is the active, daily choices she makes in regards to her appearance.

No. 2064815

File: 1733346498981.png (471.11 KB, 734x1230, Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 4.06.…)

Remember when she was pretending to be unbothered? She keeps going on and on about her "haters" as if she doesn't love all the attention. She wakes up just to respond to reddit comments and answer fake NGLs.

No. 2064817

She's rewriting history again. She didn't know the kid was sleeping. She thought she was awake for who knows how long without checking on her.

No. 2064821

part of it is from pregnancy but afterwards its clear from its her partying lifestyle: eating drinking, suspected coke (ruined teeth, coke bloat), sitting on her ass bothered by online randos

No. 2064822

What's the context here?

No. 2064830

so the basement is the sex/party room? there's a stripper pole and porn on the walls and the room doesn't even have a door to shut.

No. 2064838

File: 1733349405819.png (796.38 KB, 828x1792, IMG_9587.png)

She said in a vlog at 11am she went to check on her daughter so she basically didn’t know what she was doing all morning

No. 2064842

If you make a mistake while posting, you have 30 minutes to delete the incorrect post.
Her followers have to be completely, fully retarded to buy into her larp as supermom.

No. 2064843

Spoiler this shit nona, what the fuck? If you're new here, please read the rules!

No. 2064846

File: 1733350225662.jpeg (Spoiler Image,583.78 KB, 828x1045, IMG_9588.jpeg)

what the fuck

No. 2064848

Lurk moar

No. 2064850

No information about this video >>2064838 had been posted to the thread before. This is lolcow, not reddit or instagram - if you want to discuss something here, you need to post it here. Many anons don't use instagram or follow the cows directly.

No. 2064852

I have no words. Is this supposed to be sexy? Is a butt-plug made out of taxidermied badger supposed to be sexy? Where am I? Am I in the Twilight Zone? Is this how dementia patients feel? Confused and scared?

No. 2064854

The dirty feet and dead inside expression add to the utter lack of sex appeal of this image. It's the opposite of arousing.

No. 2064863

It was literally posted in the poly thread a couple of days ago kek. As I said. Lurk. Moar.

No. 2064876

File: 1733356325204.jpeg (157.4 KB, 828x1300, IMG_9589.jpeg)

No. 2064881

Kek, the icon… Does Dana not realize her address is not hard to find? If you know someone's legal name, you can find all sorts of info about them, publicly available.

No. 2064882

Aw, what's wrong Dana? Did you not know the cop? Did he have bad vibes, was he not kind enough, and reminded you of when your mom told you not to listen to fall out boy? This bitch always has an excuse for her stupidity and blatant child endangerment, it's never her fault, it's always other people's for not having tard wrangled her harder.
>When I went full on rape apologist and started harassing these girls and calling them liars to protect my pedophile rapist husband, they started treating me like I was an extension of him!
Gee I wonder why. I love how she tries to paint the "Matt Hare hate club" as these mean bully bitches guilty of ruining her life, yet casually mentions the case was bad enough that the entire fucking town joined in to harass the rapist and his attack dog. And we know most people, especially Tennessee hillbillies, don't usually give a shit about rapists and abusers so he must've been a particularly violent piece of shit to make that many enemies that they were breaking her car and house windows and kicking them out of bars. She acts like they were specifically harassing her only, yet omits the fact that the moid was likely a hobo living in her house and driving her car, thus making them his things by extension.
Really, Dana? you didn't deserve any of it? Not even after calling your husband's victims liars and harassing them when they tried to seek justice? I think it's poetic justice you ended up not being the excuse to the rule and ended up experiencing the same as the women you demonized.
What the actual fuck KEKKKK… Actual horrorcow behavior.

No. 2064894

Where has anyone threatened her kid online? Definitely not here, not on reddit. So where are these supposed threats coming from?

No. 2064906

Nowhere, she's lying to make da hadurz look bad like when someone commented the name of tiny human to teach her a lesson in oversharing and she went
when she in fact did that on tumblr.

No. 2064907

Dana take some accountability for once in your damn life kek, you're the only and biggest danger to your child and you exposed her yourself. your need for attention will always be bigger than your love for your daughter. bleak

No. 2064941

She’s referring to people threatening to call CPS on her

No. 2064945

NTA but no one here has done that. Maybe she should stop doing shit that actually does warrant CPS intervention if she’s so worried. I did mention up thread that her bringing freaks and criminals into her home where her daughter lives is enough for them to get involved but that was simply stating a fact and clearly not me saying I’m calling CPS or encouraging anyone else to do that. I don’t even live in her state and do not know her personally so it’s not my place AND cowtipping is bad mmmkay Redditors, on the other hand, WILL call CPS on internet strangers for minor shit like not approving of how a kids car seat is buckled.

No. 2064955

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Yeah I don't think it needs to be said but ending up at the mercy of CPS would be an even worse fate than Dana's kweer brothel. Most kids in the system end up being bounced from stranger's house to stranger's house and most end up getting sexually assaulted by either the host parents or other kids.
OT but I feel like we moved on from the neanderthal being a crossdresser too soon

No. 2064969

FWIW CPS involvement doesn’t usually mean removing a child. In a perfect (fantasy) world they’d step in and force Dana to take classes on what’s appropriate for her kid to be exposed to and make her stop using their home as some sort of pervert grand central station. I hope there’s a stable and responsible grandparent or aunt or something she’s pawned off to when her mom is busy hosting orgies but somehow I doubt it.

No. 2065007

Dana acting like this is a totally healthy and normal environment for her 7 year old to grow up in as this fag drops trow randomly around the house to take greasy, stinky looking images for internet ass pats… we are so beyond bleak atp. Imagine coming out of your room for a glass of water and seeing this fat nasty moid who doesn’t give a shit about you (nor Dana) stretching out his walmart seniors lingerie on the kitchen floor mid afternoon. Hope Eli troons out and leaves so Dana has to pretend she’s fine with it because muh polyamory values or ends up twisting things to make herself look like a victim as she does with all the others.

No. 2065011

Second this. CPS does not want your kid. They want to force you to get your shit together enough to take care of your kid in most situations, save for extreme conditions. I worked with a woman who had worked in CPS previously and said that typically initial checks are just to make sure the home has basic utilities, food, and that the child is safe and has no signs of harm. Almost all families will pass this check.
Dana is a giant fucking neanderthal though and probably has a mega dildo next to her kitchen sink so who knows. We all know she'd rant about the parenting classes being anti queer for encouraging a nuclear family household and not fucking in front of your child.

No. 2065067

and that's the living room couch where the kid would also sit to watch TV and so on. absolutely disgusting

No. 2065076

it was NOT in Tennessee, it happened in st augustine florida I believe. ( >>2064552 ) Seems like dude already made a name for him in that town as a psycho that by the time that Folio article was published it was the last straw imho

No. 2065094

File: 1733407587076.png (1.39 MB, 1333x2000, Diseño sin título_20241205_104…)

Reddit screenshots of some, not even all, of her coomer house decor from the vlog. Comments also claim she definitely filmed her daughter sleeping in the room with the penis painting and only started saying it was off limits after getting backlash.
This shit is so disgusting, anyone who's lived with a coomer parent who lived like they were single will know that this does affect the child greatly. Especially for a girl in such a tender age, where you usually come to the cruel realization that society sees you as a dehumanized sex object. A parents job should be to shield their innocent child from that reality as much as possible, imagine your mother literally having entire walls covered in porn, sexual imagery, her own nudes, sex toys, and female objectification in every corner.

No. 2065095

I think her daughter will troon out eventually.(tinfoiling)

No. 2065111

considering her parents are already cross dressing degenerates, they are absolutely the type of parents that would encourage this and try to "help" her do it, too. ugh

No. 2065119

Ite all imagens of women. Eroticism never involves men, it's always women who are portrayed when it comes to sexually appealing things. Reminds me that her idea of an orgy I'd finding five to ten women to suck her missing link's dick.

No. 2065151

She probably waves away these concerns because it's "art" despite being literal porn

No. 2065156

So she gave birth around 2017-2018, married the rapist in 2020 (incredible priorities during a pandemic, Dana), and only filed for divorce in 2022?? so much for cutting all contact the second he attempted to murder your one year old daughter by throttling her like Bart Simpson, she fucking married him AFTER the murder attempt. This is insane. Who wants to bet she never actually left him and it was the rapist who ended up getting sick of her rotten teeth and dumped her for his new Dana?

No. 2065161

The 2020 document is a filing for child support, not a marriage license. Filing for child support can only occur after separation (divorce is not required). When did they get married? The license should be public in the county where it was filed.

No. 2065164

NTA but according to her tumblr post, Dana fled him after he hurt her when pregnant, as if that was the last straw. Then she….let him move back in with her (I think with her parents?? lol) and stayed with him still.

No. 2065184

Ayrt, that actually does align with the documents. In >>2064347, "Disposed" means the case is legally closed, with "Other Disposed" indicating they resolved the matter out of court. Meaning Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee, formerly of St. Augustine, Florida, reconciled with known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare, the biological father of her child, and ended her bid for child support in order to marry him.

No. 2065187

File: 1733423865138.png (242.13 KB, 1574x958, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 1.36.…)

Alleged former friend states the child was home during the orgies and would come downstairs to socialize.

No. 2065190

File: 1733424418989.png (205.89 KB, 1560x1076, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 1.45.…)

Dana has started using other subreddits, which are almost all removed by moderators.

No. 2065191

File: 1733424501494.png (992.51 KB, 1492x1162, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 1.47.…)

Dana posting 10 year old photos. I'm sure she cannot do this anymore

No. 2065192

File: 1733424595087.png (170.44 KB, 1524x908, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 1.48.…)

I'm guessing everything is being removed by mods due to negative karma.

No. 2065194

Probably using drugs around or with a minor. But looking into it it can also mean this:
> A person 21 years of age or older who impregnates a child under 16 years of age commits an act of child abuse which constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A person who impregnates a child in violation of this subsection commits an offense under this subsection regardless of whether the person is found to have committed, or has been charged with or prosecuted for, any other offense committed during the course of the same criminal transaction or episode, including, but not limited to, an offense proscribed under s. 800.04, relating to lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon any person under 16 years of age. Neither the victim’s lack of chastity nor the victim’s consent is a defense to the crime proscribed under this subsection.
Is there a way you can check if it was a misdemeanor or a felony. Because a felony would probably be the latter.

No. 2065195

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It's probably one of these events. Again, Dana knew about all of this. She was okay procreating with a child rapist

No. 2065196

Jesus fucking Christ I hope this person is full of shit but who knows.

No. 2065203

Her daughter is gonna be fucked up. She probably has to sit in her room all day or go outside. spoiler for blog, but since Dana lurks in this thread, she needs to see it. My parents were stoners, which i don't really care about the weed itself. Weed is fine for adults. But it was still illegal in my state at the time and they always had my dad's gross friends over to party. I was always told, "go play in your room" and got stuck in my room all evening,
every night so i didn't witness them smoking weed or drinking. When we went to my dad's friends houses, I wasn't allowed inside and had to play outside in a nasty trailer park or sit in the car if it was a more dangerous neighborhood. At the trailer park I got approached by a man who asked my to eat a banana in front of him and he lured my dog inside his trailer. Luckily my mom came out in time and just brought me inside the friends trailer and they moved to the bedroom to keep smoking weed. They'd also hotbox the car and tell me it was cigarette smoke even though they didn't smoke cigarettes. And while my dad dumped a lot of his loser friends, one of them still hangs out with my tweaker great aunt. I was visiting my great grandpa and she had this dude over. He told me he remembered me a a child and then proceeded to hit on me and offer me opiates, even though I had just gotten out of rehab. I was probably 2 to 10 when my parents partied a lot and I remember all of it.
And i grew up to be a fucked up drug addict and alcoholic. I didn't get my life together until my late 20s. So fuck you Dana. You're a shit mom.

No. 2065204

growing more convinced theyre all sex addicts operating under this polycult shit….like wtf come on can any of them act like proper adults?

No. 2065209

yeah dana seems to think that not actively having sex in front of her child's eyes means she's a great parent and nothing she's doing is wrong. She doesn't seem to give a shit about what it might be like as a child, listening to your disgusting mother and her stringy, greasy boyfriend have sex all the time, especially if other people are around, and no father to lean on because her father tried to kill her. Dana, why don't you give a shit about your daughters' development more than you do partying and having sex? Do you know how this pathetic this looks? Other people have already confirmed that your daughter IS around people who have sex with each other and do drugs, they're strangers that know the layout of your home, and she is NOT shielded from your stinky sexy parties or disgusting crusty dildo wall. Please, for the love of fucking god, LOG OFF, STOP being an "educator", work at your stupid coffee job and BECOME A MOTHER! Do things with your daughter that have nothing to do with your freak ass "family" of orgy participants and try doing those things MORE than you fuck and suck randos.

No. 2065211

On the one hand, it's reddit. People lie all the time there, so I read everything with extreme skepticism, especially when there isn't any proof that this person is who they're claiming to be. On the other hand, this horrifying scenario wouldn't surprise anyone considering that poor girl's parents/guardians. It's shocking that a mother would be so reckless with her own daughter.
>they're all sex addicts
Agreed. She's made it her entire personality. It's pathetic and gross

No. 2065212

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More info by the former friend, redditor who posted this says they've confirmed their identity and it's indeed a former Dana orbiter. The bit about tiny human reading them stories and dancing on the pole at the orgy is fucking sick.

No. 2065213

File: 1733428749796.jpg (610.8 KB, 828x1589, RDT_20241205_16552166909918642…)

Former friend confirms the sexual assault allegations WERE indeed about Dana. I knew she was trying to deflect instantly blaming a boogeyman dom.

No. 2065217

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She's acting like the random "content creator" coomers she invites over for orgies aren't strangers because they're her Xitter mutuals.
The ex friend exposing her on reddit also said she smells so she posted a video excusing it by saying when she first moved in her toilet had blown up really bad so it wasn't her fault kek so disgusting

No. 2065218

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Denying it as expected, I hope to God her daughter didn't actually go downstairs to the orgy, but I'm willing to bet she was definitely in the house when it happened which is still terrible.

No. 2065219

The gall of this asshole to call herself an "educator" on anything is astounding. Idk much about polyamory, but isn't it frowned upon to do the single-penis thing, where there's only one man but both parties can bring in other women? And isn't what they do unicorn hunting? Isn't that the lowest form of polyamory, according to polyam people?

Not that I take any of that too seriously, but she seems to be the worst example of a polyamorous person possible, almost like she's trying to suck at it. Her BPDemon antics and terrible parenting are a deterrant for people who might be interested in the subject, if anything, so there's at least one minuscule positive thing about this whole thing.

No. 2065224

It's weird to claim that these people aren't strangers just because she checked their IDs at the door. Stranger: neither friend nor acquaintance; a foreigner, newcomer, or outsider. Especially to her daughter, these people are 100% randos.
>baseless rumors
Going off of what she herself posts… this is just hilarious. People aren't making shit up from nothing. Even if the friend didn't post these allegations, people can put 2 and 2 together.

No. 2065226

So because she checked IDs at her front door like a bouncer, they're friends and trustworthy to be around her daughter?

No. 2065233

there is no door to the basement sex room, as she shows in her tour video when you enter her front door you can go up to the main area or down to the sex area and neither have doors, everything is just open. when she was talking about this previously i had the impression there was like a bedroom where they could shut/lock door and say "off limits" to the kid. but apparently thats not the case, so how does she keep her from going down? is she locking her kid in their own bedroom and saying don't come out until the party's over?

No. 2065246

this poor fucking child. what shes seen, what shes heard, what she will remember. She seems so fucking isolated. I wonder if shes ever had friends her own age come over. Oh wait, this horrowsow thinks motherhood is her lifestyle + a kid so probably not. I wonder if shes acting out behaviorally as a cry for help, with no one caring. because its about partying and selfies over anything the child needs and wants.
If you thought otherwise, this is confirmation we have a horrorcow.

No. 2065268

she thinks people dislike her for no reason it seems
I don't even know why people are surprised that Dana thinks checking an ID means that people are "safe" to be in the same house her daughter lives in. She thought the rapist pig that got her pregnant and raped/abused other women/CHILDREN was "safe" enough to have a kid with him. She either is the poorest judge of character or she truly doesn't care, and it probably is a bit of both. Why would you expect someone with the mental maturity of (on average) a 16 year old to actually give a shit? The saddest part is Dana is probably going to desperately deny any wrongdoing whatsoever while continuing to publicly advertise her home, her creepy orgies, her unfortunate sex partners, and in the same breath and on the same account, talk about her "tiny human". She doesn't care, she just can't wait until her tiny human gets big enough so she can stop pretending to be a good mother.

Also LMAO at her being like "well personally I've never had a bad experience with an air bnb host in my entire life!" okay you stupid bitch, congratulations. I'm glad that she's just hoping for the best with no forethought for strangers to treat her child with respect and care. Stupid ass bitch.

No. 2065370

File: 1733456264708.webp (596.11 KB, 571x5003, dana-and-the-help-v0-5l9farkk8…)

Apologies if this has been posted before but holy shit how did I not know she was also in a throuple while pregnant and married to Matt Hare?
>A polyamorous family can be just as healthy for kids as a monogamous one
>Responsible polyamorous parents don't expose their kids to the sexy side of their relationship
>Tiny Human is Matt's main priority. Believe it or not, Tiny human is Chelsea's main priority
None of this aged well kekkk, the way she instantly ascribes the third parent responsibility role to all her poly gfs that last a maximum of a week is hilarious. She literally hasn't changed at all in +7 years, all the same retarded excuses, cope and wokeslop.

No. 2065371

Samefagging to add, doesn't the
>Matt and I have been openly into sharing other women since we first got toghether
bit sound extremely sinister? A serial rapist and his pickmesha breed attack dog hunting down women toghether, she definitely lured their shared victims into a false sense of security because they thought they'd be safer with another woman. God, her polytard relationships with that sexpest were probably a thousand times worse than the current ones.

No. 2065376

Dana is the ultimate pickme. Pick me, I don't care you raped other women! In fact, I'll hurt them myself too! Pick me, I don't mind that you date other women! In fact, I'll find other women for you to date! Pick me, I don't mind that you're a pervert! In fact, I'll throw orgies with you! Oh, this kid? Don't worry, she's smart enough to understand whats going on and to ignore things that she shouldn't be seeing. A seven year old pole dancing is cute, actually.

No. 2065381

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Posting that her daughter is dropped off at a bus stop while wearing a soft core porn hoodie. So insanely unsafe. Dana posted her own address to an instagram story for the entire internet to see during the Gaby uber incident, didn't involve any "looking up" or digging, certainly no stalking. Everyone in the last thread who saw the address was kind enough not to post the screencaps even though the site rules allow it.
This is why I posted the floor plan, it's clearly not seperate at all & the child would be able to see into the den every day when entering the home. Nothing to dampen the sound, they don't even have a curtain to block vision.

No. 2065468

File: 1733496055080.jpeg (315.17 KB, 1125x1959, IMG_6914.jpeg)

Sorry about the shitty screen grab but in this video she changes into a MILF shirt complete with rolls hanging out right before going to pick up her daughter from summer camp. Classy.

No. 2065469

File: 1733496133062.jpeg (357.95 KB, 1125x1825, IMG_6916.jpeg)

sage because it’s old but wtf.

No. 2065472

Wow! White trash!

No. 2065476

>I'm in my hot stepmom era
Jfc can everyone stop using this poor kid as a prop to buy new quirky shirts and actually raise her? Her "stepmom era" lasted like a month.

No. 2065477

This kid won’t even get to look back on childhood photos for memories without embarrassment or remembering neglect because this sloppy biscuit tin bitch is more concerned with advertising she’s a whore to anyone who sees her in public. That skirt looks like it’s picking a god and praying.

No. 2065493

File: 1733499697326.jpg (228.3 KB, 1080x1506, 1000005350.jpg)

Dana tried doxxing someone under this post

No. 2065539

agreed, pure and utter white trash. eli is wearing a "send nudes" shirt, dana's wearing a milf shirt, gabby(?) is wearing a hot stepmom shirt. the trashiest people try their hardest to appear normal online. dana and eli and whatever retard that stays there are nothing more than drunk and drug addicted sex addicts.

No. 2065557

Weird how she has never went on a date with another man. Only woman for Eli. What a pickme.

No. 2065582

maybe no other men are interested. women can be less superficial, may be more likely to overlook her…style choices? Kek idk.

No. 2065589

I truly don't think she can find another dude to date her.
She is the woke meme personified: ugly hair, fat with no chin, they/them, etc. Any man with half a brain doesn't want to get involved with that

No. 2065594

As if men of all species had standards kek. She's literally walking gingivitis and she still managed to bounce from abusive scrote to abusive scrote, pretty sure she wasn't even single for a full week after Matt before starting dating the caveman. Her constantly dating women to be the cool girl who shares them with her scrote is pure NLOGism, and also the way she keeps moids around despite being so fugly.

No. 2065595

She has a black boyfriend named tone or some shit that's a bartender (unless they broke up, I went through her TikTok months ago).

No. 2065598

>and also the way she keeps moids around despite being so fugly.
You hit the nail on the head, she goes out hunting for women to fuck her caveman because she feels she alone is not enough and her moid will leave if she doesn't serve him.

No. 2065605

File: 1733520256611.png (35.91 KB, 188x142, Screenshot 2024-12-06 162257.p…)

Kek at the X on the kid's hand, was she at risk of being served alcohol?

No. 2065610

she met eli via tinder. if she wanted to she could find another guy. and lbr eli doesnt want her with another guy.

No. 2065640

File: 1733528802508.jpeg (478.92 KB, 1595x1340, IMG_9660.jpeg)

No. 2065642

KEKKKKK COME ONNNN! "Ackshully my moid LOVES pounding fudge" is NOT the gotcha you think it is Ms Dana!!

No. 2065646

>muh hate club
So she's learned literally nothing since she was slurping on her pedophile rapist husband's nutsack. Her boyfriend and the two other men she's dating sound milky, more polycule victims and disposable stepxarents for tiny human kek.

No. 2065650

Kekeke super not bothered at all
And love when cows always say "you live on this site" then to turn around with the excuse "it took me 10 secs to make a tiktok while my kid slept" lol
Looking line you're in a manic phase Dana. Maybe talk to your Dr instead of us?

No. 2065655

>ya’ll know Eli likes men right
Dana you fat cow we’ve been knowing your not husband is std riddled faggot the entire time. Funny how this is what you’re mad about, not the obvious child abuse, neglect, or being still married to a rapist.

No. 2065662

She's capable of responding to the comments about her lack of relationships with men other than the fat crossdresser, but hasn't said a word about the comments about her wearing shirts with sexual implications on them around a child, the comments wondering who's minding her child when she's participating in orgies in the basement, or the comments about her child pole dancing. Interesting.

No. 2065666

eli is at one life mistake away from trooning out and feeling ~gender envy~ of that child

No. 2065669

what an ugly pic. imagine screenshotting lolcow. how desperate for attention is she? has no one ever told her to not feed the trolls lol

No. 2065670

Literal BPD manic episode. I swear. She physically cannot stop responding

No. 2065676

The attempt to backpedal out of all the details she herself put out on the internet about her fucked up life and child endangerment is like watching a monkey fucking a football

No. 2065679

She just can't stop responding kek the mental retardation

No. 2065682

Kek she's addicted to the attention. I wonder if this will turn out like that tiktok women with multiple kids in a run down mold filled house and cps took her children because she couldn't stop bringing attention to herself. Get a real job Dana and stop glamourising how retarded you are.

No. 2065684

she choses the stupidest weirdest shit to respond to
>actually I DO have another man
ok but you disnt have to keep giving us more info? because with your shit taste in men its not gonna go well dana

No. 2065690

why do you think this is "manic"? shes always this way.

No. 2065737

She is going to get aids

No. 2065765

Since anons pointed out that her obsessively refreshing this page, screencapping comments and replying to them on her story was demented behaviour, she’s pivoted to asking herself anon questions on the theme of comments here to answer with clarifications lol pathétique

No. 2065770

So she's always manic, nona? There's a diagnosis for that kek

No. 2065778

all she's doing is drawing attention to these threads that have catalogued her very questionable parenting techniques.
i wish matt hare used condoms, that poor child does not deserve such negligent, self-absorbed parents.

No. 2065796

It would be for the best.

No. 2065800

Half of the reason SW & poly shit has support is that men/society needs damaged girls as victims. Her daughter isn't an unexpected victim, she's part of the point & process that Dana devotes her life too. Sickening that she has so much support.

No. 2065819

It's possible that orgy goers will take turns watching "tiny human". My fanfic is Dana turning to some rando she had never seen before and saying "after you nut can you go upstairs and watch (child's name)?"

No. 2065826

Has anyone checked Eli's criminal record?

