File: 1466016638618.jpeg (84.97 KB, 607x642, image.jpeg)

No. 141890
File: 1466016913473.jpeg (66.64 KB, 512x1020, image.jpeg)

Oh right, she showed up at a Jimmy Choo anniversary event and got a free keychain, but other than that she hasn't been doing fuck all except taking selfies at Bravo's office.
No. 141894 found a portfolio video she made in September 2013 for bravo which might explain how she managed to get work after her big reveal and after she stopped dressing kawaii. No idea why bravo never put it on their website though- oh wait duh, it's a candid video, silly me.
Real talk though it's kind of shit as far as a portfolio video goes. She looks terrified and stiff, and the full body shot at the end is awful, she overstuffed her bra so much that her tits grew 3 full cup sizes between the first and last half of the video. Not only that the black sweater she wore makes her look super wide and doesn't show off her figure at all (which for her might actually have been a good idea since we don't know when she started packing on the pounds, she's been ace at keeping unshooped candids of herself out of circulation for the most part).
No. 141897
>>141896 Sorry, no. That's too accurate to her real face and body to be "a quick de-shoop". Not to mention it's more anatomically correct than any other de-shoop of her that's been posted before.
Why is it so impossible for some of you to believe she looks like a flabby bag of assholes IRL? She does. That's what happens when you don't take care of yourself and get a hairstyle that looks like shit on you.
No. 141901
File: 1466020827352.jpeg (47.84 KB, 449x338, image.jpeg)

>>141898We have photo and video proof that it is.
She looks like shit when she's not in control of the lighting/doing her own makeup. Face it, she's not as ~kawaii~ as she wants you all to believe she is. She's basic as fuck and the more she ages and tries to have a mature/casual style the more she's going to start looking like Cathy.
No. 141903
File: 1466021323560.png (733.72 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Japanese-speaking anons, I need your help.
I'm kind of a fledgling Kamen Rider fangirl so I was browsing Twitter looking for mentions of Taiko and I came across a tweet mentioning him that has a screenshot of the bedroom video with the cherry blossom filter Dakota posted on her Instagram. I tried to use twitter's built in translator but of course it' just gave me unintelligible garbage. I wonder if the poster is trying to imply or asking if they live together or that he stayed with her? Pic related. No. 141905
>>141903Had a friend stay over so I slept well yesterday for the fist time in ages.
I've been living on my own since I was sixteen, so I never noticed before, but I think you sleep better when someone you trust is nearby.
It's weird.
No. 141906
>>141901True. But this still isn't a candid from the JC event, unfortunately.
Hopefully there'll be some candids of the event she'll be at this weekend. Can't wait.
No. 141907
File: 1466022259216.png (227.32 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>141905>I've been living on my own since I was 16Sure, Kooter.
Thank for the translation though, but could you take a look at the tweet and see what it says? Anything explaining the screenshot of her Line blog?
No. 141908
File: 1466022331801.jpeg (79.86 KB, 640x450, image.jpeg)

>>141907And here's the other pic of Taiko's tweet that was quoted in the Bangohan tweet. Sage for double post.
No. 141909
File: 1466022558164.jpeg (250.42 KB, 600x431, image.jpeg)

>>141906Since you're too dumb and/or lazy to give deets I guess I'll do it for you. Protip: that shit is just as annoying as that asshole that keeps posting moonspeak screenshots and assuming everyone else can read them. Which is probably you, let's be real here. if you can't be arsed to post even a TL:DR; then don't post at all. Either learn moonspeak or don't, stop trying to casually imply you do without actually doing it.
And before anyone asks, no, I can't read it either. I pulled this from her Line blog.
No. 141910
>>141907Meanwhile, because of appearing in the Junon Boy Grand Prix* Kamen Rider, there are more otaku and also an increased sense of familiarity, and it looks like Endo-kun can't stop implying that Dakota Rose is his girlfriend.
He made a trip from Kyoto to Tokyo for a shoot and then back to Kyoto. Hmmm~
*I assume that makes sense to relevant parties?
No. 141913
File: 1466025933570.jpeg (30.67 KB, 300x400, image.jpeg)

>>141911Me too anon, I never thought she was gonna be able to make a living off modeling, at least not legit modeling without a SD or husband in the industry. I mean come on, not to insult her, but she's just not model material, and she's too bland and introverted to be a tarento. She'd do well in gravure/softcore though if she stayed with the kawaii stuff.
No. 141914
>>141909It looks like some gathering to make young people engage in politics more. I can't read everything, but the entrance is free.
I am not quite sure Dakota is qualified to talk about politics in a country she isn't even allowed to vote in. But hey, how else are you going to attract teens if not with their favourite model.
No. 141915
File: 1466026152589.jpeg (92.44 KB, 640x813, image.jpeg)

>>141914>their favorite modellol no. She's not relevant with teens anymore, most of her fans are older men and women or girls who used to like her 2012-2013 era but are indifferent to her now.
No. 141918
>>141912Shit, my bad. I wrote the wrong name.
Whatever that Taiko kid's last name is. I'm not familiar with this whole situation/people and I'm too lazy to look up the reading for his last name.
No. 141922
File: 1466028650171.jpg (7.34 MB, 3332x3132, 55874443_p0.jpg)

This just popped on my Pixiv feed, apparently the artist got paid for it.
No. 141923
File: 1466029085213.png (38.33 KB, 200x182, Minshinto_Logo.png)

>>141909Top right corner logo - event associated with Democratic Party of Japan (民進党/Minshintō).
Not even one of the two leading parties - but they would choose somebody who's more relevant, of course.
No. 141926
File: 1466030726631.jpg (64.23 KB, 640x640, 12599412_973577802696525_10459…)

>>141925We only have these from the babyfang reception party with side parting.
No. 141927
>>141926Dude on the left looks like an Asian DJ Qualls lol
>>141909>>141914>>141923That's… Weird. Maybe it's some attempt to get younger people interested/informed in politics? But then how the hell does Dakota, a foreigner, fit in there? She isn't a citizen, can't vote, and doesn't even care about her own career/pot belly much less Japanese politics. This looks like a sad attempt to get her face onto any event they can.
No. 141930
>>141922this is uncanny-valley tier
I feel like this is how Dakota would shoop herself if she could get away with it, the artist definitely played off've that
No. 141932
File: 1466037063646.jpg (94.52 KB, 500x688, fb.jpg)

>>141931as if she could do digital art this well
No. 141934
File: 1466043459280.png (115.02 KB, 190x353, image.png)

>>141929>she's not that fatlol you sure, anon? She's a chubby rectangle wearing a short, low cut black dress against a black backdrop and her lack of a defined waist
does make her look a bit like a sausage. Those chunky thighs and cankles don't help either.
No. 141943
>>141889Actually made me wheeze
I can predict in a few years koots ends up preggers and her and Audrey fighting to throw their hafu children on the modelling market. It'll be a case of "mi child looks more dolly den urs"
No. 141945
File: 1466089211298.jpg (56.16 KB, 500x442, tumblr_m0ibdjnR9z1rp3lmco1_500…)

No. 141947
File: 1466096361976.png (287.04 KB, 581x532, fb.png)

>>141942there's a clearer picture of her somewhere but i couldn't find it. this is her (on a disney ride) honestly I think all she has is Dakota's bulky ass jaw that she tries to hide so much. it's a prominent feature on both of them.
No. 141948
>>141947I also see nose and lips and chin.
Kooter has same wide mouth and and pointed nose.
No. 141949
>>85744 which I stumbled upon while looking for something here, but it's not a frontal shot.
No. 141952
File: 1466099550795.jpg (48.19 KB, 604x362, 7iGwKHl1S2Y.jpg)

No. 141956
>>141955no she doesnt.

No. 141957
>>141956Yeah she does. The makeup, whatever they tried to do with it on her, obviously isn't helping but she is a little chunkster. Idk any other 13-14 year olds that have back fat like that who are skinny.
Jfc, I know a lot of farmers are lazy couch potato skinnyfats who get
triggered whenever someone calls Dakota flabby but
she is. And she
choses to be, just like everyone else who would rather sit on their jiggly butt endlessly browsing lolcow and YouTube than get up and do even a basic living room workout. You're mad because you hate yourself for being lazy but that's nobody's fault but your own. Just like it's nobody's fault but Dakota's that she has no friends and can't be seen without photoshop. She's an adult now and old enough to just drop all the fake photoshop bullshit and just be real and work with makeup and hairstyling to make herself look better. We know she can do it, she just choses not to because hiding in her apartment and pretending she's something she's not with her excessive editing is easier.
No. 141959
>>141957kill yourself.

No. 141969
>>141966It's obvious to anyone that her IG photos are shop'd to hell and back or at least to anyone with half a brain.
It's just her brain-dead fans that believe she actually looks like her photos.
No. 141970
File: 1466200538547.png (97.34 KB, 217x256, image.png)

>>141969I don't think anyone actually
believes she looks like her shoops anymore, just that her fans are all super desperate little weebs who think they can achieve the same free ride to Japan that she did if they just do the same stuff she did, I.e. Overexposing and blurring out your selfies, using Japanese tags and tags like #livingdoll #kawaii and the like.
No. 141972
File: 1466214766110.jpg (275.72 KB, 1726x940, kek.jpg)

>>141953 and
>>141970 is such a joke. Dat after effects.
No. 141974
File: 1466217759692.jpg (366.78 KB, 3000x2044, Roger-Ebert-Net-Worth.jpg)

>>141972>>141972OKAY BUT HONESTLY?
No. 141979
>>141977Kek from what little I've seen of her tv appearences she speaks and shuffles around like a totally normal person so she's trying to get away with looking and acting completely different
>Dakoos thread just bums me out now>>light bulbImagine her pulling a magical 180, truthful and honest, starts posting her real face on insta going all 'I'm done pretending' and making a video of her I'm the exact setting and lighting of her other ones but NO after effects in which she opens up about her past life and crazy family and her need to shoop. Become relatable and get sympathy and shit, jump start a new different image etc etc
(It would make sense in the states but idk about japan)
It's probably the least likely thing she'll do but it would still make a cute ya novel.
No. 141982
File: 1466245637313.jpeg (71.08 KB, 536x800, image.jpeg)

Came across this blog on tumblr with dakoots old shop name and it in japanese… Everything on the blog is similar to her crappy jewellery and style she used to latch on to so badly. I wonder…
No. 141983
File: 1466246214173.jpeg (132.03 KB, 750x618, image.jpeg)

She's being super vague in her captions about where she was, and what event it was. Probably too scared people will dig up candids. lol
No. 141986
File: 1466246429073.jpeg (266.85 KB, 1225x1633, image.jpeg)

>>141983Her fucking lips, lmfao
Can't she at least choose a lipliner that matches her lipstick?
No. 141989
File: 1466253321215.jpg (40.4 KB, 399x300, 20160618-00000132-nksports-000…)

I've only found two candids so far and they're both very crappy quality. One is only of her chin, so I won't bother posting it unless you guys want me to.
No. 141995
File: 1466260254882.jpg (54.48 KB, 557x861, image.jpg)

>>141992Cho kawaiiiii desu ne!!!!
No. 141996
File: 1466260353825.jpg (86.45 KB, 1150x864, image.jpg)

>>141992When it was her turn to speak she covered her chin with her hand the entire time kek. Good job Kota, I think you fooled them.
No. 141997
>>141995Look at this and this
>>141983 topkek
No. 141998
File: 1466260677035.jpg (166.73 KB, 996x1184, image.jpg)

She looks totes the same. You all are just jealous haterz!!!
No. 142004
>>142002Her face looks like the villain in a disney movie on this video.
But I think she was frowning so much because she had no idea what people were talking about.
No. 142005
File: 1466264211455.jpg (148.16 KB, 959x1200, ClPeoIRVAAA8TJq.jpg)

No. 142006
>>141993Holy fuck she pissed me off so much in this video. There's one part where she says if she became prime minister she would increase the animal shelters, but she only cares about cats and not about the dogs. She literally said that the other day she saw some stray cats and started crying, but if it was a dog she wouldn't cry or care.
Seriously if she "loves animals so much" wtf is that. Why is a white girl in a discussion about Japanese politics in the first place?
No. 142009
>>142004If it was about something political than she was probably think what does it have to do with her. She can't vote in Japan nor America. They probably thought since she was american, she would have some insight on politics.
I don't Blame her, I would had been bored too.
No. 142011
File: 1466265861169.jpg (20.48 KB, 300x210, sLpTRAF.jpg)

