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No. 1934513
Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphette fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphette, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same, talk the same and post the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago. Claim to be morally better than nymphettes, but in fact they’re just the same (still into DD/LG, still romanticize abuse of women). Coquettes spend entire days on „girlblogging” (reposting same 10 pictures of Lizzy Grant taken from pinterest), making idiotic whisper memes, posting fawn pictures, posting thinspo and calling themselves „waifs”, even though most of them weight 60kgs, and tagging everything with „Alana champion lily rose depp lana del rey”, even when it has nothing to do with those chicks.
>Alida bitches about being „slandered” and called nazi which is ~totally not true~. She just „drew swastikas in the sand once upon a time as a teen to scare old people”! Except making 2dgy4me videos is one thing, and dating nazi guys strictly is another. >>1825225, >>1827764>old receipts of Alida meeting up with & whiteknighting XXXTentacion right after allegtions of him beating up & sexually assaulting his girlfriend (as well as killing several people) surfaced >>1827766, >>1830210 „Yeah he was abuser but who cares he brought so much light to the world RIP” >>1830212, >>1830213>Oh the benefits of being Christian! Or „just a Jesus supporter”. Alida prays and Jesus buys her Porsche, supposedly >>1830939, >>1831039, >>1830970, >>1844531>Jesus connects Alida with „influential people” >>1831432>Alida’s new era of christian findom/betabux in the name of Jesus >>1844843 „Take me to the bank, not your bed. Invest in all my dreams & plans, maybe i will hold your hand… celibate & choosing Christ - watch me rise”>new ~celibate life~ >>1856466>also new disgusting sugar daddy on the horizon? >>1831408, >>1831137, >>1831458 „You can be the bossy daddy” by Lana Del Rey stays always relevant>Alida’s sad attempts at rap music >>1844843, >>1851952>Alida likes Andrew Tate’s tweets >>1833303, >>1834117, >>1834119>Alida and her dog Luna see aliens and believe they’re celestial beings sent to earth with a mission. Well, at least Alida believes. Boasts about being posted on Pinterest by 13 year olds >>1838726, >>1852909>still denies getting fillers & surgeries, still lies her photoshopped 16yo selfies are totally „real” >>1854317, >>1905581>shames chicks on Onlyfans but has no qualms about whoring herself out on Playboy site >>1885745>Alida’s friend Nina , unsurprisingly in relationship with a balding moid in his 50’s as well (>>1835278, >>1835409, >>1838451), is seen defending The Dare’s infamously disgusting pedo „teacher dry fucking teens in tenis skirts” album cover. also unsurprisingly. >>1838260>Nina cries over age gap relationships STILL being persecuted (gasp!) because racism & sexism apparently „have been eradicated” and hatred is being directed elsewhere >>1898776>Some literal nobody on tumblr with the same christian coquette brand as Alida has a meltdown over getting posted on lolcow >>1859188, >>1859187, >>1859983 turns out to be attention seeking man >>1859860>Ethel Cain tells his followers fascinating stories of the old days when he was a kid and had fantasies about jerking off Doc Baker from Little House on the Praire >>1889097>Alid discovers lolcow, gets salty, multiple spergout commence >>1890530, >>1834109, >>1890365, >>1890530, >>1834109>cope posts bout being „tall & „towering over us” >>1890365>also cope posts about having „tiny proportions” & having to trade S for XS due to buying dresses „too big”, all because some anon called her fat >>1889235, >>1894368>Alida still desperately waits for Ron to marry her, Ron doesn’t feel inclined >>1902677>Alida befriends a new skinwalker, unsurprisingly Brooklyn looks 100 better as Alida than Alida herself, but the skinwalking level is creepy regardless. >>1904648, >>1905505, >>1925089>Coquettes reaching new levels of low >>1907199>Methel Cain gets randomly called out on faking/glmorizing female trauma on tumblr, can’t resist calling OP a retard which makes half the tumblr go after him >>1914323 The second part (coquettes) love using retard word, so they praise him>Bacon has an epic meltdown over "dumb bitches on this website" who stated the obvious (troons aren't women). Calls women "beasts" & "nasty little slugs" bc they have "coarse hair on pussy and asshole too". spills the usual angry troon word diarrhea online with classics like "breedable 12 year old waiting for some old man to fuck them" and "he's still not gonna fuck you" >>1914200>Clarifies his post was directed at tumblr coquettes that „plague his dms daily” (how ungrateful! That’s 99% of his fanbase kek) not „militant radfems” & lolcow. In a typical malding moid manner assures he wouldn’t „touch us broads with a 10 foot pole” >>1914239 >Tumblr drama ensues, every reasonable person laughs at this misogynist/ malding scrote temper tantrum while his retarded coquette fans he allegedly hates soo much now naturally kiss his ass >Bacon writes a few pages long angry spergout essay on how he was „misunderstood” and how he absolutely didn’t mean it that way >>1915234, >>1915236, >>1915237, >>1915240 > reminder how ~feminine & pretty~ & totally not a greasy zit-infested 4chan psycho-wannabe Columbiner our ~coquette kween~~ Ethel has always been! >>1915244>malding cause some random tumblrtard called him Macon >>1915790>Ch111oe claims her tits are absolutely real >>1921116>Frankie, i mean alida goes to Hollywood >>1924375> video of Ronald & alida looking like pervy grandpa and his embarassing granddaughter dancing on sanatorium ball >>1927006, >>1927255>seeing anons speculate about her& Onion splitting yet again, Alida assures everyone they didn’t>Alida gets fed up with her moid refusing to propose to her, resorts to blackmail. Announces she won’t have sex unless he proposes & gives her a ring >>1932169 >Alida is 2 months sober from sex, encourages girls to join the celibacy club as well bc „sex is for losers”. Advices to „save it for a man that will make you levitate” well i guess Ron is shit in bed then >>1932169 >nina claims she has „so much in common” with her 52 year old, says if you don’t have anything in common with old moids you’re „boring and simple” >>1932479, >>1900320 >Maya /Stolenbesos/Coldstonedreamery >>1894567 googles herself & finds the thread, acts all lmao unbothered. Conveniently cuts out the original caption „turns out she’s only known because she fucks Cobrasnake” part, wonder why? >>1927475>Methel continues his Nicole Dollenganger skinwalking obsession & makes up shitty Nicole/Ginger Bronson tier ~crazy poverty larp stories from the wild past~ of his own >>1930000>alida in the role of Jazmine’s tacky bridemaid, gets wildly jealous right after >>1933645, >>1933660>compilation of alida’s top random delulu posting so you can relive the kek >>1831170, >>1906876, >>1856092, >>1886817, >>1899483, >>1901150, >>1902677, >>1905504, >>1885711, >>1905504>ridiculous examples of „high fashion” adopting coquette shit >>1900756, >>1901787, >>1829332Coquette aesthetic thread #1:
>>>/snow/1410169Coquette aesthetic thread #2:
>>>/snow/1616017Coquette aesthetic thread #3:
No. 1934515
It wouldn't let me put it in original post bc the text ws too long, so i'm dumping cow summaries below.
~Number #1 cow queen of coquette threads~
>Alida Simone - DDLG pedopanderer since her tumblr days, obsessed with looking like a child. Dresses in childlike/coquette/lolita clothes in hopes to look eternally young, ends up looking clapped & old. Formely thriving in nymphet/lolita community, now continues to be somewhat popular (thanks to her 2017 teenage pics) among coquettes. A narc always claiming she’s so beautiful and good and angelic, obsessed with herself to exteme delusional level. Uses lip plumpers and lip fillers since she was a teen but claims she’s all natural. Posts childhood photos with her lips photoshopped bigger as a „proof” ~, but actual unedited childhood/teenage photos of hers show she always had thin lips. Attacks other girls online claiming they „copy her” but then always finds ways to turn this around and victimize herself. Used to sell tacky handmade flower bikinis under „Key West Kitten” brand (1 dollar walmart bikinis with plastic flowers and ribbons hot glued on, not even sewn), then crotchet bees which apparently nobody cared for, loved to throw tantrum how „mainstream brands steal her idea”. Had a tumblr with Jumpropejailbait handle where she posted babygirl/daddy content and glorified Columbine shooters. Used to post videos of herself drawing swastikas in the sand „to scare old people”, claims she’s not nazi or racist, but she’s always befriended and dated people openly posting nazi/white pride content. Used to post nymphet photos of herself taken in shady motels and meth labs while she was a teen. Dates much older blokes since forever. When she was 16, she went missing/got kidnapped and assaulted by and older guy she was in a DD/LG relationship with. Quit school and all opportunities to live with an old scrote. On and off with her current moid Ron, still no marriage in sight despite her desperation. Used to be a sex worker while dating Onion, „assisting” poker scrotes in a casino, which is documented on youtube casino streams. Suddenly had a revelation & took a sudden 180 degree turn, now she’s a newborn celibate follower of Christ (which apparently granted her Porsche kek). Now forever depending on old scrotes mercy and prostitution, but still desperately trying to romanticize her dire situation and view everything through Lana Del Rey angle.
>Orion/Onion/Ron/Ronald >>1927003, >>1920669, >>1920705, >>1920743, >>1924082 – Alida’s current sugar daddy/boyfriend. She was pursued by him while she was still underage >>1898798, he noticed her when she was randomly riding bike/standing on the side of the road. Had no problem with alida prostituing herself in casinos, most probably even encouraged that. Thanks to his relationship with Alida, he gets messages from her retarded underage followers. Has no qualms inviting other young women around when Simone’s not around (which she later cries about in instagram stories, with fitting Lana Del Rey lyrics). 5 years of an (on & off) relationship and he still doesn’t want to marry Alida, which is apparently starting to frustrate her to the point of threatening celibacy.
>Ethel Cain - trans Nicole Dollanganger sdbbydoll skinwalker, used the coquette craze to make „career” but now claims to hate all that „coquette shit”. Writes awful Nicole/nymphet themed trauma/trafficking/sexual exploitation romanticizing texts with addition of misogyny. Photographs himself in gunne sax dresses & tacky lingerie and does trailer park shoots. Makes music that’s awful, styled as very bad ripoff of Lana Del Rey. Works with known industry abusers/rapists like Dr Luke or Pouya. Unlike his idol Nicole, actually has grown way beyond tumblr and made a career in mainstream just thanks to being a troon. Lurks lolcow 24/7 and the internet for any mention of his name, periodically snaps and malds online whenever someone says he looks like a man.
>Chl111oe – a person of many faces, thanks to Photoshop and plastic surgeries (which she promptly denies). An onlyfans thot wearing coquette/Y2K bimbo fashion who got famous thanks to porny pics and „modelling” coquette fashion for soundclout scene sourced cow Internetgirl & her tacky jewellery brand >>1838766, >>1838766, >>1844046, >>1851098
>Stolenbesos/Coldstonedreamery/Maya – another LA rich party girl suddenly turned trending photographer. Known for taking shitty Terry Richardson tier coquette pandering „lobotomy chic” pics and hanging around semi famous people. Turns out she’s only known because she fucks Cobrasnake
>ALeah – coquette e-celeb pickme „model” signed to Noagency, known for having rabid spergouts on SM. >>1907201, >>1907200, >>1907199, >>1907453 Dates a pedo model obsessed with Asians & raceplay >>1907321 He was caught messaging underage Asian girls nd talking about wanting to rape them >>1907325, >>1907439, >>1907440, >>1907336 She doesn’t seem to mind what her boyfriend does, just gets pissed that they got called out >>1907336
>Helena/angel-hel – low tier catalog model and tumblrina, acts like she hates coquette aesthetic but actually used to run a girlblogger IG account. Larps as a character from „My year of rest and relaxation”. Along with another coquette blogger Jamila took part in a zine coquette photoshoot that became an overused template for coquette whisper memes. Posts videos of herself snorting coke and listening to cringey Lil Peep tier music. Dreams of dating ~~eastern european adidas tracksuit wearing xanax dealer who was once arrested for dealing but also not really bc he’s out of jail and he’s dangerous & edgy but also a smart and good~~
>Dasha - polish/russian-larper, aryan waifu, abuses Photoshop, wants to be tradwife and shames women for taking sexy pics whilst shoving her tits in the center of every selfie herself. No. 1934687
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Dasha and Alida are apparently friends, or at least moots, did I miss something or did they start talking because they're both cows? Looking at it their overinflated lips make them look alike. I also think whoever's trying to get her in this video has been reading these threads, I wish she would, could be milky
No. 1935006
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*my ride or die that keeps me around as the token racially-ambiguous brunette friend so she can eventually use me as cannon fodder when called out for supporting aryans
No. 1935037
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>>1934513>Alida still desperately waits for Ron to marry her, Ron doesn’t feel inclined >>1902677Everything she does is so calculated that I’m willing to bet she’s hoping Orion somehow sees this and “takes the hint.” Embarrassing
No. 1935214
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>>1935156He’s actually the same age as her, thankfully. But she looks so smug lol
No. 1935499
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I just know Alida snatched that bouquet out of the girl in the brown dress’s hands so quick to act like she caught it. Clearly she did not.
No. 1935558
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>>1935499My god. She’s fucking HUNGRY for it!!
No. 1935587
>>1935499>>1935558Omg she literally stole or knocked that from the girl's hands! This sums up her personality in a nutshell. Everything has to be about her, she's the main character everyone else is just an NPC, and she steals to then make out it was hers. (just like any 'idea' she has ever come up with.) SHE had to be in the spotlight and get all the attention by grabbing the bouquet.
When will she wake up and realise he doesn't want to marry her. That's never what he wanted her for. If he did, he would have asked by now, and not by force.
No. 1935695
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Have you all seen these stupid videos all over youtube? They call them subliminal videos - watch them to look like Alida. Whattttttttt… is this absolute insanity!?
These are definitely created by those types of accounts who follow Alida using her underage photos for their profile pics on social media.
No. 1935701
All of these people trying to look like her or wanting to be her, make her God complex even worse.
>>1935699Their eyes look so beady and pushed in.
No. 1935756
>>1935006This is such an autistic nitpick but I can’t stand when people get blonde hair but don’t bother getting a shade that actually goes with their skin tone.
Alida looks like her stylist just washes the bleach off and calls it a day, no toner, no purple shampoo. It looks piss yellow and makes her look cheap.
No. 1936888
Alida's already getting called out for her shitty "boutique"
No. 1936893
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she’s insufferable
No. 1936899
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>>1936894sorry nona, i thought i’d embedded the tiktok. this account has to be a farmer, they’ve been making videos dedicated to calling her out for months now
No. 1936904
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>>1936899went through their profile and found this video honestly nitpicking
No. 1936928
>>1936899Thanks for the caps, I wondered about those coats and bags because they honestly look simple enough to be handsewn. Just strips of fake fur and quilting fabric for the tote with a simple pattern. So she could have sewn these herself. The tiktok doesn't show the source, they are just assuming she bought in bulk.
However we know her flower bras she used to sell were flowers glued to premade bikinis, so who knows.
No. 1936952
>>1936928>So she could have sewn these herselfNah. I mean,of course she could've learned since then, but she couldn't even sew some fake flowers onto bikini bottom back in a day. Heck she couldn't even sew a damn readymade ribbon bows on cotton pants
Out of all the things to expose her for though, someone's making videos on her clothes scams?… weak. the person making them must've bought that expensive shit from her personally & ended up pissed off enough to make a callout vid.
No. 1937216
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Clown outfits..
No. 1937219
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The logo is smudged and not even symmetrical or measured properly. Such bad quality, even the flowers are fraying.
No. 1937225
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She definitely is buying cheap items in bulk and sticking things on them.
No. 1937228
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>>1937216I love that we literally just started a new thread and she's already doing something funny
No. 1937254
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Sry to spam but this logo is MASSIVE. Cut up felt glued on. Could you imagine walking around with this on? Embarrassing to the max.
No. 1937256
>>1937254what's it meant to be, a flying eyeball with teeth?
>>1936893she's still using her manipulated kid pic i see
No. 1937303
She's so obsessed with her own eyes that she made a whole symbol about them.
>>1936904>bAbY bLoNdE>bAbY bLuEsHer fixation on blonde hair and blue eyes is a big wtf. And why can't she just call it blonde and blue, without the word baby.
No. 1937497
>>1937254I have a feeling she eyeballed everything and did actually handmake it (except anon's picrel
>>1937225where the caption doesn't say it's handmade, and does say it's printed - you can get logo hoodies printed anywhere so that's nothing new)
The logo isn't symmetrical (which - how do you manage to make a synmetrical logo unsymmetrical since you just cut two pieces at the same time) and if you look at the fur panels, they look different widths and one arm is significantly longer than the other.
Will be interesting seeing people attempt to wear these since it even looks like she's struggling to wear this coat, the photos are from weird angles and don't show it fully, nor show the inside. So I do think these items are handmade but she didn't actually measure anything (because she is guided by divine light and doesn't need a measuring tape)
No. 1937498
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Fat coquette moid
No. 1937628
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>>1937498I honestly don't think this guy is a lolcow because his whole account appears to be a comedy account where he's clearly making fun of himself but this picture is sending me.
No. 1937746
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Aleah Tillis put her instagram back on public but is still mad that everyone knows that ~soft and strong white bf~ is a creepy groomer with race fetishes
No. 1937815
>>1937498I really want this to be a parody account just cause it would be ridiculous, but it probably isn't. These toys look like something cringetarded Melanie Martinez fans would buy.
>>1937746Damn her dreads and lip fillers give me Lil Bo Weep flashbacks.
Didn't she have tiktok aswell? i don't get why is she throwing these tantrums, is she still with her pedo boyfriend atm?
No. 1938214
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>>1937815she clearly likes the attention but hates the criticism. Anyway you just know her and her bf are into ddlg shit
No. 1938342
>>1938327You know, I often wonder the same thing. She definitely glamourises it, no doubt. She also said when the police came to get her, she tried to jump out the window to get away from them. She didn't want to go back home and wanted to stay with the guy. She seems to use the whole situation for further attention. Not to mention, she was calling herself jailbait and snuffiepuppy.
Same with the death of her mother. She literally made a video on her Patreon, claiming how she was super glad she was dead and that her life is so much better without her. Basically, claiming she hated her. But when she wants to squeeze attention and sympathy out of it, she does. She also apparently stole her mother's medication while she was dying. Among other things.
Alida is manipulative and I wish more people realised this.
No. 1938490
>>1938327alida has a bad habit of milking self-inflicted, attention-absorbing scenarios whenever she wants to be seen as an innocent damsel-in-distress baby lamb. she skips over any part she played, any hand she had in it.
in her words afterward "thank goodness my dad put up a beautiful photo of me for the news" - how she got her internet fame and even got lana to follow her from it (fucking weird how lana's bf followed her after that too might I add).
traumatised people don't post their scenarios all over social media for attention and views. truth is, alida creates and then thrives on these situations. she forever wants to be seen as a damsel because in her mind being feminine equates to being this soft. which is kind of pathetic and spineless if you ask me. she also wants to be seen as virginal/pure/virtuous and tries so hard to pretend she never had sex but cannot reverse what everybody already knows.
No. 1938660
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kek is there even any proof of that? or is she just another cockette trying to larp as slavic per usual.
No. 1938697
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Another one of her friends got engaged. Alida's got to be seething inside.
No. 1938708
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>>1938697alida merely liked it and didn’t reply. she’s definitely punching the air right now since this pick-me’s decrepit fiancé is in his 50s. meanwhile ron’s only ever gotten alida a gaudy hamsa hand necklace from some hack instagram shop.
No. 1938715
>>1938688I genuinely believe that porn rot brain has made a lot of people both male and female see EE women (from the sexy “blonde” countries of course) as ultra sex objects thanks to media since as far back as like the old sleazy Bond movies and the like. Doesn’t help how many EE women end up trafficked or in the sex trade somehow or other either. Coquette dummies see it as glamorous and waifish etc etc and think it makes them sound white girl exotikkkkk ir something. It’s honestly really gross and makes me mad sorry to sperg.
am just an angry Belarusian kek Also Alida shut up you never looked Polish. Tbh she looks very watered down Dutch to me but who knows what her actual face looks like under all that fluff
No. 1938770
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if her neglected husky in florida keeps getting attacked by other dogs, i’d bet anything that luna’s the aggressor.
No. 1938777
>>1938660>you're literally the epitome of Slavic beautyCringe comment, what does that even mean? Slavic beauty… being Slavic doesn't automatically mean you're beautiful. All countries have their uglies and their pretties.
>>1938770Just another daily drama in the life of Alida, She will post photos of her injuries, bc she likes to do that constantly. What are the odds that she is ALWAYS the innocent party in ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING??
Maybe if she stops dragging that poor dog around like an accessory piece and actually give her the life a husky deserves, shit like this wouldn't keep happening.
No. 1938792
I'm actually starting to believe that Alida is backward in the mental department, if you catch my drift. I'm not being sarcastic here. I mean it would make so much sense. It would explain why she cannot comprehend situations, struggles with self-awareness, behaves like a child, can't hold a job or any type of responsibility, why she's so easily lead astray and so on. Take for example those clothes she made for her new business. Doesn't it feel like the types of outfits someone with brain damage would create? And how everyone encourages her out of politeness - the same way people do with those with impaired mental capacity? Trying to tread carefully with my words because I don't want to come off like I'm taking shots at those with any form of disability.
She has her special needs dog too. She has special needs features in appearance and behaves special needs. Making it all so fucked up that ron went for this girl who didn't have the mental capacity to realise what was wrong with the entire situation. What if, the drugs she has taken over the years, did do some damage to her brain? For reals. BPD or something like it, only explains so much. There's something else going on in the noggin. We all joke and say that she's retarded, but she might just be, in the literal sense.
No. 1938830
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It's a case of the disappearing lips..
No. 1938894
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>>1938830Straight up Blagojevich lookin ass. Her under eye area is wild clearly she’s always had issues w it kek it looks like she has really bad allergies or something w those hollows.
No. 1938998
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she posted this video of her crying with no context but showed a picture of onion
No. 1939065
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>>1938998came here to post this. she’s losing it because he uses her and she’s realizing what a failure leech she is and that he’s never going to marry her no matter how many edits of women in bridal gowns she posts over the years
No. 1939066
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they definitely broke up again or he cheated while she was in hollywood
No. 1939175
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jazmine shading alida?
No. 1939185
>>1938688i notice that americans fetishize and exoticize russia. dangerous femme fatale, cold war soviet spy, ak47 ballerina, not obese, etc.
total bullshit.
poland to them is basically russia, since all slavs are the same, no? but it is more "believable" of a larp to claim polish ancestry, since poles are scattered all over the world and are fairly common. an american can easily claim "german" or "dutch" ancestry also, however norwegian or finnish doesn't sound as convincing.
also they lack our historical and economic context. to them poles aren't associated with cheap labor, nor with centuries of land dispute. polish migrant workers aren't there to give poland a scummy reputation.
(then again, they do fetishize latinas as well, despite their society being generally racist towards all those illegally working mexicans building their drywall hovels… so who knows…)
t. pole
No. 1939271
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What’s going on with her hands in this? Is this poor shooping?
No. 1939278
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>>1939271Beautiful cosplay.
No. 1939374
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>>1939271i hate the steven universe lips
No. 1939490
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maybe she wouldn’t be crying on her story 2x in one day, 12 hours apart if she quit obsessively checking this thread and comparing herself to her friends. it’s like she doesn’t internalize any of her old “comparison is the thief of joy” and narc “no one does it like me, i’m the blueprint, i’m irreplaceable” shit from earlier this year. clearly she’s easily replaceable if onion is fucking teenagers any time she’s away for a few days.
No. 1939516
>>1939490The thing is, she craves attention, EVERYWHERE that she goes. It's her whole schtick. But when all eyes are on her, she expects them all to worship the ground she walks on and admire her.
She wants to always be that one person in the room that holds the spotlight. But it must all be in favour of her, coddling and praising her, the way her fanbase do. Her fanbase feed her narcissism. We see all her flaws and nobody is allowed to see her flaws or call them out. Because she is such ~angelic perfection~.
No. 1939520
File: 1701981721320.png (11.22 KB, 589x82, capture-20231208-063837.png)