No. 2065854

File: 1733593098324.png (4.62 MB, 2860x1710, Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 12.34…)

Not only does the kid have access to the basement (where she has reportedly danced on the stripper pole), the downstairs bathroom has this bathmat, along with penis shaped soap that you jack off. This is not a kid friendly environment, this is actively harmful.

No. 2065879

I've never seen such a blatantly closeted lesbian who is this much of a pick-me for male validation. except maybe justpearlythings

No. 2065882

>blatantly closeted lesbian
Being ugly as fuck does not a lesbian make.

No. 2065884

Kek not that nonna, but the fact that she refuses to suck dick is raising some red flags for me. I also think her man is probably gonna turn out to be an AGP

I just checked in the three counties he’s lived in (Lake county & Orange County Florida as well as Davidson County TN) and there’s nothing aside from traffic violations

No. 2065898

I know its fun to armchair and pretend to be an expert on the issue but what I really think whats going on is that dana has a serious drinking and drug problem than we think. not saying shes innocent, she was probably a piece of shit before, but its been amplified by it to appear bpd-like that shes now on CPS' radar. the way she resorts to childish nonsense like this when someone proves her wrong or goes against her word. shes let in numerous people in her house (its ok guys she checked their ID like a bouncer!!) and seems shocked that a couple of them were not ok with a child on the premises when they were told of an orgy party was happening at her house and thats been the source of he"hate club" so she seems to be going full retard right now, but its really her past catching up to her.

No. 2065905

She's clearly not a lesbian with the way she simps for ugly men. Sucking dick is gross and unpleasant for a lot of straight and bi women. I would question if shes actually bi or if she just has sex with women for moid attention. I don't blame lesbians for not dating bi women.

No. 2065950

>Sucking dick is gross and unpleasant for a lot of straight and bi women
>the fact that she refuses to suck dick is raising some red flags for me

No. 2065963

He puts his dick in the ass of other men, you would have to be retarded to suck a bi-mans dick.

No. 2065993

File: 1733621906301.jpg (441.92 KB, 1078x1915, a334478b-9c98-435b-b238-7883fd…)

Don't forget about her ex polyfag friends accusing her of sexual assault. Not the caveman nor some boogeyman dom in her kweer orgies, but her.
I'm convinced she sent this to herself after anons talked about tiny human not being able to have any friends over in Dana's coomer orgy hosting home covered in her own nudes and sexual imagery.
I would be genuinely surprised if anyone followed her unironically at this point, she probably turned her few genuine followers into haters by constantly responding to us and leading her followers straight to her drama

No. 2066008

She's so nasty haha, I'd be terrified of getting a venereal disease from that mouth. Like how do you let it get that bad??? It's been a while since I've seen such a genuinely revolting person.

No. 2066026

she used to have a jawline

No. 2066068

Weird that she says "friends her age". Most people would just say "her friends". Your nasty sex party friends are not her friends dana.

No. 2066072

Ayrt yeah I didn't miss anything you said. Let me reword it: sucking dick isn't a requirement for being attracted to men. You wouldn't say a straight man is gay for refusing to eat pussy, because that would make a lot of straight men gay.
Kek. Also this.

No. 2066124

yeah she gave herself away by phrasing it this way. We know the entire is not kid friendly whatsoever

No. 2066164


No. 2066169

it is actually extremely gay for a straight man to not eat pussy
>coffee job
wait what? i thought she was some kind of delivery driver?

No. 2066173

I’m the nonna who said this and I meant to say that it seems like she is more sexually attracted to women than she is to men. I see a lot of parallels here between her and Onision’s wife, whatever name she goes by now

No. 2066207

Lainey has always been turbostraight and just wanted a female friend

No. 2066308

I wish the other farms would release her thread from Proving Grounds Purgatory.

No. 2066328

The parents of her daughters friends follow her on insta? So they know about matt hare the rapist child abuser? Do they know about this thread too, since shes referenced it a few times? At least she can't pretend not to be a trainwreck to them.

No. 2066349

She delivers the coffee beans, nona
She said that as some kind of brag lol. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a huge source of gossip among her community.

No. 2066373

guys, apparently we are stupid and her party lifestyle was all Gaby's fault (because she can't accept that her choices were 100% hers) or maybe she just lost her whole friend group due to her shitty behaviour, so she simply can't?

defensiveness, lack of self-awareness, and denial in her are just unreal.

No. 2066378

If you can stomach the entire video the last minute or so is hysterical. Dana thinks she’s the Riddler with her little speech about how her early 20s ex gf was a bad influence on her (Dana you’re in your 30s get a grip) but really she sounds like Tucker Carlson kek. She scripts everything she says to sound (in her mind) put together and the second she goes off script and stops reading her lines off the computer screen behind her phone it’s even more evident how much she struggles to put words together.

>cherry picks the most easily disproven allegations and ignores the major ones
>still claims to be married to Eli
>thinks her “hate club” is most upset about her teeth
>shares her daughters full birth date, if you’re keeping track she also posted her daughters full name and their address
>acts like we found her address by googling it when really she posted her own address on her instagram story during the uber debacle and no one had seen her address before that
>says that her wild sex parties and letting druggies into her home was 6 months ago so she’s totally a whole different person now
>this is the last time she’ll be addressing this, which she has said 8 times

No. 2066381

>let's clear the air once and for all
>doesn't clear the air
>air smells like the inside of her mouth

No. 2066389


No. 2066391

Her slimy and condescending tone is so nasty, I bet it's enough for at least a few of her followers to give up on her. The only accusations she address are the ones we already looked at and discarded, and ones she made up in her head.
>Blaming Gaby for drug use, orgies at home etc
So are you such a weak willed person that a twenty year old is able to reorganize your whole life? You change your whole personality depending on who you're dating? What you're saying, Dana, is that you're an erratic, impulsive person who will let herself be influenced by anyone and everyone around her. You will change your whole lifestyle depending on who you last spoke to. That's the picture you're painting. You're not beating thee terrible mother allegations because you just admitted you brought an unsafe person into your home and your daughter's life.
We all know her cope about everything bad in her life being Gaby's fault is a big fat lie, almost as far as the liar herself, but it's hilarious how she thought she had the most infallible gotcha. I honestly feel bad for Gaby having her name dragged through the mud by this ogre.

No. 2066427

I'll repeat this again, dana, I know you are reading this, eli is a sex pest that will probably transition within this year, your hangout with horrible degenerates and they are a great danger to your child, please give her to her grandparents or a non-insane family member and seek help for yourself

No. 2066430

She's sooo smug kek. You can tell she really relishes people paying attention to her (even if it's negative).
Hilarious that she thinks posting in her thread must mean we're obsessed with her and think of her every minute of the day when for the vast majority of farmers contributing to threads is literally just mild entertainment. I use this thread for like five minutes every day before moving onto the next cow, it's literally dumb gossip. She's acting like the farms are just a "hate club" dedicated to her when she's not even a particularly popular cow. Shayna gets more action in her thread just by making weird facial expressions and wearing terrible outfits. Fanny got like 3 whole threads in a couple of months just by (badly) drawing edgy Cartman pornography and having disturbing/odd sexual fantasies. Dana, you're a runt in the world of cow husbandry.
Repost because I forgot to sage

No. 2066481

I'm lost i thought she said before gaby didn't want to be apart of the drama and now shes blaming everything on her?
serious question, did she ever go to college? she seems the type to drop out of high school or try real hard to complete her GED

No. 2066485

these women will gladly wait until their kid is abused again before making any kind of change in their favor. it's always "I would have never expected this!" Rinse and repeat. she doesn't give a fucking shit about her kid and she should not be raising it.

No. 2066486

Dana didn’t go to college, no. That’s why she’s a delivery driver now after years spent as a Starbucks barista which she made a defining feature of her personality to the point of getting a massive coffee plant face tattoo.
Also her defence that Gaby was the reckless orgy-having, substance-abusing whirlwind isn’t the gotcha she thinks it is. Even if that were true (which I don’t buy), that would undermine her “extremely well-vetted” rebuttal about who she allows around her daughter. By her own new defence narrative she let a young wild addict into her daughter’s live, moving this new “third” into the family home in a matter of weeks and joining in with her on lots of reckless behaviours around her child. A proper mother wouldn’t have even let someone like that visit, let alone be elevated to “Hot Stepmom”.

No. 2066489

File: 1733740732541.jpg (96.89 KB, 565x565, Avatar.jpg)

Kek she’s on her stories posting old images that are so heavily shooped they look like AI avatars. Textbook insecure narc cope.

No. 2066490

all i see is laganja.

No. 2066493

File: 1733741428143.jpg (128.86 KB, 1280x720, TlBC704Z-1280.jpg)

No. 2066495

Hey now, that man has a chin

No. 2066501

This, plus the relationship ended when Gaby left (which Dana was extremely upset about), not because Dana decided that she needed to extricate her daughter from such a dangerous influence in her life. It implies that Dana would have happily let all that continue had Gaby not fled in the night like an abused wife.

No. 2066531

my thoughts exactly. so dana is a great mom, according to herself, even though she apparently allowed gaby to be the "hot stepmom" to her 6/7 year old, and allowed a 24 year old to bring all of that shit into HER home as a thirty-something. it doesn't matter if it was months ago, she very obviously skirted around talking about the fact that she as a mother allowed a person in their early 20s to turn your home into a poly trap house. this is not complaining about the age gap, this is reiterating that you're an older adult who apparently let a 24 year old do all that in your home when you have a very young child in your home. she didn't put her foot down the first time evidently, she let it keep happening for at least a while. and i have no reason to believe her "my child was with safe and trusted adults during this". it's very vague language and i have a hard time believing that some of the partying wasn't spontaneous and that her child wasn't locked in her room during this (which would still be wrong, you should kick everybody out the first time this happens) or worse, exposed to adult behavior at least once.

No. 2066560

File: 1733758180342.jpg (21.79 KB, 294x341, waitress.jpg)

It's just the waitress from IASIP, for me

No. 2066568

Anything to evade responsibility for her own actions. When you're a mother, all those excuses go out the window. Was your child around people you invited into your home and life who were unsafe? Did you allow those individuals and those dangerous activities to continue with your child still in the home or around them? If yes, then it's YOUR responsibility to change that.
Stop with the excuses, Dana. We see right through you.

No. 2066581

whats killing me is her daughter by this point can probably tell her mom is a piece of shit so shes probably already emotionally distancing herself. its the best choice she has but then that mean she probably can tell she isnt someone to turn to when shes in trouble. hoping I'm wrong but dana terminally stupid and selfish

No. 2066584

>first of all normal parents have sex when their kids are home
Yeah, because normal parents bring a bunch of randos to their home for sex orgies while their child is at home kek

No. 2066589

KEK this kind of deflection needs to be studied. Yes Danal, "normal parents" do have sex while the kid's at home, but when they do, it's in the bedroom with the door locked and the kid otherwise occupied. They don't, uh, invite 10-20 of their closest parasocial acquaintances to participate. Is she braindead?

No. 2066594

Kek I’m happy she got her own thread, she was filling up the poly one. She’s a massive cow.

No. 2066596


I was thinking the same thing, that is a horses portion.

She actually didn't say they were married, she said they 'agreed to be life partners' which IDK what that means. Also only being shagged twice in a month by your 'husband' is tragic.

No. 2066600

File: 1733765076449.gif (2.47 MB, 498x498, NellaRose.GIF)

Unfortunately - due to the microbiome on her (rarely used) toothbrush being more sentient than her - Dana rolls out these smug “clapbacks” thinking she really showed the haters or whatever and it’s just a series of logical fallacies like false equivalence that anyone with a reading comprehension age in the double digits can easily spot.

No. 2066601

it might even be true that the daughter has a better relationship with Eli, who is still a piece of shit, but he's less histrionic and I think better at hiding it, so she can form a slightly more secure attachment there. I'm not trying to suck his cock here but I think he's always been more subtle and behind the scenes with his shit and a child is not able to see through that, as long as he's fun and nice and pays attention to her more than mom he will feel like the preferred parent for a kid. whatever. for my sanity I want to believe he is not abusing her and is more attentive than the mom just so she has some good things in her childhood but he could easily be more neglectful and abusive than dana we don't know

No. 2066602

She's so fucking retarded. Does it matter she didn't marry the rapist in 2020 if she still went back to him AFTER he raped and beat her while she was PREGNANT, and thus allowed her one year old daughter to almost get killed by her rapist father? We don't need to make shit up to "make your life into a soap opera", Dana. You're still known as the woman hated by an entire town because you married a man who raped +7 women, including teenagers.
Instead of nitpicking shit even anons themselves have disproven ITT, when are you gonna address that former friends are claiming you have sexual assault allegations on reddit?
>REEE why are you waving my address around like a threat?!?!
She's still too retarded to get they're trying to teach her basic internet security and how you shouldn't share your daughter's name, dob and address so willy nilly; especially when you're such a hated figure and followed by perverts. How easy would it be for any random pedo to stalk your daughter outside your house?
>Eli takes care of her daughter's hair, of taking her to school, feeding her, teaching her how to walk and cook, etc, etc.
I love how she accidentally admitted what we already knew: that she indeed does absolutely nothing for her child and just lets her kweer polycule be her free nannies kek. She also still thinks because they've been together for a good while that means they'll be together forever when she said the same exact thing about tiny humans two previous "stepmoms" who both dipped after like a month.
>Blaming Gaby for all the orgies and alcohol, despite the fact that she literally just posted >>2064578 advertising her coomer "meet and greet content creator" at her house
Dana you're +30 years old. We're not gonna believe a 24 year old somehow manipulated you into hosting orgies and having a designated "cocaine room".

No. 2066603

>due to the microbiome on her (rarely used) toothbrush being more sentient than her

No. 2066604

spot on anon. Dana, we can tell how much you like the smell of your own farts. It probably smells better than your mouth. Can you imagine being her phone while she's enunciating the tucker-carlson-esque scolding tone in her videos to "call out the haters"? I'm sure her video app gets more facetime with her than her child. I want to know how Eli feels about her teeth. Because he looks like he has one foot out the door all the time.

No. 2066606

>due to the microbiome on her (rarely used) toothbrush being more sentient than her
KEK my sides in orbit nona… Funny and accurate. If she swabbed that grody-ass toothbrush and put it in a Petri dish, a new life form previously undocumented by science would hasten to build a entire mouth, tongue, and vocal cords within 6 hours for the sole evolutionary purpose of asking why Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee, married known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare, formerly of St. Augustine, Florida.

No. 2066609

These are SUCH good points, nonnies. She just made herself look even worse by trying to pin it all on Gaby.
>Specifically, the sex life between me and my husband
Okay… nobody was talking about that, though. We were talking about the orgies, and the fact that there's an insane amount of sexual imagery plastered all over your house in plain sight of your 7 year old, including your own nudes in the fridge. Glad at least the sex room has doors, apparently.

No. 2066614

She wakes up from a nightmare, having to walk to the InTeRcOm, call for her mom who has to pick it up, mid taking a "sexy" beating. Then Dana have to be taken down feom whatever sex cross she's strapped to, get the gagball out, throw on some adult clothes, wipe the red off her face and THEN go up. What are we talking here, 10 minutes?

No. 2066618

Very kind of you to think she would actually stop and tend to her daughter. She would either tell her to calm down, nightmares aren't really, go back to sleep, or she would send one of her orgy guests to go and tell her daughter that.

No. 2066619

This is genuinely so psychotic and sad. The kid probably thinks this is normal.
>wait, you guys don't have to page your mom when you need her? and you have access to her bedroom and the basement? Also your mom checks on you before 11 AM?

On a different note, Dana claims the red room is locked so the child can't enter, but I'm not understanding how. Most doors lock from the inside. Unless they have a literal padlock on it but from the videos of it, it's a normal doorknob. I bet Dana locks it from the outside with a coin or fingernail, in which the kid can easily unlock it by doing the same.

Access to that room, the cocaine rug, plus the penis shaped soap you have to jack off, this kid is fucked.

No. 2066621

Nona, are you not aware of keys? You can use them to lock from either side and even take them with you so others won't be able to get to it.

No. 2066624

File: 1733768993889.png (169.47 KB, 814x488, redroomdoorknob.png)

This is a normal indoor house door. It does not have a keyhole.

No. 2066628

File: 1733769288224.jpeg (41.29 KB, 554x554, images (60).jpeg)

There are some models that have a keyhole in the center of the doorknob, though I'm probably being too charitable here, lbr. It's more likely it's a regular doorknob.

No. 2066630

bro she's adorable, don't disrespect her by comparing her to this creture
exactly. they aren't even married too. She said he was more sad by Gabby leaving. boohoo i won't be getting anymore young puss. imagine if he actually falls in love with one of the thirds and leaves dana

No. 2066634

File: 1733770854866.png (174.13 KB, 1586x732, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 2.00.…)

Dana claiming she has two short nails because she is kweer

No. 2066635

File: 1733770941546.png (172.58 KB, 1538x802, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 2.01.…)

Many comments say that they're still too sharp for fingering a vagina.

No. 2066636

File: 1733771031093.png (46.1 KB, 1004x322, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 2.02.…)

Claims they're not for fingering. Why mention you're queer then!?

No. 2066638

>I have TWO lawyers
Yeah dana the same lawyers you used to threaten those rape victims then? Not very doing the work healed and loving of you.

No. 2066641

>hi im dana i vlog my life as a polyamorous person to show it’s normal and boring

>i have a sex room in my house behind two locked doors and my 7 year old can reach me via text or echo

No. 2066647

It's very weird that she's pretending to be blind to what she's inflicting. Would a child not be curious about the locked room in the basement she's never allowed to go into? That if her parents are in that room she can never ever go down and has to call or text? That's some horror movie shit but then it'll become a mundane kind of horrifying when she's older and is just walking around the house she lives in knowing her parents are online qweerios with an extensive porn catalogue.

No. 2066653

having different shaped nails is different and nonconformist which makes it queer.(sage your shit)

No. 2066655

Imagine growing up like that and then coming across the Bluebeard fairy tale.

No. 2066659

She's probably the Kevin Gates "I'm naked with my kid, I have sex in front of my kid!" type who thinks we should "destigmatize it" and there's nothing wrong with a 7 year old growing up in such a sexual environment and being made aware of her mom's fetishes and sex life. Yes, sex is natural and there's nothing wrong with explaining how reproduction works to children who are curious. Blatantly exposing them to your degeneracy as a parent, however, is child abuse and it's confirmed to cause psychological and emotional damage.

No. 2066660

File: 1733774956597.png (181.64 KB, 1195x799, Screenshot 2024-12-09 150740.p…)

Speaking of Gaby, all this anger about her looks to be coming from being a second choice for so long.

No. 2066667

Who's 2024s biggest pick me?
Dana or pumpy during her ex Tyler arc. Holy fuck these bitches be dumb

No. 2066670

File: 1733778997790.gif (475.65 KB, 220x164, IMG_0024.gif)

you fucking kill me anon lmao

No. 2066690

What a sad, pathetic life. Neither of your two "partners" respect you enough to consider your request the second you leave for more than a couple hours. They essentially both cheated on her. And she has such low self-worth that she thinks it's acceptable that they each went behind her back and disregarded her communicated wishes. It almost makes me feel sorry for her, and yet…

No. 2066696

I'm getting Lainey and Onision vibes

No. 2066723

I would prefer who is the worst lolcow mother of the year tbh, we a few to choose from

No. 2066726

Before I thought it was Freyja/IBF from the Altcow thread but now I think it’s a tie with Danal coming out just ahead. Alice llani is runner up sadkek

No. 2066764

Imagine being this much of a doormat and stsill having your boundaries crossed kek

No. 2066845

>not sexually assaulting other women or attempting to kill my child was a boundary, not a rule.
>my boundary was a preference but not set in stone
I’m starting to understand Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee’s marriage to known rapist and abuser Matthew Alan William Hare, formerly of St. Augustine, Florida.

No. 2066857

Same. It’s giving me flashbacks to the Billie era. Gaby even looks a bit like Sarah. It would be funny if there weren’t children involved.

No. 2066876

File: 1733838266012.png (1.55 MB, 1090x1558, Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 8.42.…)

From the reddit. Dana's ex friend Bambi comments on the child being present at parties

No. 2066877

she will ignore these statements like all the other serious claims before. if she sees this (which she probably will, since she obviously lurks), she will probably cherry-pick a minute detail again and go on a five minute rant.

if cps has been called before, visited before and additionally all of this is true: there needs to be harsher investigations forced. this poor child is in clear danger. also shame (but i am not surprised) for everyone there who did not intervene.
>nobody had a choie or say
this is about child safety, but sure, these poly-cult fucks just show their true nature here

No. 2066879

File: 1733839329592.png (415.93 KB, 1372x1450, Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 9.01.…)

More of Bambi's comments from reddit

No. 2066883

File: 1733840044264.jpeg (182.98 KB, 750x780, IMG_0946.jpeg)

this is bambi i believe

No. 2066884

File: 1733840211502.png (298.05 KB, 1470x1116, Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 9.16.…)

God that's so uncomfortable

No. 2066894

She'll probably try to smear this woman's reputation like she's doing with Gabby.

No. 2066896

File: 1733842419821.jpeg (979.84 KB, 828x1639, IMG_1620.jpeg)

no it’s this girl she used to be on dana’s account all the time

No. 2066897

Whenever this pic is posted I can't take my eyes off of Dana's wig. Why is it pointy?

No. 2066901

She seems sweet, but I did fully mis-read her url as "inbredwithbambi".

No. 2066909

I'm sorry… what the fuck does she mean that she had no "choice or say in the situation"?? She's an adult. She could've spoken out against it as it was happening. She could've call the cops on the spot. She could've left the house and cut ties with Dana forever. She says this happened AT LEAST twice! Why in the world would she ever return to their house? I hate all these creeps. And I'm tired of them using "trauma" as she does in >>2066879 to let sick people expose children to sexual situations. Everyone in this scene acts as if they have no fucking agency. It's disgusting.
I'm glad she's speaking out on it and the other accusations now at least, but otherwise I have very little sympathy for her. Don't wrestle with pigs, you'll get covered in mud and the pig likes it

No. 2066910

It's unsettling how they always go on about "MUH trauma" but never stop and think about what trauma they will cause the people around them. In this case, a literal child. They're always the victim of trauma and never the cause of it and it's such deranged thinking.

No. 2066919

Even if Dana is wrathful enough to give her a hard time if she were to call her out on the spot, she still should have. What's Dana going to do, start pressurized therapy-speaking at her? Blow her disgusting breath into Bambi's face? These people are insane.

No. 2066924

>everybody shut up and sit in a circle and listen to my kid read a book
millennial parents i s2g are the most annoying. if i'm at an adult party drinking or smoking i don't want your kid to be around, let alone be demanded to sit and entertain them. it's fucking weird. grow a spine and tell your kid no. read the room dana. obviously she wants to be her kid's friend, and not a parent.

No. 2066927

I can understand appeasement and locking up when you should be speaking up in the moment. It is worthy of shame though and something you should prioritize in therapy. I don't think it alone makes her heartless. but it is fault she should carry with herself for a while so she can act next time. The guilt serves as a motivator to keep working at better confrontational skills when a vulnerable person is at stake.

However I can't understand going back. I can't understand the complacency after being out of the situation. that speaks more to heartlessness and selfishness. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..

No. 2066933

>grow a spine and tell your kid no
That's not the problem. I guarantee you with 100% certainty that Dana did this to show off as an amazing, unconventional, super dedicated parent. She thought everyone would start commenting on how cool and loving she is, and that she would earn an image as a super woman who is not only hot and kinky but also an incredible mom!
Narcissists think first and foremost of their image, and they don't do anything if they don't think it will improve it. If she thought scolding her daughter would make her look better she would have.

No. 2066937

File: 1733852554154.jpeg (266.31 KB, 1202x825, B19EBCFB-E803-4CE9-9E2F-1FF282…)

very cute non threatening hair and nose ring combo. they call that shit the mccandles special(derail)

No. 2066942

> honey, make sure you never go in mommy and daddy's Red Room, text me or contact me via intercom because I can't hear anything behind two locked doors
> tiny human discovers youtube videos about 10 Scariest Things on the Dark Web
> tiny human discovers the Red Room urban legend
> there's always other adults coming to the house and then they never come back
> tiny human thinks her mom and step-dad are serial killer involved in dark web murders
Kek. Good job Dana. Anyway, it's fucking weird that you have nudes on your fridge and your kid can obviously see into your degenerate living room with the bathroom with penis shaped soap dispenser and the cocaine rug.

