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No. 156475
Kiki has finally slithered out from hiding and graces us with our presence!
Why now? Whats going on in Kiki's life? Has she found a new jap boy toy? Is Cathy shoving the selfie stick in her face telling her monkey to make some dollars? Does this mean we'll get new videos? New blog/ website?! (rip lilkitten). No. 156481
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No. 156483
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>long time no see…
No. 156493
>>156475At last, our vegan empath goddess has returned to us!! I've been so mournful without Kiki's delicious milk.
Let's all remember not to fuck it up this time. Cows are for watching, not harrassing, so don't go scaring Kiki off. Hopefully our vegan moogle of mother earth is here to stay. Her IG description and stuff hasn't really changed so do you think she's still going for the same schtick?
No. 156494
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Oh god, I'm so fucking thrilled.
Our ethereal goddess of love & light has returned!
May she bless us with the creamiest milk.
No. 156497
>>156483I'm gonna nitpick here, but her greasy hair is really bothering me. I don't understand why she wouldn't wash it before her "big comeback."
Also, someone in Kota's thread compared her to Taissa Farmiga, but I would say Kaka looks a lot like her in this pic at least.
>>156493It seem so. The only thing I noticed is she got rid of the Chinese, so she's probably done pretending to give a shit about China/Korea now.
No. 156499
>>156497Japan is her main goal
As it is to 48247847384 other girls lol
No. 156500
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>figured you'd been working on an album or something
Oh, how amazing more 'totally original and not stolen' mish-mashes of incohesive electronic/dubstep garbage would be.
I have to say, I'm pretty excited to see what she's got up her sleeve for us this time.
Is she in the holy land of Nippon? Or back in the US? No doubt she'll be acting like she's in Japan either way. Uploading from that stash of backed up pictures she's got.
No. 156502
>>156498Same, to be honest.
Still the same boring winged-eyeliner makeup, still the flat, unlayered hairstyle and middle parting, still not filling in her damn brows.
Girl needs to change shit up.
No. 156503
>>156501Because Kiki is a screaming obnoxious twat and not even giving up the puss makes men able to tolerate her for long. She thinks so highly of herself and her ego is so massive and she treats people like shit unless worship her, even if Bravo
considered signing her I doubt she would be able to keep her bullshit in check long enough to finish all the paperwork. Before she disappeared she said on Twitter that she got an entertainment visa but she deleted it pretty quickly, same with her bragging about being scouted.
I don't doubt she had offers while in Japan, but she can't act like an adult and won't do anything she doesn't want to do so maybe whatever opportunities she did get she shat all over with her awful personality.
No. 156505
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holy shit she's back
wonder how long she'll last before she poofs away again
No. 156506
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Question when Youtube saids an account was active 10 months ago does that mean the last time the posted a video or did anything at all like approving a comment, etc?
No. 156507
>Why now?Exactly anon. Pretty odd that her return happens to coincide with the appearance of the Dakota and Taylor obsessed sperg-chan and their seemingly disproportionate fury at being accused of being Kiki.
>>156500Yep, she's probably been spending her time away gathering several years worth of content in order to stage a permanent move to Japan.
No. 156509
>>156507I also think kaka would crawl out of her burrow now that pull is going belly-up
sage for tinfoil hat
No. 156512
>>156508Yeah, that's definitely her room, she just changed it up a little bit. She still has the same tv, same lamp, and in the same area (right by the door).
If she was somewhere else, she'd be showing off the background more. Though, it does seem to me that she tried to make it seem like she was somewhere else by not showing much of her room and changing things up.
>>156511I think she's turning 24 soon?
No. 156515
>>156514Oh, sorry, you're right.
I'm tired as fuck and it's been a while with Kaka so my brain's fucking everything up.
No. 156516
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Kiki's new insta post…new Japanese bf maybe?
No. 156517
>>156516if this is her new bf than she petty much just returned to show everybody her kawaii-desu Taku 2.0.
oh man, this is a good day.
No. 156518
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No. 156520
>>156516I love how Kiki is so completely incapable or learning from her past. She just can't resist showing off her yellow hookups to prove us haterzzzzz wrong lol
Maybe she's been in Japan with Kota hunting for a visa hubby the whole time
No. 156521
No. 156523
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She also changed her Twitter name.
No. 156526
>>156517This. Typical conceited Kaka.
But like the other anon said, I'll believe it when I see them together. He looks a bit too…boy-band-ish? Not to give Kaka props or anything if he is her bf but he's a bit too nice-looking.
No. 156528
>>156527They're not pronounced the same as all though. Leigh is pronounced the same as the boy's name Lee, and Lei is pronounced the same as lay.
Why am I trying to apply logic to this idiots actions though.
