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No. 932175
Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.
previous thread
>>>/ot/10376 No. 932641
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>>932630Yeah, I don't see why not. It's not like as if this thread is super crowded anyway.
My boyfriend always have prophetic dreams, but it's always: 1- some very mundane shit 2- He only remembers as it happens, so it's even more useless lol Like I'll sneeze and my cat will meow loudly and he'll be like "HOLY SHIT I DREAMT ABOUT THIS EXACT SCENARIO"
I wish I had dreams that would manifest into real life, that never happens.
The most common themes in my dreams are weird liminal spaces (especially bathrooms for some reason), that I'm running away from somewhere or someone, the classical falling teeth… At least they are very cinematographic.
No. 932665
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>>932630alot of people online were having apocalypse dreams back in the summer, including me-had this 1 apocalypetic dream twice, which has never happened to me before
1st dream, im in my mom's car that's driving on the bridge to visit family when suddenly an uncertain amount of ufos come out the sky and start destroying fucking everything in sight. there were also these laser beams shooting down that you couldnt be able to tell where exactly they were coming from, just seem to be coming straight from the sky. a lot of explosions etc. bridge is destroyed way before our car can cross to land and the car sinks all the way to the bottom of the ocean(?), however we are actually completly fine and continue driving to our destination, new york
2nd dream, i am instead on a bus, a school bus maybe, heading to new york. just when we were about to hit land, a humongous wave, basically a tsunami, hits and completly destroys the part of the brigde we need to drive over and the bus goes sailing through the sky and luckily makes the landing clean and we keep driving on
i always took these dreams to mean i, personally, should be careful of new york, that the road to new york was damned for me in particular, yet i also warned my mother about going, just in case, and wanted her to postpone the trip. she still ended up visiting on scheduale, however she took a plane rather then travel by car, so it was all good. the bridge is still here un broken. new york did have a giant flood like a month or so by the time she came back though
No. 932940
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Dreamt about a terrorist attack on a bank. The man said he was from Yemen (I think), and he had pretty young girls with him that were suicide bombers. Which was pretty sad, one of the girls looked as young as 9 and the other one was abou 11 or 12.
I remember him dropping the bombs and yelling whatever while one of the girls smiled as she accepted her death and as he ran to drop more bombs somewhere else. He was dressed like this, sans the balaclava. I remember his red beret being very eye catching since he was wearing mostly black.
I kept running away but it was so hard for dream me to find the front door of the bank, I was very lost and running in circles.
I remember that when I got away, there was this Korean/Chinese looking dude in military garb that looked me up and down and followed me for a while, and then he look to the other side while gesturing his hand to pass him something, which I obviously didn't have. He noticed this and fucked off, but I was scared and it was very weird.
Also one of the detectives that went to investigate the bombing was identical to young Sam L Jackson lol
Also some dreams subplots: my SiL had cancer
which I hope never happens, my MiL died of cancer when my fiance was a toddler and I finally told my sister why I strongly disliked her.
>>932652Lmao thanks anon, I wouldn't say they are very artsy but they do play like movies. But shit gets really weird sometimes.
No. 934228
>>933190I want this but with my celebrity crush
But probably gonna be another nightmare cause I ate too much
Will report back tomorrow
No. 934253
>>934228have you ever had a nightmare of your celebrity crush? they're the worst
sweet dreams nona
No. 934591
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>>934253I don't think I have had nightmares about him, but I've dreamt about him being a bit of an asshole lol
I didn't dream with any celebrity crushes, but I had my second (or third, maybe) real lucid dream! I was talking to a friend of mine about it yesterday so I think that influenced it. I wake up early in the morning to feed my cat and when I went back to bed, I was in the same dream, but it was a first person POV and lucid. I remember being super giddy, I looked around to make sure of my surroundings and be aware of my "body", and I decided to try flying because some
nonnie said in the last thread it might work without waking you up. And it did! For about one second kek then I started falling and I thought to myself "shit, this is gonna hurt.. wait, it won't. It's a a dream, but probably I'll wake up in that jerky, spasmy way". And the spasm did happen as I hit the ground, I didn't wake up. From that point on I decided to let my subconscious take control again, because it was a bit tiring to lucid dream lol
The scenery that I was in was very Portugal like, btw. Sometimes I dream about Portugal, especially monasteries and such, but I've never been to Portugal and I barely look Portugal up. Maybe my subconscious wants me to go kek
No. 937926
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I was with my old friend who I used to shoplift with and she randomly handed me $50+ dollars and I verbally said, "EZ Clap."
No. 940184
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I dreamt that I was a really cool magical girl, maybe too OP for a cool series though, and a bit cringy with the references, it could be changed of course.
At the beginning of the dream I was shopping with one of my closest friends, she got a whole ass rack of really cute accessories and purses, they even let her take the display which was a huge table with wheels.
I told her that they wouldn’t let her take the table in the plane, so I took a bunch of plastic bags that they had and followed my friend while laughing because we were having an amazing time.
Then at the plane, my friend took my hand because she was nervous, It’s was weird because she’s not the nervous one, but I still took her hand.
Then I found myself holding the hand of this random Asian girl, she seemed really scared of something.
We were standing on the aisle, I was looking for something in the overhead compartments and so was she as well, she was like 2 seats away from me and my friend’s seats.
I held that girl’s hand as hard as a could when the door of the plane suddenly opened, only she was being dragged out of it, she ended up dying in a really horrifying way.
I was furious, so I was then walking with my friend at another mall, and she told me that I could do something.
Somehow I had these bunch of Knick knacks in a bag, they were from magical girls’ shows, and I could use their magical powers.
I went to this military base full of people, I was using some invisibility thing and another that let me run really fast, nobody noticed me until I reached a place where all the soldiers were lounging around.
One guy saw me and I used something that would reflect back anything he did to me, and another thing that would kind of do the same stuff that the spy’s dead ringer’s do.
He shot me on the chest and he fell on the ground.
A woman ran towards us, everyone respected her, she had really long black hair and a mole near her mouth, she also wore glasses, maybe she was similar to Bayonetta but with her hair down.
She asked me what happened and how I got in there and I sheepishly told her that the, now dead, guy shot me.
Then everyone just forgot I was there because I turned invisible again, I went to the kitchen and used another girl’s power to get the lunch ladies to give me some brownies.
No. 942345
I keep having dreams about one old college classmate being in love with me. Sometimes the feeling is mutual, but mostly it isn't.
Blog: I've been in a relationship for almost 8 years now and that ex classmate also has been a relationship for a while and even have a son, I actually worked under him for a small period as he was helping me out, but I had no feelings for him at all.
I think I may have these dreams because when I got to college at first I was kinda infatuated with him cause he was very charismatic, even slept with him (literally, we slept together at the same time, no sex), but then his personality got a bit annoying really quickly. Still a good friend, but not someone I wanted to get involved romantically. I think he also had an interest on me for a while because he was flirty, but eh.
I think that since our relationship had no closure, I keep having these dreams with him from time to time. I wish there was a way to stop it because they can be kinda annoying, like I feel like my dreams need to move on with me.
No. 942558
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>>942554Fuck anon what? If it makes you feel better I've had dreams of being pregnant and in love with a man or a few times being raped by one but I don't see them as attractive or they're disgusting to me. That's really interesting though have you ever just tried going out with a girl no kissing or sex involved?
No. 942621
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I had a dream the boy I crushed on elementary school called me beautiful. Not only that, but he also said I was "so pretty" later on in the dream as well. It felt so nice, I struggle with feeling that way about myself. It was a strange dream as well because we were in the classroom, but we were both adults. My mind had aged him and I don't know if it's accurate because I've never looked him up, but he was pretty cute!
No. 942813
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I dreamt that I was at some mall with my brother, I don’t remember what I was doing, but I remember that my brother told me
>don’t forget to bring water!
And I just took my huge ass Transformers’ water bottle and filled it with like half a gallon of water.
It was amazing, I wish I had a huge ass transformers’ water bottle, it was purple and tacky, with G1 and BayBoom’s bots.
No. 942887
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I keep having dreams with my alt-right pedo pandering ex e-crush in them and it's making me so uncomfortable knowing my subconscious reminds me of him when i litteraly have a healthy stable relationship i would die for right now…
No. 943007
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i'm having this fanfiction-depression phase right now so i basically just read fanfics all day and night barely leaving my bed. yesterday i read this tom riddle x harry fic and i dreamed the exact same plot and i was harry. this is the universe's sign to get my shit together
No. 943019
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At the very end of my dream I had to shower/clean a lot of dogs and my cat and it was very messy and some animals were clearly not into it, but still, it was oddly relaxing and satisfying. Some dogs were also very thankful after their showers. Especially the older dogs, maybe the hot water was good for their joints.
No. 943150
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>>943118I will start a ranch with you
No. 952145
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I dreamt that I was a cute inkling, kind of like pic related but with long hair.
I was with my brother too, we were going to enter some competition to win some really nice prizes like money or something like that.
The thing is that it was some sort of race where you are on a water slide and you have to sit next to someone to participate.
Some girl, I think it was my best friend or another girl who seemed to be close to me, she wanted to sit next to us but it was already crowded.
There was some nice music, splatoon music, maybe because I was listening to the splatoon music on ultimate, I’ve never played splatoon.
I could even hear the other inklings and octolings talking in their funny gibberish.
I didn’t win but I made some friends while racing against them and I actually got along with my brother so that was nice.
It was great to talk with him without us fighting because if his immature stupid ass.
No. 952250
>>932175My dreams are insanely vivid and really quite intense.
I had a dream I was on a train with my bf and we got separated. A bunch of his coworkers, one of which was an older fat bald guy, came on the train. The old guy sits next to me and starts to make really sexual comments and touching me. I specifically remember being distraught and saying that my body was the least interesting thing about me. He kept laughing and saying cruder and worse things. I tried to get my bfs attention but he wasn’t able to hear me. How do I even interpret that?
No. 952308
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Had a dream that I became a jannie during lolcow's birthday and that everypost I made was tagged (for me and other farmhands and stuff) with my name and a silly duck drawing. I loved the duck, not so much my name
No. 957061
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I made out with a guy at a party over the weekend for the first time in months and that night had a dream about trying to get a girl to let me eat her pussy. Wonder what it could’ve meant.
No. 957106
>>957061My dream reading expertise tells me that the meaning of your dream is…
you went to bed horny
No. 957449
nonnie this a good video. i do feel a bit wacky doing reality checks during the day but i'll just get used to it lol. gonna take a nap rn and try again
No. 958196
I dreamed that I wanted to paint Jens Kidman (meshuggah frontman) and I was messaging my friend and asked her if I'm supposed to ask for permission to paint his likeness, and she said I don't have to because he's dead. Then I googled it and saw that he died the day before because he got stuck in an elevator and when he tried to fix it, the cabel holding the elevator snapped and it fell to the lowest floor and killed him. I was thinking about how horrible that is and then I messaged a friend from highschool and found out the same thing had just happened to him too but he survived.
>>957194How did your interview go
No. 959082
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Yesterday I dreamed about my classmate. It was getting dark outside, and he was at my door cold as hell with no warm clothes, on the verge of getting frostbite. I specifically remember his knees being red/purple. I let him in and that's where the dream ended. When I woke up i fantasized about letting him lay on my couch and making him tea. Nursing him back to health basically. Why am I like this
No. 960944
Today I dreamed that I was some sort of royal guard for some foreign queen. Her people didn't like me, they thought I would stab them in the back the first chance I got but I never did. I did instead stab my own people in the back, condemning them all to eternal suffering I'm not certain how it works but I was pretty sure it was because I changed sides, kinda unleashed some supernatural being or whatever. Anyway, I had a prisoner who was also a member of the royal guard, the only survivor besides me and the dude hated my guts, which was fine because I was using him as a way to prove my loyalty to the foreigners. The queen was really pleased with me and she didn't let them lay a finger on me. There was this dude who I think was into the queen and I think they were sleeping together. From all the foreigners in the camp, this was the dude that hated me the most. I think he thought the queen was into me.. I think he was right, too bad nothing happened.
So.. we decided to set camp and rest before marching to the new lands where this new queen would make her domain but loud noise outside woke me up before the sun rise. I went to check the commotion and my prisoner was just outside my tent, holding a golden knife but he was frozen like a stone. Someone said he was cursed by the force that was actually trying to kill me but it somehow got him thinking it was me when he was coming to my tent to kill me (dumb supernaturals). I remember thinking "thank god I brought him with me" laughing and going back to my business..
We arrived this weird forest where the grass was very tall and the trees were huge, we were so tiny we looked like ants. Then for some reason a fairy that looks suspiciously similar to billie eilish appeared and told us to be aware of the giant, which was just austin powers. He smiled as he smashed the fairy like a bug and I woke up.
No. 961083
I have vivid, semi-lucid nightmares every single night. I'm always aware it is a dream, but cannot choose where I am, or what other people do. They usually start in the middle of a hectic event, and I come to feeling drunk, people screaming at me that I did [something bad], or something similar. My dreams take place in a DreamWorld, which holds many places & groups of people that are to varying degrees traumatic or panic-inducing, from what I know there is: a large, flat sandy space that looks like a canyon, or Dante's long winding staircase to Hell, but brightly lit & like the Australian desert; this connects to on one side, to a rocky area, then eventually a secluded beach, and after that, a beachside town. Then there's a highway that leads one way to a more civilised, city-like area with strip clubs & a pub that is extremely tall but only about 10m wide at its widest points (in the bar, downstairs), it's often under construction & is a hotel or abandoned school at the top sometimes; there's a decrepit hotel that is sometimes a theatre, it is plushy red velvet & carpet everywhere, and when it's 'open' there is a confusing shopping mall in there. If you take the highway another way, there is a waterpark, race track, festival ground or camping area, depending on the dream. I think they are interchanging, but they might all be there individually. If you go another way off the highway, you get to increasingly butt-fuck-nowhere, then suddenly there's a small town, this is where the there is an op shop (charity/antique), dirt roads, a servo/local store, and a shopping centre (there's probably 4 shopping centres in the World). If you leave the beachside city strip you come into the city (where the old hotel/theatre/hospital is) then further out are the Suburbs, which is where the Sharehouses are. I hate the Sharehouses, they are filthy, in states of decay, disrepair, despair. There's always fights, too many people, cheating & drunkenness there. Worse than the Sharehouses is the Old House past the stupid, dirty little town. You pass a forest, a wallaby farm that is also some sort of science lab warehouse to do with plants & animals, it feels like a slaughterhouse… anyways, you eventually get to a long twisting road in the bush that leads to a wooden, falling apart house. The Old House. There's often parties on the slanted lawn, but more often then not I am frantically trying to bury my kitten (who in real life got hit my a car & died after his first birthday, in December last year). I've usually killed him in my dream. In the Old House I often have murdered, before the dream starts, someone like my mum or my childhood cat (who is still alive today). I hide their bodies in the trash & old wood. I hope they cover it all, or I plot to burn it down. Or I plot to move the bodies. Sometimes the Old House is near the SHarehouses, and when it's nearby there are Neighbours up a hill from the sharehouse whose house I sneak into for some reason. There's such a pull, and I'm almost always caught.
I am simultaneously distressed & enthralled with the DreamWorld, I want to live there & sometimes stay asleep too long as I feel like it's the only place I feel real emotions, which isn't true - it's just the DreamWorld is always hectic, so I feel a lot more intense shit than my day to day life.
No. 961765
>>961758I hate those kind of dreams, I often dream
a lot about playing a The legend of Zelda game that’s utterly cool, or a modification of a real Zelda game, but when I play the game again, after a long time of not playing it and basically forgetting everything, I feel underwhelmed because it’s not the same as the dream I had and it will never be the same and those dreams.
No. 968331
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Been having dreams about elementary/middle school and friends from high school. Might have nostalgia and missed the joys I have in my school years.
No. 968404
>>967358I have dreams about lolcow too kek.
I dreamt of accidentally uploading my face here and the classic "can't do anything right in dreams" thing happened when trying to delete it. I got roasted pretty bad by anons and it made me so anxious even in sleep. These dreams made me think about how some cows can continuously embarrass themselves and over-share online without a hint of stress or regret, and I have nightmares about internet strangers getting any info about me at all.
No. 976986
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Yesterday I dreamed that I knew this guy, he was some type of inventor or something, though not very good, I worked for him selling his inventions. Been a while since he made any good and actually useful invention and he was complaining about these headaches and how strong they were that he wasn't even able to think and that's why he couldn't come up with anything knew. So he went to this doctor to solve it. The doctor was.. weird. He solved the inventor's problem by replacing his entire head with a huge copper ball. It was so big idk how the guy could balance it. His new head had a dent, the doctor told him 'It will heal by itself eventually as long as you don't touch it.'
The inventor was satisfied with his new head. Told me he never had clearer thoughts and he would babble about all sorts of weird stuff about the universe and things he shouldn't be able to know, like he could feel our thoughts and feelings. He was always scratching that dent on his new head, I could see it even change colors, like when skin is irritated. We noticed where the dent was now had a little hole, and his head was leaking energy, like it was full of light, idk how to explain. When checking with the doctor he chastised the inventor 'I told you to not touch it!' He said, muttering something about consequences I didn't quite catch but it seemed serious. The inventor didn't care though, he later showed me his latest invention.. little marbles filled with the most beautiful lights I have ever seen. I figured it came from his head, from the leak, he confirmed it and I asked if that wasn't dangerous since the doctor seemed very pressed about him constantly opening that wound instead of letting it heal like he said it would but the inventor wasn't concerned. Told me to go and sell it to someone who would be interested. Said it was a truth drug that would take me to "the edge of infinity" whatever that meant. I didn't wanted to test it though, and since he said it was a drug I figured I should sell it to the junkies in the vicinity. I tried some but they looked at me suspiciously and didn't wanted to swallow that crap, one told me she didn't want truths, she wanted good. No one wanted to buy that so a friend suggested we sell it in the richer area, cus for sure the rich want some truth, it made sense. So we got there but before we got out of the car we noticed a police car driving very slowly, probably looking for someone or whatever. I told my friend to stay calm, stay in the car and wait for them to go away. She panicked and started driving, saying we should get the hell out of there and how it was a bad idea but the cops noticed us, signal us to stop but she didn't and we got chased but didn't go far. They asked why we run and my friend spilled we had drugs with us. We were arrested for light marbles of truth possession, which is apparently very illegal. I woke up then.
