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No. 1572512

previous thread >>>/snow/1565603

Welcome back to season 80!

a quick rundown of the last thread:

Cece, the show’s star, was quite the centre of attention in this thread. from collar bone checks to her ‘day’ breaks from Instagram she is on track for the long-awaited July vacation in acute with her doctor “forcing” her into treatment.

alice is also a hot topic of the last thread as she flaunts her ‘recovery’ and the 100 grams she gained — is she purging or is she not eating the 3000 calories she claims to be?? find out in next weeks episode ;)

anons got into a heated debate about ro’s recent video about her having PTSD

new cow @/rainesrecovery is copying ro identically from her arm straining down to her birthday cake

ganer starts her prep, aka restricting to lose as much fat as she can but not limiting and obsessing over calories and he body but doing it in a ‘normal’ way

han continues eating her sugary processed diet, who’s surprised?

rainsrecovering - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › channel

No. 1572516


No. 1572521

not milk just a question but does anyone know what happened to nikol?

No. 1572537

not really

No. 1572540

By Han you mean Ham, right?

No. 1572557

it was like 10 posts away calm down nonnie

No. 1572560

Ok anons lets make this a good thread. Remember sage and istg make sure its actually milky.

No. 1572562

pretty sure shes been binging and has gained some weight, still very underweight and delusional AF tho

No. 1572564


No. 1572566

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No. 1572567

File: 1656247049518.jpeg (787.37 KB, 693x1083, 415A65A4-B0D8-4831-A147-3820D5…)

The same girl who is sending Alice hate Kek..

No. 1572568

the video she posted wasnt even directed at Alice, the whole comment section made ut about her.

No. 1572572

She clearly said it was Alice.

No. 1572584

File: 1656248544228.png (9.07 MB, 1170x2532, CD9FAFC7-D17F-43E6-A2A0-B2631C…)

Has anyone seen this ‘recovery account’? Has me in stitches. Also comments calling out the milk. Naming and shaming Niamh…

No. 1572586

That’s not ok. Niamh is just a kid no matter how triggering her posts are(sage your shit)

No. 1572589

You don’t even know how to sage, you’re clearly WKing as an Alice fan

No. 1572592


Not exactly a kid any longer, but just some regular teenage attention whore who doesn't deserve further mentioning.

She's got some vendetta-chan around here.

No. 1572610

is it really that fucking hard to sage?

No. 1572619

Kid or not, calling out her attention seeking behavior is okay - posting triggers are toxic and having that rebutted is a good thing.

No. 1572621

Why do you think we call them "pro-ana scumbags" and not "attention seeking teenage scumbags"?

No. 1572624

Call me an Alice fan but Alice isn’t even a recovery account, yet is on here. But this person claims to be and posts actually harmful stuff(sage)

No. 1572647

File: 1656254234518.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.4 KB, 750x1334, 7240A561-1BBF-4002-A0C4-538DAB…)

Repost because cancel this cow also warning fresh self harm! Sophie, on tiktok mentallyunstablesophie. Posts constant fresh self harm posts to her stories while preaching on her tiktoks about how it’s wrong etc etc. she brags multiple times about shit that just isn’t a flex. Has somwhat of a platform yet is an attention seeking cow . Previously mentioned, she sent her fresh cut that wrote “ fat” on her arm to her dad and texts her teacher. Manipulating everyone. Typical bpd shit. She needs to be stopped

No. 1572652

No wonder the threads move so quickly when you’re reposting the same things we’ve already seen

No. 1572656


Fuck off, vendetta-chan.
The farms are not your personal army.

And sage your shit.

No. 1572668

are you a newfag because sophie is a known cow, soph.venting on instagram

No. 1572713

File: 1656259939473.jpg (270.23 KB, 720x1385, Screenshot_20220626-164136_Ins…)

This one really is quite something…

No. 1572732

File: 1656260688001.png (2.11 MB, 1983x923, chicklet teeth.png)

~so insecure you guys omg~
Saged because this is a milkless snark post and no one thinks this girl is a cow but I've been lurking her tiktok since she was mentioned a few threads back and I find her attention seeking bpd antics kind of amusing so I'm posting this anyway. no one yell at me I saged and clearly I'm not the only one who finds this mini cow milky

No. 1572738

Exactly. Since being blasted on multiple peoples pages for her hypocrisy, she has deleted a lot of her milky videos but she still has some milk on there

No. 1572739

Just saw her comment on Alice’s tiktok blaming her for her being posted on a “bullying website” kek. Literally all of this cow’s posts are so fucking stupid and attention seeking that it’s like she’s asking to be posted here. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No. 1572742

Will you just piss off? No one is interested in some non-milk Tiktok stuff.

No. 1572744

Taking bets this is kitty or Lilly or what ever she calls herself making these comments because she obviously admitted to lurking on here

No. 1572755

File: 1656261667903.png (1.1 MB, 1022x918, Screenshot (8919).png)

If you don't like the posts then ignore them faggot but clearly there's some interest here so go touch grass for an hour and then check back for your particular brand of milk later, retard.

Anyway, she also uses filters for a lot of her body vids, pretty sure she also called out other recovery accounts for doing the same thing.

No. 1572759

Is he already admitted to lurking on here she’s probably the one defending herself

No. 1572762

I just see some girl with a nice bikini body.
Whats wrong about her.

No. 1572779

WK’s can join for a debate if they want but Alice is a fucking cunt for lying about being “very very close to a healthy weight for her height” while she very clearly is still SEVERELY underweight. There are people comparing themselves to her non-stop and trying to gaslight them into thinking she just so happens to have their desirable unhealthy-looking body whilst actually being almost at a healthy BMI is surely doing a shit ton of damage. She keeps interacting with everyone who calls her out and keeps making welcoming attention on her ED while still demanding that she’s not a recovery account. I get defending yourself but she must know how delusional she sounds by saying she’s almost at a healthy weight?

No. 1572781

File: 1656263354923.jpeg (420.51 KB, 721x1036, 41099109-9D9B-48F1-9555-D33A3D…)

Who believes this looks “very very close to a healthy weight”? Unless very close to her means being roughly four+ BMI’s away from healthy then I don’t know

No. 1572784

File: 1656263440225.jpeg (329.32 KB, 750x760, 904E96D7-4748-4D81-85C6-884343…)

Or this? According to her logic, she was almost as close to her healthy weight a year ago soon after she had just gotten out of hospital where she was told she might die soon

No. 1572789

her arm on the bottom photo has a dent in it…

No. 1572808

That's from the feathery flower thing in front of her

No. 1572810

is there a stick up your butt or something? consider scrolling past the shit you don't care about.

No. 1572811

severely underweight where?

No. 1572816

nevermind, same anon. can't keep the new names straight and thought you were referring to someone else.

No. 1572829

this is definitely coming off as either a vendetta or a self post. she is not milky at all.

No. 1572836

None of the above, people are allowed to take interest in non milky cows without knowing them personally or being them. I don't know her but found her grating when I saw her a few months back, it's not that deep Nonnie. 3 more milkless cows I follow that everyone else finds boring are dustbinflowerbaby, EducatingShanny, and Eva Hazen. I guess I'm all three of those bpd bitches too.

No. 1572839

Ok kitty ‍⬛(emoji)

No. 1572847

i was talking about the one where she’s wearing the pink top and there’s a deep dent in her arm right above the elbow which is typical for people who are severely underweight

No. 1572872


Where is Eva online these days?

No. 1572902

literally what the fuck are you talking about? if they aren’t milky then they aren’t a cow. there is no such thing as a milkless cow, if there’s no milk there’s no cow you weirdo

No. 1572941

Absolute shit thread already. The lazy recap (Han for Ham??) random vendettas, TikTok rugrats, fucking emojis ( >>1572839 ) I’m with you anons who abandoned ship, time for these threads to go

No. 1572955

Unfortunately, I agree… It’s almost as if the cows learned how to behave after being dragged down for so long and all the milk has dried up as a result… I’ll be damned if we actually did a good thing by a very long extension

No. 1572990

Seriously!!! Cece’s been carrying the last two threads alone. If you’re only sticking around to see ACUTE reject her ass again raise your hand

No. 1573021

Been sticking around for Cece and the groomer tbh

No. 1573025

File: 1656279867050.png (1 MB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20220626-232413.png)

Anyone following her?
Always found her milky
Recently was talking about forced inpatient but the court date passend and she stopped talking about it then.
Posts not real bc but still shit like this


No. 1573028

File: 1656280017289.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1947, Screenshot_20220626-232316.png)

Tablet working weird, @ is r_recovers_

No. 1573037

Self post much?

No. 1573039


Nah fam, would never show my face or father online

No. 1573048

vendetta-chan from last thread, i can promise you that no one gives a fuck about Ro and her C-PTSD except you.

it's been established by multiple anons that she isn't milky, yet you keep reposting the same image (unsaged). inb4 someone cries WK, just simply stating the obvious.

No. 1573073

Would you fucking shut it already?

No. 1573076

>>1573048 no one even noticed that post, if it was noticed it was ignored, your WKing has brought attention to it kek

No. 1573095

Oh yes, the thread is MUCH better when it's filled with spergy teenagers calling "self post" and "vendetta" in reply to every fucking post. Much better guys, excellent.

No. 1573098

huh i thought i was the only one, glad to see i was wrong lol

No. 1573104

Her account is private

No. 1573116


sup. Cece really raised the bar though.

Most of the other cows seem to be legit OCD+delusional+autist or some sub-combo, but she is too high-functioning to be doing anything other than attention/pity-seeking.

Also seems like ig/tt/yt are subtly cracking down on ED content (about time, though it's sad for us sick fucks) and it's harder to find cows in the wild.

Their accounts don't get recommended and/or their content gets taken down → they get discouraged and go to MPA I guess ?

No. 1573120


Samefag but also am waiting for when Cece does decide to share her weight. I'm sure she's shedding lbs like mad right now so that she can do a "Okay you guys want to see my weight? FINE watch me weigh myself" and we will see her step on the scale after 3 weeks of fasting solely for the purpose of making that video.

No. 1573122


No. 1573124

Cece is the only real cow lately. The rest are jusr sad and not nearly as ott.

No. 1573134

I wonder for how long Cece can keep quiet on instagram about the stuff she yesterday swore she'd never talk about again. I bet she's already itching…

No. 1573179

File: 1656294919287.jpeg (104.73 KB, 828x1087, 62183323-72A2-429D-B040-515C19…)

Cece’s doing the same old shit just on her personal account. Didn’t even make it 24 hours.

No. 1573180

absolutely pathetic

No. 1573182

yep lol.
and N2F’s updates even if she’s not a scumbag anymore. It’s just pure insanity and wholesome and makes me laugh.

I don’t understand the ones who cry about all the cece-posting… like what the fuck else are we going to talk about? random 17yo tiktok try hards larping as “pink Dior crystal clean-girls”? boooo. no. go be boring somewhere else.

No. 1573183

I was literally typing out “she won’t make it 24 hours” when my page refreshed lmfao never change Cece

No. 1573225

Does anyone know what happened to Sarahfinallysmiling? All her accounts are gone since a couple months ago. Did I miss something?

No. 1573234

Just stop why are you guys so obsessed with her get a life(wk)

No. 1573260

hi cece!(hi cow)

No. 1573287

Can't quite remember who that was.. not @sarahcrannyy on tiktok??

No. 1573317

File: 1656307808682.jpeg (273.86 KB, 1206x2208, B6EC372E-96D7-4E4C-9E13-635A1B…)

Yes that’s her. Sarahfinallysmiling used to be her username on instagram, but I think she deleted her account. I don’t know if she is still milky though because she doesn’t post as much as she used to. Though I got a good laugh when I saw her tik tok, and it said that she is “recovered,” but yet she looks unhealthy still.

No. 1573330

95% sure she was rejected already, just not telling us.

No. 1573399

File: 1656321283357.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1156x2070, 252AD360-2FCF-4DDA-AC43-027A79…)

in other news, Fi increased her meal plan on her own. with a different kind of protein bar!

No. 1573422

File: 1656324297234.jpg (126.94 KB, 571x843, hunger_games.jpg)

Ganer is "on prep": Preparing for her first bodybuilding competition.

That means - wait for it - reducing your caloric intake in an extreme amount to achieve some artificial body ideal.


No. 1573437

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No. 1573440

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That's what we came for, Fi.

No. 1573467

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She finally got the new golden diagnosis she’s been LARPing for a while, aka a new excuse to act like she has been doing but blame it on her ASD now. Of course she can’t ‘believe’ or ‘accept’ it, and the assessing psychiatrist apparently emailed her team straight away to let them know it was the ‘most obvious and clear diagnosis’ bc Fi obviously has to be the most special of the patients ever assessed.

No. 1573469

I can't believe psychiatrists would diagnose someone with ASD while they're still severely anorexic (unless it was relatively severe ASD, which none of these cases seem to be).

Severe anorexia will present with rigidity, rituals, obsession with routine, obsession with calories/food (duh), sometimes obsession with other things because your brain gets weird under starvation. Then we add the social withdrawal, blah blah blah.

Obviously they'd also present with some 'evidence' from childhood, but it also has to be present as an adult and I don't know how you can tell that if they're so messed up from starvation.

No. 1573470

what else will she malingerer in order to shift the focus of the so obvious bpd diagnosis?
back in tumblr/ early insta days she never showed any of asd symptoms, yet she was “psychotic” and in “constant flashbacks”.
Suddenly all those vanished and she is fidgeting and all the asd symptoms.
She studies a lot and it shows. She studies psychology and i bet she will want to be a therapist, doesnt she think that all these will have an impact?

No. 1573474

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Seems as if she is up to straighten her rug.

No. 1573477

I wasn't aware, my bad

No. 1573479

File: 1656330832093.jpeg (16.62 KB, 274x193, 1656329716366.jpeg)

Fix'd it for you.

No. 1573487

Crusty ass purge fingers on display

No. 1573494

yeah yeah old news from the last thread, it's even mentioned in the recap

but its her "private" account!! where she apparently accepts strangers as well so i don't know what her point is. what a clown

No. 1573520

File: 1656335976158.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1170x1626, B05F61F5-DD18-4FC7-AE52-AD1912…)

Hasn’t been dramatically posting as much lately but milky or nah?

No. 1573521

fuck off, namefag, and sage that shit

No. 1573524

How could anyone tell based on this one pic without any other context

No. 1573540

I’m not a fan of calling self-post…but given I know this one second hand, I’m pretty confident this is a self-post and should be ignored. While mildly milky at times, she’s more BPD and boring than anything.

No. 1573541

No. 1573570

File: 1656340442246.jpeg (425.21 KB, 750x1198, A9B99E0E-F36F-442B-941C-6DEDC3…)

Has this cow ever been mentioned? Very underweight yet claims to be eating 1500+ calories

No. 1573578

>>1573570 Why is she a cow? What makes her a cow?

No. 1573580

Not every skinny girl is a cow, nonnie… Lurk moar.

No. 1573582

This gave me a laugh, thanks anon

No. 1573586

Used to deny having an ED and then when she couldnt back up her lies, she admitted it. Posting WIEIADs where she eats a lot and yet would deny burning the cals off. Quite milky but she hasn't been as active as some time ago

No. 1573587

File: 1656341785185.png (2.48 MB, 750x1334, 35221ED1-FF90-43F7-ADF5-723654…)

such a fragile and dainty fairy kek

No. 1573588

File: 1656341807807.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, A1FFBCE5-97A6-4F59-87D4-D74966…)

No. 1573601

she’s definitely been rejected already. It doesn’t take that long to have an assessment done and get answers if you’re as critically ill as she claims to be.

No. 1573606

Yeah lmao living for that account it’s some good comedy

No. 1573609

File: 1656343093389.png (32.61 KB, 393x144, 2.png)

Glad you liked it!

No. 1573611

you made my day, anon

No. 1573613

Brilliant haha

No. 1573719

This made me cackle. Wonder how long it’ll take for the #actuallyautistic tag to make an appearance in posts or her bio

No. 1573756

File: 1656353860031.jpeg (700.65 KB, 750x1264, 2BA9FA8E-C55B-4783-9607-C53970…)

personal tik tok fav. love her chipmunk cheeks due to the non-stop purging. kek to her username

No. 1573808

File: 1656356502736.png (99.06 KB, 412x750, 266222.png)

No. 1573809

I’d be so embarrassed to be the biggest one among the super spoops kek

No. 1573810



No. 1573812


She's trying to push back admission to drop another bmi point kek

No. 1573815



No. 1573818

Pushing it back for work reasons kek I doubt you’re that valuable after a few months on the job. she will be lucky to have a job to come back to. She’s not been there a year so she has no legal job security

No. 1573823

cece went from
>I'm no longer going to talk on here about the status or any psych holds or my medical status or my doctor's current recommendations
>My health info is private anyways, and I'm learning that I don't need to post it here to get some kind of validation of illness from strangers

>screenshot of literal medical correspondence between her & a clinic

in .05 seconds flat topkek

No. 1573826

Has she no shame? She’s treating it as if it’s a last resort university admission while there are people who actually need that bed.

No. 1573833

What a sad and pathetic thing to proudly announce you got accepted into treatment like it’s a college admissions letter kek

No. 1573834

Like she could just choose when to go. It's when they have a bed for her and if she doesn't go then, they won't be begging and waiting for Queen Cece for whenever she is ready

No. 1573835

It's too fucking easy to get an autism diagnosis.

No. 1573842


Good. Now let's sit back and wait.
She'll be kicked out soon enough.

[small but hysterical cackles]

No. 1573844

File: 1656358500789.jpg (606.94 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20220627_203132.jpg)

how long did han manage to stay out of hospital before getting back to posting vague daily updates about A&E visits and hanging out with "nice" police officers/"making friends" with police officers, desperately hinting at self destructive behaviours in the hope she'll recieve a flood of "you OK hun?" messages, because she's craving attention!

No. 1573848

kek. announcing she's going to keep her medical details private, but simply cannot resist proudly bragging that she got herself a place in ACUTE because she thinks it proves how sooper sick she is. ffs, grow up Cece. this level of attention seeking is embarrassing.

No. 1573850

File: 1656358693676.jpg (41.6 KB, 451x607, poopmedal.jpg)

Seems like she thinks it's like winning the lottery or something? Fucking leech.

No. 1573853

File: 1656358747697.jpeg (101.23 KB, 1170x475, D881309C-5040-487A-A104-E390AF…)

you mean this?

No. 1573856

File: 1656358950327.jpg (324.18 KB, 1080x1473, Screenshot_20220627_204209.jpg)


No. 1573861

She is so proud of herself kek. Congratulations Cece! An Acute summer holiday, what could be more fun?!

No. 1573890

File: 1656361338966.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2016, B7CD8717-625F-48CB-A4B1-C212EF…)

she just loves to show her chest bones

No. 1573892

Wonder what excuses she is gonna spin when she only stays at her coveted Acute for a week. (If she was truly in desperate need they would have her wait in hospital rather than twiddle her thumbs losing another BMI point)

No. 1573898

Wasn't she also on some big rant once about how she's not taking up a hospital bed and they had plenty of room for her?

No. 1573905

totally agree, the fact she’s not in hospital now is highly sus. not saying she doesn’t need treatment but she’s not in immediate danger of dying either.

For all the “i’m not going to treatment/the lady doth protest too much” vibes, you know she would go to the hospital in a second if given the chance. And yet..

No. 1573907

File: 1656362892463.jpg (213.72 KB, 1080x1473, 1656358950327.jpg)

No. 1573911

No. 1573914

No that’s not funny

No. 1573923

wtf is your problem?

No. 1573934


AIDS jokes, really? What are you - 12 years old?

No. 1573935

Dude… Wtf

No. 1573942

File: 1656364893035.jpg (219.95 KB, 1080x1473, no_aids.jpg)

better like that(fanart)

No. 1573992

Grandma is so very fucking proud.(don’t post about family members)

No. 1573997

File: 1656367569050.jpg (25.94 KB, 460x251, ajrjrXq_460s.jpg)

No. 1574007

Leave her relatives out of this thread, as it was clearly stated one or two threads ago

No. 1574012

Ya talking to me, are you?

No. 1574013

Is she going to print this out and frame it? So proud of getting into ACUTE. What a head case.
I like the fact she didn't even censor the lady's name who emailed her. Nice.
>she will be lucky to have a job to come back to. She’s not been there a year so she has no legal job security
You'd think she'd at least pretend to care. How many jobs has she done this to? She also could have worked over the summer if she wanted to.
This isn't even remotely funny. Leave family members out of this.

No. 1574076

The headband lmfao

No. 1574090

Jcf spoiler this next time

No. 1574174

The fact that Cecelia got all tRiGgErEd and decided to take a break from relentlessly trying to prove she is sick to lolcow.farm and then RUSHED to post her “acceptance letter” to acute is just rage-inducingly pathetic. Why do you read this thread, and respond so immediately cece? What happens when ppl get bored and you have no one left to validate your narcissistic bad bullshit. Why not just tell everyone your weight since you’re probably dying to, anyways. I mean we know you’ll just lie but still…

No. 1574185

Not going to but it would be funny if someone emailed that erc person with cece post(don't suggest cowtipping)

No. 1574191


They are probably used to fielding emails from toxic relatives and friends so I'm not sure that they'd take it seriously, even if it were ethical.

Ngl was tempted for a hot minute but no one should do this unless they are her provider or family.

No. 1574195


Don't worry, she'll post it right before she has to start weight restoring. She still has at least 1 bmi point to lose before she can get admitted for "work reasons".

She won't post it until it's the lowest number she can manage, but post it she will.

No. 1574198

I would never do that just thought it would be ve funny if someone did.most admission people know bare minimum about Ed’s and don’t know how cray cray Ed people can be. And especially a 30 year old bragging and posting it online as if she got into Harvard . Maybe a kid but not a older adult. Kek

No. 1574236

i’m waiting for the big reveal. you know cece’s just workin up a great post. the body check of all body checks. the season finale. come on, the suspense is killing us cece!

No. 1574262

File: 1656385024032.jpeg (298.29 KB, 1125x1293, E8B6B823-B26B-486B-ABBD-4E69DD…)

Healthy Hole or whatever we’re calling her is in Utah with her gf. Also it appears they’re using some sort of filter to stretch themselves out.

No. 1574264

or how about a little happy tiktok dance because you got accepted to acute, cece?

No. 1574314

I just don't get it. ACUTE is for super sick people. Super sick people cant wait around and definitely cant push back the admission date for their convenience… Also normal people lay low and dont make their goal acute, because that = weight gain. I dont get it. Any of it.

No. 1574350

File: 1656393673560.jpeg (384.67 KB, 1125x1553, 1656385024032.jpeg)

well. it's not exactly rocket science to do so(ban evading)

No. 1574366

Next thing you know she will be moping because her sooper sick self wasn’t sick enough that she didn’t require Angel Flight to air lift her to acute as opposed to flying regular airlines

No. 1574373

And the “if you feel unsafe, go to the ER” struck me as telling. That’s what you’d say to someone reporting suicidality/self-harm. Maybe that’s just a catch-all statement but I’d think for ED patients who are super unwell you’d go with “if you have any concerns about your health or wellbeing, please go to the ER” as a CYA sign off.

