File: 1628456312306.png (159.8 KB, 1528x774, 1628433418593.png)

No. 1294645
>>>/snow/1292225ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him, and possibly coerced him into raping his mother & suicide. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.
She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals and selling prescription medications.
It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella then panicked herself and went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.
Isabella Loretta Janke (also referred to as Portabella due to her fungal infections all over her body)
>you probably know enough about her from these threads, nasty sociopathic fungus brainwashed by 4chan scrotism>has a charge in ny currently for illegal possession of firearms>recently moved from apartment near TTU back to possibly ny in mommy's house within past few daysLouis
>her no.1. simp and fall guy>initially uninvolved with the CWC drama but a gross creep that approved of her actions>stupid enough to give her his passwords which roped him in and got him doxxed>thought a VPN would protect him>leaked discord logs to kiwifarms because he thought they'd protect him, got fucked in the ass>wks Bella and thinks his life is in danger because of kiwifarms - still keeps incriminating them further and leaking shit>in the middle of this chaos gets porn drawn of his fursona>confirmed to have eaten one of the 8 hamsters bella has killedFiona
>an autistic girl who wanted to bang Chris Chan and the subject of Bella's toxic affections>the true hero who saved Barb from more months of rape by not listening to Bella and leaking the audio of the confession call>her parents cut off her internet and hospitalized her after she got doxxed because of a retarded youtuber called GiBiGiBi - minor character
>tried to get a scoop to get internet points fast>unironically fell for Bella's manipulation>accidentally doxxed Fiona and caused damage to her life>started backpedalling after kiwifarms called him out and bullied him for being a piece of shit>got doxxed himselfFirion
>FtM trans ex of Isabella>joined kiwifarms to dish more dirt on bella, confirms animal abuse rumors & psychopathyRoman
>FtM who was bullied by Bella at uni >the one who actually did shit and collected proof of Bella's abuse and degeneracy and filed a complaint to the university No. 1294648
File: 1628456416245.jpg (44.96 KB, 1200x800, depositphotos_240741376-stock-…)

Get it while its hot. Rare truffle fungus.(sage your shit)
No. 1294649
File: 1628456434402.png (68.91 KB, 246x318, stuffed_bra.png)

Shit a new thread and I haven't even stuffed my bra yet.
No. 1294652
File: 1628456481009.png (Spoiler Image,567.39 KB, 485x763, ewwwtfareTOES.PNG)

Boob pic for the scrotes who wanna simp
No. 1294653
File: 1628456524535.jpg (321.36 KB, 600x1339, 1520864978065.jpg)

toasting the opening of the new thread
No. 1294656
File: 1628456593902.png (12.22 KB, 610x116, bella pls 14.png)

No. 1294658
File: 1628456659220.jpeg (60.6 KB, 1118x245, WhatsApp Image 2021-08-08 at 4…)

No. 1294663
>>1294657Zoe said they have nudes, no?
I hope this isn't Bella trying to incriminate them
No. 1294668
File: 1628456928164.png (132.89 KB, 682x1232, whysoafraidofme.png)

A lil taste of Bella's logic and lies. Don't let the logs fool you, there's plenty of truth between her lies.
No. 1294674
File: 1628457098456.png (18.7 KB, 604x126, 73D56A83-57EB-43AD-A491-D4C522…)

Don’t reply to Bella’s bait
She has been spamming on 4chan, kiwifarms, Reddit and here to derail discussion about her and encourage infighting
If someone is making dumb arguments that make no sense, stop replying, it’s bait
No. 1294675
File: 1628457099084.png (101.59 KB, 745x920, kiwi.png)

No. 1294689
>>1294682Honestly makes me wonder if it's really her dad though
He didn't seem to be super aware that she was involved until whenever he deleted his Twitter or today when he changed his Link name
No. 1294696
File: 1628457361239.png (62.2 KB, 207x244, portabella.png)

Since Kiwifarms is down, Ill post this here and jump back into photoshopping for laughs(newfag)
No. 1294701
>>1294691they werent going to release the call until after bella did something to chris and fiona at everfree
fiona thankfully leaked it once she found out barb was raped
>>1294689his number was doxxed back on like the second day bella was given her own thread, people probably were calling him since then
No. 1294703
>>1294693I don't think anyone is denying the fact that they're related
Just seems the tiniest amount of unlikely that it's Bella's glowie dad as he didn't seem to know until later + what
>>1294700 said
No. 1294705
File: 1628457469190.png (269.61 KB, 1920x1096, trumpties.png)

>>1294645Check her dad up on link'd in, he has connections with fucking sketchy ass reality tv shows that basically groomed her into grooming people into just humiliating themselves on national television shows. like…
>The Apprentince>The Biggest LoserHer dad is also ex CIA and is in charge of tech companies whose sole job is to run cyber psyop campaigns
I literally cannot make this up, you need to google her and her dad
Bella Janke
Mike Janke
And they are in full damage control on a ton of different internet platforms.
>The glowsquad is fading…. No. 1294714
>>1294705lmao this is just going to make it worse for her. Every move she's made since Fiona dropped that call has made this 10x worse for her than if she had just came forward and said "it was me".
>>1294708That's in Europe, which bella is not based in.
No. 1294726
>>1294722The school apparently received so many reports that they've asked to stop sending them as they're already looking into it
Whether they actually do something or not is another story
No. 1294734
(sage your shit) No. 1294744
>>1294728You didn't, you said
>Imagine all the animals they have down there for her to kill. I bet they don't even see anything wrong with hamster-murder down there.Argentina is just like a Western European city. South America is not all the same. Behind Uruguay, it's the most advanced. You won't find anymore hamster murders in Argentina than you can in France/Germany/Spain etc.
No. 1294754
>>1294744I second this, she should instead consider Ecuador. Guinea pig is considered a delicacy there.
Argentina is white.
No. 1294756
>>1294713I'd hope she wouldn't take money to cover for an animal-torturing rapist, but that's just me.
>>1294720People should spread it to Twitter and TikTok, too. If the rape and animal abuse aren't enough, and they aren't quick to take the chance to blame a woman for MtF-mode Chris's actions (which would be weird, knowing them), they're going to go ballistic over this cis, white "
TERF" threatening and harassing yet another hecking awesome trannerino (even if it is a filthy AFAB).
No. 1294759
>>1294746How do you know she's a psychopath? It seems like this poor girl just got really caught up in a internet troll group and got in too deep. I do not think she realized the ramifications of what seemed like a harmless prank.
Like I said, "bella" seems like a person with a bit of mental illness. She is likely extremely suggestible due to it.
She was going to go into Computer Science and I'm sure someone like her would be fantastic at it if she put her mind to it. Look what she did here just messing around. She will do very well once she gets focused.
I don't understand the obsession with ruining her entire life over one mistake.
>>1294757she did
minutes before the site went down
(sage your shit) No. 1294765
File: 1628458294582.png (33.91 KB, 789x152, E3CACD39-C92C-4A54-9597-8F1BC7…)

Can you people stop replying to obvious bait, you are playing in to her hand.
The more the thread gets derailed by bullshit the less actual discussion is able to happen.
It’s literally her tactic. You are doing exactly what she wants. Just ignore it and talk about something else.
Stop. Replying. To bait.
No. 1294770
Was it ever confirmed that she actually raped someone? Kiwifarms highlight system is legit horrible at highlighting all the important information
No. 1294782
>>1294759>I don't understand the obsession with ruining her entire life over one mistake.this girl's whole persona revolves around ruining people's lives.
tbh, I think the whole premise of kiwifarms is fucking disgusting and should be shut down, but this bellaglow psyop shit needs to be fucking shut down first
No. 1294791
>>1294767>>1294767>it's very easy to pose pictures and lie about things on the internet to upset people, which seems to be her entire thingbella pls
Bella's dad owns billions of $ in tech companies that specialize in cyber psyops; pro-bella posts are just her and her glowbuddies on damage control
No. 1294798
>>1294786ur making fun of someone for a medical illness they cant control.
all of this shit is hearsay. bella covered her tracks well.
(sage your shit) No. 1294803
>>1294761>>1294761Speaking of Jessi slaughter, didn't her dad turn out to be a serial abuser who was part of the cycle of abuse that fucked her up?
I wonder what skeletons papa Michael Janke has in his closet. How fucked up was he toward his daughter that this was the result?
No. 1294805
File: 1628458841029.png (457.46 KB, 944x960, 1616520026720.png)

Man, I remember when I first said Bella was a piece of shit in the Chris thread and everyone was going off at me for "blaming a woman instead of the scrote" and saying Bella wasn't even a cow. Now look where we are now.
No. 1294806
File: 1628458853631.jpg (462.84 KB, 1538x2048, 1628356570524.jpg)

Don't mind me, just posting a picture of the "chess club" again, which they took while harassing an innocent man.
No. 1294807
File: 1628458861697.png (106.43 KB, 1528x774, 1628437195798.png)

>>1294645Just noticed you didn't use the updated one.
No. 1294809
>>1294793Not exactly hard to do it though, is it? Especially here, until you get banned at least but the mods are missing
Interesting that they said that they don't know anything but are blaming Louis which was never in the google doc released by Bella lol
No. 1294826
>>1294791Doubt. If she was rich she wouldn't be going to a college with a 69% acceptance rate and tuition less than 17k.
The defense posts are likely her and her simps. She didn't learn the first step to avoiding getting shit on into oblivion. All this h3xx0r talk and she didn't realize the disappearing is the only reasonable option.
Ignore her bait.
No. 1294839
>>12948135, and she deserves a 10. Bella is an incompetent psychopath, and I think if the consequences aren't severe enough, she would have – and almost did – end up killing someone. Unfortunately, I see her heritage and own fucked up dad coming to the rescue in some way… but the internet never forgets. She'll probably have to change her name. Doubt people will forget the fucking smell though, goddamn.
>>1294810oh hi lol hi spook
(hi cow) No. 1294847
>>1294803I have an overwhelming feeling this is going in that direction too.
Mentally ill, but awful person gets infamous for being a shitty person. Papa comes to defend, turns into shit show.
Waiting for papas public statement.
No. 1294849
>>1294841You also posted
>>1294774, right? No one's convinced.
No. 1294851
>>1294841You know when I decided that this woman was an irredeemable bitch? When I saw how she threw her friends under the bus so completely. She continues to provide ample evidence of this even now.
Also she started DDOSing the forum right after a board was created where Louis was going to get his very own thread, and the day after Louis's dox were re-added to the OP. If she wanted to take the focus off of it she facepalmed as much as she did during our interview.
> bella plsAlright last one I promise.
No. 1294858
>>1294850It’s Bella anon.
>>1294674 God damn it, it’s so obvious, she has been doing it everywhere. People need to stop engaging with her. At this point farmhands need to step in and clean up this thinly veiled defence op.
No. 1294859
>>1294810>>1294813>>1294826>>1294839>>1294847Hella Jenkem is gonna have a helluvah time going forward no matter what.
Inb4 the "It was Louis all along!" derail saga that only proves Bella was 100% the ringleader of their twisted tard bully club.
No. 1294860
File: 1628459470661.png (Spoiler Image,236.02 KB, 258x423, Bloater_Part_II_model.png)

does fungoid have any siblings?(don't)
No. 1294862
>>1294854The farms are driving it the most though no doubt
Most people would get bored without leaks/new info
No. 1294878
>>1294872I am genuinely concerned that she will bring grievous harm to her classmates. She's got a weapons charge in New York, she's exhibited two of the MacDonald triad, she talks about raping and spying on her classmates.
She reminds me a lot of the Columbine shooters in her manner.
No. 1294879
File: 1628459755752.png (2.55 KB, 580x167, E8TI_msWEAYmp-Z.png)

holy hell, this was from a random post on the kiwifarms twitter post
this is some glowie level impressions
No. 1294882
File: 1628459786431.png (415.67 KB, 656x1237, sextpest.png)

Common guys, lets get back on the lolcow track and dunk on Bella being an embarrassing human being…
Here's how she sexts
No. 1294884
>>1294857He's ex military and military scrotes are at the bottom of the barrel as far as scrotes go. You know his skeletons are bad
>>1294872Bet she'll just drop out and go neet
No. 1294891
>>1294877If you're feeling lazy I posted catbox links last thread
Server 1: 2: anon posted smaller leak but more of same: No. 1294893
>>1294705>>1294823Check her dad up on link'd in, he has connections with fucking sketchy ass reality tv shows that basically groomed her into grooming people into just humiliating themselves on national television shows. like…
>The Apprentince>The Biggest LoserHer dad is also ex CIA and is in charge of tech companies whose sole job is to run cyber psyop campaigns
I literally cannot make this up, you need to google her and her dad
Bella Janke
Mike Janke
And they are in full damage control on a ton of different internet platforms.
>The glowsquad is fading….>>1294705 No. 1294900
>>1294882>left on readToppest kek
>>1294892This, do they really think this is going to stop anything? She pissed off enough people that she got her own subforum. People are not going to give up or forget. These are people who have been following cwc for over a decade, she thinks they’ll get bored and stop? She is fucked and everything she does is delaying the inevitable. Infact it’s probably accelerating it, everything she’s done has made it worse.
No. 1294902
>>1294891thanks king
are these the logs where their dumbass handles are replaced with their actual names?
(sage your shit) No. 1294906
File: 1628460331356.jpg (111.11 KB, 807x582, uxmko67ix6g71.jpg)

looks like the Texas Tech forum is blocking and deleting all threads in concern over "doxing"
No. 1294907
>>1294872TTU is full of white Stacies/Chads &/or redneck retards who probably already look at her and her
group as nerds. I don't think they'd care or know, unless TTU actually takes some sort of action against Bella
>>1294894TTU is a shit redneck/conservative Uni and probably wont do much aside from barring her from on campus housing/some other minor slap on the wrist UNLESS some big SJW freakout happens. FFS they didnt expell her for spying on her roommates with secret cameras. All they probably care about is tuition money.
No. 1294908
>>1294894Tbf it gives students the opportunity to go to the media and complain about it
She's clearly a safety risk
>>1294892Again, most people will get bored with no new info. A lot of the attention right now is also by normies who never had any interest in Chris
>>1294899These doesn't even seem to be new information, at least not on Bella herself
No. 1294912
File: 1628460377089.png (1.02 MB, 1227x962, streisand effect.png)