No. 2066946

pretty sure it's also called "the red room" in 50 Shades of Grey. and possibly just a common term for the kinky room in bdsm circles. The poor kid just needs to encounter a 50 shades parody to understand what her parents are up to in her own home. I'd find that all super upsetting and humiliating for some reason if I found that out about my parents especially as a kid or teen. I feel terribly sad for her

No. 2066950

dana doesnt respect boundaries. mustve learned that from Matthew Alan William Hare.
first off shes known as hurricane dana for a reason. at the very very least it sounds like none of them were sober (lbr they were all fucked up) and from ex-friends and associates, dana manipulates and likes making and seeing people uncomfortable. a more normal reaction dana would "wtf ok" and gave her second chance, but then she sobered up and yeeted tf out of the situation when she realized this is who dana is. this tidbit gives insight as to how dana manufactures drama for shits and giggles. shes an adult yes, but remember dana as SA allegations. I'm not saying shes innocent because shes done fuck all and no one seems to understand the severity when a child is involved in this.
it sounds like people came to party to get fucked up. dana invites shit loads of people (remember she vets them!!) only for said people to freeze and realize "wtf theres a kid on the premises" and dana is too stupid and heartless to know that bothers people. so now we have people coming clean about goes on there and why they cut ties and any of those randos are probably the origin of cps keeping an eye on her.

No. 2066952

Constantly repeating her full name is very vendetta of u(wking, unintegrated posting style)

No. 2066954

It’s her husbands name, a known rapist, who gives a shit about vendetta

No. 2066955

You know matt did the raping not Dana

No. 2066956

NTA but Dana let herself live long enough with him, despite being aware that he was a potential danger to her daughter. that anon is not the only one repeating their full names

No. 2066957

Hmm lets see. You completely glanced over my comment and only focus on what, Matthew Alan William Hare?

No. 2066961

A lot of the time it's a handful of stories and their lives were otherwise fine if not close to ideal. Scumbags like Dana will tell you how much it still hurts that a sibling received a better Christmas gift 20 years ago, while downplaying child abuse that hospitalized her daughter for weeks. It also feels weird to say "child abuse" when the guy strangled her daughter, isn't that attempted murder?

No. 2066966

File: 1733862668973.jpg (Spoiler Image,312.82 KB, 1079x2045, Degeneracy.jpg)

Nobody needed to know this Dana

No. 2066967

>It also feels weird to say "child abuse" when the guy strangled her daughter, isn't that attempted murder?
it's both. you could say fatally violent child abuse for a better descriptor. (imo "abuse" implies the pattern and scope of the repeated offenses even better while "attempted murder" implies a single incident for me, but i see your point)

No. 2066974

well at least she admits it unlike most coping polyfags

No. 2066976

NTA, I wouldn't use "fatally" because it implies she actually died. Imo "violent abuse of a child" is sufficient to describe what Matthew Alan William Hare did to the daughter he shares with Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee. He abused her, violently, and she went to the hospital as a result, but it wasn't fatal.

No. 2067016

the middle square says to add yours. so she put in consensual non-consent (cnc). she's sick
also, what are cbt and sounding? do i even want to know?

No. 2067018

File: 1733878105079.jpeg (906.51 KB, 828x1466, IMG_9776.jpeg)

No. 2067026

Sounding is putting stuff in the urethra (rods or whatever). I've only ever heard of it in the context of penises though, so I'm not sure if it also applies to women. No idea what CBT is in a context where it definitely doesn't stand for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, though.

No. 2067027

CBT is Cock and Ball Torture kek

No. 2067033

>put a possum up your ass

No. 2067078

NTA but I've been using full names when talking about Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee, and her marriage to known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare (both formerly of St. Augustine, Florida), for SEO purposes. Think smarter, nonas, not harder!

No. 2067082

Interesting that she added cnc(RAPE PLAY)to the free space considering she willingly dated a rapist, harrassed his victims and has been accused of coercion herself.

No. 2067102

not vendetta but it is annoying kek we know their names already

No. 2067114

Its so this thread will show up in the top of search results when people google them anon

No. 2067123

File: 1733917955117.jpeg (679.56 KB, 1284x4461, IMG_0048.jpeg)

just so everyone is clear, CNC = rape play period. and considering the SA allegations, clear lack of boundaries at her place, being a supposed angry drunk and cokehead, it seems she learned a lot from matt hare. id argue she was a pos before him (and i bet he used drugs to make her more malleable), but after has taken on a few predatory traits from him. its quite alarming considering what everyone from her past is revealing. is eli into this shit too?
istg do people not know the other rapist this SEO was done for?

No. 2067129

>I thought it was an unnecessary term to describe friends who have sex with them for pleasure or content purposes
>we went on a date […] i thought it would be a cute video for socials since were both creators
I'm sorry but this girl sounds fucking insufferable as well kek. Porn ~creator/influencer~ lifestyle is so incredibly bleak

No. 2067135

what is up with you people and your hate boner for randos? get a grip.
that said, it is so strange to see these women change what their boundaries are in response to the people they are supposedly romantically involved with completely ignoring them. this is why these arrangements are dysfunctional fwbs at best. "I wanted them to be happy" is such a strange rationalization for cheating and your scrote caring more about getting his dick wet than respecting you or your boundaries. no one but the biggest pickmes in existence would tolerate any of this and she's doing it because she makes money out of her association with that future tranny. bleak. and trashy! neither of them can get too attached to anyone because they're far too addicted to the dopamine of chasing another casual hookup.

No. 2067139

you shouldn't be calling anyone a partner online or even in real life if they haven't consented to being called that (I thought these fucktards were all about consent?) but this woman being too much of a coward to confront Dana about something she was uncomfortable with rubs me the wrong way. If it was causing "chaos in your relationships" why the hell did you stay silent and just ghost her or w/e? at that point you're also at fault.

No. 2067179

File: 1733932036476.png (219.81 KB, 1444x1016, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10.45…)

Dana just uploaded a video of screenshots between her and Bambi with the text blurred to "prove" Bambi and her kept talking after the drug pushing allegations. Comments mention that if you download the video, you can read the texts. The post was then immediately was deleted by Dana.

No. 2067183

File: 1733932560785.png (373.98 KB, 616x970, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10.53…)

Dana posted a screenshot on reddit of texts between her and Bambi. Look at her battery.

No. 2067185

File: 1733932663961.png (159.05 KB, 1002x892, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10.53…)

Matches with the battery in this post from the last thread.

No. 2067186

It's a "consent accident" waiting to happen
But again, play stupid games win stupid prizes i guess

No. 2067188

File: 1733932734419.png (586.86 KB, 2630x1200, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10.58…)

Zoom in of it. Another anon had commented that the screenshot was in the same timezone as Dana.

No. 2067191

We know she's been lurking and posting here, but this doesn't really prove anything. Lots of people live in CST and have iPhones.

No. 2067195

yeah it was her, she stopped shilling that ugly ass fake wallet when i called her out kek, i also think it made her so ashamed she stopped posting here for a while. typical narc fashion.

No. 2067199

If there's another thread, please make this the threadpic kek.
I wonder how long of Dana making posts and stories aobut lc and reddit before her "fans" and "supporters" get tired. Obviously not too many people would care if a creator responds to maybe one post defending themselves, that's on par for anyone online, but every single case online where a youtuber, instagram influencer, etc dedicated 90% of their posts and time to responding to hate comments instead of the content people were following for it always goes bleak. Some people might genuinley want to show sympathy and support for someone, but when they constantly are crying over something that can be ignored like not constantly fighting on reddit and screenshoting lc posts it makes everyone feel put off and hesitant to show any kind of empathy.

No. 2067217

Imagine if that echo dot activates accidentally and her poor child hears their "CNC play". Imagine soundproofing yourself away from your seven year old child (and no, her apple watch is not a good enough substitute for being aware of the rest of the house). Imagine letting your daughter enter the space where your orgy is about to start and letting her socialize with literal strangers - oh, I forgot she checks id. Which helps how exactly?
Responsible parents know if their child is asleep or awake. Responsible parents don't host orgies while their child is in the house. Responsible parents have sex quietly but remain aware of their surroundings if their child is home.
Idk, maybe I'm being too conservative? Quick blog post but I dated a woman who had a child a bit older than Dana's. We were quiet and twice the child requested his mother's attention and she immediately responded because she was paying attention even in that situation. It's not impossible to be a responsible parent who has sex.

No. 2067234

having orgies while being the parent of small children in general is out of line. never mind talking about it online! "my mother is a swinger/kinkster" AMAs provide enough proof that anything of the sexual nature is extremely sensitive and once it gets out, your children will be mortified. sometimes they face bullying. but she's a shitty parent so I don't think she cares either way.

No. 2067251

File: 1733944445867.webp (153.91 KB, 828x1792, IMG_0051.webp)

1/4 the sub creator posted an "interview" with bambi.

No. 2067252

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No. 2067254

File: 1733944635615.webp (167.02 KB, 828x1792, IMG_0053.webp)

3/4. is it me or is this similar to what happened with gabby?

No. 2067258

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No. 2067268

I went looking and this one is interesting:
Of course, everything on Reddit should be taken with a grain of salt, but this person's complaints about their parent's polyam lifestyle seem very realistic, and very relevant for what Dana is doing to her daughter. Even if she's careful when it comes to sex, her daughter is probably confused and disoriented by the revolving door of adults who show up in her life and then leave, and having to compete with others for the attention of her parents.

No. 2067307

File: 1733952331470.png (289.97 KB, 1572x912, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 4.22.…)

If anyone missed it, this morning Dana posted a screen recording on her subreddit of her messages between Bambi to "prove" they were still friends after Gaby left. Most of the messages were blurred, however Dana didn't realize you could still make out the conversations. She deleted the post once comments pointed this out. Picrel is approximation of Dana's texts with some words and phrases unreadable. Op is still working on unblurring them. You can see more of the convo on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/itssinnabunnysnark/comments/1hc3hot/danas_dirty_delete_sniff_sniff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

No. 2067312

kek at eli being heartbroken because he lost gaby and other random moid. dana don't you get tired of being cucked over and over?

No. 2067317

lmao he just can't stop cheating on dana. She needs to stop being an attack dog for her trog already

No. 2067324

sexual libs like Dana tend to normalize bizarre shit to children that probably doesn't help them fit in with the other kids. It's like that with any household, though. that aita was pretty sad. people who leave the home as soon as they can usually do it because either their parents are violent or something else that's really bad is going on. I hope whoever wrote that isn't repressing abuse or something. leaving your kids alone with a random strange adult didn't know that the creepy couple they were involved with had a kid seems pretty awful. and as far as we know these people are not even involved in SW shit. I imagine whatever Dana is putting her kid through is probably worse.

No. 2067327

File: 1733956128057.png (90.11 KB, 1060x409, Screenshot 2024-12-11 172133.p…)

If the unblurred conversations are legit then this may be the biggest pickme behavior I've seen if I hadn't already seen her reaction to the "matt hare hate club". She'd leave her own house because her boyfriend was willing to stay with his sidepiece after said sidepiece left her. But he doesn't have to do anything when he goes behind dana's back or likes everyone in their periphery better than her? It's literally always a woman's fault in her eyes.

No. 2067328

She'd rather let Eli have the house her mother died in (and possibly gave them) and uproot her child's life if it meant it wouldn't inconvenience a man.

No. 2067330

wtf. 'they laid claim to me' sounds like the coercion she's being accused of

No. 2067331

lmao christ eli hates her, its so fucking obvious. she hinted at that when the first truth bomb landed and she wanted her to stop responding, but damn. this poly shit is just a smokescreen for two very dysfuctional partying druggies who are never sober who do nothing but argue with eachother. I can see why he hates her and preys oncher insecurities but hes not innocent whatsoever. his eyes always gave me the creeps and idk if its just the coke. dana on the other hand goes wall eyed damn near like tuna.
all n all this sad considering theres a child in the picture. the amount of arguing and other sounds she hear jesus fucking christ

No. 2067336

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No. 2067337

File: 1733957601456.png (81.05 KB, 1484x318, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 5.52.…)

Eli took the breakup worse than her, but she wanted to go to a mental hospital.

No. 2067339

the way she talks kinda reminds me of Fanny's OCs

No. 2067351

I'm surprised people were able to read the blurred messages tbh. Maybe it's just me but I couldn't identify anything.

No. 2067354

>Eli asks Bambi out to dinner
>Dana has a meltdown because Eli didn't ask her first and Bambi has to apologize
>Bambi ends up cancelling the date with Eli because she double booked
>Dana has a meltdown and asks Bambi if she hates Eli
KEKKK WHAT? They're both such cows oh my god. The fact that they have such an open poly kweer relationship where he's straight up allowed to be on tinder actively seeking dates yet he still tries to steal Dana's "girlfriends" behind her back makes me think he's planning on leaving her, and in a way that'll be particularly painful/humillating for Dana.
I'm out of the loop, who's Pursley? If everyone else is saying you need rehab, maybe it was a bit more than one bump kek.
Now that you say it, Dana having to comfort Eli because he's so devastated their young gf broke up with them is SO Cartman and Lynn coded KEK I'll add "Dana is written by Fanny" to my personal tinfoils.

No. 2067376

Dana's responses seem to suggest that the scrote was always chasing after these young women. It seems like she at the very least tolerates it. I think he just doesn't care about her tbf. you can't really establish boundaries in this kind of dynamic. Dana will let him do over the fuck he wants anyway. he views women as disposable things and she insists in calling him a fucking "golden retriever". any decent man would not be using a sketchy scene full of broke, desperate and very young women to exploit and use as his personal harem. The creep needs to back off.

No. 2067384

Don't forget the caveman is bisexual so he's likely preying on young scrotes too, he was "the most sad he's ever been in his life" because both a moid named Finn (anyone know who that is? does he have social media?) and Gaby both left him. It's so hilarious how devastated they both get when their poly partners see the shitstorm their lives are and rightfully dip when they could just be normal people in normal relationships. Of course nobody wants to be around a stinky hairy crossdressing caveman and his obese chinless non-binary girlfriend with a mouth full of rotten teeth and a taxidermied possum head up her asshole, both of whom are cokeheads. Especially when you react like a 13 year old being broken up with for the first time after being asked for some space. It's interesting Dana can never have girlfriends to herself without Eli swooping in to ask them out behind her back but he's allowed to date a moid for a year and a half without having to share him with Dana.

No. 2067385

File: 1733971796379.png (352.93 KB, 1546x1442, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 9.49.…)

A second ex-friend has hit the tower.

No. 2067389

Is this the one who said she passed out blowing up balloons?

No. 2067405

Lol no

No. 2067411

File: 1733979330163.png (5.34 MB, 1000x5000, 20241212_014737_0000.png)

Kek that was rubyypeaches, mazerlaser was one of her friends who chose Gaby in the divorce iirc.

Shit collage and TLDR of her stories:
>coincidental family emergency so she won't chimp out on ig about her allegations
>calls herself a 31 year old chronically online millenial
>whines about how da boolies want to deplarform her, justice for her ex, for her child to get taken, and for her to end up in the looney bin
>acknowledges her genuine followers are turning into haters after she constantly brought attention to all her drama

No. 2067467

When she’s on a manic high:
>“I’m a content creator; I’m an educator. People appreciate what I do. I have $20k to may for my dentures myself but if they want to donate to thank me for my hard work then they can.”
Once her being a rapey cokehead neglectful mother is exposed:
>I am casually using the internet and being bullied.
Kek she’s in a full BPD meltdown.

No. 2067476

always the victim card. she just cant be responsible because her coke obliterated mind thinks thats giving into the bullies when this is really consequences for all her fucked "rebellious" actions. she really cant understand why all these people are coming forward a dafe distance from her because shes a nightmare to be around and people are disgusted with her. Dana, its too obvious youre using your daughter as tool to get people to stay, then you want to use them as a babysitter to fuck. no one wants to be around you. Youre the problem, so you gotta be the change. But you cant even be honest about your internet behavior.
>casually uses internet
>but is also chronically online

No. 2067496

>OF "creator"
>advertises her basement orgies
>shares every detail of her poly drama, kinky sex life and health

"Im just normal mother casually using the internets why you so obsessed with me??"

No. 2067498

File: 1734021765176.png (1.37 MB, 1536x1316, Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 11.41…)

Dana uses her dead mom's facebook to lurk

No. 2067510

Yeah she started shrieking very recently about being disabled, which if she’s speaking physically rather than about her very evident IQ issues, doesn’t track with her being a delivery driver and showing off doing heavy lifting etc at work on camera. It’s a deflection tactic to impart sympathy just like her “family emergency” last night when she realised she’d posted texts admitting to being a cocaine user.
Also lmao imagine identifying as disabled because you don’t brush your teeth.

No. 2067512

Nona, you're forgetting that "boundaries are just how I wish to be treated", bot something she can enforce on other people. And she let it slide because shes a cool girl like that, not like them stuck up bitches who leave their ride or die for some stupid reason.
Lol she's so pathetic and she doesn't even realize it in her nlog bpd fog.

Btw, a tought. Does she keep an eye of all her guests, that they stay in the sex dungeon? If someone need a smoke break for example, does she accompany them out or are they free to roam the house where her daughter is sleeping?

No. 2067514

File: 1734025699142.png (52.89 KB, 1062x210, cyber-bullying.png)

Picrel also
>IT's not an AIRport YOu dOn't NeED to AnnouNCE yOuR DEpatUrE
Yet you're allowed to overshare every nook and cranny of your disgusting perverted life. That's a funny double standard. I think you can deal with a couple fans saying "I'm out"

No. 2067520

File: 1734026577617.jpeg (112.01 KB, 750x289, IMG_3868.jpeg)

New lore just dropped on Reddit: Dana gets fucked up on her dead mom’s palliative care meds.

No. 2067521

Suddenly her bragging about doing the dental debridement with no pain relief makes sense.

No. 2067528

I think she said she gave birth with no pain meds either. If I had to guess, history of addiction is on her patient chart so they avoid giving her anything strong because she will abuse it.

No. 2067529

If the house is Dana's, it makes sense why Eli would want to stay with her too. I bet he doesn't pay rent.

No. 2067532

the horrorcow that just keeps on giving wtf. realizing how little she cares about boundaries in virtually every part of her life

No. 2067555

File: 1734036521092.jpg (419.92 KB, 1080x1945, 0d629413-e033-4354-bf38-2bdbf7…)

>I know three people are corroborating I let tiny human go down to the orgy
>BUT I have TEN PEOPLE (who we'll likely never hear from) who say the opposite. Checkmate, haters.

No. 2067556

File: 1734036685807.png (126.42 KB, 1422x648, Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 3.50.…)

She's psychotic for continuing to bring attention to this. There is apparently photographic evidence the kid is allowed in the basement, even though (as Bambi stated) CPS told Dana to not let the child down there.

No. 2067558

File: 1734036957848.jpg (414.43 KB, 1080x1931, Screenshot_20241212_155357_Ins…)

Gracefully? KEK don't make me laugh. She definitley wrote this herself.

No. 2067562

Her poly fans are all retarded and extremely gullible.

No. 2067564

By leaving "this all in 2024" does she mean continuing to make multiple posts on Insta and her, several videos on Reels and TikTok, and daily Reddit comments digging a deeper hole in a pathetic attempt to defend herself? Because if so, good luck. This bitch is addicted to drama.
True, but she probably posted that question herself lol.

No. 2067582

Of course this nasty bitch doesn't want to publicly admit to being a shit mother, with her CPS history. I know she's going to defend her kid using the pole too by saying it's not sexual and it's ~artistic expression~ or some gross shit

No. 2067640

File: 1734056237353.jpg (51.83 KB, 1284x688, RDT_20241212_23130122353636392…)

As expected kekkkk. Also Dana posted a whole bible of her side of the story regarding the coke and orgies on reddit, jsyk. Too lazy to make the collage right now, it's super long and I'm still reading through it but its off to a great start with Dana taking her moid to a lesbian bar kek

No. 2067643

File: 1734056324791.png (178.36 KB, 1476x416, Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 9.18.…)

I'm not even done with the huge bullshit Dana just posted on her subreddit but this is insane oh my god.

No. 2067646

File: 1734057142988.jpg (332.9 KB, 1079x721, Screenshot_20241212_233014_Red…)

Hot damn, reddit cowtippers are on her ass. Considering CPS' track record I doubt they'll do anything but holy fuck, Dana allowed someone to photograph her daughter dancing on a pole in her underwear??? That makes it a million times worse. So much for her house being super safe and carefully vetting everyone who's allowed there there, huh.

No. 2067648

She genuinely needs to be arrested and her child needs to be removed from her "care" and hopefully placed with a stable and normal family. I know cowtipping is frowned upon but this bitch has doing everything she can to groom her kid into sexual abuse. This Ghislaine Maxwell wannabe bitch sucks rapist cock like they're ricola cough drops, there is a none zero chance that she's already pimped her kid out like every other drugged out whore does.

No. 2067650

truly an horrorcow, damn this got bad really fast, and it's all Dana's fault. she thinks of nothing but herself and her need for attention

No. 2067652

Does she not realize how awful this is? I can't even begin to describe how abnormal and damaging it is for a little girl to be questioned like this all the time by authorities, all because dana refuses to prioritize her daughter over sex and porn! The kids at her school must be so mean to her about this, children are already vicious at this age. She must feel like a criminal, being interrogated all the time. Meanwhile Dana posts this as a huge win and gotcha against her critics. What the actual fuck??and the pride she displays at having taught her daughter to disrespect and sass the people trying to keep her safe. This child will need so much therapy. I bet you a ton of money she will cut contact with Dana once she realizes her mother chose orgies and telling off the haters over her well being.

No. 2067653

on instagram Dana says she can't wait until her daughter is 8 so they can do aerial classes together on the pole. Literal groomer. She went into the whole history of pole dancing and how it is not sexual and it is okay for a child to use.(this is an imageboard, post caps)

No. 2067656

File: 1734058904804.png (1.16 MB, 1512x1330, Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 10.00…)

Dana posted this, uncensored on Facebook. Her kid is in panties.

No. 2067661

this has to count to illegal

No. 2067664

She's all the way up. I can't see well but it seems she's using actual technique and not just twirling or playing. Has dana actively shown her how to pole dance?!

No. 2067667

Holy shit, how did everyone miss this until now? Its insane she tried to lie about this while having literal proof on her own Facebook posted by herself.

No. 2067668

I haven't watched her house tour video, are the paintings and decor in this room sexual?

No. 2067674

Please put this woman in jail, I'm actually disgusted. Posting this on facebook especially when you're STILL married to your rapist moid husband for everyone to see, she's absurd. This is only her first and a half-ish if you count the poly thread thread and she's almost reaching horrorcow.

No. 2067699

File: 1734065485878.jpeg (124.9 KB, 580x580, IMG_0058.jpeg)

every fucking time I think "it cant get worse than this", I'm proven wrong by this stupid cunt, fucking christ I'm livid.
I'm livid, because now I have to think that perhaps cps taking her daughter might give her a better chance. its not like neither dana nor cps give a shit about kids, but at lease she would remove her from this situation entirely. this is the same pole where dana had her daughter do this to entertain her orgy guests beforr book reading time. this sick to my stomach. no wonder so many people are working up the courage to speak up this would be taumstizing irl

No. 2067745

File: 1734076770891.jpg (90.18 KB, 720x540, gay.jpg)

I'm going through the snark reddit and shit's unreadable with the qweer allies calling her by her they/them pronouns.

No. 2067769

If the kid is allowed near the pole then they would obviously become curious but that doesn't mean that she has to normalize a fucking stripping pole she uses to her kid. just tell her how to not hurt herself. but the fact that she's just letting a child copy the adults does not bode well, especially considering the revolving door strangers that this kid is subjected to. creepy. does anyone remember that woman who created classes for children to learn how to use a stripping pole? turns out her husband was a pedophile. It's always some bullshit like that with these handmaidens.

No. 2067772

legit cannot stand her. not that I haven't heard child abusers respond exactly like this until the abuse becomes public and they shut up. absolutely nothing about her life or her addictions are safe. granted, it would be traumatic for her kid to be separated from her but it's her own damn fault for having a kid with a violent rapist. she has absolutely no remorse and shows no intent to look at what she does critically. her kid is not safe with her.

No. 2067785

I worry the same. There is no fucking way that child hasn’t already experienced something she never should. Eli has rapist pedo eyes too and I would not trust that man near that little girl. This all reeks of Children of God style cult grooming without the religion. “Free love even for kids!” “Kids can totes consent” Dana give those vibes and she doesn’t even care. I hate her so fucking much

No. 2067802

they're Ghislaine and Epstein wannabes

No. 2067815

File: 1734096393239.jpeg (672.21 KB, 1029x2029, IMG_7441.jpeg)

She’s so retarded. This screenshot shows her email as weirdmotherdana@gmail.com. The amount of times she shows her own ass is incredible

No. 2067818

File: 1734096824260.jpeg (207.35 KB, 1170x587, IMG_7442.jpeg)

>We carefully vet everyone who comes to our house

No. 2067821

Former stripper and even I can't get up that high anymore. She's been professionally teaching her how to pole dance.

Least cringe redditfag a-log doxxing cowtipper meltdown kek wtf this is more embarrassing than anything Dana has posted.

