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No. 916503
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>908454Websites: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Tiktok: (Banned)
Camversity: (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: (Inactive)
Reddit: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).
Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/92925General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/174607Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
Last Thread:
>lots of fighting on twitter, mainly with randos>admits to amending taxes so that she pays less taxes due to making "donations">follows/unfollows ozy about 10 times on instagram>admits her studio is not a business and is for private use>copes about her botched nosejob by calling it a "barbie nose">porno with the boyfriend leaks (according to those who have seen it, it's gross and moo sucks at sex)>gets back together with ozy, vagueposts about not being together days after>desperate for attention, simps for Amouranth on twitter>goes on a podcast, to talk about being an onlyfans whore>talks about "arm surgery" (probably just skinny kween language for a lipo)>teases a twitch arc, but nothing comes out of it (that would require actual effort)>mooriah seems to be hurting for cash. has a public breakdown on insta/twitter, threatens TheRealReal's customer support with legal action>runs a scam of selling used underwear (but forgets abot her scam and mentions in a tweet days later that she walks around commando)>announces she will be attending multiple cons in the coming weeks>(ozy?) raises a domestic violence case against her, do we have a court appearance to look forward to? No. 916505
File: 1688851174719.jpeg (833.28 KB, 1836x3264, 6A7124B5-564B-4E65-B25F-94C93B…)

Thank you nona! Just in time for Moo’s latest rant on IG.
No. 916506
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Moo painting herself as the
victim in her spat with Ozy I’m guessing.
>And the manipulation of what I believe to be a narcissist, is scary.The lack of self awareness is staggering.
No. 916507
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I’ll go ahead and dump the caps I got during AX. The bottom right pic was on Saturday of AX when she was supposed to do one of the meet and greets. In the story, she used the same excuse that she did at Lvl Up where the con was "at capacity" and wouldn’t let her in… again.
No. 916508
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She contradicts herself here…
No. 916510
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I only include the FGO cap to remind people she spent $300+ buying that account.
No. 916512
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The Jasper outfit was already torn before she went out with it lol
No. 916514
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That’s all I have for now. Just a bunch of dumb shit. Looking forward to how she’ll milk the abuse allegations against Ozy for sympathy.
No. 916516
>>916510Wew lassie, that wild bra shelf going on with Chonk-Li. The shapeware under it isn't doing her any favors either, as usual. She definitely ballooned up since LvlUp since that costume was shat together for that con by her calf.
I'm looking forward to seeing proper candids of her at AX!
No. 916517
File: 1688855385605.jpg (3.74 MB, 4032x3024, 30NVifODnb.jpg)

Stumbled across her in the entertainment hall at AX. She gave me a weird one-armed half hug. She didn't stink per se but she smelled like she'd showered the day before and decided to douse herself in bath and body works vanilla body spray to cover the mild BO. Umbrans cum-hardened wig felt just as hard as it looks. No surprise there.
No. 916521
>>916517Kek nona I ran into her too waddling to the booth in her Luka, she looked so scared when I made eye contact with her, sorry for personal/hearsay post but it just showed me how chickenshit she really is irl
Also she literally did nothing, she had her cosplay mule hauling her shit to and from
No. 916523
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No. 916524
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No. 916525
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No. 916528
>>916505oh she's pulling the "I've been with trans men before" thing again?
Moo, only coomer men ever want to touch you. Watch her next rant be about how she's becoming a lesbian
No. 916547
>>916506I think she is full of shit and this massive projection on her part. I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that she’s the one being violent and entitled with her partners, treating them as her property and getting physical whenever they upset her. There’s countless photos and videos showing just how violent she gets with her male “friends” and how she is utterly incapable of keeping her hands to herself. Now she is trying to pander to another group with her “ I was abused” bullshit, this time to the man-hating feminist crowd.
Now that the well has run dry on any degenerate coomers desperate enough to willingly put their dick in her rancid pussy, she’s now back to claiming to be a lesbian and how “she always felt safe and taken care of by other women”. Despite the fact that her dumbass admitted to sexually assaulting other women so if anything, other women don’t feel safe around her.
No. 916551
>>916547Now that she’s facing real fucking consequences to her dumbass and
abusive actions she’s pulling the woe is me card because she can’t come to terms with being responsible once again!!
Also cue to her calling lesbians dykes or whatever that tweet was awhile back.
Like the other nona said her using makima to talk about her uwu trauma is either so fucking tone deaf or she knows she’s pretending to be a good person while fucking up someone’s life in the process
>>916507I cannot stand that pic of mimsy as miku either it looks like she’s missing a tooth where her mic placement is
No. 916556
>>916552She’s mentioned it a number of times in IG stories but only vaguely as "I dated a trans person once!" I have no doubt she’s talking out of her ass.
>>916551lol I thought the same thing about the mic placement.
No. 916579
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I know she’s been talking about streaming lately but it’s already been a week since AX and also I guess moo has a sensitive nose now and couldn’t smell the halls smelling like literal ass and b.o at the con, explains her nose blindness
No. 916602
>>916583She always has this incessant need to be right or “win” the conversation. She is so insecure about her mediocre and pathetic life that she always tries to appear as an expert or the most knowledgeable about whatever given subject she is talking about since she has no skills of her own to speak of.
Even with something as subjective as “convention going experiences”, she has to one up this person and be like “Umm actually, I have a super sensitive nose and I didn’t smell anything all weekend, you must have been doing something wrong since that wasn’t the case for me”.
I’m willing to bet she was so blinded by her own stank that she couldn’t smell anything else worse than her.
No. 916603
>>916547Not to mention that there was a screenshot of her dming Ozys ex and told her to stay away from him. Yeah, who’s the possessive one here?
She’s the type of person who always call the shots and wouldn’t let NOBODY tell her what she can or cannot do. Plus she had history of being
abusive towards her friends mentally and physically. AND there’s a video of her kicking Ozy while she’s on the floor. Who the hell is she fooling?
No. 916617
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Just going to add my saved photos while we had no thread, new tiktok. 4th or 5th account now
No. 916619
>>916505Moo wants a tsundere man to rape her. She's said this on multiple occasions. I'm not buying this uwu
victim bs. She's planting seeds. Id love for her to use anime as a defense.
No. 916632
>>916505When a sexual predator larps as a
victim. Never change, moo
No. 916649
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are we about to get moo's bad-dragon arc?
not realted, but I wish i'd grabbed the screenshots at the time, she's deleted them now, but she was going on about neopets the other day and how it feed her "stimmies"
No. 916650
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>>916505Wasn’t she soooooo
triggered the other day about
abusive and unbalanced power dynamics in a relationship?? Isn’t redo the healer like really
triggering for some people?? God reminds me when she was on her euphoria (anime) shit and that fucking disaster is disgusting, she really is so fucking predictable
No. 916660
>>916650Should you be surprised anymore. Its Moomoo-coom, the serial sex offender with the miraculous power to play
victim when it suits her needs! She has super binge eating action! Use her Photoshoot playset to dig herself further into a hole. Sets sold separately, accessories not included.
No. 916663
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Wasn't her ass caught in 4k for being a shotacon? Yes, people can change but she's only now finding out about Redo of Healer and jerking off to it, sooo
No. 916670
>>916669Which one nona?? I don’t remember, I remember her doing Lucoa and excusing the characters behavior with the little boy character.
>>916663Gotta love moo’s selective memory of when something only benefits her
No. 916671
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>>916670nta but I believe it was this one. She was really playing up the "mommy" bullshit at this time.
No. 916672
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No. 916685
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Truly a cosplayer of our generation, she emotes so well!!!!! Kek.
No. 916686
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>>916685Gotta love seeing how crispy and crunchy everything looks here
(sour milk) No. 916699
>>916505>>916506it's been a few days but i am still FLOORED by how stupid this cow is. the turn of events so far is
>she hits/abuses ozy>he reports her to the police (?)>he presses charges>she goes to court>she posts this bs online to make herself look like an abuse victimshe has NEVER BEFORE mentioned ANYTHING about being abused. this bitch legitimately believes everyone around her is as stupid as she is to fall for such poorly thought-out plan to make herself look good and make him look like the abuser. it boggles the mind
No. 916701
>>916699It’s especially stupid since she is the one with a history of sexual abuse. She’s the one who stupidly admitting to sexually assaulting other women at cons. Yet her dumbass wants to talk about how she has “always felt safe and taken care of when she was with other women”. Bitch, if anything other women felt unsafe around you. Knowing that at a moments notice they could have their tops pulled down and having their breasts exposed to the public or have to deal with you and your fat greasy paws touching their privates because you want to larp whatever stupid anime you saw it in.
Not to mention the dozens of photos and videos of her getting way too violent and physical with her male “friends”, way past the point of simple roughhousing to where cuts and bruises are left.
No one is buying her “I’m just an innocent
victim who constantly has to deal with incels trying to control and hurt me” bullshit. Practically every moment of her life she was constantly going on about how she is some supposed boss bitch qween who would fuck up any man who would dare put his hands on her, talking tough shit like she was jacked superhero that would fold dudes into a pretzel for even daring to look at her funny.
Now that there are potential real world consequences for her violent tendencies she is trying to do to the act like the typical “oh woe is me, men are such violent psychos who can’t handle a strong opinionated woman like me so they can’t think of anything other than getting physical with me/try to control me” online feminist.
(learn2sage) No. 916706
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No. 916713
>>916706Oh joy, at some point in the very near future we're going to get some nonsensical "deep" philosophising about a spiritual awakening or something while she's tripping. Hope she has a bad trip.
She never grew those either. She'd have been posting about it nonstop, like she does for everything else. Guarantee you she just brought them of ozzys dealer
Also, given its tagged "penisenvy" she's either pretending to read Freud or whatever dick she's now chasing is interested in him.
No. 916740
File: 1689329386272.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.47 KB, 476x388, Fzn1NHe.jpg)

Saw this greentext and had to share here
No. 916752
>>916751Unless you're black they literally don't.
>"Oh this case is about drunk driving">"OH WAIT THIS POST SAYS YOU VAPE, YEP TIME TO USE THIS UNRELATED THING AGAINST YOU."Obvious it'll raise an eyebrow to see something about drugs, but there's enough evidence regarding her to be the focus of the claim. It's not a drug charge or drug related, it's related to mooriah beating up on ozy not out of self-defense.
No. 916755
>>916752Anon, did you even read the post or did you assume it was only about drugs? I was replying to an anon about the fact that this thread also has proof of her being violent needlessly to strangers and other men besides Ozy. Not only that, the entire callout over her sexual harassment and unwanted touching is documented here too. This isn't just about drugs, but the fact that
she does drugs, not even talking about Ozy doing drugs, add to the shitty character she's bringing into the court already. I don't know what sperging you're going on about with adding being black to anything.
No. 916762
>>916759Yeah. I'm not saying that Moo couldn't have started it, just that the papers seem to say that Moo is bringing the charges against Ozy, not the other way around.
>>916760>>916761Oh, it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that Ozy was defending himself. We know Moo's history. It's been very well documented. I'm simply correcting who is charging who (if my reading of it is correct).
I mean, it wouldn't surprise me either way, really. They're both clearly
toxic people. What else is there to say?
No. 916768
File: 1689387092789.png (Spoiler Image,473.3 KB, 693x768, 46.jpg (1127×563).png)

uncanny resemblance or no?
No. 916775
>>916765when all the info comes out about what happened we might be surprised to see for once it wasn’t her as the aggressor
she called them on him, so who knows
No. 916781
>>916780Agreed, it's just more to not try to pile everything up on him when we
know she's an
abusive piece of shit that also sexually harasses. It just sucks she always tries to play
victim and innocent, but at least this time it's in the legal eye, so unless she can pay a judge and court off, she isn't getting out of this with her usual means.
No. 916815
File: 1689503225767.png (282.54 KB, 594x618, chastity.png)

bold of you to assume you'll find one anytime soon
No. 916822
>>916820>>916819Apparently these are painful which is fine for masochists I guess which are the only people who would use these anyway. Moo has no idea what community she is a part of. She just sees sex toy kink objects and goes full "I LIKE THESE!!" mode because scrotes love a girl who sees no worth in herself and always degrades herself. Moo has no actual respect from these people. She's so delusional. She thinks money means respect when if she didn't deliver stuff, they would chimp out on her. Like before with her shitty posters she became 10 months behind in.
Also I forgot to cap it when scrolling last week, but she's selling panties for $100 now, not $75 anymore.
No. 916827
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Moo is supposedly in some kind of "tweetdeck group" to promote her posts. I’m not going to pretend to know how that works.
No. 916832
File: 1689547087771.jpg (230.95 KB, 1080x905, 20230717_103841.jpg)

This coming from the person who can't waddle round a conveniention without worrying about being confronted
No. 916833
>>916815For someone who claims to be a helpless
victim of DV, it seems rather odd to proudly claim that she wants her boyfriend to be in cock locks, especially making a post about being afraid of men not too long ago..
No. 916834
>>916832So now she is back to claiming to be a “boss bitch qween who men cower in fear of”? What happened to “I’m an innocent
victim and men are violent psychos who hurt women that don’t submit to them and I was living in constant fear”?
She probably stupidly thinks she is in the clear now and doesn’t have to play at trying to come across as a battered abused woman. She only gets weirdly confident like this whenever she thinks she is about to get away with something and doesn’t have to garner sympathy anymore.
No. 916855
>>916846Degenerate coomers don’t want their dick anywhere near her.
Other women feel unsafe and scared around her.
Weebs won’t go near her anymore and know she is a fake fan at this point.
The furry community kicked her ass to the curb before she even had a chance to get in.
Fitness bros are repulsed by her gross body and lazy as shit attitude.
She’s practically a meme in the fighting game community.
The cosplay world for damn sure doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore and her name is worth less than toilet paper in those circles.
She’s managed to burn every possible bridge that she has come across to where practically no community wants any part of her. And she has no one to blame but herself. Even when she manages to find a community that doesn’t hate her guts that she manages to weasel her way into, she can’t help but self-implode being the miserable bitch that she is and just being
toxic to everyone. She has the uncanny ability to somehow get an entire community to universally hate her guts. And now this one will be all the same.
(unsaged and unintegrated) No. 916857
File: 1689641919247.jpeg (1.04 MB, 883x1590, 07632EC5-6FCF-4448-9FE0-F83905…)

I can smell the desperation for cash in this IG story
No. 916865
>>916839imagine ozzy just prints these threads out for court
tbh didn’t he comment saying he had no idea she released that sloppy icky sex tape of them during one of their break up periods? could be considered revenge porn in a way just saying
(emoji) No. 916875
I've noticed she keeps deleting tweets every few days. Her series of cuck and chastity tweets are gone, along with about 30 others
>>916857she doesn't need to specify its 'unwashed', we just naturally assume it is.
No. 916879
>>916865not to mention its far beyond cringe to be posting porn of her with her ex bf, while also claiming he was physically
abusive. What a twisted brain…
No. 916930
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She was "abused and manipulated" so badly by Ozy but still has him on Discord. lol ok moo.
No. 916934
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No. 916935
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No. 916943
>>916939We have yet to see any set props up for sale. That will be the telltale sign.
>>916940Ethots aren’t making what they used to and with people saving their money from inflation and the incoming recession I wouldn’t be surprised if moo got even more desperate.
No. 916944
>>916943However she isn't like other thots because she has an established fanbase before all the blowup of OF even started. Moo's had fans, pretending they don't exist doesn't matter. Anons need to remember, the people who sub to her might not be under the following count of her twitter or Instagram. A lot of scrotes are discrete. The underwear has also been selling out, disgustingly. She would've been moving before making another room a studio if there was money issues. Traveling isn't even a an issue because it's just she has control issues over running the studio or what might happen. She seems to have to be there any time anyone shoots.
Scrotes will always pay for porn. The recession has nothing to do with it. Men spend on porn the same way people who like weed and alcohol spend on those.
No. 916989
File: 1689813177425.jpeg (948.24 KB, 886x1577, D48E8076-1F1D-4720-B233-B3F5B2…)

>"I bought the jacket"
I fixed it for you, Moo
No. 917005
>>917004NTA but:
>Calm down with your tinfoil because it doesn't even make sense.Right after saying "this isn't about moo in general", nona, the point they're saying is regardless there's 0 doubt she's lying about even actually wearing them before selling, which yes even MV is against deceptive practices.
No. 917056
>>917049She literally has said several times, including recently that she doesnt wear underwear.
So how is she selling used undies she doesn't wear?
No. 917070
>>917069She literally has to put them on at least for a moment in order to take the pictures.
Sometimes anons are so angry at the fact she indeed DOES make money, they don’t think logically. Probably naive to just how depraved, easily tricked and desperate males can be.
No. 917075
Moo isn't destitute, yes, but she isn't as well-off as she used to be. She's spiraling into doing more and more degenerate shit to keep those incel dimes rolling in. That and she isn't flexing nearly as much as she used to, she'd be oinking about a vacation or three by now, or some stupid ass purchase like that Douma car if this was a typical year for our cow.
>>917069 You hit the nail on the head, her hygiene is so wretched, she only needs to have them on long enough to pose for a creepy Polaroid to completely skunkify the poor things.
No. 917080
>>917079I've personally pointed out before that the reason she probably hasn't gone anywhere is because of her controlling issues. She's not going to let someone else watch her studio and who know's who comes in while she's not there, someone she personally didn't approve of. Of someone coming by for a check for the building and she's not there to hide the issues. She still posts about her nails and stuff, going to the gym, about building a new studio.
I think a lot of it is that anons haven't been posting the random bullshit, which honestly it's appreciated. I don't care if she got her nails done again or if she got her hair done.
No. 917088
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No. 917089
File: 1690110435257.jpg (170.29 KB, 593x526, wigroom.jpg)

not to detract from the truly riveting tax & panty tinfoil, but i think this is the only room in her marble palace that actually has carpet in it.
No. 917091
File: 1690110519224.jpg (954.42 KB, 1794x1080, wigwip.jpg)

and she's back to "styling" her own wigs, again. which got me wondering, is maddy still around? I don't think I've seen her in awhile
No. 917092
>>917089the only room where carpet doesn’t make sense
great choices, moo
No. 917103
File: 1690139959980.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1854x3264, 7E611163-7350-443D-9137-28921B…)

