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File: 1645470021819.png (2.3 MB, 1858x1821, 1645379467088.png)

No. 1448714

Empathchan/seppukugirl/ neko (misunderstood)is a self-proclaimed pedophile terminally online onlyfans """model""" that shills herself on imageboards and twitter by acting edgy and cruel to everyone
>treats her orbitors like dogs and makes them post pictures of her on r9k with captions such as "i want to rape empie"
>got exposed on twitter for being a pedophile on discord
>doxed her own adress on the server hoping she would become the new bianca devins
>photoshops all of her pictures to look like a 90's anime girl and denies anyone pointing out the truth
>shills herself on imageboards constantly
>le edgy dark pick-me that always talks about how she hates everyone and wants to be raped
>got called out for using contacts and immediately posted a story on instagram proving her eyes were real and big
>her retarded orbitors are trying to kill her and treat her like shit and she enjoys it
>obsessed with gore and bdsm hentai
>posted nudes of herself on 4chan when she was underage
>racist white supremacist even though she is jewish

social media:

No. 1448719

File: 1645470434810.png (991.46 KB, 1288x1881, my eyes are real frfr.png)

her defense on the contact lens thing on agatha2

No. 1448724

File: 1645470647536.jpeg (28.82 KB, 626x542, E6s0mxRWYAE57V7.jpeg)

No. 1448726

File: 1645470669328.jpeg (18.93 KB, 1317x386, E7VoH6zXIAAOvfS.jpeg)

No. 1448731

File: 1645470911379.jpeg (7.75 KB, 516x118, FAuTl_RVkAIrq3j.jpeg)

No. 1448733

File: 1645470934760.png (62.08 KB, 713x386, empath chan prints recent.png)

No. 1448735

File: 1645470979484.jpeg (70.74 KB, 946x2048, FLHzBAiXEAA92_x.jpeg)


No. 1448739

File: 1645471126224.jpeg (27.26 KB, 339x680, FLg1wu1VcAEn_G5.jpeg)

No. 1448741

File: 1645471177977.jpg (157.62 KB, 1125x368, b0bb34a5e73465948cf2d48d8be953…)

No. 1448745

File: 1645471413081.jpeg (21.29 KB, 305x418, E7GVfRPXEAAs65z.jpeg)

sending shit to 15yos

No. 1448747

File: 1645471456338.jpg (80.96 KB, 750x222, FA95BmNVkAYtmBO.jpg)

No. 1448751

File: 1645471520817.png (414.94 KB, 742x780, but you look like a jew.png)

No. 1448754

literally who

No. 1448762

File: 1645471802637.png (291.82 KB, 599x600, find my niggas.png)

No. 1448765

File: 1645471965223.jpg (244.32 KB, 1242x1760, FAzzFhJWEAI_kpQ.jpg)

No. 1448767

File: 1645472051871.jpg (150.19 KB, 1080x1723, E9Bui_zVIAElqYK.jpg)

No. 1448771

File: 1645472419342.webm (1.14 MB, 640x360, empath chan expose.webm)

twitter infamous e-celeb

No. 1448783

File: 1645472981124.webm (223.97 KB, 640x360, im the victim.webm)

empathchan has got a victim complex

No. 1448785

she has less than 1k follows. who the fuck cares

No. 1448789

File: 1645473351919.jpg (29.15 KB, 439x624, b97465e3200d1473bfebde3822610f…)

idc who this bitch is but she should have went for the medieval princess instead of the pick me route, how sad is this she might actually have had the potential

No. 1448815

OP is Empathchan making her own thread.

No. 1448836

This girl lives for attention and baiting people, I knew she'd unironically love this thread being made lmao.

No. 1448859

Lmao I can’t wait for the reckoning of this one 3 years from now. I remember when I thought I was invincible… online. But that was 15 years ago. You just can’t get away with this shit now. Reality checks gonna hit hard.

No. 1448864

I just don’t understand why you would want to be the next Isabelle Janke at all. Some people are their own worst enemy.

No. 1448996

Some people become murderers for attention. It's just a last ditch for useless, unskilled, untalented nobodies going nowhere. The only way they can receive recognition is to act out. It's really pathetic and pitiable. At the end of the day, they earn nothing

No. 1449158

That's any egirl with many orbiters, they earn nothing but the male attention they recieve for being female makes them think they're all that.

No. 1449211

File: 1645515160169.jpeg (35.84 KB, 750x317, 8928E595-93C8-4436-9147-4BCDD3…)

Hi, Madi here. I do want to say that empathchan is histrionic. I went into her server and joked around a bit and got close to her and was collecting dms from her in case she was an actual pedophile. She’s not. She literally just has an attention disorder. Im assuming she even made this thread. https://imgur.com/a/rvRlJoj Here’s an album of a few collected dms I have with her. Someone already went to her house (they even posted it on twitter), so if anything, this thread would just supply her npd.

I found her annoying and ignored her a lot, and told her to stop altering herself and to quit pandering to moids, and to get a job. However, she didn’t want to. Tbqh, I normally like blackmailing pedophiles, and even had recordings of blackmailing them, and thought Empath could’ve been one, but as I talked to her more, I realized she just wanted attention. She even told me bad attention was still attention to her. If anything, you are just shilling her. I dont believe she is one, I just dont think she has any actual ideals or virtues and wants to look like a “based” e girl. Of course, I still think she’s a shitty person, but I think all handmaidens are.

No. 1449379

File: 1645541908905.png (20.39 KB, 734x157, empath chan wishes.png)

she should be carefull for what she wishes for

No. 1449491

This feels very self-post.

No. 1449549

If you call yourself a self proclaimed pedophile, you’re a pedophile. Does she have a real name if she’s doxxed herself? I don’t think pedos deserve anonymity.

No. 1449560

adding this one to my blocklist thanks for the retard alert OP. She's a total nobody with not even 1k followers but i rather not see her face ever again, even shoop can't save this one

No. 1449625

i guarantee it is. she spams herself on various image boards every single day and tries baiting people into making threats towards her, but starts arguing with anyone who accuses her of editing her pics.
>rape me and murder me uwu insult me
>"your pics are edited and youre ugly."
>NOOOOOOOOO not like thattttttttttttt

No. 1449649

File: 1645568312027.jpeg (290.73 KB, 828x1339, 05637D5C-ED69-498D-B478-6A0AC2…)

should have included her begging a 15 year old boy on twitter to shill her onlyfans and nudes of her

No. 1449675

File: 1645569906764.png (309.6 KB, 750x1334, 5E94136D-6602-48CD-B991-F081D7…)

Well off of everything I’ve collected, saw, etc. her address was posted. She sent me the twitter account that posted it. She’s in Britain, and her name is Taylor. The account is already taken down. 1/2

No. 1449678

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No. 1449930

File: 1645589589249.jpg (22.06 KB, 682x515, 17e.jpg)

Her unshopped face looks like the kind of person that would have been killed by the Nazis during WW2(bait)

No. 1449932

Also the fact that she has a Twitch cracks me up because you just know she's never going to use it with a web cam, because it would expose how mediocre she actually looks compared to her insanely photoshopped selfies. And obviously when I checked to see, she only has clips up where she streams with no cam. Big shock to everyone involved.

No. 1450747

The thread picture has a screenshot (bottom blue hair picture) from her stream the one and only time she did.

No. 1450902

In that blue hair pic She has that very unfortunate bri’ish look to her. Mento illness luv

No. 1451391

File: 1645746338904.gif (1.54 MB, 498x361, 1230943A-5069-4E53-B5DA-DA7607…)

No. 1470746

Nah, she looks fat and has badly aging skin. That's burger as they come

No. 1473660

File: 1647662361906.png (Spoiler Image,778.15 KB, 553x743, ca7d6d292490397d81afea56596eae…)

she doesn't even look fat. she's a shopper and an attention seeking whore sure. but you're wrong either way, if she were overweight we'd still be able to tell shop and all, her stomach isn't that of a fattie's. she has really perky tits too if we're being honest which fat people's tits don't look like that. is burger supposed to be an insult meaning american? she's Irish, and looks it too.

No. 1474026

Self post af

No. 1474139

haha youre just calling her fat with nothing to show for it. she photoshops to uncanny levels could have mid body naturally but she's not fat if youve seen fat peoples shops and tits you can tell thats not how theyre built the shops always look different, hers all look the same her collarbones are visible, no fat person has those boobs, this is just adding insult to injury. me and a couple people looked into pedo allegations too found nothing but attention seeking and someone said the main person who spread that she's a fat pedo is another ewhore that posted child porn with saggy tits, empathchan and her were sharing each others ewhoring nudes so empathchan called the police to her house and theres a recording of it. anon calling her fat here could be that ewhore forgot the username i looked up the post with her information in server logs but it was deleted, ill ask around for it. or youre some proana nonnie that cant tell whats factually fat and whats ur own ED talking

No. 1474573

what're her new socials? she deactivated everything(spoonfeeding)

No. 1474583

samefag but empathchan come back i want to study you unironically

No. 1474702

fat burger big mad

No. 1474711

File: 1647748704455.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.14 KB, 553x743, yep.jpg)

youre obviously self-posting, but you should have at least picked a picture you photoshopped less. I went ahead and circled all the jagged pixels/bent lines/halo effects for your dumbass
Also big lols at your bpd ass trying to turn this around on anons but using nonnie incorrectly. You don't go here. Disgusting fat pedos always DARVOing

No. 1475668

very obvious self post or a scrote. seek help either way.

No. 1476390

selfposting kek ask her if she admits to photoshopping then she wont. if it was me why would i say that, she wont even admit thats her in the old selfies that arent shopped retard, your nutrient deficiency is really starting to show. your circles dont show shes fat i know she photoshops or i wouldnt have said it. wasnt used as a term of endearment go throw up your lunch or whatever you gotta do to feel better about the fact that real fat people dont have any visible bones or perky boobs like that

No. 1477486

File: 1647981819763.png (323.51 KB, 303x446, ol.png)

Okay, fatty-chan, calm down. You don't have to be anorexic to make fun of a shoop addict for shooping herself to be skinnier.
>perky boobs
>visible bones
Well, now I know you're her. She has neither. She admits to photoshopping in private, too, and when she defends herself online.

Anyway, here is more proof she's a shoop addict and lying about her age. She graduated school in 2017, and this is a pic of her when she was younger which looks exactly like the pics she spazzes over and claims are shooped >>1448751

No. 1477501

If I was this busted from birth I think I'd be a raging lunatic entirely dependent on male validation too. Or I'd just kill myself. She's one of the worst shoop offenders I've seen on here in a minute, thanks anons.

No. 1477773

unheemable jawbone right there brah

No. 1477862

File: 1647996575725.jpeg (99.37 KB, 852x962, wtf.jpeg)

She's one of the worst shoopers I've seen in recent memory who still denies it.

No. 1477894

my bmi isnt even close to 25 or over kek again accusing people of being her when she doesnt even admit to shopping herself cause i said her collarbone is visible and her boobs are perky, it's like you bitches are incapable of considering facts as opposed to opinions and if someone says a single thing you perceive as good about her suddenly thats her could not possibly be that its factual. she shops herself to have a smaller waist like most females on instagram, its nothing new. sorry your tits sag or something so that makes u mad saggy-chan

No. 1477897

Stop derailing the thread with your autistic spergouts.

No. 1477913

File: 1647999107629.jpg (Spoiler Image,868.44 KB, 1206x1587, IMG_7477.jpg)

https://files.catbox.moe/trt9md.mp3 found the recording that was being shared in a discord server empathchan was in when i looked into pedo allegations it's her swatting another ewhore for leaking empathchan's onlyfans content and empathchan was having her orbiters leak the ewhore's onlyfans content back, i attached one of the images shared. trying to find the post on the ewhore where it said she was arrested for domestic violence and was sending around someone elses child porn, empathchan and her are both milky and apparently hate each other

No. 1477936

She shops from head to toe not just the waist anon with that said i dont think this is her everytime she gets confronted with her older pictures about editing she says its another girl and will die on that hill although it's obviously her

No. 1477967

Oh wow weird to see someone you used to be friends with years ago through tumblr on here, genuinely hope you get better soon “C” sad to see you’re still doing so bad. If she didn’t post this herself I’m sure she’ll enjoy the attention browsing here daily so for her it’s a win either way really

No. 1477984

File: 1648002652809.jpg (149.15 KB, 720x1280, f1.jpg)

Someone shared a big folder of all her old tumblr content recently but it got DMCA'd within an hour.

No. 1477987

File: 1648002763547.png (1.01 MB, 971x472, 'art'.png)

There was also this "art" by her left) that was really just a traced pic by this artist (right)

No. 1478002

File: 1648003409262.webm (161.1 KB, 510x436, IMG_89362.webm)

She claims all screenshots from this stream she did are edited to make her look ugly, kek. That's just your face, Empath. There are screenshots from it that got upscaled into higher quality in Remilia since the vid quality is so shit but she claims they were shooped to make her look uggo and that she totally looks like her shooped selfies irl.

No. 1478053

this isnt milk. dont wanna get a hi cow ban rn but…

No. 1478067

the face has me loling. It's so blurry it looks like a 20-year-old japanese rpg game render. It's so obviously shooped it's offensive kek. This bitch needs mental help
ugly e-whores are a dime a dozen and this isn't the thread for this one. Take it to the photoshoppers thread.

No. 1478069

stop reposting this you fucking retard. no one cares

No. 1478098

whoof, what happened this time? more self-posting? OF promotion?

No. 1478216

posting another whores porn

No. 1478292

Why can't people get her OF banned? Between all her accounts on every platform talking about being a pedo, how does she still even have the ability to have an internet presence?

No. 1478343

because she isn’t a pedo, retard she made jokes about it for attention.

No. 1478392

Empy-chan please take the knot and not a dogs.

No. 1478661

Saging for stating the obvious, but most people ITT are probably men from a de facto stalking board on endchan. They stalk all sorts of women who want nothing to do with them, but some of the women they post about (like Empath, Ciara Horan, etc.) post(ed) themselves on 4chan plenty. There are and will probably continue to be an excess of scrotes in this thread, but maybe not considering that a single quick glance at her thread on endchan makes it very obvious half of it is her talking about herself.

I fucking hate /r9k/ stalkers but the one good thing to come out of it is that some of the worst pickmes imaginable will pander to these men knowing just how bad they are, and of course without failure it blows up in their face every single time. They end up with all their dirty laundry being aired out, all the men they got positive attention from suddenly turning on them, tons of threats, and constant harassment. All for a crumb of attention from the worst men on earth. A cautionary tale about the dangers of being a pickme. Trust no scrote, because even if you're not a pickme they'll take any opportunity they can to do the same shit to you.

No. 1478817

File: 1648057154471.jpg (139.99 KB, 750x750, tumblr_op0iudBnFL1v5gei4o1_128…)


No. 1478819

The funniest part is that even this pic is shooped.

No. 1478853

Lol tubby girl

No. 1478989

>me on the scale at the hospital hoping sucking it in will somehow make me weigh less

No. 1479006

she's so obviously fat idk how anyone could think otherwise, you can see it in her face

No. 1479021

Wait…what???! I remember this chick holy shit NO WAY????

No. 1479167

File: 1648072042355.png (2.46 MB, 1624x1260, 1dd62fc88b6bfc1c9412696a0cad63…)

Yea she was hanging around the Marky orbiting servers back in 2016/2017 and she attention posted a few times on /r9k/

No. 1479448

File: 1648085951932.webm (13.51 MB, 592x1280, mjskj8.webm)

That was probably Empathchan posting e-whore Silene's porn because she hates her, but rest assured the real milk belongs here and not in the photoshopping thread because that's apparently her arch nemesis and they're both lolcows for a sundry of reasons not just catfishing. Empath swatted her twice, here's the second recording with audio and a snippet of the so called iconic feud between the two attention starved e-whores.

No. 1479493

Not really milky. And her nose is normal. Ironic to make fun of her "jew nose" while also complaining that she's a nazi. Very hard to resist the urge to hi cow rn. This is an Empath thread, not "post onlyfans vid montages of literallywhos with unmilky screencaps" thread.

No. 1479526

File: 1648091881350.png (16.1 KB, 341x75, k.png)

How am I defending either of them? This is an Empath thread and I recognize your typing style from earlier and from that Endchan shithole. You are all insane crackpots. There's nothing "iconic" about two retards arguing online acting better than the other, don't fool yourself.

No. 1479527


it's not written anywhere that she's a nazi are you retarded she called herself antisemitic. the thread is on empath and this is her enemy ewhore she swatted. that's just your opinion, this was shared with other users who thought its plenty milky and that nose is ugly, but your defense of an ewhore who distributed child porn is suspicious to say the least since that ewhore monitors this and other threads on empath. she does say racist slurs for attention, that doesnt mean she is a nazi. the two retarded ewhores can fight, and a poster doesnt need to be one of them to laugh at both.

No. 1479542

Clear sarcasm mocking the tweet saying their feud's iconic, but sure that's definitely the cow saying she's similar to someone else because of her jewish nose, that they both look extremely ugly on cam, and admitting that she advertised porn to minors too, kek. Yeah that makes sense anon.

No. 1479548

No. 1479576

File: 1648097676468.png (28.47 KB, 865x356, snowrules.png)

Google the headline the article doesn't exist it didn't happen. She made it up to get onlyfans subscribers. Was included because it followed rules to a T:
>Invented that she beat grandma for OF subs, tweets slurs for attention ✓
>Responds to criticism by calling others freaks, swatting and doxing ✓
>Deludedly thinks she's iconic, made t shirts with her mugshot from being arrested for domestic abuse against her elderly dad, wants to be an "impregnated tradwife" but is an ewhore ✓
>Still tweets slurs for attention, refuses to accept criticism = no willingness to improve ✓
>History of bizarre behavior, has a public social media presence, relevant to drama surrounding the cow and posts her own dox ✓

No. 1479644


still derailing vendetta chan?

No. 1479682

File: 1648114525702.png (191.83 KB, 890x431, empycatfish.png)

the funniest part is her shops don't even look like each other let alone her real face theres ethots using catfish filters then theres ethots that turn into a new person everytime they post a selfie accept yourself or learn to photoshop

No. 1479693

Hows it derailing talking about a humorous recording of the cow calling the police to a milky ewhores house thats right on topic unless youre here to defend her…. you are privy to the fact that you can make fun of 2 ewhores that advertise porn to kids at the same time and not supporting 1 of them rightt?

No. 1479822

instead of posting about it to feed whore egos fund their meet to fight to the death in a wrestling match naked and afraid
my bets are on neko she seems more feral. winner gets to eat the loser alive and isnt allowed to leave the ring until loser is fully consumed by the winner.
they are to become one this is ultimate beef settler

No. 1479856

File: 1648135566533.jpeg (268.68 KB, 810x429, FBAE54E1-9C14-4D3E-933E-5C9341…)


well first of all half of the things you’re saying are complete lies unless you have proof of porn being sent to minors directly and secondly you have a very obvious vendetta you’re desperate to shill on here considering the fact that you’ve been spamming your autistic sperg outs repeatedly after being told to shut the fuck up multiple times. maybe you should read the rules

No. 1479913

and yet you can't sage.

No. 1480755

theres some proof believe what you will and take it for face value for the contribution its empathchan swatting her enemy thats her drama. doesnt make sense for you to say stfu unless your personal feelings are invested, it still adds to the thread a lulzy recording of her stuttering lots. having a problem with a cow doesnt forbid you from posting or render it a vendetta if its still drama related to the topic of thread. but other anon was right, ewhores are a dime a dozen and this is just some literalwho. not that milky because i think empath is not on twitter anymore.
>>1448789 i think she shhould embrace the natural mona lisa-esque look too anon if i were her i would try to grow into it but i think shes too mentally ill for that kind of self acceptance at this time

No. 1480768

File: 1648197974242.jpeg (910.62 KB, 1242x1123, E2EC9F9E-1A04-400E-A25C-709760…)

Shes saying shes Ukrainian now, is this some kind of trend with onlyfans girls now because of the news and flag colors on the logo or something or just another case of Slavaboo

No. 1480838


people were complaining about “ukrainian girl” being looked up on porn websites so it’s probably some fetishistic thing for money.

No. 1481013

It's a cash grab. Tons of coomers are talking about only watching Ukrainian camgirls now. Sickening.

No. 1481277

There is screenshots of her sending a known pedophile photos of a minor’s asshole so yeah id say there is proof

No. 1481300

is that her sucking dick? Empathchan i mean

No. 1481361

no read it, different onlyfans "model" empathchan called cops to their house she doesnt have that tattoo and tells people she is a virgin so i believe she doesnt post herself sucking dick or performing any sexual acts with guys

No. 1481458

how would you know it's a lie unless you were there for it? looks like plenty. nobody told the video poster to shut the fuck up, they told the person who posted the other ewhores porn without context as to how she's involved in empathchan drama that it didnt belong here and it was deleted while the video provides context so it wasn't. how much of a newfag are you to this board that not only do you not sage but you also believe replies above a post are addressing it? the only one who complained about the video was probably you. and speaking of proof is it because what you complained about is personal to you that you arent you asking >>1448714 for proof that empathchan is jewish a white supremacist and posted her underage nudes on 4chan?

No. 1482501


Also idgi, if I shooped myself that much and looked like that unfiltered I would simply not stream myself. This reminds me of custardloaf, who was similarly dumb

No. 1485313

File: 1648508480387.jpg (Spoiler Image,573.22 KB, 1836x2448, fungus.jpg)

She has hygiene on par with Isabella Loretta Janke. Pic related: showing off her jock itch fungal infection on OnlyFans. She deleted all open leg pics after it was pointed out.

No. 1485350

where is the fungal infection?

No. 1485367

File: 1648511101740.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.68 KB, 737x758, screen.JPG)

It's dark and on both sides, not a shadow either. Tbh jock itch isn't super bad, but it's a mark of bad hygiene. It happens if you don't change your underwear often, don't shower enough, or if you sit in something wet or use dirty towels. It only goes away with medicine otherwise it spreads. I'm just confused why she'd post this in the first place. It's not normal discoloration or darkened skin that's on most people, it reaches far into her thigh and buttcheek and is way darker than the outer labia.

No. 1485371

imagine the smell(sage your shit)

No. 1485445

retard still not saging. the absolute state of degenerate ewhores, one has fungal infection, the one she swatted has herpes and her entire genital area looks darker than her skin, cant imagine having such awful genetics that skipping a shower one too many times causes that issue for some bitches.

No. 1485469

Do you have any other pictures of her and infections that look like that because it could still be a shadow what you circled is only one side and the other isnt very visible, but I've never had a jock itch so I don't know what thats supposed to look like and a google search doesnt show anything looking like that for a fungal infection.

I also don't know what you mean by normal darkened skin on females that usually comes with age, it is not normal to have darkened vaginas. If your vagina is darker than your skin you probably have pcos or some other problem, the excess androgen is known to cause it. Normal vaginas arent darker than your skin.

No. 1485485

lmao darkened skin around the vagina is perfectly normal. it takes one search to figure that out and it's retarded u didn't know that in the first place, it makes u look like a scrote. let's not make women feel bad about their bodies, there's plenty of actual gross shit about empathot to sperg about

No. 1485487

Plenty of women's outer labia are darker in color without PCOS. Not super dark, but darker than the skin on their thighs. Completely normal. Plenty of pics of jock itch on Google look like the pic ITT.

No. 1485508

a quick google search shows that there are problems that can cause discoloration there and it usually happens when women get older so its very common in older women.if your vagina is visibly darkening in your 20s then yikes, its also very possible for it to be PCOS, a hormonal imbalance, a fungal infection or another problem causing it.

>>1485487 learn to sage and add another picture, i searched fungal infection and it looks really red and crusty compared to what looks like it could be a shadow.

No. 1485522

If you have that problem you could really benefit from probiotics, they help maintain a healthy ph balance and prevent discoloration. In her case it might be too late and she could need some antifungal medication.

No. 1485592

File: 1648525206488.png (Spoiler Image,357.17 KB, 441x342, 2.png)

The darkened outer labia and the fungal issue are entirely different things. Darker outer labia is normal and not necessarily cause for concern unless you weren't born that way. I don't mean super dark, just slightly more pink/purple/orange than most of your skin. It's something women are born with.
Like most google results for medical conditions, the image results will usually be the most severe. I don't know if it's jock itch, but it's definitely a milder fungal infection. Pic related, a woman with jock itch in the same spot as Empath. It can be lighter, darker, or more red and dry too.

The discoloration for Empathchan is a skin infection that has nothing to do with pH. Probiotics would affect neither.

No. 1485637

>>1485592 You're flat out wrong. "Studies have shown that when taken, probiotics will improve symptoms for those who already have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Probiotics are also able to prevent a potential infection. These bacteria work to balance out the pH level of the vagina, which makes for a healthy and hospitable environment" https://awog.org/posts/gynecology/how-probiotics-can-help-bacterial-vaginosis-and-a-yeast-infection/

empathot could have that, but taking probiotics actually would help her, and you too, if you have discoloration. i've never had a yeast infection and my privates aren't darker than my skin, and google searches tell me that is most common later in life: " In Your 30's…
Dark Shadows- The hormone shifts that come with pregnancy or aging can cause your labia minora, the "inner" lips that encircle the clitoris and vaginal opening, to darken in color. So you can relax if, on your next self-check, it's like 50 shades of (mauve-ish) gray down there"

No. 1485646

nona are you retarded by chance? or a scrote?

No. 1485655

did you read or are you just seething about having a dark vagina kek anon and empychan just take your probiotics

No. 1485657

Yeast infections, BV, menopause, probiotics, pH, and the vaginal canal have nothing to do with the very slightly darker outer labia people are literally born with, dictated by genetics. People are literally born this way. Labia minora, which what you posted about, are not the outer lips. You are talking about completely different phenomena.
No more pls.

No. 1485665

File: 1648531537220.png (Spoiler Image,832.66 KB, 619x623, 1.png)

Literally almost every single pic in this collage from Wikipedia shows darkened outer labia.
(Sorry for repost, am drunk and keep forgetting to spoiler or attach img)

No. 1485669

you said probiotics have no effect and cant help infections and you were wrong, you also said that discoloration overall is normal but discoloration implies a process meaning that you weren't born that way and it is more common in your 30s. funny to think you call posters scrotes who know more about your own anatomy than you so take your probiotics, it can't hurt you or empathot

No. 1485694

yeah you're definitely just a troll/scrote/or retarded

No. 1485702

>you said probiotics have no effect and cant help infections
Fungal infections. You know, the topic of discussion, the very thing Empath has.
>you also said that discoloration overall is normal but discoloration implies a process
Semantics autism.

No. 1485707

File: 1648535023176.jpeg (167.57 KB, 1000x1000, B7EA57FF-3CF8-40E5-A155-6C457E…)

>>1485694 >>1485702
Dark cunted anon did you get so drunk you forgot what you said? >>1485367 "It's not normal discoloration or darkened skin that's on most people" >>1485592 "The discoloration for Empathchan is a skin infection that has nothing to do with pH. Probiotics would affect neither."

Wrong. "So why does vaginal pH matter? An acidic vaginal environment is protective. It creates a barrier that prevents unhealthy bacteria and yeast from multiplying too quickly and causing infection. A high vaginal pH level —above 4.5—provides the perfect environment for unhealthy bacteria to grow" pH has everything to do with it.

discoloration: the process of becoming discolored. you're talking about something that happens over time, what women are born with doesnt matter, that has nothing to do with semantics. take your probiotics, retard.

No. 1485716

a yeast infection, which you are saying she has and which probiotics are proven to help with, is fungal in nature, since you know, yeast is literally a type of fungi. BV as the name implies is a bacterial infection and it helps with that too. you are as retarded as a scrote when it comes to basic knowledge about vaginal health, very sad!

No. 1485717

i'm not the drunk anon, it's just that more than one person thinks you're either a scrote or retarded. why are you trying to lecture a board full of women about their own anatomy, u think we don't know probiotics are good? you totally derailed the conversation to sperg about "dark cunts" nobody is going to take you seriously. and no, discoloration does not always imply a process, you're just copying the first words of the definition from google. if you're actually a woman you should be ashamed of this scrotelike behavior

No. 1485718

women who know that probiotics help with infections don't claim that they don't and they don't say that pH has nothing to do with infections, so if you're not that anon you're just retarded for taking offense at that.