People are so shallow and stupid. Let us always jump to this shit generic conclusion that the ONLY POSSIBLE reason to hold grievances toward another, is always because THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND WE ARE SO JEALOUS/INSECURE. Sometimes, just sometimes, it might run deeper than that you stupid Alida ass-kissing cling-on.
No. 1939534
>>1939520Most beautiful women I know are popular and well-liked. People dislike Alida because she’s an arrogant asshole who puts down other women while playing the
victim, plus she promotes antisocial shit like pedophilia, prostitution, white supremacy etc. It’s not any deeper than that. Plenty of women look as good or better than Alida but they don’t have threads here bc duh, they aren’t cows.
No. 1939564
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No. 1939724
File: 1702015873796.jpeg (314.88 KB, 1170x925, IMG_8332.jpeg)

>>1939520“it’s been since i was 16… i understand yet i don’t…” it’s because she never fucking learns from her mistakes and is still a nazi dick-rider just like she was when her PULL thread was made when she was a teenager, and she went headfirst rapid mode down the hippie-to-alt-right pipeline since meeting onion
No. 1940111
>>1940105She is trying to flex but is buying out of her budget, as she doesn't have an income. But once she gets money from her ' boutique ' she will do it again. Then show off her high-end purchases as she does.
I still can't get over her flexing over getting a Porsche but it was all bullshit.
No. 1940286
File: 1702083411940.jpg (292.57 KB, 720x1382, Screenshot_20231209_115705_Ins…)

>>1940111Anyone else this her boutique items are heavily marked up crap with an ugly logo sewn on? Half the shit is probably altered aliexpress clothing. I suspect the flowers and nails are at least.
No. 1940342
>>1940297I agree, Alida was so fucked up as a teenager to the extreme that was far from the norm. No excuses. She wasn't a little kid. She was grown enough to know what was right or wrong, esp when it comes to issues like racism or pedophilia. Sick to death of the excuse that she was just a teen. She was late teens and still calling herself a little girl as tho she was 5, while being so incredibly vile and
abusive. She played people like a fiddle to get her own way.
The only excuse possible, would be if she is intellectually disabled and literally did not know right from wrong.
No. 1940366
File: 1702097771181.jpg (525.43 KB, 603x2098, oops.jpg)

Ok so I just saw this Live vid and it's old (from 2 years ago), AND MIDWAY THROUGH HER PHONE GLITCHED AND THE FILTER FELL OFF. I'm shocked this one is still up
No. 1940376
File: 1702100180547.png (236.39 KB, 464x420, 20231209_.png)

>>1940366you'd think this was a completely different person. pretty sure irl she looks closer to that and this
>>1938708than most of her filtered vids and pics. especially the heavily filtered ones from 2020.
anyway, ever since she was talking about being accepted into a royal family, she has started wearing tiaras everywhere kek
her tiaras started off small and have only gotten bigger and bigger. soon she'll have a full-on crown on her head
No. 1940405
>>1940282Alida was soooo
>>1940297Yes! Some of us were out working at 16 and forging an income while still studying at school. Some of us had discipline in our lives and weren't allowed to run around the town like a wild maniac. But I've got Asian parents and there is absolutely no way I could even dream of behaving that way, or anyone I knew at 16. Some already have responsibilities on their shoulders at that age.
But I guess she didn't have a strict upbringing and could always do whatever she wanted. Including being online for hours and hours without being monitored and flirting with whoever. She forged this identity online and was rewarded for it, and so it continues to this day. I don't even know how it was possible for her to have blood vials in her room. She could have caught anything from doing that, the blood drinking.
(no1currs not your personal blog) No. 1940731
File: 1702165982890.png (364.53 KB, 582x703, teehee.png)

>>1940714Why she still posting about it and glamorizing it like some twisted humble brag? Open your eyes.
No. 1940784
>>1940731I honestly think she posts that because in her mind it’s almost like a flex as in, “look how beautiful I look here as a teen” the ad reports her age, height, eye color. It’s almost like she is reinforcing her whole self obsession with her looks and eyes and it gives off that mysterious gone girl thing.
nobody normal would ever post about something so traumatic with a smiley emoji with the tongue out.
It’s so weird honestly, there is something not okay with her. either that, or she is a massive vain narcissist who is also mentally ill
No. 1940788
>>1940731>>1940784I agree!
She brings this up herself constantly in the weirdest, questionable manner. It just doesn't sit right and you end up thinking something is very off about it all.
No. 1940800
>>1940786I wasn't talking about her going missing. I was meaning how she would run all over town being racist, harassing and bullying other girls, stealing. drinking people's blood etc. And that she was allowed to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted (sometimes even directly in front of her mother who wouldn't do anything about it), and that yes I think that her parents are to blame for much of it.
She was and still is,
toxic though.
No. 1940840
>>1940731>Why she still posting about it and glamorizing it Ayrt If you knew anything about children who have abused or trafficked, then you would know that actually it's not uncommon for
victims to take ownership of their situation because it puts them in control. That's why you have the occasional case here and there of "yeah my mum kicked me out at 16 because my step dad fancied me", when the truth is that they're just a 16 year old who was being advanced on by a grown man who knows better than to pursue a minor. There are so many examples of this in /snow/ but this is the only thread where I've seen people use it as evidence she's a bad person
>>1940800Nta but quite literally most kids who are going through sex abuse are outwardly massive dickheads because not everyone who is being passed around like a toy between unironic middle aged nazis is going to feel like being the best person they can be. How can you not see that every shitty thing she did is a giant reflection of the men who did that? She wasn't a nazi who randomly stumbled across other nazis and joined in for fun. She assimilated into the group of abusers because it feels less like abuse if you're an active participant in their shit. I'd be a shitty person too if this is how I lived my life
No. 1940846
>>1940840agree, also her parents and how neglectful they were in her life are to blame as well.
Other nonnas mentioned how they couldn’t in a billion years be allowed to do some of the stuff that Alida did under the supervision of their own parents, but that’s the difference between good parenting and bad parenting.
Being neglectful of your kids can cause cases like Alida. This idea that children are full consenting fully aware and sexually privy beings is just not true. They model themselves from those around them, and if the type of people around you that gives you one drop of attention is a pedofilic neo-nazi, then some of that is going to rub on you, whether you’re aware of it or not. I doubt Alida really identifies herself fully to white supremacy and even her Viking blonde Slavic whatever arc that she had a while ago. Those are topics of discussion and fetishes that only belong to degenerate older men. And unfortunately, young women will subconsciously pick up on that and even gaslight themselves into thinking that is was is attractive and makes them desirable.
Alida needs to clean her act and remove all the bad influences aka her crusty old boyfriend and hang out with people her own age be responsible for once
No. 1940877
File: 1702206143537.jpeg (137.45 KB, 828x571, IMG_9816.jpeg)

alida deleted "i love orion" from her bio
they definitely broke up or are fighting kek the pedophile didn't like alida growing up
No. 1940880
>>1940877Oh wow, I wonder what her next move will be now?
Does anybody else wish that they could just gossip about Alida without her looking all the time?
No. 1940914
>>1940877I'm kinda surprised Alida hasn't learned anything, but what else is new? kek Alida will never grow out of this shit. I wonder if he knows about the thread and he bailed
>>1940867>>1940857Nowhere in my post did I wk her. I said it's fucking weird for people to act like she was equally to blame for the pedophiles taking advantage of her. You can hate someone and the shit they do without saying she was willingly running around with pedos as if them picking an easy target somehow makes it ok
No. 1940985
File: 1702225668750.jpeg (488.02 KB, 828x970, IMG_9819.jpeg)

why is she so proud of being proposed by that ugly ass man omg she’s so embarrassing. he definitely looks like the old creepy guy who stares at any young girl he sees on the street.
No. 1940989
File: 1702226202289.png (949.83 KB, 828x1792, IMG_9820.png)

>>1940985sorry for double posting but also i found his facebook and he has a son the same age as her… Imagine your almost 60 year old father marrying someone from your same generation. I really want to know his children's opinion because that’s disgusting and truly disturbing
No. 1941110
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>>1940877I am guessing it was more than likely a fight (they always fight) because she recently liked this.
No. 1941111
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our tiny nose massive rack slavic princess ch111oe before the botched filler and rhinoplasty 1/3
No. 1941113
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No. 1941116
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No. 1941142
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No. 1941167
>>1941111Damn. Who is this friend? I bet Ch111loe is pissed at her for posting these pre nose job pics, lol.
Where is Chloe from? I know she WISHES she was from Russia, but let's be real. No amount of selfies in snow with russian hat on will convince anyone lol
No. 1941217
>>1941142nina looks 35 & he looks so dusty bet he stinks like moldy cheese
>>1940989these are the types of greasy schmucks who flirt with their kids friends. fucking nasty pedos
No. 1941260
>>1940914No where did I state you were whiteknighting, but you compiled an entire theoretical back story in rant form to dismiss why a grown woman would continue to romanticise her 5 minutes of coquette fame. You must be new here if you thought anything you said was relevant to Alida.
>>1941015The fact there's actually a retard infantilizing a cow on the coquette thread of all places is hilarious.
No. 1941366
>>1941142Ew, Jesus, you can find like 40 of these men in every pub or construction site. Why do they try so hard for these uggo moids? You would swear from their uwu tweets that the men were James Dean but it's bleak
>>1941260Nonnas saying that it was a bad thing that happened to her when she was picked up by nazipedos =/= infantalising or excusing Alida. Spergs never drop it
No. 1941367
Walls of red text incoming for all this spergery going on in here lately. It's just too damn funny how the coquette threads go through waves of lunacy and drama.
>>1941313Idc if Alida is good or bad I'm just here for the content and she's a clown I like to watch when I'm bored. This shit is so wild to me and there's nothing like it irl. Her and everyone around her are wack af
No. 1941437
File: 1702302370523.jpeg (299.57 KB, 1170x2073, 4733938E-9D1B-43CE-B775-2B10D6…)

she and onion are not done lol they never are she even posted a video of him cuddling her dog
No. 1941443
File: 1702304395246.jpeg (994.41 KB, 828x1555, IMG_0127.jpeg)

Nina girl know your angles. She gives me big crackhead child energy. She shops at target and has the worst style. At least if you’re going to have a sugar daddy that looks like that you could be getting the most out of it. Not target and the dollar store.
No. 1941444
File: 1702304439803.jpeg (256.32 KB, 828x1539, IMG_0126.jpeg)

She always looks dirty? Or like disheveled
No. 1941611
>>1941443The fact that Nina and Alida are friends, says soo much.
>>1941221These mean girls with their dirty old men in the same circle, is eerie. Alida posts about pedophile rings among the elite, but can't she see that the people she hangs with give out the same vibes? This gross little club of full-blown weirdness. And one of these couples has a toddler, it's absolutely worrying. These girls will literally bully you if you ever bring this up to them too. They never, for even a moment, question the integrity of these men and why they are with them to begin with. In the end they make out that you're the evil one for simply bringing it up.
No. 1941620
>>1941611lolcow would have a field day if they saw how susieq dressed her baby. i won't put pics on here bc i really don't want to put a child on the forum, but she was deliberately dressing him up in pink dresses, lacey shit and pink bows. growing his hair long and putting little girl hair accessories in it. when people brought it up in her comments she would lose her shit and say she is above gender roles. this is one of alida's closest friends. this is the one who hangs around the shadiest old fuckers you have ever seen. all rich, just like nina's old fart.
it's sketchy af
No. 1941634
File: 1702338896500.jpg (832.92 KB, 517x2715, 10.jpg)

Susieq for anyone who might not know. She is one of Alida's closest friends.
No. 1941676
File: 1702347219945.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3464x3464, 55F0E010-AC2F-4307-86DB-FB8889…)

alida’s “friend”s keep shading her. nina liked this response to the tweet underneath it today. jazmine posted
>>1939175 the morning after alida’s pity party on her private account’s story.
No. 1941677
>>1941667 unfortunately she's locked that to private now after getting a lot of negative feedback. She also seems to be into the whole trad wife thing and definitely coquette. That old gramps she is with, is like a bitcoin stock-market pedo kind of a guy and all of their whole circle is so seedy.
So Alida is close to that group (she was living with them after LA, they were the ones gifting her things) and also close to Nina and her suspect fiance too, who gives off the EXACT same vibes.
>>1941676This is too funny because I swear I noticed Nina shading Alida a few times too.
No. 1941694
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there were rumours and don't quote me on this, but witnesses at the lana concert where alida and susie were at, swear she and susie were sucking that scrotes dick and were both all over him.
now this is where shit gets interesting.
is it just me or does this dude look similar to that very same guy?
meaning, this guy she was posting about, is either the same one or his brother. she was confirmed living with them at this time. she was getting presents constantly from anon sources. clothes, trips away with first class tickets, money.
this is the song she chose to post along with vidss with this guy at the time,
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don’t let it stop
He had a cigarette with his number on it
He gave it over to me, “Do you want it?”
was there some weird threesome thing going on, or were dirty family members of his trying to get with her, idk its all fucking weird
someone tell me if its the same dude or not. i don't think it is, his nose is diff and yet he looks similar
No. 1941718
File: 1702350801980.webm (3.37 MB, 508x752, inmysexyporsche.webm)

>>1941703Prostitutes and pedos. One big happy family.
>>1941694It's hard to say, all of these old geezers look the same to me. I don't think that's the same one, but definitely has some kind of connection to Susie's "Daddy".
>>1941703I only just recently saw this old video of hers from that time, that I didn't catch back then. What a liar lmao!
No. 1941739
>>1941732That actually makes a whole lot of sense. That's exactly what I was worried about in the last thread. Nobody just gifts you something for nothing like that, especially a much older man. The whole time I was like whyyy are you taking this, being that clueless. But then when it was never talked about again and it disappeared, I figured she was just flexing and then making it all up. Or was another sex working thing like in LA.
It's hard to know when you're on the outside looking in, and the way she posts these stories. She was showing off about the Porsche at the time, rubbing it in peoples faces and posting things like how she loves men saying "whoa" when they meet her, etc.
No. 1941744
>>1941732>>1941739>>1941741Actually pretty bleak to pretend to gift her a porsche, reality is he always would have "taken it back" even if she did fuck him, literally just a moid taking advantage of young delusional girls
(e.g. angel sent to earth ok luv
>>1941362 )
No. 1941752
>>1941744It also shows how deeply delulu she is. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows an old man doesn’t just “gift” a young woman a luxury car out of humble appreciation of her angelic beauty (kek), he
always wants something. She should be institutionalized for her own safety and these moids should be flung off a cliff.
No. 1941760
>>1941757She is probably not that much of an enigma. In fact it may be as simple as neglect and careless parents, NPD, and her desire to fight pedophiles could be true but has no personality or soul beyond the unique validation old men give her along with financial security. She gets to play the role of innocent child who needs to be protected and cared for so she can continue avoiding adult responsibilities. She wants to be young forever but in doing so fails to see its only hurting her.
She thinks she is above a job, above education, above responsibility. She hasnt had to lift a finger so while her parents were careless they also seemed to have spoiled her.
No. 1941799
File: 1702367882789.jpeg (761.31 KB, 1170x1792, IMG_8585.jpeg)

that clunky af sentence about unplugging your mind in between her 2nd grade level rhymes kek
No. 1941807
it's official, low iq confirmed.
she flirts with the old ballsack, takes all his gifts, goes on trips with him then is shook when she finds out he wanted to fuck her all along. as tho it was some big plot twist. what a dumbass
>>1941799she's so pressed
she's going to fuck us all up with her sword and knife kit kek
No. 1941809
File: 1702369928464.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1170x2363, IMG_1069.jpeg)

Not sure if she‘s been talked about before but Kellen (coqxette on tiktok) is currently throwing a fit and shading others because she is convinced she started the whole coquette trend.
Don't know if that is milky enough for the thread
No. 1941822
>>1941809I remember her. She used to seem so sweet but like a stereotypical coquette she has that malignant mean girl streak that seems to be showing itself now.
I have noticed this thing where older coquettes want to gate-keep the whole genre from newer generations. Same with Lana fans. The older ones, don't like the newer or younger Lana fans coming in.
No. 1941829
>>1941809how delusional do you have to be to actually believe you started something that people have been doing more than a decade earlier than you did.
how old is she anyway?
No. 1941911
File: 1702391167217.jpeg (997.35 KB, 828x1357, IMG_0135.jpeg)

She finally figured out how to hide her likes on twitter to bad it’s to late and we all know she’s Andrew tate dick rider and still racist.
No. 1941944
>>1941799How is she not embarrassed?
>>1941809Uh oh don’t tell lovesickbrat or she’ll throw another fit on her tumblr blog
No. 1941971
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>>1941809god, she’s insufferable and coping because her vids adding bows to maxi pads are flopping
No. 1942080
>>1941935Now be kind anon, Soundcloud rap is also an obvious reference here.
>>1941971Are we sure this isn't a bit? The "poop" one is over the top.
No. 1942091
>>1941971She definitely fits right into this thread perfectly! Unless she is being sarcastic and playing it up like a parody? Only time will tell.
>>1941829She turned 19 this year, as I saw her latest yt vid.
>>1942077Same, I'd be so embarrassed I'd delete all my socials forever and work on myself. I never understood how these cows can keep going and get combatant and defensive about their threads, with no shame in the world. It shows how narcissistic they are, because I don't think most people would just stand in the fire and still think they are a god. Sociopaths, narcissists and psychopaths would though…
No. 1942100
>>1941911That's so funny! Now she's hidden it, she can go back to liking racist twts again.
You can tell she REALLY wants Tate to notice her. Because she got recognition so easily in her past, by Lana and Madison etc, she believes she can get noticed by any celeb online now. How she was talking to Elon to get his attention that time and get gifted money from him, was crazy. This is how spoiled people behave.
No. 1942166
File: 1702432792569.jpg (74.85 KB, 323x259, 20231213-115857.jpg)

Yea she's definitely 19 lol
No. 1942193
File: 1702436309249.png (533.9 KB, 479x539, fanart.png)

Alida and Jesus reading the thread (pls don't ban me I spent a good 10 mins of my life on this masterpiece)
No. 1942225
File: 1702440031280.mp4 (2.29 MB, 886x1214, RPReplay_Final1702438646.mp4)

I feel like this is proof that Alida’s friends secretly hate her lmao
No. 1942252
File: 1702444537428.jpeg (1003.1 KB, 1170x1844, IMG_8616.jpeg)

>>1942225“do y’all want my poetry turned melody?”
the fact that she likens LA to the “trenches” is deplorable
No. 1942253
File: 1702444593676.jpeg (255.97 KB, 1170x1917, IMG_8617.jpeg)

>>1942252>>1942225the fact that none of her mutuals have commented praising her speaks volumes kek
No. 1942259
>>1942225this is brilliant i want more lmfao
>>1942252why did she pull out her own stitches until she was bleeding out? drug inflicted psychosis?
>>1942252i want all her poems turned into jams. i want her to release a full blown album on spotify. i want her to get an acting agent in pedowood, i want her to date musk or tate, i want her to do it all. because we'd get never ending content. its a good time. she wants to keep being a clown then i got permission to laugh at her. she's simultaneously annoying and entertaining. i just wish she'd quit getting pissy and see the funny side of it all
No. 1942307
File: 1702463113898.jpg (228.52 KB, 512x827, 201843.jpg)

>>1942252She is so over-dramatic. Her world really resembled life in the trenches back then ~sarcasm.
She literally has photos from that time, in an album titled 'happy girl'.
No. 1942349
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>>1942307Alida Simone looks like if Miss Piggy smelled her own ass, it’s uncanny.
No. 1942472
File: 1702499463945.jpeg (210.28 KB, 1170x733, IMG_8652.jpeg)

simultaneously crying about yet romanticizing her failing relationship with onion once more as though she doesn’t go back of her own free will time and time again
No. 1942617
File: 1702511727428.jpeg (199.12 KB, 1170x529, IMG_8662.jpeg)

nina outright shading alida again. alida’s birthday is early in october and she’s always harping on about being a libra sun with a cancer rising and it supposedly meaning she’s nurturing and motherly (yeah fuckin right). glad to see her friends waking up to how awful and shallow she is.
No. 1942655
>>1942617I wonder if something happened between them, because I keep seeing these too! 'queens of platitudes' is Alida to a tee.
>>1942472She can never take responsibility for anything that she instigates or fuels. She thinks she is like Princess Diana. That's why she's always talking about her, royalty and wearing tiaras.
>>1942349 She seriously does look like a human version of miss piggy and one of those baby dolls mixed together.
No. 1942757
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No. 1942782
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I swear on dashas twitter a few months ago she said she was 23 it was in her bio… she also doesn’t look 21 (or 23 tbf) she looks a lot older
No. 1942788
>>1942782>but actually I’m a baby doe deer lamb angel baby wa wa these women are so insufferable
anyone that talks like this are super retarded
No. 1942939
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>>1942839well, she did diagnose herself with autism
No. 1943052
>>1941911had to google chateau marmont after hearing about it all the time… what a tacky renfaire ass place, a parody. a drywall castle with carpeted floors. nothing wrong with that, but how on earth is that luxurious? looks on par with a marriot. how "old world" of them.
>>1942080put some respect on steez's name
nonnie No. 1943096
>>1943052lana mentions chateau marmot a lot in her songs, that’s the only reason why she mentions it too and went there
her whole persona is a failed imitation of lana del rey, she tries too hard to make her life look like a lana song but ends up looking ridiculous and unhinged. i guess its kinda acceptable when you're a teenager but Simone you're a grown woman, you need to find your own identity and personality.
i also noticed that her new "song" is also an attempt to sound like lana and has a resemblance to Carmen (a lana song) ??? imagine having zero personality & being so boring and talentless that you need to completely copy someone else's style. it reminds me of paige niemann (the ariana grande wannabe), the only difference is that paige literally cosplays ariana & simone copies everything Lana says in her songs
(sage) No. 1943315
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>>1943291alida has never been funny imo because she tries too hard to be poetic about any and everything. nina occasionally has some funny quips.
No. 1943338
File: 1702630446760.jpg (226.58 KB, 505x717, eatingdinnerwitjesus.jpg)