Someone needs to take the filters and sharpies away from her. Also, not surprising that she likes Robaato, he’s just as much of a narcissistic grifter as she is.
No. 917107
>>917103Have her eyebrows always been that thick and dark?? Also I hate when she does the side profile selfies idk what she’s trying to prove other than her pig snout
>>917097I was thinking that too nona, especially since that tiktok blew up for akemi and she’s been doing pretty well so I can’t imagine the seething moo is feeling. Also, didn’t vamps or Maddie also reveal a craft room too?
No. 917138
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No. 917159
File: 1690314509850.jpeg (500.26 KB, 3264x1879, 6C1FB2CE-1EFD-44E8-BF49-E5CB1A…)

>>917138Samefag but she deleted the swimsuit story pretty fast lol
No. 917187
File: 1690394989840.jpg (548.9 KB, 1080x1973, Screenshot_20230726_111129_Twi…)

Abusers defending abusers
No. 917189
File: 1690395431080.jpg (649.19 KB, 1080x1824, Screenshot_20230726_111631_Twi…)

She's so tone deaf, this comes off as calling the cosplayer fat, Moo. Probably why she's ignored you.
No. 917202
>>917189wasn't Amber literally caught on video/recording beating on Johnny and telling him "No one will believe you! I'm a woman!"
lol of course Moo would defend this
No. 917211
File: 1690423736070.jpg (502.67 KB, 1080x1789, 20230727_141035.jpg)

>>917210Just grabbed it for posterity
No. 917215
File: 1690431527676.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1127x2025, 58C23103-3EDC-4177-BFD5-774F92…)

Before she deleted nearly all her stories today, I was able to record her pathetic attempt at pretending she’s a serious cosplayer. I sped it up slightly because long. Hopefully any actual cosplayers will get a good laugh out of it. No. 917218
>>917215The fact she’s making kirito and attempting to drape pattern it is so fucking stupid, especially since it’s on a female body form if she’s making it for a male apparently??
Also ruffles are pretty easy to sew… so she literally does not know how to start her stitches and end them, that’s so basic.
No. 917226
>>917187Only a repugnant piece of human garbage like Moo would defend a fellow abuser like Amber. Despite all the evidence at trial showing she was the lying
abusive one, where she in on tape admitting to hitting Johnny, admitting to starting physical fights and openly mocking him for attempt avoiding fights and walking away, idiots like Moo still try to make him out to be the villain and her an innocent
Of course she would see her and Amber as “kindred souls”, two “brave” women who were “falsely accused and dragged through the mud on social media by the internet lynch mob”. Except the only thing they have in common is that they are both lying,
abusive pieces of shit who are a waste of functional airspace who got mad when the internet found out what garbage people they are yet still try to play the
Both lied about donating to charity, both lied about being sexually assaulted, both
abusive assholes who get violent with men when they don’t behave as they want them to. Both narcissistic bitches who think everyone is beneath them, that they are better than everyone else and that they don’t know the truth because “you weren’t there”. I’m sure Moo thinks the two of them are practically soulmates. Only garbage like her would even think to try to paint Amber in the right because after all this time, she still believes herself to be. That it was all just some internet witch hunt meant to take her down just as her star was rising, by jealous bitches who couldn’t hope to ever see the “success” she had attained.
(derailing, samefagging) No. 917231
File: 1690477867052.jpg (646.27 KB, 1080x1473, 20230728_051011.jpg)

The simps have spoken lol.
She's really just larping as makima now too. She's almost always wearing that wig and just saying whatever she's wearing is "casual makima, swimsuit makima, etc".
No. 917243
>>917215You can always tell she took some kind of substance because she always looks absolutely manic
She's been getting blasted since she was a teen nearly daily. Makes you wonder what kind of person Moo would be if she never did drugs… probably still a bitch lol
I'll never forget how baby Moo throw eggs at her mom or would freak at her sisters birthday parties. But yuh, I don't know how anyone can look at her face and think she's sane
No. 917245
File: 1690485293339.png (2.94 MB, 828x1792, IMG_0271.png)

>>917215Posers always spend more time talking about how much of a pro they are then doing the actual work
No. 917256
File: 1690499348209.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.84 KB, 1268x2031, 17DAFCFA-78DC-46D2-8070-3E7968…)

>>917231That’s literally all she knows. Zero effort.
No. 917257
File: 1690499425629.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1520x1684, 383791A5-2C87-4A82-B350-7A47F9…)

Her "fans" are just casually dropping her OF content under her Twitter posts lol
No. 917290
File: 1690558510221.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1001.66 KB, 3264x1763, E1AA9493-51A8-487C-B56E-935F63…)

Surprised this was even posted to Twitter.
No. 917313
>>917290It’s always so funny when moo poses with other girls, for someone who’s sooooo bi and loves girls she really shows no fucking interest or at least feigned interest.
Her and mimsy are having a give nothing contest
No. 917316
File: 1690582667771.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 2408x631, freshlipo.png)

>>917290lol check out those fresh lipo marks. looks like we were right about her "arm surgery" just being more liposuction.
No. 917321
>>917313She only bi when she either wants the attention of degenerate coomers to buy her stuff or for asspats from the LGBT crowd for being seen as “such a brave ally”.
Otherwise she hates other women, especially anyone remotely more attractive than her, which isn’t hard to do since she looks like a bloated corpse half the time, and sees them as competition for her to take down. She doesn’t have the slightest clue how to be even remotely sexy or sensual when filming with other women. She does all these awkward gestures and poses that can only come from the mind of someone who watches way too much porn and has never spent a second in an intimate relationship, let alone with another woman. She spends the whole time trying to draw attention to herself, lest she be one upped by another creator.
For someone who claims to have “so safe and taken care of by other women”, she couldn’t be more of a danger to them. I’m sure she has other women completely terrified of her, with her fat greasy mitts pawing at their privates under the guise of “just messing around” or “having fun”, gaslighting them about being too uptight and conservative for having the audacity to have boundaries.
No. 917327
>>917290Mimsy can’t find anyone else to make content with her since she got outted and cancelled for being a complete bitch and Mariah swooped in to find a loser like her to work with. Both of them are disgustingly
toxic and are a prime example of how e-whores continually escape responsibility for their actions
No. 917337
>>917290Mimsy and moo look so saggy and haggard you’d think for women trying to larp as anime waifu perfection they’d learn to tone up their bodies or hide the flab. (I say this for ewhore standards not regular people since their naked bodies are their income)
They’re so jarring compared to excessive meitu/snow edits
No. 917338
File: 1690644972400.png (2.04 MB, 1242x2688, 39E45A54-3A6D-42C9-B91F-EAE8BA…)

Googled moo moo measurements and this random page claims she weighs 55kg… kek ain’t no fucking way.
No. 917356
File: 1690689527744.jpg (384.37 KB, 1079x1638, Screenshot_20230729_210100_X.j…)

No shock she supports stolen art if she agreeing to AI.
No. 917361
>>917356Where is the sudden Johnny Depp hate boner coming from with her? I mean, it’s obvious projection on her part. She’s the one with the history of sexual assault and abuse, so she thinks by going in so hard on this it will get the heat off of her and somehow absolve her.
Even though she’s feeling emboldened now cause she thinks no one is watching, I can’t wait to see when suddenly her dirt gets brought up again and she’s suddenly having to answer questions about her history of abuse to women.
No. 917469
>>917453It’s because she and Amber suffer from the same delusion. Kindred souls that believe that they were young, beautiful, successful “brave” women who believed they were wrongly taken down by the social media lynch mob just as their star was rising and that they are the true
victims in their circumstances. With the reality being that they were lying sacks of shit that finally got all of their terrible behavior exposed and can no longer get away with their bullshit.
Funny how she was so quiet when the trial was actually going on, probably cause she knows all her sexual assault/abuse dirt would have been brought up the second she tried opening her fat mouth. Now that she thinks no one is watching and she needs another community to weasel her way into after burning all her other bridges, she is throwing her hat in with the Turd stans
No. 917493
File: 1690863816111.jpeg (Spoiler Image,842.25 KB, 887x1579, A835DF49-299A-4E88-A997-B37C41…)

>toilet/piss kink
Katina Mallad must still be so proud of her successful entrepreneur daughter. I can’t wait for jokes about her fancy toilet being the only constant in her life to the point she’s making videos with it. Ozy never stood a chance.
No. 917498
File: 1690886048314.jpg (32.2 KB, 606x231, makima.jpg)

hope you're looking forward to more makima, because that's apparently all she cares about lately. Her obsession with makima kinda reminds me how she obsessed over that fate guy and then douma
>>917493old news, keep up.
No. 917520
>>917508piss is fine, you just can't consume it on manyvids
>>917514wasn't she supposed to be getting that fate tattoo removed?
No. 917534
File: 1691010989995.jpeg (Spoiler Image,564.57 KB, 3264x1939, D97B0A45-FCE3-4B71-BB21-577377…)

I know it’s been said to death but her tits look painful.
>>917526That actually sounds even more pathetic than just peeing on camera. The length she goes to fake it when, like the above anon said, she’s just going to do it for real down the line soon anyway. Not sure who she’s trying to fool at this point, everyone knows she’s a degenerate hard up for OF cash.
No. 917543
File: 1691035434479.jpg (Spoiler Image,686.42 KB, 1080x1759, Screenshot_20230802_210606_X.j…)

>>917534She's literally copying SO HARD
No. 917595
File: 1691162137069.jpg (110.16 KB, 589x641, Untitled.jpg)

She's at EVO, traipsing around in her baikan cosplay
No. 917602
>>917595Going back to the event where people openly laughed her out of the venue? Lol ok.
>2-5pmSo 30min to an hour tops before she waddles away as per usual.
No. 917636
File: 1691249428738.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1175, Screenshot_20230805_082708_Ins…)

No. 917640
File: 1691253989955.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2120x3264, BB9B6BC9-96F0-47A2-9272-D249A1…)

>>917639I was just about to say lol
>>917633I guess if she’s scratching the shit out of it, maybe. Whatever it is, it’s very noticeable and makes her look even sloppier than usual.
No. 917705
File: 1691379288147.jpeg (475.32 KB, 1006x2048, 00639381-3DCF-4341-9167-A9B942…)

This came up in my twitter feed. At least her tit rash isn’t visible here but that leg, yikes.
No. 917716
File: 1691419707588.jpg (645.12 KB, 1202x910, evo.jpg)

>>917713not entirely true, just mostly true. Surprised she didn't attempt to grope them given that that's her favorite con activity
No. 917722
File: 1691423035001.png (Spoiler Image,872.7 KB, 1207x728, ew.png)

Found out that she's following shadman, an artist who has totally never drawn anything questionable ever, nope.
No. 917724
File: 1691423324268.jpg (281.48 KB, 1080x1043, 20230807_200025.jpg)

also not surprised she's taking the antisemitic stance on the whole Israel/Palestine topic
No. 917741
>>917724she’s from an arab background, she’s going to perceive israel as an illegitimate state. anti-zionist ≠ anti-semitic necessarily
the continued shadman simping is grim though. i actually thought she was pretty based for coming out in support of amber heard on the account she attracts coomers with (probably a terrible business strategy unless it’s supposed to be some weak ragebait) but she had to ruin it by renewing her support for a lolicon.
No. 917748
File: 1691464555210.jpg (196.33 KB, 1080x731, 20230808_151612.jpg)

Apparently maddie is planning to release a book on wig styling. Don't know why she's bothering given that you can find tutorials on how to make better looking wigs for free online
No. 917751
>>917724And then she still follows Shadman who draws fetishized porn of hijabi women and portrays them as terrorists.
Make it make sense, Mooriah!
No. 917782
File: 1691552680239.jpg (135.66 KB, 595x849, potmeetkettle.jpg)

she's defending sniperwolf again. The irony of her second tweet is seemingly lost on her
No. 917786
>>917782Another girl she is trying to skinwalk in the desperate hopes that she’ll let her into their friend group. She tried the same shit with Nigiri back in the day and she eventually got fed up with her and kicked her flabby ass to the curb.
Sssniperwolf will do the same, eventually getting fed up with this bitch constantly putting her name in her mouth, getting into spats with total randoms on Twitter on her behalf, acting as if they are life long best friends. Give it another couple of months and watch, Moo will be right back on her “Trust no one, everyone are snakes who will stab you in the back/ I now know who my true friends are instead of fighting for others approval and acceptance” bullshit.
No. 917798
>>917787It used to be more of the same back in the day with Nigiri. Going to conventions and partying with her, getting to go on hiking trips with her and her friends, and expensive bunches and dinner practically every other week. All sometimes on Moo’s dime as well since she wanted to flex so much back then. And then there was of course, getting into Twitter slap fights with total randoms on her behalf, often playing her name as some sort of card to one up someone in an argument, just like what she does now with Lia. And just like Jessica, she is eventually going to get sick of her, because as always, tolerance will outweigh production when it comes to Moo. People have no problem using her, but eventually her personality becomes so grating and she becomes so overly clingy that people can’t wait to get out from under her. Except Lia doesn’t have the convenient excuse of Moo being outed as a sexual predator to be able to silently disassociate with her.
Every couple of months or so, whenever getting called a talentless whore starts to get to her, she’ll float around the idea of possibly doing starting a YouTube channel or doing Twitch streaming. One time she thought about reviewing anime figures, another she thought about reviewing anime episodes. Basically, the things she believes she has any authority to speak on. But we all know Moo, she is just about the most uninformed person in the world and will constantly spout out blatantly false information and will refuse to listen to anything of the contrary under the delusion of her own inherent superiority. But as we see whenever she tried to dip her toes into streaming or being a camgirl, it’s clear as day she has zero personality or charm whatsoever. She has no idea how to be charming or engaging. She’ll just awkwardly stare at the screen hoping someone will ask her something interesting, just standing around waiting for people to just give her money for simply being there. When she tried being a camgirl, Vamp totally upstaged her everytime she was on screen with her and you could just see how much she was seething at her for that. Not to mention it takes hard work and dedication to properly maintain a YouTube channel, doubly so for Twitch streaming. So either is completely out of the cards for her.
No. 917836
>>917832Holy shit I almost forgot about that. That was so cringe seeing her puff her chest out like she was gonna fight someone even though we all know she would have gotten her ass kicked, despite how tough and badass she thinks she is.
I remember seeing that vid being passed around and everyone thinking she was being cringe and making an ass of herself, with most people not knowing who she even was and that she needed to mind her own business. And when she tried defending herself all her previous dirt got brought up again and she shut up the fuck really quick. I imagine Lia must have been super embarrassed by the whole thing, not needing some tard who she barely tolerates being around barking at people like some attack dog for her.
That’s the exact kind of shit she does that gets her kicked out of friend groups. She’ll get overly attached and desperately clingy, thinking they are best friends and act like a complete social retard on their behalf that this person now suddenly has to field questions about. She did the same with Nigiri back in the day, getting into Twitter slap fights with complete no names and invoking Jessica’s name to try to one up someone or “win” the argument. She eventually got sick of it and was one of the reasons she stopped associating with her.
No. 917851
File: 1691670533544.png (130.92 KB, 589x676, psychotic.png)

how utterly psychotic moo
No. 917852
File: 1691671822066.jpg (804.38 KB, 2199x599, plastic love.jpg)

lay off those damn Asian filters
No. 917858
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No. 917860
File: 1691687979967.jpg (59 KB, 597x548, Untitled05.jpg)

>>917852She's really embracing her Momo origins here.
No. 917863
File: 1691696784420.jpg (413.37 KB, 1080x1713, 20230811_074817.jpg)

>>917858I love seeing her respond to hate comments. She's trying to act like she's #notbothered, but you can tell its gotten under her skin
No. 917880
>>917878>most men want small submissive chicksugh imagine thinking anyone but terminal pickmes would find that anything but disgusting
moo is horrible but also most moids are horrible; the reason she’s horrible isn’t because she doesn’t fit into gross moid domination fantasies
No. 917913
File: 1691808660033.jpg (513.57 KB, 1080x1440, 20230812_144943.jpg)