No. 977024
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Dreamed of a really cute guy I think I pinpointed my type yeah he looked like picrel
No. 982378
I dreamed that there was a tf2 world in kingdom hearts. I was Sora. I was disappointed that it was in rottenburg instead of some classic desert map, even though it was nice and peaceful, it was like real life rottenburg. And the medic gave me a quest.
No. 984373
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I keep having dreams about this old crush of mine, it’s annoying because he always looks pretty and sometimes even ethereal but in reality he must be fucking ugly like all moids over 25.
I dreamt that I was in a bathroom, my grandma’s bathroom precisely, there were lots of candles and the bathroom was bigger than it really is.
I was trying to fix some shovels, some of them were colorful and others just regular shovels. And he came into the bathroom dressed up like a prince, he told me that we were supposed to go to a ball and that he wanted to know if I remembered how to waltz.
So I stopped fixing the shovels, dressed up in a flimsy sleeping dress, barefoot, and started practicing waltzing with him.
At first it was awkward, but he was laughing in a really nice way that just reassured me, I felt like it was just fun for him too. Then we started to pick up a nice pace and we finally got how to dance properly, we kept avoiding the shovels and the candles as we danced, I was looking at him in the eyes and he was looking at me as well, he was smiling actually, we were really happy.
Then my brother opened the door and told me that he was hungry, I was annoyed but my crush closed the door and told me that we could keep dancing for a little while because he was happy to be with me.
>tfw I will never dance with a cute guy in a bathroom full of candles and shovels.
No. 984718
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I bet a dream journal would make a beautiful bunch of art, do any of you anons have that?
And what do you anons think about dream interpretations?
No. 984845
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>>984718I used to but now I just write my dreams on my phone as fast as I can and later fill with the details I remember. My notebook was very messy. I wish I had the patience to write my dreams in a nice notebook and fill with little drawings. Maybe one day.
>dream interpretationsI love dream interpretations, specifically based on repeating themes.
A few repeating themes I get:
being lost in a big city, usually it's dark, there are lots of people around and cars and I'm running from someone or something that wishes to harm me, and although there are lots of people around, no one ever helps me and it's like I'm invisible. Sometimes I'm also almost run over by a car because they're always running fast, they never stop.
I interpret it as being afraid of connecting with people, my own feelings of inadequacy, feeling like an outsider everywhere and the fear that everyone is out there to harm me one way or another.
I still have lots of these but now I get help of some nice strangers and sometimes they reappear in different dreams, it's nice.
>Another theme is time travel. It's always an elevator that goes up to numbers that don't exist in the small building, and then we're back in time and I always have to fix something but it always goes wrong, leaving things worse than before.
I interpret it as the fact that I dwell too much on things of the past and I should just let it go, there is no fixing for things out of my control.
Been a long time since I had a time travel dream but it used to repeat a lot.
>Trains, caves and enclosed spacesHonestly idk what the hell these mean but I'm guessing it's about being afraid of things I don't know.. maybe?
Sometimes I'm in long caves with so many passageways and I don't know which one to pick and if I'm with someone I just follow their lead, and when I'm alone I don't go very far because I know there is danger ahead and I'm afraid I won't know how to go back if I need to. Trains are the same thing as the caves, it's like being locked in a maze but the maze moves.
In these dreams sometimes there are tiny spaces only I am able to get in but there are very few dreams where I actually get in these spaces, usually only when I'm in danger or something.
Sometimes instead of a cave or train is a locked building or a place underground, like a garage, but it's full of monsters or zombies, it kinda feels similar to the big city dream but the monsters are not actively chasing me and there are few people around.
Still have lots of these but now I take more risks like, deciding to do stuff and giving orders but still don't go far if I'm alone. The friendly strangers usually reappear in these.
Interpretations are very specific to each person because you have to take into account your own experiences, but I like reading about what one specific thing means and what other people think, sometimes it helps me develop my own interpretations and understanding myself better.
No. 984922
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I keep having dreams about being in bed, needing to get up (bc I'm being called, or there's something happening outside my room, etc) and not being able to, like my body is locked up. I'll be laying there, desperately trying to move or talk or open my eyes, and will struggle for what feels like around 20 minutes, before waking up breathing wildly and absolutely drenched in sweat from mental exertion and stress.
The first few times I had these dreams I thought they were real and I was having sleep paralysis, but after a while I realized they're actually dreams after I started having them about bedrooms from my past or bedrooms in other people's houses. They seem to always occur right before my alarm is due to go off, like my body is anticipating having to get up and overreacting. But functionally this means I lose out on like 20+ minutes of restful sleep and wake up absolutely exhausted and stressed.
Has anyone experienced this or anything like it before, and if so, how did you get it to stop? It's seriously affecting my life as I'm waking up always stressed and fatigued.
No. 986002
I dreamt that my mom had an art gallery, she was very happy with it, she had lots of paintings, pictures and even interesting sculptures. It was a big gallery.
My mom took some pictures of me naked, with my current age, and I was annoyed because I didn’t want anyone to see me with my tits out, but mom said that it was a beautiful picture and that she wanted to show it to the world.
Then, I don’t know why, I was being asked by someone I don’t remember clearly, I think it was my aunt, about who I like and if I’m a lesbian.
And I was like, duh? Of course I’m not, and took some compatibility tests with some of my friends’ names, I noticed how many maria alejandras I’ve met, that made me feel like chewing a whole package of chewing gum.
All of the compatibilities with them were of 30% or even 15%. Then I put “Harry Styles” 40keks and it was a 100% compatibility, I was pleasantly surprised, then I was really happy because he invited me to go with him to his house and to marry him.
It was a nice dream.
I’m remembering something about that genshin impact Albedo short man, he was in the gallery of my mom looking at the sculptures, he tried to flirt with me but I’m too tall and he was too embarrassed because of that.
No. 986297
I think I just had one of the worst dreams in a while, at a cost of taking a surprise nap in a middle of the day and neglecting my supplements.
Anyways I've been in hiding from my friends and peers for a long, long time now, even before the pandemic. There were some people I had drama with and it worked in a ripple effect where you had one person you have a problem with in the industry, you'd see them everywhere.
In my dream I kept seeing her, and her friends, talking to people I'm making new connections with, basically sabotaging my relationships and career. It carried from online conversation to literally one of her new "minions" started moving in my house as new residents, they wanted to kick my family out, and they started spreading rumors to our neighbors about my mental health, and that I was secretly a psycho.
It felt so fucking real, I woke up having my chest tighten up and had difficult breathing for a few hours. I think my worst symptoms with nightmares were when I'd started crying/sobbing when I woke up, so that last one wasn't the worst Yet but I really wished I didn't get to witness all of that all at once, fuck my peaceful sleep.
No. 989443
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I dreamed that I was watching a cartoon. It was about team fortress characters, they entered a map by falling through some hole into a huge dark void with only water at the bottom of it and a totem-like structure at the center. A red demoman and sniper and a blue spy fell near to each other, and the demoman brandished a knife at the spy. I thought "oh no he is outnumbered they are gonna kill the poor spy" but instead they all started hiding together. Then I saw that the rest of the teams were female characters so they were hiding from the male characters because they were naked and didn't want to be seen by them. I don't know why the male characters were hiding too, because they were clothed, but they didn't want to be seen by the women anyway. So they all snuck around circling the totem thing and somehow didn't see each other. Then Wolverine appeared and light was radiating from him and the male characters stared at him like at god, because males are stupid and caring about stupid superheroes is what they do. Then Wolverine started stabbing demo and sniper in the face with his claws and they called for soldier for help and warned him not to attack wolverine because he is invulnerable. So soldier started shooting at wolverine's claws instead. And then I remember the female soldier talking about something, she had a very cool voice - by the way this is apparently the scrapped valve female soldier model, she looked like that - and she was talking about a dream she had. She said the dream was ridicolous and lovey-dovey so she imagined even more ridicolous things and they appeared. Then I saw her dream and it was her prancing about naked through a field with a crane bird and a baloonicorn beside her, and with rainbows everywhere. She wasn't as insane as the male soldier, but she was crazy, but the fun crazy and not fear for your life crazy. I am so glad I met her in my dream I wish she was my friend
No. 990208
Today I dreamed I was a teen in a lab with other teens. Dunno what they were researching but we were part of it along with the zombies that stayed locked in a huge room.
It wasn't so bad, we could walk around and do whatever and I remember reading a book about a girl that saved a gigantic fish and used it like a mount to reach some new continent, but I couldn't remember any experiment, just knew they were done and we were part of them.
We could go downstairs too but the scientists rarely spoke to us and we wouldn't be able to get inside the rooms to find out what they were doing cus they had authorization cards.
So, downstairs was where the zombies stayed. We could see where they were locked from our floor because their room had no ceiling and it was like in the center of the building, so all the other floors could see it. It was protected only by some machine that create this energy shield, so no zombie can go up and none of us can jump down.
There was a ghost.. or maybe it was a zombie too, idk, but we could see her sometimes on our floor and she only appeared when no scientist was around. She tried to speak to us but there was no sound and she did weird gestures that took us long enough to realize she wanted us to get inside the zombies room. The other teens were scared, with reason, the zombies that we saw near the glass walls were weird. There was this one zombie whose face was disfigured because she regenerated it countless times.
The room where the zombies were kept was just to store them until they were needed for some experiment but the scientists started using it as some arena where they would shoot the zombies and boast about how many they took down. The zombies couldn't be killed and this zombie girl was always shot in the face. She was the easiest target because she always stayed near the walls.
So she was always there looking at us and she did this thing where she stayed still and then did a jumpscare by kind of opening her face in a bunch of pieces and then restoring it again to the original form. Ugly shit, looked like her head exploded. Everyone said she was really dumb but that ain't dumb to me.
Anyway I decided to go there, passing through this part of the shield that was broken, I went down when it was dark and everyone was asleep using many sheets as a rope. Woke up before I could talk to the asshole zombie girl or the ghost.
No. 991067
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I haven't met my bf's siblings yet, dreamed this is what he and them all looked like, they were arguing about some millennial/zoomer divide shit and then wobbled around the apartment looking for horcruxes
No. 991076
I dreamed that I was back in college and a big storm was coming so classes were dismissed. The sky was all green like it is before a storm, but there was no rain or anything. I usually didn't leave that class to go straight to my car, so I was pretty lost trying to find the parking lot. It was especially confusing because in this particular building, floor 2 was at ground level and floor 1 was underground, and I was having a hard time finding the exit on floor 2 and somehow ended up on an escalator to floor 1 and with no up escalator in sight. I met up with a group of 4 classmates who were also lost. One of them found a door that had another door and a stairwell going down behind it. I told them it was the wrong way because we needed to go up not down, but two of them took the door behind the door and two of them went down the stairs thinking there was a parking garage down there. I followed the group that went down and two walking skeletons came out at us. I ran up to tell the other two to get out of there because there were skellies, but when I got to the top there were three more skeletons. I punched one and ran out the door, then I woke up, and in that brief moment between sleep and wakefulness I felt like the dream was Satan communicating winning lottery numbers to me, here's the retardation my groggy brain came up with: 3, 12, 21, 32, 53. Now if any of you wins the lottery with these numbers, you're welcome and just know you owe one to the big red weirdo downstairs.
No. 991079
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I keep having these awful dreams that I am drowning.
Usually I am involved in a traveling accident: Car falls into river, airplane falls into the sea, last night it was a ship wreck…
And it's always so dauting and vivid, like "Oh shit, this is just like my nightmares but now it's happening for real!". I am starting to fear it may turn into a phobia, I don't know. Why is it always drowning?
No. 991134
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I had a dream I was in the library with some friends and we were talking about a horror novel called "Dark Pitchy". Suddenly the dream shifts into being a visual of that novel instead. I feel like more things happened, but only thing I can really remember is waking up on a small island that was just covered in dead bodies. Everything was sort of wet and gross and there was this feeling of absolute dread. I get of the island and swim for the shore, but as I get near it a pack of horses appear and they jump off the shore and into the water on top of me. At that point I wake up in a panic.
Not really sure what it all means. Past couple of years I will occasionally have these dreams that have a lot of blood, gore, and gross horror imagery. They freak me out because it feels like they don't come from my own brain, I don't know why I would think of these things? This dream wasn't the most horrible, but there was just this dark feeling over the whole thing. Decided to share it here to hopefully get it out of my head.
No. 991388
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Dreamt that I ordered a blonde version of a monchhichi on amazon. Them minutes after ordering it I looked again and realised it was some ugly shade of either yellow or orange, definitely not the colour I saw earlier.
You can usually cancel an amazon order if you're quick about it so I went to go click into 'my orders' and for some reason I just couldn't navigate amazon. Was pounding on the screen all frustrated trying to get it to respond.
I became the monkey lol
No. 995410
>>995316I can't make fun of you, I have lolcow dreams too but yours is way more complex and fun.
>someone was murdering girls and admin (who controlled the security system) wouldn't answer our callsThis reminds me of Aoi House with the secret person controlling the house, that would make a good story
No. 995925
>>995587Shit anon I don’t wanna freak you but are you sure it was a dream? It sounds so vivid besides where Im from it’s pretty common for sketchy looking old women in streets/markets to do these tricks and you wouldn’t even remember the interaction
They usually do it for money though
No. 996019
>>995998It happens a lot in old traditional markets like there’s always some weird old ladies lurking it’s not exactly pickpocketing, one irl said she felt like she was hypnotized (just like you said) and that she felt like her body wasn't in her control & kept following the old lady until another woman grabbed her away
Honestly I don’t even know it its legit but the old ladies look creepy and it’s a known thing lol that’s why your dream sounded terrifying to me
No. 996310
>>996291That's an awful dream, sorry that happened nona. It probably was your subconscious & trauma projecting those feelings because your doggy is like your child, if that makes sense. Like you feel the same sense of being unable to help this defenseless creature, in the same way no one protected you. It doesn't mean anything bad about you, trauma is just weird like that. Sorry not trying to like Freduain analyse you, I just relate because I have a lot of PTSD related dreams, and that's the vibe your dream gave me.
I had a really bad upbringing as well. My parents were insane & drunk hoarders who were really
abusive. They would always get pets they couldn't take care of, and the kids would watch them die in the filth, or they'd run away, or be killed by wildlife. I found a few of my pets dead from wild animals when I was little, among other bad things.
Now I'm in my late 20s and I still have weekly dreams of my own pets being killed or running away, that kind of shit. That's what I came ITT to post. I wish I could have just one week without weird nightmares. I always wake up with my heart pounding, there's no way that can be healthy for my cardiac health. Thankfully my pets are all healthy, safe, and happy in my own apartment.
No. 996584
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I just had the worst nightmare I’ve had in fucking months and I have no clue what set it off.
The worst thing is since I turned 18/19 my nightmares have been very convincing and vivid but about super plausible stuff.
Basically I woke up from where I’m laying in bed, picked up my phone to check the time and I noticed my wallpaper had changed. So I opened my phone and all my apps were gone and replaced with knockoff Trojan apps, and the keyboard and system were running like a shitty dollar store phone, but the worst thing was that my background photo had been changed from the default to a group picture of my whole family, so my phone has been remotely hacked and whoever did it had been through my photos and knew what my family and I looked like.
The strangest part was it was like my brain was fighting to convince me to stay in the dream. I tried reaching for the light but earlier in the dream it had been established that the power was out, so even when I got my arms free and switched it on nothing happened. And i know logically that most modern smartphones can’t be hacked like that, but even when I tried to type ‘can iPhones be hacked’ on the new tiny keyboard it was too small for my thumbs and I couldn’t get anything in.
Even though it was nothing serious I’m just feeling super freaked out over how real it felt, like I felt like I was moving and reaching and looking at my screen, which is really scary for someone who is usually quite a lucid dreamer. All I know now is that if I ever end up in one of those sci-fi brain hacking machines where you’re put in a dream state and your brain is ransacked for info, I’m not lasting two minutes kek.
No. 997268
My brain supplements are officially run out, and they're way too expensive for me ($30 a bottle). I don't know, maybe I need to find affordable options instead of buying supplements based on Brands.
I had another bad dream yesterday, no, honestly I have bad dreams everyday because of my depression, but yesterday once again I woke up in a middle of the night crying and sobbing. The dream was something about me being wronged, being misunderstood, and having others spoke over me, accusing me for things I never committed. I hate my brain. I don't remember happiness. I don't remember having "normal" dream. It's always something about the past, it's always about something that hurts me.
If I have one more fucked up dream that caused me to wake up feeling like shit again, I will have to cough my money. I hate this. I hate not even have a basic privilege of a normal, good rest like any mammals should have.
No. 997590
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I was back in the house of the first man I ever slept with. IRL it was a no strings thing that lasted a few months and faded out. In the dream I'm guessing a few years had passed (just like irl) and I somehow reunited with him. I was at his house and for some reason we had a fucking abdl thing going on? I felt like my life was empty so I was having these conflicting feelings where I didn't want to be abdl but I knew he wanted it and it was my only way to stay there. I really wanted to make it work.
He had a display of pacifiers in his living room, still in their packaging, displayed as if it were a store? Some of them had winnie the pooh on them, some had snoopy. I spent alot of time trying to pick the ones I wanted.
He had aged well over the years and had somehow become better looking than he was before, I kept trying to have normal sexual interactions with him but he wanted this baby thing and it was pissing me off.