>>1943315Alida is funny to me when she does things like having dinner with Jesus at her table lmao! The way she is with Jesus makes me laugh so much.
But yea, other times she's definitely not funny.
No. 1943447
>>1942307Even being completely covered in something baggy, you can tell she’s a fatty with a huge frame.
Even if she was thin, she’d still be lumbering with broad shoulders and thick, stocky limbs, not the dainty waif she wants to be so badly.
No. 1943645
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>>1939364She definitely lurks here daily
No. 1944050
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i don’t believe the pic alida claims was taken at 22 is from months ago. so now i think she’s about to start lying about her age.
No. 1944165
File: 1702799468209.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1166, IMG_4221.jpeg)

>>1944050She’s not lying about her age
yet. She’s posted her ID and her age was published when she went “missing” in 2016. Also it’s really easy to find her via public information sites. If she’s lying about anything, it would be when that pic was taken.
No. 1945012
>>1943645She has such an unfortunate and manly shape tbh.
Instead of lip fillers and gaudy clothing she should save up to fix that instead.
I’m sure Dr.Miami is up her alley.
No. 1945118
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good lord no wonder she can’t make it in the real world. she’s probably put in 2 hours of work at most.
No. 1945122
File: 1703007025189.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2059, IMG_9032.jpeg)

samefag to sorry about her absolute garbage craftsmanship. the blue of the “eye” isn’t even centered, let alone even.
No. 1945291
File: 1703036581644.jpeg (450.33 KB, 1054x1819, A231A6B0-3CF5-4E98-BA91-29D339…)

Chloe suicide baiting on ig stories
No. 1945292
File: 1703036613767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,380.2 KB, 1064x1819, 62FCB157-164C-4A1C-96AA-2DCCB2…)

Clusterbee attention whores out in full force
No. 1945978
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nina’s coping so hard
No. 1946005
File: 1703200930215.png (459.84 KB, 640x824, i84aqe1jbd7c1.png)

Has lovedoveclarke been posted yet? OF model turned coquette, turned scam business owner, frequently goes viral on twitter for constant lying, delusions of grandeur, and being the victim of everything.
No. 1946048
File: 1703213204387.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1626, IMG_9162.jpeg)

she and the helena bonham cosplayer from tiktok should get in the ring
No. 1946218
File: 1703252855601.png (39.78 KB, 780x590, Screenshot 2023-12-22 134841.p…)

ethel cain deleted his tumblr, wonder why?
No. 1946237
>>1945978Imagine being with a 55+ year old man, and wanting to look 15 at the same time. Pedos much? Don't these women get, that they are pedos too? Enabling and feeding pedophilia as tho it's cute.
>>1946218Everyone is having their xmas mental breakdowns it seems.
No. 1946362
>>1946145Her body is fine and normal, but it's absolutely nothing to right home about. Especially for someone as vain and shallow as she is, and especially since she tries so hard to fit into the soft babygirl aesthetic. It's jarring.
>>1945012He's not a miracle worker lol. Putting a BBL and fake boobs on a ruler/rectangle figure will just have her looking tragic and botched.
No. 1946475
>>1945122i know she's a narcissist and obsessed with having blue eyes and what not but i don't believe she couldn't have tried to make that ugly ass eye cuter and more fitting to the rest of the whole bag
>>1946005she totally looks 27 or something, if she thinks she looks the same she looked at 18 why would it matter she looks late 20's? lmao
No. 1946625
File: 1703353919016.jpeg (1.26 MB, 4096x2730, AECB74B2-7A48-4301-B7DF-0A0F85…)

nina coping again because her geriatric fiancé prefers anachans. that’s got to be why she’s been posting about being an anachan
>>1945978 No. 1946660
File: 1703365981978.jpeg (42.89 KB, 700x410, D82FC203-354A-459E-9B23-9ACB8D…)

>>1946625When moids age and lose testosterone they start preferring anachans which is why many of them become pedos and go to SEA Asia to have sex with flat assless 4ft tall hookers. Young men in their prime and highest testosterone usually prefer curvier women and milfs.
(derailing) No. 1946681
>>1946660That's some sud science bulshit.
As if all pedos are over 50, come one. There's a lot of cases of pedophiles being caught in their late teens and twenties.
Also, spouting the bullshit about men that have yellow fever being just pedos is some twiter level garbage take.
No. 1946725
>>1946625maybe just maybe women chase the look
they want??
No. 1947214
File: 1703531492511.jpeg (552.06 KB, 1284x920, 3C0C7AF7-9D7B-4B62-BFDC-2F7F6C…)

>>1946961Real. When women actually look like that, incels and scrotes call them fat.
No. 1947215
>>1940714I agree. Just because the
victim is imperfect doesn't make her any less of a
victim, no woman deserves to be raped as a teen no matter how evil she is.
No. 1947902
File: 1703713698013.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1934, IMG_9536.jpeg)

meanwhile in nina’s likes.… dae think the republican wannabe tradwife LARP is because she’ll mold herself into anything her ancient fiancé wants her to be? or is it mainly a classic case of him having gotten to her while she was still incredibly young and impressionable, grooming her that way?
No. 1948006
File: 1703740240779.jpeg (960.65 KB, 1170x1289, IMG_9586.jpeg)

alida’s mirroring melanie martinez with the second puberty weight gain kek. couldn’t be fucked to remember those girls’ names or @s — everyone is just a prop to her.
No. 1948359
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The milk should be fresh and self given today
No. 1948569
File: 1703908759369.jpg (54.1 KB, 590x153, 20231230-135856.jpg)

This is weird and gross.
No. 1948600
>>1948569It’s so weird how girls in major age gap relationships revel in the fact of how young they are. they always bring it up to the point that it’s a part of their personality as if there’s nothing else interesting about them.
It’s so weird
No. 1948602
>>1948359why did she use a photo of her at 16….? bloated and fat down syndrome looking girl…cant even speak properly because she keeps saying “um” and “like”….guess shes running out of money trying to grow on youtube kek. just get a job alida. you’re in the rat race like everyone else & no man cares to support you and your pedophilia.
im sure she’ll get exposed on youtube soon enough for bullying and pedophilia.
No. 1948677
File: 1703945780678.jpeg (80.91 KB, 828x454, IMG_0438.jpeg)

what kind of impact does she want to make on “young” girls. I also noticed she’s following estee Williams on Instagram that ‘tradwife’ that was causing controversy on TikTok a while back. He’s never going to marry you Simone, he’s a fifteen year old boy in a moids body. Hence why he’s with you.
And if she wanted to make any use to this actual YouTube thing she might want to consider putting any amount of effort into the production. A script? Half the video not being you repeating the same things and trying to sell things in her first video? Also still claiming she “handmade” those fur coats.
No. 1948678
>>1948359I aM THE kEyWeSt KiTtEn
Notice how she didn't put any of her friends up that are a part of the pedo slimey group? No Susieq on there.
The whole video is an act.
She also glosses over things. Like when she mentioned her previous handles, she left out her infamous questionable titles Jumpropejailbait, or Snuffiepuppy.
And why does she always dox herself. She gives out her full name, location, full family details, even posts photos of her drivers licence. Feels like she is just asking for trouble.
No. 1948681
>>1948600Scary how she just typed that out and didn't see anything wrong with it.
I'm going to puke at her calling him 'baby' too. These people are all seriously demented.
No. 1948683
File: 1703946707373.jpg (29.91 KB, 603x100, 20231231-002859.jpg)

ew midlife crisis man's formal appearance in the comments.
No. 1948684
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No. 1948685
File: 1703946899851.jpg (238.04 KB, 1087x656, misspiggycc.jpg)

Guys there's a 33 min subliminal up if anybody wants to look like Miss Piggy!
Anything to do with Alida is always retarded
No. 1948741
>>1948680I agree. I don't think that Alida should be going out of her way like this, to have an impact on young girls. Does she really want young girls to follow in her footsteps? She is fucking and dating a man twice her age (who instigated a relationship whilst she was underage), she condones all relationships with this dynamic - including Nina's, Susie's. Again, what are the odds that none of these men are pedophiles? At best, they are shallow assholes who do not need to be praised or allowed to do what they do. At worst, they are literal pedophiles and a danger to children. She pretends she is a toddler whilst being with this much older man; feeding into his pedophilic desires even moreso. Getting off by pretending she is a baby being molested by her father.
She is messed up in the head and all over the place when it comes to spirituality. She makes up her own tales and then forces them onto others who also follow along with these crazed beliefs like a cult. Telling people what they should and should not believe in (anybody who believes 100% that they know what comes after death is an arrogant, self-righteous fuckhead). She does drugs (but claims they aren't drugs at all, they are different 'eye-opening' drugs). She is highly mentally unstable. She is a narcissist and extremely vain. Her stories are either convoluted or diluted down to fit her agenda and garner attention; to make people feel sorry for her when she wants to (it actually works). Her appearance is smoke and mirrors. Young girls try to look like her, some even damaging their lips or obsessing daily like those ridiculous subliminal videos on youtube. Not realising that she does not look how she does on her videos or photos. In reality her skin is textured, she has lines and dark circles, she has scorched hair and I could go on. She spends hours on her appearance, she does not just wake up looking like that. She is just NORMAL.
She over charges for items that she botches together in a rush, just to get the money.
We all know this, and this is a repeat of everything we've already talked about. But it feels as though we are speaking into the void. She doesn't see it. Her followers clearly can't see it. She is NOT a good person to aspire to be and I feel sorry for any girl out there who is wasting and ruining their life on trying to be like Alida.
Sorry for the novella.
(calm down) No. 1948854
File: 1703980142960.jpeg (87.87 KB, 806x718, 23E9B0DB-4DF0-40DD-AE20-8CECD3…)

Did any of you nonnas catch this ridiculous in and out list going around? I look through op’a account and she can be pretty milky but it’s nothing new. Just divine feminine shit. Anyway, “calling your man daddy in a non-sexual way” made me kek hard. Wtf.
No. 1948889
>>1948359her voice isn't like that on any of her lives. trying to sound all meek and timid, dainty and sweet
and whats with this goon's comment
>>1948683they live together, why he talkin like that when she's prob just in the other room.
dude wtf is wrong with you
but still, i want more vids. i want more juicy ones, this one was too boring and i kept looking at her felt and glue eyeball brooch on her jacket the whole time. like she's a part of some lovecraftian cult where they worship that eye with all the tentacles coming out of it. only its her eye and everyone else is worshiping it
i feel like she's going to play it safe tho in all her vids, she's not going to do or say anything outrageous or talk about politics or tate or musk like on her twits
No. 1949095
>>1948856regarding alida and her voice. here's the thing. she has been obsessed over the feminine sound of voices for a while now. she has trained herself to talk in a certain way, in an attempt to sound feminine. soft, higher pitched, shy and all that.
she has gone on rants in the past before about voices. she refuses to listen to anyone who and i quote "doesn't sound like an angel". she wouldn't listen to adele, called her masculine sounding, said she only listens to angels. she likes brooklyns voice because she is in the high range. but if u listen to her rant, when she loses control of this voice obsession that she has, her natural voice is actually quite deep. she lives her life, trying to control every single minute detail of herself because of this fucked up obsession with femininity. that of which stems from this world of coquette and what she believes men prefer. she attempts to mimic the way princess diana and marilyn monroe speak. that same demure way.
she can't hold a job, because her day fully consists of her grooming to an unhealthy degree, ocd'ing about how she appears and even sounds to others. imagine living your life like that.
she even went thru a stage where she tried to manipulate her accent into the US southern accent. claiming that it was her natural accent coming out more. but she was clearly doing that after people were saying how cute the accent is.
her whole life is a stage act. who even is she? pretty certain not even she knows because her whole existence revolves around how she is perceived by others.
No. 1949111
File: 1704041945331.jpeg (559.45 KB, 1170x1593, IMG_9894.jpeg)

nina’s “rants” for her flop podcast.
>”age gap hysteria is a fad, it’ll pass”
>doesn’t realize people have been critiquing age gaps for decades now – most notably in the past decade. anyone remember when johanna deutschman (spoiledsiren on tumblr) had to go to court at 15 because someone posted on reddit about her 30-something-year-old indian manlet picking her up from high school and taking her to hotels? and she was getting flooded with anonymous asks gushing about “you’re so brave for fighting for your love!!” yeah… they’re still together to this day.
>”if a woman wants marriage to work needs to make husband happy always” nina’s a redpilled trophy wife wannabe that thinks she’s made it because she’s got a ring on her finger. i don’t think she realizes, or cares, that marriages have ups and downs. she thinks she’s so special that she’s magically exempt from the nature of longterm relationships. there is no amount of makeup and clothes in the styles her geriatric fiancé prefers her in that will fix that. no amount of cleaning the house will ever be enough. and honestly, she’ll probably convince him to get a maid service subscription plan after 6 months of marriage because she won’t be able to keep up with his demands. we don’t even know if this anachan LARPer can cook kek
No. 1949116
>>1948892There could be drama when she starts her podcast and invites people like Nina on, or others. Nina isn't going to be careful with what she says (see example)
>>1949111..same with some of her other friends. But I guess Alida would just delete the video if it got too much negativity.
All of her lives where she lost her cool and got angry, were immediately deleted.
No. 1949122
>>1949118What is wrong with her? They're all seriously lacking in the intelligence department.
She would clash with Alida, over this take. Would love to see them debate on her podcast. But Alida wouldn't instigate any arguments or confrontations on her videos, as that would be seen as masculine.
No. 1949125
>>1949111as much as nina gives me the shits, i gotta hand it to her for being a good sport when it comes to lolcow. she doesn't give a shit and just keeps on giving when it comes to content kek
>>1949121interesting! now we gotta see the pics. im pretty sure she didnt make most of those things herself, those coats among them.
when she said she sat up all night long, all she was doing was going yolo on the felt measuring and slapping them together with glue. if i did that everybody would laugh at me and call me a retard, but here she is making bank
No. 1949128
>>1949122the one thing alida has
valid takes on is alcohol because her mother died from alcoholism complications. she used to speak on it in an anecdotal, matter-of-fact manner, then when she was in her woowoo hippie phase she claimed it blocked your third eye or some shit, and now that she's a born-again christian, she'll probably just say it leads one to temptation.
nina, on the other hand, is such an autist that alcohol probably makes her behave like a normal person. or her scrote is really into "upscale" bar-hopping/a boomer "mixologist" tard.
No. 1949157
>>1949128Yea and I was thinking, if Nina's 'Daddy' drinks a lot (which I'm guessing he does), that's surely got to catch up with him soon too, like it did with Alida's mum. I'd really love to see debates like these on her podcast. But I think it's probably just going to be spirituality related where they waffle on about Jesus or the divine feminine. Which is just a snoozefest for me.
I want to see them tackle issues like age-gap relationships, but have opposing takes on the subject. She would never tho, she would want her podcasts to be 'pretty', like everything she wants to surround herself with.
No. 1949178
>>1949174She would see gaming as a whole, as very masculine probably. It would be a way where she could draw in an audience without being too controversial as she would be busy concentrating on the game in front of her. Her playing horror games would be really entertaining, but there is no way. Jesus wouldn't allow it. lmao
So many guys would be tipping their fedoras at her in the chat which would be just too funny. Her current fanbase would follow along, because they seem to follow her no matter what she does.
No. 1949319
File: 1704098264333.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1517, IMG_9943.jpeg)

plastered old scrote doesn’t even know where the camera is. her tweet under this was embarrassing as well.
No. 1949320
File: 1704098336630.jpeg (232.7 KB, 1170x597, IMG_9944.jpeg)

>>1949319“wasp people” as though she doesn’t desperately want to be one
No. 1949420
>>1949357>>1949358Wasp's are also 'upper-class' and wealthy. An exclusive circle. When someone uses the term 'wasp' they say it in a salty, jabbing sort of a way. Nina always likes to remind others that her and her pedo fiance are surrounded by wealthy people.
This is a guess, but Alida started posting photos with Nina around the same time she was living with Susie. Never before then, so they must have met around that time. Not sure, but I feel that Nina's finance has connections to Alida's old slimeball boss and Susie's gross partner too.
No. 1949424
File: 1704139038681.jpg (321.56 KB, 816x591, pedocentral.jpg)

So, these three, all connected. This is my theory, but I could put bets on it.
They all do stocks, they all are wealthy.
They all date young girls.
They are all slimey.
No. 1949432
Compare her attitude here
>>1831408In comparison to her, I'm so shy innocent and cute teehee on her latest vid
No. 1949461
File: 1704146031049.png (213.86 KB, 1160x518, Screen Shot 2024-01-02 at 8.53…)

Tinfoil but I'm guessing Alida is wanting to go down the Estee path and be a tradwife. She engages with a lot of trad content on twitter, it's only a matter of time until she starts making videos about it.
No. 1949565
>>1949531i mean…
>>1942939 she does look FAS-esque at times
No. 1950055
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No. 1950064
>>1948856>keeping up with trends Your whole aesthetic is ig/twitter meme.
>red scare podBecause obviously.
Jfc, these women are the most boring people alive. Nothing about their hobbies or actual changes in life, just meaningless shit no one gives a fuck about.
No. 1950066
>>1949120prolly find a new one but not that much older
and sell some bullshit about how she and her current one weren’t compatible.
>>1949285hope it ends up like this tbh
No. 1950087
what a cunt
No. 1950113
File: 1704263321446.png (19.37 KB, 200x200, theslappablejerk-the.png)

>>1949424nina's scrote looks like the moid who does
toxic/manipulative/etc. POV videos on tiktok, kek.
No. 1950143
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>>1950055She looks like Amanda bynes when she was bloated, just older and fatter.
No. 1950225
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No. 1950257
>>1950225Literally not even an hour after
>>1950143 was posted lmao. The chubby thing really touches a nerve
No. 1950553
File: 1704344728959.jpeg (68.26 KB, 828x790, IMG_0168.jpeg)

she posted this in her private ig and damn this has to be one of the worst glow down ever. i used to think she was pretty before 2020 but now she looks old and average. it looks like her head is getting wider and wider and that makes her look old. not surprising since most people who peak at a young age tend to get uglier as they get older
No. 1950556
File: 1704345461521.jpeg (183.3 KB, 1170x404, IMG_0181.jpeg)

>>1950553she wants pats on the back for sh owing her filler-puffed face with no makeup for the first time in years as if she’s not going to add a beauty filter to the youtube video. calling makeup, DIY lash extensions and hair extensions “playful” when she hasn’t gone outside her house without them in months is disgustingly disingenuous. she’s not “playing” like a kid when she’s so deeply insecure that she prunes for hours every day and consistently has to harp on about being more beautiful than “the internet meanies.”
No. 1950583
I wonder what happened to make her obsess over beauty this much. She gets dog-piled with compliments daily, to the point where she only sees worth in appearance. Being told she is gorgeous every single day, and girls saying they would do anything to look like her, has warped her mind. She tries so hard to uphold this image of herself. because she feels like she would be nobody without beauty. That she would just fade and not be noticed anymore.
>>1950553This is great on one level. But you can tell that it's not done out of humility. Instead it feels as tho she is trying to garner even more beauty points - that see, I am still beautiful even without any of my crutches! And yea, it is waaay more than just playful dressing up. These things are her crutches, not merely tools. She lives in this constant strive for perfection on every level. I would feel sad for her, if she didn't lord over everybody -telling others that she is far more beautiful and worthy all the time. This extremely shallow outlook with everything.
She really is the witch from snow white, who was also obsessed with youth in the same manner.
No. 1950592
File: 1704352461546.jpg (710.12 KB, 590x2809, kek.jpg)

>>1950089Uh oh Alida is playing with AI art. Now she will be making AI art of herself all the time. It reminds me of when she commissions artists to do art of herself. Or only likes art of girls with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Anyway, I just found this too funny! This creepy little dolly sneaking into her pics and I bet she didn't even notice her there.
No. 1950630
>>1950553she looks fine here, actually pretty.
the fake lashes that look synthetic and bleach blonde that looks chemically bad is what makes her look bad. Also the shein level babydoll dresses that are all poofy and illfitting is even worse.
She would look so much better if she ditched the lashes, aimed for a more subdued 60s feminine look.
She could still wear makeup, but not those hideous fake lashes, lay off the filler and aim for a dusty light brown hair color.
I really wish she knew what suits her best
No. 1950706
>>1950583>because she feels like she would be nobody without beauty.that’s because she really would be nobody. no one would care. her “art” (shitty crafts) is ugly, her “writing" is bad, her “singing" is atrocious. her looks are everything to her because it’s literally all she has, which is sad because her look isn’t even her own.
>>1950553i see why she obsesses over all the fake ‘feminine' stuff; she truly looks like a bloated frat boy without it.
No. 1950854
>>1950689Oh definitely!
>>1950706Sadly, yea. She has built up her whole personality and existence around beauty, because she has been rewarded for it. Her recognition (even from celebs at the time) and popularity all stemmed from how she looked. She has to keep it up now though and that means ridiculously high maintenance.
Even her relationship is built from being young and pretty.
No. 1951071
>>1950592This prompt was posted on the farms
>>>/m/344895 kek do you think Alida's lurking has led her to the off topic boards too?
No. 1951088
File: 1704472992618.jpeg (949.08 KB, 2730x4096, AE08888A-DD7C-4E6D-ADBD-71CD43…)

alida’s second youtube video is a lizzy grant makeup tutorial, naturally. she’s never beating the skinwalker allegations
>she’s struggling with eyeshadow for most of it
>shows off her fried hair that looks like it just snaps off with how choppy it is
>still speaking in the shy, simpering, marilyn monroe-esque voice
>uses a single paintbrush for her eyeshadow because she apparently doesn’t have many makeup brushes
>mentions brooklyn shaw a million times (brooklyn got her half the makeup she uses) and jazmine once to giggle that a brown eyeshadow stick she found “was probably jazmine’s.”
>letterman jacket is her dad’s “from when he was a foreign exchange student hehe” but there’s a giant A on the front of it and it’s in perfect condition
No. 1951092
File: 1704473643519.jpeg (327.69 KB, 828x1700, IMG_0524.jpeg)