Reporting someone to CPS because you have a low opinion of them, and raise it to 'congress' no less, has the same spirit as a frivolous lolsuit and ascends to a level of vendetta I have never before seen.

No. 2067822

My god this woman needs a PR manager and an attorney, the more she admits and shares, the worse this all looks.

No. 2067823

This fucking thumb with rotting teeth is 100% pimping “tiny human” out

No. 2067830

worse then shayna

No. 2067836

File: 1734100471092.jpeg (418.47 KB, 988x1323, IMG_7445.jpeg)

From Dana’s story. Why can’t she get her daughter into ballet or basketball or anything normal that other kids do that isn’t sexual?

No. 2067838

File: 1734100534746.jpeg (461.33 KB, 989x1509, IMG_7446.jpeg)

>i haven’t done it in five years
>it’s a big part of my life

No. 2067839

She wants her child to be a clone of herself, doesn't she.

No. 2067840

File: 1734100660234.jpg (771.37 KB, 1080x2037, RDT_20241213_11303184947992971…)

>B-But Mazer's daughter does it too!
Still trying to deflect and redirect us to other sources of milk kek, she's desperate

No. 2067843

She has trotted out the same photo shoot several times. She got tied up in silks instead of her usual rope for some moid to take boner photos a decade ago and she still uses it to pretend she’s an ”aerial skills baddie” kek embarrassing. Anyway, all this discourse isn’t very blue badge-holding physically disabled warrior of you Dana, so which is it?

No. 2067846

If it’s a sport Dana, why are all the photos of you doing it in lingerie?

No. 2067854

Someone in the Heather Sparkles thread referred to Heather as "a low kind of cunning", and I think that fits Dana too. She truly believes she's outsmarting everyone with "Uhh what about Maze? Uhh what about classes?" like there isn't an obvious difference between taking a class (for children) in a gym setting and pole-dancing in a basement for the (adult) coomers mommy and daddy invited over. Unless Dana is being deliberately obtuse (unlikely, she's just stupid), I think she actually believes her response is adequate. She didn't realize there's a difference between a gym and her basement, and she's baffled that everyone else immediately did. Refer again to "a low kind of cunning" - only the dumbest people truly believe they're the smartest one the room.

No. 2067866

KEK This is actually insane if it’s true. “Political capital” is politician speak for “the guy owes me a favor,” and this Redditor’s gonna expend one from a CONGRESSMAN? On Dana Christine Hare (nee Chencharick)? Kek, lol, lmao, rofl.

No. 2067886

because hillbilly bitch's mind is fucked. shes probably a sex addict. she virtually doesnt understand boundaries whatsoever. I really think she legit has no clue how to be a mother because she is not a kind loving person what so ever.

No. 2067896

>like there isn't an obvious difference between taking a class (for children) in a gym setting and pole-dancing in a basement for the (adult) coomers mommy and daddy invited over.
children pole dancing is disgusting regardless of the setting but ok. child pageants are legal too but morally reprehensible all the same.

No. 2067913

Several times Dana has pointed to legality as the marker of moral behaviour. Clear malign intent aside I do fear that we are dealing with an intellectually disabled person here.

No. 2067915

How did she morph into pou in just 5 years? insane, she had such a decent body

No. 2067927

yea exactly. pole dancing has unshakable sexual connotations inherently and all of society knows this, because unlike other forms of dance it was created exclusively by and for the dark and often frightening world of strip clubs. the children may not realize that and children can't consent to it in any kind of fair way. it would feel like such a violation realizing what grown ups were allowing and encouraging me to do something so dirty while the wool was pulled over my eyes. adults doing a sexual entertainers dance that has been modified into sometime non-sexual for fitness is cool but it's only adults who can opt into that with full understanding. like come on. makes me sick

No. 2067932

it's not even the body changes that get me but the face, like wow how can you look that bad

No. 2067944

people with a record always point to legal shit because they have no moral compass and poor impulse control that the law needs to step in and be their tard wrangler because they will not stop themselves.she holds onto this "educator" shit because she knows shes dumb as rocks.

No. 2067952

intellectually disabled or just trying to avoid accountability? anyone who uses "but it isn't illegal" as an excuse is either doing it as a deflection or telling you that you can't do anything about their behavior so you should shut up.

No. 2067962

I don't think she's low IQ enough to be disabled, though she does seem to be unintelligent. But she does have shockingly low emotional IQ and empathy. Her post about the Matt Hare Hate Club and her reasoning for being awful to Matt Hare's victims not only before being victimized by him, but after as well, is, no joke, psycho level. She demanded that they expend an unreasonable amount of energy coddling as if she were a child, and since they weren't willing to do that amount of emotional labor, themselves still dealing with the trauma, she decided they were evil and deserved to be treated poorly. It was honestly shocking to read, by the time I finished reading my jaw was on the floor.

No. 2067967

I don't think aerial silks are inherently asexual unlike pole dancing. But maybe I'm bias, because I've seen fully clothed women preform aerial silks and thought I'd was really pretty. But of course, Dana will probably make it sexual instead of just having her daughter do a gymnastics class or ballet instead. Or just a team sport to make friends her age. In traditional narcissist fashion, she wants her daughter to be a clone of her.

No. 2067993

What the fuck. Even without the stripper pole photos, I can’t believe she’s casually exposing so much personal information about her daughter online. It’s extremely unsafe, in addition to violating the child’s privacy. I HATE when druggie horrorcows have children or pets, there’s nearly always some abuse and/or neglect involved. I don’t get any entertainment out of this type of “milk”, it’s just disturbing and depressing.

No. 2068006

>Her post about the Matt Hare Hate Club and her reasoning for being awful to Matt Hare's victims not only before being victimized by him, but after as well, is, no joke, psycho level.

I haven't been paying that much attention to her antics but it seems like her response to all this is to say that she was abused and that she felt like she was in a bind or something which would be excusable if she wasn't who she is. still, tons of women in abusive relationships fights tooth and nail to defend men who are usually treating them poorly too. It's very bizarre and I don't understand it but it happens quite often. seems like a cope but if you're actively attacking this man's victims or minimizing their pain and suffering like you're pretty terrible person. did she threaten to sue the women who were accusing her ex of abuse? The fact that she is so eager to threaten legal action against anyone who she feels has wronged her seems pretty narcissistic and unlikable. I follow professionals who do have to deal with slander on a regular basis because of the subject matter they deal with (on top of harassment and maybe something that's more serious) and the way they handle the sensitive matters isn't to immediately threaten others with legal action, in fact that's something that I barely see at all, despite these people dealing with peers who are quite literally trying to sully their rep by spreading lies and trying to prevent them from working in their chosen field.

threatening legal action against farmers or people lurking on your social media is wild. she's both completely hideous and a total asshole.

No. 2068009

Nona see this post >> 2062118 (content copied below)
> "Hello, this voicemail is being recorded for solely legal purposes and can be subpoenaed in court if necessary …
>Good afternoon, my name is [omitted]. I am the wife of Matthew Hare, the person whom you, alongside with Katelynn Quarrels, is attempting to create this news narrative article about an assault case.
>This is something we have dealt with individually, personally and legally prior with the police.
>They have declaratively decided to be in … [mumbling] … Matthew Hare, defendant's honor through legal documentation and nothing further.
>No legal action has been taken against Matthew and publishing aforementioned article on their behalf is only slanderous against the police and the defendant in question.
>I strongly advise against being coerced to publish any article related to this specific event.
>If you have any questions, contact my attorney [omitted]."

No. 2068010

Yeah, her old Tumblr posts give so much insight into how cruel, narcissistic and entitled she is; even after so much time had passed she learned nothing. The audacity to end her victim blaming rant (where she unironically referrs to the real victims by her childish "hate club" nickname) saying she doesn't wanna hear "I told you so" and just wants some sympathy… Dana, sympathy is what these women were offering you by warning you about the rapist. And you repayed them by threatening them with legal action for accusing your Nigel. You harassed and further traumatized these poor women and they're as much your victims as they are Matt's. I don't think you're in any position to demand anything from them, much less sympathy at this point.
She just lacks complete self awareness, the way the entire town hated them both and she still chose to stick by her abusive rapist pedo Nigel just because they were childhood friends really makes her the pickme final boss. She thinks adding some buzzwords about how she fucked up and she's "growing and learning" is enough despite doing zero self reflection and constantly deflecting the blame onto others ("Matt hare hate club", Gaby, Mazer).

No. 2068011

"Was she holding the camera"
CPS asking the questions they need to ask due to them seeing more cases of horrible child abuse than Dana can ever imagine.
She still turns around and say "I, ME, DANA, felt violated!"
Bitch, i know you're low IQ but be fucking graceful about them doing their job properly.
What a stupid bitch

No. 2068012

Fwiw, I don't think she's ever threatened legal action against farmers, only against her reddit snark sub. Which is still equally as retarded because they never shared anything that wasn't public (and actually did more to protect Tiny Humans identity than Dana ever did).

No. 2068079

She was bragging on her insta about her "lawyer" "getting the IP addresses" of farmers(this is an imageboard, post proof)

No. 2068089

Ayrt - Yes it is always gross, I'm not commenting on their morality here kek. The parents signing their kids up for those classes are misguided at best and groomer-coomers at worst. The point is having an audience of adults who were invited to the house for the express purpose of having sex and doing drugs is not remotely the same thing as a class with no audience (other than a handful of kids falling and crying), and Dana is too stupid to understand that her argument fails in multiple ways, for multiple reasons.

No. 2068111

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>sex positive for her age

No. 2068112

Oh my god.

No. 2068113

this is horrifying, she's somehow priming her child both to be sexually abused and to be an insufferable therapyspeak narc

No. 2068130

Sex-positive is the wrong word for it but age-appropriate sex education so that kids know early about anatomy, sex, and consent is one of the best ways you can use knowledge and education to empower growing children to prevent sex abuse. dating around while your children are young is a huge risk factor but education is objectively good.

No. 2068135

Nothing wrong with teaching your children the proper terms for anatomy and consent. Extremely wrong to say your child is sex positive

No. 2068137

how is she so unaware

No. 2068144

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Because yes, when you're accused of endangering your child by bringing strangers home, you publicly answer threesome requests off instagram

No. 2068149

Why is she so obsessed with sex

No. 2068191

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Taken from Reddit (not my comment - but I agree). All on the same platform Dana is clearly signalling to nonces that:
- she’s failed to safeguard her child several times before, both in utero in remaining with her father when multiple women had told her he raped them, and post-partum when he tried to murder the infant child
- the child has already been socialised to sexual concepts and terminology
- the parents are coomers with their own sexual assault / coercion allegations and a revolving door of people who visit their family home (where her daughter is) for orgies and to film porn
- the mother views CPS with disdain and coaches her child with sassy responses to their legitimate questions
- you can just send an anonymous message offering to fuck the parents at the house they share with said child and they will likely jump at the chance
- bingo, you’re in the house now: wait til they’re busy getting backshots from others at the orgy or until they pass out in a coked-out haze afterwards and you can pop upstairs to “tiny human’s” room unnoticed
I’m afraid this is the worst horrorcow I have ever witnessed, including Kelly what’s-her-name who self-mutilated to such an extent that she had to have a double leg amputation to the hip: At least Kelly kept her harmful behaviours to herself and didn’t drag an innocent child into.

No. 2068192

Her parenting is so bad that it's almost reaching Varg territory.

No. 2068193

Plus, making something as innocuous as "she has boundaries" sexual is incredibly weird. Why does that HAVE to be a sign of sex positivity?

No. 2068197

And then being interrogated by your BPDemon mother about your exact words and responses to them to ensure you didn't slip up and get mommy into trouble. This poor kid is going to grow up into a pathological liar if she isn't already.

No. 2068205

ayrt, my bad i didn't quote it but was thinking also of >>2067656

No. 2068218

a 3 to 5-year-old has no business understanding sexualized terms like consent because those are completely irrelevant at that age. accounts from people who either dealt with children who are sexually abused or those who became adults after they were sexually abused as children consistently list confusion and lack of understanding at that age. they can't consent because they have no fucking idea what is going on, they don't know what society thinks about that kind of thing because they don't need to think about it at that age it's quite literally grooming to teach your children about sex at age 3 to 5. wait at the very minimum another seven+ years.
It's very easy to tell a kid that no one should be touching them without the permission and not use the term consent here. I had several books that were probably given out through my elementary school that touched on the subject of stranger danger like there's a way of discussing safety and what's okay and what's not okay with children without normalizing your fucked up lifestyle to them. she's a weird, creepy woman.

No. 2068224

Thank you. There is no fucking reason at 3 her child needed to know the world vulva. It’s all so sinister and disgusting.

No. 2068225

Agree. The kid shouldn’t be taught that people shouldn’t be touching her without her consent because it implies they could touch her with her consent.

No. 2068227

the only good thing she has done was teaching the poor child about sexual anatomy and consent, that shit can turn off pedos, but she obviously also teached her about any other sex positive degenerate shit like dildos, plugs, "polyamory" and soon she'll learn about cocaine and why Dana's teeth are rotting

No. 2068251

3 year olds absolutely need to know that word because they need to be able to communicate clearly when someone is abusing them. It's dangerous when children learn euphemisms because they end up telling teachers "my uncle took pictures of my special spot" and it doesn't get flagged because nobody knows wtf the kid is trying to say. Also I get that it's disgusting to think about but if a child is being interviewed by police/social workers they need to be comfortable using the proper terms because they will need to describe in detail exactly how and where they were touched.

Not to defend Dana because obviously she's awful but don't go to the opposite extreme. Teach your kids the proper names of their body parts ffs.

No. 2068261

AYRT and I do understand that, but I don’t know how detailed Dana got with this kid, and that’s what worries me. Vagina is fine for 3, do they need to know ALL the particulars? Genuinely asking, not trying to be argumentative btw. Does she also know about the clit? She plays on a stripper pole in her underwear in a disgusting sex hovel, I don’t think it’s a huge leap to make that there is some inappropriateness going on and this child knows things she shouldn’t. I don’t think Dana taught her things to protect her, and I don’t want to give her that credit. She didn’t protect her from her own father so(derailing)

No. 2068264

a child knowing the actual names of their own body parts is not weird or sinister.

No. 2068271

>Vagina is fine for 3
Why is 'vagina' more appropriate than 'vulva'? This is so weird, anon. 'Vulva' is the actual term for that whole area, so why would teaching inaccurate language somehow be better for a young child? There are an infinite number of things to criticize Dana on, you don't have to grasp at straws like this.

No. 2068300

Again not defending Dana because she clearly doesn't care about child welfare. But yeah ideally a 3-year old should know all the words for her anatomy. When sexual assaults are investigated the questions can be extremely invasive and detailed. Discrepancies in the victim testimony, perpetrator testimony, and medical reports/evidence can be used to argue that the child is lying. The child should be able to clearly communicate "uncle touched my vulva, uncle did not touch inside my vagina". Because if the child says "uncle touched my vagina" when actually uncle touched her vulva, there would be no sign of internal trauma on the medical report and defense could use that to argue that uncle is innocent.

I get that it's gross to talk about toddler genitals in this much detail but it's unfortunately necessary for safeguarding. Sorry for sperging about it I just don't want anons to go too far in the opposite direction and not teach their kids proper anatomy terms. It's genuinely important for safety.(derailing)

No. 2068305

cause she's ugly and on coke. Most normal people like sex but don't make it their entire personality,

No. 2068306

>the aCtUaL term
the general fucking public knows the word vagina and no one fucking cares vulva is the more accurate term unless youre anatomy nerd or work in that field. theres no need for a damn kid to know specific terms from sex and drug addicted mother.
>It's dangerous when children learn euphemisms because they end up telling teachers "my uncle took pictures of my special spot" and it doesn't get flagged because nobody knows wtf the kid is trying to say.
Oh no, a child is talking like a child! And adults have no clue to handle that! Because all adults are autists don't know euphemisms and can only understand the literal term!(infighting/derailing)

No. 2068309

You do realise pedophiles often walk free bc kids say "uncle touched my cookie" or some other made up term for vagina/vulva and judges rule that it means nothing sexual can be proven?(derailing)

No. 2068317

Why are you shy of the word vulva

No. 2068322

you're the reason dana is on instagram claiming that her hate club is mad her kid knows the proper terms for her anatomy, faggot. there's nothing wrong with a little girl knowing her vulva is called a vulva.
>vagina is the more accurate term, ackshuly
okay retard. way to focus on the most benign shit possible(infighting/derailing, not even saged)

No. 2068324

Thanks for seeing where I was coming from nonna. I have my own reasons for being “triggered” by kids knowing the proper terms and it comes from my own history so perhaps I’m not the best judge of these things.(derailing)

No. 2068327

Are you ok anon? Vulva is not an obscure term only for doctors and "anatomy nerds," and it also isn't somehow more inappropriate or sexualized than the word vagina. There is no need to die on this weird hill.

No. 2068344

Not to tinfoil but I'm not entirely convinced the sperg isn't Dana herself trying to paint us as crazy conservatives and derail from the fact that she's a cokehead posting pictures of her 7 year old pole dancing in her underwear, and at least three people have confirmed she did the same during orgies in the red room.

No. 2068369

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The fact that she filmed this immediately after getting dumped and ghosted (can tell because of the hair colour)

No. 2068384

If she lurks Facebook on her dead mom’s account I wouldn’t put it past her to post as her straw man “hate club” archetype so she can screen cap and post it to further her self-righteous all-knowing fake image.

No. 2068406

>she was born to a throuple
has Dana ever been in a non-poly relationship? or one that didn't turn into that?

No. 2068420

File: 1734230220015.jpg (3.54 MB, 4000x4000, Statement.jpg)

The huge post Dana made to reddit two days ago

No. 2068425

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A few sentences in and I already hate her more than the last time I opened this thread. Why are you bringing your nasty ugly herpes sore of a man to a lesbian bar. Why.

No. 2068430

File: 1734233861314.png (12.08 MB, 3571x7000, Diseño sin título_20241215_002…)

Shit collage TLDR of her stories: >She must be feeling better because she's posting all the hypersexualized prints with references to sex, kink and women with their tits out making ahegao faces in her living room with no shame, and e-begging her followers for more.
>Tiny human doesn't believe in santa (shocker) and they allegedly can't afford as many gifts for her (who wants to guess she's still gonna have money for her nails, kink shit and drug habit)
>Sends anons praising herself, spergs about how EVERYONE in her hate group was mad she taught her child the word vulva, so I'm thinking the sperg was definitely her.
Would be cool if jannies could tell us if it's the same IP address who posted about her getting gifted a fake gucci wallet kek.

No. 2068433

>"uncle touched my cookie"
almost same phrasing as on the bottom right screenshot from
>"uncle ate my cookie"
But she made it worse by replacing "touched" to "ate". So either she was the sperg or she's refreshing this thread constantly and taking talking points from anons.

No. 2068434

Her kid has been proven to be in the basement. She can see all the sexual imagery on the walls. What the fuck. Also why did she tell her kid Santa wasn’t real and spoil the fun? The kid won’t be getting much because mommy has coke teeth and doesn’t brush..

No. 2068435

I noticed the same thing and was typing out a post just like yours before I saw it kek. I can't believe she's that retarded that she makes her lurking so obvious. She must be refreshing this page 24/7.

No. 2068449

Is that even the basement? I thought that was only the living room, there doesn't seem to be a single room without explicit sexual or drug references in her home.
The sailor moon with her tits out makes me particularly sick, her poor little girl probably watches kids cartoons confused as to why they're covered up and not being spanked and gagged like in mommy's "art".

No. 2068467

My ex had BPD and both of her parents were sex workers. There were many people in the house visiting them regularly and they were portraying it as normal work, nothing unethical, something good actually etc. There were also abuse and violence sometimes.

At 12, the same ex were undressing in front of grown men in the restrooms in shopping malls. She got money or clothes from them. She was also driving to unknown men's houses to look at them wanking and having sex with them for money too (she needed the money for tickets to the concerts or normal kid stuff) She saw it as normal "work", even something clever to do, especially when parents denyed her money and she wanted to do something anyways.

To this day she can't see anything wrong with that and it is hard for her to see abuse in that. She wants to be a sex worker everytime she loses a normal job and her mental health is tragic because of her parents upbringing. She's denying the abuse and her past romantic life is full of exploitation too.

Dana, please, stop hurting your child. You have BPD. These are your defenses talking. Go to therapy and let this child live a normal, decent life. Face your emotions and develop a sense of self instead of reacting to everything and fighting with us. We are raising an alarm not because of hate towards you, but concern. For once in your life listen to someone who is healthy and cares for your child.

Sorry for the blogpost, but it's important to show the outcome of this type of parenting.(blogposting)

No. 2068474

Agree with you 100% nonna. This is sick behavior. The only thing Dana is doing right is teaching correct anatomy to her kids, but one right doesn’t make a wrong any less terrible. That kid is going to be so messed up.

No. 2068500

agreed. i’m a pole dancer and i find it gross when people bring their kids to the studio to “mess around”, it’s so inappropriate. even when it’s “just for the exercise” like okay?? take them to gymnastics then? or circus skills? pole should only be for adults.(blogpost)

No. 2068507

The pole is a crude phallic symbol and the history of “pole dancing” is for women to take their clothes off while doing so like how are the “sex positive” nonce-enablers not getting this.

No. 2068523

They get it, they just don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

No. 2068559

those prints are so trashy and poorly drawn

No. 2068569

File: 1734286363429.png (10.27 MB, 3000x7000, Diseño sin título_20241215_145…)

TLDR from today's stories so far:
>Overshares about the "10/10 s3x" she just had, so good they didn't even cuddle and Eli left her alone to record the sexual imagery in her bed linen for ig
>Plans on exposing even more of tiny human to her coomer followers
>Recommends books about pronouns and polyamory for children (barf)
>Explained her retarded NLOG non-binary identity to her child
>Tiny human calls Eli "dad"
>Eli has been doomposting about how miserable and lonely he is on IG (I'm sure this won't backfire once he gets tired of being a hobosexual)
There was more bitching about how da hadurz are mad her kid knows Santa isn't real and some ridiculous moralfagging advice for parents (as if anyone would take YOUR parenting advice, Dana) about how Santa gifts should always be affordable so other kids who got cheaper gifts don't get upset, but it hardly seemed relevant.

No. 2068572

here eyes….I don't think shes sober. shes never gonna care for her kid properly nor never understand what she did to gabby, bambi and other people in her life and how much eli hates her is she? what a bleak lost cause

No. 2068578

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No. 2068584

She would 20000% fall victim to Ted Bundy

No. 2068586

ted bundy would never(sage your shit)

No. 2068591

File: 1734291645852.png (340.24 KB, 896x1627, 1000006523.png)

Is this Eli's story that you are talking about?

No. 2068601

File: 1734294441576.jpg (83.28 KB, 630x796, “Husband”.jpg)

Whenever he appears on her vlogs he’s always scrolling for fresh pussy kek he’s mentally already moved out he just can’t resist the free bed and board.

No. 2068604

>I just had sex
ew gross, imagine the smell. fat hairy retards
>the troon book…

No. 2068608

Interesting that the family emergency she referenced on the 12th as a reason why she was too busy to be online or making content that day isn’t referenced at all in her vlogs from the 12th or 13th that she still managed to film content for throughout. The only problem she referenced was AT&T sending her the wrong phone so she had to go into a store to sort it out. I guaranteed that was what she blew into an ~emergency when she needed to buy some time to re-strategise her lies after accidentally doxxing herself as a current and active cocaine user.

No. 2068613

No. 2068625

she always lies, and always blows things out of proportion. She tried the family emergency so she can gather sympathy. Whenever she calls someone her partner, theyre just a fwb. she calls eli her husband, hes not. she claims she vets people before entering her home, she does not. all these lies are nauseating. its why all her "friends" left because because lying goon with a drug problem

No. 2068628

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She's now backtracking and saying they didn't tell tiny human Santa isn't real because of financial issues, ackshually. It's just a constant cycle of her oversharing, then lying and backtracking once she's accidentally exposed herself as a terrible parent/person.

No. 2068683

Her idiocy shines through all the fake questions she asks herself. It's like she fundamentally doesn't understand why people are hating on her because she has some sort of mental handicap. Nobody is angry at her because she told her kid that Santa isn't real, yet that's the thing that she focuses on because she's mentally challenged. It's bizarre.

No. 2068693

"can't afford christmas" okay bitch, you can have christmas for like $200

No. 2068706

Do we not think the emergency might be a potential pregnancy?

No. 2068708

Eli has a vasectomy and no one else seems to want to put it in

No. 2068710

Can we pleeeeeease stop calling her kid "tiny human" exactly like she does? It's so obnoxious and twee.

No. 2068711

that $200 can go towards liquor and booze anon, as dana's proper mothering has told us kek
istg some anons have the weirdest imaginations and are too eager to reveal to the class. anon eli had a vasectomy, probably the smartest thing hes ever so he cannot be tied down by sinnacow. second, she lies all the time and is clearly freaking out by her shit parenting made public. shes too busy trying to own the haters by….giving us more proof shes a terrible parent lmao.