>>142006sorry, I agree with her. Dogs don't even have brains.
No. 142013
>>142006Look at the other girls answers tho.
One free ice cream a day?
Have sales every day with an all you can eat pass?
Buy one thing that everyone really wants?
Smh these girls are as dumb as cardboard.
No. 142014
>>141995I'm pretty sure she had some work done on her face (apart from lip fillers). How did she get her eyes to be that big? They were smaller before. Her jaw is quite different too.
Anyways, she looks good here but very different from her previous candids.
No. 142016
>>142013to be fair they probably wouldn't even be allowed to give serious answers because they'd face criticism from netizens, so they have to say cutesy stuff. they are just models anyway.
Dakota's answer was still pretty bad though, so tasteless.
No. 142021
File: 1466276781934.jpeg (43.06 KB, 346x540, image.jpeg)

>>142020Shes trying to be a mix between miranda kerr (popular with the japs) and gemma ward but kota is too short and stubby
I think she hopes some high top fashion designer sees her and picks her
No. 142035
>>142034I also think it's the hair.
The eyes are just circle lenses; the jaw looks more balanced in relation with the rest of her face when her forehead is not covered by bangs.
No. 142037
>>141993She has this really bitchy arrogant attitude which is pretty toned down compared to her preteen self but it's amplified to the max as cuntiness when she's in a Japanese setting.
>doesn't write in Japanese for her cards (trying to be a special snowflake? It's quite rude that they ask her to write a sign to show everyone… but she insists on making it a challenge for everyone to read just for quirky girl points)>uses "doubutsu sheruta-" for animal shelter, which is incorrect>Girl next to her politely asks what "sheruta-" is>Kooter, instead of realizing "well shit, I guess not every english word can be katakana'd up" has a totally OTT reaction of "EHH? you dont know shelter? and explains as if she's talking to a 5 year oldThen the unnecessary blabbering about how she'll cry if she sees a stray cat but FOR THE RECORD won't cry if it's a dog. And just since I'm on a nitpicking roll, literally why? Stray cats can fend for themselves and are fed religiously by grannies. How is that sad…?
No. 142040
>>142037Also seriously what the fuck? Cute girls have to act retarded (let's have sales everyday! everyday icecream!!) because of social obligation and chat with middle age guys who have to act like they're interested at all in this event and aren't instead counting the seconds down until they can sweet talk one of those girls into sleeping with them for their next Y-list level gig? For the sake of the girls I hope it pays well.
Normally I would be shocked that an event as bland as this drew any sort of crowd, but hey it's Japan. Absolutely can't understand weebs who strive to be famous in those circumstances. Rose-tinted glasses on for damn sure.
No. 142042
1. the comment was obviously sarcastic
2. Yes dakota shoops herself to hell and back, but she's not an ugly girl.
you need to relax.
No. 142046
>>142044not that anon, but a 4/`10 is ugly lol.
>If she wasn't old /cgl/&lolcow's kawaii princess of Japan nobody wouldn't be calling her cute.this makes no sense, wtf? /cgl/ and lolcow are the people who don't like her, not the ones calling her cute.
No. 142047
File: 1466310036355.jpg (1009.22 KB, 846x2001, fb.jpg)

just saying
No. 142055
>>142053To be fair, even veteran entertainers can come under heavy fire for becoming political, so I can see why they might have held back.
Plus, it's Minshintō, who don't do that well in the polls, so they're probably trying to get whichever Z-listers will reply to their e-mails to appear.
No. 142060
File: 1466351187819.png (194.32 KB, 407x374, Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 4.53…)

>>142059She definitely did something to her lips. They are so dramatically different from this picture.
No. 142061
>>142059wtf is with that lining
looks like kota forgot to wipe her lips after drinking chocolate milk
No. 142064
>>142060She got actual lip fillers a while ago but her top lip is so thin you can barely tell unless you look from the side so she still draws them like this anyway.
>>142060>>141996>>141986Well, looks like she finally took off that some over ring she's been worsen 24/7 for the past year and a half. I wonder if there's a reason?
No. 142065
>>142064>some over*same old
Jfc autoshit
No. 144437
File: 1466359850147.png (98.24 KB, 377x333, fb.png)

>>142064stop making shit up. just like her lips are grossly over-drawn now, she used to want them teeny tiny and would re-draw them thinner. In this pic
>>142060 it's just a combo of mushing her lips together and drawing them smaller like pic related
No. 144443
>>144437We're talking about her top lip though. She added filler to her top lip.
>>142060 looks considerably thin. She always shooped her lips regardless.
No. 144448
>>144445What are you talking about? It's obvious her top lip is thicker than all her other photos. She's always had a thin top lip.
Someone else even posted a picture of how much thicker her top lip is now then when she first arrived.
No. 144453
>>144448there only thing that's obvious is that she draws over her top lip like a clown. unless you're talking about her shoops, then sorry to tell you it's just a shoop. in this pic on the right
>>141998 you can see her real lip under the pencil liner, and it looks the same size as always. if you're comparing when she got to Japan to now, then see here
>>144437 she used to draw her lips thinner than they were. ofc they're going to look bigger now than back then.
No. 144454
File: 1466361577015.bmp (253.62 KB, 465x186, 1465183033604.bmp)

>>144448I'll just post the picture instead. Obvious fillers are obvious.
No. 144455
File: 1466362040463.gif (129.28 KB, 402x558, fb.gif)

>>144454compare pics where her lips are overdrawn and where they’re not. that’s genius anon. unless we take the liner off.
No. 144459
File: 1466362574595.jpg (98.7 KB, 507x337, fb.jpg)

>>144457I was literally sitting here with this pic waiting for you to say that lmao. people's lips go forward when they talk, notice how in the other two pictures her mouth is closed and in the "filler" one she's talking?
No. 144500
File: 1466376291452.gif (4.21 MB, 600x337, nsVhE8h.gif)

>>141953this fuckin' video still always makes me cackle. what is that sweater?! it reminds me of Monica's beige bad news outfit from Silicon Valley (pic related)
No. 144501
File: 1466376331044.jpg (39.07 KB, 500x290, pinhead.jpg)

>>141953>>144500and don't get me started on the hilarious yaoi proportions it gives her
No. 144502
>>144457Exactly this. Her top lip is sticking out the way every lip with fillers would. Sure, when speaking lips go forward too, but not like this.
>>144455You probably failed to notice that even if you remove the lipliner her she still has a duck lip which she didn't have before.
No. 144511
File: 1466382096218.png (442.22 KB, 476x602, Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 01.2…)

Sorry to derail but we got another model shoop expert on our hands
This guy benny harlem is going viral apparently he's shooping his body and hair bigger
No. 144512
File: 1466382160760.png (264.6 KB, 501x505, Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 01.2…)

No. 144523
>>144502It literally looks the same silhouette as the first pic on the left in
>>144454 ignoring the closed/open mouth difference
No. 145670
File: 1466397646255.png (67.93 KB, 328x150, crease.png)

She used eye crease glue to make her eyes appear more open. Notice how her eye remains creased when closed.
No. 145722
>>144454She did NOT get lip fillers. Whoever made this comparison is an idiot. The angle in the last picture is completely different. Notice how her lashes are sticking out in the last picture. And she connected the highest points of her top lip with lipliner so you get the illusion that she has full lips.
So many comparison pictures of cows and snowflakes are taken from different angles and lighting and people are too dumb to see it.
No. 145726
>>145688Same here.
If I was her I'd probably do that… then get back into Youtube and being a bit more open about things. Possibly start vlogging and blogging? Earn money and go to fucking school. I'm sure this bitch has enough money to go Bunka if she pulled her finger out. Get a fashion degree or something, go make a clothing like. I'm sure they'd be happy to have her.
But nah. She'll marry for visa and end up just standing around on tv shows awkwardly.
No. 145735
>>145722I'm a filler fag myself.
She got fillers.
Get ova it b.
No. 145787
>>144454idk why but i think she lost weight too because relative to her cheeks, the rest of her features stand out more too. like her chin and eyes and nose are all way more prominent.
maybe she didn't lose weight from the rest of her body. but aging makes you lose facial fat.
she looks older now too.
No. 145790
File: 1466440531187.png (140.11 KB, 366x297, 1440563831827.png)

No. 145946
File: 1466456083869.png (128.65 KB, 314x278, 1464635988495.png)

>>145841Uh, are you retarded?
I wasn't saying she was aging in a bad way. She looks better now than she did at 18. Just her face was chubby at 18, she obviously lost some facial fat because that's what happens as you get older, and age, unless you have weird fucked up genetics.
She looks better with less facial fat, her features look more pronounced. Aging has been a good thing in her case to anyone who is normal/not a pedo. When she first came to Japan she looked like an awkward teenager and now she looks like a nice-looking young lady.
Dude you're fucking psychotic and you need to seek help if you automatically assume aging is a bad thing. Talk about projection…
No. 146026
>>145957I was on some bands page and found this twitter account. don't understand why so many people like this.
No. 146056
File: 1466476500929.png (125.57 KB, 275x244, 1440647101562.png)

>>146002No dude, that's eye glue, it's so obvious.
Besides she's has plenty of pictures out there without this perfect line.
No. 146060
File: 1466477287255.jpg (76.08 KB, 403x645, tumblr_n0uwc4GFR91sq4va7o1_500…)

Don't know if anyone's seen this, but this was a good look for her imo.
No. 146099
File: 1466496532826.jpg (22.67 KB, 599x336, wink.jpg)

i agree
>>146061exhibit A. pic attached
No. 146183
File: 1466524132822.png (519.76 KB, 700x520, Eyelid-Glue-Demo-3.png)

OMG this is silly, has anyone seen someone wear eye glue before? I'm guaranteed her eye closed "relaxed" will have a crease because she uses Eye glue. Its so common in Japan.
No. 146191
File: 1466527505113.webm (19.5 MB, 297x220, Kotakoti_Asian_P1.webm)
Some vintage Kota, if you guys are interested. And there's more in the Kiki thread.
No. 146192
File: 1466527573596.webm (15.64 MB, 324x240, Kotakoti_Asian_P2.webm)
No. 146194
File: 1466527733612.webm (10.19 MB, 470x384, vid-2446411.webm)
Dakota as a Persian.
No. 146195
File: 1466527772164.webm (15.11 MB, 320x240, 10i5t2d(1).webm)
No. 146198
File: 1466528074618.webm (13.88 MB, 320x240, gh.webm)
No. 146544
File: 1466608190259.png (458.62 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>146530Here! Didn't bother to crop my bad. I have no idea what the fuck she's saying though, someone get on that
No. 146547
>>146544boyfriend/Kiki/Bravo Manager: You were in my dream, Dako-chan.
Kooter- No way! What happened? lol
BKBM- You had short jet black hair and said "Arina, don't forget me!".
Koots- That's crazy! lol. Wtf is up with that line?
BKBM- I cried when I heard that.
No. 146560
>>146547There's no way that's Kiki. She doesn't know Japanese and she definitely can't write in Japanese. It would be so funny to hear a convo between Kaka and Taylor. It would all be ohayou and arigatou kek.
Maybe it's her friend Yula?
No. 146624
File: 1466624378767.png (946.97 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>141888I think there was a wild Koots spotted on one of my press releases today..
No. 146669
File: 1466629475804.png (298.4 KB, 1493x1077, Cihdu_9dwhu.png)

>>146547>>146560It's this girl. That's why it say "Arina, don't forget me!"
Koots liked this tweet:
"I frequently dream of Dako-chan"
No. 147095
>>146669Of course Kota would like any tweet that's about her.
I bet past-Kota would've gotten grossed out and reply with something like "GEH, keep me out of your pedophile lesbian dreams"
That's a hilarious quote to imagine Kota saying though, very fitting.
No. 147101
>>147071>almost 5 yearsare you retarded? she went there April 2012 and April
just passed 2 months ago lmao it's barely even been 4 years
No. 147299
>>147071This is so bitter and fake
any one who isn't even 1% retarded can tell that Dakotas japanese is great
No. 147432
File: 1466713380722.png (312.61 KB, 750x479, Kotakoti_quotes2.png)

>>147263I was mostly joking due to her past phrase from a compliment (and why I said "past-Kota") anon
No. 147467
>>147299It's good, conversational, better than most weebs I'll admit but it's not "great". It's adequate. Tbh she doesn't write or say enough that isn't generic repetitive crap she always says about herself or general chitchat to accurately judge her Japanese ability. She can get around by herself just fine probably (or not, every time she leaves the house she has someone to take pics of her so
shrug). her Japanese is
fine but it's nothing to get butthurt and defensive over.
No. 147625
File: 1466765776548.jpg (236.35 KB, 1200x1200, ClsflbpUsAAgw1c.jpg)

