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No. 920568
ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life
previous thread
>>>/ot/869448 No. 920597
File: 1632380686539.png (241.64 KB, 535x405, imagem_2021-09-23_040448.png)

>>920591Yes, please. I hate that smug spiky rat.
No. 920609
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It's 09:46 where I live. LC at it's deadest. Maybe it's nighttime for the american nonas.
I'm going to actually EXERCISE my muscles now, it's been a year (I've been ill)wish me good luck!
No. 920631
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I had to visit the electrostatics wikipedia page again and I saw the cat again I love that cat
No. 920665
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Sonic is taking over the /ot/ thread pics and I am all about it
No. 920680
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I need to pee badly but I'm visiting a friend and have to walk through their bedroom to get to the one bathroom and I know I'll wake them up.
No. 920806
File: 1632409827939.jpeg (47.43 KB, 739x415, images (28).jpeg)

Stop putting sonic in all threads I cant tell them apart, stupid thing doesn't even look like a hedgehog
No. 921122
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Gotta take a break, see you in a few days anons!
No. 921522
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i already miss the cat
No. 921689
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Every time I scroll by the Unpopular Opinions thread with the "That's no good" Sonic gif, that Richard Stallman song starts playing in my head
>haaAACKERS that's not gooOOOD
No. 921737
>>921598I think he just
ended up in some kind of basement and let himself die of his injuries satisfied he completed his mission… I like to imagine he survived though, because the bottom floor is clean even though it should be piled full of corpses from the people who killed themselves jumping in the hole, so people must go there to clean from time to time. I think the child would probably be ok, if the platform wasn't safe to climb up it'd probably just fling plates around every time it goes back up.I really like the movie.
No. 921823
File: 1632471517472.jpeg (66.87 KB, 1024x768, ErTVRwhU0AAQbgB.jpeg)

I love coffee so much. I really missed our uni's little food shop's cappuccino, it's so cheap, very tasty from good beans and with cinnamon sprinkled on top. It smells amazing and made my mood much better in this cold and cloudy weather. I feel like coffee is what I look forward and enjoy the most in my daily life. Black coffee, cappuccino, iced coffee, I like all kinds of it.
I love sitting in cafes a lot too, I feel like life is slower and calmer there. Even if my day is unstable and stressful, coffee is still the same.
No. 921907
>>921823me too
I buy an iced latte from starbucks every day and it's so delicious. I need to stop to save money but I've tried making the same thing at home and it's just never as good.
No. 921933
File: 1632487312848.jpg (244.84 KB, 1200x1200, Classic-Pumpkin-Pie_EXPS_HBMZ1…)

I'm going to make pumpkin pie tomorrow! I only know about it through american media, so I have no idea how it's actually supposed to taste, but when I made one a few years ago it was really delicious and filling.
No. 921939
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>>921933Pls send me some, I will send you some marble cake.
No. 921947
File: 1632489299697.jpg (670.62 KB, 2000x1506, pumpkin-pie-with-leaves.jpg)

>>921933I hope your pumpkin pie comes out delicious! I don't really like pumpkin flavored things, but I looooooove pumpkin pie. It's my favorite part of autumn!!
No. 922064
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>>922055I'm not american, so I'm not entirely sure if these pumpkins are the same, but where I'm from the big orange ones are more commonly used for making sweets, while other kinds of pumpkin are used for savory dishes
No. 922081
>>922074I swear I had a phase where I couldn't do dairy… and it just passed in time.
I looked up info on it before. I had a gastro illness a few years ago and the milk problem started soon afterwards. It was a stomach bug that went on to affect me for a couple years after the bug itself was gone. Some people can't do dairy after having a gastro bug damage their stomach apparently. Then you slowly reintroduce it. Don't know if that's your deal but it's interesting how it's not always a set thing for life. Thank fuck.
No. 922108
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i just made myself a really delicious grilled cheese sandwich.
No. 922370
>>922081I don't recall anything in my life like that. I think I'm just not able to do dairy since I'm Asian.
>>922081Anon, thank you! I've…surprisingly never thought about lactose pills, I've just been training myself to ingest someamounts of milk until my body said no shitting kek
No. 922409
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>>922405Hang on hang on I got a picture of deer fucking on the sidewalk from last month
No. 922456
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>conclude crazy work week
>close laptop
>want to open laptop and keep working
No. 922839
File: 1632569837787.gif (506.47 KB, 240x184, fghj.gif)

Just got done repainting my hallway. Towards the end I could see the amount of paint really dwindling down and I was under pressure but I somehow made it just about stretch enough to do the job. I also ran out of masking tape but went ahead anyway cos.. time and money.
No. 923008
>>922517 is the one i use anon, the main video tends to bug out for me but picture-in-picture works just fine.
theres a few different species, its usually the wood mouse but ive seen the bank vole too! and theyre not always there because i suppose they have lives to live but if you keep the window open they pop up pretty frequently. enjoy!
No. 923147
File: 1632593962649.jpeg (37.83 KB, 519x620, CB4EB031-0099-479A-8F84-719340…)

I’m trying to draw again after like a year of not drawing at all, I’m still shit at it but now i don’t feel miserable while drawing.
No. 923169
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I don't feel like taking a shower, but I'm on my period.
No. 923361
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Saw this miffed looking bird on a vase today. Gonna try to paint it
No. 923416
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I'm having a spa night!!! crazy bitches get an invite
No. 923980
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I'm trying to figure out what world I want to use for an AI dungeon roleplay. Picrel might be nice and relaxing, but there's also a futuristic one called Procavia that sounds better. If I do the sci-fi world, I could probably have a cool cyberpunk gf, or a cyborg bf with a robo dick.
No. 924097
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Friendly reminder that you can get a 10-20% first time purchase discount at many online stores as many times as you want if you use 10 minute mail. Remember to use disposable mailboxes for unlimited discounts, nonarinas.
No. 924547
>>924496>dilfs>underratedthey're singlehandedly the most overrated bunch of old spoiled men
vs. kissless slightly underweight virgins for example
No. 924670
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Just peed
No. 924879
File: 1632771984798.png (169.15 KB, 249x309, 1628267676681.png)

i think i'm finally getting over my consumerism. i have to buy new winter boots, but i'm holding off and waiting to see if there will be actual snow this year. i also want them to be in neutral colors and of good quality so i can wear them for at least three years minimum. i also ignored all my payment request emails from amiami because i no longer want to waste money on merchandise. earlier i cleaned my laptop and thought maybe i should buy some stickers to eXpReSs MySeLf since classes start in a few weeks, but then decided against it because it's a waste of money. if i want to express myself, i can just talk to people.
i hope i can keep this up.
No. 925290
>>925087nothing wrong wth that particular pics but there was e a lot of sonicposting to the point ti started to look like avatarfagging.
plus it gets hard to tell threads apart when there's like five active ones with similar sonic threadpics that have nothing to do with the content
No. 925345
>>924879Good for you
nonny. I'm also making an effort to be more conscious about my shopping habits and stop buying shit I don't need.
No. 925492
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I'm trying to draw, but I've had covid recently and I'm still so very tired just from being awake and the soft pastel dust annoys me and my head hurts. But I think my drawing looks good so far but I'm not sure. I'm drawing this photo
No. 926038
Our cat still still hasn't been able to catch any mice but shes she did catch a roach trying to sneak into our garage through a crack. Such a good kitty
>>925506Lol I don't think our cat wants to kill the mice tho
No. 926060
>>925345thank you, nonna! we can do it!
>>925535thank you!! i totally get what you mean re: needing x item because (stupid reason). i got rid of a bunch of stuff (almost all books, entire manga collection, anime merch, videogames, clothes) over the past few months and a lot of the things i couldn't sell, so they ended up either given away for free or thrown into the dumpster.
i think what really hurts about it is that i spent so much money on things because the act of buying something made me happy. but then i look at how stuffed full my wardrobe/shelves are and it just bothers me. granted, i only have a few pieces of furniture and if i had a second shelf or a bigger wardrobe in my dorm room, things would be different. but they're not so i have to downsize as much as possible. it's exciting too, though. finally, what you own has no control over you anymore because you're no longer defining yourself by showing your identity through the stuff you have.
No. 926093
>>926060>finally, what you own has no control over you anymore because you're no longer defining yourself by showing your identity through the stuff you have.Yes!! You hit the nail on the head! I was reading a book about minimalism (Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki if you're interested) and one of the points that he mentioned that really stuck out to me was how he would keep lots of film books and related items and then realized he later did it to give off the appearance of being a person into film to people who came over. That shit really made things click in my head. I've downsized on books and even now I absolutely loathe buying books, even the few books I reread every year (I just borrow from my local libraries).
My bedroom is small and I used to think "well when I finally move out I'll have space for all of my things" but now I think, my room is a good size and I just need to downsize. I can't help but indulge here and there, but a lot more thought goes into what I think deserves my money, and more importantly, space (which I think is a good mentality for anything in life too).
No. 926205
>>926147Awww thanks anon! I've been making sure to pamper them as best as possible. So far so good!
>>926184I really hope nothing like that happens while I have them in, especially since I paid $80 for these bitches. I guess the upside is that if anything happens the scarring will be pretty minimal. Thank god nipples are such an easy part of the body to heal lol
>>926143I'd recommend them! The pain sucks but it's only for the first day, after that they really don't hurt. Takes a super long time for them to heal though so there's that.
No. 926222
>>926205Hopefully nothing like that will happen,
nonny! I had both of them for like 6 years and the remaining one for like 8 months afterwards or so. Not having them anymore felt like the end of an era kek sometimes I think of getting them again but eh
No. 926235
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I finally got to grow basil like I've always wanted to and it was thriving, but now it keeps withering up, I think because it's getting cold where I live and I have a hard time telling when to water it (I'm afraid of overwatering but I try to water every other day). Stay strong little buddy, I'll take care of you.
No. 926545
>>926317Anon your gifts sound so fucking thoughtful and cute. I hope they appreciate it because damn you sound like an amazing friend. I love it when people really know who they're buying presents for.
I just paid for my best friend's present and ordered it in advance because I'm afraid global shipping will be delayed. I did recently link her to a thread on /w/ and I'm afraid she'll wander (probably not, she hates gossip sites but I don't know if she's figured out what the ot board is about) so I don't want to even post a picture of it, but it's something she posted about months ago and she said she was going to get it for herself at some point and I can't wait to surprise her with it. If it breaks in transit from overseas I will fucking shit myself.
No. 926939
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I’m trying to decide how to decorate my new room. Is this a vibe?
No. 926941
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>>926915>average user browses lolcow 71 times a month or about 2-3 times a what you're telling me is i'm the lolcow spiders georg, yes?
No. 926963
File: 1633015085151.jpeg (19.58 KB, 792x339, floralsinspring.jpeg)