No. 2068714

yeah, my parents struggled financially, but they made it happen, they still took us to look at christmas lights for fun or other cheap things like church christmas potlucks and when I was 7, I still believed in Santa Claus, 7 is a really young age, tbh.(blogposting)

No. 2068777

A vasectomy can be botched and Eli strikes me like the kind of man who would lie about being snipped. That being typed, I hope it's her teeth caused her more trouble than her carrying a poor clump of cells in her diseased womb.

No. 2068799

Eli is halfway to being a tranny, another kid is his worst nightmare. I don't think there was a family emergency, because she still had two full vlogs and has no self control on what she shares

No. 2068809

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>my child is not allowed in spaces within my home that could be considered "adult"
So why is she halfway up a stripper pole on your facebook then Dana?

No. 2068820

That pole could be in a museum nona, that means it's appropriate.

No. 2068825

>CPS forces her to either take down the coomer art, or forbid her daughter from living freely in her own home so Dana can have her rooms full of coom.
>She chooses room full of coom over her daughter's comfort in her own house
Holy fuck, she's SUCH a piece of shit. The fact that she was lying through her rotten teeth when redditors accused her of not following CPS' instructions and she claimed they "never asked her to take down all the porn". The fact that CPS had to intervene at all to teach her such a basic concept as "don't expose literal toddlers to pornographic imagery"… How does she not realize the fact that she had no issue exposing her daughter to all this shit prior to 2023 makes her look even worse? That poor child has been exposed to degeneracy since birth.

No. 2068826

I know this is grim and I really, really hope I'm wrong, but I'm certain this child will be molested in her own home as a direct consequence of Dana's actions at some point.

No. 2068828

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Dana reposted the statement to her subreddit and cowtippers have apparently reported her admission of cocaine usage to CPS kekkkk.

No. 2068830

Samefagging to say it boils by blood how she thinks forbidding her daughter access to half her own home is fair because "other people live in smaller apartments"… Yes, Dana, and those normal adults let their kids roam throughout THE WHOLE HOUSE, as they should. It doesn't matter if you live in a mansion, the act of forbidding your daughter entrance to parts of her own home because of your own selfishness and degeneracy makes you a shit parent. You don't get to live as if you were single and carefree AND have a child at the same time. Once you become a parent, your kid has to be your only priority. Not your kinky polyam lifestyle and orgies, you ugly junkie retard.

No. 2068832

it doesn't matter, eli will troon out and molest the kid if he hasn't already, and dana will defend him like the good handmaiden she is by saying the kid is "mature enough", that is kinky sex positive etc etc and she'd rather have her kid taken by CPS than confronting a moid

No. 2068837

>I want to address
may be its me but the way she chooses to "address" this shit is nauseating. she never went to college and idk if she graduated from high school or got a GED, but the way she phrases and tried to refame things is so fucking low IQ it irritates me. its irritating because she acts like a kid caught in a lie but social media has given her this huge Unwarranted Self Importance that responds like shes famous tard "handling" a scandal. Yet somehow manages to tell on herself.
I just couldnt at the part. CPS deadass said 'be an adult and remove the porn shit or if you continue your lifestyle we'll keep you on our radar' and didn't realize because shes stupid and selfish and cant understand subtext at all
its in the back of my head and probably everyone elses so I don't blame you for thinking this. predators gonna predator no matter what, this can happen in the best of families which is why its scary how hands off dana is with her daughter.
….she literally cannot comprehend she needs to sacrifice her degenerate lifestyle for her daughter. its like that concept doesnt compute. and I'm not convinced the main posters in that subreddit are complete randos to dana. I'm getting vibes theyre people who were there at one point, or friends of friends who told others and that eventually coalesced into her being posted her and her subreddit.

No. 2068839

I know cowtipping is frowned upon but there is a kid in danger here(do not cowtip/encourage cowtipping)

No. 2068840

Dana is literally doing EPI to her own daughter

No. 2068856

File: 1734368959982.jpeg (822.18 KB, 1170x1795, IMG_7511.jpeg)

Irl acquaintance speaks on why Maze went off on Dana

No. 2068863

>In a safer home
Will it be a safer home though? I'm not saying her daughter is in a good situation staying with Dana, but foster homes aren't perfect, in fact they can be really bad or even worse, with nonce fathers, negligent parents, parents who may try their best but just can't bond with this new, strange child. The only good outcome would be dana having an epiphany and learning to be a mother.

No. 2068873

I mean, this girl is most likely already in a house with two nounces being responsible for her caretaking. Her mom allows random degenerates in and out of where she's supposed to be safe. They do hard drugs in the same house she sleeps in every night, and she's constantly exposed to things she's not equipped to deal with. Foster care would most likely be a lateral move, but most times CPS prefers to just rehome children with their most sane relative, which would probably be a positive change. Does Dana hate her mom or something?

No. 2068874

It's only cowtipping if you come here to brag about it or to coordinate with other anons.

No. 2068875

Her mom is dead, and she only let her mom do palliative care in her home for the inheritance money. She has some aunts who are normal and alive.

No. 2068881

>I firmly believe it falls within the realm of creative expression, similar to what one might find in an art museum
I called this response days ago >>2065151. She's so predictable
I hate Dana as much as any of us here, but that "No Cilantro" user is insane. She really thinks that she can call up Dana's congressman and they'll act immediately to take away the kid. I wish it worked like that.
Every person in this scene is awful, oh my god.

No. 2068886

You're overthinking it. All you have to do is say that CPS are afraid to take action that upsets the queers and there is more scrutiny. The kid doesn't have to get taken, Sinnacow will have to take her porn down and quit the drugs/genderbending/orgies. Less of a waste of time than just reporting to cps endlessly

No. 2068888

>palliative care for the inheritance money
Also >>2067520 in the Reddit where people claiming connection irl say she has a suspicious amount of opiates still in her possession from Mom’s palliative care.

No. 2068889

wait, where did the inheritance money go? the house? herself aka drugs food alcohol? because she supposedly cannot pay for her rotting teeth. I already know it didn't go to her daughter.
god it depressing how dana parents like a shitty foster parent cps dumped a kid to

No. 2068890

Pretty sure she works in DC from the interactions on the reddit. Wild way to decide you want to spend your time and effort cowtipping, but i doubt she has to call anyone up

No. 2068891

File: 1734374890486.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.2 KB, 750x763, PartyMom.jpg)

>all of them suck
A mother not immediately confronting another mother for confiding that she seriously considered abandoning her child to party/fuck is unconscionable.
More fitting for the grim news stories thread but this kind of fatal neglect is not without precedent (picrel spoilered as not directly about the cow).

No. 2068892

all the drugs she and her troon husband smoke and snort

No. 2068897

and offered to the guests of her poly orgies

No. 2068899

samefag, wild if you think about it, Dana has enough money to offer and force guests to do free coke bumps, but doesn't have money to give her daughter a proper christmas gift.

No. 2068918

What does EPI mean?
It really hits when you put it like that.

No. 2068923

EPI is early porn indoctrination, a method of grooming

No. 2068937

Every post digs her deeper into the hole. CPS should not need to tell you to keep pornographic imagery off your walls.

No. 2068948

Very annoying how people who know dana pop up on that subreddit to spill information that also implicates them in degeneracy while the other users asspat them anyway because dana's somehow different than them. All cows on a rolling pasture.

No. 2068963

File: 1734388184883.png (114.39 KB, 312x286, Screenshot 2024-12-16 152128.p…)


>erm i just sat there and watched her 7 year old twerk and made it rain on her before we read her the inspiring lgbt story book called "girlpenis unicorn" while we did coke, because they/them manipulated me and threatened to use the wrong pronouns, have their caveman molest me and bite my finger clean off with their brown jagged teeth. I chose to remove myself from that toxic situation… 3 months after the fact.

picrel is dana's basement an absolutely repulsive setting: stinky, unnattractive, overweight beanbag shaped, troon pill erectile dysfunction, pcos, random made up tumblr disease, obese, pedophile sex. they discuss pronouns and boundaries for 3 hours before Sasquatch molests everyone.

No. 2068975

File: 1734390013306.png (227.61 KB, 1913x818, IMG_7660.png)

figured this would be her

No. 2068991

Her constantly repeating "age appropriate discussion" makes me think there's absolutely nothing "age appropriate" about ant discussion she has with her daughter. She's a bpd cokefiend, she knows the word "appropriate" but not the meaning

No. 2069007

it seems that the only people that make it through Dana's "vetting" are actual scourge of the earth dangers to children like herself, which makes sense. So of course they don't actually care about child neglect or other serious wrongdoings, they just do "call outs" and schedule no contact with each other as if they're 17yr old nonbiner teens on twitter fighting about ableism (using the word "stupid"), not adults whose care actual children are under.

No. 2069030

I knows age appropriate speak for a child like she knows boundaries for adults

No. 2069055

File: 1734413767459.jpg (608.9 KB, 644x1200, RDT_20241217_00260463623622197…)

I pray I'm just troonfoiling, but is that an actual bearded tranny with moobs wearing a see-through top ON A BED with Dana's daughter???

No. 2069056

is that a water heater next to the bed? kek dana's house is so ugly

No. 2069058

Yea that’s Gaby’s “girlfriend” Lyra(sage your shit )

No. 2069063

I guess >>2068826 was right. This child was born on survival mode. I truly hope Dana's normal relatives adopt her.

No. 2069064

poor little girl, she got the short end of the stick. She lives both in a degen house and a crack house. Does dana have relationships with close family? i know sme anons said something about aunts, i wonder if those aunts can do anything or even care about her daughter

No. 2069082

Thats actually a good thing, bc then they feel comfortable spilling the milk. Anons here are so quick to scare away milk all thr time when someone comes to tattle

No. 2069091

File: 1734436044290.jpg (66.09 KB, 750x336, Lies .jpg)

Today’s favourite Dana lie: she snaps portraits of her nail tech’s family every 4 weeks in return for a fresh set.

No. 2069092

Not her earnestly answering questions on her Instagram stories about dental dams not realising people are trolling her for having bacterial vaginosis-inducing dental hygiene kek kek kek(this is an imageboard)

No. 2069095

Anyone else notice that she’s featuring her kid a lot more in her vlogs since word got out that she’s a neglectful mother? I think her aim is twofold:
1) pathological Oppositional Defiance as so many have correctly observed that featuring your child on platforms that you promote your “spicy” adult content on is neglectful at best and dangerous at worst (see also: “Mommy said I couldn’t listen to Fall Out Boy… so I did it to spite her; the “Matt Hare Hate Club” warned me off marrying a rapist… so I did it to spite them.”
2) Trying to prove she does at least spend a bit of time with her

No. 2069098

File: 1734437577155.jpg (219.47 KB, 745x740, This_bitch_is_ODD.jpg)

Please don’t ban me for DSM-foiling as I think there’s something to this but the primary driver is low IQ: Dana simply never developed beyond the toddler “NO” phase and it shows.(sage your shit)

No. 2069102

Ehh, not necessarily a lie, this sort of trade isn’t unusual. At least not in Nashville.

No. 2069108

I'm from the Nashville area, and no, this sort of trade isn't the norm at all. Maybe in the hipster community that Dana is part of but they are the minority. Also it would make sense if it was a one-time trade, but Dana gets her nails done all of the time.

No. 2069109

That girl with all the gross decomposition photos on her IG is just as bad imo, just in another way.(sage your shit)

No. 2069130

File: 1734446211687.png (74.04 KB, 1508x300, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 9.36.…)

>it's okay that the kid was home during orgies where there was not a door to the basement because she was with a trusted vetted sitter

No. 2069132

File: 1734446360623.png (139.95 KB, 1534x566, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 9.37.…)

If this is true, Dana's dying mother was also home during orgies. It's also really worrying that the other adults were allegedly not confined to the basement and could go upstairs to access the porch (and her kid).

No. 2069133

File: 1734446666597.png (157.8 KB, 1480x490, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 9.43.…)

Allegations of Dana Maxwell procuring girls for her rapist "ex"-husband Matthew Hare.

No. 2069134

File: 1734446763475.png (130.97 KB, 1490x604, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 9.45.…)

No. 2069147

So this behavior was acceptable to this individual until the internet took notice? Fucking garbage humans all the way down.
NTA. Sure, it's great they're giving us milk. But redditards are acting like they're superior to Dana and not 100% implicated in what happened. It's retarded.

No. 2069148

Where did Maxwell come from, nona?

No. 2069153

Sure they are retarded. But the bolder they feel the more they'll spill.

No. 2069158

She's Ghislaine Maxwell and Matthew Hare is Jeffrey Epstein

No. 2069160

File: 1734451260177.webp (Spoiler Image,183.76 KB, 1289x2189, RDT_20241217_00310940053334206…)

Literal horrorshow. Unspoiler at your own risk.

No. 2069161

The bedroom would be a fucking insane place for a water heater. Water heaters are very heavy and require dedicated access to both water and power, so they're usually placed as low as possible in the house, almost always the basement (if the building has one). If this >>2069055 was taken in Dana's crackhouse, it's likely in the basement, where the kid isn't supposed to go.

No. 2069162

AT. YOUR. OWN. RISK. This made me feel actually sick.

No. 2069163

How is the bottom row even worse than I expected? I feel sick. And where’s the so-called extra set of teeth? She’s full of shit, and her teeth show how much she’s eating it.

No. 2069167

File: 1734453189526.jpg (297.04 KB, 1075x1578, dc12752d-a8b3-458a-a9e5-739c56…)

>Her comfort and wellbeing are my top priorities as a parent!
>But of course I wouldn't stop doing porn nor having rooms full of coom imagery if it made her uncomfortable. I'd just gaslight her into being okay with it with therapyspeak!

No. 2069174

File: 1734454294248.jpg (785.54 KB, 644x1038, RDT_20241217_00261190813666177…)

Yeah, I forgot to mention I got these from a reddit compilation of proof her daughter was down at the basement after 2023.

No. 2069182

I do believe these were taken this year, but I don't think they hold up as evidence because they don't show the year. Dana can just say they're from 2023.

No. 2069184

Ah, i see. Most likely CPS will try and get one of the normal aunts to take her in and make Dana do parenting classes until they think she's capable of taking care of her again. CPS actually doesn't want to separate families and put kids in foster care because its more traumatic for the child and costs more time and money for the already overworked CPS workers. I'm not a cow tipper, but CPS taking the tiny human away would most definitely be the best outcome because she's not without living normal relatives. She'd only be screwed if the aunts don't want to take her in, but even then, she's probably already exposed to all of the bad shit that foster kids get exposed to, so again it'd be a lateral move, only now they'll make her talk to a therapist every so often.

No. 2069188

"Authentic self" "feels right for both of us" I don't think teeth rot understands how most parents sacrifice for their children and change after they become parents. She thinks she can keep being a sex pest and do hardcore drugs as long as her kid understands "adults need to express themselves but we'll do it in the other room you can't see".

No. 2069201

some anons have no clue how milk works. like why tf are people shocked at about the people in dana's orbit kek you cannot expect a squeaky clean individual in this. what this means even among her crowd she still managed to get under their skin and be wildly inappropriate to the point theyre putting her on blast online.
>involved in orgies
dana you cokehead you know that’s not what theyre saying. we all know orgies happen with your kid on premises. thats the fucking problem.
sick dying mother around during orgies is not the plot twist i was hoping for.
…then another plot twist. this one doesnt shock me too much because I had a hunch dana's predatory behavior was learned from matt hare. I knew the women were justified in throwing a brick through her car window.
kek. cant believe this all started out as polyfag with horrible teeth only to spiral into a horrible cokehead mother who willingly and negligently ruined her teeth via coke, alcohol and never brushing trying to get her followers to buy her new teeth. lmao never believe what you see on social media.
you absolutely never want to separate kids from their parents, it cause too much psychological trauma in kids. thats why cps never does until theyre pushed or too fucking late. thats whats makes this so depressing because it all falls on dana being a good parent and she never will be.

No. 2069203

>thats whats makes this so depressing because it all falls on dana being a good parent and she never will be.

Exactly. I didn't have to deal with CPS myself but i knew kids who did. Taking the kid out of the home and putting them in foster care is absolutely the last resort for the reasons you stated. Bad parents and people who don't know better use the "CPS will take the kid away and put them in a shitty foster home" thing as a bad cop out when really, most times they just make the parents take parenting classes and occasionally check in to make sure the kid isn't still being abused/neglected or whatever. Tiny human would be better off with CPS riding her mom's flabby ass, but Dana is such a coked out loser she won't even let the kid talk without feeding her a script. Side note: the fact that she refers to her daughter as tiny human adultifies her in a creepy way. Yes, she is a human, but she's a human CHILD. Just another small thing this sad excuse for a mother does wrong. That poor little girl.

No. 2069252

I think she said Gaby was the one that nicknamed her tiny human

No. 2069297

Why was I under the impression that she was working as a nurse before she started driving for the coffee company? although it doesn't really make sense to be working as a nurse and also doing porn on the side.

No. 2069301

Maybe you’re thinking of Gaby? She works in that field. Dana has been working “in coffee” for like 10 years (aka worked at Dunkin’ and now she delivers coffee beans)

No. 2069312

File: 1734479866515.jpg (665.7 KB, 1080x2402, Screenshot_20241218_005425_Red…)

I think about this reddit post a lot reading about Dana.
She makes it sound like it wont ever be a problem ever and her daughter will just grow up with this, be comfortable and grow up to call Dana every day just to tell her what a great job she did as a mother.
She don't like in the same reality as the rest of us.

Also, Dana, Maze, Bambi and Eli. What the hell are these names

No. 2069422

Anyone else noticed how when she posts herself eating on her vlogsshe just sort of loosely smacks her mouth around? Her teeth are so compromised she can’t even chew, she just sort of washing machine tumbles solids around in there until they break down enough to swallow. It would be depressing if she wasn’t such a foul person.

No. 2069435

File: 1734528527406.jpeg (359.7 KB, 1046x1811, IMG_7545.jpeg)

She sent this to herself because her “hate pages” have been saying her engagement is critically low.

I noticed that too, it’s vile. I bet it hurts to chew. Can she not close her mouth while doing it?

No. 2069505

File: 1734540886212.gif (317.07 KB, 220x391, IMG_0070.gif)

>she just sort of washing machine tumbles solids around in there until they break down enough to swallow.
the mental image anon lmao

No. 2069513

File: 1734543477521.jpg (230.08 KB, 1078x1917, a6b277f2-eaf9-4119-9d39-ce3399…)

Today's bizarre lie: Eli built Disney world, worked for the fallout TV series and Space X?? KEK can anyone fact check this

No. 2069519

File: 1734544021297.png (10.51 MB, 2984x5304, Diseño sin título_20241218_144…)

Nitpick but Dana's cow antics often make me forget how cringe Eli also is. I guess it's more common for a mentally ill obese BPDemon woman to proudly identify as non-binary pansexual sexpest, but for a relatively normal looking +30 year old man to be making these sped poses for ig reels, advertising himself as a "kweer blue collar bf of your dreams" and retweeting femboys making ahegao faces is beyond embarrassing.

No. 2069522

ironic how neither of those very young looking people resemble Dana. any scrote pornsick enough to claim to be into pedoshit anime porn fetish content makers is a scrot who should be dumped into the trash. Eli looks like men with ratty jeans full of holes and dirty, worn out tshirts that I see walking through Walmart. The bar for scrotes is literally in hell, they don't even look in the mirror before they go out and think that that makes no difference and how attractive they are to other people. Dina can pretend to be whatever stupid shit she wants but she still thinks that she has to perform femininity and wear nasty germ-covered disabling talons and shit to fit in her stupid group. The strote doesn't even brush his hair.

No. 2069526

Lol, lean beef patty, really Eli? She's disciplined, serious about her work outs and way out of your league physically and personality wise.
She has a youtube channel dedicated to lift heavy and training and seem to have a pretty relaxed personality.
Eli is "MaRrIeD" to a screeching, fat and dumb banshee who don't even have the discipline to brush her teeth. Patty is everything Dana isn't and Eli lusting over her is hilarious especially since Dana will NLOG it and be "super cool" with it. Kekek

No. 2069534

I'm not brave enough to go through his twitter. Once I saw the crossdressing I noped out

No. 2069535

her teeth being that bad is likely a result of bad habits that she formed while with her parents. she's not the only one who's facing this issue. the scrote puts non-existent effort into his appearance and hits on anything that breathes. he insult her by existing like. The least a scrote can do is not subject you to STIs/bv/yeast infections carroed on from his grody hookups or to lying and cheating and he doesn't even do that.

No. 2069536

From my understanding and based on what he posts publicly Dana is actually telling the truth on what Eli has built and he’s from Orlando so it checks out but he travels a lot for work and posts about NDAs for jobs on his story’s sometimes

No. 2069540

File: 1734552422545.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1163x2205, IMG_7552.jpeg)

samefag but I’m guessing this hair on their shower wall is his. Barf

No. 2069541

File: 1734552431278.jpg (160.16 KB, 997x647, D1.JPG)

Just some drama between another SWer and Dana. I almost think the SWer is getting too personally involved in this. Apparently this person knows them too. Saged because it really doesn't add anything new

No. 2069542

File: 1734552524020.jpg (90.01 KB, 897x588, D2.JPG)

>>2069541 Samefag.
I can tell that Dana loves taking all the criticisms that were directed towards her, and throwing them at this other random person. Looks like you're the common denominator, treat your BPD, cringey as fuck… okay girl lol.

No. 2069543

Can we talk about how she chooses the least flattering outfits imaginable? Those jeans need to be retired.

Remember her house tour video of her in what appeared to be in only a very tight, large pair of knickers and a cropped top, protruding gut on full show?

No. 2069546

dana is sperging at this irl acquaintance who spilled the beans on dana >>2069132
dana practically lives on her snark subreddit and thinks shes slick for selectively replying. she doesnt reply to the most damning evidence of her shit parenting but immediately jumps on this lady replying in the usual manner we know. don't really care for their beef but this shows the immature bpd rage dana is capable of and why all her "friends" and associates left.
its all about the "gotcha" moment for her kek like it negates her shit parenting and personality. shes so low iq she doesnt understand this isnt the "own" she thinks it is. she just demonstrated how insufferable she is.

No. 2069548

File: 1734553506869.jpg (Spoiler Image,433.86 KB, 1080x2187, 49450558-58b8-4c14-bf57-f1dfec…)

This faggot will either troon out or leave Dana for some AIDS infected shithole for sure kekk, the theory about how promiscuous scrotes are all faggots just keeps proving itself. Can you imagine how much more insufferable Dana will be with a tranny "wife" to brag about how speshul and kweer she is?

No. 2069552

File: 1734553908849.jpg (481.37 KB, 1079x1917, cf7165f7-36fa-4c31-aeb0-ae8492…)

Yeah, I didn't wanna nitpick considering her style is the lowest on the list of shit wrong with her, but these god awful wigs and dress… She has to be every irl normie's personal cow, imagine this thing being your coworker.
Samefagging to say I just checked Eli's following for the first time and holy shit it's %99 trannies, sissies and futanari hentai. He's obsessed, pussy is officially not doing it for him anymore. Remember when Dana whined about muh dysphoria because this girl didn't wanna fuck her but did want Eli? Imagine your "husband" gooning to nothing but cocks.

No. 2069555

She looks nice and normal here. Dana I know you read here, you should wear more stuff like this.

No. 2069556

File: 1734554323088.png (153.62 KB, 1208x588, Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 3.36.…)

Dana keeps doing damage control and saying she meets people in a public place before they come to the house (as if someone couldn't just trick her into thinking they're normal) and Eli is out here on Instagram and Twitter daily begging (skinny young white) girls to come stay with them

No. 2069557

>>2069556 that’s one of their in real life friends she’s been in a lot of their content over the past four years

No. 2069558

Multiple unintegrated newfag comments defending Dana/Eli… I'm sure it's a total coincidence. At least you're learning2reply and sage.

No. 2069561

File: 1734555783506.png (127.36 KB, 1204x444, Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 3.39.…)

How the fuck would anyone know that?

Anyways…girl in picrel is 24. Just from a few minutes of scrolling, Eli has interacted with overwhelmingly 24-25 year olds.

No. 2069568

In your fucking wildest god damn DREAMS Eli.

No. 2069577

No wonder dana mate guards so hard when he's no different from your typical twitter gooner lusting after women in their 20s. Worse so because he goes behind her back constantly in the most compromising open relationship possible. Her capitulating the way she does is one of the worst things about her to me.

No. 2069583

Nonny that is not a girl, that's a shemale.

No. 2069587

It's a very dysfunctional relationship at best. Dana recently flipped out because another e-whore went on a date with her caveman without her knowledge. he absolutely doesn't care about boundaries and this doesn't seem like a real relationship, more like a weird casual arrangement for social media content and living purposes. I would be genuinely shocked if she remains with this guy and if they do stay together it will 100% be because Dana has no standards or self respect.