Someone seems awfully busy.
No. 147711
>>147625Se looks so awkward and misplaced standing next to another person. Her posture looks like she halfway decided to pose for the pic but then just let her arms dangle there. I'd expect better posing from a ~model~ even butterface Instagram thots know how to pose for pics.
>>147647>>147648>>147653I feel like the sweater pics might be latergrams of pics she took while it was still sweater weather because wearing what looks like a wool knit sweater now is insane unless she's going everywhere in a car with the A/C on blast and runs inside as fast as possible. But this is Dakota so probably the first thing. She's been very reactionary to the things we're saying sbout her on here lately and we have been pointing out how she's not doing anything and only taking selfies. This could be her trying to prove us jelly haterz wrong.
No. 147767
File: 1466807800653.jpeg (126.86 KB, 640x987, image.jpeg)

The caption says she's doing a fitting for a fashion show today, so maybe she's doing another catwalk show for this same designer. I still can't believe this pic was taken today or yesterday though because it's been in the high 70s/low 80s and humid all week.
Also lol @ people here saying her Japanese is so-so and now she's kanjibombing just like Kiki used to.
No. 147771
>>147625>>147767She looks so…
Why do people hire her again? It's not like there's a shortage of Japanese speaking white weebs in Tokyo to choose from.
No. 147777
>>147741what if she shooped new pictures of her face onto older pictures of her with people
No. 147782
File: 1466812252625.jpg (246.38 KB, 1200x1200, CltbGK1UoAA1Kw4.jpg)

She went to the hairdresser again.
No. 147795
>>147792This. It must have been taken by someone else, so she hides her chin when she can't shoop the pic herself to shave it off.
>>147767>>147625>>147777>>147781That's exactly what she did. That's why it looks so weird where her chin overlaps the turtleneck and why te lighting on her face doesn't match the lighting on her shoulders/bust.
I guess we'll just wait and see if this designer does another catwalk show and if Dakookoo is in it.
No. 147808
>>147798No it's not. This is a meeting with a designer about a fashion show (supposedly).
>>147797On her own she's plain but cleans up nice, she has the ability to be so cute, she just choses not to because it's easier to just lie and shoop. Which is why nobody cares about her anymore.
No. 147831
File: 1466827562282.jpg (16.51 KB, 351x319, kota4.thumb.JPG.63fa9e070894ce…)

>>147815every time she spoke she covered her chin.
No. 147836
>>147830True she already lies about it (like the time she claimed her circle lenses were here real eye color and they're not), but she couldn't get away with lying about plastic surgery the way she can with shoop.
Maybe if she'd had it done before she started going on TV she could, but not now that everyone has seen her face. Nobody in Japan cares about her shooping, everyone does it. Japan has a real late-90's approach to the internet and photo editing often to the point of ridiculousness, which is why Dakota was able to stay there after the big reveal. Nobody cares too much about just fillers but if she got her jaw shaved down and lied about it then what's left of her career would crumble. Plastic surgery isn't a big deal but lying about it when your fans barely have any reason to like you in the first place would be suicide. Dakota isn't popular enough to pull that off.
No. 147930
>>147926True tbh. She should just gros her hair out and leave her nails too. I know they milked money out of the public through viral days YouTube, blogs and fund raiser ect. But did kota ever actually save before Japan?
If she was smart enough she could have had an online shop in secret and make money for herself.
Idk where her career is going but… She needs to sort her style out.
No. 147931
>>147922She probably got sick of dressing kawaii when she realized people in Japan don't dress like that normally. I think she just doesn't have a good sense of style and doesn't want to pay for brand clothes when she can just buy generic clothes and knockoffs. She's posed with/for brand clothes before but never wears any on her own.
>>147927She wasn't wearing it for the political high school thing either. Maybe things went south her her and taiko and she had to start picking up jobs again. I don't doubt she was sponging off him while laying low after babyfang failed to let her ego recover.
No. 147938
>>147936So she's blowing cash on extensions, tacky animu nails and instagram followers. How the kawaii goddessu has come far…
She was doing well in her early career, I actually thought Dakota would have lead herself somewhere. Now I just think… foreign model who has a large following, tacky outfits and nails. Not like the girl I first saw who looked cute as a button in cute clothes and had a thing about her.
Now it's just… meh.
No. 147955
File: 1466867532261.png (2.58 MB, 1920x1080, Ciwfqaf_7efahu.png)

>>147953you can see it better here…
I just wish that Taiko guy would stop posting closeups of his face and show us his left hand a bit more kek
No. 148071
File: 1466896242756.png (651.12 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Idk what this says but lol
No. 148097
File: 1466899389981.jpeg (100.58 KB, 640x855, image.jpeg)

>>148071This is a trend on Twitter, people face swap with Dacote-chan and post it for giggles. It's like a joke about her face being fake and pasted on.
No. 148100
File: 1466899496282.jpeg (85.31 KB, 640x784, image.jpeg)

>>148099"Dakota Rose next year"
No. 148103
File: 1466899703027.jpeg (82.1 KB, 640x688, image.jpeg)

>>148101but have some Japanese lols at Dakota taking her birth year out of her profile but keeping "20" up there.
No. 148122
File: 1466903510089.jpeg (130.91 KB, 640x1088, image.jpeg)

>>148116Me too, they can be savage.
No. 148301
File: 1466949209003.png (380.76 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Found this on Google, a Seattle based model by the name of Dakota Rose. Racist teenlet Kooter would be screaming.
No. 148324
File: 1466955773173.jpg (121.42 KB, 1080x722, bravochristmas2015.jpg)

No. 148325
File: 1466955790467.jpg (105.25 KB, 1080x719, bravoxmas2015.jpg)

No. 148398
File: 1466967552828.jpg (94.89 KB, 576x1024, Cl4SUlPVYAAAkfI.jpg)

No. 148504
>>148251>>148252The anons that posted these can't read lol. These tweets aren't saying anything bad about Kota at all.
The one about birthday says "Dakota and I have the same birthday. She's probably
younger than me tho"
And the Last Kiss ones say "omg Dakota rose. This warms my heart. Well, time to get ready!" The last one says "watching Dakota rose and Mori Kohei on Last kiss was tiring lol. What was that even! Too cool!! It's unfair!"
No. 148624
File: 1467020288828.jpg (390.2 KB, 1944x1944, Cl8qR6_VAAAVB4C.jpg)

No. 148643
File: 1467025884257.jpg (53.76 KB, 477x598, -SIAY1TBqaM.jpg.cf4b73b2e980d8…)

Btw heres a different version of that photo, And she's wearing those same black boots again.
No. 148653
>>148643Man, she looks so bad. She looks like an awful bootleg of her shoops.
And the guy too looks way worse in the candid, she probably shopped the shit out of both.
No. 148660
>>148624these turtlenecks are seriously
triggering me
No. 148705
File: 1467045899272.jpg (767.41 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg)

No. 148711
>>148643>>148662Jeez, her gut sticks out more than her bust. No wonder everything she wears lately is baggy and high waisted. And ffs does she only own 2 pairs of shoes? Wow so stylish and rich Dakota.
She really is starting to look like her frumpy mom. I wonder if she's giving up on herself, like why even bother getting fitted for a show when you can't be fucked to style your hair or wear makeup anymore and you have to hide your fat under a wool sweater in summer?
No. 148731
File: 1467051256745.png (188.55 KB, 281x500, image.png)

Back off peadophile lesbians!
No. 148827
File: 1467079363959.jpg (148.39 KB, 1080x1080, 13414238_561366487371238_18366…)

No. 149013
File: 1467139387382.gif (1002.02 KB, 250x251, tumblr_m7swmtmv7n1rn95k2o1_250…)

why'd she change her shooping style if it was so initially successful? is she sick enough to think she looks like her selfies and that all candids are just bad angles? how does her family not see how badly shes damaged her brain with this self image shit?
No. 149017
>>148897Hm, that sounds so stupid it just might work lol.
>>149013I think for any "gaijin" girl that moves to Japan, the beauty ideals over there changes how they use to present themselves. It's basically how this girl (kanadajin3) explains it: see how Venus changed too (look at her "American VS Japanese Makeup" video)
Dakota's past image may have looked attractive but it didn't translate well in real-life and was unfit with their beauty ideals (big eyes and fresh-looking face; like a toddler).
I also think she's feeling frustrated/inadequate so she's making up for the slack by overdoing it on PS to give herself this unworldly beauty although ironically, is just making it worse with her unrealistic proportions and lazy hack-job editing.
No. 149028
>>149024Yeah, I knew using her video would gain a little criticism here, but it was the only video I could remember that could explain what I meant.
But as I said her past look didn't look good in real life and apparently even a makeup artist said she used too much eye makeup (which is just a rumor, I don't know if that happened or not but could offer further explanation to her change of makeup style). She would also get some flak for using false lashes below her natural bottom lash line (which is a common trick especially in Asia but it just looked too obvious and off)
It's the only explanation I could think of as to why she changed her look since moving there although now thinking about it, I guess it would be impossible to understand Dakota.
No. 149035
File: 1467147652957.jpg (131.12 KB, 1200x961, CmDFIalVAAI4tmn.jpg)

No. 149049
>>149028I've said it before guys.
She suits her old look what got her famous in pictures. If she kept to that which made her look more like an actual model she would've done well. But she looks better with less make up in videos and real life. I'd just put more make up on for pictures if I was her and less turning up to events.
No. 149057
>>149035her head looks so out of proportions compared to her body it's ridiculous
I think she might have reached a point where she is not shooping to fool anybody anymore, but she just shoops herself to satisfy her self with her ideal face.
No. 149075
>>149035She shrank her head so much that it looks even more like shit compared to the other girl.
I really think she should go back to the states and get some real therapy. Growing up in princess Kiki's shadow and pressured into lookin like a prostitot/Cathy's trashy idea of what a "model" is really fucked yo her self esteem & self image. She's tanking her career and I don't think she can even help it at this point.
No. 149091
>>149086If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied. Simple as that.
P.S. You should look up the definition of "defensive" before you throw it around.
No. 149098
>>149091lol not that anon but you're the only one that sounds defensive over stupid shit.
P.S. don't reply
No. 149145
>>149134"Dakota" claimed the video, but it seems to be a copy of the original one uploaded here would be funny if "Dakota" (aka Kiki having no life) claims that too.
Also this portfolio video has been removed from Dakota's page of the Bravo Models website, and the house tour remains there. Bravo's still pretending she's this kawai uguu desu model, it's so sad.
No. 149221
>>149177all i can say to her is
love yourself, girl
No. 149254
File: 1467218641704.jpg (220.8 KB, 1200x962, koots_meitu_1.jpg)

No. 149370
>>149254Thanks anon! That's really well done. Suddenly her body is in proportion with her head and she looks human again
>>149309kek alright maybe "meaty" was too much
No. 149372
File: 1467246799194.jpeg (57.86 KB, 651x528, image.jpeg)

Taken from the jillstuart website is this kooter?
No. 149391
File: 1467255107903.jpeg (181.11 KB, 1186x949, image.jpeg)

I got bored at the DMV. I tried.
No. 149401
File: 1467256820428.png (421.77 KB, 481x640, image.png)

>>149195That girl on the left is
>>146669 and she has a pretty unfortunate face (even all her filters can't save her). But she looks ok in kota's photo, which truly shows how much kota edits photos. Pic related.
No. 149403
File: 1467256871320.jpeg (69.44 KB, 600x451, image.jpeg)

>>149401Also her boyfriend looks like a wonky male ローラ
No. 149416
File: 1467260938291.gif (716.75 KB, 873x700, kooch.gif)

Koochie is evolving into a praying mantis
No. 149444
File: 1467271906779.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 149449
>>149444Another terrible outfit.
The whites don't exactly match and it was stupid to pair two different stripe styles together (vertical thin stripes with thick horizontal stripes? wth were you thinking Dakota?)
And of course her disfigured PS-edited proportions are as disturbing as ever.
No. 149452
>>149450It's late at night and I had to refrain from roaring with laughter.
Good job anon, it reminds me of a long-haired chihuahua.
No. 149504
File: 1467292169529.jpg (10.74 KB, 500x326, 6a00d83451f83a69e2012875933028…)

>>149444her eye is melting off her face
No. 149508
File: 1467293085365.jpg (206.93 KB, 720x1043, IMG_20160630_141530.jpg)

Some mango
No. 149509
File: 1467293169290.jpg (114.36 KB, 720x1044, IMG_20160630_141514.jpg)

And something bizarre
>>149508Almost definite choice to have her ring on show there
No. 149552
File: 1467303005031.png (7.41 MB, 2048x2048, immelting.png)

pls post hd
No. 149556
File: 1467303359265.jpg (57.35 KB, 800x266, tape--800x266.jpg)