>>926939Millennial does mid-century meets cool toned cottagecore? Groundbreaking.
Nah but for real, it's cute!
>>926941I thought I was the only one lmao
No. 927206
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I'm planning on blowing out my hair tomorrow, and I'm not excited. I don't even completely know which hairstyle I'm going to do, and I can't find my bonnet or a plastic cap to protect my hair from humidity or when I shower. What's even the point.
No. 927318
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My feet are so sweaty that I could water some plants with my sweat. I wish I could solve this.
No. 927587
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found a couple of berries on my walk earlier, feeling very cottagecore today, ladies
No. 927623
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I want a boyfriend…
No. 927696
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Room decoration anon from yesterday has me stalking ebay for MSM furniture. God please grant me restraint.
No. 927774
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Until just now I forgot about the hole I dug on the shoreline at the beach. I was going to fill it in before I left but it was close enough to the waterline that the tide would take care of it. I just wonder if anyone fell in.
No. 928108
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About to make one of these bad boys. I don't feel like making stacker sauce from scratch though, so I'm just using thousand island dressing
No. 928139
>>928132Oh damn, I wish I saw this before I ate most of the burger lmao. Sorry
>>928136It really is! I also like making crunchwraps with chorizo. I threw some doritos in the burger for texture as well.
No. 928270
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Lexotan is incredible.
No. 928755
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My oatmeal making skills are on point, I’m on fire, I could go to master chef right now and win the whole contest just with my super painfully thick oatmeal.
Men fear me, grannies love me, I will make sure my oatmeal becomes the national food in my next lifetime as the sole ruler of the world.
May the oatmeal bless your soul.
No. 928966
>>928397How was it,
No. 930103
File: 1633363609401.jpg (194.83 KB, 1065x1321, tumblr_cf499f6b46b097740e80491…)

>my much anticipated fitbit arrives today
>twisted my ankle and can barely walk
Just about my luck
But at least I'm grateful it wasn't anything more serious
No. 930185
It's first day of college again today and as I walked to college my chest started hurting again. I had corona and I thought I was healthy but I'm still a little sick. Then I entered the building 20 minutes before my class and everyone was already in the classroom and writing. Maybe it was another class and I wasn't missing my class but I decided to go home anyway since I didn't feel good. At least I saw the guy that I had a crush on in the first year of college. He is so adorable
>>930103Get well soon
No. 930442
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>>930334>It's boringWell, I posted this before I watched episode 3. Guess I spoke too soon.
No. 930822
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This pic of Brendan Fraser faceapped with glasses looks exactly like my ex… I didn’t really realize how beautiful he was when I was with him. I don’t want him back tho. He got fat
No. 930897
>>930822brendan fraser also got fat but we still love him
(unless your ex was a pos. don't get back with that)
No. 931057
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I found some moths inside my wardrobe and now I have to wash all my clothes, deep clean everything in there and throw away all the clothes and miscellaneous stuff I have been hoarding since I was a teen. Not excited for that.
No. 931169
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I'm kind of sad that it's raining today. Rainy days are nice, but sunlight is so much better. Feeling the sun on your skin is beautiful, and makes me feel so happy. I genuinely believe sunlight is the key to happiness. This also reminds me that I need to buy sunscreen, I keep forgetting.
Anyway, I woke up with my back hurting so that sucks. I drank soda yesterday, so maybe that's why.
No. 931306
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Whenever I drink bulletproof coffee I get so much more energy and actually get shit done, plus I don't feel hungry at all. I should do it more often.
No. 932251
File: 1633550074068.jpg (72.85 KB, 1200x1200, bastard.jpg)

I hate that I can't cut up mangoes properly. I have no problems with preparing a grapefruit (or rather, four, because it's so fast and four grapefruits are just about right to satiate me), it takes two minute tops for me to cut up a pineapple, even pomegranates I'm getting the hang of. But fucking mangoes??? No matter how often my mother explains and shows it to me, it's always a pulpy mess.
No. 932270
>>932251Tbh it's easier to just peel it and eat it like an apple. Or just slice around the seed.
Coincidentally, I ate a mango last night and it sucked. It was like watermelon, but if it was a mango.
No. 932488
File: 1633562669546.jpg (51.62 KB, 474x355, LIVINGTHELIFE.jpg)

>>931663Your bf has never wanted to eat anything your body came up with? Maybe you're the stinky one
nonny, idk
please dont take this seriously, i think this is all very hilarie LUV U No. 932526
File: 1633566145114.jpeg (29.57 KB, 412x232, BC99F671-1BFC-4809-8058-D5C802…)

I just had some delicious tuna sushi, I love sushi.
No. 933194
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>>932779i can bend my elbow backwards
No. 933449
File: 1633655944792.png (278.69 KB, 497x594, it's kicking in.png)

I was reading a very old text on medicine and it was from back before "piss" was considered obscene, so the sentence "Next, boil your piss" got me good.
No. 933651
>>933435The only thing I can imagine is that the coffee/espresso is curdling the milk slightly?
If the coffee (or espresso) you're using is hot, I would recommend pouring it over ice before adding your milk. (If you're just using coffee and are going to try pouring it over ice, I would suggest using half the normal amount of water when brewing it, so it doesn't water down the coffee when you pour it over ice.)
pls feel free to post updates as I am a coffeesperg No. 933677
>>933674I love it, I don't get enough these days. It's like a little time skip, I always think it's kind of funny when I lay down for a nap and have to guess how long I was out when I wake up. It's not fun when I lay down and accidentally fall asleep though.
Anyway, thanks for reminding me to go to sleep.
No. 933822
File: 1633706726095.jpg (55.17 KB, 570x807, cb5892a760f32ab34a154c4835ec1f…)

I picked some bay bolete mushrooms and seaberries today and I'm going to make a delicious dinner + lemonade with them later. Feeling very cottagecore right now.
No. 933852
File: 1633710639961.jpeg (57.94 KB, 446x437, F876A6CA-5D22-4444-8320-771F61…)

I’m having a delicious chicken burger with a fried egg and lots of sweet relish and mustard.
No. 933936
File: 1633720562596.jpeg (121.67 KB, 736x736, FC4411C9-4417-46E2-A8CA-7A9C7E…)

