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No. 906469
previous thread
>>>/ot/887134Obligatory disclaimers:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 906496
>>906473I'd honestly stop posting, captcha is so annoying to get through. I can't count the amount of times I swore I got it right and still managed to fail like 5 times in a row.
Is captcha even effective? I've also heard people say that humans actually struggle more than robots do with captcha
No. 906500
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>>906469Cleavage looks like a buttcrack. When I see just a peek of cleavage, like on a v-neck, I think of a buttcrack.
No. 906510
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>>906500what about elbows anon
No. 906950
>>906909my post was obviously super concise,but if you want a more detailed explanation of why this book in particular sucks, here's a link to a goodreads review that explains it a lot better than I can
nonnie: No. 907106
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Men need daily concealer way more than women. Dark eyebags on men make them look unwashed, why can't they just use a little concealer to look ten years younger and semi sober. I'll never understand men in thousand dollar suits heading corporations or on red carpets while having greasy, baggy, blemished faces.
No. 907276
>>907106I’d rather blemishes and dark eye bags be ok for women to expose than for everyone to cover them up
t. Someone with dark eye bags who can’t be bothered to wear concealer
No. 907480
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>>907276undereye concealer looks retarded and unnatural 99% of the time anyway. i'd rather have dark circles than look like picrel.
No. 908295
>>908284Samefag and everyone is chill on Thanksgiving but there is
always Shit Going Down on Christmas they’re two totally different holidays
No. 908432
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>>908429Burn them all down
No. 908473
>>907106 Concealer in real life just doesn’t look good at all though. It creases, it dries. It’s technically a fucking scam. That’s why women with good skin and features skip a lot of the steps in makeup irl.
Nothing is better than good genetics, water and a good sleep. Or fillers.
No. 908475
>>908468I disagree because it looks fake as fuck and they all have the same look. tons of cheek filler, tons of lip filler, they usually get a nose job and fake lashes. so basically they all end up looking like the corpse bride, no thank you.
also, when you say "youngster" I really hope you mean young woman, because when I hear that word I think of literal children.
No. 908479
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>>908471Marilyn Monroe in her time was also considered a fake fad. Btw just because you’re bi doesn’t mean your opinion on what’s good looking and what’s not good looking actually matters lol. I’m straight and I loved pamela anderson’s style back then, people considered it a fake fad as well. And many people lie to themselves that it’s ugly but it’s really not and it most definitely is not a fad but in fact timeless and has been timeless since the 1950s.
>>908475When I think of youngsters these days I think of 21 year olds that live with their mom.
>>908474 Kim K in 2007 was a godess
No. 908481
>>908475I think your natural face will always look better then anything fake that was not even made with you and your unique feature combo in mind. That's why a lot of surgery and make up can look wack because of skewed views on one's self, I suppose. It's not made to be flattering in a sense so it can become a vicious cycle on its own
Though I wonder if surgery standards fell down the drain. I still can't believe Marilyn Monroe had surgeries because she looks pretty danm
good to me and looking at what little photos there is of her as just plain old Norma one could think it's just weight lost and aging.
No. 908484
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>>908468I have no problem admitting that I'm jealous of some womens looks but this ain't it. I'm convinced the ig look was pushed so hard between 2015-2019 because brands were trying to sell women the maximum about of products possible. Now they've moved on to skincare
No. 908486
>>908474It's definitely a meme and looks uncanny.
>>908479Monroe wore a shit ton of makeup which I also find unattractive. It seems you don't understand that there are people into the natural look.
No. 908489
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>>908485>Thor fashionNow THAT is a hot look.
No. 908491
>>908486> It seems you don't understand that there are people into the natural look.Oh I understand, that’s why I’m posting it in the unpopular opinions thread.
>>908485I said hot but I meant stylish. I don’t care about men/women creatures who unironically sexualize women.
No. 908494
>>908491My point still somewhat stands. If there not into main stream looks of nowadays they won't like it point blank and aren't somehow " in denial "
Hell, maybe they like what was mainstream, stylish and cutting edge 40 years ago if into the vintage look
No. 908495
>>908484This is not the only instagram look. Believe it or not it can look “natural”. Bella Hadid for instance?
>>908490Had she lived today she’d be considered an instagram “thot”.
Also another opinion: if you’re a woman who says thot, do ironically kys.
No. 908499
>>908484These ig baddie looks always look absolutely hideous in real life. The "look" in itself can look good, but it makes the skin texture look absolutely awful, even on clear skin. I also can't be bothered to take 30 minutes to an hour out of my day to do a full face like this, let alone spend a lot of money on multiple products. It just seems like a waste of money and time to me. Also, that shit rubs off everywhere and melts off your face in summer, even with setting spray and primers.
I've never been jealous of them because damn near everyone can recreate it or get a MUA to do it. I am envious of some womens' facial features who look great completely natural though. Like, if they have naturally full lips or long eyelashes.
No. 908502
>>908495Duh, Marilyn was hot in a conventional way for her time so she likely would have been a quote on quote Thot. She just registers differently nowadays do to trends changing and the fact she had a pretty danm depressing life.
Though I actually like her movies so I'm endeared to her differently then a lot of social media models or Internet celebs. I sort of like her so I see her more fairly
No. 908509
>>908504Style wise fucking yes. I’m complimenting old-her for pulling together a nice fit, hair and makeup etc…
No. 908527
>>908514I still can’t choose but maybe Audrey Hepburn was my fave dressed woman because she’s a polyglot and just has a wonderful personality too.
Though sad as it is audrey would be considered today insta “thot” too. What’s even more sad is that she thought of herself as ugly and that she had size 10.5 feet. The latter being sad because big feet causes complications.
>>908519You mean judy garland, who’s been marketed as a sarah jessica parker?
No. 908535
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>>908514Bette Davis has always been my favourite. Tiny woman with a big personality.
No. 908536
>>908531In the movie gigi that was leslie caron those gorgeous blue eyes will never be of judy garland.
Sorry I’m just a fan of movies in general.
>>908533SJP definitely
No. 908550
>>908547It's not NLOG to think the IG look is unattractive. Women wearing makeup styles made up by gay men/drag queen to hide their own male features just does the opposite to actual women.
Literally any style is better, even ones with heavy makeup.
If someone has bad skin or doesn't like their body but wants big tits/ass or something, I can imagine a weird "aspirational" appeal to it, I just can't relate. It looks mannish and weird to me. Even actual androgynous women with "big" features are more appealing when they're not styled that way.
No. 908555
>>908468Now THIS is a worthy unpopular opinion lmao.
Btw straight men just like it when they think women are spending tons of money and effort to fuss over appealing to their dicks. It's why they have always liked iterations of makeup, plastic surgery, and hair dye because they think all those things are done to attract their attention. And some women absolutely want that. But will any woman ever appeal to all men? Nope. Men are also fickle bastards which is part of their game.
I myself don't care for the IG look but I think I'm jealous for different reasons. When I see people like that I'm more jealous about the disposable income, free time, and mental energy to put on the thot act day in and day out. If I had those things I'd be who I'd want to be too…but it wouldn't be an IG baddie.
No. 908559
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Elle woods was a subpar lawyer and her looks were the sole reason she managed to enter Harvard no matter how much the movie tries to make you believe otherwise.
No. 908581
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>>908568I heard there even are imageboards that are focused on making fun of women's appearance, isn't that fucked up
No. 908594
>>908583Yup, I only get somewhat annoyed with them depending on their personality (I.e they hold other women to their unreasonable standards when they aren't even a "natural" beauty) or chill shit like fillers or augmenting stuff willy nilly. I think I just in the end don't want to get dragged or put down because some people can't cope with themselves since I'm not at fault for their insecurities and try not to be dismissive of woman's looks even if I don't find them pretty ( because I still see them as people with feelings)
I'll never shit on a woman for getting shit reduced especially if breasts. Be it convinience, back problems or not wanting to be sexuslize I sort of get it in a different way then i do those that oversexualize themselves ( I still feel bad but differently ) and I'm biased I guess because I'm planning on reducing my breast too for back related reasons.
No. 908614
>>908581I agree with the other anon. It's just a side effect that when a cow acts like a cow, the easiest thing for most people to mock is their appearance (and the nitpicking does get annoying). Something about someone being obnoxious (or a truly bad person)
and unattractive really grates on most people's nerves.
The really annoying thing, IMO, is that men actually deserve both kinds of insults way more, but the focus is nearly always on women. The game is already rigged against us, but they get off scott free, even when they're disgusting neckbeards.
No. 908615
>>908568Generally speaking, trying to hide or fix a flaw that bullies poked fun at is signaling to the bullies that you are in fact insecure and can be manipulated.
Best to grey rock and give off the impression that you dgaf what other people think and own who you are.
No. 908626
>>908619NTA but some anons here really take that "if you're ugly on the inside it shows on the surface" meme to heart to the point they refuse to believe an attractive person could have a nasty personality. It's a psychological cope that's been studied, physically attractive people are more likely to be liked and forgiven for their flaws which is why anons really need to hammer in how a moderately good looking cow is actually deformed. And to be fair even if she was objectively ugly it wouldn't be milk.
The only instances where I find observations about physical appearance being justified is when some bitch constantly brags about certain features of her appearance to the point it doesn't meet reality at all (like all the stocky e-girls claiming they're smol bean IRL lolis to pander to pedo scrotes) and puts down other women while doing it. But even in that context it's more about her being a delusional narcissist, not her appearance in itself. And even that gets old really fast because there's only so many times you can make fun of someone's flat ass or outie vagina until it starts being more about your own insecurities than the cow's.
No. 908834
>>908806>>908819Is ‘more lesbian and bi otakus/weebs
shouldn’t get into GL & make quality stuff’ a popular opinion? I just don’t get why people post these when obviously no one here will disagree with your opinion. It just seemed like bait to post something everyone would universally agree with anyway to get people to start derailing the thread complaining about scrotes/trannies
No. 908890
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This is a cute cartoon where I can understand why people like it, but I think this and the message generally ultimately does more harm than good
No. 908949
>>908940>while fujos (actual fujos, not husbandofag yumejos) have been largely lesbians Cope, can't believe you are 'no true Scotsman'-ing women/girls into gay porn. Cringe.
