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No. 1413065
The latest altcows thread, for all the attention seekers, grifters, and other assorted idiots in the alternative community.
Most recent cows:
-Jake Munro, wannabe Manson ripoff, narc youtuber, vanity band member, inspires frumpy tweens and lonely middle aged women alike
-ToxicTears (kaya), alt youtuber, complains about everything, blames meds for weight while eating crap
-ItsBlackFriday (freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Felvae, used to be a witchy instagoth, now an uwu tradwife who is actually the breadwinner
-Feigsfar (Adam), thinly veiled white supremacist on Insta, Felvae's partner
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), alt youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past, believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer
…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk like Avelina De Moray, Emily Boo and Jude Bishop. Jude has her own thread as well.
Recap of last thread:
>feigsfar is very manly and straight bathing naked with his bros as his ancestors of yore decreed>Kaya tries out meds for adhd>Jake does a small "tour" with his generic nu metal vanity band. Kaya doesn't come, anons think their loveless relationship is finally cracking>Dorian apologises for using n word in 2018 but then deletes insta. Makes a new one and apologises for angering ED twitter>jake makes an OF but hasn't posted yet. Hints at collab with e-thot jude bishop>An illiterate anon shit stirs, cow tips and dips>anons were right, jake and kaya finally break up. Jake pretends it was a calm decision and quickly moves on to announcing USA road trip with fakeboi lesbian K>Kaya says it wasn't amicable, she wasn't expecting it, is having to live in a studio with no shower (either jake kicked her out or she just didn't want to live with him). Is trying to find a new place. Gains many patreons and starts doing YouTube again.>Jake's mask slips, he claims he's paying for her expenses but Kaya says he isn't. Deletes comments on his breakup video, and replies to other comments with how he hates kaya. Deletes video after backlash. Loses some patreons and subscribers. Starts smoking again due to "stress". The fans who are left continue to give him obscene amounts of money for the little he has to offer.>Jake goes to America but cuts road trip with K short for whatever reason.>Rumours that Jake cheated on kaya with a married womanPrevious thread:
>>>/snow/1384689Jude Bishop's thread:
>>>/snow/1127197 No. 1413165
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No. 1413182
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sage but she posts more selfies and honestly looks way happier despite her shit situation imo
No. 1413199
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Because nothing’s more heroic, inspirational or pulls a person out of depression faster than a narc who reacts to tiktoks for easy views.
No. 1413200
Sage for no real milk
>>1413182She's even going out with her friends more, she even posted a story on insta (don't have the screenshot on my computer to post it) hanging out with some friends and she looks so happy, the free tattoos, hanging out with friends and finally being free is helping her a lot, it looks like she's already going up and it won't take long before fake goes down especially since he's spending lots of money on K and his trips.
No. 1413209
>>1413200Sage goes in the email field
>>1413205Must be Patreon. Some YouTubers have a feature where you can "join" their channel but I don't think Jake has that.
No. 1413216
>>1413211She has lost weight, but it's also the angle. There's nothing easier than making yourself look thinner by tilting your phone. Especially if it's a full length mirror.
t. a fatass who has done the same thing
No. 1413220
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Stumpy made sure his current stream’s chat is in Members Only mode to avoid any backlash.
No. 1413238
I can’t help but think that perhaps the weight loss is partially from shivering in the cold and possibly having no access to food (not that she cooked anyways). Kaya does look better though. It’s cringe Stumpy posted a selfie with the caption “I still look like this after 4 months!”
>>1413165 after so many anons have noticed Kaya’s weight loss. It’s a weird “brag” and he has always looked doughy or like a short sack of potatoes.
>>1413220He hasn’t made a new video in weeks. He’s only been doing these low effort streams to rake in cash. I would think Fake fans want to see some video made before all of the trips.
No. 1413250
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saged for autism but that phrase was an interesting choice..
No. 1413258
>>1413238He's such an obvious and pathetic narc. It's annoying he'll likely get through putting Kaya through homelessness in the middle of winter and stealing all her money mostly unscathed because dweeby neo-mallgoth teens and aging goth moms wanna fuck his disgusting ass.
>>1413250Wow…couldn't be more obvious.
No. 1413274
>>1413238He's making a new video now apparently, picrel. Maybe it's the America vlog.
By the way he's live right now No. 1413276
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>>1413274My dumbass forgot to attach it
No. 1413282
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For some reason Jude's name is on a list on the screen that says "members"? And he's talking to someone via voice chat on stream about America, but I don't think it's Jude.
No. 1413304
>>1413287He thinks it's easy to get residency in the US? Bahaha. It's a good feeling to know nobody really cares about him and his dreams are destined to fail.
Anyone else notice his American accent was more N Irish when he was there? Back home he's back to American. How can a man be so sad.
No. 1413306
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>>1413294True, none of the other cows are producing as much milk as their breakup and its aftermath. I checked on IBF though and she wants to make more videos if that's something. Saged in case it's not.
No. 1413413
>>1413264That is HILARIOUS.
>>1413353Lol, he’s absolutely twisting that statement in response to all the criticism he got over the years for that exact reason. Manipulative af.
No. 1413484
>>1413250K is probably lowkey weirdly obsessed with Kaya for Jake fangirl reasons,
hello lovelies is not a common greeting
No. 1413520
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>>1413496Ok after reading this, I wanted to see for myself and it looks like John, like everyone else saw this shitshow coming. (1/3)
No. 1413522
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No. 1413525
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(3/3) Sorry for the spam but I figured you guys would want the whole thread. He’s also definitely liked every single anti-fake/pro-Kaya post on twitter like anon said.
No. 1413527
>>1413518>>1413520Kaya just gets on with shit and seems like she genuinely cares about her friends, organising things with and FOR them. Most of the self-involvement we’ve seen on her end honestly strikes me as spectrum-y and accidental. Depressed self-pitying lumps are hard to be around but narcissistic angry control freaks are IMPOSSIBLE.
Poor John, he just seems like a nice normal neckbeard. I wish all of this was going to amount for a downfall, but I just feel like Fake is spiralling into Onision territory. His rabid fans will start sending death threats to “haters”.
No. 1413555
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Looks like K’s podcast with stumpy is up and the tidbit he featured in his story is just him bitching about his old job.
No. 1413587
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Kaya's channel is so genuine compared to Fake's. Her content is obviously produced for her self expression meanwhile Jake has a handful of videos where he is more genuine but then you can see where he turns into goth daddy or kyo from dir en grey and start popping out fake narc reaction video content which has made him famous. It bothers me so much his fakeboi gf from America is trying to skinwalk Kaya by using her introductory thing "hi lovelies". Kaya is not only the victim of jake using her for 10 years and dropping her ass after he has built his empire off her, but now a fakeboi is trying to LARP as her. Truly dramatic. Fake will see what will happen, YouTube absolutely is not steady income. His reaction videos are getting less and less views and his "snaccs" will get tired and move on because he's only a product. He has no intrinsic artistical value and cannot truly create, he can't make art. Everything he can do is pop out shitty reaction videos that people will eventually get tired of. He cannot even sing, he sounds like dog shit and his covers are filled with autotune. He will grow to be an alone and bitter old man with no real friends or anyone to truly love him because he has used everyone. He will get old and his snaccs will move onto the next hot goth boy that pops out shitty content.
I really hope that Kaya makes another video talking negatively about Jake and that the women subscribed to Fake's channel that were originally Kaya's subs leave his narc circlejerk. He is a shell of a human being. He should use the money he wants to buy a house with to treat himself of NPD. Jake is nothing but a sex worker and his snaccs are not paying him for his talent or personality they are paying for his body. When will Fake learn to get his own personality?His own style? His own art? I guess it is impossible for a hollow human being like him to have anything original or of value. I just want the women paying him to leave. Shit I would even be ok if Kaya lied about him being abusive or transphobic or something. I just want his fans to leave him.
He is so creepy with his Kyo LARP to the point Im assuming he suffers from some form of psychosis or complete lack of personal identity. I've been a fan of Dir En Grey for 10 years and I can assure you all his makeup styles even his stage persona is a carbon copy of Kyo. Almost as if he has woken up one day and decided to live his life as him. I cannot even say he is getting inspired from him because inspiration means you take a bit from another artist but add your own originality to it. Jake is so creepy. I wonder how he goes to sleep at night knowing his entire personality has turned into someone else and that he has copied the entire shtick of someone else. Even the tours he has and meetings sound exactly like the ones Dir En Grey organizes and the fact that he gets old thirsty ladies to pay for him. This is Dir En Grey's business model. Too bad he is not producing any art because reacting to tiktoks is the opposite of art. How does he have the nerve to accuse actual vkei artists of copying him when he has been copying everything Kyo has ever made?He is so fucking creepy. He is not even listing Kyo as his main influence in his influences video because he is too insecure to admit he is ripping off someone
No. 1413619
I really hope K is just using him to social climb (which would be ironic) but something tells me she actually is an overzealous skinwalking fangirl.
>>1413587I didn't read your whole post but I will say that I used to watch his vlogs and was subscribed (and only even knew of him because of Kaya). Ngl, his vlogs weren't terrible overall, just a bit mundane/boring sometimes but most vlogs are. What really put me off though was his constant bitching and moaning about literally everything. Ireland, the fact that he had to work (back when he did work), then whined about not making enough money off of content when he started to do it full time, whined about his house, whined about every single tiny fucking thing meanwhile he was still making enough money from making content, had his own band and a lot of other shit to be thankful for but just wouldn't stop fucking bitching.
No. 1413650
>>1413628If you watch kaya videos too all she did was whine and moan I wonder if it was both them being complainers or if one them learned it from the other just to complain about everything
But yeah he complains so much about NI yet doesn’t do anything about it? There no stopping him moving he has no family ties. He has had countless opportunities to move
No. 1413661
>>1413656anon you completely misunderstood the point I was making. I never said jake is still friends with john or whatever you seem to think. I'm talking about when john left mag, which was probably 5 years ago now, they were all (publicly) still on good terms. I followed kaya on tumblr back then and probably at least a year after john left she was still interacting with him on tumblr.
that anon said "back when the mag drama happened anons uncovered that jake was the reason john left".. when john left there was no drama. and I don't remember john even being mentioned before now other than "yeah he was a cool guy" once or twice. in fact I don't even remember any drama associated with mag at all, that channel just kind of slowly died over time. the only thing even close to drama on mag was when they were making… well, I'm sure you already know
>>1413658again totally missing the point. it was both jake kaya who said they were still friends with john, not just jake. also learn to sage & integrate ffs.
No. 1413673
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No. 1413675
>>1413666>No, I have your point and you’re wronglol, and what was my point exactly? I was just asking anon wtf they were talking about because I've been following altcows since thread 10 and lurked the threads before that and don't remember that. not to mention you completely misunderstood my first reply, but sure, I'm the lazy fuck.
I just went back to threads 1-9 and ctrl+f'd john and mag in every thread.. none of that drama you're talking about was there. there was some stuff about about them having a mag kickstarter that they never delivered on.. maybe it happened in the threads after that but I seriously doubt it because I think I would remember it.
No. 1413782
>>1413484I don't see it this way, to ke she was clearly mocking Kaya. She must be 100% team jake on the breakup thing
>>1413673This is so embarrassing! Like in the thread pic, he just looks so doughy, soft, fatty… like a marshmallow really.
No. 1413812
>>1413187Getting rid of a bad partner is going to transform her. It's really telling how much more selfies and photos she took with her mates. The change is what is probably hitting her most rather than missing the stump personally.
>>1413673Because it looks edited? Jake's such a short loser. He will never have height like Kaya, I bet she always had to stoop to be around him. She'll probably stand taller without him and feel more confident lol
No. 1413836
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Some of the bigger points from K’s podcast with Jake so you don’t have to listen it all:
Jake took “small loan from his grandparents, don’t worry they’ve been paid back”
Glosses over how he moved to Northern Ireland, no mention of Kaya financial help or her parents giving him a place to live.
Taking music lessons at college was redundant “just practice” claims he was one of the best guitarist at his college
Went for music technology so no one could come between him and his creativity
“Living independently “ in a new country
Creative people can’t work 9-5. So he just couldn’t do it. He knew he wanted to be famous so 9-5 wasn’t for him
Game grumps let’s play inspired him to be on YouTube.
10 minute episodes everyday for 2 years because he “wanted to be there for people “ no mention of Kaya or John
Compares himself to gg
He had to use his living room for MAG because he “didn’t have any other room”
Here he mentions John, no Kaya
Slips up and mentions studio when he talks about editing videos
Did YouTube stuff on work computer
Has no sympathy for people who quit when things get hard “you didn’t dream hard enough”
2-3 years John left “because he was one of those people that as soon as things became hard he couldn’t handle it” “and that sort of pissed me off, really pissed me off” (34:45)
And that’s why he was a SOLO artist . “The second I add other people to projects , everything falls to pieces”
No one ever handles his dream with as much care as he does
His resentment when John left because things were hard for John and Jake “did everything anyway”
MAG wasn’t financially sustainable after pewdiepie adpocalypse / Logan Paul adpocalypse
Supposedly left his full time job from MAG money before adpocalypse, had to switch to twitch, Lost alot of the fan base going to twitch. He also slips up a few times by saying we.
“..we managed, I managed to save MAG” (42:45)
Says vlogging is a great way to “be creative” and follows it up with “it’s a constant flex” he also name drops Casey
Kind of mentions Kaya (44 minute mark) but it’s backhanded to say even tho there were 2 people in MAG he did everything
Mentions vlogging made him depressed and working through it this time didn’t help (while ignoring the irony of previous statements)
(47:18) first time saying Kaya by name, and giving her the credit of him dressing alternative again “mainly because I think she didn’t want to be there with a normal looking boyfriend”
(49 minutes) am I goth video “blew up”Admits he threw a bunch of things at the wall and ran with what stuck
No longer has time to do YouTube constantly, Munro takes up to much time
“Subscribers (count) doesn’t really matter anymore” comparing his almost 500k to million+ channels. Claims he doesn’t care about growing anymore
Wants Munro to be big (comparing to “iconic” bands slipknot and disturbed)
“America is far far better at recognizing something that’s unique, they’re far better at recognizing trends, and they’re far hungrier when it comes to content” immediately after saying most of his fans are in the US. “People in the UK in Europe seem to be more focused on drinking themselves to death” (1:04:17)
Claims to nearly have knocked out a member of the band. Not sure if he means another band on tour or another member of Munro
Says first show was sold out, and fans were standing “shoulder to shoulder “ during a pandemic
Talks about needing a mental health break and being gone for 3 weeks from being overwhelmed. Must not be dreaming hard enough.
Brags about fans buying into whatever he does.
Supposedly alot of his fans are from the southern us
The most TLDR: He lifted himself up. He did everything himself. He’s just so creative he can’t work regular jobs. John didn’t dream hard enough to do YouTube and Kaya barely existed. He does all the work for everything even though including people in things makes him mad. Anyone else who needs breaks or is dealing with mental health is weak and should have pushed through it, except for when it’s himself then it’s valid. His goal was to be famous, by any means necessary, the goth thing is what happens to be how he got there. Admits it himself throughout this interview. Narcissism in this is at 100% K is too busy being a star struck fan to do a decent hard hitting interview.
No. 1413840
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>>1413583At least Kaya complains about everything being her own fault, Jake complains about everything being everyone else's fault
No. 1413851
>>1413836Thanks for taking one for the team Anon.
So brave and inspirational. And nobody there to help poor little Jakey…
No. 1413885
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Friends? Sure, I have friends…
No. 1413930
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Kaya we’re fucking begging you at this point. SPILL THE TEA.
No. 1413967
>>1413913>He knew he wanted to be famous so 9-5 wasn’t for himHim and everyone else kek. So many people want to be e-celebs despite having nothing to offer, cos they want the perks and want to feel special. Like Fake here who spins himself as a deep tortured creative soul despite being so unoriginal and bad at hiding it.
Visual kei and Marilyn manson skinwalker, past casey neistat skinwalker, his content was bland vlogs of him doing chores and is now repetitive tiktok reacts, forgettable nu metal band, and weird wannabe American accent when in Kaya's old videos he had a British accent. He seems to want to move to America too, from how he acts like they'd recognise his (lack of) genius better, and hates NI anyway despite using it to escape Wales. Need I go on? But he's had a taste of feeling special, from desperate fans starved for an active alt social media role model so they throw money at him. So I wonder how far he'll take this act. Now that kaya's gone there's not much keeping him in NI too.
No. 1413975
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I really do hope Kaya drops a new video where she emphasizes what this narc has done to her. She built his career and he abused her for years. The sane people will leave his channel and Fake being a narc prick that he is he has offended other people or treated other people badly and Kaya's video will inspire them to come out too. His channel will be left with 10 geriatric old ladies. He is so delusional to think this will last forever and especially since he is in his 30s, most of his appeal relies on his looks. He is so fucking delusional to be acting the way he does. He simply does not comprehend he is not an well established Japanese metal musician that has been making music for over 20 years and that has ended in the industry not by making grift YouTube reaction videos. Even if he switches to making music in a band his band won't make money at all since he is simply a fraud. Is it really worth it giving up on all of your authenticity and integrity to sell out as some D list shitty YouTube content creator? He will be left with nothing of value in the end. He won't have that much money, he won't have any friends, he won't have a true lover and at the end of the they he wont even be living life authentically or truly making art, you cannot make art by copying someone. I think he knows this very well, he just did it to gain fame but he must be empty inside and realistically he has nothing of value in his life anymore. At least he used to have someone that genuinely cared about him. He was so cruel to Kaya, even if they broke up he could have let her sleep in his house until the winter ended. He sold his soul for this but how can you even make art without a soul. A lot of us are creative and stuck in shitty environments but I don't think selling out and becoming someone you're not is any better and in the end it leaves you as empty and distressed as a normal life. I think Kaya truly loved him. He used to be a cute kid, Fake. Now he looks like…someone else quite literally. He doesn't even properly impersonate Kyo cuz Kyo has a much more childish and less intense personality and makes a lot of odd jokes and connections. How can Fake even look at himself in the mirror? He's gonna crash and burn
No. 1413992
Saged for major autism.
>>1413836Thanks for taking the hit on the play by play so the rest of us don’t have to tolerate his voice Anon.
I’m honestly speechless at this. I remember when Adpocalypse hit Kaya’s channel and obviously that sudden income hit is a problem and she was struggling mentally with it, but YouTube before that era was pretty much always something that people did for a genuine passion project, because they enjoyed it (or because they were disabled or chronically online lol). For Jake it’s always been about vanity or money. Both Kaya and John always seemed to have this attitude of “oh great we can make money off of doing something we love”, and that’s why people liked it. Jack is backtracking by claiming that it was always meant to be some big fucking Elon Musk style enterprise that he carried. I’m not saying it’s inherently bad or milky to have a career in content creation, I think we’re well passed that stage, but the way Jake influences his audience absolutely is.
>>1413909This definitely but also it seems like she’s been a long term
victim of narc abuse that’s sucked the life out of her. She reguarly tweets about just wanting a slow little life. He was never in ANY of her later vlogs or videos - the little nature walks, picnics with that fucking swan, etc, and we know he wasn’t busy because they were both at-home content creators. Sis was truly rotting with a partner who wanted nothing to do with her interests, and I’d say the same for him if he wasn’t so objectively nasty and creepy.
There is a huge difference between gently helping someone in the ways that they need and just wallowing in the pit with them, they’ve been a bad influence on eachother but being around his anger and negativity for all of your formative years would just suck the life out of your whole personality and drive.
Re: what some earlier threads mentioned about him paying for her shit, I did some digging and looked at studios/workplaces in Belfast. I know a lot of these will be pre-COVID start prices, but many private offices with private bathrooms are advertised around £300. Even if you bump that up to say, £400-500, Jake gets donated that tenfold in one stream. Some Anons are pressed because they’re picturing breaking their backs at a real job for hours to send money to their ex-gf/wives but someone is literally just handing him her entire rent every time he sits his ass online. Like if someone gave you $50 every time you walked into a grocery store, and you decided to give $5 to the friend that drove you there. Let that sink in. Perpetuating that “Break The Jake” trend is genius in the worst possible capitalist bs way.
>>1413840THIS, you put it into words.
No. 1413998
>>1413836Let’s be real about John for a second. I’m assuming there’s a 99% chance the man had a real job. Kaya’s YouTube was only profitable because of her tumblr popularity, and Jake’s YouTube was only getting 4k views per video…because of his girlfriend’s tumblr popularity. John is a normal dude and this was before shit like Twitch streams and Discord groups really took off. He definitely knew that he couldn’t sustain a whole life off of MAG alone and didn’t have the existing clout that ToxicTears did.
Also, in the UK Music Technology is just what every dropout emo teen does at college when they can’t get good A-levels and cba with university.
The way Jake twists these narratives is insane. He could just be funny and down to earth, Pete Davidson style, about not coping with real jobs and education.
No. 1414000
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>>1413975Damn, how was he actually kind of cute back then. He hit the wall like a ton of bricks. Pic not related
>>1413998John knew Kaya from work, he was her boss at one point (before she went influencer full time), Idk what job that was as she worked multiple jobs.
No. 1414024
>>1413587>>1413975This is EXACTLY the vibe I get from him as just some person on the internet, but something tells me you actually know them and are confirming all the red flags us rando strangers speculate on.
sage for extreme tinfoil
No. 1414077
>>1413836This all reads as narcissistic. Most people don’t want to do a 9-5 job, Stumpy. And that’s ignorant of him to say the UK “doesn’t recognize talent”, when many post-punk bands began in the UK, and goth music emerged from post-punk. But of course, he doesn’t know that because he isn’t a goth at all, just a stubby metalhead. I don’t get his strange obsession and glamorization of America. Bands don’t become famous overnight there, either. And him “no longer caring” about subscribers sounds like a massive cope from losing so many kek
Kaya ought to spill how he really got to NI and what things were like living with him. Somehow though I think she’s only going to keep saying things indirectly and not make a video about it.
No. 1414082
>>1413930Stroong implications here from Kaya, that
cheated with a married woman thing the reddit poster was saying seemed too trashy to be true but…Kaya, give us more hints
No. 1414117
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Okay, I promise I'm not some deluded Kyo fangirl or Dir En Grey fangirl, but Fake is the strongest example of NPD/BPD I've ever witnessed in my life he is skinwalking the life, appearance and personality of a Japanese artist and looking at his channel I could pinpoint exactly when he began doing it. In the beginning he would do those vlogs in which he was himself and had his own style but they did not get much traction. Then, he probably started listening to Dir En Grey and following Kyo a lot and decided to become his "hero", but the problem is that he is not even genuine about the impact the artist he is skinwalking has had on his life. The skinwalking he is doing is so creepy, like I cannot fathom how you can change your entire sense of self, style and personality to make yourself into someone you admire. It is not just inspiration, it goes beyond that. Bare with me.