Doing the dishes is so tiresome, i can’t wait for all the remodeling at my home to be done so my maid can come back and help me.
I don’t even mind doing other stuff like doing the laundry or ironing clothes, I don’t even mind cleaning the toilets or the floors until they’re spotless, it’s almost relaxing to some extent.
But doing the dishes manages to make my soul break into tiny pieces that drift away and wither like a piece of meat being thrown in a polluted lake full of ugly little bugs that eats them by vomiting their putrid acids on them.
No. 933952
>>933854My apologies anon, I already ate everything lmao. But if you're interested I served the mushrooms in cream sauce, over pasta, sprinkled with parmesan, chives and roasted cashews, with bits of baked chicken on the side. The berries got blended, boiled in sugar water for a bit and served with lemon and orange slices as hot lemonade.
I love picking mushrooms in the Fall, you can cook really awesome dinners with them.
No. 933967
>>933955to test each other for diabetes like they did in the times before christ
you need him, right? not for fetish stuff, right? diabetes testing, right?
No. 934268
>>934177aw anon that sucks… I had a shitty night too, before getting off work anyways. I hope yours gets better as mine has. have fun, but not
too much fun. stay safe!
No. 934766
File: 1633819338005.jpeg (345.64 KB, 541x821, F61BD50F-8B89-440F-A967-EF430D…)

In my period boxers eatin cueritos with my bare hands and posting on lolcow without wiping
No. 934829
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I've been sleeping like 14 hours a day for a long time. Guess it's depression. I don't know. I feel fine. Kind of hungry.
No. 935551
File: 1633924364642.jpg (51.2 KB, 498x799, Lemon Tree Art Print.jpg)

I just cleared a whole box of lemon popsicles in two days. Fortunately they're low calorie.
Lemons are the best thing ever, you can put it on savory and sweet foods. Nature's most perfect creation. The only lemon flavored thing I won't eat is lemonade, funnily enough.
No. 936056
File: 1633989194488.png (1.53 MB, 2100x2906, 100609-THAI-BASI-NSY-Vegan-Dum…)

I've been wanting to eat dumplings more often without having to travel to my local Asian market. I know I can make them at home, but I'm going to try picrel today.
No. 936099
>>936093>>936094I just tried it, and I actually really liked them, but I burnt the bottom of the crispy skirt I gave them. These are better than the tofu dumplings Nasoya also sells imo.
I haven't seen the Korean BBQ dumplings IRL yet, but I'll be on the lookout for them!
No. 936472
I finally booked the train tickets and the hotel room for my vacation next month, I have no idea why the prospect of doing it gave me so much anxiety, I even enjoyed comparing the hotels and picking my favorite. This isn't even the first time I've done this, I genuinely think I've mentally regressed due to the lockdowns.
>>936066I see him everyday at work on a display stand (he modeled for a watch brand), I think of you nonnies everytime I pass by him kek.
No. 936481
>>936472I want to do this badly but just can't find a place "worth" traveling to
Hope you have fun anon!
No. 936637
File: 1634050077943.jpg (129.59 KB, 522x810, 81BhmV8Ln1L._AC_SX522_.jpg)