The absolute delusion of her thinking she has this dainty body, whilst her evo shots would say otherwise.
No. 917915
>>917851only mariah would sit and type away how murdering a 21 year old for threatening to expose a mom cheating on her husband is
valid and looks up to them. evil.
No. 917929
>>917878scrote-tier writing + trying too hard + parroting family guy on
cringe kino
(derailing) No. 917947
File: 1691884839852.jpeg (451.1 KB, 894x1240, 0F4577B5-282C-472C-8800-017B9A…)

Posts this and still expects people to think she looks like
>>917913 lol
No. 918012
File: 1691985333700.jpg (412.69 KB, 1080x1103, 20230814_155326.jpg)

I guess we can add 'art connoisseur' to her repertoire of skills, and yet another thing she's going to make a video about. But I still can't get over her lack of personality. She just jumps from trend to trend, basing herself on whatever character is popular before moving on to the next thing. I'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a shit person
No. 918013
>>918012If it’s not in a manga or anime she’s hyper focused on, she wouldn’t give a shit. It’s just pathetic that she hasn’t in all her years developed a personality of her own that she has to adopt them from anime characters or people she’s trying to leech clout from.
>I am scared to even open itOh fuck off Moo, it’s just a print.
No. 918028
>>918023It's really not whiteknighting to say that people who care too much, or at all, about weeb trash are deserving of malice and poor treatment,
nonny. Moo is a shitheel, on this there is consensus, but the only funny thing she ever does is piss off the idiots overly attached to their cartoons.
No. 918046
>>918017She cannot be spending thousands of dollars over an art piece from an anime that she’ll probably ditch in a year or so. With inflation happening who knows if her followers will ditch her to save money. If it were up to me I’d save the HELL out of it because in a next few years scrotes will want someone younger and prettier since as you get older the looks will disappear, especially with all that procedures she been doing.
How in the hell is she getting all this money while laying on her ass all day? Some OF girls at least work hard to market themselves all day so they can stay relevant, but with her she does Jack Shit. Even if she did a set it’s half-assed!
No. 918064
File: 1692075328964.jpeg (776.33 KB, 889x1585, D9C1ADB6-CF8F-4C43-9395-B6388B…)

Consistently choosing the literal worst characters to cosplay. Not helping her image as a manipulative, abusive asshole.
No. 918068
>>918064I think Homelander would be the perfect passion character for Mariah.
Abusive racist asshole who markets himself as a badass boss, but as soon as he doesn't get his way he cries and turns into a huge baby. Just like Moo.
No. 918105
>>918102Exactly. This is nothing more than a stupid flex for her. Another thing she will try to point to in order to say “Look how much I’m like the character in real life! Don’t bother cosplaying her anymore because mine is the definitive one!”
Except once her coomer buxs dry up when they get bored by her or are finally repulsed by her and want someone younger it will be among the first things she will be looking to pawn off for cash. Although considering her reputation for terrible upkeep and maintenance, by the time that comes it will be worth precisely dick judging by how she takes care of her belongings. 10 bucks says it already wreaks of cat piss.
No. 918119
>>918106That alone should tell you the sorry state she is in. In the past, she wouldn’t think twice about losing money like. Sure, she’d make a shitty call out post on social media and expect her fans to brigade them on her behalf. But she really made a huge stink about how much she lost on that, meaning at the very least her well is finally starting to run dry now.
It’s why she isn’t bragging about another Japan trip right now. One would think she would have been one of the first to go after they opened their borders for tourism back last year yet it’s been crickets from her. No huge announcement about returning or wanting to shoot there or mention of any plans. The days of her blowing thousands on an impromptu vacation to flex on people are gone now.
No. 918132
File: 1692292053613.jpeg (Spoiler Image,658.31 KB, 3264x1601, 109F4013-2EF5-45F2-B33B-D9BD22…)

Moo somehow still thinking she has an ass will never not be funny.
No. 918165
File: 1692342690235.jpg (200.74 KB, 594x795, Untitled.jpg)

late to the trend as usual 1/2
No. 918166
File: 1692342815406.png (1.28 MB, 1827x1713, mooxtrisha.png)

she's also going to bat for trisha patyas 2/2
No. 918187
>>918170she doesn’t have bpd, she’s a narcissist and dumb as shit. she’s trying to take the bpd label because adhd can’t excuse the shit she does.
i am surprised she didn’t pull out the
poc card when arguing though.
No. 918189
>>918166Any time she spouts off like this, all anyone has to do to shut her up is ask if she ever apologized for using ADHD as an excuse to sexually assault people. It usually does the trick from what I’ve observed lol
Also, since when does she even care about Trisha? I thought in the past she was busy criticizing her her weight and using the same male escort?
No. 918198
>>918166I love how she talks down to
POC about how they should forgive her idol despite her Idol doing quite a good amount of damage to the community even though Mariah never experienced the discrimination herself. Like bitch sit the fuck down. Also Dr. Drew is a quack and not an actual professional doctor.
I just wish someone would call her Karen or Becky.
No. 918206
File: 1692425929524.jpg (57.89 KB, 587x208, Untitled.jpg)

firstly, I doubt a park ranger was just "chill" with you performing sex acts in public.
Secondly, That's just disgusting
No. 918211
File: 1692446052754.jpg (652.31 KB, 1080x1492, 20230819_235432.jpg)

>>918210I think she was doing a shoot
No. 918214
File: 1692452022009.jpg (11.55 KB, 339x339, Dmry14NVsAA0leV.jpg)

No. 918215
>>918206Is she not currently in Las Vegas?
The hurricane poses 0 threat to her, what the hell is she talking about. This is the fakest fucking story to date.
No. 918218
>>918215It’s monsoon season in Vegas. I have no idea how she equates that to "hurricane" other than her being an attention seeking retard.
>>918209She’s pressed her luck and gotten away, way too many times. She’s exposed herself at Red Rock canyon and a rest stop on Mt.Charleston previously. How she hasn’t been arrested yet for public indecency is beyond me.
No. 918254
>>918211I dunno who she's skinwalking at the time and she still looks like she's a solid decade older than she is but tbh this is the most flattering her hair and makeup have been since she started imho.
>>918225Was this the trip when she was acting like her hair dresser at the time was her BFF because Vamps had ditched her?
No. 918262
>>918254Her hair is visibly greasy as shit and her makeup is crusty as hell
nonny are your eyes okay? She needs to fucking stop with the white cut-in on her eyeliner, it really makes her look so much older and accentuates her overuse of nasty crusty falsies
No. 918265
>>918256Holy shit, it’s such a slap to the face seeing the old moo. Honestly, I wonder who put the idea of liposuction in her head or if she came to it on her own, but it should be reality check to anons who constantly say Omg she’s lost so much weight!! Because now the fat just collects to her organs than showing physically on her body.
>>918242I wanted to point it out when she showed off her new fubuki cosplay and mentioned a meimei wig, but she always chooses characters who have weird sibling complexes too, I feel like apart from the appearances, meimei should’ve been the character she’s being an autist about and not makima
No. 918267
File: 1692570860240.png (28.92 KB, 161x275, IMG_2677.png)

>>918256I remember Hawaii being her at her absolute fattest. She no joke looked like a silverback gorilla the way she was lumbering around during that whole trip. And she of course was covered head to toe in compression gear the whole time because of how embarrassed she was at how big she had gotten.
No. 918278
File: 1692604572065.jpg (148.21 KB, 1080x532, 20230821_195620.jpg)

I regret to inform everyone, but she's back on her "gay" phase again. As for who the "gf" is, my bet would be mimsy.
No. 918307
>>918306Nta, but like i said earlier, moo is using the term to confuse people
She means gf as in girl friend,like how old ladies call their friends. Its bait. She knows how it reads. Don't take the girlfriend bait.
No. 918309
File: 1692678314515.jpg (874.46 KB, 1079x2356, Screenshot_20230822_142521_X.j…)

Jap larping complete with hair in her mouth and lard bursting out the side seam on her suit
No. 918311
>>918309The strategically placed hair to hide her fat bulging out of the sides jfc tragic.
Again, that nona was right when they said it looked she started to asian-fy herself
Also are realize swimsuits still the rage with costhots anymore??
No. 918318
File: 1692691656109.jpg (359.83 KB, 1102x855, Untitled.jpg)

nice to see she just admits that her "asexual" phase was just bs (not that we didn't already know that).
>>918309if you think thats delusional, wait till you see mimsys
No. 918319
>>918318That horrendous photoshop! Like what’s the point of making yourself look that skinny around the waist?
Also nice to confirm that you’re on drugs moo.
No. 918367
>>918330Her grimy loser boyfriend was a cokehead, it's really not a stretch that she would run in circles with people who use "hard" drugs lol like are you 12? Did you just finish D.A.R.E.?
I hate to break it to you but plenty of people at your precious anime conventions are using drugs. At this point, her antics and random erratic rants on ig stories have gone on for years, she's had surgery which often gets people dependent on or at least have a lot of access to rx pain meds, she has money to blow through and lives in Vegas like…come on nonna use your head.
No. 918408
>>918367anon was just saying that
>I was on some shitdoesn't exclusively mean "I was doing drugs"
it means several things – she could have been doing whatever the fuck drugs but also thought she was too bossbitch for men to handle and didn't need them, they're not mutually exclusive
No. 918415
File: 1692853092302.jpeg (319.06 KB, 886x1600, B2E62A55-A663-401B-A54E-74ABF8…)

Sorry to interrupt the drug sperging…
No. 918437
>>918416All the fictional characters she lo es have this stupid "cute but psycho" personality so she loves romanticizing
toxic behaviours, and violence. Also she wants to be mentally ill in a quirky way and not in a you need therapy and proper higiene sorta way.
No. 918448
>>918437As a person who is mentally Ill this shit really piss me off to no end. Having a mental illness is not something to be proud of. I also have friends who got BPD and it’s a no laughing matter. That shit fucks you up good and it’s hard for them to be in a relationship whether it’s platonic or romantic.
No men is interested with a Yandere in real life as it ends up with them having to call the police or get a restraining order. Mariah can’t really tell what’s reality or fake and actually believes that a boy would fall on their knees to a girl boss with homicidal tendencies.
No. 918449
>>918448bpd anon here. I was diagnosed in my late 20s.
The fact she is faking this makes me so angry. She had no idea what someone with bpd actually has to go through. I’ve been in years of therapy(DBT) and I have come a very far way from where I was before. There are still days that are bad though and I can’t even tell anyone because of the stigma around BPD.
I also feel like Moo has had “homicidal” tendencies since her early twitter days. Never forget the way she claimed to want to murder her own mother and always talked about “effing a bitch up”. I’ve been bored and going through old threads. She hasn’t changed.
No. 918460
>>918454That’s the thing nona, moo is a narc not the bpd princess she thinks she is. She willingly and knowingly manipulates people, whether she is good at it or not doesn’t matter, but moo is someone who enjoys hurting others whether it be emotionally or mentally.
I hope this doesn’t come off as armchair cause I’m not trying or wanting to diagnose her dumbass, I feel like if moo ever went to therapy it would be with a therapist who condones her behavior kek. Like other nonas have shared bpd is hell and I’m a nona that has bipolar.
I hate how Twitter has fetishized this mental illnesses and all these costhots and moo think it’s a cute quirk.
>>918414Slightly OT but are mushrooms seen as recreational in NV? For some reason I thought they were considered illegal in most states
No. 918463
File: 1692936448490.jpeg (164.03 KB, 898x1573, 6159BD0C-EE36-4662-92A8-F85481…)

>>918460nta but yeah, she pretty much just confirmed it’s a cute quirk to her.
No. 918465
File: 1692936815524.jpeg (Spoiler Image,794.01 KB, 3264x1937, AC55CF69-DFE1-43EE-B1EF-47D577…)

Moo, getting the fat sucked out of your chin every other month and layering filters is nothing to be proud of when the rest of you is a massive bulky mess.
No. 918466
>>918460We call her a skinwalker for a reason. These threads have gone on for so long I'm assuming a majority of nonas haven't been here from the beginning but it used to be every week for her. Skinny popular cosplay girl she wants to one-up does a certain character, a day later she is screaming about how she's the biggest fan ever of that character and she's gonna do the best cosplay ever. She wanted tattoo-sensei's dick so hard she suddenly became an all natural self-love guru because he was one. Girl she currently wants the fame of has BPD, she has BPD. She absorbs the personality of anyone she wants to be/fuck and acts like she was always like this. That's not BPD, that's a classic narc.
Therapy, real therapy, not someone who's going to affirm and validate her for a paycheck, would never work for her. For therapy to work you need to acknowledge you have problems and actually put in the effort to improve yourself. She can't even be truthful about what she does at the gym.
No. 918484
>>918466No, it's textbook BPD. People with BPD don't have a stable sense of identity.
Narcs do the opposite, they try to force their identity onto everyone else/make everyone be like them.
No. 918504
>>918497Yeah when the hell did moo say she had schizophrenia unless she’s said she’s schizo posting, from what I can recall I don’t think she has?? But maybe she’s fucking stupid
All in all moo is a flat out narc, like it’s said before she might not be a good narc but she gets off hurting people.
>>918465God that first pic looks painful how can she feel comfortable letting her tits droop like that
No. 918509
File: 1693010913897.png (460 KB, 1044x1080, MOO.png)

not to distract from the armchair psychiatrists, but she's getting clowned on twitter
No. 918511
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>>918509All of these people are gross
No. 918512
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No. 918616
File: 1693276046519.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1010.56 KB, 890x1603, IMG_1014.jpeg)

Jesus, how can anyone be proud of this?
No. 918644
>>918616The way she poses to hide her arms makes her look even more like a melted candle. Makima in slutty bdsm gear (despite mostly wearing the same button-up shirt and pants) has been a meme for ages now and she's even slow on that. And is certainly not delivering. She looks truly awful. Instead of taking some inspired shots of a fully and neatly dressed Makima handling some bdsm gear (not that she would ever be interested in actually being a domme), she just goes for the lowest hanging fruit as usual.
>>918621Yeah the wig looks like shit. Her bangs should be less geometric and just look more like hair.
No. 918707
File: 1693451194754.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1253x1869, IMG_1055.jpeg)

Good to know Moo still doesn’t regret a thing about using an acquaintance’s death to her advantage.
No. 918708
File: 1693451347677.jpeg (Spoiler Image,521.19 KB, 3264x1573, IMG_1056.jpeg)

Describing her own video as "horrifying" is probably the only accurate thing she’s done.
No. 918710
>>918616she is SO incredibly low-effort. this looks shooped to hell, but she still doesn't shoop out her ugly tats.
get some dermacol, bitch, I know you can afford it.
No. 918718
>>918710I can't believe she even started trying to remove the fate tattoo. It's so faded and blotchy. It's been more than a year since she posted about getting it removed and still seems like she's only done one session. She made it look even worse by starting the process. Literally why tho.
It is, however, a very good visual representation of how she starts things in a manic episode and never finishes them. Yet another visual red flag for her
No. 918743
File: 1693556396490.jpg (102.98 KB, 1075x535, 20230901_201806.jpg)

The woman who is incapable of getting, let alone keeping, a boyfriend is giving advice on what men like.
No. 918748
File: 1693569962131.png (13.08 KB, 589x147, Untitled.png)

looks like she's going to japan at some point soon. wonder who she's going to be dragging along on this trip
No. 918753
>>918748Couldn’t be more obvious she lurks here. People here talking about she hasn’t flexed about another Japan trip in a while. And now lo and behold now she suddenly mentions a new trip. Wonder which “friend” she wants to get under her thumb by dragging them in an expensive vacation that they can’t hope to pay for.
>>918743What happened to being scared to death of men for being entitled, violent,
toxic, controlling assholes Moo? I thought you couldn’t care less what men want or like since you apparently never feel safe around them and it’s all about girl power. Also hilarious that the disgusting hambeast slob that men are completely repulsed by thinks she can give tips on attracting men or knows what men want. If she even remotely knew what she was talking about, the. She wouldn’t be perpetually single and constantly flip flopping between “All men suck and are entitled and want to abuse you” and “I know exactly what men want and have them all wrapped around my little finger”.
No. 918770
File: 1693622020293.jpg (392.87 KB, 1080x1136, 20230902_143240.jpg)

Okay firstly, what "brand" is working with you and how low are their standards (wouldn't be surprised if this was like how she calls herself a fansly partner)
And secondly, is maddie still around? I don't think I've seen her in posts lately and moo claims to be doing her own wigs again, so has maddie been given the boot? Has she been replaced by mimsy?
No. 918773
File: 1693624832314.jpeg (785.39 KB, 1089x1256, IMG_1083.jpeg)

>>918770Literally nothing has changed lol
No. 918786
File: 1693670968739.jpg (279.15 KB, 1080x759, Screenshot_20230902_091146_X.j…)

She deleted this post, won't let me even click on it, but luckily my mobile saves previous loads of pages. Says deleted when I click on it.
No. 918803
File: 1693736361601.png (562.31 KB, 600x915, newtwit.png)

for reasons unknown, the studio has a second twitter account
No. 918812
>>918803Probably to try and get that page argentine outside of ot promoting that moo uses it.
>>918808>bribingStop tinfoiling, moo is definitely not paying people to be there, otherwise there be way more people and not the same 4 for over a year. People just don't want to go to her vetting fucking studio. Back up this bribe bullshit or stop. You guys don't do moo any justice when you make shit up.
No. 918827
File: 1693814550013.jpg (332.02 KB, 585x958, Untitled.jpg)