Part of me wishes she would just commit to the whole meth-head schizo conspiracy theorist route, but she never will in fear of losing her fanbase and how it contradicts her whole new personality.
No. 1951242
>>1951088I couldn't make it past the intro, her fake voice was getting on my nerves.
>>1951092I wish she would go this route too, it would be entertaining, but all of her videos will just end up revolving around the pretty. Yawns, booorrrrinnnnggggg
And even if she did go that route, her focus would still be on her looks and she'd still use that stupid voice.
No. 1951528
>>1951315dumb nitpick
most women at a healthy weight have fat under their arms
No. 1952232
File: 1704690487063.jpeg (359.86 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_0389.jpeg)

all women who were horrifically abused by moids, 2 of which met untimely and tragic, generation-defining deaths, and the only living one is openly struggling with psychosis.
alida’s hero worship of and projection of herself onto the lives of these women who lead sad lives with a glamorous public persona reminds me of the love has won cult leader, amy carlson, called herself “mother god” with her vision board of “ambassadors” that were all dead people (except trump kek) and also people amy’d been in been in “past lives.”
No. 1952304
Alida is really uptight and stiff, the more I think about it. Like loosen up already, go camping beneath the stars, go sea~diving, ANYTHING. Go surfing even (she said once that she can surf but I've never ever seen her surf, and I'm sure people would love to see that). People would soak up all of her adventures, if she ever did that. She could take it on the kooky route ~ go alien hunting, ghost hunting. I mean, what does she even do in her life? Nothing exciting I bet, bc she's too busy with her own reflection and over analysing herself to an unhealthy degree.
Even her youtube videos are super boring. Never any exciting adventures. Throw a party and do a livestream of it, or go to some spooky place and talk about conspiracies, play some scary games, go under the sea and film it, anythinggg other than just a focus on appearance. She has the ability to entertain, but she just gets so pedantic over her looks and being super girly all the time and it makes her super rigid.
No. 1952402
File: 1704723722064.jpeg (321.02 KB, 828x645, IMG_0544.jpeg)

You notice how there’s never proof?
No. 1952464
>>1952402in a couple days she’ll post a tweet about how she couldn’t possibly have gotten a pic with him as though she wasn’t in the streams from the casino
>>1739726 or posting pics from the tables with the redhead she slutted out. because where else would she have met this fashion designer that was flirting with her?
No. 1952568
>>1952402>working poker gamesGot to love how they call it that. When I first heard this, I thought she was one of those casino girls dealing out the cards. Then I saw the videos, and I thought that's not exactly "working poker games", that's more like working poker men.
The fact that onion let her go and do all that too. But they are oh such a happy perfect couple!
No. 1952712
File: 1704787055525.jpg (29.99 KB, 583x108, whatswiththetunnels.jpg)

Alida's being funny again. Just in time, we wanted her to talk about conspiracy theories again and she is delivering lmao!
There is this comedic dynamic between her and the farm now.
No. 1952792
File: 1704810948966.jpeg (411.61 KB, 828x916, IMG_0547.jpeg)

If she’s going to start calling out pedos shouldn’t she start with her boyfriend?
You know that man who was hanging out seventeen year old girls.
I don’t know about you but nobody I know that is 35+ has any business around teenagers to begin with so that’s always seemed a little predatory.
I’m sure also Kristen loves her name being slander a crossed the internet for the whole LA bringing Alida there thing. I wish one of them would come out with some TRUTH.
No. 1952824
>>1952792She makes special allowances for Ron and what these men
>>1949424 do. Who knows what else these slimes do when nobody is looking.
>look the other way No. 1952829
File: 1704818431008.jpeg (12.35 KB, 225x225, D476203D-CA0D-49BE-82BC-9820D0…)

>>1950055She looks so scary now, wtf.. the massive filler face made her eyes completely change shape and look so beady.. it’s like her face is tiny in the middle of all of that lmao
No. 1953029
File: 1704853165008.jpg (24.45 KB, 592x109, 21337.jpg)

She really doesn't give a shit about her own personal safety. Even if this person was just walking by, you never know. And Alida is ALWAYS doxing herself with full name, location, identity cards, family members.
I swear this is why she always ends up in dangerous situations - she never thinks of her own safety.
No. 1953283
>>1953029She’s an idiot, she thinks this means “I’m famous!1!!1” (she’s delulu), but really that’s giving stalker energy and it is scary that she’s too delusional to see that. Her mind has not grown at all from her risky 16yr old self I see . At least she’ll have new stories to cry about online since she’s always the
victim!! (Delusional)
No. 1953560
File: 1704939113438.jpeg (767.57 KB, 4096x2304, 3F1A72BD-4DCC-4150-AC02-F9AB77…)

botched filler source not mine - found on reddit. alida never shows her full side profile because she knows she’s botched - i skimmed through a live with brooklyn that she uploaded because the thumbnail was of her looking at brooklyn with a blunt in her mouth, side profile in full view. she’s also not putting on a soft-spoken baby voice in the video. her real voice is quite normal, if not a little deep, for a woman, and full of vocal fry. it’s also monotone as hell, unless she’s making fun of someone’s comment. the only time she emotes is when she’s being a condescending cunt to her teenage followers, or praising brooklyn for “being sooo pretty” while putting her “friend” down for being shy in the same breath.
she’s just an interloping, manipulative, social-climbing, desperate, degenerate, projecting and insecure little girl underneath the facade. she has a mean streak like i’ve rarely seen so swiftly excused for a micro-internet celeb that’s been caught being a bitch (to well-meaning followers that are genuinely concerned for her wellbeing) every few months for the past 6 years. i want to see her grow a little platform on youtube and then get called out by petty paige’s shrieking ass.
No. 1953590
>>1953560Quite literally the ONLY reason she has a fanbase at all; even going waaay back to the very start; is because they are as superficial as she. They covet her, because in their minds she is the prettiest. That's it. It goes no deeper than that. She lives to be a projection of absolute perfection. But in reality she's a flawed shallow hollow, orbited by shallow facile people. They will applaud her for absolutely anything that she does, simply because they believe she is beautiful. She can even switch religions, and they will all follow along. This is why she is excused constantly for anything wrong that she does.
I guess though, this is life. This is why people worship celebs half the time ~ it's a sad superficial world.
No. 1953611
>>1952792Alida acknowledges that 16/17 is a child. And yet, she thinks that when older men desire a teenager around that age, that's not pedophilia and it's fine. Suddenly she doesn't see that age as being a child in that situation.
Same with Nina, she once stated on X that it's normal for older men to desire teenagers. That it's fine.
They don't get too, that these older men are going for the lowest possible legal age (especially in cases where 16 is the 'age of consent'). That there is a high probability they would go even younger if they got away with it.
Never EVER trust a man who only goes after girls much younger than him. Because you really don't know how far he desires to go with that.
No. 1953625
>>1949424I'll add one more to your theory…
They're all on seeking arrangement
No. 1954148
>>1954091Filters make her nose look smaller often, you can see it when the filters accidentally fall off.
>>1940366 This is basically what she looks like without all of the fluff. Except her face is super puffy these days.
No. 1954277
File: 1705086443246.jpeg (941.76 KB, 1170x2032, IMG_0689.jpeg)

literally who? and brooke shields would hate the coquette community
No. 1954278
File: 1705086547437.jpeg (917.97 KB, 1170x2026, IMG_0690.jpeg)

alida could move beyond this being her whole personality if she spent onion’s money on therapy instead of ill-fitting selkie dresses
No. 1954292
>>1954277>In Defense of CoquettesAlida is the LAST person she should be putting in a video like this. She states she is against pedo-baiting and yet she introduces the biggest pedo-baiter of all time, who is in a massive age-gap relationship and hangs out with a bunch of dirty old scumbags etc etc. ALIDA CONDONES EXACTLY WHAT THIS GIRL WAS GOING AGAINST.
Also, Alida complaining about her friends and family being on here. Maybe she should stop doxing herself, family members and people she knows by putting it all out on the internet in the first place.
No. 1954337
>>1954277what a weak lame-ass video. if you're gonna debate a point, debate the fucking point already. so her argument (if u can even call it that) was basically 'we as coquettes don't associate with pedopanderers. the end.' then brings on the pedopandering queen herself who goes on a bitch n rant about other unrelated bullshit. forgets to put on her baby voice and sounds like a cunt.
she should get off all social media but is addicted to the attention, so continues to throw her friends and family under the bus for her micro celeb status.
we need some new cows in this part of the farm, alida is getting boring, too obnoxious and repetitive to be entertaining anymore. she's just flat out aggravating now
No. 1954408
File: 1705105285358.jpeg (941.17 KB, 4096x2304, 47D3417E-27D5-4A01-BBE2-4A91C3…)

pedorion outed alida as breaking her vow of celibacy (to no one’s surprise) in her new reel.
>first thing he says is, “bumpin’ uglies!”
>alida says nothing, duck-faces to the mirror.
>pedoryan asks if she’s driving
>she says “yeah!” in her fake baby voice,
>he asks, “you like to drive, huh?”
>alida giggles and exclaims, “baby loves to drive!”
>reel ends with her walking into her bedroom and moaning loudly (??) before telling her neglected wOlFiE to behave.
since she wants to be a tradwife sooo badly, you’d think she’d have internalized the notion they spread that men are better/safer drivers and use it to her advantage, like her best friend jazmine, who will occasionally boast about being 23 with no license in a teehee passenger princess way. clearly alida doesn’t have the porsche anymore. i bet she hates driving whatever onion’s got.
No. 1954500
>>1954408soyman thinks he's sexier than he actually is
>>1954465the ego coming out of these two show ponies is monumental
No. 1954521
File: 1705133428623.jpeg (602.64 KB, 1284x1994, IMG_0199.jpeg)

Looks like Alida and Kamilla made up. Alida accused Kamilla of stealing her $2k cash savings last January. They lived together and were poker girls together. Kamilla maintained that she wasn’t the one who stole Alida’s money. She accused Kamilla of getting her into trafficking, as Kamilla used to frequent a Russian spa in LA.
No. 1954524
File: 1705133708327.jpeg (324.7 KB, 1284x1015, IMG_0200.jpeg)

>>1954521Coming from Kamilla’s twitter.
No. 1954610
>>1954408Is he coquette too? Why are they both dressed like literal giant babies? Imagine being some boomer man drinking beer in a bowling alley and seeing these two freaks walk in. Also
>5’8”So petite and coquette kek. Valkyrie Alida when?
No. 1954620
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>>1954524Just saw this too lmao
No. 1954829
File: 1705190526877.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1170x1727, IMG_0771.jpeg)

took her all of a day to prove how heavily she lurks
>>1954408>clearly alida doesn’t have the porsche anymore.>”luna manifested this car tbh”what, did alida’s aggressive dog with no boundaries sniff the slimy pedoscrote’s balls through his khakis til he came?
No. 1954870
File: 1705204001406.jpeg (217.4 KB, 1284x671, IMG_0218.jpeg)

>>1954521Yep confirmation on Alida’s end too.
No. 1954888
>>1954640She did want to knock her lights out after the incident, even made a song about it on youtube lmao
>>1954829Why would she miss this car when it had connections to a rapey old Epstein-island vibes man?
Bet she gets jealous of Nina's cute white Jeep.
No. 1955103
File: 1705262666545.jpg (224.66 KB, 720x1032, Screenshot_20240114_200210_You…)

Perhaps this is an unconventional cow, but had anyone been keeping up with the teenage girl who is constantly posting YouTube shorts about her groomer teacher having a secret relationship with her? Her entire comment section is yes kweening this extremely weird relationship between her and a man who has known her since she was underage
No. 1955106
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More examples of her community posts
No. 1955107
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No. 1955110
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No. 1955114
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No. 1955163
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No. 1955453
File: 1705345924093.jpeg (972.24 KB, 1170x1412, IMG_1069.jpeg)

I hate this so much
No. 1955689
>>1955663That's so cringe!
I'm just imagining all of the bow waste once this wave trend passes, and there being bows clogging up the oceans and landfill full of old bows. Not so pretty then.
No. 1957460
File: 1705782049772.jpg (58.49 KB, 736x551, 2a9a471a137d0bbbce7c79de84dab0…)

This is too on the nose to not be a joke kek
>>1957419>20 something hagsCoquette detected
No. 1957685
File: 1705833566329.gif (1.91 MB, 500x281, c81c558ff52706cb288fe3e0da8524…)

>>1957609>mob wifeDamn it, Mob and other "mob" characters came to mind before I recognized they meant it like
No. 1957932
>>1957630>>1957644Zoomers who are now 17-20 were 12-15 at the beginning of COVID, and spent 3 years developing a sense of identity during a time were your presence was primarily based on what your social media profiles put foward about you. These are people conditioned to make an impression immediately- you look at them and you
immediately know what they're about just like a profile bio. That first impression is the key to integrating into communities they like and socialising with people who have the same interests. The reason it's so bizarre is because that's not how a normal person who is raised in normal human society behaves
No. 1960324
File: 1706461762296.jpeg (279.39 KB, 1170x594, IMG_1300.jpeg)

alida’s return to twitter. i’d bet anything that she’s having flashes of clarity where she realizes pedonion is draining her of her youth and will never commit to her, hence the sad vagueposting. he probably has her convinced that his cheating was her fault.
No. 1960337
File: 1706464537006.png (4.77 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9143.png)

Here's a plushie brand for kids using coquette tags on FB to sell a Valentine's cow plushie that they already sold out of on release day.
>>1955453There is something ironic here about how slapping bows on cheap overprocessed garbage is supposed to make it any better or more appealing.
I also have a feeling that this kind of ad is massively unappealing to the old rightwing obeasts that still eat at McDonald's and think this is some kind of feminization brainwashing since they're out of the loop of the coquette trend. Pretty sure it's trying to trend now.
(sage your non milk) No. 1960495
File: 1706498849825.jpeg (171.77 KB, 1170x643, IMG_1321.jpeg)

>>1960324if she was still into astrology instead of deep in her tradeternalgirlfriend larp, she’d know that being 23 generally means you’re isolated, feeling stuck, confined, losing friends, etc. it suuucks astrologically.
from a realist pov - it’s just that she’d built her entire life around pleasing an old man that doesn’t care if she lives or dies, seems estranged from her family, has slipped back into smoking cigarettes and a ton of weed to cope, is incredibly bitter and jealous of her healthier friends that are married, can’t handle the fact that she’s rapidly aging from the filler and terrible diet, her little bit of fame hinges on pics of her from 5+ years ago, and she’s a nasty, racist, homophobic, nazi.
that’s why her friends are dropping her left and right.
No. 1960501
>>1960495She seems to always end up miserable; no matter where she lives or who she is with. Like nothing is ever good enough, or a void she can't fill. Granted, living with ron is the worst thing for her to be doing, because he holds her down and clearly in their past together it always ended in tears. Big mistake going back to him again because she was sad often there before.
She needs to have her own income (preferably high for someone like her), but from something that she loves doing and that doesn't take up all of her time. So that she has room for independence and her own space. Not too much isolation though; instead balanced with the right amount of attention that she seems to crave.
I still think she would make it as a live-streamer and would enjoy that. It's something she could control. But I guess, what would I know. That's just from outer observation. She is a character, and a born entertainer, so it does fit and she definitely has the ability to forge a living from it. But that could also mean eventual drama.
No. 1961211
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No. 1961212
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No. 1961273
>>1938660It's amazing how they all pretend to be Polish after Joanna Kuchta
I honestly thought they would pretend to be Ukrainian refugees to gain pity points
(no contribution, no sage) No. 1962514
File: 1707057051023.jpeg (451.47 KB, 828x793, IMG_0902.jpeg)

Obsessed with posting photos from her youth, also wasn’t she home schooled, yet still went to prom?
No. 1962811
>>1962514Just took a look at her X. Does she ever stop talking about herself? Does she have any other passions other than her appearance? Her latest post is another video of herself with the title I'm Perfect. Gross.
I noticed this thread has died down a bit, probably bc people are just over her same old boring vanity and self obsession. No new milk really. And all of the other coquette cows are just the same.
No. 1962814
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>>1962811not milk, but still weird
No. 1962834
>>1962814For a self proclaimed “follower of Christ” she is the complete opposite of humility which is the basic basis of a good Christian.
Alida is you are reading, don’t put your entire stock as a person into something as superficial as your looks because in 15 years, not even that, they will fade. After that, what will you have left?
No. 1962844
File: 1707142830793.jpeg (710.86 KB, 828x1271, IMG_0910.jpeg)

She’s a self obsessed narcissist the only person she worships more than herself is Lana.
Yes because I’m sure your family would love to have trauma so you could be known online as ethereal for dying to a nazi weirdo
No. 1963019
>>1962844Unimportant but I've always been a lurker, never posted on any threads so apologies in advance but I saw this tweet and I just have to say It is THE weirdest, dumbest shit I've ever seen.
The self-obsessed "thats why I feel like yall admire that version of myself" (who?) alongside the overuse of "coquette" flowery keywords like ghost, ethereal, angel. It actually made me physically LOL.
No. 1963044
File: 1707190403143.jpg (105.37 KB, 1487x821, hPeWwYB.jpg)

of course aleah tillis' creepy pedo boyfriend with a race fetish identifies as nonbinary.
No. 1963045
File: 1707190561613.jpg (49.91 KB, 1830x798, pv6ZkW9.jpg)

>>1963044also named in a list of nonbinary models. this is the scrote aleah was bragging about. he got exposed for sexting with an asian teen and calling her slurs. a predator
No. 1963046
File: 1707190743278.jpg (81.27 KB, 1346x740, 0EGBx4S.jpg)

>>1963045meanwhile on her stories she is making peformative posts about palestine but she can't even dump her pedo bf.
No. 1963047
File: 1707190914194.jpg (242.5 KB, 1170x2080, 5mUuWcS.jpg)

her story
No. 1963055
File: 1707195986398.jpg (126.34 KB, 584x771, 150021.jpg)

>>1963023Oh wow there is a lot suddenly going on, on her X. Too much to screenshot in one go, but she's getting a lot of people biting back at her. Saw somebody posted this in retaliation too. Not sure if it's the same on her other socials.
No. 1963058
File: 1707196599928.png (1.31 MB, 1160x1578, ugly behavior .png)

im not pro anachan in the slightest I believe they’re absolutely mentally ill in a similar way to Alida but this is just an ugly and immature response. Saying that you were “between realms” when you were missing for 23 hours as a teenager and got the most attention you’ve ever received in your life from it is obviously going to be met with some opposing reactions. Being like ‘just eat’ to an anorexic is the equivalent of saying ‘just don’t fuck old scrotes’ to her
No. 1963059
File: 1707196815985.jpg (14.96 KB, 593x88, 1.jpg)

>>1962844I love this random guy's response to this. Her post seems to be getting a lot of traction, so unrelated people are getting weirded out. (covered his face with a star)
No. 1963063
File: 1707200488446.jpg (110.7 KB, 1290x1288, GFj7T8QXAAA1VS8.jpg)

why would she willingly post this picture of herself KEK
No. 1963073
>>1963055hardcore racist columbine school shooters? the fukk
how can anybody sit there and defend this cunt for shit like this, just bc she was 16. how retarded do you have to be, to not see how wrong this is. i'm fired up just looking at this and i haven't even seen the half of it. can only imagine what else she was saying and doing.
"but she was only 16, she was only a baby!"
"she only did it to fit in"
gtfo with that mindset. no excuses, 16 is not a baby. you sure as hell should know that praising literal school shooters is wrong. she needed to be pulled up and seriously reprimanded for this behaviour right from the get go. but she wasn't. she was constantly given leeway and is to this day. molly coddled like a damn baby all the time.
not to mention, alida suffers from the pretty privilege. she gets away with it all bc folks just see a pretty face and so she can do no wrong. then rubs the pretty in everyone's faces like the vain prick that she is.
and when she does get pulled up on these things by the minority, she goes crying like she's the
victim in everything all the time.
victim blaming" yeah no sit the fuck down and quit condoning this fuckery
No. 1963078
>>1963073It would be different if she had acknowledged and learned from it. But she instead hides all of that and makes out that everyone who mentions it, is just a hating liar. Making it all up, but it was real especially for those who were in her group chats and saw it first hand.
Instead she should have apologised, especially for insensitive posts like those. But she buries it all, and then those who dig it up again (usually after she has brought up the past herself for weird reasons) are condemned for it.
No. 1963085
who else can do something so blatantly wrong and then get defended for it after?
>>1963055she's spoiled and privileged for sure.
No. 1963098
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Alida's comment ….
There's only a matter of time before these two meet up again.
No. 1963137
File: 1707228120209.jpg (133.53 KB, 590x713, 2.jpg)

>>1962844Just checked in to her x again for a gossipy read, and her post now has 308k views and growing. Idk why it has taken off so fast but the comments are funny.
No. 1963186
>>1963149All of those followers who bend over backward defending her constantly, don't they realise that she would never do the same for them? I've never seen her run to defend any single one of them. All they are, are numbers to her, to add to her adoring fan pool in the quest toward ultimate stardom.
Also, I saw her claim that ron never cheated on her and that we are all braindead liars. But she is the one who literally claimed that he had other girls over while she was gone. Wrote a big poem on it and then cried and said it was over. It's in the last thread I believe. She says there are no receipts for anything bad said about her, but these threads are all littered with receipts and even more are being revealed about her past lately. So who is the liar here?
It's like that time on her Live where she claimed she only followed Tate and liked his posts because she was on a mission. Lying like crazy and digging her hole even deeper, instead of just saying she likes Tate and believes in his views. That Live ended up deleted straight after, because she looked sketchy in it.
She just lies so much with a straight face, it's insane. Then gaslights people who call her out. Manipulative snakey.
No. 1963195
File: 1707235224636.jpg (33.28 KB, 359x91, 20240207-015154.jpg)

>>1888655mhmm it sure does seem like there was nothing sexual about it… nothing at all. Totally innocent. What a joke, she treats people as though they are stupid. Keep on defending and lying to cover him though, because you know deep down that he was and still is a midlife crisis creeper.
No. 1963204
>>1963195if i was dying and my teenage daughter came to me telling me this dirty old loser wanted her, let me tell you, that i would rise from my deathbed and rip off his nutsacks. no way in HELL would i leave her on this earth in the hands of some random scrote twice her age. any decent parent would feel the same. so either she is making this shit up or her mother didn't give a single care for her daughter's wellbeing.
>she was happy that i met this handsome older man who was very kind and nurturing to megtf outta here
No. 1963228
File: 1707241130042.jpeg (873.7 KB, 1242x1825, 18242A75-2785-428F-BFEC-C26C77…)

>>1962844She hasn’t moved on. And can’t accept that she’s too old for this. She isn’t milky just irritating and this thread is giving her ammo to continue doing what she’s doing. Same with Shayna
No. 1963298
>>1963057>pushing 30kek anon she's 23. that is beginning of her 20's. How old are you, 15? i agree she shouldn't post this absolute cringe, but wtf is this influx of teen zoomers thinking anything past 20 is oh so old kek.
>>1963058Lmao that fucking god complex. Nobody likes your old pics because you were "dying" while on the run with some guy pretending to be Lana Del Rey, wtf. also you just know if SHE was told the same exact thing (the girl just eat comment), she'd post a HUGE tantrum spergout about being oh so
triggered>>1963098no way! what ever happened to "uwu i was scammed & robbed by my best friend"?
No. 1963361
File: 1707275394533.jpg (84.84 KB, 588x231, 1.jpg)