Yesterday I bought myself one of those big haribo advent calendars purely because where I live they only sell starmix and none of the other versions I've wanted to try out. I got home, took all the packets out and put them in my goodie drawer. Then I binned the calendar itself.
Today I had a delivery while I was out so the mailman left the parcel in my recycling bin for me, thats what he usually does when I'm out. I wonder if he saw my big ole empty childrens advent calendar just sitting at the top of the bin.. in october lol
No. 936726
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I have to finish an assignment so I can go back to playing animal crossing and petting my dog.
No. 937112
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Just came home from the dentist for the first time in 5 years and no cavities babyyyy. Last time I went I had four cavities (one in each section of my mouth) and the experience of getting them filled traumatized me so much (wasn't painful but the vibration in my brain was so deeply uncomfortable in the most "this is painful but at the same time not painful" way) that I got my oral hygiene habits into shape real quick. Glad to know it paid off.
No. 937152
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reading men talk about women online is making me more and more apathetic towards them and sex in general. I read some guys post on 4chan about how he loved staring at his ex gf's family member's boobs. It disgusted me but really I can't even be mad at him because i think it's just the way men are meant to be naturally. They can't turn off their monkey brains. If anything I guess there's something wrong with me for being straight but disgusted by how men naturally function. Basically I feel like picrel unironcially and will die alone
No. 937197
>>937152I feel the same just with dating in general, the whole process of offering your best traits to someone in a desperate attempt to appeal to them turns me off.
>>937192Being single definitely is a joy, although I think your view is too entrenched in your own perspective to be reasonable. We should all thrive alone.
No. 937229
>>937152I used to be saddened and disgusted by men and always disappointed myself when I'd expect higher level connection and thought functions in them. Not to mention respect and romance.
Then I gave up and just went back to playing otome for romance and started fucking an obedient zoomer a few years younger than me who I kick out the moment he starts spouting anything that resembles an opinion.
No. 937459
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Told myself I'd take up boxing or martial arts when lockdown lifted so that I feel less easily murder-able walking down the street. I was so hype about it. Now the time has come and I'm so busy and tired, the idea of adding another commitment to my life makes me want to cry. I carry weapons when walking but it's a joke because I know I'd never use them correctly in the heat of the moment. I've always wanted to be able to fight back and feel strong. Maybe I'm just scared of being so buff I have to become a superhero. Ugh imagine the sleep schedule.
No. 937482
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>>937462yeah I have sentimental attachments to like karate and MMA because they're badass but I've been told practically the best for self defence is Judo which is about using the opponent's strength and size against them. I just think it's less cool because I knew a girl in school who was super into judo and she was fat and lame.
No. 937486
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>>937462also samefag but I don't know if you're joking about being too muscular without steroids, I fucking wish, having visible biceps and strong shoulders is my ideal body. Not figure competition levels but picrel is my ideal body
No. 937671
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When I drink coffee when I wake up it tastes so good, but when I decide to go for a second brew in the afternoon (made the exact same way) suddenly it tastes like shit. Is my caffeine addiction overriding the taste in the morning?
No. 937673
>>937671I'm a long time heavy coffee drinker but lately I have something like this going on.
I try to mostly drink it black and unsweetened and that's fine first thing in the morning but later in the day it starts tasting like shit. Might be good that my body is finally protesting
No. 938032
>>938027I hope it’s not aliens trying to kidnap you, but seriously, how strange.
My paranoid ass is already thinking of cameras, but it could be like in my house, there used to be this weird clinking noise like metallic balls or marbles rolling on the floor, it was every night around the same time frames, brief but loud.
I still don’t know what it was, but ever since the neighbor’s dog died, the noise did as well.
No. 938127
>>938032Cameras was instantly what my mind jumped to, too, which is why I feel like I can't fully relax in my own room lol. I'll gladly take the aliens though!
>>938040I wish, but it comes from the complete opposite direction and, while our radiators regularly make noises too, it's very different ones.
>>938079I'd go nuts in your position, if not for the aforementioned fear of cameras then at least because I'd be worried about the vent being broken or something if that were the only one to make these noises. Hopefully yours gets resolved soon, too!
No. 938870
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>>938761I always find it so cute when people can't wink lmao.
No. 939019
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I really want to collect and wear unique vintage rings but I'm broke 99% of them aren't my size. So I'm doing online window shopping via Etsy all the time
No. 939867
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My friend flaked on me but I'm still gonna go and sip some gay cocktails.
No. 939959
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Moved to a new town and I'm getting my library card tomorrow! Thinkin about what books to check out first, if anyone has any suggestions let me know!!
No. 939978
>>939967I tend to gravitate towards fiction/nonfiction with elements of fantasy and I also like poetry a lot. The last books I've read are Never Let Me Go and Play It As It Lays. Sorry if that's kinda broad, if you have any favorite books of your own that come to mind I trust your judgement!
>>939970I'll look them up right now, thank you so much
>>939975Oh perfect, thank you for letting me know!
No. 940021
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This is my favorite tranny meme
No. 940034
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>>939985It isn't guaranteed that it will, but as I'm sure you know, mindset going into a trip can really influence it, and the fact that marijuana has psychedelic effects isn't acknowledged enough.
No. 940046
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My eyes are tired, but I'm about to start a new book.
No. 940148
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My rosemary plant still can't recover from getting dried out in the summer and now it's starting to bloom in October???
No. 940595
>>940497Yeah I like to individually pluck out armpit hairs with a pair of tweezers, there's no way I'm bringing a razor near this region and I don't feel confident enough to wax myself. Also the tweezers I'm using are like 15 years old, it's the cheapest and most ecological way of ridding myself of body hair kek.
>>940522I feel like my skin reacts to being naked and has some kind of overcompensation by sweating, the hairs are there for a reason after all.
No. 940887
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i was out with my friend a few days ago and we were browsing the bookstore. i commented on how cute the harry potter cover art looks. she was like 'nooo, anon, you can't say that, jkr is evil, in this house we don't support this evil woman!! don't buy any hp stuff!!!' i was like, why can't we acknowledge the cute art…? when i went home i decided to buy picrel (haven't read hp in over 10 years and i think i lost my physical copies in a move) and a complete movie set since i never watched them all. i'm excited!
No. 940890
>>940887What an idiot, enjoy your books anon.
Was she even able to tell you why JKR is "evil"?
No. 940893
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>>940890thank you, nonna! i asked why she said jkr is evil and my friend claimed that jkr said word-for-word that she hates troons. i pretended to be shocked and replied 'omg where did she say that, i'm gonna have to read that with my own two eyes!' but then my friend got cold feet i suppose and said 'you know, on the internet' and quickly changed the subject. it's so sad. i hope that she'll peak one day and then i can be petty and remind her of this exchange and we'll laugh about how silly she was.
>>940891thank you, i will! i absolutely love it, i think it's incredibly charming. i wanted the house collection first (so all green/silver for me since i'm apparently a slytherin) but i think this collection is much cuter. i used to not care about hp for years or was a bit annoyed at most, since people were so crazy about it and based their entire personality on their house, but then i realized that's just what terminally online does to a mf. i mellowed out now, thankfully, and now i'm falling in love with the series all over again.
No. 941500
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Should I make a chorizo tostada? I think I should. I wanna try potatoes and chorizo cause I've never had that before, and I'm not feeling eggs gross today. I wish I had avocado though.
Lots to do today.
No. 941514
Just came here to write about being sick and staying up watching Grace and Frankie while eating doritos and drinking coke. I would try to get some sleep, but I don't like laying down in the dark with my own thoughts when I'm already in an anguished state. This is so much more comfortable. Hope you're getting better, anon.
>>941500Please do, it looks scrumptious.
No. 941536
>>941514It is scrumptious! Please drink some water anon, I hope you get feel better soon.
>>941526I wish I saw this before I cooked the potatoes lol. I kinda burnt the potatoes, but it still came out really good.
No. 941553
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I bought a book about cats in art for a friend and this painting made me tear up
It's 'Julie Manet with a cat' by Pierre-Auguste Renoir if anyone needs that info
No. 941573
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I can't stop thinking about how beautiful Halle Berry is. I'm swooning right now
No. 941577
>>941558Because it's cute and I'm a sensitive bitch
Look how comfy that cat is,
nonny No. 941932
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Downloaded 16 fonts today, nonnies.
No. 942048
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>>942012He looks like this meme.
No. 942113
>>941977None of the above nonas, but a tweezer too; it
does take hours, but it's satisying seeing the progress for me lmao.
No. 942418
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Hell yeah! My hands just remembered how to fucking braid my hair! Now the world can fear me and bow to me, for I will learn new braided hairstyles to enhance my hair cuteness.
No. 942735
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I finally decided on my Halloween costume for this year and I’m really excited about it. It’ll give me the chance to live my “grungy” tumblr girl fashion dreams that I had in high school. I tried it on tonight and after being the chubby girl in hs you can’t imagine how good it feels to put on the clothes I wanted to wear all those years ago and actually feel hot in them.
No. 942794
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Recently I've been having trouble with going to sleep and waking up. I used to get tired around 10 pm and I'd go to sleep and naturally wake up around 7 or 8 am. A few weeks ago I kept myself up one evening until 1 am and since then I haven't been able to fall asleep sooner. I stay up until 3 or 4 and get up around 12, even if I set an early alarm and wake up and walk over to turn it off. It's ruining my days, because it feels like they are over very quickly and it makes me very unproductive. I hope I can put an end to this by forcing myself today and then staying up in the morning instead of falling back asleep. My eyes are also extremely dry right after waking up, it's as if I keep them open while sleeping or something. The dry feeling makes me want to keep them closed, so I always end up dozing off again…