>>918770apparently its some porn game. looked them up and their "games" look terrible
No. 918832
File: 1693838222302.jpg (706.14 KB, 1080x2023, 20230905_023623.jpg)

Wouldn't be surprised, although at this point I don't think twitters going to care, it's not like she's posting anything offensive or that breaks ToS. Also found another alt.
There's like a dozen others too but aside from one or two, I think they're just people larping as her for whatever reason.
No. 918834
>>918827Of course moo said yes to a shit rigged porn game kek its porn shovelware. She's a complete fucking moron to promote this. Lowest denominator "brand deal". Her even calling it that is embarrassing. If Moo lurks, I really hope she realizes no one is jealous of a broken money grab deal she made. The shoes aren't right, the wig is terrible, the pattern is supposed to be smaller on the bottom with pleats
But yeah. Just fix the top.
No. 918868
File: 1693936823676.jpg (235.61 KB, 1461x2048, F5RS1AubsAAqC6r.jpg)

>>918856Herself of course!
No. 918884
>>918868Did she sew in a place to put removable bra straps on and if so, why? I'm not a seamstress so I'm confused since the character does not have straps and Mariah is not wearing those transparent ones either. Or maybe that's something else I'm seeing?
>it already has a ton of good reviews and a huge fan baseWhere? You can hardly find anything other than what NLT themselves publish and Steam has only 94 positive reviews. I couldn't find anything on real game review sites. Not even on the ones users can give reviews in.
No. 918907
File: 1694076421793.png (238.87 KB, 593x619, krispytrixie.png)

Whoever makes the next thread, you need to update her tiktok link. 'xmomokunx' is just some rando who links to another cosplayer also called momokun. Her current tiktok is 'peachygirlmomo'
Also shitty new wig
No. 918922
>>918907the xmomokunx account is run by a minor whose trying to make money off Moo’s identity. She’s a hardcore white knight.
Also love how she said she was against sexualizing children….and proceeds to sexualize children.
No. 918972
File: 1694185381261.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1274x1650, IMG_1159.jpeg)

>>918965How hard was it to just check her socials, anon? She’s been mooing a lot lately about doing her own (shitty) wigs.
No. 918973
File: 1694185500971.jpeg (515.15 KB, 1277x1150, IMG_1158.jpeg)

Word salad.
No. 918978
>>918973She swears that she has all this intellectual insight on men and dating, that she has men all figured out, like she is a some kind of expert on dating when most of the time she sounds like a complete retard spouting unintelligible nonsense.
If she even knew half of what she was talking about she wouldn’t be constantly bitching and whining every other month about how all men suck and how lonely she is after having been rejected for the umpteenth time. If she has all this supposed insight and knowledge about dating and can see through men and all their tricks and shortcomings, then why does she keep falling for the same bullshit every single time? Oh that’s right, it’s because she is full of shit because she doesn’t know the first thing about men and hasn’t spent more than 30 seconds around one she wasn’t constantly trying to fuck.
The truth of the matter is most guys are completely repulsed by her, either by her profession or just her appearance in general. I know she has deluded herself into thinking she is this “thicc gym goddess who will drain your balls dry and have you calling her mommy by the end of it all”, but the truth is, is that she looks like a disgusting bloated corpse, her skin discolored, her face looking sallow and sunken in, covered in stretch marks and acne in the worst places and and ass that is literally concave. And if they can manage to get past the horrible body odor they then have to deal with an insufferable, desperate, overly attached clinger who is looking to get violent with you the second you say or do something she doesn’t agree with. Which is why any guy that manages to date her is usually running for the hills after only a couple of months.
No. 918993
>>918978That was well said.
It's funny to me when she tries to be intellectual about anything because she can't type proper English so it's like trying to decipher something. Cow has her own damn language.
No. 918999
File: 1694235093855.jpg (1.3 MB, 1808x1476, reform.jpg)

now she's trying to act like she's some beacon of security or something in the community
>>918973unsurprisingly she's deleted this
No. 919004
File: 1694245981545.png (359.37 KB, 1217x1425, momokun.png)

is she trying to get vamps back?
No. 919013
>>919004It feels like every other month she is trying to help cancel some “creep” that she was all too friendly with back in the day. She was all too comfortable being around these people and in most cases she was just as bad as them. But as soon as an opportunity comes to throw them under the bus she immediately takes it and tries to either pretend she was completely divorced from it or yet again play the “innocent helpless
victim who felt too scared to say anything or speak up during the time it was going on”, despite the fact that she parades herself around as the “boss bitch qween who isn’t afraid of any man and won’t stand for abuse and will protect other women”.
Funny how that whenever her dirt gets brought up she is quick to try and change the subject or try to deny having done any of it despite the fact that the is video of her fat ugly mug crying into the camera admitting to it.
No. 919017
File: 1694287044124.jpeg (725.57 KB, 1272x1755, IMG_1177.jpeg)

>>919016Sharing images would be helpful
No. 919022
>>919021That’s how she always is. Even with shit that doesn’t affect her at all she’ll try to find a way to make it all about her or talk about how she is personally affected. She never gives sympathy or space to any of the actual
victims, and when she does it’s pure lip service to try to maintain face in public. But she is truly the biggest narcissist who believes everything revolves around her and that everyone is looking for her opinion on everything.
>>919017Usually in these matters, none of them are the “good guys” in any of this. They are usually all shitty people who enable each others shitty behavior until they no longer have a use for each other, then they toss them to the wolves and try to pretend their hands are totally clean in any of it. Or it just devolves into internet shitflinging with everyone trying to one up each other with some sort of “gotcha” receipts that they had been secretly saving all along.
This guy may very well have some skeletons in the water closet that need to be exposed. But Moo is for damn sure the last person that needs to be trying to call someone out for inappropriate behavior. Especially if it turns out she was complicit or aware of all of this but chose to say nothing like she does with all of her other
abusive “friends”.
No. 919027
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No. 919028
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No. 919029
File: 1694300771866.jpeg (801.97 KB, 3264x1974, IMG_1192.jpeg)

No. 919031
File: 1694304674684.jpeg (489.23 KB, 828x1425, A98C3548-071C-4A4D-B6B0-0816E7…)

Spill it Squarecuck!
No. 919032
File: 1694304934862.jpeg (462.2 KB, 828x1425, 40712051-177E-4925-A141-71981D…)

>>919031To no one’s surprise Moo is lying. She took her sweet ass time to make a video after a bunch of attempts and was grinning the entire video like the smug cunt she is in the video she did eventually put out. Which was still piss poor. Bitch has never changed since then. Square could just dish out whatever he has on her at this point since he pretty much has nothing to lose and Moo is egging him on by butting in and bringing attention to herself.
No. 919034
>>919031>>919032She's so embarrassing for using a fucking reaction image while discussing all of this shit. It's so inappropriate, she can't be serious for one minute and is definitely just using incidents like this to be holier than thou even though absolutely no one wants to be involved with her anymore.
Like I really wish she wasn't treating shit like this like a gaia online role play but that's probably genuinely how her brain works
No. 919035
>>919027Fucking Christ, the way she talks to people just makes you want to punch her in the mouth. She is so goddamn fake and condescending. The only reason she is even involving herself in this is she thrives on drama. Not some holier than thou, helping others bullshit she is trying to pass of here. If she really gave a shit about helping people, she would have said something sooner and not just sit on it as some kind of card to play against him later on down the line.
>>919032Dumb cunt can’t help but out herself. Surprising no one, she knew about all of this and didn’t say anything. And how her dumb ass is trying to play that as some kind of trump card. As if she now doesn’t look guilty as shit knowing all of this and sitting on her fatass and doing nothing about it. A smarter person definitely wouldn’t let her off the hook for that and take her to task for it.
>>919032God she is such full of shit. She didn’t instantly try to make amends like she is trying to claim here. She had first chalked it up to lying whores just looking for clout chasing, as if it was some coordinated effort to bring her down. Which of course speaks to her narcissism that 1) She was ever all that important and 2) That it took some sort of coordinated conspiracy to take her down and not her own shitty actions that she had been finally called to task for. She spent the whole weekend laughing at and mocking them into the camera thinking it was all some sort of joke. It was only after weeks of arm twisting and call out posts that she finally issued some sort of formal apology along with some obviously bullshit claims of having reached out to her
victims. Which she then proceeded to delete the second she thought she had gotten away with it.
She is trying to act as if she “took her lumps and and paid her dues”, but to this day she keeps denying having done anything and that it was all just lies meant to ruin her reputation. She isn’t sorry, she didn’t learn anything and he absolutely right. She isn’t in any position to lecture anyone on their behavior. If anything, she needs to be called out right along with him.
No. 919036
File: 1694308491226.jpeg (772.13 KB, 3264x1464, IMG_1200.jpeg)

Still going at it
No. 919039
>>919037I imagine that it’s a case of mutually assured destruction on all parties. That if it ever got out just exactly what all these people knew, participated in or covered up, it would bring the entire cosplay community down. There is no telling what kind of heinous shit they were all up to and have sworn to the grave. Every now and again you get a few pop offs from disgruntled costhots who are mad about how their life turned out, but nothing seems to go anywhere cause they are probably are all afraid of the whole community being reformed and getting knocked off their perches.
That and they are usually spineless cucks who are afraid of any confrontation. You have nothing to lose at this point. If you have any information that will at least let you bury one of these cunts who are trying to ruin your life, then let all out. You stand to gain nothing by staying silent and you are continuing to let her get away with it.
No. 919040
File: 1694310648885.jpeg (703.2 KB, 1276x1709, IMG_1202.jpeg)

No. 919041
File: 1694312345701.jpeg (859.01 KB, 1232x1817, IMG_1203.jpeg)

No. 919046
File: 1694317012562.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2744x3264, IMG_1211.jpeg)

God she is so fucking stupid.
No. 919047
File: 1694317547000.jpeg (824.97 KB, 3264x2095, IMG_1214.jpeg)

$5 says Mariah sent herself that "anonymous" message.
No. 919048
>>919046The fact that all she can post is reaction shot memes to everything he is saying should tell you how full of shit and wrong she is. She thinks she’s “won” the argument replying with some dumb picture, as if that refutes anything he’s said. It’s appears she’s desperately digging for anything she can throw in face to show that he’s the “bad guy” and not her, there seems to be no lengths she won’t sink to. This has gotten well beyond “Just looking out for other women and colleagues” and into just pure internet shitflinging.
And of course Moo is dumb enough to think she is untouchable or even remotely in the clear. I’m sure he could start posting stuff that would instantly bury her as well, but he seems to be doing just fine refuting her with actual receipts of everything she is claiming and trying to put the worst possible spin on.
No. 919049
File: 1694317889769.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1269x1780, IMG_1215.jpeg)

Insufferable cunt
No. 919050
>>919049Dumb cunt. Bet she deletes all these tweets by tomorrow morning. She really thinks she “won”. All it proves is what a trashy piece of shit she is who is bitter that her “career” is in tatters after having been exposed as the same kind of abuser and creep.
Literally every time one of these cancel campaigns comes up in this community she is the first to throw gasoline on the fire because she thinks others have to suffer as she had to when she was outed.
No. 919054
>>919046Moo, trying and being turned down isn't the same as being a fucking predator, especially since she said he fucked off after she turned down the cuddle. Holy shit, you brain dead fatass. She's twisting everything possible to make him look as bad as possible. Not once did he threaten Miso or sexually assault her in Japan, that post is him saying he isn't in a headspace to be AROUND people. He didn't even abuse her. The way she is gaslighting the situation when she wasn't even there is insane. Anyone who isn't reaching can read these messages and see Moo is taking so much out of context. Even Vamps screenshots don't show him trying to coherse her into porn. Vamp says "Im old and ive already gone nude". Him saying he thought she'd go slow instead of all at once isn't some cohersion tactic.
Fuck all these women. What terrible, lying bitches.
No. 919055
File: 1694319761352.jpg (500.16 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_20230909_212517_X.j…)

>>919054Moo had literally taught all these girls how to over exaggerate situations to benefit them. The texts don't lie though, he's telling the truth.
No. 919056
>>919054Massive projection on her part. It’s because she doesn’t simply “fuck off” when she is told no. She keeps pawing at them, trying to disguise it as “simply messing around”. Guys will reject her and yet she still will keep trying to initiate physical contact in some way. The excuse she gave when she was outed as an abuser was that “we were all just playing around”.
She is desperately trying to paint all of this in the worst possible way she can. Where only someone looking to completely argue in bad faith will agree with her. He’s literally telling her to leave him alone and stay away from him so that things don’t get escalate to something worse, yet Moo is trying to frame it as him being
abusive and threatening her (Now that weird hate boner she has for Johnny Depp is starting to make more sense). She has no right speak on any of this since she wasn’t involved at all and to post it as some sort of “gotcha”, completely ignoring any and all context just shows how shitty she is.
Fuck he so right. Nothing but a bunch of vindictive cunts who thrive on drama.
No. 919057
File: 1694320740610.jpeg (6.43 MB, 4534x13056, IMG_9786.jpeg)

Marvin’s spilling the tea on Vamps and he’s about to release info on Mariah as well
No. 919061
File: 1694323864160.jpg (278.29 KB, 1080x887, Screenshot_20230909_223320_Dri…)

From one of the girls experiences with Marvin. I believe her way more than Moo, but what do you bet this part is her? Lol
No. 919063
File: 1694325224558.jpeg (217.92 KB, 1269x646, IMG_1219.jpeg)

She nuked everything from today already. Way to stand by your convictions Moo, totally doesn’t show that you’re a pathetic, attention starved coward.
No. 919067
>>919063Why is she deleting it? People are going to go on her accounts (as I have mutuals posting her and vamps “callouts” on Instagram) and then not find anything, wouldn’t that make people find that weird? Why does she always do that? She talks so much shit only to fucking cower away. Reminds me of seeing her at AX and how fucking scared she looked when we made eye contact, I know other nonas who saw her had similar encounters.
I hope Marvin calls her out, I didn’t think he would and of course it would be a moid that would make Moo mass delete quickly.
No. 919071
>>919068It’s because she felt like she was “done wrong” when she was outed as a predator.
Behavior that was so prevalent in the community, and she feels like she was the only one called out and taken to task for it. It’s why whenever one of these attempts to cancel someone comes up, she is always the first to try and throw gasoline on the fire. She wants others down in the mud with her where she has been forced to reside since being labeled a sexual predator. Her name is still the poster child for sexual abuse in the cosplay community and no one has been able to knock her off that perch unfortunately for her. Which is why she is so desperate for someone else’s name to blow up as an abuser and will try her damndest to make whatever someone supposedly did almost 10 times worse than her, just as she just tried to do with Marvin, despite all evidence to the contrary.
She tried every trick in the book get his name ruined as much as hers, from accusing him of being a creep, a pimp and even tried to say he was
abusive and a danger to women, despite all his receipts saying otherwise.
She so desperately wants someone to be the next “Momokun”, the convention creep who assaults and and bullies women. Who’s name is passed around in circles as a strictly “Do Not Invite” policy.
No. 919072
>>919061I’m sorry but how is this cancel worthy? This just sounds like you’re mad y’all no longer friends? Just saying random shit. Ok he thinks you’re disgusting, and??? He’s rude at most? You’re not
victims, you’re literally just fucking stupid lol. Why would you say yes to 35%?? No one forced you? Or lied to you? That’s buyers remorse baby. Not abuse lol abusing our time with this nonsense
No. 919073
>>919072Right? Yes it’s shitty behavior but nothing to truly cancel someone and burn them at the stake. If that were the case the half of the cosplay photog community would be cancelled as they clearly have their preferences. Even Martin Wong won’t shoot Moo and has said before he doesn’t shoot not fit people.
Yes it sucks to hear but it’s a fucking moid… like you should’ve gotten an idea of what his preference is from his social media posts and work. They’re making it seem like Marvin forced them into sex trafficking or something. They’re all just shitty people, I wish like the other nona said that situations like this would reform the cosplay community cause it’s nerds living out their bullying fantasies or people who want an easy job by throwing others under the bus or making them sell out
No. 919078
>>919072Honestly, the whole thing looked like a friend-fight. None the accusations were as serious as they kept trying to make it out to be. It was just all he said she said and nuh uh yeah huhs. Vamp wasnt assaulted or anything. I don't doubt that the scrote is creepy, violent, and likely even encouraged her as he took the pictures or whatever, but at the same time if Vamp didnt want to take lewds she didnt have to. She booked him specifically for that purpose. What was he supposed to do, show up and say "m'lady this isnt right"?? Sounds like she thought she would be an overnight sensation, but no one gave a shit. She didnt rake in the money like other cosplayers did. Most of the cosplayers are only where they are because of extreme exposure, or they started in early. Vamp came all late with little to no relevance. It's very unfortunate and downright sad, but it's the honest to god fate of like 98% of women who attempt the OF/lewds route. They make pennies, no one cares, now they're flashed their bits to the entire world for literally no reason which makes them slightly less employable. Oops? Shouldnt have tried to rely on coomers in the first place, idiots.
No. 919084
>>919078This was a huge nothingburger that she desperately wanted to turn into something because she is tired of being the premier name being associated with sexual assault and abuse in the community. Every time she gets involved in one of these cancel campaigns it’s to drag other people in the mud with her since she felt like she was the only one called out and taken to task for her behavior even though that kind of behavior is littered all across the community.
No one was assaulted. No one was taken advantage of. Marvin may be a bit of a creep that tried to hit on some of his clients, but last time I checked, just hitting on someone isn’t abuse. It’s just Vamp being pissy that that her “career” didn’t instantly take off when she decided to go nude and is now regretting her life choices and needs someone to blame. And Moomoo, who thrives on drama of course had to shove her fat, pig shaped nose into it while stupidly trying to claim she is doing it for altruistic reasons.
No. 919086
>>918999Absolutely fucking INSANE how many times she talks about HERSELF and how much MONEY SHE MAKES all while trying to stand up for women. Disgusting. Never change Moo.
>>919057This is giving off mad vibes of regret sex. Just because you regret going full nude doesn't mean he forced you to do it Vamps. That doesn't make him a predator lmao. I know we say this all the time but man, these women are insufferable.
No. 919095
>>919094Unless you are a breakout star for the porn world, you got what 3-5 years before the scrotes get tired of seeing your snatch and move to a different one.
There are legit sick ass fuckers out there, but squarecuck is just a lame ass parasite beta. He isn't Andrew Tate ffs.
No. 919096
File: 1694385039221.jpeg (956.44 KB, 2289x3264, IMG_1225.jpeg)

