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No. 1296532
New thread
Old Thread:
>>>/snow/1294645ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him, and possibly coerced him into raping his mother & suicide. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.
She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals and selling prescription medications.
It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella then panicked herself and went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.
Isabella Loretta Janke (also referred to as Portabella due to her fungal infections all over her body)
>you probably know enough about her from these threads, nasty sociopathic fungus brainwashed by 4chan scrotism>has a charge in ny currently for illegal possession of firearms>recently moved from apartment near TTU back to possibly ny in mommy's house within past few daysLouis
>her no.1. simp and fall guy>initially uninvolved with the CWC drama but a gross creep that approved of her actions>stupid enough to give her his passwords which roped him in and got him doxxed>thought a VPN would protect him>leaked discord logs to kiwifarms because he thought they'd protect him, got fucked in the ass>wks Bella and thinks his life is in danger because of kiwifarms - still keeps incriminating them further and leaking shit>in the middle of this chaos gets porn drawn of his fursona>confirmed to have eaten one of the 8 hamsters bella has killedFiona
>an autistic girl who wanted to bang Chris Chan and the subject of Bella's toxic affections>the true hero who saved Barb from more months of rape by not listening to Bella and leaking the audio of the confession call>her parents cut off her internet and hospitalized her after she got doxxed because of a retarded youtuber called GiBiGiBi - minor character
>tried to get a scoop to get internet points fast>unironically fell for Bella's manipulation>accidentally doxxed Fiona and caused damage to her life>started backpedalling after kiwifarms called him out and bullied him for being a piece of shit>got doxxed himselfFirion
>FtM trans ex of Isabella>joined kiwifarms to dish more dirt on bella, confirms animal abuse rumors & psychopathyRoman
>FtM who was bullied by Bella at uni >the one who actually did shit and collected proof of Bella's abuse and degeneracy and filed a complaint to the university No. 1296533
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No. 1296536
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current state of BellaGate
No. 1296540
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This is Bella's own work. What a Chad.
No. 1296552
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>>1296532Lol the latest discord leaks add more proof they all have fart fetish. Also confirms the dog max is prob dead and hamster thing actually happened
No. 1296554
>>1296550Being mean while anonymous is kinda this site's thing. You're anonymous too so don't take it personally. Also type 'sage' in the email box to fit in with us bitches.
>>1296547Your empathy is admirable but this may not be the proper forum for it. Love ya anyway, bitch!
No. 1296558
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More hamster confirmation via kf (sorry if this is repost didn't spot in last thread)
No. 1296559
>>1296556Goddamn! BOSS
I'm girl crushing on Spooky so hard lmao
No. 1296562
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>>1296559>>1296557>>1296556For those of you wondering how the fuck you spell that.
No. 1296578
>>1296576Bro you're a cunt. I'd tell you to get over it but you and the rest of your farm crew quite obviously can't.
Carry on luring in users though.
No. 1296591
>>1296578"Boiling live hamsters for my own sick kicks isn't that bad, you snowflakes!! Get over it" you need help, but I think it's too late now.
I cannot wait for this fungus-zombie bitch to be talked about everywhere. Issue that press statement asap. Great job forfeiting your place in society Bella.
No. 1296615
>>1296610>who else tho. no tranny will gather enough of their own tugboat and those of their own twitter clique to do something so coordinated and sophisticated. this is undeniable in how glow in the dark it is. sad that you are so limp dicked in defending it.A guy's probably not gonna risk his career, wealth, prestige, and jailtime to keep some shitty forum down for a day. Especially since he seems relatively intelligent, he'd obviously know it'd only Streisand effect it, and even if he didn't know that he'd know it'd achieve nothing
The timing could be related in some way and I agree she probably doesn't know anyone who could do it, but if some intelligence friends of his truly wanted to take the site down and distract from the scandal they would just dump all of the forum PMs and password hashes and destroy the server and backups, not just keep it offline for a day. Then it could take weeks or more to recover, and people would probably not want to register again
Null is a retard and his definition of "sophisticated" is probably not very rigorous. It's probably just a slightly smarter attacker than usual. Or, more likely, all the previous attackers were complete retards (kids renting cheap booters) and this one is average. They've been getting DDoS'd on and off for months now, and have been knocked offline for longer than this before. They have a ton of enemies and it could even be someone who's mad about something unrelated
No. 1296617
>>1296600As others have discussed in previous threads she only lives for male attention. is a female centric imageboard therefore we're off the glowie hitlist.
Also the kiwi thread has the majority of actual content though the thread spans 1000 pages due to incessant scrote posting. Its nigh impossible to extract actual content from the kiwi thread because of this. You must have the fortitude to sift through 1000 pages of mostly empty dogshit.
The sage obsessed farmhand was pulling their hair out from unsaged posts here but damn, it just makes me grateful that this forum has fucking moderation at all. Kiwi threads need better moderation and harder mods otherwise you end up with 1000 pages bumping up a thread of mostly nothing.
No. 1296622
>>1296465>Who's the other woman in the call/interview?around 2:45 in part 2, she says "I trust him, he knows I'm Fiona", and he says "I've known Snoo for like almost a year".
also posted on KF: No. 1296632
>>1296617except that that level of autism led to her being dox but whatever. this site moves so slow. /ot/ moves so fast because all users want are 'girls' who think like they do. /snow/ moves because people think that every little thing is milk but its all just dumb shit.
some chick got chris chan to fuck his mom every three days and in result got kf taken down for hours at a time, im sure in the next month or so, her university will kick her or at least her chess club members out. :optimistic:
kiwi farms has never done anything illegal, same as lolcow, but the weird moderation has gotten most users to switch sites. you cant say say they intentionally cause shit when you know people who follow lillie jean or taylor dont comment on their own twitter accounts and screen shot it.
(:optimistic:) No. 1296637
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I haven't seen this mentioned here yet, but it sounds like Chris's attorney is going to try to pin this on Bella. I wonder if charges will be brought against her
No. 1296643
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No. 1296645
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>>1296644One of Bella's accomplices is starting to regret his decisions
No. 1296648
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>>1296637i love the mental imagery of this appointed lawyer going through the CWki and other websites to learn about the context. i'm sure this is one of the most memorable cases he's ever been involved in during his 42+ year career.
i agree with
>>1296638 he's going to argue that it didn't happen
>"Like almost anything on the internet, it is difficult to determine what is true. These principles hold no matter if you are a supporter, a legitimate journalist, or a trolling hater."
>Heilberg also indicated that online trolls had been in touch with him and trying to get information about Chandler's case. He said "legitimate inquiries from journalists, supporters, and nuisance trollers will be handled the same way." No. 1296657
>>1296648I think there is a good chance that David Heilberg will stumble upon this thread when researching his client Christine "chris chan" weston chandler for her defense against the chris chan incest charges.
Chris Chan incest Chris Chan Incest Chris Chan incest.
No. 1296658
>>1296656The entire generation is rotted to the core.
The Kids are NOT Alright.
No. 1296659
>>1296654are there any text messages screenshots where chris confirms he's been romping in the sack with barb that are true and honest? all i know of are those edited bdsm text messages.
potentially he may have covered his tracks a little better in text, like he did with null.
No. 1296670
>>1296660No, that's the person Allen was talking to, Bugs
>>1296659The unedited voice call leaked where he says he's done it. I'm also guessing he was arrested because Barb's rape kit was positive, i.e. the assault claims were substantiated
>>1296655The defense will probably be a mix of insanity plea with "his mental illness makes him very impressionable and someone told him this was a good idea." Separate charges would need to be filed to get Bella on incitement though, which is a crime.
No. 1296676
>>1296556Lmao, she's like the useless lady in "don't fuck with cats" now, begging for attention with text to speech while others are posting logs.
Kiwifarms really needs a SHORT post with proof about harassing other students and animal abuse because that's what will shock the people in Bella's life the most.
No. 1296678
So this is why Bella did the retarded move with telling everyone to post gore and report her server.
>>1296532OP needs to be corrected
Firion is her MtF coomer ex who is also into futa, at least he leaked the limited stuff he had still saved.
Allen needs to get added
>sexpest guy who is into shadman, loli and futa>also from an affluent family like Louis and Bella>confirmed the hamster boiling incident and dog abuse>scared shitless of being sent home>was an idiot and handed KF his discord logs on a silver platter because he ran an unknown script No. 1296687
>>1296684>The fact that it’s been revealed that Bella was only pretending to like Goober to trick Louis is the saddest most disappointing thing in this saga for me so farWait, what? I thought all we knew about Goober was her feeding him things for her fart/scat fetish. How was this revealed?
If she doesn't even like the cat, there's a high chance she's abusing him. She shouldn't be around any fucking animals.
No. 1296688
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>>1296678Wait, I forgot my image.
>So this is why Bella did the retarded move with telling everyone to post gore and report her server. No. 1296692
>>1296686>>1296685>>1296678OP here, my bad, I just copied and pasted from last thread in a hurry cause I had to run and no one else had done it yet. Whoever starts the next thread can do a better update, I'm sure.
I don't know how to edit the OP so I guess just cope for now.
No. 1296693
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I need some popcorn for this idiotic anime coomer trio saga.
>Bella hates and manipulates both Louis and Allen
>in her PMs with anyone she is manipulative and trying to get them to trust her by opening up a bit and comforting them, then she tells others that person is annoying
>Allen thinks he's higher on the totem pole but there's a convo where she's attacking and gaslighting him about a bruise
>Louis is simping for her, whiteknighting, GAVE HER HIS PASSWORDS meanwhile she's lacing his drinks with estrogen
No. 1296695
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>>1296687sorry to have to break this news to you.
No. 1296696
>>1296695Which is it, Bella?
Are you lying to Louis about your Goober fart fetish just to make him look like… what? effeminate?
Or are you lying to Allen about not liking cats because you're actually just into them for their yummy farts and feces and this is just how you deflect from saying "Allen, why did you gift me this pic with a cat's FACE when I only like their SHITS, yeeesh!"
No. 1296697
>changed name to Alice in Discord to get close to Chris and eventually join the gayops.>conspiring with Bella to make Louis ingest estrogen unknowingly.>>1296692It's okay, anon. Thanks for making this thread.
No. 1296699
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>the manhunt for her is going on
>but all this other Internet stuff is just people talking
So is Bella actually being looked at by campus authorities?
No. 1296705
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>>1296699Picrel, a bunch of zoomers are organizing protests, so
maybe the campus authorities will
consider looking into the situation. TTU didn't do a damn thing about Portobella Menace before (spying on a roommate, raping another one, thrashing her dorm, killing animals, being a general nuisance) and there's a lot of noise going around online that normies can't sift through.
In the meantime, Isabella Loretta Janke is
(allegedly) in NY laying low.
No. 1296707
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I swear at the end of all this we’re going to find out Bella is a tranny.
Has it been confirmed she only got proper internet access for the first time in 2019 when she went to college?
No. 1296708
>>1296696It wouldn't surprise me if she is lying to both of them. She is a psycho bitch. From Bella and Louis' conversations, Bella likes emasculating him by saying she is more of a man than him. Maybe she wants to make that a "reality" by trooning him out and making him become a catgirl.
>>1296701Cool. Can we get a special mention for Max the Doxhound? People ask about him often.
>Bella stages a video for Reddit karma of her rescuing Max.>Max is beloved by everyone because he helps dox Bella and Louis.>Discord leaks reveals that Max's legs were amputated and eventually euthanized.>Kiwis find Max's photos in a local shelter posted after the rescue video, but nobody has been able to confirm with the pet shelter if Max has been adopted by another family or re-adopted by Bella.>More Discord leaks reveal that Bella kept Max on a closet and died due to neglect.>Still unclear if he is alive or not due to the lack of evidence and Bella's compulsive lying. No. 1296709
>>1296706Yeah, there's several other names that have come up here and there, like Ryan and Jasmine. They're were definitely in their friend group for a while. Bella also often talks about her 'girls' and other people outside of the club.
>>1296707No, some of her high school stuff is online and I've seen some pretty shitty art of hers with dates like 2016 but not much of a
toxic presence (as far as we've found so far). She definitely blossomed into a full fledged fungoid when she was released on her own to college.
No. 1296710
>>1296708Hate to disappoint you anon, but in the newest logs Allen confirms Max is dead, and he's not a compulsive layer. I posted the screencap at the end of the last thread.
Bella kept him in her closet and he had an injured leg. Allen is telling this to a trusted friend so I'm inclined to believe it's true.
No. 1296711
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Her orbiters are truly cucked.
No. 1296712
>>1296708For sure! Justice for Max
I'll also put the mention of the rescued hamster Calvin that was likely a
victim of Bella's hamstercide
No. 1296713
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Bella was sitting in cat piss, confirmed by her roommate.
No. 1296720
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In the convo with his friend they talk about bella shooting a pitbull, but that might be a rumor.
No. 1296722
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>>1296710Damn, RIP Max. No animal is safe near Isabella Loretta Janke.
No. 1296724
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A list of everything we have learned about Isabella Loretta Janke so far. No. 1296725
>>1296532>>1296713has anyone heard a statement from bria or confirmation that ilj raped her? definitely dont put it past her but i want to know what bria would have to say>>1296723
sage male sage
>>1296727heard that, anon
Justice for Max
Justice for Calvin
Justice for Goober
No. 1296737
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Bella's fake tits, lmao.
She also sperged on /b/ about her tits being real.
No. 1296739
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Zoefiri also knew about the animal abuse for months and didn't do jack shit, Allen should have copied him and jumped on the first opportunity to trash talk Bella, then KF would have sucked his dick.
No. 1296741
>>1296737Fake or not… they're not impressive or groundbreaking. Wait for her metabolism to catch up to her or even just if she kicks the adderall habit, she'll get fat, they'll get saggy and she'll still be a crazy ass bitch.
Also wtf does she only have like 2 shirts? She's wearing the same outfit in like every pic
No. 1296742
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>deep down i know we didn't do anything wrong
Fuck this guy. He witnessed Bella boil a hamster and eat it, planned the suicide of a mentally ill person, conspired to lace his friend's drinks with estrogen, knew about Bella's rape… If he truly thinks they have done nothing wrong, he is a sociopath too.
No. 1296745
>>1296715>Lied about rolling in a womans piss for degenerate shock value and male approval when it was actually her room mates cat piss. topkek, this chick is pathetic. Pathetically pick me.
Y'know what I'm confused about, how she embraces the misogyny of incels claiming she's attracted to women but simultaneously is overtly catty calling other women bitches and cattily turning on women when bi women don't curtail to her "advances".
Which one is it?
Is she a edgy lesbo sexpest obsessed with degenerate incel shit like fluffies, scat and piss
is she a catty pick me claiming bisexual women aren't real?
You can't be both.
>>1296737What are you talking about anon there's totally no padding there anon, those are natural milkers. Don't you know its natural for tits to be perfect bowls that have the shape and flexibility of spherically formed polystyrene.
(reddit spacing) No. 1296748
>>1296739I knew that fucking tranny was sus.
Every single person portobella attracts is utter scum.
No. 1296749
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The Texas Tech Chess Club
No. 1296756
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From her facebook dms: some job prospects
>lingerie store
>lingerie store
>game/toy store
Now what would a sexpest be doing trying to get a job at a lingerie boutique?
No. 1296757
>>1296745catty pseudo-bisexual pickme
>>1296756for perving on other women and gloating about it on /b/ and /r9k/ in hopes of getting "positive" moid attention
No. 1296770
>>1296767you're seeing what you want to see. she fetishizes women and dunks on men.
can you name one single post where she glorifies men?
No. 1296771
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>>1296758I only saved a few… but I got her used bras!
No. 1296773
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>>1296758And this pic of her cat with it's eyes eerily similar to Chris Chan
shudder No. 1296774
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>>1296761>>1296762I agree with her obvious self-hatred, but she isn't anti-male neither a lesbian. She wasn't interested in women before college, she puts men on a pedestal and tried being a 2009 Cool Girl (edgy bissexual).
Notice how she shows off online as a typical "not like the other girls" pickme, but she's so socially inept that she ended up warping her male personas online into a typical /b/tard. You can see that behavior all over the Discord logs and her reddit posts. Picrel.
Overall, she's just envious of male strength… she clearly doesn't want to be masculinized, considering the way she filters her pictures to be more feminine than she actually is (even fakeboi pooners put more effort into being "male"). However, her orbiters have to be demasculinized so she can feel better, superior.
Sage for armchairing. All tweakers and glowlets are fucked up either way.
No. 1296778
>>1296770She uses avatars like "redpilled single dad" and talks about her balls, sexually harasses women, begs for male attention on /r9k/, talks in a screencap with Louis how women are vile, roleplays fantasies on reddit where she's a man being annoyed by women, draws caricatures of little girls being raped. Nuff said, read the thread.
She is the pinnacle of 'not like those other bitchy girls' she wants male validation and wants to roleplay as a man internalising the
toxic masculinity of online misogynists.
No. 1296779
>>1296774hard disagree that she isn't at least bisexual considering her autistic and sociopathic rage over her female roommate choosing a man over her… as well as the discord chats where she dates and has sex with a woman.
not going to argue that she doesn't seek out online validation from men, but both that and her hatred of men are both symptoms of her obvious penis envy complex.
No. 1296790
>>1296770>can you name one single post where she glorifies men?I mean its clear that she prizes scrotes and solely male attention above all else, she even LARPS as a male frequently. Her Instagram was called redpilledsingledad for example, her aliases usually have male names and she presents herself as a misogynist incel on multiple platforms. She defended herself on Kiwifarms and chan boards but didn't bother here since she doesn't care how other women see her only men. And this has convinced me that she is not lesbian or bisexual.
>>1296776>Used the same password everywhere elseTruly putting those L33t hacker/opsec cybersecurity skills to use I see.
>>1296779Personally I believe her lesbian/bi act is a farce and she is 100% straight. The crawling in cat piss thing here
>>1296713 just screams fake degenerate male appeasing behavior for the sole purpose of male attention. I don't see her attraction to women as legitimate.
No. 1296791
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>>1296788no its not lol, go look for yourself through the entire preceding conversation about how "le all epic chris chan trolls were orchestrated by women" Im not enough of a sperg to comb through the entirety of the logs for you.
>>1296790Yeah she larps as a man because she resents that she doesn't get to be one, and resents other men because they have a penis and she doesn't. Also she literally had sex with a woman in the discord leaks
No. 1296792
>>1296779>hard disagree that she isn't at least bisexual considering her autistic and sociopathic rage over her female roommate choosing a man over her"Rage". You can check out all the three batches of leaks, she switches back and forth into edgelord bella and pickme bella.
It's all a show for the boys. Over a decade ago Cool Girls did this sort of play, it's nothing new and pseudo-bisexuals are still a nuisance. Bella's take on it is the autistic zoomer version infected by 4chan.
Agreed with the penis envy, even modern TIFs have it.
>>1296786>bella joking with Allen, her orbiterah yes, the proof she values women
nonnie pls No. 1296794
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Bella is ecstatic about causing permanent brain damage in Louis. And, holy shit, Allen is fucking premed. Can you imagine having this psycho as your doctor? This Chess Club is full of deranged assholes.
No. 1296795
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>>1296792>>1296790>>1296791picrel is long and full of grossness but a good example of how Bella has no fucking clue what its like to be a lesbian as she encounters a cliche crazy move in on the first date dyke. Could be that she's new to lesbian tropes. Could be that she's only 20 so she's new to everything. Or maybe she's just not that gay.
No. 1296803
>>1296794>permanentClassic dumb bella.
>>1296795>random woman shows interest>bella does anything in her autistic power to break it off>continues acting like a spaz>blames the other girl>tells a schizo tale for her orbitersAh, yes, a true and honest gay/bi woman. No theatrics, no m'am.
Take notes, ladies. This is how you score.
No. 1296818
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She is the cringiest person on the fucking planet, I couldn't imagine talking like this at almost 20. Reminds me of edgy deviantart chats between 13 year olds.
No. 1296820
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Congrats, Bella! You were featured in Celebpie:
>Internet sensation.>Not more is known about her.KEK
No. 1296825
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Yup that's spray cheese between the two halves of an oreo. Notice the cats litter tray DIRECTLY under her desk. I'm surprised there isn't cat shit between that oreo.
No. 1296829
>>1296739Yea that interview they did with the “commie” was sketchy. She hardly had any actual screenshots to share but she was in there doing gay ops? He is a degenerate just like the rest of the chess club. Fuck em all.
>>1296820 Were there any YouTube videos?
No. 1296834
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>>1296825Oreo and spray cheese with fungus sprinkles.
No. 1296840
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No. 1296848
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Allen is a fucked up liar, a shitty fake friend, and a spineless coward. Do not feel bad for him because he's afraid of the consequences. He fucked up his own life to simp over a fungus infected psychopath. He's 21 years old, not a child.
No. 1296862
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(sage) No. 1296875
>>1296799I don't think he will ever leave. Two days ago he still believed that Isabella Janke's dad, Michael Janke, was a hobo living in Mexico.
>>1296848He truly is a piece of shit. "I didn't do anything wrong" my ass, you allowed at least one hamster to be tortured and murdered. I can't believe he wants to be a doctor, I pity his future patients. Hope he gets expelled and deported.
No. 1296881
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This was posted yesterday in 4chan. Might be a troll, but it's still hilarious.
>These specific discord messages prove that Bella is innocent. Please ignore the conversations they had about hamster boiling, degenerate fetishes, illegal pornography, drug dealing, stalking and rape.
No. 1296893
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>>1296875>lol idk about that honestlyWhat's funny about a dog being locked in a closet? Highly doubt he doesn't know what happened to Max.
No. 1296902
>>1296893I mean is there proof that that’s what happened?
I think it was Roman who said that she lied a lot so it’s not unreasonable to think that some other people had a similar approach too, even when it came to animals
No. 1296912
>>1296739>>1296748>>1296829In the interview Roman said Zoe helped them with compiling the screenshots of the animal abuse for the Title IX slides in the old server, Roman wasn't in the server (they were not friends with Bella) but Zoe was. Zoe also said they were keeping screenshots of the new server as well.
So according to Roman, Zoe did know about it but tried and failed to have anything done through the school.
No. 1296915
>>1296670bugs said they're giving their account to allen. i havent checked the thread since yesterday so idk the update.
>>1296742men will do anything except go to therapy. until they experience consequences of their actions apparently.
No. 1296939
>>1296918Wrong. They're being DDOSed for weeks now.
Null can't do shit about it any more.
Watch his Twitter @KiwiFarmsDotNet, he keeps updating it.
No. 1296949
>>1296940>>1296739Yeah, there's Zoefiri the tranny who did know about the animal abuse as he was in the old server and was the one that provided Roman the discord screenshot for his complaint which went nowhere.
Roman says Zoefiri was the one that provided the animal abuse screenshots, so I don't know if it's fair to say they didn't do jack shit.
More like TTU didn't do jack shit.
Zoe is Jadin Crane, expelled for racism.
No. 1296952
>>1296944'Maintenance' my ass.
Null has been a shitty admin all the way.
(reddit spacing) No. 1296953
File: 1628605428636.png (31.5 KB, 598x363, Screenshot 2021-08-10 KiwiFarm…)