No. 998225
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I was at a family get together at a bar. My mom who irl passed away years ago was still around. I was sitting on her knee joking with her for a moment before heading back to my own seat. Someone asked about what the next round of drinks should be.
I dont usually drink but I look over at someone elses beer and it looks so good that I say I'll have one too. They shout for a round of 5 pints for our table. The barman points at me and shouts "only if none of them are for her" I get up to look at him. I ask him if he thinks I'm under 18 and he says yes. I know I don't have any ID on me so I just repeat that I'm obviously in my thirties hoping he'd look closer, feel silly and laugh about it. He says I'm no more than 17? He then gets weirdly aggressive and belittling with me. Shouting over me, stuff like "look you're obviously just a kid!" I can't get a word in edgeways with how loud he's being so while he's still screaming I pull my top up to show him tattoos. On seeing them he quickly relents but doesn't actually a word. Just hands it over silently. I make eye contact with my mom, wanting someone to back me up that he was being weird right?.. she gives me the look I was hoping for.
I then woke up with a crazy dry mouth
No. 1004010
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I dreamt a duck bit me. I panicked because I was scared I have duck aids or something now, so I tried to go to ER but I couldn't remember the way, so I just entered public transport randomly, hoping that I'd remember it when I drove past it. I didn't exactly remember the way, but I did notice that I took the bus into the exact wrong direction. I then remembered that I also still have PE lessons that day, so I told that one girl from class (who sat behind me in the bus) to please tell our teacher I couldn't come because I had to get tested for duck aids. I got off the bus and ran into the opposite direction because as far as I remembered, ER closed at 5pm, but when I finally reached it, they were on lunch break because apparently they got new opening hours. Lunch break was from 5:30 to 5:80pm now. I had to wait until it opened again, but before I could get myself tested my teacher came and dragged me into the gym hall because my classmate didn't tell her yet I have to go to ER and now she thought I was skipping class. Then I woke up.
I never found out if I had duck aids, but I don't think I did because a duck actually bit me once in real life and I don't have duck aids (as far as I know).
No. 1004035
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>>1004010Kek, you really got me googling if there’s such a thing as avian immunodeficiency virus
Dreamed last night that I googled what the most expensive poppers were, and it was a brand called Valentin Toretti. They were sold in these tall different-colored cases with multiple scents per case, the color of the case corresponded to the color of suit jacket that came with the bottle (it was Calvin Klein x Valentin Toretti). I picked out a scent called Negro Las Vegas which was a pun on Viva Las Vegas I guess? (before bed I was thinking about that 4chan post with the drink called a “nignog” that’s part Hennessy part eggnog)
Also I drank some poppers by the capful and I think googling whether that will kill me is what woke me up
No. 1004088
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I dreamt some black kids were bullying me on the back of the bus and at one point while walking to the bus, I called one of the kids "boy" because he was younger and he thought it was because I was racist. I don't know. Maybe I was racist in the dream. In the end, I decided to sit up towards the front to avoid them.
No. 1004385
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My roof was gone and it snowed in, so I built an igloo in my house. Then a baby seal came to cuddle with me, and we stargazed and watched the northern lights through the hole in my roof while some penguins were annoying, but I can't remember anymore what exactly they did.
No. 1005934
I used to have dreams every night, but for the past two years I've been dreaming very rarely. This year I've had like 3 nice/neutral dreams, and four or five terrible nightmares, some are tolerable although very stressfull, like the one where I was choking with blood or having my teeth rotting and falling out, but some are so shocking, disturbing and draining, I struggle to recover from them even after I wake up. I understand the stuff involving teeth and mouth since I'm super sensitive about that parts of my body and I often worry about illnesses involving them. But I totally don't get the other ones, because they're not only shocking and disgusting, but also don't seem to bo connected to literally anything. I had dreams about animals being abused and killed in various ways. I love animals and I don't have a pet I could be currently worrying about. Last night I had probably the most disgusting dream ever (tw for rape and animal abuse). There was a bunch of random animals being raped by men. I saw a small labrador puppy being raped by a man which lead to his death. The most puke inducing thing I saw was like a corpse of a dog that was cut in a half, and a man was raping its stomach or lungs, idk, but then it turned out the dog was still alive. I remember crying and puking in this dream but there was nothing I could do. It almost felt demonic in nature. I woke up terrified and I wanted to cry. Why the fuck I had this nightmare?
No. 1006062
>>1005934Do you feel (given you're on this site and presumably at least aware of other imageboards), that your general exposure to scrote depravity might be related to some of what you mention? We absorb all sorts of things by osmosis, and
allegedly we dream to prepare ourselves for our surroundings
Not related but when I was 11ish years old and playing a lot of ratchet and clank (3), one night I dreamt that ratchet could walk around freely in the sewers if he had the magnet boots equipped. When I woke up and checked, this proved true. 300 years prior that could have been a symphony, an artistic epiphany - but instead I got ratchet and clank info. I think about this sometimes.
No. 1007463
nonnie all the time, it’s definitely worrisome but I think it’s most likely a common manifestation of stress, kinda like dreams where your teeth fall out
No. 1009479
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I had a dream last night where I was in high school again and randomly got myself like ten chinchillas without my family's approval. I didn't have a cage so I had to keep them in my room but they kept escaping because my door would randomly open by itself and I had to run after them. Soon the whole fucking house was full of chinchillas. My family got mad at me and had to help me find them all and then my dad made me sell them. I asked him if I could keep just one but he wouldn't let me and I started crying and woke up kek
No. 1021667
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last night i had a string of dreams (same one kept happening after i'd wake up and go back to sleep) where i had adopted tons of birds. there were some sun conures, an eclectus, an african grey, and like 4 other different kinds of parrots. i had to keep running back to take care of them all but they made me sooo happy they were so cute. first time i've felt a positive emotion in like a week was petting my parrots in a dream.
No. 1026790
I so wish I dreamt of this
>>1026508But I had some stupid dream I don't even remember
No. 1029109
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my gf and i met in middle school but didnt become friends till we were like 19. she just had me on social media cause we had mutual friends. anyways we are 23 now and started dating few months ago.
>she tells me there was a guy in middle school who sexually assaulted her when we were like 12
>obviously very traumatizing for her
>its the guy who used to bully me in elementary and middle school and i hated him already but he never touched me
>feel odd and guilty for not knowing or helping her at the time but we didnt really know each other
>yesterday i had a dream i was back in middle school
>the bully who assaulted her started telling everyone he was actually the one who got assaulted
>everyone pities him because male
>kill him
>night time
>i dont actually remember if this was before or after but something about a lake in the nighttime
No. 1029139
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Last night I dreamt I was making out with Spike from Buffy. I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but I have this thing going for fictional bad boys from the 90s. Specially Spike, because he's a thirsty vampire in so many ways. Btw, my dream of banging him was almost coming true. It was when Odo, from Star Trek DS9, knocked on the door and cockblocked us. I woke up underwhelmed! Like, why didn't Odo go read criminal activity reports or keep an eye on Quark?
No. 1029143
>>1029139>Spike>OdoI love your dedication to pretending the past ten years never happened
>>1029140So many thought that too, I believe the reason Joss Wheedon wrote that nonsensical episode where spike
tried to rape buffy was because he was jealous that women liked the bad boy and not his canonically chosen make love interest or any of his nerdy self inserts
No. 1029155
>>1029140I don't deny that I like Angel since I'm kinda fond of the misterious guy trope, but I still like Spike better because he's not melancolic and always depressed like Angel.
>>1029143I've been binge watching 90s TV shows recently and they grew on me, I regret not doing it before!
No. 1030214
Do any anons have experience with astral projection?
I started trying to project last summer, but never got anywhere and gave up.
Recently I'd remembered it's something I've wanted to do. This morning I was still pretty tired, laid back down and started to count backward from 500. At some point it started feeling tedious, so instead I focused on my breathing. After what felt like 15-20 minutes, I suddenly felt like a rocket taking off. Whole body vibrating, my heart beating out of my chest. I'm assuming this would have been the point of separation. Then, I realized that I kind of had to pee, and lost it, kek.
Got up to pee, tried again, 10 minutes later started vibrating, but once again fell out of it.
Anyone have any tips for breaking through? I feel so close yet so far. I just want to find out what's on the other side.
No. 1031142
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>>1030214You need to vibrate higher so you can capture the opening of the portal that connects this Earth of 3D to one Earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5…
No. 1034324
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I legit had a dream of me being sexually assaulted or groped and trying to get home from school without anyone picking me up and some scrote sprayed a bunch of semen on me, wtf does any of that mean? It disturbed me
No. 1034349
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The summer after high school/one year into college my good friends exiled me from their circle, with the nail in the coffin being me sending the ringleader a massive text about how much she hurt me and how I never wanted to hear from her again. It’s been a few years and every now and then I get nostalgic and think about being the bigger man and trying to rebuild our friendships. Not any fucking more.
Last night I dreamt that they threw a party and invited me as an olive branch. But over the night I noticed them telling me things and giggling about it to themselves, like they used to when they lied to me or were about to set me up. Sure as shit, at one point they convince me to go into a little closed of sunroom, and once I was stuck in there they sprayed me down with foam(?) and laughed and pointed.
I didn’t even respond. The old me would’ve freaked out or stated crying or even tried to play along, but I was just so past whatever little game they were playing that I just stood there looking at them, and that unnerved them more than anything else I could do. I literally just stood there a until they all walked away embarrassed (some of them got really uncomfortable and tried to deflect and tell me that it was just a joke and I was taking it too seriously by just standing there and not responding kek). I let myself out not long after, but not before I broke a nice tile in the bathroom wall and sent a photo of it to the airbnb host to rat them out. I woke up with a massive grin on my face.
I spent so many years letting these girls control my mind that it feels amazing to feel like I’m finally free, and that literally nothing they do can hurt me anymore.
It’s also nice that I no longer feel the pressure to be a bigger person if I have something to really fuck them over with. I’ll find peace in Hell.
No. 1036979
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I have this recurring dream that feels too specific and too frequent to not mean something. It's usually a dream where my current pet becomes incredibly tiny and hard to manage due to being so small, OR I've somehow acquired more pets that are also extremely small. I'll walk into my bedroom and have to find all of my pets (usually snakes, spiders, or reptiles) and try to not step on them. It's like this overwhelming amount of anxiety that I'm either going to accidentally kill, forget, or lose them, and this guilt for even having them in the first place. Usually at the start of my dream the animal will start out normal in size and eventually start shrinking to the point where I start loosing track of them every few seconds. This feels like it goes on for hours.
No. 1037412
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>>1036979Anon I have a similar recurring dream where I have a pet that I forgot I owned, and I left it chained up in the laundry room and I find it and it's on the verge of starvation!
Last night I dreamed I met a guy with two "Angora dogs" which really looked like giant guinea pigs if anything, very soft and silky. He told me it's a Korean breed, I looked it up and found nothing, but there was a Wikipedia list of extinct breeds of Korean and Vietnamese dogs, and it had a cause of death for the last known specimen for each breed, but the causes were all like "he fucking shat himself to death"
No. 1040160
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Dreamed that I was this hot dude and I had magic powers but I got arrested and sent to mud prison which was a prison made of dirt and guarded by the sand men (dudes made of sand) and they wore metal armor. I was naked because my powers came from my leather jacket.. and writing that now I realize it makes no sense the fact I was completely naked instead of just stripped off my power jacket but I assume it's a sand people thing.
Anyway some fellow prisoners that were also naked and happened to be weird ass centaurs (their horse part had human skin and no tail) were beating me up cus they didn't like my face? Also I think I put a spell on one of them before we got arrested. But it was fine, my dream girlfriend invaded mud prison and killed everyone with her huge ass sword and she even brought me my magic jacket… and nothing else, but somehow I got my other clothes back after putting back my jacket. Dream logic I guess.
It was a nice jacket and a nice girlfriend, I even liked the mud prison, very homely. I'm usually sent to sand prison, it was nice for a change.
10/10 would see centaur buttholes again
No. 1043818
>>1043806again, never said that and im not trying to diss ppl online lmfao i cant believe i offended so many ppl for saying that dreams have a specific meaning for each individual. crazy
>>1043811everyone i disagree with is a moid, a troon, a newfag, etc etc
and no need to sage in /ot/ retard
No. 1043827
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>>1043824Quit shitting up the thread. Why come to a dream thread and shit in it? Go back on hiatus anon.
No. 1043840
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Any nonnies here offering dream interpretations?
No. 1044613
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>>1043753So even after all that infighting nobody wants to discuss my weird stair dream with me
No. 1044980
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>>1043840Yes! I love doing this. Share away. I might ask some follow-up questions.
No. 1045687
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to what extent is it normal to be regularly distressed because of dreams? my most common ones are
>my mom falling from somewhere and dying
>my mom turning into an evil monster
>the world ending in existential dread inducing ways, making me feel like i’m floating in the afterlife the next day because of how realistic it was
also one oddly specific recurring scenario where i commit some crime like murder and then manipulate/provoke someone into killing me because of guilt, then just lie there and wait until i die from injuries for an uncomfortably long time. are these normal nightmares? can it be an symptom of other problems?
No. 1054937
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Dreamed I was the Mulder guy again today and I found this portal that would send me back to the 90s, it was like a crack on a wall in the middle of a busy street, it was big and anyone could cross it but somehow I was the only one who noticed it. I tried telling Scully but she didn't believe me, she was always busy with some office job I guess, so I decided to go on my own and it was amazing. I used my knowledge of the future to change some stuff and it reflected on the present when I came back, so I kept doing it because I wanted the perfect life. So I went back and forth and everytime I did I would vomit so much. I thought with myself that's normal, it's just time traveling juices getting flushed out of my system (whatever the hell that means). Scully noticed some stuff was different and I tried telling her again about this and she told me to take my meds, so I insisted that I wasn't crazy and took her to the time travel hole and as I stepped inside the crack with her, we just appeared on the same 2022 reality. She then told me she was going to divorce me and at this point I was crying because I knew I would never find a woman like her again and told her I loved her so much and I asked why she was doing this and she told me it's because I'm never home and I stink. She really emphasized the latter.
I asked her please to not do that, I would never cross the time traveling hole again but then she was gone. Some cartoon character (I think it was skipper from penguins of madagascar because he always drive me to places in other dreams) told me it's all right, he would drive me to the therapist and we all could talk about it, he told me "I'll never abandon you" and honestly that made me feel much worse but I said nothing because that would be very rude, he was trying his best.
No. 1055021
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I used to have a dream journal but I've fallen out with it. I should post here more. My dreams have been coming back, and of course they take place in underground labs. I have no idea what kind of labs they're supposed to be but I work in them and there's no windows for sunlight. Sometimes the "labs" which is a word I don't want to use because it's vague, are hidden inside of commercial buildings like a massive hotel. Think liminal spaces I guess. Also the lab is more like a bunker, sort of? It's like Black Mesa in my dreams but worse. The walls lately have been dark green, same with the bathrooms. Sometimes the bunker's green but sometimes I am in a very white, sterile place where I know there are dead bodies and shit, it just gives me that unsettled feeling that I'm handling things that have to do with experiments on the human body. It reminds me of the series of dreams I had when I was younger, which resulted in me dreaming my escape which was to use the elevators to get to the higher floors that went above ground level and then I entered an office and went past the people and opened the window to a rainy city and just jumped out of the window and woke up. But then in these dreams I'm back, but in a different underground bunker. I hated the ones with the shitty bathroom situation. The sterile bunker's bathrooms were red with no doors or anything, just some toilets and red lights that made everything red and I honestly think the lights were obscuring the fact that the bathroom was disgusting and dirty. What's the weirdest about these dreams is that I'm not the age I am now, I feel like in those dreams myself and others are 12-15 years old. I hate these dreams but sometimes they are familiar because my school friends are in it. I was all alone in the white laboratory though which is probably why I had to kill myself in the dreams to escape them. Except I feel like I was brought back once to be shown a downward spiraling centrifuge that resulted in the victim aging to a natural death before reaching the bottom, somehow. Not to mention they put bumps in it so that while you're spinning downwards you almost fall off into the black pit but just miss it. It's good to write this down. I also have dreams about forests, specifically one forest, and it honestly feels like a real place that exists in my mind that I can go back to. Each time it's a little different because I've been away for however long. Sage for retardation.
No. 1058521
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I had a dream that I was on a bus to somewhere with my estranged mom and she was, as ever, being incredibly annoying and arguing about a sandwich with me or something?
I'm the type of person to watch my volume and tone in public especially if I'm bickering or arguing with someone because I dont like or want other people to hear. Very strong believer in not airing dirty laundry in public and HATE when people do it.
The entire dream was just us two on this horrible rural rattling bus we used to go on and she was raising her voice at me, speaking loudly and arguing with me for everyone to hear over this fucking dream sandwich.
I woke up so angry and I've been in a mood all day so thank you brain for reminding me about all the times I was humiliated in public by her.
No. 1060521
>>1060089yes, I got messages on tinder in last night's dream, from several troons I had encountered irl previously in the dream (the fact I would have had to swipe on them was not taken into account)
they had mistaken me for one of them because I have a deep voice and was wearing a denim skirt with pokemon patches on it, and then later one came up to me and told me he had just given birth and tried to sell me on an MLM branded beast pump, then acted like I was stupid for "not recognizing" him when I was really just listening to be polite
No. 1060857
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>>1060089I don't remember seeing phones in my dreams recently but years ago I had a dream where I repeatedly looked at my phone to check the hours. I remember it because the phone part stood out as I had no phone at the time and it was so vivid, like a movie. Also I was keanu reeves for some reason.
I remember my wallpaper changing at nightfall. It was an wallpaper of a typical giant carnivore plant from the desert where I lived in the dream and it changed to a penguin around late 18h.
I was waiting for my friend to come home so we could travel to the past together.