It’d be so fucking funny if they just deactivated her account already. She’s always been given too many chances despite constantly violating ToS on any site she peddles her crap on.
No. 919098
File: 1694388877359.jpg (Spoiler Image,824.01 KB, 1079x1766, Screenshot_20230910_192821_Twi…)

Dressing up as a slutty version of Trixie from Fairly Odd Parents of all things is beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel. She's so desperate for male attention that she'll cosplay a porno version of a nickelodeon cartoon for dumb children made by Butch Hartman, no less. It's so pathetic. It reminds me of this loser from my high school who wore a usb drive around his neck full of porn of cartoon network and nickelodeon characters as some kind of badge of honor, and everyone knew about it. There are like five million anime milfs out there that she could do horny cosplay of instead, but nope, I guess someone drew some flavor of the month sexy "grown-up" Trixie Tang fan art, and all Mariah saw was dollar signs.
No. 919113
>>919099nta but moids are attracted to the
idea of the age rather than moo's literal representation. it's the same as really big ugly girls into ddlg. the moids are getting off to the idea that she's pretending to be underage and that's why it's a problem. moo doesn't look like
any of the characters she cosplays period.
No. 919127
File: 1694420536878.png (577.35 KB, 1231x2143, lonleyfans.png)

sounds like she might close to losing her onlyfans. would love to know specifically whats being removed, other than her classroom photos
No. 919130
>>919129she does have a fansly, its just not been added to the op yet. Didn't you know, she's an offical partner? /s
speaking of moving, whatever happened to her peachy fans thing she was claiming to be working on around the time OF planned to move away from their porn reputation?
No. 919131
File: 1694426468603.jpeg (6.64 KB, 168x300, download.jpeg)

>>919127So this guy ItsBeboppu is her b/g content partner I guess, when I googled him it came up with lots of couple cosplays of him and his gf from a few months ago don't know if they're still together
No. 919147
File: 1694445525217.jpg (303.57 KB, 1080x1531, IMG_20230911_162112.jpg)

>>919132He's tagged here where she's mooing about her b/g partners release form being tagged
No. 919157
File: 1694464392258.jpeg (400.48 KB, 828x1316, 4E7E34A5-742F-4158-98EC-98F194…)

No. 919161
>>919155do u have porn brain or something nonna?
you realize she’s a whale.
No. 919185
File: 1694493464928.jpeg (1014.42 KB, 3264x2829, IMG_1239.jpeg)

If you’re so unbothered about being hated, then quit jumping bandwagons to drag others to your level.
No. 919187
>>919185Being hated implies anyone gives a shit about you Moo. You’re wholly irrelevant. Your name is dog shit in the community. No high profile brand deals to speak of, you’re not being invited to guest at cons, and you’re not being invited to the high profile parties. It’s just you and your trashy, Z-grade porn and whatever desperate sycophants still sticking around for whatever crumbs left of your “career” they can leech off of. No one gives enough of a shit about you to hate you.
She’s trying to act all “boss bitch qween, so unbothered”, yet everyone who has ever met her knows she is pissing herself scared of someone even looking at her the wrong way.
No. 919203
>>919201Drawings of what, anon?
Most characters being under 18 in popular series is simply untrue. Stop making excuses for her. There are plenty of characters that she could dress up as that are adults. She makes the decision to dress up as Butch Hartman characters that are "aged up" according to her. Obviously we know Mariah isn't a child, but she is reaching out for the type of person who looks at porn of children's cartoons. That's some freak shit. If a grown man told me he wanted to fuck Trixie Tang from Fairly Odd Parents, I think it would be a mercy to kill him on the spot.
No. 919228
File: 1694579129675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,462.33 KB, 3264x1608, IMG_1252.jpeg)

Looking like she got picked up off the side of the road just outside The Strip.
No. 919230
>>919227That very same trip where she claimed to have chased the guy down, tackled him and everyone cheered. That was probably the stupidest lie she has ever told.
But aside from some local handouts she gets from some desperate leeches, she hasn’t been invited to anything. She’s been forced to actually have to purchase tickets and waddle around hoping someone wants a picture, while simultaneously ready to piss herself in fear of the idea of someone confronting her.
No. 919232
>>919229i’m more surprised she’s still fat.
No. 919237
>>919235Not to mention she doesn’t actually work out at the gym. She just hangs around the machines, desperate for some gym bro to chat it up with her or she’s posing for photos in the bathroom.
She doesn’t do a single thing to maintain her health. She just goes and gets lipo done every couple of months, and then gaslights the complete retards who can’t tell that she is obviously lying when she says all she does is “eat right and totally crush it at the gym”. If she did even a modicum of the stuff she claims she does, then she wouldn’t look like the bloated corpse that she is today.
No. 919247
File: 1694598815577.png (13.19 KB, 589x122, fall.png)

>>918748looks like she's going in fall
No. 919312
File: 1694665565719.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1882x2008, IMG_1255.jpeg)

Her bloodshot dead-eyed stare is almost a meme in itself.
No. 919317
File: 1694674021509.jpg (344.94 KB, 591x891, Untitled.jpg)

i thought you were putting this behind you moo?
No. 919318
>>919317Just wait moo will then claim it was his idea to build the money pit of a studio.
These girls were probably used not gonna lie. But they also lurk here as much as moo and they would have seen the posts about how much Marvin hated moo and shit talked her to anyone who would listen until he started screwing Tokki. The minute he started sleeping with her suddenly he was moos bestie, moved in cooked her food all that.
The so cal scene is polluted with these backstabbing OF girls and scummy photogs. They live for the drama. Honestly Marvin wanted what 40% and they were all ok that sounds great to me! Professional agency’s don’t even take that much. Sheesh. honestly no one in moos circle is intelligent, all looks no brains and no plans for when those looks fade or a younger hotter girl shows up.
No. 919322
>>919312She looks like that Brendan Fraser meme. And how’s that sooper-speshul $30k nose job working out for you, Moo? Cow or pig, who can tell these days?
>>919319Right? I snorted with laughter. Her cognitive dissonance is legendary.
No. 919336
File: 1694708382337.jpg (301.61 KB, 1080x888, 20230915_042158.jpg)

>>919335That's the considerably less gross version than reality
No. 919337
>>919317The only reason she keeps going back to this well is because she thinks she “won” against him. That because he didn’t respond any further to her bullshit and obvious attempts to cancel him that she’s won the argument. It unfortunately didn’t gain the kind of traction she wanted, so now she is going to try to push it even further. Because at the end of the day, what she wants is a new “Momokun”, someone where their name is synonymous with sexual abuse in the cosplay community like hers is. She so badly wants one of these stories to take off and swarm the internet like hers did, she wants everyone to think what Marvin did was somehow worse than her and that everyone should stop talking about her. But newsflash Moo, the reason no other story has popped off like yours did is because you were the worst of the worst. And no amount of gaslighting or misinformation is going to change that.
Although, she isn’t as nearly in the clear as she has deluded herself into thinking. She thinks that because her name isn’t trending or that there aren’t articles being written about her behavior that she is safe now. But ask anyone about “Momokun” and what is usually their instant reaction? “Wait, isn’t she the girl who sexually assaulted people at conventions and blamed it on her ADHD?” That will forever be her legacy, and all Marvin, Sabrina or really anyone has to do is bring up her self-admitted history of sexual abuse and bullying and have it gain any traction whatsoever, and watch her completely bitch out and go back to wanting to to be “all about peace and loving one another and not tearing each other down” like she always does when someone threatens to expose her again.
Maybe Marvin does deserve some amount of scrutiny, but Moo and her cronies are for damn sure the last ones that need to be trying to do it. There is no telling how much they’re covered up, knew about and refused to say anything about, or especially in Moo’s case, actively participated in. And there’s still a lot to be said of how many times Moo has gone to bat for some of her other
abusive “friends” like Leon. How that whenever other girls were coming out with stories about him she’d accuse them of lying for clout.
Seriously. Marvin or Sabrina, just bury her. It’s the least the bitch deserves. Especially if she is only looking to just ruin people’s lives.
No. 919349
>>919341She’s also too stupid to realize how much this implicates her as well. That she knew of it the whole time and said nothing and probably actively prevented other women from speaking out.
What I find funny is that according her, a “simple apology and acknowledgment of his behavior would have prevented all of this”. So that either means, that this was a huge nothing burger that she and her cronies would absolutely turn into something down the line if they need to, or that they were complicit in some heinous crimes that they were more than happy to overlook just because it was a friend. So which is it Moo, is he really a
abusive menace that needs to be locked up, or is this all because he refuses to bend the knee anymore to you and your cronies so now you’ve all decided he is “cancelled”.
No. 919357
File: 1694724213430.jpg (434.77 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20230914_134618_X.j…)

Moo calling a cosplayer ugly compared to Amber Heard
No. 919358
File: 1694724237885.jpg (195.89 KB, 1126x1500, 20230914_134425.jpg)

>>919357The photo compared
No. 919362
>>919357Not just any cosplayer though, that’s Lucie Pohl, the voice actor for Mercy.
There’s stupid, and then there is completely retarded. Moo really thinks she has more clout than the actual voice actor for the character. Not only that, but she is also defending a fellow abuser like Amber Heard.
The shitshow that is about to ensue is going to be legendary. Watch all her stories about sexual assault at cons come right back up into the public consciousness when people start coming at her and wanting to defend Lucie.
She always gets like this. She gets one “win” and suddenly thinks she is untouchable and can now start mouthing off to whoever she wants.
No. 919366
>>919365Amber shitstains are pretty rabid and will show up literally anywhere her name is mentioned. They’ll only stick around until someone else mentions her and then they go dogpile them instead. I never worry about what any of them have to say because they are bunch of brain dead retards still clinging to a known piece of shit like Amber.
Moo will get hers though, because it will never be enough. She’ll keep tweeting at her and try to “clown” her until she thinks she’s won. And eventually it will all get thrown back in her face.
No. 919373
It would seem our cow is becoming cocky once more. The pitchforks are directed at Marvin so she feels safe, in all likelihood he is a user. However, the circle making claims aren’t that reliable either, they are after all mooriah’s calves.
It would also seem that moo is starved for attention, likely feels safe enough to try and start fights like she did when she was 19. She fails to realize that those same tactics that got her the attention she wanted years ago will simply not work anymore. There is no longer an army of white knights coming to defend her honor; she’s older and uglier than she once was and her true personality has revealed itself several times over, she’s not worth fighting for. Mariah cannot count on a female fan base to come to her aid either as they once did in the beginning, she bullied most of them, molested and humiliated many, and constantly talks down to women.
I cannot help but wonder if our cow is becoming desperate, almost 30, no hot boyfriend and not a reliable friend in sight.
I’m looking forward to the milk that will surely overflow in the coming weeks.
No. 919375
>>919373This exactly what landed her in trouble the first time. Her thinking that she was the “biggest, baddest bitch on the block”, picking fights with anyone and everyone she thought she was better than. In that case it was I believe Jannetincosplay, a pro cosplayer (who actually got invited to cosplay Widowmaker for Blizzard at Blizzcon that year, meanwhile Moo was still sneaking into cons and claiming to be an “invited guest”) and because she didn’t sink to Moo’s level and involve herself in internet shitflinging, Moo thought she had “won” the argument and was beating her chest about how big and bad she was all week.
Lo and behold, all of a sudden her name is now trending on Twitter, with everyone sharing similar stories of abuse and bullying at the hands of her. Articles are being written about her behavior and conduct at conventions and how it was time types like her, abusers, were ousted from the community. And before she could even sneak onto the convention floor that weekend, she was already persona non grata. All of a sudden everyone was talking about her, everyone was looking to confront her. And she was so pissing herself scared that she hid and cried in her hotel room all weekend. Scared that anytime someone put a camera in her face it was to confront her and call her out. And even though she tried and failed to laugh it all off and claim it was all misunderstandings and conspiracies, no one was buying her shit and she was forced to give an apology.
But I think what stung the most for her is that no one else since then has eclipsed that. No matter how many more stories come out, how many creeps get exposed, not one of them were are as bad as her, enough to have their face made synonymous with sexual abuse in the cosplay community. Which is why she keeps instigating herself in all these new “cancel campaigns”, she so desperately wants one to pop off like hers did and finally have someone else be made the poster child for sexual abuse. Unfortunately for her, none of them wind up sticking because they usually huge nothing burgers that are started by cloutchasing ethots who are regretful of their life choices and need someone to blame. It’s usually stories of awkward nerds flirting gone wrong or complete misunderstandings, meanwhile Moo keeps trying to make them into harrowing stories of sexual assault and abuse, the stuff she was actually guilty of and admitted to in her apology that she immediately took down the second she thought she had gotten away with it.
And now more of the same is going to happen. She thinks she’s untouchable and that she is the big bad bitch again. And I can’t wait to see it all come crashing down again for her. Except there won’t be an army of simps to defend her or a group of desperate leeches willing to go to bat for her this time.
No. 919380
>>919375I'm honestly surprised she admitted she didn't have a good time and she was the most hated person there. Usually she pretends she has lines of people waiting to meet her and what a wonderful time she had being famous.
I guess no ones buying it. Her con conduct is well known. She has the occasional porn sick scrote wanting a picture. But now people know she goes up to others and asks for pictures or self inserts herself in groups or booths.
I can't remember her, but one of her friends had a booth at a con and Moo basically hijacked it and pretended she was invited
No. 919384
File: 1694793837053.jpg (258.41 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_20230915-100128_Ins…)

There are self-righteous anti bullying pages run by young retards slamming Moo now. The white knights are definitely gone.
No. 919392
>>919384I'm more shocked she still looks that fat with all that editing
Why is she still shopping her head that small? Is this just the effect of poor photoshop?
No. 919409
File: 1694811050291.jpg (151.29 KB, 1080x1920, 20230915_135335.jpg)

Here we go again
No. 919412
>>919409What gets me about her and her gang of cunts is that they are all are acting as if Moo has “paid her dues”, that her time in internet jail was spent, mentioning how much she “lost” and that she is now a better person than she was then.
Completely ignoring the fact that every single one of these cunts attempted to bury the story as much as possible. They’d call all her accusers liars and cloutchasers , conspiring to take her down. Any one attempting to call her out was labeled as an “insert internet buzzword for people who don’t agree with you” at the time. Moo herself attempted to laugh off the accusations and make jokes about her
victims. She deleted the “apology” the second she felt like she was in the clear. And to this day whenever it is brought up she tries to deflect with either reaction shot memes or deny any wrong doing whatsoever.
What happened was that because Bunny, one of her main accusers, was outed as a shitty person, she thinks that she has been completely exonerated. That because one of her
victims turned out to be a shitty person as well, that it completely invalidates all the other accusations because “Well she was a shitty person who was behind all this, so why should you believe anything she says, or anyone else for that matter, about me?” As if there still aren’t dozens of other with similar stories of her groping them at conventions who didn’t get so much as an an apology or “acknowledgement of her behavior”, as she keeps saying with Marvin. Her own logic dictates that if multiple people are saying something about you, then it must be true, which is what she has been trying to do with Marvin. That because all these girls, conveniently in the same friend group, are all saying stuff about him, it must be true. Well Moo, there are dozens of stories of you groping and assaulting people at conventions, so it must be true, right?
So her and all her leeches can fuck off with this “she’s acknowledged her past and has changed since then” bullshit. Especially Vamp, hook nosed bitch trying to act like she wasn’t Moo’s main lap dog during that time and has the nerve to ask “How can you defend someone accused of assault like that?”
No. 919413
>>919411That’s the thing with anyone who attempts to leave her friend group. For women, she accuses you of being a bitchy, slutty backstabber who can’t be trusted around other friends. For men, she accuses you of being an
abusive creep or a rapist who is a danger to women.
The point is, she wants you as radioactive as possible so that no one who values their reputation would even think about associating with you. She’ll accuse you of some of the worst shit humanly possible, with almost always with no proof whatsoever of course, and act like she is a saint for having covered it up for so long or act like she was so scared to say something at the time for fear of being victimized as well.
She absolutely wants you publicly humiliated, miserable and suffering, because how dare you spurn her friendship?
No. 919422
File: 1694827067401.jpeg (393.02 KB, 1283x1008, IMG_1284.jpeg)