No. 1574389

They also take patients who are suffering any medical complications of eating disorders, severe or not, who have insurance and want treatment. Most eating disorder patients have medical complications, they just don’t all purposely try to go to ACUTE. And ACUTE wants to fill beds since filled beds means money coming in. A patient like Cecelia who has insurance is just guaranteed income for the hospital, especially since she’s begging to go there. They probably think she’s going to be an easy patient that’ll boost their success rate. Little do they know they’re opening up a huge can of worms, Cece isn’t going to be satisfied with a single ACUTE admission where she’s not the sickest patient. She’s likely going to keep herself sick for as long as she can get away with without getting discharged for noncompliance. I would also not be surprised if she went more munchie at this point, claiming some fake chronic illness that’s a permanent complication from her ED. Anyways it’ll be interesting to watch what happens if she gets what she wants and goes to ACUTE.

No. 1574399

Yep. As Cece goes there and sees the real skellies and realizes she's one of the biggest (fattests) patients if not the biggest, she'll keep coming back aiming to be thinner each time. I doubt she'll get a job next year (I mean who would want her, her cv looks worse and worse after quitting every job after a few months), so she will be able to dedicate 24/7 to fasting. Before she tackles the root issue which is a personality disorder for sure, this circus will go on.

No. 1574406

a meal deal eh? does that mean shes finally eating solids?

No. 1574408

Cece needs to look at ASHA's code of ethics again and get herself sorted. No way they didn't pound that into her head. C'mon Cece this is embarrassing.

No. 1574416

The only code of ethics Cece adheres to is Cece herself.

No. 1574445

No. She detailed on her story that she’s on a liquid diet. Pathetic

No. 1574447

>I just want to point out that we have been improving.
I guess the other one didn't want to point this out

No. 1574451

these threads are getting boring as fuck. it's always cece here, cece there. how about you fags create a thread about cecelia only? ffs she isn't as milky as you portray her to be. pretty sure that majority of those posting about her are actually cecelia herself(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1574463

so post some other milk

No. 1574467

File: 1656418989067.gif (7.07 MB, 480x360, fyWA.gif)

>nooo stop posting about cece! she's not milky! nooooo!

shut the fuck up

No. 1574470

Pretty sure this is Cece posting kek. Bring your own milk or STFU

No. 1574487

In the quest for new cows I followed @r_recovers_ who was mentioned here, to see if there was any milk
So far nothing aside from a story showing bad Labs asking if that was okay or not
No milk so far

No. 1574493

File: 1656422597719.gif (1.64 MB, 298x224, idi-amin-laugh.gif)

you must be new here?

No. 1574495

Absolutely. I’m surprised she’s gunning for it so much knowing the type of patient they usually accept (obligatory “you can have complications at any weight” - yeah, but everyone knows their bread and butter are the superspoops). How will she cope being the least sIcK and sPeShUL? Guess she wants to deliberately trigger herself

No. 1574496

(samefag sorry) I’m sure she’s rubbing her hands with glee right now but it’s just gonna backfire. Let the milk floweth!

No. 1574499

Can still be in a wheel chair cause she sah sick and be let on the plane first. There's some ana clout

No. 1574509

Cece on the gait belt next week like she wasn’t making tiktok dance videos last week kek

No. 1574510

A real wheelchair. It's the knighthood for every munchie and ed queen out there…

No. 1574516

Tinfoil but how do we know Cece was actually accepted into ACUTE? It's just a screenshot of an email. She could email herself anything, basically the easiest thing to fake.

No. 1574520

I don't really know how to reply to this without slight powerleveling, but that is genuinely one of the admissions coordinators and it's consistent with her writing style. There's no way to know that she was the original recipient, of course, if someone else shared copies of a similar email.

No. 1574522

I believe you, good to know

No. 1574524

I guess it's also worth linking to Meredith's profile on ACUTE's website: https://www.acute.org/meredith-hogg

No. 1574525

Thanks nona not sure why anons keep sperging that anyone at any weight can go to acute. There are instances but its skellyland. Vast majority are superspoop supremes.

No. 1574526

If she posts a gait belt selfie kek

No. 1574528

File: 1656424937881.jpg (24.5 KB, 480x559, meredith-hogg.jpg)

She's a bit on the chubby side. Good for her!

No. 1574529

the staff at acute shut down social media pretty hard (remember the saga with Cassie?) so she's in for a treat when they catch her taking a million selfies

No. 1574530


Cece clearly posted it while feeling high on life (otherwise she wouldn't have broken her vow of "I don't need validation" so blatantly). Her baseline skill at manipulation isn't great, but it's more nuanced than this.

No one should be surprised if she manages to achieve semi-superspoop status by the time she drags her feet into admission in a couple weeks. She really is BEYOND desperate to make this her narrative.

No. 1574533

File: 1656425196052.png (339.81 KB, 1212x684, banana_phone.png)

Hey, they've even got a contact form!


No. 1574534


Is this sarcasm anon? ACUTE needs to err on the side of HAES when choosing its permanent staff or it's a huge liability, and good for them for doing so. They definitely don't need marathon runners modelling normalcy for patients.

No. 1574535

Cassie was posting pictures of staff and other skellies and threw a bitchfit when she got. caught. That said, ACUTE will take the phones of anyone found to be taking selfies. They've cracked way down on it AFAIK. Which is not an excuse for farmers to cowtip and report it to staff.

No. 1574536

ayrt. I definitely didn't mean to suggest anyone cowtip, sorry if it came across that way. I just meant that Cece is not going to have her usual well documented vacation while she's there, kek, because they'll correctly identify her obsessive documenting as a treatment-interfering behavior and confidentiality risk.

momsfavedisappointment also got in trouble for it and she was only posting pictures of herself.

No. 1574537

Ayrt, you're good nona. I just remember some idiot-chan calling Cece's hospital room last summer. No matter how much you hate a cow interfering with them on that level is deranged.

No. 1574538

>> Which is not an excuse for farmers to cowtip and report it to staff.

And if that particular farmers take it as an invitation, to do exactly that?

No. 1574539

seems like a problem with them, not with commenting that social media use isn't allowed there

No. 1574540

All photos are strictly prohibited inside ACUTE. They do not let it slide any more as much as in recent years. More facilities should probably do the same.

No. 1574542

She's not going to be able to resist posting ACUTE porn, even if it's just photos of the room

No. 1574544

I guess they're gonna put Cece in a fucking straightjacket then, kek.

No. 1574545

more like lock her phone in the closet where they keep other patient belongings that they're not allowed to have unsupervised

No. 1574546

File: 1656425925046.gif (63.73 KB, 500x374, SYr.gif)


No. 1574554


Is it possible she'd only be able to use her phone with supervision?

No. 1574557

if they felt it was interfering with her treatment enough or she was compromising other patients' privacy, yeah. Or if they felt like she was medically stable enough, they might just discharge her.

No. 1574564

Patients who are found to repeatedly violate the policy of no photos/postings often have their phones straight up confiscated for the duration of their stay.

No. 1574577

File: 1656428475314.png (1.37 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220628-170023.png)

Ah she must be devastated! Princeton doesn't want her!
Poor Cece they want her to go to ACUTE…

No. 1574578

'crawl into a hole and make all this disappear'
'wish this didn't happen'
Girl, you're stoked don't pretend otherwise
You can be proud, you worked so hard for this vacay! <3

No. 1574580


Poor girl. Can't everyone see how much she wants to return to work, connect with her loved ones, and take care of her rabbit?

Though I suppose it's natural they refused her, given that she is probably dropping weight like mad for her pre-admission weight reveal.

No. 1574581

This is straight bullshit I'm not sure what she told Princeton but they take super skellies

No. 1574582

Kek I’ll believe it when I see the rejection letter. I have known people who have been to acute many times and gone to Princeton far spoopier and very much medically compromised going straight from general. Not sitting at home medically stable enough
to make tiktoks, but if course Cece has to win the sickest award

No. 1574583

It’s a program within a hospital they can and do take very sick patients

No. 1574584

She's gonna post it now nonnie lol

No. 1574585

Fingers crossed kek

No. 1574586

If she's dropping weight quickly and they currently have a waiting list they might suggest a brief stay at ACUTE if they can get her in sooner before admitting her or waiting for a bed from a medical hospital instead of home. Doubt they totally rejected her. Plenty of people step down to Princeton from ACUTE.

No. 1574587

Well, she couldn’t make better timing with planning for her July treatment vacation!

No. 1574588

Not saying cece isn’t sick but she’s not acute sick. Acute is for people on deaths door and don’t have time to wait that come direct from hospitals. HOWEVER acute does have beds reserved for those that arnt in critical need of immediate help because they know Ed’s are not one size fits all and don’t want to make it seem like they only take sick people. Absolutely anyone can go there and get insurance to pay outrageous amounts but not everyone gets sky lifted there and requires immediate help from them. I feel it’s stupid because its across the state if she was super
Sick she could just go to a local er, she doesn’t need acute level help or she wouldn’t be at home waiting, or playing games saying she’s going to push it back.

No. 1574589

I find it hard to believe they flat out rejected her, too.

No. 1574590

I’m sure she will be non complaint gunning for a 90 day hold to get the most of her vacation

No. 1574592

Cece thinks she’s winning by going to acute but she isn’t. They take everyone. People say they don’t take Medicaid or medical but they do, just insurance only pays if they are super underweight and on deaths door. They just need her insurance money while she gets the validation like many other attention seekers that are stable enough to actually walk and fly there.(sage your shit)

No. 1574593

I'm sure it was like "well our waiting list is X weeks, we can put you on it but if ACUTE can get you in sooner you may as well go there"

No. 1574595

When ever someone post new milk they get saged or called a self poster.

No. 1574597

The perspective in all of their photos is so fucked

No. 1574599

This is complete bullshit they do not take medicaid anon take your meds

No. 1574601


The way she posted it implied they refused her on medical grounds. Typical pathological speech and language from Cecelia Frances Rehm.

No. 1574604

Mom's fave, Laura, and Cassie all got air ambulanced/ sky lifted. The three skellies of the apocalypse kek

No. 1574606

Holy cameltoe from the groomer

No. 1574609

That rabbit has seen some shit

No. 1574610

It's kind of always like this. It's rare for all the cows to be entertaining at once. Years ago there were so many threads of exclusively Italian Aly making sanpaku eyes at slices of pizza.

No. 1574612

this is such an unfortunate last name for the ACUTE intake coordinator. I had to laugh

No. 1574614

They do. I know people with Medicaid that have gotten in acute with a single case agreement. You just have to actually need it.

No. 1574621

Sage this shit. No one cares what insurances ACUTE takes. this isn't edtreatmentreview.com

No. 1574627

Get out of here, bone rattler. You’re the pro-ana scumbag right now.

No. 1574631

I love how Cece doesn't actually gaf about her work, loved ones, pets, or anything. She barely pretends to care about anything besides internet validation. She doesn't even have friends and her rabbit probably hates her.

No. 1574634

The only source for any of this is Cece herself, documented serial liar. She’s creating a scenario that is meant to infer she’s sooo sick only ACUTE will take her. There are treatment centers all over the US that take super spoops with major medical complications as well as a variety of insurances. ACUTE is not the only option for ED hospitalization either, just the most infamous for ana chan street cred. She’s hell bent on going to ACUTE so of course she’s forcing her reality to match.

No. 1574637

That will be on Cece’s vacation checklist next year, no doubt. She absolutely will not be satisfied without the Angel Flight.

No. 1574645

Where does it end? Everyone knows the top ana ‘prize’ (kek) is death, but she seems like too much of a narc to actually want to croak. Can’t really attention seek if you’re in a box

No. 1574650

Staying just skelly enough to receive constant concern from others and never, ever have any adult responsibilities is just as good a prize

No. 1574654

The body can’t handle it the same way as you age. She’s going to end up accidentally killing herself trying to get internet validation

No. 1574655

Anas tend to start dying at the age Cece is now. She started later then average, but she can probably keep up the rapid weight fluctuations 5-10 more years at best. (Same deal if she were to switch to avoiding treatment rather then seeking it out and stay close to the BMI she is now)

No. 1574656

Yep, there are many facilities that can handle cece’s level of severity. She just wants to make it seem like ACUTE is her only option.(lrn2sage)

No. 1574664

Who is Cassie?

No. 1574667

Speaking of Cassie, does anyone know what happened to her? Her account is deleted and I’m worried about her heath, that she may have died.

No. 1574669

she was 'suckinged' on instagram, but she deleted everything but her facebook a while ago after getting massively called out for her attention seeking

No. 1574672

She is a mom (40s I think?) with a daughter and husband. She and they clearly love each other very much but she has severe chronic anorexia and has been admitted to acute many times. She was suckinged on Instagram. It’s actually really sad because she and her family love each other a lot, but she struggled a lot.

No. 1574674

as far as I know, she's only been to acute once. She's been in a lot of regular medical hospitals for heart failure, etc, but not a lot of actual eating disorder treatment.

No. 1574682

She's a massive attention whore and got caught self-posting herself as an example of a "real acute patient" next to Cecelia kek

No. 1574686

TBH I wonder if >>1574672 is a self post…

No. 1574687

She got run off the internet for being a giant cunt. She was posting pics of other acute patients and was a total bitch about it when people pointed out how fucked up it was that she posted it. I feel sorry for her husband and daughter that they have to exist alongside her.

No. 1574688

Hi Cassie! If you loved your daughter you’d put her before yourself and recover already.(hi cow)

No. 1574689

Literally nothing she ever did or posted said she loved her family or cared what collateral damage she caused them. Quite the opposite she always seemed like she couldn’t have given two shits about them or their well-being or how she was harming her daughter.

No. 1574750

(I’m the poster everyone’s quoting who described Cassie) idk, maybe I don’t belong here because I don’t want to be malicious. I talked to her personally and know she really did love her daughter… but yeah, her posts were very triggering and posting other patients isn’t okay. It’s not clear cut. But she wasn’t evil either, truly no one is. And if you think so, you lack compassion and empathy.

No. 1574752

she's not evil, but she is incredibly self-centered and it's infuriating to hear her insist that she "never uses behaviors" around her daughter and that her daughter isn't exposed to any weirdness around food.

It's just so clearly not true and it sucks for the kid that her parents aren't trying to mitigate and understand the impact of cassie's eating disorder on her

No. 1574753


idk Hitler was pretty evil tbh. Guess I lack compassion and empathy.

No. 1574766

Cassie doesn't give two shits about anyone. She's as selfish as they come and thinks buying her daughter things or taking her on days out makes up for being a pyscho.

No. 1574773

Complete shit take Nona, I don't know what bitch you're talking about but girl you must be 12 and sheltered to absolute fuck if you think there are no bad people in the world, fucking lol. Good luck in life with that level of naivety.

No. 1574788

At the risk of being labeled as having no compassion or empathy, people that gun down little kids at school are pure fucking evil.

No. 1574822

I wish Cecelia could realize she has nothing to prove. Everyone, including her, deserves help for their eating disorder regardless of their weight (BMI 400 or -4). She was worthy of help before and she is worthy of help now simply because she’s a person - she’s human. We all deserve help when we need it.

As for Hannah and Emily, I know them both personally and it’s NOT a grooming situation. They didn’t get together until well after Emily was 18. They are both incredibly kind souls doing their best in recovery.

I know people with EDs can act ridiculous, but really that’s the ED and not the person. It’s hard to separate sometimes but there is a difference in “horrible” / “annoying” / “milky” people and people who are truly very mentally ill. EDs are mental illnesses first and foremost and no one is their best self in depths of an ED. This includes every single “cow.”

I know this site is meant for the “fun” of bullying others. I just wanted to remind everyone that others are as human as you. These people posting these inappropriate/triggering things are ILL. And we can take responsibility for ourselves and report/block/unfollow.

Most of us have some form of eating disorder, so I hope some people get where I’m coming from. Not meaning to “white knight” or whatever. Just want to give a reality check.

No. 1574832

not reading all of that shit, go back to reddit if you wanna defend child grooming

No. 1574836

Anon everyone bullying anorexic women anonymously is already morally bankrupt save it

No. 1574857

There are plenty of mentally ill very sick people deep in their Ed that don’t post triggering content or any content related to their illness online. Being mentally ill isn’t an excuse.

No. 1574863

What gets me is anons who think they're better than cows fundamentally. Being on this site doesn't make you a vigilante lol

No. 1574864

No matter how mentally ill you are it’s not okay to post triggering things. Doing so is hurting others and should be called out because it isn’t okay. I’ve been angel medflight lifted to Denver acute (only mentioning because it’s come up lately with cece) and would not post the things people on these threads have publicly because that’s outright hurting others for your validation. Illness can have the choice to hurt others or not, and being triggering online (posting things they do) just isn’t ok.

No. 1574865

She's not dead it's the same old same old.

No. 1574866

Worded perfectly anon.

No. 1574868

Stop blogging. You're no better

No. 1574918

Uh oh heartoftee is that you again. Go preach somewhere else

No. 1574925

The definition of grooming is preparing a minor to date them once they are of legal age anon

No. 1574927

Seriously if this was an adult male and a barely legal female people would feel very differently and not be defending it.

No. 1574989

Okay groomer

No. 1574996

There was zero reason for that blog, no curr ana chan.

No. 1575083

It’s classic ERC summer camp feel good bullshit

No. 1575122

anachan you could've made your point without the unnecessary blog. no1curr that you got your little helicopter ride

No. 1575125

>These people posting these inappropriate/triggering things are ILL.

no1curr dumbass. there's plenty of mentally ill folk that don't feel the need to attention seek online or groom minors.

No. 1575128

There’s is no new milk on Cassie. These are the same cow behavior complaints about her from last year being rehashed over and over. Boring. People make mistakes and learn regardless of how it came about. Move onto people still actively producing milk.

No. 1575130

it was only a short aside until you started going on about her

No. 1575150

File: 1656473329956.jpg (48.11 KB, 437x151, cinnamonlol2.jpg)

this one had commented on Cece's cinnamon rolls

No. 1575376

File: 1656497611830.png (952.07 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220629-121202.png)

Started following her too, why have a private account and then accept just anyone lol

Claims to be in recovery 2 years but no way you look like that and eat like that

No. 1575377

File: 1656497683576.png (1.45 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220629-121207.png)


No. 1575378


"Look at my outfit" = "Look at my emaciated legs and my collarbone"

It's always the same shit.

No. 1575394

File: 1656502114552.jpg (1.02 MB, 1079x1918, Screenshot_20220629-122234_Ins…)

Was put onto 1:1, doesn't even last a day, and she's back to square 1 yet again. At this rate, she'll be on 2:1 for the rest of her life.

No. 1575415

i was reading and was wondering what’s so milky about yet another person trying to gently get her to stop bitching about food until i saw who commented it… these anachans are so delusional

No. 1575416

ah yes, let me show you my very unimpressive lazy outfit and in the meantime you can check out my emaciated body just for the hell of it

No. 1575421

You moralfags really need to check your surroundings, this isn’t a church. The entire website was built with the sole purpose of bullying attention seeking and/or mentally ill idiots. What do you expect will happen when you slam a moralist bible in the middle of the thread, get us all to slap ourselves across the mouths and suddenly start kissing cow’s ass? Take the last bits of your dignity and leave while you’re still holding at least some moral ground

No. 1575427

>>1575421 I have to disagree with the "bullying", anon. We laugh from a distance, we aren't in their faces pointing and saying "HAHA" like Nelson

No. 1575434

I agree. Here we’re not supposed to say anything to a cow or say anything bullying to their face, which would be a lot more harmful. This is kind of a site off the beaten path for this, it’s not ok or good but it’s also not meant to be harassing anyone directly.

No. 1575438

A 2to 1? That’s insane, is she trying to off herself in the hospital room or something

No. 1575442

Must be, I always wonder what she's doing to stay 2:1. I didn't think they kept people on that for very long?

No. 1575443


Uh, that’s still bullying. It doesn’t have to be shoving shit directly in someone’s face Nelson-style for it to be considered bullying, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m just tired of lolcow trying to desperately grasp at any moral ground to stand on while simultaneously screeching at everyone else for moralfagging. At least own your own shit - we’re all on a 4chan site for fuck sakes please stop acting like you’re a slightly different breed.

No. 1575449

talking smack behind people’s backs is impolite and unkind, but it’s not bullying

No. 1575450

This exactly. Make no mistake, this is 100% bullying. What we do here is bullying. It's cruel. Farmers trying to justify it by saying the cows post it online are delusional fuckwits. Nobody posts shit online with the expectation of being picked apart on a 4chan site by bloodthirsty anonymous arseholes. I'm no better than anyone here, but kek at anons thinking they aren't bullying the cows. Disliking someone doesn't mean they "deserve" to be bullied.

No. 1575456

They don't do a 2 to 1 for attempts to be an hero. The only time I've seen that level of attention is with violent patients. Kind of like Lego Head attacking staff and/or patients. Think Laura's telling porkies.

You think CeCe is going to need a wheelchair to the plane again? She likes those ana points

No. 1575459

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, anon. It's bullying

No. 1575465

Anons who think they aren't engaging in bullying need to ask themselves if they'd feel comfortable with their family, friends, and employers knowing they post and frequent this site. I sure as hell wouldn't.

No. 1575466

Cece won't miss the chance to wheelchair pre-board. ACUTE has all patients wheelchaired everywhere any way.

No. 1575467

She’s going to be big sad to be flying without her nose hose this time

No. 1575468


If people aren't contacting directly its just frustration though not bullying.

No. 1575469

My family and friends know. They dgaf and I doubt my employer would either. >>1575465

No. 1575471

What makes me mad about this one is that she will say nothing about her Ed except that she’s “in recovery” and “making progress” and promising that she’s gaining weight and will “get there” - with absolutely no return. She’s constantly talking about “progress” but for the year + I’ve followed her, literally the same. And she’ll always encourage everyone else to eat and talk about how “yummy and good” food is but absolutely no proof she eats it herself. While only posting bodychecks.

No. 1575473


Just because it's socially unacceptable to most, doesn't make it bullying.

No. 1575482

They might 2:1 to cover for the patient being violent/needing restraint and then lying about it or something. Basically another witness. Some schools with behaviour problems have that set up if they need to restrain a child. There must be more than one adult.

No. 1575483

I agree, I didn’t word it correctly

No. 1575485

Exactly what I meant with the bullying comment. I should’ve picked a different word but that’s essentially the point

No. 1575489

File: 1656513459333.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1170x2142, 014C7293-A698-4763-A8D3-A09755…)

Momsfave is back with the body checks. Wonder how long it’ll take her to get into ACIUTE again , seems like the only way she feels accomplished

No. 1575494

Not to WK but I genuinely feel like she’s sick beyond hope and help, I’m starting to feel like it’s not just about ACUTE being an “accomplishment”

No. 1575495

She’s less treatment seeking and more pot calling the kettle black calling other people triggering while she pulls stuff like this

No. 1575496

File: 1656514235509.jpeg (183.66 KB, 750x414, DC8479E4-C06A-4B9C-819D-8C5E80…)

tell yourself whatever you want but what we do is the definition of cyberbullying (which isn’t a lesser form of bullying, it’s just online)

No. 1575498

If everything is bullying, nothing is.

No. 1575499

Exactly, not to be a bitch but she strikes me like a spoiled mean girl through and through who thinks she special and gets a pass for being an asshole and I don’t think that’s her anorexia speaking

No. 1575500

Does anybody know around which thread Laura started being discussed? I feel like I’ve missed out on a ton of milk.