I had this little tree, like a bonsai, and when I watered it, bugs would come out of the deep green foliage. They would glow in many colors like little light bulbs. They were synthetic, little robots.
The insects would help transport my mind to the past once I fell asleep. So I would always have the same dream where I tried to kill this king because his death would somehow change the present. I think it had something to do with our living conditions. I remember being upset that I could never leave my house during the day for some reason. I had this feeling of dread that the sun would burn my skin deep and I believed it was the king's fault.
In the dream inside the dream I would become this guy in some weird armor, something that resembled roman armor but not quite right. My friend was a guy in the dream of the past too, a fellow soldier, we looked like normal people, while outside of the dream we were not entirely human. I had these little horns I covered with my long keanu hair to pretend to be a normal keanu, and my friend had way longer horns than me she couldn't hide and she also had something different about her feet and she never wore shoes.. I think she had hooves instead. I remember being deeply ashamed of my horns and that my friend had a different opinion about her looks, she didn't disliked it like me and was often insulted when I would suggest we looked like that because of some sort of godly punishiment, so we didn't talk much, we just lay down until sleep came. I don't think she really believed we could change anything by dreaming.
Anyway, in this dream of the past I just had to go up to the mountains where the king was hiding under his big walls and kill him. I was some type of rebel I guess and I failed repeatedly, always getting myself killed which made me wake up. Most times I would die before even reaching his walls, by the sword of opposing soldiers.
The king had superpowers and I remember at some point him telling me I wouldn't succeed no matter how many times I tried and it was obvious he knew about it, that I came from somewhere else. My friend was tired and went home saying we could try again the next day, so the dream was mostly me looking at my phone waiting for her to come to my house again so we could try to kill some dude in my dream inside a dream.
After so many tries the king killed my friend and I was able to hurt him by breaking the windows of his castle when the sun was rising. He burned but didn't die I guess, then I woke up for real as I felt my skin burning too.
No. 1061048
Yesterday I had one of the oddest dreams I've ever had in my life. I live in the US, and in my dream, I saw an image of the US, all 50 states, and the current year written above it. Then I saw the years start to fly by. Suddenly, at one point, the states themselves divided up into like… a checkerboard pattern. It was no longer 50 states, it was like 250. Then the years keep going, and suddenly Florida is no longer a part of the US. Like it had eroded away. Then the checkerboard states became grouped up into big clumps of various new states. Then on the west coast, southern California popped out as its own state, surrounded by smaller states on top of it, and a big "territory" to the east of it. By the time the years had stopped, it said something like "2557615". I woke up feeling very weirded out.
No. 1061220
>>1061108Yes, only once ever. That's how it feels when you don't dream at all when you sleep.
If you keep having dreamless sleep, you might want to check with a docotor. We don't know why but we know dreaming is an essential part of brain health.
No. 1061228
>>1061108>>1061220>i have trouble remembering what exactly happened in the day before.Samefag, what we
do know is that dreaming helps in forming memories. It's no surprise your memory is shit after no dream. Have that shit checked please
>>1061223We dream every night. It's really uncommon not to. When you sleep and don't dream it feels like you just blinked and it's another day. It's weird.
No. 1061640
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>>1061620that wasn't a dream nona, but a premonition of a better society
No. 1061648
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>>1061640it all makes sense…
No. 1071188
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I had a premonitory poop dream.
I was at some party in a really simple church, I think it was a wedding or something like that, they had some delicious banana sweets, and an amazing banana chocolate, it was huge, like the size of a hand, and was wrapped in golden tinfoil, I had one and I could taste it, it was milk chocolate with hints of ripe banana, I wonder how I could make it because I think it’s a neat idea.
But the chocolate made me want to go to the bathroom and I was there in a weird open stall trying to poop in a church where everyone was having fun at the way too quiet party.
When that was over I went to the table to have another one of those chocolates but I felt sick.
Then I woke up and had to run to the bathroom.
No. 1074318
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I've been having a lot of sexual dreams recently but mostly with women. I haven't dated a woman (only time was in middle school so I can hardly count it) and I've been a little curious about whether or not I might be into other gorls but I don't really have the opportunity to explore (already in a very happy relationship). But I swear it's like every other day me and some cute unknown lady get it on but when I wake up I never remember who they are or the events leading up to it. This last time it was in the back of a car. Idk nonnitas I've just been wondering about my sexuality a lot more recently but never know what to make of it. Maybe it's starting to seep into my brain at night too.
No. 1076464
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>be me
>on vacation, in the country, chilling with my grannies
>turn on the news
>some random star system just collided with the solar system
>it fucked up the outer planets real bad
>neptune got knocked out of orbit
>they calculated the trajectory and it’s coming straight for earth
>we’re toast
>grandma #1 just continues solving crosswords, appears to be in denial
>mathematician grandma gets recruited by the government to design rockets to try to divert it away with nuclear bombs
>she says it obviously won’t work though
>i’ve always wished i could witness the apocalypse but this feels wrong, too sudden
>pretend everything is normal while everyone around is having mental breakdowns, contemplate killing myself
>ancient mayan rockets get discovered in some crypt
>the mayans predicted everything
>no one knows myan so they can’t figure out how to fuel the rockets or power the superweapons
>it’s too late, it’s getting closer, we can see it
>everyone gathers in an observatory, neptune takes up like a fourth of the sky now
>everyone counting down to collision
>they get out their phones
>they are taking selfies with neptune??
>they finish counting down and chant “till next time”
>i hear rumbling and close my eyes
>after a while it sounds like it’s over
>i’m probably dead but i don’t feel dead
>finally decide to open my eyes, it’s dark, but i’m awake
>nothing feels real anymore
No. 1078454
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I thought that one Bob's Burgers episode was just Tina being Tina, but I dreamt I shaved my legs and when I woke up I was (surprisingly; I didn't expect to feel like that) disappointed in myself until I realized it wasn't real.
No. 1080969
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I stayed late at night watching videos of lost media and pilot episodes that never made it into a full show, so I had this dream:
>Be me
>Searching information for a mostly unknown cancelled cartoon
>Have vage memories of it
>Find many articles about the show (Don't remember much about those anymore)
>Finally get a file of the pilot episode through some sites
>Pretty sure my computer got virus, but I don't care
>Play the cursed thing
>Flash animation style from the 2000s
>The main character is a redhaired mean girl, her name is Narcy Narcissist
>She wears a british school uniform and a headband, her whole color scheme is red
>She has to make a science project with some short blue girl with glasses, I don't remember her name
>Blue girl is scared of Narcy but they are somewhat friends
>The episode is about Narcy not working on her project
>Blue girl is freaking out because the deadline is coming
>Narcy doesn't care and keeps procastinating
>Both girls are in Narcy's house
>Her mother, single parent, isn't there but she expects for the project to be ready the moment she arrives back home
>Narcy tells the Blue girl that she is going to scape away from the house for a while
>Blue girl doesn't even reply, Narcy left quickly
>The scene cuts into a 3D squence from Narcy's perpective going through the streets
>The sun is setting, her walk begins to speed up
>She gets inside different houses and stores without people
>Eventually she sneaks into a scientist's lab
>Pieces of meat are hanging from the roof
>Scene cuts
>Back to Flash animation
>Fast forward until Narcy is back home
>Blue girl is angry, she lashes out towards Narcy but she has a very ASMR voice
>Narcy doesn't care, and shows her what she got as a last minute project
>She stole an unfinished male android from the lab
>The guy looked like a teen emo guy's drawing, he had a swasticka symbol on his left arm
>Blue girl is freaking out but she still decides to go along whatever thing Narcy tells her to.
>They begin to mess around with the android's cables and wires
>The mom gets back home and doesn't seem to be surprised by anything
>Cuts to the presentation day
>The girls even dressed the Android with a black and gray version of the school's uniform
>They turn him on
>He wants to kill Narcy
>He can't kill her because she added an auto destruction button onto him
>She describes to him how much she wants and can kill him too, but she wants someone to worship her as her servant boyfriend
>No one reacts to what's going on, everyone claps at Narcy and Blue girl for "creating" an android
>Some teacher, like the one on Invader Zim, gives them a good grade and then forces the Android to be a student
>He swears that he is going to kill everyone one day, but goes along with it
>Blue girl is shocked and tired, she is kind of like the straight man of the show
>Narcy just laughs and is happy that people are cheering for her presentation
>Pilot ends
>"Wtf was this?" I said to myself
>I still feel like I have seen this before
>I finally wake up
>Doubt for a while if what I saw was real or just a dream
>It was just a dream
And that's how I became the MC of a lost episode creepypasta, it's cringe, I can't tell anyone, but now I miss Narcy.
No. 1080988
>>1080962If you are feeling anxious, stressed or uncomfortable as you go to sleep, you will probably have stressful dreams. Improving your sleep routine can help immensely. Try to make the place you sleep in as relaxing as possible. Ditch your phone and tv at least 30 minutes before you plan to sleep and do not look at either until it's time to wake up. Do pre-sleep activities that relax you, this could be anything like light stretching or breathing exercises, reading a (paper) book, taking time to do some skin pampering, listening to relaxing music, journaling or doodling (on paper), drinking a warm (non caffeinated) drink, or some hobby of yours that you find relaxing and does NOT involve you interacting with or watching a screen. Keep the room as dimly lit as possible at least 15 minutes before you go to sleep. Set aside all worries for tomorrow. Basically just give yourself time to consciously put yourself in a relaxed state before you lie down to go to bed. Also make sure your bed and pillows are comfortable and the room you sleep in is tidy, so you won't get stressed or frustrated looking at messes around room as you try to go to sleep. It's also nice to have some comfort items displayed nicely in the room you sleep in, these don't have to be items tied to memories, they could also be things that make you happy to look at because they're pretty or whatever. These habits will set you up to have more good or neutral dreams than bad ones.
No. 1081701
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I had a beautiful dream where not only was /m/ fixed, but the old movie thread had been unpinned. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, I go to /m/ and there is a whole thread JUST FOR MY HUSBANDO. I cried in the dream, I made a long post about how much I loved him, and I saved all the pictures being posted of him. Ahhhh, how I wish this dream was reality.
No. 1081921
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Had yet another dream of some sort of demonic entity/spirit in the house even though our house isn't even haunted - I've had these dreams consistently no matter where I've been sleeping.
Right before I woke up (or fell asleep, I was in a weird half awake state) I heard this huge BANG and it could be that exploding head thing but I was so convinced it was in the house. My cat didn't freak out and my bf didn't hear it obviously but he got out of bed and searched the house with a machete kek and it took me a while to get back to sleep. Fuck I hate this. Why can I never have nice dreams or just a peaceful happy sleep.
No. 1084118
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Dreamed of geeting nuked, burning to death and falling in our collapsing building, all in a ridiculously slow tempo and long timespan, then woke up in the dream, then witnessed the same scenario again and then actually woke up.
No. 1084434
I just had a horrible nightmare in which I opened the door to the balcony (it was a house based on the previous one where I lived with my parents, but still very different and slightly bigger) and saw a black-and-white cat running (at first I thought it was playing). That made me think about how much I'd love to adopt a cat, partly in the dream (because a few moments earlier I had argued with my dad over that) and partly in real life. It was getting dark. But then I saw a narco-looking man carrying a weapon and walking towards the house to the right of ours. Unfortunately he saw me so I was scared shitless, and asked him what he wanted from me. He wanted to know if the neighbors were home and I said yes, then went back inside and closed to door as quickly as possible but carefully. After answering his question, I expected to hear gunshots and screams next door, but fortunately that didn't happen.
I went inside my parents' bedroom, and it was bigger than it is in real life. The lights were off. I was looking for the phone to call the police. Meanwhile, I could hear the guy and the neighbor talking. It seemed like I had found the phone even though it was dark, and went back to my room on the opposite side of the hallway. But when I opened the door (while crawling desperately to avoid being seen through the balcony's door), I realized that he was there, outside the neighbor's house, looking at me opening the door to my room, where the lights were on. So I panicked and quickly went inside and closed the door, and tried to dial the right number. That's when I woke up (and pretty early for me).
No. 1085709
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i just had a dream that i had a boyfriend/husband(?) whom i was living with(?) that loved me and we had sexual intercourse under the covers which lasted very very briefly and i watched in third person. it wasnt a wet dream and i felt nothing while simultaneously feeling really scared at the once but i knew he wasnt going to hurt me because he loved me, i cant remember why ithought this or if there was a reason to begin with. i dont think he even went in because my mind either skipped the scene ( its not just me forgetting i was confused even in the dream ) or he stopped mid way. i have never experienced thoughts about men like this until now but i wasnt attracted to him or aroused by what was happening. it felt like i was an object of sorts but i could still feel fear and for some reason i wanted to make him feel happy because i "owed" it to him. really confused right now honestly disgusted too but at least he liked me. also he had no face or distinguishing features or at least i cant remember what even his skin color looked like.
does this mean anything for me ?
No. 1086342
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I had a dream that was part of a team that was trying communicate with dolphins, so we used EDMs to play back rhythms to the dolphins and they would click notes back to us. In the dream it felt smart bc we were first were trying to understand their version of communication and work with that rather than making them learn an entire new form that we could understand. Anyway now I can talk to aliens.
No. 1086526
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Dream sperg:
First dream I was in a busy classroom full of mostly men, a vtuber was there and she was uncomfortable from the men too so we decided to sit on our own table and just play on her switch which had orange joycons
Then when it was break time there were these gates outside that had like, bars, and some were higher up than the others
And there were a bunch of trannies outside so I told them "if you can walk through the lowest down bar fence you're a real woman"
And of course they all tried and couldn't fit in because they're MEN and tall and wide but one manlet who wasn't a tranny just a short boy could fit through
Second dream that same vtuber was there too was there too so was Mion Sonozaki and we were all working at this Subway-like place in an airport, I had to make sandwiches and the vtuber was very nice and helpful and Mion mostly just stocked up the aisle thingies
Then it was over and I was very sad
Then I met up with my dad in a train station and he was dragging me around an adult sized one of picrel inside a train station because I was autistic and "didn't want to touch the ground" and we even got to sit in the disabled area because of me kek.
Third dream I was on a tour bus and was touring this neighbourhood and there were this man and woman that got recently divorced and hated eachother but accidentally got on same tour bus
So all tour they were arguing and then we got to this garden place in the tour and they both went out and started arguing yadda yadda
Then they both disappear and we are all confused so we go in the garden and we see that both have been turned into concrete statues inside a pond…
I like to think that she murdered him and was just pretending to be a statue to get away with scrote murder
No. 1087446
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I was sitting in a bus behind some guy. I heard him talking with someone else. I butted into the conversation, which then went as following
>Mike Tyson is so cool!
>I thought it's Jujutsu Kaisen and not Mike Tyson
No. 1088802
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I keep having dreams about being in an stablished relationship with my best friend, I’m not a lesbian and she’s too tired to even pretend to be interested in anyone.
The dreams are just so realistic somehow, I have a hard time figuring out that it’s a dream, I only notice if I kiss her or someone says that we’re girlfriends.
No. 1090465
It's so silly. I dreamt that I was a bassist in a band but I was in a wheelchair. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. We were going to compete in a "battle of the bands" kind of competition and my bass was broken (the headstock was chopped off and the body was damaged, though the fretboard and strings were fine) but I still thought I could play it? Then my band members and I tried to get to the auditorium but we kept getting lost in hallways. When we reached the auditorium we were around 15 minutes late to the event and I woke up. I think it's all a bunch of metaphors for what I currently feel.
>>1087720Yes! Frequently. I don't actually reach out to them (I wish I had the courage, really) but it feels nice. Like a reunion. It would be nice if dreams actually bridged people together for a brief moment, like an ephemeral meeting place. But I guess dreams are often one-sided.
No. 1093822
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The other night I had a really creepy dream and it’s sort of stuck with me so I thought I might as well get it off my chest. I was visiting my friend and staying in her apartment, she has a studio and it’s pretty tiny so you can see the whole room from the bed. We were sleeping and I was on the outer side of the bed facing the night stand and my friend had her arm slung around me. At one point I can sense that’s she’s awake and breathing kind of shakily but i’m completely paralyzed and unable to move, and she whispers something along the lines of “don’t say anything” into my ear and she sounds scared. Im super confused at this point but get a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as well as that sensation you get in dreams where you can feel something is wrong. On the nightstand for some reason there was a landline like the ones you see in hotels and my friend grabs my hand and guides it to dial a number on the phone. I still can’t move and my friend puts the phone to my ear and I try to speak but I can’t get anything out except a weird shaky noise no matter how hard I try. My friend then whispers “there’s a man in the room” and that’s when she yells something about having security on the phone and that he has 10 seconds to leave the room. I’m super confused at this point but that’s when I see the silhouette of a man get up from under the foot of the bed and dash for the door. I woke up after this super anxious and scared and it left me feeling super paranoid which sucked because it was only like 3 am.
No. 1093824
nonnie, that is an intense dream.
No. 1095401
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I was catching up on some sleep I missed the last two nights earlier this morning, and it was ruined by what has to be the worst and most retarded dream I have ever had. I dreamed I was visiting home and had to carpool with Jillian and some random man who was maybe supposed to be her dad even though I don't remember what her dad looks like? And we had just listened to news on the radio and heard a cellular tower fell down and killed a bunch of people, which I think was the story of the dream I had before that. But even though we were hearing about something so disturbing she started squawking like a bird and she and the man tried to justify it by saying one of her alters was a goose so she can't control it. No, I am not embellishing that. Yes, that was in my dream. Dream me became super annoyed that a bunch of people were dead and they were still focused on this validation nonsense, so I said so, and that it was all an attention thing for her anyway. Then she turned into the emo boy alter and we started fighting and I kept thinking in the dream that this was going to ruin my blood pressure(?) but then the man stopped the car at a Walmart in the middle of nowhere and told me to get out and that they would never see me again for the rest of their lives. I was happy to get out of the car but also really angry about the fight and being stranded. For some reason even though the disaster in my dream took out a cell tower, I was able to call my mom and tell her what happened and that I was stranded. I went into the Walmart and it was packed with people and the power was out. And then I woke up, still super pissed off at the goose and emo boy alters for destroying dream-me's blood pressure and what was supposed to be a restful sleep.