In pic related I show you how the LARP begins he LARPS as Kyo for content. Sorry, the pic looks bad but at the top there is a screenshot of himself before the LARP started and then after the LARP started where he gains traction. Jake Munro is a fucking fraud.
No. 1414130
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>>1414117even his merch looks like fucking Kyo and he used to look nothing like that he has even turned himself buff and started working out to look like Kyo he used to look like
>>1413975 No. 1414139
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>>1414131No he didn't in all interviews he says that he is so orignial artistical misunderstood soul and nobody gets his originality. In the "influences" video he doesn't mention Kyo at all. It's so creepy, his entire shtick is being another person.
This one I spoilered cuz there's blood, but this is munro's merch shirt that looks like a literal picture of Kyo
>>1414091 the UK doesn't recognize talent because he has none and everything is stolen from someone else and he has no true artistical value or creativity. His art is not art. Everything he can do is copy other people and make shitty cringe internet content. He won't be recognized anywhere but he is delusional because he has gained a bit of fame off his LARP
No. 1414151
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No. 1414206
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>>1413967He has no substance so tried to manufacture it. Not surprising. What's surprising is it got him a small fan base. Sure the fans are awkward and lonely but out of all yhe Youtubers to make a parasocial relationship with, they chose that thing
Also K is fangirling about Jake buying her a wall light. "Oh my god jake bought me nanoleafs, JAKE WHY YOU DO THIS, WHY YOU TREATING ME SO GOOD JAKE OH MY GOOD LOOK- LOOK AT THIS." If that reaction was genuine and not just for insta he really has her hooked
No. 1414409
>>1414117He’s been listening to them since college afaik, and used to dress really femme and outlandish. He claims that he tried to dress normal in his early vlogs so he could be popular (it never worked obviously lol) and it killed him inside or whatever. Then the crazy makeup started and he tried to make out it was always his style, but obviously it’s a Kyo/Manson larp - in all Kaya’s “bf does my makeup” videos he’s super bad and uncreative at it.
Anon, you’re pissed about the Kyo larp, we get it already. It sucks.
No. 1414519
>>1414497I really hope she starts getting local sponsorships/collaborations going. All fake ever does is sit in his house moaning. It’s good to see Kaya out and about doing things. I’m beginning to suspect a lot of her issues have been down to him. Nothing like being saddled with a short, moaning, narc to destroy the will
to do anything. I bet living with him was like walking on eggshells. Must have been exhausting.
No. 1414573
Copy pasted from that reddit thread because my screenshot thing aint workin:
"I use to be a Mod for Jake’s Discord Server and YouTube Live Streams.
Things were originally quite good back then when I joined the Team, when he seemed humble and quite interactive with his fan base. But obviously things can drastically change over time.
It’s either a case of someone has always behaved this way and was extremely good (for the most part at hiding it) or due to the recent exposure, channel growth and other activities have overall just distorted and otherwise twisted his general outlook on everything around him. Which is a shame, really.
Seeing that humble and down to earth outlook become less and less present over the last year or two within his videos, along with this (for lack of a better word, egotistical behaviour) develop, I started to become far less interested in his videos, ultimately along with focusing time and effort into the Server.
As many mentioned (either here or else where), the general direction of his content took a dramatic shift to more mainstream content, like the TikTok reacts and such else.
Obviously channel growth, comes with (at times) a natural growth of the content too. Things evolve organically as the fan base increases, but I found it less appealing when titles like “drunk goth cringes at TikTok Alt videos” literally littered every other one of his videos. Without sounding horrible but, for someone who enforces PMA to his fan base (some of which are featured in his react videos) he comes across as having this gatekeeper elitist outlook on the Alt community, especially when he supposedly hates pigeon holing people into genres (yet hates the Goth subculture, but addresses himself as Goth anyway).
Considering Jake’s general audience ranges from the younger generation to more older ones, I found it odd at times that he would behave or say certain things within his videos. This generally transitioned into the Discord Server too, with more of the younger generation picking up on his “edgy behaviour” which often at times, made it difficult for us Mods to address, considering the Server is PG content - which Jake clearly isn’t at the best of times.
As many have mentioned, the contrast between their videos (which, by the way, he’s removed the “break up” video from his channel now) it was obvious that things were very one sided - even from an outsiders perspective. Especially with the comments made within his video. A total of three or so minutes, spent briefly explaining the situation of their breakup, followed with 2022 plans for meet and greets, tours, new Merch and other projects in the pipe line. The overall feel of that video left a rather sour taste in my mouth, to say the least.
Originally the deals of the breakup seemed vague at best, but within recent weeks it’s become clear that someone was in control of everything, right up to the end of the relationship.
Kaya deserves better than the cards she has been dealt. Long term relationships are extremely challenging to overcome. It’s not an easy fix - wounds take years to heal. Even when an individual has overcome the obstacles, there will be at times moments that come back to haunt the individual. But, everyone approaches and overcomes their own challenges at different speeds.
Things at the moment are difficult, granted. But within due time - I’m sure things will improve for her (as I’m sure everything else will agree with). Once she’s found her own place, is able to start making content for her channel again, things will organically flow and she’ll be in a much better position then she currently is now. It’ll take time, it won’t be easy, but it’ll be damn worth it in the long run.
Either way, I no longer support Jake and his content, his Discord Server, anything. If anyone deserves the time of day, Kaya needs it, more so than ever."
No. 1414685
>>1414590Yeah her original content becqme boring after a while, just hauls of items that'll get thrown onto her unused hoard pile. But she's mentioned liking art stuff like painting and making that niffler, and now that Fake is gone she might be inspired to take up other hobbies, who knows.
Or she might revert back to her old self. Complaining about the air density being 0.1 more than normal making it hard for her to film, or blaming her adhd, or meds. We'll just have to see.
No. 1414739
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That's a first.
No. 1414764
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She lost weight because she wasn’t eating well
No. 1414805
>>1414764Hardly surprising. I know we're here to bag on people, but she's just gone through some serious trauma. I really hope she finds somewhere warm to live and a good therapist soon.
Goddamn Jake is such a fucking piece of shit. I hate him and hope someone spills the fucking tea on his shit soon
No. 1414975
>>1414859Why the fuck would I quote two entire posts to reply the same thing.
Some of you don’t know what milk is.
No. 1415395
>>1414164i know this is Jake we're talking about here but jesus christ why the fuck would you say that, much less in response to someone you supposedly "love"? I know narc gets thrown a lot online these days but he legitimately is. I wish someone would just knock him on his ass at least once. At least then he'd have something to actually complain about. What an absolute piece of shit.
>>1414759ditto, nonna. I think despite her flaws, she's a nice and genuine person, or at least projects that.
No. 1415397
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Could this be the "married woman with childen" he cheated with? Seems like a weird account for him to be following.
No. 1415470
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>>1415397Tall, thin, goth who likes motorbikes and has plenty of "sexy" pole dancing and just ass photos, it checks out
No. 1415549
>>1415504It's the account name mentioned in the bio,>>1415397
Jake appears to follow the mommy account the anon posted, which is admittedly weird, following the pole account would make more sense.
>>1415478Look at the black hair with white streaks on one of the tub photos, I can see that as a goth slightly undercover, in comparison to Jake's clown paint version.
If it is her he's the one at fault since it supposedly caused a marriage breakup, he obviously just used her for sex since his focus is his visa- I mean K.
We don't know if any of it's true, but Kaya's recent Tweet about vicious revenge on cheaters was suggestive.
No. 1415619
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>>1415617>>1415602Samefag, here's a screenshot from my browser, logged out, it's a public account tagged in the bio of the private account.
(you can’t just say shit) No. 1415856
>>1414164I watched them playing that game too as I love it as well but stopped because their attempts at humor were just annoying as fuck and came off as tryhard. I remember in that series once Jake also started bitching about Emilie Autumn and how terrible she was and saying he doesn't understand how she still has fans (lol).
Later on he also shat on Alissa White-Gluz because of the photographer scandal (I'm not gonna explain the whole thing, too long) but he was mad that Alissa thought it was fair to use a photographer's work for "exposure" instead of money. Yet now we learn he straight up takes other people's music and sells it to make money…
>>1413913I was also a patron for a very short time. I remember him saying he'd put your name in a video if you pledged any amount of money. I pledged a small amount, he never put my name in his vids. I didn't even care back then, but you shouldn't say you're gonna do something if someone donates then not do it.
No. 1415866
>>1415856Samefag but I just went back and watched that first episode, and he goes (about Emilie)
>she's an insufferable moron>she's so self absorbed>her music is shit>she has a larger ego than a man doesYeah, that aged really well. Jake "I built an empire" Munro.
No. 1416171
>>1415981>>1416159Report the post and say there's minors I think that's the way to alert farmhands.
Anyway, since Jake has been using his vehicle he's most likely been cheating. Him and Kaya did not seem to hang out much at all last year and he was always away in his car doing things. Wouldn't be shocked if there's 'snaccs' in Belfast that have dmed him while him and Kaya were together. There's a wild amount of whores in Belfast, like I don't mean to be a bitch, but I'm sure it's like any other city.
No. 1416206
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I'm fucking parched….
OH shit, has stumpy made an onlyfans after all?? Huzzah the milk flows!
No. 1416223
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I've seen girls sell their onlyfans for pennies and he thinks he's worth $35/£25. The fat alternative mums must be thrilled.
No. 1416273
>>1416233Same. Like sandpaper.
>>1416246Either/or. He always struck me as someone who's understanding of female pleasure is on the Ben Shapiro side of the belcurve.
No. 1416384
>>1416223I just find this gross because so many of his fans are underage. I know not all of them are, but still a good chunk of them are.
And… $35 a month? In what currency? I seriously can't imagine someone being pathetic enough to pay for this
No. 1416385
>>1416223Yeah now that kaya's out of the picture he can openly whore himself to his fans. But his flabby short torso and bulky arms look awful, not to mention the state of his face and his retarded expressions. Who'd pay $30 for-
Never mind, stupid people throw like $300 at his streams.
>>1416246Most likely just doesn't know the expression kek. It's "whet", jake. He's probably like the people who spell palette like pallet
No. 1416585
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>>1416223>Let me know what desires you have about meImg related. Actually harsher than that, but don't want a ban for a logging
No. 1416591
>>1415981You literally can't even see their faces, it's a tiny profile picture, never seen so much handwringing about a tiny Instagram profile picture ITT, I guess that confirms poledancer lurks here. If she was in Jake's video it makes sense,
>>1415798I haven't endured any of his music so I couldn't verify that.
No. 1416770
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Kaya doesn't follow Stumpy anymore whilst he still follow her. And she was still following him 2 days ago. I feel like the OF situation pushed that 'follow out of respect' away. Tinfoil but i can imagine being hurt that someone was thinking about making an OF for months while they were with you for a decade.
No. 1416809
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>>1416770Weird because mine is saying she's still following him? I think Instagram is broken
No. 1416853
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>>1416770>>1416809Instagram's not broken, anon just didn't realize jake's ig handle doesn't contain his first name
No. 1416950
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anyone who sees this clown and thinks "I need to pay $35 a month to see him naked" doesn't deserve to have money in the first place
No. 1417054
>>1417039Oh God anon, that's nasty…but probably true.
Can't imagine anything I'd like to see less than that.
No. 1417092
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Tinfoil but he has posted multiple things with this best day ever filter, seems like he's hinting at a big announcement? Or maybe he's basking in the response to his OF from his snacks
No. 1417126
>>1417092We get it; you smoke!
Did smoking get cool again or is he just stuck with a teenage mentality?
No. 1417188
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>>1416736There are 1.3k members somehow and 15 new posts today, though I thought nobody under 50 still used FB. And that description, gross. How can you objectify something that looks like
>>1416950. There's intentionally ugly for an aesthetic and then there's just tragic.
>>1417148Oh are you the anon who dropped jude's OF in her thread, you're doing gods work
No. 1417196
>>1417188>The Goth Kingsmfh…even Voltaire the creep is more fitting for the title.
On that note, are there any good male goth figures out there? Or no and that's why we have people calling "snaccdaddy" the king of goths
No. 1417204
>>1417196None really come to mind
Dani Ashes, from the Cemetery Confessions podcast is ok, from what I’ve seen
No. 1417318
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Imagine giving up your grocery money to see his chode. Fucking bleak.
No. 1417337
>>1417196>good male goth figures out there?Well it depends, are you talking about actual goths i.e who listen to actual goth music or just metalheads who think they're goth because they wear black? In the former, honestly not really. I think
>>1417204 suggest with Dani Ashes, I'll agree that he seems okay though he loses me when he tries to make Goth all political. Another guy who comes to mind is Sweeney Deville but he's been inactive for quite awhile now. And one that I really miss is Tom Raven form This Is Raven but he hasn't been active on YouTube in 4 years.
So yeah, not very many actual Goth content creators on YouTube.
No. 1417352
>>1417337So in other words, no.
Inactive creators aren’t a thing since they’re inactive and usually when you do find a male creator they up being overly gay and feminine, nothing worth to watch when you’re not wanting to look like a woman.
No. 1417396
>>1417352>when you do find a male creator they up being overly gay and feminine, nothing worth to watch when you’re not wanting to look like a woman.Wait, what. So you only watch creators you want to look like? That's weird tbh.
It'd be cool if there were more male gothtubers but goth is already incredibly niche to begin with. The only one I can even think of is Voltaire.
No. 1417427
>>1417396For fashion tips when you’re a teen not wanting to look like a woman, yes, most certainly. I don’t wish to be groomed. There’s no ale fashion, tips, “hey I found this…”, check out this new band (that’s not metal)- there are no male goth creators that are not overly feminine. And when do find a male “goth” creator, it’s a retard like jake that’s not goth at all. That’s how low the damn bar is for male “goth” creators.
You end up finding any that are active and aren’t feminine af, link away!
No. 1417461
>>1417204Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Other anon raises an interesting point. Most male goths do present overly feminine and while it's what I prefer to see, there's no one filling the gap of 'muscular stud goth' I suppose. I'm not really sure what that would even look like tbh it like goes against the aesthetic…only person I can think of is Peter Steele, but he's a dead musician
No. 1417574
>>1417337CoalCandy is a good goth Instagrammer/Youtuber (friend of Adora) who seems like a genuinely nice person with a career outside of the internet (a programmer I think, something like that)
Most male goths seem more image-focused and slightly incely so it's probably how bottom of the barrel guys like Jake could get a following, but there are more attractive male goths (who mostly post photos) and kind and friendly ones like CoalCandy who people would be better investing time in than Jake.
No. 1417602
>>1416206He joked about having a collab with jude bishop but that might actually happen now
>>1417574Yeah there's decent looking goth guys on tiktok and Insta, but most don't interact with their followers while jake is on the opposite end acting like he wants to sleep with his, which is a bigger draw for lonely hormonal tweens.
No. 1417619
>>1417574Coalcandy, unless he’s changed recently, is feminine as hell.
I’m female and couldn’t stand watching him, especially when he went out with adora. Was half expecting him to troon out.
I am dying to find goth creators that show new new music amount other things like work outs, or cooking, home Reno’s or something! Everyone does make up, unboxings, isn’t goth or rants about the days they were teens even though they are almost (or are) 40. There’s nothing for younger viewers, or much of anything these days.
You’re pretty much stuck with people like jake, jade the libra, lard ass gender special, with the occasional sprinkle of Angela and gothy roundtable, but there’s no real solid content imo
Sage for rant
No. 1417624
>>1417602aytr, I know we say a lot about his tween followers but from looking more closely at his Twitter interactions (recent stuffie retweets are good places to start) and the people who posted clips from his live shows, it really is mostly overweight 30+ women, and slightly disturbingly some seem to be extremely autistic or have some sort of severe learning difficulties, don't want to directly reference who I mean but check the retweets like I said.
I actually don't think he has tween fans, they're all older and the passable looking ones aren't the ones throwing money at him or subbing to his onlyfans. Being such a cold narc he's a "safe" person to idolise since there's actually no chance of him sleeping with fans, he has no actual charm and can't carry a conversation. His fans like him for his image only.
So yeah agreed with the
but they don't interact - that's all Jake has going for him in that he interacts (if you throw enough money at him) whereas the other (actual) goth boys have more of a life and more self respect than to do what Jake is doing.
>>1417619>feminine as hellSometimes I wonder about the cave-dweller males that reside near anons on lolcow, since they (like yourself) sometimes refer to perfectly normal men as super feminine, also overuse of twink as a descriptor for any skinny male above a 5/10 (see a lot of this on mtf thread and /ot)
I think it depends where you live but to me coalcandy is not extremely feminine, just normal.
No. 1417625
>>1417624(sorry for long post)
>>1417623different anon, I think she deleted it because the anon posted the videos scrolling through her account, idk why that spooked her when it's 100% that some of her subs have leaked and shared her content outside of the site prior that, because all males share female sexual content like trading cards. There is no user trust or safety on Onlyfans. Or it could be another reason.
No. 1417647
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>>1417624Ahhh yes, so masculine. This is his recent picture. I’m not even going to bother to go back to dig up all the crap of him in womens clothes. I’m really glad I decided to have a look as still confirm he is feminine/borderline troon.
If you think that this is a “normal” guy, I am worried about you.
No. 1417659
>>1417647>>1416582AND his torso
I bet he's charging so much on his onlyfans hoping that only those who are really interested will pay and see the pics, that none of us will spare some bucks just to report and laugh at him.
>>1416950>>1417125His finger! I've been smoking 24/7 the last 15 years and mine isn't like this, just kinda yellowy around the nail. If you look closely to the ring in this finger, the yellow part has an edge, which doesn't happen to smokers. source: everyone around me smokes, i grew up with people who smoked till it killed them. His finger is covered in foundation to look like he has yellowed fingers
>>1417049Oh anon, I wish it was only low standards… there are a lot of people who have the weirdest fetishes
>>1417533Yes, he found a niche. All those vaguely darkly inclined women wanted to have some straight guy to obssess over like the normies do over male celebrities but they wanted someone like them. Unfortunate that this is the best one can get
>>1417602Yeah, it seems to have a lot of masculine, trad looking goths studs on instagram but most act like normal people there, not like influencers. These guys do exist but they don't try to make a living off of their image.
>>1417619I gave up on goth youtubers who are influencers. There are A LOT of good channels that only post music, albums etc without anyone presenting it that are amazing, if you're looking for goth music, you are actually well served on youtube. Look for channels that post little known bands etc
>>1417624I agree with you but he acts SO feminine that he doesn't need any clothes for it to show, it's the way he is. I don't have anything against it but to say he ISNT feminine is so weird, to me he looks like he'd be considered feminine in most present day cultures
No. 1417665
>>1417647Yeah even though goth fashion is pretty androgynous, everyone having lots of accessories and makeup, he seems pretty feminine. Nothing wrong with that but yeah like
>>1417659 said, jake's fans were looking for an alt version of male celebrities to have a crush on and had to settle for him, and the other options like coalcandy seem like they're not into dating women
No. 1417671
>>1417659That is my point. While goth is about the music, most female goth creators will do music and a bit of life stuff or something else. You don’t find that with male creators; it’s the music or nothing.
>>1417647This bloke is entirely in womens clothes. Is it getting to that stage where biggish male goth creators are either all gay, gender specials or feminine? Are there no masculine men out there? If not, I see why women would throw their money at jake if this is what’s out there. I don’t want to be looking at male that would be wearing the same thing as me going “yasss girl!”.
>>1417619Speaking of Angela, new video is up and it’s the same old same old. Sure living back in the 90s would be great, she’s kinda becoming like Dorian. It’s not really contributing to anything anymore, but there is a newish band she’s displayed. And she also tagged fatattack for a shitty quote. If she knew this bloke in rl she would be ashamed of him.
No. 1417681
>>1417676True. Kinda wish she would do a quick outfit video since her clothes are shillstar and other bs. They’re simple and I have absolutely no sense of style, or even just her cooking/food vids were a nice change. I can’t image those type of videos being too hard but I’ve never filmed anything before.
I do really like the male tears band. So that was a plus. Just really wish there was better content out there that wasn’t from a some phoney like jake or jade
No. 1417688
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speaking of, had a look at her twitter and i assume this is about fake and kaya since it was posted a few days after the breakup video.
>>1417681yes, maybe another lookbook video. she quit because people hated that the clothes were from shein, but surely she has her own thrifted pieces and could show off those outfits? she could do cooking vids again as well, she posts a lot about it on twitter. or even try skincare vids since she used to be an esthetician.
No. 1417753
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Out of curiosity I looked through his band's music to see what an "inspiration" they are since his fake persona isn't why people donate to his streams… right? But the sounds and lyrics aren't inspiring or even creative. Yet his fans are impressed with the bare minimum like vocal versatility (pic). I guess the commenter is pretty young though, if they get chills from this vanilla shit
No. 1417803
>>1416950kek the green lipstick painted over his lip rings. ngl I always thought his clown makeup looked decently applied from a distance, but this clearly proves otherwise. Dude also looks at least 40, how old is this cow again?
>>1417318Looks like a troon by the profile pic, can't say I'm surprised.
>>1417766I mean there's a reason he appeals mostly to fat moms and desperate tweens in American southern states I guess. You have the 30+ crowd reminiscing for their old Slipknot days and the tiktok kids looking to cling onto the "oldies" as an identity like how scene has made an awful resurgence.
No. 1417804
>>1417724It'll be make up like anon said. It's not like he even smokes roll ups without a filter. Not washing your hands is the main cause, but it's easily removed with toothpaste or bleach anyway.
Conclusion, it's make up or he's been eating Wotsits.
No. 1417969
>>1417793Ooh I like her stuff and personality so far! I like that we're helping each other find goth youtubers that are actually worth watching haha.
>>1417811I'm liking her a lot too. It's good to find goth youtubers that actually focus on elements of the scene besides vlogging their dumb life and unboxing plastic crap. In fact, in one of the Dani Ashes videos (who was mentioned above) he kinda bags on both TT and IBF for doing only that. I'm liking his stuff but his vocabulary is a bit too academic for me so it makes it hard to understand what he's saying at times.
Sweeney Deville was mentioned also above and he has some decent videos talking about music and a video where he does an Edgar Allan Poe cosplay but if you go to his instagram it's hmm a bit much. He has a frontal trampstamp of a bat, so the wings poke out of his pants. I wonder how often he hears "Is that a bat in your pants or you just happy to see me?"
No. 1417982
>>1417352Not all of them are gay though. The only gay goth youtubers that I can recall are Kai Decadence and Macabre Wilhelm. Oh and there was Caligo Bastet but he wasn't really a goth, just a rivethead/metalhead.
I think Sweeney Deville is straight as he has a girlfriend. And Tom Raven from This is Raven is straight as well, he's dating a woman as well going off his Instagram which he is still active with. Dani Ashes is married to a woman and they have a kid together.
So I don't think it's fast rule that any guy who is interested in goth is gay.
No. 1417990
File: 1642265705253.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1089x1766, A829B851-5D7E-4051-92FF-B0C8D4…)