No. 1485745

File: 1648539551033.webm (498.95 KB, 886x944, empathchanshoopedvideo.webm)

Enough about all of your dark and light, infected and uninfected pussies, can we talk about what is going on with this video? Is it just me or did she shoop her jaw and the left side of it is glitching out when she blows out smoke?

No. 1485761

File: 1648544140880.jpg (689.06 KB, 1242x1448, 666.jpg)

How do thots who photoshop that much even decide to take pictures with people they meet irl and post them next to all their photoshopped ones? Especially if they're actually fat according to posters itt. Either it's not that bad and she looks very recognizable, or she's delusional and thinks the girl in these pictures doesn't look at her social media and think that looks extremely different from the person I just met up with. Unless she actually talks about the fact she's photoshopping, it's bizarre one way or another if an amount of editing capable of turning an objectively fat person skinny is actually going on and all of that isn't just a monumental reach. If someone I met up with did that and I saw them post a picture they took of us where they look almost unrecognizable I'd be instantly freaked out and probably not hang out with them again.

No. 1486052

It's very heavily filtered. Effina-tier.

No. 1487766

you people really need to stop feeding her need for attention disorder

No. 1488028

Could be said of every single person posted on this site. And yet you only care about Empath under the guise of concern. Curious.

No. 1491533

i dont think it was said out of concern i think they mean she literally likes being a cow and reading about herself because she loves attention of any kind

No. 1491959

so does every other cow here. most cows post in their own threads. if they hated it they’d stop being cows but inevitably they wind up posting here with us and continuing to embarrass themselves

No. 1493712

you’re clearly missing the other person’s point. Other cows post on here because they are upset theyre posted here, Empath posts on here because she wants the attention. Its not the same as other cows because most of them dont want to be on here where as she does.

No. 1495395

Do you think she's happy? I feel like she's a very miserable person deep down>>1493712

No. 1495485

Why would you filter yourself to still be ugly?

No. 1496036

theres no way her orbiters fall for this shit right?

No. 1496646

>>1495395 imagine being so fucking retarded and ignorant that not only you can't sage but you're incapable of understanding that histrionic people exist, you realize she can enjoy attention of any kind since that's what her disorder calls for while not being a happy person, right? are you that dumb to think being desperate for and enjoying attention of any kind means you're happy? just because she gets a kick out of reading about herself doesn't mean she's an accomplished individual with goals and a fulfilling life. no shit a girl who deliberately calls herself a pedophile for attention is aware that people are going to talk about it, that's literally her goal, and you're feeding her by thinking talking shit does anything, if you want to deflate a histrionic person's ego ignore them otherwise you're giving them exactly what they want.

No. 1496968

Its rather obvious, Empath, when you post BTW. I dont know if you're self aware enough to realize how vain and narcissistic you come across. Its fine for now when you have the average sex appeal but when you get old you're gonna have a really bad time. You might have to resort to fucking dogs or shouting NIGGER in public for the same kind of attention.

No. 1496999

>>1496968 calling anyone who disagrees with you empath even though they're saying she's a histrionic who isn't obviously happy while still not saging just shows what a literal retard you are but sure keep giving her attention kek retards like you are the very reason she was able to get any notoriety out of saying shit like nigger and other boring and unoriginal attempts at attention seeking

No. 1497022

Nah you're overthinking it. I go about my day except for these 20 seconds where I pitifully stare at the weird little creature on my screen. Otherwise, life goes on.

No. 1497028

TF does probiotic and yeast infections have to do with having darker skin around genitals which most adults have? How does a probiotic you shove in your vag change the colour of your bikini line?

Dunning-kruger ass bitch

No. 1498894

>>1497022 the creature herself isnt even on your screen anymore her social media isn't active atm and you're still going out of your way to come here bump her thread and feed her histrionic disorder lol sage your shit retard

No. 1498936

probiotics are good for overall vaginal health, and you don't need to insert anything into your vag, you can take them orally. whether yours is dark or light, probiotics would help prevent yeast infections, which can cause discoloration among other things. nobody claimed that probiotics will change the color of your bikini like, strawman ass bitch. now just because yours is darker than your skintone doesn't mean that applies to most adults, even though believing that makes you feel better about it you should speak for yourself and your dark cunt anon.

No. 1498962

File: 1649712218473.jpeg (Spoiler Image,777.89 KB, 1242x1223, BD78B3D1-A158-4907-942B-77422E…)

>>1497028 from the example used earlier, bottom are darker or discolored, top are much closer to their skintone, you look down and see your darker or discolored vag daily so you assume this goes for most and its the norm. what they share in common is all of these women could benefit from taking probiotics

No. 1501870

File: 1649985587195.webm (111.23 KB, 480x320, e.webm)

outer labia are not your vagina. probiotics solely affect the vaginal flora, not skin. please leave.

now, look at this funny video of la creatura in her natural glory

No. 1501875

holy fuck you are the weirdest sperg I have ever seen. how many days have you been in here professing your hatred for "dark cunts" and probiotic retardation? like that's not what this thread is about

No. 1502072

Please go back to all your edited porn and perfect light angles, scrote. Just shut the fuck up already

No. 1502824


Are you retarded, or a c00m sick moid? The entire population has a variety of coloring that has literally nothing to do with your gut bacteria, you goddamn dumbass.

No. 1510223

>>1501870 fully aware of that, point still stands that the majority of women could benefit from taking them including those with dark cunts like yourself and >>1502072 who believe light angles are the only way for the skin on your vagina to look like that on the rest of your body kek like sorry yours looks like the bottom half of those pictures but that doesn't make it the majority.

No. 1510246

>>1502824 I find all coomers and the porn they consume disgusting but it's funny that while sex work used to be an industry dominated by the likes of porn stars who fit a certain aesthetic standard, plenty of unattractive women nowadays have turned to posting homemade porn with vaginas that look so bad and unclean just from how discolored and darkened they are. we live in an era where whores online will just pull down their pants and take the lowest effort pictures and videos of their dark cunts and sell it as porn. i'd much prefer to live in a world where sex work is still considered rare but sadly we live in a society filled with such retarded and demoralised women that this is now a common occurrence, which explains the extreme abundance of amateur sex workers on the internet and therefore the seemingly infinite amount of poor quality pornographic content. there are reasons people will bleach their discolored parts even armpits and one of those is because it looks dirty, swarthy and gross. cry about it if you're a whore and especially one with a darker vagina, but if you're a modest woman you can be respected for that regardless of what your privates look like since you've kept them private. at the end of the day empathchan and her kind are nothing but fragile and impressionable victims corrupted at a young age so their situation is more piteous than anything, but if i were zogged to that extent i'd do everyone a favour and rope before further corrupting future generations.

No. 1510339

File: 1650816084409.jpeg (Spoiler Image,854.83 KB, 1242x1568, AF19D925-12B5-44F7-B0EA-D1AAEE…)

>>1510246 Empath doesn't have a darker or discolored pussy. Anon >>1485367 was nitpicking to say she has a fungal infection because this picture I found on endchan doesn't have that shadow on both sides the lighting is the same and it was taken at around the same time.

No. 1510344


I partially agree with you in that they need to do better with their low quality nudes but calm down you fuckin scrote. You're not blending in well, just go back to 4chan and exchange their nudes while you talk shit and jerk it to pedo shit

No. 1510407

>>1510344 if you think my point was that whores should make better quality content and not that they'd ideally either off themselves or stop doing porn because the fact so many exist is a symptom of a larger societal disease that will continue to infect predominantly retarded and disadvantaged girls who are easily influenced then you are functionally illiterate. my only reason for mentioning the content quality is that there is so much of it now and it's so common that lots of girls start doing porn just by taking their clothes off and selling nudes while most look like shit, while this market used to be lead by bimbo porn stars who took time into their appearance and it was at least rare back then for anyone to get into this line of "work". it's concerning that you think someone who finds this disgusting is a scrote who jerks to pedo shit and only shows what you think about. >>1510339 i never said you did, person who is more likely than not empath, but consider the advice above.

No. 1510452

god that looks like it smells fucking nasty(learn2sage)

No. 1510454

you are a symptom of a societal disease

No. 1510503

I don’t support sex work either but you sound completely insane nonny

No. 1510764

>>1510503 idc if you support sw or not you lack any semblance of reading comprehension kek you may as well game over alongside the retarded zogged bitches who sell their cunts online for that alone

No. 1511019

The fucked up scrote in this thread has been going on about discoloured vaginas and referring to them as "cunts" for literally 31 days straight, brother you are literally fucking insane. Nobody in the thread is even agreeing with you. I am honestly at a loss, are you have a psychotic episode or something?

No. 1511024

Nah just the y chromosome

No. 1511025

So true

No. 1511034

stop shitting up the thread. you’re more concerned with “dark cunts” than the actual owners of darker coloured vaginas are, no1curr

No. 1511037

this is probably the cow herself posting, it fits her schizoid typing style. my tinfoil is that she made this thread and it just needs to be nuked immediately. no one else cares about her this much, she is not interesting, there is no milk that isnt goofy discord drama. a sage as old as time

No. 1512043

She's been doxxed time and time, rightfully bullied online, exposed for trying to get minors to sub to her onlyfans, and is still lurking on the corners of the Web. She must have a humiliation kink.

No. 1512229

does anyone know her government name?

No. 1513441

The discolored vaginas thing is a rant that clearly the women here are salty about but the larger point at hand still stands true. Women are selling their bodies for an average of $180 a month, it's shameful and sad. They will brag when they hit their peak on onlyfans and then never show their earnings again because after that lose their subscribers and relevance and make less than food delivery drivers, this is a problem brought to you by third wave feminism and desperate histrionic women who are delusional enough to believe it will bring them life changing money. Most cant even become cam girls because they look so busted on cam. Spoiler alert, you end up as nothing but a cheap whore.

No. 1513443

the only people who would actually care to have this thread deleted are the whores herein exposed for advertising porn to minors and anyone who supports them. yeah empathchan totally made a thread exposing herself for that including pictures she denies are even her and you don't have a personal reason to want it down. way to go outing yourself

No. 1513476


I've spoken to women who've been browsing and posting on this board for years the vast majority of whom are not pro sex work –the main point being made if you're able to get past whatever is bothering you, if that's not your stance and you believe you're among likeminded people then you are very lost.

>>1512229 I heard the name Taylor Power
, but also Chloe Power, or Powers, cannot verify any of them. >>1512043 There was also a rumor that the house that was allegedly hers when she was sharing her dox was a home for troubled girls and not her parent's, also cannot verify the validity of those claims, just from what I remember hearing.

No. 1513598

where did you get these names from?

No. 1513644

>>1513598 Sage,not adding new info.

Taylor–saw several ppl call her that in a server and she responded. Chloe Power or Powers showed up in a DMCA takedown notice. Empath was posting pics of another whore sucking dick and the whore posted Empath's nudes on twitter. Likely unaware twitter would notify her, Empath reported her page for copyright infringement; the whore then shared a screenshot of the notice, which showed that name as the person filing the complaint, with someone who posted it in a server for ppl to laugh at the whores having a mid off by posting each other's porn, since Empath used to be in that server too, but I didn't save it and am not positive that's her real government name.

No. 1533874

damn she fell off(necro)

No. 1545280

no one cares.

No. 1558529

clearly scam to get coomers donate for ukraine. shameless as fuck

No. 1558922

shameless as fuck bump, obligatory hi cow!

No. 1589434

Why would we join? This seems like a ploy for attention from her because she clearly can’t get anyone to care about her without the filters and catering to idiots like children and people who take bait.

No. 1599106


No. 1599136

why do we care about fatty photoshop chan and who she beats up? she probably sat on them and suffocated them to death

No. 1601289

Her name is Chloe Power and she's from Dublin. She has been doing embarrassing shit on the internet for a long time. She made this thread herself and the majority of replies were posted by her. She used to browse this website, back when she had fried hair and was in and out of hospital for suicide attempts and eating disorders, attention whoring to a lesser extent. It's unfortunate that she has only descended further into mental illness and is degrading herself like this. I guess it's what happens when you marinate in your bedroom for 10 years. Chloe, you are an awful person and create misery everywhere you go. You are mentally and emotionally stunted. Everyone has moved forward in life and you're stuck in an eternal loop of online attention whoring.

No. 1602764

the post is deleted now, what was it?

No. 1613381


No. 1625588

Any new links where she's lurking im curious(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1625889

i hope she comes back just to restart her feuds with other oogly ewhores again that shit was top tier comedy

No. 1641748

why has this dead thread been bumped?

No. 1655730

does anyone have the tumblr archive link?(necro)

No. 1655752

not saging bumping old irrelevant thread, good for her if she quit being a whore and stopped acting like a cow, leave her alone and go bother other whore cows

No. 1656257

Fuck off moid

No. 1656743

File: 1664058158118.png (303.53 KB, 535x426, femcelrapist.png)

Speak of the devil

No. 1656753

Her header pic is a picture of Bianca and the guy who murdered her, so fucking try hard lol

No. 1656805

That’s actually disgusting. Bianca’s death was brutal and horrifying, it’s truly disgusting and messed up to glamorize it.

No. 1656808

I don’t know who this girl is, just came across her but I wouldn’t be surprised if she killed someone in the future.

No. 1656810

If only she stopped advertising her porn to underage boys this time and focused instead on swatting every single other whore on the website one by one at least the cancer would self-eradicate

No. 1656908

spoke too soon, of course she didn't quit
she's too bad at it

No. 1657024

that's why it's so funny

No. 1657092

every interaction = retarded scrote calling her a glowie

No. 1658374

i love you

No. 1658376

File: 1664199554578.jpg (198.36 KB, 1200x900, 564.jpg)

what kind of fucked up t-shirt even is this? does empath have the guts to use this in public?

No. 1658379

This is 2022s Sasha Grey Orgasm Face shirt

No. 1658395

tbf, bianca probably would have done the same if it happened to another e-girl, her death was tragic but she wasn't all that different from empathchan. IMO you either extend the same judgment to bianca or the same sympathy to empath

No. 1658403

um her browsing 4chan does not mean she wouldve done the same thing. bianca wasn't a whore, and she was a minor. disgusting to even compare them. empath has literally offered to prostitute herself to her simps, whether serious or not, that's not along the lines of anything bianca has done, and it isn't her fault she got murdered by a disgusting scrote incel who orbited her.

No. 1658520

File: 1664210317938.png (365.87 KB, 535x407, 54747457.png)

Putrid does she live with her parents? Who lets their daughter live like this inside their house without kicking her to the curb

No. 1658539

this girl is just a larper: that trash would take 5 minutes max to clean up. her normal face is fine the shops are the freak

No. 1658542

File: 1664210948609.webm (750.28 KB, 522x452, 4643634.webm)

Comparing Bianca to this is like pissing on her grave

No. 1658570

catholic school by the looks of it. explains everything

No. 1658756

The caption is cringe but does anyone know who the artist is?

No. 1659007

literally every quote tweet of hers is people calling her a fed. one day they will realize women can be just as insane as men

No. 1659154

i cannot imagine living my life with the same kind of retarded black and white thinking as you

No. 1659308


Not defending this bitch but I'm pretty sure Bianca was part of or the owner of Edgecult (a tumblr group of "kinnies" who sent gore to kids to scare them) considering there were call out posts on her before she died.

No. 1659324

Bianca was a minor, not a whore, and whatever edgy behavior she exhibited should not be compared to that of a 23 year old whore who talks about wanting to be raped by incels nonstop and urinates in public. The whores in this thread are disgusting, Bianca was a child and a victim. It's one thing to act like this as a child and another as an adult adding in selling pornography and advertising it to minors. Not to mention before her death she had been changing her behavior. Including a documentary on her here.
That also isn't an example of binary thinking and this is a retarded comment, it's just a bad comparison

No. 1659333

Uhhh. Not saying she deserved anything but Bianca would say the exact same types of things and sold nudes underaged because she knew she’d make money and was the exact type of r9k this girl is. She will probably end up with the same fate if she keeps kicking the hornets nest. They’d probably be mutuals

No. 1659350

Where did people find the real, unphotoshopped photos of her?

No. 1659355

The filters she's using look more natural now. Like no worse than the average egirl. At least she quit this shit. >>1477862 I couldn't even believe she seriously posted that

No. 1659387

File: 1664283911385.gif (8.9 MB, 480x348, 38761E42-530C-4B24-9ED9-E21B40…)

True people posting photos with filters that do this to their face calling her a catfish will never not be funny

No. 1659412

File: 1664285239375.jpg (285.28 KB, 1280x805, 1489298787319.jpg)

there are some on desuarchive and archiveofsins too

No. 1659452

No. 1659838

I see your point but I sympathize with teens who are taken advantage of by adults, they can't consent to that, as fucked up as everything she did was. A lot of teens who are edgy tryhards and even delinquents grow out of it and Bianca was never given a chance to. Empath is too old to be acting that way she's 6-7 years older than Bianca was when she sold nudes and at her time of death, according to her family she was already changing. There's a big difference in maturity between a 16-17 year old girl and a 23 year old woman. Empath advertises porn to kids, you don't have to sympathize with her like you would with Bianca to be morally consistent.

No. 1660022

Tysm, this got me through some of the work day lol. But where did ones like >>1478002
>>1501870 originate?

No. 1660029

sorry im retarded, i didnt see that someone said facebook

No. 1660162

File: 1664326598427.jpg (350.13 KB, 1242x1070, IMG_1388.jpg)

She did that when she was 14-15 not 17 and got groomed by 4chan scrotes. Completely different. This is a grown whore.

No. 1660195

File: 1664327925023.png (100.96 KB, 1041x306, 8933ce4e3513eb82263563900ddf2e…)

I never see anyone using snapchat anymore except middle schoolers, everyone knows those are catfish filters except retarded scrotes they change eye, nose and even jaw shape. Her editing was that bad before it didnt detect her as the same person, looks the same now. Wonder why she decided to come back now and stop catfishing

1 is from twitch

No. 1660567

>scrote posted here telling her to come back
>her twitter posted in less than 24 hours

No. 1661847

She could have told herself to come back kek or she lurks her thread every day

No. 1662690

File: 1664541677371.jpeg (483.03 KB, 1242x1500, ED5554A9-8304-4BAE-AA9C-369E55…)

That account interacts a lot with the other whore she beefed with kek it pretended to simp her then probably had her reported, better luck next time Empath

No. 1662698


I bet she has this thread open in another tab at all times, sitting there obsessively refreshing it praying for more comments to appear

No. 1668045

File: 1665003593054.jpeg (121.68 KB, 666x500, 8C416B47-0228-480D-9728-AA0B3C…)

Saw some people in a discord server saying she has hers back does anyone have an invite

No. 1670723

No. 1670789

not this retarded whore self promoting here again

No. 1670948

only a retard would click that

No. 1675168

This evil bitch back on twitter yet?

No. 1675177

Maybe she can make a Lucy Letby support/fan account.

No. 1675187

dunno but i stole her shirt design. get rekt ugly jew(racebait)

No. 1675243

what makes this girl so special that we have an entire thread on her? shes just a larper with an onlyfans, and evidently thrives off the attention as well(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1675290

the mods here are really crusty and offended that some stinky big nose weird chomo gets more incel attention than them so they need to ban anyone and anything(ban-evading shitposter)

No. 1675297

apparently the onlyfans is gone. honestly there’s no milk here and the admins alienated everybody away from this site along with the constant sick retard posting cheese pizza on every single thread, so we have to clown some femcel attention whore pedo who feeds off of what we’re doing

No. 1675319

the onlyfans isn’t gone she changed the name

No. 1675561

File: 1665789060791.jpeg (369.56 KB, 1242x2276, 80371697-2B91-49ED-B0C3-E041F9…)

Is she lying about her age

No. 1675890

File: 1665826833427.png (12.82 KB, 509x77, unknown.png)

Wasn't this bitch friends with chrishop who's another infamous pedo from discord

No. 1675970

where did you get the discord from

No. 1675978

nta but she's posted it on twitter

No. 1675979

>not shiposting
So where's the milk? Fuck off with your self posting discord begging

No. 1676069

she literally posted it here lol. new users dont get to see the message history anymore but i screenshotted some lulzy shit prior. another anon said she graduated in 2017 and she's a gemini which would mean she turned 23 recently and is probably lying about her age, she said she's 20 now, but i wonder if her grad date is confirmed

No. 1676086

File: 1665849824983.png (22.28 KB, 545x197, empath8.png)

retarded philosemite confirmed

No. 1676096

File: 1665850277755.png (79.63 KB, 404x756, empath1.png)

also obviously reads this thread cuz an anon called her a larper and she's seething about it kek

No. 1678814

no one is born a sociopath it's called that because people develop antisocial personality disorder as a result of socialization and she's not psychopathic lol. she's a histrionic larper

No. 1678946

File: 1666140885894.png (25.86 KB, 414x236, empath9.png)

at least she's self aware about that

No. 1679046

File: 1666151963380.jpg (380.28 KB, 1605x963, 435FD.jpg)

Saw ED article of the now about the prostitute granny beater paedo troon Empathchan swatted saying hes an admin on an ED clone by a paedo called Jacob Stellchman https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Ariel_Rose_Sapeda

No. 1679165

I'm starting to like her now. ED has always been full of psychos, pedos and school shooters that's why girlvinyl tried to kill it.

No. 1679267


aww how cute, a ugly pick me incel larper trying to be the queen of incels again. sorry babe, you’re run through, old, and like kids. try again.

No. 1679344

She may have just been enacting TERF vigilantism by swatting that troon. Either that or whore infighting. One way or another its pretty funny kek

No. 1679463

not to wk but thats not a troon. why would a whore swatting another whore be doing it as vigilantism? idk about the scrote running the bootleg ED though what makes him a pedophile?

you're starting to like a whore who advertised porn to minors? ew. chloe and her coomer orbiters are gross and so is any narc whore who advertises porn to kids like her.

if she was pretending to be a teen to pander to r9k incels that's gross too, she said she was 18-19 last year. she's sticking by the lie if she's saying she's 20 now that's already pushing it but 23 is too old for them. a lot of whores lie about their ages because so many pornsick coomers (the type to pay for their content) are pedophilic. and you'll also see whores in their 20s saying they're minor coded when they literally just look their age for similar reasons.

No. 1679472

she probably does have symptoms of several cluster b disorders but plays all of it up for attention, hpd is what stands out in her case peeing in public, calling herself a pedophile, saying slurs and posting swastikas = witless and wretched levels of attention whoring. some whores who arent making much doing porn do desperate shit for new subs. even if its embarrassing they must think its more dignifying to act like cow to advertise since at least it attracts more coomers instead of whoring themselves out and still being practically as broke as they were before

No. 1679501


Empathchan has repeatedly spouted those lies about putrid, it is nothing but guilt driven projection. Empath tried to swat her because she was the one who aired out the accusations on twitter in the first place.

No. 1679507

learn2sage and empathchan isn't the one who made that ED page

No. 1679516

ntayrt but it says here https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Aediot
> Jacob Stellmach showers with and grooms a 16 year-old boy
> Last Thursday, Jacob "Paedoclip" Stellmach's old friend, .wiki admin, and room mate, Ashinine, spilled more beans and revealed how Jacob met and groomed him at the ripe age of 16. Yes you read that correctly, he was 16 when he met Aediot.

No. 1679537

File: 1666212017371.png (26.66 KB, 403x248, empath7.png)


she said she doesn't like kids

No. 1679895

File: 1666244260918.jpeg (185.41 KB, 897x1148, 9E491A7A-8DD8-432D-8C78-504D80…)

"I extort overage men" whores are retarded. What extortion? You're paid to show your privates and degrade yourself on camera for nasty scrotes you'd not date and you can't get one who's isn't a gross pornsick coomer because you're a demented histrionic whore which is why you call yourself a femcel. The only way you're deceiving anyone is by telling coomers that you're not how old you really are. This is what whores tell themselves to feel like they're in control and cope with the fact that their livelihood rests on pandering to coomers. Congratulations you spread your asshole on the internet for £15. Good luck ever doing anything meaningful after that when your face is out there and tied to all this shit proving you're a gross white supremacist cow who advertises porn to kids on social media at your grown age.

No. 1683081

File: 1666600350526.jpeg (22.78 KB, 381x215, 74BAB06E-5413-4C74-A030-444261…)

kek shes so rich

No. 1683568

File: 1666642569796.jpeg (390.67 KB, 2048x2048, 2F822DF3-4971-4379-8523-0A257B…)

Ugly whores will beg for money online since their shitty porn doesnt cut it and their parents dont have enough or dont care enough to help them go to college and find opportunities, instead they end up making about as much as food delivery drivers and bragging when they get a measly 2k.

Meanwhile there are pretty girls who don't post nudity on OF and make 20k not having to resort to porn. Would also not sell suggestive lewds to coomers but point being there are levels to this, posting nudity and masturbating for so little is sordid. Ask an ugly whore who posts dick sucking videos to show you her OF earnings, she won't. Ask a pretty woman who doesn't post porn and she'll surprise you.

Have a daughter when you can instill morals and support her to set her up for a good life so she doesnt even consider degrading herself for coomerbux. But I think empathchan is fatherless. Even worse is if her father is in her life, not broke and still let her turn into a whore under his nose, I thought being present is better than absent but if you raised a whore you failed her so miserably that she's worse than fatherless. I thank god I was born into a family that supported and spoiled me, subjecting yourself to that is simply not something that ever crosses the minds of spoiled girls who grew up having all their needs and wishes taken care of.

No. 1683813

File: 1666659779954.png (103.19 KB, 429x314, empath13.png)

she had a mom in her life that said she was demonic

No. 1683822

File: 1666660084404.jpg (1.51 MB, 1242x1791, IMG_2545.jpg)

Her new Instagram she takes commissions for her mediocre drawings twitter is the same handle

No. 1683887

wait, so what does this pretty girl sell on OF if not nudes? still degrading and degenerate.
mom might be on to something.

No. 1683961

File: 1666674099692.jpeg (388.08 KB, 1212x2316, 8F8AA6BC-74C9-43AC-B5EB-651A7F…)

I agree pandering to coomers is degenerate regardless nonna but if it's just cosplays or bikini /gym progress pictures where she's scantily dressed then porn (sex tapes, masturbation videos, using sex toys and inserting them, pictures of your privates) is much nastier and more degrading. And these ugly whores can't even justify it to their egos like "its ok im rich now" they're still nothing but beggars. Not enough coomers wanted to buy their porn and they're in left in the same situation they started.

I wonder what happened to her mom if she still lives with her and if her dad was ever in the picture

No. 1683979

If you actually think this chick made 25k you’re retarded

No. 1684085

Do you live under a rock or are you that broke 25k sounds like an insane amount? I've seen chicks make more and post their earnings. Ugly whores doing porn for little hate to see it, why do they pander to coomers harder and even post their vaginas on command and cant make as much? They did everything coomers wanted and it wasnt enough, at least that girl retained some form of control and made bank. Empath lost it and went all out posting porn and has nothing to show for it, sad lives these retarded whores have.

No. 1684086

Pandering to coomers is degen regardless lol, but actually doing porn and not making enough to stop begging online is just pathetic.

No. 1684113

File: 1666695673691.jpeg (471.18 KB, 1242x787, 808291F6-11A7-476C-A48E-73BFB8…)

>Said they wanna get her reassessed for her diagnoses and posted hospital pics before that
I think this girl was sent to hospital for some psychiatric condition.

No. 1684891

File: 1666746738335.png (763.53 KB, 538x752, 38675446.png)

i like this

No. 1685425


She must have gotten better at drawing cause I remember her old ones from last year all being shit

No. 1686127

someone leaked an AI program that makes convincing art from prompts

No. 1687949

File: 1667058514118.png (6.1 MB, 1170x2532, 684F211F-CB98-470B-9350-B05342…)

No. 1690882

One of her art pictures on twitter has too many fingers, which is an issue with the AI art program. She might just be retarded though and can't count.

No. 1695972

Of course the only drawing of "hers" i've ever seen that looks good isn't even hers, lol. Pretty sure she has been called out for tracing or straight up passing someone else's art as her own before too

No. 1706296

makes me hate moids more knowing all my mates who know her dont care about how she looks without the filters and just want some 'based' mince meat pussy because they're all the same(learn2sage)

No. 1706332

you sound like a moid yourself if your "mates" want someone's "based mince meat pussy" reeking of retarded chav incel

No. 1706638

definite moid detected. her minge is fine she just needs to wash her flaps more than once a month to avoid chemical burns from the old piss.