>>1294896Yeah, checking all the sites and its already too late. Even the DDOS attack on Kiwi seems to be backfiring, with more people questioning or getting curious as to why. The hole just seems to be getting deeper, really.
No. 1294924
>>1294921The timing also makes no sense
Bella would have thought that she could still get away without much issue when she was exposed so wouldn't have told her glowdad
Could be her, could be someone else also
No. 1294931
>>1294894Yeah, it's honestly really strange to me that they haven't acted already. I posted this before. But someone at my university in NYC got banned off campus merely because he posted one controversial message. (Not threats or anything)
I think TTU might respond if Bella's case goes local. As in, it becomes a Texas media matter.
Schools respond to monetary threats. If parents fear for their children's safety at college, they won't allow their children to enroll.
On top of that, the fact she got a misdemeanor charge, but hasn't been reprimanded by her college seems especially strange.
Typically that warrants some kind of aid reduction.
TTU is being too passive.
No. 1294941
I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to need to put on some shades with all of the bioluminescent gentleman posting ITT.
>>1294813>So guys, on a scale of 1-10, how fucked do you think Bella’s life is from here on out?3 out of 10 to be honest. A slap on the wrist and at the very most a semester long suspension. The expression "rules for thee, but not for me" holds true with those afflicted with affluenza. Let's be real, completing a Computer Engineering degree is just a formality just so that she can say that she has the piece of paper. Like all rich and well connected children, Daddy has a cushy job waiting for her adjacent to the C-suite in either their own (or a friend's) business.
No. 1294944
File: 1628461017227.png (991.86 KB, 815x3144, listit.png)

This list is probably out of date by now, but here's a rundown of all the dirt she's kicked up for people to find as of sometime yesterday.
No. 1294945
File: 1628461042571.png (1.56 MB, 1166x639, 08-08-2021_2317.png)

You seen her house tho?
No. 1294946
>>1294893Sounds like a fun game, they're everywhere in this thread. Why not leave the big block of text at the beginning of the thread so people can find it easily and not have to sift through the same thing over and over? It'll make the game go a little easier.
>>1294931A lot of universities would rather hide shit than punish it out in the open. It attracts bad PR to them if it gets noticed. Which means we ought to make it that much more noticeable.
No. 1294951
>>1294923I actually doubt she is a lesbian, she posts/draws shota way too much and self admitted that the only way she gets off is if she thinks of
men stroking cats. A person who went to college with her also confirmed she would loudly talk about all the guys she would fuck in the hallways. She also likes attention from men way too much.
I don’t think she’s actually attracted to girls, I think she just likes asserting power. She can openly “tease” her simps and get attention from them but still be off limits, like she’s dangling herself in front of them but they can never touch. In all the females she’s spoken about being attracted to, it’s always in the context of abuse (she liked her roommate that Avery dated and then ruined his life for it, she raped her other ex roommate and laughed about how she couldn’t fight back, she liked her neighbour and set up spy cams in her home, she wanted Fiona and was furious she had a crush on Chris so she wanted to “steal her” from him, etc). She also wished she was a man so she could be a rapist and exert power over people so it really seems to me like that’s the motivation for her pursuing women.
No. 1294955
>>1294945All of that fucking money, all of those resources at her behest, and she's a wildebeast of a human.
I especially like the part in the logs where she says she intentionally treats service workers like shit to get what she wants. Think she called them kikes!
No. 1294956
Fresh ILJ video. Zoomer doing the dumb video game thing again.
(embed) No. 1294963
>>1294950I also wonder who is actually in the server
The chats I've looked through and seen seem to be primarily between her and Louis, so why does she bother inviting the other people?
No. 1294965
File: 1628461221591.png (109.82 KB, 407x489, 1628345276595.png)

>>1294770Here you go anon.
No. 1294972
File: 1628461342223.png (4.6 KB, 223x38, screen.png)

Louis is now on Do Not Disturb mode. He's changed his pfp to some white dude with an upturned black collar.
No. 1294980
>>1294965Right and that's our trustworthy Bella
At most, you could say she's making fun of rape and people would still get mad. If she has raped someone I sincerely hope the person got the help they need
No. 1294986
File: 1628461610466.png (901.41 KB, 1080x1955, Screenshot_20210808-182531~2.p…)

>>1294964Yes, my retarded ass finally found it.
No. 1294987
File: 1628461649960.jpg (223.08 KB, 1160x742, 08-08-2021_2324.jpg)

No. 1294989
File: 1628461688706.png (1.64 MB, 1114x1108, 1563435635100.png)

>>1294986why is her sister's cat in the diner?
No. 1294996
File: 1628461771734.png (170.47 KB, 2236x426, scat.png)

>>1294923>>1294951She claims to be bi but I think in a later message to Luis she says she wants to go full lesbian or something like that, can't find it though. It might actually be in the long google powerpoint document Roman uploaded with all the allegations against them. Seems at the beginning of college she was more bi/ straight and has become lesbian in recent years
No. 1295002
>>1294997Oh yeah, the kind of nice dude who participated in like every fucking US op in its recent history and killed tons of people and raised a literal demon and is a diagnosed psychopath.
Nice guy!
No. 1295006
>>1294997So does your dad, sweaty
Is CIA step mom playing defense too wtf is this?
No. 1295009
File: 1628461946284.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.01 KB, 800x600, tiddies.jpg)

Found the nude photo of her when she was a minor. She has some big juicy tits. Just look at them, shit.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1295010
>>1294999I knew the main gang would normally hang out in the lobby of Coleman to watch sports, talk gossip, etc. Bella was significantly weird.
Ryan Tse may or may not have been aware.
No. 1295012
File: 1628461997604.png (500.85 KB, 2046x1100, dad.png)

>>1294950It seems Isabella has Luis convinced that her dad is some povvo nutjob, here she is claiming that her last name is actually "Jenke" (despite all the proof otherwise)
Although it could also be what
>>1294968 says, they're just muddying the waters
No. 1295016
File: 1628462041630.png (383.58 KB, 1728x872, dad 2.png)

>>1295012>>1294950The other part of the chat
No. 1295024
>>1295018byuu had it in the bag until Chris showed us all how to do it
Now Bella is trying her hardest to steal the trophy away
(sage your shit) No. 1295028
Anyone else find it interesting that there seems to be a guy from Mexico under the same name with a daughter named Bella?
Isn't the whole thing about creating a fake identity choosing someone who's a similar name and has similarities? Not saying they've done that but I feel like there's probably a bit more there tbh
>>1295020Don't actually know it was Bella. Literally anyone could come into this thread and pretend to be Bella and people will fall for it
No. 1295042
>>1295018Lolcow? Chris
Horrorcow? Isabella Janke
No. 1295057
Call and ask about Coleman
(sage your shit) No. 1295058
File: 1628462711450.png (109.3 KB, 765x946, teeftalk.PNG)

>>1295048Bella go to the dentist ffs
No. 1295062
File: 1628462837339.png (3.47 MB, 1080x7694, bumble.png)

reposting her bumble profile so we ladies can laugh at this trytard's horrible shoops again
No. 1295071
File: 1628462937393.jpg (37.82 KB, 608x588, isabella.jpg)

i'm surprised no one has found this new photo of her, it has a lot of photoshop and it's very badly done
No. 1295073
>>1294921>>1294926All the twitter post says is that someone has been doing a much more sophisticated attack since the beginning of the Chris incest call, and I remember being on the farms before Bella was ever doxxed and it was still being DDOSed. Just personally think it's more likely that with the increased attention kiwifarms was getting from the Chris call that some people that already hated the farms decided to up the DDOSing, and maybe the increased traffic didn't help either
By the way I'm not a Bellasimp/ glowie, I have no problem saying Isabella Janke is a disgusting freak who should be kicked out of college, and probably encouraged Chris with incest, I just think based on everything we've learnt she's full on retarded and wouldn't be smart enough to organise a DDOS attack. Maybe her dad would be capable but I wonder if he'd really be dumb enough to do it
No. 1295074
>>1295066Seems to be TTU's response. It's been shown the retarded lengths these little psychopaths do to avoid consequences from TTU in the past, too. From Louis being a sexpest to the retarded spycams, rape, harassment, and impersonation…
nothing will get TTU to budge until their money or reputation is on the line
No. 1295075
>>1294841>ApperentlyDoes anyone have the screencap of her misspelling that word on discord and kiwifarms? That’s how she was caught using alts one time. I’d post it but can’t access the site right now obviously.
But yeah, just incase you doubted this was her spamming in these threads, she definitely wrote this lol
No. 1295078
also holy shit she has the most punchable face
No. 1295085
File: 1628463204027.jpeg (381.52 KB, 828x1270, B86DA527-BE25-499B-9C60-861239…)

TTU classmates of Bella’s are doing an interview
No. 1295086
File: 1628463217721.jpg (24.5 KB, 370x395, lady gaga but after crack.jpg)

lady gaga but after crack
No. 1295088
File: 1628463270994.png (83.01 KB, 632x726, notagoodlook.PNG)

Mike, this article may sound familiar to you, but you should probably refresh yourself on some things.
No. 1295090
>>1294906Well shit, she has her glowie parents and shithole college covering her ass. Everyone is saying how monumentally fucked she is, but if she gets the fuck off the internet and changes her name she'll be fine. Too bad she's an autistic incel whose only goal in life is making moids on the internet believe that she's a ~based oldfag /b/tard.
>>1294998She'd brag about planning one then get btfo'd like Lindsay Souvannarath. They're already comparable for their scrote-like tendencies and fungal infestation.
No. 1295091
File: 1628463322215.png (991.56 KB, 1912x1578, pdf.png)

>>1295075KEK I remember that, unfortunately I didn't cap that part of the post but I did cap the second half showing how she uploaded the same picture to her PDF to reddit claiming she'd never heard of the discord chats to one posted in the discord as well
No. 1295093
>>1295066Hopefully Bella will try to get him to take the fall as a last resort and he'll finally crack and leak. At that point he wouldn't have anything to lose since he's already been doxxed.
Then again he's just as degenerate and even stupider than Bella is, he had to ask what the word decrepit meant. I think his idiocy is entertaining, he's a cow in his own right honestly.
No. 1295096
>>1295079I know this has been said a million times but can someone explain why her eyes are so dead and souless…? Like a doll's eyes.
There must be a scientific reason for it. I've met a lot of terrible people that have these eyes… but I couldn't tell you what specifically gives me the creeps about them.
No. 1295098
File: 1628463500398.jpg (170.87 KB, 960x1280, glowbella.jpg)

>>1295075good find. they gayops is coming from inside the thread.
No. 1295101
>>1295096combo of drugs and tism
>>1295095she can't help herself. she has to feel like she's the coolest smartest troll ever. all she had to do when this started was keep her fucking mouth shut and she's been unable to do that.
No. 1295105
File: 1628463654837.jpg (8.22 KB, 760x735, new isabella picture.jpg)

(already posted)
No. 1295106
>>1295096They say that when you die you lose a very tiny tiny percentage of overall mass. Some say that this is evidence of a "soul"
Bella's living mass vs. dead mass are probably exactly the same number.
No. 1295107
File: 1628463707745.jpeg (224.96 KB, 828x725, 588F9206-B159-47CD-8E7C-281EB8…)

>>1295097Roman too, who I think filed the Title IX Bella dodged
No. 1295110
>>1295096She does a lot of speed. Literally. She also sells it to her classmates.
No. 1295115
File: 1628463855433.jpg (304.36 KB, 556x798, psychosmile.jpg)

Like this?
No. 1295119
>>1294997Dude glows as hard as they come. They destabilize countries for a living. As far as I'm concerned, he's no different than Mob hitmen who neighbors say "Oh he's such a nice guy, I don't know how he could torture people!", only he has sanction from the government to do it on our tax dollars.
But who knows, he might actually be a pleasant man who just had the misfortune of having a sick daughter.
No. 1295122
>>1295096Because she's a fucking psychopath
nonnie. It's human nature to be creeped out by people with soulless eyes like this, in order to protect yourself from them. Anyone that associates with her are just as bad as she is.
>>1295114Kek don't bring Asmongold into this. He dindu nuffin.
No. 1295132
File: 1628464222249.png (95.03 KB, 760x735, deepfried.png)

Are we done yet?
No. 1295135
File: 1628464311885.jpg (109.99 KB, 809x650, necklace-order-something-onlin…)

No. 1295152
>>1295141Bless you anon. Linking this to the OG post
>>1294841You don’t even know how to use spellcheck Bella, you want us to believe you’ve “covered your tracks well” and you keep making slip ups like this? Lmao
No. 1295154
File: 1628464734568.png (507.01 KB, 898x1011, gocalvin.png)

I'm putting something together…. any of you kiwifags got the pic of her talking about needing to 'get rid' of a hamster in Dec 2019?
Can we prove that that was Calvin?
No. 1295181
>>1295150sage for irrelevant but it wasn't panic at the disco
that's dahvie vanity of blood on the dance floor.
No. 1295184
>>1295068Seems the solution then is to keep the milking going in so much daylight that he can't hide it. Farms sites are easily forgotten by normies. Start discussing this shit casually in the types of places he can't have taken down.
>>1295150Wasn't it blood on the dance floor? Either way yeah it did help shine a light on that creepy fuck groomer.
No. 1295193
File: 1628465941965.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x2129, E524B387-54DC-49DA-B303-19EE6C…)

>>1294656Oh hey, so guess who started moving their operations to Twitter right after people on /b/ pointed out to her that Twitter was starting to talk about her? Holy kek Bella No. 1295195's an interview with her fed father. total. fucking. glowie.
you can download it with youtube-dl using the URL i posted; it's an mp3, so be sure to rename the "unknown_video" file it outputs to .mp3
(already posted) No. 1295199
File: 1628466179909.jpeg (881.98 KB, 1242x1568, 30DBD4AE-34F3-4663-9D85-E9963D…)