<===== Samefag, also(integrate better)
No. 1296954
>>1296720She's a dog hate sperg,
and she spergs about bisexual women.
I'm shocked at how she embodies the worst kinds of people both online and IRL.
No. 1296964
>>1296961Z0efiri on twitter and zoefiri on kiwifarms is the TiM.
I don't know why anons being up the other guy because he is NOT in the caps we posted here. This cap
>>1296739 is the zoefiri from the interview, the MtF.
No. 1296970
>>1296968You know about Kiwifarms?
That's where you can get every bit of information about Chris Chandler.
And with "every bit" I mean scripts that record his online shit in real time and putting it into some huge-ass wiki.
(derailing) No. 1296971
>>1296964Yes, that cap is from Zoefiri the TiM, the same one on the interview
He did have knowledge of the animal abuse, and he provided the screenshots Roman used for his complaint
So I don't know if it's as reasonable to say that they knew about the abuse but didn't take any action, rather TTU didn't do jack shit despite his efforts citing "free speech"
I guess they could have gone to the cops, but honestly the police probably wouldn't waste time over a hamster that may or may not be dead depending on discord screenshots, unfortunately
No. 1296972
>>1296961She(?) says initially they were only dating for two weeks. She grabbed caps from the discord and gave them to Roman who was building a case against them for harassment. The hamster thing happened March 30th and this
>>1296739is from May 12. It's possible they looked back through the discord for dirt when they realized how fucked these people are before leaving and didn't actually know about it
No. 1296973
Also he's a memeber of the futa club.
No. 1296979
>>1296875Maybe Louis was pretending to believe her so they could put together collages like this one
>>1296881 about how Isabella is totally innocent and we got it all wrong… or maybe Louis does have brain damage from Bella's drug laced protein shakes.
No. 1296992
File: 1628607051953.png (15.96 KB, 1164x164, Screenshot 2021-08-10 at 16-50…)