No. 942901
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Overcooked my dinner earlier, why do I ruin everything good that life gives me.
No. 942952
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I lost my cellphone in my own home, I went down to make a sandwich and I can't find it anymore. I was reading a webnovel, I am so sad. Sandwich is good though.
No. 942983
>>942975I LOVE YOU
NONNIE, IT WAS IN THE WASHING MACHINE. Turns out I accidentally grabbed it along the bedsheets I was going to put there and luckily I didnt start it yet, so when i did what you said I heard the loud ass ringing from the washing machine. You're a lifesaver and I'm an absolute retard kek
No. 943528
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I fucking love yogurt
No. 943536
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>>943528Me too. I can't live without it. My day isn't complete without chobani blends
No. 943753
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Almost contacted the professor without having the completed project for her to read oof I'm a mess glad I took a breather before doing it or I would just look like a fool
No. 943794
>>943761I've had this happen too, two or three years ago, even though they were
basically smelless before that. Pray for us that it'll go back someday.
No. 944118
I bought sandwich stuff so I could make sandwich with the baby kale I grew. I ate the sandwiches and forgot to harvest the kale. Guess I'll do it again.
>>920596Move in with me and all my insects so you can bake us all treats. I have lots of tea that the bugs are not allowed to enjoy.
No. 944130
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I was in class today and the classroom is such that the ground outside is almost as high as the classroom window and there was a curly haired black dog who walked up to the window and looked inside and then went away.
Also on monday a guy held the door for me as I was exiting the building even though I wasn't that close to the door and he looked me right in the eyes. I think this means he likes me but I don't care I will not cheat on my husbando.
No. 944213
>>944127I was reading r/bigdickproblems a while back and there was a whole thread full of guys saying their dick always touches the inside of the toilet bowl when they sit down to shit.. and then there's splashback.. I somehow never thought about it. Guess I thought guys kept their dick up out of the way. Some joked about their gfs not being aware of this and how mid bj they sometimes remember and laugh to themselves about it.. but don't tell her.
And I never sucked a dick again lol
No. 944234
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I’m not eating my stress away, I’m snacking my stress away. I wish I could have a voracious appetite while in front of a huge ass bowl of salad and not next to the cookies.
I’m excited about my dinner tonight though, kind of like pic related but less fancy lookingg.
No. 944244
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>add 3 bits of leftover mushroom to my instant noodles
No. 944331
>>944252kek i know. i do like fine food, i actually went to his restaurant once.
i'm just poor atm and can't be arsed to cook
No. 944347
>>944336the OG one in the monts d'or yeah. my dad got gifted a meal for two for his bday so we went.
the food was excellent, as traditional as french cuisine gets. but it kinda felt like a tourist attraction or something, a completetly prepackaged experience if you will. it's a well-oiled machine, everyone gets the Bocuse Experience™ exaclty as advertised adn you can tell they do this shit by rote.
the food is excellent, but it isn't the best place for a fun outing with friends. i think some of his restaurants are less formal tho.
i used to recommend Brazier but i have no idea how they are now it's under different management. i don't live in Lyon anymore so i can't rly give any recs i'm afraid.
No. 944429
>>944360paris. i do'nt regret a thing, lyon is too small and stifling.
brasserie georges is super tourstic also. brazier got really expensive since their new chef took over so i haen't been back in a long time, but i heard their wine bar has good cuisine at a cheaper price. you probably have to book way in advance tho.
if you want authentic you can also buy food from Bonnard (traiteur) and Tourtiller (patisserie). Palomas is the best chocolatier in town.
No. 944691
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>>944687No I don’t think you understand you need to go back or I will bury you in your grave
No. 944742
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I finally got my YouTube subtitles back to my PERSONALIZED settings after they were so rudely reset. I screenshotted them this time to cut down on time when I inevitably have to set them again.
No. 944748
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>>944742Sorry anon but what is this
No. 944750
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>>944743>>944748You gotta have it set
just right. The color? Aesthetic. The size? So I can see it from across the room.
No. 944809
>>944429I wish I could live in Paris but it's more for the anonimity. My family lives in Lyon and I'm an ex muslim, I'm always worried about doing the most basic shit and meeting an aunt or sibling by accident. Can't get a bf despite behing in my late 20s or eat tonkatsu or pork ribs at a restaurant. Shopping in Paris is also way better. Lyon has way better public transport though, I was shocked when I visited Paris with my disabled mother a few years ago and we couldnt find elevators in the subway stations.
It's funny how Parisians are comi'g here because they hate how big and busy Paris is though. And they're making rent prices way worse every year.
No. 944842
>>944809yeah lyon is really annoying when it comes to lack of anonymity. it doesn't help that my folks used to be huge party animals and know half the city. in lyon i coudln't fucking go anywhere without someone telling my parents "hey i saw your daughter yesterday!"
a lot of ppl who move to paris for work or college end up hating it and going back but i love it. i miss having a bigger flat but there's so much more to do. the museums and theatres are so much better. the food in lyon is great but there are many ways to eat great food for cheap in paris, and there's more variety as well. and you can go to a bar without being afraid of coming across your ex/relative/mom's bff/former teacher like in lyon.
and yeah do'nt get me started about shopping lol
No. 944873
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got my nipples and navel pierced on the same day as lip fillers, i feel so brutalised
No. 944943
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There was a mini storm over my city last night and the wind was blowing so loudly it was slamming the shutters, and it woke me up, completely unable to sleep between 3 and 6 am. Lord give me the strength to cruise through the day.
No. 945344
>>945323As someone who, because of nervousness, has lied compulsively, it’s the worst thing ever, it makes me want to die, I still cringe and feel miserable about the times I’ve lied about random bullshit out of being afraid of not knowing what to answer to someone.
I don’t do it as much because I’ve learnt how to think properly before speaking, but I still wish I could’ve thrown myself off a cliff whenever I lied.
No. 945863
>>944922honestly a big part of why i left lyon yeah.
there just isn't a lot to do so you always end up goign to the same places and seeing the same people. that and the lack of a decent cultural scene.
given the size of the city it's crazy how much of a village it is, you can't go anywhere without meeting someone who knows you. i considered it a notable feat to walk from terreaux to bellecour and back again without seeing someone I know.
so yeah i agree, lyon is a lovely city with many advantages, but i just can't stand how stifling it is. i am never getting out of paris if i can help it.
No. 946001
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>>945983Dummy. I just call it ground beef because it's convenient and I thought it would be kind of obvious that I'm not eating real meat.
No. 946023
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>>946014I'm sorry too anon, I didn't have to be so rude. Please accept this pic as an apology
No. 946101
>>946060That sounds so good! I never really eat black beans anymore cause I get tired of them, but I might make some red beans, chickpeas or lentils tomorrow.
Anyway, time to log off and stop shitposting (both literally and figuratively).
No. 946147
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>>946090Well, it was a throw-together meal so I'm not sure that it can be replicated, but here goes:
I had some garlic toast spread (vegan butter + minced garlic + nutritional yeast + salt) left over from a couple of days ago, so I melted that in a pot and then sauteed some diced onions in it for a few minutes, then added some fire-roasted vegetables (pic related) and let that cook for a few minutes more, like maybe 10 minutes total. Then I added the plain cooked black beans and some flavorings: a generous spoonful of Better Than Boullion vegetable base, a bit of salt, a generous teaspoon of chili powder, a generous teaspoon of dried oregano, and a generous half teaspoon of cumin. I let it cook for about 20 minutes until my leftover rice heated up in the toaster oven. It is seriously so good!
No. 946663
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I made a BLT for the first time today, I only know about it through american memes similar to this one and haven't had bread in my house for months, so it was mildly exciting to me, haha. I followed a short youtube tutorial to make it and was a bit skeptical about the mayo, but it turned out very tasty, I've been fighting the urge to make a second one.
No. 946799
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I was watching something about alien abductions lastnight. Feel asleep with it still on. Somehow slept for a solid 13 hours and then at 1pm woke up with a banging headache.
I haven't woken up that late in years. Had a whole lot of sex dreams about a guy that I like and after getting ready and leaving the house I ran into him after months of not seeing him around.. right after my marathon of sex dreams about him! Weird night/morning/afternoon it was.
No. 946892
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No. 946956
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I've begun knotting my floss and I won't ever stop. it's amazing how much more stuff you get out when there's a knot
No. 947227
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I’m skeptical that I’ll ever get to a point in my life where it’s worth living. Things don’t give me joy or satisfaction, I’m just existing. I’m about to graduate and people tell me things will get better, but how is moving to a new place and having a full-time day job going to fix that? Yeah my stress level will probably go down but that doesn’t magically give life meaning. Honestly I’ll probably graduate, get a new job in a new place just as one last Hail Mary, and then assuming that doesn’t work I’ll off myself.
No. 947229
>>947227Maybe get a job at a farm
nonny, they seem to be the happiest of ppl.
No. 947313
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Perth, Western Australia
>woke up, cuddled my gf
>we went to get a takeaway coffee and some breakfast
>her brother, his wife and her nephew arrived at our house
>she took him out to paw patrol movie
>I stayed at home because I'm supposed to be studying for an exam next month
>instead browsed here, polished my work boots, did a load of washing and put the dishwasher on while listening to a podcast
>want to go to the gym today but there was a threatening rapey scrote there yesterday, leering at me the whole time and making lewd gestures
>tried to ignore, it was afterhours so no gym staff around
No. 947517
>>947508I tried hatching wyandotte bantam eggs. Only one made it, though I had to free it from the shell after 12 hours. It looked too sickly so I put it down.
Some neighbours had some mixes though, and other breeds so I got a bit of an assortment. Next year I was planning to take in a bunch of hybrid hens from the farms. Deserve a good place for their last few years.
No. 947522
File: 1634987004299.jpg (43.12 KB, 680x680, Frozen-Grapes-The-Best-Snack-E…)