>>1295193She sure is desperate to make people think she isn’t behind the DDOS, I wonder why.
No. 1295202
File: 1628466301763.jpg (84.82 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

if you google "newspostalk janke" a recent article comes up but it looks suspicious as fuck I didn't click it and their twitter only has a pajeet bot follower
No. 1295209
>>1295202>>1295207googled it, clicked it
guess what
No. 1295210
>>1295208>>1295194>Obvious attempts to derailSure sure go bother commie dickgurl instead if that's what you wanna do. She can handle herself.
This thread is about our Portabella Jenkem
No. 1295211
File: 1628466584894.jpeg (Spoiler Image,13.25 KB, 165x305, download (3).jpeg)

>>1295153kek Blake Hobbs is not ok actually. picrel is lq but be warned, horse piss pills soaked, very male penis under spoiler
No. 1295214
File: 1628466633368.jpeg (8.7 KB, 193x261, images (9).jpeg)

>>1295153>>1295211terfs officially btfod
No. 1295215
File: 1628466669257.jpeg (421.73 KB, 1242x759, 94F867AE-3330-4E14-8377-8CD5E2…)

>>1295199She’s absolutely seething kek
You guys should sideeye any attempt to derail this thread in favor of troon talk btw, all her tweets are trying to pin shit on troons
No. 1295231
>>1295228of course these newfags don't know where they're at
(sage) No. 1295232
File: 1628466997627.jpeg (761.47 KB, 1242x1696, 89695E53-CAE8-42EF-B448-53AFAB…)

>>1295215>Don't just laugh, I'm sick of you fucking retards just laughing. If I'm wrong. Prove it. Make an argument. Show me why I'm wrong. You can't, and you never could. If your tinfoil theory requires a boogieman instead of common sense, then your theory is shit and you should feel bad.She’s so mad, this is copypasta tier
No. 1295234
>>1295226It's the ramblings of a schizo. I've never read the word "glowie" so much in my god damn life.
>>1295228Different anon, but can we not. For fucking once. She/he/tranny/trans/glowie. Just take it as it comes and stay on topic for fucking once, LOWCOW.
No. 1295235
>>1295228Yeah I'm on the internet, where are you?
Even when a troon earns your respect you respect it. Grow up zoomers
(integrate) No. 1295242
>>1295165That moment the anon seems to be right and people still think it's just defending
This whole thread is literally just 'omg Bella' at anyone who doesn't fit the narrative yikes
No. 1295252
File: 1628467575480.jpeg (315.11 KB, 1242x1066, BA86EBEF-6A2C-4391-98DC-DF0C82…)

>>1295242I noticed you stopped posting and deleted tweets just before this post here was made lol
So you’ve decided to run from twitter to shit up here again then? How are you this bad at the internet.
No. 1295253
>>1295239I would never imagine I'd find Kiwis pleasant, but Bella's thread, despite the rocket speed autism (reading one page usually meant 10 more were added), was a ride I couldn't get off. Fucking rewrite this shit, Anon. I'm even seeing the glow from my end.
>>1295249I think fetishes come from porn addictions. Desensitized to common things that are usually meant to be private. Then to get off, because sex is common place, they go deeper into weird shit for that feeling of excitement.
No. 1295256
>>1295251>>1295247If this is from the same person from the farms, it's because they were in a shit place in life and were going to take anyone who would show affection
>>1295252Literally a coincidence anon… I can spell apparently for example
Does prove my point that the whole thread is just people shouting 'Bella!' at anyone
No. 1295259
>>1295256> Does prove my point that the whole thread is just people shouting 'Bella!' at anyonePeople have actually just been shouting it at Bella, who has been shitting up this thread and farmhands called out her samefagging
If you aren’t her, then stop making such shitty posts that you sound exactly like her
No. 1295260
File: 1628467854980.png (398.05 KB, 584x465, zoe.png)

>>1295247her ex looks like a /g/ user, probably bonded over the 4chan autism link
what's interesting is that they're mtf and bella's apparently tried to bully trans people to suicide. I wonder if the ex was an early mark or just predated bella's hatred of trans people
No. 1295265
File: 1628467989569.jpg (465.13 KB, 905x1280, ILJ_un-meitu_ft_fungal_restora…)

>>1295079I just had to do this for my own sanity before I go take care of my cuticles.
(fanart, noncontribution ) No. 1295267
>>1295249he probably doesn't want this mess associated with him, because it's embarrassing, pathetic, sad and gross all at the same time. If I was her dad I'd be trying to scrub the internet clean of any mention of her too. Imagine the water cooler talks behind his back.
>>1295257Hasn't it been proven that people (scrotes) who watch a lot of porn get desensitized, and some of them go for sicker and sicker shit to get their fix? Only a small amount of CSA/sexual abuse survivors actually develop the fetish. Most tend to stear clear of
triggering content like that. Stop giving bella an out. She's a female porn sick degenerate.
No. 1295271
File: 1628468220938.jpeg (107.59 KB, 540x1080, 0D2CF081-9427-4A0E-898B-AA8776…)

>>1295225>>1295260he/they/whatever should go back to being a girl, was probably pretty attractive
No. 1295272
>>1295259The original anon was saying that there was no proof that Bella was coercing Chris to rape Barb and that seems to be true, unless someone can obviously provide proof it's not
>>1295270Ngl I don't have much hope in her
No. 1295275
File: 1628468277367.png (8.35 KB, 527x184, 30CFA414-AEAE-4D9E-9CDB-C7D4E7…)

>>1295252This was this deleted tweet, she’s in meltdown mode. Funny how quickly she stopped posting as soon as that account was posted here.
>>1295266Bella said she was texting readytoglare in the discord leak actually and she was going to do an interview, dunno if that’s still happening.
No. 1295278
File: 1628468361082.jpg (337.56 KB, 1080x1614, Rep.jpg)

>>1295266MrRepzion is apparently
No. 1295283
File: 1628468480910.jpg (73.84 KB, 1231x381, 20210808_200559.jpg)

that's not a female.(derail)
No. 1295292
>>1295274She might as well drop out of college and make an only fans account now because her image is just as trashed as a camgirl's, if not worse.
>>1295272And you shouldn't. Anyone who doesn't immediately call the police when a retard tranny tells you that he raped his mom is a hopeless case. If she changed her name, laid low for a while and hired a PR God, maybe she could scrape by and be a normie in a couple years but she's obviously an attention whore who's going to milk her 15 minutes of internet fame. And try to deflect and blame other people, thus making everything worse for herself and her family. Her dad or whoever is trying to cover her tracks is going to have a very bad time unless they literally take away her access to the internet.
No. 1295297
>>1295060that looks like the damn cloisters
>>1295266already has hit blaire white. she said in a discord leak she reached out to blaire iirc. she also reached out to mutahar who is about to rip her a new one
No. 1295302
File: 1628468931402.jpg (140.74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Songs for when it feels like the world's turning on you
No. 1295308
>>1295305There was nothing in the discords. My best guess is that she's exaggerating, though you never know.
Her father is opsec and was in Central and South America, so for all we know he could have shown her a fertility idol, naked native americans, or what have you, and she's exaggerating.
Or it could be that he actually showed her native porn. Nothing is too strange for this situation
No. 1295311
(do you know where you are) No. 1295313
>>1295307It's also just mitigating circumstances at best
Bella has her own criminal charges at worst
No. 1295319
>>1294997Ted Bundy looked like a nice guy too
No. 1295326
>>1295033chantal could also fly completely off the rails
what an insane year
No. 1295332
>>1295326It really fucking is the Year of the Cow
>>1295328but anon… this song is a bop and not worthy of Bella's stank
No. 1295337
>>1295199seen those posts on 4chan too
almost word for word
shenanigans happening
No. 1295338
File: 1628470755841.png (9.63 KB, 1030x156, Annotation 2021-08-08 195848.p…)

brainlet confirmed
also im sure the crack sleuths already have it but here's a link to her reddit post history since her account's been deleted if you guys wanna do some digging{%22author%22:%22NOBODYSBUSINESS77897%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100} No. 1295340
File: 1628470805179.png (270.51 KB, 860x999, lol.png)

>>1294906coontown was banned in 2015, this is fake.
i don't recall students mentioning any reports from 2019, either. appears to be a genuine TTU student but they deleted their post.
>inb4 glowies threatened himi don't buy this, the subreddit is run by alumni. i think they're more interested in keeping the subreddit clean so it doesn't get banned. before they put the filter in place, the site was flooded by retarded weens talking about bella.
No. 1295343
>>1295335Don't let the retarded bella Stan get to you Anon. Most sexual abuse
victims avoid being degenerates. Bella got fucked up exposing herself to porn too young from being on 4chins.
>>1295323She's fucked because she was exposed to porn before her mind was ready to process sexuality. I'm sure there's plenty of girls and guys like her but won't take it as far because they aren't retarded sociopaths, just porn sick.
No. 1295345
File: 1628471041314.png (636.7 KB, 666x783, bellacat.png)

>>1294992yep, found it in her reddit history
No. 1295349
File: 1628471195992.png (60.31 KB, 676x649, bellabrain.png)

>>1295338lol she is actually very dumb
feels like that's fairly common in psychopaths for some reason, maybe it's just the ones that get caught out
No. 1295352
File: 1628471275004.png (195.23 KB, 2066x310, Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 9.07…)

>>1295338lmfao bella bella bella
No. 1295354
>>1295344NTA but it’s all over /b/, there’s so much of it. She’s basically spamming that place with FUD any time she is mentioned.
(As a side note, doesn’t she ever sleep?)
No. 1295360
File: 1628471565936.png (14.92 KB, 1032x156, murde.png)

really makes you think
No. 1295363
File: 1628471645741.jpeg (770.37 KB, 1284x986, E93655F8-2087-43A3-A3C6-2C88AA…)

The state of this thread.
Makes me wish tempcow was back with this discussion. Would be chefs kiss
No. 1295367
File: 1628471915330.jpeg (444.23 KB, 449x1176, 4C2F5B27-0436-4E4F-A19C-C721B9…)

Sage but I’m not the person who made this article but her ED article is up and running and condenses and organizes the information so lurkers and those that are curious don’t have to trudge through this garbage fire thread to search for one ounce of decipherable milk. No. 1295368
File: 1628471939352.png (37.23 KB, 1036x515, cherry.png)

alright I'm done going through her reddit, I don't think it's gonna get much better than her saying she likes being a psychopath because she feels indestructible as her whole thing implodes
No. 1295372
File: 1628472110954.png (14.81 KB, 396x144, addiesman.PNG)

>>1295354She's gonna have a loooooong nap as soon as she comes down off all the "brain pills"
you should probs take louis's advise on this one
No. 1295376
File: 1628472280654.jpeg (30.4 KB, 750x175, 6391A40B-F5FA-4709-B1C4-7EDB01…)

>>1295373I have no idea anon but I would tread very carefully because their .wiki link is apparently down.
No. 1295377
File: 1628472342163.png (Spoiler Image,533.46 KB, 440x721, Dirty_crapped_briefs.png)

nuking my entire computer after this
No. 1295379
>>1295377she took that photo from reddit
probably does do that tho
No. 1295381
File: 1628472556753.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1612x976, Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 9.28…)

Did her dad remove his linkedin photo? Or has he never had one
No. 1295392
File: 1628472967720.png (129.06 KB, 1330x759, bFE2D9U.png)

>>1295381probably hidden to people with no accounts, i can see it while signed in
No. 1295399
File: 1628473891360.png (1.28 MB, 1034x2917, fatcatfetish.png)

saus for the Goober goals to turn him into an unhealthy chonk
No. 1295409
File: 1628474777946.jpeg (1018.01 KB, 1284x2271, BB04FB05-8E36-4B09-A2BA-EF880F…)

This is the skin of a killer, Bella.
No. 1295410
File: 1628474806423.png (51.32 KB, 1196x385, icanteitherman.PNG)

Avery was already sick of her shit in April 2021 confirmed.
(btw Avery is safe and no one believes Bella's bullshit trying to pin any of her shit on him)
No. 1295415
File: 1628475647938.png (212.67 KB, 2236x560, piss 2.png)

>>1295410My guess is she was fucking hell to live with because of mess and the smell, he couldn't stand it and that's why she got mad at him
No. 1295422
File: 1628476596311.png (541.64 KB, 605x740, freezepeech.PNG)

>>1295417Oh it most certainly is
No. 1295424
File: 1628476847376.jpg (443.16 KB, 2480x3508, itmakesthemeasiertorunover.jpg)

I wonder how old Mikey is handling the news.
No. 1295436
File: 1628478160504.jpeg (43.24 KB, 680x736, E1D05870-B3AB-41FC-BE53-DCAA5E…)

Bella rn
No. 1295440
File: 1628478398424.png (717.29 KB, 1000x594, jenkem.png)

what a fitting last name
also reminds me of jenkem
No. 1295443
File: 1628478761288.png (148.67 KB, 634x1446, irlaccount.PNG)

>>1295306Bella left this cake
>>1295124 on his car, stole mail from him, had a physical altercation with him and attempted to blame him for all this shit show.
>>1295158picrel is the comment section where TTU students were talking about Bella and her Chess Discord members possibly killing two cats from campus.
No. 1295444
File: 1628478824052.png (28.38 KB, 689x102, Untitled.png)

i hate reddit but this one was good
No. 1295447
File: 1628478949856.jpg (45.84 KB, 687x409, Untitled.jpg)

No. 1295448
File: 1628479009192.jpg (41.32 KB, 714x198, Untitled.jpg)

you know if a girl posts on /r/roastme and they aren't going on about how much of a slut she is, something is wrong
No. 1295454
File: 1628479443266.jpg (36.56 KB, 335x396, 1283163518326.jpg)

>>1295154>>1295156>>1295159>post image>someone asks for url>get banned for supplying the url without an imagethe schizo mods must be having an extra tough time on the rag this month
(moid) No. 1295455
File: 1628479478078.jpg (224.63 KB, 644x912, swimfucker.jpg)