No. 1296993
>>1296978Futanari = a fetish for dick girls
Several people around Bella have it.
No. 1297007
>>1296950I watched their interview with Commie and it was an unholy mess of a fluff piece.
>>1296949>>1296971>>1296972I appreciate Zoefiri posts on KF and his attempt at trying to do something about Bella in early 2021, but all of her former associates are rotten zoomers. This dude was already in her clique back in 2020 (top left:
>>1296848) and he was fine dating the Fungal Menace until she targeted him for trooning out, when she was already a cunt to other people for sport back then.
No. 1297019
>>1297007Honestly, Zoefiri wasn't just a neutral bystander and was a cunt to people in the discord as well, but he didn't seem to have been involved in any of the more heinous activities, was not in the bullying avery picture, was not in the CWC gayops, snitched on the animal abuse.
I hope that since he ditched Bella and co he'll stop being such a dickhead
He's really lucky he wasn't implicated in anything particularly bad this time
(reddit spacing) No. 1297028
>>1297025Zoefiri was the one who sent the screenshots to Roman for his complaint to the school, as she was in the old server
The school did nothing about it
No. 1297032
I don't really have high hopes for this generation, but I wish him good luck in his heckin
valid journey. lol
No. 1297034
>>1297019You're probably thinking of ZOE, not Zoefiri
ZOE is Allen/black dude who was using the Zoe name to make firi look bad after she left the server, and apparently it's working because people like you keep saying shit like this
All firi posted in the server was fighting with bella about being trans and calling her stupid
No. 1297038
>>1297034… there's a screencap of
Zoefiri on the server in 2020.
Why whiteknight for this weeb?
No. 1297041
>>1297038>>1297034Zoefiri was definitely part of Bella's friend group and no doubt acted like a dickhead like all of Bella's friend group
In his interview with the commie he literally said as much, that he was a 4chan dickhead before trooning out and does not condone his past actions
No need to whiteknight somebody who accepted they were a bad person and is trying to improve
No. 1297054
Max's rescue video makes me sad. Bella grabs him by his scruff so aggressively. It was completely unnecessary. He looks confused and scared. Knowing that she mistreated him and just left him in a closet to die makes me very upset. He deserved better.
RIP Max the Doxhound. No. 1297056
>>1297051Just listen to commiedickgurl's interview with those kids, if you got the time. Just another rotten zoomer, he "woke up" when Bella turned her sights on him.
Anyways, I hope he turns his life around… even if he's a tranner now, but whatever. Clown world.
No. 1297057
>>1297051Honestly, you're right, none of these people seem great
But there were at least 18 people in the Chess Club, and apparently even more in the original server, since discord queen Bella pruned her circle each time she remade the discord
At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if half of TTU are terrible people
At least the tranny seems to be repentant for their actions, unlike Omongidale, Louis or Bella
No. 1297063
>>1297051Zoe is absent from most of the logs and barely used the server from what I saw. I especially never saw them talk in any of the incriminating stuff. That original server had 200 members from a /r9k/ raid after Bella’s reddit post blew up that time so it’s possible they distanced themselves after the break up and muted the server, then got to know roman. They did only know Bella for a short time because roman and Zoe reported Bella in March 2020, didn’t Bella start college in late 2019?
Also, you aren’t really taking in to account that Bella is insane and good at manipulating those around her. It’s possible they were too scared to do anything until roman came along, Bella was already bullying Zoe anyway and it would probably ramp up. I don’t think it’s that weird to be intimidated, more people would act like that in that position than you think.
I don’t particularly care about Zoe but it just seems obvious to me there was some
abusive atmosphere in that friend circle in general, Allen and Louis also seem totally scared to annoy or piss Bella off and the whole friend dynamic was fucked. I’ve seen this kind of circle play out irl and it’s complicated to get out of it.
No. 1297075
>>1296692>>1296532For the next person who makes a new Bella thread, can we please have a reminder on top that says:
1. Bella has made 6+ sock accounts in KF and loves to derail the conversation away from her by shifting blame.
2. She has bragged about being a lolcow farmer and made one thread in /g/ to spread misinformation after the incest call leaked.
3. Her father is an ex-CIA and is currently in charge of various tech companies that run cyber psyop campaigns.
4. Please report thirstposting, baiting, derailing and suspicious posts. Don't engage with them.
No. 1297078
>>1297070To be fair, he was there for the hamster killing and did nothing to stop it. I don’t think he actively wanted to do any of this stuff but he excused all of it and defended Bella as exaggerating for edginess (which later turned out to be lies), which is pretty bad.
He’s the lesser of the three in terms of being shitty and I feel sorry for him possibly losing his greencard/scholarship if he gets in trouble for this but at the same time he knew he had so much to lose and just ignored it and stayed bffs with these people.
No. 1297080
>>1297078He doesn't think they have done anything wrong
>>1296742. I have no sympathy for him.
No. 1297085
>>1297081"There for everything" and "possibly participating" needs to be proven though. They weren't physically there and actively participating in Avery's bullying or the Hamster boiling, from what we can tell.
Standing by while shitty people do shitty things isn't great, but it's much less shitty than actively being a part of it.
We at least have evidence of them trying to do something about the worst of it, hence assisting with the Title IX
They're still a shitty person, probably, but small fry compared to the big three if you ask me
No. 1297095
>>1297081If anything comes at Zoefiri's way he can hide behind the trans community now, but Allen is a pushover and Louis is wrapped around Bella's finger. No one will crack, imo.
Unless some unseen bystander speaks up again…
>>1297090Wait, was Zoefiri really in the pic? I thought the ones in the photo were Louis, Allen, Bella, some girl and an unidentified person on the left.
No. 1297101
File: 1628613184981.png (236.59 KB, 893x490, YT.png)

>>1297008Samefag. Found her YT channel in KF, but it has been scrubbed. Here is an archive:>>1297095People are confusing Zoe (Griffith/Allen) and Zoefiri (Bella's ex).
No. 1297108
sorry this
>>1297105not this
>>1297104I got confused
No. 1297116
File: 1628613629856.png (35.21 KB, 905x319, 95C992DA-3CFD-47C7-9C93-1A14D7…)

Y’all forgot to post this
No. 1297127
>>1297116This nasty ass bitch!
How desperate do her orbiters have to be to see her say this and still defend her actively?
No. 1297128
>>1297100It's ok
nonnie, I get confused sorting out zoomers too.
No. 1297178
>>1297173You're right. You just raise them in a cage full of their own shit for their entire life then cave their skull in with a sledgehammer when they are obese enough.
You can research this on your own if you want.
No. 1297186
>>1297171>>1297178>"Eating animals for nourishment means it's okay to torture them for fun/fetish reasons!" I guess I have the answer to my question: It's not okay, it's literally good and beneficial to the entire planet to torture and murder you.
Hope you catch Bella's fungus from sucking her non-existent cock so hard, if you don't already have it.
No. 1297188
>>1297173Well according to the logs bella ate her hamster. So that makes it okay then right?
>>1297176Nta but
factory farms actually do boil chickens alive and then slit their throats to drain them of blood quickly I mean they used to, I don't know about now. I'm sure they do it somewhere. I buy my meat local like a good girl.
(derailing) No. 1297209
>>1297186Isabella ate the hamster for nourishment though? You should respect her lifestyle choices. Live and let live!
lol Isabella has spicier stuff like spiking her best friend’s drinks with estrogen, can we move on from pretending this forum gives a shit about animals. if you chose to eat a sentient bring when you could choose to eat beans, lentils, a beyond burger or literally anything else, just because you personally enjoy the taste, it’s no different from people who stomp on kittens or boil hamsters for entertainment. Both are unnecessary and done for your pleasure/because you enjoy it. That hamster had a quicker death than most cows and pigs, who gives a shit.
>>1297209Once again
>"Eating animals for nourishment means it's okay to torture them for fun/fetish reasons!" This is your logic, not any sane person's. Everyone knows the difference. Not gonna read the rest of your post because you clearly have brain fungus, keep WKing and the Discord caps will keep leaking.
(derailing) No. 1297252
>>1297251Allen's friend appeared on kiwifarms and said that was just them being edgy, but it should be taken with a grain of salt considering how much Allen lied already.
I personally wonder what Louis is gonna do next
No. 1297254
File: 1628620097257.png (149.26 KB, 1477x826, C5E4BA74-E012-493D-8411-7A0D29…)

Some milk, from KF. A KF user interviewed someone who was in the same server as the chess club and a TTU student. Don’t know how true this is so be discerning. Big if true.
No. 1297255
File: 1628620199447.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x1686, 17EE0611-5E2F-47A1-B132-8DA63C…)

>>1297254Context for the chat from KF. This is sickening if true. The rabbit hole just keeps getting worse with this sick bitch
No. 1297257
>4chan admin>CPSure you did, Bella.
>>1297256Zorgoth/Jadin is the lolicon that got kicked out of uni for racism.
No. 1297267
>>1297256>4chan admin>BellaThis seems highly unlikely. Some of her posts make it seem like she doesn't even really know how to use an imageboard, and anons ITT talked about that "coding" she did being really bad, so I doubt they were impressed by her expertise. At most, she may have been a janitor for a little while.
I can buy the CP collecting in itself, though. Is it possible she was friends with someone who cleaned up threads, then she got CP links from them and started claiming it was all her (and that she was an admin) for Discord clout? Of course, all of it could be lies she made up to seem edgy.
No. 1297270
>>1297260Yep, she done fucked up. Big time.
She needs to be put down like the animal she is.
No. 1297272
>>1297265Yeah, exactly. Threads don't have designated admins.
There are janitors who delete shit and report content to those with more authority to deal with. CP is disallowed, but there are obviously still people who post it.
No. 1297278
File: 1628621262170.png (671.96 KB, 1684x2778, liarontheinternet.png)

>>1296881I edited the OP text into this and made a minor correction on the red text but otherwise didn't have to change a word of anything else kek
No. 1297299
File: 1628621809462.png (44.04 KB, 638x261, fartcollector.PNG)

>>1297268>I wonder if the one IG she had that said she was a 45 year old manYou mean this old IG profile?
>>1297289She can't smile unless she's actively causing misery. Also her teef are embarassingly unkept.
No. 1297315
File: 1628622569281.png (15.67 KB, 478x126, plan - Copy.png)

Going off what I mentioned last thread, just posting this because Bella was pretending to be Magi-chan, Sean was pretending to be Randy and his gang, and Bella joined Preator, the group that sold shit for Chris whom no one has heard from since they invited Bella. They were the "ally deities" who encouraged him to pursue his mom. I don't know what else they did or how long they were fucking with him. I'm not saying he is innocent, but last thread someone pointed out that he spoke of Emmanuel. Well, here you go. He also mentioned blessings. So Bella was pretending to be Magi-chan and protecting his fee fees to extort money and make him do shit for her.
No. 1297317
>>>>1297307lol, she isn't that bright is she lol.
>>1297311She should get some taste of her own meds.
No. 1297319
>>1297315We all know how much Bella likes to sockpuppet and LARP so this totally fits her MO. We're going to need to see a lot more damning logs or the larp chats themselves to solidly draw that conclusion but it doesn't look good for the fungus amongus or that damn psychic cat.
(BTW Sean/Connor/Wildcat is getting added to the next OP)
No. 1297326
>>1297255As much as I would like to see Isabella Janke do real time I have to agree with
>>1297265 and
>>1297267. I wouldn't put it past her to be sick enough to be into and consume that kind of media but I'm going to remain skeptical about this claim for now until something more concrete comes up (unless I missed something).
No. 1297331
File: 1628623620026.png (168.01 KB, 578x706, 41.png)

>>1297319It seems like they all did it over DM so it might never surface. I wonder if there was a GC somewhere with all the fictional gods in it. Fuck is wrong with these people?
No. 1297338
>>1296633No idea. Zoomers are obsessed with the gross kinks that people on 4chan would ironically joke about being into like 12 years ago.
They all obsessed with piss kinks as well. Weirdos.
No. 1297341
File: 1628623890419.png (Spoiler Image,567.39 KB, 485x763, ewwwtfareTOES.PNG)

>>1297335I got chu, king!
No. 1297343
>>1297341Nigga I’ve seen these literally hundreds of times
Any new findings today about the cunt today? Kf doesn’t update the first page as often as needed
No. 1297346
Hopefully I figured out how to embed YT videos, here's part 2 of the interview
>>1297330She does sound all jacked up.
No. 1297348
File: 1628624265390.png (Spoiler Image,767.78 KB, 798x596, bella.png)

>>1297343They found this topless picture, but it's not confirmed to be her yet.
No. 1297353
File: 1628624438875.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.45 KB, 888x666, booba.jpg)

>>1297352Oh sorry, wrong image! Here is the one of Bella's titties.
No. 1297358
>>1297337This + that guy questioning him sounds like he's roleplaying movie investigations
>I'll let you go nowLmao, the convos with Allen were pure cringe. Maybe they're taking the piss with kiwi nerds.
No. 1297360
>>1297044There was a screenshot somewhere if anyone bothers to go through all the highlights, it will be after the first discord leaks though
Kiwis have done a horrible job at keeping everything compact and in one place though. The OP is a very unfriendly mess and there seems to be few collages or photos of proof (and I mean proof, not just Bella's word being taken as gospel) if you don't want to go through 1000+ pages
No. 1297374
>>1297360>Kiwis have done a horrible job at keeping everything compact and in one place thoughI don't disagree but is there somewhere else doing a better job at collecting and collating all of this whackness? This story is constantly changing and developing and we got people over here like "Yeah but its not easily digestible for the normies, you guys are totally unprofessional"
no shit
No. 1297399
>>1297398I'm not saying that it's impossible, I'm saying this dude provided literally zero proof. I can also say "Hello friends, I am a friend of Bella, she literally killed my parents in front of me and turned them into chili and fed it to me, yeah she told me this on discord, no I don't have screenshots."
Like do you not understand how this is hurting the actual credible and proven accusations?
No. 1297416
File: 1628628637790.png (997.05 KB, 1764x673, oopsiewoopsie.png)

>>129735370's rapist chic
No. 1297434
>>1297415I mean the bigger part of the problem is that a lot of the facts themselves are getting a bit muddy
Her killing her dog for example. I assume it came from Max possibly being euthanised but then no one actually knows if that was her fault, then there was the possibility he was just given to a shelter. Has since evolved to she has kept a dog in a closet or something which again… where did that even come from?
A couple of YT accounts claiming that two cats were found dead on campus are also being taken as a fact by some
It's a mess and I'd say no one is helping that become a bit clearer. It seems going against the narrative in general just gets people accusing you of being Bella lol
No. 1297463
>>1297358lmao right? "interview", lol. so cringeworthy.
>>1297254>>1297255kiwi moids LARPing as reporters trying to get the scoop for internet stickers will never not be funny
No. 1297532
>>1297521I was eyeing his post history last night because he was being a derailing, simping, evidence denying tard so to see him being called out today is funny.
Volkswachter… Peoplewatcher… Watchman? There's still so many shadows trying to scurry away from this debacle. Wild shit
No. 1297547
File: 1628641070481.png (14.49 KB, 476x133, 1628640769494.png)

>>1297532>watches the once-menI mean… they wouldn't be that stupid, right? To openly leave hints around the internet and on their puppet account leading to their former group? Right? Guys?
No. 1297551
>>1297548There were two idea guys that never got named. Bella joined Preator, Espeon of the "watchmen" was larping as Randy Stair in cahoots with her to manipulate Chris. It would not surprise me in the least if this dude was in some gay Chris Chan ops group and joined her server after she was commissioned by Preator. He's sperged all over 4chan and Twitter with the same syntax, made a sock on KF with the same tag as one of his discords, then went to Bri's (girl Bella harassed) discord to sperg under the name Volkswachter, a canadian who plays 80% moeshit games. He talks to one of the KF guys about owning snakes and breeding hamsters to feed them and boiling them. Volkswachter also owns tarantulas and other shit.
These people have so much free time.
No. 1297594
>>1297551Samefag to say after reviewing some things here is my tinfoil
>neo nazi sperging>obsession with animu, hyperdimension neptunia and video game shit>demented furries and animal abuse>extorting money, larping fictional characters to push the merge and make autists do messed up shit>one of the guys was rumored to be half chinese, one a canadian>Espeon had an online thing with a neonazi who was probably just pretending to be a woman>30 year old guy would have been in his late twenties like Espeons internet sweetheartEspeon and this fag are the two that got away and couldn't resist coming back because they are that pathetic, and joined forces with this fungus master after orbiting her when she got Preator's attention with the animation and started hanging around Chris-chan all with the same goal. They all like tormenting retards, fringe political sperging, being edgy 4chan dwellers, torturing animals, furry, and share the same taste in general media such as anime and video games. The merge was the friends he made along the way, they are all the same shitty person wearing different uggo faces. If CWC is a black hole of autism, Bella is the event horizon
No. 1297616
File: 1628649880546.png (124.84 KB, 725x773, blaze.png)