No. 1723091

File: 1670605438103.jpeg (370.29 KB, 1242x1455, B3C7C6E4-4654-424C-B097-455CB5…)

she has a website now but theres nothing in it

No. 1763695

File: 1675863726070.jpeg (603.76 KB, 2048x1767, FC383093-92A6-43CA-BB9E-B533B4…)

Agree with her first point , despite playing with ai art I wouldn't call myself an artist for it unless i was joking, but isn't boiling it down to regurgitative unoriginality ironic coming from someone who tries to pass off other people's art as your own and traces other people's art without crediting them? Self awareness pls

No. 1763718

bloodm6id is empathchan??? no fucking way I was art moots with her in like early 2022

No. 1763757

she won’t fuck you boss. this turbo pickme is busy getting high in her crack house in some shitty limey flat(sage your shit)

No. 1763793

Her non photoshopped pictures look like Keffals. She looks like a man pretending to be a woman, what an unfortunate face.

No. 1763872

Holy shit lol people who know nothing about art love to talk with authority over it. Artists have been using machines and automation to create works for yeaaarsss. Ai is just another facet of that kind of tech based medium, artists right now are making very cool interesting things using simple ai lol the ignorance and audacity. And yeah a fucking tracer of all people talking about originality lol.

No. 1763891

Nigga what

No. 1764326

>Female Elliot Rodger
Wouldn't a hypothetical female Elliot Rodger complain about males not picking her be and push trad shit, not degenerate weab shit. A female Elliot Rodger would also shit on males regularly (rightfully so) but not for actual reasons only for petty, immature reasons like he did of women and this pattern would eventuate to a mass killing of a bunch of moids, not spend every waking hour LARPing as a pickme online for moid approval.

She's definitely an odd case, and it is incredibly rare for a women to behave like this. She's fraught with a laundry list of internalized shit; racism, self-hatred, misogyny, taught what she can and can not be attracted to by inhuman disgusting moid coom weab shit etc. Unfortunately she's not all that milky, just an odd anomaly of pickmeism. In saying this if she were a moid she wouldn't even be a footnote because of how common this retarded pathological thought process and pattern of behavior is with scrotes, so here we are.

This post has britbong Trainspotting energy

No. 1774560

was she really as batshit insane as she larps as online?(necro)

No. 1792523

empathchan swtted her cause ariel has videos fucking dogs on onlyfan(why would you post this? Deleted image)

No. 1792710

anons posting bestiality content here now like the cp spam wasnt bad enough

No. 1802682

[[Personal information redacted]](Cowtipping/doxing)

No. 1802700

no she’s just some random 4chan whore on the internet who wants to be worshipped by moids. every girl on the internet wants to be simped and worshipped like thots on twitch. this bitch is a more horrific isabella janke. without the fungus feet and smelly ass.(sage your autism)

No. 1803026

File: 1680751482832.png (164.77 KB, 953x804, empathchan.png)

Update checked her twitter when i saw this thread bumped and she's still an unhinged tryhard how does this bitch own a firearm in Dublin?

No. 1804525

she steals people’s art, she probably steals people’s photos

No. 1804717

could be but its the same gaming chair she sat on during her stream

No. 1805026

she’s had different gaming chairs. no extremely bent over liberal hellhole english sister shithole country is going to give someone with a record of serious illness a gun

No. 1807872

File: 1681362472494.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3465x3298, 47CE95A9-1C42-4398-A512-A61392…)

She has a server where she posted this stuff and her orbiters think she's a dominatrix but shes wearing a gimp suit I thought that was for subs masochists whatever theyre called

No. 1807879

she opens her eyes too much to look like an anime girl

No. 1807888

that's about the girls above her shes psycho dom mommy egirl. none of those are asian or look like anime girls at all

No. 1808092

thanks for not sharing the discord link brainlet

No. 1808187

others who have posted her discord link have been banned, redtext shows up right after its posted you'd know if you kept up with the thread, actual brainlet. she posts it on her instagram too

No. 1808205

well whats her instagram then

No. 1808230

File: 1681420257070.jpeg (133.87 KB, 1061x2175, 6DE23E9A-6A6F-4633-9EEA-CB7E58…)

same username as her twitter bloodm6id it's pretty funny and milky. about a week ago the cops showed up to her flat to take her to the hospital because she was suicidal and one of her friends called. she liveposts the whole thing asking her orbiters how to get attention to be attended faster, she tries sitting on a wheelchair, screaming, talks about running around naked or falling to the ground and banging her head but she said the last time she banged it the nurse didnt do anything and just told her it would give her brain damage. the other night she tried to meet up with one of her orbiters but he wouldnt come out of the pub so she was left standing out there because she forgot her id. she snaps pics of random people walking around dublin calling them fat and normies, thats her favourite insult, and pointing out how everyone else is a stupid whore, or how her orbiters have prey eyes and a negative canthal tilt, same thing people say about her. she talks a lot about how shes famous on r9k and 4chan, also jokes that she wishes she was a real nasty whore who does full on porn but is really a pure virgin with neotenous physiognomy who only posts nudes. she might deactivate the server invite if she sees this was posted here but whatever it was a hilarious lurk while it lasted

No. 1808350

does it matter if you get redtexted? the mods don’t give a fuck about this wore. post the link or GTFO. it’s not doxing. don’t post shit you can’t back up lol

No. 1808351

she’s busy surviving in her ugly hug box, she feeds off of lolcow for attention. also you could literally post an external link to it (pastebin?)

No. 1808358

File: 1681437465429.jpg (27.95 KB, 551x668, asdfhgjhk.jpg)

kek i joined and she was talking about being rich

No. 1808362

nta but its in her stories stupid little unsaged anon. if you create a separate invite she can see it and no more milk to be had

No. 1808393

File: 1681441887933.png (11.1 KB, 609x136, 7.png)

Here's the link

Yeah right like the onlyfans money got her a new apartement

No. 1810016

File: 1681683497321.png (45.63 KB, 665x848, c76b1196746d80776209c5915a5372…)

She made a thread on r9k and told everyone in her server to check it out, it got inundated by people posting her unshopped pics, and she took it down as soon as the webm clip of her on cam got posted. I wish I screenshotted before she deleted it was hilarious. She does this on a weekly basis

No. 1810019

No. 1810022

File: 1681684420387.png (14.13 KB, 534x327, 19.png)

Lying about her age again, this time shes saying 19 instead of 20. She's turning 24 in less than 2 months

No. 1811088

File: 1681847211098.jpeg (876.16 KB, 2316x3088, 0FAEB55F-B42E-45D6-ABD3-E608B6…)

Just saw this creepy pic,. Is she really 23? I'd guess 29 at least with the sunken undereyes

No. 1811351


No. 1811365

File: 1681879534199.jpeg (29.07 KB, 828x434, 61FD1409-D900-477D-B2D3-11F306…)

She's so cringe kek

No. 1811430

shes relentless. how can u shitpost like this every single day unironically into adulthood and not realise the retardation. i literally hope she gets killed by one of those fugly orbiters(alogging)

No. 1811601

File: 1681925859712.png (61.33 KB, 1431x884, Screen Shot 2023-04-19 at 1.33…)

too embarrassed to tell people how much money she really makes off of onlyfans because we all know its next to nothing

No. 1811618

No1curr about your discord vendetta with some whore. This thread needs to be locked already. Half of it reeks selfpost.

No. 1811700

I saw the pic that got deleted and the person with a vendetta that got swatted by Empathchan fucks dogs and was showing their asshole to a dog. That vendettachan could be worse than the cow

No. 1811856

This is fake information based on a purposely maliciously taken out of context screenshot. in the actual video the dog is shooed away, stop derailing. It’s also gross to minimize actual animal abuse/bestiality based on lies.

No. 1811864


No. 1812027

File: 1681964538248.jpeg (189.88 KB, 1242x2246, C4A3210F-FAA2-4957-B84B-3734B4…)

idk if u saw this but someone needs to report this bulgy fish eyed hideous cunt to her local police department as this is a crime, like no people dont notice because youre some random ugly whore nobody pays attention to, women are obviously just going about their days and youre violating them. actually deserves to be caught in the act and stabbed

No. 1812369

imagine thinking these idiots actually want to kill her lol most of them are women and ugly fat men

No. 1813721

she'll be 24 this year. she looks like shit because she has been malnourished since childhood and has abused drugs for almost 10 years.

No. 1817991

File: 1682869944703.jpeg (35.58 KB, 1242x413, FBD4C27E-17D9-458B-8B14-172275…)

This bitch is actually retarded. Passive income would be investments like rental property, earning money from a business "one does not actively participate in" she spends all of her time making threads simping herself on 4chan to get people in her server (where it's hilarious watching her ban randoms for saying she looks 38 and speaking facts) , interacting with coomers and sending them porn in which she masturbates (literally refers to these videos in her threads and compliments her own moaning it's incredibly gross and cringe) so where exactly is the passivity? Everything about this includes actively responding, creating content by debasing herself for "customers" and even initiating "advertisements" lol that's literal participation, what an absolute dimwit.

No. 1818184

File: 1682895957643.png (244.14 KB, 2094x1240, jealous.png)

empty-chan hates popular e-girls so much

No. 1818439

File: 1682947163456.webm (2.25 MB, 720x1280, empath-chan-calling-a-man-fagg…)

ah yes calling a random person in the streets "faggot" and threatening of beating them up, classic empath!

No. 1818472

File: 1682954794208.jpg (108.47 KB, 1290x1244, 1682906056794873.jpg)

She's fat enough to actually being able to beat up men, so there is that.

No. 1818476

She needs psychiatric help and internet access cut off

No. 1818478

moids on r9k are actual bottom feeders for liking this fat cunt

No. 1818490

File: 1682956717578.webm (Spoiler Image,2.7 MB, 640x344, Holy shit.webm)

R9k moids have no standards they want to fuck anything with a hole.
This guy is one of her simps licking his toilet in honor of his "queen" emptyinside-chan. Typical r9k discord behaviour

No. 1818503

absolute degenerate for the cow queen, peek discord behavior

No. 1818533

Submissive men are very desperate for ANY kind of woman who will induldge their fetishes (degrade them) because sub men outnumber dominant women by a ton.

No. 1818564

File: 1682964540719.png (129.47 KB, 2134x1290, empath incest fetish.png)

Apparently she has an incest fetish someone should send this to her family

No. 1818598

File: 1682967259677.png (38.21 KB, 720x910, bisexual.png)

No. 1818602

File: 1682967429387.png (64.36 KB, 1496x716, psycho.png)

who would have guessed empathchan kills animals

No. 1818630

File: 1682969308478.webm (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 320x568, bruhh.webm)

I found a recent video of Empath sticking pins on her neck it's from her public twitter account @bloodm6id
she is becoming crazier

No. 1818641

File: 1682969643305.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.05 KB, 961x2048, yikes.jpg)

No. 1818651

File: 1682970173651.webm (736.35 KB, 1280x720, trim.7C12B545-A5F0-48FC-8941-8…)

this bitch is delusional and thinks she is pretty

No. 1819048

File: 1683027549126.jpeg (498.7 KB, 2448x1836, F025A447-0D45-4AF5-807D-47BFF5…)

her most recent is probably the ugliest ive seen yet. and theres the fake gun

No. 1819125

File: 1683035677606.jpeg (53.3 KB, 828x967, 8685A5F7-19B6-4D57-B373-0BA071…)

inb4 her gym kicks her out

No. 1819146

Noone cares about her, we're just laughing at her. She's one of those cows who thinks her haterzz are secretly fans. She's revolting.

No. 1819168

File: 1683042054146.jpeg (560.16 KB, 3462x3029, 0399FB83-E027-4111-A1FB-0B8D68…)

LOL. I’ve never had blue hair guise!!! And I definitely don’t care that’s why I had to say it’s either edited or not me!! Her simps are so gullible that it’s laughable.

No. 1819224

File: 1683048321113.png (28.5 KB, 792x748, LMAO.png)

I saw that as well it's funny how she thinks we are ugly when the average lolcow user is a stacy and looks better than the emptyinside-chan witch.
Also quite ironic seeing "empath" calling women roasties when she does onlyfans stuff and is a prostitute

No. 1819256

All the high-tier stacies who enjoy gossiping are actually just jealous of her looks. I mean look at the OP image who wouldn't want to look like a 50 year old man. But yes the irony of calling nonnas roasties is hilarious considering she is a prostitute. Props to the anon who's exposing her cringe discord chats

No. 1819406

File: 1683071358062.jpeg (363.28 KB, 1256x3243, 2D00BAE1-8B75-4A35-9E96-A5427A…)

Keep in mind the seymour guy is an old pedophile almost 50 who she keeps around after saying he groomed her and got cp from her when she was 15, as well as convinced her to start Onlyfans, here is a thread on him where he admits to printing out cp at his job. One of many pedos she chats with including Armand, Wil, and Chrishop who also has a thread here https://endchan.net/agatha2/res/6590.html

This is a reddit thread exposing him for orbiting Eugenia Cooney and preying on eating disordered underage girls and women

No. 1819445

File: 1683075584679.jpeg (462.43 KB, 3462x3020, B6562E9E-C77A-42C0-AD37-D37D23…)

Pedochan telling minors to subscribe to her Onlyfans again and sending them her tits

No. 1819447

delusional inbred white trash whore will end up as nothing in life anyway genuinely wish the worst upon her. still having her simps shill her shitty server on r9k
seymour tried hitting on me when i was 16 3 years ago

No. 1819460

File: 1683076690448.png (1.63 MB, 3130x3465, A816372F-89C9-436C-BCC7-7FB260…)

Four is a 34 year old scrote by the way. This is how the rest of her server members talk to teenage girls along with explicitly attempting to solicit CP from her, which pedochan is completely aware of.

No. 1819465

File: 1683076915880.jpeg (138.92 KB, 1181x1600, F09DDF55-A90C-4CAC-A4C5-791EFB…)

No. 1819476

File: 1683078392340.jpg (57.54 KB, 720x1047, 20230502_213943.jpg)

Mad cause banned moid? Still seething on r9k about it?

No. 1819487

How could anyone ever mistake a singular screenshot in a server full of pedophilic activity? Learn2sage cow

No. 1819491

Misrepresenting context is no mistake and not really necessary. Four is definitely a groomer tho

No. 1819493

Yeah him and about twenty other people pedochan is friends with. That’s no coincidence

No. 1819496

No. 1819512

File: 1683084044492.png (1.41 MB, 1376x1182, 01FE1673-69AE-4142-98CB-E33C91…)

No. 1819536

kek i didnt even realize this was ai because she looks exactly as ugly and uncanny in the pictures she posts of herself

No. 1819821

File: 1683136307918.png (103.81 KB, 828x1792, 93400EED-AA0B-4951-B8CE-8C28D5…)

hi i'm juni and i said a lot of things in that server that i regret. i am 16 and the mods repeatedly deleted my age without banning me lol
empath was dming me later asking for advice on her posts, she puts up a tough front for the moids in her server for the most part but she's still very harsh in DMs.
not defending her though.(underage, newfag, namefag)

No. 1819822

File: 1683136493101.jpeg (126.93 KB, 828x1792, 03642B7C-A160-4D9D-9233-9D31C9…)

hi, this is juni, i can confirm the context was not misrepresented. everyone in that server is a fucking creep pedo and empath endorses it. attached is proof that this is me

No. 1819893

File: 1683145820837.png (628.84 KB, 702x642, Screenshot 2023-05-03 163038.p…)

why does she have a red ring around her lips like those little kids who lick their lips constantly?

No. 1819898

You answered your own question nonna

No. 1819925

File: 1683147743763.png (108.29 KB, 928x1038, empath perv.png)

>I am not like the other girls I dream about having sex with anime girls and having a cock I love porn so much look how cool I am

No. 1819926

fujocoomer brainrot is so fucking cringe

No. 1819945

File: 1683149520094.jpeg (55.35 KB, 828x1082, 13FF0E5D-691B-4FBB-80E4-9A8C78…)

wasn't she born in 1999?

No. 1819951

Nobody told you to buy porn. Pls stop joining nsfw servers and stop broadcasting your age to random creeps

No. 1819982

i didnt buy porn lol. i joined the server from her instagram bc i thought her art was cool.

No. 1819983


This was the misrepresented context dense child

No. 1819990

She knows that groomer adult and she’s saying it wasn’t misrepresented. Keep coping for your ugly melted wax face idol

No. 1819996

Communication breakdown? The misrepresentation in question originally referring to >>1819476 >>1819491

Don't accuse people of sex crimes that didn't happen

No. 1819998

Curious how you have no response to the thousand other screenshots or the other instances of Empathchan indeed sending her porn and tits to minors

No. 1820004

No need for false accusations in face of real evidence. You can see my responses above. Look for the name 'Anonymous'

No. 1820005

did u even see the screenshots with the way everyone treated me. its not a "single screenshot" youre a tard.

No. 1820006

Shut up you patronizing faggot I guarantee Juni has a higher IQ than you do. If you’re anything like that revolting retard you simp you’re 100% socially retarded(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1820007

ntayrt i get the redtext cause lc is 18+ but as for the rest: dont be mean to her or accuse her of buying porn because she was in spaces frequented by adults, a lot of us were when we were underage and at the time dont know any better or are just young and crave attention, the adults in the server should've kicked her the moment she joined that's their responsibility she's a minor, instead the nasty whore running it kept adding her to bully her. and i get the screenshots may have been out of context but junis comment and empathchan's her past actions do show she has no qualms about advertising porn to children.

No. 1820010

Not only this but telling a literal child that they deserved to be groomed or raped is co-opting child sex abuse. There is no defense to be had here

No. 1820014

I meant she wasn't solicited to subscribe like what was claimed. Not a defense of anything else

No. 1820016

Yeah she just sent Juni her tits & asked for money for sexual favors similar to past behavior in the screenshot right next to it

No. 1820018

there are /clearly/ bigger problems lmao.

No. 1820020

ayrt i get what you were pointing out im just saying she has been caught red handed doing exactly that before, but yeah there's a multitude of things going on her server is filled with all sorts of depravity

No. 1820041

Sent in general. Empath wouldn't be so validating as to call juni a boy

No. 1820042

File: 1683157766840.jpeg (22.85 KB, 680x318, 0B4FFBD6-75D9-4939-87D9-BCE5A4…)

she thought i was amab lol

No. 1820052

Obvious joke and you selfposted before that

No. 1820053


No. 1820090

Most retarded reaching defense ever

No. 1820109

File: 1683164650862.png (380.96 KB, 1282x1039, hag.png)

they're not far off from the truth

No. 1820120

File: 1683165316108.jpg (60.08 KB, 640x480, mayonnaise.jpg)

I wonder whether he regrets not pulling out(Don't post family members)

No. 1820141


Where did you get these and how old was she in these?

No. 1820145

Looking like Tuna back in the day.

No. 1820147

File: 1683167982853.png (2.48 KB, 418x38, kjhfjkesdfbd.png)

No. 1820152

add me on discord plz have some questions to ask u mischief#6101(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1820157

KEK where the fuck is this from

No. 1820171

Yikes, actual jumpscare

No. 1820254

Thanks for posting this, after reading this thread one has to assume she has parents or a parent that loves her enough to keep her in her room with an internet connection the majority or her life. She’s not surviving off her measley onlyfans and server money. Shes a pathological liar, she can make up any lie on the internet and believe it’s in her head while stagnating in her room. Being super rich, being so smart and cool the glowies are keeping tabs on her, all of this. All she is doing is associating with the lowest common denominator of people, and that is where she will stay, that is her reality. She’s is going to have a lot of regrets when she reaches into 30s.

No. 1820278

If only you knew how bad things really are :/

No. 1820300

How is that a fujo? Lol

No. 1820359

i kind of feel bad for her - she looks like she's missing a few key chromosomes. every time some posts an unedited picture of her, i think that she looks like a knockoff cabbage patch doll melting in the sun. bless her moon face heart, girl is just unfortunate looking.

No. 1820973

I don't get it
How are these two the same person?
Does this mean she uses filters or something in EVERY photo she takes?

No. 1821139

File: 1683291210556.jpeg (339.81 KB, 2048x1848, 02B433BF-E112-4B03-A94C-560A45…)

seymour commissioned a painting from her, holy shit he actually is fucking 50 kek this bitch needs to work on her understanding of human anatomy before ever posting anything publicly ever again her art is almost as bad as her shoops. everyone knows what your acid attack victim face looks like behind the filters and facetune, chloe

No. 1821204

what the fuck are those red things supposed to be, bloody tampons?

No. 1821207

File: 1683302168095.png (333.36 KB, 1362x1042, chloe.png)

it's a face overlay or something. there's no need to share that pic when there are so many real pics of her raw ugly face. bulging eyes, no orbital support, recessed maxilla, underdeveloped mandible, recessed chin, long philtrum, negative canthal tilt, and a big hooked nose. her nose has nothing to do with her ethnic heritage and everything to do with her fucked up facial structure. she probably looks most like this pic, since it doesn't have selfie distortion. keep in mind she has makeup on in this and still looks like a melted mess.

No. 1821215

Are you a retarded scrote or are you her self-posting self hate? This is actually the most flattering pic itt.

No. 1821328

not a single picture of her in here is remotely flattering or attractive whatsoever. this girl just has a very unfortunate face, and by the looks of her editing its safe to assume that shes well aware of this

No. 1821354

ntayrt for whatever reason she is actually cute in this picture
features don't have to be cookie cutter perfect to work well together
you are retarded

No. 1821429

File: 1683327161537.jpeg (45.81 KB, 634x822, 18C4725C-7F53-4F34-AFB9-6CDC7C…)

you HAVE to be joking. her male equivalent is slaying imaginary beasts in his mom's yard. bitch needs lower eyelid retraction surgery. zero upper lip to behold, pouts in every single photo. every single feature of hers is objectively bad.

No. 1821547

no wonder she takes all of her pics from the same angle. i guess in her mind it's better to show off your moon shaped face and lazy eye than it is to show off your dorsal fin shaped nose

No. 1821577

Witch skull.

No. 1821614

The level of nitpicking you're going to makes me think that either you're crazy obsessed or you're actually her, self-posting hate. Who the hell analyzes someone's face to this degree? Did you spend hours analyzing her by cross-referencing incels nitpicking regular women? Delusional. You know there's so much more to hate her for than just her painfully average looks, right? At least contribute to the milk if there is any.
But who am I kidding. Irrelevant whore tries to stir up attention any way she can, sold her soul and self-esteem for a couple of male attention pennies. Yawn.

No. 1821631

>low iq chimp thinks basic human anatomy terms are on par with insanely complex astrophysics(sage your shit)

No. 1821688

File: 1683367564715.jpeg (153.69 KB, 1170x1380, IMG_4114.jpeg)

the photoshop, straining, and lack of trigger discipline is pathetic but the comments telling her to do it are pretty funny

No. 1821701

ntayrt but no one here thinks your retardation is on par with astrophysics and you're probably ugly too learn2sage your low iq chimping

No. 1821742

She looks like Caroline Ellison

No. 1821856

it’s not that the terms are hard to understand; it’s that mentally healthy people have no reason to look them up. Reeeeeee-ing about mandibles and canthal tilt is highkey incel shit. >>1821547
I think she looks nice from that angle. Roman noses are cute and hers looks really nice in profile.
You guys are being crazy. Canthal tilt is not milk. Nobody “needs” cosmetic surgery. It’s bullshit to attack her for using filters and then attack her for having a normal face. Attack her for the rape angel shit or touch grass.

No. 1822239

File: 1683434683575.jpg (813.51 KB, 3418x3093, 593B9FD2-118E-445E-8B49-809FFD…)

More on Seymour/Jeff talking about aiding and abetting the production distribution and possession of child pornography by paying a 15 year old girl to meet up with a 30 year old known as Michael Sosa (thread on him here >>>snow/383200) who is allegedly currently in the process of recording himself statutorily raping the child which he then plans on sending to Seymour and likely other pedophiles in these circles. Babushka the mod is complicit, deleting these messages in the server as per Seymour's request, just like he protects hideous whore Chloe Power who can be seen in picrel enabling and excusing Seymour's pedophilic and criminal behavior. She also mentions how she should invite yet another pedophile, Chrishop, to the server.

No. 1822240

>>>/snow/383200 Michael Sosa's thread that didn't link properly

No. 1822270

File: 1683440624606.jpeg (64.38 KB, 750x721, 7B7B4E2A-187C-4B11-9D6A-2C5122…)

Bump for cp

No. 1822509

File: 1683483527355.png (Spoiler Image,307.35 KB, 1072x718, yikes.png)

Her orbitors are so fucked in the head this guy sucked his mom vibrator for empathchan.
I don't get how she gets away with blackmailing people from her server they could just block her and find a better woman to simp for

No. 1822511

File: 1683483641843.png (41.13 KB, 958x1438, disgusting moid.png)

No. 1822516

That guy isn’t an orbiter he goes around harassing various women to indulge in his fetishes

No. 1822529

File: 1683484629000.webm (Spoiler Image,6.36 MB, 360x640, subhuman moid.webm)

I hope this piece of shit becomes homeless.
The guys she interacts with are a bunch of cows too.

No. 1822532

File: 1683484880496.png (63.2 KB, 684x1072, disgusting af.png)

Empath went to a porn club to watch a guy jerking off she is so disgusting and whorish.

No. 1822537

File: 1683485241580.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 3000x4000, self harm.jpg)

She also makes her orbitors self harm and does self harm to herself as well.

No. 1822552

File: 1683486018181.png (339.69 KB, 1125x2436, LOL.png)

some dude on discord drew gore of empathchan
emptychan is leaking lots of milky DMs and content today must be having a maniac episode

No. 1822553

File: 1683486284842.jpg (401.24 KB, 1125x1933, gun.jpg)

this psycho bitch has a fucking gun with bullets I hope she does not kill anyone

No. 1822556

File: 1683486920040.jpeg (160.35 KB, 1290x942, 5AA865C1-E2DA-4443-A18A-B0625F…)

She had someone make this picture for her lmfao. Ask her to name the model of her plastic Airsoft BB gun here and show the magazine with a timestamp she will sperg

No. 1822607

File: 1683492001577.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.07 KB, 1280x720, nazi empath.jpg)

Empath is such a dumb larper she wants to be so edgy she cuts swastikas on her body and pretends to have real guns
>sucking her stomach to appear skinnier

No. 1822613

File: 1683492503870.png (Spoiler Image,408.95 KB, 732x494, empath posting gore.png)

she posts lolicon anime gore on her twitter account mmh what will happend if someone reports her account she will be so angry…

No. 1822616

Yet her ribs are still invisible

No. 1822624

File: 1683494981383.jpeg (128.48 KB, 945x1742, 409B47C3-9781-4A92-A250-973164…)

this is weeb a 15 year old pedo troon from kaliacc servers not her are you fucking retarded or are you her posting random shit trying to deflect from the fact there are pedophiles in your server discussing the production and distribution of cp, and the fact you advertise your nasty ass porn to children and beg them for money?

No. 1822632

I thought it was her because she has the same fridge like body and does stupid shit for attention. Maybe report the pedos and empathchan instead of complaining? post all the screenshot materials you have of evidence btw

No. 1822641

i already have posted it >>1822239 if you search seymour on desuarchive r9k boards you'll also see he has been reported to law enforcement in late april.

No. 1822650

File: 1683496968722.jpg (418.74 KB, 1602x1962, hahaha.jpg)

I hope they pay for all of this
emptychan is crying.

No. 1822654

I really hope she is crying after lurking her thread, wish you the worst mental breakdown. Forgot to thank you for the screenshots good job >>1822641

No. 1822664

are u done selfposting, empy?

No. 1822674

as if anyone believes that shit for a nanosecond anyway

enjoy your empty life

No. 1822728

No. 1822735


No. 1823039


Likely at the end of her tits (which you seem to be conflating with her ribcage here), like most other humans.

No. 1823187

read the thread, it isn't her.

No. 1824168

File: 1683682430591.png (69.46 KB, 486x529, empathchantwitter.png)

She's back on twitter 90% of quote tweets are calling her a pedo

No. 1824377

Oh no, not Lolita fashion. Can't cows stay out of the commuinity ffs

No. 1824394

File: 1683721964758.jpg (154.87 KB, 1436x1205, Twitter.jpg)

So laughable that she has "TERF" in her bio. She has 0 radfem beliefs, she just saw normalfags and troons hate the word TERF and anyone who associates with it. She makes porn for incels and begs them to behead and rape her. How radically feminist of you. Also the bianca devins banner.