>>149554Forgot the picture.
No. 149580
>>149200yeah. I like the filter on this photo. the color version is ugly. black and white seems to make her edits less hideous.
>>149556that seems like it rips the fuck out of your hair.
No. 149600
>>149581Her hair was already thin when she went to Japan. She was also wearing extensions back then as well, she had clip-ons in all of her pre-Japan videos, so nothing has changed really.
Taylor has good hair, but that is due to genetics, and has nothing to do with being in Japan.
No. 149640
File: 1467327774955.png (440.09 KB, 535x548, Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 00.0…)

>>149632No anon, she'd rather copy Miranda Kerr instead.
No. 149660
>>149657Yeah but has anyone seen her in anything lately? Apart from some tv appearances and that runway thing… I haven't seen her in anything.
I would have thought she would be modelling for things like Jillstuart, Titty&co, Honey Salon, ect I barely see her in anything anymore.
No. 149665
>>149660She did the political high school thing where she acted like a bitch, and she's heavily implying she'll be in another runway show soon. Other than that all she's doing is posting selfies and going to hair and nail salons and lunch with friends.
Her work to play ratio is way fucked up for someone on an entertainment visa. She's not an entertainer if she's not getting work. She must be married to someone in the industry who is supporting her financially because once she moved into that 2 bedroom apartment suddenly she went from posting the occasional tiny bedroom selfie and getting lots of work to posting apartment and outfit selfies all day and hardly working. Doesn't make sense unless she's being supported by someone financially in a way that also allows her to stay in Japan. There's no such thing as a "celebrity boyfriend" visa.
No. 149681
>>149508She shooped one finger but not the other.
I noticed in other pics of her hands she shoops the hammy fingers REALLY long until they're noodly.
No. 149749
File: 1467387422885.png (218.19 KB, 522x341, ????.png)

>>149748Her weird edit on her legs makes it look like she's floating.
No. 150054
>>148349Lolcow's idea of race is horrifically skewed..
Not all white people are ~pure and pale~? She has light eyes, plus plenty of white people can have olive or darker skin tones with curly hair. Ever seen most italians, greeks or eastern europeans?
No. 150120
>>150054>or eastern EuropeansNeither have you apparently because we're generally pretty light with varying skin tones and hair colours, never beyond nc/nw20? Or are you actually trying to say we arr rook same?
Americans are retards
No. 150143
>>150120I'm from Moscow lmao
Try harder
No. 150176
>>150054>>150120>>150143You're all autistic.
The point of Dakota screaming about that other model was that she's a racist little shit. Not that the other model is more ~exotic~. Old Dakota would have frothed at the mouth over a non-white model using "her" name and being naturally taller and prettier than her. Not to mention thinner.
No. 150214
File: 1467524687305.jpg (147.97 KB, 720x1044, 1467293169290.jpg)

omg what is this, is she balding?
No. 150415
File: 1467592502737.jpg (150.47 KB, 653x900, image.jpg)

No. 150461
File: 1467615196796.jpg (70.58 KB, 500x702, fb.jpg)

>>150415she never in a million years would have gone viral if she looked like this in 2012. she probably wouldn't even have had truth blogs or a bigger following than Kiki. I think all the attention she still has now is just a reminisce of how she used to shoop
No. 150678
>>150671i agree. her face looks significantly fuller and wider in her candid photos and tv appearances than it did before, especially when compared to
>>150597i feel like she has given up on cultivating an image irl. after all, she knows she's going to photoshop the fuck out of herself anyway, and she knows her candid photos will hold a candle to her shooped images
i do wonder if kota's decline will spark kaka to come out of hiding.
No. 151062
>>151060Lmao right?
I'm in near awe at how especially shit everythings been lately. Like, fucking hell.
No. 151827
>>151822Oh look, it's the new mod.
You realize that once you finish making this site into what you want it to be it's probably gonna die, right? Plenty of much larger sites have failed because the majority of it's user base loses interest and the remaining few just aren't enough to keep it afloat. There's already a /cgl/, so idk what the point of sandbagging lolcow even is. You can claim it's for "quality control" all you want but as long as you blatantly ignore the streams of shitposters just because you don't like the subject of the thread you're not gonna be a good mod, because biased mods are the ones that always kill forums. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this site turns into such a pussfest that people start using trip codes and starting ootd and self post threads unironially.
No. 151840
>>151827you absolute moron i'm not the mod. i just don't understand why you're getting your panties in a twist over ~what lolcow is becoming~
nobody's making you check this website? why do you care so much about it anyway, it IS just a website at the end of the day. stop being salty and leave if it's becoming so awful for you, lol
No. 151857
File: 1467823797575.jpeg (56.28 KB, 640x765, image.jpeg)

She's trying to explain American slang on her Line blog, which I guess goes hand in hand with her using more English lately. Maybe this will be her new gimmick and she'll start throwing out more English words on tv and playing up to the American stereotype.
No. 151858
>>151840not that poster, but you gotta admit that stuff like the CL posts ITT are not a good sign for the site. That poster's IP should be banned for a week or so and their spam deleted, and the fact that it's been left up ongoing for two days is kind of…
I mean, maybe it is the new mod's way of saying she doesn't like Dakota threads, but making her personal bias so obvious within the first week of her reign would be a really, really shitty move. Part of the reason why people loved OG Admin was because they felt like he was an impartial judge.
anyways, back on topic: Dakota.
>>151046Where is this from?
It's sort of a bummer that Dakota looks like she's completely abandoned her 'kawaii style', but maybe she's trying to look more mature now that she's nearing her early twenties. which might also explain why she lost the Popteen gig–can't call herself a 'teen' after this year anymore.
No. 151864
>>151848oh my actual fuck I am
>>151838 only. If you're so sad and delusional that you have to think that people who dont agree your vague as fuck typing means we're the same you actually do need to leave this site cause fuck 'wow there cant POSSIBLY be more than one person that disagrees with me'
>>151858How the fuck does it mean that she doesn't like Dakota threads??? How does it show any kind of bias? Maybe newadmin has this magical thing called real life issues or do you think that they get paid to do this shit and are obliged to sit at their computer making sure the site is running in perfect working condition. Also no one gives a fuck because OG admin aint here no more so it's an invalid argument.
No. 151879
>>151864woah, there, take a chill pill, anonette.
all i'm saying is that leaving this kind of spam to clog up threads (while spam posts elsewhere seem to be being dealt with) shows that either a) the post filter was briefly enacted by the mod to 'punish' posters itt or b) she doesn't give a shit about Dakota and simply hasn't seen it yet. which considering the # of posts, would be surprising. i'm not bashing the new moderation, but I think we can agree that she might need to hire on some farmhands if IRL stuff is being a big distraction, yeah?
Anyways, this isn't the thread for us to debate this topic, so if you'd really like to talk about it, maybe cross-link a response to the /meta/ thread?
No. 151884
>>151882Same anon.
My bad, I though she was from 1992, but she was born on 9/19/93
No. 151897
>>151858Exactly. The new mod hates Dakota/Kiki/Taylor threads and shows it by letting that CL bot shit max the threads out like the Kiki one did. If she had any balls or even any sense of how to run a forum she would just delete/lock the threads instead of this petty passive aggressive BS.
>>151864First of all, stop acting like such an angry summerfaggot. Second:
>Also no one gives a fuck because OG admin aint here no more so it's an invalid argument.Nobody is complaining about OG mod. OG mod was boss. It's the
new mod that sucks hairy, diseased labias.
No. 151938
>>151911>Settle your autistic ass down No u
>Mod clearly handled the situation lol when? The Kiki thread maxed out with HNNNG KAWAII CL BEAUTY type shit all while new mod was up in here white knighting herself like an angry assburger. And if she can't handle a site as small and slow as lolcow then maybe she should start a bit smaller, like maybe start a furry guild on gaiaonline. That might be more her speed.
>>151935If the site is such a burden then she never should have taken it on. It's not
that hard to run an anonymous chan-type forum, as long as you enforce some basic rules (like no illegal shit, no CP/gore, etc.) it pretty much runs itself. New mod fucked up by trying to jump in and fuck with things.
>wah thread quality sux ur all just jellyfats nitpickingThat's all this site ever was, that's why it was made, nobody ever forced any of you to come here.
No. 151939
The spam has been taken care of. It was the same person making the Taylor spam, go figure.
>>151858Dakota threads were actually my favorite, but now that I've taken on administration I can't just sit and hang out in my favorite threads. I've spent most of my time in the report queue and trying to catch up on stuff that never interested me because I have to be impartial. Instead of posting and lurking I am now moderating so I don't get to pick favourites, now.
If you are ever particularly concerned about some kind of spamming or shitposting going on, leave a detailed report. When I'm checking on reports and there's no reason given I have to manually go into each thread and read through it for context to make sure I'm not banning someone for making a sarcastic post by mistake. If there are a lot of reports made about one particular post then I am more inclined to be expedient. The spam in this thread had been reported but I hadn't deleted it yet since that same poster had made two Taylor threads that I was leaving locked for archival reasons, but maybe I should have just deleted them each one by one.
No. 151940
>>151939Ty admin-sama. Some of us here appreciate your efforts. <3 Modding this site is probably a shitshow.
Besides, a couple hours of spam at 4 in the morning is really not a huge deal for a site this small. I didn't even expect any mods to be up at that time anyway.
No. 151948
>>151938Then why are you here? If you think you can do it better, then do it instead of throwing a temper tantrum over an image board not being run the way you want it to be.
And what's preventing you from starting a new Kiki thread? There's a whole lot of whining but very little initiative to actually do anything.
No. 151952
I understand the admins and mod might have a life but it was still annoying several boards were overflowing with spam. I'm not asking for them to babysit the website 24/7 but at least check up on it once and awhile and make sure it's not being overrun by retards.
>>151948DIfferent anon here, I thought about starting a new Kiki thread in PT but I figured to leave it alone since there isn't new to talk about.
No. 152113
>>151952Oh, brb, gotta go take a bath.
(Explaining the meaning of BRB)
That's all for English slang lesson for today, lol
No. 152149
>>151952from when the attacks keep happening I'm going to assume admin-chan is on the east coast and is asleep when they do happen since by the time I wake up it's usually cleared out. I wonder if there will be a call for new farmhands anytime soon but then again rn I wouldnt trust anyone applying
>>152142 More importantly why would she think Japanese people wouldnt know what BRB means? Feels super condescending like 'ah yes get some knowledge from the great kooters'
No. 152352
File: 1467957177948.jpg (206.55 KB, 1200x1200, Cm0b_g5UMAAUkQ8.jpg)

No. 152382
File: 1467965021771.jpg (104.46 KB, 500x712, 0_83d44_ee3a8916_XL.jpg)

>>152352I wish she still shooped herself like this. These shoops actually were gorgeous. what the fuck is she even doing now?
No. 152391
File: 1467972899541.jpg (249.96 KB, 980x594, fb.jpg)

remember in 2012 when everyone blew up over the pic on the left because it was so obviously fake, and she ended up deleting it in a hurry? and now look where we are.
No. 152406
File: 1467980367228.png (540.64 KB, 617x758, Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 13.1…)

No. 152407
>>152391I think about the reaction to the left pic every time she creates a new ridiculous face.
>>152406Oh Koots we all know your legs look nothing like that…
No. 152419
File: 1467983253328.png (38.3 KB, 160x127, 1467980367228.png)

dat vagina slip doe
No. 152424
File: 1467984043888.jpg (22.3 KB, 510x325, gastrocnemius.jpg)

>>152406i study anatomy and i've never seen gastrocnemius hang like that wtf
No. 152427
File: 1467984219481.jpg (118.71 KB, 1024x1024, 548_zpsc5c4e0c5.jpg)

>>152406Her face shoop is so creepy. In a year her pics will look like this.
No. 152438
File: 1467986822864.jpg (189.81 KB, 735x929, fb.jpg)

>>152352tried to de-shoop, man it was hard
No. 152445
File: 1467989345069.jpeg (61.05 KB, 640x771, image.jpeg)

>>152406someone please gift this bitch a book on anatomy and teach her what an ankle is
how long til Kootz hops on the twitch bandwagon? a live stream of her staring vapidly into the camera and making as little movement and emotion as possible would be great
No. 152452
File: 1467991144646.jpeg (133.43 KB, 600x835, image.jpeg)

>>152406older photo in a similar pose for comparison, also obviously shopped
No. 152814
>>152445She probably doesn't know since she's never had ankles without shoop. Even at the height of her ED she still had straight up & down cankles from foot to calf. You can hide white trash genetics with makeup and shoops but guuuurl you can never get rid of that ugly reminder of your mediocrity.
>>152461She's said before she eats a lot of kombini and instant food and loves soy sauce so yeah, probably. Not to mention her shit diet because ~muh pseudo-veganism gimmick~ and probably zero exercise aside from walking to and from her living room and bathroom.
>>152413Get pics next time. Even better! Act like a fan and fawn over her and ask for a pic.
No. 152819
File: 1468026224803.png (7.51 MB, 2048x2048, hodor.png)