>>1297594Yeah, this Randy Stair loving creep is starting to give me a really bad vibe. The way he roleplays with Chris as Randy/Andrew/Ember is creepy enough but then Chris wrote blogs like picrel here. Read this and keep in mind that his interactions with this Miss Andrew Blaze are almost certainly based on an RP with Wildcat aka Sean/Espeon, as he gives a shout out to his "powerfull" medium.
I don't wanna derail the Janke jerkin' here but this suicide-for-the-merge conspiracy theory is fucking hellish.
No. 1297621
File: 1628650118192.jpeg (332.99 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-08-06-16-45-51…)

>>1297616And again, chat with Connor (aka Sean, Wildcat, Espeon) bringing up more dead/imaginary people as if they're real. Which makes them real to Chris.
Anyone out there still wondering how it could have been possible for Chris to be manipulated into thinking abusing Barb was okay?
No. 1297682
File: 1628662431364.png (117.02 KB, 1319x828, zorgoth1.PNG)

This guy sounds like he's full of shit, right? No way he'd be expelled for one racist meme if he wasn't already problematic, I could at most see him getting a warning for that. If Kennedy really managed to get him kicked out based on that, props to you girl for being so headstrong
No. 1297707
>>1297706Bella was evicted from a student apartment not a TTU dorm
I don’t know the answers to the rest
No. 1297709
>>12977061. She didn't bully anyone into suicide, the
victim was Roman but they're safe, unless we're speculating about some investigation before that
No. 1297727
File: 1628674899531.png (80.07 KB, 799x161, roman.png)

>>1297709Ok, sorry. I meant to say that she assisted people with their suicides? Do we know whose?
No. 1297733
>>1297616>>1297621The Idea Guys managed to get Chris punch his own mom so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
I don't really understand why people do this. What do they get out of an autistic man killing himself to reunite with Sonichu (assuming this was their plan)?
No. 1297736
File: 1628677478178.png (234.02 KB, 984x383, ariel.png)

>>1297727>>1297709Ok, just found this post by Roman. Bella possibly coerced Ariel into suicide.
No. 1297737
File: 1628677699538.png (199.72 KB, 349x397, 1628328792689.png)

Bella has a thing for amputated animals. I really hope that nothing happens to Goober's legs.
No. 1297751
File: 1628679475142.jpg (132.1 KB, 2048x1152, _110409953_newsinagatop.jpg)

Her face reminds me of this legend.(no1curr, sage)
No. 1297758
File: 1628681625002.png (41.62 KB, 777x99, zoe1.png)

>>1297034>>1297108>>1297099>>1297101Correction: Zoefiri is Bella's ex. Zoe is Jadin Crane/Zorgoth/the TTU student who got complaints for racism.
No. 1297763
>>1297737eh this is a pretty regular trope in fluffy art. like amputation is seriously run of the mill stuff for fluffies, not really out of the ordinary for them. like her lack of (if you will) "creativity" in her shit art and reliance on subcultural tropes really lends credence to the idea that shes just mimicking edgy oldfag memes for the sake of looking edgy for her retard orbiters. i do not believe she gets any independent satisfaction from her performance.
dont get me wrong i think shes definitely retarded, but imo its like munchies where the munchie is definitely mentally ill/seriously sick, but not in the way that they are trying to roleplay as. if that makes sense.
i dont buy the cp shit either, bet she has some loli saved and almost certainly loli gore/irl gore, but id be genuinely surprised if she was actually collecting cp. she absolutely wasnt an "admin for a 4chan thread" lmfao. i doubt she was even a janny. seeing the kiwifaggots take that, and so much else of what she/her retard cronies have said at face value is making me cringe. like these
>>1297358 >>1297463 anons said its fucking hiilarious watching them roleplay as le internet detectives so absolutely incompetently. they reaaaallly hope this will be their dont fuck with cats moment and its making them seriously prematurely shoot their wads with the whole situation. its larpers all the way down with this cow tbh.
>>1297509 this however is stone cold fax and has indeed been verified with me also trust me bro.
No. 1297766
File: 1628682504591.png (1.33 MB, 1349x962, group.PNG)

Does she only have one pair of pants?
No. 1297767
>>1297765This. In what way is that an excuse? Normal people don’t draw that shit, it’s demented. There’d have to be something wrong with you to make it.
And saying she doesn’t get any satisfaction from it when her whole life revolves around gore, violence and feces? She obviously gets something out of it, it lines up with all of the other shit she’s done. She posts and makes this stuff because she enjoys it, otherwise why would she do it so much. It’s a constant in her life.
No. 1297768
File: 1628683123348.jpg (77.84 KB, 481x911, IMG_20210811_135818.jpg)

Bella's official fursona, drawn by her.
No. 1297775
>>1297767>>1297765dont get me wrong, i totally agree that shes completely fucking twisted, but i really believe it is largely a performance for her. i think the thing she gets out of it, if youll excuse my armchairing, is extremely devoted male simps/orbiters. what i think she is doing through this is filling a niche- she obviously cant compete with other young women in a normal social sphere (at least, not without significantly improving herself, which she is obviously too lazy and arrogant to do), and has no characteristics that a normal man would find attractive, but if she specialises and enters a largely male and extremely degenerate subculture as their dream crazy gore lover oldfag gf she receives huge amounts of attention and praise (in no small part becuase shes the only woman theyre able to interact with kek). and i think this is the true nature of her sickness, that shes willing to completely debase herself and cut herself off from any semblance of normal society for the sake of a measly crumb of the very worst type of moid attention.
anyway i wont clog up the thread with any more of this sort of autism, just musing.
No. 1297782
>>1297151>>1297144Hey nonnies, I have prepared a timeline of Bella and the Chess Club's activities. I had trouble pinpointing some dates, so I hope KF, the people who have the Discord logs or someone who has direct contact with TTU students can look at this and make updates. I mainly used the Highlight function of KF to complete the timeline. By no accounts, is it perfect, but I am hoping that it would be a good way to understand the situation.
By the way, I am not completely sure of when exactly Bella knew about Barbara's rape, but in the last thread someone mentioned that it was a month ago from now. Please reply with any changes and corrections I should make. If I have more time in the this week, I might continue working on it. No. 1297788
>>1297774/b/ is not the place to be raised.
I hate to use a personal annecdote, but the only reason this kid is in trouble for this and I never was, is only because at her age, I was too scared of everyone around Chris to ever bother him
4chan is a shithole and parents should actually keep track of their malicious retard sprog
No. 1297815
>>1297782in march 2020, she tried giving a hamster away don't have any proof its her other than I saw it on the forum at the time and recognized her username from her roastme. i tried looking for an archive without the [deleted] username but couldn't find it
No. 1297820
File: 1628690515843.png (25 KB, 422x261, dnd1.png)

Another claim of hers abut a site she doesn't even browse, like with lolcow.
No. 1297839
File: 1628692393533.jpeg (113.27 KB, 1200x800, 40C1ADB4-8791-4EA0-82D2-734E2F…)

>>1297768That’s literally rigby and the bird is mordecai, is this another epic troll thing?
No. 1297845
File: 1628693186407.jpg (252.05 KB, 1080x1114, IMG_20210811_164249.jpg)

>>1297844It's just offhanded comments like this. I looked up her social media and there was nothing? They didn't even seem to get along.
No. 1297874
File: 1628695325931.png (85.71 KB, 785x834, java1.PNG)

Bella freaking out because the FBI are cracking down on pedos. Now, why would someone react like she did here?
No. 1297880
>>1297860OT And I’m glad you don’t know but, fluffy art is my little pony fanart but the ponies are getting constantly murdered as they talk like babies.
They’re based off Yukkuri
? art, which is a type of fanart of Touhou, in which the characters look like mochi and are constantly getting murdered as they talk like babies.
It’s retarded edginess.
No. 1297884
File: 1628695977305.png (103.39 KB, 1452x198, Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 11.3…)

can someone back this up
No. 1297888
>>1297884More gossip and lies about Bella.
Like the, rape accusations fungus feet and cat poop thing. Libel at its finest. LOOK INTO LOUIS
(sage ) No. 1297890
>>1297884Do they talk about it in the logs? If not, no one.
All people involved in Bella's clique (former and current) are sus.
No. 1297896
>>1297888>rape accusations fungus feetRoman confirmed there was an assault
victim and TTU didn't give a shit, the fungus feet pictures were posted by the fungoid herself on Discord. Idk about the cake being made of cat shit, though.
>>1297892The trashing of his car I know, but the physical altercation I didn't find it (or maybe I skipped it, Bella's autism is too much for me).
I think she decided to fuck with him for no particular reason, like she does to everyone.
>>1297893>601 membersTranny jannies are gonna nuke it per glowdad's request, watch it.
No. 1297904
File: 1628697797415.jpg (485.13 KB, 1080x1877, IMG_20210811_175813.jpg)

>>1297845So just to clarify this, Bri was also on discord and apparently played a really edgy DnD game with them where Bella made a character called "nigger slayer" and carried Louis in his urethra. She draws and if you look up her handle there's some "13 year old on DA" tier edgy art, but I'd hardly call that degenerate unless she posted stuff on discord.
No. 1297909
File: 1628698180190.png (78.19 KB, 774x252, avery.png)

>>1297884I tried to search for the source and ended up finding picrel. Bella tried to frame Avery for animal abuse.
No. 1297921
File: 1628699143311.jpeg (462.84 KB, 1538x2048, 1628458853631.jpeg)

>>1297896>>1297884>>1297888The cake says "AVERY SUX COX". There is a chat log where they mention leaving a cake on his car.
No. 1297960
>>1297930god bella defenders are so retarded they cant help but be obvious. We dunk on people for far less than killing animals and manipulating retards. Also learn to sage.
Does anyone in bella's group understand imageboards at all? What a pathetic larp. Such scary edgy zoomers that have to get their 4chan content from le reddit because they're too scared to go there themselves
No. 1297991
File: 1628705247410.png (83.24 KB, 1126x212, Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 2.07…)

>>1297815the hamster glows too
No. 1298034
File: 1628709368965.jpg (62.67 KB, 574x531, horror4.jpg)

Bella posting a link to zoophilia
No. 1298038
File: 1628709739784.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x2286, 527033DE-899A-4BF4-9FAA-F3DD83…)

Not sure if this was ever added to her list of usernames but this is her tiktok. from one of the links she posted of her roommate
No. 1298042
File: 1628710238000.jpg (160.79 KB, 1080x1206, IMG_20210811_213002.jpg)

>>1298038Look at this, the original username was
No. 1298089
>>1298042Wasn't Kellie Andes one of Chris's sweethearts?
So she was already using CWC-related aliases whenever that was posted. Also a good link for her future alias of 'Kelly' came from maybe?
No. 1298103
File: 1628714296088.jpg (42.12 KB, 750x695, suicidal.jpg)

Bella's plans confirmed
No. 1298109
>>1298107I'm not defending him, but would you believe if a college student told you they're trying to make a stranger on the internet suicidal? Apparently she only mentions it this one time.
Also the zorgoth logs confirm she was mocking Allen behind his back as well, kek.
No. 1298118
>>1298103>we're trying to do with Chris>get him to be suicidalBet she's talking about the Connor/Sean/Espeon's gayop (>>1297315
>>1297616 >>1297621
>>1298074), which she was (?) a part of.
Now she's being fried by the internet and the last Idea Guy who got away is in the wind… again.
No. 1298124
>>1298118Wildcat/Sean is gonna have a real hard time getting anyone to watch his next doc on Syria after all this.
He may have 'gotten away' for now but whatever reputation he has tried to build online already is toast and his private dox is public.
If Bella were smart she'd turn this all on him instead of Louis or Fiona or whoever else she's trying to throw to the wolves.
No. 1298141
>>1298135Because the suicide plan isn't really hers, it's Sean's.
>>1298137Probably one of those moids who think that women piss literally out of their vagina.
No. 1298143
>>1298137Isn't Nigeria really conservative? That might be why.
Amazing how similar they all are to Chris when they thought they were superior to him.
No. 1298146
>>1298118WTC really needs to be grilled on his involvement with Bella now that this suicide plan from her is being shined a light on. Here are two video clips. They are from the WTC call he did with Chris Chan (he sat on this and uploaded it under the name “the last video call with Chris Chan”. The full video is now privated but a copy is on kiwi farms.
IMO they are very relevant to this suicide plan and I think WTC may have been part of it. For background info WTC was getting Chris into Randy Stair. Guy who killed people and himself thinking he’d come back as a female Danny phantom cartoon character. WTC tells Chris he won’t tell him what to do or to stop doing something even if it KILLS him, this is highly sus to me. No. 1298149
>>1298103So basically confirms she was part of a plan with other people to fuck with him for over a hear. If she was commissioned by preator in July they must have got into contact with her after the watchmen broke up. One of the watchmen posted on twitter that WCT was fucking with Chris and you can hear him in the "interview" trying to isolate him from anyone who might not get in on their sick fucking plan. So where are the Preator guys now? Because this timeline of events has convinced me there are even more people involved here and it was no coincidence Bella joined them. They took all that money from him, pretended to be helping him, when Null set up that gofundme for his commissions and it started being successful the only person who would be able to get money from him if he was independent would be someone like Bella who pretended to be Magi-chan to get blessing money. Sick fucks.
There is also the call where Bella tells Chris that if God and Jesus say it's okay he can continue his relationship with Barb. One of the named idea guys pretended to be Jesus. Did someone else up the ante and pretend to be God and Jesus to get him to do this? And who?
No. 1298152
File: 1628717407401.png (69.82 KB, 626x267, 192244A9-209B-4279-B086-9EC8E2…)

>>1298149Bella also talks about Jesus in this leaked discord log in regards to Chris
No. 1298174
File: 1628719795600.png (70.61 KB, 608x555, watchmendude.png)