She is getting triggered, all over the place. Just now seeing comments like these in numerous places.
Firstly, unless people are going for her, it's not bullying. It's an anon imageboard where we gossip and have a bitch about her (let people gossip, people have always done so, even she gossips about celebs, as do her friends like Nina), she is the one who comes in all the time looking. She is the one who puts everything on the internet in a public manner and doesn't expect gossip at her level of followers? She claims she isn't famous, but she sort of is (and is constantly growing in numbers), and even has Lana following her.
Secondly, she constantly chooses to believe that people in the past and even now, weren't in her age bracket. Stating she was just a child, when more than likely, so were the people from the old forum. They would have surely been in the same age bracket as her, even to this day it would be that way. Some maybe older, but I truly believe that her ex friends and those who were in the coquette community, were in that old forum.
But as per usual, she is the baby and the victim.
If this were me, and I was upset about a gossip site, I would turn everything to private or not do socials at all. But she refuses to, because she wants to raise to fame. And with that, comes a band of people who are going to find you fun to talk about. It's just life. Usually most things said, are reactions from screenshots of things she has said and done anyway.
No. 1963365
>>1963361>emphasis on childffs 16-19 is not a child. it's a young adult. unrelated but in japan they have the death penalty for that age. if you break the law in a major way, there is no "im a baby" card to get you out of it.
>>1963195her dad even became best buds with him also. like where was the parenting?
doesn't she get that he only got with her for her youth and looks, the end. that he is a shallow prick who went for the lowest possible age that he could. he wants to feel young and vibrant so he siphons this from young girls.
she's a fucking moron pretending their relationship is all that on social media too. we all know they fight and she cries over lack of attention etc. it's not as she portrays it to be in all those posey vids. why else would she wanna get away so bad from him to go to LA that time and want to move to hollywood to get away now. it's all bullshit smoke and mirrors and her fans lap it all up like it's real
No. 1963380
File: 1707285254739.jpg (323.14 KB, 490x1205, foundthis.jpg)

Just saw this in regard to Alida.
No. 1963381
File: 1707286121571.jpg (143.13 KB, 302x673, 2.jpg)

It was too much to screenshot in one go, I had to slice it up and there was also a comment from a girl who apparently went to school with her, from legitimate accounts.
No. 1963382
>>1963362ayrt yeah. She was 15/16 when she started posting her bullshit back when it was all about nymphets, lolita larpers and teacher crush crowd bullshit. Idk what she does to her face, maybe she's getting face injections other than just constant lip fillers. That and bad genes i guess? Sort of like Billie Eilish - they're both barely in their 20's but aging somewhat disproportionately to their age. Other explanation would be prolonged heavy drug use but i don't think she's on anything other than weed. Normally i wouldn't pay attention to her busted looking, but i can't blame anons pointing out her wrinkles, considering how she's always rambling on about looking so young and childish and calling us "20 year old hags". But oops, guess she's a 20+yo hag now as well. kek
>>1963373lol, but like what she does? what does she even wants to be famous for? Can't think about a single talent/activity/creative outlet she presents, and no 5 minute craft bees bikinis and making "how to larp as Lizzy Grant" ain't it
No. 1963386
>>1963377Alida is spiritually hollow.
Her relationship with her boomer coomer shroomer is also hollow. Face facts, if she was a fugly and not a teen, he wouldn't have given her a second glance. She uses copium to ignore the gigantic red flags everywhere. So in the end, she'll be miserable with nobody to blame but herself and shitty choices.
No. 1963391
>>1963298No one thinks 23 is pushing 30, it's just that most people legitimately think she's 29-32 by her looks. That's a ROUGH 23. Normal girls look like her 16 year old selfies in their early 20s, no wonder she's in full blown midlife crisis over those pics.
I suspect it's because aging was proven to be contagious, and there's no better way to catch old cooties than fucking an old man. Common lanafag L I guess.
No. 1963393
>>1963195This is definitely untrue. On her Playboy account, she states that her "Daddy comes to play with her sometimes too". She also states that she has an "oral fetish", and he randomly would stick his fingers in her mouth in the most inappropriate of times. During a video with her and her friends at the beach, he randomly starts fingering her mouth with all his fingers at once, in a really sexual manner. If you have access to both of her private accs, you will still see these videos. Unless she deletes them after reading this.
There is more. Not to mention all of those videos in the past when she was much younger, and they were grinding sexually. Or the video of him literally eating out her ass on Instagram. Him recently talking about "bumping uglies". I could go on and on, but he definitely isn't just with her out of love and spirituality.
No. 1963394
>>1963393Just wanted to add, that she was still a teenager in the video of him eating out her ass on Instagram.
But he is oh so noble, and such a gentleman!
No. 1963402
File: 1707303168016.jpg (560.25 KB, 560x1767, ninasmotherr.jpg)

Sooo this is Nina's mum. Why is she so nasty all the time about how older women look, when her own mother is this pretty? Also, I wonder how her mum feels about all the things Nina says about older women.
No. 1963444
>>1963391alright, get it. agree, she look 10-15years older than she is, which makes it even more ridiculous the way she dresses. Whatever Happened To Baby Jane but if Jane was overgrown high school girl trying to pack it all up in toddler aged doll clothes. Idk what style fits her but that's not it.
>>1963402Wtf, i thought it's some legit 20yo girl before i read the post.
No. 1963452
>>1963186A lot of her fans are parasocial with her. They all think she's their friend because she calls them angels, but she couldn't care less about them in reality and def wouldn't want them as friends irl. Just look at Betsy, she got parasocial the same way and when she tried to get too close to alida, she wanted nothing to do with her.
>>1963394I remember that video with his face planted in between her bare butt cheeks and it shocked a lot of people at the time. There was a graphic one where they were tonguing each other too. Like who asked to see all that, nobody, it was nasty
If you can ever get the archived PULL to work it's probably on there, idk
No. 1963457
>>1963450I can't keep up with all of her accounts. Why does she even have this many, it's so weird. She has two shop ones, and two private ones (could be more?), her dog one and her main. It could be on her original one, elvishwolfie? I can't see any of her priv accounts anymore, because I stopped following her while back. I just run off of other peoples screenshots or things she puts out publicly herself now. But yea, rion gave me the ick so bad and I wanted to puke seeing posts like that back in the day. I haaated it.
She keeps saying he is a good man, but compared to what? All the losers she dated before him? That's not a very high bar to reach.
No. 1963745
File: 1707374635609.jpg (62.53 KB, 640x368, tumblr_3d6cf4af9f17f3ff214ec04…)

anyone seen that shit? apparently Bacon is making vlogs, now that he can't embarass himself & talk about women being beasts and slugs for having coarse pubic hair anymore. Saw this mentioned both on tumblr an indie bands thread. I was half expecting "my room/my father's poacher guns collection i don't use" tour tbh but "spirituality", astrology and ketamine talk is what i should've come to expect instead tbh.
No. 1963749
File: 1707374919765.jpeg (915.54 KB, 1135x1480, 1701035088382.jpeg)

>>1963746Get a grip, anon. stop it. get some help
No. 1963793
File: 1707397802160.jpg (12.89 KB, 250x51, whiteknightsincoming.jpg)

Oh noooo she's going to send all of her moids after us…
All I have to say is good luck to any moids who try to enter here lmao, they are going to get eaten ALIVE.
No. 1963796
File: 1707399388479.gif (1.39 MB, 300x127, kek.gif)

>>1963793shit quick ladies hold the fort! bunch of whiteknight fanboys on their way!
No. 1963803
File: 1707401472464.jpeg (323.85 KB, 828x1414, IMG_0980.jpeg)

Lmao belezebub!
Can’t keep her story straight cause she’s lying again
Maybe don’t have a record of everything you’ve done in the past if your going to constantly be contradicting yourself Simone
No. 1963811
>>1963803Beezlebub Prince of Demons? lmaooo
Also, I don't want to assume anything or downplay the whole kidnapping ordeal as I wasn't there so wouldn't know the full story, and I really don't want to know any graphic details. But there is a glaringly obvious lie in all of that. She has said countless times that "luckily nothing ever happened" during that moment and that she was a virgin when she met rion. Is she trying to exaggerate the past for pity points, or was she lying about the virgin part? What is even real? It's none of my business about any of it really, but I guess it's another example of her saying one thing, and then replacing that with something else entirely. I'm starting to think she's a pathological liar. You could put this down to trauma, if she wasn't doing this as often as she does.
And what friends are these? Are these the same ones from here?
>>1963380So many questions.
No. 1963831
>>1963823yep she probably made him up and is pretending to be her own wk. everybody notice how she is typing differently too? none of that cutesy pretentious crap. she's real mad. just say sorry to the black community for being an offensive little shit back in the day. it's not hard. but nope you gotta make them out the be the villains instead and pretend you never did a thing wrong because you're a real angel from outer space, above everything and all.
ntm still riding the whole blue eyed, blonde haired, white skin, aryan supremacy, pleiadian starseed horseshit. your beliefs align with hitlers when it comes to your nonstop obsession with blue eyes and blonde hair. even your 'boutique' is about your eye colour. your racism is still in you, but you are just better at covering it up and putting on your mask
No. 1963860
File: 1707413100942.jpeg (171.03 KB, 828x554, IMG_0475.jpeg)

Big fatty is big mad
No. 1963864
>>1963860as some old wise bard would say, ~girl just stop eating and move on~
>>1963803>Beelzebubi'm living for this thread, it's almost like alida is top cow rn. In the times when farmers are quiet and /snow is a deserted pasture, alida never disappoints
No. 1963868
>>1963864I agree! There are moments where I think it's all over and that it's going to settle down, but then out of nowhere (in this case literally overnight for me) it zooms from 0 back up to 100 again.
The part where she starts pleading for real IS SENDING ME
>remember your truth beelzebub! No. 1963871
I love it when she drops her mask. I absolutely love it, because you get moments like Beelzebub.
>>1963860I swear she called America once "disgusting" because of "fat people" and in the last thread she was asking how much we all weighed lol. It's just different when she is the one gaining weight and being criticised for it. Even tho I believe she is burning it off now, b/c she can't stand people calling her a dumpling anymore.
No. 1963872
File: 1707416410491.gif (3.51 MB, 498x280, oo.gif)

that woman on x, standing there taking all the hits from alidas fans and alida herself, what a legend. she's taking all the blows, no account deletion, no comment deletion, she gives no shits. taking them all on like a pro. damn if this isn't the funniest shit i've seen in a while. picrel is her energy
No. 1963881
File: 1707417318332.jpg (45.74 KB, 553x173, 20240209-043353.jpg)

>>1963872She went all in for the kill!
No. 1963883
>>1963881kek, savage.
>i've fought Poleswhy though
No. 1964034
File: 1707437879290.jpg (43.75 KB, 601x315, she for real.JPG)

>>1963860These were the tweets connected to that ^. Just from these comments she gives the vibe of a girl who googled "how to be anorexic", tried to emulate it for a week just so she can passionately profess "how awful disorders are!" and how much she suffered.
It's so clear she views eating disorders as a trendy/aesthetic thing considering she even says "I know it CAN be an illness but I feel like it's becoming a trend". It's ONLY EVER an illness because that's how disorders work, you either have it or you don't. And if she knew anything about having an ED she'd know social media is infamously huge with sufferers of EDs.
She tries so hard to be a "sweet ethereal angel" by making these little "anti-bullying, anti-disorder" tweets while also responding to people with said mental illness with such hostility. Her last rebuttal "Girl just eat" proves she's totally two-faced.
(learn2integrate) No. 1964086
File: 1707449173163.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1125x1882, IMG_2014.jpeg)

Sage for nonmilk but here’s another one of her cars that she posted but then mysteriously disappeared shortly thereafter
No. 1964106
>>1964086I remember that! Also, she said she was working as a waitress, but it lasted about a week. She said she had this job bc people were saying she was just siphoning off her dad, never working and all. Then suddenly she posted that, saying she had a job. Some wondered if she even had a job at all as there was no evidence of it.
>>1964034Yea she does that type of thing a lot. She is CONSTANTLY trying to put out that she is sweet as sugar, cute as a button.
She has a lot of fans who have EDs too, esp on x.
No. 1964112
>>1963871apparently she took shots at her ex-friend too, magickspell, for her weight a few times. mentioned her love handles that were coming out from beneath her corset at the renaissance or fairy festival whatever it was.
what goes around comes around. she gets what she gives
No. 1964125
File: 1707464117732.jpg (25.04 KB, 680x504, GFyvEWbW0AAxOjw.jpg)

me watching everything alida does then getting mad when she starts lying again(non-contribution)
No. 1964257
File: 1707507933151.jpeg (486 KB, 828x1344, IMG_0698.jpeg)

no milk but god her face is so hideous. the worst plastic surgery i've ever seen. the combination of photoshop and surgery is terrible. i can't wait to see how she'll look when she's 30, she's gonna age so horrible. she looks like an alien and not in the model type. her whole face and body is a total mess
No. 1964369
Alida is turning into a zealot. A hyper religious nutcase.
>>1964257She changes so much every time that I look at her, that I always think it's a new cow at first glance.
No. 1964393
File: 1707535233771.gif (1.65 MB, 200x307, eww.gif)

This is so hot NOT
No. 1964400
File: 1707536686848.jpg (223.06 KB, 506x663, 133417.jpg)

This is nitpicking but idc cos it's Ron ~ he has a big wart on the top of his head lmao
>>1964393I also felt like puking after making that licky gif. Still trying to find that vid where she was standing, holding up her skirt with no underwear on, while he was face planting her cheeks. It was probably the worst video they ever made together, esp given their massive age gap and how she was still a teen.
No. 1964402
File: 1707537153441.jpg (272.38 KB, 512x786, 133039.jpg)

Also, remember when they dressed up as Leon and Mathilda that time..which is kinda weird when you think about it. She would have been a teen in this photo too.
Anyway I have to go and bleach my eyes out now
No. 1964810
File: 1707641783983.jpg (53.61 KB, 596x165, moi.jpg)

Not milk, but you just know she reposted this thinking: ME! THIS IS ME!
Beauty doesn't shout it's own name from the rooftops.
No. 1964839
File: 1707659301666.jpg (252.01 KB, 900x503, 233916.jpg)

Super aged milk, but came across this and wanted to add it into the collection.
No. 1965061
File: 1707724098431.jpeg (353.88 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4304.jpeg)

She looks so strange here
No. 1965129
File: 1707746987985.jpeg (403.11 KB, 1170x787, IMG_2033.jpeg)

Alida’s Twitter likes are public again
No. 1965131
File: 1707747292353.jpeg (951.58 KB, 3000x4000, 3602B8BF-F7C7-48CE-93DB-A45BF2…)

>>1965130these 2 being separated by a meme but liked yesterday is killing me
No. 1965141
>>1965129She must have forgotten to pay Elon for this months checkmark, so she can't hide her likes right now.
Soo, Alida seems to dislike Jews, defends Putin, doesn't seem to fully believe what Hitler did in the past, has a thing about Japan and black people in Africa, adores people like Tate and Elon, loves all conspiracy theories…her and her friends definitely gravitate "ring-wing" (sorry but I'm not American and might use the wrong terminology). Is this where her racism began? Being fed conspiracies? There are potentially some theories that are real, but she seems to take on board any theory that is right-leaning. There is no denying that there is something within her that she covers/hides. She has strong beliefs but never talks about these things. You see all the time people saying "I've never seen her say anything racist", but it's because she is excellent at covering her tracks and if you see it, it's not there for long. I think she was the worst back when she had barely any followers on her x - before she deleted it all and pretended she is who she is on there now.
She is afraid of the backlash she would get if she spoke how she truly felt.
No. 1965147
File: 1707750850616.gif (Spoiler Image,2.49 MB, 150x232, tiger.gif)

Alida keeps talking about tigers too, and her last tiger video made me think of those people on 'The Tiger King'. They give out the EXACT same energy that Alida and her friends have. They are entertaining as anything but, super wild and weird. If you've seen it you'll totally get what I mean. She'd be the type to own a big cat too if she could. (spoilered for stupid gif)
No. 1965328
File: 1707773866405.jpeg (737.41 KB, 1170x1696, IMG_2046.jpeg)

at least she’s being more brazenly open about being a gullible right-wing retard. i dislike biden as much as the next person, but Alida hates him because Nina does and she’s desperate to fit it. also because she believes in adrenochrome, lizard people, etc antisemitic conspiracy theories while posturing as a “viking” that supports apartheid and the idf. i bet if she’d been alive during ww2 she’d have called the holocaust a “conflict”
No. 1965351
File: 1707778256808.jpeg (110.48 KB, 828x572, IMG_1103.jpeg)

Talking in regards of Lana hanging out with Taylor at the Super Bowl, and the people like her and icespice are “inspired by her” but jealous of her and how she can personally relate girl, bye.
I’d mostly like Alida to get a real job or life so she has less time to read into conspiracies and be parasocial with lana
Also correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you need to have some sort of mental or physical disability to require a service animal or can anyone register one in the states? If the first is true what is her listed disability?
No. 1965436
File: 1707794896994.jpeg (733.41 KB, 1170x1846, IMG_2101.jpeg)

alida’s response while unironically schizoposting about biden and feeding into the new satanic panic
>i want to enter into my assassin vigilante role
and i want her on a watchlist
No. 1965489
>>1965396She definitely harbours racist views. She knows many would turn on her if she showed this side of herself. Her values all grow from conspiracy theories so in her mind she believes that she is right and good for it and is not racist at all. Same with her followers who are in the red. She definitely haaates Jewish people, has grouped all of them into the evil villain pile. Seems to also be taking that route of belief with black people in Africa. I have a SA born white friend who LOVES it there and loves her black friends, so it's not all black vs white there. There are extremists but there are extremists everywhere. But Alida keeps believing it's all black people killing off white people.
I love that she is being a tiny bit more open about it now lollll. This is what we wanted ~ for her to start talking about her conspiracy theories. I used to believe that someone like her, wouldn't pick a 'side' and realise that all politicians are stale and dodgy and it's all redundant (esp arguing on x about it). It's all so stupid. But she is definitely grouping with the right. It can get confusing for me, because where I live Liberals are the right, but in America Liberal means left.
>>1965311Hard agree. I hate that they just gave Alida Service Dog approval because she wanted to take her dog everywhere. She does NOT have a disability, it's just pretty privilege, and it's a slap in the face to those who do. Also that doggo pants sooo much in the heat, it's sad. That breed is definitely not a Service Dog breed. Working dog (like sled dogs), yes, but not for most with a disability. At least not that I'm aware of. That breed would need hardcore training to be a proper service dog, pretty sure Luna hasn't had that. She just wants to take Luna everywhere with her like a cute best friend. Lots of people wish they could do the same. Luna goes with her light blue-eyed obsession as well. She has made this clear numerous times.
No. 1965490
File: 1707813146293.jpg (204.04 KB, 586x704, 182402.jpg)

>>1965351Oh she literally said, "Lana is elite" compared to Taylor. The whole Swifties vs Lana fanatics thing lmaooo, so stupid
Her saying "I've experienced this" means she believes herself as being elite over others too.
She definitely does have a parasocial thing going on with Lana, for sure.
A part of me doesn't want us to talk about it just yet on here, and let her keep going bc she will stop doing it if there is backlash. I want her to keep talking about her beliefs and get deeper into her conspiracy theories. It's so entertaining to me. I'd rather this than her talking about how beautiful she is all the time.
No. 1965506
File: 1707819113561.jpg (12.69 KB, 253x44, tehe.jpg)

Ok but why must she feel the need to talk like this every day
>baby girl
>[bow emoji] [sparkle emoji]
Stop it
No. 1965514
>>1965511So funny to me that Alida has a parasocial relationship with Lana while Alida's fans are in a parasocial relationship with her.
Lana follows many women like Alida on Instagram, from years ago.
I still think it's mega creep of Lana's boyfriend back then to start following a teen girl's Instagram after she went missing. I believe it was only after he followed her, that she did as well. Unless I have that story mixed up, correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 1965535
>>1965530I've come across so many husky owners that are EXACTLY like this. It's a big reason why many Huskies do end up in animal shelters, as people get them for their looks and don't know a thing about the breed.
Alida is definitely the type to buy designer dogs. Has anybody noticed how mean she is with other dogs around too? Like for example, Ron has dogs and she would always snap at them to go outside but would pamper Luna and let her into the room. Even though they all wanted to come in. Also only takes photos with Luna but never the other doggos. Same with the last place she lived. There were dogs on that property too and she hated them. Would yell at them for barking at Luna, not giving them all a chance to transition (it was their home afterall so of course they are going to feel territorial).
Kind of unrelated, but imagine Alida as a mum, she'd play favourites with who was the prettiest and who fit into her ideals.
No. 1965546
File: 1707835348630.jpg (28.78 KB, 590x171, 003709.jpg)

Latest take from Nina
No. 1965935
File: 1707924090733.jpg (29.72 KB, 589x134, 011805.jpg)

eww what is with her taste in men? Granted, she didn't have much to choose from with that question, but still.
It was Putin last week, this week it's Clinton.
No. 1965959
File: 1707928795795.jpeg (916.24 KB, 1170x1772, IMG_2165.jpeg)

If I were Alida, I’d feel like shit after going through Nina’s likes. It’s so obvious that Alida’s clout-chasing “friends” talk shit about her unironic schizoposting in a group chat.
No. 1966022
>>1966007>>1966013you know she'd claim it's for anxiety or ptsd. but let me tell you something. i was there when alida went on instagram in 2020 to say that dogs weren't allowed in her dad's new place and she had to find a way around it. she went on asking how to get luna service dog approval. within a few days she was then walking around with luna and her new service dog jacket on. she didn't do it for emotional support like i'm betting she will claim now. if she says that, she's flat out lying.
now she gets to take her everywhere, even on flights. with no training, no disability or reason at all, other than just wanting to take her dog everywhere and abuse the service. it's fucked up how often she's given her own way and this type of thing doesn't help her spoiled attitude either
No. 1966029
File: 1707939236959.jpg (13.32 KB, 268x54, -053404.jpg)

Take a drink every time Alida says "baby blue"
No. 1966046
File: 1707942003699.jpeg (374.35 KB, 1170x1208, IMG_2194.jpeg)

>>1966029oh pedoryan hates alida living with him lmfaooo
No. 1966213
File: 1707985373296.jpg (171.12 KB, 508x703, 181629.jpg)

>>1966007She sits her dog on restaurant chairs too, up at the table sometimes. It's HER dog so of course she doesn't care if she breathes all over the utensils. I'm pretty sure if someone else's dog was spitting on her cutlery it would be a completely different story. Esp if the other dog isn't pedigree. The last time this was brought up, she's such a shitty person that she deliberately put up photos of Luna on a plane with a closeup of her "Service Dog" jacket, in retaliation. Being a total smart-ass.
America is super strict with some things, and yet other times ridiculously lenient.
No. 1966232
File: 1707994298875.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1615, IMG_2209.jpeg)

she learns a new word and decides to make it her whole personality for a month
>“#vigilante?”>”I want to enter my vigilante assassin role” >>1965436i can’t roll my eyes hard enough. does she actually think people believe this shit? kek she was probably speeding in ron’s chevy. hope she got a fat speeding ticket that he’s sweating over having to pay.
No. 1966249
File: 1707999101933.webm (4.61 MB, 508x848, attitude.webm)