No. 1824397

theres a point where someone starts being so tryhard edgy and grotesque that it looses all shock factor and just becomes laughable and annoying. the bianca devins banner is like the last straw. this isnt shocking anymore. everyone can see how blatantly tryhard and pathetic this behavior actually is. shes the equivalent of film students trying to make the most gory fucked up movie of all time and posting tons of blood and gore and gross shit in it and then it becomes so ridiculous that it looses all edge

No. 1824399

I agree it's just so pathetic and tryhard it's laughable. None of those 4chan incels that she tries to attract want her. They all think she is a "worn out roastie" and some Jewish whore. The only men who are intrested in her are disgusting coomers who suck their moms vibrators.

No. 1824478

it all makes sense viewing this pic lol you can just tell she was that ugly nobody in school and the only way she could get any attention is the r9k degenerates who don’t even qualify as human. jesus she is hideous

No. 1824506

People are ripping her to shreds in comments on everything she's posted on Twitter, luckily people remember her and aren't happy to see her back.

No. 1824564

I hate this dumb bitch so much. She’s doing an America burger town LARP, everything she’s conveying is very American and I just think so lame she’s not even from this country. This edge lord shit you get over it after 19 years old. It’s time to change or double down empie. Enjoy the label of pedophile for life, no one is going to be paying a 40 year old woman for this mindset, they’re going find it extremely sad.

No. 1824725

ive never seen someone try so hard to be a hardass online. she'd never have the balls to say this irl, what an ugly insecure wannabe. pure unadulterated cringe

No. 1824822

>This edge lord shit you get over it after 19 years old.
exactly, it's so weird that she's 23 and putting on a tryhard pick-me act for loser incels online. it's so stupid of her to plaster her face and body all over the web along with disgusting 4chan pedo shit. much like shatna, i wonder how she'll feel about her online presence 10 to 15 years down the road. this thread is equal parts horrific and cringe.

No. 1824885

File: 1683779765675.png (18.19 KB, 1026x470, wtf.png)

what the fuck is wrong with you stupid bitch? Hating on pregnant women and fetishizing them is disgusting

No. 1824897

File: 1683781469912.jpg (367.36 KB, 2685x2628, E9E0EE75-55E3-4FC2-8DFB-531063…)

>pregnant women are whores
ironic coming from an actual whore who sells videos of herself masturbating and larps as a virgin despite being a prostitute who offers to have sex with male onlyfans subscribers for the cheap price of $100. the majority of pregnant women are awaiting a baby with a long term boyfriend or husband (60%) and have never performed sexual acts on themselves or others in any scenario (on camera or in person) in exchange for money, what a hysterical cope lmao.

No. 1824962

File: 1683792783136.jpeg (985.48 KB, 3299x3465, 55042686-7F73-4223-BD6E-9ABF47…)

gotta love how she gets virtually no engagement on her posts as well despite desperately contending for it with tired shock “humor” every waking hour of the day + also lamenting about how superbly rich and famous she is in her discord server, that being the only other thing she talks about lmfao.

same case on /r9k/ where every self-post either she or one of her sparingly few simps makes the comments are full of scrotes calling her ugly & posting her unedited pictures. this, her living in a council estate, and her fake airsoft gun would all be funny if it wasn’t so abysmally pathetic

No. 1824978

File: 1683795090178.jpg (221.85 KB, 1536x1536, Dios mio.jpg)

No. 1824980

File: 1683795132809.jpg (30.52 KB, 1440x273, Inc3stempath.jpg)

Incestlover empath

No. 1824982

File: 1683795177230.jpg (236 KB, 1440x1821, Peeangelempath.jpg)

No. 1824983

File: 1683795234775.jpg (97.03 KB, 1440x746, So edgy.jpg)

Other anon included this

No. 1824984

why do i feel like these are self posts

No. 1824987

I'd rather kill myself than be a pedo piss drinking incest liking loser like empath. I posted them separate so they can be linked as milk for future threads. Don't hi-cow anons for posting milk

No. 1825028

Because they are, or they're from someone in her sphere

No. 1825084

File: 1683810561529.png (313.3 KB, 1187x1408, Screen Shot 2023-05-11 at 9.10…)

holy shit this is so funny after seeing how she constantly spergs about being a virgin in her server selling your body to the ugliest degenerates on the internet for only $100 is actually shatna level. doubt any of them would pay more or could even afford to pay more at least she knows how much her body is worth lol
they are. its so easy to spot her because she doesnt post actual milk just her cringe shock value internet edgelord shit. the majority of the posts in this thread are about her laughable shooping and her weird pedophile shit so give us some new milk or learn how to integrate, empie. shes only even on here because whatever tiny amount of 4chan notoriety she had is dying out pretty quickly, why would anyone want to pay attention to an ugly onlyfans whore who lies about being a teenager and sells herself to ugly degenerate scrotes for $100 when they could give their attention to literally any of the other women who are pathetic enough to post themselves on that website but still more decent looking than chloe. every time she tries to selfpost on there (which is daily) she gets called an ugly old jew hag so thats why shes trying to migrate onto here

No. 1825263

File: 1683829795662.jpeg (490.23 KB, 3460x1993, A1977273-A1A1-41F2-AF15-EBD629…)

i think her newer pics look worse than most of the old ones and the fact she browses incel websites like lookism while the same tools they use can detect and accurately describe what makes her that ugly is hilarious

No. 1825395

She thinks she’s the shit but her peers are already partly past college and investing into a 401k, and I bet she can’t even drive a car at 23 just be terminally online. Not afraid of “dEatH” but afraid to apply herself to real life. Normies are a million times better than you empie, you’re the real npc regurgitation edge lord shit cringy millennials came up with. You’re basically the same as chat gpt, not unique.

No. 1825396

File: 1683841396837.jpeg (860.98 KB, 3462x3465, 48D4F438-804A-4D08-86CA-147303…)

even when she likes her own posts she still gets close to no interactions. a miserable life she lives

No. 1825417

Can someone tell me what kind of mental illnesses and trauma cause this kind of behavior? I was an autism child that grew up on 4chan but I can’t fathom ever ending up like this.

No. 1825427

File: 1683844749424.jpeg (613.97 KB, 2243x2706, 36D93EDA-82C3-49FA-AE17-4A13A6…)

she has histrionic personality disorder, was preyed on by 4chan groomers and now mimics them, all a front she puts on in a shoddy attempt to conceal how this has defined her entire whorish existence.

it's almost like she's doing everything she can so people think of her as edgy and predatory in order to mask the vulnerability and fear revealed by her prey physiognomy, exemplified by the bulging rounded eyes. these standards apply more to moids but even as a woman these are the lowest tier eyes out there, hard to find ones this unattractive.
the eyes are the windows to the soul chloe, no matter how badly you want to convey otherwise it's evident you're prey larping as predator.

but call her prey and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “i've been found out"(autism)

No. 1825459

why does this hoe not realise how horifically ugly she rlly is

No. 1825499

why is it every time i run across this thread there is this anon doing moid-tier schizo 4chan incel analysis of facial features like it's 1835. Go back from whence you came.

No. 1825536

Ew this whole post smells like unwashed scrotum, absolutely disgraceful gtfo

No. 1825538

File: 1683859525177.jpeg (566.44 KB, 3465x2952, 1767B45C-F5F5-4A0E-9FD2-2D300B…)

No. 1825561

lol im female but i'm literally just judging her by her own standards

No. 1825651

We aren't supposed to armchair disorders. She said herself she is histrionic, but people are losers,assholes,abus1ve and a bunch of other traits without mental illness. She is just an attentionseeking whore like many other cows. It could be parental neglect or people around her finding her unbearable whether it's her ugly voice, ugly face, ugly body or ugly personality.

No. 1825786

it's your crusty aged moid-like tiny schizo screenshots that are the problem nonny, not your judgment.

No. 1825795

fuck off chloe(hi cow)

No. 1825826

i think i love you

No. 1825999

i get it nonnas and i don't judge normal people like this but calling her an asshole, loser, abusive etc just reinforces her belief that she's so edgy because to her those things are "based" when she's really just an ugly, sad pathetic victim of her circumstances going around trying to hurt people because she herself has been hurt and neglected. before she amped up the shock value she'd complain about being a low follower egirl and got ignored by everyone in dms because she's not cute or interesting enough naturally, this is a desperate cry for help. she brags about being extremely online and the # of msgs in her server, like she competes with her scrote orbiters over who's the biggest loser. in her warped head being normal is worse than being a crusty basement dweller sex pest, that's her targeted demographic. the histrionic tryhard attention seeking behavior whether she has really been diagnosed with it or not, it's all a facade. 4chan incel pedo brainrot has consumed her mind, that's the kind of validation she's so desperate for, in these cases it's more entertaining to play by their rules.

No. 1826006

Her Twitter was suspended. Good.

No. 1826074

File: 1683929794250.jpeg (234.95 KB, 1290x2403, 267EF80D-349A-4B1A-8701-2B9B98…)

she’s back again

twitter id: @aidsenjoyer69 => 1657111778600407066

No. 1826110

she barely even tried with that twitter handle.

No. 1826144

File: 1683937433369.jpeg (30.98 KB, 1290x393, 6CAAD409-8C0F-4974-93BD-DBC9EC…)

seems she took that personally kek

No. 1826328

Can someone tell these alleged femcels that you actually have to be involuntarily celibate to be one. Whoring yourself out to bottom shelf males isn't celibacy

No. 1826329

No. 1826330

No. 1826343

File: 1683975201314.jpg (49.14 KB, 720x524, lore.jpg)

No. 1826371

File: 1683979610878.png (15.19 KB, 260x418, E697DED3-0A9B-4A2E-9861-2EC04C…)

her address leaked by a trans posting Ls account calling her a pedophile and she deactivated. heres another screenshot they posted that isnt in this thread yet i dont think

No. 1826444

File: 1683989954313.jpeg (630.22 KB, 3465x3465, 242B5D8F-6E0E-48B1-93A9-A75D65…)

her dms before this were pretty cringeworthy and hilarious

No. 1826445

File: 1683989981240.jpeg (600.93 KB, 3161x3372, 7AEB981A-6272-430D-B345-B80F25…)

No. 1826446

File: 1683990046076.jpeg (794.17 KB, 3465x3465, E980D257-5D3D-4018-BBE1-CCC0EE…)

No. 1826447

File: 1683990183377.jpeg (74.01 KB, 1164x1045, 84055EA0-EE75-4416-9FB0-79219C…)

No. 1826598

I feel like empath is another one of those OF girls who fucking hates selling her body. She understands how degrading and pathetic it is to post pictures of her fat edited self (that she claims she's starving herself and has an ED/bmi 15 what a joke) but she still knows it's a way to make some money in exchange for her dignity. I honestly can't believe anyone would pay for those edited abominations but then again she goes around begging strangers to purchase her shit or to follow her.

No. 1826643

File: 1684016213698.jpeg (349.02 KB, 3451x1645, 13112A1A-9D11-4D03-BCD0-323B48…)

No. 1830046

File: 1684457546801.jpeg (629.65 KB, 3462x3285, A4F9A071-B6D6-46E9-A063-BDBCB5…)

direct contradictions of her cringelord larping again. saged because not really milky

No. 1830128

Having it both ways but yeah wasn't actually incarcerated

No. 1830130

File: 1684467388710.jpeg (854.15 KB, 3465x3127, 63B87F2B-F1D7-4A5B-ABD1-CEEA44…)

empath malding on a sock account about being rejected by a bottom of the barrel allegedly pedophilic incel, because of course these is the stature of moid she chooses to pursue and obsess over.

“joey the retard” alt apparently belongs to her according to people in the server, and the moid claims that she committed herself to a psychiatric ward over being rejected

No. 1830131

File: 1684467471380.jpeg (706.8 KB, 3028x3456, 9377117B-041E-4109-A6E5-FF46C9…)

also empath’s “friends” shit talking her in a server separate to her own, calling her embarrassing amongst other things

No. 1830134

forgot to link he also has a thread herein, >>>/snow/1751066
probably made by empath herself given her vitriol towards him lmfao. was on vice to speak about inceldom as well here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/7xqw3g/this-is-what-the-life-of-an-incel-looks-like

No. 1830187

Bump cp bot at it again

No. 1830569

File: 1684528908533.jpg (167.45 KB, 2133x1013, mog2.jpg)

even more context maybe?

No. 1830570

File: 1684528957896.jpg (162.74 KB, 2103x1018, mog3.jpg)

No. 1830571

File: 1684528988550.png (62.12 KB, 1181x607, mog1.png)

No. 1830603

failing to see how the first two screenshots correlate at all & this last one negates nothing either lol congratulations on further proving how depraved you all are though? context was already provided sweet pea

No. 1830605

lmao is this supposed to be about empath? “big eyes” and “jerking off to ugly girls as a fetish” kek you’re humiliating her even more

No. 1830639

not negating but showing more about what her 'friends' really think. lulzy for more reasons if you've been following the server

No. 1830722

oh my bad i thought you were the previous anon trying to discredit my claims, keep on nonna <3

No. 1831974

File: 1684724255912.jpeg (255.46 KB, 3023x3462, 2852ABBA-12AB-46BE-B7EC-329A6B…)

what a great person this nasty ass low-rate literal prostitute is seeking sexual gratification from victimized people’s real life, grief-filled, and often lethal trauma. or she’s just saying that to be edgy & outing herself as a completely insufferable and irredeemable disgusting worthless slag in the process

No. 1831981

File: 1684725142403.jpeg (484.66 KB, 2803x2620, A1422ED7-FF51-409B-975B-D8DBF4…)

how warped is this retarded whore’s thought process where she thinks this is a normal father-daughter interaction in any sense? you can at least tell how affected she is by the insults levied against her here given the fact that she regularly imposes the stolen lolcow insults on other women + her pathetic entourage of simps where they rarely ever even apply.

associating with her is pitiful in its own right, so it’s hard to even sympathize when she constantly spergs at what sparse female friends (who secretly think she’s an embarrassingly insecure larper behind her back) she does have in her server; claiming they’re “copying her”, have “melted wax faces”, calling them “fat” with “negative canthal tilts” and other incel-tier lookism insults, all things that have been directly said to her lmfao.

No. 1835017

File: 1685120503100.jpeg (70.21 KB, 799x600, A5B5E38F-7726-40E4-9D72-D460BC…)

she legitimately looks haggard

No. 1835052

File: 1685123688869.jpeg (760.72 KB, 3244x3369, BA9481CF-DFAE-4F1D-8E76-761827…)

more of her animal abuse chronicles. this is actually disgusting and isabella janke boiling her hamster and getting turned on by cat excrement tier, she cannot be trusted with any animal in fear that she rapes or murders them

No. 1835090

Sorry for offtopic but does anybody have the link to her discord server? Intrigued to see how much of a weirdo she is live

No. 1835092

the nose shrinking and making lips bigger shooping is so funny

No. 1835109

File: 1685127470387.jpeg (312.98 KB, 3460x2003, 3BE62645-3809-4998-B2B8-740B74…)

she definitely got fillers or a lip flip, her philtrum is completely non-existent as compared to her old pics kek. either that or she forcefully pushes them out to appear fuller in every pic, or shoops them. before it was defined and pretty long

No. 1835131

File: 1685130494790.jpeg (724.79 KB, 3113x2888, A5410A54-3BAF-4639-AF89-466755…)

she talks about fucking animals in her server on an almost constant basis

No. 1835196

Idk this comparison makes it pretty clear it's not cosmetic surgery kek. Unless they performed an eye transplant the same time as her lip fillers, she's just using tacky Chinese filters

No. 1835293

File: 1685146269502.jpeg (394.44 KB, 1170x2309, 8F71B88B-B4F0-4728-886F-496968…)

leaving this here… tried to follow me on her alt even though we have no ties on instagram…

No. 1835315

My friends & I got requested by her on our spam accounts, no clue how she found us all we're all private with under 100 followers with no ties, it was so funny when I saw it was her kek. I would assume she's spam following but her numbers don't reflect that

No. 1835359

lip fillers can't make your actual mouth wider or your philtrum shorter, she's just shooping them

No. 1835780

Are Seymour and chrishop still in her server?

No. 1840355

File: 1685818642447.jpeg (531.49 KB, 2048x2048, 0B68A11E-3A64-4751-AFC9-ECE4BD…)

she's back to editing the bump out of her nose looks like the insults got to her

No. 1840356

File: 1685818841582.jpeg (95.63 KB, 1242x1232, IMG_1476.jpeg)

jumpscare warning can tell it's just editing and not surgery since the bump and same shadows are still visible from non side profile angles

No. 1840761

File: 1685886936689.png (58.49 KB, 586x522, haha.PNG)

Lol the shoop

No. 1842053

File: 1686092878262.jpg (169.07 KB, 1363x2048, 8069a5903be097f8fe6ba1302d9240…)

Dunno if anybody cares, but here is the uncensored version of that chat.

No. 1842698

Notorious scam artist. Doesn't even deliver on custom requests

No. 1844677

File: 1686496211648.jpeg (29.76 KB, 402x651, 9019D673-061B-4F5E-8B78-8C7427…)

what Chloe wishes for on her birthday on 6/8/1999. I wonder if she turned 19 this year again, like the last four years in a row kek

No. 1844712

File: 1686503165978.jpeg (926.15 KB, 3327x3437, 5621D600-0D7D-4B0E-8187-66498B…)

these images are such a hilarious contrast in reference to her behavior, the only words that exist in her vocabulary are begging scrotes to send her money (who never deliver), and exclaiming how she is supposedly super rich and famous. shilling yourself to bottom-feeding incels on the most depraved cesspools of the internet does not make you famous, nor does people harassing you on Twitter for being a pedophile. nobody knows who you are in actual reality. your easily forgettable “legacy” will die, along with when your time comes, you will also die as an absolute nobody. if that doesn’t happen soon, my bets are on you rotting in prison first. second picrel below this.

No. 1844714

File: 1686503250212.jpeg (487.17 KB, 2581x3465, F821AE70-6DEF-4085-AA7E-296F47…)

No. 1844882

File: 1686528209219.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 3451x6960, 95C052D0-487D-4CC0-91E1-82F6D8…)

she’s a pure chaste virgin queen don’t you know

No. 1844894

File: 1686529468640.jpeg (Spoiler Image,422.98 KB, 1976x3465, 7B4825CA-4D2A-43D0-9C2C-F21483…)

she also likes to advertise about how she is “barely legal” (gross pedobaiting, even has “lolita” in the name, and i’m positive it’s not in the fashion context) on her abandoned reddit account (https://www.reddit.com/u/SeppukuLolita/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) despite having turned 24 yesterday. these posts are 1-2 years old max, so she would’ve been 22-23.

besides the fact that she profits off of stolen intimate photographs of other women, pretends to be a Ukrainian war refugee for extra clicks from rancid fetishistic males who get off to women’s pain, and claims to have sold her child porn on OnlyFans on multiple occasions, her Reddit account can be quite lulzy; especially when she averages about 3-4 likes per post. she often likes to leave social media platforms when she’s not getting enough attention, which is hilarious in itself.

No. 1844909

File: 1686531033200.jpeg (342.67 KB, 3460x2253, D5C1EFD8-41B8-4C60-B115-7439A6…)

No. 1844916

File: 1686531961540.jpeg (555.78 KB, 3465x2899, 6D0F8EFD-EAA7-4583-9FBA-3B1B90…)

it gets worse!

No. 1845146

the photoshopping is crazy

No. 1847142

File: 1686861547022.jpeg (824.25 KB, 3462x3020, F1875FE1-3881-4C78-A33C-BE4FAB…)

calling animals “hot” for the umpteenth time

No. 1847792

File: 1686957908507.jpeg (98.62 KB, 828x1300, IMG_1982.jpeg)

Bitch really comparing herself to an animal abuser

No. 1863581

File: 1689234092076.png (65.12 KB, 1079x233, Screenshot_20230713_124345_Ins…)

Soz for non-milk, but does anyone else repeatedly receive follow requests on insta from her? I never even interacted with her and I have 40 followers so idk why she would want to follow me. I once accepted her request but she unfollowed me after like 10 minutes but is trying to follow me again after two weeks this happened

No. 1863639

yeah I had the same thing with her lol

No. 1863650

It's always the retards with that curly font on their phone posting their biggest Ls on these threads…

No. 1863653

I changed my font to that recently, it was ordinary before..

No. 1863911

congrats you were trolled by the attention whoring femcel. next time put sage in the email field so you don't bump this thread with your retardation.

No. 1895401

File: 1694238552228.png (20.69 KB, 275x268, 1694062719511.png)

Speaking of chrishop apparently he wants kids, imagine if him and this hoe hooked up and had a kid together? That would be a nightmare. I hope both of them are infertile!

No. 1895756

File: 1694301614580.jpeg (1.83 MB, 3306x3464, B95E4BDA-AA73-4FE3-B66C-87E9FD…)

necro but after posting about how she wants to be raped and killed for nearly her entire online presence she got beat up by a random guy while she was walking down the street kek

No. 1895757

File: 1694301710254.jpeg (892.73 KB, 3459x2033, D2AC99E1-04D3-49C6-BDC4-44E153…)

No. 1895907

you got something better to contribute retard? oh wait you don’t(sage your non-contribution)

No. 1895908

bitches wanna claim “i’m an edgelord, beat me up daddy, i love rape!!! <3” until they get dragged and busted by some moid in the streets. i honestly hope this happens to shayna next.(a-logging)

No. 1895911

The hex is working

No. 1896118

what if shes lying? thats all she ever does

No. 1896143

ayrt, thought this too, but usually when she creates fake situations the evidence surrounding it is either nonexistent or poor quality. not saying it’s sufficient this time, but definitely more effort. she posted an 11 min vid of her speaking to bystanders in the screenshot but it wouldn’t let me upload here.

No. 1896177

File: 1694376892570.jpeg (251.23 KB, 1242x517, IMG_4046.jpeg)

She's now partaking in Milady posting as in the NFT by an Indian pedophile who goes by Charlotte Fang but is really named Rohit; he is known for sexualizing eating disordered minors and has been spoken about at length in other threads. Quite fitting for her as she's lied about being a teenager and advertised her onlyfans to a 15 year old

No. 1896732

File: 1694472890702.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, Girls.png)

No. 1900404

File: 1695063551335.png (672.09 KB, 1920x1040, empath.png)

No. 1900495

File: 1695074198380.jpeg (479.06 KB, 1290x1719, 55B64908-C0D8-45DB-9690-B3D8B4…)

further update, LOL

No. 1900501

Sorry for spoonfeeding but can I get a qrd on Charlotte Fang cult? I tried googling it but it’s just a bunch of nonsense written by some incoherent idiots. I’ve heard of Indian guys posing as anorexic teenage white and Asian girls on twitter before.

No. 1900507

File: 1695075572251.jpeg (931.66 KB, 1812x3975, DFE3AD7E-7995-4105-B806-957A31…)

also related to the alleged r9k moids “targeting” her

No. 1900548

File: 1695079787692.jpeg (586.4 KB, 1784x2021, F2192002-5391-401C-9107-B8737B…)

empty-chan vehemently claiming that every single person who dares condemn her for being a pedophile is actually just making it up because they hate her; juxtaposed against her fraternizing with notorious pedophiles, even casually discussing child porn with one, and making fun of an underaged girl for their child porn being spread. but she’s not a pedo guise I promise!!!

she also likes to harbor these freaks in her servers (knowingly) quite often, but I’m sure that comes as no surprise to anyone who has been even vaguely following this thread.

No. 1900601

File: 1695086169528.jpeg (769.96 KB, 1899x1899, B58CF4A6-7CF9-44A0-B4CC-C1B74F…)

constantly exclaiming how she’s uber rich and possibly a multi-millionaire, receiving an upwards of 50k€ per WEEK, along with receiving singular payments of almost 20k€, despite getting almost zero traction on her Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media she owns, along with half of her server members constantly ridiculing her; and yet she’s been proven to live in actual council housing in Dublin; kek. If disability or whatever benefits she’s on function in any way similar to the United States, she’s most definitely failing to report the majority of her income, which would affect how much she receives monthly.

Regardless, her claims are obviously complete bullshit. Multi-millionaires don’t beg for money in decrepit servers hosting barely any activity, nor do they need government assistance.

No. 1900610

File: 1695087524064.jpeg (852.96 KB, 2316x3088, 9D81CF92-C2C8-4A53-B175-FB84E7…)

also facially challenged

No. 1901885

Unsurprising she is confiding in other irish/dublin discorders. They’re all fucking crack addicts I wonder if they meet up frequently. If Ciara were still alive empty-chan and her would be best friends.(learn to sage)

No. 1901981

it is just a bunch of nonsense as u say and not as milky as you'd think. theres nft drama but unless ur into that realm idk how interesting it is

No. 1901988

Empath wouldn't be friends with Ciara she'd be insanely jealous of Ciara for getting more attention than her

No. 1902066

File: 1695341337146.png (2.31 MB, 2732x2048, IMG_0009.png)

founding father phenotype(fanart)

No. 1902131

if this bitch ever has clarity in her life she will have the deepest depression and would want to kill herself for her past behavior, how do you gloat about fat pedophile faggots on r9k sharing your shopped nudes?? god damn embarrassing fat bitch

No. 1902143

File: 1695351480859.jpeg (272.29 KB, 2048x1547, 45389E38-0DCF-4595-9633-A3CF7D…)

samefag didn't even notice these in her server when i posted this kek but bonus points for being self aware about how inbred you look empath

No. 1904345

File: 1695692512179.jpeg (279.05 KB, 1290x892, 22AED400-1BDF-44EE-99A1-F98F16…)


No. 1904348

File: 1695692901560.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1290x1685, 7BF59D2E-5BB7-4DBE-9CD3-1916B0…)

not really milky but really nasty skin texture and gross crusty nostrils

No. 1904407

File: 1695707739300.jpeg (934.4 KB, 2046x1921, 711897D9-ED17-47C3-9EA6-1D0019…)

she was stupid enough to post the box so i did some detective work and it’s 2000% a fake replica and/or BB gun. same gun she has been flexing for months from ireland of all places, threatening people with, and suicide baiting with for attention on twitter, typical for the pathologically lying empathness monster.

KEK, i guess she has to go back to begging for fansigns with real guns from majority americans, one who even spelled her username wrong at a point

No. 1904438

Saw this thread got bumped again. Can anyone help me understand why there's even a thread about this ugly waste? It's literally just a desperate attention whore saying and doing the edgiest things she can think of to get a single drop of attention, it's not interesting or entertaining at all…. Although the post about her getting beat up was pretty funny

No. 1904469

File: 1695724387044.jpeg (574.88 KB, 1290x1836, 0D740CEB-62CE-4EE9-9F40-605093…)

No. 1904480

im gonna have to agree. i assume she lies 100% of the time so theres no real milk

No. 1904499

Pretty sure its one anon that keeps bumping it. Dunno why, the milk isnt that good if its even real.

No. 1904726

vendetta. it's likely one of her ex-friends or server mods that she had a falling out with who made this thread and keeps it alive

No. 1912488

File: 1697119172598.jpeg (161.22 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5010.jpeg)

this person met up with empathchan/nyakomaid/seppukumaid and posted these pictures of her laying in bed kek. she was taking creepshots of randoms and now people she trusts to be in her personal space are doing the same to her

if you don't care to read the thread don't read it like how dense are you. if i see a thread i don't consider milky bumped i simply don't click it. she wasn't lying about the attack, as the other anon said there is an entire like 10 minute or whatever long video of her talking to bystanders about it. the entire point of this website is to essentially point and laugh at retarded histrionic whores whose antics often involve lying about shit for attention and this cow's thread is no different

No. 1912579

it just smells of vendetta because apart from her insane, retarded personality, she looks normal in the 'exposed' pictures and like a freak in the shooped ones. I don't know what to tell you, anon.

No. 1916039

File: 1697743417098.jpeg (459.7 KB, 1854x2048, IMG_5352.jpeg)

caught stealing artwork for the third or fourth time and she has the nerve to try to disparage other ACTUAL artist’s work kek. it’s quite puzzling how she traces/steals essentially every piece she makes and it still resembles a 5 year old projectile vomiting all over MS paint. i doubt this bitch has had a single original thought in her entire life.