In the aughts most fujos were horny bihets. I doubt that they disappeared just cause some confused lesbians are in the fandom too.
No. 908986
>>908982Personally IDC about Lesbian Fujos. Isn't most BL just disguised lesbian stuff or at least became that way with time? I was told that at least and I sort can see it
( probably why I like it)
No. 908993
>>908983The way JKR has been attacked by TRAs and betrayed by the kids she made rich is disgusting though. All those threats of violence and rape after she made it clear she was a
victim of DV.
No. 909003
>>908982I'm not a-logging at all though
a lot of people lurk but don't comment that often (like me)
This was the last reply and yeah, I was wrong, but lesbians were still in the minority.
>Bi: (IIIII)(IIIII)(IIIII)>Lesbian: (IIIII)(IIIII)I >Straight: (IIIII)(IIIII)IIII don't care about what porn you consume, weird complex there
No. 909022
>>909003With 15-11-13 That's still a very minor difference, we're talking about the difference of only a few people. If we want to push it further according to these stats you could also say that around 2/3 of fujos are not straight and being bi can also mean being a febfem.
>>909009This was discussed in the fujo thread a couple of times and the conclusion was largely that lesbians tend to interpret the male characters as stand-ins for women while straight fujos take them more at face value. Personally I would not be interested at all if they were, say, characters played by real life male actors but the fact that they're drawn and completely controlled and created by women is appealing to me.
No. 909054
>>909033Why? They aren’t friends they just worked on the same project years ago. Generally no celebrities do that when some other celebrity is getting “cancelled”, because they don’t want to risk their own careers. What is “condemning abuse” even going to achieve? All celebrities get “abuse”. It’s just part of the job. Anyway, I don’t think celebrities who voluntarily insert themselves into politics and then get “abuse” for it are
victims at all. Celebrities inject themselves into various culture war issues solely for their own benefit. They
want to be cancelled for publicity (see how her cancellation lined up with her new book release) and then play the
victim. They all have publicists and know what will happen, most of the time it’s all planned. Don’t be so naive (Not saying this specifically about JKR, most “cancellations” these days are obvious publicity stunts). It’s very easy to become irrelevant l, if any of them truly wanted that they could easily do it, but they don’t.
No. 909091
>>908974Yep, I think the eunuch-obsessed artist sisters are a good example of cows that aren't really talked about for their appearance. I believe there are a couple of photos of them floating around, but most of the criticism is rightfully saved for their creepy drawings and bizarre theories about intersex people.
Browsing snow for the first time in a while made me realize that you have a point though, because the majority of active cow threads consist largely of female appearance-based nitpicking. In a way, this is probably the inevitable result of social media activity shifting to more visual formats like instagram and tiktok, which means that most new cows end up being ethots or streamers who are obsessed with how they look. The endless drip of selfie related milk they generate is pretty boring, but people just don't post the interesting and deranged non-selfie content that they used to.
I still don't know that farmers necessarily treat male and female cows differently in this regard though. If you look at someone like terry hall, people have no problem clowning on him for his busted appearance.
No. 909419
>>909183Old school misogyny is easy to deal with tbh, when my grandpa says I need to lose weight I just tell him he's talking alot for someone without a front tooth.
New age modern misogyny is a pain in the ass on the other hand (spycams, gaslighting, twans shit, men talking on and on about their pwecious fweelings and how not giving them sex is
abusive behavior).
No. 909427
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i think being pregnant is ghetto…like why would you do that?
pregnant bellies and pregnancy in general disgusts me, i have to mute girls when they get pregnant because its so annoying and gross to me. it’s like a phobia it just makes me feel disgusting to see that, i would never want to be all bloated like that
No. 909467
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>>909463Samefag, scientists found tons of cells from the baby all over in women's bodies, so you basically become a chimera after you get pregnant.
No. 909490
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>>909471hope you enjoyed it bud, not everyone gets to experience the full glory of mother gaia's love.
No. 909498
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>>909467When you say it like that it sounds kinda cool
No. 909505
>>909501i'm literally
>>909453 but whatever makes you feel better kek
No. 909506
>>909463what went wrong in your life that you saw reproduction as something harmful… no not just harmful a PARASITE growing in your body
how many women here have a mother that never hugged them? be honest
No. 909510
>>909507lol I was about to ask
>>909501 if she had some kind of phobia
No. 909511
>>909506now youre really sounding like a scrote or like that fucking sociopath janke
do you fear testicular torsion?
No. 909523
>>909511 and the only reason i called you a scrote is because i cannot imagine there are non mentally ill women who arent scared of pregnacy it sounds like hell and birth is torture
No. 909528
the issue with staunch anti-natalists or "child free" retards like
>>909519 is that the majority of them can't just not have kids and be done with it. there are people who don't have kids and don't make a point to be as repulsive as possible about it to others around them. but these staunch freaks have to inject their mental illness onto other women, they have to try and convince you how this totally natural normal thing is actually so bad just because THEY don't want to do it. it's like watching a heroin addict try to convince their friends to do it so they can be as miserable as they are.
No. 909536
>>909532are you seriously saying mothers look like sci-fi aliens?
i'm gonna ask you again and be honest
did your mother never hug you?
No. 909540
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i hate pickled ginger and when i order sushi i always throw it away
No. 909541
>>909537those arent the same anon im
>>909532 more women dont want to be pregnant than those who do, cope
No. 909557
>>909553That sounds like a you problem
>>909540Can I have it then?
No. 909569
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I hope all of you get skin tags regardless of pregnancy
No. 909578
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>>909566You sound hangry, here, have a KitKat.
No. 909582
>>909571You wish. Any time there's a fiery discussion in a thread several anons screech SCROTEEEEE!!! MOID!!! SCROTE!!!
We're all unhinged here
No. 909591
>>909582It's funny because I get called a moid all the time. (I'm not part of this pregnancy discussion, no one panic.) I never assume someone else is a man though. I think it's oddly belittling to think that women can't have various thoughts and opinions on things.
Isn't it funny that on male or female image boards you can be accused of secretly being a man if you say you're a girl lol
No. 909626
>>909616I shouldn't have posted it in the first place my bad anons
It really is embarrassing as hell but thanks for reposting it
No. 909630
>>909625You're the only one who brought up "child free"
I wanna adopt kids not destroy my body with horrific scifi shit
No. 909634
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FTMs with facial hair are really hot. I wish they didn’t have to suffer gender dysphoria and want to get neo-penises.
No. 909635
>>909630Yeah I think this is going to be what I do. Adopt or foster. It'll be a shame I was an extremely cute baby (not trying to brag) and it'll be sad that I won't see what
my baby will look like, but I think I love me more and I don't want to fuck my body up, I'm already not enjoying the concept of aging and the gradual changes it brings.
No. 909641
>>909634Agreed anon.
I find gottmik really attractive but I feel so bad for her with all the hormones and shit she does to her body, I've heard about FTM's uterus's prolapsing and other horrifying shit. I just hope she'll be okay or stop doing that shit to herself.
No. 909647
>>909642So those kids should just be orphans then?
Someone fucked up bringing them into the world but it's not their fault.
If my adopted kids murder me, then fuck it, that's better than dying of cancer or something.
No. 909655
>>909642There's a lot of adopted kids who turn out fine.
Having said that I have an adopted friend who has all his adopted brothers in jail. But he is more successful than me so what can I say. One of his brothers literally murdered an old man and came all over the corpse. What an awful coincidence.
No. 909658
>>909641I don’t understand the pronoun thing. Why continue to refer to this individual as “she” when he makes no physical or social attempts to be or present as a female? I’m not
triggered, just confused. Visually and, assuming he’s on hormones, internally to me he looks to be male.
Is it just a way to express disapproval to the transition or did he do something bad to you?
I understand not using “they/them” and whatever the fuck for people who don’t attempt to transition, but why gottmilk?
No. 909670
>>909662Oh, I’m retarded, thought gottmilk was the masc guy YouTube guy not a drag queen. I don’t care if you misgender, I just want to know why.
>>909664Makes sense, not American, so all of this is new to me. I try to do it based on presentation because that’s what I’m used to.
No. 909713
>>909706You are sort of right. That can be a way weed does that but it can also
trigger literal mental issues. My step sibling
triggered full on psychosis where he thought he was Christ and shit and ran around in public nude, threw their belongings in a river. They had to be put in a mental hospital. It's exceptionally rare but it depends. The first breakdown was
triggered with LSD and then the successive times seemed to be
triggered by weed.
No. 910012
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>>909706weed/drug induced psychosis is very real and not that uncommon. i know several people close to me who have had their mental health completely destroyed by weed and never recovered. i hate how it's being legalized everywhere.
>>909600i see what you mean, but i really don't think that's a real issue. i understand the problem with corporate/capitalist feminism, but the claim that leftists, feminists or just women in general who encourage other women to question the misogynistic and conservative values and expectations that they have internalized after having it pushed onto them for their whole lives is not a bad thing imo, and calling it "shaming" i think is dishonest and intentionally misleading. i feel for women who feel insecure and looked down on by others for wanting to be moms or housewives. but they should not push their own opinions and insecurities on other women or scare them into conforming to traditionalist values by saying they will become desperate lonely depressed karens by 40 if they don't. i don't understand how anyone can't see how that's deeply misogynistic and destructive. it's the same rhetoric used by mgtow and incels to undermine womens confidence and free thinking.
>>909642do you have any source on that anon? that's quite an outlandish claim. however i'm going to piggyback on this and say the adoption industry is extremely unethical and builds on a lot of corruption. there are literal stolen and trafficked children from china who are sold to western families through legitimate western adoption centers and their biological parents still look for them, pic related.