No. 1295462
>>1295460this could also be related to her history of sexual desires related to cats, like her posts about only being able to get off to men stroking cats, whatever fart shit she has going on with cats, her lust for catgirls, reddit posts asking people if they would fuck their cats,
>>1295424>my daughterhe's talking about the other one
No. 1295463
File: 1628479970310.png (25.68 KB, 954x178, beingbella.PNG)

What it's like being Bella on reddit
No. 1295464
>>1295454been banned for newfagging and defending troons so
No. 1295469
File: 1628480366398.png (1.92 MB, 2042x1586, pig.png)

>>1295466Don't have that but I do have a picture of the pig
No. 1295471
File: 1628480520795.png (307 KB, 1456x755, mom.png)

imagine going to a psychologist with a gun in their logo
No. 1295480
>>1295475Imagine just living in the same house as Bella and being even the slightest bit a trained psychologist
>>1295477Step mom is SO done with her shit
No. 1295488
File: 1628481467884.png (1.07 MB, 2207x5295, datingbella1.png)

Unsaged cause I actually have milk
In this installment of "Red Flags to Watch For" we see a rare behind the scenes Bella Janke's dating life. Behold: the experience of being Bella's black girlfriend for like a day.
No. 1295489
File: 1628481563218.png (46.73 KB, 579x262, goobs.png)

Bella talking about Goober.
No. 1295490
>>1295488 samefag, now I just need to find that pic of Bella's black sharpie manicure so I can finish annotating her bisexual spergout
help a
nonnie out?
No. 1295493
>>1295491i don't understand how people who smell like shit ever find people willing to fuck them
>>1295415 No. 1295495
File: 1628482005317.png (1.52 MB, 1900x4558, datingbella1noanno.png)

>>1295494but…. all my funny jokes….
lol I got you
nonnie No. 1295501
>>1295498i think there were a few discord leaks of her posting pics of her cat's shit next to a ruler
>>1295500nah, I meant low orbit ion cannon, as in script kiddy's ddos tool
No. 1295508
File: 1628483168057.png (51.74 KB, 1220x730, 012.PNG)

>>1295502I'm looking for the reddit post/account and this is the first thing I see. made me laugh so I thought I'd share it.
No. 1295511
I found the reddit post, but when you click the google link it asks to sign in, I guess if you have an account you can find it there No. 1295514
>>1295509I'm from 4chan, see
>>1295513 just seems like a ridiculous idea to have to manually sage every post
No. 1295523
>>1295518>Nobody cares where you're fromYou did when you seemed upset I was a kiwinigger
>If you're on desktop, it should autofill sage anywayAh right it doesn't for me, I'm incognito too so cookies aren't working
>Maybe talk less and you won't feel so overworked to sage, with your lazy ass. contribute actual milk or sage, moidPosted plenty of stuff to keep people up to speed
>>1295520Saging every single post in a thread I'm interested in? Yes of course that's weird
No. 1295533
>>1295517what I think is fantastic about this google docs post is that she's basically doing everything police try to trick people into doing as far as spinning a false narrative: admitting there's truth to key events such as meeting cwc in person, text conversations with key individuals (which are all logged by the carrier and available via warrant), joining a private discord with cwc (if not done on a burner account lets detectives know one account to ask discord for logs of, if not through a vpn gives up her IP which could be tied to further accounts)
one of the funniest parts to me is that, since they mass reported their old server to get it deleted rather than just admin deleting it, it's more likely that discord actually archived that server
No. 1295536
File: 1628485066552.png (14.52 KB, 420x391, image.png)

>>1295451It says you have to "request access". I don't know whether that tells her something about the account requesting access, so I'm not going to do that, and you probably shouldn't either.
No. 1295544
>>1295540How about take your complaints to /meta/ and stop derailing like an absolute chode? It's over. Move on. Visit here ( if you need more information, jfc. Mods should never let moids post here because they don't fucking know when to move on. My god.
This isn't a fucking chan. It's Follow the rules and integrate.
No. 1295546
>>1294882Im a computer science major and this is awful code. She should ask one of the “bitchy” girls she went to school with to help her kek.
Sage for blogpost
No. 1295549
>>1295544>This isn't a fucking chan.Why copy the format then?
>Follow the rules and integrate.I'm happy to, just saying it's ridiculous to expect people to know they should follow a policy no other chan I've been on has instituted before. Just pointing out it's a ridiculous system and you should probably make the sage automatic
I agree about the derailing and I'll just leave it at that
( No. 1295550
>>1295543I knew she was incomprehensibly stupid but how the fuck did she think she could get away with that one? It just makes the rest of the denial completely unbelievable. Not that it'd be believable anyway, but you'd think she'd at least try something like "yeah it's my Discord but I was just an edgelord and was trolling the whole time don't take it so seriously XD"
>>1295546It also wouldn't even work unless it's Python 2, and even then it still wouldn't due to the unquoted string. I get it's supposed to be a joke or whatever but she's clearly incompetent
No. 1295559
File: 1628486443384.png (349.16 KB, 1021x3562, redditposts1.png)

Just more Bella being Bella on reddit
Wonder why she got banned?
No. 1295560
>>1295517Fucking hell anon this is spectacular!
Tldr; Poor Isabella Janke dindu nuffink. Those dang dirty trolls from the farms (both here and there) are clearly very much mistaken and Isabella Janke is completely innocent. It was Gibi/Espion/Louis/Fiona/Rowan/Null/Kelly/An0nym0us/ttu/4Chan/sonichu/Spooky/farmhands/Reddit/Discord's fault.
Case closed. Let's never mention this again lads.
Image being this idiotic. You couldn't make it up at this point. I'm literally fucking speechless!
No. 1295564
>>1295556>enforce esoteric rule incomprehensible to outsiders>don't tell new people about the rule or explain it>instead just ban them lolThis seems much more autistic than I am. Why do smaller chans always have shitty powertripping mods. It's not even a bad policy if it was automatic but it's like it's designed to catch people out
>>1295558>got banned againlel the state of this mod. Doesn't bother me but I'm sure there's a bunch of people banned now who can't ban evade and might actually have more info on Isabella
File: 1628486781976.jpg (22.41 KB, 320x400, 667931a28ee3d27ce82c2ab0c1fdce…)

Mods are almost at a discord tier at this point.
Also this is just /r9k/ for fat fuck autistic females.
Like don't get me wrong, sometimes this place is useful. But mods are killing the thread, scrotes aren't.
>Sage your shit
Yeah it's saged you unloved retard baby.
No. 1295575
>>1295569Imagine asking someone to stoop to your autistic standards.
This bitch killed a hamster, and tricked a sperg into fucking his own mom, yet I still think she SOMEHOW has more self-awareness than the people who frequent this brainrot.
No. 1295576
File: 1628487128812.jpeg (872.49 KB, 1307x1927, 40B740C3-42F4-45EE-A14B-D60CBC…)

>>1295530Same writing style and the same stupid spelling too, apperently.
No. 1295578
File: 1628487167678.jpg (111.39 KB, 1200x526, Autism_spectrum.jpg)

>>1295564>>1295565lol this salty moid has ban evaded like thrice now? jfc get the fuck over it already, and stop projecting your autism and retardation onto us. you are breaching into yellow territory right now.
No. 1295579
>>1295578I know it's hard for your brain to comprehend, but there are actually multiple people bitching right now. Not everyone has the brain capacity of a literal cow.
You are literally protecting a clone site dedicated to assessing people with low self-awareness, while literally being some of the most unaware people on the face of this cursed planet.
Please get some dick and touch some grass or go to Reddit.
(scrote tantrum) No. 1295585
>>1295576Lol. Good catch!
Her spelling of conniving was a standout winner for me. Yes Isabella you really, really are very
canaving No. 1295590
File: 1628487872371.jpg (109.38 KB, 500x981, 20210809_074128.jpg)

She was totally straight when she dated her male boyfriend (who is also 4chan brainrotted and calls himself transitioning "cringe to futa", wonder if he's not sharing screencaps that would make him look bad)
No. 1295591
>>1295589the call with cwc? it's because that shit came out over a week ago, everyone's heard chris' parts, it kicked off this whole deep dive into her life. and she's copped to it being her on the phone already
>>1295590she's most likely bisexual and claiming lesbianism to shield herself from her orbiters and because of whatever /pol/ manifesto she read about how bisexuality isn't real and it's just attention whoring
No. 1295593
>>1295588Yeah I wouldn't count on them keeping logs for so long, I doubt anyone with authority will bother investigating this anyway, of course the uni is looking into it but I doubt they have the power to request access to them
I think I read about them trying to take down a discord with vore and loli and stuff so maybe they would have shared that with police at the time
No. 1295594
>>1295588Kiwis already scraped and archived her old discord and may be floating around (its a rare leak) So
>>1295593still boned
No. 1295596
>>1295593some person on reddit was claiming that there have been complaints about her filed to the university dating back to 2019, maybe this one big event could lead to some investigations, both of her actions and the people who swept them under the rug
plus she already caught a weapons charge in new york so the timing of this blowing up is pretty inconvenient for her, maybe that could catalyze some further police investigations idk how that shit works
No. 1295597
File: 1628488317975.jpg (172.95 KB, 1080x2160, 20210809_074828.jpg)

Notice how there's 185 fucking members. SOMEONE must have some shit.
And we don't know the other members of the inner circle, so far there's :Bella, Louis, Allen/Alice/Griffit, Zoefiri/Firion, Jadin, some Marissa?
No. 1295600
>>1295594Yeah but the problem with the farms having the archives is that a court of law could just dismiss it as prejudicial and say it could have been tampered with
>>1295596Yeah she was under investigation then and she's under investigation again now, but like I said the issue could be getting hard evidence against her.
>plus she already caught a weapons charge in new york so the timing of this blowing up is pretty inconvenient for her, maybe that could catalyze some further police investigations idk how that shit worksI don't know either but that charge was in NY, so a different law enforcement agency. It was probably just for possession of a stun gun in an airport or train too, so not serious, but I imagine it will cause the uni people investigating her to take a lot more interest in her
No. 1295601
>>1295598It's already on lolcow for people to find, no need to link it
Also type "sage" in the email box to fit in
No. 1295602
>>1295595Yes, that's firion, he posted this on his twitter (mentioned earlier in the thread).
Remember the poem he posted that Bella wrote about fucking Astolfo in the ass? Seems like it was about fucking him because he uses Astolfo reaction images
No. 1295603
File: 1628488724807.png (732.79 KB, 2234x1394, long wang.png)

>>1295597someone posted this in the kiwi thread, but I don't think anyone bothered to check the validity. the third bulletpoint is pretty interesting, there could have been lots of randoms among that 185 members
No. 1295611
>>1295603>Bella didn't use to be this wayain't that the way it fucking goes
once the internet poisoning seeps into your real life and you start doing dumb shit so you can post it online as an epic meme for your channy friends it's a rapid descent. I've seen it happen to people that aren't psychopaths as well.
No. 1295612
>>1295608Bella and her friends are seen celebrating an earlier kiwifarms DDoS in the discord logs like "the site is down! We're safe!"
The doc was published a day before this big DDoS attack. I doubt she has anything to do with it, unless the earlier DDoS gave her or her daddy an idea.
No. 1295616
>>1295608Yeah it's annoying that the farms went down because they were really getting the ball rolling with Texas Tech students joining the forum to post about her, and the people on the farms could verify their identity, which the uni students were confident with since others had done it without their identities being leaked. I guess there might be people on reddit talking about her but I don't know where to look there
>>1295611It's sad isn't it, zoomers are so internet obsessed. I have a cousin that's about 14 years old who's had a really tough time the last couple of years involving his parents' divorce, apparently he kept calling another one of my cousins a nigger recently so it seems he's gotten into this same edgy culture. We're Australian too so it's not like nigger is even a common slur here. Really hope he can pull through and not go down this rabbit hole
No. 1295617
>>1295612Null himself thinks it’s Bella
>>1294675 (he never speculated on that before) and things do point to it being her. For one, she’s going on a damage control campaign over it, on 4chan she’s trying to shut down all suspicion of it (can be seen here
>>1295199 on a Twitter sockpuppet) and for two, this attack happened minutes after Bella got her own subforum on kiwifarms. The whole site has been unreachable ever since.
No. 1295619
>>1295613Yeah I think when she posted the "roast me" image a lot of 4channers who browse reddit reposted it onto 4chan for lulz, I actually remember being in this thread wonder to what degree she was an edgelord before that happened, I'm sure she still was to some extent if she's boasting about being an epic 4channer
No. 1295621
File: 1628490210495.png (2.09 MB, 1400x10175, datingbella2annotated.png)

Another story from Bella's dating foils, collected and annotated for normie viewing pleasure.
In this episode we see Bella land a date with lady who expects no nail fungus but things go horribly… biways.
F in the chat for Bella's sharpie (but don't shit up the thread ya tards)
No. 1295624
File: 1628490311476.png (1.74 MB, 1556x11306, datingbella2noanno.png)

>>1295621unannotated edition for
>>1295623gotchu boo
No. 1295625
File: 1628490317904.png (405.51 KB, 978x2082, 1574600823488.png)

>>1295619>best ways to fart in public>my ovarian cyst explodeduh, Bella?
Does this mean she has PCOS? Somebody said she talked about having high testosterone.
No. 1295628
File: 1628490478667.png (323.09 KB, 2230x468, hormone.png)

>>1295625Yeah that's my theory, her previous boyfriend says she claimed to have naturally higher test and be on steroids but I think you have to take whatever Isabella Janke says with a grain of salt. Some people have also suggested she might have been transitioning at a young age and stopped, it would explain her massive complex against trannies
No. 1295631
File: 1628490520117.png (50.26 KB, 530x445, 2C691899-E6C8-4048-A350-179B51…)