No. 1916284

anon , using references isnt art theft. the painting is clearly simply referenced , the robot girl one looks only mildly inspired by the other image. the other two are art theft but lets not reach here(sage your shit)

No. 1916344

lmao she straight up copied it and claimed them as hers, which is stealing

seethe harder simp

No. 1916351

She looks fine on bottom left, I actually think she looks better and more youthful in that than the one on the right. She's insane, but she's not some ugly monster… I mean, not in the face. Ugly monster personality.

No. 1916702

File: 1697870085474.jpeg (1.99 MB, 2727x2046, 8D4F0D06-9C1A-4F78-91B6-0676EB…)


no one debated whether using references was art theft or not, references are an extremely common and sometimes even integral process for creating art. the problem lies within her constantly passing off these pieces as her own super special original works, and failing to credit ever, or even a single time from what i’ve seen.

there’s also a glaring issue with how platitudinous she is, every single “artwork” she’s “created” has been either traced or outright stolen from somebody else. she possesses no creativity or originality whatsoever, and even when confronted about using other artist’s works (e.g. she used another girl’s art on her OnlyFans header, and even if there wasn’t derivative money from the artwork itself, it was still placed on a payment platform. when confronted about this she denied and deflected, and even lied about the artwork not belonging to the artist she took “inspiration” from.) she still refuses to own up to her actions.

also, picrel is just a small example of how often she steals artwork from others, reference or not. this is genuinely not even the half of it. didn’t sage because it’s milk.

No. 1920627

she looks unbelievably disgusting, holy shit. her profile is so much worse than what i imagined, and she looks incredibly unhealthy. she 100% has brain damage caused her sleep apnea.

No. 1924123

File: 1699150020343.jpeg (170.09 KB, 1125x775, IMG_1069.jpeg)

Do you know exactly if she lives there anymore?

She posted this photo on her twitter and it seemes that she moved out of this apartment but I don’t had time to find out we’re exactly this pic was taken from but I thought it was possible because of the green lights in the background

No. 1924949

it’s the same apartment

No. 1925121

Do you have the address ?(doxxing request)

No. 1925124

Btw does anyone has the video of the assault ?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1925308

File: 1699398638196.jpeg (200.86 KB, 505x650, 98FCE79E-63E3-4DFA-9820-7E2B78…)

Shes really looking like a colonial girl that died at the age of 15 after giving birth to her third child, they came all the way from Ireland and survived the potato famine but she fell ill because her husband took up with a prostitute with Syphillus and gave it to her. Terrible. Evokes pity. I can’t believe someone just rolled up to this girland punched her in the jaw. That is so sad like I’d be devastated if it were any other girl but it’s her soit’s funny cause she said “I hope an incel comes inside my apartment to rape me and torture me” I’ve heard serial rapists/killers look for easy targets and she was probably shuffling around with her head down hunched over on her discord telling some 14 year old that’s getting groomed shes too ugly to be raped or that she wants to fuck her dog, and then here comes this random drunk pork blistered skinned irish drunken moid and he starts swinging, he’s got a little hat and a cigar in one mouth. “That’s what ye get ya wee cunt!”

No. 1925310

Samefag and he’s got a little funny beret on with a corn pot pipe and a wife beater with suspenders. I truly wonder why anyone would act like this

No. 1926758

me and my friend went to a mayhem concert in May 2022. She came up to me and my friend saying how she came here alone and it was her first concert ect, my mate felt sorry for her cuz she was really fucking weird. She wouldn’t stop following us around, she talked to my friend more than me maby cuz she was another girl at the concert or some shit. She gave us her insta at the end of the night and abt a month later she posted self harm, I decided to check her out and I fell down the empathchan shit hole. I also saw her live tweeting from Slowdive irl, once again went alone and looked just painfully awkward at barricade by herself. Seeing that shit happen irl then what she posts is so funny.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1926814

File: 1699686929680.png (Spoiler Image,157.36 KB, 607x676, Screenshot 2023-11-11.png)

Apparently she went to a porno showing and some scrote started jacking off to her.

No. 1926815

File: 1699686998812.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.13 MB, 720x1280, m8mh2iKaoecWTAte.mp4)

video she posted with it

No. 1926816

This entire video is scary, but the beginning is especially frightening. This bald pasty-ass man looks like Nosferatu

No. 1926828


No. 1926857

The scrote says: “How old are you 28? “ “30?”
Her: “No I’m 21”
Lmfao. A nasty scrote can’t even see her as a Loli.

No. 1926879

>"I went to a place men go to jerk off together and someone started jerking off"

What a shocker

No. 1926951

Least repulsive Irish man

No. 1926953

She’s 23 too kek

No. 1927050

The two videos in general are just so comedic and weird

No. 1927161

she’s 24, but that’s an old video

No. 1927260

File: 1699772198414.jpeg (1013.77 KB, 3460x2700, 95674147-79BA-448F-BD0D-145E84…)

she only posted it for attention like she wasn’t previously taking creepshots of unsuspecting naked women in gym locker rooms beforehand, as shown here, >>1812027
which she also got kicked out of her gym for. >>1819125 she should have been arrested.

No. 1927348

I saw her at a Swans concert irl and she got called out and shouted at by Micheal Gira (main vocalist) who was telling her its disrespectful to be texting when shes at the front kek. She proceeded to say she was a big fan but then on her story she took a pic of Dana on the stage captioned "Jarboe I love you." Big fan my ass when you can't even tell the band members apart lmfao(blog + lack of sage)

No. 1927401

i swear no1currs mayhem girl(responding to retarded post without even sageing)

No. 1927402

oof i thought her server was dying(sage)

No. 1927428

the funny thing is she isn’t even a fan, just pretends to be because she’s skinwalking some woman she has a parasocial relationship with

No. 1927485

Whos she skinwalking? As far as I know she just tries to be edgy by pretending to enjoy gore and depraved stuff(sage)

No. 1927550

File: 1699827960351.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3465x3465, 6DFCEF00-417B-435C-A543-318C06…)

she gets her entire frakensteined “personality” from various people she encounters online, and everything else she makes up about herself is a complete lie. it’s really funny because she’s tweeted things like “my personality is better than hers!” or talks about how “original” she is in purely desperate pick me fashion.

No. 1927578

File: 1699830779943.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3211x3464, 1AA61C0A-7E88-447D-8B77-D3A353…)

her lying about band members trying to rape her for attention per usual juxtaposed by the band member in question's statements. it’s quite lulzy how everything that comes out of her mouth is a fabricated story. band members can be notoriously predatory but it's one non-credible whore groupie's version (with zero evidence) versus a stereotype.

No. 1927584

File: 1699831679842.jpeg (831.51 KB, 3098x3464, 3A4C19E1-7C75-42A1-828D-97351E…)

pedochan chronicles, from the same slowdive concert. she needs to be on a sex offender registry list so by law she’s required to stay away from children. censored the 15 year old’s instagram information for obvious reasons.

No. 1927590

Pretty sure the only one bumping this thread is empath herself. Seriously, what anon cares enough about attention whoring edgelord pickme #302 to stalk her discord and make all these twitter collages? Even the video of the guy fapping is barely milk. Maybe a vendettachan?

No. 1927592

they’re directly relevant to other posts in this thread, if you’re going to keep complaining like you previously most likely did a week ago then shut the fuck up and stop checking it, retard.

No. 1927601

Im not the anon from last week, havent posted in this thread. Just tired of seeing this thread bumped to the top. The fact that theres multiple anons complaining just backs up what i said.

No. 1927607

on the inverse there are multiple other anons adding to the thread, and you clearly cared enough to read through multiple posts. again, if you don’t like it then ignore the thread, really simple fix. unless you’re empath herself trying to derail on purpose with your non contributory annoying tantrums.

No. 1927610

Wow I wonder why a thread about a nonce/groomer keeps getting bumped, doesn’t matter if she’s an ewhore, ignore it if it bothers you so much.

No. 1927620

i guess milk is more important (a lot of the posts are 100% milky anyways) than an endangerment to children + potato famine physiognomy e-prostitute ruining rape accusation plausibility for other women, along with violating women irl. really cute priorities that anon has, lol. documenting pedophilic evidence amongst other things is vital.

No. 1927664

This completely full of self posting and vendetta-chans. Michael Sosa is more of a threat to society than this try hard loser who is desperate for attention yet his thread is dead and this thread is always bumped with shitty discord collages.

No. 1927666

agreed whoever keeps posting the discord collages seriously needs to log off she posts a concerning amount

No. 1927801

maybe it if you were genuinely cognizant you’d be able to tell which posts are real and which are self-posted. she’s too low iq to create any variation in her posts and posts the same 10 different buzzwords sne posts everday for attention from incels.

No. 1927848

yeah theres nothing milky about this edgy tryhard pickme loser with zero personality and no friends. its always the same shit: retarded discord collage and doing something edgy for the umpteeth time. shes more suitable for /w/ or something or locking it

No. 1927865

She obviously must have done something to piss you off to the point you're camping in her thread trying to convince anons she's milky when she's not.
I agree with >>1927848 this thread needs to be locked.

No. 1927908

>says the person also camping, who clearly reads everything, just like everyone else.

you must have the same addiction as every other person guilty of that. to say random men beating her up in the street, her constant absurd lies, pedophilia, etc. aren’t milky (btw, it not being milky is purely your subjective opinions and your ad populum logical fallacy doesn’t make something true.) like what do you think this website is for if not laughing at retarded pathological lying lolcows? again, the only person who would have interest in both derailing this thread and aiming for having it deleted it empath herself. go away, cow, i’m sorry the instructions of simply not checking the thread nor reading it are too hard for you to understand, kek.(Hi cow)

No. 1927919

>more of a threat to society

meanwhile empath actively talks about grooming children she’s in direct contact with, sends them lewd pics, tries to swat people, claims she’s going to torture and behead animals on camera for attention, assaults people on camera, violates actual women and passerby’s in public with creepshots (which she shares with her creepy pedophilic scrote server members), adds minors to her server so moids can ask them for child porn, creates fake rape accusations alongside ridiculing the crime, and the list goes on. she’s more egregious and repugnant than half of the lolcows on here.

Michael Sosa is a cringe loser who lies about the age of his victims (like Bee, who is 18 and not 15 or 16 like he tried to claim.) they exist in the same vein.

No. 1927929

Someone's mad nobody thinks her personal lolcow is milky
>meanwhile empath actively talks about grooming children she’s in direct contact with, sends them lewd pics, tries to swat people, claims she’s going to torture and behead animals on camera for attention
And you seriously believe her? Like I'm sorry she did something to piss you off but discord collages of her saying edgy shit isn't milky, it's boring. If that was milk than we have tons of lolcow threads for nobodies who want 4chan scrote attention.

No. 1927996

she's a literal pedophile amongst many other things. you're a miscreant for saying otherwise or defending any of her horrendous behavior, or empath herself trying to get your thread taken down. really classy of you to suddenly start this argument immediately after proof of her talking about wanting to groom a child irl is posted and have disgusting priorities.

>believe her

if you had actually paid attention to anything in this thread there's absolute proof of several of these things, you're just a retard. "sorry she pisses you off" um no i just think pedophiles should face the wall. get some help.

and to refresh your memory, she swatted someone here, https://vocaroo.com/18mn27LMgF52 & https://vocaroo.com/1lNsshHQTJSE sent lewd pics to a child here, >>1448745 & >>1448767 & >>1449649 along with begging him to promote her and her OnlyFans, starts screaming in public here, >>1808230 amongst many other things. The fact you have to be spoonfed information instead of simply lurking more shows how retarded you are.

No. 1928011

I didn't ask to be spoonfed kek it feels like you're the only one here trying to make an empathchan thread happen despite multiple people agreeing she's boring and not milky. Take away all the infighting itt and it's nothing but spoiled milk and discord collages! An attention whore like empathchan doesn't deserve an entire lolcow thread documenting her try hard attempts at internet infamy she deserves to fade into obscurity.

No. 1928041

The only thing milky about this thread is watching the same anon moralfagging and assuming we give enough of a shit to read this thread to begin with.

No. 1928167

you don’t need to ask when you make retarded statements. i don’t care if this thread lives or dies, it’s just suspicious in that the only person who would want this thread down is empath herself considering how she DMCAs things constantly. matches up pretty accurately with your constant insistence to derail, just like any other run of the mill heifer.

and like previously said, i simply just think you’re retarded. like the other anon said here >>1912488 if you’re not interested like you claim why are you sat here reading the entire thing?

>>1928041 also, >moralfagging lol? and the moralfagging in question is her taking pics of naked women in locker rooms, her letting 40 year old pedophiles sex traffic minors, along with facilitating the production and distribution of child porn in her server, grooming children, exploiting disadvantaged women by pretending to be Palestinian and Ukrainian for OnlyFans money, etc. being offended by these things is normal morally correct human behavior, nasty freak. maybe you need to fix your withering and damaged frontal lobe.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1928187

File: 1699932535092.jpeg (83.52 KB, 1134x220, 58D4FA4E-FD3D-48B2-95B9-651849…)

mods on here being low iq per usual, why would i be talking about how nasty of a woman violating freak pedophile empath is if i were empath herself kek. there are millions of instances of her denying these very same statements. it also makes a lot more sense for the people crying and begging for the thread to be taken down and locked to be empath versus the person vehemently shit talking + spotlighting her actual crimes.(retardation)

No. 1928200

As if currently offending individuals aren’t a concern to society, LOL. Letting pedophiles/sexual predators get away with heinous acts because your only concern is whether it’s entertaining and milky to you or not is vile. You want to wait around until she actually physically touches a little kid? Her fantasies and clique of pedophile enabler friends aren’t enough for you? She’s already been kicked out of public places for sex-offender adjacent acts.

No. 1928277

is this the same anon arguing over and over again with each person who doesnt give a shit about this dumb bitch? find a new hobby ffs

No. 1928683

File: 1700017012675.png (64.31 KB, 720x523, IMG_4706.png)

Lovely fanart of the goddess herself(do not post fanart)

No. 1928770

the lips are too big

No. 1929070

I saw her recent thread on Twitter and she might be the single craziest bitch I've ever seen on there. Someone like this absolutely has it in themselves to commit murder.

Also someone did a thread of the times she's filmed herself assaulting and harassing random men (and pissing in public). She's like an incel fever dream.


No. 1929144

File: 1700094127356.jpeg (122.5 KB, 1125x836, 62D350A1-A2DB-47C3-9A5A-9D059A…)

she’s using AI or Faceapp on her selfies now as opposed to Snow and Facetune or the actual photoshop programme, her hair looks so fake and pasted on

No. 1929150

You're right but anons don't want to hear it
Moids are so fucking dumb to believe this shit

No. 1929652

File: 1700169791679.png (253.17 KB, 631x505, 9a33040fff94d7ff9fd8d8892a1a58…)

This girl posts CP, gore and other shit on her Onlyfans which is all against Onlyfans' TOS lol. Why aren't more people reporting her Onlyfans?

No. 1929656

because she’s a nobody on the internet.

No. 1929684

File: 1700172854862.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1290x2303, 17F257B8-0DA0-46A1-97F5-65B2E0…)

onlyfans admins care more about money than explicit evidence of wrongdoing presumably because this is both the second time she’s claimed to have posted cp to her onlyfans and she’s also repeatedly stolen content from other women. creator of the platform itself is also an alleged pedophile, so there’s that too https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/06/16/the-shady-secret-history-of-onlyfans-billionaire-owner/?sh=2b41975a5c17

No. 1929701

Of course the onlyfans site owner is J*wish.(racebait)

No. 1929702

>Underage performers
Jesus Christ I hate this kind of wording about these issues. Call it what it actually is: child rape victims.

No. 1929802

be careful the anal as fuck mods who expect people to download 6 videos in a row because its an “imageboard” >>1929070
(like anyone has time for this) are gonna complain about racebaiting(derailing, take it to /meta/)

No. 1929826

she isn't a minor in those photos, she didn't start growing her hair out or wearing wigs until adulthood. she's 17-18 in this pic >>1659412

No. 1929827

yea i don't get what's so hard to understand that she was just saying they were underage to take them down from twitter lol. idiots on here i tell you

No. 1929840

maybe she shouldn’t falsely claim things are child porn if she expects no consequence and secondly i’d rather bet on the belief that it is rather than assume she’s lying to avoid it.

also she has posted pics to onlyfans where her hair is short and the photo quality looks 2015ish/older iphone model/also matches when she was allegedly underaged and would post lewds and other things to 4chan as mentioned either earlier here or in the agatha thread, + her caption being that they were “old pics”

No. 1930285

File: 1700273163471.jpeg (193.96 KB, 640x782, BCCA6934-CE17-4BD0-8753-83CF7F…)

“Does anyone here want to rape me?” Lol wtf stupid attentionwhore, lowkey find it amusing she got punched in the jaw

No. 1930707

she was very poor until she applied for gibs, of course she had an old phone

No. 1943883

"Muh vulnerable men" they deserve what they get for being whores. Plus no one needs to groom them into being misogynists, they already are. Boohoo

No. 1944450

File: 1702857853087.jpeg (413.39 KB, 1290x1070, AC31DA8C-B0A6-4D96-8346-A04BAF…)

is she admitting to watching cp here

No. 1944903

she could mean snuff films but that's not really a buzzword, so, probably.

No. 1944918

well, she’s openly admitted to pleasuring herself to gore already so she most definitely means cp, also would line up with the bottom part of this >>1900548 “asking them about cp”, disgusting but not at all surprising

No. 1950361

File: 1704314041691.jpg (425.95 KB, 1400x700, CBR-header-The-Evil_jpg.jpg)

she dead(post proof when bumping the thread next time)

No. 1950366

post proof or gtfo

No. 1950463

Huzzah the 14th century progeria princess hath fallen

No. 1950484

proof?(sage your shit)

No. 1950514

File: 1704337197576.png (Spoiler Image,247.21 KB, 861x447, GCDAeWGWEAAqYo5.png)

No. 1950519

she will be back in 2 days

No. 1950626

has reverse img search pulled up anything? i dont buy for a second that she's actually done it

No. 1950680

nah most likely failed. at least being realistic(learn to sage)

No. 1950810

even if it is her own picture it doesnt mean she is dead, you dont die from slitting your wrists once kek

No. 1950933


The whole point of doing it in the bathtub is to stop coagulation. You can tell it's already mostly clotted.

She'll either be back in a week or she's realized there is no possible hope for ever to live her life as anything other than a degen fucktard and is faking an exit.

Betting on the former, though.

No. 1950945

I mean, if you go deep enough maybe. Looks like she might require some stitches but I don't think any arteries were hit

No. 1951005

To be fair, she probably could not cope anymore. She went to a scrote-filled degenerate compound (the sex cinema) and not one of them wanted her. She is gross and unattractive. Cluster B nightmare fuel.

No. 1951019

There's no obituary for her in Dublin. She's doing it for attention, the usual shit.(sage your shit)

No. 1951025

Most likely there were no attractive scrotes there and she didn't want any of them. Men will fuck a mouldy sandwich.

No. 1951049

No she was asking if guys wanted to rape her which is weird I bet the rapey pasty Irish pervs were reluctant to have the loud histrionic moon face shout that she’s being raped on the street.

No. 1951080

suicides don't get obituaries like that. but she's probably just in mental hospital or under the threat of it if she keeps wilding.

No. 1951103

she just wants to leave the community whilst skinwalking ciara i guarantee it

No. 1951222

Doesn’t even look serious, she’s probably fine

No. 1952009

File: 1704652204846.png (186.24 KB, 720x1121, Screenshot_20240108-022842~2.p…)

There is apparently very recent activity from her on Insta

No. 1952010

Apparently she took a lot of money from some coomers before faking her own suicide.(post proof or sage your shit)

No. 1952082

File: 1704663845894.jpeg (203.05 KB, 1242x849, IMG_7556.jpeg)

IIRC this was her alt in her server so here she is commenting on her own "suicide". I figure the actual lobotomite forgot that people knew this was her and this is just a typical histrionic x BPD shpiel where she is trying to see where her real allegiances lie and who would care if she disappeared, as well as trying to garner more attention since her sex cinema fiasco got her a viral tweet, she kept posting again and it wouldn't work or attract the kind of engagement she wanted, so she is seeing if pretending to kill herself does the trick. Mostly even her simps still don't seem to care, now she knows she could really do it and would still be a nobody, and not the long lost r9k top femcel or whatever the fuck she would want to be remembered as.

Also all fake, she is broke and uses others' btc wallet screenshots and such. But she has been online the whole time lol, her alt is proof of that, and this just solidifies it.

No. 1953938

File: 1705009413068.jpeg (121.53 KB, 1290x872, 3D03A4B1-3CC8-4391-B801-F00755…)

“committed suicide” on the 23rd yet there’s activity on her bitcoin wallet for the 24th and 26th of December kek https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/16oFuhkPYYqMB3HVHaycofyyTp2bTFJKhW

No. 1953943

How has she made so fucking Much on it??

No. 1953946

I’m just as confused as you are. The depravity of pathetic moids knows no bounds, I guess

No. 1954120

seems fake, proof?

No. 1954121

> Also all fake, she is broke and uses others' btc wallet screenshots and such. But she has been online the whole time lol, her alt is proof of that, and this just solidifies it.

No. 1954326

File: 1705094197902.jpeg (444.13 KB, 1290x2160, 29F7DA88-0254-47F5-9174-F5FBB8…)

I’m not sure what else you want me to provide, the wallet (160FuhkPYYqMB3HVHaycofyyTp2bTFJKHWh) is linked.

Other wallets are as follows: ETH, 0x080bec26a38f746e929f4ab2c2f84c624d22f259
0x080bec26a38f746e929f4ab2c2f84c624d22f259, https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/eth/0x080bec26a38f746e929f4ab2c2f84c624d22f259,

and Monero, 83R5Jr83VcbV8y3fjVjXVxDJ47YoGm6NvQzfy7vTwAosbrSSYCTpSeH8xkBfSNKCwjVSzYU6vyS7zBRCuA5EbqaRKGe17zV

No. 1960622

File: 1706537032486.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x2122, 53E26BB5-4EAE-4978-888D-78AB90…)

looks like she’s changed her main platform to tiktok

No. 1960747

File: 1706567048242.mp4 (598.55 KB, 576x1024, 0653c355350b651a78a9a8ccc4f358…)

Did empath move out and lives in japan now? This looks like a new apartment…

No. 1960754

I hope this becomes a Venus angelic-like arc

No. 1960777

File: 1706573902431.jpeg (1.52 MB, 3461x3360, B0BF140F-5647-4701-8731-19CD25…)

it’s the same apartment, picrel. she did mention in her server that someone had allegedly invited her to their wedding in Korea, but otherwise, she’s just larping (per usual). she’s too fat, facially disproportional and challenged to acquiesce to beauty standards in asia anyways. also still pretending she’s a teenager even though she’s about to be 25. sorry, forgot to tag.

No. 1960780

File: 1706575773718.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 3464x2661, FA8C1D19-7E9F-4923-9DA5-49901A…)

in other news, our resident Mick had also been posting on an alternate Reddit account during her time in the afterlife on the very same account she uses to post about her 3-year-long enduring yeast infection with photographic evidence of vaginal cheese included. added a spoiler, because it’s as disgusting as you’d assume.

No. 1960803

File: 1706582793072.jpeg (560.57 KB, 1290x2631, B4C2BCB6-C4BD-4BC5-9A8D-320B58…)

No. 1960851

File: 1706599375915.png (735.63 KB, 1290x2796, BE47C072-FFC3-42F7-8DAF-AD279F…)

another alt, only person they follow is her + similar usernames. saged just for providing pertinent information

No. 1961096

File: 1706668394717.jpg (134.35 KB, 1169x1075, F_icwNRWYAAP6K_.jpg)

>she commits suicide
>nobody gaf
>turns out she faked her suicide
>nobody still gaf

No. 1965636

She keep posting almost every day in 4chan about her suicide pretending to be a very sad male that is about to commit suicide because he is so sad she is dead. This girl is an ulterior clown.(no caps = not milk, sage it)

No. 1965832

File: 1707882799351.png (426.29 KB, 1079x1535, 1000003816.png)

I wish there were caps, all of the threads were deleted. Bordering on that one cow that spammed the farms with "haffu babies" repeatedly (can't remember her name)

No. 1966261

They're all saved on desuarchive just use the search bar

No. 1970002

File: 1708909133372.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1290x2047, ACD2624E-9AF1-49F8-A2EE-CC940F…)

oh no, our pure virgin queen! amazing development, now please be deported from

No. 1970013

no1curr about this hoe going to your fat burger country

No. 1970015

her claiming to give fellatio to a geriatric american man is milk whether she’s lying or not and she probably isn’t both knowing her personality and secondly her random acquiescence of american dollars. maybe between your sobbing over it you could contribute too

No. 1970016

and btw america doesn’t even rank highest in obesity prevalence rates either retard

No. 1970084

thats…not even her? the lips and chin are completely different from this woman, she seems to be catfishing here

No. 1970086

its called stealing other peoples content to do tiktok method to gain OF subscribers noob she is a virgin and would never actually do such a thing

No. 1970088

File: 1708931226875.jpeg (526.73 KB, 1372x2382, DF682187-9E62-4674-8326-329A0A…)

it matches up almost 1:1 but okay

No. 1970091

you're insane if you think that matches

No. 1970171

yeah and you’re trolling

No. 1970191

they're different angles, whiner-chan

No. 1970196

okay retarded simp. the lips are shaped exactly the same

No. 1970204

https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/obesity-adult-prevalence-rate/country-comparison/ ntayrt but why do you think these countries you've probably never heard of rank higher than the united states fat retard

No. 1970207

yeah because your lack of worldly knowledge and basic mental faculties has any bearing on ranking higher. cry about objective facts all you want retard and nice job derailing since none of you can argue against the photos matching up either

No. 1970210

File: 1708965157580.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3464x3464, 7CA31E17-F905-43D9-9EC8-97F85C…)

keep crying btw.

No. 1970305

She is not a virgin, she maybe says this to her discord but she is an OF whore.

No. 1970756

File: 1709122954659.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1290x1685, IMG_2610.jpeg)

chloe’s lower lip is not double-lobed you retard, that’s a different person. if she removed her jewelry there would be a crusty hole

No. 1970882

yeah it just matches exactly mysteriously somehow even from a slightly different angle. possibly the dumbest and most trivial tinfoil you could ever come up with, you sound like her simps on desuarchive claiming she’s REALLY DEAD and the Tik Tok page is a catfish! retard.

No. 1971009

what the fuck are you talking about? the lack of double lobe is the most obvious difference. you seem incredibly ugly and mentally ill, likely you are in fact chloe desperately wanting people to believe you leave your apartment paid for by the government. the way you write is like you’re trying to infect others with your mental retardation and brainrot. it’s disgusting.

No. 1971015

wtf is a double lobe. not that other guy but its clear thats her lips

No. 1971167

File: 1709232047057.jpeg (771.97 KB, 3382x2963, 5FCF6539-E971-4566-A7B1-77AA27…)

do you need more comparison examples lol? those are her lips whether you like it or not, and I’m not sure what motive she would have to either post the bottom half of someone else’s face on an account where she has primarily posted her own, nor facetune something as inconsequential as a line on her bottom lip. It also appears that whether she does have a subtle double lobe or not is unverifiable considering her lips look different throughout her various pics. But regardless, you sound deranged.

No. 1974011

File: 1709945672521.webm (938.96 KB, 720x1206, IMG_9938.webm)

i hope this nasty whore gets her ass beat and thrown in jail. first it was her getting kicked out of gym for taking creepshots of innocent women she doesn’t know, now she’s sexually assaulting other female passengers/flight attendants, which is a federal crime since it happened aboard air travel. keep in mind her histrionic retarded reasoning and critical thinking skills did this for 32 likes.

No. 1974699

File: 1710116228514.jpeg (549.42 KB, 1170x1110, 8DA1B491-6D4F-4BA1-A75F-77124B…)

No. 1974702

File: 1710116364969.jpeg (Spoiler Image,487.78 KB, 1170x785, 8D6D51A9-95F6-4994-AC4B-8DDAE5…)

How mentally ill do you have to be?