>>1298153Sean/WCT. Bella tried throwing two randos under the bus but didn't say a peep about him.
No. 1298181
>>1298177this is appropriate unsaged content. hard agrees,
No. 1298188
File: 1628720944736.jpg (207.62 KB, 2300x1470, 2300x0.jpg)

No. 1298200
>>1298188>>1298192This makes me sad,
nonnie because middle school bella gives me ME vibes. poor greasy little artfag, you don't know what hell you're in for.
No. 1298212
File: 1628724695292.png (1.26 MB, 794x3055, kiwifarms.net_threads_temperat…)

You mean this?
Reasonable statement, tbh.
No. 1298224
>>1298112Did Bella really take advantage of Chris? Because she talked with Chris, Chris ended up going to jail, but I wouldn't consider that wronging someone.
>>1298106No, I haven't seen anyone discuss that idea specifically? I just have seen some people act like Bella wronged Chris somehow, but I don't get it.
No. 1298228
>>1298224People thought that she planet incest into his head but that's not confirmed at all
There's some concern that she encouraged him when she found out but that's a bit grey right now. Proof is limited and the only thing there's to go on is the phone call
Honestly, I'd argue that in a state of some shock or it being desensitised (she seems to be into incest?) it's easy to just continue the conversation without really realising what the hell is happening. Plus, they seemed to think that the whole thing was consensual
No. 1298229
>>1298034>>1298050(samefag sorry!)
I thought AshLEE was a user she went by on another account?
So is this just her talking to herself lol
No. 1298231
>>1298228I agree it's a gray area on whether or not Bella caused Chris to have sex with his mom.
I'm just confused because a lot of people are comparing Bella to BlueSpike (the kid who convinced Chris to shove a Sonichu medallion up his own ass). But while Bella has hurt Barb and unrelated people, I don't think she has hurt Chris at all. Like she wanted Chris to commit suicide but that obviously didn't happen and even if Chris was never arrested I doubt Bella would have succeeded.
No. 1298292
>>1298249This was already brought to authorities at TTU and is how she got kicked out of the dorms. So it's effectively been swept under the rug, but I REALLY hope TTU reviews her status as a student there before class starts in a few weeks.
>>1298212This shit is so much darker than we could have imagined at the outset. The full-on Bellatricks witchunt is probably best to let cool off, but none of this drama is going away anytime soon.
No. 1298293
File: 1628733985417.png (9.09 KB, 666x197, bellepayments.png)

It says on the bella timeline here: that
>Oct >Bella impersonates Ashley Hammer to scam Chris.Could it possibly be linked to picrel, payments from her "Mom"? Bella said she was stealing Ids for government filings, could she have stolen her moms to move money about? She did admit to stealing money from Chris. tinfoil I know, I just found the "hi ashley" so weird.
No. 1298321
>>1298292>but none of this drama is going away anytime soon.The moids thirsting over her fungoid body won't let this slide either. I bet not even a name change and a public apology would suffice.
Would feel sorry for her if she wasn't a psycho.
No. 1298322
>>1297272When cp or gore gets posted and then reported, a mod or a janitor has to delete it. But imagine if said mod/janny was a deviant who, before deleting it, saves it on their pc? I can see this nasty bitch doing exactly that.
But who knows if she was really a mod for 4chan. She also said she was going to be a mod for kiwifarms and I am sure that was a lie.
No. 1298371
File: 1628746738541.png (13.05 KB, 478x126, plan - Copy.png)

Remember how Chris talked about "ally deities"?
No. 1298398
File: 1628750595674.png (2.02 MB, 1798x1870, gottem.png)

I found something pretty interesting in the latest leak on Kiwi
No. 1298407
>>1298406Loli and bear cub fetish
It just keeps getting worse. Don't have time to go through all her messages. There's some milk in here too. Remember don't touch
No. 1298408
File: 1628751513235.png (89.84 KB, 1094x633, Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 3.07…)

Bella talking about seeing Angelina in her underwear through her spycam and calling her a pick me.
No. 1298409
>>1298398There are caps of Bella talking about danganronpa, and at one point she used a picture of Phos from Land of the Lustrous as her avatar. It lines up.
Also where did you find the cap of her screen? In the main Bella thread?
No. 1298424
File: 1628753160914.jpeg (12.95 KB, 300x319, FB10C9D9-BE17-4F14-A778-C381D3…)

Found in the File Repo. Bella made this.
No. 1298425
Here's the Bella file repo at your own risk, there's scat and zoophilia
No. 1298426
File: 1628753388316.png (17.22 KB, 556x128, telee.png)

More spying on girls.
No. 1298427
File: 1628753564629.png (212.2 KB, 1080x2220, 1628745156776.png)

Goober's tiktok account got a post removed for adult or sexual activity. I fear for him.
No. 1298431
File: 1628753791663.png (654.62 KB, 1920x1080, 1628745606473.png)

A screencap of Louis' PC. Confirming he was shitposting on /b/ and /r9k/ about Bella?
No. 1298433
File: 1628753923835.jpg (173.33 KB, 1430x1232, Prizewheel.jpg)

No. 1298437
File: 1628755487935.png (28.48 KB, 1810x420, Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 20-53…)

Bella talking about overfeeding the cat to get Reddit gold.
No. 1298449
File: 1628757702385.png (30.32 KB, 460x355, Fantom Foundation.png)

>>1298398Those two discords with that logo seem to be related to the Fantom foundation. Louis has a bookmarks folder with them
>>1298431 No. 1298480
File: 1628762036013.png (85.8 KB, 1037x788, bellapetneglect.png)

More Goober abuse.
No. 1298481
File: 1628762092155.png (20.73 KB, 483x261, bella shits herself.png)

No. 1298483
File: 1628762604462.png (46.66 KB, 1223x427, BellaRecordingPeople.png)

Bella talking about Avery's cake.
No. 1298491
File: 1628763835503.png (1.17 MB, 1430x1232, spin the wheel crusty the clow…)

ask and it shall be done
No. 1298494
File: 1628764909777.jpg (2.33 MB, 4961x6154, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>1298490Autism caps from kiwi
No. 1298502
>>1298499She's looks pretty swarthy to someone from Europe, like an Italian or Spaniard maybe.
Anyway when people don't like someone they criticize them for unreasonable things (there's many cows who look completely average but are treated like the ugliest monstrosities).
(racebaiting) No. 1298506
File: 1628766904487.jpg (111.54 KB, 624x833, c197s.jpg)

>>1298490>10:12: I don't know what is up with this girl.If the preacher only knew…
>>1298499Report and move on.
No. 1298507
File: 1628766976982.png (23.37 KB, 741x649, 1437392201671.png)

>>1298495>What in fuck's name happened to her?This just happens when you take two people from different races with different skintones. It's a meme for a reason. She literally looks like the Amerimutt meme.
>>1298513>greeks>pure Euroskek.
Where is the proof that her dad is German other than his misspelled German name? He is definitely not a first generation German immigrant. Likely his ancestors fled to the US during the war cause they were jews.
(racebaiting) No. 1298523
File: 1628770827511.png (85.43 KB, 392x239, n2LU97N.png)

>>1298188is that really her? it's hard to tell with the expression.
also look at her eyebrows, it looks like she took a straight razor down the middle. you can see the five o' clock shadow there, too.
it probably is her based off of that, as a caterpillar browed middleschooler i was very tempted to do so myself. thank fuck i never did.
No. 1298524
nonny watch out the twittertards arent gonna like this one
>>1298494this is insane she really does look like graywater. in all her pics she literally has the skintone of the amerimutt like the other anon said. also she seriously dresses like a sperg lel
No. 1298543
>>1298514You're likely right. And the 'family nazis' she's so proud of gotta be embellished if not entirely made up. Lest we forget a lot of jews sided with them against the communist scourges. So, if her great whatever was really a nazi after all, he was probably one of the jewish ones.
Why's she hang out with mudbloods if hers is so pure?
Hitler was vegetarian and an animal lover. Big no-no, Portabella! Your ancestors are not smiling down at you.
(stop racebaiting) No. 1298590
File: 1628780584392.jpg (400.87 KB, 4032x3024, image0 (1).jpg)

In all the pictures of her we've seen she's wearing:
>black biker shorts
>a cheap or meme t-shirt, NEVER wears low cuts
>white apple watch
Isn't she rich?
No. 1298592
>>1298590It utterly boggles my mind that someone would wear a t-shirt with an internet meme printed on it
As far as her being able to afford better style, she can obviously afford better hygiene too but she doesn't bother with that either
No. 1298671
>>1298385nta but there are logs out there of him asking users for cp so idk who "we" is, newfag. stop this snacks revisionist history.
>>1298590she never wears low cuts because she stuffs her bra kek
No. 1298677
>>1298488She thinks she's an "internet god" now because she's getting this bug influx of attention from farms. But no one outside them knows about her and honestly after people are done digging into her and gathering info, she'll be out like last weeks trash. Only a small group of desperate moids will probably still keep tabs on her.
When it comes down to it, she's really not all that interesting or entertaining. She's just a gross edgelord autist pick me with her little hug box on discord.
And so far it seems like her "super trolling" on Chris wasn't even that significant. At worst she lied and pretended to be his friend and got some money from him and encouraged him to rape his mom. But at the end of the day, Chris ain't right and raped his mom of his own accord and he's really not hard to manipulate if you're a female or pretending to be. Like congrats, you talked to the king of retards. So iconic, what a legend! And it's ok because anonymous!
No. 1298722
File: 1628793827497.jpg (236.04 KB, 1080x1447, IMG_20210812_203515.jpg)

Apparently the discord had a lot of loli/shotacon. The context for this image is that mammoth is an infamous loli coomer artist who got banned several times and that tweet screencap gets posted on 4chan's /ic/ and /vg/ a lot. Bella seems to browse the hentai games general on /vg/.
You could search her reaction image filenames in 4chan archives to get her posts but I don't think it'll bring up anything interesting.
No. 1298755
>>1298546No. There's clean copies without the captions posted right along with them for you moids.
But if I'm going to sit there and sift through discord chats to figure out this stupid narrative then I'm going to have some fucking fun with it while I organize it all. Find the unannotated copy then kys
No. 1298776
File: 1628798696564.png (184.23 KB, 689x360, spooky loses her shit on devon…)

So Devon (GiBi) did something to piss off Spooky. She gave him some shit during the initial mess he got into it but now she is going fully thermonuclear including leaking PMs showing him discussing various players in this saga in way too familiar terms. Going right on at's some good popcorn drama but I think it also ties into some of the stuff that people were talking about with people like Espeon. Devon was in similar behind-the-scenes circles that were operating out of public sight managing Chris's reality, and there were little cliques that would get into drama with one another.
GiBi is hiding, lying, and trying to limit his exposure. Pretty sure there is some shit going on.
No. 1298780
>>1298758I like and appreciate you,
nonnie ♥
No. 1298786
>>1298776I think he's a fungus connoisseur. Too much smoke and mirrors, too little coherence. What are they so afraid of? Will Sean/Espeon/WCT sic the spirit of Randy Stair on them? kek
Either come clean or fuck off, it's not like any of these retards are going to prison.
No. 1298787
File: 1628800137283.png (66.14 KB, 884x359, gibi not watchman.png)

>>1298776>gibi "never joined the watchmen because I thought blah blah blah"lmao pic related
> lainchu hates espeonlainchu is literally an espeon RP account
based wine mommy is about to eviscerate fake journo man
No. 1298795
File: 1628800949165.png (155.5 KB, 747x360, woman bus chucker.png)

>>1298789this is gonna be good popcorn material and maybe can be a little more lighthearted than all the horrible animal stuff
No. 1298853
>>1298839I would if I were a student there. Or if it were appropriate for middle aged woman to follow an angry pick-me around calling her a skank. Unless I was a lunch lady. Oh well.
>>1298848No one cares about who the next Chris Chan is. This isn't Autism Idol.
No. 1298899
>>1298892I’d bet anything she wears multiple push-up bras at a time. it sounds dumb but I knew a woman who did this and her tits looked exactly the same.
Bella why u so insecure?
No. 1298962
File: 1628816615679.png (528.25 KB, 440x620, turkey.png)

>>1298920her shirt wrinkles over it after she raises her arms, despite the tanktop that most likely also has a built-in
the only way double-bra works is if they both actually fit in the first place, though
No. 1298975
samefag as this "male"
>>1298958 Protip for the double bra trick: wear your lacy or ribboned bra UNDER a smoother 't-shirt' bra. The layering of the bras can be tricky, as can the combination of push-up, support, push together, enhancement that each bra individually provides. It's easy to fuck it up and make it obvious, like Bella here
>>1298962 . Also what looks good in a still pic or mirror works a lot different in live action. Specially when you're getting all worked up sperging along with a street preacher.
No. 1298982
>>1298975Or just have actual tits and wear one bra. Bella’s like DD-E at most and wearing thick padded push-up bras from VS. You can tell she has a layer of foam in there. Literally any shirt would look better if she wore a more minimal and proper sized bra.
But I thought we stopped doing titty bra tricks in 2010, we do European sizing $80 bras in the year of our lord 2021.
No. 1298983
>>1298962I see a line across her chest. Can you draw where the bras are?
No. 1298990
File: 1628818941870.png (2.84 MB, 1500x2000, yearoflolcow.png)

Comment about the year of the cow made me make this. Enjoy the "leaks" of horrorcow.(fanart)
No. 1299030
>>1298982right! she looks really out dated.
I wonder how much anxiety she is going through right now. God what I would do to be a fly in her brain. I want to see this bitch cry.
No. 1299062
File: 1628831768014.jpg (262.71 KB, 1080x1269, IMG_20210813_071537.jpg)