No. 910073
>>909706of course it's real nonna. Modern weed is modified to have a lot of THC too which is harmful for humans. THC in large doses gives you heart issues, psychosis, neurological damage and other problems. The CBD/THC ratio was supposed to be like 30% at most THC and the rest CBD I just recently read an article about how weed increases the chances of having a heart attack. only way to smoke weed and be safe is if you are in a country where it is legal and you know the THC percentage. anything above 30% THC is dangerous.
No. 910079
>>910073>anything above 30% THC is dangerousDamn, never knew this. Where I live weed is only about 15% but apparently the average hash is 25% THC here, which is a lot closer to a dangerous level than I would've thought.
Doesn't the amount smoked make a big difference as well though? Smoking a huge amount of low THC weed still seems more harmful than smoking a tiny bit of high THC weed.
No. 910408
>>910343Chloe is way too talented for this, it was plain ugly and unoriginal. The oversexualization of herself is something and I know I'm nitpicking but she could have had her male backup dancers as naked as her female dancers, at least. Seeing 10 women in lingerie shaking ass while 5 men are dressed from head to toe is not the empowering shit they think it is
>>910346I was loving her performance and was glad it wasn't that sexual and then she had to do those lesbian baiting shenanigans with Teyana Taylor. I ended up enjoying Lil Nas X and Doja way more
No. 910549
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Krispy kreme donuts are honestly terrible (yes, even the hot ones). I'm tired of pretending they're good.
No. 911210
>>911206I've been ghosted, then given "Sorry I've been so busy", then ghosted again. It's actually more annoying and confusing that way, because I start to doubt myself and feel bad for thinking they ghosted me, when in reality they probably just didn't want to feel guilty.
I recently got blocked by someone randomly, and I was pretty sad, yeah, but two days later, I was like "Okay. You've made your point known, so goodbye", then I blocked them back and was done with it. So much less painful.
No. 911215
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Eating fake meat that's designed and colored to look like actual meat (down to texture, color changing when cooked, all that stuff) is akin to transgenderism. Mimicking what you will never have, and deluding yourself into thinking it's just as good as the real thing.
There. I said it, I'd say it again.
No. 911216
>>911203I find it weird when I see blanket statements either way about ghosting like “ghosting is
abusive” or “no one owes you an explanation” because it’s so obviously one of those topics with a lot of nuance. It seems weird to conflate all relationships as if it can be universally right/wrong, like ghosting someone you spoke to for a few days on a dating app vs ghosting a friend you’ve had for decades and spoke to most days for years obviously aren’t the same thing. In the latter example I do feel like I have some obligation to the people I consider friends and personally would feel that I “owe” them some kind of explanation.
No. 911217
>>911210If I care a iota about someone, I'll tell them I'm busy immediately, not ignore.
Trust me, when someone ghosts you, you always know where you stand. And shouldn't accept renewed contact.
No. 911323
>>910131Finally slept and read it
>inb4 my sister was one of thoseShe was pretty much a newborn though so idk
No. 911621
>>911545People say that women who like butches are straight too.. because butches are essentially men?? People try too hard to try and rip apart lesbo relationships.
If you're a woman having sex with another woman then idc what way she dresses.. It's gay either way.
No. 911652
>>911621Like it or not, masculinity and femininity naturally attract each other so no, it's not the same thing.
>inb4 "masc4masc" gay menThose are just self haters.
No. 911659
>>911640Honestly, call it gaydar or intuition but I can sort of tell when some girls thristing is genuine or not and not every "girly" girl that thrists on main is s faker to me ( sometimes it does feel a bit forced or not very genuine)
Though Doja does look lovely on the say so music clip and I've watched it one too many times just to kinda of admire her soo yeah.
No. 911740
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>>911730>>911702>>911652>>911545Wait. Again? You never give up, do you?
No. 911816
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>>911798They definitely shouldn't be allowed to make movies, unless the movie has been okayed by a jury of 10 based babushkas first.
No. 911886
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>>911743Since about a good majority of the user base is white and Billie Eillish like Taylor Swift resemble the average-looking white woman with a future ahead of them no matter their natural mediocrity, they project their harsh insecurities and self-criticism on to her. It’s even worse when the female celebrity is young, there is hidden age jealousy as well, older women tend to be incredibly harsh and judgmental to younger people for le male or status validation, it’s dumb as hell. She also seems to drive in the minors since she’s a zoomer artist, so yeah
No. 911977
>>911969Was it like fucking a ghost? Or the living dead? Or a vampire? Did it drain your life force, but at the same time you depended on it for happiness because it was the only currency of love you had in your relationship? The only value that was seen in you?
Porn addicts literally suck the life force out of their sexual partners and lovers.
No. 912133
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I'm reading The Virgin Suicides and when I picture Lux Lisbon I find myself picturing 90s Larisa Oleynik instead of Kirsten Dunst. I feel like she would have been a better fit, she just naturally has a more impish quality. I always found Dunst a bit awkward and forced in that movie.
No. 912267
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Candy corn is delicious
No. 912336
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>>912334Crumbly, really? Like these banana lollies? Anon just described them as dense and chewy though which is how they look.
No. 912720
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Oatmeal should be always thick, when you barely have oatmeal on your plate, you’re just drinking oatmeal milk like a sped.
No. 912842
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>>911973He abused all of his lovers and used their grief as muses for his art. He was both an emotional abuser, as well as a woman-beater. Not only to his lovers, but to prostitutes as well. Two of the women he associated with, he drove to suicide. He abused his son from his first wife. He's basically an abuser who was also an asshole to everybody he associated with. Since he's also a low hanging testicle from a good for nothing man, he expressed in his art wanting to rape women and children. He identified as his alter-ego as a minotaur and likely had a bestiality fetish. Picasso is a worthless man who was not-like-other-men in his own diminutive mind thinking he is the most spechull artist that has ever been shitted out from God's unswashed ass. In reality, he practically copied an Algerian girl's art style and thought he was deep about it because his art represents female sexual grief, abuse, rape "in a sexy way", and sexualization… most of men's art, it is worthless and should not be seen as "great" nor iconic. Picrel is the girl's artwork, her name is Baya Mahieddine.
No. 912865
>>912842Fuck, man. In 2019 days went to Madrid and practically lived in the museums, so excited to see art history face-to-face. (Grew up poor in the US and finally had the chance to )
Before this post, I was so elated to see so much of his work in person…
But now, it’s soured and tainted. Thank you
For venting and informing.
Bright side, I saw so much more art beyond his, including my bucket list art!
No. 912948
>>911798From the SCUM Manifesto: "The male, having a very limited range of feelings, and consequently, very limited perceptions, insights and judgments, needs the `artist' to guide him, to tell him what life is all about. But the male `artist' being totally sexual, unable to relate to anything beyond his own physical sensations, having nothing to express beyond the insight that for the male life is meaningless and absurd, cannot be an artist. How can he who is not capable of life tell us what life is all about? A `male artist' is a contradiction in terms. A degenerate can only produce degenerate `art'. The true artist is every self-confident, healthy female, and in a female society the only Art, the only Culture, will be conceited, kooky, funky, females grooving on each other and on everything else in the universe."
No. 913014
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>>911798>>911816Absolutely based. I'm currently studying film at college, but what discourages me is that the whole film industry is rooted and supported by abusers and misogynists, all of them rich and disgustingly powerful men. I'm sick of hearing my classmates idolize directors that were
abusive and violent towards women and children, it's disgusting dealing with that. No one cares about their acts, they love any male director no matter how evil they are. It's all about "oh, but their films are soo good" oh God, I'm so sick of it. Recently I had to watch an independent movie for an assignment and I couldn't stand it so I stopped watching it, the whole story was about sexualised minors, and guess what, it was directed by an ugly, old ass man. This is not even the vent thread but I really had to tell someone about how much I hate the film industry, even independent/poorer male filmmakers are
abusive, delusional and aggressive as fuck.
What brings me hope currently
are films from independent female directors. It's inspiring even though they might not be as popular as the ones produced by Hollywood men.
No. 913041
>>913014 I worked in film for 5 years, doing G&E or art department in LA, and can confirm, the industry is shit and male dominated. I was harassed on set constantly, and then gaslight when I would call it out.
Take it from me; avoid LA, work in Georgia, and always be ready to walk away from a set if it’s a shit show. I dealt with drunk producers and coked out directors .
Thankfully, there’s a lot of female dominated production companies.
No. 913098
>>912983I was in a bdsm scene when I was younger. More than a decade ago now. I'm long out of it but I'll never forget how snobbish people were in that scene. How much they randomly just mocked vanilla people.. I remember thinking that if you're so insanely happy with your own kinky sex life and your sex parties and how adventurous you are then why do you care that others are having sex without the same 'frills' that you enjoy?
> Please don't shame me or judge me for my kinky sex life. Open your mind. > Ha I'd hate to be a fucking loser having boring vanilla sex!Like the irony. It reminded me of how straight men love to worry about how gays fuck. Like why does it occupy such space in your mind? I think there's a threshold where if you spend over a certain amount of time and energy worrying about the sex lives of others (vanilla vs kinky, straight vs gay) whatever, then your own sex life must suck, surely. No satisfied person should be that preoccupied with what's happening in other peoples bedrooms.
No. 913167
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Why is this picture a bannable offence? @mods(because you didn’t read the rules)
No. 913241
>>913225>>913230I personally do not even see any need to give labels to your "role" during sex. You're either compatible and communicative, or you aren't. To elaborate, I further realised in the past sexual experience I had that what was lacking had nothing to do with these labels, it just had to do with the fact that he was really bad in bed and did not give me the attention I deserved. I think that at the end of the day, these "domsub" labels are so pornographic and they create this weird, perverted layer to something that ought to be normal, as described in this post. (>>913228) And as I said in the OP, in my case, I can be very "assertive" like every other person in my day to day life. It has nothing to do with my personal and private sex life, so whether I am "submissive" or not. sorry for all of the sperging lol, but it is nice to get it out of my system, even if it is largely incoherent
No. 913259
>>913245Who said anything about allowing them to be aggressive and violent? I explained twice that what I confused for "dominance" was just someone who paid more attention to me and could actually pleasure me, unlike whatever he was doing that he learned from porn.