No. 156531
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>>156522Could you imagine of the tables flipped AGAIN?
Somehow Kiki shoots up into internet popularity, and actually begins to overshadow Dakota. Kiki is frolicking in her Nipponland with her Nipponese boyfriendo, booking high-end modeling jobs and being all around successful with her Nipponland vlogs and blogs. Meanwhile Dakota is locked away forever in her off-white dungeon desperately shooping her head smaller and smaller, her eyes bigger and bigger, until she looks like something from Beetlejuice. She sadly has to be shipped back to Flordia to take Kiki's place as the sad sister that is forced by Cathy to scour the internet for any reason to submit copyright claims for the Kiki Kanninbal Empire.
I can dream.
No. 156532
>>156527She can't very well use her last name I she plans to get famous in Japan (and you know she does). Not only is it ugly sounding but it's hard for Japanese to pronounce. "Osutorenga" isn't kawaii desu.
Plus she can't use her last name because it's connected to all her and Kota's Japanese truth posts.
No. 156533
>>156531Kiki is too old to become a model now, unless she lies about being a model already in America which Dakota has already don't for her. She'll never surpass Dakota though, Kota's gimmick is "cute" and Kiki's is "sexy vegan goddess" and tbh cute trumps that in Japan.
>>156529I've never understood why American schools stopped teaching phonics. Why would it be pronounced "lee"? You don't pronounce "sleigh" as "slee" would you? Besides Scott and Cathy wouldn't give Kiki a boring sounding middle name like Lee, but Leigh (lay) sounds pretty and feminine.
No. 156536
>>156533I'm English. It's an English name, and it's pronounced exactly the same as Lee.
>>156535It's not a millennial thing. It's my fucking name I know how it's pronounced. It's an old English variant spelling of Lee in the first place, the pronunciation is the same.
No. 156537
>>156521Oh you bet your ass she will. She
has to. If he has any kind of social status, fame, or money she's going to brag about him and claim he doesn't speak a word of English. She can't help herself.
No. 156538
>>156536>>156535>>156533>>156529It can be pronounced EITHER WAY you autists. Whichever one Kiki choses to use, unless there's audio of one of her parents saying her middle name, is the closest to an official answer you're going to get.
Now save the bitching for the real milk. She's posted 3 times so far today, so I know that sweet sweet cream is coming.
No. 156541
>>156538>It can be pronounced EITHER WAY you autists.This.
Though, I'm positive hers is pronounce Lee since when she had her name in Japanese on her twitter/ig, it was キキ・リー (kiki ri- for those who don't speak Japanese)
No. 156542
>>156540It would take too long and her Japanese isn't that good. Besides, she likes to think of herself as a model since she was 12 anyway, and since Dakota is a model in Japan that means Kiki has to become one too.
How long do you guys think it'll be before she starts buying Twitter and Instagram followers?
No. 156543
>>156542Tru. Idk how is Kiki affording to live there, do we believe that her bf is funding her or her family? How does her family have so much money to spare? I think she would definitely consider buying followers as a 'good business move and wise investment' but how much does that cost, does she have the money laying around for that?
I just imagined Kiki teaming up with her sis and trying to pull a Kim K deal. I don't think it's likely to happen but god that would be ultimate milk for me
No. 156544
>>156543I don't think Kiki is in Japan at all, and she hasn't been this entire time she's been away. If she was she would have been updating more often.
She spent this time laying low and looking for a new Japanese boyfriend. Dakota's change in style is purely a result in herself failing as a model.
No. 156545
I totally agree. I don't think she's in Japan either. Maybe she's making plans to go see her new bf in Japan finally and that's why she's back.
No. 156547
>>156543Given how mostrenga parents are eager to spend all money it takes to make her famous, I wouldn't put getting loans and maxing credit cards past them. Remember how they rather buyed useless shit for their photoshoots than paying for Kiki's ER trips.
Also there's granny's inheritance, most likely kiki could afford the 2015 azn cock riding tour thanks to it.
No. 156556
She'll meet him for a quick shag and flaunt how mystical and kawaii she is. Brag about kota despite hating how she's much more successful (somewhat) than her. Then probably hope she can reel in that delicious visa. Just like Venus, Himezawa and many others have done so.
Then she'll set up a Youtube account and try grabbing some agency that will take her.
No. 156564
>>156559Oh god yeah lets not forget her pile of shit music rip offs. Can't forget about that now can we?
If her sister is the kawaii elf goddessu then kaka will be the kawaii dj mother goddessu. Imagine her on Japanese tv sat next to that chunkster Naomi bragging about how wonderful her tunes are and the audience nodding robotically in awe at how magical, unique and special the Ostrenga sisters are.
No. 156570
>>156567Because it was an stolen track
Anyways, the Dj who released it already know about Kaka and called her a plagiarist bitch
No. 156571
>>156555Kiki becoming a jvlogger would be the best thing to happen jvlogging in a while. So much drama potential.
I think it's more likely Sharla would get caught bitching about Kiki than her doing a collab video with her lol.