>>1966248Oh you know it! She would have been trailing them for sure. She's honestly that starved for attention, so wouldn't surprise me. Love how the cop wasn't interested at all in what she had to say. He seemed really certain she was following sooo….
Surely they wouldn't pull someone over for just driving on the road in the same direction to where they needed to go.
No. 1966254
File: 1708000176824.jpeg (329.1 KB, 1170x1195, IMG_2214.jpeg)

>>1966251“the cop was blessed after crossing paths with u and didn’t even know it” brainrot to the max in these comments
No. 1966260
File: 1708001945380.jpg (11.5 KB, 237x55, 224954.jpg)

>>1966254Yea that's just stupid. Her comment section is always full of people sucking up to her like that. The cop sounded irritated with her, if anything.
No. 1966295
File: 1708010568500.jpg (55.31 KB, 305x277, 011446.jpg)

This is my gripe with filters. People think her skin is flawless and then she announces products to buy that work. So that person runs off to spend their money on said products and then are disappointed to not get the same results.
Alida claims they're not filters "they don't do anything but smooth my skin, nothing has changed!" but literally smoothing out everything to an unnatural state, is still using filters. Then this type of thing happens and to me it's just wrong, esp if that person asking doesn't have much spare money to throw away on skincare products like that.
No. 1966342
File: 1708017168614.gif (1.27 MB, 200x314, helookslikehesgottitties.gif)

Look at him puffing out his chest lollll
No. 1966345
File: 1708017318057.jpg (249.88 KB, 517x785, undieduds.jpg)

Whyyy does she have a pic of her underpants? Seriously, we all don't need to know what you and Ron got up to on v day in the Florida Keys
No. 1966350
File: 1708018046364.jpg (96.72 KB, 378x278, 032547.jpg)

>>1966342Looks like someone skipped leg day… Big barrel chest with twiggy legs lmao
>>1966232You were right it seems! As if they would pull her up for speeding and not have proof of it. Esp with their tech these days.
No. 1966370
File: 1708022547625.jpg (56.48 KB, 640x584, 3ba851b91b19cbffe7269e055da6e4…)

>>1966363That bag is so gaudy to me and kiddie~like.
>>1966342Ok this is so not milk (and I'm sorry) but I think Ron might not be sticking his chest out on purpose. He literally might have barrel chest like Elon. It can come with lots of health problems later in life too. I mean, the way he walks too ~ stiff upper torso and big chest out. He either is going to the gym (skipping leg day) and only working on his pecs, puffing out his chest when he is pea-cocking, or he literally has barrel chest like Elon. Tmi, nobody asked, but I just had to say it.
No. 1966527
>>1966249Not sure about the "surely they wouldn't" when American cops are notorious for wasting everyone's time with needless "traffic violations" like they statistically spend 80-90% of their time on traffic violations which are all decided by themselves (e.g.timewasting like this) not reported crime
They probably assumed a man was driving since it's a big car, like how was she speeding on a one lane road and she was supposedly trailing
themJust cops being cops.
No. 1966616
File: 1708093294588.jpg (68.52 KB, 597x218, 001841.jpg)

>>1966527I thought American cops were hardcore and didn't mess about, but that's just from watching a handful videos on yt. I wouldn't know. Their swat teams are terrifying tho!
Also, picrel, from Nina's likes. I wonder how she feels about Alida and her sex work in the past.
I wonder if Alida is still getting money from her Playboy, as it's still up.
No. 1966803
File: 1708131688351.jpg (54.12 KB, 320x250, 110022.jpg)

Rion was one of the 4. Idk why she ever got back with him. That's why she had to get away to LA probably, because he was soo stifling.
No. 1966812
File: 1708132412053.jpeg (766.23 KB, 1170x1406, IMG_2336.jpeg)

>>1966803she’s such a pure born-again christian celebrate kween for posting a pic teasing an upskirt shot. yawn. has to get someone to buy her twitter premium for the month somehow - though she’s been way more selective about what she likes in the last couple of days.
No. 1966815
File: 1708132834733.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1662, IMG_2337.jpeg)

>>1966803wearing something other than dresses and skirts wasn’t being true to herself? kek. i remember her bragging once that she doesn’t own a pair of jeans. and she had that green hair forever, so she must’ve liked it well enough. then it was peach “like [her] bum!” for awhile.
the amount of copium in “i was trying to look fit and sexy in tight clothes” is so telling that ron was shitting on her weight gain constantly and him going through a phase of wanting an alt teenager. he was probably creeping on one on instagram.
No. 1966825
>>1966815It looks as tho she has opened up a whole bunch of her old photos on Instagram. I could be wrong, but I don't remember seeing a lot of them before now. So she has probably been going through them, "being in awe of herself". This is why she keeps posting older photos on x.
She really needs to get a job, because nobody has this much time to over-analyse and overindulge themselves with their own appearance every moment of the day.
I bet her Dad was one of the 4 too. Ron was definitely one, because she has exposed him for things he said about how she dresses and how he hates her extensions etc. Then she dresses to what appeals to him - hence the flower of life/ metatron pants in that pic. He is the one into all of that, and he must be into leggings, prob cos he goes to the gym and pervs at girls butts in them. Let's not think too much about that, but it's the only time she wears clothing like that. When she's with him. Lately she's been wearing leggings again like that.
Her fashion will always depend who she is hanging out with the most. This is why her whole look changes whenever she is with different people.
No. 1967086
>>1967073Oh holy moly, you can do that there?
That definitely doesn't surprise me, makes perfect sense that she would vote that way. It's interesting too because she tries to pretend to more open minded and above it all, but ultimately she is one-sided, in the Red and Trump is her main man. lol
No. 1967430
File: 1708300644098.jpg (65.54 KB, 583x245, 094842.jpg)

Another from Nina's likes. She seems like the type to talk about Alida behind her back to others.
No. 1967489
File: 1708314710303.jpeg (98.18 KB, 828x512, IMG_4547.jpeg)

She commented this december 2017 on a friend of hers prom post, im guessing “ginger” is rion, meaning she was talking to him just after she turned 17. Disgusting pervert
No. 1967542
File: 1708335909322.png (1.1 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240219-184540.png)

Macon Horner a.k.a. Ethel Cain's new Tumblr is @pulldrone. Looks like he's started hanging out with his groupies one on one irl as friends….. weird.
No. 1967700
File: 1708380205011.jpg (172.38 KB, 720x631, Screenshot_20240219_212232_Sam…)

Sage for non-milk, but I can me across this while floating around the Aesthetics Wiki. There's a whole aesthetic/sungenre of coquette y2k fusion fashion that started with Alida making bikinis
No. 1967767
File: 1708392340597.jpg (187.89 KB, 1200x900, alidavotes.jpg)

>>1967755You're right, sorry about that. Here's the pic. And I agree, as a fellow burger. I mostly wanted to put it out there because anon-chan specifically asked.
No. 1967955
File: 1708438863421.jpg (36.5 KB, 387x181, 002105.jpg)

>>1967767Omg so when she kept saying this, she was (again) flat out lying.
No. 1968032
File: 1708453093205.jpg (180.96 KB, 720x1063, Screenshot_20240220_181807_Sam…)

>>1967757>>1967715>>1967707It's not about Lana, it's a splinter group of coquettes named after Alida's bikinis she used to make and based around the style she used to make them in. Lana isn't exactly tropical she's just in there because the people who do this, same as coquettes, skinwalk Alida
No. 1968068
File: 1708460140468.jpeg (228.23 KB, 1170x582, IMG_2501.jpeg)

1. ah yes having fried, uneven, severely damaged, untoned hair was a genius decision
2. daddy’s money, and she only lived in a trailer park for the white trash aesthetic
anyway, i think shit’s rough with ron again because 2 days ago she tweeted “I don’t wanna go…” and wasn’t she on a trip states away from that creep recently? clearly she’s miserable but won’t leave because she knows nothing else since she’s wasted so much time with him. i’d almost feel bad for her feeling no trapped if she didn’t romanticize it and hide her struggles from the majority of her following.
No. 1968247
File: 1708493208316.jpeg (196.17 KB, 1284x642, IMG_0804.jpeg)

>>1968068Her and Ron are definitely having issues. She just tweeted this essentially confirming this. It must be bad if she’s being this open about it.
No. 1968305
File: 1708512720376.jpeg (218.35 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_2511.jpeg)

>>1968247her tweeting that and then mere hours later gushing on ig that some literal who sent her a surprise orion sticker in a package is so disingenuous. it’s also just sad that everyone can so plainly see her entire life revolves around a man who treats her like she means nothing to him.
No. 1968352
File: 1708530215767.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1796, IMG_2247.jpeg)

>>1968068Her real hair is like three inches long and definitely feels like hay (pic from latest video)
No. 1968482
>>1968305I hope that was a PO Box she gave out, and not her address to some random person on the internet. Wouldn't surprise me if she did that - she doesn't seem to care about having stalkers or creepers. That person probably used her as advertisement for her business too. I mean, it was a direct link to her store.
Feels as though Alida is beginning to see that she potentially could have risen to higher stardom (like she dreams) if it wasn't for Ron. Is she regretting this now? There's no denying she changed, the moment she got with him. I wonder if he is controlling or if he gets jealous ever. I've said it before, but I'll say it again - the fact that he got with a teen, when her mum had just passed away, was sick honestly.
No. 1968742
File: 1708612166788.jpeg (380.37 KB, 1170x993, IMG_2564.jpeg)

>>1967430meanwhile, in alida’s likes from the past day or so. they definitely lurk here
No. 1969000
File: 1708656041320.jpg (548.16 KB, 991x1978, GGu7mVfWcAA9uYm.jpg)

So much going on in this photo. Like where is one of her arms?? Her hand looks like a dude's hand and the outline of that arm is all jagged.
There is something really suspicious about her - why can't she take a normal photo without the super heavy editing? Why does she try hard to fake an accent when she types, but isn't consistent with this. Feels like she's a fraud catfish. I need to see a normal pic without the desaturation and morphing and proof that she is Slavic, otherwise I seriously don't believe her. Something is waaay off.
No. 1969017
File: 1708660452703.jpg (201.96 KB, 871x358, 122721.jpg)

>>1968995>>1969005Not American, but apparently the general public can see a person's 'affiliated Party', unless an individual qualifies for confidentiality (with special consideration). Which is bizarre to me, esp considering how volatile people can get over politics! And anybody can see this through an app too.
No. 1969309
File: 1708719135508.jpg (68.65 KB, 735x887, 44b21a221ab53a804ba2f0103c3aac…)

>>1969000I'm surprised nobody has picked up on this given the very obvious physical similarities, but she has the same features as Angeltroon from the e-girls thread (picrel, now going by nymphblonde) which is achieved by being fat and editing thinspo proportions on their pictures. A lot of girls who look exactly the way Dasha/Angelthigh do are eventually outed as fat girls in candid pics. You can actually see most of them forget to edit details of their body fat such as editing themselves with thin wrists but no wrist bones/hand bones or leaving theory shoulders with a lot of padding despite editing them tiny
No. 1969321
>>1967542Great, seems like he couldn't do long enough without posting his 4chan incel talk under Tumblrina guise.
>>1969000>>1969309 Is that Dasha or Chloe? I've always thought there's something very troon-ey about her body. Obviously it's exhanced to hell and back with surgeries, but i swear every pic of her is facetuned an body shooped to the unrealistic plastic doll proportions. The only person to rival her shit is this lol.
>>1765346 No. 1969326
File: 1708724059050.png (120.55 KB, 832x1674, ecc.png)

Is pulldrone Bacon's old backburner or was his official account always like this? Scrolled just a few months in and all that he's posting about is bragging about ~being on drugs~ like a 15yo (surprised there's no obligatory "i'm on benaryl" post kek), pissing himself over Nicole dollanganger and posting lots of gifs from gay porn. Because, you know, it's so feminine and 100% woman of him to watch gay porn, right.
No. 1969337
File: 1708725351918.jpg (256.2 KB, 720x1520, 1660811994679.jpg)

>>1969321Ayrt it's Dasha. Picrel is another picture of Dasha where she is much more similar looking to Angeltroon due to her editing, it's the exact same end result of fat larping as waif
No. 1969360
File: 1708729070200.jpg (69.92 KB, 656x1018, GG-mRe4XEAAI8Q1.jpg)

>>1969337Her face too, I don't know what she is doing to it, but it's edited to the extreme. Almost looks like she's putting another face over the top of her own that's already edited, or…something? It's all iffy. Would love to see a candid photo of her, I'm guessing nobody would even recognise her irl. The fact that she makes money from doing this, is a big wtf.
No. 1969505
File: 1708762709747.jpeg (219.48 KB, 1170x838, IMG_2656.jpeg)

jesus fucking christ, alida really has such narc delusions that she thinks her offing herself would cause her followers to do the same. i’m flabbergasted. every time i think she can’t get worse, more tone-deaf, or make anything about her entitlement to stardom, she does.
No. 1969534
File: 1708777423865.jpeg (53.14 KB, 1162x272, IMG_4639.jpeg)

>>1969505Implying she has anywhere near the influence of Kurt Cobain is beyond insane. Girl is extremely delusional.
No. 1969610
>>1969566She's female. She looks uncanny because those are her real forearms and hands attached to an otherwise extremely edited body (>>1969309). The dead giveaway for all heavy catfish is failing to edit wrists, hands, collarbones
and shoulders.
No. 1969686
File: 1708817876280.jpeg (168.04 KB, 1170x639, 6690FC60-7853-4E24-858B-2CD768…)

No. 1969691
File: 1708819452430.jpg (22.61 KB, 503x53, 100020.jpg)

Just wanted you all to know that his name is Orion Starlight
>>1969686What was that from? If her yt video, that's not even her first, she's done videos for literally years now, even on her patreon. And if she's shy, then I'm a t-rex
No. 1969748
File: 1708829785328.jpg (98.22 KB, 239x777, 123821.jpg)

He's like 43+ and dresses like this. What a loser, he's one with the teens in his dreams
No. 1969781
File: 1708840332782.jpeg (518.82 KB, 1125x1550, IMG_2434.jpeg)

>>1969534So she thinks all of those girls are just going to kill themselves because some random bitch online that they complimented did it too? Get real.
No. 1969958
File: 1708900199332.png (1.87 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5707.png)

for a split second i definitely thought this was a reference to alida’s moid. the lc universe expands. maybe she’ll buy it and propose to him?
No. 1970112
>>1970079I knew it! I swear I saw his name as Ryan once upon a time. So he changed it to Rion and then she changed it to Orion. Cringe and pretentious!
>Orion StarlightImagine pushing 40 and going after a 17 year old…..what a loser
No. 1970141
>>1969686Trying so hard to be quirky, derpy, cute and adorkable.
>my first video everApart from her patreon, live videos, tiktok/instagram videos and others. She also had some public videos on her yt previously. Example: a room tour where she showed her blood vials and another one during the pandemic.
Forever lying tho.
No. 1970168
File: 1708956776578.jpeg (295.83 KB, 828x1550, IMG_1281.jpeg)

Most of her “fans” are literally just her with less fame washed up too of old to be cute coquette girls who glamorize old men and ped0baiting but arnt actually pretty so they all larp as Alida in “fan accounts” or have a parasocial relationship with her which in reality she would never be seen or friends with half of them because she sees herself as better and like a celebrity to them. Does anyone remember that one older lady that had mental issues she was always conversing with? She would send Alida gifts and money for dresses and commented under all her post? Moonprism or something like that she takes advantage of these people cause that’s all she knows how to do.
Someone asked how she was ped0baiting by just being a teenager and it’s like does everyone just play oblivious to the fact she had a username with the word jailbait in it.
I would be so happy if she just made a truthful video sighting her problematic behaviour in that past but she can’t do that because it’s her current still behaviours. She lies and glosses over it and says we’re bullying her, it’s like no tell the truth say what you did and let your audience then base an opinion on the truth not this narrative you create for them.
Not related but funny coming from these two,
I feel maybe nina felt icky because she had to go to bed besides that living hemorrhoid she calls a fiancé(learn2integrate)
No. 1970181
File: 1708959296287.jpeg (757.44 KB, 1170x1523, IMG_2870.jpeg)

>>1970168speaking of this pick-me pro-ana-lite republican larp nlog, she’s being more brazen about her homophobia lately — like it’s not painfully obvious she’d make out with a woman at a bar for her geriatric, grease-faced, beady-eyed sugar fiancé’s pleasure so that maybe he’d actually try to get her off for once later on.
No. 1970182
File: 1708959531894.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2076, IMG_2714.jpeg)

>>1970181samefag and this is just me being petty, but nina acts like mike is rolling in dough but this ring is cloudy and i’m 90% sure it’s moissanite. further, the band is too thin for that stone size and it probably spins all the time from the weight. the band will warp with every day wear.
but knowing how she is, she’s probably just happy to have a ring at all and feels superior to alida in that regard.
No. 1970248
File: 1708973851459.jpeg (712.46 KB, 1170x1411, IMG_2899.jpeg)

nurse, she’s out again!!
No. 1970357
File: 1708998794595.jpg (206.13 KB, 493x615, 40427.jpg)

Meanwhile, Alida's still trying to pretend that Ryan proposed. Posing with photos deliberately highlighting the ring lol!
No. 1970401
File: 1709010843085.jpg (20.55 KB, 502x86, 151152.jpg)

Pls no. Just knowing she actually has sex with that moldy grandpa makes me want to puke.
Why do these women even bother buying nice clothes or anything pretty really, when their main accessory makes them look disgusting and full of disease germs. Not cute!
No. 1970474
File: 1709040847798.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1958, 0FB81026-C128-4CBA-A424-A17167…)

No. 1970494
>>1970474He's so weird lmao
Also, wtf, he has a degree in Graphic Design and yet he made that stupid thing for Alida's birthday that time.
>>1736803 Where did he get his degree from, the back of a cereal box?
Saw his Pinterest, that's where Alida gets all her cyber/mech/geometric/grimes phases from. She dropped all that when she went to LA and wasn't into it at all before she met him. That also makes sense why she hates raves and EDM whenever they break up or fight, bc that's his thing.
No. 1970517
>>1970464i can see it now: alida and nina would view their daughters purely as an extension of themselves and competition for male attention as they grew older. they would be frothing at the mouth with jealousy if their pedo men spent more time with the kid than them, and
when those creeps started acting inappropriately towards their daughters, they’d blame the kid.
No. 1970604
File: 1709070062303.jpeg (468.18 KB, 1170x863, IMG_2968.jpeg)

nina shading alida for her suicide baiting?
>>1969505 she always lays low about her true feelings on alida’s issues for days/weeks at a time and then does she like this.
No. 1970608
So many Zoomer coquettes say they're nonbinary and use he/him pronouns. No wonder they treat Ethel Cain like a god.
This tiktoker likes to flipflop between whining about people not using he/him pronouns, to saying she's all pronouns, then jumping on trends like "female rage" or saying "i'm just a girl". She is such an nlog
No. 1970618
>>1970604Yes! She does that all the time and it's the funniest thing.
>>1970517You just know this is exactly how it would turn out. I just hope they all never procreate! (why would they want to procreate with ugly old toads anyway, nothing but bad genes in every department to pass on!)
No. 1970658
File: 1709085621270.jpg (40.94 KB, 578x155, 120108.jpg)

ooof careful Nina, your racism is showing…
No. 1970691
File: 1709094834672.png (981.93 KB, 798x610, wtf.png)

>>1970658Pretty sure she's south asian larping as a Mediterranean or whatever. Wow I wonder what a catch she'll get for caring about, especially, racist moid's preferences so much…. Nooo I'm crying with my cats while she has such a gray fox! Men really do age like wine!!!
No. 1970695
File: 1709097832444.jpg (64.63 KB, 579x223, 151854.jpg)

>>1970691ewww he looks like a big ol' toad. look at his hair plus too!
She looks waaaay older than she actually is too. Those wrinkles around her mouth. ugh they honestly just look like a pair of greasy pedophiles.
She's been liking Tate lately as well. What female in their right mind would EVERR like Tate???
No. 1970699
File: 1709099714687.jpg (61.96 KB, 584x202, 155306.jpg)

So she liked this video, but what does she do if not sit on her ass getting everything handed to her everyday for nothing? She shits on women who do Onlyfans constantly, on her high horse, but she is the world's biggest sloth who doesn't do anything ever. Only dating an ancient Toadman for his money, how is that any different?
No. 1970707
>>1970666people on this site spend 150 threads calling a sicilian looking woman the ugliest thing they've every seen even tho she just looks ethnic at best (her phenotype isn't my fave). there's sooo much actual racism here, it'll make your head spin. belittling poor women in the global south who are sexually exploited by gross white codgers pale sin comparison to it.
oppression isn't a contest and these hettie betties will learn it the hard way
(derailing) No. 1970710
File: 1709103168944.jpeg (381.34 KB, 1170x1150, IMG_2974.jpeg)

nina’s also back to her anachan larp that’ll last 2 weeks while she posts about being drunk and “hoes” at the bars she hops around before crying, asking how to get rid of bloating and whining over plateauing the next day.
it’s ironic because a few months ago alida tweeted about being confused over her “fans” being a bunch of eating disordered teens. might’ve been a dig at nina.
No. 1970712
File: 1709103655231.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1855, IMG_2972.jpeg)

>>1970710she acts like she loves the hadids and is very into “old internet” (2014 tumblr) but doesn’t know bella hadid used to post about her ed on tumblr years ago. with her celebrity worship of lana and romanticization of the 2010s, you’d think she’d in the loop since there’s been countless threads about bella’s blatant autothinspo and anorexia vent posts for years, and nina’s been larping as disordered since 2021.
No. 1970713
File: 1709103741287.jpeg (696.03 KB, 1170x1050, IMG_2973.jpeg)

>>1970712kek yesterday she was excitedly tweeting about getting chipotle.
No. 1970719
File: 1709106921272.webm (1.96 MB, 544x680, itsallgoodbby.webm)

It's all good baby!
No. 1970724
File: 1709107701388.jpg (160.6 KB, 488x577, hott.jpg)

I love that I'm bullying a 55 year old grandpa. Well, he deserves it
No. 1970776
>>1970474actually laughing out loud
>>1970724he's fucking disgusting, imagine being proud of dating that. lana and its consequences have been a disaster for femoidkind!
No. 1970969
File: 1709172592585.png (4.79 KB, 242x54, 120433.png)

They definitely come here for a read everyday, onion starman said this on purpose
No. 1970977
File: 1709174766919.jpeg (607.29 KB, 828x1466, IMG_1321.jpeg)

Every good Christian shows off there lingerie on social media hehe
No. 1970982
>>1970977Why even bother buying pretty things, when it's completely off-balanced by the ugliest; aka onion. These women always want to get the prettiest, most expensive items…and yet…AND YET…they choose the ugliest creepos to have by their sides. That just makes these girls look ugly and stupid too.
That beautiful lingerie is for onion, ew shivers. No longer beautiful, just tainted with grossness.
No. 1971103
File: 1709210874264.png (452.28 KB, 342x688, 224401.png)