Ewwwwww. Whore.
No. 1417993
File: 1642265844251.jpg (14.77 KB, 236x380, 13d4e74eea155d1ba79a1161da6be1…)

>>1417427Sounds like you're trying to find goth male content creators who go for a very masculine look? If that's the case then yeah, I'm not sure you'll have as much luck there because even the straight goth guys (actual goths) will not typically look gruff and hyper masculine. I think a good example of one who kinda veers towards the masculine look was Freya's ex Matthias from Germany. What did you think of his appearance? Is that what you mean? Or even her husband Mr. Owl. He doesn't seem to use makeup and all that in his looks but he likes goth music. He doesn't make videos though.
>>1417461Gotta agree with
>>1417470 I don't think Pete would've liked to be called a goth or associated with the scene. His band mostly made thrash metal and gothc-doom metal, the latter not being a goth subgenre, just another type of metal.
>>1417574>Most male goths seem more image-focused and slightly incelyI'm not entirely sure about the "incel" part since I don't really see goth men making full on rants on women but I do think you're right that male goths do tend to be image-driven but I don't think it's fair to criticize them for that when women do he same.
No. 1417996
>>1417619So you're pretty much wanting to find the male equivalent of Angela Benedict? Believe me anon, I get what you mean. It would be cool to find an actual goth who happens to be a guy who shares a bit of everything when it comes to interests.
I think the problem is just the type of climate we live in today. It's a lot more image-driven now than it ever has been what with Instagram and TikTok which is about appearance. That's why we have so many posers when it comes to Goth on those apps. They just care about the look but couldn't care less about the music or they only listen to like one or two goth bands and think that makes them goth.
Talking about this just reminds me of what YouTube was like back in the 2010s where people liked to vlog their life and film themselves doing new things on camera. They weren't really focused on their look as much but nowadays you don't really see that anymore when it comes to content creation.
No. 1418001
>>1417624That's interesting to hear about his fanbase. I think he probably had more tween fans when he was new because I remember looking at some of the comments back when he first got started and a lot of the girls in their avatar pics looked pretty young. But that was like 2 or 3 years ago. Maybe those old fans got older and saw what a dingus he really is and stopped following him? kek.
I can buy that his fans these days can be women in their 30s who may not be the best looking and have learning disability. I think maybe they clutched onto Jake because they remind him of a once popular male musician whom they were obsessed with when they were in high school? Just a thought anyway because there really is nothing special about Jake and he would only appeal to those who want to be edg3 or maybe had an edge phase and want to relive it.
No. 1418009
>>1417688>maybe another lookbook video. she quit because people hated that the clothes were from sheinOh really? That's why she stopped doing lookbooks? That's a shame because I unironically enjoyed them. She had nice body language when modeling the clothes and she picked good music for them as well. KI just assumed she stopped doing them because she got busy with life/job and didn't have as much time to do them anymore.
I agree, I'm sure she could use thrifted pieces or even just basic items from stores like Target and come up with some interesting looks.
No. 1418024
>>1417831Someone beat me to it with the recommendation of Cadaver Kelly kek. Yeah, she's pretty great but she hasn't been as active as she used to be because she went through a divorce and is working 2 jobs to help get herself back on her feet. But when she does post, you know you'll get some interesting stuff.
Since no one has mentioned them yet, I recommend Obscura Undead. They focus on talking/sharing new Goth music and they're pretty active uploading at least one video a week.
I also saw Kai Decadence mentioned above. He has made videos about Goth and does share some of the music, he has a lot of playlists dedicated to it. But he's also a
TERF going off of his last video he did so if that kinda stuff bothers you, then maybe don't watch him. Personally while I don't agree with him, I still have enjoyed some of his other videos that had to do about the music.
Oh and I know she's not Goth but does anyone know what happened to Amy Nekrotique? She was pretty knowledgeable with Industrial music and made a few videos talking about the genre but it seems she deleted those videos because I can't seem to find them on her channel.
No. 1418072
>>1417990His torso and face look so doughy
>>1418024Amy nekrotique goes by Orphea now I think?
No. 1418115
>>1418072>Amy Nekrotique goes by Orphea now I think?Same anon you replied to and I just went to her channel and nope, not "Orphea", she actually changed channel name to "Martyr" and apparently she just makes music mixes now. She seemed to have deleted ALL her commentary videos at that. That's a shame, I enjoyed her personality, she was pretty chill and a good source for people interested in learning about Industrial music. Makes me wonder why she privated those videos, I guess she probably felt it was time to move on but she could've at least archived them.
>>1418076THANK YOU anon! So she must've privated those videos, not outright delete them which is cool. Again just makes me wonder why she privated them, they were very informative and helpful for people wanting to learn about Industrial music.
No. 1418185
>>1418024Kai is the most annoying cunt out there due to his femininity. His voice is jarring, making any content he puts out unbearable to watch.
But again, not after music as there are plenty of creators that focus on music only, nothing else. Which at the end of the day, doesn’t even need to be on YouTube, a podcast is where it belongs.
Goth creators are all music and nothing else, or all old 90s/80s stories.
Frigen cook, put together your wardrobe, work out, do something! Or wise you can’t complain when you’re stuck with all the cows we’ve ever bitched about. From BlackFriday to jake to Dorian to even sex creep Voltaire.
And no, countless book reviews or edgy absinth videos aren’t content. If so, you might aswell enjoy countless unboxing videos as it’s the same crap.
Not bringing this up again. There are no creators that are goth that do something worth watching anyone more.
Someone buy jakes stump pic so we can at least llaugh at that
No. 1418195
>>1418185Book reviews are content? Maybe not something you enjoy but I subscribe to plenty of youtubers that purely talk in depth about books
I think there’s a stark difference between talking about books or even reviewing alcohol to unboxing overpriced shit and being “oh this is cool”
Though reviewing stuff well is a skill on its own, shitty reviewers are a bane
No. 1418219
>>1418185At least IBF used to do content like travels and cooking, but shame about the country hopping visa husband shit and now obviously she's busy being a parent.
>There are no creators that are goth that do something worth watching anyone moreYep sadly it seems that way. The ones that were around when these threads started arent now or are just doing the same content. And the new generation of potential goth creators seem to want to be tiktokers now not youtubers and that's hardly worth watching for more than a few mins unless it's unique, but uniqueness is as rare as brain cells on tiktok
No. 1418229
>>1418220He’s going to age rapidly and terribly if he’s taken up smoking again and his 30.
Teens and early 20s can get away with it to an extent but it ends making ageing your face like saggy nut sack real quick
No. 1418287
>>1417990$35 dollars for no effort bathroom pics? And with that ugly ass deadpan expression?
Perhaps they aren’t all like that, but he’s using this for the advertisement. It looks no different than anyone else sending dick pics. You just know he’s flaccid or barely getting it up under that sticker. And for bragging “I haven’t been to the gym in months and still look muscular!”, no fake, you look flabby and we can tell you don’t exercise anymore, not that it helped much with that stumpy body. At least wear makeup or get a set like others, I’m sure even his fans don’t really like his doughy bare face.
No. 1418288
File: 1642287069643.png (3.42 MB, 1440x2544, Screenshot_2022-01-15-16-43-52…)

So that's what he meant with this best day ever stuff. Tinfoil but i think he's doing all this shit to piss Kaya off, Stumpy couldn't be more obvious.
No. 1418290
>>1418185I agree that podcasts might be the better route to go with Goth music discussion which is why I think Obscura Undead would be potentially worth checking out.
But I have to ask, what more are you wanting to see in the Goth scene as far as content creation? Is it mostly just this
>Frigen cook, put together your wardrobe, work out,That you want to see? I mean if that's the case, did you enjoy the video of BlackFriday fixing her car? Also maybe Madame Absinthe might be up your alley as she does some craft-type stuff like making clothes and accessories. And maybe if Angela becomes more active again, she might do some more cooking videos.
No. 1418305
File: 1642288255860.jpg (Spoiler Image,808.08 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220115_165207.jpg)