No. 156573
>>156555Kiki becoming a jvlogger would be the best thing to happen jvlogging in a while. So much drama potential.
I think it's more likely Sharla would get caught bitching about Kiki than her doing a collab video with her lol.
No. 156582
>>156573Kek exactly
So so much drama
No. 156618
Woah woah woah what makes you think the guy in the new Instagram as seen in
>>156516 is her boyfriend.
As far as we know she could have taken the picture from google, put some filters over it and call it her own. She has done it before. I agree with
>>156519 . I believe it when I see a picture of them together.
No. 156634
>>156630Twitter used to post Instagram links + the photo (3-4 years ago lol) but since then they stopped. it's super annoying.
Christmas has come early. right when I was about to give up on this site, she returns!!
No. 156635
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New Twitter pic… showing off her Japanese skills lol
No. 156639
>>156618They're just assuming this because she's suggesting it.
It really does seem to me she did that. If he's her bf, why does his face need to be covered? If she says it's for "privacy reasons," then that's fucking bullshit. If she truly cared about his privacy, she'd never post the pic in the first place.
I would laugh so fucking hard if we found out she was now pretending to have a ~sugoku kawaii nihonjin boifurendo~ using google images.
>>156635I love how he's speaking baby-ish Japanese to her and mostly writes in English to her.
Something tells me she didn't improve in Japanese at all since we last saw her.
No. 156644
>>156618Look at the pixels and compression and it's basically confirmed that's what she did. Why wouldn't she have it in HQ? Even if she threw a bunch of filters on it shit looks bad.
The question is will she try to pass this off as Taku to save face?
No. 156708
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>>156635Someone on pull pointed out the profile icon. It's this pic
>>156516Did she just download his line pic and post it without his permission?
This is more proof to me that she isn't dating this guy or at least hasn't been dating him that long, if she was, I feel like she would have more pics of him or she'd at least be comfortable asking for more pics of him.
No. 156710
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>>156708Either that or she's just found a random photo and is talking to herself. Would explain the shitty Japanese and English in his reply to her. Would not surprise me at all.
No. 156712
>>156708Well that would explain why the picture she posted is such shitty quality…she just swiped a tiny profile picture.
I can believe she's actually talking to this guy, but it's probably just some dude she met on a penpal site a week ago and she wants us to think she’s in some long term relationship with him.
No. 156715
>>156712>it's probably just some dude she met on a penpal site a week ago and she wants us to think she’s in some long term relationship with him.I think so as well.
Though, I'm hoping that she just found the pic off google and is pretending to have a bf like
>>156710 said. That would be hilarious.
In either case, it really shows she hasn't learned a single thing from her experiences when she was last posting online.
No. 156856
She's arguably the biggest cow we've had on here and even she isn't in /pt/ anymore.
I understand that her thread might get moved back into /pt/ when the milk starts flowing again, but I just find it so pointless unnecessary. With all the moving around, I forget whose thread is in which board.
Sage for rant.
No. 156864
>>156856she's posted 3 pictures, it's not really a milk-worthy return. for all we know she could disappear again and then the entire thread would be pointless.
people are losing their shit that she's back but so far we've had nothing of substance from her. bitch is a snowflake till proven otherwise. y'all almost as bad as PULL right now i swear
No. 156865
>>156862its hard to rise to fame without doing some shitty stuff tbh
people will always dig up something or shit on you for the tiniest things
No. 156872
>>156869it was dead though. what do you expect them to go through every dead thread in /pt/ and move them around when no one is touching them?
Stop complaining about nothing.
No. 156890
>>156872Nah, before Sperg-chan it was still getting posted in by farmers after the changes the old Admin did.
>>156884I just want her to grace us with a YT video. I was going through her channel earlier and it was pretty depressing seeing her videos go from around 200k-300k views to 17k. Wish she'd put effort into a comeback so I can have my princess back.
No. 156921
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No. 156924
>>156921Here's a translation of the Japanese caption:
"My boyfriend's picture
This is Chiba
Beautiful, isn't it?"
No. 156925
>>156921Her text says "His photo". She used kare not kareshi though, but then again, she doesn't speak Japanese so she could've meant anything.
Fun fact: Taco and his cafe is in Chiba. But the guy isn't Taco, they look completely different. I wonder how long until this one-sided relationship dies
No. 156934
>>156797 Pretty strange seing sharla refer to kota as a"dumb bitch"
They're being pretty harsh.
No. 156935
>>156929Yeah, I thought so as well.
If she has no issue basically admitting that she isn't in Japan, I'm wondering why she didn't just take a pic of them video chatting together. This is making me more skeptical about this new "boyfriend."
No. 156987
>>156986Pretty sure it's her new boyfriend tbh.