>>913246That is the whole point… All of these weird, commonplace jokes about femdom, submissive, pegging, mommy, daddy, and so forth, have added so many perverted layers and notions to what ought to simply be an intimate and pleasant experience between two people who love each other. In my experience at least, these hypersexual jokes have ruined a lot, either by indeed influencing my personal perception of sex for a while (feeling the need to defend or define myself with labels), or the way people interpret and react to my normal behavior (the "girlboss" whatever nonsense the person of before spoke of).
>>913248exactly this.
No. 913281
>>913269It's incredibly ironic that you think I live in a bubble when you think
>femdom/mommy/milf/peg me/etc jokes are commonplace. When the FUCK has any normie joked about wanting to be pegged offline? MILF I grant you, but they're a specific age old fetish. It's not a joke that men think women are submissive, it's a genuine widespread belief that women are naturally submissive to (and below) men. It's in the fucking bible. And pickmes perpetuate the idea by letting men degrade them during sex. Disgusting.
No. 913549
>>913543what the hell are you talking about?
maybe its free for illegal immigrants but definitely not for citizens
No. 913557
>>913549>>913545lol ok he did propose it but apparently it didnt pass. that one is on me. but community college is rarely more than $500 a semester, and you can do 2 years there then transfer to a state university for 2 years with a scholarship if you do well. that is how you get a colkege degree without too much debt.
gtfo with that illegal immigrants hooey i dont know what you're on about
No. 913633
>>913569You do realize it's less about them being gay in a sense and more about them being disgusting human beings right?
I'm sure a gay man would have still been a harassing piece of shit had he been straight and I doubt the lesbian would have been much better in the situation in the sense ( maybe would have been some level of creepy towards other women in some other way, assuming the woman wouldn't be a kid diddler, winch is more common then you'd think for female perps) .
No. 913665
Halloween is the worse festivity ever, i hate everything about it.
>>913633Gay men are very misogynistic tho, I'm fine with women hating them.
No. 913695
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>>913690Its color palette makes me anxious
No. 913711
>>913633Gay men can sometimes even be worse, they use "catty" excuse as a way to bully women. And touch women inappropriately/peek to see women naked and then go "it's ok bc I'm gay!1"
Just bc he's gay doesn't mean he wasn't raised to feel entitled to womens bodies.
No. 913727
Women who defend gay men like attack dogs are very weird. It's like they don't even see them as real men, or just people who can be bad/fucked up. Many straight women especially seem to think of them like accessories, pets or a fandom. You can point out how disgusting and misogynistic gay men are with examples, and they literally sit there pretending to be blind, dumb and deaf, screeching about how you're homophobic (never mind if you, the speaker, are a lesbian, bisexual or support either group). It's literally the same type of brain worm that libfems going on about transphobia have when you point out trannies being even worse than gay men and outright violent/sexually abusive.
I think one day, we'll have to frankly discuss how libfem/normie women being massive fag hags and drag queen obsessives helped herald the age of troons. Obviously, they're not solely responsible, but it's actually dishonest to pretend they played no role at all.
No. 913744
>>913569Homophobia against gay men is based because a man doesn't become any less of a scrote by sucking dick. If anything, he's a scrote of the highest order, worshiping other scrotes while still flapping his bitchy gums about women's issues, acting like he knows and owns women. Gay men are still men, and being the men they are, they never fucking stay in their lane. They're far more likely to perpetuate even more harmful beliefs about women and femininity, and they'll often define femininity just as the ability to take dick while crying plus a specific window of consumer behavior. They never have to challenge their biases against women, because intimacy with a woman simply doesn't exist to them.
Tear them down from their pedestal. Shut down their god complex. They are mere men.
No. 913752
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>>913695What are these ones supposed to be?
No. 914104
>>914078No, it isn't. The tons of factories in 2nd/3rd world countries pumping on coal and shitting out
toxic chemicals is whats causing it. Do ppl even know what farming involves?
No. 914190
>>913859average looking people presented in the most palatable way visually
because that's their career
No. 915920
>>915681A lot of people at the time didn't like him, thought he was an attention whore and put his kids in dangerous situations.
The people idolozing him now just have their nostalgia glasses on because most of them were kids and remember the fun shows.
I don't think he was a completely bad dude, yet I half trust people who socially capitalize on passions they claim to care about. Bringing attention to causes is possible without whoring out a persona for financial gains.
No. 915925
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>>915891But Awkwafina is a genius
No. 916054
>>915989That style of makeup looks so fucking bad in real life. It doesn't help that a lot of east asians (not trying to start anything,
I'm east asian) have wide, slightly round faces with not much definition. The overall effect makes the wearer's face look a lot like a dinner plate - pale, flat, giant, and with a weirdly opaque shine.
No. 916115
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I'm saying this as a minority, but a lot of "Le White People Jokes" are driven mostly by racial inferiority complex, you can't really say anything about western white civilization cause it is objectively superior to other cultures and so they instead try for cringy jokes about how white people like Mayo or don't like spicy foods
No. 916241
>>916176For what it's worth that's just dumb teens everywhere and in every time period. There's always some group they find soo painfully boring and they make sure not to align themselves with them.
She's a kid trying to find her identity, putting others into boxes helps her to define herself (or so she thinks) and twitter doesn't exactly help kids go through that phase gracefully.
No. 916275
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Eggs freak me out as a concept.
No. 916420
>>916407Haha yes!!! Being screwed over by a system ment to fuck u is pathetic lmaoooo fuck you random person for not being able to game a rigged system!!
not a burgerfag btw but shitting on people for being railed by an idiotic hierarchy made to benefit the few is really cool for sure!
No. 916498
>>916495it's not even thot makeup anymore. it's basically drag queen makeup.
bb cream with spf in it works wonders vs. foundation for a no-makeup look if you want to smooth skin imperfections over though.
No. 916507
>>916490Natural makeup is easy unless you're trying to make a full face look natural. You literally just skip most of it and use tiny amounts. No need for eye makeup at all, concealer instead of foundation, no powder, cheek/lip tint instead of anything more sticky or shiny or matte.
The problem is that it's so light it doesn't actually stay on your face so you're natural for real within a few hours.
No. 918099
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This nose is hideous and people who get plastic surgery to shrink their nose look freakish
No. 918118
>>918114i definitely enjoy fast food and cocaine more than heterosexual sex.
how do you feel about lesbian sex? that’s the only kind i would consider at this point.
but honestly i’ll just stick to mcdonalds and cocaine
No. 918139
>>918133All forms of "female sexuality", whether objectifying other women or idealizing males, are partiarchal brainwashing.
>inb4 why "objectifying women" but "idealizing males"?In a patriarchal society women don't have the power to actually objectify males, any attempt to do so comes off more as idealization than anything, if not a poor mockery of gay male degeneracy.
No. 918148
>>918119do you even understand what objectification means? wanting or having sex with someone doesn't mean seeing them as an object.
>>918123do you mean hormones released during sex? semen and cock is not magical,
nonny. the acidity of vagina kills sperm.
No. 918151
>>918139Idk anon. I can't agree that female sexuality isn't real, we get horny and have sexual attraction like anyone else
though that's not to say that men don't influence anything at all. I also don't think it's fair to say that being sexually attracted to women is objectifying them or trying to imitate men, that's not really anything that we can control. Let's agree to disagree I guess.
No. 918164
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>>918090This is what I mean when I say certain radfems act like morons the same as libfems, hell this is a problem with western left in general
You Idiots say insane shit that alienates 99% of normal people and only appeals to an extreme minority, successful political movements require appealing to the majority
Lenin didn't explain the system of Capital to the Russian peasants, all he said was "Peace, Land and bread" and that's all he needed to say, he didn't lie about his ideology but he toned it down, I'm not saying you shouldn't hate men, you have a right too but you have to discuss it less publicly when trying to speak
The world sucks and I know you wanna tear it down but be realistic and pragmatic, IRL your ideology only appeals to upper middle class white women that was the problem with radical feminism in the 70's, they were morons simply and they endlessly discussed their stupid fucking theories while the Christian right took over under their noises, simply by being pragmatic
The Republicans still do this
No. 918196
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>>918182This is what I mean, let me tell you something everything thinks the same as you, that they secretly know what's really going on and all the others are all brainwashed sheep who can't handle the "truth"
just enjoy reading the works of some dead fat white women about what she thought the truth of the world was that has no statistical date or say anything worth value
>>918186Yes it does and its not about appealing to men, its about to the masses of men and women, not overly political morons, In the western world women get the right to vote thanks to appealing to Christian sentiment but before that those women understood that even ordinary men getting the right to vote was almost one generation ago in their cases and the problem with modern feminist isn't that its "scrote friendly" its that its ruined internally by capitalism
No. 918199
>>918164I don't necessarily disagree with you but this
>IRL your ideology only appeals to upper middle class white women Is false. Radical feminism as a movement actually has much stronger footholds in areas with extreme, blatant misogyny like Brazil because the women there have seen how evil and violent men are towards them without any sort of pretty libfem sheen to hide how much they hate us. It's a much harder sell in first world countries where everyone thinks the sexes are totally equal and feminism in general is no longer needed
No. 918202
>>918199to what % of women in south american or even vaguely feminist, the broad appeal of the feminist movement in Mexico is mostly down its simple message and clear goal, stop the femicide
it has the masses supporting it
No. 918205
>>918123>>918144It is incel science. Nona doesn't even understand what that research was about, can't look at it critically because she doesn't know why. Also not every research is actually well done and true, jesus. This is why it's dangerous when uneducated people look at research papers and spread misinformation. Antivaxxer level shit.