>>1295620>>1295622See tweet, he mentions this has been going on for days and someone has been studying the network. This is different to the other DDOS according to him and has only been around for a week. The site did go down for a tiny bit in this time period so maybe when that subforum went up, whoever is doing this pressed the nuke button?
Either way it’s highly suspicious, I’m surprised to see null pointing it to Bella in this case but he must have legitimate reason to think this.
No. 1295633
>>1295625actually missed it before but that post about hating motivational speakers is more relevant than you'd think
seeing as her step mom is a motivational speaker
No. 1295636
>>1295630psychopaths regularly abuse animals, that's not really what i'm talking about although it may have been exacerbated by having an audience
it's the grandstanding troll mastermind performance that she does for her harem which gives her enjoyment in things like bullying people to suicide and epically trolling cwc
her probable psychopathy definitely elevated the heinous shit to a different level from what most people do, but it's very clearly informed by internet culture
No. 1295638
>>1295631Interesting, yeah I'm beginning to think Mike Janke is involved somehow, he's already deleted his twitter and other things so he knows that this is happening. Given his business is cyber security all of this attention could really fuck over his career.
Also a few days ago if you went to it would redirect you to the thread, is it possible Mike Janke got that taken down somehow? The redirect stopped before the farms went down
>>1295630This thread: dated to November 2019 so December 2019 couldn't be her first semester. I don't think universities would start a semester in December anyway
No. 1295640
File: 1628491016531.png (415.66 KB, 756x1324, sharpeeshortstory.png)

Short story version for maximum effect
(taking a long break now because my eyes won't stop seeing pages scroll when they're staying still and this bitch is making me sick)
No. 1295644
>>1295641True, but that's kind of my point, clearly he knows what's happening with his daughter, at least to some degree. All this info coming out and appearing in google searches would be damaging as fuck for him
I know it's not 100% proof he did it, just a strong motivator
No. 1295650
File: 1628491440803.png (308.2 KB, 1001x635, Bella shits on her dads art ta…)

Bella the art critic
No. 1295653
File: 1628491718727.jpg (48.44 KB, 720x456, Screenshot_20210809-013818_Chr…)

>>1295603Not sure about the rest but the first bullet probably checks out. Someone in the thread posted an archived version of the deleted art account at one point. Same handle as the one linked in the description of the video. No. 1295658
>>1295650This is funny when you consider all the art she’s ever posted is traced but still claims it as her art.
I didn’t get a good chance to look in to this when kf was still alive but there was caps of her and Louis discussing some japanese game where Bella claimed they stole her art, the art clearly wasn’t traced and it looked a million times better than her garbage. You reckon she’s been called out for it before and her go to response is to convince others that she was actually the
victim of theft? Hilarious if so. Equally funny that her simps enable such a ridiculous idea and believe her.
No. 1295659
>>1295655If all this effort prevents even one campus tragedy at TTU this year, worth it.
(PS Hi newfren! type "sage" in the email box to fit in)
No. 1295662
>>1295649I see. Apparently many people don't do that, perhaps that person didn't either.
>>1295652Once kiwifarms comes back it will dominate the search results of all version of her name. She's so rich I don't think it will affect her quality of life though.
>>1295655>First post here, had to commentPlease enter sage into the email field unless your post contributes new information.
No. 1295666
>>1295638I kind of doubt it's him. He wouldn't be that dumb to risk actual jail time and a ruined career to take some mean site offline for a bit
I'd guess it's either some friends of hers/someone she requisitioned, or someone unrelated
No. 1295668
>>1295662In a way I think all this diffused information on different outlets is worse for her reputation, people might look at the kiwifarms thread and realise how autistic those people are and not believe them, or look up the farms and think it's some kind of alt right hangout
The article is actually quite accurate as well No. 1295671
File: 1628492324998.png (36.83 KB, 992x232, moreshit.png)

More shit stuff
No. 1295673
>>1295668You're probably right, I often forget how fringe these gossip sites are and what normies probably think when they read the average post.
>>1295667Bizarre drawn fetish porn like inflation, tentacles, dickgirls, stuff along those lines.
No. 1295674
File: 1628492532659.png (109.02 KB, 997x977, 83582478558.png)

Aged like milk or wine?
No. 1295677
>>1295668>Internet points fingers at Isabella Janke for encouraging Chris Chan to rape their mother The whole internet, ya'll.
Bella, if you did or didn't encourage it, doesn't matter, the cops will know from Chris's devices. That bit is over and you if you would have stopped playing head games in discord in an attempt to look totally uninvolved THE WHOLE INTERNET wouldn't be pointing and looking at you and digging though your nasty cat shit filled chat logs. You've only brought this upon yourself and if you and daddyglowbux can't see that… welp.
No. 1295679
>>1295666>I kind of doubt it's him. He wouldn't be that dumb to risk actual jail time and a ruined career to take some mean site offline for a bitThat's what I thought too but don't forget he's 100x smarter than Isabella Janke and would know who to contact for an effective DDOSing and how to disassociate entirely from any connection being traced back to him. And the kiwifarms has been getting DDOS attacks for ages so I don't think people will look into it that closely
Don't forget it's not just his daughter's reputation at stake here, his entire business is cyber security and when his entire online presence will be as the father of a depraved incest encourager he'll be ruined. And his wife's job is similarly extremely reputation based, she's supposed to be like a criminal psychiatrist or something but let her stepdaughter do all of this crazy shit. Mike Janke might see a DDOS as the less risky and better of two evils.
Generally though I agree it's a stretch, more likely the increased attention the kiwifarms got with Chris encouraged the people who want to take the site down
>to take some mean site offline for a bitMaybe he hopes if he can do it long enough they'll just give up, it must be costing Null a lot to put it back up
>I'd guess it's either some friends of hers/someone she requisitionedNo way Isabella Janke would have the know-how or funds to organise something like this
No. 1295685
File: 1628493289869.png (148.98 KB, 1572x486, arrest 2.png)

>>1295666The stuff about the weapon is unknown afaik, someone said because it was a charge in the fourth degree (seen here) that is very likely wasn't a proper gun. And maybe also the fact that she was charged and released in the same day without spending the day in jail or something like that
No. 1295687
>>1295682About the taser, people on kf said it’s likely she wasn’t arrested for the taser because the taser doesn’t fall under whatever weapons charge she had. She did get in trouble, her court date for it is the 15th so we’ll see what happens (probably nothing).
I haven’t heard anything about the rest of it, where did you hear that info?
(Also, please sage your posts on this website if you are not contributing new information. You can do that by typing the word sage in the email field when you post).
No. 1295688
>>1295687The guy on kiwifarms who said the taser wasn't under the weapons charge was from another state and said he believed it was ruled unconstitutional in New York to consider a taser a weapon, but later on gave some conflicting information I didn't really understand - but it seemed maybe he didn't understand what he was talking about as well as he thought he did, and someone later on seemed to think a taser could be the reason for the charges
I don't think even Isabella Janke would be dumb enough to try to bring a proper gun through the airport, but pretty much every revelation about this story has been unbelievable so who knows
No. 1295694
File: 1628494126675.png (45.67 KB, 202x323, C096BF61-3B98-49FD-AD8E-1FD3B5…)

She’s still spamming /b/, she’s slowed down a lot though, she must be getting tired
>>1295690Bella said “that’s enough feminism for today I think”
No. 1295695
>>1295679>That's what I thought too but don't forget he's 100x smarter than Isabella Janke and would know who to contact for an effective DDOSing and how to disassociate entirely from any connection being traced back to him. And the kiwifarms has been getting DDOS attacks for ages so I don't think people will look into it that closelyIt's possible but I think he'd have to be pretty retarded. Extremely high risk for not only no reward but negative reward, since it obviously can only Streisand effect it.
>Don't forget it's not just his daughter's reputation at stake here, his entire business is cyber security and when his entire online presence will be as the father of a depraved incest encourager he'll be ruined. And his wife's job is similarly extremely reputation based, she's supposed to be like a criminal psychiatrist or something but let her stepdaughter do all of this crazy shit. Mike Janke might see a DDOS as the less risky and better of two evils.Pretty much anyone, and especially someone who works in cybersecurity would realize that it'd accomplish absolutely nothing. Even if he somehow were dumb enough to think it wouldn't achieve the opposite effect, and even if he managed to keep the site down for a month, he'd have to know it wouldn't help them in the slightest, and it's also of course inevitable that it'll be back up in some form eventually anyway.
If he were really trying to pull something, the most effective route would possibly be to cause a distraction by dumping the forum DB and hacking/leaking things about Null or others. That could possibly at least create a scandal that clogs up the airways for a bit, like what happened right after Trump's leaked recording came out
But getting caught violating the CFAA over some internet commentary about his daughter would be so much more damaging for him and his company. The smartest move would be to say/do nothing. If his adult daughter's a psychopath criminal, that's not going to ruin his company. It's embarrassing for him personally, but the abusively overfed cat's already out of the bag. The only thing that could really hurt him would be if he came out and tried to publicly defend her or something, which I doubt.
Not to get too tinfoily, but it's such an obvious Streisand that it might be possible that it could even be someone who's actually trying to draw more attention to it for some reason. Possibly just for the fun of it and/or because they hate her like everyone else. I think the odds are low, but who knows
>No way Isabella Janke would have the know-how or funds to organise something like thisShe wouldn't, but maybe someone could've contacted her or something. She did get pretty "e-famous". (I really can't imagine why anyone would want to help her, though.) But either way, it's pretty much impossible to know even if it's fun to speculate about. It could even just be someone mad about something unrelated. The DDoS being more sophisticated doesn't necessarily imply any particular motive or culprit by itself, even if the general timing is interesting
No. 1295698
>>1295694>>1295696>>1295697Here's the thread link, if anyone cares: like someone who hates her / is trolling in general:
>There’s a good video on it, but /b/ is retarded and won’t let me link it. Also Kiwi had proof but the real perp, Bella, cried to mommy and daddy to rape the farms site and take them down after 4chan and Kiwi doxxed her. You can find the proof on Pleddit (unfortunately) as well. No. 1295699
File: 1628494524477.png (142.35 KB, 952x1128, fionasbodyguard.PNG)

>>1295691picrel of Bella and Fiona first meetchat
please note how Bella talks about Chris here. She thinks she a fucking chameleon
Also this whole convo is SUS as fuck but straight from the first leak, take it as it is
No. 1295700
File: 1628494993972.jpg (383.08 KB, 1112x1600, E8StdW2XEAETHu2.jpg)

No. 1295702
File: 1628495115910.gif (230.9 KB, 499x1599, got her chief.gif)