No. 1575502

It absolutely is a lesser form of a bullying. No one is forced to go looking for nasty things people say about them online. If they don't go looking, they'll never know about it.
The people posted in this thread have an extra layer of protection from real bullying: They can just delete their accounts and stop posting pro-ana shit online with their names and faces attached. It's super fucking simple.

No. 1575507

She self-posted initially like years ago

No. 1575510

Exactly. Some anons are so retarded. I don't doubt this has a profound impact on some of the cow's quality of life. Plus a lot of farmers can't seem to resist cow-tipping. Making nasty comments isn't bullying if it's done in a private chat but this is posted online. Plus the cows are victim to farmer's subjective whims and definitions of milky. Some of them DO go on to delete all their socials and farmers will try to find them on LinkedIn or whatever the fuck else no matter how hard they lock down.

No. 1575512

Yep. Posting on this site is bullying. Moralfags don't have a leg to stand on and I've seen anons try to justify doing this saying x cow "deserves it" but really none of them do. We just like to laugh.

No. 1575524


Re the "extra layer": Nah, same argument could be (incorrectly) applied to people who share nudes. They can stop sharing nudes but the internet is forever.


Correct. Would you be okay with making these posts with your real name (unless you're retarded/tee)? 99% of what we are saying is indefensible in the real world.

Reading posts about themselves probably just exacerbates cows' validation-seeking behavior (Thought experiment: Would Cecelia be ACUTE-bound if lolcow did not exist? We certainly have cemented its reputation by repeatedly bringing up the spoop-ACUTE pipeline).

No. 1575534

How is publicly making fun of someone's public social media picture the same as publicly sharing nude images of them that they gave to you privately?
Furthermore, how is someone posting here responsible for anyone else's refusal to click away from a website that upsets them?

No. 1575537

This is such an idiotic cope. It's hate. It's bullying. You can participate in the lulz and acknowledge that it's wrong. Closing the browser tab won't fix the feeling of being mocked or feeling unsafe for the thread subjects.

No. 1575538

She is underweight sure, but not emaciated

No. 1575539

File: 1656518104269.jpeg (637.63 KB, 828x1158, C8ED27A3-B951-4EE7-B506-90F353…)

No. 1575543

Thank God, now everyone can sperg at CeCe which is at least on-topic, unlike the debate about the definition of bullying. She really is a dick.

No. 1575544


Rattle much anachan?

No. 1575546

what a selfish pathetic cow. flaunting the last few weeks of being underweight to her family on her personal account is gross

No. 1575548

The amount of straining, posing, and filtering that went into this lol

No. 1575550

File: 1656518500609.jpg (223.13 KB, 610x553, pathetic.jpg)

wow. Cece you are pathetic.

No. 1575560

She looks Horrendous with a capital H. Sometimes I have feelings about going back to being skelly but yeah, absolutely not.

No. 1575563


kek the contrast/filter, classic.

She's realized she won't be able to take selfies in IP, so even though she'd rather wait until she hits her LW to post, she can't stand the idea of missing out on all the validation potential…

Stay tuned for many more during the ACUTE countdown!

No. 1575574

I agree she’s not attention seeking she seems like she is one of those skellys that want to pretend their fine and be in denial to stay away from Denver and recovery

No. 1575577

she has the brain of a 15 year old going through puberty, screaming for every attention she can get and if she gets any, it's the wrong kind of attention because no one tells her how amazing it is what she is doing. Her straining is also amazing, funny how a grown adult with a caring family and a starting career has to ruin everything because of some likes/dislikes on social media. And don't tell me that it's because she is mentally ill, many people have mental health issues, most still don't report every step online and fight every day to lead a somehow normal life. The fact that she is working in a field, where she has clients and has to care for those clients well-being is funny, if I would own a company, I wouldn't employ her because I would be certain that her mental health will be interfering with the needs of my clients.
But well, for once in my life I'm right and she got her damn summer vacation in July. Happy that they will take her phone away.

No. 1575583

Kek what is this other than embarrassing AF

No. 1575585


Here she is forcing herself to look as thin as possible
And then when the acute holiday is over, she'll be posting everywhere 'I never showed pictures at my lowest weight!!!'
Implying she was waaaay thinner

No. 1575591

The turned up nose and shut eyes are sending me

No. 1575598

TOPKEK what the fuck is this meant to be. strain moar, Cece

No. 1575600

I'm sad they are taking away her phone- I would have loved to see Cece's Acute vacay, what a letdown.

No. 1575609

AIDS jokes are funny. Grow up. Maybe one day you'll understand poop jokes too

No. 1575611

when will she understand that she's ugly? stop starving, get back to work and save up for plastic surgery

No. 1575622

So she is emaciated but Cecelia isn’t? And before you accuse me of being cece, I’m not her. I’m just saying keep it consistent because no matter how much weight cece loses, you guys will continue to call her not spoopy. Just saying.

No. 1575636

how is this even a body check?

No. 1575637

whoops didn't sage please take my condolences.

No. 1575638


I never commented on Cece being spoopy or not
But if you ask me, yes, she is skinnier than Cece and I would call her emaciated

Not saying that Cece isn't skinny or hasn't lost weight

No. 1575640

Sometimes anons will call a random cow emaciated but then another cow of similar bmi will be posted that they dislike more and they'll rattle. It's pro ana scumbaggery

No. 1575641


Seconding the other nonnie, you're right in what you say but they are not the same bmi for sure

No. 1575645

True it’s not really a body check it’s just consistent with her other thinly veiled look at my body right now content. If it was anyone else it would be fine.

No. 1575653

Yeah, it’s pretty interesting that for some of the eating disordered folk who frequent this thread their problem with entangling body image with emotions clearly extends beyond themselves to others.

No. 1575656

“Put in the work, put in the hours. We stay hungry, we devour.”

No. 1575659

Ayrt, just meant in general

No. 1575662

Underweight yes. Dying? Lol No. You only have to be a bmi of 15 or less to get into acute & can ideally be discharged at a bmi of 14 to erc. Their average admit bmi is 12.1. There’s quite a difference In a body at those two points. She may have barely gotten in, but that doesn’t make her super sick. They have physical therapy for people who are so wasted in muscle and walk with gait belts for weeks on end so they don’t fall. How much Cece is online shows how much energy she actually has. She only had the end goal of going to acute to feel good enough, and that’s just part of her disordered competition. It irks me that cece photo edited her pic to look more gray so she could look sicker.

And Sydney spent her whole year in treatment last year and is going on another. It’s all a game to her.

No. 1575669


Yeah then I totally agree with you

No. 1575685

What was the caption? Is cece deleting every comment like she always does?

No. 1575695

She looks so pleased with herself, it's disgusting.

No. 1575710

Looks like she's trying to mimic casket pictures at a funeral. You know that one old relative that would take pictures of the decease in the coffin then comment how good that person looked despite being dead. The way her head is tilted and eyes closed doesn't help.

No. 1575718

I get where you are coming from and for the milk I feel the same, for the kids following her I really hope she won't have access and will have time to think about her appearance on social media and maybe change. Who am I kidding, she won't change and next year around this time, we will have another summer vacation in a hospital.

No. 1575720

She’s deleted at least 50 of her own followers since last week

No. 1575725

File: 1656529507285.jpeg (596.19 KB, 828x1446, 4746C562-962B-4289-BE9A-A1BBA7…)

@emsloveletterz / @emsinrecovery Used to be a cow, quite literally.

No. 1575737

I can’t believe that’s her, what the actual fuck

No. 1575742

File: 1656530186208.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.22 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20220629_201604.jpg)

just n2f being n2f. stay classy!

No. 1575745

idk how relevant this is but has anyone noticed the weirdness in the name of her podcast? she called hers “EMpowering” and it just so happens that imogen’s podcast which is like 1-2 years old is called “IMpowering”. they literally both use the two capital letters in the beginning… kind of pathetic of emily to be so blatantly unoriginal

No. 1575748

i might be out of line given the… composition of the photo… but she’s looking good

No. 1575750

Who is this? Does someone have a photo of what she looks like now?

No. 1575755

No. 1575756

File: 1656531561730.jpeg (697.41 KB, 828x991, E572BC3B-DE5B-47B7-861F-1A4A2E…)

Posted this on her ~recovery~ page. Either your new here anon, or you’ve been living in a cave while she posts blatant bodychecks at any given chance.

No. 1575759

she's not been posted her in many maaaany threads though

No. 1575761

Shes posted shes a healthy bmi now so not exactly milk to post.

No. 1575793

Agree this is absolutely bullying and farmers should own their shit if they’re going to do it. I have always wondered what % of people who come here just lurk tho. I for one so come for the keks but almost never post. I know that still makes me morally bankrupt, but maybe some of these anons claiming this isn’t bullying are mostly lurkers and think that makes them better than farmers.

No. 1575794

Shit forgot to sage

No. 1575813

Fuck you Cece, you insolent, selfish, undeserving bitch.

No. 1575821

>>1575793 When a newspaper prints an article about some person doing some dumb stuff, is it bullying? Or just reporting? Idk maybe it's a fine line. But as anon said further up, unless it's cowtipping I don't see how reading and commenting equates to bullying. Wouldn't even class farming as bullying, news outlets farm for information too so to speak

No. 1575824

File: 1656537307153.jpeg (Spoiler Image,469.87 KB, 828x1011, 5FCF1474-0107-46A2-BC1C-F6CEA1…)

Not really bullying when they post this shit themselves in the first place kek

No. 1575834

Cece posted on her personal story that she’s upset with the bullies here …

No. 1575838

did she recently get rid of a lot of her personal followers?

No. 1575840

ok anachan, at least apologize for blogging next time, will you?

No. 1575841

kek that you managed to not sage while yelling at someone else for violating site norms

No. 1575842

Gtfo with the strawmans. If you're going to post here, own that it's bullying. No one berating/mocking anorexic women is a beacon of morality. None of us are here. Farming is at best invasive as well.

No. 1575846

shit, I thought I'd saged. my apologies

No. 1575847

Screenshot please?

It’s absolutely ridiculous that she’s affected by this board in any way. She’s fucking 30 years old. Cry me a river. Get off the internet and go eat a cinnamon roll.

No. 1575849


No hate but I'm gonna call photo shop on this one
Something is off on the upper ribs
I'm severely underweight and have been inpatient loads with similar people and I'll tell you, there's something off with them (not blogging, but like explaining why I feel confident making this statement)

No. 1575850

> I'm severely underweight and have been inpatient loads with similar people
> not blogging

You are literally blogging, anon

No. 1575852


You're right sorry let me rephrase
"sorry for blogging but I feel like it's relevant for this comment"

No. 1575879

No1curr ana chan, stfu. Being underweight is not an achievement and bragging about it just makes you even more pathetic.

No. 1575895

When did she post this? Was it recently on her personal or a while ago?? (TBH would not be surprised if she purposefully sent herself the date she took the bodycheck…)

No. 1575897

she definitely posted it a while ago, not sure if she reposted because apparently she unfriended/whatever me on her personal

No. 1575909

i do see what you mean, but lots of women have wide rib cages that (when you lose enough weight) almost looks like a 2nd pair of boobs lol
especially if you have a naturally longer torso or smaller waist. It looks odd. and with cece straining and sucking in and posing weird to get those angles casting as much shadow as humanly possible then chucking on a contrasting filter as well.. yeah it’s going to look extra odd.
I don’t think cece needs to photoshop (much), the silly cunt will just hold her breath and strain her body to get back at her ex and her mom.

christ, i can’t believe i just said those words about a 30 year old woman. i’m going to go touch some grass.

No. 1575917

I bet she’s telling family that she’s at a 13 bmi here

No. 1575921

File: 1656544326982.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20220630-010445~3.p…)

Yeah no I get what you mean but I'm pointing something else out

I can't believe I'm actually doing this but look..
The part circled? You can just see that the 'Boney part' is pasted on there, the bone stops at a place where it shouldnt, the skin color is off, the texture is off and there's some weird blur
I filtered it so it was even more clear that it had been edited

No. 1575923

How is posting multiple videos of her in the hospital with her skull showing through her skin + crying with a ng tube not attention seeking

No. 1575936

I dunno she had very little brain power then. She was basically ded

No. 1575950

Cecelia is also dumb as fuck if she “really doesn’t want this to be happening to her” because you can absolutely get rx psych meds online so easily now, you don’t need a pcp. She says she can’t not have her meds, but being followed by a doctor isn’t even necessary to get meds. It’s just one more lie proving that she does, in fact want this more than anything else. She immediately started posting again as soon as she got her “acceptance letter.” Guess what cece? You’re still not the sickest and you won’t ever be. Too bad for you, that is a negative thing

No. 1575954

This is some tinfoil shit. Its too low res and filtered to see if its been pasted.
Call her out for the body check not for the shape of her bones

No. 1575956

Hello hello did Cece delete her tiktok?

No. 1575963

Looks like it… unless she changed her username?

No. 1575972

late to the party sry but as a lurker imo passively lurking is objectively less harmful than posting kek also a lot of this is bullying yes but some anons do rightfully point out cows’ hypocrisy and imo constructive criticism isnt bullying

No. 1575996

Very very little of what gets posted here is in any way "constructive" let's be real. This is a mean-spirited pursuit.

No. 1576000

That's an old photo right? She probably sent that date to herself just to get to show it to everyone… that's embarrassing

No. 1576034

Random nonnie jumping in here but lurkers/posters/and actual critique posters really aren't all that different. Even the ones posting legitimate concerns or pointing out hypocrisy are still contributing to this thread which is without a doubt a thread dedicated to bullying people. Whether that's morally wrong or not is up to the individual, but people only lurking or posting occasionally shouldn't think they're somehow "better" than the other anons here, they're still taking part.

No. 1576067

File: 1656557860517.jpg (248.2 KB, 1079x749, Screenshot_20220630-105639_Chr…)

No. 1576068

N2F has to be one of the best cows thats been on here
I lk miss her moosh meals and outdated food

No. 1576072

File: 1656558539994.jpg (800.49 KB, 1078x1929, Screenshot_20220629-083114_Ins…)

Expensive medications you probably don't even pay for? Go to a public hospital,it'll be free. Use your insurance. Get a referral.
There's no way she's paying for it
And suck it up (or in), iron infusions aren't some spedhal side effect from your "illnesses", many people have this problem

finger to lip uwu

No. 1576075

File: 1656558698332.jpg (509.63 KB, 1078x1878, Screenshot_20220628-213458_Ins…)

Ash is still Ash

No. 1576086

I check in on her IG every now and again too and at this point, I think she's an immortal skelly.

No. 1576087

Exactly. Also "calling out" the cows still…is bullying behavior. It doesn't really make it not objectively cruel if they are cringey, dramatic etc. No one is saying we can't post here. It isn't illegal. But it is unacceptable, wrong, and probably will be shut down some day, in however many years. It's not a newspaper, its a hate board that picks apart people's appearances, hobbies, sometimes even family members. Is it funny? Yes lul. Is it wrong? Also yes.

No. 1576092

File: 1656560373442.jpeg (468.27 KB, 1125x1942, 7E66655A-51F3-47B2-AE3A-255488…)


Not to mention that she still is gorging herself Porgie style while pretending to be a wait!

No. 1576097

File: 1656560784051.jpg (792.72 KB, 1079x1919, Screenshot_20220630-083011_Ins…)

She feels sick :( but has to push through to… send and read emails?

No. 1576098

Dunno. Possibly cowtipping or some sort of psyops.

No. 1576099

She probably means iron supplements which are expensive. The infusion will be free or Medicare subsidised.

No. 1576101

She deleted all her stories off her Instagram in the last little bit too.

No. 1576110

Could there be an end insight to her inappropriate over-sharing? Hopefully for love of Christ ALL Cece’s content is permanent (not just temporarily) down / deleted …not just “gone” for a day, in typical Cece fashion lol(newfaggotry)

No. 1576113

we already knew cece reads here, so there wasn't necessarily any cowtipping

Maybe she's actually realized she doesn't want all this shit attached to her name and is cleaning up her social media

No. 1576122

Porgie here to save the thread

No. 1576125

Could her tiktok have potentially been banned?

No. 1576127

seems unlikely, given that she's clamping down on her other accounts at the same time

No. 1576143

Literally ion tablets are $20 at chemist warehouse (Aussie pharmacy) like really not that expensive. And that’s for a month of tablets

No. 1576147

Samefag but also she’s working so really doesn’t seem that much of an issue. Her private health insurance to visit new farm every month would be more expensive

No. 1576164

$13 at woolies

No. 1576255

File: 1656569677269.jpg (1.79 MB, 1920x1920, F70coyxoyx9631.jpg)

So porgie (when I tried to type porgie it auto-coerected to porkie lol) has been vague posting about a new Dx she may be getting and it seems it's confirmed.
I have a high suspicion her Dx could this, or close to it
What do you think nons

No. 1576256

File: 1656569843967.jpg (664.68 KB, 1920x1920, Dyocoy69f85ss95d06.jpg)

Same fag

Not a Dr, not attempting to arm chair, I just came across the Dx recently and thought it resonated and seems like a "speshul" Dx
'I'm so mentally bad that it affects my shitter

No. 1576257

ibs is extremely common and doesn't have any "flashy" treatments, so it seems like an unlikely choice for someone to fake

No. 1576259

You don't think her getting the tube at home, going to ask these appts,vague posting, and getting a new Dx which she can now use as an excuse any time?
And that "Im not doing it on purpose, I'm just speshal and need different treatment and apps and Drs and nutritionists? She's added basically a munch. She ain't malingering, she munching hard
If she had any self control she'd probs end up like the other skellies that used munching to hide or exasperate their ED

So I beg to differ

No. 1576264

Ibs isn't the 'flashy' dx
It's the dx of basically saying her 'ibs' is psychosomatic. So she's not Purposely malingering
Feels like an excuse Dx

No. 1576268

Porgie’s already claiming gastroparesis and has previously claimed POTS so my guess is either EDS or MCAS since she’s a munchie picking up munchie favorite diagnoses.

No. 1576269

ibs isn't treated with feeding tubes. She got that by faking gastroparesis.

Treatment for ibs literally consists of lifestyle changes.

No. 1576275

Only 15? 15 and below is severely underweight, so if you are severely underweight, you are dying. And I’m not wking but you can die of an Ed at a bmi of 15. You continue to go on about how she isn’t sick just because you don’t like her. She could reach a bmi of 12, and you would still be saying that she isn’t sick. Continue to rattle anachans.

No. 1576279

And we know how much porgie loves to change her lifestyle for the better

Gtfo and quit WK

And the fact that all this doesn't add up makes me more suspicious that it has to be something spesh a d wants attention for it or she wouldn't have vague posted about it a bunch of times

Well see

No. 1576281

nobody is white knighting, we're just pointing out that she's unlikely to be munching ibs. I'm sure she's going for something trendier with more medical toys.

Your fixation on ibs is weird

No. 1576282

>>1576092 that's a mighty big chomp for someone who can't eat much during to an inflammatory stomach/ intestinal issue

No. 1576315

Hahaha wtf
I don't give a shit about ibs
my whole point is her fishing for Dx. Read the post. It's not about GI issues It's her that MAY (because we don't know) have a new Dx (like I speculated)where she sort of gets a free pass for her bullshit
Now fuck off or bring milk

No. 1576319

We all agree that she's fishing for something new.

You posted random screenshots of articles about ibs and its connection to mental illness, anon, and went on about how you thought she was fishing for that specifically, despite everyone telling you that nobody munches that specific diagnosis so she's probably going for something else.

No. 1576324

I would say some of the comments are straight up bullying like calling Cece or Fiona ugly when it's not really their choice what their facial features look like. (Before someone suggests ps, you cannot really change Cece's head shape, for example. It's long. No ps can change that.) However, otherwise I'd say we are helping the cows by pointing out their ridiculous behavior. Slight blog but someone pointed out my cowish behavior in the past and althought it felt like bullying at the time I am forever grateful I quit being a cow before this site was even invented.

No. 1576332

Vitamin and other supplement absorption is known to be impaired in obese people.

No. 1576339

Ntayrt but I don't think most of these cows would be able to judge each comment separately based on validity of critique when there's a few helpful anons among a slew of people making fun of their appearance, some even occasionally making fun of their family members dying of cancer. Even the helpful posts directed at bpd cows like Cece on here probably just fuel their rabid need for attention. The only way to really help a cow is ignoring them or reaching out personally if you know them in real life. Sorry but this is a bully thread, don't delude yourself into thinking this is helpful or anything more than people having a little fun at the cows expense.

No. 1576343

And I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school
I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy…

But this is reality and we're not here to help them. Some have an abundance of help and still choose the cow life. Calling people out for their bs which actually affects others in the community because people w EDs that want to get better can't get it because of these numb nuts
So don't perpetuate this delicate snowflake narrative they push

And if you're that sensitive about things (excluding bringing family members in) then lolcow as a whole isn't for you

No. 1576359

“Some have an abundance of help and still choose the cow life…” nail on the head there anon!

No. 1576363

Did you reallly just reply to yourself XD(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1576366

Whatever helps your toxic ass sleep at night hun

No. 1576372

File: 1656582690470.png (8.8 MB, 1170x2532, 4FD8F6A8-E22E-4A75-ABE7-73F0BE…)

I swear the blue butterfly is a pro-ana symbol.

No. 1576374

Who are you talking too faggot your supposed to tag the anon you're replying too, and not use reddit spacing it's dramatic and annoying.
>Some have an abundance of help and still choose the cow life. Calling people out for their bs which actually affects others in the community because people w EDs that want to get better can't get it because of these numb nuts
You literally just said we're not here to help the cows and that this site is mean and not for sensitive people to turn around and admit you think you're somehow helping the ED ~community~ by making fun of a bunch or random people on the internet. Lol the fucking cognitive dissonance on some of you cunts, just admit your hobby is mean and cope like an adult or leave if you feel guilty retard. If some dumbass ana chan wants to get better maybe don't fucking align yourself with people who share the same disorder you fucking sped lol, or starve to death no one fucking cares. To think a bunch of eating disordered faggots is even a "community" is so fucking hilarious and cowish holy shit.

No. 1576377

Tf you on anon??, I’m not even the op so how can I reply to myself? “ XD “

No. 1576383

Ooo there's some salty bitches in here today. Back and forth with all this bullshit and not a drop spilled. This place is just becoming a breeding ground for the next generation of wannabes
Pity really

No. 1576384

Already heard this comment in my head before you wrote it. We are all assholes here whether we bully or not, including you. :)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1576388

File: 1656583567973.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1840, Screenshot_20220630-120405.png)

Aaaaand our potential new Cow is posting wheel chair pics
Perhaps she is fan of our beloved Fi

No. 1576389

What are you even saying to me? Are any of you anons over the age of 14? Or are you all brain damaged?

No. 1576398

Most of the people here are more or less brain damaged due to an ed.

Anyhow, what a shitshow has this thread become.

No. 1576404

Not the cow community you dipshit the ED community where people are actually struggling and because of these cows their needs don't get met, or treatment or a bed or meds etc cows will be cows
I'm not helping her haha you love taking things out of context don't you
Oh no! I'm using spacing and paragraphs haha wtf illiterate fag

No. 1576412

As a matter of fact, it is. And our dainty little princess knows about that.