>>918139This is also pseudoscience bullshit. Sure, women wanting sex is just some patriarchal social brainwashing lmao
No. 918282
>>909023Late but which is why you shouldn't be pandering to the woke mob in the first place
She was part of woke herself with all that pro islam pro migrant/refugee stuff
No. 918322
mostly men from what I’ve seen.
No. 918358
>>918235Sure. English isn't my first language so there might be typos.
First of all, this whole study's premise is bullshit because it's trying to prove that lesbians don't synchronise menstruation because they don't consume semen. Menstrual synchrony is concluded to be a myth by a famous study in 2013. So you have some wack scientists trying to prove that their semen is so powerful it makes lesbians broken without it, even though they base their study on a medical myth. The synchrony wasn't ever sufficiently proved, there are only theories. You'll find studies trying to prove it but of course if you have any research methodology knowledge and you'd conclude it was never sufficienly proven and remains a theory.
>>918167all of the chemicals listed there are chemicals that are naturally in women's bodies. Harmless and very healthy to have them. Most of those you actually
need to have to function so I suspect what they analyzed as "chemicals from sperm" were just naturally occurring hormones in female blood and they are just shit scientists. It's just a long list of normal hormones so I'm not sure what you're even trying to prove with it, even if the spike in them was caused by sperm (which it almost certainly isn't, more likely it could be caused by the whole intercourse), all of these are good to have and they are very short-lived, broken down in a short time as every hormone normally is.
If you're surprised at the testosteron? Women naturally have testosteron too, they have more testosterone than estradiol actually (men just have even more).
Lastly, every single thing you eat converts to something or at least breaks down so of course if you eat semen, you'll use some usable parts of it to for example make energy from it and shit our the rest. If you eat pork, you do the same, are you part pig then? Are you part ramen noodles?
No. 918415
>>918358Oh and if that's just what they think is in semen than it's even more useless list because there isn't any info about how much gets absorbed into women's blood.
So a) only fraction would get in so unless you chug a few cups of semen with every meal you're okay
B) even the fraction won't make any difference because you already naturally have all of it and levels naturally go up and down, nothing of the stuff listed is harmful
C) it gets broken down quite fast anyway. Hormones and cytokines don't just hang out in your blood.
It isn't any different to eating meat or any food really.
No. 918445
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>>918371a ra-MAN if you will
No. 918541
>>918388What exactly do you think radical movements entail ?
What do you think radical feminism is? And no, gender critical and trannies don't count. Neither does hating camwhores.
No. 919612
>The first step in grooming is the selection of a victim, which can be based on appeal/attractiveness, ease of access, or perceived vulnerabilities of the child (Lanning 2010; McAlinden 2006; Mooney and Ost 2013; Olson, Ellevold, and Rogers 2007). Elliott, Browne, and Kilcoyne (1995) found that when selecting a victim, offenders often focused on physical characteristics such as the child being pretty (42%), the way the child is dressed (27%), or the child being small (18%).
pretty privilege just isn't real unless you want to be molested.
No. 920503
>>920485Nah fam, a big part of the blame goes to a society that conditions women to keep compromising for men who don't give a damn, and then gaslights them that they just need to communicate or give more when abuse happens.
Even if you're real good at clocking abusers it doesn't mean shit when society wears you down saying that you're the problem and that the abusers are the misunderstood innocents.
No. 920512
>>920503This 100 percent. A lot of women usually go 'now that i look back on it, it was abuse….' We are conditioned to always apologise. Even if it isn't our fault, which is why women get blamed for male rooted issues like
toxic masculine bullshit, and even their own assaults.
No. 920516
>>920485All men are manipulative, especially if you put yourself in a position where they think they're better than you.
But I date younger so they're usually much worse at playing games… as well as less jaded and bald.
No. 920684
>>920654Exactly. Women who think it's empowering to pig out mentally and imitate the worst of m*le degeneracy are missing the point entirely. Casual sex, prostitution, porn are all men's schemes against women's well being, designed to break down our will, morale and souls so that they can more easily get their dopamine fix off of us. We're not built that way, if we were, it'd be a tragic existence and deep down we don't want that.
Men are so pathetic and weak that they need to assert dominance by abuse of women just to feel normal. Men picking weak women while recklessly assaulting any who don't conform is not a biological eugenic choice, is a dysgenic pattern based on their psychological and social imperatives.
Women who play into that are not only weak, not only denying themselves, but also rewarding and supporting a system where the psychopathic m*le thrives. To men, sex is nothing but a rewarding high, and to us it's always holier than that, a bond and a sign of trust. Trying to diminish that connection we inherently make is futile and only leads to bad consequences.
No. 920759
>>920685I never really bought into the empowering thing either ( at least not in rl, fiction and fantasies are other things), I tend to assume the women are just uber horny for dick and are trying to dress it up so it doesn't become a mere " I'm horny " ( as if men need deep ideological reasons to fuck).
I also believe only a minority of women actually are 100% ok with the pump and dump life style and the ones that do seem pretty ok just using man for sex and aren't trying to in someway " spite" man.
Personally I may or may not fuck a guy if I find them sexually attractive but I wouldn't date one when I have the option not to and can date and have sex with women, winch even with a reduce dating pool, I may find more emotionally fulfling bonds because I'm not dealing with a sexed up Neanderthal, even if there the most horny of lesbians/ bisexuals to ever exist. Overall I just want sex inside a relantioship like most people.
No. 920768
>>920766It’s true tbh, men into bdsm just either want to get their dick serviced by a “mommy” handmaiden or by a “little girl” handmaiden.
The only difference is that the first one feels “uwu soooo humiliated and smol” And is an autopedophile, while the second one is a pedophile who wants to pretend he isn’t one.
No. 920769
>>920764Bro, part of me hates dom stuff because in the end of the day I would just want to fuck my partner and have them pleasure me back or show vulnerability in a intimate moment, I don't need latex shit to do it in theory.
Still beats submissive fantasies, for some reason reading about a woman getting walked all over by a handsome man gets my blood boiling in the non sexual way and I rather have the woman degrading the guy even if just for the schandenfreud
No. 920799
>>920764>>920765>>920769>>920779Well your still servicing male fantasies end of the day, for me sex isn't that complicated, its just two people trying to pleasure the other, that's what sex should be and I try to have it that way
If a man wants to be degraded by women for any sort of sexual pleasure then I assumed he has some fucked up degenerate mentality and would also be into other shit as well including literal shit
No. 920814
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Black people on average have more delusions of racial superiority then white people, the average black person(even the educated ones) will have retarded beliefs claiming the History of Egypt, the Native Americans and Arabs, they also claim they invented all types of Music and dance e.t.c
Honestly its why shit like Hidden Colors sell so much, its just a massive racialwide cope that black people delude themselves into believing(global rule #7)
No. 920840
>>920764Wrong. Most of us like having control over the moids in our lives. Real life femdom is not the porn that pathetic bottom scrotes consume.
>>920769Anon, dom stuff simply means doing what you want, if vanilla sex is what you want, then doing it IS dom stuff. Dom stuff and fetish stuff is not the same thing, it's just that a lot of people into femdom (fuck maledom obv) have similar fetishes.
>>920779Dangerously based.
No. 920912
>>920840Or anon could just have healthy normal sex, you don't need to fulfil some degenerate fantasy or LARP cause that is what will always will be, a moid's degenerate fantasy and your basically his bangmaid fulfilling that for him
it doesn't matter if your a dom or a sub, male or female, straight or gay, If your into BDSM then you are a fucking loser imo
No. 920924
>>920912>Being the one who decides how to have sex is somehow being a loserYou are not making sense. There is no logical train of thought in your comment. Read what I wrote again and try to make a coherent comment.
>>920920Based anon, you get me.
No. 920942
>>920764When I was in my early twenties I was doing this. A few years later I got some therapy, processed some things that happened in my past and went on to find that I do like regular ole sex without a power dynamic. I was even in a scene back then where I could clearly see that other women were dealing with trauma (tbh mostly female subs or poly women) but it took a while to see my own shit that was driving me.
I thought subs were usually trauma carrying women and I thought I was different. I saw those women reliving abuse so at least my 'domming' wasn't as harmful. And yeah it didn't further damage me. I had women cry on my shoulder over the abuse they (re)experienced as subs. It's the lesser of two evils if your trauma happens to drive you to go domme. The alternative is actively very damaging because so many shithead scrotes flock to you fully aware of what's going on with you and how to work it to their gain.
Not saying that it's a black and white thing with no exceptions but it happens often enough. Particularly in scenes or when people are 24/7 into it. Same with puppy play and age play, lots of people into that are trying to escape something. A bit of experimentation I think is normal. I'm mostly just talking about more intense lifestylers.
No. 920955
>>920920I never said you were traumatized, I said you were degenerate loser
>>920924Your not in control though, just cause moid likes being degraded by women cause it fulfills his fantasy doesn't mean you have any power in that relationship
and what I ultimately mean is that your all losers, Doms and Subs or whatever you fucking retards call yourself, I mean anyone who takes this shit seriously is a fucking moron imo
No. 920980
>>920958>>920961I have sex, but to me good sex should be like mid level bureaucracy
>>920968even if it fulfils some moids humiliation fantasy
>>920973Finally some with sense, you can say you like being assertive in sex without using made up BDSM terms
No. 920990
>>920980I do like writting characters in bdsm esque scenarios and use the terms in fiction. But that's it, it's fictional and I wouldn't think of doing half of that shit or use those terms unironicallg outside of fiction because it feels really weird to me.
Danm, I wanna enjoy and get good at plain old sex why do I have to jump to kink immediately? At least I always feel worried for girls my age or younger just a bit ( especially since they are usually all "subs".)