He's answering questions on ig on typical narc fashion but i found this 2 stories disgusting af. Thirsty "snaccs" do be very thirsty, who would be his guest? Fakeboi? Jude?
The second pic us the most disgusting imo he's probably lying cause (tinfoil) this screams "look kaya i'm better without you" funny how he tried to be this "down to earth, humble, respectful" dude and now he's full chad now that Kaya is showing signs of moving on an actually starting to enjoy life.
How can people be so stupid to be proud of saying they admire this douche or that he "saved their lives"?
No. 1418319
>>1418305This is pathetic. He’s in his 30s going “pussy” for an answer as to what he’s enjoying on his trip.
As for his dick pics, $35 for a dick pic that you get over reddit or any other place. I don’t quiet get how men can do only fans if they aren’t doing gag things like butt plugs and such. I mean, what can he do? Jerk off for a cum vid? And IF he makes and content with another “goth snacc” it would probably put off all the other women watching because it’s not them kek
I have no doubts that this is just to piss Kaya off, and I really really hope one of her friends slips up and spills the beans.
No. 1418340
>>1418319yeah i doubt some of his fans want to see fake shagging some random "snacc". i think most of them expected solo content when subbing. no one really wants to see their favorite musician doing something like that. although most of his fans probably see him more as a "public figure" and sex worker at this point.
kaya shouldn't take the bait. fake's definitely doing this on purpose after seeing her move on and getting in shape. it's almost like he's egging her on to speak up about him, but he would just use that as ammo and turn it back on her.
No. 1418351
File: 1642291553622.png (Spoiler Image,963.86 KB, 979x1537, 1541321536221.png)

Saged, reposting a photo -
Was just looking through the past, this gem from Fake from 3 years ago is now in full fruition. How telling.
No. 1418388
>>1418318Idk, he's like a retarded tween that thinks talking about having lots of sex and "pussy" sound cool and stuff lmao. It's obvious he's getting none. Just like anon said "small dick energy".
>>1418374 totally, he used to be more careful with what he said and did online back when he started getting famous and even did some vids with Kaya, now that he's single, has money and stupid people that believe him he's showing his real face. As people say, give anyone a little amount of power and they'll reveal their true colours.
Also, couldn't get a screenshot (idk if someone has any of all his recent stories) because he deleted his Q&A stories shortly after
>>1418305 was posted, but his last Q&A was someone asking if he's paying for pussy in Barcelona and he answered "ya boi don't simp, ya boi don't pay" with this annoying kiss emoji. Some of the other (kinda relevant) questions were:
Q:"How are you so talented?" A: bragged about "genetics and work ethic"
Q:Something along the lines of "did you really go all out on of?" A: "not yet"
He was also asked about his band's new tour and about what he'll do on onlyfans, he said he'll be going to germany, london and idk what other place and that he'll be doing "everything" on onlyfans… Whatever that means. And he also bragged about traveling to Germany and i think Dubai soon, sorry for the lack of proof, i thought those were already posted here.
No. 1418394
>>1418388>it's obvious he's getting nonei bet he is tbh. but it's with a fat washed up minion meme facebook mom like the people who are part of his facebook fan club
if he was actually getting any with an attractive girl he'd post pictures of them on his story to make kaya jealous and increase his social credibility
No. 1418397
>>1418351He has the torso size of a child what the fuck
>>1418388>his last Q&A was someone asking if he's paying for pussy in Barcelona and he answered ya boi don't simp, ya boi don't paySo he's totally above doing the very thing that he's letting his fans do for him
No. 1418402
File: 1642296625589.png (6.22 MB, 1284x2778, ADE61038-F71D-4E93-ACAB-EEC073…)

>>1418305Out of all the gross/ douche stuff he posts, this is by far the worst. I didn’t think he could get anymore of a narc. Can’t wait for Kaya to drop all the dets.. that yt video is going to explode.
No. 1418417
File: 1642299038014.jpg (697.75 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20220116-021030_Ins…)

Was this supposed to be a sexy expression cos it looks like he's about to cry
No. 1418424
>>1418002>This looks like basically the equivalent of an unsolicited dick pic.accurate, and this is what ppl are eating ramen for lol.
>>1418417fucking gross, i bet he was working on this behind kaya's back for months. can't wait to see what wants to hitch a ride on his of trainwreck.
No. 1418426
>>1418402you can see his gums are receding. it's only gonna get worse with all that smoking.
>>1418417in his narc delusion he probably thinks he looks "sexy". he looks so skeezy. his skin is looking terrible, even through that orange filter.
No. 1418428
>>1418402So he says he hasn’t bared all for his of but advertises his of as a stock standard dick pic. I hope whomever has paid for his stump is at least getting off to it?
Not sure if this belongs here but since they anon has ranged about goths doing other things, jade the libras new video is essentially everything listed. Guessing she reads here
No. 1418437
File: 1642300716580.jpg (182.69 KB, 615x453, QkYVi2w.jpg)

This could be the potential "snacc" that is gonna collab with Jake. He retweeted from her, and she has an onlyfans too. A little creepy considering the age difference, but this is the same moid that said billie eilish was his new "love interest".
No. 1418439
File: 1642300767092.jpg (30.11 KB, 606x256, 2z19dB2.jpg)

>>1418437the retweet from jake. she's was linking to his onlyfans.
No. 1418457
>>1417676She always had a job and a life though. Her uploading patterns have almost never been consistent or planned. Her videos just seem to happen when they happen because I think she and her husband don't prioritize youtube.
>>1417681She's done thrifting videos, but people always ask for more stories from the 90s goth videos so I guess that's what generates clicks.
>>1417671I appreciated the band she displayed, but I can't see how she's anything like Dorian. I've said it before in past threads (and then got accused of being her or a wk kek), but I do wonder how much younger everyone here is because this seems par the course for not only my experiences but for other people who are 30s+. A community she felt at home in changed a lot and she hasn't handled it well and it makes sense given her upbringing wasn't that stellar. I'm unsure how many other people here have grown up in or been actively involved in offline communities, but when that gets taken away from you and largely put online with a whole generation of younger people who don't seem to hold the same values (costume contest in lieu of camaraderie and e-fame), its obviously going to be a culture shock thing. Being a part of a community during your teen and then adult years in person isn't going to be the same as, "My fandom on tumblr went to shit so now I gotta hop to another one siiiigh", and I don't mean that with venom but that seems as if this is how most people interact nowadays. Its either servers or places like tumblr, amino, or twitter.
Whereas with Dorian, I haven't seen a video of theirs/hers/whatever the fuck they are now since she whined about people calling her a mooch and she defended it by saying she takes care of her elderly parents or something. She's like the Jill of the alt community, I can't be assed with her.
No. 1418463
>>1418457She’s the same in that she doesn’t post any content worth watching. It’s all stories of the past (I’m almost 40). It’s over done. She can easily do a podcast as she has a great voice but for YouTube, it’s like an unboxing or one of Dorian’s “I love the past” videos.
She has watchable content before- cooking, diy, thrifting, general look book videos and now it’s nothing but stories. It’s just boring.
And with it being boring, of course people are going to flock to people like jake that claim they’re goth when they’re not. It’s content for the eyes, not the ears and most of the time there’s a mix up form these fakes
No. 1418631
>>1418305Even though he is obviously not a virgin, pic on the right where he claims to be getting
pussy in Barcelona while not identifying any source of pussy (because there is none!) has such "14 year old virgin doing unconvincing brags about his sex life" energy, he's really emotionally stunted in a big way.
No. 1418723
File: 1642339404707.jpg (631.4 KB, 1080x1951, Screenshot_20220116_132343.jpg)

Not going well(emoji)
No. 1418827
File: 1642350244709.jpg (42.31 KB, 450x627, ya boy dont get none.JPG)

>>1418723Stumpy looks like a dyke these days. Not a fakeboi, a plain old school dyke.
Wow, what a catch!
(Reupload because wrong pic)
No. 1418842
>>1418457>Just like DorianI think what people mean is that Angela tends to mostly do nostalgia type videos. She shares storyimes of her growing up in the 90s and experiencing the Goth scene around that time but doesn't really talk about much else. It's like how Dorian tended to do a lot of videos that were storytimes of her own past in the late 90s and early 2000s.
Personally I give Angela a break because she's an older woman and I don't mean that in a condescending way but what I mean is that she has a life but more specifically a full-time job and as you get older, you may not have as much time to be spontaneous and do other things like you could in your late teens and 20s.
Personally I don't mind Angela's storytimes and I get that it's hard dealing with the culture shock she's experiencing with Goth, I do feel for her and I can feel that in her storytimes which is why I don't mind them.
>>1418463>podcastI think that would be cool if she did a podcast, I agree that she has a nice voice for YouTube and maybe a podcast could help her feel not so alone. YouTube isn't her main source of income so it doesn't matter if the podcast doesn't bring in money. She already does livestreams every now and then and it's clear she does them out of simple likeness to interact with people so a podcast might be up her alley. She could do something similar to Cemetery Confessions.
>>1418470Could be all of the above. There's no question that the Dark Alternative side of YouTube is nowhere near as thriving nowadays like it was in the early 2010s when you had many darkly-inclined people making all kinds of videos. These days you just Shillstar/Aliexpress gOfF hauls by people who aren't Goth. You don't really see commentary-opinion style videos anymore. Aside from Angela, the only other person I can think of is Orphea but I never considered her Got hto begin with, just another darkly-inclined person who thinks she's goth for liking dark clothing and listening to Industrial type music. But aside from these two, I don't see much commentary type videos anymore in the dark alt. scene of YouTube anymore.
No. 1418859
Having been a regular at the "goth" clubs in the '80s (in the UK), I'm either searching the wrong #'s but I'd love to see someone else who was at the clubs, went to the gigs, etc. back then. There weren't any labels, a lot was DIY or a few shops to buy clothes at, and the make up was p improvised with Leichner clown white being the only foundation that didn't look orange, oh and Stargazer. I can't even relate to what the younger generations bang on about now. It's all so different. One of the main differences is we didn't take ourselves as seriously as they do now. Idk, maybe I digress.
>>1418854His hand tattoos are shite. What the fuck are any of them.
No. 1418879
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>>1418754Most people seem to be agreeing..
No. 1418903
File: 1642355440772.jpeg (458.43 KB, 1125x1947, 8DD01E28-62EB-444B-9E7C-38E674…)

Does someone have time to listen to what I assume is hypocritical drivel? Like Kat von D isn’t obsessed with being famous, having sycophants, and ‘influencing’ with her shitty music and shitty try hard aesthetics.
No. 1418907
File: 1642357076057.png (6.28 MB, 1284x2778, 6D530A6A-D521-44FC-B641-176539…)

It looks like he’s sitting with someone but also holding his own hand…?
No. 1418909
File: 1642357205879.png (Spoiler Image,6.21 MB, 1284x2778, C0DE7D9C-8DA0-43B9-9C70-14B6CA…)

Long term thinking, nobody is going to take his band seriously after this trash.
No. 1418917
File: 1642357659991.png (3.41 MB, 1536x2048, 36D874C7-F493-4649-BFC7-6A0648…)

This is who he is with. Hand tattoos match, in Barcelona 5 hours ago. She’s a tattoo artist from Belfast.
No. 1418938
File: 1642358553443.jpeg (323.12 KB, 1125x1975, 26721201-0BD8-4921-989D-DCD663…)

Holy shit!!! That Reddit rumor is true!!!! Jake cheated!!! Let loose Kaya!!!
He hates kids so I don’t really know what that lady is thinking.
Pic from her stories I anonymously looked at. Doesn’t show her handle but it’s hers. They also went inside La Sagrada Familia together. This is such a slap in the face to Kaya to take his new lady to their previous spots.
No. 1418950
File: 1642359449105.jpeg (181.1 KB, 1124x1523, 964E611B-487D-4C4E-A77D-0D3C46…)

From his OF. Either she’s getting divorced or her husband doesn’t even know.
No. 1418951
File: 1642359675803.jpeg (371.1 KB, 1123x1884, E74212FC-56C9-424A-82AD-17B503…)

I don’t know who said she’s married but her FB says “single”
No. 1418974
>>1418951Her photos have loads of the wedding and the kid. It's VERY recently they haven't been together looking at the dates.
>>1418950That line reminds me of something Jimmy Savile said about how he had sex with an underage then rinsed his dick off under the tap. Those creep vibes.
No. 1418992
File: 1642361843850.jpeg (300.51 KB, 1125x2000, 77C37B81-17D5-47DB-8010-F5677D…)

To me it seems like she’s just a new toy for him, obviously it’s not for a long run. I wonder when he’ll be bored with her.
Also from her FB, she apparently went there to “get tattooed” cough and sell herself on OF cough
No. 1418996
File: 1642362194801.jpeg (196.9 KB, 1125x1343, B6B6275D-CF6F-4C41-8494-4070A4…)

>>1418979Stumpy straight up hates kids so I hope Kat leaves her kid out of whatever this ‘relationship’ is supposed to be.
No. 1419015
>>1419010If you own a business with someone, you’re not going to walk away and give them your only way of making money. Especially if a divorce is involved.
Don’t go ruining this with stupidity
No. 1419036
File: 1642364975401.jpeg (363.18 KB, 1242x1785, 6BBD9DD5-6E60-41A8-A26F-E92AEF…)

Jude commenting on kayas post.
Not really milk just interesting because she’s a jake fan girl.
No. 1419052
File: 1642365715474.jpg (901.55 KB, 1439x2085, Screenshot_20220116-154133_Ins…)

This is the ex husband I believe.
No. 1419053
File: 1642365720846.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1499, 9A761246-89FE-4AAC-99FE-5B1448…)

This chick was also in the same bath bomb photoshoot as Kaya back then?! Oof.
No. 1419067
>>1418723Ahah I was just thinking his new change in behavior is going to rile up the snaccs, he's acting like a creep, let's be honest. They were there for the untouchable goth boy who ignores them, suddenly getting sexual and oversharing on them and inviting sexual talk ruins the allure and mystery he had managed (by chance/accident) to build up, love to see a man run his accidental success into the ground so fast.
>>1418950The way he talks about sex is so virginal I'm starting to think they only did it twice a year, and Kaya thought this was normal since he's been a hobosexual since the very beginning.
No. 1419071
>>1419053ugh this is so gross…stumpy has probably been leering at her for years. he probably never liked kaya and was only using her for her money when she had it. they were together for years but she was always going to be a ‘forever girlfriend’ to mooch off of. it’s all just so disgusting.
the older fans paying the big bucks are definitely going to leave after seeing all of this. he deserves to be broke and homeless.
No. 1419074
>>1418990So we really have Kaya, Kat and K in this love triangle, he really likes the letter K
Unsurprised the cheating rumours are true, but surprised he'd out himself and her this soon in the game kek, what a loser.
No. 1419078
File: 1642367780021.jpg (580.77 KB, 1080x1377, Screenshot_20220116_211541.jpg)

I wonder if he bothers to mention how his ex helped him
No. 1419122
>>1419112I really think the majority of his fans are so pathetic, they're going to ride the sinking ship all the way down.
On the bright side, he really is blasting through money right now isn't he? Fresh from the US, now in Barcelona, probably in a pricey hotel. Regardless of his claims, he probably bought Kat's ticket too. Enjoy it while it lasts, stumpy.
No. 1419159
File: 1642372135104.jpg (190.62 KB, 640x775, B2MwlSt.jpg)

>the girl she cheated on her with has never even met Kaya and is threatening to slap her and fat shaming herDid the redditor not know that Kaya and Kat knew eachother?
>>1419053 And if this Kat was threatening to slap Kaya, she had plenty of opportunities to since Kaya frequents her tattoo studio.
Are these discrepancies? Or is there maybe another married women that Jake cheated on?
No. 1419171
>>1419025Like post about it in the munro Facebook group or something? Go for it
nonnie, it's not cow tipping to tell fans about something shitty a cow has done, he's not even hiding that they're in Spain together and apparently even made OF content with her. At the very least, if she's not the married woman he cheated on kaya with, he is rebounding with someone who used to be close to her and has a kid.
No. 1419173
File: 1642372931027.jpeg (532.39 KB, 1125x1781, 48BF6287-66C0-49CA-9F00-E74A3C…)

Twitter. Just the one tweet so far.
No. 1419190
>>1419176True! Look at the shower pic and then imagine that as a woman, same pose and all. I just don’t get the whole only fans thing but who cares at this point, we have proof of who he is with, that she was a in their friend circle, that he went to her for tattoos, she has kids (which he hates) and he’s taking her to all of kayas old spots! How pathetic can you be? Can people not seeing how weird and creepy that is?
Let this mother fucker burn faster than fuel. I’ve never seen anyone burn their “fame” so fast before
No. 1419207
>>1419202>>1419202Don’t. Cow tip!
Jake the Retard is ruining himself just fine on his own anyway.
No. 1419214
File: 1642380766401.jpg (394.82 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20220116-231350_Ope…)

>>1419210Don't get your panties in a twist, his fans should know about the shitty person they're following or do you not agree kek
>>1419166The comments on the reddit post are saying the same shit we are. This one is extremely similar, might be a lurker. Most of his followers don't seem to be the critical thinking type but at least some of them can see it.
No. 1419221
File: 1642381317826.jpg (237.83 KB, 1440x1688, Screenshot_20220117-010024_Chr…)

I don't think I've seen this mentioned here before. Might not be true but let's be honest, of course it is.
No. 1419231
File: 1642382176036.jpg (31.5 KB, 629x606, GNZ5065.jpg)