Seems like she never took nudes and even catfished her boyfriend with a fake one.
No. 1299072
>>1299062honestly fuck this tranny. When she first turned up at the farms she was looking into giving them Bella's nudes. I'm not defending the fungus at all, whatever happened to her she fucking deserves it, but it's endlessly hilarious to me this tranny wants to cry about being bullied but was 1 post away from posting revenge porn because the retards at KF were cheering her on. The only reason she didn't post them was because Spooky Bones or someone pointed out revenge laws and bella's glowie dad.
This stupid tranny deserves to be bullied.
No. 1299081
File: 1628835899342.png (125.86 KB, 1344x1650, 1628348703039.png)

>>1298293There is something odd about the transactions with her father too. She tried to send/receive money to her father. Why would a rich tech company CEO need money from his daughter? Then there is $1,062 from December 31, 2020. That's a weird specific amount of money. After May 2021, Bella stops any money transactions with her father and they all come from her mother. It looks like whatever she was doing with her father's account was not working and decided to stick with her mother's account.
No. 1299083
>>1299072>>1299080This. I can't wait till she lets the attention get to her head, or the kiwi's end up turning on her and shows she's just as much of an attention whoring pickme as bella.
>>1299081>whatever she was doing with her father's accountHe or the bank could've seen the weird transaction coming in and cancelled it then, asked Bella about where she got the grand from. Not wanting to tell her dad she's scamming an autistic man, she bullshits her way out of it before convincing her mom, to let her use her bank account.
No. 1299093
A student from TTU is doing a Q&A on kiwifarms. didn't find anything super screencap worthy yet, but the main takeaways are:
>bella has tried to tase multiple people>she's been reported to the administration and the police, nobody gave a shit>TTU tries to shut up anything that would harm their reputation, even rape>the student protests aren't even properly organized, so far it doesn't seem anything will come out of it No. 1299112
File: 1628841076926.png (127.87 KB, 1324x576, belladumb.PNG)

Seems fitting for her IQ and outsourcing her high school level math homework
No. 1299113
>>1299089I looked it up. That's the screen name and it can be changed without an ID card. You cam write anything there. Vidrel, you can even have "Superman" as the screen name.
>>1299094It's suspicious, especially the "Hi Ashley" at the beginning. Some of those payments, like the ones towards the end of July, come every two days. I am just tinfoiling, but I think she was taking money from Chris' bank account through Cashapp.
No. 1299114
File: 1628841316734.jpg (265.15 KB, 1076x514, Screenshot_20210813-035529_Chr…)

>>1299072>>1299078>>1299083kill yourselves for calling this obvious pornsick moid "she", do you even know where you are?
No. 1299116
>>1299080 and not only that it might not even be of his ex. preach,
No. 1299136
File: 1628845625156.jpeg (694.48 KB, 1536x2048, lrs8uhq.jpeg)

>>1297815The hamster that she tried to give away is called Tendies: The Reddit post was made March 13 and the "swim fucker swim" photo was uploaded March 30. There's a possibility that Tendies was the hamster that was boiled alive.
No. 1299146
File: 1628847254618.jpg (26.82 KB, 260x483, Screenshot_20210813-035529_Chr…)

>>1299144incel to tranny pipeline is extremely common, no surprise there. just look at him lol
No. 1299155
>>1299087Same anon as
>>1299072 I thought the tranny was ftm my bad. Of course it's a moid I should have known. Too many trannies inserting themselves into this story to keep track of.
>>1299114Calm your fucking sperg, faggot
No. 1299158
>>1299156Roman isn't an ex of Bella, she's just another person Bella harassed at uni.
We really need an updated list of people in the next thread OP.
No. 1299175
File: 1628854837330.png (74.72 KB, 1531x583, 1628717420500.png)

Here's an archive of all of Bella's reddit posts for some more dirt
Kek at her asking for tech support on reddit about qbittorrent
No. 1299176
>>1299175Can someone confirm if the Reddit post mentioned here
>>1297815 is in there?
No. 1299187
File: 1628856866136.jpg (178.84 KB, 1030x540, IMG_20210813_141419.jpg)

>>1299176>>1299182The comments are still up though
No. 1299199
File: 1628859524594.jpeg (281.52 KB, 1450x2048, E8WmlikXIBMT7aX.jpeg)

r/TexasTech muting students.
No. 1299207
File: 1628860597584.png (141.58 KB, 589x519, 1628577965374.png)

>>1299187Thanks, anon!
>>1299200>If that was the case, I'd be an complete idiot. My dad and I share the exact same IQ even though I'm a girl.I guess Bella's dad is a complete idiot then.
>I'm 36DDD. 34DD is average. Does Victoria Secret size up their bras or is she really a 36DDD?
No. 1299225
File: 1628863584459.jpg (134.61 KB, 1440x1920, p14vymfbed961.jpg)

Bella tackles the "not like other girls" ship, her original art.
No. 1299319
>>1299199The college could also get sued into oblivion by ILJ's technocrat glowdad.
Those kids are better off shitposting online about the fungoid until she removes herself from the premises than trying to get any substantial justice.
No. 1299337
File: 1628879551653.png (925.17 KB, 1173x8308, roman.png)

The Discord logs when Bella tells everyone that Chris has been having sex with his mom.
Special quotes from Bella:
>its based I just cant believe it
>shes always excited for sex days tho
>u cant post this yet or else i doxx u
>im planning on posting it just need father evidence foerm a different angle so i remain anonymous
No. 1299344
>>1299317Look at this perfect normie anon who posts on What kinda flock do you fly with,
nonnie? Let freaks be freaks as long as they're not harming anyone else.
>>1299207Yeah, those VS pushup bras come pre-loaded with an extra cup.
No. 1299348
File: 1628880299808.png (105.56 KB, 597x972, 1628684593265.png)

>>1299337Is Bella blackmailing Louis? It seems worse than your average simp/girl friendship. Bella controls his finances, has his credits card and tells him what to do.
No. 1299354
>>1299337>>1299348This explains why Louis doesn't flip on her, but he can cancel his credit cards and gtfo. Orbiting her is only gonna drag him down even further.
>>1299346Don't mind them, it's #justhandmaidenthings.
>>1299347It's fascinating how almost every single person involved in this shitshow is rotten.
No. 1299378
>>1299370>>1299377To be clear, the exchange regarding the "revenge porn" went down like so:
Zoe: Hi KF, I'm bella's ex, blah blah blah
KF: omg u got noodz?!
Zoe: Um yes.
Zoe: Okay.
His only fault in that exchange was saving his exes nudes like the coomer tranny he is, but he never really offered to post them.
No. 1299422
>>1299415I mean, consider the following:
>bella already planned on pinning it on firion>her dad also seems to hate trannies>they have the "vengeful ex" defense line handed to them on a silver platter>Louis and Allen are older male students who corrupted his innocent daughterI wonder how Mike is gonna handle it.
No. 1299435
File: 1628886512122.jpg (88.88 KB, 949x417, Screenshot_20210813-222608_Fir…)

>>1299378>>1299424The post in question, just to be clear. He's still a coomer into futa who follows tripfags from /tttt/ on twitter, so no wonded he dated Bella.
No. 1299450
>>1299344>What kinda flock do you fly with, nonnie? The kinda flock that bathes regularly and doesn’t troon out, threaten to post revenge porn, drug and rape people, troll mentally disabled people for fun, or torture animals to death. If that’s your idea of “perfect normies” that says a lot more about you than me, anon.
>Let freaks be freaks as long as they're not harming anyone else.Except they did lots of harm, did you literally just stumble across this thread today? Kek
No. 1299520
>>1299505You send n*des to an 8 year old?
Nonnie that’s just wrong.
No. 1299563
>>1299505>>1299501>>1299511Digital data exists FOREVER. If you send someone your nudes, they exist FOREVER, and you should assume that they will end up on the internet.
Stop sending nudes to moids.
No. 1299608
File: 1628902802281.jpg (321.36 KB, 600x1339, 1574981971935.jpg)

>>1299604>>1299606Bella is a compulsive liar and made fake BDSM texts. Unless there is a tape of CWC saying this, it's probably fake. The only one consuming cum is CWC.
No. 1299637
>>1299378simply bragging about having them was his segue into posting it. you're giving him too much credit, here.
>>1299347imagine believing the texts posted by someone who has been known to fabricate texts and even kiwifarms posts in the past.
in short, you are a retard.
No. 1299697
>>1299637Exactly anon. Why mention you have nudes of someone unless you want people to ask for them. He's a tranny so attention is his bread and butter and no one wants to see his nudes.
Also anyone focusing on Fiona in this whole thing is sus af
No. 1299708
File: 1628920355643.png (136.35 KB, 1125x2436, 68410D07-C2D1-4411-8653-204E8F…)

>>1299081This is possibly the Cashapp of Bella's mom. Created April 2021 and started sending money to Bella on the 21st.
No. 1299712
File: 1628920604293.png (30.32 KB, 370x348, Screenshot 2021-08-06 144906.p…)

>>1299708"Ashley" joined their Discord server one day before (April 20). I think that Bella controls this Cashapp and it's a disguise for Chris' account.
No. 1299714
File: 1628920832333.jpg (492.86 KB, 1999x1428, mike_janke.jpg)

bella's dad, michael janke the cia spy war hero, must have rubbed off on his "proudest achievement" a little too much. i've had a sneaking suspicion that he could be a psycopath/sociopath, which would explain why bella is the way she is. discord logs paint quite a picture of the dynamic in their clusterfuck b household.
this is the first time i'm truly horrified by a cow. bella and her dad both appear two-faced (like the nice way bella talks to cwc and all her "friends" in private, or the kind of worldly caring person her dad is projecting in his interviews that have recently resurfaced), but the sheer maliciousness of their abusive and manipulative ways is what's honestly scary. just knowing that you could encounter such an evil person anywhere in life and think that you are on good terms, while they are planning to backstab you for their own entertainment (like bella damaging avery's car or conspiring with allen to lace louis's drinks with estrogen and feeling overjoyed at the thought of "runing his brain chemistry forever, permanently") doesn't sit right with me
No. 1299722
Needs way more acne
No. 1299728
File: 1628923330504.png (21.85 KB, 1200x173, Screenshot 2021-08-09 at 23-17…)

>the internet loves me
No. 1299745
>>1299699No they won't, KF is heavily biased.
>bella talks to allen about putting estrogen into louis' drinks>OMG BELLA FORCE FEMINIZED LOUIS AND ALMOST KILLED HIM>chats with Allen later say that he didn't even know how they'd give it to Louis without him noticing, they were being edgy, Bella never purchased estrogen
>zorgoth says Bella was "an admin for some 4chan threads" and collected CP like that>OMG BELLA IS A LITERAL PEDOPHILE CONFIRMED>no hints of illegal material have been found yet, just Bella being a disgusting loliconKF picks a narrative and sticks with it, they separate the good guys and the bad guys in this story. Right now they are flip flopping on Allen and whether they should go soft on him or lynch him. They bashed Allen for liking futa, but when one of their heroes (zoefiri) who provide gossip does it, it's ok.
I don't expect objectivity from gossip sites, but from TTU discord chat screencaps it seems only the students who are terminally online are aware of this situation and they aren't sure what to believe. From the perspective of the school administration: a bunch of autistic online trolls are attacking Bella and using "anonymous" chat logs they don't understand as proof, while her ex came to the forum and added fuel to the fire. She can still deny everything and push this story.
No. 1299760
>>1299749they're literally retarded lmao i love this
they actually went "don't believe bella she's manipulative" and then watched ten hours of commiedickgurls inane psychotic zero proof pickme videos
No. 1299764
>>1299762keep on sipping that good good mkultra coolaid friend
this whole debacle just shows how mentally defenseless yanks are, most weens were literally immediately rabidly manipulated by bella into leaking shit, doxxing people, believeing thousands of lines of edgelord logs and going on a moral crusade against a fungal mentally ill glowie bitch
good evening, "ILJ" was a 24 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University" we are now complete with our stud thank you for your time lol but i guess you know better bc KF told u right?
No. 1299774
File: 1628928860439.jpeg (149.88 KB, 1079x351, E8ZyDTdWUBcco4E.jpeg)

>>1299762Maybe the poster is not Bella.
No. 1299778
>>1299762nta, but other anons pointing out KF's inconsistency and speculating what real life consequences could come out of this shitshow does not mean they're all fungoid orbiters.
The discord logs show them they're all rotten degenerates and Bella is the worst of them, but of all things that could get her in real trouble is the identity theft, whatever financial fuckery she's doing on CashApp and blackmail. The first two can leave a trail and the last one is her blackmailing of Louis.
The rest is circumstantial evidence that I doubt it would hold in a court of law. Yeah, even the animal abuse (which I 100% believe she did it) since she can say "I didn't do it, I was just being edgy" ad nauseam and her orbiters can corroborate everything - no body, no crime. Reeeee however the fuck you want.
No. 1299784
>>1299779>>1299781TTU will continue ignoring until she leaves campus on her own accord.
When it comes to her new identity, glowdad may use his connection$ and hide/destroy any paper trail. Maybe resort to forgery.
Maybe send her to Belize. lol It's not like anyone of her family even cares, they just shower her with money.
No. 1299789