No. 921031
>>920990still kinda pathetic
>>920994At least I'm not being a gross degenerate though, you can try as much as you want but your still a loser bangmiad at the end of the day
No. 921044
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>>920779I fucking hate and resent men for the fact that they can choke us to death on a whim. I want to figure out how to always have a concealed weapon so I can stab a scrote in the gut and twist the knife whenever I need to defend my life. I want to fucking kill men whenever they try to physically intimidate me. I fucking plot their murders in my head and think about how I could get away with it. Fuck them senseless just to kill them in their sleep. Poison his favourite meal. Make the home a paradise and a fucking death trap
No. 921066
>>921044I often fantasize about murdering certain men, seeing if I could get away with it
A gun would probably be the most effective option, but guns are loud and easy to track, I'd be caught almost immediately, with knives there's a still a risk, a human being will go to great lengths to fight for their lives when they are in a life or death situation, I could potentially be overpowered
So direct murder is without getting caught is difficult, but I think I could do it and I even have a method to dispose of the body, but It would have to be a man close to me so that I can lure him, I'd also have to his timings and personality to plan the murder
>>921062I hate all BDSM, dom or sub or whatever fucking bullshit, I think its fucking retarded and the fact you try to talk about it like its a normal thing makes my brain hurt
No. 921123
>>921087not all men just certain men and I'm mostly thinking the variables involved in murdering those men and I think about whether or not murdering one shitty scrote is worth me spend my entire life in prison
>>921092You know pathetic you sound right, also any male who is into "humiliation" is gonna troon out at some point, just don't treat BDSM-shit like its real
its pathetic cope by sad morons
No. 921135
>>921126>You cannot hate men and enjoy femdom BDSMfagwrong.
>men created femdom for their own degenerate fantasieswrong. Bottom men created femdom porn for their degenerate fantasies. My femdom is what I want it to be, not some coomer's fantasy.
>ou aren't any better then a sub woman who enjoys being a puppygirl or whateverHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you made me laugh anon, comparing me to the scum of the earth that are submissive women. I rule my bedroom, I rule my house and I rule my boyfriend. I have NOTHING in common with "submissive" women. Explain how doing what I want and running my life and boyfriend the way I like is bad and I will take you seriously. I am waiting anon.
No. 921142
>>921135>wrong. Bottom men created femdom porn for their degenerate fantasies. My femdom is what I want it to be, not some coomer's fantasy.How though, unless you have male tied in a basement I doubt your sub partner is being forced into this, he enjoys every aspect of this relationship and likes it
he likes being humiliated or beaten or whatever
>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you made me laugh anon, comparing me to the scum of the earth that are submissive women. I rule my bedroom, I rule my house and I rule my boyfriend. I have NOTHING in common with "submissive" womenDo you have any Idea how goddam cringy you sound ? like Jesus Christ all you BDSM-fags come across as just cringy and pathetic
>>921137I hate all aspects of BDSM, Dom and Subs regardless of Gender, its cringy and your fucking cringy
>>921139Your literally fulfilling a degenerate often misogynistic fantasy, I'd rather not
No. 921145
>>921141Yeah, we have this debate like once a week, and even though I can see each point of view, I think both sides end up sounding stupid.
>>921142>I hate all aspects of BDSM, Dom and Subs regardless of Gender, its cringy and your fucking cringy Who's "your"? I'm not a dom or a sub, dummy.
No. 921146
>>921139Now you're getting it anon. If they literally let me hurt them, why on earth wouldn't I use it as an outlet? Obviously I would never hurt another woman, I am bi and have never and will never do what I do to men to a woman, that goes without saying.
>>921142>How though, unless you have male tied in a basement I doubt your sub partner is being forced into this, he enjoys every aspect of this relationship and likes it he likes being humiliated or beaten or whatever Ehm, yes? I am not some criminal rapist kidnapper, I find willing partners for these activities. I did not say he also doesn't get something out of it. I said I decide what we do, what he gets is satisfying me and if I am feeling generous something he likes as well.
>Do you have any Idea how goddam cringy you sound ? like Jesus Christ all you BDSM-fags come across as just cringy and pathetic You compared me to submissive women, I have the right to find that insulting. I DESPISE submissive women.
No. 921157
>>921135>>921146You know he's gonna troon out at some point right ? I mean have fun dealing with all that shit
see you on r/Mypartneristrans
No. 921162
>>921146I don't like it even after perennial interest in kinks and how they are formed ( I'm assertive anon that dabbled writting BDSM) but I get why women like Dominating men and how they see it as an outlet and shit. At least I get it more then submissive women who i never fully got and I never got myself to write sub women on the bed ( ironically depicting the rotten side of Punished and abused Submissive women led me to also writting " critically" on kink and depicting gross kinky people winch would probably get me called prudish)
Random ramblings but yeah I get your befundlement around subs lol
No. 921173
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>>921159Oh don't tell me your that anon whose bf is into wearing women's lingerie and also getting pegged ? please say you are it would be fucking hilarious
>>921162from what I've seen on the MTF threds its mostly women complying with their male partners ever increasing femdom or feminization fetishes, until the sub males eventually troon out
Its just a dumb fetish and I think trying to look too deep into is even more fucking dumb
No. 921185
>>921175I still hope your fucking LARPing cause christ your setting yourself up to be some transwidow, do you not realize how many AGP redflags he's carrying
do you really wish to end up an accessory mommy dom big tiddy gf who literally serves no other purpose than to be bangmaid and be compliant in a weird closet troons fetish
No. 921186
>>921137I hate femdom as a fetish I just learned from my mistakes the first time I posted the unpopular opinion that I hate it that they'd come out of the woodwork, and that brings me pain. Never did it again after that even though I liked the idea of trolling them, they're just too annoying. Caused me pain to read all that rating and raving and and not the good kind of pain
Saying you hate femdom on lc is like flaunting your hatred for fujos (and I also hate yaoi) and mentioning it brings them out in full form thus turning the entire thread into a shitshow
No. 921197
>>921192How the hell was I supposed to know some anon would recognize me? I did not give any personal info.
>>921193Sorry, I just wanted to clear things before I am inevitably barraged with the "he is going to troon out" messages.
No. 921198
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>>921191>My guy worships women, he views being allowed to dress in women's clothing a privilege that I allow him because he sees us as above menplease let this be a LARP
No. 921205
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Fun fact during during his "cooling off" periods, the infamous BTK serial killer would dress himself in women's clothing, tied himself up, and posed in the positions he left his victims in as he set up a camera to take photos. then he jerked off to it. sometimes using the stolen clothes of the women he had murdered
In prison he entertains himself by drawing bondage porn
No. 921210
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Femdom sperging derial is better than tradthot sperging derail. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion
No. 921218
>>921203Well yeah, he kind of is.
>>921209I literally only brought him up because that other anon recognized me and brought him up first.
>>921217>tfw no actor bf to bite you down from your neck to your thighs tee hee heeVile.
No. 921220
>>921218yes I am vile, so are you, we're all on lc
keep scrolling
No. 921224
>>921220This attitude I can accept. Still vile though.
>>921221He is pretty (for me), but not really skinny. I don't really like skinny men that much tbh.
No. 921315
>>921306it really grated on me how everyone was comparing onlyfans banning porn to tumblr banning porn. that penguinz0 guy even said "when you take away the only thing they go to the site for it's going to die" or something like that. like yeah there was a lot of porn and degeneracy on tumblr (there probably still is) but there is a lot of art, photography, literature and fandom stuff too. I think tumblr is also full of minors and it was really easy for them to accidentally see porn which was another issue.
>>921299lol I'm so tired of this shit, no one is forcing you to use this website and it's probably going down soon anyway. we get it, you're better than us man hating femcels. just leave already.
No. 921393
>>921315if anything tumblr is way better now with all the degenerates and coomers gone. One of the biggest reasons I believe that porn rots your brain is that everyone who used tumblr for porn migrated to twitter and reddit and that's why they are the way they are now.
If you manage to find your niche, tumblr is incredibly comfy.
No. 921709
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Bittersweet dresses are cute.
No. 921717
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>>921709I can't believe I'm saying this in 2021 but bittersweet is not a thing it's literally just sweet in a black colorway. You're not wrong about them being cute though.
No. 921722
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pooping feels good. i look forward to my daily poop.
No. 921723
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>>921722Yessss love my daily deuce drop on the porcelain throne
No. 921900
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>>921765It’s self defence you fucking spineless little mollusc, nobody wants to kill random men for no reason. We want the power to fucking defend ourselves.
I think a MMA/self defence thread would be better. We need a new era of suffragettes, we need some 6 inch hatpins to stab harassers and attempted rapists in the fucking eyes.
No. 922544
>>922536Not to mention people how people crowd the sample carts.
Top kek, but I know some people (my family included) who have gone to Costco for lunch. Their pizza is absolutely disgusting. It's so heavy and tasteless from what I can remember. I usually go for the chicken bakes.
No. 922645
>>922638I’m honestly starting to believe so, I don’t know why, but I’m not as sped as my brother who actually throws tantrums if shit doesn’t go however he assumed should go and such.
Like, at what point am I actually autistic and not just conditioned to serve his and other’s idiotic whims and rules? It’s tiresome, i don’t even know what to do with such information, go yippie yay yey? The ultimate goal is being able to pretend you’re normal anyways, and I’ve been doing so, so I guess you could even say I’m not autistic anymore.
No. 922655
>>922645Men with autism need to be heavily monitored and controlled for the rest of their lives.
>>922653Seems like autist-chan didn’t understand the nuance of what I said
No. 922675
>>922638i thought i was autistic but it turns out i just had adhd,bpd and bipolar, honestly what i'd rather be than autistic. yeah the stigma is worse around mood and cluster b, and autism is more accepted than those two disorders. but the time i had to spend dealing with social skills groups and other retarded shit made me realized i wasn't an autist, just traumatized by my upbringing
i'd swear my female friend who has no social awareness is an autist, since she can't seem to catch onto my nonverbal cues, and sometimes downright makes me cringe in embarrassment, but idk, she's got other outstanding issues that could explain that
No. 922784
>>922638Maybe it should be considered 2 different illnesses. Being completely unfit for society because they don't understand or care for other humans in the cases of males and being too timid to live normally for women.