No. 156989
>>156988The only time I've seen her "steal" images is with pictures that are circulating all around instagram on aesthetic themes where everyone is reposting the same picture.

No. 156990
>>156989[CONT.] for example, the China pic which was heavily pink filtered, I've seen that all over other IG accounts and Kiki never said she was in China. I think in the comments someone asked about knowing about veganism in asia and she mentioned knowing about the hanzi and kanji, but never said she was actually in china. The only thing I've seen her do is post old pics from when she was in Japan when she's back in FL, but I've seen a lot of people do that honestly when they come back from trips.

No. 156992
>>156990I vaguley remember her posting some ramen type image once, claiming it was totally vegan. People realized she took it from somewhere else and that it wasn't vegan at all.
And everyone knows she's flat out lied about her trips to Japan. Dakota even outed her out on that. So yes, she is untrustworthy.
No. 156993
>>156991I've seen it on many IG accounts too.

No. 156995
>>156992 I've never seen this or read about this, both the ramen and the dakota outing her, can you show me?

No. 156997
>>156996go to any weeb's IG account
i think kaka reposts pics online that a lot of people do and then farmers over exaggerate and scream that she lies about every single thing she does

No. 157001
>>156997The original accusation was that she was lying by omission. She didn't reply to anyone who asked about where she was, and answered questions or comments from people who clearly thought she was in Japan in ways that encouraged that assumption.
Kiki almost never outright lies. She always lies by omission.
No. 157002
>>156998my friends and i have reposted pics from online if we didn't get a picture or had shitty pics of a certain popular spot [to shitty to post on IG with the way our feeds looked] so it was better to take a better looking pic from the internet, it's not a huge issue. it doesn't mean people who have done that equals their whole IG and experiences are fake

No. 157003
>>157001I've seen more of kaka's shit exposed to be true rather than her faking it. that's how we've gotten so much milk from her because she post her real life and that's how we've been able to track down everything and everyone she talks about