>>1418950he edited the onlyfans post. too late, jake. it's already screenshotted. everyone knows what a piece of shit you are.
No. 1419237
File: 1642382573377.png (1.43 MB, 828x1792, A39F6399-6E87-46AF-829B-483BD1…)

>>1413065From Kayas likes on Twitter
No. 1419238
File: 1642382600936.png (880.86 KB, 828x1792, 825F45F9-A965-4A19-B606-2C23B0…)

>>1419237From that persons Twitter
No. 1419242
File: 1642383509523.jpeg (191.29 KB, 818x465, C91F75AF-C987-4770-89D6-096663…)

I feel for her, I really do…
No. 1419246
>>1419242yeah some point in her yapping playing the
victim on twitter now. She needs to stop covering for this creep, get a fucking job so she doesn't need to and let the world know
No. 1419247
File: 1642383756998.jpg (551.55 KB, 1080x1835, Screenshot_20220116-174147_Twi…)

Even the official Vampire Freaks Twitter is against Jake. I just thought that was funny.
No. 1419252
His mods and middle aged mum groupies are being quiet about this. I wonder if there's a shitstorm happening in the discord and the facebook group.
>>1419231Real incoherent description. He really likes to talks shit, then delete it and pretend it didn't happen. I guess buying their nasty pictures and videos is out of the question now? Don't want more evidence out there
>>1419248She probably still has some residue from the relationship. She had feelings for him once. It was 10 years after all, and he's been nothing but cruel with all of the insensitive instagram stories meant to make her upset. Kaya, Jake's only getting back what he put out there. He's vile and it's finally come around to bite him back.
No. 1419253
File: 1642384119869.png (910.89 KB, 750x1334, 2F9DCFD9-67AD-4CC2-814B-9DE9CB…)

Found this with some funny replies
No. 1419254
File: 1642384119958.jpeg (453.96 KB, 1282x1980, D1B5D650-F3E4-4FBF-8DE2-631D6E…)

If you search his name on Twitter right now it’s just people calling him and his new lady friend out. Which can’t be good for her business. She was literally friends with Kaya, she can’t say she was manipulated too. Yikes.
No. 1419262
File: 1642384643007.jpeg (132.77 KB, 469x1115, 00CAD548-8FE2-4221-9D78-5969A1…)

There’s a video made about Jake and the break up situation / his fake gothness on TT made four days ago. Over 300 comments and it’s not looking good for fake.
No. 1419264
File: 1642384743124.jpg (171.36 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20220110-062533_Twi…)

>>1413721>Kaya clearly just wants to earn enough to live.Don't forget that Kaya is just as money hungry as Jake.
No. 1419267
>>1419255classic narc projection
he's definitely lurking this thread. just now he deleted the retweet
>>1418439 to his onlyfans link.
here it is for ease, nonnas: No. 1419273
>>1419267samefag but it was definitely still there when I took this screenshot
>>1419231 so he's watching in real time kek
lets see if he deletes the onlyfans, but that's a looot of money that he probably doesn't want to lose right now.
No. 1419300
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No. 1419303
File: 1642387389459.png (23.35 KB, 806x122, Screenshot (1088).png)

Statement from the Discord. Someone came up asking about the drama (first time someone brought it up in there as far as I can tell)
No. 1419311
File: 1642387838431.jpeg (417.3 KB, 1284x2299, A0F2C28F-1C70-42F3-81A9-553E60…)

It’s his retarded tatts and same drinks?! Come on!
No. 1419323
File: 1642388824172.jpeg (315.92 KB, 1125x1682, 555803C0-FD7A-44AC-A598-A0408C…)

I could choke on this schadenfreude.
No. 1419352
File: 1642391636015.png (257.9 KB, 500x680, A85748D4-ED51-44F4-80A8-E1159B…)

No. 1419362
File: 1642394132853.jpg (21.73 KB, 597x185, E3w5o1Q.jpg)

Jake's fans are choosing to shield their eyes. They are still so convinced they are only "rumors" like goff daddy says.
No. 1419367
File: 1642395070548.jpeg (256.72 KB, 750x1764, F828C1F8-43BB-439B-A86E-45D7E3…)

Another post from the Discord. Apparently even if they accept Jake cheated they’re happy to give him a pass because… he is also a human
No. 1419371
File: 1642395626929.jpeg (275.34 KB, 1284x1635, B5AA5FC2-07EF-4EB5-8C1F-944B0E…)

>>1419367Kek. We have a hardcore stan!
This one’s now going through all Twitter comments defending jake.
He’s going to get away with it as his fans are absolutely brain dead
No. 1419375
>>1419367These retards either don't understand what has happened or are in denial. The issue is that Jake was cheating on Kaya with Kat BEFORE they broke up. This was not a first-time thing either, he made the same "mistake" over and over and cheated with possibly multiple women over the course of his and Kaya's relationship. This wasn't a "time or two" of cheating, he's always been a sleaze that has flirted around and overstepped Kaya's boundaries. He hasn't learned anything at all. They're foolish to think his next girlfriend won't be cheated on as well.
>>1419371Damn she's pathetic. Imagine caping for a piece of shit like Jake kek
>>1419372And a mother too? Gross, then she should understand the turmoil Jake caused for the kids of the family he separated with his cheating with a married woman
No. 1419393
File: 1642397283532.jpeg (199.56 KB, 1284x1028, FD292465-54A7-47D3-B22E-C2523C…)

The banana mod for jake will be the biggest one until the rest of the world wakes up.
Is there any hard, undeniable evidence to throw at these retards?
No. 1419423
File: 1642401638979.jpeg (196.21 KB, 1284x1073, 34B4582C-AA1B-45C7-A732-B97B06…)

It’s begin ignored
No. 1419427
>>1419393she's still on twitter going off kek. i feel like even if the truth came straight from kaya's mouth in a video, these crazy fans would still think it's "rumors" because they're delusional and only listen to the stumpy cult.
>>1419423he was so stupidly confident earlier though. what a coward. gonna try to run off to another country since everyone in belfast hates you, jake?
No. 1419429
>>1419427Can’t argue with stupid.
>>1419352I think we need to add a little more to jake blaming Kaya for this. Like his stans around the outside saying he’s only human and makes mistakes
No. 1419456
File: 1642407268125.jpg (386.24 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20220117-081002_Ins…)

Checked up on jude after the mention of her and she's doing dry q and a type shit as always and being too comfortable about her pedo kink.
As for jude having a connection to jake she deleted her onlyfans and maybe so will he kek. But she simps hard for him and even though she has a bf now she apparently has a past of cheating herself sooo.
No. 1419461
>>1419271I get what you mean anon. I'm all for super alt looks but I feel like she tends to overdo it a little too much to where it just looks unpleasant. If she toned it down just a bit, it could look a lot better. Like maybe not drawing the inner corner shape so low, like what even is that? Just shorten them a bit and it will make for a much more cohesive look.
Also I wouldn't consider her an "eldergoth" when she's barely 20 years. "Eldergoth" is more about those who've been active in goth for at least more than 10 years and no, I don't count middle school which I feel like this girl would probably use as "experience".
No. 1419483
File: 1642414703784.jpeg (429.25 KB, 828x1141, 9BDDCAFA-0E20-42B5-8C6A-0F4CAC…)

Loving ex-fans making it clear they do not wish to be affiliated with that sack of narcissistic shit. Bad enough that they were ever fans, but good for them on waking up ig
No. 1419501
File: 1642419177143.jpg (251.1 KB, 1080x897, Screenshot_20220117-032556_You…)

His fan base is so embarrassing.
No. 1419513
File: 1642421329194.png (Spoiler Image,7.46 MB, 1125x2436, AAD660EB-0056-4EEF-901D-14F7B6…)

Idk but this reminds me of teen years when we thought “drinking” was cool. If you’re in your 30s and the only thing you can brag about is alcohol then maybe you have a problem
No. 1419514
File: 1642421448522.jpg (17.78 KB, 603x150, sWsLocp.jpg)

does kaya not like seeing stumpy get pummeled?
she retweeted that news about someone murdering their cheating husband, so not sure why she is doing this. garnering sympathy for herself? she should ignore him, people are mainly dragging him
No. 1419515
>>1419486Oh damn, I remember Dre. Another alt youtuber who's stopped posting.
She's posted here on
>>>/w/106472 where she just tweets about her insecurities, complains and is on again off again with her bf apparently.
No. 1419517
File: 1642421627208.png (388.84 KB, 630x460, the resemblance is uncanny.png)

spot the difference
No. 1419522
>>1419501His type is girls out of his league so at least they won't embarrass themselves on his OF. But then again everyone is out of a jake munro fan's league so it's not hard to imagine jake not wanting any of them, unless it's to use them. Which they'd blindly let him do, it seems.
>>1419514How is it a "kick back down" for people to realise the cheating stuff, did she found out about the cheating earlier and doesn't want to relive the memory of that now? But in that case just put the phone down and let it run its course.
>>1419517The difference is that one is an intentional character design and one is a stumpy ill dressed narc.
No. 1419523
>>1419514It’s been quite the weekend for her, cheating has been confirmed, who he was cheating with has come out, he’s gone to the place he was going to move to with Kaya with the girl he cheated with and has spent the entire time bragging about fucking her and trying to sell the video on onlyfans. That’s a lot to take in, even without the likely influx of well meaning messages trying to get her to confirm/deny what’s going on.
It’s one thing to know he cheated, it’s quite another for everyone else to know he cheated.
If she needs a minute, I don’t blame her for taking it.
No. 1419525
>>1419522we don't know if she's talking about him though, she said there was other stuff going on in her life. but like
>>1419521 pointed out, it might be that jake is doing that thing that narcs do where they passive aggressively post things to get under your skin, like him making a bunch of posts about barcelona where they once planned to move together
No. 1419534
File: 1642422690656.jpg (132.67 KB, 528x720, 20220117_041854.jpg)

>>1419513Drinking & chain smoking like a teen at his prehistoric age? Give it a year and he'll start looking like Little Nightmares chef.
No. 1419580
File: 1642428056732.jpeg (536.61 KB, 750x3790, 2561BE4D-5709-43B6-8892-15E2DC…)

More Discord discussion. The banana mom snacc is posting on Twitter about how she loves Kaya to death but behind close doors is talking about how she’ll always stand by Jake. This is how all these people think. They’re going to support Jake no matter what he does
No. 1419609
File: 1642431233042.jpg (220.07 KB, 1440x1379, Screenshot_20220117-145138_Chr…)

he blocked me lol(cowtipping)
No. 1419621
>>1419609yes, this situation might be the time to cow-tip a bit, but please don't go back to the boards bragging about it with screenshots.
jake deserves to be called out, but mind the lolcow rules, for your own good.
No. 1419623
nonnie, way to expose yourself
Though it looks like you’re not the only one getting blocked, I wish I could see him raging as he searches his name on Twitter just to block anyone who doesn’t kiss his musty $35 ass
Fake needs to log off and get therapy, but this milk is pure schadenfreude
No. 1419629
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Saged bc this isn’t a lolcow, but this Cynthia creature is interesting… simultaneously supporting Kaya AND defending Jake? What’s wrong with you lol
No. 1419646
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Loving the delicious milk itt
No. 1419649
File: 1642437142558.png (14.42 KB, 630x106, Screenshot (1089).png)

Jake's discord mod and head of Goth Daddy defence league posted this. Seems like the story is leaking out all over the place now
No. 1419667
>>1419658He’s fucked around and now he’s finding out.
Completely agree with you that this
toxic positivity is laughable, people like to weaponise kindness to the extent where no one is allowed to hold people accountable when it might disrupt their parasocial relationships.
How lonely are these people that they will defend some guy who literally doesn’t give a fuck about anybody but himself? The snaccs need to gain self-respect first and foremost. Jake would sell you all out for one drop of clout.
No. 1419690
File: 1642439525723.png (754.29 KB, 1284x2778, B7982E88-935E-4412-BC23-909E90…)

Looks like she’s addressing it. This is the start
No. 1419691
>>1419682Jake's a fat retard. All he had to do was break up with Kaya and not post cringe updates about him getting laid in Barcelona, and washing the sex off of him. Like he suddenly starts an OF and tries to brag about his sexlife after recently just announcing him and
Toxic Tears have broken up. Like those two were the Gruesome Twosome. You got one you got the other. How is he so fucking retarded of course his posts were going to lead people to speculate. And he's crying about being bullied and his retarded fans agree with him. This generation is completely destroying my trust in a juror of peers. These people lack sense. It's a fucked up wild world. Nothing means anything.
No. 1419705
File: 1642440993308.png (35 KB, 832x127, Screenshot (1091).png)

The whole discord is sperging about how their mental health is suffering because of the hate Jake is getting and calling anyone who's turned against Jake a sociopath. The lack of self awareness is shocking
No. 1419707
File: 1642441074312.png (86.84 KB, 874x406, Screenshot (1092).png)

>>1419705This person is now threatening to poison people who are spreading info on Jake lmao
No. 1419709
File: 1642441230815.png (88.06 KB, 918x469, Screenshot (1093).png)

>You can't blame us because we're victims in this situation as well
No. 1419713
File: 1642441360761.png (181.68 KB, 853x610, Screenshot (1095).png)

>At the end of the day anyone's relationships and doings are actually nobody's fing business
It became everybody's fing business the second he posted about it on his instagram. Imagine having a bad mental health day because you're upset the scrote you wank over online has been exposed as a cheater and you don't want people to expose him for it
No. 1419720
>>1419698She said she wants a house? When you need to move from a bad situation just take what you can get within reason, as long as it seems safe
>>1419713They're so desperate. He'll never fuck you. He'll never remember your name, even. All he remembers is that you're an easy source of cash.
No. 1419736
>>1419707Perfectly normal behaviour. Nice fanbase you’ve got there, Jake.
>>1419709The fact that they’re taking this so personally just proves they’re just as narcissistic as he is.
How do these people function in society if this is how they react to an influencer getting his just desserts? Not even anybody significant, AN INFLUENCER.
The cringe is what keeps me watching, these people and their lolcow daddy are a car crash.
No. 1419749
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Wonder if this was already planned or the husband found out about fake again, bold move from the both of them considering Kaya was just there recently getting her hand tattoos
No. 1419774
>>1419770Put the word sage in the e-mail field.
Yeah everyone here has been predicting something was up for a while now. It took me a while to even figure out they were even a couple. Their cross overs were few (on youtube) and things smelled off.
No. 1419791
>>1419779Idk if she should lose custody over her child for sleeping with Jake lol. While this is all gross, married couples separate often due to infidelity and still see their kids.
You'd think Jake would have some discretion, but he's living out his narc fantasies. Wonder when he'll crash
No. 1419793
>>1419787kek can you imagine Jake trying to play stepdad though
Kat’s deluded if she thinks it’s worth destroying her marriage and motherhood for some stump dick
No. 1419802
>>1419796Wouldn’t be surprised he jake “has a change of heart” and does use the kid for video content.
And people do divorce for being cheated on, no one’s going to want their kid around someone like jake who open states they hate woods, and now has a pretty shit history documented for everyone to see. From punching walls, to smoking, hating kids, ect ect. Take that to a court and you ain’t getting much time with the kid
No. 1419829
>>1419821Jesus christ hes such a sleaze.
Someone on internetdrama thread that seems to know Kat says she has cheated before. They posted in the last hour or so, no real detail to bother screencapping though, but i wonder if more will come out about her.
No. 1419850
>>1419791She had an affair, fucked off to Barcelona with her side piece, lost her job and will presumably need to find a new home soon. That's not a stable environment for a child, the ex-husband who still owns the business and probably the family home likely has a better claim to primary custody. Courts tend not to prevent visitation unless there's abuse involved so she'll at least still get to see the kid, but if they can't come to an agreement and it has to go to mediation she's an extremely unsympathetic figure.
Imagine putting yourself in that situation for Stump, this woman must have lower self esteem than Kaya.
No. 1419858
>>1419852I hope so. Well jake does have a new place, guess she will have to move in with him. Plenty of sex content to make his snaccs happy.
It’s funny that Belfast is such a small place, her shit stinks too much to get a joke where people would want to have her as the artist. Looked at her Tatts and their pretty shit. Probably better for her husbands business that she won’t be there.
No. 1419862
>>1419850She'd be entitled to assets and she'd find accommodation and most likely have the child live with her. I've known several women in the same country that have had affairs, been unemployed and still had the kids. Fathers had equal access as far as I'm aware.
She's lost a place of work, aren't tattoo artists able to move about? I get its gross sleeping with Jake, but we don't even know if her and Jake are together. Hasn't he pretty much said in his IG stories he wants to slut around
No. 1419864
>>1419862Unless she’s got money for a new place, or lives separately to her husband, jake technically made her homeless too kek.
If this is the case it brings a whole new meaning to jake being a home wrecker
No. 1419875
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Do snaccs have to fulfill some money budget so he will make more videos? A little weird comment
No. 1419876
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>>1419872she got 2 tattoos, the one on her foot was grant, the one on her hands were dean
No. 1419885
File: 1642450741825.png (1003.93 KB, 1429x924, untitled.png)

so, when you block someone on instagram any pictures you tagged them in removes the tag right?
cause id guess shes blcoked kat
No. 1419890
File: 1642451022844.png (50.52 KB, 817x230, Screenshot (1097).png)

>they didn’t get enough attention from their parents growing up so they have to find anything they can grab onto that’ll give them any slight attention today
The lack of self awareness is fucking shocking holy shit. How do these people explain away the shit Jake posted HIMSELF with kat?!
No. 1419895
>>1419890Isn’t this person a mother themselves? (Assuming from their Twitter name)
Embarrassing as fuck
I don’t understand these people- Jake clearly does not give a fuck about them. Doesn’t intereact with them
He’s not charismatic
I’ll never understand the appeal
No. 1419898
>>1419890woah woah, lol!
Self-projection holy moly smokes.
Banana mom is everywhere and denied being over on reddit on twitter. She mad mad bananas literally.
No. 1419900
File: 1642451484113.jpeg (403.87 KB, 828x878, F227BB29-C282-405D-B5C6-2144A6…)