Autism Powers
No. 1295704
>>1295703Holy hell yeah! Isabella Bella Janke a complete degenerate, I agree!
>>1295667Oh…. ty anon
No. 1295706
>>1295590lol she texts like a boomer
>wonder if he's not sharing screencaps that would make him look badpretty much.
the spotlight is on him too, KF was coddling his autistic tranny ass and Blake/commiedickgurl will interview him, so he's only sharing censored stuff.
No. 1295713
>>1295709They really buried the lede on this lol
>THEY SAID OFFENSIVE WORDS ON DISCORD>Also they tortured and killed some animals and talked about wanting to rape them btw>ALSO THEY CALLED STUDENTS SLURS ON DISCORDfucking university kids
>>1295712It looks like he was on SEAL Team Six, which the CIA does work with, so he probably would receive preferential treatment, but it'd still be so insanely stupid for him to try to get people to DDoS a forum
No. 1295715
>>1295706Just a reminder about Firion's messages in the chess club chats:
1. They found themselves in literal enemy territory here, and just like on the chans and farms, we all blend in when we need to
2. There's plenty of debates between Bella and Firion in the chats that are both questionable and based but constantly feature Bella being a hateful TERFy fuckoid and trying to bait them.
3. At some point in the chats someone else (Allen?Jadin?Louis?) adopts Firion's username because these fuckers are constantly pulling these "make our friends look bad by larping as them" shit.
No. 1295723
>>1295695There is so much shit that this girl has done and yet Texas Tech has done nothing up until now. She isn't behind bars yet despite ample evidence of numerous illegal activities. The DDoS kiwi is experiencing is a systematic attack sniffing out the topology of the network, dynamically adjusting bandwidth, and it seems that the router was compromised with some unknown vulnerability preventing null from accessing via serial (either that or null is just incompetent and doing it wrong). glowie psych step-mom and this girl isn't in constant therapy with her? Clearly the family is aware of at least some of Bella's activities and that they have a little hellspawn on their hands but they aren't marching her to the police station and making her confess to everything she has done.
All of this makes perfect sense when you consider that glowie daddy runs cybersecurity company and US govt probably pulls favours for their family given that he was Seal Team 6.
With deep state involvement no risk of repercussions for the DDoS and you aren't going to have Streisand effect if mainstream media won't touch it, which they won't because of govt intimidation, just like how Texas Tech would rather sweep the Bella problem under the rug.
No. 1295725
>>1295723There were probably no consequences for her at TTU because of her parents.
>you aren't going to have Streisand effect if mainstream media won't touch itThe MSM isn't as relevant as it once was. It will spread on social media, reddit and image boards.
No. 1295726
>>1295715>Bella being a hateful TERFy fuckoidDo you know what
TERF stands for? Radical feminist. Bella is a misogynist.
No. 1295754
>>1295750A lot of terminally online people manage to get by even after being completely exposed. They just get driven off the public facing internet and onto discord. It's not like she will ever stop using anonymous imageboards even if ordered to. I would not be surprised at all if a couple years from now, she resurfaces as a reddit mod or something like that.
Internet permadeath is very rare and requires someone to have something worth losing like a job or family.
Isabella Janke will never have to work a real job in her life and will likely suffer no serious onsequences for her actions besides being kicked out of school or slapped with fines.
(sage your shit) No. 1295760
>>1295695>since it obviously can only Streisand effect it.I disagree, like I said before the farms are getting doxxed all the time, I don't think this is bringing greater attention than if the farms were still up and more people were reading the thread, especially the OP
>Pretty much anyone, and especially someone who works in cybersecurity would realize that it'd accomplish absolutely nothing. Even if he somehow were dumb enough to think it wouldn't achieve the opposite effect, and even if he managed to keep the site down for a month, he'd have to know it wouldn't help them in the slightest, and it's also of course inevitable that it'll be back up in some form eventually anyway.I strongly disagree, before the farms went down there was a huge update of information I think every day, lots of people from Texas Tech were coming forward and getting in touch with people on there. The farms being down for a few days will stop that very good collection of evidence, since as someone already said Reddit and 4chan have rules against doxing people are are banning any thread on this (I even had a thread about Chris removed on /b/ of all places). If the farms were still up we might have heard from Avery by now. All that said the genie is definitely out of the bottle now and more people coming forward with stories about how gross she is wouldn't really change that
>If he were really trying to pull something, the most effective route would possibly be to cause a distraction by dumping the forum DB and hacking/leaking things about Null or others. That could possibly at least create a scandal that clogs up the airways for a bit, like what happened right after Trump's leaked recording came outDo you mean investigate stuff on Null and leak them? Because that would be a lot more intensive than a DDOS attack and lead to him being more at risk of exposing himself. If you mean leaking the stuff already known about Null then there's a fat lot of good that would do, he was barely in the Isabella Janke thread on kiwifarms anyway
No. 1295763
CDG is interviewing Roman and Zoe (
victims of Isabella), this is the first part. A lot of information in there. No. 1295774
>>1295752 If Isabella Janke sold meds, they were probably her own and she could have just lied. Or say she did for clout. As for the fake ID, I doubt the popo would prioritize that, seen as I imagine in a college town she isn't the only one. But if she will get slammed with something, it will be unrelated to Chris. And again, probably a fine.
>>1295754 You are right, she probably will go underground for a bit, if at all. I imagine she can also amass a following based on her actions and live in a little bit of infamy. As for her future as Reddit mod: yeah, probably. I imagine she's too young right now to understand the long term consequences of her actions. This is shit that will stick to her, but she might just chose to double down and just become worse. I wonder how her family is navigating the news. I imagine the father is mortified.
>>1295755 Unfortunately, people not reporting sexual violence is very common. It isn't a good thing and Isabella Janke probably didn't actually think of the gravity of what was going on. As for the other things, again, she has gotten caught and been talked down to, but it hasn't stopped her. It sucks to type, but her behavior hasn't been seen as 'bad enough'. Her being white, rich and a woman helps of course, sexual assault charges would have stuck if she had been a man.
People who have been overlooked or ignored are coming out now. But I imagine the only good it will do is to the
victims, they'll feel like their voices will be heard (for once), but nothing will change.
As for the kiwi farms, the place is a shithole to begin with, the combo of people wanting to look up things and some DDOS:ing in addition to no place wanting to host it probably play the biggest role as to why it is down. Similar things have happened to the place before. But I imagine Null's slightly relieved that people can't look into his involvement in Chris's life. Not that he would have known anything, but he was in contact with Chris.
No. 1295776
>>1295763Isn't "Zoe" just some tranny moid she used to fuck? Would hardly call him a
victim. He probably jacks it to hamster murder just as much as she does.
No. 1295780
>>1295774>Her being white, rich and a woman helps of course, sexual assault charges would have stuck if she had been a man.A student got expelled for posting a racist video, the kiwifarms thread had 2 million views, real students started posting and it's being spread to social media.
This may lead to people seeing themselves in the panty stealing posts and coming forward about her behaviour. We don't know what's going on internally, but I hope the students contacted each other and have their own proof and statements.
No. 1295781
>>1295774>I doubt the popo would prioritize that, seen as I imagine in a college town she isn't the only oneThe unusual thing about the ID is that it wasn't for buying alcohol as the ID is still for someone under 21 years of age. Seems she might have done something of a more serious nature with it
>But I imagine Null's slightly relieved that people can't look into his involvement in Chris's life. Not that he would have known anything, but he was in contact with Chris.I see people say stuff like this a lot, does anyone really believe that Null wouldn't have said something if he had any idea this was going on? The idea is ludicrous to me
No. 1295782
This sounds kind of dumb, but I think the highest profile person to potentially cover the ILJ situation is SomeOrdinaryGamers Mutahar. As something of a cybersecurity guy himself, he might find the circumstances to be interesting enough for a follow up video after releasing a recap of CWC related events 5 days ago.
I don't like the idea of having to rely on fucking drama YouTubers of all things, but that's just the horrible world we live in where nothing ever happens until enough people get mad about it.
>>1295777The Roman and Zoe interview clarifies some things but I'm sure most of us are just waiting for someone to make cliff notes for it.
(learn2sage) No. 1295784
>>1295776Zoe is a MtF who Bella used to date and he posts on 4chan /g/, is obviously heavily influenced by coomer culture.
Jadin is a guy who got expelled from their uni for racism and used the name "Zoe" on discord as vendetta. Just to be clear.
No. 1295786
>>1295781Tbf though isn’t it weird no one did a double take at Chris saying that he’s fucking someone who’s 50 and then older
the dude is a mess and no sane person would touch him unless it to take advantage or for him to be taking advantage of them (however unlikely that seemed)
Honestly, everyone is at some amount of fault at the end of the day but they’re unlikely to really be facing anything serious. The farms won’t touch Null and Bella is rich enough to get off
Also, because I missed this, what’s the proof that she knew before the call? Outside of just Chris saying that he would tell her first
No. 1295788
>>1295783Their highlight function is helpful though
Lolcow is usually okay as long as people sage their shit
No. 1295792
>>1295781I don’t like null at all but I have to admit that this time he’s come out looking like the good guy here. I do believe he had chris’ best interests at heart when he was talking to him and as soon as he had any proof of illegal activity he bailed and was very transparent about the information he did have and reported it straight away.
>>1295786No, it’s not weird. No one actually believed he would actually fuck his dementia ridden mother. It’s too insane, even for Chris. Or well, was too insane.
No. 1295793
>>1295721>idk how credible the staff at is but it mentions he was CIAYeah, it's probably right or essentially right. I only saw SEAL Team Six on his LinkedIn, but they kind of effectively are CIA spec ops/black ops operatives in many cases, AFAIK (like with the bin Laden raid). And if he's bragging about it to some conference, I don't think he'd make it up since he'd get in trouble for that. So whether he just didn't list it on LinkedIn or he didn't officially belong to them, he probably basically was/is CIA[, Dr. Pavel].
>>1295777I think there just aren't a ton of updates yet.
>>1295785Yeah, owner and co-founder, and also a former SEAL Team Six member and likely CIA operative. Her mother's a Secret Service agent, too. I imagine they're not too proud. Hopefully they throw her to the wolves
No. 1295797
>>1295791The current narrative is spread throughout dozens of boards and low quality channels and needs to be collected into a coherent piece for normies to care. A YouTube video with 500k views is going to have a significant reach compared to some boring hour long interview with a tranny and disjointed forum threads and screencaps.
It won't add new information but it will still have a significant effect on the amount of public attention a lolcow gets, especially if they've done some heinous IRL crime, as demonstrated by the recent boom of Chris Chan content.
No. 1295802
>>1295786Yeah I'm sure people harboured reservations when Chris told them he was fucking an over 50 year old but most people probably thought it was some trolling attempt, who could have possibly imagined he meant his mum?
>everyone is at some amount of fault at the end of the day but they’re unlikely to really be facing anything seriousThere's a big difference between not pressing Chris for further info on who he was fucking vs potentially encouraging Chris to fuck his mum
>what’s the proof that she knew before the call?None, I don't think it's likely she did
No. 1295808
>>1295802Right but we don’t seem to know that she even encouraged him, that just seems to be an assumption based on her being into incest and saying some weird shit during the call
Personally, I don’t see it being hard to believe that your response would be to hang up or to keep chatting as there’s a level of shock factor there
At the moment, just with Chris in mind and ignoring all the other fucked up shit she did, the only thing to go off on is that she failed to contact the police after finding out
I’d be interested to know what her fucked mental state would mean for that. Not hard to see how someone could be excused because they don’t fully realise it’s a crime due to their mental state or some other unhealthy bs but whether the law/judge recognises that is another thing
No. 1295809
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>>1295690>>1295726Picrel she really thought that what she was a feminist, being a troll to empower other women.
>>1295802Then why did she act so nonchalantly when Chris was talking about fucking his mom? She knew, the proof is in the Discord chat logs.
No. 1295811
>>1295809When you have several chat logs spanning several days or months pointing at them won’t help
Normies and people who don’t want/don’t have the time to read them need it laid out simply with simple screenshots and facts
Even journalists are probably a bit iffy on touching this for that reason though
No. 1295818
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>>1295803Yeah I do agree, I don't think she did encourage him personally, although I did find a convo Chris had with someone saying that his "allie deities" guided him so I could believe that she encouraged Chris or refused to condone him fucking his mum during roleplay sessions, but that's a stretch.
I was more replying to your assertation that everyone is equally culpable when Isabella Janke is seems to be at fault, even if that's just not contacting police or possibly stealing from him, while no one else did something wrong in regards to this
No. 1295821
>>1295763not much to recap here. basically rehashing the information we already have about both zoe's and roman's relation to bella; how they met and their opinion of her.
maybe worth mentioning that apparently bella became more closely aware of chris fall '19/early '20 when she and louis started watching the documentary series during their weekend anime watch parties.
also, a minor nit-pick but in the video they mention that bella has stolen other people's panties from the laundry room. the impression i got from the logs was that she didn't do it for herself, but rather stole those for louis.
No. 1295824
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>>1295820Totally, the most ridiculous part are his little half truths about it like claiming "in recent days, it feels like we have been living together already"
No. 1295826
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>>1295640She should try an attraction sign to find a boyfriend free girl
No. 1295833
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>>1295825Okay, I misremembered. Fiona realized it was rape when Bella told her that Chris was "grooming" Barb, a 80 year old woman with dementia. This was what
triggered Fiona to leak the call.
No. 1295845
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>>1295842LMAO who puts up a single picture of themselves?
(sage your shit) No. 1295885
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that's the sound of karma, baby
No. 1295893
>>1295888She even said "if God says it's fine then it should be okay"
Lock her sick ass up and throw away the key. She was an accessory to the crime and should go to trial as such. But she probably won't because she's a spoiled rich girl. Daddy will make it all go away and she'll resurface a few years (or months because she's an attention whore to the max) with a new alias but doing the same shit.
No. 1295898
>>1295895glowies will just get her a new identity and let her live perma-neet, although the reptile skin and horrific stench will be a dead giveaway if she does resurface
>>1295896she always wanted to be the top troll and executioner. I'm betting she was holding onto the call to further her objective of bullying CWC to suicide, but once it leaked there was nothing left but to claim the arrest as her doing
No. 1295899
>>1295893This is too optimistic. It is very hard to prove that kind of thing in court. You need a lot more evidence than just discord screenshots and hearsay. Nothing will happen legally in the same way nothing happened to the idea guys even though they extorted money from Chris with receipts.
The other crimes that aren't related to Chris are more likely to be investigated.
No. 1295900