No. 1576414

I said the ED "community" not the cow community, and again to call a bunch of disordered eaters a community is so fucking funny and cowish. Also no one cares about ana chans medical needs getting met here, you can soapbox about that elsewhere if you truly give a shit because posting here won't make a difference. As if Cece getting a bed at denver is any different than some other ana chan getting a bed, two sides of the same coin and if some dumb ass starving ana chan is so desperate for help and recovery they'll make it work without needing a fucking medical team behind them. Have you ever seen one adult ana chan that wasn't doing it for attention? You really think they'd be denied a bed over someone like Porgie? And if an ana chan truly wants to recover the first step might be not fucking aligning themselves with a "community" of people who share the same disorder.

No. 1576425

can you translate the Dutch portions of her captions? She seems like she has potential, but it's hard to tell when I have no clue what she's saying. (And it's in an image, not text, so takes a long time to type into google translate if you don't speak Dutch)

No. 1576426

Some nonnie should have their iron levels checked, methinks…

No. 1576428

For real. When the threads get like this I just stop reading the comments and only look at the funny pictures like it’s a childrens story book.

No. 1576430


It IS a pro ana symbol and fi will know this. I don't know why but the description with "lil" really gets on my tits. It's literally just a game to her, imagine being her treatment team?

No. 1576431


You know about the meaning of the term 'imageboard', numbnut?? This is one of them.

No. 1576435


Yeah sorry I used the translate button as well, should have posted that
She sometimes posts in English as well
She basically said : 1 year ago, it's hard to see this, and know I'm even worse now, one year has been wasted and for what?

So yeah posting the wheel chair, making sure she mentions she's even worse now
Way to go

No. 1576440

Kek what are you talking about. Have a snack and touch some grass. Yes, I’m saying I use this image board solely for the images when I can’t be arsed read your inane, mindless comments that come about as a result of your raging jealousy or lack of reading comprehension.

No. 1576444

File: 1656589149952.jpeg (703.94 KB, 875x1532, 1C8F6866-7C24-40D1-A9B3-AB7101…)

Nikol shared someone’s… fan art?
Inscrutable as ever

No. 1576452

they made her look like a literal demon

No. 1576462

What’s the name of the chick that used to be coffee.cats.recovery before she pulled the DID card and changed her username? Gonna go milk hunting and try to bring some actual milk to mix up the infighting of this thread

No. 1576477

I love you. Please keep the updates. She's done well with recovery but looks like the women that used to be in the 'readers wives' section of jazz mags

No. 1576479

are you talking about tamzin marshall?

No. 1576481

At least she doesn't use that horrible wig anymore

No. 1576483

Yep, though so. It’s crazy because surely a lot of her followers will know this too?

No. 1576484

Low iron? Eat some fucking broccoli and greenery. Drink a juice with greens in it instead of fucking lattes.

No. 1576489

Yes and most of her followers are using her as thinspo.

No. 1576490

File: 1656594970548.jpg (162.07 KB, 375x849, Screenshot_20220630-211547_Ins…)

Is this her? Puppiescoffeeandsunshine

No. 1576493

File: 1656595236566.jpeg (900.63 KB, 1170x2391, E9E8DBC9-F43B-424B-B5A7-A28DE1…)

No. 1576494

File: 1656595313335.jpg (26.74 KB, 450x320, 2b637mj.jpg)


Ana legs are so ugly.

No. 1576495

No. 1576498

No worries, the names were v similar

No. 1576500

Look at you sperging. You sound like a BPD cow.

No. 1576503

Her diet of sugary carbs only crap and a caloric surplus from unneeded tube feeds would be causing gastric issues. Easy fix, see a dietitian.

No. 1576509

Fair point but was I wrong?

No. 1576514

Yeah butt-hurt fag, there was a community of people who actually supported eachother then when IG came a bigger platform, in came the cows and the munchies, that's when shit went sloppy
So stfu cause you don't know shit
But by all means call anyone that doesn't share your opinion a BPD anachan. So..'kek fuck off BPD Chan blah blah boring blah'

No. 1576515

Lol how old are you? Go to therapy, Instagram isn't going to cure an eating disorder, not a real one that is. And nowhere did I say kek or call anyone a bpd chan, faggot.

No. 1576521

wasn't she apparently a bmi 12 once?

No. 1576531

File: 1656599284518.jpg (553.22 KB, 1080x1999, Screenshot_20220630-145241_Ins…)

As good as this looks I'm getting worried about her sugar intake she going to end up diabetic
Ps this is ham

No. 1576532

Why is the BMI sperging starting again?

No. 1576536

Omg I thought that was a giant pile of Nutella at first kek

No. 1576539

wait how old is she?

No. 1576541

“apparently” yes

No. 1576542

eh it's just yogurt and pancakes, she's done way worse
random but reminds me of when my fam and I went to a resort and a dude scooped a giant blob of nutella out of the bowl with a soup ladle, then licked it and put it back

No. 1576544

same, my heart jumped out for a good minute until i figured out it’s yogurt

No. 1576549

Jesus Christ. This is so wrong.

No. 1576555

No, just one of CC's lies. Like the time somebody asked her her lowest bmi, on this occasion it was "13, in Oct- Nov 2020." The thing is, if you scroll down to that time frame on her feed, she looks close to normal weight.

No. 1576561

Was this the same Cassie that was on Tyra’s show? She was a burn victim but also a super spoop. Had a tumblr, too.

No. 1576569

Gastroparesis isn’t helped by an ng tube though, you’d have to have a g/j tube for gastroparesis if it was even thst severe.

No. 1576586

"protein chocolate yogurt" sounds like wannabe-healthy name for something that's "totally-not-chocolate-pudding"

No. 1576588

She was a burn victim, yes. I truly wish the best for her in this regard. I wasn’t aware she was on a show, does anyone have any info on this?

No. 1576590

And this is why I never eat at buffets

No. 1576594

Looked up the episode. It’s hard to tell because she’s made up on the show and looks pretty and younger and halfway decent but it might be her

No. 1576595

No. 1576596

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Yeah, these are pics she posted in October 12 and 16, 2020. Bmi 13, really Cece?

No. 1576599

stop with the bmi!
and enough, Cece acc is private now and she didnt give any milk for a couple if days now let it be.

No. 1576601

her account cecelia.lives isn't private what are you talking about

No. 1576604

No. 1576605

I didn’t realize this was the same Cassie that was on the show. The name sounded familiar and the last time I looked it up, she had a little kid. She took selfies of people while inpatient? That’s horrendous

No. 1576606

This is the same Cassie, yes.
Seriously though, who thought this episode was a good idea? Why would she ask her how many calories she eats in a day and get her to say the insane amount? That’s not ok for anyone and so ignorant.

No. 1576610

Um that’s not how it works

No. 1576615

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Ganer is cutting? Tbh I hope it gives her some shape besides a refrigerator. Does that mean her beloved meals need to change? Or is there just gonna be more water and less powder in the slop bowls? Fun fact, idk if anyone remembers but before she grew up flexy fit foodie asked ganer for personal training where she was denied vice versa now? Or she just average w good lighting(emoji)

No. 1576616

More like a BMI of 19 kek

No. 1576617

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No. 1576620

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No. 1576630

Aka blatant lie

No. 1576633

jesus christ stop with the infighting. can’t believe some of you lot are still seriously debating whether or not these threads count as “bullying” kek you’re all still here regardless so stfu

dunno which creeps me out more, Porgie’s dead eyes or Cece’s maniac ones

No. 1576651

Not trying to be creepy but her arse is looking spectacular.

No. 1576659

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No. 1576661

One thing that legit makes me feel bad for the thread subjects is that anons will beat a dead horse endlessly. Even if a subject stops being milky, once anons are on them, will they ever be left alone? Not saying Cecelia has stopped being milky ever though kek

No. 1576662

Agree. Despite what hangry fags here think, a bmi of 15, 14, 13, etc etc etc is severe. Is it 15 the skelliest? No, but it IS severely underweight. Just because a cow is well, a cow, doesn't mean they aren't sick. Reminds me of when Kelsey was around and people tinfoiled she was a normal weight.

No. 1576682

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does she actually make someone take these pictures?

No. 1576705

Is this site that desperate and low to keep the milk going that anons are throwing up a 10+ yr old video on her to taint her poorly? I’m not defending her, but this is extremely old and people change. It’s not milk when its ancient. What is she actually doing these days? As entertaining as her ACUTE shares were, she’s irrelevant if she’s not still being milky. Nothing new has been said about her. She went on the show to get treatment bc she didn’t have insurance 10 yrs ago. She took a picture of a patient from behind at ACUTE she shared once. She has a child that she spends time and money on. If there's nothing to share that she is currently doing it's time to move on.

No. 1576716

I agree with you anon (wasn’t BMI sperging was banned in these threads anyway?)
Although when you put it into context it’s hard not to see someone like Cece as less “sick” than she makes out bc everything she posts is so blatantly calculated. Even though she tries to pretend otherwise she clearly has good insight, certainly enough to arrange her own admission to anachan Mecca

No. 1576750

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Blue butterfly day today or something?

No. 1576759

is it so hard to smile?

No. 1576762

nah! she is a super fan of Fi thats why. she (used to?) tag her in every post

No. 1576777

File: 1656612614343.jpg (860.01 KB, 1079x1800, Screenshot_20220630-140802_Ins…)

Been following this girl for a while. Fake recovery account. Every post is a giant paragraph about how wonderful she is doing now.
Under eats still. Poses with giant plates of food. Pretending to eat it all. Want to be an ED influencer…

No. 1576781

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No. 1576795

I just saw this myself. How does she say 12 years free from anorexia and in others say she was in hospital dying during covid?!

No. 1576805

She’s been posted before. She’s not trying to be an ED influencer, if anything the opposite she’s trying to hide it despite the before after pics but nobody in their right mind believes she eats/keeps down any of it. The ~plant based lifestyle~ is such an obvious cover for restriction. Same with sunflowerseeed

No. 1576814

File: 1656613842999.png (636.98 KB, 570x570, faker.png)

look she ate this whole pizza. she doesnt have an ED anymore because shes "vegan" now.

No. 1576817

I used to follow her a few years ago, damn she's gotten loads worse.

No. 1576821

File: 1656613997611.png (722.84 KB, 570x570, vegan love.png)

This girl is so high and mighty how being vegan saved her…it just basically gave her the ok to heavily restrict what she eats so it;; all low calorie foods. just a mask for her ED.
Annoying how she preaches how recovered she is..when she clearly is still deep in her ED

No. 1576826

life of Han has gone extremely quiet the past few days. im wondering whats coming

No. 1576829

File: 1656614170518.png (614.3 KB, 570x570, JFC.png)

its ok. because if she puts all these amazing quotes over her photos..she can be an inspiration for others. Shes is so wonderful gais.cant you tell from her beautiful and long drawn out posts

No. 1576834

File: 1656614317773.png (1.04 MB, 1250x640, beautiful.png)

this is the true face of recovery. Cece learn from her please.
Cecelia: Cant you tell, her BMI is lower than yours. take notes from her. she "eats" and is a lower BMI than you who live off iced coffee kek

No. 1576841

Wondering this too. I see so many people making tiktok pic compilations of them in the hospital, and their parents seem to take pics of them sleeping/smiling in the hospital bed. Why??

No. 1576845

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Not to rattle but she’s significantly less spoopy compared to her schooped images

No. 1576905

yeah but to be fair I do think she's gained weight since she was first posted here - you can see it in her face. and that's the whole point of her being in hospital so good for her

No. 1576912

I hope she’s gained weight. She’s so stuck and miserable right now… even if she is a complete cow on social media, maybe she can get the help she needs and slowly start to feel better.

No. 1576932

File: 1656618093898.jpeg (246.8 KB, 1021x750, 56C44222-B682-4665-ACEF-926EEC…)

Girl… (red circle added by me to show the weird shooping situation)

No. 1576939

looks like it’s just her hair

No. 1576950

Trying to give herself concave cheeks
Not working.(emoji)

No. 1576999


No. 1577015

She's spoopy. Shoops are still funny though

No. 1577042

it's not and it doesn't

No. 1577062

She looks like Bill Skarsgård

No. 1577079

>>1576072 Why does Porker keep showing up in this thread, or are we playing which one is not like the other? Why don't the doctors stick that tube into her chin, where she clearly keeps her fat reserves?

No. 1577101

No emojis

No. 1577106

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They have basically the same eyes

No. 1577225

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anyone any clues?

No. 1577227

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No. 1577242

Dharma, we know it’s you. Stop self posting

No. 1577253

The 2 medical conditions that immediately come to mind are osteoporosis and gastroparesis.

No. 1577254

literally anything that she can claim means it's physically impossible for her to gain weight

No. 1577260

so if acute is just for medical stabilization why didn’t cece just go to her local hospital? And there are like at least three “repairable” residential places near her too. It just seems needlessly expensive for such a short stay that could be accomplished without a plane ticket…

No. 1577312

Regular hospitals don’t know what to do with ED patients. They pump you full of fluids, correct your electrolytes, and send you home. Usually ending up with tons of edema and no real help. Most people with EDs won’t go to their general hospital for that reason, it does more harm than good

No. 1577318

File: 1656645565834.jpeg (800.6 KB, 828x1351, 9D8D8610-F511-4B61-BEF6-5BB4AA…)

Hypocrisy at its finest

No. 1577349

I'm not trying to be insensitive but if she's that worried for her life why not try a little harder at eating proper meals? I can't stand the "woe is me" cows who don't do a single thing to improve their situations.

No. 1577420

But if she truly "wants to work" and don't want to spend "months" at her summer vacay, wouldn't going general hospital for stabilization works? Edema yes but it will go away and the stay is probably 3 days maximum. Work will not be affected with such a short stay.

No. 1577437

every time i see a current photo her i get shocked by her looks. she used to be genuinely pretty and now she looks like a rotten apple. it’s so sad

No. 1577442

if she really didn't want to go into hospital (which of course we all know was her goal) she has lots of options. Manipulating vitals can be easily done in a few days,same as making them shit just in reverse. She could easily do enough to avoid admission and get them off her back, although in Ceces case thats where she wants them and has invited the attention of services. In order to feel valid she needs yet another admission but has upped her own anti needing it to be acute. It will backfire at some point, but for now wild horses couldn't stop her getting her prize of a hospital bed and lots and lots of negative attention

No. 1577459

She's also literally admitted that she could just stop seeing her doctor entirely and do whatever she wanted. If she really, truly didn't want treatment, that's what she'd do, just like a lot of the noncompliant chronic spoops who do their best to stay out of treatment.

And just because I know some wk will probably accuse me of being a monster, I'm not saying that she should do that. I'm saying that the fact that she isn't doing it says something about her true motivation and goals.

No. 1577485

Honestly the rate at which she loses is shocking. Cheekbones are already popping

No. 1577489

That’s exactly what I was thinking. She seemed to be a semi-normal weight right before she got discharged from inpatient (her face could’ve just been puffy but still) and then a week later she was already so much slimmer. I feel like she literally doesn’t put a single thing into her mouth. She obviously doesn’t want to recover enough to actually put any effort into it. Dare I say she might be a lost cause

No. 1577522

That’s the thing: Cece runs a recovery account, not some sad forever spoop nobody account like Paris or Ash. She has a life, as much as she keeps ruining it with relapsing, and clearly a part of her wants to get better. So barely scraping by and quitting her team to stay sick forever isn’t ever going to work for her, she’ll never choose that

No. 1577536

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Bro wtaf is she on it never ceases to amuse me

No. 1577537

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Nikolpilate’s “before and now” photos that she continuously keeps spamming in her stories and then accusing people of being… competitive and happy they’re thinner than her…??

No. 1577542

Is Cece unusually quiet?
Do we think she learned from our comments or is this calm before the storm?
the storm being pictures of her being on deaths door offcourse

No. 1577546

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Cowish behaviors

No. 1577554



No. 1577561

She’s one of those people who will forever be the stupidest one in the group and says dumb shit that everyone’s ignoring because they know you can’t argue with such a profoundly unintelligent person

No. 1577565

I know it’s the anorexia brain or whatever but I truly don’t understand how someone can think being so skeletal is desirable. She looked absolutely horrible and ugly when she was a spoop. A lot of the anachans realize that they can’t have a decent life while being on death’s door but Nikol doesn’t seem to have the smallest grasp on reality and thinks others are making fun of her for finally being at a somewhat healthier weight. I mean if she finds comfort in that theory then go off but seriously what the fuck, who raised this girl to be such an utterly pathetic idiot??

No. 1577578

Yeah but that’s fine if the goal is to get stable enough for residential. That’s the goal, right? Oh wait, that would be the goal for anyone not cece

No. 1577579

File: 1656673691981.jpg (486.94 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20220701_120620.jpg)

porgie making the most of her toob, ensuring it features in every selfie! utterly pathetic that even a photo of a new necklace has to deliberately include her nose!

No. 1577586

Are we seriously supposed to believe she has a girlfiend? Not even talking about her weight, she's fucked in the head. Not attractive to a stable person.

No. 1577601

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No. 1577602

I wonder how long that’ll last. She’ll be back.

No. 1577604

I’m devastated. We lost our milkiest cow - our primary source of entertainment.

What are we gonna do now? It’s all over.

No. 1577606


A permanent break.
Break. Permanent.
Seems kinda… Like 2 things that don't match

No. 1577611

Maybe she realised how she would look between the actual acute spoops
I truly hope she will use this to genuinly recover
But given her history I'm also kind of expecting a return once she misses the attention
And then she'll claim the most horrible stories of how ill she was and we can't call her out in it because she hasn't been posting during that time

No. 1577613

She be back in a month

No. 1577614

Anyone remember nik the guy was from Germany (I think) and was a actor who was mentioned like 10 threads ago what happened to him? I can’t find him anywhere or even remember his name
Thanks nonnies

No. 1577616

File: 1656677822694.jpeg (391.17 KB, 813x605, 95DD63C9-5E95-4B8F-A694-7DC4BB…)

kek ok cece

No. 1577620

No, I’m not Cece, I just got lucky and was online when she posted.

No. 1577621

Honestly, good for her. Maybe cutting herself off from a major source of validation and ED identity will help her recover. And even if it doesn’t, at least she isn’t going to be sharing triggering info now.

No. 1577629


Perfectly stated anon.

Her recovery (one hopes) going offline is better for the world (If anyone doesn't know what "disingenuous" means, her account was a perfect and infuriating example) and for Cece (She acted on behaviours with much greater intensity when she got more social media engagement).

No. 1577631

File: 1656679605731.png (1013.22 KB, 657x740, capture-20220701-154534.png)

He's nik.jonas.official on instagram. He went quiet for like 7 months and then posted in May. I think he might've actually gained some weight at last or maybe I'm just seeing wrong, it's not much.

No. 1577633

Or in a week. It's Cece we're talking about after all

No. 1577635

You all can’t have it both ways. Everyone was saying how she needs to get off the internet and now she is. I hope it helps her stop the downward spiral because she’s going to ruin her life and career if she doesn’t.

No. 1577636

Ah thankyou so much nonnie he looks so much healthier in that picture glad he is ok

No. 1577637

This frustrates me too,nona. The farmers who claim constructive criticism as a cope but the cows can never win.

No. 1577640

does anyone here still follow her private account? or has Cece already deleted all the followers that aren't her family or actual friends

No. 1577641

Wtf. Need to know more bout this one
How do you go from Ana to DID? Is she an old cow

No. 1577645


But this thread is boring AF. Bring out some milkyhunting on some old cows or somethin. Like is it the same people sucking on cece lol.

Where the variety people.

No. 1577646

You go find it and bring it if you're sahh bored

No. 1577647

go ahead, no one's stopping you

No. 1577649

rosierecovers on tiktok is such a fake recovery account. she posted a video on her main tiktok @rosiesargent and if anything she’s lost weight in recovery. zara part 2?

No. 1577651

She has 347 followers, I doubt someone like Cece would know that many people and even if she did not all of them would be following her on instagram.

No. 1577652

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screenshot 1

No. 1577654

File: 1656681468252.jpeg (324.39 KB, 1033x1849, C45703E2-DA4B-4CFD-B8C0-F5FD4E…)

screenshot 2

No. 1577655

lol it's some little kid @rosiesargent

No. 1577660

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No. 1577661

i mean you misspelled her main tiktok account @rosiesargent it's @rosiesargeant

No. 1577662

oh yeah my bad. this rosie is 18

No. 1577664

you're right though she's noticeably lost weight in past few months

No. 1577668

yeah but also is Darcy now public speaking

No. 1577671

Idk but chayanne.nortje has her tubie selfies next to her modelling piccys. Shame she aint as the cece queen

No. 1577674

How do ppl like Zara/momsfave function basically not eating at all? Like Zara even claims she got perfect scores etc

No. 1577676

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No. 1577677

I might be in the minority but it's kind of sad when farmers completely bully a cow off the internet. Inb4 wk Cecelia pisses me off the most I just always think it's a little sad.

No. 1577678

>ACUTE says “no phones, no social media, it’s not helpful for your recovery”
>Cece: “okay so I personally have made a decision about not using social media because it’s not helpful for my recovery”

No. 1577682

Yikes, wonder if she’ll finally stop posting her ACUTE throwbacks and her descent back into skelly town

No. 1577683

ACUTE allows phones they only confiscate it if a patient is found to be taking photos of themselves and posting them online during their stay

No. 1577688

In today's social media/image obsessed times, that'd be nearly impossible for the anas. Why not allow phones but no internet use?

No. 1577691

Fucking hell so dramatic. Just say "I'm autustic" you don't need to write an essay Fi ffs.

No. 1577694

File: 1656684211131.jpeg (97.61 KB, 828x1524, 7D49789D-09BC-4573-B744-244AF3…)

Bye cece, see you soon.

No. 1577695

I had been wondering what happened to Nik! I remember some goofy video he posted dancing with spatulas making pancakes. Hope he’s genuinely doing well.

No. 1577698

i think she blocked you

No. 1577699

A phone with no internet? What are the anachans supposed to do? Play Tetris?

No. 1577706

See this is hilarious to me because she could avoid the HaTeRS by not compulsively reading this thread…

No. 1577718

You've been blocked.

No. 1577729

I was JUST looking at her personal instagram account and I’ve been following her on tiktok for months. She doesn’t really bring regular milk to the table but I’m surprised she’s not talked about here given the fact that she fronts recovery while having lost such a drastic amount of weight while preaching and doing pretty substantive WIEIAD’s

No. 1577740

Noooo don't go Cece! (Who will I hate on now instead of myself?)

But honestly as much as I will miss her, this could be her chance of real recovery. And as much as I hate her lying ass, I wish her best of luck. (Not that she cares.)

Bye CC!

No. 1577741

File: 1656688129664.jpeg (271.11 KB, 972x750, 553EB4C0-4373-4D59-A8B5-3B8C9C…)

She posts “extreme hunger” daily eats and talks about how much better life is when she’s eating enough, she’s been talking about how she’s gaining weight for MONTHS and I’d expect her to have gained at least a little bit of weight in the 21 week difference between these photos but guess not. She also had bulimia before anorexia so I’m guessing that explains it though you can’t maintain that weight through purging alone while eating the amount of food she’s showing unless she’s spitting it right out. She also always looks so damn uncomfortable while cooking/eating/holding food in her tiktoks

No. 1577743

File: 1656688481083.jpeg (631.58 KB, 1125x936, 5BF71F16-4576-485E-A8E8-DD1414…)

Momsfav called out in a comment… honestly this is worded well and fairly.