>>152406i think she forgets you get the hi-def version of her twitter pictures
No. 152822
File: 1468028041548.jpg (71.08 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg)

Are you proud of me.
No. 152825
>>152819What is anatomy
>>152822WHAT IS IT
No. 152828
>>152819Her anatomy in this photo is like a kawaii female slenderman.
> Slenderkooter : The Eight TurtlenecksTbf she'd actually make a really uncanny valley horror game character in her shoop form.
No. 152850
File: 1468031748020.png (7.91 MB, 2048x2048, fuckplsno.png)

>>152819i love kota and I'm high right now hoLY fuck when I saw this picture I immediately thought of this and i know shit skillz but i am j\h\\\high
No. 152854
>>152819when ya foots bigger than ur head
>>152850ikr that leg is freaking me out
No. 152985
>>152962>most likely upper-middle class?????
>they live in a big ass house???????
>scott (at least once) had a very high paying jobWhat are you basing this off of? They've been in debt for a very long time, and Cathy, Kiki and Dakota literally had to live with their grandmother at some point.
>that's way more than you can say for literally everybody else on lolcow, more than half of them would kill for any of the above.Not everyone here is a failure, anon.
>and she's only a laughing stock to us, everyone else eats up her shit, that's why she is where she is. Not really. You can only count a few people will recognize her, and even then there's usually someone ready to call her out on Photoshop. That, and her popularity in Japan is dwindling to shitty/questionably sexual bits in variety shows.
No. 152990
>>152919>Anyway it doesn't matter since it's not even possible to be racist against white people, teehee~ lmao you salty af, sucks not to be white?
>>152962that racist anon is most likely jealous so…
No. 153003
>>152962most of us think having a secure job is way more impressive than burning our before you're even 25. You realize how sad that is right? Kooters isnt even 25 and she hasnt had actual modelling work in months. She's already done with. No one in Korea even remembers her anymore and most of her following in Japan doesnt care that much (proof enough of no one trying to find her during the day etc).
Let's be real the only reason she's taken 'out of the house'pics lately is to try and prove to us that she isnt just a shut in.She was never shy about bragging about her work before and now the best she can do is try and tell her followers 'super cool english slang'
No. 153005
>>152985not gonna risk looking like a stalker and find pictures lol, but they live in a 6 bedroom house in a very nice part of town. some idiot from PULL found their address and posted google map images along with a peoplefinder website that showed all the details about them and their property in a thread in the old website.
during the Danny Cespides thing scott used to have a very well paying job that he had to quit because cathy got paranoid of Danny's family and forced the family to move cities. it said so on one of the documents in their archive. they only filed bankruptcy or whatever to avoid being sued by the Cespides family over Danny's death. they probably put the house under the grandmother's name for that reason, cause i don't see why an old lady would want a house with 6 rooms if she was originally living alone.
name someone posted on here that has had better success than her? besides onision and the like lol
>You can only count a few people will recognize herthere are look-alike weebs like peachmilkytea who have posted on instagram that they were stopped in Japan by people asking if they were Dakota. i know she's not celebrity famous, but people have been saying since 2012 that her career is over/she's going back home any day now/nobody knows about her/she'll never do X. even before she went to japan there were people saying "it's a lie/she doesn't have a contract with anyone/bravo is not a legitimate modeling agency/they're gonna send her back when they see her irl yada yada. 3 years later, her face is on giant billboards, she's on TV and nothing's changed lol
No. 153009
>>153003doesn't matter. my point is that you can't say that leaving your house at a young age to work in a foreign country as a model, learning a foreign language, appearing in magazines/tv/news/etc, and whatever else she's done isn't "accomplishing something", like anon up there suggested.
>most of us think having a secure job is way more impressive than burning our before you're even 25so you predict she's gonna be poor and homeless by 25? what makes you think that's the fate of all models after they wear out? if anything the connections she's made is going to make it easier than most people to stay stable after she quits modeling.
No. 153014
>>153005>name someone posted on here that has had better success than her? besides onision and the like lolWhy wouldn't Onision count? Anyway: Valeria Lukyanova, Yukapon (they're on the same level, I guess. People even mistook other weeb dancer lookalikes for Yukapon when they went to Japan at times), Nikki Lipstick, Jefree Star, Beckii Cruel (albeit for a much shorter time period), and a few more.
Dakota isn't some amazing success story, it's just that the people here, on PULL and /cgl/ are obsessed with her and have been following her life for a while, so she seems relevant and magnified.
No. 153020
>>153009how the fuck did what I say mean she's gonna be poor and homeless??? My point is supposed to be: She has nothing else. Most other models have a backup plan or at least model up until 30 but dakota is '20' and is already washed up. Her attempts at other things flopped hard so I'm sure her current sugar daddy will keep supporting her but she has nothing else.
>leaving your house at a young age>working in a foreign country>Learning a foreign language>appearing in magazines/tv/news/etc None of these things are hard to achieve. I've personally actually done 3 of the four (technically appeared in newspapers but w/e) She hasnt even been able to hold onto that job for very long. It's extremely EXTREMELY easy for younger girls to be models in fact Dakota should still be getting work but she ISNT that's the thing. She's '20' and yet she's already got a whole bunch of nothing ahead of her.
Let's be real: MOST cows are more famous than Dakota you're mindset is just skewed because you find being in Japan impressive. If anything Jessica Nigri is doing international work all the time and is actually world known. Dakota at this point in time isnt even known in Japan. No one outside of the people who are following her for drama/lulz or the generic 'shooped instagram girl' followers give a shit who she is.
Sure she achieved things with her life: 4 years ago. What is she doing NOW? ESPECIALLY in the modelling world you're only as good as your last shoot/show/job and her last show was what again? oh yeah talking about politics.
She hasnt been working enough to actually support herself. She has no connections cause she has no friends. Also if she had any 'connections' why doesnt she have work now? You're honestly talking out your ass right now with lots of 'wishful thinking' that doesnt work in the real world.
No. 153035
File: 1468077608118.png (441.42 KB, 841x367, suspicious.png)

>>153024The more I look at it and think about it the more I think he 'fame' was staged. After she got confirmed for business in Japan her view count immediately dropped. there were one or two videos after this that got over a million views but before that she got consistently 1-almost 10 mil views on videos yet since she settled she really hasnt hit that mark. I mean that doesnt make much sense since there was a point in that time where she was arguably 'known' in japan and still talked about in the states.
No. 153046
>>152962>>152985That's only
their house because cayhy's mother left it to them when she died. They went bankrupt in Chicago and moved in with the grandmother because they were broke, and yes Scott get a good job in FL but again, around the time of the Danny fiasco he somehow lost or left it. Not Lon after that is when Kiki started selling off all her music equipment and starting up her tacky overpriced garbage shops online and crowdfunding for trips to LA and MacBooks and whatever else. Not to mention Cathy trying to sue everyone every chance she gets. I don't doubt they have enough money to support themselves but they aren't upper middle class just because they live where other upper middle class people do in a house they didn't pay for and is more than likely paid off.
And beside all that, you can have money and still be white trash. It's actually super common in Florida/the south in general.
No. 153055
>>153035That happened because she stopped updating and uploading videos regularly. If you don't keep a constant stream of
content, people lose interest pretty fast. She wSnted to focus more on irl work in Japan, and also alienated her entire western audience
No. 153077
>>153035I've always been curious about that, too. It doesn't make sense that she started ignoring YT when se got to Japan because she could have stuck with it making outfit videos and even Japanese language videos without English subs and still held an audience in Japan and collected dat sweet sweet ad revenue. Popular youtubers can make a ton of money just on their videos alone without working, so she could have been making bank. Ike why would you just let that die?? That's beyond being lazy.
Unless she dropped it on purpose because te money was going to Cathy's bank account since she was "16" and probably didn't have a bank account of her own?
No. 153078
>>153046I'm laughing at the fact that they think you need to be poor to be white trash.
Have they never heard about honey booboo?? Or hell even the super rich duck guys whatever their name was. If anything from what I know white trash often has more money than they seem they're just too stupid.
No. 153085
>>153078>>153046Southerner turned west coaster here, I've found that people outside the south aren't really familiar with the term white trash which must explain the sperg reaction. It makes sense I guess since it's not a term used widely online and if you're not from anywhere it's used I guess it can be mistaken for a racist slur when really it goes way back to the old south (think
Gone With the Wind) where it was used to refer to people who weren't from upper class families and/or acted in ways the upper class frowned upon.
>safe for podunk No. 153162
>>153155That's not surprising considering Yuka actually takes care of her figure and tries to get jobs. Dakota just sits in her apartment waiting for everything to fall into her overinflated lap, which isn't going to keep happening even with her connections if she doesn't go on a diet or start working out. Her sugar daddy might not have a high standard for her as far as looks of personality goes if she's letting herself go like this but she should at least stop trying to pretend she's some famous beautiful model/celebrity when nobody but Bravo-senpai even cares about her anymore.
I feel like Dakota is only relevant anymore because other dumb young weebs see how plain she is and how little she cares about her appearance/lack of personality or friends/no social life and yet she still has someone taking care of her and keeping her in Japan so she can fuck around playing video games and taking selfies all day and think they can have it too. And I guess they could? I mean usually rich sugar daddies have higher standards, idk about Japanese SDs in particular but it's plain to see that Japanese men don't have a good eye for white women when it comes to looks, but if they're willing to ignore a shit personality, a vulgar past and a complete lack of regard for one's future and refusal to grow up and be an adult then maybe they can get a free ride meal ticket visa hubby too? That's why people keep tabs on her, not because she's attractive or stylish or interesting (which she hasn't been since she went viral and got laughed out of Korea lbr). She's living a lazy Tumblr weeb's wet dream.
No. 153165
>>153162^ Kooter's life in a nut shell
No. 153315
>>153233I thought she also said she didn't like kimchi and a lot of koreans took it personally.
Or was that just PULL shit?
No. 153320
>>153315No, that was real. It was back when she barely knew Japanese, a Korean Twitter user asked her if she liked kimchi and she said "kimchi kirai" which is a really strong way of saying "I hate kimchi" which is a fast way to make Koreans butthurt since kimchi is like, one of the top 3 major aspects of their culture. She probably didn't mean to sounds like a twat, or maybe she did since that
was after the TV show incident but after that kimchi comment she got flamed hard by Twitter's Korean users and Elle/Etude House dropped her. She deleted it long ago ofc.
No. 153333
>>153321Kek it always makes me laugh this story.
If she was clever she should've ignored it if she disliked it or just lied like she always does.
Dammit koots
No. 153422
>>153419They're actually fine with heavy shooping as long as it's stuff like whitening, acne ad color correction and teeth whitening, but changing your entire face and jaw shape and moving your eyes wider and wider apart was
neer gonna fly there.
No. 153426
>>153419most korean girls edit their photos to hell in back, but everyone does it so no one really cares. the only thing is they don't usually shoop and instead use angles to try and hide face shape, then just brighten/blur their skin and slap a filter on it
no one looks like their profile pictures
No. 153845
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No. 154210
File: 1468317263087.jpg (371.66 KB, 2048x1813, CnJ8psyUEAEavWR.jpg)

No. 154217
>>154210If she actually looked like this, I would kiss her ass every day
…Too bad she doesn't.
No. 154234
File: 1468325907351.jpg (33.78 KB, 375x400, tumblr_mcbjalGzbj1ruu8zqo1_400…)

>>154210the way she's shooping herself right now reminds me a lot of yazawa's characters: big eyes, lips, and foreheads.
No. 154240
File: 1468327494811.jpg (135.04 KB, 1024x768, dakots.jpg)

No. 154262
>>154240I miss seeing her in ads and shit, I loved comparing her real face to whatever shoops she puts online.
>>154255We already she probably has a different visa, chances are she's married or she has an actual working visa that needs to be renewed every few years
No. 154284
I meant tits
No. 154285
File: 1468341761873.jpg (24.3 KB, 236x362, image.jpg)

I miss this dakota
Is it possible if we could create a new thread and dump all her old photos there? We could talk about what clithes she wears, compare her edits to her newer ones, and pount out her best photos.
No. 154335
>>154255stop derailing kota's thread with frumpy boring tay shit and promoting her videos here, fuck - no one gives a shit about her here or anywhere else for that matter.
making another thread for tay because people bringing her up here and in other threads is annoying and obviously they can't keep her just on the j vlogger thread.

No. 154516
>>154514showing examples of koa's shit thread
if you want taylor's thread gone because e"NO MILK, NIT PICK" then kota's should be gone too for the same exact reasons, simple.