Yes, women don't lash out like male autists do and usually somewhat manage to go through education and work but when shyness is so severe that it seriously affects your entire life, then saying "oh I'm just shy" feels like downplaying the entire situation.
No. 922788
>>922217sperging about nasolabial folds, laugh lines, any fine lines or texture at all, jaw shape, the woman's age… we could be listing these forever
farmers can get incredibly moidy and act as if the only correct way to be a woman is to look like the 16yo vidya waifus moids keep designing for each other
No. 922794
>>921399wait is there a porn ban on tumblr? I live under a rock but this sounds based
Will tumblr suspend my account if I put "men blocked on sight" or "men do not interact" or something along the lines of that, I wonder?
>>921510I remember how prevalent the whole ddlg and "nymphette" thing was on tumblr back in the day, it was disgusting and affected especially kawaii and alternative fashion tumblring negatively. It's such a brain rot, I hate seeing it normalized outside of tumblr now. I always found the 'daddy' shite gross and wasn't into ddlg, but I still feel like it affected my mental health negatively for how much I had to encounter it in tandem with lolicon being pushed so much in weeb spheres online.
(sage for blog)
No. 922797
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>>922788Some nonnies here are just female incels obsessed with anime who have only ever dated male incels from 4chinz and terminally online neckbeards, therefore their idea of beauty is an animu loli princess. They want to look like belle delphine. Thats why they call people aged 30 “haggard” and act like you can’t show off your body anymore because it’s now old and ugly. They where probably groomed online as young teens, which probably doesn’t help (not trying to be insulting but I think a lot of us here where, I certainly was)
Or they’re just straight up anachans who don’t realise how fucking ugly they look. Just don’t take it too seriously.
No. 922806
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>>922645>>922776>>922784>the differencesThat's because moids and women are hormonally different. I'm not an expert but the case seems to be this:
Moids normally run mostly on testosterone and dopamine, while women are more influenced by oxytocin (alongside dopamine) not to mention estrogen. Dopamine is the key to reward-motivated behavior, while oxytocin has more to do with forming social bonds and attachment.
Mutations in the oxytocin receptor genes have been implicated in studies about autism, which would/could mean autistics have an aberrant response to oxytocin compared to neurotypicals.
Now, if moids on average already have abysmally diminished traffic of oxytocin, doesn't that give you a clue of what's the problem with autistic males? They still have the T, they still have the urge to seek for dopamine release, but they have even less urge for normal healthy bonding than so called normal males.
Female autists are billed as 'masculine' probably for the sole reason that they don't respond to oxytocin the same way as nt women do. But the thing is, autistic women lack male testosterone levels and their oxytocin deficiency (if it's that, I might have this all wrong nonnas) is not exactly replaced by a steeper reliance of dopamine (men are basically dopamine apes on the other hand, even sex to them is more about dopamine than oxytocin, which is why they go apeshit when they're "not rewarded properly"). This means autistic women have significantly less reason to be aggressive or perceive human beings as objects. They still struggle socially, but aren't driven further into retardation by the same things that naturally take males to the male hell they have to be part of.
This is how I tinfoil this without being an actual scientist. All this is is just a hobby for me, but I'm seeing a dawn of a potential explanation on why female autism and male autism is different. Basically I blame the why chromosome.
No. 922813
>>922812They probably never venture into /g/ husbandoposting or hornypostig.
Tragic, on their part
No. 922899
>>922890Agree, these bitches are too new
Let the scrotes keep refreshing the thread and be disappointed when no one responded to their BS
No. 922907
>>922825Doesn't this ironically reinforce the idea that if a SA doesn't involve violence or an unconscious partner, it's not rape? When most rapists rely on leveraging the relationship they have with the
victim and social/emotional coercion, how many women who are being raped would even tell a sexual assault militiaman (lol) if that was the case?
No. 923211
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>>923209That's kind of you to think and I agree with it in theory but in reality there are just some ugly people on this planet. Can you really say pic related looks good to you?
No. 923215
>>923211are you a scrote, or did you just save a scrote image for no reason?
>ugly girls have to compensate by letting you degrade them nah, I may be ugly, but I'll stick to celibacy and husbandos
No. 923219
>>923211Ot, she looks a lot like a girl who I had to talk to from high school, impressive.
And yeah, she might not be a Victoria’s Secret model, but she does have some nice features like a pretty hair and pretty eyes.
Also, the person who took the picture is an asshole, she looks like she’s slouching, but she probably also knows how to take flattering pictures of herself.
I honestly think it’s shitty to judge women based on the pictures that are taken by others, nobody will ever get our best features in pictures as great as we can on our own.
No. 923229
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>>923211Still not as hideous as crisp rat, she actually looks adorable. Picrel is literally worse looking
No. 923234
>>923209I think the majority of women are pleasant enough to look at, can't say the same about men.
I'm admittedly in a kind of rural area but I moved here years ago, nothiing exciting here. I met one attractive guy about 3/4 months back and I've never been more painfully aware of how rare attractive men are. I can't even tell if he's truly that special or if standards are low but he's pleasant looking and fuuck… feels rare that I ever think that about a man I'm looking at in person.
No. 923251
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>>923209I actually thought Shayna was quite cute for the most part especially when she was slimmer and she had a nice body as much as anons nitpicked lol. Her styling is just God awful and she doesn't bother to flatter herself
No. 923264
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>>923251>>923209If you like rodent inbreds then yeah she’s “attractive”. Kek just because Shayna has a
acne covered vagina and is a women doesn’t mean you should simp for her. Women are pretty, yes. Just not Shayna. I wouldn’t even consider Shayna a women because she’s internally a misogynistic scrote who encourages the sexualization and rape of women
No. 923293
>>923272Are you really asking how shayna, a woman who attacked a sex trafficking
victim on Twitter for being anti-porn, encourages misogyny and sexual violence toward women? Uhhh okay.
No. 923393
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Now that the old admin is kill, can we remove this?
>have gender crit discussions - BAN.
>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.
>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.
No. 923435
>>923393Fill out under
>What would you like to discuss at the townhall?state "remove ban on gender crit discussion on /ot/" or something
And then actually show up and talk about it
No. 923493
>>923459One could argue that communism is just another substitute for religion. In some communist countries they have to idolize their leaders like you would a god, like in NK where they're supposed to believe that Kim Jong-Un doesn't poop or whatever.
I agree though that only some people are
truly atheists, most "atheists" aren't.
No. 923607
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I like how many VNs mention Schrodinger's cat, I think it's funny.
No. 923852

>>923801I think it should be handled with more nuance, condemning a civilization as backward savages is wrong but glorifying them and viewing them as more "moral" then western civilizations is just fucking dumb
take the case of the Aztec Empire, the indigenous populations of the Americas despised and feared them, not just cause of the human sacrifice but cause of the extensive slavery the Aztecs practiced, their civilization functioned solely on the demand and procurement of new slaves, when the Spanish came the indigenous population viewed them as liberators and readily collaborated with them
another example from the Americas would be the Comanche tribe who were the biggest slave raiders in the americas, capturing women and children from other tribes, it got so bad that other tribes sided with the white settlers rather then dealing with the slave raids
conflicts and peoples are complicated, its not an issue vs them, sometimes who seems like the least worse oppressor at a given time
No. 923876
>>923852This isn't true. The Aztecs were conquerors who were really outsiders to the region. There were definitely different classes, lower to upper class elites. The aztecs didn't even remove the leaders of every city they raided, they gave them the option to submit or they would kill the leader and install a new one.
Anyway, if you actually knew about the history of the Aztec empire, you would know what they didn't call themselves that, that they were compromised of 3 alliances between cities, and that they didn't have slaves.
The aztecs did practice human sacrifice, but this was a recent development along with the desire to expand after a war with a neighboring tribe that resulted in changed in leadership. Human sacrifice was done because they believed that it was required to keep the world running.
No. 924004
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Youthful =/= attractive. I feel like only scripted push this meme that looking like a child means your more attractive. I have a juvenile face but I’m unattractive
No. 924010
>>924004Agreed. I looked younger than my age for a long time but it was because I was gawky and hadn't grown into my features at all. I look older but better now.
Also to add to this, the people who think getting ID'd means they look cute or hot are mistaken. When I worked in a bar, we ID'd anybody that like looked they were still struggling through puberty. Baby fat, pimples, awkward-looking, etc. There isn't a huge difference between a 21 year old and a 27 year old, it was the awkward teen phase we were looking for.
No. 924011
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>>924004I was ugly as fuck as a teen and so were most of my peers, our faces were ridiculously out of proportion and we weren't done growing yet. Most people who claim youthful is always better are pedos and pedo panderers.
They used to make fun of gangly teens in movies, now they're sexualized. I wonder how they'll explain that with muh evopsych.
No. 924649
>>924000Because it's Korean, blow up by netflix and has hot actors. When it comes to the death game genre Japan has the crown.
Though I didn't think Squid game was bad, I just think it really screwed some of its interesting characters and the last few episodes were poorer than the earlier.
No. 924662
>>924650I can’t watch anime because of that, either that or they start narrating the inner thoughts of the character, with the upcoming scream that releases the inner strength of the character
>I will punch this guy and then I will do this to do that, to be able to accomplish my sooper ultimate goal AHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHHhHhHhHhHhHhHI can only watch shit that’s self-aware enough to make fun of their own cringe.
No. 924666
>>924650Anime is for the most part objectively bad. It's made by socially starved perverts for socially starved perverts.
No wonder people shit themselves over Madoka Magicka and Angel Beats when it first came out. A hint of actual emotionally compelling story (somewhat) is enough to cause a stir amongst the regular tropes of beach episodes, cringey fanservice, and horrible dialog
No. 924690
>>923404Its control process for common people
Deviate too much from mainstream or general narrative and you are clinically insane
No. 924751
>>924744Nta but i think the issue was that there were moments in which they focused on random characters instead of the actual plot, there’s so many episodes you can just skip that it’s quite unnerving.