I love frozen grapes, they taste so good. nature's candy for sure. if you have any grapes in your possesion right now, go immediately to your freezer and put them in there. they taste 100x better this way
>>940887I used to have this exact set (though in paperback) and the cover art is gorgeous - good choice! enjoy the books!
>>941553beautiful painting. I used to have cat just like that
>>941989some women are hairier than others anon
No. 947531
>>947528They are!! I definitely didn't give up. At least now I know it's the incubator. Did manage to hatch one wyandotte chick. We call her chirp chirp because she was alone and she'd call for us. Blue laced wyandotte.
Eventually I just got her two silkies as companions. They still all sleep curled up on the chicken coop floor somewhere.
Chickens are awesome.
No. 947960
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>>947078yeah, I can tell a huge difference. I use cocofloss because normal floss is shit imo and it tastes really good. I hope you can try it,
nonnie. it kind of separates into a bunch of strands between your teeth and work great at trapping shit inside the strand vs having to rely on food sticking to flat waxed floss
>>947143I heard it's not as effective but the idea of it intrigues me. I bet it feels nice
No. 948070
>>947960>I heard it's not as effective but the idea of it intrigues me. I bet it feels niceI hear that too but research shows that it's just as or more effective (eg:,
I guess combining the two is ideal, but I have braces so I'm reliant on my waterpik. And I shill it when I get the chance because I always hated flossing, I found it really difficult to get to some areas, and an easy to use alternative was a godsend for me.
No. 948156
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My grandmother was talking to me about her arthritis yesterday, and now my hand is faintly aching today…Am I slowly absorbing her arthritis?
No. 948168
>>948158Anon that would hurt you a lot
Just take care of your granny
No. 948805
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Today I killed god and satan, what did you do today?
No. 948840
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>>948805I started arguing on an instagram post comment section for gun
No. 949226
>>949214I’m sorry you had to cry so much,
nonnie, please feel better soon.
No. 949410
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>>949175>>949187Hey it’s today! Happy hurricane thanksgiving, nonnies!
No. 949425
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Made fajita pasta for dinner, uncomfortably full but so worth it hehe
No. 949461
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now that i have a flatmate i can no longer fart and shit peacefully on my lonely throne
No. 949742
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I think that I just realized that one dude I used to casually look on Tumblr was a tranny chaser all along. Ew.
No. 949906
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It's still not gone, be careful scrolling
No. 949910
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Getting my second jab in about five and a half hours.
No. 949985
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GORE, do not scroll
No. 950000
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Bumping, gore blow
No. 950473
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I'm gonna trim my dog's nails today, hope she doesn't put up too much of a fight. I wish I could strap her into a full body harness and hang her up to do it but there's nowhere to hang her from kek
No. 951072
>>951006my period has BEEN here. chop chop, keep up
No. 951690
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>>951686Happy birthdaaaaay
No. 951911
>>951691Mine is usually runny! This was scarily accurate to the video of the person playing with clear slime, but smaller and a bit cloudier.
>>951656Damn maybe I’m ovulating. Is that why I’ve felt like such a massive bitch the past few days? kek
No. 952318
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I’m so mad, I wanted to give to my friend a cute pin from the Death Valley, and I got one for myself as well.
But because I had to carry my brother’s autistic friend’s shit, I think I mixed them with his shit and now I can’t find them anywhere.
I’m mad because I will never go there again because even though it was pretty cool, I have to visit other places too, and the pin was cute a small with the highest temperature that the valley can reach, kind of like pic related but I think mine was rounder? And the one I got for my friend had a pretty constellation.
Autistic men need to be locked in a basement forever.
No. 953561
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I’m hungry, I don’t want to cook, there’s too many cockroaches everywhere, I want to order something, but I don’t want to order something because that means I would have to get something for my brother too, and that I then wouldn’t be able to have something ordered for dinner because I hate ordering too much food on a single day.
I only like ordering stuff like, twice a week at most because while restaurant food and fast food are delicious, they’re extremely unhealthy.
I also get salty because I can make most of the things that are advertised in apps, but I don’t really have the energy or ingredients to make them right now.
Still, waffles shouldn’t be so fucking expensive, I can make them from scratch when I have my waffle maker and I can even make them healthier than whatever the store is making.
But I don’t have my waffle maker, how annoying.
I’m also saltier than the Dead Sea because I still haven’t been able to find the stupid recipe for Denny’s 9 grains pancakes and I need them.
No. 953814
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I had bitter melon for dinner last night and it didn't taste remotely bitter. I only started liking it this year, but I could still taste the bitterness of it, it was just more tolerable. Now I can't taste the bitterness at all. Changing taste buds are so weird.
No. 954026
File: 1635546555084.png (75.48 KB, 300x100, husbandos.png)