> but the shit [Kaya] has said and put out there is way more deformation touching than what he has said or done since.
Literally what, lol
Kaya has been a fortress since the break-up video, the mind actually boggles as to how this woman is twisting it so that Jake is still the victim?? Go parent your kid instead of simping for someone who wouldn’t give you the time of day irl.
No. 1419903
>>1419877no, she didnt do any of her tattoos,
the bats on her hips were done by a man
her key on her wrist was done by a man
the moths and bee are by a guy called bally
her front leg tattoo is by a guy called jimin
No. 1419908
>>1419900I would LOVE to see what Kaya has said that could be close to defamation considering she hasn’t said a thing that can’t be backed up by documentation. I’ve just finished a court case for defamation, if you can prove it they lose. So jake can try but if she has documents to prove that after the break up vid was released she was paying for everything other than rent, he loses and big.
>>1419899Now banana woman is posting things that can lead to a defamation case Kek. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets kicked for inciting drama
No. 1419913
>>1419875>I'm in a homeless unit with fuck allEvidently jake doesn't care about people in this situation so don't bother bringing it up to him kek
And I skimmed theough the video this was under but didn't hear him say anything about locking YouTube behind a paywall. Maybe they misunderstood his OF announcement or something
No. 1419914
>>1419900>Kaya (love her to pieces) but the shit she has said and put out there is way more deformation touching than what he has said or done Let's compare and contrast, shall we
What has Kaya done?
- Put out a video explaining that they broke up, what happened (but still vague other than saying it was not a mutual decision), her current living situation and her mental state
- A follow up video which didn't even discuss Jake but was more of an update on her current situation and struggles
- Social media posts showing she is hanging out with friends, seemed to be improving somewhat
- "At worst" as only alluded to wanting to spill all but has so far restrained herself
What has Jake done?
- Also put out a video explaining that they broke up except it was the complete opposite of Kaya's especially in regards to it being a mutual agreement. Some other claims completely contradicted what Kaya said and… who has more reason to lie here? He's deleted it now but the two videos even visually were so different, while Kaya looked defeated and unhappy, Jake seemed happy and fully done up like any other video of his. He also barely touched on the break up and quickly transitioned into his future plans. Even if he was dealing with it better than Kaya, he knew she would see it so why not be a little more sympathetic with how you approach the topic?
- Social media posts bragging about international trips, smoking, drinking and most recently showed he is with Kat, again knowing Kaya would see this. In what I can only imagine was a panic/damage control he has edited some of these posts and blocked some folk
So who is guilty of "defamation" here, Bananabitch?
No. 1419915
>>1419909They very clearly thirst for him and at least one has admitted it
>>1419501, and though she looks like the dumb kid flavour of fan not crazy mom i wouldn't be surprised if others in the discord felt the same
No. 1419930
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>>1419707Little Poison Porkchop claiming to have been abused AND now claiming to be abused by their "beef plant" job. While simultaneously threatening to poison people. Lmao wtf!
No. 1419933
File: 1642453196784.jpg (285.68 KB, 1079x1084, Screenshot_20220117-155815_Twi…)

Confirmed Kat never tattooed her. That would suck if she had, and Kaya had that memory on her forever.
You can tell she wants to say more but it must be a lot to process at the moment. I just can't wait for the day she lets loose.
No. 1419948
File: 1642454387182.png (67 KB, 739x455, Screenshot (1098).png)

>I know the lawsIn what country is it illegal to post facts about a public figure?
>>1419933as if it makes fuck all difference. She's basically confirmed its he cheated with this tweet. kaya just drop the tell all for fuck sake
No. 1419965
>>1419948Lol “illegal”
I mean, conspiracy to murder (plotting to poisoning them there porkchops) is actually illegal in some places
Of course I don’t think he’s planning on doing such a thing I just found that amusing
No. 1419966
stumpy fans are deranged. people are only calling out jake for cheating, yet some of them act like it's some 'war against their community' and that they're
victims? most of them like the banana mom is actively going out of their way to defend stumpy, ofc people are gonna respond. they can make another discord server with their friends with no affiliation to jake if they really have some "bond". his fans are cringe
>>1419930so this furry was cheated on for 3 years, but he still wants to support jake, a cheater? so many of his fans have been cheated on and yet they make an exception for stumpy
>>1419948really, kaya keeps saying she "wants this to blow over". this would go away faster if she just confirmed the cheating, she doesn't even have to be specific. jake isn't going to say anything on the situation and it's not gonna go away until he says something, a known friend says something, or she does
No. 1419984
File: 1642459238104.png (27.16 KB, 1076x621, 1641449654231.png)

>>1419979posted in the last thread
No. 1419996
File: 1642460162723.png (2.58 MB, 2522x2030, 8093457340965.png)

Kaya posted a comment from her mom to Twitter just now.
No. 1420002
>>1419993 Perhaps his streams? The break the Jake tards etc. But with that many patreon subscribers she has the funds for a place surely at this point, I agree.
Maybe that isn't the problem and it's the fact she can't prove her income indefinitely, has an animal, or landlords are being particularly picky with tenants?
She simply refuses to rent an apartment because she grew up in one and "hated it" according to a twitter post and claims that only houses are available anyway. So it could also be the majority of houses offered are out of her range considering all the upfront costs of renting.
No. 1420005
>>1420000i kind of thought it was sweet lol. comes across better than crazy karen mcleod anyway. I think she is typing "in her accent" kind of like how some scots will.
that is another layer of shitty from jake though, that he decided to drop her and kick her out when she was already stressed about her mothers op
No. 1420007
>>1420000She types like a typical boomer on the internet, it's not weird at all.
Guess that this confirms her mom was the one having health complications and was undergoing surgery right as Jake was dumping Kaya - which he probably knew about. He left her right in the middle of a family health crisis. Piece of shit narc.
No. 1420027
File: 1642462052143.png (76.52 KB, 688x546, Screenshot (1099).png)

This is totally normal behaviour, a totally normal reaction to someone sharing tweets talking about how your internet father cheated on his gf. What an amazing fanbase Jake
No. 1420040
File: 1642462714722.png (54.16 KB, 789x297, Screenshot (1104).png)

>>1420027Imagine having to rely on THIS person to be able to pay your rent. Any 9-5 is better than dealing with an unhinged zoophile like this to make your money surely
No. 1420045
>>1420028i think he has always been this way. I saw early signs of this way back when. Not even in the earlier videos with kaya when he was acting like a prick towards her but when i read other people's personal encounters with him years prior to that. Sure you could argue these people were lying but when enough people come forward with very similar stories it's hard not to believe they're true or largely true at least. Like someone who had previously posted in one of the first altcow threads stating jake told them he resented kaya and wanted to leave her as soon as he got on his feet, had plans to move away from her to london, etc etc. Then another poster who said they knew him at school and he would always sit alone away from everyone and overall gave the impression he thought everyone was beneath him. THEN ANOTHER person said he always thought he deserved fame and money, that he shouldn't have to work for it. like with him trying his hand at being a vampirefreaks model and legitimately thought he would be ranked the #1 male model there yet it didn't go far at all. Also from his own mouth he said he doesnt get on with and/or has no contact with any of his family members (except his sister iirc?) which really brings that phrase to mind - if it smells like shit wherever you go, maybe you should check your shoes. I imagine his family didnt idolise him or told him to get a job and because this fat stump thinks the world owes him a living, he probably took this poorly
srry for rant
No. 1420096
File: 1642466660457.jpg (219.95 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20220118-004149_Ope…)

>>1420087Skimmed theough it but nothing of note, just shots of travelling and rambling about nothing. Maybe Fake let something slip during convo but idk if it's worth going back to check. And somehow he seems to have a new fan, I wonder how long itll be until they realise what he's like or evolves into the banana bitch and the furrytard
No. 1420098
File: 1642466861611.png (42.41 KB, 291x198, Screenshot (1107).png)

>>1420087the fucking pronouns hat oh my god
No. 1420102
>>1420098genuinely curious as i didn't really follow the K crap, but is that a guy who used to be female, or vice versa? because it's hard to tell
No. 1420139
>>1418903This fucking narc has absolutely no room to talk when it comes to looking down on influencers. She's an attention whoring sellout who squandered so many opportunities and ruined her reputation just by being a retarded drama queen on social media.
Thanks for reminding me shes a wannabe musician now. Who wouldn't want to listen to the melodious voice of a woman who sounds like a tranny who smokes 10 packs a day?
No. 1420205
>>1419513Oh wow, ciggies, booze and sex, lemme know when you turn 17 Jake because no 30 year old is impressed by these things
>>1419486Falling out for sure, idk if her boyfriend doesn't let her have male friends or what, but personally I prefer Chris as a person, something sus about that boyfriend.
Chris has a good
creep cover on his page which I tinfoil is him expressing his feelings about Dre.
>>1419996This is sweet of her and adds another shitty layer to Jake's layer of shit: he dumped her while it sounds like her mom was in hospital for possible menopause/womb/hysterectomy/ something like that as the mom refers to women problems.
And kaya hid it from her so she wouldn't worry, bless her.
No. 1420237
File: 1642483314413.jpg (68.36 KB, 760x802, Screenshot_20220118-052044_Ope…)

>>1420219You're not wrong
No. 1420241
File: 1642484256432.jpeg (116.68 KB, 1242x613, 4934C59C-B63F-4BC5-A46B-817174…)

Absolutely no idea how to post an image so hopefully this works but Kaya also liked this tweet which I think is a hint that the cheating thing is very true
No. 1420297
>>1420102She's a woman. It's kinda hard to tell in pictures but if you see her talking/moving she's very obviously female.
>>1420241But didn't Kaya say she didn't see the breakup coming?
No. 1420307
>>1420297Maybe she was aware of it but thought it only happened the one time? i think she relied heavily on ol' stumpy so may have tried to just get past it and unfortunately deluded herself into believing everything was going well hence not seeing the breakup coming. just speculation ofc
i do have a hard time believing she never saw the signs us mere internet folk could see a mile off but nonetheless, with her mother having an op / health crisis a breakup may really have been the last thing she expected as she was already going through a traumatic event. At least she has woken up and can see what we've all seen for years !
No. 1420322
>>1420297Maybe she had a feeling he was cheating but let it go because she had no direct proof. The breakup itself could have been a shock and then everything that happened after confirmed her suspicions.
That happens to a lot of people, they know deep down something is wrong but they convince themselves they're being paranoid because there's no hard evidence.
No. 1420323
File: 1642495345280.jpeg (3.91 MB, 3024x2893, CCBDEAA9-25AC-4878-897D-8498A8…)

>>1420180Here you go anon
No. 1420349
>>1420241I can imagine she felt things were off and when she tried to confront him about it, he gaslit and abused her until she felt like she was the one ruining the relationship. It's classic pattern and it explains in part how she spiraled into depression so quickly. When you have an abuser pinning the blame on you for literally everything and then going out of their way to cheat and show clear signs of it, it kills you.
I'm honestly surprised Kaya didn't end up killing herself after 12 years of this. With her unchecked relationship, her depression and unchecked ADHD (iirc), girl is strong as shit to have not tried at least once. Fake is a classic narc and all of his resentment for himself he pinned on his
victim. Now that she's not under his thumb anymore, he's going full self-destruct for the world to see and I for one am happy to watch it.
No. 1420352
File: 1642498936988.jpg (248.03 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_20220118-013857_Twi…)

One of Jake's streaming buddies finally coming around. Good on ya, chief. I knew you weren't that gullible. Jake is losing his support network.
No. 1420367
File: 1642501010775.jpg (262.02 KB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_20220118-101515_Twi…)

>>1420352He's commented on Kaya's tweet. I don't know if he interacted with her much before. I hope he shares some details.
No. 1420372
File: 1642501910914.jpeg (441.49 KB, 1124x1736, 8F95EB75-A4B1-414A-93FA-597823…)

No. 1420379
File: 1642502843962.jpeg (287.82 KB, 828x1033, 5A2FBC25-95E8-451A-95E5-B88F9E…)

>>1420352Same Jake fan making this drama all about them… ofc your friends don’t want to hear about your weird parasocial internet goth daddy.
Hopefully at least this teaches them not to put influencers on a pedestal in future… though they could start by changing their pfp and header at least kek, embarrassing.
No. 1420383
>>1420379Samefag but I scrolled through their tweets out of interest and she posted a selfie along with a photo of her 44th birthday cake. Not posting it here bc it’s not relevant to the milk, but oh, honey… you’re even older than me. You’re too far along to be simping like a teenager online.
The cringe I feel is indescribable. Jake, come get your snaccs
No. 1420395
File: 1642505345371.jpeg (378.22 KB, 828x1239, EA4CB37F-DDEF-4E22-B2C5-084A89…)

Don’t be shy, spill the tea.
No. 1420412
File: 1642511185089.jpeg (276.61 KB, 1110x1458, CF78C018-24AD-44A9-ABEF-CA7154…)

Shouldn’t his post number be 666? Does someone know which photos did he deleted?
No. 1420420
File: 1642512068924.jpeg (456.15 KB, 1125x1976, 639D38A6-1B4A-4C91-AC5F-DD6EAA…)

He’s lost 1k subscribers since yesterday, 6k roughly since he announced the break up .
No. 1420422
File: 1642512245568.jpeg (580.71 KB, 1125x2202, 00AE5D1A-D7C7-454C-9134-BB112B…)

Kaya has gained 6k subscribers.
No. 1420444
>>1420436I thought it was the photos of Kaya too, though I couldn’t stomach trawling through endless photographs of his godawful gurning face, so I didn’t look in too much details.
Mad if so, he can’t seriously be blaming her for his own fuck-up lol… (rhetorical question, of course he will, he’s a narc) kaya didn’t say a peep, we got all this fresh milk direct from the source
No. 1420475
File: 1642520620834.jpeg (98.86 KB, 1282x618, 9AB6F696-CC71-415D-895C-D03241…)

>>1420466That amount of attention he needs on social media at his ancient age. Also, he was at 102k followers yesterday.
No. 1420485
>>1420475 the post number thing just screams teenage edgelord
>>1420477 There needs to be a hard statement/proof, from Kaya would be best, to slap right in the face of the people who keep making excuses and not being able to put it all together. Kaya can do it in a respectable manner. A lot of people can relate to what she has/is going through.
No. 1420523
>>1420005NI people genuinely think youse is the plural of you. My ex was the same except he just wrote yous all the time. Some will say yousins. It's annoying.
I thought the general message was sweet tho. So Kaya actually was shielding her mum. Jake's such a cunt.
No. 1420536
The ironic thing about everything is if Jake wasn't such a raging narc stumpy cunt he could have avoided all of this and still retained most of his fanbase
if he was no longer interested in Kaya and wanted out of the relationship then he could have broken things off in a much more civil way. Other than it just being the decent thing to do, it would have looked good for him allowing her to stay until she found somewhere else, or at the very least helped her with temporary accommodation until she settled elsewhere. Dumping her then kicking her out with next to nothing is scummy behaviour anyway but downright evil when you discover he cheated.
AND THEN he goes on some social media tirade showing off his "free" life without Kaya on all these trips, bragging about smoking (something Kaya hates) and drinking and getting laid. Again, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realise their ex, who is hurting, would see this so maybe rein it the fuck back? Even if he hadn't cheated, even if it was a mutual split, that would still be a shitty thing to do. But this prick just couldn't help himself, could he? If he hadn't posted the photo with Kat, he may have been able to successfully gaslight Kaya and any of her claims of him cheating because there'd be no proof that we know of
I have no doubt Fake will be blaming Kaya for all this unfolding the way it has and because of this she's probably hesistant to spill more details just yet. I think she will eventually once she's settled
No. 1420635
File: 1642532778023.png (82.05 KB, 817x348, Screenshot (1111).png)

The people from the discord server have found this thread. One of them is claiming her children have been threatened (bitch where?)
No one has threatened her kids ever or even gives a fuck about this person. Maybe don't spend 12 hours arguing your gothic eboy who cheated on his gf is actually a perfect angle and no one would care
No. 1420638
>>1420636“People that aren’t involved”
Says the people that keep involving themselves
Dense, the lot of them
No. 1420659
File: 1642534522456.jpeg (168.75 KB, 1080x1920, kat.jpeg)

>>1419749From Kat's IG about an hour ago. Looks like she didn't plan to leave on such short notice.
No. 1420706
>>1420659Does this somewhat confirm that her ex husband knew nothing about her flying to Spain to fuck fake?
She ruined herself for him kek
No. 1420744
>>1420740I do believe that’s likely, but I do know there’s some unhinged fuckers on here also
But I’m also personally leaning towards it being a lie, no screenshots or anything, not one iota of proof
No. 1420746
>>1420733She would’ve been complicit as she was very likely going to be his constant “guest”.
>>1420734No one’s threatening her kids, she’s just trying to insert herself into drama as even she knows she’s made the situation worse by “fighting” when the kids made it clear to not do that. The furry will be next
No. 1420819
>>1420765Maybe. But right now she’s been given an epic opportunity to go back to her old self. If she takes it for granted, people will see and stop giving her money. Then she really has earns the title of being lazy and not worth the time.
Till then, jake needs to be taken down a few hundred notches and kaya needs her own place so he can stop threatening to tell management she’s living in a non livable place
No. 1420824
>>1420475He's not that ancient (though his skin quality would object), but yeah his need for attention is very juvenile. Like omg guys I'm getting laid and drinking!! Here's a dick pic btw!!
>>1420610>>1420819>she’s been given an epic opportunity to go back to her old self. If she takes it for granted, people will see and stop giving her money.And she's also been given an opportunity to tell the whole story about this narc, and is not taking it. Some anons are saying he might stop paying for the studio in revenge if she does but he's already been exposing himself, his fans are waking up, her mum is now aware, qnd she seems like she wants to say
something at least because of these vague sympathy tweets. Fuck is she waiting for atp
No. 1420830
>>1420824Your age is showing. You clearly don’t know how this works or are one of his ass licking fans.
Living in an office studio isn’t just “you get kicked out” there’s serious consequences to it. I’m all for her not saying anything if he is hanging this over her head.
Im also not posting what those consequences are in NI incase fake or his fans take immediate action.
No. 1420836
File: 1642544801774.jpg (171.62 KB, 1080x1275, Screenshot_20220118-220248_Ope…)