>>1295861>>1295888Straight from Bella's mouth:
0:44 "God said this is okay? Yeah then you don't have anything to worry about. If God himself said this is fine."
2:22 "Oh she did really? She made the first move? […] Oh really? Wow, Barbara."
2:30 "How did she do if you don't mind me asking? What was the first move? […] That is good."
4:55 "You know, they say there's no stronger bond than a mother and a daughter. That's true. I'm pretty close to my mom. I don't think I'd be that close, but in some way I do in some ways, you know, project the kind of woman I'm interested in with the kind of woman my mother is and I didn't realized this until I was older."
5:22 "I'm glad you're telling me because a lot of people would hold it inside and it will tear them apart, you know, but then again, your body now is just a projection of your true form."
5:50 "Are you related to Barbara in the different dimensions? […] Right, you're still figuring things out."
6:19 "Oh you have a routine [of having sex every third night]? Well, at least you have a stable relationship because you know it's not going to end. Like if anything happened, you would still be, you know, mother and daughter. It's not going to be like explosive breakup, right? That, at least, that's comforting."
6:49 "Does your mother enjoy it? […] She is? She is having a good time? That's great to hear."
7:01 "Do you guys act more like mother and daughter or do you guys act more like lovers? […] Oh, yeah, that's sweet. I call my girlfriend 'love' too."
9:15 "Knowing you, Christine, I think that, because I understand that she is mature and she is wise in her ways, you know, she has experience and she loves you and you two have a great relationship."
14:30 "But how are you feeling, Christine? Because I know there is a lot of societal pressure on you about like, um, this thing with Barbara. There's a lot of societal pressure and a lot of people, you know, consciously who would judge. There's a lot of eyes on you. It must be very stressful. […] I am so sorry about all that stuff."
18:04 "I know the kind of person you are and you're a good, caring person and I know you're doing it because you love your mother."
1. Bella knew about the incest before the call. She asks Chris directly the details of the relationship in a very relaxed and matter-of-fact way. It almost seems like she was using a bullet point list.
2. She talks about her cat Goober getting close to her face, if anyone still have any doubts that Isabella Janke is the voice in the call.
3. Bella talking about how loli can be bad because it leads to some people enact rapist fantasies is hilarious considering she is a loli artist and rapist.
No. 1295906
>>1295899Even on the animal abuse/neglect claims there isn't much to go on other than some Discord screenshots and some people saying it happened, and the stuff with Goober is a bit of a waste of time. At most, you could maybe have shelters refuse her on that basis but it seems unlikely
Not sure how rape cases work so long after the rape without solid proof also. A lot of
victims don't want to go with legal action because the trial is horrible and Bella will naturally have good lawyers unless her family tells her to fuck off
The whole thing with her possibly pressuring a girl into committing suicide is just a bunch of discord ss again. Hardly a fact given that she tries to twist the truth a million times too
The hate speech (if it even qualifies at that) is something else but I could see that being fairly easy to manage for her if her family sets her up well
I'm going to go ahead and guess that her parents won't disown her too
No. 1295907
>>1295457yes but that's what bella wants. it'll discredit other claims
>>1295625she did steroids for wrestling? or something. it was mentioned in the last thread. i'd search on kf if it was up
>>1295700i still don't see where this is confirmed. obit?
No. 1295909
>>1295902Her stepmom isn't particularly high up as a former CIA turned psychologist, but her father is a 12-year frogman turned government contractor CEO with a startup incubator for government contractors whose boards he's on
not exactly top dog, but he's probably got some pull
>>1295908but all we have as of now is a discord screenshot of a grainy photo of what appears to be a hamster in a boiling pot of water. any decent lawyer could make the argument that it's been tampered with, or that it's not even a hamster in the pic
No. 1295910
>>1295907There's 0 proof she had CP but she did other stuff is how I read that
I know there was also talk that shota may qualify as a form of CP under the state (?) law or something, but I don't see it likely that it would be pushed to court
>>1295908It looked like a picture, and honestly unless there's video evidence then nothing is likely to happen. Some people yesterday said that you can see the bubbles but that could also just be movement if a lawyer argues it properly
You then also have the issue of whether it's actually worth wasting money to go to court over a hamster, especially if she comes with a good lawyer. Most animal charities/shelters would leave it be tbh
No. 1295919
>>1295915Oh yeah, but again that at best seems to suggest she has looked at CP with no hard evidence
It's a whole other issue if she has drives upon drives of it
No. 1295920
>>1295908Some moron is trying to claim that evidence isn’t evidence, don’t even bother replying to brain dead posts
Even if you want to stretch and say it’s a staged video, it’s abuse to submerge animals like that. Besides she was already reported for microwaving a hamster to her school and all police would have to do is contact discord because it never truly deletes this shit, so they’d be able to see the video for themselves.
No. 1295926
>>1295899She's been recorded giving an autist the ok to rape his mom. And she's been bragging about it on discord. What's her lawyer going to say?
>"T-thats not her voice". The other shit will be swept under the rug though because no one really is going to go to court over boiled hamsters.
No. 1295928
>>1295923Sure, but you can say that about any animal abuse photo online, but regardless, the much bigger issue is they are not going to give too much of a shit chasing this down sadly like
>>1295926 said
No. 1295929
>>1295815When chris brings up "incest fanfics and shit" she says WHAT INCEST FANFICS I NEVER HEARD OF THAT BEFORE
Bella's answers do not make sense. "Some people say I sounded happy in the call, not a single iota of me was happy."
She doesn't sound happy and I don't see many people focusing on that. She sounds like she is obviously lying especially when the part about incest fanfics came up, she makes a lot of noise and talks the most during that part, all denial of knowing about it.
It just seems very telling to me around 1:42 on the call, she shuts that discussion down and changes the subject quickly.
No. 1295940
>>1295937Probably when the farms are back up, stuff is too fragmented right now to make a big impact
Plus, it seems that the 'elite' members would agree when to publish it
No. 1295941
>>1295935I can see Chris trying to blame her himself. In court.
>Muh internet boyfriend free girlfriend said it was ok>>1295934I'm sure it is. No way they're just permanently deleting logs with all of the shit that goes down in discord. You'd have to be pretty naive to think that.
No. 1295946
>>1295942assuming it's just that, it's anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, although it could be a light sentence with the mitigating factor of chris' mental condition
unless they find that it's rape, I kind of doubt anything would happen to bella regarding the call
No. 1295956
>>1295946NTA but I think it's very likely that Chris will be charged with rape. He does say that Barb didn't want to at first in the texts, and it's pretty weird that he's held in jail without bail just for one incest charge
But then again I'm not American so maybe someone can explain better how the legal system works there
No. 1295958
>>1295107I can't stand this bald wig wearing troon. He inserted himself into the Bella drama because she got a 1K thread on KF within days.
I decided to check the thread after like 700 pgs and this faggot had made an account spamming and shitting up the thread with his "reporting" videos. Kinds sus the OP SpookyBones put this troon who cant even put a sentence together because of meth in the OP post.
I clicked on one of his videos and he claims the girl who killed herself at Texas Tech (becasue of Bella's transphobia, allegedly) was tRaNsGeNdEr when there's no evidence of that.
Yeah, another troon jealous that a natal girl got more attention than him ma'aming out in Popeyes. He's so fucking ugly he disgusts me. I hope Bellas fed parents can send someone to off him while he bums on a park bench.
File: 1628519614161.png (104.84 KB, 1882x792, Mike Janke.PNG)

Her dad was a legit former Navy SEAL who's made a lot of money after leaving the service
No. 1295974
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Suspicious comment left in a video covering Isabella Jenken. It was deleted after kiwis questioned if it was maybe her father.
>They can't handle a smart girl competing with them in a male dominated field.
>She recently received a 4.0–and the highest marks of her class.
Yeah, everyone is envious of the script kiddie.
No. 1295980
>>1295974That does sound a lot like a parent defending their child
>Isabella heard about the abuse of Chris's mother, was disturbed about it and reported it to the policeThis is already proved to be a lie, she knew about the abuse for two months. Fiona leaked the call
>>1295833 and I don't remember who actually contacted the police, but I believe it was someone from reddit.
No. 1295997
>>1295857I think the suspicious nature of this line has been really understated because people are focusing on this fucked up girl and not looking at the bigger picture. I never followed Chris but autistic research and information compilation is my forte.
The "Watchmen" allegedly had a falling out and WTC stayed in contact with the guy and was trusted by him. He was working toward being the only one he trusts. WCT was also acquainted with Bella for an unknown amount of time, enough to be steam buddies. Now, we know Bella has an MO of targeting vulnerable weirdoes and trying to bully them into submission, even her own friends. She outright states that the end goal was to get him to "sacrifice" Barb and off himself. She also had a plan to make Fiona appear underage. Piecing it together, I think her plan was to reveal the Barb shit to Fiona as non consent at the con and get video of her either "rescuing" the girl from him or catching them together on video and then revealing it to her for maximum psychic damage. Then she would later reveal to Chris the lie she was underage.
WCT was in on some plan and may not be the only one. He had special interest in Randy Stair, who pushed the idea that he would be united with fictional characters in the afterlife and that in order to live fully you had to die. In leaked logs he was literally larping as the guy and his school shooter OCs for Chris to give him encouragement on his fucked up delusions. Chris got into the tarot shit and those "psychics" he talked with some time back are friends of WTC, maybe even himself. He outright says to Chris in a log that "this is his first test as a leader", something along those lines. I don't have any investment in this guy or extended knowledge except watching the docs after hearing about it, but the picture painted to me after autistically reading all 1000 pages and doing my own looking is that there were multiple people in a gay edgy discord conspiracy to fuck up his life in a major way, possibly end it. There may be more "leaders" and they are probably the "guardian deities" he refers to, because he as a human considers himself a goddess of fictional characters. WCT is one. Bella may be another. Remember that she chose what to reveal of her conversations with him, which have gone on since 2020, which was still edited, to Fiona, and even faked screenshots to make it look crazier.
He's not innocent, but the disgusting nature of everyone potentially involved in this little guardian circle cannot be understated.
No. 1296001
Interview pt 2 is up
>>1295991hi bella, you sound bored
No. 1296007
>>1295989No one seems to actually know lol
For some reason people just read stuff and take it at face value without checking it’s actually true
No. 1296011
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>>1295833Bella and Fiona's conversation after the call leaked. Bella wanted to keep the Chris' crimes secret for longer.
No. 1296014
>>1295974I’d love to know if she was part of such a group
If she was, there’s reason to believe it’s her trying to cover her ass. Otherwise it’s just trolls being trolls and people easily falling for it
No. 1296020
>>1295529Unrelated but this epic 4chan scrote made me lul.
Well maybe it is actually related because they're emitting similar epic 4chan troll vibes similar to bella.
Yes, you are expected to integrate to board culture on imageboards but not literally make it your irl personality to compensate for your lack of one. Only an embarrassingly short sighted, attention deficit zoomer makes edgy 4chan your life.
I'm convinced that this girl never grew up with such
toxic culture and never really engaged in it because she breaks several rules of imageboard etiquette like cow tipping and power leveling.
Many anons and kiwis have mentioned her epic troll 4chan user ruse seems superficial and I'm inclined to agree. She saw edgy /pol/ and /b/ memes and extrapolated this to mean the entirety of Chan boards are the pinnacle of edgy therefore she can become the ultimate pick me from embracing said retards.
I think there's already been enough said considering her obvious contradictory behavior (her black friend, Indonesian friend and herself being part Latina).
No. 1296037
>>1296022it's a don't be a scrote chan.
>>1296020I don't think she's ever been all that involved in any imageboard. Judging by her Reddit posts, she seems to be attention starved and is scraping the barrel for any validation she can find. Such behavior doesn't go well with an anonymous imageboard, but does go well with being the queen bee of a small discord server.
No. 1296039
>>1296037>>1296035>>1296024m'ladies I was just curious
like lil wayne once said "i just want to fuck every girl in the world"
(male) No. 1296044
>>1295997I agree mostly with your post. The only thing doesn't fit into the plan you described is that Bella revealed the incest stuff to Fiona too soon, which lead to her leaking the call and ruining their plans. Why didn't Bella wait until the con to reveal Chris' relationship with Barb? Was it an accident? Did they thought that Fiona was
>>1296030If Chris was using psychics, was it possible that these trolls were paying off the psychics to tell him specific things and influence him into a certain direction?
No. 1296047
>>1295916I think only the pages with highlights were saved. It works for me, but it can be a bit hard to navigate. If you want to see which exact pages were archived, enter the KF link ( with an asterisk at the end in the search bar of
No. 1296056
>>1296044Fiona knew but I don't think she knew his mother was bedridden and fading out until she heard the call. I'm wondering if the plan got abandoned because of the arrest at the airport and her needing to appear in court soon. Perhaps she is barred from traveling until after court and had to drop the plan. Not familiar with the law.
About the psychics, it's more than possible, it's probable. No one would be in contact with him without trying to fuck with him, which the watchmen and Null I guess tried to prevent, but he is his own man. However, like most things presented here, it would be hard to prove any influences beyond a shadow of a doubt. What Bella did state is her desire for him to die, and why would someone larp as fucking Randy Stair trying to win his favor unless they shared a similar want?
No. 1296065
>>1295974Now compare Mark L's message with these posts
>>1294759 No. 1296076
>>1296056It's a possibility. Bella was arrested before the call and her court date is August 15. Everfree Northwest takes place August 13-15.
>>1296075Wasn't she bragging about her Nazi great great uncle?
No. 1296086
>>1295564ahemLurk mo4r faggot
You don't enter another chan and just post like the little newfag you are, no matter where you come from, if you used a chan for at least 2 days you should already fucking know
No. 1296087
>>1296071Kiwis speculated she is part Latina from her resemblance of her bio Latina looking mother. There was a pic of her mother on the kiwifarms thread before DDOS.
>>1296076>Wasn't she bragging about her Nazi great great uncleYes, she claimed to have ancestry to some nazi archeologist who killed gays if I recall. Their namesake being "Jahnke" or something along those lines.
Bragging about her Nazi affinity and connections for clout to her highly diverse discord echo chamber is a hobby of hers.
No. 1296097
File: 1628527675350.jpg (451.08 KB, 1080x1687, IMG_20210809_184347.jpg)

What a 1337 haxor.
My eyes are bleeding from the anime coomer zoomer shit I've seen in their logs these days. Also she still has her twitter account, it's just privated and she changed the pic to a loli in front of some scat/gore wall.
No. 1296101
>>1295997>She outright states that the end goal was to get him to "sacrifice" Barb and off himself.>He had special interest in Randy Stair, who pushed the idea that he would be united with fictional characters in the afterlife and that in order to live fully you had to die. Tinfoil, but I believe WCT knew everything Bella was up to and didn't mind because it was in line with his own plan. Right after KF found out his Randy Stair gayop on Chris, he went quiet and unlisted his videos on YT.
It's fucked up how everyone who gets too close to CWC is either autistic like Null or a lunatic like WCT and Bella.
>>1296044>Why didn't Bella wait until the con to reveal Chris' relationship with Barb? Was it an accident?Because Bella, on top of being an edgy attention whore, is a retard high on adderall. She can't keep her shit together for more than 15min, not even when she's running her precious gayops, this is why she only surrounds herself with speds who won't/can't call her out.
No. 1296105
>>1296087You can't really trust phenotypes. Even more so if the country you're thinking of was colonized by the US or Britannia. It further complicates things when you consider that the definition for "white person" has historically been shifted a hundred times and had more to do with classism and xenophobia than classing phenotypes or whatever. Aryan race stuff is also just religious based Nazi woowoo with no actual evidence to support the theory. Nazi enthusiasts like to ignore how ingrained bullshit mysticism was for most of the regime.
I would laugh if she was actually part Jewish or black though.
I also heavily suspect she's got major penis envy if she isn't a self-hating trans. She already described herself as a woman hater.
(race sperging) No. 1296114
>>1296108It's mostly speculation since it's pretty much impossible to prove. The timing and severity/complexity are warranted as suspect considering her dad's background.
I wouldn't hold that much weight to it yet though.
No. 1296122
I'm not sure of your implication? Bytefend is a legitimate ddos protection service, we protect services like doxbin so our users don't have to worry about various subjects to law enforcement.
You can see our official announcement: No. 1296133
File: 1628529624775.png (107.54 KB, 913x799, proof.png)