made one last banner for the husbando girls on /m/
No. 954036
>>954026Now we need a banner with pictures of yourself because you’re my waifu. Love you,
No. 954043
File: 1635547793801.jpg (75.62 KB, 719x960, 1431605494609.jpg)

Absentmindedly picked up italian sausage for a recipe that requires kielbasa. I can make it work.
No. 954066
>>954026It's great, happy for those husbandofags. I wish we got a 3DP husbandofag one (even if current admin would never upload it)
Godspeed, based farmer!
No. 954166
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I’m nervous because I’m meeting some friends tomorrow, it has been such a long time since I went out.
No. 954239
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Today I found out a female-only Brazilian image board.
Recently I figured out there's a ton more imageboards than I had tought about before, and whenever I find new female only image boards it makes me feel very happy.
There's also a spanish speaking one fyi
No. 954311
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>>954239>brazilian and spanish women only imageboardsPLEASE share the link
No. 954443
>>954348I think you have to start with knowing lots of code
>>954307That sucks. On the upside you could use reuseable pads or a cup if wasting a few pads is a big deal.
No. 954602
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>>954311Hi nonita, just woke up a while ago, here you go ♥
Brazilian one: speaking one: club is really slow tho
maybe its anons are busy with work/uni rn, wich is a shame because it has such a cute aesthetic, but I guess you could still try posting there
No. 954646
>>954443Yeah, I've thought about getting period panties or a cup. I guess it's not a big deal that I used pads, I just don't like wasting them.
Anyway, I actually did start bleeding, but it's like the blood I get when my period is almost over. Like a very small amount of brown blood. I'm sure it'll kick into full gear later.
No. 954767
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My grandfather always had a stash of chocolate in his closet. He would always give us a dark chocolate Aero whenever we were visiting. They've been discontinued for a while and I've been craving one for a long time. I've been thinking a lot about him lately. I used to buy one every time it happened.
I miss him.
No. 954825
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i ordered an e-reader and i'm sooo excited for it to arrive.
No. 954860
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>>954853>>9548532 for 1 special.
No. 954976
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I think I found a lolcow user on lineplay? Maybe? Either way, hi! Love your room.
No. 955070
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I really want to get braids but god, I do not want to go through the process of getting braids.
Anyway, Happy Halloween anons.
No. 955071
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>>955070Samefagging cause I thought this photo was really cute despite the shitty quality
No. 955527
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Got new velvet pillows and new blankets for the change in seasons. I like to go on urban outfitters and whatever furnishings I like, i find a more affordable version on Wayfair kek
No. 956109
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>>955104Your welcome
nonny. Here's another pic cause I can't stop thinking about this dog, I like to imagine it's in a Barbie costume.
No. 956121
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In the past couple weeks I’ve inexplicably become unable to handle maybe 3ish beer’s worth of alcohol without feeling SUPER ill. Ngl I miss feeling tipsy/drunk but this has been such a blessing in disguise thank you universe
No. 956363
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I'm cooling off and making my bland back up lunch right now. I'm a fool.
No. 956557
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My energy is fucking SHOT today, even after that big ol cup of coffee, and I've still got 2 more classes to go to. Just gonna clean, get them over with, and then chill out and watch the sunset in the solarium while I do homework
No. 956953
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>>956438Samefag, it's back. Once again, these colors would look terrible on me, but god they are so cute. I love the pink/red one.
No. 957164
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i lost 22lbs since my birthday mid-may!
No. 957291
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>>956957I think the pinks are the best in the set tbh, but the 4th color is really nice.
Anyway, I settled for a very basic polygel kit, and these gel polishes. I'm super excited cause I feel like these colors are way more my speed, even though I usually don't do pastels. These would've been nice in the summer, but I don't care that much about coordinating my nails with the season anyway
fuck I love online shopping.
No. 957304
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My buttcheeks hurt, like I’m clenching them so hard that I feel like I’ve been lifting with them.
No. 957404
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It's the first anniversary of my fathers passing and I really miss him. He was an awesome guy, wish he was still here.
No. 957489
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I tinted my brows for the first time since 2019 and damn I look human again, love this for me
No. 957566
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I am eating a mcgangbang
Using this pic for no reason but to piss off anime haters
No. 957740
nonnie. I would do the same thing but I'm not eligible for loans.
No. 957755
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It’s my bday and I’ve just had a quiet laidback day, got some new glasses and a roommate got me a cake which was very sweet of him hehe
No. 957762
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>>957755Sounds perfecto. Happy Birthday anon ♥
No. 957931
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>>957908Enjoying my oatmeal now hehehe
No. 957935
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Had my first AA meeting this evening.
I feel hopeful for the future again.
No. 957947
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>>957931Good job patient anon.
No. 958385
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I just mutilated a *Dove ~beauty bar~* because I’m too paranoid about using my zelle to buy stuff on apps.
At least I got more dish soap for the rest of the week.
No. 958551
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>Write summary
>Only sees later that summary needs to be 100 word max
>Checks the word count for mine
>Exactly 100 words
oh happy day
No. 958663
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My math professor looks like Guy Tang; I’m being taught (and constantly scolded because I suck at nerd-math) by a skinny, filler-less version of Guy Tang…
No. 958959
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I wanna try fake lashes but I'm afraid they'll make me start disliking how I look without them and become dependent on them to go out. They're so cute though.
No. 959060
>>958959I feel the same way but getting small, wispy ones or even the little flared ones to add to the end of your lash line make a nice boost.
Japanese lashes tend to be a bit subtler and not as overdramatic when you’re beginning to wear lashes.
No. 959141
>>959123thats so nice
nonnie! glad you found a cute raincoat
No. 959420
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I wish I could have a nice and healthy /out/door lifestyle but I'm pretty much stuck in the city with my city-loving family rn. I keep finding a bunch of forum websites for foraging, home brewing etc and I've never wanted to live near the woods in a cottage by myself as much as I do now!
No. 959456
>>959420I kind of get you, I wish I had lots of money to go out on camping trips and such, that would be amazing.
And I want a cute house in some cozy town so I could have a small garden with my own fruits and veggies, also some chickens so I can have eggs and maybe a cute cow.
No. 959623
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I’m feeling fresh as fuck, I did some exercise, washed my hair, had a delish donut and now I’m playing animal crossing.
I will finish my assignment after fixing some cliffs and playing with my dog. My body feels light, I really needed that shower.
No. 960612
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I’m finally finishing this annoying ass assignment, I hate that I can investigate everything at once, but that then organizing the information takes me hours if not days to finish.
I want some really dark chocolate, cookies, dark hot chocolate and dark chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate sprinkles on top and maybe some cherries.
I also don’t know what to have for dinner, I could order something but I kind of like how I cook as well, so I might end up having oatmeal for dinner like any other time that I don’t know what to eat.
No. 960824
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I had some nice fish burritos, I thought I would only have enough fish for only one burrito, but I had enough for two fish burritos and that’s nice.
Kind of like pic related but not friend, it was more like stir fried fish.
No. 961084
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I bought one of these. It says to lie down on them to relieve headache, but I just placed the spikes against the spot on my head where it hurt and squeezed the pillow down against my scalp. It felt really nice.
No. 961216
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>>961207I read some years ago that eating an apple and drinking some cold water is better than having coffee.
But I just read that while they do give you some energy, and are healthier than having coffee or energy drinks, they won’t, of course, give you as much energy as coffee and energy drinks.
No. 961236
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I was sick of doing homework so I went for a walk and I took my camera. It was nice I saw lots of nice places and took many photos. Look at this. And imagine there is no fence. I don't know what it is but it's cool
No. 962608
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i have the worst crush on this guy that's 5 years younger than me. he's awkward and dorky and has such a nice, quiet voice. we watched a movie together and i wanted him to hold my hand so badly ugh. i know it's never going to work out but god, a girl can dream.
No. 963036
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ahhhhh it feels SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD to finish 1 task. The reward I feel on my brain is amazing. I feel relaxed. Good shit!!!!!
No. 963197
>>963120This just happened to me two days ago. Tim Hortons, I ordered a black iced coffee because I'm lactose intolerant.
Guy had trouble punching in the order, he was a teen boy. I was being polite the whole time.
Eventually the other worker came over and put it in but the first guy made my drink and brought it over.
Iced coffee with cream.
Me: "This has cream in it"
Him: "No, there is no cream in this."
Me: "I can see it, there's cream"
Him: "No, I did not put cream inside."
The other worker came over, says "I saw him put cream in it." and remakes it.
I hate that women get such a hard rap when it comes to dealing with fast food workers when most of them are more entitled than the customer
No. 963224
Speaking of shitty retail workers, it reminds me of how much of an ass I was when I worked in retail. I worked at Target over the summers during college and it was such a soul sucking, depressing time. I would give customers shit if they tried to argue about a price being different, or if they tried to use a fuck ton of coupons to buy travel sized items (travel sizes are excluded). When I worked at a different retail store after college, it was a nicer environment and I really enjoyed helping customers and going out of my way to help them find what they needed, chatting with them especially about gifts to get others or stuff that might suit them, but over time the combination of changing management and just general depression made me feel contempt and I'd be significantly less helpful and more stand offish to people. I could recognize my own behavior and it was so black and white how different I was, but I felt like I couldn't control my bitchiness because I was just so angry with everything.
Nowadays when I go to Target I'm always nervous when I ask for a price change but the cashiers are always very nice and just change it for me, and I ask myself why I didn't just do it without arguing since it was really no skin off my back. Like, you're so miserable that you just want to shit on people's day no matter what. Getting a dollar off an item is such a tiny joy, there's no point in taking that away from people. Even if someone else thinks "hah! I sure showed her!" it's not like people are gonna gloat all day to themselves about showing up some random cashier unless they're a fucking weirdo (in which case, their opinions don't matter anyway because they're weird).
Needless to say, I did leave and no longer work in retail. I'm a lot happier, more nonchalant, and don't bother trying to fight with people/customers in the workplace anymore. I think the customer base of the Target I was at just kind of sucked overall, but there were some funny people too. I will always remember the lady who bought like $200 worth of stuff and then said "would you believe me if I told you I just came in here for orange juice?" kek. Or this man who came in a few times with his son who was very sweet and would say hi and thank you to me. I think there's a lot of fun in retail, but it's easy to have to wear you down and turn you into a miserable person. I'm very jealous of people who are able to be kind even when they're being screamed at.
No. 963229
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I bought water and the bottle has two stamps, "Vegan," "Organic".
No. 963235
It’s weird, I kind of like not using a microwave, like, sure, the microwave makes your life easier, but when I put the food in my tiny oven, it kind of comes out tasting even better than when I first cooked it? It’s weird but a good kind of weird.
I only wish the plates didn’t come out hotter than the earth’s core though, but I grab the plate with a kitchen rag and it’s okay, then again, it feels fancy because it’s like eating food at a restaurant with warm or hot plates.
So like, I know people talk about microwave sage plates, but which plates won’t break if I put them in a tiny oven? These haven’t broken yet, but I’m afraid of them breaking because of the heat or something.
I just had a delicious chicken with potato and carrot salad with extra lettuce because I love the texture and how I feel after I have lettuce, it’s just neat.
No. 963242
>>963229This made me guffaw
>>963224One of the most impactful things is the management. If you have shit management that doesn't make you feel valuable you're more likely to be far more miserable than if you were only dealing with customers. I worked at Tim's for seven years like I mentioned, but what I didn't mention was that it was 5 different locations. I left 4 others because the management was bonkers bad and made an environment that felt hostile. The workers had cliques and I felt alone and isolated and depressed. Then I started working at this one location downtown and suddenly it was like working with a real team. We all became friends, we went to parties together and did karaoke and shit, it made going to work exciting because I get to see so-and-so and we get to spend a whole day together. Me and my boss still had spats (I've got a bit of an attitude but I go way above and beyond when I work) but she was a fucking lovely woman. When my cat passed away she held me and cried with me for like ten minutes and let me leave work for a few days. I miss her. I miss that environment. The contempt for customers started when everyone started when the manager moved away with her husband, and suddenly it was like a funeral procession and we all left one after another.
No. 963248
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>>963235Get yourself different sizes and shapes or ramekins, especially these ones with the small handles. I always use my tiny oven to reheat food. The way a microwave works makes the food taste way worse, it basically sucks all the moisture out.
No. 963480
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my tummy hurts. I suspect it was a combination of taking too many painkillers for cramps and then eating an ungodly amount of pasta
No. 963567
File: 1636409618825.jpg (4.41 MB, 3298x4199, ichouiguess.jpg)