No. 1974734

No. 1974747

She's like 30 and can't even put a pad on correctly fucking kek

No. 1974761

File: 1710130314935.jpeg (734.6 KB, 1170x1234, 7E416527-6C29-4E56-9AF0-EE8FB0…)

She privated I should've screenshoted for posterity. Empath had a habit of tweeting the same things as her and copying her usernames and mental disorders.

No. 1974762

File: 1710130365726.jpeg (672.7 KB, 1170x1055, F3EEB84C-B96E-4848-AB5C-38BD57…)

These were all I screenshoted before she privated, I should've followed her.

No. 1975024

This is a tim

No. 1975035

a tim that menstruates? lol

No. 1975039

unironically empath seems better than whoever this twitterfag is you keep bringing up

No. 1975041

A fetish for period blood and feminine products doesn't make him a woman. His localized hematoma spontaneously drained through the vault or suture line. The hematomas from the vault have liquefied, which is why the blood characteristically appears dark and old.

No. 1975043

you completely made this up. do you have proof of this alleged injury or any surgical incisions/procedures beyond pulling it from your ass and trying to pretend you’re intelligent at the same time?

No. 1975045

Go dilate your wound

No. 1975046

okay so you don’t have proof

No. 1975153

“Liquified” in reference to very blatantly freshly coagulated blood… It’s dark because period blood isn’t like normal blood pouring from other orifices in the body (Especially if you have endometriosis or other period-related diseases,) and secondly old blood dries and turns brown, you fucking idiot. Most delusional transvestigator reward goes to you, congratulations.

No. 1975508

the funniest part is no matter how revolting empathchan is she's a female and therefore still infinitely more desirable than a troon

No. 1975543

exactly. imagine taking this troon bitching about empath copying him seriously… makes empath look good

No. 1975554

File: 1710277030978.jpeg (1.27 MB, 2219x3463, 67501F31-1255-43A6-A702-0D8B02…)

Asking again for proof because this person seems to clearly be a cis female

No. 1975587

File: 1710284712477.png (Spoiler Image,815.22 KB, 578x1039, transprostitute.png)

Hes a selfposting tranny prostitute obsessed with Empathchan(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1975612

i feel like all their kid pics have to be fake. they are obviously a tranny. their shoulders are fucking HUGEEE

No. 1975614

Right…. all fake to confuse complete strangers debating about whether the person is a tranny or not, faked period and actually some various wound elsewhere. Am I missing anything else? This conspiracy is equally as retarded as when people here were arguing whether vaginal coloring had to do with bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.

No. 1975616

nah look at their encyclopedia dramatica. they have a pussy their are nudes of them and OF content

No. 1975617

look at this they look like a real girl tbh here

No. 1975628

Why is "Jew nose" something they share that's problematic?

No. 1975680

File: 1710302948407.gif (497.46 KB, 245x208, IMG_9473.gif)

Anon, woman or troon with the collages, stop trying to make empathchan happen, no1curr about her and what other literalwho shes copying or that hates her, she he it or you are a dime a dozen and this thread isn't interesting. It could all be empathchan and one or two people that had beef with her that still care about her afaik, report her if you care or shut up. This isn't milk and empathchan is not even relevant enough for any farmer that isnt just some twitterfag to care. Stop feeding narcissistic mentally ill whores! Thank you!

No. 1975804

That’s a man who was bleeding from his ass onto a pad. He can’t be calling women ugly when he’s not even a woman kek

No. 1975869

No. 1976276

File: 1710450489863.jpg (702.6 KB, 672x1740, nastyhoe.jpg)

was looking through a redditors comment history, which led me to a degen sub for impregnation meetups (with very pedophilic/incestuous members), scrolled only 4-5 posts down and lo and behold…

No. 1976279

No. 1976283

File: 1710450895526.jpg (36.25 KB, 1243x182, Capture.JPG)

Don't fucking cowtip, come on.

No. 1976284

wasnt me, it seems multiple people have found it considering all the comments are downvoted

No. 1976319

File: 1710463735810.jpeg (712.54 KB, 1672x3436, 30DA5A74-DD0E-4AEC-A1A0-F85BB6…)

This tranys face looks mangled(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1976439

not milk. please shut up about your tranny fantasies

No. 1976654

File: 1710545460134.png (12.44 KB, 600x543, seppukumaid.png)

Chloe's probably malding today, the reports worked

No. 1976665

the other girl got banned too

No. 1976670

File: 1710550151993.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_20240315-204935.png)

No. 1977966

let's, how this will play out.

No. 1978094

File: 1710889288297.jpeg (709.53 KB, 1928x3448, 5F26BA38-6BD3-4694-8C9A-1602FC…)

ntayrt but it didn't, she was suspended from that account then remade @empathd0ll and was banned on that back to back.

she posted this on her story saying someone contacted her father telling him about her online activities and he is taking her out of his will and threatening to have her shot or cut her plastic mask off ear to ear. grim if real

No. 1978109

So…her dad types like an illiterate teen girl?

No. 1980149

File: 1711503838597.jpeg (584.34 KB, 1973x3144, 2D4BE9C1-A21E-4F3A-B917-B8E224…)

A photoshoot empathchan posted today by celebrity photographer @thecobrasnake. He has photographed asap rocky, gigi bella hadid, kendall jenner, kanye, taylor swift, cara delevigne, lindsay lohan, and paris hilton, rumors is she is weaving her way through nightlife here in LA

No. 1980153

damn i didnt realize it was so easy to get connections and work your way up…guess ill try doing this

No. 1980167

Everyone knows that climbing the slippery pole isn't as glamorous as you're trying to make it sound

No. 1980170

how do u know shes not larping and some othe rphotographer took this

No. 1980173

Copyright infringement if so. Photographers can be hired, for a price

No. 1980213

She is Larping, she’s just tagging him. He never posted anything with her. I bet she had some pictures done and edited them to suit her looks. If they gain any traction I’m going to start a Instagram war and accuse cobrasnake of endorsing self proclaimed pedophiles. Her gaining traction and being in the public eye more so is a good thing, because more people will see her disgusting behavior.

No. 1980278

this is obviously a selfpost

No. 1980301

Nice wig, he doesn’t blur out the celebrity’s faces too. He goes from ASAP Rocky and Bella Hadid to blurry egirls who post about wanting to have sex with dogs and toddlers.

No. 1980644

She posted another picture from this “set” and her arm is clearly pixelated from warping. Fatty isn’t fooling anyone. That’s not her face.

No. 1980823

she hasn't made it by getting this has been to take her pics, and this isn't her being unbelievably well connected lol. those celebrity "shoots" are from the early 2000s and mostly clubbing candids. he hasn't photographed A-listers in well over a decade and his most recent famous subjects are D-listers like matty healy and chloe cherry,, who went from an acting role on euphoria to trueanon ads and making appearances in post-leftcows thread with troons and pedophiles.

No. 1982830

File: 1712304286242.png (780.21 KB, 588x1038, tubby.png)

unshooped body, built like a boxy dwarf

No. 1988116

File: 1713856206926.jpg (366.99 KB, 1080x1133, Screenshot_20240423-090817.jpg)

How old is she again? How is she still posting this desperate for attention garbage like as if she was a decade younger.

No. 1988124

Too old to be doing what she’s doing. She belongs in the ridiculous photoshopping thread. She’s boring this one should be deleted.

No. 1988127

that's an extremely superficial cut on her neck. i have a scar like that on my neck from a goddamn kitten scratching me when i picked it up.

No. 1988170

agreed, shes boring and predictable, including what I suspect are self posts from time to time. so desperate for online attention because she clearly has no friends irl

No. 1988182

tfw you want to be Bianca Devins so badly you slit (scratch) your own throat

No. 1991628

File: 1714821744373.jpeg (243.66 KB, 1538x2048, GMs35SVWwAArmOx.jpeg)

she has idiopathic condylar resorption, literally zero visible ramus. her lip and nose filler are pointless when her bones are completely fucked up.(autistic nitpicking, not even saged)

No. 1991643

I find her beautiful now. She looks like an ashkenazi princess.(racebaiting)

No. 1991759

this thread only fuels her shes a disgusting sexual assaulter p*do if mods have any sense theyll lock this

No. 1991844

i dont think it fuels her since she got on here to convince people how she was thin pathetically, seems like shes offended.. plus i dont think shes actually a pedophile she just says shit to seem edgy and get attention. she once said shed fuck her brother to "stop being a femcel" if she had one, shes just fufilling moid fantasies

No. 1991866

File: 1714886517801.jpeg (878.09 KB, 1242x1224, IMG_0581.jpeg)

Her ramus is visibly there, it's just short. Women have no reason to want a longer ramus, which would dictate them having a more acute gonial angle and thus wider bigonial width. Giving her a longer ramus only makes her face more masculine, not more attractive. Moids and troons need to learn that their lookism terms apply differently to women. Also clearly not a case of that, if you're going to use these terms you may as well actually learn what they mean and what these conditions look like. Her rhinoplasty or nose filler looks better than it previously did, if it's filler then it will deteriorate fast due to being hydrophilic though. You should probably educate yourself and learn2sage. I don't even find this woman attractive but maybe focus on the fact that she sexually assaults other women, harbors and enables pedophiles and advertises porn to children instead of incorrectly using terms you clearly don't understand

No. 1991890

File: 1714895545256.jpeg (14.9 KB, 309x351, 169711917259.jpeg)

"it's just short"?? It's non-existent. Her bone structure is very fucked up. She has a recessed maxilla and chin as you can see in photos previously posted in this thread. She has poor orbital support. Her face is melted. Having a visible ramus is a feature of a healthy jaw. Your edit looks incredibly strange because all you did was decrease her gonial angle. Giving her a visible ramus would mean also adding bulk to her jaw and giving her a larger chin if you were trying to produce a realistic result. I guess if you've spent your entire life around people with underdeveloped jaws, you're incapable of recognising deformities.(nitpicking)

No. 1992005

Her ramus is covered there so you chose an irrelevant picture for purposes of this analysis, and the previous one isn't even a good side profile view. She looks awful there mostly because of the nose to which she's since added filler, giving her higher nasofacial/frontal/labial angles. The edit gave her a longer ramus and acute gonial angle precisely because a longer ramus forms that parameter you absolute fucking retard. It is associated with increased bigonial width as previously noted, widened jaw frontal angle, more flared gonions, these aren't things women who enjoy looking feminine want as they are masculinizing features that make the face relatively more square and are indicative of higher prenatal testosterone. Both prominent and non-prominent, soft and sharp jawlines, short and long ramuses can be attractive to an extent. It's not a deformity unless it affects function, you can typically tell when this is the case such as in the photo in the top left where the woman actually has no jawline. Plus, If her chin was actually recessed it wouldn't sagitally line up with her glabella in my previous post, so she probably added filler there too. You're clearly projecting since you don't know what a deformity even is defined as, as opposed to what is simply not aesthetically ideal. I notice actual deformities that impair function all the time, especially cranial distortions like jaw twists. Educate yourself or find actual milk before posting unsaged and bumping this whore's thread which at this point literally no one else even cares about to say a woman who isn't even attractive would look better if she had a more pronounced ramus. That's like saying she would look better if she had a more pronounced brow-ridge, troon ass standards(autism)

No. 1992038

I think you guys are retarded. Most of these pictures are edited in snow and meitu. All that typing for nothing. Lock this thread.

No. 1992063

File: 1714954331746.jpeg (701.62 KB, 1242x1223, IMG_0647.jpeg)

I suspect she actually changed it this time I noticed that a while back, it would make sense since she went to LA which it's filled with cosmetic injectors and that's when her appearance changed. And even most snapchat and instagram filters give people the equivalent of facial reconstructive surgery to a lesser degree but still depending on the one, it's not just an asian app thing

No. 1992346

its shooping

No. 1992545

File: 1715136480019.jpeg (189.52 KB, 1242x1239, IMG_0664.jpeg)

Her nose looks bigger now and straight also from the side, characteristic of nose filler, so it's not just photoshop. The filters people use make the nose a lot smaller not bigger, so it would make sense if she got this procedure. At least she finally made irl changes instead of playing pretend and editing/filtering herself to forever, but if you inject a hydrophilic product, it most often will end up migrating and looking puffy, which is why the women I know who got it ended up dissolving it. Hopefully she gets arrested for public indecency in one of her bouts of public urination or defecation soon and is put on a sex offender registry so someone keeps an eye on her and she isn't able to violate, sexually harass or assault women, spread pornography to children or enable pedophiles any longer, and she won't be able to fix her eventual pillow face in prison.

No. 1994943

she didn’t even scratch her throat enough. wow a little cut that most guys get on their necks for shaving. major edgelord(sage your shit)

No. 1997224

File: 1716519747973.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1701, 5817292F-4227-469C-BD37-615A15…)

Kay guys she’s officially fat. Imagine your digital footprint being all this lol.

No. 1997227

Fat with no tits and no ass

No. 1997237

what the fuck are those back rolls.

No. 1997641

File: 1716667221242.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2022, 9F2719B1-D451-4AED-95A0-014C58…)

Think her actual names Chloe
Gaurd calls her that at 40 seconds


No. 1997644

already deleted, which means you're probably right kek. remember to archive videos and pictures.

No. 1997645

I love all the sections of hair which just disappear into nowhere kek
Why do all 4chan girlies fit such a specific "type"? They're always grubby yet inoffensive looking nerdy girls with bug-eyes and an addiction to filters and photoshop kek

No. 1997646

no it isn't, it's still up

No. 1997659

File: 1716671877020.jpeg (109.85 KB, 932x857, 2B355A19-66FF-4B0C-9F3A-79B716…)

Atleast we now know she’s back in ireland, Irish hospitals are full of junkies constantly so the fact no one gives a fuck what she’s screaming about is just so great


No. 1997660

File: 1716671989453.webm (8.86 MB, 772x1280, pedochloe.webm)

What a ridiculously embarrassing whore. I can't wait until she gets arrested for her increasingly erratic and pathetic behavior

No. 1997663

What is the point of this?

No. 1997667

attention from pedophilic scrotes and incels, likes and retweets but she’s failing even in those departments

No. 1997668

Empath is honestly too ugly for attention outside of 4chan

No. 1997671

she hardly gets attention even there. every self-post she makes gets a few replies max or gets spammed with her gross pictures which she reports later as seen on desuarchive, lol

No. 1997688

Hilarious that she's doing this in a small hospital full of little old Irish ladies. She doesn't have the guts to cause trouble somewhere where it could actually end badly for her.

No. 1997689

It's funny because they seem mildly annoyed with her at best with one saying "oh shut up". She can act as obnoxious and erratic as she wants, but she's just another retarded edgelord tryhard. Hardly new in this day and age.

No. 1997731

There was a picture of a crest on the carpet in the hospital, I reversed image searched the picture of the crest and found the hospital she’s staying at:


No. 1997732

File: 1716693007108.jpeg (72.74 KB, 379x270, DDAFF35A-27F7-4792-A789-F68362…)

No. 1997739

I'm from Dublin and this hospital is near a rough area. She should try being an edgelord to the heroin junkies in Dublin City Centre kek. Actually a lot of them end up in this hospital after ODing or getting into fights because it's the closest hospital to the real rough parts of town

No. 1997742

You should post her face around local groups and warn them about her.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 1997830

File: 1716733167694.jpeg (837.96 KB, 1125x1429, 1716731808479830.jpeg)

Yes this is a legitimate note by a doctor with multiple spelling and grammatical errors. KEK.

No. 1997832

Kek at the desensitized locals just side-eyeing her like she's a dumbass tweaker
The children she's attracted to could do a better job than this lmao what an embarrassment

No. 1997870

File: 1716743279071.jpeg (621.91 KB, 1754x3464, AA6D9983-5CBE-4046-879C-ACB6CA…)

she was literally in the hospital dumbass, why would she forge a doctor's note? people these days are so terminally online and out of touch with reality they think doctors don't make human errors and concoct these nonsensical theories. there's nothing in that note she could even brag about or use to larp, she tried ODing on xanax and amphetamines like a retard, if she was serious about killing herself fentanyl is everywhere

she went to the hospital right after posting this i think she was barred out, forgot to photoshop her gross body and had a breakdown after she sobered up kek

No. 1997892

Bragging about "pretty girls" doing cocaine in Dublin is wild kek. Maybe in America it's associated with Bella Hadid types, but in Dublin it's the drug of thirty something year old poorly socialised middle class men who think it makes them seem extraverted and interesting (but actually just become extremely obnoxious) who pass by you every five minutes in the bar to go to the bathroom and do another bump. And look down on the inner city heroin addicts even though to normal people being a cokehead is basically the same thing

No. 1997893

She is so skinny fat and flabby. It's not hard to do a few sit ups each day Chloe

No. 1997930

File: 1716760190365.png (674.27 KB, 1055x1080, chloe.png)

No. 1998121

File: 1716839367269.jpg (103.97 KB, 1027x966, F-HgqZqXEAAxwld.jpg)

Genuinely don't understand how this could net her anything positive. Like scrotes aren't seeing this think yeah bitch you tell those senile old people about Elliot Rodgers & shout about being racist. Every time a video she's done gets posted here the embarrassment is immeasurable, she's like a wet sock

No. 1998126

punchable face(sage your shit)

No. 1998240

these are so brutal, she has a very unfortunate body. her lip and nose filler make her look uncanny. what a dumpster fire.

No. 2001554

File: 1717657891001.jpg (191.73 KB, 1125x1635, GPXnULfbQAAehie.jpg)

EW wtf is that on her nose

No. 2001607

this is so ai generated

No. 2001641

>yelling i hate black people around a bunch of old white people
she would NEVER act like this in public around normies her own age because some Stacy would try to fight her or call her out and she knows that.

No. 2001734

its one of those chink apps. u can tell cuz she looks like an asian(racebait)

No. 2002949

File: 1718000445306.mp4 (317.07 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1717888498737.m…)

No. 2002952

what does she even gain from this??? poor guy

No. 2002954

File: 1718000903954.png (555.5 KB, 653x926, Screenshot 2024-06-10 092741.p…)

No. 2002956

File: 1718000961212.mp4 (9.86 MB, 1080x1920, uzt.mp4)

idk how she is safe doing this shit

No. 2002962

File: 1718002684160.mp4 (19.14 MB, 720x1280, eee.mp4)

No. 2002964

What the fuck.

No. 2002982

What is she using to edit now because there's a real leap in the quality. Definitely not meitu

No. 2002986

just keep posting these here because locals around her will take notice, and soon some Irish Stacey will spread a local hate campaign around her.

No. 2003072

>I got paid to do this
Can someone pay her to walk up to a group black women her own age and call them racial slurs? don't worry empatchchan I doubt they'll do anything to you lol.

No. 2003123

wasn't >>2002956 it?(sage your shit)

No. 2003230

Serious question why hadn’t she been arrested yet? She’s literally going round spitting on people which is a serious crime and classed as assault. Nevermind Irish ‘Stacy’ exacting mean girl revenge on her, where is the fucking law?

No. 2003348

the men don't see her as threatening, unlikely they're reporting, women maybe called LE but she's doing it to passerbys, by the time police respond if they even have she's likely ran off. for all we know a report could've been filed but they've yet to get around to it.

she realized she can capitalize on debasing herself not only by selling nasty porn, but also by assaulting randoms at her clientele's request. probably started with simps in her server daring her to pee publicly, escalating to harassment & assault. all this is to stand out in a market over-saturated with run of the mill whores employing overused tactics like making their brand "gamer girl" porn for example. she's catering to a specific niche that is more untapped by other whores, incels, and offering more "unique" services. add criminal profiteering or conspiracy and solicitation charges since she's being paid to assault and that's its own crime.

TLDR answer is attention, infamy and money aka everything she wants.

scrotes fetishize bpd/mentally ill women and she's taking advantage of that which would sound strategic but it's really just another case of whore whose porn sales aren't bringing in enough so she's resorting to some desperate measures. she's playing with fire, i think (& hope) its only a matter of time until she's caught. if we're lucky it will backfire before then and someone will give her a well-deserved beating before she's detained and her milk dries up.

No. 2003349

her ass got banned off onlyfans lol

No. 2003609

No. 2003657

I wouldn't put it past her to start torturing animals because her simps paid her to

No. 2003721

I don't really care if this try hard nobody realized she can capitalize on bothering the public, I just want one of her simps lurking this thread to pay her chump change to get jumped.

No. 2003751

File: 1718214517967.mp4 (1.55 MB, 720x1280, YHgsgmXK0N_9--Nt.mp4)

No. 2003752

File: 1718214543523.mp4 (1.73 MB, 720x1280, jNSZrwU_4zv8Y5Lb.mp4)

No. 2003753

I'll catch a red text for this but I wonder how much of this thread is self post

No. 2003754

Is she crazy? Does she want to get her ass beat??

No. 2003759

File: 1718215846666.png (2.58 MB, 2220x1249, 1717008124565951rtzui.png)

2 months till crush video i would bet

No. 2003761

File: 1718216012746.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.1 KB, 589x609, er6tzhuji.jpeg)

No. 2003783

From Ireland and the law is unfortunately very weak on antisocial behaviour. The judges here are bleeding hearts who give suspended sentences to people who have committed way worse crimes than her.

No. 2003810

File: 1718227541685.jpg (152.8 KB, 1061x720, 1489249932025.jpg)

No. 2003819

Hormones and puberty darken your privates. Balls, labia, dicks, clits… it’s normal for them to be browner than the rest of your body. It’s not “discolouration” it’s literally OK.

No. 2003907

File: 1718241083931.jpg (312.69 KB, 1536x2048, GPyUZZvWcAAWkmN.jpg)

Imageboard men do not pay well,especially when she is too fat and ugly. She is assaulting people for clout/validation but mainly because she is hurt by the world and taking out on innocent strangers as a misguided form of revenge.

Her life is worthless so she has nothing too lose, just like her male counterparts

No. 2003938

File: 1718246435242.png (402.52 KB, 1700x660, thrtjrzj.png)

her selfposting

No. 2003939

File: 1718246470016.png (1.61 MB, 2220x1249, possibleorbiter.png)

possible post about her

No. 2003940

File: 1718246584919.png (135.37 KB, 860x428, zrhhnfhjfg.png)

selfposting after ciaras alleged od

No. 2003944

File: 1718247125502.png (1.35 MB, 2220x1249, 1717008124565951tzetze.png)

has been mentioned before but that one anon talking about her mom dying

No. 2003957

Even on r9k she was never popular most people on there hated her and ignored her selfposts/threads. I don’t think she even has simps, she wasn’t 1/1000th as popular as Ciara Marky etc.

No. 2004095

What was her tumblr name

Names this far


>(C) Alleged dox

No. 2004096

File: 1718299413169.jpeg (230.65 KB, 946x1190, EgRGJmqWAAAXFaL.jpeg)

Why can't she buy a chin,useless filler still a chinlet(sage your non milk)

No. 2004097

No. 2004099

Nona her chin is fine and the least of her problems. Not everyone wants to be like Americans with their massive jaw implants looking like Stan from American Dad.

No. 2004149

File: 1718305681217.png (321.59 KB, 742x640, 1645471520817.png)

I'd say it's bad. The reason why she looks okay in selfie cameras minus the editing is the fact it lengthens the face. She looks closer to this irl

No. 2004156

Weak/small chins are irrelevant on women. Let’s discuss the more pressing issue that she’s a sociopathic cunt.

No. 2004161

File: 1718307199810.jpeg (167.4 KB, 594x701, zjrzjz.jpeg)

sorry mods forgot >>2004096

No. 2004163

File: 1718307258383.mp4 (329.56 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1718307074373.m…)

loving the attention since nobody cares about her unless she physically assaults people

No. 2004164

i hear you but i do not think it is strong enough for her face, there are obese women with more lower face definition than her

No. 2004197

Why does she look like botched Noah Cyrus

No. 2004199

>Weak/small chins are irrelevant on women
Not true

No. 2004218

I’ve contacted the dailymail and dublin news to see if they’ll report on this story of her going around assaulting people and spitting on homeless folk. Honestly she deserves mainstream media public shaming. Hopefully her ass goes to jail soon.(cowtipping retard)

No. 2004245

Good job bby.

No. 2004250

File: 1718328987886.jpeg (56.83 KB, 490x584, IMG_1480.jpeg)

we've been over this, not only does it line up but ayrt has a point, they don't make or break womens' looks, that's basic sexual dimorphism https://youtube.com/shorts/HYXDdqWriDc?si=IRxS9sS80OViCqG_ it's a running joke in looksmaxxing com how Adriana Lima's chin is weak, though the same users saying this often praise her as a "PSL goddess" as they know it doesn't meaningfully change anything she's still prettier than 99.99% of humans. on other hand, filler or no filler, empathchan still has the most punchable face, not even because any specific feature is atrocious or super recessed but altogether she lacks facial harmony and appeal, it's holistic ugliness

assaulting homeless ppl who aren't even awake to know she's doing it, what a coward. she won't dare go up to any risky targets who look like they'd fight back bc she herself is prey, only picking at low hanging fruit while pretending to be intimidating in a kind of batesian mimicry

No. 2004253

File: 1718330671437.jpeg (173.74 KB, 766x624, Screenshot_14-6-2024_45928_x.c…)

The creepy racist incel she is clout sharking from posting pedo stuff about her.
So cool and based definitely not an ugly pickme who is only there to be degraded

No. 2004268

>it’s a running joke on looksmaxxing com
Stopped reading there. Nobody cares what a bunch of gay male model worshipping 4chan schizos and angry Indian incels think of womens beauty kek.

No. 2004271

This thread needs to be locked asap. Half the fucking posts are vendetta/self-posts and the other half is unsaged retard moids sperging about how she has no chin or facial harmony. Barely any milk.

No. 2004280

shut up Chloe Power

No. 2004283

File: 1718337870176.png (518.37 KB, 437x614, Screenshot_1.png)

her chair is disgustingly filthy how does it even get like this

No. 2004287

Looks like someone has been sharting on it for a year straight

No. 2004313

File: 1718348623197.jpeg (100.95 KB, 798x1040, IMG_1502.jpeg)

nevermind that women were the original looksmaxxers but that's the point, if one of the most beautiful women ever has a chin these moids would call recessed that goes to show it's not very meaningful in terms of feminine beauty. plus fixating on that signifies a failure to encompass this hideousness as a whole, this is the type of ugly where you get the urge to see its head on a stick

No. 2004358

this is an insane post, what the hell is wrong with you?

No. 2004371

It's been a while since I felt empathy for a male but goddamn…

No. 2004532

i want believe in karma so bad. i know this is just rage bait because she’s desperate for attention but goddamn, what a truly hideous person inside and out.

No. 2004547

Too much of this >>2004371
Ever since oldmin opened the gates for sperging about moids and trannies, the brainrot has been spreading. Now they're embedded.

No. 2004565

File: 1718405331427.jpeg (102.69 KB, 879x843, IMG_9858.jpeg)

u know when ppl see something gross or freaky and go "kill it with fire!"? its the kind of primal urge to exterminate i get when i see this phenotype, if approached by it i'm afraid i'd instinctually bludgeon it and revel in its destruction

i'm a woman, and there's nothing wrong with feeling bad for a homeless man being assaulted, sounds like the brainrot is in your puny little skull. thinking a pedophilic whore who violates both men and women should be decapitated is a good thing too actually

No. 2004567

Her chin isn't recessed though, it's just weak

No. 2004585

File: 1718408823285.jpg (405.27 KB, 2214x1262, tezetze.jpg)

She romanticizes poverty by being obsessed with lilya4ever, she is delusional enough to think that anyone would miss her if that would happen to her, but when it comes to being a pick me she does that to actual poor people.

No. 2004586

samefag but if karma is real when she runs out of incel attention hope her family does not take her back so she can sleep on the streets

No. 2004587

Who knows maybe he's homeless because he beat his female partner/wife or molested the kids and she kicked him out. Maybe she kicked him out for being a cheat and a drunk. It's often (but of course not always) the case with homeless scrotes. They did it to themselves with their violent, antisocial and perverted behavior.

No. 2004605

Here in Dublin lots of homeless people are homeless because rents are ridiculously expensive. This crazy bitch doesn't get a carte blanche to go around assaulting random homeless people because they maybe did something shitty. As far as she knows they're just random vulnerable people who won't fight back.
And on the subject of Dublin, why is she only ever in the absolute shittiest parts of town in these videos she posts? Does she live there or is she just looking for trouble from heroin addicts?