>>1299745i think part of the reason to wave CommieDickGurl as their token tranny and being overall more accepting of his and zoe's fetishes is their way of trying to give more credibility to themselves. im sure at this point, some of these would have heard about what happened with byuu, sagal and other troons. at least one of them has a friend who would have seen the shit that went down recently on twitter, right?
commie hasn't done anything that is worth signal boosting apart from make very poorly thought out rambling videos on the topic. sallow dawn on the other hand is somebody who is worth promoting to anyone who wants a short version of what's happening. from what i know of him based on past posts, he's actually a really nice and level headed dude and i respect him. unless there's dirt on him?
>>1299756most KF users are no-life threadless cows themselves. they seem to be on their best behavior since they found out bella is a fed kid + the TTU kids started coming on to post. that screenshot is so fucking cringe.
sorry for using the youtube version of this video btw, i couldn't upload the mp4 version directly to the site unfortunately.
No. 1299790
>>1299778this. a lot of it is just "he said she said", the court of public opinion has found her guilty, but discord chat logs and ex's recounts of her on a gossip forum isn't going to land her jail time. I wish KF's would start looking more into her CashApp nonsense, any other threats she may have made to the other members, or how much she's stolen from Chris.
>>1299789I still can't believe they chose a schizo-tranny to help bat for them, especially one that's a cow themselves and selfposted in their own thread. we all know if Hontra or Philosophy Troon ended up selfposting in Hontra's thread, they'd all jump down their throats.
No. 1299792
>>1299789Commie DickGurl and Sallow Dawn were both popular on the Farms before any of this happened.
The thread OP, Spooky Bones is an unironic fan of CDG's fiery personality. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Spooky Bones is the one who doxed CDG. They've have a weird little friendship since before Byuu.
Sallow Dawn is someone you might have heard of. His sister, Rose Christo, pretended to be the author of My Immortal to get a book deal. He broke the story on the farms and has stuck around ever since.
It's weird, just like the farms themselves, but it's not a pro-tranny conspiracy.
>>1299790I agree. There's so much evidence pointing to shady money stuff from her involvement with Praetor to the fake ID she supposedly needed for BTC.
That doesn't really seem to be the interest of the people on KF, though. Thus, ILJ is turning into a generic horror cow fast.
No. 1299800
>>1299796Yeah, her mom sent her a LOT of money, and frequently. It wouldn't shock me at all if she did that. The Praetor payments could be mixed in there?
From what I understand about Praetor, they basically got Chris to manufacture merchandise, sold it, then divided the money between the Preator members plus a little bit to Chris.
ILJ mentioned that her pay came from Chris's "royalties" so I'm thinking she meant the merchandise proceeds. Since the money was disbursed by Praetor, it never had to actually pass through Chris's bank account. it's teh prefect crime
No. 1299802
>>1299785As much as I would love to see all of her clique ending up with a dirty record, it won't touch them. Maybe some TTU students could get ballsy and sic restraining orders on them, infamy would follow them for like a year or two and that's about it.
Bella's financial schemes and identity theft is the real shit. Those two idiots should count their blessing for not getting involved in that.
No. 1299803
File: 1628933523401.jpg (327.91 KB, 1080x1557, IMG_20210814_102615.jpg)

A small circle on KF is definitely sitting on some milk.
Also Zoe got in touch with the guy Bella waterboarded and then disappeared and hasn't appeared online. The rest of the questions to the TTU student that filed that complaint hasn't been posted either.
No. 1299805
File: 1628933728538.png (108.5 KB, 600x430, TTUDean.png)

No. 1299811
>>1299803a little clique of kf users have banded together and designated bella and her ilk as "their cows" that they can touch as much as they want, but they'll rain down hell if another user tries. They're almost constantly in contact with someone from bella's pod and keep teasing shit like this. It's endlessly annoying because either we need to know the info, or you're sitting on it for another reason, then fine but don't fucking mention it.
It's also hard to fucking tell if they're being manipulated behind the scenes when they are CONSTANTLY talking to these people. Bella etc plant lies constantly so who fucking knows if Mouth of Madness is just parroting shit they want him to or not. He's honestly cringey as fuck and getting off on the attention from this and it's absolutely pathetic.
The way they're white knighting zoe is hilarious. He's in the logs being a degenerate shit alongside bella, luis and allen. They turned on "Heere to help", an online friend of Allen's, because they found out he met Allen on Shadbase's discord. If Bella hadn't of sperged out at Zoe, he'd still be in their discord joining in with their shit and looking at their loli porn.
The fact Allen fooled them all with his "poor little immigrant i have no ameican friends other than the meanies" act when he grew up in and has lived in America all his life shows how completely fucking retarded KF are acting over this whole thing. They removed his dox originally over it, so it shows they have been manipulated by these zoomer retards on at least one occasion. Allen is a certifiable moron and he had them tied around his pinky finger but yet were meant to trust their judgement. If Allen hadn't of told "here to help" he was there for the hamster boiling KF would still be kissing his ass
No. 1299826
>>1299804The person whose identity was stolen has to report it to the FTC, so they would have to look for this person (if he/she even exists)… or they can not do any work at all and just snitch her to the IRS and let the feds do their thing.
This is all assuming that her false IDs & money schemes are still happening, btw.
>>1299803They got cold feet because glowdad and now they're trying to make a name for themselves on KF (gotta work for those stickers)… or there's another gay op in the making.
>>1299811Didn't sound like you were defending that other guy, don't worry.
Everyone in the Fungoid Universe is sus and it's ironic how a chunk of KF users can't see that. It's a sideshow on its own, even with milk getting stale.
No. 1299827
>>1299826To be honest, I wish that they didn't reveal Allen's private conversations just yet, so that they could continue pulling the auth token trick.
>>1299826What happens if the person doesn't exist?
No. 1299836
>>1299827>>1299828 FTC pdf is okay too, just google
synthetic identity theft.
If she keeps the fancy fake id scheme out of her real name (e.g. not transferring cash to her real bank account), no one can do a damn thing.
No. 1299859
File: 1628946126653.png (15.27 KB, 652x118, 1.png)

She's doing some damage control on Youtube.
No. 1299864
File: 1628946558604.jpg (94.13 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20210814_105851.jpg)

>>1299861LIBERALCUCK1488 changed her channel name from NP2348, the same as Bella's username in Discord. What are the chances?
No. 1299869
>>1299807thanks for the sanity anon
>>1299864this is so so funny she is a mega fucking retard for this one (as usual)
No. 1299870
>>1299864>My username is named after a part number for a plane (which is a hobby of mine)>mom happens to be a pilotKek. Just like Chris, she just
has to overshare, and unintentionally tell on herself.
No. 1299881
File: 1628948878313.jpg (38.98 KB, 474x672, c45.jpg)

No. 1299954
File: 1628956731797.webm (11.57 MB, 1920x1080, 2444750-721c25dba83f34317acfa7…)
The now deleted video
No. 1300018
>>1300006A forum isn't going to be as attractive to people as a huge thread which will have all the information you need
I haven't looked at what's been happening for a few days but it seems that there has been little to no new milk so it's not that surprising that people are either popping off or taking to getting attention/keeping the thing running by trolling
No. 1300020
>>1300018geezus, lurk moar fag.
OR Bella, hope you had a nice sleep, now pop some addys and get back to clicking because you've got some catching up to do, bitch.
No. 1300026
>>1300018The thread still exists with everything in it, you just can't post more. The info is being spread between threads so it's not all piled together with new accounts sperging and attention whoring 99% of posts. Lurk and pay attention before posting dumb shit
>sperg ingredientsFreudian slip lol my bad
No. 1300061
File: 1628969769291.png (404.37 KB, 1330x936, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 3.32…)

luis went to the hospital because he couldn't breathe and bella just makes fun of him. she calls him a sensitive wimp, etc etc. he's pussy whipped and not even getting pussy
No. 1300065
>>1300062he ended up having a "viral respiratory infection", the whole time bella kept calling it a runny nose. but before he knew what it was, he doubled down on not getting the vaccine lmao.
>If I had taken it I would be an unironic libtard waving the lgbt (satanic) flag and chanting "black lives matter" goober is sleeping on my back
(emoji use) No. 1300066
File: 1628970415924.png (601.44 KB, 1710x1102, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 3.47…)

No. 1300072
>>1300061he is so fucking pathetic. I get that people get involved in
toxic friendships and it can be hard to get out, but this girl doesn't even pretend to give a shit about him. He is such a pathetic little coward it makes me hate him more kek. This is the male equivalent of saying you're a smol bean all the time.
>>1300066they're both mentally ill retards and they're both right. Zoe is a degenerate male who views loli porn and has a fetish for dressing up as a woman. Bella is a stinky animal abuser with no friends. They both need to be put down.
The only reason Zoe turned on Bella is because she told him the truth. If she had handmaidened him like he expected from a woman, he would be involved in all her shit just as much as luis and fallen.
Also, bella abused animals A LOT and wasn't shy about bragging about it. It verges on fetish for her. I find it hard to believe zoe didn't see/hear something while dating her.
No. 1300166
File: 1628981138331.png (136.8 KB, 688x294, internet telephone.png)

/ourgirl/ LOL HI SPOOKS
But could this be true? My head hurts by this point, is the Canadian who was alogging on the KF thread the same as the Canadian they're talking about here???? Could the Chinese gay dude be Bella larping?
No. 1300171
No. 1300179
Here is the baleeted steam history of the guy I believe to be Espeons friend (or espeon himself?) was abandoned, probably at the advice of others, after the first two idea guys were outed. I'm not sure how much I'm able to post of what I have without breaching the dox rule.
No. 1300223
>>1300179So long it isn't dox, you should post your findings/theories in CWC containment thread on /pt/, anon. There could be more Christorians there to help you out.
Bella was just a small part of this gayop to unalive Chris, imo.
No. 1300237
File: 1628988297403.png (97.29 KB, 1988x292, 1534451565187.png)

why did you delete anon?
>>1300182>>1300224>i think i accidentally found her twitter through merge magic. if shes actually this egirl doing questionable coomer anime posting and camwhoring, not impressed. not gonna post it because i was suspicious she might be related but i think shes just cringey and not really lolcow worthy unless you consider being a huge hypocrite a crime No. 1300288
>>1300224i'm the anon who claimed vendetta posting. vendetta wasn't really the right word for what I was trying to allude to but, I was trying to bring up the really weird fact that she herself has admitted to losing sleep over this internet drama while also claiming to be a literal who housewife. She definitely needs to stop
getting rattled over all the posts being made here and just stick to KF. I seriously doubt any of the users there care about what any of us have to say and vice versa. I get we're in a dry spell for milk, but screenshotting posts from both sites and trying to dunk on each other doesn't really do much for either sites except clog up their respective threads with petty shit no one cares about.
No. 1300301
File: 1628997375316.png (24.14 KB, 1152x135, bellaon4chan.PNG)

Talk about vendetta posting. This is from 4chan /int/ board.
No. 1300305
>>1300301I don't think it's her, Bella's syntax is more unhinged.
Sounds more like a tranny or other weirdo with a thread on KF.
No. 1300341
>>1300337compare to this Canadian flag though comes off as the same person to me. VPN poster maybe. Bella then? But the Canadian flag posts came just as the dox of Canadians was being posted to KF so who knows
>>1300288pretty sure she's not dunking that's just a dry sense of humor I think
No. 1300372
File: 1629005561536.png (2.88 MB, 845x9009, bellaon4chanstickers.PNG)

Sorry that took a while, had to give this retard all the stickers they were begging for.
Not saying this is Bella but it's someone who wants to throw a shit ton of money at anons in shitposting threads to help dox a wine mom like its some kind of payback for 'being such a meanie on the interwebs'.
Here's a tip, dummy: no one will want to read your stupid 'no u' dox site because most of these kiwitards are boring and mostly normal and don't wallow in cat shit or boil hamsters.
No. 1300373
File: 1629005675614.jpg (480.59 KB, 1600x2080, 89.jpg)

An interesting side note. Bella is obsessed with being a troll and shocking people. Did she ever play roblox? Did Sean? There are people spamming comments on youtube videos about her and when I looked into them, they are an extremely autistic group who go around fucking with people on alts and possibly swatting them. The leader of their group talks just like Bella, mrdankyeeter, or mrshityeeter on reddit. After becoming admin to this group they apparently banned and fucked with a bunch of people in their own group. If you go through the comment history there are some interesting things that make it obvious it's her but that would require me to collage a lot of caps. Please enjoy this moment of clarity. What happened to you, Bella?
No. 1300376
File: 1629006132647.png (112.4 KB, 704x1000, 1629004249082.png)

>>1300373What comes first, the trolling group based on hatred of Sonic and Sonic fans or the hatred of Chris Chan?
No. 1300379
File: 1629006409674.jpg (131.66 KB, 1073x1703, dawnduskt.jpg)

>>1300301>>1300372>they're just as bad as the people they attackseriously?
>>1300373I am not sure if it's related but someone is spamming "Hamster lives don't matter" in Sallow Dawn's Bella videos and challenging him to play Roblox.
No. 1300381
>>1300372lmao ok, now I see it. It's most definitely Bella, came down from her adderall haze and now she's seething. Her posts aren't littered with typos but it has the same style of moving goalposts and telling at least two random lies.
Why be obssessed with Spooky? She's not the only one digging through her stuff.
No. 1300384
File: 1629007023188.jpg (124.04 KB, 1600x1384, 90.jpg)

>>1300379He's a member of the mushroom empire aka rats united aka roblox's sonic hate group aka a bunch of zoomies tryharding to troll people using roblox. One of their admins is definitely Bella on an alt. Behold, they are our future.
No. 1300392
>>1300377Their formative years were spent mostly on the internet, which blurred the line between online and offline life.
For Bella & her cronies, tormenting Avery IRL is probably the same thing as shitposting online.
>>1300373>>1300384So she has another group besides her TTU orbiters. How cute.
I hope she keeps it up until she pisses off a deranged moid ala Vordrak.
No. 1300395
File: 1629009133117.png (644.83 KB, 1600x2759, 104.png)