Your own words could be applied to you, Moo. Jfc zero self awareness.
No. 919423
File: 1694827808710.jpeg (473.61 KB, 3264x1601, IMG_1287.jpeg)

Shit like this should be considered a huge red flag for anyone choosing to listen to them.
No. 919424
>>919422Another big fat nothingburger with another dash of zero personal responsibility on the part of any of these cunts. They are so desperate to lay the blame for their shitty choices in life at anyone other than their own damn selves.
And again, Moo trying make this into the scandal of the century so that someone else is finally being talked about. Also completely ignoring that everything she is saying could be directly applied to her, yet when it was her getting dragged thru the mud it was all “out of context lies and conspiracy”. Also, what happened to just leaving this all behind Moo? I thought you were done? It’s probably because none of the shit you keep trying accuse him of is sticking to get him cancelled, so you keep coming back with more ludicrous accusations.
I’m about half convinced they are going to try to accuse him of murder next. They already tried labeling him an abuser and a rapist and no one is buying it.
And again, you were supposedly sitting on all this information Moo and all that was needed was “a simple apology and acknowledgement of his behavior and this would all go away”? If he was half as bad you you keep trying to see he is, then you should have went to the police years ago. But you know this is a big nothing and this is nothing more than extortion and blackmailing, to get him to bend the knee to you and your cronies since leaving you and your gaggle of cunts.
No. 919425
File: 1694829183867.jpeg (889.46 KB, 1283x1804, IMG_1288.jpeg)

Something I’ve noticed having checked her Twitter for the past few days over this spat. She’s been retweeting this one particular post almost every other hour. Like she’s craving attention from this person. She’s been doing it to a few other tweets too and it only makes her look desperate to keep the drama going. Literally nothing happened and she’s sitting there hoping her retweeting her idiotic responses will trigger something. It’s pathetic.
No. 919426
>>919425Like I said, she obviously so desperately wants this to take off like her own drama did. She wants this to be a trending topic with multiple articles written and videos done about it like she had done to her. Except no one is biting. Mostly because
1. It’s fucking Momokun, the literal poster child for sexual assault in the cosplay community trying to instigate it. The last person on earth who should be trying to call out someone for sexual misconduct
2. It is largely a big nothingburger that the accused has been largely able to refute with actual receipts and not just nebulous allegations of “abuse”.
No. 919430
>>919429Exactly right. These dumb bimbos who are constantly going on about being “boss bitch successful businesswomen” got completely ripped off. And now that their old fugly asses are seeing less income, being replaced by younger, hotter and infinitely less
problematic models, they are out for blood. It was their own shitty decisions that lead them down this road and now they want someone to blame for the predicament they are in.
It all goes back to them being unable to take accountability for their own actions. These bitches keep trying to lecture Marvin about accountability, yet with Moo all they had was excuses, how she was being “taken out of context” and “it was all jealous vendettas being conspired against her”. There was full on video and her admitting to all of it, yet these dumb bitches were all like “It’s not what you think” and “if you only knew the truth behind the scenes, then you’d see how wrong you are”. Yet we’re supposed to believe Marvin is some sort of menace to society that is a danger to women, solely off of their nebulous claims of “abuse”, of which he has largely debunked with screenshots showing that these bitches are all full of shit.
Marvin may very well be some sort of creep, or at the very least some weasely nerd who tried to use his profession to hook up with some moderately attractive cosplay thots. But that is a far cry from the
abusive rapist that Moo and her cronies are trying to make him out to be. The only thing he is likely guilty of is scamming a few dumb cunts who thought they were so much smarter than everyone else but apparently too dumb to see that they were being conned.
Again, I keep going back to “this could have all been settled if he just apologized and acknowledged his behavior”. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that this
abusive menace you was apparently a danger to women everywhere just needed a stern talking to and just needed to say he was sorry. If he was half as dangerous as Moo and her cronies believed him to be then they would have gone to the police ages ago. They of course wouldn’t because this is a big nothingburger, vague claims of abuse and assault with no proof other than “Trust me bro, he is super dangerous to be around”. Either you were willing to keep this heinous criminal under wraps because you happen to be friends with him, or you knew none of this was a big deal and are trying to turn it into something now later on down the road that he isn’t useful to you anymore.
This amounts to little more than extortion for him having the audacity to no longer associate with her and her friend group.
No. 919431
>>919429Mariah once claim to make 10,000 a month right? So in the timeframe she worked with square (whom miso obviously vouched for) than you mean to tell me she willingly forked over 4k a month for a manager? So 48k spent on just shooting for these photos and during that time they are going on lavish trips and what not including a garbage studio. That’s insane to me, I know Mariah has always been wasteful, especially with money but in the end the only one to blame for wasting so much money is herself. It’s easy to get scammed like that when at first the money is coming in and moo likely was approved for loans, and high credit limits on cards, and she has always spent money on her stupid friends which is why we all know why they still cling to her. Now the bills are stacking up and she’s realizing how much money she threw down the drain it’s on them.
So many people struggling to make a living these days and these butches just pissed it down the drain. Own up to your stupidity mooo!
No. 919434
File: 1694853515956.png (18.16 KB, 609x218, studio.png)

I think her lease on the studio might be up, why else would she want to create a space at home when she has a whole studio to use.
It would explain why her studio site has been down, and why her last few sets have been either at her home or a hotel.
No. 919449
File: 1694881655169.jpeg (Spoiler Image,905.77 KB, 1471x1455, IMG_1294.jpeg)

$30k nose job, never forget.
I also checked to see if the studio site was up and it’s not, lol. The studio as it is now might be officially dead but the "peachy collective llc" was renewed last month (it’s in the first page of google searching her studio where it literally gives out her home address. It should be a problem if your home address is easier to find than your business jfc Moo.) I sincerely doubt she’ll run a studio out of her home.
No. 919450
File: 1694881707298.jpg (190.93 KB, 1080x1115, FB_IMG_1694846877858.jpg)

Looking wide and busted
No. 919458
>>919450God, she looks so gross and unwashed. Like she does nothing but sitting inside watching anime and stuffing her face with food and hasn’t slept in days. Probably because she’s been up all night tweeting about Marvin trying to get him cancelled.
She seriously went out the house looking like that?
No. 919465
>>919450wasn’t she just talking about looksmaxxing?
imagine getting mogged that hard.
No. 919486
File: 1694906457861.jpeg (261.83 KB, 828x1023, 7EA88827-05C5-4F44-92D0-7F27DC…)

Guess we won’t be getting that dirt on Moo. I wasn’t expecting it anyway. It’d be funny to see Moo try to lie her way through a court hearing with absolutely zero evidence and her taking screenshots out of context though.
No. 919490
>>919486Makes sense, good on him. No sense in stooping to Moo’s level and getting involved in internet shitflinging.
The only thing that will get these bitches to stop is bringing it to court. Where their narratives and excuses will mean precisely dick. Where the only thing that matter is facts. Moo can’t just post meme reaction shots and thinks she’s “won” the argument. She’ll actually have to come with facts and receipts, not just “trust me bro, he’s a bad person”.
I bet she is pissing herself now that it has gotten all the way to this. She could have just left it alone and gone about her business. But no, she just absolutely had to win, to see him completely cancelled, groveling at her and her friends for forgiveness for “betraying” them.
I said this was going to bite her in the ass if she kept going with this. Now she is about to learn the hard way that you can’t just try to ruin people’s lives with lies just because you don’t like them.
No. 919495
>>919494No one is going to side with them. They knew the terms of the contract and were even given multiple times to opt out, and even were allowed to leave at anytime they wanted. Moo is trying to make it out to be some sex trafficking ring that they were all forced into to, when really it was these dumb cunts not realizing how much money they lost out on due to their own negligence and now want revenge. And they are grown ass adults with no one to blame but themselves.
No judge with any common sense is going to take pity on them.
No. 919496
>>919486With the exception of the accusations of assault, I don't think there's anything either side can really go to court over. I might be stupid and missed something major (all of the text just blurs together whenever I try to think about it), but the main complaints seemed to be the deal was garbage, and Squarecuck pressured them into porn with the promise of more subs… I assume. If that is how they felt, I don't think that them saying it or being angry is illegal. Likewise, nothing Squarecuck did under that is illegal. Or, at least, it would be hard to prove one way or another.
This goes out the window with accusations of sexual assault. But given that Momokun wasn't the main source of those accusations, I'm not sure if she would be caught up in anything legal.
All that being said, it wouldn't surprise me if Marvin was scum. We know how these OnlyFans "managers" work. We also know Momokun and her circle is nothing but garbage. I'm waiting to see how this shakes out.
No. 919497
File: 1694915508806.jpeg (467.42 KB, 1233x1351, IMG_1303.jpeg)

>You tried to get into her bed and cuddle with her on a business trip
The screencap implies he asked, was told no and he fucked off to his own bed. How does what’s said in the cap equate sexual assault, Moo? Her and her toadies have no leg to stand on with these allegations. He’s a creep, sure, but there’s no evidence he assaulted them and he has texts of them agreeing to his terms after multiple chances he gave them to back out.
Let’s see how Moo’s "team of lawyers" handle this lol
No. 919498
>>919496The biggest issue is her accusing him of rape and assault. She didn’t just simply say he wasn’t a nice person or that he was mean to her one time. She’s accusing him of a crime of moral perpetuity, something that on its face is defamatory and damaging to his reputation regardless of context. And if he can prove that she or her friends said these things knowing that they were false, which they might considering they know the truth of the matter and are obviously trying to either obfuscate it or muddy it into something that it factually isn’t, then they are going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble. And you have Moo being especially being stupid enough to admit to trying to conspire to ruin him by saying she was getting a “cavalry” together, so there is definitely a case that can be made.
>>919497Because according to Moo and her retards, even showing sexual interest is basically rape. Guy made a move, was rebuffed, and simply left it at that and didn’t pursue any further. But according to Moo and her idiots he basically tried to rape her.
She’s is going to get laughed out of a court room if she thinks this is evidence of sexual assault.
No. 919502
>>919500He absolutely could. Once she started making accusations of rape and assault, this ceased to simply be a matter of internet insults being hurled at each other. She accused him of crimes that are so morally reprehensible that on their face it is implied to be defamatory and damaging to his reputation, regardless of context. She is also trying to instigate a moral panic, claiming him to be a danger to women everywhere, so it absolutely shows that she tried to damage him publicly.
She’s absolutely fucked if he can prove that she is saying all this with knowledge of it being false. And there is a good chance he’ll be able to. He may not receive any compensatory damages, as he has yet to claim to have lost out on any jobs because of all this. But the punitive damages alone would prevent Moo and any other dipshit like her from going online and making false accusations about people to ruin their lives.
Granted, this is all speculative. Who knows how the courts can go. But I think he at least has a case.
No. 919503
>>919498Oh, definitely, although I think proving that she knew the validity of these allegations would be extremely difficult.
>>919497And here we go. Is trying to sleep with someone who essentially works under you gross and strange? Yes. Is it illegal? No.
No. 919540
>>919425Yet for years you told women to shut the fuck up and continued to work with him. You said so yourself and it is screenshotted in here. Also the messages you published to try and paint him as a preadator just showed that he was worried if you truly want to go that route and that maybe they should consider again. I hate defending a moid, buy you are the shitty one, Mariah. Again to no one's surprise. Just because you deleted the messages doesn't mean they disappeared and anyone can find them here. I am not saying he is not shitty, the chances are he absolutely is. But so is Mariah and them both burning will be funny just because Moo wanted to virtue signal. She never learns.
>>919450Ew wtf? She looks very ill. She should go see a doctor (and also show that titty rash she has had for way too long), but she would propably lose her shit when they tell her to lose weight.
No. 919542
>>919540I wouldn’t doubt that Mariah just like the shoots he did even if they were mid and also possibly wanted to hook up with him at some point.
She is oddly protective of people until they deny her what she wants.
No. 919544
>>919540She’s trying to act like her hands are completely clean in all of this, that she is somehow a saint for having kept a lid on all of this and that she was afraid of speaking out against him since he was “so dangerous to women everywhere”. When it’s as you said, she was the main one telling other women to shut the fuck up, that they didn’t know the whole story of that they were just jealous whores looking for attention. If anything, she needs to be called to task as well since she knew about all of this and chose to say nothing and even actively prevented other women from saying anything.
She wants so badly for him to be the “bad guy” when it is and always has been her. Despite how much she tries to scrub from the internet and deny ever happening, the proof is all there for anyone to find. Straight from the fat cow’s mouth herself with greasy tears streaming down her face. She was the worst of the worst and is desperately trying to find anyone else she can get to have everyone talk about instead. Only a complete retard would buy her attempts to paint Marvin as some kind of rapist that’s just going around beating and raping women everywhere and forcing them into sexually explicit photos.
No. 919551
>>919545Yep. It’s all gone. What a chickenshit coward. Probably passing herself scared at the thought of being dragged into court. Or was probably sent a cease and desist order to take down the tweets or she would be threatened with legal action.
Either way, so much for the “boss bitch cunt who ain’t afraid of no one”
No. 919557
File: 1695003416580.jpg (735.54 KB, 1080x2189, Screenshot_20230917_191948_X.j…)

>>919545>>919551No it's not. Its just buried.
No. 919581
File: 1695072106016.jpeg (Spoiler Image,627.84 KB, 3264x1674, IMG_1360.jpeg)

I’d swear she was getting closer to 50.
No. 919594
This caption
>>919581with this picture
>>919450is the perfect set up for the next thread pic. Thanks for the delusion as always, Mooriah!
No. 919597
>>919581"when I look at myself in photos"
You know we joked about Moo refusing to look at herself in pictures without filters or edits but it's good to know it's confirmed
So does she think taking a month break from weed reverses aging? And why admit she was indeed abusing Adderall. What hard drug is she hiding
No. 919606
File: 1695097778794.jpeg (802.82 KB, 1867x3264, IMG_1370.jpeg)

Her sister and dad are in the stories as well, nobody looks thrilled to be there.
No. 919622
>>919617She can’t decide between “All men are intimidated by my boss bitch energy. Weak men need not apply” and “All men suck and are violent, entitled incels who think they can treat women however they want and I feel constantly unsafe around them”.
Really, it’s whatever happens to give her the biggest ego boost at the time or if she is trying to play the sympathetic
victim after putting her foot in her mouth for the hundredth time.
When the truth is, no man is even remotely interested in her and her rancid, disgusting fat ass. She’s completely deluded herself into thinking that there is just the sea of guys that are practically tripping over themselves for a chance to get with her when really they are completely repulsed by her. No guy wants some nasty, unwashed shut in who stays inside watching anime all day and stuffing her face with junk food. She has to trick guys with fake pics that have been photoshopped to hell and covered in filters. The second they get a look at her in real life they are completely disgusting by her. And if they can somehow get past the horrible body odor they have to contend with her equally as shitty personality. A desperate, clingy, emotionally and physically
abusive, complete woman child who they are often stuck babysitting rather than dating.
You can just tel how miserable she is with how often she complains about men in general. She is desperate for a relationship. She’s likely seeing all her peers and friends off getting married, starting families or in long term relationships that will lead to such.
And here she is stuck being lonely with her Z-tier porn career that is now on the downswing. She can’t flex nearly as much as she used to be able to, she can’t just pack up and go on a random expensive vacation. She’s been forced to be more mindful of her spending and exactly where her money is going. She’s nearing the end of her rope and is now likely looking for companionship. But she is so damn prideful and insufferable that no guy is going to want to put up with her. So she has to keep telling herself that “they are just too intimidated by me”.
No. 919628
>>919622it will never not be funny that all the guys either had to look at Moo's friends naked to keep a hard on, watch porn, or get a pre chub by not looking at her
Most decided money wasn't enough and didn't come back. The only one who stayed for a bit was Oz because he was broke. Even then he had a girl on the side.
No. 919634
>>919628>>919631She also has this nasty habit of accusing her exes of rape and assault. Every known relationship she has been in, by the end she is publicly accusing them of all kinds of heinous shit. Either they were
abusive the whole time and she constantly felt threatened by them, or they forced themselves on her/took advantage of her in a vulnerable state/felt entitled to her body and was demanding sex from her when she didn’t want it. She is such an emotionally stunted woman child that she can’t just end her relationships amicably and like a responsible adult. Recognize that the relationship no longer works, go your separate ways and don’t speak to each other anymore. But that’s not enough for her. She has to make sure that the other person is completely destroyed socially so that no one dares to ever associate with them again, all for the simple crime of dumping her
toxic ass. The relationship can’t ever just end nor can she ever have any fault in it failing. It’s never any flaws in her character or behavior. It has to be that she was apparently dating a monster that she was lucky to get out from under.
She not only wants the pity from being dumped, but to also the extra tacked on sympathy from being a potential
victim as well. All so that some idiot who doesn’t know any better will come swooping in to “save” her.
My guess is that word gets around and that no guy wants to risk catching a case from from her once the relationship inevitably falls out. You’ll be breaking up with her and the next thing you know she’s on Twitter calling you a rapist or saying that you threatened her on multiple occasions, calling up all her friends to spread false stories about you to get you cancelled. At that point, no amount of money would be worth it.
No. 919740
>>919737Kind of the point
Who's Moo's major demographic?
A lot of girls in the sex industry hide their ages or just lie about it. Especially irl events. Moids can't tell a 30 year old from a 20 year old. But if you tell a moid someone is 30 they think that woman is old and gross.
That's the problem when you try to be a pick me for moids.
No. 919776
File: 1695352465894.jpeg (324.86 KB, 3264x1088, IMG_1453.jpeg)