>>1420617I looked it up and I don't think she's won going to space, she's won the opportunity to compete on a game show where the prize is going to space. But it's set to happen in 2023 and Stumpy's downfall is happening right now. So even if K manages to wins and he tags along, i don't think it'll help his publicity at all
No. 1420853
>>1420842A case against? What’s she’s currently doing is illegal, fucktard. She has no case.
The fuck are you on about?
They weren’t married, she’s living in a place you CANT live in, there is no case. She has nothing.
You’ve clearly never been to court or have any experience other than being in your parents home. Keep quiet till you provide something other than retardation.
She will spill when she’s safe to do so.
No. 1420858
File: 1642546867636.jpeg (515.36 KB, 1283x2300, E3169EF6-8CB1-4161-A1AE-7CCC2B…)

twitterfags are getting involved and now calling kaya jakes ex wife. Things won’t be taken seriously if this kinda crap continues
No. 1420872
File: 1642547895632.jpeg (254.46 KB, 1124x1344, EC3AC421-A078-4483-A927-0FD468…)

Now I wonder, Kaya mentioned in her breakup video that there’s so much stuff going on we don’t even know about, could it get any worse than what it is right now for jake?
No. 1420897
File: 1642550027337.jpg (274.81 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20220118-175112_Ins…)

He's starting to slack on damage control it seems. Getting overwhelmed there, Fake?
No. 1420898
File: 1642550054466.jpg (304.55 KB, 1080x1687, Screenshot_20220118-175119_Ins…)

No. 1420901
>>1420872What did he groom someone or something?
This carrot and stick thing is getting old
Either say what you know or shut up
(Aside from Kaya who probably has to stay quiet for self preservation reasons)
No. 1420915
File: 1642550896350.jpeg (336.92 KB, 1125x734, C7A70E5B-EA4A-4C6A-93FF-1E473C…)

Jake: “I made it on my own, Kaya did carry shit”
Also Jake: tags himself as #toxictearsboyfriend
Oh no Jake, definitely not you cashing in on your GF’s success.
No. 1420974
File: 1642554289409.jpeg (274.79 KB, 1283x2133, EEC1BE4D-57B7-4D4C-98E5-8F2ABF…)

Fake is on Instagram talking about filming, taking his makeup off and relaxing.
Made his gf of 12 years homeless and broke up a family but he’s fine. Narc
No. 1420985
>>1420918of course you are anon
>>1420974spoiler that shit
No. 1421019
>>1420853I meant metaphorical case, but shit word choice with the context. He got her in this mess so it's not like she has no argument if she speaks publicly, part of which is exposing his actions. But if shit word choice is enough to make you sperg, keep quiet till you've had a lie down granny. We both want stump to get his comeuppance, let's leave it there.
>>1420944As well him silencing ex fan comments. He's admitted in an old videos he removes hate comments anyway but it's more obvious than ever. I can see him snapping too, from the stress of protecting his fragile ego. He'll never look at long island iced teas the same again kek
>>1421011His armpit moreso
No. 1421060
>>1420989No. The only records any where for Kaya is her earnings going into jakes account.
Kaya has not a leg to stand on for anything outside of YouTube. Even then, YouTube won’t remove or “side” with her for any of jakes content as it’s her consent to being apart of his content.
No. 1421066
>>1421055I hope so but men that have done worse have bounced back so I have my reservations that this’ll be his career killer
But I do really hope it is
No. 1421078
File: 1642563074635.jpg (233.47 KB, 1080x1602, Screenshot_20220119.jpg)

>>1421042tried searching to see if anyone else has done this, but this one didn't even come up. what did come up for some reason was a fake and K collab in may 2020. so they've been friends for a little while but he never mentioned her until she could be of use?
No. 1421084
>>1420974He really is just playing it out as if nothing is happening.
Reposting people on ig that say he’s their favourite YouTuber. He’s really really trying to keep the fans that haven’t seen any of the shit he’s pulled and pretends he cares for them. Vile
No. 1421119
>>1421042Skimming through it looks like it's just a grab for views/attention type of video, she's just rehashing everything that everyone already knows and essentially going "shame on you Jake"
So she's contributing nothing tbh
No. 1421280
>>1420918The fact that everyone responded seriously to this. kek
>>1421066>>1421067He's definitely going to take a hit from this once it finally gets confirmed from Kaya or someone else directly. I don't expect it to entirely ruin his "career" but it will absolutely tarnish his reputation and follow him throughout his sad little attempt at fame. The guy is going to pull an Onision and burn through his resources, pathetic fanbase, and generally spiral out of control doing his dumb narc shit until no one wants him anymore. It's really only a matter of time, it's all downhill from here.
No. 1421388
File: 1642604617485.png (5.3 MB, 1284x2778, 7BD6F0E2-C932-4084-B23D-414858…)

“It took me all the way to the store to realize I’m not wearing underwear”
He’s in his “any attention is good attention” phase.
No. 1421485
File: 1642613500685.jpeg (52.86 KB, 814x120, 70764357-525E-4BCD-9D74-956320…)

His attitude says a lot about his relationship, he used her for views and threw her away and doesn’t care because he found “love”
No. 1421505
File: 1642614175729.jpeg (114.96 KB, 814x221, CFCD3BFE-68DA-44A5-906F-467779…)

>>1421502He says he’ll send more
No. 1421512
File: 1642614497025.jpeg (84.32 KB, 725x204, 52DBB928-CCED-4D87-81FD-089766…)

>>1421510He says here’s the confirmation
No. 1421532
>>1421505“When she showed up at MY house” ???
You mean yours and kayas right?
Even back then he didn’t think of himself being with kaya
No. 1421553
>>1421538In discord you can change your nickname for each server you're in, but you can also pretend to be anyone.
>>1421501Ask the "guy you got them from" how legit these are. Ask for a screen recording or something where he scrolls through the messages, and clicks on the jake account. If the jake account doesn't match the one in jake's own discord server it's fake.
No. 1421557
File: 1642616014010.jpeg (64.75 KB, 597x136, E643FF15-50AF-4789-862C-45F407…)

>>1421553Apparently these will help? (1)
No. 1421558
File: 1642616035947.jpeg (214.85 KB, 817x578, BB43F4BC-6A7D-4B93-B668-E0EDC6…)

No. 1421562
File: 1642616227518.jpeg (102.29 KB, 798x255, CD776ACA-E788-43CB-B310-D08135…)

>>1421559Who is this guy? Is it possible to photoshop this?
No. 1421579
>>1421574If these were real, the person would be exposed already. Cropping wouldn’t save them.
Calling fake on the whole thing as there’s no confirmation on jakes user id.
No. 1421588
File: 1642617320991.jpeg (407.98 KB, 828x919, 9A2D0C38-591D-4E9C-8CBC-DB0142…)

>>1421585He said fuck it and sent the full, so here you go.. it’s apparently Major backup? I thought he was protecting Jake
No. 1421593
>>1421388He can't be as well endowed as he claims if he can walk around comfortably with his bits hanging without support.
>>1421459I think he has some developmental issues and can't dress himself. Kids in primary school remember to put their vest and pants on after gym.
No. 1421598
>>1421588He stopped protecting him awhile ago. Vague posted on Twitter about and seem genuinely pissed when he found “something out”. Felt bad for the guy seeing it on Twitter as he tried to make sure there were facts. Guess he got them.
How did jake think any of those excuses would paint him in a positive light?
No. 1421600
>>1421588"I'm still a good person!"
We all know that people who have to insist they're good people are, in fact, never good people
No. 1421603
File: 1642617732101.jpeg (90.98 KB, 828x261, 747255E0-5378-4077-B80D-6DE2DD…)

>>1421598It’s him. Same logo with his face
No. 1421605
File: 1642617817206.jpg (89.03 KB, 1080x300, 709_Twitter.jpg)

You're a witty and funny dude, Major. You'll make it just fine as a streamer. Bold of you to stand up to your friends like that. Honestly that's exactly what makes a good friend: being able to call them out on their shit when necessary and knowing when to distance yourself.
No. 1421616
>>1421612It's sad he writes
>other people shouldn't be feeling hurt…shows a total lack of empathy for others.
No. 1421622
>>1421612because he's a raging narc. he can't see how or what he has done wrong and is only churning out these shitty excuses to justify his behaviour and keep/win back fans. The fact he's more or less blaming Kaya for it (she hurt ME you guuuyz!) shows this - like a typical narc they don't ever think they are in the wrong and believe they are the
victims themselves
Well done Fake, these excuses only serve to make you look EVEN WORSE. what a scumbag
No. 1421626
Major is live in twitch doing an ask me anything.
So get confirmation No. 1421634
>>1421588There is no fucking way in hell Kaya was
abusive. But hes a narc so any time she stood up for herself or he pushed her too far with abuse and she snapped back was "abuse" in his eyes. What a fucking raging pos
No. 1421637
>>1421634I’m going to say the “abuse” was not letting him have an only fans and getting him to show maturity.
Or the abuse was her snapping back at him when he was trying to get her to do something she didn’t want to do. We’ve all seen the live vids of them and how much of an asshole he was to her.
Really wish John would speak up from the mag days, I bet he would have more about jakes behaviour
No. 1421638
>>1421636He held up his phone with all the messages right on it.
No. 1421639
>>1421636Confirmed that Jake was
abusive to Kaya and she's being threatened, he's shown proof of his discord messages being real. He doesn't have proof 100% that the cheating occurred before the breakup, but Kaya had nothing left after Jake dumped her.
No. 1421646
File: 1642619797160.jpg (349.69 KB, 1080x1712, Screenshot_20220119-191155_Ope…)

Says he doesn't know the full situation and can't directly ask but he knows about what's been let slip or he's been ranted to about. Has seen little things that were off but didn't think much of it, but now that evidence has come our he's putting pieces together and thought about jake "ugh I was supporting that?" He also says jake was abusive but didn't say in what way. He also says when "everyone is safe" tea will be spilled but not by him since it's not his to spill. Also said he's called jake a cunt and jake said hes too young to understand this situation, but major said no I do understand, I've seen the evidence, have a voice and have a phone. Says he has family in Belfast, and if you're a youtuber people in your area will recognise you when you're out and about.
No. 1421654
File: 1642620162444.jpg (33.1 KB, 438x350, Jake.JPG)

>>1421626Here's the image showing it was his account in the messages from the discord.
No. 1421665
>>1421646Honestly kudos to him for speaking up on this. It's hard to come out against your friends, however who knows how close they really were? Could just be that Jake was getting sick of playing single player games on his own and needed additional bodies to help give him different things to do on stream while he was harvesting thousands of dollars in superchats. Did either Major or Silver etc get any cut of those megabucks? I doubt it.
I know the milk is delicious but the guy has an audience of minors, and he's a fucking awful role model. It's easy to say that people are coming out against him publicly for views and promo of their own but at this point who cares. Jake doesn't deserve the audience that he has.
And Jake needs to stop posting shitty bait on Instagram purely to see how long it takes to get on here. Because that's what this looks like. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if he was getting off on the attention, seeing how long it takes for whatever he posts to get shared in here and what we all say about it.
No. 1421673
File: 1642620912462.jpg (276.89 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20220119.jpg)

Based comments. Repost because I used the wrong pic.
>>1421658>Says he got offered a stream partnership to stay quietBy jake?
No. 1421682
>>1421658Silver is also in the chat, who used to play games on Jake's streams alongside Major. Major seems kinda nervous, keeps checking his phone. Silver is also saying she is nervous. Why are they both so nervous? A bit telling that they're potentially scared of repercussions from Jake. Major also has his own Discord channel locked down to avoid people turning up just to cause shit.
Major also just got a ton of subs and bits from names very similar to a few of Jake's Youtube Stream mods - amylee1970 and JadedSphnix - seems weird?
>>1421673Yes. He's said that he was due to be part of rebooted MAG but isn't anymore. "Quit before the train even left the station" or something.
No. 1421683
>>1421675same. seriously though does he have legal grounds to be doing that? Couldn't she go over there with a friend for safety and get her belongings? I guess even if she did he could get her kicked out of her current "place" but…
>>1421680i remember this! they said their house was a mess and kaya's snakes would piss on things and they never cleaned it up. maybe kaya is messy but that doesn't excuse jake just leaving the mess to fester. i think he's just as bad
No. 1421689
File: 1642621548840.jpg (203.5 KB, 1080x1347, Stream.jpg)

After reading this comment major confirmed jake has never liked goth music.
But he's more than happy to make it a big part of his brand/fake persona and how he sells himself to fans now kek what an attention whore
No. 1421692
>>1421675>ex partner witholding propertly. Can police help retrieve personal belongings?The police may be able to assist in certain circumstances. … If the other party agrees to your proposed action e.g. the collection of belongings, but you are concerned for your safety, a police officer may accompany you to prevent a breach of the peace.
tldr: She can either sue him or get the police to accompany her if she feels unsafe.
No. 1421696
>>1421694Major didn't confirm whether he was physically
abusive or just emotionally/mentally. If its the latter would this still apply
No. 1421700
>>1421696It applies in any breakup where one partner is keeping possessions from the other. She has a right to get her stuff regardless. It doesn't have to be an
abusive situation.
No. 1421709
>>1421707If it is, she’s only going to make herself look more incriminating than she already is.
By the looks of things, she’s just as much of a pos as jake anyway. Let her dig her own grave.
No. 1421722
File: 1642623481126.png (54.47 KB, 1229x471, 3485094368483096.png)