>>1299604I think she made this up for shock.
But wait a tic!
No. 1300410
>>1300398>>1300399are you guys retarded? Not every post anti someone other than bella is bella herself. There are layers of idiots to this thing, including bella, her friends, her orbiters, kiwi farms, and probably us.
>>1300402just becaue people dedicate their lives to doing stupider shit than spooky that doesn't make what she's doing not stupid. The fuck is wrong with you retards tonight. Go back to roblox, faggot. Losing sleep to the point you're passing out on your keyboard over soe zoomer tard online is not a normal thing for a grown ass woman with kids to be doing.
No. 1300423
>>1300406It ain't that deep, she was probably
rattled by the sorry state of zoomers.
>>1300410People are accusing you of being the fungoid because she was seething on 4chan demanding SB's dox.
Honestly, I'm not sure why you're so worked up over her. KF users are playing superdetectives and probably being bamboozled by Bella's associates. It's just a sideshow by itself, let them be.
No. 1300429
>>1300427think she talked about it somewhere in the leaks. when she said she recently turned 20. it was definitely december, 7th i think but not sure.
>>130042815th is court date, i only see birth year on the report
No. 1300432
>>1300429lol she was lying she turns 20 on 8/18. I don't doubt she lied about her birthday despite there being no reason to because that's what she does.
What a birthday and not even drinking age.
No. 1300448
>>1300396>There's absolutely no reason to be pulling 24-hour shifts to compile a kiwi farms thread.What are you talking about? That's based and APC-pilled.
Also we both know damn well that Spooky's lying about having kids and/or adult responsibilities. Of course she can spend all this time on something as pointless as a lolcow thread.
No. 1300449
>>1300442meanwhile, getting high on adderall and seething on 4chan
What a queen, I'm so jealous
No. 1300477
>>1300474"has anyone ever seen spooky and null in the same room????"
you want some tinfoil with that, noona?
No. 1300487
>>1300482nah it's just such a far-fetched theory imo lmao
null has been publicly doxxed as being a chubby fat fetishist currently living in ukraine (?) or some other eastern european country
believing he's roleplaying as some random bored wine mom on kf is alex jones frogs are gay tinfoil level
No. 1300507
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>>1300487He was right about the frogs tho
No. 1300576
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>>1300301It might not be her, but a few days ago someone was defending her in Hispachan, saying that Bella is innocent and that she was framed. The anon speaks in broken Spanish (possibly relying on Google Translate): translation)
>KEEEEK its obvious that the fucking normies from Hispachan know nothing. Those rumors about bella ARE FALSE and you believed them all because you are naive, some trannies in kiwifarms got angry at bella because all that she exposed affected the trans community, the trans people got so angry that they needed to get revenge because cwc is transgender kek. >The trannoid in question [link]. >They created rumors so out of touch with reality that there is simply no evidence of all that shit. >Inb4 but the proof is in kiwitranny nooo >KEK null the creator of kiwitranny got so angry with bella since the imbecile used cwc for get out money of all his donations that the people in kiwitranny made cwc which null kept half>Evidence of null and also the trannies>Also the main jewtubers from Gringoland [the US] have connections to the trannnoid mentioned which will create a video exposing bella for projections that the degenerates invented with the excuse of "BUT THIS PERSON IS WORSE" pathetic if we talk about people that don't accept the gender they are [link] No. 1300649
>>1300644Why would she worry about finding a job? She can just work with her dad.
>>1300648Her stepmom had a job in Colombia. She might have taught Bella some Spanish.
No. 1300660
>>1300659Honestly we don't have confirmation that any of that was Bella (it mostly lacks her broken adderall spelling) and trolls have latched onto this story.
If her parents didn't take her internet away the moment they got those private messages and her dad took down his website, they're total idiots.
No. 1300697
>>1300689>>1300681>>1300656>>1300648Total theorizing but Bella grew up in the lap of luxury in New Mexico with three whole parents who couldn't be bothered to pay attention to her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was raised in part by a nanny or if that nanny was a native Spanish speaker. Would having that kind of tangent relation to daily Spanish usage produce the kind of language quirks in this post?
I wonder if Bella had a nanny, and her name might have been. Wonder if it's one of these random pseudonyms Bella keeps using.
No. 1300706
>>1300704Leave it to the fancy pantsy Jankes to hire an Argentinian au pair to ensure Bella grows up speaking Spanish on the side, instead of a Mexican-American local like poorer rich families. She's stated (lied?) she travelled with her dad a lot growing up.
Enough tinfoil about it being Bella though. It's probably just a South American orbiter simp who felt like they could be useful on Hispachan.
No. 1300745
>>1300706LinkedIn literally says that he can speak Spanish. It's honestly more likely that she's bilingual from birth in general
Kiwis were also speculating that her bio mom is Latina
No. 1300764
>>1300755One of their retarded friends seanpfluffy/Matt even has that as his tag.
"If you're a furry and play tf2 please add me owo I'm faggy"
No. 1300804
>>1300576Native Spanish and English speaker here.
This seems to me like a second generation immigrant spanish speaker. They have an specific way to speak Spanish where they learn the grammar and words by ear but accidentally use English grammar from time to time.
Also they wrote something like “it’s obvious hispachan fucking normies don’t know anything” implying they are not from hispachan.
Overusing the word tranny or tranoid also suggest to me this is a poltard trying to copy the way hispachan pol lurkers talk.
No. 1300811
My grammar sucks but even then I can tell whoever posted on hispa is a Bella wk, Bella herself or one of the people who are close to her and still defend her to death.
No. 1300902
>>1300704> Especially because of the "Bella la sopla vela" part lmao.Sorry to keep beating a dead horse, anons, but this doesn't prove that it was an argie or an uruguayan since that is a reference to a el Bananero video mocking the Twilight series, so it could've been anyone who was a tween when those videos were popular.
I'm sure that wasn't Bella, since i'm a native spanish speaker myself, but she could have some spic simps.
No. 1300978
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They finally posted the stuff with Bella's other ex, but there's nothing too interesting.
No. 1300988
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>>1300978I thought this was interesting. He describes their relationship as a dom/sub situation. This is the guy she apparently waterboarded as well so I get the feeling she was the Dom in this dynamic. Bella is not a Dom, but she is 100% the kind of person to pretend to be just to tie up and torture someone she perceives as willing.
No. 1301030
>>1300576This 100% was done by a native speaker, most likely from South America ( I don't see any indication that it comes particularly from Argentina tbh ). Since Bella has never shown knowledge of Spanish - at all- in any of the thousands of discord messages we have available to read, I'd say it's some dude trolling hispachan.
What I want to know is how this girl who doesn't wash her vagina properly can have so many boyfriends/girlfriends? Did she go down on them and not viceversa? I mean this girl talked about her ass hair being so dirty with excrement her cheeks were fused together ffs.
No. 1301040
>>1301024Well fuck me for trying to answer
>>1300989 I guess. lol if reading is so hard for you, you can just skip the long comments, sweaty.
No. 1301045
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>>1301032Bella speaks Spanish. This is a Prezi Presentation she did in 2015: No. 1301168
File: 1629122218085.jpg (5.94 KB, 186x271, bella.jpg)

>>1301131i was thinking this was the case too. she probably felt uncomfortable about having hormonal issues so she chose to lie about the steroids because she didn't want to admit to having higher than average androgens since it made her feel less feminine. i suspect she's autistic too (given what we know of her and all of the leaks) which further adds to her awkwardness. we know that autistic kids have a much rougher time than neurotypical kids when it comes to going through puberty, hence why a lot of them end up trooning out like zoe.
it's probably why she stuffs/wears double bras. girls with PCOS generally have smaller breasts unless they're overweight and bella is in the healthy weight range. and that's probably why she went to town on her brows
>>1298523i also wouldn't be surprised if she hates trannies because she's threatened by them. not in the same way that a lot of farmers/radfems/etc. do but because she genuinely feels inadequate to them, especially due to spending so much time on discord/reddit/4chan where trannies/traps/femboys are venerated.
sorry for the armchair sperging but i've been thinking about this quite a bit over the last few days. i really wonder if my gut is correct in thinking that she was a normal awkward aspie weeb girl at one point who would of felt at home on PULL/LC/etc. like a lot of us here but instead she got radicalized by 4chan. it doesn't excuse any of the horrible actions that she's committed over the last few years but i think a lot of younger awkward girls here who are struggling with the "not like other girls" (or GOTIS for you oldfags) should see her as a cautionary tale for what happens if you spend way too much time trying to become a "lonely 4chan dweller" instead of socializing with other girls your age.
No. 1301172
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>>1301168>rules say not to armchair>armchairs anywayspic related
No. 1301312
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>>1301124I don't know about that. She wrote this text 3 months after that Prezi presentation: No. 1301316
File: 1629132356519.png (594.17 KB, 2496x2144, dfbe64a66295cf3b99cc02cebc55b6…)

>no nudes leaked
Surprised a tranny hasn't been sending ass and taint pics to the waking world, either insecure, fraud or non-existent proportions. All three make a homerun.
No. 1301373
>>1301227Why would Null care enough about 50 seconds of CWC doing dumb shit to stage a rollback? Bc you're implying he would. Literally who cares anon
No. 1301392
>>1301227>>1301272Fancy Bear is a famous Russian hacking collective that's been in operation since the mid 2000s. The Fancy Bear on kiwifarms is either a lackey from the group or someone larping as a hacking Bear. Ether way they got brand new milk of CWC
>>1301298 so they're not full of complete shit.
>>1301065 you're retarded.
No. 1301431
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Looks like Fiona is posting on reddit?
No. 1301471
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Fungy qween
No. 1301476
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No. 1301479
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Did anyone else catch this? From what I've seen she didn't say much yet anyway so I'm not sure what she means. I also didn't come by anything of the sort on KF, she was even asked to do it there but rejected
No. 1301484
>>1301373why do newfags say saged? lmao
>>1301471the way she's holding her right arm dead straight so it would be easier to shop her waist lmao
No. 1301494
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>>1301484sage in all fields anon
No. 1301578
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Posted by Espon very early in the initial KF thread.
>Null's theory
He is less retarded than his peers, but that's not saying much. How is it not the obvious answer? How would you not be automatically suspicious of anyone close to Chris?
>implying Fiona has anything to do with anything but being a retard
>Fiona calling herself a guard
This is just funny. Is this Reddit AMA from Espeon too? I swear I've seen that picture before. Or is he telling her what to say? The way she speaks about her fellow autists initially in another old post makes her sound like Chris and Bella. They all behave as if everyone on their own level is just a slow-in-the-mind despite being retarded themselves. Perhaps she is not as uninvolved and the whole nasty guy fetish thing is an act to troll, however, much like Bella, she is too autistic to pull it off successfully.
I hate all of the people involved in this. These people would die of starvation in an escape room.
No. 1301602
File: 1629166254956.png (1.33 MB, 1236x800, 1619754823177.png)

>>1301575What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at SEAL Training Class 174 on 10th May 1991, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids in El Salvador, Panama, The Rwandan Genocide, The Balkans War, Bosnia, Kosovo, The Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan and I also took part of the overthrowing of the Yemeni Government and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I was the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fuckers. As we speak I am contacting Dragos, Data Tribe, and Silent Circle from across the USA and all your IPs are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggots. The storm that wipes Kiwifarms out the pathetic little thing you call a server. You're fucking dead, farmers. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" doxing was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongues. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Bella will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, farmers.
(autism) No. 1301604
>>1301479>I am being attacked by the farms. They want me to keep silent.… where and why? KF's general opinion of her is that she's a retard with a fetish and another one of Bella's
victims. Besides some random doxing her family in ILJ's original thread, they have zero interest on her.
>>1301578Agreed. This reeks of a coverup for the Idea Guys.
No. 1301620
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>>1301609is this an autism thing? like bella's naruto shops?
No. 1301660
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>>1301657On KF they pointed out that “weird girl” referred to Fiona in third person a couple times and that those comments were removed. They seem to be split on it being just Fiona’s autism or Bella gayops. Not sure what I think.
I feel like someone else called ILJ “IBJ” in the logs but I can’t remember who. Might be nothing.
No. 1301665
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>>1301660samefag, pic related but correcting myself, they weren’t deleted. so maybe just autism.
No. 1301674
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I think this kinda funny too. Everyone is interpreting it to mean Fiona was reading the Bella stuff on KF (while she was supposedly in a psych ward? and how long has that been? even self check in often has an established amount of time before release. I am surprised people didn't jump on this sooner because it is the default move of women caught doing shit online) and deduced it from that, but I read it as Fiona saying Bella got the idea from reading KF, which would make more sense with how she states she wants nothing to do with them. It would also make more sense if she were friends with people who want to paint a bad picture of both Bella and KF. Now who would want that?
Interestingly enough, Fiona admits to following lolcows and that they give her an idea of what not to do (lol). I think moids want to believe too quickly that this girl actually became a mod for CWC sub just to fall madly in love with him. Look at his history. Come on…
So what if Bella had the screencaps of her conversation with Fiona for a reason other than laughs and it was a set up convo? I.E. to show Chris. It's convenient she was a mod at his subreddit, and began posting with this persona of a harmless autist at the same time Bella posted her animation.
Autistic or not, she knew what he was doing and Bella just happened to take a cap of her wanting to "steer him away from his mom". She pushed really hard about it in the call. How am I supposed to believe a mod of his sub who follows lolcows didn't know his mother was old as fuck and infirm? There is no cap I recall of her being told either.
Bella mentions in a cap she was suspicious of Fiona because she stopped responding. Fiona's responses to Chris in the texts she posted don't come off to me as an autistic fangirl excited to be in his company, they are clipped and distant, not even shy. Bella is as autistic as Chris and was capable of doing heinous shit. This one is fully capable of letting everyone push her innocence and then returning to shit on it. The third person can be easily explained by someone coaching what to say, her copying and pasting and forgetting to fix it. Lol.
No. 1301682
>>1301431bella dyed her hair pink to pose as fiona on reddit
what's her endgame here
No. 1301697
>>1301674>bella encouraged CWC after reading KFlmao what the fuck is that? Everyone forgot about this sped and now all of the sudden she's back and weaving a narrative. What's her endgame?
>It would also make more sense if she were friends with people who want to paint a bad picture of both Bella and KF. Now who would want that? The Idea Faggots.
Weirdest plot twist of this shitshow.
No. 1301772
File: 1629193294078.png (1.59 MB, 720x3559, 20210817_000727.png)

some of the more relevant/strange caps of the chat
No. 1302046
>>1301772First time reading that chat and… that's not Fiona. That "I can fix her!
mushroom, hamster, poop, cat fart emojis" is a dead give-away that this was just someone fucking around.
No. 1302910
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It was Fiona the autistic retard after all.
Happy birthday,Bella!
No. 1303081
>>1302910>muh social media temptationlol nice way to rephrase that she's still hyperfixated on CWC, even after everything.
Her parents now have to watch over a tard who wants to fuck an insane rapist. Good luck with that.