No. 1096211
>>1095904That's so eerie anon, report back if anything strange happens there
>>1096008I have dreams like that all the time kek, I love and hate them. I will be in the dream buying clothes and accessories that I want, some that I could either never find or can't afford in real life, and just as I bring it all home BAM I am awake before dream-me gets to enjoy any of it
No. 1103343
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i had a dream that i was from a huge, happy, loving family. we lived in a huge house with many many rooms. my family was throwing me a birthday party, and lots of people came. i was having so much fun but i decided to crash some other party that was happening close by. in this dream i am underage. i ask if anyone want to come, and no one seems to want to until one girls comes forward, not sure if she's supposed to be my sister or friend. we start to leave, but we have to be sneaky so the family members don't see us. we start running down the stairs of this big house and we run into locked doors as we go. i am nervous and fumble the keys but my sister/friend is more collected and gets through the locks quicker. somehow as we run down i become younger and younger, which becomes noticeable when we get to the final door. as we do, the girl is unable to unlock it and we start hearing footsteps from above, my older brother is coming down. we quickly hide under the stairs, and apparently he's found a ripped piece of a blue and purple umbrella that he holds in his hand, not sure how he got it, but he goes on to hold this monologue, of how he's scared his little sister has left this wonderful party, and is afraid for her and he goes on. it's difficult to listen to as i just want to be rebelious and go to the party but he eventually leaves. i am about the age and size of a six year old at this point, and i start to go to the main door to leave, but as i do, i am not quick enough to hear some lady coming in through the door and we bump into each other. she's polite enough but obviously doesn't recognize me. i wanted to use this situation to leave, but as i do the family cat runs up to me, sniffs me and starts to leave, i cry her name and as i do the cat recognizes me, runs to me, licks me etc! someone, almost like a narrator (maybe my brother just pretended to leave) says, you became so unrecognizeable even your cat almost forgot who you are, and what would you do then?
this dream is like everything i never had in a way, but it's interesting how there was a plot and an ending like an episode of a show. usually my dreams are more nonsensical.
No. 1103756
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I had a dream that was so bizarre and cray cray and degenerate
>be me coming back from work mad at bf around late afternoon.
>why am I mad? He uploaded a video of himself fucking a dead baby pig that was supposed to be cooked to a porn site (I didn’t actually see video in dream)
>I’m not even mad because that shit is disgusting I am mad because the cops are “after us” now
>we wait the whole day out in the house, he keeps telling me the cops aren’t coming, I keep saying just wait.
>finally it’s bed time and we’re laying there, I’m just anxious about the cops, not even mad about how gross and black mirrorish his video was.
>were talking like it’s a normal night
>suddenly we see red and blue lights outside
>we leave the house from the back and run into the wilderness (we live in an isolated area)
>we come back to the house the next morning to grab things and officially run off
>while we have our bags the neighbors (some old white hillbillies) yell at me
>”You are not a nice girl!” They’re all shouting at me at once.
>they’re mad because I had sex with their teenage son (didn’t actually see myself doing that in the dream)
>the son sneaks off to see me and begs to run away with me and my bf
>this is a lanky white dude who is obviously underage (14-17)
>I decline but while I’m talking to him I kiss him
>we take off in the car and head to Mexico(???)
>neither me and my bf feel guilty about what we’ve done we just avoid the cops
>ffw to some time later we have been caught and we are in jail or perhaps some mental hospital place, me and my bf barely talk
>it feels like I’m in elementary school, bland cafeteria food, pastel colored walls with drawing hanging up and people walking in line
>me and my bf sneak to see each other
>we talk about everything that went wrong that made us get caught
>I ask him if he’s mad that I had sex with our neighbors teenage son he said he’s always known I was like that.
>he asks me if I’m grossed out by him I say “I’m more let down”
I’m not even sure how my dream ended but I’ve had dreams of my bf cheating on me before and I’ve woke up mad, this time I woke up feeling disgusted. And I am grossed out by myself like this might just be an OCD thing but I think I might be an ehebophile.
No. 1105621
>>1103343I read this
nonny! Now it’s like I had this dream, pretty complex. Thanks for sharing
No. 1107613
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I'm ESL and this dream doesn't make sense. Hopefully it's readable.
I was living in a gated cyberpunk city where nobody was human, we were all mutants — some of us looked human (incl. myself), others were half-human and half-animal, others were cyborgs. My best friend was half bat. We were all servants there but we had never met our leaders.
We were at a party that took place in a huge pool, with a bright and colorful aesthetic. We all had to perform (my friend and I had to dance). We weren't dancing very well, so we were sent to a place that served the role of a prison. It wasn't exactly a prison, it was the top floor of an old victorian house. We were left to fend for ourselves. I found a package of sliced bread on a table, which belonged to a dog (probably not just a dog) that was also a 'prisoner'. He was dangerous, but I took it anyway. I threw a few slices to the dog, then I gave the rest to my friend. She was scared but she said she could defend herself and that I could go back. I left her in there and went back to my room.
The next day, a few citizens showed up, friends of my friend, and they all seemed sad and worried. I immediately guessed that my friend was killed by the dog. I was ashamed. Everyone was nice to me though.
No. 1107697
>>1107613>My best friend was half batAlso called a vampire.
>a dog (probably not just a dog) That's a werewolf.
No. 1108745
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Stop appearing in my fucking dream already! You hit the wall at fucking 20 years old with that stupid, ugly ass beard, fuck off, I don’t want to dream about your idealized version anymore, I don’t want to pretend I like you, I don’t even remember your last name, fuck off from my subconscious and let me dream of fucking my husbandos already. I’ve given up on 3DPD the moment I saw just how hard you hit the wall, stop trying to make me think there’s hope, fuck off.
No. 1108828
>>1108787That sounds metal as fuck
nonnie. Give me some of your dreams
No. 1108961
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I keep having dreams about my boyfriend cheating on me with other women. It's a reoccuring theme in my dreams that I have had like 4 or 5 times since the end of the last year and I am not really a person who remembers her dreams so it's really suspicious to me why I am dreaming and remembering that. The storyline is kind of confusing to me but follows one specific pattern being that once I found out, I go and talk about it with him and that he won't acknowledge my presence and ghosts me completely while I am often standing next to him or literally before his eyes. It's also a pattern of me kind of catching him doing those things or him prioritizing other woman instead of me like example him cancelling our meeting completely out of nowhere in an instant while a woman (I don't like in reallife, will call her woman 1) walks in and they talk and hug and do stuff and I am just standing there crying and trying to get his attention back and wanting him to acknowledge me. Another time it was that he started talking about other another woman (this time a different person I dislike in reallife, will call her woman 2) in a very thirsty-horny kind of way with his friend who stood with us. When I talking and saying stuff like: 'What the fuck [redacted boyfriends name]?' he didn't even acknowledge or look at me and continued his disgusting talk while I stood next to him. It's so bizzare that this a theme constantly reappearing in my dreams and as someone who is anxious and often overthinks stuff like this it's kind of alarming to dream that shit. Some more info to this is that in all of these dreams these women had names and were perfectly visible with their face and outfit etc. but I already forgot the names & looks of the first 2 dreams woman and can't remember while on the other hand the women in the latest 2 dreams were people directly from our uni and kind of the circle of acquaintances my boyfriend is in. I don't like woman 1 because she is a literal whore living inside this hook-up culture only to get scrotes attention and purposefully trying to steal other peoples boyfriends in hopes of destroying their relationship and making him her new found boyfriend. She only hangs around some weird fucking shady ass drug dealers that are retarded enough to deny the happening of holocaust and are bottom barrel scrotes that only want sex and nothing more. Woman 2 is a person who used to bully other people and was (probably) groomed by her boyfriend and used to parttake in hook-up culture too but is not involved with us and we quite literally both have never talked to her or have even courses with her and just know her because she is one of the most famous and well known persons in our uni. Woman 1 on the other hand is a acquaintance of my boyfriend and is sitting in most of his courses next to him and keeps texting and calling him when she needs him example being her calling him and asking him to checkup on her back and ask something for her or to send her 10€ for food to buy something with her new scrote that she would give him back soon. My boyfriend always replies to her favours and actually talked with the bank she asked him too but I was physically with him when she wanted money and told him to tell her that she should fuck off and stop annoying his ass to which he told me that 'its not a big deal' and instantly went to his PayPal account wanting to send her the money. I was so fucking flabbergasted and told him to stop that shit because it's just a random girl, he isn't obligated to do that just because she asks him too and the other point being that this bitch is broke as fuck and has no money so he won't be getting it back (I know it's only 10€ but why the fuck would he do that for some random ass bitch?) He almost went through with it but his PayPal couldn't transfer the money because of an error code. He told me that he does these things because he in his nature is a nice and generous person but like won't buy me flowers or other things despite buying things like cookies when she asks him to. Is it why my fucking brain keeps repeating those dreams? I swear he isn't the type of person to cheat because he himself makes fun of cheaters and is disgusted by the behaivor of woman 1 and calls her a whore too. He wouldn't be even able to cheat because he has no time and always goes to the gym and uses the time to meet or talk with me. Anons is my brain trying to tell me something or am I just overly anxious about this and overthink all of this? These things are just dreams but it really odd to dream that. I really dislike woman 1 and wish I could just tell my boyfriend to stop fucking talking and engaging with her because I am scared of her doing a move on him or trying to seduce him like the rest of the guys because that bitch does literally not care. Should I take these dreams as a sign or what the fuck am I supposed to do? How the fuck do I tell my bf to stop talking with her without sounding insane or controlling? Could these dreams really mean and allude to something more deep? Am I overthinking this?
No. 1110336
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I am horny and guy crazy all the time while having zero social interaction, this manifests as horny dreams every night but they are fun at least
No. 1110590
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All I dreamt about was lukanka. It was flying in front of me and glowing. I wanted the lukanka so badly. Anyway I have to be near a major city if I want to find a place that has Bulgarian food, darn.
No. 1112221
i once dreamt i was in a polycule with my top 3 (shameful) celebrity crushes. i birthed identical sisters from the top guy and a daughter each by the other two, all close in age. the men's egos were insufferable, which befit their alleged personalities. i one day manifested and wished at least two of them would vanish, they were verging me on suicide. some progression and the girls were toddlers, and I was at my mental wits end. my husbands ended up killing one another in a torrent of bloodshed, and I thought I was relieved of my suffering. not so much. fastfoward fifteen years later and my daughters all start infighting like their fathers, and i try to push them into acting, art, anything to stop them from replicating the trauma of their ancestors. they just weren't having it.
this wasn't as bad as the other dream I had where I had children with one of the dudes, he killed himself, and the three daughters I had ended up jeering and mocking me as adults for my incompetent existence and his absence.
I hate polyamory and I'm not ready to have children, I don't know how to interpret this
No. 1112262
>>1112243I have lucid daydreams and story ideas that are about as off the wall as this all the time.
The problem is I can never execute them. If I did, then I would probably have written something comprehensive by now kek
It's actually annoying, reality is so boring and all my untapped potential is laid waste to my cheesy dream visualizations.
No. 1116027
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Nonnas help, I binged Evangelion around the time I stopped consuming the jazz cabbage after a period of hitting it harder than usual and I keep having weird apocalyptic dreams of a decidedly kabbalistic flavour. This time I ended up dreaming about an apocalypse timeline presented as a 3/4 view of one of those stupid iceberg memes, with normal shit like societal malaise at the top and some horrifying cosmic horror at the bottom, like something that looked like a bunch of cube cross sections that would cause extreme mental anguish if you looked through all of them at once and another image that was this enormous, amorphous thing half the size of the Earth labelled 'hairball' that emitted a vertical, needle-like laser that sheared through the planet and rearranged it into fucking Pangea. Then it jumped to me in church, where I haven't been in years, trying to decipher some colour-coded sheet music the priest dug up where the colours corresponded to the vocal ranges of a bunch of angels, which were mostly in the bass clef so I guess they're all men kek. The one most similar to my range was magenta and weirdly in the shape of picrel, the geometric figure known as Gabriel's Horn, only it was in 2D. A few more nights of this and I'll have enough material to start a doomsday cult.
No. 1118383
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I finally had the tooth dream, dreams where your teeth fall out, but it was only one tooth, my favorite one. I felt like it was weird, my gums were itching and wiggled it & it came out in my hands. I woke up and had to check to see if it was real or felt loose irl. I think this was a wakeup call to visit the dentist
No. 1119094
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i dont rlly remember this at the top of my head so i'll try to keep it as lightly as i can. just a few days ago, i had dreamt that 3 different people (don't remember any of their faces) shot me and it actually felt like it fucking hurt, like i could feel the back of my head in pain and i felt bullets that were lodged between my brain and skull, but for some reason it didn't kill me. i hated the thought of being kept alive in such an awful state so i begged someone to shoot me and they did and…i died? everything went black for a moment, then i stood up and saw my gorey, blown off head and my souless body. i think in that moment i was a ghost or some shit bc literally no one "saw" me after that lmao. i dont believe in the afterlife or any of that but now im paranoid as shit nonnas. are 3 people trying to plot my murder?? am i going to die soon?
No. 1119785
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I had this little cat like creature, sort of looked like an ocelot but all black. I had to set it free in some field, maybe we were being chased but we had to run through the field really fast. As we were running it grew bigger and I could keep up with it. I wonder if this what people feel when they have familiars, though I'm not particularly attached to cats irl
No. 1121535
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I've been too lazy to recall and write my entire dream lately, but today's dream ended with me leaving some house that resembled mine and my grandma's, and then riding a really cute and docile bighorn ram that was white with big reddish-brown spots (like cattle).
Also two of my husbandos appeared in the dream (or two people who looked and acted exactly like them) and someone (a friend?) asked me who I'd choose and I got legit upset and even wanted to cry, it was really dramatic for some reason, and I remember saying "because they're not real!" kek. I think it's the first time they've appeared in one of my dreams in some form.
No. 1122296
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I had a dream where I was naked in a kitchen and there was these small ceramic cats. I put some oil in a pan to fry them. As I fried the ceramic cats, they started to come to life. Some turned into small turtles. I tried to pick one up, but I accidentally broke it tail and I thought I killed it. So, I started crying holding the cat near my chest. When I set it down, it started to breathe again. I gently placed it back into the oil to continue to fry it because apparently thats how they come back to life. After all of them started to wiggle, I put them on a paper towel covered plate and they ran off in a rocking motion. Afterwards I found myself realizing I have no idea who's kitchen I am in, but it's connected to the outside. When I looked up to the sky it was purple with clay pink stars that would move like one frame per second. There was a satyr playing a flute alone on the top of the hill. I looked back inside the kitchen and I noticed some of the ceramic creatures were crawling into my hair to sleep in. Then I woke up.
No. 1122491
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I dreamt I was living at some friends' house and the city was slowly sinking underwater. I kept begging my friends to get the car and drive up the mountain so we could be safe, but they just kept going about their regular life. Everyone in town only seemed mildly inconvenienced at not being able to leave the house to do stuff, even though the city was going down almost a whole storey a day.
No. 1123734
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middle school friend and I were going on a trip and some creepy older guy sits next to us and starts flirting with her.
I try to shoo him away but things only escalate from there and we end up having a pokemon battle.
No. 1124110
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I keep having this recurring vertigo dream where I'm at a cinema with a really steep seating arrangement. It always starts with me either at the bottom or near the bottom of theatre where the screen is and the floor slopes downwards. I'm trying my best to leave but every time I attempt to climb the stairs I get really dizzy and my body collapses under me. In the dream I keep trying again and again but any progress I make I always stumble back down the steps again.
Does anyone else get vertigo in their dreams?
No. 1125555
>>1125423I've dreamed about being talked about here, too. It was scary.
>>1125477I suggest taking it easy, it's just a random dream, right? There's nothing wrong with you.
When you stop worring so much about it, surely those dreams will stop. If you keep feeling like this they may not go away.
No. 1125979
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>>1118383Update on this, had another tooth related dream, again involved loosing only one tooth. I unscrewed it from my head and screwed in another tooth in it's place. What does it mean?
No. 1126798
After really long days of studying or studying right before bed I have dreams where I "am" the study material. I will be the lines in the text book or the lines of the graphs/diagrams being drawn down onto a notebook. The whole time there is just this feeling of unreleased tension and anxiety but I feel like when I wake up I've "processed" my learning more. This got really intense when I was studying japanese before bed because I would feel my dream body turning into kanji characters in a really painful and stressful way, lol
>>1124110I've had this exact dream before! The whole theatre will start tilting downwards, sometimes until its fully vertical and I'm hanging on the seats with my hands. I think it's just stress.
No. 1126828
I had a dream today where we lived somewhere close to a river, I didn't want to talk to my mother and wanted to be alone, so I got as far away from her as possible even though she told me it was dangerous. I saw this hot tall purple-haired guy with his girlfriend. Then, next to some trees there were a bunch of animals that weren't real animals but still looked pretty similar. Some of them were birds and others were like goats or something (almost all of them white/gray). I took out some sort of device, a small white thing with light blue buttons, and with it I started to take photos of these animals like in Pokemon Snap. I even had to point that thing at the animals for a couple seconds for it to identify them, and try to take photos when they were doing something interesting.
Then I tried to go back home but I got trapped inside a small room with stairs outside. like a mini-fortress, and there were small houses surrounding it. This time I felt like I was inside a 3D Zelda game. Then, when I got out of that room, I tried to jump from its roof but I couldn't see where I would land. I landed between the ground and a slope, which caused the game to get stuck. I realized that no matter what buttons I pressed, the game would remain frozen, and that I hadn't saved since before I took the animal photos.