No. 1577745

File: 1656688540702.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1125x2037, C94CBFAA-B583-45FB-9287-8013A9…)

Picture for reference.

No. 1577746

You can maintain any weight by purging alone if you're good enough at getting everything out. There are superspoops who B/P 10000+ cals a day. You won't live all that long doing that, but it's possible for a while

No. 1577747


please hold while you're transferred to MPA lil' chan

No. 1577749

File: 1656688924202.jpeg (346.73 KB, 750x1089, 873CAB5A-17BE-4670-9F0C-CA7C1C…)

Recovery queens unite

No. 1577750

I stand corrected then, the world is not place I thought it was

No. 1577751

ashley isaacs is a prime example. She's probably too frail to still b/p, but she got down to that weight while b/ping a ridiculous amount

No. 1577752

same anon, fuck, sorry for not saging

No. 1577754

You can always delete it and repost with sage

No. 1577757

My tinfoil wish Ashlich is that she switched to c/s once she could no longer physically b/p and lives off the tiny amount she accidentally swallows. She has to be consuming something or she'd die, genetic mutant or no. That's why she wants restaurant gift cards. Subway is relatively easy to c/s among fast food options.

No. 1577773

Oh god someone needs to take Alice off her high horse

No. 1577783

Haha we will still talk about you as much as we want you ugly bitch.

No. 1577786

See you tomorrow, Cece!

No. 1577795

Despite all the mean things some people are saying here, genuinely good for her. If she’s not being a cow on the the internet, she’s doing the right thing. I hope she can find validation in a good place instead of the internet and truly recover. If she stays with this, she’s doing the right thing and I wish her the best in it.

No. 1577797

It sucks to lose a drama source in the context of this page… but this is a real person. If she stays away from posting toxic things on the internet and is actually going on with her life and leaving, we should leave her alone.

No. 1577887

petition for rosie to replace cece i stg it’s ridiculous and harmful

No. 1577918

That’d be fun but I’d say the milk with her is just kind of bland and unoriginal. She’s one of the many anachans who figured out how to stay spoopy and get away with it by faking recovery and acting oh so devastated that they can’t gain weight or that they’re just “gaining at their own rate” which is the same shit. She’s a step up from Alice because she has an official recovery account where she does these massive (compared to what I imagine she eats in reality) WIEIADs and talks as if she’s just a hair away from being recovered. At the same time, she posts a ton of body checks, gets angry at anyone who dares to confront her and takes all the ovations from the idiots who praise her for doing “so well” while literally going from a normal weight to spoopy while preaching recovery to vulnerable teenagers. I wouldn’t say she’s quite up there with Zara yet because that girl has been kneading her elaborate web for a long time but she reminds me of her in many ways. Oh yeah and we can’t have a complete package without raving about how well she’s doing in school now that she’s so well fed and healthy. Sorry for the long rant but these kinds of bitches just get on my nerves too much

No. 1577926

>> the description with "lil" really gets on my tits.

you are not alone, nonnie.
especially the way she pronounces it "li'oul" in her shitty videos.

No. 1577942


Looks like an advertising campaign to prevent shoddy horsekeeping.

No. 1577943

Yes anon, anorexics switch from anorexia to orthorexia. Veganism has always been a refuge for their disordered, attention seeking behavior

No. 1577951

True the WIEIADs make her worse than Alice, but Alice has a huge following and acts like she has the perfect life whilst maintaining a spoopy body, which I think is a very dangerous message

No. 1577955

File: 1656704705739.jpeg (450.22 KB, 1170x1983, 7E7067B7-7F63-4736-97FC-6237DD…)

Why do so many britfags stay spoopy af while in “recovery”? swear there’s a new one on my fyp everyday. This one claims she’s been in recovery for almost a year

No. 1577974

Especially the “if you had told me x months ago that I would be doing x amazing thing…” shit. They’re all living half lives, if even that. They can lie to themselves all they want but why do they feel the need to promote fake recovery?

No. 1577976

Yeah I think they’re both terrible in their own way. Rosie’s WIEIADs aren’t problematic in and of themselves, it’s enough food, but the fact that she’s lying about eating/keeping all of that down is so fucking harmful. But I agree that they’re comparable to whatever the fuck Alice thinks she’s entitled to do

No. 1578001

Pretty sure Rosie deletes comments bc most of her comment sections are just supportive fans

No. 1578004

I can’t get over how her boobs are eating her shirt! Kek

No. 1578010

didn't she realize her lip ended way before she stopped applying that lipstick?

No. 1578022

File: 1656710667324.png (2.36 MB, 1080x2081, Screenshot_20220701-232237.png)

Less spoopy when you can't contort your body in a weird position in front of your mirror
But poor Fi she really had a hard week agáin

No. 1578024

eek, anon maybe stop with the hate boner viagra.

No. 1578028

What are these individuals getting out of this relationship? They're carers in training surel

No. 1578059

File: 1656712990175.jpg (754.75 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220701-230310_Gal…)

No. 1578087

That giant arm vein is giving pretty fucking spoopy she’s gained maybe 15lbs max since her xmas hospital vacation

No. 1578088

The way she worded this I'm skeptical. If she really is going to work on herself in private, I'm happy for her. Tossing away her career, family, and life just for some meaningless validation currency is unhinged. Hope she sticks to what she wrote and lives her life.

No. 1578124


No. 1578213

She will no longer be milky so what are on about anon? You can’t farm with old milk.

No. 1578245

File: 1656727368903.jpeg (596.65 KB, 828x1478, F60233D7-1D4F-4576-A820-3282D9…)

Lindsay has gained some weight!

No it’s not a self post, she’s been posted a few times here before

No. 1578247

Yeah, she seems to be honestly doing a lot better lately.

No. 1578249

She's gained a lot in just a couple of months. In her pics from just 2 months ago she was very underweight and now all of a sudden she looks completely weight restored.

No. 1578250

Good for her, she looks great

No. 1578252

my tinfoil is that she was posting old pictures for a while because she wasn't ready to admit that she was restoring weight

No. 1578256

Most treatment centers in the US try to do it as quickly as possible. Apparently studies show this prevents relapses, somehow.

No. 1578258

That could be. I hope she realizes how much better she looks now.

No. 1578259

she definitely wasn't in a treatment center this time around

No. 1578264

File: 1656728579894.jpeg (590.68 KB, 750x1196, IMG_2335.jpeg)

Sage because not milk but scrolled through her account and found Healthy Hole

No. 1578271

File: 1656729507052.jpeg (755.93 KB, 828x1141, C29A771D-2F43-4791-AE06-AA9A62…)

Here she is on April 27th. Not looking well. I’m happy for her. Just two months later and she looks great. I hope she is recovering.

No. 1578305

They're IP for months! I don't understand hoooooow? In Aus we have public wards but you're there to get you stable then shove ya out.
How are they 'allowed?
Seems like a lot of coddling goes on and the 'in things is headbangung so you get to wear a diaper on their head.
Britfags, please enlighten us!

No. 1578337

They prefer to do it as quick as is safe since any psychological treatment is much more effective in physically healthy patients. Starved brains tend to stay in negative behavior patterns or at least be less able to change. EDs tend to make people pretty dumb for that reason, less food means poor thinking since brains need glucose to function. Same reason why EDs often turn people into raging bitches even when they were previously nice people and will be back to being nice once they’ve recovered. Which is why the UK system of letting ED patients stay spoopy for months and months while inpatient is so perplexing, of course they are not getting better. Their starved brains are pretty much incapable of absorbing any psychological treatment and making appropriate behavior changes.

No. 1578348

No. 1578392

sorry that I don't have screenshots because I didn't take them at the time, but she's posted a fair number of stories that allude to being a lot happier, etc, so it seems like something maybe really has finally 'clicked' for her. It's nice to see, even for a HORRIBLE BULLY ANON like me, so I hope it's real and sustained.

No. 1578425

Agreed,in pics she posted 9 weeks ago she was visibly underweight and 4 weeks ago completely weight restored.I dont think weight gain or redistribution would have happened that quickly.

No. 1578454

Thought this was Emma Chamberlain after 3 months of heavy crack use

No. 1578466

File: 1656749546285.jpeg (Spoiler Image,636.09 KB, 828x1127, B2163E85-D980-4EA2-8543-A6CA3F…)

wtf did i just see

No. 1578468

In the US it actually does happen that fast. If britfags were to go to a hospital in the US, they would automatically be kicked out by insurance. They make you gain weight as fast as possible, and kick you out.

No. 1578477

As we see with Porgie, there are private IP beds that insurance can pay for, but the beds are such a small number and there's usually a waiting list, and I'd say 3 mths? (Correct me if I'm wrong Ausfags) is almost a Max of how long someone might stay IP. And that's mainly re-feeding and cbt groups. But you HAVE to keep gaining and complying or you'll get kicked out.
It's baffling how Brits stay so long and so spoopy? Is it something like "you'll get they're in your own time" or do they have free range? What's the consequence(s) of non compliance and weight loss?

No. 1578478

I'm still trying to process this

No. 1578481

I smell a self post
She has 197 followers and 10 posts
She's on ig for the skelly fetishists

No. 1578485

this is not a selfpost kek are you lost

No. 1578496

I think Cece deleted/ hid her whole "recovery" account? I checked on all my 3 IG accs and cannot find it. Anyway we need to let her go as there will be nothing to talk about.

(I have a feeling she might be back later tho, telling us she was Angel lifted or whatever to Acute at a bmi of 9.)

No. 1578507

I've posted about her a few times in the last few threads but there was very little interest so i stopped.

No. 1578508

Not gonna lie, these threads are going to be so boring without her

No. 1578518

Months… Or years. The only place I see people in hospital for literal years is the UK. and anas just get toobs and stay spoopy the whole time.

No. 1578523

I dont know the offical max for private, it depends on the company and level of cover. Super spoops would more likely be in private and I've seen them spend up 7-8 montbs in but its rare.

No. 1578537

same i think you’re right

No. 1578542

I went to secondary school with her, she would've just finished her gcses. I think she posted a tiktok semi-recently saying she was going to focus on recovery after exams, hope she does well

No. 1578547

But anon her lips only end where the food begins

No. 1578548

Oops meant to reply to this one

No. 1578565

Ah yes the ol’ “make our patients gain weight as quickly as possible to prevent relapse” research that I find very interesting since so many of these treatment centers are revolving doors. Research smesearch, the same like 10 doctors in the US publish the same echo chamber stuff when it comes to “models of care” and weight. Would love for them to look at why so many of their patients have been admitted 5+ times back into their programs yearly. It can’t ALL be Cece BPD behavior, failure to launch, or that “relapse is a part of recovery.” Yes some cows loooove going to treatment but just my two cents.

No. 1578567

She looks fantastic. It's nice to see someone get their shit together. She seems to be working, too, and traveling with friends. It's such a drastic change from her years of toob selfies.

No. 1578568

I’m not saying anachans shouldn’t gain to a healthy weight or should be allowed to putter around somehow eating nothing like they do in Brit IP, but the whole “lets make them gain as quickly as possible and overshoot their target weight thing” in the US is not great either

No. 1578579

I think you’re onto something, nonnie.

There’s clearly a money incentive going on here, which makes you really wonder if the existing published research is biased.

No. 1578617

Agree. The fact that some program receive bundled payment for ED treatment feeds into this. If you’re getting a flat fee per patient the quicker you get them out and the more patients you admit the more $$$

No. 1578655

I think also in the US they might get kicked out by insurance so you have to try and weight restore them ASAP, you never know when they’ll be booted.

In the UK you don’t have that problem so they typically stick to 1kg per week for the normal anachans. The BPD chans are there longer and take slower because they’ll attack staff at every tube feed and sabotage weight gain more. They also can’t be discharged more (look at Emily, she seems to have weight restored but still IP) because it’s not safe so they just hang on to them while they decide what to do with them.
The pure anachans who actually comply in the UK do tend to be discharged at lower weights because it’s assumed they’ll continue to do well and gain in the community.

No. 1578670

File: 1656774827253.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1960, 1ECB33D6-88E2-48D1-93BB-627406…)

I know we all say it and it’s nothing new but Zara’s arm is shockingly small. Still baffles me that she’s still going this long being this small (and not in a wheelchair like others….)

No. 1578671

It's definitely partially the angle but no denying she's a superspoop.

No. 1578685

>definitely partially the angle
anachan pls her elbow is sharp enough to cut fucking glass

No. 1578697

How have her doctors not admitted her for physical health, even with stomach issues etc they'd admit you at that size. Is she faking her weight? She should be on a general ward at least

No. 1578702

My guess is she’s been lying about seeing them

No. 1578753

File: 1656781786684.png (8.04 MB, 1242x2208, 6C470D82-A128-465B-A168-F80E2C…)

definitely not just the angle

No. 1578779

I said it's PARTIALLY the angle. She's undeniably incredibly spoopy and should have been sectioned months ago.

No. 1578782

She doesn't see doctors. She doesn't have pancreatic issues or whipple's disease. She doesn't want to recover. She's just a liar. She's at a point in her ED where she'd rather die then gain weight and is doing everything she can to deflect everyone. If she doesn't get help soon she WILL die.

No. 1578786

No clue what the laws are like over there, but I'd assume that since she's underage, she should be able to be forcefully admitted, no? It genuinely baffles me how she's not tubed at least.

No. 1578788

Pretty sure she fought the system in court and now can’t be sectioned or something

No. 1578790

Someone should do a UK version of a wellness call on her

No. 1578806

i thought she was adult?

No. 1578816

She's 19 and in uni

No. 1578832

Of course they can do her in. Just look up "Mental Health Act 1983".

No. 1578866

Ah, my bad. For some reason I thought she was 17.

No. 1578870

She always gets on people’s asses for body checking but she could’ve easily shown her tattoo without lifting her sleeve up to her nose and she knows that very well

No. 1578882

File: 1656788999686.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x2116, E3CE3A81-3E5B-43E1-8404-F1C8DB…)

a non shoop picture

No. 1578897

i sent her a tell saying this and she ignored it kek she answers every tell except the ones mentioning her body checking(cowtipping)

No. 1578945

It’s honestly impressive how Zara can just opt to not engage with all psychiatric care, and avoid medical care where possible. Her clinicians are incompetent for not forcing a CTO of weigh ins+ vital checks at least.
Even if she is eating enough to maintain, she must still have serious medical issues like heart irregularities?? (Although she claims she has even GAINED weight recently. If that’s true, it’s 100% from water weight+ meds bloat.)

No. 1578949

way to go, nonnie!
cowtipping is fun.

No. 1578996

File: 1656797254033.png (1.06 MB, 1125x2436, 9AD8FC3B-C5BB-4F3A-963B-C26BAB…)

Nah, in Australia; if your health insurance will pay for it, you can stay as long as you want… specific Ed beds are hard to come by (there’s 10 at New Farm) and the rest is a psych clinic - our land whale hasn’t been on edp for a while, but she is a frequent flyer for the other beds..
there is literally 5 PUBLIC beds in a psych unit in the whole of Queensland - that is very much a fatten you up and move you on system, but it has to be.
The munchies and malingerers all hang out either at new farm clinic or they make themselves medically unstable so they can get their toob selfies .. it’s a protocol (see attached) and link: https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/rbwh/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/07/guide-to-admission-and-inpatient-treatment-eating-disorder.pdf
That was supposed to help with the treatment for ED’s but it’s backfired and now it seems any one who is seeking some attention and toobs can access it…

No. 1579018

In reality I think 1kg/2lbs per week is pretty standard in the us as well. It just seems they actually really do enforce it where as in the UK weight gain is apparently optional.

No. 1579020

Yeah this doesn't seem well thought out… incredibly easy to fuck up several of the physical observation or pathology ones by purging or purposefully dehydrating, but a restrictive ana won't get admitted until bmi is under 14??

No. 1579021

In residential it is because most of those are in a random house somewhere with no medical monitoring, a nurse maybe drops by a couple times a day. In inpatient it's often more like 3-4lbs per week, but I assume it does depend where you go.

No. 1579026

It’s a bit crazy but under these guidelines they would be bmi < 14 with perfect obs, bloods, eating >1000 cals a day and dropping less than 1kg per week. Most would probably be admitted for the other parameters before they get that low

No. 1579038

It's totally possible. I know people who have been in that situation. You can get to a low BMI eating over 1000, either very slowly or by exercising to create the deficit. Solely restrictive AN often have totally normal labs, vitals, everything until one day eventually they just don't wake up in the morning.

No. 1579045

definitely not 19, think 18

No. 1579067

File: 1656805910202.jpeg (291.68 KB, 828x1307, 0AADB1C3-F48D-434B-8EDF-F2D663…)

Momsfavoritedisappointment giving out more advice she doesn’t take herself via Instagram

No. 1579080

Oh wow looking at her insta makes me sad as to what she's become…

No. 1579095

File: 1656808453050.jpeg (180.76 KB, 828x1437, C3B00B2F-9325-453B-AB36-A878DD…)

From cece personal page.

No. 1579096

File: 1656808475978.jpeg (145.9 KB, 814x1470, A22DFECA-7750-43CB-938E-02DA30…)

No. 1579108


Hmmmm, posting oneself in a tank top/shorts (despite "so cold") to worried family/friends when sick enough to imminently "need" treatment. She really is addicted to internet validation.

No. 1579114

Annon how are you on her personal lol I thought only her family was allowed to see her post(don't use emojis)

No. 1579119

Who sets up a camera and to take photos (or video?) Of making your bed so you can bend over and show you're still spoop

No. 1579121

This just emphasises how super spoop Zara is

No. 1579134

Like she has 374 family members kek

No. 1579147

335 now … she’s still lurking !

No. 1579154

Prob realized she’s still on here lol

No. 1579165

She's addicted to this place, everytime she posts something on instagram she immediately comes here and checks if everyone is still talking about her

No. 1579167

I bet she'll be back with her 'recovery' account when her ACUTE vacation starts.

No. 1579171

There is no way she would miss an opportunity to show how sick she is

No. 1579173

Tbh whoever you are who actually knows her and is posting these from her private account… that’s kinda fucked up. We’re all bullies on here but that’s pretty two-faced

No. 1579177

Welcome to lolcow, I see you're new

No. 1579183

You must be the same anon who was complaining nonstop about her wearing a sweatshirt…

No. 1579184

Have you ever thought maybe Cecelia is self posting? I mean if she really doesn't want her content posted here she could just stop making little ~pro ana~ videos.

No. 1579193

Eh, why would she delete all her recovery social media (including YouTube) and most of her personal followers if she wanted to be posted on here?

No. 1579207

To get more attention, gather more eyes maybe, we are all waiting for her to come back with a dramatic stunt or something. Besides if she didn't want to be posted on here why post obvious bait to her personal? So her mom and loved ones worry about her when they see her deteriorating body in the same floral tank top every month? If she truly didn't want to be posted to a "pro ana scumbags" thread she would just stop posting pro ana content.

No. 1579211

Or maybe she’s just a fucking sick person living her life and some vendetta hate follower is obsessing over her when she’s clearly trying to get out of the ana limelight

No. 1579214

She’s disgustingly ugly.

No. 1579215

You can have anorexia without posting full body vids to purposely worry your family. Don't know who you're talking about but it's not me, literally posted about her a handful of times and I don't hate her.

Don't reply for me faggot she's not even ugly.

No. 1579226

I’m not WKing but she has in fact gained weight in the past weeks albeit very little. She’s still a super spoop but her “bacterial infection” in May/June made her look like the walking dead so good for her for at least trying to get out of that state a little. She’s still an absolute dipshit though

No. 1579229

I swear they gain even faster than that. From what I’ve seen, they literally stuff them with massive amounts of junk food so they can discharge them faster. What’s funny about that is that there seem to be more UK cows who get refeeding syndrome even though their meal plans are usually increased more gradually than the US cows. I might just have my observations wrong but this seems a bit odd to me

No. 1579230

Raise your hand if your name is Cece

No. 1579247

No 1 curr

No. 1579259

Getting bored of all this repetitive hate on the same 10 cows every thread. Has anyone found anyone that hasn’t already been talked to death about on here?(namefagging)

No. 1579266

You're clearly new, just go through past threads

No. 1579276

She does have EPI (pancreatic insufficiency). She clearly doesn't take the required medication for it though and this is purely because she doesn't want to gain any weight

No. 1579277

File: 1656838388582.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2024, Screenshot_20220703-104713.png)

On new cows, has she been Talked about before?

No. 1579279

your profile picture is showing, r_recovers_. now we all know you self posted a few days ago!

No. 1579284

I thought someone tried to bring her up recently and I asked if this who anon meant but got no reply.
I think she’s milky. She’s an ausfag Recently she’s been holidaying in and out of medical wards taking cute pics while trying to get on some specific eating disorder ward but not sure which one.
Certainly interesting is she’s organising an event for ED suffered with a few speakers. Previous cow Korey who is now a registered dietician and remains fairly thin but looks recovered, a junior doctor Sarah Rav who was quite problematic a while ago and I just guess is so stuck in perfectionist control tendencies, and some other person who I don’t know anything about. It’s like $60 for a ticket.

No. 1579287


Yeah that's why I asked
Pretty much Cow. Imo so I wondered if and why she hadnt been posted yet

No. 1579291

File: 1656840459863.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x2145, 86BA2C48-9CF8-4595-9111-E6087C…)

what about this one? havent seen a more proana one

No. 1579303

kek imagine being alcoholic and anorexic. nothing packs on the pounds more than alcohol. even if she sticks to low-cal spirits, her stomach lining will eventually disappear and make spirits too painful to consume.

No. 1579305

are you 13, anon? never heard of shmegeh?

No. 1579306

File: 1656843450345.jpg (372.11 KB, 1080x1440, Screenshot_20220703-121650_Ins…)

Her posts are beyond cringe. No one cares

No. 1579307

no, I'm an alcoholic that knows what happens when you drink too much

No. 1579309

Does ham have any hobbies? Does she do nothing else except pose for instagram and go to cafes?

No. 1579310

there are hundreds of pro ana accounts like this, i wouldn’t really say it’s milky if they’re open about being pro or at least its not that interesting

No. 1579311

I don’t really care if people post photos in their underwear but she’s taking it to an extreme level, she’s stripping in every other post and she’s barely 18

No. 1579314

she purges like crazy too

No. 1579319


Looks quite promising. A proper mix.

No. 1579320

Let's see your face. Imo Cece looks like a normal 30 y.o, just a bit on the thin side.

And no I'm not CC.

No. 1579321


No. 1579323

almost nobody on social media actually gets refeeding syndrome, they just misunderstand what it is. As soon as their doctor hands them some phosphorous supplements because it dropped a little, they run to instagram to show off how sick they are and don't realize that's preventing refeeding syndrome which would actually put you in the ICU and possibly kill you.

No. 1579328

Wow, I had no idea some people didn’t have a thigh gap! Honestly, these women and their “advocacy”. Stating blatantly obvious facts and adding an emoji isn’t ground breaking or educational or even interesting.

No. 1579330

“Drunkorexia” or alcoholic & anorexic is nothing new. There’s a whole subreddit of them and it’s especially bleak.