No. 2004906

File: 1718492136801.jpeg (155.43 KB, 763x778, Screenshot_16-6-2024_15459_x.c…)


No. 2004926

every time I see her I think she looks like RTGame kek

No. 2004930

he honestly looks better than her lmao

No. 2005227

File: 1718569781057.jpeg (377.93 KB, 1290x856, C48C77C4-D7C1-4D04-85DF-A7D92A…)

don’t forget the cringe r9k desu counterparts where she doubles down and repeats herself over and over for attention because no one cared enough on twitter and still no one cares on 4chan either

No. 2005243

Is that the same "hero" that got beat up on the street for "no reason" and was crying about it everywhere? Now I'm in doubt that she got randomly assaulted, as she seems to be just asking for trouble.

No. 2005292

Imagine being rejected by 4chan moids

No. 2005306

File: 1718583848436.jpeg (193.64 KB, 744x507, Screenshot_17-6-2024_31751_x.c…)

girl he did not no way an irish person writes this bad looks like a copypasta

No. 2005308

File: 1718584100830.jpg (28.06 KB, 374x343, GQOgmXZWkAA5GV7 (1).jpg)

No. 2005309

File: 1718584156633.jpg (46.21 KB, 554x343, GQOgmXjXQAA9E0i (1).jpg)

No. 2005311

File: 1718584195577.mp4 (216.44 KB, 320x426, ssstwitter.com_1718583957476.m…)


No. 2005312

File: 1718584315206.mp4 (597.57 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1718584054209.m…)

so based def will be picked

No. 2005314

Why does she speak like that?

No. 2005320

Because there are so many Ashkenazi Jews like Chloe in Ireland who definitely aren't equally as ethnically non-Irish as Indians
Her accent is weird, it's like a mix of the blandest Dublin accent imaginable and something I can't put my finger on

No. 2005324

Shes Ashkenazi? Damn. Explains the schizophrenia. Kek.

No. 2005340


pretty sure she is not it is just an incel joke she is playing along

No. 2005396

She only romanticizes this movie because an incel she was obsessed with and rejected her had a lilya4ever profile picture. She doesn't seem capable of having interests of her own, plenty of her "art" is traced from images shared by men she obsesses over and who aren't stupid enough to give her the attention she so desperately wants.

No. 2006476

File: 1718920490314.jpeg (44.56 KB, 780x143, Screenshot_21-6-2024_04933_x.c…)


No. 2006477

File: 1718920520343.jpeg (253.95 KB, 762x753, Screenshot_21-6-2024_0517_x.co…)

probably bs

No. 2006478

File: 1718920568671.jpeg (239.52 KB, 767x628, Screenshot_21-6-2024_05051_x.c…)

third one iirc, nothing happens

No. 2006499

File: 1718925055149.png (607.77 KB, 1166x894, Screenshot 2024-06-21 021011fg…)

No. 2006572

File: 1718944953973.jpeg (712.8 KB, 1242x1197, IMG_1643.jpeg)

why do you think that? it looks like he is using vanish mode. he has 9m followers and a gf who i hope sees this

No. 2006573

did not at first read since she always attention posts dump shit but hey maybe it is true this time

No. 2006574

Weird that she cares about pedos considering her own jokes

No. 2006577

she bitches sometimes against them, unless a moid she is clout sharking off acts like one then she is supportive

No. 2006784

File: 1719009982267.jpeg (114.38 KB, 1125x735, GQn6Z5lW0AAwzXj.jpeg)

I hate this ratty fucking wig oh my God. She gets paid $900 to shout at and smack randos supposedly and she can't get a new wig?

No. 2006824

File: 1719021263200.jpeg (179.83 KB, 724x799, Screenshot_22-6-2024_45041_x.c…)

No. 2006825

File: 1719021298748.mp4 (319.6 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1719021202045.m…)

No. 2006830

Poor guy probably caught like 3 STDs from that

No. 2006847

pretty sure they did not pay her that much and she just lying. More offended by that fat nose filler. Should have gotten rhino instead

No. 2006952

File: 1719065883934.mp4 (888.07 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1719065830543.m…)

older vid

No. 2007017

Watched the clip before reading the caption and couldn't tell what she was saying. I doubt that guy realised either. So edgy to say the nword by not even saying the nword.

No. 2007057

guess it’s hard to get attention when you’re ugly so you have to resort to shit like this

No. 2007264

File: 1719137007334.jpeg (144.3 KB, 750x711, Screenshot_23-6-2024_13138_x.c…)

could this all be fake and they are all on it?

No. 2007265

File: 1719137034322.mp4 (462.39 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1719136930463.m…)

No. 2007295

Someone is bound to beat the shit out of her can't wait ngl

No. 2007297

city can't be that big, they should just start following her and screaming slurs and spittin in her face. what a dumb fuckin cunt, isn't this bitch like 30 years old, too?

No. 2007317

Some dude did punch her out of the blue and she fucking cried like such a weak little bitch about it.

No. 2007319

She always seems to be in the Northside inner city in these videos, which is famously one of the shittiest parts of Dublin. Although some parts of it are okay the backgrounds in her videos always look really shabby, I guess she must live in a bad area. Either that or she's trying to look edgy by going there. It's surprising one of the junkies or antisocial teens there haven't given her a beaten yet. She does seem to stick to harassing migrants who probably don't want to get in trouble with the law though, I don't think she'd go for the actual lowlives in those areas with nothing to lose by fighting her back.

No. 2007329

i think she probably is doing it with a guy behind her since she has done this to multiply types of people white couple/nonwhite couples/single white and nonwhite men and women so youd think something would have happened. Plus second gen migrants do exist.

but i am white and non a migrant or irish so maybe i am wrong

No. 2007419

I think so too. She’s too pussy to do this alone there is definitely some bigger guy following her around that’s why nobody is fighting back.

No. 2007422

She's taking a leaf out of Jack Doherty's book; acting like a cunt in public then letting her bodyguard take the heat.

No. 2007462

File: 1719177767427.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x2314, IMG_1742.jpeg)

she's always supported them & pretends to be 17-19 at 25 to pander to them, until she thinks exposing one w/big following will attract attention: https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/what-are-the-gio-scotty-ancient-greek-towel-boy-memes-about this grown ass woman is envious of a 17 yo who the pedos she panders to thirst after so she's trying to convince them gio looks"nonwhite" or like a troon. also sucking up to varg, another groomer for those unfamiliar: >>1969991 >>1980536 >>1980468 ; picrel speaks for itself, she looks hideous, inbred and like an abomination especially next to the girls and women whose looks she's picked on

she lives in the city center & there's a hotel in her building that was "hired exclusively by the state to accommodate people seeking asylum in Ireland"; it has "21 unit residential block for Dublin City Council", she lives in gov assistance /low income housing

No. 2007469

Post the full screen shot of varg's wife being compared to the italian girlie kek or link the tweet

No. 2007470

>italian russian
>she's not white

No. 2007485

couldn't she just go back to korea for a facial fat grafting and lower blepharoplasty kek

No. 2007680

File: 1719232951552.jpeg (30.37 KB, 483x150, Screenshot_24-6-2024_154058_x.…)


No. 2007681

File: 1719232996988.jpeg (134.55 KB, 756x783, Screenshot_24-6-2024_154031_x.…)

i think at the ramstein concert

No. 2007682

File: 1719233023402.mp4 (123.97 KB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1719232960716.m…)

No. 2007687

Doesn't Ireland have tabloids like the Daily Mail? They'd probably eat this shit up like the NY tabloids did when scrotes were going around punching randos for TikTok. I'm surprised they haven't picked it up already.

No. 2007689

We do, but she's some irrelevant twitter rando that nobody knows except for the farms so they're unlikely to see these videos unless someone cow tips.
She would probably love tabloid attention anyway, she'd brag about it.

No. 2008030

File: 1719295646113.png (2.28 MB, 862x2743, Empath4Chan.png)

She seems to keep making 4Chan threads on herself and it’s either orbiters or herself talking about wanting to fuck her in the replies

Also asking this is she into some kind of new age spirituality? She talks about “transcending the ego” >>1448731, she’s talking about how masturbating to gore porn makes her feel like she’s “joining into the singularity” and she literally calls herself EmpathChan and shit so is she on some kind of Varg Trve Vikings type of new age conspiracy shit? It wouldn’t shock me cuz usually those people defend some pretty fucked shit with new age beliefs and she 100% comes off as one of those people to argue she’s fulfilling some kind of divine purpose by causing suffering like lots of new agers believe is happening when fucked shit happens. Also new age beliefs having fucked sources usually like Sigmund Freud who she seems to idolize

No. 2008033

nuh she posts random shit all the time derived from r9k memes just to look pretentious and get attention, which nobody gives her on twitter lmao. She does not believe in anything id bet

No. 2008109

I’ve been following this bottom feeder for about 2 years because for some reason a cow I’ve met irl was so interesting to me. As this shit progresses of her just assaulting ppl I’ve been more and more tempted to create a file and just give it to the guards, idgaf what they do with it but atleast I would’ve tried(sage your shit)

No. 2008123

What was she like irl?

No. 2008168

File: 1719338821612.jpeg (164.54 KB, 1035x1086, IMG_5325.jpeg)

Everytime I post these to her Twitter she freaks out. She had a deleted post where she accused me of being someone she knew and was going to expose said person thinking it was me. Spread these pics like wildfire. These are from her deleted tiktok when she was on canned out or something. from before she committed herself to the hospital. Too all you naive lil nonnys who think she has had work done, no it’s all Meitu and AI. Her fansly is all ai nudes. She can’t block everyone.

No. 2008169

File: 1719338894185.jpeg (111.75 KB, 1021x1108, IMG_5326.jpeg)

No. 2008170

File: 1719338922138.jpeg (145.75 KB, 1029x1160, IMG_5324.jpeg)

No. 2008171

File: 1719339002389.jpeg (295.08 KB, 539x1034, IMG_5329.jpeg)

That fucked up wonky eye is her trying to edit out the bridge in her nose lol.

No. 2008172

You could call the local police and send them the videos of her assaulting people and her Twitter information along with her real name. They would be happy to start a case. Do it before she start streaming this for money, she they are aware to watch out for her.(do not encourage cow tipping)

No. 2008174

Did not know that you can have a cutting image as your kick banner, wonder if that is within their tos

No. 2008177

kick.com/empathchan(sage your shit/delete and repost rather than make a new comment)

No. 2008364

File: 1719393080315.mp4 (330.05 KB, 640x360, ssstwitter.com_1719392861626.m…)

No. 2008365

File: 1719393141565.mp4 (417.73 KB, 360x640, ssstwitter.com_1719392916050.m…)

No. 2008366

File: 1719393243824.mp4 (240.52 KB, 360x640, ssstwitter.com_1719392953380.m…)

meanwhile empathcow has no ankles

No. 2008367

File: 1719393280730.mp4 (371.16 KB, 360x640, miVGf-VYq0Of7SeT.mp4)

idk what she said

No. 2008368

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No. 2008369

File: 1719393393640.mp4 (115.8 KB, 360x640, ssstwitter.com_1719393382270.m…)

No. 2008450

You're not interesting fatty chan, just pathetic.

No. 2008486

File: 1719427634942.jpg (134.35 KB, 1169x1075, F_icwNRWYAAP6K_.jpg)

It's honestly funny how fast her recent shenanigans have gotten old and lame, I'm just waiting for the news of her getting assaulted(again) or arrested so I can chuckle for a few seconds then finally hide the thread and move on to a more entertaining lolcow.

No. 2008520

ugly AND fat & flabby? it’s all starting to make sense now

No. 2008530

the irony of that assault tho. bitch goes on about leaving her door unlocked and leaking her address in hopes someone beats her and then whinges when it happens. look at her now tho spitting on people

No. 2008535

I would kill myself if I looked chinless and skinny fat even with facetune turned up to the max

No. 2008566

File: 1719444754910.jpeg (34.18 KB, 762x134, Screenshot_27-6-2024_23053_x.c…)

idk why but she deleted this

No. 2008567

File: 1719444790569.jpg (225.05 KB, 1536x2048, GRCICMqXIAAMLEU.jpg)

hiding the fat nose

No. 2008569

File: 1719444877230.jpeg (97.24 KB, 749x770, Screenshot_27-6-2024_23034_x.c…)

still more classy than her

No. 2008604

I don’t think she’s ever been mentioned on the other farms though I could be wrong. She’s sooner to get a thread on 8Chan’s dead /cow/ board than KF lmao. Then again I wouldn’t be shocked if she made a KF acc just to self post herself there, PULL would probably be the only other site interested in her though
Also I think I found another acc of her’s that’s active on Everskies but I’m not 100% of if it’s her, talks and acts kinda like her though so I think it’s possible

No. 2008615

also have already checked and there is nothing so i wonder why she deleted it, my theory is that she has actually something to hide from k f

yeah do not think the kiwimoids will care about her since they only care about trs. Her thread will be two pages of moids discussing how she is not fuckable to their microdicks

No. 2008816

She'd look so much better if she got a button nose job kek go get a degree and make some money to afford a pretty face and your self esteem might get too high for pandering to moids sis

No. 2008846

File: 1719519534769.jpeg (78.88 KB, 734x480, Screenshot_27-6-2024_211740_x.…)

not to cowtip but she prob breaking fansly tos by using it as a way to for assault payments

No. 2008883

i mean she was already banned from onlyfans

No. 2009063

File: 1719567732345.jpeg (24.26 KB, 432x768, mVkV15GRo7YH5MPZ.jpeg)

Who the fuck would pay for that for any other reason than to troll her? She edits her photos so much she just looks like a diet Venus Angelic during her childish “doll era” anyways

Crosspost but in other news Empath has been gaining traction within the IP2 scrote crowd, and of course DexPuppyy / Zoe (someone who is suspected to lurk lolcow) is already trying to befriend her. >>2008909

No. 2009117

File: 1719588185061.jpg (217.49 KB, 1971x1116, Screenshot_28-6-2024_18122_x.c…)

the methhead kek. i mean i do not know much about i2p but would she really stream when she looks like this lmao

No. 2009201

File: 1719610197420.jpeg (55.09 KB, 929x523, IMG_0557.jpeg)

she looks more like caroline ellison than venus angelic

No. 2009203

File: 1719610809645.png (4.7 MB, 2880x1820, GettyImages-1720682370-e169715…)

separated at birth

No. 2009211

Why is it ALWAYS the chinlets kekekekek

No. 2009311

imagine having to do all this just so some useless moid who wastes his money on e-whores will call you ‘hot’

No. 2009480

File: 1719687161478.mp4 (1.6 MB, 360x640, UIZ2pyhkSmxQfUwC.mp4)

No. 2009500

She said "fucking slant-eyed chink". I'm trying to figure if she's really short from the angles on some of these videos. It might explain why nobody seems to react because nobody is going to want the heat that comes from levelling someone who is 5'1".

No. 2009575

I want her to start shit with one of those short women who are basically chihuahuas in human form and end up with her unfortunate face scratched up

No. 2009579

File: 1719705376508.mp4 (3.06 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719705318410.m…)

No. 2009582

File: 1719705490344.jpeg (187.33 KB, 758x799, Screenshot_30-6-2024_25618_x.c…)

is she in mainald europe cause i peep an umalaut on the poster

No. 2009583

File: 1719705656584.jpeg (127.94 KB, 770x637, Screenshot_30-6-2024_2551_x.co…)

yet that man throwing you a crumb of validation will not give you money or lust over you cause you are too ugly for him

No. 2009584

File: 1719705785902.mp4 (773.66 KB, 360x640, RPyXCWoilB_UAZ8q.mp4)

No. 2009585

File: 1719705886129.jpeg (137.11 KB, 739x779, Screenshot_30-6-2024_343_x.com…)

germany perhaps

No. 2009586

File: 1719705941261.mp4 (431.38 KB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719705915917.m…)

what does the other person say

No. 2009588

File: 1719706162834.mp4 (1.47 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719705976510.m…)

this was in ireland cause ard mhusaem in the bg

No. 2009617

>ugly girl says nigger in public and even spits on males and self posts on 4chan and still no one gives a shit
Ouchie. Maybe it's time to develop a personality, fatties for instance have jolly.

No. 2009621

People are reacting like she's homeless and mentally ill. They're not escslating like they are dealing with someone competent who is choosing to be shitty for attention. Yikes. Does she not realize this?

No. 2009623

Also in general men aren’t afraid of women

No. 2009624

Even the women she is targeting aren't really doing shit though and they would receive the least pushback from anyone if they did.

She's so hideous and over the top that they think she is a psychotic drug addict with nothing to lose lmao

No. 2009645

I imagine these people go home and shit talk her "this ugly white drug fiend spit on me and mumbled something to me"

No. 2009662

With the way she screeches incoherently, her below average appearance, and the fact that all these videos are in real shitty parts of Dublin, people 100% think she's just another junkie getting aggro.

No. 2009690

File: 1719720224098.jpeg (234.44 KB, 721x554, Screenshot_30-6-2024_64041_x.c…)

pickme for pedos again

No. 2009691

File: 1719720337320.jpeg (50.27 KB, 777x156, Screenshot_30-6-2024_64229_x.c…)

more pedo posting. Nabakov was a pedo he wrote multiple underage incest novels

No. 2009692

File: 1719720406208.jpeg (70.4 KB, 776x198, Screenshot_30-6-2024_65052_x.c…)

if empath knew what her audience wants she should have osted about having sex with him since it is what the racist incels coom to kek

No. 2009694

For sure, but if she did this in America it would only be a couple of these encounters before she got the remaining 12 hairs on her deformed skull blown back. I know eventually someone in Ireland is going to knock her little chiclet teeth out, it will just take longer.

No. 2009698

Does anyone know how old she is? She looks mid-30s but seems as stunted as a 20 year old with her tryhard posts.
Reminds me of an even lesser form of Shoeonhead, surprised she's not posting hippityhoppitywomenareproperty for ballsack points.

No. 2009717

She's 25

No. 2009718

Irish people are quite passive despite our stereotype. I'm not surprised nobody fought back. Plus from a legal standpoint you'll have a much better time in court if you don't fight back, our judges don't have the same views on self defense as American ones unfortunately.
It will probably take her starting shit with junkies, feral teenagers, or travellers to get a beating but she seems to know enough to stick to harassing people who look normal and will likely just move on instead of further provoking what appears to be a crazed addict from the inner city of Dublin.

No. 2009747

Isn't she one of these short women herself? Maybe she isn't, but from the camera angles I expect her to be well under 5'5".
Poster is for Elizabeth Watson, the Fianna Fáil candidate for Dublin's south east inner city area.
Furthermore the Renault Trafic in this video is on a County Wexford registration, which might not be impossible to find in Germany but is far more likely Dublin.
What drugs does she use?

No. 2009758

Ayrt, I wasn't saying she's actually on drugs (although it wouldn't be surprising if she were), just that people probably dismiss her as a druggie due to her aggressive behaviour and barely coherent screeching.

No. 2009794

Yeah she has a really bad speech impediment and slur which makes it sound like she is drunk or on substances. I think that's adding to her grotesque homeless vibe in addition to her non-existent fashion sense.
Secondhand cringe.

No. 2009860

That building on the right is the Pearse St Police Station. Ah to live in a country where this might've resulted in something happening.

No. 2009868

the fucking 'im sorry' lmfaoooo

No. 2009872

I can't even imagine how haggard she looks irl for everyone to react to her antics with pity.

No. 2009912

File: 1719783956103.jpeg (45.52 KB, 739x153, Screenshot_30-6-2024_234814_x.…)

you assaulting a woman is not an event

No. 2009917

Britbong is a pedo? He's a lot of things but not sure about that one

No. 2009965

File: 1719794803406.jpeg (156.2 KB, 739x614, Screenshot_1-7-2024_34559_x.co…)

No. 2009973

Ah yes, cause hell for women who are most likely wearing the hijab to appease the moids in their lives which is its own nightmare. Go after the men if you're so big and bad.

No. 2010000

That’s how she looks unedited, when she edits them she’s definitely going for the whole “doll coquette aesthetic” Venus used to do, she just fails because her photoshops are always ridiculous and something is just so clearly off
>>2009965, >>2009973
Is this shocking? She’s known to be pro-incel and having a want to be raped by them even >>1448741 it’s clear she has some kind of internalized misogyny, I wouldn’t be shocked if she was an MRA

No. 2010011

The problem isn't that they're wearing a scarf, it's that they're shitskin subhuman vermin infesting Europe. Send them back to wherever they came from and there is no problem- they can wear the scarf or not, who cares, it doesn't affect us.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2010016

>wouldn’t be shocked if she was an MRA
girl it is not a shock she posts misogyny al the time along with other bigotries to appeal to incels, i dont think she believes anything

No. 2010029

sage just leaving them archive links just incase

No. 2010101

Empathchan is based as fuck

No. 2010110

File: 1719841079238.jpg (378.08 KB, 3464x3397, 34C3801D-11E9-4FBF-9146-7655EA…)

funny how this fat, ugly, jew-nosed dysgenic cow is now either self-posting or sending her equally dysgenic simps to this website now to call her based and defend her actions, mind u i don't like islam one bit, extremely misogynistic religion

No. 2010111

File: 1719841193834.jpg (109.48 KB, 1381x2048, IMG_2185.jpg)

attractive women who want racist scrote attention can get tons of it just by putting on a costume and a mask. meanwhile this hideous cow has to literally risk her entire life and freedom to get CRUMBS of it, and she thinks we're here seething about it or something. please keep egging her on and making her continue to embarrass herself in public, although she deserves to be incarcerated she isn't causing any real measurable harm to anyone but herself and we're enjoying the milk and her inevitable downfall

No. 2010127

type of girl you'd pay pocket change to eat bugs and other gross things off of the ground.
empath simps lurking this thread pls pay her to eat literal shit, you know she would!!

No. 2010131

To think that all Empath-chan had to do was wear a shitty blonde wig kek

No. 2010134

Wtf is this outfit

No. 2010139

File: 1719848318145.jpg (15.77 KB, 390x341, 1000004564.jpg)

It's a (bad) cosplay of this anime waifu.

No. 2010142

>posts old photos from before she gained weight that are photoshopped on top of it, photos that aren't even her (top left is another creator she stole from) and her 4 year yeast infection riddled vagina

meanwhile what she actually looks like: >>1997870 extremely flabby with a gut, this a screenshot from a video. congrats on stealing money directly from her income though by leaking her nasty content

No. 2010144

I joined this “radfem” discord server earlier (should’ve known better than to trust that discord is at all a place for intelligent discussion) and guess what greeted me. This bitch spamming posts of her own face like the narc she is

No. 2010145

why do her tits occasionally look completely different in shape and size

No. 2010146

It could be one of the simps she's finally managed to call into half-assed action kek. They seem to give somewhat of a shit about her today.

No. 2010147

>not worth buying if you're considering it
wow her life sucks

No. 2010152

File: 1719850587659.jpg (708.27 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20240701_124900.jpg)

So was that a geniuenly retarded simp of hers or did Empath finally snap after we called her ugly too much? Either way it doesn't actually matter, you can post as many badly photoshopped pictures of her body as you want but it still doesn't deter from the fact she's an ugly fat bitch with a Jew nose

No. 2010155

I can’t believe she still has orbiters kek. They must either not really know her or be retarded enough to believe her photoshop

No. 2010156

imagine not only being desperate enough to become an ewhore in the first place but even then the few coomers who buy your content still don't think it's worth the $12 lmfao. truly a bleak existence

No. 2010178

Wtf, what is she doing on a radfem server?

No. 2010187


No. 2010200

lol all of her nudes on her onlyfans didn't include her face in them… im starting to think they might be someone elses body

No. 2010204

I just realized who she reminds me of. Lovelypeaches kek

No. 2010206

She looks like Joey King

No. 2010317

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No. 2010318

File: 1719891820771.mp4 (1.22 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719891778467.m…)

idk why she did not seem to mind

No. 2010320

File: 1719891994629.jpg (93.22 KB, 1126x632, GRcheTKXcAEP4XA.jpg)

lmao looks so ugly even with the shoop why would you post this

No. 2010340

File: 1719898158911.jpeg (143.62 KB, 691x723, Screenshot_2-7-2024_8264_x.com…)

idk if it is a larp she has posted drugs before

No. 2010342

that's some shit H if its not a larp

No. 2010343

suddenly everything makes sense. her desperation, her appearance. yikes!

No. 2010360

not a drug person but would not she be more humble if she was addicted. i mean the stereotype is not that they are narc like she is

No. 2010380

could it be she's not actually spitting kek? idk , people not reacting to getting spit on seems weird. maybe its just water and shes making a spitting sound

No. 2010384

From Dublin (which has a notorious heroin problem) and the heroin addicts are people who everyone else stays away from. They cause a lot of trouble and fight eachother in the middle of the city centre and pickpocket, etc. Humble is the last word I'd use for them

No. 2010385

Antisemitic pos. Have fun with Hamas!

No. 2010386

true but i wonder if the delusions of superiority would continue if she got actually hooked

No. 2010393

>Muh antisemitic
NTA but didn't you people admit to purposefully sterilizing Ethiopian jewish women in 2012 so they don't ruin your superior jew genes uwu in 2012? Fucking yikes.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel(racebait derail)

No. 2010406

File: 1719923738765.jpeg (221.36 KB, 785x853, Screenshot_2-7-2024_14336_x.co…)

most likely made by her fanaccount

No. 2010416

This is obviously just her on an alt. Absolutely nobody likes this girl enough to make a fan account

No. 2010423

Britbong was a pedo for mildred

No. 2010424

talking about the quality of heroin just makes you sound like a junkie too how can you even tell?

No. 2010436

grainy sand smack you get in the mail is bad. talk to real people for better drugs.

No. 2010440

File: 1719932558471.jpg (118.16 KB, 483x302, Untitled.jpg)

Lol imagine minding your business and some ugly fat nosed saggy faced whore comes up to you and spits her diseases all over your face. Nonnas I think I'd actually beat her fugly face in IDK. Irish people are weirdly passive, if she did this in London or in New York she wouldn't even have a face anymore I think. All in all she will get her comeuppance eventually, what a nasty heroin whore kek.
Shes 5'7, picrel is from her secret reddit account someone posted in this thread earlier I cropped out the pussy yeast though. I really thought she was about 153cm(5'0ft) her frame is very small and so are her hands and feet, maybe she's lying but I dont see why she would lie in this context.. She pisses in public and just puts her rank panties back on against her exposed urethra, she def has yeast infections and UTIs from that… nasty hoe.
>>2005320 >>2005324 Shes like.. not Jewish kek shes lied about being Ukrainian and Palestinian for attention too. Her name is CHLOE POWER guys. Lying about being jewish is just her little ploy for more attention/ragebaiting the RW/4ch scrotes that she also panders to. She does look a lil jewy but anglos and Irish sometimes look very jewish without having a lick of ashkenazi DNA. Her curly hair and big nose and big eyes prove nothing. STOP believing a thing that comes out of this cow's mouth, nobody payed her $200, $400 or $900 to spit on random people and call them slurs, either, like she claims. She very very clearly is very a histrionic mess and this attention seeking behavior, lying, sexualization of herself and lack of empathy and complete disregard for all others including herself is very on par with that. Jesus Christ this thread is kind of unmoderated i dont blame the mods though this is a cesspit and subject in question is a literal who who's been trying to grab everyone's attention for literal years now to no avail. constant selfposting in here… get a life chloe

No. 2010442

Nona the people who believe she is Jewish and actually gets payed that much just are not familiar with 4chan and how broke and tryhard people there are kek

No. 2010443

Girl by unmoderated I hope you mean the racist whiteknights cause there are three posters here lmao

No. 2010449

>>2010443 yeah i'm talking about the racebaiters and the simps and baiters like
>>2010101 idk how this didnt catch a redtext

No. 2010460

One of them is this >>1974762 >>1975617 woman or troon >>1975039 >>1974702 >>1679046 that was self-posting here about Empath skinwalking them

No. 2010461

File: 1719937073961.png (114.79 KB, 1071x1163, Untitled.png)

Yeah not a chance she's Jewish. There was only 2000 of them here in the latest census. I think I've only met one irl.

That reddit account is great. She's posts a pretty normal thing into r handwriting and she has complete meltdown in the comment section.