No. 2069591

File: 1734560567095.png (1.3 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_5270.png)

I’m actually giving a point to Dana look at this fucking cow there’s like some personal argument going on in the snark reddit but Dana popped off with this one 😂(emojis are not allowed)

No. 2069592

File: 1734560633550.png (4.12 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_5271.png)

No. 2069593

Who even is that? Also emojis aren't allowed, newfag.

No. 2069605

>That’s all I have to say. I won’t be on here with clarifications or rebuttals or clap backs or anything.
That didn't last long. She is more vicious than anyone on that snark subreddit. This "clapback" is so bitchy
It's clear she stews over these pages all day and is anxious for opportunity to unleash her hatred. Such a nasty person inside and out
Lol what? She looks deranged
Go back

No. 2069609

Kek this woman sounds like a piece of work. Dana's romantic partners are all real winners.
Or because she needs him for something else eg money.

No. 2069613

I fucking knew it KEKK imagine your fag hobosexual "husband" straight up inviting any Xitter tranny to live in your own home. Good thing Dana's rotten teeth seem to be doing a good job of keeping everyone away or else she'd be demoted to cuckquean.

No. 2069615

Difficult to confirm or deny since he's a nobody and wouldn't be named in the credits anywhere. I looked up the Fallout TV series credits though and they filmed in NY, NJ, Utah, and Nevada. Both set designers seem to be based out of New York and have no affiliation with him. Filming began in July of 2022, so unless he's been in any of those locations around any of those times it's incredibly unlikely. He might be producing smaller parts that are to be used to larger pieces maybe? But even then trying to pass that off like he's actually involved in these massive projects on-site himself seems sketchy.

She literally shows up at her kid's school wearing shirts that say shit like "milf" on them, doesn't she? She's got mush mouth, no chin, and constantly has her fat gut hanging out. There's no way her kid isn't going to be embarrassed all the time once she's a little older.

No. 2069618

File: 1734565691906.png (Spoiler Image,10.93 MB, 3064x7000, 20241218_203819_0000.png)

I had to check on the cow that's been sperging on Dana's subreddit and what the actual fuck is wrong with her ass? And why does she look like a constipated Mama June trying to force a turd out??(spoiler your shit)

No. 2069626

Yeah I think this person is messy as fuck and is doing a terrible job essentially leading the charge on Dana's snarkreddit. Just bad crusty vibes all around. Stinky and crusty

No. 2069628

They're practically the same person

No. 2069630

Remember the nona on stupid questions who said she sat directly on her butthole? Thats her if you're reading this sorry nona ily

No. 2069632

This object is disgusting wtf I was just about to eat dinner. Also I just went and caught up on all the daily Reddit drama and this bitch is dumber than Dana. Fucking illiterate, believed in Santa until she was 14 like a retard, also ugly as fuck but thinks she’s hotter than the sun, and her bridge piercing is just as crusty and crooked.(integrate, learn2reply)

No. 2069641

>just checked Eli's following for the first time and holy shit it's %99 trannies, sissies and futanari hentai
anyone wanna bet when he'll troon out? I predict less than six months

No. 2069649

File: 1734572424483.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1284x1864, IMG_5293.jpeg)

I regret looking her up this is grotesque

No. 2069671

Ignoring this pointless derailment except for >>2069649, like come on, she looks like most ugly, flabby and very sad women selling themselves on twitter kek) I love how dana used an old edited picture of herself in comparison to that other woman's sad attempt at looking sexy. Dana should take the same picture now and post it unedited! She didn't even have those ugly tattoos on the side of her head yet.

No. 2069687

Tape this image to the wall in front of your weight rack
i'm worried and embarassed for both of their children.
hoes looking like spoiled milk, white, lumpy and their tattoos look like moldy green splotches

No. 2069698

God I hope so it would be so funny

No. 2069726

>dana is beefing with another ugly sw loser
>tries to make fun of her appearance
>sudden spam of unspoilered pics of same woman here
Between this and posts like >>2069632 there's clearly something fishy going on here.

Also thought it was funny she used an old pic of the other girl when she was very overweight. Which due to the unfortunate spam of her nudes above, we can see it looks like she lost a bunch of weight since. Can't say the same for Dana, only thing she's managed to lose is teeth. kek

No. 2069729

Yeah Dana’s vendetta posting here stinks almost as bad as her crime scene of a mouth. Fuck off, Dana: we don’t care about whatever smelly whore you’re beefing with. You’re both ugly FYI.

No. 2069734

File: 1734603385789.jpg (95.16 KB, 622x659, TONEkenBlackFriend.jpg)

Someone on Reddit who seemed close to Dana talked about how she calls anyone and everyone a “partner” without them sometimes even knowing about it. Seems like Comet Partner Tone is just someone she puts in her content sometimes to take the edge off how overwhelmingly white and white-passing all her friends are and he has the good sense not to stick his dick in her kek. Good for you, Tone.

No. 2069737

If Dana learned to integrate I would have more respect for her.

No. 2069742

Yeah for starters she needs to change the file names on photos she posts because the auto-generated ones from her camera roll make it easy to identify that she’s making separate posts and trying to pass them off as different people. Again, it would be nice if she wasn’t literally retarded but here we are.

No. 2069746

Genuine question, how does one's body look like this at only 28?

No. 2069754

Kids; rapid weight gain and loss, sedentary lifestyle, drugs. Back to the milk now please I beg. Dana wants us scrutinising her opps and i for one couldn’t care less. Everyone she’s “collabed” with is similarly foul and degenerate: that’s how they ended up linking. Hope this helps.

No. 2069757

Just an appreciation post for all of you nonnies - I went on the snark reddit and I now feel unclean. They do this so badly.

No. 2069762

I just don't understand how you can be so sedentary that you can't even take brisk walks and do some squats a few times, especially when whoring yourself out online is your job. is she pandering to the types of white trash moids who want to pretend that they're looking at their flabby next door neighbor or something? I'm genuinely shocked that she is so young, she looks like she's in her forties.

No. 2069763

File: 1734612067394.jpg (87.36 KB, 750x725, SantaBaby.jpg)

She digs herself deeper with every response.

No. 2069765

these are dana's trashy associates who but her on blast. and somehow, some way, by being more degenerate than them plus a horrific parent, she offends people like these.
dana, that takes serious effort.
lmao right? dana, nowdays you look just like her. well idk the condition of her teeth but I think its safe to say dana has the worst of them all. so quick to call her ugly like shes the pretty herself kek. because dana is so fucking insecure i wonder if she invited her to make herself feel better

No. 2069769

File: 1734614513171.jpg (82.17 KB, 490x753, Selfish.jpg)

She’s on TikTok rn enlightening us all on the hedonistic NPD worldview that has caused her to have more interactions with CPS in the first few years of her daughter’s life than most parents have in a lifetime.
As a nona highlighted above, by Dana’s own admission CPS gave her two options re her house being set up like a brothel: either get rid of the sex toys and sexual/naked art on display and they’d leave her alone, or try to compartmentalise it and she’d have to stay on their radar because it’s clearly the higher risk choice. She is so retarded and blinded by selfishness that she didn’t even realise she was digging herself further into this mess in choosing her degenerate lifestyle over her daughter’s safety and well-being. She brags about her choice because she sees it as “CPS-approved”, meanwhile her daughter is getting dragged out of class for questioning by social workers and without a doubt the other kids will be reporting home to their parents about it.

No. 2069773

File: 1734615107958.jpeg (612.48 KB, 1284x3182, IMG_0076.jpeg)

how sheltered are you, you see the type of people that are in dana's orbit and their lifestyle and you seriously cant put two and two together? either way theres no milk in tearing down this woman's appearance not to mention thats exactly what dana wants to deflect from her shit parenting, coke usage and overall terrible existence. this woman's appearance does not supersede dana allowing her daughter on a grimy ass stripper pole as an opening act for her orgy friends then demand they listen to her read book. then allow commence the orgy after thinking the entire thing is fucking funny. you seriously need to stay focused. one moment dana says its wrong to bodyshame SWers yet thats exactly what shes doing to this woman. Oh, apparently she allows her faggot bf to yell at her kid, because neither of these coke fucks know how to calm down a kid.
I deleted my post to include a screenshot. not taking bait and I know dana posts here too, but threads on lc in general derail to tear down a woman's appearance.

No. 2069774

our retard finally learned how to sage! but still can't integrate and make herself less obvious. that rancid sex worker is still prettier, cleaner and more attractive than you dana, she has full teeth and a jawline. meanwhile your teeth are rotting and you can barely take care of your daughter, can't even bother to brush her hair and spend time with her

No. 2069775

>deny myself happiness
this has to be cope? not one single human being envy's her

No. 2069776

This bitch is so fucking retarded it actually makes me sick. Since she reads here I sincerely would love a TikTok explaining her clearly below room temperature iq. There's no way this bitch isn't actually slow I refuse to believe you can be this obtuse. Someday her daughter will understand everything she chose over her and I hope she has the strength to tell her mother she hates her.

No. 2069780

>frames doing things she doesn’t want to as “denying myself happiness”
Well, I think we figured out how Dana got to be obese with her teeth literally rotting out of her skull kek

No. 2069783

Nonna's description of those women is accurate and doesn't indicate that the poster is black, lmao. Who would feel inferior to w 20 something with a 65 year old's physique?

No. 2069791

File: 1734618546421.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x5556, IMG_0080.jpeg)

This is Tone. Because dana like claiming people as partners for funsies its hard to gauge how close they really are

No. 2069794

A lot of photos on Tone’s page, including of women/femmes/TIFs probably, yet none of Dana (who features Tone a lot on all her socials)… interesting.

No. 2069798

Oh my god shut the fuck up. All the women involved are ugly flabby white women with shitty tattoos. are black people not allowed to point that out or something?(derailing)

No. 2069801

>there's a random person on the shay threads who makes the exact same overdone insults and calls Shayna a "fatty boombatty" regularly.
So someone calling a fat woman fat on an imageboard specifically to mock cows means they're insecure? kekkk gtfo butthurt fatty.(derailing, infighting)

No. 2069838

plural pronoun.. their as in dana+eli's friend..

No. 2069848

My bad, nona. It seemed like an unintegrated redditor due to the formatting and pronoun usage.

No. 2069849

File: 1734635222631.png (14.26 KB, 459x147, Screenshot 2024-12-19 120436.p…)

this isn't reddit. I am not gonna kiss any of these peoples asses. They are all disgusting and it's funny how everyone who comes a=out to talk about their ~problematic~experience with dana is just as degenerate and lumpy, we should just discuss her in the polyamory thread

No. 2069852

Does anybody have the video that dana responded to >>2069541 right here. The reddit is so pathetic, it is full of other poly uggos, who use they/them pronouns it's so obnoxious.(spoonfeeding request)

No. 2069855

I have to agree her style here reads as quirky but kind of harmless. for the standards of coffee shop coworkers this is not out of the ordinary and reminds me of one of the more decent and helpful oddballs i've worked with lmao. usually her appearance is foul even amongst the most hideous crust punks so this is so inoffensive in comparison. you have to imagine working in a Portlandia esque city to see where i'm coming from though. this is not a rich kid who dresses homeless and refuses to shower and thinks it's revolutionary. this is "put a bird on it" girl lol, one of the most functional losers in that anthology of dysfunctional losers

No. 2069856

Every reddit "snark" page is useless because its full of the same ana/fat/poly/thembie/addict/coomer/munchie etc. people who claim the subject makes their group look bad. Just admit you hate Dana BECAUSE she's a fat ugly pervert, not in spite of those qualities.
Additionally the word snark should have died an unmourned death along with livejournal

No. 2069857

File: 1734637285439.jpeg (319.13 KB, 1169x1878, IMG_0082.jpeg)

she just will not accept Eli hates her, doesnt respect her whatsoever, she isnt even his type, and is ready to walk out if she manages to find the right 20 something for him. Its pathetic. theres nothing about two sex addicted coke heads who yells at dana's kid for their failures.

No. 2069862

Once again, Dana obviously submitted that NGL to herself. You'd think she would get bored of talking to herself by now.

No. 2069864

File: 1734638983525.png (130.98 KB, 934x642, Screenshot 2024-12-19 at 3.09.…)

The cows are fighting

No. 2069866

File: 1734639185725.png (71.23 KB, 992x638, keke.png)

context: "Crystal" sent gifts to Dana's daughter, seems like "Crystal" is the same person who bought the fake wallet…

No. 2069867

>pole dancing is not sexual
why are all these weirdos so gross

No. 2069870

Wasting money on a $28 ratty polyester coat is somehow even more trashy then merely neglecting her child

No. 2069874

File: 1734641166027.png (398.67 KB, 1511x673, Screenshot 2024-12-19 12.44.57…)

She bought the coat off of Fashion Nova. She's so awesome at shopping.

No. 2069880

Don't bully nona for not being a redditfag!

No. 2069881

I looked at his ig for the first time and he has old photos featuring a much skinnier Dana, but goddamn if every recent post isn't him traveling kek seems the only part of his life worth documenting is when he's away from that smelly split level.

No. 2069897

These Redditfags are dumber than rocks though for thinking Dana spent hundreds of dollars on a faux fur coat.

No. 2069929

Is that why he completely disregards danas boundaries and still manages to cheat despite being poly? kek

No. 2069931

Imagine alogging a cow as gross as Dana and still managing to embarrass yourself. Total Redditfag death.

No. 2069955

So she was able to do "ALL" her Christmas shopping on Black Friday and spend money on ratty stuff instead of giving her 7 year old daughter proper presents. I'm sorry Dana but this shit doesn't add up. She genuinely seems like she's doesn't understand shit and is narcissistic. She could've spent less or even no money on gifts for others given her circumstances and put those funds to her daughter, instead of telling her Santa isn't real and she should expect less presents. Why spend less on your own child and use the excuse of saving up to fix your teeth, when you could talk to your ADULT friends about about it. An adult is more reasonable and mature than a child and they would understand. Why is your kid the first on the chopping block when cutting corners? I guess it's expected coming from a person who never "denies themselves happiness".

No. 2069970

those untrimmed lashes are my pet peeve. I'm the last person who'd police performing femininity but the fact that she doesn't seem to understand what she's doing so her look is a sloppy, second rate copy of already crappy trends adds another element of ugh. the lashes by themselves are the worst part.

No. 2069983

Because she knows her daughter is stuck with her no matter how she treats her (unfortunately) but she needs to buy friends and bribe them to keep them on side. Dana will spend where the there’s the most return on her investment and she values poly ass-pats over her relationship with her daughter.

No. 2069990

I can’t imagine being Dana-level shapeless muppet ugly and also such an unabashedly horrible and unlikable person. The universe really spat out someone with absolutely no value at all.

No. 2070027

when it started out it wasn't supposed to be sexual, in a lot of countries it's just kind of considered another form of dance and not associated with striptease(derail)

No. 2070037

File: 1734692832345.jpg (167.19 KB, 749x869, HoochieCoochie.jpg)

Ok thanks for the ~education Dana. Anyway, back to your antics and those of your live-in boyfriend you refer to as your husband, Eli VePedo or whatever his name is kek.(hi cow)

No. 2070045

Even if that was true, we’re not living in the time period when it first started, we’re living in the current time where it is sexual (please stop bringing up “pole fitness” it’s disingenuous when Dana films porn in her house and has a sex dungeon in the basement) and Dana’s not living in a country where it’s “just another form of dance”, she’s living in burgerland

No. 2070056

suspicious comments I must say. dana is obectively a terrible human being yet these comments really like to pretend otherwise. like yes, CPS is totally gonna overlook the glaring sexualization of a little girl on a stripper pole and ignore dana's character because this coked retard is cherrypicking the "history". They would love to hear that excuse from a grown ass woman already on their radar.
anon do you know what alogging means because its not in that screenshot.

No. 2070059

She'd rather be on cps' radar than to pack away her porn "art"? She really dont care about her daughter does she?

No. 2070062

File: 1734702122852.jpg (409.76 KB, 720x1279, Screenshot_20241220_144107_Ins…)

Kill em with kindness huh?

No. 2070063

File: 1734702203932.jpg (254.18 KB, 720x1272, Screenshot_20241220_144251_Ins…)

No. 2070074

Omg this bitch is deranged: we have no clue and do not care who this other lass is and Dana so clearly had personal beef with “Spice”, posted the noods and kept trying to turn conversation back to this other whore, now she’s moralfagging as if it was legit farmers making her obvious shitposts lmao this is so transparent: All I want for Christmas is for Dana’s frontal lobe to develop.

No. 2070075

Would be fun if admin could red text Dana’s posts like they have for many a cow before. Might take it to /meta

No. 2070079

Even if the nudes weren’t posted by Dana here (they were), she posted on Reddit under her own account >>2069591 clearly ripping on on Spice’s aesthetic by implication (comparing to old photos of herself so edited they look AI-generated). Sad.

No. 2070084

She's fluent in yapanese

No. 2070086

She's trying so hard to manipulate the narrative when it was obviously not an actual farmer who posted all that (just look at all the redtext itt). What are the odds this is yet another ask she sent herself too?The suspicious asks are all eerily similar to how she writes, she doesn't even seem to have the sense many other cows have where the switch up the text style at least a little bit. kek

I hope the farmhands are able to shed some light on this too.

No. 2070112

>just a reminder i was caught bodyshaming someone so I gotta make an announcement because I'm totally not telling on myself
isnt she exhausted from constantly telling on herself? isnt she tried of not realizing shes singlehandedly increasing the members on her snark subreddit? a low iq existence seems stressful 24/7

No. 2070115

Completely ot but that last sentence is bizzare, of course they wore different, scant clothing compared to the American women, they were the equivalent to strippers on the job. That's like saying the strippers of today challenge gender stereotypes because they don't cover their boobs whereas most women who don't work there do.(derailing)

No. 2070132

She has a really funny way of expressing "kindness." Her comments to her former friend here >>2069541 were so hateful, and that was just two days ago.
>she's extremely upset over it
These snowflakes spread their asscheeks all over the internet to their porn-sick hugboxes, but the minute somebody here says "she's fat and ugly," they're in a total spiral crying about body shaming kek. The "toxic" behavior starts with what you retards share. Why is it so hard for cows to get this? Is it her first week on the internet?
>engaging in conflict in certain spaces can have unforeseen consequences
Is it just me or does this seem so loaded? I wouldn't be surprised if her BPD ass posted those comments.

No. 2070133

tldr the modern pole dance originates from an 18th century strip tease for adults. cool exactly what we said. it has always been sexual. (traditional belly dance is not sexual nor meant for sexual titillation but the american or western version is absolutely just a sex thing, similar to burlesque. essentially burlesque act just with "exotic" theming.)

No. 2070138

Yeah unfortunately for Dana and her fellow pedo-enablers the modern western origins of pole dancing are not just sexual but racist; built on harmful Orientalist stereotypes that have directly informed the fetishisation of and violence towards women from across the MENA and South Asia. I doubt Dana cares though as she only keeps Tone around as a token black friend and everyone else she posts is Very White (in b4 someone sperges about “Gaby identifies as latinx” or whatever bullshit; you know she’s the white-passing exception to the rule here).
Back on topic though; anyone see that whoever posted heavily redacted photos of Dana’s kid in the Reddit (screencapped from Dana’s page to prove that she’s lying about avoiding exposure to sexual content in the house) and Reddit flagged it for “sharing sexual or suggestive content involving minors”. I suspect Dana did another self-own in flagging the posts for removal and unwittingly getting Reddit to confirm that they are noncey.

No. 2070243

File: 1734775437528.jpg (50.6 KB, 750x249, CringeForDays.jpg)

Reviewing Eli VePedo’s social media is a bleak prospect: His mentions are full of thirsty women and TIMs trying to fuck him, and he seems to indulge them all but with special focus on a particular tranny who posts himself in a bikini styled like a MySpace girl circa 2006 and advertising his “bulge”.
The last time Eli posted Dana on Instagram was 3.5 years ago, not long after they got together, and (picrel) that was only to flex that he had taken the photos. She used to feature heavily on there at the start but completely disappeared as the weight piled on and whatever semblance of a chin she had to start with disappeared. Her sudden medication-induced “weight loss journey” and dentures is clearly a last ditch attempt to hang onto him because she knows full well that he won’t ever marry her, or even wear the ring Dana bought him that she now keeps in one of the “curiosity cabinets” downstairs. He’ll have fed her some bullshit like “of course I cherish the ring you got me and want to help you larp as married, but I’m a carpenter and it would be dangerous to wear at work plus I don’t want to lose it so it would be so much safer and easier to admire if you popped it next to the taxidermied badger head arse plug in the sex basement babe” and she went “of course Eli, you know I’m Not Like Other Girls, plus if you want me and the kid to move out you can keep my dead Mom’s house” (this was perhaps the saddest of her self-doxxed texts: not that she’s such a pathetic doormat bc we have been knowing that, but more that she would put her daughter into a precarious housing situation so that her “husband” could suck trannies off in peace). Bleak.

No. 2070245

dana is a pathetic mess, but even she doesn't deserve the aids that eli is about to infect her with

No. 2070246

>weight loss and dentures as a last-ditch attempt to keep Eli
Given what other farmers had harvested about Dana saying Gaby leaving was the saddest she’d ever seen Eli, that he was completely cut up about it etc… That’s what triggered the frantic scramble to appear less physically repulsive over these past few months: in her heart of hearts, Dana knows her reckless cokehead BPD behaviours drove away someone who Eli actually preferred to her. She knows her only value to him is bed and board and luring in new victims for him. Several posters in the Reddit group claiming to know Dana irl said she uses the kid to guilt people into staying and I think 100% that’s what we’re seeing here. If Eli wasn’t hobosexual and needing Dana for a place to stay, and if she didn’t have a kid to guilt him with, he’d have left with Gaby and she knows it.

No. 2070251

File: 1734776703701.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.62 KB, 750x981, SafeHouseGuest.jpg)

>Girl in picrel is 24
Nona, “girl” in picrel is a man: He’s a tranny prostitute and Eli is still laying the ground work for him to visit their home - where Dana’s daughter lives - to fuck.

No. 2070253

It is so sad that kid has such a perverted stepfather free ranging around her house and caring for her when Dana isn't there.(learn to sage)

No. 2070254

Yeah, it’s very sad. It’s up there with a grown woman and mother in her thirties still writing “SG hopeful” in her social media bios. Dana Hare is mentally stunted in 2006 and it shows.

No. 2070256

if the heavily censored images were deemed inappropriate, then obviously Dana sharing the uncensored version for strangers online should be considered some violation of CPS standards. From a child protection aspect, this is pretty clear-cut evidence that the child is not in a safe home.
Version online for strangers

No. 2070258

File: 1734778269288.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.11 KB, 659x1371, SexPestHouseGuest.jpg)

Looking forward to whatever psychotic mental gymnastics Dana will perform through asking herself anonymous questions on Instagram to justify this turning up to the family home to fuck her husband while her daughter sleeps upstairs.

No. 2070259

It always seemed so fucking weird to me that she's been calling herself a SG hopeful for the last half a decade. Talk about not taking the hint.

No. 2070261

Can someone explain how the SG thing works and how being a ‘hopeful’ works?

No. 2070262

Given the fact that the child was strangled by one male partner and then Dana proceeded to move Eli in soon after shows me she doesn't give a single iota of a fuck about who is coming into that house. This is the woman who leaves her child at home alone so she can go get drunk. She gives no fucks.

No. 2070265


And SG hopeful needs to be upvoted by enough fans/members to progress to being an actual SG. None of Dana's sets have ever been popular enough so she has stayed a hopefully for many years

No. 2070266

It’s the low self-esteem ugly goth version of “notice me Senpai”.

No. 2070267

The only issue Dana will have with Elis visitor is the insane BPD jealousy that ensues after he fucks someone(learn2sage)

No. 2070268

File: 1734779888516.png (285.24 KB, 860x714, PolyMask.PNG)

Insane BPD jealousy covered by thinly veiled cope narrative around “I just want my partner to be happy and experience pleasure: it doesn’t have to be with me!”

No. 2070270

That is bleak. I wanted to be an SG in middle school, is it actually profitable?(derail)

No. 2070271

Stop de-railing and go to Google.

No. 2070282

File: 1734786809652.jpg (131.6 KB, 600x856, McDonalds.jpg)

Remember a few weeks ago when Dana tried to pretend she gives a shit about anything other than herself and was like “of course I care about Gaza, you just don’t see all aspects of me because I focus my content on polyamory education”. Fat cunt stays slurping on Starbucks, Coca Cola and McDonalds though.
On a related note, she’s done nothing to change the lifestyle that made her obese in the first place and is fully relying on the meds making her shit her guts out. She posted about going to the gym like twice after her “weight loss journey” started but that has fallen off. Soon as the meds stop she’ll be on a fast trajectory back into obesity (which - sadly - she hasn’t escaped from yet despite admittedly dropping a few pounds).