I raged so hard that I woke up, kek
No. 1127365
>>1126798Now I can’t stop trying to picture what it would feel like to turn into kanji. That’s a really fascinating kind of dream.
I went to bed with a sore throat and it ended up in my dreams where it turned out my throat was sore because I’d been force fed insect eggs and at some point I felt them hatch, crawl through my throat and out of my mouth. I had tiny white soft bodied crab-like bugs climbing all over my face. I actually felt relieved because when it was over my sore throat was fine again.
No. 1128968
Last night I dreamt that I lived in a really large house with a bunch of people that I understood as my family (they didn't resemble my real family at all– not even by race) and Destiny was part of this family. I thought something was suspicious about Destiny. I tried to confront her in the upstairs living room, there was a balcony it was attached to that no one in the family was allowed on the balcony because the railing was too short to be safe. She kept gettign near the balcony doors, showing a clear desire to break this rule.
Before I could figure out exactly what she was hiding, several small fires had started around the house.
I grabbed a bucket of water and was able to ration out the water correctly so all the fires could be put out. However, the smoke coming off of the now smoldering spots was way too white and thick for a normal fire. By the time I had deduced that there was something chemically significant about these fires and that I should tell my family to evacuate the house, Destiny walked by me with a plastic bag over her face. The perfect gas mask.
My muscles were starting to become tense and wouldn't move as easily, so all I could say was motherfucker over and over again as she exited the house. The rest of my family was done for (I knew it wasn't fatal, but they would be knocked for a while), but I was able to break out of the back of the house despite my muscles burning in agony. In the part of the backyard I was at, I could crane my head and see the front yard. Destiny was walking away, trying her best to put on a wig with really long hair and gaudy highlights– her disguise –as casually as possible. Apparently the bystanders walking along the street couldn't tell how fake it was, but I could and that meant that I would have to be the one to catch her.
I need to stop watching Amberlynn reaction videos
No. 1128980
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Last night I dreamed that Spike was my boyfriend and I let him suck my blood
No. 1130466
I dreamed that I had lots and lots and lots of cheese at home, all sorts of varieties of cheese, and I was sad that it would expire before I could eat it, then I was in a city outside then going somewhere by train, then I exited the train and almost got run over by another train, then I came up to an animal shelter or something and there was like a chicken coop outside of it but there were strange creatures in it, I don't think they were real animals but I don't remember what they look like. Then I saw a table with clothes strewn over it and teenage girls looking at the clothes, the animal shelter was selling donated clothes to raise money. I dug through the pile and saw a shirt of my favorite band so I grabbed it like crazy and went inside to pay for it. Inside it was neat and white and pretty, while it was old and ugly outside. There were two ladies at the counter, and they started giving me money but I said "but I want to buy this I have to pay you money" and they said we're just joking, then I paid for my shirt and wanted to exit the building but I didn't because there was a guy … vacating his bowels in the way and I didn't want to be rude by looking at him so I entered another empty room and stared at the walls pretending that I was interested in looking at the walls
No. 1132044
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I love dreams, love dreaming, hoping for fun dreams tonight. Dream journal anons, what about parts you'd rather not write down? Do you skip an entry, censor details, or power through? For me, some things I don't want recorded. Additional info about journalling methods is welcome. Do you draw things from your dreams?
No. 1133933
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Had a dream where I had a small white dog almost exact to picrel and I had some friends over at my apartment because we were getting ready to go out and we leave and as we’re in the elevator the dog comes running out of the apartment and barking at us which I thought was weird because I had locked the door. I go and put the dog back in my apartment and make sure to lock the door and as I head back to the elevator same thing happens, it comes out yapping and i’m getting frustrated because I know i’m locking the door. I walk back into the apartment and to make sure it doesn’t follow me anymore I throw what I thought were snacks on the floor and then realize they were coins so I start picking them up before the dog can get to them. As i’m picking up the coins I look up and realize the dog is barking at this one corner of my living room where I have this lamp and i’m very confused so I go and stand next to it. It keeps barking very aggressively and loud at that exact corner and then the dog fucking speaks in a deep male voice and says “Get out of this house” to the corner. I freaked out and woke at this part and for some reason I woke up feeling freezing cold. Very weird dream. Now that i’ve had time to think about it it’s kind of funny imagining this tiny white dog speaking in the deepest most intimidating male voice you can imagine.
No. 1134186
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Please don’t Read further if you’re not ready for a explicit dream scenario with JEFFREY BEZOS.
I just woke up from a dream where i had a thing with jeffrey bezos. But hear me out, it was so good in that dream. I currently have covid and my dreams are so wild i actually enjoy it because it’s so far off anything that i can ever imagine. He looked younger, less wonky eyed and basically his character was hot??? I swear this is the weird shit i love dreaming about. He was wearing a louis Vuitton perfume that doesn’t exist in real life UNFORTUNATELY but his smell was amazing. It started in a big room where i fell asleep and he woke me up saying its okay no worries in a very soothing voice, for some reason he was wearing a pastor outfit which was #hot and there was like a table he was sitting at and he said „come here“ and i sat on his lap, he chocked me slightly and teased me with a kiss. We’re still talking about the bald man jeff bezos. His outfit changed into a basic shirt and jeans, The room kinda warped and turned into a bedroom where we were in bed, fully clothed but like ready to get going. It went all very slow and he touched me very gently, no hands down any pants yet but it was very intense with kissing and all, i suddenly snapped and was like NO i have a boyfriend i can’t have sex with you that would be so weird but at the same time i thought well… but nothing happened. Then a blonde woman entered the room screaming, it was probably his wife or gf and i tried explaining why i was in bed with her man and i kinda ran out of there but jeff came out a few minutes later and drove me home and that’s it the rest isn’t as interesting. I woke up with that jeffrey bezos song by bo burnham in my head playing on repeat. I love my dreams, they make me feel something. Also it made me aware that i really still do like older men. Little daddys. Ugh. Now I’m thirsty for a rich old man.
Holy fuck i just searched jeff bezos hot on google and picrel came out of it and now i know why i think bald men are hot, i used to date one who ended up being a business man ugh.
No. 1134956
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>>1134186i think he has sensitive nipples. why are they erect with nothing touching them but the fabric of his
sultry shirt
No. 1138095
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Dreamt I was at a guys house looking to get laid. This guy seemed to be heavily based on a guy I see irl around my town sometimes. He gives off the vibe of having something a lil off about him but not in a threatening way.
In the dream I bump into him at a nearby bus stop, somehow end up back at his place. I haven't had sex in so long that I just want to get it done so why not with him? But his house is like crazy hoarder chaos. I start to notice the things he's saying sound schizo too. He outright tells me he's had episodes in hs past. Tells me his life story and it's alot. I'm trying not to judge. I still want him to just shut up and get me laid before I change my mind. I butt in and tell him I want to fuck. End scene.
Gonna feel weird the next time I see that guy around town.
No. 1138347
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I had a dream I was in a relationship with Ezra Miller. He was his current age, but still looked as good as in picrel. Maybe more mature.
I remember constantly hugging him because I was in love and couldn't believe that he was with me, that he was real. It felt so warm. I turned into my needy and clingy self. DreamEzra made me promise him that if he breaks up with me, I will not kill myself (I have assumed that if it happened, he would be the one to initiate the break-up due to his Hollywood career and needing to travel). I asked him if he's planning to break up with me and he said that no.
I trusted him for some reason.
We have visited my parents, ran some errands for my grandma and it was sweet. Then I have noticed that his right hand is fucked up. He only had three fingers. My parents felt bad for him and mentioned some car crash he was in. I felt weird about them knowing about it and not me. I was spooked but didn't care about the deformed hand, I just decided not to look at it much. Then it hit me that I've read about him choking the woman and terrorizing Hawaii and I ended up feeling horrified. He was kind to me all the time and extremely patient, but I knew that there is this monster on the inside. I was paralized by fear, and yet I still loved him. I wanted to believe that the violence wasn't him, just some bullshit gossip.
The dream/nightmare ended up before anything has been resolved. I 100% blame the celebricows pic that I see every night before I fall asleep.
No. 1138355
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>>1138347Anon I want a dream about being in a relationship with Ezra when he looked like this too
No. 1138375
>>1138372I've had it a few times and it's meant to be about insecurity, stress, fearing our own mortality, aging, vulnerabiliy.
You're either feeling secure in life or you might just not remember your dreams on those nights. afaik we only remember a small number of our dreams.
No. 1138425
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I dreamt I was in the Witcher universe, and Timothe (sp?) was his Dune character who warped space & time and ended up in my universe and we fell in love.
Now I simp for Timmy.
No. 1138442
>>1134956Not the bezo milkers Fuck
Yeah i still think about that dream and won’t delete that jeff pic fron my phone
No. 1138451
My dream is old but it's my most memorable and i'm not sure what to make of it. In 1 dream I fell in love over the space of about 2 weeks with someone who looked like Benedict Cumberbatch (who I didn't have a crush on at all, but he was popular at the time). We had to spend time together for some reason (I think project partners?) and he slowly grew on me. He was cheeky and charming and the weird thing was that I really felt that passage of time, one day turning into another, my feelings changing. The dream felt like reality and slowly as I got to know him more my heart grew fonder. Then once I was fully in love and I looked at him and I knew he was the one, and I knew he felt the same, I woke up.
And it was like a full on shock to the system. It felt like I had awoken from a coma, not only did this really detailed environment not actually exist, but someone I loved didn't exist. I was just stumbling about trying to process it, it was like he really died and I felt the absence, I was crying because my heart really hurt. I thought I could transplant it onto the real Benedict but obviously he was very different from the persona I had created and I felt nothing.
I suppose the whole dream was so extended, mundane and cohesive that I never questioned it wasn't reality for a moment and I fully fell into it. I've never had anything like it before or since and I'm wondering if anyone here has ever had the same.
No. 1139088
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I had a dream I went tp the dollar store and found these really fucking cute mugs with like 3d character faces and themed tops to match. I couldn't believe they were only a dollar so I got a bunch of them. Now I'm awake and sad they don't exist and can't find anything similar
No. 1139135
>>1138940I've had a couple of dreams about being doxxed or just discussed here on lolcow, on 4chan or on another imageboard I've been to. It was horrible, I felt like they were going to bring up old drama or start new drama at any moment, but it never happened.
>>1138749>SEGA had just confirmed that none of the canon character NPCs would ever be sexable.KEK
No. 1139663
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>>1139088Kind of like this
nonnie? But like her hat would be a lid hehe
No. 1144956
Dream 1: chasing Paul Dano in a mall, he would be playing a different role each time I saw him (I'm not even that big of a Danofag). Wanting to keep my hands clean to eat some plums while I try to climb up a ladder to peacefully eat my plums in a small "cave-like" room in the walls of a clothes store.
Dream 2: an evil creature, coffee, a talking cat, my aunt trying to criticize something I did. Then playing Pokemon irl with some girl, we were pretending to be trainers in Galar and having a Pokemon battle on a stage. Then we had to stop for a while to look up what the ability "Synchronize" did, although I was sure that it passed your pokemon's status condition to the attacker, I just wanted to make sure (my team's first Pokemon, Gardevoir, had it) but on Bulbapedia every generation's description was completely different, and the article was full of references to competitive Pokemon memes that I didn't understand. It seemed like the page hadn't been updated in more than a decade.
No. 1150571
We're driving to a new place. I'm not sure if it's a holiday, or we're moving house, but my mum is driving in the front, telling me that we're having a new start, and I feel hopeful as the sparkling ocean is rising up into my field of vision. We are driving along the edge of a cliff fringed with dark forest, and rocky spikes like towers interrupt the soft lapping of the waves. It feels like a new, peaceful chapter.
Then I notice something swaying in the trees, in the forest it's almost too dark to see it's form. From tree branches a couple of corpses are swaying from a noose. A blonde woman, and a man. I want to tell my mum that the corpses are there but it doesn't really come out of my mouth and I feel like I shouldn't mention it. I choose to pretend they're not there. And then again, after driving along a bit, another corpse is hanging from the branches- as if a small gathering of the dead has come to give me a ceremonious and eerie greeting.
No. 1150805
I dreamed of being with my brother in the forest and I saw an old abandoned stone house and said "Wow I would love to have a house like that, let's go inside!" The house was covered in ivy and moss and the door was very big and art deco style, inside there was a hall with stairs, a cozy kitchen to the left, and to the right there was a room with a water mill wheel, and everything was dusty and ruined, there was a bowl with trinkets in it, and I pulled two brooches out of it which looked exactly like two brooches I have except ancient looking, and I was telling my brother this is amazing we have to tell some historian about what we found, this is how people used to live hundreds of years ago, then I saw a bottle with 2019 written on it, and then there were some people outside and now the house was on the beach instead, and the people were telling us "What are you doing here? This is our neighbors' house, they left on holiday, why are you inside?" And I said "We thought it didn't belong to anyone, it's old and ruined, we were just looking around" and they said "You probably took their food, let's call the police" and then I woke up
No. 1150854
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I dreamt I woke up to LC having a board-wide spam party posting celebratory gifs with posts like ''24-25 new admin new server'' or something along the lines of.
No. 1150895
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No. 1153537
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I had a dream I was talking with someone from here (maybe from the FF thread?) and she posted a little collage of all the stuff I told her about that I liked & wrote 'This is for my LOLCOW girlfriend' I thought it was so adorable but kinda cringe and now I'm sad I have no lolcur gf
No. 1155939
Today I dreamed that my neighbor had three horses, two were light brown and small and had hair poorly dyed magenta, and they were ornery, one horse was like a friesian but dark grey with a white stripe on the nose. It could do tricks and it was wearing a white wool coat, you know like those medieval knights' horses had, except it was white and thick wool, and the lower edge was serrated, but not like a saw, like a square wave.
Yesterday I dreamed of a black star shaped flying object, and I ran outside to see it, but it was gone and the sky was all dark cloudy purple and orange, and there were flakes of ash flying around, and there was purple lightning, and my neighbors were plucking chicken.
I also dreamed of some woman trying to sell me some awful, awful ugly dresses, and my roommate being sad because she spent fifty thousand dollars on a handbag and now she was in debt.
No. 1155968
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I have this reoccurring nightmare about this guy I used to know hunting me down and murdering me. It always follows the same formula. I call the cops and they don't believe me, run outside and scream for help and everyone ignores me, then I start banging on doors but nobody answers and then he gets me and stabs me to death on some random doorstep.
BUT lastnight when I knocked on a door this woman who looked like young KD Lang answered and she was very concerned and invited me inside. She sat me down on her couch and called the cops for me and then held my hand while we waited. She told me she wasn't going to let anyone hurt me and then I woke up. It was nice, kinda felt like a guardian angel or something invaded my dream because I've had that nightmare dozens of times and it always ends with me dying.
No. 1159699
Some time ago I had this series of crazy dreams that feel like they should've been one long story and I have no one to tell about so here it comes a bunch of shit that I hope makes some sense:
In the first one I was from this elite swordsman group and we were a very old group, like something that existed for hundreds of years and we initially served these people that got mad powers, like, they were really powerful, could make things out of nothing, some reality altering powers I suppose and they were supposed to serve humans and keep the peace. Think of the last airbender, and just like the avatar there was just one of that type of person each time, so when the person with said powers died, they would almost immediately reincarnate and we were supposed to find them and keep them safe and train them until they came of age to "serve humans", which was basically protect us from the monsters and other races (giants, elves and some weird ass people that looked like aliens with animal parts) who were way more powerful than us and also not let us destroy each other.
So this powerful dude got all weird one day and started erasing everyone that opposed him, reshaping the world, dunno how to explain that but it made things awful, like, he created a bunch of new types of monsters that were completely unnatural to our world, they didn't even looked like they belonged that reality, so, the other races got really mad at us for "disrupting nature" or some other bullshit and told us to do something about it. I think they were just envious they didnt had a chosen one and this was the perfect excuse to get rid of it, but alright, the guy was crazy and after some really cool battle we defeated him and he was reborn.
We knew where to go because after he was slain there was this beautiful light in the sky travelling to where his "soul" or whatever would be born again, something like that. So we just followed the light and asked around.
The people in the dream, the other swordsmen never said anything about killing the kids, they called it something else but I don't remember what, but it was quite obvious what we were doing.
So the sky would get these nice lights every now and then. There was passage of time because some kids were older than infants, I remember seeing a pre teen girl. Anyway, we had some really nice armor, blue and silver, really cool and I got a sword that looked like it was made of gold and it had some type of stone that would change colors sometimes.
Second dream had me waking up in a swamp in the middle of a very scifi looking town, with flying cars and all that shit but people dressed looking like that typical medieval crap you see in the movies but everyone wore nowadays drag makeup. The sky had what looked like many colorful shooting stars leaving a bright light trail after them.
I had this huge cut in my stomach but I was bleeding dirt. My hand was like, fused with this metal glove I had that didn't match my armor and my sword was corroded by rust and I found it stuck in mud not very far from where I was laying. The metal glove had a stone but it wasn't round, looked like some common rock with all the edges, very uneven and it was dark green and purple, very beautiful. I had a creepy silver mask and I don't remember how I was able to see my reflection but my face was half decomposed, there was some dirt mixing up with my skin and the parts that were just my skull. I woke up for real shortly after that.
The third dream was about this witch that could change appearence by kinda possessing other people, dunno how to explain but it was disturbing as hell because the other person would get very skinny and look.. idk.. liquified until all it was left was skin which the witch would wear. She did it mostly to men, so every now and then she had a different appearence but we knew somehow it was her.
She was like the president or something of this place since like forever and the place was very high tech, flying cars, weird metallic structures that would move by themselves shaping the town in different new ways every time we were there. It looked very futuristic and magical at the same time. I wish I knew how to describe everything.