No. 154528
theres no milk on dakota anymore, she should be moved to /b/ where we can keep updates on her photoshop IG pics

No. 154563
90% of this thread is nitpicking, no milk, dry milk and old shit recycling over and over again. If other threads are going to be deleted over "no milk, old, nit picking" then kota's thread should be too.

No. 154588
>>154563>>154516>>154528This fag has a point though.

No. 154591
>>154586eh, I doubt it

No. 154645
>>154639petty, nit picking lol!
issue: have nothing to contribute to the thread? remedy : stfu

No. 154646
>>154612you're retarded, kill yourself

No. 154695
Lol at farmhand deleting comments from kota thread. I see you girl.

No. 154702

No. 154703
>>154701censoring……. wow this site is a piece of shit

No. 154704
>>154701I'm so sorry that the new noodle admin made this pulltard a farm hand guys. Going on deleting sprees n' shit. Maybe its even a new snowflake on our hands.

No. 154706
check your typos cunt.

No. 154708
>>154695lol i know right? wtf is this shit.

No. 154710
>>154704let us pray that this hitler chan farmhand stops their censor reign and deleting sprees…. let us join hands now.

No. 154711
File: 1468383735574.jpg (214.82 KB, 1171x549, religious_7.jpg)

I got you fam. Light it up for the snowflake farmhand running around and deleting the farm's hard work.

No. 154712
File: 1468383745628.jpg (83.88 KB, 1014x421, ss (2016-07-12 at 09.20.15).jp…)

>>154702>>154703>>154704>>154706>>154708Doesn't responding to yourself get boring, anon?
No. 154713
>>154712There's our snowflake farm hand. Hey girl, hey. :) Nice of you to join us instead deleting all our comments here. I see your rage boiling. How un-neutral of you. Awe poor snowflake thinks it's all same fagging. Poor pulltard farmhand.

(No one cares) No. 154723
>>154719Shhh, farmhand snowflake-kun, just because you post without your farmhand tag, doesn't mean we can't spot you on here same fagging :) Hypocrite much?

No. 154725
>>154723>farmhand>snowflake-kun>farmhand tagso much obscure lingo so little time lord go outside and get some fresh air lmao i'm just here for the ginger bronson thread. you sound 12.
>:)boy you are really mad
No. 154728
>>154725Past your bed time farmhand chan, you've been on here for way too long. You're getting so delirious you're deleting comments that don't violate the farm, oh my! What a naughty snow flake farmhand. You'll get a spanking from Admin-sama!

No. 154729
>>154726this site is so fucked.

No. 154730
>>154728I hope she spanks the snowflake nazi out of that crazy farmhand, fuck.

No. 154735
>>154732Idk either…. ugh. Fuck this board.

No. 154736
>>154734yeah as cringy as that gaylord is, farmhand is getting pretty crazy with the deleting sprees tbh.

No. 154741
>>154738Cringe fest, man. I'm jumping ship. Hello 8chan.

No. 154743
>>154711thanks fam. i'm praying this farmhand gets the boot.

No. 154746
>>154745so, the new pokemon GO, how is it?

No. 154785
File: 1468402510215.jpg (276.52 KB, 1200x1200, CnPALPQUkAARnkU.jpg)

ayy lmao
No. 154787
File: 1468402519293.jpg (182.95 KB, 1020x1008, Screenshot_20160713-103407_1.j…)

She's back to work it seems?
No. 154788
File: 1468402601535.jpg (20.28 KB, 568x600, 5b63a0f0.jpg)

>>154785Some kind of shoot for Secret Honey, I think
No. 154790
File: 1468402659259.jpg (60.97 KB, 1080x570, Screenshot_20160713-103559_1.j…)

>I like your old faceHeh.
No. 154828
File: 1468410306308.jpg (307.73 KB, 977x709, fb.jpg)

This has got to be the most perfect before and after shoop comparison to date.
No. 154830
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>>154828Clearly going for that extra terrestrial esthetic.
No. 154831
File: 1468410817091.jpg (109.62 KB, 1078x1170, Screenshot_20160713-125128_1.j…)

Kiki or Kota
No. 154832
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No. 154833
File: 1468410931080.jpg (87.61 KB, 1080x1170, Screenshot_20160713-125141_1.j…)

No. 154837
>>154788>>154789>>154802Those two dresses and the hairstyles are beautiful imo.
>>154833she looks a little less shopped in this one
No. 154842
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>>154831she looks like meghan trainor's alien fetus
No. 154856
>>154852Lmao right@you dakota whitenight kissing dakota's princess ass. "Oh thank you very much anon for defending me, heres a token of my gratitude"
pulls down panties and gifts you themAnd for the record, I'm not exactly chunky because I'm really thin and thinner than Dakota :*
No. 154860
>>154859>that projectionyikes
stay mad cowtits
No. 154867
>>154851>>154856>>154859Taylor-stan is baaaaaack.
Admin can out at leas let us know you're trying to do something about this cancer?
No. 154926
>>154867She is the most delusional person. I mean she is permabanned, but that doesn't stop her from ban evading. She is just going to keep doing it because probably she's on disability and can do this all day.
Like she wants the Dakota (and Kiki) threads to be taken down. And I don't really think that's reasonable. So other than having a reasonable discussion (very unlikely) with her or just doxing her (and of course we would never do that >.> <.< ) I don't see a way around it other than continuing to delete the spam when it pops up.
No. 154927
File: 1468428635075.jpeg (77.71 KB, 426x640, image.jpeg)

>>154914I have Naver Matome (Line's news app) and I haven't seen any articles about her that aren't the typical "wow riaru baabi ningyo 20sai desu" crap. Although I did see this, it's the cover of her old photobook, the one that used to have in giant letters "this face 100% not CG!" which it doesn't say anymore. I got a hearty chuckle out of that.
No. 154928
File: 1468428674623.jpeg (37.55 KB, 320x320, image.jpeg)

>>154927And the newer printed ones without the giant half-lie on the bottom lol
No. 154929
>>154926I think setting up flood detection would really help, also maybe a captcha as well. If that doesn't stop her then we might have to resort to post IDs in threads she likes to sperg out in.
Pray tell, can you see where her IP is located? I'm curious.
No. 154941
File: 1468430521807.jpg (214.3 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20160713_131912.jpg)

>>154927Found the article
Pretty much an all around negative response
topkek at the cg part removed
No. 154965
>>154811wow, what an announcement. you must be proud of yourself. fuck off

No. 154966
File: 1468432570335.png (71.96 KB, 582x268, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 1.55…)

>>154922they are just comparing her to poop and farts and looking constipated
No. 154970
>>154838you're in denial about your obsession with dakota

No. 154972
>>154859they are always nit picking and reaching.

No. 154973
>>154966probably you guys doing it honestylu, theres like 3 or 4 weaboos who study jap on here that do this shit every time.

No. 154975
>>154971you did it with your jap sock acc. I can see the I.P

(Hi spergchan) No. 154981
>>154830honestly, no
you're reaching for the stars anon lol

No. 154982
>>154836wtf is wrong with your head?
let's see your ugly ass face and feet

No. 154983
>>154835let's see your pretty petal feet eh?

No. 154985
>>154853projection much? you BDD whale

No. 154986
>>154855nit picking

No. 154996
>>154982>>154983My dad says they're fine, I don't need to show you my feet

No. 154997

No. 154998
>>154996oh right, because your daddy fucks and sucks your toes every night huh? you cornkernel ogre footed whale.

No. 155000
>>154997on an image board baggin' on girls eons prettier than you? lol okay.

No. 155004

No. 155005
>>154997How about you kill yourself? The best cure!

No. 155027
The nutso Taylor stan is back spamming with retarded comments, either that or summer and PULL refugees are hitting in full force.
>>154975 is my favorite.
No. 155044
>>155025she doesn't have cankles? wtf is wrong with you.

No. 155045
>>155022because you guys keep shitting on her, no one wants to entertain you fucks when you keep frothing at the mouths and being fuck tards

No. 155046
reaching for the stars anon

No. 155047
>>155011nit picking, trash

No. 155048
>>155011>>155018same fag, kill yourself you're useless on here and worhtless

No. 155049
>>155010you have been derailing with
kill yourself slowly and let us watch that red milk pour

>>155073I thought he didn't wear his ring anymore? Dakota is still wearing hers in the Disney princess dress pics.
And come to think of it, in addition to them sharing clothes, and him posing with her EAT ME pillows, he posts pics on a couch by a dining/kitchen area that is identical to the one in Dakota's apartment tour video. Maybe he's the secret roommate she insists doesn't exist?
No. 155088
File: 1468442798939.jpeg (34.33 KB, 640x397, image.jpeg)

Her video on her Bravo site bio page was changed from her apartment tour video to a new portfolio video, in which she says she's 22.
>22歳です>nijuunisai desu>I'm 22 years oldI think this qualifies as milk, fam. Dakota finally admitted her real age.
No. 155098
File: 1468443522394.png (606.13 KB, 701x808, Sans titre.png)

>>155088Holy shit this hairstyle does her no favors. It makes her face super long, especially her chin…
Also top kek when she turns to show her profile you can totally see the bumps on her head because of the hair extensions.. ~so professional~ kooters..
No. 155101
>>155094If she bothered to lie about it in the English video and keeps her fake age and DOB all over her social profiles then she obviously still cares. Maybe she had to say her real age in the Japanese video because of some legal reason?
Ages ago when she made the "Age proof" video with her passport some anons pointed out that you can get your DOB changed by requesting a new birth certificate from the state you were born in (which you can do through the internet). It's theorized that she either did that or just had a fake passport made for the video and had a real one she used to travel to Japan that had her 1993 DOB on it. Even Dakota isn't stupid enough to think she could get away with traveling on a fake passport.
No. 155109
File: 1468443898596.png (265.03 KB, 577x378, smdh......png)

>>155098She really over did it with her lip pencil, you can clearly see where her real lip begins,smh…
No. 155111
>>155109Her eyebrows at all light, the hair looks like a wig, her contacts are lifeless looking and her lip is weird.
Fuck sake
No. 155113
File: 1468444157862.png (27.3 KB, 189x131, dacote.png)

>>155111I think her extension tape might be loosening up or something. She has a weird space present on her left side and extension hair starts getting dried up after a while. Probably explains why it looks wiggish
No. 155117
>>155113Probably… her new style is really bad. Am I the only one who thinks this? It's mature but I feel like she's striving to get noticed by big brands. She's so stubby and short… even in that video I thought gosh…
I'm not even saying it to be salty and mean either. She actually is just…
Her face is beginning to look so much like Kirsten's too. Longing out.
No. 155120
File: 1468444469877.png (224.5 KB, 463x370, dakotaroselipstho.png)

>>155109sorry I keep spamming her lip pictures but….
No. 155122
>>155119kek I agree
She honestly couldn't keep this shit up forever. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
No. 155125
File: 1468444721843.png (525.27 KB, 409x629, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 22.1…)

Oh how we've come a long way
No. 155127
>>155066Wouldn't be surprised if people shitting on her is whats going to make her viral again.
People love watching train wrecks. Not to mention people who don't car that she shoops may still find her pictures cute to look at, add that to an already large IG follower base which will constantly get her to the front page… Its not unlikely.
No. 155128
Make herself so awful looking to get a bit of attention
No. 155131
File: 1468444957991.png (316.55 KB, 382x506, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 22.2…)

oh dear god kooter
No. 155135
>>155125cankles even then
No. 155136
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>>155134Despite the trashiness of it all she looks younger there as a teenager, even her features are softer compared to in that video where she's supposed to be mother nature ostrenga 2.0
No. 155141
>>155132You don't have to speak Japanese to hear the difference between "nijuunisai" (22) and "nijuuichisai" (21). She didn't say 21, she said 22. And she didn't say she's turning that age, she said she
is that age.
>I'm 22 years old>22歳です>nijuuni sai desu
>I will turn 22 years old this year>今年22に変わります>koto shi nijuuni ni kawarimasuThe two phrases sound completely different, and you can hear her say the former herself.
No. 155150
>>155129It's already suspected that they're living together, and Katono even posted a picture of him on a white couch beside a dining room/kitchen area with two cats that looked exactly the same as Dakota's white couch, and in her apartment tour video even though she doesn't show anything in the kitchen except the stove (on purpose probably) and avoids panning to the area behind the couch in the living room portion (also probably on purpose) you can still see a glimpse of a curtain hanging that separates the two areas and the legs of a table where they also were in katono's pic.
Of course, once dako posted her apartment tour video he deleted that picture from his Twitter.
No. 155165
>>155136>>155131really? posting old pics? stop shitting up the thread.

No. 155166
>>155150really? conspiracy theories? omfg this thread is shit.