Sure Moo.
No. 919787
>>919776Yet refused to publicly warn anyone years prior. I hopege rewads here and takes our refutes to her to his lawyers to see if he can use anything. Seriously though, she's only now saying anything. That's not helping any
No. 919789
>>919776This cunt keep leaving out the fact that she she knew about all of this for years and actively prevented other women from saying anything. Although there really isn’t an “anything” to expose. No one was assaulted, no one was exploited, no one was forced/coerced into doing sexually explicit photos. Just a couple of dumb bimbos devoid of any personal responsibility whatsoever got ripped off and are now pissy that they aren’t making as much after literally showing their asses to the internet. Moo desperately keeps trying to make this out to be some story of rape and abuse and that this guy is a danger to women that needs to be locked up and it simply isn’t.
Anytime Moo mentions this “team of lawyers” I know she is full of shit and is just trying to intimidate people from taking further action against her. Notice how all the talk here of her potentially being sued for defamation for falsely accusing someone of rape and abuse, and the there being a chance of her landing in serious legal trouble, she is now sticking her chest out about how “I’ve got my team of lawyers on it and I have other girls to coo-berate our story”. Just because her and her gang of cunts are getting together to try and cancel someone doesn’t make any of it true. It doesn’t matter how many bitches of you there are “with similar stories” when it’s all the same lie being passed around. But I bet she is hoping that this will be enough to get him to back off.
I would say to him to stick with it and don’t let her off the hook. He has the receipts to disprove all the shit she and these other bitches are saying. She’s the one who escalated this to accusations of rape and abuse. Show the cunt that she can’t just make up lies about people just because she doesn’t like them. The bitch is already scared now that she is trying to flex her “team of super lawyers” on you. She’s hoping that will be enough for you to back off since she knows she doesn’t have the truth or facts on her side. Just salacious, emotionally charged accusations that will prevent any further line of questioning for fear of being labeled a “
victim blamer” or “incel”
No. 919828
>>919808Having this go to court would be the worst possible outcome for her. There she can’t just rely on salacious accusations meant to get an emotionally charged response and shut down any form of questioning. She has to come with actual receipts of the things she is accusing. Not just “trust me bro” and retarded reaction shot memes. Which is why she wants to keep the fight on social media. Where she doesn’t need facts, just enough retards to believe her obvious lies and letting the cancel culture mob handle the rest.
She intends to intimidate him with talks of lawyers and other women preparing their stories as well, when really she is full of shit and praying she doesn’t have to sit for a deposition and have all her shit aired out in the open. Ever since this all started she has been trying to scare him into running away with his tail between his legs to some small corner of the internet. And each time she keeps failing, having to accuse him of more heinous shit so that people will just take her word for it and make him go away.
I say call the bitch’s bluff. Let her know she can no longer get away with this tactic of calling up her friends and spreading lies about people just because she doesn’t like them.
No. 919856
>>919853She’s acting as if she has a team of lawyers on retainer that she can just call up anytime she needs them. When it’s more like as you said, she has to call a firm once in a while whenever she get into deep shit legally.
It’s just another weird flex on her part, usually meant to scare anyone off from pursuing legal action against her. Basically, act as if she has this group of high priced lawyers that will ruin you if you continue seeking legal action against her.
No. 920026
File: 1695877494767.jpg (395.83 KB, 1080x1481, 20230928_180401.jpg)

No. 920033
>>920026you know, at this point i'm not even shocked or surprised by this
>>920028honestly, probably sooner than we realize
No. 920038
File: 1695901167954.jpg (330.84 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20230928_063905_Chr…)

No. 920047
>>920038Is she going antimedicine or what is this retarded take? I wouldn't be amazed if she thinks medicine is bad and all natural products are good since nature is totally never
toxic or deadly.
>Trust me No. 920056
>>920052That’s the thing with her being an insufferable know-it-all, she thinks her “advice” applies to everyone equally. That if you don’t do it the same way she does then you’re just stupid and not doing it correctly.
If she had any sense at all she wouldn’t be trying to give anyone any kind of medical advice as she is not a trained professional and doesn’t know the first thing about treatment. But because she always has to know better than everyone she butts into conversations that don’t involve her while being as ill-informed as possible.
No. 920111
>>920109She is of course going to be completely insufferable about it, get overly defensive at anyone attempting to call her out or ask any questions and act like Lia is some
victim of horrible abuse. She’s going to parade herself around like they are super best friends and practically sisters, like a clingy overly attached girlfriend.
No. 920119
File: 1696022802306.jpg (147.69 KB, 1080x680, 20230930_102446.jpg)

This I'll be interesting to see if see does actually go to Japan, or if she makes up some excuse for not being able to go
No. 920120
File: 1696022915918.jpeg (98.36 KB, 835x377, IMG_1600.jpeg)

>>920111She’s already being insufferable. This cap is a response to Lia’s sister who was bragging about being blocked by someone criticizing Sssniperwolf. She’s going to look for any mention and insert herself as usual because she never learns.
No. 920122
File: 1696023175439.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1130x1987, IMG_1597.jpeg)

>>920119So basically the same Makima outfit she’s worn to death a million times already, gotcha.
No. 920126
>>920122Lol who the fuck does she think she’s fooling? The mirror is a dead giveaway you dumb cow. There’s delusional, but this is just downright sad and pathetic.
>>920120That’s their entire playbook. Just being an insufferable cunt, have the other person block you after not wanting to their with her bullshit, then go around claiming that she “won” and that she is “a bad bitch who is not to be fucked with because she will humiliate you”. And if that doesn’t work she’ll just accuse you of being a dangerous predator. She’s like a goddamn toddler that thinks that as long as she is annoying you, she is “winning”.
All because it isn’t socially acceptable to beat the shit out out of her. The way she talks to people just makes you want to see her get popped in the mouth.
No. 920138
File: 1696038684232.jpeg (80.51 KB, 1450x1014, IMG_0205.jpeg)

>>920122Nice Rumi cosplay.
No. 920144
File: 1696043483378.jpeg (522.05 KB, 3264x1756, IMG_1639.jpeg)

>>920142It was on her Twitter. She even has video of her trying to bounce her sad flat ass on her fingers. The other anon making the Rumi reference is onto something lol might make a good thread pic.
No. 920150
File: 1696064326785.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 1600x1600, Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 09.57…)

The face of a professional
No. 920158
>>920155She read
>>920029 and took the Pepsi challenge.
No. 920178
>>920150Geez, that rash/breakout on her ass. I'm completely familiar with that particular struggle, but… why? Why leave it? I'm not saying women should feel the need to hide their flaws behind makeup and filters, but with her constant Vaseline-lensed photoshoots and slimming app usage, she already does that. What she chooses to photoshop/edit and what she chooses to leave constantly baffles me. If you want to make realistic, "amateur" porn and be "body-positive" and "honest", then do that. If you want to shoop yourself to oblivion and sell a fantasy, then do that. This halfassed middle ground she chooses just makes her seem lazy.
Then again, being lazy is her MO. It's just something that's been on my mind whenever I see these photos. I'm all for leaving behind the airbrushed standard, but if she was going to do that, she'd also have to stop photoshopping everything else. As well as come clean about ALL the work she's done. Which will never happen.
No. 920185
>>920150This picture and her sisters blurb “my sister doesn’t do porn, she’s not disgusting “ would be hilarious.
That quote aged like milk.
No. 920205
File: 1696178224092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,776.03 KB, 3264x2921, IMG_1676.jpeg)

The jokes write themselves.
No. 920210
File: 1696181867237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.38 KB, 708x917, Oh no the curtain.jpeg)

>>920208>>920205I don't think it's the lipo… Or the curtains just happen to curve at the worst possible part.
No. 920211
File: 1696184345293.jpeg (889.84 KB, 1412x1772, IMG_1677.jpeg)

>>920210The box is even slanted lol
No. 920212
File: 1696187266120.jpeg (59.02 KB, 1200x675, McDonalds-Japan-anime-ad.jpeg)

>>920205Dressing up as the slutty version of this, for some reason? She probably saw the McDonald's and got horny.
No. 920214
File: 1696189430726.png (Spoiler Image,622.07 KB, 640x1023, mcnasty.png)

>>920212twitter moids have been going absolutely crazy over the mom and her clone child, so most likely a cosplay of one of them.
No. 920225
>>920215>Even cartoon women can't exist without being sexualizedAll cartoon characters of any gender get sexualized.
Has nothing to do with a poisoned brain, it has to do with if something is cute or attractive it will get sexualized. This is the least issue in all of this.
>>920216Probably because it's something she actually knows about and not just catching through osmosis after every cos-thot shit it out months prior.
No. 920247
>>920246Nta, but being retarded over obviously porn sick moids drawing art is a dumb. No one is
defending it by pointing out its obviously not realistic. There's plenty of them that do draw them realistically. Anons complain about "saggy boobs" on cows and you're worried about moids drawing tits a certain way? No1currs, its a drawing.
No. 920294
File: 1696356778569.jpeg (Spoiler Image,907.06 KB, 3264x2917, IMG_1730.jpeg)

>>920293She’s definitely the only one getting any use out of it.
This is apparently a "witch" according to her. Looks like "old hag" to me tbh
No. 920390
File: 1696469312039.jpeg (430.15 KB, 3264x2042, IMG_1761.jpeg)

No. 920391
>>920390Forever the
victim but never the victimizer this cow. The
victim thing of course got her attention but she’s nearing thirty it’s pathetic.
(sage your shit) No. 920412
>>920395So true. Since the first thread she has had a martyr/
victim complex. Starting with that cringey that girl you used to bully? Well she grew post where she used to claim she self harmed on her despite there being zero scars
She’s All about pity points .
Moo will never grow up.
(sage your shit and take your complaints to /meta/) No. 920505
File: 1696676515094.png (340.18 KB, 606x600, moodoubt.png)

Who does she thinks she's kidding?
Her wicke never shook the cosplay community, she's reaching peak delusion.
also, lol, at her trying to be proud of doing porn again despite her insistence on calling it "irl hentai" and how every time she says something like that, she immediately tries to show she's a normal cosplayer not a costhot
No. 920508
>>920505at the time she was super adamant the wicke pov pics were not porn, not even softcore porn, because all parts were covered. she kept insisting they were "boudoir"
a year later she put out her merchandise that said "lewds before nudes" because she was super insistent that what she was doing was not porn.
No. 920509
>>920505Bitch just loves to rewrite her own history since no one gives enough of a shit about her anymore to correct her and call her out.
First off, no one gave a shit about her Wicke cosplay. There hasn’t been a single cosplay of hers that “broke the internet”. Maybe laughed at because of how embarrassingly fat she looked in them, or how embarrassingly cheap they always looked and how they would fall apart after a few hours of wearing them despite her claims of being a “master crafter”, but never “took the internet by storm” as she has deluded herself into thinking.
Also, she was absolutely adamant that what she was doing back then wasn’t porn. She kept on insisting that it be called “boudoir” photos because she absolutely believed that doing porn was trashy and completely beneath her that she didn’t want her work even remotely associated with it. Now that she fallen completely towards the bottom of the barrel and literally showed her ass to the internet, she has no choice but to call what she does porn now. But because she is so damn prideful and doesn’t want to admit defeat, she now wants to retroactively pretend like she’s always embraced doing porn and that anyone looking to shame her for doing it “needs to go back and see that I’ve always been doing it bitch lol”, despite the fact that one of the most famous quotes attributed to her is “I’ll never have to do porn because I’m not trashy and I have actual talent”
Bitch is so full of shit.
No. 920512
File: 1696691376962.jpg (Spoiler Image,628.85 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231007_080702_X.j…)

She's so huge an entire man can hide behind her and this isn't just camera angles to hide him. She's so wide.
No. 920513
File: 1696691418838.jpg (Spoiler Image,190.94 KB, 1366x2048, 20231007_080910.jpg)

>>920512And good thing her old editors are gone. No one is there to give her a fake ass as usual.
No. 920532
File: 1696708017061.jpeg (964.72 KB, 2763x3264, IMG_1826.jpeg)

>>920520Samefag but she is so goddamn predictable it’s almost boring.
No. 920533
File: 1696708182889.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3264x3085, IMG_1827.jpeg)

>>920532She literally posted these an hour after it was posted here so good lurking Moo. I’m sure you also had your mommy spoonfeed you the news as usual too.
No. 920546
File: 1696717496441.jpeg (719.92 KB, 1849x2737, IMG_1832.jpeg)

She’s currently calling everyone who disagrees with her a "Zionist".
No. 920547
>>920546She is not Muslim she is Bitch.
Muslim girl will did not do this shit things.
She is exactly like Zionist do the shit things and say we are a good people
Momokun = Zionist
(unsaged esl rant) No. 920568
File: 1696728221865.jpeg (294.63 KB, 1227x1039, IMG_1834.jpeg)

No. 920579
File: 1696740159429.jpeg (73.76 KB, 1080x1059, Losing money.jpeg)

Cash cow is drying up(unsaged fake milk)
No. 920582
File: 1696741329804.jpeg (738.38 KB, 828x1241, E172C746-B4DC-49F7-A96F-F08DE9…)

>>920579Anon… that account is fake. Picrel is from that same account.
No. 920586
>>920585She's a massive Elon stan. She's:
pro-sexual harassment
pro-white supremacy
She's disgusting.
No. 920587
File: 1696744488276.jpg (Spoiler Image,712.66 KB, 1079x2051, Screenshot_20231007_225222_X.j…)

She's mass liking brutal voilence against Palestinian and Israeli videos and ones of children, the one above is of a 12 year old. Moo is sick in the head.
No. 920590
File: 1696746184888.jpg (398.59 KB, 1057x1663, Screenshot_20231007_232223_X.j…)

She deleted whatever her reply was her, now she's just calling random people zionists for saying they won't buy her porn.
No. 920591
File: 1696751256484.jpeg (59.85 KB, 720x960, 124c2db10cd0787d50bb01f51e3191…)

>>920509I don't want to de-rail from the more recent milk, but HAD to remind everyone of the Wicke 'Boudoir'
No. 920598
>>920595Funny how just before this went down, she was mooing about men who mistreat women and calling them “dusty”. It was her favorite word for men for a couple days until she picked up “Zionist”.
Moo saying this shit from the safety and comfort of her McMansion is just pathetic.
No. 920602
File: 1696777362489.jpeg (365.58 KB, 1169x2047, IMG_0318.jpeg)

She’s trying to distract for her racist comments on insta by dressing up as lady Dimitriscu.
All fields Saged mod.
No. 920632
File: 1696819699569.jpeg (1.06 MB, 3264x2904, IMG_1869.jpeg)

Now she’s in Florida…
No. 920633
>>920632none of these necklaces work with each other as a stack, how is she so bad at this??
also looking like a dude in the thumbnail
No. 920694
File: 1696916030709.jpeg (5.46 MB, 3024x3024, C6BBA25A-9DE0-4FBA-B226-D2BBE3…)

>>920632How can her face look so sunken in yet at the same time her eyes look like they're bulging out of her skull? She's giving 2005 Furby.
No. 920699
File: 1696923557169.jpg (91.12 KB, 593x855, Untitled.jpg)

ah, so now moo knows what a good man is.
She's gone pretty quite over on twitter for the time being, which surprises me. I was expecting her to really double down on her anti-zionist stance and keep arguing with everyone, but so far she hasn't.
No. 920700
File: 1696925193132.png (1.4 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231010-030508.png)

Back to hanging out with Kevin too.
No. 920702
>>920700I was wondering if old kevvy boy was gonna pop up since she’s in Florida and for some reason every time she gets into political/racist shit somehow Kevin is there kek. Flashback to the BLM and Kyle Rittenhouse shit
Not the fucking afghan style scarf jfc moo
No. 920767
File: 1697032444817.jpeg (598.39 KB, 998x1280, IMG_5232.jpeg)

>>920734this is what she responded too a while back in regards to Kyle. I also have screenshots of her arguing with someone on instagram in regards to making up with Kyle. I am at work, so I’ll try to get those up here as well.
No. 920770
File: 1697032866532.jpeg (675.37 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_6963.jpeg)

>>920768sorry, kind of the same picture but a little bit different.
No. 920787
File: 1697061058558.jpg (Spoiler Image,507.62 KB, 1079x1815, Screenshot_20231011_145003_Ins…)

That comment is sending me. She posted this new LD photo
No. 920805
File: 1697119699972.jpeg (346.07 KB, 1179x1115, IMG_9434.jpeg)