No. 2070285

She stays exposing herself with these vlogs. Every lunch break she takes herself for a $10 - $20 meal when fixing a salad at home to bring in would be healthier and cheaper for someone who’s not only on a weight loss journey but also actively e-begging and telling her kid Santa isn’t real so she can spend less on her presents.

No. 2070287

File: 1734787218445.jpg (103.19 KB, 530x739, Slacktivist.jpg)

Womp, there it is.

No. 2070292

File: 1734788149908.jpeg (616.38 KB, 1275x1584, IMG_0085.jpeg)

the last time he posted dana was october 12, 2023 (his birthday) and even then it was really about the amount of women surrounding him, and that was posted in the polyfag thread ( >>>/snow/2026772 )
hilarious in a depressing way how each of these women noped out of the situation because neither hurricane dana nor eli understand boundaries. that and dana's kid on the premises that she uses as a sympathy tool to get people to stay.

No. 2070294

Eli is also a Lefty Larper. He posts a lot about “anticapitalism” while over-consuming corporate shit just like Dana does. They genuinely think they’re revolutionaries because they’re hypersexual mentally ill retards, all while engaging in standard brain-dead consumerism and cultural imperialism but thinking they’re edgy because they shop at Hot Topic or whatever. Once again: teenage mentality.

No. 2070296

She posted her weight loss for a couple days, saying she could fit into size 28 pants (a lie) then gained all the weight back and hasn't posted weight loss content since.

No. 2070298

Interesting that she adopted the “enby” cope right around the time she morphed into full Homer Simpson physiognomy.

No. 2070299

Nona are you slow? - that’s a post made by Dana. The point stands that the last time Eli posted her was nearly 4 years ago.

No. 2070300

File: 1734790257815.jpg (298.47 KB, 1080x1796, 8b35e243-4806-44a0-9a0b-a51eb6…)

>Given what other farmers had harvested about Dana saying Gaby leaving was the saddest she’d ever seen Eli
I think it's important to note Eli was "the saddest he'd ever been" after not only Gaby, but also his boyfriend, dumped him at once. Eli's way too gay to get sad over a woman alone, it was definitely the faggot leaving that hit the hardest for him. Picrel, it's hilarious Dana sees no correlation between her "dysphoria" and need to stick a dildo in her underwear, and her "husband" being obsessed with staring at dick and balls on his phone all day kek.
Oh my god, are we really moralfagging not posting about muh Palestine enough? This is a ridiculous nitpick, as if there weren't enough things going on with this absolute horrorcow and her gay boyfriend, you sound like a redditor.

No. 2070305

Is this not Noel Fielding?

No. 2070306

I think the McDonalds stuff was more about a continuing pattern of low IQ duplicitousness. No social cause needs Dana on their side and would actively suffer for it tbh so I hope she doesn’t take this as ammo to ask herself more fake questions to answer like she is a credible moral authority on anything.

No. 2070308

Nobody deserves an STI and also everyone should do whatever they can to mitigate against the risk. Dana posted on her Instagram stories yesterday about being a “cum slut” who lets Eli’s putrid spunk fester inside her vagina. It is dumb and dangerous to trust any moid with your sexual health; let alone one you know is actively seeking out the highest STI risk demographics to also stick his penis in (MTF sex workers).

No. 2070309

File: 1734792557320.png (81.71 KB, 762x418, Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 9.46.…)

>Also going by Spice Suicide when you’re NOT a Suicide Girl is CRINGEY AS FUCK.
kek it can’t be worse than being a “hopeful” for years upon years. the ‘sgh’ in her bio and reddit username is ‘suicide girl hopeful’. embarrassing. here’s her profile (obviously nsfw): https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/sinnabunny/

No. 2070310

Kek he's embarrassed of her…

No. 2070316

Eli is a known anti-semite. Simp for terrorists elsewhere fag. The last thing we need is Dana Hare's political opinions>>2070287(derail)

No. 2070318

On the 'vital stats' she literally says she's occasionally smoking weed despite insisting she doesn't. This cow moos, and you know it's lying.

No. 2070321

>Eli is a known antisemite
This is an imageboard anon, feel free to post proof.

No. 2070326

File: 1734797835911.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.65 KB, 750x1405, MommyDearest.jpg)

This pedo has such a fucked-up relationship with motherhood: As well as using pregnancy photos on/to promote her Onlyfans per >>2029452, she thought it was appropriate to announce to her coomers that her mom had died with a Buffalo Bill style full frontal shot.(old unsaged milk)

No. 2070328

This guy reminds me of the greyhair scrote from the Shayna thread kek. Barely any comments on her nudes except for some random old guy

No. 2070335

So her mom died last year and she was hosting orgies in the house still? Interesting. Does anyone know if Dana owns the house they live in? Dana says she inherited it from her mom.

No. 2070336

File: 1734801059768.png (174.15 KB, 1080x1195, 1000006589.png)

No. 2070350

>drug use: drug free
>weed: occasionally

No. 2070364

>body type: average

No. 2070369

Since there's a separate section for weed I'm assuming that's talking about non-weed drugs. It's the same way that people will drink alcohol and say they are drug-free. But it's funny that she says she doesn't do drugs when she's such a coke head.

No. 2070372

I can't believe she says she's 160. She has to be 200 at this point, right?

No. 2070377

oh woops, I forgot instagram adds photos people are tagged into their own feed instead designating them to the tagged section

No. 2070381

File: 1734810978602.jpg (298.59 KB, 1080x1917, acc8dec3-27ca-4646-abdc-d3b115…)

This anon put it perfectly and of course Dana could only reply with
>"I'm allowed an existence outside of motherhood!!"
Yeah, but you should still have a minimum amount of motherhood in your existence, Dana.

No. 2070383

What is this anon referencing? Where did she describe herself and leave out being a parent?

No. 2070391

She's so slimy and disingenuous

No. 2070426

if we were to make a list of the amount of times shes either violated boundaries or where they don't exist, I'm afraid how long it would be.

No. 2070464

Has she had the pooner chop? I'm confused af at what I'm seeing.
Average body type, the gall to put that directly under where you write your weight? Commit to the bit or don't.
Even if 160 was accurate and not tidying the number up a lot off, it's still a full stone overweight at 5'7.

No. 2070494

File: 1734862739985.jpg (377.55 KB, 720x1277, Screenshot_20241222_111732_Ins…)

Lolcow is on her mind 24/7

No. 2070495

Anti semite is a Jewish dogwhistle for 'doesn't support the genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinians and burning of their infants to death' so obviously anon is not going to be able to provide proof of this because it doesn't exist.

160. KEK. At 5'7 and that big she is defo 210.(derailing)

No. 2070497

Even her bedroom has sexual art on the walls. The apples are vaginas and the banana is a penis. This is the house she raises a child in.

No. 2070500

Lol she being "shay skinny". Love that for her

No. 2070501

“Skinny” yet physically indistinguishable from the chubby Buffalo Bill look she posted last year here >>2070326

No. 2070515

ugh that godawful tacky ass painting again
that's the sex dungeon iirc

No. 2070516

I don't think it's the basement. Look at the ceiling, it looks like the upper most floor of the house.

No. 2070517

File: 1734873787893.jpg (212.75 KB, 750x973, PedoPolycule.jpg)

Yeah that’s her bedroom. The same one she lets her daughter get into bed with her “polycule” in. Here’s a photo someone posted to Reddit: the child in bed with random people, genitalia painting on the wall, and bedding that - also posted on Reddit - features BDSM scenes. Also cropped out of shot that Dana has posted of elsewhere in this room are walls lined with dildos, gags, whips, vibrators and anal plugs. I am so sad for that poor child.

No. 2070519

File: 1734873956972.jpg (Spoiler Image,269.46 KB, 750x1157, BDSMbedding.jpg)

Picrel the bedding in question.

No. 2070521

File: 1734874501720.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.35 KB, 750x1211, GroomerDecor.jpg)

Picrel some of the sex toys on display as posted by Eli. Interesting that they have a dildo x pocket pussy hybrid. I assume this comes in handy when Dana’s cunt is too rancid for even Eli to stomach direct contact with. That tracks given the anon question someone asked her a couple of days ago about the best post-sex cleanup methods and Dana said she had no tips because she leaves Eli’s jizz to congeal inside her vaginal passage.

No. 2070532

yeah you're getting skinny cause of drugs, idiot. anybody could get skinny taking a bunch of drugs that make you even more mentally ill and shit out all your lower intestine. You could've hopped on a treadmill and put down the fork, but as other anons have stated you don't even have the discipline to brush your teeth or take down your creepy sex paintingscand dildos.(sage your shit)

No. 2070535

but youre literally doing nothing to contribute to this "skinniness" dana. youre not exercising, youre not changing your diet since you just bragged about getting macdonalds a couple days ago ( >>2070282 ) and youre clearly never at the gym how obsessively you post about us and your snark reddit since the beans were spilled how terrible you are as a person and mother, nothing changed other than more drugs in your system.

No. 2070580

This doesn't seem to be the same tranny as >>2069055 , but it's still a man, right? Jfc the amount of random grown moids she allows on her bed with her own child, it's like she's actively trying to get her molested.

No. 2070673

Makes me nostalgic for Elsagate

No. 2070738

File: 1734966961225.jpg (306.43 KB, 1575x2100, MoreLies.jpg)

Dana posted a tiktok of her scrolling through the streaming platforms on her TV with another poly cope caption:
>having everyone in the cule pay for a different streaming service so you can all share
Since everything thats comes out of her rotten mouth has been shown to be lies previously, let’s see how this stacks up (and try to ignore that she stays doxxing her daughter online and has posted her name several times on this video):
> Daughter’s name / Eli & Dana / VeDepo Folks (Eli’s family)
> Dana / The Folks (Eli’s Family) / Kids
> Eli / Daughter’s name / VeDepo Folks (Eli’s family)
> Christine (given Dana’s middle name, this is likely her dead Mom’s account) / Eli / Dana / Daughter’s name
There was one more screencap I couldn’t fit on for a streaming platform that said “Gaby” on it so either it’s old footage or she’s still rinsing her ex’s stuff.
So yeah, Dana’s “cule” at the moment consists of her boyfriend’s Mom and Dad paying for stuff for them as grown adults in their 30s, and possibly spongeing off her ex too. Every time she posts it reveals another bleak layer of her life: She’s peddling poly propaganda at this point.

No. 2070759

This is hilarious. After the screenrecording Bambi's texts fiasco, you'd think she'd learn that people can pause her videos to read.

No. 2070771

File: 1734974691970.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1623091195727.jpg)

I'm not normally squeamish, but that really is sickening.

No. 2070779

File: 1734979007288.png (11.87 MB, 3571x7000, Diseño sin título_20241223_152…)

I agree nitpicking the type of iphone she got her daughter in mar h is pretty retarded, but come on Dana. You're literally always showing off the new expensive thing you got on your story, then backtracking and saying it was cheap/free once your followers remind you you shouldn't be splurging if you're gonna e-beg for dentures and tell your daughter Santa isn't real due to financial issues. She was literally showing off her new mustang a week ago, watch her say it's ackshually a rental or something kek.

No. 2070780

File: 1734979033727.jpg (132.62 KB, 622x856, JustObeseGirlieThings.jpg)

>weight loss journey
>snacking on a cookie as big as her head

No. 2070782

I wish anons would check before sperging: the Mustang is a rental covered by the insurance of the person she collided with in her own car.
Still though she does burn through money and folk who claim to know her irl on Reddit say she’s already burned through her inheritance from her Mom.

No. 2070783

kek what she has a google doc now? the nitpicking is stupid but dana is dumber for constantly gloating on her socials. the mustang is a rental yes, but is that really a necessary expense when she can buy a car for cheaper? this is just more evidence piled against her dentures e-begging
not to mention, she has a habit of buying stupid shit to impress people, or buying them gifts so they hang out with her (and take care of her kid)
is she high, hungover, both?

No. 2070794

>kek what she has a google doc now?
Yeah the Redditards put one together this weekend: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTG9YpFPOkMLHmR8zRiMDswgQb-M4F6kYUDQoyjCJnQ/
She’s imploding about it on the Reddit group now: https://www.reddit.com/r/itssinnabunnysnark/(this is an imageboard, post caps)

No. 2070797

File: 1734983610371.webp (123.18 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4204.webp)

Once again she’s fixating on irrelevant details for red herring rebuttals. It’s giving the same energy as when Prince Andrew was confronted about the testimony one of the teenage girls Epstein procured for him to rape in which she called him “sweaty”:
Rather than saying “that can’t have been me because I don’t fuck kids”, he said his alibi was that he is physically incapable of sweating. Dana is tying herself in knots trying to justify buying her 7 year old daughter an iPhone when the huge issue is the established physical abuse she’s exposed said daughter to, and likely ongoing threat of neglect and sexual abuse.

No. 2070798

>the Mustang is a rental covered by the insurance of the person she collided with in her own car.
This is very important. Nonas, the more we ignore important facts like this the easier it is for Dana to pretend everything we say is a lie and she's actually a stellar mom.

No. 2070799

Looking at photos of Dana no amount of her whining will convince me that this woman is sober for more than about 20 minutes a day.

No. 2070800

Yeah the retards on Reddit and in here jumping to conclusions are playing right into her hands: If you don’t have confirmed milk, you simply do not have to post.

No. 2070801

its probably why shes always surprised when shit hits the fan. shes never proactive, shes reactive and can never seem to get it. poor kid she gave her a phone which is basically tracker nowadays so she doesnt have to pay attention to her. moms too busy going walleyed responding to reddit I guess.
whoever is the author is gonna want to keep it factual….but what means is getting dana to respond

No. 2070803

File: 1734984644248.jpg (17.6 KB, 403x154, EliVePedo.jpg)

>mom’s too busy going wall-eyed
Don’t forget Mom’s boyfriend! Oops sorry Dana, I mean your “husband”: not the serial rapist you ignored warnings about from several of his victims then stuck around and let try to kill your kid, I mean the pretend one who you Ghislaine new victims for.

No. 2070804

File: 1734985033813.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.92 KB, 750x750, DudEyedDeviant.jpg)

I’m surprised more anons haven’t picked up that Eli VeDepo’s name is an exact anagram of “Evil Pe(e)do”.

No. 2070815

Do you think his parents named him that on purpose?

No. 2070820

Kek maybe Dana wasn’t lying in >>2070738 and the VePedos are actually part of the ‘cule.

No. 2070821

>I wish anons would check before sperging
Check what, exactly? In her story, she never clarified it was a rental. She just posted her old car captioned "out with the old", followed by the mustang implying she bought it. She did the exact same thing with her new iphone btw. If you saw her post proof of it being a rental, post it ITT instead of bitching.

No. 2070824

File: 1734990649336.jpg (158.67 KB, 630x942, Spoonfeeding.jpg)

Here you go, retardanon.

No. 2070833

oh right we have to include him too, because hes an even bigger coke fiend than dana. at the rate they're frying their brain, dana's kid is gonna be smarter than them, but frustrated theres no actual adult to turn to.
you have a good eye anon.
part of it is def on dana's part because of her shit communication and she will only clarify after realizing no one can read her mind. but theres one thing to keep in mind: that car is essentially free for two weeks. if she keeps it beyond that, then yeah shes paying out of pocket and paying a rental company for x amount of time with the car will not be cheap. giving her spending habits its probably gonna happen.

No. 2070836

I think the point is she knows - despite saying we’re her hate club - that she’s just one cow of many for us, so we’ll have maybe a cursory look at whatever social media platform we happen to be on at the time and not cross-reference what she’s said in different posts. Then she’ll catch where someone has cited one post and reference another with a different story and use it as some kind of “gotcha”. Unfortunately even mentally delayed coke-fiends with one eye looking at Nashville and the other still pointing in Florida can engage in low-level PR tricks.

No. 2070859

lol. The fact that he looks like the stereotypical neckbeard who would stalk bepenised pretenders grosses me tf out. walleye perv ass

No. 2070868

I don’t suppose anyone knows where she got those sheets? (Don’t worry, I don’t have children or a polycule in my house)

No. 2070873

File: 1735011602836.png (296.91 KB, 1680x964, hand-fetish-scam.png)

Dana claimed she gets her nails done through bartering and now it's bc hand fetishists pay her to have them done and create custom content. Which one is it? And by her logic, keeping the money for anything else would be scamming
>Unfortunately even mentally delayed coke-fiends with one eye looking at Nashville and the other still pointing in Florida can engage in low-level PR tricks.

No. 2070888

>"benefits their hand fetish"
KEKKK I have trouble believing anyone would pay for Dana's disgusting porn at all, especially not paypigs who gift her nails for their fetish. She first posted her nails on r/LastThingYouBought, so it's clear she for paid them and only backtracked once her snark sub found it. I wish nonnies could do a monthly earnings recap like they do on Shayna's thread because there's no way her porn is selling looking like she does.

No. 2070896

>>2070833 based on what she posted she said “see you next year” to her old card implying shed she it after the holidays. It’s understood that the accident was the other persons fault which is why that persons insurance is covering a rental car. When that happens the rental car will be covered until her car is fixed even if it takes longer than two weeks she’s not paying out of pocket for the mustang beyond gas. She also posted that she traded in two iPhones for her new iPhone with an upgrad making it free.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 2070898

ok but can you suck her weird tattooed tits elsewhere

No. 2070908

iphones aren't cheap. who paid for the other ones? as long as she's getting that money that she wants I don't think she cares. All online eBeggers use money that they claim is for their business or for their online bullshit to fund their lifestyle. you'd be stupid to expect otherwise.

No. 2070920

Even here it says "hello for now" implying it's a rental

No. 2070941


The company is "sin in linen" nona

No. 2070943

File: 1735047047380.jpeg (858.9 KB, 1284x2747, IMG_0101.jpeg)

that company has some interesting bed spreads, and thats the one dana wanted? oh right because its sex related and her low iq ass is still mentally stuck at 17. and its pretty expensive

No. 2070951

File: 1735050486413.jpg (75.96 KB, 627x617, Ignorant .jpg)

Unsurprising. She’s incredibly ignorant and I’m being generous by calling her “a bit slow”: she only copies definitions of terms verbatim to inform the cues for her cringe poly educator videos.

No. 2070954

File: 1735051146795.jpg (206.54 KB, 595x817, SantaHateClub.jpg)

Evidence is mounting that Dana is at least a bit racist. No, Dana: other kids in your daughter’s kindergarten class weren’t “trying to spoil Santa” for your daughter; they are not members of a “hate club”, they just - at 4 years old and with no previous formal educational experience - were either not aware of Santa - or either not aware of the expectation or developmentally able to keep up the charade with their peers. Why did you have to specify that they speak Arabic you absolute fucking melt?

No. 2070958

That's a hard 180 she did there. Afaik she hadn't mentioned her daughter being suspicious. Also suddenly she bought her ten "high ticket" items? So which is it, are you saving for the surgery or are you splurging? Also whats the point if you just did santa levels gifts anyway? We already know she bought gifts for her friends, idk how many, but it adds up.

No. 2070959

>Those damn Arabs

No. 2070963

this is pathetic for someone calling themselves an "educator", full stop. convinced this educator shit is a grift to get her followers to pay for her shit.
>arab kids ruined xmas for my kid
lmao what do some random arab kids in her class have to do with anything? and why does she think she has a leg to stand with this santa shit when the bigger issue is how she treats and talks to her daughter? she says the weirdest shit to try to deflect kek. like an example i can think of is when she brought up her dead mom to make it look like the internet was bullying someone in mourning. then it turned out she was spiteful of her mom to the point of having her watch her kid while she blew her inheritance on partying drugs and orgies, and would even steal her mom's pain meds. oh and she uses her dead moms facebook account. so yeah her retarded deflection tactics are always rooted in spite so I wouldnt be surprised if this mush mouthed uneducated hillbilly didn't like arabs for a retarded reason

No. 2070966

>that’s a hard 180 she did there
Yes, let’s compare to her words that caused people’s concern, as seen in >>2068430
>this is her first Christmas not believing
> we told her [that Santa isn’t real] because she’s getting older and we couldn’t afford as many gifts while financing my dental bills
Has turned into >>2070954
>those damn Ayrab Muzlimz have been trying to ruin Santa for my daughter since kindergarten and they finally won

No. 2070969

>it’s the A-rab kids fault
KEK that Florida really jumped out huh

No. 2070983

File: 1735058998444.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x2122, IMG_7667.jpeg)

In her newest blog, Dana opens packages “followers” have sent her. She opens an animal crossing lego set and shows the camera before handing it to her daughter offscreen. Seconds later, Dana opens a dildo and makes no effort to conceal it from her daughter.

No. 2070986

STOP this has to be a form of child abuse/neglect/willfully contributing to the delinquency of a minor grooming shit, right??? Mother of the fucking year right here. I’m horrified but not surprised. That poor little girl.

No. 2070996

Stop caping for Dana. You know damn well that’s not why she told her kid about Santa and thus why she didn’t mention it until she was called out.

No. 2071001

File: 1735062597341.jpg (90.46 KB, 662x689, SelfAsked .jpg)

Another day, another self-asked anonymous question from Dana. Why would anyone in their right mind ask someone who has been openly trying and failing to be picked as a Suicide Girl for the past 5 years how to become one? Hopefully next year she is finally successful (in the truest sense of the term.)

No. 2071002

It's always hilarious to me how she acts so unbothered towards and above her "hate group" on IG acting like they're just crazy nitpickers, then every time I visit her sub she's desperately writing bibles of text trying to defend herself kekk.
Jfc, but not surprising in the slightest. She makes being a poly coomer her entire personality, she seriously has no sense of self. What even makes these "polyam vlogs" if her "polycule" is down to her and Eli consensually cheating on each other? That's just an open relationship.

No. 2071004

She’s already back-pedalling on Reddit claiming the kid immediately ran to her own room after being handed her gift. Sure, Dana. An answer for everything.

No. 2071011

Nobody asked and you’re race-baiting so fuck off back to /pol/ where someone might actually rise to it.

No. 2071012

You are right but this is not the thread for it. There is a anti islam thread on /ot/

No. 2071016

Inb4 wk but literally nothing about this is racist.

No. 2071043

Dana cannot stand being called a liar. That's really all it is, and she won't stop until she's either had everyone swallow a big lie, or she burns her own online presence down by continuing to lie.
How many of those fucking things do you need? How convenient her daughter didn't notice the dildo at all, and surely hasn't noticed any of the other sex toys in the house.

No. 2071048

File: 1735072417144.jpeg (342.35 KB, 1080x1788, danaluigi.jpeg)

dana is probably on the /g/ threads about luigi

No. 2071049

kek delulu

No. 2071052

I don't think girls who let their teeth rot and mold in their mouths are his type.

No. 2071061

>local coke-addled ogre mom offers her vagina (and her swamp monster bf) to dude who shot up a CEO as punishment before getting possible death penalty
dana has no fucking clue how badly she self-owned herself by saying this LMAO

No. 2071122

File: 1735097361680.png (592.77 KB, 1080x1608, 1000006611.png)

No. 2071128

>I don't think girls who let their teeth rot and mold in their mouths are his type.
Yeah since hes a yellow fever moid, also holy kek
>da haturz are jealous because I'm authentic and unapologetic
Trust me no one is jealous of a hideous handmaiden who's "married" to a pedophile rapist unapologetically while having a 7 year old daughter(derail)

No. 2071144

Kek you're so right, Danez. I am living inauthentically and apologetically.

No. 2071148

File: 1735122804470.jpg (85.96 KB, 651x672, SuicideGunt.jpg)

The cope continues: She isn’t a Suicide Girl because actually she doesn’t want to be one. Tell another one Dana, that was funny!

No. 2071152

do you speak Arabic? The sounds like a really sore issue with you. her mentioning that they speak Arabic is not the issue it's the fact that she doesn't elaborate on anything and just says that they were trying "to spoil Santa for her" which I guess is implying something negative there, especially considering it's multiple people but that's on her. I wouldn't be surprised to see fellow pasty murricans who are dependent on these consumerist traditions become defensive when other people don't care much about them. I wish it was normal to fund experiences for your kid, or to take them out somewhere even with their friends and stick to anti-consumption while trying to instill these values in their kids considering we are literally running out of space to throw our trash (which, if it's plastic, will take hundreds and hundreds of years to decompose). My parents were never big gift givers and I didn't really care. because we did other things that were memorable and more important in the long run. The gift sperg in here is one of the stupidest things to hate on her about.(blog)

No. 2071158

Mentioning the language they speak was completely superfluous and irrelevant and indicative of her own prejudices. It’s like when a white person tells an anecdote and specifies that the person in it is black when it has nothing to do with the story… either that or it was an Islamophobic dogwhistle.
Also nobody cares about your childhood: take it to LiveJournal.