(SPERG-CHAN) No. 155168
>>155134>>155141the age ting is old, talk about something new

No. 155170
>>155073>>155078exactly, old milk and ground hog day.

No. 155174
>>155141she clearly says
And 21 in Japanese is not "nijuuichisai" but "nichjuuissai"…
No. 155202
File: 1468447505329.gif (1.48 MB, 500x276, spergtasticaltaytaychansenpaid…)

No. 155262
File: 1468449114748.jpeg (163.28 KB, 640x1076, image.jpeg)

>>155187Every Google result for "how to say 21 in Japanese" says ni-juu-ichi.
No. 155295
File: 1468450596480.jpg (41.56 KB, 1078x592, Screenshot_20160713-235328_1.j…)

Is her hair like that on purpose? Like it seems she's hiding the sides of her face to make it look slimmer, similar to how she sometimes uses her hands over her jawline.
Models usually pull their hair back away from their faces to show all their features and angles. It's no wonder she's not booking any jobs.
No. 155297
File: 1468450628924.png (139.55 KB, 1190x340, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 6.47…)

>>155281It said it will be back "with friends" kek.

No. 155304
>>155295True, she even did it in her first portfolio video. She's using her hair to hide how wide her face got, It's also why she got rid of her bangs.
I can't imagine having her hair purposely her face is a good move for a model, it tells the potential employer she has a face she needs to hide which most won't want. She should at least have pushed it a little further out so that it isn't nearly covering her eyes.
No. 155305
>>155297>that's for Taylor stealing my manDid Taylor troll just give us a clue? She
did start all this when Tay announced she had a boyfriend.
No. 155311
>>155305Maybe you should move this discussion to the Spergchan thread anon, or you're just helping them to shit up other threads
Also unlikely someone like that has friends/muh man
No. 155331
>>155329Then quit replying and stop derailing the thread
No. 155351
>>155109>>155120OMG I feel almost
triggered. Get some fucking fillers. This looks so bad she must be so dumb to think this lip pencil is fooling anyone. Gosh.
No. 155355
File: 1468460981940.png (239.63 KB, 634x417, リプ*ドww.png)

>>155351Ikr, she isn't drawing it even. I believe she doesn't get a lot of "work" done because it could be botched. Thus, ruining her appearance entirely. She stays on the safe side by using makeup to fool everyone.
No. 155362
>>155295she looks
SO aged. honestly, she looks downright witch-y with her long chin and unkept hair. it's certainly nothing like the loli image she's been putting out.
No. 155391
farm hand stop deleting my posts. i can discuss the other posts on here if i want to. posts on here aren't immune from being criticized

No. 155401
>>155088As other anons said, in the Japanese vid she clearly says she's turning "nijuuissai", 21.
Whoever is directing/styling and editing these vids arent doing their jobs. Her extensions look lumpy in the back when she turns, and they shouldn't have allowed her to overdraw her lip that dramatically if they were going to zoom in on her face like that. Her face looks fine, and she should have her hair tucked back so it doesn't look like she's trying to hide something. Why is she wearing this fucking weird outfit for a promo vid? Long sleeves? Platform plastic night market stompers? What is happening? Why did no one stop and say "let's fix a few things!"
A lot of the other model videos on their vimeo are weird too. This… bizzarre glamour music and editing is so cringey.
Ultimately, the agency is responsible for managing their models' image, and this is like– really pretty bad. I understand that dakota gets a little more autonomy with clothes and makeup because she's a "talent" more than a model, but they should at least edit flatteringly instead of zooming in on her dry foundation and overdrawn lip.
No. 155408
File: 1468469608472.jpeg (42.63 KB, 640x339, image.jpeg)

>>155088At :36 when she just smiles and acts like she's laughing she looks so beautiful. She looks real. She's such a pretty girl and she's dug herself into a really big hole and I don't know if she'll climb back up, spontaneously combust, or just fizzle out.
No. 155439
>>155362>>155434She's trying to make her face seem slimmer by elongating it to hide how meaty her jowls got in her 20's. And I'm not saying she looks
old because she doesn't, but she seriously looks like she aged so much in only 3 years. Her entire face, cheeks, and jawline widened and it happened so fast, I doubt it could be all contributed to her recent weight gain because even in her first year in Japan she had pics where she looked bloated, but her face still had the same shape. I've never seen someone age from 18-23 that hard before.
No. 155563
>>155408I agree.
I've always thought she looks so much prettier when she's laughing or smiling, or just generally letting go and not doing the whole 'gotta look like a lifeless doll and stay completely still looking dead ahead at the camera, moving the least amount of facial muscles that I can while talking' thing.
Her smiling face is so much cuter than her resting face.
No. 155613
she says "this year i will turn 21"
No. 155703
File: 1468533059211.jpg (30.57 KB, 960x640, american-horror-story.jpg)

>>155088>>155120For some reason she reminds me of Taissa Farmiga. Both pretty weird looking
No. 155870
>>155820idk dont they let people that are cast for some stupid bullshit reason dress however they want at casting?
like if jeffree star walked up into a place for a job, they wouldnt ask him to go no-makeup because that is something he is known for
No. 155884
>>155881Dakota is more of a "personality" than an actual model though. She sells herself as the barbie doll model, so she needs to make sure people can see that when they look at her casting photos/ videos.
If she was just a regular model, then yes, you'd be right.
No. 155923
File: 1468607135670.jpg (171.68 KB, 370x566, 3.jpg)

>>155881Bravo is probably aware that only 1 makeup look works for her, and tell everyone she shoots for that she has to do her makeup herself. when she went to SK they didn't put up with that bs. no lip reshaping, no eye enlarging makeup, no lenses, not even bangs.
though knowing SK's raging obsession with a V-shape jaw, they did give her the best damn jaw shoop she could ever hope for.
No. 155924
File: 1468607521223.png (232.51 KB, 600x360, tumblr_metnxoyK6J1rfwssro1_128…)

>>155923Etude House gave no fucks trying to bend over backwards for her. Wish more brands did this.
No. 155936
>>155924Yeah, though i think they retouched her to some extent (just not the massive PS jobs others did).
Milk was the best though. Not a drop of shoop.
No. 155937
File: 1468609613856.jpg (41.11 KB, 600x450, belabel july 14.jpg)

2014 Belabel candid. Just found it on my computer.
No. 155940
File: 1468609941485.png (594.95 KB, 720x437, EH 5.png)

candid profile (Etude House live event)
No. 156267
File: 1468731847639.jpg (65.27 KB, 477x640, fb.jpg)

>>156128>Plus Dakota was pretty cute when she got to Japan before she let herself goi don't get why you guys think this. she looked the same, if not much worse in the beginning.
No. 156273
File: 1468733939291.jpeg (32.47 KB, 275x275, image.jpeg)

>>156267very few people look good in every candid. Not WKing her, I think she's kind of average-looking, but at least there was a small resemblance to her shoops and her candids. Now it's just absurd.
No. 156304
File: 1468743349192.png (1014.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160717-085446.png)

Kiki's back. Her thread is maxed and I'm on mobile and I don't want to screw up a new threat and be belittled… so if someone would be so kind…
No. 156315
File: 1468749113325.png (368.18 KB, 680x382, dakotafu.png)

you all are jealous bcuz you're not kawaii like me
No. 156346
>>156304Kaka is back… oh great.
What is she going to stir up this time?
No. 156360
>>156304Interesting that after being gone for over a year, she chooses now to come back. A few days after Sperg-chan was absolutely losing their shit over people theorising they were Kiki
I can't wait to find out what she's been up to. Hopefully she gives us a bit more than some boring selfies.
No. 156365
>>156267>>156273>She looked the same, if not worseUhh no she didn't. Now her face looks like super wode and bloated, at least when she first got to Japan she was skinny enough and young enough that her face was still sort of narrow despite her wide jaw. Now se jut looks like a mashed potato portrait of Cathy.
>>156304Make a new Kiki thread here in Snow.
No. 156370
File: 1468767829044.jpeg (85.88 KB, 640x589, image.jpeg)

Her lips are swelling even more now, fam.
No. 156394
>>156390>>156392>>156388She doesn't need fillers. It's normal human anatomy to have. Looks at anyone's face that isn't filtered on IG and in real life - everyone has these lines. Even taylor still has them and she's filled to the brim with filters. Tired of this anon that's obsessed with nasolabial folds , makes me think they have freakishly deep ones with their constant mention of it all over this image board.

No. 156395
>>156394taylor is filled to the brim with fillers*
just because you get filters does not mean these lines go away due to the fact they are built in every single human face. it's human - sorry you are used to seeing these line filtered out on every instagram model online, but it's isn't reality- everyone has these lines no matter what.

No. 156401
>>156394I agree that it's normal to a degree, but I feel like Kota's is really, really deep even when she's not smiling.
And no I don't have deep nasolabial folds. Also, this is the first time I've mentioned Kota's so I'm not the other anons.
No. 156563
File: 1468792508626.jpeg (106.74 KB, 639x856, image.jpeg)

I got a good kek out of her updated Twitter bio.
No. 156604
File: 1468799780791.jpg (119.14 KB, 630x630, b7764306-s.jpg)

>>156370little better quality because idk why people struggle with this
No. 156605
>>156394I have honestly never seen anyone with these sort of lines before?
>>154832Not to this degree anyway. They start at the corner of her lips and go all the way back to her ears, its so weird to me. Idk why.
No. 156607
File: 1468800339163.png (1.15 MB, 1678x918, skin.png)

>>156605It's the contouring makeup. It's more visible on some lighting, less in others.
No. 156614
File: 1468801982515.jpg (35.06 KB, 400x190, Foto_10912_fotos-rosie-hunting…)

>>156605I think she's trying to smile in a way that hides her wrinkles but ended up looking awkward. Lines like that can be seen on anyone with strong cheek bones and square jaws.
No. 156711
File: 1468827930451.png (996.95 KB, 1081x529, 79f11772c414e3107a10f275c345ed…)

No. 156762
>>156619she has kinda always had a bad taste in everything.
the straight ass middle part with slicked back pony look is not working for her.. i get she's trying to look like some high end model, but even models don't do that. it would look so much with some volume or curl.. the princess dress pictures are the best she's looked in a long time. and the turtlenecks, don't get me started on the turtlenecks.
No. 156805
File: 1468853788729.jpg (95.58 KB, 570x616, il_570xN.410192210_pr8w.jpg)

>>156711This is probably just me but I think she looks much cuter on the right, like one of those chubby porcelain dolls.
No. 156876
File: 1468871217070.jpeg (91.51 KB, 640x876, image.jpeg)

She must not have appreciated everyone speculating about her being broke due to no working, lol. Except this makes her lack of activity/work look even more like she's married or has a SD.
"Vintage Vivian" she says. Maybe if she can afford this, she can replace those tired ass black ankle boots she's been wearing since Florida. Not that se paid for it herself I mean, but still.
No. 156883
File: 1468871961324.jpeg (53.94 KB, 640x1080, image.jpeg)

The babyfang IG is officially dead. They unfollowed Dakota and now the only follower left is the Japanese girl who won the modeling contest, which I don't get? Did they go through and block all their old followers? It's still followimy Hiroshi Takawaki though, who works for Bravo and is Dakota's manager.
No. 156885
File: 1468873401993.png (142.52 KB, 536x422, Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 3.13…)

>>156883is this the same dude?
i feel like for the followers of the 'dakota has a sugar daddy' camp, he's the most likely suspect, but have we ever dug up more about what her relationship with manager-san/Bravo is like, though?
No. 156893
>>156876oh okay so that's supposed to be a Vivienne Westwood watch, I thought it was a watch with a pen on it and I was confused.
that lolita shit is disgusting and every female who thinks it's cute is a trashy cunt with bad hygiene (got you there Dacote)
No. 156904
File: 1468878147384.png (94.97 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>156885>>156898Not surprising. He looks like the kind of fat older jap guy who obsesses over 14-16 year old white girls. Lucky Dakota, eh? Imagine havi to suck this guy's dick just to stay in Japan and be a hiklikomori.
No. 156938
>>156893vivienne westwood isn't even lolita, it's more punk than anything else.
is this supposed to be bait?
No. 156942
>>156938No they meant the Lolita bracelet she's sporting next to her tacky Viv watch.
Vivienne Westwood is pretty tacky nowadays. I get it was all out there in its day, some pieces are okay but with all the knock offs out there now it's pretty just meh.
No. 156947
>>156942oh whoops i hadn't turned my head to read the lettering. that is kinda tacky, usually i associate any jewelry with huge gold lettering on it with ghetto style.
idk where you're getting the idea that vivienne westwood is super tacky nowadays tho, it's like every other brand: each new season is a pretty even ratio of tasteful classics and questionable bullshit imo. at least they're not riding each new trend's dick to the death, right?
No. 156953
>>156605Oh anon, I have the same lines in my face.
It happens when you have a chubby face, it's the shadow of the fat
No. 156958
>>156876The watch is a VW X Swatch collaboration. It's really not very expensive
The lines on her face is from sagging skin.'I have the same :(
No. 156959
File: 1468886218608.png (418.57 KB, 548x780, veiny hands.png)