Bump for CP I hate men
No. 920810
>>920719She is always covered up head to toe while in public. She started covering up a couple years ago when she went to a con pool party and her body was WAY different than what she claimed.
A few other costhots tried to cover up for her by saying "Everyone is edited". It backfires because Moo likes to Fatshame herself and others, claims to be a fitness skinny queen. She always edits herself to half the size she actually is. A perfect candid is Moo is extreamly rare.
No. 920817
File: 1697148983626.jpeg (609.94 KB, 946x1599, IMG_9638.jpeg)

this is painfully hilarious.
No. 920836
>>920817What even is this expression, she looks like ventriloquist dummy
I wonder if she’s going to try and hit on Kevin again now that she’s in Florida
No. 920859
File: 1697252272582.jpg (167.97 KB, 1080x2400, F8XYMwCaEAAzRbb (1).jpg)

No. 920860
File: 1697252312765.jpg (112.32 KB, 922x2048, F8XbzNZWEAE7cO3.jpg)

No. 920876
File: 1697300024072.jpg (780.85 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231013_202146_Ins…)

Hey anons, the only thing related to sniper, but this looks like Moo in the background,yes? Meaning she would've been with sniper during the doxxing. Probably encouraged it. That messy hair, lazy clothes, fat figure.. going to sage it bc im not 100% sure, but that looks like Moo.
No. 920901
File: 1697347783910.jpeg (594.59 KB, 896x1364, IMG_1954.jpeg)

There you have it. We don’t even need to speculate who she’s referring to.
No. 920904
File: 1697355928514.jpg (644.15 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231015-025531_Ins…)

She sounds so miserable in this post to be quite honest. I haven't seen the movie, but isn't Ken supposed to be a goofball and not to be taken seriously in the slightest? I also find it really funny that after this slide she went right back to Makimaposting who is legitimately a reprehensible and slimy character. Please just think before you post, you cow.
No. 920922
File: 1697404333223.png (3.38 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6991.png)

sage for not really milk but Moo again proving she lurks here. I’ve been rereading old threads again and I almost miss the way she would come here to try to defend herself.
No. 920924
>>920922Lil miss "I do nothing wrong. Peace, light and self love. I'm such a good person"
Can't wait for your next racist rant
No. 920928
>>920923There's something to be said about wanting to explore a larping side of yourself in these types of characters, but going out of your way to say your personality is just like these shitty characters is such a red flag. Who the fuck would want to be around you? Moo screams of a girl who wishes she could fit into the uwu cottagecore esthetic, but she's so ugly and fat that she wouldn't look good in it. She fits with these bland, hateful characters because she looks like them. Going as far as to warp and larp in real time, yourself, into the character's personality is some massive autism shit. She really thinks this makes her attractive to people [as in people are interested in her personality and character as a real person] when it only works in these fictional mediums for a reason. Moo probably half-lids her eyes and thinks she looks like an anime girl talking down to someone when it just looks like she's on some kind of drug and half awake.
Imagine how actually condescending and terrible she is in conversation. The "Um actually.." probably comes out of her mouth constantly because she has to give her two-cents and doesn't listen to anyone. She's basically a headline reader only.
No. 920994
File: 1697477376150.jpeg (819.15 KB, 3264x1895, IMG_1976.jpeg)

She finally posted the rant we’ve been expecting. I have it capped and will post. We’ll see how long this "vicious cunt" will keep it up before mass deleting.
No. 920998
>>920996She calls herself a vicious cunt when she’s just a smug insufferable bitch, at least with the villains she likes they have some sort of charisma that makes people drawn to them but Moo is so fucking stupid that it’s downright retarded how hard she jumps different sides to appeal to whoever she’s trying to get in with
She has no knowledge with this conflict and she’s fucking stupid for speaking on politics with how “well” it went for her last time. Can’t wait for her to back track all this shit
No. 921011
>>920996"The amazing thing about me" followed by 3 and a half minutes of absolute un-amazing parroted sentiment.
I just want to know what she is going to do with all the weeded out zionists when she finds them?
No. 921015
File: 1697489267732.jpeg (272.76 KB, 911x1013, IMG_1979.jpeg)

>verbally ruin someone
You mean typing "ZIONIST" at them over and over before blocking them so they can’t respond?
No. 921016
File: 1697489712426.jpeg (870.61 KB, 1170x2100, IMG_7003.jpeg)

>>921015I can’t wait to see what she says in response to this kek. I hope this finally does her in. I doubt it will, cause scrotes gonna scrote but still. Many cons try to stay away from outright racists, and Moo is doing nothing to change the fact she is.
(cowtipping) No. 921023
>>921016Are you cowtipping? This is the second time this poster has been posted and this is now 4mins ago. Fuck off. Also the whole post is retarded. Of course she's not going go to over there, a lot of people wouldn't because
its a war and you can care even if you don't live there. She's being ridiculous by posting all this stuff, but going out of your way to try and bait her into saying something stupid, which has nothing to do with her sex work, is absolutely braindead.
No. 921026
File: 1697491924746.jpg (346.01 KB, 1080x1432, Screenshot_20231016_143019_Ins…)

>>921025They already got a reply from another post they did anyway and now deleted
>>921016 report them for cowtipping. Wasn't one reply from Moo good enough? Also the questions are fucking stupid and spirituality and religion aren't real, so anon looks like a dumbass.
No. 921047
>>921026every Karen racist uses the "I have a black friend" excuse. She did the same thing when they called her out for being homophobic
"Actually I'm a lesbian who also dated a trans man who doesn't exsist. Trust me, I'm gay"
She's a straight white woman who wants a pass to go on hateful rants. Italian lebanese. But she has no
POC points. She's the Lebanese who are white Christains. She doesn't even know her own ancetory
No. 921109
File: 1697602881718.jpeg (969.88 KB, 1102x1699, IMG_2005.jpeg) mini rant.
The audacity of this bitch to twirl her hair in the comfort of her McMansion and talk out her ass about things she cant even comprehend. I also just love when idiots like her complain about the president knowing full well they never voted in their entire life. She probably doesn’t even realize it’s public record.
No. 921110
File: 1697602974178.jpeg (983.21 KB, 3264x2868, IMG_2006.jpeg)

Just shut the fuck up Moo.
No. 921115
>>920876The classic Moo Challenge: trying to guess if it's an obese homeless woman or "dolled up" Moo. I don't think it's her on this one.
>>920996Why is she saying any of this? Did she not go on an anti-muslim rant a few years back before the shitstorm that led to her being a naked pig online? Fuck is she even on about? I may be misremembering that though. Still what a fucking retard. Is the pencildick man a republican? That's probably what it is.
No. 921116
>>921110the irony of her calling others pigs.
Wish she'd go back to posting these on twitter, its much funnier when she's not just shouting to the void
No. 921148
File: 1697652954138.jpg (963.65 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20231018_111455_Ins…)

Confirmed that anything made by her is probably not made by her. She showed off the base of this hate a few days ago on her cutting table as if she did it all herself and now she posts this. The larp to pretend she knows how to build or make anything is crazy.
No. 921151
>>921149I could at least understand if she actually went for the most liked character but no of course she went for top girl character in genshin to be featured in degenerate porn.
I think we all know if she knew anything about Genshin she would have gone for Beidou, Raiden Shogun or Ningguang (Maybe Lisa or Signora) to continue with her 'boss bitch' LARP
No. 921170
>>921167"Do as I say, not what I do"
Moo always shits on others for the exact same shit she does on the daily
No. 921186
File: 1697710603653.png (889.26 KB, 598x907, moona.png)

no need, you already have.
No. 921187
File: 1697710992301.png (Spoiler Image,689.74 KB, 1218x993, eugh.png)

>>921186nevermind, spoke too soon.
No. 921240
File: 1697756323554.jpg (144.35 KB, 720x1280, 20231019_175724.jpg)

i really miss getting candids of her when she went to cons and comparing them to her edits.
No. 921255
File: 1697773322314.jpeg (881.59 KB, 1170x1532, IMG_8358.jpeg)

“professional cosplayer”
never change, moo
No. 921256
File: 1697773400834.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1585, IMG_8359.jpeg)

samefag but momokun shops from miccostumes confirmed
No. 921303
>>921240I see her top lip completely vanished again. Bet for how long she over fills them again
>>921245if memory serves me right, she actually got the custom dress but immediatly sold it without doing a shoot. So I'm guessing she couldn't fit into it at all
Wouldn't be the first time she gained a bunch of weight before a costume arrives.
No. 921364
File: 1697926546470.jpg (206.3 KB, 1284x2282, 394338168_1007384097236072_633…)

No. 921365
File: 1697926589015.jpg (194.53 KB, 1284x2282, 394095540_1353999115324351_100…)

No. 921369
File: 1697932051303.jpeg (460.66 KB, 828x1416, 43B59B26-51CC-46BF-993F-BA07F1…)

No. 921389
>>921364DO you really care about what's happening, Moo, or is this just an excuse to keep insisting that you are as "evil and
problematic as can be"? Why is she leaning so hard on that?
No. 921409
File: 1698035378757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,862.62 KB, 3264x1919, IMG_2057.jpeg)

Spoiler for the imagery since she loves posting about dead people for shock value. Moo is the literal definition of an armchair activist. She can bitch and moan all she wants about the "Zionist pigs" but she’s never done anything for whatever cause besides capping Twitter posts and adding her lazy (often hateful) commentary occasionally. No wonder her and Lia get along so well.
And again, her antisemitism is on full display.
No. 921412
File: 1698054984717.png (320.3 KB, 507x768, IMG_0239.png)

>>921149She’s 3 years too late. Tbh I always thought she would cosplay Shenhe.
No. 921433
File: 1698083971486.jpeg (Spoiler Image,461.77 KB, 1290x2283, IMG_7893.jpeg)

>>921431Posting caps (obviously censored) before the story gets taken down. Jesus Christ her brain is absolutely rotted to be able to post this so nonchalantly
No. 921437
File: 1698084964993.png (Spoiler Image,4.02 MB, 960x2079, IMG_5021.png)

Meanwhile here’s the mcmilf video, judging by the skinny penis, it might be ozy(sage)
No. 921441
File: 1698085665334.png (Spoiler Image,3.2 MB, 960x2079, IMG_5030.png)

>>921438I thought she was the one who domestically abused him. Either way the video is vile. Nsfl screenshot, yes he does in there and yes she eats them
No. 921443
File: 1698088022830.jpeg (69.04 KB, 275x275, IMG_6115.jpeg)

>>921441I know this is from that McDonald’s mom meme thing but what the fuck
No. 921470
File: 1698106584509.jpeg (761.48 KB, 890x1587, IMG_2066.jpeg)

She is so profoundly retarded that it isn’t even funny anymore.
No. 921484
File: 1698116344360.gif (1.37 MB, 498x280, get-off-the-internet-sharon-ma…)

No. 921487
File: 1698128107275.png (477.83 KB, 581x725, moo.png)

i'm assuming she's in japan now. Normally she'd be posting about it but i guess palestine is more important to her lol
No. 921489
File: 1698129953598.jpeg (Spoiler Image,408.47 KB, 1290x2275, IMG_7935.jpeg)

>>921487She’s not in Japan yet, shes still plopped down on her couch ranting on her story about Palestine and those evil Zionists and posting more uncensored photos of beheaded babies (spoilered image is a censored version)
No. 921508
File: 1698160672087.png (714.31 KB, 1334x885, sally.PNG)

>>921487>>921503didn't even have to leave the house, this is the only sally dress i could find in her size with that neckline. $35 on amazon
No. 921511
Thank you to the anon who makes the next thread, any header suggestions while we still have time ITT?
Maybe something with ben shapiro here
>>920996 No. 921514
>>921505And what’s stopping you from going to the account to watch it yourself? It’s still there.
>>921509Cheap and fast might as well be this cow’s motto lol
No. 921522
>>921186Who wants to bet some guy she's thirsting over is cosplaying Wanderer/Scaramouche? Always the same pattern with Moo when she gets into something years too late. It looks like the worst quality version too, there's plenty of decent premade Mona cosplays on Taobao but Moo can't fit into them.
>>921508Again, the cheapest, lowest-effort cosplay possible.
No. 921564
File: 1698256523600.png (2.86 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8397.png)

>>921412what if it’s not on shitty ass miccostumes anymore?
sniperwolf and moo, two fake bitches who likes dead babies, assaulting people, and making underage people do sexual things. birds of a feather. too bad fat ass moo is so painfully untalented and retarded i guess she stopped her “I MAKE COSTUMES” larping. as she should.
No. 921569
File: 1698261362319.png (724.24 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3907.png)

Did Mariah and Umbra have a falling out? Umbra just posted about limited duplicates last night.
No. 921588
File: 1698271596893.jpg (741.25 KB, 1079x1794, Screenshot_20231025_150638_Tik…)

She's looks like a fat diaper toddler
No. 921606
>>921588Hu Tao more like Huge Cow.
>>921595Kek at the socks not fitting her despite ordering the most massive size.
No. 921611
File: 1698314902460.png (794.43 KB, 842x661, IMG_0257.png)

>>921588>>921592I don’t think it’s that deep and she looked up the characters with the most porn. The amount of times I’ve seen scrotes on 4chan lust over both Mona and Hu Tao is astronomical. It’s why I’m shocked she hasn’t cosplayed Shenhe despite the character having her ideal body type.
Also sorry for being the
nonnie that points out Hu Tao being a teenager. She’s regularly seen hanging out with the other Liyue teens/kids. This event cutscene confirms she’s around their age too (top left). It’s probably best to dismiss it because she most likely looked up porn like I mentioned.
No. 921623
>>921621How? What exactly about anons tinfoil
>>921611 about why she's cosplaying the character makes any sense to you? She's not even the most used character for porn or even the most popular character and literally no one on this site cares about the age of a character on a 25 year old woman. She's just chasing some dick, trying to find other reasons for it is embarrassing.
No. 921624
>>921622>she would buy an account and be posting about how she totally liked it the entire time and just didn't say anything for reasons.It's coming, don't worry.
>it looks more like a cash grab based on the characters she picked.She would have done one of the Honkai Star Rail current hot topic characters then (since we know no ethot follows halloween theme anyway) it's why I say if Moo is anything it is consistent in her dumb decisions.
No. 921662
File: 1698385096289.jpg (2.37 MB, 4000x3000, 20231027_143547.jpg)

Can confirm she's in Japan, she was on my flight and in line behind me in customs. With some dude I don't recognize. What are the fucking chances
No. 921666
File: 1698385754236.jpg (2.76 MB, 4000x3000, 20231027_144854.jpg)

Update: it's Oz, she called him by name
No. 921671
>>921668Lol doubtful that I'll run into her again but I'll risk it all again for creep shots if I do lol
>>921669They're flying zipair, a new very budget airline, and I'm 99% sure they were in economy. I saw her at LAX boarding but was like nah, no way. She was smaller than I thought (height wise) and seemed to be like shy or self conscious and didn't seem to wanna stray from ozzy or attract attention to herself. It was that awful nose job that made me realize it was actually her. She doesn't have any of the presence IRL she does online lol
(sage your shit) No. 921672
>>921666imagine talking all that shit about your
abusive ex and acting so brave and enlightened to have escaped them when
this is the reality. enjoy that pencil dick. thx for the milk, anon~
No. 921674
File: 1698396682632.png (12.48 KB, 130x275, IMG_1356.png)

>>921666I’m crying, one second she’s feral boss bitch scrimblo demon ultra bingbong baddie the next she literally buys Japan trips for a coked up scrote that beat the shit outta her
No. 921694
File: 1698409989612.png (659.32 KB, 514x901, Mooing in Japan.png)

>>921685>>921686Alright kek.
>"Omg guys ozy is horrible, men are horrible, he beat me and abused me, throw his ass in jail!">"Anyway, going to Japan with him." No. 921703
>>921698It's not a selfie because she knows it'll contradict
>>921686>>921685And prove it is indeed her, even though anyone with eyes can see.
No. 921706
File: 1698416723713.png (1.53 MB, 1172x1172, MNrMKSA.png)

No. 921711
>>921662God she looks so fat, unwashed and gross. I knew she didn’t look anything like the pics she photoshops to hell and back and covers with filters, but never in my wildest dreams did I think she could look that awful and probably smells twice as bad as she looks. No surprise at all she is pretty much a chickenshit coward that’s constantly looking over her shoulder. Despite her “boss bitch evil cunt” retarded flexing, at the end of the day she is a short, fat goblin woman who is scared to death of getting called out publicly or someone running up on her and beating the shit out of her. She doesn’t ever want that smoke.
And like others have said, lol at her dragging along her supposed “
abusive” ex who she accused of beating her and trying to control her. I guess she couldn’t bribe any of her usual leeches to tag along this time and Ozy is just shameless enough to accept a likely fully paid for trip from the girl who not months ago was dragging him into court, accusing him of being a borderline rapist. At this point, you can just laugh at her anytime she tries to speak out about abuse and lecture others on their behavior. She has proven time and time again that she is a massive hypocrite and doesn’t actually follow any of the shit she tries to lecture people about and it is nothing more than moral grandstanding. Constantly going on about being a “boss bitch evil cunt”, calling him a limp dick loser who beat on her and abused her emotionally, saying how she doesn’t need a man and that modern men are a joke, yet here she is caught on camera going on an expensive international vacation with him. Pathetic.