No. 2010462

Was not here but ot this bitch also made a fake headline that she assaulted her mom for attention and iirc she has that pedo serial killer as her pfp doesn't she?

No. 2010463

She is not 22 through she would be 24 right

No. 2010469

I randomly saw this post a few months ago on Reddit before I bothered reading her thread and was just astounded by the hysterics.
The OP post was her asking if her childish, sloppy handwriting is good iirc and then screaming at everyone who told it looked bad.
Can't believe the random Reddit tard ended up being a local cow. I could probably take the bus into town rn and get spat on by her.

No. 2010471

File: 1719939338717.jpeg (404.19 KB, 3024x1292, ba8pntrbfucc1.jpeg)

her handwriting lol

No. 2010472

File: 1719939526834.png (29.47 KB, 899x162, kek.png)

No. 2010473

What pedo serial killer kek so Empath might be skin walking pedo stuff too >>1448731

No. 2010475

Isn't the mask pfp the mr cruel sketch?

No. 2010477

File: 1719940297518.jpeg (126.17 KB, 2200x1100, all-known-mr-cruel-ski-masks-i…)

Pretty sure she is refrencing mr cruel

No. 2010482

so they modeled their profile after a child rapist but didnt get the balaclava colour right kek

No. 2010491

Interesting, if she's 5'7" she must film with her phone tucked in her waistband. Although, if she's tweeting about scoring H, can we really believe her when she says she's a non-smoker? It's an odd junkie to take heroin but pass on the legally available.
100% yes.
Excellent OpSec posting the package it was sent in. Very wise.(sage your shit)

No. 2010507

i know she smokes weed… when she was xanned out and posted the fat lum chan cosplay pics she was hitting a bong in one of them

No. 2010519

File: 1719950233877.jpg (53.17 KB, 540x360, 360_F_417829081_Is5zV74DkzQYKS…)

I'm going into Dublin on Saturday for drinks. Most of these videos seem to be around Trinity. I've got a bit of time to kill before my friends arrive so I'll try get set up beside a window in Doyles. I'll post anything I see.

No. 2010529

I always scroll past this thread and sometimes try to read it but this girl is just so weird. What is wrong with her, for real? BPD? HPD? What's the armchair diagnosis here?

No. 2010537

all of them + drugs

No. 2010543

I would pay to see 3rd party pictures of this hag

No. 2010545

File: 1719953364832.jpg (66.27 KB, 705x960, 131309234_2755592821330554_675…)

She's got something. I think HPD but she's definitely hamming it up to get more clickbait. Probably the worst thing you can do when you have mental illness.
Her apartment also looks way too nice for someone who doesn't have rich parents. It's basic but in Dublin with roommates I was paying 800/m to live in moldy shitboxes. Picrel is in one of the worst parts of Dublin to live in a garden shed like. If she's really Chloe Power maybe she's the heir to the Paddy Power fortune.

No. 2010547

I'll be in town tomorrow and Thursday, if I see her around I volunteer to sneak pics. I'm really curious about how she looks without maximum meitu

No. 2010549

Empath is so brainrotted that she probably thinks it's cringe and beta to buy the legal stuff instead of putting your illegal postage on the internet kek

No. 2010554

I believe it’s POWERS not Power

No. 2010577

is she trying to cosplay as Barbara Chandler?

No. 2010615

It's just a council flat? Her obvious mental issues would have bumped her right up the list

No. 2010620

I don't think you get that fast up the list unless you have kids. She only came into Ireland in the last couple months.

No. 2010626

careful anon you might trigger psychosis in the cluster B cow. whatever you do don't stay at the travelodge on townsend st if you know what i'm saying, i heard that same building is also council housing

No. 2010631

I thought she was from Ireland? Powers is a common last name in Ireland and ages ago someone posted a picture of her in school uniform as a child and it looked a typical Irish school uniform

No. 2010632

Go back to twitter you fat ugly cunt

No. 2010633

Don't worry. I'll be taking night Bus Eireann home. If I don't see her I feel like I'll get some funny pics from that least.

No. 2010634

There's a number of factors that could have been in her favour. She's probably classed as vulnerable for a start. Maybe literally homeless. What it often comes down to is what's available. It's not like they could stick a family in her one bed.

No. 2010635

She's Irish but she was in the US up until about last Winter, I believe. You lose you space for Council Housing if you've been abroad for so many months.

No. 2010637

What are you even trying to say. Wherever she has been she clearly has met the criteria to be housed.

No. 2010638

If you're out of the country for a while you lose your spot in the queue. She was in the US for a while

No. 2010647

She always seemed like an attention whore to me, not someone with deep psychological issues, just a grifter who is pretty dumb. She does and say fucked up shit but none of that ever seems genuine, it's always to generate a reaction.

No. 2010649

I agree. She would not be doing any of this shit if loser men on twitter didn't give her a few crumbs of attention because of it.
Reminds me of Shayna pretending to be into ddlg and really fucked up BDSM fantasies to appeal to men when in reality she's basically asexual

No. 2010668


>be depressed person with nothing in life to lose

>take you hatred out on others(just like incel shooters)

That along with having 4chan humorand need for attention. Like to me it makes perfect sense she has the same mindset of mass shooters she is just not that extreme

No. 2010740

File: 1719979898083.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3464x2081, 5506FC72-7E72-41AD-98FD-4BCFFE…)

This is totally NOT where you would want to go if you were to, say, try and catch a demented whore trying to spit-assault some poor random person out in the wild and lead law enforcement to her or anything, I don't even know where one would go to do such a thing

No. 2010752

File: 1719983836495.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.97 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719982151326.m…)

dumping some stuff that have not been posted for archival reasons

No. 2010759

File: 1719984247541.mp4 (1.22 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719977256281(1…)

deleted cause sage

No. 2010760

File: 1719984315169.mp4 (2.12 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719982455622.m…)

No. 2010761

File: 1719984346205.mp4 (2.58 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719982382226.m…)

older video

No. 2010766

If your need to get a reaction out of people is so extreme you'll go to these lengths, you definitely have some kind of mental problem. A healthy person would weigh those things against each other (need for attention vs spitting on someone's face and filming it) and decide that respecting others would be more important.

No. 2010768

retard here is posting where the street spitting videos where filmed ilegal in the eu lmao?

No. 2010775

No. 2010787

It's not. Giving her home address would be considered PII but the rest isn't. It's no different from when ever any rag says "X celebrity spotted in Ballyblah".

No. 2010798

File: 1719994464007.jpeg (185.71 KB, 744x786, Screenshot_3-7-2024_111156_x.c…)


No. 2010799

File: 1719994513190.mp4 (1.14 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719994307527(1…)

No. 2010813

File: 1720001232600.jpeg (184.89 KB, 683x728, Screenshot_3-7-2024_1372_x.com…)

is she escorting cause online money would not be that nasty right
i do not think she is escorting cause idk maybe it would have leaked

No. 2010814

also to the usnonas the blue is 20 s

No. 2010817

File: 1720002626242.png (543.12 KB, 984x952, 500.png)

The 500 euro note has been phased out for a while now. It's technically legal but no where will except them banks. She can't really use them there or the tax man will come after her.
Adding to this. Bronze ones are 10s or 50s.

No. 2010825

File: 1720005744404.png (443.21 KB, 747x1026, thdthdt.png)

do we have this old video?
idk if she actually did

No. 2010826

File: 1720005789961.png (350.34 KB, 747x1026, zhdz.png)

did she grop that woman?

maybe a false memory but i feel she did

No. 2010827

It could be white wine. They give you a little cup like that with the bottle.
Even then I'm surprised she isn't on a no-fly list.

No. 2010828

only way to know if it was recovered. Only started following when she started assaulting cause she is boring without that so i missed it kek

No. 2010829

Is there any alternative names she might have? I've been looking up Chloe Power/Powers on the court diaries and Gardai announcements and I'm getting nothing. She's definitely been arrested at least once. Something should pop up.

No. 2010831

Samefag. I found some news stories about women spitting on Garda but that was outside of Dublin or in their 30s

No. 2010849

she did, I remember that particular video clearly. She grabbed the other woman's ass as she was walking past.

No. 2010850

this is what will eventually fuck her up. she's going to be a sex offender after she grabs the wrong person's ass.

No. 2010851

I hate the idea of forced asylums but this level of shit needs care. Even if she's putting it on, the fact that she feels she needs to do this to make incel bucks is just sick and disgusting.

No. 2010856

definite larp. the pics itt of her "shooting up" are obviously staged w/ the blood squirting out everywhere (all over her arm, filling up the (unused) spoon, etc.) & lbr if she had any h on her to use in those pics, it would've been included

this pic is likely taken from someone else, still staged as fuck with the unused/clean needle + empty syringe in frame next to the similarly unopened baggie. if she actually had a habit, she'd be copping off the streets & not ordering small ass amounts via snail mail. i think we'd have read/seen all about it by now, too. the only person invested in making her look like a junkie, is herself.

even the paperwork from the hospital–if it's real–doesn't say she OD'd, or was in danger of OD'ing; just that she "wanted" to OD, which tracks. she's 100% the kind of bitch to glamorize addiction while spitting on homeless strangers, etc.

also funny you can't see the stamped date in picrel unless i'm completely retarded

sage bc no milk + no1curr/sperg out rant

No. 2010863

sry for samefag but yeah, looks like the date stamped on the postage is 3-08-2023 lol correct me if i'm wrong

No. 2010866

Anyone else think she's dicking around with friends/simps in this one and pretending it's part of her street harassment era? Usually she doesn't care about showing people's faces.

No. 2010875

File: 1720017894819.png (26.43 KB, 167x138, post-stamp.png)

I can't see the final year number but the month is definitely off. It's clearly an 8, that's August.
It would be weird for her to buy a fake stamp to make this or holding onto an envelope for over a year though. Also as a former darknonnie Sweden is a weird place to buy from. Smaller EU countries, next to countries with big ports are generally better

No. 2010876

This was before that Era so maybe

No. 2010880

Saged for non-milk but all of her old Onlyfans content was uplodaed here and the shoop is unreal: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/seppukugirl

No. 2010881

File: 1720019441861.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.94 KB, 602x800, 62e78db6454de9ee2cb188ceeb0552…)

Flat asf

No. 2010882

File: 1720019525769.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.3 KB, 600x800, e71752e7a94b220631b5c54c4293d0…)

Her vag looks diseased

No. 2010884

yeah, i thought the same with it being from sweden, which as far as i know hasn't ever been a go-to h source but also just seems odd to order from to dublin but bit my tongue on that in case of ignorance or an uninformed (american) pov

the other stamp looks like the year ends w/ a "3" if you zoom in. regardless it can't be from this year, since–as you pointed out–it's dated august 3rd but i really do think there's a lot of self-posting itt, specifically regarding sensationalizing what she does/doesn't do & posting non-milk that upholds her claims. i'm not accusing the anon who posted the pic of anything, but it is kind of a specific and convenient photo to have on hand, without context, as evidence of her ~heroin uwu~ addiction in immediate response to questions being raised about her supposed drug use. i'm admittedly new to this thread, so i could be wrong, but it doesn't look like there's any content pertaining to heroin on here, apart from the ones of her pretending to shoot up (lol). she never looks, acts, or otherwise appears high on any kind of opioid or opiate in anything i've seen on here either, but given she likely lurks here perhaps she'll suddenly start to play it up with fake nods, selfies taken exclusively in direct sunlight (gotta pin those pupils somehow, eh?), and so on.

anyway, guess we can safely assume she nabbed the pic off some poster in one of those 'tumblr: reloaded'-esque clearnet "drug" communities or something (definitely not dread). it's just such a weird thing to go out of your way to do no matter what the case is, but i guess that's her shtick. if had managed to get her hands on anything & was actively using i imagine the theatrics would surpass the pic (she'd also have some gnarly fucking infections to show off right off the bat)

kudos to you for making me feel a little less tinfoil-y over this anyway lol, i'll shut up about it now. just find it weird; assume like most of the call-outs of her larping, lies, etc., this'll be buried under exaggerated posts about how "crazy!" she is and other content dumps presented w/o any commentary or speculation regarding the unlikelihood of some of her claims & supposed behavior (despite much of it being self-refuting, or contradicted earlier up in the thread by her other content/claims), but it is what it is.

No. 2010887

File: 1720021369376.png (551.9 KB, 493x877, fghjb.png)


>content dumps presented w/o any commentary or speculation regarding the unlikelihood of some of her claims & supposed behavior

ot but dumper here, i mean idk what say. We are not in her discord or in general iner circle so we are missing alot of info about her m.o if there is one. Could her parents be supsidizing her while she in in art school or something, could she be on welfare, could she be escorting , she most likely isnt earning enough online by the looks of it, we do not know

we might learn more if things escalate but is not certain

No. 2010889

Agree with everything you said. Once you're at the injecting stage of heroin abuse you are a zombie ghoul. Even with filters she's not like that.
If she was into something it might be Valium or ket. Any stims like coke or yokes would mess with her BPD or HPD meds. She'd probably just a regular auld alco. Her face would be puffy and red but Photoshop can hide that.

No. 2010891

>could she be escorting
There's apparently one site for escorting in Ireland. Former moid friends laughed about using it. I don't have the stomach to look her up though.

No. 2010915

File: 1720028162992.png (565.79 KB, 941x801, Screenshot 2024-07-03 203450.p…)

No. 2010916

No. 2010918

File: 1720028455073.png (625.93 KB, 1240x897, rgdrg.png)

she talks about talking to rafaini but did she ever go to italy?

No. 2010920

samenona but perhaps she had the surgery in korea and now talking to the italian online

No. 2010926

File: 1720030221175.png (20.25 KB, 945x202, hiuz.png)

samenona again lip lift era lets gooo. Lmao not fast enough metabolism fatass

told you nonas she had a recessed chin, proo she did since it is weak even after surgery

No. 2010930

File: 1720030739097.png (17.33 KB, 1230x103, pppu.png)

ip2 scrotes talking about her and dexpuppy


No. 2010934

File: 1720032348133.mp4 (202.06 KB, 1280x720, ssstwitter.com_1720032327990.m…)

fake moaning

No. 2010942

File: 1720033473706.jpg (352.39 KB, 688x1395, 72727474.jpg)

There are also a lot of comments on her from Dex. Wonder if anything will come of it.

No. 2010948

File: 1720033748622.jpg (80.94 KB, 1200x671, E87We4IXIAcahcK.jpg)

lmao at the 2021 shoops

they both too broke and mentall to do shit together tbf

No. 2010949

File: 1720033848700.png (86.96 KB, 823x381, Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 22-10…)

No. 2010953

File: 1720034048494.jpg (99.93 KB, 694x1200, 3730ca9e59dfbcceeb0044dc8c1bd8…)

No. 2010954

File: 1720034088667.jpg (105.31 KB, 817x1200, E8cZT56WUAIXQCr.jpg)


No. 2010960

File: 1720034428349.jpeg (716.21 KB, 2048x2048, AE40CB29-F421-449D-B32F-144AEC…)

I knew she had something done to her nose and chin but I thought it was fillers? Are we sure by chin augmentation she doesn't mean fillers? Crazy if she actually had it done surgically. It looks weak but as I said previously not recessed to the point it would cause functional issues or be considered a deformity. Even the comments say it's weak by a mild 2mm and she doesn't need surgery. She still said she isn't happy with how she looks. Which goes to show again the pretend narcissism is just a larp, we are bullying her so hard it's worsening her BDD, not like she doesn't deserve it.

No. 2010961

it is weak after surgery and she wants it more . I am sure she means surgery because she is well versed in plastic surgery since she is into incel looksmax shit evident by her knowing about and contacting raffaini a incel popular doc lmao

No. 2010962

File: 1720034671437.webp (79.62 KB, 1125x1524, IMG_2256.webp)

Samefag and exactly as I stated previously which commenters agreed, any more added to the jaw/chin would just masculinize her face. The chin pretty much lines up with her glabella and a longer ramus here would look atrociously troony, I hate square jaws on women, especially artificial ones. It's kind of pitiful though how she's still unhappy with her face afterwards, I can imagine it's really depressing spending all that money to still dislike how you look. Rickett's line looks fine also, this is pretty intense BDD

No. 2010963

File: 1720034707654.jpg (122.08 KB, 675x1200, FBmarYhXoAABLUf.jpg)

she looks like she is wearing compression socks kek


No. 2010970

File: 1720035745140.png (Spoiler Image,317 KB, 426x458, FAtKbOOXIAwRuQu.png)

ot but she had a poop? case

No. 2010971


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2010972

So she has been harassing people around where she lives and then running back home and locking the door when they try and fight back. This is the exact location of the building she went into(doxxing)

No. 2010985

This looks like one of those troons who wear those creepy latex doll suits

No. 2010991

File: 1720039985980.jpg (38.45 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg)

Jfc I need to start harassing foreigners so I can get top quality housing in the CC. I feel like such a queen goon for traveling in with the Dart every day.

Ignoring my modest wishes why tf didn't the gov ship all these nutjobs to Cavan or Leitrim. There's no one there If it's a planning issue then reopen one of the million prisons the Brits set up. Spike Island is sitting there. It could be Ireland's Alcatraz.(blogposting)

No. 2010993

ot but do we have a conclusion with the self harm dick pics? sis she paid a scrote to do it cause it is too extreme to do for a omewho who barely does prodom shit

No. 2011024

Lol thats not piss, the color is pretty light indicating good hydration levels, someone as disgusting and slobbish as Chloe doesnt keep that hydrated, she looks like she doesnt drink anything besides Blue Nun and smells like shit 24/7.

No. 2011068

File: 1720051273578.jpeg (197.92 KB, 1241x1059, IMG_1505.jpeg)

The saddest part about this is that while untrue for males, women can have weak and recessed chins and jawlines and still be beautiful, and sometimes only look more youthful for it, it's just a less mature look compared to someone with a very developed and forward grown lower third. But it only works when you're already pretty and have other good features and harmony. Sorry Chloe but even if Raffaini operates on you, you will still never be pretty like this (and this girl's natural nose is bigger and chin is recessed). I commend you for making real changes, it did make you less (but still) ugly, that's a step above just using snapchat and meitu like filters to change your features(fan letter)

No. 2011099

2nd pic nose is so pretty idk why and face overall(sage your shit)

No. 2011117


The comment on this from "Dexpuppy".. She's a 20 year old meth head IP2 streamer that recently went from dating a 35 year old 5 foot 7 balding wook to dating an unemployed fat 43 year old alcoholic homeless dude. If she isn't already a cow, she's a calf

No. 2011142

This is just a tinfoil but she seems way too fat to be in an active heroin addiction. I feel like if she was actually using it she'd start losing weight pretty quickly.

No. 2011152

i mean look at luna, im not up to date with her newest milk but for a while she was/is using heroin and was still a lardass

No. 2011155

File: 1720081828852.jpg (134.18 KB, 1118x683, GRoTqbCWEAAeT8f.jpg)

deformed check still deformed

also she is lurking cause she deleted her alt reddit

No. 2011156

same nona but she prob got the surgery in korea and lied about killing herself to hide the recovery time

No. 2011192

tuna is an exception, but iirc when she very first started out she still lost some weight compared to where she started, at some point, and over time gained it back & more, especially w/ the bouncing on/off subs or whatever, supposing her sober~ arc involved any MAT meds. fent + fentalogues also do cause weight gain in many cases, if coupled with unrestricted access to shit food and/or an overall will to lard out above all else, but this cow isn't in the u.s. & even if we're supposing she's on any of that shit–which i'm sure she'll claim to escalate things bc continuity is not a strong suit of hers–i think it's pretty safe to assume if she were using or abusing opioids like tuna, we wouldn't be debating this in the 1st place.

weight related shit aside, there's no reason to believe this chick has access to any hard drugs, let alone illicit opis; she just has her probs shitty eu weed and maybe a 0.5mg benzo script to play along with. anything more is just larping induced by leftover tumblr brain rot and probably having seen christiane f., lilja 4ever, trainspotting, etc. one too many times through the same rose-tinted retard lenses.

only thing she and tuna have in common is sending underaged kids nudes, tho empath seems to be walking back the pedo shit despite all of the public and easily provable evidence that it used to be a constant theme. that's really the most discussion-worthy thing about this bitch, given she has yet to face any consequences for it

No. 2011193

File: 1720101920155.jpg (187.45 KB, 1046x1443, ErZJOkqUUAAi1Ki.jpg)

autistic dumper here tried writing a new intro for her. Tell me if it would make a good op for the next thread. Also tell me if i missed anything since i skipped some logs due to them being either mind numbing or creepy when the moids text on the server.

>started by selfposting on 4chan by the name Billy. There and on tumblr(not found yet) mainly posted self harm and her shit art

>according to screenshots she laughed at her mom dying and allegedly according to her, got groomed by sleepy_seymour
>years later she resurfaces on an orbiter server called Jay's server by the name hvy and makes an of
>selfposts on r9k her comically shooped selfies on 2020, makes fun of ciara's death
>2021 starts going by empathchan and the selfposting r9k campaign starts
>posts nazi,misogynistic,zoophile,edgy shit to appeal to scrotes along with just repeating everything they say about her. Common 4chan girl tactic, for example they call her jewish she calls herself jewish, they say they want to rape her she says she wants to be raped. Τhey threaten her, she posts a fake address and claims that she wants them to come
>somehow art got even worse
>according to screenshots allegedly minors accuse her of being inappropriate with them
>still talks to sleepy seymour
>moids cut her name on themselves including on their dick despite nobody caring about her in any platform. So she might have paid them or asked degen cutters to do it, in order to appear like she is more popular than she is
>screenshots surface where she offers escorting to people on discord if they tip her 100 bucks on of
>gets welfared checked cause she was suicidal, liveposts the whole thing asking her orbiters how to get attention to be attended faster, she tries sitting on a wheelchair, screaming, talks about running around naked or falling to the ground and banging her head. Perhaps inspo for later
>claims to attempt suicide. Resurfaces in korea most likely where she had chin augmentation, also visits la afterwards
>alt reddit found where she has photos of a 3-year-long enduring yeast infection, vaginal cheese included.
>posting edgy statements did not get her any attention so she starts posting herself screaming irl
>still nobody cared so she starts posting what allegedly appears to be her peeing in public, spitting at people, swinging at them and calling them slurs. One rumoured video was her allegedly groping a woman but it has not been archived we only have the thunmnail
>of banned moved to fansly
>alt reddit surfaces where she talks about having got fillers and chin augmentation, considers jaw surgery and lip lift.

social media:


https://twitter.com/findomlover028 (2020 twitter oldest on recovered)

No. 2011195

I really like it nonny great job, I just think there are much more damning images to make as the header picture.

No. 2011196

thank you, no this is just a 2020 pic i found just to have something. I am going to try making a better pic lol

No. 2011198

Great stuff. Only recommendation I'd have is to add the reddit accounts to the socials.

No. 2011226

File: 1720109046009.jpeg (760.77 KB, 3464x2098, 28C48F00-2652-4149-A9EE-00F29D…)

nonexistent reading comprehension- saying no amount of surgery will make the cow attractive ≠ fan letter, wheres redtext on every post referring to her in 2nd person then? such consistent, objective moderation right here

anyone who understands beauty knows the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, she is pretty bc facial harmony, sexual dimorphism, contrast and averageness are more important than not having a weak chin, bigger nose or any specific feature, which is what multiple ppl here have been saying in simpler terms every time someone calls her chinlet. i'd pick right over left a million times over, even though kylie has a longer ramus, sharper jawline, more forward grown mandible and smaller, straighter nose, overall she's too modified, looks much older and fake, face is less feminine, lower in averageness thus further from the prototypical. it must be blackpilling for ppl like chloe to realize there are girls with weaker chins and bigger noses who are still eons prettier than her and "fixing" any specific feature wont fix the holistically ugly(physiognomy sperging)

No. 2011227

you could take this a step further by comparing it to desuarchive posts about her as well. all similar language and themes

No. 2011243

go back to jerking off to qoves studio videos you insufferable autist

No. 2011248

if this bothers you then you should probably watch some yourself. knowing this is enough to make the pedophilic whore whose thread ur willingly reading want to get what is essentially facial reconstructive surgery is funny enough to me, facially challenged coping allistic retard(infighting)

No. 2011275

File: 1720116256110.png (9.22 MB, 4070x4097, 1719841079238tttt2.png)

is this ok or do you think including faces is too much? i added them cause the pixielocks banner from when she went to japan

ty! yeah i neglected the link part since they were so many will add them in the op though

No. 2011281

lol the faces look as if they’re expressing disgust because of her appearance

No. 2011286

File: 1720118809372.jpg (380.23 KB, 1024x1139, 888383.jpg)

They're already over her, kek. One of the scrotes found the thread and posted it.

No. 2011287

This one >>2010152 might be a nice addition to the face posts

No. 2011290

File: 1720119574614.png (12.96 MB, 4070x4097, 17198410792386666.png)

lol tried

No. 2011293

File: 1720120808783.png (11 MB, 3748x3284, 171984107923866zzz66.png)

more art stuff. Do we think her father is supporting her to be in artschool since i do not buy she is paying to be there , her art is shit

No. 2011311

Incel post. Normal people don't think like this, and they don't worry about their ramus length and whatever else you said.

No. 2011313

File: 1720124534907.jpg (194.25 KB, 1600x1145, 449718285_8552951174732052_532…)


nevermind found where this is, next to where she spat on that dude. Will be checking if it is a school thing but it seems like a small exhibition

remind you she screamed slurs in a past exhibition lol

No. 2011329

the other post i'm tagging is the one where someone said she needed a longer ramus and had a condition that would require jaw and chin surgery. this was a counterargument to that. if you think that knowing basic anatomical terms makes anyone an incel that just makes you a dullard with a very limited vocabulary, since the point is actually that this doesn't considerably matter on women and multiple people have said this

it doesn't seem that her dad is supporting her, check the post tagged under urs

No. 2011330

Ik but she does not co.e across like she is escorting and her online shit are unpopular so where is the money coming from

No. 2011351

File: 1720132987639.jpeg (769.99 KB, 1997x3334, 28225A53-90E8-4B7B-BE72-157409…)

she lives in housing provided by the government. i was confused why it seemed to be a decent flat in dublin city center, section 8 housing in US is shit. this was confirmed with her location in a video she posted going in her building but it got removed, so we know she either has or at least declares low income and is committing fraud. any savings may be in that crypto wallet that may or may not be hers or some scrote's

the place she used to live at >2 years ago when she posted her address and incels were egging her house, someone on twitter posted documents showing it was like a girls home for mentally ill or orphans i dont recall exactly. maybe she is on some social assistance list from her mother passing away and her having psychiatric problems (being in and out of hospital) like the irish anon said

No. 2011387

not to dox but i though she was in a hotel or behind it from the chasing video but i believe you since i do not know anything about that. Still weird that the place looks so nice

No. 2011400

File: 1720138881109.png (4.89 MB, 4061x3398, ghdfhb.png)

ot but lmao at that wannabe r9k egirl number 2054 wannorexic who tried comparing herself to empath. Like yeah emp is uglier than her but comparing yourself for moid attention is so pathetic. Vid is deleted but was some fake tismo speak and her showing her favourite small plates lmao

No. 2011433

File: 1720143987581.webm (1.34 MB, 288x480, 476e-1d4a-4e12-9bc7-ab03dd44bf…)

Here’s the full video

archive: https://archive.ph/yxt0V

No. 2011442

that is what i remember thanks, wonder how she reacted guess she lied it off

No. 2011527

File: 1720179527754.jpg (134.92 KB, 675x1200, E6iYKi_UUAA4SDSwwwwww.jpg)

sage for old photo but lmao at the shoop

is this real did she post children tf

No. 2011529

File: 1720179724890.jpg (102.05 KB, 675x1200, E6iYKi_UUAA4SDS.jpg)

No. 2011539

The chicken hand gets worse the more you look at it.

No. 2011548

This is so bad. Blind people could do better shops. Also who are you trying to impress with the vodka naggins?

No. 2011583

new thread >>2011582

No. 2011586

Why didn't you use the threadpic the other anon made? I would remake it with this as the threadpic unless not allowed for whatever reason

No. 2011607


(learn2link newfag)

No. 2016518

this is not empath chan shes larping this photo is from kaliacc days on guilded pretty sure its nyabeat/kerosene/nadecola or one of her friends from then(sage your shit)

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