So we went to this crypt to help this dude who had magic powers.. many people had magic powers, I had too but mine were shit, but this kid was like the chosen one or so we were told, he saw a statue of the old chosen one in this high tech town and kept saying it was him in his past life. The witch president told us to go to the crypt so he would be able to get his full powers or something like that. She said the crypt was sealed but we opened easily enough just by touching it.. so once we were in there we got separated and someone was locked in a room with a bunch of stone golems, someone was in a room that had some type of puzzle and they had to solve it so we could get out. I got locked in a room with the chosen one and the room was flooding, so after we gave up trying to open the door we swimmed through this tiny passage and we found this other room and a kid sleeping in what looks like the most uncomfortable bed ever, all made of stone and it was the chosen one kid from the statue. He woke up and started fighting us without saying anything but we managed to calm him down and leave the crypt with the others. The crypt kid said it was impossible to have two chosen ones at the same time and we were lying about everything. This kid was very old, like, he looked like a teen, about 15, 16.. but he talked about stuff that didn't exist anymore and would get angry everytime we told him some person was probably dead cus he was talking about shit that happened like, hundreds of years ago. The witch president was probably his mom because she treated him in a very motherly way but she was that type of mother that doesn't like seeing her son getting a 'no' and she later sent us to prison for the heinous crime of upsetting him kek
No. 1170378
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You know you're a bit too much into Golden Kamuy when you dream about your siblings fighting over the "family heirloom": An Arisaka Type 38, original from the turn of the last century.
No. 1170418
I dreamed this combo on LC, specifically on the Positivity thread:
>"Do you guys want to see something fluffy?"
>Well yeah, post it
>Nonna proceeds to post a pic
>It's a pic of a very round, small fluffball, no eyes, no nose or legs, just fluff
>"It isn't cute??"
>Anon wtf is that
>Nonna gets defensive
>"THAT?? What's wrong with you?? Rude"
>Anon…It literally has no eyes, for real, wtf is that thing?
>Nonna loses it
>Starts spamming more pics of that thing but photoshopped in different settings, like a beach or New York
>Gets banned by farmhands
No. 1171093
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>>1170418>>1170418You weren’t dreaming, you were astral projecting into another dimension where the conversation took place.
No. 1171662
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>>1170418Sounds like a Tribble
No. 1173222
I had a dream with lots of stuff going on. In no particular order I remember being in a motel with my husbando and we were sneaking around as I was trying to take my laptop back from someone's room who I lent it to (is lent the past of lend? I hope so), then I was lucia from KMFDM and sascha and I were playing villains in some very cheap movie, then I dyed my hair blue with pink streaks, put on a black beanie and sang "I'm blue dabadi dabadie"; then I was riding a fantasy steed on a mountain, I had to climb up the north side of the mountain, and I saw a mother and daughter with their steed of a different fantasy kind, it was lying down as if in pain and my steed started licking its face to ease its pain. Then I realized the steed wasn't hurt, the mother and daughter brought it here because they wanted to set it free. Then it spoke to the daughter: " I will stay here, as long as you arrive here every midnight and I get to see your delicious naked body" and the women were like yes yes of course and I was like EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW fucking pedo creature, then I was in class except there was some different teacher and the subject was not something I study, the teacher was a bit sleazy and I hated him and how he hovered over me, I couldn't solve the problems in the workbook, one question was "what substance is found as solid, liquid and gas in nature? But not viscous liquid." and I said isn't the answer water, and the teacher said no it's lithium. Then he touched my cheek and I tore his hand away angrily. Then I remember being home and seeing a mountain close by, I was amazed and decided to go to the mountain, and I passed through some beautiful modern houses on my way, as I was inside one house I imagined my husbando and me living there, except I couldn't quite imagine him, he was like a ghost. Then a child who lived in the house appeared and I took care of her, and when her parents showed up I realized I was a ghost because only the girl could see me, but not her parents. Then the last thing I remember is my hubando lying down as I lowered myself onto his cock and I was a bit apprehensive because it was my first time but I moved around a bit and it felt really good and I woke up to find myself grinding against my bed. Goddammit
No. 1191252
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i keep having dreams that occur in the same house in the same place, but it's not a real house and it's not a place i recognize. the house is at the end of a street near the ocean (the dream house is the closest one to the ocean), and the street goes uphill towards the ocean. the beach itself is much steeper than a sand beach can be and the waves are incredibly tall. you can see them from the road that the street comes off of if you go past the street to the left (facing the ocean), to where the beach isn't blocked by the houses anymore.
dream usually starts out as something else, but then at some point i'm walking through the house looking for something or someone.
the house is always different. one time it was all made of wicker (like the furniture material), another time it was more like a boring burger house (plaster walls, gray/beige carpets, white trim and fixtures).
traveling through the house is like going through a magic carnival fun-house. it's much bigger than it could possibly be, with many rooms and stairways that join at weird points. sometimes i go up a stairway and have to crawl through a tiny door, or i find a toilet on a pedestal in a hallway, or there's a sitting room that curves like a wrap-around porch, and the "sitting area" collection of furniture (sofas, tables) is repeated a bunch of times.
if there were other people in the house, they all seem to disappear once i start the "searching" part of the dream. it's just me in the house, wandering aimlessly.
the house and the beach always feel intensely familiar when i'm awake, and in the dream it feels like "i live here" or maybe "my very close friend lives here."
the reason i know about the beach and the layout of the streets outside the house are because in some of the dreams, i arrive at the house from somewhere else. sometimes walking up the hill the street is on, sometimes riding in the passenger seat of a car (on the house/ocean-side of the car). from the outside the house just looks like a normal beach-adjacent house.
also, occasionally, (maybe this isn't the same dream, but the house is in it, so idk) instead of wandering around inside the house, i go past it and go to the beach instead. the ocean terrifies me but i go swimming anyway because everyone who is seems to be doing ok. the house looks tiny from down in the water.
i wonder if i'm remembering a place my parents lived when i was an infant but i don't know if that's possible. i also have dreams that take place in homes i did live in at some point, but they're not as consistent.
No. 1191298
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I dreamt that I had to write my math finals again (or rather, for the first time, because I didn't have to take math finals due to my school subject combinations). Enough students had to re-write their finals to fill up an entire class. A girl from middle school sat on my left and had to re-write English, and a guy from my high school class sat to my right, but I have no idea what he had to do. The girl next to me forgot her entire pencil case, so I lent her a pen, and I forgot spare ink cartridges, so the boy next to me had to lend us some. They were giant, and I struggled for a bit to even put them in. Then I started to take my math final. I got a text about some lizard and had to calculate everything in it's life, starting from the amount of flies it'll eat over its life span down to the volume of it's entire body (with and without its tail). I'm terrible at maths, so I failed and instead just colored in the lizard (there was a picture of the lizard). In the end I was embarrassed about spending all 270 minutes on coloring in the lizard, so I tried to hide what I did. I tried to get rid of the color by using ink eraser, but it didn't work, and using a normal eraser didn't work either, because I realized Oh right, I used felt tip markers. I tried to erase it with the eraser once more, because what else was I supposed to do, but it obviously didn't do shit, so I slowly had a mental breakdown and started crying and hyperventilaing. Everyone else was done and going home while I was trying to de-colorize this stupid ass lizard. My math teacher (it was my math teacher from middle school, though during the test we got supervised by my pedagogy teacher) judged me for coloring in my lizard when I handed her the pale-green work sheet with nothing but that on it.
No. 1202615
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>>1202603That sounds like an awesome soda flavor. Polar soda sounds cool as well
>the secret ingredient is the tears of polar bears and penguins as the polar icecaps melt awayI had a dream I was learning everything about beekeeping for some reason? It was never something I was particularly interested in but now I am questioning if I should change the trajectory of my life and become a bee farmer kek
No. 1208672
Last night I replied to a friend I hadn't talked to in two years (I just saw his message, I had abandoned that account) and he replied pretty quickly, which was nice. So then I saw him in my dream where he had an office job and his coworker,
forbidden man was sitting right behind him. For some reason, that guy got really annoyed because I looked at him once (thinking "wow it's that guy, I can't believe my friend works at the same place as him, that's pretty cool, I bet some nonnies would love to hear this"), and left.
I'm not even a Driverfag>>1207596>I dreamed that I was living with some girl that really loved spy tf2, and since I really love the sniper I grabbed her by the shoulders and said "Come here, you've GOT to see this!!" and dragged her out to the balcony and showed her this huuuuuuge mural that some girl was painting on a high rise building of the sniper and the spy. The sniper was shirtless and sitting in a fancy velvet armchair. The spy was leaning against the back of the armchair and wearing a beautiful silky crimson mask and suit. It looked like one of those weird fancy perfume ads. And then we both started screaming in excitement and jumping around. Holy kek. This made me genuinely happy, how I wish to have a friendship like this
No. 1208766
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I dreamed I visited a Junji Ito art exhibit, it was called something like 'You're Next' and everyone had to stand in a line as they would show you through the 3D sculptures of his works. But during the tour they would do little fucked up things to scare you, when it was my turn we sat on some seats and hands started coming out of them so I stood up and tried to squish them back in the cushions. You were supposed to get something if you lasted the whole tour but then I woke up
No. 1208771
>>1208766Hmm I just realized the prize at the end could have been YOU becoming one of the exhibits…
Would not be out of place for his works
No. 1209899
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>>1209616anon what is your relationship with your father like
No. 1210315
>>1209899 normal, my entire family is normal. i've never had any kind of childhood trauma.
also the family i had a dream about wasn't even anyone i could recognize. partly felt like i was the father but also i was watching the a movie or something.
i think another thing that maybe influenced the dream was that i started watching paranoia agent recently and got to the episode where
the girl discovers that her dad installed spy cameras in her roomthat episode/reveal really freaked me out ngl.
>>1209624literally thats what i said verbatim when i woke up
No. 1210335
>>1210315Ntayrt but that makes sense if you watched a show with
abusive or incestual themes recently. I've had some weird ass dreams and they're always influenced by random shit like that. Your brain's just ruminating over what it saw that day and throwing scenarios together.
No. 1217212
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i thought i healed from dumb teenage bullying but i guess i didn't? i had a dream about it for the first night in years and then cried after kek. it was basically a precise 1-to-1 recollection of a shit day i've tried to bury away.
>friend invites me to an amusement park
>2 days before we go her other ethnic majority friends want to tag along
>they tell her they don't want me to go, even though she invited me first
>we all go together anyways
>everything seems to be going ok
>in the line for the ride they start talking badly about me in their mother tongue while my friend and i play mobile games
>i understand everything, they assume i can't because dumb minority
>they spend a good 10 minutes talking about me and other girls in our class
>"she's trying too hard to fit in"
>"she looks even uglier today"
>"why is she wearing that it doesn't suit her"
>i'm matching with my friend
>"seriously why did she have to come"
>after the ride they go back to pretending to be nice to me
it's been ~5 years and clearly i still can't get over it. why am i retarded
No. 1217241
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>>1217212nonny, i'm so sorry you had this dream. fuck those assholes!!! ignore file name cuz i'm a lil too baked to change it, imagine its me omw to give you a big hug
do you feel a bit better writing it out?
No. 1223485
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While sitting at church today I briefly dozed off and dreamed I had a toolbox. When I opened it, the box wasn’t full of tools but with menstrual cups. All different shapes, sizes, and colors. Or at least there were supposed to be all different shapes and sizes in it, most of the cups had been taken and their cubby holes were empty. I remember feeling robbed by this.
No. 1223506
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We threw a huge party at my house, and for whatever reason someone brought bunnies. They were so cute and incredibly soft, I could feel them in my dream. Thank you brain for a good one this time
No. 1227808
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I had a dream about Charlie beginning to eat me out and he was so good to the point the I came in seconds. He was interrupted for whatever reason and I kept trying to find him again because it was just that good.
It's been a while since I last watched any of his videos so I really don't know where that came from.
No. 1230394
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I served several people a "drink" mixed with water and flour. In the process of everyone drinking it, it turned into dough, so everyone scolded me like "Anon, what the fuck", to which I laughed all grossly like "kekekekeke" with no remorse at all. Then I woke up because I had to pee, but went back to sleep, and then I dreamt my boyfriend smooched me all over my face. Seems like my dough drink wasn't half bad.
No. 1230456
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I had a dream that i was in a hot tub that was in some spa with Hyunjin and it wasn't even sexual for some weird reason we were just together in the hot tub naked and i thought ''he is pisces'' and that was that lmao.
No. 1230483
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I had a dream I was running through a field and Big Ed was chasing me. I lost my shoe, and I had to keep running without stopping to pick it up. RIP my cute shoe.
No. 1230663
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>>932175Had a dream last night that I was at some big fancy Christmas/holiday party and said hi to Justin Trudeau (?? Note: I’m American and don’t really follow politics at all)
He was really nice and friendly, and as I was about to leave the party, this random group of men and women in blue suits pulled me aside into a room for a serious meeting. They told me that Trudeau really liked me and that meant that we had to date and I’d have to marry him “Because it would be great for American-Canadian relations”
I said “Oh, uh sure, I guess he’s pretty cute” and then woke up
No. 1234051
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Just had a dream Justin Whang was getting plowed by some tall, bear guy. Anons, I don't even consume fujo shit or gay porn in general. Wtf man.
No. 1238547
My dream was pretty long but I'll write about the very last part.
Due to some circumstances, I was wearing almost nothing, practically just in my underwear, in class. School (college?) was more like someone's house, so the "classrooms" felt more like parts of a house, they were small and there were few students. Anyway, my last class before finishing college was some kind of music class, I think? My teacher (a relatively young guy, probably based on two teachers I've been attracted to that were geeks and young) played a cover of a song by my favorite band. You could tell I was his favorite and he was my favorite teacher. My classmates weren't paying much attention to him, but I was. I felt kind of uncomfortable in those clothes, however, so I tried not to make it too obvious how I felt about him. I was also attracted to my teacher and wanted to flirt with him or talk to him about this after class. I wanted to hug him before leaving that place forever (and I was desperate to leave that hellhole, I really hate school in real life and was happy to finish college and never come back, so this feeling is often reflected in my dreams). He sat with me on a couch just before the class was over, which I liked at first, but could give it away that there was something going on between us. Apparently he wanted to tell me something, too. He showed me his Facebook name on his phone, which meant that he wanted me to send him a friend request. So I looked him up on Facebook, but at first I couldn't find him. He saw the search results, and showed me some stupid Pokemon ad for the new generation that I didn't give a fuck about, but I tried to smile politely and tell him that I'm not interested in that, he was a bit annoying. That was a red flag. When I finally found his goddamn Facebook profile, where he had a name like "Danganronpa ~ Vanessa (something something, some weebshit I forgot)". I typed that in, and the first thing that came up was a profile called "Danganronpa ~ CP ~ Vanessa…" so I looked at him, visibly shocked and angry, and asked him what the fuck "CP" meant. He didn't say anything, or at least I don't remember him saying anything, but he looked nervous. I took a look at his profile and not only did he openly talk about anime incest shit on it but also he posted hentai. I expected to find some loli shit too but those two things were disgusting enough. (Imo he was using "CP" here in a slightly inaccurate way to refer to drawn anime kid porn. Since it was clear just from his Facebook name that he was a weeb and our first language isn't English, he was likely using the term to refer to loli/shota crap, like how annoying weebs call any kid a "loli/shota". But of course I understood that shit is a gateway to the real stuff and a sign that he was not right in the head so it was twice as disgusting.) So I started packing my backpack, trying to fit my countless books in it, which was a pain in the ass, and went on a rant about him being a disgusting pornsick scrote and how all men (or maybe 99.999999% of men, kek) are the same. Meanwhile, he lay down on the couch and closed his eyes, as if he was trying to sleep to avoid crying from the humiliation. He reminded me of my first boyfriend, who was also a gross coomer failure and a coward. At that moment in my dream, I gave up on real men, lmao
No. 1244428
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Don't remember all of it but part of my dream last night included me having bizzarely long leg hairs (like longer than my head hair) It was kinda cool because I didn't have to wear pants kek
Then I went whale watching
No. 1245029
Today's dream was pretty long but segmented, so here's the earliest part I remember.
There was a rich bastard, an extremely annoying and smug asshole, who I, my father and a couple other people were talking to about a possibly underage girl and her mother who were poor and practically having their lives ruined even more by this scum. Then he whispered something about "nudes" to one of his assistants/minions, and he didn't mean to be heard by us, but I heard him. So I lost it and beat the fuck out of him until he was a bloody mess (he still lived tho).
Everybody looked at me like I was crazy but I just reported to someone (a woman, might've been my mother), trying to ignore everyone's looks but still indignant, while doing a salute and referring to her as "Lieutenant", kekk
No. 1245166
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I finished a quest for the college of winterhold and savos aren was murdered but I found him before he actually died and he told me that ancano was the killer and also part of a political group trying to avoid the peoples uprising against the magisterium, but savos aren was bugged so his lips moved but his voice was delayed so I only heard him telling me to escape cus I was framed when ancano was on me screaming to the other students to get me to justice, so I was stuck in the college with lots of hostile enemies I didn't want to kill but it was fine cus I had high sneaking so people just walked past me without noticing I was there.
I was crouching behind some curtains in the arch mage quarters waiting for people to leave then this guy who hated me stopped in front of the curtains.. I knew he was looking at me but I thought he hadn't seen me, so he just asks the students "what you looking for?" And they say they're looking for me, and he just goes "oh, she's crouching behind that curtain." I had no choice but to run away and ignore the amount of lightning bolts I was taking, just had to find the door back to skyrim and fast travel away from my problems.. but I never memorized the layout of the college so I went to the arcanaeum, accidentally let loose a troll when I opened the wrong door then found my way to the fairy dorms.. they were having a wild party but that didn't stop them from chasing me. Then I found a door leading to outside of the college but it wasn't skyrim anymore.