>>1971027lmao bon~voyage twinkly space soymoid
(his face while reading the thread)
No. 1971317
File: 1709272788144.jpg (129.91 KB, 594x355, 155304.jpg)

If he just got yeeted into space, her life would improve, probably.
Made me think about how he did kinda put her into cult-like situations. Even shipping her off to India to be grilled by all of the 'gurus' when she was too young for any of that. It's alright for him, he's over 40 and knows what he wants in life after years of experience. He can't dictate what she should be, inside and out, esp when she's so impressionable.
Everyone talks about the monster who kidnapped her in the past, but nobody says anything bad about this guy (except us of course). He kidnapped her too - only far more insidiously.
>he's just taking care of her
No. 1971321
>>1971317I feel like lots of people swarmed in on Alida when her mum passed away, like vultures, trying to get a piece of her. Even so called 'friends' that she met on the internet, who tried so hard to be her - skinwalkers, 'pretty' friend collectors, girls who befriended her because they too were in age-gap relationships, moids like rion who wanted to own/control her. Bad influences in her life that pulled out the absolute worst in her. Not that she is completely innocent but, it makes me wonder how things would be if she actually had decent people in her life that weren't out to siphon her. Maybe her enemies are closer than she realises.
Also, did she only go back to rion cos she had nowhere else to go? Did she feel that was her only choice? Omg why am I ranting so hard
No. 1971324
File: 1709276207647.jpeg (729.83 KB, 1150x1153, IMG_5775.jpeg)

she’s doing a live right now. super manic energy. but first thing i noticed is those huge bumps on her lips?? definitely looks like fresh filler injection sites
No. 1971358
File: 1709291839559.webm (1.44 MB, 508x892, 02.webm)

>>1971324So in her Live she warns young girls not to date older men. "don't waste your time" and they will take away your best years. But she also goes on to say that Rion is an "anomaly" as she claims he didn't have sex with her then and doesn't have sex with her now. Hence, he isn't included in her statement here. She also says that she is "exhausted" in the relationship but later contradicts herself by claiming that she is happy and he is the love of her life.
No. 1971362
File: 1709292232278.webm (4.61 MB, 508x892, 01.webm)

Throughout, the filters kept falling off and changing by themselves, so you could see how she truly looks. Not ugly and I'm not going to be mean about it, but filters definitely distort someone's perception of themselves. She can't take a video or photo without them and it's sad. When she says things like she is prettier than others, and is so focused on looks, you just know that's not how she truly feels. These filters aren't helping her fixation on appearance. Anyway…
No. 1971363
File: 1709292626446.webm (7.66 MB, 508x892, 03.webm)

She also brought up that old geezer who she claimed 'gifted' her that Porsche. States that she could have been an "heiress" "set for life". Seems like they had some kind of relationship, but not a sexual one.
Also said that she loves "Daddies", even tho she warns young girls to not get with older men. She condemned age-gap relationships, but Rion isn't included in any of those beliefs cos he is that amazing.
No. 1971364
File: 1709293137654.jpg (153.16 KB, 584x416, femcelhood.jpg)

Nina definitely comes here for the tea..
No. 1971385
>>1971327I'm with you on that.
>>1971362She looks a lot older than 23 when those filters drop and it shows how yellow her hair actually is.
No. 1971397
File: 1709300036774.jpg (471.58 KB, 491x1710, oops.jpg)

>>1971385Just goes to show, that she looks nothing like the top photo and pretty much all of her photos and videos. It is kind of funny how the glitching filters exposed how she really looks. Which again, isn't ugly, she's just a normal woman…but she wants to be more than that. (honestly I think only her hair is ugly without the filters, skin is meant to have texture!) She wants to be the most beautiful goddess who ever walked the universe and beyond. She lords over others with her cheating/catfishing appearance all the time. Only on the internet can she play pretend this hard and this is why she's so addicted to it.
>>1971390I don't even know what is real anymore. And yea, it doesn't change a thing even if Rion doesn't see her sexually - he was still going after a super young girl to keep, for shallow and siphoning reasons. (they were having sex tho bc I remember what she was posting back then)
When she kept saying it's fine if the older man "treats you like his daughter" I wanted to vomit! That's not a good thing!
No. 1971425
>>1971415 >>1971421
unless he's so old he can't get it up anymore kek
probably uses viagra
No. 1971434
>>1971415sage for sperging but it’s funny you say that because she romanticizes elvis and priscilla to the max. yesterday on her ig story she posted one of those pinterest prompts about “go and pick the first image pinterest gives you for ___” and hers for movie poster was the priscilla movie from last year. she either hasn’t seen the movie or thinks elvis’ unsavory tendencies were exaggerated, as if it wasn’t based off priscilla’s literal autobiography. iirc she’s also liked a tweet quoting elvis & me where priscilla said she became elvis’ living doll that he dressed as he wanted, his neuroses became hers, he taught her how to love and be a woman, blah blah blah
as if that’s not the *literal
* definition of grooming No. 1971440
File: 1709306711529.jpeg (896.25 KB, 828x1242, IMG_0946.jpeg)

>>1971400I’m assuming she’s talking about the indian spirit cult
No. 1971665
>>1971358>>1971363Yeah this is weird when she's dating an oldie and a lot of her friends are dating oldies. She says it's wrong but surrounds herself with it at the same time. Are all these boomers in her life, Ryon, Mike, the Susie one, exempt from what she's saying here? I don't get it.
>>1971362Filters need to die.
No. 1971675
>>1971516This is why Alida and Dasha are friends - they're both catfish. That and the fact they are bonded over being cows together as well.
I guess at least Alida doesn't photoshop her entire body (except she super lightens her skin + hair), she usually only filters her face.
No. 1971706
File: 1709387098871.jpg (39.65 KB, 589x149, 234609.jpg)

Is this why her and toad live at the pub all the time, cos he's an alcoholic?
No. 1971713
File: 1709389212923.gif (4.82 MB, 250x408, farmvs.gif)

farm vs alida, duking it out (rabbits cos it's a coquette thread) fisticuffs at dawn! (yes, i'm bored)
her version would be the angel of light, vs a whole bunch of demons
No. 1971716
File: 1709389904347.gif (Spoiler Image,11.45 MB, 250x408, epic showdown.gif)

No. 1971719
>>1971663god forbid people grow up and start their own lives — something alida will never do, so the fading connection
must be jazmine’s fault simply because alida can’t stand to do any introspective work for longer than 30 seconds. old friends distancing themselves from her, shading her constantly are all signs that
she is the issue — they just can’t speak out publicly against her for fear of her siccing her cult on them, so they resort to alluding to issues with her (except for the ginger russian that tweeted she wanted to knock alida’s teeth down her throat). speaking of the ginger russian, i firmly believe that alida weaseled her way back in that woman’s life purely because jazmine and brooklyn have all but dropped her.
anyway, jazmine’s probably better off leaving alida in the dust. i haven’t seen them interact in months.
No. 1971722
>>1971719I'm definitely picking up signs of contempt (and jealousy perhaps) from her, over Jazmine getting married. Especially after that remark on her live. But now that we've said this, she will contact Jazmine and post photos together or something.
I believe she contacted Kamilla first too, which is weird considering the damning allegations she flung around about her. Obviously none of it was true, otherwise why would she befriend her again, if she did break & enter her home and steal all of her money? Makes no sense really.
No. 1971928
File: 1709454125890.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1860, IMG_1109.jpeg)

No. 1971930
>>1971706Pretty sure blassie is some form of alcoholic herself but whatever, this isn’t the dirtbag left thread.
>>1971928Why does she always need to wear a headband? Is her hair fucked up in some way?
No. 1971934
>>1971928>no makeupEyelash extensions, tightline eyeliner, freshly set soap brows, fake freckles, lip liner
Guys she won't be killing herself, she's the female Kurt Cobain and all the other girls are going to copy her
No. 1971955
>>1971928>>1971934The fake freckles kek and everything else. She hated the fact that her bubble got burst live and recorded. She looks much older than she portrays online.
>>1971929Have to agree. She's ruined her lips. Lumpy, the filters smooth them out too.
No. 1971993
>>1971987Funny, she mentioned needing White Knights that time.
She thinks Rion is her Knight in shining armour, but I've never seen him do anything remotely protective over her. Never seen him defend her in comments, and where was he when everything was happening last year? He also didn't care about her sex working, and seemed to get off on it. Even dating her as a teen isn't protective energy.
No. 1972022
File: 1709477854750.jpeg (924.05 KB, 1170x1882, IMG_3313.jpeg)

alida’s slyly e-begging again. i bet she misses the mentally handicapped girl she was manipulating into bankrolling her shopping addiction sooo bad rn
No. 1972030
File: 1709478365227.jpeg (208.6 KB, 1170x755, IMG_3260.jpeg)

>>1972022samefag and autism but she posted this yesterday and i hope she buys a dress from them in a size XS/SM since altar’d state’s sizing runs really small, and it’s worse if you have a wide ribcage or broad shoulders like alida does.
i wonder if she knows they carried girl defined’s books in the past, or cares at all. she probably actually admires those 6 ft tall, nazi-loving, snarky, groomer, fag hag evangelical tradwives that eat copium for breakfast because their husbands didn’t know how to get them wet for years. she can probably relate.
No. 1972034
File: 1709478593213.jpeg (486.15 KB, 828x998, IMG_0099.jpeg)

Who buys her lip fillers and pays for all of her other shit? Can’t she just have rion buy these…? I do wonder what happens when Rion leaves her because shes getting too old now for older men to support her.
Also why does she just look so average and different here? Its kind of reassuring to be honest because it just proves that all of this social media shit is smoke and cameras no matter who it is. They never look the same in person, just like the rest of us is what they look like and thats fine. Just damn!
No. 1972037
>>1972022We all know now how she got those Love & Lemon, Kitteny and Selkie dresses the last time - that old rich pervert. She expects to get handed whatever she wants on a plate for nothing now.
Let's face it, she would have stayed with that guy if he didn't want to "breed" her, just to keep getting gifts like these all the time.
No. 1972096
>>1972091She does have biiig hands, but I don't think they are THAT big lmao
>>1972094Yea, and highlights her shoulders more
No. 1972381
File: 1709578101990.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x2142, IMG_3394.jpeg)

alida outing herself as obsessively lurking via her spam-liking cutesy autism memes. as if anyone would’ve noticed or cared about her “i’m shy and autistic!!!” comment outside of her obsessive followers projecting onto her until it was posted here. if anything, she’s a clusters a and b scramble.
No. 1972427
File: 1709586309199.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1471, IMG_3414.jpeg)

This is so fucking weird??? Why are randos reposting pictures of her from when she’d barely hit puberty? And she’s eating it up too - “thank u for loving baby me” this is the consequences of unsupervised Internet access allowed by emotionally absent, addiction-addled parents.
Her peak era is rapidly becoming a distant memory and she doesn’t know how to cope. It’s why she uses filters more than ever before – her popularity hinges on her underage photos and acting like everyone assumes she’s still 16 – without them, she looks her age or even older. There’s no way she doesn’t know the pedomoids following her will jerk it to that photo from her childhood. She just doesn’t care because any attention is good attention in her mind.
No. 1972430
>>1972427Those accounts are so weird. They barely have any followers, and exist only to serve Alida. They like/repost mostly only what she posts. Honestly sometimes I wonder if it's Alida herself. That one doesn't even have 5 followers.
>>1972381She would have no clue, the real struggles that many Autistic people have their whole lives. Pretending that she has it too (only bc it's a current trend right now for some reason, & is seen as cute) is messed up.
She definitely is a Narcissistic personality type, no doubt about that.
No. 1972526
File: 1709607992148.jpg (2.47 MB, 2171x1341, 431453410_1133290211004072_898…)

Ang3lthigh now nymphknight, her terrible edits usually get posted in the photoshop thots but she's probably more suited to this thread
No. 1972631
File: 1709633790224.jpg (245.63 KB, 589x855, 201643.jpg)

No. 1972632
File: 1709634160706.jpg (34.59 KB, 586x133, 202325.jpg)

At first I thought this was another jab at Alida. But she is a brunette too, minus the bleach.
No. 1972661
File: 1709642034290.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1170x1726, IMG_3454.jpeg)

>>1972641i noticed the pic with drag queens she posted ~week after
>>1970181 like pick a side. i feel like the republican californian thing is tied to her moid’s beliefs and aligning herself with his politics to keep him around. or it’s also her NLOG contrarian complex. she also fucking despises california kek but “stays because muh fiancé loves it here” — eventually she’ll feel trapped like alida.
No. 1972891
File: 1709693039381.png (780.81 KB, 424x597, ana.png)

>>1972526I think she induced anorexia…
No. 1972967
File: 1709711437133.jpg (61.59 KB, 692x592, 430626031_1195434904767977_505…)

>>1972891It's just editing. This photo was posted before this one
>>1972526 and her thighs look normal sized. She's always edited her body in photos
No. 1973134
File: 1709750207952.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1770, IMG_3524.jpeg)

>>1972641yeah she definitely knows who ethel is. she liked this mere hours after liking a tweet from a redpill moid clowning troons
No. 1973168
File: 1709757153190.jpeg (339.1 KB, 1284x1853, IMG_7843.jpeg)

how can this girl ch111oe edit her photos this much and not have her own page?
No. 1973174
File: 1709757858975.jpeg (481.59 KB, 3264x1632, IMG_7873.jpeg)

I understand when girls who are already curvy slightly edit to look curvier but for a girl to be this tall and skinny be editing herself so curvy just doesn’t make sense. I guess everything is so fake now no one cares if your fake.
No. 1973179
File: 1709758467400.jpeg (419.03 KB, 3264x1632, IMG_7888.jpeg)

Ch111oe edits her body more than anyone i’ve ever seen in my life. She is the biggest catfish i’ve found on the internet so far. How does she not have her own lol cow page?
No. 1973183
File: 1709758931772.jpeg (1.11 MB, 3264x3264, IMG_7893.jpeg)

Catfish Ch111oe modeling photos vs her photoshopped pictures she posts herself?
No. 1973185
File: 1709759438348.jpeg (Spoiler Image,454.6 KB, 3264x1632, IMG_7897.jpeg)

Is Ch111oe trans? Because I don’t want to out a trans girl. I completely understand why trans girls edit to feel more feminine a.k.a gender euphoria so if she is I will delete but i’m pretty sure she is cis? It is weird because she is so big and tall with huge shoulders/no hips but then edits herself to have GIANT hips.
No. 1973187
File: 1709759667282.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1001.11 KB, 3264x3264, IMG_7894.jpeg)

I am shocked people even go after other girls who slightly edit their photos when there are girls like this that are literally editing themselves into a completely different person! Ch111oe level of catfishing should be criminal. If she is trans I apologize and will delete this because I don’t want to be transphobic.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1973199
File: 1709764002289.jpeg (1.16 MB, 3264x3264, IMG_7914.jpeg)

Ch111oe is actually a tranny and will age to look like the tranny from 90 day Fiancé look at how much they look alike it’s scary!(ban evasion)
No. 1973448
File: 1709819672682.jpeg (851.57 KB, 828x1447, IMG_1526.jpeg)

Like most Christian’s she uses her “religion” as a scapegoat for her disgusting behaviours.
The old I can do whatever as long as I say three Hail Marys but if anyone crosses me they deserve brimstone and fire Christian’s.
forgiveness a trait of Jesus? Nah
She’s gods favorite guys,
And Jesus is going to rebuke all of us for being mean to her.
It’s like she associates religion with being a good pure person and those vastly and widely two different concepts, two of which I don’t think Alida understands either.
No. 1973464
File: 1709822353738.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1170x2075, IMG_3592.jpeg)

>>1973448kek not to mention her only ever posting music with religious themes if it’s lana lyrics. it’s all a long larp. she aestheticizes religion (the picture before this was of some church at sunset – on a wednesday night, which makes me think she may be an evangelical, based off growing up one [services every wednesday evening and sunday morning]) – but that’s as deep as it goes for her, especially considering the lyrics choice here. she likens herself to a savior, an angel, what have you – but she can’t and won’t save anybody, even herself. this level of delusion is truly sad and worrying.
No. 1973527
>>1973448..”and thou shall dot all written ‘i’s with small hearts so as to remain an unemployed, empty headed harlot for eternity.”
Retardation 24:7
No. 1973613
File: 1709844379814.jpg (235.05 KB, 752x1224, chloe.jpg)

Damn, everytime she posts she has yet a different face on. Should chill out with nose shrinking, this is reaching Michael Jackson levels.
She's been posting pics from - it's a polish site collecting all sorts of "hillybilly"/cringey af photos that was popular among middle schoolers in like 2009/2010 lol. Pics of chicks in lingerie with shitty strapon wolf tails against backdrop of shitty room and wall carpet - which is more of a Russian/Ukranian thing, doesn't happen in Poland at all tbh. Makes me wonder if she's been miraculously in contact with actual slavs or just got more"sophisticated" with her slav larp kek. i haven't thought of since 2011
No. 1973632
File: 1709847616783.jpeg (396.13 KB, 1170x1660, IMG_5002.jpeg)

No. 1973851
Saged for nonmilk but I'm glad people are speaking out on the coquette trend. One of my least favorite thing about fast fashion making the aesthetic mainstream is there are now teenage girls dressing up in a style created by grown women who were pedo baiting.
No. 1973871
File: 1709916030498.jpeg (892.01 KB, 1170x1878, IMG_3676.jpeg)

>>1973632alida is such a fucking fence-sitting “i don’t want
anyone fighting uwu” hypocrite when she’s publicly supported apartheid. she just doesn’t give a single shit about anything that doesn’t directly affect her or her “ancestors”
No. 1973909
File: 1709922039503.jpg (25.36 KB, 236x440, f516d58406ec9dd372fce5c4e9580c…)

>>1973851I feel like the anorexia shilling of this aesthetic isn't talked about enough. You will be looking at fruit salads and next think you know you are bombarded by shit like picrel.
No. 1973965
File: 1709933781000.jpeg (286.16 KB, 1170x890, IMG_3686.jpeg)

sage for armchair but the weed and psychedelics abuse that onion introduced alida to 100% fried her brain and accelerated the onset of a schizo-spectrum disorder.
No. 1973970
>>1973689Yeah that's what i thought. I just didn't know she's Mexican (?) Her face is so changed and contorted that it's extremely hard to evaluate her possible nationality, idk. Chloe is (well, shoops herself) like a plastic doll. Or like one of those particularly repulsive weird ass tunblr 3D models of babydoll-faced girls. You know which. The ones where they're giant 3D bimbos trying to eat tiny miniature people, i forgot wtf is that called but i always found it oddly uncomfortable
>>1973851Coquette doesn't exist as a street style. It Pinterest-exclusive, entirely virtual style. i know it's getting mainstream & regular ppl are startign to talk about it (as in, not tumblrinas) but i still don't see it in the streets at all. But i'm from Poland (a place where coquette style doesn't exist, get it right slavaboos!) idk about places like US
No. 1974120
>>1973851sorry blogpost but people in the comments of this vid were being so grossly dense saying coquette isnt inherently weird and that hes sexualizing it
as if every other shitty coquette pinterest meme is romanticizing an older relationship with a dirty old scrote
No. 1974339
File: 1710020665510.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x1818, IMG_7871.jpeg)

Ch111oe is trans. That’s why he modeled for Anna Bolina a known lgbt brand.(ban evading vendetta sperg)
No. 1974489
File: 1710071726501.jpg (66.91 KB, 720x524, Screenshot_20240310_115412_You…)

Saged since the milk is so small and kinda niche even here, but if anyone cares epicf4iry (the coquette edits girl who got popular for sleeping with a groomer teacher) has broken up with him
No. 1975112
File: 1710198639649.jpeg (416.08 KB, 1170x908, IMG_3943.jpeg)

i called it
>>1972661 she’s “on the verge of a mental breakdown” over somewhere she moved to for that greaseball moid
No. 1975118
File: 1710199094372.jpeg (204.63 KB, 1170x569, IMG_3946.jpeg)

>>1946625>>1970181more whining from nina, this time about her weight
No. 1975125
File: 1710200427707.jpeg (587.02 KB, 2023x2949, 3008A607-682E-439A-8759-B604F1…)

>>1974574Nta but it’s painfully obvious Chloe is trans.
>Chloe is a popular name with trannies because it sounds feminine and uwu >Ugly mannish face >Jaw like a linebacker>Built like a brick wall, zero waist >Has fake tits and claims they’re natty>Knobbly big ana tranny hands knees and big feet >Obsessed with pornified femininity and bimbofied fetish shitSo obviously male it’s embarrassing
No. 1975128
File: 1710200470236.jpeg (547.91 KB, 1274x1175, E5697CD2-84C5-4DDC-8681-9C0434…)

This is a man.
No. 1975129
File: 1710200502114.jpeg (685.85 KB, 1403x2059, 404BBCF1-3070-48FE-B7F8-4C1C19…)

Also tranny chan Chloe got into a car accident the other night
No. 1975131
File: 1710200541866.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1307x2121, ABE006A8-397B-4705-8D10-033B72…)

Split his head open uwu
No. 1975132
File: 1710200653864.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1521, IMG_3948.jpeg)

>>1975122she’s been posting about wanting ozempic lately despite stating her highest weight was 122 lbs at 5’1”. i’m still convinced all this stems from moid mike all but telling her she’s the opposite of his type
>>1946625 No. 1975136
File: 1710200975288.jpg (330.63 KB, 1080x2291, Screenshot_20240213-102630.jpg)

>>1975125that looks like a pretty feminine body to me, personally. calling every woman without a massive ass a man is stupid.
although it seems pretty easy to tell that some of these ~bimbo ecelebs~ are feminized males. The length of their torso and the tilt of their hips are dead giveaways.
No. 1975200
File: 1710207981277.png (673.13 KB, 568x666, FAT.png)

>>1975132Small reminder of what mike's build is
No. 1975838
File: 1710353537649.jpeg (318.43 KB, 1170x847, IMG_4018.jpeg)

Alida alluding to what we all know to be true: She’s a lazy scam artist that can’t sew, and now she’s going to make her quality even worse in the name of “MaGiC”
No. 1976229
File: 1710442226623.jpeg (317.88 KB, 1170x818, IMG_4060.jpeg)

She was definitely suicidal because Onion probably cheated again. Sad that she thinks withholding sex from him will make him change, when really it’ll just make him go fuck another naive teenager.
No. 1976270
File: 1710449899229.jpeg (271.46 KB, 1170x1202, IMG_6150.jpeg)

i have no words
No. 1976296
File: 1710453726902.jpg (380.06 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20240314_150159_Ins…)

Holy shit, saw this in the wild… ugly as sin
No. 1976480
File: 1710512683038.jpeg (265.95 KB, 1170x514, IMG_4098.jpeg)

everybody cast your votes for how long it takes Alida to start spamming about being a “teehee playboy bunny” again since she and Ryan are rocky
No. 1976696
File: 1710555866845.jpeg (701.61 KB, 828x1456, IMG_1602.jpeg)