It's interesting how this one person who was making all these wild claims on reddit turned out to be dead on accurate, right down to the threats. I wonder who's account this could have been.
No. 1421732
>>1421727Yeh, he has her belongings in a spare room at the new place.
Jake holds things over everyone’s head, hence why major and his mods are nervous and stressed.
No. 1421744
>>1421739She's very into her stuff though. And right now when she's got basically nothing but the stuff in that studio space, I can understand not wanting to lose anything more.
Pretty sure he would threaten and follow through on legal action if anyone with any kind of reach posted a tea spill video. The utterly cringe way he was flexing legal action on a motovlog discussing how he pressured the bike company into replacing that hideous sports bike. And that was just because one of his toys wasnt working properly. Imagine if anyone posted anything that had an actual negative impact on his finances/income.
No. 1421747
>>1421739We already know he's an
abusive dickhead, so there's no sense in stirring up more shit when she already has very little in her possession. I'm positive when she's in a better spot we'll know more, but I feel like rushing her into telling us everything really isn't worth pushing Fake. Hell he's already shown he's perfectly okay with letting Kat make threatening comments and still whisks her away on vacation - not rocking the boat until she's not being controlled by him financially is the smartest move Kaya can make right now.
No. 1421752
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No. 1421774
>>1421704Now it FINALLY makes sense why she won't talk. He has all her stuff and will obviously destroy/get rid of it if she says anything more tha she has. He won't let her have it either as it's the only thing keeping her mouth shut.
Goddamn the man is an evil bastard
No. 1421781
>>1421776Yeah it wouldn't surprise me at all if she'd requested Major take the VOD down, not Jake.
Lets not forget that he had enough power over the situation to ensure Kaya didnt say a single peep, and stayed in that studio space for like two months prior to the "agreed upon" news break.
Whatever the fuck he's doing, she's terrified.
No. 1421782
>>1421689He already had a video years ago where he said he hated goth music, then took it down when people started to point out the hypocrisy of him hashtagging everything with #goth. Video clip I wish who had saved that video clip would reupload the whole video, pretty sure there's more of him being a hypocritical jackass in it.
No. 1421786
>>1421767I'm sure he and Kaya will spill everything once she's in a safe space and stable. Right now the threat of her becoming homeless on the streets and losing what little she has left is very real, and during winter of all times. Not to mention charges from staying where she shouldn't be and just processing all the ongoing trauma
I'm enjoying Fake getting ripped a new hole as much as everyone else, but we can't rush things right now.
What Major has done today is already a huge step in getting Fake taken down, be patient y'all
No. 1421787
>>1421785Tagged the wrong person ffs,
>>1421780, from what I gather something suddenly came up that meant he had to end it even though he had stopped the ask me anything and had started gaming.
No. 1421790
>>1421778This coupled with the story about him going violent at his call center job….I'm starting to wonder if he's more than just emotionally/mentally
>>1421722I had a feeling they were telling the truth. They just popped in from nowhere and were clearly genuinely upset but they fed that monsterflame troll too hard. Shoulda just dropped the info and bounced…but they were clearly emotionally invested and def gotta be a friend of Kaya's. Maybe it is that Grant person another
nonnie mentioned, it could be.
No. 1421808
>>1421605Major deleted this and is taking a break from socials for a few days.
I assume it's because his exposure of Jake resulted in a dangerous situation for Kaya, he meant well and intended for the best but it must have backfired.
No. 1421816
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No. 1421821
>>1421816I'm sure Major feels bad because Kaya is getting hurt as a result of the fallout. But i'm glad he spilled because it was proof of Jake trying to spin the narrative and paint her as
abusive, which is really fucked up.
No. 1421838
>>1421816At the same time, she started this? If she never made a video none of this would’ve started so she only has herself to blame for the attention of it being public.
Yes she needs to be safe but if she never had said anything until she could actually say something, no one would’ve batted and eye
No. 1421847
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Apparently jake with clear evidence of him with kat over in Spain bragging about sex videos is not real. Losing respect for Kaya at this tbh
No. 1421851
>>1421838Did Jake deleting his video eliminate it from your memory?
They both made this public. Their relationship was public. They couldn't have carried on pretending that nothing had happened
No. 1421867
>>1421851She made the break public first. She’s kept her video up. Jake took his down is pretending like nothings happened.
And no, she’s pissed off that “we” are among things up. Not that jake loves someone else. She only ever has a break down on social media once something from here leaks. Everything that has been released has been in her favour and she’s throwing a tantrum about it. I can bet ya now that she was the one to get major to take everything down. Jake knows his shit stays on here and deletes anything from the everywhere to pretend nothing is happening
No. 1421870
>>1421864Jake has RECENT instagram posts about his anger issues, why the fuck would any woman with kids want to be near him?
I agree Kaya should woman up now, the internet is on her side. If she posts some videos cant she get a payout from patreon or something? Rent a long stay at a fucking hotel.
No. 1421873
>>1421870Narcs only care about themselves.
She can't because he's holding all of her belongings ransom so she'll keep her mouth shut.
No. 1421876
>>1421871Semi related to this but it still irks me that he lied about them breaking up (remember his "noooo kaya totally still lives here" discord message), only to deliver the news a couple weeks later - and his through a super cold and impersonal video that he pussied out and took down cause he couldn't stand the heat. Taking down that video did exactly what he wanted and people like
>>1421867 are taking the bait and making her look overemotional and dramatic. This isn't just some short term relationship, this was almost half of Kaya's entire life.
No. 1421879
>>1421876Anyone with half a brain cell can see this for the narcissistic
abusive situation that it is, of course some people are gonna be too retarded, inexperienced, or lazy to read and comprehend all the proof. Just ignore it
No. 1421883
>>1421876That's something that happens frequently in
abusive relationships, push the
victim to breaking point so they look like the crazy one. The fact that only the most devoted snaccs are falling for it is a testament to how utterly unlikeable Jake must be to anyone who has to deal with him.
No. 1421884
>>1421876It’s not making her look dramatic but childish. Can’t release something big like that and then scream leave me alone, she could’ve waited if it was THAT big of a deal for her. And yes, that’s even if jake out his tiny little cold hearted piece out. Could’ve been left and no one would’ve gone on a hunt till she could let rip. It’s like jake blaming Kaya for him releasing everything.
Anyway. At least he’s lost more Patreon’s and tt has gained more.
No. 1421889
>>1421783Can’t say much as I know kaya personally (don’t like her tbh) but will say say she was thrown out the night the cheating was discovered and it was a frightening experience for her. She ended up going to the studio and it was agreed upon later she could stay there until end of January (possibly longer considering she’s still there?). She didn’t stay with relatives as she didn’t tell anyone what happened until a week or two after I believe and by then had already set up the agreement with jake to live in the studio. She used to have access to the shower etc while he wasn’t home but he has since changed the locks.
The lease on the building she’s in is monthly not yearly so she’s in a bad situation if jake doesn’t pay the rent for feb. Most of kayas friends are only friends for clout hence how none will offer her a place to live and her having a cat is a issue as well as only person who offered also has a cat and they don’t want to stress out their cat.
No. 1421893
>>1421889he changed the locks? wow i just can't with this asshole
isn't kaya's cat with her mother currently? why can't she stay with this friend and leave her cat with her mom until she has settled??
No. 1421905
>>1421890He has “joked” to his friends that kaya “owes” him the studio rent, so she’s possible scared of that too. The rent in that building is £500ish for a room without a bathroom hers has one so I imagine it’s a bit more.
>>1421893I am unsure of the location of the cat currently but at the time of the offer the cat was in a situation between either being with kaya in the studio (it could be and she’s hiding it) or being at jakes who was refusing to care for it. Her mother didn’t know what happened until a good while after cause kaya hid it from her to protect her from stress so while she was hiding it she couldn’t give it to her mother.
>>1421895from what I heard she discovered the cheating and then was thrown out same night. But we only found out around a week later and she wouldn’t talk about it as she was too upset to go into details so this version of events came from her close friend who she told the night it happened (maybe they were being dramatic but seems true due to her not even having fresh clothes the first few days) but kaya could come out to be different if she makes a video explaining the timeline.
>>1421896It’s shared stuff mostly, I’ve been there and it’s a bit of a mix of the twos stuff, mostly stuff jake doesn’t want anymore. She possibly has moved her stuff into it since cause her mom said she’s help her move things.
>>1421898He was cheating during it would seem kaya had suspicions.
No. 1421906
>>1421896In the previous thread, it's mentioned some of her stuff is in storage.
She could easily sell some of her shit - that chatelaine thing, the skeleton, clothes and use that for rent. She hoards. She's sitting on a bunch of cash. She needs to stop being useless and do something. (Don't mean that nastily, ofc been dumped in the past, but she needs to start getting her shit together).
No. 1421916
>>1421908Yeah I agree it was horrible and very frightening from what I heard jake has terrible anger issues, I’ve seen him in person losing his mind and it’s something else to see haha a proper chimp out.
>>1421909Tbh jake just hates everything haha it’s part of his edgy personality, he found seb annoying and kaya cared for it but she’s very lazy with cleaning and jake hated cleaning up after the cat and refuses to do it after she was thrown out.
Also I can verify with a mod I know her personally but don’t know how and am reluctant to be exposed. Kaya wouldn’t mind me telling people these things as her hands are tided but she hates this forum a lot.
>>1421912I’m 90% sure you’re correct
No. 1421922
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>>1421919Because she has to have the
perfect house anon.
I feel for her being in this situation and Stump is a dick but let's not forget how spoiled and entitled Kaya is too.
No. 1421923
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>>1413065Lol Jake is trying to get more clout by dating a “famous” tattoo artist that tattooed a couple of celebs. His own dollar store Kat Von D.
No. 1421931
>>14219171)She doesn't have a place to legally live, never mind store anything.
2)If he's changed the locks like anon said, she can't just walk into the house when he's not there.
3)If he gets wind that she's taking legal action or involving the police he could easily destroy everything before she can get there, or stop paying for her studio and then she'd really have nowhere to live.
4)He has well documented anger issues and it sounds like she's scared of him.
The law being on your side is nice in theory but it often doesn't help in messy situations like this.
No. 1421937
>>1413065Ex-fan here but in case I'm not the only one, does anyone else remember the stream that was almost immediately deleted, where Jake got utterly wasted on like 3-4 drinks and uglycried on and off over Chester Bennington? Would have been either around Chester's birthday (march) or date of his death (july) because that's what sparked it. He made an utter mess of himself and was likely so ashamed that he deleted the stream almost immediately after it had finished. Naturally his fans were throwing money at him to try and cheer him up and getting real worried.
I bring it up because Kaya had to come in towards the end and basically sort him out, he was utterly wasted, babbling/mumbling and sobbing. Multiple times towards the end of the stream when she was trying to help him, he was telling chat like "look how gorgeous Kaya is everyone" and "look how hot she is" and it felt genuine.
He was such a snotty sobbing mess that I don't think he had the capacity to pretend or say shit for show at the time. So it wasn't that long ago that he still felt that way about her.
No. 1421944
>>1421931Can confirm. The police don't just barge in to get your stuff. They give someone proper notice, even if they are an abuser. I don't know what it's like in NI, but where I live they first send you a letter asking you to turn the items over voluntarily. Between that and the police actually showing up there's a whole legal procedure. It usually takes about two weeks, which is more than enough time for Jake to destroy everything.
Sorry for blogposting. I was in a similar situation. I did end up losing my stuff, but just had to take the loss.
No. 1421972
Jake is a dick.
If you have enough money to put down (which she will do by now) it's not THAT hard to find somewhere.
No. 1421979
>>1421967There are too many people coming from Twitter and other places to know that Kaya hates this forum due to us pointing out her shitty behaviour, it has nothing to do with his fans.
She wouldn’t have a lowcow banner dedicated to her if she was innocent. Remember this.
She is the lesser of two evils and is in a shitty situation, it’s why no one is after her or her absolutely terrible history right now. We just want jake to burn. And if you think Kaya is off the hook, she’s not. We are just hoping she’s going to take this chance to not be the person we’ve shat on for years.
No. 1421988
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Fake has a new video up. He yells “no regrets” and then talks about how much fun he had in Barcelona at the start. He’s nuts
No. 1422002
>>1421988Also noticed him saying the room is "HoT As HeLl" and he needs to have the window open
It's belfast, which is freezing. So he has the heating on full blast and is clearly trying to rub Kaya's face in it.
No. 1422016
>>1421988>>1422001>>1422002Major tinfoil but this all sounds like b8 to me (along with just being shitty towards Kaya)
Perhaps he's enjoying all the attention and publicity he's getting from everything
After all, with people like Fake, publicity is still publicity even if it's bad. Angry views and comments are still views and comments and algorithm boosts
Perhaps he also knows that kaya reads the thread every now and then and we'll see his remarks from his stream
No. 1422034
>>1422016100%, it feels like he's addressing this thread directly at the beginning. So forced, so blatant, so smug. Kinda nice to be living in his head rent free though. He even mentions that the next time he roadtrips with K he's actually going to make some proper content since it's been noticed that his last "omg big roadtrip thru america vlog" was weak as fuck.
He flew K out to be some kind of pro videographer for his shitty band's tour too, and I reckon he was having such a good time being a freshly single, teenybopper rockstar that there will never be any tour footage published at all beyond random scraps cobbled together, similar to the "roadtrip vlog".
He doesn't give a shit, is loving all of this attention, and he's just going to double-down like this until it hurts him financially. Look at how much money he raised in that "members only" stream after he was getting "uwu cyberbullied" for dumping his 12-year gf after being caught cheating. Did anyone even get a full total on that? Pathetic man, pathetic fanbase.
No. 1422056
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>>1421988The single negative comment I found
K and the other buddies of jakes - it’s going to hit them at some point too
Questions will be asked about why they’re associating with an abuser, I don’t think these people know what’s going to hit them
No. 1422058
>>1422029Trisha got away with a lot of shit because like it or not - she has a level of charisma, a personality - I’m not a fan but I get why people are drawn to her (even if yes, sometimes for the trainwrecks)
And collaborating with Ethan helped a lot too
Jake has neither charisma nor famous pals he could collab with - he used up Kaya, he has no one else
No. 1422143
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>>1422122>>1422105>>1422108You're all showing your age kek, she has nothing to do with Jake. Ironically she has far more 'gawth cred' then any of the other frequently discussed cows here, given she was actually involved in the scene. She went by the name Myzaree and was literally one of the most recognisable and popular goth chicks in the early-mid 2000's right behind RazorKandi. She retained popularity on Tumblr with the deathrock revival, got knocked up and married (and subsequently divorced) to this charming unmedicated schizophrenic who beat the shit out of her repeatedly.
>>1422095She has custody. She actually made a sensible decision for a change, and no longer chooses to post pictures of her kid in the same place as all of her thirst traps and self-pity.
No. 1422149
>>1422143Again, where’s the milk?
And again, if it’s just being a thot, take it to the egirl thread.
No. 1422212
>>1422169Second. She wasn't relevant back then and sure as shit not relevant now 20 years later kek.
Jake doesn’t have to be posted here but if you’re bringing in new cows, bring milk or gtfo to the correct thread.
No. 1422264
>>1422258Just looked up rooms to rent in Belfast. Nice double rooms at less than £100 a week. Partly furnished 2 bed house less than £400 a month. If the contract is 6 months minimum, that'd give her time to sort her life out and save for a place on her own or w/e.
As for her furniture - time to declutter that hoard. It's what other people have to do an who the fuck needs a giant coffin.
No. 1422281
>>1422244There's literally so many properties in Belfast on property pal and that's one website.
>>1422262She's not then only woman in the world with a cat and furniture tho lol, these are such stupid points. She should have been looking since November. I really think she's content smoking dope in her studio where no one can hassle her
No. 1422291
>>1422278>>1422286>>1422283We already know all her money went directly to Jake, after over a decade of being together, starting when she was a teenager and might not have had an account of her own (or an account she was particularly invested in at least), it sounds like they might have just linked all her revenue sources to his bank account. It sounds like less effort than manually transferring everything every time she got paid.
Regardless, she could have also used his debit card or PayPal whenever she was shopping online. I used my parents' cards when I was a teenager without a card of my own, it's not like it's hard.
>>1422281I think we've already gone over why she would have a hard time finding somewhere, we don't need to keep going on about it. She's not
just a woman with a cat and a lot of stuff, she's a late 20s woman who has no real job history, no history of income, no credit, no renting history in her name, a poor mom who probably doesn't have great credit to cosign,
and a cat and a lot of stuff. It doesn't matter how many places are open to rent in Belfast, I can't imagine a single landlord who'd take the risk on someone like that. I've enjoyed shitting on Kaya for not getting anything done for a while now, but I don't see how anyone who's ever had to rent a place of their own can't see the shit situation she's in.
No. 1422296
>>1421388He can't wear underwear due to all the constant fucking he's doing now, y'see
His attempts to make Kaya jealous are pathetically amusing
>>1421471kekking at all these responses to the underwear post
No. 1422300
>>1422291The one issue with this is that Kaya had YouTube earnings before Jake was ever officially in the picture. They weren't going into one of her parents' accounts either.
This is where I hope she's fudging the truth rather than what I fear happened, which is "taxes are hard they make me sad/here you do to the money Jake."
No. 1422305
>>1422300This is Kaya we're talking about. She absolutely just trusted Jake to do the taxes. As bad as I feel for her right now, she is still a bit retarded.
I know she had YouTube before Jake, I just honestly don't have that much faith in her to have been moving the money over to him all these years when she could have just switched it to deposit directly into his account. She likes the path of least resistance, and I'm sure he would have also preferred not to have to worry about whether she'd make the transfer on time whenever rent was due. I'm not saying my word is god here, but it's what makes the most sense from what I know of her.
No. 1422306
>>1422143Good. Last I heard, an anon said she lost custody. I hate how she scene hops. She was into the dbeat shit and now she's trying to remain relevant and be an egirl.
Recently she was trying to fight some girl kek
No. 1422312
>>1422305I think if anything its the fact she was 16 and he was what 18/19. When they got together? So quite early on he probably handle the more "adult" stuff like finances. She went along with it blind and in love. She got older and probably didn't see a point in changing that since well they are going to be together for the rest of their lives right? She couldnt see what he would do coming.
Also if we are going with jake more than likely abusing her. Controlling finances is an easy way to manipulate her till he no longer needed her.
No. 1422329
>>142226Never mind decluttering, she should just cut her losses. Yes, it's difficult to start over and there were probably sentimental things in there, but situations like this often end with the person not getting their stuff back and she needs to prepare herself for that outcome. This is especially likely since Jake is actively holding it to ransom. It doesn't matter if the law says she's entitled to get her stuff back, the time it would take for her get a court order to enter the house to retrieve everything would be more than enough for him to follow through on any threats.
She needs to start working on accepting that everything is gone now, so she might not completely spiral again if (when) it happens.
No. 1422333
>>1422330Not sure how it works in Ireland, but in the UK at least you don’t need a joint account to claim joint benefits, it can go into either partner’s single bank account under the assumption that it will be equally shared.
Source: have experience working in benefits
No. 1422349
>>1422337She worked in the Paypal call centre for a bit too.
She has her own bank account.
No. 1422375
>>1422351She had the Paypal one about 7 years ago I think? The Lush one was more recently.
If Jake was working I highly dount she had her benefits paid into his account as as a general rule if your partner works full time and you live together you aren't entitled to much, if any, benefits.
No. 1422438
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>>1420918Anon was right, I cant believe he did it nonnies
nonnie knows it and are just trolling to be annoying. It's extremely obvious it's not relevant, hasn't been for years, no one cares about it, and they just keep bringing it up to annoy everyone in the thread
No. 1422580
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Looks like Kaya is getting the endorsements Jake is hungry for. He really shot himself in the foot.
No. 1422658
Even better if like someone else suggested, in the last panel add some 'snaccs' saying 'everyone makes mistakes' and 'he's only human' etc
No. 1422721
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There's a few videos of his tour knocking about on YT.
I feel sorry for his other band members watching him strut around shirtless
No. 1422784
>>1422772I don't think Jake was in this Snacc sanctuary discord, doesn't he has an official one?
>>1422702But wait, is this true? Not to wk cause I hate him, but why would he vehemently want to share his OF pics for free on discord if he's charging £35 for them on OF?
Not that I'd put past him wanting to expose himself to his snaccs, that he fully knows about half of them being minors, but makes no sense
No. 1422786
>>1422784People with onlyfans often post some things publicly as publicity and to draw subs in
I assume this is what he wanted to do
No. 1422793
>>1422784"Snacc sanctuary" came before the currently operating one. Yeah there's been two. The one with the furry and bananagirl posting in previous screenshots must come from the currently existing jake-fan discord. I can't seem to find a link to it or any promo encouraging people to join, I could have sworn there was some. But the "snacc sanctuary" changed from a "jake and kaya only" fan discord, to an "all alt content creators" discord on the 11th of January. Presumably following the breakup and with a lot of people upset and asking what is going to happen with Kaya themed posts as it was mainly a Jake discord.
On the 17th of Jan the "snacc sanctuary" became "the sanctuary" and formally cut all ties with Jake and discouraged any discussion of the drama. On the 18th a further mod post encouraged people to "check twitter or reddit and form your own opinions".
So he's had to start a whole new discord server. I wouldnt be surprised if access to new members was closed right now.
Jake WAS in the "snacc sanctuary" with the gross overarching role of "goth daddy" or something equally disgusting for a discord populated and used heavily by minors. I never saw him actually interact though, and there were strict rules against any of the plebes messaging him or tagging him. I'd presume it was this FIRST discord that he got himself banned from, NOT the one that people have been sharing posts from recently.