>>1296124Please see proof of my ownership thank you and please let us know if we can protect any websites targeted by the glowfags
( No. 1296150
>>1296143Should mods post this to OP so Kiwis can go back? I mean they refresh every 5 minutes so it's probably not needed.
>>1296145Unfortunately, not the hamster that needed protecting.
And speaking of spoonfeeding, does anyone have any interesting notes of dickgirl's interview with the two people who personally know Bella? Sounds too autistic to watch.
No. 1296167
>>1296018sage testing sage
>>1296075spaniards are white
No. 1296172
>>1296150couldnt watch it. unedited interview, host kept vaping and talking over her guests. it was cringe. i dont think there was anything important said that hasn't already been dropped by KF
Zoe is fit No. 1296179
>>1295997Interesting. You made me think of something. Bella says that she was in another Discord group with Chris trolls, The "Watchdogs" or something, and that all of them except her got doxed. I am shocked to learn that with her poor opsec and propensity to overshare information, she was saved of the doxing spree. Did they know Bella's plans? Did they just let her believe her delusions of grandeur? Could Bella have used these trolls and their doxes to throw them under the bus? If so, why didn't she? Instead she is using people who know her in real life and have proof of her bragging about doing illegal stuff.
>>1296091Not only that but there are witnesses and
victims that can testify against her. I don't think Isabella's parents can make all of them mysteriously disappear or sudoku themselves. They really need to come together and discuss how they want to proceed.
No. 1296210
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wonder how great grandpa's ghost is taking this(newfaggotry)
No. 1296211
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Is she… 12?
Pack up your photoshop, she did a better job at mocking herself than we could ever do.
No. 1296216
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The view from her apartment
No. 1296225
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>>1296219She repeats the story in several comments, in this one she claims she's a man
No. 1296236
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Are donations made to a public university like Texas Tech public or do they need a FOIA to get a hold of? You'd almost have to be brainded not to get in but Isabella Janke seems terminally online enough that I'm curious if the wheels needed a little greasing.
No. 1296238
>>1296225>because I'm a manlol
if 4chan didn't get to her first, she would've trooned out by now
No. 1296241
>>1296237yeah but she's also a notorious liar
don't know if that guy's actually related to her but he was an anti-communist who worked for germany and then fled to italy, was drafted into the german army and then captured by americans
No. 1296243
fuck i refreshed the page and forgot to sage
>>1296241>>1296227i found the source for this where she claims that they amputated all his paws and then euthanized him due to how many diseases he had, but I don't really understand why they would remove his paws if that's the path they were gonna take
the only thing that makes me think it could be real is that she posted about it like 5 months after getting max and said she hadn't told anyone about it
No. 1296246
>>1296241it's not a super uncommon German last name. for example, Goebbels' first love was named Janke
>The papers also contain details about Goebbels' relationship with Else Janke, a young sports teacher from his home town of Rheydt, in North Rhine-Westphalia, whom he met in the early 1920s. In 1922, Janke revealed to Goebbels that she was half-Jewish. "She told me her roots. Since then her charms have been destroyed for me," Goebbels wrote in his trying to tie it to specific people as possible relatives is probably going to lead to false positives
No. 1296255
>>1296243>where she claims that they amputated all his paws and then euthanized himThis was after she was aware of her doxx and Max was already being heralded as a doxxhound. Pretty good indication that she was lying and Max is fine.
Also some people had found evidence that they brought him to a shelter not long after rescuing him and he's with another family already.
No. 1296257
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>>1296250Here's the convo if anyone is interested
Spoiler: she's full of shit and its probs not nazi shit
No. 1296273
>>1296250Sorry for the german fag but Alexander Jahnke is a pop singer here. but maybe she just googled German celebrities to come up with a story?
She seems like someone that comes up with stories to make herself look interesting kek
No. 1296277
>>1296273wanted to write the same, and with the short Alex "Alex Jahnke" is an author. And it's not very common that some people in your family are written with H and some not, that's not how it works in most cases.
Also, if there would have been some famous archaeologist with that name that killed gay people during WW2, for sure, there would be an article somewhere in Germany about him.>>1296273
No. 1296279
>>1296263Someone with a career in academia as archeologists do would probably try to GTFO Nazi Germany since they were notorious for persecuting/killing academics who published anything that ran contrary to their race narrative. Archeology was specifically a targeted field as the Nazis tried to push the idea the Germany was the brithplace of the Human Race.
For her claim to be at all true, Bella's gramps was one of these fake "archeologists" who would probably spent more time fabricating evidence about how Europeans originated in Schleswig-Holstein then chasing around homos. The reason why it's unlikely that Alexander Jahnke is real is because the Nazis autisically document everything they did, and the two main archeologists (Kossinna and Reinerth) wrote published a lot of works. Reinerth was particularly crazy because he unironically believed that the ancient Greeks who built the parthanon were Aryan Germans.
TL;DR If Alexander Jahnke was an archeologist it would be documented.
No. 1296281
>>1296276>>1296279Herbert Jankuhn was a famous archaeologist that killed gay people during WW2, but that assumes that Bella fucked up remembering his name, which is possible as that bitch is fucking stupid
Jankuhn to Janke seems plausible
No. 1296287
>>1296279Or, you would stay and play along, to push your career, a lot of people did that.
And yes, they documented everything and if there would have been one with that name around that time, even in a concentration camp, killing people as an "overseer" (not everyone stayed in their career field), there would be a note about it somewhere.
Without further proof, she is telling a whole lot of bullshit (of course) and I hate how many people would love to have some old Nazi members in their family.
No. 1296295
>>1296087>Yes, she claimed to have ancestry to some nazi archeologist who killed gays if I recall. Their namesake being "Jahnke" or something along those lines. The closest I could find regarding this is a well-known Nazi archaeologist named Herbert Jankuhn who was close to Himmler. He has a wikipedia page and everything.
But this isn't the same name she gave (Jahnke). It's just close. So either:
1) ILJ is just lying entirely and there happened to be a guy with a similar name
2) ILJ found Herbert Jankuhn when doing Nazi name searches and incorporated him into a lie
3) This is really her family member but she gave the wrong name either on purpose or on accident
4) Her Nazi family member does exist AND Herbert Jankuhn just happens to have a similar name/profession
Who knows which is true.
No. 1296313
>>1296291I stg this girl should have start watching some JCS or other real crime psychology videos if she wanted to start playing chess with the cops.
Imagine being 20 years old and thinking you know
everything everywhere ever. Huh. Actually.
No. 1296316
>>1296313there was a glimmer of hope in my mind that she'd one day be in a JCS video but I figured since her parents are rich glowies they'd prevent her from talking to the police without a lawyer
but maybe…
>>1296314it's completely irrelevant but there's no new news coming out so why not dissect all the dumb shit she's posted
No. 1296330
>>1296323Uh no shit. Her entire online presence is littered with examples of her psychopathy.
>>1296257This is merely one of them. What's your point?
No. 1296333
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>>1296289Well she tried apparently
No. 1296335
>>1296285She told Zoe (her TIM ex) that she had a problem in her ovaries or something like that, so either she took roids or she has PCOS.
Won't be surprised if she has a real hormonal imbalance fucking up her mental state even more.
No. 1296342
File: 1628543663625.png (129.39 KB, 1046x869, lol.PNG)

>>1296337>>1296336LOL dude he got her to give him her login token.
Retards. All of them
No. 1296349
File: 1628544100162.png (57.12 KB, 918x359, boruto dreamin.png)

this ones good imo
>>1296342>.email domainnothanks
No. 1296350
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Is this roleplaying?
No way would somebody be intimidated by this, my fucking sides
No. 1296354
File: 1628544297297.png (421.15 KB, 512x512, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa…)

>>1296345Looks like the kind of guy who has a lot of reddit karma and jerks it to /r/degradingholes from the cuckshed
No. 1296361
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Animal abuse deniers btfo
No. 1296365
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Less shit bloggers, more logs. Bella is delusional.
No. 1296367
File: 1628544609445.png (209.02 KB, 962x519, F7C0995A-33FD-450C-97DA-2DF329…)

What is it about zoomers and their inability to use anything but discord
No. 1296368
File: 1628544679672.png (316 KB, 537x1062, RIP MAX.png)

RIP MAX(newfaggotry)
No. 1296371
>>1296367>>1296361Caps of kiwifarms are useless and irrelevant, post the caps of the logs instead.
>>1296369Louis is begging Allen to convince Bella she has actually been caught. She still denies it and plays her super hacker role.
No. 1296379
>>1296372she's a psychopath and said on reddit that she likes the condition because it makes her feel invincible
>>1296373wouldn't be too sure about that now that allen's apparently scared off and is an eyewitness who can probably verify a good chunk of the logs
also new thread when all this hot milk is gonna get spoilet in the archive thread
No. 1296383
File: 1628545127654.png (311.93 KB, 690x856, dontfuckmeover.PNG)

Allen fucks over his friend
No. 1296384
File: 1628545233756.png (Spoiler Image,136.08 KB, 517x880, allenlikesxj9.PNG)

Allen likes XJ9 Loli Twitter porn
No. 1296388
File: 1628545611607.png (132.66 KB, 1038x815, allen hamster confession.png)

I can't lie I actually feel kinda bad for allen but I can't tell if he's actually dumb or just pretending. Probably a mixture
No. 1296392
>>1296361I mean, no one is going to go to court over a couple of hamsters lol
It's shit and I'm sad for the hamsters but lets be realistic here
No. 1296407
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No fucking way is daddy involved in this, she's spiraling.
No. 1296415
>>1296368This lets Bella off the hook
If he was with her for only a day or night its probable he was shit health already
Also, tinfoil but it's possible she was lying about Max because they failed to react to the hamsters and she probably gets a boost out of people's reactions
No. 1296416
>>1296398they will all get caught like bella, all zoomers have an internet addiction and wouldn't stop attention whoring about their super secret murderous plots on discord
>>1296407the pic with the dog was found on her reddit account, which had posts linking her to TTU, then her real dox lmao
dumb bitch can't even come up with a new narrative
No. 1296420
>>1296417Yeah dude there's so much to suggest she went and killed a dog…
No. 1296426
File: 1628547549588.png (77.64 KB, 429x734, 1628544643987.png)

So far:
1. Bella and Allen planned on lacing Louis' drinks with estrogen
2. Bella sold her adderall "in the dark web"
3. Bella thinks discord is safe because kf can't get into it, kek
No. 1296428
>>1296425Though that article looks great when you google her name as a potential employer
It basically clears her name as someone who was witch hunted by the internet. No one is going to sit through 900 page thread
No. 1296430
>>1296426>trolling her loyal simpHe deserves it, tbh.
>Bella sold her adderall "in the dark web"She was probably selling to TTU students.
>>1296428The OP is damning enough to raise some eyebrows. Imagine her trying to explain this in a job interview kek
No. 1296432
>>1296428give it a few days for the content to be distilled by autists and dripped to youtubers and internet media, I think the allen log where he admits to being present while she boiled a hamster alive and then ate it will be enough clickbait by itself
>>1296368dumbass mods really b& for namefagging because i put rip max in all fields
can't you let me grieve in peace?
>>1296431witness protection era when
that'll be even more fun to find
No. 1296435
>>1296430Assuming the place even bothers reading the OP though
Plus, I'm sure there are dumb enough people to hire her anyway. As long as she doesn't work in a job that requires you to meet with clients face to face or for them to know your name
>>1296431Apparently if she moved to Europe she could request Google to scrub the search results?
No. 1296439
>>1296437if it's a normal name change you have to go through a court and all the documents are public record
if she manages to pull some "internet harassment" bullshit maybe she'll get ghosted by the glowies who knows
No. 1296442
File: 1628548479519.png (291.17 KB, 2226x1370, Screenshot 2021-08-09 at 23.12…)

We peel off another layer, instead of edgy /b/ posting these kids are now confessing their fantasies to each other and being honest.
No. 1296443
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>>1295010>>1295057Ryan? Who the fuck leaked you on lolcow?
No. 1296444
>>1296431Probably, but I don't see CWC whiteknights leaving her alone, even when there's no milk left. She destroyed their cult icon, they will ween her for life.
>>1296435Her glowpop could land her get a cushy desk job where she does nothing all day, but I don't think she can't even hold a proper job since no one normal can handle her psycho autism.
No. 1296448
>>1296440Autofill uses the most popularly searched version of the keyword if it isn't affected by your own previous searches.
>>1296443Is it not weird to think that Roman or other students have been passing the chans around, especially after a failed title-ix investigation on their chess club? Anybody with even a smidgeon of connection is probably gonna end up being mentioned or doxed here.
No. 1296458
>>1296432Mods are being fags. As if we don't all have vpns.
Bruh no one is gonna contribute if you just spam ban
(>>>/meta/) No. 1296464
File: 1628550433233.png (139.6 KB, 732x291, that second image.png)

That whole family is full of lolcows.
No. 1296465
>>1296450It's pure misdirection and she's tweaking hard.
Who's the other woman in the call/interview?
No. 1296466
>>1296463Ngl all of the members are shit imo
There's only so many times edgy shit gets mentioned or posted before bells should be ringing a bit
No. 1296468
File: 1628550598653.png (359.87 KB, 468x744, 1628280888845.png)

>>1296426>Dislike troons.>Want to make troons.BOUNUS ROUND
>They all like futa btw.(sage your shit) No. 1296472
File: 1628550673425.jpeg (223.38 KB, 1400x1400, E8YgSxUVcAQ7IxH.jpeg)

ttu doing marches against her now..?
No. 1296474
>>1296472Looks more like a PETA march lool
Though I think some smaller animal welfare charities may be interested in picking stuff like this up, but they normally focus on cats/dogs rather than hamsters
No. 1296475
File: 1628550852388.png (93.81 KB, 466x824, 1628548093898.png)

Allen likes shadman, loli and futa.
Please stop the anime coomer zoomer shit.
>>1296466Yeah but it seems like they fucked off on time
No. 1296476
File: 1628550858561.jpeg (485.66 KB, 3325x1123, 598C21E2-1F18-4320-9476-D8834F…)

All incels have that same dead-pan look
No. 1296495
File: 1628551645949.png (687.82 KB, 1024x576, mpv-shot0001.png)

Bella's desktop is a fucking embodiment of a generation.
No. 1296507
>>1296495>virtualcastSo she's a vtuber?
>>1296503Maybe it was for current stuff only and she pushes documents to some other directory when they're no longer immediately needed?
No. 1296508
File: 1628552759019.png (76.6 KB, 521x589, unknown (1).png)

Holy shit, Max is dead
No. 1296513
>>1296508lol the dog died in her closet? that's crazy
anyways what have you been up to
No. 1296517
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>>1296474sorry, i didnt give context
No. 1296519
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No. 1296522
File: 1628552971680.jpeg (66.33 KB, 750x655, E8YjcRqVoAMGhI5.jpeg)

No. 1296524
File: 1628553059736.png (77.16 KB, 736x504, hedum.png)

>>1296508wow he is actually incredibly fucking dumb