The sjw thing, I guess it’s because of the ships in the show and stevonknee, but I honestly never cared about them, I just wanted to know what was going on with the gems.
No. 924754
>>924744My issue with the show is how they handle characters. You could shit in Stevens mouth and he would forgive you, you could kill his dad
and shit in his mouth and you would receive a redemption arc no problem. Plus the serious lack of any direction or leadership in the animation is clear with the characters going off model, popping in front of each other and being on the wrong layer. Characters personalities will be wildly different from episode to episode depending on what the writers need them to do. Too many episodes focused on random slice of life shit, which wouldn't be bad at all, if it weren't for the fact that those episodes
interrupt major plot development, including season finales. It's bizarre the lack of direction the show had, I do still think it's cute and fun to watch, but that doesn't make it any less of a mess.
No. 924778
>>924662Anime that includes a lot of fighting (Baki, Kengan Ashura, Pokémom, etc) has this weird fucking thing where a spectator has to explain in detail what you just seen with your own eyes. They're always incredibly surprised when it happens despite it happening every episode.
"W-woah! He used his SPECIAL ATTACK? He went left, to the right, and activated his special powers?? This was his plan all along! Wow! He punched him. He punched him in the body with his hand and made skin contact with a fist"
No. 924806
>>924669this is what this thread is for. frankly i coudlnt care less people disagree with me but damn you ladies are looking for other people to bolster your opinions.
like, i think the trend of hot guy summer is great. their shorts get shorter and asses get fatter and i love it. ill sexualize all those hot guys but thats oka, be more mad that lolcow is just angry trannies and young untried lesbians
No. 925013
>>924748I mean what man do that may be shit is multiplied by 2 even if women in general don't do it as much on average.
Also here has quite a lot of lesbians so I suppose the salt will be towards bisexual women rather then men so it is probably skewed a bit.
No. 925431
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Opossums are cuter than possums
No. 925685
>>925678I'm not in a country that has opossums so I just look at pics of them online and I follow a few rescued ones on insta. The creepy mouths are probably why I'm drawn to them. Bit like how some ugly breeds of dogs became popular. So ugly it becomes cute again (to some)
The depressing thing is they live suprisingly short lifespans even when getting the best of care.
No. 925686
>>925678They’re not taunting you, they’re scared of you
>>925668Aww cold trash baby
>>925671Opossums rarely ever bite or attack people
No. 925691
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>>925431they are both extremely cute, but opossum have this chaotic energy that makes them so funny and endearing. I want to pet one so bad, and I hope I will become the next opossum lady one day, no men around me, just me and my opossum army
No. 925695
>>925685>animals having short lifespans Ugh, I hate it when they do that.
Except mosquitoes. Every second of existing is too long for them.
No. 925697
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>>925681>Where do you live that you see real life opposums?They're endemic to the US and Central America.
>>925686>They’re not taunting youIncorrect.
No. 925923
>>925878after spending years being obsessed with weeb autism I wish I could go back and slap myself and tell her to be more into superwholock instead. my god why did I ever like the majority of that ugly deformed shit. there's some anime movies and anime that aren't as crap but most of its just… ugly… garbage, fuck I hate myself so much for wasting over ten years of my goddamned life
yes I am the type of bitch who hides threads about 2d faggotry because it sends me into that much of an annoying sperg, the only thing I can really consume is limited titles and manga now and if it's ugly I don't want a part of it
No. 925939
I find it kind of unsettling that women, especially here, that like media that's seen as "male-centric" or that a lot of guys praise, are thought to be moids, or trying too hard to impress guys, but if you like media that's mostly catered to girls and is mindless, vapid, turn your brain off kind of content then that's completely fine. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not being a snob and saying you're not allowed to enjoy entertainment that's simple and easy to watch, because I do a lot of the time. However, I really don't like this notion that reinforces the idea that anything seen as smart, intellectual, though-provoking or artistic is mostly catered to men, while women get all the silly mindless content because duh that's what we're supposed to like, and everything else is for guys. I find it very regressive.
No. 926126
>>926120I’m just talking about the sooper cool, totally deep and awesome anime that gets recommended by everyone or that gets shoved in your face when you get into anime.
Of course there’s better stuff out there, but it’s not the common denominator.
No. 926152
>>926145Nta but it is really scrotish to assume that getting your vagina sewn is like a huge punishment.
Oh no, no more secks ~how horrifying~
No. 926153
>>926126Sure, just as Twilight, The Hunger Games and the Marvel movies are what define all Hollywood movies, right? There's absolutely no good movies out there because everyone likes that shit.
Usually the more people recommend some piece of media the crappier it is. If majority rules everyone would be eating poop, after all those billions of flies can't be wrong, huh.
No. 926188
>>926175No dog in this race, but between the two I'd actually say sewing a vagina shut is the more traumatic punishment. Most scrotes already chop their nuts off all by themselves either to troon out or as a form of body mod if they don't care about kids. Apparently if done right it's rather painless.
Never heard of a woman wanting to sew and fuse her vagina shut though, definitely a reason why not what with the infections.
No. 926192
>>926188ayrt and i 100% agree, vaginal mutilation is so much worse.
>>926182baby are you retarded?
No. 926196
>>926195certified retard.
learn how to sage.
No. 926207
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>>926202don't you compare me to those degenerates, I have over 5000 books on pdf, but I still buy books with my limited income just cause I like having them and picking up and reading an IRL book from your shelf is a great stress reliever
No. 926221
>>926213cause women have historically been oprsssed cause of our wombs and ability to give birth it, any male that has these qualities its not a male in any sense
its basically a woman in all but name
No. 926237
>>926213>>926226Just because women have created it doesn't mean it's above critique. If some of those degenerate stories were re-written as heterosexual relationships they would be on par with the handmaid's tale.
I also fail to see how lesbian relationships compare. Both women in a lesbian relationship have female reproductive organs, and their choice of expression is not bound by that. Omegaverse is all about an individuals biology entirely dictating their place in society.
No. 926239
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>>926207Same, for any somewhat popular books I just download them but if I'm in the thrift store and find some titles that are rare to find in print I scoop them up, lots of vintage Penguins for example.
No. 926246
>>926243Oh my fucking God your really doing this, the fact you can't fucking tell the misogynistic implications of an individual that can carry womb being often abused by an individual that can make them pregnant is telling
the Omega is female in all but name you fucking moron
No. 926261
>>926256Nta and I agree with this except:
The one who can get pregnant gets the short stick in those stories, always
and only women can get pregnant
otherwise I approve of degrading scrotes, fictional or not
No. 926288
>>926280>>926285Kek exactly
>>926286Yeah but they also have wombs, your point?
No. 926327
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>>926316Garfield is Satan’s spawn and nothing will ever change my mind.
No. 926357
>>926351>There are men who also coom to strangling and raping women, Yeah, that's the fucking difference.
What a surprise that women develop less than feminist/moral kinks in a world that fucking hates them. At least they aren't raping or murdering sctotes, or even supporting an industry who does.
>inb4 get sex therapyIt's a meme and doesn't work for everyone
No. 926366
>>926345No it isn't retard, gender is a shit stereotype bullshit that troons use to kill women
Sex is literal biology and the only thing that matters
you are a fucking retard
No. 926447
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hate how every autistic/mentally ill motherfucker online thinks they are a spokesperson for all of us
like fuck you, I support eugenics cause expecting everyone to cater to my own needs is virtually impossible
No. 926684
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>>926675>>926675You mean men like this
No. 926697
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Women proposing to men is always cringe
No. 926704
>>926425Equating sex to gender is literally thinking that pink whore twerk bimbo shit = female
You're fucking dumb
The only thing that makes you female is having a xx
Gender is fucking irrelevant and will never equate to sex
No. 926711
>>926704nta y'all are arguing the same thing
When woke people say gender they mean made up stereotypes
When regular people say gender they mean sex
farmers aren't woke, no one here is saying "pInK = fEmAle" they're using gender in the original meaning aka sex
No. 926713
>>926704A while ago gender and sex used to mean the same thing, calm down.
>>926708Too bad, in theory I think it should be cute and romantic but it just doesn't work out that way.
No. 926734
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I can't believe people actually think Disney gave women high standards and an unrealistic expectation for a 'prince charming'. All Disney ever taught me was that the only women worthy of a positive portrayal were young, feminine and, most of all, beautiful. And beautiful in the exact same way with the same features for the most part (it's only gotten worse with time, pic rel). Anything else and they're a villain or not worth the screen time. It's very clear that the only way to be worthy of a prince is to be an even more perfect, idealized princess.
No. 926738
>>926447I also think old people who are unable to wipe their own ass or bathe themselves should be put down. Worked as a caretaker for this lady and it was retarded how this boomer's children/grandchildren didn't want her to go to a proper nursing home yet they rarely called or visited her. But when the holidays came around, boy, did they show up for their expensive gifts/Christmas cash. I felt like her grandchild because I saw her more than any of them combined. I had to see this lady's fucking uterine prolapse almost every day because her stupid spoiled cunt of a family are money hungry faggots. "mEemAw, I'll mIsS yOuUu" my ass.
The same should happen with extremely obese people.
No. 926844
>>926820Half of the 330 mil US population owns a gun. Homicides, 3.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. Approx 30,000 people are hospitalized a year for firearm-related injuries. That's it kek. The majority of gun violence is gang-related and
victims are young black males. A random act of gun violence in a grocery store, as you describe, is astonishingly rare. The average American is v. safe. Get a grip.
No. 926868
>>926820You know you can have strict gun rights without the absolute surveillance?
t. europe
No. 927118
Do you think the entire internet is American?? You know what, yeah actually, I hope you get your wish and America starts controlling American internet so the rest of us aren't subjected to your mongrel nature