No. 2071160

>my truth
aka her lies. cant believe "my truth" is a phrase people actually say and not feel embarrassed.

No. 2071182

Been on a three week weasel word spree with no end in sight doing everything to defend and explain herself.
"Living unapologetically".
I'll give her that she at least recognized not everything is about jealousy which is the biggest cow cope there is.

And tbh, I truly don't belive she's racist. Why would it be a stretch or even a surprise that kids gonna be kids and some of them are little shits. If they come from a household where they are told Santa isn't real they will tell tgeor classmates. It's a culture clash and not her blaming "muh arabs".
Still, she should be able the backlash and how it could be interpreted, especially with the circles she moves in, so she could just have said "kids in her class who don't celebrate christmas".
Just a stupid discussion and when kids have different upbringing it's bound to happen since they most likely repeat what they heard at home. It's not that deep at all

No. 2071185

File: 1735147581004.jpeg (360.09 KB, 1206x2144, 003C6288-C383-4456-8D90-EDAA79…)

Is it crazy that I actually feel bad for her this morning? It’s Christmas and redditfags are already ripping into her. They actually give scary stalker vibes like they were so quick on shit instead of enjoying the holidays. It’s actually really concerning.

No. 2071186

Personally, I just can't get over the phrase "practice Santa beliefs."

No. 2071191

>is it crazy that I actually feel bad for her?
Yes: this is the same person who
>set up a GoFundMe for $20k
>gloated that she has the funds but simply doesn’t want to pay for it herself
>relayed having told her 7 year old Santa isn’t real because of the cost
And now she’s showing off expensive Christmas purchases for herself and her boyfriend.

No. 2071192

Snark pages always seem to be way scarier and obsessive than lc. Some of us here have lives or boundaries and of course don’t interact with the cows or add on to their issues, whereas the people on reddit keep tabs every second and instigate/egg things on it appears.

No. 2071193

I don’t know it’s just Christmas and I feel for her a little bit. Yes she should be saving money for her teeth instead of begging online but it’s Christmas and it’s nice to see her family still did their best to afford presents and celebrate a normal holiday as a family.

No. 2071194

Yeah it’s heartening at least to see that she’s started swapping out some of the porniest art around the home for something child-friendly… 7 years after giving birth.
I feel bad for Eli mostly that he was retarded enough to pay $120 for a stainless steel chain.

No. 2071195

File: 1735149986584.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x1629, RDT_20241224_22215487164804321…)

I was surprised nobody posted it here yet, only making an effort to make your home "family friendly vibes" once the internet boolied you into it and not when your daughter was born, nor when CPS got involved and told you to take down all the coomer imagery is actually hilarious.

No. 2071198

Way to moralfag. Like the only reason that Dana is having trouble paying for her teeth is because she feels entitled to blow money on nail art and cocaine all of the time.

No. 2071199

File: 1735152352503.jpg (11.55 KB, 320x321, lillistalker.JPG)

I will say that in this case, I kind of agree. That lillisage person who gave herself the flair 'stalker' seems wholly involved in tearing apart Dana whenever she can. I almost feel like she changed her profile picture (it was a generic reddit one before) to mogg Dana. Picrel
See but Dana can just go "nuh-uh, I'm just living authentically" and post another reel where she claps back and all the crust from under her fingernails flies out and rains in a fine powder all over the gross food she's constantly, and somehow smugly, eating

No. 2071200

> Snark pages always seem to be way scarier and obsessive than lc
There’s a neckbeard scrote in there who seems to be one of the most rabid and prolific posters (inc co-authoring the “mega post” pinned at the top), and who also plagiarises phrasing from posts here (I know it’s not just cross-posting because he’s lifted a few of my comments almost verbatim). He writes about how he used to be a coke-fiend and poly too as if gives his opinions any weight. I don’t need to see him to know he smells at least as bad as Dana and is twice as fat.
However annoying a female cow is, I simply do not want to hear it when a man fixes his mouth to speak down on them: the worst female cow is better than the average moid.
TL;DR: A bit of festive appreciation for the farmers here. Thanks for generally being a bit less cursed than Reddit.

No. 2071206

I agree. That's why I feel bad for her. She deserves to have her Christmas in peace instead of be attacked by moids. I don't think she is that interesting of a cow and she never should have gotten her own thread.

No. 2071210

>However annoying a female cow is, I simply do not want to hear it when a man fixes his mouth to speak down on them: the worst female cow is better than the average moid.
Same kek, I didn't want to sound like I was wking, but I've been keeping an eye on the cokehead neckbeard scrote and he was pissing me off too. He was also the one who posted all those pictures of Dana's daughter downstairs and cuddling with random trannies in Dana's bed, does he know someone who has access to Dana's Facebook or something?
All her vendettafags seem pretty milky themselves considering they were once unironic polyfag followers turned haters, most seem to be throwaways who post solely on Dana's sub, so I wonder how many are people she knows and pissed off irl.

No. 2071213

Same anon - I still don't think Dana should get her own thread.
>her whining, moping and buyers remorse about being a they them tard in a dysfunctional friends with benefits relationship is not enough to sustain an entire thread.
I think this is still true and her thread is going to die soon because there just isn't enough milk. Plus I feel bad for picking on her because she clearly has gone through a lot of trauma and she's making steps to improve her life and change. Not a lot of cows have taken accountability of their actions like Dana has.

No. 2071214

>Not a lot of cows have taken accountability of their actions like Dana has.
Not to hi cow but

No. 2071215

Interesting. In what ways do you think Dana has taken accountability?

No. 2071216

File: 1735154545674.jpeg (10.57 KB, 278x181, images (10).jpeg)

I dont feel bad for her at all, she chooses to obsessively stalk her own "hate club" every hour of every day. She could do picrel

No. 2071218

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Not a lot of cows has taken accountability of their actions like Dana has? Dana? The one who tried to intimidate Matt Hare's victims into silence with bullshit legal threats and disparagingly called his victims the Matt Hare hate club? The one who answered "I don't know" when police asked her if Matt Hare was capable of harming her child after he fucking strangled the poor kid? And revealed her kids trauma to her 30K followers? The one who lied to everyone about being off cocaine? Who is infamous for leaving her kid home alone when she wants to go and party? Posted pics of her daughter in underwear on a stripping pole? Conducted orgies whilst her daughter was just upstairs and let her daughter interact with the members? I know redditards are insufferable and it's Christmas right now but please don't make me laugh

No. 2071221

File: 1735155103397.jpg (110.27 KB, 635x551, HiCow .jpg)

>Not a lot of cows have taken accountability of their actions like Dana has.

No. 2071222

Of course Dana saw us ripping on Reddit moids and thought she could advocate for us dropping her thread here: She really is so dumb.

No. 2071223

>her thread is going to die soon because there just isn't enough milk.
She's currently the milkiest cow in all of snow and her thread is constantly being updated with a new horrific development because she cannot stop oversharing and evidencing her shit parenting. You've got to be trolling kek, must resist the urge to hicow.

No. 2071224

Has the blond "partner" on threadpic (Wallace and gromit edit) been mentioned since her introduction? I haven't seen a single post by Dana on this thread acknowledging her.

No. 2071225

You can see it in the videos. For example she's changing out her art to be something less NSFW. There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you don't know about. I actually live in Nashville (you can check my IP) and while I don't know Dana (so I'm not cow tipping) we do have a lot of friends in common and they have nothing but great things to say about her. I suspect the people on her reddit snark page are actually all people who have felt burned by her and they need to form a community to cope. Based on what some of my friends say, I think a LOT of the peopl are moids or stink girls Dana refused to have sex with.

No. 2071226

I think they broke up soon after their first date.
Even though you might be skeptical I think it's better if the snark community on Reddit is closed (because it's so cringe) and this should be the only place to discuss her because it's way more objective and less stalker-y.

No. 2071227

So almost a decade after her daughter was born and AFTER CPS told her to take down the pornographic images is she only now taking them down after… online backlash. Behind the scenes my ass, she broadcasts so much of her life online and has yet to properly some of the more serious accusations properly (sexual misconduct allegations). We've literally just posted a video on here in which she opens up a fucking dildo package infront of her daughter. If you really wanna suck on Dana's black rotting tongue, go to it somewhere else

No. 2071228

jesus christ if you want a full blown 24/7 schizo just go to the other farms, Dana has given us plenty of milk this month and yet there's still some "people" that think she's milk-less kek. not to hicow but if kiwifiends get into this lore, it'll be definitely over for someone…

No. 2071229

Dont know where you came from but you need to go back

No. 2071232

Stop. Dana has taken accountability for nothing. She would not be switching over the art if it wasn't for the fact that people have been obsessively shitting on her for it and someone in the subreddit said they reported her to CPS again for it.
>stink girls Dana refused to have sex with
That's crazy to think that, especially when Dana is the queen of stink
>all the people who felt burned by her and they need to form a community to cope
Okay, another way to say that is "all the people that she has crossed boundaries with, burned, harassed, manipulated, and probably gave a cavity to", not so much to "cope" but to psychologically torture Dana while getting relief that it isn't just them, Dana treats a lot of people the same way and gives off the same vibe.
>they have nothing but great things to say about her
She has BPD anon. Have you ever been friends with a person that has BPD? They may be the nicest, funniest, kindest, most outgoing person you know, and then when the veil is lifted you see who they really are. Stop being retarded

No. 2071234

Yeah, I think she was a normie Dana got off bumble who thought she'd be having a normal relationship with a particularly ugly woman until Dana revealed her polyfag status and hairy gay caveman boyfriend so she noped out of there kek.
>stink girls Dana refused to have sex with.
Bait used to be believable. Remember when Dana had a meltdown on her story because the polyfags she invited to share with Eli only wanted to fuck him and she was left a cuckquean?

No. 2071239

I have firsthand experience with narcissists, which I firmly believe it's what dana is. They're very charming and are able to play the role of a perfect, kind, supportive friend - until you cause them narcissistic injury. Then they show their real selves. They have black and white thinking: at first they live you, then suddenly they hate you, no in between. Even as they love you, they gather dirt and identify your weaknesses to use against you later. When they feet hurt or betrayed by you, they'll go to great lengths to cause as much pain as possible. These friends you're talking about have only seen the pretty side of dana, but as soon as they step out of line they'll feel her wrath.(armchairing)

No. 2071242

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No. 2071243

Based on what she responded to the other day on Reddit her and the curly haired blonde girl are definitely still dating they just aren’t public about it

No. 2071245

Yea this Lillian girl is actually insane stalker psychopath scary vibes. I don’t understand her obsession because I don’t think she knows Dana personally. Her instagram is worrisome too, it’s literally a bunch of human dead bodies.

No. 2071246

You actually believe Dana's bullshit rebuttal?

No. 2071247

I shockingly agree that it seems like she’s taking SOME accountability even if it’s a too little too late situation. She genuinely looks like she doesn’t drink often or party often and has actually noticeably lost weight and even if it’s just for the cameras is doing stuff showing that she’s taking action to change.

No. 2071249

There’s no real reason to not believe it

No. 2071250

reason: Dana’s a pathological liar

No. 2071251

I agree with this. I think that the subreddit is putting Dana in danger and should be shut down.
Dana's weight loss has been pretty noticeable. I think it looks good even though she could do a better job at losing more weight.
Kek I've been a farmer for over 10 years. (I was even on Staminarose). I just happen to live in Nashville.(retarded whiteknight)

No. 2071252

When a liar gets caught in a lie they have to create more and more elaborate lies to cover it up. Thus reads just like that. She's coming up with these justifications on the spot. Sorry nona, but you sound very naive and gullible.

No. 2071255

How hard is it to get a subreddit taken down? I don’t use Reddit at all I’m just curious. Those fuckers are definitely dangerous.(retard whiteknight)

No. 2071256

This is just cringe

No. 2071258

So does that mean that she can’t grow and learn to tell the truth ever? We’re just supposed to never ever believe her? I’d like to think I’m a good judge of character and can vibe with when something feels genuine or like a lot of backpedaling. She’s on her shit knowing we’re all watching her I don’t think she lied about that.

No. 2071260

okay dana

No. 2071261

I’m not Dana it’s just fucking Christmas and I’m being for real I think she’s showing improvement

No. 2071263

How do you misunderstand something this aggressively?
I agree tbh, removing pornographic decor is a start even if it's just to improve her public image and not because she actually cares about exposing her daughter to inappropriate content. It's like a 0.01% improvement though.

No. 2071264

The snark subreddit should be criticized because it's filled with cowtippers who are comparable to Dana but believe they're better than her and need to constantly flex that. However, Dana can always log off and stop engaging with her haters. I think she's a liar because she constantly needs to control the narrative about her own life, she constantly minimizes past experiences that other people have had with her, and she seems to be responding to her haters by reluctantly changing parts of her life to take the heat off of her, not so much because she's had a grand realization, but because she's a vapid attention whore who's obsessed at looking at herself and her crusty nails in every video. She wants people to praise her, not call CPS on her. She wants people to think she's an educator even though she doesn't educate about anything other than why dental hygiene is so important. She wants people's money, she needs paypig attention, none of these changes are because she suddenly saw the light. I'd rather it be discussed on lolcow where I'm not distracted by the fact that her loudest critics on there should probably be put on the polythread as well.

No. 2071266

everyone on that snark reddit is also a fat green hair they/them polyamorous onlyfans thot, some of which are troons who actually fucked her and her cavemen and sat there and watched her seven year old twerk on a stripper pole, so i don't know how they can insult her when they are also fat losers, they might as well be looking into a mirror and saying all that. theyre like 'erm guys i know xe's a terrible person but we still have to respect xer pronouns also sex work is real work'

No. 2071269

Top right image is still baffling to me. She's an advocate for polyamory but doesnt understand that no one is entitled to anyone (which isn't even a polyam concept it's just common sense). She expects people to stay with her/Eli and if they don't want to date them anymore they have to prove to her that they have that right. She's the type to say "no, youre not!" When someone tells her that theyre breaking up with her. No means no, dana.

No. 2071270

That's the real reason the snark subreddit should be shut down. It's full of degenerates and full of crazy stalkers who could pose a real threat to Dana. As awful of a mother Dana is she doesn't deserve harassment nor cow tipping, which the subreddit encourages. It's disgusting that people there want to sic CPS on her. I completely agree with >>2071255

No. 2071271

lolcow is not your personal army. fuck off

No. 2071272

>>2071270 how hard is it to get a subreddit banned?

No. 2071273

This isn't about being a personal army. This is about protecting a woman from degenerate moids, troons, and polyfags. She doesn't deserve to be harassed you bootlicker.

No. 2071274

She should have CPS called on her for letting pedo degenerate rapist around her poor kid. As long as it’s not coming from here we don’t give af.

No. 2071276

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Do you guys think this ugly ass person is a farmer because she(?) moderates two snark reddits and two of them have threads in /snow/? lol i can't imagine attaching my face to an account where i cyberbully. dork. also i think this thread we should be allowed to talk shit about the faggots on her snark subreddit.

No. 2071278

She deleted the post but Dana outted this girls tiktok account where she smokes blunts in front of her baby and drinks wine and talks about how she was a man for 5 years. Mentally unstable. Like fuck Dana but these people stalking dana makes me worried for her kid almost more than I am when it comes to Dana’s parenting.

No. 2071279

>harassed (by CPS?)
nigga please. CPS doesn't give a shit about kids most of the time, you know how bad a home really has to be for them to be concerned? go read your kid a story Dana

No. 2071280

It shouldn't be coming from her snark subreddit either. And don't forget that often calling CPS is worse because it actually sets the kid up for more abuse.

No. 2071281

> protecting a woman from degenerate moids, troons, and polyfags
she lets them into her home and feeds them coke and already lets them around her kid to begin with fo her gross orgies. no wonder CPS is all over her

No. 2071282

>Been a farmer for over 10 years
>Doesn't know what cowtipping is, doesn't know she should wk, doesn't know lolcow isn't even 10 years old yet so it's impossible for someone to be a farmer for "over 10 years", wants a source of milk to be shut down for the cow's wellbeing.

No. 2071284

there are 10 year old threads though nona.

No. 2071285

Go back.

No. 2071286

If you were really an oldfag you would know that lolcow started in 2014 after Staminarose closed down. Lurk more, retard.

No. 2071290

If it started in 2014 and we're currently in 2024, how can you be a farmer for OVER 10 years, you autist? Quit wking the wk.

No. 2071291

Where were you when she intimidated those rape victims then?

No. 2071292

Lolcow started in June 2024 or so. It is now December 2024. That is a time difference of 10 years and six months, which is over 10 years.

10 years and six months > 10 years

No. 2071295

Any further posts whiteknighting Dana or trying to get the subreddit taken down will be deleted. Crawl back to wherever you came from, lolcow is not your personal army.

No. 2071299

i bet picrel was shitting up the thread all along.

No. 2071301

I think she's learning to become more discreet and has been barely posting over the last couple of days. I have a feeling her thread isn't going to survive 2025.

No. 2071302

Uh-huh. So why would someone who has allegedly been a farmer for +10 years not know what cowtipping is? Why would someone who's been a farmer for +10 years whiteknight and demand a source of milk (Dana's subreddit) be shut down for the benefit of the cow? You're all such huge retards.
Probably. Hope her polyfag haters all get a spotlight in the poly cows thread out of spite since they think they're so above Dana while basically being the same breed as her but with slightly less rotten teeth.

No. 2071304

okay, so until then, we're going to keep posting whatever we want that's relevant to this thread.
>she's learning
No, she's reacting. If she continues to actively post and be an "educator", and she continues to bring strangers into her home around her child, it's inevitable that she will continue to put her foot in her crispy mouth, and people will talk about her.

No. 2071308

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This was a hard, embarrassing watch. Tone is back and Dana calling him boyfriend is so awkward and tryhard when she's already stated their "comet partners", aka just a fuckbuddy she sees once in a blue moon. She's SO fucking loud shrieking at everyone when every other guest is being chill and soft spoken. If this is what she's like sober or barely tipsy I can't imagine how loud she had to be during that coke incident where she made her sober friend cry after pushing her to snort a line over 10 times.
Take it to the poly thread, this one has been derailed enough. But Maze apparently also lets her daughter pole dance.

No. 2071309

>Tone are here
What the fuck is this grammar? Is this some weird side effect of they/themming someone, where you treat their proper name as a plural noun to go along with their grammatically plural pronoun?

No. 2071310

Tinfoil but Tone keeps her around on a “comet” basis because he’s into getting fucked with a strap-on (doggy, to minimise breath stink and having to look at her).

No. 2071311

It’s obviously cropped from a longer sentence referring to others too, like “x, y and Tone are here”. (I haven’t seen the full video, I’m just capable of basic reasoning).

No. 2071314


Around 3:30 she shows a clip of her daughter and then shows a clip of her and Eli with the dildo in the background.(learn to embed)

No. 2071315

liquor review? lmao christ only alcoholics would think this ok to post online

No. 2071317

Kek at the meek little bowl (still big though) bc she probably felt embarrassed of the huge red bowl she ate out of on that other tiktok.
Unashamedly filming while driving.
Eli doesn't participate in household chores.
Dana reads a card: "Have a Holly Poly Christmas". TH Repeats: "A Holly Poly Christmas!" Idk, that made me sad. A seven year old doesn't need to know about polyamory or that her parents are poly. Poly people really make their whole entire lives about being poly.
Around 2:30 is when she gives TH her gift, talks to her a bit, then IMMEDIATELY opens the gift with the dildo. The video is sped up but even if she ran at Usain Bolt speeds, TH still definitely was still in the room when the dildo was unboxed.

No. 2071318

Samefag to add:
AT around 3:45, she says Eli made popcorn which they "all kinda snacked on" and the dildo is RIGHT THERE ON THE COUCH.

No. 2071320

Nothing says “family friendly vibes” (per >>2071195 ) like chilling on the couch with your mom, her boyfriend and a dildo.

No. 2071323

Huh? Talking shit online is synonymous with cyber bullying. I'm not saying it's wrong cause I do it all the time but I don't attach my face to it like a dumbass

No. 2071327

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This is an imageboard, you need to learn how to screenshot. But yeah, the dildo is just there in the open and her daughter definitely saw it.

No. 2071328

Kek the dildo combined with the caption reads like they all took turns chewing on it. (In b4 infighting; I know it’s a reference to the popcorn, I’m just being silly).

No. 2071329

goddamn dat nigga look ugly as fuck. he looks like if you type "rapist" in an AI image generator(unintegrated posting style)

No. 2071344

lmao I can't stop laughing at this

No. 2071383

her snark subreddit has been posting screenshots of comments from here, no wonder there has been an influx of idiots

No. 2071385

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Yeah specifically the ex cokehead scrote that we've been clowning on. Not to hicow but he's definitely seen us shitting on his weirdo behaviour too, hope he gets the hint and stops posting screenshots from here because nearly everyone involved on Dana's snark reddit are as equally dysfunctional and unsafe as she is and would fit right in the the normal poly lolcow thread. We don't want those redditards here. That goes 10x for him because he's a moid.

No. 2071393

what about Vile E-Pedo kek

No. 2071411

Just take one quick look at gorl word youtube and the cattiest and nastiest "hayders"id always men.
And if don't get reddit at all tbh. They interfere more in the cows life than any of the farms but still think of themselves as "good guys".
Going hard at Dana because Eli got her a gift is ridiculous. Back off for one second and let her at least have christmas with her family. She done a lot of questionable shit but receiving a christmas gift isn't one of them.

No. 2071416

>They interfere more in the cows life than any of the farms but still think of themselves as "good guys".
It's because we commit the capital sin of calling men men and women women. Even child neglect and endangerment is less bad then this to them.

No. 2071426

Jfc this explains so much. Redditfags you are obvious and you do not fit in whatsoever kek

No. 2071430

In the comments on that post, a user referred to us at "loltards," which really doesn't have the same ring as redditards. The only time I want to defend nonas from that is when it's coming from actual retards kek. And don't they allegedly care about "ableism" over there?

No. 2071432

She looks like shit. God I hope farmhands reveals post history

No. 2071434

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Sooo which post ITT do we believe is hers? Dana didn't know about lc until this thread

No. 2071435

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She looks like the mcnuggies grimace meme. What are you talking about?

No. 2071438

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>I didn't check my hategroups once yesterday, which was coincidentally when a wk appeared, derailed the thread and was banned

No. 2071440

Redditors can never decide whether they're edgy contrarians who are sooo jaded and desensitized by the internet (lol) or whiney "empathetic" PC faggots.

No. 2071448

>one WK defends her getting an overpriced gift from the caveman
>omg even lolcow is defending me rn! uwu
Sure Jan.


At a point it just becomes intentional derailing tbh. The subject of this thread is Dana, who cares about random redditors. There's a reddit hate thread if actual farmers really want to sperg, but the calls to cowtip/shut down the reddit are obviously from WKing newfags.

No. 2071450

Maybe it has to do with the fact that reddit is a huge website that is basically normie now. Are the same people using the word tard the same people who are complaining about ableism?
I don't understand why people are so upset over the snark subreddit. I think a lot of the people are sketchy but it also provided more milk than you would be able to find from Dana's socials alone. If it bothers you so much you can either block reddit or post the users here. I swear reddit is living rent free in some people's heads. I seriously can't believe there's people like >>2071272 and >>2071273 who want to get the subreddit banned. Also the subreddit has been incredibly milky compared to a lot of snark subreddit because Dana constantly posts there. Why would you want to get rid of a source of milk??

No. 2071457

The wking newfag trying to get her subreddit shut down and admitting she's from Nashville (but NOT Dana) was definitely her kek. If she's been "loooong banned from lolcow" and "the entire website is backwards", how did she even read the comments defending them from redditards nitpicking her Christmas present? kek, she definitely got banned yesterday.
>reddit is a huge website that is basically normie now.
Reddit is nowhere near normie, it's a hugbox for millenial trannies and porn addicts and no one else. Every normal person who tries to use it as a regular social media is instantly permabanned for innocently stating facts such as "only women can get pregnant/have periods", and the ones who don't are turned off by the cringe millenial "you, sir, have just won the internet" comments, their misogynistic boomer circlejerking, and the fact that %99 of users no matter the sub turn out to be middle aged men with diaper fetishes, or some other flavor of degen. We get it, you're a redditard defending your land, now go back and never return. Ps, nobody wants the sub shut down, it couldn't be more obvious that was Dana.

No. 2071459

Chill out, I know this type of paranoia is encouraged where you come from but a few anons making fun of Redditors doesn't mean we want to nuke the whole site.

No. 2071462

Yeah it’s very transparent that was Dana. Hopefully farmhands can do some red text post identification of the kind that revealed Kiki Kannibal was shitting up her thread here years ago lol.

No. 2071463

I agree it's pretty obvious, just look at how she cropped the "banned" screenshot to hide how long the ban is, when it was given, and the reason. Crazy how smug she is in all these too.