She admitted to hot glueing them just a few days ago. I can’t wait to see what she’s charging for these kids craft section bikinis.
“Makes crafts more magical by using a candle stick to melt your glue” like someone said to make your shitty crafts.
No. 1976741
File: 1710569142029.jpg (765.8 KB, 1053x1834, 1000005663.jpg)

Macon Horner a.k.a. Ethel Cain deleted his new Tumblr account @pulldrone after it was posted here, then got to go model in Paris fashion week for being a tranny, where he decided to reference his internet drama in a short interview i-D did with him there. He's totally unbothered and moving on, guys.
No. 1976765
File: 1710577569311.png (2.54 MB, 2254x1320, Screen Shot 2024-03-16 at 7.28…)

>>1976696$120 usd. What a scam
No. 1977058
File: 1710654515129.png (1.5 MB, 867x1312, s5Lc0zD1By7.png)

>>1976741I see he's covering his nasty ass neck tats in polite company
No. 1977171
>>1976741This makes me wonder what else was posted on this account, but i really wasn't eager to scroll long enough through all this teen incel ramblings about weed & ketamine and loads of gay porn.
>he decided to reference his internet drama Did he say anything beyond "logging off"? Does iD/the media even know about coarse pussy nasty slug drama? I feel like it only happened on tumblr and was completely overlooked by vnybody else, so now he can safely
also if he "hates coquettes" sooo much out of the sudden, what does he think is his audience made of? funny but i don't think he's even that popular among troons, just among coquettes and they/them/nonbi/x/em~ crowd of zoomer handmaidens.
No. 1979154
File: 1711200521820.jpeg (764.38 KB, 828x1511, IMG_1676.jpeg)

Alisa can’t event post new videos of her modeling her bikinis cause she’s fat now, she was fat then too but now lmao
So she’s advertising the new bikinis which are different with the old Bikins and everyone in the comments is dick riding like “the perfect bikini doesn’t exists” your right because those are the same you can buy at the dollar store or for a surplus on aliexpress like she did her coats then price gouge people. $120 for that plus shipping
No. 1979163
File: 1711204643277.jpeg (362.41 KB, 769x536, IMG_7573.jpeg)

Her face also looks so different than just a few years ago, i can't really but my finger on why.
The picrel shows her days before she turned 22, and now her a few months into 23.
No. 1979185
>>1979178>>1979163I think she's just shooping out her eyebags which is throwing her faceshape off. The right was a candid taken by a friend iirc
>>1976765>>1976822She's just capitalising off people who idolise her and will buy any shit she touches, I respect the grift kek
No. 1979394
File: 1711268246633.jpg (26.21 KB, 581x75, 181301.jpg)

I bet she excuses Rion for this tho. Why do these girls say things like this, yet excuse all the gross old men they hang around?
No. 1979395
File: 1711268397560.jpg (28.44 KB, 559x79, 181821.jpg)

Also she is getting botox, already obsessing about her forehead and ageing.
No. 1979400
>>1979394Because remarkably all of the men they and their friends are with are " the good ones " (what a coincidence!) Then they get shook when their partners are outed as being pedophiles toward their own children or their childrens' friends in the future.
>>1979395These men have already proven they only have eyes for younger girls, so this is why Nina and Alida are obsessed with looking young. They know their partners eyes WILL wander as soon as they are no longer considered youthful. So they start with the botox and fillers young. Then they end up making themselves look older in the process because every young person that I have seen doing this, have made themselves look years older in the process. For some reason, botox etc works on older women but has the opposite effect on younger women.
No. 1979437
File: 1711286258971.jpeg (251.4 KB, 828x1340, IMG_1681.jpeg)

she needs to get off the drugs man
No. 1979567
File: 1711322717601.png (90.61 KB, 854x892, 8989.png)

>opened up for Korn & dated Courtney Love
anyone has any idea who is Maya/Stolenbesos/Coldstonereamery's father? saw her talking about him being a rockstar on her blog and she posted some photos/videos but i can't really think of anybody. apparently her full(?) name is Maya Spangler.
also seems like she split with the nasty Cobrasnake scrote, wouldn't be surprised if she was dumped for yet another (and yet younger) La "it girl". This ugly fucker has been forever in the scene dating and giving drugs to teenagers as far back as 2006 (like Cory Kennedy, iirc she was just 15yo). It's just got nastier bc he's now twice as old and disgusting. and not in the ~cool indie sleaze~ way he hopes it is, lol.
No. 1979596
File: 1711334199044.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x2058, IMG_4596.jpeg)

KEK she’s doing this dramatic shit while mina le’s new video titled “the coquettification of catholicism” plays in the background. sometimes i’m convinced she’s absolutely trolling but then i remember her severe lack of self-awareness coupled with her delusions of all kinds.
No. 1979607
File: 1711345922538.jpg (244.86 KB, 1200x627, 25507-istockgetty-images-plusm…)

>>1979603yeah, you are not supposed to wear a rosary as a necklace anywhere, whether it's the U.S., europe, you have it, from everything catholics are taught. she can't even get her LARP right.
No. 1979613
File: 1711349636958.jpg (40.67 KB, 471x403, 4dbc848d3b588df7d09003c5aeea47…)

>>1979596She always takes these things to the obsessive extreme. She NEEDS to get a job or work on her skill~set, because this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. She will end up becoming soo blinded by her zealotry.
>>1979607It reminds me of this meme.
No. 1979619
File: 1711352452369.jpg (14.94 KB, 304x50, 174146.jpg)

Imagine her walking down the street and into the shops like this
No. 1979672
File: 1711379890640.jpeg (251.57 KB, 1284x696, 924461EF-EAC3-43C9-9D7F-2DDDA2…)

Dear alida, for you
No. 1980023
>>1980012Yea, this is why I get so mad about Rion. She was in a bad place, and way too young. If he was a true gentleman, he wouldn't have gotten with her at all, and helped her out without being this sick daddy/lover figure. Then he introduced her to psychedelics and cult-like gurus (not sure if he was the one who also got her into molly as well). He is to blame if she does completely snap one day. Her biological Dad should have stepped in too after her mum died, but never did, and just let her be with this guy twice her age. I hope she is larping and that we are wrong, otherwise if she is truly 'seeing' things like this, it's a one way ticket to insanity! And nobody around her seems to see anything wrong with it, so she'd never receive help. She'd believe that anybody trying to stop it, is a part of the Devil or something. Ruining her special 'sight' and other~worldly abilities.
No. 1980283
File: 1711551570182.jpeg (461.01 KB, 1274x1490, CC3B71C2-BF67-4CB4-BE86-FC2340…)

Wtf is this edit guys
No. 1980746
File: 1711670091605.jpeg (290.83 KB, 1170x710, IMG_4745.jpeg)

i hope nina gets left high and dry by her moid
No. 1981017
>>1980944I don’t think
nonnie needs to refrain from hating xernue when she promotes and defends pedophilia, puts down other women for their age and looks and whatnot…she’s just kinder than Alida if anything
No. 1981136
>>1981018>actually a pretty nice personNot even.
>never attacked older womenKappa. Pls stop. She has attacked older women countless times and said the nastiest of things. She has also been pretty racist toward Asians.
No. 1981146
>>1980746Each to their own, but imagine existing solely for a man, and a loser at that. What a shallow hollow mindless life. Especially when her partner is no prize. These women who drop everything for a man look pathetic honestly. All she does is consume, go to the pub and fuck a sickly looking, limp-dicked old toad. EW they're both crusty.
I mean just take a look at Alida. She dropped everything for Rion. Just think of where she could be right now if she put her mind to it, and look at where she is. She even changed the moment she got with him and she lost what she once had. Now she's miserable. Up and down, but mostly miserable. Pining for what could have been. All because of this desperate need for male validation. Never settle, create your own kingdom and dreams and you will be MUCH happier for it. Pining to be with a man is just human programming anyway. Rise above it.
No. 1981163
File: 1711781378482.jpg (15.44 KB, 565x75, 164824.jpg)

If this is true, then why does she get botox and other procedures?
No. 1981183
>>1981166Alida is super shitty toward other women, yes she pretends she likes other women. But in reality the only women she accepts are the physically pretty ones. I have never seen her associate with any female who isn't considered socially attractive. I have never seen her defend a woman who wasn't pretty. Usually if she reposts another woman, they are good looking and usually blonde haired. She is SHALLOW and vain when it not only comes to herself, but also those around her. Even when she 'likes' or reposts art of a woman - they are 100% of the time, beautiful (again, preferably blonde haired and blue eyed). Alida embodies the f'cked up way society treats women. She actually embodies the way men view women, generally speaking.
Sometimes Alida behaves like a man who woke up in a woman's body. The way she fetishes femininity, the way she stares at her own reflection in awe, and her views toward youth and looks as a whole.
No. 1981222
File: 1711806538227.jpeg (77.79 KB, 828x183, IMG_1830.jpeg)

Big shock, most racist do.
She’s in Nashville right now with Brooklyn
Dick riding as a dolly Stan
No. 1981245
>>1981227if you tweeted every inane thought that popped into your head you might not seem like the nicest person either. She was a nice person who developed mental problems/daddy issues due to a lifetime of abuse from her shitbag father and was then groomed by a half dead geriatric. She was brainwashed by the internet to shoot herself up with enough botox to kill an elephant.
You don't have to like her, but I don't get how anyone could not feel sorry for her. Think of what she would be like if she had had some proper role models.
No. 1981709
File: 1711957395808.jpg (25.18 KB, 236x381, c89c51bfafa92d271f5dec98184c6e…)

>>1981703So did the vikings time travel to teach their ancestors like the Elling woman (pre-viking bog body with preserved braided hair) and other ancient people how to braid? Kek.
No. 1982065
File: 1712078061257.jpg (97.38 KB, 487x641, capture.jpg)

No. 1982126
File: 1712090204722.png (87.97 KB, 762x944, 11.png)

Why are they all like this
>it's giving wattpad
No. 1982321
File: 1712151281649.jpeg (669.2 KB, 828x1466, IMG_1884.jpeg)

Lmfao thank you for your service
Did she blow you that’s the only service she gives out?
It’s 2024 will she ever stop using her victim card?
No. 1982322
File: 1712151349156.jpeg (68.14 KB, 679x515, IMG_1885.jpeg)

Literally Alida though she wishes she was still 16-19 cause then her pedo would still be into her.
No. 1982362
File: 1712163660654.jpg (17.7 KB, 581x73, 5856.jpg)

I mean, do YOU have a job??
Do YOU have school??
Or are you just a lazy slob, sponging off a rich old geezer?
No. 1982366
File: 1712164180547.jpg (22.41 KB, 565x109, 0453.jpg)

Again, are YOU contributing anything to innovation?
Must be so easy to just sit on x judging people all day long, when you contribute absolutely nothing to society yourself.
ZERO self awareness.
No. 1982378
>>1982362Eh, it's annoying when I am trying to NEET in peace and there are people all over the place when they should be at work or school. I really hate when I go grocery shopping during the day and the supermarket is filled with subhuman filth
>>1982366this is pathetic, racist bullshit. I agree with you here. I'm surprised to see her like this tweet. It's so 2016.
No. 1982712
File: 1712265107833.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x1907, IMG_5161.jpeg)

“we wuz vikings” botched aryan princess alida is now shopping herself as pale as the disgusting-smelling tree behind her (which you mainly see in the south - explains her “I LOVE THE SOUTH” tweet from last week) and wearing a rosary as an accessory. i’m convinced it’s bait with how she lurks and probably saw anons calling her out
No. 1982717
>>1982643This is exactly what Alida says about working. This is why she won't work ~ she believes you're a 'sheep' if you do. But then she whines when she can't buy everything she wants and doesn't have her own space cos she has to rely on other people. She'll never get her own dream home, fully invest in her own dreams, or develop any skills that she can be proud of. Instead she is constantly bouncing between hyper fixation on herself, flaccidness and madness. Her only excitement is her pretend life on the internet and the fake avatar that she has created.
>>1982714and LMAOOOO!!! She was probably too busy editing and fine tuning her face and staring at it, that she tunnel visioned and didn't even notice that. Wonder if she'll delete it now..
No. 1983015
File: 1712359098107.png (2.53 MB, 1110x1314, 1c.png)

First time seeing Chloe unedited in a video, what. I guess her face really is that botched (except she's clearly editing nose smaller for her pics), but that instagram vs reality thing regarding her body shock, lol. The huge ass/tits and thin waist hourglass she copy pastes on herself for IG look ridiculous when you see how flat she is in this video. And nothing against her being flat, just surprised at her "acting" in this video. It's like Chloe is a woman of 1000 different faces (and bodies…) and you can never tell what is/was real.
Well, i meant showing around in any kind of video, cause its like telling on yourself its fake all along. Not necessarily THIS particular video, cause subject wise it's typical for her. it's made by Indiana420bitch, a boring ass LA "artist" whose "photography" is strictly picking Kardashian types or anorexic looking chicks, styling them in bimbo bikini+stripper heel and telling them to run around LA with machetes and knives while he records them with a 2003 digi camera. Like 99% of LA "artists". it's the same edgelord shooting with Kim Kardashian and Arrow de Wilde. It's popular among some of y2K-obsessed coquette crowd… even though it lacks ribbons kek. I hate it tbh No. 1983016
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Btw saving this for future thread collage pic. someone should make "Expectation vs reality" and add a burger with a ribbon slapped on top lol
No. 1983205
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>>1983015She gives out the darkest vibes to me. This sounds over the top, but I feel like she's not going to live for very long. I get that she deliberately does horror~esque and freaky shoots/videos, but there is something very very off about her. In every way. Maybe it's drug abuse, idk.
No. 1983265
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>>1983163Nope, not her. (should i feel offended? ch111oechan doesn't know how to sage, anon!) But i just noticed vendettachan posted yet another Chloe thread on snow yesterday and i knew i'd get accused of being her, kek.
>>1983205The horroesque/snuff/porn y2k vibe videos she models in are all taken by the same LA clique of trendhoppers, they're all doing pics and videos like this. That being said it's kinda depressing how she's a default bimbo insta chick for LA kids to use in their work. in a way that there's nothing… else. i mean sure she's responsible for this, thanks to what she posts on her instagram. But overall. i agree there's something dark and very off about her. Just how much she hates herself to get all these surgeries. pic reposted from failed vendettachan thread (if it's really her) but oppositely to chloechan i think it's sad, not funny.
No. 1983287
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The transaxillary breast aug scars LOL. she cannot seriously still be denying the silicones. she’s crazy
No. 1983289
>>1983265oh wow! Yea, what she is doing to herself feels like body horror. She looks like a sickly alien now and looked a billion times before before.
Alida talks about living in the 'backrooms', but this girl seems like she literally is one with the backrooms.
I'm guessing these LA cliques are big into drugs and weird fetish shite.
No. 1983351
>>1983287Can't get over how much she has mutilated and disfigured herself, when she was so pretty before.
Her bobs look like they are made out of ceramic.
No. 1983820
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Not milk, but still funny
No. 1984340
>>1984300Her and Brooklyn are soo obnoxious when together. Alida also does things in spite of these threads, because she's that pressed about it all. Deliberately trying to give the finger to us all here in her videos and usually only when she's out with Brooklyn. She also leers all over Brooklyn, the same way she did with that redhead in LA. She's just disgusting honestly. And let's face it, she's only with Rion cos he puts a roof over her head and funds her life, enough so that she doesn't have to work. The moment she's away from him, she's all over other men again. Then she covers this up and pretends it never happened and that she's pure and only into Rion. All she ever wants in life is male validation.
Also, why is Brooklyn the only friend she ever posts on her Inst in the recent year or so? Is it because she's blonde and fits into the aesthetic or that she's a talented artist who has the potential to go places someday? She wants to cling-on to her the whole way, like a life sucking parasite.
No. 1984380
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No. 1984547
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No. 1984616
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She's in a different room with all her belongings, so looks like she's moved out from Rion's (unless this is a diff room in the same house, which I doubt). Is she living in Nashville to be with Brooklyn now? Who is paying her rent this time I wonder…
No. 1984834
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wtf has she got on her teeth lmao
No. 1984843
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>>1982712>>1984834Sorry I know this is stupid, but everytime I see a picture of Alida it reminds me of the streamer mizkif. I think it's the nose and doughy face.
No. 1984874
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No. 1985071
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kek she keeps posting these edits of her made by 14 y/os and the captions are pure cope. everybody knows she’s miserable
>cigarette case with virgin mary cover
No. 1985208
>>1985120There are people who want to be Alida? Why?
Like I literally don't understand. Can someone explain it to me?
No. 1985224
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alida’s gonna have another jealousy-fueled breakdown in the next few days, just wait. and kek at “october (my favorite time of year)” when that’s jazmine’s husband’s birthday month. these women have no identity outside their man. jazmine was so proud of getting her degree, and now she’ll never work in whatever field she got it in and start making SAHM content instead.
No. 1985253
>>1985208I often ask myself the same question, I don't get it either. I guess they just fall for the larp.
>>1985224This for sure is bugging Alida. She will mask it though and pretend she is super happy and supportive. Never wants lolcow to be right about anything.
No. 1985382
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lana left her show at coachella on a motorcycle so naturally alida has to pose with one a day later. trying to hint she’s still with her pedo.
No. 1985618
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uhh helmets anyone?
guess that would ruin the aesthetic..
they were cruising around the city without helmets and Alida was only holding on with one arm, her camera out with the other. "live fast, die pretty" they would say. more like "live fast and end up with a cracked skull or worse, all for instagram" so stupid.
>>1985382still with Rion even tho she was all over disgusting ugly old men the other night
No. 1985621
>>1984834I thought this was a troll edit, I bet orion said he thought grills look cool and here we are, it looks awful
>>1985224God you can even see the distain in her moid's body language here, women do too much for these 3/10s
>>1984379These guys are so drunk they barely know she is there, look at his face kek. She will dance with any ugly man knowing she will look like an angel in comparison, they are just props.
>>1985618Me when I get a TBI to take a story for instagram, wear a damn helmet alida
No. 1985637
>>1985621>knowing she will look like an angel in comparisonYes this! I am certain this is a big reason why these girls date older ugly men too. They believe they look younger and far more beautiful in comparison. Gives them the upper hand in these weird relationships in a way. They think will be worshipped and adored, that these men will feel like they have won the lottery and will do anything for them. But they don't realise, these types of men also get a power trip out of it and will collect younger women like trophies, only to discard them for another if given the opportunity. Most ugly men don't even see themselves as ugly also.
>>1985224Side note: Alida is calling Brooklyn her "bff" and "ride or fly" now. She used to call Jazmine that. Seems like she has discarded her in a way. Only ever posts photos of Brooklyn, nobody else. As though she is her new fixation or tool to take her places. Of course, Brooklyn is talented, probably easy to control, fits into the 'pretty friend' aethetic slot and is blonde haired, blue-eyed, etc. Feels like she's an accessory to Alida. Basically reminds me of a narcissist when they friend collect.
Every photo or video, is just posing or being a show pony. It's like there is no genuine connection there. So if they are currently living together, I honestly wonder how long it will last, being that it all seems soo superficial. We all know Alida is desperate for fame, and she probably sees Brooklyn as a means to get there. God forbid Brooklyn zoom ahead without her.
No. 1985667
>>1985637It's not even that deep, it's because they watched Lolita and that one Lana del Rey video with wrinkled millionaire trope and based their fantasies entirely around that. That + 10 years old daddy bs they saw on tumblr. It's been 13 years and these idiots are still basing their pitiful lives around some shit Lana del Rey sang a decade ago. it's not Lana's fault someone's as idiotic as she was (or more, since they never grew out of the phase), but it's kinda crazy to think about how big was the influence on 2 generations of girls with no self respect.
>Alida living with Brooklyni feel bad to the poor skinwalker girl, she's gonna pump and dump her and then leave her alone in a debris of unwashed dishes and abandoned plastic Shein packages
No. 1985668
File: 1713161505251.webm (3.62 MB, 720x1280, D6A285F14099.webm)

I can't stop laughing at her dance moves lmaooo
So when Brooklyn rehearses, Alida doesn't want to get left out, but can't join in cos she has no talents, and instead just dances like a lost fool in the hallway
No. 1985806
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She looks so much better when she is dressed like a normal person. In the last pictures she has too much stuff on her and it looks weird. Long stockings, shiny boots, pompous outfit. Also the hair burned from so much hair dye, the botched lips. It doesn't look good, it's too much. There are ways to style things and she clearly doesn't know how to do it.
And honestly, those outfits take all the seriousness out of a person. Like, I can't take someone seriously if they dress like that. And even more so if they're over 23.
No. 1985873
>>1985806Agree, i like how she looks in this pics simply because it's such a striking shock to see her dressed in something other than baby blue & pink plastic shein dresses that are way too small for her.
>>1985071 Alida, invest in some plain jeans, seriously.
No. 1985886
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>>1985806Honestly what the fuck happened to her, I do feel like she did give times where she was pretty but now she looks so different? Picrel; esp the one on the right, have y’all noticed she doesn’t even have an upper lip border anymore? Like she actually has a muppet lip, I think really the filler fucked her over
No. 1985943
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she's always smoking ciggies and weed these days
No. 1986055
>>1985806She's an average looking girl, if she dressed normally she wouldn't get any attention. She'll keep stuffing herself into unflattering outfits like
>>1985943 until she's in her 40s. Then she'll evolve her style into something new and unflattering.
No. 1986211
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>>1985943Speaking of #vigilante kek
No. 1986262
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This was on her x, is she e-begging now?
No. 1986271
>>1986262loll i bet her bikinis aren’t making any money…at this point, how is she making money…if she is no longer living with Orion, who probably paid for everything, how is she able to pay rent?
she’s going to have to get a real job soon, she's almost 24, she no longer has the same popularity she had 8 years ago, no one wants her overpriced bikinis and ugly coats. she no longer looks like she did when she was "popular". she doesn't even have a sense of fashion.
and if she's still living with Orion, i’m sure he's going to get sick of her at one point, who wants to have a parasite in their house that does absolutely nothing, doesn't work, doesn't study, doesn't have any talent. he has to be really stupid. I really don't understand their relationship, supposedly she doesn't even have sex with him so what is he getting out of her? i know there are men who are simps and pay for any girl who is "pretty" but idk damm. i feel like he's obviously cheating on her with another girl because i don't understand how a man would pay that much for a woman who won't even give him sex.
No. 1986296
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>>1985621She's wearing grills because Lana used to wear them. Of course. She has no authentic personality.
>>1985943Oh look, the Ferrari jacket is back after it was mentioned here. What's with the dick coming out from under the dress, though? I can't wrap my head around wtf that's supposed to be.
No. 1986714
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Looking back on her old photos there is no way her body went from being curvaceous to a thigh gap and long torso in less than a year. Her followers of course are all deranged young girls praising a fake body(subjectfagging)
No. 1986845
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This is a married woman mind you, and the song is about being pimped/prostitution by an AGP
No. 1987127
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No. 1987468
File: 1713670583324.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1127x1588, BD75A151-EE16-4500-BCA6-AD32BD…)

>>1986714kek squidward thighs is still doing the extreme photoshop and her fans are too stupid to realize that’s not what she looks like