All this time I thought ginkos were called ginko in Japanese, too, since it works so well in Japanese I didn't have a reason to assume otherwise. Now I learn though it's called ichou in Japanese, and motherfucker isn't even Japanese like I thought, but Chinese.
No. 963578
>>963235I haven't used a microwave in years, much prefer a toaster oven for exactly the reason you mention. When people say they don't like leftovers, I always assume that they're heating them up in a microwave.
What you need is some pyrex. You can usually pick it up at thrift stores for cheap. At minimum, get 2 of the same size pie plates (I like the smaller 8 inch size). When you have leftovers, put them in one plate and use the other for a lid. Store in fridge, then reheat in toaster oven when you're ready to eat it. Pyrex also made all kinds of bowls and other dishes in sizes suitable for one person. I've acquired a nice selection for pennies.
No. 963795
My aunt wants to gift me some things for Christmas, I picked some socks on Amazon, they got cute dogs, she told me to pick an extra thing like some pajamas or a sweater.
I wanted to pick something with cows, but idk, Amazon has some really shit quality when it comes to cheap stuff, I don’t want my aunt to spend more than 30 dollars, the socks are 10 dollars because it’s a pack of 5 pairs.
I was also thinking of getting a bucket hat, but my brother is annoying as fuck and I will get criticized to hell and back for daring to want to buy something different to what I usually buy, it’s the same with the idea of getting some interesting fabrics, I kind of want some minky fabric so that when I finally learn how to sew, I can have something nice to make plushies with. But I don’t know how to sew yet, and I’m sure everyone will get mad at me for picking something like that.
And then again, I wouldn’t mind getting even more scrunchies, I use them a lot because I got long hair and I sweat a lot.
No. 963802
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I'm so sleepy but I just woke up from a nap and I need to stay awake. I love bonnets. They keep my ears and head warm, and they help secure my bluetooth headphones so I don't have to worry about them falling out.
No. 964114
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Broke up with my boyfriend of 9 years and now my goal is to ignore him and my bad feelings and to get buff like leanbeefpatty. Wish my 90 pound ass luck, nonnies.
No. 964126
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I recently got some new strings for my bass guitar, got her all cleaned and repaired and the sound is so much better now. Definitely made my terrible week better
No. 964188
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Commissioned someone for gifts for my best friends and I and I'm talking with the person now to work out all the details. Can't post what it is since I'm sure my bitch ass friends browse here, but I'm excited as fuck.
No. 964502
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Does anyone else remember?
No. 964504
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Just made a lot of kimchi. I don't know how much, but I am guessing around 2kg cause that bitch is heavy.
I hope it turns out good, cause I tasted it a bit raw and it was nice, but the ginger was a bit overwhelming. I know I should've gone with my instincts and put in a little less of it lol
The only downside of making kimchi is really not knowing how the taste will end up due to many outside factos, even weather.
No. 964560
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>>964502I would've been obsessed with this as a kid, it's super cute. I played with pic rel (MyScene mansion) nearly every day for years. Wish I still had the imagination to play with dolls.
No. 964601
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>>964542Lol no problem
nonnie. I'll let you know in 5 days time.
Meanwhile, my brother almost closed the lid completely, I had to stop him and tell him that if he did that, the kimchi jar would've exploded from the pressure of the fermentation gases inside. He didn't know
No. 964627
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>>964570I also made my barbies star in an intense telenovela. I miss it! I bet someone is making a photocomic like that
No. 964710
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>>954602I clicked on the link to anomia club and the first thing I saw was a semi-cropped image of what looked like to maybe be cp. It was showing some skin, but it was titled 'sexy young baby' and a weird link to a sketchy website. Fuck, not even Spanish websites are safe from moids
No. 964733
>>964710That’s so shitty, when I got in by the moment
nonnie posted the link, I honestly just saw the few threads they got that are kind of dead, it’s so sad because it’s a really cute site.
No. 964799
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>>964769nta but thanks, now I understand why I always feel off balance
No. 964905
>>964799The right hand side is a high arch and is a favorite of foot fetishist scrotes, be careful anons who stand weirdly and want to discuss it with any men kek
(I am one of the people who stand weirdly, hypermobility too)
No. 965199
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Galapagos Syndrome:
"The term was coined in Japan to describe their Cell Phone technology (garakei, from Galápagos and keitai denwa, the Japanese term for "mobile phone") and how it evolved on a completely separate track from that of the West, producing high-tech flip phones that could send and receive email, surf the web at 3G speeds, and play sophisticated games in a time when Western cell phones (apart from the BlackBerry, which was seen mostly as a business tool) were considered high-end if they could take pictures. They were the envy of the world in the 2000s, but due to lagging infrastructure outside Japan, they couldn't be exported, and so the Japanese cell phone industry ignored non-domestic markets almost entirely. As such, it was painfully slow to catch on to the smartphone revolution in the '10s, with foreign iPhones, Android phones, and Windows phones catching the garakei makers completely off-guard and snagging massive market share. The term has since been applied to other fields of Japanese technology, including its ATMs, its cars, and its video games, due to both different infrastructure and a cultural emphasis on isolationism."
This is why when e-thots say they want their flip phones back they have no fucking idea what they're talking about
No. 965205
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Also TIL
"Barbie is one of Mattel's biggest Cash Cow Franchise even to this day. But Japanese sales of the doll are dismal, due to her grown-up nature, compared to the 11-year old Japanese doll, Licca-chan. The reason why is a pretty simple cultural difference: international standards for women push them to be physically attractive and sexually appealing, while Japanese ones value youthfulness, cuteness, and innocence."
I liked both of these doll lines as a kid/teen and I still like them today, but would not get one simply because I'm not interested anymore. Still, I think they're better than bratz and lolsurprises or whatever they're called nowadays.
No. 965207
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>>965203They usually repost pictures of old japanese hello kitty phones, at least that's what I've seen
No. 965248
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Another TIL (sorry for posting so many, I love sharing them with you all)
"Bart was undeniably the Breakout Character early in the show's run in the United States, but he was loathed in Japan. This is because Bart's rebellious, loud nature clashes strongly against Japanese culture's emphasis on obedience and quiet politeness, especially due to how most authority figures in the show were powerless to stop him. The Japanese localizers knew their audiences would hate Bart, however, and downplayed him in favor of Lisa, whose studiousness and gentleness made her a more relatable protagonist than Bart (of course, she is tossed a Jerkass Ball in a passive-aggressive way every now and then, but she's mostly mellow). Being more subtle in your snark helps in Japan. In a weird twist of this, Lisa has become one of the more controversial characters in the American fandom. Some fans actually blame it on the Japanese fandom, occasionally accusing the creators of centering too many episodes on Lisa to increase the show's marketability in Japan."
No. 965249
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>>965248And some more:
"Japan doesn't like Ed, Edd n Eddy very much according to YouTube, likely due to the show's disregard for authority (or, rather, complete lack of it, due to there being exactly zero adults among the Minimalist Cast), which strongly clashes the aforementioned Japanese ideals of authority figures, and the show's grotesque art style coming off as bizarre to Japanese audiences."
"Peppa Pig and its sister show, Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom are unpopular in Russia, especially the former. The fact they air on Karusel, a network infamous for its divisive My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic dub, doesn't help. Also, while Peppa Pig as a whole is very popular in Australia, one episode has been banned due to having the moral that "spiders are very small and cannot hurt you" — something notoriously untrue in Australia, where even non-venomous spiders can have a very painful and possibly lethal bite."
"Preschool shows that utilize Fake Interactivity, such as Dora the Explorer and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, aren't as well-liked in Japan as they are in other parts of the world, possibly because Japanese children don't like being talked down to by other people. Not helping matters is that any attempt to air these types of preschool shows in Japan have been met with ratings lower than any domestic animation aired in the country. For example, when Dora aired on TV Tokyo, it was constantly the lowest-rated animated show on Japanese broadcast TV."
No. 965269
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I bought some extremely discounted boots that would be good for a goth club but there are no goth clubs here, can't go to a regular club either cause I don't have friends
Wondering if I should just get rid of them
No. 965271
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Another random TIL
"PSY's memetic hit "Gangnam Style" has been popular everywhere in the world… except Japan, where he received a horrible reception. This article explains this as being due to PSY not fitting the stereotype that the Japanese have of Korean pop stars being incredibly good-looking, on top of anything that isn't mainstream not doing well (PSY's song was a parody of K-Pop, and he normally does genres that aren't mainstream pop)"
No. 965272
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>>965271Ohhh this one is very cool
"Most non-American hip-hop artists rap in their native language, and the ones that perform in English will have a noticeable foreign accent, two traits unpopular with American listeners. There is room for Canadian rappers due to the similarity in speech, with Drake being the most famous example, but only if their preferred language is English rather than French. Australian Iggy Azalea is the exception that proves the rule; she left home as a teen in order to move to the US for the specific purpose of making it big internationally, and she goes to great lengths to hide her native accent in favor of sounding like a black girl from Atlanta. Perhaps the only international rap group to be successful in the US with their native accent is the South African duo Die Antwoord."
No. 965273
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Jesus Christ how can the Japanese be so autistic.
No. 965805
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The cutest sight in this world is watching your cat clean its own ears, I won't accept any other suggestions.
No. 965835
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>>965805False, it's watching your bunny clean it ears
No. 965888
>>965848>>965872Thanks nonnas, I too did have drama related to twitter and ended up cutting off a huge chunk of people, now my discord friends are my only source of socialization. I feel like I don't deserve the social burnout, and they will forget me immediately idk.
>>965875holyshit. Are you in the same server as him? Or did you mean his discord status (idk how it works lol I'm invisible 24/7)
Sorry for the experience anon, and thank you for sharing as well.
No. 966307
>>965875We're in the same server, funnily enough the whole reason I stopped talking to him was because he was talking vaguely about me in the server, it was really uncomfortable.
>>965913I have a weird sense of solidarity with you, anon. It's probably best to avoid the server if you can, or post minimally. Or else you risk the scrote blowing up your dms kek
No. 966327
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i wanna try that palce that makes fluffy pancakes with a bunch of shit on them but there's always a huge waiting line
No. 966571
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I like this new grapefruit lip balm I got, I thought I would hate it because I hate grapefruit juice, but I’ve noticed that grapefruit candies are actually nice.
Are natural grapefruits always bitter? Because I would like to give them a chance in the future. And while looking for a cute grapefruit, I found pic related, I will spoiler it because I don’t know if mods would get mad at it.
No. 966592
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I desperately need energy right now
No. 966696
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>>966625Yes, and I'm coming for your energy next, anon.
No. 967216
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>>967173you made me curious and damn, the google image results are hilarious
No. 967568
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I found my old dA account and went through my likes (the new site layout is terrible btw). I realized the outfit of an OC I've had since I'm like eleven is so inspired by one of the outfits I saved from there, you can't even call it inspiration anymore but blatant copying. Kinda disappointed because it feels so right for her, but now that I know it I don't wanna keep it like that either, so I'm gonna change it. At least I have an excuse to make another deep dive into wa lolita fashion, and considering now about a decade later I understand both English and Japanese, I can even look for guides without having to try to figure out the rules by comparing different outfits and finding similarities and must-haves all by myself.
No. 967573
visiting lolcow for the first time in a little while, I missed you all!
>>963229it's so odd when they label food and drink this way. I buy nuts and they read vegan on the pack too, it's so unnecessary. who thinks nuts may not be vegan
>>963341try almond or oat. both are delicious!