No. 1579337

File: 1656848833816.jpeg (647.53 KB, 1800x1800, 45F482D2-62C7-4A5B-820F-335CE5…)

This one is pretty funny; she’s a recovery count when it suits her, but she’s also not a recovery account when anyone challenges her. Except she does present her page as identical to all the other recovery accounts, including flaunting her spoopy self.

No. 1579338

File: 1656848855789.jpeg (293.58 KB, 828x1337, 8F5A3AD1-EAFA-4039-9ED1-EF936B…)

No. 1579339

File: 1656848877936.jpeg (567.49 KB, 828x1426, 7A594FD6-4BD7-4A64-99BA-6B5D64…)

No. 1579340

File: 1656848916043.jpeg (213.16 KB, 828x1532, 3614DBE7-9BB4-4D1B-9B2E-31F80F…)

No. 1579342

File: 1656849012722.jpeg (232.1 KB, 828x1390, 536AE7C5-57B4-44C2-B405-F86A7D…)

She’s Swiss, but recently went on a Yoga retreat in Bali which she seems to heavily imply is to help her recovery without every explicitly linking the two. Obviously it’s fuelling her eating disorder not helping her recover.

No. 1579343

HoW iNsPiRaTiOnAl…

No. 1579345

Sorry for the typos, I was *~*nourishing*~* myself with a coffee and Just Breathing at the same time as typing on my phone.

No. 1579348

US treatment centers and insurance are a battle, truly. Weight gain is really the only, only goal. The moment you've got a BMI hit (hell, often before then), insurance has to essentially be argued with to get them to extend stays. Though most private insurances will absolutely continue to cover outpatient treatment from the same facility. Medicaid? kek. good luck.

No. 1579350

Some anons are so retarded. Most cows find probably find being posted here incredibly distressin. What's kind of wild to me is that Fi has never kicked up a fuss.

No. 1579360


Oh right, "Decide what you want from me, people! Which is it?"

Most of Cecelia's posts are related to showing off how anorexic she is (which is obnoxious, though for some reason Cece can't see this).

Sweater anon and I probably have this complaint in common.

No. 1579365


Kek yeah, she quit the YTT pretty early in because she decided she would rather just travel (hopefully got too much side-eye for her weight and taking nonstop selfies, but maybe she couldn't keep up… she claims she had no problem keeping up with the exercise but this is hard to believe.) Then she got food poisoning (or maybe just spoop attack) and decided to fly home early.

She still regularly posts about how great her experience was and how it taught her to stop counting calories.

No. 1579368

are you stupid? v possible to be spoopy and drink a ton

No. 1579369

do you really think Cece personally knows every person out of those 335 who follow her private account…?

No. 1579371

I think they were talking about her face, she’s ugly as fuck whatever she weighs

No. 1579375

the cringiest thing about this is "Swedenlover from Switzerland"

No. 1579376

She's 19 already. Stop calling her barely 18, that sounds like someone who just turned 18.

No. 1579384

Could be a lot of real life acquaintances, distant relatives, ex coworkers, people from high school and college etc. Totally possible to have that many. She probably included people she was in treatment with, that's probably who is posting her. If not then she probably included a few longtime recovery mutuals she trusts and trusted the wrong person.

No. 1579387

It's honestly sad as fuck that people will sell out someone they actually know but it happens.

No. 1579388

Her hypocrisy knows no bounds kek.

No. 1579391

Right. That's why I wanted to see their face.

Calling Cc ugly constantly isn't milky. Don't get me wrong I dislike her too. But we get it, you think she's ugly. Now move on.

No. 1579392

File: 1656855192057.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 2200x1004, 234554452443523452.png)

soft spot for this one, she is open about her BPD and her photos/stories are pretty messy, but she has hundreds of tube pics

No. 1579398

File: 1656855553210.png (3 MB, 2287x1073, 234554452443523452-(1).png)

saged for non-new from Swisskuh

No. 1579399

File: 1656855696898.png (1.44 MB, 2182x1083, 234554452443523452-(3).png)

ana lifestyle à la française

No. 1579405

I did some more looking through her page… she actually seems very nice from her captions and maybe has gained some weight. I hope the best for her.

No. 1579407

saging bc i don't want people to get mad at me i've tried googling it already. what does ayrt mean? i've seen people use nayrt as well i think. off topic sorry nonnies i just don't understand it in some of the responses here

No. 1579409


Google better it's easy to find but
(not) Anon you're refering to

No. 1579411

It just makes anon look like they have a hate boner for Cece. It doesn't really add anything it's just pathetic.

No. 1579414

Anyone know what happened to that other French girl Celine?

No. 1579415

She’s in ~*~*~uni~*~* but it’s probably summer break (do Brit’s have summer break?) so I imagine the content will be nothing but panty checks/body positivity and pancakes/her usual stuff for the foreseeable future.

No. 1579417

Sure it's possible but I still highly doubt that…

No. 1579418

yeah, it's really not an unheard of combo. lots just start with anorexia in their teens, never really recover, and drunkorexia is just the next level of hell. they're not really the type for recovery instagram influencer accounts.

No. 1579422


In perpetual quasi. Posted about her history of overexercise in most recent story iirc

No. 1579434


No. 1579437

Yes we do have summer break, for uni usually it'd be from June or July to September iirc

No. 1579443

doesn't mean they're losing weight. alcoholics have to drink tons bc of their tolerance and consuming that many calories without purging will make you fat. reminds me of those fat chicks that claim to be anorexic while eating mcdonalds every day. someone restricting won't consume all those booze calories. they're either lying about being anorexic or lying about being alcoholic. why is everyone in this thread too retarded to understand logic.

No. 1579448

You're the retard here. if you're starving yourself and drinking loads (yes drunkorexics have existed for many many years, Karen Carpenter era, half of Hollywood have been drunkorexic), you can still be underweight.

No. 1579449

U dont know shit about that topic, its very clear to see. So u better shut up.

No. 1579453

Go back to Twitter

No. 1579456

Chronic alcoholics are often emaciated and vitamin deficient.

No. 1579471

Not that it matters anon but I’m well over 18 and I find it disturbing for 18-19 year olds to feel like the only way to get attention is to strip half-naked on the internet. A photo every now and then is fine but when you post underwear pictures all the time it becomes concerning

No. 1579474

True though I’m not sure how they’re emaciated when they drink so much alcohol which is high in calories (even if they don’t eat) but I’m not really a calorie expert so I wouldn’t know I guess

No. 1579476

Loads of alcoholics are absolutely skeletal (whether they are ana or otherwise). It fucks your body up and also if you're spending all your money on booze you don't eat. I volunteer with addicts and 90% of them are emaciated. Yes booze has calories but that's not the only factor.

No. 1579481

Drunkorexics usually eat little to nothing, or purge nearly everything (almost all drunkorexics are AN-BP and just overall messes). So they're living off the alcohol calories. They usually exclusively drink hard liquor for lower calories.

No. 1579482

Samefagging sorry but there is some interesting info on this here: https://www.abbeycarefoundation.com/alcohol/why-do-alcoholics-eat-so-little/ basically it fucks up your appetite & insulin levels as well as making you puke etc

No. 1579489

restrictive anas are messes too, anon.

No. 1579494


that's not knowledge, just a shitty guess, nonnie

No. 1579507

Her dream is to be on prep huh. She so misses her anorexic ways and now she finally gets to restrict again but this time around it's acceptable because she's a bodybuilder. I wonder how long her heart can take this kind of life. Aren't many bodybuilders' careers short because it absolutely wrecks their health, especially womens?

No. 1579514

She'd feel super validated if she got kicked out because she's SEED and just the best spoop ever to spoop.

No. 1579524

For Ganer it doesn't really matter as long as she can cling onto her idiotic daily routines like eating the same shit every time.

No need for her to get a real job outside a gym or find some decent boyfriend, as long as you follow your routine like a robot.

I don't even think that she regained her period.

No. 1579535

ham isn’t at uni, she (was) at college. doing one or two school level exams most likely.

No. 1579540

Throwing up after you’re dead drunk is a huge factor, yes

No. 1579550

the most retarded question. no, americans are the only ones who have summer break, lol

No. 1579556

>they're either lying about being anorexic or lying about being alcoholic.

No. 1579559

File: 1656870931527.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x2158, 9C4B2392-BF4C-4B80-B21A-41E20C…)

how is this helpful for anyone?

No. 1579575

It isn’t helpful at all, she just wants validation

No. 1579579

I'd love to know what she does to warrant this level of constant monitoring. She should post more.

No. 1579585

I'd hazard a guess it's headbanging and ligaturing. Ligaturing really scares the shit out of staff and forces them to put attention seekers on 2:1.

No. 1579602

“Hoe to occupy myself”

No. 1579626

"Oh woe is me..!"

No. 1579667


Dude.. Learn2sage

No. 1579671

"I'm constantly worried I'll gain weight" but that's why you're there though isn't it

No. 1579675

File: 1656879562748.jpeg (142.24 KB, 1170x554, 873B5E6B-B2F5-4E43-837D-676408…)

has anyone watched that live. im just v curious now

No. 1579703

File: 1656882184258.jpg (352.74 KB, 1080x2120, Screenshot_20220703-220125_Ins…)

I'm sorry what on earth?

No. 1579704

File: 1656882210661.jpg (256.7 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20220703-220127_Ins…)

No. 1579706

why did she post this?

No. 1579707

what a term for pooping

No. 1579711


Go to a doctor.

Ask them.


No. 1579725

Our pretty little flower fairy can't take a dump.

Now she's grabbing a handful of aTtEnShUn from her cOmMuNiTy.

No. 1579744

that's how you end up in the er puking up your own feces

No. 1579747

It’s the medical way of phrasing it. Often shortened to BNO (bowels not opened)

No. 1579791

Really porgie? Was this obese Bodycheck necessary or eye-appealing?

No. 1579792

File: 1656890174334.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1970, E977266F-7EB8-4842-B855-EC1354…)

For some reason the pic didn’t post

No. 1579797

ah the long-awaited bowel movement reveal

No. 1579799

Double post because I didn't notice a new thread had been made already. New fag here, why is ham considered a cow? I tried looking for the first time where she was mentioned, but I only found a screenshot of one of her earlier stories with no context.

No. 1579805

Find it absolutely hilarious she made such a big deal about her scars and showing her arms yet apparently only own tank tops. She is so OTT with everything it is pathological

No. 1579821

“Hi Little Fighters” makes me want to punch a wall every time

No. 1579878

It's painful to see these cows post these pics. They literally have nothing to do with their lives but sperg about their snowflake illness and take bad photos with the flash on

No. 1579896

Bleh blog post but you’re so dumb. No I don’t know the science or whatever but when I was at my lowest I was drinking alcohol every day and a lot of it and I still lost weight. Drunkorexia wouldn’t have a name if so many people didn’t have similar experiences of binge drinking and losing weight

No. 1579987

“opened my bowels”

No. 1579989

she’s faking anorexia for clout

No. 1579997

What the actual fuck is she thinking - you can literally see rolls on the land whales stomach .. does she think she’s “hot”?! Is she so deluded that she thinks she looks … nice?!

No. 1579998

She is faking recovery from anorexia she never had for followers.Desperate to be an influencer

No. 1580010

Oh my god her existence is just humiliating at this point. Is this what she wanted?

No. 1580049

I've never noticed porgie's dwarf arms before, they're so short her hands rest on her hips when she's stood up wtf? Is this is an optical illusion from the XXL mens t shirt she's wearing to look small?

No. 1580087

Think its because her arms are so big at the top it prevents them from hanging naturally

No. 1580092

She's just fat. That's how fat people's arms are.

No. 1580104

ngl this threads dry af without cece

cece we miss you

No. 1580106

I brought milk about Darcy but no one cared

No. 1580108

You better don't talk on behalf of others.

No. 1580125

They will have to take her to medical hospital. Constipation in patients on clozapine can literally kill them.
Fucking weird thing to put on the internet but also medically serious.
But also… it's a medication of last resort for BPD in the UK due to the serious medical implications. I would never consent to a relative being put on it!

No. 1580131

>You better don't talk
Go to bed young summerfag

No. 1580141

Her gut doesn’t even fit fully in the mirror kek

No. 1580150

It reminds me of when they (cows) were all calling reach other 'bean' or 'little bean'

No. 1580153

where should they be, on her knees? wouldn't that be monkey arms

No. 1580154

But we do miss her. Or at least her milkiness. No one else in this thread comes even close, unfortunately.

No. 1580182

My tinfoil about why Cece left is maybe because of that one psycho nona who posted the "joke" about her grandmother right before a gore spam and her family found out and made her private her accounts because they were disturbed and fed up with her getting posted here, just my theory but I'm probably wrong. I feel like that may have been the straw that broke the camels back though because she seemed to disappear around the time that happened.

No. 1580195

Could be. I've been tinfoiling it was some sort of ultimatum from her family or her team. I had wondered if her family threatened to withdraw some sort of financial support if she didn't delete it or if her team offered her one more chance to stay outpatient if she took it down (giving her more time to fast and BP her way to bmi 12 or whatever her goal is, and earn that angel flight to ACUTE)

No. 1580206

Normal people and family members would not put any stock in a 4 chan bullying site.

No. 1580208

It's delusional how much farmers think lolcow has any actual influence as if it isn't completely socially unacceptable and incredibly niche

No. 1580215


Yeah, this thread likely only has a direct effect on Cece. She was starting to freak out about the intensity of "trolls" (cowtippers… bag of dicks all of you, by the way) long before the family-posting asswipe.


The latter I can get on board with – she'd likely do anything that gives her a little more time to lose more weight.

My take is that she started (reasonably) worrying that some IG troll/cowtipper would contact her work, acute, her OP "team", her family, whatever.

No. 1580228

I doubt it as I agree this site is niche and not well known (thankfully). But Cece clearly knew about it and read. People here were saying truly awful things that went beyond the typical… she was doing complete cow behavior and very milky, but I’d break down too if I was reading these things about myself day in and out. I would assume she stopped posting because her online behavior was what was getting her posted here. Don’t post cow content, don’t get posted. But seriously, if anyone was cowtipping cece or anyone else, that’s not ok, keep it on here but nowhere else.

No. 1580240

Will they surgically remove the feces from her intestines if things go that far?

No. 1580242

Absolutely. Bowel obstructions are usually emergency situations, especially when you haven't "opened your bowels" in days.

No. 1580274

Y’all ruined it with the constant BMI sperging

No. 1580286

They'd give her one of those mega enemas and shit softeners they give out before a colonoscopy. She does this a lot, asking followers what suchamed does. As anon said, ask a fucking doctor. Omg I can't shit, everyone. Even though I'm trying to be anorexic with ensures. Course she's barely got any shit up there.

Ignore her melodrama.

No. 1580289

File: 1656955880313.jpg (161.27 KB, 720x1333, IMG_20220704_182916.jpg)

Oh look, spoopy drama boy made an appearance in May. The ~recovery~ is impressive!

No. 1580301


"I have distanced myself for various reasons from my social media pages where I talk about my eating disorder."

- Returns to his social media page
- Still looks like a ghoul
- Only talks about his eating disorder

No fake possible. That's got to be him..!

No. 1580367

File: 1656964366863.jpg (10.05 KB, 500x500, 31qJjr2ZdZL.jpg)


They will find a way, I'm sure.

No. 1580369

That’s her goal. So BPD even her bowel movements are ~all or nothing~ ..from not-so-accidentally shitting herself in dance class to…this

No. 1580400

That's actually beyond insane. I'm not easily surprised by the cows anymore but bragging about not being able to take a dump is sick on a whole different level. I can't imagine the kind of physical pain this whole situation would cause especially if you have to have a third party literally dig shit out of you, and this girl is out here talking about it as if it's a mild rash and asking for "advice".

No. 1580412

File: 1656967510618.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1154x2077, F1562733-746B-4135-A7A9-D8A00D…)

can someone explain Zaras family situation?
or if already talked link me the thread

No. 1580415

The way anons treated Cece without the slightest bit of mercy would have broken anyone. It was the same with Molly. Retards take it too far and ruin it

No. 1580417

we know she moved/ was kicked out a long time ago because she posted about living alone when she was 16. she’s had several jobs plus will have a student loan, so i assume that’s why she’s able to get away with being so deathly unwell without family having any hold over her??

No. 1580422

meh she definitely loves when it's being speculated and then later "proves" everyone wrong

No. 1580423

You're late.

No. 1580424

He actually does look a bit better than before. Just a little

No. 1580427

thank you anon, already knew these was wondering if anyone knew more details as all of these puzzle me

No. 1580428

is it even legal to kick out a 16-year-old??

No. 1580430

What a lousy family she has.

No. 1580436


Enough time has passed to give him the oppurtunity to make him look much better than that.

He's still the failed actor who wants to remain a skelly.

No. 1580460

scotland at 16 you can live alone

No. 1580462

scotland is a shithole

No. 1580492

File: 1656973592933.png (833.98 KB, 1828x704, anachan sperging.png)

as much as i hated her behavior, i have to agree. farmers cowtipped way too often and the attempts weren't even good, it was just to nitpick inconsistencies in her postings.

picrel added this time but in search of new milk / discussion so this thread doesn't dry up, i found an MPA thread called "I lurked moar" discussing lolcow and stumbled upon this OnlyFans anachan who shoops herself to death

No. 1580568

I think hate boner anachans are having trouble coping with the fact Cece is skinnier than them and thats why there is so much retarded BMI sperging and "cece isnt even sick" posts

No. 1580579


You're just going to rile 'em up with that kind of talk anon.

No. 1580585

Tbh she doesn’t even look that sick for what is definitely lower than her last bmi (less than ~13). I looked how she looks in her latest photos on her personal at ~bmi 14. Maybe it’s just cause she’s short?

No. 1580590

return to MPA

No. 1580591

I miss her unhinged tiktoks. People really need to stop cowtipping and clutching pearls about triggering content & young followers. The whole internet is a trigger. The internet is not mental-health friendly, nor is it kid-friendly. So parents need to parent their kids - yes, and their teens - or apps need to figure out a way of locking out underage users.

Anyway I saved some cece vids since I was sure she might delete them at some point. I'll upload some later because I kek every time

No. 1580601

we are having a cece day of remembrance where we pay homage to past milk. Gone but not forgotten

No. 1580612

Did she really shit herself on purpose in dance class?? This girl has no shame, wow. ANYTHING for attention huh?

No. 1580621

Agree and TIA looking forward to one last unhinged cece hurrah

No. 1580630

You guys, the obsession with Cece is just sad at this point. You saved her videos to watch in your spare time?? That’s so fucking weird…

No. 1580634

She’s gone but chances are it’s a very temporary gone. Cece is an addict, only her drug of choice is attention. She’ll be back as soon as her asspat withdrawals start.

No. 1580645

maybe unpopular opinion but if she’s posting on a private personal account, that seems fine. how is that cow behavior?

No. 1580646

She took too many laxatives and yes, she told everyone she shit herself at dance class.

No. 1580661

probably saved them as proof in case she denies doing some of that shit

No. 1580683

File: 1657000875940.jpeg (296.82 KB, 720x1280, A5C9BEDF-0666-41AB-B251-8A17C0…)

She is next level anorexic

No. 1580699

when did she get a sister

No. 1580702

Her account is so conflicting. She’s clearly very ill and mad about her ED, she makes helpful(ish) content most of the time but she still brags about how sick and mighty she is even though she knows it’s harmful. I seriously don’t get what’s the point in creating a recovery account while you’re dying just so you can slip a body check or something in between all the somewhat decent content. I know pretty much all of the cows do that but it’s especially baffling when they’re the chronically hopeless basket case that she is

No. 1580710

Personally I think flaunting your skeletal body to your nearest and dearest, the ones who love you the most and care about you and have tried to help you get well, is pretty fucking demented on Cece’s part. And the fact she works with kids and keeps getting into client-facing jobs then leaving due to her health. In any therapy, including speech, rapport with the clinician and momentum/consistency of sessions are important. All the treatment offered to her then she’s never meaningfully engaged with. She just is a cow, through and through, whether she has a TikTok or not and whatever her BMI is.

No. 1580739

It wouldn't be a problem if they blind weighed kids one at a time in a separate room tbh. Idk why they don't do that. It'd take longer sure but it'd minimise these sorts of issues down the line.

No. 1580747

Pretty sure that just makes her pathetic and sick, not demented

No. 1580752

She's holding an ed fund raiser and the guest speaker, talking about life on the other side of recovery is… Darcy…and yet shes sitting in hospital as we speak.would love to hear the speech.

No. 1580759

Agreed, making kids stand in line to be weighed in front of their mean classmates and making comments such as “you weigh x kilos, you’re too fat/skinny” is definitely completely unnecessary. No one deserves to go through this and I can see how it can trigger an eating disorder. That said, it still doesn’t excuse cow behavior and I’m sick of these anachans being just as triggering but somehow getting a pass just cause they’re sick and “need to vent”

No. 1580764

Cece day should be 18th of December, maybe.

Symbolizing her real BMI with the 18 and December (the 12th month), for her drama BMI.

No. 1580769

Cece’s obsession is getting old now

No. 1580771

Talk about being desperate for attention. People in hospital only post things like this to show oh I'm struggling so much. No-one in the community can help more than the nurses so just freaking ask them. She is another person taking up a bed and using the opportunity to pick up tips from other patients instead of using it to get better.

No. 1580791

File: 1657015009358.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20220705-095043.png)

Here's a little porgie Jr.
Toob pics all day everyday
Because she is just so spoopy and malnourished, despite being a perfectly healthy weight if not overweight

No. 1580839

At least stop telling people their bmi is a higher number than it is, that’s not ok and confusing for everyone, just leave bmi out of it completely.

No. 1580840

Kek. Are you pissed off because you're an amerifag or because you live in Boris land nonnie? Has to be one of them

Her mum couldn't be arsed with her shit anymore. Basically gave her an ultimatum of get better or get out. Luckily Zara's dad has a flat that is often uninhabited because he's a pilot, so she was living there alone pre-uni and now stays there when she's back home in Edinburgh

No. 1580851

Tomayto, tomahto

No. 1580872

Wonder how long she’ll go till ACUTE again

No. 1580874

I agree posting it online is frigging weird but…I don't think Laura is wasting a bed in psych or in a PD unit I think we can all agree that Laura in the wild is way more disruptive and just constantly being picked up by the police. Like… PD units in the UK are invariably shit and often don't provide the specialist behavioural therapy they are meant to but I think if she was let out then she'd take up way more resources that other people need (police attendance, ambulance, A&E etc!)

No. 1580910

does anyone remember that really big woman who was doing TT and counting the days of ed recovery and getting so much hate for it? anyone knows her username?

No. 1580915

@jaimie.weisberg TBH I feel bad for her, she claimed bulimia and BED, which are eating disorders, so it's correct to say eating disorder recovery. AFAIK she never claimed to be anorexic.

No. 1580916

I don't say this to be mean, I genuinely feel bad for her, but she looks like grimace. I wonder if weight loss surgery could help her. I had to block her from my fyp because seeing her made me not want to eat ever again.

No. 1580917

no i remember that. i wanted to see how she is doing

No. 1580929

She should have had therapy in the community. She escalated her behaviours after the Stacey Dooley documentary. I think she only got offered the placement she did due to this. Many in the UK with EUPD haven't been offered half of what she has and have suffered and taken up resources for a lot longer. Maybe she isn't wasting resources on the outside anymore but still there are people desperate for beds that can't get one that will actually use one for a positive reason rather than furthering their social media attention.