It had a long stone bridge that was mostly broken and I had to avoid stepping on the stone faces etched on the floor. They bit and spit and talked shit and some would simply tell me to help them and that freaked me out, so I jumped down to the sea of mud. It was just mud, I thought it would just destroy my shoes but then some stone face told me to come back up before the mud worm ate me.. I saw the mud worm, it was a giant worm with many sets of teeth, so yeah the stone faces seemed much better. So when I went back to the disturbing bridge and crossed it I found the town striken with poverty. They were planning an uprising and some keanu reeves knock off told me to get in his car so we would invade the parliament and kill every politician with our mind magic (dunno what was that, I only had fire spells) so as we were driving up there I saw some of the other students of the college inside a bus and was certain they saw me too, I warned knock off keanu but he was worried about this car in front of him going too slow.. then the car stopped in front of us and the bus on the back so we couldn't move our car.. and the students of the college of winterhold got off the bus and started unloading their machine guns at us, effectively killing knock off keanu. Ancano's disembodied voice said "you fool, you don't stand a chance".
No. 1246266
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I dreamed about her again nonas, I dreamed we were on a school trip and we went to a white field. We followed some foxes into it and then lay next to each other on our stomachs laughing and giggling until the teachers said we shouldn't be laying next to each other like that, but we didn't care. I miss her so much it's crazy, I haven't seen her in years so my brain is just projecting this relationship like we still are best friends even though I have no idea if we'd still be friends as adults. I have dreams like this every couple of months I think I'm longing to reach out to her but I don't know how.
No. 1246321
>>1246266That's so sweet anon. I'm in the same situation, sometimes I still dream of having fun and being carefree with my "best friend".
Reach out if you build up the courage. She may be happy to see hear from you again, you never know.
No. 1250419
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Dreamt of finding these pens at a flea market and buying like 10 of them out of nostalgia
No. 1250955
>>1250419>>1250766kek i still have a full drawer of diddl notepads and stickers. i never wanted to use them and saved them up for something special. my friends and i spent afternoons just exchanging them like pokemon cards
i had one who would have a scent if you rubbed it and i feel like it still works
No. 1253082
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I’ve had two almost identical dreams about doing hallucinogens in the past month and I’m really scared they’re premonitions. Both times I was sitting in a room full of bunk beds (youth hostel? Backpackers maybe?) with a bunch of people and smoked what I thought was a normal cigarette, only to finish it and find out it was laced with something like LSD. I spend the rest of the dream panicking about when I’m going to start feeling the effects, but before that happens I wake up, because I’ve never tripped and my brain can’t fill in the blanks of what a trip would feel like. If I ever find myself in a room full of bunks with a nice view over an old fashioned European town I’m gonna start crying. I’ve had premonitions before but never this vivid or lengthy.
No. 1253807
>>1253679When I was younger I would try hard to lucid dream. I had limited success. Tbh at one point I was in hospital getting help for my nerves.. they put me on some psych med and just like that I was lucid dreaming like crazy from whatever was in this tablet. I was only on it very short term during the hospital stay but I can't say I've tried lucid dreaming since because.. being able to chemicially just forge my way into such a crazy trippy level of lucid dreaming made all my previous efforts seem very anticlimactic by comparison. Not saying to abuse psych meds obviously but if I were to attempt it again I'd probably look into natural options like
>>1253742 mentions. Something to give you a bit of a shortcut there.
No. 1260689
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Not recent but the most vivid dreams I ever had were a series of dreams about gray aliens. They were weirdly emotionally charged dreams.. given the subject matter idk why that'd be emotional. I dreamt of a ufo crashing in my garden and I saw dead grays crushed after the accident. I was in a panic at the sight of them.
I had a seperate dream where I found a grays body in the kitchen. It was dead and just jelly like and limp. I felt this need to hide the body. I put it into a black bag and walked with that bag on my shoulder in the heat to find somewhere far away to dispose of it. I was upset about its death but knew the body couldn't be left in my house. I felt responsible.
I had other dreams about aliens around the time and they all are in this category I've never experienced since. These are 15 year old dreams right now and I still feel a lil bit of the emotion that was attached. I have a few mental still frames that are very vivid. The location of the dreams was my childhood home and it was very realistic compared to what my mind typically manages dreamwise. The road I walked up with the alien over my back was wierdly realistic. The heat on my back was realistic. The bus that passed by.. everything, I could smell hot tarmac.
My dreams have always been the most boring shit and this handful of dreams just crashed through and felt different. I don't know why. Why aliens? Why would I be emotional about them? Why were they often dead? I can't think of what put that in my mind or kept it there for about a year. There were a few more dreams that followed that theme. The final dream was me waking up surrounded by statues of their heads. My bedroom was small and these heads filled it. I was laying in my single bed and just taking in these four stone heads. A man was sat the the end of my bed. He'd been in previous dreams too but my mind never came up with who he was. He was this background person who bugged me because who was he. A witness to the crash too. He'd been on a fucking sunlounger in my garden when the crash happened right in front of him. And he didn't react as I freaked out. He didn't do much of anything
No. 1260801
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I was taking a short post-masturbation nap and I had a dream that I was walking through a grocery store and all the aisles were full with employees stocking the shelves, so I went into an aisle that had a lot of people with dogs and stuff. We were all walking to the register and then this big long-haired white dog comes up and I pet him before realizing he's dirty and probably a stray. Then I have to pee so I go to the bathroom area and there are two bathrooms. One is a women's communal bathroom and the other is a single bathroom. I go into the communal bathroom (the single bathroom was open so I don't know why I decided to go for that one) and it's weird. The bathroom is all beige, it's huge for a public bathroom, everyone is staring at me, there's cigarette smoke all around the room, and most importantly there's no fucking toilet stalls. So then I leave to go the public bathroom and I have to wait since someone's using it. The woman standing in line for the bathroom with me was wearing pink and I got the vibe that she was sad.
Anyway, I think it's actually great that I didn't pee in the weird dream bathroom because I had to piss IRL. I think that was my body doing me a solid. Also, the dream felt very realistic. As I was waking up I had to tell myself that I didn't go to the store and that I was not wearing shoes. It literally felt like I was wearing shoes until I moved my legs. This all could have easily turned into sleep paralysis and I'm glad it didn't.
Sorry for shitty grammar anons, I was rushing to write this before I forgot it.
No. 1262494
>>1262242All I’ve ever heard is that the stress of school makes it a lightly traumatic experience for most people, which dreams are a common symptom of.
Incidentally, I’ve dealt with pretty severe anxiety since I was a tiny kid and have only ever had one classic school nightmare in my life that I can remember.
No. 1276218
>>1275170Dreams about pregnancy can mean a new beginning, is your boyfriend getting a new job or starting a new pursuit? Maybe you’re embarking on something new together?
Once I had a dream I was pregnant and then I gave birth to a baby but it turned into like a cat human hybrid…the weird part was I breastfed and it felt so real. Like the ~~super bonding~~ that breastfeeding is supposed to enable I really felt. I had terrible baby fever all day once I woke up.
No. 1276411
nonnie i am doing this for my wedding that’s so wild like imagine the wedding jump scares you could do kekek
No. 1280128
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I had a dream I was 14 years old and killed my mom, then ran away in the woods with a creepy old man who had sex with me, while trying to hide from a detective and destroy all the evidence
Also I was a boy and a girl at the same time
What does it mean, nonas?
No. 1282089
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Had a dream where I met Dasha while I was working at a bakery and we started dating. I thought she was really nice, really interesting, the sex was great, and it was exciting dating an older woman. I didn't really know much about what she did for work other than she was an actress in indie movies. And then one day, I looked her up online and found the Red Scare podcast, found out she was an insane catholic, and that she was cheating on me with a man.
No. 1282142
I had one of the most intense, bizarre dreams last night. I was hanging out with people in 18th century clothing by a shoreline. There were these very odd structures off in the distance, in the ocean, that I can only describe as stalagmites connected to stalactites. Like two spiky puddles connected to one another. And they were all painted in vibrant, striking colors. Honestly it looked like something out of an AI generator. Everyone was commenting on them, being very distracted, but then all of a sudden we saw this huge wave out at sea forming. It came hurtling towards us faster than we'd expected, it was a giant tsunami. I remember being hit by it, being pulled under, but I somehow survived. I then later heard other people mention how this was all the work of the CCCP, and that the stalagmite things were just meant as a distraction while the tsunami killed us. Someone even said they had explored one and found it to be hollow, made out of cardboard and white paint, or something like that. It was such an odd dream, one of the oddest I've had in a long time.
No. 1282222
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>>1282142You should definitely try to watercolor that one,
nonnie. Sounds weirdly beautiful.
I have very vivid dreams, ever since I was a young child. One that was recurring involved the skinny villain from Romancing the Stone. I was maybe three when I first had this dream? My grandmother was obsessed with the film… anyway. The pic related villain would be attempting to break into our home, my family would be completely useless. Leaving doors open, crying etc. My tiny self would run about trying to close curtains, lock doors, both terrified and angry at the same time over the audacity of those creepy cunt. He never says a word, just dons a creepy grin and looks about like one of those Felix the Cat clocks. At some point, I open the freezer and low this fuck is folded up inside with the same blood chilling grin. He climbs out, I somehow manage to shove him down while a family member lashes him to a chair. He's still grinning, eyes steadily moving side to side. I'm livid, my tiny toddler frame just overcome with rage. I grab a large kitchen knife and threaten him. He doesn't respond, so in a fit of rage I stab the right side of his rib cage. The knife goes in surprisingly easy, I pull the knife downward to open up his side, and realize there are no bones. Tossing aside the knife, I reach into the wound and start pulling out what appears to be tangled rubber black tubing coated in an orange tinted slimy substance. I keep pulling it out, screaming at the man and saying horrible things. He does not react, just keeps smiling and moving his eyes. I am beyond livid and shocked that my mutilation has had zero effect on this maniac. Then I wake up.
No. 1288763
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First time ever in my life, my dream featured a child!
I dreamed a small boy stepped on scissors left on the ground. (He wasn't hurt)
No. 1294536
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Dreamt my ex was back in town and I took him home after he flirted with me, but he told me there was someone else and I kicked him out. Now I’m in a bad mood for my morning because I hadn’t thought about him in so long, but I’ll take it as a good sign that I’ve moved on that the loneliest mort hormonal part of my subconscious remembers him as a flake and doesn’t want him anymore
No. 1297455
I dreamt about an open world 3D version of the tokimeki memorial games (the galge and otome games merged into one) for android phones. Android phones also had a physical keyboard and a small joystick. A translation of these games became popular online among zoomers because they thought it was cringe/meme-y like Hatoful Boyfriend, it attracted the ironic "dating sim" audience. this was a translation from a japanese version, the translator replaced a line of dialogue with "i'm so glad I never got to play this autistic game (colon and lowercase v emoticon)" that's how little he cared about the games he was translating. It was separated into three games, each about a different school, but I use the singular here to refer to all of them. The game had almost nothing to do with the real version, the only thing they have in common is the city and schools and the characters but even the characters had different personalities than their actual one. I thought it was so cool that you could explore the schools in 3D at your own pace. Kinda like Yandere Simulator ig, but actually well-made. The graphics were super simple though, like PS1 tier for Android phones.
Before finding the character I was looking for i somehow activated a minigame that had absolutely nothing to do with tokimeki memorial, you controlled a chibi anime catgirl in a platformer type of game but at first it seemed so simple and lazily made that it was boring. i had no idea what the objective was at first, and just kind of assumed it was just a matter of reaching the end like in all platformers. but as I progressed with me jumping higher and higher for longer periods of time, the level got more and more difficult, and it was actually kind of fun. so i reached outer space and it ended where i reached "deep space", basically space but darker and with heavy rain for some reason. then I realized this was one of those games where you have to jump as high and far as you can. i have no idea how I activated this minigame but after playing it I went back to the main game.
No. 1297998
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I keep having weird dreams in which I'm in a relationship with women.
Last night I dreamt I was at a school presentation, I was a kid as well, and a girl that looked a lot like a girl from one of my old schools was supposed to sing.
I was excited because I liked the way she sang, so I was basically hyping everyone, during that moment I basically only knew her name.
Then there were some trials and the teacher of the other school in charge of the music was disappointed in them, and she couldn't be found.
So I took the chance to help and started looking for her even though I'm pretty sure she also didn't know who I was.
I went out of the school at some point and found myself at a really old and abandoned place, it was full of spiders that looked like skulltulas with red details, they were huge, but I was ready to risk all.
I think I've been playing too much gayshit infact so I had to pick a team of people to help me out, then we went inside and there were weird ass traps that could electrocute people and such.
I quickly avoided them and we reached a beautiful part that was somehow still inside of the building, there was a church inside the building, a blue sky with some fluffy clouds, a garden and old decorative marble columns.
I managed to found her but she was a fucking reptilian and was wearing a kimono for some reason??
I tried to sing to get her attention but she was avoiding me, then I hugged her and told her that I was glad I found her, I kissed her and she kissed me back.
She told me something about being a fool and that she loved me.
Then I woke up.
No. 1300958
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No. 1322461
I'm straight but I'm having PG rated lesbian dreams. A few days ago it was me and a frenemy rivaling over our love for our so fucking cool friend. At some point, she had to go to Taiwan for her studies and we went to see her off at the airport. Frenemy-chan couldn't keep it together at all, which set me off, too, and we both cried for Taiwan-chan to please not go. She had to hold back her tears, hugged us both real tight and then told us she had to go no matter what, and that she knows she could only come back when she knew we've gotten over her, anyways. Then, tonight, I was chased by a wasp (I'm scared of wasps) and clung to my girlfriend while panicking. She smacked it away, hugged me back, smiled "You're so dumb" and then kissed my cheek. She was Indian, had a long black braid, wore a red sweatshirt and had the brightest smile I've ever seen.
I know none of the women in my dreams in real life.
No. 1322614
Two days ago I dreamt a really disturbing dream.
> In the hours preceding the dream I was violently suicidal and wanted to buy a gun to kill myself with. I cried and screamed, I then got over it as I became tired.
>The meltdown was over some loser guy who enjoys manipulating me and comes back to talk to me only when he's horny. I was also sad at how people treated me, remembering how they would laugh at me.
>I was so distraught that I fell for the guy, and at the fact that everyone views me as a loser. I felt that he was my only "safe-haven" when the people around me treated me like shit, called me a liar repeatedly, and willfully misunderstood who I was.
>I then fell asleep and began dreaming that he was being beaten up and humiliated by a gang of men, while being taunted with insults
>In the dream, he had a pained expression on his face and I felt bad for him. I felt like this was my fault, because I would call him on a phone number he told me not to call (obviously, it's likely because he doesn't want to get caught cheating)
>His face was bloodied and bruised, and looked he like he was on the verge of tears.
>Though he didn't seem to notice my "presence" in the dream at first, it seemed like the gang of people beating him up knew I was there and were doing this to freak me out.
>I really thought it was all my fault. I wanted to help him, but couldn't. We were both stuck there.
>There was a girl there, jiggling her tits probably there to taunt me as well.
>It ended with what looked like an Instagram story of him taking a mirror selfie of his bruised face, with barley any expression on it.
Weird as fuck. Could my feelings preceding the dream have influenced these events?
No. 1336573
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I was in a park overlooking a small lake, I think it was the same park I visited during my childhood. I'm looking at the lake when I notice a family of 3 otters on playing on some rocks. The rocks are raised out of the water. The otters are light brown and with the sun shining down on them they stand out like crazy. Theres 2 large ones (larger than I think otters get tbh) which added to how visible they were and a lil baby thats playing, moving around like crazy. Since when are there otters in this park? I'm looking around to see if anyone else is noticing them but everyone is just carrying on as normal. I'm like… this is a rare sight here why is nobody else seeing it? Someone comes close with a dog and I know the moment is about to end. They scurry away and I'm thinking.. you all could've seen otters up close if you'd slowed down for a second and noticed. A fucking baby otter playing in the sun and you guys missed it.
No. 1340550
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When i was falling asleep i saw some reddish version of the backrooms so i jumped into the dream and then i ran through the rooms. Then i realized that there can be demons in the rooms and i found one. It was a 40yeraold woman with short black hair and i started hitting on her because i though she wont attack me if she likes me. But i got a bad vibe from her so i ripped her to pieces like you do when you meet demons in a dream.
No. 1350573
I dreamt an app called "LGBT McDonald's" was forcibly installed on my phone. I don't have an iPhone irl, but, in the dream, I had one, and I also had the McDonald's app installed before the lgbt McDonald's app randomly appeared, and I couldn't delete the latter. I figured it was kind of like how some phones forcibly install Facebook and don't let you remove it.
The next day, the app logo changed to resemble that of the original McDonald's app, and the caption changed to just read "McDonald's", like the original app. But, when you opened lgbt McDonald's, it was like a much shittier version of McDonald's, with a smaller menu and worse selections. And the weirdest thing was, it was if my phone was trying to trick me into opening lgbt McDonald's instead of the real app.
The third day, I went to the mall and realized a similar thing was happening with the storefronts. I kept on trying to go to Chicos, and every hallway I went down, I kept on ending up at a shittier, lgbt-themed version of that store called "Chicxs", as if the mall itself was trying to get me to go to that store instead.
No. 1359111
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i once had a dream where i was cooking some weird ass food in a carpeted kitchen while having a mental breakdown at the same time.
No. 1360532
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I had a cool dream and I'm manifesting for it to happen.
I had woken up from sleeping in that dream and my arms were toned, I had amazing muscles and my shoulders were so defined, I went to see my nutritionist and showed her and she told me she was proud of me and that I looked amazing with my toned upper body, like I looked like pic related, it's so cool.
Now I'm even more excited about working out, I can't wait to look like in my dream.
No. 1363804
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>>1363789sorry but immediately old gregg>>1363798I also thought I was on discord for some reason
No. 1366681
>>1366295I used to have ‘everybody dies’ dreams a lot. I’m sorry it’s been weighing you down this much.
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