>>156876Lol she's even shopping her own veiny old witch hands
That watch is ugly as fuck though and man she can't even pair her accessories right
No. 156963
>>156959She can't pair shit right anon. She never has done. Look at every outfit kota has ever wore and you'll see it never goes well. She puts things on and hopes for the best.
>>156947She was born in Chicago and grew up in Flordia… what do you expect kek?
Vivienne Westwood has always been tacky. Who even dresses "punk" anymore? Their items aren't even that pricey compared to other labels out there. I just cluster VW with fucking Michael Korrs to be fair. Everytime I see those horrid orb earrings wore by people - usually knock offs I cringe.
No. 156969
>>156963Yeah, it just makes it more ironic considering well, she's supposed to be a model and that she had her own short-lived accessory line.
So you would think she'd have learned by now especially from her other fellow models (even if it's by observing them) but I guess somewhere in her messed up head, she thinks whatever she dons is perfect when in fact it's the opposite.
No. 157070
File: 1468911688989.jpg (136.03 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

No. 157085
File: 1468916397473.jpg (169.44 KB, 1199x981, CntbDcsUEAAjLf3.jpg)

No. 157106
File: 1468926992053.png (485.76 KB, 931x494, comments.png)

>>157103You got to caption that when you see it, she does still delete comments. Someone on pull stated they saw someone in Japanese asked "why she only had four toes" and it was gone quickly. This is all I got now.
No. 157112
File: 1468928376361.jpeg (148.55 KB, 750x1162, image.jpeg)

>>157106I actually took a screenshot before she deleted.
No. 157119
File: 1468930366189.jpg (198.28 KB, 1070x1217, Screenshot_20160719-131109_1.j…)

Please stop, Dakota.
We know you check this thread, just stop it already. You're fooling nobody.
No. 157132
File: 1468932118897.png (211.09 KB, 377x356, triggered.png)

Her shops are seriously starting to make me angry..It doesn't look good, she keeps wearing thick sweaters in July (less body to shoop, I guess) and now she's basically shopping herself with playstation 2 graphics.
No. 157142
File: 1468934089358.png (766.92 KB, 672x504, rollupyourfuckingsleevez.png)

>>157119jfc koots, hiding your thick arms and hands in long sleeves all the time does not convince people you're a tiny moderu, just like covering your jowls will not make it any smaller.
i'm nitpicking bla bla, she does this so much i laugh every time.
No. 157149
>>157112I knew she was going to delete this when I went to her page and saw all the negative comments people were leaving. Better to delete the entire thing then delete every comment I guess. Although
>>157119 doesn't look much better
No. 157160
File: 1468937652614.png (633.12 KB, 616x746, fejuow45ehsuydft7.png)

"dakota was cuter before surgery. she has passed living doll status and now is just scary"
No. 157161
File: 1468937885202.png (405.04 KB, 584x551, fejuowffreresuydft7.png)

"doesnt matter if its surgery or not, the eyes are cute, but the rest is just scary"
No. 157173
>>157085How can she possibly not see how terrible this looks?
She has lost her damn mind.
No. 157200
>>157192>Maybe she wants to go homeanon, pls. go home to what? she has no life whatsoever in Florida and would just have to start all over again from zero without even an education at her age. of course your theory is wrong.
the reason her edits are such shit is because she has a massive insecurity issue and probably thinks the distorted alien pictures genuinely look "ethereal" or something. the tumblr pictures were more attractive, but not as special inhuman loli barbie like the new ones are. people with really low self esteem tend to like seeing themselves as above normal or achievable.
No. 157262
File: 1468955834368.png (5.52 KB, 429x410, 130057615284420110725-22047-17…)

>>157259not that anon, but, what??
No. 157297
>>157252Well you can tell she kind of did with her watch picture but for the other one, that was for babyfang so she couldn't edit that one
I think that's one of the reasons why she didn't fight to keep the babyfang website alive because it contained a lot of photos of her that she couldn't edit herself.
No. 157378
File: 1468983251037.jpeg (102.83 KB, 640x836, image.jpeg)

>>157366I've noticed too that as her Twitter follower count goes down, her Instagram follower count keeps going up.
No. 157837
>>154831She looks like Regina George there holy shit.
I want Mean Girls in lolcow version.
No. 157842
>>156563kekking so hard at that emoji
But seriously it's maybe because she feels old? Or maybe she's kidding about having prominents nasolabial folds or something? Or maybe it's just a random funny emoji?
No. 158093
File: 1469180486924.png (579.85 KB, 598x597, Gross Alien.png)

No. 158094
File: 1469180996756.jpg (136.29 KB, 1080x1080, 13731296_1326630630698260_1330…)

>>158093Please post the photos in original size.
No. 158102
File: 1469183078498.jpg (37.34 KB, 542x448, Tokyo.jpg)

>>158094She must constantly be in offices with A/C because there is no way she can walk around outside dressed like that.
No. 158107
>>158102 and I think 21c is hot! But I am from England so I guess that's why it could just be average.
No. 158116
>>158094wow she has literally given up on life.
she MUST read here. i am convinced she is trolling us to the max. first she started with the alien shoops, then the betty spaghetti body shoop, then these outfits in 100 degree summer weather. wtf dakota
No. 158144
>>158094All is I see is beetlejuice references.
>>158120I remember those first viral pictures. I was incredibly jealous. Thought she looked gorgeous and didn't understand the extent of the photoshop. I thought it was just blurring and smoothing out. Her real face isn't enviable but her current are so bad, her non-ps pictures look really good. Used to be the opposite. Maybe that's the goal?
No. 158224
File: 1469239248306.jpg (29.83 KB, 400x384, 6dc.jpg)

>>158116>>158135i think so too. this is getting bizarre. aside from the shoops and weird ass outfits, the picture even feels sketchy and i can't put my finger on it. i think koots just keeps doing these edits so we'll keep talking about her, keeps in her spotlight so people won't forget about her. if we want koots to accept her normal self and stop the alien shoops, we have to stop giving her attention. either that or she and has some kind of bdd and needs to show off taiko by wearing nothing but his clothes.
either way, its all very strange.
No. 158513
>>155355She should just go to South Korea. It's the dang cosmetic surgery capital of the world.
But maybe that wouldn't be "kawaii" enough?
No. 158563
>>158094No fucking way!!
No way this is real!
I'm in total disbelief.
She cannot possibly be this out of touch with reality.
No. 158576
File: 1469298398034.jpg (513.03 KB, 923x599, 1451335170648.jpg)

>>158528OH MY GOD this is the funniest edit Kootz has done
No. 158592
File: 1469302025422.jpg (172.22 KB, 640x376, 1426199576618.jpg)

>>158585lmao what are you talking about? she looks exactly the same as she did since day one. she neither used to be "a kawaii dolly" nor did "aging hit her face like a truck". don't let her ever morphing shoops fool you, her real face hasn't changed one bit since she was "tumblr famous"
No. 158994
File: 1469412796341.jpeg (21.99 KB, 209x666, image.jpeg)

Unrelated but I found this looking for them. Kek
No. 159064
>>158888And even if she did cut herself, I really don't think she'd do it in a visible and obvious place like her wrists. She's not
that dumb.
No. 159104
>>159082unedited picture someone else took backstage at the shoot
Dakota's edit, which she posted on Twitter and/or ameblo, I forget
No. 159199
File: 1469474195894.jpg (27.79 KB, 337x437, images (3).jpg)

I think she said that she likes Vlada Roslyakova in her book (ダコタローズのすべて). Everything made sense that moment, she was inspired by Vlada's looks and aura.
No. 159296
File: 1469480600645.png (420.34 KB, 1071x519, ohlord.png)

much delusion indeed
No. 159321
>>159296Everything she wants changed on her face could technically be done through surgery, but probably not to the extreme she wants it.
I think she just merely likes the fantasy of making herself look so ridiculous
No. 159328
File: 1469485079695.jpg (74 KB, 465x599, 465px-Kotakoti_aspiring_artist…)

>>159312>she also edited herself to look like her own artwork in their scene queen reminder they tried to sell her horrible digital drawings made up 90% of dodge and burn with a stolen google photos as background for $500.
No. 159334
File: 1469487377674.jpg (39.01 KB, 580x375, meatyjaw.jpg)

>>159321If she got surgery would she be criticized even more for doing so? But if she just got her meaty jaw shaved, lip injections and lost some weight she'd be almost shoop status irl. dedicate yourself to this life, kota.
No. 159340
File: 1469488726239.jpg (246.99 KB, 1420x799, I@053250_L.jpg)

>>157119anyone else?
Just saw it in this picture for some reason and that was my first thought.
No. 159344
File: 1469490838399.jpg (52.21 KB, 333x500, 1294864130004_f.jpg)

>>156876just noticed, isn't this the same watch as in pic related? so it's not something she bought recently, it's really old…back from when she was still trying to make it in kiki's shadow, anyways. wonder who bought it for her then.
No. 159379
File: 1469499051751.png (282.73 KB, 488x375, Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 10.0…)

I was somehow able to get a screenshot.
No. 159380
>>159328Such lack of talent on many levels in one picture.
>>159344Good catch anon, also kek at her body. Sad this version of Kooter never really existed.
No. 159433
>>159414images like this
>>158094 alone are worth talking about. snowflakes just have to be 'special', they don't have to provide milk like regular cows.
No. 159452
File: 1469521852231.jpg (703.57 KB, 2048x2048, CoRvnB9UMAAael-.jpg)

Looks like she got a haircut at a different salon. No. 159462
File: 1469525389541.jpeg (94.03 KB, 750x671, image.jpeg)

>>159452Wow, she actually told someone where she bought something. Weird weeb how-to-English apostrophe aside.
No. 159598
File: 1469546124477.jpg (121.54 KB, 813x1084, CoS2MkZUAAAcGpz.jpg)

>>159565Here you go anon.
No. 159738
>>159701>>159724It looks quite filtered, just like Japanese people love.
>>159598Thanks! How/where did you find it? I tried looking so hard.
No. 159740
File: 1469574833185.jpeg (440.99 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

Tbh their image has TONS of filters and blur.
No. 160721
off topic but I was having a good browse through Google and I stumbled across this article - like whoever's the author of this article needs to get their facts right
No. 160754
>>160648Lmao with that cleft chin? strip all the filters, eye tape and circle lenses, Audrey looked bare minimum average awkward geeky white girl

No. 160755
>>160476audrey wishes she was kota

No. 160758
>>159603Let's see your fat ass.
She doesn't have a "fat igloo tummy"
Wtf is wrong with you? Jesus anachan - just die of malnutrition already and get off the farm.

No. 160778
>>160774Right, because anyone who disses projection comments on Kota's thread is an Ostrenga. OK
Great logic skills anon!

No. 160781
>>160774whenever i see someone say
"hi (insert cows name)", i always think they're butthurt when their posts are criticized lol

No. 161141
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>>141901Her natural face is much hotter than the photoshopped shit. These gooks are so dumb, especially the Koreans, with their heart-shaped face worship. Her lower third has really nice bone development.
No. 161176
File: 1469710264160.jpg (272.65 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160728_094706.jpg)

Theres been new pics on ig,twitter
This one freaks me out. It reminds of a titan…
No. 161307
>>161303Nah Risa filters herself to fuck but she STILL does look like her pictures and she seems likeable. Actually does things such as care and put effort into a brand.
Dakota changes everything about herself. No way if she smaller than Risa who is skinny/small anyway. Dakota actually has hips and is a bit broad at the top (look at the fucking shoulder in that bad shoop pic). I remember ages ago she took a picture of her legs/skirt in those white platform shoes then someone found the original and Kota had some hips to her. She's definitely not as tiny and minuscule as she tries to portray. Kiki is the skinny/small one with no tit or hips.
No. 161313
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and besides kota is fading out especially now that Japanese teen girls piss themselves over Nicole with her rabbit ass teeth
She's a cute girl mind but I don't see much of an appeal just likeable I guess
No. 161362
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Seems like Koots is still in contact with her family at least.
No. 161391
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My, how the tables have turned. Can we talk about Kota's recent Taylor copycatting? I had my suspicions during Babyfang that she was going for that unkempt tomboyish look because of Taylor.
No. 161396
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No. 161522
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From yochastagram
No. 161524
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And another one