No. 1580934

Same as before but seems to have dropped the “eating disorder recovery shtick”. She posts mostly now about how cute she is which seems less like healthy self-esteem and more like a disingenuous attempt to get engagement. That makes me think that’s what she was doing all along with her whole “recovery” thing - just trying to get some attention.

No. 1580939

File: 1657034220331.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2278, AB9AD6BA-7C55-4852-BA44-51023E…)

who in their right mind would employ her??

No. 1580946

File: 1657034501878.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 9793981D-8DD3-46C2-8B59-D570FD…)

No. 1580954

I’ve been seeing so many of these. Why would they tell them? It just makes them feel bad for no reason

No. 1580957

She says she has already had one when she was younger and it didn't help. I don't understand how she managed to fuck up after the surgery so bad she ended up that big.

No. 1580959

So skellies are not allowed to make a living? Good luck to them trying to pay for groceries without a job

No. 1580966

Ntayrt, but really, she does look very unprofessional, also taking selfies at work, let alone as a medical receptionist is a pretty big no no. Not to mention she'd have skelly brain.

No. 1580968

Ok I didn't know she was a medical receptionist. That's a bit fucked in her state I'll give you that, but if she's capable of working then she should be allowed to work.

No. 1580976

File: 1657036943466.png (10.99 MB, 1125x2436, FDBFFF3E-B62A-4675-B1A7-3EA4B6…)

Jamie has been in “recovery” from bulimia and BED for over a year and is obviously still binging and eating enough to maintain herself because she’s just as big as she’s always been. I don’t feel bad for her because every other video she makes is some snarky bullshit where she acts like she’s better than everyone else. She acts so “confident” like “haha I’m owning everyone with my tiktoks!” when she’s not recovering one bit. She’s a cow just a BED cow not an anachan

No. 1581018

Not exactly a pro ana scumbag

No. 1581020

Cow tipping is both retarded and cruel

No. 1581026

Nah she’s not a pro ana scumbag but she deserves her own thread for the shit she pulls. Surprised she doesn’t have one already

No. 1581033

Someone please make a thread if you know how

No. 1581057

I'm in favor of including BED cows. Or creating a new thread for fat wannarexics and BED-chans. They both fall under the category of ED sperging for me

No. 1581060

You can live alone at 16 in some other countries as well but it's still illegal to kick them out. 16 is still underage. I guess Scotland is different. Or then they just don't care.

No. 1581065

rattle rattle, you're retarded if you think that's what bmi 18 looks like

No. 1581066

Maybe a new thread for BED-chans and wannarexics, I don’t think they should be here.

No. 1581068

No thanks. Can't they have their own thread?

No. 1581070

But then porgie should be moved to that thread as well lol

No. 1581080

I don’t remember her saying she got kicked out though. From what I’ve understood, I don’t think she physically left home, all I remember her saying is that she became medically emancipated and she doesn’t necessarily need to move out to do that. The family dynamics would have to be wild, yes, but I can’t imagine her parents - one of whom is a medical specialist - letting her run off while literally being on the brink of death. I also don’t see a 16 year old braindead kid that’s DEEP in anorexia managing to find an apartment, live alone in it and make a good enough living to be able to swing it. Anything is possible I suppose but it is very very unlikely and Zara really doesn’t strike me as the tough and independent power ranger that she wants to come off as.

No. 1581109

File: 1657047720800.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1978, B229E1F1-8710-4357-B21F-797BAF…)

embrace yourselves

No. 1581110

File: 1657047749299.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1765, 29F68785-FBE0-4E9D-94E4-A5CA76…)

and yes she still posts fake crying photos

No. 1581127

Looks like she’s got some bruises showing up - headbanging?

No. 1581136

Don’t forget Ham. A seperate thread for the outright fakers isn’t a bad idea tbh

No. 1581147

These are the people that I wish they would give Ozempic to instead of just anyone that wants it. She'd be fucked of any appetite within a month and she'd drop some fast weight. The drug makes you so incredibly sick that even off it, you're forced to make smarter choices. Not everyone gets sick from it, but it's common. Kind of a shit way to force yourself into better habits, but it works if all else fails.

No. 1581153

I wonder if Hannah has ever taken Olanzapine?

No. 1581172

I wonder what the uber sensitive cows would think about that bit of honest reality Hannah spilled here. She’s insufferable but at least she’s admitting to stuff that’s considered way too taboo to be discussed by recovery accounts

No. 1581174

sage and stop giving her ideas that she’s clearly dumb enough to try

No. 1581181

she’s not a receptionist, especially not dressed like that

No. 1581198

File: 1657054139146.jpeg (643.67 KB, 1170x1930, FEBD4383-4608-4FAD-8387-21547B…)

scotland you’re considered a young adult at 16. you can do a lot more than in other countries i think.

No. 1581199

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No. 1581206

File: 1657054463308.jpeg (665.27 KB, 1170x1743, EB8F2928-0608-4F09-BF71-513542…)

No. 1581212

She didn’t even try in the PD unit she was just in and they only put you on 2:1 and segregation if you’re violent. She takes the piss.

No. 1581236

File: 1657057052519.jpg (107.47 KB, 845x600, shite.jpg)

No. 1581244

She truly does! She is completely wasting the resources and as I stated before I doubt she would have been offered anything inpatient if it weren't for the documentary. Now she clearly loves the attention so will act up in anyway possible to make it seem like she were always the one featured that were truly struggling. That's why she answers questions asking if she were the one in the documentary, also posts links and things. Even in that you could see she wanted the attention, how she were dressed and at one point she had a little smirk on her face. Most in a 136 suite would be kicking off but not Laura she were well enough to talk coherently

No. 1581296

>creating a new thread for fat wannarexics
>falls under the category of ED sperging

slow down there nona. incase you forgot, this thread has thrived off not only anachans, but the attention-seeking wannarexics who try to emulate them as well. an ED sperg is an ED sperg. tomato tomato.

now if it was a thread for just BED / deathfats (ie. tess holiday, nikocado, etc), that'd be a bit different.

No. 1581300

Olonzapine makes you gain weight right?

No. 1581303

If you rent privately you still need a guarantor to sign your lease who is generally your parent unless you can find some other adult to take that on for you if you are under 18. She's not in council accommodation or has her own mortgage so…
She'll be in student accommodation term time and home in the summer, that's probably why she's with her sister and presumably working at her mums GP practice.

No. 1581310

>>1581300 It increases appetite more than most meds and often leads to weight gain because of this. That’s why they often give it for anorexia.

No. 1581318

It increases appetite a LOT and tanks your metabolism. People put on it for bipolar or schizophrenia can go from a normal weight to Jaimie Weisberg in the worst cases

No. 1581326

It's what Niamh (not tiktok bodycheck Niamh from recent threads, the other one Noodles4Nooodles) was on. She was posting toddler sized portions while going from spoopy to weight restored within a couple months and later admitted to binging daily behind the scenes. It seemed to work out for her though, she seems to have stopped binging and actually recovered. Lately she looks amazing and is putting out some actually good recovery content. Another who graduated.

No. 1581407

could that maybe be why laura hasn’t been posting any current photos of herself like all her posts now are throwbacks and old photos

No. 1581408

ah sorry forgot to sage

No. 1581475

zara isn’t under 18 tho. she’s almost 19 if she’s done a year of uni.

No. 1581520

Don't recommend that shit it'll turn her brain to mush. See what happened to Laura. Antipsychotics shouldn't be prescribed to people who don't need them just because they have some side effects that can cause weight gain.

No. 1581523

didn’t she live in hospital for a good portion of the time between ages 16-18 or whenever she went to uni?

No. 1581581

File: 1657092060381.jpg (218.54 KB, 1080x836, Screenshot_20220706-171025_Ins…)

Ok so it seems i just accidentally deleted a 3 part post. Sorry if its a repeat.

This person has been pissing me off for ages but today's post has tipped me over the edge so I'm sharing… This is her user profile (2 more pics incoming)

No. 1581585

File: 1657092230668.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.88 KB, 1080x1599, Screenshot_20220706-170835_Ins…)

This is her… Spoiler for partial nudity


No. 1581588

File: 1657092288452.jpg (345.96 KB, 1078x1424, Screenshot_20220706-171001_Ins…)

This is one of her poor clients. Who looked absolutely fine to start with and she has just fed her insecurity and disordered eating/exercise.

Also take note of who follows/likes

No. 1581589

What I dont get is that its widely accepted seemingly everywhere but in the UK that people with BPD should not be hospitalised, and if necessary only for very short periods…and yet in the UK theyre put in hospital for years on end. They have zero chance of getting better.

No. 1581602

It’s insane how a HEALTH focused account is promoting an unhealthy weight. Sure, she looks toned or whatever but are there any real people of average intelligence who think that’s a healthy and sustainable body to strive for? Accounts like these feed into eating disorders more than anything and I don’t understand what this girl gets from that other than a few followers and poor health. Of course all of our inspiring anachans are following her, I bet they all think they can hack “recovery” and still look like that because she pretends to have a healthy relationship with food and perfect life. It reminds me of Alice the superspoop who’s “thriving and doing so well in recovery” right now. Unless that’s her natural body (which it most certainly isn’t given how much she’s obsessed with talking about how to maintain it), there’s no way you can eat like a normal healthy person and have 0.2% body fat. It’s just so harmful for no reason

No. 1581604

Her bio says she’s recovered from BED, so she was definitely (way) bigger than she is now. Makes me wonder how she managed to shed off every last healthy pound in a “healthy way”

No. 1581605

File: 1657095354703.jpeg (1.08 MB, 750x1196, 9CDEBA29-077A-403A-9BED-EEF96E…)

“a way to health”

No. 1581611

File: 1657095867361.jpeg (740.46 KB, 750x1180, 91E9EF13-0462-4410-870C-32F6EF…)

I would never take nutrition or fitness advice from someone who looks like that. Some people go to ACUTE looking like that

No. 1581613

That lumpy body looks post-menopausal, it's so rare for someone to look good at that weight. The body is falling apart, it isn't 'health'
>and yet in the UK theyre put in hospital for years on end.
driveby comment but I randomly stumbled upon an account yesterday from a guy who was briefly sectioned for being autistic, just a typical star trek loving shitfit throwing autist male, UK have no idea how to treat mental illness imo

No. 1581615

That reminds me of that girl… Ive forgotten her name. Claims AN ONLY as a mental illness plus autism but has been sectioned for years on end in psych wards apparently for her autism?? Im sure she is lying in many ways but thats the story she has maintained. Does anyone remember her name?

No. 1581616

File: 1657096818638.jpg (892.01 KB, 1078x1362, Screenshot_20220706-183925_Ins…)

Bullshit she eats all the things she posts. This on its own would have more calories than she could eat in a day to maintain that weight.

No. 1581617

File: 1657097034054.jpeg (145.02 KB, 750x969, C8D8D491-B489-48DC-9F96-5F659D…)

Wait till you see her glands, they’re giving me major n2f flashbacks….

No. 1581618

File: 1657097106384.jpeg (168.83 KB, 750x1027, F3B8960A-9C07-4C53-A1F5-1054FD…)

Part two - I’m not sure what’s going on with those weird lumps but wtf

No. 1581619

yikes, looks painful

No. 1581622

File: 1657097517664.jpg (1.2 MB, 2048x1556, pixlr_20220706184946141.jpg)

I call bulshit on BED… Had to be bulimia, look at her 2015/2017 pics

No. 1581623

File: 1657097546943.jpg (2.84 MB, 1011x13119, awaytohealthy.jpg)


Yes, it's the same "feed your body" and "but then spend five hours in the gym afterwards".

Her Insta is an endless barrage of food bowls and bikini shots on some beaches. What a shallow, ugly mind.

No. 1581625

Sweet potato ice cream and banana sushi rolls. Now thats living.

No. 1581626

ive read a newspaper article few weeks back saying that they lock up autistic people in units for year not knowing what to do with them. Theres a mum on TT whos autistic daughter got section few years back and she is fighting to get her home

No. 1581627

I saw a horrible case about 6 months ago with an autistic girl but I believe she had AN. she wasnt in appropriate treatment for her autism and her mum was fighting super hard to get her moved but in the end she committed suicide, on the ward. The uk mental health system is a shitshow.

No. 1581628

At least she won't have to care about contraception any more.

No. 1581631

it sounds so grim but yeah. there are many anas who aren’t mad about it either and they don’t care that it’s a huge red flag indicating how much they fucked up their own bodies

No. 1581633

I can’t imagine living with the sole purpose of paying for heaps of food, cooking it, purging every half hour, working out with zero energy, and taking half-naked photos so that I can post them and convince vulnerable girls that this is the way to live.

No. 1581641


No. 1581647

No not smorven… Anna is ringing a bell? She also go super overweight recently.she doesnt post much. She would get community placements and instantly try to off herself but say that she wasnt suocidal, it was a logical deduction to do so due to her autism.

No. 1581653

Was it Kat someone?? If so she got moved to a medium secure I think. Made a huge deal out of her ‘severe’ AN but was never spoopy or anything, she’s overweight now

No. 1581660

Agreed. I also think that some ana-nonnies are just afraid to lose half of the thread to fatties and lose their thinspo source, but then you're forgetting about the original point of these threads

No. 1581671

File: 1657107366006.png (5.17 MB, 1125x2436, 6B79B2D2-EFB0-4C58-8A97-90906B…)

Speaking of Smorven, what in the pro-ana bone rattle is this Insta pfp?? Is she demonstrating that her legs can fit into one leg of these shorts that could be any size? Why make this your profile picture in the first place?

No. 1581675

Who knows, she didn’t even admit to having an ED for ages despite bed blocking every EDU semi-local to her. Is she still pratting about in hospital (or is that a stupid question)?

No. 1581699


No. 1581701

Well what do you think anon?

No. 1581702

You can still get pregnant when you’re underweight. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3632206/
Anachans, please use protection.

No. 1581704

Why does the UK love to lock people up…?

No. 1581711


Must be a really nice feeling to have a starving baby growing inside of you. Hats off.

No. 1581712

clearly but it looks so bizarre, it's like there are a few separate lumps. not sure how much time you need to spend with your mouth stuck in the toilet for that to happen but it sure is a lot

No. 1581713

all the work of the human body to preserve the species and for what

No. 1581719

celebrating your eating disorders on twitter, yay

No. 1581737

is there any chance someone to be purging but not have swollen lymphs?

No. 1581752

I think handsfree purgers don’t have noticeable, swollen lymph nodes.

No. 1581761

I'm pretty sure any consistent vomiting causes swollen glands. So if its purging through exercise or chew/spit I don't think they'll have swollen lymph nodes.
But any puking will do it

No. 1581767

That's herself. It says "1-2 is me then clients" in the caption. Her clients looked much better and normal, healthy.

No. 1581768

sooo… is cece in acute yet? didn't she say they might have her a bed next week if not sooner, and that was like a week or more ago already

No. 1581770

what are you saying, using your hands causes your lymph nodes to swell? Usually its the salivary glands that swell not lymph nodes anyway in purgers.
Lymph nodes swell due to infection or cancer generally, and they are part of the immune system.
Salivary glands produce saliva, which you produce lots of when you throw up and are part of your digestive system.
How clueless are people here that they don't know the difference between their immune system and their digestive system.

No. 1581782

I mixed up salivary glands and nymph nodes; don’t get your panties in a bunch.
>what are you saying, using your hands causes your lymph nodes to swell? Usually its the salivary glands that swell not lymph nodes anyway in purgers.
No, what I’m saying is “handsfree” purgers purge without initiating the gag reflex. The gag reflex is what triggers your salivary glands to swell.

No. 1581784

it's genuinely not known why the salivary gland swelling happens (you can google it and see that there are papers trying to understand it) but it's thought to be more related to increased saliva production, etc, so it's not really about the way you induce vomiting so much as how much you vomit

No. 1581788

It's not the gag reflex that causes them to swell, generally they swell the more saliva you produce.
The more you throw up the more saliva you will produce (bodies natural response in order to dilute the low pH stomach acid you bring into your mouth).

No. 1581792

File: 1657126367056.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1125x2067, 1B9C4F91-5C9C-43E1-91B7-5BF569…)

“You don’t need to be in treatment multiple times to be validbrags about going multiple times ridiculous

No. 1581811

three words - "fascist nanny state"

No. 1581838

Thanks for correcting me, nonnas. Interesting stuff.

No. 1581880

some people’s just aren’t that noticeable so technically yes but if they’re vomiting then their glands will definitely swell up to some extent be it noticeable or not

No. 1581943

It also depends on how often they do it, not everyone purges after every single meal. Nourish and this weird influencer girl clearly do, though

No. 1581959

File: 1657135756215.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x2125, A2E8EB1F-B9A7-4EA6-B94B-75E575…)

those poor friends that have to keep up with her meltdowns

No. 1581966


Says "Lunch is good".

Shows Blue Butterfly, a pro-ana symbol.

What a moron.

No. 1581972

Is it just me or does she look a bit better

No. 1581977

Take a closer look at her arms in today's video and you might change your mind pretty soon, nonnie.

No. 1581982

I think we'll never know because bloodthirsty anons drove her off the internet.

No. 1581984


They need to just release her into the wild

No. 1581987

File: 1657137154007.jpeg (214.5 KB, 1080x1325, 34r8tbh.jpeg)

Ham had a photoshoot with a scale at a store today. There were 9 photos with the scale and probably way more on her camera roll.

No. 1581989

Too bad, must be the lighting

No. 1581992

Imagine how fucking annoying it must be having your 25 year old friend asking you to take a photo (post meltdown OFC) holding an empty plate every.single.time. you go out as a group?

No. 1582007

File: 1657138202727.jpeg (364.09 KB, 1080x1325, 1657137154007.jpeg)

No. 1582011

Kek, was just about to post this. The thought of ham posing in the middle of b&m holding a scale while her mum snaps pics is so fucking funny to me.

No. 1582032

File: 1657139942602.jpeg (641.79 KB, 828x1013, 2ED789EE-2B67-40E6-8DA5-8E974C…)

Cece is going to the hospital Monday

No. 1582054

Did she say if it was Acute or just "the hospital"?

No. 1582056

Hopefully she bought them so she can see her weight and realise its time to stop the recovery larp

No. 1582079

Imagine you aren't a person that is able to go out for lunch every day (or even once a year) and then you treat yourself to go out, eating something nice and that adult woman is sitting on the neighbour table, crying about some crumbs of bread or whatever, that would totally not ruin your mood and that one special occasion you saved every breath for to be able to afford.

No. 1582115

So proud of herself

No. 1582117

she genuinely looks elated

No. 1582119

Do share the caption anon

No. 1582127


She won't stay there forever.

Hurr, hurr.

No. 1582155

According to Fi, she's been eating pasta every single day for the past week - totally her own decision, no input from her team - in the hope it would be enough to get her out the wheelchair - no luck yet, apparently her physical health is still too dire, but she was "allowed" a chair-free day out in London.

She's so full of shit. Absolutely nobody is enforcing this wheelchair rule - she is in the community, and choosing to use the chair as and when it suits her - mainly she seems to have it on hand when she wants to pose for photos to prove how sooper sick she is. If someone's physical health is so compromised that they rely on a wheelchair, they can't simply decide to take "days off" where their health magically improves to the point that they are able to spend the day walking around London. She doesn't need the chair and nobody is forcing her to use it, as she claims. It's entirely her decision, and she's choosing to use it for attention.

No. 1582189

This exactly. "Allowed" a "day off" by who? Anyone can order a wheelchair and use it as a poor me prop

No. 1582213

She looks like she wants to eat it

No. 1582216

yet again she looks soooo damn pleased with herself

No. 1582238

File: 1657152899837.jpg (416.05 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20220707_011147.jpg)

Oh Porgie! Still desperate to flaunt the toob at every opportunity, proudly ensuring her favorite accessory is visible in every selfie, despite it being totally irrelevant! I actually feel embarrassed on her behalf.

No. 1582298


kek, of course little ceseedlia got in an extra couple of weeks to BP/adderall binge to lose weight.

Also love that she bought a new wardrobe to show off her fleeting low weight.

No. 1582307

Jesus Christ, that forehead will need a hospital room of its own

No. 1582317

why on earth does she even have a tube (maybe i’m missing something idk i don’t follow her)

No. 1582318

File: 1657158227335.png (64.54 KB, 456x278, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 9.42…)

major fucking kek that this anorexia larper felt the need to share this on her public account

No. 1582319

File: 1657158248745.png (185.15 KB, 482x460, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 9.43…)

this was Taylor, pic attached

No. 1582320

File: 1657158356464.png (49.66 KB, 445x236, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 9.45…)

trying to pretend that her body is so, so damaged from her eating disorder when she's looked the same amount of obese for years

No. 1582358

File: 1657160983406.jpeg (797.88 KB, 966x1275, 39D0E80A-C28C-40A4-8D03-2F7136…)

i’m genuinely so confused how she manages to deteriorate and get spoopy so fast

No. 1582360

this cow is probably the one i find most annoying when mentioned in this thread. obvious BPDchan completely wasting resources for years just to get some asspats on the internet. (and for anyone who wasn't aware, she has been doing this for years). there are people who truly want to recover, or at least want to try take a step in the right direction towards a normal life, but get shunned away because of people like this, wasting time. sorry4sperg

either she's using mad filters or her skin has gone completely gray. way to prove the h8rs and booliez wrong!

>chair-free day off
this girl's entire life is essentially a day off, kek

No. 1582362

Cece wk here, annoyed because you idiots have been complaining about her weight loss for months and yet constantly contradicting yourselves saying it’s “fleeting.” Make up your fucking minds

No. 1582363

Yes! And she refuses to admit she ever did anything to end up in secure.

No. 1582393

File: 1657163925165.jpeg (1.45 MB, 3222x3222, 2E887220-4697-4C43-AC2B-F43D77…)

The weirdly disguised into tiktoks body checks have begun again

No. 1582396

Pretty sure she just straight up doesn’t eat? No idea how her parents haven’t forced her into something legally, since otherwise she keeps getting kicked out of treatment

No. 1582407

Why the fuck has this one been in a wheelchair for what, a year now?? The twins, Paris etc are UK and aren't forced to use a chair? How can anyone enforce it outpatient?

No. 1582434

wtf… why would she want to tell that to everyone

No. 1582437

It's more then one person posting here… anons have different opinions. Personally I think the Cece bonerattling is ridiculous. Anons bonerattle her way more then the other cows because they don't like her. she is very underweight.

No. 1582443

Wouldn't it be hilarious if she and Cece both go to ACUTE and get certed to ERC at the same time? I'd love to see these two cross over kek

No. 1582446

Even full weight restoration at the residential level didn't work for her. Unless she lied and never reached her goal, but idk why she'd lie about that. I feel like unless her parents somehow force her to stay in res until she's been weight restored 3+ months to let redistribution happen and have her brain catch up she's doomed. Seems like they're loaded, but that's a long ass time in res. Eventually they'll give up on her and let her spoopily haunt their house making tiktoks like Paris.

No. 1582451

I think her ED started and she went to treatment the first time in her early teens, so she just got into a cycle of eating very little to nothing unless someone is literally forcing her to.

No. 1582463

The no sleeves are definitely a flex. What happened to her being freezing all the time?

No. 1582470

Katbeatsanorexia. She is still in a hospital. She has severe autism. The highest level there is apparently.

No. 1582471

Disgusting. A fat porker with no shame.

No. 1582478

what the fuck is this

No. 1582479

she must be one of those stereotypical anas who just don't eat at all

No. 1582481

the beauty of recovery, duh

No. 1582484

Right, she posted a couple of tiktoks where you could kinda see her body right before she was discharged and she definitely didn't look weight restored. Her face looked really bloated though, which is why I bought into the bullshit. I'm also not sure if they would fully weight restore her right off the bat given the weight she went into acute with. In my opinion, they were probably going for only slightly underweight and I don't think she'd be able to handle anything else. But then again, she didn't even handle that so who even knows what's going to happen to her.

No. 1582485

someone needs to give her a lesson on how to be a believable recovery influencer cuz that's just creepy and disgusting

No. 1582486

She's in medium secure though, which isn't the highest level there is. Unless you meant she's the most autistic that someone can be? Because she's not non-verbal and used to live independently in Iceland, so you'd be wrong on that point, too.

No. 1582496

Do u need to wear a tube All day or is it just during feeds

No. 1582506

The tube is put in once and attached to the feed whenever it is time

No. 1582513

She looks so fucking ugly

No. 1582551

Caption please!

No. 1582586

File: 1657191278397.jpg (869.42 KB, 1079x1874, Coyyoccoy.jpg)


No. 1582589


Losing weight =/= being at a weight.

This particular weight is fleeting because she just got to it this summer knowing full well she will be "forced" to gain during her IP holiday.

No. 1582600

>>1582486 nta but when will you autists learn to recognise sarcasm

No. 1582614

Kat were the one that posted a few years ago now that she had the highest form of autism. I remember at the time people stating that she had lived in Iceland and could communicate but she replied something about even that doesn't mean she hasnt been diagnosed with the most severe form of autism as everyone is different. Think she probably had BPD but denies it.

No. 1582621

It's funny that there's a trigger warning in the text BELOW the gross photo that you see FIRST.

No. 1582625

nonnie are you seriously gonna drop this here without the most crucial nugget of info? which hospital? us cece freaks are frothing for details.

No. 1582626

It’s summer, what happened to you whining about her wearing a sweatshirt in every single post here?

No. 1582632

i get the feeling that it might be cece behind these posts

No. 1582636

ayrt i had that same thought as I was posting.

No. 1582640

I too think it is Cece herself. Altho she doesn't want to be posted hence deleted her whole 'recovery' acc, she couldn't resist showing us her lw before going ip. If it was a farmer they would have included the caption or at least more info.

No. 1582652

File: 1657204321995.jpeg (194.35 KB, 828x1410, 17EE1496-3CFF-4F25-8F88-9D098B…)

Her parents tried to go through with a guardianship before she went to college and spooped out last year.

No. 1582654

File: 1657204398277.jpeg (212.9 KB, 828x1309, F26077EA-A8B9-4AEA-AD2B-7F282B…)

The thought of this….she’s damnnn lucky she has a roof above her head and her parents don’t kick her the fuck out of their home like what 1/2

No. 1582659

File: 1657204559546.jpeg (232.83 KB, 828x1382, 47AD2F59-BBC6-4940-8C49-A641D7…)

2/2 completely unrelated but I hate bitches that make their crusty white dog their entire personality

No. 1582664

File: 1657204750192.png (9.88 MB, 1170x2532, A6B07C1D-DBC2-416B-8F92-29E62E…)

ok this is ridiculous

No. 1582666

From my understanding ERC is one of the centers that goes for full weight restoration ASAP, but maybe they make exceptions for superspoops

No. 1582667

Lol you really think Cece cares about attention from some anonymous teenagers? Get over yourself

No. 1582681


No. 1582690

Yeah ERC really just weight restores as fast and unsustainably as possible then discharges you ready for the revolving door. I’m not surprised at all by momsfave’s relapse.

No. 1582710

You idiots always think I’m Cece, when in reality I’m just sick of you clogging up the feed with this nonmilk

No. 1582711


Anon you're a genius.

No. 1582717

Cece calls people she doesn’t like teenagers, as seen on her vid getting mad at “teens” for saying she shouldn’t be on tiktok lmao, so it’s def her

No. 1582727

Um. Yes actually. Given that she has public accounts on Instagram and tiktok and that mentally ill teens are her primary audience. It’s a fact that Cece loves attention.

No. 1582735

im speechless with this one

No. 1582743

While I do think farmers raiding Cece's culled personal account is a little out of pocket I don't doubt she may be self-posting these snippets with no captions. As for ERC they don't take pity on superspoops. The goal is always ideal body weight, but some get their cert dropped for cooperation still at low bmis

No. 1582747

She deleted all that. Pretty sure we scared her off

No. 1582748

If Fiona is medically unstable enough to need mummy and daddy to wheelchair her everywhere why does she get days off of it? Why not just park close to the shops or add to her snack

No. 1582753

Farmers bullied her off the internet almost entirely and still aren't satisfied. Cece pisses me off as much as the next cow but it's beating a dead horse (kek). She should be able to have an account for friends/family/irls.

No. 1582756

Wow deleted a whopping three days ago or something, so impressed cece, this definitely isn’t just another form of her attention seeking theatrics and I’m sure she won’t be back in a month kek

No. 1582765

It’s funny how if it were up to her and she wasn’t receiving all this hate here, she’d probably still be prancing around like a retard for teens on TikTok and posting thinly veiled body checks

No. 1582771

It's less that you're wrong and more that sometimes when farmers don't know when to stop beating a dead horse the milk is entirely wiped off the map (think Molly or Nik)

No. 1582782

Kek they can do a tiktok dance together

No. 1582791

They can't. She uses it as it suits her agenda

No. 1582805

Whatever you say crazy eyes

No. 1582816

File: 1657213541385.jpg (428.84 KB, 1080x2281, Hole.jpg)

Very a la Cece. No one is forcing them to see providers

No. 1582831

File: 1657215053364.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1284x2228, C9B30322-6514-4FDB-8817-138433…)

Yep, katbeatsanorexia

No. 1582838

Disagree, Cecelia is a 30 year old woman who posts pro-ana content on even her personal non-“recovery” accounts. She’s just as bad as any predatory adult even if she’s not directly grooming kids. She knows her audience is mostly adolescents and other immature, mentally ill adults yet she continues to post very inappropriate things. BPD chans like her should not have social media at all. If she wants to communicate with her family and meatspace friends, she can do what normal people without social media do and call, text, mail, or email them. Social media is not a requirement for life.

No. 1582841

I've never understood why cows whine about their "teams" online. Don't want to have 3 meals 3 snacks? Stop seeing the dietitian

No. 1582846

It's not a requirement for life, no, but it always feels like this is taken too far when thread subjects end up not even being able to operate a very small account for irls. A private account with 300 odd followers does not an influencer make.

No. 1582854

Only if they can handle it without posting body checking selfies and whining about being sick all while looking for asspats, which Cece clearly cannot do.

No. 1582857

This is ridiculous. She doesn’t have any adolescent followers anymore, and she’s allowed to post what she wants for her handful of friends and family just like anyone else. Your singular obsession with nitpicking her is embarrassing

No. 1582870


I mean, nitpicking is kind of the point of this forum.

Sure she's "allowed" to post whatever she wants to whomever she wants. As are all cows. If it's retarded, or if they have a history of other retarded content, then we will nitpick.

No. 1582886

Farmers nitpick. They bully. They say mean and unfair things. Such is life.

No. 1582952

What’s more embarrassing is random people like you trying to reason with literal bullies hiding out in an anonymous forum. Go live real life

No. 1582960

Or find a slightly more ethical gossip forum about your problematic thinspo faves. Honestly kinda surprised that doesn't already exist. Unless it does and I live under a rock

No. 1582965

Take her over to the did thread. This doesn’t belong here.


No. 1582966


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1582970

she is anorexic though

No. 1582978

File: 1657226334478.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x2040, 5B02B8B7-E0F6-44D0-BB0A-5B6117…)

I know we knew Hanna was lying about her shooping fail… but proof she was not editing out her little brother between her legs.

No. 1582981

that doesnt proof that she didnt shoop. she just made the excuse

No. 1582988

Then post content relating to proana, not did

No. 1582990


Sometimes visitor rules are flexed in exceptional circumstances. Not defending the obvious shoop, just that it's -somewhat- plausible for a kid to have visited despite it being against the rules.

No. 1582991

It isn’t trying to say she wasn’t shooping, it was supposed to be pointing out why her excuse doesn’t work (and that she was shooping).(sage your shit)

No. 1583000

I feel like I lose brain cells making eye contact with her. She just looks extremely disconcerting here.

No. 1583017

Late but do you really think a grown woman making thinspo for tiktok is not trying to get attention from teenagers? The Cecelia whiteknights are so fucking deluded.

No. 1583018

Never. Cry about it.

No. 1583036

This exactly. You can't reason with anons. They're hateful, vindictive, and petty. Cope.

No. 1583082

That dog is cute, don't bring dogs into this. You clearly have never owned a dog.

No. 1583176

File: 1657246494435.jpeg (1.29 MB, 828x1333, 65C015FE-6236-49F5-8D92-5C7A85…)

Found this girl on my explore page. Super skelly, raw vegan, yogi. I’m sure all of her followers are skeleton fetishists because all of her comments are “You’re so beautiful!” and not “I’m worried.”

No. 1583177

File: 1657246515112.jpeg (843.35 KB, 828x1415, B2AEBDC9-273E-4A23-9DF7-022E50…)

No. 1583178

File: 1657246546328.jpeg (1.17 MB, 828x1372, DA4BDBDF-797F-4ABC-ADF3-0E553C…)

No. 1583180

File: 1657246661978.jpeg (874.55 KB, 828x1401, 10BE77AD-6F2D-418C-A42A-36217B…)

“Wheelchair to wheel pose”

No. 1583187

>"you're so beautiful"
>that face
Skelly fetishists take whatever they can, don't they.

No. 1583214

She is a beautiful girl, I don't know what you are on about. She is a raw vegan too-even better.

No. 1583217

Are you being sarcastic

No. 1583218

Kek ok Peta chan

No. 1583222

You sound retarded

No. 1583230

see an ophthalmologist
Crypt Keeper Anne of Green Gables is not a good look

No. 1583262

File: 1657255121991.png (6.04 MB, 1170x2532, 59F13E59-226C-4069-86E7-F556C1…)

Nikol sperging about her recovery weight gain again. Russian means “I don’t care what you think of me I love myself”. Good for her I guess

No. 1583264

She looks so much better but knowing her, she’ll drop back down in a few months. She’s very extreme.

No. 1583268

File: 1657255569586.png (4.51 MB, 1170x2532, 919760F6-CA9E-4667-8C08-6EF41C…)

Nikol cont

No. 1583269

File: 1657255599046.png (4.22 MB, 1170x2532, B6C0DC1A-BA54-4ED7-B1F6-0AF1FA…)

I’m not done yet there’s still more but kek

No. 1583271

File: 1657255655415.png (1.75 MB, 1170x2532, 8521B6B4-CDC8-48D7-BB1B-916E5F…)

She’s had enough with the skelly fetishists I guess

No. 1583272

File: 1657255683196.png (2.04 MB, 1170x2532, EFDE3D20-8253-4AD4-94A0-87674F…)

No. 1583273

File: 1657255711037.png (3.08 MB, 1170x2532, 8BEBB584-8F6E-461C-8D24-B171E8…)

No. 1583274

No, Nikol. We followed you because you’re fucking insane.

No. 1583276

Or ya know, purge everything you eat. We can’t all have bmrs of 10000 like you, Nikol.

No. 1583289

She's so unhinged. Did she recover like anon said or did she just have a binge cycle

No. 1583290

Thats the point. Now that shes actually spoopy she's showing her arms.

No. 1583299

She's so wildly delusional. I have been wondering if she might be autistic. Not as a negative dig, its just that over time she's really shown to have no ability to see anything from any other point of view than her own and is very factual (in a deludes way).

No. 1583300

I guarantee it’s a binge cycle, it’d make a lot of sense if she’s spending some time gaining weight and eating food so she can eventually go back to being bone thin

No. 1583311

it proves she shooped, i think that’s what the other anon meant

No. 1583312

I’ve seen her on my explore page before, I’m pretty sure she deletes all the negative comments pointing out what a disgusting fraud she is

No. 1583315

Some of the things she says can actually be considered helpful but goddamn this person is next level unintelligent and just deluded. She’s either trolling for attention, she’s actually pretty dumb or legit has autism like one of the anon said.

No. 1583328

Good for her? Wasn’t she binging the entire time?

No. 1583351

Fucking hell.
That was fast.

Any ideas for a new threadpic?

No. 1583373

File: 1657273658572.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1277x2259, 4A502B34-5B44-4448-94D3-FDEFAA…)

She definitely is unable to consider others’ perspectives.
But here she is showing a rare amount of self-insight at least—

No. 1583376

File: 1657273829486.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1275x1873, D3B9F7CF-EAAF-435E-A0BF-D2D5ED…)

Swedish Sophie is still flaunting her ‘accidental’ facial bruising

No. 1583377

File: 1657273850470.jpeg (751.13 KB, 1274x1479, A1AED296-8A97-4ADA-9B43-8B0EE4…)

No. 1583380

It just looks like she was punched in the face. I really hope that she's telling the truth and she actually fell and hit her face or that she passed out and hit her face.

No. 1583386

Must be a purge extraordinaire with that puffy face though

No. 1583396

File: 1657280278742.jpeg (757.63 KB, 1170x2299, 11025523-6846-4E2C-9D58-328DC1…)

possible new cow?
her whole page is basically body checks.
claiming recovery but is obsessed with the gym and even posted some fdoe with calories

No. 1583397

File: 1657280315695.jpeg (484.34 KB, 1170x2294, 09238770-A6A2-43CD-8C59-E9F0BA…)


No. 1583398

File: 1657280675611.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.28 KB, 1080x1786, Screenshot_20220708-214227_Ins…)

Fuck me, nikol is actually going to die from this.

No. 1583400

Holy fuck. I can’t imagine the pain.

My only question is, how hasn’t she gained more weight? Surely she should be at a higher bmi if she binges daily without purging, right?

No. 1583419

does nor realize that this is actually like… really really bad? anorexia side effect or not, she should see a doctor

No. 1583420

File: 1657283261247.jpeg (201.88 KB, 1170x714, F10E7706-A2EA-4E00-8311-BE471D…)

new thread pic submission

No. 1583423

If she’s actually not purging then it’s possible that her metabolism sped up really quickly after she went from eating nothing to everything. I’m not sure how much it makes sense medically but it’s definitely a thing, it’s kind of like hyper metabolism but not as extreme and more long term. So she’s probably still gaining weight just more slowly. But I’m honestly not buying her act of eating sO mUcH, it might just be normal amounts and she’s getting bloated to the most extreme extent. You really can’t know with Nikol

No. 1583426

File: 1657283551723.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1459x1095, 3D09294D-4EBD-4C8A-9936-3B9DE2…)

Nah a long-time headbanger who denies it

No. 1583427

It’s kind of depressing that there’s only 4 cows these days… (and Fi isn’t even that interesting lately so 3 and a half)

No. 1583428

kinda brilliant, nonnie

No. 1583429

I know it’s disorder and all but I will never understand how a person can purposefully deface themselves like that AND post it on the internet for some sick attention

No. 1583431

i miss Fi, does she only posts on yt?

No. 1583434

File: 1657284207143.jpeg (209.71 KB, 1170x694, 9AC4F9C9-9CC5-4E5F-9162-200747…)

lol at that answer.
more like “Fi fights back”?

No. 1583443

How do you get bruises under your eyes from headbanging?

No. 1583444

I love how in the far right middle photo she has blurred her whole face except for the headbanging mark.

No. 1583445

File: 1657285213847.jpg (108.2 KB, 959x556, heatwave.jpg)

Holy moly. Guess she doesn't give a shit about gaining weight or is she just severely dehydrated?
Either way mom and dad should kick her bony ass.

No. 1583457

I wonder if they’re squishy

No. 1583459

This can happen a lot even with people of a healthy weight, especially if it’s really warm outside bc the veins bulge more towards the skin. This is next level though and she knows it.

No. 1583467

the less fat you ve got the more they show despite the weather

No. 1583470

…because you’re banging your fucking head? Bang it hard enough and you’ll detach a retina, oops.

No. 1583496

it's different, i like it

No. 1583507

She hasn’t gained a damn pound since she left the hospital. I think she’s just purging and that’s why her face looks like she has.

No. 1583514

File: 1657297155040.jpg (261.44 KB, 699x1244, Screenshot_20220708-101350_Ins…)

My friends are struggling to pay for gas and housing their families working 2 jobs while Eugenia is buying Louis Vuitton with what she makes off age play anorexia fetishism. What a world

No. 1583515

File: 1657297231889.jpg (145.4 KB, 720x1168, Screenshot_20220708-101353_Ins…)

Also for the animal lover she is, she should know Louis Vuitton is not kind to baby calves and minks. They use a lot of animal hides in their products

No. 1583520

Like she cares. She doesn't even care about her followers one bit.

No. 1583521

File: 1657298281156.png (5.59 MB, 1170x2532, 4C946A05-F501-446F-9E76-058B20…)

Nikols story video talking about how bloated her face is whilst looking like a literal skeleton, and then she posted another recent video of her face with more fat in it talking about how she “loves how humans look because she can usually find something beautiful in it”, and how vulnerable she is for posting this because she’s the ugliest person in the world and no one else should feel insecure because of that kek

No. 1583537

First time I’ve ever felt a little sorry for her. She must be so deeply unhappy to be the way she is. She looks horrendous, as always.

No. 1583543

Wow. If there wasn't a thing called "corpsecore" yet, then there is one now.
Open a subreddit, stat!

No. 1583546

Of course she purges or cheats otherwise. Why else would her appointment days be so 'stressful' all the time? She doesn't meet her weight target and I'd place some bets that she's the only one who knows the exact reason why.

No. 1583578

Brilliant and original, thanks anon

No. 1583590

File: 1657306363286.jpeg (692.75 KB, 1125x1982, 8EC2DC99-449C-4648-A051-9B6D28…)


No. 1583591

Who posted it

No. 1583596

File: 1657306865504.jpg (473.37 KB, 900x817, ganarexia.jpg)

Telling us that she would "nevvah evvah, evvah go back to anarexia".

Yeah, nice to know.

No. 1583602

Also wants to become a pRo bOdYbUiLdEr.
That's one fine way to ruin your body, gorl!

No. 1583604

File: 1657308299104.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1151x2077, FDC9B730-23DB-49AF-BE6F-E991C7…)

que relapsing

No. 1583608

File: 1657308609130.png (359.35 KB, 585x585, ganerguy.png)


She's already starting to look like some dude.

No. 1583610

File: 1657309077914.jpeg (572.63 KB, 1170x1983, B0E83542-817B-4EDC-9236-84920B…)

No. 1583612

Fucking god this is so ugly

No. 1583613

I'm not trying to sound harsh I actually really like Ganer, but how is this any different from anorexia for her? She's fixated on her body, her meals, losing fat and keeping it low. She's still going to destroy her body and hormones but with body building instead of starvation, but all of her time and energy is still going into her body weight. It's literally the same thing.

No. 1583618

Squandered her law degree to pump up some useless muscle. That's what I call a failed career choice.

No. 1583619

She did, on her secret Ed account

No. 1583622

File: 1657309659684.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x2116, 3277B063-1643-4B38-A73B-983935…)

No idea if anyone even gaf about her now but Kwashiorkor, really Zara?!

No. 1583625

Funny how she's making the conscious decision to post the answer knowing it'll trigger people

No. 1583626

File: 1657310073001.jpeg (137.27 KB, 1194x138, fu.jpeg)

Of course not. Who in his/her right mind would get that idea? What a well-nourished girl you are.

No. 1583628

File: 1657310120504.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1170x1818, 13190340-229B-4C97-94EE-7B3F96…)

Another miserable vegan that’a “recovered”. Her cheeks say not

No. 1583632

I feel bad for people like her who have clearly given up and chosen to live with their eating disorder forever and just be in denial

No. 1583637

File: 1657310495112.jpeg (1.61 MB, 3222x3222, 2005C2C8-8052-4D22-8CF5-2871FE…)

No. 1583639

Another fancy medical term to throw around and prove that she's the sickest of them all but it's not her anorexia, of course, it's just other stuff that helps her stay spoopy.. oops! I meant prevents her from reaching her goal of being a healthy queen

No. 1583641

Wow, she was actually stunning. I wonder if she realizes how much her looks have degraded

No. 1583643

She's not a vegan retard, what do you think goes into the testing for all the makeup she uses daily. Are you new? How is this milk?

No. 1583647

Kek if things were that dire she’d have been ina hospital getting re-fed. No one is going to let a child manage that process in their own. And yes she may be 18 but she is still very much a child with an underdeveloped brain.

No. 1583648

The first víctím of anorexia is natural beauty, it seems.

No. 1583649

File: 1657311059220.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.88 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_20220708-101359_Ins…)

She must be proud of the emaciated fanart of her

No. 1583650

She's a lousy, narcissistic hypocrite from back to front. That's the main point.

No. 1583653

I don't feel bad for her. She comes from an absolutely loaded family and has had a shit ton of treatment. She chooses to be this way and acts like she is better than everyone else because of it. She's just a manipulative brat

No. 1583654


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1583655

>bottom right pic
damn dasha fell off

No. 1583661

lo and behold, alice has commented on some of her videos. it's hilarious how these fake recovery bitches publicly hype each other up to make them seem more credible

No. 1583663

Maybe share the account?

No. 1583665

She posts inadequate WIEIAD's and TONS of bodychecks. A classic

No. 1583671

Just get it over with and spam this shit thread until it breaks.
Too much fucking selfposters around here, and that means YOU, COW.

No. 1583673


No. 1583684

So point out the hypocrisy faggot, her using a non vegan bag when she's not a vegan or an animal right activist is not hypocrisy, are you retarded? Newfags are seriously fucking wet brained or something.

No. 1583693

stfu vegan ass bag

No. 1583697


Kill yourself.

No. 1583715

Kek, this is amazing. Each one could be by one of them irl.
"Too much negativity" right under Cece's trying-to-look-holy face send me.

No. 1583736

File: 1657319019473.jpg (59.66 KB, 552x552, ugh.jpg)

First world problems

No. 1583791

File: 1657323252511.jpeg (Spoiler Image,512.79 KB, 828x1037, 09130CDE-C25F-42C5-A60C-A30754…)

No. 1583792

File: 1657323279501.jpeg (Spoiler Image,355.86 KB, 828x1271, 5D0C460B-E463-4EC0-B898-8B28CE…)

No. 1583794

Never heard of getting “gifts” before treatment by coworkers…

No. 1583795

Poor thing wanted to be momsfavdisappointment level so badly but she’s only at the very edge of being spoopy

No. 1583798

Interesting that she posted this on her personal account but it looks exactly the same as a post to cece lives. Like she knows it’s gonna get posted here cause ‘I’m going to Denver acute in 72 hours”

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